
brycesuperm1, there is a script which automatically moves bugs from 'xorg' to other packages.  It just makes guesses and sometimes is wrong.  If you set the importance, or assign the bug, or set status to triaged, the script will ignore the bug.00:45
brycesuperm1, perhaps I should make the script check for 'failsafe' in the title too.  /me todo's00:46
superm1bryce, ah i figured it was something like that.  i dont like to triage or assign other teams bugs even if i have permissions too as then i dont know that the right eyes get to see them00:46
superm1and i dont trust that my opinion of what the priority should be is what the team would agree on00:46
bryceunderstood, just be aware that bugs filed against xorg are volatile since that's our incoming queue for all X issues00:55
brycesuperm1, I've updated the script to leave bugs with titles including (failsafe|please|depend|apport) alone00:55
superm1cool okay00:56
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brycetjaalton, I notice we have 104_nvidia_autodetect.patch and 105_fglrx_autodetect.patch present in xorg-server but disabled in series, and no mention of them in changelog.  Do you recall what the status of these is?04:35
superm1bryce, if i am to recall correctly, there is a problem with them when an xorg.conf is present05:08
bryceok, sounds like something we could look at as part of that blueprint05:09
superm1but sorting out those issues should definitely be something to mention in that blueprint05:09
superm1could you by chance assemble a karmic PPA that we can have with them enabled for a quick test so we can evaluate definitively what's missing?05:10
superm1 /broke05:10
brycebtw, presently I'm trying to draft up a test plan for the proprietary drivers...  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/ProprietaryDrivers05:13
brycejust started about 30 min ago; please toss out ideas for stuff/configurations/corner-cases worth testing05:13
superm1well i should probably throw out the idea that i had at you too then05:14
superm1what would you think about offering proprietary drivers via a ubiquity plugin that ran jockey?05:14
superm1just the ones that are on the media05:15
superm1so if you install from a DVD, you'll be able to install them all, but otherwise it would just be wireless05:15
bryceon the media?  do you mean on the dvd?05:15
superm1the idea comes more out of the horrible experience you have with the 10v where you dont have wireless after a fresh karmic install05:16
superm1but if you are installing from live media that contains fglrx or nvidia, those can be offered too05:16
superm1i haven't talked it over with evan and colin yet05:16
bryceI think that'd be a great idea05:16
brycealthough I don't know all the ramifications and impact it'd have on ubiquity05:16
brycewell I'd have no concerns against it, I think it or something equivalent would be a good idea05:17
superm1hopefully it doesnt need to actually be part of ubiquity if mterry did all his ubiquity code for plugins right, it would be part of jockey05:17
superm1at some point during the week i'll bring it up with them, i'll see what session fits best05:18
superm1i think that upgrade and fallback testing are both great things that are definitely undertested05:19
* bryce nods05:21
bryceyeah that is the main motivation here; I figure the main root cause of the nvidia problem was that it was not tested fully enough05:22
superm1well i have a differing view.05:23
bryceI'd tested both drivers heavily at the point that I uploaded them, but they were fine at that point; they really needed re-testing after the upstart stuff05:23
superm1upstart was introduced very late in the cycle, and brought with it unforseen consequences that weren't fully hammered out for a long long time05:23
brycesounds like our views are not so different actually ;-)05:25
superm1yeah :)05:25
bryceanyway, I want something that I can point testers to for any time we change something like that drastically05:25
brycenext time it could be a late kernel change, or some build system thing05:26
brycewhat I hope to do is hand this to our QA team and get them to own it05:26
bryceI figure they'll be able to do the testing much more reliably and rigorously than I could alone05:27
brycehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/ProprietaryDrivers updated05:39
* bryce --> dinner05:39
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
tobi_bryce_: I'm not able to find out, which patch would fix my problem. But it looks like there aren't that much fixes from intel 2.9.0 to 2.9.1. why don't you do a complete packport?20:57
bryce_tobi_, because the Ubuntu release managers do not allow complete version backports, just specific patch backports21:01
bryce_IOW, it would be rejected if I tried to put it through.21:01
bryce_(trust me, I've tried many times before)21:01
tormodtobi_, there are really few commits: one i830 fix, one uxa fix, one dvi revert fix.21:15
tobi_tormod: but I have no clue how to find out which patch is the on to fix my problem21:16
tormodtobi_, what is your problem?21:17
bryce_<tobi_> the version in 9.10 broke tho only winform mono app I use :(21:19
tobi_I have an mono winform application, and in that the text is white on white21:19
tormodand you know or suspect 2.9.1 to fit it?21:20
tobi_that was what I was told on #mono21:20
tobi_<directhex>supertobi, , intel?21:23
tobi_<directhex>driver bug.21:23
tobi_<directhex>use intel 2.9.121:23
tobi_the answer was so fast, that it sound like a well nown problem there21:24
tobi_apropos, you can test it with this app:21:24
bryce_tormod, could only be the uxa fix,  yeah?21:26
bryce_it is a fix to http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2445921:28
ubottuFreedesktop bug 24459 in Driver/intel "Intel Driver > 2.8: Cairo rendering bug, triggered in QtCurve GTK engine" [Major,Resolved: fixed]21:28
bryce_tobi_, ^ is that your bug?21:28
tobi_not sure21:33
tobi_I think that's could be the bug21:34
ubottubugzilla.novell.com bug 549882 in Windows.Forms "No font / text displayed in winforms on Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)" [Major,New]21:36
albert23they confirm 2.9.1 works21:37
tobi_yes, that is at least my problem21:39
bibinoui'm no X wizard and I have a problem triaging a bug 22:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409640 in gstreamer0.10 "Video is tinted blue after update to karmic" [Low,Invalid]22:00
bibinouit seems to affect the "Xv Driver"22:00
tormodbryce_, sorry got busy. did tobi try xorg-edgers?23:04
bryce_tormod, sorry I got distracted as well23:06
tormodnp :) I found his initial discussion on #intel-gfx23:06
tormodwould have talked him into patching it himself but he ran away23:07
bryce_I'm heading out on vacation for the week soon (and will be heading to UDS after that) so probably won't be of much help23:07
tormodwell have a nice time!23:07
tormodso no xorg updates in lucid then?23:07
bryce_as nice as a new baby will allow!23:07
bryce_yeah... was hoping to have done some work on it this week, but still dealing with -nvidia fallout23:08
tormoddid you look at my mesa git history rewrite?23:08
tormodyeah proprietary drivers suck23:08
bryce_not yet, it's in the queue23:09
bryce_I'm unfortunately backed up with a bunch of requests to look at things...23:09
bryce_wife is not letting me work late to stay caught up any more ;-)23:10
bryce_looking at it now23:11
tormodwell just hope we can get back to use git for next mesa version23:11
tormodI am just wondering if I should sync the non-debian/ stuff to the tarball23:11
tormod*from the tarball23:12
bryce_what's the non-debian stuff?23:13
tormodthings outside the debian/ directory23:14
bryce_heh, I know that, I mean, what were the changes outside debian/?  Not spotting them23:14
tormodwell that's the thing, I ignored them in the git history because they make so much noise23:15
tormodthe alternative would be to have them in separate commits23:15
bryce_oh were those configure change stuff?23:16
bryce_any autoconf type stuff can be dropped.  As long as the package still builds that should be sufficient23:16
tormodno, these are non-used changes for instance in the windows dirs23:17
bryce_hmm, not sure I understand why those changes would be there though... did our source tarball differ from debians?23:17
tormodIt certainly did sometimes, when we shipped 0ubuntu1 for instance23:18
tormodand debians tarball != debian git23:18
bryce_ah so there are non-debian/ changes present in debian's git tree?23:19
tormodyes lots. additionally, the Debian tarball is not made from git it looks like23:20
tormodthe ubuntu 7.6.0 tarball is the same as debian 7.6 tarball. however there are diffs between the bzr tree (autoextracted from package) and the git tree (outside debian tree)23:22
tormodbryce_, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d6ad766c223:23
bryce_ok yeah I'm not sure what to do about those either23:24
tormodyes these are things that doesn't really matter, it's just to get it MrClean23:24
bryce_the depend files are probably innocuous23:24
bryce_dunno what the glew stuff is, maybe jcristau can elaborate23:24
* bryce_ --> lunch23:25
* tormod --> bed23:25

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