
amichairapachelogger: ping00:05
amichairI think I've made progress with Bug #102792, but being a probabilistic bug, I need a little sanity check - would someone like to run a little test? just a couple lines of modified code...00:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 102792 in software-properties "MASTER [apport] software-properties-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QTreeWidgetItem::setData()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10279200:35
claydohJontheEchidna ScottK, or anyone else: yes/no/maybe on kde4.3.3 in jaunty? inquiring forum members want to know :)01:19
JontheEchidnaProbably, no. Which is not to say that we would stop anybody from doing it if they wanted to (and/or need guidance)01:21
claydohJontheEchidna: muchas gracias01:25
claydohwas that a hint? :)01:27
* claydoh should try more packging, but simply packaging kmymoney was a major brain drain for me01:30
JontheEchidnawell, not for you, but for forum goers.01:30
claydohtimelord is spurning some good converstaions there01:31
JontheEchidnaamichair: I can test01:31
neverendingoclaydoh: you are the forum maintainer?01:33
Lex79JontheEchidna: help :P Should "docs" go to usr/share/doc/kde/HTML or to kde4/HTML ? in our base-workspace package they go to kde, but in Debian they go to kde4/HTML01:43
=== Snova_ is now known as Snova
Lex79ok thanks, base-workspace is not funny to merge :(01:44
JontheEchidnaheh, yeah. that's a beast01:44
macojjesse: psst if you use kmail, it can remind you that you forgot your attachment03:06
jjessemaco: d'oh03:16
jjessehaha sorry bout that03:16
macojjesse: so ... about that attachment? resend03:33
jjesseoh sorry will do, heading to bed will resend03:40
macohehe ok good night03:58
=== hunger is now known as Guest99349
amichairJontheEchidna: ok, let me know when you're here09:24
markeyShowCock is so freaking buggy, can we please get an update?09:33
markeyit screws up all the time09:33
markeythe version 0.6.609:33
markey(ShowCock = Choqok, obviously)09:33
markeyanyone got a PPA for 1.0?09:33
=== nihui_ is now known as nihui
glatzor__hello Riddell10:02
glatzor__Riddell, when will PolicyKit-1 support land in KDE?10:02
tsimpsonmarkey: the PPA for Alpha 2 is on their download page10:15
ghostcubeehlo humans :)10:18
=== nihui_ is now known as nihui
ghostcubepeoples can i kick the printer applet ?10:25
ghostcubeit drives me nuts10:26
jussio1ghostcube: patches welcome! :D10:27
ghostcubejussio1: hehe i know but i cant code so well to patch it i think so10:28
ghostcubebtw thx for the ppa with libxine + jack support :)10:30
Riddellghostcube: what's wrong with it?10:32
ghostcubeeh ?10:32
Riddellglatzor__: I don't know, I'll ask10:32
ghostcubeRiddell: thwe printer applet ?10:32
ghostcubeit just keeps crashing all the time on startup and on shutdown10:32
ghostcubeno clean shutdown possible always error messages from crash handler10:33
Riddellmm, that's not good10:35
ghostcubei know ;)10:35
Riddellghostcube: do you get a backtrace?  is it a python issue or a segfault issue?10:35
ghostcubebut i need to install the debug packages to get an working bt10:35
ghostcubeyou typed faster10:35
Riddellso you don't get a python backtrace?10:36
ghostcubewill do this evening if i got the time too10:36
ghostcubeRiddell: no it says bt not useful10:36
ghostcubeso i think i need the dbg packages10:36
Riddellhum, so it's some issue in the bindins10:37
ghostcubeseems so yes10:37
ghostcubemaybe anything broke through th jaunty to karmic update ?10:37
Riddellit should be fine so long as all the packages are up to date10:38
ghostcubesure all updated10:39
ghostcubeand all repos opened again to get all in10:40
ghostcubei will check whats the problem10:40
apacheloggeramichair: pong10:55
amichairapachelogger: mornin :-)10:55
amichairamichair: did u get a chance to look at the rest of the fixes?10:55
amichairapachelogger: : did u get a chance to look at the rest of the fixes?10:56
apacheloggerunless there are new ones the other stuff should be goods10:57
apacheloggeramichair: did you resolve the issues I highlighted?10:58
amichairapachelogger: I copied the ppa code exactly from gtk in DialogAdd10:59
amichairapachelogger: I didn't convert to KDialog, coz all the other dialogs need conversion too, so that would best be done together in a separate fix rather than create inconsistency11:00
amichairapachelogger: (and is unrelated to to DialogAdd functionality itself)11:01
apacheloggerwell, I could cherry pick revisions :P11:02
apacheloggeranyhow, if you think it is ready Ill take another look when I get to it11:02
amichairapachelogger: and of course, just skip the revision with the mime types :-)11:02
amichairapachelogger: I think that was it, just skip the mime types rev and include the last one with the ppa fix. and some didn't have changelog (should add according to cherrypick I guess)11:06
amichairapachelogger: also I think I've made progress with Bug #102792, but it's a sneaky one so if u have time to discuss it let me know11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 102792 in software-properties "MASTER [apport] software-properties-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QTreeWidgetItem::setData()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10279211:07
amichairthat is, I have a fix, but i can't point at the actual bug in QT yet, only it's neighborhood11:16
Riddellglatzor__: 33% done but a must have for fedora's next release so we should be able to assume it'll be done https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE_PolicyKitOneQt11:56
Riddellhttp://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/polkit-qt-1/ and http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/PolicyKit-kde/ is the code11:56
Riddellpolicy kit always seems to hideously complex11:57
Riddellryanakca: looking at cmake now11:59
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks11:59
Riddellryanakca: do you know what libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev is needed for?12:02
Riddelloh it's just our version of libxmlrpc-c3-dev12:03
apacheloggeramichair: just drop a mail to the list12:03
Riddellryanakca: looks like libxmlrpc-c3-dev is in main now so we can just follow debian and build-dep on that12:04
Riddellryanakca: I think cmake-gui dummy package isn't needed since debian uses Provides: cmake-gui on cmake-qt-gui12:05
Riddellryanakca: also "keep maintainer mangling" doesn't need to be specified in the changelog, we know it has to be done for every package12:06
Riddellryanakca: uploading!12:10
ryanakcaRiddell: great, thanks12:25
Riddell"john do u how to get thur level 133 onksokoban microban easy"  this guy is persistent12:51
Tm_TRiddell: that's what?12:54
amichairRiddell: sounds like a bomb trigger code or something :-)12:55
RiddellTm_T: someone who keeps e-mailing me12:58
sebasyour ksobokan buddy!13:23
JontheEchidnaamichair: hi13:27
amichairJontheEchidna: hola!13:27
amichairJontheEchidna: this very second I posted my findings the bug report, care to take a look?13:28
amichairbug #10279213:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 102792 in software-properties "MASTER [apport] software-properties-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QTreeWidgetItem::setData()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10279213:28
amichairit seems to have a whole lot of duplicates and subscribers... why are many of the duplicate reports private? wish I could see if they have some useful info13:30
JontheEchidnaBugs reported semi-automatically via apport are set to private as a "safer rather than sorry" method to prevent sensitive data from showing up in the stacktrace13:32
amichairJontheEchidna: as in security holes?13:32
JontheEchidnaIt rarely happens though, so that's just triagers not bothering to unprivate them13:32
JontheEchidnaamichair: The core dump may contain private info such as passwords the user was using at the time, etc13:32
JontheEchidnasince it could be part of the stack at the time of the crash13:32
amichairJontheEchidna: oh right. ok then, I approve :-)13:33
JontheEchidnaapport bugs usually never have good info, I've found. People who know how to do good bug reports usually do not use apport because they hate it :P13:34
JontheEchidnaanyways, on to testing that fix...13:35
amichairJontheEchidna: I wonder if someone checked the statistics, how many apport reports have been closed and how quick relative to thers13:35
amichairstatistics rock!13:35
JontheEchidnaSo replace the clear() in show_isv_sources with your snippet?13:38
JontheEchidnathat... works!13:39
amichairyep, the 1 line with the 2 lines13:39
amichairso u've managed to recreate it, I assume?13:39
amichairJontheEchidna: do it a bunch of time - I'm aiming for statistical significance :-)13:40
JontheEchidnaoh, I've been able to recreate this for a long while. Any time I check a checkbox, usually13:40
JontheEchidnaIt has not crashed 4/4 times whereas it used to crash 1/1 times13:41
Tm_TRiddell: sounds fun13:41
amichairJontheEchidna: I think a sample space of 1000 experiments should suffice. keep going!13:42
amichairI'm gonna do some dishes, clean out some real bugs :-)13:45
rgreeningsebas: ping13:54
sebasrgreening: pong13:57
rgreeninghey sebas13:57
sebashey roddie :)13:57
rgreeningakonadi with google contacts.. any hints? The sync seems to lose info in either direction via kmail to google or google to kmail. I onle get 1 tel #, my name and 1 email...13:58
rgreeningsebas: ^13:58
sebasrgreening: don't know, you can ask on #akonadi13:59
sebasmany of my nice colleagues there to help :)13:59
rgreeningsebas: cool. figured you might have an idea :)13:59
rgreeningsebas: hows everything else?13:59
sebaspretty good14:00
sebason networkmanager again14:00
sebasand even then it's still pretty good14:00
rgreeningits working pretty solid for me14:00
sebaswe've picked up on the plasmoid again14:00
sebashopefully part of 4.414:00
amichairJontheEchidna: well?14:02
JontheEchidnaamichair: I've tried about 15 times with success each, followed by now 6 times without the patch for a crash14:02
amichairJontheEchidna: that's a good start14:03
amichairJontheEchidna: btw do u have any particular job here? what stuff do u work on?14:03
JontheEchidnaoh, I do several things here and there... bug triage, packaging, coding14:04
ghostcube_ok you guys wanna lough14:05
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
ghostcubesecond comment14:06
ghostcubei never read anything more unneeded14:06
ghostcubechanging end of files tu .ubu14:08
ghostcubei think some guys didnt get the intention of the deb packages14:08
amichairJontheEchidna: do u have any idea what all the cdrom_sources code is about? is there a separate cdrom tree I'm missing?14:12
JontheEchidnacdroms show up in the same view as the other sources. I don't know if it's a separate tree14:12
amichairJontheEchidna: so what about the crashbug? any more tests we need? someone else to look into it? should I prepare the fix?14:16
* Riddell moves 4.3.3 into kubuntu-ppa updates, where it should have gone in the first place14:16
JontheEchidnaamichair: I'd say you could go and commit a fix in your branch. It looks fixed to me (tm)14:17
amichairJontheEchidna: oki14:17
amichairman, so much dup code here14:19
JontheEchidnaI must say that a lot of our tools are not as well-maintained as they could be14:20
apacheloggerghostcube: that was a quick laugh alright :D14:21
ghostcubeapachelogger: yeah short joke14:21
ghostcubebut it was funny14:21
Riddellalso moving qt 4.6 beta into experimental PPA14:21
apacheloggerwindows 7 shouldnt use exe, some of them exe files that worked perfectly fine on my windows 95, dont do anymoar!14:21
apacheloggerjust noticed that the other day14:22
ghostcubeapachelogger: rofl14:22
apacheloggersad really :(14:22
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maintained?14:22
NCommanderScottK, Riddell, ping. I think my patches to python-qt3 finally will get KDE moving to testing for easy merging/syncing14:22
NCommander^- apachelogger14:22
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ok, not really maintained at all14:22
apacheloggerthat also triggered a quick laugh14:22
Riddellneversfelde: what's the status of koffice2? if it's in experimental that means there's more to do?14:22
* apachelogger got too much coffee again14:22
jjessetheres such a thing as too much coffee?14:22
apacheloggerNCommander: neato14:22
* ghostcube too 5 cans till now14:22
NCommanderjjesse, unfortunately14:23
ghostcubeyeah i have .05 liters can for coffee14:23
amichairghostcube: u get coffee in cans?14:23
apacheloggerall futuristic14:23
RiddellNCommander: what's the problem currently?14:23
ghostcubesenseo 5  pads14:23
* apachelogger notes that his flatmate is addicited to coffee in cans14:24
ghostcubedas is ne thermoskanne14:24
apacheloggeronly the canned ones though14:24
* ScottK gets coffee in cans, but it needs to be brewed before he can drink it.14:24
NCommanderRiddell, sip4/python-qt4 upgrades broke python-qt314:24
NCommanderI unofficially adopted that package, and hit it with the cluebat, which should allow sip4 to migrate, and thus unblock part of python-qt414:25
NCommander(I'm not sure if python-qt4 will move quite yet, some of its rdepends might hold it in place)14:25
* apachelogger hands out cookies14:25
NCommanderOnce this current mess is sorted, I'm adding a dh_sip/dh_python-qt4, etc to make sure we properly track ABI breaks in Debian to help sort this14:26
apacheloggerNightrose: I need a free cookies sign!14:26
apacheloggerScottK: of course :)14:26
ghostcubethc inated wouldnt be so helpful ScottK :D14:26
ghostcubeboah iam typing to much not needed things today and getting nothing done here at office14:27
amichairapachelogger: here's one for u: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BovQyphS8kA14:27
apacheloggerwhile we are at not doing things14:27
apacheloggermy super important todo currently holds 12 items of which 4 are due tomorrow14:27
apacheloggeryet I am not motivated at all14:27
apacheloggerthat could turn out bad14:27
* ghostcube isnt motivated at all doing balance sheet here for 2008 14:28
apacheloggerC is for getting started with C++ :P14:28
ghostcubeif you tell this an c coder he kills you14:28
apacheloggerghostcube: that is so yesterday anyway14:28
apacheloggeroh, actually more like last year's14:29
apacheloggersrsly, I am attending a C course for no other reason than beig able to attend a C++ course next semester :P14:29
ScottKHave to walk before you can run.14:30
ghostcubeisnt it so you can learn c++ without c i always thought this14:30
apacheloggeramichair: cookie pwns doughnut :D14:31
ghostcubeits harder but shouldnt be more complicated14:31
* ghostcube thinks about going to subways chicken fajity is calling14:31
apacheloggerwell, there are other reasons than c++ being based on c :P14:32
* Sput thinks people are better off learning C++ without prior knowledge of C14:33
Sputbecause otherwise, first thing you have to do is unlearning Cisms anyway14:33
ghostcubeSput: i thought the same14:33
Sputthat, or you end up like the average MS programmer.14:33
Sput(and API designer)14:33
apacheloggerpoor api designers :(14:34
ghostcubec++ declares and iterates all stuff different or14:34
* txwikinger thinks people are better learning any proper language without prior knowledge of any form of BASIC in particular VBA14:34
apacheloggerVBA pwns all them over fancy languages14:34
apacheloggerother even14:34
apacheloggerthere ... too much coffeee14:34
ghostcubei need another one oo14:34
txwikingerkoffein addict!14:34
ghostcubei need coffein to get thc out of the way14:35
* amichair wants to see Scala gain pace... finally a new language done right!14:35
* apachelogger grabs pen and starts drawing uml diagrams on the windows due to lack of whiteboard14:36
ghostcubemaybe we should all bring to one speach  c-buntu14:36
apacheloggeramichair: how often people have been told that14:38
apacheloggerall false prophets, err prophetic languages14:38
ghostcubeisnt c or c++ still one of the fastest languages to code in14:38
ghostcubecause its no interpreter14:38
apacheloggermy mother would be faster at reading C and executing it than any given interpreter language could do the job :P14:39
amichairghostcube: not really, the big ones have jit compilers which are about the same (sometimes better, sometimes worse) than compiled C/C++14:39
ghostcubehmm ok14:39
ghostcubei only know that python had reverted to c++ cause the python modules inside itself was to slow14:40
ghostcubehas been *14:40
ScottKghostcube: I think Python is C, not C++14:40
ghostcubeups sorry14:40
amichairghostcube: Jython runs on the JVM, so it probably inherits a bunch of the quickiness14:41
ScottKAnd that's a standard Python development paradigm.  Develop in Python and then optimize bottlenecks into C.14:41
ghostcubeScottK: ah ok havent known this14:41
apacheloggerwhich then reads: develop in c14:41
* ScottK thought Java and slow were synonyms.14:41
MelisUI like the Vala approach, I such a language for Qt would be cool. Without a lot of Cpp boilerplate and cruft.14:41
apacheloggerScottK: haha, dont get me started on java :D14:41
amichairScottK: that's true, circa 1995 :-)14:41
ghostcubei have tried to not use java14:42
ScottKapachelogger: Premature optimization is the root of all evil.14:42
ghostcubeso i used python cause i didnt wanted to start the troll14:42
ScottKamichair: For me it seems true each time I use a Java app.14:42
apacheloggerno optimization is the root of apachelogger starting a discussion about how inefficient software uses the darn resources these days14:42
ScottKapachelogger: Agreed.14:42
ghostcubeok maybe we all should now take us an g5 macosx 10.6 and try java apps14:42
ghostcubethen we will know why java and slow are calle the same14:43
apacheloggerah bad example14:43
apacheloggereveryone knows that java only works on windows14:43
ghostcubethe one i hate most at the moment is .net14:44
apacheloggeror asp.net?14:44
apacheloggeror whatever they call them14:44
ghostcubei think so my programm here for tax is made in .net 3.514:44
apacheloggerhm, right14:45
ghostcubei asked if they port it to mono14:45
ghostcubeand they told me nah no way14:45
apacheloggerScottK: I must ask you to revoke the statement about premature optimization14:45
apacheloggervb.net is the root of all evil14:45
ghostcubefucll ack14:45
apacheloggerway too easy to create crappy code14:45
apacheloggerkinda like python14:45
apacheloggerjust worse14:45
ghostcubevery fast in coding inconsitent apps14:46
ghostcubei asked ADDISON if they dont do QA cause in kubuntu the QA is much better and no need to pay for14:46
ghostcubea day later the main programmer called me if i want to do beta testing14:46
apacheloggerpoor programmer probably has to spend all his day hunting down issues14:47
apacheloggerlike I have to do with python :P14:47
ScottKActually despite the slowness, I like the cross-platformness of Java.  I can participate in stuff using http://www.webex.com/ even though I'm pretty sure they don't know how to spell Linux.14:47
apacheloggerI am seeing similarities here14:47
ghostcubeyeah but they had an nice c++ app aöll wortking fine till office 2007 cames out14:47
ScottKghostcube: What's Addison?14:47
ghostcubeScottK: ehm software for Taxation belance sheets and so on14:48
ghostcubetex cunsultant things14:48
ScottKAh.  I see14:48
apacheloggerScottK: the cross platformness ends when you starts using non-standard stuff or stuff that is only part of suns java14:48
ScottKapachelogger: Certainly.  All I know is it worked.14:48
ghostcubeScottK: http://www.addison.de/14:49
txwikingerI sometimes don't get it.. they start gnome because they have issues with the qt licences.. and then they do mono14:49
ghostcubedamn only german14:49
ScottKI recall reading that Google typically advertises for both Java and Python experience when they hire Java coders because their experience is people that know Python are better programmers.14:49
amichairif I hadn't done most of my coding in java, I'd never be able to migrate to kubuntu... I'd be locked in to MSVC or .NET14:49
* txwikinger can read German ;)14:49
ghostcubetxwikinger: ;)14:50
apacheloggerScottK: the supervisor of my "project efficiency" project used to use a java based tool for recording his lectures ... 5 linux users failed to make it work on any recent distro14:50
ghostcubei think most of you know DATEV maybe14:50
apacheloggerdepends on like 5 external modules14:50
ghostcubeADDISON is the better opposite14:50
apacheloggeramongst them is JMF14:50
ScottKapachelogger: I believe you.14:50
apacheloggeran JMF is an abomination of live14:50
txwikingerDATEV is in banking api?14:51
amichairapachelogger: bad code can be written in any language. hell, there's a whole lot of code out there that doesn't work on *any* platform :-)14:51
ghostcubetxwikinger: yeah14:51
* apachelogger needs to stop writing typos and get some work down14:51
* txwikinger once develop something for DATEV14:51
ghostcubecould be yes :) the still do c c++ java and mysql as database14:51
apacheloggeramichair: the code is actually quite good, the famework sucks in that particular example14:51
ghostcubetxwikinger: addison uses kerberos and .net14:52
ghostcubeits good but so little not needed bugs driving you crazy cause of the .net shi14:52
ghostcubeworkflow is not good14:52
RiddellI wonder if qt3 can go into universe in lucid http://paste.ubuntu.com/314143/14:56
Riddellscribus, qcad and koffice seem to be necessary rdepends and they could be dropped or upgraded to qt 414:57
Riddellwhich would leave lsb-desktop14:57
JontheEchidnaI wonder if the scribus team thinks the version in scribus-ng is suitable for mainstream use yet14:57
JontheEchidnaaccording to their website, yes!14:59
RiddellI wonder why qcad is in main at all15:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: in bug 479142 the user obviously upgraded his lust Oo15:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479142 in kdebase-workspace "I've messed up all my kde-system after my lust upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47914215:01
JontheEchidnaSo then if we convince Debian to upgrade scribus 5o 1.3.5 and move koffice -> kde4 we'd be all set15:01
RiddellJontheEchidna: except that qt 3 is still part of lsb and I presume ubuntu wants lsb in main15:02
JontheEchidnaoh, hmm15:02
apacheloggerSCRIBUS CAN NOT GO QT 415:02
apacheloggerupstream will beat us up, and do awful things15:02
Sputah, you mean like javaaargh15:03
apacheloggeralso, scribus-ng is not anywhere as stable as stable, which is really why it is not stable yet15:03
apacheloggerso stop even thinking about that15:03
JontheEchidna1.3.5.1 is now advertised as their stable release on their website15:03
Sputand I wasn't srolled down :(15:03
JontheEchidnaoh, nevermind15:03
apacheloggerSput: so it seems :P15:03
JontheEchidnashoot me15:03
JontheEchidnaanyways, no need to keep it in main, right?15:03
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what makes you think that?15:04
JontheEchidnaoh, edubuntu needs it15:04
micmordJontheEchidna: lust==last  He speak english like me :-)15:04
JontheEchidnaoh, makes sense15:05
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: we could pull a mandravia and remove qt3 entirely :P [/sarcasm]15:06
JontheEchidnayou know if we even discussed doing that we'd be branded the worst of linux distros for forever15:06
apacheloggerwe could do a lotta things :P15:06
Riddelllsb seems to be dead, it's been in beta since 2006 as far as I can tell15:07
apacheloggersounds like poke the upstream15:10
apacheloggerlike poke the mole :D15:10
SputGentoo is just in the process of pruning KDE3 and Qt3 from the official repository :) we'll keep it in a user-maintained "PPA" until users lose interest15:12
Sputworst thing are open security bugs in 3.5.10 that nobody seems to be interested in fixing anymore...15:12
* ScottK thinks ours are fixed.15:13
Sputyeah, we don't have the manpower :/15:13
Sputif upstream isn't interested anymore, we're getting rid of the software15:13
Sputmasked two days ago, imagine what s***storm that caused :)15:14
ScottKOur manpower for that was Riddell.15:14
Sputwell, he seems to have a clone army15:14
* Sput fondly remembers the time when Gentoo deprecated xmms15:16
Sputusers can be so conservative :)15:16
amichairwhat's the nicest py way of replacing a list's contents with another list's contents?15:17
Riddelllists = newcontents15:19
ScottKamichair: What's wrong with listfoo = listbar?15:19
amichairthat replaces the list, not it's contents15:19
ScottKOK, what's the difference?15:19
amichairi.e. a list passed to a method, I want to fill it up. in the former, the local reference is replaced, and the caller doesn't see it. in the latter, the original instance is updated. I think...15:20
amichairdoes that make sense?15:23
amichairthere is a difference between overwriting the reference and overwriting the value15:25
amichairScottK: my q is how to do it py?15:36
amichairin py15:37
ScottKI'm not sure there's a difference in this case, but there may be.  I'd need to look some stuff up.15:37
ScottKDid you already try assignment and it didn't work?15:37
apacheloggeramichair: you mean like updating the content?15:38
amichairapachelogger: yep15:38
apacheloggere.g. pointer fun15:38
apacheloggeramichair: you don't want to do that in python ... creates overhead (at least codewise) http://python.org/doc/2.5.2/lib/ctypes-pointers.html15:38
amichairapachelogger: nono, don't want anything like that15:39
amichairI think the answer is simpler than it sounds, I just don't know it15:40
amichairif a method gets a list, it can append to it15:40
\shamichair, because it makes a copy of the list15:40
amichairhow, equivalently, can it erase its contents and put in something else, which happens to be all the elements of a different list?15:40
apacheloggeryeah, the difference between call by value and call by reference15:40
apacheloggerI dont think latter is considered good pratcise in python15:41
apacheloggermight be wrong though15:41
amichairapachelogger: so python discourages utility methods, or any methods, that modify lists?? that doesn't sound reasonable15:41
amichairmaybe just a simple combination of clear() and appendAll() (which don't exist)?15:42
ScottKamichair: Have a look at help(list) in a Python shell15:42
\shamichair, http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/2002-November/018828.html15:42
\shamichair, last part is about lists15:43
amichair\sh: thanks, but I still can't find how to empty a list or replace its contents, other than a loop which pops elements one by one and then adds new ones one by one... ugly and inefficient.15:45
amichairanyway, I'll keep looking...15:45
\shif you want the content of list A in list B, just B=A .. if you need only a couple of values from list A replace with values of list B, loop A and replace B[index A] or whatevetr15:45
\shor of you want the content of list A appended to list B you need to loop as well and B.append(A[index])15:46
amichair\sh: that was the original suggestion, but it appears that B=A assigns the reference, not the value15:46
amichairwhich means someone else holding the same original reference will not see the change15:47
\shamichair, oh well...C talking: char *a = "hello"; char *b; b=a ; printf("%c",b[1]); should be "e"...hopefully I'm correct15:48
amichair\sh: that looks correct, but the problem is how to pass 'a' to a method, and have the method change "hello" to "yello", and have the pointer outside the method see the change (in python)15:50
\shamichair, the last part of that mail I posted explains what happens.15:51
\shamichair, lists are mutable object, and can be changed inside a method, and the change is visible to the everybody else15:51
amichair\sh: it's close, but shows only access to individual elements. so it can be done, but with ugly and inefficient loops :-(15:52
amichairI'd expect clearing a list instance to be really basic, as it is in other languages15:53
amichairbut apparently python is wierd :-)15:53
\shamichair, http://paste.ubuntu.com/314179/ <- this is what the mail said15:53
amichair\sh: I don't see this in the link above. but still it modifies only one element15:56
\shempting a list is just as simple: del listA[:] <- which deletes the elements from 0 to end15:56
amichair\sh: ah! that's getting closer15:56
amichairhow strange that it's not a list method!15:57
amichairso I can do that, and then maybe append an entire other list, or use slicing (if i understood correctly)15:57
amichair\sh: that's a tad ugly, but should work well. thanks!15:58
\shamichair, well...check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/314180/ <-15:59
\shthen you can see the diff between call by ref and call by value ;) x=5 \n y=6 \n listB=[x,y]  \n del x \n listB still has [5,6] , but a(listB) where a deletes element 1 from list (del listA[1]) gives print listB ==> [5] only one element left16:01
amichairyep, del should do the job (clear the value on the original reference)16:02
\shamichair, yes16:05
amichair\sh: thanks16:05
\shamichair, you need to see the differences between "immutable" and "mutable" python types16:06
\shamichair, and you need to be careful: del listB e.g removes the complete object from the python view ;) listB doesn't exists anymore, therefore you can't access the values anymore, but somehow they are still in your memory, and will be GBed in time ;) the fun part starts if you push objects into the list ;)16:07
apacheloggerdel is fun indeed :)16:08
amichair\sh: sure, I intended to use del listA[:], which does what we think it does :-)16:08
* apachelogger was puzzled by how python does not want to do what apachelogger told it to :P16:08
amichair4 days with python, and I can tell that's it's general attitude :-)16:09
* apachelogger never liked snakes anyway16:12
amichairapachelogger: what do u like? other than coffee?16:12
\shamichair, http://paste.ubuntu.com/314190/ <- this is really fun ;)16:12
apacheloggerI dont like that16:13
amichairheh, funny how that came out... from a java dev16:13
apacheloggerfatnugly beast16:13
* ghostcube loves snakes16:13
amichair(I was actually referring to coffee :-) )16:13
apacheloggeroh dear amichair got \sh started on a pycoderun16:13
apacheloggeroh my16:14
* apachelogger hides before he gets eaten by one of them python monsters16:14
* amichair stares at the ceiling as he slowly backs away towards the door, ready for a sprint16:15
apacheloggerpython vs gator16:21
amichairholy crap16:23
amichairone last bugfix, and I ain't touching python no more16:23
neversfeldeRiddell: no, it is in staging and upgrades from the official koffice and koffice-kde4 are working fine for me and others. Unfortunately I cannot test upgrades from beta2 because the packages got somehow deleted.16:23
Riddellneversfelde: so I should test it and move it to beta backports if it works and remove the copy from experimental16:24
neversfeldeRiddell: yes, do you have beta2 installed?16:25
apacheloggeramichair: if you are lucky enough if it will explode :D16:25
amichairapachelogger: I think that's what caused that crash bug16:27
amichairapachelogger: it must have tried to eat too many sources.lists16:27
apacheloggerhah, greedy thing16:28
Riddellneversfelde: no, we'll just have to hope16:28
* apachelogger recommends watching "Python swallows Deer" on youtube for more information about advanced python programming :P16:28
apacheloggerRiddell: hope?16:28
* apachelogger does not consider hope good enough16:29
Riddellapachelogger: know anyone with koffice beta 2 installed?16:29
apachelogger2.1 beta2?16:29
apacheloggerI suppose that can be installed?16:30
Riddellhow?  the packages have vanished16:30
ScottKDo PPA packages live on in the librarian like archive ones do?16:31
apacheloggeryes they do16:31
apacheloggerand how did they vanish anyway?16:31
Riddelldunno, it's a mystery16:31
JontheEchidnaI think I have beta2 installed16:32
JontheEchidna  Installed: 1:2.0.82-0ubuntu1~ppa316:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: groovy, please upgrade to koffice from experimental16:32
apacheloggerDeleted on 2009-10-29 by Alessandro Ghersi16:32
JontheEchidnasure thing16:33
* apachelogger pokes Lex79 in the eye :P16:33
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: can you test the upgrade to rc1, I expect some problems there16:33
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: better from staging16:33
Riddellright, staging16:33
Riddellapachelogger: don't be mean to Lex79!16:33
apacheloggerhe was mean to koffice :P16:33
apacheloggercookies for everyone!16:34
* JontheEchidna adds staging to his now-uncrashy software-properties-kde16:34
amichairJontheEchidna, apachelogger: speaking of which, I just pushed the fix. have fun!16:35
* apachelogger is going out for socializing16:35
apacheloggerfacebook doesnt cut it16:35
amichairJontheEchidna: what does staging mean?16:36
JontheEchidnathis PPA right here: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/staging/16:37
amichairwell, that was a tough buffer. maybe I'll find me a cosmetic bug to fix now :-)16:38
amichairsay, is there gonna be a bugfix marathon or something? tidy things up before the LTS?16:39
Riddellthe whole cycle should be more focused on bug fixing16:40
neversfeldeis someone already working on koffice for lucid?16:41
JontheEchidnaI've not touched koffice16:42
Riddellneversfelde: what needs doing that isn't already in that karmic rc package?  merging with debian?16:42
neversfeldeRiddell: aren't we replacing koffice 1.6 with it?16:43
Riddellneversfelde: yes, so -kde4 endings should go16:45
neversfeldeRiddell: and add transitional packages for -kde4?16:45
Riddellcan do16:45
JontheEchidnagoing for upgrading krita next16:46
JontheEchidnakrita went ok here, but I'd still take one more look at the debdiff since I already had --force-overwritten the koffice-data-kde4 package16:49
neversfeldeI made some mistakes when updating the isntall files for beta1, thats the reason why I merged from debian. I have to leave for a few hours, but can fix this later, if nobody else can do it now.16:50
amichairhow dows QA working in kubuntu? the wiki page seems to be a placeholder (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/QA)17:38
Riddell"hopefully people test stuff and complain loud enough that we hear when it breaks"17:43
ScottKThat and Riddell and davmor2 test a bazillion ISOs each.17:45
ScottKI tried to do some of the netbook ones in the last cycle, but it's mostly them.17:46
amichairsame for the self-developed components?17:48
Riddellamichair: yes17:51
=== dendro-a` is now known as dendro-afk
ghostcubehi thats the crash file i can save before logoff . i just see the crash report at logout http://pastie.org/69049317:59
ghostcubei think its not so helpful17:59
ghostcubeoh for printer applet this is18:01
Riddellit looks a bit like the crash caused by sip 4.918:02
dpmRiddell, could you make sure https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-lucid-translations gets scheduled when you've got time? I'm about to request the old community session to be unscheduled and I want to make sure we do have a session :)18:02
Riddellghostcube: apt-cache policy python-sip418:02
Riddelldpm: yes I'll do the scheduling tomorrow morning, I believe I have elite scheduling powers18:03
dpmRiddell, ok, thanks :)18:03
RiddellJontheEchidna, apachelogger: do you guys want to be around during that?  if so do you have a preferred time?18:03
ghostcubeRiddell: youst a moment doing apt-get update18:04
ghostcubebtw is it "safe" to use 4.6 from ppa `18:04
ghostcubeits in dist-upgrade18:04
ghostcubeRiddell: 4.9.1-snapshot-20091015-0ubuntu118:05
ScottKghostcube: It's the experimental PPA.  Of course not.18:05
Riddellnothing in experimental is safe18:05
ghostcubeheh thats why i did it in ""18:05
ghostcubewhats expected to be broken after :D18:05
RiddellI expect it works yes18:05
ghostcubeis this sip4 to old ?18:06
ghostcubeah btw i found out why firefox 3.5.6 isnt using any apturl links in firefox  like getdeb or so18:08
Riddellghostcube: that's the right version of sip418:08
ghostcubeRiddell: hmm ok any other things i should try18:09
ghostcubethis startet after jaunty >> karmic18:09
ghostcubenah my webcam bug is back18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 466935 in linux "No Video Output in Karmic with ID 046d:09a1 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate MP/S5500" [Undecided,Fix released]18:20
ghostcubeanyone may have the same strange behaviours18:20
ghostcubeit stoped at update it startet again working with kernel update yesterday18:21
ghostcubeand stopped again 10 minutes ago after reboot18:21
JontheEchidnaRiddell: on the 10th, the earliest I could do is 1400 UTC18:38
=== maco_ is now known as maco
amichairQuintasan|Szel: sure, now what?19:49
Quintasan|Szelamichair: works for you?19:49
Quintasan|Szelsrsly, I always has no major problems but tons of minor ones, in mine case, plasma crashes19:50
amichairu mean on the background?19:50
amichairright-click, add widget? works19:50
amichairQuintasan|Szel: tell me what to do, I'll try19:51
Quintasan|Szelamichair: this will change your activities settings (if any)19:51
amichairthat's the advantage of using a vm :-)19:51
amichair(I don't care :-) )19:52
Quintasan|Szelamichair: zoom out -> configure Plasma -> check both options -> zoom in, add Show Dashboard widget19:52
Quintasan|Szelamichair: click it, the try adding microblogging to dashboard19:53
amichairQuintasan|Szel: hmmm... when I click the 'show widget dashboard' icon, nothing happens19:54
Quintasan|Szeldid you check Use separate dashboard in Plasma options?19:55
amichairyep, both checkboxes19:56
amichairdoes it matter if it's a livecd?19:56
Quintasan|Szeldunno, at least it crashes in mine case19:57
amichairbtw, I do highly recommend using a vm (I use virtualbox) for recreating issues and checking - u get to check different versions and configurations, can't mess up anything, and fully reproducible19:58
amichairu can always go back to a known state (snapshot)19:58
Quintasan|SzelI know that however my machine has no support for virtualisation and everything is slooow as slowpoke19:59
Quintasan|SzelI will have a new machine with i5 tomorrow or on thursday20:00
amichairI used to use virtualbox on a p4, and it was pretty decent20:00
amichairQuintasan|Szel: cool!20:00
Quintasan|Szelwell, I'm happy, using same ol' Athlon 64 is PITA20:01
amichairhmm the zoom in icons on one of the desktops are missing, and are shown only when the mouse moves over them, looks like a painting bug20:01
Quintasan|Szelwhole ZUI is slow for me, guess thats my komputer for you :P20:02
Quintasan|Szeleven Komputer20:02
amichairand it's always zooming into the same one, can't get back to the original (doesn't matter on which zoom button I click)20:03
amichairmessed up20:03
amichairoh well20:05
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neversfeldeRiddell: koffice fixed, I move it to the backports beta ppa, ok?20:35
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
Riddellneversfelde: yes please21:25
neversfeldeRiddell: already done21:25
amikapachelogger: found a gpg file example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/133937/comments/9. if he made the mistake, anyone can :-)21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133937 in software-properties "software-properties-kde crashed with error " 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 27-28"" [Medium,Confirmed]21:26
=== amik is now known as amichair
amichairapachelogger: or better yet, http://ppa.launchpad.net/apachelogger/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg. so *.gpg should definitely be included...22:21
=== vorian changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: we are hot | No Todo link! Take a load off! (if you want to take a load off, do not continue reading) | 9.10 Released, Woo! \o/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/LucidKDEMerges | Timelord is GO! Rewrite https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu to reflect this
ghostcubequestion who codet apturl22:35
ScottKvorian: Please don't mark yourself essential for a spec when you aren't going to be at UDS (unless something changed, in which case, cool).  It makes it impossible to schedule.22:41
ghostcubecan anyone explain how apturl need to be feeded with links22:42
ghostcubewe trying to get this into midori22:42
vorianScottK: whoopsie22:42
Tscheesyghostcube: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/apturl and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptURL22:53

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