[00:37] too early for lucid? [00:37] considering I spent my entire weekend triaging bugs for lucid, I'd say no, it's plenty apropros [00:40] Good evening dtchen. Hope all is well with you and yours [00:40] thanks, ditto [00:41] I have been trying to decide if I'm going to sit this dev cycle out... I'm tired from the karmic cycle still. :P [00:42] I empathise utterly. [00:42] heh === nigel_nb_ is now known as nigel_nb [01:11] Bug logistics question: I assume the person that takes on a bug sets its importance and not the person triaging? [01:13] depends on the team, but generally, yes [01:15] ok; does the triage-er assign the bug to whom they perceive to be the most appropriate person to deal/solve it? [01:15] well, in bug control, triagers generally set the initial importance [01:16] the maintainers can change it if they feel it's wrong [01:16] no, never set someone else to fix a bug [01:16] thats rude [01:18] micahg; ok [01:18] mjw99: bugsquad members can come in here an request an importance set [01:20] micahg; so bugsquad ppl can act as guiders for issues that may looking at? [01:21] well, they can work as triagers in training :) [01:22] cool :) [01:36] Is this a bug? --> just upgraded to 9.10 and on reboot I get stuck on the cli with a flickering screen that starts filckering after "setting up console fonts and keymap" any suggestions to fix this? [01:41] make sure you have the karmic-proposed pocket enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*} === Snova_ is now known as Snova [01:50] dtchen: I will check that, thank you [01:53] win 27 [01:53] sorry ;) [01:53] oh, np [02:11] dtchen: thank you. That solved my problem. ;) [02:15] hello [02:15] we are keeping a known exploit in the screen saver. Why? [02:16] Known for years, available fixes... reported also few months ago, and month ago, and weeks ago. What are we waiting for? [02:16] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/394691 [02:16] Launchpad bug 394691 in ubuntu "Security hole in screensaver! Exposes screen/desktop image even if screen is LOCKED. nvidia, intel gfx; Old bug." [Medium,Confirmed] === asac_ is now known as asac [02:19] LimCore: that seems like a pretty low priority "security hole" [02:21] dtchen: going over to a locked desktop, and reading mail that was on screen, is a low priority? [02:24] seriously, anyone who can view your foreground terminal could just, you know, kill processes, pull the plug on the machine, ... [02:25] I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed in 10.04 and others [02:26] I'm saying it's not justifiably a grave concern [02:26] I do not understand what are you saying.. what? [02:26] anyone who has physical access to your desktop can do a lot worse than shoulder surf [02:26] anyone who can view foreground terminal can kill processes? huh? [02:27] how he can "kill pocesses"? [02:27] altsysrq? [02:28] this can be disabled [02:28] but more imoprtantly, this does not give access to for example high value email content to be read this way [02:28] also, such attack is not silent [02:28] * importantly [02:29] uh, I would *hope* that someone with high-value e-mails would not be leaving the MUA *open* before locking the screen. [02:29] well, now when I know the "quality" of "locking" screen in Ubuntu then for sure not. But other users do trust that LOCKING screen should.. uhm.. really LOCK the screen [02:29] again, I'm not saying the bug shouldn't be fixed [02:30] and I'm not saying that it isn't reproducible in some cases [02:30] kscreenlocker doesnt seem to unlock on proper password sometimes (other times its fine) so i stay logged in on a tty and kill the screen lock process manually to get back into my session... [02:30] I am trying to figure out a known, MORE security emergency bug, and this is hard. Only thing why this is not a Critical bug, is that is affects like I guess 5% of users or so [02:31] maco: lack of good locking of VT's is another, grave concern [02:31] LimCore - it's really difficult to fix a bug that noone else can reproduce [02:31] I would *hardly* classify that bug as critical [02:31] and I deal with some nasty bugs in my line of work. [02:31] chrisccoulson: interestingly I reportudcued it on like 5 computers, starting with Debians in 2007, throught Ubuntus 8.04 8.10, 9.04 and I am waiting for it to happen now on 9.10 :) [02:32] dtchen: well, now Ubuntu is 100% ownable by any one with phisical access. Of course anyone can "kill" such machine, but the problem is privacy breach here [02:33] this bug is one of like .. 3 ways (that i know of ruight now) to do it [02:33] 2 is VTs [02:33] 3 is firewire attack (I did not test it myself yet) [02:33] there are a *lot* more [02:33] * LimCore facepalms [02:33] well untrusted USB [02:33] of course kernel exploit that was fixed... [02:33] and what are more? [02:33] well, shouldnt we like, fix them all? [02:34] sigh. [02:34] you're missing my point, which is that if you can reproduce it, you can help fix it [02:34] this bug is 100% reproducable, at least for 9.04 I can guarantee [02:35] seriously? I haven't reproduced it, and I *remember* trying to do it one month ago [02:35] and it's 0% reproducible for everyone else. have you reproduced it in 9.10 yet? gnome-screensaver changed a lot this cycle... [02:35] well if it helps, gentoo developer I know hit this bug too afair. This is upstream bug [02:36] do not assume everyone reports all the bugs [02:36] no, it doesn't help. i've no idea what version the gentoo developer was running [02:36] LimCore: I think you're preaching to the choir here [02:37] anyway, why not just apply the fix, it should be one liner [02:37] we're all aware of security philosophy [02:37] just draw bigger black rectangle [02:37] that's a fix?! [02:37] probably - screensaver seems to read not correct size of screen [02:37] * dtchen facepalms [02:37] LimCore - you obviously no how to fix it, so please submit a patch [02:37] s/no/know [02:38] ok [02:38] if I have time I will youtube this attack, and then someone should own me a beer ;) [02:38] hmmm, why? [02:38] noone buys me a beer [02:38] because I report this bug all my life lol [02:38] its longest bug ever [02:38] hardly [02:38] ok, except for krusader-crashing-in-ftp [02:39] no, I mean for myself, not overall [02:39] dtchen: is there a list of this known exploits that you where talking about? [02:39] this isn't the first time I've seen you here trying to get attention by over-exaggerating the importance of your own bugs [02:39] because, I think we should fix them. what do you think guys [02:40] if every user did that, we'd all just disappear from IRC [02:40] chrisccoulson: luckily, my sekrit clone sauce is maturing [02:40] (oh, that sounds horrible) [02:40] heh :) [02:41] chrisccoulson: I think all security bugs are by definition Critical. But perhaps Ubuntu does not approach this topic so seriously [02:42] hmmm, i disagree. you still have to prioritise. remote exploits are maybe critical. local exploits are not so critical [02:43] and ubuntu does approach security seriously. but your bug is not reproducible by anybody else, and we've better things to do than spend weeks trying to reproduce a bug that affects one person, when there are more critical bugs to focus on [02:43] but that doesn't matter, as you already said that you've written a patch for your bug [02:44] please attach it to the bug report so that we can review it [02:59] chrisccoulson: it will take some time, but ok [02:59] why will it take time? you said earlier "anyway, why not just apply the fix, it should be one liner" [03:00] so you already know what the fix is, and it's a one liner [03:00] i'll be around for the next 10 minutes or so to look at the patch [03:01] it should be one liner for someone that knows GTK/X11 [03:05] but you know how to use GTK already, else how do you know it's a one liner? [03:07] well, since the problem is that the windows that is redrawn is smaller then screen, [03:08] * maco wonders if she should take away LimCore's shovel [03:08] hmmm, well, gnome-screensaver already sets the window to fullscreen [03:08] then src/gs-window-x11.c line 2240 could be one point [03:08] yes, in that line [03:08] so how do you know it's not a bug in GTK, or in the window manager? [03:08] also in other place it seemed to by hand resize the window to detected dimentions [03:09] it could be also bug there, dunno [03:10] right, well, i'm going to bed now. i have to be up for work in 3 hours [03:10] look, I do not know GTK, then I would just do it [03:10] i look forward to reviewing your patch tomorrow morning! [03:10] but it seems logical, if part of screen is not cleared, we should just cler it [03:10] seeing as nobody can reproduce it, nobody can write & test a fix [03:10] gnome-screensaver doesn't clear any part of the screen [03:11] well except the person who sees that bug [03:11] it just draws over it [03:11] ie. YOU [03:11] and my photo camera [03:11] default ubuntu installation ofcourse [03:11] on the pc, not on the camera [03:12] LimCore - it would be useful for you to actually run "gnome-screensaver --no-daemon --debug 2>&1 | tee gs-debug.log", trigger the issue, and attach the file to the bug report [03:14] other reports point to similar problems, with gnome screensaver detecting size of screen. http://osdir.com/ml/debian-bugs-dist/2009-04/msg06949.html [03:14] if window is too big, no problem, if it is too small... [04:45] ok I guess I should shut up untill fixing this bug ;) But, indeed there is a lot of debug already done in the topic of valid geometry there, like src/gs-window-x11.c +422 etc. cool [05:17] hi, i'm looking for some experienced hands in bug squad.. [05:22] under what package does a bug about wifi get filed? [05:33] Vantrax: ping [05:33] linux [05:33] yer nigel_nb ? [05:33] if it's a driver issue, that is. [05:33] Vantrax: dtchen just answered it for me [05:34] there are other parts in the wireless stack [05:34] dtchen: its about bug #478715 [05:34] if your not using a custom driver it will be under linux [05:34] Launchpad bug 478715 in ubuntu "Kubuntu fault with Advent 5511" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478715 [05:34] could be network-manager, network-manager-applet [05:34] no additional information is attached [05:34] unless your using third party drivers all drivers are part of the kernel [05:34] so ask for more info? [05:34] is there something specific I should be asking? [05:35] I bet that's a dupe of bug 470265 [05:35] Launchpad bug 470265 in grub "[MASTER] jaunty to karmic upgrade failed to update menu.lst (update-grub missing from kernel-img.conf)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/470265 [05:35] dtchen: this one's just that wifi cannot be connected [05:35] it's impossible to tell unless the reporter reproduces his/her symptom and attaches output from uname -r, etc. [05:35] so I have to ask him for all this... [05:36] nigel_nb: it also lists problems with the touchpad [05:36] dtchen: yeah.. just noticed thta [05:36] anyhow, I'm just handwaving until that info appears in the bug report [05:36] so he needs to give a bunch of info, how do ask him to put that info? [05:37] what do i ask him to put rather [05:37] ask him to upgrade again to 9.10 and use ubuntu-bug linux [05:37] he'll need to run ubuntu-bug after rebooting into 9.10, of course [05:37] just general ubuntu-bug? [05:37] "ubuntu-bug linux" [05:38] sorry, it's late, so I'm being lazy and not typing out each command [05:38] thanks dtchen.. new to bug squad.. [05:38] I'm trying to work at triaging 5 bugs a day [05:39] of course this reporter mentioned Kubuntu but failed to mention what sort of wireless AP he was attempting to connect to [05:39] that was the worst part [05:39] if it was broadcom, then it should be a question [05:40] well, AFAIK, plasma-widget-networkmanagement still has WPA2 issues [05:40] I haven't verified, so I can't speak with any authority on it [05:40] the broadcom drivers have wpa2-enterprise issues [05:40] right, and that would be bcmwl [05:41] (for the affected source package name) [05:41] ah [05:41] anyway, I changed the status and asked him to run ubuntu-bug linux [05:41] nigel_nb: he'll need to upgrade to 9.10 again first [05:41] that's a pretty critical part [05:42] told that [05:42] ok [05:42] "Not enough information. Please boot into Kubuntu 9.10 (the release where you had this problem) and run "ubuntu-bug linux" from terminal." [05:42] dtchen: is that fine? [05:43] I would say yes [05:43] thanks :) [05:44] umm [05:44] shouldnt it be apport-collect -p BUGNUMBER? [05:44] since the bug is already filed? [05:44] woops [05:45] yes/no [05:45] maco: I should change it? [05:45] doesn't really matter, since if it is in fact a separate install vs. upgrade issue, I personally would rather have a separate bug [05:54] for adding info on bug #478904, the user has filed bug #478909 (to say that it works there), here I should be asking him to use apport-collect -p BUGNUMBER? [05:54] Launchpad bug 478904 in pidgin "Pidgin hangs when a specific link is inserted into the IM text field." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478904 [05:54] Launchpad bug 478909 in pidgin "pidgin DOESN'T hang on pasting certain link (dup-of: 478904)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478909 [05:56] O_o [05:56] wait soemeone filed a second bug report to say they couldnt reproduce the first [05:56] ? [05:56] maco: yeah [05:57] well id say the second is NOTABUG [05:57] "pidgin works"...not a bug [05:57] maco: I know, what do I do with it? [05:57] invalid [05:57] any comment required? [05:58] you could say "pidgin working as expected is not a bug" [05:58] and tell them if they want to say they cant reproduce a certain bug [05:58] they should leave it as a comment on the unreproduceable one along with what version of the pidgin package they are using that doesnt reproduce it [06:00] ok, thanks :) [06:01] might want to tell them "apt-cache policy pidgin" is how they get that version string [06:02] already posted once... [06:02] do I need to take the trouble of pasting what he second in the second one to the first one? [06:04] he already commented on the original bug? [06:04] did he include the version number? [06:05] he didnt comment on the orginal bug [06:05] he just logged another bug and marked it as duplicate of first one [06:05] i closed the second one as invalid [06:08] Awsoonn: ping, look at your mixer controls (WRT bug 426116) [06:08] Launchpad bug 426116 in linux "[Karmic] No sound with ATI IXP SB4x0 HDA" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/426116 [06:09] Awsoonn: notice how Master is muted and zeroed, Headphone is muted, PCM is zeroed, Front is muted and zeroed [06:15] can bug #478888 considered a bug? seems to be a permission problem [06:15] Launchpad bug 478888 in totem "I tried to play a video CD, it is not playing. I am using ubuntu 10.10." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478888 [06:15] Anyone reporting bugs against Ubuntu 10.10 is ... special :) [06:15] jmarsden: hehe [06:18] hah [06:18] jmarsden, man, I couldn't have said it better. :P [06:19] syn-ack: :P imagine my surprise seeing it [06:19] haha [06:19] even before lucid alpha is out [06:19] he wanted to get a jump on things. :P [06:19] hehe [06:19] so what do guys think? its a question right? [06:19] can't be a bug [06:20] that's what I'd go with [06:20] I mean, he didn't exactly um, give you a lot of information to begin with [06:20] imo thats kind of a "My car won't start what do I do, question [06:21] no.. [06:21] its more like [06:21] I opened the door and sat in my car.. why am I not at work? [06:22] hah [06:23] nigel_nb, h0w u install the loonex? ;) [06:24] that should be a classic! [06:28] alacarte is the menu manger right? does it have anything to do with bookmarks? #478878 [06:35] Firefox bug triaging policy is to close crash reports from apport that fail retracing..... what does this mean? [06:35] this is WRT bug #478778 [06:35] Launchpad bug 478778 in firefox-3.5 "After quiting firefox 3.5 I decided to start it up again and I got an error firefox is running please quit the running application before starting firefox. No sign of the application inthe task bar or anywhere on my desktop. Restarted computer to get back to this page. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/478778 === micahg1 is now known as micahg === nigel_nb_ is now known as nigel_nb [09:43] is this real? http://www.itworld.com/security/83917/an-important-linux-fix [09:49] goodnight: Looks like it. See http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-3547 [09:49] jmarsden: Multiple race conditions in fs/pipe.c in the Linux kernel before 2.6.32-rc6 allow local users to cause a denial of service (NULL pointer dereference and system crash) or gain privileges by attempting to open an anonymous pipe via a /proc/*/fd/ pathname. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2009-3547) [11:12] Hi. I think there is a bug in either flash player or Firefox. I installed ubuntu 9.10 for amd 64. Now all the buttons on the flash player do not work. This behaviour is intermittent. ie. The play button, the pause button the maiximize button. These buttons work if I tab select them and press the space bar. [11:22] Am I in the right place to ask this question? [11:29] Hi. I installed ubuntu 9.10 for amd 64. I did an apt-get for flash-player. I am able to view flash sites like youtube.com but the sometimes(most of the times) the buttons on the flash player do not work. (ie. The play button, the pause button the maiximize button). These buttons work if I tab select them and press the space bar.This behaviour is intermittent. I am not sure if the problem is with Ubuntu, firefox or flash. I tried to Google but [11:30] cool^tom: Flashplayer issue. Try right click and whilst holding the right button down clicking with the left button, that should then work if it is the current flash issue [11:31] davmor2: Thanks will give it a try. [11:33] davmor2: Works [12:58] how do I close a bug? set it to invalid? [12:59] eakron, yes [13:00] pedro_: thank you [13:00] np === marjomercado is now known as marjo === JBSchool is now known as JonyBlaze [14:58] <_Narc_> Hello guys... I'm triaging bugs and I wondered: the same bug (a pm related KernelOops) is being reported again and again under various names/causes. Should I keep marking them as dupes even if the original has a very long list of them ? Thanks a lot. [14:59] _Narc_: If one is the duplicate of another, then you should. A duplicate is a duplicate. A large amount of duplicates also increases the Importance of a bug. [14:59] Because it shows that a large group of people are suffering from it. [15:00] <_Narc_> Ok then. [15:01] <_Narc_> Yes, that's what I thought but I wanted confirmation. When I say very long I mean a huge list, I wondered if one more of them would change something. Thanks. [15:03] yw [15:16] Boo [15:21] If someone can find the time to confirm that bug 479187 - the one I'm triaging - is really a dupe of 417842, that would be great. Just to see if I'm right. Thanks. [15:21] Launchpad bug 479187 in ubuntu "Synaptic Update app crashed while attempting first update after upgrade to Ubuntu v9.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479187 === Narc_ is now known as _Narc_ [15:29] Narc_: I suspect this has something to do with the suspend_test bug that got fixed a while ago (was it in -proposed), which could have been in Update Manager, but I forgot exactly where it was. [15:34] if the user can't change desktop effects isnt that an x error, WRT bug #479116 [15:34] Launchpad bug 479116 in ubuntuone-client "Desktop effects could not be enabled while if we go to Appearance Preferences > Visual Effects and selects Normal / Extra " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479116 [15:35] nigel_nb: it certainly has nothing to do with UbuntuOne. However, it doesn't necessarily have to have to do with the X-server as well. It could also be the fault of Compiz or the gnome-appearance-properties patch that Canonical wrote to add this functionality. [15:36] qense: so I'll change the package and ask him to add more info? [15:37] its supposed to be logged against linux now isn't it? [15:37] No, Linux is just the kernel. [15:37] <_Narc_> qense: I supposed they were dupes because the Oopstext are sensibly the same [15:38] yes [15:38] _Narc_: The traces of the OopsMessages do look suspiciously similar, apart from some methods preceded by a question mark [15:39] qense: honestly, it seems as if no graphics card is installed [15:40] anyways, what package do I change this one to? [15:40] I'd assign it to gnome-control-center, the source package of gnome-appearance-properties [15:40] That's where the problem seems to be at a first glance, although we can't be sure yet. [15:40] <_Narc_> qense: Ya. I suppose I'll file it as a dupe of bug 417842, that already has sooo many dupes. [15:41] Launchpad bug 417842 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/kernel/power/suspend_test.c:52 suspend_test_finish+0x7c/0x80()" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417842 [15:41] I'll ask for more info [15:45] _Narc_: they both look indeed similar enough [15:48] <_Narc_> thanks for you help :) [15:48] <_Narc_> your * [15:48] you're welcome [15:49] <_Narc_> What would you put instead of that rather misguiding title ? "KernelOops bla bla bla" or let it that way ? [15:51] I'd rename it after the first meaningful line of the OopsMessage text, the one with the suspend_text() thing [15:51] <_Narc_> Well, that's what I did with the others. Fine then, I'm not that bad at it. [15:52] It's probably the most informative title you could come up with for the reports. [15:53] <_Narc_> Yes, I tend to think that way, but I think about the reporter too, who often is not a techie user. Could be, i don't know, intimidating :) [15:55] maybe, but the whole language used to describe a KernelOops already made the user scared. [15:56] <_Narc_> Haha, true === asac_ is now known as asac [18:01] hey maco - how long did LimCore hang around for after I disappeared last night? === asac_ is now known as asac [18:22] chrisccoulson: no idea === maco_ is now known as maco [19:14] heh [19:14] but it was epic === plars_ is now known as plars [20:23] hi! is anyone aware of a bug in the network manager icon in the notification area where it is not rendered correctly at startup? [20:23] I am having this problem on 2 different kinds of computers, it was fixed for awhile but just broke again on the last update... [20:23] is it worth it for me to file a bug report? [20:24] wcGary83: there is already a bug like this in launchpad [20:24] use the search, luke [20:24] i must of used bad search terms... [20:25] it's funny because it seems like it was the exact same terms i've seen in bugs-announce [20:25] i must be mistaken [20:28] wcGary83: something like those two bugs ? [20:28] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/471688 [20:28] Launchpad bug 471688 in network-manager "network-manager panel icon does not show connected" [Undecided,New] [20:28] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/446093 [20:28] Launchpad bug 446093 in network-manager "nm-applet loaded, but icon not visible (karmic)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [20:29] yes... exactly! its a shame it was fixed for awhile! [20:31] mine is a little worse and a little more consistent though... [20:31] I won't bother filing though... [20:32] wcGary83: click "affects me too" [20:33] Hello - I think I am having major bug freezing in Karmic [20:33] wcGary83: FYI my search is "icon" sorted by "newest first" in the "network-manager" package [20:33] sure... I was actually doing just that! [20:34] It happens from time to time - random freezing [20:34] oh ok smart! [20:34] JerVA: I think you should ask this in #ubuntu, if it's a support question :) [20:34] this channel is for questions related to the management of bugs [20:34] I thought it's appropriate location to report this bug as I have read several threads related to karmic freezing [20:34] so I thought maybe it is "bug freezing" [20:35] what do you mean by "bug freezing" ? [20:35] you mean the whole screen freeze ? [20:35] Bingo. [20:35] It happens sometimes during installation, random things I've been doing in karmic [20:36] so I wanted to report that karmic may have many bugs that caused my screen to freeze and my CPU kept working harder for no reason at all. [20:37] that's a bug, yes [20:38] it freezes randomly ? [20:38] correct [20:39] It's like you are doing things and out of the blue, it freezes on you. [20:39] ok the problem is that I don't know what is causing this [20:39] it could be hardware [20:39] Possibly. I've read in Ubuntuforums that other users are experiencing issues like this as well. [20:41] ok, the next step is searching on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ if anyone is experiencing something similar, and have already reported it [20:41] that what 'im doing now [20:41] :) [20:42] Yeah I'm researching this as well [20:43] I think maybe I should downgrade karmic to jaunty or lower [20:43] if the problem happens only since karmic, add "karmic" to your search [20:44] people would usually "since karmic" in such bug reports [20:44] JerVA: what graphics card? [20:44] Very old - NVIDIA 5200 [20:45] but it worked in previous ubuntus [20:45] JerVA: there were some nvidia issues with karmic [20:45] I mean NVIDIA GEForce 5200 [20:45] No matter what versions NVIDIA is - it is an issue with karmic? [20:46] JerVA: you might want to enable -proposed [20:46] How do I do this? [20:47] Software Sources [20:47] oh yeah [20:47] Administration [20:48] karmic-proposed? [20:48] yeah [20:51] the Apport bug that keeps spaming people on the bug list or subscribed to it just went from spam to hate mail. i'm getting a lot of people trying to unsubscribe, but are not able to and as a result are now spaming the list with non-nice mail. anychance someone can either fix the bug or get the bug mailer to drop the mailng for the a [20:51] that bug? [20:52] Ahmuck-Sr: you didnt say a bug number [20:52] hi maco [20:53] i'll have to wait a bit to get teh bug to re-appear [20:54] ....its not in your email somewhere? [20:54] this is bug 429322 [20:54] Launchpad bug 429322 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/429322 [20:54] seahorse-plugin [20:54] about 150 messages today from Apport spam [20:54] indeed it is generating a lot of emails [20:54] yep, that's it [20:57] Thank you micahg [20:58] I'm going to restart the PC - thanks bibinou as well [21:01] Ahmuck-Sr: fixing the bug means finding the root issue. Last time I heard about it we had not found it yet [21:06] problem is i can't unsubscribe from it. there's a bug in the bug system [21:13] Ahmuck-Sr: are you subscribed to it or to a duplicate? if dup, unsubscribe from that [21:13] Ahmuck-Sr: or maybe youre a member of a team thats subscribed to it? [21:15] maco, this is actually going on for a while. This bug keeps on being reported again, and then dupped. Everyone subscribed gets at least one email from apport [21:16] I cannot open it anymore, I think LP barfs on it trying to process the subscription lists [21:16] ahhh ok [21:16] but release happened [21:16] why is apport doing anything at all? [21:16] shouldnt auto-apport be disabled now? [21:16] it is [21:17] somehow, some of the reporters are still with apport active (or they have not upgraded, I do not know) [21:17] i see [21:18] hggdh: I just got another patch fixing apport being enabled today [21:18] oh, so it was still enabled? [21:19] maco, both [21:19] i think it auto-subscribed people? [21:19] idk, I keep it enabled so I can report bugs [21:19] i'm a member of a bug team, yes [21:19] Ahmuck-Sr: if you reported this bug (and it got dupped) then you are subscribed [21:20] your best bet right now is unsubscribe from the bug *you* reported [21:20] micahg: I also keep it enabled, but I am very selective on what I report ;-) [21:21] * micahg is the same way [21:22] but our involvement with ubuntu justifies it, and we (usually) know what we are doing. Right now, on this bug, we have a *LOT* of end-users getting mighty pissed [21:23] they just reported an error, and are now (as they perceive it) being spammed -- which will make them less likely to report new -- and perhaps critical -- issues [21:23] for me, what bloody pisses me off is that I cannot even open the bug, LP barfs on a timeout [21:23] hggdh: you could post a comment telling people to unsubscribe from their bug [21:24] micahg: this has already been posted :-( [21:24] some 3 times, methinks [21:25] and I cannot get any attention from #launchpad on this [21:25] well, there are some problems when subscriber count is too high [21:26] like bug 408457 [21:26] Launchpad bug 408457 in malone "Launchpad unable to show subscribers for bug with 400 duplicates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/408457 [21:26] regarding bug 429322 - i already know the root issue [21:26] Launchpad bug 429322 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/429322 [21:26] but this bug is only an issue because people still have apport enabled [21:26] there are no other side effects (ie, it crashes on exit) [21:27] yes, this is the same perspective i've had. for me it's an issue of marking it as spam and dumping anything with Apport into the spam folder. however, i've been watching users. [21:28] and honestly, i'm no longer reporting any bugs for fear that this will happen again [21:29] hggdh has hit the nail on the head so to speak [21:32] we should review bug subscription [21:32] hggdh: meeting item for tomorrow? [21:32] micahg: good idea, will add it in (although this will end up on LP) [21:35] done. Ahmuck-Sr -- please do not stop reporting bugs, we will look at this issue [21:37] are people getting timeouts when trying to access the bug too? [21:38] chrisccoulson: as far as I can see, everybody is being hit by TOs [21:38] hggdh - yeah, that's what i thought. just as a hint, i find that i don't get timeouts if i disable edge redirection [21:38] it might help for those who are using edge [21:39] edge seems to timeout quicker [21:39] hggdh: well, good news is the major focus of current LP developement is OOPSes [21:41] there was a bug with update-manager that had it enabling apport for jaunty->karmic upgrades post-release, see bug 465619 [21:41] Launchpad bug 465619 in update-manager "apport enabled after a distribution upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/465619 [21:43] i've got a jaunty --> karmic release [21:44] right, should be fixed now, and the apport update is supposed to disable it as well for people who had it enabled. [21:45] for people in this channel who do or don't want it enabled, it's worth verifying /etc/default/apport that it's set the way you want it to be [21:45] is there a way to turn notificaiton off for that bug? [21:46] no, other than unsubscribing from it [21:46] http://pastebin.be/21839 - this is what were getting from users [21:46] and there will still be more noise, as there is currently quite a backlog for the retracers to clear [21:46] Ahmuck-Sr: perhaps send them to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse-plugins/+bug/429322/+subscribe to unsubscribe, since the bug page itself is oopsing? [21:47] Launchpad bug 429322 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb)" [High,Confirmed] [21:47] dunno if that does the right thing for people who got subscribed due to duplicates. [21:47] sbeattie: that won't help if they're subscribed through dupes will it? [21:48] it should work [21:48] it unsubscribes from the primary and all dups [21:48] good [21:51] http://pastebin.be/21840 [21:51] timeout [21:52] the e-mail that's sent to you should show why you are getting the e-mail (i.e. which bug you can unsubscribe from) [21:52] disabling re-direction doesn't help [21:53] i don't know how we're going to handle the SRU for this bug, seeing as it relies on communicating with the people experiencing the bug so that they can test the fix [21:54] maybe we could unmark the duplicates as duplicates? [21:54] but then what would we do with them? just invalidate them? [21:55] an option, if this is your bug, we are not accepting any more bug reports for this bug? [21:55] that's been done already [21:55] *sigh* [21:56] well, i'm hungry, and so i'm tooodling out the door [21:58] (FYI, bug 408457 is the launchpad bug about oopsing when too many duplicates are registered) [21:58] Launchpad bug 408457 in malone "Launchpad unable to show subscribers for bug with 400 duplicates" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/408457 [22:01] Hunh, funny, viewing that bug on staging doesn't show any comments/updates after october 23; I suspect that's not true. [22:01] 2009:10:25 22:07 Full update with DB reimport: bzr revno 8608 [22:02] the db is old [22:05] <_Narc_> I'm sort of new to this, but how come a bug like bug 417842 with so many dupes is just "low" ? I've been triaging a lot of them and they keep coming... [22:05] Launchpad bug 417842 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/kernel/power/suspend_test.c:52 suspend_test_finish+0x7c/0x80()" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417842 [22:08] bdmurray: weird, I thought it was copied over daily. [22:10] sbeattie: the code is, just not the db [22:17] <_Narc_> I hope I'm not bothering anyone, but I got a not so serious question. What if a report seems to be complete paranoid nonsense ...? [22:18] example? [22:19] <_Narc_> This is the one I'm triaging... Maybe I'm not aware of something... but... bug 479583 [22:19] Launchpad bug 479583 in ubuntu "Please advise how to remove the current Seahorse-Agent bug that is now infesting our computers." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479583 [22:19] _Narc_: re bug 417842, because (I believe, you'd need to check with the kernel folks over in #ubuntu-kernel) the issue isn't very serious; it was a bug in kerneloops that it was enabled after the release, and there's another (debatable) bug in it that it reports WARN_ON() statements. [22:19] Launchpad bug 417842 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/kernel/power/suspend_test.c:52 suspend_test_finish+0x7c/0x80()" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/417842 [22:21] _Narc_ - well, I don't know what to do about that. he's talking about an already well known bug, but it's written more like a support request [22:22] <_Narc_> sbeattie: Well, I was wondering this because reports of it are flooding. I'll see, thanks. [22:23] <_Narc_> chrisccoulson: Well, that's why I wondered. A well known bug ? I thought the guy was mistaking seahorse itself for a bug or a malware or something. [22:24] _Narc_ - he's referring to a bug thats currently generating a lot of bug spam because it has so many duplicates [22:25] <_Narc_> chrisccoulson: Oh really, I guess I'm lucky then. Today is flood day. [22:25] <_Narc_> chrisccoulson: Which one may I ask ? [22:26] bug 429322 [22:26] Launchpad bug 429322 in seahorse-plugins "seahorse-agent assert failure: ERROR:iop-profiles.c:606:IOP_generate_profiles: assertion failed: (obj && (obj->profile_list == NULL) && obj->orb)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/429322 [22:27] _Narc_: right, the flood is due to kerneloops being enabled, catching it, and treating it as a more serious issue than it is. A kerneloops update was issued to disable it, but if people haven't updated... [22:27] <_Narc_> chrisccoulson: Ok, thanks a lot. I think I'm going to answer kindly and mark it as a dupe then. [22:28] could someone make bug 433087 public? thanks [22:28] Kmos: Bug 433087 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/433087 is private [22:28] _Narc_ - i wouldn't mark it as a duplicate, as it spams everyone else who is subscribed to it [22:28] <_Narc_> Oh, right [22:28] <_Narc_> Logical [22:28] _Narc_ - it would be better to leave a comment pointing to the master bug, and then close it [22:29] <_Narc_> Invalid, ok, I'll do that. I didn't think about spamming the suscribers. [22:29] Kmos: done [22:29] hggdh: thanks [22:29] indeed ironic [22:30] hehe [22:32] <_Narc_> sbeattie: Ok, I see now why all of them are seen as bursting out of nowhere by the users. I'm learning stuff, thanks :) [22:33] bdmurray: hrm, do we know if the bugpatterns get applied to apport bugs driven from kerneloops? [22:35] sbeattie: yes for example one was written for bug 422536 [22:35] Launchpad bug 422536 in linux "EDAC amd64: WARNING: ECC is NOT currently enabled by the BIOS. Module will NOT be loaded." [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/422536 [22:42] <_Narc_> chrisccoulson: Just one last thing : Launchpad is timing out on the seahorse bug you told me, is it because of the dupes ? Thanks [22:46] _Narc_: yes indeed [22:47] <_Narc_> Oh, okay. Thanks. Just wanted to know. [22:48] <_Narc_> hggdh: The 400 dupes limit I saw you guys talk about when I logged in, right ? [22:48] _Narc_: most probably, but I do not have access to the internals of LP to really confirm [22:48] time to find out if the seahorse-plugins fix works! [22:49] chrisccoulson: cool. Want me to test it? [22:49] hggdh - can you recreate it easily? [22:49] well, I *did* have it, at least once [22:49] but I am not sure how to recreate it [22:49] hggdh - i can tell you how to recreate it ;) [22:50] you just need to trigger some code path which calls exit, and the easiest way to do that is to kill the X connection [22:50] just kill it? [22:51] to do that, you can run a xtrace session, by running "xtrace -d:0 -D:9", where ":0" is your X display number [22:51] then run "DISPLAY=:9.0 seahorse-agent" [22:51] and then kill xtrace [22:51] k [22:51] easy [22:51] that disconnects the X connection and makes seahorse agent die [22:51] so, where's the fix? [22:51] :-) [22:51] hggdh - i'll post it somewhere in a minute. i just want to make sure it doesn't do anything silly first [22:52] k [22:52] hggdh - one more thing - to run a new seahorse-agent instance, you have to stop the first instance, and then delete GPG_AGENT_INFO from your environment [22:52] k [22:53] else it complains that there is still an instance running [22:55] hggdh - are you running amd64? [22:55] chrisccoulson: yes [22:56] hggdh - excellent - i will upload the binary in addition to the source patch too, so you don't need to build it [22:56] chrisccoulson: ok, thanks [22:57] <_Narc_> You mean you're the actual people fixing it ? I got a long way to go... I'll shut up now :) [22:58] _Narc_: you will find of everything a bit here ;-) [22:58] <_Narc_> hggdh: It's a very good way to learn actually. [22:58] I agree [22:59] hggdh - i've uploaded it to here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~chrisccoulson/seahorse-plugins%20SRU/ [22:59] it seems to fix the crash here [23:02] and it still cleans up the socket dir too, which is good [23:03] er, chrisccoulson, should I kill seahorse-agent before trying? [23:03] hggdh - yes please [23:04] you will need to run `export GPG_AGENT_INFO=""` too [23:04] dammit, don't have xtrace installed :-( [23:06] OK, I killed the xtrace, and my machine did not even blink [23:07] chrisccoulson: second try, first did not show any error [23:08] hggdh - you're the second person that's said that ;) [23:08] the only effect you should notice is a new crash report in /var/crash. you might need to clean up /var/crash to make it work though [23:08] chrisccoulson: heh. No, not even crashes [23:09] hmmm, that's strange [23:09] does it exit when you kill xtrace? [23:10] it seems to. I just got the pid, and will check on a new Ctrl-C [23:11] yes, seahorse-agent dies without a crash [23:13] hmmm, that's odd [23:14] you're in a gnome-session aren't you? [23:15] yes, I am [23:15] should I go VT? [23:18] hggdh - it should work ok in a gnome session [23:18] i'm confused why it works for some people :-/ [23:18] ps aux [23:20] now, why would I have apport-gtk running? [23:39] Sorry to bother again, but I figured it would be a good idea to comment with a link and close all the other waiting related seahorse reports...I just need your confirmation concerning the error. Can I close any of them with the same error as in 429322 ? Answer when you can. Thanks a lot... [23:41] Narc - please do, that would be great [23:42] if you do that, please remove the need-i386-retrace or need-amd64-retrace tags from them, to stop them being retraced [23:42] else the retracer will probably go ahead and duplicate them automatically [23:42] chrisccoulson: Ok, I will. [23:42] The retracer is a bot that... retraces ? [23:44] Narc - that's right. it looks for the bugs with those tags [23:44] (although I don't know the specifics of how it works) [23:44] chrisccoulson: ...and mark them as dupes of the "master" [23:46] you should generally not touch the apport crashes until they've been retraced, but in this case, it's obvious that the remaining bugs awaiting retrace are duplicates, and it's pointless retracing them only to have them marked as a duplicate of a bug that nobody can read, and spam several hundred people in the process [23:46] Narc - can you read private bugs? [23:46] this is interesting [23:47] I would expect bugs yet-to-be-retraced, and with a coredump, would be restricted to apport and the crash groups [23:47] heh [23:47] chrisccoulson: Yes, sure. But how do I know they've been retraced ? [23:47] Chris and I noticed the same thing at the same time [23:48] chrisccoulson: And no, I don't think I can [23:48] hggdh - i think some reporters unhide their own bugs [23:48] oh bloody idiots [23:48] Narc - if they've been retraced, they won't have the tags i mentioned above [23:48] chrisccoulson: Ok [23:49] there's a whole load of private bugs that i can probably go through and make public [23:49] will start there, Chris [23:56] chrisccoulson: It seems that a lot of them have already been retraced 'cause the tags are not there. [23:57] Narc - that could be the case. the only bugs that should be public are ones which have been retraced, as they won't have a coredump anymore [23:57] chrisccoulson: I see. === akio_ is now known as akioghoster [23:58] i've removed the coredump (and tags) from quite a few private ones and made them public now