
MenZaCheers, tonyyarusso.00:00
elkythe b/tards just started on #debian00:00
tonyyarusso(Not about the "can't change" part - he can, but it's less _likely_)00:00
MenZaW/ 2800:04
ubottusebsebseb called the ops in #ubuntu (v1ttu_)00:48
FlannelHowdy Base10k, how can we help you?00:49
Base10kHi all, I'm trying to find out when (and why) i was banned from #ubuntu00:49
Flannelright, I see it now.00:50
naliothBase10k: clean up your ident, and you should have no problems00:50
FlannelBase10k: Your ident00:50
* Base10k doh00:50
base10kthat fixed it, thanks00:52
Seeker`can someone say the forkbomb, want to see if it sets off my hilight00:53
naliothsay what?00:53
Seeker`the :(){... thing00:54
MenZa:(){ :|:& };:00:55
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:55
MenZa(Just for the sake of logging) :300:55
macoif someone puts a bad command in a channel, do they get a mark in the bt?01:00
macothey said "dont do that" a minute later, and i told them id kick them if they pulled that again01:00
ubottu(mark [<channel>] <nick|hostmask> [<comment>]) -- Creates an entry in the Bantracker as if <nick|hostmask> was kicked from <channel> with the comment <comment>, if <comment> is given it will be uses as the comment on the Bantracker, <channel> is only needed when send in /msg01:01
elkyyou likely need bantracker fu for that though01:01
macook so marks are only for if they *do* get kicked01:01
maconot if they were threatened with a kick01:01
elkyno kick needed.01:02
elkyif i say "@mark maco is a bad girl" and you leave yourself. then it still works.01:02
macohaha ok01:03
Seeker`you mark stuff that is potentailly useful at a later date, but doesn't get autologged by the bot - which it does on kicks and bans I think01:03
elkysuch as someone talking about ban evading who stops when asked. you may like to mark them for future reference.01:05
macocan you mark Ev0luti0n_ for inappropriate topics in #kubuntu?01:05
macoi kicked him with "not appropriate" comment01:05
macohe's continuing :-/01:05
elkythen kick him again?01:05
Seeker`surely if they were kicked for something and they continute, that warrents a further kick / ban01:05
elkynot doing so will only teach him that he can get away with it01:06
maconalioth: v1ttu too01:06
elkyah, uncle nalioth to the rescue?01:06
MenZalolman in #ubuntu is using a !google script.01:12
DigitalKiwihi MenZa01:14
MenZaDigitalKiwi: Hi DigitalKiwi. I was planning on /query'ing you, but I assumed, from your last line in #ubuntu, that you wouldn't take that kindly. So there you go, now you're here.01:14
MenZaDigitalKiwi: What was that all about?01:14
DigitalKiwiwhich bit01:15
MenZa[2009-11-09 01:13:07 UTC] < DigitalKiwi> you guys cause perpetual noobdom with your spoonfeeding constantly :/01:15
DigitalKiwithinking of how to respond01:18
MenZaIt doesn't seem like you can come up with a sound argument for it - should I take that as such?01:18
DigitalKiwiI don't want to get banned ;P01:19
DigitalKiwiso I'm trying to word it nicely01:19
DigitalKiwiand clearly, mostly the clearly part01:20
MenZaI'll do my best to decipher it, and ask you to clarify a particular word if necessary.01:21
DigitalKiwi#ubuntu seems to have this view that contradicts my own, and that is to give people give every solution to the problem and never tell people how/why they got that solution, and not encourage people to look for the solution on their own for a few minutes01:22
Seeker`a lot of beginners just want the answers, they just want the solution01:22
naliothSeeker`: huh?01:23
Seeker`they don't care about the thought process behind it01:23
DigitalKiwithey do, and they often demand that we give them it :/01:23
MenZaWhat, in my opinion, identifies a good guide over a bad one is one that explains the steps it goes through, so you get an idea of how things work.01:23
MenZaI try to be as verbose and explanatory as possible when I can.01:23
nickrudisn't that what #ubuntu is about, making sure a person's system works? A non-working system is one someone will spend little time learning01:24
* MenZa casts English: +1 on everyone.01:24
DigitalKiwibut if all people do is give them the answer they will never learn how to solve their own problems, and waste other peoples time when the first google/forum/wiki search has the answer01:24
MenZa'Waste' other people's time?01:24
DigitalKiwiand thus be at a disadvantage and always be a help vampire01:25
MenZaNoone's wasting my time in #ubuntu; I dedicate the time I use in #ubuntu to just that. No question is a waste or awry.01:25
DigitalKiwiwhat do they do when nobody in the channel knows their answer or gives up on them if they don't know how to google?01:25
nickrudI don't think that's what we do. I'm spending my time helping people,01:25
MenZaNot all Ubuntu users, unlike, say, 95% of Debian/Gentoo/Arch users, are geeks, who want to learn about the most intricate details of their systems. They just want it to work.01:26
nickrudThen they're in the same position they were when they came in. I've helped and taught people here for years; I don't mind doing either01:26
* nalioth waves at the stranger named nickrud 01:26
* nickrud wonders who that is 01:26
DigitalKiwiI'm not so much against giving people answers as much as giving people answers without explanation, or even against giving occasional answers a simple search would reveal, but more against giving people dozens of answers that a simple scanning of a man page or what not says,01:27
MenZaDigitalKiwi: See my above statement.01:27
MenZaI remember the first time I installed 5.10. I was dropped straight into a tty with no X. I asked an old friend of mine, and he gave me the command to re-configure xserver-xorg, I had X, I was happy and willing to continue exploring.01:28
DigitalKiwiyeah, i find that unfortunate but can't really do anything about it :( (the not geeks part)01:28
MenZaSo, if we can't change the people we're trying to help, why don't we change the way that we provide help?01:28
DigitalKiwiBut I still think that just giving a solution instead of teaching how to find the solution via forums or what not makes them at a disadvantage01:29
Seeker`some people don't care about forums etc.01:29
FlannelDigitalKiwi: How does "just google it" help them exactly?01:29
Seeker`others may care, but are just finding their feet in the OS, so won't understand the stuff required to fix the issue01:30
nickrudNot everyone wants to learn linux. It should not be required to use Ubuntu. Hence #ubuntu01:30
DigitalKiwiwell just google it doesn't always help, but I do know that sometimes I ask a question, someone says google it, and I'm like "oh, I didn't think of that" and so I google it and am happy01:30
* nalioth prefers to provide help following the old axiom "give a man a fish, and he'll eat for the day. teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."01:30
Seeker`yeah, but some people don't like fish01:30
MenZanalioth: then he'll enquire about borrowing your gear, where to best rent a boat, where the best fishing spots are, etc.01:30
FlannelDigitalKiwi: If you know nothing about what you're doing, google isn't helpful.01:30
naliothgoogle isn't helpful if you _do_ know what you're doing01:31
Seeker`I could show my parents how to find answers, and they still wouldn't be any better off01:31
nickrudThat's my preferred method as well. But they're not going to be eating fish daily, or even monthly. It's better to just get a fish a few times a year in that case.01:31
DigitalKiwiFlannel: more often than not googling an error message returns the solution01:31
* nalioth has a long list of questions that have never been answered re: ubuntu01:31
Seeker`they just want a working system01:31
nickrudNor should they be expected to understand the underpinnings, this isn't gentoo.01:32
nickrudSOUND <-- nalioth could you start with that one?01:32
DigitalKiwigoogle is actually pretty amazing... you can ask it a question the same as you would ask in #ubuntu and it's likely to give the answer >.>01:32
Seeker`some people don't care how linux works, or have any interest in learning how to do anything other than browse the web / check emails01:33
nickrudif you can sort though the chaff. I remember learning linux for the first time with google and nothing else.01:33
FlannelDigitalKiwi: No, it really doesn't.  It does *for* *you* because you know how to weed through the crap/bad answers/things that don't apply to you.01:33
DigitalKiwigf calling we can continue later?01:33
nickrudgod that was fun as hell :)01:33
FlannelDigitalKiwi: But for someone without any idea of what's right/wrong, it does no good.01:33
DigitalKiwiFlannel: maybe ubuntu should train people to google01:33
FlannelDigitalKiwi: You're right.  Since knowing how to use google is a requirement to use a computer.01:34
nickrudubuntu should train system admins to google. Users should just jsue.01:34
FlannelDigitalKiwi: why don't we require everyone to learn how to design an IC while we're at it.01:34
nickrudanyway, I don't know why I'm in this convo, I haven't helped but a couple times in a year now01:35
DigitalKiwiknowing how to get answers is a basic requirement for survival ;p01:35
MenZaDigitalKiwi: Asking someone is generally a good start.01:35
nickrudyep. Ask those who know. I don't know how to repair a car. At all. But since I drive I should?01:35
DigitalKiwiit is economically wise to know how to ;-D01:36
MenZaBing! 'Economically-wise'. It's not a requirement.01:36
DigitalKiwiplease tell me you can at least change a tire ;_;01:36
* MenZa can't.01:36
* MenZa can't check his oil gauge, either.01:36
MenZawell, I don't *have* an oil gauge, but yeah.01:36
nickrudNot necessarily. My time might be better spend making money for a one day repair.01:36
Seeker`DigitalKiwi: so you can repair everything in your house?01:37
Seeker`you know how to make every food item you buy?01:37
nickrudrather than having no car while I look up the right repair techniques and practice01:37
* DigitalKiwi has rebuilt transmissions01:37
DigitalKiwifor example01:37
nickrudWonderful. But do you expect everyone to be able to do that?01:38
Seeker`so why expect everyone to be able to find out how to fix problems in ubuntu?01:38
DigitalKiwibut being able to google something is not the same as rebuilding a transmission >.>01:38
nickrudwe see repairing ubuntu in the same light01:38
Seeker`for some people, it is01:39
nickrudunderstanding what google tells you (and making sure you're not using expired info) takes a lot of prior effort01:39
* MenZa can see this discussion is reaching an end, hopefully, and runs off to make coffee.01:39
DigitalKiwirebuilding a transmission requires a lot more time and equipment than knowing how to use google, which can be applied to a lot more than just fixing ubuntu01:39
nickrudI'm a google god (except when it comes to sound :).01:39
Seeker`DigitalKiwi: you seem to care about computers, so knowing how to google is important to you01:40
nickrudDigitalKiwi, you're expecting a certain level of knowledge on the part of new users. You should spend some time with simple users again, and understand what their wants and needs are. We are not here to force people to become proficient in linux.01:40
MenZaHm, I thought of a pretty good analogy related to the car-driving one we had earlier.01:41
MenZaA lot of people, brilliant drivers as they may be, suck at reading maps. Myself included. I'll flip it the wrong way round, or miss the small roads and send myself on a large detour.01:41
MenZaThe same goes for structuring a proper Google query. Are we talking a 32-bit or a 64-bit system? KDE or GNOME? Which distribution version? All these things.01:42
MenZaAn old guide will, for instance, suggest that you use 'sudo /etc/init.d/blah (start|stop|restart)', where it's actually 'service blah (start|stop|restart)' now (or so I'm told).01:43
MenZaAll these little things, which can make quite a difference.01:43
MenZaAaaand, that's my monologue for the day.01:43
Seeker`there is too much information in the world for everyone to know everything01:43
Seeker`I know how to program / fix computers01:44
Seeker`someone else knows how to make furniture01:44
FlannelSeeker`: That's true.  The only solution is to take away MenZa's drivers license because he can't read maps.01:44
MenZaI don't have one, Flannel. Nor do I drive. But the analogy was good!01:44
Seeker`I don't care if the furniture-maker doesn't want to learn about how to fix their computer, as long as they don't expect me to be able to make a sofa before I can sit on mine01:44
FlannelMenZa: Good thing too.  Be sure you learn to read maps properly before you try and get a license.01:45
* MenZa shall.01:45
MenZaAlthough my phone doubles as a GPS...01:45
MenZaDigitalKiwi: I think you see the point we're trying to make01:48
MenZaThanks for joining. :)01:51
DigitalKiwishould I leave now? :(01:52
DigitalKiwiI'd keep talking but gf is having crisis >.>01:52
FlannelDigitalKiwi: Feel free to come back when you're able to talk01:53
DigitalKiwithanks for the chat!  tata01:53
FlannelMenZa: I was just going to remove him the next time he said something stupid. But that works.01:59
MenZaFlannel: I'm talking to him in PM.02:00
FlannelSounds good02:00
MenZaAsking him to have a read of the CoC and the Guidelines, and sent him a link.02:00
FlannelBe sure to point out that abbreviations/slang make it difficult for non-english speakers to participate02:00
FlannelIf he's a reasonable person, giving him a reason for the rule carries a lot of clout02:01
MenZaFlannel: Well, most of what I'm getting currently is "<hehu> u know u cant ban for u"02:04
FlannelAh, what a lovely guy.02:05
MenZaFlannel: http://jqd.org/pastebin?id=895 - password is ubuntu02:06
MenZaFlannel: I was planning on leaving the quiet for an hour or so.02:07
PriceyMenZa: This channel is logged publically.02:09
MenZaYes, Pricey, it is. It was for the sole purpose of not ridding this channel with ~20 or so lines.02:09
MenZaI'll be unquieting him in half an hour's time.02:18
tonyyarussoAny trigger.pl users in the house?  I'm trying to understand the syntax for an on-beep event02:21
tonyyarussonvm, apparently I just had a version of the script that didn't have that feature.  Upgraded.02:28
ubottuctmjr called the ops in #ubuntu (antonius is a troll that will not stop)03:34
FlannelMenZa: Did you ever unmute him?03:35
MenZaFlannel: Just did.03:36
MenZaoh lawd03:47
FlannelIm crossing my fingers that he won't come back.  Doubt it though03:48
* MenZa nods03:48
ubotturusslar called the ops in #kubuntu ()04:39
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:10
ubottulstarnes called the ops in #ubuntu (RAMPU)05:12
Priceyevil irssi05:12
sarthorHI, i came from #ubuntu, i have this error on multiple repos, "W: GPG error: http://ubuntu.mirrors.isu.net.sa karmic-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"05:13
bazhangPricey, did I mis-ban?05:13
Priceybazhang: nope, but your removal of hte ban meant that my /unban 393, hit the 'old' 394.05:13
bazhangPricey, I didn't remove a ban, perhaps you are referring to floodbot?05:14
mneptoksarthor: this is not a suppoer channel. please ask in #ubuntu. thanks.05:14
Priceybazhang: bah yes, that05:15
bazhangPricey, okay, thanks05:15
bazhangbruenig, how may we assist you05:15
mneptokbruenig: you are banned in #ubuntu. please do not use that channel, even if the host you are using evades the bans in place.05:15
sarthorin #ubuntu i called for help, they said to go to #ops, i went there, and they said go to #ubunu-ops, so i am here, Where next to go? i wander,05:16
bruenigwhen were I ban05:16
bazhangsarthor, #ubuntu is the correct place05:16
mneptok#ubuntu bruenig elky Oct 05 2009 02:40:11 Show log inline | full05:16
mneptoksrsly, no trolling allowed here.05:16
mneptokelky, Oct 05 2009 02:40:1105:16
mneptokelky, Oct 05 2009 02:40:1105:16
bruenigoh ha, must have been at the library05:17
mneptokbruenig: now you know you are banned, and not welcome. please do not attempt to /join the channel.05:17
bruenigI just have channels on autojoin05:17
bruenigI was helping though :/05:17
freenode-sucksi hate freenode05:17
mneptokfreenode-sucks: tell them in #freenode.05:18
* freenode-sucks kicks ass05:18
bruenigtold someone how to use bash aliases05:18
* freenode-sucks 05:18
bazhangfreenode-sucks, yoshi765 did you need something05:18
* freenode-sucks 05:18
bruenigthat was the last thing I see I said in the channel05:18
* freenode-sucks rapes bruenig05:18
mneptokbruenig: no amount of help makes up for your overtly troll-ish behavior. sow what you reap.05:19
* freenode-sucks kills him05:19
bruenigso trollish that somehow I am not banned for a whole month?05:19
bruenigI idle in ubuntu and give tips when other channels are slow, I don't know what your deal is05:20
mneptok2009-10-05T02:36:24 <prajjwal> is there a way to id myself as a root ??05:21
mneptok2009-10-05T02:36:41 <bruenig> prajjwal: there is a way, but we are not allowed to tell you in this channel05:21
bruenigseems pretty legit answer05:21
mneptok2009-10-05T02:36:56 <bruenig> they get really angry when we do05:21
bruenignot like I actually told him05:21
bruenigwhich would have been banworthy05:21
mneptokand you're savvy enough to know "sudo -i" or "sudo su"05:21
bruenigthat was not his question05:22
bruenigsudo -i does not identify you as root05:22
mneptokwelp, take it up with elky. it's her ban.05:22
mneptoki banned you for dodging bans.05:22
mneptokwhich you clearly did.05:22
bruenigwell alright then05:22
bruenigodd enforcement timing05:22
bazhangFlannel, I have him in PM05:23
mneptoki don;t live in front of IRC.05:23
bruenigI had no idea I was dodging, I just autojoin as I said before05:23
mneptokand now you know05:23
bruenigI know when I am unbanned from places when they pop up05:23
mneptokso we may expect it will not happen again.05:23
bruenigwell obviously that extremely mild incident was not repeated as here we are a month later and I am helping people with bash aliases05:24
bruenigis this is the over trolling you complain of, you have odd standards05:24
bruenigI would think you meant something like what freenode-sucks did05:24
bruenigif this*05:24
mneptokone more time ...05:25
mneptoktake. it. up. with. elky.05:25
bruenigwould elky then have the ability to remove yours?05:25
mneptokof course.05:25
bruenigor would I need to get her to -b hers then go to you?05:25
bruenigoh ok05:25
bruenigshe is at work it seems05:25
bruenigI shall memo05:25
ubottukostkon called the ops in #ubuntu (F5 is a spammer)05:48
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)05:48
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)05:48
MenZa+m captain05:48
FlannelNo need for +m05:48
MenZaWith an influx of spambots?05:49
FlannelLooks like there's only two IPs05:49
bazhangthat was weird05:49
FlannelOh, five IPs05:52
naliothmore than two IPs and all that showed up caught the cattle cars on the k-train05:53
naliothnow more are arriving in other channels05:55
FlannelHowdy F[uCKe]R.06:05
F[uCKe]Ri need register..?06:05
naliothF[uCKe]R: no, you need manners06:05
naliothfind yours, and you can join #ubuntu06:05
F[uCKe]Rin status06:06
F[uCKe]Rsaid that06:06
F[uCKe]R#ubuntu #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel06:06
FlannelF[uCKe]R: Right.06:06
FlannelF[uCKe]R: Fix the problems with your nick and your ident, and you'll be able to join06:08
F[uCKe]Rah ok06:09
F[uCKe]Ri see06:09
PriceyOdd, that use of "(repeat)" in #ubuntu06:11
Ti-Tithanks you06:11
* MenZa nods at Pricey 06:11
FlannelPricey: that two people did it at the same time?06:11
FlannelPricey: Probably mXe saw the other guy do it06:11
* MenZa assumes so06:12
jussio1Jordan_U: Anything you need?07:53
jussio1bruenig: Is there somethign else you need help with?07:53
jussio1wgrant: could you make sure you are identified? :)07:54
jussio1fdoving: also please.07:54
wgrantjussio1: Hm, maybe I lost stuff in the two hour netsplit yesterday. Sorry.07:55
wgrantThat looks better.07:55
jussio1morning dholbach07:55
dholbachgood morning07:56
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
ubottuFireCrotch called the ops in #ubuntu (Candlejac (Posting a bad bad bad bad link))09:02
MenZaWould anyone in here like an invitaiton to one of them fancy Wave thingamajics?09:19
tsimpsonMenZa: yes :)09:28
MenZatsimpson: Google account? :)09:29
MenZaI've nominated you, but it won't be sent immediately.09:30
tsimpsonthanks, I love new toys :)09:30
MenZaWelcome. :)09:30
MenZaThought I'd ask in here before I threw them all away.09:30
MenZa(I have 7 more left - poke me if you want one)09:31
tsimpsonnow google can own *ALL* my data :D09:33
jussio1MenZa: can I request for a friend of mine?09:58
MenZajussio1: certainly10:09
bazhangany thoughts on adding lmgtfy to the !noob factoid11:19
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:29
Tm_Tbazhang: I'd say yes, but wait comments from others too11:30
bazhangTm_T, thanks, will do11:33
nikoBillyBobby is a reverse quote bot11:37
bazhangback in #kubuntu now11:37
Tm_Tand out11:38
FlannelWhat a stupid bot11:38
bazhangindus, how may we help you11:45
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:17
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:17
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:17
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:17
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)12:17
ikoniawhy does indus keep joining and leaving?13:34
PiciNo, I didn't see one.13:47
jussio1no, seeems like he gets an "issue" and then thinks the better of it or it gets resolved13:49
bazhangwants a 'ruling'13:50
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:03
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)16:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:30
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:30
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)16:30
gnomefreakis it just me that is getting the ddc crap16:36
gnomefreakor is that what (exploit) is16:36
Picignomefreak: That is indeed why the bots called the ops.16:37
gnomefreakPici: thanks16:37
Pici!nickspam eric17:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nickspam eric17:08
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (Malx posting porn links)17:45
PiciIf anyone has an IRC related subject that should be discussed at UDS, please let jussio1 or I know here.17:57
AmaranthWe should get the bots on testnet to make sure they function correctly18:41
jussio1Amaranth: true18:42
jussio1tsimpson: maybe pop an iteration up on there?18:42
tsimpsonjussio1: I'm on there now, there will be issues :)18:43
tsimpsonalso ljl is testing the floodbots18:43
jussio1ok, nice18:43
tsimpsonissues are there too18:43
tsimpsonthe way identify-msg works has changed, so we'll need to change IRCLogin18:44
jussio1does that mean like every irc client needs to adjust also?18:44
tsimpsonprobably, yes18:45
jussio1yay for fun...18:45
tsimpsonit's actually using the more "standard" way to get capabilities, but it's not the most common18:45
tsimpsonthe new way -> http://www.leeh.co.uk/draft-mitchell-irc-capabilities-02.html18:46
tsimpsontestnet is getting quite a spamming18:47
jussio1thats what its there for, no?18:47
tsimpsonnot this type of spam, no18:48
tsimpsonooh, /whois shows what server someone is connected to18:49
tsimpsonthat's new18:49
Seeker`talkative in here today21:30
jussio1just a reminder: [19:57:43] <Pici> If anyone has an IRC related subject that should be discussed at UDS, please let jussio1 or I know here.21:36
topyli"plz write a nice telepathy irc client or make xchat-gnome telepathic. empathy irc is not relivunt to my intress. thx"22:13
topylii might have other, better ones later :)22:16
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (Strangerr)23:21
ubottuerUSUL called the ops in #ubuntu (Strangerr)23:21
ubottufuruno called the ops in #ubuntu (Strangerr)23:21
mneptok!staff | http://www.swissvpn.net/ - possible abusive netblock for k: consideration23:25
ubottuhttp://www.swissvpn.net/ - possible abusive netblock for k: consideration: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian, PriceChild, niko or stew, I could use a bit of your time :)23:25

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!