
starcraft-ntbknew doc member?01:40
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ttxsoren, smoser: ?14:01
Daviey\o - Apologies, can't be here for the meeting - please see my comments on the ubuntu-server ml regarding spamassassin14:01
ttxDaviey: will read -- see you next week ;)14:01
* stgraber waves14:01
MootBotMeeting started at 08:02. The chair is ttx.14:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:02
ttxToday's agenda:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting14:02
ttx[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting14:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting14:02
ttxACTION: kirkland to add a recipe covering virsh to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager14:03
ttxkirkland left a note about that on the meeting agenda14:03
ttxDone -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Virsh14:03
ttxACTION: nurmi to investigate bug 45562514:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45562514:03
ttxI don't think nurmi is around14:03
ttxI'll add two more two his list, since absents are always wrong...14:04
ttx[ACTION] numri to help validation/fixing bugs 460085 and bug 46115614:05
MootBotACTION received:  numri to help validation/fixing bugs 460085 and bug 46115614:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46008514:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461156 in euca2ools "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46115614:05
ttxsmoser: no progress on that last one ?14:05
smoserno. i've not gotten around to digging there, and have sent irc pings but no response.14:05
ttxACTION: Daviey to investigate spamassassin status in lucid14:05
ttxDaviey sent an update about this on ubuntu-server ML14:06
sorenHe said he'd sent somethign to the...14:06
ttxACTION: mathiaz to update the fridge14:06
mathiazttx: sent an email to news teeam14:06
ttxmathiaz: change is not effective yet ?14:07
mathiazttx: it is actually14:07
ttxgood :)14:07
ttx[TOPIC] UDS: server track planning14:07
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS: server track planning14:07
* nijaba waves14:08
ttxmdz is not around, but he should work on scheduling the server track before the end of the week.14:08
ttxIf you want to make sure he doesn't miss your blueprint, please name it server-lucid-* and set him as approver.14:08
ttxThere can be two parallel sessions in the server track (as with other tracks)14:09
ttxso you should subscribe to the blueprints you are interested in to try to avoid scheduling conflicts14:10
ttxAny questions ?14:10
zulmdz is leading the tracks?14:11
ttxstgraber: some of yours are close to some others14:11
ttxzul: yes14:11
ttxserver-lucid-desktop-cloud and server-lucid-nx14:11
ttxserver-lucid-contextualization and server-lucid-non-accel-virt14:11
ttxThose might get scheduled on the same slot, I don't really know.14:11
stgraberttx: right, I guess some of them weren't visible on LP at the time I added mine14:11
ttxstgraber: they probably were, but blueprint search is not so good :)14:12
ttxok, moving on...14:12
ttx[TOPIC] Merging, merging, merging14:12
stgraberwell, for the NX one, I guess we can discuss the big picture at one and the specific of getting NX in at the other14:12
ttxstgraber: right14:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Merging, merging, merging14:13
ttxLucid is open for merging, which is a great way to learn packaging for starters14:13
stgraberthe other doesn't mention contextualization but alternate virtualization technologies, that's quite different (at least from my point of view)14:13
ttxstgraber: ok14:14
ttxmathiaz: do you think we should compile a list of easy merges ?14:14
mathiazttx: we could14:14
mathiazttx: it seems to have helped last time14:14
ttxmathiaz: do you have time to do that ?14:15
mathiazttx: I can have a look at it14:15
ttx+ the relevant blogging publicity ?14:15
mathiazttx: sure14:15
ttx[ACTION] mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication14:15
MootBotACTION received:  mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication14:15
ttxmathiaz: note that there are quite a few easy Java library merges, however we are trying to commit to debian-java in parallel, so it might make sense to keep those alone14:16
* mathiaz oks14:17
ttxComments on the subject of merging ?14:17
zulthere is a couple of syncs already taken care of as well14:17
ttxdoes the MoM output update ?14:17
mathiazttx: it should14:18
ttxIt didn't reflect my merging so far14:18
ttxlooks stuck at Nov 914:19
zulyeah it looks like it hasnt been updated14:19
mathiazttx: yeah - Keybuk kicked off a new instance of MoM14:19
mathiazttx: as it used to sync from unstable14:19
ttxmathiaz: ...14:20
mathiazttx: it may take some time to do the first round of merges of testing14:20
ttx[TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs14:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs14:20
mathiazttx: so I don't know how usefull MoM is for now14:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html14:21
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ttxNothing needs assignment, comments on other bugs ?14:21
ttxI'll retest the eucalyptus in -proposed sometime today14:21
mathiazttx: great thanks14:22
ttxMoving on...14:23
ttx[TOPIC] Weekly SRU review14:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly SRU review14:23
ttxmathiaz: mind driving that part ?14:23
mathiazttx: nope14:23
mathiazlet's go ahead for the list review14:23
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html14:24
zuli have 214:24
mathiazanything worth SRU on this list?14:24
zulbug #40377514:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403775 in krb5 "passwd fails when kerberos server points to an IPv6 host" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40377514:24
zuland bug #47925014:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479250 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "ORDER BY DESC in InnoDB not working" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47925014:25
ttxzul:  which series is affected ?14:25
zulboth are for hardy14:25
Keybukttx: actually merges.ubuntu.com is entirely based off testing14:26
Keybukit's stuck at Nov 9 because that's when the first v3 source package hit testing ;)14:26
ttxKeybuk: so the reports are not regenerated with new packages uploaded to lucid ?14:27
ttxKeybuk: is that a bug or a feature ? :)14:28
Keybukthat it can't process v3 packages?14:28
Keybukit's an RT ticket14:28
ttxKeybuk: ok, thx14:28
mathiazok - so all nomination lists are empty14:29
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html14:29
mathiaz^^ list of accepted bugs that have an assignee14:29
mathiazthe eucalyptus SRU is on its way14:29
ttxzul: there is a new candidate for samba sru (again) something about winbind14:29
zulttx: yeah I saw that this morning14:29
zuli wanted to talk to you about it first14:30
ttxbug 47995514:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 479955 in samba "winbind authentication fails after karmic upgrade" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47995514:30
mathiazzul: how are other SRU doing for hardy?14:30
ttxzul: ok, off-meeting14:30
zulmathiaz: good just looking for testers as usual14:30
mathiazzul: ok14:31
mathiazis empty14:31
mathiazzul: are you using package branches?14:31
zulmathiaz: yep just been concentrating on lucid this week14:31
mathiazzul: great.14:32
mathiazthat's all for the weekly SRU review14:32
ttxthanks mathiaz !14:32
ttx[TOPIC] Open Discussion14:32
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion14:32
ttxWho will be in not-so-sunny Dallas next week ?14:33
* stgraber waves14:33
* zul is looking forward to wearing short14:34
ttxA texan once told me that it never rained in Texas, but apparently he lied14:34
zulshorts even14:34
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USTX0327?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared14:34
ttxLooks like... Dublin in summer.14:35
* nijaba wonders in what list should 450044 appear. Status has not changed since last week.14:35
ttxbug 45004414:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450044 in euca2ools "euca-bundle-vol does not create essential tmpfs mounts when bundling Ubuntu images" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45004414:36
nijabattx: you had agreed last week that it was SRU worthy14:36
ttxI did ?14:36
* nijaba thinks so...14:36
ttxnote that I wasn't present at last week meeting ...14:37
mathiazeuca2ools is not part of the packages to which the ubuntu-server team is a bug contact14:37
ttxmathiaz: it should14:37
mathiazttx: it is now14:38
ttxI admit some ignorance on how euca-bundle-vol should behave14:38
nijabattx: it is fixed in eucalyptus, according to neil soman14:38
nijabattx: I think it would be a good idea to allow a very common operation to work with UEC14:39
ttxnijaba: ok, adding to my list, though I'm quite busy those days14:39
nijabattx: I bet you are, but sometime is better than never :)14:40
* ttx wonders when was the last time he was /not/ busy14:40
* nijaba just wanted to make sure this bug was not forgotten14:40
ttxany other subject ?14:40
zulttx: before you started working on ubuntu?14:41
ttxzul: no, at the very beginning, I remember having some free time.14:41
ttx[TOPIC] Next meeting date and time14:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Next meeting date and time14:42
ttxWe'll skip next week14:42
ttxand be back on Nov 25, probably 1400 UTC again14:42
ttxthough we are still trying to better accomodate the west coast.14:43
mathiazworks for me14:43
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:43.14:43
nijabaThanks ttx14:43
mathiazthanks ttx14:44
nijabaSee you in Dalla14:44
nijabaDallas too :)14:44
stgraberthx, see you all in Dallas14:44
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cr3ahoy, mateys17:01
aratoday all the US folks won't attend, so it should be a quick meeting :-)17:01
araOK, let's start17:02
MootBotMeeting started at 11:02. The chair is ara.17:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:02
ara# SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)17:03
ara# Bugday highlights -- pedro17:03
ara# Testing Team blueprint17:03
ara[TOPIC] -  SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  -  SRU testing -- sbeattie (Steve Beattie)17:03
arasbeattie is on holiday, but he asked me to pass his SRU report here17:03
arahe's very committed :-)17:04
araStable Release Update (SRU) Acivity for the past week (since 2009-11-04):17:04
ara* karmic: 40 new packages in -proposed and 46 packages pushed to -updates17:04
ara* jaunty: 3 new packages in -proposed (clamav, kvm, landscape-client) and 4 packages pushed to -updates (isdnutils, kdepim, pm-utils, pythonmagick)17:04
ara* intrepid: no package activity (except security updates)17:04
ara* hardy: 2 new packages in -proposed (apache2, lilo-installer) and 1 package pushed to -updates (pidgin)17:04
ara* dapper: no package activity (except security updates)17:04
araThanks to Simon Déziel, Id2ndR, madbiologist, Bernhard, Kenneth Pålsson, Charles Curley, Ariel Faigon, Francis Russell, mzc, Lemmiwinks, Brian O'Keefe, fabrice_sp, sigvdr, Psycona, Luca Ferretti, Roman Fiedler, squishlikeabug, nentis, Edward, Evan Broder, Imre Gergely, Alex Muntada, Anders Virving, Neil Messenbird , cochisebt, Andreas Wenning, Rod Davison, Christophe Sauthier, Nicolas Adenis-Lamarre, Stephen Laverty, Matti Hi17:05
araljanen, starslights, Matej Kenda, Mattias Holmlund, Paul Elliott, olive, YoBoY, prometheus, Peter Whittaker, Peter Lyons, Nathan Handler, Andrea Veria, Alessio Treglia, las, Tobias Kerzenmacher and others for testing SRUs this week.17:05
araLots of people!17:05
pedro_things are looking good there, as per http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html17:05
arahelp would be appreciated with SRUs that have been sitting in the -proposed queue for a while (http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html lists the length of time a given package has been waiting).17:05
pedro_yeah, especially bug 444979 and bug 46262617:06
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable (https://launchpad.net/bugs/444979)17:06
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: HTTP Error 503: Service Temporarily Unavailable (https://launchpad.net/bugs/462626)17:06
pedro_thanks for nothing ubottu17:07
aranice, Launchpad :)17:07
araOK, next topic17:08
pedro_well those are the oldest sru there, so might need a bit more of attention17:08
araone wonders where the original reporter is :)17:08
ara[TOPIC] Bugday highlights -- pedro17:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Bugday highlights -- pedro17:08
arapedro_ even17:08
pedro_right so past week we had the Gwibber hug day https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009110517:09
pedro_not a lot of people contributed though, but we managed to triage a lot of reports there17:09
arawho is kamus?17:09
pedro_~48 or so17:09
arahe/she did a great job there17:09
pedro_ah kamus is a bugsquad member, he's always rocking on the bug days17:10
pedro_yes big thank to him and to Adam17:10
pedro_and tomorrow we're having a bug day based on Nautilus https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/2009111217:10
pedro_so any help is more than welcome17:11
pedro_that's all from here17:12
ara[TOPIC] Testing Team blueprint -- ara17:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Testing Team blueprint -- ara17:12
araOK, as you may now know, we want to improve the way we test in Ubuntu for Lucid17:12
araWe are working on creating a new Testing team with regular meetings, mailing list, roadmaps etc.17:13
araWe are going to be discussing the topic in UDS Dallas, so if you are interested, please, subscribe to the blueprint17:13
araalso, in the Spec, under BoF agenda, you can add the items you think are worth discussing17:14
pedro_is that blueprint/discussion already scheduled?17:14
arayes, it is wednesday, in the latest slot of the day (IIRC)17:15
pedro_maybe people can attend to it remotely, IRC always help17:15
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arayes, of course, remote attendees are more than welcome17:15
davmor2not that late I don't think I will17:16
aradavmor2, :)17:17
araOK, that's everything for me17:17
araanything else?17:17
araany other topics?17:18
pedro_noup just a quick question17:18
arapedro_, yes?17:19
pedro_regarding the uds schedule, do you know why the sessions don't appear on http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-l/track/qa/17:19
pedro_but they do on the daily ones17:20
arapedro_, I think per track is broken in the summit site17:20
arajono ? ^17:20
pedro_i'm a bit confuse about that17:20
araI will ask jono again and will send an email about to ubuntu-qa17:21
pedro_ah might be that, not really important though just a little doubt17:22
pedro_ara, awesome, thank you17:22
araOK, I think we can wrap up17:22
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:22.17:23
araThanks guys :)17:23
jonoara, that is broken, known bug17:27
jonojcastro ^17:27
jonoa fix is in the works17:27
jonojcastro can follow up17:27
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arathanks jono17:28
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johnvilsackGreetings folks!  The Ubuntu Community Marketing Team meeting will begin in about ten minutes.  I'd like to give folks a few minutes to gather and come in if they would like :)23:53
johnvilsackIf I'm doing this wrong, please let me know :)  This is my first time moderating such a meeting here.23:54
DPicdoing great johnvilsack =]23:54
johnvilsackI appreciate the encouragement! :)23:54

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