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Riddellkde 3 packages are so painful00:25
Riddellall that automake yuckyness00:25
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nhandlerapachelogger: Any chance of you changing the details of kubuntu-dev-tools on Launchpad so that it shows up as 'kubuntu-dev-tools' or 'Kubuntu Developer Tools' in bug reports instead of 'Useful tools for Kubuntu developers' ?02:08
JontheEchidnaKTorrent 3.3 is out, neat.02:42
JontheEchidnadoes soyuz support 3.0 (quilt) yet?02:44
ScottKIt supports not dieing if it runs into it, but not actually using it.02:46
JontheEchidnadh --with-kde needs translations support anyways.02:52
ScottKJontheEchidna: This is because it's only been planned for squeeze for a couple of years, so there's no way the LP developers could have anticipated this.02:52
JontheEchidnaOf course not. :/02:53
ScottKWe wouldn't even have not crashing if wgrant (a community dev, not Canonical) hadn't worked on it.02:55
jjessewas that sarcasm i was sensing?02:57
JontheEchidnanooooo :P02:58
ScottKjjesse: No more than usual.02:58
* JontheEchidna pbuilds his fancy ktorrent merge02:58
jjesseoooo a fancy merge02:58
JontheEchidnafancy? newfangled?02:58
JontheEchidnatoo fancy for LP anyways02:59
ScottKNot saying much02:59
JontheEchidnaWith source 3.0 uploads making their way to squeeze, I'd say that "it" will hit the fan shortly, if it hasn't already03:01
ScottKWell getting soyuz to not crash is the reason turning on autosync got delayed.03:03
JontheEchidnais autosync running yet?03:03
ScottKThe first pulse is about built03:04
ScottKIIRC just ia64 and sparc aren't done.03:04
jjessesoyuz is the name of the part of LP that does the building rithg?03:05
* jjesse can never keep all the names straight03:05
ScottKjjesse: Yes.03:05
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ScottKPopcon says ~900K ubuntu-desktop, 150K kubuntu-desktop, 60K xubuntu-desktop, ~350 kubuntu-desktop-kde3, 125 kubuntu-netbook, 35 lubuntu-desktop.07:05
ScottKIn absoute terms it doesn't mean anything, but the relative numbers may mean something.07:05
ScottKedubuntu ~9200, edubuntu-kde ~230007:07
amichairScottK: cool stats! where can I see the graphs? interesting to see trends as well07:34
Mamarokare the Neon builds in Jaunty still working?09:18
ghostcubehullu peoples09:19
ghostcubeMamarok: amarok-nightly ?09:19
ghostcubehmm there isnt a karmic repo for it till now afaik09:19
ghostcubeand so i think they should yes09:19
Mamaroksince I have a strange report, that guy uses KDE 4.3.0 and the latest was 4.3.2 + Amarok Neon09:20
Mamaroksame for KDE builds?09:20
ghostcubehmm i tried neon on 4.3.2 dont know if this will work in 4.3.3009:21
ghostcubeanyone can help with apturl maybe its not possible to get it into midori for now10:40
ghostcubethe wiki things dont help10:40
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wstephensonhi, i'm installing a kubuntu to fix your bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21087811:06
ubottuKDE bug 210878 in general "KNetworkManager crashed while upgrading, when NetworkManager was restarted (Knm::Activatable::deviceUni, compareDevices, activatableLessThan)" [Crash,New]11:06
wstephensonand i need a hand configuring kubuntu's grub - it doesn't have a menu.lst file to add/remove os sections11:07
wstephensoncan i get priority kubuntu n00b assistance?11:07
ghostcubewoha so u have grub 211:08
ghostcubewait a moment11:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:08
Riddellwstephenson: it's grub 2 which uses grub.cfg11:08
jussi01wstephenson: that page has pretty much everything youll need11:09
wstephensonis there a gui tool for it?11:09
ghostcubeoh we have a id for it :|11:10
ghostcubewstephenson: if you want an german howto there is one too11:10
wstephensonghostcube: thanks but no11:10
Riddellwstephenson: no there's no gui tool11:11
ghostcubewstephenson: you can kick it and use grub1 again11:11
Riddellhe doesn't say what he's upgrading from or to11:11
wstephensonRiddell: i'll just read the docs and do it by hand11:11
wstephensonit's a clean 9.10 install11:11
Riddellalthough the crash is reported in svn1029786 version which is the one from 9.10 (but not the one in kubuntu updates which has fixes for GSM/VPN)11:12
wstephensoncan someone check if the bug is reproduceable with the latest version?11:15
wstephensonit should be a simple 'restart NM and see if KNM crashes' job11:15
neversfeldewstephenson: I'll try it11:16
neversfeldewstephenson: it crashes. Do you need the crash report from Dr. Konqui11:20
wstephensonneversfelde: if it's the same as at 210878 there's no need11:21
RiddellI can't recreate it, although I am using svn1040607 from updates11:27
neversfeldeRiddell: we need libwv2-4 for koffice in lucid, can you upload it there or should I file a sync bug in launchpad?11:28
Riddellneversfelde: if it's in debian then a sync bug is the way to go11:29
Riddelland it is my archive admin day today11:29
neversfeldeRiddell: ok, I will do it right now11:30
ScottKamichair: popcon.ubuntu.com, but you need to grab a copy of the data periodically as it doesn't hold history.11:30
amichairScottK: too bad, wonder if someone did that and posted nice graphs on their blog or something11:31
ScottKNot that I've seen.11:31
wstephensonneversfelde: do you have the updated 40607?11:31
amichairScottK: I was actually happy to see the stats, somehow I always assumed kubuntu has a *much* smaller market share than ubuntu... wonder if we're catching up?11:32
ScottKNo idea.11:32
ScottKThe thing about popcon is it's really hard to tell what it means.11:32
ScottKSince it's opt-in, you don't know.11:33
ScottKIs there some reason that Kubuntu people would opt-in more or less often than Ubuntu people?11:33
neversfeldewstephenson: yes, 0.9~svn104060711:34
amichairScottK: that would probably only depend on where/how the opt-in occurs. if it's exactly the same in both GUI-wise, the stats can't be too far off11:34
ScottKamichair: It's hidden in the advanced tab of the installer.11:34
amichair> 1M entries is quiet a sample space... probably very small margin of error (but IANAStatistician)11:35
amichairScottK: and in ubuntu it's hidden in the same place?11:35
ScottKamichair: popcon.ubuntu.com is for the Ubuntu repos.11:35
ScottKSo you have to look at packages you'd find in different flavors to distinguish.11:36
wstephensonRiddell: how do i register the kubuntu-updates repo?11:36
* wstephenson really should use *buntu for a month or 2 for some competitor analysis, he is clueless11:37
Riddellwstephenson: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa11:38
Riddellor through kpackagekit in system settings11:38
wstephensonok, upgrading11:39
amichairwhat's the distinction between wishlist-priority bugs and 'wishes' with low/medium/high priority? do wishlists not have priorities themselves?11:47
wstephensonRiddell, neversfelde: ok, crashes here too.11:51
Riddellwstephenson: doing what?  upgrading to that PPA?11:53
wstephensonRiddell: KNM crashes on NM restart after upgrading from that PPA11:54
wstephensonjust not on opensuse...11:55
wstephensonRiddell: plasma-networkmanagement seems not to depend on network-manager-[vpnc|openvpn|pptp], which its VPN plugins require to work.11:55
Riddellyes restarting network manager kills it11:56
Riddellwstephenson: hum, we don't even have those in main, I wonder why not11:59
wstephensonRiddell: i started with a ubuntu then installed kubuntu-desktop on top of it, and that had the vpn NM plugins - is that a different main?12:00
wstephenson(they weren't installed by default but they were in the repo, i only added the kubuntu ppa to the default repos)12:00
Riddellwstephenson: network-manager-[vpnc|openvpn|pptp] are all in universe, which is enabled by default but indicates that it's unsupported12:02
Riddellit seems like something we'd want by default12:02
Riddellalthough they do all seem to depend on Gnome GUI libraries12:02
wstephensonthey are in the default opensuse repo12:02
wstephensonah, then they haven't split the plugins up into the server plugin and the gnome UI plugin.12:03
neversfeldeRiddell: there is already a sync request for wv2 from ScottK bug 47787712:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 477877 in wv2 "Sync wv2 0.4.1.dfsg-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47787712:03
wstephensoneg we have NetworkManager, NetworkManager-openvpn, NetworkManager-gnome, NetworkManager-openvpn-gnome, NetworkManager-kde, Networkmanager-openvpn-kde etc12:03
Riddellneversfelde: he's a fast one so he is12:04
wstephensonRiddell: also the dbus policy perms for pptp appear to be globally wrong in *buntu, NetworkManager can't call the VPN plugin to ask it if it needs secrets12:14
ghostcubeneversfelde: no support today ? hehe you may can help with apturl12:16
neversfeldeghostcube: I know nothing about that12:16
ghostcubedamn :)12:16
amichairwhy is plasma-desktop reading from the disk every  2-4 refreshes of iotop?12:35
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Dario_AndresHi, does anyone know which package contains the debug symbols for the folderview widget ?13:01
RiddellDario_Andres: it's from kdebase as I remember so kdebase-dbg13:02
Dario_Andresoh, right that it is on kdebase-apps... thanks Riddell :)13:02
RiddellDario_Andres: do you have an opinion on use of apport vs drkonqi?  we're considering not using apport during the next development cycle13:03
Dario_Andresnice timing as we are currently discussing how to reduce the duplicate noise that drkonqi is currently causing on bugs.kde.org :-\13:04
Dario_AndresIf I could somehow improve the duplicate handling on the application itself I would say go for it,13:05
Dario_Andresit would surely reduce your work on upstream(kde) crashes... and , if it is done properly, it shouldn't affect bugs.kde.org triagers too much13:05
RiddellDario_Andres: do duplicates handling in drkonqi?13:06
RiddellI'm not sure how that would work, surely it has to be done by the bug tracker13:06
Dario_AndresDrKonqi implements a list of possible duplicates that the users can check and suggest as duplicates or   say that the new crash should be attached to an existant report (kde4.4)13:07
Dario_Andresbut people do not read to much and tend to be lazy....13:07
Dario_Andres+ including ~useless~ descriptions... that results in too much noise for devs and triagers13:08
Dario_Andreswe are currently working in order to ~force~ the user to check for duplicates (and improve the possible duplicate list, so users will have to check less reports)13:09
Dario_Andres+ forcing the users to include "meaningful" descriptions/data13:10
Dario_AndresI'm also currently considering to disable DrKonqi for some KDE4.3 versions.... (so users need to report the crashes manually)13:16
Riddellyou mean for 4.3.4?13:18
Dario_Andresno, for older versions13:19
Dario_Andresso the only way to implement that is on the bugzilla server....13:19
Dario_AndresI have some patch ideas and I have contacted mattr.... but I'm not really sure if it is possible to implement13:19
amichairis there any software-properties bug you guys would like me to look at in particular?13:27
JontheEchidnaamichair: I think you pretty much fixed all the major/well-known bugs a few days ago :)13:29
amichairJontheEchidna: I still see a few tens of bugs :-(13:30
JontheEchidnaa lot of those are for software-properties-gtk13:30
JontheEchidnaoh, bug 350017 would be nice to have fixed. (reimplement find best server so it doesn't make it crash)13:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 350017 in software-properties "software-properties-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QApplicationPrivate::dispatchEnterLeave()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35001713:31
amichairJontheEchidna: yeah, too bad there's no tagging or standard way to write that, it's confusing13:31
amichairJontheEchidna: ok, I'll take a look13:31
neversfeldeif I add new Replaces: or Conflicts: after merging, does it need to be mentioned in the changelog?13:31
JontheEchidnathat bug description could use some work; I'll edit it13:32
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: yes, I add those as new changes rather than listing them as remaining changes13:32
amichairJontheEchidna: oh, there are also a bunch related to i18n, but I think apachelogger is working on them13:32
amichairJontheEchidna: but crashes are more interesting :-)13:33
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thanks13:33
* apachelogger is not working on i18n anymore13:35
apacheloggersp needs revised internals to make i18n work reliably13:35
apacheloggerghostcube: me did apturl13:36
apacheloggernhandler: why me, it's always me13:36
apacheloggeramichair: looking into .gpg13:36
amichairapachelogger: good morning :-)13:37
apacheloggeramichair: http://ppa.launchpad.net/apachelogger/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg13:37
apacheloggeris the signing of http://ppa.launchpad.net/apachelogger/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release13:37
apacheloggerno key here13:37
apacheloggercan we please accept that .gpg is no valid file ending for keys and move on13:39
amichairapachelogger: how about the one before it? I've seen others too13:39
apacheloggerthey are wrong13:39
apacheloggerif you feel that .gpg should be valid for keys then go report a bug with the freedesktop.org shared mime database13:39
apacheloggeruntil then standards imply that .gpg nor .pgp is a valid ending for keys13:40
amichairapachelogger: I don't care. but unless u can make the world change it's ways, it might be better to provide a useful gui :-/13:40
apacheloggerthat has nothing to do with sp13:40
apacheloggernor kdelibs13:40
apacheloggerbut everything with the freedesktop.org shared mime database13:41
apacheloggerthat is where .gpg should be added to the endings of key files and not enywhere else13:41
amichairapachelogger: agreed13:41
apacheloggergood :)13:41
* apachelogger sips tea and hands amichair a cookie 13:42
amichairapachelogger: that's good enough for me!13:42
amichairJontheEchidna: should I ignore everything the reporter said? it doesn't like like he was doing what he said he was doing.13:45
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JontheEchidnaamichair: for the "find best server" crash?13:45
amichairJontheEchidna: ya. even his correction seems out of place13:46
ghostcubeapachelogger: you did apturl ?13:46
ghostcubecan you may help to get it working in midori13:46
apacheloggerI have no clue what midori is13:46
apacheloggersounds like something fance though13:46
apacheloggerfancy even13:46
amichairisn't it an alcoholic beverage?13:47
JontheEchidnaamichair: pretty much. Basically if you re-enable the find best server button and try to use it you'll get a lovely crash or at least a pretty funky looking dialog13:47
JontheEchidnaan example of QA fail13:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: whatever happened to jwisser?13:48
ghostcubeeh ? midori is opnsource browse4r13:48
ghostcubeon webkit gtk port13:48
ghostcube#midori is the channel13:48
amichairJontheEchidna: speaking of, it looks like nobody tried running sp-kde in non-ascii locale - it crashes and/or corrupts sources.list in various exciting ways...13:49
apacheloggerghostcube: if it was KDE based ... you'd have to do nothing :P13:49
apacheloggerghostcube: anhyhow, you basically just need an url/uri handler that forwards the URI to apturl13:52
apacheloggerah just the man13:52
apacheloggerjwisser: ahoy!13:52
jwisserapachelogger: Good morning! Sorry I haven't been around. What an I do for you?13:53
apacheloggerthere is some nice dude on the kubuntu-devel mailing list who offered to contribute in promotion, so I though that you might want to make him a general marketing minion :D13:54
ghostcubeapachelogger: yeah we did a code snippet but apturl-kde tells us ascii codec cant encode string13:57
jwisserapachelogger: Shiny. ::grumbles:: Does this mean I have to join a new mailing list?13:57
apacheloggerjwisser: well, it is low traffic, but in general it makes sense to be subscribed there, since about everything about the project goes there13:58
apacheloggerif it ends up on some mailing list at all13:58
apacheloggerghostcube: more information please :)13:58
ghostcubehehe i thought this would be the next post13:58
ghostcubeif you have a bit time you can join #midori13:58
ghostcubethe devs are there too13:58
jwisserapachelogger: All right, I'll join. In the meantime, does he have an email address?14:00
apacheloggerjwisser: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2009-November/003516.html14:01
apacheloggerghostcube: I dont :P14:01
ghostcubehehe so i may bring the dev in here eh ?14:02
apacheloggerI dont have time14:02
* apachelogger needs to leave for exam in a bit14:02
ghostcubeoh ok14:03
ghostcubehmmm is this not the wrong url deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/ppa/ubuntu karmic main14:05
ghostcubeisnt it backports ?14:05
Riddellghostcube: I changed it to updates, it shouldn't have been backports14:05
ghostcubeoh ok14:05
ghostcubeehm Riddell qt or kde 4.3.3 i meant kde 4.3.314:06
ghostcubethe docu on kubuntu.org its a bit confuing or is it only me ?14:06
ghostcubeboah iam stupid14:07
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JontheEchidnasweet, doing a debuild -nc with dh7 doesn't make cmake go through installing everything again14:44
JontheEchidna(if a build failed during the final package building, etc)14:44
Riddellthere are times when you want it to do that though (in which case you have to edit debian/debhelper or whatever it is)14:47
JontheEchidnamaybe it would redo all that if you edited something like that?14:48
Tm_Thmh, asked in bit wrong channel, so repeat in here: do we have blueprint or wikipage or anything about reasons why KHTML is not enough, as in what doesn't work14:56
Tm_Tand perhaps what is needed from replacement solution14:56
Tm_TI'm stuck with several browsers myself and would like to be useful while trying to find out which is working best in KDE14:58
Riddellsomething that works with complex websites like slashdot and which is sufficiently integrated with KDE14:59
JontheEchidnawebkitkde looks promising, the webkitkde library (not the kpart... yet) is in kdereview15:00
Tm_TRiddell: hmm, ok, what doesn't work in slashdot? I know there's been issues with google mail and facebook in some cases15:00
rgreeningRiddell: maybe arora with new qt4.6 might cut it this time around....15:00
Tm_TJontheEchidna: no, it's already in kdelibs15:01
JontheEchidnaoh. cool!15:01
Tm_TJontheEchidna: and Kpart seems to work reasonably with Konqueror too15:01
rgreeningqt4.6 with qt webkit brings java support (which was missing from 4.5 and hence our version of arora)15:02
* Sput thinks arora needs to get at least a decent way to open PDF files and stuff that doesn't require saving them somewhere first15:02
rgreeningSput: yes.. some nicer mime handling would be awesome15:02
Sputnot sucking in plasma when invoked via xdg-open would help too :)15:03
rgreeningSput: I think that's a qt webkit issue though...15:03
Tm_Trgreening: Sput: I have Qt 4.6 and Arora built with it, what should I test?15:03
Sputthats right now my biggest culprits with it15:03
SputTm_T: well, click on a PDF or another file type, I'd expect okular to open, instead I get a download box15:03
Sputwhich is *really* annoying15:03
yuriyfacebook works better in Konqueror than it does in Arora actually, except for some crashes which might be fixed in 4.3.315:03
rgreeningTm_T: java plugin support... see if java (not javascript) works15:03
JontheEchidnafacebook is slooow in konqueror w/ khtml15:04
rgreeningyuriy: really? I found the opposite...15:04
Sputand if I click a link in quassel or elsewhere, it's opened in arora, but it stays in the background and plasma's launch indicator spins for half a minute15:04
Tm_Trgreening: hmm, I cannot remember seeing java in sites I use, have an example?15:04
Sputother than that, the webkit stuff works for me (trunk of both qt and arora)15:04
rgreeningTm_T: asobrain (gaming site) try settlers of catan15:04
yuriyrgreening: really, facebook doesn't work very well in ANY browser, but last i tried FF worked better than Konqi which worked a little better than Arora, but crashed reprodicibly15:05
Tm_Tyuriy: what doesn't work?15:05
* Tm_T thinks we really need a wikipage listing these issues etc15:06
Sputfacebook seems to work fine in arora15:06
yuriyTm_T: don't remember exactly, but some of the ajaxy things would just not show up sometimes15:06
Sputso do the google apps15:06
Sput(which I use)15:06
rgreeningarora handles gmail better than konq15:06
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice if the webkit kpart was ready for 10.04, then we wouldn't have to change default browsers at all15:06
Sputin fact I haven't had any trouble with any webpage in arora trunk15:06
Sputit's just the missing KDE integration which makes it a sub-par experience15:06
SputI'd try rekonq, but that crashes on startup :)15:06
yuriyI think I may be the only one, but Arora has been mostly a disappointment for me15:07
JontheEchidnarekonq is pretty cool, I must say. A bit young though15:07
rgreeningwe can probably get shtylman to help add more kde'isms to arora :)15:07
Tm_TJontheEchidna: hmm, I'll see if there's known rough spots with Kpart to addition of my simple tests15:07
rgreeningyuriy: I think early arora was an issue. But I have been using it religiously and no issues on my system.15:08
rgreeningqt 4.5 though...15:08
Tm_TI have rottening hardware so I get some random issues... needs couple times tested15:08
Sputyeah, just make arora integrate better (or at all) with KDE, at least concerning the things that are really annoying... mime type handling, launch feedback, kget support, stuff like that15:10
Tm_TSput: or get Konqueror working better with pages?15:11
Sputor that15:11
Tm_TI would love to see both, actually15:11
Sputbut tbh, I don't expect KHTML getting up to par with the current web anytime soon :/15:11
SputI really like konqueror as a browser15:11
Sputbut it fails on more and more pages15:11
Sputcan't even watch youtube videos properly because it insists showing a stamp-sized flash window15:11
JontheEchidnawith the webkit KPart we wouldn't have to give up konqueror15:12
Tm_TSput: well, as said, you can use webkit with Konqueror too, just isn't ready for everyones use, but getting there15:12
Tm_TJontheEchidna: indeed15:12
SputTm_T: sure, if that's working properly, I'm fine with that :)15:12
SputI'm really being pragmatic when it comes to browsers :)15:12
JontheEchidnawhich would be a plus in many ways. The least of which being that we don't have to integrate an entire app with KDE while at the same time keeping the status-quo UI-wise15:12
SputI'd be glad if someone properly integrated webkit properly in konqueror15:13
Tm_Tduno why but many wikis work "lighter" (well, only feeling, I havent done any measurements) with khtml, I wonder if it's just khtml not doing everything (:15:13
Tm_TSput: properly?15:13
Sputwell, e.g. it could remember that I've set it to "show in webkit kpart" :)15:13
Tm_TSput: it can, if you set it so15:13
JontheEchidnayou have to change KDE's mimetype handling for it to stick15:13
Sputdidn't work last time I tried15:13
Sputalso it randomly didn't even offer the option until being restarted15:14
Tm_TSput: ah, when was that?15:14
Sputcan't compile webkit-kpart currently since it collides with kdelibs, so I can't try now :)15:14
Sputdunno, few months ago15:14
Tm_TSput: ok, I'm running "current trunk" so we'll see if it applies here15:15
Sputyeah I'm too15:15
Sputbut no webkit-kpart, since it conflicts with the lib that just went into kdelibs15:15
Tm_TSput: and all that has been building fine here all the time btw, what issue you have?15:15
Sputshould be fixed soon enough, I hope15:15
Sputlibkdewebkit.so is in kdelibs now15:16
Sputso it shouldn't be installed by webkit-kpart anymore15:16
Tm_Tyeah, though it's same but yeah15:16
Sputyeah, prolly just a build system fix15:16
Sputbut bad timing as I cannot try currently :)15:16
Sputmy package manager complains loudly about file collisions, and I don't really feel like turning that off :)15:17
Tm_TSput: have to add check to kpart build, which kdelibs one have, and that'll fix it15:17
Sputwould be great15:17
Sputand appreciated :)15:18
Tm_TI believe it's left there to make it usable with older kdelibs too so it won't go away just yet, but check if it's needed would do it, hmmmmm15:18
Riddellapachelogger: do you want us to discuss https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-lucid-bug-triage-policy at UDS ?  do you plan to write it as a spec sometime?15:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: the spec wiki page is pretty much done15:54
Riddellis empty15:56
JontheEchidnawhere did it go...15:56
Riddellthat's the one15:56
Riddellthat's what people get for making up wiki page schemeas without asking me for authorisation :)15:57
skreechRiddell: Kobby has an open infinote server up if you would like to use it at UDS15:58
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Riddellskreech: I take it kobby still doesn't work with the obby server used by ubuntu?15:59
skreechIt's not intended to I think but I can ask. Obby is engineering a new more flexible forward thinking protocol16:01
skreechKobby is intended to use that one16:01
skreechI'll see if there is a plugin for Obbyx protocol though16:01
Riddellrgreening: does kubuntu-lucid-touchpad-config need a session at UDS?16:09
Riddellyou seem to have the spec already written so is there anything to discuss?16:09
wstephensonRiddell: ooh, a touchpad config?16:10
wstephensonthat's something we want to do soon as well.16:10
rgreeningRiddell: I took a stab at the spec... doesn't necessarily mean it's all covered or agreed though.. JontheEchidna, what do you think? Since you have been working with the author of the tp config kcm module16:11
wstephensonwe could cooperate.16:11
Riddelllooks like it needs a UI design.  I don't know what the technical limitations are (spec mentions xinput)16:11
rgreeningwstephenson: initially, I have planned to write a seperate app, though it looks like there is a KDE one ported to now use xinput, trhough not yet upstreamed to KDE...16:12
wstephensonok, so not using that old libqsynaptics then16:12
JontheEchidnahttp://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/kcm_touchpad?content=113335 <- the app in question16:12
rgreeningwe could colab on ideas...16:12
wstephensonthat's the one we're packagaing atm16:12
JontheEchidnathe spec here still mentions making our own: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Specs/LucidTouchpadConfigKDE16:13
JontheEchidnaperhaps it needs updated?16:13
rgreeningI think we prob should still discuss at UDS. Riddell, if the app linked above can get upstreamed to KDE< then that would be our goal. If it cannot, then we should write something we can upstream to KDE.16:13
wstephensongotta dash now, but i'll keep an eye on it16:14
Riddellrgreening: ok will do16:14
=== wstephenson is now known as _wstephenson
* rgreening hopes we can assist auther in getting the package suitable for upstream into KDE16:15
JontheEchidnawell, it's too late for 4.4 for upstreaming. But on a comment lower down he does say he has interest in getting it into KDE16:15
RiddellI don't even know what needs configuring, my touchpad works fine :)16:15
rgreeningRiddell: advanced options, multi-touch, sensitivity, you name it...16:16
* JontheEchidna whips up a kcm-touchpad package for revu16:16
rgreeningRiddell: for 90% it prob works ok. ... the other 10%, not so much... and having the ability to fine tune would be useful...16:16
rgreeningalso, being able to enable or disable the virtual scrollbar in the tp, and even to enable/disable it for when typing is configuarble...16:17
rgreeningoh, has anyone used daisy plasma applet.. its awesome16:18
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Riddelljussi01: you'll be attending Kubuntu themed sessions at UDS?18:07
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apacheloggerRiddell: all implemented18:44
apacheloggerbesides, dr. konqi does not have a whole lot with bug triage to do TBH18:45
Riddellapachelogger: what's implemented?18:45
apacheloggerRiddell: the bug triage policy18:47
apacheloggerJontheEchidna and started applying the changes some days ago18:47
apacheloggeractually, JontheEchidna did, I just tried to move stuff into the right packages :D18:48
Quintasanoh hi18:54
ulysses__Lucid Lynx works \o/ (in Virtualbox)18:55
Quintasanwell, I'm getting back to work when I get my new machine, that would be this Thursday, I assume that deploying a working evn will take less than 2 hours :P18:55
JontheEchidnaplasma is quite crashy in lucid, due to Qt 4.6. I'll assume that it'll away in KDE 4.418:56
JontheEchidnabut then again it's pre-alpha :P18:57
QuintasanQt 4.6 is out?18:57
JontheEchidna4.6 beta18:57
Quintasanhmm just wondering, what's the point of adding my microblogs to Akonadi?18:57
Riddelljussi01, shtylman: I included you in an e-mail, gmail doesn't like my mail server so check your spam if you havn't got it19:01
QuintasanCould not install kde-i18n-ru 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1 on mailing list -> I guess it's an overwrite issue once more (russian errors FTW!)19:02
ScottKskreech and Riddell: I asked and we'll be using the older obby at UDS, so no Kobby.19:03
jussi01Riddell: which email?19:07
Riddelljussi01: "Team Kubuntu"19:08
jussi01Ahh, yeah, I got it, thanks!19:08
jussi01ScottK: :(19:08
Riddelljussi01: did it arrive in your inbox or in your spam?19:08
Riddelloh good, maybe google likes my server now19:09
ScottKjussi01: The inifinote stuff doesn't exist except in Karmic, so I think it's reasonable so people still on earlier releases can play.19:09
jussi01ScottK: is there a version of Kobby that plays with that obby?19:10
macoRiddell: i think "Kubuntu Krew" makes more sense :)19:12
Quintasanapachelogger: the docs will be still translated in LP or we are moving with them somewhere else?19:12
macojussi01: afaik, kobby is only for the new libinfity version19:12
* Quintasan would like to get to upstream translators19:12
macoshtylman: :P19:13
ScottKjussi01: No19:14
ScottKNeed to use Gobby still19:14
Mamarokwhat command tells me the distro version?19:16
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:16
macoMamarok: lsb_elease -a19:16
* maco puts an r in there19:16
skreechScottK: Ok cool thanks19:16
Mamarokthx maco19:17
Mamarokand jussi01, of course :)19:17
skreechrgreening_: Daisy?19:17
jussi01Riddell: RE: kubuntu themed, Yes, as long as they fit around my community and ubuntu studio stuff.19:18
jussi01My community stuff is number one though.19:18
skreechQuintasan: I think that KDE 4.4 is shipping late so that Qt 4.6 will be out19:18
Quintasanskreech: rgreening propably means that Daisy plasmoid available in repositories, it's a launcher plasmoid19:19
skreechok :-)19:20
rgreening_I set it up linear and using mach (MAC) stype...19:23
Quintasanand it looks awful :S19:23
ScottKskreech and Quintasan: KDE 4.4 requires Qt 4.6.19:24
skreechI know but as I recall the KDE 4.4 release was pushed back to accomodate the release of Qt 4.619:25
QuintasanI'm looking forward to KDE 4.4, if 4.3 is uber good then 4.4 will rock the world :D19:25
skreechor at least the cradle that holds the world19:27
Tm_Talso with KDE 4.4, we should have usable Akonadi AND Nepomuk or we don't get all use of it19:27
* Tm_T is not sure what's the situation with Karmic19:28
Tm_Tare those working in Karmic?19:28
JontheEchidnain karmic you can install the sesame backend and then make a symlink then you'll get a nepomuk server19:28
JontheEchidnanothing really uses akonadi yet in 4.319:29
Quintasanwhat's the status of virtuoso backend?19:29
JontheEchidnaWord is somebody at Debian is packaging virtuoso, so it should be ready for 4.419:29
QuintasanIIRC we can't include sesame cause of Java, right?19:29
JontheEchidnaright. way too big/the backend is non-free by Debian standards19:30
JontheEchidnaDebian/Ubuntu standards19:30
Tm_Thmm, how it is non-free?19:30
QuintasanI'm missing a tool to backup your Nepomuk and Akonadi database19:30
JontheEchidnadistributes binaries without source code19:30
QuintasanIt's easy to forget to copy the .kde dir before formatting and after this I'm like "ohshi- I lost all my tags"19:31
Tm_TJontheEchidna: hmmm, the backend contains binary-only ?19:31
JontheEchidnasome of the java bits are binary-only19:32
JontheEchidnait would take a feat of packaging to get the source and make it all build. Out of Debian, Kubuntu and Fedora nobody managed to be able to package it in an acceptable manner19:32
QuintasanHow come I have no Kubuntu stickers? Unacceptable!19:36
skreechTm_T: Virtuoso ?19:37
Quintasanskreech: backend for Nepomuk database19:37
Quintasanskreech: by default we provide redland which consumes even 90% of CPU for some users, quite strange I must say19:38
JontheEchidnaby default we have no nepomuk, and nepomuk refuses to run if it sees redland19:39
Tm_TQuintasan: it's heavy in every way19:39
QuintasanJontheEchidna: really? I think it works for me :P19:40
Quintasanso basically redland is a PITA19:41
SputI think they made it fail only recently19:44
rgreeningQuintasan: daisy looks ok, once you config things... see my desktop pic.. http://imagebin.ca/view/jyKdN5Ob.html19:46
Quintasanhell, all ninjas are going to turn into apachelogger?19:48
Quintasanserouisly, wtf19:49
Quintasanrgreening: you're lucky enough to have black oxygen :P19:49
Tm_TQuintasan: er?19:49
QuintasanTm_T: Oxygen without desktop effects is dark blue. My radeon sucks at effects so I'm stuck with air :P19:51
* JontheEchidna finds Oxywin's non-composite panel to be better than air's19:55
Tm_TI use neither of those19:57
rgreeningIm using oxyglass atm20:03
JontheEchidnaMy desktop: http://imagebin.ca/view/SRTXbCRn.html20:04
JontheEchidnaI haz an autohidden panel at the bottom with fancytasks in it20:04
JontheEchidnaI would use the fancypanel containment it ships with but it looks crap without compositing20:05
ScottKTo see my desktop, just look at a default install.20:09
* ScottK doesn't really change it.20:09
Tm_TI wonder what I have from default...20:10
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: why is everyone turning into apachelogger?20:12
apacheloggerdoesn't find that a bad thing really :P20:12
Tm_Tapachelogger: I wonder what "turning into apachelogger" even means20:13
apacheloggerwell, becoming the ultimate form of kubuntu ninja I suppose :P20:13
_StefanS_Is anyone else experiencing segfaults from knetworkmanager, plasma and kopete when logging out?20:14
rgreening_StefanS_: you got the facbook plugin enabled in kopete? that may be why.. was for me20:14
_StefanS_hmm ok20:14
neversfeldemeh, why did I ever got in touch with koffice :D20:14
_StefanS_gotta check that20:14
_StefanS_what about knetworkmanager, any clues?20:15
neversfeldeI love it FTFBS again20:15
_StefanS_hmm damn..20:16
_StefanS_it worked before final release :D20:16
apacheloggerneversfelde: why do you make it ftbfs? :(20:16
apacheloggerpoor thing20:16
_StefanS_i dont feel like wiping my kde config20:16
neversfeldeapachelogger: you are right, I have to be a nice KDE user and than it will build again20:18
apacheloggerkarma is everything20:18
apacheloggerghostcube: pong20:18
ghostcubeapachelogger: hi20:19
ghostcubecan u may join #midori20:19
Quintasanhmm, nice display bug20:21
JontheEchidna^That one is fixed in Qt 4.620:23
Quintasanhmm Oxyglass is nice20:25
apacheloggersebas: does KDE have a written down policy about not bumping Qt requirement in bug fix releases?20:28
apacheloggerQt version that is20:29
sebasnot that I know, we just don't do that ;)20:29
sebasnot major version, anyway20:29
apacheloggersebas: k :)20:30
ScottKPretty much what I guessed.20:30
Sputcurrent knetworkmanager needs Qt 4.6 too20:31
Sputthe applet at least20:31
apacheloggerQuintasan|Szel: you should move the "Could not install kde-i18n-ru 4:4.3.3-0ubuntu1~ppa1" thread to kubuntu-users I suppose20:33
ScottKWe'll have 4.6 for Lucid, so no problem.20:33
apacheloggernot exactly a screw up, KDE 3 and KDE 4 localization are just mutually exclusive20:33
ScottKQuintasan|Szel: That or just fix it.20:33
apacheloggerScottK: that would mean fixing it for all languages20:33
apacheloggerwe are talking PPA here20:33
ScottKI don't mind if he does that.20:34
apacheloggeralso, that fix would trigger updates for everyone, even those that do not even have that problem20:34
apacheloggerwhich makes me mind :P20:34
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: The Doctor thinks that Kubuntu is awesome | No Todo link! Take a load off! (if you want to take a load off, do not continue reading) | 9.10 Released, Woo! \o/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/LucidKDEMerges | Timelord is GO! Rewrite https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu to reflect this
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: maybe add pix to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved ?20:36
apacheloggerfor every section20:36
* apachelogger is also last step of a support carrier :D20:38
apacheloggerthem fancy claydoh always comes up with weird stuff :D20:38
apacheloggertxwikinger: you might want to write something for https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Testing you can use https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Support or https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/GettingInvolved/Development as template structure and what to write :)20:39
Quintasanapachelogger: world if going to be err.. difficult when we all gonna be apacheloggers :P20:42
apacheloggeryeah, everyone being stubborn and cynical might end badly :P20:43
QuintasanI vote that https://edge.launchpad.net/~we-love-harald members get t-shirts with "I <3 Harald" printed on front side20:44
apacheloggerXand3r: ^20:44
apacheloggerget that going right away20:44
apacheloggerQuintasan pays :P20:44
Quintasanmy $70 of allowance wont be enough :P20:44
apacheloggeroh my20:46
Quintasanhey, did you have stepmania tournament on UDS? :P20:52
Lex79JontheEchidna: should we merge also oxygen-icons ? http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/trunk/packages/oxygen-icons/debian/control21:07
skreechQuintasan: I know i was just asking if we would be doing Virtuoso by default?21:11
ScottKProbably not by default (won't fit on the CD).21:11
skreechhw big is virtuoso ?21:15
yuriyScottK: we don't already have redland on the CD?21:16
ScottKDo we?21:16
* ScottK doesn't recall21:16
neversfeldeapachelogger: my karma is not good enough21:17
skreechIs the Timelord pdf supposed to be that marked up?21:18
neversfeldeprobably someone can help me with this, same package builds in a karmic pbuilder21:18
yuriyScottK: I don't know, but if so, and virtuoso is stable, replacing it would make sense21:18
ScottKyuriy: Agreed.21:18
=== maco_ is now known as maco
QuintasanScottK: we do have redland by default, and as JontheEchidna mentioned it refuses to work when it sees redland :/21:30
* ScottK nods21:31
QuintasanI mean Nepomuk refues to work21:31
Quintasanurgh, just two more days, endure, endure, endure21:32
smarterJontheEchidna: Is the coding style used in kubuntu-notification-helper yours?21:33
JontheEchidnasmarter: pretty much. harald did the Event class though21:34
smarterbecause I absolutely hate it :P21:34
smarteror rather, the brackets positioning in if/else and the spaces in parentheses thing21:34
JontheEchidnaI would not be against changing it21:35
* apachelogger agrees with smarter!21:35
smarterI must be too used to read KDE-style code but my brain just hurts when I read that :p21:35
* yuriy is curious -- could start a fun bracket flame war!21:35
apacheloggerway too many spaces21:35
QuintasanI knew apachelogger would pop out21:35
smarteroh, great, I'm not alone :)21:35
smarterhey apachelogger21:35
smarter(hey everyone even ;))21:35
apacheloggersmarter: I am all for implementing kde code style :D21:35
* apachelogger hands smarter a cookie and a hug for the way21:36
* smarter uses the magic kdelibs-astyle command21:36
yuriyI thought kde code style was "use whatever the guy who wrote the original code was using"21:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: not sure how to put this but it seems they fired you :P21:36
apacheloggerneversfelde: /tmp/buildd/koffice-2.0.91/debian/tmp//usr/share/doc/kde4/HTML/en21:36
smarteryuriy: well, it's more the kdelibs coding style: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Kdelibs_Coding_Style21:36
smarterapachelogger: thanks for the virtual cookie and hug :)21:37
apacheloggerneversfelde: I am pretty sure our docs are actually in /kde/ and not /kde4/21:37
JontheEchidnaI copied the parenthesis style from the kded module I ripped off for this :P21:37
smarterQuintasan: of course he'd pop out, he's a ninja21:37
neversfeldeapachelogger: yes, I changed that in koffice-doc.install and it builds correctly in a karmic pbuilder21:37
apacheloggerwe did merge pkg-kde-tools yet21:38
apacheloggerthat merge might have gone very wrong21:38
neversfeldeI greped /usr/share/doc/kde4 fpr hours now and there is nothing about it in the install files anymore21:38
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: that particular kded had all weird structure everywhere :P21:38
Quintasanapachelogger:  and where is our kubotu? :P21:38
apacheloggerneversfelde: what does the buildlog say21:38
apacheloggerdo they get make install'd to /kde4/ or /kde/21:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: ask the jussi0121:39
neversfeldeapachelogger: mhh, it is long, what should I search there21:39
neversfeldewould you have a look at it?21:39
apacheloggerurly plz21:41
* apachelogger needs to finish sipping his tea before going to bed anyway21:41
yuriyhmm i like the kdelibs guidelines too21:41
neversfeldeapachelogger: I can send it via mail21:41
Quintasanhell, if OOP is basic knowledge of cpp then I'm master of the universe21:42
apacheloggerneversfelde: oh, it fails on your machine?21:44
apacheloggersure mail is fine21:44
apacheloggerI suppose21:44
neversfeldeapachelogger: on the way21:45
apacheloggerneversfelde: looks like a bad merge to me21:54
neversfeldeapachelogger: bad merge of koffice?21:54
apacheloggerof whatever package contains whatever mk file included in koffice's rules21:54
neversfeldeso pkg-kde-tools?21:54
apacheloggerif that is what is used21:55
neversfeldewho merged that?21:55
* apachelogger branches branch21:56
neversfeldeRiddell: ?21:57
apacheloggerRiddell: please use the packaging branch, and please use the packaging when merging (i.e. merge from the imported git branch on lp)21:58
apacheloggerand please unbreak21:58
* apachelogger needs to go to bed and can not merge upload with branch and branch with debian git branch and fix issue in 1 minute :)21:59
neversfeldeapachelogger: I'll ping Riddell tomorrow21:59
apachelogger2300 cet22:00
apacheloggertime for bed22:00
yuriywhat do you guys think of this? http://apaku.wordpress.com/2009/11/10/dont-install-ubuntu-9-10-if-you-want-a-stable-kdevelop22:09
JontheEchidnait's not like kdevelop3 is maintained22:10
yuriyi've been building it from trunk, so that beta, while it seemed nice to have on first thought, has been quite useless22:10
Quintasanyou are using kdevelop4? I though it's not ready for serious development22:14
JontheEchidnaneither is kdevelop3 tbh. All projects fail to build because its unmaintained22:15
smarterkdevelop4 is the best thing ever22:16
QuintasanI was using vim all the time but I think it's time to start learning KDE programming so I want to switch to something more KDE oriented :P22:17
smartergoing back to kate and non-semantic highlight is almost painful once you're used to it :p22:17
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nhandlerapachelogger: Because I didn't realize that Kubuntu Members were set as the maintainer (should this really be the case?) and able to update the data22:17
Quintasanurgh, I thought Qt apps == KDE apps but ofc it's not true22:22
QuintasanSo I need to learn Qt first?22:22
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yuriyQuintasan: it's not ready, but it's very nice. the code browsing is incredible, but make system/project management needs a lot of work which won't be done for the first release, and there are some crashes which are getting fixed22:41
yuriyi'm not really using it, just trying to every few days and then going back to kate/vim/VS200822:42
JontheEchidnaAlso, turns out I reported the kdevelop crash in question over a month ago. It was promptly closed as a packaging bug because he couldn't reproduce it.22:43
Quintasanurgh, looks like I really need to get OOP tutorial done, while Hello world is easy the second one produces a mindfuck for me :P22:43
* Sput oscillates between KDevelop4 and Qt Creator22:44
Sputhaven't decided yet which one I like more22:44
Sputalso creator is kinda unstable currently22:44
yuriythe big plus for Qt Creator is the integrated designer22:46
Quintasanhmm, I get the main.cpp code but the rest is PITA22:46
yuriyQuintasan: the rest is the fun stuff ;)22:50
Sputyuriy: meh, could care less if it pops up in a separate window or not22:50
Sputit's the same thing either way22:50
yuriywell then, there is no big plus for Qt Creator ;) other than that it's released and "stable"22:51
Quintasanoh well, almost midnight22:53
Quintasantime for me22:53
Quintasannight everyone22:53
Sputyuriy: I like the UI better than KDev's, but the latter has a much better editor22:56
Sputcreator has better debugger integration22:56
Sputthey should just fusionate :)22:56
yuriySput: debugging was pretty buggy in KDev3, havne't had a chance to try it in 4 yet23:02
shtylmanonce you have semantic highlighting.... you never wanna go back23:24

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