
amichairalso upgraded to nvidia 190, that might've helped too...00:00
JontheEchidnabug 348370... maybe the python optparse class can't handle non-ascii characters? (lol)00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348370 in jockey "jockey-kde crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in write()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34837000:00
amichairJontheEchidna: oh, I looked at that, strange. the same code runs ok in -gtk and -text (the same actual method!)00:00
JontheEchidnaerm, strange00:00
amichairJontheEchidna: plus, it behaves differently under sudo and kdesudo... one does a crash, one shows question marks.00:01
amichairmaybe it's some global python setting somewhere...00:01
JontheEchidnaI wonder if the system locale settings differ from the KDE-set ones or even the non-KDE-user set ones?00:02
amichairJontheEchidna: no clue :-)00:02
JontheEchidnajust speculating here :)00:02
amichairbtw, in both sp and jockey there were a bunch of bugs that are trivial to reproduce, or even stumble upon, in foreign locales00:03
amichairI'm guessing no dev or core team member uses any such locale :-/00:03
JontheEchidnaunfortunately locale testing has been abysmal pretty much all of kubuntu's life00:04
amichairsay, do any of the ppl that r here fulltime get paid for it?00:05
dtchen_for being on irc fulltime? I doubt it ;-)00:05
amichairnow that would be a killer job!00:06
JontheEchidnaRiddell and agateau are the two full-time employees of Canonical, everyone else is doing it on their own time00:06
amichairI'm tired of corporate world, quit it. but I need to make a living if I wanna keep contributing to foss projects... wish I could find some way00:07
JontheEchidnaI hear agateau is busy with a new baby lately, though00:07
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JontheEchidnabtw, do we get a popup message for jockey these days?00:08
JontheEchidnamy proprietary hardware have given up the ghost for me, so I cannot test these days00:09
amichairI tested in a vbox, so nothing to be auto-detected there00:09
JontheEchidnain theory we should, though00:09
amichair"given up the ghost"? not familiar with that one00:09
nixternaltime to finally Reformat and Reinstall Kubuntu on this laptop...after upgrading to Karmic, the speed is horribly slow and a lot of stuff seems to have broken since then....wow, I went 3 years dist-upgrading this machine00:09
amichairnixternal: just in time for the LTS :-)00:10
nixternalheh, I am sure within the next couple of weeks I will upgrade to Lucid anyways00:10
amichairJontheEchidna: can u remind me what other apps are self-developed other than sp, jockey and (I think) the usb creator?00:11
JontheEchidnaprinter-applet-kde, and system-config-printer-kde (these are in KDE itself but we maintain them)00:13
JontheEchidnayou could also help with kubuntu-notification-helper if you're in the mood for C++ hacking00:13
amichairryanakca: I just noticed the ubuntu homepage has a nice animated gif screenshot thing... I think it would be great to have one for the new kubuntu.org site (pass on to ofir por favor?)00:13
JontheEchidnaat the moment we also have gdebi-kde and install-package, but we're looking to discontinue those and replace them with kpackagekit00:14
amichairwhat are the last two?00:14
ryanakcaamichair: *nod*.... we have a screenshot slideshow module pending review. Will pass on the animated gif though :)00:14
JontheEchidnaamichair: gdebi-kde and install-package? gdebi-kde is a .deb installer and install-package is a batch installer that uses gdebi-kde00:15
amichairand is kpackagekit a kde maintained app? is that why we like it?00:16
JontheEchidnanot official KDE, but it does have maintainers that are not us :P00:17
JontheEchidnahopefully once it matures a bit it'll become official KDE00:17
amichairwhy was adept replaced? it behaves just about the same...00:20
Riddellit was unmaintainable00:21
amichairas in the code sucked?00:21
Riddellit was special00:22
Riddelland we could always do with one less app to maintain00:22
* amichair repeats to himself: think before talking, think before talking...00:23
nixternalthen get rid of pkgkit :p  we always have aptitude/apt-get installed by default :p00:23
nixternalsilly disk encryption in karmic00:23
amichairso there are basically 3 packages self-deved... that's good, I guess. if one or two more devs wanna join me on a fixing spree, we can get them all rock solid and beautiful!00:24
ryanakcaMight as well get rid of KDE too, you can telnet to SMTP servers to send mail and to webservers to fetch websites (render the HTML in your mind), use ed to edit files, etc. :D00:25
nixternalryanakca: good point00:26
* nixternal downloads the ubuntu minimal cd00:26
ryanakcanixternal: CD? Bah, get a floppy distro :P00:26
nixternalnet install!00:26
ryanakcatomsrsbt and blueflops were good :)00:26
ryanakcaor was it tomrsbt? I forget.00:26
nixternalslackware 1.0 was the best00:29
amichairis it just me, or did the fonts get tiny on the upgrade to karmic?00:30
nixternalI just noticed that as well amichair on a new install...I like it!00:31
nixternalfinally, I don't have to modify them anymore after a fresh install :)00:31
amichairI just put them back up to 9px... too small for comfort.00:32
amichairhmmm... for some reason software-properties is the only one which remained small :-/00:33
amichairJontheEchidna: you made the other fixed jockey bug disappear00:40
JontheEchidnawhich one?00:41
JontheEchidnaoh, the one with the backtrace?00:41
amichairbug #40063700:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400637 in jockey "Jockey crashing in KDE 4.3 rc2 (dup-of: 403361)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40063700:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403361 in python-qt4 "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteExtra()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40336100:41
JontheEchidnabtw, I do have plans now to remove the tray icon entirely and rely soley on the KNotification, after I get it working00:43
ScottKI distinctly remember downloading 48 MB of screensavers when -workspace was updated.  Where did they go?00:43
JontheEchidnathe KNotification is created now, but never told to show. If I can fix that then add some action buttons to do what the tray icon does now we're golden00:43
amichairu mean the KStatusNotifierItem?00:45
amichairJontheEchidna: oh, that's the common popup thingy?00:46
amichairJontheEchidna: how does that work with a long-term reminder such as this? can it show an icon too? or it'll popup once a day?00:47
JontheEchidnawe set it to persistent so that it won't go away until dealt with00:48
amichairhow does that show up?00:48
ScottKJontheEchidna: This is on the notifier?00:48
JontheEchidnaScottK: no, jockey-kde00:48
JontheEchidnabasically you get the popup with the button to launch jockey in it00:48
JontheEchidnathen after 5 seconds it will minimize to the "i" icon00:49
JontheEchidnabut not go away until dealt with00:49
ScottKUnfortunately it will then maximize every time some other notification pops up00:49
ScottK(this is something I'd like to see change)00:49
amichairmaybe persistent or second-time notifications should show just the title or something (expandable)00:50
ScottKHonestly they should not show at all.00:50
ScottKThey've been shown and because of the number in the (i) it's known they are there00:51
ScottKHaving them pop up again at all is just annoying00:51
amichairso they show only when u click on the i urself? that sounds good.00:51
ScottKThat's my thought.00:52
amichairalthough the number should be changed, not sure how. don't have one right now, but iirc it's small and dark and blends in with the noise, not as eye-catching as a notification should be00:52
amichairmaybe a yellow shining ball number or something instead00:53
amichairJontheEchidna: I see the knotification line is there, what's needed to make it work?00:56
* JontheEchidna is working on a patch for that00:56
JontheEchidnabasically it gets constructed but never shown00:57
amichairI like this new notification system. it makes sense, is simple and convenient.00:58
JontheEchidnait's been there since KDE3 days, just not with integrated plasma awesomeness00:59
JontheEchidnait used to be a bare, uncentered gray popup at the top of the screen00:59
amichairI hate in windows when every app u have pops up its own icon for updates (as well as its own update process)...00:59
amichairwell I don't know what it was, but I do like what I'm looking at now :-)01:00
amichairwell, I'm off to bed. gotta quit going to sleep at 5am...01:00
amichairalthough for fixing kubuntu bugs, it was worth it ;-)01:01
amichairI think we covered most annoying/longstanding bugs this week. Thanks everyone for your assistance :-)01:04
Riddellnight amichair01:06
Riddellwelcome back Lex79, oh king of the merges01:06
Lex79hi Riddell :)01:06
amichairRiddell: :-)01:06
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Lex79finally we don't care about phonon include \o/01:09
Riddellwell, qt 4.6 could well have more sillyness with phonon headers and other phonon bits01:12
Lex79JontheEchidna: problems with kdebase-runtime which depens on new oxygen icons package? have done something wrong ?01:12
JontheEchidnaLex79: nope, the new oxygen-icons is just stuck in binary new01:13
Lex79ah ok01:13
Riddellnot any more :)01:14
DaskreeChryanakca: Why pass on the Anigif ?01:29
ryanakcaDaskreeCh, amichair: No, I will pass the anigif idea on.01:30
DaskreeChScottK: I have 45 MB of wallpapers01:31
ScottKAh, wallpapers, not screensavers.02:00
DaskreeChKDE Screensavers are in a really bad shape02:04
DaskreeChScottK: konqueror is covered by kdebase-dbg ?02:05
ScottKI think so.02:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: Did you see https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-lucid-distiguishing-updates-that-require-restart and will you be able to participate remotely (perhaps)?02:09
JontheEchidnaholy crap, I screwed up my knotifications02:10
JontheEchidnadepends on what time it's discussed I suppose02:11
JontheEchidnaI don't think it effects update-notifier-kde or kubuntu-notification-helper, as they just notify when their told to. (K)PackageKit is what would need modifying to support that02:11
JontheEchidnameaning, it probably won't support that, given its track record02:12
ScottKMaybe I'll just seed the software center for netbook.02:16
* ScottK will have to look into that02:16
* JontheEchidna tries to figure out why self.mw.notify.setActions("Manage Drivers") gives each character of that string its own button in the KNotification02:16
JontheEchidnamaybe if I wrap that in a qstring...02:17
JontheEchidnaoh, pyqt doesn't use qstrings apparently02:18
DaskreeCh:-( I have kdebase-dbg installed and DrKonqui insists I'm worthless :(02:34
* DaskreeCh sobs kwietly in the korner02:35
nixternaldr konqi does not lie ;p02:35
DaskreeChOk Lets see if it's just my crappy PC02:35
DaskreeChWhen you get a Save File dialog does it ever sometimes pause as it's evaluating files so that things like directories are not able to be clicked?02:36
DaskreeChJontheEchidna: I approve!02:36
JontheEchidnaShould change the button to "despair all ye who enter here"02:37
JontheEchidnathat was more of a manual test since I have no prop. hardware to test02:38
DaskreeChJontheEchidna: put that as jockey-kde --truth02:40
seeleScottK: are they going to have a voip bridge or just listen+irc?03:30
ScottKseele: No idea.  Even when they have the voip thing it never seems to work very well.03:30
ScottKI see they have pre-defined IRC channels per room, so that should help.03:30
dtchen_there isn't enough bw, and the shaping tends to be arse03:31
seeledo you have a crackberry with a decent speaker phone? i could call you03:31
seeleor someone else there with a US calling plan03:31
ScottKMy palm Treo doesn't do too badly.03:31
seeleah you have a treo03:31
seelei knew you didnt have an iphone so i just assumed blackberry03:32
ScottKLast person on the planet with one, apparently.03:32
seelei'd say, hehe03:32
dtchen_nope, I know quite a few people here with treos03:32
dtchen_they're ridiculed gently by their respective IT depts, but eh, attorneys. shrug.03:32
bbigrasit seems kopete-facebook don't work anymore (protocol change I think), it's fixed in someone git repo. I also fixed a small bug in mine. How does it works to update the package?04:05
dtchen_bbigras: the formalized structure is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews04:12
bbigrasdtchen_: thanks!04:13
dtchen_bbigras: less formally, if you have a bug report filed using Launchpad, someone here or in #ubuntu-motu could take a look04:13
bbigrasdtchen_: ok thanks04:15
bbigrasdtchen_: It looks like the bugs are already filled by others05:03
bbigrasdtchen_: The modif I have fix 428017, 428022 and 47636005:08
dtchen_bbigras: yes, but you can triage them [the bugs], attach your debdiff, and ...05:08
bbigrasdtchen_: on diff per bug?05:08
dtchen_bbigras: no, if they're the same bug, then mark the latter two as dupes of the first05:09
bbigrasyes I already marked 3 bugs as the same. but I do one diff for each specific bug?05:09
dtchen_bbigras: if they're separate (distinct) bugs, then yes, one debdiff per bug05:10
bbigrasdtchen_: ok thanks05:10
DaskreeChHmm Kopete Krunner is quite slow05:33
bbigrasI attached debdiffs for bug 476360 and bug 428017 , if anyone is interested05:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476360 in kopete-facebook "Never able to connect to facebook" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47636005:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428017 in kopete-facebook "plugin does not know it is offline" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42801705:39
bbigrasand it could be nice if someone change the importance of "Never able to connect to facebook" since this bug makes the plugin useless05:42
bbigrasif someone could change*05:43
ScottKnixternal: Speaking of stuff you promised, but didn't do, I did https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuDevelopers while you were gone.  Tech board is reviewing now.07:22
nixternalya, thanks for that one :)  I didn't do quite a few things that I said I would do before I left...felt shitty about it until I got into PA in the mountains on the bike :p07:23
ScottKvorian: You're still marked essential on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-lucid-motu - please change that.07:29
Lure_Riddell: is anybody working on pkg-kde-tools merge for karmic? I think we should get this early in lucid to reduce the delta to debian in other packages07:44
* Lure_ has packages which need completely new rules files due to diff07:45
Lure_Riddell: but get digikam/kipi-plugins in before, as it is easier for backports ;-)07:46
* Lure_ likes the bright side of it ;-)07:47
apacheloggerRiddell: re set_country.diff .. upstreamable to debian, probably needs changes for KDE, though AFAIK not even upstreams reference implementation of kdm.init does include locale stuff, so I doubt it would get accepted08:27
apacheloggerDaskreeCh: weeeh :D08:27
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you suggesting that I am talking to myself at times? :P08:28
* apachelogger really cant do anything about people not wanting to join apachelogger's brainstorming :P08:29
Luremaco: congrats on getting MOTU emblem! ;-)08:47
macoLure: thanks :)08:49
RiddellLure: digikam and k-p uploaded10:10
amichairJontheEchidna: maybe u can close bug 381100 while you're at it?10:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 381100 in jockey "Removing jockey-kde does not remove task bar icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38110010:21
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Riddellbbigras: testing your changes now10:57
RiddellNCommander: kde4libs arm breakage if you're bored if your morning sudoku11:13
Riddelltseliot: you're on facebook?11:17
tseliotRiddell: yep11:17
Riddelltseliot: can you see my chat ping?11:17
tseliotRiddell: yes, I can11:17
Riddellbbigras: rock, kopete facebook working11:18
Tm_Tit fails here, and crashes Kopete on exit11:22
glatzorHello Riddell, I uploaded packagekit and kpackagekit 0.5 to the ppa11:25
Riddellwhich is why bbigras kindly did that fix for us11:25
RiddellTm_T: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/kopete-facebook_0.1.4-0ubuntu2_i386.deb11:25
jussi01amichair: around?11:25
Tm_TRiddell: hmm, is fixes pushed upstream?11:26
glatzorRiddell, the apt backend received a lot of love and polishing in the last days11:26
glatzorRiddell, but the patches would still need to be adapted for kpackagekit11:26
Riddellbbigras: I redid your patches as quilt patches within the debian directory which any package will need (take a look on the bug if you're interested in packaging), I've uploaded to lucid and to karmic-proposed which will need a check from motu sru to approve11:26
jussi01amichair: I can test whatever you need for bug 357134...11:26
RiddellTm_T: I believe it comes from upstream11:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 357134 in jockey "jockey-kde hungs on 'Activate' (dup-of: 458770)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35713411:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458770 in jockey ""Hardware Drivers" does not indicate what is activatable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45877011:26
Riddellglatzor: what patches for kpackagekit?11:27
Tm_TRiddell: strange, I'm using upstream, thats trunk kopete and facebook plugin from git11:29
Riddell"Based on a git commit by Alexandru Scvortov (http://github.com/brunoqc/kopete-facebook/commit/275a502156927eec92b01c18bb00873af798fa56)"11:29
glatzorRiddell, software-properties-kde integration mainly11:29
Tm_TRiddell: hmmm, I'll look more closely on it, thanks11:30
Riddellglatzor: are you going to UDS?11:30
glatzorRiddell, yes.11:30
glatzorRiddell, I haven't yet found much time for prepartions, but I will be there :)11:31
Riddellmm, I should pack sometime too11:31
Riddellmaybe find a way to get to the airport11:31
jussi01yeah, me too...11:31
* jussi01 is leaving sunday morning...11:31
glatzorRiddell, see you! at least in dallas!11:32
Riddellglatzor: so these patches, you made some to packagekit and now they need adapted to kpackagekit?11:39
amichairjussi01: heya11:45
amichairjussi01: apply this patch, and see if it's better: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~amichai2/jockey/fixes/revision/58311:51
amichairRiddell, JontheEchidna, apachelogger: first one to review and merge the software-properties-kde fixes branch gets three cookies. Three!!! This is an opportunity you *really* don't want to miss! (this competition is open to everyone else as well!)11:55
jussi01amichair: could you roll it up into a ppa package somewhere?11:55
amichairjussi01: dunno, can I? how would I go about doing that?11:56
amichairjussi01: btw a simple way to verify it's the same bug - just click on the driver every time before you click on activate (even if it seems to be selected)11:59
sebaswhich package do I need for amarok to play mp3 in karmic?12:24
sebasapparently it broke after upgrading12:24
nixternalsebas: libmp3lame0 I believe12:25
sebasnixternal: already installed12:26
nixternalmp32ogg :p12:27
nixternalmp3 is evil :D12:27
sebasRight. :(12:28
sebasIt's 2009, and I'm continuously having audio problems12:29
sebasthere's hardly been a single day where my audio just works12:29
* sebas finds that sad12:29
Mamaroksebas: there are a few people you could kill for us, maybe start with Pöttering ;)12:32
nixternalfor once I have been audio-issue-free12:32
Mamaroksebas: and that's the reason we need a Multimedia spring for KDE, see my mail12:33
sebasyeah :/12:33
* a|wen-dtu has been audio-issue-free since upgrading to karmic and installing pulseaudio (seems like it has matured a lot; or i've just been lucky)12:34
Mamarokthe latter, believe me, markey tried and had stuttering sound galore12:34
sebastried using flash and anything else at the same time, with a hda_intel?12:35
a|wen-dtuMamarok: also on karmic ... cause in jaunty it simply didn't work12:35
sebasit got as good as "sometimes just restarting firefox and killing everything else helps"12:35
ScottKa|wen-dtu: My kids desktop has been trouble free on sound since upgrading to Karmic and removing pulseaudio.12:35
Mamarokwhat bothers me most is that it can't just be disabled and let people fall back to their sound card defaults, it really screws the sound big time, rewritening alsa configs, etc.12:35
Mamarokthat's just not acceptable12:36
a|wen-dtusebas: sure; amarok + youtube + another folash movie playing at the same time ... on an hda_intel12:36
Mamaroka|wen-dtu: that works for me with the defautl phonon settings, no need for pulseaudio to do that12:36
MamarokI have Amarok playing + Youtube video without problems here, phono + xine backend12:37
Mamarokeven if the sound mix is horrible and I don't see why I would want to do that, but it works12:37
sebasa|wen-dtu: guess you're more lucky than I am then12:38
sebasI don't have any kind of sound on my development notebook for _months_12:38
sebasI did fix my amarok now though, the multimedia partition's mount got lost apparently12:39
sebasthere's some ext4 funkiness in my dmesg, maybe that's why the mount got lost12:39
sebasthanks though, and sorry for the noise12:40
a|wen-dtuMamarok: for me i couldn't make two things play at the same time before installing pulseaudio after upgrading to karmic ... at least i was lucky enough to find one combination which worked12:40
* ghostcube is audio issue free cause he uses jackd libxine with jack support from ppa12:53
ghostcubei run vlc mplayer youtube all with jackd :D12:54
ghostcubeat one time no probs12:54
* seele wants to know what's so usable about having to use your mouse to read text13:49
seeleif the text isnt that useful then it should be in a tooltip, not subtext description13:49
Tm_Tseele: what where?13:49
seelenevermind that mouseover actions are nearly impossible on touch interfaces13:50
seeleTm_T: comments about one of the kubuntu patches13:50
Tm_Tseele: btw I constantly find issues with white text in white background, that's something I hate13:50
bbigrasRiddell: thanks13:51
seeleTm_T: yeah, usually reading white text on white background is pretty difficult :P13:51
bbigrasTm_T: I'm don't know if the guy who made the kopete-facebook "protocol change" commit is part of a team. I'll check with the plugin guy if he can import the change. About the offline bug fix, it was by me and I made a pull request on github, it was to fix https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21338913:55
ubottuKDE bug 213389 in general "[facebook-plugin] Account can not be removed" [Normal,New]13:55
Riddellseele: which patch is that?14:02
bbigrasRiddell: you saw that the package failed to build for lucid?14:14
MidMarkI was trying to find Debian package for QT source code14:16
MidMarkI have checked here: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-kde/trunk/packages/qt4-x1114:16
MidMarkbut I do not see anything14:16
Riddellbbigras: yes missing pkg-config, I'll upload a fix14:17
bbigrasRiddell: ok, thanks :)14:17
RiddellMidMark: "Repository has been moved to Git"14:18
MidMarkdo you have a link pls?14:18
RiddellVcs-Git: git://git.debian.org/pkg-kde/qt4-x11.git14:18
RiddellVcs-Browser: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt4-x11.git;a=summary14:18
MidMarkwhere is it possible to download the debian package and not single files?14:20
seeleRiddell: kubuntu_19_always_show_kickoff_subtext.diff14:28
falktxhi there!14:32
falktxhow's the "Timelord Project" going?14:33
falktxi noticed that there's no "timelord team" in launchpad14:33
Riddellhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/LucidPatchReview is filling up14:34
falktxshouldn't we create one first?14:34
falktxi've just requested to join the team14:35
Riddellkubuntu membership needs contribution first14:35
falktxI know the fix for the sudo qtcurve/KDE theming prob14:36
falktxI was thinking of patching kubuntu-default-settings package14:36
falktxthen upload it to the members' PPA14:37
Riddellooh?  what's the problem?14:37
falktxwhen you start a gtk app14:38
falktxin a KDE session14:38
falktxthe theme used in the app will be ...14:38
falktxa very crappy one14:38
falktxmy idea was adding a postinst rule14:39
falktxthat will create the file14:39
falktxthat will just fix the prob14:39
falktxwhen uninstalling, that file could be removed14:39
falktxit doesn't hurt gnome sessions14:40
JontheEchidnawhat about when you change the theme though?14:40
falktxthe kcm_gtk stuff doesn't apply to the root user14:40
falktxusing gnome-control-center -> appearance14:41
falktxis the, only, other workaround14:41
falktxbut that pushes a lot of gtk/gnome packages14:41
Quintasanhmm, I pretty sure my ATA to USB adapter was working in Karmic, now it's unable to enumerate USB device on port 2 :/14:42
RiddellI'm pretty sure it's against policy to install stuff in /root14:42
Riddellfor the user we add the file on KDE startup14:42
Riddellpossibly it could be added on kdesudo startup in a similar way14:42
falktxbut not sure how to do that14:43
JontheEchidnaMaking kdesudo apply the user's theme would be the proper way to do this14:43
falktxI agree14:43
falktxbut that's no easy task (at least for me)14:43
JontheEchidnasymlinking the .gtk-rc2.0 files won't work for more than one user, and copying a gtkrc to /root/ on install won't work after the user changes his GTK theme settings14:44
falktxthe root would always have qtcurve theme14:45
falktx(but only for KDE session)14:45
falktxI know that running "gnome-settings-daemon" after a theme on Gnome has been set14:45
falktxthis also works14:45
Riddellis GTK2_RC_FILES not used?14:45
Riddellcan't kdesudo just make sure that's set?14:45
falktxwhat about:14:48
falktxGTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/theme/gtkrc APP14:48
falktxrunning that before kdesudo14:48
falktxthat may fix the prob14:48
JontheEchidnait would probably be trivial to get kdesudo to do that by default14:49
* JontheEchidna wishes Tonio were here14:49
RiddellI have it set to /etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/jr/.gtkrc-2.0:/home/jr/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4:/home/jr/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.014:50
Riddellif kdesudo kept that it should be fine14:50
falktxor maybe we could add a button to kcm_gtk ?14:50
falktx"enable this theme for sudo"14:51
JontheEchidnaa kdesudo fix would be worlds more proper14:51
MidMarkAnyone knows the link for qt's source debian package (.deb) file? Please14:51
JontheEchidnaplus kcm_gtk would need to be launched with kdesudo itself14:51
Riddellwhat gtk apps get run as root anyway?14:51
falktxis the most wanted gtk package for KDE users, i think14:52
RiddellMidMark: linked from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x1114:52
JontheEchidnawhoa, kdebluetooth has never been merged with debian14:52
Riddellkdebluetooth also has upstream fixes14:53
JontheEchidnaoh, just not in a really long time14:53
JontheEchidnayeah, I'm doing the RC2 + merge14:53
RiddellMidMark: also .debs aren't source14:53
falktxI'll look into kdesudo code14:54
falktxand see what I can do14:54
ghostcubeyeah synaptic is fine :)14:55
ghostcubecouldnt someone port it to qt ?14:55
Riddellfalktx: things I'd look for are is that environment variable being passed through by kdesudo or not, and is it being used by gtk anyway14:55
ScottKjussi01: Are you taking requests for increased channel limits for UDS?14:55
MidMarkRiddell: I can't find any qt4-x11 debian package, only .tar.gz :(14:55
ScottKMidMark: diff.gz is there too14:56
falktxanother question: how was possible that qt4.5.3 didn't compile in time for Karmic?14:57
falktxin the version i see:14:57
ScottKWe couldn't get it to build.14:57
RiddellMidMark: a debian source package is made up of .orig.tar.gz (upstream source), .diff.gz (diff containing the packaging) and .dsc (description md5sums).  download all three and use dpkg-source -x foo.dsc to extract14:57
ScottKThe fix came too late so we had to revert14:57
falktxthat's sad14:57
MidMarkok thanks!14:58
falktxLucid will have qt4.6.0 for sure, i hope14:58
Riddellqt 4.5.3 also moved around phonon headers and it's not a good idea to do that late in the cycle14:58
Riddelllucid already does have 4.614:58
falktxthere's not an alpha1 yet or is it?14:58
ghostcube4.6 is in experimental ppa or ?14:59
falktxi saw 4.6 on kubuntu-experimental15:00
falktxwith koffice 2.1 rc115:00
falktxi check it, there's not even a Lucid current ISO yet15:01
jussi01ScottK: um, you need to ask a freenode staffer for +u, but tell them to ask me for a reference if they need one.15:01
jussi01ScottK: nalioth or pricey are both ubuntu guys, so probably best people to ask15:01
ScottKjussi01: Sorry.  THought you were one.15:02
jussi01ScottK: was....15:02
* ScottK nods15:02
neversfeldefalktx: koffice is in beta backports15:04
* neversfelde should probably delete the other packages in staging and experimental15:05
amikhow many bug reports are opened per day for kubuntu?15:06
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falktxkoffice beta 2 is in backports15:07
falktxrc1 is in experimental15:07
falktxat least a few days ago15:07
falktx(i mean koffice 2.1)15:08
Riddellamichair: I don't think we count, there's no set of kubuntu packages anyway15:08
amichairRiddell: I'm just reading the TimeLord doc, and it makes me wonder what we're dealing with here15:09
QuintasanI give up, anyone know what can stop a HDD connected via an IDE-to-USB adapter to stop working? Kernel says: “[67416.731577] hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2”15:11
falktxtry another usb port?15:12
falktxi do work for me sometimes15:12
falktx*it did*15:12
Quintasanfalktx: tried three out of ten :P15:12
falktxreboot with the device connected?15:12
Quintasannot working :/15:13
neversfeldefalktx: no https://edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta15:13
* JontheEchidna grumbles about soyuz not supporting source format 3.0 yet15:13
falktxnice to know it's RC1 already15:13
falktxwas that recently?15:13
falktx22 hours ago15:14
neversfeldefalktx: it is there for about 3 days now, I think :)15:16
neversfeldeppa11 is a fix15:17
falktxi don't have net at home15:17
falktxi can't check some things regurlarly15:18
amichairhmmm... 1.6K bug reports doesn't sound like all that much... if 10 ppl here triaged only 5 reports a day, we would be up to date in a month :-)15:20
Quintasansure, let me get my KVM machine done :15:21
falktxhas anyone looked over openSUSE's firefox KDE integration?15:24
falktxI was wondering it their packages could be "alienized"15:25
ScottKWe have a session planned for UDS to look into that.15:25
ScottKAny work people could do in advance to understand it would be appreciated.15:25
falktxI'll be waiting for a DEB15:25
bbigrasfalktx: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?p=137267#p13726715:26
Riddelldebfx has deb's15:26
bbigrasfalktx: it seems there'a already a patched version. It don't work for me but it seems to work for the guy on the forum. I didn't had time to investigate further.15:26
falktxwill try that now15:26
falktxhe has abrowser patched too15:28
neversfeldeMamarok: I cannot see any notifications via knotify with the new amarok. When are they supposed to appear? On trackchange?15:28
QuintasanRiddell: oh while you're here, what about the icons in k-d-s and taskjuggler?15:28
RiddellQuintasan: what icons?15:29
Riddelltaskjuggler I've never used, if it works that's fine if not we can scrap it15:29
amichairhey! is software-propeties-kde going to be replaced? has all my work been for nothing??15:29
Riddellamichair: no it's still being used15:29
falktxthe guy also has "firefox-3.5-kde" in his repo15:29
Riddellamichair: there's something about it being replaced in timelord but that's wrong15:29
falktxso that may hold the key15:29
amichairRiddell: that's what I just read15:30
* amichair releases a sigh of relief15:30
falktxfirefox just told me a need a reset15:31
falktxjust waiting for a download to finish and i'll test this baby out15:31
QuintasanRiddell: it uses kdepimlibs3 for ical functions, yesterday one user popped out it's a KDE 3 applications and ical support is missing15:31
bbigrasfalktx: oh I didn't saw firefox-3.5-kde . it works, nice!15:31
falktxit do works15:32
QuintasanRiddell: I mean the icons for the directories that are created by default in users home directory15:32
falktxmaybe i should post a screenshot somewhere?15:33
QuintasanGetDeb.net installation fails in Kubuntu, at least with konq15:33
falktxno thread on the forums, will create one now15:34
JontheEchidnaamichair: software-properties will stick around for at least 10.0415:39
JontheEchidnaI think my assumptions when writing the initial doc were wrong, Ubuntu plans to keep it around for a while15:40
falktxdone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=830862515:40
falktxwhat about wine-ubuntu integration?15:42
falktxWill that come in time for Lucid?15:42
amichairJontheEchidna: usb-creator-kde is not on the kubuntu bugs list15:42
JontheEchidnaI guess nobody added it, I'll subscribe kubuntu-bugs15:43
JontheEchidnaoh wait, I remember why we didn't15:43
JontheEchidnabecause then we'd get a whole bunch of gtk bugs on the mailing list15:43
amichairJontheEchidna: ?15:44
JontheEchidnargreening is the chap that maintains usb-creator-kde, so we just trust him to keep an eye on things :)15:44
JontheEchidnaamichair: usb-creator-kde comes from the usb-creator source package which builds usb-creator-gtk and usb-creator-kde15:44
JontheEchidnathe bug system is set up per-source package15:44
JontheEchidnaso all the kde, gtk and core bugs get mixed up15:44
amichairJontheEchidna: u mean in the same way that jockey-kde has 90% gtk bugs?15:44
JontheEchidnaalso, I would merge your current fixes but I don't have the powarz to do so15:46
amichairthey should add a distro attribute to bugs... there are 4 official ubuntu distros after all... 6 including netbooks :-)15:46
seeleRiddell: in the upstream version of kickoff, when you have multiple applications of the same type (e.g. Web browser) the subtext is on by default for "disambiguiation"15:46
JontheEchidnaFor both a core-dev would be needed to merge the fixes15:46
JontheEchidnaand I am not a core-dev :(15:47
seeleRiddell: do you remember if the subtext is still on by default if you switch to the application labels?15:47
* amichair gives JontheEchidna a cookie (only one!) for good intentions15:47
Riddellseele: how do you mean switch to application labels?15:47
rgreeningJontheEchidna: yeah, if there are any issues with usb-creator-kde, feel free to ping me or subscribe me to any bugs :)15:47
seeleRiddell: you can change the kickoff labels from taskbased (default) to application name15:48
seelefor the big text15:48
RiddellI don't know I'm afraid15:48
amichairrgreening: I was just wondering why it's not on the kubuntu bugs list... no new issue came up. It rocks :-)15:48
seeleRiddell: the upstream version, for taskbased labels the subtext is on by default for disambiguation of appliactions, and i wanted to know if that feature is disabled when it is appliaction based15:49
seeleRiddell: ah oh well15:49
rgreeningamichair: I'm glad :) I worked a long time with evand (usb-creator author) to ensure it was well done and well integrated15:49
rgreeningthere's a piece of my soul locked in it :P15:50
Mamarokneversfelde: normally, yes15:50
Mamaroksorry, was afk15:50
amichairrgreening: it was the first thing I got excited about in karmic :-)15:50
rgreeningha-ha :P cool15:51
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neversfeldeMamarok: np, all external packages were detected. I'll have another look at it. Thanks.15:52
amichairJontheEchidna: what other "embarassingly old bugs" are there to quash for the LTS?16:06
JontheEchidnaThe loclaization bugs in software-properties are the most prominent ones in my memory16:07
JontheEchidnado we still have any of those?16:07
amichairJontheEchidna: I fixed crashes/corruption occurring in foreign locales, but no i18n/translation issues per-se16:08
jussi01plasma just died on me...16:08
JontheEchidnaamichair: crashes/corruption were what I was thinking of16:08
jussi01how do I restart it?16:09
amichairJontheEchidna: I think I got those covered, but we can go over the list again to make sure16:09
jussi01amichair: fix bluetooth if it isnt fixed yet... ;) :D16:10
JontheEchidnaamichair: btw, for getting your jockey changes merged pitti in #ubuntu-devel is the man to talk to16:10
JontheEchidnamvo is the go-to man for software-properties16:11
amichairJontheEchidna: did u finish urs? it renders the second fix unnecessary16:11
amichair(the tray icon crash)16:11
amichairJontheEchidna: saw that... lol. are translations available yet? :-)16:12
nixternalhrmm, converting kubuntu-docs to cmake looks to be a bit of work...no idea on how translations would work, i am guessing translation-pack or something16:13
JontheEchidnathat was just a static message I used to test the notification16:13
nixternalthough the current build system works, so maybe just stick with it...just rewrite everything16:13
JontheEchidnajockey will feed the notification with text in real life16:13
Quintasandamn I can't copy my files, WTF16:14
dpmnixternal, hi, actually the current build system for kubuntu-docs doesn't seem to work (bug 459476)16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 459476 in ubuntu-translations "Translations not included in kubuntu-docs" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45947616:14
QuintasanNo wonder we KDE stays away from our translations :P16:15
dpmQuintasan, kubuntu docs translations has nothing to do with upstream16:16
dpmalthough translations from everyone are welcome, of course16:16
bdgrauei have problems with my wlan if i use the kubuntu-ppa packages for karmic. i can ping the router but not the internet.16:26
nixternaldpm: that is because I wasn't around to build translations...the build works fine, just doesn't include translations16:27
dpmnixternal, I remember having had a look at the package at the time, and IIRC it didn't include any rules in the Makefile to e.g. create translation templates or to build html pages for all locales. Will you be at UDS? perhaps we could talk about it there16:35
nixternaldpm: the rules are there, just commented out...they have been the same for about 3+ years now, since switching to topic based help16:40
nixternalit doesn't look like I will be at UDS physically16:41
nixternalplus we don't build all the locales since about 80% of them are garbage16:41
* dpm looks at the Makefile again16:41
dpmnixternal, in which sense are they garbage?16:43
nixternala lot of locales haven't been updated for one16:43
jjessenixternal not ignoring your email just haven't had a chance to respond16:44
nixternalsure :p16:44
nixternallet me just say this: Topic based help the way everyone is doing it sucks ass....topic based help is exactly the "What's this" fixes with KDE 416:44
dpmnixternal, what do you mean not updated?16:45
* dpm is just trying to find out ways to help kubuntu-docs being translated16:45
nixternalI thought KHC was bad, I played with Yelp trying to get a grasp on the project mallard stuff, and it sucks just as bad...very annoying this doc stuff at times16:45
nixternaldpm: nobody cares about translating kubuntu-docs16:45
bdgrauemaybe there is a problem with plasma-widget-networkmanagement in the karmic kubuntu-ppa, have problems with wlan since i upgraded to kde 4.3.316:45
bdgrauewhere do i have to go with such problem?16:46
nixternalthere are some languages that update decently, then there is a greater majority that don't16:46
dpmnixternal, but that doesn't mean that locales are garbage16:46
dpmthe Hungarian team worked quite hard to finisht the translation this cycle16:46
dpmfor example16:47
dpmubuntu-docs are also not finished in many languages16:47
nixternalsure it does...it means I have to waste a full day weeding through the bad locales in order to even attempt at building them...then I need to go through and fix all of the errors that the translators incorporate by translating xml tags...how they do that is beyond me16:47
nixternalnobody is translating docs..it is something the entire doc team is aware of16:47
nixternalif only we had the interest that we had in dapper...when translations were damn near perfect for almost every language16:48
dpmnixternal, I'm just trying to see how we can move this forward. There are translators who'd be willing to help in the technical bits, so asking for help at ubuntu-translators@ would be a starting point. mdke does that for ubuntu-docs. adiroiban, generates html versions of the docs and reports with those with errors for the translation teams to fix, and it works quite well for Ubuntu16:51
nixternalI used to do the same...the reason I didn't for karmic is I was gone for an entire month...it is quicker for me to fix the mistakes in translations than waiting weeks for them to get fixed elsewhere16:51
nixternalI am also not 100% happy with the success rate of rosetta...I put a doc in KDE, brand new, in damn near 2 weeks it is translated in 60+ languages 100%16:52
nixternalbut before I will harp any further on translations, the english version needs fixing big time16:52
nixternalour docs suck, and that is because there is only 2 people working on them, who have had 0 time over the past year or so to even work on them16:53
nixternalseems docbook is a blocker for new contributors16:53
jjessedocbook isn't that hard16:55
nixternalseeing as I learned docbook well enough to write entire documents in about an hours time about 15 years ago (Linux Documentation Project) proves it isn't hard to do16:56
nixternalhell, I learned docbook before I could even create a silly web page back then :)16:56
dpmnixternal, let's leave LP out of the discussion for now. On the aspect of translations, there are people in the translations community who are willing to help and I'm trying to see how they could contribute16:57
jjessedpm i think what nixternal and i are trying to get across is the docs suck ass not the translations themselves16:59
* dpm gets the message now :)16:59
jjesseso in lucid we need to get teh docs figured out quickly and then translations can happen17:01
dpmanyway, I have to go. jjesse, nixternal, thanks for the update on the kubuntu-docs situation17:10
nixternalhrmm...i don't get it...this topic based help...it still all goes together like a damn book :/17:10
nixternaldpm: np, and of course you are always welcome to hack on docs :)17:11
nixternalI am so glad I ended up pulling an all-nighter...damn sore throat!17:11
dpmnixternal, sure, I'll have a go. Expect me to be flooding you with questions soon :)17:11
* nixternal points all questions to jjesse :p17:12
nixternalseeing as he has been doing the docs longer than I have, it suits him :)17:12
jjessewhat damn book17:14
jjessethe one i helped write?17:14
nixternalno, we switched from <!DOCTYPE book> to <!DOCTYPE article>, but they all still come together...nothing more than a fragmented book in docbook17:16
nixternali love the idea of topic based, it is just that we aren't even close to being topic based17:16
nixternalwe have network, office, musicvideophotoes17:16
nixternaltopic based would be 'Connecting network via PPPOE', 'Speadsheets', or 'Removing red eye from your pictures'17:17
nixternali looked over project mallard, and it is similar...you create a bunch of chunks/topics, and then link them all in an index...and lets not forget how tedious the markup seems to be right now for it17:19
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Mamarokmaco: congratulations :)19:21
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jjessewhat are we congrat maco on?19:30
JontheEchidnaoh, maco is MOTU now. Congrats. :)19:31
macothanks :)19:31
jjessemaco i owe you a bunch of emails this weekend :)19:33
jjessei promise19:33
* maco will be on airplane to UDS. airplane lack email!19:33
jjessewell then they will arive when you get interwebs back up19:33
Quintasanmaco: gratz :D19:37
vorianScottK: done19:53
ScottKvorian: Thanks.  Are you still Freenode staff?19:53
vorianScottK: yepper19:56
ScottKvorian: Would you please bump my channel limit to 30 for while I'm at UDS?19:57
ScottKProbably the others too.19:57
vorianScottK: just have them ask me19:57
jjessewhat does the channel limit do?19:57
ScottKvorian: OK.  How about 35 in any case as there are 14 UDS specific IRC channels (at least)19:57
ScottKjjesse: Normally you can on ly be on 20 channels on Freenode.19:58
vorianScottK: you have up to 120 channels you can join now19:58
ScottKvorian: That should do.  THanks.19:58
vorianno problemo19:58
jjesseoh didn't know that19:59
vorianit's umode +u19:59
ScottKrgreening, txwikinger, Riddell, shtylman_, maco, jussi01 (You no doubt have this covered already) ^^^ You all might want to get bumped up for UDS if you haven't already.20:01
vorianyeah, just send me a pm to request one20:02
jussi01ScottK: ?20:02
voriani think most already do20:02
vorianlike jussi01 (since he's staff)20:02
jussi01oh +u20:02
ScottKjussi01: I'm guessing you already uave +u20:02
jussi01vorian: no no, not staff anymore...20:02
ScottKI was just trying to be complete.20:02
jussi01ScottK: :)20:02
voriansorry to hear that20:03
rgreeningbumped up ScottK?20:03
* jussi01 has had +u for long time.20:03
rgreeningoh # channels...20:03
ScottKrgreening: Yesss.20:03
vorianrgreening: all set20:03
rgreeningvorian: hows vorian these days20:03
vorianrgreening: very busy settling in20:04
voriani should be full swing here in a week or so20:04
* vorian can't wait20:04
vorianplus, our CIO said I could run my own box in my office - so that should help too :P20:04
voriani was shocked20:05
vorianthey have a deal with dell, so we have crappy workstations with xp20:05
rgreeningdell+xp better than anything else + Visa/720:06
jjesse7 is a lot better20:07
rgreeningmy mini10v rox here20:07
jjessei actually find myself missing stuff in 7 when i'm running kubuntu20:07
vorianbut i'll get to bring my newegg built machine, wrt kubuntu20:07
vorianjjesse: just use vbox!20:07
* vorian has to leave20:08
jjessevbox for kbuntu?20:08
jjesseor windows 720:08
jjessethe UI improvements in 7 are great20:08
vorianif anyone else needs extendchans, pm me  (scottk)20:08
vorianvbox for win 720:08
ScottKvorian: Thanks.20:08
jjessedo i get full aero interface?20:08
vorianvbox 3.0.1 supports 3d accel20:08
vorianyeah, just use seamless mode20:09
ScottKvorian: Some of the remote participants like seele, JontheEchidna, and apachelogger may want it too.20:09
jjessegoing to have look at it htne20:09
vorianvbox can do a bunck of crap20:09
vorianScottK: ok, i'll check with them20:09
vorianjjesse: virtualbox.com20:09
jjessecool will have to look into it then, i 'm a heavy user of vmware20:09
vorian(do not use the ubuntu what's in the ubuntu repos)20:09
ScottKvorian: I think I just did.20:09
voriantrue enough20:10
ScottKvorian: What can we do to fix it so we do want to use the one in Ubuntu's repos?20:10
vorianthe one in the repos is virtual box open source addition20:10
* amichair uses virtualbox-ose from the repos and is very pleased, no issues at all20:11
ScottKSo it's more limited?20:11
vorianyeah, quite20:11
vorianand it'20:11
voriana pain to upgrade kernels sometimes20:11
vorianI think it's the licence that keeps the full version from the repos20:12
voriani'll look into it, it may qualify for multiverse20:12
* vorian must go to work now20:12
amichairiirc the difference is no access to usb, and maybe one other thing. but everything fully functional.20:14
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Sputisn't it just direct USB support that's missing from the OSE edition?20:16
Sputyep, amichair20:16
SputI actually prefer the OSE edition20:17
Sputalso, I just lost the game20:18
Quintasandamn you Sput20:22
QuintasanI just remebered it and I also lost20:22
Sputhappens :/20:23
ScottKMy teenage children are beside themselves that I even know what this is, because it isn't a thing for old people.20:24
Quintasanoh man, ScottK, you're not so old :P20:25
amichairwhat game? am I that old?20:25
ScottKQuintasan: Not old, old, but particularly in *buntu terms I'm pretty ancient.20:25
ScottKFor a while I was the oldest MOTU, but now I think I'm #3.20:26
Quintasanamichair: http://encyclopediadramatica.com/The_game20:26
amichairinteresting - sounds exactly like meditation20:31
Quintasanwth, it was working before on a clean install20:40
amichairwhelp, no bugs to fix today. I'll just grab a few blitzes on fics...20:43
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 466935 in linux "No Video Output in Karmic with ID 046d:09a1 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate MP/S5500" [Undecided,Triaged]20:54
ghostcubeanyone an idea about this20:54
ghostcubeif you got time20:54
ghostcubeno need to hurry :D20:54
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Lex79JontheEchidna: Debian has added libpulse-dev to build-dep in kdemultimedia since 4.2.96, don't we want, right?21:21
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JontheEchidnaLex79: we probably do want it21:24
JontheEchidnakdebase-runtime has done that forever, so no harm with kdemultimedia21:25
Lex79true, ok I'll add it21:26
JontheEchidnavorian, ScottK: what are extendchans?21:29
Lex79why mplayerthumbs is in multiverse? license problems ?21:29
JontheEchidnaoh, backlogs21:30
JontheEchidnaLex79: depends on mplayer which is in multiverse21:30
Lex79lol sorry :)21:30
JontheEchidnanot a problem :)21:30
JontheEchidnabacklogs, must read before asking questions myself :D21:30
Lex79eheh, too merge cause confusion in my mind :)21:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: Normally you can only be on 20 channels on Freenode.  Since UDS has at least 14, if you're going to be following along from home, you might want more than 20.  That's what it is (more).21:37
JontheEchidnaah, yeah21:37
ScottKSo talk to vorian if you need it.21:38
bbigrasRiddell: how do we know the status of the package for karmic-proposed, on the karmic-changes mailing list?21:41
ScottKbbigras: Does http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html answer your question?21:44
bbigrasScottK: no :( but thanks. I'm looking for the kopete-facebook update21:46
ScottKbbigras: Doesn't look like it's uploaded yet.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete-facebook/+publishinghistory or https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+queue?queue_state=1 would show it if it had.21:47
bbigrasScottK: ok thanks!21:48
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QuintasanARGH give me my external HD back!23:00
* apachelogger does the monkey dance23:08
Quintasanapachelogger: \o23:08
* apachelogger hands Quintasan his HD23:08
Quintasanapachelogger: what's up?23:08
Quintasanapachelogger: I have it but it stopped working, and I dunno why :/23:08
Quintasanand data from my old machine is there :P23:09
* apachelogger slept 4 hours last night and just mad ethe most wicked combo of mac osx + debian vm + qemu in debian vm23:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: old age?23:09
Quintasannah, it's just "hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 1" from dmesg each time I plug it in23:09
Quintasanon my old computer it worked fine :P23:10
Quintasannow I'm stuck because I don't have any ATA cables left :P23:10
apacheloggeroh my23:10
QuintasanI need to find a way to access my data :S23:11
Quintasanoh well, time to bed, I think I will figure something out when I get some sleep23:16
Quintasangood night23:16
* txwikinger is confused...23:33
txwikingerIf the new procedure is to report bugs to launchpad, not to KDE bugs, apport or something like that should pop up, not the KDE thingy23:34
dtchen_Quintasan: use a different cable; use a different powered hub; use a different port23:34
apacheloggertxwikinger: the new procedure is to report bugs to KDE :P23:49
apacheloggeror rather, the new, old, enhanced one23:50

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