
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
wadeHi guys...I'm suddenly having doubts about whether I use bzr correctly....If I want to operate in a distributed fashion, every time I or a team mate make a change to our feature branch, we should merge it into the mirror, then push the mirror, correct?00:38
wadewhat happens if I push, and then he pushes without first pulling?00:39
jamwade: it sort of depends how you define "mirror"00:43
jamif you are both collaborating on a single branch00:43
jamyou can both 'just push' to the mirror00:43
jamyou don't have to merge00:43
jamif he pushes without pulling00:43
jambzr will tell him that the branches have diverged00:43
jamand he needs to merge before he can push again, etc.00:43
jamyou could also use checkouts, which automate some of that book-keeping00:43
jamthough it means that "bzr commit" will block and tell you to update00:43
wadeOk...I was just getting worried that I might be blowing away his changes when I pushed00:44
jamwade: we're pretty good about not letting you "blow away" anything00:44
jamas long as you don't use --force or --overwrite style flags00:44
wadeOk, good to know - thanks00:45
syncrondianyone able to provide insight on why I get "bzr: ERROR: unknown command "push-and-update" "?00:48
jamsyncrondi: because there isn't such a command?00:48
jamAre you installing the "push-and-update" plugin?00:48
jamI'm pretty sure it just piggy backs on regular "bzr push" anymore00:49
syncrondiI've used it before on another machine.. it's a plugin?00:49
syncrondiI don't remember installing a plugin to get thte capability00:49
jamsyncrondi: "lp:bzr-push-and-update"00:50
syncrondiwhen I do just a push, I get bzr: ERROR: No push location known or specified.00:50
jamdefinitely a plugin00:50
jamsyncrondi: for "bzr push" if you haven't told it where to push before, how would it know?00:50
jam"bzr push $URL"00:50
jamand then future pushes will use $URL if not given00:50
syncrondiHmm, it looks like the plugin is only for linux, but I definately never used it on Linux before00:51
jamsyncrondi: not at all00:51
jamIt needs access to "ssh"00:51
jamthough it could be updated to not have that dependency00:51
syncrondioh, ok00:52
jam(and use the python 'paramiko' library)00:52
jamthere is an open bug on that00:52
syncrondiI've been putting off installing the paramiko library00:52
jamsyncrondi: well, on windows you either need paramiko or ssh anyway00:52
jamplink is possible, but really doesn't work well00:52
syncrondiI've been using plink for a while without hitch on another system, but a friend helped me set it up00:53
syncrondiNow with my other box, I've had some tough luck getting everything working00:53
syncrondibzr push seems to be working now that I've included the URL00:55
syncrondiBut what's the difference between that and push-and-update?00:55
jamsyncrondi: so the main issue is auth support for paramiko00:55
jamwhich is... poor00:55
jambut as long as you only use pageant, it should be ok00:55
jam'bzr push' will push the history changes to a remote location00:55
jambut won't update a remote working tree00:56
jam'push-and-update' goes out and after pushing the history, runs "bzr update" on the remote host00:56
syncrondiSo I can just run them separately00:56
jamsyncrondi: well, if you *need* to have a remote working tree, and update it, yse00:56
syncrondithanks jam00:56
jammany use cases don't require a remote working tree00:56
syncrondiWhat do you mean by 'don't require' ?00:57
jamsyncrondi: if you are sharing your code between developers00:57
jamyou don't need a working tree on the shared server00:57
jamjust the *history*00:58
syncrondiIt's a live site. :)00:58
jamthe cases for having a working tree tend to be stuff like "I want to maintain my http website on a remote server"00:58
jamnote that you *might* prefer the 'bzr-upload' plugin for tha00:58
syncrondiWhat are the advantages of the bzr-upload?00:58
jamsyncrondi: many people maintaining a live site *don't* want the history copied there00:59
jamin case there is a security breach in the http requests00:59
jamexposing the history of the site to 3rd parties00:59
syncrondiah, ok jam.00:59
jamalso, bzr-upload works over things like ftp00:59
syncrondiwhich is insecure, no?01:00
syncrondiI'd rather stick with the ssh.01:00
jamsyncrondi: many hosting sites only let you upload via ftp01:00
jamso not an option01:00
jamif you are in control over the server01:00
jam*I* would probably use a bzr lightweight checkout01:00
jamand "ssh host; cd website; bzr update"01:01
syncrondiI see01:01
syncrondiYou've been very helpful. Thanks jam. I'm not the only one running the show, so I've been just going with the flow so far.01:02
syncrondiHm. I'm seeing an actual update on the server side01:08
nyuis it possible to retrieve a snapshot of a shared-repo atomically?01:11
syncrondiI wouldn't be sure how to do that nyu01:11
syncrondiI'm not even sure how to install the push-and-update plugin, jam01:14
syncrondiI feel like a frickin' noob at this.. because I am01:14
jamnyu: not easily. If it is a requirement, I would suggest staging it to another location, and then using that.01:20
jam'bzr pull' etc know how to get a stable view of the data.01:20
jamWhich you could emulate, but requires copying things in a specific order01:20
jam(read all the branches first, then read file X, then Y, etc.)01:20
jamquite a bit easier to just do:01:21
nyujam: could I then pull all branches automatically?  I know multi-pull, but AFAICT it only pulls branches I already have locally01:21
syncrondiI branched the push_and_update plugin to my plugins folder, but I still get the error with unknown command.01:21
jamnyu: for b in `bzr branches`; ...01:21
jamsyncrondi: make sure 'bzr help plugins' mentions it01:21
nyu'bzr branches' looks useful01:22
jamand then it is probably just "bzr push" and it will check to see if the remote has a working tree, and if so spawn "ssh host bzr update"01:22
syncrondibzr plugins doesn't mention01:22
nyujam: I see, thanks01:22
jamsyncrondi: where did you actually put it, and what did you call it01:23
jamon linux01:23
jamcd ~/.bazaar/plugins01:23
jambzr branch lp:bzr-push-and-update push_and_update01:23
jamon Windows01:23
jamcd %APPDATA%/Bazaar/2.0/plugins01:23
syncrondiYeah, I just did a bzr branch https://launchpad.net/bzr-push-and-update push_and_update  on C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins01:23
syncrondiI should put it in appdata, jam?01:24
lifelessjam: working towards it01:25
jamlifeless: sure. I'm also still seeing skips as failures01:25
lifelessthe subunit protocol branch  is most of the way there, the details api seems nice, want to get a TestCase test-code support01:25
lifelessjam: land vila's branch01:25
lifelessif you like - bug, uhm,01:26
jamhttps://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/419776-subunit/+merge/14413 ?01:26
jamdoesn't seem the right one01:26
jambug #41977601:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419776 in bzr "selftest --subunit output incompatible with --parallel=fork" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41977601:26
jamI thought it was *your* branch that does it01:27
lifelessye sthat one01:27
jamor are you saying a branch of subunit?01:27
lifelessso my branch for bzr, which is landed, fixes things for the upstream API01:27
lifelessreleased subunit though has a bug itself, in that its serialiser doesn't have addExpectedFailure01:28
lifeless*and* the downgrade logic makes that a fail not a success01:28
lifelessvilas branch just changes bzr to use the same logic the next release of subunit will, to degrade in that case to success01:28
lifelessmy protocol branch of subunit has addExpectedFailure on the subunit serialiser01:29
lifelessI may backport that to subunit trunk when I get a minute01:29
jamlifeless: well, I'll submit vincent's patch, since I *did* approve it :)01:29
jamas did you it seems01:29
lifelesshttp://feeds.laughingsquid.com/~r/laughingsquid/~3/iTCZZ6YbvfE/ <- wow01:30
lifelessjam: shame to hear about the flight snafu01:31
jamlifeless: for those who don't get enough rock band/ etc01:31
jamlifeless: thanks for your sympathy01:31
jamI suppose it means I got some quality hacking done with a real power supply :001:32
lifeless3 minutes and I run out of free wifi apparently <>01:37
lifelessyou'd think, with a plane ticket they could throw in 5$ of bandwidth01:37
jamlifeless: :)01:39
jamyou'd think the same thing about a $200/night hotel01:39
jamlifeless: what is the subunit command that you can then pass to "bzr selftest --load-list" ?01:39
jamah, perhaps subunit-ls01:40
PengStupid question: How do you make --no-strict the default when pushing? An alias?03:37
syncrondiAnother stupid question: How can I unlock a file that bzr locked, preventing me from doing a commit?03:38
syncrondiApparently, I'm HM03:38
Peng"unlock"? In what way?03:41
syncrondi::    Unable to obtain lock file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Setting....03:42
PengOh god, Windows. :P03:42
PengPastebin the full error. If you're sure bzr isn't running, "bzr break-lock" will probably fix it, depending on the problem.03:43
syncrondiheld by syncrondi@host on host host[process #1712] locked 21 minutes, 27 seconds ago Will continue to try until 21:42:20, unless you press Ctrl-C If you're sure that it's not being mdified, use bzr break-lock03:43
syncrondibut the break-lock doesn't work03:44
syncrondiit complains that it isn't a branch03:44
syncrondiI don't need all that jibberish after the command03:45
syncrondiit was saying I needed to have some arguments, but it worked without arguments03:45
PengYeah, "bzr break-lock" defaults to the current directory if you don't specify a path/URL. That trips people up a lot.03:46
syncrondiThanks Peng!03:47
* jml considers dinner plans08:33
fullermdjml: I suggest eating.08:41
gouri've read that bzr's interoperability with hg is not as good as with git & svn repos...what can be done atm?10:44
gouri need to keep hg repo of the project in sync, but have lot of problems using forest extension with my flakey internet (mobile 3g) connection and wonder if i could convert repo to bzr locally and somehow pull and commit from bzr?10:46
LarstiQgour: it needs more work :)10:48
gourLarstiQ: anything works now?10:48
LarstiQgour: yeah, jelmer has been improving it lately I gather10:48
gourLarstiQ: is it in 2.1 trunk?10:48
LarstiQgour: I'd assume it's in lp:bzr-hg10:49
gourhere i've 2.0.010:49
gourahh, let check it at lp10:49
gourhg's subrepos is not quite ready, hg does not have, afaik, working fast-export/import...:-/10:50
gourhmm, web says: "10:51
gourA plugin for bzr which provides support for Mercurial file formats. It currently allows pulling from (and eventually pushing to) hg repositories."10:51
LarstiQthe description might be old, I'd look at the recent revisions / NEWS10:51
gourok, let me pull it10:53
gouri've installed plugin, created new bzr repo and tried to pull from it, but get: bzr: ERROR: No module named hg.ui10:59
gouri cannot see anything similar in bugs11:04
gourjelmer: shall i open a ticket for the above problem?11:06
LarstiQgour: have you got all dependencies installed?11:06
gourLarstiQ: hmm, i just pulled the plugin11:06
LarstiQgour: not sure if hg.ui is part of standard mercurial, or maybe version differences11:06
gourLarstiQ: hg works here11:07
LarstiQgour: can you `python -c 'import hg.ui'`?11:07
gourLarstiQ: ImportError: No module named hg.ui11:08
gouri'm still not sure about hg.ui extension/module11:09
gourLarstiQ: i.e.i believe it's due to [ui] section in my ~/.hgrc11:11
LarstiQgour: maybe, what does google say? And what happens if comment the ui section out11:11
gourLarstiQ: commenting ui section does not help11:13
gourotoh, "from mercurial import hg, ui" works11:16
* gour submitted bug-report11:32
gourhmm, 'make check' for bzr-hg fails as well11:38
gourhmm, this line is the problem: from bzrlib.plugins.hg.ui import ui11:45
gourbze cannot find the plugin which is installed in ~/.bazaar/plugins11:48
gourbut i wonder how is it that 'bzr plugins' lists the plugin?11:49
elrobotohello, i want to create a bzr store, but without publishers, i want the contributors commits to be publish automatically11:50
elrobotohow to do that?11:50
gourLarstiQ: the problem was that i did not run: python setup.py build_ext -i in plugin dir11:59
LarstiQgour: aha12:03
bialixhi garyvdm12:18
nyuis fast-export atomic?13:05
bialixin which sense?13:10
nyuhi bialix13:10
bialixhi nyu13:10
nyui.e. if I fast-export from a remote repo while someone is pushing13:10
nyuI assume fast-export will always obtain a consistent snapshot?13:10
nyuhi phcoder13:11
bialixIIUC it should keep read lock and will use only latest branch tip as of operation start13:11
nyujam said yesterday "'bzr pull' etc know how to get a stable view of the data." but didn't mention fast-export13:11
bialixbut there is possible quirks with repo re-packing13:11
bialixnyu: without looking at the fast-export internals I'd say most likely it uses the same code as pull to get revisions from repo13:12
nyuI don't understand read lock.  do you mean write lock?13:12
bialixbut I can't be 100% sure13:12
bialixbzr has both read and write lock on internal structures13:12
phcoderhello all. I fast-imported my old repo but some branches are missing because they were merged in other branches. Can I somehow create a branch from commit-id?13:12
nyuto get stable reads either you use atomic test-and-set operations or you lock writes, right?  I don't understand what locking reads means13:13
bialixif somebody pushes then dest repo will be write locked, therefore attempt to read lock it will fail13:13
nyuah, ok13:13
bialixwrite lock excludes readers13:13
bialixphcoder: just branch from desired revision13:14
nyushit, I think I was lectured on this less than 6 months ago.  I forgot everything13:14
nyuthanks bialix, I remember now :-)13:14
phcoderphcoder@debian:~/grub2/bzr-new$ bzr branch -r phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s mips-all mips13:15
phcoderbzr: ERROR: No namespace registered for string: u'phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s'13:15
bialixbzr branch -r revid:phcoder@gmail.com-20091106215044-ehljkps46fa20o1s mips-all mips13:17
bialixphcoder: ^13:17
bialix`bzr help revisionspec` may help13:18
mathepicIs there any file in the .bzr directory that gives you just the current revision? (Trying to use current revision as a dependency in the Makefile, since one of my scripts depends on the revision)13:35
LarstiQmathepic: Use `bzr revno` or `bzr version-info`13:37
mathepicYeah, but I need to know when `bzr revno` in the makefile changes.13:38
mathepicoh, hmm13:38
LarstiQis that an "oh, hmm, I figured it out"? :)13:39
mathepicNo, its "hmm, I think I see your point"13:39
mathepicWould make be able to find the change in the shell output from the call `bzr revno`13:40
LarstiQyou could cache it for one, and use a .PHONY target13:40
LarstiQmathepic: but maybe it's good to take a step back and look at what task you're trying to accomplish with this mechanism?13:41
mathepicGeneration of a header file for use in the main program13:41
mathepicIt uses bzr version-info to get it, but then the output of course would change when the revision changes, so it needs to be run again13:42
* LarstiQ waits for mathepic to come back13:43
phcoderbialix: thanks. I'll look into it after restoring our experimental branch13:51
bialixmathepic: is it your question on stackoverflow about Makefile and revnos?13:52
bialixphcoder: looking into it? into what?13:53
phcoderphcoder: into restoring my branches which were merged13:53
bialixLarstiQ: hi, when and if mathepic will come back say him he had answers on his SO question13:56
LarstiQbialix: I will remember to tell him that13:57
bialixhere is http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1694264/how-to-make-dependency-in-makefile-so-that-target-is-built-when-bazaar-revision-c13:59
cody-somervillehow can I see which revision two branches diverged at?14:57
LarstiQcody-somerville: I'd use `bzr missing`15:00
GaryvdMbialix: Hi - I think my network connection sorted now15:15
bialixHi GaryvdM !15:15
GaryvdMbialix Any other regressions other than Bug 478239?15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 478239 in qbzr "treewidget missed checkboxes for dialogs that require them" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47823915:16
GaryvdMbialix: Otherwise I would like to release 0.16 now.15:20
GaryvdMOh - Just noticed Bug 4782715:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47827 in vmware-player "vmware-player lintian warnings" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4782715:20
GaryvdMI mean Bug 47827715:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 478277 in qbzr "Test test_model_working_tree failed: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47827715:20
bialixGaryvdM: I'll update by qbzr copy right now, have no more bugs off hands15:22
bialixGaryvdM: what about https://bugs.launchpad.net/qbzr/+bug/47528615:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475286 in qbzr "Tools/Plugins not working - bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IndexError: tuple index out of range" [High,Confirmed]15:27
GaryvdMbialix: I don't think it is a regression, but it should be easy to fix.15:28
bialixit seems it's already fixed15:29
bialixlemme check15:29
bialixno, it's not15:30
bialixI'll fix it, wait 15 mins15:30
GaryvdMCool - 478277 is going to take me a while, because I'm having a failer in that test, due to a pyqt 4.6.0 bug, so I'm going to have to upgrade to 4.6.115:32
bialixGaryvdM:  bug 475286 is not regression per se, but traceback in qbzr is bad15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475286 in qbzr "Tools/Plugins not working - bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IndexError: tuple index out of range" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47528615:33
bialixGaryvdM: done, pushed15:35
bialixcody-somerville: qlog is your friend ;-)15:38
nyuhow can I incorporate a file from one unrelated (no common ancestor) branch to another without losing history?16:05
elrobotohello, i want to create a bzr store, but without publishers, i want the contributors commits to be publish automatically, how to do that?16:06
GaryvdMnyu: Dose the other branch have file other than the one you want to import?16:09
GaryvdMelroboto: I'm not sure I understand you correctly, but if you create a public place that people can push to, other people will be able to pull stright away?16:10
GaryvdMelroboto: I'm not sure what you mean by "without publishers"16:11
bialixnyu: fast-filter the file first, then merge filtered branch16:12
bialixbut you will lose liason to original history16:14
nyubialix: uhm this discards original history?16:14
nyuGaryvdM: they're totally unrelated branches, with different files16:14
bialixfiltered history will have new revision-ids and file-ids16:14
nyuGaryvdM: i.e. one project borrowing files from another16:15
nyubialix: oh, that's ok16:15
nyubialix: but it'll have whole history of the imported file?16:15
bialixmost likely16:15
nyuok thanks16:16
bialixfast-filter can't support moves of files between directories16:16
bialixotherwise it's ok16:16
bialixtry it16:16
bialixyou now almost expert in it ;-)16:17
gmbI might be having a case of the stupid, but I'm having trouble installing bzr 2.0 from the PPA on Hardy16:18
gmbbecause of the following error: "bzr: Depends: python-central (>= 0.6.7) but 0.6.5ubuntu1 is installed."16:19
gmbDoes anyone have any advice for eliminating my stupid?16:19
GaryvdMgmb: Acording to https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-central/ , hardy-updates has python-central 0.6.716:24
gmbGaryvdM: Aaargh. I have the dumb. Not only is the hardy-updates line commented out in sources.list, it actually points to feisty, not hardy. God knows what I was tripping on when I upgraded.16:25
gmbThanks for that!16:25
gmbYep, that fixed that and a number of other things. Awesome.16:27
gmbGaryvdM: Thanks again :)16:27
GaryvdMgmb: It's a pleasure.16:27
AlcmeneHi there!16:34
AlcmeneAnyone available for a bit of help?16:34
AlcmeneWell, let's try anyway  :s16:35
AlcmeneAbstract: checkout permanently out of date16:35
Alcmenesymptoms: last part of http://osdir.com/ml/bazaar/2009-08/msg00479.html16:36
Alcmenein short:16:36
Alcmeneinside a working repo, a checkout from another on an ftp16:36
Alcmenebzr up > "tree is up to date"16:36
Alcmenebzr ci --local …16:37
Alcmenebzr ci --local …16:37
Alcmenebzr ci > "bound branch is out of date with master branch"16:37
Alcmeneof course, this is not true16:38
Alcmenedone this twice already, no changes16:38
Alcmeneany ideas?16:38
LarstiQbut it is16:39
LarstiQAlcmene: `bzr up` after the --local should pivot them away, but you might prefer pushing those revisions to master first16:39
AlcmeneI don't get it  :s16:42
AlcmeneI don't mean to update my working tree16:42
Alcmenebut the distant repo only16:42
Alcmeneplus, if I _do_ update, it of course reverts to the version on the server, which is the one before all my local commits16:43
LarstiQAlcmene: then just `bzr push`16:44
LarstiQ(to the master)16:44
Alcmeneyes, ok, but why does it tell me this??16:45
LarstiQAlcmene: you're trying to commit, but your local branch is not at the same revision as the master16:45
LarstiQhence, it tells you to sort that first16:45
Alcmenemmh… I get it, but it still sounds like a very strange way of telling it IMO16:47
Alcmeneand I'm almost sure I already did this without a problem16:48
LarstiQAlcmene: the message itself tells you to run `bzr update` and then commit, did you try that?16:49
bialixGaryvdM: ping16:49
Alcmenebut updating _reverts_ : it updates to the tip of the distatnt repo, which is the same as reverting to the last no-local commit16:50
LarstiQAlcmene: no16:50
LarstiQAlcmene: it pivots your local commits as pending merges16:51
Alcmenewell, how come a bzr stat after the update didn't show me _anything_ then?16:51
* LarstiQ tried it locally and it works exactly as advertised16:51
LarstiQAlcmene: that I don't know, but if you can give instructions on how to reproduce that I'd like to try16:52
* Alcmene backs up his local tree before trying it, and will tell the result in 2 minutes16:52
Alcmeneluckily most of the commits were merges, 'cause I would have lost a lot16:53
LarstiQall your local commits are still in your local repository16:54
LarstiQnot too hard to retrieve with `bzr heads`16:54
Alcmene:| wtf16:55
Alcmenewell, ok, I know I'll sound like an asshole right now16:55
Alcmenebzr up did do the trick16:55
LarstiQwhy would that make you sound like an asshole?16:55
AlcmeneI swear it did the opposite yesterday16:55
Alcmenebecause I have wasted your time for no reason!16:56
LarstiQhah :)16:56
LarstiQsuch is triaging16:56
* LarstiQ doesn't mind16:56
Alcmenewell, I must have made a mistake yesterday evening, was in a rush16:58
Alcmenesorry again, thanks a lot LartstiQ16:58
LarstiQAlcmene: np :)16:59
bialixGaryvdM: I've made one more last-minute-fixes commit. Now I think road for 0.16 is free17:01
GaryvdMbialix: pong17:15
GaryvdMwas waiting for pyqt 4.6.1 to finish building17:15
bialixGaryvdM: I've made couple of minor fixes for new cmd logging feature17:15
bialixGaryvdM: I understand17:16
bialixbzr qlog17:16
GaryvdMbialix: I got my tests passing now. But I don't see Bug 47827717:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 478277 in qbzr "Test test_model_working_tree failed: list index out of range" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47827717:31
GaryvdMbailix: fix is simple, but will you please test it before I push to trunk.17:31
bialixwhere is your fix/patch/branch?17:32
hsnafter updating to 1.18 push is pretty fast17:32
GaryvdMbialix: lp:~garyvdm/qbzr/Bug47827717:33
* bialix branching17:34
bialixhsn: you may want to thanks lifeless and spiv I guess17:34
bialixGaryvdM: tests passed; please land it17:36
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lifelessabentley: awake?20:49
abentleylifeless: yep.  Good morning!20:49
lifelessI'm on a demo plan from a nearby wifi hotspot - do you know details about how we;re meant to get wifi?20:53
lifelessand / or breakfast?20:53
lifelessI checked in late last night - semi automated, so have no clue :(20:53
abentleylifeless: No wifi here.  DSL in every room.  We're on our own for breakfast.20:54
abentleylifeless: I can drop in on you in, say 10 minutes if you like.20:54
abentleylifeless: Or you can call me in room 5020:55
wade2Hi guys...is there any way I can troubleshoot what appears to be a SSH hang with bzr?  (using a sftp URL)...I got one the other day, and now my programming colleague is getting one when trying to do a merge - he issues the merge command, it asks for the password and then it just hangs21:30
LarstiQwade2: ~/.bzr.log, possibly with some debugging flags (bzr help debug-flags)21:32
wade2Ok, thanks21:33
=== mtrudel_ is now known as cyphermox
RenatoSilvadoes anyone has had problems using bzr in ubuntu with ntfs partitions21:54
mneptokNTFS is usually mounted read-only. have you mounted the partition is question rw?21:54
RenatoSilvayes rw21:57
RenatoSilvathe problem is that bzr detect permission changes21:57
RenatoSilvabecxause of this I don't want to use it, I'm afraid of confusion21:59
RenatoSilvaI mean, I would like to use bzr in ubuntu, but can't becasue of this problem22:00
GaryvdMRenatoSilva: I tried that the other day. It kept on telling me the x bit had change.22:00
GaryvdMRenatoSilva: I ended up just branching on to a ext4 drive22:01
RenatoSilvaGaryvdM: I think that's it, don't want to test it now :)22:01
GaryvdMRenatoSilva: Pulling and Pushing should work fine. It's just working with a Working Tree that is problematic.22:02
RenatoSilvaGaryvdM: I don't understand22:02
RenatoSilvaGaryvdM: nothing has changed, so it should not tell the contrary22:02
RenatoSilvaGaryvdM: I don't understand why does it consider permission changes. Do bzr store them in the metadata, the permissions?22:03
GaryvdMRenatoSilva: x (execution) does not get stored by ntfs, so the linux ntfs driver just says every thing is executable.22:04
GaryvdMRenatoSilva: bzr stores this because it is important for unix dev22:04
* RenatoSilva is going to windows to work in bzr, brb22:04
GaryvdMMoring jam22:19
jammorning GaryvdM22:19
jamjust got into Sydney22:19
jamstill about 4-5 hours out from making it to the sprint22:20
jamhow's things with you GaryvdM?22:20
GaryvdMAbout to announce qbzr 0.1622:21
GaryvdMHi vila22:21
vilahey :)22:21
GaryvdMvila, jam: how is the jet lag?22:21
jamhi vila22:21
jamI'm usually pretty good about jet lag22:22
vilahey jam !! Where are you ?22:22
jambut tomorrow is going to be the real test22:22
jamvila: I made it to Sydney, waiting 2hrs for my flight to BNE22:22
jamthen another hr flight, and an hr bus ride22:22
jamplus I think another 1hr wait for the bus?22:22
vilaI so totally suck at jetlag :-) For the last three nights: I slept 0/4/4 hours :-/22:22
jamGiven that I left my house, Friday @ 3pm, I've still got a ways to go22:23
vilajam: I can't tell for the bus wait, but the trip itself is around 2hm door-to-door22:23
jamvila: it is monday, right?22:23
vilajam: yeah, that sucks, I saw your mails, but rejoice, things could be worde :-)22:24
vilajam: yes it is22:24
GaryvdMjam: wow - That a long time22:24
jamGaryvdM: mechanical problems in Chicago caused the plane to be delayed, so I missed the flight to sydney22:24
jamand there is only 1 per day22:24
jamI'm currently at 48 hours of absolute travel time, and have ~6 more to go22:24
GaryvdMjam: It just turned Monday for me.22:25
jama day in SF isn't terrible22:25
jambut I didn't really *want* to be there22:25
vilaby that I mean I've been delayed myself 4 hours in London for th london->singapore flight with a 2hours wait in singapore meaning I'll miss the singapore -> brisbane flight22:25
GaryvdMjam: If I want to build the windows installer without vs 2008, is it easy to disable the tbzr part?22:25
vilafortunately the plane wait for us in singapore so I made it in time in brisbane just to learn that my luggage has been lost :-)22:26
GaryvdMvila: Oh no22:26
GaryvdMvila: that really sucks22:27
jamvila: yeah, I was trying to think whether I would get luggage in Sydney if I made the flight22:27
jamhowever, I have an email in my inbox22:28
jamdated about 1hr after takeoff22:28
jamsaying that I had been rebooked22:28
jamso they pretty much determined "you aren't making it, we're rebooking you" before the plane was anywhere close to landing22:28
jameven though we made it with about 10min to space22:28
jamif they would have been able to actually park at the terminal22:28
jam(though 10min before departure, not 10min before boarding.)22:28
jamvila: anyway, /wave to everyone there for me. Discuss lots, I'll have you fill me in over dinner or something :)22:29
vilahehe, yes :) They say they should deliver it in the following 24h, still a couple ones to wait and then... off to the shops for brand new clothes :)22:29
vilaI've yet to find the others, in fact I came here to see if they wawere connected already ")22:30
GaryvdMvila: lifeless and abentley were around just now.22:31
vilaGaryvdM: thnks, but they don't seem to be anymore :) Well, time for some real life investigations then :)22:33
GaryvdMvila: abentley wrote: Or you can call me in room 5022:33
jamvila: yeah, my other problem is that Syd => BNE was a different air carrier22:34
jamso if my bags got lost, they would be lost in Syd, far away from Mooloolaba22:34
jamI'm sorry to hear your bags failed you this time22:34
jambut hey, its sunny there, right? So you don't really need much clothing :)22:34
vilayeah, pretty much, only the swinsuit was in the bag :)22:35
* vila afk, even phone reaches nobody, I really need to move that a.. of mine :)22:36
offby1Ignorant, non-manual-reading noob here ... So I just did a "bzr checkout --lightweight", edited a file, and typed "bzr commit", and was surprised to see "bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http:// ... ): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()22:44
offby1I instead expected bzr to just commit my file.22:45
offby1So: does --lightweight mean something like "act like Subversion"?22:45
idnarI think that's roughly accurate22:45
idnara lightweight checkout depends on the remote branch for all operations22:45
idnaralthough bzr commit would still have failed on a regular checkout, I think22:46
offby1oh really?22:46
idnarbut bzr commit --local would have succeeded22:46
bob2normally checkouts are actually branches, so you can commit to them without access to the remote (but the change will be autopushed).  with --lightweight, it's not.22:46
offby1Maybe I'm misunderstanding "commit" then.22:46
offby1let's try that22:46
bob2--local would have worked if it was non-lightweight22:46
idnarbzr checkout (no --lightweight) gives you a "bound branch"; committing to a bound branch is basically like committing and then pushing22:47
offby1so by default bzr discourages decentralized operations?  (That's not a flame, even if it kinda sounds like one)22:47
idnarbzr branch will give you an "unbound barnch"; I suspect that's what you're looking for?22:47
bob2offby1: not really22:47
idnarer, "unbound branch"22:47
offby1I have trouble keeping all these DVCs straight :)22:47
offby1"Bound Branch" sounds suspiciously like the name of a town in New Jersey22:47
idnaryou can use "bzr reconfigure" to switch between the different types22:48
offby1(well, Bound Brook)22:48
offby1idnar: oho!22:48
idnarfor example, in this case, it sounds like you'd want to do bzr reconfigure --tree22:48
idnarwhich gives you an unbound branch with a working tree22:48
offby1idnar: would I want "--standalone" also?22:48
idnarthat probably wouldn't do anything, unless you already set up a shared repository22:49
offby1huh.  OK, trying --tree now.22:50
offby1(Probably time for me to re-read the docs; I suspect bzr has changed significantly since I last read 'em)22:50
* offby1 suspects --tree is working: "iftop" shows lots of data being downloaded22:50
jamGaryvdM, vila: on the plus side, 48 hours has given me time to get down to 7 test suite failures on win3222:54
jamand  I haven't run the full suite in a bit22:54
jamsince it takes... 2hrs to run22:54
GaryvdMjam: Nice22:55
GaryvdMI noticed the flood of merge requests...22:55
GaryvdMjam: I'm not sure if you saw my eairler question about the windows installer?22:56
jamGaryvdM: 'earlier' ? I don't remember one22:56
GaryvdMjam: If I want to build the windows installer without vs 2008, is it easy to disable the tbzr part?22:57
jamGaryvdM: bialix has done so22:57
jamI have not tried22:57
GaryvdMjam: how dissimilar is it to how you do it?22:57
jamGaryvdM: do you mean completely (like with mingw) or just using 2008 Express Edition?22:57
jamnaoki also has a version of tbzr that doesn't need Standard edition, but is missing a couple small features22:58
GaryvdMjam: I don't mind installing vs 2008 express22:58
jamGaryvdM: so I would trust 2008 EE slightly more than mingw, as I do all of my bzr development with it22:58
jam(mingw for python2.5, though)22:58
jamI don't know what bialix did22:59
jamyou might try grabbing lp:bzr-windows-installers22:59
GaryvdMjam: I would like to help with that for releases, but I want to familiarise my self with the process first.22:59
jamand see if you can get around the TBZR configuration steps in22:59
GaryvdMjam: will do22:59
jamGaryvdM: so at the moment, I connect to our shared Windows host, and run "make PYTHON=/cygdrive/c/Python25/python"22:59
jamI'm considering getting rid of make completely thouh23:00
jamas it is the only step that needs it23:00
jamand all it does is run some bootstrapping commands23:00
jamOur build routines have a lot of unnecessary dependencies, etc.23:00
jamlike 'cogapp'23:00
jamGaryvdM: you may also want to check out: lp:///~jameinel/bzr/windows-setup23:00
jamwhich has a new doc file23:01
jamwhere I'm outlining what it takes for me to set up the EC2 instance23:01
jamthere are some fiddly bits23:01
GaryvdMok - cool23:01
jamlike hacking distutils for python2.423:01
jambut it outlines dependencies, etc.23:01
jamand 'setuptools' does help for a lot of things23:01
jamnote that we don't build on EC2 yet, though,  so the doc is probably incomplete23:02
jamI feel like we're pretty close23:02
jamonly really missing VS 2008 Standard23:02
jamGaryvdM: at that point, building could be "start an instance of this EC2 snapshot, connect, run build, copy the installers"23:02
=== tommieb is now known as t0mm13b
jamdecisions decisions23:05
jamI'm hungry23:05
jambut so is my laptop23:05
GaryvdMjam: I would choose food!23:08
visik7http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/ generate a broken feed23:09
visik7the Item inside the feed haven't a link23:09
visik7<link href=""/>23:09
visik7the atom feed23:09
visik7also the rss 2 and 123:11
jamGaryvdM: well, I guess I'll see you in a few hours then. I'm off to forage23:11
GaryvdMvisik7: The main html page is also missing like to the posts. :-(23:11
jamGaryvdM: you can get there from the User link23:11
jambut yeah, the links are wrong for wordpress feeds23:11
GaryvdMjam: I'll be in bed then - so good night.23:11
visik7wordpress ?23:11
vilajam: the meeting room # is 63, just in case. See you later23:12
jamthanks vila23:12
GaryvdMAnother bug with our planet (or the bzr dev blog) is that it cuts the posts from the bzr dev blog short.23:13
GaryvdMWoot qbzr 0.16 finally out!23:34
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann

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