
sandy|lurkit's kind of frustrating how many U1 bugs are private00:36
sandy|lurkI get google alerts about tomboy users having issues syncing, like here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=827792300:37
sandy|lurkand they file a launchpad bug to which I'd like to subscribe myself: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/47941700:37
ubottuError: This bug is private00:37
sandy|lurkbut then I don't have access00:37
sandy|lurkthis sort of thing has happened a few times00:37
sandy|lurkis there a good reason for these bugs being private (security?), or is it just a default that could maybe be changed?00:38
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RachaelBtoo much to hope that anyone is around?02:47
RachaelBoh well... n/m02:52
wgrantI've had to reauthorise my laptop at least twice in the past week. Any ideas?06:22
spmwgrant: fwiw, your best bet TZ wise is around our 7pm, or better still, 1st thing our morning. heh. from 6am on, if you're up that early. ;-)06:25
spmasking as in. dur. one missed word....06:26
wgrantWell, I don't particularly care. It's just vaguely annoying, giving that there's no way I'm going to actually use U1 at the moment.06:27
PRIDEso....what is ubuntu one?06:40
spmPRIDE: https://one.ubuntu.com/ front and centre.06:42
PRIDEspm, can you share them with non linux users?06:43
spmvia the webui? should be.06:45
PRIDEspm, whats a webui?06:46
spmwebsite. The WEB User Interface.06:46
kosmonaut_a question here: I have uploaded my contacts via evolution into ubuntuone (everything is fine, i can see all of them). Now I have change some contacts in the couchdb localy (on my pc), how would I synchronize the changes, so that they are available in ubuntuone. (Sorry for my poor English)06:50
strywgrcan i upload anything to ubuntuone from windows using another computer system and download it laters?12:19
verterokstrywgr: if you mean using the webui, yes12:24
skxis there a howto somewhere or a tutorial on how to (securely) synchronize settings -- firefox bookmarks and passwords, pidgin, evolution, temrinal... -- between two Ubuntu computers over Ubuntu One?13:15
rodrigo_skx: not that I know, but in theory you would just need o create links to the files you want to sync under ~/Ubuntu One13:30
skxrodrigo_, I don't think that's a safe solution, two evolution instances fighting over their configuration files13:30
rodrigo_skx: it's not a supported thing, so we haven't thought much about it13:31
skxrodrigo_, also, ubuntu one offers no encryption except for transit13:31
skxhm, ok, thanks13:31
rodrigo_skx: for future versions, we should probably just have a config (gconf, etc) backends13:31
skxcan't wait :)13:31
rodrigo_skx: if you're a coder, it shouldn't be hard at all13:32
rodrigo_skx: oh, but you already have bookmarks syncing, have you tried bindwood?13:33
skxrodrigo_, I was lurking around, that's why I came to ask13:33
rodrigo_skx: for the rest, you'd need to wait a little bit13:33
skxthanks again13:33
rodrigo_skx: you're welcome13:34
rubbbensI'm having some problem using UbuntuOne on a 9.04 descktop behind a company proxy.14:02
rubbbensany suggestion?14:03
verterokrubbbens: hi14:03
verterokrubbbens: using the client behind a proxy isn't supported yet :(14:03
rubbbensHi verterok14:03
rubbbensohhh ok...14:03
rubbbensI'll try at home14:03
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rtaggerquick question - basically anything I put in local couchdb gets replicated to ubuntuone servers? I.e. i create new database, fill it with data and it goes to ubuntuone automatically?15:48
rodrigo_rtagger: yes16:01
rtaggerrodrigo_, nice, thanks :)16:03
skxhm, can you move the Ubuntu One folder? from ~/Ubuntu One to some other location?16:24
skxI'll google it first ;)16:24
skxsymlink is the only option? hm, ok16:26
silwolhello everybody16:36
silwolI don't know if any of the responsible people is reading, but if there are... are you planning to provide a subscription with more than 50g?16:37
jblountsilwol: There aren't any plans *right now* but we have talked about what it would take to expand the paid subscription.16:39
jblountsilwol: How much would you like?16:39
skxyeah, one is a little behind the competition ;\16:39
skxbut it's much, much lighter than, say, dropbox16:39
silwolFor the moment, I would be happy with 100gb.16:39
silwolmy private family photos and short videos are about 60gb at the moment16:40
silwoland I would love to sync them over ubuntu one16:40
jblountsilwol: That seems to be the amount most people start at. One of the ideas we've tossed around is doing something a little more ala carte, so that you could do as much as you would like in 50gb increments. We don't have any plans to implement, but thanks for sharing that data with us :)16:40
silwolyou're welcome. I will keep watching and using the service for my smaller files, and once there is an offer that fits for me, i'll rent it.16:41
statikCardinalFang, thanks for the email to the erlang packaging list, i think you explained things better than I was able to21:28
CardinalFangThanks.  I hope it helps.21:29

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