
stochasticCan anyone tell me if I'm correct on this:  For the next little while the best method for upgrading packages is to upload it to Debian and then request a sync into Ubuntu?00:54
ari-tczewstochastic: yes01:05
ari-tczewbut if itsn't able, you need to do merge01:05
stochastic?? if it isn't able?01:06
jdongstochastic: even in general that's arguably the more courteous/proper way of getting it done unless it's direly urgent to get the new version into Ubuntu01:06
ScottKari-tczew: Even better than merging is getting the Ubuntu diff into Debian and then asking for a sync01:08
ari-tczewScottK: yes I know about it01:11
ari-tczewthis method make management more comfortable in future (only syncs request without any changes)01:12
ScottKari-tczew: It's not a point of comfort, but of effeiciency.  If we don't get our stuff back into Debian and just merge, it's more work for us.01:12
jgoppert_how do we give a package to debian? they don't really have the ppa system setup yet do they? Is there a motu group over there that you have to get in touch with?01:12
ScottKjgoppert_: It depends on the package, but if you look at mentors.debian.net, they have a sponsorship process.01:13
ScottKAlso if you work on a package with a team maintainer in Debian, you can often contact that team and get stuff back into Debian01:13
ari-tczewScottK: if I send package to mentors.debian.net, do I need to wait for response from orginal maintainer? I'm asking about NMU.01:14
ScottKari-tczew: If it's an existing package, you need to work with the maintainer first01:14
ScottKhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers for more details01:15
ari-tczewOK, I'll learn about it leater.01:15
* stochastic politely grumbles about debian worrying about their own external health...01:16
jgoppert_wish debian and ubuntu would just merge and get it over with01:17
ari-tczewI think that I'll upload more packages than in karmic's cycle with good co-operation with sponsors.01:17
ScottKari-tczew: Perhaps set a goal to become a sponsor during this cycle.01:18
ScottKjgoppert_: Not possible.   Different goals.01:18
jgoppert_Yeah, but can't everyone just get along we'd have more development in the same direction01:19
ari-tczewScottK: It would be nice!01:20
StevenKjgoppert_: No, they can't, it's the nature of large, distributed projects.01:20
ari-tczewIf I'll learn about forwarding packages to Debian, I'll request candidate to MOTU.01:20
ScottKjgoppert_: If only there weren't actual people involved, sure.01:20
ajmitchpeople suck, nothing new there01:21
stochasticIf debian and ubuntu's bug tracking and package uploading worked closer together, then ubuntu developers woudn't have to re-learn everything to make their contributions to debian01:24
jgoppert_ok ok.. i used to love debian, but was soo much work, so do you guys just run a virtual machine and do your work there?01:24
ScottKThat or work in a chroot.01:25
jgoppert_well i've got some gui stuff so probably would want to double check it was actually functional01:25
ari-tczewquestion: Do I need to join first MOTU, then join ubuntu-universe-sponsors?01:25
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ScottKstochastic: Package uploading it pretty much identical.  It's just where you point the package.01:26
ScottKari-tczew: Yes01:26
stochasticScottK, but why can't I just point it to a single place and both projects look at it?01:27
ari-tczewOK, thanks ScottK for information.01:27
stochasticScottK, or request a package upgrade in one place and have the .dsc file considered by both debian and ubuntu01:28
directhexstochastic, things get... confusing... if one of the two distros rejects your package for some reason, e.g. there was a bug in it01:31
directhexyou end up with packages with the same version number, but different content01:31
directhexit's awkward enough when the source packages are incompatible between distros (different md5sum)01:31
jgoppert_should my data files be installed as uvsim-data with arch=all?01:33
stochasticdirecthex, true, there are challenges, but the systems are very disparate from an initial user's view.  Why can't I log into the debian bug tracker with my lauchpad account, or check a box to have it duplicated in debian's tracker, etc...01:34
directhexstochastic, it would be nice to be able to mangle debian bugs from launchpad01:34
directhexstochastic, but they ARE disparate. debian has its own infrastructure which it's built up over about 17 years01:35
stochasticwell then launchpad should integrate with them.01:36
stochasticI'm just wishing, not really expecting change overnight01:36
jgoppert_to install my doxygen documenation do i just put doc/html/* in the debian/doc file?01:50
jgoppert_what does this mean? E: uvsim source: not-binnmuable-any-depends-all uvsim-apps -> uvsim-data02:00
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directhexjgoppert_, binnmu is a debian-only problem.02:02
jgoppert_it resulted from uvsim-app Depends: uvsim-data (= ${binary:Version})02:03
jgoppert_i just wiped the binary:Version part out is that the right thing to do?02:03
jgoppert_no queue now on the build farm, so much better than a week ago02:09
cody-somervillejgoppert_, you can run lintian -i on your package to get a verbose description of problems02:11
ScottKstochastic: Lots of reasons.  To start with the different maintenance model.  Ubuntu team maintenance and Debian individual maintainers don't align well.02:11
jgoppert_on my sf project i setup doxygen to build but didn't put the html in my tarball, so i added the doxygen build command to the build section of the rules file, is that pretty standard?02:15
ScottKjgoppert_: Yes.  We need to be able to build everything from the source.02:20
wgrantYour tarball should contain source. Doxygen output doesn't sound like source.02:21
jgoppert_cool, that's what i did02:23
stochasticI'm trying to build a debian unstable pbuilder environment, but using this pbuilderrc file: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/314790/  It gives me the error  Failed getting release file http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/sid/Release03:56
dtchenerr, /ubuntu/dists/sid *would* be invalid03:57
ScottKstochastic: Install ubuntu-dev-tools and then do pbuilder-dist sid create03:58
stochasticScottK, thanks, I had been doing pbuilder create --distribution sid04:02
ScottKpbuilder-dist can make it a lot easier.04:03
cody-somervillethis is my .pbuilrrc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/314802/04:13
cody-somervilleworks great04:13
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jdongdirecthex: very cool to see Mono getting a compacting GC!04:28
dtchenLucidFox: I'm pretty sure Mez referenced that blog post, too04:29
LucidFoxYes, on Planet Ubuntu. That's where I found it.04:32
ScottKLucidFox: There were a number of reactions on planet.debian too.  None particularly supportive.04:32
LucidFoxOn a tangentially-related note...04:50
LucidFoxI noticed that when my package is sponsored into Debian, a binary package for amd64 is always uploaded, even though I only uploaded the source package to mentors.04:50
LucidFoxIs it the sponsor who builds the binary package?04:51
JonyBlazehow can i make pbuilder-dist not generate packages owned by root04:52
ScottKLucidFox: Yes.04:52
JonyBlazepbuilder w/o -dist doesnt04:53
ScottKLucidFox: Debian always does binary uploads.  This way they know stuff at least built once before upload.04:53
wgrantScottK: They do not know that.04:57
wgrantScottK: They know that somehow on the uploader's system a binary package was produced.04:57
ScottKwgrant: Well that's the theory.04:57
ScottKI think source uplaods are better.04:57
ScottKThe Debian way often misses build-depends because people don't build in a clean chroot.04:58
ScottKMy favorite was one package (don't recall which) where the username of the Debian maintainer was hard coded into the path used in one of the maintainer scripts.  It could only build on his system04:59
RAOFThat's awesome!05:00
LucidFoxBut mentors.debian.net is supposed to hold source uploads, right?05:01
jdongI managed to fill a btrfs FS to 94.5%05:09
ScottKLucidFox: Yes05:10
ScottKjdong: How'd the exam go?05:10
jdongScottK: oh almost certainly failed.05:10
ScottKSo as predicted.05:11
jdongI might have understood the first question :)05:11
jdongthat's an accomplishment.05:11
* ScottK remembers exams like that05:11
ScottKIt was a long time ago05:11
ScottKOK, first pass through my merges is done.  15 syncs.  5 more that will be once depends are sorted.  3 more that will be once Debian stuff in progress is done, and 3 actual merges.05:14
ScottKThat may be my best sync ratio so far.05:15
wgrantScottK: But Ubuntu doesn't give anything back, remember...05:15
ScottKwgrant: Well yeah.  Except all this crap.05:15
ScottKA fair fraction of those were just pulled from Debian patches that the maintainer hadn't dealt with.05:16
ScottKOne I had bbdebian sponsor a QA upload for me.05:16
ScottKThe rest were properly sent back to them.05:17
ScottKOh, one I'm the maintainer in Debian, but it was close to release so I just uploaded.05:17
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ScottKwgrant: Also one of the three uploads was reportbug where it's pretty unavoidable.05:23
serialorderEvery time I build a package I keep getting this difference in debian/control : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/314836/05:24
serialorderit is due to the @GNOME@ in control.in and I am wondering if this is something I should be concerned with or ignore?  the diff is between the debian package and the ubuntu package I merged with it05:25
LucidFoxOh, packages.qa.debian.org now shows the version in NEW.05:27
wgrantserialorder: Ignore it.05:33
wgrantserialorder: It's crazy GNOME packaging stuff.05:33
wgrantAnd is of no concern beyond that implicit in having automatically generated control file.05:34
serialorderi didn't add that, I just worked on the morge ;)05:34
serialorderok second question, sometimes if the merge is simple and it is only going to take a short amount of time I will work on the merge before posting the bug report05:38
serialorderthen I end up in this annoying situation where I have to post the bug report, find out the big number, go back and edit the diff to include it and post a second comment actually including the attachments05:39
serialorderis there a less tedious way to do that?05:39
ScottKserialorder: Become a MOTU so you can just upload it and not bother with the bug.  Short of that, no.05:54
serialorderScottK, i am working on it05:54
LucidFoxeglibc # james_w, don't want it slipping in by mistake05:58
LucidFoxI take Ubuntu isn't going to migrate to eglibc anytime soon?05:58
ScottKLucidFox: Already did.05:59
RAOFHasn't it already?05:59
dtchenyes, it has.05:59
nxvlScottK: around?06:20
ScottKnxvl: Barely06:20
nxvlScottK: Just commented on Bug #41325206:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413252 in courier "package courier-base 0.61.2-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41325206:20
nxvli can't reproduce it06:20
nxvlhave you?06:20
ScottKnxvl: No.  I didn't try.  Based on that and the Debian bug it seemed pretty clear.  Did you have maildrop installed before you intalled courier-base?06:22
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nxvlScottK: nope06:34
nxvlScottK: i knew there was some other package i was missing06:34
serialorderapt-get source package grabs from karmic is there a way to get lucid source in a similar way?06:37
nxvlserialorder: bzr branch lp:ubuntu/package_name06:38
serialorderthanx nxvl06:38
serialordernxvl,  bzr branch lp:ubuntu/lucid/tracker gives me error tracker in lucid has no default branch.06:41
nxvlserialorder: let me check06:41
nxvlyeah, it hasn't been bzrized06:41
nxvlserialorder: you will need to download it from launchpad06:42
nxvlserialorder: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker06:42
serialorderok so when does the method you mentioned first work?06:42
nxvlserialorder: we are moving everything to bzr branches, but is still work in progress06:43
serialorderoh ok06:43
nxvlserialorder: most of the package have already branches, but some of them aren't still bzrized, i think for DIF we will have all the archive in bzr06:43
nxvlbut i'm being optimist06:43
siretartserialorder: most probably the importer failed to import the package. you can try yourself with 'bzr import-dsc'06:43
nxvlserialorder: where do you live? as in country06:44
ScottKserialorder: Or you edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to have the deb-src lines point to lucid.06:44
nxvloh, then probably you won't overlap much, but if you are still here in 2 hours, james_w will probably be around and you can ask him more about the bzr thing06:45
nxvlserialorder: oh yeah, what ScottK said will work too06:45
serialorderhopefully i will be asleep in 2 hours =)06:45
nxvlScottK: btw, did you got more info about the universe going away plans?06:46
nxvlScottK: i'm REALLY confused about ti06:46
serialorderScottK, i think that will do the trick06:46
ScottKnxvl: Did you see my mail to the MOTU list about the spec item for UDS?06:46
nxvli'm even doubting on applying to core-dev because of it06:46
nxvlScottK: subscribed already06:46
nxvlScottK: and will be there if it doesn't overlap with any session i'm running06:47
ScottKWe'll get it figured out.06:48
nxvli was just courios if you got any more infor on that, because there is not much around06:48
ScottKnxvl: I mostly know from reading specs and tech board meetings.06:48
ScottKIt's not entirely clear.06:48
nxvlyeah, that's what i mean06:49
nxvlther eisn't something really clear on the topic06:49
nxvli kinda like the idea, since we have had problems in the past because of the motu/core-dev separation, but things should be clearer06:49
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nxvl(i.e. kde guys applying for motuship and complains about non-kde people that they have no idea who he is)06:50
ScottKSame thing with Server Team people and sometimes ubuntu-desktop people.06:51
nxvli just mentioned kde as an example06:52
nxvlbut it's really s/kde/specific-team/06:52
nxvlwell, time to go to bed06:52
nxvlread you tomorrow06:52
nxvlugn, apt hasn't finished running06:53
dtchenslytherin: yes, there are known issues with ppc and sound anomalies, but no more so than other arches06:58
dtchenslytherin: if you're trying to debug this on Ubuntu (no KDE, Xfce, etc.), you should try PULSE_NO_SIMD=106:58
slytherindtchen: Ok. So should I file a bug or leave it?06:58
slytherinI will try tonight06:58
nxvlScottK: was able to reproduce the bug06:59
dtchenslytherin: if in doubt, always file a new bug06:59
ScottKAh.  Good.06:59
nxvlScottK: it was indeed maildrop06:59
ScottKnxvl: OK.  Then sound like the patch is the right thing to do.07:00
slytherindtchen: ok07:00
nxvlScottK: will do tomorrow, need to sleep now :D07:01
ScottKSure thing07:01
LucidFoxWhat's a symbols file, and where can I read more about it?07:46
siretart`LucidFox: have you read dpkg-gensymbols(1)?07:59
* LucidFox reads08:02
dholbachgood morning08:04
siretart`hi dholbach!08:04
* porthose_ tips his hat08:05
dholbachhi porthose_, siretart`, \sh08:05
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* LucidFox takes extra care to type "dput mentors" rather than "dput ubuntu"08:10
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Laneygood morning one and allk08:44
RhondaHi there. :)  I wonder, how long is it expected to take until the CoC 1.1 will appear on launchpad.net/codeofconduct?09:06
av`Rhonda, hi, I guess this a #launchpad question :)09:07
RhondaAh, didn't know about that channel, and given that MOTUs have to sign it ...  ;)09:08
av`yes, actually all Ubuntu Members should have it signed but the last time I signed it was like 2 years ago, so no new version is out yet09:08
av`Rhonda,  The  current version is 1.0.1, released 2005-04-1209:09
RhondaI got the impression after mako's blog about the new version that it should already be up, or at least is expected to be there soon.09:10
Rhondaav`: Yes, and that's the one I have issues with, that's why I'm waiting for 1.1 :)09:10
av`Rhonda, I see 1.1 was approved already by the CC on the 20th of October09:11
RhondaI know that. :)09:11
av`Rhonda, maybe someone forgot to update the LP page, worth asking on #launchpad, maybe with the ppl being busy for the release they left that out :)09:12
RhondaDropped my message there already. ;)09:13
Rhonda... thanks to your notice.09:13
av`np, let me know the progress on it09:14
wgrantNobody told LP about it.09:14
av`that's why then :)09:14
wgrantIt will probably not be on LP until 3.1.11 (2009-12-05), unless somebody makes a pretty compelling case for its necessity.09:14
Rhondawgrant: That some people have issues with the old CoC and won't sign it isn't compelling enough?09:15
wgrantRhonda: Well, it has been that way for nearly five years now. Another three weeks shouldn't make terribly much difference.09:16
Rhonda... combined with that the old version only spoke of developers and not of community members as a whole, belittling other contributors than code contributors.09:17
av`Rhonda, it's already approved so it's just an issue of having it on LP, so you can start contributing since the old CoC will become obsolete09:19
Rhondaav`: Unfortunately not because that would require the signed CoC.09:20
av`well, having it signed is needed if you are going to join the developers / members teams, but that require some months to happen usually, so nobody prevents you to start contributing now since in three weeks it will be uploaded into LP09:21
av`you stated that you will sign the latest CoC so it's fine IMHO09:22
Rhondaav`: Besides, I already did a fair amount of bug handling over time without having it signed anyway, if that's what you want to suggest. :)09:22
av`yeah, so who prevents you to start doing what have you planned to do09:23
RhondaApplying for motu might be the next step on my agenda. ;)09:24
RhondaOr upload right for a subset of packages from what persia suggested to me. And AIUI that also requires the signed CoC.09:24
av`I didnt see your name into the queues yet, so you can start preparing some updates / debdiffs if you didnt already09:24
av`e.g you need several sponsors talking about your work positively before applying09:25
persiaWell, no, one needs several endorsements.  Whether those are sponsors or not is only tangentially relevant.09:26
av`persia, sponsors + several uploads done I would say09:27
persiaav`: Several uploads done to fix LP bugs, yes (but take a look at the e.g. wesnoth changelog).  For people who have other ways to get stuff into the archive, sponsors are more optional.09:28
av`persia, sure, I was telling how it generally work for 'normal' ppl ;)09:29
persiaOh, sure.  I agree with you for most cases :)09:29
sebnerhuhi persia, long time no see .. everything fine? =)09:29
RhondaTechnically I still prefer to fix stuff inside Debian for Ubuntu too so all involved parties do benefit from it. :)09:29
persiasebner: Just painfully busy, but that should be over soon.09:30
sebnerpersia: sounds great :)09:30
* Rhonda still tries to come up with a way to get away with the ubuntu irssi diff, but that's unfortunately a bit more complicate.09:30
RhondaAnyway, off to a meeting. :)09:31
LucidFoxGood to see you here. :)09:34
directhexRhonda, can you show me your debian/rules snippet for the irssi diff? we could use that for some other packages09:55
persiadirecthex: There isn't one: see http://patches.ubuntu.com/i/irssi/irssi_0.8.14-1ubuntu1.patch10:02
* LucidFox looks at REVU and weeps.10:03
LucidFoxThe first 17 packages are for Jaunty.10:03
directhexpersia, oh... :/10:05
persiadirecthex: There are packages that *do* have such snippets.  Usually based on /etc/lsb-release or something.10:05
LucidFoxI'm not sure what to do with all the old packages on REVU.10:05
directhexpersia, yeah, lsb_release munging, i use that... but not for applying patches10:07
julezLucidFox: I have a few low-priority packages that I update every 6 months ... perhaps the good thing to do would be to advocate them ? :P anyway I'll have to update them for lucid now10:08
persiaLucidFox: I generally just reviewed them if they were up for review, regardless of age, and nuked them if there was no response to a review for 3 months.10:08
persiajulez: Updating soonest would likely get REVU scanners more excited :)10:08
julezI share the fault though, not advertising them that much10:09
RhondaLucidFox: You know that you always could have pestered me in other places, too. ;)10:40
LucidFoxI do know.10:40
LucidFoxStill, glad to see you here.10:41
Rhondadirecthex: That's what I meant with "unfortunately a bit more complicate" - not there yet. :)10:41
LucidFoxjulez> Update them for lucid and ping me here!10:41
julezLucidFox: thank you, as soon as I can :)10:42
LucidFoxWhen karmic development started, I reviewed the oldest packages on REVU and put them all on "needs work", pointing out other problems besides the distribution.10:43
LucidFoxIf there were any10:43
fcuk112looking for stuff to do...11:25
persiafcuk112: What sort of stuff do you like to do?11:25
fcuk112fix bugs, packaging11:26
fcuk112new features to existing apps perhaps.11:26
persiaAny particular sort of applications that interest you more?11:26
fcuk112not really fussed.  would really like to help out with audio but it's a little out of my league i think.11:27
persiaPerhaps working with applications that use audio?11:28
persiaFor example, there's a heap of bugs in the audacity package, which probably needs someone to look at fixing a chunk of them and otherwise triaging the rest: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacity/+bugs11:29
fcuk112that's an idea, thanks i'll take a look.11:30
persiaGood luck!11:30
siretart`LucidFox: thanks for your analysis11:43
siretart`LucidFox: faac has license problems anyway, see the bugtracker. for the rest, well, I totally agree to your email11:43
seglerhi, how do I get an advocate for a package I uploaded to revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser thanks for any help12:43
persiasegler: Asking here is a good way (although not too often)12:53
slytherinttx: When processing merges for packages maintained by Debian java team if the diff is really small I suggest that you file bug in Debian (or let me know so that I can file them) so that we can make it a sync.12:55
nhandlerslytherin: I know that we have many Ubuntu Developers who have connections to certain packaging teams in Debian. Do you think it would be beneficial to have a wiki page listing this information?12:56
slytherinnhandler: Surely.12:57
ttxslytherin: so far I've been committing the diff to debian-java svn12:57
slytherinttx: That's great. I will check them and get someone to upload them.12:57
ttxslytherin: but yes, that sounds more productive12:57
nhandlerslytherin: I'll create one this afternoon then when I get home (unless you feel like making it earlier)12:58
ttxslytherin: most of the fixes I commit are the -headless and default-jdk  usual suspects12:58
ttxslytherin: + some java bytecode level adjustments12:59
ttxslytherin: so that code generated matches the runtime dep12:59
slytherinttx: They benefit Debian too. And in the end reduces maintenance overhead. :-)12:59
ttxslytherin: that's why I committed those directly13:00
ttxslytherin: We can do the commit-in-debian/sync style for the next relevant ones13:01
c_kornwhat was the command again to create sync requests ?13:02
slytherinc_korn: requestsync13:03
c_kornslytherin: thanks13:03
* slytherin wonders why sun-java6 has been orphaned in Debian. :-(13:04
directhexslytherin, because it's evil non-free?13:08
persiaRather, because it's not default-jdk for any arches anymore.13:08
slytherindirecthex: The reason is not explained in the bug.13:08
slytherinpersia: It never was.13:08
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persiaslytherin: Well, in terms of package relationships, perhaps.  In terms of default java client was perhaps different.13:09
slytherinpersia: I don't think so. Openjdk is still not as perfect as most users would want.13:11
persiaslytherin: I think it's that it's as perfect as the ex-maintainer of sun-java6 needed it to be :)13:12
slytherinpersia: ex-maintainer? You mean doko has retired?13:12
persiaslytherin: I don't mean to imply anything beyond that the package is currently orphaned.13:13
slytherinhmm. May be I should add comment on bug asking why.13:14
persiaNo point really.13:14
persiaIt's not terribly hard to maintain, if you want it.  Just sign up for the right Sun mailing list, and review each of the service release updates as they come out.13:14
persiaIf you don't want it, no point asking :)13:15
slytherinpersia: Point is that the bug should contain reason why it was orphaned. The last upload was just about a month ago.13:16
persiaslytherin: And the bug filer differs from the last uploader.13:16
persiaCould ask, but maybe the answer exists at l.d.o somewhere already.13:17
slytherinI will check13:17
c_kornI want the package libjhdf5-java to be synced (http://packages.debian.org/sid/libjhdf5-java) but requestsync quits with this error: E: The package 'libjhdf5-java' does not exist in the Debian primary archive in 'sid'13:19
c_kornthis is the command I used: requestsync -n -d sid --lp libjhdf5-java lucid13:22
persiac_korn: Congratulations!  You now have the opportunity to teach requestsync about contrib :)13:23
slytherinpersia: that is not the reason.13:23
slytherinc_korn: requestsync needs source package name. You are using binary package name.13:24
* persia stops attempting to suggest fixes for tools never used13:24
slytherinc_korn: And in lucid the syncs should happen from squueze (testing) instead of sid (unstable) unless you have very string reason for sync from sid.13:25
c_kornslytherin: ok. I have already files another sync request (bug 479981). should I mark it as invalid and reopen it for squeeze ?13:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479981 in ubuntu "Sync libjgraphx-java (universe) from Debian sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47998113:28
persiac_korn: Probably easier just to change the title/description13:29
slytherinc_korn: probably mark it incomplete until package makes into testing.13:29
c_kornslytherin: ok, done.13:38
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bdrungasac: how about putting m-d under the hood of the debian mozilla team?14:13
asacbdrung: the debian mozillateam is a-no-team14:14
bdrungasac: what's a a-no-team?14:14
asaca no-team ;)14:14
bdrungasac: how can a team be a no-team?14:15
asacconsider you going in a room with a label "team" with a bunch of folks and noone working in a team ... thats a no-team14:15
asacso no. i think the right place is to put it in ubuntu14:16
asacbasically ubuntu is the only place where you will be able to maintain things like this in a team. noone wants to do serious mozilla stuff in debian. and debian even has no user base so you dont even get feedback there14:16
segleri just made a new upload addressing the comments on revo. so I'm asking if somebody could review it: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser thanks in advance14:16
=== neoXsys is now known as neoxsys
asaci was long enough on debian side only to compare ... and all i see is that in debian a mozillateam does not work14:18
bdrungasac: can you leave a comment on http://glandium.org/blog/?p=495 ?14:18
asacyou should not start discussing things with mike on debian/ubuntu relation14:18
asache hates ubuntu14:18
bdrungso it will only lead to a bike shed14:19
asacubuntu is the big evil thing in the world ...14:19
asaci tried to engange with him for a long time ... send him patches for years ... all worth nothing14:20
asacwhat he did first thing when i moved to ubuntu was to drop his patch system ;)14:20
asacso ubuntu cannot reuse his work ... and extract patches easily14:20
asacnot sure if he finally pushes his private git branch somewhere14:20
asacbut he didnt do that for the first years at least14:20
jdongseems like the debian-Ubuntu flames are reigniting14:21
asacno i dont flame14:21
siretart`what is d-m?14:21
asacjust explain the situation14:21
bdrungthat's sad. free software is about collaboration.14:21
* jdong nods14:22
bdrungsiretart: dm is 'deutsche mark' :p14:22
siretart`I see14:22
asacdm is debian maintainer ;)14:22
siretart`jaja :)14:22
slytherinare patches in debian/patches directory applied before clean target is run during a build?14:22
asacno ... they are unapplied (if the build system is a bit sane)14:23
asacnot sure i understand your question ;)14:23
persiaslytherin: Check debian/rules.  If clean: depends on patch: it does.  If it doesn't, it doesn't (not doing so is more common)14:24
slytherinasac: There is a problem in the clean target itself. I have created a patch to fix it. But apparently the patch is not getting applied.14:24
jdongI always thought one should depend on unpatch in the clean target.14:24
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siretart`jdong: that approach breaks if you patch the upstream build system and rely on your patches during cleanup14:25
jdongsiretart`: ah, right14:25
jdongI've fortunately not encountered that level of brokenness yet ;-)14:25
* siretart` can't await the dpkg version 3 source level format14:26
jdongwhat's new/different in version 3 exactly?14:27
siretart`quilt is integrated, you don't have to care about patch system integration anymore14:27
Rhondajdong: And you don't need to uuencode binary changes anymore, it's not a .diff.gz but a debian.tar.gz14:28
slytherinpersia: So should I add the dependency on patch?14:28
jdongwhoo! now that's cool :)14:29
RhondaAlso, it finally allows orig.tar.bz214:29
siretart`even multiple14:29
* jdong nods14:30
* Rhonda thinks of converting wesnoth to v3 rather sooner than later.14:30
RhondaUpstream ships .bz2 :)14:30
jdongwhere's the best place to look for info about this?14:30
persiaslytherin: If you want to apply all the patches before clean.  If you just want to apply one, do it in the clean: rule, and unapply it when you're done.14:31
RhondaI think madduck aggregated some blog articles about it.14:31
slytherinpersia: I guess I will apply only one.14:31
bdrungsiretart: when will it be supported by Ubuntu?14:32
siretart`bdrung: ubuntu supports it actually for ages. launchpad support is finished but not deployed yet. will come with the next launchpad release14:32
persiaSo 5th December?14:34
bdrungsiretart: for ages? is version 3 that old?14:34
siretart`bdrung: see the dpkg changelog14:34
siretart`bdrung: it was included in debian lenny14:35
Rhondabdrung: It has to be supported in a stable release to be able to get used for the upcoming reason because the build daemons obviously run stable and shouldn't break. :)14:36
* Rhonda . o O ( ... like it happened with the "Breaks:" control field addition, interestingly )14:36
RoAkSoAxHey guys quick question, what would the equivalent of using binary-post-install/package in debian/rules be if I use dh7?14:44
bddebianHeya gang15:08
sebnerhuhu bddebian15:25
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bddebianHeya sebner15:31
RoAkSoAxHey guys quick question, what would the equivalent of using binary-post-install/package in debian/rules be if I use dh7?15:40
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jannehi'm wondering, why is rsnapshot in ubuntu/debian such an old version? it is still 1.3.0 although 1.3.1 is out since a very long time16:44
jannehare no people using it? if not, why not? is there any better/newer alternative that does the same thing, i.e. hard-link based incremental backup over rsync16:45
Laneybecause nobody has done the update yet16:45
ubottuDebian bug 548966 in rsnapshot "rsnapshot: New upstream release 1.3.1 (2008-09-02)" [Normal,Open]16:45
LaneyRoAkSoAx: Override some appropriate debhelper command to do what you want16:46
jannehi am not new to linux but have not really delved very deeply into the packaging etc... do you think this might be a project that I could pursue?16:47
Laneyit might be hard to do right16:47
Laneythe right way is to mail the Debian maintainer and work with him to get it done16:48
jannehhmm ok.16:48
Laneygive it a go if you are so inclined16:49
Laneywe can help you with any questions16:49
jannehk i'll probably do that then :)16:49
jannehbut before i'd put any work in it: still wondering why nobody apparently was interested in updating it... maybe there's better software nowadays?16:50
Laneycheck popcon to see how many people use it16:51
LaneyI suspect it's a reasonably significant number16:51
jannehthx... how do i interpret the results? sorry, i've never used popcon... also the debian and ubuntu popcon pages seem very different, which one to use?16:54
Laneyeither, both16:55
Laneythey tell you how many people who have opted in to the popcon system install (inst) and use (vote) the package16:56
jannehk.. well ok at least i see that more people use rsnapshot than dirvish (also a rsync based backup software)16:57
jannehi'll just contact the maintainer and see from there. thanks Laney16:58
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jdongkees: can I get your opinion on bug 401028?17:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401028 in pymsn "telepathy-butterfly crashed with TypeError in b64decode()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40102817:05
jdongIMO it's in the category of remotely triggerable DoS17:06
jdong(do you want this handled in -security or as a universe SRU?)17:06
keesjdong: agreed, though we don't tend to give a lot of priority to client application crashes like that.  I'm fine with it going through SRU.17:06
jdongkees: ok, thanks for your input :)17:07
keesjdong: np17:07
RoAkSoAxLaney, yeah but if with cdbs i use binary-post-install/package::, in dh7 would I override install: or is there a post-install rule?17:21
LaneyRoAkSoAx: Not as such, just add a rule override_dh_install: dh_install\nblah blah17:35
RoAkSoAxok cool thanks Laney :)17:37
=== thekorn is now known as RainCT007
RoAkSoAxLaney, btw.. where can I find the documentation about dh7?17:44
RoAkSoAx(besides the manpages offcourse)17:44
Laneywhere can I find the documentation besides the place with the documentation?17:44
Laneyman dh17:44
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mmmiiikkkeeehi, I am trying to setup DebootstrapChroot acording to the wiki page, but it seems that some thing is messed up with my chroot's home directory.  if i type cd it get: "bash: cd: /home/mike: No such file or directory". why does root not cd to /root?18:22
RoAkSoAxis there any wikipage on creating -dev packages?19:18
seglerhi, I changed a revu package according to comments, could somebody take a look on it? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser thanks in advance20:30
nxvlScottK: the patch fixes the problem, just tested21:08
nxvlScottK: uploading to proposed21:09
ScottKnxvl: Great.  jdong^^^ Can you ack this?  nxvl: what's the bug number again?21:10
ScottKnxvl: Upload it to Lucid too21:10
nxvlScottK: yup, i will do the merge aswell21:12
nxvlScottK: LP: #41325221:12
ScottKnxvl: Once jdong ack's it, I can accept it.21:13
ScottKYokoZar: I finally hit a nice wine use case for me.  Someone sent me an encrypted self extracting zip file (exe) and wine handled it just fine.  Thanks.21:14
nxvlYokoZar: does iTunes works in wine?21:17
adamaanyone experienced with packaging largish webapps?21:19
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lfaraonesuperm1: Hi, I'm preping a merge of the most recent electricsheep package from debian, and I can't seem to understand the patch that changes `char *splash_prefix = PACKAGE_DATA_DIR "/electricsheep"` to `char *splash_prefix = "/usr/share/electricsheep/electricsheep"`. Don't the values both evaluate to the same thing?22:41
superm1lfaraone, did i touch electric sheep some time back?  I certainly don't recall if so...22:42
lfaraonesuperm1:  -- Mario Limonciello < superm1@ubuntu.com>   Thu, 01 Nov 2007 17:02:21 -040022:42
superm1lfaraone, but assuming PACKAGE_DATA_DIR is being substituted in somewhere via a define, then yeah that should work out the same22:42
superm1you'll want to double check22:43
lfaraonesuperm1: mk, well the current package doesn't work either, so it can't possibly get much worse :P22:43
superm1ah i remember touching it way back when. it was certainly functional at that point22:43
superm1too bad it's since broken22:44
lfaraonesuperm1: I think it is a server issue or something odd, but the new upstream release works fine.22:44
lfaraoneHm. If a package was uploaded in August to Debian (as NEW), and it still isn't in Lucid, should I check to see if there's a reason it wasn't synced?23:00
lfaraoneThere aren't any bug reports about it on LP23:00
RAOFlfaraone: Has it migrated to debian testing yet?23:02
quidnuncCan anyone explain to me how to fix a compilation error of the type describe herein? http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg710858.html23:07
dtchenquidnunc: see -ldl23:11
RAOFOh, of course it's in there.  I was going to grep /usr/lib for those strings :)23:12
quidnuncdtchen: That should be in LDFLAGS?23:13
dtchenerr, certainly not23:14
dtchenthe library that references them needs it23:15
quidnuncdtchen: So the compiled library (libbfd.a) is broken?23:28
lfaraoneRAOF: yes.23:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198136 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] FLAM3" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:36
lfaraoneoops, wrong channel.23:36
quidnuncdtchen: Never mind, I got it. Thanks for your help.23:43
pbryanI've been maintaining a handy PPA package for a while, and it occurs to me, it would be handy to have available in Universe. What type of hoops could I expect to be made to jump through to make such a thing happen?23:55
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU23:56
pbryandirecthex: Thanks.23:57

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