
LnsDoes anyone know the FF equiv. to IE's .URL shortcut/launcher/whatever?00:03
HedgeMageLns: I'm not sure what that is -- I haven't used Windoze in over 10 years -- but if you describe it I might know.00:14
stgraberhi HedgeMage00:15
HedgeMagehi, stgraber00:15
stgraberHedgeMage: you are the owner of the edubuntu-handbook team. We are currently trying to change team ownership for edubuntu-* to the edubuntu-council.00:16
stgraberCould you change edubuntu-handbook's owner to edubuntu-council ? (Of course, you'll remain administrator of the team, it's just to add some central management of teams)00:16
LnsHedgeMage: well it's in linux, i just have a teacher who has tons of windows IE .url files she wants to migrate to linux/FF. I think I can work it with a script though, native linux ff will create a .desktop launcher00:18
stgraberLns: I belive we did something for that at Revolution Linux, let me try to find the LP project00:18
stgraber(I'm not sure it actually works though)00:19
Lnsstgraber: woo! well any tidbits would be helpful anyway =) thx00:19
sbalneavEvening all00:20
HedgeMagestgraber: I will if you remind me tonight after my son goes to bed (in about 10 minutes).00:20
HedgeMagestgraber: I don't have time before I tuck him in.00:20
sbalneavLns: I think you can convert them to .desktop files00:20
stgraberLns: https://edge.launchpad.net/url-launcher00:20
Lnsstgraber: woohoo! =)00:21
* Lns starts digging00:21
stgraberLns: I believe we were having some issues associating .url files with that script, maybe it got fixed in the mean time though00:21
Lnshrm...well this is potentially a one time conversion so i'm not too worried, i might end up whipping up of my own00:22
Lnsstgraber: cheers! I need to go but i'll be looking at it either tomorrow or next week. Thx! you guys rock @RL.01:02
* Lns wave01:02
stgraberHedgeMage: ping01:17
HedgeMagestgraber: pong01:24
HedgeMageYou wanted me to do something on LP, didn't you...01:24
HedgeMagestgraber: Change ownership of edubuntu handbook to...?01:24
* sbalneav perks up ears?01:26
HedgeMagestgraber: edubuntu-council, if my scrollback doesn't lie01:27
HedgeMagesbalneav: they are just consolidating some ownership stuff.01:27
stgrabersorry, was watching TV :)01:29
sbalneavHedgeMage: lol01:29
sbalneavhey before you transfer ownership01:29
sbalneavcan you add me as a member?01:29
sbalneavcripes, I've been working on it for 2 years now, and I'm not even a member01:29
HedgeMagesbalneav: sure, I have to clean up pending requests in general... neither Mario nor I have much time for this these days.01:30
stgrabersbalneav: she can still do it afterwards ;) (but then all of the EC can as well)01:30
HedgeMagesbalneav: If Mario has no issue, may I add you as an admin since you are around more for day-to-day stuff?01:30
HedgeMagesbalneav: cool, I want to give him a heads-up first, but I doubt he'll mind01:31
sbalneavand soon (if people vote for me that is :( ) I'll be ec.01:31
stgrabersbalneav: I don't see why someone wouldn't vote for you ;)01:31
sbalneavCuz I'm fat and ugly and a jerk? :)01:32
HedgeMagesbalneav: Did you apply?  I don't see you on the list (unless I just don't recognize the name you use)01:32
sbalneavI'm trying to figure out how to apply now01:32
HedgeMagewhat is your name on launchpad?  I can just add you manually I think.01:32
sbalneavThere, I think I did it.01:32
sbalneavI'm nothing if not unimagini^H^H^H^H^H^Hconsistent01:33
stgraberHedgeMage: thanks01:34
HedgeMagestgraber: np01:34
sbalneavHedgeMage: "former military spouse", is that (former military) spouse, or former (military) spouse?  Sorry, just reading your blog.01:35
HedgeMagesbalneav: He got out of the military shortly after we separated, so both.01:37
HedgeMageor neither...depending on how you look at it :)01:37
sbalneavnice bit on the kindle01:38
HedgeMageI really like the iRex as an alternative -- it runs embedded Linux, so not only is it more open now, but I can code for it and make it support new open formats in the future.01:39
sbalneavSo, you use drupal?  I've got a host provider.  Do you need root access to install drupal if you've only got non-root-shell access to a host?01:39
HedgeMageI work on Drupal for a living.  You do not need root access to install.  You technically don't even need shell, but it makes life a lot easier.01:40
HedgeMageIt's a fantastic system. :)01:40
HedgeMagesbalneav: may I pm you?01:42
sbalneavthat consistency thing :)01:42
sbalneavor, here on irc01:43
sbalneavwhichever you prefer01:43
stgrabersbalneav: wrong jabber account, adding with the right one now ;)01:46
stgrabersbalneav: (you may find some consistency in that account name as well ;))01:47
HedgeMagehehe :)01:50
HedgeMagestgraber: mind adding me as well?  hedgemage@jabber.binaryredneck.net01:50
HedgeMageok :)01:52
HedgeMagesbalneav or stgraber : will someone please IM me on Jabber right now.  I changed my icon set and i want to see if this one makes it suitably obvious when I recieve a message while the client is minimized.03:08
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stgrabersbalneav: poked you on jabber.15:25
stgraberdinda: ping15:39
stgraberdinda: looks like the schedule didn't get updated for the edubuntu session, you're marked as essential but it's still on friday morning15:40
dindastgraber: pong15:40
dindastgraber: I think they run the scheduler daily so we can probably ask jcastro to adjust if needed15:40
alkisgsbalneav: ping?16:35
alkisg(or stgraber :))16:35
alkisgor highvoltage :) :)16:36
alkisgI'd like to apply for the EC, but I don't have access to the wiki page. Could somebody put up my name there?16:37
alkisgLaunchpad: https://launchpad.net/~alkisg - Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlkisGeorgopoulos16:37
sbalneavalkisg: pong16:38
alkisgHi sbalneav16:39
alkisgSorry, never mind, /me blushes, I had to login first :(16:39
sbalneavalkisg: You've got a lunchpod account, don't you? I think that's all you need.16:39
sbalneavthere you go16:39
alkisg(I'm always logged on launchpad & wiki, and it didn't even cross my mind that this is a seperate domain :))16:39
sbalneavHmmm, I'm trying to fix my favorite cups bug17:17
sbalneavthe cups-1.4.1 package uses dpatch, so the patches in debian/patches are .dpatch, not .patch17:18
sbalneavI'm familiar with cdbs-edit-patch, how do I create .dpatches to put in there?17:18
* Lns can't edit https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edubuntu/Council/Election to put his blurb up :(17:39
jbichaLns: did you try logging in?17:41
Lnsjbicha: yeah, to ubuntu.com anyway17:41
Lnscouldn't find a login page for edubuntu.org17:41
jbichaat the top right on the page you just linked17:42
Lnsbaaa hahaha..thanks =) i'm blind apparently17:42
jbichano, that's just how we weed out those unqualified for EC :-)17:43
jbichatoo bad I can't vote, I guess I'll just have to accomplish great things so I can be a Member before the next elections17:45
sbalneavjbicha: You're well on the way, I'd say.17:45
sbalneavFixing moodle was no mean feat.17:46
sbalneavI'd definitely want you for an edubuntu member, and in edubuntu-dev17:46
jbichait's too early for me still17:46
jbichaI could join edubuntu-dev though if the entry threshold isn't too high17:48
sbalneavWell, I think edubuntu-dev's no problem.  It would give you access to the ppa's where we seem to agree that edubuntu patches should be accreted.17:49
jbichahmm, edubuntu-dev is a "restricted" team instead of moderated so I can't even apply directly17:50
alkisgI think applications for edubuntu-dev go to the meeting agenta...17:52
jbichaoh ok17:55
Lnsi can't believe it, i missed the meeting didn't i19:05
sbalneavLns: it was yesterday19:06
sbalneavIn terms of the timescale of the length the universe has been around, you pretty much hit it dead on!19:06
Lnswhat?? I thought it was always on friday19:07
sbalneavIt was posted on the mailing list19:07
sbalneavfriday didn't suit some people19:08
Lnsi know! i saw it...oh.19:08
sbalneavit's ok19:08
Lnsmaybe i haven't caught up with it19:08
Lnsnot a good thing for someone running for EC19:09
sbalneavwe're a pretty loosely run org19:11
sbalneavI wouldn't worry :)19:11
Lnshaha, ok19:12
Lnshave you guys seen my latest video (not totally finished but pretty much done) regarding "open source thin clients in school" ?19:13
jbichaLns: if you're bored, you can read the meeting log http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/11/12/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt19:21
Lnsthanks jbicha19:33
AhmuckLNS = Logican Networking Solutions?19:45
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LnsAhmuck: LogicaL =)22:49
LnsJust got done w/the meeting logs23:36
Lnswelcome nubae (if he were here) =)23:36
Lnsstgraber: can you explain what exactly is required of an EC member? I'm very new to the organization of these types of groups (have no experience really)..if I'm going to apply I don't want to be elected and then have it be over my head / too much time consuming for me to handle.23:39

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