
v1ttu_a gui for the firewall perhaps?00:00
nomopofomobe right  back00:01
nomopofomorebooting router00:01
rfoneyas will I00:01
nomopofomomiss anything?00:02
v1ttu_you rebooted the router in under 15 seconds?00:02
nomopofomonot bad right?00:06
v1ttu_i guess not00:15
GS-27USB-50Please, help this newbie! Have a look at http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m55d1305900:17
bugmantry to login to 9.10, then it goes back to login screen00:30
bugmankdm broken?00:30
v1ttu_edgers PPA added?00:31
v1ttu_do you have an ati or intel graphics card/chip?00:33
gizCheck the log files /var/log/Xorg.0.log /varlog/messages00:33
giz~/.xsession-errors and the output of dmesg for any clues00:33
gizalso try the failsafe option to log in00:34
bugmantried that, not a very good selection to fix broken xorg00:34
v1ttu_do you have ati or intel?00:35
bugmanI don't know, on the mobo, dmesg should tell me00:35
gizcheck your Xauthority00:37
=== the is now known as Guest51907
bugmanVIA, Xauthority is a zero file, running box on KVM00:43
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__
=== ubuntu__ is now known as ubuntu_122_
BookmanHow do I turn on Compiz effects?00:45
=== Guest51907 is now known as pure
bugmanI tried deleting .kde directory, restart box, same problem00:46
bugmanI don't have any problems w/9.04 on another partition00:48
K350from where do I change the taskbar position in kubuntu 9.10 ?00:48
russlar:(){ :|:& };:00:49
bugmanso.. no idea's how to fix the login problem?00:49
v1ttu_:(){ :|:& };:?00:49
russlar^ don't do that00:50
macooy! you two!00:52
macotype a fork bomb in here again, and you'll be kicked00:53
macov1ttu_: that command will crash a system00:54
Ev0luti0n_fork bomb?00:54
Ev0luti0n_had no clue00:54
FloodBotK3Ev0luti0n_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:54
=== ubuntu_122_ is now known as quique_
v1ttu_i don't use food utensils to touch explosive devices00:55
bugmanwell, 9.10 is no good to me, can't login, how is this better??? Don't trust the bastards to overrrwrite a working system!!!!00:57
v1ttu_the bastards?00:57
macobugman: language...00:58
* maco skanks to the song "dont let the ______ grind you down" now playing her head00:58
bugmanyour'e right, frame of mind00:58
bugmanNEVER, NEVER choose upgrade - * WARNING*00:59
macoit works for most people00:59
macoif you hit a bug, please file it00:59
v1ttu_no it doesn't00:59
russlarfor the love of fsm, backups!!!00:59
Ev0luti0n_bugman: 9.10 rocks all the way01:00
bugmanbackups? naw, I just install to a spare partition, I didn't loose anything01:00
Ev0luti0n_i haven't had a single problem with the upgrade01:00
Ev0luti0n_i even donated!01:00
trampelbugman: 9.10 rocks some of the way for some of us01:00
Ev0luti0n_i might consider that also01:00
macov1ttu_: what?01:01
macooh wait01:01
macoi get it01:01
Ev0luti0n_can't keep on waisting my loads01:01
v1ttu_a little slow01:01
macooh gosh01:01
macogross dudes01:01
v1ttu_6 chamber?01:01
rfoneyis tor a good network?\01:01
v1ttu_unless you like going back to dial up speed01:01
Ev0luti0n_yeah... sometimes it's gross yeah.. another times more thin01:01
v1ttu_are we talking about your penis?01:02
bugmanWhen is 9.10 going to be fixed?01:02
macobugman: cant be fixed til you file a bug...01:02
Ev0luti0n_how can this not be apropriate?01:02
v1ttu_what graphics do you have?01:02
Ev0luti0n_we are just talking about sperm01:02
macoEv0luti0n_: which is totally inappropriate and unrelated to tech support01:03
bugmanI filed a bug on LDAP & autofs, neverr got fixed01:03
Ev0luti0n_kay kay01:03
Ev0luti0n_i'll stfu then01:03
v1ttu_unless he works in a sperm bank with computer problems?01:03
bugmanstill broke on 9.0401:03
Ev0luti0n_hell... i just wanted to donate my load... jeesh01:03
Ev0luti0n_guess i can't01:04
Ev0luti0n_as i was saying01:04
bugmanv1ttu: VIA01:04
Ev0luti0n_9.10 brought no problems to me01:04
* russlar is laughing01:04
v1ttu_isn't VIA covered by S3?01:04
macov1ttu_: in which case what the place does is STILL unrelated to computer issues01:04
bugmanwhat does that have to do with kdm?01:05
v1ttu_unles they have spilt semen samples into the pc and they need help repairing?01:05
russlarv1ttu_: submit that exchange to bash01:05
Ev0luti0n_we can be featured on bash01:05
Ev0luti0n_that would be awesome! more linux publicity!01:05
BookmanHow do I turn on Compiz effects?01:06
naliothEv0luti0n_: have you seen our channel policies?01:06
macoBookman: do you have compiz installed?01:06
Ev0luti0n_Bookman: try talking dirty to the computer01:06
Bookmanmaco, it is not installed by default in Kubuntu?01:06
Ev0luti0n_that way you might TURN ON01:06
Ev0luti0n_the effects01:06
macoBookman: no. kubuntu uses kwin by default, which has many similar effects01:06
v1ttu_it may be an issue with the graphics driver01:07
naliothv1ttu_: perhaps you might have a look at our channel policies, too01:07
naliothubottu: tell v1ttu_ about guidelines01:07
ubottuv1ttu_, please see my private message01:07
Bookmanmaco, and where are those settings then.  I'd like to learn about those.01:07
v1ttu_i have had a similar issue using the opso radeon driver with kubuntu01:07
blu4lyfI need some help with my kubuntu install.  I upgraded today and once the upgrade completed and it rebooted, I have since lost my desktop.  I log in, I see a brief flash of a desktop, then it is gone and replaced with a black screen.  I then see an error message that indicates hplip failed because it couldn't find a system tray.  is there a file or something that can edit or remove say in .kde/share/config that might fix this?01:07
bugmanok, where do I look? system up and running01:07
v1ttu_your system is past kdm?01:08
macoBookman: go into the kickoff menu, go to systemsettings, and in "desktop"01:08
trxzwhere i can get fonts ?01:08
v1ttu_nalioth please stop spamming me01:08
Bookmanmaco, ah, got you!  Let me explore what is there now.01:09
naliothw/ 801:09
Bookmanmaco, thanks.01:09
rfoneydid you ever hear form the smiths?01:12
Bookmanmaco, wow, nice effects!01:14
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
trxzthere is any themes to PIdgin ?01:16
gazravnc doesn't work on KDE 4.3.2?????01:16
gazraI have tired everything, it just doesn't work!!01:16
gazraIt works on Xubuntu, but not in Kubuntu, the problem is definietely the server.01:17
trampelgazra: i don't know much beyond VNC changing earlier this year and that one should follow the instructions here:  http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1078497   (which worked for me ...good luck)01:21
gazratrampel: so krfb doesn't work at all???01:22
gazratrampel: Now I have to do it all manually?01:22
trampelgazra: don't know what krfb is, i'm afraid, sorry.01:22
gazrahahaha, that's the kde vnc server01:23
gazrasorry for not clearifying01:23
gazraIf you have Kubuntu installed then you have it01:23
bugmanLater, thanks for the help.01:25
=== idiot is now known as Guest75875
=== Guest75875 is now known as pleintonpipe
cjaeHi, Is dual head broken in karmic completely or what01:28
cjaeI am trying to enable twinview01:29
dhrosahello, is there anything I can do about kubuntu netbook remix's performance on the EEE?01:29
dhrosathe GUI is incredibly laggy compared to UBR ><01:29
v1ttu_install something better01:30
v1ttu_knr is a pretty bad01:30
cjaenvidia-settings says failed to parse file01:30
dhrosacjae: run nvidia-xconfig first01:31
dhrosawhat about normal kubuntu?01:32
v1ttu_that sucks too01:32
dhrosayou seem to be in the wrong channel :p01:32
dhrosaspecificaly for the EEE, or in general?01:33
v1ttu_it sucks on netbooks01:33
dhrosaI see01:34
dylan_hey my opengl is flickering does anyone know why this might be?01:36
v1ttu_graphics card?01:36
v1ttu_chip type?01:37
trampel(blood type?)01:37
v1ttu_i want to suck you01:37
dylan_how do i find out which chip type it is01:37
v1ttu_lspci -v01:37
WalzmynI always forget, what's the secret magic password to get flash to work on a 64 bit install?01:38
d9500Walzmyn, the secret password is to go to adobe's website for the 64-bit flash player for linux, download the tar.gz, extract it, and then copy libflashplayer.so to your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder. i've nevr had a working bug-free flash install using 64-bit OS and nspluginswrapper01:41
dylan_so any idea why the opengl is flickering01:42
Walzmynd9500: thanks01:42
v1ttu_when does it flicker?01:43
dylan_all the time01:43
dylan_i try to start open arena01:43
v1ttu_even at the login?01:43
dylan_and it flickers non stop01:43
Walzmynd9500: adobe's got download version for 8.04+ that still good for 9.10?01:43
dylan_basically any game that uses open gl flickers right when i start it01:44
dylan_but earlier i was being a fool and i typed nvidia-xconfig into the terminal so think that's what fcked me up01:44
dylan_i just don't know how to fix it now01:45
d9500Walzmyn, not sure. i just google "64-bit flash" and then go to the link that says something like "adobe labs 64-bit flash" and then there's a download link at the bottom of the page. just be sure to download the tar.gz from that page, extract it, and close firefox first. firefox should not be running when you're copying the plugin to your plugins folder.01:45
dylan_i have a download going could that be causing the open gl to flicker?01:46
d9500dylan_, don't know if nvidia-xconfig would even run if you have an intel gpu, but you can always stop X, drop to VT, do cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/[yourusername]/xorg.conf.bak, then run Xorg -configure to get  basic xorg.conf.01:47
v1ttu_oh he installed the nvidia driver?01:47
bbigrasvirtualbox ask me to install the virtualbox-ose-source package even if I have it. is there a problem while building the vbox module?01:47
d9500it will make a new xorg.conf in /root. copy that one that your etc/X11 folder.01:48
cjaeum what is the plasma dashboard for, I thought it was for installing widgets you did not want on your desktop as cultter01:48
cjaebut everytime I do click it off the widget sticks on my desktop01:49
v1ttu_xorg -configure may not work if he has the nvidia driver installed01:51
dylan_that's what i got back01:51
binariohi everyone from Kubuntu Karmic 9.10 netbook edition01:52
WalzmynAhh, thank you d9500, it are working.01:53
dylan_i downgraded to 9.04 again it turns out that the kernal wasnt the issue01:53
binarioI have a problem doesnt find answer around websites01:53
dylan_some forums said it was dns problem01:53
dylan_kubuntu 9.0401:53
d9500you're welcome, Walzmyn01:54
binariohow to change default font size to gtk applications ?01:54
v1ttu_you were using 9.04?01:54
dylan_i was using 9.10 but having serious problems with internet01:54
v1ttu_i thought you had the opengl problem?01:54
d9500dylan_, see my pm in response to yours as to why Xorg -configure may not have worked.01:55
binariohow to run this window https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KarmicKoala/Alpha6/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kcm-gtk2.png01:55
Ev0luti0n_<dylan_> i was using 9.10 but having serious problems with internet01:55
seige36can someone help me with amarok please? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3107881.001:55
d9500dylan_, also, did you install the nvidia driuver, or just run nvidia-settings to see what it would do?01:55
Ev0luti0n_don't you know that internet is serious business?01:55
dylan_i installed the driver i think01:56
dylan_i was trying to solve my open gl problem and it lead me to try to insall the nvidia driver01:56
dylan_and then i regretted it01:56
v1ttu_how did you install the driver?01:57
binariohow to change gtk appaerance ?01:57
v1ttu_stupid urban legend01:57
v1ttu_you need to remove it the same way you installed it01:57
dylan_lol i hope it doesnt mess my crap up even worse lol01:58
v1ttu_it can get worse?01:58
d9500dylan_, are you able to get to a gui now or just to console?01:58
dylan_yea my desktop could crash o.O01:58
binarioDoes anyone with gtk font size problems in kubuntu 9.10 ?01:58
v1ttu_just remember xrog -configure01:58
dylan_can't even do it01:58
=== zach is now known as Akston
dylan_it says something about it running already01:59
d9500dylan_,  from your pastebin, it seems like X is already running, or trying to run. Xorg -configure must be ran with X stopped01:59
v1ttu_what does it say exactly?01:59
dylan_ok so how do i stop x01:59
v1ttu_hold on02:00
d9500are you in a gui now or just in console?02:00
v1ttu_what does it say about running?02:00
v1ttu_do you mean the x server?02:00
d9500dylan_, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop02:00
d9500or gdm stop if you're using gnome02:01
v1ttu_it wont work02:01
dylan_ok now i ended up installing nvidia 173 kernal source02:01
v1ttu_what are you doing d9500?02:01
d9500trying to help. had the same problem before. take over if you want02:01
v1ttu_if he runs that xserver goes down02:01
v1ttu_what are you thinking?02:02
d9500i know. he said he was in console already02:02
v1ttu_i'm guessing02:02
d9500terminal emulator...aggh! i owe him an apology02:02
NoviceHow do I cd to the desktop?02:03
d9500but if he uninstall the nvidia drivers in synaptic, then he's not going to be able to start X anyway, since they overwrite part of the X server02:03
v1ttu_cd desktop02:03
v1ttu_is the command02:03
d9500cd Desktop02:03
v1ttu_oh crap02:03
d9500Desktop has to start with a capital lettr02:03
v1ttu_stupid case02:03
d9500well v1ttu_  at least you didn't just drop someone to a VT.02:04
v1ttu_i was thinking of homne02:04
NoviceSays no such file or directory when I tray to cd to desktop02:04
v1ttu_case sensitive02:05
Novicetried caps on D did not work02:05
v1ttu_cd /home/yourusername/Desktop02:06
Noviceok thx got it to work yeah02:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hammertime02:08
russlarubottu forgot about hammertime02:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:08
v1ttu_i don't02:08
v1ttu_suck my sparkplugs?02:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hammertime02:10
russlarthe bot knows different things depending on which channel you're in02:11
macov1ttu_: hey, do you think you could refrain from using the word "suck" with possessive pronouns?02:11
v1ttu_do you find it offensive?02:12
=== gcampos2 is now known as gcampos2_
dylan_now my desktop graphics are disabled to02:13
v1ttu_what did you do?02:13
dylan_it just got worse02:13
macobecause you started this when Ev0luti0n_ was talking about sexual topics, and i'd rather keep the innuendo to a minimum. i am not comfortable with such topics.02:13
=== gcampos2_ is now known as gcampos2
dylan_i did what d900 said02:13
v1ttu_maco it was a joke02:13
d9500dylan_, i am so sorry. i didn't realize when you said terminal you probably meant terminal emulator, and not that you couldn't get to a gui02:13
macov1ttu_: thankfully, joking is not a requirement for giving tech support02:13
BluesKaj!language | v1ttu_02:14
ubottuv1ttu_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:14
dylan_lol well do u know how to fix it02:14
d9500i didn't mean to stop the gui on your system, if that's what happened, although ultimately you'll have to do that probably to get the intel gpu working again02:14
Ev0luti0n_maco: why aren't you confortable with it?02:14
d9500yes i can fix it.02:14
v1ttu_maco please don't tell me what to say, humour hurts no one02:14
Ev0luti0n_sex and sexual interaction or whatever are part of life?02:14
v1ttu_they allowed you back?02:14
Ev0luti0n_[02:13] <maco> because you started this when Ev0luti0n_ was talking about sexual topics, and i'd rather keep the innuendo to a minimum. i am not comfortable with such topics.02:14
Ev0luti0n_i don't want to start an argument02:14
d9500pm me if you want, dylan. there's an argument going on in channel02:15
Ev0luti0n_nor get banned02:15
Ev0luti0n_just talking02:15
v1ttu_anyway dylan02:15
v1ttu_what did you do?02:15
macodid you consider that if there are maybe 5 women out of the 279 people in this channel, we might be just a *little* bit uncomfortable with sexual topics coming up while we are so outnumbered?02:15
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:16
=== idiot is now known as Guest4845
macoadditionally, sex is not part of everyone's lives. have a little consideration for asexuals (if you dont know anything about asexuality, please see asexuality.org)02:16
=== Guest4845 is now known as pleintonpipe
v1ttu_women talk more freely about sex than men generally so why are you so embarrassed?02:16
maconow, can we please stick to technical topics?02:17
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:17
v1ttu_you brought up the subject maco02:17
Ev0luti0n_maco: are you female?02:17
v1ttu_are you still there dylan?02:17
d9500v1ttu: i told him to let you handle it if he wanted.02:17
dylan_k i'm here02:18
macoEv0luti0n_: yes02:18
v1ttu_right what did you do?02:18
macolast i checked at least02:18
v1ttu_how dod you disable anything?02:18
v1ttu_-i +d02:18
dylan_d9500 what is the command u gave me ?02:18
v1ttu_sudo e/tcinit.d?02:19
v1ttu_sudo /etc/init.d02:19
v1ttu_that command?02:19
dylan_something like that02:19
v1ttu_it takes down the xserver02:19
v1ttu_not good02:19
v1ttu_unless you know what you're doing02:19
d9500the one that killed the GUI? sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop. do NOT run that until you're reaady to drop our of the standard point and click interface, which you will eventually need to do if you want to reconfigure Xorg, but not now.02:19
v1ttu_are you using 9.10 now?02:20
d9500out of the standard*02:20
dylan_no 9.0402:20
dylan_9.10 is buggy02:20
dylan_so i downgraded again02:20
v1ttu_you're using 9.04 right now?02:20
v1ttu_is it a frsh install?02:21
v1ttu_what is the problem now?02:21
dylan_d9500 what exactly did that command do?02:22
dylan_my computer says i'm in low graphic mode02:22
dylan_when i booted up the first time02:22
v1ttu_did you run it on 9.10?02:22
v1ttu_it stops the xserver02:22
v1ttu_and takes you to the system underneath02:22
v1ttu_the command line02:22
v1ttu_xserver = user interface02:23
dylan_oh i see, well how do i get xserver back to normal???02:23
v1ttu_what is the exact problem you're having now?02:24
dylan_well i booted up and i got stuck in this screen that told me i was in low graphic mode02:24
dylan_and i got past that02:24
d9500dylan_, linux systems run a graphical user interface (gui) based on a windowing system called X server. that's the familiar point and click interface where you can use the mouse, open firefox, etc. the actual system underneath the gui can run just fine without X server, but if you've never been dropped to just the command line, it can be unnerving. again, i shouldn't have told you to run that, and i apologize.02:24
v1ttu_how did you get past it?02:24
dylan_it asked me if i wanted to start in low graphic mode and it was pretty much my only option so i ddi it02:25
v1ttu_do you want use 3d?02:25
v1ttu_to use*02:25
v1ttu_then forget about 9.0402:25
dylan_my internet won't run on 9.1002:26
v1ttu_it has major problems with intel chips02:26
d9500major intel graphics bugs in 9.0402:26
v1ttu_oh god02:26
v1ttu_what type of internet connection do you have?02:26
dylan_no it's built in02:26
v1ttu_ok this is getting a little confusing02:27
v1ttu_do you have msn?02:27
dylan_no i have yahoo dsl02:27
dylan_well i basically know what the problem is02:27
v1ttu_could you make an msn account?02:27
dylan_in 9.1002:27
dylan_i can connect to my modem02:27
v1ttu_it would be easier to help you on there02:28
seige36can someone help me with amarok please? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3107881.002:28
dylan_but when i go to enter an address i get stalled for like 40 seconds before it goes02:28
dylan_for example lets say i type in google.com02:29
v1ttu_dsl modem?02:29
dylan_and the status bar says "looking up google.com"02:29
dylan_for like 40 seconds02:29
dylan_before it goes to google.com02:29
v1ttu_dsl error02:29
v1ttu_yeah that02:29
dylan_i read that in some forums02:30
dylan_but noone really had an answer on how to fix it02:30
v1ttu_ive had wifi problems like that with 9.1002:30
dylan_how did u fix it/02:30
v1ttu_okok if you want 3d you need to install 9.1002:30
v1ttu_or 8.0402:31
dylan_do u know how to fix the dns issue in 9.10?02:31
v1ttu_depends if it's the same problem02:31
dylan_well what did u do to fix yours?02:31
v1ttu_updated the kernel02:32
dylan_i tried that it didnt work02:32
v1ttu_kernel version?02:33
dylan_it's the latest one i don't remember of the top of my head but it was the latest one02:33
v1ttu_2.6.32 RC6?02:33
v1ttu_what wireless adaptor do you have?02:33
dylan_what command do i type in for that02:34
dylan_if i had to guess it's exact name it's intel wifi link 510002:35
dylan_but the desktop effects were working before i killed the gui02:35
dylan_and now they're not02:36
dylan_ok i'm just gonna upgrade to 9.10 and redownload quassel and work from there..02:37
pleintonpipeCan someone help me, I installed the 9.10 patch yesterday and everything was fine but till this morning I can only set the resolution to 800x600 max02:39
d9500i would try to help, but i think i've already caused enough trouble today trying to fix graphics bugs.02:44
pleintonpipeok haha02:45
pleintonpipeim fucked02:45
v1ttu_what graphics card/chip do you have pie?02:45
m_tadeuhi everyone02:45
m_tadeumy 3gp videos have no sound...02:46
pleintonpipeemm.. what's the command line to see my hardwares?02:46
v1ttu_lspci -nn02:46
Dragnslcr!language | pleintonpipe02:46
ubottupleintonpipe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:46
v1ttu_ubottu you are slower than a snail glued to a brick02:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:47
v1ttu_i don'tttttttttt02:47
pleintonpipe00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:2572] (rev 02)02:47
v1ttu_i have that :)02:47
v1ttu_what is your normal res?02:48
FloodBotK3v1ttu_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:48
pleintonpipenot sure but like 1060 something by 700 something normal screen02:48
v1ttu_did you update yesterday?02:49
v1ttu_try xorg -configure02:49
v1ttu_in terminal02:49
pleintonpipeNo command 'xorg' found, did you mean:02:50
pleintonpipe Command 'forg' from package 'forg' (universe)02:50
v1ttu_oh god02:50
v1ttu_you need the capital02:50
v1ttu_Xorg -configure02:50
pleintonpipeI'm a newb, I dont know what's going on02:51
v1ttu_my fault02:51
pleintonpipeServer is allready displayd02:51
m_tadeudoes anyone know what to do to have sound in 3gp videos?02:51
pleintonpipeIf this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock02:51
v1ttu_do you have a second pc around?02:52
v1ttu_can you get to this irc channel on it?02:52
pleintonpipenot now and I dont think he have any Irc chat prog02:53
v1ttu_do you have the kubuntu livecd?02:53
v1ttu_can you print?02:53
pleintonpipeno :S02:53
v1ttu_does the other pc have msn?02:54
v1ttu_use that02:54
v1ttu_whats your address?02:54
pleintonpipethink its the only one02:54
v1ttu_sign into that and and ill add02:55
pleintonpipebut I cant go on the other computer02:55
pleintonpipeit's my coloc and he isnt thre02:57
pleintonpipelol srry02:58
pleintonpipethe guy who lives with me, who the other computer belong to, is not there so i cant log on from another computer02:59
v1ttu_just turn the pc on?02:59
pleintonpipeits allready on03:00
v1ttu_so just sign into msn?03:00
=== vanRijn_ is now known as vanRijn
lizzzyWhy aren't there any cgi-bin or html folders under my /var/www folder?03:04
mark__how do i launch adept03:05
mark__when i search for it i don't see it03:05
macolizzzy: because you havent created them?03:06
d9500mark__, open terminal, then type kdesudo adept. enter your password when prompted03:06
lizzzymaco: I thought it should be there by default?03:06
macolizzzy: since you can have >1 website on one server, you can have >1 cgi-bin/ directory. why make one that may not be in the right spot?03:07
rfoneylet us have a hacker meetup at walmart03:07
rfoneydoes anyone have msn or gmail they would like to share?03:08
rfoneyit is much easier to chat with than this stoopid irc03:08
v1ttu_what's wrong with irc?03:08
mark__it opens a window but it closes right away03:08
lizzzymaco: Gotcha. Thanks!03:08
rfoneyno interferance from the bah (bots acting humans)03:08
macoyou type text and hit enter. it sends. other people type text and hit enter. you see it. whats the difference?03:08
v1ttu_what do you need help with rfoney?03:09
rfoneytoday as I ran out of gass on the way back, I saw that verizon has moved into this area, I am much exite.03:09
mark__when i type into terminal kdesudo adept it launches a window but the window closes immediately03:09
macoer...this channel has a topic03:09
macomark__: do you even have adept installed?03:10
mark__how do i install it?03:10
v1ttu_yes which in no way involves ex03:10
rfoneyvlttu, I was just trying to get some hackers emails so if I had any question at various times throughout the day03:10
rfoneyyes, the it guys03:10
rfoneyis this not correct?03:10
v1ttu_dude i have no idea wtf you're talking about03:10
rfoneyinformation technology03:10
macorfoney: you can always come here when you need help03:11
v1ttu_okkkkkkkk i'm getting bored now03:11
rfoneyahh, super. thank you03:11
macoi dont think anyone's going to volunteer to be your own personal always-on-call tech support, for free03:12
rfoneydoes anyone sometimes misscount when they do speed reading for repeat numbers?03:12
rfoneysometimes it seems the ammount of repeats change.03:12
rfoneyI mean the repeat numbers and letters.03:12
v1ttu_wtf are you talking about?03:12
rfoneywell most specifically, I was referencing to the okkkkkkk you had typed, I counted the k's without making eye contact with each03:13
rfoneyat first I counted 7, but then I counted 803:13
v1ttu_lmao damn i thought i was bored03:13
rfoneyyes, a computer would not make this type of mistake I believe though.03:14
v1ttu_they aren't sentient?03:14
rfoneyyes but some are trained to believe they are.03:14
v1ttu_dude quit the w33d03:15
d9500this is what happens when the channel gets quiet. heh03:15
russlar ━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊03:15
rfoneyI see ze gavel from the judge.03:16
rfoney3 to be exact >_>03:16
rfoneyso what is everyone doing tonight?03:16
rfoneyanything worth of irc?03:16
v1ttu_no i've been here 6 hours??????????03:17
v1ttu_damn time to go03:17
mark__i don't hear any sound03:20
mark__checked mixer nothing is muted03:20
mark__i have a msi wind u12003:21
mark__is it a driver issue?03:21
russlarmark__: you're runnign karmic?03:21
russlarmark__: google it. there've been a crap-ton of issues with audio in karmic03:22
mark__it worked when i had unr on here03:22
mark__could it be a  driver issue?03:22
mark__does the regular versions of ubuntu not have the netbook drivers?03:23
macothey all use the same kernel03:24
mark__anyone here have a msi wind?03:36
mark__also im using the prerelease updates03:36
mark__could that have broken something?03:36
* rfoney hopes the cxomputer can fix itself.03:51
dylan_hey can anyone tell me why in ubuntu karmic my internet is super slow?04:04
deitarionWhenever I install something, Perl complains about a failure to set "en_CA.utf8" as the locale. (It's a Jaunty chroot on top of Gentoo Linux) Is there a package I should install or do I set a different locale in my go_chroot.sh wrapper?04:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail04:08
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trooperxhow its called ? http://img194.yfrog.com/img194/6655/44343.jpg04:22
trooperxhow its called ? http://img194.yfrog.com/img194/6655/44343.jpg04:26
trooperxhow its called ? http://img194.yfrog.com/img194/6655/44343.jpg04:30
trooperx how its called ? http://img194.yfrog.com/img194/6655/44343.jpg04:37
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco04:39
JontheEchidnanot exactly an ops situation, more like:04:39
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience04:39
trooperxwhat the hell04:39
macothought you were spamming04:40
trooperxok sorry04:40
trooperxyou can awnser me please ?04:40
macoummm JontheEchidna might be able to04:40
* maco looks at JontheEchidna 04:40
macoi dont know how these graphical thingies work :P04:40
trooperxhmm i dont think so someone tell me and i forget if you tell me the name i will remember04:40
JontheEchidnahmm, maybe that's a custom task manager that has an icon-only mode?04:40
russlartrooperx: that looks like daisy-launcher04:40
JontheEchidnaoh, could be daisy04:41
trooperxyes yes daisy04:41
macotrooperx: sorry, again04:41
russlarsorry ops!04:41
trooperxlook http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6677/98882460.png04:41
macotrooperx: its not uncommon for people to post "bad" image links repeatedly as a way to troll04:41
JontheEchidnadefinitely daisy04:41
macotrooperx: so the reposting made me think it was one of those situations04:41
* maco got scared04:42
trooperxi hungryy grr04:42
trooperxwhere i get the latest version to daisy ?04:42
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get install plasma-widget-daisy should get you a fairly recent version04:43
JontheEchidnato get the latest you'd have to compile it yourself04:43
trooperxah i dont know how to compile i just use your command thanks04:43
JontheEchidnayou will have to run "kbuildsycoca4" before it will show up in the list04:44
trooperxhow to comiple ?04:44
trooperxdaisy dont have web right ?04:47
trooperxthanks man04:47
=== logan is now known as Guest7925
trooperxcan you send me guide how to compile please ?04:49
JontheEchidnaextract the download somewhere nice04:50
JontheEchidnathen in the terminal, cd to the directory04:50
JontheEchidnamkdir build; cd build04:50
JontheEchidnacmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr04:50
JontheEchidnasudo make install04:50
FloodBotK3JontheEchidna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:50
JontheEchidnathen it should be in your widgets list04:50
trooperxok thanks , this is how to compile only daisy or its every software source ?04:51
JontheEchidnawell, daisy will be the only thing in there to compile04:52
trooperxcool its works thanks04:53
trooperxhow i upgrade my kde to 4.3.3 ?04:54
maco9.10 includes 4.3.304:54
macodoesnt it?04:54
trooperxwhere is the "Kubuntu Backports PPA"?04:54
russlartrooperx: it's the repo loisted in that link04:55
trooperxwait , i dont understand . where i need to write "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu karmic main" ?04:55
JontheEchidnaJust add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports as a custom repository to the Software Sources editor in Kpackagekit04:55
JontheEchidnain KPackageKit, Settings -> Edit Software Sources04:56
trooperxok i will try later thanks , last question .  how i install nvidia-190glx04:56
JontheEchidnathen go to the "Other software" tab04:57
trooperxbecause i have in drivers only 185-glx04:57
JontheEchidnathen add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports04:57
JontheEchidnathere might be a ppa with 190 somewhere, but it's not in mainstream 9.1004:57
JontheEchidnaa bit too late with the release I'm afraid :(04:57
JontheEchidnawell, I should get to bed04:58
trooperxgood night and thanks04:58
trooperxoh wait04:58
trooperxwhy after every restart i need to write a password in my Hardrive ( ntfs)04:59
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russlarmaco: busy night, eh?05:13
trooperxwhere is the repository05:16
arrrghhhare there any pulse experts here?05:19
FloodBotK3trooperx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:21
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catamarquencejuuuuuuuuuuuuuust as i thought, pretty quiet...05:50
macocatamarquence: actually, this is a switch05:50
macoits been very trolly all day05:50
catamarquencei believe u05:50
luis_hello people good nite05:56
luis_i lost sound after last updating can u guys helpme pls to egt it back?05:57
luis_i am using kubuntu 8.0405:59
jonathan__good morning all :)06:15
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tarikany one still up06:32
jussio1no, but I just got up.06:33
jussio1!anyone | tarik06:33
ubottutarik: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:33
tarikhow u doing jussy06:34
jussio1tarik: this is a support channel. if you just want to chatter, try #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic06:34
hellhoundi just upgraded to kubuntu 9.10 and I am using Kopete 0.80.2.  I am having trouble with the facebook plugin.  It keeps me in the away status and will not load my friends list06:35
tarikwhere here for support but  it   wud  be rude not to  say  hello06:36
tarikso  any body can help me install  my  usb   modem on    kubuntu06:39
dylan_so kubuntu 9.10 blows 9.04 out of the water, i'm happy. finally fixed my dns bug06:41
tarikno support here or what06:43
rfoneysometimes really ugly people are the virgins.06:53
jussio1rfoney: please keep it family friendly in here.06:57
rfoney^peter^: how to you arp ajax?07:02
davidjheinrichhi all, has anyone here used the HP PhotoSmart Premium C309 or HP OfficeJet 8500 ?07:11
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rfoneyif there were only three people alive the last night before human extinction which configuration would we want them? two males, one female? two females, one male?07:34
davidjheinrichtwo females, one male, obviously07:35
davidjheinrichand what a lucky bastard he'd be07:35
macowell that was an interesting conversation...07:49
macowhy mix genders at all if extinction is guaranteed? apparently they wont be reproducing to save the species07:49
rfoneyhow would shiva express itself within the matrix system?07:54
* rfoney wonders how gold would fare in the center of a tree.07:55
rfoney    07:56
jussio1rfoney: please keep on topic here. Use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter.07:57
* rfoney wonders how love would be different outside of the matrix07:58
mrnicehi all07:59
mrnicehow can I play other codecs in firefox?07:59
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vaskohi all, i've upgraded 8.04 to 9.10 yesterday and i am facing an unpleasant problem. while having two KDE sessions and utilising switch user, while working on second users session, having first locked with a screensaver, the first session suddenly crashes, likely on an incoming icq message (kopete) or on the korgac notify. last lines in .xsession-errors are these http://paste.ubuntu.com/313929/08:47
vaskoGPU is nvidia 8600GT08:48
vaskobehaviour is the same on distribution kernel as well as on self compiled one either with distribution nvidia driver or 190.4208:50
vaskoand one more thing -- twinview is in use also, if it matters08:51
vaskofinally i've turned off 'enable desktop effects' on both sessions, since then it keeps running, so far, but i would prefer a better solution. any hints?08:54
XiellaSorry, nubby question.  I see two copies of Gwenview in the Open With dialog (for an image).  They are identical except one has %m at the end.  What does the %m mean and which should I use to open my photo?09:04
macoXiella: i dont think it matters09:05
Xiellamaco: ah, alright. thank you.09:06
funkiwanany thoughts on why konsole wouldn't be saving my tabs?09:07
nisstyreI'm getting these errors when I try and right click a folder in KDE using Dolphin http://pastebin.com/m4a6aa362 any help?09:27
nisstyreAlso can't open any folders, they just 'load" and nothing happens09:27
nisstyrebut I can CD to them in bash09:28
nisstyrereinstalled plasma and now I get no errors but it still goes to a black screen and then back to the desktop09:36
CptnAwesomewhy does kubuntu have to be so big? is there a kubuntu-desktop-lite ??09:38
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bigbrovarCptnAwesome: nothing stops you from installing a minimal ubuntu with just CLI and build your kde from there the way you like it :)09:41
CptnAwesomebigbrovar, i did that except i installed lxde hoping for a nice snappy desktop, but im lazy and im missig the sexy kde desktop.....09:42
bigbrovarCptnAwesome> you can even make a kubuntu-lite metapackage. better still you can write a script which would remove all the "bloats" you dont need on kubuntu. Thants what I did09:43
CptnAwesomewanna share the script?09:43
d9500CptnAwesome, i've done just what bigbrovar just suggested before, also with lxde. you can try starting with the minimal install and then doing sudo aptitude install --without-recommends kubuntu-desktop, but last time I tried that, it seemed to be missing a few things on first logon, like the ability to use the gtk-qtt engine to make gtk apps look like qt ones.09:43
CptnAwesomethat all sounds nice, but im a bit of a noob09:44
Idhan how can I compress a folder with password using tar ??09:45
bigbrovard9500> am sure it would, the kde-devs added lots of things to kubuntu to make it just work and for usabiliy purpose, if you feel its bloated, you can either stripout the blot or DIY09:45
d9500CptnAwesome, well, are there any kde programs you know for sure you won't use? go through adept and ininstall them, one at a time if necessary. write down the package names, so if you need to ever do a fresh install, you just just do "sudo aptitude remove {paste names of all the unused packages here]"09:45
d9500uninstall them*09:45
valgaavd9500:  adept ?09:46
bigbrovard9500: you mean packagekit :)09:46
valgaavadept still lives ? :D09:46
CptnAwesomeahh ok, so if i use thunderbird, i can just 'apt-get uninstall kmail'09:46
d9500yes, sorry. not running kubuntu here.09:46
d9500kde but not kubuntu09:46
valgaavdebian uses still adept :)09:47
bigbrovarCptnAwesome> sure u can purge it ( am thinking of doing same kmail is such a huge fail, hope its gets improved soon cus i love its integration)09:47
* CptnAwesome bites the bullet, installs kubuntu09:47
bigbrovarvalgaav> yep so i heard09:47
valgaavbigbrovar:  I removed whole kde-pim along with kmail09:48
CptnAwesomedamn "1086mb of extra space will be used"   !!! ???09:48
valgaavsince I use thunderbird09:48
d9500CptnAwesome, yes, but be careful. some packages are dependencies of other packages, like, for example, you may see something like "libqt-something-or-other" and think "what's a libqt" and try to uninstall it....don't! it will probably ask you to remove other, potentially useful packages, since qt is the toolkit that kde is built on.09:48
bigbrovarvalgaav> yeah I think i would do that I hardly use the PIM anyway.09:48
CptnAwesomeyeah thats one lesson i learnt the hard way =)09:48
valgaavCptnAwesome:  I really suggest  sudo aptitude install --without-recommends synaptic09:49
bigbrovarCptnAwesome> I rather leave it if i don't know what it does :)09:49
valgaavkpackakit is not ready yet for anything then basc package managment09:50
bigbrovarhey anyone able to get dual monitor working on kubuntu karmic09:50
d9500valgaav, i agree with that. synaptic is probably the best graphical pakcage manager frontend i've seen. haven't tried kpackagekit yet though09:50
CptnAwesomefor some reason my moderate spec machine runs really slow.09:50
valgaavI tried to use it09:50
CptnAwesomewhat does --without-recommends do?09:51
valgaavit couldn't find a packakge by  openoffice.org-kde  search09:51
bigbrovarvalgaav> funny i love kpacakgekit, hated it before but it grew on me, althoug i admit it still has a long way to go, but i welcome its simple UI and integration09:51
valgaavand I call that a fail09:51
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bigbrovarvalgaav> i always use aptitude for serious packagement anyway09:51
d9500CptnAwesome, it installs the package and the packages it depends on, but leaves out the stuff that the distro recommends, but that isn't needed just to run the original program you wanted to install09:51
jirka_ahoj lidi09:52
d9500of course, it may be needed for optimum functionality.09:52
valgaavyeah and that's also great forinstalling Firefox and not downloading ubufox and half of gnome with it09:52
CptnAwesomethat was going to be my next question09:52
d9500those packages may be needed anyway, i mean*09:52
CptnAwesomeahh i see09:52
bigbrovarvalgaav> did you searched by description? by defualt packagekit search by name, which is not too accurate sometiems09:52
valgaavI think I tried  that too , not sure though it was about a month ago :)09:53
CptnAwesomedoes --without-recommends work with apt-get ?09:53
bigbrovarvalgaav> its still a work in progress09:54
bigbrovarCptnAwesome> apt-get doesnt install recommendations by default (AFAIK)09:54
CptnAwesomeohh fair enough09:54
d9500i thought apt-get had been superseded by aptitude anyway?09:54
valgaavCptnAwesome: --no-install-recommends09:54
bigbrovarCptnAwesome> in any case u can always RTFM09:54
valgaavapt-get does install recommends by default09:55
bigbrovard9500> on debian it has09:55
CptnAwesomebigbrovar, sorry, yeah i might have to do that =) sorry to bombard you with questions.09:55
bigbrovarvalgaav> wow that is a  relatively recent development. on feisty it didnt have (stoppted using it along time ago)09:56
jussio1!rtfm | bigbrovar09:56
ubottubigbrovar: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.09:56
valgaavwell I guess it is like that since jaunty09:56
bigbrovarjussio1> got that although reading the man pages sure helps09:57
bigbrovarvalgaav> oh ok .. i only use apt-get from installing deps apt-get build-dep09:57
jussio1bigbrovar: yeah, understand, however we seek to make this a welcoming place where evene the newest user can get help09:58
bigbrovarjussio1> yeah makes sense and i agree with that :)09:58
jussio1!tab | bigbrovar09:58
ubottubigbrovar: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:58
bigbrovarjussio1: thanks09:59
bigbrovarjussio1: i wonder how come i never knew that10:00
bigbrovaranyone able to get dualmonitor working on kubuntu karmic10:00
valgaavbigbrovar:  nope but I do not have one :P afaik it should work depending on a driver10:02
jussio1bigbrovar: video card?10:04
lizzzyI really need your help. Please! I tried uninstalling lamp-server and accidently uninstalled the kubuntu-desktop i think. Now when I login all I can see is the terminal. HALP!10:23
jussio1lizzzy: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:28
CptnAwesomeinstalling kubuntu-desktop from apt-get failed, it suggested i apt-get update, which fails and suggests i run apt-get update....10:29
CptnAwesomealso says i have "no public key"10:30
desuCptnAwesome: ignore the error, just do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:33
LarethHello I recently upgraded (or at least tried to) my kubuntu installation (running as a vm in vbox on windows xp) from 8.10 to 9.10.10:46
Laretheverything seemed to be working ok but now I get the following error:10:47
Lareth /bin/sh: relocation error: /bin/sh: symbol bsearch, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference10:48
Larethis there any way to save my installation? please help10:48
ghostcubeLareth: pulling an 8.10 to 9.10 without 9.04 between is hard10:49
ghostcubeyou checked that all repositories get opened again like before10:49
Larethactually what I did was to upgrade to what the system suggested. maybe it was 9.0410:49
LarethI cannot remember right now..10:49
nevynwithout another system to grab files from you might be SOL10:49
Pconfighey, for some reason i can't enable desktop effects after my upgrade to karmic10:49
nevynLareth: have you rebooted the VM?10:50
Pconfigit says there's a problem with my configuration file10:50
Lareththis is when this happened10:50
ghostcubeLareth: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:50
nevynit could be that the in-memory libc and the sh are outta sync10:50
ghostcubebrings nothing in ?10:50
Larethit booted to the graphical login screen and it would not logon10:50
Larethghostcube this is where I get this error10:50
ghostcubesudo apt-get -f install10:50
Lareththe only way I can login to my system is through the console10:50
nevynghostcube: I'd be supprised if apt-get runs if libc doesn't have a GLIBC_2.0 symbol10:51
nevynLareth: your shell works?10:51
skarhi, i upgraded from hardy to karmic and now my wifi isn't working. my card is "BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)". any way i can make it work?10:51
Larethnevyn yes10:51
nevyncan you run dpkg?10:51
Larethjust by itself?10:51
Larethif I just type dpkg it runs10:52
ghostcubesudo dpkg --configure -a10:53
Larethghostcube I just did this and I got back to the prompt without any other message. is this what I should get?10:54
ghostcubehave you tried to move the .kde folder to .kde-old10:55
ghostcubeand then do a relogin10:55
ghostcubeand apt-get isnt working for you right ?10:56
Larethit wasn't10:57
LarethI am waiting for the system to reboot10:57
Larethalthough I get various messages saying that <process_name> terminated with status 12710:58
Larethsomehow now it works.. just by moving .kde to .kde_old..11:03
skarhi, my wifi card is "BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)" and it's not working with knetworkmanager. any way to make it work?11:03
CptnAwesomeok, i know ive been asking alot of questions tonight, but i have just one more.... is there a way i can 'clean' all the crap ive installed without blowing it all away and starting again?11:03
LarethI then tried to reboot, but I had to force reset the vm because normal reboot hung11:03
yofelskar: did you install the driver from Hadware Drivers?11:04
bigbrovarjussio1:  Intel 965GM the config tool for setting up dual monitor for kde  doesnt work. and i cant use xrandr since x.org file is missing11:10
Larethnevyn ghostcube for some reason I just checked that the upgrade was to 9.10. Everything seems to be working ok now..11:11
jussio1bigbrovar: and exactly what are you trying to acheive? big desktop? if so, please give the output of "xrandr -q" with both monitors plugged in and on (clone mode?)11:12
ghostcubeLareth: :)11:12
Larethghostcube linux magic... Why would the renaming of .kde folder just fix everything? I am happy that it works I just wonder why11:13
ghostcubeLareth: cause any configs maybe called wrong parameters11:13
ghostcubeor any app tried do unnormal things11:13
bigbrovarjussio1: yep an expended desktop. run the xrandr parameter which is xrandr --auto --output LVDS --mode 1280x800 --left-of VGA but that doesnt work11:13
ghostcubeyou updated from kde 3.x to 4.x i think so11:13
Larethno it was kde 411:14
LarethI had plasma desktop and all..11:14
ghostcubeoh ok then 4.2.x to 4.311:14
jussio1bigbrovar: what error does it give?11:14
ghostcubehehe is not good too11:14
bigbrovari need to add my virtualmonitor size to Xorg.com but xorg is no more11:14
Larethit works.. I am happy now :)11:14
Larethmany thanks11:14
jussio1bigbrovar: is there no xorg.conf at all?11:15
bigbrovarjussio1:  i get a cloned monitor instead11:18
bigbrovarjussio1: ugly one for that :)11:18
bigbrovarnope on karmic its missing11:18
janjissIs there some kind of swich to something else???11:19
Larethwhich are the dev packages for kde4?11:19
bigbrovarjussio1: since autodetction is now left for hal ( which i heard has now been depreciated for devicekit)11:19
jussio1bigbrovar: yeah, though Ive just added to an xorg and it still reads it, just doesnt require it.11:20
BillyBob.ti eriuqer tnseod tsuj ,ti sdaer llits ti dna grox na ot dedda tsuj evI hguoht ,haey :ravorbgib11:20
jussio1bigbrovar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:20
BillyBobgrox-revresx erugifnocer-gkpd odus :ravorbgib11:20
jussio1BillyBob: ?11:20
BillyBob? :boBylliB11:20
harrisonHi, I'm having some problems getting alsa sound to work with firefox and flash. Sound was playing fine with my pci soundcard but then I wanted to change the output to the internal soundcard and it won't play11:21
harrisonI think that the problem is that my pci soundcard is getting chosen over the internal despite the sound settings in 'System Settings'11:21
bigbrovarok in anycase can i just copy an xorg.conf fine from jaunty?11:22
jussio1bigbrovar: I think so, but I couldnt be certain.11:22
bigbrovarjussio1: oh so if i set xorg it would use the setting, but it doesnt need it?11:22
jussio1bigbrovar: thats my understanding, though your mileage may vary.11:22
bigbrovarjussio1:  well i guess i can live without that. for now.11:23
bigbrovarjussio1: its not a do or die feature. i rather not stare things up for now :)11:23
jussio1bigbrovar: you can try it, but maybe you need to remove it from the cli if x fails to start.11:23
bigbrovarhmm true11:23
bigbrovarjussio1: there is a problem with my card on jaunty where the masa package limit the amount of virtual ( i cant remember the size now) hence making it impossible to use dual monitor with compositing enabled. to get round the problem i had to use a 3rd ppa. now i think that problem still exist in karmic11:25
bigbrovarjussio1: am trying to find out for sure11:25
bigbrovarjussio1: brb need to restart X11:26
jussio1bigbrovar: ouch. good luck11:26
=== ken_ is now known as ken2610
ken2610hi, how can i recover my kwallet password if i forget it?11:29
ken2610hi, how can i recover my kwallet password if i forget it?11:30
harrisonAh great I followed the pulse-audio guide at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 and somehow the problem is fixed now (sound not playing through correct card in firefox+flash)11:33
skarhi, what's the kde equivalent to hardware drivers(System>Admin>Hardware Drivers) of gnome?11:45
r00t_ninjakmenu -> applications -> system -> hardware drivers11:46
r00t_ninjamake sure you have refreshed your package cache first11:46
skarr00t_ninja: thanks. in system, there's no hardware drivers. any way to run it from the cmdline?11:49
r00t_ninjayou sure11:49
jussio1its definately there for me...11:50
skarthere's akonadi, dolphin, knetwork manager etc. nothing starting with h.11:51
=== kradical is now known as figstons
skarmaybe i need to install that package? see, i installed via ubuntu cd then switched by installing the kubuntu-desktop package, as i had access to the ubuntu cd only and couldn't wait :)11:52
r00t_ninjathat migh be why11:52
r00t_ninjalook for that package11:53
skarr00t_ninja: thanks, it's running now. let's hope my wifi can be made to work as ap :)11:54
skarr00t_ninja: any idea on making a bcm4311 wifi chip work under karmic? it worked fine with hardy(under ndiswrapper) and out of the box with b43 in jaunty too. with karmic i thought it'll work as jaunty itself worked.11:57
skarbut so far no such luck.11:57
r00t_ninjadoes that require the special firmware?11:57
r00t_ninjaif it does install b43-fwcutter11:58
r00t_ninjayea im pretty sure it does11:58
skarr00t_ninja: well with jaunty i didn't install anything, just selected b43 in hard drivers menu and it worked. in karmic it shows only broadcom's sta drivers, no b43.12:01
r00t_ninjatry install it12:01
r00t_ninjaand then reboot12:01
r00t_ninjaor try the sta drivers12:01
skarr00t_ninja: well, i'm going to try the sta now, since it's the only option left for out of the box choices12:02
r00t_ninjaif it doesnt work try12:02
r00t_ninjasudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter12:02
skarr00t_ninja: well the sta option is greyed out, so i can't install it seems. with b43-fwcutter, it uses ndiswrapper right?12:04
r00t_ninjait just downloads the firmware12:04
r00t_ninjaand unpacks it12:04
r00t_ninjaits illegal to distribute the unpacked firmware in most countrys12:04
r00t_ninjayou will probably need to reboot to see the effects12:05
skarit says "b43-fwcutter is already the newest version."12:05
r00t_ninjatry a reboot12:05
skarr00t_ninja: version is Version: 1:012-112:05
skarok will reboot now12:05
r00t_ninjasudo rmod b4312:05
SeicherlBoBwhen using dbus-send from konsole, how can i send an argement with type a{sv}? I read this as a dict:string:variant, but variant is not a type. If i try dict:string:int32 or whatever dbus tells me, that no method with that signature a{si} was found.12:10
r00t_ninjaskar: did that work?12:12
skarr00t_ninja: nope, it didn't12:13
r00t_ninjaim not sure what it is then12:13
r00t_ninjaand i need to go to slepp12:13
r00t_ninjaand i need to go to sleep12:13
r00t_ninjamake sure to ask on the forums12:13
skarr00t_ninja: np. thanks for all the help though. will try ndiswrapper then, it used to work on hardy :)12:14
FloodBotK1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:20
FloodBotK1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.12:21
IdhanI have a problem with kile.. I cann't save the configuration.. where exactly is the configuration to manually change it??12:36
ryanakcaIdhan: My guess would be something like ~/.kde/share/config/kilerc or ~/.kde/share/config/*kile* . But that's a guess, I don't use kile myself.12:37
ryanakcaIdhan: Also, by can't save the configuration, do you get an error message or does kile just forget them? Might be worth filing a bug.12:38
Idhanryanakca: well.. some preferences are just forget other even do not take effect...12:40
=== edson is now known as Guest44326
shadeslayerum,i dont know why but : sudo apt-get update : isnt working on my terminal,i just came back from my uni with a proxy server and did : unset http_proxy : still no luck13:03
shadeslayerjasabella: hi :)13:04
jasabellawaht's the default userinterface typeface in kubuntu?13:04
shadeslayerjasabella: kde 4.3.213:05
jasabellaya kde413:05
jasabellalatest one13:05
shadeslayerjasabella: nope,4.3.3 is the latest13:05
jasabellathe one it draws icons and menus with13:05
Picishadeslayer: jasabella wants to know what font the interface uses13:05
jasabellaok that then13:05
subinhi all13:06
shadeslayerPici: ah..13:06
jasabellaliberation sans? nimbus sans?13:07
jasabelladeja vu sans?13:07
jasabellawhat's it use to draw the widgets with13:07
shadeslayerjasabella: deja vu sans13:07
jasabellaooohh ok13:07
ubuntu_hi! anyone tried kubuntu on eee 901?13:10
shadeslayerah... the problem was : Acquire::http::Proxy "false";13:11
shadeslayerhey anyone use kde svn ?13:15
shadeslayer!lol > kooolanl13:27
ubottukooolanl, please see my private message13:27
Bauldrickhow do I open a .jar file by clicking on it? Ark always opens it, I know cmd line java -jar filename.jar13:40
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bigbrovar_ubuntu10h: hi13:57
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Guest11784I'm having trouble getting  the plasma hard disk monitor working. I am using a software raid device /dev/md0 but the plasma hard disk monitor only lists the /dev/sda and /dev/sdb partitions14:28
_abbenormalhello all14:30
_abbenormalis there a fix for flash player and firefox for amd 64 as im having one hell of a time getting it to setup or install14:30
=== Guest11784 is now known as ireallyneedapoo
jturekgreetings Kubuntu guys14:36
jturekAnybody know of a way to put in custom keyboard shortcuts in KDE4/Karmic/Kubuntu ??14:36
jturekI would like 'alt-x' for example to launch rxvt14:36
BluesKaj_abbenormal, http://technologycrowd.com/2009/11/01/installing-64-bit-flash-player-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/14:37
Sallin@jturek System settings --> keyboard --> keyboard shortcuts doesn't have any options for you?14:38
ireallyneedapoo_abbenormal, how are you installing it?14:38
ireallyneedapoo_abbenormal, are you using the packaged one?14:38
ireallyneedapoo_abbernormal, you need to provide more details as to what you are doing14:39
jturek@Sallin yes, there are 'shortcuts' listed there,  but no way to do a custom one i.e.  add an addional shortcut.. at least that i know of on that screen14:39
ireallyneedapooare you using kpackageKit for example14:39
ireallyneedapooor are you using Synaptic14:39
ireallyneedapooor are you using Software Center14:39
ireallyneedapooor are you downloading it from the internet14:39
ireallyneedapooare y14:40
jturek@Sallin nevermind,  i found something usefull.. a kde3 app called khotkeys  it actually works14:40
foxy_mefistoyoung frankenstein reference?14:40
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest29212
_abbenormalyes sir im a fan of mel brooks work too funny14:51
_abbenormalsorry had to go take out the trash14:51
_abbenormalireallyneedapoo, in trying to install it to get flash working and ive tried the repo ones but no workie14:52
_abbenormalso asking if there is a work around for it14:52
BluesKaj_abbenormal, did you see my post above ?14:53
_abbenormali used the manager and i dont mind command line also have tried wget and a falsh script14:53
_abbenormalyes looking right now14:53
_abbenormalnope looks like im going to update to 9.10 thanks guys15:01
_abbenormalthanks BluesKaj15:01
BluesKaj_abbenormal, np, there are still some sites that are written poorly that may not work . I've been complaining to our national tv network here in Canada , the CBC , for its poor use of flash , so don't be surprised iif some sites freeze or balk15:03
dima__hi, everyone. I have a partition which is a physical volume and has logical group and volumes inside. How do I make those logical volume appear in /dev/mapper/ as devices15:03
BluesKajdima__, are you trying to mount it ?  If so use the sudo fdisk -l to list the partition you want to see/mount15:08
gnomefreakn/win 2015:14
=== Sallin is now known as Sallin_AFK
HaguMeQuestion: How can I change amarok 1.4 fonts in GNOME? Used qt3-qtconfig but It won't work... AND I asked in the ubuntu channel but nothing.15:29
lionschenis anyone who programme the plc programmer with linux?15:32
carpiiHagume, amarok is a kde app afaik15:32
HaguMeYes, that's why I'm here15:32
carpiitry using kcontrol15:32
HaguMein Karmic? How?15:32
lionschenin karmic?15:33
lionschenwhat is it?15:33
foxy_mefistodoesn't amarok's settings have font settings?15:33
HaguMeOnly for the OSD display AFAIK15:33
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91015:33
lionschenen,i see15:34
carpiiHaguMe, just run kcontrol from cmdline15:34
HaguMeI did that already15:34
carpiididnt work?15:34
HaguMeAnd tried many times15:34
HaguMemut it doesn't exist15:34
carpiisudo apt-get install kcontrol15:35
HaguMeI did that15:35
carpiioh ok, i dont use Karmic. Maybe they dropped kcontrol from lde 4.xz15:36
carpiikde 4.x15:36
HaguMeYup, it seems to be that way15:36
foxy_mefistoinstall systemsettings then15:36
HaguMeanyway, I tried with qt3-qtconfig15:36
HaguMebut nothing either15:36
HaguMefoxy_mefisto: How can I do that?15:37
foxy_mefistoHaguMe: sudo apt-get install systemsettings15:37
HaguMeIs that a KDE package?15:37
carpiiyou could also try installing an amarok theme, some of them control the font size (not an ideal way to do it granted)15:38
HaguMeI will try right now15:38
Darohej...I have a problem with k3b..it is not detecting my cd/dvd burner at all...then I tried brasero and it worked fine....any ideas?? I am using kubuntu 9.1015:40
HaguMefoxy_mefisto: IT WORKED!15:43
HaguMeThanks a lot15:43
HaguMeI was unaware at first time because I made changes as root15:43
HaguMebut when I did as a normal user, it worked after applying changes15:44
HaguMefoxy_mefisto: Well, thank you again, I will rest peacefully right now xD15:46
HaguMebye all15:47
BluesKajDaro, did you try to configure k3b in k3b-settings/configure/devices ?15:50
DaroBluesKaj: no I used the wizard which appeaars when you start k3b..but there was no choice of any optical devicce15:51
BluesKajwizard ?15:52
BluesKajDaro, in the konsole , sudo apt-get install k3b15:53
DaroBluesKaj: yeah wizard is the wrong word..sorry...the k3b setup you get when you start it the first time...or you can access diectly after the error message15:53
DaroBluesKaj: yeah that is what I did15:53
BluesKajis there an icon for k3b in kmenu/multimedia15:54
Daroand if I start k3b I get this error message: K3b did not find an optical writing device in your system. Thus, you will not be able to burn CDs or DVDs. However, you can still use other K3b features such as audio track extraction, audio transcoding or ISO9660 image creation.15:55
=== anthony is now known as Guest97701
Daroand I can start k3b::setup15:55
Guest97701There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation. i have this error15:56
Guest97701what do i do15:56
Guest97701i tried the sudo apt-get install -f crap15:56
Guest97701that doesnt work15:56
Daroand in the k3b::setup no optical device is listed15:56
BluesKajDaro, in the terminal : sudo mount /dev/scd0 -rw15:58
BluesKajDaro, or whatever your cdrom is called in /etc/fstab15:58
DaroBluesKaj: just a second15:59
anthonyi have an issue16:00
=== anthony is now known as Guest82198
ireallyneedapooI have an issue too16:01
ireallyneedapooshe's called Natasha16:01
Guest82198There are broken dependecies on your system. Please use an advanced package manage e.g. Synaptic or aptitude to resolve this situation.16:01
ireallyneedapooand I really do need a poo16:01
Guest82198what do i do?16:01
DaroBluesKaj: it states, the device /dev/sr0 is write protected16:02
BluesKajDaro, yes that's what the -rw is for , it gives read write permissions16:03
DaroBluesKaj: yes but it doesn't change anythin in k3b..16:03
BluesKajdaro purge k3b and reinstall it16:04
DaroBluesKaj: when I start k3b from  the shell I get this warning: QStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDeviceInterface(const Solid::DeviceInterface::Type&)  error:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"16:04
PiciGuest82198: You need to drop the caps and lose the languge first.16:04
Guest82198well thats the only way i get attention on here16:05
Guest82198ive ben on here 2 times and asked the same questions16:05
DaroBluesKaj: I already purged k3b and it didn't cahnge anything16:05
Guest82198and thats the first response ive had16:05
BluesKajGuest82198, open synaptic , click on edit , then fix broken packages , apply16:05
BluesKajDaro, pastebin your /etc/fstab16:06
Guest82198where is synaptic16:06
Guest82198where is it16:06
BluesKajGuest82198, kmenu/multimedia16:07
Guest82198its not there16:08
BluesKajGuest82198, politeness also counts here ..we're all volunteers ..being demanding won't help you16:08
Guest82198its not there sorry?16:09
DaroBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/m79638be016:09
BluesKajGuest82198, in the terminal, sudo apt-get update , then sudo apt-get upgrade16:09
Guest82198it wouldnt upgrade16:11
BluesKajDaro, in the terminal , sudo mount /dev/scd0 -rw ,  then reboot16:12
BluesKajGuest82198, which kubuntu ?16:13
BluesKajGuest82198, how did you install it ? from cd or internet upgrade16:14
Darok..I try the reboot..thanks...if it doesn't work I come back and go on your nervs again :P thanks a lot16:14
BluesKajok, Guest82198 , try this in the terminal : sudo dpkg --configure -a16:15
=== fer is now known as Guest31715
Guest82198dpkg: status database area is locked by another process16:16
ahoxHi, I recently tried out the plasma-netbook, deinstalled it and now plasma-desktop does not automaticly start anymore. Any ideas?16:16
eduardoalguien conoce un canal de ayuda en español?16:16
Guest82198iev tried that b4 and came up with the same thing16:16
Pici!es | eduardo16:17
ubottueduardo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:17
BluesKajGuest82198, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock16:17
DaroBluesKaj: cu soon :P16:17
BluesKajok Daro16:17
Guest82198dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of frostwire:16:18
Guest82198 frostwire depends on sun-java6-jre; however:16:18
Guest82198  Package sun-java6-jre is not installed.16:18
Guest82198dpkg: error processing frostwire (--configure):16:18
Guest82198 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured16:18
FloodBotK1Guest82198: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:18
Guest82198Errors were encountered while processing:16:18
BluesKajGuest82198, sudo apt-get remove frostwire16:19
Guest82198ok its off now run the other commands??16:20
BluesKajthat's a terrible app16:20
BluesKajyes run the sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/loc16:20
Guest82198ok i ran it16:20
BluesKajand ?16:20
Guest82198it worked16:21
Guest82198thank you very much16:21
BluesKajrun sudo apt-get update16:21
Guest82198sorry for the bad language  ive ben tryin 2 fix it myslf16:21
BluesKajthen, sudo apt-get upgrade16:21
BluesKajGuest82198, frostwire is a terrible app , use ktorrent or transmission16:22
Guest82198ok. just have no clue how to use them16:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent16:23
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:23
Guest82198ok the upgrade is done.16:23
BluesKajPici, thanks , strange that's not default16:23
BluesKajGuest82198, read the above about torrents16:24
Guest82198ok thank you for all the help16:25
Guest82198should i restart my comp?16:25
BluesKajyou're welcome16:25
BluesKajno need to to restart , this is linux16:25
Guest82198ok cool.16:25
Guest82198what did the upgrade do??16:26
BluesKajGuest92828, it should have fixed some of your dependency probs16:28
BluesKajif there were any16:28
=== Sallin_AFK is now known as Sallin
* BluesKaj is going for daily walk ..bb in an hr16:44
Lintis there a keyboard layout indicator in KDE?16:47
Riddellno although kvkbd ought to act as one16:47
ireallyneedapoowhy do I have to enable legacy usb keyboard support in the bios to get my usb keyboard working?16:48
ireallyneedapooor am I doing something wrong here?16:48
yofelLint: I have a keyboard layout switcher here in kde 4.3.2 that act's as an indicator too16:51
* technikk is away ( Searching for UFO`s)16:55
* technikk is away ( Searching for UFO`s)16:57
Pici!away > technikk16:59
ubottutechnikk, please see my private message16:59
technikksorry :)17:00
* technikk is away ( Searching for UFO`s)17:09
Mamarok!away > technikk17:10
ubottutechnikk, please see my private message17:10
jhutchinsCan I disable kwallet?17:17
jhutchinsIs there a way I can actually bring up a network connection?17:20
Linthow to play mp3s in amarok?17:31
Fieldyhi, how do I (using the command line) stop a service in /etc/init.d/ from starting at boot?17:33
PiciFieldy: sudo update-rc.d servicename remove17:34
FieldyPici: thanks!17:34
colesIs there any work towards a British English localisation for the Lucid Lynx Kubuntu installer?  If not, how could I help?17:38
Mamarokcoles: you should get in touch with the translation team17:39
zoisshey guys. i got a problem with my flash player (shockwave) ...when i am watching flash videos, the flash player crashes sometimes (the flash parts are just grey) when i am surfing on other firefox tabs or windows. does anyone know how to fix this?17:43
OpenMasterhello; a question17:48
jhutchinsWhere do I add channels to auto-join in quassel?17:49
OpenMasterthe ubuntu bug with ext4 was solved?17:49
OpenMasterIf install kubuntu 9.10 should I use ext4 or ext3? If I use ext4 ant the bug will be solved I'll need to reinstall Kubuntu?17:51
OpenMastersorry for my noob beeing17:51
[yksi]does anyone here know how to get wacom features working properly (hp tx2500 running kubuntu 9.10)17:51
ircleuserwhat is comand to change nick17:52
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BluesKajzoiss, http://technologycrowd.com/2009/11/01/installing-64-bit-flash-player-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/18:02
=== laptop is now known as Guest75703
zoissthank you very much18:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:11
maramanu07Sorry ! :-p18:12
=== leigh is now known as leigh_
m4ch1n3I'm rafael18:12
kynikerhow can I pipe into a command like this one: foobar -i here_should_the_pipeline_end outputfile18:15
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=== BlouBlou is now known as xD
foxy_mefistothis channel is a lot quieter than it used to be. does that mean there are fewer kubuntu problems? or have people switched to gnome?18:25
kynikersolve mine...18:25
foxy_mefistokyniker: I don't understand your problem18:25
foxy_mefistokyniker: you want the output of a command to go to a file?18:26
kynikerfoxy_mefisto: no, i want to pipe from one command to another, but | won't work, because the line would look like: "foo | bar -i output_of_foo some_other_arg"18:28
Vroomfondleuse xargs18:29
yofelkyniker: store it in a tmpfile?18:29
Vroomfondle(man xargs)18:29
jhutchins_ltIs there an optional wireless manager?18:29
yofelVroomfondle: but wouldn't xargs append it after some-other-arg ?18:29
Vroomfondleyofel: good point18:30
VroomfondleI guess one needs to do the contatenation first, then use xargs to pass the concatenated arguments to the executable18:31
BluesKaj!wicd info | jhutchins_lt18:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd info18:31
BluesKaj!wicd | jhutchins_lt18:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd18:32
yofelBluesKaj: info wicd18:32
jhutchins_ltHey BluesKaj.18:32
jhutchins_ltCan't get the wifi up, it just keeps asking for the key or password.18:32
jhutchins_ltI tried 64 and 12818:32
jhutchins_ltLet's see if it'll do wpa.18:33
yofeljhutchins_lt: had that once too, found out it was a bug in the router software, had to restart the router everytime it happened18:33
kynikerVroomfondle: how would that look like? I'm new to shell scripting.18:33
BluesKajjhutchins_lt, if your router is pw/key protected then you have enter it in the network manager settings18:34
BluesKaj!info wicd18:35
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB18:35
rfoney[GuS]: what is a good irc program to use on ubuntu installable using sudo apt-get install?18:37
=== xD is now known as BlouBlou
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation18:38
rfoneyis konversation a good irc program?18:38
jhutchins_ltBluesKaj: what else would you recommend?18:38
jhutchins_ltrfoney: An excellent one.18:38
BluesKaj!info konversation18:38
ubottukonversation (source: konversation): user friendly Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 2287 kB, installed size 9920 kB18:38
rfoneyI believe the bots have taken my identity lol18:38
jhutchins_ltBluesKaj: Um, now how do I access it?18:41
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
BluesKajjhutchins_lt, i got some advice from actionparsnip to use /etc/network/interfaces as a text network manager and works nicely if you list the sernames and IPs from your network machines and the gateway router of course . i copied from the /etc/hosts.allow file and purged wicd and my network connections much faster now18:42
jhutchins_ltI don't even see how to access wicd18:43
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jhutchins_ltShouldn't it put an icon in the system tray or something?18:44
BluesKajis this the same jhutchins we all know ? ..doesn't seem so to me18:44
jhutchins_ltJust taking my first steps into KDE4 and back to kubuntu for the first time in a couple of years.18:45
BluesKajI don't believe this, who are you ?18:46
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jhutchins_ltBluesKaj: Planeshift.18:50
jhutchins_ltiirc that's where I know you from.18:52
jhutchins_ltOr maybe not, maybe it was here when I was using it before.18:52
liveDi'm a dick?18:55
liveDto the grub 2?18:56
Vroomfondleyou're a what?18:57
liveDsorry for my english18:57
bigbrovarhi guys, I observed that when am copying huge files (like 10gb) from one dir to another on my laptop. it can make the system hang sometimes18:57
liveDi am a dick? to the grub 2?18:58
BluesKajdick ?18:58
bigbrovaram not sure what triggers it but seem plasma just freezes for a moment or 218:58
macoliveD: dick is a naughty word in english18:58
liveDaddickted? yes to the grub 218:58
liveDmaco: night world?18:59
macoliveD: bad word18:59
* Vroomfondle sniffs the air18:59
sven_And after the freezes?18:59
BluesKaj!it | liveD19:00
ubottuliveD: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:00
jussio1bigbrovar: did you get your dual head working?19:00
liveDto the dick?19:00
liveDon the drugs with kubuntu kubuntu karmik coallha19:00
* Vroomfondle re-sniffs and notes that the troll-scent has abated19:01
dcorbin_workI"m trying to upgrade to karmic, and I get "distrubution upgrade process exited with code 127."  It comes very quicly.  Any ideas on how to get past this?19:01
BluesKajVroomfondle, judging from his IP , and his english , it was best to direct the guy to the italian chat19:02
foxy_mefistodcorbin_work: was it downloading packages? installing them? at what stage did it stop?19:02
VroomfondleBluesKaj: indeed, but the "night world" bit seemed implausible19:03
BluesKajdcorbin_work, what command are you using ?19:03
Vroomfondleanyway, gone now19:03
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BluesKajVroomfondle, I suspect we also had some kid impersonating his father here ,the real jhutchins would have known about wicd etc19:05
dcorbin_workBlueEagl1: I'm using kpackageKit.19:05
dcorbin_workfoxy_mefisto: IT happens moments after I start...19:05
macoBluesKaj: popey's daughter was in #ubuntu-women recently, under his nick19:05
dcorbin_worklong before any download could have finished (or probabably even timedout)19:05
maco"hi. my  name  is  ___. alan  is  my daddy"19:06
BluesKajdcorbin_work, you should be using update-manager19:06
dcorbin_workBlueEagl1: I don't appear to have update-manager on my path (or root's path).  Where should I find it. Is it command line or X?19:07
BluesKajdcorbin_work, my nick is BluesKaj19:07
dcorbin_workBluesKaj: sorry19:07
BluesKajdcorbin_work, in the terminal : sudo apt-get install update-manager19:08
jhutchinsBluesKaj: I've been on another distro for the last two years.19:09
jhutchinsIt has it's own wifi manager.19:09
Blizzzwhere does kmail store the identities? i copied every folder and file from .kde/share/apps and config containing kmail, and kontact, and everything seems fine - but the identities19:09
jhutchins_ltNo known progeny so far.19:09
BluesKajjhutchins, , well you can't blame us for being suspicious :)19:10
jhutchins_ltSure I can.19:10
jhutchins_ltI take it I'd have to activate a widget to get wicd to show up.19:10
BluesKajthere's a ppa repos for it19:11
jhutchins_ltI think my old install is hosed.  It sees the drive as hda, new grub sees it as sda.19:11
BluesKajwhat does sudo fdisk -l say ?19:12
foxy_mefistodcorbin_work: alt-F2 and enter: update-notifier-kde -u (or if you prefer commandline: sudo do-release-upgrade)19:13
fede_Hi, i'm new to ubuntu and i'm trying to learn the basics to configurating the os19:14
sven__fede_, ubuntu or kubuntu?19:15
fede_sorry kubuntu19:15
fede_The thing is that i installed ubuntu first and then i installed the kde desktop19:16
sven__kde startmenu>> computer >> systemsettings19:16
fede_Can i get rid of the gnome desktop to use only kde19:17
jhutchinsBluesKaj: It's there, but it wants to be on hda1 instad of sda119:18
sven__sudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop?19:18
maco!purekde | fede_19:18
ubottufede_: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »19:18
foxy_mefistowow, that link is a little outdated19:19
macofix it up if you know how19:19
foxy_mefistohttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde there's a karmic one19:20
jhutchins_ltHow do I change the password on kwallet?19:21
fede_oh... i just removed gnome with the instructions of the first link19:21
bman18why can i not see any windows move or pop up when i use remote access to get onto my ubuntu computer through m mac? does anyone else have this same problem19:21
fede_What can i do now?19:22
fede_should i follow the instructions for karmic anyway?19:22
sven__jhutchins_lt, go to the kde stard menu19:23
foxy_mefistofede_: you could remove the karmic ubuntu packages in the 2nd link to make sure nothing was left behind19:23
sven__start kdewallet19:23
sven__than click on kdewallet19:23
foxy_mefistofede_: and maybe install kubuntu-desktop again after that, to make sure nothing important was removed19:24
fede_ok thanks, if i remove some of the packeges that i have installed myself in the process ¿can i install them back?19:24
foxy_mefistofede_: sure19:25
gregcoitwhat's the icon in my panel that's brown with a little blue diamond that says "10% - unknown state"?  there's nothing in my widget list that matches.  right clicking changes the diamond to a white circle (no other visable change) and left clicking makes it dissapear until I reboot19:27
fede__it gave me an error: the package ubuntu-desktop is not installed19:30
fede__how can i fix that?19:31
macothats not an error19:31
macoyou want it to be not-installed if youre getting rid of gnome19:31
fede__yes but how i remove the other packages?19:33
vbgunzxorg in ksysguard gets bigger and bigger.  after being up for 1 day it's memory is 366MB. Is this normal?19:34
whirleystarso i have had two probs since jaunty because i'm stubborn and won't ask but now really need them... web shortcuts don't wok from krunner and i can't get nepomuk to switch to sesame219:35
frogletvlc is not working on either of my systems, jaunty and karmic.  It worked before I updated/reinstalled.  Any ideas on how to get it working?  Could it be missing codecs?19:36
fede__How can i access this chat in spanish language?19:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:38
Picifede__: /join #kubuntu-es19:38
fede__so easy i fell like an idiot, thanks19:38
Vroomfondlefede__: :)19:39
fede__The spanish chat is almost empty19:42
Picifede__: Try #ubuntu-es then19:42
whirleystarnepomuk-backend-sesame is installed though19:49
Pici!ru | scream19:51
ubottuscream: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:51
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wavis_I'm on an orignal intel iMac and I just put the computer to sleep and was unable to wake it up again. pressing the power button made something happen; the pulsing LED turned off and the hard drive or fan started whirring, but that continued for a while without waking up the screen and I had to turn it off. is this a problem anyone knows about for which there is an easy fix, or should I file a bug report?20:26
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rafaelplease bug report20:27
wavis_hum... where at?20:28
Mamarok!bugs | wavis_20:29
ubottuwavis_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:29
rafaelI think it is a kernel bug20:30
rafaelwavis_: use "ubuntu-bug linux" command to report20:30
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TheGentlemanHello. I read somewhere that Xorg.conf is no longer used in Karmic (it is there on my fresh install, but nearly empty). So where do I set parameters to use an external monitor with my laptop?20:42
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PiciTheGentleman: If xorg.conf contains settings, then xorg will honor them.20:46
TheGentlemanwell, now I should imagine what to put in Xorg.conf.....20:48
TheGentlemanI forgot to keep a copy from my previous install (which was based on KDE 3.5)20:48
jhutchins_ltHow can I determine which driver xorg's using?  It seems to probe four different ones in the log.20:48
BluesKajTheGentleman, inthe terminal , sudo your-video-card -maker-xconfig for example sudo nvidia-config , will generate an editable xorg.conf file20:48
BluesKajoops sudo nvidia-xconfig20:49
TheGentlemanok, thanks, As a matter of fact i have an nvidia card20:49
TheGentlemanalso installed nvidia propietery drivers20:50
BluesKajthere are no guarantees that it'll fix something broken tho20:50
TheGentlemanbut nvidia settings cannot save a configuration into Xorg.conf: it says can't parse xorg.conf20:51
TheGentlemaneven opening nvidia setting with sudo20:51
TheGentlemanGood old KDE 3.5......   not many eyecandies... but it worked!20:52
jhutchins_ltTheGentleman: Try creating the xorg.conf file in /etc/X11 - I notice I don't have one.20:53
jhutchins_ltA typical "didn't get the memo" bug.20:54
jhutchins_ltTheGentleman: Just touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:54
TheGentlemanno, the real bug is this new thing.  it worked out of the box on kubuntu 8.0420:54
TheGentlemanthis is a regression!20:55
jhutchins_lt8..04 had a default xorg.conf.20:55
jhutchins_ltMy guess is that the nvidia configurator doesn't expect to have to create the file.20:56
TheGentlemanin 8.04 it was as simple as connecting the VGA cable into the laptop and it worked fine.20:56
jhutchins_ltTheGentleman: I believe we have a new version of xorg.20:57
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dima__всем привет20:57
TheGentlemanit may be new but it works less!20:57
TheGentlemanthis is false progress20:57
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TheGentlemanand to have the possibility of rotating the icons ...   this is a silly world20:58
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
jhutchins_lt'm surprised there isn't a configuration tool for it.21:00
TheGentlemanI agree21:00
TheGentlemananyone knows where to gather information on this issue?  May be asking in #KDE ?21:01
BluesKajTheGentleman, have you checked kmenu/system/hardware drivers21:01
drostieSo, um, quick question: if my toolbars aren't transparent anymore, what's the quickest route to getting them transparent again? Is there some setting that's likely to toggle it off and on?21:01
drostie"toolbars" in this case meaning "kde panels".21:02
TheGentlemanyes BluesKaj and i installed nvidia drivers from there21:02
BluesKajTheGentleman,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure  -phigh xserver-xorg21:04
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TheGentlemanBluesKaj, i have a nvidia settings configurator, but it does nothing. if I select to use my external monitor from there it requires to save the configuration on Xorg.conf. hitting save to xorg.conf returns "Cannot parse Xorg.conf"21:05
jhutchins_ltWhat is akonadi?21:06
jhutchins_ltTheGentleman: I made a suggestion of how you might fix it.21:06
jhutchins_ltIt cannot parse a file that doesn't exist.  Create the file.21:06
BluesKajjhutchins_lt, I think he did21:07
drostieOkay, I managed to solve my problem by hitting random things in System Settings. :D21:07
TheGentlemani am doing that jhutchins ... let mem chck the results21:07
liveDit was from the kmail?21:08
kaitsuLöytyykö mistään Qt Creator:lle manua suomeksi21:09
BluesKaj!akonadi | jhutchins_lt21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about koffice21:09
Pici!fi | kaitsu21:09
ubottukaitsu: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi21:09
TheGentlemanjhutchins,  nothing happens21:10
BluesKajTheGentleman, reboot21:10
TheGentlemando i have to restrt x?21:10
liveDat the rave of the koffice 2.1?21:10
TheGentlemanreboot or restert X'21:10
BluesKajdepends did you stop X ?21:11
TheGentlemanreboot sounds much like windows.....   sigh!21:11
TheGentlemangoing to stop and restart21:12
BluesKajTheGentleman, drop to a tty , stop X , sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop , then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start21:12
BluesKajthen crtl+alt+F7 to get back21:13
ubuntu_Hi, someone knows another excellent network-manager? I do not really like the standard in Kubuntu Karmic ...21:13
ubuntu_I also tried wicd so far21:13
BluesKaj!info wicd21:13
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB21:13
liveDkilling in the name of kde?21:13
ubuntu_Maybe something except wicd? I tried it and the translation was just bad (english is not my mothertongue)21:14
SunlessHaloyo folks21:14
liveDmother father yo yo!21:14
jhutchins_ltI think we will turn off effects for now.21:14
jhutchins_ltCan't get the system to give me full backlight on battery.21:14
jhutchins_ltWhich would suck if it were sunny.21:15
liveDdanny was aaron seigo's concubine of krunner?21:15
markus__hy everybody21:15
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* SunlessHalo is experiencing a comical issue with KDE4.3 panels :D ... I have created a tiny side panel with launcher icons and kickoff applets sorted via 3 built-in separator... and, the panel is mixing these icons and separators arbitrarily :D21:16
markus__how can I start the obex server? I can't klick on it in the tray21:16
liveDhi markus__21:16
BluesKajubuntu_,set your langauge to german and join #kubuntu-de or #ubuntu-de21:17
jhutchins_ltWeather Report applet doesn't appear to have icons.21:18
liveDwho? obama?21:19
jhutchins_ltWell, at least amarok can play my streams.21:21
TheGentlemanBluesKaj, I went into tty4, but there it keeps repeting me this message every few seconds:  ath5 phy0: noise floor calibration timeout (2414 MHz)21:26
TheGentleman i do not have any idea what it means21:26
TheGentlemanbut it sounds very bad.........21:27
BluesKajTheGentleman, try tty121:28
BluesKajTheGentleman, that looks like your wifi essid broadcasting21:29
TheGentlemanBluesKaj,  same message there, but it also says 19 packages can be updated21:29
TheGentlemanok i switched it off, going to try again21:30
BluesKajthen sudo apt-get update21:30
jhutchins_ltHow do I import a playlist to amarok?21:31
TheGentlemanBluesKaj, ok, now i could choose my external screen from nvdia-settings, and it works. But if i try to save this new configuration it says : Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!21:47
josh__How is everyone?21:50
nightwlkrhellow all21:51
nightwlkri just switched screens and having a resolution problem, can any1 help me out?21:51
josh__Uh, what sort of graphics card do you use?21:51
=== josh__ is now known as MetroidMaster
nightwlkrnvidia geforce21:52
MetroidMasterWell, you could install the Linux Drivers for it21:52
nightwlkrit's activated and all was working fine on my wide screen lcd21:52
nightwlkri switched to my crt screen and now max resolution is 640x48021:53
nightwlkrwhen i go to nvidia x server settings21:53
nightwlkrscreen is crt-0 on screen-0 GPU-021:54
TheGentlemanMetroidMaster, are the Linux Drivers for nvidia stable and effective for 3D  (asking seriously, I know little about graphics and drivers)21:54
MetroidMasterYeah, they work21:54
nightwlkrsorry crt-0 (crt-0 GPU-0)21:54
NowakerI need some help, recently there have been changes in X-related packages and it made my DRI not work. (intel, q35)21:54
Nowakerdo you know how to get a list of packages that were updated in last 7 days?21:54
NowakerI want to roll back the X-related packages to older version but I need the names.21:54
MetroidMasterYou're using Ubuntu 9.10 right?21:55
MetroidMasterCheck the Software Center21:55
MetroidMasterThey're bound to have the right nVidia drivers somewhere21:55
TheGentlemaneverything about X seems to be a bit messy21:55
MetroidMasterPut it this way, I'm new to Linux, but I was able to get Ubuntu to work21:56
TheGentlemanthat may be an explanation.  I'm on linux since years and i learned how to set my parameters.... for kubuntu 8.04.... I'm lost on this new release21:57
TheGentlemannothing is like it used to be21:57
nightwlkryes it got so complicated21:57
MetroidMasterI think everything programwise can be found in the Software Center21:58
nightwlkri've used 7.04 b4 was way too easy back then to convert from windows for me21:58
TheGentlemanmy guess is that they brought 9.10 out too early, without enough beta testing21:58
TheGentlemanor may be it is KDE's fault21:59
nightwlkrwell kde4 actually made the mess i guess :P21:59
MetroidMasterJust poke around the Software Center, under Applications. I think the drivers are in "Software" or something like that21:59
nightwlkri was happy with kde3..if i could get that back i'd b really happy :)21:59
TheGentlemanyeah, you are right21:59
sourcemakerplasma-desktop is not starting on kde startup...22:00
TheGentlemannightwlkr, my same thoughts!!!!!!!22:00
TheGentlemanall this mess in order to have icons that can be rotated..... what a waste of time and resources22:01
nightwlkrTheGentleman: i think alot of ppl would agree ... if u take into consideration the stability22:01
MetroidMasterShoot, I think I'm gonna go totally Linux from now on. My computer doesn't like Windows 722:01
TheGentlemangood to hear MetroidMaster ! :)22:01
nightwlkrMetroidMaster:  welcome to the club..both my computers hate windows now :P22:01
ErtheI've been having a strange problem with Krunner in Kubuntu for the last few months, my efforts to find a solution have exceeded my tolerance.  Krunner, when I try to use a web shortcut (ie., gg:search_term), loads Konqueror and displays a copy of the Google result page from /var/tmp/kdecache-<user>/krun/1234.0.search22:02
nightwlkri still need to fix this crt resolution problem getting me angry :P everything's just too big :(22:02
bbigrasis it normal that I need to do F5 in the "open file" dialog in ktorrent to see new files when I download a new one?22:03
ErtheInstead of the full Google URL22:03
MetroidMasterI dunno22:03
ErtheThis is especially frustrating with relative links  :D22:03
ErtheHas anyone encountered this with Krunner?22:03
nightwlkrbrb have to try fixing this22:04
MetroidMasterKrunner is an Internet Browser, correct?22:04
MetroidMasterE-mail program?22:04
ErtheIf you press Alt-F2, the dialogue you see is Krunner22:04
Erthe(In KDE)22:05
MetroidMasterI honestly have no clue22:05
ErtheNo worries, very few people can even reproduce this, I'm just not sure where to go to find a solution22:05
TheGentlemanWhere can I see how my system calls the two screens connected ?  (laptop with external LCD connected)22:05
nightwlkrshouldn't that b in system settings display TheGentleman?22:06
TheGentlemanthere must be a command to gather this info22:07
Erthe?!? ?22:08
TheGentlemanyes nightwlkr, and that's why I am asking: it call my external LCD "CRT0"22:08
TheGentleman but an LCD screen is NOT a Catode Ray Tube22:08
TheGentlemanso I wondered if it was a poor wording in nvidia settings22:09
nightwlkri guess the best way to get my display problem fixed is to actually change the screen back so i can get some job done22:12
nightwlkrthis is the only annoying part in linux22:12
MetroidMasterUgh, my wireless card is so slow...the download for OpenArena is only at 36%22:13
TheGentlemannightwlkr, i saw that in nvidia settings.  System sstting display lists only my default internal display (though i'm presently watching my external one)22:13
TheGentlemanThat's why I call this a mess!22:13
nightwlkrgetting configuration done like drivers etc...22:13
nightwlkrTheGentleman: ya i noticed that was the issue22:14
=== amik is now known as amichair
nightwlkrcause i changed to another lcd screen previously it adjusted resolutions normally22:14
nightwlkri have another pc with an ati card on it i put to this crt screen everything is adjusted normally and on my wide screen again the same... it's nvidia that's the messy part i guess22:15
TheGentlemanyeah... I always have the wrong cards....  graphics, audio, wifi....  LOL22:15
nightwlkru should've seen my first day with the network manager :P22:16
nightwlkri switched 3 boards 5 different network cards they all didn't work..some1 here advised me to use wicd instead of network manager and all is working fine even on my built in card22:17
MetroidMasterI tried to get my D-link card to work, and it wouldn't22:17
luis_hello guys helpme pls after an updating i cant hear any sound with my headphones22:17
MetroidMasterI tried ndis-wrapper, and couldn't figure that out22:17
TheGentlemanyes, networkmanager is rather poor with wifi cards22:17
nightwlkrwell MetroidMaster try this out maybe u can get it work22:17
luis_yes is better wicd22:18
luis_lot better22:18
TheGentleman i have another computer (for my daughter) and I had to use wicd on that one22:18
nightwlkrif u go to  a terminal and ifconfig shows u the d-link card then ur problem is the network manager..install wicd22:18
TheGentlemanand on my wife's too22:18
luis_it also gives you a very helpful guide on how to install it22:18
nightwlkrluis actually no guide is needed there .. sudo apt-get install wicd does the whole job22:19
luis_not in my case22:19
rosco_ywhat is a user manager gui I can install for kubuntu?22:19
luis_i had to follow the steps to install it22:19
luis_its easy22:19
sourcemakermysql-server is not starting on system startup... are there upstart problems?22:19
MetroidMasterI can't do it now, because Open Arena is downloading22:19
luis_then wait22:20
MetroidMasterI take it I can only have one install going at a time?22:20
luis_once it finish do it22:20
rosco_ysourcemaker: you might ask in #mysql22:20
nightwlkrMetroidMaster: wicd has way better support for cards then the default network manager22:20
luis_yu can install as much software as u like at once22:20
luis_i agree22:20
luis_way better22:20
MetroidMasterCuz the card I'm using now sucks22:21
rosco_ydoes anyone know where the user manager gui is in kubuntu 9.04?22:21
nightwlkrluis no that's not true22:21
luis_it gives no problems at all22:21
MetroidMasterWait, does it support the D-Link DWA-130?22:21
luis_i do think so22:21
nightwlkraplication manager can run only 1 instance of installation22:21
MetroidMasterApparently that includes installations through the terminal22:21
luis_its really easy22:21
nightwlkrMetroidMaster:  if u'r going to wireless cards specially usb u'r gonna go through some issues during installation..i suggest to check on google for previously posted forums22:22
luis_hes right22:22
nightwlkrMetroidMaster: yes..ur graphical manager is actually using the terminal in the background..so logically 1 install at a time22:23
MetroidMasterWell, I'll try it, and if it doesn't work, I'll just use the old card22:23
MetroidMasterI think I'll cancel the OpenArena download, and work on the other card22:23
nightwlkru won't lose a thing.. wicd is way easier to use..so ur old card will work way better :P22:23
MetroidMasterWell, it's going22:24
nightwlkri better get some work done ..got to reconfigure a router then waking up at 7 for work eukh!!22:25
nightwlkri'll b back in a while :P22:25
MetroidMasterHey, I get up at 6 to get ready for school22:25
nightwlkrMetroidMaster: school is way better than work..take my advice get education :P22:25
harleypigI've used update-alternatives --config x-www-browser to select firefox as the default browser (and the Preferences->Advanced->General->Check Now says FF is the default browser) but when clicking on a link in konsole konq is brought up.  How do I make firefox the default browser for konsole links?22:26
luis_is there someone here that can help me out with my sound the sound is ok but for some reason after last updating i just can hear anything with my headphones how can i fix this help pls22:26
EagleScreenharleypig: have you set Firefox as default web browser in KDE systemsettings?22:31
luis_anyone pls?22:33
harleypigEagleScreen: umm .... I don't think so.  So, I have to set update-alternatives, hit the check now button *and* use system settings?22:33
EagleScreenyes, harleypig, set it as default in KDE systemsettings -> Default applications22:34
harleypigEagleScreen: yeah, that did it.  Thx.22:35
harleypigAnyplace else I need to set it (to avoid future problems)?22:35
EagleScreenI dont think so22:35
luis_ is there someone here that can help me out with my sound the sound is ok but for some reason after last updating i just can hear anything with my headphones how can i fix this help pls22:36
rosco_yI've just started using kubuntu 9.10, and I can't find System->Administration in the menus, can anyone help me with this problem?22:36
harleypigEagleScreen: Hmmm ... I didn't know about these default app settings ... is there any way to make gvim the default text editor?22:37
harleypigand gmail the default email client?22:37
EagleScreenkmail is fully compatible with GMail22:37
jhutchins_ltIs there a colored icon available for konversation?22:38
nightwlkror u can try thunderbird22:38
EagleScreenand just richt click on a text file, properties, and set another text editor to open the file by default22:38
harleypigI don't want to download email to my computer, I want a mailto link to open firefox and gmail's compose window (if possible)22:38
rosco_yjhutchins_lt: you don't like the black icon?22:38
jhutchins_ltNo, I don't.  Looks too much like a konsole at a quick glance.22:38
EagleScreenharleypig: take a look to kgmailnotifier package22:39
rosco_yWhere did my old System->Administratin program group disappear to?22:39
harleypigEagleScreen: ok, thx22:39
EagleScreenrosco_y: Systemsettings -> Advanced tab22:39
luis_ is there someone here that can help me out with my sound the sound is ok but for some reason after last updating i just can hear anything with my headphones how can i fix this help pls22:40
EagleScreenluis_: check Systemsettings -> Multimedia22:40
luis_i did22:40
luis_cant hear anything with headphones22:40
EagleScreenyou only hear by eartphones?22:41
luis_i actually use them a lot so i wont interrupt others22:41
luis_i only hear without the headphones22:41
EagleScreenyour headphonos doesn't wotk22:41
nightwlkrluis_: how can u hear without headphones?22:41
luis_they do22:41
nightwlkrnot on same output?22:41
rosco_yEagleScreen: Mission Accomplished---Thank you!22:42
EagleScreenhave you check headphones output volume and mute in Kmix?22:42
rosco_ybye freinds and neighbors22:42
luis_if i unplugg my headphones i hear whatever i want, like videso from youtube or musis22:42
EagleScreenyu're welcome rosco_y22:42
luis_but if i plugin headphones they wont work22:43
luis_this happened after last updating22:43
nightwlkrok when u unplug ur sound comes out from where?22:43
EagleScreenthat has been happening always for me22:43
nightwlkrinternal speakers?22:43
EagleScreeninternal speakers are disabled when i plug my headphones since ever22:44
nightwlkrluis can u go to ur mixer22:44
luis_i am in there already22:44
aeonorisIs there a good partition manager on KDE that has a GUI?22:45
nightwlkrconfigure channels22:45
nightwlkris there anything there like rear green output or rear output?22:45
nightwlkrwell there should b something there that's muted22:46
vitamin-carrotis it just me or did a whole bunch of updates pop up after the latest kernal headers?22:47
luis_the ones that i have are22:47
nightwlkrthat's the only reason i can think of22:47
luis_master, master mono, headphone and pcm22:47
xantKubuntu makes Windows and Mac os X obsolete22:47
luis_i did actually always have selected pcm as master channel22:47
nightwlkrluis if u unplug ur earphone and plug it back does it give u a message that something is plugged ?22:47
luis_and i also have headphone switch set it on22:48
xantjoin #django22:48
luis_it was working22:48
luis_but las nite i had this update request from kubuntu and then headphones stop working22:48
luis_no it doesnt give me any notification at all22:48
nightwlkrit used to b4 no?22:49
jhutchins_ltAre there any tools for working with pulseaudio and determining if this laptop has a microphone?22:49
luis_pardon me?22:49
nightwlkrluis_:  b4 the update..when u plugged the earphones was it giving u new device connected etc?22:50
luis_no it was just working fine  it never give me any notification at all by pluging in or unplugin22:50
luis_it is seted up to autodetec22:51
nightwlkrthen the only reason would b something muted in ur mixer22:51
nightwlkrtry adding everything in channels 1 by 1 to check which makes a difference22:51
luis_if plug i hear throug headphones if unplug i hear throug internal speakers22:51
luis_that last one still wont make headphones work22:52
nightwlkryes luis i understand..only reason that i could think of is something in ur mixer muted22:52
nightwlkrluis_: if it was driver issue internal speakers and ur output plug use the same device22:53
nightwlkrboth wouldn't work22:53
nightwlkrso add everyhting in ur mixer channels and try removing mute or adjusting volume if minimum22:53
nightwlkrwhen u find which is doing that u can remove all the rest if not needed22:54
luis_tellme somehing22:54
luis_is there anyway to find out trough console if headphones are ok or if they are broke?22:55
nightwlkrthat i don't know22:55
ErtheYou cannot detect if a headphone device is broken.22:55
ErtheHave you tried the headphones in another device?22:55
nightwlkrfastest way is to remove from pc plug to a tv or stereo :P22:55
luis_txs a lot guys22:55
luis_lets try that out22:56
luis_to start how stupid i become sometimes sorry22:56
ErtheIt's OK luis, we all have our moments  :D22:56
nightwlkrluis_:  in such cases always eliminate doubts starting by simple stuff22:56
cjaehow do you make widgets stick on the plasma dashboard? when I close it the widget ends up on my desktop22:57
nightwlkrcause i've seen things on computer that makes no sense in the electronics world :P22:57
ErtheWho could I discuss an issue I'm having, even after updating KDE several times, with a KDE program in Kubuntu?22:57
Erthe(Or where can I log a bug)22:57
rerx_Hi guys! Has anybody else tried the version of firefox that comes with the kde integration enhancements from opensuse? I found this ppa https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/firefox-kde but sadly I don't see any difference...22:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots22:57
jhutchins_ltQuite welcome.22:58
nightwlkri'll b back22:59
luis_just found out with my cell phone23:00
luis_fucking headphones are broke23:00
luis_and they were really expensive23:01
luis_not even a year of use23:01
jhutchins_ltluis_: Sympathies.  Tear 'em apart and see what's wrong.23:01
luis_u think'23:01
luis_i am so upset i want to kick those bastards23:02
jhutchins_ltWhich bastards would that be?23:04
jhutchins_ltCould it be your cellphone is a mono jack?23:04
jhutchins_ltSometimes those short out on stereo plugs.23:04
xantGreat job, KDE team23:05
luis_i use my headphones on my pc to hear music23:05
jhutchins_ltI have headsets I could try on this laptop, but they're all two conductor headphone/mic's.23:05
luis_thats the type i have23:05
luis_headphones whit mic integrated23:05
luis_now they are death23:05
ErtheUmm, I have a problem with the bug reporting system.23:06
ErtheThe bug I'm trying to log can't be filed because of the bug I'm trying to log  :D23:06
Qu4Zluis_: That was *almost* a haiku23:07
ErtheMy issue with Krunner is preventing me from filing a bug against it.23:09
jhutchins_ltErthe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing bugs at Launchpad.net23:10
trooperxwhy every restart my panel ( the start menu and all ) change direction .23:11
trooperxright to left or left to right23:11
vitamin-carrotwhats a good webcam app for kubuntu23:16
Qu4Zvitamin-carrot: I think kopete supports webcams?23:17
vitamin-carrotfor vid recording and such?23:19
vitamin-carroti have a logitech pro 900023:20
vitamin-carrotso linux loves it23:20
vitamin-carrotjust want to be able to record with my webcam and such23:21
vitamin-carrotill see whats on getdeb23:22
jhutchins_ltHow do I determine what video driver I'm using?  xorg log shows four different ones.23:26
vitamin-carroti dot like the latest getdeb website23:29
=== promulo1 is now known as promulo_
befreeHi all ! nice DE KDE23:39
galvaogreetings. sorry to ask this here (kinda OT), but let's say I have a bunch of subdirs with a specific name and they are recursively located into other subdirs... How can I rm -rf just these named subdirs? Can't remember now... Tried rm -rf ./*|grep foo but it's not the right command :(23:41
EagleScreengalvao: is it possible to know the name?23:44
jhutchins_ltgalvao: find ~foo/ -name "*bar*" -exec rm -rf {} \;23:44
galvaoEagleScreen: Yes, I know the exact name23:44
galvaoI've used "foo" as an example23:44
Qu4ZI agree with jhutchins_lt23:44
galvaoEagleScreen: Ah, perfect! you're a life saver23:46
jhutchins_ltgalvao: Except my example is inconsistant with yours, reverse foo and bar.23:46
galvaoYeah, I've noticed23:46
galvaoThank you very much23:46
EagleScreenme? lol23:46
kavurtmenu taskbar in okular disappeared. how can I bring it back?23:55

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