
Ddordayou were in all the open week?00:00
erUSULDdorda: not all just a few talks. others i've read them00:01
Ddordaand there was anything intersting?00:02
erUSULDdorda:  byobu session was great with live demo over ssh ;P apparmor talk was good too and the kvm/libvirt one00:04
erUSULDdorda: i found the community/social oriented ones more boring but interesting nonetheless00:04
erUSULDdorda: i was in the one about iso testing too00:04
Ddordaoh..! so that's why few days ago everybody were talking about apparmor00:06
erUSULwell i was asking  jjohansen over irc one day about that apparmor is not yet in the kernel.org and the next day i saw his patches in the lkml  ;P00:12
erUSUL(10:17:53 AM) jjohansen: as for apparmor not being upstream, well there are efforts underway to correct that00:13
erUSULand he was quite right at that XXDD00:14
DdordaerUSUL: from what LoCo are you?00:25
erUSULDdorda: i am from Spain. #ubuntu-es channel00:25
Ddordaoh.. I'm trying to beat your translation status for long time00:26
Ddordano success *yet* :P00:26
erUSULXD. i'm not much into translating. do not like the web interface much, and it's been a long time since i touched a po file00:27
Ddordaoh.. so who's the one I should be after? :P00:28
erUSULprobably not a single person ;)00:29
Ddordayes, well I guess there are hunders of spanish translators, we're just 4-5 people00:31
erUSULDdorda: which language ?00:39
DdordaerUSUL: Hebrew00:39
erUSULDdorda: ok; i would spect more people working on that language ...00:39
Ddordawell, I'm just starting a project that suppose to bring more people to translate FOSS apps01:05
ubot2In #ubuntu-bleedingedge, emma said: !why is it that I am the only one in here?03:22
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DdordaI want to pay to publish Ubuntu, but I think that maybe there is an agreement between Compumedia (which is the representative of Ubuntu in Israel) and Ubuntu. how can I check it?20:38
DdordaI mean - an agreement that says that Ubuntu is the only publisher of Ubuntu in Israel20:40
naliothDdorda: Ubuntu is open source software20:40
naliothi'm not sure what you mean by "publish"20:41
Ddordato advertise20:41
* nalioth has no idea20:42
Ddordayou have any idea with who I can check that out?20:42
naliothno earthly idea20:44
DJonesmaybe #ubuntu-marketing may have an idea20:45
PriceyDdorda: "there is an agreement between Compumedia (which is the representative of Ubuntu in Israel) and Ubuntu.23:22
PriceyDdorda: I don't think that's right..23:22
PriceyDdorda: Ubuntu is free software and anyone can distribute it according to the terms of the licenses involved.23:23
PriceyDdorda: The only dodgy area is trademarks, which are covered here: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy23:24
DdordaPricey: okay, thanks a lot!23:28

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