
Rugehuuanito: really? Hmm.. i dont have RAID i dont think00:00
huuanitoruge: you'd know if you did..00:00
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kostkonrainbowinfinity, how did you install it?00:00
randomusrHow is everyone here?00:00
drawde_VCoolio: instead of startfluxbox can i just put xbmc in ~/.xinitrc ?00:00
Rugehuuanito: Hmm... well I think ill just do a rounda bout and avoid the bootloader.. :PO00:00
=== bbl is now known as bblmc
MoTecbonez2046: you can add an alias to your .bashrc file...  alias fire='/hom/scott/etc/etc'00:00
rainbowinfinitykostkon...not quite sure...i had the people here help me and it was all command line...i'm a gui kinda person00:00
huuanitoruge: god luck!00:01
drawde_VCoolio: that seemed to do it, thanks00:01
Rugehuaanito: thanks! still think its crazy that I have to do all this..00:01
kostkonrainbowinfinity, hmm00:01
MoTecbonez2046: that might only work in termial, tho...00:01
huuanitorige: mine installs al the way except won't let me install GRUB...00:01
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i used to be able to just go to my system monitor and end the process, but now it won't even do that....00:01
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lockdRuge: you actually can't avoid the bootloader00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jftp00:02
randomusrwhat's the best program for dumping bios, BOM, and ownership information on linux?00:02
kostkonrainbowinfinity, actually, you can just prevent it from loading at startup if you want00:02
Rugelockd: really, but what am i meant to do if it hangs?00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmidecode00:02
lockdRuge: you can install an alternate one (like the ancient LILO) if you know how to, but Linux CAN NOT LOAD ITSELF00:02
Rugelockd: it was correct of me to set one partition of "/" and another at "/home" ?00:02
erUSULrandomusr: sudo dmidecode00:02
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i tried to do that, but it doesn't even appear in my starup menu00:02
kostkonrainbowinfinity, aha, hmm00:03
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)00:03
RugeIll see if anyone posts on the forum thread I made.... a fresh install should at least let me boot! *sigh*00:03
MoTecRuge: nothign wrong with that.00:03
lockdRuge: when you did the Ubuntu setup? A separate /home partition is okay, and won't affect loading the kernel00:03
randomusrerUSUL; is there a decent script to print dmidecode and lspci info into a single text file?00:03
Rugelockd: cool, yeah I did "/" and"/home" .... no swap tho cuz i have 5GB ram00:03
kostkonrainbowinfinity, is it a gui app?00:03
Rugelockd: 9.04 worked smoooth, not sure why 9.10 wouldnt.00:04
lockdRuge: swap also wont' affect it00:04
lockdRuge: there was an upgrade to the new GRUB200:04
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
rainbowinfinitykostkon...now everytime my computer starts up, like on a restart or something, my processors go into overload, and I already had one automatic shutdown because my processor overheated...not good..:(00:04
Rugelockd: you think GRUB2 upgrade didnt work?00:04
huuanitolockd: u know about partition and RAID? I'm having trouble changing the bootable flag when installing 9.20 server00:04
fryguyI just upgraded to 9.10 and I lost the ability to log in using my ~/.xsession file via gdm.  I added a menu item for it via an entry in /usr/share/xsessions (executing $HOME/.xsession), but when I choose this option it just runs gnome instead of the contents of that file.  What do I need to do so that I can log in running the commands in ~/.xsession00:04
rainbowinfinitykostkon...no...not for linux it's not00:04
Rugelockd: Cuz ive installed Ubuntu twice and get same error :(00:04
lockdRuge: err, if it's a fresh install, you didn't upgrade. But Grub2 has been quite unstable for me00:05
kostkonrainbowinfinity, when this happens you can open a terminal and give "top" to see which process(es) eat your cpu00:05
randomusrerUSUL; is there a decent script to print dmidecode and lspci info into a single text file?00:05
LosFrijoleshey my switch user button on my screensaver login screen just suddenly disappeared. is there any reason why this usually happens?00:05
Rugelockd: yeah fresh install, wiped my drives and started from scratch. but now my machine is rendered unbootable.00:05
lockdRuge: about the only solution is probably switch to a distro that uses grub100:05
zacktuI'm trying a compilation, and the configure file is looking for the library gtksourceview-2.0.   I have an installed library named gtksourceview2.0.  Is this a typo in the configure file?00:05
lockdRuge: unless you can chroot into Ubuntu yourself and install grub100:05
rainbowinfinitysorry...like i said...gui, didn't understand what I'm supposed to do..i know how to open a command line, but past that, onl;y what i'm told...lol00:06
erUSULrandomusr: this --> « sudo dmidecode > text.file ;; lspci >> text.file »00:06
Rugelockd: serious?! but i wasted 700MB of bandwdith for this ISO...! ill try my luck on the forum thread too00:06
lockdRuge: chroot isn't THAT hard00:06
erUSULrandomusr: take a look at "lshw" command00:06
Rugelockd: im a noob with these things ;) what could i do?00:06
rainbowinfinity kostkon...sorry...like i said...gui, didn't understand what I'm supposed to do..i know how to open a command line, but past that, onl;y what i'm told...lol00:06
lockdRuge: blame Canonical for wanting the flashiest boot screens00:06
randomusrthanks, what would the extension be for a bash script to do that?00:07
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok. as i can see here it should have an uninstall script somewhere00:07
kostkonrainbowinfinity, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome/fah_install00:07
randomusrerUSUL, see above please. ty00:07
erUSULrandomusr: bash scripts do not use any spacial extension00:07
Rugelockd: Well, I can see why they'd want to do it. But I dont have an odd setup, all my Ubuntu, Windows installs have worked in the past. For me to put the disc in the first time, install and for it to fail... if i had to fork out cash to buy an OS Id be majorly pissed.00:07
erUSULrandomusr: you can put .sh if you want thought00:07
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apersonhow does one install ubuntu-server from the desktop edition?00:08
PauloRicardoHey ppl, how I can install toolame in Karmic? In the Jaunty it was in Universe repo, and now?00:08
apersondidn't it used to be an ubuntu-server metapackage?00:08
randomusrerUSUL, would anything else go into the script if I wanted to be proper? comments, headers, EOL marker?00:08
lockdRuge: does grub hang, itself?00:08
randomusrEOF rather00:08
lockdRuge: the configuration in grub2 is horribly grotesque, far worse than it was in the previous version00:09
Rugelockd: illg ive u the sequence of events, i boot my machine, it then says "Boot from CD..." as I havent chaged it, but that lasts 1/2 a second, then shows the text "GRUB" and thats it... hangs.00:09
DeSiani'm runing for long time ubuntu without GUI, and want to install desktop, but really the ubuntu-desktop is nice without the start/end sound and splash screen for me, is any way to install ubuntu-desktop without compiz and gnome sound ?00:09
erUSULrandomusr: if you want it to be run from cli make the first line be #!/bin/sh00:09
VCoolioPauloRicardo: if you mean twolame it's still in universe00:09
ziesemer_Is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to get the live-media-path option to work with a persistent live CD/USB (casper)?00:09
MoTecrandomusr: nope, bash scripts don't use that.   first line is generally #!/bin/bash tho00:09
lockdRuge: but it doesn't really boot from the CD, I hope00:10
lockdRuge: you have that removed, I take it00:10
randomusrThanks to you both, erUSUL and MoTec00:10
PauloRicardoVCoolio: np, it is toolame :| >> http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/toolame00:10
PauloRicardotooLAME - MPEG-1 layer 2 audio encoder00:11
VCoolioPauloRicardo: hm, indeed, but in karmic there is twolame, also a mpeg encoder00:11
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it tried what it said, but i think i'm doing it wrong cuz it said command not found in the terminal00:11
DeSianwhay the http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download doesnøt display me 64bit version just 32bit, the mean 32bit is better for me :) ?00:11
kostkonrainbowinfinity, you need to redownload the script, unpack it and run the install.sh file with the uninstall option00:12
insm0dDeSian, do you know if your processor is a 64bit one?00:12
MoTecDeSian: just click on 'advanced download options;00:12
VCoolioPauloRicardo: aptitude show twolame  says it's based on toolame, check it out00:12
rainbowinfinityoh...ok...i think i can do that...00:12
MoTecDeSian: alternative download options, rather.00:13
PauloRicardoVCoolio: oh yes! http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/i386/twolame "It is based on tooLAME by Mike Cheng, which in turn is based upon the ISO dist10 code and portions of LAME." ... Thanks dude! :)00:13
DeSianinsm0d, my processor is dual core and have 4 GB RAM, is really good for 64bit or not?00:13
MoTecDeSian: You'll want 64 bit version00:13
LiquiD_FLo0Rback  to base00:13
dermoti am attempting to remove redundant entries in my grub loader by editing menu.lst but ubuntu says this file is read only. how can i edit this file00:13
ziesemer_dermot, on 9.10?00:13
dermotim on 9.0400:14
ziesemer_Err, should've seen that by the filename.00:14
ziesemer_Probably need to use sudo - don't have permissions otherwise.00:14
DeSianMoTec, but really i use both of them, no change00:14
Rugelockd: yeah, hmm00:14
wrgbdermot: sudo gedit menu.lst00:14
Rugelockd: ill be back, breakfast, then ill see how it goes :)00:14
lockdRuge: do you have WinXP Pro installed?00:14
dermotis there anyway that i can edit menu.lst00:14
Rugelockd: nah deleted that00:14
Rugelockd: brb, thanks for your help so far tho :)00:15
insm0dDeSian, it depends if your processor actually IS 64 bit, but it probably is.  Yes you'll want 64 bit.  It really helps in multimedia applications.  If you remember DOS, DOS was 16 bit, and Win95 was 32 bit (with a lot of 16 bit stuff though).  64 bit is the next step, but you obviously need a 64 bit processor.00:15
dermothow would i use the sudo command to edit the file?00:15
dbtedmansudo gedit filename00:15
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infidiwconfig shows 'wlan0' but my wifi card isnt connecting and the gui network admin says wireless is 'disabled'. how do i enable it?00:16
bazhangdermot, gksudo for graphical apps00:16
crazy2behere's a question00:16
crazy2behow can i "runas" in ubuntu?00:17
dermotim not useing a grapical app im just trying to edit the grub loader00:17
serapath1Hi, could someone help me with "Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS"?00:17
ziesemer_dermot, gedit would be considered a graphical app.00:17
bazhangdermot, gedit is a graphical app00:17
crazy2bei know that i can use su for command line, but what if i want to run a GUI program as another user?00:17
DeSianinsm0d, really, i test the new version in school, it was alot of startup package and the booting was not so ok like the hardy heron Pcs. can install ubuntu-desktop-core because for me is more that important :)00:17
jimh_Evening.   I need to change default resolution from 800x600 Xubuntu 9.1000:18
ussercrazy2be, gksudo "command"00:18
Thrawncan some1 tell me how to mount a hd by terminal command? :)00:18
pepitohello evryone excuseme anyone know how can i edit pdf in openoffice i instakl the extension yet but i can edit00:18
crazy2beusser: I do *not* want to run it as root00:18
crazy2bejust as another user00:18
erUSUL!mount | Thrawn00:18
ubottuThrawn: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount00:18
Guest54603comment se connecter sous root avec ubuntu 9.1000:18
ussercrazy2be, gksudo -u username ?00:18
Guest54603merci !00:19
serapath1 "Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BIOS"?00:19
serapath1what could i do?00:19
crazy2beusser: $ gksudo -u crazy2be nautilus00:19
crazy2beNo protocol specifiedCould not parse arguments: Cannot open display:00:19
MoTecThrawn: sudo mkdir /mnt/hd && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hd00:19
bazhangGuest54603, #ubuntu-fr pour francais00:19
MoTecThrawn: your drive might be sda or hda and the number after that represents the partition..00:20
ussercrazy2be, i dont know it works here.00:20
jhb1608I want ot disable compiz, how do I disable compiz?00:20
DragnslcrDoes anyone know how to get the installer to not try to merge /dev/sda and /dev/sdb into a RAID array? Both the Ubuntu and Kubuntu 64-bit DVD's have the same problem00:20
crazy2beusser: are you sure?00:20
crazy2berunning as a normal user?00:20
Thrawnfsdisk says its sda100:20
jhb1608I want ot disable compiz, how do I disable compiz?00:20
opticoni used likewise to join ubuntu to my windows domain can login with domain accounts now but seem to be unable to access network shares any ideas?00:20
drawde_can i put 2 things in ~/.xinitrc? for example startfluxbox and xbmc?00:20
erUSULjhb1608: System>Preferences>appearance|| Effects tab. select none00:21
crazy2bejhb1608: System->Preferences->Appearance00:21
crazy2bebeat me00:21
MoTecThrawn: so make a mount point for it like /mnt/hd and then mount /dev/sda1 /mount/whatever00:21
FloodBot3crazy2be: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
ussercrazy2be, yep. although i dont have sudo configured i use gksu00:21
jhb1608it works00:21
infidin 9.10 the NetworkManager Applet says my wireless is not enabled but it's dimmed and won't let me enable it. how do i fix this?00:21
bertmansuspend / resume is killing me!00:21
erUSULdrawde_: yes but only one can be exec'ed ( the windowmanager)00:21
bertmananyone know when they will update the kernel00:22
underdog7can someone shed some light on this situation:  i updated my ubuntu OS to 9.10 (netbook remix) on my acer aspire one laptop and now my touchpad (or mouse buttons) no longer work.  i was thinking maybe it is b/c i had an external mouse plugged in while i upgraded.  any ideas anyone?00:22
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bertmaninfid perhaps it needs a driver installed, try the restricted driver utility00:22
infidbertman how can i tell if the driver is instaleld? lspci | grep Network shows the correct looking wireless hardware info for my card00:23
infidand iwconfig shows wlan000:23
bertmanwhat is the hardware?00:23
erUSULinfid: if you see a wlan0 then the driver is installed and working00:24
bertmaninfid - goto system / administration / hardware drivers00:24
infidbertman Intel (R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AGN, Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG00:24
dbtedman<underdog7> check in your mouse settings to see if the touchpad is enabled ?00:24
bertmanif it lists one for the wireless, enable it00:24
bertmanthen it should work00:24
xiruxhello, I have this issue with NetworkManager, I have a broadband connection and I can't get it to work with NetworkManager in 9.1000:24
infidbertman system > admin > hardware drivers shows nothing00:24
bertmannope, it's Intel, you don't need it00:24
bertmani dont' think00:25
infidbertman how do i enable it on from the command line? the gui tool wont let me00:25
bertmanshould just work, if you unplug the wired cable00:25
SeaPhorinfid, sudo lshw -C network shows the hardware, if it shows wlan0 then do iwlist scan and see results00:25
bertmangood luck, I'm headed out to dinner.00:25
Doc_Lappywhat program would you guys suggest using for yahoo on ubuntu, I have jaunty on now and pidgin won't connect to yahoo00:25
tully__does anyone know of a internet radio station about pc/linux00:25
fryguyI just upgraded to 9.10 and I lost the ability to log in using my ~/.xsession file via gdm.  I added a menu item for it via an entry in /usr/share/xsessions (executing $HOME/.xsession), but when I choose this option it just runs gnome instead of the contents of that file.  What do I need to do so that I can log in running the commands in ~/.xsession00:25
xfire8join ##hardware00:26
underdog7dbtedman: i don't see any option in system>preferences>mouse for touchpad or enabling/disabling mouse devices00:26
ybeddyjanyone have a working xorg.conf for the intel 82945G/GZ00:26
kostkonDoc_Lappy, you need to have the latest ver of it.00:26
infidSeaPhor that lshw -c network command shows it but says it's DISABLED00:26
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:27
wrgbDoc_Lappy: I used Pidgin for Yahoo in Jaunty and it worked just fine, still works in Karmic00:27
Tartarosunderdog7:  touchpad is a known regression00:27
usserinfid, do you have a wifi on/off button on your laptop?00:27
dbtedman<underdog7> humm, maybe someone else can help00:27
kostkonDoc_Lappy, let me give you pidgin's ppa00:27
ntn_hello, i'm trying to execute a .run file (i'm trying to install new nvidia drivers) from a terminal, how do i? since it tells me it can't be installed on a graphic mode00:27
Doc_Lappykostkon can't use karmic couldn't get my wifi drivers to work00:27
infidusser idk00:27
SeaPhorthe "-c" is a capital "C" infid00:27
underdog7do u guys think if i regenerate my xorg.config it might come back?00:27
usserntn_, ctrl+alt+f1 login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop00:27
tully__does anyone know of a internet radio station about pc/linux00:27
Tartarosunderdog7: especially middle button and scrolling. You'll probably have to wait for the fix00:27
usserntn_, and then execute it00:27
infidSeaPhor i know i used  acapital00:27
underdog7Tartaros: u mean, it's knownnot to work?00:27
insm0dntn_ please hold on one second00:27
Doc_Lappydang it kostkon im on dual boot so ill have to reboot but will come right back k?00:27
ntn_usser: thanks, i'll try now00:27
kostkonDoc_Lappy, no worry there's a ppa thus you can easily have the latest ver: https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa00:28
ybeddyjanyone have a working xorg.conf for the intel 82945G/GZ00:28
Tartarosunderdog7: regression = it used to work in previous distro, but it doesn't anymore. So yeah.00:28
underdog7Tartaros: do u think regenerating the xorg.config might help?00:28
ybeddyjanyone have a working xorg.conf for the intel 82945G/GZ, or cant anyone tell me how to generate one for ubuntu 9.1000:28
Tartarosunderdog7: I doubt that but it probably can't harm :)00:29
insm0dybeddyj, as root, type: Xorg -configure00:29
ybeddyjthx insm0d00:29
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i tried the uninstaller service, but nothing changed, and I still can get it to turn off00:29
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:29
kostkonrainbowinfinity, :(00:29
insm0dybeddyj, then copy the xorg.conf.new file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:29
underdog7Tartaros: what is the equivalent of the "device manager" in windows to ubuntu?00:29
Tartarosunderdog7: I don't think there's any00:30
mrbookcan  someone help me get my integrated webcam to be recognized00:30
underdog7Tartaros: thx.  will try 2 regenerate.  any other ideas btw?00:30
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:30
DigitalManIs someone available that could help me with Compiz/Gnome? Windows and mounted drive icons are put on my left monitor which is my secondary display.. I'd like them to open on my primary which is my right monitor including AWN.00:30
ziesemer_Can someone please help me get the live-media-path option working with a Live USB?00:30
Tartarosunderdog7: there isn't much to really manage about devices in ubuntu, usually they just work or they don't :P00:30
Tartarosunderdog7: what you configure then are the applications that use them00:31
ybeddyjinsm0d,  i'm getting a error that x server already running00:31
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it won't even let me drag and drop them to the trash...it gives me the option to delete immediately, but it doesn't do it...:(00:31
ybeddyji mean already active00:31
serapath1i installed ubuntu and all was fine for some weeks. then i did not use the system for about 1 week. no i've used it again and did an update for the whole system by using gnome's update manager. afterwards it told me to reboot and now it seems it cannot find my harddrive anymore.00:32
serapath1when i enter bios, all it says when changing the boot order is  "Hard Drive"00:32
Thrawni just upgraded to karmic: my G3 modem (huawei) wont get recognized as a modem but normal usb device.. do you know any patches or fixes for this?00:32
Doc_Lappykostkon: are you there?00:33
gralcohi, I have a dell inspiron 1440 and my wireless receiver isn't working for some reason, help pls00:33
kostkonDoc_Lappy, yeap00:33
DigitalManCan someone please help me with my dual monitor issue?00:33
Doc_Lappyi'm back you said you had a pager port for me to try?00:33
kostkonDoc_Lappy, "<kostkon> Doc_Lappy, no worry there's a ppa thus you can easily have the latest ver: https://launchpad.net/~pidgin-developers/+archive/ppa"00:33
wrgbunderdog7: closest thing to a device manager is Gnome Control Center00:33
erUSULgralco: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1288865 <<<< maybe this ?00:33
Tartarosserapath1: I don't think bios can be really broken by ubuntu ubgrade :)00:33
ybeddyjmy display only giving me 640x480 i want to force the correct resolution but00:33
innomendoes an unmounted internal drive still spin?00:33
insm0dybeddyj:  type: ps -a and take note of any process number that is related to X, then type: kill -9 [processes number of X] and try running Xorg -configure00:34
underdog7wrgb: thx.00:34
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it keeps telling me i'm not the owner and don't have permission to delete the files....00:34
randomusrOracle taking over Sun, and ultimately openoffice? there goes the neighborhood00:34
TartarosDigitalMan: btw. how did you set your primary display?00:34
DigitalManTartaros: Through the n00:34
randomusroh sorry that was offtopic00:34
underdog7does anyone know how to regenerate xorg.config in 9.10?  "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesn't seem 2 work anymore00:34
DigitalManhit enter too soon lol00:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:35
DigitalManTartaros: Though the nvidia-settings panel00:35
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ah yeah, try running the script using "sudo", e.g.: sudo ./script.sh00:35
randomusriLoveWindows; Really?00:35
iLoveWindowsfor some reason, there is a strange crackling noise coming from the speakers. I did some searching and It has to do with the HDA power saving feature00:35
gralcoerUSUL: sorry it was under hardware drivers, I guess I missed that, stupid mistake00:35
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:35
iLoveWindowsI put a "#" after the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf in the last line and it still did not solve the problem00:36
whamoohi I can't keep my system from locking up long enough to download an OS ISO. can anybody advise me how to make the progress of a download persist after a hard reset?00:36
DigitalManTartaros: Everything is working fine, the panels are where they are supposed to be, but the icons and windows open on the wrong monitor including AWN, probably because my secondary is on the left side.00:36
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underdog7Tartaros: is there anyway 2 revert to 9.04?00:36
spartan07I have a problem with Ubuntu LTS. Screen freezes after a bit of time on. Rig= itel quad core, 6gig ram. the mouse moves but sometimes even that freezes00:36
=== usuario-master is now known as void-
NotLimhi... someone alive? i have a real problem: ubuntu 9.10 doesn't recognize my pendrive first partition... in this case: sdb1... someone knows something about that? http://pastebin.com/m1a62925400:36
randomusriLoveWindows; where did you find out about the HDA power save issue?00:36
iLoveWindowsAnd yes , I do love windows. :)00:36
randomusrhow rather00:36
iLoveWindowsSo can anyone help?00:36
sebsebseb!love > iLoveWindows00:36
ubottuiLoveWindows, please see my private message00:36
randomusrIf you love windows, why are you using Ubuntu?00:36
gralcoerUSUL: thanks anyway, that pretty much got it lol00:36
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it says command not found00:37
iLoveWindowswhat private message, I don't see it00:37
randomusriLoveWindows; see above00:37
=== leh is now known as ciarek
Tartarosunderdog7: I don't think so00:37
NotLimhttp://pastebin.com/m1a629254 <- someone can explain this?00:37
kostkonrainbowinfinity, oh wait, how are you trying to delete the files? what are you doing exactly?00:37
sebsebseb!love |  iLoveWindows00:37
ubottuiLoveWindows: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.00:37
randomusrlooks as the the children have entered the room00:37
TartarosDigitalMan: thanks just wanted to know how one sets the primary display, too bad I have intel graphics :D00:37
iLoveWindows!ubottu -.-00:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu -.-00:37
dante123 iLoveWindows now there is a flamebait name if I ever saw one00:38
underdog7Tartaros: it worked!!!! regenerating (even though it didn't show any dialogs) got my mousepad 2 work!!!00:38
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i don't care if they get deleted or uninstalled...i just don't want it running on my system anymore, cuz it's going to fry my processor00:38
sebsebsebdante123: I was thinking that maybe they should change their name as well00:38
jhb1608I see the colors are messed up in flash, is that a bug?00:38
sebsebsebrandomusr: at what?00:38
iLoveWindowsCan someone please diagnose my problem?00:38
DigitalManTartaros: Oh, ok.00:38
Tartarosunderdog7: middle button works?00:38
Exophonix_i nelh please00:38
kostkonrainbowinfinity, yeah, i understand your situation :S00:38
underdog7Tartaros: my touchpad doesn't have a middle button00:38
randomusrsebsebseb, Bill Gate's nephew over there00:38
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:39
DigitalManCan anyone else try and help me with my dual monitor issue? :(00:39
dante123sebsebseb u think I should go to 9.10 or is it still too early?00:39
whamoowhat's your problem winlove?00:39
sebsebsebiLoveWindows: uhmm maybe it would help if you name changed, altough not all Ubuntu users hate/dislike Windows00:39
Exophonix_somedy can help me ???00:39
sebsebsebdante123: Did we talk about it before or?00:39
underdog7Tartaros: but if i plug in my external mouse, the middle button works -- not sure if that makes ne diff00:39
randomusrdante123, 9.10 isn't where it could be but if you use it, choose ext3 for filesystem00:39
wnet3admhy leh kenalan g'00:39
iLoveWindowsMy speaker is making crackling noises00:39
sebsebsebrandomusr: uhmm00:39
shadow98hey guys i have ubuntu 9.10 installed and sound was working when I first installed.  about a week ago it has since quit working...any ideas..00:39
Exophonix_\join ubuntu-fr00:40
iLoveWindowsI did some googling and found that it has to do with the powersaving feature with HDA drivers00:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »00:40
PinziRChello !00:40
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i've tried following the uninstall scripts in the terminal, i've tried using the uninstaller service, i've tried searching for the files and deleting them, but i just can't make it go away....aaarrrggghh00:40
dante123randomusr why?  I already have it on a test laptop with ext400:40
iLoveWindowsI added a # to the last comment on /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf and it still did not solve the problem00:40
Tartarosunderdog7: well if you install xsynaptic (touchpad setting), or even in the normal mouse settings, you can set middle button emulation. Like 2 fingers at once or left+right button at once, or something. And that's what doesn't work for many people :)00:40
Tartaros(including me)00:40
kostkonrainbowinfinity, just for a test: try giving in a terminal: ~/foldingathome/folding status00:40
banevade|specsGAwhat tv cards work on ubuntu?00:40
banevade|specsGAfor a laptop00:40
sebsebsebdante123: 9.10 has some issues00:40
banevade|specsGAwhat tv cards work on ubuntu? for a laptop00:40
randomusrdante123, too many bugs with ext4. "gotchya" bugs00:40
kostkonrainbowinfinity, did you get any output?00:40
underdog7Tartaros: i thought xsynaptic became obsolete w/ ubuntu?00:40
sebsebsebdante123:   randomusr   I don't think  saying Ext4 has loads of bugs is quite true00:41
sebsebsebplus Ext4 is default for 9.1000:41
iLoveWindowsSo any ideas?00:41
whamoook.. so this crackling noise is consistent across apps?00:41
rainbowinfinitykostkon...no such file or directory...lol00:41
randomusrsebsebseb, i didn't say loads00:41
iLoveWindowsyes it is00:41
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok00:41
dante123randomusr please elaborate....like should I be worried on this lappy....been running fine since 9.10 came out00:41
iLoveWindowsAll apps00:41
whamoois sound normal on youtube? in audacious?00:41
sebsebsebdante123: Your on 9.04 now or?00:41
iLoveWindowsIts a regression. It did not happen on 9.04 or 8.0400:41
Tartarosunderdog7: yeah well with it or without it, it doesnt work :)00:41
iLoveWindowsThis started after getting 9.1000:41
randomusrdante123, more so if you save large files00:41
underdog7Tartaros: lol.  gotcha.  anyway, thx 4 ur help.00:42
=== ChiLL0outT is now known as chill[out]
sebsebsebiLoveWindows: after upgrading from 9.04?00:42
dante123<sebsebseb> I am on 9.04 on desktop main pc....9.10 on this lappy00:42
iLoveWindowsNo I downloaded a fresh iso of Karmic00:42
jhb1608mmmm.... fresh00:42
randomusrdante123, 9.10 with ext4 won't kill your laptop. there are some minor annoyances with ext400:42
=== chill[out] is now known as CHiLL0uT
sebsebsebdante123: Many people have ended up with problems after upgrading 9.04 to 9.10.00:42
Bob1hi all00:42
underdog7wrgb: how do u access the gnome control center?00:42
iLoveWindowsI tried a solution here but did not work ==> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=824418700:43
sebsebsebrandomusr: What are you reffering to exactly?00:43
randomusrdante123 what is a lappy?00:43
Bob1:| werid username00:43
sebsebsebdante123: Also if you check out the release notes you can find out about common 9.10 issues.00:43
uzi_Anyone knows if Java Media Framework is available anywhere in Ubuntu reps?00:43
whamoolappy is a laptop... right?00:43
dksobahow can I play a sound file from command line when my long process finishes (copying 15gb of raw data)00:43
sebsebseb!notes | dante12300:43
ubottudante123: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91000:43
Paulo39hi, i have ubuntu installed on a partition, how can i change the name of that partition? because i named it windows 7 (i had windows7 there before)00:43
dante123<sebsebseb> these are people that did not do clean install right?00:43
randomusrsebsebseb, see the ext4 bugs and the kernel changelogs00:43
dksobaecho -e '\a' does not work on my laptop...00:43
kostkonrainbowinfinity, does "sudo /etc/init.d/foldingathome stop" do anything? give it a try00:43
sebsebsebdante123: yes00:43
sebsebsebdante123: some no problem,  but many problems after upgrading from 9.0400:44
dante123As a rule, I do clean install......dont like upgrades.  But I have separate /home drive to make fresh install easier00:44
iLoveWindowsand the popping noise is slowly starting to drive me crazy00:44
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:44
Bob1sooo who liked 9:10?00:44
sebsebsebrandomusr: Got a link?00:44
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it had me enter my root pw, then said command not found00:44
randomusrsebsebseb, alright, hang on00:44
kostkonrainbowinfinity, :(00:44
dante123<Bob1> so far clean install has been issue free for me00:44
RevVaderhaving luks/lvm issue if anyone can possibly help00:45
cleverdishIf you have a video card that is one chipset using compiz with 2 monitors can you add two more video cards both PCI to get 2 more monitors and still use compiz even though the two other video cards are different chipsets but all are nvidia based?00:45
Bob1dante123 cool00:45
whamooI like the new implementation of Pulse. i used to have to cripple it so it would leave ALSA alone but now they play nice with no attention00:45
dante123<Bob1> Be wary of upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 from what I gather though00:45
Bob1Yea I uesd the alphas/betas00:46
dante123<Bob1> Clean install is generally best bet.  I know some people that say wait a month before making any switch....so bugs get fixed...at least the bad ones usually do.00:46
=== CHiLL0uT is now known as chill|afk
Bob1dante123 I usaly do00:46
Strywgranyone knows about a good ebook for ubuntu?00:46
sebsebsebdante123:   Bob1  in Windows yeah maybe,   in Ubuntu well only security updates from the default repos00:47
Bob1There are a tone of free eBooks00:47
Strywgrcan you give me a link to download?00:47
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html Strywgr00:48
Bob1wow there are tones of people in here00:48
spartan07I have a problem with Ubuntu LTS. Screen freezes after a bit of time on. Rig= intel quad core, 6gig ram. the mouse moves but sometimes even that freezes00:48
kostkonrainbowinfinity, could you do a:  ps -A > ~/Desktop/running_procs.txt and paste the contents of the file on a pastebin?00:48
=== cp is now known as Guest10550
sebsebsebBob1: four or so bots as well00:48
uzi_Anyone knows if Java Media Framework is available anywhere in Ubuntu reps?00:48
Bob1ooo what do the bots do?00:49
sebsebsebBob1:  the numbers will also include the bots00:49
randomusrsebsebseb, ooh my bad. one of the two bugs is only showing in the development kernel00:49
sebsebseb!bot | Bob100:49
ubottuBob1: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:49
randomusrthe other I can't find on the ext pages.00:49
sebsebsebBob1:  We have the floodbots as well,  if people start flooding they take care of that00:50
Bob1im glad we do00:50
* Take0n good night people00:50
Bob1night take on00:51
randomusrsebsebseb, basically recovery of bits fails in the first bug, and the other causes corruption of files. I want to say that file sizes over 2 mb or so can be affected, and other users have said so as well.00:51
Maverick_hi..does anyone know of an e-book or guide to read to learn more about ubuntu, step by step, divided into chapters00:51
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:51
rainbowinfinitykostkon....type exactly like you did??00:51
sacamanohey, i got a random question. i have a dual boot pc, and my windows partition is full. ilog into ubuntu, and run the disk usage analyzer program, it says that partition is 100% full, 7.2gb used, but it's a 10.5gb drive. i dont get it00:51
rainbowinfinitykostkon...cuz that didn't do anything00:51
randomusrhere's the link to current kernel changelog http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/ChangeLog-2.6.32-rc600:51
kostkonrainbowinfinity, yeah: "ps -A > ~/Desktop/running_procs.txt" it will create a text file on your dekstop00:51
Maverick_i also installed mscore ffonts via Synaptic, it refreshed itself, but i still can't see the fonts in Openoffice00:51
randomusrsebsebseb, that's moot if it's only in a dev kernel00:51
Bob1Maverick check out the ********"for dummies" books00:52
cleverdishIf you have a video card that is one chipset using compiz with 2 monitors can you add two more video cards both PCI to get 2 more monitors and still use compiz even though the two other video cards are different chipsets but all are nvidia based?00:52
ntwrkadm4r90Anyone heard of problems with virt-manager not booting vms on system start ubuntu 9.10.  Option is check to boot on system start in VM?00:52
infidi had wired networking working fine, i unplugged it to try getting wifi working but couldn't so i plugged back in my ethernet cable and now i wired working stopped working. wth?? i even rebooted and NOTHING shows up in the gnome panel for networking, nor in my admin or preferences menu.00:52
soreaucleverdish: It might be possible, who knows00:52
sebsebsebrandomusr: yeah I read something I think it was basically if a file is at last 512MB and then is written to curruption might happen.   Well Ext4 in 9.04 was optional and not perfectly stable since the kernel they had and such, but got advantages from it when doing /  in it,  much faster boot up, shut down, and automatic disk checking after the 23 or so boots.   Ext4 sounds worse in 9.10,  it has been rather bad when testing 9.10 since alpha 4.00:53
sebsebseb I haven't  clean installed for the final just yet, but in the day I might do it.00:53
kostkonrainbowinfinity, paste it somewhere, eg. paste.ubuntu.com00:53
infidyou cannot get any more frustrating than that00:53
sebsebsebrandomusr: last should have been least above00:53
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i did00:53
soreaucleverdish: Let's just say it certainly wont be supported and is already untested00:53
kostkonrainbowinfinity, could you give me the url?00:53
OrbixxHow can I throw Ubuntu 9.10 into a Xen domU?00:53
* tuxi_laptop is looking for help with an upgrade that appears successful but 2.6.31-14 hangs at start_secondary+0xa9/0xab00:54
cphillipsis anyone having trouble with pidgin just closing? mine just started doing it today00:54
Bugaloohi everyone00:54
KingOfDoscleverdish: you can extend X how you like it. just do manual editing of the configuration. or maybe using some gui app.00:54
zopiacI can't take screenshots when in Fullscreen in a game, anyone know why?00:54
=== yacc__ is now known as yacc
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .00:54
sacamanohey, i got a random question. i have a dual boot pc, and my windows partition is full. ilog into ubuntu, and run the disk usage analyzer program, it says that partition is 100% full, 7.2gb used, but it's a 10.5gb drive. i dont get it00:54
StrywgrThe sound on ubuntu is much lower than windows. Any word for it?00:55
theshadowProbably asked a million times, but I upgraded to 9.10 started up empathy it fails to connect to my google apps for domains gtalk account. I double check the settings, have security checked, port 5223, server talk.google.com and use old ssl checked. Still can't figure out what it means by "Network Error"00:55
randomusrsebsebseb, it almost makes a guy want to use JFS or reiser00:55
infidi had to type 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' to get eth0 back but it's still not connecting to the internet, nor do i see any GUI tools to configure it anywhere. what can i do?00:55
kostkonrainbowinfinity, aha. i can see it: FahCore_78.exe. but .exe? hmm. let's see00:55
Bugalooi have a pretty straightforward problem: i'm dual booting with ubuntu and vista, i just did an update, and now the grub won't let me get to vista. is there some way that i should "update" the grub? thanks in advance00:55
sebsebsebrandomusr: uhmm  hardly anyone uses JFS I thought, more people use XFS, and that is meant to have the Ext4 advantages00:56
rainbowinfinitykostkon...and in my active processes, it's listed twice00:56
switchgirlanyone had issues with grub two duel booting windows?00:57
randomusrsebsebseb, haven't stayed up on filesystems, and typically use the default.00:57
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok00:57
Bugalooi have a pretty straightforward problem: i'm dual booting with ubuntu and vista, i just did an update, and now the grub won't let me get to vista. is there some way that i should "update" the grub? thanks in advance00:57
ntwrkadm4r90Anyone know if mounting to nfs-server in Ubuntu 9.10 is fixed when mounting to a /home directory?  It hangs the system up at boot waiting to mount /home.  Problem with upstart?00:57
sebsebsebrandomusr: Ext4 for by default in 9.10 yep00:57
randomusrsebsebseb, makes me laugh that Hans R won't be developing anymore00:57
switchgirlwhat Bugaloo said but i havent installed grub 200:57
randomusr at least not in freedom00:58
bivohow can I mount a dvd .iso file for playback on ubuntu?00:58
Bob1google "update grub"00:58
KingOfDosbivo: depends on what kind of iso00:58
sebsebsebrandomusr: Why does it make you laugh?00:58
randomusrNo ext4 for me yet thanks00:58
KingOfDosbivo: video, storage (files/data)?00:58
sebsebsebrandomusr: XFS?00:58
randomusrthe guy was nuts00:58
sebsebsebrandomusr: Ext4  was pretty good for me in 9.0400:58
sebsebsebrandomusr: I didn't get any problems with it00:58
kostkonrainbowinfinity, actually, I just found out that there is a ubuntu folding channel here at freenode. you could get better help there if you want. the channel is called #ubuntu-folding. if you're interested, check it00:58
bivoKingOfDos standard 4.4gb if burned to a dvd would play in any dvd player .iso file00:58
zelrikriandoI dont have any more sound00:59
Bob1I <3 EXT400:59
zelrikriandohow to uninstall pulseaudio and install something else00:59
KingOfDosbivo: just a video dvd then right? you can play them directly with VLC i guess?00:59
sebsebsebrandomusr: other computer has 9.04 with Ext4 on it00:59
sebsebseb!love | Bob100:59
ubottuBob1: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.00:59
dbtedman<zelrikriando>check out what synaptic package manager has01:00
randomusrsebsebseb (shake my head while typing that)  are you a developer?01:00
zelrikriandodbtedman: and I install some random package that has "sound" in the description?01:00
banevade|specsGAwhat tv cards work on ubuntu? for a laptop01:00
vr_mexwhich pakage should i install to get flash and other proprietary plugins?01:01
ntwrkadm4r90vr_mex: ubuntu-restricted-extrans01:01
sebsebsebrandomusr: Yeah  I am a Microsoft spy and make Windows :D01:01
lordganeshwhen i restart my sound is mute01:01
DasEivr_mex: ubuntu-restricted-extras01:01
sebsebsebrandomusr: heh not really,  and if I was one that would suck really, but I guess I would be paid well01:01
banevade|specsGAwhat tv cards work on ubuntu? for a laptop01:01
vr_mexthanks a lot guys01:01
DasEi!dvd | vr_mex01:02
ubottuvr_mex: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:02
sebsebsebrandomusr: yes I don't program anything at the moment01:02
sebsebsebrandomusr: Why did you ask?01:02
VCooliolordganesh: pulse or alsa?01:02
infidthis channel should be split into categories like #ubuntu-networking, #ubuntu-music, etc01:02
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i think they think i'm evil cuz i want to take it off my puter...they won't answer...lol01:02
lordganeshVCoolio: alsa01:02
iarpubuntu desktop 9.04 all downloads stop at 12% and never go any farther and i've no clue why01:02
usserinfid, ehm, no.01:02
sebsebsebinfid: It probably will be eventaully, but it's still useable at the moment01:03
infidtoo many ppl01:03
VCooliolordganesh: then try this (quite easy): http://iainbuclaw.wordpress.com/2009/09/15/howto-save-and-restore-alsa-settings-on-startupshutdown/01:03
kostkonrainbowinfinity, lol. point out that it fries your pc. i hope they'll become a little sympathetic if you tell them that01:03
sebsebsebinfid: You can turn off the join and leave messages some how01:03
infidi did01:03
dbtedman<zelrikriando> just having a quick look what alternatives are out there01:03
usserinfid, im not singing into 5 different channels just cause, i idle here, and sometimes answer questions that i know answers to01:03
JoesephI'm making a backup with tar.  If I back it up to /media/place/backup.tgz , and I 'exclude=\media', that will exclude any subdirectory of /media, including the backup.tgz, correct?01:03
infidsebsebseb in irssi you can do /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS01:03
SetiAmonany resolution to sound problems with karmic?01:04
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .01:04
usserJoeseph, yep01:04
sebsebsebusser: Same here, I don't want to be in loads and loads of channels at once01:04
tiger_Hi I'm having trouble with my printer.01:04
sebsebseb!cups | tiger_01:04
ubottutiger_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:04
VCooliodoes anyone know of commandline tool like pastebinit but then for tinyurl?01:04
tiger_I'm using Karmic Koala01:04
sebsebsebtiger_: I think though that there is a printer issue01:04
Joesephusser: Thanks.  it's time time to start my backup....01:04
erUSULJoeseph: correct iirc but check tar manpage ;P01:04
tiger_It's installed and everything.01:04
dbtedman<zelrikriando> what are u using pulse audio for, just to control audio on ur comp, or sending audio over the network?01:04
sebsebsebtiger_:  Have a look at the release notes I guess01:05
sebsebseb!notes | tiger_01:05
ubottutiger_: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91001:05
tiger_but it's been processing the same job for 22 minutes01:05
SetiAmonI have a xfi(xtreme music) never had a problem with jaunty(after installing drivers) but after moving to karmic i had sound out of the box but it is distorted,staticy,echo's etc.Any resolution for this01:05
sebsebsebinfid: I don't mind that stuff,  I find it part of the channel experience01:05
lordganeshVCoolio: thanks01:05
underdog7help anyone:  i upgraded ubuntu to 9.10 on my desktop and laptop and BOTH machines no longer have audio.  output is shown as "dummy output" only.  any ideas anyone?01:05
Akumais there a shell trick that will allow me to exclude certain files from a command (ie. I want all files but file called X)01:05
rainbowinfinitykostkon...nope, no response....but thank YOU for at least trying...:)01:05
sebsebsebinfid: ,but thanks anyway01:05
dbtedman<zelrikriando> if just as ur audio "mixer" in linux the alsa package will be a good replacement...01:06
kostkonrainbowinfinity, :)01:06
sebsebsebinfid: oh and I am not on IRSSI01:06
usserunderdog7, run uname -a paste the output01:06
VCooliolordganesh: wait till you restart and confirm the fix :) or did you already?01:06
DasEiSetiAmon: which chipset ?01:06
erUSULAkuma: use find -exec01:06
sebsebsebunderdog7: Many people have had issues with 9.10 after upgrading from 9.04!01:06
SetiAmonlet me check,how do i check again in terminal the chipset?01:06
underdog7usser: Linux desktopzz 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:49:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux01:06
DasEiSetiAmon: lspci, or just the board -type (intel...01:07
Joesephhmmm...  I got "tar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive"  ...  What did I do wrong?01:07
sebsebsebchloe: hi01:07
chloenew to ubuntu01:07
=== chloe is now known as Guest10506
dbtedman<zelrikriando> U will want the "alsa utilities" from synaptic package manager01:07
kostkonrainbowinfinity, seeing that the extension of the process is .exe, do you in any way remember if you actually installed the windows ver using wine or something like that?01:07
sebsebsebGuest10506: ok welcome01:07
erUSULJoeseph: paste the whole command you used01:07
underdog7sebsebseb: this is preposterous how many bugs there are in 9.10 -- 9.04 was far more stable01:07
Guest10506trying to figure out how to get resolution 1440x90001:07
sebsebsebunderdog7: You just checked out the notes or something?01:07
usserunderdog7, you're on the old kernel, there's a bug in grub that defaults to jaunty kernel on upgrade, sound doesnt work on it, reboot into karmic kernel01:07
erUSULJoeseph: you sould exclude virtual fs like /sys/ /proc/ and /dev/ too01:07
Guest10506and realize i dont have a xorg.conf01:08
SetiAmonMultimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi,Doesn't say specifically,I know there is another command to find the chipset,like 20k or something like that01:08
Guest10506and was very confused01:08
sebsebsebGuest10506: Any idea which card you have?01:08
JoesepherUSUL: "tar cvpzf /media/Backup\ Docs/backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/media --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys"01:08
dbtedmanhey chloe01:08
Guest10506the 915 chipset01:08
Guest10506it is a dell01:08
sebsebsebGuest10506: hmm new to Ubuntu, but  know something about xorg conf?01:08
underdog7usser: hmm -- let me check my menu.lst01:08
sebsebsebGuest10506: something has changed in 9.10 setting up xorg isn't quite like before01:08
ntwrkadm4r90virt-manager not booting vms on system start 9.10, any ideas?, option is checked to boot at system start01:08
Guest10506i was a mandriva user before01:08
sebsebsebGuest10506: oh01:09
VCoolioJoeseph: you need to specify what you want to be archived before pointing to the target.tar.gz01:09
Guest10506so is it easier or harder in the new version01:09
underdog7usser: am i supposed to edit the menu.lst -- i see it booting into 9.04.01:09
erUSULJoeseph: and the dir you want to backup ? you missed the "/" at the end01:09
JoesepherUSUL: Ah.  Silly me.   Thanks.01:09
sebsebsebGuest10506: I haven't clean installed the final  just yet after testing since alpha 4, but it sounds like 9.10 is a pretty bad release really01:09
sebsebsebGuest10506: Mandriva 2010 is out now as well I  was told the other day01:10
Guest10506that is not good01:10
usserunderdog7, upgrade to grub2 manually. thats what karmic has by default, but grub2 is not installed on upgrade01:10
JoesephThanks!  Backup starting..01:10
infidi had to type 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' to get eth0 back but it's still not connecting to the internet, nor do i see any GUI tools to configure it anywhere. what else can i do to get my wired networking working again?01:10
xfire8help please someone help : http://communities.intel.com/thread/8007  thanks .01:10
underdog7usser: just "sudo aptitude install grub2" ?01:10
Guest10506do you know how to add a resolution in 91001:10
sebsebsebGuest10506: well most issues are on upgrades from 9.04  it seems, not clean installs,  except for  the issues they are going to get anyway if they upgrade or clean isntall01:10
DasEiinfid: what tells ifconfig ?01:10
usserunderdog7, yep01:10
scarra3what program does ubuntu use to burn .iso's to cd / dvd01:10
underdog7great, thanks usser01:11
Doorman352infid: rt click on network icon on menu bar and chooe edit connections01:11
norrecis there a way to check the status of a hardware raid on ubuntu server? the hw raid is a raid 1 on a nvidia raid controller01:11
ntwrkadm4r90scarra3: k3b01:11
sebsebsebGuest10506:  Intel? ATI? Nividia?  What type of card is it?01:11
bastidrazorscarra3: brasero for gnome01:11
ntwrkadm4r90scarra3: you can use k3b01:11
usserunderdog7, although it might be just called grub now, since they must have removed the old version from the repos, load synaptic and see what they have there, cause i dont exactly remember01:11
Guest10506the intel 915 chipset01:11
infidDoorman352 when i say theres NO gui network stuff i even mean there's no icon01:11
infidand it was there an hour ago.01:11
infidkarmic is crazy01:11
sebsebsebGuest10506: ok well then  as far as I know your meant to have  support for stuff and not need to  install a driver01:12
stuartpbin my userdir,in my oh my god there's a storm brewing in redmond. I mean that literally, I livein redmond and there was just this loud thunder01:12
SetiAmondon't take it personal but karmic isn't as stable as i had hoped/expected it would be01:12
infidthe only thing i did that might have made it go away was install and uninstall wcid01:12
stuartpbwoah what happened to the first part of that line anyway01:12
Guest10506it is not supported?01:12
Doorman352infid: I fought it for two days, finally I reloaded it and found that article I posted earlier... voila! it works.... I have no clue why....01:12
underdog7usser: thanks, will do01:12
sebsebsebGuest10506: Intel have open source driver built in or whatever I think01:12
norrecSetiAmon, personally i think its a step up from 9.0401:12
stuartpbhow do i make icons like the ones for documents/music/pictures etc in my homedir?01:12
sebsebsebGuest10506: 9.04 had issues with many  Intel cards, but 9.10 is mean to have that fixed01:13
filcGreeting.  How can I copy the full path to a file using ubuntus file picker/nautilus.  This is easy to do in Windows01:13
DasEiinfid: what tells ifconfig ?01:13
Guest10506so then can i just add a resolution?01:13
Doorman352Doorman352: Philosophy - When it doubt wipe it out....... works for windows too01:13
usserfilc, not sure i understand your question01:13
sebsebsebGuest10506: system >  preferences > display01:13
sebsebsebGuest10506: I think it is01:13
norrecis there a way to check the status of a hardware raid on ubuntu server? the hw raid is a raid 1 on a nvidia raid controller01:13
Guest10506does show in there01:13
area809/whois area80901:13
Guest10506that is why i was looking for the xorg.conf01:14
=== lietk12_ is now known as lietk12
SetiAmonnorrec:I just know i had no problem with jaunty,i mean i had to install the x-fi drivers from creative but they wroked,with karmic i have sound out of box but it is broken,distorted,echos,static,stuttering.I have tried removing pulse audio,and googled the hell out of it other then people having the same problem i have yet to find an answer.I wish i could install the creative drivers but it is apparently incompatiable with karmic,01:14
non-pointGuest10506, you could try http://packages.debian.org/etch/915resolution, since it's not listed in Synaptic.  Don't know if it works with 9.10 since I don't have that set.01:14
sebsebsebGuest10506: not got the resolution you want?01:14
Guest10506gives 1280X900 but that is it01:15
ussernon-point, Guest10506 915resolution has been deprecated and largely useless now01:15
norrecSetiAmon, yeah i forgot about the sound issue lol01:15
sebsebsebGuest10506: Porbably nothing avaialble that isn't already installed, but worth a look  system > administration > hardware drivers01:15
apersonI cannot access my secondary display when I have xinerama turned off01:15
rainbowinfinitykostkon..... command line in the terminal and with help from wonderful people like you  :)..i just really appreciate you trying to help get it to stop now01:15
norrecSetiAmon, but i had an intel gfx chipset01:15
sebsebsebusser: Oh so what should she do?01:15
area809/say $channels01:15
stuartpbhow do i request a location addition to Ubuntu?01:15
area809/say $chan01:15
ussersebsebseb, i dont know :)01:15
stuartpbjust blueprint it on launchpad?01:15
DasEiSetiAmon: ah xfi, sorry  no news about that (also former broken) kid, did you search alsa project ? they used to have drivers, I'd try to rebuild latest alsa then01:15
ntwrkadm4r90anyone know how to set network management services to be first in upstart?01:15
norrecSetiAmon, and the gfx support for it was so messed up i had to go back to 8.1001:16
SetiAmonI have a nvidia graphics driver.01:16
sebsebsebGuest10506: I am slightly tempted to give  Mandriva a try as host OS later this month maybe, if the 2010  VM is good enough for my likeing that is01:16
Guest10506there must be a way to add a resolution01:16
Guest10506i liked mandriva01:16
Guest10506but there is more support for ubuntu01:16
SetiAmonI installed the latest alsa,i uninstalled pulse audio,no improvement.01:16
usserGuest10506, man xrandr for xorg display settings01:16
norrecSetiAmon, but yeah, i had clicking issues with the sound when muted, there was a problem with power management, i forgot what the fix was, let me see if i can find it01:16
stuartpbguest10506: don't forget it's possible the card simply can't do the res you want01:17
DasEiSetiAmon: might be your card then, no slot left ?01:17
Guest10506it can01:17
SetiAmonhmm mine is much more severel,there is distortions,clicking,breaking up etc.01:17
Guest10506i had it01:17
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok lets see. try this: sudo /etc/init.d/folding stop01:17
SetiAmonI have several pci slots if that is what you mean01:17
DasEiSetiAmon: was meant, a sound card...01:17
iggy_hello everyone01:17
SetiAmonand i should repeat i had no problem with jaunty,well that isn't exactly true I had to uninstall all codec etc,and just install x-fi creative drivers,but those drivers don't work in karmic01:18
jzu_damn Ubuntu PS301:18
Guest10506 man xrandr ?01:18
jzu_I will go for Yellow Dog Linux01:18
jzu_PS3 ubuntu installer sucks donkey balls :O01:18
sebsebseb!who | Guest1050601:18
ubottuGuest10506: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:18
jzu_either it freezes or doesn't load at all01:18
norrecSetiAmon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8246102 try that01:18
SetiAmoni don't know i imagine at some point this will be resolved relativly soon,right? i would hate to go back to jaunty after doing this clean install01:19
usserGuest10506, open terminal type xrandr see what resolutions it lists01:19
SetiAmonok will check it out norrec01:19
stuartpbwhere's the source for the icons?01:19
DasEijzu_: medium alright ? also the alternate does a nice job01:19
Guest10506how do u put in the name?01:19
norrecSetiAmon, idk if ur havin the same problem, but just try what was suggested in post #201:19
SetiAmonNorrec,that is the EXACT same problem i have,going to go read it for a minute01:19
sebsebseb!tab | Guest1050601:19
ubottuGuest10506: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:19
usserGuest10506, dont see desired resolution, run xrandr --newmode command with appropriate settings and xrandr --addmode01:19
rainbowinfinitykostkon...someone from the Fah channel finally replied with this:  sudo killall -9 FahCore_78.exe try the same for fah6 and FaH and it WORKED!!!!!!   THANKS!!!!!!!01:20
usserGuest10506, for more info run man xrandr command01:20
stuartpbnot in empathy, the default IRC client in KArmic01:20
jzu_DasEi: hmm, gotta try the alternate tomorrow :O01:20
stuartpbubottu: that does not work in Empathy01:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:20
rainbowinfinitykostkon....thanks for your patients and help....i was really at my wits end01:20
stuartpbyeah I know :(01:20
TrueSongMediaSpeaking of Empathy, why does 9.10 have Empathy instead of Pidgin?01:20
kostkonrainbowinfinity, :) unfortunatelly, i assume that's a temporary measure01:20
DasEijzu_:obviousley you got a running pc, you know unetbooting ?01:20
stuartpboh my goodness it does work01:20
iggy_hey i wanted to do a fresh install of karmic, but all i have is wifi no, ethernet cord, is there a way to install the b43 fwcutter without a internet connection? any ideas would be appreciated01:21
kostkonrainbowinfinity, it will start again on your next boot01:21
sebsebsebusser: That's good that your here, since  I coudn't actsaulley help her01:21
DasEijzu_: does the ps support booting from usb ?01:21
jzu_DasEi: well.. I've got mac laptop01:21
Guest10506usser, creen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 4096 x 40901:21
jzu_DasEi: guess no01:21
stuartpbiggy_: put the package on a flash drive?01:21
Doorman352iggy_: you have a broadcom adapter?01:21
usserGuest10506, can you pastebin the entire thing01:22
rainbowinfinitykostkon....well i very rarely restart, so if i keep it pasted, i should be okay...it's not off, but it doesn't run, and that's the most important thing...;)  lol01:22
usser!pastebin | Guest1050601:22
ubottuGuest10506: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:22
iggy_yes  i have broadcom, and i tried it on live first but i kept gettin an error01:22
sebsebsebGuest10506: I assume your a she since the name you started chatting with,   she/he it doesn't really matter on here01:22
dravekx|windowsDAMN YOU Ubuntu desktop!!!01:22
SetiAmonGoing to reboot norrec and tell you if this worked bro01:22
Doorman352iggy_: try it this way http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886501:22
dravekx|windowsit was running fine...01:22
kostkonrainbowinfinity, lol ok01:22
dravekx|windowsand I replaced the cmos....01:22
Doorman352iggy_: it finally worked for me on a Dell D52001:22
stuartpbWhat is "two finger" scrolling on a touchpad?01:22
rainbowinfinitykostkon...but if you can help figure out a way to remove it that would CERTAINLY be better01:22
dravekx|windowsand it says "cant mount the HARDDISK"01:23
Guest10506usser, do you know the command to change the resolution to 1440x900?01:23
erUSUL!caps | dravekx|windows01:23
ubottudravekx|windows: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:23
iggy_thankyou doorman, i really appreciate it/01:23
usserGuest10506, pastebin the results of xrandr command01:23
KiRiLoS!pastebin | kirilos01:23
ubottuKiRiLoS, please see my private message01:23
DasEidravekx|windows: could be uuid01:23
iarpwould there be any reason in partiular why i couldn't add a VPN connection in Network Conncetions01:23
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok, does: "ls -a /etc/init.d/folding" list anything?01:23
sebsebseb!who | dravekx|windows01:23
ubottudravekx|windows: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:23
KiRiLoSi get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312015/ how should i know which gpg key to import?Thanks01:24
sebsebseb!tab | dravekx|windows01:24
ubottudravekx|windows: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:24
DasEidravekx|windows: hd's get a unique, hw-based identifier, that can change with hardware01:24
YDdraigGochiarp, do you have the package network-manager-openvpn installed?01:24
rainbowinfinitykostkon...cannot acces, no such file or directory01:24
iarpYDdraigGoch: that gui or cli01:25
DasEi!uuid | dravekx|windows:01:25
ubottudravekx|windows:: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:25
kostkonrainbowinfinity, "ls -a /etc/init.d/foldingathome" ?01:25
=== sajuuk is now known as Guest2955
iarpYDdraigGoch: nvm, that worked thanks01:25
=== Guest2955 is now known as sajuukthanatoskh
KiRiLoSi get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312015/ how should i know which gpg key to import?Thanks01:25
YDdraigGochiarp, cool :)01:25
SetiAmonnorrec:it seems not to have worked sadly.still static distortions. I got a question,I have pulse audio installed,what i see there is alsa-base modified,is there a way to switch from pulse to alsa,from what i heard if you use alsa it still goes threw pulse.I have tried completly removing pulse,and that didn't do anything.01:25
rainbowinfinitykostkon...exactly the way you typed it..01:26
kostkonrainbowinfinity, nothing?01:26
zambahow do i send stderr to /dev/null?01:26
zambai just want stdout01:26
iarpYDdraigGoch: for some reason, i'm not allowed to click OK/Apply even after filling out all of the proper info01:27
rainbowinfinitykostkon...says there's no suck file or directory...even tried it again01:27
DasEi dravekx|windows: you could chroot from live in your system and then compare out from"sudo blkid" with fstab and grrub.cfg01:27
rainbowinfinityer such01:27
kostkonrainbowinfinity, neither /etc/init.d/foldingathome nor /etc/init.d/folding ?01:27
verbalhas anyone installed ubuntu server on a poweredge R805? can't find the boot device.01:27
kankan_how to install all the necessary codecs?what is the necessary command?01:28
dravekx|windowsDasEi, too late. and I couldnt access the drive at all.01:28
YDdraigGochiarp, What kind of VPN is it? Microsoft VPN, Cisco VPN..or..?01:28
dravekx|windowsI blew it off.. reloading now.01:28
KiRiLoSi get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312015/ how should i know which gpg key to import?Thanks01:28
SetiAmonBTW i have chipset 20k1 it says01:28
verbali think it has to do with the fact that my scsi raid is not being detected when i'm in grub01:28
rainbowinfinitykostkon....none of them01:28
iarpYDdraigGoch: lol good question, one sec gotta log onto server to find out, it's been a while since i used it01:28
kostkonrainbowinfinity, hmm ok01:28
stuartpbwhere are the sources for the folder icons?01:29
newBie555any news about ubuntu 9.10/01:29
kostkonrainbowinfinity, could you do a: "locate folding" and "locate fah"01:29
DasEi dravekx|windows: right then, I'm often screwing aorund with harddrives on different machines and most times had more luck with kernel-implemented functions01:29
iarpYDdraigGoch: pptpd on ubuntu serer 9.04 and i'm trying to connect ubuntu desktop 9.0401:30
KiRiLoSi get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312015/ how should i know which gpg key to import?Thanks01:31
YDdraigGochiarp, install this package: network-manager-pptp Then try again :)01:31
=== storyhe is now known as storyhe^korea
rainbowinfinitykostkon  http://paste.ubuntu.com/312016/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/312018/01:32
iarpYDdraigGoch: seems to work, ty01:32
YDdraigGochiarp, You're welcome :)01:32
Ashfire908Hi, uh I appear to be missing a man page, strftime. Does 9.10 not come with strftime man page?01:32
iarpYDdraigGoch: currently within the network so i'll see if it worked tomorrow01:33
Guest10506how do you use the pastebin01:33
KiRiLoSi get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312015/ how should i know which gpg key to import?Thanks01:33
KiRiLoS!pastebin | Guest1050601:33
ubottuGuest10506: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:33
albert__I just installed 9.10 on my laptop and I'm getting a message saying "Disk has many bad sectors" is there a way to fix this, or is the drive shot?01:33
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, Which PPA have added to your sources?01:33
tarelerulzI upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04 and noticed Firefox is slower on searches .  I booted into Ubuntu 8.04 and it noticeably faster on search and loading web pages .  Is there any way I can fixes this01:34
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, sec i'll pastebin my sources.list for ya01:34
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312021/01:34
darkchest_i have tried everything to fix my monitors resolution and found no solution. What can i do to confirm that there is no hope of fixing this problem? I had ubuntu 6.06 and the resolution was fine01:35
DeSiancan keeping files just for me self in ubuntuone?01:35
Guest10506usser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312022/01:35
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, it's not in there. Have a look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/01:35
Pctech37<darkchest_> Care to explain more?01:35
DasEitarelerulz: try ff3.5 or beta 3.601:35
apersoncould someone help me with configuring my displays?01:35
kostkonrainbowinfinity, then, "sudo /etc/init.d/folding stop" and "ls -la /etc/init.d/folding" should output something01:36
kostkonrainbowinfinity, strange01:36
darkchest_my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 48001:36
kanuhaLost my sound, loaded the alsa-driver-linuxant to get my laptop ,modem to work and lost my sound01:36
darkchest_and 50hz resolution01:36
usserGuest10506, so you want to output to TV01:36
usserGuest10506, or external monitor?01:36
Guest10506no i have a widescreen computer01:36
Guest10506i want 1440x900 resolution01:36
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312024/01:37
Guest10506for this monitor01:37
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it tells me comand not found01:37
infidel2sif i can log into my router with is that what my default gateway should be when i type 'route'?01:37
kostkonrainbowinfinity, which one?01:37
kostkonrainbowinfinity, the ls? or the other?01:37
=== Pctech38 is now known as Pctech37
kostkonrainbowinfinity, do you get any output when giving the ls -la /etc/init.d/folding01:37
anaohello KERNEL Question with LOGLEVEL is used behind USPLASH MESSEGES "OK" shown its not quiet01:38
usserGuest10506, ok try xrandr --addmode LVDS1 "1440x900_60.00"01:38
rainbowinfinitykostkon...no such file or directory01:38
infidel2swired networking stopped working for me but ifconfig says eth0 is RUNNING but typing 'route' shows nothing at all in any routing tables. waht should i do?01:38
albert__I just installed 9.10 on my laptop and I'm getting a message saying "Disk has many bad sectors" is there a way to fix this, or is the drive shot?01:38
usserGuest10506, after that run xrandr again see if new mode shows up in under your LVDS1 device01:38
kostkonrainbowinfinity, hmm. strange. pigaine locate is listing the /etc/init.d/folding01:38
DasEitarelerulz: needed codecs installed ?01:38
Maartenalbert__: sounds like a hardware problem01:38
kostkonrainbowinfinity, pigaine → locate01:38
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312024/01:39
kostkonrainbowinfinity, no. → because. sorry :S01:39
rainbowinfinitykostkon..in the terminal?01:39
albert__Maarten, is there a way to fix the bad sectors, or is the hdd shot?01:39
DasEialbert__: take a look in smartmontools, maybe from within a live-cd01:39
anaoto all 9.10 Users with Problems to figure out hardware problems try LIVECD 9.04/8.1001:39
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, You running Gnome?01:39
darkchest_Pctech37 are u still there?01:39
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, nope kde 4.301:39
Guest10506usser, xerror of failed request01:39
albert__DasEi, Thanks01:39
anaoif LIVECDs running well then the BUG is inside 9.1001:39
tarelerulzDasEi, I can play very type of media fine .  I have  Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 02) so maybe its the drive 9.10 use .01:40
Maartenalbert__: There are programs to scan the drive, but a drive with "many bad sectors" is not one I would trust for much longer.01:40
Guest10506usser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312025/01:40
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i'm confused...01:40
Doorman352Guest10506: what dell are u using?01:40
DasEialbert__: are there still important datas on it ?01:40
kostkonrainbowinfinity, you can see that "locate folding" listed the "/etc/init.d/folding" file01:40
kostkonrainbowinfinity, then, let's try the following01:40
Guest10506Doorman352,  xpsm14001:40
usserGuest10506, dont run it as root01:40
usserGuest10506, run it as regular user01:40
kanuhaI lost my sound. I loaded alsa-driver-linuxant to get my laptop modem working and lost sound. Need help getting sound back01:40
Morderis us.archive.ubuntu.com down?01:40
albert__Maarten, I am going to get another drive then01:40
rainbowinfinitykostkon...i am your follower at this point...lol01:40
kostkonrainbowinfinity, give: "sudo rm /etc/init.d/folding"01:40
Guest10506usser, same thing happened as a reg user01:40
albert__DasEi, I can save the info01:41
MaartenMorder: I had problems with the standard US repo for a while now, just choose a different mirror01:41
usserGuest10506, can you pastebin the results of glxinfo command01:41
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, Edit each of the 3 files one at a time in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Comment out the lines (with a #), then apt-get update. If you still get the error, comment out the next file. If you don't get the error, tell me which file it was you commented last :)01:41
darkchest_i have tried everything to fix my monitors resolution and found no solution. What can i do to confirm that there is no hope of fixing this problem? I had ubuntu 6.06 and the resolution was fine01:41
Morderthanks maarten01:41
DasEiMorder: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/01:41
rainbowinfinitykostkon...cannot remove, no such file or directory..01:41
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, ok ! Sec01:41
usserGuest10506, usually those errors indicate bigger than just missing resolution mode01:41
DasEialbert__: is why I asked, make a copy withh dd first then01:42
darkchest_i have been looking for solutions for the past 3 days01:42
kostkonrainbowinfinity, hmm. does "sudo update-rc.d folding remove" do anything?01:42
albert__DasEi, What is dd?01:42
StaRetjiHI there, have a specific problem. I have keyboard with Power button. I've remapped it to send F12 instead of XF86Sleep. So, now I can't accidentally power off my HTPC! But, usb remote control disconnects it self, so I have to manually unplug it/plug it. Is there a way that I can't SOLVE this? THX!01:42
Guest10506usser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312028/01:43
infidel2swhen i type 'sudo route add default gateway' it just says "SIOCADDRT: No such process". What's that about?01:43
rainbowinfinitykostkon...it says it's removing any system starup links01:43
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok01:43
dravekx|windowshttp://www.dravekx.com/cool2.jpg  <<< gateway mx6448.. thats what I had ubuntu on when it crashed.01:43
kostkonrainbowinfinity, did it finish?01:43
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, jarkko-jab-vlc-karmic.list that was the one with the problem.I solved it,but now i am thinking:Vlc is going to be ok ?01:43
DasEialbert__: a cmd and and way to copy a hd per sector to another drive/partition, it saves everything , non-dependent from file-structure01:43
StaRetjiinfidel2s check if you have mac address, ifconfig eth001:43
rainbowinfinitykostkon: it still has the ... after it, but it gave me back my desktop command line01:44
DasEialbert__: with a bad fs things like cp and so on will fail01:44
Blue1dravekx|windows: that's because it looks like windows?01:44
usserGuest10506, hm no it looks fine01:44
kostkonrainbowinfinity, ok01:44
albert__DasEi, So I can actually copy the drive and have the new drive work like the old one?01:44
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, type this: 'sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com C4A3CAA4' (without quotes) Then you can uncomment the .list file again and it should run error free.01:45
infidel2sStaRetji no 'sudo ifconfig eth0 | grep -i mac' shows nothing01:45
DasEialbert__: including all faults, yes, but if you really go dying hw, best way to go01:45
kudianyone have any idea on when this pulse audio nonsense will be fixed?01:45
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, and vlc with be fine :)01:45
Guest10506usser,  is there another way to add a resolution?01:45
DasEialbert__: also an intense test on the old drive will destroy the data on it01:45
DasEialbert__: including all faults, yes, but if you really got** dying hw, best way to go01:45
albert__DasEi, Ok, Thank you!01:45
dios_mioubuntu rulez01:45
StaRetjiinfidel2s, that's your problem, try setting mac address like this: ifconfig eth0 hw and then real mac address01:46
kudihow do you fix the 9.10 sound bug01:46
kostkonrainbowinfinity, now give: "sudo userdel -r folding" and then "sudo rm -rf /var/folding" and you should be fah-free after these01:46
KiRiLoSYDdraigGoch, ok!problem solved!Thank you very much,have a nice day and keep up the good work!01:46
YDdraigGochKiRiLoS, you're welcome :)01:46
adrianahow do i switch spaces under KK?01:46
Swianok, I've downloaded all the gstreamer codecs in the repository and I still can't play dvds01:47
Swianany ideas?01:47
StaRetjiinfidel2s, that's your problem, try setting mac address like this: ifconfig eth0 hw ether and then real mac address01:47
LoRezlagerea: what?01:47
DasEi!dvd | Swian01:47
ubottuSwian: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:47
StaRetjiforgot ether01:47
infidel2sStaRetji also /etc/networking/interfaces only has info for lo01:47
lagereaWhat is your name?01:47
DasEi Swian : sudo apt-get install vlc* ubuntu-restricted-extras01:47
rainbowinfinitykostkon...okay, so now how do i test it??01:47
kostkonrainbowinfinity, eh, i suppose, you'll need to reboot :S01:48
LoRezlagerea: this isn't a dating service.01:48
adrianakeyboard combo switch spaces under KK?01:48
StaRetjiinfidel2s setauto eth001:48
StaRetjiiface eth0 inet dhcp01:48
Swianthanks DasEi will try01:48
rainbowinfinitykostkon...duh...sorry for the stupid question....and thanks for ALL your help!!!!01:48
kostkonrainbowinfinity, no prob :)01:48
usserGuest10506, hm i just tried to addmode with xrandr here, same error. looks like a bug01:48
DasEiSwian: vlc brings all (propitary) codecs itself01:49
SwianDasEi I had already downloaded vlc, but it didn't work01:49
Guest10506usser, great01:49
Swianto play dvds that is01:49
adrianakeyboard combo to switch desktops under KK?01:50
lagereaLorez: I know I'm not trying to be a dbag, I'm just wondering how common your nickname is. I've known a LoRez from awhile ago.01:50
DasEiSwian: common dvds ?01:50
Swianyeah, Pirates of the Carribean and Toy Story01:50
LoRezlagerea: I've been LoRez here for over 8 years.01:50
adrianahow do I do a keyboard combo to switch desktops under KK?01:50
Blue1adriana: google?01:50
brandon_can somebody help me with the "wine windows compatibility" program01:51
StaRetjiinfidel2s, sorry, typo, it's "set auto eth0"01:51
DasEiSwian: vlc > open medium > choose dvd 'n drive ?!01:51
Blue1brandon_: sure what's up?01:51
lagereaWell eight years would certainly be awhile, does my nickname look fimilair to you at all?01:51
hassanakevazirbrandon_, ask away01:51
usserGuest10506, yep xrandr is broken, at least here on my intel card01:51
lcyI'm a strange01:51
brandon_when i install some programs the installation procedure goes smooth but then the program wont open01:51
lcyI'm sorry01:51
LoRezlagerea: nope, but I'm not good with names..  I'm about to go eat.  find me later or /msg me I guess.01:52
Blue1brandon_: have you checked:  http://appdb.winehq.org/01:52
brandon_no whats that01:52
lagereaLorez: Alright, I'll catch you later.01:52
DasEi!wine | brandon_01:52
ubottubrandon_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:52
Blue1brandon_: there are lot of people in the channel it would b nice if you'd pre-pend your reply with my nick - thanks...01:53
apersonwhen I have my xorg.conf set to: http://pastebin.com/m4dfe7732  I can't access the second display.  can anyone help me with this?01:53
Blue1brandon_: that is the applications data base for wine01:53
Blue1brandon_: what programme are you trying to install?01:53
techIImy laptop screen is randomly dimming, can anyone help me fix this01:53
DasEiSwian: tried that another comp ?01:54
iarp"sudo apt-get install truecrypt" resolves saying thats it's to be installed as another name, but doesn't list that other name and i've tried the other options for truecrypt01:54
Swianno, used to work in 9.0401:54
Swiannot working in 9.1001:54
t0rcany suggestions for communication within a team of developers? Like, a persistent IM client or something? (Google Wave would be optimal but I lack an invite...:( )01:54
rober1Can you still download 9.04?01:54
darkchest_i have tried everything to fix my monitors resolution and found no solution. What can i do to confirm that there is no hope of fixing this problem? I had ubuntu 6.06 and the resolution was fine01:54
brandon_Blue1: one of them is called "native-instruments service center"01:54
DasEitechII: system > preferences > screensaver01:54
apersont0rc, irc?01:54
SwianI have other machines, I just want it to work on this one, now when I try and play the app just quits01:54
Blue1brandon_: let's see01:54
darkchest_my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 48001:55
t0rcaperson, well that's not really persistent unless a user is logged in eh?01:55
techIIDasEi: this happens when typing, or otherwise when it should not01:55
DasEi!who | Swian01:55
ubottuSwian: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:55
Blue1brandon_: there's nothing in the app db for that - spelled correctly?01:55
apersont0rc, it is if you use a bouncer and have everyone connect to that01:55
SwianSorry DasEi, yeah, now the apps quit when I try and play01:56
SwianDasEi no error message, just closes01:56
apersont0rc, well, depending on your bouncer.  maybe setup a wiki?01:56
DasEi Swian : any strange in dmesg or /var/log/syslog about the drive ?01:56
generaldisarrayso how are 9.04->9.10 upgrades going for everyone? i'm scared to push the button01:57
tapasi;m using xmonad as window manager in gnome01:57
Guest10506usser, so i am stuck with this resolution01:57
brandon_Blue1: its made by a company called native-instruments. i do alot music production and i need to get that program and several VST instruments to work01:57
SwianDasEi the drive works fine, I have this as dual boot and it works in Windows and worked fine last week with 9.0401:57
tapasthe network manager applet doesn;t allow to reuse a previously created "hidden wireless connection"01:57
tapasit's just greyed out01:57
Blue1brandon_: you might have to go to a commerical package - I know that wine does NOT support any usb devices -01:57
usserGuest10506, i guess, you can try adding that modeline in your xorg.conf, but i doubt it'll work if xrandr failed01:57
DasEiSwian: run vlc from trml to see error outp.01:57
Xellodoes anyone know how to install sun-java6-jdk from the package file?01:58
ArmyMan007hello, how come ubuntu shows me my D: drive, but not my C: drive?01:58
Guest10506usser, i dont have an xorg.conf01:58
DasEiSwian: like: vlc /dev/scd001:58
Xelloit seems like jdk requires bin and vice versa01:58
usserGuest10506, huh?01:58
usserGuest10506, really?01:58
boogerboogeri cant move files into my second hard drive says i dont have permission01:58
usserGuest10506, i dunno, thats why i hate ubuntu ;(01:58
brandon_i cant get ableton live to work either01:58
Xellois it possible to install them at the same time01:58
ArmyMan007hello, how come ubuntu shows me my D: drive, but not my C: drive?01:59
Blue1brandon_: let me look up that01:59
speedxxx1orehow do you check the filesystem of a certain disk?01:59
Doorman352ArmyMan007: U dual boot?01:59
ArmyMan007Doorman352: yes01:59
DasEi!fsck | speedxxx1ore02:00
ubottuspeedxxx1ore: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot02:00
Blue1brandon_: this is what it returns:  http://www.winehq.org/search/?cx=partner-pub-0971840239976722%3Aw9sqbcsxtyf&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=ableton#107302:00
ArmyMan007how come ubuntu shows me my D: drive, but not my C: drive?02:00
Doorman352ArmyMan007: There are several with your problem, I don know the answer but post your question again to see if anyone else can answer.02:00
speedxxx1oreubottu: ah. I meant more how do I see if a disk is, say ext2 or ext3?02:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:01
Blue1brandon_: YMMV applies to anything you find there (your mileage may vary)02:01
Swiansorry DasEi, I tried that, but I don't know what I'm looking at02:01
Transcendwhy is ubuntu just so damn easy to use :p02:01
DasEiSwian: what do you get from trml ?02:01
DasEiheh, Transcend02:01
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution02:01
Guest8068is there anything that could cause missing NTLDR other than bootloader configuration?02:02
Transcend ubuntu is so easy a cave man can do it !02:02
=== Tiago is now known as Guest47795
Kingsy101can someone offer me some advice? I have ubuntu-eee installed on my eeepc, when you check the version it says its 8.04 .. can I just upgrade the operating system through the update manager as normal?02:02
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DasEiGuest8068: #windows02:02
StaRetjiHI there, have a specific problem. I have keyboard with Power button. I've remapped it to send F12 instead of XF86Sleep. So, now I can't accidentally power off my HTPC! But, usb remote control disconnects it self, so I have to manually unplug it/plug it. Is there a way that I can't SOLVE this? THX!02:02
DasEi!paste| Swian02:02
ubottuSwian: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!02:02
Blue1darkchest_: what kind of monitor?  hint lspci | grep VGA02:02
usserKingsy101, yes you can, theres no reason to use ubuntu-eee anymore anyway as all the hardware is now supported by standard ubuntu02:03
Kingsy101ok coool ..02:03
Guest8068DasEi, they probably don't know anything about lilo/grub etc..02:03
Kingsy101brb then.. gonna upgade02:03
Swianthink I'll go back to 9.0402:03
Swianthings worked better02:03
Guest23792how do you change screen resolution?02:03
brandon_Blue1: Can u only install apps from the wine database?02:03
DasEiGuest8068: but a lot about ntldr and broken boots02:03
TranscendSwian, go back to 6.1002:04
Blue1Guest23792: system/preferences/display02:04
Guest8068DasEi, yeah worth a shot02:04
Blue1okay need a break - tayld..02:04
Transcendubuntu 6.10 pwnz02:04
Swianno thanks Transcend02:04
SwianDesEi - http://paste.ubuntu.com/312039/02:04
TranscendSwian, ever try it?02:05
Exophonixi need help somebody give me a litle hand shake ?02:05
SwianTranscend - yep, still have the CD02:05
brandon_this is bull. i need my music software to work02:05
TranscendSwian install it and enjoy :)02:05
Swianagain Transcend, no thanks02:06
Transcendbrandon_ what music software?02:06
DasEiSwian: http://tinyurl.com/ylcc4c6  , though strange to me02:06
Guest10506usser, any other ideas02:06
DasEiadd the medibuntu, also sys updated/graded ?02:06
brandon_Native-instruments Komplete 6, Kore 2, ableton live 8,02:06
usserGuest10506, im afraid not.02:07
darkchest_VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)02:07
brandon_wine keeps jerkin my chain02:07
darkchest_its a view sonic02:07
darkchest_Blue1: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51PV [GeForce 6150] (rev a2)02:07
Stallman.Ungghhh. grunted Ron and Ginny, as Ron.s dick began to penetrate Ginny.s incredibly tight pussy.  It would have been much tighter if this had been Ginny.s first time, but because neither of them thought otherwise, Ginny was quite pleased that it wasn.t hurting too bad.  Ron kept forcing as much of his cock into her as his hands moved up to her breasts again, grabbing hold of her nipples and twisting them02:07
Guest10506usser, thanks for the help i will keep searching02:07
Stallman.Ohhh god. that feels so good. cried Ginny, as she felt a strange tingling in the depth of her pussy.  She couldn.t explain it, as a strange warmth overtook her body and with a squeal of pleasure, Ginny came, squirting her juices all over Ron.s half-submerged cock.  Her warm juices dripped down her thigh and onto floor.02:07
StallmanRon could feel Ginny.s warm juices engulf cock as her pussy began to spasm from her orgasm.  The sensation nearly made him cum, but he kept on playing with her nipples and trying as hard as he could to fit the rest of his cock into Ginny.s tight pussy.  The added lubrication was finally enough for Ron to slam the last two inches of his cock into his sister, and as Ginny.s orgasm finally ended, he felt his balls bottom out, mashing his hips into hers.02:07
StallmanWith her orgasm finally over, she prepared herself for an extremely hard fucking as she looked back into Ron.s eyes and saw pure lust engraved in his face.  Ron.s stamina could only be described as supernatural; the infection gave him the ability to last far longer than he could ever dream of, and after ten more minutes of hard slamming, Ginny heard Ron begin to pant.02:07
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!02:07
Stallman.I.m fixing to cum Ginny!. grunted Ron as he continued to thrust into her clutching pussy.02:08
Stallman.Wait. I.m so close. groaned Ginny, as she felt another orgasm approaching.02:08
Stallman 02:08
Stallman.I can.t. moaned Ron as he felt his cock begin to swell and shutter, closing in on his own, huge orgasm.  Ron thought about trying to hold it in, chancing blowing his load inside his sister, but decided it was best not to risk it as he pulled his cock out of her.  He used one hand to pull his cock out of Ginny and aim it while his other fingers remained, hard at work, on one of Ginny.s hard nipples.02:08
icebergthen ginny pulled out a gun and shot Stallman in the face.02:08
FloodBot3Stallman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:08
Stallman.I can.t. moaned Ron as he felt his cock begin to swell and shutter, closing in on his own, huge orgasm.  Ron thought about trying to hold it in, chancing blowing his load inside his sister, but decided it was best not to risk it as he pulled his cock out of her.  He used one hand to pull his cock out of Ginny and aim it while his other fingers remained, hard at work, on one of Ginny.s hard nipples.02:08
StallmanThe sudden removal of Ron.s cock however, was just the stimulation Ginny needed to hit her own orgasm.  Again she felt warmness overtake her and a trickle of juices escape her pussy just as Ron removed his own cock.02:08
aperson!ops | Stallman02:08
ubottuStallman: please see above02:08
apersonthank you02:08
apersonwhen I have my xorg.conf set to: http://pastebin.com/m4dfe7732  I can't access the second display.  can anyone help me with this?02:08
Doorman352<--- Needs a cigarette02:08
icebergthen ginny pulled out a gun and shot stallman in the face.02:09
joshritgerI have a wifi related issue, the problem is that my wifi connection seems to slow down after about a day. If I change channels on my router the speed picks back up, then a day later the wifi is slow again. I am using ubuntu hardy. What should I be checking to fix this?02:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:09
jt__new router antenna02:10
SwianDasEi - nope, that didn't work either, I think some of the codecs may be corrupt or incomplete how I can do a reinstall?02:10
passsesomg wtf Stallman02:11
darkchest_Blue1 u got any idea whats wrong?02:11
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution02:12
DasEiSwian: I don't think so, it'll be rather a problem with permissions or changed places, vlc brings everything by default, some more tries :02:12
passsesmine autodetected 1900x120002:12
passseswow was i pleased02:12
DasEiSwian: sudo apt-get update  && sudo apt-get upgrade02:12
passseshated 1600x1200 was the only thing letting ubuntu down for me02:12
DasEiSwian: check if your non-root user is allowed in audio and access of the dvd-drive02:13
=== Guest8068 is now known as turkeyshoot
SwianDasEi how do I do that?02:14
Kingsy101can someone tell me what the usr directory is?02:15
Kingsy101can I delete its contents?02:15
Swianhey DasEi - success!02:15
DasEiSwian: system, administration, user n groups ..02:15
DasEiSwian : or so02:16
Kingsy101it seems to contain a bin dir but there is one of them in the root of the hd02:16
brandon_ive been tricked by the promise of windows compatibility. wine is not the truth02:16
Kingsy101also lib local slib... can I get rid of all of these?02:16
astroElsomeone messaged me saying i have a virus HALP HALP HALP02:16
Kingsy101are they some sort of backup?02:16
PriceyKingsy101: You should definitely not delete anything outside of your home directory.02:16
koulyAny help would be GREATLY appreciated....  I am running Ubuntu 9.10 w/ Wine 1.1.31.  No matter what I try to install I can't seem to install it although the installation itself runs smoothly.02:16
PriceyKingsy101: Everything is managed by the package management system and it doesn't like intruders.02:17
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution02:17
SwianThanks for your help DasEi02:17
PriceyKingsy101: If you remove that directory, your system will break.02:17
darrendKingsy101: remove only if you want your system to fail completely02:17
boogerhow do i unlock permissions02:17
PriceyKingsy101: your home directory, like /home/kingsy, is yours. Do what you want in there. Don't mess anywhere else :-)02:17
brandon_Kouly: That is exactly what im talking about02:17
turkeyshootbooger chmod02:17
Kingsy101Pricey - you see th problem is, I am using a eeepc atm and I am trying to upgrade but there is only 350 MB free.. and I cant free yp anymore as my home dir is pretty much empty02:17
DasEibooger: on what ?02:17
koulyBrandon: Originally, I had Ub 9.04 with wine 1.0.1, everything worked perfectly02:18
koulythen I went to 1.1.2902:18
koulyinstalled WOW02:18
koulyno problems02:18
koulyall was good02:18
FloodBot3kouly: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:18
Kingsy101any ideas waht I should do?02:18
boogerturkeyshoot just type that in terminal???02:18
usserKingsy101, sudo apt-get clean02:18
koulyEnter as punctuation?!?!02:18
DasEiKingsy101: save your data, make usb-medium, do a fresh install02:19
turkeyshootbooger, you need to read the man page on chmod02:19
usserKingsy101, sudo find /var/log -name "*gz" -exec rm {} \;02:19
turkeyshootbooger chmod changes permissions02:19
usserKingsy101, that should free up some space02:19
turkeyshootbooger its pretty simple to use tho02:19
brandon_Kouly: the whole reason i got ubuntu was to see if my music software would work better than it did in windows.02:19
Kingsy101usser - it wont free up 450MB tho02:19
crinkkouly: don't hit enter continously :)02:19
usserKingsy101, apt-get clean just might02:19
PudgyGooood mornniiiiing interslet!!!! How'r U all doing!?!??02:19
=== usuario-master is now known as void-
boogerim trying to put files on a second hard drive and it says i dont have permission02:20
LeifHello, I can't seem to get dvds to play in 9.1002:20
brandon_kouly: can u install from a disc using wine02:20
turkeyshootbooger, try using sudo02:20
usserKingsy101, it removes all the cached packages that you installed. ie when you install a package it caches it to harddrive02:20
LeifI have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed02:20
Kingsy101usser - apt-get clean does nothing (i guess there isnt anything to clean)02:20
DasEibooger: try with sudo or change ownership02:20
LeifAnd I have all of the updates installed02:20
LeifAnd I've tried totem and vlc02:20
Leifany ideas?  thanks02:20
boogeri dont know how to do that yet im a noob02:20
usserKingsy101, its not supposed to do anything the command doesnt have any output02:20
usserKingsy101, did it free up some space?02:20
Kingsy101oh ok I will check02:21
DasEibooger: np, ..02:21
DasEibooger: lets say you got /dev/sdb1  on /media/external02:21
Kingsy101its freed up 100MB02:21
PriceyLeif: Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs02:21
causasuiIs there any reason why I would be unable to boot a USB hard drive that is partitioned with ext4?02:21
Kingsy101which means I am still short :(02:21
usserKingsy101, remove openoffice02:21
DasEibooger: your username is booger and that should write to it02:22
Kingsy101ok i will try that02:22
Dys7opiaAnyone experiencing kernel crash with too many download connections?02:22
usserKingsy101, sudo find /var/log -name "*gz" -exec rm {} \;02:22
apersonhow can I move my mouse to my second x display?  I don't want to use xinerama02:22
DasEibooger: (in trml:)  sudo chown -R booger /media/external02:22
usserKingsy101, that will clean up your log file which can grow quite big02:22
apersonor, can someone tell me how to confine xbmc to a single display in dualview?02:22
LeifGreat, thanks it worked02:22
Kingsy101ok thanks02:23
boogerdasei its not external though02:23
causasuiIs there any reason why I would be unable to boot a USB hard drive (wd mypassport 400gb) that is partitioned with ext4?02:23
Dys7opiaanyone having kernel crashes with 9.10?02:23
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution02:23
LeifAlthough, I must say, I don't think that was very 'user friendly', I don't mind it (/me loves the terminal) but shouldn't there be a more n00b friendly version?02:23
hereticpopehi all02:23
DasEibooger: just an example for the mountpoint02:23
Priceycausasui: There are lots of reasons. Is it plugged in?02:23
causasuiPricey: Yes it'sp lugged in02:23
BoredKenderdoes anyone know if guyachi has its own IRC channel?02:23
DasEibooger: type     mount          with no args in trml to see your sys02:23
Priceycausasui: Maybe a little more info on what you've done to try and get it to boot?02:24
usseraperson, you can run two separate xorg instances02:24
ice_creamwhy is gdm so horrible02:24
ice_creami cant even change its theme02:24
apersonusser, I am, but I can't move my mouse over there02:24
ricochetHey guys, my buddy has a brand new gateway NV52 and the wireless keeps on cutting out.. it will connect for a minute or two then it will kick him off of the router.. can anyone help us out?02:24
crazy2beelaborate, ice_cream02:24
=== SirTopHat_ is now known as SirTopHat
apersonusser, or I should say, I can't do anything on the second display02:24
causasuiPricey: I installed Ubuntu 9.10 off the livecd, then 9.04, onto the USB disk. Then I edited boot order in the BIOS so that the WD disk is #1. On boot, it simply hangs with a blinking cursor where I expect GRUB to appear02:25
usseraperson, heh thats weird.02:25
apersonit's there and on02:25
usseraperson, is there a picture on it?02:25
causasuiPricey: I get the same problem with both versions, both on ext402:25
apersonusser, yessir02:25
ice_creamcrazy2be, i try gdmsetup as root, for instance, as i read in other forums, and nothing about theme change in there02:25
apersonusser, http://pastebin.com/m4dfe773202:25
crazy2bewhat are you trying to accomplish?02:25
ice_creamgtry though02:26
ricochetHey guys, my buddy has a brand new gateway NV52 and the wireless keeps on cutting out.. it will connect for a minute or two then it will kick him off of the router.. can anyone help us out?02:26
crazy2bericochet: does it work with other devices?02:26
ricochetcrazy2be: yes mine stays connected.. but his does not02:27
DasEibooger: does it work ?02:27
ricochetcrazy2be: he is using 9.10 btw02:27
usseraperson, how was that file generated by nvidia's setup utility?02:27
crazy2beopen a console02:27
boogerdasei dont think i understand it i typed it02:27
crazy2bepkill nm-applet02:27
Doorman352ricochet: he have a broadcom card?02:27
apersonusser, it was originally02:27
DasEibooger: where is the drive mounted you want o write to ?02:28
crazy2be(so you can see cmd output)02:28
ricochetDoorman352: how would I find that out?02:28
apersonusser, I used nvidia-settings to modify it02:28
causasuiIs there any reason why I would be unable to boot ubuntu on a USB hard drive (wd mypassport 400gb) that is partitioned with ext4?02:28
boogerdasei not real good with the commands in terminal yet02:28
boogerdasei how do i find that out or is that the sdb102:28
ricochetcrazy2be: wait what are the commands that I need to do?02:28
lmorettiHi.  I just upgraded to 9.10, and was wondering what's the best driver for my ATI X1950Pro02:29
darkchest_Blue1 u got any idea whats wrong?02:29
DasEibooger: you have a terminal open  now ?02:29
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution02:29
usseraperson, hm. i dont know, i set my xorg at work long time ago and forgot how i did it, i dont have access to my xorg.conf at the moment sorry02:29
crazy2bericochet: first, do "pkill nm-applet"02:29
DasEibooger: just copy and paste following commands :02:29
Doorman352ricochet: lspci and look for the network card...02:29
apersonusser, thanks anyways02:29
DasEibooger: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:29
apersonI just don't understand why I can't use the second monitor!02:30
usserlmoretti, the one that comes by default is your only option im afraid02:30
joelHow do you open the network manager via terminal ? I try to edit a connection with gui but it says i have insufficent priviledges so I need to sudo it02:30
apersonthe xdisplay works fine, I just can't use it02:30
rictecaperson, its off?02:30
hereticpopebye guys02:30
lmorettiusser, Thank you.  Any advice on how to fix my full-screen Flash video then?02:30
usserjoel, there's an unlock button in the gui, looks like a key02:30
boogerok did it02:30
apersonrictec, it's on and working.  it shows my wallpaper and everything02:30
ricochetDoorman352: yes it is a Broadcom02:30
usserlmoretti, did you install flashplugin-nonfree package02:30
apersonrictec, I just can't move my mouse over there to do anything02:31
crazy2bericochet: then run "nm-applet"02:31
ricochetcrazy2be: I did it02:31
boogerdasei ok did it02:31
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
DasEibooger: sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:31
usseraperson, maybe your monitors are swapped? try moving mouse to the right instead of to the left :)02:31
rictecaperson, so its on another x-server?02:31
nick_hhow does one synchronize highlighting text and the clipboard in Gnome?02:31
crazy2bericochet: what does the second command output?02:31
crazy2beit should be outputting stuff whenever you try and connect02:32
Doorman352ricochet: there seems to be some issues with the broadcom driver/firmware..... you can google more info. I found this link to get my Dell laptop working. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886502:32
ricochetcrazy2be: It says command not found02:32
DasEibooger: mount | pastebinit02:32
brandon_see this is exactly what im talking about. i just installed a program with wine and it wont open02:32
joelusser: where? cant find it02:32
boogerdasei ok done02:32
DasEibooger: give the url from terminal here02:32
rictecbrandon_, me too dammit lol02:32
boogerdasei url???02:33
usserjoel, should be there somewhere, actually over here when i click on edit connection it prompts me for my password02:33
hydesterdoes karmic have a firewall by default?  i don't see iptables or ufw running, but nmap shows ports being filtered02:33
brandon_rictec: welcome to land of false hope02:33
DasEibooger: mount | pastebinit02:33
DasEibooger: give the url from terminal here02:33
brandon_rictec: called ubuntu02:33
lmorettiusser: I had flash installed before the upgrade, but I don't remember how I did it.  I'm running "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" right now, and it seems that it is installing a version.02:34
rictecbrandon_, nope i prefer to dig for solution02:34
=== fufu is now known as Guest24500
boogerdasei like f335d8fd3???02:34
DasEiyup, whole please02:34
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!02:34
BoredKenderhow does one configure libnotify notifications?02:34
BoredKenderi would like to adjust the time on them02:35
brandon_rictec: this obviously comes with the territory02:35
Guest24500Hi why is it that my password works when i use sudo but I cant use the same password for su command>?02:35
spasticteapotThis chat applet (it's about audio - nothing NFSW) crashes my soundcard driver.02:35
joelusser: I got this strange error.. Sometimes when I boot my pc it cant find my built in sim card.. (3g broadband) and when i browse in network manager it says "haven't been used" or something like that02:35
joelKinda strange02:35
spasticteapotEvery time I access it, my sound goes all buzzy until I reboot.02:35
boogerdasei    root@Cerebro:/home/booger# mount | pastebinit02:35
spasticteapotDoes anyone else have this issue?02:35
Trustisaweaknessdarn the facebook plugin and pidgin02:35
slartibartfastGuest24500: you should use sudo bash instead of su02:35
rictecbrandon_, some proggys wont open even on windows lol02:35
usserjoel, sorry wouldnt know anything about 3g setups02:35
BoredKenderTrustisaweakness, why?02:35
BoredKenderTrustisaweakness, did you get the new version of the plugin?02:35
boogerdasei is that right?02:36
Trustisaweaknesswas having trouble with the libjon glib or something like that02:36
DasEibooger: fine;  to put a link, can right-click in trml copy n paste to messenger, last line says /media/Storage02:36
joelIt says my 3g card has never been used.. but im using it for example right now.. how come?02:36
DasEibooger: name of the rular user ?02:37
iggy1Hello Doorman?02:37
JoesephI want to automate a task that requires superuser access with Gnome Task Scheduler.   Can I do this?02:37
iggy1Its the guy with the wifi thing, remember?02:38
causasuiIs there any reason why I would be unable to boot ubuntu on a USB hard drive (wd mypassport 400gb) that is partitioned with ext4?02:38
rictecsudo can02:38
DasEicausasui: does bios accept the disc ?02:38
manuel_alguien en español??02:38
iggy1Ehh it didnt work, i keep gettin an error telling me, subprocess error 1 exit,02:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:38
causasuiDasEi: BIOS sees the disk. I just discovered I got an error when tryping to format using gparted: "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while creating root dir"02:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub202:39
Doorman352You follow the steps..... exactly?02:39
DaveyAMhi guys.. i have a several bug...02:39
Doorman352iggy1: where did it give you the error?02:39
space_cadethey guys02:39
space_cadethave a good question02:39
iggy1during the installation. doorman02:40
space_cadetthere's a howto "install backtrack 4 tools in ubuntu"02:40
space_cadetso i did02:40
space_cadetbut the problem is, the gnome menu items don't work02:40
DasEicausasui: then first create a new msdostable on the UNmounted drive02:40
Doorman352iggy1: So the error occured in synaptic?02:40
causasuiDasEi: How?02:40
guestttttttttttthow does one fix the libattr1 error?02:40
ricochetOk guys I have another problem.. I have an Asus Eee Top 1602 and it uses an intel integrated graphics card and it wont run compiz. Whenever I try to turn on the effects it says that there is not a composition running.. and whenever i try to run compiz it gives me some error message.. can anyone help?02:40
=== timber_ is now known as timber
rictecricochet, less is good lol02:41
space_cadetricochet: if you turn compiz on on an eeepc02:41
space_cadetyou will get very slow02:41
turkeyshootanyone here use luks?02:41
iggy1said it couldn't resovle downlaods .02:41
iggy1openwrt . org, and yes in synaptics02:41
rictecricochet, what is the graphic card of that eee?02:41
guestttttttttttthow does one fix the libattr1 error? It's killing me cause I can't download any packages02:42
craigbass1976ricochet, will it even work?  Try a knoppix or Fedora livecd and see what they do.  Of course, knoppix is running lxde, but at least you can find out real quick if compiz is even possible02:42
Argosfix windows / install ubuntu02:42
DasEicausasui: it's an option in gparteds menus02:42
ricochetIts the integreated 950 intel card02:42
apersonrictec, yes it is02:42
rictecintell latest drivers have some problems i think02:42
apersonusser, I'm pretty sure I'd catch that one :)02:42
causasuiDasEi: do you mean "Create Partition Table..." ?02:43
craigbass1976Anyone know why page one of a pdf will print, but not 2, 3, or 4.  Nothing prints in evince, so I threw on something else (epdf?  not at the person's house anymore to check) and now it will only print page 1.  I'm guessing something to do with how the pdf was created in the first place...02:43
rictecaperson, so it wont work try a looooogg x-server then 202:43
causasuiDasEi: Ok done, I will try to repartition now...02:43
DaveyAMwhen iam in the job i need set my connection type to proxy settings in all my system (gnome, synaptic, firefox..) and all good..., BUT 1 of 3 times when i come to home and change settings to dhcp connection, synaptic dont reset the configuration.. and yes.. i did restarted my laptop and network settings by console too... plz guys i need help with this BUG..02:43
apersonRichiH, I want to run xbmc on a separate xdisplay.02:43
craigbass1976...but printing out to output.pdf and then trying to print THAT gives me similar or worse results02:43
lmorettiusser: Thanks, Full-screen flash video is watchable now, but still not great.02:44
apersonrictec, , I want to run xbmc on a separate xdisplay.02:44
rictecDaveyAM, try export=http:you proxyip:port and see02:44
ricochetcraigbass1976: Its not a netbook, its actually a desktop.. and it has a touch screen. I know its possible i just want it to work.02:44
DaveyAMrictec: iam by dhcp rigth now..02:44
usserlmoretti, hey no problem flash is pain02:45
beyondnotion2does any body know anything about the ubuntu certified profesional online training?02:45
rictecDaveyAM, try exporting the proxy and see if it works02:45
craigbass1976ricochet, what's the error message?02:45
beyondnotion2im wondering if it covers the cost of the tests?02:45
BELLINXFELONhow can i enable matroska video playback, I keep getting errors from pulseaudio trying to connect to server02:45
craigbass1976beyondnotion2, nothing, never heard of it.  Must be better than the MS institute though...02:45
rictecricochet, what version of ubuntu are you trying?02:45
axisyscan you help why I cannot play this http://blogs.sun.com/video/entry/little_shop_of_performance_horrors1 ? I can play youtube fine so flash is working..02:46
DaveyAMrictec: soo.. i just need go to terminal and type  export=http:   ..?02:46
craigbass1976axisys, are you getting messages on facebook about having to upgrade flash too?02:46
tbonesing karmic i used an update script to update 1.21,  now i have to run modprobe snd-hda-intel and snd-usb-audio to get it manuelly load.   Any suggestions to what i need to do to get it automagically load again.02:46
rictecDaveyAM, yep please http://02:46
ricochetrictec: 9.1002:46
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution? I have tried everything02:46
axisyscraigbass1976: nawp02:47
rictecricochet, and te intell drivers do anything?02:47
AndreLanyone familiar with screen?02:47
CutMeOwnThroatif you already tried everything, obviously, we can't suggest anything else02:47
ricochetrictec: the what? what drivers?02:47
CutMeOwnThroatbasic logic, that02:47
rictecricochet, intell drivers02:47
DaveyAMrictec: done.. i did enter that in my terminal02:48
ricochetrictec: how do i download those?02:48
JoesephIf I'm using gnome-schedule under gksu, do I still need to put 'sudo' at the beggining of a command for super user access?02:48
guestttttttttttthow to fix "can not perform immediate configuration on (2) libattr1"02:48
cellofellowslartibartfast: Trustisaweakness: not su or sudo bash, but sudo -s02:48
cellofellowoops, scrollback02:48
rictecDaveyAM,  dont close the terminal now check if proxy works02:48
Elitemavanyone use playdeb.com?02:48
beyondnotion2heres the URL for the product: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=53302:48
craigbass1976axisys, I don't know then.  Could be the same type of issue though...  I went into synaptics package manager, searched for flash, and removed everything I found.  Then I grabbed flash from adobe's site, and everything is now hunky dory.  There must have been some conflict between the two players being installed.02:48
darkchest_CutMeOwnThroat: well i have tried for 3 days to fix the problem02:48
darkchest_searching forums and the net02:49
rictecricochet, you must check if intel drivers are instaled and 3D is on02:49
DaveyAMrictec: my friend.. iam not connected to a proxy now...02:49
craigbass1976axisys, my wife was complaining about it, and my neighbor; just fixed it last week so it's fresh in my mind02:49
macisp2000Strange problem.  I had kmail setup to use my windows live/hotmail account.  It downloaded EVERYTHING and did not leave it on the server.  I found the option in evolution, but not kmail.  I tried forwarding all the mail back to my hotmail account, but it sends them as 152 attachments in one email.  I would like to get each one to send as a seperate email without having to do a forward on each one seperatly.  Any ideas????02:49
fokusleehey i am trying to upgrade from grub get grub-probe erorr no mapping exists for (nvidia fake raid)02:49
cellofellowflashplugin-installer worked great for me. Why is Flash so complicated to set up for some people?02:49
AndreLAnyone have a idea how in screen I can allow a user to access a different user's detached screen? or if it's even possible?02:49
rictecDaveyAM, oh so lol try when you are lol02:49
DaveyAMrictec: that was in my job.. iam now by dhcp...02:49
fokusleecan anyone confirm that dmraid is not supported by grub2 at this point02:49
ricochetrictec: how do i check to see if they are installed?02:50
guesttttttttttttfokuslee: no dmraid and grub2 do not get along at all02:50
axisyscraigbass1976: it is working for youtube .. so i would say its that url i posted has some issue.. can you play that?02:50
rictecDaveyAM, i didnt read that lol check there then02:50
cellofellowAndreL: might be able to chmod the screens socket file02:50
fokusleealso if that is the case will apt-get purge grub2 work to remove grub to immediatelY?02:50
Norman3Hi guys, just upgraded my ubuntu and can't connect to the internet, using Alcatel Speedtouch Home [big black modem] with ethernet connection and regular DSL internet, for some reason it won't connect, what should I do?02:50
axisyscellofellow: it is working for youtube .. so i would say its that url i posted has some issue.. can you play that?02:50
axisyscraigbass1976: sorry that was for cellofellow02:50
guesttttttttttttfokuslee: you may have the problem with reinstalling grub to a dmraid also....02:50
fokusleeguestttttttttttt,  yeah that is why the alternative installer was failing for me soo bad02:50
CutMeOwnThroatdarkchest_, did you enter the correct HorizSync and VertRefresh for your monitor (which you looked up in its documentation) in /etc/X11/xorg.conf? Did you carefully look through X's logfile on what modes it discards and why?02:51
craigbass1976axisys, She was able to watch youtube, but not a lot of the newer videos people were posting on facebook02:51
slartibartfastcellofellow: thanks for the correction02:51
=== [newbie] is now known as RussellAlan
CutMeOwnThroatdarkchest_, did you use the correct Driver, not just 'vga'?02:51
AndreLcellofellow: I tried setting up a symlink to the other users socket file, it seems owner specific?02:51
cellofellowslartibartfast: :)02:51
guesttttttttttttfokuslee.... just don't install grub in live installer and chroot your installation while in livecd and install grub (and configure it)02:51
CutMeOwnThroatno need to answer me... just answer it to yourself02:51
guestttttttttttthow to fix "can not perform immediate configuration on (2) libattr1"02:51
rictecricochet, check xorg.conf file02:51
ricochetrictec: what am i looking for?02:52
cellofellowAndreL: I guess you can check the (massive) man page or google. I really don't know, that was just a shot in the dark.02:52
fokusleeguestttttttttttt,  i already have grub1 working, i used apt-get install grub2 to upgrade02:52
AntiStrangeis there a difference between this channel on freenode and the one on irc.ubuntu  ?? Or are they essentially equivalent?02:52
fokusleeso i guess the worst case i just chrot and reconfigure grub1 again02:52
darkchest_i did and it hasnt helped (its nvidia 185) and i activated it02:52
rictecricochet, Driver"intel"02:52
DaveyAMrictec: i can download nothing by using synaptic because synaptic fail to connect by proxy and iam not using proxy02:52
AndreLcellofellow: thanks anyways I appreciate the input.02:52
fenicOS; Xubuntu 9.10 -- Does anyone know how to turn of the functionality that in anything makes your cursor turn into a hand if something even remotely look slike a url?02:53
Powersourcehello, need help :(   I was following this guide http://developer.android.com/sdk/eclipse-adt.html and on step 5, this error showed up http://pastie.org/68747402:53
guestttttttttttthow to fix "can not perform immediate configuration on (2) libattr1"; with this problem it's impossible to install anything02:53
Norman3Hi guys, just upgraded my ubuntu and can't connect to the internet, using Alcatel Speedtouch Home [big black modem] with ethernet connection and regular DSL internet, for some reason it won't connect, what should I do?02:53
rictecDaveyAM,  so correct me synaptic say you have a proxy that you dont?02:53
DaveyAMrictec: i did change the network configuration on this and all my system to automatic dhcp, and i can navigate on firefox and all, but i cant use synaptic..02:54
rictecDaveyAM,  and on preference->proxy settings-> global?02:54
songbatbaiong noi may02:54
DaveyAMrictec: exactly.. i did use proxy in my job, but iam now at home using dhcp02:54
ricochetrictec: I do have it but it has the # in front of it02:54
DaveyAMrictec: in global preference i changed it to dhcp02:55
rictecricochet no #02:55
DaveyAMrictec: and in synaptic too...02:55
mespejelhello i remember a while ago there was a doom4 demo on synaptic.. i can't find it anymore.. any idea?02:55
ricochetrictec: it has a bunch of others in the same device section with # in front of them.. should i delete all of those too?02:55
axisyscraigbass1976: does that url for you?02:56
rictecDaveyAM, go to prefs and remoce and on synaptic remove then reboot you have to reboot02:56
axisyscraigbass1976: http://blogs.sun.com/video/entry/little_shop_of_performance_horrors102:56
turkeyshootmount: unknown filesystem type 'lvm2pv' ?? what should i do about this?02:56
DaveyAMrictec: but it continues trying to connect by proxy.. and fail to download packs02:56
rictecDaveyAM, with reboot sinaptic wont accept no proxy dont know why02:56
DaveyAMrictec: u're tell me that i need remove synaptic?02:57
rictecDaveyAM, go to proxy prefs aply globaly direct connect02:57
rictecDaveyAM, you have to reboot the pc after changin proxy on synaptic02:57
ricochetrictec: currently i have two drivers one is the intel and one is vesa.. should i turn on the intel and off the vesa?02:57
rictecricochet the vesa is the one working no 3D there no compiz02:58
DaveyAMrictec: ahh.. ok.. soo i must choose "global settings on synaptic" and not "no proxy" ?02:58
mespejelhello does ubuntu koala comes with all the essentials? any download recommendations? any link with good software? or drivers?02:58
e6k3why does 9.10 freeze when the system is idle?....it started freezing after i upgraded from 9.0402:58
mespejelcodecs, etc02:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »02:58
sciencekidanyone know how to reinstall adobe flash if it keeps saying that the deb file is either corrupt or the permissions are wrong (i checked both) or to uninstall it so that i can redownload it and install it that way?02:58
rictecDaveyAM, you can do no proxy but any change you do you must reboot02:59
kharnovHello. I've been trying to get a microphone working on my friend's computer, but regardless of whether I plug it into Line-In or Mic in the back, it doesn't work. I tried turning the microphone volume up but it didn't work either. What should I do?02:59
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution? I have all i could find on it for the past 3 days02:59
rictecsynaptic wont apply without a reboot my netboot does the some thing02:59
jocefushello, alsa is not finding a device that is reported by 'lspci' .. anyone good with alsa care to help me manually add the device?03:00
ricochetrictec: so i should put a # in front of vesa?03:00
DaveyAMrictec: ok.. well tks.. i go to reboot now.. thanks and sorry for my mid-english.. :)03:00
fenicOS; Xubuntu 9.10 -- Does anyone know how to turn of the functionality that in anything makes your cursor turn into a hand if something even remotely look slike a url?03:00
rictecDaveyAM, be back and tell me03:00
e6k3why does 9.10 freeze when the system is idle?....it started freezing after i upgraded from 9.0403:00
BookmanCan one convert a .raw to an .iso file?03:00
rictecricochet, what does glxinfo on a terminal says to you?03:00
james_where can i find ubuntu meetups in my area. i need some experts to teach me03:01
kankan_i have installed amarok..but its not playing anything.though the codecs are installed.03:01
robysathWant to add ppa:sunab/ppa but dont' know where to add this?03:01
kharnovAlternatively, if nobody can help with my question, what's a cheap USB microphone that will definitely work on any Ubuntu computer?03:01
fenice6k3: I haven't had that issue, I've left my pc idle for hours on end and no issues with lockups03:01
ricochetrictec: should i just type in that command?03:01
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams james_ this should have some info03:01
rictecricochet, yep03:01
rictecricochet, without direct rendering no compiz03:02
e6k3fenic: i am having problems of freezing since i upgraded......03:02
DaveyAMrictec: ok.. i hope that dont need do it all time when i come from the job... i all time are changing to dhcp to proxy and reverse03:02
fenice6k3: do you have a screen saver turned on?  if so does it do anything fancy?  Try just the black screen and see if that works ok.  If so then it's something funky with that screen saver versus your video card maybe.03:02
rictecDaveyAM, i have to on my netbook :=03:02
designerhey! I've downloaded the new ubuntu...checked media, it was good; installed it on external hdd. But after instal complete, after restart, grub does not boot. it says no error message either. it only says "Grub loading." and no other thing03:02
designeranyone with suggestions?03:03
e6k3fenic: i had kept some downloads on which takes 6-7hrs...it just freezes after sometime03:03
darkchest_ubuntu 9.10. my monitor only shows the max of 640 x 480. How can i add higher resolution? I have all i could find on it for the past 3 days03:03
james_thanks bazhang03:03
ricochetrictec: HECK YEAH! IT WORKED.. thanks man!!03:03
e6k3fenic: no screeensavers03:03
ricochetrictec: you are a lifesaver.03:03
e6k3fenic: no hibernation either03:03
DasEidesigner: try reinstalling grub203:03
rictecricochet, glad it did ;)03:03
kosharidarkchest_ you may need to add your monitors edid info into the xorg file,03:03
bazhangjames_, depending on your location, they may have a channel here on freenode as well03:04
kharnovAre there any good USB microphones that will work in Ubuntu?03:04
designerDasEi, how can I do that?03:04
ricochetrictec: I just have one final problem with this thing and I was hoping you could help with that too.. my sound doesnt work and the alsa mixer is nonexistant.. any ideas?03:04
rictecdarkchest_ what is you graphic card?03:04
sciencekidi am having trouble with adobe flash on ubuntu... anyone know how to uninstall it so that i may redownload the deb file and reinstall it again? or can tell me how to install using a YUM version or zipped file?03:05
abhiroopbHow do I get the openoffice quickstarter to start whenever the PC launches? I don't want writer to open up or anything, just the quickstarter to load openoffice in the background03:05
rictecricochet, lspci on a terminal and look for the audio card03:05
i_is_brokedarkchest, what video card are you using?03:05
DasEidesigner: either by latest supergrubdisk (google it) or read : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:05
e6k3fenic:once it freezes i have to restart....none of the programes respond but the mouse reponds.....03:05
Geoffrey2ok, I've got a confusing one here....the latest updates today are installing grub-pc (1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4)...03:05
darkchest_rictec: its a nvidia geforce 615003:06
fenice6k3: restart the whole thing or just X?03:06
rictecdarkchest you are using drivers from nvidia?03:06
i_is_brokedarkchest, have you tried installing the driver for that?03:06
darkchest_koshari: i already added it to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file03:06
e6k3fenic: the whole damn thing man03:07
darkchest_rictec: yes, 18503:07
kosharidarkchest_ what gpu are you using and what module is laoded?03:07
Geoffrey2and I have a debconf window saying it's configuring grub-pc, and asking me what I want to do about grub....03:07
rictecdarkchest let me check that03:07
kankan_i have installed amarok..but its not playing anything.though the codecs are installed.03:07
e6k3fenic: is this a issue of directly upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10?03:07
fokuslee!karmic Koala > fokuslee03:07
ubottufokuslee, please see my private message03:07
abhiroopbHaving a problem with my icons and the nautilus context menu, basically all the icons in various context menu's have dissapeared (just installed Karmic).03:07
i_is_brokedarkchest, i think there is a dkm module yo have ot add to the kernel..03:07
e6k3should i format and reinstall from the image file?03:08
darkchest_koshari: gpu?03:08
ricochetrictec: it says its an Intel 82801G03:08
fenice6k3: sorry man, not that I've seen.03:08
kharnovMy friend's microphone doesn't work, are there any good USB microphones for Linux that anyone would recommend?03:08
darkchest_koshari: how do i find that out, and also the module?03:08
kosharidarkchest_ postbin the output of lspci03:08
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.03:08
kosharidarkchest_ and lsmod03:08
rictecricochet, never heard of it that you have to check on intel site03:08
kosharidarkchest_ and whats your monitors make/model?03:09
Geoffrey2and honestly, I have no idea what option to select......03:09
ricochetrictec: ok, what am i looking for?03:09
SaxonCan anyone help me with the shutdown problem with Karmic?03:09
e6k3fenic: hmmm were to get help :)03:09
ricochetrictec: it says its in the ICH7 family.. whatever that means03:09
rictecricochet, something with that number and audio device drivers03:09
rictecricochet it is not low? sure?03:09
fenice6k3: ask about 10 more times, maybe you'll get lucky in this insanity ;)  I'm still trying to figure out mine and not a peep ;)03:09
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:10
rictecricochet, low volume...03:10
e6k3fenic: whats ur prob man?03:10
wrgbGeoffrey2: i had that updating Xubuntu today and it seemed to me it was best to keep what I have, I know it works03:10
ricochetrictec: low volume? no i dont even have the alsa mixer to change the different volumes.. i dont have the option03:10
rictecdarkchest did you install that you have a nvidia settings on prefers?03:10
SaxonCan anyone help me with the shutdown problem with Karmic?03:11
SodaPhishsaxon: what bes the problem?03:11
abhiroopbhi so any help with my lack of icons in the nautilus context menu?03:11
dravekx|windowswhats a good program to BOOT test a hard drive and partition it?03:11
darkchest_koshari: i tried getting the module from lsmod, there was a lot of information under it03:11
rictecricochet, not in aplications too?03:11
gerzelOk I've set up an Ubuntu Server installed with the Lamp, SSH options checked (And vm I think) 9.10 version.  I'm drawing a blank on how to get the host ip so I can log into the machine remotely.03:11
ricochetrictec: i did just check my master volume.. its at 100%03:11
darkchest_koshari: i have a viewsonic view panel vg15003:11
kosharidarkchest_: thats why i said to astebin it03:11
gerzelIts an old machine I'm using to learn on03:11
rictecricochet it goes above 100%03:11
sciencekidanyone know how to uninstall  adobe flash or install using the yum or zipped version of the install file?03:12
designerI have ubuntu 9.04 on my system, which gives an error when I plug in my hdd with ubuntu 9.10 that was just installed. the 9.04 just does not recognize my ext4 partitions on my external hdd, is that possible?03:12
i_is_brokesciencekid, why?03:12
rictecricochet sound prefs goes more then 100%03:12
i_is_brokesciencekid, ubuntu uses .deb03:12
Cosmicsciencekid: yum is the package manager used by Redhat/Fredora, IIRC03:12
ricochetrictec: the master volume bar only lets me go to 10003:13
rictecricochet properties bar03:13
sciencekidi_is_broke: i tried with a deb file but somehow something went wrong and now i cant update anything nor reinstall the deb file03:13
abhiroopbgot d/c...does anyone have a solution for me please? In Karmic (which I just upgraded to) my context menu in nautilus does not display any icons. Also the menu in openoffice quickstarter does not have any icons. Finally, under the applications menu the "Shutdown" "Logout" "lock screen" buttons don't have any icons.03:13
sciencekidi_is_broke: oh03:13
rictecdarkchest_, do you have nvidia settings on prefs or not?03:13
darkchest_koshari: i am not soo good with linux, im trying to learn it...03:14
i_is_brokesciencekid, there is a command to fix your dpkg hold on ill look for it...cant remember right off the top of my head.03:14
kosharidarkchest_ thats ok,03:14
fokusleehi is there a link to official 9.10 wikis? like tips and tricks03:14
darkchest_koshari: the only useful information i got from nvidia03:14
sciencekidi_is_broke: ok ty very much03:14
ChogyDansciencekid: what is the error?  Im ok with dpkg03:14
bazhanghttp://wiki.ubuntu.com fokuslee03:14
wrgbdesigner: i think that's the way it's going to be - 9.10 will recognize ext3 but not vice versa03:15
ChogyDanfokuslee: what are you looking for?03:15
hydesterhi.  WOL broke after upgrading to 9.10.  ethtool shows it is mode "g", and i even commented out the -i in the halt script.  this worked find on 9.04.  any ideas?03:15
sadaiyappanit says one or more disks are failing on my new netbook03:15
i_is_brokeChogyDan, he download flash and it didnt install right now he cant run update.03:15
rictecdarkchest_, do you have nvidia settings on system->preferences?03:15
ricochetrictec: you have saved me again.. you rock man.03:15
i_is_brokewhats the command to fix dpkg03:15
designerwrgb, I was told that ext4 is backwards compatible03:15
fenice6k3: OS; Xubuntu 9.10 -- Does anyone know how to turn of the functionality that in anything makes your cursor turn into a hand if something even remotely look slike a url?03:15
sciencekidChogyDan: well when i try to use the deb file it says its either corrupted (which i extracted the files out of it so i tihkn its good) or the permissions are wrong (which i turned all to read and write)03:16
rictecricochet, is low volume no?03:16
fenicor anyone else :)03:16
darkchest_rictec: yes03:16
kosharidarkchest_: ok whats does this command return lspci | grep VGA03:16
gantrixxWhat sort of black magic do I have to do to play video from various websites (CNN, YouTube, MSNBC, the Onion).....It's got to be more than just having flash installed, because flash is already installed03:16
rictecdarkchest_, what does it says that nvidia settings?03:16
ricochetrictec: it was just the wrong audio card picked03:16
designerwrgb, is there anything I can install on 8.10 (actually I got 8.10 and not 9.04, sorry) so that I can access ext4 ?03:16
ChogyDani_is_broke: sciencekid: hmmm, erm, not sure that is a dpkg error.  Maybe you should just remove flash and try again?03:16
rictecricochet, great ;)03:17
wrgbdesigner: not that i'm aware of03:17
i_is_brokethat would be a good start\03:17
sciencekidChogyDan: i dunno how to remove flash03:17
darkchest_rictec: if i go to x server display configuration the highest resolution is 640x48003:17
i_is_brokesciencekid, try sudo apt-get remove flash03:17
rictecdarkchest_, nvidia whats does it says?03:17
sciencekidChogyDan: i couldnt find it03:17
julien_Salut :)03:17
sciencekido ok03:17
designerDasEi, the grub2 link you gave me is not working03:17
ChogyDansciencekid: try this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-plugin && sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun && sudo apt-get remove mozilla-plugin-gnash swf-player03:17
julien_Ya des francais ?? :)03:17
ChogyDansciencekid: er wait, maybe not that03:18
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions03:18
darkchest_rictec: nvidia driver version: 185.18.3603:18
DaveyAMrictec: thaks03:18
fokusleeChogyDan just like user guide like installing compiz-fusion, install preload just for some light reading03:18
sciencekidi_is_broke: it gave me an error03:18
DaveyAMrictec: now it work fine03:18
fokusleeChogyDan, i use to remember that each release had some wiki03:18
Cosmicsciencekid: it probably isn't just called flash though. first do "aptitude search flash". Among the results, an "i" will tell you what you have installed03:18
rictecDaveyAM, np03:18
DasEidesigner: yep. sorry for that03:19
webbb82i want to find how much slower my wifi is than my hard wire what test do i want to do to test both03:19
rictecdarkchest_, nv control version?03:19
sciencekidheres the error message for it:03:19
ChogyDanfokuslee: I was going to suggest this: http://blog.thesilentnumber.me/2009/09/top-things-to-do-after-installing.html   you maybe looking for ubuntuguide.org03:19
sciencekidE: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.03:19
rictecsciencekid, go to adobe and install flash03:19
darkchest_rictec: nv control version 1.18303:19
ricochethey guys how do i save my xorg.conf before i tweak it? whats the command?03:19
OpticOni used likewise to join my ubuntu client to my windows ad network i can log in ubuntu with domain accounts now but seem to be unable to pull up or mount shared drives or browse shared folders anyone have any ideas?03:20
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sciencekidrictec: i dled the deb file to install it but it wont install03:20
ChogyDansciencekid: is that the exact error msg?03:20
DaveyAMrictec: now i know that i must restart my laptop all time after of connect my modem and set dhcp setting..03:20
rictecricochet, cp xorg.conf xorg.good03:20
turkeyshootmount: unknown filesystem type 'lvm2pv' <---- error from: mount /dev/mapper/sdb1 /media/hd1 <--- trying to mount part i used luksOpen on03:20
usserOpticOn, i see you managed to login03:20
OpticOnya i finally got it man03:20
rictecDaveyAM, for now its a pain i know03:20
RussellAlanhow to i find new hard ware in ubuntu?03:21
DaveyAMrictec: that's bug... :(03:21
usserOpticOn, what was the problem?03:21
Doorman352OpticOn: check out likewise03:21
wrgbsciencekid: you want flashplugin-nonfree anyway, it's the one ubuntu supports03:21
OpticOntook some time but im just experimenting03:21
usserOpticOn, and what do you mean you cant access shared drives03:21
rictecDaveyAM, it is on lanchpad i think allready03:21
sciencekidCosmic: here is what it said for the line regarding flash: C   adobe-flashplugin               - Adobe Flash Player plugin version 1003:21
darkchest_rictec: nv control version 1.1803:21
Donavan01anyone out there using the Netbook remix03:21
ChogyDanDonavan01: a little03:21
fokusleeChogyDan,  those are perfect thanks03:22
jhb1608hey, question on the how to make a CD with a XVID AVI movie file and plus .srt file? I don't want to use DVD Styler.03:22
sciencekidwrgb: how do i get that it it wont let me update not install thru synaptic03:22
rictecdarkchest_, and on x server it detects you monitor?03:22
OpticOnwell under network file browser in ubuntu it cant see other machines i have on the network03:22
Donavan01chogydan... any luck chaning the name or icon of programs in the launcher ?03:22
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jhb1608hey, question on the how to make a CD with a XVID AVI movie file and plus .srt file? I don't want to use DVD Styler.03:22
Doorman352OpticOn: check out likewise03:22
OpticOnlikewise is what i used to join ubuntu to the domain03:22
usserOpticOn, hm thats weird, can you ping those other machine by name?03:22
ChogyDanDonavan01: sorry, no idea03:22
OpticOnhmm lets see03:22
OpticOnsure cant03:23
wrgbsciencekid: uninstall the adobe one and type flashplugin-nonfree in the search bar to install it03:23
darkchest_rictec: it does not write its actual name buy i edited the xorg.conf file03:23
rictecdarkchest_, does the nvidia detects your monitor'03:23
usserOpticOn, is your active directory configured with a dns server?03:23
RussellAlani am trying to add a dvd-rom to my machine, and kubuntu hasn't picke dit up, can anyone help?03:23
sciencekidwrgb: how do  iremove it03:23
rictecdarkchest_, by hand? or you use nvidia-settings to do the changes?03:24
OpticOnon ubuntu i did set a static ip maybe i should let it pull from dhcp again03:24
wrgbsearch for flash in synaptic and it should show up with a check beside whatever is installed, I'm not sure what adobe calls theirs03:24
usserOpticOn, when you go to properties of your ubuntu machine in Active directory's computers and user admin tool, do you see a FQDN name of your ubuntu machine?03:24
jhb1608hey, question on the how to make a CD with a XVID AVI movie file and plus .srt file? I don't want to use DVD Styler.03:24
Cosmicsciencekid: do you have universe and multiverse enabled in your repositories?03:24
usserOpticOn, yea that could be the reason, also make sure your primary dns on ubuntu is your domain ip03:25
infidel2show is it possible that i had wired internet on eth0 for weeks until an hour ago and now i don't even have a gnome panel icon for networking or anything for networking in my menus?03:25
infidel2snor do i have any routing tables03:25
ChogyDansciencekid: what is the exact error?03:25
darkchest_rictec: i did it by hand, I changed the vendor name to "ViewSonic" and the model name to "viewpanel vg150"03:25
OpticOnyes that shows but only when i check the ad user accounts console on my 2k3 server03:25
ChogyDansciencekid: http://pastebin.com/03:25
sciencekidCosmic: yes last time i checked i did03:25
darkchest_the nvidia card only shows CRT-003:25
wrgbsciencekid: oh, sorry03:25
rictecdarkchest_, bad move cos the card dont know what you monitor can do03:25
jhb1608anyone? hey, question on the how to make a CD with a XVID AVI movie file and plus .srt file? I don't want to use DVD Styler.03:26
sciencekidChogyDan: which error message do du want?03:26
darkchest_rictec: i dont believe it detects the monitor. I have installed the nvidia 3 possible drivers displayed and it hasnt worked03:26
rictecdarkchest_, press reset03:26
usserOpticOn, make sure your primary dns on ubuntu is the PDC03:26
ChogyDansciencekid: put all of them on the pastebin site, and post the link in chat03:26
bazhangdevede may have that option jhb1608 though to a dvd03:26
sciencekidChogyDan: ok hang on, but which error message do u want i see 203:27
darkchest_rictec: i just did03:27
ChogyDansciencekid: all of them, plus the commands that they came from03:27
jhb1608no I meant CD03:27
jhb1608I could burn it as a data CD but eh03:27
sciencekidChogyDan: ok03:27
sciencekidChogyDan:hang on asec while i get tehm03:28
OpticOni change connection settings to pull from dhcp and things look ok their same ip that i had assigned along with dns03:28
darkchest_rictec: the problem has been present before i edited the xorg.conf file03:28
bazhangjhb1608, well from the description for devede it says for video dvd, but you could try cd03:28
rictecdarkchest_, what type of connector is it? vga 15pins rgb?03:28
usserOpticOn, alright. just double check cat /etc/resolv.conf make sure it matches to the ip of your PDC03:28
usserOpticOn, are those other windows machines on the domain?03:29
jhb1608ok hm.03:29
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usserOpticOn, with new network settings can you ping them?03:29
Doorman352OpticOn: I know this is basic, but did you authenticate to the windows domain with a user that has priveledges?03:29
ricochethey guys i have one more problem.. I have a touch screen and when i upgraded to 9.10 it commented out everything involving my touch screen.. it says that HAL is now used. So i uncommented everything and my touch screen works, however when i try to calibrate it it says that no device is found.. although i know it is. it looks like my evtouch was changed to evtouch_hal.out03:29
ricochethow do i change it back?03:29
OpticOnyea used admin account03:29
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Doorman352ok..... Ive been bit by that before..... :)03:30
OpticOnok weird03:30
mespejelhello why is not picasa in synaptic? how can i get it ?03:31
Doorman352I am not03:31
turkeyshootis there anyway to mount parts that the basic mount command doesnt realize?03:31
OpticOnchanged network connection on ubuntu back to auto and ping works fine now03:31
andrew__install midibuntu repo03:31
puppemaspejel: check gogle03:31
rictecdarkchest_, i see your monitor doesnt do more then 1024x76803:31
darkchest_rictec: 15pin03:31
PoisonSerpent_I am planning on Dualbooting XP with Ubuntu 9.1003:31
OpticOni must have did something wrong when i configured it for static03:31
Doorman352probably dns and DC are now working03:31
usserOpticOn, yes most likely your /etc/resolv.conf03:31
fynnHey, I just plugged a USB drive to an Ubuntu Server. How do I know which /dev it is, so I can mount it?03:31
usserOpticOn, when go with static you have to manually put the ip of your dns server in there03:32
darkchest_rictec: but the highest resolution is 640x480 showing on both display and nvidia configurations03:32
PoisonSerpent_I would edit the partitions with GPartEd, then I would choose Ubuntu to partition free space then install on the new partition(s) (i dont count swap when i talk about partitioning Linux).03:32
numberjackshello. im trying to save x configurations and get this error message " Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'! " how to fix it? thank you.03:32
rictecdarkchest_, lets put it to 1024 ok03:32
fynnandrew__: I have several sdb's, can I get their stats or something?03:32
OpticOni know and i did03:32
usserfynn, sudo fdisk -l03:32
mespejelandrew_, was that for me? to install that repo?03:33
OpticOnbut it also wanted some route info think i got the metric wrong03:33
hydesterwhat is the difference between "sudo /etc/init.d/halt stop" and "sudo halt" ?03:33
rictecdarkchest_, i need to see you xorg.conf03:33
andrew__install the midibuntu repo first03:33
darkchest_rictec: okay... how do we do that03:33
andrew__there is an script on the website that installs the repo and pgp key03:34
mespejeladrew how can install midirepo ?03:34
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Jkessleri have a folder with videos, it won't load the folder in nautilus it the cursor keeps spinning like it's trying to load thumbnails but it never does.   i'm running karmic, any ideas?  thanks03:34
bazhangmespejel, what version of ubuntu03:34
smackdaddyhhi .. having problem sending ping out from ubuntu box, have 3 public ips assigned to 3 seperate NIC. my windows pc can ping out.. but not from the ubuntu box... any ideas03:34
smackdaddyi disabled ufw03:34
bazhangandrew__, picasa is not on medibuntu03:35
rictecdarkchest_, http://pastebin.com/03:35
mespejelbazhang, ubuntu koala03:35
darkchest_rictec: should i past it here03:35
frostburnsmackdaddy, are your routes correct03:35
andrew__then where03:35
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-picasa-3-5-in-ubuntu.html mespejel03:35
rictecdarkchest_, there http://pastebin.com/03:35
andrew__under restricted?03:35
smackdaddyfrostburn.. yes i have a 2wire gateway.. dhcp to each nic03:35
rictecdarkchest_, them paste the link here03:36
bazhangandrew__, google has some linux repos and a deb for ubuntu03:36
frostburnsmackdaddy, type $route do you have a default gateway, is it for the correct interface.  check ifconfig make sure you have the right ip/mask03:36
gregarioushello, has anyone set up tangerine media sharing?  I am new to ubuntu and recently updated to 9.10.  I am trying to get to the preferences and the preferences won't open.  So, instead of using the GUI, I am trying to alter the .conf file.  According to the man, there is a .conf file somewhere, but for the life of me, I have no idea where to put it.03:36
numberjackshello. im trying to save x configurations and get this error message " Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'! " how to fix it? thank you.03:36
frostburnnumberjacks, run it using gksudo03:37
darkchest_rictec: http://pastebin.com/d1363786703:37
smackdaddyroot@localhost:/home/matt# $route03:37
MadSeaDogcan i setup a deamon shell server to connect to the shell account on irc on the same box?03:37
frostburnsmackdaddy, without the $03:37
numberjacksfrostburn : i do03:37
turkeyshootthis part im trying to fix so it boots has a empty /boot03:37
OpticOnthought a reboot might help can ping other machines on network via ubuntu now but network file browser still fails to pull up list of other machines03:38
ctmjrnumberjacks: what are you using to write to xorg03:38
smackdaddyfrostburn, http://pastebin.com/ddab6a2703:38
rictecdarkchest_, change HorizSync 30 7103:38
numberjacksctmjr : gksudo nvidia-settings03:39
OpticOnCannot display location "smb://srv1/"03:39
mespejelhello again.. what was the program for easy in installation of .deb packages? i remember something like "debi" or something similar.. cant remember03:39
OpticOnFailed to retrieve share list from server03:39
bazhangmespejel, that link I gave you describes it03:39
darkchest_rictec: save and exit?03:40
OpticOnthats what it gives03:40
rictecdarkchest_, VertRefresh 50 16003:40
darkchest_rictec: ok03:40
ricochetcan anyone help me with a evtouch related issue?03:40
OpticOnhow do you map network share could try that03:40
OpticOnvia command line03:40
frostburnsmackdaddy, so are you running ping against the interface? e.g ping -I eth003:41
MadSeaDogany way to force a dynamic ip to change?03:41
frostburnyou also have 3 default gateways...03:42
smackdaddyhavnt tried that,,03:42
smackdaddyiut works with only 1 nic03:42
dpreachercan someone help me with a racoon setup question?03:42
smackdaddywhen i add the other 2 they all stop03:42
frostburnMadSeaDog, that depends on your dhcp server, not much you can do if it assigns the same ip based on mac03:42
rictecdarkchest_, next to subsetion display put on a line befoure the 24 one03:42
dpreacherhow do I add a secondary gateway ip/remote address to a racoon tunnel such that it acts as a failover03:42
turkeyshootls lists files but i cant access them cause they are not found03:42
mespejelbazhang, cant found it there.. is another thing what im talking about.. it was an utility for easy installation of .deb packages..03:42
bazhangmespejel, gdebi03:43
dpreacherplease suggest if there is a more appropriate room to ask this in03:43
rictecdarkchesk_, Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"03:43
frostburnturkeyshoot, what error are you seeing? can you paste bin it?03:43
smackdaddyit shows..03:43
smackdaddyroot@localhost:/home/matt# ping suitablecode.com -I eth003:43
smackdaddyPING suitablecode.com ( from eth0: 56(84) bytes of data.03:43
smackdaddy--- suitablecode.com ping statistics ---03:43
smackdaddy6 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 4999ms03:43
FloodBot3smackdaddy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
jhb1608lol smackdaddy03:43
nick_hwhen i create a 2nd user session in gnome, what would cause Ubuntu to be extremely slow?03:43
drawde_hello, i have minimal ubuntu installed.. if i want to have a desktop what packages do i need to isntall? desktop?03:44
turkeyshootfrostburn, its just the error you get when you try to use a file thats not there IE cat: initrd.img: No such file or directory03:44
drawde_i mean gnome?03:44
sciencekidChogyDan: here is the link         http://pastebin.com/d7341e09203:44
darkchest_rictec: you are talkin about before "Depth 24" and after SubSection "Display"03:44
dpreacherhow do I add a secondary gateway ip/remote address to a racoon tunnel such that it acts as a failover?03:44
jhb1608smackdaddy, lol... you forgot about pastebin03:44
rictecdarkchesk_, yes03:44
smackdaddyya that quickly03:44
MadSeaDogfrostburn, any configuration setting to request another ip?03:44
banevade|specsGAare there any brand of usb runer card that work on linux?03:44
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turkeyshootfrostburn,  its a lvm part i encrypted with luks, i got it decrypted and mounted now, i need to fix grub on it03:44
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dolmioare there any brand of usb runer card that work on linux?03:45
ChogyDansciencekid: try: sudo apt-get update  pastebin any errors03:45
OpticOnnevermind mounting network shares doesnt work either did before i did domain join with the connect server app under places03:45
darkchest_rictec: did it03:45
turkeyshootfrostburn, /boot is empty though03:45
rictecdarkchest_, and befoure that you can put a line with "Depth 1"  just in case03:45
abhiroopbI downloaded a font I want to use for conky but I'm not sure how to use it in the conkyrc03:45
yogacoopanyone else seeing gnome-panel disappearing in NBR karmic?03:45
SetiAmondid anyone here find that removing pulseaudio fix their audio problems?03:45
frostburnMadSeaDog, no, it depends on the configuration of the dhcp server (your router/isp etc)03:45
ctmjrnumberjacks: sudo nvidia-xconfig  --force-generate then gksu nvidia-settings make your changes then it should save03:45
sciencekidChogyDan: ok03:46
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frostburnturkeyshoot, haven't dealt wth encryption, not sure if i can help much03:46
webbb82is there any differance between sudo apt-get -f install  and sudo apt-get install -f03:46
rictecdarkchest_, save the file restart the x server reboot shall do03:46
bijuHello, I am using ubuntu 9.10. I am trying out empathy chat client and noticed that it ALWAYS remembers the passwords and there is no option to turn it off. Can anyone help me turn this off?03:46
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rictecdarkches_, and tell me the result03:46
frostburnsmackdaddy, man that's a routing nightmare, 3 interfaces go to the same network03:46
turkeyshootfrostburn, yeah its been tough finding info, i need to find a luks irc03:46
sciencekidChogyDan: i dont see any errors just scrolling text03:46
darkchest_rictec: okay... i will come back to the room to tell you how it went03:46
smackdaddyfrostburn, tell me about it03:47
smackdaddyatt uvers blows03:47
ChogyDansciencekid: mk, try: sudo apt-get install -f03:47
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rictecdarkchest_, waiting lol03:47
numberjacksctmjr : ok it works. merci beaucoup :)03:47
ctmjrnumberjacks: your welcome03:48
sciencekidChogyDan: ok hang on...03:48
frostburnsmackdaddy, are you using a bonded interface, what's the reason for 3 interfaces going to the same place03:48
Cosmicsciencekid: have you already tried "sudo aptitude purge adobe-flashplugin"? If not, I suggest you do so03:48
sciencekidChogyDan: same error as b403:48
smackdaddydifferent mail servers, dns servers... websites03:48
smackdaddyon 1 box03:48
bijuHello, I am using ubuntu 9.10. I am trying out empathy chat client and noticed that it ALWAYS remembers the passwords and there is no option to turn it off. Can anyone help me turn this off?03:49
sciencekidChogyDan: i dunno if i tried it, but ill try it now03:49
ChogyDansciencekid: can you pastebin the exact error?03:49
sciencekidChogyDan: sure03:49
smackdaddyall ips have reverse dns .. needed to be able to use each different ip for mail ect..03:49
frostburnsmackdaddy, yeah, thinking on how to implement it... i know how to do it using pf.. heh03:50
smackdaddygot a website howto...?03:50
frostburnsmackdaddy, pf = packetfilter for bsd03:51
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?03:51
MadSeaDogi'm banned from a channel and what to get pass trough it... it banned my *!*@myhost.com ... how can i get pass thru it too piss them off?03:51
ChogyDansciencekid: are you able to cut and paste?03:52
=== Pizza1337 is now known as Pizza|nPa
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sciencekidChogyDan: yes i am cutting and pasting as we speak03:53
fynnI have an external USB drive connected as /dev/sdg. How do I format it as a standard ext3 with a single empty partition?03:53
Omlette!gparted | fynn03:53
ubottufynn: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php03:53
b0wMadSeaDog: hahahah why the banned you?03:53
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?03:53
jhb1608when I'm in DeVeDe, I see a option I don't know about. "This file is already a DVD/xCD-suitable MPEG-PS file"?03:53
fynnOmlette: thanks, but this is Sever; I'm connecting through a plain terminal, no graphical UI03:53
=== FlareFlare183 is now known as Flare183
jhb1608when I'm in DeVeDe, I see a option I don't know about. "This file is already a DVD/xCD-suitable MPEG-PS file"?03:54
sciencekidChogyDan: in fact  here is the link: http://pastebin.com/d6814aff903:54
Omlettefynn: Sorry, I can't help you there. I'd guess, probably something like fdisk.03:54
b0wjhb1608: what you dont get its very clear03:54
MadSeaDogb0w, because i asked them if they had blue screen when they lick bill gate's balls...03:54
yogacoopanyone have an easy way to increase number of posts read in gwibber03:55
jhb1608you don't make sense b0w03:55
ChogyDansciencekid: did you install that from a deb you downloaded?03:55
b0wMadSeaDog: hahaha just leave them alone dude, but you can use a bnc to get on the channce, google for it irc bnc03:55
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frostburnsmackdaddy, http://kindlund.wordpress.com/2007/11/19/configuring-multiple-default-routes-in-linux/03:55
sciencekidChogyDan: are you asking me to try downloading and installing again?03:56
ctmjr!ot | MadSeaDog03:56
ubottuMadSeaDog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:56
infidel2sin karmic i don't have nm-applet, nm-connection-editor, or any network editor in my menus or icons... what gives?03:56
ChogyDansciencekid: that might work, if that is how you got in this situation03:56
jhb1608When I'm in DeVeDe option when I put a movie file and subtitle file, I see a option I don't know about. "This file is already a DVD/xCD-suitable MPEG-PS file"?03:56
b0wjhb1608: what you dont understand about that? it says that the file its already a dvd suitable mpeg-ps fle03:56
rictecsciencekid, uninstall it then go to /var/lib/dpkg/info/adobe-flashplugin and delete it and reinstall it03:56
jhb1608what is mpeg-ps?03:56
usserjhb1608, subtitle file?03:57
Cosmicsciencekid: No, no, don't download and install directly! From the looks of that log, the purge fixed it. Now try "sudo aptitude update" and "sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin"03:57
smackdaddythanks frost....03:57
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sciencekidChogyDan: ohhhh  im sorry i get u now, to get in the situation im now in, i tried to open the file without dling it and then the file disappeared in mid install03:57
smackdaddythe only site on google...03:57
jhb1608it's in .srt format03:57
b0wjhb1608: mpeg program stream03:57
frostburnsmackdaddy, enjoy03:58
bastidrazorjhb1608: .srt is a subtitle file format03:58
SodaPhishanyone know of a script that will gather alll the standard techsupport info for Linux like doing a `sh tech` on a cisco router or switch?03:58
jhb1608I know what is srt format is.03:58
Cosmicsciencekid: let aptitude take care of everything for you, it's your friend ;-)03:58
Xpistoscan someone help me mount an SFS drive?03:58
jhb1608but only don't know what is mpeg-ps, but thanks03:58
b0wjhb1608: mpeg program stream03:58
jhb1608ah ok03:58
jhb1608I'll leave it unchecked03:58
ChogyDansciencekid: ok, you could try this: sudo dpkg --force-all --remove adobe-flashplugin03:58
usserSodaPhish, cacti but its more like management tool, you can write it yourself i dont image it'd be that hard03:58
=== Pizza|nPa is now known as Pizza
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?03:59
digitalstimulusaptitude and synaptic are your friend.  trust them and their recommendations...or have a boot disc handy :)03:59
sciencekidChogyDan: nope it didnt liek "sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin"03:59
infidel2sdoes ubuntu 9.10 not use NetworkManager anymore?03:59
ChogyDansciencekid: does the dpkg command work?03:59
frostburninfidel2s, it still uses it03:59
jhb1608good question03:59
jocefusI have an audio device listed however it says no kernel module or driver loaded. how can i correct this?03:59
keiyaWhat do I have to do to get a stupid DVD to play!? I've tried installing libdvdcss from medibuntu...!03:59
frostburnkeiya, use vlc04:00
sciencekidChogyDan: nope didnt lie kthat one either =\04:00
keiyafrostburn: That's what I'm using!04:00
ChogyDansciencekid: what was the error?04:00
SodaPhishusser, yeah, I know I can... that's what I'm doing.  just wanted to see if I was re-inventing the wheel or not04:00
Cosmicsciencekid: same error or is it just saying it couldn't find the package?04:01
frostburnkeiya, ouch, isn't libdvdcss in the standard repos?  just run the install script after you get it installed04:01
keiyaAnd now it works04:01
sciencekidChogyDan: want me to pastebin theerrors?04:01
jhb1608lol I love it when people swear. Hm. ok I'll ask more questions if I find any problems.04:01
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:01
keiyafrostburn: It isn't, because Canonical doesn't want to risk getting their arse sued off under the DMCA-analogs the US forced WIPO to force on the rest of the world.04:01
NightblazeI'm having trouble with the wireless drivers with my Macbook, I looked it up and it said I need to take the bcm43xx driver of the blacklist. So I did that, but its still not showing up in my drivers list. any help?04:02
sciencekidCosmic: nope differnet error ill go post it on pastebin04:02
albus_when i installed the new release my wireless driver broke how do i fix it?04:02
darkchest_rictec: u still there?04:02
hanknightblaze just it show up under restricted drivers?04:03
rictecdarkchest_, yep04:03
jocefusI have an audio device listed however it says no kernel module or driver loaded. how can i correct this?04:03
Nightblazehow do i access restricted drivers? I was able to access the blacklist drivers if thats what you were talking about.04:03
sciencekidChogyDan & Cosmic: http://pastebin.com/d3a88e5d904:03
zardari :)04:04
darkchest_rictec: something funny happened. I backed up my xorg file before editing it... after editing and restarting, all i got was a black screen04:04
darkchest_rictec: I then went into recovery mode and placed the file back04:04
Nightblazedarn, hank quit =(04:05
rictecdarkchest_, can you show me the edited one on pastbin?04:05
darkchest_rictec: and now the monitor resolution goes up to 800x60004:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers04:05
ChogyDansciencekid: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/adobe-flashplugin.prerm                    then try again04:05
Nightblazealbus_: are you on a macbook?04:05
rictecdarkchest_, something was bad written maybe04:05
m4tthewwhat exactly will i lose when installing 9.10 fresh, already having 9.04? I will need to install firefox etc. all over correct?04:06
darkchest_rictec: i believe i overwrote it with the original, but ill try to reconstruct it and past it04:06
ChogyDansciencekid: actually, maybe you want sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/adobe-flashplugin.*04:06
sciencekidChogyDan: ok i do that and try which part again?04:06
ChogyDansciencekid: the dpkg command04:06
rictecdarkchesk_nvidia does that autodetect stuff with their cards04:06
=== Nickname__ is now known as eatloaf
albus_where do i find restricted drivers?04:06
sciencekidChogyDan: o ok hang on04:06
mattwj2002hi guys04:07
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).04:07
webbb82my google chrome has been really slow in the past few days  what could cause this   a bad cookie?04:07
rictecdarkchest_, something was not on the right place and you can press control alto + to cicle resulutions04:07
eatloafAfter upgrading to 9.10 my external HD is mounted read-only. How do I get it back to writable?04:07
philhhi guys, have you had a troll in here by the name of blurnsball?04:07
sciencekidChogyDan: is the * a part of it cause if so it coudlnt findhte directory04:07
rictecdarkchest its plus and minus with control+alt to change04:08
m4tthewwhat exactly will i lose when installing 9.10 fresh, already having 9.04? I will need to install firefox etc. all over correct?04:08
NightblazeI'm having trouble with the wireless drivers with my Macbook, I looked it up and it said I need to take the bcm43xx driver of the blacklist. So I did that, but its still not showing up in my drivers list. any help?04:08
Cosmicsciencekid, ChogyDan: Okay, I think we need to see exactly what you've got for flash-related packages in there. Try running "dpkg -L|grep -i flash" and let us know what it spits up (here if it's short, else pastebin)04:08
rictecsciencekid, do this sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/adobe-flashplugin.prerm04:08
=== HEATHZ|to_n is now known as HEATHZ
DG19075has anyone with a SansaClip noticed that Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't recognise it, and how to make it usable?04:09
rictecsciencekid, sudo dpkg-reconfigure adobe-flashplugin --force04:09
mattwj2002hey guys04:09
mattwj2002quick question04:09
darkchest_rictec: i cant recreate the edits you told me, but this resolution (800x600) is the only one that is okay04:09
jhb1608wow a lot of people use Flash I see.04:09
darkchest_rictec: the rest are too big04:09
sciencekidCosmic: ok, rictec, hang on a sec04:09
ChogyDansciencekid: no, it is to delete all the flash scripts.  The first command only got rid of the prerm script.  You might need to get rid of some others, so I figured why not get rid of them all.  This is a brute force kinda thing.  Once you get it in a good state, then you can go back to using aptitude, etc04:09
rictecsciencekid, sudo dpkg --purge --force-all adobe-flashplugin04:09
mattwj2002what is the name of a package that can read the temperature sensors on my laptop?04:09
ChogyDansciencekid: rictec is giving good advice, you can follow those commands too04:09
mattwj2002I was thinking of something with a gui04:10
frostburnmattwj2002, lm-sensors  should be installed04:10
fsmvHey, when I installed Ubuntu as a dual boot with Vista this file (C:\Windows\system32\winload.exe) got corrupted and now windows won't load how can I fix this?04:10
jhb1608lm-sensors don't give accurate information.04:10
philhDraagoviina, are you ok?04:10
bastidrazormattwj2002: you could type acpi -V in terminal04:10
rictecdarkchest_, thats becouse there is no 1024x768 on the xorg file on mode04:10
Cosmicsciencekid, ChogyDan, rictec: there was definitely mention of iceape-flashplugin earlier, though - if he tried to install that using dpkg it would definitely cause these kinds of problems, especially without having iceapepinstalled04:10
sciencekidCosmic: something is wrong with that command04:11
SoftwareExplorerI upgraded to karmic and cannot get line in to pass through, so I would like to install jack audio system. Any advice on how to do this?04:11
ChogyDanCosmic: I think the problem is that the package got corrupted before it could install properly.  I think the only fix is to remove the package very manually04:11
mattwj2002thanks bastidrazor04:11
infidi'm trying to apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source from 9.10 but it's telling me to insert a CD for jaunty, even though i have my repo's set to use http:// repos. what's that about?04:11
Draagoviinaphilh: Yes, dont make mischief. we dont like thosethings¨04:11
Cosmicsciencekid: my bad! lower-case "l"04:12
DasEimattwj2002: gdesklets-data04:12
Eatloaf_Changed irc client. still need help with read only FS on external HDD.04:12
philhDraagoviina, are you a troll or a confused regular?04:12
DG19075has anyone with a SansaClip noticed that Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't recognise it, and how to make it usable?04:12
mMezquitaleSoftwareExplorer, ever heard of ubuntu studio?04:12
preecherwhat is a good cd burning software besides brasero04:12
Cinguhwhat is the easiest way to log into kosmic carma when there are external usb drives04:12
rictecCosmic, thanks for that info04:12
DasEi!k3b | preecher04:12
ubottupreecher: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto04:12
sciencekidCosmic: what letter is thast i cant tell, an i or a l04:12
BiNaRyCoDEatloaf: what exactly do you need help with?04:12
Ashfire908infid, the cd is faster than the internet? You can disable that in Software Sources.04:12
webbb82i just found this tip  is thaat correct If your gnome applications seem sluggish and gnome hangs at start-up after killing the previous session, it's likely you haven't set your /etc/hosts file correctly and your /etc/hosts file includes:04:12
Cosmicsciencekid: lower-case L04:12
DasEi!burn | preecher04:12
ubottupreecher: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:12
sciencekido ok04:13
NightblazeI'm having trouble with the wireless drivers with my Macbook, I looked it up and it said I need to take the bcm43xx driver off of the blacklist. So I did that, but its still not showing up in my drivers list. any help?04:13
preecheri used k3b when i used the kde desktop will it work on gnome04:13
DasEipreecher: yes04:13
infidAshfire908: thanks04:13
Draagoviinaphilh: I believe you suck arse and that you cannot code at even a childs level. Am i wrong ?04:13
CosmicChogyDan: maybe. or it might take aptitude --fullresolver but that's risky business and best not done unless you're ready for the possible fallout04:13
preecherthx all04:13
Eatloaf_BiNaRyCoD: upgraded to 9.10 and now my external HDD is read-only.  How do i get it back to being writable?04:13
sciencekidCosmic: it says: rFR adobe-flashplugin                
sciencekidAdobe Flash Player plugin version 1004:14
usserDraagoviina, philh take it ouside boys04:14
rictecdarkchest_, try just to put the command Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"04:14
Ashfire908infid, yep.04:14
philhusser, did you have a user by the name of blurnsball in here earlier trolling?04:14
sciencekidthe reason y i was trying to reinstall it was cause the sould wasnt weorking on it04:14
Draagoviinausser: Im done :)04:14
BiNaRyCoDeatloaf:you can use chmod, give me sec will get exact command for you04:14
lamalexHi all, I'm having a problem chaning my defualt shell to zsh on 9.10, it's worked every other release but this time it wont change. i did a fresh install and it's still bash!04:14
SoftwareExplorermMezquitale: I've heard of it, but other than installing the meta package and looking at it for ten minutes, I haven't really used it.04:15
webbb82is this true ????  If your gnome applications seem sluggish and gnome hangs at start-up after killing the previous session, it's likely you haven't set your /etc/hosts file correctly and your /etc/hosts file includes:04:15
Eatloaf_it says it's a read-only filesystem. i don't think it's permissions, if that's what your suggesting.04:15
frostburnlamalex, did you log out and log back in04:15
lamalexmy /etc/passwd has /usr/bin/zsh as the shell for my user, but that seems to not be being respected04:15
usserphilh, i wasnt following the channel04:15
lamalexfrostburn: yeah04:15
lamalexive restarted multiple times04:15
philhusser, ok04:15
darkchest_rictec: i will try.. I have to change my permision on the file.. for some reason its gone04:15
Ashfire908webbb82, Oh, the entry? Yes, I had that issue before.04:15
BiNaRyCoDeatloaf:does it list the type of filesystem04:15
Eatloaf_how do i get it to do that?04:16
webbb82Ashfire908, shoudl i do that  anyhow04:16
Nightblazehow do I access restricted drivers manager?04:16
DasEiNightblaze: gpu ?04:16
sciencekidand also im having trouble keeping up with everyones advice04:16
Ashfire908webbb82, do you have a entry in /etc/hosts?04:16
frostburnlamalex, does update-alternatives change shell env?04:16
NightblazeUbuntu 9.1004:16
rictecdarkchest_, recovery04:16
hydesterany idea why S35networking is in /etc/rc0.d on Karmic?  i don't see it in Jaunty04:17
DasEiNightblaze: system> admin...> hw-drivers04:17
BiNaRyCoDeatloaf: http://bkdonline.wordpress.com/2009/05/21/changing-drive-permission-in-ubuntu-through-gui/04:17
lamalexfrostburn: im not sure what I'd do, I think think anything is symlinked that's doing this04:17
rictecdarkchest_, it changed the permition of the file no big deal04:17
Nightblazek, thx DasEi04:17
lamalexusers/groups interface even has zsh listed04:18
lamalexbut when i spawn a shell, bash04:18
rowlandanyone interested in helping me set up a fax modem in Ubuntu 9.1.004:18
flexibeastHave there been any reports of karmic hanging during the partition phase of the install process? At least with the netbook remix?04:18
darkchest_rictec: i forgot the number code for user rwx-r--r-- so im searching google04:18
fsmvI went to dual boot Ubuntu with vista then when I tried to boot Vista again C:\Windows\system32\winload.exe was corrupted. How do I fix it?04:18
drawde_i'm installing ubuntu... it said installation failed at 61%, it reboot but everything seems fine is that normal?04:18
=== dabossbv1 is now known as dabossbv
Ashfire908webbb82, Sorry, are you having gnome speed issues? I see you are on a netbook.04:19
lamalexfrostburn: hm actually my ttys are in zsh04:19
lamalexit's just gnome-terminal04:19
FloodBot3lamalex: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:20
webbb82Ashfire908, not really just seeing if it wouild be a good idea ANYHOW04:20
Ashfire908fsmv, you could ask in ##windows.04:20
Ashfire908webbb82, if you have the entry, just leave it. removing it can cause the speed issues.04:20
Eatloaf_BiNaRyCoD: I dont think it's a permissions issue. even sudo cant write to it.04:21
rictecpeople i have to go will be here tomorow problably04:21
Eatloaf_BTW, the ext drive is mounted but doesn't show up as removable media04:21
devin_what file do I edit to add something to kernel image?04:21
webbb82Ashfire908, thanks04:21
Josh__hi I'm getting problems with gpg keys.. can anyone help me with this please.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/312108/04:21
=== Josh__ is now known as ai3gtmc
usserdevin_, ehm, to add stuff to kernel image you have to recompile kernel04:22
Ashfire908devin_, to initramfs or the kernel?04:22
rictecdarkchest_, try that if you can i will contunue to help you asap04:22
darkchest_rictec: i believe i mistakenly deleted the contents of the xorg file04:22
usserdevin_, you mean initrd?04:22
TraceRoute87what file do I edit in grub to to add something to kernel image?04:22
Ashfire908devin_, er initrf04:22
Ashfire908*initrd (can't type)04:22
darkchest_rictec: so i have an empty xorg file04:22
rictecdarkchest_, http://pastebin.com/d1363786704:22
rictecdarkchest_, it still there04:23
DasEiJosh_: karmic ?04:23
usserTraceRoute87, /etc/default/grub if you're using grub204:23
frostburnlamalex, gnome-terminal != terminal04:23
usserTraceRoute87, that is if you want to pass boot parameters to the kernel04:23
=== ai3gtmc is now known as josh__
lamalexfrostburn: ok? so?04:23
josh__DasEi: yes04:23
rictecdarkchest_, you can copy it right back to your file04:24
DasEiJosh_: er, sure, just google karmic repo virtualbox .. and so on, decribed there04:24
josh__can you help me?04:24
drawde_i'm installing ubuntu... it said installation failed at 61%, it reboot but everything seems fine is that normal?04:24
usserdrawde_, no it is not :)04:24
drawde_lol should i install again?04:24
drawde_seems to be running fine lol04:24
=== UbuntuGuy is now known as who
usserdrawde_, how did you end up with working installation is beyond me, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade see if it spits out any errors, also did you upgrade or clean install?04:24
josh__DasEi: how about the other ones?04:25
drawde_usser: clean install04:25
FancycakesI have a question.04:25
FancycakesIf anyone has some free time.04:25
Ashfire908drawde_, until it randomly bombs down the line... I'd reinstall to be safe.04:25
BiNaRyCoDeatloaf: type in terminal: mount04:25
usserdrawde_, that is even weirder. usually boot loader installs at the very end, if it was interrupted at 61% you should have unbootable install04:25
numberjacks!ask | Fancycakes04:26
ubottuFancycakes: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:26
Eatloaf_BiNaRyCoD: /dev/sdg1 on /mnt/drobo type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)04:26
DasEijosh_: same there, the new apt is improved and most projects adapted it04:26
ElllisDAfter uninstalling kwallet, kdm fails to appear & I'm presented with a console logon- then automatic logon kicks in & I'm entering KDE. How can this be?04:26
rictecdarkchest_, file ok?04:26
drawde_fine i guess i'll reformat again lol04:27
darkchest_rictec: yes04:27
josh__DasEi: so how do I add the keys? sory Im new..04:27
southwindcan any one tell me how i can set up CMDA2000 connectin in ubuntu 9.1004:27
rictecdarkchest_, try what i told you i will be here later04:27
ctmjrJosh_: you need to go to to the ppa and get the keys the one for medibuntu is on the web site you can still install from them just have to answer yes to the question of trusting them which is up too you if you trust them04:27
josh__how about the launchpad thing?04:28
marxyes. when the system goes to supend mode it doesnt wake up. it shows a black screen with a blinking cursor. I have to do a hard reset04:28
DasEijosh_: http://tinyurl.com/ycy6nub04:28
FancycakesDoes anyone know why my touchpad turns back on almost immediately after I turn it off?04:28
Ashfire908southwind, Uh, like a usb mobile broadband device or tethered phone?04:28
Ashfire908southwind, which one?04:29
Cosmicsciencekid: sounds pretty messed up. for completeness, try "sudo dpkg --purge adobe-flashplugin". If successful,  do "sudo aptitude clean" and then "aptitude search flashplugin". if search turns it up, do "sudo aptitude install adobe-flashplugin".04:29
rictecdarkchest_, you changed file http://pastebin.com/m63ae82b804:30
jdolanso.. this is kinda weird.  i just installed 9.10 64 bit, and it doesn't think that i have an nvidia card apparently?  (it's a GTX 295)04:30
Cosmicsciencekid: and check your repositories. If you don't have restricted, enable it and update04:30
ShwackHello. Right click on applications and go to edit menus.  I'm trying to add a luncher in my menus but nothing shows up when I create one.  Can anybody help me?04:31
Ashfire908southwind, if your device is seen as a modem (or whatever) right now, you can set that up in network connections under Mobile Broadband.04:31
jdolanthe Hardware Drivers applet doesn't list anything, and nvidia-detect reports 'none'04:31
webbb82does anyone know if gimmie is still around  it has always been a pain to install it04:31
rictecbye all04:31
ShwackI am trying to edit menus in ubuntu but nothing i do changes the menus. I click add item and fill everything out but when I press OK nothing is added.04:32
Ashfire908southwind, if you got, say, a usb mobile blah blah that appears to be a cdrom or other storage, you might need usbmodeswitch. (least I needed that for the one I had.)04:32
frostburnShwack, may need to relog04:33
Cosmicsciencekid: if nothing else works, you can risk trying "sudo aptitude --full-resolver" but be warned that this is very forceful and could potentially do bad things to your installation04:33
josh__ugh I can't make it work :(04:33
koshariShwack you may need to restart the panel for the changes to take effect04:33
SetiAmonok removing pulse audio doesn't fix audio distortions,i hope this audio is fixed soon04:34
frostburnShwack, kill and restart gnome-panel04:34
DasEijosh_: more user friendly :http://tinyurl.com/y8juk7v04:34
sciencekidCosmic: ummmmm04:34
sciencekidCosmic: im kinda afraid of trying that04:34
josh__i think I added more problems.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/312113/04:35
Eatloaf_can i remove runit safely? or is it pertanent to the os?04:35
josh__ok ill try that04:35
MinusSevenwhats the best media player for ubuntu that handles mms m3u etc ?04:36
DasEi!who | josh_04:36
ubottujosh_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:36
josh__hmm I get a deb command not found04:36
Shwackfrostburn thank you for the help04:36
DasEijosh_:k, for the virtual box (in trml):04:36
drawde_okay i'm gonna reinstall ubuntu now.. it failed at 61% last time but greeted me with a working desktop... i ran a little util that was on the cd that checks the integrity of the install cd and it reported GOOD so if it fails again at 61 again i'm gonna assume 62-100% happen in the blink of an eye and i just missed it04:37
josh__DasEi: i tried that ubuntu tweak but I can't get deb to work I get deb: command not found04:37
Shwackfrostburn can you help me with the console commands to make this happen? I dont want anything to go wrong (new to linux)04:37
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frostburnShwack, open up a terminal system>accessories>terminal >          pkill gnome-terminal04:38
DasEijosh_:deb and the following is an entry for a file  >> /etc/apt/sources.list04:38
Shwackfrostburn thank you04:39
DasEijosh_: I'll help you, open a teminal ..04:39
josh__DasEi: ok thanks I have it open now04:39
DasEijosh_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:40
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josh__after the other errors it added this : E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:40
josh__DasEi: ^^ oops04:41
DasEijosh_: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
darkchest_rictec: thanks if you are still there? I can manage the screen at 800x60004:41
DasEijosh_: pastebinit |  /etc/apt/sources.list               ^typo04:41
darkchest_rictec: there are other resolutions that do not fit04:41
darkchest_rictec: but this is okay04:41
drawde_is there a terminal equvalient to running update manager?04:41
darkchest_bye everyone04:41
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josh__DasEi: it said "pastebinit: command not found"04:42
DasEidrawde_: yes, second04:42
lstarnesdrawde_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:42
DasEijosh_:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:42
drawde_thank you04:42
Shwackfrostburn I performed the pkill command, added my new menuy item, performed the pkill command again, and still there is nothing. even in the setup screen there is nothing after i click ok to add the item04:43
josh__DasEi: "bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied" error :(04:43
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?04:43
lstarnesjosh__: try cat /etc/apt/sources.list.save04:44
DasEijosh_:  did paste..  install ?04:44
lstarnesjosh__: remove the .save at the end04:44
josh__DasEi: yes04:44
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DasEijosh_: pastebinit  |  /etc/apt/sources.list04:45
DasEigive url here04:45
drawde_dist-upgrade won't upgrade me to 9.10 will it?04:45
drawde_i just wanna get all the updates for 9.0404:45
lstarnesdrawde_: no, it won;t04:45
drawde_thank you04:45
webbb82i am trying to compile gimmie from source  but when i do the part make then make install i get  make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.04:46
josh__DasEi: when I use that command i get an error bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied04:46
webbb82any help?04:46
DasEijosh_: for pastebinit ??04:46
DasEijosh_: sudo  pastebinit  |  /etc/apt/sources.list04:46
frostburnShwack, that's weird...04:46
lstarneswebbb82: check its instructions first04:46
Ashfire908webbb82, you don't have a makefile. Kind of hard to run make without it.04:47
webbb82ill paste bin some stuff04:47
lstarneswebbb82: you may need to run other commands before make install (if it even uses make install)04:47
rosemaryKeyboard shortcut to disable desktop effects?04:47
josh__DasEi: yes tried that too same output04:47
lstarneswebbb82: usually there's a configure script for making a Makefile04:47
ShwackYeah It's kinda of dissapointing having a launching menu when I can't add items to it04:47
nbohaych1kwhat is the command to register a nick again?04:47
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?04:47
DasEi!paste | josh__04:47
rosemaryplz help04:47
ubottujosh__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!04:47
SodaPhishis there a generic utility for collecting information that might be useful in trouble-shooting an issues?04:47
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Blue1SodaPhish: I can point you to one hang a sec04:48
DasEijosh_: paste it manually then04:48
frostburnShwack, is your disk full, anythiing in ~/.xsession-errors ?04:48
whamoohi I'm about to do a clean install of 9.10 (alt disc) on an inspiron 2650 and I remember there being issues with acpi and other modules. can anybody offer any advice on how to disable every relevant boot option and for those choices to persist post-install?04:48
SodaPhishand I'm not talking about apport04:48
Ashfire908nbohaych1k, /query nickserv             say "help register"04:48
whamooSodaPhish: google and irc04:48
Blue1SodaPhish: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=12704:48
frostburnSodaPhish, define issue?04:48
DasEidrawde_: sudo apt-get update04:49
josh__DasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312122/04:49
DasEidrawde_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:49
Shwackfrostburn i have over 400 gigs of space04:49
SodaPhishfrostburn, say someone comes in and asks for help... you either have to walk them through all the info collecting steps, or you could run a script to collect it.04:49
drawde_DasEi: thank you04:49
SodaPhishforceflow, I want to know if there's a script out there already04:49
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SodaPhishforceflow, disregard04:49
SodaPhishfrostburn, I want to know if there's a script out there already04:50
drawde_installing again.. ubuntu disc check said it found no probs with the disc, installing again04:50
frostburnSodaPhish, that's pretty vague, there's a big difference between an error in pidgin and a routing configuration04:50
Ashfire908whamoo, if you mean kernel arguments, you want to confiugre grub.04:50
webbb82here it is   http://pastebin.com/m20a5377d04:50
SodaPhishfrostburn, sure, but why not have a standard set of things to collect like `hardinfo`, but extended to include installed packages, system logs, etc.04:50
frostburnShwack, open up .xession-errors (home directory, enable hidden files) see if there's any errors there04:50
SodaPhishthat's what I'm on about.04:50
Shwackfrostburn k one second04:50
Geoffrey2wireless remains a major pain....when it works, it works...when it decides not to, getting it to work again is darn near impossible04:51
whamooashfire: ok is there a wey to configure grub from a blank slate state, like an advanced step of installation?04:51
Shwackfrostburn yeah there is alot fo stuff in here04:51
DasEijosh_: erm, a reason to have backports enabled ?04:52
SodaPhishfrostburn, I've already scoured google and I'm sure I just don't ahve the right terms in therem, but wth should I be searching for?04:52
frostburnSodaPhish, you could script that, cat /proc/cpuinfo /proc/meminfo $(dpkg -l) > diag.txt04:52
oorahhow do i downgrade my version?04:52
whamooashfire: thanks for the term correction, I'll be back when my request is better-formed04:52
josh__DasEi: hmm I just coppied that from a tutorial..04:52
Ashfire908whamoo, not to my knowledge, though it's been a couple version since I used the alt disc.04:53
frostburnShwack, check at the bottom, see if there's anything related to menu04:53
Blue1oorah: downgrade what?04:53
SodaPhishfrostburn, I know, and I have a primitive form of what I'd like, but I'm sure someone else has already done this and done it better... that's why I'm asking if anyone knows of such a beast04:53
oorahBlue1, my Xubuntu version?04:53
DasEijosh_: k, then give me a few minutes to overwork it04:53
bazhangoorah, full reinstall04:53
josh__DasEi: ok thanks alot04:53
Blue1oorah: I think you'd install a previous version then04:53
oorahbazhang, not reinstall, just downgrade to 9.1004:53
bazhangoorah, you mean 9.0404:54
Blue1oorah: does non sequitur mean anything to you?04:54
oorahbazhang, thats what i meant04:54
chenillenhi there04:54
Shwackfrostburn a nautilus share message04:54
whamooashfire: yeah as I remeber I have had nothing but failures using the standard disc on this lappy, but good end results with alt. tried the 9.10 standard yesterday and got the expected blinking cursor screen04:54
usserSodaPhish, this kind of stuff is usually done like in-house, its your responsibility as a sysadmin to write those kind of custom scripts, and those scripts usually end up being kinda specific to the requirements04:54
oorahBlue1, whats that?04:54
bazhangoorah, then a full reinstall of the system04:54
chenillenhow to apply php zlib bug in 32bit server?04:54
Shwackfrostburn:  "netusershaire_info" bu ti failed ' net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare; cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares04:54
Ashfire908whamoo, just quickly, you can manually pass arguments to the kernel at boot via grub.04:54
Blue1oorah: why would you want to downgrade to the current release?  (non sequitur -- literally "no sequence")04:54
SodaPhishusser, yeah, I know, but like I said, I'm looking for somethign generic that I can either hack to work or build off of.04:55
WACOMalthalp! I forked my Grub!  I am on Ubuntu 9.10 Wubi, how can I fix It? I just changed the timeout to 2 seconds and then did the reload command or whatever it was04:55
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?04:55
usserSodaPhish, like this guy for example http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.com/2008/01/linux-shell-script-to-gather-basic.html04:55
SodaPhishI've already got a primative.04:55
Shwackfrostburn:   it says at the very bottom 'Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing"04:55
frostburnShwack, that shouldn't have anything to do with it, i might start googling some of the errors you see there, who knows04:55
usserSodaPhish, its all pretty basic04:55
chenillenhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/451314 this bug for 9.1004:55
oorahBlue1, i wanna downgrade to 9.04, karmic is too buggy on my system04:55
SodaPhishusser, looking04:55
Blue1oorah: then you'd have to install 9.0404:55
chenillenoorah: me to04:55
Shwackfrostburn:  :( I am goign to try restarting.  i hope it works... this sucks04:55
oorahi had to turn off power settings to never to stop the flickering, and also most the time it does not detect usb devices04:56
Ashfire908oorah, (sorry for cutting in) Downgrading is not supported.04:56
Blue1oorah: 9.10 is marginal -- but it's getting better04:56
SodaPhishusser, and frostburn have either of you ever worked on an ISS Proventia device?  they have a tech support script that gathers hella-lots of data...04:56
SodaPhishI want something like that.04:56
WACOMaltanyone can help with Grub config?04:56
Blue1oorah: ditto on the usb04:56
oorahwhat do i do about my usb devices not being detected?04:56
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WACOMaltI changed timeout and reloaded and now I get a grub sh prompt04:56
usserSodaPhish, ISS being International Space Station :)04:56
usserSodaPhish, no i havent04:56
Blue1oorah: sometimes I restart the gdm and that helps - not always...04:57
oorahif i restart several times they might be detected04:57
whamooashfire: ooh I'm not sure I know what you mean, but I'll be looking at the loader menus in one moment, disc just finished burning ;P04:57
SodaPhishusser, no Internet Security Systems (now a division of IBM)04:57
SodaPhishusser, they make intrusion detection/prevention and other security things04:57
SodaPhishusser, their support script was hawt04:57
chenilleni am having a question to update php5 and the dependencies to 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.104:57
chenillenhow to get this work?04:57
oorahhow do i restart gdm?04:57
oorahi have xubuntu04:57
chenillenjust tried apt-get update04:57
Ashfire908whamoo, and mind you, the cd does not use grub, it uses something else (isolinux i think?).04:57
Blue1oorah: I don't think 9.10 is quite ready for prime time - but for me to go back is to hard - you'd do a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:58
tuntunaungျမန္မာလို ျမင္ရလား04:58
jeeves_Mossis there a server addon for postfix or anything that allows for syncing of contacts and callender?  I currently use roundcube as my web baised access, and I would like to sync my desktop and laptop as well04:58
usserSodaPhish, i dunno how hot can it get, i usually just write my own stuff cause i dont need/want to work with other people's code that i have to figure when i can just write my own04:58
oorahBlue1, how about xfce?04:58
chenillenbut never works04:58
opticonusser i got everything to finally work nicely04:58
usserSodaPhish, but i see your point04:58
Blue1oorah: that restarts x and give you and new login screen04:58
nbohaychukI registered my nick :)04:58
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usseropticon, awesome, call me when you get login scripts to work :)04:58
SodaPhishusser, but that's part of the problem... if everyone were working off a common base, others could write utilities to process those reports, etc...04:58
whamooashfire: good to know, I have seen that at the top of my screen... could explain why arguments do not persist04:58
oorahhow do i restart xfce display manager?04:59
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opticonlol it took me this long to get where i am now no telling how long that'll take04:59
Blue1oorah: I already told you...  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:59
SodaPhishusser: I'm thinking of writing something that produces an XML output and then a simple little web interface to view it.04:59
opticonbut now that you mention it04:59
usserSodaPhish, yea but those scripts are not compatible between platforms, ie *bsd has its own /proc-like system with its own quirks, linux has its own, solaris has its own, its just not cross-platform thats why you dont see a common platform04:59
Doc_Lappyi know this is kinda long but i wondered if anybody could tell me what i did wrong to get this error everytime i go to do something and how to fix it?05:00
usserSodaPhish, that is a good idea05:00
Doc_LappyASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!05:00
Doc_LappyStack Trace:05:00
Doc_Lappy0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)05:00
FloodBot3Doc_Lappy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:00
leaf-sheep!paste | Doc_Lappy05:00
ubottuDoc_Lappy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!05:00
SodaPhishusser, but see, that's the thing: if you let the script manage that complexity, everyone can use common viewing tools.05:00
SodaPhishusser: it could even be as simple as a tree-based view,05:00
Blue1okay going to take a break.....05:01
ShwackOk I can create new application launchers in my menu but not new locations "such as http://www.google.com"05:01
whamooashfire: ok, so I should install as usual, and then at first boot configure grub to kill acpi, apic, lapic, and others?05:01
jeeves_Mossis there a server addon for postfix or anything that allows for syncing of contacts and callender?  I currently use roundcube as my web baised access, and I would like to sync my desktop and laptop as well05:01
ShwackCreating locations on my desktop is fine just no tin menu05:01
usserSodaPhish, well there's nagios05:01
frostburnShwack, sure you can, just preface it with firefox http://google.com05:01
jbroomejeeves_Moss: postfix doesn't handle contacts or cal.05:01
=== one_ is now known as vmware-trouble
Shwackfrostburn I want to connect to  sftp://example.com05:02
usserSodaPhish, they have splunk, which i heard is quite good, but i just never used it since i dont have the need to.05:02
Ashfire908whamoo, you can't save options at boot, you have to modify the grub config. I don't know how to do that because I don't know how to  work GRUB 2.05:02
SodaPhishusser, looking...05:02
jeeves_Mossjbroome, are there soulitions for doing this?  I would like to have one location to sync everything.05:02
Shwackfrostburn I'm using the exact same methods to create a launcher on my desktop that works perfectly05:02
usserSodaPhish, there's ubuntu server console, forgot the name05:02
Ashfire908whamoo, i mean the grub config files.05:02
WACOMaltis there a GRUB support channel?05:02
WACOMaltI need it05:02
SodaPhishusser, any idea what its called?  i mean, even close?05:02
whamooashfire: i have solved these issues in the past by trial and error, but if I fully understood what I am doing I could remember and repeat these actions with less energy wasted. maybe it's time to learn the ins and outs of GRUB2. is it safe to assume we'll be using it for a while?05:03
SodaPhishusser, or is it commercial?05:03
Ashfire908WACOMalt, #grub :)05:03
xhero0fresh install of 9.10 when I try to play ANY video i get "error occured" "internal data stream error"05:03
frostburnShwack, there should be a commandline option for nautilus to connect to a sftp server with url05:03
WACOMalt:) thx05:03
jbroomeWACOMalt: #grub.  cleverly named05:03
vmware-troublehi, I just installed vmware on the Ubuntu 9.04, I am now using the web interface, I want to open an existing virtual machine, and when I click on Virtual machine it keeps on saying loading, how can I load an existing machine using this interface05:03
Ashfire908whamoo, grub 2? it's the new grub version, you should get used to grub 2.05:03
zirodayvmware-trouble: #vmware is the place to ask :)05:03
usserSodaPhish, hang on i'll try to dig up that tool, and yes its commercial05:03
Shwackfrostburn: I guess i'm under the assumption that you can only add launchers to aaplications from the menu bar05:03
jeeves_Mossjbroome, are there soulitions for doing this?  I would like to have one location to sync everything.05:03
Shwackfrostburn: if this is the case.. a nautilus expression would be nice05:04
usserSodaPhish, yea its called landscape05:04
SodaPhishusser, splunk isn't quite right...05:04
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/05:04
SodaPhishusser, looking.05:04
whamooashfire i thought so too. sorry for the rhetorical questions (bad habit)05:04
Geoffrey2is there any particular reason ubuntu's wireless manager can't provide meaningful information when it fails to connect to a network....?05:04
usserSodaPhish, landscape is i think pretty close to your requirements05:04
fergusi know geoffrey! I have so much trouple with it05:04
frostburnShwack, nautilus sftp://url.here05:05
DasEijosh_:still around ?05:05
SodaPhishusser, except not free.  :-)05:05
jbroomejeeves_Moss: zimbra i guess05:05
Shwackfrostburn i had just tried that and it works05:05
Shwackfrostburn: you are the man - thank youv ery much05:05
Ashfire908whamoo, it's ok.05:05
SodaPhishusser, and I don't want to manage the systems, just get reports on them.05:05
usserSodaPhish, exactly :)05:05
frostburnShwack, np05:05
Geoffrey2simply saying "Disconnected, you are no longer connected to a network" isn't giving me much to work with05:05
opticonfor likewise to work correctly these components had to be removed Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon libnss-mdns telepathy-salut05:05
jeeves_Mossjbroome, ok, thanks05:05
i_is_brokeGeoffrey2, what does dmesg | tail say?05:05
usserSodaPhish, again for simple reports i'd just write scripts that gather certain info i need and email that info to me say once a day05:06
Shwackare the lighter versions of linux really that much faster than ubuntu if you have a good comp?05:06
SodaPhishusser, think belarc advisor, but for Linux...05:06
opticoni removed everything that said mdns before because i wasnt sure which mdns had to go05:06
opticonbut its avahi for sure05:06
WACOMaltAt boot all I get is a grub sh prompt. What can I do?05:06
SodaPhishusser, and yes I've seen hardinfo, its good, but hardware only.05:06
xhero0fresh install of 9.10 when I try to play ANY video i get "error occurred" "internal data stream error"05:06
frostburnShwack, not really05:06
chenillenno one there can help me?05:07
Ashfire908WACOMalt, asking over and over doesn't help.05:07
Shwackfrostburn: awesome - i like ubuntu. I want to try other distros of linux to see if any are better but if ubuntu has the same possibilities with better gui then im just gonna stick here05:07
Geoffrey2i_is_broke, the last line is wlan0: disassociating by local choice (reason=3)05:07
DasEijosh| ?05:07
frostburnShwack, if you want to learn the guts of linux, try gentoo, but be prepared for suffering for your first install05:07
DasEijosh__: ?05:07
WACOMaltAshfire908: sometimes new people join who may know. I try to keep reposts with a large enough delay to not flood.05:08
josh__DasEi: yes05:08
DasEijosh__: ah, well that's a big one, I put a script : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312132/05:08
Ashfire908WACOMalt, just try the forums or something. I've done what you are doing, and it has never helped me.05:08
WACOMaltgrub channel seems to be dead, or devoid of knowledgeable people currently05:08
i_is_brokeGeoffrey2, what type of card is it?05:08
Shwackfrostburn: what about building my own distro from the ground up?05:08
WACOMaltwill do05:09
josh__DasEi: ok i'll try it than ks05:09
DasEijosh__: waaiiiit05:09
josh__DasEi: ?05:09
DasEijosh__: can you run this ?05:09
Geoffrey2i_is_broke, the thing is, it's worked before, i just connected several days ago, and now it won't.....shrug05:09
frostburnShwack, not recommended, i'd stick with gentoo, it keeps package management, manageable, whilst still compiling everything05:09
josh__DasEi: copy and pasting them on terminal right?..05:09
i_is_brokeGeoffrey2, lspci will tell you what card you are using05:10
DasEijosh__: sudo gedit sigs.sh05:10
DasEijosh__: download the paste as text05:10
Ashfire908frostburn, and the frustration and high learning curve.05:10
opticonin windows i use d-tools to mount iso's for ubuntu is there an alternative?05:10
josh__DasEi: ok05:10
|ntegra|I lost my panels and made it back again >> how can I see what apps are open in the panel?05:10
usseropticon, its built in05:11
DasEijosh__: open the d/l textfile , too05:11
Ashfire908opticon, you can natively mount isos, I forget how.05:11
josh__DasEi: ok then05:11
leaf-sheep|ntegra|: Add "Windows List" applet to the panel.05:11
usseropticon, sudo mount -t iso9660 image.iso /media/cdrom -o loop05:11
Geoffrey2i_is_broke, it's an Broadcom BCM4311 [AirForce 54g] 802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver05:11
DasEijosh__: copy n paste to sigs.sh05:11
porter1Would anyone here happen to know if PyWM works on ubuntu? I'm trying to write a mobile python platform and I'd like to use Ubuntu as the base.05:11
|ntegra|athanx man, primo as"05:11
DasEijosh__: save sigs.sh05:11
josh__DasEi: ok05:11
DasEijosh__: close gedit05:12
HEATHZhey guys when i try to sign the ubuntu conduct code with the command $gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt i get this error: gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1(2).txt: clearsign failed: chave secreta não disponível05:12
usserporter1, should work, as long as it has python and ubuntu has python it should work05:12
i_is_brokeGeoffrey2, and have you checked the forums for issues with that card?05:12
DasEijosh__: sudo chmod +x sigs.sh05:12
skylwhy does console-kit-daemon leak memory over time?05:12
HEATHZchave secreta não disponível = secret key not available05:12
DasEijosh__: sudo ./sigs.sh05:12
josh__DasEi: ok05:12
lstarnesHEATHZ: did you make a full key pair already?05:12
opticonarchive mounter05:12
usserskyl, bug, file a bug at launchpad.org05:12
Geoffrey2i_is_broke, if it's an issue, it started within the last 48 hours05:12
philhopticon, there's an archive mounter option if i right click on an iso05:12
Guest64587hey, just upgraded to 9.10, now my display will only show 800x600.  I'm running an Intel 910L graphics card05:13
i_is_brokeGeoffrey2, have you done any updates?05:13
josh__DasEi: ok I think it went without an error05:13
Ashfire908HEATHZ, you got your private gpg key?05:13
HEATHZi follwoed the steps on lauchpad site...05:13
HEATHZyes i have one...05:13
DasEijosh__: so fast ?05:13
opticonyea wow thats great05:13
Guest64587anyone else seen this problem05:13
josh__DasEi: it's done05:13
Geoffrey2i_is_broke, whatever updates ubuntu is has pushed down the line recently...05:13
chenillenhow to apply the patch?05:13
HEATHZsyncronized and the launchpad recognized it...05:13
|ntegra|how can I get root write access to my /etc/sudoers file?05:13
Bigshot_zup sup soup guys05:13
josh__DasEi: should I try to update now?05:13
DasEijosh__: sudo apt-get update05:13
usseropticon, there's a lot of those "whoa thats is neat" things that will make you fall in love with linux05:14
WACOMaltgksu nautilus05:14
josh__DasEi: there's 2 left05:14
HEATHZAshfire908, lstarnes look: https://edge.launchpad.net/~timeu-fo/05:14
WACOMalt|ntegra|: gksu nautilus was for you05:14
josh__DasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312138/05:15
opticondefinitely interesting05:15
DasEijosh__: right, couldn't find them in comments, can look for it ~ 15 min, I know them05:15
josh__DasEi: ok thanks :)05:15
Ashfire908HEATHZ, your local system got the key loaded or whatever?05:15
Geoffrey2lesse, last laptop update was 10/31/0905:16
opticonsome of the iso's are not in ISO 9660 format05:17
HEATHZAshfire908, how can i check it?05:17
opticonis there away to change it so it can open one that isnt 966005:17
Ashfire908HEATHZ, sorry, i don't know, don't work with gpg too much... plus I'm going afk soon, so...05:17
josh__DasEi: ooohhhh! I think I got it :D05:17
josh__i changed those random numbers from the script you've given05:18
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?05:18
Ashfire908opticon, man mount?05:18
usseropticon, sudo mount image.iso /mountpoint -o loop. mount does a good job of recognizing image filesystem and is usually right05:18
josh__DasEi: used the ones from the error05:18
HEATHZ=/ Ashfire908 thanks anyway...05:18
josh__DasEi: then i tried to update and got no more errors :)05:18
WACOMaltIs there a WUBI channel? #wubi isn't it05:18
josh__DasEi: thanks alot I really appreciate it :)05:18
DasEijosh__: yo, quick learner, got another item here, great !05:19
greezmunkeyWill adding a line to /etc/network/interfaces describing ra0 interfere with roaming. I added "wireless-essid foo" to it.05:19
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?05:19
usseropticon, if it fails you can always specify the FS manually. ie with -t udf or -t ext4 for example05:19
greezmunkeyinterfere / interface05:19
whamooashfire: ok about what you said earlier, if i disable every nonessential module for install, the standard kernel defaults will stand at first boot... at which time i would add lines to that menu.lst (except it's a different file now that it's grub2) until I get the desired result. is that right?05:19
naitsehow do I know witch "/dev/video*" is my tv tuner?05:19
naitsecoz 4vl2 cant find it05:20
Ashfire908whamoo, you could do it that way I guess.05:20
DasEijosh__: so back again, the opera repo is wrong05:20
josh__DasEi: I see05:20
josh__DasEi: what's the right one?05:20
|ntegra|WACOMalt: actually I stuffed up trying to use gedit etc... just used sudo nano and it worked05:21
whamooashfire: sweet thanks05:21
|ntegra|where has firestarter gone?05:21
josh__DasEi: oh lenny?05:21
josh__DasEi: should I just replace it with karmic?05:22
DasEijosh__: gksudo /etc/apt/sources.list05:22
kewlbns69does anybody know how to reset preview icons in nautilus? mine keep going away05:22
josh__DasEi: ok05:22
DasEijosh__: replace it, then update, then key again05:22
naitsehow do I know witch "/dev/video*" or "/dev/bleh" is my tv tuner? is there anything like lshw that gives me that info?05:23
Ashfire908|ntegra|, it caught fire and burned away. Actually, I see firestarter as a package in 9.10.05:23
EricannePhilh will have to prove himeself as a gunstar. Centauri to starfighter command.05:23
tritiumnaitse: check the output of dmesg05:23
ivanbI used to have this program that was on the top, and whenever I pressed F12, it would bring up the terminal does anyone know what it was?05:25
ivanbyakuza, yakuke or something like that05:25
mik_o4Just installed 9.10 and it will not change wallpaper appearance. It displays the appearance screen for 2 sec. and then logs out. Anyone know why?05:25
frostburnivanb, guake05:25
usserivanb, guake, or yakuake05:26
DasEijosh__: for sources.list : deb http://deb.opera.com/opera karmic non-free05:26
josh__DasEi: done :) thanks05:26
ivanbyes, it was yakuake! thanks!05:26
josh__yeaqh I replaced on the word "lenny" to "karmic"05:26
naitsetritium: it says bttv0: registered device video0 but when I try to do a scantv I get an error like /dev/video0 does not exist05:26
HEATHZhey guys when i try to sign the ubuntu conduct code with the command $gpg --clearsign UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1.txt i get this error: gpg: UbuntuCodeofConduct-1.0.1(2).txt: clearsign failed: secret key not available05:27
joe__I am unable to play video... 9.10, fresh install get "internal data stream error" any ideas?05:27
DasEijosh__: updated ?05:27
josh__DasEi: yes05:27
DasEijosh__: no more errors ?05:27
josh__DasEi: no more :)05:28
DasEijosh__: sudo apt-get upgrade05:28
Billiardjoe__: what kind of video?05:28
josh__DasEi: ok05:28
joe__Billiard: avi, mov, mpg etc....05:28
joe__flas works fine. mp3 is cool also05:28
Billiardjoe__: what program?05:29
sevolDoes anyone know how to setup dual monitors with VirtualBox?05:29
Ashfire908HEATHZ, gpg --list-secret-keys will list the keys loaded. (Just fyi)05:29
infidel2sis guake better than tilda05:29
emersonAlways when I switch on my pc the desktop preferences is off...so what I could do to solve it ?05:29
joe__movie player or vlc05:29
WACOMaltBlargh, tons of searching, many people have the same issue with Wubi stalling on a grub prompt. No fixes as of yet.05:29
joe__slightly different error with vlc05:29
Billiardjoe__: what is the error in vlc05:29
joe__getting it...05:29
josh__DasEi: done05:29
WACOMaltwhere is the default grub config file for Grub2 on 9.1005:30
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)05:30
whamoodoes 9.10 clean install start with compiz defaulted to on?05:30
whamooo roff?05:30
emersonmy desktop preferences is off everytime as turn on my pc so how can I fix it ?05:30
DasEiWACOMalt: there is grub.cfg to not be edited and ..05:30
Billiardemerson: what desktop prefrences?05:30
HEATHZAshfire908, no results...05:30
b0wHello!!! anyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?05:30
WACOMaltDasEi: and....?  thanks for helping btw05:31
emersonBilliard: xfce05:31
Billiardb0w: maybe in the gconf-editor, dunno05:31
Billiardemerson: no, what preferences are off?05:31
DasEiWACOMalt: /boot/grub/grub.cfg  ,/etc/default/grub > user config , /etc/grub.d/ headers05:31
b0wBilliard: gconf-editor okeey and where is that hehehe?05:32
paritosh1010hi. my battery ran out while upgrading to 9.10. Now I can't boot into Ubuntu, it stops while mounting, and gives me a recovery shell. Any way to recover?05:32
emersonBilliard: this one ... my desktop looks like gnome...even I had removed it ...05:32
Billiardb0w: type the command gconf-editor05:32
WACOMaltDasEi: so which of those is the one to edit that has the OS list?05:32
b0wBilliard: thank you ill check it out :)05:32
josh__DasEi: thanks05:32
DasEiWACOMalt: /etc/default/grub05:32
radar1976ok grrr05:32
Ashfire908HEATHZ, you will have to add the key in. Check gpg's man page.05:33
DasEiWACOMalt: after savibg, update-grub05:33
whamooparitosh: if you have the 9.10 alternate install disk, I bet you could put that in and use the "fix broken system" option05:33
Billiardemerson: what is happening, and what do you want to happen?05:33
radar1976I did the release upgrade to 9.10 from 9.04 but it still says 9.0405:33
WACOMaltDasEi: Update-grub is what killed grub last time05:33
joe__billiard: complaing that it can not play xvid....05:33
whamooparitosh: it's always worth a shot either way, it's helped me several times05:33
WACOMaltDasEi: wary of that now...05:33
paritosh1010whamoo, well, the problem gets complicated since my laptop cd drive doesn't detect cds anymore. :(05:33
DasEijosh__: some I keys I got now ;-)05:33
Billiardjoe__: install the restricted extras from synaptic maybe?05:33
WACOMaltDasEi: so what would I type to get grub to work again? I am at the sh:grub> prompt05:34
DasEiWACOMalt: well, then save a copy before editing, just reboot05:34
WACOMaltI wish I had before05:34
DasEiWACOMalt: your grub is broken now ?05:34
porter1Anyone know of any good ubuntu bootup explanations, especially concerning upstart?05:34
WACOMaltDasEi: yes05:34
whamooparitosh: wow so you need like a pendrive install or something now, huh? do you have your /home on its own partition or drive?05:34
joe__billiard: did, and did a complete removal... but today.. I noticed that it said there was only 1 file to install and it took a lot less time to install as it has done in the past.05:35
WACOMaltDasEi: I'm on a wubi install, which aparantly makes grub die if you do grub-update05:35
DasEiWACOMalt: uurm, wubi..  grub2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:36
danubhey all, my apt dir is 2.3 gigs, is there a safe way to lower that size some?05:36
WACOMaltDasEi: looked all through that already :/05:36
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emersonBilliard: first come up the gnome environment  and my wallpaper is off everything is off I mean this is after I logging of  corse, so I have to go to setting>settings manager> desktop and swich on again.05:37
Billiardemerson: just your desktop picture is changed?05:38
DasEiWACOMalt: well wubi, next from trying ubuntu, often lacks, as of defragmentation, better consider dualboot or least a vm, where/how does grub stop ?05:38
emersonBilliard: no the whole thing is a mess ....05:39
radar1976how do I know if i'm upgraded to 9.1005:39
b0wanyone here knows how can i change the Gtk tooltip-delay-settings?05:39
sevolDoes anyone know if its possible in VirtualBox to have the virtual machine on one monitor and the host on another? I have two monitors.05:39
DasEi!version | radar197605:39
ubotturadar1976: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »05:39
signoprinthello and hugs to all05:39
WACOMaltDasEi: I will be converting to a real partition here soon. currently grub stops with a desciption of the grub prompt, telling me what I cna type, and I have a sh:grub>  prompt blinking waiting for input05:39
signoprintany female here05:40
emersonBilliard: so how can I remove every bit of gnome from my pc ?05:40
tishikawa2sevol: not without some X trickery05:40
Billiardemerson: not really sure what your issue is really, but you could try moving your gnome settings, starting from scratch05:40
joe__billiard: did, and did a complete removal... but today.. I noticed that it said there was only 1 file to install and it took a lot less time to install as it has done in the past.05:40
signoprinthello any body from aisa05:41
tishikawa2sevol: you'd have to launch X within the VM on your second monitor05:41
whamooradar: go to your menu -> system -? about ubuntu05:41
DasEiWACOMalt: so you have a grub prompt least, important files on that wubi ?05:41
radar1976ok  so  i did the do-release-upgrade, it downloaded all the upgrades...but still says 9.0405:41
emersonBilliard: can I get rid of everythiing ?05:41
sevoltishikawa2: Do you have a guide or mind giving me the steps?05:41
DasEi!ot | signoprint05:41
ubottusignoprint: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:41
greezmunkeyKernel version: cat /etc/issue05:41
signoprintany female here for serious relationship05:41
Billiardjoe__: yeah when you remove restricted extras it probably only removes the meta package, not the individual ones it depends on, try `apt-get autoremove --purge` after removing restricted extras05:42
WACOMaltDasEi: yeah sadly or I woulda reinstalled already05:42
radar1976someone kick signoprint05:42
Billiardemerson: get rid of what?05:42
whamooradar: 'sudo apt-get update'?05:42
joe__billiard: lets try that brb05:42
tophyris there an easy way to convert a cd .iso to a flash drive .img?05:42
whamooradar: and reboot?05:42
emersonBilliard: whatever I have from gnome...05:42
Billiardemerson: the settings?05:43
radar19760 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:43
tishikawa2tophyr: iso and usb images use two different file systems, so no05:43
Billiardtophyr: mount the iso and copy the files to a flash drive?05:43
DasEiWACOMalt: backup that wubi-file then before experimenting, grub is still poor documentated05:43
tishikawa2tophyr: you'd have to mount and copy into another image05:43
tophyrhmm, bah05:43
tophyreasier to just make a cd then05:44
DasEi!img| tophyr05:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about img05:44
Ericannephilh:  Are you not entirely well my son. Anything the matter ? / Yeah, i want that fucker gon e too'''05:44
whamooanybody here do any realtime recording on a laptop? i have power management questions05:44
radar1976whamoo: I have rebooted twice05:45
DasEitophyr: what do you want to achieve ?05:45
WACOMaltDasEi: is there any way from windows to backup all files from that install?05:45
DasEiWACOMalt: yup, windows handles wubi as a file05:45
joe__billiard: just to make sure i do it right the reinstall command is: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:45
Billiardjoe__: yup05:45
DasEiWACOMalt: ah, files from wubi.. could get hard from win05:45
EricanneThe moon is ecliped, the starfighters are gone. Shut down all energymodules05:46
tophyrDasEi: i'm dl'ing the x86 .iso, would rather have it on a flashdrive but i can burn a dvd05:46
whamooradar: you could try bringing up update manager again and see if the dist upgrade option is still available. possible you may have missed a package so it wasn't finalized05:46
DasEitophyr: for installing or persistent install ?05:46
EricanneT minus 1 week05:46
infidel2shttp://intellinuxwireless.org says that my wifi card's drivers should be included in karmic's kernel yet my wifi doesn't work. it is detected in ifconfig but lshw says it's disabled, as does the network manager. how can i enable it?05:46
joe__billiard: 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.05:46
WACOMaltDasEi: i think the wubi docs had a way to read the ubuntu image file05:46
WACOMaltDasEi: I'll check that05:46
greezmunkeyWill adding a line to /etc/network/interfaces describing my ra0 interface interfere with roaming. I added "wireless-essid foo" to it.05:46
tophyrDasEi: to run literally once or twice, i fubar'ed my grub and need to fix it up05:47
Billiardjoe__: ok05:47
DasEiWACOMalt: yes, and remind that simple deefrag kills wubi easily-- files on that..05:47
lockdI have set the audio for button presses and such to "none" but I still get spewing on the console when I run a Gtk2 app05:47
joe__billiard: After this operation, 32.8kB of additional disk space will be used.05:47
lockdtons of error messages from ALSA... which I would expect since ALSA is unloaded05:47
whamooradar: try 'sudo update-manager -d' and see if that button is visible at the top05:47
WACOMaltack. Ok will remember that05:48
DasEitophyr: http://tinyurl.com/yajul2y  , usb least 2 gb05:48
joe__billiard: nothing really got installed  the last time i installed it it took almost 5 minutes to d/l it all!!!05:48
WACOMaltDasEi:if I reinstall via wubi, and just copy ALL the files from the old install over (except the grub ones) will I have my apps and files back with no issues?05:48
DasEiWACOMalt: no05:49
EricanneThe last starfigther is always alive. My name is '7'05:49
Billiardjoe__: like i said before, when you remove restricted extras, it doesnt remove the individual packages that install when you install it05:49
dkkongIs there a way to force format a jump drive? I can't get gparted to get the job done.05:49
loshaEricanne: wrong channel, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please...05:50
Billiarddkkong: what is the error it gives you?05:50
radar1976      Your system is up-to-date05:50
radar1976There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now05:50
radar1976be canceled.05:50
joe__billiard: oh ok... then anyother ideas? cos i am considering a reinstall......05:50
dkkongBilliard: It'll start formatting then it'll say fail. I check the detailed log and it'll say No medium found, even though it's still plugged in05:50
Billiardjoe__: do videos work for you on the live cd?05:50
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: chances are that you have a conflict. Did you change hardware or do an upgrade?05:51
joe__humm.. i didnt check....05:51
DasEiWACOMalt: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/lvpm.html05:51
Ericannelosha: Proceed with a visual attack formation commander Alpha.05:51
joe__brb ok not right. b ut soon) :)05:51
tophyrDasEi: awesome, thx. did i see you mention earlier that windows defrag F's up wuby's disk?05:51
EricanneB is A05:51
DasEi!ot | Ericanne05:51
ubottuEricanne: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:51
oorahmy usb devices aren't detected what do i do?05:52
DasEitophyr: both frag n defrag05:52
Liquid-SilenceI am so in the mood to move to ubuntu05:52
oorahmaybe i should downgrate to 9.0405:52
loshaLiquid-Silence: from what?05:52
DasEitophyr: sry, nick05:52
EricanneCarry On Fighters05:52
Liquid-Silencevista :)05:52
DasEiWACOMalt: both, frag/defrag05:52
DasEijournaling <>05:52
tophyrlovely, whole reason i'm in this pickle is cuz i removed my dedicated linux partition figuring i'd just use wuby05:52
losha!ops | please take care or Ericanne05:52
ubottuplease take care or Ericanne: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:52
radar1976so now what05:53
nsgnquick question: why would i be loosing my cookies on ever browser exit in 9.10 (firefox 3.5) when i didn't in 9.04 before. did a fresh install (formatted)05:53
* tophyr wonders if there's a way to tell vista not to auto-defrag a folder05:53
Liquid-Silencebut I am a windows web dev :) so I might need to run virtual box with xp installed05:53
_Ray_Hey, question. I'm not an Ubuntu user. Do I have to be root to install a package from Synaptic?05:53
_Ray_(Can I install it "for this user", in some way?)05:53
loshaLiquid-Silence: it's a big change. Consider running ubuntu under virtualbox for a while...05:53
* DasEi suggests tophyr to use dualboot or a vm05:53
greezmunkeytophyr: I doubt they have the technology yet...05:53
WACOMaltDasEi: dang, some of the programs I have may not be able to get again. Special licenses from my work.  I'll keep looking for a fix to grub for now, and if I succeed I will immediately convert to a psysical partition05:54
Liquid-Silencelosha I used to be a unix sys admin :) so I know my way around it :) Just not to sure on the dual monitor setup etc...05:54
whamooLiquid-Silence: honestly I think you want dual-boot05:54
Liquid-Silenceand if I would still be able to connect to the work vpn :)05:54
oorahi never started with virtual box, i just dived in with no partitions and had no sound my first few versions05:54
oorahthen learned as i went05:54
Billiard_Ray_: in ubuntu you use the program sudo to run programs as root05:54
tophyrDasEi: that's why i'm like "gahhh", i just deleted my dualboot in favor of wuby, and in doing so fubar'ed my grub05:54
whamooor do you web-dev in linux;P05:54
* tophyr kicked in the face by karma05:54
oorahmy usb devices aren't detected what do i do?05:54
_Ray_Billiard, yes, but do you need to always "sudo synaptic"?05:55
Liquid-Silencewhamoo @ work I have to use windows :D05:55
_Ray_(As opposed to just "synaptic" as a regular, unprivileged user)05:55
greezmunkeyoorah; you don't get anything in dmesg regarding usb?05:55
DasEioorah: lsusb ?05:55
loshaLiquid-Silence: can't help you with the monitor stuff, but the vpn stuff you should be able to trial from vbox...05:55
Liquid-Silencemight aswell just go the ubuntu route :)05:55
Billiard_Ray_: if you run it from the command line i think you will need to use sudo synaptic, but from the menu you can just click package manager or w/e05:55
Liquid-SilenceAs I have to code on the VPN anyway05:56
oorahDasEi, 5 different things came up, but nothing mouted on the desktop display or in places05:56
whamooLiquid-Silence: isee. you're wondering if maybe you have a laptop would you be able to connect to your old VPN without vista?05:56
WACOMaltDasEi: do you think if I ran the wubi to partition program if it would work now with grub screwed up?05:56
_Ray_Billiard, yes, but will it require root privileges? That's my main question. Can I use Synaptic without administrator privileges?05:56
Liquid-Silencewhamoo pm?05:56
_Ray_(Maybe install it just for my user, perhaps? In my ~?)05:56
koshari_Ray_ no05:56
Billiard_Ray_: no you need to be root to install packages05:56
_Ray_No way to, like in a ./configure, specify a --prefix?05:56
Billiard_Ray_: what?05:57
greezmunkeywhat tha05:57
DasEiWACOMalt: is what I think, if the fs is still intact05:57
WACOMaltDasEi: I think it is. I can ls in the sh:grub> prompt and see my files05:57
DasEioorah: but desired devices listed ?05:57
_Ray_Billiard, in a GNU autoconf-based package (./configure; make; make install), within ./configure you can give it a --prefix option, to not install its binaries in, say, /usr/bin, but to install in, say, ~/Programs/, without needing root.05:57
oorahDasEi, according to what i see, nothing is mounted05:58
_Ray_Is Synaptic only able to install system-wide packages, thus always requiring root, and without a way to install per-user, less privilege-needing packages?05:58
oorahDasEi, sometimes when i restart they are mounted, but usually after several restarts05:58
_Ray_(Or, can apt do this?)05:58
Billiard_Ray_: you may be able to do something like that from the command line, but not in synaptic akaik05:59
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
DasEi!fstab | oorah05:59
ubottuoorah: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:59
PortunusQuestion about the WWW folder and the root permissions: I am trying to test some PHP files but when i try to move my php files into the /var/www/ folder to test them, it does not allow me to move it. Hellp?05:59
DasEi!blkid | oorah05:59
ubottuoorah: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:59
infidel2sgreezmunkey i did an ISO reinstall of 9.1005:59
boulevardieif you have a server which is located at file://localhost that means that it's supposed to be your computer isn't it?05:59
DasEiboulevardie: yes06:00
ravengerdo i need to specify all the partitions like /usr /home and swap or the single /root partition will be  enough?06:00
infidel2sgreezmunkey iwconfig says 'wmaster0  no wireless extensions' and 'wlan0' has a lot of info06:00
boulevardieDasEi: well, my computer only has a HD of 300gb, but this is server has like over 900GBs of space, how is that possible?06:00
DasEiravenger: at install ?06:00
Billiardravenger: just a / is enough / is not the same as /root06:01
DasEiboulevardie: in which app ?06:01
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: I had the same problem. What type/kind of nic?06:01
infidel2si only have one wifi card so i dont know why iwconfig shows wmaster0 and wlan06:01
losha_Ray_: synaptic only does system-wide installs and needs root privelege. What you want, a custom install, *may* be possible by downloading a .deb package and unpacking it by hand and running the binaries. I've done this once or twice, but it's nasty and evil, and *so* not supported...06:01
infidel2sgreezmunkey 4965AGN, Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG06:01
boulevardieDasEi: I'm not actually on ubuntu, I just thought you guys might know something about this, so sorry if I'm wasting your time, but I thought this was pretty damn strange06:02
oorahmy usb devices aren't detected what do i do?06:02
_Ray_losha, just seems weird that, Linux being normally a multi-user environment, Ubuntu would adopt the Windows-based tradition of needing Administrator privileges to install packages, when, by default, this isn't really needed (./configure doesn't).06:02
ravengerBilliard: yes i got it if u dont mind can u tell what is the purpose then for these /usr /home and swap like where they r used06:02
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: I had to remove the avahi related modules, there were two...06:02
microlith_Ray_: ./configure and make don't mess around in /usr06:02
losha_Ray_: configure doesn't make system-wide changes visible to all users. synaptic does....06:02
greezmunkeyonce I did my device changed to ra0, and so far no problems06:02
Billiardravenger: if you wanted those directories on separate partitions, otherwise they will be on a single partition06:02
DasEioorah: as hinted above, find them with sudo fdisk -l , uuid them, put em in fstab06:03
_Ray_microlith, and that's exactly what I want to accomplish :)06:03
microlith_Ray_: then learn to love sudo06:03
VotingSomeone wants to sell me HP g60-458dx laptops for $479 each or less. Would these be good laptops to run Ubuntu? Anyone run on them? Any advice on low cost powerful laptops?06:03
xfire8who want free torrentleech user private me06:03
infidel2sgreezmunkey i seem to have both avahi-autoipd and avahi-daemon06:03
_Ray_microlith, I'm not using Linux ATM, I was just wondering why Synaptic doesn't have something akin to --prefix06:03
losha_Ray_: configure also won't make a system unbootable. synaptic can...06:03
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: what happens if you sudo ifdown wlan0, then ifup wlan0?06:04
microlith_Ray_: because --prefix is required at compile time iirc...06:04
oorahDasEi, i don't understand that second part06:04
greezmunkeyDo you try to get an address via dhcp?06:04
oorahhow do i uuid them and put them in fstab?06:04
_Ray_Ah, right, I keep forgetting it's a binary distro. Used to Gentoo xP06:04
PortunusQuestion about the WWW folder and the root permissions: I am trying to test some PHP files but when i try to move my php files into the /var/www/ folder to test them, it does not allow me to move it. Hellp?06:04
infidel2sgreezmunkey did i try to get an address via dhcp?06:04
joe__biliiant: The requested plugins are:06:04
joe__MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder06:04
joe__XVID MPEG-4 decoder in the live cd.06:04
microlithI'm happily past using gentoo, ubuntu gets systems into a good state quick and keeps them there06:05
DasEioorah: 1) find devicename aka /dev/sdg , right ?06:05
BilliardPortunus: if you only need to do it a few times, you can use sudo to move the files as a work around06:05
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: tail -f /var/log/syslog then try to connect... see what happens06:05
losha_Ray_: dpkg *does* have an equivalent (sort of). But synaptic is too high-level for that kind of chicanery..06:05
_Ray_microlith, Gentoo works fine, too, if your first command upon booting is "emerge firefox"06:05
Billiardjoe__: and it works?06:05
oorahDasEi, yes06:05
microlith_Ray_: sure, my issue is with everything required to get to that point, then waiting for firefox to build :/06:05
infidel2sgreezmunkey 'sudo ifdown wlan0' says 'device not configured'06:05
microlithI can have computers do it for me06:06
_Ray_Firefox, OO.o, X.org06:06
DasEioorah: 2) sudo blkid, get corresponding uuid06:06
joe__billiard: no i jumpped on wireless and it could not find the pluggins and for a mov file also06:06
xfire8FREE TorrentLeech user PRIVATE !06:06
PortunusBilliard: I am sorry but I am new to ubuntu; how do I go around doing that06:06
greezmunkeyok ifup, sounds more and more like what I went thru06:06
Billiardxfire8: leave06:06
boulevardieDasEi: Do you know what might cause this?06:06
xfire8billiard : i have usse post problem with ubuntu help me dude06:06
DasEi!details | boulevardie06:06
ubottuboulevardie: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:06
xfire8issue *06:06
oorahDasEi, an sda1 and an sda5 came up06:07
BilliardPortunus: sudo mv srcfile destination06:07
ugurhi all. I have added a line like youtube.com to my hosts file but it doesn't seem to affect. Should i restart something?06:07
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: do the tail and try to connect after the ifup...06:07
Billiardxfire8: what is your issue?06:07
oorahDasEi, do i need to paste those into something?06:07
xfire8Billiard : read here please and see http://communities.intel.com/thread/800706:07
PortunusBilliard: thank you, good sir06:07
DasEioorah: paste the output of : sudo fdisk -l (with usb inserted)06:07
oorahDasEi, where do i paste the output?06:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!06:08
DasEioorah: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdsik -l | pastebinit06:08
DasEioorah: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit     **06:09
Billiardxfire8: idk, dumb bios is my guess06:09
xfire8billiard : my bios is up to date06:10
infidel2sgreezmunkey i did the tail and tried ifup but nothing happened in it06:10
infidel2sgreezmunkey and it just said ignoring unconfigured interface wlan006:10
xfire8billiard : and sometimes i dont have ithis problem but its rare06:10
oorahDasda, read error operation timed out06:10
DasEioorah: sudo apt-get install pastebinit06:10
oorahDasEi, sometimes when i restart they are mounted06:11
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: try this... sudo lshw -C network   (if) when you see your device look for driver=xxxx06:11
xfire8Daesi : sudo shut-up with ur commands remove06:11
DasEioorah reboots then, hum.. heh06:11
draconisanyone use the pidgin voice and video feature?06:11
Voting**** Anyone into HP LAPTOPS? Do they tend to work well running UBUNTU????? **** Someone wants to sell me HP g60-458dx laptops for $479 each or less. Would these be good laptops to run Ubuntu? Anyone run on them? Any advice on low cost powerful laptops?06:12
xfire8draconis : me use06:12
joe__billiard: any ideas?06:12
draconisxfire8, do you know if the "Sound Method" affects just the notifications, or the voice too?06:12
greezmunkeyDell Lattitude P4M+1GB RAM 120.0006:12
Billiardjoe__: what do you mean it couldnt find the plugins?06:12
xfire8draconis : the voice too06:12
infidel2sgreezmunkey that showed driver=iwl3945 but says wlan0 is DISABLED06:12
draconisxfire8, that's... rather annoying. OSS is missing06:13
joe__billiard: that was using the live cd....06:13
draconisxfire8, I take it that I have to recompile everything06:13
xfire8draconis : i cant compile for you06:13
joe__i am back to my current install...06:13
Billiardjoe__: idk what you mean by it couldnt find the plugins06:13
xfire8you have 32 / 64 bit ?06:13
xfire8i can *06:13
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: type this... cat /etc/network/interfaces do you see wlan0?06:13
joe__billiard: not using the live cd it didnt find it.06:13
draconisxfire8, I said I take it /I/ will have to compile pidgin too06:14
Billiardjoe__: what didnt find what?06:14
xfire8FREE TorrentLeech User                                           P-R-I-V-A-T-E !06:14
Billiardxfire8: quit saying that06:14
infidel2sgreezmunkey according to intellinuxwireless.org i'm supposed to be using the drivers that come with 2.6.30 for my wifi called 'iwlwifi' is that the same thing?06:14
xfire8so you know whats ths problem06:14
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
infidel2sgreezmunkey no there's nothing for wireless in /etc/network/interfaces!06:14
Billiardxfire8: i say your bios is dumb, reflash try a different version06:14
joe__billiard: i tried to watch a avi file using the live cd and it could not find the xvid or mpeg-1 using the live cd.06:14
xfire8billiard : i tired06:14
xfire8deja vu :X06:14
infidel2sgreezmunkey does there have to be?06:14
draconisxfire8, oh, hehe. 64-bit. but I can compile it fine, it's just annoying06:14
Billiardjoe__: installed restricted extras on the live cd?06:15
xfire8draconis : i kidding dont listen to me i even dont know whats this pidgin :X  i have problems with linux06:15
xfire8and no one want help me06:15
xfire8im sad06:15
joe__billiard: you can!??! i didnt know that....06:15
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: I believe you have the right driver, but there may be something else getting in the way. Search Ubuntu <driver> in google, there's lots of docs there06:16
xfire8infidel2s: I believe you have the right driver, but there may be something else getting in the way. Search Ubuntu <driver> in google, there's lots of docs there06:16
infidel2smaybe my wifi card is just broke06:16
xfire8maybe my wifi card is just broke06:16
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: I don't think so...06:17
whamoomaybe my wifi card is just broke06:17
infidel2swhy is everything echo'ing06:17
whamooI wasn't echoing I was agreeing06:17
xfire8why is everything echo'ing06:17
one_where can I get a 8.04 liveCD ?06:17
one_I wanna download and burn06:18
Billiardone_: the internet06:18
vega-one_: how about www.ubuntu.com ?06:18
one_vega, cant find the exact link06:18
infidel2sgreezmunkey do you think it's just becaues i have nothin for wlan0 in my /etc/network/interfaces file?06:18
xfire8greezmunkey do you think it's just becaues i have nothin for wlan0 in my /etc/network/interfaces file?06:18
greezmunkeyno, you could try removing the avahi modules. It worked for me.06:19
xfire8i will kill everyone here06:19
xfire8one day and you will see06:19
infidel2sall of them?06:19
one_vega, is the main installer can also be run as live CD ?06:19
greezmunkeycheck out the Wireless troubleshooting guide in Ubuntu06:19
xfire8with AK-4706:19
vigoone_: Ubuntu site06:19
xfire8or AWP06:19
=== topher is now known as topher|away
vega-one_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.04.3/release/06:20
leaf-sheep!away > topher|away06:20
vega-one_: and "yes" to the second question06:20
vigovega-: Thank you06:20
xfire8no no , Thank you06:20
ubottutopher|away, please see my private message06:20
DasEione_: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download06:21
SetiAmonso who has audio distortions like static with karmic?06:21
one_vega-: thanks06:21
greezmunkeyHeh, just realized...I worked from home all day with Ubuntu box. No windows!06:22
xfire8greezmunke : you prefer ubuntu them windows ?06:22
Omen_20hi, does anyone know how to make a hdd active and not dynamic so to install windows on it?06:23
greezmunkeyso far so good. I used to run Slackware years ago. Man have things changed!06:23
whamoogreezmunkey: I still have fond memories of Windows 2000, but that was really the last time I needed it06:24
alexb8gday guys, just wondering that if i install the unbr would it be possible to add it to the win bottolader instead of using grub?06:24
xfire8hey ! give me one reasson why all of here prefer ubuntu than windows ?06:24
greezmunkeyhehe my work PC is w2k!06:24
whamooxfire: because knowledge is not property06:24
alexb8xfire8 : reliability, the features are amazing, its for free, runs on any computer, it gets better every 6 months....06:25
microlithxfire8: I don't have an inherently crippled OS requiring hacks like Cygwin to do things06:25
DasEixfire8: ever crawled web ?06:25
xfire8but every software you need write command06:25
BilliardOmen_20: you mean basic and not dynamic?06:25
xfire8not comfortable06:25
greezmunkeyYea, this laptop woke up once I loaded the nvidia drivers. I like "super+e" pretty cool.06:25
to3000windows in ubuntu 9.10 freeze with no warning, Please Help06:25
xfire8i just tired to install flash player in linux 64bit and i got problem06:25
whamooxfire: I can watch youtube on a ten-year-old laptop but it's still simple enough my girlfriend can use it06:25
xfire8in windows its very easy06:26
microlithxfire8: it might be uncomfortable if your fingers are broken, yes06:26
IdleOne!flash64 | xfire806:26
ubottuxfire8: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:26
kunjiHey there, I recently upgraded to 9.10 and zoom functions from compiz do not seem to be working.06:26
infidel2sgreezmunkey uh, removing avahi modules not only didnt fix my wifi issue, it broke eth0! eth0 now nolonger shows up in ifconfig and if i type 'ifconfig eth0 up' it errors06:26
xfire8and ubuntu not beauty :(06:27
soreaukunji: Try changing your resolution and changing it right back. Also, ping me in #compiz06:27
dravekx|windowsI have a problem06:27
IdleOne!eyecandy | xfire806:27
ubottuxfire8: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:27
dravekx|windowsI dont have internet and my wireless card isnt detecting06:27
Omen_20Billiard, I guess. I have 9.10 on one drive and now im going back and trying to put Vista back on another one. I pick the drive to install it to and it says it cant work with the volume for installation.06:27
DasEi!ot > xfire8:06:27
Shwackxfire why would you even try to start comparing a free product with a something that costs hundreds of dollars.  There are obviously strengths and weaknesses to both.  people here choose ubutnu/linux because they feel the strengths for them outweigh the weaknesses.06:27
kunjiThanks Soreau, will do.06:27
xfire8to install simple something like flash you need to write "wget http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- && tar xvfz libflashplayer-"     why all this ?06:27
Omen_20Billiard, I looked up the error message and one of the problems was that the drive may be dynamic, first off is there a way to check that?06:28
dravekx|windowsis there a way to download a driver and install it via USB jump drive in ubuntu?06:28
xfire8in windows you just download it from your firefox or something06:28
IdleOnexfire8: ask adobe06:28
infidel2sxfire8 and then you need to put that .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins06:28
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: that sucks... what kind of errors do you get?06:28
microlithxfire8: that's entirely adobe's fault06:28
xfire8idleon : its not only adobe its almost every software06:28
xfire8want more examples ?06:28
BilliardOmen_20: afaik, you cannot easily convert a dynamic disc to a basic disk without deleting all paritions, if that is the issue06:28
IdleOne!synaptic | xfire806:28
ubottuxfire8: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:28
BilliardOmen_20: one sec06:28
microlithxfire8: sure, but no closed-source examples06:28
infidel2sgreezmunkey eth0:error wile getting interface flags: no such device06:28
to3000please help me, when i tryed to down grade the problem mover from 9.10 to 9.0406:28
xfire8i cant press Winkey+D (Show Desktop)06:28
Shwackxfire almost everything i've needed and used I got and installed via double click or software manager. The only times I had to use commands is when if elt like it06:28
vega-to3000: downgrade is not supported06:29
infidel2sxfire8 i was able to install flash player by just installing the flashplugin-nonfree06:29
microlithxfire8: goodness, ubuntu isn't windows!06:29
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: Whoa, that shouldn't have happened06:29
IdleOnexfire8: I probably have a factoid for every thing you can think of. why not stop looking for problems and try to learn something new06:29
xfire8when i press capslock  with another language its write in small words06:29
leaf-sheepxfire8: It's a bunch of commands in one go. Download file. Untar file. Move file to a specific location.06:29
infidel2sgreezmunkey is it becaues i dont have my ethernet cable plugged in?06:29
Omen_20Billiard, by deleting all partitions, do u mean all of them spanning separate drives? Or just the ones on one particular drive?06:29
leaf-sheepxfire8: CTRL + ALT + D06:29
to3000i moved from 9.10 to 9.0406:29
xfire8leaf-sheep : i can change it ?06:29
Shwackxfire8 = guy with list of things to complain about seeing how riled up he can get a chat room full of ubuntu fans06:29
BilliardOmen_20: one drive06:29
whamoogood news folks: I just now found the alt install of 9.10 allowed me to boot an Inspiron 2650 without disabling acpi, apic, or lapic . this is a first for me! (apic is crucial to real-time)06:30
greezmunkeyinfidel2s: = infidel06:30
xfire8i just cant use ubuntu normally because i have problems with linux , i really want try but i have error .06:30
Shwackxfire8 i just isntalled ubuntu 7 days ago and everything is running flawlessly.  If you can't get anything to work in ubuntu it's cuz you can't google06:30
leaf-sheepxfire8: No. You don't like CTRL + ALT + D?  Adapt to new shortcuts as you have adapt to new operating system (Ubuntu from Windows).06:30
Billiardxfire8: you said before you rarely get this error06:30
IdleOnexfire8: first thing you said right06:30
codeswinghow is Karmic Koala06:30
codeswingis it worth to install06:30
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
leaf-sheepcodeswing: I'm loving it.06:31
Billiardcodeswing: some people have some issues, some dont06:31
asdqwewhy my ubuntu dekstop 9.10 no connect?... bugs?.06:31
Billiardasdqwe: connect to what?06:31
Omen_20Billiard, ok well thats fine. I wanted to give the full drive to Windows anyways, its on a 40GB. Thing is I ran installation with the disk blank, it had no partitions, it was all unallocated. I blanked it in gparted before booting up the disc. I tried running install from there but that didnt work, so I made a ful sized part on the drive, that still didnt work.06:31
joe__brilland: i tried installing restracted from thelive cd. it could notfind the package... and then I went to the software center, and the install button was missing.. just like when I first installed 91.006:31
codeswingBilliard: what kind of issues06:31
keppi9.10 works fine for me06:31
asdqweconeect to internet06:31
xfire8billiard : no i mean its rare that i dont have this problem . understand ?06:31
infidel2sgreezmunkey nope i just plugged it back in and still get the same error06:31
codeswingleaf-sheep: what file system type did you choose06:31
Billiardcodeswing: sound, flash, idk06:32
leaf-sheepcodeswing: ext4. I like to watch things bleeding. :)06:32
greezmunkeyHere's one for the group...I'v got this pretty well dialed, dual booting XP. Can I migrate all of this, ie install on a pure linux platform?06:32
IdleOnexfire8: you are free to install windows and continue using it if you prefer06:32
codeswingleaf-sheep: it must not be your work machine06:32
BilliardOmen_20: try creating  a new partition table, msdos06:32
dotchhi all, I recently installed Karmic on a lenovo thinkpad z61m and mobile broadband does not seem to work, is there a workaround available?06:32
dravekx|windowsnvm, i got it06:32
codeswingBilliard: installing flash is easy job right06:32
codeswingBilliard: idk or jdk06:32
xfire8IdleOne : i dont know what i prefer , i just want try and i have error post problem when my computer booting ( only in linux)06:32
leaf-sheepcodeswing: In that case, I suppose ext3 would be the safe bet for production machines. ext4 is still fresh.06:33
IdleOnecodeswing: yes. see !flash06:33
leaf-sheepcodeswing: But I'm not having issues with ext4 lately. ;)06:33
Billiardcodeswing: yeah but it doesnt work correctly for some people, i had no issues after installing it06:33
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:33
codeswingBilliard: any other major issue06:33
Omen_20Billiard, ok. So make a new partition table in msdos and then run the install disc again? I should still leave making it NTFS to the install, correct?06:33
xfire8oh i found something that you cant do with linux06:34
xfire8you cant play games normally !06:34
Billiardcodeswing: i think some people had some more issues with ati cards on karmic06:34
IdleOne!games > xfire806:34
ubottuxfire8, please see my private message06:34
BilliardOmen_20: yea06:34
leaf-sheepgreezmunkey: Why don't you backup your data off-storage? External hard drive. Other machine. It's a sure bet -- More safe this way... Knowing your data are secured.06:34
codeswingBilliard: hope I don't face these issue06:34
xfire8Idleon : you call this games ?06:34
dravekx|windowshow do I activate a driver without internet access???06:34
leaf-sheep!lnw | xfire806:34
ubottuxfire8: Want to know the differences between Windows and Linux? This guide, called "Linux is Not Windows" is a pretty good read -- http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm06:34
xfire8i mean really games06:35
=== linlin_ is now known as Leo_WJL
Billiardcodeswing: try out the live cd06:35
xfire8like Assisan Creed , GTA IV , need for speed and all that06:35
greezmunkeyleaf-sheep, I am thinking about formatting this HDD. Can I possibly move what I have configured here onto it after the format?06:35
PortunusHow can I see PHP files in Ubuntu? When I use firefox, it just asks "how do you want to open this?" and suggests other programs06:35
codeswingBilliard: it works smooth06:35
leaf-sheepgreezmunkey: Sure. Backup everything.06:35
SetiAmonok removing pulse audio doesn't fix audio distortions,i hope this audio is fixed soon06:35
IdleOnexfire8: you have convinced me. I am going to install Windows 7 right now!06:35
codeswingbtw I am currently installing Karmic on my work machine ..06:35
codeswingI choose ext3 ftw06:36
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leaf-sheep!backup | greezmunkey06:36
ubottugreezmunkey: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning06:36
microlithxfire8: why are you in here, really?06:36
IdleOnexfire8: not please stop complaining about ubuntu. ask a question if you need help06:36
xfire8idleone : really ?06:36
greezmunkeyleaf-sheep, I'll start there, and read up on it. It would be cool not to have to reinstall everything!06:36
z1l0gwas floppy drive support removed in 9.10?06:36
PortunusHow can I see PHP files in Ubuntu? When I use firefox, it just asks "how do you want to open this?" and suggests other programs06:36
aquachicaI love Ubuntu! ...but I will not upgrade via the network.06:36
xfire8micoroth : because ubuntu is cool with all effects and i just want use linux , and windows for games06:36
asdqweping to gw destination why?.06:36
xfire8but i haver problem boot with linux thats why im here and i still didnt slove it06:37
leaf-sheepxfire8: You're using Windows because you're hooked up since you saw this ad on the TV --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDq90oITehA06:37
dravekx|windowsHow do I activate  a driver without internet access? I downloaded the .deb file, but my wireless card is still not working.06:37
DasEidravekx|windows: on usb ?06:37
Omen_20Billiard, gparted's default is set to msdos for the partition table, so im figuring thats how it already was. i redid it though.06:37
microlithleaf-sheep: why that man hasn't had a heart attack yet I don't know...06:37
BilliardOmen_20: ok dunno could try again i guess06:37
leaf-sheepmicrolith: It's a miracle.  A bad one at that. :\06:37
PortunusHow can I see PHP files in Ubuntu? When I use firefox, it just asks "how do you want to open this?" and suggests other programs06:38
dravekx|windowsDasEi, I downloaded the file to USB flash drive, passed it to ubuntu and ran the update, but my wireless card is still not working and it shows INACTIVE.06:38
dravekx|windowsINACTIVE in hardware drivers.06:38
aquachicaPortunus: Are you using XAMPP?06:38
thornheartIs anyone in here a cook?  As in cooking food for a restaurant?06:38
Portunusaquachica: i just installled whatever was in LAMP06:38
DasEidravekx|windows: I wonder if you can make it running by a deb, but least can tell you how to install the deb06:39
vega-Portunus: you haven't configured apache06:39
leaf-sheepthornheart: My brother is a chef. That's offtopic. #ubuntu-offtopic ;)06:39
IdleOnethornheart: I used to be. but yeah what leaf-sheep said06:39
greezmunkeygotta go, securing wireless network...06:39
aquachicaPortunus: Once you have installed LAMPP, you need to start it up.06:39
vega-Portunus: in this case, you need to install libapache2-mod-php5 or something like that06:39
Portunusvega-: apache2 is already installed06:39
vega-Portunus: and, READ documentation ..06:39
dravekx|windowsDasEi, I installed the deb, but the driver is still inactive. :( without it, I cant get internet access.06:39
vega-Portunus: and the php module to apache?06:39
Portunusaquachica: how do i go about htat? just go into terminal and call it?06:39
Portunusvega-: i am new to so many things on this: mysql, php, ubuntu, vmware, linux etc06:40
aquachicaPortunus: You have to go to the terminal to start up LAMPP.06:40
vega-Portunus: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/web-servers.html06:40
dravekx|windowswait. maybe I got the wrong file06:41
oorahdoes suspend use any power at all? right now my usb devices most of the time are not mounted at startup and sometimes are, so i figured since they are now suspend would be a nice workaround for now06:41
vega-read that first, then come back with specific questions06:41
aquachicaPortunus: Depending how you set it up, you may need to use the "sudo" command.06:41
Evetwhat is nautilus?06:41
DasEidravekx|windows: ok, I'm quite tired now ( 7.40 am here ), know the chipset ?06:41
ChaituGreetings All. I'm trying to install ubuntu for the first time. while I try come to the screen of partitions I see 40 GB of "Unusable" space. I know thats the space am looking to install Ubuntu. Can someone please help me in making this usable? thanks and appreciate your help06:41
Docteh!package nautilus06:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:41
resildrenportunus try looking in usr/share/doc/06:41
DasEiChaitu: desktop cd ?06:41
Doctehthats no fun06:41
vega-Portunus: nobody here can explain the whole procedure for you, read docs first06:42
aquachicaPortunus: For me, I go to the Terminal and enter this code: "sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start".  It will ask for my password.  I type that in, and it should work.06:42
DoctehEvet: its the file manager thingy06:42
ChaituDasEi:well i downloaded alternate? cd .. sorry not familiar with terms06:42
DasEiChaitu: I see, second06:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus06:42
aquachicaPortunus: You need to tell us where LAMPP is located on your HD.06:42
EvetDocteh, is it reasonable to use 50% of cpu?06:43
aquachicaPortunus: My version of LAMPP is located in: "/opt/lampp/"06:43
saunatonttuGood morning everyone! I was looking at device support page and i noticed that there isnt got any standart (N) wireless cards? O.o06:43
DoctehEvet: depends on what dir you're looking in, it makes thumbnails for things just like windows explorer06:43
ChaituWould anyone help me here please?06:43
b0wEvet: Depends on what cpu you got also06:44
Portunusvega-, resildren, aquachica: this is an overload of information; i am sorry to ask all of this but this is just very intimidating and panicking since this is due soon a n i need to get this working; still, i appreciate your help06:44
vigosaunatonttu: Look at Hardware or Supported Hardware?06:44
EvetDocteh, im trying to kill it. it just restarts06:44
DasEiChaitu: d/l http://tinyurl.com/yly9w6e , burn it, format that partition to ext 406:44
DoctehEvet: well it is running the icons on the desktop possibly06:45
aquachicaPortunus: May I PM you?06:45
ChaituAm on win 7 and trying to have dual boot. If that helps..06:45
dravekx|windowsIs there a way to download the entire DEB package for a proprietary driver????06:45
saunatonttuvigo i did that already06:45
ChaituDasEi: Thanks a ton. let me have a look at that link06:45
dravekx|windowsdoing this one by one sucks.06:45
oorahdoes suspend use any power at all? right now my usb devices most of the time are not mounted at startup and sometimes are, so i figured since they are now suspend would be a nice workaround for now06:45
vega-Portunus: yes, but things still start with first reading the basic documentation and then coming here if you still have questions, it makes no sense for someone to step through the whole process here06:45
DasEi!info gparted | Chaitu06:45
DoctehChaitu: maybe the unusable partition is the windows partition?06:45
ubottuChaitu: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 440 kB, installed size 3704 kB06:45
tishikawa2oorah: yes-- suspend keeps things in memory, and memory uses memory06:45
resildrenPortunus, your trying to see your php pages? yes or do you just need to read them?06:45
tishikawa2memory uses power i mean06:46
vigosaunatonttu: Forums any help? wait, if you looked at Hardware, you have been there, one moment,,,06:46
ChaituDocteh: am pretty sure its not. I know the exact size of other partitions and they match up06:46
Portunusvega-: well, i thought that my request was a simple one since it is just running the php file, like opening a .html a file06:46
DasEiChaitu:it's a small live cd that lets you view n edit your partitions, though win can do that, too06:46
vega-Portunus: to that, i already told you the answer06:47
oorahtishikawa2, thanks. but not a lot though does it, i mean does this temporary workaround make a big difference on the electric bill? lol i'm not really sure how much more power will be used over time06:47
xfire8eyecandy = beauty theme not like the default ?06:47
oorahtishikawa2, and my battery is not plugged on, will it lose the suspend if i unplug the power?06:47
aksunayou can see the partitions in dev folder06:47
Portunusvega-: yes yes yes, ok thank you; i am currently reading the documentation and trying to make heads and tails of everything on my 34th hours awake and being 7am in the morning06:47
Lasthope106Greetings,  I'm having problems installing Ubuntu in my laptop.  The installer doesn't give me the option to install it side-by-side with windows.  After booting the LiveCD I tried gParted but it doesn't let me create a new partition or resize the current NTFS partition.  Any ideas in how to solve this?06:48
aksunaor maybe in mnt folder06:48
ChaituDasEi: Am sorry if this is something silly.. the tool that am downloading will help me to change my partitions, right? I mean I need to burn that iso..boot and change that to usable? thanks again06:48
aksunabecause the files system principle is diferent06:48
Doctehoorah: suspend uses power, so it'll use the battery then lose it06:48
tishikawa2oorah: you won't loose suspend, and it uses very little energy-- but batteries will run out eventually06:48
aksunaany device is mounted like a node , also the partitions06:48
DasEiChaitu: yes, but if there is working win on it, could use that , too06:48
vigosaunatonttu: British thing?06:48
xfire8eyecandy = beauty theme not like the default ?06:48
* resildren offers Portunus a cup of java06:48
tishikawa2oorah: (you will lose the state if it completely drains, obviously)06:49
* resildren grins06:49
oorahtishikawa2, my battery is not plugged into the laptop, what i'm asking is will it stay in suspend if the power is unplugged?06:49
aksunawith version of ubuntu are you installing06:49
DasEiChaitu: never wrong to have gparted live, though ( win and linux)06:49
Portunusresildren: i appreciate the offer lol; actually i don't do well on coffee :P06:49
tishikawa2oorah: it will stay in suspend until it runs out of battery life06:49
aksunayou mount the  parttiton of windows like other node06:49
b0wLasthope106: choose th option install on this system and after that it will give you the option of the partitions06:49
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:49
aksunajust that06:49
Chaituyes am on the same laptop. Trying to get dual boot going. You mean I can install the prog that am downloadin on windows and make it usable?06:49
Doctehoorah: if you kill the power to the device you lose a suspend06:49
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:49
Chaituwow they have help in chinese too...nice06:50
oorahDocteh, oh ok thanks06:50
dmmainouHi guys, I installed karmic a week ago and somehow lost my sound yesterday and don't know where to start. can someone pleas direct me in the right direction.06:50
Lasthope106b0w: the only option it gives is to use the entire disk and delete all other currently installed operating systems06:50
oorahhow many languages does ubottu speak in?06:50
aksunaany time that you are installing ubuntu its showed the hard drive partitions06:50
Lasthope106I still want to keep XP06:50
b0wdmmainou: turn the volume on? hahah jk06:50
ubottuĐể được trợ giúp về Ubuntu bằng ngôn ngữ Việt, xin vui lòng /join #ubuntu-vn. Rất vui lòng được giúp đỡ06:50
greezmunkeywahoo! WPA2 security enabled without any issues!06:50
loshaDocteh: are you sure about that? I thought suspend wrote to disk (the swap partition) and so doesn't use power?06:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about za06:50
aksunaso you just have to select the swap partition , then the virtual partitons06:50
aksunathats all06:50
nic1sometimes sys stands for a long time at /lib/init/rw/rootdev has been mounted 31 times being checked, check forced....anyone has an idea as to why?06:51
ubottuPlease see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.06:51
b0wLasthope106: whats the size of your drive?06:51
greezmunkeyI feel much better now, especially after seeing tcpdump output on the wireless interface!06:51
Lasthope106b0w: 30G06:51
dmmainouhi b0w ... been there no luck06:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kr06:52
Lasthope106gParted gives a warning though.  I wonder if that is what is causing the trouble06:52
b0wLasthope106: how much are you using with xp06:52
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい06:52
Lasthope106b0w: yes06:52
greezmunkeyanybody want four pccard wifi cards? You pay the shipping!06:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nk06:52
b0wdmmainou: go to system > preferences > sound check if you dont have it in mute06:52
b0wLasthope106: how much are you using with xp06:52
b0wLasthope106: how much space i mean06:53
ChaituDasEi: Am sorry if this is something silly.. the tool that am downloading will help me to change my partitions, right? I mean I need to burn that iso..boot and change that to usable? Do we need that partition as NTFS ?? thanks06:53
Lasthope106b0w: All available space, 30G06:53
dmmainoub0w: it is not muted either it just went...06:53
Lasthope106b0w: but I was looking online that the installer will resize the partition06:53
loshanic1: periodically, disks are checked for filesystem errors. It takes time to do that. How often this check happens is configurable per filesystem...06:53
b0wLasthope106:  theres the problem you dont have free space to install ubuntu06:53
whamoocan anybody help me turn off compiz by CLI? I just changed video drivers and compiz turned on borking my gui06:53
aksunaactually you need ext partition for ubuntu06:54
soreauwhamoo: sudo chmod -x $(which compiz)06:54
whamooi'd prefer not to uninstall, since it's part of base06:54
dravekx|windowsinstalling drivers is a pain in the ass without internet06:54
oorahi was in debian irc before, the bot there is a funny smart*** lol06:54
whamoosoreau thanks!06:54
DasEiChaitu: right so far, no ntfs needed, can do fat32, ext, ntfs, whatever06:54
aksunamaybe you can see your partition with samba06:54
Lasthope106b0w: well, yes there is no free space, but I want to change the size of my NTFS partition.  Is that possible?06:54
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Chaitugreat thanks a lot DasEi. You have been of great help :)06:54
Blizzerandjoin wikihow06:54
greezmunkeynice $20.00 / month...7.735Mb/s down, 3.774Mb/s up...06:55
whamoosoreau: uh how do i figure what goes in the ()?06:55
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DasEiChaitu: what does win'ses disk-manager say about that partition ?06:55
Blizzerandsorry about that , forgot the slash06:55
soreauwhamoo: Can you please come to #compiz?06:55
aksunathat is possible to change with HIREN BOOT TOOL06:55
SetiAmonall audio(even system test in admin) is extremly distorted,the only thing that is somewhat not distorted is flash audio on things like youtube,and that is filled with static distortions. BTW i have removed pulse,updated alsa etc etc,no solution works.anyone else having problems here with audio????06:55
whamoosoreau sure thx06:55
ChaituDasEi: didnt check it. am sorry is that a tool in windows??06:55
aksunaIS A UTIL TOOLS06:55
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:56
DasEiChaitu: yes ....errm06:56
aksunahahahah pardon me06:56
ChaituDasEi: Am technically challenged :>06:56
DasEiChaitu: be carefull ehat you do, when so new to pc06:56
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:56
b0wdmmainou: go to sound again and change evrything to pulseaudio06:56
Blizzerandxfire8 : stop it06:56
Chaituyeah, I backed up my data thanks06:57
vega-kick him already06:57
dravekx|windowsubuntu just flipped the fuck out.06:57
xfire8!kban vega06:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kban vega06:57
Lasthope106So there is no way to install Ubuntu side by side with windows unless I have free space in the hard drive?06:57
b0wdmmainou: if you installed software recently try to mute the analoge / Digital jack, and external amplifier06:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vigara06:57
aksunawhy you are having so much troubles with ubuntu06:57
dravekx|windowsscreen went all crazy colorful and then black06:57
Blizzeranddravekx|windows : What happended06:57
DasEi!ot | xfire806:58
ubottuxfire8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:58
aksunathe new versions like 9.04 and the last one on this days 9.1006:58
aksunaare more stable06:58
vega-xfire8: yuo are in need of that?06:58
xfire8why its not06:58
b0wLasthope106: yep you got it06:58
SetiAmonI think i might just bite the bullet and go back to jaunty, I mean what is it that karmic offers that is better for practical purposes then jaunty?06:58
aksunaif you want other flavour and you like servers maybe try CENTOS 5.406:58
dravekx|windowsaksuna, I was installing the wireless proprietary driver, it worked.. i got online and then BOOM. colorful screen, black... Im rebooting now.06:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:58
digiforMy ipod nano is showing that it has only 176.2 megabytes on it.06:58
Lasthope106b0w: so what do I do now? Give up?06:58
dmmainoub0W: I think my sound card was uninstalled as it says it only has an analogue input06:59
codeswinghow to install flash on karmic06:59
digiforI deleted a couple of .iso's off it but apparently they are still there06:59
vega-!flash | codeswing06:59
ubottucodeswing: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:59
asdqwe To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash06:59
loshaSetiAmon: some of us have decided the answer to that question is 8.04 LTS...06:59
b0wLasthope106: you can get another drive, bigger than 30gb would be nice hehehe and install xp and ubuntu together06:59
DasEiChaitu: I don't want to confuse you, safest way for that approach is to boot live cd so helpers here can check online the situaation06:59
kubancI get this error when i try to install gimp: Depends: gimp-data (< 2.4.6-z) but 2.6.6-1~getdeb1 is to be installed E: Broken packages06:59
Lasthope106I thought you can resize the windows partition to make room for Ubuntu06:59
ChaituDasEi : Would you be able to tell me how to check the same in Windows?? am on 7. Do these guys have any prog wich will let us know inbuilt?06:59
digiforIs there a way I can really delete all the files on an iPod Nano with ubuntu?07:00
b0wdmmainou: did you try to change to pulseadio?07:00
Chaituok cool DasEi thanks.. I really appreciate you taking your time out07:00
dravekx|windowsaksuna. yes07:00
Lasthope106b0w: http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p24.html07:00
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool
vega-could these caps-locking idiots get out of here already?07:00
dmmainoub0w: there seems to be no pulse audio...07:00
digiforIt  is a third generation iPod07:00
Billiardkubanc: try updating the package list07:00
dravekx|windowsnow my wireless wont activate again07:00
Blizzerandaksuna : Please donot use caps07:00
aksunayou can  activate07:01
b0wdmmainou: check on synaptic07:01
alexb8hey guys is it possible to use the full version of ubuntu 9.10 on a netbook07:01
kubancBilliard, it's still the same07:01
alexb8not the remix07:01
aksunayou can see here /etc/network/interfaces07:01
alexb8i dont really seem to like the remix07:01
Billiardalexb8: yes07:01
aksunafor see the configuration07:01
xfire8!ban aksuna07:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ban aksuna07:01
tagI've been having a lot of trouble with java segfaulting in karmic (64bit).07:01
SetiAmonlosha:What is so good about 8.04 LTS?wouldn't 9.4 be a better choice?I hadn't any problems with that07:01
b0wLasthope106: i see but the difference its that you are using all your 30 gb on xp or you got some free space?07:01
aksunaof the net interfaces07:01
SetiAmonwhats LTS stand for btw07:01
aksunaactualley 9.4 is better more stable07:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about viagara07:02
b0wLasthope106: anyway i dont recommend you to have 2 operating systems in a 30 gb drive07:02
aksunahave more support for drivers07:02
xfire8common , dont lie randy person07:02
loshaSetiAmon: LTS = long term support07:02
Lasthope106b0w: oh I see what you mean, I'm sorry, I'm only actually using about 15G on the drive07:02
Lasthope106b0w: The rest is free space.  I thought you meant the size of the partition07:02
loshaSetiAmon: I like the LTS releases because they get bugfixes but no new features. That makes them very stable if you don't need the new features...07:03
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool
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aksunaby other hand you can type in the terminal with root privileges07:03
rowlandI can't get my fax modem to work.07:03
aksunaifdown  idofinterfaces07:03
dravekx|windowsaksuna, no internet07:03
dmmainoub0w: could you pls tell me the path to pulse audio as ot is instaled07:03
aksunaok restart your network07:03
SetiAmonyeah I don't know if they will ever get my x-fi sound working fine like it did on jaunty,creative will probably never release a driver,or in ages.i shoudln't have been so hasty07:03
loshaSetiAmon: But if you were happy with 9.04, there's no reason not to use that instead07:03
aksunawith this07:04
aksuna/etc/init.d/networking restart07:04
brocgiddensis it already a stated fact that there are issues with flash in 64 bit Ubuntus?07:04
Lasthope106b0w: The problem I'm havving is that the installer doesn't give me the option to repartition http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p24/014.png07:04
SetiAmonI have a old alt CD from a year ago,should i use that or do they update the alternative cd(bug-fixes etc)07:05
Billiardbrocgiddens: some people have issues, some dont07:05
DasEino, brocgiddens07:05
Guest72933I've loaded Ubuntu as a virtual machine using Sun Microsystems virtual box. Problem is it wont let me resize the Ubuntu window.07:05
CounterspellHas anyone had trouble with their system after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10?07:05
b0wdmmainou: ok go on the terminal and check your sound on alsamixer07:05
aksunalets see your net interfaces07:05
BilliardLasthope106: choose manual07:05
aksunacd /etc/network07:05
aksunathen >  nano interfaces07:05
b0wdmmainou: just type alsamixer on the terminal07:05
SetiAmonthe problem is i only have issues with the sound,if i could just install the creative drivers or something like that it would be fine.07:05
DasEiSetiAmon: can take that, apt will update it (bandwith of net ?)07:05
brocgiddenswell guys, in 9.04 i had 32 bit and thing were cool....when i went to 9.10 a week or two before it released i stepped up to 64 bit and flash has been buggy at best07:05
Counterspellin particular, when performing the 9.04 -> 9.10 upgrade on a VMware image?07:05
aksunaand tell me the configuration of your interfaces07:05
asdqwewhy not connecting to internet in karmic?07:06
greezmunkeycheck this: http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html07:06
SetiAmonthats something interesting.IN installation it see's my wifi card but it can't negotiate with it after that,in other words i can't update it at installation07:06
brocgiddensparticularly online games that use flash as a basis for running07:06
Lasthope106Billiard: I don't get that option either07:06
BilliardCounterspell: what are you haveing trouble with07:06
b0wLasthope106: did you made a md5sum to the iso before burning it?07:06
BilliardLasthope106: in that screenshot you have that option07:06
CounterspellBilliard: nothing, i'm just cautious and was polling the room07:07
Lasthope106Billiard: That is from a website, not from my actual installation07:07
dravekx|windowswhats a good ubuntu program to test yoru hardware?07:07
Lasthope106b0w: yes, I checked that the media was good07:07
brocgiddensmy issue occurred when i upgraded, counterspell but not so much from the 9.04 to 9.10 but i think the 32 bit to 64 bit part07:07
loshaCounterspell: I would say its a crapshoot upgrading 9.04 to 9.10. Some people say it went ok, some couldn't even boot after upgrading. Make a backup before you upgrade...07:07
b0wLasthope106: its weird your not getting that option, i cant help you more Lasthope106 sorry but ask for help here on dual booting07:08
dmmainoub0w: volume was low and increased it to the green zone but no luck either.... tried to play a wav file07:08
Counterspellthanks for the info guys07:08
brocgiddensfor me it seems like 9.10 got worse after the release....beta worked fine for me and the closer relases got the more it crashed07:08
Counterspellseems to be troubled waters07:08
Lasthope106b0w: thanks for your help b0w07:08
aksunago to System >Hadware testing07:08
Counterspelltoo bad upgrades usually go flaky07:09
Counterspellespecially on desktop system07:09
dravekx|windowsaksuna, I got it working. I think my hardware is acting up07:09
dmmainoub0w: I think something happened to the driver cos only an analogue channel is recognized.07:09
brocgiddenspersonally i'd give it a few more weeks unless there is a pressing need to upgrade07:09
b0wdmmainou: type aplay -l and tell me what you got07:09
loshaCounterspell: the trouble with upgrades is everyone starts from a slightly different place, so they're harder to test/troubleshoot...07:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:09
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Lasthope106I think it might be that I have a few bad sectors in the hard drive to which I'm trying to install.  Maybe the Ubuntu installer gets confused if the drive is not perfect, and doesn't allow you to repartition the hard drive.07:09
brocgiddensthey're still rolling out fixes pretty much daily07:10
b0w!pastebin | dmmainou07:10
ubottudmmainou: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:10
dmmainoub0w: **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****07:10
aksunaone advice dravekx if you really want to move completly to linux flavours i advice you to study shell scripting , and to do everything by the terminal that is more fast07:10
phixbrocgiddens: yeah, the splash screen doesn't work for me now07:10
dmmainoucard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC660-VD Analog [ALC660-VD Analog]07:10
dmmainou  Subdevices: 1/107:10
dmmainou  Subdevice #0: subdevice #007:10
phixit doesn't boot if it is enabled07:10
FloodBot3dmmainou: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:10
dmmainoucard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 6: Si3054 Modem [Si3054 Modem]07:10
Tesssayep just had my daily update for 9.1007:10
dmmainou  Subdevices: 1/107:10
DasEibrocgiddens: well lts-ssteps are always a bigger rig07:10
aksunaand also because sometimes the graphic client dont function in right way07:10
dmmainouFloodBo3: Ok sorry07:10
=== PuTrA_caem is now known as andre_cool
loshaLasthope106: most modern drives to their best to hide bad sectors from the OS. By the time you're seeing them, the disk is probably in worse shape than you think...07:11
aksunasometime also the wired connection  the connection manager has bugs07:11
brocgiddensphix my spash shows the 9.04 one for a while then switches to the new one then finally the desktop comes up07:11
brocgiddensDasEi, what do you mean?07:11
aksunaso is better to use the terminal and > ip route07:11
DasEi!lts | brocgiddens07:11
ubottubrocgiddens: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)07:11
dmmainoub0w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312203/07:12
brocgiddensi know what a lts is07:12
zebastianhow can i open .chm files on ubuntu?07:12
Lasthope106losha: The problem I'm having is that the installer doesn't give me the option to install Ubuntu side-by-side with windows.  When I boot to the liveCD and try to use gParted, the program also doesn't allow me to repartition07:12
brocgiddensi didn't understand what you meant dasei07:12
brocgiddensssteps? bigger rig?07:12
DasEibrocgiddens: the changes/improvements beetween distros07:13
Ademanwhere are your "open with" applications stored? i've got two copies of brasero and 3 copies of banshee.  I know there's a directory somewhere with a bunch of duplicate *.desktop files in it... anyone know where it is?07:13
thermal_has anyone successfully installed the silverlight port moonlight to work with microsoft's tuva?07:13
brocgiddensDasEi, so basically they try to get alot of improvments cause the lts is use most widely because of it being a lts version07:14
phixbrocgiddens: oh noes, mine doens't even boot up, it all happened after I installed the ubuntu satanic edition mod / theme.  I can't get it working as normal now ;07:14
loshaLasthope106: that's odd. What does it say when you try to repartition? Are you trying to resize and existing windows partition?07:14
b0wdmmainou: ok your card its recognized... try running pulseaudio from the terminal07:14
=== Guest67610 is now known as elky
brocgiddensphix, have you tried using the recovery option in grub?07:14
b0wdmmainou: type "pulseaudio"07:14
phixbrocgiddens: no07:15
leaf-sheepAdeman: Try "locate .desktop | grep brasero" ?07:15
DasEibrocgiddens: yes, the corporate factor07:15
dmmainoub0w: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312207/07:15
brocgiddensDasEi, i'm honestly thinking of going back to 9.04 for a while....kinda sad07:16
Ademanleaf-sheep: haha i'm actually running find ~ -name '*.desktop' | less right now07:16
brocgiddensmy facebook games are so screwy....lol07:16
brocgiddensi need to make sure my farm is taken care of!07:16
Ademanleaf-sheep: whoa, i don't see it anywhere, maybe the system wide one is screwed, or it's a gconf key07:16
Portunusvega-: So listen, i found the problem and the problem is that I was trying to runt he file directly from the file browser and not doing the whole so i didn't have to change a thing07:17
zebastianhow can i open .chm files on ubuntu?07:17
loshabrocgiddens: nothing sad about it. The smart money never runs a dot-zero release, even if it's named 9.1007:17
leaf-sheepAdeman: Perhaps. I don't know. ;307:17
Portunusbutthens at least i read the doc; preciate your help07:17
b0wdmmainou: do you have the latest updates installed?? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/ppa07:17
loshazebastian: you need a chm viewer e.g. kchmviewer. I'm sure there are others. Search for chm in synaptic07:17
leaf-sheepAdeman: In that case, you might want to replace brasero with bras -- Keep it simple.07:17
DasEibrocgiddens: can understand it, better documented and due to backward-experience better supported, fo me the extra work pays07:18
zebastianlosha: can you alter chm files or you can only "view" them?07:18
brocgiddensi may just try the 32 bit version of 9.10 and see if that helps, think it would?07:18
* Jeruvy np: Killswitch Engage - This Is Absolution [03:34/320Kbps/44KHz]07:19
loshazebastian: I don't know of a chm editor offhand. Isn't it yet another proprietary microsoft format? Try google...07:19
thermal_so no one had any luck getting silverlight working on ubuntu?07:19
DasEibrocgiddens: the jump away from 8.04 was uge (8.10) , 9.04 and 9.10 are more followers, next is lts again07:20
* Jeruvy np: MC Hammer - Good To Go [04:54/128Kbps/44KHz]07:20
loshabrocgiddens: is there something in 9.10 you can't live without?07:20
zebastianlosha: microsoft?07:20
loshazebastian: a software company07:20
thermal_looking like I might have to just use a VM07:20
brocgiddenslosha, no just went for the "latest and greatest"07:20
Jeffrey_If I am having video card drama is this the place to be or would I have better luck in the forums?07:20
zebastianlosha: thanks i am from costa rica07:20
DasEithermal_: works, check ubuntuforums.org07:20
Dr_WillisJeffrey_:  both actually works best. :)07:20
thermal_DasEi, you mean using moonlight?07:21
oorahi've had to do a couple workarounds in 9.10 myself including brightness flickering and usb devices not detected07:21
Dr_WillisJeffrey_:  its possible someone in the forums have allready have your issue.. but some one in here may know also07:21
phixJeffrey_: is that relevant?07:21
Jeffrey_It has to do with the ATI 3200 HD and its stubborn refusal to do anything useful >:(07:21
thermal_because I'm not just trying to get silverlight working, but also to get microsoft's tuva app working07:21
loshabrocgiddens: "latest and greatest" == most experiment and least tested...07:21
DasEithermal_: right, missed it, sry07:21
daathI installed ubuntu from the mini cd. I wanna use fluxbox instead of gnome but I don't get the normal login screen where you can choose the WM.. How do I get the login screen? The one I have only asks for user/pass and nothing else..07:22
whammohey which performs better for a wpc54g: fwcutter or ndiswrapper?07:22
brocgiddenslosha my issue is mainly with flash....actually just with flash07:22
cousin_mariocan you recommend anything besides screenlets-sensors and gnome-sensors for displaying the system status?07:22
KubuntuHelpis there anyone here who can help me07:22
loshabrocgiddens: sorry, can't help you. I'm still on 8.04...07:22
leaf-sheepcousin_mario: conky with your own sensor script?07:22
b0wcousin_mario: conky07:22
thermal_DasEi, no problem, if this wasn't to get video lectures by Richard Feynman, which seem to have 'mysteriously' disappeared across the web, I wouldn't have even remotely contemplated getting silverlight on my box07:22
oorahlosha, 8.04 really???07:23
DasEidaath: could use another lightwight, xdm for example07:23
brocgiddenslosha i also went from 32 bit to 64 bit at the same time07:23
Jeffrey_Running 9.10 hoped that they might have gotten it fixed or that someone got a work around going07:23
brocgiddenslosha so alot of variables there07:23
oorahdaath, have you tried xfce?07:23
Dr_WillisKubuntuHelp:  ask the actual question and see. Many Kubuntu users hang in #kubuntu also07:23
daathDasEi, yes but I'm asking how I can choose the WM07:23
KubuntuHelpi installed kubuntu.... and my wireless internet doesnt work...how can i get it to work... i'm new to linux07:23
cousin_marioleaf-sheep: I'll have a look, thanks07:23
aksunaexcuse me ubottu the other version was jaunty 9.0.4 and the last one is nowadays 9.10 right07:23
DasEithermal_: ah ja07:23
loshaoorah: There's lots of us out there. We don't spend much time on irc because it just works...07:23
Dr_Willisdaath:  thers xdm, qingly, wdm, and proberly other alterantives to gdm07:23
brocgiddensaksuna, yes that is correct07:24
DasEidaath: you install it and get asked which one you want to use07:24
dmmainoubow: I added the source and marked nothing to update...07:24
Dr_WillisI dont think i spelt quingly right. :) its a framebuffer based xdm replacement.07:24
daathDr_Willism I know but that's not what I'm asking.. I don't have the login screen where I can choose the WM.. it only asks user/pass07:24
losha!ru | andre07:24
ubottuandre: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:24
oorahlosha, the current version does have a couple bugs, but i've found workarounds and keep it for the enhancements and improved speed07:24
b0wdmmainou: theres a new pulseauido update there added 5 hours ago dl it and install it07:24
ZipYj browar07:24
Lasthope106losha: It just gives a single option to use the entire hard drive07:24
Dr_Willisdaath:  that depends on which DM you are usin. xdm dosent do that.. quingly does have thaat feature if you set it up . no idea on wdm07:24
zebastianlosha: thank you, now i can get rid of this iSilo thing which I could only run with wine07:24
oorahlosha, but you're right, you most likely don't have to do this lol07:25
greezmunkeyI love it when things just work...07:25
luixsomebody speak spanish????07:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:25
daathDr_Willis: I have gnome right now but the login screen I have is not the *normal* one.. it's a very simple one that asks only user/pass..07:25
b0wluix: yes i do come to #ubuntu-mx ill help you out07:25
Dr_Willisdaath:  kdm and gdm both use the various .Desktop files to get the list of what window managers to use. the others dont. and need to be set up manually for it. Or you just edit/make the users a .xinitrc or  similer startup file to run what WM you want07:25
loshaoorah: well, I don't think concentric makes an LTS just for fun. There's gotta be a pretty large demand for it...07:25
Dr_Willisdaath:  so you are not using GDM then it seems.07:26
luixgracias amigos07:26
raikdsl internet not connecting in 9.10?07:26
daathDr_Willis: It is gdm.. I installed it from the mini cd so maybe I might haven't installed all the needed packages07:26
rowlandam I posting my question right by just asking it or is there a process you need to go through?07:26
KubuntuHelpmaybe i should just uninstall kubuntu, its frustrating07:27
losha!ask | rowland07:27
ubotturowland: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:27
dmmainoub0w: I have the updates installed every day maybe it already went through I'll uninstall and rinstall07:27
Dr_Willisdaath:  post a screen shot perhaps.  the gdm in 9.10 is a lot diffrent then the one in 9.04 - you sure you are not expeecting a 9.04 look?07:27
oorahKubuntuHelp, have you tried gnome or xfce? I hate kde honestly07:27
KubuntuHelpwhats xfce?07:27
Dr_Willisdaath:  gdm here has a spot for name/login then when ya enter a login name - it shows some menus at the bottom to select  what wm.07:28
KubuntuHelpi know nothing about linux07:28
Dr_Willis!xfce | KubuntuHelp07:28
ubottuKubuntuHelp: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:28
Dr_WillisKubuntuHelp:  its yet another desktop enviroment you can use.07:28
leaf-sheepKubuntuHelp: You might want to try Gnome (Ubuntu, not Kubuntu).07:28
b0wdmmainou: ok while you are downloading that try killing pulseaudio and running it again07:28
loshaKubuntuHelp: xfce's main benefit is that it's supposed to be 'iightweight'...07:28
KubuntuHelpokay...but will my wirleess work...i think its a simple driver issue07:28
draconisseriously, I just rebuilt Pidgin assuming it would have OSS support. So it's not the Ubuntu packagers' fault after all07:28
dmmainoub0w: how do I kill the process07:28
oorahKubuntuHelp, you're using kubuntu, the other 2 main ones are Ubuntu (gnome desktop), and Xubuntu (xfce desktop) they all have their pros and cons07:29
leaf-sheepKubuntuHelp: Check Hardware Drivers -- See if anything require to be toggled on.07:29
Tesssaxfce is very good i use it in xubuntu07:29
oorahI use xubuntu also07:29
oorahTesssa, high five07:29
KubuntuHelphow do i check hardware drivers?07:29
leaf-sheepKubuntuHelp: Look for it in KDE's Menu.07:29
oorahi check my drivers by makin sure my computer works lol if somethin don't work i come here and use google07:30
oorahand ubuntu forums07:30
b0wdmmainou: the easy way its to open system monitor and kill it from there the other one its typing "ps -a" look for the pulseadio process and kill it with "kill pid#" or use "killall pulseaudio"07:30
KubuntuHelpohhh i think i'm onto something!@07:30
Jeffrey_K so far no one has done anything in 9.10 with my video card, not that I could find. Anyone up for a challenge, I am not totally helpless just at wits end07:30
daathDr_Willis: I know what the gdm login screen looks like but somehow I don't have it.. When I enter my user/pass in it, it takes me to gdm. Anyway, here is a screenshot of the desktop: http://img81.imageshack.us/img81/4527/screenshotuf.png07:31
farchumbreis anybody using fingerprint?07:31
xpo0fhii everyone07:32
raikfade up with karmic07:32
dmmainoub0w: thanx07:33
rashed2030When I type hostname or cat /etc/hostname I get the same hostname. But when I try to ping it it says host unreachable. I just tried changing my hostname a second ago. What's the deal?07:33
=== Fly is now known as Guest37541
b0wdmm it worked?07:33
Dr_WillisKubuntuHelp:  and  all ya did was what? had to use the included tools? :)07:33
b0wdmmainou: it worked?07:33
KubuntuHelpI WENT TO kde...typed in Driver07:33
xpo0frashed2020, meaning ?07:33
KubuntuHelpand a list of drivers poped up07:33
KubuntuHelpi activated "broadcom 802.11"07:34
DasEidaath: that's not ubuntu, is it ?!07:34
KubuntuHelpnow it works!07:34
daathDasEi: It is07:34
dmmainoubow: a lot of icons went from my sound section including the pulse audio and xine07:34
DasEidaath: su ?  which version ?07:34
farchumbreis anyone having problems pirnting pdf files with evince?07:34
dmmainoub0w: still the same07:34
Dr_Willisrashed2030:  host names are converted to ip# by various methods.   Windows uses some other services to scan the lan/get hostname-> ip maping. Linux can do it in other ways. I just edit /etc/hosts to put ip/hostname   mapped corectly07:34
KubuntuHelpthanks again, bye for now!07:34
turkeyshootis anyone have trouble reading data from lvm partitions they encrypted with luks?07:35
dmmainoub0w: daemon already running, et.07:35
RedTigerany possibility I can get a dosbox question in?07:35
daathDasEi, karmic07:35
=== orkyahaalhai is now known as oot|rednowI
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  go ahead and ask.. if anyone knoew they will answer.07:35
Deathvalley122http://pastebin.com/d6e889122 <----can anyone tell me what to do here?07:35
xpo0fDr_Willis, agree07:35
turkeyshooti aint sayin nothing07:35
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:35
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:35
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:35
FloodBot3kykrishna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:35
ganymedein gnome, is there a way to widen the panel for the taskbar but not have it put the taskbar in two rows? one really tall row? i made it 50 pixels and then it put the taskbar in two rows07:36
dmmainoub0w: will it be easier to reinstall? I have the cd on the desk?07:36
RedTigercool - I'm trying to run Dosbox 0.73 on Karmic with multi-monitor, but when I go full-screen, it fills both monitors rather than just the primary, how can I prevent this?07:36
rashed2030Does Karmic have /etc/init.d/hostname.sh? Cuz my installation doesn't.07:36
oot|rednowIhow to set up net connection over a wired connection asdl modem?? i fed the ip , subnet , gateway , dns but it didnt worked??07:36
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  some programs are very brain dead when it comes to multi monitor support. I would start by checking the dosbox forums, and file a bug if  its not allredy got the issue mentioned07:37
b0wdmmainou: delete .pulse and .pulse-cookie on your home then kill and start pulseaudio07:37
b0wdmmainou: no no wait heheh did you dl that pulseaudio update i told you?07:37
RedTigerThanks Dr_Willis, I had a feeling that would be the most likely07:37
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  its also possible the program has some options to force it to a specific monitor/screen07:37
oorahis karmic faster than jaunty? i can't see a huge difference07:37
oorahmaybe its the settings07:38
Deathvalley122http://pastebin.com/d6e889122 <----can anyone tell me what to do here?07:38
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  testng doxbox here on my nvidia/twinview setup now07:38
RedTigerDr_Willis, it might, I need to check more thoroughly I suppose, but so far the settings I've tried haven't helped.07:38
RedTigerDr_Willis, cool thanks, that's the same setup I'm using07:38
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  i see a great many programs that have issues with  2+ monitors.  You could always run 2 seperate X sessions.. but thts a pain07:39
dmmainoub0w: I just went to synaptic and completely removed the first 4 pulseaudio items and reinstalled them again07:39
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:39
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totemhi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totemhi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubunt07:39
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:39
kykrishnahi everyone good day, can any one tell me how can i install sound in ubuntu 9.10 last week i have installed ubuntu 9.10 not able to play sound in rythm box player and totem07:39
FloodBot3kykrishna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:39
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  same issue here.07:39
eagles0513875!sound | kykrishna07:39
ubottukykrishna: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:39
DasEioorah: slightly only07:39
eagles0513875!patience | kykrishna07:39
ubottukykrishna: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.07:39
RedTigerDr_Willis - sucks don't it :/07:39
RedTigerI hope I can get that figured out07:40
Dr_WillisRedTiger:  you could always turn off one monitor i guess...  but i tend to run everything in a window anyway.07:40
ubuntudoes anyone know how I can connect to a ssh on a different subnet?07:40
ubuntuim on wireless07:40
ubuntuthe same wireless has another router and ssh on the second router07:41
farchumbreis anyone having problems with fingerprint07:41
wapkois it possible to DD my current system disk to an imagefile using sudo without any problems ? systemdrive is a 8gb usb flashdrive.. its a nas box07:41
b0wdmmainou: ok do what i told you remove those file and restar pulseaudio07:41
rowlandI need assistance in configuring my fax modem in Ubuntu 9.1.007:41
ubuntuanyone know of a tool i can use to connect to ssh on different subnet?07:41
eagles0513875!putty | ubuntu07:41
ubottuubuntu: PuTTY is an !SSH client for Windows. Please see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage and downloads. See also !scp (Secure CoPy)07:41
farchumbrefarchumbre: no07:42
Shwackso how do i set my computer up so my hard drive is encrypted.  And how bad will this affect performance?07:42
Dr_Willisubuntu:  the routers have to be set up to fprward the proper ports I thought.07:42
RedTigerDr_Willis, yeh, I'd rather not do that, I'll see if I can get an answer from dosbox support07:42
turkeyshootShwacks, luks07:42
ubuntuDr_Willis, ah yes07:42
eagles0513875ubuntu: you should be able to on teh command line type ssh Name of or ip of what you want to connect to07:42
dmmainoub0w: what is the path of .pulse07:42
ubuntuits not routable07:43
zebastiani keep people who seem to be from india asking me if i am a ubuntu developper on the private channel07:43
ubuntuits on a diff subnet07:43
b0wdmmainou: ~/07:43
b0wdmmainou: its on your Home Dir07:43
grifo74Itś posible make a live usb witih dvd iso ubuntu 9.10????????????????07:43
b0wgrifo74: yes07:43
Dr_Willisgrifo74:  you need moar ??? we cant hear you.07:43
Dr_Willisgrifo74:  are you sure you even need the dvd iso at all?07:44
ubuntugrifo74, yes07:44
turkeyshootShwacks, its a pain, ubuntu auto update screwed up the menu.lst, and not im trying to fix it from slackware, i finally got it decrypteted and mounted, ls will list it, but i can't read any data07:44
ubuntu!google custom livecd07:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:44
BullHorn0Google search: http://lwn.net/Articles/172132/07:44
codeswingwhich music player will be more compatible with my new ipod shuffle07:44
grifo74becouse de dvd have codecs and itś mor complete07:44
codeswingsuggest me music player07:44
leaf-sheep!remaster | ubuntu07:44
ubottuubuntu: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility07:44
dmmainoub0w: done for .pulse but couldn't find .pulse-cookie07:44
Dr_Williscodeswing:  go try songbird07:44
codeswingDr_Willis: any other good one07:45
turkeyshootShwack,  and /boot is empty for some reason, doesnt effect performance too much though, i didnt notice at least07:45
grifo74yes songbird is the best07:45
b0wdmmainou: ok restar pulseaudio07:45
Dr_Willisgrifo74:  the dvd edition does not have codecs on it (that ive ever seen) its mainly addational language support packages on it - from what i learned when i last looked into it.07:45
xander787i'm running sort of a hybrid installation using ubuntu 9.04 with gnome installed for a gui. I recently upgraded to 9.10 and everything on the system was fine until i had to restart it today and now it won't boot properly. the ubuntu logo shows up (for gnome) but after that it takes me to a blank screen with a cursor and i cant type anything or get to a terminal using alt-ctl-f* or anything. and i also cant boot into recovery mode because07:45
xander787^^ btw i already asked this question in #ubuntu-server but thought i'd ask it here to cuz it has to do with gnome07:46
dmmainoub0w: didn't like it http://paste.ubuntu.com/312229/07:46
igge_there seems to be many alternatives when it comes to java... which one is "best"?07:47
grifo74thanks dr wilis another question, exist any package have all codecs for audio and video for play all??07:47
Dr_Willisigge_:  i just use the one that ubuntu-restricted-extras installs..07:47
Dr_Willis!medibuntu | grifo7407:47
ubottugrifo74: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:47
igge_Dr_Willis: aha.. what is ubuntu-restricted-extras?07:48
Dr_Willis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras07:48
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB07:48
syn-ackigge_, Codecs for encumbered formats07:48
Toukafter a fresh install of 9.10, why is one of my harddrives now located at /dev/mapper/nvidia_fhaedcdg when it should be /dev/sdd??07:48
Dr_Willisits a meta package that instals a lot of other things.. not just codecs. but flash and java as well07:49
syn-ackyeah, good point07:49
Dr_Willisigge_:  its like the #1 thing i install on any new install07:49
syn-ackDr_Willis, I thought about it after I hit Return07:49
dmmainoub0w: I think I'm going to reinstall... it will be much easier (one day I'll understand the back end of linux...)07:49
Dr_Willis'must have stuff' :)07:49
syn-ack"The Good Stuff"07:49
b0wdmmainou: good, now uninstall and reinstall the pulseaudio07:49
syn-acket al. :P07:49
Dr_Willisexxential good stuff. :) java, flash, fonts,07:50
is0lat3dsh33phello guys, is there anyway to restore system in 9.10?07:50
xander787bump: [23:45] xander787: i'm running sort of a hybrid installation using ubuntu 9.04 with gnome installed for a gui. I recently upgraded to 9.10 and everything on the system was fine until i had to restart it today and now it won't boot properly. the ubuntu logo shows up (for gnome) but after that it takes me to a blank screen with a cursor and i cant type anything or get to a terminal using alt-ctl-f* or anything. and i also cant boot i07:50
syn-ackis0lat3dsh33p, in a round about way...07:50
igge_Dr_Willis: yeah sounds like it... but i didn't know about it, and have been using ubuntu since 6.04 or so... wounder how come i missed it... :(07:50
b0wdmmainou: you sure? that would do the trick im sure but we could try more07:50
The2morrowManI'm getting strange behavior out of mdadm. Had a four disk raid5 that worked great. Had a disk fail. Tried to replace the disk into the array... But it wants to add the disk as a spare, and not resync it. WTF?07:50
syn-ackis0lat3dsh33p, what exactly do you mean by restore first because I have a couple options07:50
is0lat3dsh33psyn-ack, i dont get you...07:50
dmmainoub0w: I'm reinstalling now lets see... im just impatient and don't knw what I'm doing... sonds compliated07:51
is0lat3dsh33psyn-ack, restore as in windows. I wan't my system back to one previous state07:51
syn-ackyeah, thats not possible07:51
is0lat3dsh33psyn-ack, i've done some changes that i don't really like the outcome07:52
dmmainoub0w: still didn't like it same error.07:52
b0wis0lat3dsh33p: it is but you have to install and app for that07:52
syn-ackb0w, since when can you create recovery points in linux?07:52
paolohi *. I am having problems with video (with x11) since I upgraded to 9.10) on two different computers. Does anyone know a fix for this?07:52
bazhangis0lat3dsh33p, next time around consider sbackup07:52
syn-ackb0w, Thats what he's looking for07:52
is0lat3dsh33pi've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras. And now i wan't to remove them07:52
is0lat3dsh33pok, bazhang07:52
syn-ackis that all it is?07:53
dmmainoub0w: I'll just put the disk in.... thanks so much as this is not the first time u help me.  d07:53
Dr_Willisis0lat3dsh33p:  why do you want to remove them?07:53
igge_Dr_Willis: hm... i installed ubuntu-restricted-extras... but still, when i type java at the command prompt it can't be found07:53
b0wsyn-ack: theres and app for that wait a sec let me tell you the name07:53
draconisthis bug is still unfixed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gstreamer0.10/+bug/35704207:53
Dr_Willisigge_:  log out/back in perhaps?  which java07:54
draconisat least it tells me a workaround, but I know never to use the gstreamer-preferences07:54
bazhangis0lat3dsh33p, or backintime-gnome07:54
syn-ackb0w, Dude, creepy07:54
is0lat3dsh33pbazhang, thanks07:54
bazhang!info backintime-common | is0lat3dsh33p07:54
ubottuis0lat3dsh33p: backintime-common (source: backintime): simple backup/snapshot system. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.26-3 (karmic), package size 74 kB, installed size 664 kB07:54
* syn-ack installs this backintime thing so I can shudder07:54
is0lat3dsh33pDr_Willis, i'm not sure, i just assuming it's the cause my 9.10 doesn't work well07:55
b0wsyn-ack: http://backintime.le-web.org/ hahah you were right but its a nice backup tool07:55
syn-ackis0lat3dsh33p, doubtful07:55
igge_Dr_Willis: there is no java in /usr/bin for me... but ok will try to log out and back in... 1 sec07:55
Dr_Willisis0lat3dsh33p:  i would find that very doubtfull.. Ubuntu-restriocted extras  just installs several 'normal' packages in one command for you07:56
wapkodo i need to boot of a live disc in order to be able to make a DD image of my system disk ? or can i just do it while the sytem is running ..07:56
om26eram back07:56
is0lat3dsh33pDr_Willis, then, maybe the cause is something else.07:56
is0lat3dsh33pi'm not so good at ubuntu.. :/07:56
Dr_Williswapko:  theres customiuzed dd variants of dd that you may want to use.  depending on how you want to backup specifically.07:56
The2morrowManwapko, I think you run the risk of an inconsistent image if you do that. I.e. you start the dd with the filesystem in one state, but as it progresses, the filesystem changes around it.07:56
Dr_Williswapko:  using a Live cd is proberly a good idea also.07:57
exodus_mswapko, dd if=/dev/dvd of=dvd.iso # for dvd07:57
om26erexodus_ms: i think it wong boot07:57
is0lat3dsh33panyhow, I have ATI Radeon HD3200, which driver should i install?07:57
wapkoThe2morrowMan: that was my concern axactly07:57
Dr_Williswapko:  when using dd be sure to give a BS=1024 or similer option. or else DD willbe very slow07:57
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.07:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held November 16th-20th in Dallas, Texas, USA. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS for more information.07:58
is0lat3dsh33pbecause i couldn't get desktop effects to work07:58
Dr_Williswapko:  check out http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partimage07:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about backintime07:58
Dr_WillisPartImage is a program that will copy the image of an entire partition, making it easy to restore a partition (including all its programs, files, and directories) exactly as they were before.07:58
jordanli have several sound devices on my computer. how do i set one to be the default at every boot?07:58
syn-ackwhat was that trigger so I can get the URL again?07:58
wapkoDr_Willis: customized DD. like how ? its for a nas box. i would like some form of automated backup of my 8gb usb system drive07:58
wapkoDr_Willis: will check it out07:58
igge_Dr_Willis: hm.. looking at the dependencies for ubuntu-restricted-extras there is no java...07:59
Dr_Williswapko:  theres dd_rescue and ddrescue for 'flakey' drives. then theres varioys partiion imageing tools that are dd on steroids07:59
syn-ackDr_Willis, The bad part about PartImage is that it doesnt support ext4 yet07:59
is0lat3dsh33pguys, how can i download compiz-check?07:59
igge_Dr_Willis: which version do you have? mine says 36 for installed version07:59
om26eris0lat3dsh33p: install?07:59
Dr_Willissyn-ack:   Not tried it in ages..07:59
Dr_Willisigge_:  version of what?07:59
is0lat3dsh33pom26er, where?07:59
om26eris0lat3dsh33p: what is it?07:59
syn-ackDr_Willis, I usually either rsync OR use Cloanzilla so yeah08:00
nbohaychukdoes the Apple iPhone SDK run in Ubuntu in any way? (Other than VirtualBox, VMware, etc.)08:00
is0lat3dsh33pom26er, never mind. Thanks anyway08:00
igge_Dr_Willis: what version of ubuntu-restricted-extras.. thinking i got the wrong one somehow08:00
om26eris0lat3dsh33p: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/Compiz-Check-37443.shtml08:00
syn-ackSo this backintime thing is like a freaking Norton Goback clone08:00
jribnbohaychuk: saurik's site has directions08:00
Dr_Willisigge_:  ther should shouldent matter , .. its just a meta package   sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, and install it..08:01
is0lat3dsh33pom26er, thanks! :D08:01
Dr_Willis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras08:01
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB08:01
cellofellowIn Jaunty when a printing job was finished I'd get a nice notification that it was finished. Now it's silent. Anyone know how to re-enable the printing notifications?08:01
nbohaychukI am going to get a Mac anyways though...08:01
jribnbohaychuk: well you use the libraries and can compile stuff using gcc08:01
jasonmch1istosdoes anyone use empathy? i cant figure out how to chat on irc with it. my account connects but i cant get a dialog box for the chatroom after i join , no window just notifications in the top right that i joined08:01
nbohaychukI can't figure out how to use Empathy at all... :(08:02
Dr_Willisjasonmch1istos:  for irc - i find it best to use a dedicated irc client08:02
om26erjasonmch1istos: retried to log out and login again08:02
leaf-sheepjasonmch1istos: You might get better support in #gnome -- Or use a different client for IRC. xchat, irssi, etc.08:02
syn-ackEmpathy still isnt ready for prime time08:02
Apachezare there some ready instructions for how to fix an ubuntu installation where the user deleted files from /boot so it wont boot any longer ?08:02
nbohaychukgot all my accounts setup, but when I run it, no contacts show up at all from my MSN or Gtalk08:02
syn-ackand yeah, using an actual IRC client is always better, IMO08:03
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:03
jasonmch1istosgreat someone tricked us into being empathy alpha testers08:03
nbohaychukI like XChat GNOME08:03
syn-ackjasonmch1istos, its not an alpha08:03
Dr_Willismost people HATE xchat-gnome and perfer thenoirmal xchat.08:03
Dr_WillisI use weechat mainly these days08:03
igge_Dr_Willis: yep that's what i did... but still.. if i right click on ubuntu-restricted-extras, choose "properties" and then Dependencies... there is nothing about java, only codecs, flashplugin and fonts and such... if you do the same, is there a java dependency then?08:03
jasonmch1istossyn-ack: it seems like it08:04
exodus_mshmmm, ever since I upgrade to karmic, whenever I choose system > preferences > appearance  The appearance preferences window loads and just hangs, unresponsive.08:04
nbohaychukI also love Irssi08:04
jasonmch1istosim on irssi08:04
nbohaychukso simple, yet so advanced08:04
syn-ackjasonmch1istos, it just hasnt caught on yet and no ones built upon the framework quite yet08:04
om26ernbohaychuk: and no gui08:04
igge_igge_: when i said "right click" i meant in synaptic of course..08:04
nbohaychukI run it on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS server all the time08:04
Dr_WillisThere we go.. I am here on empathy now08:05
jasonmch1istosso the answer is empathys irc is broke08:05
nbohaychukDr_Willis: sweet08:05
leaf-sheepDr_willis_Empath: Sweet!08:05
Dr_willis_Empathits not broke08:05
syn-ackexodus_ms, working fine here... something could very well have snafu'd08:05
Dr_willis_Empathyou just had to use 2+ different pull down menus to select the irc server08:05
nbohaychukIs Empathy good at IRC?08:05
Dr_willis_Empathafter making a new contact for the freenode irc network08:05
syn-acknbohaychuk, Don't know, I use an actual IRC client08:06
jasonmch1istosno it doesnt function correctly08:06
ShwackI found empathy to be horrible with irc08:06
Dr_willis_Empathnbohaychuk:  not really. :) its rather sucky atr irc08:06
nbohaychukoh, that sucks08:06
leaf-sheepIf it work, then it serve its purpose.  I suppose. ;308:06
exodus_mssyn-ack, yeah, I've experienced several problems since upgrading, I thought that one might be one of the easier ones to fix :P08:06
Shwackit crashed alot08:06
om26erin empathy you can't part you can join another channel through command it don't show the number of users in the channel and so on08:06
jasonmch1istosit doesnt work08:06
Dr_willis_Empathadd new account -> for freenode irc server. then  the join room -> select the irc account , join the room08:06
Shwack^what om26er said08:06
jasonmch1istosi cant get a window to show08:06
nbohaychukI like the name, Empathy, like telepathy, but IMing instead of mind reading LOL08:06
syn-ackexodus_ms, can you do a fresh install?08:06
jasonmch1istosDr_Willis: it joins fine but no window displaying the room08:07
syn-acknbohaychuk, its built on the Telepathy framework, actually08:07
igge_Dr_willis: can you check pleeeease?08:07
syn-ackjasonmch1istos, channel. IRC doesnt have rooms08:07
Shwackhow can I do a fresh install of karmic without losing all my files?08:07
om26erShwack: resize08:07
Dr_Willisigge_:  right click in what/where exactly?08:07
nbohaychukLOL, is Telepathy also a program? I just meant like the magic you see in movies (which we know isn't real)08:08
syn-ackShwack, I was personally hoping that you had a seperate partition for /home08:08
Shwackom26er, the last time i tried to use resize it messed up the partition and i lost 30gigs08:08
RockClimberhi, any opinions on ubuntu moblin(9.04 I think) vs ubuntu netbook (9.10) for a Dell 10v?08:08
Jeruvy!info telepathy08:08
ubottuPackage telepathy does not exist in karmic08:08
syn-acknbohaychuk, no, its the library on which Empathy is built08:08
exodus_mssyn-ack, I have a separate home partition, just not sure if I want to go through all the backup/fresh install etc if I'm not certain Karmic would behave differently with a fresh install08:08
Dr_Willisigge_:  when it installs java theres some EULA license it also pops up about java. you have to agree to.08:08
om26er!telepathy | nbohaychuk08:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telepathy08:08
igge_Dr_Willis: in synaptic... or some other way to check the dependencies of ubuntu-restricted-extras08:08
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:08
ubottuEmpathy is an instant messaging and video chat client for GNOME. In !karmic, Empathy will replace Pidgin as the default IM client.08:08
Jeruvy!find telepathy08:08
ubottuFound: libtelepathy-farsight-dev, libtelepathy-farsight-doc, libtelepathy-farsight0, libtelepathy-farsight0-dbg, libtelepathy-glib-dev (and 24 others)08:08
syn-ackexodus_ms, Karmic installs quite nicely and wont mess with anything that you dont tell it to08:08
om26er!hi | twinburner08:09
ubottutwinburner: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:09
syn-ackexodus_ms, Just be sure to use the Karmic installer08:09
Shwacksyn-ack I have a 500gig partition that i have all of ubuntu on, a couple gigs for swap, and ~480 gigs for storage,.. I could move my home directly over to this storage partition?08:09
twinburnerI was just trying to get the ubuntu live cd to load up and it's hanging. I was curious if anyone might know what would cause that.08:09
igge_Dr_Willis: ah.. thanks for the "!java"08:09
exodus_mssyn-ack, I've been hearing a fresh install differs greatly than upgrading, in the past i have had no problems with "upgrading" this time is different :)08:10
om26ertwinburner: live cd or a bootable usb08:10
nbohaychukwell, I'm going to sleep, 'g night everyone08:10
farchumbreis anyone using fingerprint with karmic?08:10
syn-ackexodus_ms, shit happens sometimes. :/08:10
syn-ackpardon the french08:10
twinburnerlive cd. I'm trying to fix a computer.08:10
* exodus_ms nods head08:10
twinburnerI don't know if you're familar with it but it's the issue with windows where a file called sptd.sys screws up and needs to be deleted on systems with daemon tools08:11
Cosmictwinburner: well, first of all, what's the RAM on the computer in question?08:11
twinburnermore than enough. it's mounting 1.5 gigs at the moment I think.08:11
syn-ackexodus_ms, and really the only thing thats different on a Karmic installer per se is that it doesnt install some of the Jaunty apps08:11
Dr_Willisigge_:  it has a great many 'reccomends' also for the ubuntu-restricted-extras also08:11
syn-ackexodus_ms, so its a bit less cluttered than the upgrade is08:11
Cosmictwinburner: We use the live CDs at work all the time for similar purposes. In my experience the discs start becoming flaky FAST if there's any kind of scratch or imperfection at all08:12
Dr_Willisigge_:  it pulls in sun-java6-plugin that then pulls in the other java stuff I guess.08:12
twinburnermaybe it was a bad burn then.08:12
syn-ackShwack, you could backup to that other part, reformat and/or partition to how you want it, reinstall then move everything over.08:12
twinburnerI'll try making another one with less stuff runing on my good comp.08:12
Cosmictwinburner: worth a try, at least08:12
twinburnerthanks. Might be back if it doesn't work.08:12
syn-ackShwack, its become rather trivial, honesty08:12
syn-ackhonestly, too08:12
om26ertwinburner: try making a bootable usb08:12
igge_Dr_Willis: but how can it pull that? i still don't see anything about java in the dependencies or recommends08:13
farchumbresound recorder is not working in karmic08:13
exodus_mssyn-ack, well, idk, the upgrade from jaunty to karmic broke cario-dock, I ended up remove/purging cairo-dock and installing from a ppa, there were several other problems, I had rosegarden/qsynth/JACK configured in Jaunty and it's totaly hosed in karmic :(08:13
Dr_Willisigge_:  it did it all automatically here.08:13
Cosmicom26er: too late for him to catch it, but yeah, good idea!08:13
Shwacksyn-ack as long as I'm not missing anything necessary with a fresh install i'm happy with the upgrade08:13
Dr_Willisigge_:  i just had to do 'ok' to the java eula08:13
MinusSevenwhats a good text editor for ubuntu, for c++ programming?08:13
Dr_WillisMinusSeven:  try geany08:13
MinusSevenok, thanks08:13
syn-ackexodus_ms, I'd really reinstall fresh karmic and rebuild. :/.08:14
* exodus_ms is lazy but agrees with syn-ack 08:14
syn-ackShwack, To each their own. :/08:14
jasonmch1istosempathy is broke08:14
igge_Dr_Willis: wierd.. but still... it gave you sun's java? so that can be considered some sort of default? in that case i'll go with that one..08:14
Shwacksyn-ack well you said its becoming trivial i thought you were refering to a fresh install - is a fresh install really worth it?08:14
om26erjasonmch1istos: how can you say that08:14
Dr_Willisigge_:  use the one from sun..is what i always do08:14
syn-ackShwack, I think it is...08:15
jasonmch1istosit doesnt work right08:15
jasonmch1istosthey shouldnt put alphas in ubuntu08:15
Dr_Willisjava -version08:15
Dr_Willisjava version "1.6.0_15"08:15
syn-ackShwack, Then again, I always reinstall after a new version hits so I can clean up from all the dev bs I was doing in Alpha and such08:15
om26erjasonmch1istos: is it crahsing. its just lacking features that might get in next major release08:15
igge_Dr_Willis: alright.. will do that... chers08:15
jasonmch1istosirc doesnt work08:15
syn-ackjasonmch1istos, for the last time, Empathy is NOT an alpha08:16
Dr_Willissince 9.10 is not a LTS version they  use it for testing new things :)08:16
exodus_mswhats the cmd to query ubottu to private msg?08:16
jasonmch1istosit wont show a window for irc08:16
lstarnesexodus_ms: /query ubottu08:16
om26erjasonmch1istos: works just fine here except for some commands08:16
exodus_msthanks lstarnes08:16
Dr_Willisjasonmch1istos:  it shows them here also.08:16
is0lat3dsh33pguys, what does "Software rasterizer in use" means?08:16
giphi all, can you tell me how to open .rar archives in Ubuntu08:16
jasonmch1istoswell its right out of box so it should work08:16
om26ergip: sudo apt-get install unrar08:16
Bryce1has anyone gotten ubuntu 9.10 to access windows 7 shares?08:16
Shwacksyn-ack the only thing is I just switched to linux (about 7 days on it so far and loving it)  so I'm not exactly sure of the *best* way to go about this.  If I just backup my home folder on my 2n d partition and then do a fresh install and move my home folder I would be fine with that08:16
miipgip: unrar -x archive.rar08:17
syn-ackgip with rar?08:17
is0lat3dsh33pguys, what does "Software rasterizer in use" means?08:17
syn-ackShwack, is your other part a linux part?08:17
om26er!repeat | is0lat3dsh33p08:17
ubottuis0lat3dsh33p: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:17
syn-ackShwack, you could if you have enough room, back up to the other part and when you reinstall set that other part as your /home08:18
Lintis0lat3dsh33p, where you're seeing this?08:18
jasonmch1istoswhere do i do a bug report08:18
gipthank you08:18
Cosmicis0lat3dsh33p: You running Compiz?08:18
syn-ackyou'd have to go in there and move some stuff but it can be done08:18
lstarnes!bug | jasonmch1istos08:18
ubottujasonmch1istos: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:18
Shwacksyn-ack i have plenty of room08:18
om26eris0lat3dsh33p: i think your system is not capable of compiz08:18
igge_damn... when i want to install eclipse it wants to install gcj08:18
is0lat3dsh33pLint, compiz-check08:18
om26eris0lat3dsh33p: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101824008:18
exodus_msShwack, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UpgradeFromOldVersion  <-- 2nd paragraph08:18
gipom26er: thank you it works08:19
falefor some weird reasons now I have all my contacts multiplied multiple times. Is there a program to unify the contacts (that now are in a vcard) that has the same name and/or same email?08:19
is0lat3dsh33pCosmic, i'm about to, i'm finding solutions. :D08:19
infidel2sit's bad to see both wmaster0 and wlan0 at the same time in iwconfig right?08:19
Dr_Willisigge_:   and thats a problem becuse?08:19
lstarnesinfidel2s: no08:19
Bryce1has anyone gotten ubuntu 9.10 to access windows 7 shares?08:19
Lintis0lat3dsh33p, it means that your graphic driver do not support acceleration. no compiz to you then08:19
Zahidclamav-0.94 installed but inspite of this it give error ....  This version of the ClamAV engine is outdated08:19
lstarnesinfidel2s: I have both with no issues08:19
om26er!repeat | Bryce108:19
ubottuBryce1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:19
Zahidanybody help that wat this problem08:19
Cosmicis0lat3dsh33p: It could also just mean your resolution is too high, though? What's your res? And do you have an external/2nd monitor?08:20
Dr_WillisZahid:  yes. its alwaysoutdated. because it gets updates so fast.08:20
LintBryce1, Ubuntu do not support features needed to connect to Windows 708:20
Zahidany solution about this please08:20
Dr_WillisZahid:  either use the outdated one. or dont use the one in the repos.. and download/instgall the latest from their homepage.08:20
Dr_WillisZahid:  logical :)08:20
om26erZahid: download latest08:20
tishikawa2Lint: nonsense08:20
Bryce1lint: is it able to eventually? will there be a fix?08:20
tishikawa2Bryce1: yes, its called samba08:20
is0lat3dsh33pCosmic, I'm not sure, how do i find my resolution?08:20
Zahidi think this one is latest08:21
exodus_ms!samba | Bryce108:21
ubottuBryce1: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.08:21
Dr_WillisZahid:  it might be a .0000001 version older version in the repos.08:21
RiverRatWhat's the magic to restart the NFS server daemon in debian/ubuntu?08:21
Zahidcoz i have install claamav 0.94 but it not give this message08:21
Shwacksyn-ack I like the idea of keeping my home directory on another partition08:21
is0lat3dsh33pLint, my graphic card is ATI Radeon HD3200 :/08:21
slytherinhas anyone successfully done video chat in empathy/pidgin?08:21
Bryce1i know what samba is. and it doesnt work with windows 708:21
Linttishikawa2, samba do not support SMB208:21
Cosmicis0lat3dsh33p: Preferences->Display should tell you08:21
om26erZahid: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-clamav/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:21
syn-ackShwack, Thats how a Lot of people do it08:21
slytherinRiverRat: sudo service restart nfs08:21
Dr_WillisRiverRat:  sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart08:21
Dr_Willisnfs<tab> to the rescue08:22
LintBryce1, try to disable smb2 on windows08:22
Zahidthanks, i am going to try this one08:22
syn-ackShwack, you'd crap yourself if you saw how many parts one of my servers have08:22
Shwacksyn-ack the only problem i see is that my 2nd partition is ntsf so linux and windows can both see it -- would you suggest saying f** windows and juse using both as ext4?  And also, should i be using ext4 or ext3?08:22
Bryce1Lint: how would i do that?08:22
is0lat3dsh33pCosmic, 1366x76808:22
LintBryce1, look in Local Security Policy applet in Administration section08:23
syn-ackShwack, thats entirely up to you. On both counts, but I reccomend ext4 over 308:23
exodus_mswhatever happened to ntfs or fuse? Shwack08:23
edeefeltBryce1, you may be able to get it to work with cifs08:23
igge_Dr_Willis: because then it won't be using sun java.. it will be using gcj instead, no?08:23
tishikawa2Lint: I have it working right now perfectly08:23
Shwackexodus_ms i have no idea08:23
Bryce1edeefelt: cifs?08:23
Cosmicis0lat3dsh33p: if there's a step down available that doesn't go too low, you could try bumping it down and seeing if Compiz works then - that error can sometimes be caused by the desired res being too much for the hradware w/ compiz08:23
Linttishikawa2, still, smb2 is not supported08:24
Shwacksyn-ack thank you:)  i'm currently using ext4  - also my .xsession.errors or wahtever file has quite a bit of stuff in it - is this normal/08:24
syn-ackShwack, Do you get your password wrong a lot?08:24
igge_Dr_Willis: actually the original problem is something else.. i can't add plugins to eclipse.. nothin happens when i press the ok button08:24
exodus_msShwack, yeah, i thinking about ntfs-3g08:25
exodus_ms!fuse > Shwack08:25
ubottuShwack, please see my private message08:25
Shwacksyn-ack for certain things, maybe... but typically no08:25
Zahidthere is error when enter this .... sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-clamav/ppa08:25
Zahidcommand not found08:25
om26erZahid: what?08:26
Dr_Willisigge_:  i think what java for it to use is setable.. but ive only toyed with that stuff. I tend to just use perl. :)08:26
slytherinhas anyone successfully done video chat in empathy/pidgin?08:26
om26erZahid: so you are not using karmic08:26
StillFallinwhats up with the new package manager ?? enter the password to authenticate and then it just sits there until i close it.... anyone ....????08:26
Zahidi am using 8.04 lts08:26
om26erZahid: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clamav/+archive/ppa08:26
Bryce1Lint: will samba work with smb2 soon?08:26
icerootZahid: that is only for 9.0408:26
exodus_msslytherin, are you using a 64bit version of *buntu?08:26
is0lat3dsh33pCosmic, does it means i need to go for lower resolusion?08:26
icerootZahid: not for hardy08:26
LintBryce1, who knows?08:27
icerootZahid: 9.10 of course08:27
slytherinexodus_ms: no. powerpc08:27
Bryce1Lint: ok thanks for the information08:27
Dr_Willis I thought the ppa: type repo urls are for 9.10+ ?08:27
Zahidlet me tell for hardy08:27
Cosmicis0lat3dsh33p: Not always necessarily, but that is one possiblity.08:27
Dr_Willisive used/added them with synaptic befor. but not from the command line08:27
Linthow KDE panels are called?08:27
is0lat3dsh33pCosmic, lowering the res also don't work.08:27
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is0lat3dsh33pLooks like no compiz for me.. :/08:28
Cosmiccould be08:28
Guest88220co słychac08:28
stouniiihi everyone, I have installed Linux as a programm under windows (ubuntu 9.1) and  want to see the other directorys on my harddisc but I found nothing, is it hidden?08:28
is0lat3dsh33por i could install fglrx right?08:28
soreauis0lat3dsh33p: Why not?08:28
soreauis0lat3dsh33p: Which video card do you have?08:28
Guest88220piszcie po polsku08:28
StillFallinUbuntu 9.10 Software Center -- Click install , Authenticate , enter password , then the window dont close untill i close it.... WHY...???08:29
slytherinstouniii: I don't think it is possible08:29
is0lat3dsh33psoreau, ATI Radeon Rs780M/Rs780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]08:29
doktoreashello folks08:29
slytherinStillFallin: file bug08:29
StillFallinwhat file??? will it be updated??08:30
soreauis0lat3dsh33p: Yea, you will need to install fglrx. Use sys>Prefs>Hardware Drivers08:30
igge_Dr_Willis: perl gets a bit hairy for projects with more than 20.000 lines of code i think.. :)08:30
doktoreasI have a strange audio problem : when using arrows to go up or down in web pages, nautilus, text files... and i reach the end my pc give me an "alert" with a noisy buzz... it doesn't care about the volume level nor the diabled system sounds...08:30
is0lat3dsh33psoreau, thanks :D08:30
slytherinStillFallin: I meant report a bug in launchpad.08:30
Bryce1Lint: samba 3.5 is supposedly supposed to have SMB2, they are currently at 3.4.308:30
jasonmch1istoscrap i just submitted a bug report then realised where empathy was hiding the missing windows08:31
stouniiislytherin: why not? because it's ntfs?08:31
whammoanybody know how to stop grub2 to change kernels?08:31
jasonmch1istoshow do i cancel the report?08:31
BlouBloujasonmch1istos: go to launchpad, and remove it08:31
StillFallini have08:31
StillFallineverytime i click install on a package in the new ubuntu 9.10 software center08:31
StillFallini have to authenticate and then when i enter the password and click ok the window just sites there untill i close it08:31
slytherinstouniii: Not because of that. I don't know the reason.08:32
igge_Dr_Willis: anyways... it seems to be working now... i made a complete reinstall of my whole system and a clean install of eclipse... it must have been something strange lying around somewhere on my old system08:32
Draconishey guys, I tried downloading the flash plugin from adobe's website as the .deb file, but it says error wrong architecture i386.. should I get it via apt-get instead? what package should I go for?08:32
stouniiidraconis: install it with the software center08:33
BlouBlouDraconis: what is your processor architecture?08:33
exodus_msslytherin, have looked at the ppa for ppc and empathy? Here is one link https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/powerpc/empathy08:33
slytherinDraconis: flashplugin-installer08:33
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stouniiiyeah then you can't install i38608:33
Draconisit didn't really give an option for that08:33
slytherinexodus_ms: what for? And PPAs don't have powerpc arch.08:34
Dr_WillisDraconis:  always use the apt-get packages first.. avoide using the ones from adobes web site08:34
StillFallinis there a way to uninstall the new software center and then reinstall it to remove any errors that can be happening during the usage of the software center?08:34
Dr_WillisDraconis:  installing ubuntu-restricted-extras should pull in flash and java and fontsm and some other bits you want08:34
DraconisDr_Willis, so should I go with flashplugin-installer like slytherin suggested?08:34
slytherinexodus_ms: I am already running karmic. Why would I need a package from PPA?08:34
enrico44ciao a tutti08:34
Draconisuh, so try ubuntu-restricted-extras ?08:35
Draconiserr oh08:35
Dr_WillisDraconis:   i always install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' and let It install flash for me. :)  i forget the exact flash package name08:35
exodus_msslytherin, idk, there are different packages for powerpc's maybe?08:35
Draconisrgr I'll try that08:35
slytherinStillFallin: software centre is just a frontend for apt-get.08:35
Lintwhy my CPU is always at ~10% in use?08:35
Dr_WillisDraconis:  thats like the first thing I install on a new system. :)08:35
slytherinexodus_ms: No there are not. There are only packages in repository.08:35
Draconisah crap thats downloading a new JRE08:35
exodus_msslytherin, ok man, did you look at the link yet?08:36
Dr_Willisits getting the sun jre i belive.08:36
StillFallinya i know and i like the new look thats why i want to fix the password prompt problem im having with it08:36
Draconishopefully that don't mess up my newly configured android sdk setup :)08:36
slytherinDraconis: you don't need to install ubuntu-restricted-extras just to get flash08:36
Dr_Willisthats the only one i ever use.08:36
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash08:36
Draconishmm, weird, says I have flash08:37
jasonmchristosnow all of this sudden it works08:37
exodus_msDraconis, sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin or sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree08:37
jasonmchristosi reinstalled empathy08:37
syn-ackDid you purge it?08:37
jasonmchristossilly that it does that out of box08:37
jasonmchristosno i just reinstalled08:38
nigel_nbmy laptop came preinstalled with ubuntu, I want to get windows on one partition, how can I go about it?08:38
Lintwhy my CPU is always at ~10-20% in use?08:38
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: repartition08:38
exodus_msslytherin, do you still say the ppa's do not have ppc arch ?08:38
nigel_nbjasonmchristos: I tried that, but windows is giving me some error08:39
slytherinexodus_ms: yes08:39
Lintnigel_nb, which error?08:39
stouniiiwhen i want to turn to the superuser mode, it says: I have not the authentification..08:39
stouniiiwhy is this?08:39
nigel_nbsome memory error08:39
Draconisok I think I got flash08:39
DraconisI think its just retarded08:39
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: resize the current partition08:39
jasonmchristosthen just install winblowz on freespace08:40
Dr_WillisDraconis:  yes.. that fits my oponion of flash also...08:40
nigel_nbthats what I tried08:40
slytherinstouniii: what do you mean by turn to superuser mode?08:40
nigel_nbbut somehow windows is not getting installed08:40
Draconisheh well its like non-usable retarded though :)08:40
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: what happens?08:40
stouniiibut I typed in my pw08:40
Draconisis there a way to remove it/reinstall it easily?08:40
slytherinDraconis: did you restart firefox after that?08:40
Lintwhich version of windows?08:40
stouniiiis there an other pw08:41
nigel_nbjasonmchristos: how do i go terminal from a live cd08:41
Dr_WillisDraconis:  resart/reboot/stand on your head and sing gergorian chants as it boots...08:41
Draconisyeah slytherin its looking pretty bad. can't get my liveleak :(08:41
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: i heard windows gets picky and wants to be on the first partition08:41
Dr_WillisDraconis:  oh wait- thas from my windows  problem solving book.08:41
nigel_nbjasonmchristos: aw just great08:42
Dr_WillisDraconis:  what url are you having flash issues with?08:42
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: live cd just do it the same way you would from the menu08:42
slytherinDraconis: well then remove the same way you installed08:42
exodus_msslytherin, you seem to know alot, too bad you can't figure out how to get video and empathy to work on your ppc karmic install. I'm running gtalk and empathy on a 64bit install jsut fine :)08:42
nigel_nbjasonmchristos: but how do i start the menu when i reach the menu08:42
Dr_WillisWindows - perfers tobe on the FIRST PRIMARY PARTITION. at least the older versions did.. ive not tried to force it on other partitions in ages. :)08:42
nigel_nbsorry start the terminal08:42
nigel_nbno.. i mean i got the live cd menu08:42
nigel_nbhow do i get to terminal without booting08:43
LintDr_Willis, that's bullshit08:43
Dr_WillisLint:  if you say so.. but ive fought with several windows machines.. and as soon as i put windows on the first primary  it worked proplery. This was with win95/98/me/ i dont recall trying XP lately with it on other drives08:43
slytherinnigel_nb: jasonmchristos already told you08:43
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: i dunno if you can i never do it theres a basic prompt but i dont think it has any apps08:44
* Dr_Willis r4ecalls having to remap windows drives in grub in the past on some peoples installs to get windows to boot proplery.08:44
nigel_nbjasonmchristos: i just want the fdisk and gparted08:44
jasonmchristosnigel_nb: just boot live and use the menu08:44
slytherinexodus_ms: Ok. That's is just what I wanted to know. So there is at least one person who has it running successfully. I will try on my PC.08:44
Lintnigel_nb, you'll need to create a #1 primary partition with FAT32/NTFS for Windows to put boot files in08:44
Lintnigel_nb, do you want to keep your current data on the disk?08:45
nigel_nbLint: no08:45
exodus_msslytherin, why did you not try that first?08:45
nigel_nbLint: i just want it working...can you walk me through it?08:45
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slytherinexodus_ms: no particular reason.08:46
Dr_Willisnigel_nb:  so you want  eventually a windows/linux system on that laptop?08:46
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jasonmchristosdoes anyone know what port openssh-server package uses by default?08:46
nigel_nbDr_Willis: unfortunately08:46
ugurhi all, I am using karmic now and since jaunty my fan is on too much which is very noisy. I have Lenovo R61i by the way08:46
Lintnigel_nb, just boot from Windows CD and create 2 primary partitions ~15 GB and one extended partition for the rest of disk08:46
nigel_nbLint: can't boot into windows cd08:47
nigel_nbLint: some error08:47
Dr_Willisnigel_nb:  so  you will want to leave part of the HD unallocated for the linux system to use .08:47
Dr_Willisjasonmchristos:  ssh uses 22 by default08:47
slytherinjasonmchristos: what every ssh server uses, 2208:47
Draconis I disabled shockwave from the firefox addons, installed flashplugin-nonfree but it doesn't install to firefox? any ideas?08:47
Lintnigel_nb, write down this error and tell us08:48
witakrCan someone help me figure out why my HP DV 6000 laptop running Karmin Xubuntu freezes when i try to play a game like urban terror or tremulous?08:48
jasonmchristosDraconis: restart ff08:48
slytherinDraconis: flashplugin-nonfree is transitional package. you should install flashplugin-installer and then restart firefox.08:48
DraconisI tried flashplugin-installer and it says up to date slytherin08:49
slytherinwitakr: which graphics card?08:49
Draconisjasonmch1istos, : tried that08:49
slytherinDraconis: Does Flash show up in Addons?08:49
witakrslytherin, let me get that info... one sec08:49
Draconisslytherin, no08:49
Draconisonly shockwave08:49
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jasonmchristosreenable it08:49
Draconiswhich I don't remember downloading08:49
slytherinDraconis: I believe it is shockwave flash08:50
slytherinthere is no shockwave player for linux08:50
jasonmchristosyou better call tyrone08:50
Draconisits using Gnash SWF I believe08:51
Draconisis that normal?08:51
witakrslytherin, ok, how do i get that info?08:51
jasonmchristosGnash might conflict remove it08:51
slytherinwitakr: try this on command line - lspci | grep -i vga08:51
jasonmchristosthen try reinstalling nonfree08:52
witakrslytherin, ok, one sec08:52
jasonmchristosor else call tyrone08:52
jasonmchristosgnash might work just as good as nonfree i dunno i tended to use nonfree08:52
Zahidusing ubuntu 8.04 lts and clamav 0.94 install but giving error --- database outdated08:53
witakrslytherin, heres what it returned: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce Go 6150] (rev a2)08:53
UBlondieIs there a 'chkdsk' equivalent in Ubuntu?  I started having strange things happen with 9.10 (fresh install, ext4) with graphics problems and locking up.08:54
Draconisjasonmch1istos, do you know the package name for gnash?08:54
slytherinwitakr: that is nvidia graphics card the, I suggest you file a bug.08:54
Draconisnm found it08:54
Dr_WillisZahid:   You use the freshclam command to update the virus database08:54
UBlondie...mind you, also seems display related mostly08:54
slytherinUBlondie: It is called fsck and it is run every 30 boots.08:54
UBlondieslytherin:  ok ....is there a way to run it manually?   Is it from Term or somehow on re-boot?08:55
jasonmchristosDraconis: there are packages that install plugins globally but plugins that are installed by user dont show as a package08:55
jasonmchristosDraconis: i thought the packagename was gnash08:55
slytherinUBlondie: I don't know. AFAIK, it should not be run manually during a session.08:55
Dr_Willisgnash is the gpl flash - it often dosent work very well.08:55
Dr_Willis!info gnash08:55
ubottugnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 220 kB, installed size 800 kB08:55
Zahidhow that command will be, plz let me tell08:56
jonnymachi guys. no sound card identified on my girlfriends computer & she's near ready to kill me. how do i find the driver necessary? have reinstalled alsa several times08:56
UBlondieslytherin:  thanks ....I found reference to running 'shutdown -r -F now' , to reboot and scan root partition ..I can't find reference to -F switch in 'man shutdown' though? Do you know that one?08:56
slytherinjonnymac: How do you know sound card is not identified.08:57
jasonmchristosjonnymac: better get roses because theres no driver08:57
slytherinUBlondie: As I said, I never did it manually08:57
jasonmchristosjonnymac: try reinstalling pulse08:57
jonnymacwell this is it there'sno sound card detected08:58
whammodoes anyone know how to tell grub 2 to load rt kernel by default?08:58
sivanghi all08:58
sivangI have an ION based machine08:58
sivanga compaq mini08:58
sivangI upgraded to 9.10 and everything flickers in the VT before even going into GDM08:58
sivangany idea what I can do to fix this ?08:58
sivangwhen using the previous kernel, it is all okay08:58
slytherinjonnymac: i am asking how you reached that conclusion? no sound from movie/music  player?08:59
jasonmchristossivang: VT?08:59
sivangvirutal terminal08:59
sivangtext mode08:59
Draconiscrap man08:59
jonnymacslytherin: i ran aplay -l08:59
Draconisflash is still completely porked for me08:59
sivangthis is my current kernel which works: 2.6.28-16-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP08:59
sivangthis is the problematic one: 2.6.31-14-generic09:00
sivangwhat can I do ?09:00
slytherinjonnymac: and what error do you get?09:00
jasonmchristosmight be a hardware problem to figure it out backup your home directory and reinstall09:00
jhb1608How do I make the full word "Saturday November 7" instead of "Sat Nov 7" on the panel?09:00
jonnymacslytherin: http://pastebin.com/d4234ca8209:00
Zahidhowto use freshclam command to update the virus definition09:00
jasonmchristossivang: or boot to the old kernal in  grub09:01
slytherinjonnymac: I see a sound card there.09:01
sivangjasonmchristos: that's what I did, but I want to new one since I can't get suspend and sound to work with the 8.10 kernel09:01
jonnymacslytherin: i thought the 0/1 meant the card wasn't loaded!09:02
Dr_WillisZahid:  i recall it being just 'sudo freshclam'  the clamav docs/homepage proberly give details09:02
jasonmchristosDraconis: dont disable it remove all of the plugins then make sure gnash is not a selected package then reinstall nonfree09:02
slytherinjonnymac: ha ha ha09:02
jasonmchristosand logout and login again09:02
jonnymacslytherin: will be back after i reinstall pulse09:02
jhb1608How do I make the full word "Saturday November 7" instead of "Sat Nov 7" on the panel?09:02
jasonmchristossivang: try netbook remix09:03
slytherinjonnymac: also start alsamixer from command line and see if you have all sound levels right09:03
wgrantjasonmchristos: Why try UNR?09:03
jhb1608How do I make the full word "Saturday November 7" instead of "Sat Nov 7" on the panel?09:03
slytherinjhb1608: I don't think there is an option. And it will eat lot of panel space.09:03
sivangjasonmchristos: why? is it tested and made specifically for the Nvidia ION chipset ?09:04
jasonmchristoswgrant: its designed for netbooks09:04
icerootjhb1608: right click on it, then choose the format09:04
wgrantjasonmchristos: That is not relevant here.09:04
sivangjasonmchristos: cause if not, not much point in testing it09:04
jhb1608it's fine, I have a big lcd monitor09:04
wgrantThe kernel is the same.09:04
sivangwgrant: right09:04
wgrantThe infrastructure is the same.09:04
wgrantand I trust sivang to know what he's doing.09:04
slytherinjhb1608: as I said there is no option.09:04
jhb1608iceroot, it is fine, I have a big lcd monitor09:04
jasonmchristoscall tyrone then09:05
sivangwgrant: I'll try booting into the 9.10 kernel with recovery mode, am I supposed to have eth access there ?09:05
wgrantsivang: Does gdm end up starting?09:05
sivangwgrant: nope09:05
wgrantsivang: Or just flickers a lot?09:05
icerootjhb1608: hm, only working in kde panel, the gnome panel dont have that option09:05
sivangwgrant: VT just flickers endlessly09:05
wgrantsivang: Are you using the proprietary driver?09:05
jhb1608ah then I can install KDE on ubuntu then?09:05
icerootjhb1608: kde is a complete desktop environment09:05
sivangwgrant: I will have to test this, there is a chance it's still using the nv one since I wasn';t able to get into the restricted driver manager09:06
Dr_Willisjhb1608:  install 'kubuntu-desktop' and it should pull in all of kubuntu.09:06
jhb1608it's ok09:06
slytherinjhb1608: yes just install kubuntu-desktop package then.09:06
jasonmchristosubuntu comes with no garuntee and does not assume any liabilities for hardware damage09:06
Dr_Willisjhb1608:  there might be a few quirks but it should work fine that way.09:06
jhb1608it's fine really.09:06
wgrantsivang: OK. Try adding 'text' to the kernel boot line, to inhibit gdm from starting (while allowing everything else to start up normally)09:06
jdfksfsfdhow to create a net connection09:06
sivangwgrant: will do, thanks dude will you still be here in a couple of minutes ?09:07
jasonmchristosi would rather have the screen work than suspend work09:07
wgrantsivang: I'll be here for a couple of hours yet.09:07
jhb1608I can switch back to GNOME if I feel uncomfy :)09:07
sivangwgrant: I have a hunch that gdm starting attempts are causing the flickering09:07
sivangwgrant: cool, see you in a bunch09:07
kevinlhowdy .. cant set screen res higher than 1024 since upgrade to karmic, intel mobo .. any fix for this?09:08
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Dr_Willisjhb1608:  I find kde4 a bit.. awkward. :)09:09
jhb1608it's fine. I will learn09:09
jhb1608alright going to bed09:10
slytherinkevinl: File a bug on launchpad.09:10
cybichello everybody... after update to karmic, sometimes have a glitch: networkmanager icon appears as a black qadrat! changing appearance and/or put the network wire in and out fix the problem...09:10
wgrantkevinl: Any idea which chipset you have? i845, i915, or something like that?09:10
Teh1337Bixubuntu is for ubunn00bz09:11
kevinlIntel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL09:11
slytherincybic: what is dadrat?09:12
kevinli dont know if that answers you09:12
kevinlbut thats what lspci says09:12
wgrantkevinl: OK. That's an i915. 'ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-intel'09:12
slytherinkevinl: what is the driver specified in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:12
cybicslytherin, not dadrat, but a quadrat - a quadraphormic image (quader)09:12
slytherinsorry, my type09:12
slytherinmy typo09:13
cybicso - nobody ever seen this glitch?09:13
kevinlslytherin, weird it all says "Configured Video Device" "Configured Monitor" etc09:13
wgrantkevinl: OK, that's fine then. Run the command  I gave, to file a bug.09:13
slytherincybic: it appears that it is not detecting the connection on boot but only when you reconnecting it.09:14
tishikawa2why does iptables suck so much?09:14
slytherinkevinl: do you see anything like "Driver"?09:14
wgranttishikawa2: I don't know. What gives you the idea that it does?09:14
Dr_Willistishikawa2:  PEBKAC?09:14
iceroottishikawa2: learn how to use it09:14
cybicslytherin, without connectin it should show the icon for not connected, but it's just an ugly black quader09:14
kevinlthere is no driver keyword09:15
_nix_tishikawa2: wait what?09:15
slytherincybic: may be that is default for not connected.09:15
kevinlweird thins is compiz is working fine09:15
slytherincybic: can you post a screenshot somewhere?09:15
kevinlbut i cant set a higher res.09:15
Dr_Williscybic:  could be the icon theme/cache got messed up. could try changing icon themes and see if it works better, then change it back. (i amjust guessinghere)09:15
wgrantkevinl: Report a bug, please.09:15
slytherinkevinl: It will be better if you answer the questions we are asking09:16
jasonmchristoswhy doesnt the rhythmbox plugin update my empathy status with songtitle09:16
Shwackwhen I cpa  large .tar file from my desktop to my desktop my terminal freezes09:16
tishikawa2try doing bidirectional nat in particular09:16
kevinli ran the ubuntu bug command09:16
jasonmchristosi checked it09:16
kevinldo i need to do anything else/09:16
cybicDr_Willis, exactly what i did before - but it happens every third time i'm coming back from standby ;) anoying :)09:16
Dr_WillisShwack:  how large is large>09:16
wgrantkevinl: It should have opened up a Launchpad page in your browser.09:16
cybicslytherin, yeh - next time i see it09:16
Shwack3.6 gigs09:16
Dr_Williscybic:  with standby/suspend its hard to tell what gremlins are going on..09:17
meds9.04 arrow keys don't work in rdp session09:17
cybicDr_Willis, ;)09:17
Dr_Williscybic:  but only every 3rd standby? :)09:17
slytherinShwack: what has terminal got to do with copying?09:18
Shwackslytherin Dr_Willis seemed to understand what i was asking the problem is solved09:19
Dr_WillisI do?09:19
me____can i ask something09:19
* Dr_Willis is more confused then ever.09:19
Shwackk i'm copying a file in terminal and it hangs up09:19
medsrdp session to windows 200309:19
Shwackhow is that not understood?09:19
slytherin!ask | me____09:19
ubottume____: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:19
Strywgrwhy the sound is lower in ubuntu?09:19
Dr_Willisactually  the cp command in the terminal gives no feedback till its done. So   How are you sure its hung?09:20
slytherinStrywgr: run alsamixer from command line and check if the sound levels are proper.09:20
Dr_WillisYou said it was solved also.. :) so  thats why i am confused.09:20
BlouBlouStrywgr: curious, I have highter... surelly canonical changed ubuntu's sound system09:20
Dr_WillisTHere was a lot of changes/tweaks in sound/pulse  in 9.10 - its a little quirky in many ways here also09:21
me____sorry. if i shrink a vista partition from in vista and then install from the live cd into the free space will that work as a dual boot or is there anything else i need to do?09:21
Dr_WillisMine always starts Muted.09:21
Shwackyou asked me how big the file was, I checked the size of the file and realize it  probably wasn't hung.09:21
slytherinme____: That depends on how reliable the shrinking part is.09:21
wgrantme____: That will work fine.09:21
me____thank you09:22
Dr_WillisShwack:  Ok. :) I did recall seeing some cp variant/script that gave a little progress bar  as it copied. which is handy in some cases09:22
me____i was going to use the partition manager that comes with vista09:22
GuidMorrowhow do I store settings in xawtv?09:22
cybicDr_Willis, not - occasionally... any way to rebuld theme-cache?09:23
kurakuskasalvea tutti09:23
slytherinGuidMorrow: I believe there is a menu.09:23
Dr_Williscybic:  ive seen mention of it.. but i forget where i even saw it - was in some forum thread09:23
cybicDr_Willis, so, got to google ;)09:24
cybicDr_Willis, thank you vary much :)09:24
Strywgrevery thing is set in alsamixer.09:24
slytherinStrywgr: all sound levels are high?09:25
kevinlslytherin -- filed the bug. any other pointers for a fix?09:25
Strywgryes they are.09:25
kurakuskasorry where is join's italy ubuntu09:25
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:26
Lint01I'm deleting the files but no free space coming up. What's happening?09:26
slytherinkevinl: You might want to try removing your xorg.conf file and restart machine. make sure you take a backup first.09:26
=== k is now known as Guest74197
leaf-sheepI presume everybody is still having the notify-osd one notification too low? ;o09:27
tanamaniahow can i connect my ZTE reliance usb modem to my ubuntu 9.10 karmic... there isnt any wvdial here which i used in my earlier hardy???09:28
cybicDr_Willis, <sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/Humanity>09:28
cybicDr_Willis,  ;)09:28
slytherintanamania: Do you really need wvdial?09:29
_nix_tishikawa2: i suppose netfilter is capable of pretty much everything, maybe you need to read more documentation09:29
sivangwgrant: yay, thanks09:30
Lint01I'm deleting the files but no free space coming up. What's happening?09:30
sivangwgrant: I rebuilt the driver for the new kernel and I got the best distro ever09:30
SwedeMikeLint01: some probably still has the files open.09:30
SwedeMikesom program...09:30
sivangwgrant: so slick and cool, however boot up is longer then the previous release09:30
_nix_Lint01: clean up trash bin as well?09:30
sivangnow sound is working!09:30
tanamaniaslytherin: i need i way to connect my data card.. whether by wvdial or else??09:31
slytherintanamania: What happens when you plug in data card?09:31
wgrantsivang: Great. Most of those nvidia-related bugs have been fixed, but at release it was a bit broke.09:31
leaf-sheeptanamania: I can see wvdial in karmic repository.  You can't see it? ;o09:32
sivangwgrant: I always revert to the new nvidia installer from nvidia. It is superb09:32
wgrantsivang: You *really* shouldn't do that.09:32
sivangwgrant: solves all your problems usually with a couple of text UI enters09:32
banisterfienddoes google offer a service similar to del.icio.us ?09:32
Lint01_nix_: since when rm uses Trash?09:32
banisterfiendi would like to store links, but would prefer to use something in the google toolset09:32
sivangwgrant: so I'll try now to reinstall using the restricted driver manager ?09:33
tanamaniaslytherin: lsusb detects it.. then the network manager detects my vendor and service provider. it asks for my username and password and the number to dial which are provided to it.. but then it simply doesnt connect.. dunno why??09:33
_nix_Lint01: I didn't know you were on command line09:33
slytherintanamania: how did you try to connect it?09:33
sivangwgrant: what are you suggesting ?09:33
Lint01I had 83 MB of free disk space and it suddently gone and cannot be reclaimed. What could cause this?09:34
wgrantsivang: Uninstall the driver, and use jockey.09:34
sivangwgrant: ah jocky, so many things changed since I was last an ubuntu develoepr09:34
eddymhi does any1 have the google android phone on linux platform? http://www.szprice.com/products/SciPhone-N21-Google-Android-Smart-Phone-With-Wifi-5-0MP-auto-focus-Camera_816.html#09:34
wgrantsivang: It has been a while. Come back!09:34
thadthudpuckerI have some questions about installin ubuntu on a p3 500mhz with 256meg of ram, who's the best to talk to?09:34
slytherin!ask | thadthudpucker09:34
ubottuthadthudpucker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:34
tanamaniaslytherin: i gave the modprobe command for the kernel module entry.. then tried to connect it through the GUI network manager but it didnt connect.. didnt give any error msg lso..09:35
norrecwhats the minimum size for the root partition?09:35
slytherintanamania: hmm when doing modprobe did you try to provide vendor id and product id?09:35
leaf-sheeptanamania: You might want to try connecting in the terminal.  See if that does not work too.09:35
sivangwgrant: I wish I could ! I just now starting to be a bit better aftet 2 years of having a health problem, and need to work for living so don't suppose will have too much time for contributing and getting backl into development09:35
wgrantsivang: Yeah :(09:35
sivangwgrant: hubackup is so poor and abandomed :(09:35
Lint01thadthudpucker: Windows 2000 is better then Linux on old hardware like this09:35
GuidMorrowLint01: Reboot into recovery mode and use fsck, and btw, have you tried to clean old packages?09:35
sivangwgrant: would you mind if I ask you a bit about the changes I see infront of me ?09:36
wgrantsivang: Yep. And we still have no good backup tool by default.09:36
thadthudpuckerLint01: I was thinking that...09:36
wgrantsivang: Sure.09:36
sivangwgrant: I know09:36
saidi have problem in ubuntu after upgrade to 9.1009:36
_nix_thadthudpucker: i have ubuntu installed on a p3 700 Mhz machine with 256mb ram09:36
slytherinthadthudpucker: You should use xubuntu or lubuntu09:36
sivangman, this kernel is much better for the atom09:36
thadthudpucker_nix_: what version are you using?09:36
sivangmy machine is like a full blown development station and it's merely an atom + ION09:36
saidmassage root@malak$ #09:36
_nix_thadthudpucker: I'm using kubuntu 9.1009:37
saidwhat i can do for this problem09:37
tanamaniaslytherin: yeah.. i provided with the vendor and product id..09:37
tanamaniaslytherin: i used to do it the same way in hardy but there i had wvdial..09:37
thadthudpucker_nix_: I'll give it a shot there...09:37
sivangwgrant: so, first of all, there's a longer boot time - I hunch that most of the hardware stuff is detection attempted before gdm even comes up09:37
sivangwgrant: specificallt, network09:37
sivangwgrant: could that contribute to the slowness ?09:38
Lint01thadthudpucker: modern distros use too much memory, and old ones have thousands of security bugs and missing features09:38
GuidMorrowwhy is my "paste" button always grayed out?09:38
_nix_thadthudpucker: I don't have much use for office applications. it works nicely for web browsing, some python programming, bittorent etc.09:38
slytherintanamania: wvdial is not part of default install now. you have to install it with apt-get or synaptic09:38
slytherinafter you do modprobe, what is the output of dmesg?09:38
tanamanialeaf-sheep: yeah.. but how??09:38
sivanghmm, also, epiphany wouldn't let me put in passwords. it doesn't even show the dots that obscure the text09:38
wgrantsivang: Shouldn't be. You could try re-profiling. I'm not sure how one does that with ureadahead or sreadahead or whatever we are using these days.09:38
leaf-sheeptanamania: Try "wvdial --help" or "man wvdial" for more information.09:38
GuidMorrow!fsck | Lint0109:38
ubottuLint01: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:38
tanamaniaslutherin: thats a deadlock state, i need internet to get wvdial and for internet i need wvdial!!!09:39
norrecwhats the minimum size for the root partition?09:39
LiCeThi all09:39
tanamanialeaf-sheep: wvdial is not a part of the deafult installation of karmic..09:39
Dr_Willisnorrec:  i wouldnet try it with under 5gb.09:39
to3000ubuntu is constantly freezing up and i can only move the mouse, please help09:39
LiCeTi shutdown my "koala" last night09:39
Dr_Willisnorrec:  using right at 5 here.09:39
LiCeTand now cant login anymore :(09:39
leaf-sheeptanamania: Install it.09:39
sivangto3000: what kind of a sound card you have ?09:39
BlouBlou!enter | LiCeT09:39
ubottuLiCeT: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:39
sivangwgrant: also, is the new screen in very high res the new splash ?09:40
GuidMorrownorrec : Ubuntu needs >= 4GB to install09:40
to3000sivang: i think is an hda intel09:40
tanamaniaslytherin: isnt there any other way other than using wvdial??09:40
sivangwgrant: at first I saw only the logo, the cricle logo, then after gdm came up09:40
to3000sivang: how do i find out09:40
sivangwgrant: I saw that "in progress" screen09:40
saidplease help me09:40
paolohi *. I am having problems with video (with x11) since I upgraded to 9.10) on two different computers. Does anyone know a fix for this?09:40
sivangto3000: sudo lspci -v09:40
sivangto3000: look for the audio stuff09:40
LiCeTsorry ubottu09:40
Lint01GuidMorrow: 1.8 GB is enough09:40
wgrantsivang: usplash is the white Ubuntu logo on black background. Then gdm starts early, with xsplash (the scrolly progress bar thingy) running in front of it.09:41
norrecDr_Willis, alright thanks, i was thinkin 5 but i didnt want to do it and have problems latr, although i think i might just give it 10 to be on the safe side, thanks09:41
slytherintanamania: I was expecting networkmanager would work. I have never used reliance cards. And this is one of the reasons I hate those usb pluggable internet devices.09:41
sivangwgrant: ah cool, and what is hda itnel ?09:41
ubuntuhello all, ubuntu loves you :)09:41
Dr_Willisnorrec:  i always use at least 10 here. 20 may be safer.. depending on you rneeds09:41
sivangthat was for soemone else :)09:41
slytherinubuntu: please do not use this nickname.09:41
ubuntuim on a livecd09:41
sivangto3000: I've had that kind of trouble when I had IRQ collision between my sound card and the mouse one09:41
tanamaniaslytherin: even i was expecting it to work..09:41
sivangto3000: if you can change the IRQ of teh sound card in the BIOS setup, to something unused that might solve it09:42
sivangto3000: but I'm not an expert09:42
LiCeTany ideas?09:42
sivangto3000: so YMMV09:42
norrecDr_Willis, well its a server edition so i dont have to worry about the gnome, and its just gonna be a file server, i just wanted to partition off the data and the system in case something ever fucked up the install09:42
to3000sivang: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)09:42
nik_please help me, look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/310444/09:42
sivangto3000: can you see which IRQ it is using ?09:42
sivangto3000: it is supposed to be written there09:42
thadthudpuckerbelieve it or not, but I have KK running live on it.09:42
GuidMorrow!help | nik_09:43
ubottunik_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:43
thadthudpucker*had that is, i was using the netbook edition.09:43
* sivang now tries to figure how to make the KVM modules inject properly09:43
jdfksfsfdhow to connect to net on ubuntu??09:43
to3000Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 1609:43
nik_i have a problem compiling a file, please help me, log is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/310444/09:43
slytherinjdfksfsfd: that is very generic question09:43
to3000sivang: irq 1609:44
ubuntistashow can i add plugins for mozilla in kubuntu to stream audio ?09:44
ubuntistason netg09:44
GuidMorrowwell, I'm in a middle of a xawtv operation, if any FIFO buffers go higher than 6 for any reason, my video files will be [!language]09:44
LiCeTi get the logon prompt...after typing in password and enter i get redirected to logon prompt09:45
slytherinnik_: AFAIK, gcc 4.4 is strict than previous versions. google for the error and you will get answer.09:45
_nix_nik_: it looks like there's an error in one of the files itself09:45
jdfksfsfdslytherin, on a wired connection , i am using a adsl modem via ethernet , in the wired connection tab i entered ip , subnet , gateway and dns , and still not working??09:45
thadthudpucker_nix_: the machine will be used for web browsing, that kind of thing, nothing heavy duty09:45
Dr_Willisnik_:  check the ownership/permissions of the files also. be sure they are all owned by your user09:45
GuidMorrowLiCeT, are you trying to login as !root09:45
sivangdoes anybody remmeber how I can find out which IRQ the mouse is using ?09:45
sivangI'm trying to help to300009:45
LiCeTjust a normal user09:45
* sivang is rusty09:46
* thadthudpucker sprays sivang with WD4009:46
_nix_thadthudpucker: ahh, works nicely for me. make sure to disable things like cups, bluetooth etc. that you don't use.09:46
GuidMorrowforget the WD-40, get the oil can for this tin man09:46
ubuntistashow can i add plugins for mozilla in kubuntu to stream audio ?09:46
thadthudpucker_nix_: i'm sure i'll be back then. I'm dl'ing kubuntu KK now09:47
_nix_thadthudpucker: good luck, and have a nice day :)09:47
thadthudpucker_nix_: thx, I'll be here all night, nightshift...09:48
sivangto3000: what happens when you play soemthing and try to use the mouse? is it always stuck ?09:48
meds9.04 arrow keys don't work in rdp session09:48
sivangthadthudpucker: thanks, I needed that :)09:48
cursive-hi, wondering if anyone can help, completed and upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 using the alternate cd and getting graphics corruption now once gnome loads, cant see the screen at all just garbled colours09:48
thadthudpuckersivang: no prob, anytime.09:48
jdfksfsfd on a wired connection , i am using a adsl modem via ethernet , in the wired connection tab i entered ip , subnet , gateway and dns , and still not working??09:49
guntbertLiCeT: graphical login?09:49
jdfksfsfd on a wired connection , i am using a adsl modem via ethernet , in the wired connection tab i entered ip , subnet , gateway and dns , and still not working??09:49
LiCeTin recovery mode i can login09:49
LiCeTyes guntbert09:49
jionglianggunni_, good09:49
GuidMorrowI can't even get sound output from the line-in connector in ubuntu studio, how do I get to a setting to turn on line-in sounds09:49
jdfksfsfd on a wired connection , i am using a adsl modem via ethernet , in the wired connection tab i entered ip , subnet , gateway and dns , and still not working??09:49
d6chungjdfksfsfd: OKG, we see your question.09:49
thadthudpuckerjdfksfsfd: are you using a router behind the modem?09:49
guntbertLiCeT: switch to CLI (ctrl+alt+F1)09:50
jdfksfsfdi am using a adsl2 modem09:50
LiCeTwhen i'm on logon prompt?09:50
guntbertLiCeT: yes :)09:50
LiCeTjust a mom :)09:50
LiCeTand thx09:51
thadthudpuckerjdfksfsfd: hmm...Are you entering the settings into the eth settings on the computer?09:51
LiCeTi'm in09:51
jdfksfsfdinto the wied connectin , by manual seeing09:51
thadthudpuckerjdfksfsfd: usually the computer would use something like or somthing to talk to the modem, try DHCP, and chek your modem settings.09:51
guntbertLiCeT: so on CLI you can login?09:51
thadthudpuckerjdfksfsfd: are you able to ping the modem?09:52
eddymwhat is that called on the bottom the quick launch like mac09:52
eddymin ubuntu 9.1009:52
guntbert!who | LiCeT09:52
ubottuLiCeT: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:52
LiCeTok :)09:52
guntbertLiCeT: that means account and password are ok...09:52
jdfksfsfdthadthudpucker, it works with all other distros , only ubuntu is giving this trouble!!09:53
LiCeTguntbert: i need my gnome :D09:53
jdfksfsfd it works with all other distros , only ubuntu is giving this trouble!!09:53
thadthudpuckerjdfksfsfd: hmm...I leave this one to someone more knowledgable then. Good luck.09:53
guntbertLiCeT: have a look at /var/log/syslog - are there any errors connected with your login?09:53
jdfksfsfdi dont have any!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!109:53
GuidMorrowuff da09:54
d6chungjdfksfsfd: Are you directly connected to your ADSL modem?09:54
nik_what should i do?09:55
d6chungjdfksfsfd: Wouldn't you need to provide authentication with your ISP?09:55
UBlondieHow do you run fsch manually. When I do it, this message comes up in the Terminal:09:55
UBlondiefsck from util-linux-ng 2.1609:55
UBlondiee2fsck 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)09:55
UBlondie/dev/sda1 is mounted.09:55
UBlondieWARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause09:55
FloodBot3UBlondie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:55
UBlondieSEVERE filesystem damage.09:55
guntbertUBlondie: do it from a live CD09:56
DasEi1UBlondie: use a live cd09:56
UBlondieI didn't know what to do ...I went to paste.ubuntu.com and thought that was the right thing??09:56
guntbert!paste | UBlondie09:56
ubottuUBlondie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!09:56
UBlondieguntbert:  DasEil: ...thanks ...09:56
UBlondieubottu ...yeah, I did!!09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah, I did!!09:56
_nix_can i just remount a partition readonly and go ahead with fsck?09:56
UBlondieI'm confused ..09:56
jdfksfsfdd6chung, if there was any such case , i wont be able to connect to net in any linux disto , but i am able to connect to net in 12 other linux distro , using the ip , subnet . gatway and dns aonly!! why ubuntu is not able to do this i have no idea??09:57
guntbertUBlondie: if you paste something to the pastebin you'll have to tell us about the url you get09:57
UBlondiecan someone tell me what this paste.ubuntu.com thing is all about?  ...I tried using it and then thought I could just paste the text in here. Obviously not09:57
Dr_Willis_nix_:  You could i think .. but it would be for the best to leave it unmounted..09:57
GuidMorrowI wonder if it's possible to connect to something plugged into the serial port09:57
UBlondieguntbert:  aha. ...thanks09:57
Dr_WillisUBlondie:  you paste the URL to your pasteing in here. :)09:57
UBlondieDr_Willis:  got it  :)09:58
Dr_WillisUBlondie:  the 'pastebnint' command helps out a lot also. its worth installing09:58
LiCeTguntbert: "/usr/share/gdm/guest-session/Xsession" requested_mask="r::" denied_mak="r::"09:58
Dr_Willis!info pastebinit09:58
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 344 kB09:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about com109:58
=== kat is now known as Guest45655
GuidMorrowehh, what's the device path for serial ports09:58
Dr_WillisGuidMorrow:  /dev/ttyS## i think09:58
_nix_Dr_Willis: ahh, thanks.09:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about net09:59
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:59
scotthow can i change my computer name in 9.10?09:59
cursive-gnome/graphics driver borked after upgrade, need help09:59
jdfksfsfd!wired connection09:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
j1mp492I can't see my external hard drive09:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fool09:59
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:59
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:59
guntbertLiCeT: thats a new one for me - let me do a lookup09:59
guntbert!botabuse | jdfksfsfd10:00
ubottujdfksfsfd: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:00
xerox1hi, the fans in my machine are driving me crazy; is it possible to messure the noise of them with a standard microphone? or do i have to buy a sound level meter?10:00
=== danielb_86 is now known as {kiba}danielb
UBlondieweird things have started happening with my graphics. While watching 'avi' files, at some point, my screen either goes completely pixelated or losed a colour. Comp freezes up and I need to re-boot10:00
jiongliangxerox1::: hi10:00
UBlondie...9.10 fresh install with ext4 fs.10:00
thadthudpuckerxerox1: get new fans?10:00
bmhmI got an issue after upgrading with my LUKS-encrypted partitions10:00
bmhmcannot boot using the new kernel10:00
xerox1thadthudpucker, yeah but one of them started the day with terrible noise, more than normal, and i have to determine which one10:01
RussellAlanwhich one excides certain levels?10:02
cursive-sigh think ill rollback to 9.04 for the 2nd time10:02
thadthudpuckerxerox1: I once had a PS fan seize up, I put of couple of drops of machine oil into the bearing, and that was 6 months ago. Works fine.10:02
Dr_Williscursive-:  you have tried doing a clean install of 9.10 ?10:03
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:03
cursive-issues with grub2 that way10:03
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:03
cursive-so tried upgrade but issues with graphics now10:03
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:03
Dr_WillisHmm.. odd you have grub2 issues on a clean install... those may be easier to fix.10:03
thadthudpuckerxerox1: Saved me from having to buy a new PS. Just peel off the sticker and you will expose the bearing. try 3 in 1 oil, you can get it at any hardware store.10:03
chu_cursive: I can't run released Karmic (my laptop hates it), but I can run Karmic beta fine.10:03
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:04
d6chungjdfksfsfd: Why do you ask multiple times in quick succession? What good does that do?10:04
chu_I believe the issue is with graphics, even in a cli boot the screen is constantly flickering10:04
jdfksfsfdd6chung, my modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:04
cursive-chu_: radeon graphics card by any chance?10:05
chu_nvidia actually.10:05
cursive-oh ok10:05
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:05
aaronHi, how can I chmod not just one folder, but the contents of it? all in one hit.10:06
xerox1thadthudpucker, i will think about that; thx10:06
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:06
d6chungjdfksfsfd: Yes! Yes! You need to dial it in! Sheesh!10:06
leaf-sheepaaron: chmod --help10:06
thadthudpuckerxerox1: I have actually done it a couple of times, quiets those blowers right down.10:06
aaronthanks leaf-sheep10:06
UBlondiethe screen has started getting very pixelated while watching avi file. Comp freezes up. Not sure where to start? nvidia graphics card. No probs previously in 9.0410:06
thadthudpuckerxerox1: heh, i once used motor oil lol10:06
jdfksfsfdmy modem have internal pppoe configuration ,i shold i  connect it to net??10:07
d6chungjdfksfsfd: OMG, I just answered your question!10:07
UBlondieHi Tesssa ...how are your Karmic install woes going? ...did you end up doing a fresh install?10:07
cyberfincan anyone tell me where I can get some moonlight/silverlight support? or just a few simple questions; can't get joy on the forums...10:08
guntbertLiCeT: sorry, I couldn't find anything useful :-( - you could !pastebin a bigger part of the syslog and post the url along with your refreshed question - put it to the channel again as my resources seem to be unsufficient :-)10:08
Tesssaoh 9.10 is running happily on my puter Ublondie10:08
jdfksfsfdhow to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf??10:08
UBlondieTesssa ...awesome!  :)10:08
=== Chaoz is now known as Z|Dinner
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:09
cursive-Tesssa: miracles do happen10:09
UBlondieis there a way to un-install nvidia drivers and then re-install?  ...having graphic problems and not sure where to start?10:09
Tesssatook some installing must admit10:09
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:09
LiCeTguntbert: thx anyway...i'll do it later10:09
guntbertLiCeT: Good luck :-)10:10
Tesssabut having done it i wonder why10:10
robin0800jdfksfsfd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:10
UBlondieTesssa ....good to hear that it's up and running though ...I had some trials and tribulations after starting with an upgrade .10:10
Tesssadoent do much different than 9.0410:10
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:10
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:10
d6chungWhy oh why?!10:10
UBlondienah ...not really ....but I think there are subtle difference in the looks in general ...I like it10:11
Ian_Cornewhen will ubuntu+1 be open again? :)10:11
Tesssaah apart that it takes a little longer to boot up10:11
om26er yes10:11
i_is_brokeIan_Corne, when you find out let me know too.:D10:11
UBlondied6chung:   ...deep breaths ...deep breaths    uummmmmm  :)10:11
d6chungThat's it! Ignored.10:12
mostaphaI'm trying to play heroes of newerth, when I open it I get an error stating that opengl 2.0 isn't installed. Any ideas how can I fix that?10:12
cyberfincan anyone tell me where I can get some moonlight/silverlight support? or just a few simple questions; can't get joy on the forums...10:12
Tesssaended up doing a upgrade Ublondie10:12
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:12
d6chungUBlondie: I'm relaxed now ;)10:12
emilare there any known problems of upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10?10:12
Dr_Willisemil:  lots of people have issues upgrading.. do a clean install ifyou can10:13
leaf-sheepemil: Thousands.10:13
UBlondiereally Tesssa?  ...when I did that, it worked ok, but all of the options and 9.10 functions didn't seem to be there. Like the Software Centre.10:13
emildamn. ill wait for the next release then10:13
UBlondieTesssa ...but if it's working fine, then it don't need fixint!10:13
UBlondieonya d6chung   :)10:13
Dr_Willisemil:  thers no guarentee that there will be no upgrade issues with that either...10:14
UBlondieoops ....fixing!  Tesssa10:14
mostaphaI'm trying to play heroes of newerth, when I open it I get an error stating that opengl 2.0 isn't installed. Any ideas how can I fix that?10:14
emilDr_Willis, no. but i can do a clean install with that. i dont want to install the release before a LTS10:14
Tesssaoh its all there10:14
d6chungemil: Personally, none of my machines were able to upgrade via update-manager.10:14
gordemil: the large majority of people upgrade just fine. some people are having issues but there is no more issues over the norm10:14
cyberfinagain: can anyone point me in the direction of moonlight/silverlight support or just a simple question of why everyone says it works when it just doesn't?10:14
Dr_Willisemil:  if you can wait 6 more mo.. then go forit.10:15
cyberfinI mean not even ver1 sites...10:15
jdfksfsfd how to dial in a broadband adsl2+modem , which have internal pppoe conf?10:15
emilDr_Willis, i can. the question is if i want to :)10:15
guntbert!repeat | jdfksfsfd10:15
ubottujdfksfsfd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:15
letterbomb05I'm having some trouble executing files on my apache server... I've copied a load of files directly from my flash drive (all files/folders created on windows) to my www directory. I can see the files folders within the www directory itself, however I can't see them in the web browser...10:15
Tesssamy problem was that it wouldnt do a clean install could not get passed the totally blank partition manger section10:15
emilare there any big new changes in 9.10 that i "need"?10:16
Dr_Willisemil:  only you can decide that. :)10:16
jdfksfsfdubottu , thnkx10:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thnkx10:16
guntbert!notes | emil10:16
ubottuemil: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91010:16
emilgunni_, thx10:16
UBlondieletterbomb05:  if you type 'localhost' (without the quotes) in a browser, what happens?10:16
* Dr_Willis likes grub2 :)10:16
letterbomb05UBlondie, I can only see the files and folders that i've created on this computer, not the files I copied over...10:17
seeker_emil  i could get back integrated webcam (in my new laptop) to operate with out any hickups (whereas in jaunty it was not possible at all)10:17
i_is_brokeDr_Willis, me too.10:17
cyberfinok widespread question: is there anyone here who actually has ever seen a sliverlight website working on linux? Hands up?10:17
cyberfinOr am I just wasting my time...?10:17
UBlondieletterbomb05:  were the files copied to /var/www or /home/www ?   ...where are you trying to view the files from?10:18
seeker_though jaunty was my first experience with linux (i liked it very much), but karmic is very good10:18
d6chungcyberfin: I don't think I ever encountered such a site...10:18
letterbomb05they were copied to /var/www, UBlondie. I'm trying to execute the files in my web browser.10:18
cyberfinerrr... a site with silverlight content... for example: http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2009/44.president/inauguration/themoment/10:18
letterbomb05UBlondie, I tried sudo chmod 777 on some folders and as a result they showed up in the browser, but i still can't execute the files themselves10:19
UBlondieletterbomb05:  understand ....but do you know the apache install is working ok? ...type   localhost    in the browser address bar10:19
LiCeTguntbert: seem i got it working10:19
LiCeTlet me do a restart to be secure :/10:19
guntbertLiCeT: nice :)10:19
letterbomb05UBlondie, It's working fine, I can execute all the files i've created in ubuntu on localhost10:19
someoneo0hey, can someone help me with wubi install?10:20
seeker_how to install karmic / jaunty in a PC (which do not have facility to boot from CD / DVD)10:20
BlouBlou!wubi > someoneo010:20
ubottusomeoneo0, please see my private message10:20
guntbertcyberfin: I can see that page quite well10:20
robin0800cyberfin: http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight10:20
cyberfinreally? what ubuntu and browser are you using?10:20
UBlondieletterbomb05:     ok, but the ones you created in Windows won't run? ..is that right?10:20
Dr_Willisseeker_:  if it can boot from USB - make a flash boot  setup for it10:20
letterbomb05Yes UBlondie.10:20
cyberfinjees robin0800 been up and down that site10:21
seeker_how to create an USB image10:21
Dr_Willisseeker_:  if not theres netbooting.. if not that.. then put hd in a different pc and install10:21
Dr_Willisseeker_:  unetbootin prorpgram on linux/windows and a ubuntu iso file = 1 way.10:21
guntbertcyberfin: but of course I'm not trying to "install silverlight" :)10:21
letterbomb05UBlondie, for example I ran chmod on a file called index.php, once I navigated to this file in the browser all I get is a blank screen with no page source. And yes, before you ask the file has visible contents.10:21
seeker_Dr Willis : I like the option of USB - give me a site where i can get details10:22
UBlondieso all the files *and* folders have the appropriate privileges set?10:22
Dr_Willisseeker_:  'unetbootin' homepage10:22
cyberfinDo you actually see the pictures though?10:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:22
letterbomb05UBlondie, well the folders seem to, not the files...10:22
UBlondieletterbomb05:  ok10:22
UBlondieletterbomb05:  files too!10:22
letterbomb05ah UBlondie, I have tried chmod 777 on the files10:22
=== _newbie4 is now known as RussellAlan
letterbomb05but still cannot execute them in the browser10:23
LiCeTthats it10:23
seeker_Dr. willis : is there any way (for another PC) where i cannot change the resolution of the Monitor (i have problems in clicking the buttons as there were below the screen)10:23
* Dr_Willis shudders at tossing about 'trying chmod 777' to 'fix' things.. :)10:23
UBlondieare the files being run from www directory or other directory within www directory?10:23
LiCeTmy personal configurations are gone but it works10:23
LiCeTthx to all10:23
letterbomb05another directory within www10:23
Dr_Willisseeker_:   the alternative installer cd - uses  a text based installer.10:23
someoneo0im having touble with wubi, trying to install on windows 7.. on reboot ubuntu is found in the choose OS menu, but clicking it results with a massage wubildr cann't be found...10:23
jdfksfsfdseekar google unetbootin10:23
emilis it possible to check what filesystem is used on a partition?10:24
jdfksfsfdseeker_, google unetbootin10:24
emilfdisk -l doesnt give enough information10:24
LiCeTthx all...bye10:24
Dr_Willissomeoneo0:  ive herd of others with wubu+win7 issues.. but  no idea on any fix's - there may be a forum thread on the topic. I suggest testing Linux in virtualbox. and forgetting about wubi10:24
UBlondieletterbomb05:   ..sorry if they may seem like silly questions ... if directory for index.php is in say   www/other   are you trying to run it with    localhost/other/index.php?10:24
seeker_Dr. willis & jdfksfsfd : thanks - now i am seeing the site10:24
letterbomb05yes UBlondie.10:24
iksikanyone has got similiar problem mabe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/461744 ?10:24
jdfksfsfdseeker_, else try this http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html10:24
seeker_incase of any problems i will chat now10:24
UBlondieletterbomb05:  are there any capitals or spaces in any directory names?10:25
jdfksfsfdseeker_, go to pendrivelinux10:25
seeker_thanks sir10:25
Bizzehhi, im having a problem with a storage drive and i cant seem to to get it to mount in linux, this is the parition info im getting from fdisk, but i have no clue how to get this to mount: http://pastebin.com/m7cc0b03d can anyone tell me how i would mount any of these partitions10:25
letterbomb05UBlondie, there is captials in on of them, for example my path is other1/OTHER2/other3/index.php10:25
seeker_but i would want them to have ubuntu - since i feel i can help them for simple problems10:26
UBlondieletterbomb05:  I don't know if it matters in this case ....but it could be worth trying ALL lower case10:26
RussellAlanseeker_:  sound slike your my man10:26
RussellAlansimple problems10:26
jdfksfsfdseekar google unetbootin10:26
jdfksfsfd<jdfksfsfd> seeker_, google unetbootin10:26
jdfksfsfd<jdfksfsfd> seeker_, else try this http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html10:26
jdfksfsfd<jdfksfsfd> seeker_, go to pendrivelinux10:26
jdfksfsfd<jdfksfsfd> pendrivelinux.com10:26
FloodBot3jdfksfsfd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:26
=== Z|Dinner is now known as Chaoz
letterbomb05UBlondie, made no difference.10:27
UBlondieI have two sites on my system  ...one in www and another in a sub-directory in www  ...they both run fine10:27
guntbertletterbomb05: linux file systems are case sensitive - you best bet would be to make all names lowercase10:27
letterbomb05thanks guntbert I have.10:27
someoneo0its really more then a bug then no comptability.. windows 7 becoming more and more common... ubuntu 9.10 wubi installer shoul work with it..10:27
letterbomb05UBlondie, but are they copied from windows/flash drive?10:27
=== jdfksfsfd is now known as ubuntusucks
BlouBlouubuntusucks: please stop10:28
Dr_Willisi personally look forward to the day when wubi dies a quick death.10:28
UBlondieletterbomb05:   ...they've been transferred and copied all over the place. The originals were developed on Windows10:28
someoneo0why is that?10:28
UBlondiethey have always worked fine10:28
=== ubuntusucks is now known as ubuntunetsucks
UBlondieletterbomb05:  copied over via flash/ext usb drive10:28
Nazcaanyone familiar with mdadm?10:28
letterbomb05hmm ok well thanks for the help UBlondie, I'll go play around with stuff10:28
BlouBlou!ops | ubuntunetsucks is trolling10:28
ubottuubuntunetsucks is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!10:28
UBlondieletterbomb05:  I think I do remember having to set permissions though .10:29
UBlondieletterbomb05:  just another thought ...10:29
letterbomb05ah... UBlondie what permissions might they be10:29
chngcki install wubi in vista, ubuntu start to grub after boot up ....... now i install by plug out windows hdd and install 9.10 in another hdd10:29
UBlondieletterbomb05:  make up a simple php test file, run it from www and then keep putting it in other directories and run it from there too ...10:30
=== AlexC is now known as Guest38379
RussellAlanNice BlouBlou10:30
ubuntunetsuckswhy i cant connect to net from ubuntu , while can from arch , sabayon,fedora , suse , mandriva, granular, pradus, freebsd, linuxmint??10:30
UBlondieletterbomb05:  can't remember ....just setting ALL permissions to read, edit, writeable  ...basically have all permissions available10:30
letterbomb05UBlondie, isn't that chmod 777?#10:31
Flannelubuntunetsucks: You'll have to give us more information than that.  What have you tried?  What doesn't work?  What errors is it giving you?  What hardware do you have? etc10:31
acusterhey all, is there a graphical program to manage the /etc/init.d system?10:31
RussellAlanubuntunetsucks: it is cause ubuntu sucks, now go find a new hobbie10:31
Bizzehhow would i mount a ext3 filesystem that has a linux raid auto detect flag set?? mount tells me that linux_raid_member is an unknown filesystem, but when i force it with -t ext3, i get told its busy or already mounted10:31
FlannelRussellAlan: Please don't10:31
UBlondieletterbomb05:  I haven't actually used that command ...I probably did it the long way?  ...still working my way through linux10:31
eddymhey guys what is the rocketdock called for ubuntu?10:31
chu_ubuntunetsucks - perhaps kernels? I don't know, what kernel were you running on Arch? What kernel on Ubuntu?10:31
letterbomb05UBlondie, so am I >_>10:32
UBlondieletterbomb05:  I can look up what I did if you like?10:32
letterbomb05UBlondie, test.php worked in all my directories.. it's just the files10:32
Ian_Corneseeker_: you can actually apt-get netbootin :)10:32
seeker_Dr. Willis : Unetbootin - though it will answer my problems, I doubt it is simple enough for me to execute it10:32
letterbomb05for sure UBlondie10:32
UBlondieletterbomb05:    oohh!  ...cool. At least that's something  :)10:32
Tesssasouse fedora ubuntunetsucks :)10:32
* Deathvalley122 likes gnome but can't stand kde10:32
ubuntunetsuckswhy why why , aah .i down;oaded a pkg so that i can get net connectivity , and during installation it tried to downloade dep, else refuse to install??? a classic catch-22 situation10:32
UBlondieletterbomb05:  bare with me for a sec....10:33
chu_not really, install dep solves it?10:33
sivangubuntunetsucks: do apt-cache showdeps on the pkg you want to install, so you'd have a complete list of dependencies10:33
seeker_Ian corne : please tell me what do i do after I apt-get netbootin (& install)10:33
sivangubuntunetsucks: then get them all and then install them using dpkg10:33
ubuntunetsucksRussellAlan, ubuntu dont suck , but connectig it to net do!!10:33
guntbert!ohmy | ubuntunetsucks that goes for nicks too10:33
ubottuubuntunetsucks that goes for nicks too: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.10:33
Flannelguntbert: There's nothing wrong with his nick.10:34
guntbertFlannel: may I pm you?10:34
Flannelguntbert: Always10:34
* om26er says silence is better than critisizing10:35
=== ubuntunetsucks is now known as whereismynet
brimehello can any one help me with some bash scripting?10:35
marvelousbobHi, my friends intalled 9.10 via wubi on the x64 windows 7; On selection of ubuntu from the boot menu he's dropped to the grub command-line10:35
chu_brime - perhaps #programming?10:35
brimeok i'll try there10:35
* adalal says working things out is much better than staying quiet or hatin ubuntu10:35
marvelousbobTried to manually load the kernel and boot, but it gives me a kernel panic saying that the root fs cannot be mounted.10:35
marvelousbobAny ideas on how to solve this?10:36
whereismynetubuntu forums list all that i had done!! where can i get help then??10:36
UBlondieletterbomb05:   still here ...almost there ...10:36
someoneo0an hr?10:36
adalalwhereismynet, what's wrong?10:36
letterbomb05ok UBlondie.10:36
chu_whereismynet - what computer? Laptop etc. What version of Ubuntu? Jaunty? What kernel were you running on Arch when your net worked?10:36
someoneo0wowm srry didn'y think it would work.. :X10:36
Tesssahe keeps florgetting his nickname10:37
* Deathvalley122 thinks the developers need to updatw wubi10:37
Tesssaor could be she i suppose10:37
=== sivang is now known as sivang|afk
Dr_WillisI think Wubi needs a stake through the heart. :)10:37
chu_No way, spend time on seomthing that's not wubi10:37
adalali think wubi needs to go away...10:37
whereismynetchu_ , laptop, ubuntu 9.04, the net never works , it works every where but on ubuntu!!10:37
leaf-sheepWubi should cease to exist. ;310:37
Dr_WillisI always reccomend virutalbox instead of wubi to my friendsd at work10:37
someoneo0whats the problem with wubi?10:37
Deathvalley122nah Dr_Willis10:38
Dr_Willissomeoneo0:  it has lots of issues.. and noone really seemsd to know how to fix them or work on them or trouble shoot it.10:38
Deathvalley122people use wubi10:38
jbuntingwhereismynet: Which iso did you download for installing Ubuntu?10:38
whereismynetdp 9.10 have wicd??10:38
Dr_Willisand it takes up space on the cd and beginners think thatusing wubi is the 'normal' way to install linux.10:38
wwphello guys, i wanna create a network bridge for a vlan device "bond0.2" - do both the bridge and the device itself need an ip address?10:38
Deathvalley122cause they don't want to install it fully10:38
jbuntingWhich, though.10:38
chu_whereismynet - yeah, what kernel on Arch are you running? I think the problem could be related to what drivers come with your kernel, I know I had to manually update to a newer kernel for Jaunty to work (It was actually an Arch build of 2.6.30-RC if I recall correctly)10:39
someoneo0i wonder why the makers of wubi dont have a support forum of theur on... they probably could help...10:39
whereismynetjbunting, 9.04 , gnome i downlaoded ,10:39
Deathvalley122but then again10:39
Dr_WillisDeathvalley122:  whichis also doable in a more relieable maner with virtualboxx. but go do what you want.  I for one  cant help with wubi any more since i gave up on it.10:39
Deathvalley122people use dual boot10:39
leaf-sheepDual-boot is better than opting for Wubi.10:39
UBlondieletterbomb05:   ...actually, what do you get when you do ls -l in terminal of the various directories?10:40
someoneo0partitioning isn;t my hobi..10:40
Dr_WillisDual booting,  virtualbox      are the top :) wubi is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy down at the bottom. :)10:40
chu_someoneo0 - it's not too hard, there are a few good tutorials, check google...10:40
Dr_Willislearning how disks are partioned and laid out. is a very handy bit of knowledge to  learn10:40
Deathvalley122virtualbox eats resources on my pc10:40
letterbomb05UBlondie, a list of all my files10:40
adalalDeathvalley122: what are your specs?10:41
whereismynetchu_, i dint cheked the kernal , it was latest ddownloaded 2 days ago, the point is the net had refuseed to work on ubuntu only , not only arch every thing i tried even the iso as old as 2007 did worked to set up the net!!10:41
UBlondieshould also show all the file permissions10:41
Deathvalley122120GB pent 4 processor with 768mbs10:41
letterbomb05UBlondie, test.php has different permissions to the others10:41
chu_whereismynet - just download Ubuntu 9.1010:41
UBlondieletterbomb05:  ok ...maybe get other files to emulate that and have same file permissions?10:42
seeker_whereismynet : i had some problems like this, when i forgot to give permission in ths usergroup settings - to give permission in the ethernet10:42
letterbomb05i'll try UBlondie10:42
whereismynetok , will give it a try , have u used it , do it have wicd preinstalled in iso , btw i am using sabayon 5 gnome , it has every thing except the kitchen sink!!10:42
UBlondieletterbomb05:  I used something like   chmod go+rwx10:42
UBlondieletterbomb05:   ...but from what I read. chmod 777 should do what we're talking about10:43
Deathvalley122it would be nice if they made a virtualbox with low specs pc's10:43
balazshey! masters of partitioning pls help me! I have  a netbook with 2GB SSD and 8GB SD. I wanna install UNR.10:43
whereismynetseeker_, thanks , but i did checked for that also10:43
Deathvalley122I try googling it at one time and didn't find squat10:43
chu_whereismynet - I'm actually using 9.10 beta (the release doesn't work for me... or at least not via update and I cbf installing from cd at the moment (exam week atm)), but *everything* works for my laptop here, which is very nice.10:44
whereismynetDeathvalley122, virtual box eats  only what it is given!!10:44
guntbertUBlondie: letterbomb05 both versions are - "evil" and should be unnecessary (except for a short time for testing purposes - but never as "solution")10:44
icerootbalazs: / on sd, /home on ssd  i wuld use10:44
icerootbalazs: 2gb is not enough for /10:44
UBlondieguntbert:  thanks for info ....10:44
letterbomb05UBlondie, all permissions are set to the same as test.php now and they still don't work (using chmod 777)10:44
dekkongHello ! I'm wondering why flash lags on my computer with 6800 GT and on my laptop which has some old ATi card does not lag at all10:44
Deathvalley122I still say they need to make one for low spec pc's10:44
whereismynetch_, downloading 9.10 soon10:45
icerootletterbomb05: never!! use chmod 77710:45
letterbomb05iceroot, what should I be using >_>10:45
Deathvalley122something light10:45
UBlondieguntbert:  when things don't work, I keep trying different things until it works10:45
icerootletterbomb05: chown10:45
whereismynetDeathvalley122, what prob do u having with virtual box??10:45
Deathvalley122major lags10:45
Deathvalley122and lockups10:45
UBlondieletterbomb05:  it's weird? ..I think I'm out of ideas  ?  ... ok, *one* more thought10:45
whereismynetDeathvalley122, what exactly r u trying in virtaal box10:45
guntbertUBlondie: of course - but don't forget to switch back afterwards10:45
letterbomb05ok UBlondie, i have to go in 5 anyway10:46
Temujinwhy isn't openssh-server in the synaptic package manager?10:46
whereismynetvirtual box10:46
UBlondieletterbomb05:  put the contents of the php test file at the top of your index.php file  ...see if you get the test results come up?10:46
chu_Temujin - check your sources list.10:46
letterbomb05ublondie, they wont.10:46
Deathvalley122I have windows xp installed on it and it only takes 192 mbs and it still lags bad10:46
whereismynetDeathvalley122,  u trying to dig a well on virtualbox??????10:46
Temujinchu_, what's that?10:46
UBlondiehhmmm ...10:47
whereismynetDeathvalley122, i installed win xp with 32 mb ram10:47
chu_Temujin, I see :) Let me just find where ssh-server is available...10:47
letterbomb05uhh UBlondie10:47
guntbertTemujin: first click on "refresh"10:47
zippertdo someone know a program like shred för gnome?10:47
letterbomb05UBlondie, I was wrong, it does work...10:47
guntbert!info openssh-server | Temujin10:47
ubottuTemujin: openssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1p1-6ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 278 kB, installed size 748 kB10:47
UBlondieletterbomb05:   ooh!  :D10:47
UBlondieI think it's progress!?10:47
whereismynetDeathvalley122, and it still runs better than physical install10:47
fcnhi i want to install karmic using a usb stick but i couldn't find a "howto" document. could you please point me one?10:48
Temujini know what it is thanks10:48
letterbomb05Yeah but this just makes the problem more retarded than it was before... what to do now UBlondie ? >_>10:48
Deathvalley122lol how can that be possible the requirements are 192mbs?10:48
UBlondieletterbomb05:  could that mean there is some sort of error in your index file?  ...10:48
UBlondieletterbomb05:  yes, but now you know the file works ....there must be an error somewhere ...10:48
guntbertTemujin: I thought so, but that link also tells you *where" to find it10:48
UBlondieletterbomb05:  go through the file now, bit by bit, making sure each section works properly10:49
apparlehow can I check my harddisk for any badsectors or any other problems10:49
letterbomb05UBlondie, I just made a rather noob error. >_>10:49
chu_Temujin - mmm, openssh-server is in the repos for me, open up a terminal and try "sudo apt-get install openssh-" and press tab (don't press enter), see what comes up.10:49
whereismynetbye all ,thnks all10:49
UBlondieletterbomb05:   yeah? ...what?10:49
Tesssayou know i do get the impreesion that whereismynet is taking the  wee wee10:49
letterbomb05UBlondie, lets just leave it now as working, and thanks very much for your help :P10:49
Deathvalley122whereismynet: I didn't know they had a channel here for windows lol10:49
UBlondieletterbomb05:  ok ....I hope you get it sorted. I'm glad if I might have been of some help?  :)10:49
guntbertTemujin: it tells you that it is in section main, so you *really* should see it - thats why I asked you to "refresh"10:49
Tesssaah he/she left10:50
letterbomb05UBlondie, you have been, much appreciated.10:50
Dr_Willisfcn:  you can use unetbootin and a ubuntu iso file to make a 'bootable live-cd setup on a flash drive'10:50
Temujinchu_, it lists the server10:50
chu_what happens if you try to install said server?10:50
Tesssai must be one of the lucky ones my 9.10 upgrade works10:51
Tesssabye for now10:51
* chu_ jealous10:51
apparlefcn: there is an inbuilt tool calle usb-creater in the live CD10:51
Temujin'could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock10:51
chu_close synaptic :p10:51
Temujinok i think it's installing10:51
chu_Cool, let's hope so.10:52
Temujini did try doing this yesterday though. maybe i had symantic open then too10:52
dekkongHello ! I'm wondering why flash lags on my computer with 6800 GT and on my laptop which has some old ATi card does not lag at all10:52
Dr_Willisonly one package manager type program is allowed to work at a time.10:52
apparlefcn: what system are you running currently10:52
fcnapparle, jaunty10:53
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
AscavasaionIn firestarter I keep seeing connections to amazonaws and I Googled it and see it is a spam thing.  HOw do I get rid of it please?10:53
apparlefcn: Install the package called 'usb-creator' and then use it.....10:54
fcnok thanks apparle10:54
chu_Mmm, Live OS on a USB, could be worth it.10:55
guntbertfcn: you will need a download karmic iso of course :)10:55
Temujininstalled. thanks10:55
apparlefcn: see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick10:55
fcnguntbert, I already did :)10:55
guntbertfcn: :)10:55
fcnapparle, thanks I'm reading it right now10:55
Dr_WillisAscavasaion:  use an adblock extension for your browser  for starters perhaps10:55
seeker_dr. willis : what do i do after dowloading unetbootin10:56
Dr_Willisseeker_:  run it and use it. :)10:56
apparlefcn: I installed karmic through the USB creator in jaunty so I recommend you try it10:56
seeker_apparle : i am confused, as to how to proceed after downloading.10:57
Dr_Willisusb-creator tool in ubuntu works about the same as unetbootin. but the usb-creator tool can also set up a 'peristant save file' on the flash drive which is handy10:57
seeker_i have already installed 9.10 in my laptop10:57
whamoo hey I don't appear to have this "software center" I'm reading about. what is the app called so I can try fetching it?10:57
apparleseeker_: Plz explain what are you trying to do again... so that I can help10:57
Dr_Willisseeker_:  thers the usb-creator tool in 9.10 that you should be using then.10:57
seeker_i am trying to help my friend - whose PCS wont boot from CD - for installing10:57
bazhangwhamoo, are you on karmic ?10:57
seeker_Dr. willis - how, please10:57
Dr_WillisSystem -> admin -> usb startup disk creator10:57
Dr_Willisits right there in the menus...10:57
chu_whamoo - software-center10:58
bazhangwhamoo, look at the bottom of the applications menu10:58
albechmy eeepc was using the eeepc kernel in 9.04 and when i upgraded to 9.10 it is still using that old kernel.. how do i install a newer version of the kernel for 9.10?10:58
chu_could be centre10:58
seeker_should i have a CD / DVD in my drive for writing it to an USB10:58
Dr_Willisseeker_:  it can use ISO files you download.10:58
bazhangseeker_, no need10:58
Dr_Willisgrub2 can even boot ISO files.. :) but thats a bit too much for now.10:58
seeker_i have already downloaded a 9.10 - through which I did clean install in my laptop10:58
seeker_should i use that image to write to usb10:59
apparleseeker_: try the application as Dr_Willis suggests..... connect the flash drive, format it , locate the ISO you want to put into the flash drive, select whether you want persistence or not and then press ok10:59
guntbertseeker_: yes10:59
Dr_Willisseeker_:  if you got a 9.10 image.. then.. yes..10:59
bazhangseeker_, that would do10:59
whamooneat. it seems to have disappeared from my menus when I implememnted the ubuntustudio menu, i guess. think I'll add it back in somewhere, thanks10:59
Dr_WillisIts a rather straight forward too, to use.. just DONT et the wrong device for the flash drive10:59
seeker_or i just plug in an USB - and use the USB startup Disk creator10:59
guntbert!hi | farfasound11:00
ubottufarfasound: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:00
Dr_WillisPlug in flash, run the command.. point it to iso file... let it do its work11:00
seeker_apperle - what is the 'persistance' or not - please explain, as my friends house is very far to go once more if there is any mistake11:00
Dr_Willisseeker_:  persstance lets you keep your changes saved to the flash drive as well. You may as well make a persistant save file of a few mb depending on the flash size11:01
ariqsubuntu is always using my connection to download shit and fucking up my poker games.  How can i figure out the god damn cause and stop it? I have auto updates turned off11:01
amatux seeker_:    i recommend to take also a look at  www.linuxliveusb.com.  nice implementation of ubuntu 9.10 usb stick with persistant function.11:01
bazhangariqs, watch the language please11:01
chu_ariqs - how do you know this?11:01
eddymdr_willis: what is that launcher called on the bottom of my desktop http://imagebin.org/7080911:01
farfasoundI get an error running the installation file .bin Adobe AIR (hardy 64bit) Error loading the runtime (libnss3.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)11:02
seeker_dr. willis & apperle & amatux - thanks to you all, in case of any problem i will come back to you all on monday evening (indian time)11:02
gmcpcsI have a networking problem;11:02
ariqschu_ my connection is being bottlenecked downloading when I'm not doing anything by my choice.11:02
leaf-sheepeddym: Why are you asking? It's your desktop. ;o11:02
Dr_Williseddym:  one of the many annoying 'docks' people use. looks like AWN to me11:03
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.11:03
ariqsI want to monitor my tcp connections in reference to programs11:03
leaf-sheepeddym: Looks like Gnome-Do to me.11:03
ariqsor just be told what the heck ubuntu does to screw with me11:03
eddymthanks guys its driving me crazy11:03
eddymneed to remove it lol11:03
Dr_Williseddym:  gnome-do has a docky theme that i much perfer to most other docks11:03
alexb5hey guys would someone be able to help me install ubuntu on a eeepc with multibooting?11:03
chu_arYeah, it's gnome-do Docky themed11:03
leaf-sheepeddym: You should change the theme.11:04
eddymi think its gnome do but need to edit the settings11:04
Dr_Willisbut that dosent look like my gnome-do dock but i guess it has doferen tthemes also11:04
alexb5i have a free 18 gbs of unused space ready to go11:04
alexb5but ive never installed it manually before11:04
eddymhow do i get to the settings11:04
whamoowow software center is a lot faster than synaptic11:04
Dr_WillisOh yea. it has a gnome-do icon at the front.. it must be gnome-do's docky theme11:04
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: Look at the icon (Gnome-Do) at the far left of the dock.11:04
gmcpcsith networking; using Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04; running on a flashdrive version at a networked windows computer. I am trying to fix an HP mini, that was loaded with the Mi version of ubuntu. Couldn't get the network connections to work, so I searched forums and am working on an install of WICD. Problem is, I can't get to the network to fix the errors, and the flashdrive version I am using isn't persistent, so I can't carry it over. I get these specific error11:04
gmcpcss trying to use a wicd_1.6.2-2_all.deb file:11:04
gmcpcserror Dependency is not satisfiable: python-urwid. I have tried pulling in a python-urwid .deb file, but get errors with that.11:04
ariqsright this very second, my down stream is being capped by some idiotic ubuntu crap. >:(11:04
fcnit's awn with no doubt11:04
Dr_Williseddym:  right click on the purple gear icon11:04
ariqshow do I monitor my tcp connections?11:05
chu_ariqs - I'm interested in how you not it's coming from Ubuntu?11:05
ariqslike tcpview for windows11:05
Seeker`ariqs: iftop?11:05
ariqschu_, because I don't have anything else running?11:05
fcnariqs, maybe it's because of your ISP11:05
eddymdr_willis:thanks all adjusted how can i change them on it i presume in the settings11:05
i_is_broke!firestart | ariqs11:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firestart11:06
i_is_broke!info firestarter11:06
ubottufirestarter (source: firestarter): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-7ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 406 kB, installed size 1968 kB11:06
ariqsfcn: no, I can see my download being capped in gnomeppp11:06
Dr_Williseddym:  yes.. explore the program11:07
Dr_Williseddym:  gnome do is so handy. its worth learning11:07
chu_Yes, gnome-do is genius :D11:07
Dr_Williseddym:  make it auto start and show the systray icon also. :) just in case11:07
dekkongHello ! I'm wondering why flash lags on my computer with 6800 GT and on my laptop which has some old ATi card does not lag at all11:07
asdqwenetwork for 9.10 desktop error?.11:07
chu_Eww, don't over-populate the sys-tray! :p11:08
chu_dekkong - is 6800 GT nvidia?11:08
sidewalki lose my language setting for my keyboard after each reboot, with ubuntu 9.10, how can i fix this?11:08
i_is_brokedekkong, do you have the right driver loaded for nvidia card?11:08
ariqsi_is_broke, I don't have a firewall...11:08
fcndekkong, flash always does crappy things11:08
i_is_brokeariqs, thats why i suggested it.11:08
chu_Flash is pretty good for me actually, just don't try it under heavy-load...11:09
chu_ariqs - This is why I was asking if you were sure it was Ubuntu :)11:09
ariqsi_is_broke, why do I want a firewall monitor when i don't have a firewall?11:09
Random832you know what would be a nice feature for gparted? a way to convert primary partitions to logical partitions by expanding the adjacent extended partition11:09
Dr_WillisRandom832:  i imagine thats harder then it sounds.. or it would be in there.11:09
ariqsI want a program that monitors tcp connections in relation to the program using them11:09
dekkongchu_: yes11:10
spamloveranyone know how to make my sound card louder on dell B130 laptop?11:10
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:10
dekkongi_is_broke: yes11:10
dekkongfcn: yeah well not this much :/11:10
chu_dekkong - what drivers?11:10
Random832Dr_Willis, if you're careful you can do it with fdisk; I've seen instructions for it before... but fdisk isn't for everyone11:10
dekkongchu_: Nvidia drivers 18511:10
chu_mmm, same as me11:10
ariqschu_, this has been an ongoing thing with ubuntu for me for a long time. I come in here every couple months complaining about it. Whatever nonsense ubuntu come with that thinks it can bottleneck my slow connection when I need it is freaking tarded ;P11:10
dekkongchu_: I've had this problem forever11:11
dekkongchu_: kinda annoying11:11
ariqsand the programmers that implemented it should be shot ;p11:11
Random832(it requires memorizing or recording what cylinder the partition ends on, deleting it, and recreating it with the exact same positions - easy to screw up and you lose everything)11:11
Random832*what cylinder begins and ends on i mean11:11
DjAngo23I have two microphone on my laptop. Intern, and the other via USB, Neither of them has planed to work in the past 45 minutes i'm working on it. Alsamixer shows that everything is open, and no mute. Any Idea ?11:11
Temujinyou don't need to configure openssh server for it to work do you?11:11
dekkongchu_: and I'm sure there aint nothing wrong with my card11:11
sidewalkafter installing ubuntu 9.10 i dont have xorg.conf in /etc/X1111:12
dekkongchu_: but I've always had this problem in "ubuntu"11:12
eddymthanks guys still a pain in the a$$11:12
sidewalkshould i not have an xorg.conf ?11:12
eddymhow can i change themes on it11:12
eddymunder pref?11:12
Dr_Willissidewalk:  thats normal11:12
sidewalkDr_Willis: should i not have one?11:12
Random832xorg.conf is tiny in 9.04 compared to what it used to be like in the old days, maybe they got rid of it entirely in 9.10 - X still runs right?11:12
Dr_Williseddym:  clarify your question.. assume we all have the attention span of a 3 yr old.. :)11:13
dekkongchu_: should I try another flash player like gnash or ?11:13
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.11:13
Dr_Willissidewalk:  i have several machines with no xxorg.conf11:13
ariqsSo... I could easily check this in windows using tcpview. Does linux not have a program similar to tcpview?11:13
chu_dekkong - just doing some googling :p11:13
spamloveranyone know how to make my sound card louder on dell B130 laptop?11:13
Temujinyes it works11:13
dekkongchu_: lol i've done that for the past 2 years ^ :D11:13
Random832so where do the x configuration settings live - all the stuff that used to be in xorg.conf and XF86Config before that11:13
om26erlucid is a long term release so. gnome-shell in an LTS don't look good to me11:13
sidewalkDr_Willis: okey, well im having problems with my keyboards layout being set to US after reboot... i want to have a different keyboard layout11:13
DjAngo23Microphone Problem : I have two microphone on my laptop. Intern, and the other via USB, Neither of them has planed to work in the past 45 minutes i'm working on it. Alsamixer shows that everything is open, and no mute. Any Idea ?11:13
Dr_WillisRandom832:  its been slowly moved to be auto configuring more and more11:13
eddymdr_willis: lol, it is ok.. im sure i can get it from the online search.. since now i know the prg and settings panel... dr_w where are you from?11:14
Random832right, but what if you need to change something - like enable shmconfig for gsynaptics11:14
ariqsnot that I can google right now because some retarded part of ubuntu is hogging my connection as we speak11:14
Random832I mean, there _are_ configuration things that are a matter of preference and so can't be "automatic"11:14
benc1do I need to activate something after changing /etc/hosts        ?11:14
alexb5is it possible to install 9.10 on unused space?11:14
Random832alexb5, what do you mean on unused space11:14
=== _newbie4 is now known as RussellAlan
Hisham OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display ':0.0' ....How can i corrct this error when i try to run my opengl program?11:15
gmcpcsDr_Willis: the persistent flashdrive partition you were talking about earlier: can you do that with Hardy Heron 8.04?11:15
UBlondieariqs, fwiw ...I my computer doesn't seem to have the problem that you're experiencing. Updates don't happen unless a user accepts it11:15
guntbertariqs: you can have it as a two step solution: 1) use iptraf or iftop what connection uses the bandwidth 2) use lsof -i to see what process uses what connection11:15
chu_dekkong - then you've probably found all I can :p there's a proble here (re: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1040689) which involves the 6800 GT, there's a solution link posted, but you have probably already tried?11:16
alexb5random832: as in i have 18gbs of unformatted space on a netbook computer11:16
alexb5and i have to install things manually11:16
Dr_Willisgmcpcs:  no idea. that old a release.. it might work. try it and see.11:16
tomekhi there11:17
Oyozmy ubuntu 9.10 is unable to detect the hp laserjet 2420d printer.There is a message saying ,there was an error during the CUPS operation :client -error-document not supported11:17
chu_Hey tomek11:17
guntbert!hi | tomek11:17
ubottutomek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:17
Dr_Willis!info etherape11:17
ubottuetherape (source: etherape): graphical network monitor modeled after etherman. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-1build1 (karmic), package size 372 kB, installed size 932 kB11:17
Oyozwhat can i do??11:17
Oyozplease help me11:17
ariqsthankyou, guntbert. trying to download those now11:17
fcnalexb5, create a new partition from your free space11:18
fcn!info gparted11:18
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 440 kB, installed size 3704 kB11:18
dekkongchu_: yeah i've sen that one that did not help me but thanks anyway for doing some research11:18
geirhaariqs: Do you have a wireless network? Maybe some of your neighbours are "borrowing" your internet connection...11:20
ariqsno, no wireless network11:20
guntbertariqs: you're welcome :-)11:20
ariqslsof -i does it all by itself, guntbert11:22
ariqsI didn't need IPTraf that I see11:22
chu_dekkong - I may have found a temporary "solution" - there's this one that uses MPlayer instead of Firefox (assuming you aren't going fo interaction, i.e. you're watching flash movies? not playing flash games?)11:23
ariqsthe downloading stopped just after I got IPTraf, however, so I get to miss it for now. I'll catch it the next time it starts up on me and ruins another poker game ;p11:24
_k0rvinhi all, which command can i use to see accounts in ubuntu server? something like logins -x, but i couldnt find packet which contains it11:24
ArmyMan007i'm installing steam, but i don't know how to install it into my ubuntu drive11:24
ArmyMan007(my laptop has a dual boot)11:24
chu_dekkong - tried this? http://ubuntu-utah.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=647743&page=211:24
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  wine steaminstaller.exe11:24
guntbertariqs: how do you (with lsof) see the bandwidth used?11:24
ArmyMan007Dr_Willis: using crossover11:25
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  then read th crossover docs i guess.11:25
ArmyMan007Dr_Willis: i'm in the installation of steam11:25
ArmyMan007Dr_Willis: does it matter/11:25
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  does what matter?  is it installing? or not.11:25
ariqsguntbert, I don't, but I know what it isn't, such as my connection to freenode11:25
Dr_WillisSteam client is a little quirky in wine. but it does work11:25
ArmyMan007Dr_Willis: it's in the installation process, just won't let me choose my ubuntu drive11:26
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  i basically just clicked next, next , next.. and it installed11:26
guntbertariqs: ok - I thought I missed a feature :)11:26
ArmyMan007Dr_Willis: it seems to install in C:, probbly in my windows drive11:26
pH_hey guys11:26
pH_there's any way to create a folder in my server that is stored in other server?11:26
chu_hey pH_11:26
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  err.. No.. wine makes up 'fake' windows drives...11:26
pH_like a link to other server?11:26
pH_but with a normal folder11:27
Dr_WillisArmyMan007:  so C: is actually .wine/drives/C_Drive or somthing11:27
ArmyMan007i'll try and look it up11:27
chu_pH_ - you can do a sort of ssh tunneling I believe, I saw some posts about this recently, let me go check11:27
pH_because I have a hosting server with unlimited space and a VPN with 10GB.11:27
ArmyMan007just a sec11:27
Dr_Williswine does NOT need windows  at all.11:27
Dr_Willisno idea on crossover.11:27
pH_chu_: great :)11:27
tgpraveen1in karmic in guest session, there is no way to use networkmanager? sudo does not work with it. and I can't run it as it11:27
tgpraveen1(04:57:34  IST) tgpraveen1: says only root can run it :-(11:27
naftilos76Hi everyone, it is soo unfortunate that 9.10 has some serious issues! Firefox keeps crashing and Evolution crashes as soon as i try to open a video or OO attachment! Any temp solutions around?11:29
chu_pH_ - It may appear to be a little off-topic at first, but keep reading :p http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131497011:29
pH_chu_: haha ok :)11:29
geirhapH_: Places -> Connect to Server -> Choose ssh as the type, fill in username and hostname, and check the bookmark option11:29
chu_naftilos76 - use Karmic beta11:29
pH_geirha: it's two ubuntu servers11:30
naftilos76chu_ - you mean that beta is more stable than the off, release?11:30
chu_It has been for me...11:30
naftilos76that's a shame11:31
geirhapH_: I see. sshfs or nfs then :)11:31
om26erchu_: dont advice others11:31
pH_im gonna use SSHFS11:31
* Trezker just installed the snow plugin for compiz11:31
ValmonHello everyone!11:31
coz_ok guys guys..we can no longer use the thousands of gdm themes available because of this new change...however there muct be a location where the images or links to themes can be accessed to change the appearance of gdm no?11:31
Dr_Willisnfs is handy if the servers are going to be always up.11:31
Trezkerwhen I change settings they don't change the behaviour of the snow, why?11:31
* soreau uninstalls Trezker 11:31
Dr_Williscoz_:  gdm uses the wallpaper in the xsplash dirctory for its background.. if you want to change that11:31
Temujindoes ubuntu need to be in sleep or hibernation for WOL to work?11:32
TrezkerI look at the code and there seems to be a handler for setting changes...11:32
* soreau reinstalls coz_ 11:32
coz_Dr_Willis,  yeah I got that far   but the actual login is what I am after11:32
Dr_Williscoz_:   I got grub. xplash, and gdm all using the same customuzed image file from the xsplas directory here11:33
ValmonI'm stacked with new gdm configuration.11:33
soreauTrezker: Did you restart compiz and ccsm after installing snow?11:33
chu_Dr_Willis - Where is the xsplash dir? You have peaked my interests :p11:33
Dr_Williscoz_: 'locate xsplash'  :)11:33
coz_Dr_Willis,   I have the background image changed  which is cool...but that dark log in ?11:33
TrezkerI did not11:33
ValmonI can't start gdm without X11:33
Dr_Willis  /usr/share/images/xsplash11:34
soreauTrezker: You need to restart both11:34
pratik_narainhow to change login screen in karmic11:34
geirha!sshfs > pH_11:34
ubottupH_, please see my private message11:34
chu_Dr_Willis - Cheers11:34
Dr_Willisproblem with changing stuff in xsplash. every time xsplash gets updated... you lose your changes11:34
ValmonI'm trying setup configuration xinetd<->vnc<->gdm11:34
ValmonIt works fine with 9.0411:34
Dr_WillisI changed my Ubuntu Logo to have Homer Simpson on it. :)11:34
Dr_WillisValmon:  GDM has undergone radical changes in 9.1011:35
soreauTrezker: http://forum.compiz.org/showthread.php?s=1b7cda8f56eb32a6fd5e805701e558e0&t=1201211:35
coz_far too radical11:35
chu_Dr_Willis - Do you know where the funky changing space background is located? :p11:35
ValmonI think, I have to use legacy gdm11:35
coz_chu_,   /usr/share/backgrounds11:35
ValmonI't goging crazy  :-(11:36
chu_I should have guessed.11:36
Dr_Willischu_:  same directgory - its the throbber11:36
coz_chu_,   if I understand yhour question11:36
Dr_Willischu_:  or ya mean the wallpaper? thats in the wallpapers dir.11:36
coz_oh the throbber11:36
chu_So, the throbber is what changes the backgrounds?11:36
Dr_Willisthe self-changeing wallpaper is defined by a xml file alongside the wallpaper images it uses11:36
chu_I just want the space pictures :p11:36
Dr_Willisthrobber = animaged  thing11:36
Dr_Willischu_:  they are in the wallpaper dirs11:36
ValmonMost problem, there is no sections "[servers]", so new gdm ignore such strings in /etc/gdm/custom.conf11:37
* leaf-sheep part 011:37
Trezkerhmm, compiz --replace seems to have made my gnome panel invisible11:37
ValmonSo I can't set 0=None, or juset comment 0=Standart out11:37
Trezkerah, there it is11:37
Temujinwhat's the command to sleep and hibernate?11:37
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soreauTrezker: Click on where it is supposed to be?11:38
Trezkeryeah it came back after I clicked around enough11:38
ArmyMan007any crossover expert around here?11:38
* Deathvalley122 wonders if anyone knows about the splash screen fail to load upon reboot11:38
chu_Dr_Willis - Is there any way of contacting you outside of IRC? :p You probably know everything I want to know, it would be faser talking to you one-on-one (yes, could pm, but what about tomorrow? if I'm not on irc etc!!!)11:38
Trezkeryay, now the settings are working, thanks11:38
vzhenAny one using brother scanner ?   i have a question here.  I installed the brscan and the scanned picture default save as /home/brscan  .  how do i change this default directory11:39
soreauTrezker: If you want more plugins, see the link I gave you11:39
Trezkernow I'm ready for a snowy christmas11:39
vzhenAnyone hears me  ?11:39
Dr_Willischu_:  i am always here on irc it seems like11:39
Dr_Willisand i dont IM or email much. :)11:39
vzhenAny one using brother scanner ?   i have a question here.  I installed the brscan and the scanned picture default save as /home/brscan  .  how do i change this default directory11:39
coz_vzhen,  sorry I didnt see your post11:39
vzhencoz i,m here11:39
chu_Alright, taht's fine.11:40
coz_vzhen,   mm   that one I dont know11:40
chu_This keyboard is terrible.11:40
OerHeksvzhen, default directory is set in the imagine software11:40
vzhenoerheks ....imagine software ?     what is that11:40
vzhenoerheks i meant my brother scanner default directory ..11:41
OerHeksvzhen, do you use Xsane as imaging-software ?11:41
vzhenyes,  i use that11:42
pratik_narainhow to change login screen in karmic11:43
coz_vzhen,  then in xsane you can most likely set locations11:43
vzhenNo sorry ...i dont use it ....Xsane not working on me ......so i just gimp and the scan tool from brother website11:43
Dr_Willispratik_narain:  the wallpaper is stored in  /usr/share/images/xsplash11:43
mostaphaShouldn't openGL be installed by default with Ubuntu 9.10 installation?11:43
Dr_Willisparanoid_ndroid:   its tweakable in a few other limited ways also.11:43
Dr_Willisoops wrng nick11:43
Dr_Willispratik_narain:   its tweakable in a few other limited ways also.11:44
ValmonDr_Willis Do you think, there is way to setup new gdm withou X?11:44
eddymwhat is the best way to speed up ubuntu 9.10.. i presume by not adding heavy effects11:44
Dr_WillisValmon:   that dosent make much sence..  but im not sure what you are trying to do11:44
pratik_narainDr_Willis: what about earlier gdm themes11:44
vzhencoz_, i dont use xsane, it not working on me ....so i just use gimp and the scan tool from solution brother website.11:44
Dr_Willispratik_narain:  they are obsolete now11:44
coz_eddym,  what are you sustem specs11:44
ValmonDr_Willis vnc as X server.11:45
ValmonDr_Willis vnc+gdm11:45
coz_vzhen,  oh i see11:45
pratik_narainok thanx11:45
Dr_WillisValmon:  you could make vncserver run gdm  or at last ive done so ages ago..11:45
mostaphaIsn't that the right place to get help with Ubuntu or am I wrong?!!!11:45
eddymcoz:ibm laptop t61 duo core is there a way to check in linux11:45
Dr_WillisValmon:  i tend to just ssh in, start vncserver as the user i want to connect as.11:45
B4R74zycant f1nd cann3l for programmers11:45
ValmonDr_Willis  Yeah, that's what I try to do )11:45
MurielGodoihi guys, I have 2 laptops conetcted to a router (eth), both use internet fine and have openssh-server installed. But i got no success on ping and ssh connection from one to another. Any idea?11:45
Dr_WillisValmon:  using gdm + vncserver you lose the 'persistant' running feature of vnc11:46
coz_eddym,   well that is all I wanted to know other than the video  chip  in terminal   lspci | grep -i vga11:46
alexb5hey guys, would someone be able to help me install ubuntu manually?11:46
alexb5i have an asus eeepc with a 160 gb hard drive and windows xp and windows 7 installed11:46
coz_alexb5, manually?11:46
frackI'm having some troubles with linux booting....  i upgraded to karmic, used synaptic to install ndisgtk, and now the machine takes about 20 minutes to boot11:46
coz_alexb5,  ok  do you want dual boot?11:46
alexb5coz _ : as in setting up partitions and things manually, i already have allocated 18gbs of unformatted space11:47
eddymcoz: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro NVS 140M (rev a1)11:47
coz_alexb5,  ok  I believe there are a few good how to;s online with images let me find one for you11:47
alexb5coz _ : multiboot, so i have all 3 , i dont particuarly want to use grub, id prefer to use the win7 bootloader if possible11:47
ValmonDr_Willis  well. xinetd<->vnc<->gdm was persistent congiguration on jaunty.11:47
coz_eddym, ok did you already install the nvidia driver for that?11:47
coz_alexb5, ah ok then  I am the wrong person for that job11:48
alexb5coz _: ive got ubuntu installed on other computers, this is the first one that has me stumped and ive never had to do an installation manually before11:48
jackcogswellCan someone help me in installation openGL?11:48
eddymcoz_: no i did not just upgrade from 9.0411:48
ValmonDr_Willis  Anyway, thanks. I will search.11:48
tck9on bootup i'm seeing the message md0 raid is not clean -- starting background reconstruction. and the bootup process is stuck at reiserfs:md0: checking transaction log. been here for 5mins.. should i let this run or netboot this system and try something else?11:48
Dr_WillisValmon:  i mean where you could close/exit vncviwer then to to a 2nd box and reconnect to the still running desktop11:48
coz_eddym,  but is the nvidia driver installed ?11:48
alexb5coz _: i dont mind using grub though, thats not the main issue, the main issue is just trying to install it thats all11:48
eddymle me check under system11:48
ValmonDr_Willis  Yes, it works that way on januty11:49
coz_eddym,  that will certainly speed things up   system/administration/hardware drivers11:49
jackcogswellCan someone help me here?11:49
eddymcoz_: says nvida x server settings11:49
IP-v6hi ! i have update 9.04 to 9.10 but i have a problem about gdm themes11:49
IP-v6it looks like this -- http://yfrog.com/0cgdmqp  --11:50
eddymcoz_: did i install the correct version of ubuntu here there is workstation and server11:50
IP-v6how can i fix it ?11:50
jackcogswellWhat's the purpose of this channel if it doesn't provide help???!!! Would someone be generous and give me some help?11:50
bazhangjackcogswell, what is your issue11:50
coz_eddym,  ok11:51
MurielGodoi hi guys, I'm unable to  ping and ssh connection from my 2 laptops conected to a router. Any help?11:51
EasyTUXWTF is "11:51
achilleduehi I bought a new netbook Samsung N510 thetre is anybody tha know where I can find  the docu to install Ubuntu on it?11:51
Dr_WillisMurielGodoi:  can they ping the router?11:51
jackcogswellbazhang: I'm trying to run a game which needs openGL, and as far as I know that mesa-utis should be installed to get openGL support and it is installed still the game gives me an error that it needs openGL 2.0 to work.11:51
eddymcoz_: i did not mess with settings in nvida left them default..11:51
coz_eddym,  but is there a driver version listed under system/administration/hardware drivers  for your card11:51
coz_eddym,  ok11:51
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  what game is this?11:51
MurielGodoiDr_Willis: yep.. and internet works fine11:51
EasyTUXWTF is "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" ?11:51
jackcogswellDr_Willis: Heroes of Newerth11:52
Dr_WillisMurielGodoi:  so they can ping the router and other web sites on  the intenet11:52
EasyTUXI did an apt-get gcc...11:52
eddymcoz_: says nvida x server settings.. i can go in and edit these video settings (i never did)11:52
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  you mean 'savage 1' or 'savage 2' ?  i  think thats the alternative name for those11:52
coz_alexb5,   look here  although it is for another version the slider partitioning image is what you want to play with  http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Installing_Ubuntu_Linux_on_a_Windows_System_%28Dual_booting%2911:52
dmmainoub0w: r you there mate...11:52
eddymcoz_: is there a way for ubuntu to auto detect my drivers and dl them for me?11:52
jackcogswellDr_Willis: I don't know what's savage 1 or savage 2, it just downloaded it from it's site www.heroesofnewerth.com11:53
shababjackog try apt-get build-essential11:53
naught101_ok, this is a bit wierd - b43 wireless with a bcm4306 isn't working in karmic, hasn't been for about a week.11:53
naught101_The driver is installed properly, the device is recognised in ifconfig, networkmanager, and wicd, and the light comes on11:53
coz_eddym,  well  karmic is better at detecting hardware and should most likely know what is needed but which drivers for which hardware would be the question11:53
naught101_but neither wicd or networkmanager can see any networks11:53
naught101_the only error in dmesg is [ 2267.826875] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready11:53
FloodBot3naught101_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:53
MurielGodoiDr_Willis: yep... and getting "Destination Host Unreachable" then trying to ping each other11:53
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  the names are similer.. but its not the game i was thinking of. :) that one is in closed beta. so i cant even test it here.11:54
eddymcoz_: i am familiar with device manager in windows and u can see if there is a bang if something is missing.. but not sure if all my drivers are correct in ubuntu11:54
hellecan anyone please tell me what the name of the software/application is that controls the way monitors are displayed/laid out? (for dual monitors etc) i'm having a minor mishap atm11:54
jackcogswellDr_Willis: that's the error I get11:54
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  last ive ever seen somthing mention about wanting  'gl' stuff it ment i needed to install the proper 3d video card drivers for my video card.11:55
jackcogswellwarning: The VAD has been replaced by a hack pending a complete rewrite11:55
jackcogswellK2 - Fatal Error: OpenGL 2.0 not available.11:55
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  and whats your video card?11:55
coz_eddym,  right I understand... well if the hardware is working then the drivers are installed .... you have to test your hardware either during  livecd  which would be the best way to see if the hardware is detected and working11:55
Dr_WillisMurielGodoi:    You are pinging via ip? no firewall rules setup>11:55
coz_eddym,  or after installation11:55
jackcogswellDr_Willis: it's intel buit-in11:56
johnBondEver since, i upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 , my PC cant boot up.. So i burned new Ubuntu 9.10 image Live CD, and tried to mount back the drive.. But I have error mounting.. I can mount my windows drive... Any help...11:56
coz_eddym,  i would opt for the live cd  test first  ...see which hardware is not recognized,,,google for solutions11:56
eddymcoz_: can i use livecd for version 9.04 or i need to dl new ne11:56
jackcogswellDr_Willis: Intel 945GM11:56
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  the guys that did that game also do 'savage 1 and savage 2' :)  thats why it sounded familer.11:56
purple_processorhelle: it prob xorg.conf but you maybe able to nvidia app if you use nvidia card.11:56
eddymcoz_: for u 9.1011:56
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  do other 3d games work?11:56
coz_eddym,  I would use the 9.10 live cd because of it's better hardware detection capabilities11:56
EasyTUXIs there a sane gcc somewhere in ubuntu packages (One tha *CAN* create executable should be great...) :(((11:56
alexb5coz _ : thanks for the page mate , i dont have that option under the installer though\11:56
Dr_WillisEasyTUX:  you did install  the build-essential package?11:57
MurielGodoiDr_Willis: yep , and when trying to ip broadcast just the router answers, no firewalls at first glance11:57
jackcogswellDr_Willis: I didn't try before that's the first 3D game I try on Linux11:57
alexb5coz_: all i have is : use the entire hard drive, or select partitions manually11:57
eddymcoz_: when i dl sw for ubuntu 9.10 do i use 32 or 64 bit how do i know what to use my machine is 3211:57
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  i would try others in the repos.. and try the games at http://en.djl-linux.org/11:57
hellethere's just an application in the menu which allows you to configure it... i just need the name of it so i can start it from shell11:57
coz_eddym,  hold on11:57
=== Cosmo-san1 is now known as Cosmo-san
eddymcoz_: sw and apps ... holding on11:57
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  its possible  your video card drivers are not doing proper 3d.11:58
bazhang!xrandr | helle  you mean this?11:58
ubottuhelle  you mean this?: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1211:58
jackcogswellDr_Willis: if that's right then there will be no solution, right?11:58
EasyTUXDr_Willis: No, in progress... Thanks again Dr.11:58
Dr_Willisjackcogswell:  if the video card cant do it.. it cant do it.. but ive played many 3d games in my Intel based netbook..11:58
coz_eddym,  in terminal if you run  uname -a  if it says i686  that is 32 bit11:58
jackcogswellDr_Willis: OK, thanks :)11:59
Dr_WillisEasyTUX:  thats a common  thing that happens :) it can  make them..because its not there. heh11:59
hellebazhang: i honestly dont know.. it's just that i set up ubuntu remix on my netbook, and now the screens are messed up so i have like 50% of the desktop always off screen, including the menu to get to applications etc.. so i'm kinda screwed unless i have the name to start from shell11:59
oCean_helle: gnome-display-properties?11:59
purple_processorhelle: was that a nvidia card? nvidia-settings but back up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:59
coz_eddym,  rather   uname -m11:59
IP-v6why does login screen looks like this ? -- http://yfrog.com/0cgdmqp --11:59
helleoCean_: duh, i should have known that.. thank you11:59
helle\thanks everyone \;011:59
coz_IP-v6,   mm  that is rather pretty compared to the defaults I have seen12:00
coz_eddym,  ok that is 32 bit12:00
helleoCean_: thanks alot dude, it was that :)12:00
MrGoodkathow can i get jaunty human theme in karmic? the karmic theme is horrible12:01
oCean_helle: good to hear12:01
coz_IP-v6,  I dont have an answer for you but   what video card are you using?12:01
eddymcoz_: ok thxs, im dling ubuntu 9.10 for laptops they have a choice for servers not sure what ubuntu pushed out with the upgrade from 9.4 to 9.1012:01
coz_which video card12:01
IP-v6ati x160012:01
coz_eddym,  if you are downloading the server edition of course there will be no  desktop environment12:01
IP-v6i have upgrade 9.04 to 9.10 and it happend12:01
coz_eddym,  i guess you knew that already12:01
coz_IP-v6,  ah   that makes sense12:02
nathan5739_hi all, im intsalling kubuntu onto a comp and i stepped away for a while, what is the default user/pw (I never set one)12:02
coz_IP-v6,   is it possible to download the live cd for 9.10  and do a clean install?12:02
om26erIP-v6: upgrade is really very buggy plz if you can make a clean insatll12:02
eddymcoz_: you mean like effects and custom effects etc.. so i have that i guess i have the correct version12:02
coz_eddym,  yeah if you want a DE or desktop environment you wont find that in the server edition12:02
IP-v6yep i can download12:02
coz_eddym,  the server edition is text console only12:03
eddymcoz_: thanks for the help12:03
om26er!torrents | IP-v612:03
ubottuIP-v6: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).12:03
coz_IP-v6,  ok then backup all of the data you want to save  then reinstall from the live cd  and see if it makes a difference12:03
om26ertorrents is beter12:03
coz_eddym,  no problem   I didnt think I helped that much though12:03
=== fred_ is now known as Guest53722
cerneulahello there, ubuntu newbee needs help installing ubuntu12:03
cerneulaon booting my computer sees de hd, but when it comes to installing ubuntu, ubuntu does no see it12:03
cerneulaif I try to install windows xp, windows does not see it either12:03
cerneulahd is seagate barracuda 7200.9 120 Gb SATA model ST3120813AS12:03
cerneulapreviously it had a windows installation, but I erased everything12:03
cerneulaTHANK YOU!!12:03
FloodBot3cerneula: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:03
nathan5739_you can just save you home folder and it keeps everything right?12:03
coz_be back in a bit12:03
johnBondEver since, i upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 , my PC cant boot up.. So i burned new Ubuntu 9.10 image Live CD, and tried to mount back the drive.. But I have error mounting.. I can mount my windows drive... Any help...12:04
johnBondI tried force mounting from the terminal, But still got this error " *wrong fs type,bad option,bad superblock on /dev/sda5* "12:04
om26ercerneula: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Installing-Ubuntu-9-10-126370.shtml12:04
MurielGodoiDr_Willis: any other idea?12:04
LuciusMareHow do i edit the fast-user-switch applet?After installing KK,i dont use empathy,but the item to change status for empathy is still there...how do i edit it?12:04
eddymcoz_: lol, i needed to dl filter forge for photoshop do you use bit torrent or does it pick up viruses like in windows12:04
cerneulasorry, here I go again, problem installing ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/312384/12:05
om26erjohnBond: which filesystem.? and also reboot worked for me12:05
cerneulacould anyone help please?12:05
MrGoodkatwhy does booting in karmic take twice as long as in jaunty? isnt it supposed to be faster12:05
eddymcoz_: once i dl live cd burn it and mount it? and check drivers12:05
johnBondom26er: my ext4 linux filesystem.. which kinda got busted when i upgraded 9.04 to 9.10..12:05
om26ercerneula: run ubuntu live cd and pastebin sudo fstab -l12:06
DjAngo23NLHello everyone.12:06
cerneulaom26r: thank you, but the problem is that ubuntu does not detect my hd, what is wrong?12:06
johnBondMrGoodkat: karmic has been a nightmare for me12:06
cerneulaok... I'm gonna try that, thanks12:07
MrGoodkathehe johnBond , i just have it since 5h12:07
om26erjohnBond: can you format it?12:07
MrGoodkatso far i hate the bootup, splash and theme12:07
om26erjohnBond: or it contains data?12:07
om26erjohnBond: when did you made it?12:07
johnBondom26er: My data is still stuck inside that ext4 partition.. i cant format it..12:07
om26erMrGoodkat: just that12:08
johnBondom26er: i made what..  i dont get it12:08
om26erMrGoodkat: my videos are working better than ever compiz is working better i like karmic's looks hmm12:08
nathan5739_im installing kubuntu onto a comp and i stepped away for a while, and it locked down. what is the default user/pw (I never set one)12:08
MrGoodkatom26er, didnt try more so far, everything else seems to work, but the theme gives me a headache12:08
Dr_Willisnathan5739_:  you mean the live cd screensaver/screen lock kicked in?12:09
om26erjohnBond: have you tried rebooting12:09
Dr_WillisHmm..  I thought the user 'ubuntu' had a blank password12:09
nathan5739_Dr_Willis: I didnt try that, kold on a sec12:09
EasyTUXHow can I cancel aptitude choices (I've done before) for installing software (I choose all in devel not installed => 4G is very too much).12:10
LavagolemkingIs there a way to load Ubuntu directly if I cannot have GRUB?12:10
om26erjohnBond: i got this error while mounting from the gui. but i was able to mount from the terminal without any problem12:10
johnBondom26er: rebooted a million times already.. when i choose ubuntu at grub.. it just hangs at12:10
MrGoodkatom26er is it normal in karmic, that it says the required icon them 'human' is missing?12:10
nathan5739_Dr_Willis: Thanks, I am officially stupid....12:10
johnBondBusyBox and initramfs prompt12:10
Dr_Willisnathan5739_:  :)12:10
om26erMrGoodkat: no the whole icons are humanity12:10
ariqsthis is one of the connections I just got that keeps connecting without my telling it to. What he heck is this? domain name pointer hiiragi.rh.rit.edu.12:10
ariqsI'll bet it's related to ubuntu12:10
om26erMrGoodkat: did you upgrade12:10
MrGoodkatmaybe i screwed up the upgrade12:11
MrGoodkatyes via alternate cd12:11
LuciusMareHow do i edit the fast-user-switch applet?After installing KK,i dont use empathy,but the item to change status for empathy is still there...how do i edit it?12:11
om26erMrGoodkat: or the upgrade screwed your system.. if you can i prefer clean install12:11
om26er!torrents | MrGoodkat12:11
ubottuMrGoodkat: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).12:11
MrGoodkatclean install is not an option12:11
frackI'm having some troubles with linux booting....  i upgraded to karmic, used synaptic to install ndisgtk, and now the machine takes about 20 minutes to boot. If anyone could help me with this, I'd be eternally grateful... :)12:11
johnBondom26er: This is the command I used.. *sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda5 /media/linuxDrive -o force * ... Anything to change here to make more stronger12:12
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MrGoodkatim running the partial upgrade now, hope that will fix it12:12
om26erjohnBond: try this: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/linuxdrive12:12
eddymdoes any1 have experience setting up dreamweaver in wine or is it better to run in vm xp12:13
om26erjohnBond: first unmount12:13
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florian_hey there, i try to run readahead at startup; grub, [e], kernel [e], [profile], enter and boot, but i can't find the new boot.config. does anybody know?12:13
johnBondom26er: unmount .. i mean it isnt mounted .. i created the the /media/linuxDrive by mkdir..12:14
hellelater all12:14
om26erjohnBond: ok try mounting then12:14
johnBondom26er: hi, i got the same error running the command , you gave me12:15
HeKhi all. can anyone help to install video card driver for ATI Radeon x550 ?12:15
om26erjohnBond: just paste this command in the terminal: sudo unmount /dev/sda5 && sudo mdir /media/ubuntu && sudo mount /dev/sda5 /media/ubuntu12:16
om26erjohnBond: correct mkdir12:16
icerootom26er: its called umount12:17
om26erjohnBond: correct that too12:18
janisozaurcan i ask linux development-specific question here or is there a better place to do so?12:18
om26erjohnBond: and also pastebin your fstab and sudo fdisk -l separately12:19
ValentinaI'm trying to install Ubuntu Server 9.10 bu tI got a problem. I chose "Use entire disc and LVM" but then it seems that the installation will use my first physical disc as filsystem and the other physical hd as swap. Shall I accept this? It seems strange, will it use the entire sdb as swap???12:19
Valentina*first physical had drive, I ment.12:19
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment12:19
cg_ubuntu 9.10 is released ?12:20
ValentinaWill Ubuntu Server use my sdb drive as swap? The whol hard driva that has got 40 GB? Or what is it trying to do writing the partition table where sda will be used for the filsystem while sdb seem to be used as swap?12:20
durtcg_, yes12:20
Valentinacg_: Yes12:21
cg_durt, Valentina : nice12:21
Valentinacg_: Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop Edition, Server Edition and Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 Edition.12:21
om26er!torrents | cg_12:21
ubottucg_: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).12:21
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cg_Valentina: my ubuntu is a beta version, i cannot find the 32bit c++ lib for it. (mine is a 64bit version)12:22
johnBondom26er: i tried sudo umount /dev/sda5.. But i got this error ...  *umount: /dev/sda5 : not mounted*12:22
silv3r_m00nme on 8.04 and want to upgrade python to 2.6 .....but it isn't in synaptic ......how to do ?12:22
gogonezwhat about ufw on karmic ,,12:22
om26erjohnBond: skip the umount part and try further12:23
Gineeringso how do i get a GSA-H10L dvd-rom running on my ubuntu machine?12:24
vzhenneed help to change brother scanner default folder /home/brscan.  gimp + scan-key-tool12:24
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DeSiani want to deactivate some apps in startup, any article in wiki about that, because i think the startup is little to long :)12:25
om26erjohnBond: sudo gedit /etc/fstab and paste this line at the end of this file. /dev/sda5 /media/ubuntu ext4 defaults 0 2     then make the dir /media/ubuntu if not already made and reboot12:25
johnBondom26er: same error .. *wrong fs type*12:25
cg_i remeber there is a chennel for ubuntu beta versions . what's the name ?12:25
llutzom26er: if manual mounting doesn't work, mounting per fstab will fail too12:25
om26erjohnBond: so you don't know if its ext4 or what12:25
johnBondom26er: kk..12:25
vzhenhow to change brother scanner default folder  /home/brscan        ....12:25
ChogyDanDeSian: are you running karmic?  have you removed sreadahead?12:25
grawitycg_: #ubuntu+1 - but I don't think we have a beta version currently...12:25
cg_grawity: thanks12:26
durtcg_, #ubuntu+1, but I think it's closed till LL is synced12:26
om26erjohnBond: pastebin your fstab plz12:26
grawitycg_: Karmic is already released.12:26
DeSianChogyDan, yes, sreadhead?12:26
cg_durt: thank you12:26
johnBondom26er: its ext4, saw it in gparted..12:26
cg_it doesn't exist any more, ubuntu+1 is now #ubuntu12:26
durtcg_, and it will be for LL support when it does open back up12:27
Gineeringso how do i get a GSA-H10L dvd-rom running on my ubuntu machine?12:27
cg_i wonder if i should reinstall my ubuntu12:27
om26erllutz: in moblin i was not able to mount ntfs even after i install ntfs-3g from fedora but after adding the entry in fstab and reboot that drive mounted automatically without any problem12:27
janisozaurcan i ask linux-specific development question here?12:27
durtcg_, just update with update-manager to get to the full release.12:27
om26er!pastebin | johnBond12:27
ubottujohnBond: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:27
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:27
cg_durt: i'll hava a try12:28
durtjanisozaur, sure, but no promises on a good answer12:28
DeSianChogyDan, sreadhead??12:28
ChogyDanDeSian: no, its sreadahead12:28
johnBondom26er: hi, fstab i have is the LiveCD's one.. Not the linux parition's one..  As i said, i cant access shit in the linuxParition12:28
janisozaurdurt: actually i thought i was posting to #c++, but could try here :)12:28
kavurtwhy do we have apt-get and aptitude both? which one is better?12:28
DeSianChogyDan, and what is that?12:28
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janisozauri want to create two versions of some algorithm and benchmark it one against the other. i'm interested solely in the time it takes to execute the algorithm, i.e. without initialization time, user input and so on. what should i use to check the time it took to execute a piece of code? would rdtsc be sufficient, given it will be multi-thred/-core application or is there any better alterantive?12:28
Dr_Williskavurt:  use whatever one you like.12:28
durtkavurt, aptitude is a front-end for apt-get12:29
Dr_Williskavurt:  most5 people tens to use apt-get12:29
llutzdurt: wrong12:29
DeSiandurt, not tru12:29
om26erjohnBond: but you can pastebin sudo fdisk -l even in live cd session12:29
durt!info aptitude12:29
ubottuaptitude (source: aptitude): terminal-based package manager. In component main, is important. Version (karmic), package size 1497 kB, installed size 9688 kB12:29
llutzdurt: aptitude is another frontend to apt (as apt-get is)12:29
DeSianaptitude is aptitude and apt-get is apt-get12:29
grawitydurt: Both apt-get and aptitude (and even Synaptic) are front-ends to "apt".12:29
johnBondom26er: so even if modify the fstab and mkdir /media/ubuntu and reboot.. It will all be lost, when i reboot12:29
durtah so12:29
johnBondom26er: wait i sec, i post the pastebin.. i have to type by hand..so gimme a sec12:30
om26erjohnBond: can't it be copy?12:30
DeSianChogyDan, sreadahead is installed can i remove it to have faster boot?12:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spreadhead12:31
johnBondmy ubuntu is in my desktop.. and since i cant boot it up.. it is in LiveCD mode.. and i cant acces the NET from there.. Nways , its just 3 lines12:31
llutzjohnBond: what does "sudo fsck /dev/sda5" say?12:31
ChogyDanDeSian: possbily.  sreadahead has a bug12:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sreadahead12:31
ChogyDan!info sreadahead | DeSian om26er12:31
ubottuDeSian: sreadahead (source: sreadahead): Read required files in advance during boot. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0-5 (karmic), package size 11 kB, installed size 124 kB12:31
EasyTUXHow can I add glib2 devel ?12:32
android_ani_Janisozaur : Depends on the rdtsc is processor dependent.You wont get an idea how it ll behave in some other processors12:32
=== Gineering is now known as eGin
ChogyDanDeSian: it slows boots on slower HDD12:32
om26erjohnBond: back in 10.12:32
johnBondom26er: ok12:32
otto_hello! how can i list actual running X displays on my machine?12:32
johnBondllutz: i got recovering journal.. and *error reading block 57xxxx (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) ignore error<y> .. i type y...12:33
penguin42otto_: Hmm odd request, I think ls /tmp/.X11-unix might do it12:34
johnBondllutz: now it asks * Force rewrite <y> ? .. * Should i press Y again.. will things be lost12:34
CptnAwesomefolks, im running ubuntu server install with lxde on top, my clock is wrong and i cant get it to stay at my local time (gmt+10)12:34
llutzjohnBond: you always risk to lose data, but it seems to be the only option you have to recover that partition. if you have spare diskspace, make an image of that partition before any further action.12:35
otto_penguin42: its because i killed metacity in gnome and want to "append" it on the running X display again.12:35
durtCptnAwesome, is the timezone correct? how far is the clock off?12:35
otto_penguin42: for educational purposes ;)12:36
penguin42otto_: Oh, it's almost certainly :0 then unless you have a very odd setup12:36
janisozaurandroid_ani_: is there any place i could read on that?12:36
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otto_penguin42: it just shows "X0". when typing "metacity -d X0" or "-d localhost:X0" its unable to open X display.12:37
penguin42otto: Yeh so it's :0 - i.e. export DISPLAY=:012:37
CptnAwesomedurt, my current time is 0935 but my local time is 233512:37
janisozaurandroid_ani_: also i will be mostly testing it on my own computer, maybe one or two others - wouldn't rdtsc be sufficient enough to get the difference in the runtime on the same machine?12:37
ortsvorsteherCptnAwesome: is your hardware clock setup right?12:37
CptnAwesomeortsvorsteher, its set to gmt afaik12:38
durtCptnAwesome, sounds like the timezone is wrong, IIRC, you can change it with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata'12:38
AxzGuys how to upgrade wine to development version in Karmic12:38
CptnAwesomei'll reboot and check the bios clock12:38
CptnAwesomeback soon12:38
android_ani_janisozaur : it wont make much of a difference i guess..unless its a really critical system process...might be a few millisecs :)12:38
otto_penguin42: seems to work better. thx. is there a "command" to list running displays, so i have not to ls /tmp/.X11...?12:38
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
EasyTUXHow can I add glib2 devel : apt-get install libglib2.0-dev (using  "apt-cache search glib2 | grep dev" is good for guessing... ;) )12:38
penguin42otto_: I don't think so, I've never seen someone want to do it before to be honest12:39
janisozaurandroid_ani_: i see. i might go for rdtsc then, thanks12:39
otto_penguin42: :) k thanks12:40
durtAxz, you can get 1.132 from the wine team's PPA, dunno if thats the devel version12:40
android_ani_janisozaur: may i know for what exactly you ve devised 2 algos?12:40
=== eGin is now known as Gineering
otto_penguin42: btw just fyi: "metacity -d :0" would work instead of "export ..." too :p12:41
durtAxz, oh and 1.2 also.12:41
penguin42otto: Yeh, but does it set the DISPLAY variable correclty so that anything else that starts gets the :0 ?12:41
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otto_penguin42: ah okay12:41
janisozaurandroid_ani_: nvidia cuda vs cpu 1-thread vs multi-thread, mainly. also there are some optimizations i have to commit to the algorithm and i have to check which actually speed it up12:41
janisozaurandroid_ani_: in case you're wondering it's a simple median filter12:42
Axzdurt, yeah just figured its simple just "sudo apt-get install wine1.2" will do the job12:42
Axznice and easy thanks12:43
android_ani_lolzz CUDA is so recent...good to see peole stay upto date12:43
durtAxz, ya I guess 1.2 is available for KK in the repos12:44
janisozaurandroid_ani_: recent? it launched like more than two years ago12:44
rotorrdoes ubuntu verify the gpg signatures of the repository against different sources and repositories?12:44
otto_penguin42: awww! it just works when i start metacity with the in gnome logged in user. from a terminal as root, i cant start metacity to append. "unable to open display :0. no protocolspecified." how can i overcome this?12:44
durtrotorr, yes if you inport the key12:44
grawityrotorr: It just verifies that they're signed by a known key.12:44
rotorrdurt: how can i do this?12:44
janisozaurandroid_ani_: well, gtg, thanks for your help12:44
grawityrotorr: "known" meaning "existing in apt's keyring"12:44
Axzdurt nice to see ubuntu is everything in the box OS, anyhow thanks12:44
rotorrto verify things12:44
android_ani_no probs janisozaur :)12:45
rotorrgrawity: so what mechanism makes sure the right key is 'known' ?12:45
BersaHad someone with Karmic tried to add wine repository?12:45
rotorror should i check on that manually?12:46
grawityrotorr: Probably none. Apt just checks against all 'known' keys, if any one matches, the verification passes.12:46
grawityrotorr: I think 'apt-key' is for accessing its GPG keyring, if you want to see all known keys.12:47
durtrotorr, 'sudo apt-key adv --keyserver <key.server.com> --recv-keys 12345678'12:47
pronoyhow can I make the terminal's prompt start at /home/username ?12:47
pronoyit does so now at /12:47
om26erwhen will the first livecd of Lucid come?12:47
rotorrthank you12:47
* NEXUS-6 is away: Estoy ocupado12:48
Dr_Willispronoy:  it you mean the 'current working directory' its depends on how you are launching the terminal.12:48
florian_chogydan, desian: can you tell me about readahead (NOT SREADAHEAD)?12:48
Dr_Willispronoy:  the prompt just shows the current directory12:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about readahead12:48
Ven]nstill no luck with b43 driver for 14e4:4315 in 9.10?12:48
ChogyDanom26er: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule12:48
pronoyDr_Willis: yeah, but in intrepid it used to originate at /home/username12:48
Dr_Willispronoy:  it still does here.. so its how  you are launching it...12:48
om26erChogyDan: that page does not tell anything about first live cd12:48
florian_om26er: what's "!" mean?12:48
Dr_Willisif i am in /etc/whatever and i do a 'gnome-terminal' it starts up in /etc/whatever12:49
om26erflorian_: daily cd12:49
florian_om26er: ???12:49
om26erflorian_: when will it come here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/12:49
cerneula om26er: sorry it took me so long, there's a storm and power went down12:50
hipitihopwhat decides what driver is used certain usb devices, specifically, what would decide for a device to use the usbhid driver ?12:50
ChogyDanflorian_: sorry, I don't know about readahead12:50
florian_ChogyDan: Thanks.12:51
cerneula om26er: fstab comand not found12:51
florian_anybody: what does "!" at first position mean?12:52
om26ercerneula: fdisk12:52
tomitzelHello! Today I've switched to Ubuntu 9.10 64 bits, everything went well.12:52
tomitzelBut after installing Eclipse SDK Version: 3.5.1, I can't make any Java Project or any file related to Java. I've previously installed Java jdk and Open Java.12:52
tomitzelThe only things that I can create are Folder, File and Untitled Text file, the rest is gone.12:52
cerneulathat is what I get after sudo fstab -l12:52
om26ercerneula: sudo fdisk -l12:52
pronoyDr_Willis: when i launch it using the applications menu the prompt is at ~ but when i use it by a custom keyboard shortcut it doesn't12:52
Dr_Willisflorian_:  in bash its a history feature.12:52
Dr_Willisflorian_:  in irc its a bot trigger12:52
testinnnwhat is this12:52
BersaHad someone who has already Karmic Koala tried to add wine repository?12:52
ChogyDan!usage | florian_12:52
ubottuflorian_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:52
grawitytestinnn: Welcome to IRC.12:52
stocksaverMay anyone help me with som brightness problems, i'm on a asus laptop wich I have to have a light to the light sensor, or else the screen gets very dark12:52
cerneula om26er: it asks for more parameters12:52
testinnnI'm new to Ubuntu, what is this?12:52
fcnmy legacy bios doesn't support booting from usb, and dumb dvd-rom doesn't read cd's (it reads dvds. dumb.). Even I have a floppy driver but don't have any floppies. Is there any method left that I can still try to install Karmic?12:52
florian_DR_Willis: Thanks, and whats a "bot trigger"?12:52
cerneulawhat for SATA?12:52
Dr_Willispronoy:  the launcher  process is starting in / then. so  make the thing launch gnome-terminal 'some option here to be in whatever dir you want'12:52
Dr_Willis!bot | florian_12:53
Dr_Willis!love  | florian_12:53
ubottuflorian_: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.12:53
om26ercerneula: fdisk not fstab12:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:53
Dr_Willis!bot | florian_12:53
ubottuflorian_: please see above12:53
usr13hipitihop: Are you sure that usbhid is a "driver"?12:53
cerneula om26er: yes, fdisk asks for more paremeter, it gives examples but not for sata hd12:53
florian_:DDD I just don't get it :)12:53
om26ercerneula: sudo fdisk -l12:54
legend2440pronoy: install   nautilus-open-terminal then you can right click and choose Open in Terminal  in any dir and it will open terminal in that dir12:54
grawityflorian_: In this channel, lines starting with ! are commands for ubottu.12:54
fcnhey I need help! :'(12:54
cerneula om26er: ok12:54
BlouBlou!ask | fcn12:54
ubottufcn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:54
Mystiquehey all; I'm trying to install 9.10 on a dell here w/ two sata drives - and the partitioner does not see any disks.. what to do?12:55
cerneula om26er: it doesn't return anything12:55
hipitihopusr13, absolutely..... see http://paste.ubuntu.com/311999/12:55
Mystiquethere are entries in /dev/disk/by-uuid sda5 and sda112:55
om26ercerneula: immpossible12:55
om26ercerneula: don't do it without sudo12:55
cerneulamystique: same problem here with one sata disk12:55
om26ercerneula: type sudo first12:55
cerneula om26er:ok12:55
florian_ok, once again: can anybody please help me with readahead?12:55
ortsvorsteher!anyone | florian_12:56
ubottuflorian_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:56
stocksaverMay anyone help me with som brightness problems, i'm on a asus laptop wich I have to have a light to the light sensor, or else the screen gets very dark12:56
om26er!repeat | florian_:12:56
alazyworkaholic1I have very little experience compiling & I'm about to recompile SDL-1.2.13-4ubuntu4. (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309691 for why) I've done the following: Made a folder ~/Desktop/libsdl. Then I downloaded libsdl1.2_1.2.13-4ubuntu4.diff & libsdl1.2_1.2-13-4ubutu4.dsc & libsdl1.2_1.2.13.orig.tar.gz & put them in that folder. I then extracted the tar.gz so now I have a folder called SDL-1.2.13 in libsd12:56
ubottuflorian_:: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.12:56
cerneula om26er: same result, nothing12:56
hipitihopusr13, both if0 and 1 seem to be taken by usbhid12:56
Mystiqueit had 9.04 on it; just fine..12:56
cerneula om26er: impossible?12:56
om26ercerneula: so this mean your hardrives are not even being deteted..12:56
tomitzelHi, I have a problem with Eclipse on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bits : http://paste.ubuntu.com/312419/12:56
florian_ubottu: thanks, first helpful answer today. :(12:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:56
Mystiqueom26er: what did you have him do?12:57
om26ercerneula: see in bios if it shows you HDD12:57
usr13hipitihop: Ok, well to answer your question, it is HAL that loads usb and other hot-plugable devices and their correpsonding drivers.12:57
ChogyDantomitzel: ooo, yeah, I forgot that eclipse is supposed to be installable12:57
om26erMystique: sudo fdisk -l12:57
cerneula om26er: yes, that is what I said, when the computer boots up, the computer detects the disk, but the os, be it windows or ubuntu doesn't12:57
hipitihopusr13, I need to force it to use 'lirc_imon' instead12:57
Mystiqueyes mine shows up12:58
cerneula om26er: how weird is that?12:58
om26ercerneula: hardware problem!!12:58
=== Gineering is now known as RussellAlan
cerneula om26er: any ideas how I can assess the problem?12:58
=== RussellAlan is now known as eGin
Mystiquedmesg | grep sd12:58
mikealeonetti1I just migrated a machine over by copying all files. Hardware should be the same (it's from VBox->KVM). After the kernel loads it stops booting when it finds the virtual sata device and doesn't boot anymore.12:58
om26ercerneula: you can try you hard drive on any other working computer and see if it detects it12:59
Mystiqueis there a way to start the non gui install? like the old cli?12:59
fcnmy legacy bios doesn't support booting from usb, and dumb dvd-rom doesn't read cd's (it reads dvds. dumb.). Even I have a floppy driver but don't have any floppies. Is there any method left that I can still try to install Karmic?12:59
cerneula om26er: ok I will, thank you12:59
om26erMystique: alternate install12:59
pronoyDr_Willis: hey it worked i used the --working-directory=~ and it worked thanks for the advice12:59
Mystiqueis on the same disk? or need different disk?12:59
om26er!alternate | Mystique12:59
ubottuMystique: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal12:59
eGinso how do i get a GSA-H10L dvd-rom running on my ubuntu machine?12:59
grawityfcn: Waitwait, a DVD-ROM that doesn't read CDs? :O12:59
Mystiqueis an Fx key?12:59
pronoylegend2440: no need works by editing the property of launcher13:00
fcngrawity, exactly :(13:00
usr13hipitihop: Actually, it's udev13:00
Mystiquelemme see what that gets me,13:00
legend2440pronoy: ok13:00
grawityfcn: ...that's just dumb. Anyway, try burning the Ubuntu ISO to a DVD, might work.13:00
mikealeonetti1that seems to have fixed it...13:00
eGinI'm trying to get this dvd-rom readable by ubunt13:00
fcngrawity, is it possible to do?13:00
eGinwhat do i do?13:00
grawityfcn: Should be.13:00
eGinit's a LG13:01
pronoyfcn: my dvdrom quit reading cds too...samsung here...what're you using ?13:01
hipitihopusr13, I have added an .fdi file to get hal to ignore and hence the first part of the pasbin... but it does not seem to be enough.. so how do I get udev to do the right thing ?13:01
alazyworkaholic1I have very little experience compiling & I'm about to recompile SDL-1.2.13-4ubuntu4. (see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309691 for why) I've done the following: Made a folder ~/Desktop/libsdl. Then I downloaded libsdl1.2_1.2.13-4ubuntu4.diff & libsdl1.2_1.2-13-4ubutu4.dsc & libsdl1.2_1.2.13.orig.tar.gz & put them in that folder. I then extracted the tar.gz so now I have a folder called SDL-1.2.13 in libsd13:01
fcnpronoy, mine is a fujitsu-siemens laptop13:01
tomitzelHi, I have a problem with Eclipse on Ubuntu 9.10 64 bits : http://paste.ubuntu.com/312419/13:01
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
pronoyfcn: oh laptop user...completely different platform but completely same problem :) laawl btw you could create a bootable usb thumb drive13:02
ChogyDantomitzel: try running eclipse from the cli, and see if there are any errors13:02
usr13hipitihop: udev Searches the devpath upwards for a matching device driver name13:02
pronoyfcn: using that iso13:02
tomitzelChogyDan: ok13:02
sobersabrehi guys. I don't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf on 9.1013:02
om26erin which package at launchpad should i report a bug not exactly a bug more like a wishlist to add some modules to the initrd.13:02
sobersabreand my touchpad acts not exactly as I'd want it.13:02
sobersabrehow co13:02
om26erout of box in lucid13:02
sobersabrehow do I tweak touchpad ?13:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:03
fcnpronoy, i already created one but my dumb laptop doesn't boot from usb...13:03
tomitzelChogyDan: no error on startup in the terminal13:03
om26ersobersabre: preference --> mouse13:03
ChogyDanom26er: maybe ask in -devel13:03
hipitihopusr13, also see dmesg | grep 004313:03
hipitihop[    3.915479] input: HID 15c2:0043 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:04.0/usb3/3-4/3-4:1.0/input/input413:03
hipitihop[    3.915697] generic-usb 0003:15C2:0043.0002: input,hidraw1: USB HID v1.01 Mouse [HID 15c2:0043] on usb-0000:00:04.0-4/input013:03
hipitihop[    3.926522] generic-usb 0003:15C2:0043.0003: hiddev96,hidraw2: USB HID v1.00 Device [HID 15c2:0043] on usb-0000:00:04.0-4/input113:03
FloodBot3hipitihop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:03
pronoyfcn: change the boot options13:03
pronoyfcn: every machine having a usb port should be able to do so13:04
usr13hipitihop: I suppose you could change [switch] the names of the driver modules.13:04
fcnpronoy, no it's an old machine and doesn't have an option for booting from usb13:04
usr13hipitihop: But that would be a particularly nasty work-around.13:04
sobersabreom26er: are you kidding me ?13:04
pronoyfcn: ooh...well then i guess writing that dvd is your best shot13:04
=== eGin is now known as RussellAlan
om26ersobersabre: go there13:05
om26ersobersabre: ok sorry13:05
Justin2hi, I have a problem with synaptic trying to uninstall my nvidia graphics driver (1.90 experimental I think) whenever I try to install application which I assume use an earlier stable version of the driver. Is there any way to stop this as I'm eventually going to miss this and uninstall the driver again!! Thanks13:05
hipitihopusr13, there must be some rule it uses or better still, can't we tell udev to ignore the specific devices ?13:05
craigbass1976I'm printing to a13:05
hipitihopusr13, or would that stop any driver being lodaded.13:05
RussellAlanBut it isn't helping13:05
fcnpronoy, is there another iso for dvds or can I just burn the 700mb iso on a dvd?13:06
hipitihopusr13, sorry for the questions but this is a little out of my depth13:06
llutzfcn: burn the cd-iso13:06
craigbass1976Oops, twitched...   I'm printing to a brother MFC 7840W over a network.  The brother is plugged into the network itself, rather than shared out via a computer.  It's pretty slow.  Printing with Windows isn't nearly as slow.  This bothers me; I hate windows.13:07
usr13hipitihop: googling:  http://siliconbased.wordpress.com/2009/03/03/ignoring-devices-with-udev-rules/13:07
alazyworkaholic1Hi, I need to know something simple about compiling. I downloaded the SDL-1.2.13 package in 3 parts (libsdl...orig,diff.gz,dsc) from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/libsdl1.2. I put them all in a folder & I'll run ./configure, make make install. Now, is libsd...diff supposed to be put inside the extracted .tar.gz folder, or one level up? (I had to edit it)13:07
craigbass1976AND, is there a known issue with printing multipage pdfs to such a printer in such a situation?13:07
craigbass1976Justin2, what's the issue, I came in late13:08
Justin2Thanks craig, I have a problem with synaptic trying to uninstall my nvidia graphics driver (1.90 experimental I think) whenever I try to install application which I assume use an earlier stable version of the driver. Is there any way to stop this as I'm eventually going to miss this and uninstall the driver again!! Thanks13:08
chrisrWhats the easiest way to do a fresh install of Ubuntu9.10 while keeping my current home folder?13:08
usr13hipitihop: & http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1197550.html13:08
jetienne q. where is the default mysql.sock on ubuntu ?13:09
=== FFEMTcJ|afk is now known as FFEMTcJ
hipitihopusr13, reading... btw, I have already tried adding a xxx.rules into /etc/udev/rules.d with the following but seems to not have effect ATTRS{idVendor}=="15c2", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0043", OPTIONS=="ignore_device"13:09
BleSShi! if there is anybody is interested in helping to support NILFS2 in grub, please contact in #grub13:09
hipitihopusr13, but reading those links.. thanks.13:09
fcnhow can i format a usb stick? (jaunty)13:09
usr13chrisr: backup your home to a usb device and dump in into the new install.  (But had you have placed /home on it's own partition, it would actually be "easy" but.....)13:10
craigbass1976Justin2, contemplating....13:10
om26erfcn: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/ifyouknowitsname13:10
tomitzel!search eclipse13:10
khuntmy dvd playback is not working in any prog and I cant rip dvds using any program either13:10
ubottuFound: code13:10
chrisrusr13: it is on its own partition13:10
isolat3dsh33phello guys, i accidentally installed grub inside windows partition, and i dont have Windows CD. How can i solve this?13:10
pronoyfcn: select all the folder and delete em13:10
pronoyfcn: then show hidden files, if any delete em too13:11
om26erisolat3dsh33p: not a window problem13:11
chrisrusr13: but what?13:11
usr13chrisr: Then just do custom or manual partitioning and leave that one alone.13:11
fcnpronoy, i wrote a bootloader on it, it's not mine so i have to make it like before13:11
om26erisolat3dsh33p: this is sureley related to grub or windows no where is ubuntu in this problem13:11
pronoyfcn: yes, mount it and delete everything on it13:11
isolat3dsh33pom26er: So, this is not the right place to ask?13:11
pronoyfcn: do it using command line if gui's the problem13:12
om26erisolat3dsh33p: no13:12
fcnpronoy, will the bootloader be gone?13:12
usr13chrisr: You may need to change the fstab entry after your done but that would be it.  Just make a note of the fastab entry you have now.13:12
pronoyfcn: it will be "empty"13:12
usr13chrisr: Why do you need to do a fresh install?13:12
chrisrI hope 9.10 runs better than  9.04 cos its running like a dog13:12
alazyworkaholic1Hi, I need to know something simple about compiling. I downloaded the SDL-1.2.13 package in 3 parts (libsdl...orig,diff.gz,dsc) from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/libsdl1.2. I put them all in a folder & I'll run ./configure, make make install. Now, is libsd...diff supposed to be put inside the extracted .tar.gz folder, or one level up? (I had to edit it)13:12
usr13chrisr: Why not fix what you have?13:13
chrisrit randomly freezes, things are running slow13:13
pronoychrisr: 9.10 is awesome !!13:13
chrisrpronoy: cool13:13
isolat3dsh33ppronoy: not really :/13:13
sebsebsebchrisr: Well if you upgrade from 9.04  expect issues, many people have had problems after doing that13:13
pronoyisolat3dsh33p: eh ?13:13
Tesssanot on everyones computer13:13
isolat3dsh33ppronoy: not so awesome to me. :/13:13
pronoyisolat3dsh33p: wfm13:13
chrisrYeah ive never gone well  upgrading ubuntu , thats why im installing fresh13:14
florian_ok, cant 't find the answer on readahead in the help.ubuntu.com pages nor on wiki.ubuntu.com13:14
sebsebseb!wfm |  pronoy13:14
ubottupronoy: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/13:14
stocksaverMay anyone help me with som brightness problems, i'm on a asus laptop wich I have to have a light to the light sensor, or else the screen gets very dark13:14
Tesssai did a upgrade and now it works well13:14
pronoysebsebseb: dude..that wasn't called for, its sharing an opinion not rejecting a plea for help13:14
isolat3dsh33ppronoy: the booting is longer :/13:14
fixx8ex3Opronoy: the booting is longer :/13:14
sebsebsebpronoy: That was more, because I wanted to use the factoid than anything else :)13:15
fixx8ex3Opronoy: That was more, because I wanted to use the factoid than anything else :)13:15
leeI'm having trouble with the karmic netbook remix.  I have an Acer Aspire One with 9.04 netbook remix installed, which works fine, but I can't boot from a USB stick with 9.10 on; it starts booting from it, displays the white ubuntu logo for a few seconds, then the screen turns and remains black.  any advice on how to fix this? (I want to wipe and start again, not dist-upgrade)13:15
fixx8ex3OI'm having trouble with the karmic netbook remix.  I have an Acer Aspire One with 9.04 netbook remix installed, which works fine, but I can't boot from a USB stick with 9.10 on; it starts booting from it, displays the white ubuntu logo fo13:15
pronoysebsebseb: consider and then issue a factoid13:15
fixx8ex3Osebsebseb: consider and then issue a factoid13:15
usr13chrisr: But back to answering  your original question; Identify your /home partition. Set its mount point as '/home' and make sure that Format is not ticked. Continue installation as normal until you reach the Who are you? stage, enter a username and password which exactly match your current username and password.13:15
FloodBot3fixx8ex3O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
jburdHi.  I'm trying to install Ubuntu Karmic amd64 on a new MacBook Pro. I have resized my primary OS X partition and kept sufficient free space for my Ubuntu installation.   Should I be installing Grub2 to the MBR?13:15
legend2440Justin2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83557313:15
fixx8ex3Ochrisr: But back to answering  your original question; Identify your /home partition. Set its mount point as '/home' and make sure that Format is not ticked. Continue installation as normal until you reach the Who are you? stage, enter a13:15
pronoywhat is going on ?13:15
fixx8ex3Owhat is going on ?13:15
popeyyou're copy/pasting by accident fixx8ex3O ?13:15
fixx8ex3Oyou're copy/pasting by accident fixx8ex3O ?13:15
sebsebseb!ops |  fixx8ex3O is a bot it seems13:15
fixx8ex3O!ops |  fixx8ex3O is a bot it seems13:15
FloodBot3fixx8ex3O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
fixx8ex3Ofixx8ex3O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:15
fcnthese bots just doing their job fine.13:15
Justin2Thanks legind, I'll take a look!!13:15
ubottufixx8ex3O is a bot it seems: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:15
nurraciao a tutti13:15
aimtrainerhi! I have a dual screen setup and since the dist-upgrade to karmic the login screen is on the wrong monitor (on my lcd tv). can anybody tell me how to change that please?13:16
fixx8ex3Ohi! I have a dual screen setup and since the dist-upgrade to karmic the login screen is on the wrong monitor (on my lcd tv). can anybody tell me how to change that please?13:16
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:16
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as WelshDragon
pronoythanks bazhang13:16
jburdThank you very much bazhang. :-)13:17
=== BlouBlou is now known as xD
florian_that echo was funny, somehow, and bothersome.13:17
leewow, people still bother pulling crap like that on irc?  what is this, 1999?13:17
pronoyisolat3dsh33p: i don't think so.. it boots very fast..but i guess its a difference of config more than difference of opinion13:17
Tesssaooooh klined i see13:17
MenZalee: alas, some people think so.13:17
=== icaro is now known as Guest40142
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:18
Tesssaah some never  learn13:18
ensteinHI im a new user or just getting started with ubuntu13:18
jburdDoes karmic automatically detect Mac OS X during installation and install grub2 fine on newer macbooks?13:18
eddymdoes any have virtual xp box running trying to share data between usb or folders13:18
icerooteddym: yes13:18
icerooteddym: what about asking a real question to the channel?13:18
alazyworkaholic1Hi, I need to know something simple about compiling. I downloaded the SDL-1.2.13 package in 3 parts (libsdl...orig,diff.gz,dsc) from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/libsdl1.2. I put them all in a folder & I'll run ./configure, make make install. Now, is libsd...diff supposed to be put inside the extracted .tar.gz folder, or one level up? (I had to edit it)13:19
=== [- is now known as {Osiris_
Drudeproc mi nejde pripojit na #ubuntu-cz?13:19
jburdI have quite a bit of critical data in my hfs+ partition and don't want to do a reinstall of os x after installing ubuntu.13:19
=== {Osiris_ is now known as {Osiris}
tgpraveen1in karmic in guest session, there is no way to use networkmanager? sudo does not work with it. and I can't run it as it13:19
tgpraveen1(05:08:41  IST) tgpraveen1: (04:57:56  IST) tgpraveen1: (04:57:34  IST) tgpraveen1: says only root can run it :-(13:19
icerootjburd: always have a backup13:19
eddymiceroot: im installing as we speak dreamweaver and photoshop  how do i make usb ports work or if i need to grab files between virtual machine and ubuntu how do i that13:19
usr13whois fixx8ex3013:19
bazhangDrude, /join #ubuntu-cz13:19
icerooteddym: use the non-free version for usb-support13:19
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P13:19
icerooteddym: also see #vbox13:20
jburdiceroot: Yeah, that's there, but restoring all of that is quite a pain to do.  I'd just like to know whether karmic supports macbooks and dualbooting with osx well13:20
eddymiceroot: so i need to buy ut13:20
icerooteddym: no13:20
llutzeddym: it free to use13:20
eddyman add on13:20
icerooteddym: free as i freedom not free as in free bear13:20
tgpraveen1is it normal that while using autologin I am asked my password when mounting other local disks like my NTFS partition having windows13:20
eddymok, thxs so i need to dl it..13:20
icerootjburd: of course13:20
eddymi presume on the linux side?13:21
=== sky_ is now known as zsvc
icerooteddym: on the virtualbox website13:21
icerooteddym: also use #vbox13:21
jburdiceroot: since the macbook uses efi.  wasn't sure about that.  grub2 should work just fine eh?13:21
zsvchello everyone13:21
eddymiceroot: what do u mean use #vbox13:21
icerootjburd: never used grub2, only grub-legancy13:21
icerooteddym: irc-channel of virtualbox13:22
=== xD is now known as BlouBlou
om26erwhere to report bug relating initrd.13:22
tgpraveen1is it normal that while using autologin I am asked my password when mounting other local disks like my NTFS partition having windows??13:22
iceroot!bug | om26er13:22
ubottuom26er: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:22
om26ermean which package name13:22
eddymiceroot: great thanks13:22
om26ericeroot: in linux(kernel) or ubuntu13:22
MegaMansup channel13:22
om26ericeroot: or any specific package13:23
alazyworkaholic1Hi, I need to know something simple about compiling. I downloaded the SDL-1.2.13 package in 3 parts (libsdl...orig,diff.gz,dsc) from http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/karmic/libsdl1.2. I put them all in a folder & I'll run ./configure, make make install. Now, is libsd...diff supposed to be put inside the extracted .tar.gz folder, or one level up? (I had to edit it)13:23
icerootom26er: i would choose ubuntu13:23
craigbass1976Justin2, I give up.13:23
john-sainthi all. does anyone know how i can delete cookies etc??13:23
bazhang!cn | zsvc13:23
ubottuzsvc: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:23
zsvche he ! yes13:23
usr13tgpraveen1: Depends on how your system is set up.  If admin privileges are required to access NTFS partitions, then yes, you must submit password. You can more than likely just change the fstab entry if you want to change this behaviour (change owner to user).13:24
zsvc<ubottu>  ok 3Q13:24
Justin2hi Craig,13:25
ChaituGreetings All. Am trying to install ubuntu but I see "unusable" partition. One learned one here has suggested to use gparted but the X wont start when I boot using that live CD. All I see is error msgs. Can someone please tell me a windows programme or anything which will make that "unusable" 40 gb space usable and install Ubuntu? Thanks13:25
Justin2I'm having no luck either... thanks anyway!!13:25
craigbass1976john-saint, You can either do it through firefox itself, of you can hose the whole /home/you/.mozilla directory.  Next time you start firefox, it will be recreated.  You might want to backup the directory first...13:25
RugeHi folks :)13:25
MegaMananyone using an ATI x1650 on ubuntu 9.10 with 4 monitors?13:25
john-saintcheers craig13:25
craigbass1976Justin2, I'm not quite sure what to google for13:25
tgpraveen1usr13: where do I have to go to change the fstab entry?13:25
MegaManI can't get more then 2 to work13:25
craigbass1976tgpraveen1, /etc/fstab13:26
usr13tgpraveen1: Edit the /etc/fstab file.13:26
Justin2I've tried anything I can think off :-)13:26
RugeAnyone know how to get USB support in VirtualBox?13:26
bazhangRuge, get the virtualbox package from their site13:26
alazyworkaholic1Ruge: Are you using the ose open source edition? You won't.13:26
Justin2One other problem I'm having is that my desktop icons have dissapeared, any thoughts?13:26
Rugealazyworkaholic1: im not using the open source one.13:26
craigbass1976Justin2, the answer is in there, just have to wade through so much stuff.  I'm less and less impressed with google every time I hunt for something specific like this.  Useless...13:27
zsvcwho know  Ubuntu use   NOTES13:27
Rugealazyworkaholic1: im using VirtualBox 3.013:27
bazhangzsvc, what kind of notes13:27
craigbass1976Justin2, are you using xfce?  I've only ever noticed the phenomenon on that desktop13:27
john-saintcraigbass1976: do you know much about this ubuntu? im fairly new to this and i got most things working except my webcam. looked everywhere but no joy!13:27
alazyworkaholic1Ruge: Me too. I'm a noob at it, but it works just by clicking on Devices at the top of the vbox window then usb -> click on the usb you want to have the guest see.13:28
Justin2I'm using gnome, I've not really looked into this yet so it could possibly be a common problem.13:28
usr13tgpraveen1: pastebinit /etc/fstab  and let us have a look.13:28
zsvcit is IBM13:28
Rugealazyworkaholic1: hmm they are all greyed out..., maybe ill check on forums about it13:28
tgpraveen1john-saint: type gstreamer-properties in terminal and see what you get13:28
bazhangzsvc, lotus notes?13:28
craigbass1976john-saint, lspci and see if you can find the webcam in the output (you have to do this command in a terminal)  Then google for ubuntu, your-version, and whatever webcam chipset you have.  I think the program you want is called cheese13:28
=== RussellAlan is now known as eGin|imA-Guy
MegaMananyone know how to get 4 monitors working on an ati x1650 with ubuntu 9.10?13:29
bazhangzsvc, what version of ubuntu are you using13:29
alazyworkaholic1Ruge: Huh, not sure but maybe you need to install guest-additions.13:29
bellows2cheese works for most wbcams13:29
=== dbatoo is now known as napterk
Rugealazyworkaholic1: i have them too! hmm..13:30
zsvc ubuntu 9.40  ,i need  deb13:30
bazhangzsvc, 9.04? there is no 9.4013:30
MegaMani want 9.4013:30
zsvco ! sorry  ! yes  is 9.0413:31
icerootMegaMan: a yearh only have 12 month13:31
bazhangzsvc, let me check the ubuntuforums, hang on13:31
llutziceroot: time to change it13:31
icerootllutz: :)13:31
=== root is now known as Guest97029
john-saintcraigbass1976: still nothing. i know the driver is a sn9c102. searched all over the net for it and nothing...even cheese cant get it to run13:32
florian_! changelog13:32
ubottuchangelogs for Ubuntu packages can be found on http://changelogs.ubuntu.com13:32
xanguawhat't the buzz Guest97029 ¿13:32
Tesssaquestion>> i have a G4 mac doing nothing at all how difficult is it to install 9.10 on the G4 mac13:32
hipitihopusr13, so that is suggesting a kernel bug is causing my udev rule not to fire ?13:32
florian_! changelog13:32
florian_: X13:32
Guest97029how to change nickname13:32
llutz!usage | florian_13:33
ubottuflorian_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:33
zsvcforums  have  type deb ?13:33
florian_llutz: thanxs!13:33
Guest97029guys anyone can guide to change nickname13:33
bazhangzsvc, please be patient I am checking13:33
llutzGuest97029: /nick newcoolnick13:33
giosue! lista13:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:33
=== maco_ is now known as maco
icerootllutz: /nick newreallycoolnick is better13:34
pronoygiosue: dude this is the second time you're doing that..stop it plz13:34
llutziceroot: too much typing13:34
zsvcok ! thanks you!13:34
icerootllutz: but its better :)13:34
grawityflorian_: When someone invokes an ubottu factoid, the bot will ignore that command for a minute -- it will just reply with "Read my above message". This is to avoid flooding the channel.13:34
TesssaGuest 97029 type /nick then your nickname13:35
hipitihopusr13, another relaed question.. since it seems there are two related devices, I guess I also need two sperate rules files13:35
llutzand Guest97029 btw, don't irc as root13:35
thijsI've got a problem starting my package manager. it tells me some package is broken, how do i fix that? I know exactly which package is broken, it's flash, i tried downloading it from adobe, but the installer won't run.. Any tips ?13:35
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pronoythijs sudo apt-get install --fix-missing13:35
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alecjwhey, whats the process for suggesting a program to be added to the multiverse repository?13:36
thijspronoy, ok, will try13:36
pronoythijs: no wait13:36
pronoythijs: its --fix-broken13:37
johnBondom26er: sorry, just came back.. Nways , after i ran fsck .. i am able to boot into my drive back again.. thanks to you and all the rest oso13:37
llutzthijs: sudo apt-get -f install13:37
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om26erjohnBond: you did it yourself great13:37
sirjoebobhey all. Is there a way to send input (keyboard/mouse) to a remote PC without viewing the remote desktop? I have a mediacanter and want to use my laptop as a remote without having to have a blank vnc screen13:37
mamiahello, is there anyway to reset my pc to the way it was when i first installed ubuntu on it? if so, will it erase my personal documents, files, and programs?13:37
thijsE: The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.13:38
sirjoebobmamia. what all do you want to reset?13:38
xanguawhy would you want to reinstall all again mamia ¿13:38
pronoythijs: doesn't apt do it on its own ?13:38
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durtsirjoebob, synergy13:38
MegaMananyone know how to get 4 monitors working on an ati x1650 with ubuntu 9.10?13:38
thijspronoy, i downloaded the .deb installer from the adobe website... Didn't delete it or anything13:39
pronoythijs: sudo apt-get install adobe-flashplugin13:39
sirjoebobdurt, I love you13:39
florian_on readahead and karmic koala: I just got it from #ubuntu-de that readahead does not work anymore.13:39
mamiaive played with config files and installed a few things here and there in hopes of getting video streaming working (well multimedia) and it hasnt worked, and i would like to clean my computer out of all the changes13:39
thijsgives the same error pronoy13:39
florian_! tuning13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tuning13:39
durtsirjoebob, in a non-gay way I hope...13:39
thijsmaybe i should try to --force it ?13:39
gRntHi all I am trying to install VLC via the synaptic package manager and it doesn't appear to be listed, even with multiverse and universe selected....has something changed in 3.10 I am not aware of?13:39
sirjoebobdurt, assume nothing.... haha13:39
xanguasudp apt-get install vlc | gRnt13:40
xanguasudo *13:40
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:40
gRntxangua: same deal mate synaptics is just the gui typing that for me doesn't work13:40
sobersabreguys where did Xorg configuration files go ?13:40
pronoygRnt: 3.10 wow..you're using it ?13:40
durtsobersabre, /etc/X1113:41
florian_how can I speed up booting with karmic?13:41
sobersabredurt: I cannot find xorg.conf....13:41
xanguagRnt: then reload the repositories13:41
IulyI think he meaned 9.1013:41
Hans__I am having nothign but problems with Pulseaudio on 9.10. Sound chops out, and wine apps sound stops working all together after a few minutes. I'd like to remove it, but I find that sound doesn't work at all when I do.. Is there some alternative?13:41
pronoyIuly: ofcourse..i was just kidding13:41
durtsobersabre, create one 'sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf'13:41
Tesssaquestion>> i have a G4 mac doing nothing at all how difficult is it to install 9.10 on the G4 mac13:41
fahadsadahHans__: ALSA13:41
gRntxangua:  what do you mean? my sources.list is fine if I update then try and install I still get failure13:41
IulyI know....13:41
fahadsadahTesssa: Intel or PPC?13:41
durtsobersabre, It does not exist anymore, but is still used if you wish to make one.13:42
fahadsadahDownload the PPC Ubuntu install disc.13:42
sobersabredurt: is there a "dump" or something like it to dump the configuration into a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?13:42
Hans__fahadsadah: I can find instructions for prior versions of Ubuntu, but they don't work on 9.10..13:42
Tesssano intel in a G4 mac13:42
sobersabredurt: I don't like the way the touchpad works.13:42
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ13:42
gRntPackage vlc is not available, but is referred to by another package. is the error I am getting xangua13:42
bellows2you can try http://appnr.com/ for ubuntu packages13:42
xanguagRnt: then try adding the vlc ppa https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc | gRnt13:42
Tesssaah tbank youfahads13:42
alecjwhi, how can i suggest a new package to be added to the repositories?13:42
fahadsadah!launchpad | alecjw13:43
ubottualecjw: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/13:43
gRntxangua: is that just added to my repositories file?13:43
fahadsadahalecjw: Sorry, that link isn't very helpful13:43
Guest73387anyone ever heard of a linux machine with a virus?13:43
durtsobersabre, I believe so, but I've never done it.13:43
fahadsadahFile a new bug under wishlist.13:43
fahadsadahGuest73387: Windows viruses run under WINE.13:43
fahadsadahBut that's it.13:43
alecjwfahadsadah, thanks. i think ive found the multiverse section on there13:43
durtGuest73387, yes, but only in the wine folder.(windows virii).13:44
Hans__Guest73387: I've heard of a windows virus infecting someone's home folder due to wine's ability to access it.13:44
Hans__Guest73387: so to be safe, configure wine without direct access to your home13:45
tmartins_Hello! I am having trouble finding the JDK 1.5 package on Karmic. Anyone knows where it is?13:46
jeeveswhat are my best options for syncing my contacts and callender between my 2 systems (desktop and laptop) as well as my PDA?13:46
alecjwfahadsadah, i haven't used launchpad for a while, and ive forgotten how to add a new one.....how do i do that again? i'm on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~motu13:46
zsvclate me see13:46
fahadsadahalecjw: You need to log in.13:47
zsvc<tmartins_>  i  use  jdk 613:47
ArmyMan007how do i rotate?13:47
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xanguaturn around¿ ArmyMan00713:48
ArmyMan007xangua: ?13:48
tmartins_zsvc: Yes, I can find that one... but what about the 5? I had it, but somehow the upgrade to Karmic deleted it!!13:48
ArmyMan007xangua: as in rotate the screen13:48
llutzArmyMan007: xrandr13:48
ArmyMan007llutz: how do i do that?13:48
llutzArmyMan007: read "man xrandr"13:48
alecjwfahadsadah, i'm logged in, but i cant find the link.... ah well, i'll just have a poke around and see if i can find it13:48
thijsllutz, it still doesn't install13:49
jeevesllutz, any ideas on this IMAP ontact sync ideas?13:49
Vincemanare there french people here?13:49
Vincemanmarc_ I cannot make any accents anymore with my upgrade to 9.10 :-(13:50
llutzjeeves: opensync13:50
Vincemanit used to be possible with shift windows accent letter13:50
jeevesllutz, will that allow me to sync everything from my server though, or just from the PDA to the laptop?13:51
Vincemanmarc_ comment fait on des accents graves egu's et circonflexes avec ubuntu 9.10?13:51
zsvctmartins_:  very thanks you !   i finded  about  notes 8  and  it is  deb  but  i   get`t   file13:51
marc_Vinceman: have you check your keyboard layout in system/pref ?13:51
bazhangzsvc, http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/lotus/nd85-linuxnlv/13:51
marc_vinceman: préfere tu discuter en anglais ou en francais?13:51
arnorcannot watch pornhub on ubuntu, youtube works, i have flash installed13:52
craigbass1976I'm printing to a brother MFC 7840W over a network.  The brother is plugged into the network itself, rather than shared out via a computer.  It's pretty slow.  Printing with Windows isn't nearly as slow.  This bothers me; I hate windows.13:52
Vincemanj'essaie francais13:52
BluesKajHiyas all13:52
zsvcbazhang: yes it is13:52
lenaim trying to instal windows on my linux laptop but it doesnt work does anyone know why?13:53
grawitylena: Do you get any error message?13:53
lenano i just cant open the windows cd13:53
Iulymaybe you should select to boot from CD, to install13:54
ubuntunewbiehi , brasero  having problem burning multi season13:54
lenathx  i will try bye13:54
Vincemanmarc_ quand je presse shift-windows accent il y a un multi desktop :-(13:54
Iulyin bios...take care13:54
xangualena: remember to make a partition to windows, you will also need to reinstall grub after installing windows13:54
xanguajum she/he went .....13:55
craigbass1976lena, because it's windows!  nyuck nyuck nyuck...  Seriously though, is there a way to install windows while you're running ubuntu in the first place?  Windows isn't going to see the hard drive if there isn't empty space or an ntfs partition for it.  AND, it's going to mess up grub, FYI13:55
marc_vinceman: pourquoi shift + windows?  pour faire des accents on est pas supposé utiliser la touche windows13:55
oorahis it just me or do the name brand systems tend to have less bugs than say, msi?13:55
Iulyohh, yes it's gone13:55
xanguashe has gone craigbass1976.........13:55
craigbass1976xangua, you beat me to it...13:55
Vincemanmarc_ 'e'e13:55
fcnnow i can't boot from dvd. It writes a line "ISOLINUX somehing something..." and that's it.13:55
Vincemanmarc_ ca ne marche pas13:55
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marc_vinceman: Si tu fait Shift+ 2 ca donne quoi?13:56
Milos_SDwhy Karmic still has usplash when it was sad that it will be replaced by xsplash  (from grub to gdm)?13:56
bazhang!fr | marc_13:56
ubottumarc_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr13:56
codeswingWhich is better empathy or pidgin13:56
craigbass1976oorah, I know people who swear by MSI, and I know people who hate them.  6 of one, half-dozen of the other I think.13:56
grawitycodeswing: Most users think Pidgin is better. But try both and see for yourself.13:56
ujjualsome one please help to  install  nvidia graphics driver -180 on my system throuhj terminal13:56
MegaMananyone know how to get 4 monitors working on an ati x1650 with ubuntu 9.10?13:56
fcn!tr | fcn13:56
ubottufcn, please see my private message13:56
Vincemanmarc_ let us talk english then13:56
xanguaMilos_SD: maybe you didn't update properly13:56
marc_ok, we'll continue in english :)13:56
craigbass1976ujjual, talk to Justin213:56
ujjualsome one please help to  install  nvidia graphics driver -180 on my system throuhj terminal13:56
craigbass1976ujjual, and stop repeating yourself13:57
Vincemanmarc_ it used to be shift windows accent letter voila13:57
Justin2Hi ujjal13:57
Milos_SDxangua, I didn't installed Karmic, but on every video I could see, there is first that white ubuntu logo (usplash), and after some time, xsplash takes over...13:58
unimatrixanyone have any ideas why karmic doesn't load my desktop after login... it just waits and keeps showing the dark loading screen background ?13:58
m3Fit takes a lot to change of track in music players, i think it is another PulseAudio problem. (Using official Karmic gnome)13:58
Milos_SDI thought that xsplash will be the only boot splash we will see from grub to gdm :S13:58
ujjualsome one plz tell me how to add link  terminal to download and install nvidia  grapic-180 dr13:58
xanguaujjual: just open your package manager and search it for yourself :)13:59
erebusIs grub part of a gnome design or is it Debian or are those sort of entwined (coming from suse background)?13:59
marc_vinceman: then I guess you have the 'canada multilingual' keyboard layout... give me 2 sec I'll go check something14:00
Dr_WillisGrub is not part of gnome or debian. Its got its own hompage/devs14:00
ujjualcan u help me  where shld i  find pack manager14:00
erebusk thanks, i like grub a lot so far, just wasn't sure its history, Ill look14:00
Jaziekhey any chance I could get any advice about an ubuntu install here?14:00
Dr_Willisgrub is part of the ''gnu'' tools - www.gnu.org14:01
behappyanybody know how do I use wget connect from proxy ?14:01
ujjual2 days b4 some give me a code  its beg  with sudo14:01
sirjoebobdurt, I just installed quicksynergy on the machines I was wanting to share keyboard and mouse to/from and I love it! Thanks for the tip14:01
erebusJaziek it's a good place to start14:01
Dr_WillisI couldent even figure out how to use Quicksyngery. :) i ended up doing the configs by hand.14:01
Tartaroshow do I set ubuntu so that I don't have to put in password after it wakes up from suspend?14:01
zoug_behappy: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-use-wget-through-proxy/14:02
VhozardAnyone familiar with Mutter?14:02
unimatrixanyone have any ideas why karmic doesn't load my desktop after login... it just waits and keeps showing the dark loading screen background14:03
guntbert!u | ujjual14:03
ubottuujjual: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:03
guntbert!hi | killahop14:03
ubottukillahop: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:03
python_rootI am not satisfied by way wine handels my prog any other better suggestion ?14:03
Jaziekok, can anybody tell me what this error message means, and what to do about it?14:03
JaziekKernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init!14:04
oorahcraigbass1976, i have an msi and love it, however there are bugs with Ubuntu i've never had with any other computer. i've found workarounds for the time being so its ok for now14:04
JaziekI'm trying to do a fresh install of 9.114:04
python_rootp.1 ?14:04
oorahJaziek, 9.1??14:04
killahopsome pepole as problem with amarok & ubuntu 9.10 & motherboard "asus p5k" ?14:04
python_root9.1 ?14:04
Jaziekubuntu 9.1014:04
python_rootits 9.1014:04
oorahah ok14:04
leeI'm having trouble with the karmic netbook remix.  I have an Acer Aspire One with 9.04 netbook remix installed, which works fine, but I can't boot from a USB stick with 9.10 on; it starts booting from it, displays the white ubuntu logo for a few seconds, then the screen turns and remains black.  any advice on how to fix this? (I want to wipe and start again, not dist-upgrade)14:04
python_roothmmm that changes the meaning of the version no14:05
emilyykillahop : if you cant play audio file. please install kubuntu-restricted extras14:05
guntbertJaziek: first question: did you !md5sum the iso image?14:05
marc_vinceman: quand tu faisait shift 2, est-ce que tu avait le @ ou le "14:05
bobo123where i can download usb-creator.exe for ubuntu 9.04 jaunty14:05
python_rootplz i need some help someting better than wine14:05
killahopok emilyy i try !now14:05
JaziekI did verify the md514:05
marc_sorry, french again :P14:05
Jaziekyes. I have checked the disc integrity14:05
Vincemanmarc_ @14:06
python_rootusb creater is the default with 90414:06
Jaziekyes. I have run a memtest14:06
hypn0why does 9.10 keep muting volume :-/ this must be a bug14:06
=== maco_ is now known as maco
python_rootusb creater is the default with 9.0414:06
bobo123python_root, but i'm on windows14:06
zoug_python_root: why? whats not working on wine?14:06
oorahi had to delete my power management because of screen brightness flickering and also my usb devices only mount on startup sometimes, so next time they did afterwards i just put my laptop on standby instead of turning it off. works for me14:06
python_rootcounter strike and garena14:06
guntbertJaziek: I see :) - at what point of the installation do you get that error?14:06
emilyybobo123 : search for unetbootin.14:06
python_rootnot working on wine14:06
guntbert!who | python_root14:07
ubottupython_root: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:07
bobo123python_root, i need to put 9.04.iso, on usb, and restore my bad grub14:07
Jazieker... after its just shown the logo on the screen for ages14:07
zoug_python_root : they run perfect on my ubuntu. you might have some configurations left14:07
Vincemanmarc_ J'ai touches "Netherlands Standard" maintenant14:07
Jaziekthen just a flashing cursor for 10 minutes14:07
Jaziekthen that14:07
Laibcomshmm, just a check, anyone know if we have a player or codec that can read WMA "Pro" codec yet?14:07
gnubiebobo123;  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:07
python_rootzoug_: are garena dosent work and my cs 1.6 hangs14:07
icerootLaibcoms: tried vlc?14:07
marc_vinceman: where do you live exactly?14:07
RugeHey folks, anyone know why USB devices are greyed out in VirtualBox 3.0?14:08
Laibcomsiceroot: yep, can't read it yet :(  I read that they're still working on it.14:08
icerootRuge: not part of the user "vboxusers"14:08
bobo123gnubie, i tried with that, but it doesn't work14:08
guntbertJaziek: next idea: does the architecture (64bit/32bit) match your machine?14:08
icerootLaibcoms: ah ok14:08
m3FHow could i fix this: it takes a lot to change of track in music players, i think it is another PulseAudio problem. (Using official Karmic gnome). And the volume level must be over 13% to have sound output.14:08
fxhpRuge: did you enable them for that specific VM?14:08
gnubiebobo123;  ok14:08
python_rootzoug_: u still there14:08
NiSohey guys..14:08
oorahRuge, i've never used virtual box, i've just installed LInux from the start and ran with it and learned as i went lol been adventurous for sure14:08
Rugefxhp: im very new to virtualbox, so not sure where i should begin14:08
zoug_python_root: let me check out garena, im sure about CS. its working fine here. btw what version of wine u have?14:08
icerootRuge: #vbox14:09
python_rootdefault with 90414:09
python_rootzoug_: from repository of ubuntu 9.0414:09
zoug_python_root: what's ur hardware config?14:09
ujjual some one help to  fix mu resolution issue  i m getting only -800*60014:09
python_rooti have 15 ram14:09
bobo123python_root, so where i can find usb-creaor.exe, for windows, for 9.0414:09
guntbertRuge: there is #vbox too, but essentially you need vbox PUEL for usb support, and the user must be in the vboxusers group14:09
NiSoi had an old cd of ubuntu 7.10 and i installed him.. next thing i did is to upgrade, but the latest version i got was only 8.04 :\ i had to compile the new kernel ( manually, and now, i want to upgrade to the latest version.. what should i do ?14:09
Vincemanmarc_ the netherlands14:10
zoug_python_root: graphics?14:10
python_rootbobo123: see google for alternatives14:10
guntbert!upgrade | NiSo14:10
ubottuNiSo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:10
python_rootzoug_: no14:10
RugeI see.... ive only installed vbox for my own private machine to load WinXP14:10
guntbertNiSo: maybe a fresh install is easier14:10
bobo123python_root, i saw google for alternatives, but no alternative worked for me14:10
python_rootbobo123: heard about pebuilder check it out14:10
zoug_python_root: okay, wait14:11
Jazieksorry gunt14:11
Jaziekyes it does14:11
oorahNiSo, have you tried alt+f2 and type "update-manager -d"?14:11
JaziekI'm not that stupid :D14:11
NiSolol the steps at ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading is exactly what i did. i got only 8.04 :\14:11
zoug_python_root: u might wanna chk this out: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=533514:11
NiSoanyway, i guess it's related to /etc/apt/sources.list file14:12
kaiser10123anybody else have issue with vbox after upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1014:12
guntbertNiSo: its a one version per step process14:12
thesavagedonkeyhey im having some troubles with wine, ive check the wine forums but to no avail. I installed spotify under wine and got it working using the OSS sound driver but, when spotify is running all other sound such as in firefox or banshee doesnt work. this works the other way aswell e.g. if im running banshee and i boot spotify it wont work. Any help ? thanks14:12
killahop<emilyy> amarok work now tank u!!!!!14:12
Vincemanwhy, it's sure getting cold here marc_ in the netherlands, canada is probably cold too around now :-(14:12
emilyykillahop : np, enjoy :)14:12
llutzkaiser10123: except vb3.10 being very slow, no14:12
guntbert!ot | Vinceman14:12
sTrGs4ol!ot | Vinceman14:12
ubottuVinceman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:12
FloodBot3sTrGs4ol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
sTrGs4olVinceman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:12
ReactorHello there. Can anybody explain me how to mount 1722 KB floppy?14:13
Vincemanhave you found anything marc_?14:13
sTrGs4olHello there. Can anybody explain me how to mount 1722 KB floppy?14:13
sTrGs4olhave you found anything marc_?14:13
Rugeawesome fixed14:13
sTrGs4olawesome fixed14:13
LjL!ops | sTrGs4ol14:13
ubottusTrGs4ol: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:13
sTrGs4ol!ops | sTrGs4ol14:13
FloodBot3sTrGs4ol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:13
sTrGs4olsTrGs4ol: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amarant14:13
ubottusTrGs4ol, please see my private message14:13
johnBondhi, my ubuntu 9.10 cant detect my wireless connection..  prev , 9,05 used to auto detect it..14:13
r3dwa11sudo mount /dev/fd ????14:13
VincemansTrGs4ol monkey14:13
oorahhow do you get channel operator status?14:14
Vincemanbazhang is that where sTrGs4ol came from?14:14
VhozardAnyone familiar with Mutter?14:14
iceroot!anyone | Vhozard14:14
ubottuVhozard: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:14
kermit_thehi should i intalling anti virus in karmic koala14:15
thesavagedonkey hey im having some troubles with wine, ive check the wine forums but to no avail. I installed spotify under wine and got it working using the OSS sound driver but, when spotify is running all other sound such as in firefox or banshee doesnt work. this works the other way aswell e.g. if im running banshee and i boot spotify it wont work. Any help ? thanks14:15
Reactorr3dwa11: hmm how to set mountpoint?14:15
grawitykermit_the: No14:15
bazhangkermit_the, not really no14:15
kermit_thegraw: even clamav?14:15
icerootkermit_the: no need for linux, only if you are using something like samba or mail-server (to protect windows pcs)14:15
VhozardIm using Mutter as window manager, it has no tearing problems. BUT it seems a little laggy. Anyone who can help me?14:16
gervasiohi folks does anyone know an application that lets a windows machine connect to an ubuntu notebook using samba?14:16
icerootkermit_the: linux dont have a virus-problem, so no need for it14:16
kermit_theeven we are working in microsoft environment?14:16
icerootgervasio: samba....14:16
oorahkermit, you don't have to worry about a flawed registry slowing to a crawl over time nor constant fragging and freezing lol14:16
c3lkermit_the, risks of getting a virus in linux is basically 0. as long as you're not logged in as root your secure14:16
vadviktorHi! Anyone who rips dvd video to a smaller video file using the x264 codec please suggest me a method, software, anything except ogmrip, as it has gone mad in karmic!14:16
Reactorr3dwa11: it says tht mountpoint doesn't exist -_-14:16
r3dwa11Reactor: set mountpoint with tools like parted, fdisk,14:16
kermit_thehow if using apache as a cms? should i installing anti virus14:17
llutzReactor: create one14:17
llutzr3dwa11: no14:17
Reactorr3dwa11: ok ok14:17
r3dwa11what no14:17
icerootkermit_the: what?14:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mountpoint14:17
kaiser10123llutz: i get Segmentation fault when trying virtualbox14:17
oorahhow do you get channel operator status? i asked earlier and obviously a channel operator would know lol14:17
icerootkermit_the: apache is a webserver, not a cms14:17
Reactorllutz: ok w8w8w8 plz14:17
gervasioiceroot: anything simpler? samba seems to be a lot hard to set up...14:17
llutzr3dwa11: a mountpoint is just a directory14:17
icerootgervasio: sftp14:17
guntbertoorah: but thats off topic here :)14:17
icerootgervasio: and samba is not that hard14:18
iceroot!samba | gervasio14:18
ubottugervasio: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:18
kermit_thei mean webserver14:18
Reactorllutz: hmm so can I mdir at /media?14:18
xpo0fhi all14:18
llutzReactor: try /mnt14:18
bayo_Ohello, i am a new user of ubuntu 9.10 with gnome, i would like to know if it exists more custom config for visual effects? i only see 3 radio buttons14:18
Reactorllutz: there /mnt?14:18
_cbAre there programming tools for Ubuntu that simply the UI programming ala Visual Basic, Delphi, Visual Studio?14:18
oorahguntbert, i don't  know of a channel operator chat so i figured i'd ask somewhere that has channel operators just curious14:18
Laibcomskermit_the: if you mean making your server serve a public website and you're not the only one uploading to it (update your site files and stuff), probably should14:19
llutzReactor: or"sudo mkdir /media/floppy" and "sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media/floppy"14:19
Reactorllutz: nono14:19
Reactorllutz: I have fd0 mounting workind14:19
Reactorllutz: working*14:19
thesavagedonkey hey im having some troubles with wine, ive check the wine forums but to no avail. I installed spotify under wine and got it working using the OSS sound driver but, when spotify is running all other sound such as in firefox or banshee doesnt work. this works the other way aswell e.g. if im running banshee and i boot spotify it wont work. Any help ? thanks14:19
Reactorllutz: but I have to mount fd0h1714:19
BluesKaj_cb, do you mean just run ubuntu from the command line/TTY ?14:19
Bodsda!ccsm | bayo_O14:20
ubottubayo_O: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:20
Reactorllutz: 1722*14:20
llutzReactor: or"sudo mkdir /media/floppy" and "sudo mount /dev/fd0h17 /media/floppy"14:20
oorahhow do you get channel operator status?14:20
Bodsdaoorah: in here?14:20
oorahBodsda, yes14:20
erUSULoorah: in this channel ?14:20
gervasioiceroot, is that procedure ok with karmic koala?14:20
RugeHmm, this nVidia driver is really bugging me lol.14:20
ShwackHey guys - i'm having trouble getting wine to work now that I did a fresh install of 9.10 with my /home directory in a separate partition. Wine won't install and says broken packages14:20
llutzoorah: work hard, praise your lord, be patient14:20
MegaMananyone know how to get 4 monitors working on an ati Radeon X1650 XT rev 9a in ubuntu 9.10?14:20
icerootgervasio: yes14:20
Bodsdaoorah: bake lots of cookies for the guys/gals in #ubuntu-ops14:20
Dr_Willissend $$$14:20
RugeI cant even write an xorg.conf file anymore -_-14:20
erUSULoorah: ops choose whoever they see fit14:20
icerootgervasio: there a two registry entries to do if using win714:20
_cbBluesKaj ide would be nice but not absolutely neccessary. Just something that makes it easy to create windows, buttons, dialog boxes etc,etc.14:20
bayo_Othx a lot Bodsda14:21
c3lwhats wrong with the sound now? suddenly my sound stopped working completly, after reboot14:21
icerootgervasio: registry entries on windows 7 site14:21
oorahllutz, that was an easy answer, thanks. the others that knew didn't feel like responding earlier for some reason14:21
_cbI have downloaded Lazarus and it is pretty good. Wondering if there are others like it.14:21
gervasioiceroot, nope... i'm using vista14:21
Bodsdabayo_O: your welcome. Gimme a shout if you have any problems14:21
icerootgervasio: then its no problem14:21
Reactorllutz: ty - workin' /!\ :P14:21
BluesKaj_cb, understood , but I have no idea14:22
killahop<gervasio> sei italiano?14:22
gervasioiceroot, yes I'm italian14:22
Reactorllutz: oops - how to umount through nautilus?14:22
_cbBluesKaj ok thanks.14:22
killahop<gervasio> sei di napoli!!!!14:22
Reactorllutz: it says tht "not in mtab or u are not root"14:23
aigonhow to use mplayer? I have directory with music and When I add that directory I get this msg:mplayer: could not connect to socket14:23
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:23
gervasiosì sono di napoli14:23
bazhangkillahop, english here please #ubuntu-it for italian14:23
llutzReactor: "sudo umount  /media/floppy"14:23
killahopok sorry14:23
Reactorllutz: ok14:23
gervasioyes I'm from Naples14:23
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:23
felo0315holaaa hablo español14:23
LjL!es | felo031514:24
ubottufelo0315: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:24
bazhangfelo0315, #ubuntu-es por espanol14:24
dAlfa89_/rollercoaster netsplit14:24
goofIs there a GUI tool to modify grub2 config in 9.10? (or just vi /etc/default/grub?)14:24
killahop<gervasio> i am from naples Sant' Antimo ;)14:25
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ujjualsome one help  me to install  nvidia graphic drive in my system14:25
bazhangujjual, check system administration hardware drivers14:25
Laibcomsgoof: none at the moment, at least I haven't found any.  Have to do it manually for now.14:25
goofLaibcoms: tnx!14:26
eL_pSycHoi would like to know if there is a gui tool to modify grub2 and also would like to know if its currently possible to have graphical menus in grub2 too or if thats just a nice idea for the future.14:26
killahop<ago__> WE14:26
Dr_WilliseL_pSycHo:  not yet14:27
LaibcomseL_pSycHo: I haven't found any grub2 GUI editor yet, so I would say none at the moment.  You have to edit it manually for now.  ^_^  For your other question, dunno :p14:28
Dr_Willisworks in progress14:28
eL_pSycHoDr_Willis, Laibcoms thanks14:29
=== j3mp0l is now known as irhen
Swiananyone use k9copy and can assist with a question?14:29
gnubieeL_pSycHo;   startupmanager for gnome lets you edit some of grub2,14:29
iceroot!anyone | Swian14:30
ubottuSwian: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:30
Swianfine, ok, I can't change the temp directory for k9copy, I change it in settings, apply and it defaults back to the same14:30
rdbWhere can I find the NPAPI in dapper? in hardy+ its found in the xulrunner-1.9-dev package, but I cant find the package for it in dapper14:31
=== LeNsTR|away is now known as LeNsTR
malavarsup guys14:32
erUSUL!find xulrunner14:32
ubottuFound: liferea, xulrunner, xulrunner-gnome-support, xulrunner-1.9.1, xulrunner-1.9.1-dbg (and 5 others)14:32
erUSUL!find xulrunner-1.9.1-dev14:33
ubottuFound: xulrunner-1.9.1-dev14:33
erUSULrdb: ^^14:33
rdberUSUL, in "dapper".14:33
rdberUSUL, there is no package with "xulrunner" in the name, in dapper.14:33
doobyplease how do i register my nickname ?14:34
Swiancan you configure k9copy to use a different tmp directory?14:34
LjL!register | dooby14:34
ubottudooby: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:34
doobythank you LjL14:34
erUSULrdb: still using 6.06 ?14:34
drawdehello my ubuntu install keeps freezing at 61%.. i'm currently on ubuntu (running off cd) is there a way to do a scandisk to check if the hdd has any errors?14:34
rdberUSUL, no, but I'm targeting my software for it14:34
rdbdapper server is still supported afaik14:34
LjL!dapper | rdb14:35
ubotturdb: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support will end in June 2011. See !upgrade for upgrade instructions14:35
erUSULrdb: i guess is firefox-dev ??14:35
rdbLjL, exactly.14:36
rdberUSUL, could be14:36
=== dooby is now known as errno
=== faitz_ is now known as faitz
rdbmozilla-firefox-dev then on dapper14:36
thesavagedonkeyhey im having trouble running wow under wine, im trying to boot it from my vista partition where it is installed, but when i R-click on the wow.exe and select wine my computer just hangs for about a minute. help please14:36
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CapeFearis there skype for ubuntu14:37
=== nightwis- is now known as nightwish
thesavagedonkeywhat the hell happend then14:37
norbicihy, i want to install on my other pc an Ubuntu, to using it as a server. I want to share files, websites, designs for my clients. But i dont know which edition to use, server or desktop, can you help me?14:37
LjLthesavagedonkey: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:37
erUSULthesavagedonkey: things work better if you install the game inside wine afaik14:37
erUSUL!appdb | thesavagedonkey14:37
ubottuthesavagedonkey: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:37
thesavagedonkeyright thanks14:37
drawdehello my ubuntu install keeps freezing at 61%.. i'm currently on ubuntu (running off cd) is there a way to do a scandisk to check if the hdd has any errors?14:37
coz_drawde,  restart the live cd and run the cd check first14:38
sobersabrehi I have pulseaudio q.: on my laptop I have a usb headset (i.e. analog stereo out + mono input), and the laptop's audio card (duplex stereo)14:38
ujjualsome one plx help me to fix my resolution issue14:38
drawdecoz_: i tried that, no errors found on the install cd14:38
sobersabreI have a way to choose 1 device for output and 1 for input.14:38
coz_drawde,  mmm14:38
sobersabreI want to use the laptop speakers for skype's ringing.14:38
ujjualim gettin 800*60014:38
FidO-DidOhi! how can i boot karmic in text mode?14:38
sobersabreand the headset for speaking.14:39
norbiciany tips?14:39
sobersabreWhat shall I do ?14:39
coz_dramz,   I am not sure then   try restarting and tyring again  could be the cd rom14:39
sobersabrethis means skype is able to have different input/output/ring devices.14:39
drawdeit has failed 3 times at 61%14:39
sobersabreis it possible to achieve this with PA ?14:39
=== dooby is now known as dtmesh
drawdeso i want to check the hdd if that is possible14:39
eL_pSycHoujjual, what graphics card do you have? have you installed drivers for it?14:39
johnBondhi, i cant understand... it can detect my neightbour's network.. but not mine.. I think mine might be hidden and it is on channel 12..  how do i access it14:40
norbicihy, i want to install on my other pc an Ubuntu, to using it as a server. I want to share files, websites, designs for my clients. But i dont know which edition to use, server or desktop, can you help me?14:40
norbiciany tips?14:40
marekw2143how can I install libraries from launchpad/14:40
=== vadviktor1 is now known as vadviktor
FidO-DidOjohnBond: there is a "connect to hidden network" option inthe applet14:41
ujjualcan u some one help to  stop gnow through  command line14:41
eL_pSycHoujjual, did you install the drivers for you card? (its better is you mention model too.. make is not enough sometimes)14:41
FidO-DidOhi! how can i boot karmic in text mode?14:41
ujjualim using  a8nvm  asus mother 64 bit amd14:42
ujjualNvidia geforce  6100 and nvidia nforce  410mcp14:43
systixIm trying to replace the socket() function with my own shared library. I cant get it to be called with LD_LIBRARY_PATH. any suggestions?14:43
grawitysystix: LD_PRELOAD14:43
drawdetere's no scandisk in ubuntu?14:43
grawitydrawde: fsck14:43
Swianhas anyone been able to change the default temp directory in k9copy?14:43
Hajexis there any GIS software work in ubuntu?14:43
drawdeany params i'm supposed to run with that? i have no idea14:43
drawdei think my hdd is /dev/sda14:43
systixgrawity: LD_PRELOAD works fine, but i want to interposition all socket() calls, not just my own single program14:44
inout_khhi to all, can someone help? how to autostart pidgin at tray.14:45
thesavagedonkeyhow do you get the vertical line in terminal like / but just vertical ,14:46
FidO-DidOhi! how can i boot karmic in text mode? i've some graphic issues after installing ati propietry drivers and uninstalling free ones14:46
preetamhow to change the login window in ubuntu 9.1014:46
grawitythesavagedonkey: It's usually on the same key as \14:46
grawitythesavagedonkey: Shift + \|14:46
erUSULHajex: yes there are a few ... GRASs comes to mind14:46
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
erUSULHajex: http://opensourcegis.org/14:46
codeswingwhat is the better music player on ubuntu14:47
Darren-Tod| <- that symbol?14:47
LjL!best | codeswing14:47
ubottucodeswing: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:47
Hajex  <erUSUL> thanks so much :)14:47
codeswingLjL that's why I asked better14:47
tboneusing karmic i used an update script to update 1.21,  now i have to run modprobe snd-hda-intel and snd-usb-audio to get it manuelly load.   Any suggestions to what i need to do to get it automagically load again.14:47
LjLcodeswing: the difference being?14:47
guntbertcodeswing: try them and decide for yourself14:48
erUSULHajex: http://cartosig.upv.es/en/recursos-sig14:48
oliver__Hi there. think of bying an aspire one 531. I wonder if the webcam works with ubuntu. Any ideas? Made some bad expriences in the past.14:48
codeswingguntbert: yeah .. but  recommended software always helps14:48
codeswingthat's why people start using ubuntu first14:48
The_OneFucking channel14:48
LjL!language | The_One14:48
ubottuThe_One: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
bazhangThe_One, watch the language14:48
The_OneFuck you14:48
LjLcodeswing: the recommended one is the one that Ubuntu comes with, clearly.14:48
codeswingThe_One: watch your language14:49
guntbertcodeswing: please discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic14:49
FidO-DidOplease i want to boot in text mode, please14:49
codeswingguntbert: okay .. thanks for the info14:49
YoTony_Hey guys14:49
johnBondThe_One : then GTFO frm this channel14:49
bazhangjohnBond, that is not necessary or appropriate14:49
LjLjohnBond: why do you think being abusive yourself helps against abuse?14:49
guntbertjohnBond: please don't feed it14:50
Darren-Todcodeswing: if your looking for opinions, then I like rythmbox, but Ive only tried amorak, and VLC as alternatives. I was looking for something like WinAmp if anybody has any suggestions?14:50
Hajexdo u think there is a software like ArcGIS?14:50
johnBondk, guys... just hate these useless buggers14:50
Darren-Todan eye for an eye...... then the whole world will be blind14:50
bazhangDarren-Tod, audacious is the closest to winamp14:50
YoTony_I've connected my Ubuntu laptop to my Xbox 360, and I'm looking to both bridge its WAN connection via this laptop and at the same time share media from this laptop to the 360. They are connected with a physical LAN cable. What I'm wondering is, which of these things would be easiest to start out with14:50
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:50
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:50
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:50
FloodBot3kykrishna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:50
YoTony_and what would be the easiest ways to achieve these things14:50
codeswingkykrishna: wait14:50
enrico_hello how to connect to a server in my lan?14:50
enrico_hello how to connect to a server in my lan?14:50
YoTony_I've done a bit of googlign but the methods seem insanely complicated14:50
HajexerUSUL :  do u think there is a software like ArcGIS?14:50
bazhangkykrishna, once is enough, please dont repeat14:50
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
=== YoTony_ is now known as Drule
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
FloodBot3kykrishna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
erUSULHajex: dunno really14:51
johnBondkykrishna: dont keep repasteing the same thing over and over again..14:51
kotsuOhhhh   Age of Empires.. great game.14:51
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:51
FloodBot3kykrishna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
HajexerUSUL : thanks guy14:51
bazhangkykrishna, please wait for a response14:51
Darren-Todbazhang: thanks, Il give it a go.14:51
LjL!ops | kykrishna14:51
ubottukykrishna: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:51
Tesssaleave it out kykrishna14:51
bazhangkykrishna, install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:51
inout_khjah jah14:51
hypn0kykrishna, cant u see the Play button :-)14:52
FidO-DidOhi! how can i boot karmic in text mode? i've some graphic issues after installing ati propietry drivers and uninstalling free ones14:52
Amuro_Reyhi all14:52
Amuro_Reyanyone speak italian?14:52
lizzzykykrishna: Explain your problem and there are people to help you out.14:52
LjL!it | Amuro_Rey14:52
ubottuAmuro_Rey: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:52
=== sale_ is now known as sale
DruleSorry for asking again but kykrishna kept flooding. I'm wondering what the best way to bridge my WAN connection for my 360 would be. It's currently hooked up to my Ubuntu laptop via a LAN cable, and the laptop in turn is connected to my router via WAN.14:52
erUSULHajex: the site http://cartosig.upv.es/en/recursos-sig has a very detailed list of GIS software14:52
eddymwas any1 able to get magicjack working14:52
CapeFear!es | CapeFear14:52
ubottuCapeFear, please see my private message14:52
lizzzy!en | lizzzy14:53
ubottulizzzy, please see my private message14:53
CapeFearhm, cool :)14:53
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:53
=== Drule is now known as YoTony
bazhangkykrishna, I just told you14:53
Darren-Todkykrishna: Goto music in top left, then import a file or folder... then just double click on it in Rythmbox14:53
bazhangkykrishna, install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:53
kotsuAnyone able to get ElectricSheep to work properly with Ubuntu?14:54
kykrishnahi any one tell me how to play audio in rythmbox for ubuntu 9.10?14:54
bazhangkykrishna, open your package manager.14:54
filgyYoTony: I believe the 360 uses uPNP so you will atleast have to setup your laptop with NAT and uPNP (your laptop will be acting as a router)14:54
HajexerUSUL: yes but I dont know what is suitable for me to start my project  .. I used ArcGIS before14:54
Darren-Todkykrishna doesnt seem too be reading any replies :/14:54
Laibcomsmaybe something is wrong with kykrishna's connection...14:54
bazhangkykrishna, system administration synaptic package manager14:55
kykrishnagusy sorry yes i am not getting ur replies14:55
filgyYoTony: you would use iptables.. theres some scripts out there made specifically for turning your linux machine into a router with NAT (not sure about upnp)14:55
erUSULHajex: you will have to do your research... maybe there is mailing lists or irc channels dedicated to GIS in linux where to ask14:55
YoTonyfilgy: I'm not that savvy on networking. What do I need to do? I realize I should google, but I cannot reach any explanations with simple enough terminology for me to be able to go through with it.14:55
kykrishnabazhange synaptic package manager is opened14:55
lizzzykykrishna: What is your problem exactly? Please explain.14:55
mrintegrityhi, i get capabilities missmatch with ubuntu one.. there is supposed to be an udpated package but there is not14:56
RomDFidO-DidO: select recovery mode in grub14:56
YoTonyHow do I set up these things in other words?14:56
RomDFidO-DidO: when your computer boots14:56
bazhangkykrishna, now search for ubuntu-restricted-extras and install it14:56
filgyYoTony: then you are not going to get it working. buy a wireless adapter for the 36014:56
HajexerUSUL : hmm I have to find ..14:56
ketarax 3062 root      20   0 1623m 673m  12m R    3 22.6  76:17.94 Xorg14:56
ketarax= my jaunty Xorg (Radeon gfx) leaks memory14:56
YoTonyfilgy: Actually, I'm just not savvy on Ubuntu.14:57
YoTonyThat's why I'm here :)14:57
bazhangYoTony, what are you trying to do14:57
codeswingwhat is difference between two 'emacs-23' and emacs-snapshot-gtk14:57
codeswingwhich one should I install ..14:57
codeswingI want it to be stable14:57
YoTonybazhang: Bridge my WAN  connection via an Ubuntu laptop to an Xbox 360 which is connected to the laptop via an ethernet cable14:57
coppyI just registered on Ubuntu One.. The cloud up by the clock shows an exclamation point through it. When I click on it and click connect it doesn't connect. I restarted after setting it up and it still doesn't connect. Any ideas how to make it connect?14:58
filgyYoTony: I wouldn't know exactly what to tell you because I have never been in your situation.. I ahve setup linux routers with NAT but never using wireless connected with a 360 that requires upnp14:58
mrintegritycoppy: i have same problem14:58
roland-hello, is there a way to copy all fonts from windows xp and use it in ubuntu?14:58
mrintegritycoppy: capabilities missmatch14:58
YoTonyfilgy: Alright. Thanks anyway.14:58
kykrishnanot able to find codec for rythm box music player, err msg : needed MPEG -1 codec14:58
kykrishnanot able to find codec for rythm box music player, err msg : needed MPEG -1 codec14:58
filgyYoTony: you might want to google arno's iptables script.. that's a decent iptables script that will setup linux for NAT routing.. if you don't understanding networking concepts though you'll never get it working properly14:58
bazhangYoTony, internet sharing?14:58
YoTonyOkay, I'll do this.14:59
YoTonybazhang: Yeah.14:59
ntnis there a big difference between Virtual box, to the V-box OSE one? what does the OSE mean?14:59
coppymrintegrity: what does that mean? is it a conflict with my HP laptop?14:59
bazhang!ics | YoTony this might help14:59
ubottuYoTony this might help: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:59
codeswingemacs-23 or emacs-snapshot .. which one is correct to install on my work laptop14:59
mrintegritycoppy: no, it's a bug in the software14:59
filgybazhang: he want's to connect his xbox 360 to a laptop with ethernet.. then have his laptop connected wirelessly to his router14:59
cornwallHi, what's the command to remove a single package without it removing other dependencies?14:59
bazhangkykrishna, you need to search in synaptic for the package ubuntu-restricted-extras14:59
mrintegritycoppy: the client on your pc can't communicate with the server.. there is supposed to be an update released to fix it but i dont get it :(15:00
RomDntn: afaik ose is the open source edition and doesn't have features like seamless integration. I could be wrong though.15:00
Darren-Todkykrishna: In software centre, in the search box type mp3. then install the first result (should be ubuntu-restricted-extras) thats probably abit easier than synaptic15:00
HajexI use ubuntu cd live but when I remove it , wireless stoped working in XP .. is there any relation?15:00
* _nix_ waves to bazhang.15:00
mrintegrityRomD: it has seemless, just not usb passthrough15:00
codeswingHajex no15:00
bazhangntn, open source edition; it does not have usb support15:00
RomDah ok15:00
cornwallHajex, none whatsoever15:00
i_is_brokekykrishna, or just do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:00
coppymrintegrity: Thank you.. I guess I'll keep checking for updates15:00
kykrishnathank you guys i am installing extra packages from package manager15:00
Darren-Todhajex: no, lice CD makes no changes too your system15:01
HajexI use internet with live cd15:01
ntnthanks RomD and bazhang15:01
Darren-Tod*live CD15:01
bazhangkykrishna, in future please only post once and wait for a reply15:01
kykrishnak sure bhazang15:01
preetamHow to ubuntu change login screen window appearance in 9.10?15:01
cornwallHajex, unless you mounted your Windows partition and started deleting random files in your system folder (which I doubt you did), then nothing happened15:01
cornwall what's the command to remove a single package without it removing other dependencies?15:01
coppymrintegrity: I can't wait to get it working. It's such a great concept15:01
DougwiserI want to switch my windows gateway/router to ubuntu, p3 600 mhz 320 meg RAM which ubuntu version to use so i can access it by remote connection from my ubuntu desktop15:01
voxpreetam: you cant yet, as far as i know15:02
Adi1hey guys15:02
LjLcornwall: if other packages depend on it, you can't do that15:02
lilyshuhi, i have a problem when i try to install adobe air app Tweetdeck ( http://tweetdeck.com ) it was install successfully but when the program starts i get an error msg like " your computer is in a very number computer that cannot run adobe air well ". im on xubuntu karmic. thanks15:02
HajexI didnt mount any part .. just using internet to download file and save it in flash (with live cd)15:02
lizzzycornwall: I'm not sure if you can remove a package without removing tht dependencies.15:02
bastid_raZorcornwall: if other applications need those depenedencies it will not remove them.15:02
LjLcornwall: or rather, there might be a override in dpkg, but it's generally an awful idea15:02
mrintegritycoppy: yeah me too.. my brother is using it15:02
mrintegritycoppy: you can still use the web interfact15:03
mrintegritynot the same though15:03
Adi1i installed karmic koala in my desktop yest... Having a prob with the screen resolution :(15:03
cornwallI know it's breakable. But I know what I need to do15:03
mrintegritycoppy: im going to pay for it too if it works out15:03
filgyDougwiser: i'd suggest the ubuntu LTS server version15:03
coppyI'm using it on my Toshiba laptop and it works flawlessly15:03
cornwallI'm just not enjoying all the man pages I'm looking through15:03
Dougwiserthanks filgy15:03
lizzzycornwall: Delete the package and reinstall the files that got deleted in the removal process.15:03
Adi1The max is 800x600.. I want to set it to 1024x768, but thats undetected!! Anybody else facing this prob??? Can any1 help me out????15:04
bazhangAdi1, what card15:04
lizzzykykrishna: Stop flooding the channel. Have some patience.15:04
Adi1 Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller15:04
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LjLcornwall, well, can't you explain to us just what the scenario is? maybe it can be tackled in a different way to begin with15:04
om26er1after installing ubuntu on acer aspire one i cannot boot.( /boot is on the SSD and /root on the memory card) but inserting the memory card into a memory card reading makes it bootable15:04
* switchgirl has an issue with gui updates and ubuntu package manager packages agree to try installing but cant or wont15:04
lorenzosuWhich is the best way to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 with user-built software and 3rd party repos in the source?15:05
om26er1my bios boot SSD15:05
om26er1lorenzosu: update-manager -d?15:05
TorrentowI try run ipv6 then i can't run sit0 on 9.10 dow to fix it ?15:05
Adi1bazhang : Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller15:05
bazhanglorenzosu, 3rd party repos are disabled during that process15:05
filgyom26er: if your root partition is on the memory card, it will have to be inserted or the system won't boot15:05
om26er1filgy: yes the memory card is inserted at boot15:06
Adi1any help guys..15:06
om26er1filgy: but still can't boot. but if memory card is inserted to a memory card reader then i can boot15:06
LjL!it | luca15:06
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:06
Torrentow!pl | Torrentow15:06
ubottuTorrentow, please see my private message15:06
filgyom26er1: if it's not in a memory card reader, where else are you inserting it ?15:06
coppymrintegrity: Thanks again for the info.. Have a great day15:07
bazhangAdi1, what version of ubuntu15:07
norbici! hu15:07
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál15:07
FuRomI currently don't have a desktop anymore because I installed the desktop launcher. I just removed the launcher and I just realized that I don't know how to get my desktop back.....15:07
Torrentow!ch | Torrentow15:07
grawityHmm, I wonder.15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bin/bash15:07
Adi1its was working fine in 9.0415:07
om26er1filgy: buitin card reader. and a usb card reader. works from usb card reader but not from internal card reader15:07
FuRomI also have an issue with my maximized windows missing their titles and window buttons.15:07
lorenzosuAlternatively what to do to reinstall from scratch?15:07
filgyom26er1: ohh that's really strange.. i'm guessing you'll need to file a bug report15:07
om26er1filgy: and also if i add mmc_core mmc_block sdhci sdhci-pci to the initrd then i can boot15:08
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).15:08
kanuhaI installed the alsa-driver-linuxant driver to get my modem to work and lost sound. No sound devices are recognized now.15:08
filgyom26er1: does the builtin reader let you read another memory card once the system is booted? or is it not working at all?15:08
om26er1filgy: yes works perfect15:08
om26er1filgy: i want this bug to be reported here but cant find a way : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs15:09
SHiR0I cant login to the new ubuntu 9.10, keep returning to the login screen. I saw others have the same problem, is there a solution?15:09
TorrentowI try run ipv6 then i can't run sit0 on 9.10 now to fix it ?15:09
LjL!cn | sottunt15:10
ubottusottunt: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:10
om26er1sottunt: same to you15:10
LjL!jp | sottunt15:10
ujjualsome one help  me to  fix my sound  problem- my rear speakers are  not working15:10
ubottusottunt: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい15:10
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Adi1I recently installed 9.10.. My max screen resolution is 800x600.. I want to set it to 1024x768, but thats undetected!!  Can any1 help me out????15:10
bazhangsottunt, #ubuntu-jp for japanese15:10
Xpistosis it possible to change the login screen on 9.10?15:11
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lizzzyAdi1: System --> Preferences --> Screen Resolution15:12
om26er1how to nominate this bug to be fixed in lucid lynx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/47748215:12
luistalguien sabe para cuando se puede descargar el ubuntu 9.10 mas estable....15:12
LjL!es | luist15:12
ubottuluist: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:12
Adi1no dat doesn work.. 1024x768 not detected15:12
bazhangluist, #ubuntu-es por espanol15:12
Adi1max it shows is 800x60015:12
luistok... tks15:13
filgyom26er1: what do you mean you can't find a way? there's a link right on that page that says report a bug15:13
nuaimathi, i have  a question , i want to download ubuntu moblin remix karmic, i googled it then go to this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix , in the notes its' written  'This live CD is optimized for netbooks with screens up to 10".' , my laptop is 15.6" will this disto work well ?15:13
esybonjour a tous15:14
lizzzyAdi1: Try this (at your own risk) http://bit.ly/1qTUml15:14
bazhangesy, #ubuntu-fr pour francais15:14
om26er1filgy: if i click it it takes me to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs and ?no-redirect also don't work15:14
esyy a t il des utilasateurs francophones ici15:15
CapeFear!fr | esy15:15
ubottuesy: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:15
filgyom26er1: did you follow the instructions on that page?15:15
Adi1Thanx lizzzy... vl try it out15:15
bazhangesy in #ubuntu-fr15:15
lizzzyNp, Adi15:15
nuaimati have  a question , i want to download ubuntu moblin remix karmic, i googled it then go to this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-moblin-remix , in the notes its' written  'This live CD is optimized for netbooks with screens up to 10".' , my laptop is 15.6" will this disto work well ?15:15
lizzzyNp, Adi115:15
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bazhangnuaimat, it will work certainly15:16
esycomment rejoindre la canal en francais15:16
bazhangesy, /join #ubuntu-fr15:16
nuaimatbazhang: have u tried it ? recommend ?15:16
farfadetslt j'ais un tit soucis j'ais brancher un mp3 sur ubuntu et quand je veut l'ouvrir afin d'organiser les zik et sa me dis option du montage incorrecte lors du montage du volume qq peut m'aider??15:16
angelushi, has anyone tried to map "Super", or "Meta" to the menu key .... i have no right Win and i was hoping to trun that into one ... except the keyboard preferences doesnt have taht option without getting rid of my Alt-Keys .... ???15:16
bazhangfarfadet, english here #ubuntu-fr pour francais15:16
bazhangnuaimat, on that size screen? not really no15:17
XpistosIs it possible to change the login screen in 9.10?15:17
nuaimatbazhang: no, i mean have you tried it at all , regardless of screen size15:17
sebsebsebXpistos: GDM 2  can't be themed like the old one,  if you want themses you can try KDM instead15:17
coz_guys .. I am still struggling with monitors going to sleep...these are crt monitors by the way15:17
bazhangnuaimat, yes I have. on a very small netbook though15:17
Darren-TodIm looking for a good Database software, Im not a BASE fan. Ive used MySQL for websites before, its it worth installing it on my netbook?15:18
Xpistossebsebseb: was that an ubuntu limitation of gnome?15:18
nuaimatbazhang: what do you think?? is it good, bad  ?? any comments ?15:18
tdnHow do I rip a dvd?15:18
Xpistossebsebseb: or a gnome limitation15:18
om26er1filgy: i have reported it but not in lynx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/477482 it has been there the first day i started using ubuntu. and many tutorials on the internet have given solutions but giving initrd filled with these four modules should not be a bigger deal15:18
sebsebsebXpistos: No with  GDM 2  the  developers are happy since they have cleaner code to  maintain, but  quite a lot of users want themes like the old one15:19
om26er1mmc_core mmc_block sdhci sdhci-pci15:19
RivootDarren-Tod: What do you need the database for?15:19
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_nix_zey: hey15:19
zeywhat is your favorite php editor on ubuntu or linux?15:20
bazhangtdn, there are several applications for that in synaptic package manager15:20
_nix_zey: i like kate15:20
tdnbazhang, which are recommended?15:20
zey@nix : is that good?15:20
tdnbazhang, is there a KDE application for this?15:20
Darren-Todnothing too strenuous, just basic databases for inventories, customer details etc15:20
=== Guest87922 is now known as Blizzerand
Rivootzey: I use aptana15:20
_nix_zey: works for me :)15:20
sebsebsebXpistos: There is a way to change icons and colours and that's it15:20
bazhangtdn, not sure about recommended, k9copy is fairly nice15:21
sebsebsebXpistos: unless you edit source code or something15:21
tdnbazhang, ok.15:21
filgyom26er1: dunno what to tell you.. wait for them to look at the bug15:21
zeylet me see15:21
zeythanks by the way15:21
coz_anyone with the monitor sleep issue?   I cannot get it to stop sleeping15:22
filgyom26er1: i agree that should fix it for that release though.. unless it maybe causes other problems..15:22
_nix_zey: yw15:22
natrixnatrix89"The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." Where can i put it so that apt-get could find it?15:22
coz_natrixnatrix89,  it should be in the  ubuntu-restricted-extras package15:22
filgyom26er1: you said you reported it for older releases? what were you told there? just to do the work around you mentioned?15:23
Darren-Todnatrixnatrix89: have a look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131538015:23
natrixnatrix89coz_: but apt-get doesnt work when i have this error. I cant install anything15:23
zeyis there any other ?15:23
zeywho use different editor?15:23
om26er1filgy: never reported before i just faced it15:23
coz_natrixnatrix89, hve you tried opening  system/administration/synaptic pacakage manager15:24
coz_natrixnatrix89,  hit the search button and type in ubuntu restricted extras15:24
natrixnatrix89coz_ I said it doesnt work if I have this error.15:24
Rivootzey: I use Eclipse with Aptana Studio 2.0 and Aptana PHP plugin 1.115:24
natrixnatrix89I cant run synaptic because of this15:24
Darren-Todnatrixnatrix89: You defo need this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1315380 I had same error15:24
filgyom26er1: so the bug you just filed is the first one ever filed for that issue? or there have been previous ones filed?15:25
lilyshuhi, i have a problem when i try to install adobe air app Tweetdeck http://www.tweetdeck.com and i get error msg " it looks like your computer is one of a very small number of computers that don't play well with adobe AIR, we're actively working with Adobe on this. kubuntu & xubuntu cannot run this only ubuntu. and right now im on xubuntu karmic. did i miss sth? thanks15:25
zey@rivoot : ok, i wanna see it15:25
Darren-Todnatrixnatrix89: The reply from mac9416 fixes it.15:25
coz_how to I un set power save mode15:25
istvanMy system recently died, how can I retrieve my firefox bookmarks from a live cd?15:26
natrixnatrix89thanks. will look at it15:26
om26er1filgy: i have never filed this before. and also i have also added some references in the comments which give solutions. plz take a look in comments15:26
Rivootzey: If you want to install it, have a look at this: https://aptanastudio.tenderapp.com/discussions/questions/75-aptana-no-longer-has-php#comment_54293615:26
Rivootzey: You might want to try Netbeans as well15:26
natrixnatrix89Darren-Tod: Yes. thats exactly what I was looking for. Thanks15:27
zeyis that run on linux?15:27
Darren-Todnatrixnatrix89: NP, I was pulling my hair out over it :)15:27
filgyom26er1: i know i read it.. like i said i agree it should be fixed and the best way to make that happen is filing a bug so you did the right thing.. it's just a waiting thing now until the bug is looked at..15:28
om26er1filgy: thanx15:29
kykrishnahi all thank you everyone sound is working now in rythm box after instaling ubuntu restricted extras15:31
duffydackwhat file has the boot info logged?  everything that you see during boot when you dont have splash enabled15:31
bazhangkykrishna, you're welcome15:33
=== Rivoot is now known as Rivoot-
soulerHey I was just updating my ubuntu and it gave me some option with different things i could select. It's something as "configuring Grub-PC".... I need help with chosing what to set it as...15:33
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_nix_duffydack: /var/log/boot seems like a probably place but its empty for me :(15:33
om26er!hi | carles15:33
=== Rivoot_ is now known as Rivoot
ubottucarles: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:33
osotogarianyone know how to share a mouse & keyboard between my ubuntu machines?15:33
duffydack_nix_, is for me.15:33
bazhang!es | carles15:33
ubottucarles: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:33
soulermeh.... nvm15:34
Doorman352osotogari: I use a KVM switch15:34
cnk_hi, how can I switch keyboard/touchpad_disabled delay on/off?15:34
osotogariDoorman352: Thanks, I meant to add without a KVM switch, sorry!15:35
Doorman352osotogari: then youĺl need something like vnc to remote the other machine15:35
CapeFearhow much space do you think ubuntu requires, minimally?15:35
GnarlyBobosotogari: http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/15:35
CapeFearincluding swap15:35
Darren-Todcapefear: 4GB extreme min15:36
om26erCapeFear: they say 4gb. but it can be installed on2.5 gb and swap 511mb  3gb. but it will be just installation15:36
osotogariDoorman352: Thats an option as well15:36
osotogariGnarlyBob: Thats what I was looking for! Thanks15:36
GnarlyBobosotogari: synergy is also available in synaptic15:36
CapeFearand what's like average space, despite the ambiguity of the term?15:36
CapeFearabout 6-7?15:37
shawn1980how can i fix my xserver it says suspious ownership  /tmp/,.X11-unix15:37
kangarooois there alternative programe to Flash? i would like to make flash in ubuntu not using macromedia/adobe products15:37
om26erkangarooo: gnash15:38
cnk_kangarooo, flashblock (firefox addon)15:38
IdleOnekangarooo: you can use gnash but honestly it is not any better then adobe15:38
CapeFearcan you increase the partition's space after the installation of ubuntu15:38
GnarlyBobflash in amd64 is horrible. crashes for me all the time :(15:39
shawn1980how do i get my kde or gnome working it says susipous ownership  and gaves this dir /tmp/.X11-unix15:39
om26erCapeFear: yes but from live cd15:39
CapeFearsay you have 4 gb, but then after two months you want to blow it up to 6 gb.. is that possible without reinstalling15:39
bazhangCapeFear, you certainly can; easier to plan ahead though15:39
CapeFearok, thanks15:39
MarajaNov  7 13:39:30 andresimi kernel: [ 3229.448826] do_IRQ: 0.91 No irq handler for vector (irq -1). What this means?15:39
kangaroooi want to make not to look at flash solution. i need to make flash solutions but is there alternative to windows adobe (flash) , swishmax  on ubuntu? so i could do flash15:40
p0mppuI'm getting an error when installing "mjpegtools" package from the Ubuntu reposity, and it seems this is an old problem (for example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mjpegtools/+bug/305079 seems identical)15:40
bazhangCapeFear, creating a separate home partition is optimal15:40
p0mppuany ideas?15:40
CapeFearbazhang: home partition?15:40
CapeFeardoes this mean to have 2 partitions just for ubuntu?15:40
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bazhangCapeFear, right, where you keep all your personal data etc15:40
=== xD is now known as BlouBlou
kangaroooom26er: IdleOne: is gnash for creating flash animatiion?15:41
jdahmIs there no "Now playing..." MPD plugin for empathy yet?15:41
bazhangkangarooo, no such item for linux15:41
CapeFearbazhang, so one for personal information ("home") and one partition for everything else?15:41
llutz!info gnash | kangarooo15:41
ubottukangarooo: gnash (source: gnash): free SWF movie player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 220 kB, installed size 800 kB15:41
om26erkangarooo: it can play flash like youtube15:41
Emanonmorning all15:41
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:42
bazhangCapeFear, if you have a separate home partition, then if you should wish to reinstall or otherwise, your personal files wont be touched15:42
shaun1980i need help15:42
kangaroooso its not what im looking for. alternative to adobe needs to be done... where and how to start attracting more attention to this problem?15:42
Emanonanyone have any clue how to keep mounted drives (jump drives, dvds etc) from setting an icon on the desktop? i must be missing some easy option somewhere15:42
bazhangshaun1980, then ask a question15:42
shaun1980how can i fix my xserver15:43
bazhang!xfix | shaun198015:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfix15:43
shaun1980it says suspious ownership15:43
ray_does anyone here have experience with ATI grpahics cards on ubuntu?15:43
soulerHey why can't I move files to a certain loaction???? It says permission denied. How can I fix it?15:43
shaun1980and it says  /tmp/.X11-unix15:43
azeemis there a way to remove bad sectors from HDD15:43
shaun1980so how can i fix this15:43
CapeFearbazhang ok, thanks15:43
CapeFearbazhang i think i'll try to install ubuntu today, so i might need some help15:43
azeemany one have any idea ?15:44
soulerHey why can't I move files to a certain loaction???? It says permission denied. How can I fix it?15:44
llutzshaun1980: "sudo rm /tmp/.X11-unix && sudo service gdm restart"15:44
bazhangCapeFear, you can always return here while you do so for help15:44
Emanonsouler if your not root the only directory you can copy to is your home folder and its contents15:44
azeemsouler, try sudo15:44
CapeFearmerci, bazhang ;)15:44
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/download_main.html CapeFear here is a nice guide15:44
mgv1ive an important question - yesterday ive installed ubuntu on a laptop but now after seeing the logo it dosnt get loaded and just stuck15:44
Doorman352azeem: bad sectors are usually not repairable, you could try the manufacturrerś low level format utility....but otherwise you need a new drive15:44
Emanonso sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination15:44
Mrokiihello. I have a problem after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10. Ubuntu isn't able to boot with kernel 2.6.31-14, as during the startup-process the home-partition can't be mounted. It works with the older kernel 2.6.28-16.15:45
ray_I have an ATI radeon x1300 pro and Id liek to figure out how to get it recognized in ubuntu15:45
n8tusermgv1-> stuck? it does not boot all the way?15:45
azeemDoorman352, is there a way to hide that ?15:45
CapeFearbazhang, thank you15:45
soulerazeem: I don't want to use a command to move it. >.< And I am root.15:45
CapeFeari'll give the book a look15:45
soulerWell... I use the main account.15:45
Doorman352azeem: you mean you want the sectors marked bad permannently?15:45
_nix_azeem: hello, you can try to mark bad sectors at the file system level but there is no way to remove them afaik15:46
lilyshusouler : gksu nautilus15:46
erUSULazeem: chack badblocks and efsck's -c and -k options15:46
IdleOnesouler: alt+f2 then type gksudo nautilus in the box.15:46
azeemDoorman352, yes so there should be no read write on those sectors15:46
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ray_noone uses ATI cards with Ubuntu in the room?15:46
kanuhaI installed the alsa-driver-linuxant driver to get my modem to work and lost sound. No sound devices are recognized now.15:46
bazhang!ati | ray_15:46
IdleOne!ati | ray_15:46
ubotturay_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:46
xpo0fhi all15:47
Guest90782im having an issue mounting a windows share in 9.10. i've tried mounting as a cifs file system and a smbfs and both come back saying wrong fs type15:47
jerrythedogEmanon: start Applications:System Tools: Configuration Editor15:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:47
Emanonrivroot pm'd me the solution thanks all15:47
Doorman352azeem: do what erusul suggested...15:47
osotogariGnarlyBob, Thanks, that worked like a charm!!15:47
grawityGuest90782: Do you have samba installed? Does /sbin/mount.cifs exist?15:48
soulerGuise how can I flip my webcam upside down????15:48
xpo0fhi grawity15:48
Emanonwith your hand souler?15:48
jerrythedogEmanon: then select Apps:Nautilus:Desktop and uncheck "Visible Volumes"15:48
osotogarianyone get their webam working in empathy?15:48
grawitysouler: 1) Lift your hand. 2) Grab webcam. 3) Turn webcam upside-down.15:48
soulerIt is integrated in my screen.15:48
om26eromg thats a question?15:48
soulergrawity: it's in my screen. I use laptop.15:48
llutzGuest90782: smbfs has to be installed15:48
grawityllutz: smbfs is obsolete15:48
Emanonyup jerry got it thx15:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs15:48
Emanonoh then just turn the whole laptop over :-)15:49
grawityllutz: Everyone uses cifs now, and it comes with 'samba'15:49
silv3r_m00nis there a library which can draw those blue dos kind of screens15:49
llutzgrawity: it offer cifs aswell15:49
soulerEmanon, I need decent help here not jokes. =/15:49
silv3r_m00nwith windows , menu suport etc15:49
Guest90782interesting howcome  i can view it through a window manager15:49
bluntim new in ubuntu and i need help15:49
Emanonin most programs that have webcam sections there is an option to flip webcam15:49
Guest90782i dont have samba installed15:49
Emanonim's, cheese etc15:49
soulerblunt what do you need help with?15:49
seanthegeekHey all. After I upgraded to 9.10 the hostname does not resolve when I try to ping it from my mac. Any ideas?15:50
soulerEmanon, I use amsn. I can do it in cheese but not in AMSN15:50
xpo0fseanthegeek, look /etc/hosts15:50
grawityGuest90782: Then install it. Also, window managers don't use smb/cifs/samba, they don't access any files.15:50
blunthi souler15:50
soulerHello blunt.15:50
Emanonnot sure then, dont use amsn, it might have the option15:50
bluntim trying to download and install aircrak in my computer15:50
shawn1980when i did that it said sudoers is owned by grid 1001 should be 0 segmention fault  how do i fix this15:50
otto_hello! i want to have the ubuntu gnome feature "places->partitions1,2,3 etc" in my gnome too. is it a certain program like gnome-mount or what is it? i wanna get it in my gentoo.15:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about goodbye15:50
Emanonanyone know if there is a system wide webcam config menu in gnome?15:50
osotogariseanthegeek, look in /etc/hosts your ip might have changed after the reboot15:50
bluntcos i have tryed to install tru sudo command15:50
jojojo_Hellow everyone, If I try to let my router multicast it gives me the following: Invalid IP address range in 4th digit. It should be 1-254. What should I do? I'm trying to Wake my server on Lan15:50
Darren-Todlol :D15:50
bluntbut it doesnt work15:51
llutzgrawity: samba is overkill, "aptitude show smbfs"15:51
xpo0fjojojo_, class D ip network15:51
bluntiàve downloaded a full tar folder from the main websita15:51
grawityllutz: http://samba.org/samba/smbfs/15:51
bluntand descompressed15:51
shawn1980when i did that it said sudoers is owned by grid 1001 should be 0 segmention fault  how do i fix this15:51
grawityllutz: "The smbfs filesystem is a mountable SMB filesystem for Linux. It does15:51
grawitynot run on any other systems.15:51
bluntbut i dont know how to install....15:51
jojojo_xpo0f: can you give me more details?15:51
xpo0fblunt, make sure u patch wireless card to015:51
Guest90782I can see the network share if i type smb:// in dolphin15:51
ismetternis ubuntu software center the same as synaptic?15:51
seanthegeekIts a static IP15:51
grawityllutz: So as I already said, don't use smbfs.15:51
xpo0f!ipcalc | jojojo_15:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipcalc15:52
llutzgrawity: "... This package provides utilities for mounting and unmounting cifs network file systems"15:52
clearscreenIs there any open source audio *production* software for linux? I'm not looking for audio *editors* such as audacity, but more something along the lines of Reason/Cubase/FLStudio15:52
grawityllutz: I KNOW, I just did that aptitude show smbwhatever.15:52
soulerSo how can I have my cammera turned over? It shows everything in upside down view. I need it to flip vertically. Help >.<15:52
ismetternclearscreen: maybe http://lmms.sourceforge.net/15:52
grawityGuest90782: Dolphin probably uses its own SMB/CIFS implementation... kio something.15:53
Rivoot@clearscreen something like Ardour 2?15:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sipcalc15:53
ray_that website yall gave me about the ati drivers is great , question though. under the section that says easiest way to install the driver is through "hardware drivers" under admin, however when i go there it says no prorietary drivers installled and gives me no option to install others15:53
clearscreenismettern / Rivoot: those sound interesting, I'll have a look. thanks :)15:53
Emanonthats the name i was trying to think of root15:53
shawn1980how do i fix this segmention fault /etc/sudoers is owned by gid 1001 should be 0  anyone now how to fix this ??15:53
grawityshawn1980: That isn't a "segmentation fault", is it?15:54
Emanonardour has a pretty good rep (though i haven't used it so cant say if it's earned it)15:54
grawityshawn1980: Boot to "recovery mode", do "chown root:root /etc/sudoers"15:54
mgv1computer stuck after the ubuntu logo loaded15:54
xpo0fshawn1980, what segmentationi fault15:54
mgv1what to do?15:54
xpo0fgrawity, i agree15:54
RivootI've just tested Ardour for a while, works nice tho15:54
shawn1980grawity what is the command for that15:54
grawityshawn1980: I just told you.15:55
shawn1980okl thanks15:55
Emanoni hear it outperforms alot of really expensive programs in its genre15:55
ismetterncan anybody help me. I dont understand the difference between apt, synaptic and ubuntu software center15:55
Emanonand it was written by like one guy in his spare time wasn't it?15:55
xpo0f!apt-get | ismettern15:56
ubottuismettern: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)15:56
Emanonapt-get is the command line version synaptic is the gtk gui15:56
Emanonand ubuntu software center is a 3rd one that only offers free software i think15:56
RivootI don't know that much about the software background xD15:56
Emanoni prefer synaptic cause i use some proprietary stuff so ubuntu software center doesnt support that (although its a cool package manager for some i assume)15:56
c3lwhats wrong with this line in fstab: UUID=55AF8490F03F1564 /mnt/win_xp_program vfat defaults 0 0 ? when I run mount -a it tells me the fs format is bad15:56
c3lbut when manually mounting it works15:57
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto15:57
MkJacksonanyone else here run into strangeness with the cups service in Koala?  I'm trying to get my printer working but everytime I try to print a test page it just bails and diagnostics say the CUPS service seems to be down, but I've managed to confirm it's running15:57
MkJacksonalso, anyone notice that the Administration->Services button is gone?  wtf?15:57
xpo0f<< not running GUI15:58
Emanonprobably one of the hidden menu entries just re-enable it in Preferences>Main Menu15:58
llutzgrawity: just out of couriosity, have you ever read the package-description for samba? "... This package is not required for connecting to existing SMB/CIFS servers (see smbclient) or for mounting remote filesystems.."15:58
_-XPERT-_Same here no gui15:58
jojojo_Ok this doens't work: I want to set up Wake on Lan but my NAT doesn't allow me to set up port forwarding to I fear I cannot get my router to broadcast15:59
ismetternis it likely that i will run into problems using both ubuntu software center and synaptic/apt15:59
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xpo0f_-XPERT-_, i gonna use irssi15:59
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen15:59
MkJacksonnope, services isn't even "enableable" via editing the menu15:59
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xpo0fso im working for the script for my own .. keep trying15:59
MkJacksoneither way, printing for the fail... :-(15:59
RivootI tried once to use WOL but I gave up ._.15:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:59
Guest90782Thanks everyone16:00
obiwan_hey please16:01
dramaboyHi. How can I check if my X11 is running in 24 or 16 bit rgb ?16:01
obiwan_i'm atacking a wep wifi pass for educational purposes. I got 10 arp and 100k datas, shouldn't i have the pass yet?16:02
LjLdramaboy: xdpyinfo | grep root16:02
lilyshuhi. whats the cmd line to shut down computer? thanks16:02
LjLlilyshu: "halt" with sudo16:02
LjLlilyshu: but keep in mind that will not shut down your GUI session properly16:02
xpo0fobiwan_, look for airdecap-ng *.cap IV16:02
om26erflash controls don16:03
om26erflash controls don16:03
obiwan_xpo0f: i'm running a script which automatizes airodump and aircrack16:03
dramaboyLjL: depth of root window:    24 planes I suppose this means I am using 24 bit :D16:03
om26erflash controls don't work any solution16:03
mgv1how do i need to seperate channels names in xchat to be load at startup?16:03
RoastedHas anybody used SWAT for use with Samba on Ubuntu?16:03
AntiStrangeis there a difference between this channel on feenode and the #ubuntu channel on irc.ubuntu ? or are they essentially equivalent?16:03
obiwan_xpo0f: i chose a client, a gateway, and i'm dumping data16:03
LjLdramaboy: yes (or 32 which is really the same thing)16:03
IdleOneAntiSpamMeta: same channel16:03
LjLAntiStrange: irc.ubuntu.com just redirects to freenode.16:04
rosemarykeyboard shortcut to disable desktop effects?16:04
xpo0fobiwan_, im notice .. i always with manual ..16:04
dramaboyLjL: thx16:04
xanguarosemary: metacity --replace16:04
llutzmgv1: between channel names you dont want a space, you want the comma (,) directly followed by #16:04
llutzmgv1: 1st google-hit16:04
rosemarymetacity doesnt work for me16:04
xanguaso what do you use¿ rosemary16:04
rosemaryis there a "keyboard" shortcut16:05
om26errosemary: what is metacity according to you?16:05
D3RGPS31how do i enable 2d acceleration with fglrx drivers? (Ubuntu 9.10, ATI R HD 4850)16:05
obiwan_msg xpo0f do you know airoscript xpof?16:05
rosemarywindow manager16:05
om26errosemary: metacity don't work but ubuntu does?16:05
lilyshuLjL : thanks.. can i add this cmd? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo halt?16:05
rosemaryi tried it with fusion-icon16:06
randomusrdoes ubuntu have a tool to write custom live cd's?16:06
xpo0fobiwan_, im always with manual.. airodump-ng, aireply ... no other script16:06
IdleOne!remaster | randomusr16:06
om26errandomusr: try remastersys16:06
ubotturandomusr: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:06
otto_gnome in ubuntu has in "places" the ability to select partitions to mount. i want du build this in my gentoo gnome, too. can u tell roughly how tis is done? what "program" is it?16:06
dstaubsaugerhow can i play the sound from my mic input on my speakers (same soundcard) in karmic?16:06
om26errandomusr: although it don't work with grub 216:06
randomusrom26er, how so?16:07
john-sainthi all. has anyone found slow download speeds with the download centre??16:07
LjLlilyshu: not a good idea. 1) if upgrade takes more than 15 minutes (or whatever the sudo timeout is set to), you'll be asked for a password at 'halt' 2) upgrade might request you to confirm some things16:07
om26errandomusr: installing remastersys willask you to remov grub-pc16:07
randomusrom26er, Fork16:07
rosemary<om26er> I had to switch back to gtk16:07
randomusrom26er, that mean I must have LILO installed?16:07
=== carlos is now known as Guest15256
om26errandomusr: i don't know16:08
rosemaryIn KDE there is ALT+SHIFT+F12 to disable16:08
LjLlilyshu: (besides, on an unrelated note, why do you use 'upgrade' rather than 'dist-upgrade'?)16:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Atlaimond
randomusrwhat's the switch for a name change on irc?16:08
om26errandomusr: it will remove grub-pc and install grub-legacy16:08
LjLrandomusr: /nick newnickname16:08
ismetternearly i asked if i was likely to encounter problems if i used both synaptic and ubunut software center. It seems they both can work together (in case anybody was interested)16:08
IdleOnerandomusr: /nick16:08
randomusrthanks, LjL16:09
randomusrom26er, that's crap16:09
=== randomusr is now known as JimmTheGeek
om26errandomusr: later version might fix16:09
=== JimmTheGeek is now known as JimmyTheGeek
marciahi all16:09
JimmyTheGeekom26er, is that with remastersys?16:10
om26erJimmyTheGeek: yes i thinl16:10
vincent_is the AltGr key the windows key?16:10
LjLvincent_: no, it's the right Alt key.16:10
D3RGPS31How do I enable 2d acceleration with fglrx drivers? (ATI R HD 4850)16:10
om26ervincent_: super key is the window key16:10
ismetternctrl+alt dosent seem to work the same as alt gr in ubuntu?16:11
JimmyTheGeekom26er, which of those tools does not involve removing Grub-PC?16:11
ismetterni have to use AltGr to make curly braces16:11
om26erJimmyTheGeek: tried installing on karmic koala?16:11
dstaubsaugerismettern: so what's the problem?16:11
JimmyTheGeekom26er, in fact, how do I know whether I'm using Grub-PC. I thought I had Grub 1.5?16:11
JimmyTheGeekom26er, nope no karmic16:11
om26erJimmyTheGeek: karmic has grub2 and jaunty had grub-legacy16:12
bthorntonDoes anybody know what the [Ctrl] + D shortcut does in Evolution? I was closing out some Terminal windows when the focus went to my Evolution window--next thing I know, a bunch of messages in my inbox disappeared.16:12
JimmyTheGeekom26er, where does Grub 1.5 fall?16:12
bthorntonand they're not in my Trash folder (which is what I understand a Delete would do)16:13
lilyshuLjL : ok i'm now understand. but can you tell me whats the different between upgrade and dist-upgrade, because i see the same size of updates.16:13
om26erJimmyTheGeek: it never existed16:13
vincent_does the firestarter program need to be on for your firewall to be active?16:13
om26erJimmyTheGeek: i think16:13
JimmyTheGeekom26er, then why does it state that on starting?16:13
=== Liberty is now known as Liberty76
JimmyTheGeekBootloaders are an atrocity against man16:13
kanuhaUbuntu not recognizing my sound device, I have no sound16:14
LjLlilyshu: most of the time there is no difference, but dist-upgrade can do some more complicated upgrades that upgrade will refuse to. check the manpage for details16:14
vincent_om26er is the superbutton also the Mod4 button?16:14
JimmyTheGeekkanuha,  I know the feeling, what card do you have?16:14
om26ervincent_: i don't know16:14
JimmyTheGeekkanuha,  further, how do you determine it's no seeing the card vs volume is turned off?16:14
g0nhi guys16:15
kanuhaNo hardware detected under sound/hardware16:15
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, it's a laptop16:15
* prathap is away: Save water, Drink beer.16:15
LjL!away > prathap    (prathap, see the private message from ubottu)16:16
g0nanyone can help me? I have an issue with my wireless (BCM4311) using WEP connections16:16
JimmyTheGeekkanuha,  what's the laptop model, and can you paste the output of LSPCI to pastebin?16:16
g0nlike this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/36486916:16
* g0n is using Karmic16:16
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, it's a hp pavillion dv 670716:17
lilyshuLjL : ok thank you once again..16:17
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, can you post the link to hp's driver page?16:17
superkuhHow do I turn off auto-complete in nautilus? For folders with 1000+ files it slows down my computer significantly.16:17
eL_pSycHohas anyone here tried to use the grub2 themes for the graphical menu? i see there are downloads for it here http://grub.gibibit.com/Download anyone know how to use these???16:18
=== Reac_away is now known as Reactor
mgv1when ubuntu one will work as web host too?16:19
crohakonmgv1, huh?16:20
mgv1ubuntu one>blogs16:20
D3RGPS31I'm having poor 2D performance on my ati 4850, using fglrx drivers; any tips?16:20
mihaylovhi all16:21
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/SoftwareIndex.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodNameId=3648473&prodTypeId=321957&prodSeriesId=3632100&swLang=13&taskId=135&swEnvOID=209516:21
crohakonmgv1, it does not look like it. Just storage. I hardly doubt they allow you to make your own html or php pages.16:22
wrgbmihaylov: hi16:22
mgv1crohakon, so bad16:23
crohakonmgv1, www.aplus.net, godaddy.com16:23
crohakonmgv1, you can get a host cheap these days.16:23
teh_jayso - anyone doing the naughty stuff i'm doing and using winamp under wine/crossover and having it just break? I'm guessing it's from the new filesystem or somesuch16:23
mgv1crohakon, 00 host16:23
kamanhi.......anyone know how to install Tor in ubuntu 9.10?16:23
ric0chetdoes anyone have libfaad.so.0 and is running ubuntu 9.04 64 bit? I recently applied an update to XBMC and it got rid of it for some reason... now XBMC doesn't work. If you could email it to me or put it on my dropbox or something - would be very helpful as I can't find it anywhere online.16:23
crohakonmgv1, 00 host?16:23
mgv1crohakon, with co.cc16:23
bluntsomeone with experience in airodump?16:24
mgv1crohakon,  free16:24
teh_jayit has decided to just stop and not run files, did after reboot to this latest upgrade16:24
Chetic_Why does software-center segfault and how do I fix it?16:24
IdleOne!info libfaad16:24
ubottuPackage libfaad does not exist in karmic16:24
kamanReading package lists... Done16:24
kamanBuilding dependency tree16:24
kamanReading state information... Done16:24
kamanPackage tor is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:24
kamanThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:24
FloodBot3kaman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
kamanis only available from another source16:24
crohakonmgv1, ad supported?16:24
mgv1crohakon,  000webhost.com i dont know16:25
crohakonmgv1, you know.. you could just setup your own webserver at your home.16:25
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, had to step away a monet, but back now16:25
teh_jayanyone?  something?  been running into sound and file issues since i installed this - and expected such16:25
BlasenMichafter updating to 9.10 my monitor only displays at 800x600, display settings don't go any higher, anyone know how to correct?16:25
mgv1crohakon, for that you need a home and internet16:25
IdleOneric0chet: install libfaad-dev16:26
teh_jaydoesn't mean i can bloody well fix them out of the blue16:26
crohakonmgv1, true, that does help.16:26
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, do you have the conexant or RealTek HD?16:26
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:26
bluntsomeone know something about tipical failures of airodump, inside aerocrack?16:26
bluntquery me16:26
teh_jaymy sound works - this seems to largely be a file handling issue with the EXT3 or 4 update16:26
teh_jayand how it treats windows volumes16:27
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, I thought it was Realtec16:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf16:27
teh_jayit worked after reboot for a while, then it just stopped16:27
=== EcKstasy is now known as JNSamuel
norbicihow can i install latest apache suported by ubuntu?16:27
teh_jaynot even looking for files on windows partition through wine16:27
D3RGPS31I'm having poor 2D performance on my ati 4850, using fglrx drivers; any tips :/16:27
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, which version/flavor of ubuntu are you running?16:27
BlasenMichanyone good with configuring display settings for monitors16:27
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, I pasted my lspci to the pastebin16:27
kamanI cannot install Tor...here is the output when I type sudo apt-get install tor16:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:27
kaman   http://paste.ubuntu.com/312561/16:27
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, 9.1016:27
teh_jaydon't need n00b advice, just looking for any ideas or prior experiences anyone might have16:28
lakishello... i installed kubuntu karmic on my netbook dell mini inspiron 10 but the wireless doesnt work ..how can i enable it pleas???16:28
ric0chetric0chet - that was the 1st thing I did. Didn't work16:28
RoastedQuestion - why is it on Jaunty tehre's OpenOffice 3.0, but we can't update it like you can with OpenOffice in Windows?16:28
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, I'm afraid I can't help much with 9.10, many others have reported the same with 9.1016:28
xpo0flakis, modprobe -a16:28
ttilbergSorry if this is the wrong place. I'm having trouble managing irc with Empathy...   Anyway, if you file a bug in launchpad, and over the period of a month or so it's status has been changed to "Fix Released" - however, using the current versions the exact same bug is exactly as it was, after reporting back to launchpad that it is still broken, is it inappropriate to change the bug status back to "incomplete" or "triaged" som16:28
ttilbergething like that? Or is that for the developers only?16:28
JimmyTheGeektry right clicking on the volume control and choose preferences, make sure that Alsa hd is used16:28
teh_jaywell, i'll see what i can find out.  peace.16:28
dstaubsaugerric0chet: try reinstalling libfadd and xmbc with synaptic. inserting files of an unknown version avoiding the package manager always causes trouble16:29
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, kinda helps if you give me the link to pastebin?16:29
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, the deal is that I installed the alsa-driver-linuxant to get my modem working and now my sound hardware isn't recognized16:29
lakisxpo0f you mean to give this command?16:29
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, sry, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312560/16:29
RoastedQuestion - why is it on Jaunty tehre's OpenOffice 3.0, but we can't update it like you can with OpenOffice in Windows?16:29
ric0chetwell we can obviously eliminate that by telling me which version you have16:30
xpo0flakis, :)16:30
zeusHello. Can someone please help me an Ubuntu One problem I am experiencing?16:30
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, are you using your built in modem to connect?16:30
ric0chetwhat is so difficult about someone sending me libfaad.so.016:30
kamanI did the search by google..and cannot find the answer.16:30
lakisi gave command modprobe -a16:31
soulerHow can I install gnome deskop enviornment tools??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????+16:31
lakisbut id didnt do anything16:31
xpo0fkaman, what issue16:31
xpo0flakis, u have software for wireless ?16:31
D3RGPS31I'm having poor 2D performance on my ati 4850, but great 3D performance, using fglrx drivers; any tips :/16:31
xpo0f!wicd | lakis16:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd16:31
kamanhi xpo0f.........http://paste.ubuntu.com/312561/16:31
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, no I am using wireless. But I have a need to use my modem for work purposes16:31
kamanI want to install tor in 9.1016:32
IdleOnesouler: what tools?16:32
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, was sound working in 9.10 prior to installing the modem?16:32
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, yes it was16:32
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, hold please16:32
=== james is now known as Guest18172
xpo0fkaman, what problem16:32
kernelwhy shipit down?16:32
soulerHow can I install gnome deskop enviornment tools??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????+16:32
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soulerIdleOne: uhm16:32
IdleOnesouler: what tools?16:32
soulerIdleOne: the ones where I can edit the cube settings and such16:33
xpo0fkaman, apt-cache search tor16:33
IdleOne!ccsm | souler16:33
ubottusouler: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:33
om26ersouler: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:33
kamanxpo0f.........did you see it?16:33
ubottuShipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Karmic (9.10) CDs16:33
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IdleOneom26er: that does not install what he wants16:33
Guest18172looking for help please16:33
kamanI will try16:33
lakisi have networkmanager installed16:33
kerneland why shipit down?16:33
om26erIdleOne: that is gnome16:33
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, run this command, sudo dmidecode --type 1016:34
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RoastedQuestion - why is it on Jaunty tehre's OpenOffice 3.0, but we can't update it like you can with OpenOffice in Windows?16:34
Chetic_Why does software-center segfault and how do I fix it?16:34
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soulerom26er: it didn't do anything16:34
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IdleOneom26er: his question was misleading but soon as he mentioned editing cube settings he wants/needs ccsm16:34
kumarhi, which is the best IED for webdevelopment on ubuntu16:34
soulerom26er: Says 0 upgraded, but where can I find it if it says I have it installed?16:34
chaosrli'm having some permission errors when mounting a network drive using mount -t cifs, can anyone help?16:34
durtGuest18172, just ask, also please change your name to something a little more unique16:34
kumaroops!! its IDE not IED, for webdevelopment16:34
mnemochi, there is any ppa or similar to get thunderbird-3.0 without getting firefox-3.5 turned into daily builds?16:34
kamanxpo0f: no tor in the list16:35
Guest18172durt, how do I change my name?16:35
IdleOnesouler:  To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:35
kamanxpo0f: it seems tor is removed16:35
IdleOneGuest18172: /nick newnick16:35
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312565/16:35
CapeFearhey guys,16:35
psicobrahi all i have just done  afresh install of ubuntu but it only allows me to set a max resolution of 800x600 can any one help16:36
kamanxpo0f:  but still have privoxy and vidalia16:36
CapeFeari have ubuntu 7.04 ready for installation16:36
grawity!tor | kaman16:36
ubottukaman: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks16:36
chaosrlhow do i get read/write permissions as non-root user to a folder?16:36
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grawitykaman: wrong factoid, sorry :|16:36
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JimmyTheGeekkanuha, try this and send to pastebin, lspci -t -vv -k16:36
D3RGPS31I'm having poor 2D performance but great 3D performance on my ati 4850 card, using fglrx drivers; any tips :/16:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mutter16:37
jameschok, got the nick changed. thanks.16:37
IdleOne!ati | D3RGPS3116:37
ubottuD3RGPS31: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clutter16:37
CapeFearif i install Ubuntu 7.04, about how many GBs will I need to upgrade (e.g., download) later on to 9.10?16:37
CapeFeari just have 7.0416:37
om26erlilyshu: mutter is clutter+meatcity16:37
D3RGPS31IdleOne: that doesn't apply16:37
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312568/16:37
vincent_where can you read more about upgrading to 9.10?16:38
CapeFearvincent_ i wonder the same haha16:38
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:38
durtKaman, I believe that tor was removed as it was hard to maintain, and a poorly maintained tor puts people like democracy activists in danger from there governments.16:38
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, what happens if you uninstall the modem just for troubleshooting? do you have sound again w/o the modem?16:39
CapeFeardoes anyone know what's the approximate difference in GBs between 7.04 and 9.10?16:39
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, how do I ununstall it?16:39
CapeFeari think i'll install 7.04 and then upgrade to 9.04, that's why i need to know how much space i need to allocate for the partition ...16:39
IdleOneCapeFear: 10 GB / is good16:40
lilyshuom26er : ok, want to test ubuntu moblin remix on my 1000he :)16:40
JimmyTheGeekum, I'm guessing that's you install via the command line or through synaptic?16:40
CapeFearIdleOne isn't that too much16:40
om26erlilyshu: i have used it for almost 40days16:40
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, yes, through .deb files16:40
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, you could try unloading the module using modprobe16:40
om26erlilyshu: won't work on ati not nvidia16:40
lilyshuom26er : OOTB ?16:40
IdleOneCapeFear: no. that is what I have16:40
durtCapeFear, that's a bad idea, you would have to do a lot of work to get to 9.04.16:40
Chetic_Why do ALL my package managing application give segmentation fault?16:40
CapeFeardurt isn't upgrading just a matter of downloading stuff?16:41
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, yes lets do the modprobe, how can I do that?16:41
CapeFearlike, one huge update?16:41
johnBond_i am install ubuntu 9.10..   Should mount point by */* ... tks16:41
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, I'd need some help with that16:41
durtCapeFear, 7.04,7.10 are no longer maintained, you have to change sources by hand.16:41
IdleOneCapeFear: you would have to upgrade to 7.10 then 8.04 then 8.10 then 9.04. you can't leapfrog because it will break your system16:41
JimmyTheGeek-All how can kanhua find/unload the module for his modem?16:42
bluntsomeone knows how to upgrade ATI drivers in UBUNTU 9.10?16:42
CapeFeardamn.. i might just try to download 9.10 then ........16:42
CapeFearis it just one 700 MB ISO?16:42
mystery1234hello everyone16:42
IdleOneCapeFear: yes16:42
durtCapeFear, yes16:42
CapeFearok, 10x16:42
iholst2Hi, I have a problem16:42
durtiholst2, just ask16:43
johnBond_what mount point shld be set for my ubuntu install ... Is it  / ???16:43
om26erlilyshu: UMR works out of the box perfect16:43
iholst2durt: I cant get a ubuntu HD recognized by vista16:43
om26erlilyshu: but remember its just a developers preview16:43
om26erlilyshu: it will release in the lucid cycle16:43
BluesKajjohnBond_, yes16:43
JimmyTheGeekhow can one view currently loaded modules?16:44
johnBond_BluesKaj: tks16:44
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, I need to see the module, so we know what to unload with modprobe16:44
d9500JimmyTheGeek,: lsmod16:44
BluesKajjohnBond_, as long as it's formatted and large enough16:44
JimmyTheGeekd9500 thank you16:44
durtiholst2, that's because windows won't use ext3/4 by itself, you probably need to find an app to read it, but I know nothing of windows...16:44
asdf1234can anybody tell me how the "places -> changeable media" in gnome is achieved in ubuntu? i wanna build it in my gento gnome too.16:44
mystery1234Can someone help me get sound on my newly upgraded ubuntu 9.10.16:44
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, do lsmod, thanks to d950016:44
mgv1when i play openareana i get each move that i make with the mousepad to be stuck and then after a momont it continiue - before the last ubuntu installation it was ok - what can i do? can you help me install the graphic driver maybe?16:44
* om26er says jaunty to karmic the main problem people really faced is sound16:45
d9500you can also use lsmod | grep [nameofmodule] if you happen to know the specific kernel module you're looking for, just to see if it's been loaded16:45
mystery1234Can someone help me get sound on my newly upgraded ubuntu 9.10.16:46
JimmyTheGeekd9500, not sure what the name is just yet16:46
null-setwhat's your system?16:46
JimmyTheGeekneed to have kanuha, unload his modem driver16:46
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312578/16:46
mystery1234Can someone help me get sound on my newly upgraded ubuntu 9.10?16:46
zelrikriandoI am having sound issues16:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:46
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beatpanichi, I have ubuntu 9.10 and using linux-rt kernel, my sound card is an internal hda-intel ICH9, but the sounds stops working randombly with pulseaudio16:47
SSJ4_Son-Gokuserver irc.abjects.com+16:47
BluesKajmystery1234, check alsamixer in the terminal , sometimes the master vol is tuned down zero16:47
BluesKajturned down to zero16:47
mgv1how can i test my microphone to surely know if it has a problem16:47
jameschwhy does starting raid arrays with mdadm in the live cd enrivonment break hald?16:47
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, try this, sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_conexant16:48
zelrikriandodurt: which volume control16:48
JimmyTheGeeklet me know if you have sound. You may also want to run alsamixer after removinig that module to check your volume levels16:48
DruleI'm following16:48
jameschI'm trying to install jaunty from the live cd, RAID 1 for /boot, RAID 10 for / and swap16:48
Druleto ICS to my xbox16:48
PhubHmm I got a question conserning 9.10 and Touchpad/Stick-Thingie. Both work but no scrolling on either on. The Stick thingie has a third button which is supposed to allow scroll. And on the touchpad the scrolling on the right doesnt work either16:48
Drulebut for some reason ubuntu wont let me apt-get ipmasq16:49
Amigadudemy screen is about 8 pixels left of the left of the physical screen. 8 pixelish gap on the right so missing on the left16:49
Druleso now I'm halfway through this damn thing and I don't know what to do :/16:49
zelrikriandomy sound is crashing randomly16:49
mgv1ive an anoyying problem in evolution - there are not buttons when replying a message for example16:49
Amigaduderez is 1360x768 on a LCD TV16:49
zelrikriandosometimes I boot and there is no sound16:49
x-warriorIs the Ubuntu 9.10 heavier? In ubuntu 9.04 I used Virtual Machine pretty well... but in this new version I can't if i open it, my system start too be so fuc... slow...16:49
beatpaniczelrikriando, me too16:49
mystery1234blueskaj im very new to ubuntu. what command do i type into the terminal to access the alsa mixer16:49
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, ok, it did not give me any output on that command. Do I need to restart?16:49
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, no sholdn't need to16:50
BluesKajmystery1234, alsamixer16:50
durt!ics | Drule16:50
ubottuDrule: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:50
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, that is unless of course this is a resource sharing issue. if that's the case, then you've uncovered a bug16:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:50
zelrikriandothat doesnt make any sense16:50
Druledurt I know, but now ive gone through a bunch of configuration in order to set my computer up as a router16:50
Druleand i dont want to leave it half-done16:51
mystery1234blueskaj it says no such file or directory16:51
zelrikriandoI dont have file -> change device16:51
zelrikriandowhere does that come from16:51
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, still no sound. I checked the sound hardware and it still does not show any16:51
jameschany mdadm experts around?16:51
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, you'll need to un-install the modem16:51
JimmyTheGeekI think you've found a bug16:52
BluesKajmystery1234, ok in the terminal : sudo aptitude install alsa-base alsa-utils16:52
JimmyTheGeekkanuha, ney just experienced a bug that may already be known16:52
bhearsumhi, i recently tried out the binary ATI drivers on my 9.10 install. after giving up on them and disabling them compiz stopped working - when i try to enable it i get errors like "desktop effects could not be enabled"16:52
duffydackzelrikriando, try this.  right click applications menu, Edit Menu, in "system / preferences" enable multimedia systems selector and run it, then choose alsa.16:52
bhearsumif anyone has any pointers on how to debug this, or what's wrong, that'd be great16:52
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RivootAnyone knows a good software to sync two folders?16:53
mystery1234blueskaj its done now16:53
bhearsumrsync -av source/ dest/16:53
icerootRivoot: rsync16:53
Rivootworks in two ways?16:54
D3RGPS31is there a repository for the latest mainline kernel16:54
mystery1234should i just try and play music16:54
bhearsumRivoot: if you do rsync -av source/ dest/ and then rsync -av dest/ source/ - yes16:54
bhearsumwon't work if you have files that overlap in names, though16:54
sorush20Hi, I just installed 9.10, upgraded. There is now a problem. After a min once in any desktop environment my screen turns into a blinking cursor. Can someone help. ?16:54
bhearsum(the ones in dest/ will get overwritten)16:54
zelrikriandoduffydack: ok I did it, still no sound16:54
RivootThanks bhearsum16:54
om26erD3RGPS31: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/16:54
neodragonI am helping a friend migrate to linux, unfortunately he need either itunes or an equivalent for his iphone, I don't use the iphone so I need help, does anyone have any suggestions, other then installing xp on virtualbox.16:54
duffydackzelrikriando, tried alsamixer?16:55
bhearsumneodragon: rhythmbox and banshee are decent - i don't know if they support iPhone though16:55
RivootI think there's no way to sync iPhone with linux yet16:55
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:55
zelrikriandoduffydack: I think my sound crashed, so I am not sure that s the right way to do it16:55
RivootI mean, for apps sync16:55
johnBondUnless Steve Jobs releases iTunes for Linux16:55
duffydackzelrikriando, so we are talking about driver issues then maybe16:55
om26ertry gtk-pod it might work16:56
BluesKajmystery1234, ok now try alsamixer in the terminal16:56
D3RGPS31om26er: is there a launchpad repo of that :316:56
om26erD3RGPS31: no16:56
Dougwiseris anyone aware of ubuntu support for the magicjack16:56
kanuhaJimmyTheGeek, thx for your help16:56
shawn1980my upgrade did not work how do i fix libtlr2.7-cil did not configure  how do i fix this and my linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic  error sub proccess /usr/bin/dpkg16:56
JimmyTheGeeknp, sorry I couldn't help further16:56
sorush20I think I managed to do an incomplete upgrade as I do not see the 9.10 kernel in the grub menu. How do I dist upgrade again?16:57
zelrikriandoduffydack: maybe, I know that uninstalling pulseaudio fixes it, but I would like to make it work with it16:57
fzrenzomy 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix takes more than 9.0416:57
BluesKaj!pm | mystery123416:57
ubottumystery1234: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:57
fzrenzomy 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix takes more than 9.0416:57
mystery1234sorry guys16:57
mystery1234didnt know that16:57
shawn1980my upgrade did not work how do i fix libtlr2.7-cil did not configure  how do i fix this and my linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic  error sub proccess /usr/bin/dpkg   how do i fix it16:57
fzrenzoplease my 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix takes more than 9.0416:58
shawn1980can i restart my upgrade16:58
duffydackzelrikriando, which "output" have you selected in sound prefs.16:58
mystery1234blueskaj still no such file or directory message after typin alsamixer into terminal16:58
PhubHi Guys. Im having trouble with my notebook. I updatet to 9.10 now touchpad dosnt seem to work right. Is this still configured in xorg.conf ?16:58
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fzrenzoplease helpme my 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix takes more than 9.0416:59
shawn1980my upgrade did not work how do i fix libtlr2.7-cil did not configure  how do i fix this and my linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic  error sub proccess /usr/bin/dpkg how do i fix this ?16:59
BluesKajmystery1234, ok in the terminal : sudo aptitude install alsa-utils16:59
fzrenzoplease helpme my 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix takes boot more than 9.0417:00
unimatrixwhat's the difference between the RADEON and RADEONHD driver?17:00
minerHow do I control the time before my monitor is put to sleep when no one is logged in?17:00
mystery1234blueskaj thanks did that17:00
BluesKajmystery1234, now try alsamixer again17:01
DruleMan screw this. Ubuntu is way too much work when you can't even easily share your internet connection. I'm installing Win XP on this laptop instead.17:01
mystery1234blueskaj alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory17:01
=== Reac_away is now known as Reactor
ctmjrunimatrix: from what i understand not a lot radeonhd has support for hdmi and radeon has better video play back17:01
shawn1980blueskaj my upgrade did not work how do i fix libtlr2.7-cil did not configure  how do i fix this and my linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic  error sub proccess /usr/bin/dpkg   how do i fix it17:02
unimatrixctmjr: cool because i got 3D working on my Radeon HD 4870 via radeon, but it didn't work via radeonhd17:02
IdleOneShaun: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a might help17:02
BluesKajok, mystery1234 in the terminal lspci | grep audio17:03
IdleOneshawn1980: oops sorry but you saw it17:03
mystery1234blueskaj did that and nothin happened17:03
=== Reactor is now known as Reac_away
BluesKajmystery1234, cat /proc/asound/cards17:04
om26ercannot do two fingers scrolling in acer aspire one17:04
mzawieskaHello guys I have question when i I go to system->addministraction->Nvidia X server setting->x SErver Display COnfiguration and want to save the changes i made about twineview and click save to x configuration file I am getting this error Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!17:04
lovrehelp please, i have installed LAMP with tasksel, installation quit and what now? How do i start it, where do i find it? What to do next?17:05
mystery1234blueskaj ok did that and :mystery@mystery-laptop:~$ lspci | grep audio17:05
mystery1234mystery@mystery-laptop:~$  cat /proc/asound/cards17:05
mystery1234 0 [SB             ]: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB17:05
mystery1234                      HDA ATI SB at 0xd0500000 irq 1617:05
FloodBot3mystery1234: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:05
mzawieskaany help guys?17:05
erUSUL!lamp | lovre17:06
ubottulovre: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:06
mzawieskaHello guys I have question when i I go to system->addministraction->Nvidia X server setting->x SErver Display COnfiguration and want to save the changes i made about twineview and click save to x configuration file I am getting this error Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!17:06
erUSULmzawieska: run « gksudo nvidia-settings »17:06
erUSULrepeat | mzawieska17:06
mzawieskaerUSUL, i will try that17:07
BluesKaj!intelhda| mystery123417:07
ubottumystery1234: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:07
RoastedQuestion - why is it on Jaunty tehre's OpenOffice 3.0, but we can't update it like you can with OpenOffice in Windows?17:08
LjLRoasted: because Ubuntu aims for stability, not for having the latest of packages17:09
coz__hey guys  messed up grub2  need to access it with live cd  cant seem to do that  any help?17:09
lovrehow do i simulate a removal of packages?17:09
LjLRoasted: you'll only get updates for things if they fix a serious bug or a security vulnerability17:09
LjLlovre: simulate it in what sense?17:09
stmillerroasted: upgrade to karmic ?17:10
rodimuscan someone give me a possible reason why my right click does not work after installing 9.10?17:10
lovreLjL: while following instructions to remove LAMP, i come to this: Note: This assumes you have no other programs that require any of these packages. You might wish to simulate this removal first, and only remove the packages that don't cause removal of something desired.17:10
Roastedstmiller - cant17:10
LjLlovre: apt-get has a "--simulate" option17:10
Roastedstmiller - I run 4 drives in my system. Karmic wont detect 2 of them.17:10
LjLlovre: so « sudo apt-get --simulate remove <packagename> »17:10
lovreLjL: what does it do in reality17:10
Roastedstmiller - I'm part of the rather large group of people who are having issues with karmic and multiple hard drives.17:10
stmillerroasted: ah I see. You can alternatively download the latest openoffice from openoffice.org if you need the very latest17:11
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LjLlovre: shows you which packages are going to be removal.17:11
lovreLjL: ok, thanks17:11
Roastedstmiller - I was just curious because we use openoffice on our windows labs at work (school district) and I know they often say UPDATES AVAILABLE so I wasnt sure why I never saw that in open office in ubuntu17:11
mzawieskai am getthing this VALIDATION ERROR:  Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.17:12
mzawieskaUndefined Device "(null)" referenced by Screen "Default Screen".17:12
duffydacklovre, I was going to say, remove lamp and install it properly.. http://www.howtoforge.com/installing-apache2-with-php5-and-mysql-support-on-ubuntu-9.04-lamp   but you are on your way to it I see :)17:12
stmillerroasted: oh yeah ubuntu package maintainers turn off that update thing. Same for Firefox on ubuntu17:12
RoastedQuestion - Has anybody had any luck running SWAT with Samba? My buddy has Ubuntu Server w/ Swat running and his Ubuntu laptop REFUSES to connect, while his Windows XP machine can see the server fine. I'm unfamiliar with SWAT but I'm wondering if there's any known issues with it and samba.17:12
mzawieskaHello guys I have question when i I go to system->addministraction->Nvidia X server setting->x SErver Display COnfiguration and want to save the changes i made about twineview and click save to x configuration file I am getting this error Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!17:12
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lovreduffydack: yes, i find it better to do it like this :)17:12
kuxI'm using Jaunty on a 20gb netbook. One of my partitions where I installed Jaunty only shows half the disk capacity that it actually has. How do I recover the rest???17:13
_Trullomzawieska, rename the xorg.conf file and then click save again, save it on desktop and move it with sudo to etc/X1117:13
levsha1hi. what's login and pass for live cd 9.10?17:14
mzawieska_Trullo, how can i do this?17:14
ctmjrcoz_:  about 3/4 the way down https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:14
levsha1tried ubuntu-blank17:14
patrickmeloany brazilian here? i'm having trouble downloading stuff from launchpad PPAs17:14
minerHello all, I was wondering how I can set the time before my monitor is put to sleep when no one is logged in?17:14
ryan\nIs there a way to update my ubuntu netbook remix hardy to 9.10?17:14
Dr_Willismzawieska:  be sure to run nvidia-settings with root permissions.. and i  ended up copying my old xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg,conf from my old install to make it happy.17:15
duffydackkux, sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdaX | grep Reserved    (whatever your partition is)17:15
rinaldihi, just upgraded to ubuntu 9,10 netbook remix, but for some reason the date and time bit on the top right has gone... anyone know how to reenable17:15
duffydackkux, what does it say is reserved17:15
calwigHi, could someone guide me as to how to WRAP 'gweather-applets' and the such, applications that do not go thru a proxy, into an application that can make it all go thru a proxy?17:15
levsha1so nobody wanna help me with my simple problem?17:15
kuxdaffydack, ill check17:15
Dr_Willismzawieska:  my xorg.conf for you to use for an example ->> http://pastebin.com/f1650abd417:15
seras_Can I ask a gtk-Application question here or is there another channel for that?17:15
soulerSo... guise.... DOES anyone know how to vertically flip my integrated webcam or not? Because I've been trying for over a bloody week to find a way how to do it.17:16
swirvbox1has anyone been able to get Evolution to sync with Exchange 2007?17:16
darkhamhi, i need to install radeon R500 drivers, i can install "xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd" this and restart?17:17
Errori was here again some time ago. i did remove some libs from my system, so when i logged in i had no gui only a console. now i run (sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop), to get all missing dependancies but still when kubuntu loads i only get a konsole (where i enter credentials). what can i do?17:17
levsha1has anyone had a problem when live cd asked login and pass?17:17
swirvbox1Still getting "can't load plugin '/usr/lib/evolution/2.28/plugins/liborg-gnome-exchange-mapi.so': /usr/lib/libdcerpc.so.0: undefined symbol: ldb_schema_attribute_set_override_handler" error when starting Evolution17:17
duffydackdarkham, what ati card is it?17:17
ciphergothwhat does the standard Karmic install do if it finds an existing Ubuntu install on the system?17:18
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darkhamduffydack, x160017:18
seras_swirvbox1:Have you tried the openchange MAPI plug-in for Evolution?17:18
icerootciphergoth: asking for resizing the existing linux if there is no space left and create a dualboot entry in grub17:18
calwigHi, does anyone know what gweather-applets are??17:18
swirvbox1@ seras_ can't load plugin '/usr/lib/evolution/2.28/plugins/liborg-gnome-exchange-mapi.so': /usr/lib/libdcerpc.so.0: undefined symbol: ldb_schema_attribute_set_override_handler17:18
seras_swirvbox1: Ouch one second.17:19
ciphergothiceroot: how hard would it be to interrupt the process, move aside all the files in the partition into an "OLD" directory, and install into the existing filesystem?17:19
RivootI'm having a problem with samba, I use smbpasswd to set a password for my user, but after reboot, the password change to the same password I use to login into linux, anyone know how to fix this? :D17:19
duffydackdarkham, so its an unsupported card now?17:19
kuxdaffydack, I'm sorry, how do i find out the extension for my partition to use for the tune2fs command17:19
Roastedrivoot - are you using smbpasswd -a?17:19
duffydackkux, fdisk -l17:19
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RivootRoasted: I am17:20
darkhamduffydack, yes, the latest ati is the 9.3 not supported on karmic17:20
Rivootsmbpasswd user -a17:20
Roastedrivoot - how do you know the password is resetting itself?17:20
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Roastedrivoot - I think it should be the other way around17:20
duffydackdarkham, is it an HD card?  the radeon driver by default is installed and used for your card17:20
Roastedrivoot - sudo smbpasswd -a user17:20
duffydackdarkham, the radeonhd driver is only for hd models and doesnt have any 3d support (I dont think) yet17:20
seras_swirvbox1: As near as I can tell it is a bug which was posted on nov 5th 200917:20
levsha1guys!!!! plzzz i realy need to know login and pass for live cd 9.1017:20
Temujincan you login to root in one command?17:21
RivootI'll try that, at least the password setted by smbpasswd user -a was working until reboot17:21
Temujinsomething like su root password?17:21
darkhamyes, but this package is uninstalled in my system , and the cart is a r500 family17:21
prothonDoes anyone know  if wireless N desktop adapter works with ubuntu?17:21
Roastedrivoot - I use samba actively here on my home network, and I've always used smbpasswd -a user17:21
RivootTemujin: Sudo -i17:21
kuxdaffydack, sorry, I think I'm too much of a noob for this17:21
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Temujinsudo -i root password?17:21
washuunyo? Hi konnichi wa17:21
Roastedrivoot - I have several users who use my samba server frequently at home here, and I've never had issues. That's the first thing I'd try.17:21
swirvbox@prothon I am using the intel 5100 a/b/g/n adapter right now17:21
jhb1608How do I remove kubuntu-desktop competely, I already uninstalled, but I think some KDE stuff is in my harddrive.17:21
kuxdaffydack, thanks anyway17:21
RivootTemujin: you will be prompted to enter the password17:22
jhb1608How do I remove kubuntu-desktop competely, I already uninstalled, but I think some KDE stuff is in my harddrive.17:22
VirusTBUbuntu room?17:22
Temujini want to do it in one line17:22
RivootThanks Roasted , i'll try in that order17:22
arvind_khadri!sudo | Temujin17:22
ubottuTemujin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:22
prothon@swirvbox Exactly how do I install the drivers for it?  I haven't the slightest clue.17:22
Temujini know what sudo is thanks..17:22
levsha1thank you very much that helped me a lot...17:22
jhb1608ubuntu in kubuntu-desktop17:22
calwigHi, where can I find information about gweather applets?17:22
VirusTBOk I got an issued!17:22
mgv1how can i make adblock plus to really block ads like it was few days ago before the new ubuntu install?17:22
johnBondShould i downgrade to 9.04.. It seems ubuntu cant detect my wireless network..  I can detect my neighbour's network..17:22
BluesKaj!puregnome | jhb160817:22
ubottujhb1608: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal17:22
seras_swirvbox: or swirvbox1 as the case may be. As near as I can tell it is a bug which was posted on nov 5th 200917:22
p-fIs there a way to embed a browser on the desktop, somewhat like active desktop on Window? (gnome with metacity here)17:22
Temujinargh kids on irc is lame17:23
duffydackdarkham, ok so you need to install xserver-xorg-video-ati and xserver-xorg-video-radeon17:23
VirusTB_______ My touchpad/mouse pad doesn work on my netbook with Ubuntu :(.... but a USB mouse does.. any on know how to fix this?17:23
swirvbox@prothon What card are you using?17:23
jhb1608now myl ife is easier17:23
washuuI wonder how to change the server. I want to reach #armitunes.17:23
seras_VirusTB: Have you tried installing the touchpad thing in add/remove17:23
duffydackjohnBond, is your network hidden?17:23
VirusTBseras_, well i dont know what I need to install! thats the problem17:24
VirusTB seras_  willl give it a try now17:24
prothon     @swirvbox D-Link DWA-552 Wireless N Desktop Adapter. Currently i'm bridging from my macbook in order to even get on.17:24
johnBondduffydack:  Prev in 9.04, it can be seen in the list.. Now it is not there17:24
mystery1234can someone help me fix the sound on my ubuntu 9.1017:24
VirusTBmystery1234,  i got that same issue!17:24
seras_VirusTP: Search for touchpad in Add/remove or synaptic. That should give you a start.17:24
duffydackjohnBond, odd.  tried adding it manually?17:24
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mystery1234virusTB did you mouse stop working too17:25
seras_mystery1234: Have you checked alsa-mixer?17:25
darkhamduffydack, yes, but i can't use stuff like google earth?17:25
darkhamduffydack, 3d acceleration...17:25
mystery1234ive been trying to with no luck17:25
VirusTBmystery1234,  yes! lol we got the same issues!17:25
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sorush20my new kernel has installed but it is not added to the grub.17:25
mystery1234wow i wish someone would help us lol17:26
jhb1608suppose I buy a new webcam, how do I know for certain it do actutally works?17:26
sorush20how do I add my kernel to grub?17:26
VirusTBmystery1234,  i guess u got  dualt boot system and updated from 9.04 to 9.1017:26
sterlinHey guys Im looking for an app (online or offline) or service which will let me create a piechart or graph with  a single bar that is filling up. Im trying to show the progress of donations. So it'll show like 400 out of $1000 have been donated. Thing is I want the graph to look nice sort of like the ones on mint.com . Any suggestions?17:26
seras_mystery1234: Have you selected and enabled controls under the sound icon in the corner of the panel?17:26
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GSF1200Sanyone in here know why dirt bike helmets are different than regular motorcycle helmets?17:26
duffydackdarkham, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver  your card has 3d accel17:26
johnBondduffydack: u mean doing the "Create New Wireless Network " option17:26
jhb1608suppose I buy a new webcam, how do I know for certain it do actutally works?17:26
duffydackjohnBond, yup17:26
mystery1234seras im not sure but i will try17:26
duffydackdarkham, in the same list as my 980017:26
christopherquestion about screen resolution17:27
calwigcan anyone tell me if there is a chat channel about the gweather applets?17:27
duffydackdarkham, and I have good 3d accel with compiz and games.  using the radeon driver17:27
swirvbox@prothon That card should work out of the box.  Meaning that the drivers are either already in the kernel or the module already comes with Ubuntu.17:27
mystery1234seras i think they are enabled17:27
christophercan anyone tell me how to change the monitor so that I can get other screen resolutions17:27
seras_mystery1234: if you look in the upper right of the panel you will see a speaker. Click on that and it will give you the control options.17:27
psicobrahi all i have just done  afresh install of ubuntu but it only allows me to set a max resolution of 800x600 can any one help17:27
christopherpsicobra...i have the same problem17:28
prothon@swirvbox My buddy must of messed up the install . This is his moms computer. I'17:28
jhb1608psicobra, what kind of card or motherboard you have?17:28
darkhamduffydack, the hd driver don't have it?17:28
VirusTBchristopher,  system>display17:28
mystery1234seras yes  i can access them and they seem to be enabled i just cant hear anything17:28
prothon@swirvbox I'm new on ubuntu and was wondering what the  console commands are to check if the card is being detected?17:28
VirusTBchristopher,  system>preferences>display17:28
christopheri have a dell studio 153717:28
swirvbox@prothon open a terminal and do lspci17:28
seras_mystery1234: If the controls are all good then type "alsa-mixer" in a terminal and make sure they are all on.17:28
mamiahello, is there anyway to reset my pc to the way it was when i first installed ubuntu on it? if so, will it erase my personal documents, files, and programs?17:28
psicobrajhb1608, it's an intel gef card and the motherboard is one i stole out of a nec powermat vl4 flex17:28
VirusTBseras_,  me and mystery1234  seem to have the exact same issues17:28
duffydackdarkham, nope... thats for the newer ati HD cards17:29
mystery1234seras ok i will do that17:29
psicobrajhb1608, THERE IS NO XORG.CONF ANY MORE17:29
seras_VirusTB: Then try what I told mystery123417:29
prothon@swirvbox I see a network controller: wireless network adapter (rev 01)17:29
jhb1608try go to System > Adminastration > Hardware Drive17:29
VirusTBseras_,  i did, nothing helped17:29
joelI can access a folder when I sudo (in terminal) but if i want to see it iwth a gui, how do i do?17:29
duffydackdarkham, the ati/radeon driver will use 3d when it detects your card as being capable with the driver..17:30
swirvbox@prothon have you gone to System>Administration > Hardware Drivers?17:30
Morgan1hi everyone, need some help with samba and cant find anything on google, i set up a folder that i want to share a folder with my vista computer, vista cant find my ubuntu computer the "Network" but when i use map network drive and type in the ip of ubuntu, vista will come up with the login box and not matter what i type it says the username or password is invalid. does anyone know if there is some file within ubuntu that will tell me the correct login info17:30
mystery1234seras this what  i got in return :o command 'alsa-mixer' found, did you mean:17:30
mystery1234 Command 'alsamixer' from package 'alsa-utils' (main)17:30
mystery1234alsa-mixer: command not found17:30
seras_VirusTB and mystery1234: Is your sound muted?17:30
swirvboxThat card uses an Atheros chip.  drivers may be there.17:30
VirusTBseras_,  im not hat retarded, its not muted17:30
prothon @swirvbox only detecting n-vidia  drivers.17:30
AlexLH-Excuse me, I'm trying ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop test machine. It uses intel mobile graphics (old 945 integrated graphics). And my cursor disappears on startup, and sometimes I can get it to reappear. Is there a way to get this to work all the time? I've used Fedora as my main OS until now. So, I have some experience.17:30
mystery1234seras no mine isnt muted17:30
joelNo1 knows? sucks17:30
seras_mystery1234: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils17:30
psicobrajhb1608, nothin listed in restricted drivers17:30
jhb1608ah then it is harder17:31
VirusTBseras_,  whats alsa-utils ??17:31
seras_I am not blocking VirusTB. You shouldn't assume i was calling you retarded.17:31
jhb1608you may need modules or drivers from ubuntu forums17:31
christopherwhen i go hardware drivers it says on prioprietary drivers found17:31
ctmjrmystery1234: it is alsamixer not alsa-mixer17:31
christopheranyone know how to change my video driver so i  get other screen resolutions17:31
DruleIs there any way to restore ubuntu to factory settings without an internet connection? I've majorly messed it up17:31
BluesKajVirusTB, type alsamixer , not alsa-mixer17:31
seras_mystery1234: Okay. Is it all up?17:31
mystery1234seras : i already have it intalled17:31
CheticWhy do ALL the package managing application give segmentation fault before I can do anything?17:32
seras_mystery1234: My fault it was a typo17:32
BluesKajseras_, aslsamixer , not alsa-mixer17:32
mystery1234seras ok17:32
durt!cn | dyh17:32
BluesKajoops alsamixer17:32
ubottudyh: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:32
seras_BluesKaj: Thanks.17:32
prothon@swirvbox I can't express how greatfull i am for you helping me.17:32
Morgan1anyone i can pm about samba not working?17:33
dyhubottu Thanks17:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:33
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JuJuBeeI am trying to set up squid so I can use user based acl's.  Does ident run on ubuntu by default? or do I need to install it?17:33
BluesKajprothon, the @ doesn't do anything on irc17:33
joelGuys, sudo /.gconf/apps/netbook-launcher/favorites/  works fine.. but if i want to see it graphically.. how do i do that17:33
jhb1608I know ubottu17:33
sebsebsebAlexLH-: apparantly a lot of  people are having issues with the 945's17:33
stuartChetic: try this    rm -rf /var/cache/apt/*.bin17:33
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prothonHaha, Well that's embarrassing17:33
mystery1234seras and blueskaj here is what i get after typing alsamixer in terminal: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory17:33
AlexLH-sebsebseb: has there been any confirmed methos of fixing it?17:34
johnBondduffydack: it says connection established.. But i cant even access my router from the browser... what step shld i do now17:34
christophernewbie in need of help!!!!17:34
sebsebseb!ask |  christopher17:34
ubottuchristopher: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:34
jhb1608oh I have a interesting question: How do I test to see the 3D graphics test to make sure my videocard supports 3D?17:34
tdnHow do I get access to packages with debug symbols?17:35
durt!info glxgears17:35
ubottuPackage glxgears does not exist in karmic17:35
tdnI have a few bugs that I can reproduce.17:35
duffydackjohnBond, check the settings for it... I found sometimes when adding it manually it sets DHCP to shared with other computers and not DHCP17:35
christopherHow do I change my monitor driver to increase my screen resolution options.17:35
Cheticstuart: That worked! Thank you very much! :D17:35
seras_mystery1234: Seems like it might not recognize the sound card.17:35
neodragonhow can I find out if the web cam on a toshiba satellite laptop is supported under linux?17:35
duffydackjohnBond, check its got an ip address...either from connection information of network manager or ifconfig17:35
mystery1234seras do you have any ideas as to what my next action may be17:35
jhb1608yeah I am thinking of getting a new webcam, but I don't know.17:36
prothonI think i got it to work, thanks guys!17:36
prothonAnd girls!17:36
mystery1234seras my sound was working for a while then went out one day17:36
darkhamduffydack, when i try to unable desktop effects, i have "impossible to unable..."17:36
darkhamduffydack, my ati driver isn't properly installed?17:36
Morgan1how do i login to a samba share folder from windows? vista keeps saying username or password is invalid.17:36
duffydackdarkham, compiz is enabled then already?17:37
durtjhb1608, you can use glxgears and glxinfo from the mesa-utils package to test 3d17:37
darkhamduffydack, not, effects are on "none"17:37
seras_mystery1234: ThT IS ODD17:37
duffydackdarkham, rebooted since installing it?17:38
Dr_WillisMorgan1:  i use the same user name on linux and windows. and give the linux user a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'17:38
christopherhow do i change video drivers to get other monitor resolutions17:38
seras_mystery1234: Sorry for the caps.17:38
sebsebsebAlexLH-: 9.04 had issues with Intel graphics cards,  9.10  has better support, but  I do not know how good that support actsaulley is17:38
darkhamduffydack, yes17:38
kulighti having trouble copying files over the network the file operation starts and after few seconds freezes any ideas?17:38
mystery1234seras thats ok17:38
mystery1234it really is17:38
durtchristopher, what card?17:38
falstaff|hHello, does anyone knows a good backup solution which is rsync based? but not raw rsync, i thought something like backuppc, but simpler (its only for home use)17:39
seras_mystery1234: The only thing i can find is a link to the problem. I can link you if you like.17:39
VirusTB_seras_, mystery1234 back.. sorry had to switch OS17:39
duffydackdarkham, glxinfo | grep direct17:39
mystery1234ok cool17:39
duffydackdarkham, "Yes" or " No" ?17:39
AlexLH-sebsebseb: ah, well, is there an alternative intel driver I can try?17:39
Morgan1Dr_Willis: yeah thats what i thought it would be and first but it still wont work17:39
darkhamduffydack, No17:39
mystery1234have you found a solution virustb17:39
swirvbox1@prothon do lspci|grep ar541617:39
VirusTB_mystery1234,  any progress thus far17:39
LiquidscriptI'm having trouble installing 9.10 AMD64 server from cdrom on my AMD64 machine.17:39
VirusTB_mystery1234,  nope17:39
christopherdurt aati mobility radeon hd 340017:40
seras_mystery1234: Link is here. It may help may not.   http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/alsamixer-function-sndctlopen-failed-for-default-no-such-file-or-directory-157454/17:40
sebsebsebAlexLH-: maybe17:40
Dr_WillisMorgan1:  some times ya just got to twiddle with it all. and reread the samba-doc books and figure it out.17:40
c3lrecommended to update grub?17:40
Dr_Willisbye all bbl17:40
sebsebsebc3l: when?17:40
noob13anyone gotten intel graphics to work properly on karmic? perhaps with an x4500hd chip? :)17:40
c3lsebsebseb, now? when i rand upgrade it appeared =) running 9.1017:40
LiquidscriptMidway through the installation I get the following problem: "Please insert the disc labeled: 'Ubuntu-Server 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Release amd64 (20091027.2)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter. Media change."17:40
swirvbox1Liquidscript it installed perfect for me on several computers after making it into a bootable usb. Also much faster.17:40
seras_mystery1234: Sorry I couldn't be more help.17:40
Morgan1Dr_Willis: would there be a file somewhere that would tell me?17:41
duffydackdarkham, is there anything in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?17:41
mystery1234seras thanks for trying preciate your help17:41
seras_mystery1234: No prob.17:41
swirvbox1Liquidscript if you have access to an ubuntu desktop computer the app to make the iso into a usb bootable installer is under System > Admin > USB Startup Disk Creator17:42
Liquidscripthmm, i'll look into it, but there's no other work around?17:42
rinaldihello, anyone know the package name of the time applet on the top right panel?17:42
sebsebsebc3l: an upgrade from 9.04?17:42
usserLiquidscript, you can also get unetbootin for windows17:42
mystery1234everytime i minimize a window it just disappears17:42
mystery1234can someon help17:43
c3lsebsebseb, no, fresh17:43
seras_rinaldi? Clock?17:43
xDmystery1234: has you got windows list in panel?17:43
sebsebsebc3l: well just appeared be more exact please17:43
sebsebsebwhat not well above17:43
swirvbox1Not sure what is causing your problem atm Liquidscript.  It could be an issue with your chipset being reset upon install.  I would go the USB route.  Faster and USB prolly wont reset.17:43
darkhamduffydack, now i look..17:43
mezquitaleok so which messenger for chat would someone recommend?  I heard pidgin is a tihing of the past in karmic, whichone is everyone using?17:43
guntbert!poll | mezquitale17:44
ubottumezquitale: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:44
swirvbox1I think you can create the usb stick with the Desktop LiveCD17:44
=== drawde is now known as drawde`
drawde`sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is the same as running update manager right?17:44
rinaldiseras: is that the name of the package? its just that my upgrade on netbook remix has caused it to disappear17:45
drawde`i want to update packages not upgrade to new version17:45
sebsebsebc3l: Grub 2 is the default for 9.10 installs, but you made it sound like it asked you if you wanted to use an older version instead17:45
sebsebsebc3l: default for clean 9.10 installs17:45
c3lwhen trying to convert a file with ffmpeg to m4r i get Unknown encoder 'libfaac' I have installed libfaac0, still outputs the unknown encoder17:45
durtdrawde`, technically no, but for package updates you'll be ok.17:45
swirvbox1Empathy is what comes standard w/ Karmic.  Pidgin is what I am using atm and like it.  Play with both and pick the one you like. :)17:45
mezquitaledrawde`, yes but it looks like that command will also upgrade your distribution, if that is what youre looking to do17:45
c3lsebsebseb, well i ran apt-get upgrade and grup update appeared, i got confused17:45
seras_mezquitale: I like pidgin better than empathy personally. More support, but does not integrate with the little envelope in Gnome. I use XFCE so this is a non issue for me.17:45
intruderwouldnt it be possible for a user to install a .deb within his home directory and have his own package management without interfering with the real /var/cache/apt stuff ?17:46
Dark_dantecan someone help me?17:46
c3lemesene has the right feeling for msn users17:46
drawde`i just want to basically run update manager but i wanna see the progress over ssh, how do i do thi?17:46
c3lDark_dante, just ask away17:46
duffydackdarkham, are libgl1-mesa-glx and libgl1-mesa-dri   installed?17:46
Dark_dantewell I installed ubuntu 9.1017:46
intrudersince it is permitted to compile and run stuff, why not install .debs17:46
duffydackdarkham, did you have fglrx installed previously or something?17:46
drawde`and i wanna stick with 9.04 not upgrade to 9.1017:46
Err0rhi is there a repair function in ubuntu livecd? or whats the command to install nvidia driver or even the generic driver for gpu via terminal?17:46
mystery1234VirusTB dont forget me if you find a solution17:46
Dark_danteto my laptop but when I remove the charger17:46
Dark_danteit locks17:46
mezquitaleswirvbox, I heard karmic comes bundled with empathy, Im just wondering why ubuntu went with emapthy as opposed to pidgin17:46
Dark_danteand I have to put in my password17:46
durtmezquitale, drawde` dist-upgrade won't do a distribution upgrade unless you change your sources.list17:47
jojojo_Is it possible to have a router who doesn't support broadcasting to the intire inner network?17:47
Dark_danteand the battery button goes orange17:47
sebsebsebc3l: ah ha17:47
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jetienneq. how can i know from which repostory a given package is coming from ?17:47
Tesssaso stick with 9.o417:47
mezquitaledrawde`, sudo apt-get update should do it17:47
sebsebsebc3l: the normal upgrades yes?17:47
seras_mezquitale: Maybe Empathy is an ubuntu thing, but I can't get into it.17:47
sebsebsebc3l: from the Ubuntu repos,  you will only get security updates by default17:47
swirvbox1mezquitale Empathy seems to be on a development track that the Ubuntu team like I guess.17:47
sebsebsebc3l: install all the updates that it gives you17:47
mezquitaledurt, he wants to just do the updates in verbose mode, is that the way it's done?  "sudo apt-get update"?17:47
c3lhm okay, well i klicked the default alternative. keep current. but it still ran some configuration17:47
c3lso i think im fine :p17:48
durtmezquitale, that will only update the packages database.17:48
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swirvbox1Besides Empathy has support for a few features that pidgin has not implemented yet such as better theme support and webcam support.17:48
c3lcan anyone recommend a good media converter?17:48
usserc3l, ffmpeg17:49
swirvbox1Can you say Adium themes in Empathy?  Dead Sexy.17:49
durt!info mencoder | c3l17:49
ubottuc3l: mencoder (source: mplayer): MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc3+svn20090426-1ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 1617 kB, installed size 3600 kB17:49
mezquitaleseras_, I use gnome so I guess I will go for empathy, thanks!!!!17:49
swirvbox1Gotta go guys, have a show to do.  Good Luck and Happy Ubuntu'ing.17:49
jojojo_I want to install Wake On Lan but I don't know how to port forward the port 9 to the intire inner network, I'ts like my router doesn't allow it. Wake on lan does already work in the inner network Suggestions?17:49
c3lusser, i get Unknown encoder 'libfaac' when trying to convert mp3 to m4r, have installed faac and libfaac0, still fails. why?17:49
mezquitalec3l, sound converter17:49
[MOB]Tripintel....9.04....wine....gta sa17:49
lovreduffydack: i have installed and its working. But now i wanted to move htdocs folder to another location in my home directory instead of /opt/lamp, and i edited httpd.conf file and changed the DocumentRoot value.. Now i can open files normally from that location, but i cant browse folder like i could before... if there is no index file it just says i dont have permission to access..17:50
seras_mezquitale: Okay. Thats what freedom of choice is. :)17:50
[MOB]Tripscroll down17:50
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[MOB]Tripsays to change the drivers....so gta will run17:50
[MOB]Tripbut ... confuzes meh17:50
flan_suseI thought VLC 1.0.x introduced UPnP support? If I have a UPnP server on my FreeNAS box, how do I use VLC to watch/stream those videos? I see no option for "UPnP" under "Service Discovery".17:50
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto17:50
[MOB]TripIf you are using Mesa driver for your video card (e.g. intel), you will get no textures in the menu, and trying to start new game will crash the game. This is because the game uses patented texture compression algorithm, which is left out of Mesa for legal reasons. To get GTA SA working, you have to get libtxc_dxtn.so library. Once you install it, GTA will work.17:50
[MOB]TripYou can read about this library and download source from here:17:50
ssmyafter i upgraded my laptop to Karmic it switched the middle and right click # of fingers on my trackpad. any idea how to switch it?17:50
flan_suseI am using Jaunty with VLC 1.0.2 from the C-Korn PPA.17:50
[MOB]Tripsays that ^^17:50
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duffydacklovre, add Indexes to your config file17:50
usserc3l, you need to get libavcodec-unstripped package17:50
c3lusser, thanks!17:50
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lovreduffydack: what do you mean "add indexes"? what indexes17:51
usserc3l, and all other libav*-unstripped packages17:51
johnBondduffydack: if i choose, Automatic(DHCP) method.. what shld i put for the DHCP Client ID17:51
c3llol, is there not any group of packages?17:51
seras_Any ideas how to run flock or Global menu now that the depencies have been removed/replaced?17:51
lovreduffydack: ah, maybe in the <Directory> section i need to change the entry too...17:51
usserc3l, unfortunately not, you have to pick them out one by one17:51
[MOB]Tripdhcp... ur regular internet should just connect automaticly17:51
[MOB]Tripwut u tryin to do john?17:52
tapasi just did an upgrade and somehow the init scripts don;t play nicely together with my crypto setup17:52
grawityjohnBond: Leave the client ID empty.17:52
duffydacklovre, add "Indexes" yes to the <Directory>  rule17:52
[MOB]Tripany one can help me wit gta sa via wine17:52
AeganSkiesLaughing Out Loud17:53
[MOB]Tripand adding this compression lib? for intel17:53
lovreduffydack: ok, restarting... i just edited the existing Directory rule to point to the new location... hope it works, it has indexes in it.17:53
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tapasi wonder if it would be better to install it a fresh from a cdrom17:53
mrXXguys, which is the best chat client for ubuntu?17:53
lovreduffydack: ok, it works.. Thanx ALOT :D17:53
duffydackjohnBond, nothing17:53
[MOB]Trippidgin comes standard mrxx17:53
[MOB]Trippiding pwns17:53
Dark_dantewhen I remove my charger why does my laptop lock and I have to put in password?17:53
Dark_danteon ubunut 9.1017:53
[MOB]Tripor u can install WINE and add w/e chat client u prefer from windows17:53
seras_mrxx: The new standard is empathy, but think that pidgin is much better.17:53
mrXXthere is no pidgin in 9.1017:53
mrXXi think emapthy is not so good17:54
[MOB]Tripo geh lol17:54
seras_mrxx: I can't stand empathy.17:54
[MOB]Tripu could always compile pidgin ur self17:54
DG19075mrXX you can manually install pidgin17:54
mezquitalemrXX, seras_ loves pidgin, it works fine, just a few features dont work with gnome, im going to use empathy with karmic17:54
duffydackcan you set your status to hidden yet in empathy?  I didnt like empathy at all when I tried it.. its a huge step backwards17:54
seras_mrxx: or install from repository.17:54
mrXXthanks guys17:54
guntbert!u | [MOB]Trip17:55
ubottu[MOB]Trip: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:55
mrXXin epathy, u can't login as invisible17:55
mrXXthats annoying17:55
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[MOB]Triplawl gunt17:55
[MOB]Triphmm idk dante im on 9.0417:56
noob13anyone gotten intel graphics to work properly on karmic?17:56
Doorman352Dark_dante: maybe your battery is weak17:56
mrXXnoob13 mine works17:56
seras_dark_dante: Could you have set your computer to hibernate when it is unplugged?17:56
mrXXit worked automatically17:56
[MOB]Tripi got a laptop plugged into an external monitor usb kybd/mouse/hd and my laptop acts as a second monitor17:56
Dark_dantedon't think so ill check17:56
c3lusser, well is there a list of whats needed, or should i just randomly get what looks right?17:56
noob13mrXX: even 3D acceleration etc?17:56
c3lusser, .,,.librarys for ffmpeg17:57
usserc3l, libav packages17:57
noob13mrXX: i'm guessing you don't have the X4500HD? :P17:57
Doorman352Dark_dante: rt click on battery icon and choose power statistics.... lots of info17:57
[MOB]Tripn00b im on an intel onboard vid now17:57
c3lusser, its like 20 of them. both unstripped and extras?17:57
[MOB]Tripn it works fine...except some games are laggy..or run like balls17:57
usserc3l, libavcodec, libavformat, libavdevice theres a couple more17:57
usserc3l, yea get both unstripped and extra17:57
Jaziekoh my good god. 9 hours after I first downloaded the ISO.. Karmic is installing! its a miracle!17:58
[MOB]Tripany 1 can help me install libtxc_dxtn.so library ??17:58
noob13[MOB]Trip: yeh, everything apart from games work quite well.. mine are very 'jerky'...17:58
tdnHow do I get debug symbols for k9copy?17:58
jmpnascimentoolá. alguem do brasil ai?17:59
mezquitaleempathy doesnt work with yahoo?17:59
durt!pt | jmpnascimento17:59
ubottujmpnascimento: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:59
nach0sHi all. i'm having problem to install the ubuntu karmic 9.10  on a ibm lenovo T60 notebook... The BETA version was installed very fine.. but the LATEST release i'm getting some checksum erros.... any idea ?17:59
Machtinany way to check how much bandwidth wine uses?17:59
[MOB]Tripye n00b "This is because the game uses patented texture compression algorithm, which is left out of Mesa for legal reasons."17:59
nach0sjmpnascimento, eu18:00
[MOB]Tripits what im here for18:00
[MOB]Tripim tryin get some assistance installin some libtxc_dxtn.so library18:00
[MOB]Triplike i got tf2 to work through WINE but its runs hella bad18:00
guntbertnach0s: did you !md5sum you image before burning it?18:00
Kudii am using openbox how do i control sound?  I would normally usa alsamixer but 9.10 doesnt have it18:00
c3lusser,  libavcodec-extra-52: Conflicts: libavcodec52 is the extra and unstripped better than the normal? should I remove the standard and get extra and unstripped? this is confusing18:00
irbdavidAnyone recommend me a good netbook for putting Ubuntu on?  I have a dell mini 9 at the moment, I want some a bit beefier with better battery life.18:01
sorush20the new kernel is not being installed correnctlly after the upgrade what can I do?18:01
seras_kudi: I can bring up alsamixer under xfce in 9.1018:01
Machtinany way to check how much bandwidth wine uses?18:01
[MOB]Tripim runnin off an assues eeepc david18:01
damo_hi ops im on ubuntu and i wanna change the way the menu looks so its like xp sort if you know i mean18:01
mezquitaleempathy doesnt work with yahoo??!!??18:01
darkhamduffydack, glrxinfo | grev direct with "Yes" as result18:02
Dark_dantenope none of the settings are wrong18:02
Kudiseras_: im so confused with these sound problems...why did i think that they were using pulseaudio instead of alsa18:02
seras_mezquitale: Still supports pidgin. For Yahoo and MSN!18:02
ubotturedmond is not relevent to my interests.18:02
psicobraseriously guys some one gotta be cleverer than me i cant get ubuntu to do anything above 800x600 resolution18:02
ubottuXP, or "eXtreme Programming" is a style of programming, for more information see: http://www.extremeprogramming.org/18:02
damo_hi all change i change my menu on ubuntu so its like xp sorta18:02
seras_kudi: I think Alsa is the default...18:02
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damo_i wanna see more menu when i click applications18:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lookandfeel18:02
[MOB]Triphmm psicobra18:02
usserc3l, yes remove the normal, unstripped or extra is the same except its got more codecs,18:02
darkhamduffydack, i've glxinfo | grep vendor with " server glx vendor string: SGI client glx vendor string: SGI OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project "18:02
[MOB]Tripi got ubuntu in other room18:02
[MOB]Triprunnin 1650X resolution18:03
Kudithis is the result of typing alsamixer in the terminal: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory18:03
[MOB]Tripon 2 monitors..18:03
damo_i want my menu to look like linux mint18:03
darkhambut when i try to unable desktop effects i've "searching for available drivers"18:03
mezquitaleseras_, i guess pidgin it is then18:03
seras_kudi: I could not solve that one earlier.18:03
[MOB]Tripif ur monitor dont support higher resolution then it aint gonna run any higher18:03
psicobra[MOB]Trip, so u can help?18:03
darkhamduffydack, and "no available drivers found"18:03
[MOB]Tripmaybe lol18:03
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psicobramy monitor will do 136x76818:03
seras_mezquitale: I hear empathy has problems with both MSN and Yahoo that are confirmed.18:03
MachtinI'd really like to check how much bandwidth wine is using.. Anyone maybe got an idea how the .. to find out?18:03
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Kudiseras_: but xfce does it for you huh?18:03
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seras_kudi: Yes. SOmeone else had this problem earlier and all I could offer was a link that may or may not have helped.18:04
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[MOB]Tripif it dont have an option to run it higher then 800x60018:04
damo_got a question please someone18:04
[MOB]Tripthen... u may be able to set it manually...but idk how u do that18:05
grawitydamo_: Then just ASK.18:05
psicobra[MOB]Trip, no it doesnt18:05
impulzehm what's causing ubuntu to start gdm although it's not in my default runlevel with S?18:05
johnBondduffydack: no ip address... Still no conxn..18:05
damo_im trying to make my menu diffrent on ubuntu ... i want it like linux mint ?18:05
sebsebsebdamo_: Which menu?18:05
damo_ill get you link18:05
seras_That could be kbfx18:05
[MOB]Tripright click ur uhh...taskbar18:05
[MOB]Tripand u can add w/e u want to menu18:06
[MOB]Tripand there should be a menu editor u can use as well18:06
damo_click on the pic and look at video18:06
damo_i wanna make my menu like his18:06
damo_when he open applications it looks so much diffrent18:06
[MOB]Tripcuz its a diff distro lol18:06
Kudisera_: something to do with ./snddevices?18:06
seras_kudi: Yes I can link you to the same link.18:07
seras_kudi: It might help.18:07
Kudiseras_: please18:07
TesssalinuxMint is not ubuntu18:07
seras_kudi: one sec please18:07
damo_here is the link open and scroll down to the video please http://www.linuxmint.com/rel_gloria_whatsnew.php18:07
mrXXguys, can i connect to this channel from pidgin? how?18:07
[MOB]Tripclick accounts18:08
[MOB]Tripmanage accounts18:08
[MOB]Tripadd account18:08
[MOB]Tripselect irc18:08
FloodBot3[MOB]Trip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
durt!enter | [MOB]Trip18:08
ubottu[MOB]Trip: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:08
[MOB]Tripthen enter ur nick in first option18:08
seras_kudi: Link here.... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/alsamixer-function-sndctlopen-failed-for-default-no-such-file-or-directory-157454/18:08
aquachicaHi. I wanted to know if there was a way to change the name that is attached to the username in 9.10.18:08
[MOB]Tripand the next will be the server irc.freenode.com  and then u can click ok..it will connect18:08
ab0ooaquachica: it's stored in /etc/passwd18:09
Kudiseras_: thanks18:09
aquachicaab0oo: Thank you.18:09
ab0oo"sudo vi /etc/passwd"18:09
matelothPidgin question: hi is there a way to NOT display "status messages" like "kushal left the room (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))."18:09
[MOB]Tripthen u can choose "buddies" at top left of pdigin, chooes add chat and enter #unbuntu as a chat, then it will just be double clickable to enter like an im18:09
darkhamduffydack, it seems i've the mesa right in the system but it don't works...18:09
ab0ooaquachica: that' really dangerous advice, so be careful with that file18:09
usserdamo_, i think mint used kbfs18:09
trismaquachica: System/Administration/Users and Groups, select the user, properties, change real name18:09
seras_kudi: Wecome.l18:09
usserdamo_, kbfx sorry18:09
damo_i wanna make my menu like his on linux mint18:09
damo_can i not change my menu style on ubuntu ?18:10
[MOB]Tripyes u can damo18:10
Rivootyou can change it but requires some editing18:10
damo_how trip ?18:10
seras_damo_: With kbfx18:10
legend2440Kudi: in terminal type   groups    is  plugdev  listed?18:10
ab0ooaquachica: please follow trism 's advice instead18:10
aquachicaab0oo: You're right. I don't want to start tampering with the file unless I absolutely have to.18:10
damo_kk u got a link18:10
mrXXdamo_ you can, go to system , preference, startup...18:10
aquachicatrism: Thank you.  Will try there first.18:10
tdnHow do I get debug symbols for k9copy?18:10
Kudilegend2440: yes it is18:11
damo_can someone get me a link for kbfx18:11
[MOB]Tripdefine exactly what u want to change, as u can change color/theme/menu itmes/shorcuts...etc..18:11
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ab0oocan someone tell me, do bloggers that are aggregated in Planet Ubuntu get feedback on the number of hits the planet gets?18:11
Curly_QDoes anyone here know if Ubuntu can read NTFS as a file recovery.18:11
legend2440Kudi: ok nevermind yours is different problem18:11
Kudilegend2440 shouldnt there be audio listed too?18:11
darkhamduffydack, can you help me'18:11
[MOB]Trip1680 ppl here lol18:11
trismmatelot: Tools/Plugins, enable Join/Part hiding plugin18:11
matelottrism, thx18:12
damo_can someone get me link for kbfx im using ubuntu18:12
[MOB]Triplibtxc_dxtn.so library <<--- any 1?18:12
seras_1682 people who dont say much of anything.18:12
Kudi[MOB]Trip, thought you were just exaggerating till i looked18:12
rooiste47hi all18:12
Jaziekahhh fuck. just when I thought I'd got this worked out, er.. I just finished the karmic installation, rebooted, and it cant find my primary HDD18:12
Jaziekany help?18:12
rooiste47how to add a manual entry to my grub.cfg18:12
legend2440Kudi: not necessarilly  here is my list and  alsamixer works for me   adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare18:12
ab0ooJaziek: sounds like a problem with a UUID18:12
rooiste47it doesn't detect my second OS18:13
[MOB]Triplol kudi18:13
seras_Jaziek: Language please.18:13
Jaziekok sorry18:13
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Kudilegend2440 completley identical...you think i should get ride of pulse audio?18:13
Jaziekits just hanging on the pentium 4 splash screen18:13
|ntegra|I've gone and made a tricky situation > I've got only 5gb for ubuntu, and a fat32 storage partition > I'd like to move my /tmp to the fat32 partition > Do You Think this is a safe option?18:13
Jaziekwont even let me go to BIOS18:13
seras_Jaziek: Thank you18:13
ab0ooJaziek: when you get to grub, hit "e" for edit and look for the root= line18:13
ab0ooJaziek: that's a bigger problem than ubuntu, if you can't get to bios18:13
[MOB]Trip!owned jaziek18:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about owned jaziek18:14
trismrooiste47: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Adding Entries to Grub 218:14
livingdaylighti clearly have internet connection but my browswer is sluggish... any way to diagnose the reason for this?18:14
Jaziekjust on the off chance anyone can help with that18:14
Kudiother then these sound issues i rely love 9.10...everything is super fast18:14
|ntegra|(I just need a larger /tmp for backing k9copy's /tmp)18:14
Jaziekeven if it isnt an ubuntu problem18:14
impulzehm what's causing ubuntu to start gdm although it's not in my runlevel?18:14
ab0oocan you boot off a rescue CD, Jaziek?18:14
guntbert[MOB]Trip: some of your statements *are* hard to read for me - I have to speak them (silently :-)18:14
JaziekI can boot from a CD18:14
legend2440Kudi: i dont know. if you dont find answer here   maybe someone in channel  #alsa  will know18:14
Jaziekbut not from a HDD18:14
Jaziekeven though it just let me install to my HDD18:15
ab0oowhat's it telling you when you don't have a CD in the drive?18:15
Kudilegend2440 *homer simpson voice doh!18:15
Jazieknothing, it just hangs on the pentium 4 splash screen right at the beginning of the boot18:15
[MOB]Tripif ur bios dont boot, then it wouldnt boot from cd18:15
Jaziekcant do anything at all18:15
ab0oodid you manually partition, or let the system partition for you during setup? It's important to mark one partition as "bootable"18:15
[MOB]Tripeither u raped ur boot loader...or somen elese18:15
seras_Maybe his hard disk is fried.18:15
[MOB]Tripor ur mdr18:15
durt!upstart | impulze18:15
ubottuimpulze: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/18:15
JaziekXD oh never mind, it was just absolutely bloody slow as anything18:15
Jaziekits booted now18:16
Jaziekjust took well over 5 minutes18:16
ab0ooJaziek: well, I guess we served our purpose. :)18:16
tdnHow do I get the newest version of WINE for Kubuntu 9.10?18:16
seras_5 minutes? Mine boots in 45 seconds......18:16
guntbertJaziek: maybe fsck running?18:16
darkhamhi people, i've karmic and an ati x1600, it seems i've the mesa installed, but i can't enable the desktop effects, i've "no drivers found"18:16
durttdn, 'sudo apt-get install wine1.2'18:16
[MOB]Trip www.wine.org  tdn18:16
tapasi booted the ubuntu installer cd18:16
Jackizhow do i do to restore all panels to system default?18:17
JaziekI'm gonna go with, first time boot jitters18:17
tapasand i try to find out which of my encrypted partitions holds my root fs, home fs, etc..18:17
Jaziekand hope it doesnt happen again18:17
tapaswhen i try to mount them i enter my passphrase18:17
tapasand then i can't see the contents of the fs's18:17
[MOB]Tripdarkham u have to install seperate ati drivers18:17
[MOB]Tripgoogle it18:17
ab0ooJaziek: are you doing anything unusual like LDAP authentication?  That will cause boot time havok if your LDAP server is unreachaable18:17
tapasah i see them with LS18:18
tapasjust not using nautilys18:18
NerveClaspHi! is there any software to manage gnome icon themes? for instance I want to change only the icon for my folders// I don't have a complete theme, but have one png.. how to do that without having to change something manually in /usr/share/icon ?18:18
impulzedurt: and now what?18:18
Jazieklooool I installed it onto the wrong hard drive - brain fart18:18
Alexia_DeathJaziek: Your configurations for a session are in .blah folders under your home18:18
Jaziekjust went to explore my secondary hard drive and saw WINDOWS folder18:18
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darkham[MOB]Trip, i can't install the fglrx, or catalyst, because my card is for ati a "legacy" the latest catalyst is the 9.3 karmic unsupported...18:18
CoralCan somebody help me reinstall grub? online tutorials are not working...18:19
NerveClaspgnome-art gives me a possibility to download ready-made themes// I want to create one18:19
darkham[MOB]Trip, help me...18:19
Alexia_DeathJaziek: move them and you will have a clean profile next start18:19
tapasok, i guess the installer will ask me what partitions to use18:19
tapasand since i know the sizes now, that should be sufficient to point the installer to the right ones :)18:19
[MOB]Tripnerverclasp ...hmm thats one cool thing puppy linux has18:19
[MOB]Tripu can just right click an icon/folder and choose "set icon"18:19
Dr_Willis[MOB]Trip:  err.. thats the feature of the file manager 'rox filer' :)18:20
seras_Or replace the file in the theme folder18:20
[MOB]Tripdarkham im not sure, google is ur friend, my friend in the other room is runnin ati and i just know he had to install drivers, he got compiz fuzion workin with it18:20
NerveClasp[MOB]Trip: and do it manually with each folder? nope//18:20
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[MOB]Tripo  rly willis18:20
darkham[MOB]Trip, ok18:20
NerveClasp[MOB]Trip: puppy?18:20
JaziekI'm guessing there are no wireless adapter drivers on here as standard?18:20
SJrWhen I installed Java on my AMD64 box, for some reason I think I got 32 bit java is there any reason why?18:21
[MOB]Trippuppy linux is a real light weight distro18:21
Dr_WillisI set up custome icons for spoecific directories in gnome/ubuntu  - i just dont recall where to set it for ALL folders for example18:21
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CoralCan somebody please help me reinstall grub? I cannot get online tutorials to work, and i cant boot my os!18:21
darkhamsomeone with a radeon x1600 or r500 and mesa driver installed?18:21
darkhamplease help me18:21
[MOB]Triptheres versions of it that are 50mb up to 700mb and all in between18:21
NerveClasp[MOB]Trip: I have nautilus18:21
tapasCoral: do you have another computer to chat here?18:21
Amigadudekeyserver is being slow and crappy again... :(18:21
iUbuntuIf i want to have a system with Windows 7 and Ubuntu what should I partition my drives to??18:21
Coraltapas: i may be able to use my mothers macbook, but i cant get irc to work with it18:22
[MOB]Triphmm iubuntu18:22
usserSJr, did you install sun java packages?18:22
BilliardiUbuntu: what sizes? or what do you want to know?18:22
jeniahello guys18:22
iUbuntu[MOB]Trip, yes?18:22
iUbuntuBilliard,  i got a 1TB HDD18:22
[MOB]Tripif u got 2 hardrives, u can just install ubuntu and it should add its own bootloader that will allow u to dual boot18:22
tapasCoral: then it will become difficult18:22
eni4chola acabo de instalar xchat pero me salen salen canales en ingles como puedo pasarlo a español18:22
usserSJr, how did you install it in the first plae?18:22
tapasCoral: the plan to boot a computer with grub:18:22
jeniatell are you people going to get the vaccine?18:22
BilliardiUbuntu: what is your question exactly18:22
[MOB]Tripas on the pc in the other room, it boots xp./win7./ubuntu18:22
Kudiim looking to install the archive manger that allows me to right click and extract, anyone remember what its called18:22
guntbert!es | eni4c18:22
ubottueni4c: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:22
tapasCoral: do you get the grub menu at boot?18:22
usserKudi, xarchiver?18:23
iUbuntuBilliard,  i got a new computer with no OS, i want to dual boot  Win 7 and Ubuntu 9.118:23
usserKudi, file-roller18:23
Coraltapas: no, just error 1518:23
eni4cperdona y como se hace18:23
SJrusser,  apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk18:23
[MOB]Tripinstall win 718:23
[MOB]Tripthen install ubunutu18:23
BilliardiUbuntu: that sir, is not a question18:23
NerveClaspok.. another q: is there any way I can set separate background picture for different folders in Nautilus (gnome)?18:23
tapasCoral: do you have an ubuntu boot cd?18:23
Kudiusser: i think its file-roller...there both the same think but one of them is a few clicks longer18:23
darkhamsomeone can help me to configure a radeon r500 ?18:23
Err0rdoes anyone know how can i remove by konsole the nvidia drivers i got from their site (it was a bin i installed with sh command)18:23
jdahmDoes the usb creator not work for ubuntu 9.10 yet?  I tried to create a USB with UNR on it but it doesn't work18:23
Coraltapas: im using the 9.1 install cd to run a live session atm18:23
iUbuntuBilliard,  what format do I need to make Ubuntu? ntfs?18:24
tapasCoral: ok18:24
SJrjdahm,  I had no problems doing that the other day18:24
usserSJr, im pretty sure sun's java is still 32 bit even in 64 bit repo. you should be using openjdk anyway18:24
usserSJr, openjdk is fully 64bit18:24
SJrUm I hear the openjdk is crap :)18:24
[MOB]Tripubuntu is ext318:24
BilliardErr0r: their installer may have an uninstall option18:24
Kudii always use puppy when i destroy ubuntu18:24
tapasCoral: have you ever used chroot before?18:24
SJriUbuntu, ext3 or ext4, ntfs is for Windows18:24
usserSJr, ehm openjdk is a direct fork of sun's java :)18:24
seras_Puppy Linux18:24
[MOB]Tripwww.puppylinux.org www.murga-linux.com/puppy18:24
tapasCoral: the plan is:18:24
Amigadudegpg: keyserver timed out18:24
Amigadudegpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error18:24
RoastedWhat's a good VNC viewer for Ubuntu? I need to be able to remote in to computers that ARE NOT logged in yet so I can log them in and do work. What can do the job in Ubuntu?18:24
seras_<-- Is a big fan of knoppix ldxe personally.18:24
tapasCoral: mount your root filesystem somewhere18:25
trismNerveClasp: for your previous icon theme question, have you looked at http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/Tutorials/IconThemes18:25
iUbuntu[MOB]Trip, SJr.. ok  but I want to great a partition on my HDD also for all my Video's / Music can ubuntu read NTFS fine withour issues?18:25
tapasCoral: then mount some important filesystems into it using mount --bind18:25
[MOB]Tripi stopped usen puppy cuz couldnt get me good games workin18:25
Dr_WillisRoasted:  thats not really a feature of the vnc viewer18:25
|ntegra|oh crap, this looks like a real mission18:25
trismNerveClasp: it looks like you can inherit from another theme and just change a few icons if you want18:25
tapasCoral: then chroot into the mounted root filesystem18:25
BilliardiUbuntu: yes ubuntu can read/write ntfs18:25
Coraltapas: i dont know how...18:25
Dr_WillisRoasted:  and you can set up vncservers to auto 'spawn' when someone connects to the machine18:25
ab0oousser: the java-6-sun packages in Ubuntu are available in 64bit18:25
Roasteddr_willis - is there any way I can set something up so I can do that with xp machines?18:25
tapasCoral: and run install-grub from there.18:25
whodunni_My sound has stopped working. Here's what happened - I didn't have sound for about a week (I'm using Jaunty). I used to kill the pulseaudio process before playing a game because the game would quit with an error if pulseaudio was running. One day, the sound suddenly stopped working, but all software seemed to be working fine. Today, I killed the pulseaudio process and created it again, and sound started working again (and there was much rejoicing), howev18:25
[MOB]Tripubuntu will see ur C drive on windows fine18:25
Err0r 20:24:54 | <ghostcube> sh NVIDIA*.run --unisntall18:25
Err0r 20:25:11 | <ghostcube> *bin18:25
Dr_WillisRoasted:  for XP/windows  no idea18:25
SJrusser, iUbuntu  yes it can but I don't think you can 'install' ubuntu on an NTFS partition.18:25
tapasCoral: ok at what step of the plan don't you know how to do it?18:25
usserab0oo, oh really? i was wrong then SJr18:25
[MOB]Tripubuntu used to be called Lindows18:25
inkianyone that has installed couchdb ?18:25
grawityAmigadude Yeah, it's down... Use pool.sks-keyservers.net or keyserver.noreply.org18:26
tapasbtw: shouldn't there really be something like an ubuntu repair disk for these circumstances?18:26
Coraltapas: the first one-last one18:26
usserSJr, apparently sun's java should be 64bit18:26
tapasCoral: ok, click on places18:26
ab0oousser: there are some instances where users have to use the Sun version (usually for contractual reasons).  it works well enough18:26
Billiard[MOB]Trip: no i dont think it did18:26
tapasCoral: and computer18:26
iUbuntuok great! So i can partition my HDD to two NTFS (Windows and DATA) and one ext3  Billard SJr [MOB]Trip18:26
inkitrying to install couchdb on ubuntu .... not succeeding ....18:26
tapasCoral: there should be some disks listed18:26
iUbuntuwhich is best for ubuntu ext3 or ext 4  ?/ Billard SJr [MOB]Trip18:26
periadocis there someway i can connect to wireless internet while being hooked up to another computer using wire?18:27
[MOB]Tripi use ext318:27
SJriUbuntu,  I dunno, I heard there had been problems with ext 4 loosing data, but I believe there okay. My newest installs were both ext418:27
tapasCoral: one of them is your OS's root file system18:27
[MOB]Tripits the defualt for 9.0418:27
BilliardiUbuntu: you could do that yes, i use ext3 but many people have no problems with ext418:27
Coraltapas: Filesystem and Floppy Drive are listed18:27
jonasbbcan someone help me with deb packets18:27
seras_i like reiserfs i knowso out of date haha18:27
durtiUbuntu, ext4 is an upgrade to ext3, and is fairly stable, I would use ext4.18:27
tapasCoral: hmm, that's bad.. no other disks?18:27
crackpotdoes anyone else get the crash report of xtftt when they first boot up ubuntu 9.10?18:27
periadocifconfig shows that the wireless still get ip but it seems to favor the wire one and firefox shows up with no internet18:27
inkisure going fast here ....18:27
Coraltapas: no, i havent mounted them..18:27
Dr_Willisinki:  actually its a slow day18:27
tapasCoral: no, you could mount them from there.. that's the whole point :)18:27
tapasCoral: it should show all unmounted filesystems18:28
Coraltapas: oic18:28
tapasCoral: try in a console:18:28
tapassudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/18:28
[MOB]Triplibtxc_dxtn.so library <---install for intel gamen?? i ask again18:28
iUbuntudurt.. um i dunno, lol im hearing people got problems/issues with ext4 :S i'm a newbie to Ubuntu18:28
tapasCoral: brb pizza almost done18:28
kgeekany one here to help me around with scree out of range problem..9.1018:28
usseriUbuntu, go with ext3.18:28
nublordCan anyone help with codec installation ?18:28
nublordCant seem to figure this one out.18:28
Billiardnublord: whats the prob?18:29
jdahmSJr: OK I'm trying again18:29
[MOB]Tripwut codec18:29
jonasbbcan someone help me with deb packets18:29
iUbuntu___ I'l go with ext3.. gonna pop GParted into my pc now n partition it18:29
jdahmSJr: I'll let you know how it goes18:29
SJrI figured it out usser , I had ia32-java installed18:29
Billiardjonasbb: whats the prob?18:29
NerveClasptrism: yes, I did, I see specifications.. but I need a simple software to create themes.. writing .theme files manually is too long.. I spend much time on drawing icons.. replacing icons from other themes is also a bit dorring//18:29
nublordmp3, xvid divx18:29
kubuntuserjonasbb: what about deb packages?18:29
kgeekis any one alive here18:29
usserSJr, usually that one gets pulled in for firefox java plugin18:29
paprnais anybode here who play UrT on U 8.10 and have soem problem with sound?18:29
Billiardnublord: installing the restricted extras package from synaptic should let you play all those18:29
seras_1679 people are18:29
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kgeekAaronMT: can u help me with it18:29
seras_alive that is18:30
usserSJr, and you can have many javas installed just pick default with sudo update-alternatives --config java18:30
Billiardpaprna: UrT, is that unreal tournament?18:30
NerveClasptrism: oh, well.. I guess I'll be doing that=)18:30
SJrAh thanks usser18:30
paprnaBilliard: no, urban terror18:30
[MOB]Tripnah i havent played unreal tournament18:30
tapasCoral: ok, did that suceed?18:30
[MOB]Tripive played unreal gold and had no issues18:30
tapasCoral: or did you get an error?18:30
tapasCoral: oh, you need to open a terminal for running comands18:30
=== AndroidIRC| is now known as lmentopdroid
NerveClaspstill.. can I set a separate background picture for separate folders in nautilus somehow?18:31
kubuntuser!hi | Mack_18:31
ubottuMack_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:31
Mack_anyone know where the directory listing folder is?18:31
Coraltapas: ummmmmm....confused?18:31
Mack_with apache2 on ubuntu18:31
Mack_Forbidden  You don't have permission to access / on this server.  Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ruby/1.2.6 Ruby/1.8.7(2008-08-11) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 Server at blog.mackgoodstein.com Port 8018:31
Mack_thats what I get every time it tries to use it18:31
LiquidscriptI created a boot disk with the ubuntu server 9.10 iso in my ubuntu 9.04 machine. When I try to boot off usb with my target machine, i get a blinking underscore prompt. :(18:31
tapasCoral: open up a terminal18:31
usserMack_, its /var/www18:31
kubuntuserMack_: /var/www18:31
inkiubottu: is this the forum where to ask questions, is there a good howto for xchat ?18:31
iUbuntuis Ubuntu Server a GUI OS?? r only text /terminal?18:31
tapasCoral: applications->accessories->terminal18:31
Mack_usser: hmm, I chmod'ed that 777, but it still is forbidded18:32
Mack_anyone know why it can't access it?18:32
kgeekMack_: can u help me18:32
kubuntuser!bot | inki18:32
ubottuinki: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:32
damo_hi all i downloaded KBFX on ubuntu but it wont let me change menu style anyone know y ?18:32
usserMack_, did you allow directory listing? put a simple index.html file in there see if its displayed18:32
durtiUbuntu, you need to install a gui on top of it18:32
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.18:32
SirTopHatI use one laptop as my mousepad for my other laptop.18:32
kubuntuserinki: I would suggest you google for an xchat tutorial... or just use it. It is pretty easy18:32
NerveClaspanybody use "rox filer"? is it better than nautilus? can I make it a default desktop environment instead of nautilus in gnome?18:33
usserdamo_, sorry that menu for gnome was called gnome-main-menu, sudo apt-get install gnome-main-menu18:33
iUbuntudurt ok cool, will look more into that n the future when im ready to build mt website18:33
Mack_usser: yeah it works, this happens in every folder where the folder exists, but doesn't have an index.php/html18:33
Coraltapas: yes18:33
Mack_usser:  and it randomly stops working18:33
Mack_kgeek: that depends, wuts the question18:33
tapasCoral: in the terminal type:18:33
tapasCoral: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/18:33
tapasCoral: what do you get?18:33
crypto_how to enable burning folding etc effects while minimizing opening and closing of windows in ubuntu 9.1018:33
durtiUbuntu, in that case also be aware of #ubuntu-server.18:33
BilliardMack_: to allow directory listing, you need to set the option in the apache config18:33
usserMack_, there's a directory listing option somewhere in apache config,18:33
gnubieinki; http://xchat.org/docs/18:33
ab0ooiUbuntu: you can install ubuntu-desktop on top of the server install to get your gui18:33
damo_kk installed how do i apply ?18:34
usserMack_, you need to enable it18:34
Coraltapas: there was no feedback18:34
kgeekMack_: i m having screen out of range problem..with nvidia Grforce 6100 card n nvidia Ver 185 as driver18:34
tapasCoral: ok type: ls /mnt/18:34
Mack_usser, Billiard: thanks, any reason it would just stop working all of a sudden though?18:34
inkignubie: thanks18:34
damo_usser i did tht command18:34
tapasCoral: you should see a bunch of directories, and stuff18:34
gnubieinki; welcome18:34
usseriUbuntu, but installing ubuntu-desktop defeats the whole purpose of having a server18:34
damo_how do i apply the new one ?18:34
Mack_kgeek: I had a similliar problem on my macbook, but it just fixed itself18:34
Kudidoes anyone kno of any plugin to so i can right click and "extract here" with file roller.....i feel kind of bad everyone else here is having hardrive problems and im about as anal lisa sparxxx18:34
Coraltapas: is said lost+found in blue text18:34
darkhamsomeone can help me to configure a radeon r500 ?18:34
prodcutnewshow to know what file system linux using18:34
usserdamo_, cool now right click on your panel->add to panel18:35
crypto_how to enable burning folding etc effects while minimizing opening and closing of windows in ubuntu 9.10 HELP18:35
tapasCoral: ok, it's empty..18:35
tapasCoral: did you accendentally format a disk?18:35
durtprodcutnews, take a look at /etc/mtab.18:35
penguin42prodcutnews: stat -f /18:35
kgeekMack_: so dude wat should i do !!18:35
damo_how do i right click on my panel ?18:35
Dr_WillisKudi:  google for 'nautilus scripts' im thinking ive seen that befor.18:35
inkignubie: writing to an individual, is it best to choose from the list on the right - so that the nick i highlighted18:35
Coraltapas: what do you mean18:35
usserdamo_, search for main menu18:35
usserdamo_, there should be two choices one of them is the new menu18:35
usserdamo_, what do you mean18:35
tapasCoral: or other question: how many harddrives does your system have18:35
kgeekMack_: waiting tilll the time it get fixed it self..18:35
Liquidscriptis there any reason I shouldn't install Ubuntu server first and then install the ubuntu-desktop package afterwards? Should I just install Ubuntu Desktkop in the first place?18:35
kubuntuserprodcutnews: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda18:35
Mack_usser: w/o directory listing, wouldn't it just give 404? or would it give 403?18:35
minimiHy People!18:35
KudiDr_Willis lol will they work if you dont have nautilus?18:35
Coraltapas: one18:35
kubuntuserhi minimi18:35
damo_i dont know how to apply new menu lol18:36
inkilakshman: hello18:36
usserMack_, no im pretty sure it give 403 permission denied18:36
Dr_WillisKudi:  actually - i have 'extrract here' for several of my archives allready18:36
magical_walrusHow can I convert MSWMM files to AVI files?18:36
Mack_kgeek: to be honest, I only used ubuntu desktop on my macbook, maybe once or twice a month, so idr wut I did18:36
Dr_WillisKudi:  You asked for one on the rioght click menu dident you?18:36
tapasCoral: ok, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda18:36
Mack_kgeek: I usually use ubuntu server over ssh, so don't no much about graphics cards in ubuntu18:36
usserdamo_, right click on your old menu pick remove right click on the empty space->add to panel18:36
KudiDr_Willis: are you using openbox with nothing else?18:36
Lazureok, i'm having problems here. I have Xubuntu running as a guest, and I just added another virtual hard disk to that guest. Problem is, when i do sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/datadisk ... i can open the datadisk and it reports the correct freespace, but i cannot write any files to it!  :(18:36
Dr_WillisKudi:  if you want easy extraction from the termianl. use 'unp' command18:36
damo_kk ty18:36
Lazurehow do i get write access to a separate drive?18:36
Dr_WillisKudi:  you can run nautilus in openbox.18:36
KudiDr_Willis yes18:36
crypto_how to enable burning folding etc effects while minimizing opening and closing of windows in ubuntu 9.1018:37
tapasCoral: what do you get?18:37
maxagazbefore, I could open a directory in vim, not anymore in karmic, why ?18:37
Dr_WillisKudi:  most file managers have similer features to extract archives18:37
randomusrhow can I disable my touchpad?18:37
Coraltapas:do you want me to paste it?18:37
ussercrypto_, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:37
KudiDr_Willis: id rather not....im sorta a minimal junky18:37
tapasCoral: sure18:37
ussercrypto_, run ccsm and look for animations plugin18:37
Dr_WillisKudi:  time to figure out what it is you want to do then and go do it i guess... good luck18:37
maxagazhpw can I know the location of the icon of a directory ?18:37
Coraltapas: what about paste bin?18:37
[MOB]Triphey whats the wine irc?18:37
damo_kk ty done it18:37
tapasdamn, i need to get the alternate installer to do stuff with cryptdisks, rght?18:38
tapasCoral: sure18:38
ussertapas, yep18:38
kubuntuser[MOB]Trip: I would try #wine18:38
=== Reac_away is now known as Reactor
[MOB]Triplol i did18:38
Err0r0:38:21 | <Err0r> it says18:38
Err0r 20:38:23 | <Err0r> cant open18:38
Err0r 20:38:30 | <Err0r> sh: cant open nvidia...18:38
tapasCoral: result link?18:38
[MOB]Tripnvm it lemme n now18:38
durt[MOB]Trip, try ircsearch.com18:38
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
eljakhello, i am having problems with ibdriver after i upgraded to karmic, i applied a patch that i found every thing seems ok, but when i plug the usb device the system freezes, anybody knows a solution?18:39
BilliardErr0r: what says that?18:39
Coraltapas: http://pastebin.ca/166118018:39
Err0rsudo sh NVIDIA-Linux.... .run --unistall18:39
FragsworthI have a box on the top left of my screen that says "Unknown" on it and I don't know how to get rid of it18:39
darkhamsomeone can help me to configure a radeon r500 ?18:39
tapasCoral: your disk is empty18:40
codeswingshould I install msttcorefonts or no18:40
Lazureis it not possible to get write access to an extra drive in xubuntu?18:40
tapasCoral: there's no operating system there..18:40
codeswingis it worth ?18:40
BilliardErr0r: pastebin your exact command and the exact output18:40
codeswingI am loving default ubunt fonts18:40
tapasCoral: we mounted the one partition there is and looked into it18:40
tapasCoral: no data18:40
Dr_WillisLazure:  its possibvle depending on whatds on it and how you mount it18:40
Coraltapas: strange18:40
tapasCoral: type df -h18:41
tapasit should show a line for /dev/sda18:41
Err0ri try to remove the bin package i got from nvidia... by command line18:41
tapas /dev/sda118:41
Lazurei did sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /media/datadisk18:41
Lazureand it won't let me drag any files in the folder for it or anything18:41
darkhami need help with ati r500 and karmic, please help me18:41
codeswingmsttcorefonts is worth to install ?18:41
BilliardErr0r: yeah i know what you are trying to do18:41
tapasCoral: that's why i asked whether you accidentally formatted the disk18:41
Jaziekok, how can I set it up so my vista laptop can grab files from my new ubuntu box from across my home network?18:41
Dr_WillisLazure:  for a LINUX filesystem you must have proper permissions/ownership of the directories for a user to access them18:42
=== CallMe_JC is now known as EasyTUX
Jaziekadded bonus question - how can I make my box be an FTP server?18:42
grawityJaziek: Install vsftpd, configure18:42
Dr_WillisLazure:  so you need to chown whever it is you want to write to to be owned by  your user. or chmod it to allow access18:42
jamesssWhat does Buffer I/0 errror mean in ubuntu 9.10?18:42
Lazurewell, i tried fat32 before, and it wouldn't work either. i just wanted to create an extra .vdi drive to separately store data i gather in my xubuntu guest.18:42
Coraltapas: i installed ubuntu 9.1 and afterwards i deleted an 8gb partition18:42
[MOB]Tripgo to google18:42
[MOB]Tripttype ur question lol18:42
jamesssplease help?18:42
RivootJaziek: and install samba to share folders and files between linux and windows18:42
[MOB]Tripits what i did earlier18:42
jamesssWhat does Buffer I/0 errror mean in ubuntu 9.10?18:42
jamessswhen you try to shutdown18:43
Err0rBilliard : sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.36-pkg2.run --unistall output: sh: cant open NVIDIA.....run18:43
Dr_WillisLazure:   for ntfs.vfat you MUST mount them with the proper options, not chown/chmod them afterwards18:43
[MOB]Tripye samba..  somen like sudo apt-get samba18:43
JaziekI have installed samba18:43
tapasCoral: that 8gb partition was your ubuntu system i guess :)18:43
Mack_usser: you know why mod rewrite isn't working? its enabled, but the rewrite rule isn't being followed18:43
penguin42jamess: It means it can't read or write something - look at the detail of the message to find what18:43
Jaziekbut I cant edit the .conf file18:43
Rivootright click in the directory you want to share18:43
guest_Need help here, setting up stanford's folding@home as a service on a multi-core CPU (preferably without SMP client, rather separate work folders for ea core) anyone had any luck with this?18:43
Billiardjamesss: in what context? also dont ask your question again so quickly18:43
Lazurewell, it's currently fomratted ext4 now. what's the thing i should mount it with to get proper permissions?18:43
jamesssWhat does Buffer I/0 errror mean in ubuntu 9.10?18:43
grkblood13how do i get sopcast to run on 9.04?18:43
[MOB]Tripthen make sure u have ur dries shared on vista18:43
magical_walrusHow can I convert MSWMM files to AVI files?18:43
Rivootand allow guests18:43
Coraltapas: but i hade over 8gb of just music on it18:43
BilliardErr0r: looks like that .run file doesnt exist18:44
* Trezker would really like if someone would make an effort of reducing the number of use cases that cause the CD reader to spin up unneccesarily18:44
tapasCoral: show me the output of: df -h18:44
venkatesanhai how are you18:44
iUbuntuwhats a linix-swap file system??18:44
jhb1608question: How do I slow down the movie that have .rm format?, it get choppy and speed up and slow down back and forth....18:44
Err0rBilliard : ok how can i remove my nvidia driver OR simply go back to my generic gpu driver?18:44
durt!swap > iUbuntu18:44
ubottuiUbuntu, please see my private message18:44
jhb1608question: How do I slow down the movie that have .rm format?, it get choppy and speed up and slow down back and forth....18:44
rufensisI just installed a debian OS and want to use the repositories from ubuntu to install the newest firefox.  Can someone give me the lines I need for my apt sources.list?18:44
tapasCoral: brb, rebooting my system..18:44
BilliardErr0r: where is that .run file located18:45
usserrufensis, that is a bad idea18:45
Coraltapas: http://pastebin.com/m7ea0285618:45
lianimatorI have this command to setup a special key on my laptop: sudo setkeycodes e023 112; how do I make it permanent?18:45
jhb1608question: How do I slow down the movie that have .rm format?, it get choppy and speed up and slow down back and forth....18:45
Err0rBilliard : i dont know18:45
usserrufensis, are u running lenny?18:45
rufensisusser: why? I saw someone suggested it in a firefox install guide?  I am running lenny.18:45
Dr_Willisjhb1608:  when using vlc or mplayer the  [ ] keys speed/slow down video playback18:45
tapasCoral: you see the line for /dev/sda1?18:45
Jaziekhmm, now I can see the folder in the shared folders directory in vista18:45
BilliardErr0r: well how are you supposed to run a file that you dont know the location of, find the file18:45
Jaziekbut I can access it18:45
Dr_Willisrufensis:   mixxing the 2 is not a good idea.18:46
tapasCoral: there's only 60mb data on it..18:46
Err0rBilliard : i cant18:46
tapasCoral: type: dmesg | grep sd18:46
Lazurewhat do i type for chmod or whatever to give an ext4 drive write access on my user then?18:46
tapasCoral: do you see other disks like sdb18:46
tapasor sdc?18:46
Lazurei'm so confused, this is why i don't use linux very much! i can't just... plug somethin in and make it go, it's so complicated18:46
[MOB]Tripneed to have write permission to it jaziek18:46
usserrufensis, better get the repos from testing/unstable would be more compatible this way18:46
Err0rBilliard : this is the bad with linux when you delete something its possible the system might go down, windows and freebsd has their system files seperate from the program libs18:46
Coraltapas: hmmmm18:46
Err0rBilliard : its more organized18:47
Coraltapas: this sucks18:47
minimiI thought (I saw a pussycat XD), no but really, that the file explorer system -(like gnome, but I don't really know, because I'm totally new in Linux with a bit understanding over the possibilities stuff;_))- is the soul of the usefulness of an OS. I have a growing list about things I'd like to modify. Not long, but anyway... I'l be happy for any link or suggestion about where to look after knowledge in these fields of Linux! I migh18:47
minimit wish more in the future, but need an "antry"! I hope someone can help mi inside. Knok-knok!18:47
jamesssguys no help here hope you all die18:47
Dr_WillisLazure:   learn the system then i guess and why its doin git.18:47
usserrufensis, but that will make your install unstable, hence its not recommended for production.18:47
[MOB]Triprofl jameez18:47
c3lI keep getting Unknown encoder 'libfaac' when trying to convert mp3->m4r with ffmpeg18:47
tapasCoral: oh, one moment:18:47
BilliardErr0r: no you are wrong18:47
tapasdo: sudo umount /dev/sda118:47
iUbuntudurt  NTFS has no limitation right?   say if i had a 29GB video file NTFS accepts it right?18:47
Dr_WillisLazure:   install/run the ntfs-config tool to enable r/w access to vfat/ntfs drives18:47
[MOB]Triprage quit hahah18:47
tapasCoral: then: sudo mkdir /mnt218:47
tapasCoral: then: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt218:47
rufensisusser: what's the best way to get ff3.5 on the system.  I use an archiving tool called zotero and it needs the newest version of ff.  If I use the testing/unstable (is this the same as backports?) then will there be a 3.5 version of iceweasel?  I know I may be asking this question in the wrong room.  Thanks for your help.18:47
tapasCoral: then: ls /mnt2/18:47
tapasCoral: still nothing there?18:48
BilliardErr0r: bsd is organized very much like linux, windows is not organized18:48
durtiUbuntu, I have no clue, NTFS is windows not linux.18:48
Dr_Willisrufensis:   firefox has binary tar.gzs on theior web site.  if you want to test it for a single user, or put in /opt/18:48
Coraltapas: nothing18:48
grawityiUbuntu: IIRC, the file size limit of NTFS is 32 exabytes.18:48
Err0rBilliard : in the same folder there are all the libs (programs +  system) , it would be better if libs for the system are in a seperate folder18:48
BilliardiUbuntu: ubuntu works with ntfs fine, no issues18:48
tapasCoral: only lost+found, right?18:48
grawityiUbuntu: In other words, more than you'll ever have.18:48
Coraltapas: yes18:48
kulighti having trouble copying files over the network the file operation starts and after few seconds freezes any ideas?18:48
usserrufensis, i'd just download latest build from mozilla.org, untar it somewhere to /opt for example and create symlinks to the firefox executable in /usr/local/bin18:48
BilliardErr0r: they are in a different folder18:48
tapasCoral: well, then i'm pretty positive that there's nothing on that disk18:48
Coraltapas:im going to die18:49
Err0rok anyway18:49
rufensisusser: what's a symlink?18:49
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:49
tapasCoral: don't take my word for it though.. maybe someone else has another clue?18:49
iUbuntudurt Billiard grawity  So do i really need to install Ubuntu on ext3??  (whats ext3's file limit? 4GB??)18:49
Err0rErr0r how cani go back to my default generic gpu driver of my distro? i dont like to use nvidia18:49
usserrufensis, arg, symlink is like a shortcut in windows but more powerful18:49
tapasCoral: music, schmusic18:49
grawityrufensis: Symlinks are a special kind of files that don't have content, size, or permissions -- they just point to somewhere else.18:49
tapasCoral: you got internet access ;)18:49
grawityusser: Wouldn't say that.18:50
minimiOr just an other irc chanel?18:50
grawityusser: Windows shortcuts are quite powerful too.18:50
[MOB]Tripu canz help with intel vid driver issues18:50
usserrufensis, for example cd /usr/local/bin && sudo ln -s /opt/firefox3.5/firefox18:50
durtiUbuntu, depends on how it's compiled in the ubuntu kernel.18:50
Coraltapas: well, im just going to reinstall the os like ive done so many times before...18:50
grawityiUbuntu: Either ext3 or ext4 -- but definitely not NTFS.18:50
BilliardiUbuntu: the limit is much higher than you will ever need, its not 4GB, ubuntu should not be installed on ntfs or fat3218:50
tapasCoral: one moment though..18:50
Coraltapas: sigh......18:50
ussergrawity, well not really shortcut, i know i know :)18:50
Jaziekincredibly basic question - how do I know what my workgroup is called?18:50
ikoniaAnwalt: english please18:50
ikoniaJaziek: it's in your samba config18:50
nullp0interanyone know why an alias for ls='ls -X' would get rid of the shell colors ? folders r now the same color as files18:50
grawityiUbuntu: ext3 has a limit of 16 GB to 2 TB (varies depending on the configuration)18:50
ikonianullp0inter: you need -color too18:51
tapasCoral: maybe you only deleted the partition and the data is still there18:51
grawityiUbuntu: ext4 has a limit of 16 TB18:51
guest_Need help here, setting up stanford's folding@home as a service on a multi-core CPU (preferably without SMP client, rather separate work folders for ea core) anyone had any luck with this?18:51
grkblood13how do i get sopcast to run on 9.04?18:51
ikonianullp0inter: ls is aliased to ls -color by default, you've just overrode it18:51
penguin42nullp0inter: Because ls is normally an alias for ls --color=auto18:51
Dr_WillisJaziek:  its defined in /etc/samba/smb.conf default is 'workgroup' i think18:51
tapasCoral: yeah, it's a 160GB disk and that one partition is only 122GB18:51
usserrufensis, above command creates a "shortcut" to your firefox3.5 executable in /usr/local/bin. so that you can run firefox without typing up the full path to the executable18:51
dr3mrohelp with video aspect ratio ubuntu karmic // picture appear taller !!!18:51
MidgetSpyhey all I'm running 8.04 server which has python 2.5. I don't see 2.6 in the standard apt sources, so what's the easiest way to run it without worrying about upgrading my entire ubuntu version?18:51
ikoniaDr_Willis: bang on18:51
Jazzyer.. got dced18:51
Coraltapas: is there any way to fix this?18:51
Jazzyif somebody answered that, can they reanswer?18:51
guntbertnullp0inter: because you overwrite alias ls='ls --color=auto'18:51
nullp0interikonia/penguin42: so it should be ls='ls -X -color'?18:51
tapasCoral: did you remove any other partitions beside the 8GB one?18:51
DruleHow do you restore Ubuntu to factory settings?18:52
tapasCoral: yes, i'm not sure i know how to, though..18:52
ikonianullp0inter: see guntbert's comment18:52
ikoniaDr_Willis: you can't18:52
ikoniaDr_Willis: sorry18:52
icerootMidgetSpy: have a look at backports + apt-pinning18:52
penguin42nullp0inter: I think ls='ls -X --color=auto'18:52
Coraltapas: no18:52
ikoniaDrule: you can't18:52
iceroot!backports | MidgetSpy18:52
ubottuMidgetSpy: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:52
tapasCoral: in principle i know.. there's quite a few pitfalls, though18:52
nullp0interthanks everyone!18:52
wharfrat1490hi.  n00b here.  where's faq?18:52
seras_ Drule: Computer Janitor didn't do the trick?18:52
iceroot!pinning | MidgetSpy18:52
ubottuMidgetSpy: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto18:52
tapasCoral: we should first look for a tool for this specific purpose18:52
DruleI have important files on this Ubuntu laptop, and the network is completely broken due to some settings I changed18:52
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage18:52
tapasCoral: rediscovering partitions18:52
Druleseras_: I can't download anything18:52
Drulemy network is broken18:52
tapasCoral: you know the file system type?18:52
Drulei need to restore the system without formatting it18:52
seras_Drule: COmputer Janitor is standard in Gnome.18:53
=== oriol is now known as uriol
muri_oneHow do I get the library libtxc_dxtn.so in ubuntu?18:53
Coraltapas: im just going to reinstall. the partition was buggie anyway18:53
tapasCoral: "buggle"?18:53
tapaswhat about the music18:53
[MOB]Tripmuri one18:53
MidgetSpyiceroot: OK, so I'm not going to pooch something if I replace 2.5 with 2.6 though?18:53
seras_Drule: Nevermind then.18:53
[MOB]Tripi am tryin to figuire out same thing18:53
Druleseras_: I can't find a "Computer Janitor" anywhere18:53
[MOB]Tripno 1 said sheet yet...18:53
tapasCoral: it had consistency problems?18:53
tapasCoral: like fsck failures?18:53
icerootMidgetSpy: pooch?18:53
tapasCoral: was it ext3?18:53
Coraltapas: after the 9.1 upgrade18:53
Coraltapas: its ext218:54
tapasCoral: ah ok, so the system was faulty, not the disk, ok..18:54
seras_Drule: I think it's under System/Administration18:54
[MOB]Tripthats whre u can download the tarballs from18:54
iUbuntuIf i wanted to copy a partition n place it into a nother partition is there an LIVE cd for that?18:54
[MOB]Tripidk wut to do after that18:54
tapasCoral: well, we could go through the hassles of recovering your music18:54
seras_Drule: I would read about it first.18:54
Jazzyok, I can SEE the folders that I've selected to share, but cant access them18:54
BilliardiUbuntu: any live cd will do18:54
Coraltapas: how>18:54
Jazzywhat gives18:54
BilliardErr0r: no caps18:54
Jazzyand samba says that they are shared18:54
usseriUbuntu, clonezilla livecd allows you to backup partitions18:54
tapasCoral: well, in principle it is possible to search through the free space on your disk18:54
BilliardErr0r: i already told you try the uninstall option on the installer you downloaded18:55
tapasCoral: to find the data structures of your filesystem18:55
tapasCoral: i'm looking for a tool to do it atm..18:55
muri_one[MOB]Trip: I was really hoping for a ready made .deb package18:55
Dr_WillisJazzy:  You set them where everyone can access them? or are they password protected>18:55
Lithrianhello everybody18:55
[MOB]Tripye me 2 muri18:55
JazzyI set acess to everybody18:55
dr3mrohelp with video aspect ratio ubuntu karmic // picture appear taller !!!18:55
Jazzyno password needed18:55
[MOB]Tripi need it to attempt to run some games better for the intel chipset18:55
makeobjcan someone help me with dep packets18:55
makeobji want to creat a deb packet. it should create a folder andsome files under ~/editor18:55
[MOB]Tripthats only thing i have found o nit so far18:55
[MOB]Tripand it only confuzes me18:55
Dr_WillisJazzy:  you did install the samba package?18:55
Coraltapas: no its ok, im going to reinstall ubuntu anyway18:56
[MOB]Tripif u find somen better lemme know18:56
Fragsworthhow can I restart gnome without rebooting my machine18:56
oscurochuhow do I make samba use the workgroup name in gconf-editor?18:56
tapasCoral: hold on, might be only 5 minutes :)18:56
Coraltapas: thanks though18:56
Billiardmakeobj: i dont think deb's should create files under user's home directories18:56
ubunewbcould someone contact me regarding setup of stanford's folding@home as a service? folding help & forums are not too well done with specific linux distros18:56
Coraltapas: ok. ok lol18:56
tapasCoral: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1231912.html18:56
pizzapowerHelp! java-6-sun not working in Firefox...18:56
tapasCoral: this thread has some infos18:56
iUbuntuwhich OS should I isntall first WIN7 or Ubuntu??18:56
[MOB]Tripwin 718:57
urioli am from barcelona18:57
usserBilliard, makeobj deb packages can change files anywhere on / its ok. thats how i ppl manage 100's of machines18:57
seras_pizzapower: Did you install the plugin?18:57
urioli am new at kubuntu18:57
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody knows C or C++?18:57
makeobjBilliard: i have read this. is there any way how i can create these folder18:57
[MOB]Tripso that ubunut will then see win 718:57
urioli recently updated my operating system from gnome18:57
LiquidscriptI'm having issues with USB Startup Disk Creator18:57
madsjwhere would be a good place to look if I have no sound ? no gnome-tricks, please!18:57
Coraltapas: ill look over it18:57
uriolit seems like a completely different operating system18:57
uriolthan ubuntu18:57
tapasCoral: ok, did this whole incident teach you a lesson though?18:57
urioli get lost18:57
iUbuntuhow many primary partitions can one HDD have?18:57
tapasCoral: it's a very important one, too often neglected :)18:57
pizzapowerseras_: I have sun-java6-plugin installed18:57
BilliardiUbuntu: 418:57
Lithrianguys i need some help: im using an acer extensa 5220 notebook and got some wlan problem18:58
BlouBlouuriol: if you have got any ubuntu releated question ask now please, however if you wanna general ubuntu chat, go to #ubuntu-offtopic18:58
boscop_do ssh sessions expire?18:58
[MOB]Tripu can make an extended partition18:58
[MOB]Tripwhich is essentially the same18:58
Lithrianmy notebook detects my wlan but i cant connect to sites via firefox18:58
Dr_Willisboscop_:  they can time out - yes..18:58
tapasCoral: the lesson is: FFS, back up your stuff :)18:58
ussermakeobj, http://wiki.freegeek.org/index.php/Basic_Debian_Packaging18:58
seras_pizzapower: What about the Java jre, Bin and the other one?18:58
newbieIs there any program that is like an 'outlook' type of thing?18:58
ctmjr!sp | uriol18:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp18:58
=== newbie is now known as Arsin
Lithrianbut i can using my cable network with the same settings18:58
makeobjusser: but i dont know how i can write something like ~/editor in a deb packet. creating a ~ folder is not that what i need18:58
BlouBlouctmjr: !es << this is command18:58
usserArsin, evolution18:58
pizzapowerseras_, yes, they are installed too.18:58
tatooapim new with ubuntu .. what should i do?18:59
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:59
seras_pizzapower: That's what I have in and it works fine. Hmmmm18:59
tapasCoral: you can even do the stuf described in the referenced forum thread from the boot disk18:59
pizzapowerseras_, and -fonts and -jdk.18:59
tapasCoral: sudo apt-get install alien seems to work :)18:59
Lithriank thx ill see if it helps18:59
tapasCoral: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38792218:59
tapasCoral: that one18:59
antoniuslol ubuntu install has BLACK desktop...nothing, no icons, background..everything works..BLACK desktop...anyone heard of this?18:59
ctmjr!es | uriol18:59
ubottuuriol: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:59
iUbuntu{mhow do I hide a partition??18:59
pizzapowerseras_, java applications like eclipse work ok.18:59
makeobjusser: i the wiki is not what i need18:59
iUbuntu[MOB]Trip, how do i hide a partition18:59
Dr_Willisantonius:  disable compiz for a test18:59
tatooapcan i use backtrackp apps on ubuntu?19:00
ussermakeobj, other files (note that these may not be needed for a proper makefile-based source package)19:00
usser*.install - in here, put all the files you want installed, first their location in the tree, then a space, then their location in the filesystem, but leave off the root / at the19:00
JazzyI've told samba to allow everybody to connect, but it still tells me access is denied when I try to get the files19:00
Um_cara_qualqueri need help from someone who knows C programing... plz be someone there19:00
tapasCoral: in your case it should actually even be easier, but i don't know what tool would be the best..19:00
[MOB]Tripidk even know wtf that means iubunut loool19:00
ProdegoUm_cara_qualquer: ##C ?19:00
pizzapowerseras_, about:plugins show that the plugin is detected19:00
tapasCoral: well, if you decide to try to recover your data, ask again :)19:00
iUbuntu__ How do i Hide a partition from Ubuntu / Windows??19:00
Dr_WillisJazzy:  told samba how? I just made a share on my desktop  and checked the bos's to allos everyone to change stuff and it worked here19:00
Um_cara_qualqueri don't have nickname registered :P19:00
=== SpacePigeon is now known as Wolter
rufensisusser: i got the latest build from mozilla and tried to extract it using the archive manager.  i managed to extraxt it to the desktop and got a firefox folder, but clicking on things that look like they might be the executable does nothing?  Can you tell me what I'm looking for?19:01
antoniusDr_Willis: i did metacity --replace...it worked...now no window borders... if i apt-get remove compiz*  will it take care of everything?19:01
usserrufensis, something like firefox3.5/firefox19:01
seras_I wonder if you have two modules under /usr/java?19:01
usserrufensis, try running it in terminal19:01
inkiHello all, trying to install couchDb from apache, running the ./configure as a step in the process and getting the following error : Is the Mozilla SpiderMonkey library installed? what is that ?19:01
ctmjrBlouBlou: thanks19:01
[MOB]Tripibuntu google is ur friend19:02
seras_pizzapower: I am not sure where to go from here. Sorry.19:02
pizzapowerseras_, what modules?19:02
BlouBlouctmjr: :)19:02
iUbuntu[MOB]Trip,  like im partition m HDD into 4... 3 NTFS  1 ext3.... im installing Win 7, one (the largest) will be for Data, ext3 for ubuntu and i just want to have a hidden partition in case i want to install another OS19:02
Dr_Willisantonius:  get away from the windows mentality of REMOVEING everything..  theres some known compiz bugs. Just dont use compiz :)19:02
[MOB]Tripyou could change it so the folder it mounts to is hidden by putting a . in front of it19:02
Um_cara_qualquerhow do i register a nickname?19:02
darkhami need help with ati r500 and karmic, please help me19:03
[MOB]Trip /ns register email password19:03
luckymuralihi to all19:03
pizzapowerseras_, I will try disabling compiz... I've seen some strange java applications not refreshing screen before...19:03
darkhaman x160019:03
darkhamplease help me19:03
seras_pizzapower: there was an issue with Java where it would create 2 module directories under /usr/java but I am not certain.19:03
sihnoncan someone help me? i tried the ubuntu-boot ppa and it broke grub. but it was a wubi install, and im not sure how to restore grub....19:03
iUbuntu[MOB]Trip,  but should it be Primary or extended?? i want it hidden from windoes and Ubuntu (so i dont write stuff onto it)19:03
antoniusDr_Willis: haven't used windows in years..just have NO NEED for desktop effects, especially buggy compiz...apt seems to tie up loose ends..so i'll remove it19:03
vzhenHi, All   I have a  automatic start service at system boot question.  I learn FreeBSD in my uni and my lecturer told us we can enable samba start automatic in freebsd /etc/rc.d  but i found so much  rc1.d  rc2.d  rc3.d   etc.... in ubuntu 9.04 ......Which one i have to use ?    thx19:03
Kudisomeone try to install tint2 and tell me if it works for you19:03
ussermakeobj, and 9.10 was supposed to have some tools that simplify package creation19:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tint219:03
luckymuraliI am getting an error while using wvdial19:03
seras_pizzapower: I run compiz under xfce with Java and have not had to disable it.19:04
pizzapowerseras_, /usr/java doesn't exist. You mean /usr/lib/jvm ?19:04
Dr_Willisantonius:  do what you want.. but you can break things worse by removeing it.. leave it alone an djust disable it...19:04
icerootKudi: why not testing it for yourself?19:04
VCoolioKudi: it works; what's wrong?19:04
vzhenHi, All   I have a  automatic start service at system boot question.  I learn FreeBSD in my uni and my lecturer told us we can enable samba start automatic in freebsd /etc/rc.d  but i found so much  rc1.d  rc2.d  rc3.d   etc.... in ubuntu 9.04 ......Which one i have to use ?    thx19:04
Coraltapas: did the command 'sudo apt-get install alien' install a program called alien?19:04
makeobjusser: i dont use 9.10. I use 9.0419:04
luckymurali--> Cannot open /dev/ttyACM0: No such file or directory this is the rror im getting19:04
[MOB]Tripi dont believe it matters19:04
seras_pizzapower: Sorry wrong Linux /usr/java exists in a different one.19:04
Kudihold onn19:04
iceroot!boot | vzhen19:04
ubottuvzhen: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:04
usservzhen, you shouldnt manually put stuff in rcX.d folders19:04
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
usservzhen, use update-rc.d command19:05
sihnoncan someone help me? i tried the ubuntu-boot ppa and it broke grub. but it was a wubi install, and im not sure how to restore grub....19:05
makeobjusser: how i create a deb packet i know. I need only the info how i create files in the home folder19:05
[MOB]Tripbreakin grub=bad19:05
luckymuraliI am using tataindicom wireless modem19:05
usservzhen, besides unless you're compiling samba by hand theres no need for that package manager takes care of it19:05
muri_one[MOB]Trip: I just installed it from the .tgz file and it worked, what was your problem?19:05
[MOB]Tripdid u write grub to ur mdr?19:05
luckymuraliplease help me19:05
=== Reactor is now known as Reac_away
seras_pizzapower: So it detects the plugin, the binaries are all installed... Is there anything I missed?......19:05
antoniusDr_Willis:  worked fine, just another crappy package i don't need.  apt is pretty smart, it replaces standard WM, thanks for ur help tho19:05
[MOB]Tripi didnt know what to install, or to where19:05
darkhami need help with ati x1600 and karmic, please help me19:05
dr3mrohelp with video aspect ratio ubuntu karmic // picture appear taller !!!19:05
sihnon[MOB]Trip: i just added ubuntu-boot ppa and then updated... now when i boot, grub just drops to a prompt19:06
[MOB]Tripthere was 10 .tgz files19:06
tapasCoral: it should19:06
Dr_Willisantonius:  in the past removeing compiz has broken X - so hope you get lucky19:06
pizzapowerseras_, when a java applet runs, a solid block appears in its place and nothing happens.19:06
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Coraltapas:where might i find that program?19:06
seras_pizzapower: One sec.19:06
vzhenusser  but my lecturer told us to Samba_enable="YES"  in Freebsd /etc/rc.d   so samba will automaitc start  when system boot.    how about unbuntu 9.04 ?19:06
[MOB]Tripyour menu.list n grub may be ur issue sihnon19:06
muri_one[MOB]Trip: Just get the most recent one. extract it. compile it with "make". install it with "make install"19:06
antoniusDr_Willis: maybe in ur past...thx again19:06
tapasCoral: try typing alien on the terminal19:06
rufensisusser: i've tried running "firefox" and "firefox-bin" in terminal and nothing happens.  Any ideas?19:06
sihnon[MOB]Trip: its karmic, so no menu.lst because its grub2 :P19:06
vzhenusser,  but my lecturer told us to Samba_enable="YES"  in Freebsd /etc/rc.d   so samba will automaitc start  when system boot.    how about unbuntu 9.04 ?19:06
Dr_Willisvzhen:  install the samba service,, ane it should auto start19:06
tapasCoral: it allows you to install rpm packages..19:07
antoniusDr_Willis: i'm not a n00b i'm just new to n00buntu19:07
Kudithings are weired....when i install tint2 in ubuntu i can get tintwizard.py to work like it did in 9.04...it asks me if tint2 is installed...i also notice that i have to run tint instead of tint2 in the teriminal19:07
luckymuraliany suggestions pls19:07
Dr_Willisantonius:  good luck then. you will find out if it breaks when you reboot L:)19:07
Kudithings are weired....when i install tint2 in ubuntu i cant* get tintwizard.py to work like it did in 9.04...it asks me if tint2 is installed...i also notice that i have to run tint instead of tint2 in the teriminal19:07
trismmakeobj: why do you want to write files to a home directory from a deb? that seems like a bad idea19:07
Dr_Williswriting to home/whatever from a deb is a nasty idea.  :)19:07
VCoolioKudi: did you apt-get install it? better compile the svn version; check their site19:08
usservzhen, freebsd and unix actually is quite different from linux, in ubuntu all you need to get samba going is install it with sudo apt-get install samba19:08
usserrufensis, do you already have old version of firefox running?19:08
makeobjtrism: User should easy use this files, because this are information, which are often used19:08
sihnon[MOB]Trip: any ideas? i tried a liveusb, and it didnt have grub as a command for reinstalling... which is what i used to do when grub would get messed up...19:08
tapas ugh firefox just totally crashed on youtube :)19:08
pronoywhere are the default desktop backgrounds kept in ubuntu ?19:08
usserrufensis, also it should be cd /home/$USERNAME/Desktop/firefox_folder && ./firefox19:09
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vzhenusser, thx19:09
GalvatronI have Kubuntu 9.10 with Compiz-Fusion on Radeon Celeron 2,4Ghz, Epox P4X400D, 768MB DDR, Radeon 9200SE (open drivers) and Modecom MC-350W. Just recently I enabled DRI2 (radeon.modeset=1 in GRUB) to end Xserver crashes caused by Compiz and today my Kubuntu hangs/freezes with almost every single boot, just after desktop is 100% ready to use. Yeasterday, while watching an AVI film, Kaffeine was causing X crashes. I suspect something with19:09
GalvatronKDE/Plasma, X or drivers.19:09
rufensisusser: i had iceweasel but uninstalled it using synaptic.19:09
seras_pizzapower: Try this. Uninstall Java, Trash the .java directory under user, reboot, reinstall java, then reinstall plugin and see what happens.19:09
KudiVCoolio: never compiled anything in my life...and i couldnt get deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/killeroid/ppa/ubuntu karmic main to work in my sources list19:09
Dr_Willisbackgrounds =  /usr/share/backgrounds19:09
seras_pizzapower: Only thing that comes to mind that has worked for some.19:10
usserrufensis, try chmod +x /path/towhere/firefoxis/firefox && cd /path/towhere/firefoxis && ./firefox19:10
omkarhey waht if we install ubuntu 9.10 with server packages ...wahts the major difference between it n ubuntu server 9.10?19:10
sihnoncan anyone help with repairing grub on a wubi install in karmic?19:10
alkisgBefore Karmic, I could see zip files generated by windows with file-roller by exporting ZIPINFO='-O cp737'. This option no longer works; how can I make zipinfo/unzip/file-roller correctly see non-utf8 filenames inside a .zip?19:11
Kudiis there a guide to complie things from source19:11
jrib!compile | Kudi19:11
ubottuKudi: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:11
jribKudi: use the repositories whenever possible though19:11
Dr_Willis!take over the world!19:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:11
redrebelis there a way to move the notification popups to another part of the screen??19:11
trismredrebel: no19:12
Billiardredrebel: you can have them in any corner19:12
grawityredrebel: Unfortunately notify-osd doesn't appear to have any configuration at all...19:12
grawityOnly the older notification-daemon does, but it doesn't look as pretty.19:12
redrebelBilliard,  yes, i want to change it to another corner19:12
rufensisusser: i'm reading guides and beginning to think that the problem is that my system is amd64 and mozilla does not have a build for it yet.19:12
VCoolioKudi: it's easy: install svn and checkinstall; then "svn checkout http://tint2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ tint2-read-only" inside a folder where you wish to have it downloaded; enter the created folder, then "./autogen.sh" "./configure" "make" "sudo checkinstall"19:13
damNageHackhi, http://pastebin.ca/166120519:13
Billiardredrebel: well the notifications im thining of are inotify or w/e idk what is used in the latest release19:13
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usserrufensis, 32bit firefox should run just fine. the iceweasel from the repositories is 32bit19:13
ubunewbneed to start stanford's folding@home as a service on ubuntu 9.10, anyone familiar? folding help for linux distros inadequate19:13
inkianne_ hello finland, ever tried to install couchDb on ubuntu ?19:14
Dr_Willisubunewb:  you could start it from /etc/rc.local as a quick and dirty way19:14
ubunewbtried quick and dirty method, i get too many client processes running at once19:14
rufensisusser: i'll try your chmod trick.  I've used it to modify permissions before but never with the "&&" - does that all go on the same command line?19:14
maitehi everybody19:14
maitegood evening19:15
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VCoolioKudi: also install tint2 dependencies: "sudo aptitude install libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libimlib2-dev libxinerama-dev libx11-dev"19:15
ubunewbi get some warning too, about LSBizing my init scripts19:15
Billiardredrebel: or maybe its called libnotify, worry19:15
Billiardredrebel: sorry*19:15
maitefirst of all, congratulations to all those people who work or contribute in any way to the Ubuntu project19:15
usserrufensis, yea thats pretty much one command19:16
meeluany help please19:16
ubunewbthanks for the response though19:16
inkimeelu,  what is the subject ?19:16
redrebelBilliard, thanx19:16
KudiVCoolio: thanks,  your a very helpful fellow19:17
tonydHello.  I could really use some help.19:17
meeluinki, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312684/ is the result of  dmesg | grep sd19:17
meelu. Something is wrong with one of my drives19:17
omkarwaht if someone installs server packages such as vsftpd,dns n sendmail packages on ubuntu 9.1019:17
maiteis this the proper room to ask about questions related to audio in ubuntu?19:17
meelui dont mind formatting it now but i would like to keep files19:17
jribmaite: this one19:17
omkarwahts the major difference between ubuntu server n ubuntu 9.1019:17
redrebellooks like i'm running /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd19:17
MeekertoI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 for the first time and I don't know how to enable my wireless connection19:17
inkimeelu, what does that mean ? what are u  trying to solve ?19:18
maiteok :)19:18
jribomkar: you mean ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop?19:18
maitethen I'll shoot ;)19:18
meelumy drive is messed up inki19:18
VCoolioKudi: no problem; if you encounter problems ask again; also with the svn version you need "systray = 1" in your config if you want a systray (it's not yet mentioned on their wiki)19:18
uniquehow can i start up procmail ?19:18
omkari have ubuntu 8.10 currently was thinking of having a newer version of it n also wanted to install the same on vbox19:18
jribomkar: their names should be pretty suggestive.  server is meant for servers (has server kernel and install no default desktop environment)19:18
grawityunique: You don't -- just install it, and then configure your MTA (postfix/exim4/sendmail) to use it.19:18
trismredrebel: you can't configure the position (at least without forking the code and modifying it yourself), they did this on purpose (unforunately), see http://www.mail-archive.com/ayatana@lists.launchpad.net/msg00741.html19:18
usseromkar, the ubuntu server doesnt come with gui stuff by default, and there are some kernel optimizations for running server stuff19:18
grawityunique: IIRC, on Debian and Ubuntu, it's configured automatically.19:19
maiteevery time I restart my PC, I have to reinstall all the alsa related packages through synaptic19:19
inkimeelu, ok .... not sure I can help you there, mostly into programming and programs .... the driver is a driver for ?19:19
omkarok that means it should work 5n for me thanks19:19
omkari can install all the stuff on to my ubuntu 9.10 or any release n work oni t19:19
omkarits just some small changes19:19
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maiteI mean, the hardware isn't present at the audio mixer GUI19:19
KudiVCoolio before or after i install? I think tintwizard should take care of that for me no?19:19
Guest26288alguien de barcelona?19:19
pochihow do I find out what keyboard I have (so that I can select the correct one when upgrading to 9.10)?19:19
uniquegrawity: so what do i need to change in sendmail to have procmail going ?19:20
MeekertoI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 for the first time and I don't know how to enable my wireless connection19:20
tonydI just installed the new version of ubuntu alongside windows 7 cause after 3 days of using windows 7 I decided it was a big waste of harddrive space.  It installed fine, rebooted, boot loader came up, chose ubuntu, it ran config, rebooted, and now when it boots19:20
daveragHey guys I'm in a lot of trouble here, my USB drives and CDrom don't work, at first my USB keyboard & mouse didn't either but I fixed them in Xorg.  I think it might be related to this error after I upgraded Kubuntu Karmic: hald[1108]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000410e70 sp 00007fff4b74b470 error 4 in hald[400000+56000]19:20
maiteand right when I reinstall the alsa packages, it appears and works perfect19:20
grawityunique: I have no idea. sendmail is ugly :[19:20
meeluinku the drive is just messed up thats all i know, googled a little and found out its a problem with the manufacturers firmware etc but i don't think thats the case. A friend did fix this before and it happened with another drive but he is away for a while19:20
tonydi get blank screen19:20
inkiGuest26288, sorry, mi gusto barcelona *s* trabajo para mi ?19:20
neptune_hey does anyone know how to import data from an xml file to OppenOffice Spreadshit? Or, altearnatively how to write an excell file from c++?19:20
VCoolioKudi: I don't know of any tintwizard; not really necessary if you ask me, just edit a config file inside ~/.config/tint219:20
tonydI can boot to a root shell, but no gui19:20
meeluCan anyone help me with my drive then?19:20
KudiVcoolio its also telling me autogen.sh command could not be found but when i do ls its staring right at me in bright green19:20
meelubecause its kind of an urgent matter, my customers files are gone over 500gb of them19:20
VCoolioKudi: did you do a . in front, like "./autogen.sh" ?19:21
omkar@tonyd wahts the prob19:21
Snausageshow good is ubuntu at figuring out the best video drivers for a given laptop?  I have a gma945 book and I know I've seen intel gma's deliver better graphics than what I'm seeing.  Any takers?19:21
KudiVCoolio................. michael@ubuntu:~/Downloads/tint2-0.7.1$ ./autogen.sh19:21
Kudi./autogen.sh: 5: autoreconf: not found19:21
meeluanyone good with solving hard drive problems then?.19:21
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meeluam i set on /ignore or something19:22
pizzapowerseras_, done it. no luck.19:22
tonyd@omkar I am getting a blank screen when I boot ubuntu, it is a new install.  All I can get into is the root shell19:22
Meekertomeelu I'm feeling the same thing19:22
kraitosi have a finger print reader on my hp, what driver are best for it?19:22
Snausagesmeelu: what's your regular recovery procedure?19:22
catamarquencemeelu: just ask the question19:22
=== maco_ is now known as maco
MeekertoI just installed Ubuntu 9.10 for the first time and I don't know how to enable my wireless connection19:22
meelua friend usually recovers the drive (happened once before)19:22
meeluthe hard drive is messed up19:22
omkarplease check n tell me19:22
meeluhere is the result http://paste.ubuntu.com/312684/19:22
omkaru can paste the output to the pastebin or something19:23
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omkarare u having n Graphics Card or something?19:23
meeluhere is full19:23
kraitosi have a finger print reader on my hp, what driver are best for it?19:23
meeludmesg | grep sd19:23
Billiardkraitos: installing thinkfinger and following the guide on ubuntus site to configure it worked for me, dont ask again so quickly, i was still typing my message19:23
catamarquencemeelu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery19:24
Meekertocould someone tell me how to set up my wireless connection in ubuntu 9.10. I can't even get the antenna turned on since I took windows off.19:24
tonydI am on a seperate laptop now19:24
kraitosbilliard, thanks19:24
gigawatttransmission bittorrent client is crashing on me like crazy, how can i run it where it spits out error messages19:24
tonydit is installed on a ibm thinkpad t40 2373-72u which I was told works great with ubuntu19:24
rufensisusser: when i tried that line you gave me for changing permissions i got an error "while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11. . ."19:24
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omkarok tony19:25
trismgigawatt: just run transmission from the command line19:25
meelucatamarquence, is that link sposed to help me 100% or is it to make me quiet19:25
omkarhave u checked the dmesg?19:25
catamarquencemeelu: u should check it out19:25
VCoolioKudi: darn, can't find the package you need for autoreconf19:25
Billiardkraitos: but i am on a dell laptop, im not sure if it will work on your hp19:25
jdahmSJr: worked, thanks19:25
omkarjust give me the link of the pastebin were u have posted the output19:25
tonydwhat do you want to know cause I can't paste it19:26
jdahmSJr: I didn't make the partition bootable :P19:26
Snausagesmeelu: you could get that from a couple of different hardware failures...  if it's an urgent matter you should assume that the hardware is toast and start restoring from backup19:26
usserrufensis, hm thats weird19:26
gigawatttrism i did that, nothing showed up when it crashes19:26
omkardon't paste it here paste it in pastebin19:26
meelui don't think the hardware is toast though19:26
tonydI am on another laptop than the one it is installed on.19:26
meelui just want to format is Snausages19:26
meeluhad the same problem before19:26
tonydwhat is pastebin?19:26
kraitosbilliard, let me installe it and ill tell you in about 30min if it worked.19:26
LjL!pastebin | tonyd19:26
ubottutonyd: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:26
KudiVCoolio  http://pastebin.com/m53a78ddd19:27
catamarquencemeelu: also try sudo fsck.ext3 <device>19:27
trismgigawatt: you could try running it with strace or something, although I'm not sure how useful the output will be to you19:27
maiteanyone is keen on audio related issues?19:27
tapasi upgraded my system from 9.04 and i have a luks setup19:27
tapaswhere all my disks are encrypted19:27
meelucatamarquence, The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext219:27
meelufilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext219:27
meelufilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock19:27
meeluis corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:19:27
meelu    e2fsck -b 8193 <device&gt;19:27
FloodBot3meelu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
tapasafter the upgrade the dialog to accept the passphrases for the disks plays  alittle nasty19:28
usserrufensis, never heard of such an error with firefox19:28
maitewhy does this happen, I mean, >every time I restart my PC, I have to reinstall all the alsa related packages through synaptic19:28
VCoolioKudi: enter 'autoreconf' in your terminal and see what package it points to (if any)19:28
ubunewbsomeone have specific experience with stanford folding@home setup as a service on ubuntu, with separate work folders for each CPU core running its own client?19:28
omkar@tony may be this works for u http://dobh.net/?p=6419:28
ubuntu86Hello everyone19:28
Snausagesmaite: weird.  I've never had good luck with audio on linux, but if that's all it's doing to you it doesn't sound that bad :)19:28
meelui guess no one can help me afterall19:29
rufensisusser: i'm thoroughly confused.  i had this running on my last debian  laptop.  don't know what gives here.19:29
kraitosbilliard, what site did you get it from?19:29
Meekertocould someone tell me how to set up my wireless connection in ubuntu 9.10. I can't even get the antenna turned on since I took windows off.19:29
Billiardkraitos: just install it from the package manager19:29
usserrufensis, i dunno try installing from testing repository http://glandium.org/blog/?p=40619:29
KudiVCoolio:  autoconf and autoconf2.1319:29
Snausagesmeelu: try back in a few hours/days...  it always changes in here19:29
maitehehe Snausages, that's not a very reconforting answer anyway :) but I have to do so if I want audio to work :P19:29
kraitosbilliard, alright thanks19:29
KitsunePCI can't get wireless connectivity on Ubuntu 9.1019:29
ubuntu86I'm trying to get sound with ubuntu live session, my soundcards are reconised but i have no audio, any suggestions19:29
Billiardkraitos: and wiki.ubuntu, has a page how to configure it19:29
meeluif only i had that long Snausages19:29
meeluim off19:30
KitsunePCI just updated from 9.0419:30
=== KitsunePC is now known as DarkKitsune
pizzapowerseras_, update: I made it work login as root with sudo -s19:30
fcni installed karmic and now i'm stuck with memtest only. in grub when I press ESC at boottime i should show me the list but grub2 doesn't seem doing that19:30
usserrufensis, do only the first part of this guide, dont bother with new xulrunner. it should work now19:30
omkartony wahts the model of laptop?19:30
vzhenubuntu newbie here.    what is the hot-key to search or end of the page or begin of the page for  man ?   example inside  man apt-get.   hope someone gives me a link for those hot-key ... thx19:30
maiteshould I maybe ask that question at the ubuntu forums?19:30
=== Husget is now known as jackiz_d
VCoolioKudi: try install build-essential  it's probably also in there, otherwise install autoconf too19:30
ubuntu86NO audio with ubuntu 9.1019:30
rufensisusser: thanks.  this looks right.  i'll give it a go19:30
KudiVCoolio i got it thanks19:31
tonydibm thinkpad t40 2373-72u19:31
kraitosbilliard, which package did you download?19:31
trismvzhen: press 1 then G to go to the beginning and 0 then G to go to the end19:31
ubuntu86Can anyone help?19:31
trismvzhen: make sure it is capital g (shift+g)19:31
tonydI tried that command, but it says no write permissions for that file19:31
tonydcant open it in edit19:31
xfire8i have problem in ubuntu that only Back-To-Bios Switch can fix it but only one time .. help pleae ?19:32
trismvzhen: to search type /texttosearchhere then enter19:32
Billiardkraitos: thinkfinger something idk, there cant be too many19:32
luckaHEllo there. My boot is slow with ubuntu 9.10 I ran dmesg and found this: pci 0000:00:1a.7: EHCI: BIOS handoff failed (BIOS bug?) 01010001 Funny is that this bug is reported since 2008 and still sin't fixed? Can someone please tell me how can I try the boot with lilo and not with original bootloader?19:32
DarkKitsuneWireless connectivity broken in Karnic, using an Atheros AR5001 wireless adapter19:32
usserrufensis, use you local mirror, he is from france so he uses fr.debian.org.19:32
ubuntu86Some responce?19:32
daveragHey guys I'm in a lot of trouble here, my USB drives and CDrom don't work, at first my USB keyboard & mouse didn't either but I fixed them in Xorg.  I think it might be related to this error after I upgraded Kubuntu Karmic: hald[1108]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000410e70 sp 00007fff4b74b470 error 4 in hald[400000+56000]19:32
tonydhow do you set file permessions from a shell prompt19:32
apparlemaite: What do you mean you have to install all the ALSA related package? what happens if you don't can you check the logs and tell19:32
xfire8i have problem in ubuntu that only Back-To-Bios Switch can fix it but only one time .. help pleae ?19:32
ubunewbtonyd: chmod19:32
ubuntu86Anyway to get sound in ubuntu?19:32
omkarhey tonyd just check ur xorg.conf19:32
kraitosbilliard, i went to the wiki.ubuntu site and it told me how to do it from the terminal so ill do it like that.19:32
omkarsearch for modes in it19:32
the_dark_warrioI've introduced this line in my .bashrc "export PATH=$PATH:/home/ian/.local/bin", so I can install programs in my ~/.local folder. It works nice from terminals, but pressing Alt+F2 to run an application doesn't work. Any hints?19:32
omkarn check wahts the resolution set for it19:33
trismvzhen: man less will give you more information19:33
apparleWhy is '.' not included in path?19:33
Billiardkraitos: ok19:33
tonydokay will do and get back to you19:33
usserdaverag, that looks like a sever bug. file it at launchpad.org provide your kernel, lshw, lspci, and related package versions19:33
xfire8i have problem in ubuntu that only Back-To-Bios Switch can fix it but only one time .. help pleae ?19:33
KudiVCoolio u r da man19:33
durtapparle, in case of trojans and other stupid root tricks.19:33
ubunewbsomeone have specific experience with stanford folding@home setup as a service on ubuntu, with separate work folders for each CPU core running its own client?19:34
ubuntu86Anyone wanna help me?19:34
Snausagesubuntu86: if someone knew enough about it, I'm sure they would have addressed you by now.19:34
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:34
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:34
jimcooncatthe_dark_warrio: you'll need to stick that line in a place that gets read when your session starts, I don't remember where tho19:34
rufensisusser: if i'm us, do i just replace fr with us?19:34
ubuntu86You got a point there19:34
usserrufensis, yep19:34
maitehi apparle, thanks for answering. what logs do you mean? What I mean is that the hardware isn't present at the audio preferences, at the hardware tab19:35
tonyduh- newbie here, how do you use chmod to make a file writeable. help is not much help to me19:35
VCoolioKudi :) now make and sudo checkinstall; checkinstall will ask some questions; first answer y(es), then enter any description you like for what you're going to install19:35
ubuntu86Does this mean back to M$ Window$ :-(19:35
maiteand once I reinstall the alsa packages, it does appear, and it all works ok19:35
daveragusser: i want to but where do i go on launchpad19:35
greezmunkeyWhat determines the number of "virtual" screens, video memory?19:35
KudiVCoolio yup all done19:35
Billiardtonyd: chmod +w file19:35
ubuntu86Forums don't help much19:35
Snausagesubuntu86: do what you need to do...  linux isn't for everyone19:36
ubuntu86well bye then19:36
sebsebsebubuntu86: hold on19:36
usserdaverag, my bad launchpad.net19:36
DarkKitsuneWireless connectivity broken in Karnic, using an Atheros AR5001 wireless adapter19:36
xfire8i have problem in ubuntu that only Back-To-Bios Switch can fix it but only one time .. help pleae ?19:36
HughJassHey guys, I'm trying to get the man pages for most of the unistd.h calls (mainly the man 2 pages)19:36
BilliardErr0r: did you try what i suggested, also dont use caps19:36
durtErr0r, please stop the shouting19:36
HughJassis there an apt-get or something?19:36
Jazzyhow can I get ubuntu to accept incoming connections from other machines on my network?19:36
daveragusser: i know the site, where do i go IN it?19:36
theTroyWould anyone kindly upload this (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Netbook?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=screenshot-usb-creator.png) usb startup creator for Windows please? I cannot find any download link on the project page.19:36
vzhentrism, thx19:37
whamoo does anybody know how to disable compiz from CLI? Gui is jammed full of "eyecandy"19:37
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:37
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:37
BilliardJazzy: by default i dont think ubuntu blocks any incomming connections19:37
SnausagesDarkKitsune: hrm...  I know I'm using the atheros5k driver, but I'm honestly not sure which card is in my book...  I did have it working in 9.1 but then I switched back to 9.0419:37
usserdaverag, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ you have to login/create account to be able to file bugs19:37
gluonmanCan someone please tell me if it's a big problem that I have partitions not ending on cylinder boundaries (according to sudo fdisk -l)? If so, how can I fix it?19:37
JazzyBilliard I cant connect from my windows machine19:37
SnausagesDarkKitsune: I didn't have to do anything special- just noticed that it worked, you know?19:37
Jazzysays access is denied19:37
duffydackDarkKitsune, define broken ?19:37
HughJassHey guys, I'm trying to get the man pages for most of the unistd.h calls (mainly the man 2 pages)19:38
daveragusser: yeah I got that, I know the site, I just don't see the link "file a bug report" or anything19:38
Besogonwho know? Do fon fonts work with wine?19:38
tonydokay I do not have an x11 folder in my etc where do i find my xorg.conf file19:38
jribHughJass: manpages-dev19:38
DarkKitsunedaffyduck: It's still in my network connections but I can't actually CONNECT to it19:38
BilliardJazzy: file shares?19:38
sebsebsebSnausages: sound issues  can normalley be fixed, so your answer wasn't exactly helpful19:38
apparlemaite: I mean the system logs.... I don't exactly remeber where they are because I use KDE, but they must be somewhere in system or Administration menu....19:38
Travis-42Is there a solution to the conflict between flash and compiz in 64-bit karmic?19:38
HughJassty jrib19:38
erUSULtonyd: X11 with capital X19:38
Jazzywhat do you mean billiard?19:38
Jazzyyes, I have set up shares19:38
rufensisusser: i followed those steps.  i got this error when i tried to install dependencies: The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:38
rufensis  libstartup-notification0: Depends: libxcb1 (>= 1.1.92) but 1.1-1.2 is to be installed E: Broken packages19:38
rainbow007hi guys, i'm novice user. and i want to know how i can see the options on login screen, where i can select either kde or gnome desktop. i got ubuntu v.9.10 running19:38
apparlemaite: and currently have you installed the packages19:39
duffydackDarkKitsune,  what errors if any ?19:39
BilliardJazzy: what are you trying to connect for19:39
Snausagessebsebseb: sorry man, I'll let you answer next time19:39
usserdaverag, "report a bug" in the upper right corner19:39
JazzyI can see them from my windows box, but when I try to access them it says acess denied19:39
maiteyes I do, apparle19:39
Jazzyyes, it is filesharing19:39
DarkKitsunedaffyduck: None, it just...doesn't connect19:39
DarkKitsuneI have it on auto19:39
BilliardJazzy: you can see the files from your windows box?19:39
ctmjrtheTroy: you want a copy of the pic?19:39
aquachicaHi. I wanted to know when the 3.5.5 update for Ubuntu 9.10's Firefox will be available.19:39
Jazzynot the files specifically19:39
Doorman352rainbow007: ubuntu is gnome, kubuntu is kde19:39
theTroyctmjr: I want the EXE file of the program19:39
Jazzyjust the folders that I've chosen to share19:39
daveragusser: ok I dont have that can you give me a direct url?19:39
tonyddir of /etc shows no X1119:39
Jazzythen it just says acess denied19:39
HughJassjrib: says apt-get doesnt find them19:39
usserrufensis, install libxcb1 as part of this step19:39
BilliardJazzy: ok19:39
sebsebsebSnausages: well sound isn't my area, but  it's a good idea to be more helpful with new users,  well if you want  Ubuntu to have a chance at gaining some proper market share anyway19:39
usserdaverag, did you login?19:39
Meek889I just installed ubuntu 9.10 and I can't turn my wireless antenna on using the function keys. All the other function keys work but not that one. Someone please help19:39
Besogonwho know? Do fon fonts work with wine?19:39
=== jony123 is now known as jony123_busy
daveragusser: yes I did19:40
usserdaverag, that link is there only if u login19:40
garyldnHello. I'm having an exceptionally fun time attempting to use a Belkin FT8T003 Bluetooth usb pen to connect to my blackberry in order to utlise the net. Anyone know something I don't re: online guides? I'm guessing it's the fact I am using a dongle and not using built in bluetooth that is messing me up.19:40
LiquidscriptMy installation is stuck at "Configuring console-setup"19:40
tonydfound it19:40
justanothercoderi am trying to setup ubuntu server on amazon ec2, i've launched an instance, but it just does not give me lamp server option in the tasksel --section server19:40
usserdaverag, hang on19:40
duffydackDarkKitsune,  i fixed someones wifi problems this week by install WICD instead of network manager..19:40
daveragusser: come on I know i have to log in19:40
LiquidscriptAny ideas?19:40
justanothercoderit just says cloud instance etc, any ideas?19:40
seras_pizzapower: Okay. Glad you got it to work.19:40
duffydackDarkKitsune,  worth a try.19:40
jribHughJass: maybe manpages-posix-dev19:40
garyldn(intrepid ibex 8.10 / blackberry 8800)19:40
usserdaverag, sorry :)19:40
BilliardJazzy: you mind pming me?19:40
rainbow007hi doorman 352, i have converted gnome to kde-desktop from the installation package found in synaptic19:40
apparlemaite: plz tell the output of 'alsamixer' after restart19:41
usserdaverag, here for instance https://bugs.launchpad.net/hal19:41
DarkKitsuneduffydack: how am I going to install something without internet connectivity? <<19:41
usserdaverag, i think it'll be appropriate place for hal segfaulting bug19:41
Pulgaafter ubuntu upgrade to 9.10 my netbeans stoped working......what can I do? where are the logs to read?19:41
matuch.archive.ubuntu.ch seem to have a problem19:41
AL^3QRABIm Using H4cKeRzE19:41
LiquidscriptI'm installing off a USB flash drive, and my install has been "configuring console-setup" for 10 mintues now19:41
usserdaverag, and thats direct link https://bugs.launchpad.net/hal/+filebug19:41
greezmunkeyI tried to push compiz..it finally locked. Switched to ctrl+F1 and back and it cleared. running two firefox sessions, wireshark,xirc,and several terminals19:41
matusynaptic is unable to maj the packages19:41
sebsebsebrainbow007: first you need to have them installed, then you just pretty much select it I think19:42
daveragusser: ah ok that's better thanks.. .firs ttime i file bug for launchpad19:42
tonydokay, no xorg.conf in X11 folder19:42
vzhenA samba question .  What is the different between create & directory mask and write click share folder permission.19:42
sebsebsebrainbow007: tell it which one to use and log in on it19:42
vzhenWhen i set 0777 in create directory mask, my other pc still unable to create files folder19:42
matu1716 users lol19:42
Manny111Hi all. I am on the ubuntu 9.04 live CD and I am trying to install GRUB on my MBR and the first EXT3 partition. I need help, all Im getting are errors.. :(19:42
rufensisusser: got through that step, but when I run the install iceweasel experimental command i get "E: Release 'experimental' for iceweasel' was not found19:42
pll4277445is there a channel for codecs in ubuntu and things like that19:42
sebsebsebManny111: What is the error, and how exacty are you trying to install?19:42
tonydokay, no xorg.conf in X11 folder19:42
sebsebsebpll4277445: not that I know of19:43
vzhenA samba question .  What is the different between create & directory mask and write click share folder permission.19:43
vzhenWhen i set 0777 in create directory mask, my other pc still unable to create files folder19:43
omkarya i got it19:43
sebsebseb!codecs |  pll4277445119:43
ubottupll42774451: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:43
usserrufensis, try iceweasel/testing19:43
omkarits not detecting ur Raedon card i guess19:43
grawityvzhen: Try 0111 instead, or just even 019:43
omkaru have another machine right19:43
Manny111@sebsebseb I wanted to use grub-install but I cant find it..19:43
pll4277445do anyone know how i can play wtv files (windows 7 media center record files)19:43
matui m unable to update my synaptic package list using ch.archive.ubuntu.com !19:43
usserrufensis, oh wait not19:43
rainbow007sebsebseb: i don't see the options on login screen to choose, which is missing for some reason. all i can see on login screen is username and then password19:43
matui m unable to update my synaptic package list using ch.archive.ubuntu.com !19:43
omkari can suggest u that u have proper downloads from raedon site or search for it19:43
LiquidscriptDoes anyone know why the installation would hang upon "Configuring console-setup"?19:43
usserrufensis, testing release still has 3.0.1419:44
Xterm_hello.. does anyone have the signing key for xbmc svn repo? I cant get it from the homepage19:44
sebsebsebpll4277445: hmm sounds like a new propritary format, that  Desktop Linux might not have support for19:44
topo_Hi, does anyone know how to test for what video driver is currently being used19:44
dr3mrohow to boot ubuntu karmic in sinle user mode or safe mode19:44
rufensisusser: yep.  it reinstalled when i ran that command.19:44
trismrainbow007: you need to select a user before you can select a session19:44
sebsebsebrainbow007: clean install or upgrade?19:44
tonydokay. thank you19:44
jribtopo_: System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers  or read /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:44
penguin42topo_: I'd say /var/log/Xorg.0.log should tell you19:44
maiteok apparle, if it helps, I got the user.log, but there's a thing, it's in Spanish :)19:45
topo_THX will try19:45
conb123Is there a way to make ubuntu ask for a password to mount an external drive instead of auto mounting it?19:45
sebsebsebManny111: when you install Ubuntu 9.10 it should put Grub 2 by default onto your MBR19:45
Keen1I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 X64.  However, when I get to step 4, neither of my 2 disks appears in the partitioner.  How can I continue installing?19:45
duffydackDarkKitsune, download the deb and install offline (download with the connection you have now)19:45
dr3mrohow to boot ubuntu karmic in sinle user mode or safe mode19:45
theTroyWould anyone kindly upload this (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Netbook?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=screenshot-usb-creator.png) usb startup creator for Windows please? I cannot find any download link on the project page. ( I need the actual program please)19:45
conb123Keen1: Are they set up in raid?19:45
sebsebsebGuest15256: hi19:45
Keen1no, single disks19:45
sebsebsebGuest15256: wrong one19:45
sebsebsebguest hi19:45
apparlemaite: and what's there in kernel log/ booting log19:46
AL^3QRABshow time19:46
Manny111@sebsebseb, Thank you, i know that way. But I want to use grub to boot 3 different OS, no linux involved so I want to install it manually19:46
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:46
Keen1Disk 1 has Windows 7 RC on it, and Disk 2 has nothing on it19:46
morphexHi, Please check >>> http://bit.ly/morphex you can save my life on this page!!19:46
rainbow007i have upgraded from ubuntu to kubuntu after following this article:http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/936919:46
Pulgaafter ubuntu upgrade to 9.10 my netbeans stoped working......what can I do? where are the logs to read?19:46
omkarcan u tell me the inbuilt graphics card19:46
pll4277445sebsebseb: yea it is.. do you think ubuntu will support it in the future ?19:46
conb123Keen1: They might not be supported, they might require drivers, you could see if the alternate cd has drivers for your drives19:46
Keen1I am trying to install to Disk 219:46
omkarradeon series19:46
rainbow007i mean converted19:46
conb123Keen1: Do a sudo fdisk -l in terminal19:46
omkar@tonyd u can check it by lspci19:46
Keen1conb123, it sees the drives19:46
conb123Keen1: Tell me what it says19:46
Keen1as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb19:46
LiquidscriptI'm installing ubuntu server 9.10 via usb flash drive, and it hangs on configuring console-setup, what should I do??19:46
sebsebsebpll4277445: propritary formats need reverse engingering and that is usaulley a pretty diffuclt proggraming task to get proper support19:47
greezmunkeyheh, this works pretty good: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager19:47
conb123Keen1: Ok so go to Computer and make sure you can access all the drives and that they are all mounted19:47
pll4277445sebsebseb: ok.. :/ well thanks anyway :) nice day19:47
sebsebsebpll4277445: try and use  formats such as  AVI or OGG instead maybe even WMV, all of these you can get working on Ubuntu19:47
vistroIs it safe to delete empty files named %gconf.xml? Kleansweep sayd there a whole lot of them.19:47
omkarhey chedduh were are u from?19:47
maiteapparle, the kernel.log is pretty long, but if you want I can paste it for you on a separate tab19:47
vzhenwhat is the different between create directory mask under smb.conf  and  the rwxrwxrwx in ls -l19:48
c3lWhat do I need to convert mp3 to m4r with ffmpeg?19:48
coz_guys  crt dual monitors here and they continually go to sleep  any suggestions?19:48
pll4277445sebsebseb: the problem is that windows 7 automatically record in wtv format, cannot use the other ones..19:48
sebsebsebpll4277445: in fact OGG just works since it's an open format so support is built in19:48
pll4277445but maybe i can convert them.. will try so19:48
omkar@tonyd please tell me  the integrated graphics card in ur laptops19:48
chedduhfor some reason when i go to bed and leave my computer running, when i wake up the computer is not working. the monitor is 'asleep' and the computer is non-responsive. any ideas what could be causing that?19:48
sebsebsebpll4277445: What kind of things are you recording exactly?19:48
pll4277445ok.. maybe i can trick win7 to save in that format19:48
pll4277445tv shows from tv19:48
garrythefishScummVM is soon going 1.0. yuppy!!!19:48
garrythefishjoin the wait in the official channel19:49
Kudiwhat are your suggestions for a lightweight calender...maybe tells me the weather...nothing bloated, i bet orage makes the best sense19:49
ctmjrtheTroy:look in the main menu it should be there under administration create usb start up disk or something like that19:49
sebsebsebpll4277445: no as far as I know  Windows 7 does not have any support at all built in for OGG, since  Microsoft do not like open formats usaulley19:49
Manny111Can someone guide me through installing GRUB in MBR from a Ubuntu 9.04 live cd, manually19:49
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.19:49
theTroyctmjr: I need the WINDOWS version please, not linux one19:49
pll4277445sebsebseb: another question, can ubuntu mythtv do the same thing ?? because then i should switch to that19:49
vistroIs it safe to delete like 50 files named %gconf.xml?19:49
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
usserrufensis, i've never done this myself, and i run squeze here instead of lenny. hang on lemme see what we can do19:49
MwaAnyway: I like the way Ubuntu offered to import my documents and settings from windows19:50
erUSULvistro: do not think so19:50
marmiggri got a problem with cvs when i'm trying to connect with my user: cvs [login aborted]: connect to localhost( failed: Connection refused19:50
sebsebsebpll4277445: I don't  use MythTV, but  most multimedia tasks can be done  in Ubuntu and many other Linux distros19:50
sebsebsebpll4277445: I mean  watching things or listening to19:50
marmiggri tried...a lot of ways but it does not work19:50
ctmjrtheTroy: ask in #windows19:50
RivootAnybody using Conduit for folder sync?19:50
Keen1conb123: did you get that?19:50
pll4277445sebsebseb: ok :) thanks. well try investigate what mythtv ubuntu is. :) nice day mate19:50
theTroyctmjr: the usb-creator is an UBUNTU production, not windows one19:51
vistroHow about empty files named __init__.py?19:51
luckaI'm trying to change brightness with command line since fn keys or brightness panel doesn't work echo -n 80 /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02/brightness but after I write this brightness doesn't change :S Why is that?19:51
rufensisusser: i was thinking of updating to squeeze anyway.  that's what i was using on the old laptop that broke, but i just installed the stable version from the website yesterday.19:51
usserrufensis, well it looks like you can just add sid repo, change your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental line to this deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian sid main19:51
trismvistro: those are generally important to any python code you're running19:51
c3lWhat do I need to convert mp3 to m4r with ffmpeg?19:51
penguin42lucka> You need an > after the 8019:51
vistrobut they are empty19:51
usserrufensis, squeze is still flaky19:51
conb123sebsebseb: Mythtv is open source anyway they do a linux version19:51
rufensisusser: it was not perfect for me before.19:51
marekw2143while trying to run: ssh, the following error occurs: error while loading library libgssapi_krb5.so219:51
MwaOk if devkit-disks-daemon crashed during a HD modification, does that mean the HD is corrupted now19:51
usserrufensis, gnome is incomplete here, they are still transitioning19:52
simion314are there images for USB drives? or i have to use tools to create images for usb flash drives19:52
Keen1conb123: the disk 1 with Windows 7 RC on it mounts just fine19:52
trismvistro: but they tell python that the directory they are in is actually a module19:52
penguin42Mwa: Doubt it19:52
sebsebsebconb123: yes I  think I knew that,  that person is also gone now19:52
gluonmanI've been trying to reinstall grub after Windows 7 overwrote it using the Ubuntu live CD. I've been trying to do this for a little over a week now and nothing will work.19:52
Keen1conb123: the other disk has nothing on it, and i dont think it will mount19:52
sebsebsebconb123: yes it's open source alternative to something19:52
aquachicaIf I update Firefox using a tar.bz2 in 9.10, will that mess up Ubunut?19:52
usserrufensis, you can install just iceweasel from sid, it doesnt look like it pulls too many dependencies19:52
sebsebsebgluonman: hmm19:52
Mwapenguin42: kay. Good. What is it?19:52
rainbow007trsim:i followed this article:http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9369. and converted to kde-desktop19:52
vistroAnd if I uninstall a program, is it safe to delete empty folders related to it?19:52
sebsebsebgluonman: oh dear,  with the old Grub it was a bit tricky unless know what to do, as for the new one I am not sure19:52
conb123Keen1: Oh right it should mount ok, what type is it?19:52
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as WelshDragon
rufensisusser: did you mean to say "sources.list.d"?  I had not entered that file before19:52
sebsebsebgluonman: You did do 9.10?  so Windows 7 overwrote Grub 2?19:53
Keen1both drives are 74GB WD Raptors19:53
ctmjrtheTroy: yes it and windows .exe programs are not supported here19:53
theTroyctmjr: quote from the ubuntu wiki : "usb-creator.exe is located in the CD image already for you! " I cannot find the file, I kindly ask someone to upload it :)19:53
penguin42Mwa: good question, it could just be a bug in devkit-disks - tell me about the disk and the modification?19:53
usserrufensis, yea /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list19:53
marekw2143how to install that "libgssapi_krb5.so2"? there is something on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krb5, but how to install that?19:53
VCoolioaquachica: if you have a .tar you can probably just extract and run from the folder; no need to install19:53
rainbow007sebsebseb:i follwed this article (http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/9369) to convert the ubuntu default desktop to kde-desktop19:53
gluonmansebsebseb, that's correct.19:53
theTroyctmjr: it is UBUNTU software, its made by ubuntu team, it is written about in ubuntu wiki, please, do not post misleading information.19:54
aquachicaVCoolio: Would that overwright the old version?  Or would there be two versions of Firefox on my system?19:54
luckapenguin42: I tried like you said with sudo infront but brightness doesn't change ;s19:54
Mwapenguin42: I'm installing Ubuntu-Netbook-Remix. The partitioner was staying at 0% for ages. I went downstairs to get a power cable and when I came back it was at the next stage. I then noticed the alert a few clicks later19:54
apparlemaite: you there19:54
sebsebseb!grub2 |  gluonman19:54
ubottugluonman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:54
craig131How well does iTunes work on ubuntu over wine?19:54
usserrufensis, you should have created this file when you were following the guide19:54
ussercraig131, doesnt work at all19:54
Keen1conb123: even if i format disk 2 to something like NTFS, the installer still doesnt see it19:54
jrib!appdb > craig13119:54
ubottucraig131, please see my private message19:54
Mwapenguin42: it was shrinking a windows xp partition from 180 to 20gb and creating and ext3 in it's place19:54
greezmunkeycraig131 try it and let us know!19:54
Keen1conb123: the installer doesnt show either drive, or any partitions at all19:54
penguin42lucka: The sudo won't help, you can't use the > on a line with a sudo (simplification) because the > happens before the sudo19:55
craig131I got it thanks ubottu19:55
conb123Keen1: Hmm weird, is this thee first time you have encountered the problem?19:55
rainbow007can sombody help me pls?19:55
sebsebsebrainbow007: I don't want to go on that link right now, but all you need to do to get KDE  is this  sudo apt-get or apttitude  install  kubuntu-desktop19:55
gluonmansebsebseb, that's not very helpful after almost 9 days of beating my head against the wall trying to solve this. Everyone at ubuntuforums has managed to read my questions, but no one responds. I don't know how many times I've repeated this questions in here. What's the deal with not being able to install grub2 while everyone else is telling me it's so easy?19:55
VCoolioaquachica: if you just extract and run from there you have two versions; no problems except they probably use the same user settings; so they'll have trouble with add-ons; either make a choice between the two versions or use a different profile for one of them19:55
Mwapenguin42: the web page the error reporter threw up says "don't worry it won't affect anything. You can go back to what you were doing219:55
penguin42Mwa: Sounds like you've just hit a devkit-disks bug; I'd fsck the ext3 partition and check the windows partition from windows19:55
Mwa(obviously not in those words)19:55
Keen1conb123: last time i installed ubuntu i didnt have this exact problem19:55
dibsHey does anyone else have issues with the mouse not clicking in apps since koala upgrade??19:55
nicon_how do i use my web cam19:55
repnopso i assume mplayer in ubuntu comes with some sort of gpu acceleration?19:56
penguin42dibs: Generally or just in flash?19:56
rufensisusser: so instead of "experimental main" I'm doing "sid main"?19:56
gluonmansebsebseb, do you know how to do it?19:56
usserrufensis, yes19:56
maiteI'm here apparle19:56
sebsebsebgluonman: normalley people  put  Windows on first, and then do  a Linux distro, because yes Windows goes over the MBR  removing that tiny bit of Grub left on it19:56
Travis-42is the flashplugin that comes with ubuntu 64-bit the same as on the adobe website?19:56
repnopseems like i didn't need to compile vdpau mplayer19:56
Mwapenguin42: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/devicekit-disks/+bug/45220819:56
rainbow007sebsebseb: i have done exactly what you have mentione19:56
Keen1conb123: when i had more drives hooked up, it always wanted to install to the largest hard drive19:56
aquachicaVCoolio: Is there a specific place I need to extract to?19:56
dibsIn aptana might be the only place I have noticed19:56
Keen1conb123:  but that isnt the problem this time19:56
dibsso maybe java apps?19:56
conb123Keen1: Erm well you could try restarting, other than that i really don't know19:56
sebsebsebrainbow007: ok so you got KDM then?  nice blue log in screen yes?19:56
luckapenguin42: I typed sudo su19:57
VCoolioaquachica: no, just extract to what you consider convenient19:57
rufensisusser: when I use apt-get now, do i need to specify sid rather than experimental?19:57
penguin42Mwa: Looks pretty harmless then19:57
Mwagood good.19:57
luckapenguin42: then echo -n 60 > /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02/brightness19:57
gluonmansebsebseb, I know. My boss required Ubuntu installed first. He's starting to ask me what's going on with the laptop. I'm keep telling him I'm having dual-boot issues. Before anyone yells at me for not knowing how to do this before getting hired, I'm a student worker. The job's about a part of my education. Unfortunately, I just can't figure this out.19:57
kraitosbilliard, when i run test to acquire finger print it says this,kraitos@kraitos-laptop:~$ sudo tf-tool --acquire19:57
kraitosThinkFinger 0.3 (http://thinkfinger.sourceforge.net/)19:57
kraitosCopyright (C) 2006, 2007 Timo Hoenig <thoenig@suse.de>19:57
kraitosInitializing...USB device not found.19:57
FloodBot3kraitos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:57
Keen1conb123: I have multiple times ... even unhooked the Windows 7 RC disk19:57
luckapenguin42: brightness still won't change19:57
aquachicaVCoolio: Okay. Thank you. ^_^19:57
Keen1with only 1 hard drive in the system, it still fails to install19:57
usserrufensis, you would do apt-get update && apt-get install -t sid iceweasel19:57
rufensisusser: i mean in the line "apt-get install iceweasel"19:57
sebsebsebrainbow007: re installing the old Grub onto the MBR,  is a bit of a pain,  I am not sure how to do that,  I assume though that re installing Grub 2 will be similar, by the way they have a channel #grub19:57
m0se5Dual boot snow leopard and ubuntu 9.10. What file system do I use for the shared partition?19:57
guntbertlucka: don't do that - if you *really* need a root shell type sudo -s19:57
penguin42lucka: Ah OK, then I don't know - I don't know the brightness foo, but certainly you'll need the > with the echo19:57
usserrufensis, or just apt-get install iceweasel should work too19:57
Billiardkraitos: i guess it doesnt work for your laptop, try googling for your laptop ubuntu and fingerprint19:58
luckapenguin42: I put it there19:58
luckapenguin42: nothing happenes19:58
conb123rainbow007: If you want to reinstall to the mbr, jsut follow this guide http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html19:58
rufensisusser: do i need to uninstall iceweasel 3.0.4 first?19:58
luckaguntbert: sudo -s command not found19:58
usserrufensis, yes19:58
DjAngo23Does anyone have the same problem with downloading the Signing key here : https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa19:58
Keen1is there perhaps a partitioner other than gparted that will set up a root file system and all for me?19:58
Keen1as the one in the installer does not19:58
Kudiis lxappearance no longer in the repositories?19:59
ctmjrtheTroy: and i told you where to find it my statement was not misleading19:59
grawityDjAngo23: What problem?19:59
Keen1it doesnt even show up19:59
DjAngo23I can't find a way to fix my key19:59
usserrufensis, well actually its not required but its better if you do, and also do apt-get autoremove as well19:59
guntbertlucka: are you on ubuntu?19:59
sebsebsebKeen1: you could try qtparted19:59
maiteapparle are you there?19:59
sebsebseb!info qtparted19:59
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in karmic19:59
DjAngo23grawity,  How do i make de key working ?19:59
rainbow007sebsebseb:no at the time of installation i have left the option to gdm from the drop down list, expecting to choose at the time of login which would allow me to choose the option 'kde'. but the log screen doesn't show 'options'  at all19:59
trismgluonman: check out http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html might be what you need19:59
grawityDjAngo23: You didn't tell what problem you have.19:59
rufensisusser: what does "autoremove" do?19:59
sebsebsebrainbow007: well GDM 2 is a bit sucky really I guess19:59
gluonmantrism, thanks. Let me check that out.19:59
DjAngo23grawity,  looks like the key isn't working, or the server is down..19:59
luckapenguin42: well if I do cat /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02/brightness I get: current: 60 but the brightness still havent change :S19:59
sebsebsebrainbow007: and not just, becasue it can't be themed like the old one20:00
grawityDjAngo23: Anyway, sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys the-keyid-you-need20:00
sakekasirufensis: it removes unneeded packages20:00
sebsebsebrainbow007: I suggest joining #grub and asking there20:00
usserrufensis, removes all packages that iceweasel depended on, since iceweasel 3.0.14 is gone those packages are not needed20:00
sakekasiihave a dell studio 1555 with win7 and linux dual boot20:00
penguin42lucka: try echoing 100 ?20:00
sebsebsebrainbow007: oh wrong one ah20:00
apparlemaite: translate the log20:00
luckapenguin42: the default is 10020:00
xander787i just recently update to 9.10 from 9.04 and now i have an unbootable system spitting out: mountall: symbol lookup error: mountall: undefined symbol: udev_monitor_filter_add_match_subsystem_devtype20:00
sebsebsebrainbow007: KDM used to suck in my opinion, but I like this new one,  more so than the  new GDM 2.20:00
penguin42lucka: OK, you'll need to find someone who knows more of the brightness specific stuff20:01
sakekasiihave a dell studio 1555 with win7 and karmic dual boot and whenever i use win7, it kills grub and i hav to reinstall grub.20:01
maiteok apparle20:01
DjAngo23On this page : https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa when you hit  technical detail about this PPA, you find a signin key, but it does not work. I wrote : sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 249AD24C20:01
sakekasiany ideas what is wrong?20:01
sebsebsebxander787: Many people have had issues after upgrading 9.04 to 9.10.  You should clean install really20:01
luckapenguin42: like who?20:01
penguin42lucka: Not me!  I just don't know much about it20:01
xander787yea i've seen the problem around a lot, but was hoping i wouldnt have to clean install20:01
simion314are there images for USB drives? or i have to use tools to create images for usb flash drives20:01
DjAngo23grawity, On this page : https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa when you hit  technical detail about this PPA, you find a signin key, but it does not work. I wrote : sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 249AD24C20:02
rainbow007sebsebseb:i could login to the system but still to a default one, but not to new kde-desktop20:02
sebsebsebxander787: well there may be a way to fix it, but it would be easier to clean install20:02
erUSUL!usb | simion31420:02
ubottusimion314: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:02
xander787have u heard of a way, i've been looking with no results...20:02
sebsebsebrainbow007: You can ask for help in #kubuntu as well20:02
Keen1how would i set up a "root file system" in GParted20:02
grawityDjAngo23Yeah, it's down... Use pool.sks-keyservers.net or keyserver.noreply.org20:02
xander787but it does seem to be a prevelant problem20:02
aranddrive when you installed 7 then the20:02
arandWindows Setup didn't install a second copy of the bootloader but20:02
arandreplaced the Vista one with the newer 7 and kept the menuentry for20:02
FloodBot3arand: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:02
grawityDjAngo23: Yeah, it's down... Use pool.sks-keyservers.net or keyserver.noreply.org20:02
Keen1as the installer says i need that20:02
* sakekasi taps his foot20:03
Exaviornkeen1: I think its just ext 3/4 on parttion 1, but im not sure...20:03
arandoops sorry, paste button.20:03
xander787and i would think since i've seen it around so much there must be a way to fix it20:03
luckaanyone know here about brightness problems?20:03
sakekasilucka: i do20:03
neshaugHi, I just installed 9.10 and my wireless networks didn't show up, then I manually added a connection to my wireless network, and it connected fine and other networsk started showing up.. Now, after a reboot, the wireless card i disabled when I look at it with lshw.. How do I enable it again?20:03
Keen1Exaviorn: I have tried that, still wont show up20:03
DjAngo23grawity, Thanks !20:03
docmaxis there a wine channel?20:04
* sakekasi [n=r00t@] has joined #ubuntu20:04
Milos_SDhi all20:04
erUSULdocmax: #winehq20:04
ExaviornKeen1: ok srry, im not right...im not sure, srry20:04
ctmjrdocmax: #winehq20:04
rainbow007sebsebseb:thanks for the help. i'm really sorry i'm just starting to learn linux. thanks a lot20:04
luckasakekasi: fn keys doesn't work. I tried with brightness applet doesn't work. I tried to echo: echo -n 80 > /proc/acpi/video/OVGA/DD02/brightness doesn't work :S20:04
erUSUL!hi | sakekasi20:04
ubottusakekasi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:04
asdf_ /msg NickServ help20:04
VCoolioany way of pointing apt-add-repo to an other key server than the timing out ubuntu one?20:04
Milos_SDI just installed Karmic, and I want to patch custom kernel to work with sreadahead from ubuntu-boot ppa... how can I do that?20:04
Jordan_Usakekasi: Do you have more than one drive?20:04
sakekasigoogle is useful20:04
jrib!kernel > Milos_SD20:04
ubottuMilos_SD, please see my private message20:04
coz_hey guys..dual boot xp/ubuntu  nvidia 7300gt 512   xp sees 512 linux sees 256 vram  http://pastebin.com/m71f5e41c20:05
SlickMcRunFastHow do I get libgtk1-2 in Karmic?20:05
Keen1Does anyone else know how to set a "root file system" partition in GParted?20:05
sebsebsebrainbow007: GDM 2 sucks20:05
SlickMcRunFastI can't install any of my games20:05
sakekasilucka i googled it and found a lot of stuff20:05
* Callum_ rejoices20:05
Callum_I FINALLY got SLI working on Ubuntu20:05
sebsebsebrainbow007: and since you want to be going Kubuntu you should be using KDM really20:05
=== asdf_ is now known as rkpisanu
sebsebsebrainbow007: however you should also be able to boot into KDE from  GDM 220:05
Milos_SDubottu, I know how to compile kernel... I just need that patch... I saw it on forums same day ago, but can't find it now :(20:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:05
erUSULKeen1: make a parition. format it as ext{3,4} ??20:05
sakekasilucka i think u hav 2 add noapic to the end of ur bootup line20:05
sakekasiJordan_U no20:06
Keen1erUSUL: Did that, it still wont install20:06
sakekasiJordan_U i only have 120:06
toehioDoes anyone else have problems with audio in 9.1? My audio suddenly goes static while I'm listening to music (or anything else) and I have to close the application or click around (pause/play) to get the audio back to normal. Sometimes the audio crashes completely (under Sound Preferences it shows I have no hardware) and I have to reboot to get it working again. Does anyone have a fix for this?20:06
spellboundThere's a command to automatically create missing block nodes. It works by sending a message to the hotplug system, I think. I can't for the life of me find it... Anyone know what it is?20:06
erUSULKeen1: you will have to give more details20:06
erUSULspellbound: partx ??20:06
JakobLaursenI need help getting the wireless to work on a clean Ubuntu 9.0420:07
spellbounderUSUL: I think that's it! Thanks!20:07
erUSULspellbound: no problem20:07
Jordan_Usakekasi: That's odd, is this an OEM that might be doing something 7 wouldn't normally do? Does it have a recovery partition?20:07
SpeculaterWhat is the most likely reason my computer will only boot 1 in 5 times and locks up at the usplash: screen where it want's me to log in to my Desktop through what looks like a terminal, and the screen flashes so input is almost impossible?20:07
eaglehawkspellbound: try mkinode20:07
obiwan_hey please anybody uses smbclient? i cant get directories from the server with it just files20:08
luckasakekasi: where to?20:08
=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
luckasakekasi: where do I hae to add noapic?20:08
eaglehawkspellbound: try mknod20:08
Billiardobiwan_: what do you mean?20:08
rainbow007sebsebseb:why the options is not showing up on login screen? any idea pls?20:08
unpersonHi.  I have a system I just upgraded to Karmic.  Before that I had Jaunty, and before that Intrepid.  I think they changed the networking applet in Jaunty, and since then Network Manager applet has shown that I have no connection, even though I do have the same working connection as before.  Does anyone know why that might be happening or how to fix it?20:09
erUSUL!boot | lucka is a boot option see first url20:09
ubottulucka is a boot option see first url: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:09
trismrainbow007: did you select a user first?, then you should be able to select a session in a combo box at the bottom of the screen20:09
obiwan_Billiard: get dir is impossible 4 me.20:09
grkblood13hiow do you paly sopcast stream in ubuntu?20:09
Milos_SDis there any program to ghost system?20:09
jribMilos_SD: partimage20:09
Jordan_USpeculater: Try waiting a long time when it fails and see if GDM eventually starts20:09
spellboundeaglehawk: Thanks -- see above. erUSUL pointed me to the right command.20:09
obiwan_Billiard: i get this message NT_STATUS_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY opening remote file \www\data20:09
xfire8hey anyone can help me please ? read the last message please too http://communities.intel.com/message/72916#7291620:09
unpersonIt doesn't pose a problem at the moment, but I'm guessing that if I later want to modify my network connection through the GUI, or setup a VPN, etc., I'll first need it to recognize the connection.20:10
obiwan_Billiard: i acn't take any dir directly i have to copy file by file20:10
obiwan_hi mandy +20:10
arandMilos_SD: Clonezilla is avery comprehensive ghost-equivalent20:10
Kudihow do you know what dependencies a package needs?20:10
Billiardobiwan_: that is how it works i think20:10
eaglehawkgrkblood13: try http://code.google.com/p/sopcast-player20:11
SlickMcRunFastWhy was libgtk1.2 removed? My five year old games won't install anymore.20:11
mandyi am intrested in running ubunut as my desktop OS and was wondering which version is best to install 32bit or 64 bit20:11
jribKudi: apt-cache depends PACKAGE  for example, but you shouldn't need to know...20:11
luckaerUSUL: ??? can you please say in english?20:11
obiwan_Billiard: but that sucks, i have to make dirs for every dir in the host20:11
mandymy system is e7200, 3GB ram,250GB hard drive, intel onboard graphics20:11
Kudijrib: source20:11
xfire8hey anyone can help me please ? read the last message please too http://communities.intel.com/message/72916#7291620:11
Jordan_Umandy: Depends on what you want to do with your computer20:11
gluonmantrism, it's the same deal as before. The commands don't work for me.20:11
eaglehawkmandy: 32-bit is the best option20:11
jribKudi: what?20:11
erUSULlucka: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions <<< instruction on how to add it20:11
Jordan_Umandy: How much RAM does your computer have?20:11
arandmandy: 32bit I'd recommend20:12
obiwan_Billiard: i tried smbmount but that doest work goood 4 me20:12
Kudijrib: imt trying to install lxappearence from source20:12
luckathanx erUSUL20:12
jribKudi: why?20:12
Billiardobiwan_: you could mount the share, or there may be other options in smbclient like mget20:12
c3lI need help with ffmpeg. im trying to convert a mp3 to m4r but it fails. Unknown encoder 'libfaac'. I have installed all the extra and unstripped packages. why doesnt it work?20:12
Kudijrib because it wont work with aptitude20:12
jribKudi: what happens when you try?20:12
trismgluonman: can't really be more help, I haven't had to recover grub2 yet, although I am not exactly looking forward to it when I do20:13
luckaerUSUL: aaa I don't have /boot/grub/menu.lst20:13
Kudijrib: *homer simpson voice* doh!....capitols are bad20:13
luckaerUSUL: where is the menu.lst?20:13
eaglehawkmandy: 32-bit is better even if you have the 64-bit system...and flash player code also works better in 32-bit20:13
obiwan_yeah, but mounting is impossible 4 me, many disconnectionds and my local commands get laggy while working in a directoryy with a it20:13
jribKudi: yep20:14
duffydackc3l, try compiling your own..20:14
gluonmantrism, I haven't slept for days. Only because this needs to be done by Monday and it's taken me 9 days to still be stuck. I'll post a tutorial once I finally get this solved.20:14
=== dylan_ is now known as dy14n
obiwan_ok anyway i juast wanted to confirm smbclient cant get dirs Billiard20:14
SlickMcRunFastIts impossible to get a question answered in this crowded chat20:14
Billiardobiwan_: then look at the man page for smbclient, get is only for files, there are probably other things to get complete directories, like mget20:14
luckawhere is /boot/grub/menu.lst in 9.10 ????20:14
c3lduffydack, my own what?20:14
duffydackc3l, its super easy with this guide. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095   going in #ffmpeg asking for help they wont listen to you till you do :)20:14
obiwan_ok np Billiard thanks for everything20:15
obiwan_have a good day20:15
c3lduffydack, thanks =)20:15
VCooliolucka: it's gone with, grub2 works different, google the ubuntu help page for it20:15
usuario_Hi there ppl20:15
usuario_I need some help.20:15
clarinetAnyone can recommend some beautiful dock?20:15
narutolinuxwhere is everyone from?20:15
usuario_I have troubles with my wifi connection, i download at regular speed, but the websites loads very slow, im a new ubuntu user.20:16
mohan1how to install yahoo messenger?20:16
usuario_Can anyone help me ?20:16
trismgluonman: your best bet at this point is probably to either backup any data in the ubuntu partitions and reinstall or just wipe everything out and install windows 7 and then ubuntu20:16
VCoolioclarinet: most configurable is cairo-dock, there is also awn, docky (from gnome-do)20:16
narutolinuxi use empathy im client20:16
sakekasiJordan_U yes dell added one20:16
nickxoo3anyone else notice that koala is a lot less stable than jackalope?20:16
narutolinuxgnome do is nice20:16
coz_ok guys  dual monitors both crt   and in karmic I cannot stop them from sleeping20:16
narutolinuxnope works fine for me20:17
gluonmantrism, I'm not allowed to install Windows first. Boss's specifications. This is my 6th time completely reinstalling both OSs.20:17
greezmunkeyOMG, the developers have made this so easy that anyone can do it. I remember years ago that printers were a bit_h to set up, 1st try and it works... Takes all the fun out of it!20:17
Tech33narutolinux: I might suggest #Ubuntu-social20:17
narutolinuxhow many os's you all running?20:17
xfire8hey anyone can help me please ? read the last message please too http://communities.intel.com/message/72916#7291620:17
usuario_I have troubles with my wifi connection, i download at regular speed, but the websites loads very slow, im a new ubuntu user.20:17
sakekasinickxoo3 i like how it has compiz pre-installed, and it doesn't crash for NO reason or have many bugs20:17
VCoolionarutolinux: 1 and also this is for #ubuntu-offtopic20:17
clarinetVCoolio: OK, thanks.20:17
luckathats just insane20:17
Jordan_Usakekasi: Ask in ##windows to see if they have heard of this before then ask in #grub if nobody in ##windows knows20:17
luckain order to add an option to the grub2 I have to read like mad20:18
clarinetVCoolio: OK, thanks.20:18
sakekasiok thanks20:18
usuario_I have troubles with my wifi connection, i download at regular speed, but the websites loads very slow, im a new ubuntu user.20:18
duffydackc3l, apparently, just make an m4a and rename it20:18
greezmunkeyusuario: using Firefox?20:18
usuario_Im using firefox.20:18
greezmunkeySearch Disable Firefox ipv6 in google20:19
usuario_Leets see20:19
=== RussellAlan is now known as eGin
coz_in jaunty these same monitors respected the no sleep settings in karmic  no way20:19
guntbert!ot | narutolinux20:20
ubottunarutolinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:20
mccoffeinif got a question20:21
luckaI finnaly found the file for editing but I have no idea where to put noapic20:21
mccoffeinsorry for this stupid one question: does a really linux user20:21
* Morgansl spins violently around the y-axis20:21
penguin42Morgansl: Why?20:21
mccoffeinusing mono framework when a application needs it20:22
Billiardmccoffein: that not really a complete sentence20:22
frank__hello to all20:22
EasyTUXI'm searching for a very lightweight CPUs current load display, in a kind of what "pavumeter" does for sound style... Do you know some ?20:22
mccoffeinBillard: sorry cant follow you20:23
frank__I have a question about copy icons from the applications menu to the desk top20:23
coz_frank__,  just drag and drop20:23
arandgluonman: So you've been through the standard process: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312731/ ??20:23
Billiardmccoffein: what you said does not make sense, try rewording your question20:23
EasyTUXfrank__: Just click and drag them...20:23
greezmunkeyfrank__ or right click and use the menu...20:24
SpeculaterWhat is the most likely reason my computer will only boot 1 in 5 times and locks up at the usplash: screen where it want's me to log in to my Desktop through what looks like a terminal, and the screen flashes so input is almost impossible?20:24
gluonmanarand, yes. I gave up on the standard process. Experience has taught me that when I have a question like this that few people want to try to answer, after a week I'll just become annoying and someone will finally talk to me. Always works.20:24
luckaI'm a total n00b. Can someone please where in /etc/default/grub I have to add option "noapic" in order for brightness to work? Please a little helpe would be very appriciated.20:24
mccoffeinok ...20:24
penguin42Speculater: Video driver?20:24
durtEasyTUX, not sure what pavumeter looks like but look at gkrellm for light weight monitoring20:24
EasyTUXdurt: Many thanks.20:25
SpeculaterHow do I ensure that mine is up to date?20:25
Doorman352how do i add priveledges to a user in 9.0420:25
mccoffeini would develop an application for windows and linux ... i will develop it under monodevelop ... but i dont know if a really linux user will use mono framework or not for an application20:25
frank__I have tried that with the left mouse button and the right I am not new to computer or linux it will not allow me to drag or menu popup to give me the opp to copy the icon20:25
Billiardmccoffein: using mono is not the proper way to develop for windows and linux20:26
trismlucka: add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT20:26
usuario_THANKS A LOT BRO20:26
FloodBot3usuario_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:26
ctmjrtheTroy: your an idiot20:26
RussellAlanHow do i fix this?20:26
RussellAlankoh@koh-buntu:~$ PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:20:26
duryodhanhi ..how do I install the PAE enabled kernel in Ubuntu ?20:26
luckatrism: neaer quiet splash ?20:26
trismlucka: yes20:26
arandgluonman: so you have tried the commands I gave there?20:26
RussellAlanthat is my normal bash20:27
luckatrism: thanx a million times!!!!20:27
Doorman352how do i add priveledges to a user in 9.04?20:27
BilliardDoorman352: which priveledges?20:27
gluonmanarand, Oh. I'm sorry. I completely misread your question. Sorry, I'm out of it. Let me give that a try.20:27
trismlucka: I think you'll need a sudo update-grub for the setting to take effect20:27
Doorman352Billiard: connect to wireless and ethernet networks20:28
penguin42duryodhan: I'd search for linux-image packages with endings other than generic20:28
shangdoes anyone here knows how to lockdown the tty console in Karmic ???20:28
penguin42shang: Lockdown in whcih sense?20:28
duryodhanpenguin42: thanks.. I think it is linux-headers-server and linux-image-server20:28
greezmunkeySpeculator: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf add Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP" under Section "Screen"  worked for me20:28
shangpenguin42: no one can go use tty20:28
neshaughow do I enable a disabled wlan card in 9.10?20:28
matuHi, is anyone able to tell me how to install the "KERNEL SOURCES" ?20:28
BleSSI'm supposed that 'CRYPTDISKS_MOUNT=' on /etc/default/cryptdisks doesn't works with luk partition, does it?20:29
matui need to install the KERNEL SOURCES to install my NVIDIA .RUN20:29
gluonmanarand, I did specify a separate /boot partition.20:29
jrib!nvidia | matu20:29
ubottumatu: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:29
matui installed the KERNEL SOURCES using SYNAPTIC and it DOES NOT WORK20:29
duffydackmatu, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`20:29
d3c3p710nhigh anyone using Karmic on AspireOne?20:29
jribmatu: please stop with the caps.  Read ubottu's message on how to properly install nvidia drivers20:29
matui ALREADY DID IT duffbeer20:30
duffydackmatu,  ah well what is it for?20:30
RussellAlanbash: /home/koh/.bashrc: line 101: syntax error: unexpected end of file20:30
trismduryodhan: I would think it would be linux-image-generic-pae20:30
Doorman352how do i add priveledges to a user in 9.04?20:30
caseyweedermanHey, I'm trying to get a Rogers usb gsm modem working. Anyone know anything about this.?20:30
[nrx]Hi all, I've recently updated to 9.10 on my Macbook however 3D acceleration has now stopped and there is nothing displayed in Hardware Drivers. Can someone help please? :)20:30
RussellAlanThere isnt even a 101 line20:30
BlackBishopanyone can recommend a nice fast usb hub ? ( price kinda' isn't a problem )20:30
jribDoorman352: privileges for...?20:30
d3c3p710ncan i use a custom kernel from Jaunty with Karmic?20:31
penguin42shang: I *think* there is an entry in xorg.conf that can disable ctrl-alt-f1 and friends; I notice in system->preferences->keyboard under loayouts and loayout options under misc compat options is a 'sepecial keys handlied in a server' and I think that may be related20:31
neshaug[nrx]: did you run update after the install?20:31
Doorman352connect to wireless and ethernet networks20:31
jribRussellAlan: how many are there?20:31
guntbertRussellAlan: that is the point, the script end prematurely20:31
[nrx]neshaug, update?20:31
duryodhantrism : yeah .. I think what I typed was a meta package that links to multiple stuff20:31
duryodhanthanks guys .. time for a reboot20:31
phaer[nrx]: I had exactly the same problem with my nvidia driver on a pc. I just installed the nvidia driver from the repos by hand and it works now20:31
duryodhansay a little prayer ... :)20:31
RussellAlanjrib: guntbert: PATH=${PATH}:/home/koh/android-sdk-linux/tools20:31
RussellAlanthat is the last line, it is line 10020:32
arandgluonman: Ok, hang on.20:32
jribRussellAlan: pastebin all of ~/.bashrc20:32
[nrx]phaer, can you give me some guidance with that? :)20:32
Milos_SDis the person that do ubuntu-boot ppa here?20:32
caseyweedermanCan someone point me in the direction I need to go? Rogers rocket stick, usb, gnome-ppp...20:32
Doorman352how do i add priveledges to a user in 9.04? Connect to wireless and Ethernet networks is greyed out and prompts for password on boot.20:32
phaer[nrx]: Just go to the Ubuntu Software Center and search for nvidia (if you got an nvidia card)20:33
greezmunkeyThunder AND lightning...the Gods have spoken.20:33
arandgluonman: Since grub should already be installed on the partiton itself you might be able to just run "sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sda" (replace sda with disk you want mbr on).20:33
[nrx]phaer, i don't think it is....it's a Mac remember20:33
penguin42greezmunkey: Right professor, winch up frankenstein20:33
Jazzywhere can I get some drivers for my wireless internet card?20:33
guntbertDoorman352: go to system/administration/users and groups - unlock, edit the properties of that user20:33
marowithi, does anybody know where has ~/.nautilus/metafiles folder go in ubuntu 9.10?20:33
shangpenguin42: yeah, I *think* that's the vtswitch disable that you are talking about (in xorg.conf), not sure if that still works in Karmic, since it doesn't really read xorg.conf any more20:33
greezmunkeypenguin42: It's about to cut loose here...20:34
RussellAlanjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/312737/20:34
gluonmanarand, the problem is that grub-probe can never find /boot/grub20:34
greezmunkeyheh time to fly a kite!20:34
Doorman352guntbert:  They are greyed out and there is no root access, so how do I enable them?20:34
phaer[nrx]: So, what kind of card does it have? if in doubt: Please put the output of "lspci | grep -i VGA" to a pastebin and give me the link20:34
penguin42shang: Oh it'll read it if you have one20:34
shangpenguin42: I didn't find anything in the keyboard layout options there to disable the tty20:34
BlackBishopanyone can recommend a nice fast usb hub please ?20:34
[nrx]phaer,  it's some Intel crap. Hold on a sec.20:34
shangpenguin42: um..... OK, I will test that. Thanks!20:34
jribRussellAlan: does it work when you delete the last line?20:35
duryodhanwow .. I screwed somethign up .. X can't start after the restart ..20:35
vinq1How do I record /dev/dsp? I tried with 'sox' and 'lame' at command line but all I get are a series of clicks.20:35
penguin42shang: I have one to convince it of my external monitor20:35
[nrx]phaer, http://pastebin.com/m3691a23220:35
RussellAlanhaven't tried20:35
duryodhanError says 'config/hal couldn't initialise context unkown error (null) '20:35
greezmunkeyBlackBishop: they are all about the same aren'they? I mean if they're USB220:35
guntbertDoorman352: there should be a button "unlock"20:35
jribRussellAlan: try20:35
todkonI'm having a problem where it seems Gnome is hogging my sound and workplace settings within Openbox.. I have to open gnome-volume-control every new login session to unmute my sound, while alsamixer doesn't seem to recognize it's muted. running 9.10 on my Eee.20:35
Doorman352guntbert:  in 9.04?20:35
jribRussellAlan: what are you running exactly?20:35
duryodhananyone here have any idea ? or can someone google it .. I am using the command line and no X20:36
nowimprovedI'm using the latest version of ubuntu...every like 15 minutes the monitor turns black and sleeps or what not, really annoying watching videos, any ideas how to disable it?20:36
nowimprovedor make it like 2 hours instead of 10 minutes20:36
jribduryodhan: use w3m or links2.  I have no idea what your question is20:36
guntbertDoorman352: yes, you must be the "first user" though20:36
EasyTUXtodkon: sudo alsactl store (after enabling it again...)20:36
RussellAlanjrib: no didn't help20:36
trismnowimproved: System/Preferences/Power Management20:36
jribRussellAlan: what are you doing exactly?20:36
trismnowimproved: also may want to disable the screensaver if it is enabled20:37
RussellAlanthat was just a path for the sdk of android.20:37
edrimxhola algun mexicano por aki20:37
jribnowimproved: should be some screensaver preferences in your menu20:37
Doorman352guntbert:  I found it. I had to close users & Groups and re-open it20:37
caseyweedermannowimproved, System, Preferences, Screensaver20:37
nowimprovedcaseyweederman, k, i'm using. fluxbox20:37
=== ___Trullo is now known as _Trullo
RussellAlani had a line right after koh@koh-buntu:-$ that had PATH=........ i found that line and deleted it, i think i deleted something else20:37
RussellAlanline 49 or something20:38
Jazzywhere can i get video and audio codecs for ubuntu?20:38
jribnowimproved: you could also use "gnome-screensaver-command --inhibit" before watching your movie (I assume it's flash or something since most video apps know to disable it automatically)20:38
guntbertDoorman352: fine :)20:38
caseyweedermanDrag the 'Regard computer is idle after:" dial to the right.20:38
todkonEasyTUX: Hmm, I had to run it with sudo but it returns an error that my home directory is not mine...20:38
Jazzydivx.. x264 ect..20:38
caseyweedermanYeah, odd that vlc no longer inhibits the screensaver automatically.20:38
BluesKaj!medibuntu | Jazzy20:39
ubottuJazzy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:39
rajabguys is anyone else experiencing a copy and paste problem with firefox 3.5? when i copy something from firefox and paste it in a document i dont get a paste option .. even when i close firefox down and reopenit and do a right click it doenst paste :S anyone help please? its frustrating me alot :(20:39
vinq1How do I record /dev/dsp? I just get clicks.20:39
chloeanyone here an expert on resolutions?20:39
=== chloe is now known as Guest36797
apparle!video | Jazzy20:39
nowimprovedjrib, no...i want it longer in general anyway20:39
ubottuJazzy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:39
jribnowimproved: k20:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:39
guntberttodkon: running GUI with sudo ask for trouble - use gksudo for those20:39
fooI'm currently at the xdm login screen on linux, but I'm ssh'd in and have a monitor hooked up (but no keyboard/mouse). Anyway I can login on X via ssh somehow?20:39
[nrx]phaer, any thoughts? :)20:39
BluesKajrajab, gotta leave FF open while pasting to the other document ...that should work20:40
rajabblueskaj .. what is a good clipboard application for ubuntu20:40
Jordan_Ufoo: You can use ssh -X to run X apps remotely20:40
Guest36797anyone here able to help with resolution troubles?20:40
jribfoo: what do you want to accomplish after logging in?20:40
BluesKajrajab, Klipper20:40
BluesKajrajab, not sure what the gnome equivalent is called20:41
guntbertfoo: if you have an X server on the machine from which your are ssh ing in, yes20:41
todkonguntbert: alsactl is purely shell command, don't need to gksudo it20:41
SpeculaterDoes anyone have experience getting sound to their TV through HDMI in ubuntu?20:41
rajabblueskaraj  its Glipper20:41
SpeculaterI need help configuring that setup.20:41
Kudi1has anyone got volwheel to work in tint220:42
skipy /server irc.themanaworld.org20:42
* szczym is inviting to see the the factory display: http://fabryka.obin.org/tutturu/ (its off topic but on ubuntu server)20:42
apparleWhere are the packages gcc3.4 and g++ 3.4 in 9.10 ?20:42
Amuro_Reyri... rieccomi20:42
guntberttodkon: ok, I then misread something - sorry to bother you20:42
Flannelszczym: Please take offtopic things elsewhere (such as #ubuntu-offtopic)20:42
hggdhapparle: they are not, AFAICR20:42
foojrib: I want to start synergyc and some xterms. I'm trying to start synergyc now, but that doesn't work20:42
[nrx]phaer, i've looked at some docs on the website and it suggests I use the NVidia driver20:43
szczymok Flannel20:43
fooJordan_U: thanks, but that didn't answer my question :)20:43
greezmunkeySpeculator: did that work?20:43
fooguntbert: I don't, but I do have synergy set up... but DISPLAY=0.0 synergyc doesn't seem to work20:43
apparlehggdh: AFAICR?20:43
penguin42foo: =:0.020:43
jribfoo: don't know anything about synergy.  You need to try "startx" I guess, but I'm not sure if that will work20:43
penguin42foo: Note the :20:43
hggdhAs Far As I Can Remember20:44
apparlehggdh: found it..... byt why not20:44
guntbertfoo: the other machine is what OS?20:44
apparlehggdh: I mean why are they not there.....20:44
trismfoo: it would probably be DISPLAY=:0.0, but they moved the .Xauthority in karmic so you'll probably won't have permission unless set the XAUTHORITY environment variable too, or copy it back to .Xauthority20:44
Milos_SDcan someone please tell me how to get a patch for sreadahead that ubuntu-boot ppa has for that 2.6.31 kernel20:45
HaldHi all20:45
hggdhapparle: because they are obsolete20:45
todkonguntbert: it's fine, but thank you for your feedback anyway :)20:45
Milos_SDI need it for my custom kernel20:45
[nrx]Can anyone suggest why the NVidia driver isn't appearing in the "Hardware Drivers" list even though it appears to be installed?20:45
kermitwhen my cpu throttles itself due to heat, how can i get it back to full speed without rebooting?20:45
fooGnarlyBob: windows20:45
hggdhapparle: if you really need them, I think you can download & install from the last Ubuntu version to have them20:45
apparle[nrx]: how can you say it appears to be installed20:45
jribMilos_SD: didn't I tell you already?  What exactly are you not sure about?20:45
fooguntbert: windows20:45
Billiard[nrx]: where did you install it from20:45
[nrx]apparle, it's marked as being installed in Ubuntu Software Centre20:45
NuuBuntuI've found a lot of webpages that work perfectly fine on my fiancee's windows version of FireFox but can not load on my Linux version of firefox. I get a lot of errors, like advertisements that float overtop of all the text or videos that scroll and blur across the screen instead of staying in one place. Any idea how to fix it?20:46
apparlehggdh: but many sources require the old version to be compiled20:46
Milos_SDjrib, I didn't see what you sad... can you repeat please20:46
jrib!kernel > Milos_SD20:46
ubottuMilos_SD, please see my private message20:46
gluonmanarand, I managed to get it to work after simply turning on the repos and updating and installing grub-pc to replace grub-legacy. However, now that I'm booting up, grub loaded and gave me a command line. How can I make it show me the boot list? Or boot Ubuntu?20:46
foopenguin42 / jrib / guntbert / trism: Hm, I wonder... when does $DISPLAY get set? I'm not logged in right now, so I'm thinking that's why I can't do something like DISPLAY=:0.0 synergyc myip20:46
jribMilos_SD: I think this was hours ago20:46
BilliardNuuBuntu: which webpages20:46
hggdhapparle: not really, no20:46
jribfoo: after you startx20:46
EasyTUXtodkon: That's not a think to do, though "sudo bash" then you're root => be carefull...20:46
NuuBuntuBilliard, http://www.mmapools.com/fighterinfo.php?id=26020:46
FuRomHow would I open a window from the shell? I know I need to do something with xorg, but I can't find any information and when I just type xorg, I get a message telling me something about the xorg server already running.20:46
BluesKajgluonman, update-grub20:47
Milos_SDthat was you :) didn't know that... but that doesn't help me man... I know how to patch and compile kernel, but I need the patch  (link to it) :D20:47
HaldI need help. I used envyng to install ATI drivers on ubuntu 9.10. I got asked to reboot after the procedure witch I did. Now when the computer boots up I get to a flickering TTY and it hardly responds to any keys. What should I do?!? Please help20:47
zopiacim trying to connect a printer to my computer through the network, and i need to enter  a password to access the printer, but when i enter name, domain name, and password of the administrator of the parent computer (it runs windows) it tells me that there is still an authentication error20:47
EasyTUXtodkon: *thing20:47
arandgluonman: Anything stopping you from not using a /boot partition?20:47
hggdhapparle: at least the packages I build seem to be happy with gcc 4.420:47
trismfoo: yeah that won't get set until after you have a logged in session, but again, with the changes to karmic, you'll have a bit more work to do if you're trying to launch those on another display from a remote machine20:47
PsychoMarioare there any programs which will show a graphical representation of the network; network virtualisation?20:47
fcnwhich package provides vmlinuz-####### file?20:47
gluonmanBluesKaj, I used that. "sh:grub> update grub" returns "error: unknown command 'update-grub'20:47
fbdystangHi all, Is there a reason that the buttons in pandora won't work with firefox 3.5.4 and Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32?20:48
gluonmanarand, I am using a separate /boot partition20:48
trismfoo: although this may only be if you use the new gdm20:48
Jordan_UHald: Hold shift at boot, and when you see the grub menu choose "recovery mode". From there you can get a root shell and remove the drivers with envyng20:48
BilliardNuuBuntu: i have no idea, looks like a normal webpage20:48
BluesKajgluonman, sudo update-grub20:48
arandgluonman: This might work for the separate /boot case: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312746/20:48
penguin42fbdystang: There's a bug where button clicks don't seem to work with desktop effects20:48
footrism: yeah, I'm not on the new gdm (on xdm atm). hm, any way to login via xdm or force login over ssh that you know of? I have root, hm20:48
JseagleQuestion: how do I tell if my PC Express slot is enabled?20:48
HaldJordan_U: OK. I will try that. thanks dude20:48
Jordan_UHald: "envyng -t" to use the text version of envyng20:49
Jordan_UHald: np20:49
NuuBuntuBilliard, when i try to load it, one of two things happens, usually both. First, the google video on the page blurs and scrolls across the whole page so I can't see anything. Then it starts freezing and closes firefox automatically on it's own. Any ideas?20:49
duffydackJseagle, lspci ?20:49
fcnI installed karmic but it did not install vmlinuz20:49
nowimprovedanyone know how i'd go about disabling screensaver/power management in fluxbox on ubuntooth?20:49
gluonmanBluesKaj, I'm not in the liveCD. I booted into grub.20:49
Jseaglelspci? i will try thank you20:49
fbdystangpenguin42: Is there more info on that somewhere? Is is a bug with ubuntu, or firefox, or adobe flash?20:49
guntbertfoo: my advice - get a free X-Server for windows (either cygwin/X or mobaXTerm), then connect using putty (choose forward X in the settings)20:49
arandgluonman: and that last commad there needs sudo as well...20:49
Jordan_Ufcn: Is there anything in your /boot directory?20:49
fooGnarlyBob: thanks, but I think I'll just hook up a keyboard. :) Was just seeing my options20:49
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: sounds like a plug-in issue to me...20:49
BluesKajgluonman, oh sorry20:50
penguin42fbdystang: I don't think anyone is quite sure where the bug lies, it's been around for a long time and I've seen it in launchpad20:50
gluonmanarand, I just ran the other set of instructions you gave me after updating grub and it seemed to work. But now that I boot up, it just gives me a prompt "sh:grub>"20:50
* duffydack likes cygwin and xorg libs.20:50
NuuBuntugreezmunkey, which plugin and how would i fix it?20:50
BilliardNuuBuntu: yeah maybe flash prob20:50
fcnJordan_U: vmcoreinfo-2.6.31-14-generic and some other files20:50
Jseagleyea... i typed lspci and i have no idea what that all meant...20:50
Jordan_Ufcn: Are you using vmware?20:50
penguin42fbdystang: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/41040720:50
greezmunkeyI would update java if you haven't laready done it first, then go from there.20:51
fcnJordan_U: no i'm not20:51
durtGuest36797, hi, feel free to ask a question. Please change your name to something unique.20:51
duffydackJseagle, looks for cardbus or something20:51
Guest36797how can i change?20:51
duffydackJseagle, use pastebin if you like.20:51
gluonmanarand, it can't boot from any device now. No valid operating systems found.20:51
aquachicaIs it me, or does Yahoo have some major issues with Ubuntu's Firefox 3.5.4?20:51
durtGuest36797, /nick (newnick)20:51
Jordan_Ufcn: This is an install from the standard desktop CD?20:51
=== Guest36797 is now known as chlolo
fbdystangpenguin42: Thanks :)20:51
Jseaglenic card </span20:51
chloloI have a dell laptop with a wide screen monitor20:51
drbobbhey folks, something is, like, wrong with totem and video playback: it doesn't magnify the picture anymore, while just a few days ago it did20:52
chloloand I cannot get the resolution20:52
Jseagleumm pastebin?20:52
duffydackJseagle, I dont own pci express so I dont know.. Just a meager pcmcia20:52
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic20:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:52
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: check out java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml20:52
Jseaglei'd rather have a PCMIA20:52
fcnJordan_U: yes it  was but using this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux20:52
BlackBishopgreezmunkey, actually, they're not all the same. If you have a 4 port usb hub, most of them don't share the bandwidth right. Or don't provide enough power !20:52
dAlfa89_chlolo, tried installing the proprietary drivers?20:52
drbobblike when I put totem into fullscreen mode, I'm seeing just a tiny letterboxed picture on the center of the screen20:53
BluesKajJseagle, , what do you have connected by pciX ?20:53
NuuBuntugreezmunkey, it says your java is working, latest update installed20:53
PsychoMarioare there any programs which will show a graphical representation of the network; network virtualisation?20:53
Jseagleumm something that doesn't work on linux LoL20:53
chloloit is a 915 intel chipset20:53
Jseagleclearwire pcex251020:53
oliver3okay guys, anyone manage to get fglrx to not suck ass?20:54
ph33rhi I am trying to access my files in ubuntu (karmic) from a vista machine in the network, I can access the vista machine from ubuntu but not the other way round, any ideas what I am missing ?20:54
infidel2show can i find out if my nvidia geforce 9100 integrated video card is supported by ubuntu 9.10?20:54
chlolodAlfa89_,  it is the dell with the 915 chipset intel20:54
oliver3I'm tired of X using 100% of my CPU -_-20:54
pochihey guys, lost networking after upgrading to 9.10, though my wireless settings appear in the "network connections" program20:54
BlackBishopnow, a wireless usb stick that I can configure as an access point20:54
oliver3ph33r, what error do you get exactly?20:54
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: then go to Firefox's site to check out plug-ins: https://addons.mozilla.org/20:54
neshaugpochi I also lost wireless, my wireless card is disabled and I can't get it enabled..20:54
fcnpochi: were you using special dns servers?20:54
Billiardinfidel2s: it probably is, nvidia cards usually work well in linux20:54
ph33roliver3: I can't see my ubuntu machine from vista at all :(20:54
infidel2sBilliard even integrated ones ?20:55
Billiardinfidel2s: that shouldnt make a difference20:55
fcnJordan_U: do you have any idea?20:55
p1oooopanyone notice a problem with xorg-intel>20:55
pochifcn: dns? no, I don't have networking at all, "route" is empty20:55
NuuBuntugreezmunkey, what should i be looking for there? i already have flash20:55
Jordan_Ufcn: So you actually ran the graphical installer after boting from the partition, correct?20:55
greezmunkeyBlackBishop: I found the same info! I spoke too soon, sorry!20:55
[nrx]Hi all, I've recently updated to 9.10 on my Macbook however 3D acceleration has now stopped and there is nothing displayed in Hardware Drivers. Can someone help please? :)20:55
infidel2sBilliard i also need it to support dual monitors, one using dvi one using vga, do you think that will automatically work if the drivers are there?20:55
greezmunkeyI had no ideea!20:55
Jseagletried running ndiswrapper with the drivers from clearwire and it gives me an the error "Unable to see if the hardware is present"  which is why i suspect my express card slot20:56
fcnJordan_U: yes, it finished correctly. and when i restart it started memtest.20:56
Billiardinfidel2s: idk about automatically, but it should work20:56
p1oooopdoes anyone notice an error with xorg-intel?20:56
oliver3ph33r, type \\<ubuntu hostname> in an explorer address bar20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel-graphics20:56
ph33roliver3: ok20:56
pochineshaug: did you try ifconfig <net-device> up20:56
piotrjest ktoś z polski???20:56
BluesKaj!intel graphics20:56
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel graphics20:56
LjL!pl | piotr20:56
ubottupiotr: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:56
fcnJordan_U: i went to #grub. drs305 helped me a lot. now i booted into the new installed system using casper/vmlinuz20:56
Jordan_Ufcn: Can you still boot into the install parititon?20:56
infidel2swhat's the diff between ifconfig eth0 up and ifup eth0?20:57
dAlfa89_chlolo, tried installing the drivers for it? I don't know about Karmic, but in Jaunty you could use System - Administration - Hardware Drivers20:57
guntbert!intel | BluesKaj20:57
ubottuBluesKaj: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.20:57
LjLpiotr: /join #ubuntu-pl20:57
fcnJordan_U: i booted into the new installed system using casper/vmlinuz20:57
p1oooopwhat about ubuntu 9.10...20:57
drbobbhello, doesn't anybody have any tip on the totem player issue?20:57
Doorman352PsychoMario: try googling lanmap20:57
ph33roliver3: great, I can access it that way20:57
Jordan_Ufcn: Make sure that linux-image-generic is installed20:57
shine1hey guys~  when I tried to follow a tutorial to mount a remote folder via ssh, I got error: "FATAL: Module fuse not found."  if I do  "sudo modprobe fuse" followed by " sudo apt-get install sshfs", couldn't find any solution by google, any suggestions to overcome this?20:57
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: I had issues with some pages out of the box, so updated java, then my plug-ins. I've had no problems since...20:58
oliver3ph33r, great20:58
arandgluonman: for manual booting: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312753/ The first one is foor booting windows, second is for booting linux.20:58
ubunewboliver3: heh20:58
ph33roliver3: however, why does'nt it show in the network place ?20:58
Jseaglewhat is wmaster0?20:58
oliver3ubunewb, hi20:58
neshaugpochi: tried ifup, and it's probably the same, how do I list the interface name of the device?20:58
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penguin42shine1: You don't need the modprobe anymore, fuse is built in20:58
oliver3ph33r, do you have Ubuntu in the same workgroup?20:58
fcnJordan_U: it's installed20:58
NuuBuntugreezmunkey, how do you update java and your plugins? do i have to redownload and reload them all or is there a one click solution?20:58
fcnJordan_U: even i reinstalled it right now20:59
fcnJordan_U: still nothing changed in /boot20:59
pochineshaug: I thought it would be done with "ifconfig"20:59
ph33roliver3: I just don't know the vista workgroup heh20:59
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: normally Firefox will offer you an option to install them as they are needed.20:59
pochineshaug: but mine doesn't list them either, the wireless ones20:59
Jordan_Ufcn: Do you have a grub directory in /boot?20:59
fcnJordan_U: yes i have20:59
PsychoMarioDoorman352: It wont compile,20:59
=== ubunewb is now known as hmm
pochineshaug: maybe ubuntu 9.10 hasn't included the driver for our wireless cards?21:00
Jordan_Ufcn: Does the /boot/grub/grub.conf show your kernel?21:00
oliver3ph33r, hold the "windows" key, then press pause/break. You should be able to find it in the window that pops up21:00
shine1penguin42: thanks!21:00
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: if your Firefox seems to be broken, you'll have to do some reading...;/21:00
Doorman352PsychoMario: sorry only thin i could find...21:00
hmmkarmic afaik still has no built in wireless support, you have to load your driver with ndiswrapper21:00
neshaugpochi: hmm, but it worked out of the box with 9.04 for me, what about you?21:00
Jordan_Ufcn: sorry, /boot/grub/grub.cfg21:00
PsychoMarioDoorman352: no worries, ill try to find something else, or a packaged version21:00
ph33roliver3: it's WORKGROUP21:00
hmmndiswrapper does come as an option on the live cd though21:00
pochineshaug: Yeah, worked out of the box on 9.04. I have a Atheros Communications AR5313 wireless card, what do you have?21:01
NuuBuntugreezmunkey, thanks for your help21:01
Jseaglei tried that "hmm"21:01
fcnJordan_U: no it doesn't. i tried sudo grub-install it only sees memtest86+.bin21:01
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Jseagledoesn't seem to work for me21:01
gluonmanarand, thank you very much.21:01
Doorman352PsychoMario: I use networkview36 for my windows networks21:01
neshaugpochi: nice! :) Atheros here as well21:01
apparlemaite: sorry connection problem at my side21:01
neshaugpochi: not the same model.. wait :P21:01
greezmunkeyNuuBuntu: sorry I can't be of more help to you.21:01
ph33roliver3: alright se it now, thank you a lot man :)21:01
apersoncan anyone point me to how I install ubuntu-server from a desktop cd?  I always thought there was a metapackage for it21:01
phish3hey there, I upgraded to 9.10 and gdm looks rather barren21:02
phish3its missing  a bunch of options21:02
[nrx]Hi all, I've recently updated to 9.10 on my Macbook however 3D acceleration has now stopped and there is nothing displayed in Hardware Drivers. Can someone help please? :)21:02
vistroI'm trying to install WoW through WINE, but I can't accept the EULA (even after scrolling own to the bottom). How do I fix this? It worked perfectly in Jaunty21:02
phish3any tips on how to get it back to defaults?21:02
neshaugpochi: I have AR500121:02
PsychoMarioDoorman352: i dont own any windows boxes...21:02
Jseaglehow do i tell if my PCI express card is working?21:02
oliver3ph33r, no problem21:02
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pochineshaug: I think the mad-wifi drivers were used for my card, maybe they dropped them? :/21:02
StikI'm at a loss.. wtf does flash 64bit run so crappy in ubuntu but flawlessly on slackware :|21:02
fcnJordan_U: ?21:02
laura_my karmic install is taking about 90s to boot, anyone mind taking a look at my bootchart and advising? http://imagebin.ca/view/lPjy9_M.html21:03
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neshaugpochi: oh.. I can't remember that.. but last night I manually added my wireless network and it worked until I rebooted because of my gfx card today21:04
Jordan_Ufcn: Can you pastebin your /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?21:04
p1oooopseems like everyone is having troubles with video in karmic21:04
neshaugpochi: ... so I just don't know why it's gone now..21:04
Jseaglemy video works great in Karmic21:04
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p1oooopI was kidding.21:04
Jseaglewhat issues are people having?21:04
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p1oooopI'm having a problem with xorg and intel21:05
pochineshaug: I didn't have network at all after the rebooting after the upgrade21:05
toresbeHey. Is there no ubuntu+1 yet?21:05
p1oooopI think it's the xserver-video-xorg-intel that's throwing my computer off21:05
Jseaglei run the intel 945 chipset21:05
fcnJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312761/21:05
toresbeI noticed there are apt sources for lucid already...21:05
neshaugpochi: I didn't either, and it didnt get listed, I just manually added it any way, and it got up and was up for like 20 hours...21:05
ArmyMan007i need help!!!21:05
aquachicaIs anyone having issues with Pidgin on 9.10?  I just had the program die on me twice.21:05
Doorman352PsychoMario: Wine or virtualbox will run networkview and theres a free version.21:05
ArmyMan007my graphics is all messed up!!!21:05
pochineshaug: how do you manually add it?21:06
p1ooooplike I said..21:06
ArmyMan007my graphics are all messed up!!!21:06
neshaugpochi: system -> prefs -> network connections21:06
Jordan_Ufcn: Does that change if you run "sudo update-grub"?21:06
chloe_anyone here have any luck with a widescreen monitor?21:06
macyou stink21:06
marekw2143which gui sftp client is good for linux?21:07
pochineshaug: ok, I can't see where to add my card there though21:07
fcnJordan_U: sorry but no it doesn't change. it finds only memtest image.21:07
vistroHow do I "try running xorg with the VESA driver"?21:07
p1oooopyes, I've had some luck21:07
jribmac: hi, do you have an ubuntu-related support question we can help you with?21:07
xapelHas anyone been able to render a video in pitivi?21:07
durtchloe_, sure, what card?21:07
Billiardchloe_: no probs with a widescreen here21:07
greezmunkeyMr. Tibbs: "The law says you're all criminals, I can't help."21:07
neshaugpochi: sorry, I didn't add my card, only my wireless network :)21:07
p1oooopbut with ATI card...21:07
pochineshaug: ah21:07
PsyberPhreedomI am like a total newbie to ubuntu just added the desktop today. Does anyone here us ubuntu server to host a website?21:07
chloe_I have the intel 915 chipset21:07
Jordan_Ufcn: That is truly bizarre21:07
chloe_on a dell XPS21:07
oliver3marekw2143, I believe fireftp works very well, it's an add-on for firefox21:07
neshaugpochi: but now my card is in "disabled" state with lshw -C network21:07
chloe_i need to get 1440x90021:07
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: you can always install apache221:08
ArmyMan007can anyone help me???21:08
neshaugpochi: and not listed with ifconfig21:08
marekw2143oliver3: thx, I'll check that21:08
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: sudo apt-get install apache221:08
fcnJordan_U: can this happen because i'm using casper image to boot?21:08
Jordan_Ufcn: Shouldn't21:08
chloe_Billiard, dell intel 915 chipset, looking for resolution 1440x90021:08
pochineshaug: mine says "UNCLAIMED" and also doesn't show up with ifconfig :/21:08
Jordan_Ufcn: Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc"21:08
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: you need anything for your website? PHP maybe??21:08
chloe_durt, intel 915 chipset21:09
PsyberPhreedomanyone using ubuntu and apache as a dedicated server? and how is that working out?21:09
ikoniaPsyberPhreedom: fine21:09
BilliardPsyberPhreedom: works great21:09
laura_psyberphreedom: I am, works ok. It's at muddler.ath.cx but not much on there yet. php works though21:09
Billiardchloe_: idk i didnt have to do any configuration21:09
PsyberPhreedomI need alot I recon.. php mysql the works21:09
neshaugpochi: but lshw, can list the hardware without having the driver? :P21:09
fcnJordan_U: i don't think that it is about grub. i clearly do not have a kernel image to boot.21:09
ArmyMan007and my sound is gone too!!! help!!!!21:09
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: I'm not using as dedicated... I'm not dewdicated enough to do that21:09
xapelHas anyone been able to render a video in pitivi?21:09
ikoniaPsyberPhreedom: a lot of what ?21:09
rdg123hey guys and gals21:09
anon9Hi. I was upgrading to 9.10 from 9.04 and my battery on my laptop died. I plugged it in and started over, but now I can't even apt-get update && ... etc from the rescue prompt because its in read only mode. Any help?21:09
chloe_Billiard, i can only get up till 128021:09
Jordan_Ufcn: I thought you said you installed linux-image-generic?21:10
PsyberPhreedomlol ploooop21:10
pochineshaug: yes, as does "lspci"21:10
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom:  http://1oooop.uctrl.net21:10
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:10
greezmunkeyArmyMan007: that's ugly, what did you do?21:10
arandanon9: run fsck21:10
fcnJordan_U: yes i installed but i cannot see any image files around.21:10
Jordan_Ufcn: Even after doing that there are no kernels in /boot?21:10
ArmyMan007greezmunkey: updated a lot of stuff using the manager21:10
apparleAny wav file which is confirm present on the default installtion of ubuntu?21:10
pochineshaug: it just checks what pci devices are connected, then looks up in a huge database to see the name of the device etc21:10
ArmyMan007i seem to have a side bar21:10
neshaugpochi: ah, nice :)21:10
ArmyMan007greezmunkey: i seem to have a side bar on the left side of the screen21:11
anon9arand: ok... and that will let me write to it again?21:11
ArmyMan007greezmunkey: if i would know what is this app, maybe i can delete it21:11
fcnJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312766/21:11
neshaugpochi: so.. we have to wait until some guru boots his 9.10 with atheros then? :P21:11
BlackBishopanyone can recommend a good AP that can actually perform at 54M ?21:11
arandanon9: it _might_21:11
rdg123Problem: installer for 9.10 does not see my 2 separate hard drives, instead it sees them as one drive (A raid that i had setup a couple of yrs ago, but i reverted back to two regular drives) any ideas what to do here?21:11
Jordan_Ufcn: What is the output of "apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic" ?21:11
anon9arand: lol, ok. Assuming that fails?21:12
apparlecheck if sound is muted in the top right corner (GNOME alsa mixer) I want to check if sound is running plz guys21:12
ArmyMan007please help!!!!!!21:12
kevinlHey guys, since i upgraded to 9.10, whenever a program opens my sound device it makes a really loud pop sound, so annoying is this happening to anyone else?21:12
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: if you're gonna host phpbb forums or anything with php, I suggest installing php21:12
fcnJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312767/21:12
pochineshaug: lol, looks that way21:12
pochineshaug: unless we build our own kernel with the atheros driver21:12
greezmunkeyArmyMan007: check out http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-configure-Xorg-in-Ubuntu21:12
chloe_durt, any idea how i can get this working21:12
neshaugpochi: I found a post21:12
pochineshaug: there are more of us? :)21:13
neshaugpochi: thread even.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130581221:13
* pochi reads21:13
fcnJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/312769/21:13
WalnienBonsoir :P21:13
folding-installkevinl: i didn't notice any sound issues on 9.1021:13
durtchloe_, sorry I run nvidia21:13
p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: if you search php in synaptic, you should see a bunch of stuff you may wabt21:13
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p1oooopPsyberPhreedom: and don't forget to install a database21:14
neshaugpochi: we need to remove it from the black list :P21:14
guntbert!lamp | PsyberPhreedom21:14
ubottuPsyberPhreedom: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:14
Jordan_Ufcn: Do you have a separate /boot paritition?21:14
fcnJordan_U: no i don't. but my casper kernel image is on another partition.21:15
p1oooopkevinl: yup,I got a few21:15
pochineshaug: ah! crosses fingers21:15
rdg123Problem: installer for 9.10 does not see my 2 separate hard drives, instead it sees them as one drive (A raid that i had setup a couple of yrs ago, but i reverted back to two regular drives) any ideas what to do here?21:15
PsyberPhreedomI appreciate the info and I am digging this OS21:15
Jordan_Ufcn: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic21:15
Gopher1Is there any reason Karmic wouldnt be picking up input from the built in mic in my laptop?21:15
p1oooopkevinl: still have yet to reslove though... I just use psuleaudio to playback on another machine :D21:15
xapelHow do I search through the conversation in Empathy?21:15
Jordan_Ufcn: It might be that the kernel was installed to the wrong partition in the chroot used by the installer21:16
kevinlPlooooop: i'm also stuck at 1024x768 resolution wishing i waited a while to upgrade heh21:16
chloe_anyone here able to help with a intel 915 chipset on ubuntu 910?21:16
Billiardxapel: ctrl+f ?21:16
ikoniachloe_: in what regard help with it21:16
kevinlchloe_, you stuck at 1024x768 too ?21:16
chloe_kevinl,  yes21:16
Jordan_Ukevinl: What graphics card?21:16
p1oooopkevinl: well, there is bound to be a few problems, not everyone knows how to develop.21:16
=== philippe is now known as Guest79141
kevinlya mine is 915 as well, stuck at low res21:16
xapelBilliard: that does nothing...are u using Empathy?21:16
kevinlcompiz working great21:16
ikoniachloe_: there are a few known issues currently with the 915 graphics card, similar to what happened when jaunty was released21:17
Billiardxapel: nope, sorry, it was just a guess21:17
arandanon9: Then I don't know. ...From a liveCD "sudo fsck -p /dev/sda5" (no quotes, replace sda5 with ubuntu root partition) if that gives errors (or says that it's already clean) do "sudo fsck -f -y /dev/sda5" (same notes as before)21:17
Jordan_Ukevinl: chloe_ Can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?21:17
xapelBilliard: that use to work for pidgin21:17
migg137how do i make it to where i click a file twice to rename it?21:17
p1oooopkevinl: similar problem here... my graphics will sometimes crash but compiz runs like a champion21:17
apparlewhat command should I run to check if sound is working21:17
Guest79141Gosh, I closed the little thing in the upper-right corner to access pidgin, evolution and empathy (I only use evolution). And now I cannot even see the tray icon for pidgin. How can I reactivate it ?21:17
chloe_Jordan_U,  how do i get the info?21:17
pizzapowerHelp! I can't run java applets without being root (amd64)21:17
Billiardxapel: yeah, i just installed pidgin instead of empathy, haha21:17
p1oooopkevinl: well, not like it used to run... but still, it runs21:18
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Billiardpizzapower: in your browser?21:18
Jordan_Uchloe_: easiest way is to run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log" then give us the URL that outputs21:18
p1oooopchloe_: go into you filesystem21:19
migg137Guest79141,  i have the same problem21:19
xapelmigg137: I think that was one of the paper cuts...looks like it wasn't fixed21:19
p1oooopJordan_U: in fact, I'll also do that.21:19
pizzapowerBilliard, yes21:19
gluonmanarand, it worked. Grub is fine. Thank you so much for all your help.21:19
Travis-42I'm using a terminal application that needs the f1 key, but when I press f1, the gnome terminal help opens. How do I send f1 to the terminal app?21:19
arandgluonman: huh? Which of the things did work?21:19
migg137xapel, what do you mean21:20
jribTravis-42: I just disable the f1 binding in gnome terminal keyboard shortcuts21:20
MrokiiHello. I have a major issue after the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. Ubuntu doesn't start with the 2.6.31.x kernel, just with the older one. Does anybody know if it would help if I'd deinstall the new kernel and reinstall it?21:20
Andisuhi when i run the command "service network restart" the answer is network unrecognized service21:20
xapelmigg137: do you know about the paper-cut project?21:20
Andisucan you help me?21:20
rdg123Problem: installer for 9.10 does not see my 2 separate hard drives, instead it sees them as one drive (A raid that i had setup a couple of yrs ago, but i reverted back to two regular drives) any ideas what to do here?21:20
chloe_Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/f6608667d21:20
neshaugpochi: did you try it?21:20
pochineshaug: it worked, how about you?21:21
guntbertMrokii: in the grub menu choose the kernel you want21:21
Mrokiiguntbert:  I did that but I want Ubuntu to run with the latest kernel if possible21:21
gluonmanarand, it was the second pastebin you sent me. I found out that what I needed to do was enable the repos in the livecd and update, the upgrade grup-pc. After doing that, mounting / and /boot to /media/tmp and /media/tmp/boot respectively and using grub-install worked perfectly.21:21
Andisu_hi when i run the command "service network restart" the answer is network unrecognized service21:21
Andisu_can you help me?21:21
neshaugpochi: nope :\21:21
migg137xapel, no please enlighten em21:21
pochineshaug: lshw still says disabled?21:21
AntiStrangeso I know Linux can read/write to NTFS and windows partitions just fine.. but does the other way work too? Can windows read/write from an ext4 (or ext3) partition without problems? Or will it write fine but will lump everything to the first free spaces like it's an NTFS? Or does it write to it just like linux does?21:22
grawityAntiStrange: Windows doesn't support extN natively.21:22
Andisu_In my ubuntu 9.04, the internet cant work21:22
folding-installneeding help to setup up folding@home as service on linux with multi-core CPU: not SMP, rather separate work folders for ea core running its own client; anyone have good results with finstall?21:23
xapelmigg137: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut21:23
greezmunkeyAndisu_, Try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart21:23
kevinlp1oooop, http://pastebin.com/m33b7e44c21:23
grawityAntiStrange: There are several addons - ext2IFS adds read/write support for ext2 (and maybe ext3), but it didn't work for me last time.21:23
gluonmanarand, now I just need to figure out how to get grub to give me the option of Ubuntu or Windows. It just boots Ubuntu automatically.21:23
migg137xapel, thanks... but can i fix this21:23
guntbertMrokii: normally grub remebers the last choice21:23
grawityAntiStrange: And ext2fsd - less stable, but works more often... no ext4 in either.21:23
p1oooopJordan_U: http://www.pastebin.com/da17be8921:23
neshaugpochi: yeah, still disabled..21:23
AntiStrangegrawity: ok thanks, I'll just stay away from writing to my linux partition in windows then.21:23
oliver3gluonman, do you not get at least a prompt telling you to press esc for a menu?21:23
Andisu_greezmunkey its work21:23
pochineshaug: hm, what about ifconfig, see the wireless device there?21:23
grawityAntiStrange: Good idea.21:23
Andisu_but my wlan0 was ignored21:23
folding-installgluonman, do you just want to set the default system to boot?21:23
neshaugpochi: nope21:23
Andisu_"ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0"21:23
* greezmunkey high fives Andisu_21:23
gluonmanoliver3, that's what I expected. But I didn't receive the prompt. Maybe grub2 stopped doing that?21:23
Andisu_the message21:23
p1oooopkevinl: tell that to Jordan_U21:23
Mrokiiguntbert:  I don't think it did that here. And, as I said, I would like to use the latest Kernel and find it highly annoying that the upgrade failed in that regard.21:24
Jordan_Up1oooop: That's empty21:24
p1oooopit is? hold on21:24
gluonmanfolding-install, I want to have Ubuntu be the default, but also display the option of Windows.21:24
p1oooopI had to memorize it21:24
Jordan_U!grub2 | gluonman21:24
ubottugluonman: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:24
Mrokiiguntbert:  Choosing the kernel isn't the problem. That is how I am running Ubuntu at the moment.21:24
kevinlJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/m33b7e44c21:24
oliver3gluonman, not a clue. Just have a look at your menu.lst, see what it says. I'm not that familiar with grub2, so that's the best I can do unfortunately.21:24
Andisu_greezmunkey you know how to i can fix the command service network?21:24
kevinllol this channel is a cluster.21:24
gluonmanoliver3, alright.21:24
m0se5Hi. I'm planning to dual boot snow leopard and ubuntu 9.10. What file system do I use for the shared partition?21:24
Jseaglehow do i use pastebin?21:24
folding-installAntiStrange: never been able to get WinXP to recognize Linux ext3/421:24
chloe_Jordan_U, did the pastebin work21:25
Andisu_i cannot update my drivers because the internet not work21:25
greezmunkeyAndisu_, I don't use that one...sorry.21:25
Andisu_using wlan21:25
Jordan_Uchloe_: Yes21:25
arandgluonman: Ah, ok, that makes sense... There should be several guides on how to boot windows 7 from grub2 out there, I think. (You must be getting tired of the grub2 factoids :D )21:25
folding-installgluonman, so your grub menu doesn't include windows?21:25
ard1anJseagle, use pastie[dot]org21:25
guntbertMrokii: then I misunderstood - you can always select system/administration/update manager to get the "latest" versions21:25
Jseagleok thank you ard1an21:25
chloe_Jordan_U, k21:25
guntbert!latest | Mrokii but21:25
ubottuMrokii but: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:25
gluonmanarand, I am getting tired of having to deal with all of this. lol But I'm happy to be getting somewhere.21:25
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:26
Jordan_Um0se5: fat32 or HFS+ without journaling. Neither are particularly good unfortunately21:26
folding-installgluonman: the partition manager that's part of ubu install should scan your partitions for bootable media for you21:26
apersonis there a way to install packages by task in aptitude?21:26
gluonmanfolding-install, it actually appears that my grub menu only includes memtest86+21:26
pochineshaug: maybe you could try out the steps outlined in the 3rd post?21:26
guntbert!pastebin | Jseagle21:26
ubottuJseagle: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:26
Jseagleok but i still cant paste what my terminal pops out21:26
xapelmigg137: sorry...looks like it was not a paper cut...and I don't know how to fix your problem21:26
folding-installgluonman: ugh, so your scan of bootable file systems failed miserably then21:27
Mrokiiubottu:  gunni I already have the latest kernel installed. The problem is that Ubuntu can't mount "home" which is is on another partition and so the boot fails.21:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:27
ard1anJseagle, maybe you are not copying it21:27
gluonmanfolding-install, so it seems21:27
folding-installdid you go through the manual partitioning process21:27
migg137how do i make it to where I click a file twice to change the name?21:27
Andisu_my lan works, but internet cannot work21:27
Jseaglehow do you copy in a terminal?21:27
Andisu_can you help me?21:27
Andisu_the route was here21:27
neshaugpochi: I'll check it out21:27
p1oooopJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/da17be8921:28
p1oooopthere we go21:28
guntbertMrokii: what are you trying to do? first you complain about the kernel - now it is /home ??21:28
ArmyMan007hey everybody, this program really screws my ubuntu up, here's a pic of it: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1198/screenshot2l.png, anyone knows what is that program so i can delete it?21:28
Andisu_but when i execute command route, the route to is too slow to display21:28
ard1anJseagle, i just select what i want and rightclick than copy21:28
xapelmigg137: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/4867121:29
greezmunkeyAndisu_, What routes do you have21:29
migg137xapel, i will try21:29
Mrokiiguntbert:  The thing is that "home" won't be mounted if I try to boot Ubuntu 9.10 with the latest kernel. But it boots fine with the older kernel. And I want Ubuntu to use the latest one.21:29
ArmyMan007hey everybody, this program really screws my ubuntu up, here's a pic of it: http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/1198/screenshot2l.png, anyone knows what is that program so i can delete it?21:29
BilliardArmyMan007: dont repeat yourself so quickly21:30
Andisu_[greezmunkey]: gw *, link-local gw *, and default gw
folding-installgluonman: did you go through the manual partitioning process21:30
ArmyMan007Billiard: that's the only way people are helping me here i'm afraid21:30
Andisu_the first mask is second is and third is
vistroHow do I "run XORG with the latest VESA drivers"?21:30
gluonmanfolding-install, yes I did.21:30
p1oooopwhich program?21:30
Jordan_U!repeat | ArmyMan00721:30
ubottuArmyMan007: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:30
p1oooopthe ubuntu NBR screen?21:30
sp4zArmyMan007: do you use an eeepc?21:31
folding-installgluonman: did it indicate whether it could see your bootable file systems21:31
ArmyMan007sp4z: no21:31
greezmunkeyAndisu_, did you add them yourself?21:31
ArmyMan007sp4z: normal laptop21:31
guntbertMrokii: have a look at the grub lines in both entries, I suppose there is another difference (regarding the position of /)21:31
p1oooopArmyMan007: which program, there is at least 6 programs on the screen.21:31
BilliardArmyMan007: remove ume-launcher21:31
ArmyMan007Billiard: how do i do that?21:31
Andisu_greezmunkey only the default21:31
ArmyMan007Billiard: using the package manager?21:31
BilliardArmyMan007: package manager21:31
gluonmanfolding-install, it didn't really say anything. It went from saying "Loading grub" to seeing the Ubuntu logo.21:31
arandgluonman: if simply running "sudo update-grub2" from your current ubuntu install, does that mention windows?21:32
p1oooopArmyMan007: sudo apt-get remove ume-launcher21:32
Jordan_Uvistro: The VEASA drivers don't change much. Why do you want the "latest" ?21:32
migg137xapel, i found out i can press f2 to make it work wich is jus about as convinient21:32
p1oooopArmyMan007: type that in teh terminal21:32
greezmunkeyAndisu_, Are you set up for DHCP? or static?21:32
folding-installgluonman: no i mean during the process of manual partitioning, it should give status on partitions21:32
ArmyMan007Billiard: i can't ind it21:32
gluonmanarand, yes. It did!21:32
HelpMe932Ok, I am upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10. Halfway through installation the laptop battery died. When I went to reboot I couldn't. I dropped into the recovery console but it's read only. I tried fsck /dev/sda6 but it didn't return any errors.21:32
vistroJordan_U: I21:32
vistro'm having issues installing WoW21:32
xapelmigg137: thanx that will help me as well21:32
Andisu_i don´t know21:32
vistroWoWWiki says to install latest WINE, but I did that21:33
Jseagleis my PCI Express card working? http://pastie.org/68825721:33
Mrokiigluonman:  The line for home looks like this: UUID=a7a0bc5f-096d-4fef-957b-bceaad3ac08e /home           reiserfs relatime        0       221:33
HelpMe932It says "One or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab cannot yet be mounted" and it's waiting for the uuid...21:33
gluonmanfolding-install, would you like to see my sudo fdisk -l?21:33
p1oooopvistro: installing?? you running WINE21:33
Andisu_greezmunkey i don´t know i did not set, probably is default21:33
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Can you boot into a LiveCD?21:33
BilliardArmyMan007: maybe its some other launcher then, how did you install it?21:33
sp4zArmyMan007: you have the eeepc version of ubuntu by the look of that. you should download the proper installation iso and reinstall21:33
p1oooopvistro: check appdb21:33
c3lI need help converting mp3 to m4a with ffmpeg21:33
greezmunkeyAndisu_, Are you running NetworkManager?21:33
arandgluonman: hopefully that might just fix it, otherwise this might be required: http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/21:33
HelpMe932Jordan_U: sure.21:33
p1oooopvistro: http://www.appdb.org21:33
ArmyMan007Billiard: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:33
ArmyMan007p1oooop: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?21:33
gluonmanarand, I'm going to reboot and see if it did fix it.21:33
BilliardArmyMan007: what did you try to do?21:33
ArmyMan007sp4z: belive me, i've installed the original one21:33
p1oooopArmyMan007: are you running updates?21:34
ArmyMan007Billiard: install a lot of stuff21:34
BilliardArmyMan007: what?21:34
Jseaglesee no answer ard1an LoL21:34
ArmyMan007p1oooop: i've just run some21:34
ArmyMan007Billiard: stuff that i've found  usuful, mostly games21:34
ard1anJseagle, google it :D or ask again21:34
HelpMe932Jordan_U: so, where do I go from there?21:34
p1oooopArmyMan007: wait until you're done installing stuff21:34
ArmyMan007p1oooop: just finished running some updates21:34
greezmunkeyArmyMans package manager is running?21:34
ArmyMan007p1oooop: everything is done21:34
ArmyMan007greezmunkey: right now yes21:35
Andisu_greezmunkey yes, using ps aux | grep NetworkManager he is here21:35
p1oooopArmyMan007: try again?21:35
gluonmanfolding-install, http://paste.ubuntu.com/312777/21:35
ArmyMan007but everything happend after the install21:35
JseagleIs this information telling me that my PCI express card slot is working or "enabled"?  http://pastie.org/68825721:35
ArmyMan007and rebooted21:35
sp4zArmyman007: Why not check running processes and kill it then uninstall?21:35
greezmunkeyAndisu_, check the properties for you're wireless interface...21:35
ArmyMan007p1oooop: installing what? i have no idea what it is!21:35
greezmunkeytou're to your21:35
Andisu_((greezmunkey)): how?21:35
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Boot from a LiveCD and mount your root partition to /mnt ( if you need any help with that just ask )21:35
ArmyMan007sp4z: how do i do that?21:35
Andisu_greezmunkey ifconfig?21:35
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:35
agoolehi, when I plug in my desktop (karmic) on my router, nothing else can get online, any ides ?21:35
p1oooopArmyMan007: I think you're running updates or something21:36
WACOMaltSo on my HPtx2500 after installing ubuntu I had sound21:36
WACOMaltafter reboot I no longer do21:36
p1oooopArmyMan007: that directory is usually open unless some process is working in it21:36
ArmyMan007p1oooop: can u join pm me with sp4z?21:36
greezmunkeyAndisu_, Do you have an icon for it at the top right of your screen?21:36
chloe_Jordan_U, any ideas for me/21:36
dstarDoes anyone here use fglrx? Is 8.650 working for you with the latest 9.04 kernel? I was getting a kernel oops... had to go back to 8.620.21:36
ArmyMan007sp4z: can u join pm me with p1oooop?21:36
Andisu_((greezmunkey)): yes21:36
sp4zArmyman007 sure21:36
ArmyMan007p1oooop: and i don't know what the process is anyway...21:36
Jordan_Uchloe_: no, sorry21:36
greezmunkeyAndisu_, got it?21:37
ArmyMan007p1oooop: join my PM with sp4z21:37
p1oooopArmyMan007: meh, I think you should be able to find it.21:37
Andisu_>greezmunkey<: yes21:37
WACOMaltHow can I get sound back on my HP TX2500z ?21:37
folding-installgluonman: maybe you haven't seen the 9.10 palimpsest "disk utility", it can be handy for working with partitions21:37
ArmyMan007p1oooop: find what exactly?21:37
jojojo_hey, I'm trying to get a Rocoh Aficio SP 3300Se printer to work. For the moment I use a PPD-file wich is not qwite correct so firefox and other difficult print jobs don't work. Any help?21:37
Milos_SDhi, can someone help me transfer this command: udevinfo -a -p $(udevinfo -q path -n /dev/input/event7) to udevadm command?21:37
dahoany ubuntu girls here??21:37
p1oooopArmyMan007: whatever's using the directory21:37
dstarAnd google appears not to be my friend.21:37
Andisu_greezmunkey ip: gw broadcast mask DNS
ArmyMan007p1oooop: but i don't know what it is!21:38
p1oooopyeah, imma see if I can help you with dat21:38
greezmunkeyAndisu_, ping your gateway address21:38
JakobLaursenI need help setting up wifi on a clean Ubuntu 9.0421:38
greezmunkeyAndisu_, ping your DNS server21:38
pochineshaug: maybe jockey would be helpful to you?21:38
conb123Erm if i change a torrents download location half way through in transmission will it restart the whole torrent?21:38
fcnJordan_U: thank you very much! it works now! =) and thank you drs305 from #grub!21:38
arandfolding-install: gluonman: afaik palimpsest is irrelevant in this case.21:39
Andisu_greezmunkey Destination Host unreachable21:39
Jordan_Ufcn: np :)21:39
gluonmanfolding-install, did anything look wrong with what's in my fdisk -l?21:39
Andisu_and the wlan down21:39
Andisu_greezmunkey the lan restart21:39
folding-installgluonman: can't see enough info there21:39
jojojo_ hey, I'm trying to get a Rocoh Aficio SP 3300Se printer to work. For the moment I use a PPD-file wich is not qwite correct so firefox and other difficult print jobs don't work. Any help?21:39
agooleis there a way to monitor which processes are using my internet connection ?21:39
Andisu_greezmunkey now is responding21:39
greezmunkeyAndisu_, you alright then?21:39
* linxeh wonders if 9.10 finally supports his hardware now 21:39
gluonmanfolding-install, all I left out was the prompt.21:40
* greezmunkey is happy for Andisu_21:40
WACOMalthow can I find my audio chipset?21:40
Andisu_greezmunkey responding 3 times and down21:40
phyrrus_is it safe for me to upgrade ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10?21:40
nolan__i did it21:41
folding-installgluonman: right, the output is fine, as far as it goes; it's only saying that the file systems are there, not whether it can be treated as bootable21:41
nolan__it worked21:41
p1oooopAndisu_: haha.21:41
=== phyrrus_ is now known as phyrrus
JakobLaursenHelp for Wifi needed21:41
ryan__so, the upgrade to 9.10 reversed the TapButton2 and 3 settings of my synaptics touchpad, I can fix this using synclient, but the settings only hold for that session. anyway to get the setting to stay permanent?21:41
greezmunkeyAndisu_, in a terminal "tail -f /var/log/syslog...this will tell you what's going on (to a point)21:41
neshaugpochi: I don't know what that is21:41
phyrrushow do i upgrade via shell?21:41
toresbeHrm... is there any way to install 9.10 without burning a CD?21:41
Doorman352WACOMalt: try lspci21:41
pochineshaug: it seems to be a utility where you can select between different drivers21:42
conb123Hello, if i change the location of my torrent in transmission will it restart the whole torrent?21:42
ryan__toresbe, usb flash drive21:42
WACOMaltDoorman352: thanks21:42
HelpMe932Jordan_U: ok, now what?21:42
folding-installgluonman: anyway i think i'd defer to arand's expertise21:42
greezmunkeyAndisu_, in another terminal sudo tcpdump <interface> for more info...21:42
durtphyrrus, 'sudo do-release-upgrade' for distro upgrade.21:42
gluonmanfolding-install, well, I don't think it matters at this point. I've booted into both Ubuntu and Windows and grub seems fine. Both OSs seem to be working without problems.21:42
dassoukifor some reason, 9.10 does not recognize my $10 mouse anymore21:42
toresberyan__: How does that work? The wiki mentions that, but the instructions refer to files which don't exist (usb-creator.exe on the ISO?)21:42
folding-installgluonman: i've been pounding on grub for only a couple weeks21:42
agooleis there a way to monitor my network activity ?21:42
beppuIs it still possible to do an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 ( as described on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades ) ?21:42
greezmunkeysorry tcpdump -i <interface>21:42
pochineshaug: try running jockey-gtk and see if it mentions the ath* drivers?21:42
neshaugpochi: it is installed21:43
arandgluonman: so the update-grub did't fix it?21:43
Andisu_greezmunkey no IPv4 address assigned21:43
WACOMaltDoorman352: I dont see anything listed for audio, is the list getting cut off maybe?21:43
Andisu_greezmunkey here is the problem no?21:43
JakobLaursenI am on a Fujitsu Siemens laptop and can't get the wifi working21:43
ryan__toresbe, you just need a program that can write the ISO to your flash drive and make it bootable. there are many tools out there that can do it easily21:43
Andisu_in syslog eth0:ayti-negotiating all the time21:43
toresberyan__: is there no way to do it that doesn't involve formatting my MP3 player? :\21:43
Doorman352scroll up should be near top21:43
arandfolding-install: Ah, I'm not sure on that, grub2 is all new and strange in my opinion too...21:44
greezmunkeyAndisu_, do the tcpdump, then use NetworkManager to reconnect, see if DHCP is working...21:44
gluonmanarand, it totally did.21:44
pochiJakobLaursen: do you have an Atheros wireless card perchance?21:44
vistroNow the installer won't even open!21:44
neshaugpochi: hmm, it only found a modem .. :P21:44
pochineshaug: ah, bummer :)21:44
neshaugpochi: yeah :P21:44
arandgluonman: everything works as it should then?21:44
pochineshaug: does lsmod | grep ath list anything?21:44
Andisu_greezmunkey how i use networkmanager to reconnect?21:44
gluonmanarand, I have detected no problems so far.21:45
JakobLaursenpochi: I can activate it...21:45
neshaugpochi: yeah, ath5k is listed tehre21:45
HelpMe932Jordan_U: I've mounted it. What's next?21:45
toresberyan__: the network install sounds like a lot less of a pain; but is that working?21:45
WACOMaltDoorman352: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)21:45
ryan__toresbe, mp3 player? i recommend you get a flash drive. they are like 10 dollars haha21:45
pochineshaug: strange, I didn't have any ath modules at all before I edited the blacklist21:45
toresberyan__: Yeah, I've got one but I lent it away a few hours ago, sod's law21:45
folding-installgluonman: so you've got your ubuntu default boot with windows option?21:46
Doorman352WACOMalt: that be it...21:46
apparletoresbe: I don't recommend an MP3 player to be used as the flash drive because.... it reading speed is very slow....21:46
gluonmanfolding-install, yes I do.21:46
WACOMaltHow can I fix "00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)"  Which was working until my first restart after install?21:46
neshaugpochi: I edited as well, and rebooted21:46
greezmunkeyAndisu_, choose "disconnect" in the NetworkManager applet, wait then choose "connect"!21:46
folding-installvery good21:46
neshaugsee this mac thing listed, and someone blacklisted that, I try that21:46
toresbeapparle: I know, but I just need Ubuntu installed... I can't find any documentation on the network install option...21:46
Andisu_[(greezmunkey)]: ah ok21:46
Doorman352WACOMalt: have you tried the restricted library?21:46
phyrrusand this is all safe?  I use fluxbox.  no gnome21:46
WACOMaltDoorman352: no, how can I do that?21:47
arandgluonman: Great!21:47
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Run "sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev && sudo mount -o bind /proc /chroot/proc && sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys && sudo chroot /mnt"21:47
chrisrDoes i686 mean im using the 64bit version of Ubuntu?21:47
Andisu_greezmunkey the button disconnect is not avaliable21:47
toresbechrisr: nope, it means you're using the 32-bit version with Pentium extensions, basically.21:47
gluonmanarand, definitely! Thank you so much. You were very helpful.21:47
toresbechrisr: Don't try to run it on a 486 ;)21:47
Doorman352WACOMalt: synaptic package manager - search for ubuntu-restricted-extras and install - rebbot21:47
siuhi all.. anyone knows about where to get sound driver for my old compaq deskpro ?21:47
JakobLaursenpochi: I don't see it does any difference21:47
folding-installanyone familiar with running stanford's folding@home as a linux service, with multiple cpu cores occupied each with separate work folder?21:47
gluonmanfolding-install, thank you for helping me.21:47
greezmunkeyAndisu_, hmmm, right click on the icon???21:47
conb123Please anyone if i change the location of this torrent in tansmission will it restart the entire thing?????21:47
pochiJakobLaursen: what?21:48
toresbesiu: should work out of the box21:48
Jordan_UHellie: Then in that chroot'd shell run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"21:48
chrisrIve just installed it aswell..21:48
Andisu_[greezmunkey]: yes21:48
siuit says dummy21:48
siuon the speaker21:48
Andisu_greezmunkey i will down the wireless and up21:48
folding-installgluonman: glad you consider it a help21:48
=== fcn_ is now known as fcn
siueverything works but sound card21:48
toresbesiu: that's not very nice21:48
Andisu_this work?21:48
JakobLaursenActivating atheros21:48
knutmithuthello, i have a problem with the karmic alternate installation. inserting the cd my computer (800mhz/128mb ram) just prompting "Boot:". entering the command "cli" ends up with "Could not find kernel image cli". When i just press enter a minimal installtion menu appear, but without any option for minimal installation. the cd works fine, i have already installed a standard desktop system with it and on better systems the installation menu is normal.21:48
greezmunkeyAndisu_, are you running tcpdump?21:48
knutmithutthe problem is already known, but i cant find any solution (look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=790244 )21:48
chrisrHow do I install the 64bit version of Ubuntu? I didnt get asked when i downloaded it.21:48
pochiJakobLaursen: I was just asking if you had an atheros based wifi card?21:48
Andisu_[greezmunkey]: no21:48
knutmithutis there any possibility to install a minimal system?21:48
JakobLaursenI'm not sure.. how do I find out?21:49
jrib!minimal | knutmithut21:49
ubottuknutmithut: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:49
toresbechrisr: it's under "alternative options" on the download page21:49
greezmunkeyAndisu_, do that first, as I mentioned earlier...21:49
DuckGodhow stable is karmic?21:49
Andisu_[[greezmunkey]]: ok21:49
chrisrtoresbe: yeah ive just seen it21:49
chrisrwhat a pain in the arse21:49
toresbechrisr: not much gained from it, so...21:49
HelpMe932Jordan_U: says : "mount: can't find /proc/chroot/proc in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"21:49
pochiJakobLaursen: (put my name in front of what you type, so I see you)21:49
toresbeDuckGod: Quite.21:49
Andisu_greezmunkey disconnect button is unavaliable21:49
jribDuckGod: it was released october 29th.  It only receives security updates and "big bug" fixes.  So it's stable...21:49
pochiJakobLaursen: you can run lspci and check the output21:50
durtDuckGod, depends on hardware, check the relese notes for known issues21:50
lopaJordan_U, do you think i will have luck if i downgrade to 904?21:50
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Be carefull to include all spaces21:50
infidel2shas anyone here installed ubuntu on an HP Pavilion AMD Phenom 9550 Quad-core?21:50
greezmunkeyAndisu_, try a single left click on the icon, maybe my bad there...21:50
JakobLaursenpochi: I'm newbee... Terminal "sudo lspci"?21:50
DuckGodwould it mess up my satanic linux?21:50
joelAnyone good on vnc matters?.. I connect with my ubuntu laptop to my pc at home.. I wonder If its possible to change the resolution for the laptop cuz i have 800x600 and my computer 1300x 1100 something21:50
pochiJakobLaursen: yeah21:50
knutmithutjrib: thanks, but downloading during the installation is a torture with a 10kb/s connection :-\21:50
Jordan_UHelpMe932: so "sudo mount -o bind /proc /chroot/proc"21:51
durtDuckGod, again read the release notes.21:51
HelpMe932Jordan_U: my bad, there was a page break there and I thought it was a continuum21:51
greezmunkeyAndisu_, I run wicd, not NetworkManager - too many issues...21:51
Andisu_greezmunkey no, but the wlan connection is here, if i click in this the lan reconnect21:51
merkur2kwould anyone know why when i insert a pcmcia serial adapter i see detection notice in kernel log, but there is no /dev/ttyS0 device created?21:52
=== BlouBlou is now known as xD
kassahis there a way to keep the fourth mouse button from working. I have a mighty mouse and they put it in a very easy to click in an accidental way. Very tired of hitting it all the time.21:52
HelpMe932Jordan_U: "mount: mount point /chroot/proc does not exist"21:53
linxehkassah: apple mighty mouse ?21:53
kassahlinxeh, yeah... the most annoying mouse ever21:53
penguin42kassah: I'm thinking maybe with xmodmap - it has a pointermap21:53
linxehkassah: I really like mine :o21:53
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Did you mount your root filesystem to /chroot?21:53
linxehkassah: you mean the side squeeze butons ?21:53
kassahlinxeh, yeah!21:53
greezmunkeyAndisu_, The interfaces should show there as they do in "ifconfig" I don't know what's wrong with your setup at this point. The good news is that you are almost there!21:53
HelpMe932Jordan_U: no...21:53
kassahpenguin42, will look at that =)21:53
merkur2kare pcmcia serial cards just plain not supported? i dont have any errors that would seem to indicate this21:53
linxehkassah: I have to really squeeze mine quite hard before they work (I've got 4 of them)21:53
chrisrSo why not install the 64bit version?21:54
JakobLaursenpochi: It says: " Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)"21:54
Andisu_greezmunkey i think is my drivers21:54
chrisrof Ubuntu?21:54
kassahlinxeh, I tend to hit mine every time I right click.21:54
xapelHas anybody had any joy with rendering a project in pitivi?21:54
Andisu_greezmunkey i have too much dificults to install ubuntu 9, in my notebook and other versions of linux the installation not run21:54
linxehkassah: ouch :( well, you should be able to disable it in the xorg.conf I'd think21:54
Andisu_in my desktop it is so easy21:54
pochiJakobLaursen: ok, maybe this will work for you then: edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf and comment out the like that says "blacklist ath5k" (put a # in front of that line)21:54
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Why did you try to mount to /chroot?21:54
=== xD is now known as BlouBlou
lopadoes version 9.04 support more resolutions than 910?21:54
folding-installsomeone familiar with running stanford's folding@home as a linux service, with multiple cpu cores occupied each with separate uniprocessor work folder?21:55
merkur2kgoogle isnt helping me any, just keep coming up with usb serial stuff21:55
pochiJakobLaursen: then reboot. hopefully that will resolve it. did for me :)21:55
JakobLaursenpochi: how do I edit?21:55
greezmunkeyAndisu_, You've got some reading to do then. Check the Wireless Troubleshooting Guide  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WirelessTroubleshootingGuide21:55
WACOMaltDoorman352: installing regular updates first, hadn't done that.21:55
* kassah screams bloddy murder as his mouse all of a sudden backs him out to the search page again.21:55
pochiJakobLaursen: try to use the prgraom called gedit21:55
Andisu_greezmunkey ok Ty very much21:56
greezmunkeyAndisu_, np ;)21:56
Andisu_greezmunkey how to i check my dns?21:56
neodragonwhat packages do I need to install to be able to build Cheese from source21:56
folding-installsomeone familiar with running stanford's folding@home as a linux service, with multiple cpu cores occupied each with separate uniprocessor work folder? perchance tried finstall?21:56
greezmunkeyAndisu_,  ping google.com21:56
HelpMe932Jordan_U: I'm not sure, the only thing I've done on my own is mount it to /mnt . Otherwise I've just typed in the commands you've given me.21:56
jribneodragon: chees is in the repositories21:56
jribneodragon: cheese too21:56
neodragonThen why can't I find it21:56
Andisu_greezmunkey ok21:57
jrib!info cheese | neodragon21:57
ubottuneodragon: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2423 kB, installed size 7144 kB21:57
eribolhello everyone21:57
greezmunkeyAndisu_, or do a nslookup...21:57
|ntegra|does anyone here have an ipod?21:57
jribneodragon: how are you looking?21:57
jrib!anyone | |ntegra|21:57
ubottu|ntegra|: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:57
greezmunkeyAndisu_, nslookup google.com21:57
eriboli have a problem about wireless21:57
neodragonvia synaptic21:57
|ntegra|what app do you use and prefer to use with your ipod?21:57
jrib!ipod | |ntegra|21:58
ubottu|ntegra|: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:58
xapelHas anybody had any joy with rendering a project in pitivi?21:58
jribxapel: probably.  Just ask your question.21:58
folding-installeribol: tried ndiswrapper?21:58
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Sorry, run "sudo mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc"21:58
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:58
dAlfa89_How do I acquire the MAC address and BSSID of a wireless network?21:58
eriboli tried but it does not wokr21:58
folding-installeribol: more detail pls21:58
mgv1i need little bit of a help - the ubuntu on the another laptop stopped to load and gets stuch on the second boot - nothing has made execpt not all of the language pck has downloaded21:58
xapelI hit render and nothing happens in pitivi.21:58
HelpMe932Jordan_U: ok, done.21:59
MwaI get this message whenever I try to SFTP into my uni. Is it my problem or theirs? "Received message too long 1398895648"21:59
pochieribol: did you just upgrade to 9.10 and do you have an atheros based card?21:59
eriboli have used 9.10 but with update21:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:59
WACOMaltDoorman352: I already installed flash x64, I see restricted-extras has that too, will that screw anything up?21:59
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Then "sudo mount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys" then "sudo chroot /mnt" then "apt-get dist-upgrade"21:59
chrisrWhen is ubuntu gona get a search box like MacOs and Windows 7?21:59
eribolno upgrade i installed21:59
|ntegra|jrib: I noticed... there's banshee, amarok, and gtkpod (+songbird apparently sucks sofar).... I'd just like to know peoples' favorites21:59
jribWACOMalt: how did you install it?21:59
jrib|ntegra|: try them all and use what you like best21:59
eribolnetbook remix21:59
dbpatankardAL...... command is "iwconfig" note the hwaddr21:59
pochieribol: ok, but do you have an atheros card?21:59
sburwoodI have a couple films in avi format.  I have an Ipod Nano 8GB.  How do I convert the avi films into something that would work on the ipod?21:59
WACOMaltjrib: through the .sh script on the forums21:59
Jordan_Uchrisr: It already has one, it's called tracker and it's installed by default in Ubuntu21:59
jribWACOMalt: ugh.... link?21:59
khtaam_Hi, I have found a small bug in 90-usb-media-players.rules causing my sony thumb drive being mounted as a sony-psp22:00
|ntegra|I just did that with liveCD's though!!?!!22:00
sburwoodso I could watch them on the ipod22:00
WACOMaltjrib: ugh.... lemme find it22:00
Mwanevermind google has the answer22:00
neodragonjrib: nevermind I found it, I just needed to update synaptic22:00
jrib!bugs | khtaam_22:00
ubottukhtaam_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:00
eriboli had using my wireless but when i have installed netbook remix it does not wokr22:00
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jribMwa: that's often the case...22:00
greezmunkeycheck wireless cells "iwlist <interface> scanning22:00
|ntegra|sburwood: java and mvpod looks like the one22:00
folding-installeribol: so on another build of 9.10 your wireless was ok with ndiswrapper22:01
WACOMaltjrib: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125910222:01
sburwoodmvpod is a package to download and to use?22:01
eriboli were using ndiswrapper drivers it was working22:01
apersonmy server won't serve php files.  when I go to my localhost it wants me to download a phtml file.  can anyone help?22:01
telapoit's my first time here22:01
WACOMaltjrib: is installing through that script not a good thing?22:01
p1oooopaperson: you have to install php22:02
eribolbut when i installed new iso it did not work22:02
jribWACOMalt: this script is just completely unnecessary22:02
HelpMe932Jordan_U: ok, thanks. I assume I just wait for it to finish now?22:02
Lostinspace_46In Rhythmbox you can edit tags in a pop-up window. In Genre the first letter you type makes a drop-down with Genres that start with that letter.  I assume there is a list containing the Genres. Basically it is an auto-complete.  How would I find that file?22:02
telapoi got a question22:02
kassahpenguin42, is there a way to output what button I'm pressing, since I'm not sure what # is actually pressed with the hitting of the button22:02
folding-installeribol: so you say you updated 9.10 to a netbook config from some other config?22:02
p1oooopaperson: did you or did you not install php?22:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about newbe22:02
dbpatankaraperson - you must install and enable php22:02
p1oooopaperson: sudo apt-get install php php-apache22:02
greezmunkeysee ya, gonna bake some bread I think...22:02
smokeyj/ #ubuntu-classroom22:02
Jordan_UHelpMe932: Yes, and if you get an error about starting a service then follow the directions @ http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#Upstart%20jobs%20cannot%20be%20run%20in%20a%20chroot22:03
smokeyjoin #ubuntu-classroom22:03
eribolfolding-install: i used wireless with ndiswrapper when upgraded22:03
p1oooopdbpatankar: \ thought it was automatically enabled..22:03
mezyHow is the new Karmic Koala?22:03
smokey@join #ubuntu-classroom22:03
dassoukiafter i upgraded to 9.10, ubuntu doesn't recognize my mouse. When I plug it in, the mouse's LED lights up, but that's about it22:03
WACOMaltjrib: yeah, but also faster than doing it myself (and I have done it myself before on my other desktop)22:03
p1oooopmezy: same as usual with new ubuntu dists22:03
penguin42kassah: Yeh, xev can tell you it22:03
p1oooopmezy: you know, full of errors and such...22:03
[MOB]Triperibol there should be a native wireless driver for ur wireless, i would attempt that22:03
eribolbut i installed(no upgrade) and it does not work22:03
telapoi upgrade ubuntu to 9.10, then i upgrade grub, but now the images at startup are missing, what can i do?22:04
folding-installeribol: i'm trying to tell what's dif't between your working and broken configs, please assist22:04
arandsmokey: "/join #ubuntu-classroom"22:04
mezyI thought anything ending with .10 would work better than .0422:04
apersonp1oooop, I installed ubuntu-server via synaptic22:04
apersonp1oooop, I mean, lamp22:04
merkur2kwow this bug has existed since feisty. i guess nobody uses pcmcia serial cards but me22:04
p1oooopaperson: did you install php?22:04
CosmiChaosCan somebody help me? Ive got 2 karmic mashines and 2x msi digivox mini II V3.0, on is with af9015 the other is with realtek, one one mashine i got both working, on the other mashine none is working. i managed to get a proper dmesg about registered devices... but finally the /dev/dvb/adapter0/ does not appear on one mashine.22:04
p1oooopaperson: ahh22:04
[MOB]Tripmezy i upgraded to 9.1....suked balls..downgraded back to 9.0422:04
folding-installeribol: so, you started in a fresh partition for the netbook broken config yes?22:04
Billiardmezy: thats just the date it is released22:04
mezyOh geezze22:04
p1oooopaperson: ok... did you enable php22:05
jribWACOMalt: anyway, I would remove the script and what it installed and just do it yourself.  To do it yourself you download the tar.gz from adobe and copy libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ .  I haven't checked in karmic, but at least before karmic the repository installs the 32bit version with nspluginwrapper.  If you install to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ as above, then firefox should prefer that one and22:05
apersonp1oooop, I even installed phpmyadmin, though I can't seem to login to that22:05
jribrestricted-extras should not conflict22:05
dbpatankarploooop : I use fedora mostly and I am not sure whether it is enabled by default22:05
p1oooopaperson: did you enable it?22:05
apersonp1oooop, all I did was install lamp (via synaptic's mark packages by task)22:05
smokeyhas anybody notice 9.10 slow on the internet?22:05
knoppiesp1oooop, aperson I found an awsome lamp instalation tutorial, Let me go find it.22:05
p1oooopdbpatankar: I think it is22:05
apersonknoppies, that'd be nice22:05
WACOMaltjrib: I have done that before, flash is running fine. the reason I am installing restricted-extras is to see if it fixes my audio, as per Doorman352's suggestion22:05
p1oooopsmokey: no22:05
folding-installeribol: is the hardware any different between the 2?22:05
mezyWell, everyone would have different experiences with it. I give KK a try.22:05
Flannelaperson, p1oooop, knoppies: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP22:05
knoppiesaperson, p1oooop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Securing%20Apache22:06
p1oooopsmokey: seems fime to me22:06
knoppiesthanks Flannel22:06
WACOMaltjrib: my audio which was working before the first restart after install22:06
eribolno folding-install22:06
dbpatankaraperson : I suggest vi /etc/php.ini and see for engine=on22:06
dAlfa89_smokey, you'll want to disable ipv6 for now, it seems to be choking things for some people22:06
jribWACOMalt: installing restricted extras is likely to overwrite the existing libflashplayer.so because that script does not install flash to play nice with apt...22:06
eribolits same machine22:06
p1oooopFlannel: wow, and to think I had to do it myself :P22:06
smokeyhmmm i fixed the problem with OpenDNS but shouldnt have to do this22:06
CosmiChaos[  622.974402] DVB: registering adapter 0 frontend 0 (Afatech AF9013 DVB-T)... <---- same message on both mashines, one has /dev/dvb/adapter0& with frontend0 for example the other has not and lacks found dvb-t adapters22:06
CosmiChaospleas ehelp22:06
folding-installeribol: what build did you have before the update(not upgrade)22:06
kassahpenguin42, so far I can remap the button... but havn't found a way to drop it outright22:06
apersondbpatankar, the file is empty22:07
arandmezy: "suked balls" is very individual usually, and a lot comes down to hardware.22:07
JakobLaursenpochi: It didn't work22:07
p1oooopaperson: i forgot but i think I had the same probem22:07
WACOMaltjrib: ok then, I'll install it manually.  Do you have any idea about my audio issue? Its on this chipset "00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)"22:07
eribolfolding-install: nothing realy:)22:07
dbpatankaraperson : you must open it with sudo22:07
smokeydalfa89: hmmm i fixed the problem with OpenDNS but shouldnt have to do this22:07
pochiJakobLaursen: bummer, might seem you have the same problem as neshaug then22:07
jribWACOMalt: not really, check bugs.ubuntu.com22:07
dAlfa89_smokey, I know, but there should be a fix or something soon, with any luck  (:22:08
folding-installeribol: i'm confused, you say you had something working for wireless before22:08
dbpatankaraperson : sudo vi /etc/php.ini22:08
apersondbpatankar, I did a: sudo nano /etc/php.ini22:08
pochiJakobLaursen: yes?22:08
JakobLaursenpochi: and that is?22:08
Flannelaperson: That's just as good22:08
p1oooopaperson: why not gedit?22:08
apersondbpatankar, I'm not a linux n00b :)  I'm just having php problems :)22:08
pochiJakobLaursen: that it just doesn't work ...22:09
smokeydalfa89: oh k...its really annoyin22:09
julienSalut ya des francais ??22:09
jrib!fr | julien22:09
ubottujulien: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:09
kassahlinxeh, I think my mouse might be broken... because sometimes when I'm just holding the mouse... I can hear rapid clicking of the fourth button.22:09
pochiJakobLaursen: this thread solved it for me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130581222:09
WACOMaltanybody, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) Audio not working after first reboot, was working before. I'm on 9.10 x6422:09
pochiJakobLaursen: you could check out the other messages, and also the RT bug threads that are refered to in the blacklist file to see if that helps22:10
apersonp1oooop, try running gedit over ssh :P22:10
Billiardaperson: my php.ini is located in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini22:10
jrib!lamp > aperson22:10
ubottuaperson, please see my private message22:10
JakobLaursenpochi: ok...22:10
p1oooopaperson: LOL... I forgots :D22:10
folding-installeribol: do you have a working and broken configs on dif't partition of same system?22:10
Lostinspace_46Ok, I'll try it this way.  If an app has a semi-auto-complete (doesn't finish word, but gives drop-down with possibilities).  Where would the list containing the possibilities be?22:10
jribaperson: it is highly unlikely that you need to manually edit any file.  Follow the troubleshooting steps on the wiki.  Also try .php as well as .phtml to see if it makes a difference22:11
CosmiChaosCan somebody help me please? Ubuntu is not creating/mounting the DVB-T devices properly to /dev/dvb/adapter*/22:11
dbpatankaraperson : sorry :)22:11
CosmiChaosplease help me to find a suolution22:11
p1oooopaperson: just imagine that :D... ssh and display... hehehe22:11
erUSULLostinspace_46: depends on the app22:11
apersondbpatankar, don't be22:11
phyrruswhat was the command line upgrade tool again?22:11
Lostinspace_46erUSUL, Rhythmbox22:11
apersonp1oooop, well, there is always X11 forwarding22:11
p1oooopaperson: true...22:11
dbpatankaraperson : have you checked phpinfo()?22:12
midget_3111Does anyone have a t60? just wondering how well ubuntu runs on it?22:12
|ntegra|how can I check whether I have usb1 or usb2?22:12
jrib!upgrade > phyrrus22:12
ubottuphyrrus, please see my private message22:12
erUSULLostinspace_46: probaby in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/ ? or ~/.config/rhythmbox/ ?22:12
phyrrusanybody remember..22:12
WACOMaltanyone on an HP TX2500 series laptop? I have some problems with mine22:12
cfedde|ntegra|: sudo lshw22:12
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erUSUL|ntegra|: lspci | grep -i hci22:12
Lostinspace_46erUSUL, Hmm...I will give that a try22:13
|ntegra|erUSUL: aha!22:13
erUSUL|ntegra|: lspci | grep -i usb22:13
p1oooopaperson: have you tried doing index.php instead of index.html?22:13
phyrrusi do it through shell!22:13
phyrruswhats that cmd22:13
|ntegra|um? I guess where it says (rev 01) means usb1??22:14
erUSUL!upgrade | phyrrus22:14
ubottuphyrrus: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading22:14
knoppies|ntegra|, on mine it sais version: 0222:14
phyrrusi read that!22:14
phyrrusthats for gnome22:14
erUSUL|ntegra|: no; thats the revision of the chip but the chip can be usb 222:14
|ntegra|thanx but"22:14
phyrrusi use a shell22:14
knoppies|ntegra|, but Im still on 9.0422:14
erUSUL|ntegra|: 05:0c.3 USB Controller: ALi Corporation USB 2.0 Controller (rev 01) <<<< that's one of my controlers22:15
GutGrinderIve got a question, does anyone in here know how the end of a hammer head opposite the striking face is called ?22:15
erUSUL!ot | GutGrinder22:15
ubottuGutGrinder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:15
Lostinspace_46gutgrinder claws22:15
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apersonp1oooop, it is an index.php22:16
phyrrusit was sudo do-release-upgrade you idiotsa22:16
|ntegra|um,ok, then I still don't have it > oh ok, I just have 82801G intel22:16
apersonp1oooop, html works fine22:16
Lostinspace_46GutGrinder Claws22:16
usuario-masterMARIPOSAVOID aqui estoy mariconcito22:17
erUSUL|ntegra|: lsmod | grep -i ehci22:17
apersondbpatankar, I don't think I have22:17
jribphyrrus: yes, ubottu told you that. Also, keep in mind everyone here is volunteers22:17
dbpatankaraperson : you have to create one22:17
phyrrusno he diddn't22:17
|ntegra|...got nothing on that command22:18
Norbican anybody help me figuring out how to configure my ftp server22:18
jribphyrrus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes links to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended) , yes22:18
erUSUL|ntegra|: then maybe you do not have usb 2.0 ehci is the usb 2 host contoller driver22:18
erUSUL|ntegra|: for usb 1.1 is {u,o}hci22:18
SeaPhorNorbi, what daemon you using22:19
|ntegra|oh ok, thanx erUSUL22:19
Norbijust a sec22:19
Norbito find out22:19
erUSUL|ntegra|: buy a expansion usb 2 card they are quite cheap. all work with linux22:19
dbpatankaraperson : in ubuntu php.ini is located at /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini22:19
erUSUL|ntegra|: i have one myself22:19
phyrrusjrib, I don't care.  If i have to google every guestion i have why is this channel here?22:20
Norbiim using vsftpd22:20
apersondbpatankar, I created a test page22:20
SeaPhorNorbi, is this a new setup?22:20
microlithphyrrus: for assistance, assuming you're willing to put effort into find an answer first22:20
joelDoes anyone know if I can use RDP from Ubuntu to windows 7 and have 2 ppl logged in? with the standard login and the rdp connection22:20
phyrrusI had the answer once22:20
microlithjoel: if it's anything like XP and Vista, no22:20
maxinux61I am having problems adding Medibuntu. When I try to add the keyring, I get E: couldn't find package medibuntu-keyring. Any ideas?22:20
|ntegra|I'm just fixing up a computer for a friend, "man, I love ubuntu docs!" ... "and peepz"22:20
FLSTF join #lukaug0922:20
jribphyrrus: like I said, ubottu gave you a direct link to the answer.  All you had to do was click and read.  I don't really want to waste my time on this anymore.  I just wanted you to know that you could have gotten your answer quicker if you clicked on the link ubottu gave you22:20
joelmicrolith: Are you sure? hmm22:21
SeaPhorNorbi, look at the FTP section here... http://www.wood-bee-co.com/woodbeeco/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=40&Itemid=5222:21
dbpatankaraperson : have you enabled mod_php in apache?22:21
Jerkmanhey, ive just got a new laptop, and was wondering about drivers.. does anyone have a 'Finger sensing pad' brand trackpad?22:21
|ntegra|simplehelp.net is pretty cool for basics22:22
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joelNo1 has experience of this?22:22
jribaperson: ubottu's link with troubleshooting steps have fixed this issue for everyone with your issue I have seen in this channel22:22
|ntegra|ubuntugeek's still the coolest methinx22:22
phyrrusok.  enough22:22
NorbiSeaPhor: thanks for the doc!22:22
oliver3So both my main machine and my netbook run 9.10 (netbook is UNR), both are fully up-to-date, yet my netbook claims there is a version mismatch with Ubuntu One, anyone know wtf might be causing that?22:22
Norbii hope this will help me out22:22
apersondbpatankar, as jrib said, I *shouldn't* have to had to done anything22:22
apersonjrib, I know22:23
Lostinspace_46erUSUL, No luck.  Since it's not 'technically' an auto-complete as it gives a drop-down with suggestions would it be called something other than auto-complete?22:23
MwaHokay. Nearly everything is set up and happyful. Now I just need to know how to make all my menubars go small. Anyone know how to do it? GEdit's toolbars specifically are taking far more space than they by rights should on my tiny screen22:23
Sinisteranyone have that devede error once you upgrade ?22:23
jribaperson: you went through them and nothing changed?22:23
SeaPhorNorbi, hit me up on #seaphor if you need more, the ftp may be OT for this channel22:23
apersonjrib, I'm going through it22:23
oliver3Mwa, system -> preferences -> interface22:23
erUSULLostinspace_46: dunno sorry :|22:23
apersondbpatankar, I have a php5.conf in my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled22:24
Lostinspace_46erUSUL, NP I don't know either...lol22:24
Mwaoliver3: thank you, that has removed the icons, but the bars are still extremely thick, with lots of padding above and below the text.22:26
preecherany suggestion for a generic/run of the mill program for a digital camera22:26
Sinisteris there another program like devede ?22:26
Billiardpreecher: for doing what?22:27
agoolesomething in karmic is using all my bandwith, can i find out what ?22:27
MwaAlso: I have turned all the sensitivity type things to the lowest the bar can go in the mouse prefs, but the trackpad is still far too sensitive for my liking, something I noticed when I tried ubuntu on my macbook a year ago. Is there any way to make it less jumpy?22:27
preecherBilliard, just for dloadin pics from my cam is all22:27
mattwj2002hi guys22:27
mattwj2002I need help my printer22:28
mgv1i need little bit of a help - the ubuntu on the another laptop stopped to load and gets stuch on the second boot - nothing has made execpt not all of the language pck has downloaded22:28
mattwj2002I am currently running Ubuntu 9.10 AMD64 my printer is a Lexmark X2600.....it isn't working because I am running the 64 bit version of ubuntu22:29
Billiardpreecher: cant you just copy them manually?22:29
Jerkmanare realtek wireless cards well suported by ubuntu22:30
TW__can anyone help with regards to how hard disks are assigned their system names in ubuntu (sda, sdb etc)...Does it work off sata ports, ie sata1=sda, sata2=sdb and so on?22:30
oliver3Mwa, you might want to try a different theme22:31
joelJerkman: Yes, but mobile broadband connection seem to fail with atleast my realtek card22:31
mattwj2002anyone have any idea?22:31
chazcoHi... now that Totem has regressed to being a single engine player can anyone suggest an alternative? Needs to support DVB (Television), DVD with menus, skipping though video (Totem can't do this on many now), ideally gnome thumbnail compatible...22:31
joelIf your not certain use a live cd22:31
fcnhttp://i38.tinypic.com/11tx7qf.png why is this happening?22:31
preecheruse to when i plugged my cam in it opened a window to dload the pics--now after 9.10 upgrade it does nothing22:31
BilliardTW__: pretty much, starts at a goes up bcde22:31
Jerkmanjoel: thanks22:31
Jabadahutwhat does the error "make: *** [libpng12.la] Error 1" mean? I am trying to install libpng 1.2.40 on Ubuntu 9.1 x6422:31
n8tuserTW__-> via combinations of hal and udev22:31
chazcofcn - You mean why is it positioned lower down? The top part is reserved for certain notifications22:32
penguin42Jabadahut: It means there was an error before that - that's just the summary22:32
preecherbut in all fairness i cant blame the upgrade because i am using a diff cam so i dont kno what it is22:32
Jack`shi .. I have a problem: my sound doesn't work in movies, but it works in music, what can I do ?! :-s22:32
fcnchazco, like what?22:32
Jabadahutokay; what can I do to fix the error? I think if I go back, the errors started getting verbose right before the summary - I'll post what it says22:32
TW__hey guys can u point me in the direction where i can get some more info, i have a raid 5 array, one drive is playing up and i want to know more on this topic22:32
JerkmanJack`s: what player?22:33
Jack`sJerkman, vlc.. mplayer.. sound doesn't work in movies.22:33
penguin42TW__: The Linux RAID/MD faq is fairly good as I remember22:33
chazcofcn - Off hand i know volume control appears in the correct place22:34
JerkmanJack`s: in vlc, under audio you want to change it from AC3 audio to stereo22:34
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:34
Jabadahutpenguin42: http://pastebin.com/d77ac9fc22:34
Jack`sJerkman, ok, i will try.22:35
fcnchazco, this should be some kind of bug, i think22:35
chazcofcn - Not sure... some talk about is... e.g. http://www.mail-archive.com/ayatana@lists.launchpad.net/msg00742.html22:35
chazcofcn - It's supposed to do that... whether it's a good idea or not is debatable22:35
penguin42Jabadahut: So you've got some weirdo libz in /usr/local you've built ?22:35
chazcoHi... now that Totem has regressed to being a single engine player can anyone suggest an alternative? Needs to support DVB (Television), DVD with menus, skipping though video (Totem can't do this on many now), ideally gnome thumbnail compatible...22:35
Jabadahutit might be that, but the only thing I've ever built prior to that was zlib which compiled just fine22:36
penguin42Jabadahut: Ah well, that's the problem - it doesn't like the zlib you've built - it's picking it up from /usr/local/lib22:36
penguin42Jabadahut: Why did you build zlib?22:36
Jabadahutit's for an emulator that I'm trying to homebrew for22:37
DeSianany way to remove the configuration file all the apache mod in ubuntu?22:37
penguin42Jabadahut: Just install zlib1g-dev22:37
FlannelDeSian: What are you trying to accomplish?22:37
DeSianbecause apt-get remove --purge doesn't do that22:37
jribJabadahut: why are you building libpng?22:37
Jabadahutit's for an emulator >.<22:37
roralce82okay, i didn't know what to do, but i'm sure the team knows what they're doing...  i have a suggestion though, and it's all for the sake of usability:  Empathy's purpose is to take precious time out of my day because i end up having to use my mouse all the time.  it's not as keyboard friendly as pidgin22:38
DeSianFlannel, i want to remove all the apache and php config file and start again22:38
jribJabadahut: what emulator?22:38
JabadahutVBA, sorry I'm not verbose enough22:38
roralce82so is the team going to put pidgin back in as default next time?22:38
jribJabadahut: visual boy advance?22:38
leaf-sheeproralce82: do.PurgeEmpathy() && do.InstallPidgin()22:38
BilliardDeSian: could try apt-get remove apache2 --purge22:38
FlannelDeSian: right.  You need to remove (and purge) all the support packages too.  On recent Ubuntu's, this is: apache2.2-common and apache2-mpm-worker for instance22:39
jrib!info visualboyadvance | Jabadahut22:39
ubottuJabadahut: visualboyadvance (source: visualboyadvance): full featured Game Boy Advance emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8.0-5 (karmic), package size 308 kB, installed size 1360 kB22:39
penguin42Jabadahut: I think you've not built a shared library of zlib, but still, I'd clear it out of /usr/local/lib and just install zlib-dev before you build your libpng, but even then you should be able to install libpng-dev (or whatever it's called)22:39
FlannelDeSian: oh, and apparently apache2.2-bin now as well22:39
DeSianBilliard, as i said doesn't remove the enabled mode and config file like php.ini ..etc22:39
Jabadahutthank you so much, penguin42  and jrib22:39
jribJabadahut: just install visualboyadvance from the repositories, you shouldn't have to compile anything22:39
jribJabadahut: you should clear out /usr/local/ as penguin42 suggested still22:40
joelWhat's to prefer? RDP or VNC?22:40
DeSianFlannel, i said this way doesn't remove config file and enabled apache mod22:40
Jabadahutokay, I shall do that :) thanks again22:41
ekkehartHow can I get amarok to play all m4a files? It will play some from iTunes store, but not all.22:41
FlannelDeSian: You don't want to remove config files?  How will you start over then?22:41
ekkehartI'm on karmic koala kubuntu22:41
jugglerbryhi all.  quick question.  im currently running karmic as dual boot, with that nasty M$ software, but need to unfortunately use it until I get a particular programme working under WINE. What I'd like to know is two fold.  firstly, how can i install hista in a VM without an actual install CD, just the recovery partition on my laptop, and secondly, can i then turn my dual boot install into a single boot install without having to reinstall ?22:41
DeSianFlannel, because someone modifed and startet same apache mod, i want to remove all of them and install standard LAMP22:42
FlannelDeSian: right.  sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-worker apache2.2-bin (and whatever libapache2-* files)22:42
icerootjugglerbry: for the first question, try ##windows22:42
Nitrodistjugglerbry, migrating OS installs are very tricky with linux and almost impossible with windows22:42
_ULNX64_<jugglerbry vista wont let u22:42
=== khtaam_ is now known as khtaam
BilliardDeSian: purge php as well, then apt-get autoremove --purge22:43
roralce82i think all the hype about this 9.10 was just that.  they did good on the boot thing, but the software center is not that impressive because it's the exact same thing it was before just rearranged into icons instead of a list for the categories...and yeah, the inclusion of empathy was a really bad idea i think22:43
Flanneljugglerbry: With regard to the second question, you just need to remove the partition, reappropriate the space (optionally) and make sure the bootloader is all happy.22:43
jugglerbry_ULNX64:wont let you what ?22:43
icerootjugglerbry: the second one, you can of course turn it into single boot by deleting the vista partition and reasign the free space to ubuntu22:43
icerootjugglerbry: but of course, make a backup first22:43
_ULNX64_it does hardware check on boot22:43
_ULNX64_wont let you22:43
jugglerbryok well, thats good on the second one, i'm just a little stuck on the first22:44
dbpatankarjugglerbry : second Q : just remove the window partition and add that space to ubuntu22:44
lovrewhat is the best alternative for Fireworks on linux?22:44
padd1Anybody know a good channel for remote controlled cars????22:44
=== padd1 is now known as paddy_melon
_ULNX64_you should be able to install from the DVD i think ms allows for this22:44
icerootpaddy_melon: #freenode22:44
drygwith two #22:44
jugglerbrythats just it.  dont have any media, just the recovery partition on my laptop22:44
paddy_melonThanks guys22:44
dbpatankarjugglerbry : second Q : gparted or qtparted can do that22:45
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
infidel2swhat command will tell me how much video ram my video card has?22:45
DeSianFlannel, "E: Couldn't find package libapache2-*"22:45
ClayGI just upgraded to 9.10, the wireless icon on the bottom right is missing, how do i reload it?22:46
infidel2sClayG make sure you have network-config installed22:46
_ULNX64_<lovre> if you find please let me know... never seen anything even close22:46
infidel2sor network-manager i think22:46
lovre_ULNX64_: :(22:46
haroelcabois anyone here using gnome-gwibber ? I've configured my fb and twitter accounts on it, and I only can read, not write messages, because I see no "write message" option. Any hint ?22:46
infidel2sClayG see if you can type the command 'nm-connection-editor' from a terminal22:46
FlannelDeSian: right.  do `dpkg -l | grep libapache2` and it'll tell you what packages you need to remove22:46
kainhi all, does anyone know how to extract songs from a ipod touch using gtkpod or something else?22:46
momis there a way to run synaptic inside a user account that doesnt have the privlege but i do?22:46
Billiardmom: you can run synaptic probably, but not install packages22:47
ClayGinfidel2s, I can but dont see an icon down there22:47
momBilliard, that would be fine but it doesnt run22:47
Billiardmom: what is the error?22:47
infidel2sclayg what do you mean 'down there' the icon is up top on the gnome panel for me22:47
momBilliard, it asks for a password22:48
ClayGinfidel2s, that is what I meant.22:48
Nitrodistis there a way to set up a column in nautilus so that it displays the freespace left on some mounted devices?22:48
Billiardmom: try alt+f2 synaptic22:48
infidel2sClayG do you have 'system > preferences > network connections'22:48
ClayGYes I do22:48
infidel2sclayg right click on the panel and chooes 'add to panel' then locate 'network connection' and add it22:48
dbpatankarmom : start it from terminal after su <your login name>22:49
kevinlugh. if 9.10 is automagically configuring Xorg, is there a way I can at least see what its "magical" configuration is?22:49
momdbpatankar, that doesnt work tried it22:49
dbpatankarmom : whats the error?22:50
ClayGinfidel2s, network connection is not in the reg list22:50
penguin42kevinl: You can see stuff in /var/log/Xorg.0.log but it will read from xorg.conf if you give it one22:50
momdbpatankar, Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.022:50
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Beetle
kevinlokay. trying to figure out how to get my resolution higher than 1024 with intel 915 chipset.22:50
Billiardmom: ran it from gnome-terminal ?22:51
infidel2sclayg one reason i had the icon disappear was simply because wireless wasnt working, do you currenlty have wireless working? ie if you type 'lshw -C network' does it show it's enabled22:51
momBilliard, thats what i was trying22:51
ClayGinfidel2s, I'm on wireless now22:51
ClayGinfidel2s, lemme try to reboot and see if it helps22:51
icehawk78_I setup my external hard drive that's ntfs configured to mount automatically with 755 permissions with the Storage Device Manager, but whenever I reboot, it seems to "lose" that configuration, and I am no longer able to even do an ls with a user other than root.22:51
Billiardmom: what does just synaptic say22:51
icehawk78_Additionally, my samba shares no longer seem to work.22:52
haroelcaboI upgraded my hardy to karmic. Everything seems to have gon somoothly. But now my notebook (MSI EX310+) has no sound. Why can be that ?22:52
Billiardicehawk78_: where did you set it up to mount with 77522:52
momBilliard, your way worked for just viewing packages22:52
Billiardmom: you said that would be ok22:52
momBilliard, alt+f222:52
ericshizI used 54mb4 before.22:53
icehawk78_Billiard: I set it to 755 under the Storage Device Manager utility.22:53
Billiardicehawk78_: o sorry you said already ha22:53
ericshizI couldnt figure it out though22:53
momBilliard, yes but then dbpatankar suggested there was a way to run it as su with the other user session open which would have been nicer :)22:53
Beetleworks, thx22:53
Billiardicehawk78_: sorry ive never used storage device manager22:53
kostkonharoelcabo, did you go to system → prefs → sound to setup your sound?22:54
prodcutnewshow to have different wallpaper for 2 different workspaces ???22:54
Billiardmom try gksu22:54
momBilliard, because i can still look through the sections quickly and just aptitude in a window22:54
DeSianFlannel,  worked fine thnx22:54
icehawk78_Billiard: Ah, alright. If you know of a better way that using that to allow an ntfs drive to be readble by more than one user, I'm all ears, lol.22:54
momBilliard, more or less same error:  Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.022:54
Billiardicehawk78_: you could add a line in your fstab22:54
usser_haroelcabo, run uname -a what kernel do you see?22:55
=== clay_ is now known as ClayG
icehawk78_Billiard: I've not done anything with fstab before, so I'm not sure what exactly I'd need to add.22:55
kevinlokay so before i upgraded to karmic, i could use 1280x1024 . I still have an old Xorg log file with the modeline, can I throw it in an xorg.conf and get my higher res back you think?22:55
ClayGinfidel2s, it showed up, i think it ws because I had just upgraded to the new version  but the 2nd reboot fixed it. I see the icon now, looks like a cell phone reception icon22:56
Billiardicehawk78_: do you want it to mount by UUID or what?22:56
infidel2sclayg cool22:56
=== revygttam is now known as mattgyver
mattgyverdoes anyone know a way to fix slow gmail issues in firefox?  I dont want to use the HTML version..22:57
Billiardkevinl: should work22:57
Billiardmattgyver: i have no issues22:57
icehawk78_Billiard: Presumably just by whatever would be most stable. It's just an off the shelf USB hard drive, so just using whatever would work best.22:57
mattgyverBilliard, For me its really slow to load, its been like that since 9.0422:57
kevinlsince 9.10 isnt using xorg.conf by default, is there some way to dump the config that it IS using currently into xorg.conf so I can modify it ?22:57
Billiardicehawk78_: wanna pm me?22:58
kostkonmattgyver, try disabling your extensions and check if the problem persists22:59
infidel2swhat command will tell me how much video ram my video card has?22:59
diamante2kcanali italiani?22:59
DJones!it | diamante2k22:59
ubottudiamante2k: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)22:59
ikoniainfidel2s: your xorg log may show it,22:59
icedwaterHello guys, I'm trying to install Karmic on a separate partition, but my partition table is screwed up because one of the primaries does not end on a proper cylinder. How might I fix that?23:00
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:00
dbpatankarmom : whats the output of "xauth list"?23:00
mattgyverkostkon, omg... that worked.  i guess ill just have to figure out which one was doing it23:01
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kostkonmattgyver, ;)23:01
momxauth:  /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mom-btoAso/database not writable, changes will be ignored23:01
mattgyverkostkon, such a simple answer to such a mind boggling question...Thanks!23:01
kostkonmattgyver, happy that i helped :)23:01
fabricioAlgum brasileiro?23:01
RugeHey folks, I woke up to find my Ubuntu is having display issues (again!) can someone help me? :)23:02
dbpatankarmom : here you may find the solution http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-166863.html  Perhaps the last solution is good one.23:03
dbpatankarmom : try the sux23:03
IoneyeIs there any program that i can install which will change my desktop backround at a certain time?23:04
Mrokiithanks all. Leaving now.23:04
RugeIs there any reason why Ubuntu (or more imprtantly, the nVidia drivers) keep switching my resolutions each time I reboot? Its getting somewaht frustrating that I cant pick something higher than 640x48023:04
icedwaterIoneye: I think it's probably possible that a script could be written to do that somehow..23:05
icedwater!br | fabricio23:05
ubottufabricio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:05
jimcooncatIoneye: yep, a script you can stick into cron, or run with at23:05
AdemosUbuntu 9.10: Can anyone tell me the simplest way to use all_generic_ide on a second hard disk with grub2?23:05
jimcooncatIoneye: it depends on what sets your background, are you using the default Ubuntu Gnome?23:06
Ioneyejimcooncat, Yes.23:06
usuario-masterFULGENCIO todavia no te vas mariconcito o me tienes miedo?23:06
jimcooncatGnome users, can you help Ioneye with a command to change the background?23:06
momdbpatankar, well installing sux didnt work23:06
pentarexCapeFear, :P23:07
EndustIoneye: this is what I use gconftool -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename <filepath>23:07
momdbpatankar, xauth:  error in locking authority file /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mom-btoAso/database23:08
plumaHow do I force a dist-upgrade from 8.04 LTS?23:08
AdemosUbuntu 9.10: Can anyone tell me the simplest way to use all_generic_ide?23:08
icerootpluma: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:08
jimcooncatEndust: so he can stick that into cron, and set it for four hours or whatever?23:08
dbpatankarmom : this time are you trying to run as other user or root?23:08
plumaiceroot: Doesn't work.23:08
icerootpluma: or do you mean upgrade to 9.04?23:08
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Endustoh nope.. with cron I had to do some crazy dbus stuff for it to work23:09
plumaiceroot: Update to ANYTHING. I have 8.04 LTS.23:09
Endustthe above will work when its ran as the user23:09
icerootpluma: dist-upgrade !? upgrading to a newer distributon23:09
plumaiceroot: I figure I probably need a different repos list23:09
iceroot!upgrade | pluma23:09
ubottupluma: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:09
momdbpatankar, oh now it runs, nice, thanks!23:09
haroelcabokostkon: nope, I'll try that later. thanks !23:09
dbpatankarbest lick :)23:09
EndustIoneye: to change a background from cron check the 3rd post from the bottom: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-952452.html23:10
jimcooncatIoneye: check out: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/12/01/random-wallpaper-in-gnome/23:10
jimcooncatEndust: cool, thanks23:11
infidel2si have a 15" laptop screen and the display preferences say the highest res it can go to is 1280x600 @60hz but it still feels like the screen is really crowded because everythings big, i have an intel integrated 945 GM video card. is there anyway to get a better resolution?23:11
MrLoganinfidel2s, I have a 15 at 1280x800 - your display option won't go so high?23:12
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dbpatankarhello guest96578 : is there anything we can do for you ?23:14
ve9gfihow many lircd processes should I have running in MythBuntu?23:15
MakaKavelNeed some graphics help on NVidia and Ubuntu 9.10. The latest driver show some weird results.23:15
fustiont__My ubuntu has started rebooting randomly.  Wheere si the best place to start looking.  I cant find anything of use in /var/log/messages23:15
Rods_TigerMy ssh used to work but ever since the release of karmic, it doesn't23:16
Barnabasfustiont__, overheating or memory problem23:16
fustiont__ok - what prog for temp monitor?23:16
Barnabasfustiont__, the bios23:16
WACOMaltHey, anyone can help me get my sound working again? It's "Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)"23:17
fustiont__Ok, cheers.23:17
fustiont__is there a memtest i can run too?23:17
d-eeewhen I installed the new bad karma 9.10 I can't log in.  After the grub menu, the system hangs on the ubuntu logo.  any ideas would be greatly appreciatted23:17
Barnabasfustiont__, also try memtest from grub23:17
bencoderhey there, is the repo version of freepascal broken? i'm getting bash error "cannote execute binary file". tried grabbing the (earlier) debs from the fpc site but i get the same problem.. do i need to compile fpc from source?23:17
Xcellfustiont__- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto23:17
d-eeefor real23:18
=== hans is now known as goose
jofoI get an error when trying to play xvid videos on ubuntu 9.10 with vlc and totem23:18
primowalkerI created an ssh key pair using "ssh-keygen -d".  I copied this to the remote system I want to access and did a "cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys. When I try to login via ssh, it still prompts for a password.  On the remote systems, if I do a "who" it shows me logged in from not the hostname, but the IP address.  I tried copying the id_dsa.pub and editing it to change the hostname to the IP, but it's still prompting me for a password.23:18
d-eeepalio malakes23:19
DeSianenabling apache mode is with "a2enmod .." but what is if you need to disable it?23:19
filgyhow do i set karmic to listen for remote logs on port 514? I tried adding -r to /etc/default/syslogd but it is still not listening on port 514..23:19
mikebeechamHi guys...does anyone know why we cant view thumbnails from the Ubuntu forums from within Chromium.  I just get the screen turn dark (as it should) but nothing else23:19
=== wertik_rus is now known as Skunky|suck
mycomputeri cant able to connect dsl in connection network23:20
Billiardprimowalker: the keys and authorized_keys file are in your .ssh directory?23:20
mycomputeri cant able to connect dsl in connection network in ubuntu 9.1023:20
Billiardmycomputer: what is the error23:20
dbpatankarDeSian : a2dismod23:20
asdasdciao a tutti23:21
primowalkerBilliard - Yes, they a are in my .ssh directory23:21
dbpatankardesian : use a2dismod23:21
Billiardprimowalker: on the server and the client?23:21
jofoanybody know how to fix xvid playback in karmic?23:21
michal__hello, I have ubuntu 9.04 and my computer freezes up upon increased graphic use. My graphic card is Radeon 9600. I think the problem is in the fglrx driver, can anyone help me please? help would be appreciated23:21
Billiardjofo: install restricted extras?23:21
mycomputerBilliard: in network connection it is showing device not managed23:22
EledhHi all, I have a input device that mounts as /dev/usb/hiddev0, I was just wondering how I could cause a chmod 666 to run on that device when it is plugged in (so that a non-admin user can plug it in and use it)23:22
mirsalHello there23:22
jofoBilliard: i did that and i have all gstreamer codec backs. no luck with totem or vlc23:22
jofopacks* not backs23:22
=== carmencita is now known as Frank83
Billiardmycomputer: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces23:22
WACOMaltMy sound is not working anymore. I installed 9.10 x64, it worked fine, audio and all. After restart, it died. What can I do? I didn't even run updates before it died23:23
dthackerI'm prepping for an upgrade from Gutsly to Karmic.  Will my Kmail boxes import cleanly or is there a special process I need to use?23:23
mirsalI'm looking for a way to synchronize contacts between Evolution, U1 and Google contacts accounts does anyone have an idea on how to do that ?23:23
_ULNX64_pissed, finally done- deletes windows partition and dumps 20 gig a bloat ware23:23
B4R74zyshutdown command not work31ng23:24
mycomputerBilliard:i cant able to undert stand i am not that much familier in ubuntu23:24
Frank83I'm having troubles with the GRUB "device"command. I'm trying to make a bootable USB drive following these instructions http://stampy.net/blog/?p=9tions23:24
mirsaldthacker, I would advise to back them up just in case.23:24
mycomputerBilliard: in that patch i can able to find the file what can i do it23:24
dthackermirsal: oh yes :)23:24
mirsaldthacker, Oh, and you should do a fresh install.23:24
bencoderis it possible someone else here could try running fpc (sudo apt-get install fp-compiler) to see if it will start or if it's broken in the repo (9.10)?23:25
Billiardmycomputer: pastebin the contents of the file for me to see23:25
mirsalgutsy is pretty old23:25
* dthacker nods and takes notes23:25
mycomputerBilliard:auto lo23:25
mycomputeriface lo inet loopback23:25
mycomputerauto dsl-provider23:25
mycomputeriface dsl-provider inet ppp23:25
mycomputerpre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf23:25
FloodBot3mycomputer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:25
mycomputerprovider dsl-provider23:25
Frank83Anyone has experience with the "device" grub command? I keep getting a "error while parsing number" message23:25
mirsaldthacker, In theory, it should work.23:25
mirsaldthacker, But well... It's in theory :p23:25
thiblahuteHey, I can't connect to facebook using pidgin-facebook+empathy anymore. Read here http://trac.adium.im/wiki/AdiumVersionHistory that this bug has bin corrected in pidgin-facebook on the 4th of november. Can anyone tell me how if there is any ppa or only a package to make this update on ubuntu?23:26
Mike_lifeguardDoes someone know why renaming/moving files should take ~80% CPU?23:26
dthackermirsal: hehe.  Ok,  I'm going to start cleaning up home and archive the mailboxes.23:26
Billiardmycomputer: no dont paste it here23:26
mirsaldthacker, :)23:26
B4R74zyshutdown command not work31ng23:26
mycomputerBilliard: what i want to do23:27
dbpatankarb4r74zy : full command and error ?23:27
Billiard!pastebin | mycomputer23:27
ubottumycomputer: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:27
WACOMaltIntel HDA, not working any more on 9.10 Help!23:28
filgyanyone recommend a good way to colorize log files? I used to use colortail but that isn't a package anymore or something...23:28
icehawk78_I'm trying to add my external hard drive as a samba share, but whenever I vew my server on my Windows 7 box, the share I set up containing that drive (mapped to /media/Elements) appears for a minute after immediately connecting, and then disappears.23:29
jofono xvid with vlc or totem. anybody know a fix?23:29
Mike_lifeguardfilgy: Let me know if someone gives you a good answer, I'd like to know too23:29
WACOMalthow do I set emerald to be the window manager in compiz?23:29
B4R74zymike_LIFEGUARD: no 50% at most23:30
mycomputeri am often disconnecting from internet any way to connect it actomatically23:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnucash23:30
iDoctorWhenever I install Karmic Koala, I either get a grub error or error: no such partition. I am trying to dual boot Windows XP SP3 with Karmic but I cannot get it to work.23:30
n8tusericehawk78_-> not sure, but if you use the the netsh commands of windows.. does it disappear too?23:30
icehawk78_If I try manually connecting, it gives an "Unspecified error (code 0x80004005)" which appears to be the same as "this isn't real" (such as when I type in //server/fakepath23:30
XcellWACOMalt-  install the fusion icon and use it as a switch23:30
WACOMaltok thanks!23:30
Rugesigh, my ubuntu install has gone off the ball :(23:30
Rugesince i turned my PC off last night23:31
Mike_lifeguardRuge: What does "off the ball" mean? O-o23:31
mycomputeri am often disconnecting from internet any way to connect it actomatically when it is disconnected23:31
icehawk78_n8tuser: Not sure. I ran that, but I've never used netsh before, so I'm not sure what I'd do to look at/for it in that.23:31
n8tusermycomputer-> what do you have? wifi or ethernet cable?23:32
fustiont__Is there anywhere to look for error information an random reboots?  Cpu temps are fine, will run memtest tonight23:32
icehawk78_n8tuser: I did check and the folder is still mounted and readable locally on the server.23:32
VarthI think I might be having the same problem as mycomputer.23:32
RugeMike_Lifeguard: got a few issues, reckon i could go thru them one by one?23:32
n8tusericehawk78_-> im not a windows power user, so look into windows netsh commands..23:32
mycomputern8tuser: etherner23:32
DoltekMy machine will not install 9.10 properly. When it is on I only get the terminal screen23:32
Mike_lifeguardRuge: Sure. No guarantee I can help with any of them though XD23:32
RugeMike_Lifeguard: No worries :) Firstly...23:33
michal__hello, I have ubuntu 9.04 and my computer freezes up upon increased graphic use. My graphic card is Radeon 9600. I think the problem is in the fglrx driver, but I wasn't able to install the open source driver. can anyone help me out please? help would be appreciated23:33
iDoctorWhenever I try to install Karmic I get no such partition on the first restart. Any suggestions?23:33
scotthi folks, any apache guru's around?23:33
penguin42Doltek: When you get the terminal screen does it give you a login prompt or something else?23:33
n8tusermycomputer-> your ethernet connection disconnects often? do you also have wifi on at same time?23:33
Dolteklogin prompt23:33
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penguin42Doltek: OK, I'd guess it's probably a video driver problem then23:33
Mike_lifeguardscott: #httpd or #ubuntu-server might be better bets23:33
scottthanks :)23:33
Doltekyes that is right23:33
RugeMike_Lifeguard: I set up my dual monitors last night (nvidia), however this morning I found that my main monitor is struggling to get detected, and has a max res. of 640x480.. if I manually edit the xorg.conf file to the correct resolution, the screen doesnt work......23:33
mycomputern8tuser: i did not have wifi23:33
useronesimple question but i wanted to be sure...if i am running 64-bit 9.04 and I upgrade via synaptic package manager to 9.10, it will upgrade to 64-bit 9.10 or 32-bit 9.10?23:34
VarthMy connection will also randomly disconnect, and then when I try to reconnect it fails. Looking at the logs, it looks like DHCP timeout. I'm not having the same problem with Windows 7, so it's not the network.23:34
penguin42userone: 6423:34
Mike_lifeguarduserone: it will upgrade to 64 bit23:34
Rugehmm i think nVidia make the worst drivers nowdays >:(23:34
n8tusermycomputer-> do same with Varth.. look into your logs to give you some hints perhaps23:34
useroneok, thanks...i just wanted to be sure cos my 64-bit 9.04 works like a charm..thanks!23:34
Frank83Anyone knows how to use the "device" GRUB Command?23:34
toresbeIs there a way to tie SSH keys with passphrases up against the user login, like the home directory encryption system works?23:34
BluesKajuserone, use update-manager to upgrade to 9.1023:34
Mike_lifeguarduserone: however, I don't recommend upgrading if you have a separate /home partition - it is fraught with problems, always. Consider reinstalling instead. At the very least, use the alternate CD, downloaded with a torrent.23:35
DoltekThats what I have in my lappy :(23:35
mycomputern8tuser: i cant able to understand23:35
Mike_lifeguardtoresbe: you mean ssh keys with ssh? yeah, that's obviously possible23:35
DoltekWould downloading the 64 bit ver work??23:35
toresbeMike_lifeguard: Great, how?23:35
Mike_lifeguardRuge: *most* of that should be autodetected by the X server, IIRC.23:35
n8tusermycomputer-> what language do you speak? may you can join the channel that supports your dialect23:35
n8tusermycomputer-> what language do you speak? maybe* you can join the channel that supports your dialect23:36
Mike_lifeguardtoresbe: put your publickey in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and make sure sshd is set up and running properly on the host23:36
WACOMaltSomeone with audio fixing experience in 9.10 please PM me...23:36
toresbeMike_lifeguard: that wasn't my question23:36
filgyMike_lifeguard: I figured out colorized log files.. install the package logtool.. then run 'tail -f /var/log/messages | logtool -o ANSI -b'23:36
useroneMike_lifeguard: i only have a standard swap and / (root) setup. it should be fine via update manager?23:36
Mike_lifeguardtoresbe: then it wasn't clear :)23:36
mycomputern8tuser:k thanks23:36
filgyMike_lifeguard: that colorizes them pretty much.. it also parses the logs to make them more readable.. logtool looks like a very nice and robust program23:36
Mike_lifeguardfilgy: cool, thanks!23:36
toresbeMike_lifeguard: The key to my encrypted 9.10 home directory is encrypted with my login password.23:36
RugeMike_Lifeguard: unfortunately thats not the case. for some reasno any monitor connected to the DVI via a VGA port just doesnt work!23:36
fustiont__Is there anywhere to look for error information an random reboots?  Cpu temps are fine, will run memtest tonight23:36
toresbeMike_lifeguard: In the same manner, I'd like for this to be the case with my SSH key; that I have a passphrase for it, and yet I don't have to type it in.23:37
Mike_lifeguarduserone: Sure, but I recommend you use the alternate CD instead, it will probably be faster (though I don't know if the main servers are still very overloaded, perhaps not)23:37
n8tuserRuge-> umm, your mixing digital output and analog?23:37
toresbeMike_lifeguard: THe procedure for that isn't obvious...23:37
Barnabasfustiont__, if it is faulty hw the system may not have time to log anything before a reboot23:37
VarthAnyone have any ideas?23:37
Rugen8tuser: I have no choice, i have 2 VGA monitors. What i find odd is that this works easily in Windows, and my first install of Ubuntu, but after a reset it just wont work!23:38
pretinohow i compile the kernel modules?23:38
Mike_lifeguardtoresbe: OK, I see... that can be done... maybe with seahorse, let me check...23:38
paulc3hello anybody know how to start up vuze under ubuntu 9.04 i installed vuze(formally azureus) and  i get this message "sorry, your web browser and/or system is not currently up to date23:38
useroneanything else i should know about before upgrading to 64-bit 9.10? like i said, my current 9.04 64-bit setup works unbelieveably smoothly so i dont really want to mess it up for no reason23:39
Billiarduserone: i would backup and do a fresh install23:39
RugeI just find it really strange that it just cant detect a VGA monitor in a DVI input, when other OS can... unless ive missed something!23:39
penguin42Ruge: Which graphics cards, Gnome or KDE?23:39
eldann001I need help,23:39
pretinoE: Package kernel-source has no installation candidate23:39
JabadahutPlease forgive my unintentional ignorance in advance. I was told to clear out /usr/local/ but I cannot delete anything inside of that location. The window pops up and says "Permission Denied" and I cannot continue. How do I elevate myself so I can clear out this folder, or how do I remove the files in question so that I can continue to install visual boy advance?23:39
Surlent777hey guys; I tried changing my icon set to "hydroxygen", which I got off the internet months ago, and brought from 9.04, and noticing that some icons didn't change, logged out and back in. Now, my icons and right-click menu are gone, metacity loads up instead of compiz; upon loading compiz manually it doesn't have transparency in the cube, and it doesn't stay when I log back out and then in. And now, connecting to this, it said that my reverse and forwa23:39
eldann001my system is corrupt,23:39
chrisrWhats the best way of changing my uid in Ubuntu?  It wont allow you to do in from the gui23:39
n8tuserRuge-> am surprised it even works in windows, one does not normally mixed those two.. but maybe you are lucky.. stick with windows til you get a digital monitor23:39
Billiarduserone: my upgrade from jaunty wasnt perfect23:39
zaoulJabadahut: who told you that?!23:39
penguin42n8tuser: Actually it's very common mix23:39
RugeAhh, so when I get a DVI monitor it should be fine then?23:40
Mike_lifeguardJabadahut: You need to do that as a superuser. Use sudo if you're working in the commandline, or gksu for graphical applications23:40
n8tuserpenguin42-> on same port?23:40
Mike_lifeguardJabadahut: However, you almost certainly do not need to delete anything in /usr/local to do that O-o23:40
useroneBilliard: what problems did you have?23:40
zaoulJabadahut: i would be careful about randomly deleting things random people tell you to on the interwebs23:40
penguin42n8tuser:it depends what he means by port23:40
n8tuserpenguin42-> he mentioned his DVI port23:40
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Billiardchrisr: the usermod command23:40
zaoulno input/output23:41
zaoul..... >:o23:41
DoltekHow do I resolve the issue, with installing 9.1023:41
n8tuserRuge looks like it yeah.. just have to wait til you get something compatible23:41
mycomputerhow can i execute c++ program in ubuntu 9.1023:41
Jabadahutholy snot, that's a bunch of responses. I'm sorry, I'm just learning linux right now so please forgive me being so newbish :(23:41
penguin42n8tuser: It's very common to connect a VGA monitor to a DVI port, it's also common to have one VGA and one DVI23:41
n8tuserpenguin42-> and made that work?23:41
zaoulJabadahut: have confidence in your ability to learn23:41
JabadahutI went to the software center and am proceeding to install the vba frontend23:41
penguin42n8tuser: Yeh that's very common23:41
bencodern8tuser: if it's dvi-i then it's got analogue output along with the digital so you can easily get a converter that just takes the analogue lines.. it's quite common. Ruge: it should work23:41
zaoulJabadahut: that is what separates the newbs from the elite23:41
dbpatankarpretino : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/compiling-linux-kernel-module.html23:42
n8tuserpenguin42-> i guess am the unlucky one, i cant make those to work23:42
Mike_lifeguardtoresbe: OK, I'm still pretty sure that can be done, either in seahorse, or with policykit, but I don't know how. Sorry.23:42
icefox_ what is thing about any wy23:42
Rugebencoder: Basically I have a VGA monitor, I connected a VGA-to-DVI plug, and it slots into the DVI port.. However, any monitor connected that way just wont get the resolutions right!23:42
Billiarduserone: some config files that i manually changed needed fixed, idk i just always have better luck with a fresh install, you might not have any problems, but a fresh install takes just as much time as an upgrade23:42
JabadahutI will get better in time, but for now I ask for help from those who know what they're talking about :D23:42
Jabadahutthanks again, everybody23:42
toresbeMike_lifeguard: np.\23:42
bencoderRuge: ah, so you do see output?23:42
dbpatankarpretino : replace foo.o with module name23:42
toresbeMike_lifeguard: I've got a boatload of bugs to file on seahorse anyway23:42
Rugebencoder: I see output at 640x480, I cant change the resolution.23:42
penguin42Ruge: can you get the output of the xrandr command somewhere (e.g. a pastebin) and have you tried another VGA->DVI cable?23:42
Rugepenguin42: whats xrandr?23:43
icefox_ So how is everyone?23:43
mycomputeri cant able to connect internet using network connection uin ubuntu 9.423:43
bencoderRuge: type xrandr and see what you get. might be a case of just adding the extra resolutions as metamodes to your xorg23:43
penguin42Ruge: xrandr is a program that manages the X server resolution settings these days23:43
platiususerone; http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading   have you checked here?23:43
Billiardmycomputer: how are you connected to the internet?23:43
p-fhow can I completely get rid of gdm? It used to be possible by simply removing gdm from all boot levels, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore.23:43
ChazzHey, I've got a wireless adapter (Belkin F6D4050 v1 to be specific), and, it's not working on Ubuntu 9.04.  Anyone know the fix?23:43
mycomputerBilliard: i am going to terminal and typing pppoeconf23:44
p-fin fact the whole graphical logon thing was off before I updated to Karmic - not sure why it even reactivated it23:44
Frank83I am having troubles using the device GRUB command to install a FreeDOS on a USB drive23:44
n8tuserbencoder-> is that the newer dvi ? it includes analog?  my old dvi ports i guess are just pure digital..23:44
kanuhanot sure if this is off topic, but can anyone suggest a usb modem for a laptop to use with Ubuntu?23:44
Billiardmycomputer: how are you physically connected to the internet23:44
Frank83Im Following this blog http://stampy.net/blog/?p=923:44
icefox_i'm connected to the internet23:44
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penguin42Ruge: Tell me a bit more - that says you have 2240x1200 resolution - that sounds great - what have you really got?23:45
bencodern8tuser: dvi-i has been in use for ages. most dvi ports on graphics cards are dvi-i23:45
mycomputerBilliard: i am using bsnl bbd through ethernet23:45
icefox_it's not a big deal :/23:45
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n8tuserbencoder-> ones i've used were not labeled dvi-i   just dvi23:45
CopyWriterhello fellow linux users23:45
penguin42n8tuser: That's normal23:45
icefox_wait   how do you put a password  word on your  computer?23:45
penguin42n8tuser: If they have the 4 pins around the odd flat connector at one side they are -i not -d23:46
useroneBilliard: i have always done a fresh install in the past, but every single thing on my dual core 4gb ram laptop worked perfectly out of box on 64-bit 9.04 fresh install (except for the adobe flash plugin beta for 64-bit firefox which was easy to install) so i want to try an upgrade23:46
CopyWritermy question is, more of a problem really: all my ubuntu pc's have stopped seeing themselves on the network and are now only able to access 1 pc23:46
n8tuserpenguin42-> oh okay..thanks for the info..23:46
chrisrDOes anyone know if there is a decent clipboard tool for Ubuntu that can live on my taskbar? used for storing a history of clipboard entries?23:46
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CopyWriterany ideas, no changes have been made to the network23:46
Rugepenguin42: Atm, i have 2 CRTs connected to my machine. One has a resolution of 1280x960, the other 1600x1200. However can only see out of the 1600x1200 (that is connected to VGA)23:47
bencoderruge: are you using a dual monitor setup?23:47
CopyWriterall are on the same workgroup and yes everything was working last night23:47
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CopyWriteronly thing was done was updates23:47
bencoderruge: what graphics card?23:47
Rugebencoder: nVidia GeForce 9400GT23:47
leaf-sheepchrisr: "apt-cache search clipboard | grep manager"23:47
VarthCan anyone help me with the disconnection problem23:47
Billiardmycomputer: if you comment out the lines in your /etc/network/interfaces file the network-manager should let you configure it23:47
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eldann001alguien que me pueda ayudar?23:47
bencoderruge: you using the closed source driver?23:47
eldann001tengo problemas con mi sistema ubuntu 9.04,23:47
Rugebencoder: i have no idea what that means heh, hold up ill brb, have to brush my teeth.23:48
penguin42Ruge: Ah OK, what type of graphics card? also on the monitor that it doesn't get right is it a normal VGA lead at the monitor end?23:48
useronewell, lete me try the upgrade via update manager. if it all goes pear-shaped i can always do a fresh install23:48
laura_hey there everybody. i got a problem with my tv out (Acer Aspire TRavelmate 290 nb, probably intel graphics). It doesnt work. I know it MUST work because when i boot, it boots on the tv, but i cant activate it in the system settings!23:48
RanzoErm, quick question. I have a relatively new laptop. Do I install the netbook version of Ubuntu or the desktop version?23:48
ShinkaI closed the little thing on the upper-right corner with Evolution/Empathy/Pidgin, I thought I would still see Pidgin in the tray after I open it but it's nowhere to be found, how can I get back the thing with Empathy/Pidgin/Evolution ?23:48
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eldann001tengo un problema de "error de segmentacion"23:48
mycomputerBilliard: i cant able to understand please tell clearly i am not that much familiar23:48
laura_please help me, i got 2 girls waiting here to watch a movie :-)23:48
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leaf-sheepRanzo: What monitor size?23:48
bencoderruge: ok, well do you use the nvidia settings panel to configure it? if not, that might solve your problems, i'd use Envy to install the latest nvidia driver, then run sudo nvidia-settings and set up your dual monitor setup, then hit the "save settigns to xorg.conf" button23:49
p-fwhy does removing gdm from all runlevels *not* keep it from starting up on boot?23:49
p-fworked fine in jaunty23:49
Billiardmycomputer: you said the network manager says "device not managed"23:49
n8tuserp-f it may still be there? how did you removed it?23:49
leaf-sheepRanzo: It is more of a preference than an issue. I suppose you'll want desktop version. Google Image "ubuntu notebook remix karmic" and "ubuntu desktop karmic" to see how different they are.23:49
SnausagesRanzo: sounds like you have enough room to install the regular version.23:49
chrisrleaf-sheep: cheers23:49
CopyWritercome to think of it i'm only able to access the last computer that joined the network23:50
CopyWriterany suggestions23:50
p-fn8tuser, I used sysv-rc-conf23:50
Billiardmycomputer: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file put # in front of the lines that deal with your dsl connection23:50
leaf-sheepchrisr: I think parcellite is quite nice, by the way. ;)23:50
RanzoAlrighties. Thanks.23:50
Rugebencoder: I use the nvidia-settings control panel. It just wont let me set a resolution higher than 640x480 on my DVI/VGA monitor...23:50
* Ranzo hops off!23:50
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n8tuserp-f-> it has an option to removed or purge?23:50
caseyweedermanSo I've got a usb gsm modem. I can't get it to work. Does this fall under anyone's realm of knowledge?23:50
bencoderRuge: ah, I see23:50
chrisrleaf-sheep: better than glipper?23:50
p-fn8tuser, what do you mean?23:50
SnausagesRanzo: I just installed netbook remix on mine, but it's got a much smaller screen.  I love the window management they used to get it to work with this tiny screen- very usable23:50
penguin42Ruge: Does it help if you swap the two monitors?23:50
p-fn8tuser, it just gives you a checkbox for each runlevel for each service23:50
Rugepenguin42: let me try that now.23:50
mycomputerBilliard: where i want to put # weather every line23:51
n8tuserp-f-> im referring to the command line... if it has.. try  man sysv-rc-conf23:51
Snausagescaseyweederman: I don't know a whole lot about it, other than that mine just worked.  Out of curiosity, what sort is yours?23:51
leaf-sheepchrisr: My opinion? Yes. But we shouldn't take polls. ;)23:51
Billiardmycomputer: the lines that are for your dsl connection, probably 2 lines23:51
useronecaseyweederman: in 9.04 network manager is quite good a picking up usb modems23:51
p-fn8tuser, ah yeah, there's a purge option23:51
caseyweedermanNovatel Ovation MC950D. Rogers.23:52
caseyweedermanI'm using 9.10, and I'm stymied.23:52
mac9416Hello, what commands should I run to reinstall grub in 9.04?23:52
laura_can anybody help me? i just need to install tv-out, i know it works cos it boots on the tv. if i press FN+F5, the screen gets messed up and nothing happens23:52
laura_-install +activate23:52
n8tuserp-f-> try that.. but just for comparison, i cant remove mine with update-rc.d  command either23:52
markjonesis there an IRC channel for Netbook Remix users?23:53
p-fn8tuser, still no go23:53
paulc3how can i get vuze to work?23:53
mycomputerBilliard: if i change it is not showing the option save23:53
leaf-sheepmarkjones: Not really. There are #ubuntu-mobile -- but you are welcome to ask questions here. ;023:53
a35441i just installed ubuntu and i cant find my c: drive in it23:53
a35441someone plz help me23:53
Billiardmycomputer: use `gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces` to edit the file23:53
chrisrleaf-sheep: it only stores a max of 100 history items... i want thousands!23:53
leaf-sheepa35441: There are no C:\ in linux.23:53
caseyweedermanobvious troll is obvious23:53
WACOMaltit's in /hosts23:53
markjonesright.... I have installed ubuntu-netbook-remix via a terminal, but i can't switch to it, any ideas?23:53
WACOMaltif you did wubi23:54
dbpatankara35441 : you will never find23:54
icedwaterMaybe you want to mount your C:?23:54
eldann001nadie sabe sobre como resolver el problema de "segmentacion"???23:54
icedwaterIs it an ntfs partition?23:54
dbpatankara35441 : drives are not in linux23:54
Billiarda35441: it should be under the places menu23:54
Billiarda35441: not called C:23:54
Rugepenguin42: sigh, monitor out of frequency23:54
WACOMaltinstall ntfs fuse23:54
p-fn8tuser, looks like karmic messed up with runlevels23:54
icedwatera35441: Try that, or you may need to mount it manually on the command line.23:54
a35441brb i will restart now and look again23:54
penguin42Ruge: On both of them?23:54
Rugepenguin42: only this display configuration works23:54
caseyweedermanOk, another question, how do I restart a usb device?23:55
bencoderRuge: have you tried just manually setting the res in your xorg?23:55
leaf-sheepchrisr: You could submit that for a feature in parcellite -- Unlimited. Meanwhile, if it does not do what you like, try other clipboard manager. :o23:55
penguin42Ruge: My suspicion is that either the DVI->VGA adapter or the CRT monitor you have on that monitor is blocking the EDID signals that let the card figure out the res of the monitor; you'll have to tell it the sync range manually23:55
Billiardcaseyweederman: what do you mean restart a usb device23:55
soreau! audio WACOMalt23:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audio WACOMalt23:55
soreau! audio | WACOMalt23:55
ubottuWACOMalt: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:55
Rugebencoder: last nite the monitor displayed at 1280x960.... when i edit the xorg.conf myself and set that resolution, it fails.23:55
caseyweedermanLike instead of unplugging and replugging it physically.23:56
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Rugepenguin42: that could be it, ill just have to learn more about these things.23:56
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laura_can anybody help me? i just need to install tv-out, i know it works cos it boots on the tv. if i press FN+F5, the screen gets messed up and nothing happens23:56
innomenhow can i check to see if ubuntu recives information when i push the scan button on my scanner?23:56
penguin42Ruge: I have a similar problem in that my external monitor doesn't do EDID for no apparent reason23:56
caseyweedermaninnomen: if it's anything like mine, it won't. Run the scanner through sane.23:56
Snausagescaseyweederman: for what it's worth, I've never found a method faster/better than hotplugging the device.23:56
Rugepenguin42: oh right, still curious how I could get a display last night, but now I cant..23:57
innomencaseyweederman, well thats discouraging23:57
innomencaseyweederman, do you mean xsane?23:57
caseyweedermanI do mean xsane.23:57
penguin42Ruge: Ah not sure, since it's the nvidia it'll be a bit different from what I used to, since they don't do it the same way as the open source stuff23:57
chrisrleaf-sheep: I have just installed glipper, is there any way to know what the binary file is called? its not glipper or anything that beings with gl23:57
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Rugepenguin42: yeah regretting getting an nVidia card. Their drivers are known to be terrible.23:58
Snausagescaseyweederman: I mean unplugging/reconnecting the device23:58
leaf-sheepchrisr: I don't know. I'll install it right now.23:58
penguin42Ruge: If you want dual head it's nvidia or ati and they're both dodgy23:58
WACOMaltsoreau: alsamixer shows me a vga-ish sound graph23:58
ajahi have problem with vmware when go to it doesn`t ask me for pass to login and the page is blank any suggestions ?23:58
caseyweedermanAlas. The device has some arbitrary decision where the majority of the time I plug it in, it fails.23:58
bencodercould anybody on 9.10 32bit try running fpc for me? To see if it's my machine messed up or if it's broken.23:58
laura_i think i have intel graphics, but i dont how to determinate. please please help me, i know it MUST work cos it boots on my tv, but i dont get it to switch23:58
coz_WACOMalt,  so what exactly is not happening with your sound  and did you check  alsamixer in ther terminal to see if anything is muted or pcm slider is down ?23:58
Snausageslaura_: what do you mean by switch?23:59
caseyweedermanSo sometimes I need to replug it upwards of twenty times.23:59
laura_to switch tv out on23:59
penguin42laura: Do   lspci | grep -i vga in a terminal - that will tell you the type of graphics23:59
chrisrDoes ubuntu have a windows snapping feature like WINDOWS 7?23:59
caseyweedermanI'm worried I'm going to break it.23:59
penguin42chrisr: Can you explain what you mean by snapping?23:59
Rugepenguin42: Ive actually encountered this many times, I found that my resolutions pretty much set themselves how they felt like on Ubuntu 9.04 and LinuxMint 723:59
laura_00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)23:59
WACOMaltcoz_: my sound is not muted, and in the sound preferences, under hardware, nothing is listed. alsamixer in terminal shows my card and all the channels though23:59
laura_thats intel, as i thought23:59
Koltor_quick question, anyone have a clue why in Google Chrome, the text in dropdown menus is invisible?23:59
WACOMaltcoz_:db gain=-1223:59
laura_how do i activate the tv-out? it's vhs23:59

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