[19:13] hmmmm notify-osd does not take kindly to japanese characters eh.. [19:14] Final Zone [19:14] 羽丘淳 [19:14] the second line was missing. [19:14] hmm it seems fine when i send it through notify-send [19:14] how weird [19:15] aha. [19:15] $ notify-send "Now Playing" 'Final Zone [19:15] 羽丘淳' [19:15] that skips the last line. [19:16] adding one extra line break seems to work. [19:28] hyperair: works for me [19:29] adding the extra line break just adds an extra blank line, but it works fine without the extra. [20:41] atrus: okay, that's strange.. [20:41] what version of notify-osd? [20:43] 0.9.24-0ubuntu1 [20:44] hmm same here.. [20:44] locale encoding is? [20:44] utf8? [20:51] atrus@figment:~/vee10paper$ echo $LANG [20:51] en_CA.UTF-8 [20:51] hyperair: so, utf8, yeah. the japanese characters showed up fine [20:59] hmm weird =\ [20:59] it shows up if i add something after it.. [21:00] atrus: it's supposed to be two lines. did you put it on the second line? [21:14] put what on the second line? [21:15] $ notify-send "Now Playing" 'Final Zone [21:15] 羽丘淳' [21:15] ah [21:15] =\ [21:15] weird.. [21:16] that works correctly, outputs "No Playing", "Final Zone", and "羽丘淳" on seperate lines [21:19] * hyperair scratches head and wonders why it won't work here