
kizzowgrant: Cool, thanks.00:01
racecar56how can i unsubscribe from all bugs with a few clicks00:21
racecar56or just make it where it doesn't send me emails or something00:21
wgrantThat is what we call patience.00:22
lfaraonewgrant: thanks.00:45
lfaraonewgrant: is there a bug about that? :)00:45
wgrantlfaraone: Probably, but I don't know the number.00:46
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=== thumper changed the topic of #launchpad to: Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
ub3rst4rdoes anyone know how to report a project?04:06
micahgub3rst4r: what do you mean report a project?04:07
ub3rst4ri found a project thats registered and its just registered to point people to a website to download a product04:08
ub3rst4ri dont think thats following the rules of the apache license04:10
ub3rst4rand english isnt a programming language...04:12
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spmbleh. s/he's gone. oh well: ub3rst4r, thanks; have disabled and noted on the whiteboard for that project that it04:35
spms just a placeholder.04:35
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micahgsorry spm, got distracted :)05:03
spmheh. no worries.05:03
mwhudsonhow can i see the changelog entries for other than the most recent upload of a package in the ppa?07:18
mwhudsoni guess i can read the changelog in the .diff.gz...07:18
wgrantmwhudson: You could alternatively search for superseded packages as well.07:19
mwhudsonwgrant: ah yes07:20
cristimhello, would it be possible to have the opportunity to rename packages when copying them from another person's PPA into one's, for another ubuntu version09:16
bigjoolscristim: no, that will never be possible09:16
cristimlike from jaunty3 to karmic1?09:16
cristimand what's the proper way to do it?09:16
bigjoolsthat sounds like a version, not a name?09:17
bigjoolsyou don't need to change the version09:17
bigjoolsin fact you should not, because it would be confusing to have the same source with different versions09:17
cristimisn't weird that you have a karmic package named foo-1.0-jaunty3?09:18
bigjoolsthat's how Ubuntu works too, it just means the package was promoted from a lower series09:18
cristimok, so there's no problem09:18
bigjoolsyep :)09:19
cristimsorry for asking dumb questions, today I started packaging for ubuntu and I had no debian packaging experience09:19
cristimthe procedure is a lot more complex than what I was used to when making gentoo ebuilds for my overlay09:20
cristimand is it ok co copy packages from another person's PPA, where thay fail to build?09:29
cristimso that I can fix them and their deps in my PPA09:30
bigjoolsthe best thing to do in that case is to download their source package, then fix it09:30
bigjoolsotherwise you'll just be re-building a failing package09:30
bigjoolsif you want packaging tips, a good place to go is #ubuntu-motu09:30
cristimthe source may not be broken, but it may miss a dependency that I compiled in my PPA09:31
bigjoolsah in that case copy it09:31
bigjoolsyou're welcome09:31
cristimI'm moving to -motu09:32
glenhow do i enable cvs/svn like keywords ($Id:$ $Date:$) expansion in launcpad, is it possible afterall?09:45
pkernAre pings to Launchpad supposed to work?10:09
wgrantpkern: They work for me.10:12
pkernYay connectivity restored.10:15
pkernwgrant: Well they ended at telia for me.10:15
GaryvdMHi - I just want to confirm, If I have a branch that has other branches stacked on it, can I safely rename it.10:31
GaryvdMi.e. will the other branches be pointed to the new name?10:31
moradanhello, for some days a po file is in the state "needs review" - when can I expect it?10:43
moradanproject is "rugretl"10:44
GaryvdMmoradan - I'm a translations noob, but I just thought I could have a go at you question. Where do you see that status. I see nothing here: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/rugretl11:45
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maxbIf there's an admin around with a spare moment, perhaps they could hit the 'approve mailing list' for https://edge.launchpad.net/~svn -- thanks! :-)13:25
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dholbachdoes anybody know what I'm doing wrong if   launchpad.people["ubuntu-cl"]   gives me https://api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/~ubuntu-cl (as lazr.restfulclient.resource.Entry) and  team.owner  gives me  AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'owner' ?13:30
maxbdholbach: launchpad.people['ubuntu-cl'].team_owner13:33
dholbachthanks a lot maxb13:34
goundywhat's that code ?13:34
dholbachI got confused with the naming of keys in my own database13:34
dholbachthanks maxb13:34
dholbachgoundy: https://launchpad.net/loco-directory13:34
goundythanks :)13:34
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: codehosting is back -- branch updates are catching up | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: Ursinha | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev
maxbUrsinha: Are you someone who can authorise mailing list requests?13:41
Ursinhamaxb, yes sir13:41
maxbteam ~svn would like one, if you don't mind. It's a group of people collaborating on a PPA, which I think qualifies it as more 'Launchpad' than 'Ubuntu'13:42
Ursinhamaxb, I see the requested ml13:50
Ursinhamaxb, it's approved13:50
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maxb"Policy:  You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list. " --- is this configurable? Or is it just boilerplate displayed confusingly near to the configuration options?14:34
GoundyIs it possible to change the launchpad layout ?14:51
Goundyfor my project14:51
GoundyActually I don't want to set a custom one, I just want to get back the old launchpad template14:51
Goundyit's much more good looking than the current one14:51
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GoundyIs it possible to change the launchpad layout ?15:33
GoundyActually I don't want to set a custom one, I just want to get back the old launchpad template for my project15:34
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* apw wonders if launchpad just went poof16:46
apwboth edge and main server seem absent16:46
Ursinhahi apw, what's going on?16:50
apwi think both edge and main launchpad servers are hanging on me16:51
Ursinhaapw, what are you trying to do? seems to be working here16:51
apwload any bugs at all16:52
Ursinhaapw, do you have an url, please? :)16:52
apwperhaps its just edge now ...16:52
apwit was caliming to be waiting on just launchpad.net, but they are all now waiting on edge16:53
apwseems to be back now, ignore me16:53
Ursinhano problem apw, thanks for reporting it16:55
Ursinhaapw, please, come back if you hit this issue again16:55
apwyou can be sure if it :)16:55
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edsuis it possible to remove a lp repo?18:32
beunoedsu, sure, just delete the branch18:33
edsuis it not possible to make https://code.launchpad.net/pymarc 404 ?18:37
beunoedsu, I don't think so18:38
beunoyou would need to delete the whole project18:38
beunowhat's the problem?18:38
edsuis it not possible to delete the whole project then?18:38
beunoedsu, do you own it?18:39
beunoif you do, ask a question in Launchpad, and a sysadmin will look at it18:39
edsui do own it yes18:40
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glenok, so now my items are in failed state. what should i do next? try uploading once again? https://translations.launchpad.net/eventum/trunk/+imports20:15
gleni got hit by this bug they said: https://launchpad.net/bugs/46416120:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 464161 in launchpad-foundations "authdb Store for scripts connecting to incorrect database" [Critical,Fix released]20:16
glendanilos: you're around?20:16
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webm0nk3yis bazaar.launchpad.com having problems?21:03
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thumperwebm0nk3y: I'm chasing some issues21:20
bialixhello, I have problem with codehosting21:39
bialixyesterday I've upgraded trunk branch of qbzr project to 2a format and pushed it to LP21:40
bialixnow it available as lp:qbzr21:40
bialixcouple of pushes was OK, now the branch is "stuck"21:40
rockstarbialix, hi21:41
bialixI'm still can push, but page on LP permanently said that branch is updated21:41
bialixand no email with notifications arrive21:41
bialixhi rockstar21:41
rockstarthumper, ^^21:41
bialixit's more than 7hours nopw21:42
bialixit's more than 7hours now21:42
bialixdoes it related to 2a format?21:42
bialixI hope our upgarde to 2a was not mistake21:42
thumperI'm chasing an issue about our server processes not running21:42
thumperwhich includes email sending21:42
thumperbialix: I don't think it is related to your change :)21:43
bialixOK, that's good21:43
bialixthumper: email notification can wait, I'm mostly interesting that access by http will work too21:43
bialixso if you say that problem is known, then I won't bother you today anymore21:44
thumperbialix: check loggerhead21:44
thumperbialix: or bzr revno http://...21:45
bialixloggerhead page is uptodate21:45
bialixcan I help with other info?21:47
bialixthumper: http is fine.21:47
thumperbialix: cool21:47
thumperbialix: it just looks like the crons for all the branch jobs were stopped21:48
thumperand I'm trying to find out why21:48
thumperI don't have access to those machiens21:48
bialixah, understand21:48
bialixso I assume nothing terrible serious21:48
bthi, im subscribed to a duplicate bug on in ubuntu on lp, however i don't have permission to view the parent bug. is this normal?22:53
micahgbt: possibly, you can check in #ubuntu-bugs to see if someone can make it public22:58
btit was an apport reported bug, i'm not too interested in it, just wondered why i couldn't see22:58
btthanks :)22:59
wgrantbt: The bug probably contains a core dump, which could contain sensitive info.23:00
btah wicked23:00
bti'll leave them to it23:00
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: codehosting is back -- branch updates are catching up | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev

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