
schizoTKIt worked! Got rid of linux-swap, used largest continuous free space, & it installed like a breeze!00:20
schizoTKNow have 2 separate xubuntu intstallations00:20
schizoTKI can bork this one & keep my main safe00:21
schizoTKAnyone have experience compiling a module into the kernel?00:22
schizoTKDoes anyone know if qcserials.c is included in the latest kernel?00:30
Tonnocan I add applet of gnome on xfce?01:31
Tonnoor there is a way that i can hide the menu that is down of the  xfwm4?01:45
tyamcan someone help me?01:56
tyamdo you anything about networking?01:57
Legendreanyone care to speculate on a goofy screen/kb freeze issue? I'm trying to pin down exactly what is happening.02:00
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
Legendrewhat happens: randomly the screen will freeze, but the mouse pointer still works and does not leave trails.02:01
Legendrethe KB also gets locked out at the same time.02:01
tyamnot sure this is my first time in the IRC but its not happing to me02:01
Legendreif video is playing, the image freezes - but the sound will continue to play fine.02:01
Legendretyam: welcome to IRC ;-)02:01
tyamthank you02:02
tyamI have a question about networking oh and BTW: im a linux virgin02:02
Legendremight not be the best place to ask, but you can try.02:04
Legendreone irc tip: Don't ask about asking ;-)02:04
Legendrejust ask, and not too often.. if someone answers, listen carefully.02:05
tyamoh.. got it02:05
tyamhmmm... do you know of a good fourm then?02:05
Legendrejust try your question.. I'll do my best to assist you.02:06
tyamok.. so I installed Xubuntu last night on an old dell laptop.. xubuntu picked up my wifi card... I try to connect to my Access Point and.. Im prompted to enter my WPA password .... I enter it and then about 1 minute later I have to enter it again each time.... but i never am connected to the internet due to the fact that the laptop does not have an ethernet02:09
Legendrehm, ok.. here's the deal. Linux et al is a bit shaky with WiFi. And even on some machines where the WiFi is 'pretty damn good' there are problems with WPA.02:10
likemindeadMy old Dell laptop can't connect to WPA/2 for instance. :-\02:10
LegendreI would suggest reverting to WEP on your AP (or no security, just for testing) and trying that.02:11
Legendrestart with no secy. and work up.02:11
tyamokay.. will do02:11
LegendreWEP+MAC auth is pretty decent02:11
Legendreany really, any committed hack will get in one way or another.02:11
tyamthank you for using your precious time to help me on the IRC02:11
Legendrealso, read up on your driver! See what is known about WPA support02:12
cody-somervilletyam, can you pastebin /var/log/syslog ?02:12
Legendreif my time were precious, I'd not be on IRC ;-) But you are very welcome.02:12
tyamhow do I do that?02:12
cody-somervilletyam, http://pastebin.com02:13
tyamokay hold on02:13
Legendretyam: another thing to help you. Open a terminal, and type tail -f /var/log/syslog02:13
Legendreleave that term open as you attempt you WPA connections.. see what shows up02:14
tyamon another fourm I was to dmesg|tail do you want me to pastebin that too02:15
tyam[ 28.482179] pcmcia_socket pcmcia_socket0: cs: IO port probe 0xc00-0xcf7: clean.02:17
tyamoh wait how do I use pastebin after I create a post02:18
likemindeadcody-somerville, there's pastebin.ubuntu.org too!02:18
tyami think...02:18
Tonnothere is a way that i can hide the menu that is down of the  xfwm4? (File Edit View Go Tools Help)02:20
Legendretyam: that's just showing generic timeouts02:21
Legendretyam: try the no secy. thing for now.. see if you can connect.02:22
Legendrethen work up to WEP etc.02:22
tyamokay will do thank you02:23
=== genii_ is now known as genii
hardbop200hi! what's the proper way to disable gdm from starting on 9.10? update-rc.d -f gdm remove doesn't seem to work...03:29
likemindeadEnable auto-login?03:30
hardbop200likemindead: no, just stop gdm from starting automatically. I prefer "startx", but I'd rather not remove gdm just in case I need to go back to it at some point.03:34
=== hans is now known as Guest21138
Guest21138hi all. where do i find the hard drives under xubuntu?08:14
_Pete_Guest21138: what do you mean?08:19
Guest21138well where do i see hard drive configurations under xubuntu, sizes etc.?08:25
_Pete_sudo fdisk -l08:28
_Pete_shows all discs and partitions08:28
_Pete_df -h08:28
_Pete_shows mounted and usage of them08:28
PRIDEi'm an ubuntu user interested in the x counter part looking to dig up some info so question: whats the difference between ubuntu and x ubuntu?08:29
_Pete_PRIDE: gnome vs xfce UI08:30
PRIDE_Pete_ , kinda new to ubuntu on the whole.....ummm explane plz?08:30
Guest21138okay but kind of new to linux is there no way to see the different partitions with size info etc like under windows or lxde?08:31
_Pete_and what's wrong with fdisk -l?08:31
_Pete_they can be seen from that just fine08:31
Guest21138yeah but kind of difficult to see which is which for me as newbie, plus want to resize partition08:32
PRIDE_Pete_ will it run all of ubuntu's programs? like cairo dock, or gnome do, ortuxguitarm pidgin, skype, opera united, cheese, and picasa?08:34
_Pete_dont know about cairo dock if that some gnome thing then not08:35
_Pete_but normal programs runs just fine be it xubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu08:35
_Pete_or what ever linux08:35
PRIDEmmm...and will it be able to recognise my hp webcam?08:36
=== Guest21138 is now known as hans
=== hans is now known as hbsnam
Balsaqhi knome09:58
knomehello Balsaq09:59
schizoTKHello xubuntu gurus!10:35
knome_work!hi | schizoTK10:35
ubottuschizoTK: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:35
schizoTKhaving no luck connecting via Qualcomm 9212 3g modem10:37
schizoTKI've got 3 different xubuntu installations for testing now10:37
schizoTKtried 2 different kernels... No luck...10:38
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto10:38
knome_workhave you read through that?10:38
schizoTKWWAN modem appears in uninitialized state10:38
schizoTKI'll go read it ... Thanks!10:39
schizoTKThis modem needs to have firmware loaded to it before it's recognized as a modem10:42
schizoTKI've got a firmware loader & the pertinent firmware files for my machine10:43
schizoTKbut need to compile qcserials.c into the kernel10:43
schizoTKI'm wondering how I can determine if usbserials is included in my currently installed kernel?10:44
knome_workmodprobe usbserials10:45
knome_worki suppose10:45
knome_workor lsmod even, actually10:45
schizoTKCool! I'll try it...10:45
schizoTKGot a listing of modules from lsmod but no usbserials10:47
knome_workthen it's not included10:48
knome_workdid you try searching if you can install it as package10:48
schizoTKNot available as a package...10:48
knome_workread that?10:48
schizoTKI tried kuki linux, but no luck there either. I'll go read the link... Thanks.10:49
schizoTKThis modem is built into my laptop. It has a SIM card like a phone.10:50
schizoTKI've been researching this since April, (off & on)10:51
knome_workdidn't that link have instructions to install usbserials in the kernel?10:52
schizoTKThe link assumes the module is included10:53
schizoTKI've tried everything except compiling qcserials.c & including it with usbserials into the kernel10:54
schizoTKThe device appears as USB storage until the firmware is loaded10:55
schizoTKSo the uninitialized device shows up as Qualcomm 921110:56
schizoTKWhen initialized, it should show as 921210:56
schizoTKCurrently tethered to my cell phone11:00
schizoTKMobile Broadband works, it's just this modem needs special treatment11:01
schizoTKI've read through the pertinent threads on http://ubuntuforums.org11:02
schizoTKCheck that link11:04
schizoTKI tried upgrading to 9.10 but had too many problems, including no cell phone connection11:05
knome_workso have you tried the gobi loader?11:05
schizoTKI don't have a kernel with the needed module11:06
knome_workright. i'm not at home at the moment so i can't really look into that11:08
schizoTKI don't know how to compile the module into the kernel11:09
schizoTKNo problem... I at least have net connectivity now!11:09
knome_workhehe yeah11:10
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages11:10
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist11:10
knome_workschizoTK: that one ^11:10
knome_workschizoTK: does it help?11:10
schizoTKI'm copying !11:11
schizoTKIt's 1:15 am here... I should go to sleep...11:14
schizoTKI have all day tomorrow to figure this out...11:15
schizoTKThanks for your help knome_work, greatly appreciated.11:15
knome_workschizoTK: no problem. good luck with the modem11:16
theatroThe "alternate" release means it does not function as a live CD or this info I am reading is BS?11:35
TheSheepyes, it's just a text-based installer11:53
MaxFrameshello. Since I installed 9.10 (and I upgraded Synergy to Synergy+ because the former was repeatedly crashing) the screen saver no longer starts12:05
MaxFramesI have set it up to start after 1 minute when the computer is idle, and it does not start (it did before with 9.04)12:06
MaxFramesI guess some process is preventing the computer to idle, maybe synergy+ itself, but i really need it, cannot do without it12:06
MaxFramescan you suggest a troubleshooting?12:07
MaxFramesI have killed the synergy task so now the slate is clean, the screensaver is still not running so it must be something else12:31
MaxFramesany ideas? please?12:31
MaxFramesif I type "gnome-screensaver-command -a" the screensaver starts12:33
MaxFramesit seems the bug is known and only affects some xubuntu users: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/39789212:50
MaxFramesthe screen saver can be started manually, but the automated power saving settings don't seem to work at all12:50
MaxFramesit even looks like the bug status is triaged now12:53
MaxFrameslet's hope for a quick fix12:54
Pres-GasGood morrow14:32
likemindeadMornin' Pres-Gas.14:32
Pres-GasPut out some mini fires, but now ready to lurk again.14:33
AryehGregorI just upgraded to 9.10, and now my multiple monitor support seems to have gone weird.  I've used xrandr to set up the monitors, and that worked fine in 9.04, but now only my left-hand monitor seems to work properly.  I can't drag windows all the way into my right-hand monitor, and panels refuse to go there too.15:40
AryehGregorAny suggestions?15:40
AryehGregorThis looks weird, from xrandr: VGA1 connected 1280x1024+1280+0 0mm x 0mm15:41
AryehGregor0mm x 0mm?  Don't know if that's normal.15:41
lucijani installed a new network interface card and lshw says network (UNCLAIMED) but the right informations, so i guess the right module is not loaded15:41
lucijanwhat is the way to rebuild the list of modules loaded at startup?15:42
Pres-Gaslucijan, look through "dmesg | less" and see if the card gets associated with a driver.15:42
lucijanalso  i have two gdm related questions: (1) is there any way in the PostSession script to know which UID oder user logged out and (2) is there a way to remove the session/keyboard/etc. menu?15:43
AryehGregorHmm, no, windows will drag over.  But panels refuse to go to the second monitor.15:44
AryehGregorIn 9.04 I had an option in the panel customization screen for which monitor to put it on.15:44
AryehGregorFWIW, Applications -> Settings -> Display only recognizes one monitor.15:44
lucijanPres-Gas: it seems that indeed 3c59x module is loaded15:45
lucijanaltough neither ifconfig no mii recognize the card15:45
Pres-Gas...but did it associate with the card in dmesg, lucijan?15:46
lucijanrunning modprobe -v manually says eeprom mac address not valid15:47
lucijanPres-Gas, what does the message for an association look like?15:49
lucijanit says 3COM Pci ... at e074000015:50
lucijan(at startup)15:50
lucijan(in dmesg :)15:50
AryehGregorManually restarting xfce4-panel fixed the problem.15:52
cgrozai am curently stuck in xfce with no panels....how do i make them start help pls15:56
lucijancgroza, try rightclick on the desktop -> applications -> settings -> panel15:58
lucijanPres-Gas, apperently it was a faulty nw card16:12
patonline_hello world!16:14
patonline_sorry for my bad english, but I from Chile16:16
patonline_i need your help in XFCE Desktop environment16:16
patonline_because I don't work CTRL + F4 hot key in firefox16:16
patonline_any idea for this ?16:16
patonline_hello cgroza16:26
cgrozai cant set 4 virtual desktops16:26
patonline_press right click in 1 desktop16:27
cgrozai did that16:27
cgrozabut i cant increase the number16:27
patonline_and set yours desktops16:27
cgrozai cant change that number16:27
cgrozai click the up arrow but the number doesnt change16:28
patonline_you can disable this rights ?16:28
cgrozaits very odd16:28
patonline_it's mmm...16:29
cgrozaanyone knows a fix?16:29
cgrozai made it16:31
cgrozanow i have a cube16:31
cgrozathanks very much16:31
knomepatonline_, what's the key shortcut for ctrl+f4 supposed to be?16:32
patonline_sorry but I work now16:32
patonline_the hot key is Ctrl + W for firefox16:32
patonline_but for Zend Studio IDE don't work :(16:33
knomeit works for me16:33
knomeright, so.. you'd like that keycombo to work in zend studio ide?16:33
patonline_wait... I find for this16:33
knome!es | patonline_16:35
ubottupatonline_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:35
knomepatonline_, ^ would that be easier? :)16:35
patonline_:( the IDE don't have configuration of this hot keys16:35
patonline_muchas gracias ubottu .... esto del inglés aun me complica :P16:36
patonline_thank for all !!16:38
* Pres-Gas re-reads chat17:10
Pres-Gaslucijan, good to know!17:10
Freewillieiits very busy here:P17:10
Freewillieand even now i am the only one speaking17:29
Freewilliei think i will leave17:34
schizoTKGood day xubuntu gurus!17:42
kappabuntuAny idea why 2.6.31 kernel is sending me to a maintenance shell?? 2.6.28 works fine18:17
kappabuntuwould this help to fix ?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=815687518:25
kappabuntuthat's the exact problem I have... I'm not familiar with fstab since this person is using amd64 and I'm on dual xeons18:25
jhb1608Hello, I need to install In ternet Explorer, because the website says I must use Internet Explorer. I may will sent a complaint to a person, but I don't think they will change it. So what program I needv to get Internet Explorer without Wine in Xubuntu 9.10?18:27
jhb1608Internet Explorer*18:27
jhb1608And plus, how do I mount CDs in the easy way? I did the command to mount, but wants to do it in easy and better way.18:28
Sysiit's M$, fat chance without wine18:28
jhb1608well I don't think sending a complaint will not work18:29
jhb1608because most time they did is ignore me18:30
Sysigood sited work with all browsers18:30
jhb1608well then I'd suggest ya to try this site: www.ebtaccount.jpmorgan.com18:30
Sysiif it's just about ie, opera can fool site18:30
jhb1608I tried Firefox, and it says system isn't avaliable18:31
Sysithat works fine for me18:31
SysiWelcome to EBT Account,18:31
jhb1608try logging in18:31
jhb1608and it will say system not avaliable18:32
jhb1608well if you have an account :P18:32
jhb1608I'll screenshot to prove18:32
Sysiyou could try that opera thing18:32
jhb1608if what if opera don't help?18:33
Sysiportraying ie with that18:33
jhb1608I'm on opera.com18:34
jhb1608I am in download part18:34
jhb1608but I only see ubuntu, no Xubuntu.18:34
Sysithat does'n matter18:36
Sysithey're totally same for that level18:36
jhb1608even I'm an experienced user to 2 versions of Ubuntu, I still ask questions.18:39
jhb1608Ok, typing the same website18:40
jhb1608if it don't work, I will mail a complaint18:40
Sysiopera propably need to set for acting ie18:41
jhb1608mask or set as IE?18:42
jhb1608I'm on site setting options now18:42
jhb1608I went to: Tools>Quick Prefs>Edit Site Prefs> Network18:44
jhb1608I see opotion Mask as IE OR Idenfity as IE18:44
jhb1608I will wait all day until anyone respond my question18:47
* jhb1608 rolls his eyes18:48
jhb1608ok I'l ltry everything18:48
jhb1608both options won't work18:49
jhb1608so Opera is definely out18:49
jhb1608guess I'll have ot log on my friend's slow laptop18:49
Sysii've only tried opera and didn't like it18:51
jhb1608yeah speed is better, but don't like the looks18:55
jhb1608it is why I rarely use opera, I use firefox more18:57
jhb1608guess I'll install IE4linux unoffically.19:01
jhb1608I still see System not avaliable, even I use internet explorer.19:20
jhb1608and plus firefox and plus opera19:21
jhb1608yeah it sounds so crazy19:22
jhb1608Now I want to try 1 more thing, installing Safari in Xubuntu, but I dunno if it will work19:23
jhb1608guess I feel ignored.19:49
jhb1608even the bot told me not to feel ignored.19:49
jhb1608I still do feel ignored.19:50
jhb1608it's the truth19:52
wrgbslow-motion: hi20:03
slow-motionhi wrgb20:04
wrgbslow-motion: not much action20:04
alienkid10how do can I make a graphical environment for a chroot20:13
alienkid10like is their a guide/walkthough somewhere?20:13
raevolcan we get a ban on Tempoe_?21:07
ubottuops is HELP! gnomefreak, tonyyarusso, PuMpErNiCkLe, maxamillion, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca or cody-somerville21:07
likemindeadI'm curious, why does Xubuntu, seemingly randomly, ask you for a password to shut down?22:25
cody-somervilleIt happens if there is another user logged in or console session open22:27
likemindeadHmm. I'm the only user & I closed the console.22:28
likemindeadWell, maybe I didn't. I use Tilda (terminal emulator).22:29
XubuntusHi. I'm following the ALSA-guide at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel22:40
XubuntusHow do I do the part at "Setting up modprobe and kmod support" ?22:40
XubuntusThere's neither a /etc/modules.conf or a /etc/conf.modules.22:41
XubuntusI installed ALSA partially with the previously given guide, and now FLASH doesn't show up in youtube!!22:48
likemindeadGive Linux Mint a try, Xubuntus.22:49
XubuntusDoes it WORK OUT OF THE BOX as it should?22:50
XubuntusSo no-one in here installed ALSA before?22:50
likemindeadIt may be easier for you.22:50
likemindeadALSA comes installed in Xubuntu.22:51
XubuntusYeah, but it doesn't work!22:51
likemindeadIt does on certain hardware. My wife's laptop loves Xubuntu 9.10 but I had to install PulseAudio on my laptop.22:51
XubuntusAs I told yesterday, the UbuntuLiveCD works very well with sound. But not the XubuntuLiveCD nor the installed Xubuntu. The STRAAAANGE thing is that, I got the sound to work exacly 23 hours ago. Shut'ed down the computer. Started it today and NO way José - it doesn't work. AGAIN.22:53
XubuntusSo the problem should not be hardware not being liked by ALSA. Otherwise the UbuntuLiveCD wouldn't show THE EXACT CORRECT soundcard I have in my computer.22:54
XubuntusThis is just stupid. There has to be a way to fix this.22:55
XubuntusI'm following the ALSA-guide at http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-hda-intel22:55
XubuntusHow do I do the part at "Setting up modprobe and kmod support" ?22:55
XubuntusThere's neither a /etc/modules.conf or a /etc/conf.modules in the Xubuntu installed system.22:56
XubuntusIf I just MAKE one up, will that work?22:56
XubuntusGood night.22:59
ekix1hi guys23:26
subspiderguys do you know where pidgin store my conversations??23:39
cody-somervillesubspider, ~/.purple/logs/23:47
subspideryea thnks23:54
subspiderthnks alot23:54

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