[01:59] if someone could look at bug 476229 at some point I'd appreciate it. U1 starts with a ! in the cloud, syncdaemon craps out and thus I cant sync my files [01:59] Launchpad bug 476229 in ubuntuone-client "apport triggered when clicking cloud icon (with (!) in it)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/476229 [02:01] might be same as 452831 but thats a private bug so i cant tell [02:02] bug 452831 that is for the bots benefit [02:02] Bug 452831 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/452831 is private [02:17] * Chipaca looks [02:18] * Chipaca walks slowly away from the bug [02:19] verterok: I think that one's for you [02:19] * Chipaca goes back to messing around with javascript [02:30] :) [03:38] popey: hi, looks like your shares metadata is corrupted [03:44] * verterok goes back to sleep === dobey_ is now known as dobey [11:26] is there an update for kubuntu 9.10 yet please ?? [11:26] or just install as 9.04 ?? [12:05] * popey wonders how one uncorrupts his shares metadata === ozaed__ is now known as ozaed_ [13:51] hi robtaylor! [13:51] hi SteveA :) [13:51] wow, pretty busy channel here. nice. [13:52] rodrigo_, Chipaca, dobey: rob taylor runs the company codethink and they're involved in doing a lot of tracker upstream work [13:53] yeah i know robtaylor [13:53] rodrigo_: you guys probably met at the gran canaria desktop summit [13:53] rodrigo_, Chipaca, dobey: hey guys, good to see you again [13:53] we've engaged in beer consumption together :) [13:53] absolutely :) [13:53] I don't think you meant me at gran canaria, as I wasn't there :) but hi! [13:54] Chipaca: ah, nice to meet you. [13:54] rob's also interested in hooking couchdb into stuff [13:54] yep, you guys might want to take a look at something Jc2k hacked up a while back - http://github.com/Jc2k/tracker-replicator [13:55] its a start at making tracker a couchdb service, might be interesting moving forward [13:56] robtaylor: so you can replicate the tracker db across the network? (to a couchdb, or another tracker instance?) [13:56] dobey: well, that's the idea. its seriously incomplete at this point though. [13:57] yeah it didn't look like much code when i clicked the link :) [13:57] dobey: tbh, i don't think it takes much code ;) [13:59] right. i guess probably a bit less than normal if it's in vala :) [13:59] dobey: that should at least provide a couchdb service that's servcing up the contents of the local tracker 0.7 instance [13:59] dobey: yeah vala rocks =) [13:59] i still need to check it out... you know, in my copious spare time :) [14:00] * robtaylor knows that feeling [14:01] that thing which i'm sure i'll have a lot less of now [14:03] ok, bbiab guys, got someone in for an interview.. === joshuahoover changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ping joshuahoover | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 273, Protocol Revno is 73 | Release 1.1.0 (client) 1.0 (protocol) [14:43] hey robtaylor! [15:00] MEETING BEGINS. Say 'me' to claim a slice of the desktop+ stand-up meeting, then take your turn by saying DONE/TODO/BLOCKED. [15:01] me [15:01] yay, nice time to lose connection :-/ [15:02] teknico_: you're in time to say me still :) [15:02] me [15:02] me [15:02] who's before me? [15:03] r [15:03] teknico_: me [15:04] me [15:07] aquarius and urbanape are sprinting this week [15:07] indeed [15:07] jblount, ? [15:09] shall we start? [15:09] hmm [15:09] me [15:10] me [15:11] rodrigo_: go, go, go! [15:11] rodrigo_, let's go. [15:12] • DONE: evo-couchdb bug fixing. Created tasks for contacts picker app in google spreadheet. Made note templates not show up in list of notes in web UI. [15:12] • TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Think about music [15:12] • BLOCKED: no [15:12] next teknico [15:12] DONE: landed the fix for #475202; landed the fix for the web part of #423746; completed the contacts categories proposal; filed two bugs [15:12] TODO: fix IM address handling in the contacts web UI (#475224); publish and discuss the contacts categories proposal [15:12] BLOCK: none [15:12] next: CardinalFang [15:12] DONE: Sick day. [15:12] TODO: Tell HR about sick day. Talk with statik about couchdb patches for Debian. Make desktopcouch replication testable (ugh ugh ugh). [15:12] BLOCKED: Nope. [15:12] dobey -- [15:13] ☺ DONE: "Holiday", mostly moved [15:13] ☹ TODO: Perf review, Open Enrollment, Backport fixes to stable-1-0, Prepare an SRU, Finish NM bug work [15:13] ☹ BLCK: None. [15:13] vds: you're up [15:14] DONE: some progress on watchdaemon #472803, code review, discussed mobile sync [15:14] TODO: land my branch [15:14] BLOCKED: nope [15:14] DONE: planning, preparing for UDS. TODO: more of same. BLOCKHEAD: no [15:19] Okay, thanks. all. EOM [15:22] robtaylor: I already talked with jc2k about his tracker-replicator, and last news was he was going to look at couchdb-glib to use it there, but seems he hasn't wrote any new code since we talked, so do you know anything more about where he's at? [15:39] rodrigo_: well, unfortunately John's left codethink now for the wilds of Django. [15:39] robtaylor: ah [15:40] robtaylor: ok, I guess we can continue his work as soon as we settle down karmic bugs [15:40] rodrigo_: that makes sense. [15:40] robtaylor: or is there someone from your team going to work on it? [15:41] rodrigo_: There's noone working on it at the moment. [15:41] ok [15:41] rodrigo_: I'll be pulling it onto labs.codethink.co.uk though, for safe keeping [15:42] yeah, just in case [17:06] rodrigo_: so it now has a new home: https://labs.codethink.co.uk/ :) [17:39] Does ubuntuone provide an API that I can use for my own applications? [17:42] metropolis, what are you looking to do, more specifically? [17:43] CardinalFang: I'm trying to write a desktop app / web app that provides an electronic lab-notebook-type interface to users, and will sync across computers, and run largely in-browser. [17:44] CardinalFang: but i'm trying to do this for fun / yak-shaving, and thus want to create a resulting Free Software artifact that other people can run and use. But for that to happen, I need to figure out some way of _not_ having to personally pay for the hosting of the data. [17:44] I was sort of hoping that ubuntuone provided a "filesystem in the cloud" or whatever, such that I could just tell people "get your ubuntuone account, pay your $10, and you're good to go" [17:46] metropolis, Hrm. Right. Well, part of Ubuntu One is an installed couchdb instance. You need HTTP basic auth password, but after that you can http PUT, POST, GET, DELETE json documents into it. That is replicated also. If most of what you're doing is in the browser, then HTTP is already there, and it's probably easier than writing to the filesystem. [17:47] Those documents are replicated to the cloud, and back down to all your accounts. [17:48] Okay, great. Does the UbuntuOne server provide a (non-local) couch instance I can talk to directly? from a machine without a desktopcouch install? [17:49] metropolis, This assumes your users are using Ubuntu -- that's where the couchdb instance is. It is theoretically possible to talk to the cloud server directly, but it's a) harder, and b) not encouraged. [17:50] CardinalFang : okay, that's what I was looking for, thanks :) [17:50] metropolis, of local filesystem replication, yes, we publish everything one would need to know about building one's own client. [17:52] metropolis, so, two parts to U1 service: 1) disk replication --everyone knows about this. It's OS agnostic. 2) JSON document replication. Very cool, and easy, but requires Ubuntu (so far). [17:53] okay, excellent, that's what I needed to know [17:53] for me, the slight challenge with the "replication" metaphor is collaboration / sharing of documents across users [17:56] metropolis, Right. You can also think of it as a file store. You implement the getting/putting of a document on the network computer, and sharing of the document between accounts. It need never touch the local disc. [18:00] CardinalFang: does this mean that, for example, I could put a single json document in and share it with my girlfriend, but only share that specific document? [18:05] metropolis, I think my use of "document" was confusing. Mean (something like) a row in a database, not a file. Those are not sharable (so far) between different accounts. Files are, though! You could put anything in a file, e.g., a JSON data structure, and share that, certainly. [18:06] metropolis, since you are interested in sharing between different people, forget all the JSON / HTTP talk above. That isn't implemented yet, and it may not ever be. Additionally, it requires both machines be using Ubuntu. [18:06] But, you can poke anything in a file, and push and pull that. [18:07] okay, great -- that's what i was looking for. thanks! [19:06] hi i just wanted to know if anybody has addressed this yet [19:06] https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/631 [19:06] ok, so ubuntu one can't dynamically get updates. wow. [19:06] so the workaround is to refresh your connection from the icon. okay. [19:07] yuphttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+faq/596 [19:07] oh, so the icon doesn't show unless there's activity. [19:07] did anybody actually test ubuntu one, or what? [19:08] this just seems poorly done. if i'm wrong, please flame with corrections [19:09] mjpeck: Hi! We've had a dedicated base of beta testers since June or July, but we are still working on it. [19:09] since before that [19:10] we went public beta in may before karmic uds :) [19:10] dobey: Right on, May is probably the best 'start date' for people using the file sharing stuff. [19:11] yep [19:11] is there a way to move files using the web interface? [19:11] also is there a dev forum, i'm curious about why the client can't at the very least poll for updates. [19:12] the way other services in gnome do, for instance. like update-manager. [19:12] mjpeck: You can't move files around in the web ui (yet) [19:13] dobey: Why don't we "poll for updates like update-manager" ? [19:13] huh? [19:13] the client maintains a persistent connection to the server [19:14] it's supposed to just get a message telling it there are new files, and then update them [19:14] or changes from another places, or whatever [19:15] dobey: I htink mjpeck meant updates to the package so you didn't have to manually kill and restart the client when you upgrade stuff. (I could be wrong, of course) [19:15] i don't know why it wouldn't be working. unless something's causing problems on the server (like perhaps 30K people uploading files all at the same time and whatnot) [19:15] jblount: no he means changed files. [19:15] update-manager already polls and would notify you of updates, so we wouldn't need to do anything for that :) [19:16] Right on. [19:21] yeah, i mean if i make changes on the web, my local client doesn't update. the FAQ says to reconnecnt [19:22] actually i can't connect right now, still no idea why [19:22] i have 3 karmic machines that i'd like to share files between this way [19:23] it isn't putting a great image in my head when i think of "cloud computing" [19:23] might be easier if i just had a cool rsync frontend [19:31] there are a lot of people like me who, y'know, want to synchronize their porn collection across many computers [19:32] we're definitely your best beta testers [19:32] just a suggestion for the future === teknico_ is now known as teknico_away [19:36] mjpeck, So, d-bey says it works right, the FAQ says "if you have problems, then try reconencting" and you can't connect at all. It's safe to assume there's something else wrong. Wait a while or file a useful bug. [19:41] well uploading from the web doesn't notify connected clients currently, so you would need to reconnect, it seems. [19:41] but i think uploading through the client will notify other connected clients (if you're syncing multiple machines) [19:42] dobey: i think the messaging is slow in general, so sync between clients is taking quite a while for most users [19:43] well sync is taking a while === rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ping joshuahoover | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 273, Protocol Revno is 73 === rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ping joshuahoover | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 273, Protocol Revno is 73 [20:07] well it's open source, eh [20:07] maybe i'll fix it [21:00] ping [21:12] Hello everyone [21:14] hi jprock [21:14] we can chat here :) [21:15] okay fine [21:15] : [21:15] :P [21:15] jprock: bug 357395 is the one you want to subscribe to [21:15] Launchpad bug 357395 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-client requires NetworkManager" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/357395 [21:17] Thanks. Subscribed [21:19] you're welcome :) [21:22] joshuahoover: i really wish i could understand why the heck that branch doesn't make it all just work on your test vm [21:23] dobey: yeah, i can try again if you tell me which files i need to swap out again [21:24] joshuahoover: just do ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make [21:24] joshuahoover: and then run the syncdaemon/client from the tree :) [21:24] dobey: ok, i'm doing it on a test env. that's not setup with the dev env. at all [21:25] that's fine [21:25] apt-get build-dep ubuntuone-client [21:25] dobey: ok, i had to start over with some environments here so give me a little bit to set this up...shouldn't take too long [21:28] joshuahoover: no worries. it's getting close to time for me to call it a day anyway [21:28] joshuahoover: "You've got 30 minutes." (TM) [21:28] dobey: got ya, i'm still doing it just to make sure [21:28] dobey: heh [21:58] later! [22:04] later dobey === rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ping joshuahoover | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 276, Protocol Revno is 73 === joshuahoover changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 276, Protocol Revno is 73