=== darren is now known as millenniumdarren [00:16] zinn only knows mythbuntu bugs [00:17] rhpot1991: I don't think hads was really trying to use Zinn to pull a mythtv bug... he was just talking to another user. But that does bring up the idea of using Zinn to retrieve mythtv bugs if the bug number is < 100000 :-) [00:18] or [00:18] !mbug [00:18] Sorry I don't know about mbug [00:18] mrand: actually I lied, he does all LP bugs [00:19] this will be slow bug 1 [00:19] if it doesn't time out even [00:19] Bug 1 in clubdistro "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/1 [00:19] reminds me I never did tgm4883's feature request [00:20] Yeah, I knew that he did all LP bugs. Useful in some cases. [00:20] But LP bugs less than 100000 are rare now-a-days, so I was thinking of it pulling mythtv bugs instead. Or it could be mbug as tgm4883 mentioned above. [00:21] !bug 1 [00:21] its possible to expand it to do mythtv bugs as well, if someone wants to make the case that it would be useful [00:21] tgm4883: I just did that [00:21] Bug 1 in clubdistro "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical, Confirmed] http://www.launchpad.net/bugs/1 [00:21] and that bug is massive [00:21] so its slowwwww [00:22] * rhpot1991 leaves to watch house [00:22] * mrand leaves to go to house [06:55] I'm trying to setup a Hauppauge HVR-2200 under Mythbuntu 910. I've followed the tutorial on linuxtv but I cannot get all the channels working. [06:56] I have a USB tuner which picks up all the stations in my area so I know my antenna and setup are good. === bogus is now known as Guest52301 === Guest52301 is now known as bogus- [11:30] Hi, 2 questions. First off, I have read that if you have mythbuntu working fine, NEVER update. I am currently using 9.04, should I risk it and update to 9.10, or should I wait a while till the creases are ironed out (I am vaguely techy, so could only fix easy to fix problems)? [11:32] Seconded, is it possible to use lirc to control mythwelcome? I run XBMC and mythtv backend on the same machine. I have mythwelcome to autostart so it can start and then shutdown the machine to make a recording. I was wanting to lock shutdown and exit mythwelcome via Remote control (and then start XBMC). I can start XBMC via remote and start mythwelcome by remote, by I can't find a way to control mythwelcom [11:32] e by remote...any ideas? [11:34] I was using an irxevent command to control mythwelcome, but it doesn't seem to work. Is the mythwelcome window called mythwelcome or is it called somethign else? === jarjar is now known as jarjarDort [16:05] has anyone been able to get the analog NTSC tuner to work with their cx23885 cards? DVB works great except the driver never creates the /dev/video0 V4L interface for analog TV === jarjarDort is now known as jarjar [18:26] im getting an error message at line 1 column 49 byte 49 at /usr/lib/perl5/XML/parser.pm line 187 when i press w to update my video information, which ends up wiping out the information i have in the db [18:32] !help [18:32] !help For a complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number]. [18:48] does anyone have any idea why I would be getting an error on line 187 in /usr/lib/perl5/XML/parser.pm when pressing w in mythtv to update video information? [18:51] probably a bug [18:55] it was working fine yesterday, and the only things that got updated where printer drivers and firefox [18:58] could be a problem with the server it's pulling from [18:58] if it's down, then surely the parsing fails :) [19:00] there was another message on a few saying themoviedb was unable to be contacted.. perhaps your right.. [19:01] i will give it a few hours and try again... [19:03] thanks [20:54] ever since I upgraded to 9.10, the OSD when playing recorded TV shows has been gone [20:54] like completely invisible [20:54] I can bring up the translucent menu, but that's about it [20:55] I've tried searching, can't seem to find anybody else with this problem, I tried reinstalling mythtv packages, I have all the themes installed [20:56] 2009-11-11 12:21:46.666 Couldn't load OSD theme: blootube-osd at /usr/share/mythtv/themes/blootube-osd/ [20:56] from mythfrontend [21:04] Change the OSD theme? [21:09] hmm [21:16] eh I think I got it actually [21:16] my bluetoob theme dirs were empty, deleted them [21:17] and I also finally found the osd menu options finally :) [21:17] not in appearance with the other stuff [21:19] Ah yeah that's a bit of a trick === superm1` is now known as superm1