
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
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crisshi what would be the best requirements PC wise to run ubuntu 9.10 on?00:13
RefraxxI need some help. My desktop is acting real squirrely. It looks like a checkerboard all over. I can't reset it & I know for a fact it is not from a pic I downloaded from the net-so I don't know where it came from.00:20
RefraxxPlease help00:20
RefraxxAlso, the desktop folder at the top right is missing.00:20
Refraxxanyone have any ideas?00:21
alunowats you location in a country00:21
alunome in brazilian00:21
Refraxxany ideas on how to fix this problem?00:22
RefraxxI need some help. Is anyone available?00:25
Pavel_Refraxx, is is 9.04?00:26
Pavel_cause I haven't touched 9.10 yet :p00:27
RefraxxMe neither. Now I can't. The little window that holds the clipboard & stuff is blank00:28
Pavel_let me think about where this was... you're going to delete two files plasmarc and something and then log out and in00:28
Pavel_let me figure out where I've written this down...00:28
Pavel_go to .kde/share/config00:29
Pavel_this may be hidden.  You should be able to get into it through your home folder00:29
Pavel_let me know when you've done that00:29
Refraxxk. Gimmie a sec...00:29
szalPavel_: it _is_ hidden, that's the definition of dotfiles and -folders00:30
Pavel_unhide it00:30
Pavel_delete the files "plasmarc" and "plasma-appletsic", then log out and back in.  This will restore the default desktop settings.00:31
Refraxxyeah...I don't yet see it. How do I tell the computer I am lookin' for it?00:31
florrinHello! Can anyone tell me why i can't join a channel?..... pls....00:31
Refraxxi.e how do I search for it?00:31
Pavel_go to your home folder in dolphin00:32
FlootenkerpDoes anyone here use mupen64plus? I need help configuring the controls on it.00:32
Pavel_florrin, what channel are you trying to join?00:32
florrinany channel...00:32
Pavel_refraxx, in your home folder is there a folder named '.kde' ?00:32
florrini can't connect to a channel...to any channel00:33
szaldezk: 1. DON'T SHOUT!  2. Specify your problem as exactly as possible, we can't read your mind00:33
rwwflorrin: which IRC client are you using?00:33
FlootenkerpThen it's a problem with your IRC client.00:33
Pavel_florrin, so you're only in here because it's the default quassel right?00:33
Pavel_florrin, file->networks->configure networks...00:35
florrinrww: Konversation (Ubuntu)00:35
dezki need to find a model for a transistor  JFET N00:35
FlootenkerpSo, no one here uses mupen64plus?00:35
Pavel_florrin, I'm in quassel, sorry00:35
dezkfor oregano00:36
Pavel_refraxx, did you find home/.kde?00:36
florrinPavel_: quassel is working on ubuntu?00:36
rwwquassel works fine in ubuntu00:36
Pavel_florrin, yes, though I am on kubuntu...00:36
florrinthank you00:36
Pavel_Refraxx, are you there?00:37
RefraxxPavel: I looked it up & it said it can't find the file.....00:38
Pavel_it's becdause it's hidden, here's what to do00:38
Pavel_go to your home folder in dolphin00:38
RefraxxI got that far....00:38
Refraxxnow what?00:38
Pavel_is there a folder named .kde?00:38
Refraxxyes, I see it00:39
Refraxxits in there, isint it?00:39
Pavel_go in there, and then into 'share'00:39
Refraxxok, I'm there. Now what?00:40
Pavel_go into the 'config' folder00:40
Pavel_can you see the files?  or are they hidden?00:40
RefraxxFolder after folder.....when they hide something they REALLY hide it00:41
Pavel_are you in the config folder?00:41
RefraxxI do see a lot of files00:41
Pavel_okay, delete these two : "plasmarc"  and "plasma-appletsic"00:41
Pavel_and then log out of kubuntu and then log back in.  Your desltop should be restored to the default00:42
Pavel_you won't lose any files such as background images, you'll just have to reapply those settings00:42
Refraxxok. Thank you very much00:42
RefraxxUm, Pavel?00:43
RefraxxI see one labeled "plasma-appletsrc" is that the one?00:44
Pavel_yeah, sorry00:45
Refraxxok, cool00:45
Pavel_typing with a bandaid on one finger haha00:45
Refraxxall I have to do is reset. if it doesn't work, "I'll be back"00:46
Pavel_just log out and in00:46
Serpardumis there any command I can use to look at machine temperatures?  I'm running kubuntu desktop off the CD.  This machine is overheating and I want to try to find out why00:59
SerpardumNot my machine, fixing a friends.00:59
szalSerpardum: try if 'sensors' returns anything; if not, get a real diagnosis live CD such as grml or SystemRescueCd01:00
Serpardumno sensors.  hmm...  grml.  let me look for that01:02
genii!info lmsensors01:02
ubottuPackage lmsensors does not exist in karmic01:02
clustermagnetguys... getting a compile time error....   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lexpat01:02
clustermagnethow do i get expat installed :)01:02
clustermagneti've dont the normal apt-get install expat01:02
clustermagnetkubuntu 9.101:03
clustermagneti may have it figure out....01:04
clustermagnethow can i get apt to tell me which libs i need to install? thanks!01:04
clustermagneti fixed it with runnning kpackagekit... and selecting every expat option there :)01:05
geniiclustermagnet: When looking for which package contains what files, http://packages.ubuntu.com is often of use01:05
clustermagnetwhats the command line way of searching for hte same thing?01:05
clustermagnetgenii: perfect01:05
BluesKajlibs ? you need to fix your repos01:05
clustermagnetthank you01:05
EagleScreenclustermagnet: 'apt-get build-dep package_name' may be useful for you01:06
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dezkhello my friends01:08
dezki need help whit oregano01:09
dezkwhit the jfet-n trnsistor01:10
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NSsmilesanyone here?01:18
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NSsmileshi german01:19
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Guest17380hi NSsmiles01:20
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NSsmilescan anyone help with ipod and ubuntu01:20
NSsmilesi'm new and cant get ipod to work01:20
German-sorry i havnt got an ipod :(01:21
Sylisswhich ipod and which ubuntu/01:22
NSsmilesipod touch ubuntu 9.1001:22
Sylissipod touch wont work yet on ubuntu01:22
Sylisswell at least not easily01:23
NSsmilescan you explain?01:23
Sylisslooking into it now01:24
Sylisslook up ifuse01:25
Sylissthere is a lot of issues right now with ipod touch01:26
Sylissbest bet is run either osx or win atm01:26
NSsmileswhat is ifuse01:26
Sylissa program that mounts the ipod01:26
NSsmilesi only have linux on the pc01:27
NSsmilesi'll try that01:27
Sylissdid it come with a windows key?01:27
Sylissis it prebuilt or custom?01:27
NSsmilesmy pc crashed01:27
NSsmileswhen i put ubuntu on it ...its all i have01:28
Sylissokay it crashed01:28
Sylisswas it windows?01:28
NSsmilesyeah xp01:28
Sylissthen just reinstall01:28
NSsmilesif that's the only way to use ipod it guess i'll have to01:29
NSsmilesi guess*01:30
Sylissjust dual boot01:30
SiegeLordHeya, I dragged the Windows partition onto the desktop from dolphin, and clicked to 'link here' and this operation deleted all the files from the windows partition, leaving the directories in place01:30
SiegeLordAny ideas what happened there?01:30
* Ev0luti0n_ listening to Sinister - Magnified Wrath01:31
Mandingomy system has 6 drives that are xfs and keep getting mounted and unmounted, this in turn is causing my video playback to stutter is there a way that i can turn that off or reduce it01:46
RefraxxPavel, are you online?01:51
Mandingomy system has 6 drives that are xfs and keep getting mounted and unmounted, this in turn is causing my video playback to stutter is there a way that i can turn that off or reduce it01:52
amandaberesWhere can I put the deb package files in a 9.10 kubuntu filesystem?01:55
=== amandaberes is now known as ner0x
Joelitohi, rwt01:56
rwtshould i switch to kubuntu?01:56
Joelitorwt, why not?01:56
ner0xrwt: Do I like cows?01:56
rwtusing ubuntu right now and its bad with my system01:57
Joelitowhy bad?01:57
rwthave not been fixed yet01:57
ner0xKubuntu is ubuntu with different packages installed.01:57
rwti know01:58
Joelitomaybe he meant gnome01:58
rwtthe live cd is working fine though01:58
rwtkde over gnome01:58
Joelitowhen your ubuntu started to go bad?01:58
rwtwhen I upgraded to 9.1001:59
rwtstarted getting kernel panics01:59
rwtso I reported the bug01:59
rwtI put in a kubuntu 9.10 live cd I have and it works fine with no problems02:00
Joelitowell, if you getting kernel panics, kubuntu will behave the same..since share the same kernel version02:00
Joelitothan ubuntu02:00
rwtit hasn't so far02:00
rwti've been using it for only about a 1/2 hour02:01
ner0xWhere can I put .deb files so that apt-get will install them?02:01
Joelitoner0x: use dpkg -i file.deb02:02
Joelitoyou'll need sudo for that02:02
ner0xJoelito: There is no where to put all the downloaded packages?02:02
kubiannetr0X: put naywhere u want but dpkg is the to use to install deb files02:03
Joelitowhat about the deb chache?02:03
rwtyou need sudo for apt-get also dont you?02:03
Joelitowhere apt uses to store the downloaded files instead to re-download them again02:04
ner0xJoelito: That's what I'm asking for.02:04
Joelitoner0x: I think is in /var/apt/somewhere02:04
Joelitois in /var/cache/apt/archives02:05
rwtif you guys use 9.10 how are you likeing it?02:07
ner0xI don't have internet yet.02:08
Sylissrwt, how fast cpu and how much ram is your system?02:09
rwtIts a 2.13 ghz centrino duo processor02:09
rwtwith 4gb of ddr3 ram02:10
rwti think its at 106602:10
Joelitorwt, I always loved recent but also stable apps, so right now my kubuntu is very nice :D02:11
rwtim on 9.04 right now, will upgrade to 9.10 when bugs are fixed02:14
kubianner0x: apt-get will not install deb files.  use dpkg02:14
rwtdpkg -i02:14
rwtanyone into programming?02:16
Joelitorwt, me02:16
rwtI have to learn this wierd language for a robot for school02:16
rwthave you ever heard of G langiage02:17
rwtIt propietary  :( :(02:17
rwtno other option but it02:18
ner0x Where can I see a package list?02:18
ner0xI need wireless drivers.02:18
kubianwhat's the syntax like?02:18
rwtno syntax02:18
rwtflow charts02:18
rwti mean data flow02:18
rwtdiagrams, pics, etc...02:19
kubianlike ladders?02:19
rwtwhat do you mean "ladders"02:20
rwtoh, yea, its alittle like ladders02:20
rwtvery close actually02:21
kubiankind of forgot what it is but it's used in controls02:21
kubianheard of omron?02:22
kubianthey make programmable logic controls -02:22
kubiankind of robotic machines use in assembly/production lines02:23
rwtare robot is for compitition, but im sure you could use that language02:24
rwtwe have the option of using JAVA and C++02:25
rwtbut it will take longer to learn because we have no instructer/teacher02:25
kubianlearning how to program itself takes time.02:26
kubianwhat exactly u want to promgram?  I mean what aspect of the robot?  like amr manipulation?02:26
rwteverything, movement, sensors, all kinds of other stuff02:28
kubianC++ wud be ideal because then you can model say an arm..build the object arm then build it's methods,etc02:28
gizhey guys very cool the robot stuff but offtopic is your channel  here kubuntu support ;)02:29
Sylisshmm i installed kubuntu via wubi and idk if im going to keep it02:29
rwtI know more C++ than G but not enough to do that02:29
kubianrwt: u might look into debian.org where it won the robotic submarine02:30
rwtwired programming languagr02:30
rwtsorry, weird02:30
rwtprogramming language02:31
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rwtSee ya, got to go read some LabVIEW02:36
l2trace99_has any one had problems with konversation not displaying irc chat text ?02:37
ner0xDoes anyone here actually know anything about kubuntu?02:40
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Lord_Drachenblutner0x: what's the question02:42
geniiApparently there isn't one03:01
giztjirp tjirp LOL03:01
crisshi all03:05
gizhi criss03:05
crisswhats the minimum sys requirements for ubuntu 9.10?03:06
picklesthat its turned on03:06
crissi just downloaded it now but not seeming to get it installed03:06
RenatoSilvahow to increase screen resolution in VirtualBox for Kubuntu up from 800x600? That's the max value available in KDE config.03:06
RenatoSilvaVirtualBox is buggy btw03:07
picklescriss: its a bootable cd.  make sure your system can boot from a cd rom, place it in the tray, hit restart, follow instructions03:07
crissits not going giving some error cant find suitable filesystem03:07
crissi have 2 hdd in the pc 1 has windows on it ... the other has ubuntu 6.0403:08
geniicriss: Generally speaking... MIN: 256Mb RAM, 6Gb hd space, Pentium 3 or better03:08
picklesthat would be with a standard gnome desktop03:09
pickleswith xubuntu you could do with far less for example03:09
picklesbut what genii said is about right, maybe 512 megs of ram03:09
crissokay... hmm03:10
picklescriss: so you reboot yoru box with the cd in and what happens?03:10
crissit brings up the start up screen of the cd where you either run from CD or install ubuntu03:10
crissafter selecting install ubuntu03:10
crissit shows the white logo for a bit03:10
crissthen goes blank and then shoots out that error03:10
crisscant find suitable filesystem03:11
geniiFor testing purposes i have a Pentium 2-400Mhz, 6Gb hd, 256Mb box. Kubuntu runs on it, but not very well03:12
Spurs_n #xubuntu03:14
crissi think ill try the cd in a other machine and take it from there im almost certain its just the pc i have lol ...03:14
^peter^Could some one please give me a pointer to figure out where to access newly installed programs which have not shown up in the K menu03:28
CupofDiceHow should I go about adding space (10gb) from my /home to my Root? already got partition manager installed, but i don't want to screw anything up03:30
claydoh^peter^: depends, a little. some apps are non-graphical so you run them by typing the name in a Konsole window03:31
claydoh^peter^: also you try typing in the name in krunner (alt-f2)03:32
^peter^claydoh   many thanks for that.  Bit embarrassing a I ;oaded a lot of programs, so will go back to the installer to get their proper names.03:39
claydoh^peter^: sometimes an app may not show up until logout and re-login03:40
claydohany particular apps?03:41
^peter^claydoh ah that may be the clue as I have not logged out since installing.03:41
seisers does anybody have any experience with video capture cards?  I'm trying to get a hauppage wintv hvr 2250 to work, but no luck so far03:42
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epicreviewsI need help getting Amarok working, but I'm in Ubuntu, not Kubuntu. I need to install some KDE library I think, but I can't remember what it is.03:58
kisukedear god how do turn off the sparkles??????????????????????????03:59
kisukeepicreviews use synaptic package manager04:00
epicreviewskisuke: I'm in synaptic, installing Amarok alone won't make it work.04:01
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kisukeepicreviews one min need to switch04:01
cucaraxohola hola kubunteros04:01
cucaraxocomo esta la version 9.10 de la distro?04:02
_nix_how do you stop konqueror from prompting for additional packages for multimedia functionality?04:07
kisukeepicreviews: there should be a box that comes up and asks if you want to install dependeces04:07
epicreviewskisuke: did that, still doesn't work04:08
epicreviewskisuke: what all mp3 codecs, etc. do I need?04:10
epicreviewsjust to make sure I have them04:10
kisukeepicreviews: what were you tring to install04:11
epicreviewsjust amarok04:11
epicreviewsdo I need something like libsnack2 or libsnack2-alsa?04:12
kisukeweird try to reinstall it and post the terminal output to http://paste.ubuntu.org and post a link here04:12
epicreviewsthat's not the problem04:13
epicreviewsI remember I had to install a package04:13
epicreviewsI had this exact problem last time I set up Ubuntu04:13
kisukewhere was it from?04:13
epicreviewsI don't remember >_<04:13
kisukeand it was k<something> right?04:14
epicreviewsI think so04:14
epicreviewsI _think_ it was KDE related04:14
kisukehow did you get it?04:14
epicreviewsI was doing like I am now: installing everything I can04:14
kisukedo you want a side of fail sause with that order?04:16
epicreviewshey it worked last time04:16
kisukeif you do that things will conflict, i llearned that the hard way04:16
epicreviewswell what should I do04:17
epicreviewscan I run Amarok in terminal, think that would help?04:17
kisuketry "sudo build-dep <insert amarok package name here>04:17
kisukeepicreviews: yes and then post the out put please04:17
cucaraxohelp me of xampp in linux kubuntu system04:18
epicreviewsok lots of errors, lemme pastebin04:18
kisukecucaraxo: what exact ly is the problem04:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok04:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail04:19
kisuke!info amarok04:19
ubottuamarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE 4 technology platform. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.2.0-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 7080 kB, installed size 19152 kB04:19
epicreviewshere ya go kisuke: http://epiccyndaquil.pastebin.ca/166933304:20
epicreviewsline 62+ appeared after I started trying to play something04:21
kisukewhat is xmlid?04:21
epicreviewsno clue.04:21
kisuke!info xmlid04:21
ubottuPackage xmlid does not exist in karmic04:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botfail04:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about die04:22
kisukesorry bot=stress releif04:22
kisukegoogleing now04:22
epicreviewsXML doc stuff?04:23
kisukelooks like searching w/in amarok04:23
epicreviewsso what do I do :P04:24
epicreviewshow do I fix it04:24
kisukeBTW you have any idea how i KILL the sparkles in KDE?04:26
epicreviewswell I know I installed something in synaptics04:26
epicreviewsI'm a gnome guy04:26
kisukeso am i gnome dont see my keyboard so kde it is04:27
kisukequit rather04:27
kisuketell me about it04:27
epicreviewswell I think it has something to do with decoding the files with KDE somehow04:27
kisukeworks, goes to hibernate and i cant even unlock it04:28
epicreviewswell I have to press power button to wake from hibernate/sleep04:28
kisukethat is my guess one min lest me look up xmlid in synaptic04:28
epicreviewsalready tried04:28
kisukeso do i hone it doesnes of times04:28
kisukeis ti your skin?04:29
epicreviewsthink I need to install kdebase-plasma?04:29
epicreviewsshouldn't be, gives me an error about playback04:30
kisuketry it it might work do you have phonon installed?04:30
epicreviewsI'll check that in a min04:30
epicreviewsok plasma seemed to make it look smoother, but still doesn't work >_<04:31
epicreviewsgot phonon04:31
epicreviewsthink I need python bindings for it?04:31
epicreviewsor gstreamer backend?04:31
epicreviewsI have xine backend installed04:32
* epicreviews makes a note to self: WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING FROM NOW ON04:33
epicreviewsw00t I crashed Amarok04:34
epicreviewsbecause of my own stupidity, had nothing to do with installed packages04:34
kisukegotta go good luck04:37
ubuntu_hi everyone , I need help with grub2 ..., I resized a windows partition and now I get a grub error ...04:43
ubuntu_there is a simple way to reconfigure grub2 automatically ?04:43
bazhang!grub2 | ubuntu_04:44
ubottuubuntu_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:44
user__Pop quiz: Fstab doesn't mount a drive that Dolphin happily mounts in one click. Most likely candidate package for a bug report is...?04:45
=== user__ is now known as MrPenguins
ner0xMy time is really off, how can I set it appropriately?04:49
MrPenguinsSeems goofy, and this may have changed since 200804:52
MrPenguinsner0x - are you sure the timezone is correctly set? That's the first thing to check and is easy to change04:56
ner0xMrPenguins: It is, I've fixed the problem. :)04:56
MrPenguinsCool. Do share.04:57
MrPenguinsGah! Right there in System Settings!04:58
MrPenguins"Date and Time"04:58
* MrPenguins rolls eyes04:58
ner0xYeah, I thought it would be harder.04:59
ner0xI guess they are really dumbing down GUIs now-a-days.04:59
ner0xOr at least the people using them. :)04:59
MrPenguinsSoon we'll be Gn*me ;-)04:59
MrPenguinsIn my day you had to recompile the text editor to alter your config file to even *think* about changing the time! ;-)05:00
ner0xYou're old?05:00
MrPenguinsNo, I'm full of ****. :)05:00
ner0xOften the same. hah05:01
ner0xI just got rid of my win box.05:01
ner0xI'm doing more and more development these days. Just easier this way.05:02
MrPenguinsI'd call that a win!05:02
ner0xWell I've been using linux for years.05:02
ner0xDefinitely my favorite. But now there's a need for it, which is nice.05:02
MrPenguinsI kicked the MS habit around 200605:02
MrPenguinsNever looked back05:03
MrPenguinsLoads more fun people here :)05:03
ner0xWell yeah, unfortunately I needed it for school.05:04
MrPenguinsOr, your school needs a re-education. :)05:04
ner0xIt was an 3d modeling major.05:04
ner0xAnd blender wasn't going to cut it.05:04
MrPenguinsHeh. I did my masters in 3d05:05
MrPenguinsSeriously though, what do you find seriously missing from Max / Maya?05:05
MrPenguins(ok Houdini has cool stuff going for it)05:05
ner0xWell, the fact my professors only accepted max files.05:05
ner0xProbably what it was missing. :)05:05
MrPenguinsTheres a guy developing voxel modelling in Blender at the moment05:06
MrPenguinsSame guy that added volumetrics05:06
ner0xI liked modeling.05:08
* ner0x <3's programming though.05:09
MrPenguinsMore of an animator myself. Mel script was pretty sweet tho05:09
ner0xI will disagree with you there.05:10
ner0xIt's cool... unless you're programmed before.05:10
MrPenguinsI just liked that you could just grab it and drag it to a gui element. Not much of a programmer myself. ;)05:10
ner0xThen it's like trying to kill a T-Rex with a butter knife.05:10
MrPenguinsI'd take 'im!05:10
MrPenguinsThe less programming I have to do the happier I am.05:11
MrPenguinsI'm glad other people like it though. :)05:11
ner0xYeah, it's a hobby that ends up being what you want to do with your life.05:18
ner0xCoincidentally I started a website design company.05:18
ner0xAnd I meet with my first client Thursday.05:18
ner0xSo.... I have to go work on some concepts.05:18
MrPenguinslol. I didn't *want* to get into webdesign, but there's so much demand for it it's kind of hard to avoid...05:19
MrPenguinsk have fun!05:19
ner0xI'l be around. Goodnight.05:19
ner0xWell, I guess I have a few questions for you.05:21
ner0xSince your in web design.05:21
ner0xI find myself having a very hard time picking the colors for a layout.05:22
ner0xI can lay out what I want, mark up, validate, css, javascript, etc.05:22
MrPenguinsWell, are you using an app to help, like Agave, or modelling other sites designs?05:22
ner0xWhen it comes to making the colors go together. It just doesn't work. Any suggestions.05:22
MrPenguinsSometimes just browsing monster template can help05:22
MrPenguinsKnowing colour theories pretty important, too.05:23
ner0xI know the complimentary, tetrad, etc.05:23
MrPenguinsCheckout the package "Agave" though. That can show you how some of the most common colour patterns work05:24
MrPenguinsGenerally though it can help to get an idea of the feel you want to get across and just look up that word on somewhere like Deviant art05:24
ner0xIs typically what I use to get a "scheme" together.05:25
ner0xI just never use it appropriately.05:25
MrPenguinsNeat. Hadn't seen that one.05:25
ner0xThat one is incredible.05:25
ner0xYou'll be thanking me, especially if you do web design.05:26
MrPenguinsYou have to adjust colours too for perception. EG a larger area will look brighter and more saturated than a small one.05:26
ner0xI have a lot to learn.05:26
MrPenguinsIt *is* pretty cool, I have to say :)05:26
MrPenguinsDon't we all. :)05:27
ner0xThat and making banners.05:27
MrPenguinsI wouldn't get too hung on numbers though. Find cool art that gets the feel youre looking for across and look at the colours they use05:27
ner0xWell, I'm not sure what to charge for this either. :-/05:28
ner0xAny.. um.. Ideas what is fair?05:28
MrPenguinsWhat exactly are yyou doing05:28
MrPenguinsTemplate from scratch?05:28
MrPenguinsJust installing pre-made stuff?05:28
ner0xWell, depends. I don't have any templates, so I'll be coding the website, designing, and setting it up on my own host.05:29
MrPenguinsCoding from scratch, or using something like Joomla / Drupal?05:29
MrPenguinsI undercharged about thew firt 20 times05:30
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: The icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing, My acer aspire bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:30
MrPenguinsMainly from "thinking" that I understood the client, and that they understood me05:30
MrPenguinsMake sure that *every* detail is in writing. Even the obvious stuff. Especially what happens *when* it takes longer than anticipated and what happens if they add stuff05:31
MrPenguins(they always do)05:31
White_PelicanI need help with configuring kmail for kde 4. I am running karmic05:31
ner0xMrPenguins: I'm typically going to ask a flat rate, then a rate to host.05:31
ner0xFor exmaple $300 for the site, $50 a month to host.05:31
MrPenguinsOK, if you're going flat make sure *everything* is in the written agreement05:32
MrPenguinsProjects always get larger and you don't want to end up working for peanuts05:32
MrPenguinsThis happens *very* often!05:32
ner0xMrPenguins: This is a site project really.05:32
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:32
MrPenguinsEvery project grows when it starts./ Just make sure its defined.05:32
ner0xMrPenguins: So you think and hourly charge should be applied for "extras"05:33
MrPenguinsTrust me. I've ended up working for $1/hr because of this on a flat rate :(05:33
MrPenguinsYou just need to have written *precisely* what is "in scope"05:33
ner0xReasonable hourly rate is what?05:33
White_Pelicancan some help or point me to the appropriate channel?05:33
MrPenguinsstandard is often $50-$60/hr05:33
MrPenguinsIf you'rew starting out a bit less05:34
ner0xWhite_Pelican: #kde might help05:34
ner0xMrPenguins: I was going to go $2505:34
ner0xUntil my work starts being worth $5005:34
MrPenguinsSure. It's your first job05:34
MrPenguinsThats reasonable05:34
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:34
ner0xMrPenguins: Fortunately, as well, my clients won't know anything about the internet or websites, for that matter.05:34
MrPenguinsJust make sure the job is well defined. I can't say that enough...05:35
MrPenguinsThe non-technical clients always think everything is just "push a button to change everything"05:35
ner0xMrPenguins: Not that I would attempt to screw over a client. But their expectations are *much* lower than say, your average company.05:35
MrPenguinsner0x: Sure. I work with people I trust, but it's not about that. It's about making sure everyone understands each other05:36
MrPenguinsner0x: Some of my best friends have been my worst customers05:36
ner0xMrPenguins: Fortunately I work in construction.05:36
ner0xI know how to "clearly define" what is in my scope of work. :)05:36
MrPenguinsExcellent. That's honestly the #1 thing of all :)05:37
ner0xI own www.kylondesign.com05:37
ner0xNotice how it's empty.05:37
MrPenguinslol! I just put up the new Krita site at krita.org05:37
MrPenguinsStill needs some work...05:37
MrPenguinsIs kylon anything to do with Battle Star Galactica?05:38
ner0xMrPenguins: That's Cylon. :)05:38
MrPenguinsI know. Just wondering if thats where the idea came from...05:39
ner0xNo, no idea really.05:43
ner0xEventually I'll just have premade templates and it'll be sort of "plug n play"05:44
MrPenguinsEventually? You can usually find and modify free ones quickly enough.05:45
MrPenguinsSometimes it is faster to build from scratch though.05:45
MrPenguinsI usually just Google it as it changes05:45
MrPenguinsI'm a big fan of using as much pre-made as possible :)05:46
MrPenguinsKrita.org is a modified free template I found05:46
MrPenguins"colourfall" from memory05:47
ner0xReally? It's awesome. Where did you get it from.05:47
ner0xI need to learn how to do that.05:47
MrPenguinsThere's also open source web design, but their templates are pretty meh05:47
MrPenguinsUh, dont remember. Some site I found on Google. There's hundreds.05:48
MrPenguinsEven if you take a template from another piece of software and strip it.05:48
ner0xOpen Source are kind of meh.05:50
ner0xIs it theft if I use the layout and change all the content?05:51
jlangstonWhat is the name of the linux based software to check on computer problems, cpu and stuff?  It's a linux based boot cd you can download ?  There are two of them and I dont' remember the names of either05:51
MrPenguinsYou can't really copyright a layout.05:51
ner0xjlangston: memtest86 for memory05:52
MrPenguinsJust don't use their code05:52
MrPenguinsLook at what they do and reverse engineer your own version05:52
jlangstonIn fact, you can not copyright a layout.  See apple .vs. microsoft "lisa interface"05:52
jlangstonIt was established you can not copy right "look and feel"05:52
ner0xMrPenguins: I wouldn't even, especially if it's a technology based site. Catalyst would have to do things differently.05:52
MrPenguinsAmazon have tried. They've never really tried to enforce it though05:52
ner0xAlright, well I have a lot of work to do.05:53
ner0xThanks for all of your help.05:53
jlangstonner0x that wasn't one of the ones I heard of05:53
jlangstonit was like a linux boot cd with all kinds of utilities on it.  somehere in here told me today when I was on other machine05:53
MrPenguinsno problems and good luck. Just remember *defined* and *in writing!*05:53
jlangstonone started with a g like grfx or something05:53
jlangstonthe other was soemthing long started with s I think, 2 words then small word05:53
jlangstongoogle didn't help me much, too many hits05:54
ner0xMrPenguins: Thanks.05:55
ner0xGoodnight all.05:55
MrPenguinsno problem05:55
jlangstonanyone been on all day who wants to search back for "Serpardum"? :D06:00
jlangstonthat is who I was logged in as06:00
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:07
tweekhey i have a question guys... is there any cmd prompt type deals where i can check all connneced computer to my network?06:14
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tweekis anyone here?06:21
jussi01no :D06:27
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:27
tweekhow can i net stat to see my vpn?06:31
tweekwith kubuntu06:31
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luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:47
klugedanyone want to solve my problem..?  :)  lol..07:06
klugedI'll take that as a no... in that case, if i have one computer with ubuntu/samba running, and another with kubuntu, shouldn't i be able to access my files on the samba server?07:09
jussi01kluged: yes.07:17
jussi01kluged: open dolphin, then smb://addressofserver07:18
jussi01theres also a samba browser, but Im not sure if it works as I never use it.07:18
avihaytweek: netstat was originally a unix program07:26
klugedThanks Jussi!  i attempted, it's not bringing anything up and says 'timeout on server' at the bottom07:29
klugedsame thing happens when i go through the Network folder/link at left.  i see the windows domain but nothing inside07:30
kluged(and it's working currently from a windows box)07:30
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klugedHey, you rhyme with purple!07:37
yang__What is the pulse audio server good for ?07:39
yang__I just removed it, because of a browser sound issue07:39
klugedi've only heard of Alsa mixer07:40
kluged"PulseAudio (formerly Polypaudio) is a cross-platform, networked sound server commonly used on Linux operating systems. It is intended to be an improved drop-in replacement for the Enlightened Sound Daemon (ESD)."07:40
kluged<-wikipedia :P07:40
yang__haha yeah i read ubuntu article about it07:43
danny_is_on_ircQuestion: (new to linux in general) I have a php script to create image gallery from a folder of folders of images. Problem is, whenever I paste a new folder (gallery) in, php can't create the thumbs directory inside. Error is cause of permissions I've found out. When I explicitly set permissions it works, so how can I either a: grant permissions to "www-data" (the 'owner' of thumbs) or make the parent directory's permi07:43
yang__it would be nice to leave but its current config is causing no sound07:43
yang__chown -R user directory07:44
danny_is_on_irci was just reading about chown07:44
danny_is_on_ircWill that affect all the new folders I paste in too?07:44
yang__affects directory and sub directories07:44
yang__future and now07:44
danny_is_on_ircsweet. its future I'm concerned with. (Having to apply permissions manually would defeat purpose of non-SQL image gallery i'm trying to run)07:45
klugedi had sound issues back in ubuntu 7 on an older computer, had to twiddle with Alsa mixer a bunch.  i think driver issues are beating down linux..07:45
yang__right haha . well you should be good07:45
danny_is_on_ircso I can just type:   chown -R /etc/whatever/thisfolder     right?07:45
danny_is_on_ircthanks a bunch!07:46
yang__chown -R /var/www www-data07:46
yang__o lol backwards chown -R wwww /var/www07:47
yang__but anyway kluged07:47
yang__Pulse Audio  nice to have but problems with config. Tried purging and reinstalling no effect. .. hmm .what do you think?07:48
klugedoh, i'm no expert.  i keep running into issues like that...like installing new linux drivers for a comman video card, then having no video at all :P07:49
klugedi'd probably just leave it off though07:49
yang__for now lol07:49
yang__so i noticed support on IRC is lacking07:49
klugedmy audio issue was fixed in a new version of ubuntu.07:49
klugedthen it was broken again07:49
klugedthen fixed...07:50
yang__last time 2 times i have come with issues i have got get a ubuntu compat pc switch windows buy new printer07:50
yang__ubuntu 9.10 fixed sound issue for me haha07:50
kluged:)  it's so frustrating though07:51
klugedi was looking at netbooks and finding only Windoze pre-installed ones07:51
yang__dell sells preinstalled ubuntu07:52
klugedfinally found that Dell sells their mini 10v w/ ubuntu07:52
yang__yeah haha07:52
yang__but wish more support from community. i try when i can07:52
klugedreally, i've got tons of legal ways to get full versions of windows.  i don't want to pay again for a new oem license07:53
klugedha, then fry's ignores me for a half-hour and finally tells me they don't sell without windows.  then they sell me the wrong ram :(07:54
yang__I like dells open source thing07:54
yang__the reason they wont discount you is OEMS pay $50 a license07:55
klugedsame here.  they don't offer the same computer options with it07:55
yang__you say no windows . they cant do more than $50 then they have overhead costs to get rid of license stickers + OS07:55
klugedyea, i've heard of ways to get out of the microsoft tax but what a pain in the arse07:55
yang__yeh haha07:55
yang__im done with windows tho.07:56
klugedthat's why we need lobbyists07:56
yang__Training for OSX , Windows 2008 and Linux though07:56
danny_is_on_ircyuck! I got a ton of "chown: changing ownership of *; operation not permitted" errors07:56
klugednice.  i have things i need on windows though07:56
yang__sudo chown -R user /dir07:56
klugedHaiku is looking ok07:56
yang__the sudo makes you root and allows you to have the athority to do that07:56
danny_is_on_ircwill that remove my permissions btw?07:56
yang__its like administrator mode07:57
yang__-R stands for recursive07:57
danny_is_on_irck. brb. Thanks again.07:57
klugedyou're changing which user owns the directories07:57
yang__i wish my problems were that simple plus help lol07:57
yang__yeh i have been ubuntu for 2 years now07:57
yang__no training and very basic trouble shooting ability haha07:58
yang__but i have been tech support for ever07:58
klugednice, that's probably the only way to get good at this..07:59
yang__haha . So dell ubuntu PC's are expensive07:59
yang__i would rather build my own at that cost07:59
yang__$1089 for 3GB ram and a 2 core 2 GHZ proc08:00
klugedyea, but netbooks can't really be built from scratch08:00
Smurphyyang__: I don't buy at dell. In germany there is a shop called alternate (Online), they are working together with computer magazines, and they built state of the art machines, with good cpomponents, and a low price.08:00
yang__to bad im america haha08:00
yang__thats okay i like to build PC's haha08:01
SmurphyNetbooks ? Who needs a netbook ? I have an old 6310i Nokia phone, and an iPod touch ... that is my Netbook :D08:01
yang__i hate netbook idea. to small08:01
Smurphyyang__: did that too for years - but they build it, test it, and it's even cheaper for me that way :)08:01
yang__and i dont have money for a netbook + laptop haha08:01
danny_is_on_ircwell... that command worked. But now I can't paste new folders in there. (is there a way to just make it public?)08:01
yang__give your self permission08:01
yang__add your self to the group08:02
yang__or change the group to you08:02
yang__chgrp -R username /folder08:02
danny_is_on_irck. brb.08:03
yang__chmod -R g+rwx08:03
yang__chmod -R g+rwx /dir*08:03
danny_is_on_ircwoa. are these separate steps08:03
Smurphyok - work is calling. going to stealth mode ...08:03
yang__o srry the last to wernt the chmod is only one srry08:04
yang__he will be back lol08:05
danny_is_on_ircSo i'll need to add user "www-data" and then add www-data to group?08:05
yang__im killin myselfs lol i has work 2moro in 8 hours. need sleep08:05
yang__there should already be www-data08:06
yang__if you change the owner08:06
yang__so if there is a group then you can add urself08:06
yang__but i would just change the gruop on the files to your username if your the only to use it08:06
danny_is_on_ircI took back permissions. Is there a cmd line to add www-data to the group that I'm in?08:07
yang__you mean add your self to the www group08:07
yang__can you do me a favor. run ls -l dirname08:07
yang__and can you paste the top part where is says dir rxrxrxw asdfajsd ....08:08
danny_is_on_ircyea. its on a dif. machiine but I'll type it.08:09
yang__i dont need all of the output just online08:09
danny_is_on_ircdrwxr-xrwx  3  danny  danny  <numbers> <date> <foldername>08:10
yang__okay you should be able to edit that file08:10
yang__can you run ls -l /dir-adove-dir | grep "dir" and past the output it should be like "wwww-data" in there along wit rwxrwx---08:11
Smurphydanny_is_on_irc: That is a very bad ownership on your directory ... World has write access ...08:11
yang__so if the directory was /var/www then ls -l /var/ | grep "www"08:12
klugedyang__: gonna reboot, may be back.  have a good one!08:12
yang__kluged: you 2 haha08:12
yang__working or what/08:14
danny_is_on_ircno not yet08:14
yang__so did you get the permissions of that directory08:15
danny_is_on_ircsaw that you had work soon. Feel free to bail. I should be reading documentation to learn a bit anyhoo08:15
yang__o no haha08:15
yang__gunna help you out first08:15
danny_is_on_ircactually everythings in my home dir08:15
yang__so what user needs access to files?08:15
yang__is security a concern?08:16
danny_is_on_ircactually no08:16
yang__you only?08:16
danny_is_on_ircI'm just trying to give PHP access08:16
yang__php gets access though www-data?08:16
danny_is_on_ircmkdir() was failing and my Image gallery script wasn't working08:16
yang__right because PHP doesn't have write access to the /imagefolders08:17
danny_is_on_ircwell... it makes a thumbs folder if one isn't already there. And permissions says www-data on it08:17
danny_is_on_irceverything works when i manually set permissions recursivly... but the point of this is to make creating a new gallery page as simple as dropping a folder in08:18
danny_is_on_ircand new folders by default havn't had the permissions necesary08:18
yang__so what we can do it add you and www-data as permisions08:18
yang__you as group and www-data as owner08:18
yang__then set permissions for both of you08:19
danny_is_on_ircdo I have to add www-data as a group member of danny (my group)?08:19
yang__first to commands08:20
yang__chown -R www-data ~/web_alias/shampoo/imagefolders08:20
yang__chgrp -R danny ~/web_alias/shampoo/imagefolders08:20
FloodBotK2yang__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:20
danny_is_on_irci'll give that a shot08:21
yang__chmod -R u+rwx ~/web_alias/shampoo/imagefolders08:21
yang__chmod -R g+rwx ~/web_alias/shampoo/imagefolders08:21
yang__what all of this does is sets the owner as www-data, and you as the group, and gives you both full permisions to use the folder08:22
danny_is_on_irck. did all that. Let me test a copy & paste folder, and refresh the php page. brb08:24
yang__moment of truth haha08:25
danny_is_on_ircaww...... error on php page load:   mkdir() ... Permission denied08:26
danny_is_on_ircoh. Is it noteworthy that the I'm doing all the folder copy/pastes through Samba?08:27
yang__do you want to run ls -l /dir-above-dir | grep "dirname" again so we can se permissions08:27
yang__potentially haha08:27
yang__first though are permissions correct for linux though haha08:28
CreapWhen I booted up KDE, I got some error regarding .ICEAuthority permissions. I had to start failsafe and remove it to be able to start KDE.08:30
danny_is_on_ircsome are different than others08:30
CreapIs that known? Why does it happen?08:30
yang__that line should have given you one line of output08:31
danny_is_on_irchere: drwxrwxrwx  3  www-data danny08:31
yang__that looks more than rite08:31
yang__infact any one at all can rite to that directory08:31
danny_is_on_irci might have messed up. I took everything after | out08:31
yang__thats why08:32
yang__dosn't matter08:32
danny_is_on_ircoh i think i found it!08:32
yang__everybody can rite to that directory08:32
danny_is_on_ircthe file folder that I just pasted in is .... danny danny08:32
yang__intresting that samba cannot08:32
yang__did it show up there?08:32
danny_is_on_irceverything else in that directory is drw... www-data danny  ....08:33
yang__and the one you pasted is danny's08:33
yang__right because you own the file .08:33
yang__and php wont read it because you own it08:33
danny_is_on_ircline looks liek this:   drwxr-xr-x  2  danny  danny  4096 <date> <time> <foldername>08:34
yang__right . the first danny is the owner08:34
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yang__the second danny is the group08:34
yang__what we want it to look like is www-data danny08:34
yang__witch the 4 commands did08:35
yang__but the problem is we have to run the  Chown -R command08:35
yang__we want to do this forever not one at a time08:35
danny_is_on_ircyea. that's just like setting the permissions manually like i was doing before.08:35
danny_is_on_ircIs there a public or "all-access" location in the filesystem that i can symlink to?08:36
danny_is_on_ircand use that instead?08:36
yang__hmm. i dont think so08:36
danny_is_on_ircThese image galleries are back-ups (resized/optimized for web/etc) anyway08:37
yang__outside of you home directory you shouldn't have write access08:37
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yang__trying to think of what to do permissions problem08:38
yang__umask maybe but thats horrrible security08:38
broderichey everyone08:38
brodericcan someone help08:39
brodericme with my sound system problem08:39
klugedyang__: well i didn't get my problem solved but i gotta sleep.  i did get some kind of error message to look into though08:40
szalyang__: except for /tmp08:40
yang__using /tmp for web server sounds like a bad idea08:41
szalI didn't say to use that08:41
yang__cron job maybe that runs permissions change08:41
yang__delays ...08:41
yang__kluged: o do you have flash problem?08:41
szalhow about sticky bit?  I'm not that much into permissions that I knew what this does though..08:41
yang__kludged: ok cya08:41
danny_is_on_ircthanks again08:42
yang__danny this sounds like what you need:08:43
yang__it uses ACL's08:43
yang__i have never set this up before , but i can at least point you the right direction08:43
yang__any way less than 7 hours before work08:43
yang__have fun i g2g08:43
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jack2005ciao a tutti08:47
jussi01!it | jack200508:48
ubottujack2005: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)08:48
jack2005ok tanks08:49
seraphim_hi all08:52
kavurtseraphim: is something wrong?09:11
=== Kolia_ is now known as Bou
kaddihi,my system has been slowing down to a halt these last view days. It seems X is almost constantly using 40-70% of CPU and the remainder will be used by FF, Thunderbird or Amarok and konversation. I believe I have a rather new system (CPU 2.4GHz dualcore, 3Gb RAM) and I should be able to play videos without hanging, even if they are on youtube09:51
kaddiCan I continue using kde programs but switch only desktopmanager to improve things? use xfce or something?09:53
ahoxkaddi, try to disable desktop effects10:02
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alokitokwin effects are being so after I disable and re-enable it with alt+shift+f12 command10:08
alokitowhy is this happenning?10:08
alokitoit's very smooth after startup, I have al geforce 9500 gt graphics10:09
kaddiahox: I disabled desktop effects, there is some improvement, but it's still lingering about 30-50% of (each) CPU. It jumps up when I play a movie or do anything though10:10
ahoxkaddi, what graphicsdriver do you use?10:11
kaddiWhat kind of machine would I need to be able to run KDE smoothely? The laptop is barely a year old10:11
kaddiintel drivers10:11
alokitohello? :-/10:11
ahoxcan you post your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?10:11
ahoxkaddi, this sounds rather good to me. I have kde on some 3-5 year old machines10:11
ahoxAnd our netbooks and travellaptops run on kde, too...10:12
kaddiI pastebined the entire log, I hope that's what you wanted10:12
saintkhiya, i am kinda new to Kubuntu desktop enviorment. I only have experiance in text. I just installed VNC trough the GUI package manager. Should i expect it now somewere in the "start" menu ?10:13
kaddisaintk: I would expect it to be in the start menu, but if it isn't you can add it yuorself, by editing the start menu editor10:14
saintkkaddi: in what section would you expect it to be?10:16
kaddiinternet probably saintk10:17
saintki think i found it, cheers!10:18
ahoxkaddi, sry, I was AFK. Anyway, the GM965 is known to cause problems.10:19
kaddiso there's nothing I can do?10:19
kaddiis that a kde problem or a ubuntu problem?10:20
ahoxthat's a driver problem, so Xorg's. The bug has been put upstream10:20
kaddiI thought drivers were integrated into kernel recently (or I must have completely misunderstood some stuff... :p)10:20
ahoxThere may be a solution by now. I just remeber reading about it10:21
kaddiah cool!10:21
kaddithat would be awesome10:21
ahoxkaddi, partly they are. However, Xorg still does the 3D stuff and some more10:21
ahoxsry, I remember reading about the problem, not the solution10:21
kaddiok, good to know :)10:21
kaddiah, lol... I was being to optimistic10:21
ahoxSo back to your original question. Using another windowmanager actually may help10:22
kaddiah cool10:22
ahoxHave you tried fluxbox?10:23
kaddino, never heard of it10:23
kaddiso can I just download it and run it with a --replace or something and it'Ll start instead of kwin?10:25
ahoxOr the xfce wm sounds good, too10:25
ahoxkaddi, just type xfwm4 --replace10:27
kaddiahox: I just downloaded fluxbox, gonna try that first. :) How do I stop kwin (and will it disconnect me from IRC?)10:30
ahoxkaddi, you can kill kwin (kquitapp kwin) however be warned. Once you do this you do not have wm anymore, that is no more moving/selecting/minimizing etc windows anymore10:31
ahoxso have konsole in front of you, close or at least minimize the other windows10:31
ahoxthen type in one line: kquitapp kwin; fluxbox10:32
ahoxxfwm4 has the advantage that with the --replace switch you can replace another wm. kwin has the same10:32
kaddik, thx. If someone thing goes wrong, you'll see me disconnect shortly ;)10:32
saintkdoes kubuntu have a default wirewall enabled or something?10:33
iceroothow to use firefox 3.x with kprinter-dialog?10:33
||arifaXi received ubuntu 9.10 via shipit. none of the cds shows if 32 or 64 bit on the cd or the booklet. any ideas? can someone clarify that out?10:34
szalsaintk: if you want a wirewall, use Windows :P  their fw is more like a barb-wired fence ;)10:37
BOZGszal: Terrible joke :P10:38
saintkwell i am more wondering because i cannot establish an outside connection10:38
Tm_Tsaintk: there's firewall but it's blocking nothing by default10:39
saintkok thanks10:39
saintkand one more question, how do i switch to root if i wasnt asked during setup to enter a root pw? it only asked me to create a user account10:39
Tm_T!sudo | saintk10:39
ubottusaintk: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)10:39
saintkah, so su root is no longer a permitted way to switch to root?10:40
kaddidon't ask what happened -.-10:41
kaddiI'm so stupid10:41
szalsaintk: never was on *buntu10:41
saintkah allright thanks10:41
kaddifluxbox seems to lower CPU usage which is good. :) Still isn't really low though :/10:41
kaddiI'll check out the options and try xfce next :)10:42
szalsaintk: if you want a 'real' root account, there are ways to do that (attention: unsupported), or use another distro ;)10:42
kaddiahox: If I wanted to return to kwin can I just kwin --replace or do I need sudo kwin --replace? It tells me that a windowmanager is already running and kwin wouldn't be started10:43
saintkszal: cheers10:44
ahoxjust kwin --replace . It's an user process10:44
kaddiit replies: KWIN: A windowmanager seems to be runninng, KWin won't be started10:44
ahoxfluxbox may not honour the --replace. So just do an killall fluxbox; kwin; some caution applies as before10:45
saintkwhat i dont get here. i installed VNC and i can open a local connection from kubuntu itself, the service works fine. I just cannot remotely connect to it (machine is on the same LAN and has proper network access). Also a portscan on the device doesnt show 5900 as open10:45
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ahmedtaufiqi cannot download the updates, can any one help me on this issue10:47
kaddiwhat happens when you try to download?10:48
ahmedtaufiqin the status bar, it say you have 43 bug fix updates10:49
ahmedtaufiqwhen i download it says, connection failled10:49
ahmedtaufiqhowever my internet connection is very good and fast10:49
kaddihave you tried using a different server maybe? where do you connect to?10:50
ahmedtaufiqi dont know how to do this10:50
ahmedtaufiqcan u tell me ?10:51
kaddistart kpackagekit, click on options, select "edit softare sources" and in the dropdown menu select a different server, preferably one that is close to you10:51
zeltakhi guys! anyone knows where one could dl the All the oxygen set in svg form?10:54
kaddiahox: I tested fluxbox, kwin and xfwm4 and they have essentially the same cpu usage (without desktop effects for kwin)10:54
kaddistill might switch to aonother one... I think I like xfwm :)10:55
ahmedtaufiqthnx alot kaddi10:56
kaddiahmedtaufiq: is it working now :)10:56
ahmedtaufiqi have selected main server10:56
ahoxkaddi, hava  look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/41926410:56
ahoxmaybe this helps, but otherwise I am out of ideas.10:56
||arifaXI received ubuntu 9.10 via shipit. none of the cds shows if 32 or 64 bit on the cd or the booklet. any ideas? can someone clarify that out?11:03
kaddiahox: stupid question: can I enable and use desktop effects with xfwm4?11:03
ahoxI don't know xfwm. If so it should be in the xfwm4-settings11:04
Tm_Tkaddi: no really11:04
kaddiahox: I'm gonna check out the retro packages and see if that helps. :)11:06
kaddiTm_T, ahox thanks, will check the xfwm settings then :)11:06
Tm_Tkaddi: window managers containing "fancy effects" are basicly Kwin and Compiz11:09
kaddiok, this is probably just me being stupid again, but... I went to this page: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-retro and followed the instructions for adding the rep. I added the deb-lines for the ppa to sources.list, I imported the key. I did an sudo apt-get update and it is not fetching the lists from that ppa. Where did I go wrong?11:16
caput,³,ün N 3ü11:52
caputcan anyone reccomend an usb wireless dongle? bought the wrong one ...11:53
jussi01caput: the huwei ones work well last time I checked.11:54
caputfound a list in wiki but would like to know if anyone has experience11:54
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection11:54
loca|hosthello all11:55
caputcool thx!11:55
loca|hosti've plugged a datashow to my notebook11:55
loca|hostand i cant switch the output to it11:55
loca|hostusing the fn+screenswitch key11:55
loca|hosthow can i activate the dual monitor mode ?11:57
crash2kwhy am i getting artifacts with kwin enabled?12:11
icerootis there a way to use firefox 3.x with the dialog of kprinter?12:50
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edericohello, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10, I update it as soon as updates are available and after my latest update and the required restart I'm experiencing problems when I bootup and get to the login screen. Basically, keyboard, touchpad and mouse are not responding. Can anyone help, please? Thanks. :)13:09
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sil3nt|warri0ri just updated to 9.10 from 9.0413:21
sil3nt|warri0rbut now the sound is not working, i dont know how to chk for errors13:21
sil3nt|warri0rany help pzl13:21
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: Make sure you install the backport modules.13:23
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: through synaptic ?13:24
sil3nt|warri0ri disable the pre-release updates in repositories13:25
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: how do i chk the sound ?13:26
sil3nt|warri0rPeace-: hi13:27
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: yes, through synaptic. make sure for your running kernel.13:27
Smurphyonce installed, you reboot your system. It's kernel modules which need to be loaded, so if you don't know how to do it manually, you do it with a reboot.13:28
amikis there some way to make Konversation highlight the tab or notify when my nick is mentioned, even when the tab is currently open?13:33
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: my running kernel is 2.6.31-14-generic13:36
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: do i also need to enable the pre-release updates in repo ?13:41
icerootsomeone managed firefox 3.x working with kprinter-dialog? kprinter as print-command is not working13:56
icerootamik: use the OSD from konversation, it will popup a message if you are highlighted, also you can use a command like kdialog which will executed if someone is highlighting your nick (no matter in what tab)13:57
edericohello, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10, I update it as soon as updates are available and after my latest update and the required restart I'm experiencing problems when I bootup and get to the login screen. Basically, keyboard, touchpad and mouse are not responding. Can anyone help, please? Thanks. :)13:57
zhaoHow can i install a simple chinese input method?13:59
zhaoI use the Firefox ,but i can't use the Simple chinese input method.14:01
zhaobut i can use it in  the other programs.14:03
amikiceroot: thanks. hope they integrate it with the new notification system soon :-)14:04
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BluesKajHowdy folks14:21
SmurphyYo mate ...14:22
knap_hello all14:35
legodudehi everyone, a bunch of my plasma widgets aren't working, even simple ones like "notes," I get messages to the effect "could not find requested component: plasma_applet_notes"14:38
legodudethis is on 9.10 with kde 4.3.314:38
basilicehllo trou14:38
basilichello tous14:38
Mamarok!fr | basilic14:39
ubottubasilic: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:39
basilicHello every body14:39
basilicI want to know your Ram usage14:39
basilicI think to take 2 more Go of Ram, but when I see the system occupation, I never go over 1go of my 214:40
basilicWhat's application use lot RAM?14:40
xenthralHi, I was trying to upgrade from 9.04 but my internet connection crashed at some point and the process got stuck trying to download packages, I tried exiting it and restarting but now it says that some program is locking access to /lists/lock14:43
xenthralthat is - /var/lib/apt/lists/lock14:43
basilicgoodbye everybody14:44
xenthralon the website it says that the tool would abort and restart on its on - it never did14:44
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NeKitxulrunner-1.9.1: Зависит: libnss3-1d (>= 3.12.3) но 3.12.2~rc1-0ubuntu2 будет установлен14:51
NeKit(Depends on... but .. will be installed)14:52
xenthral_Hi, I was trying to upgrade from 9.04 but my internet connection crashed at some point and the process got stuck trying to download packages, I tried exiting it and restarting but now it says that some program is locking access to var/lib/apt/lists/lock14:52
BluesKajxenthral, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/apt/lists/lock14:53
xenthral_BluesKaj: I was under the impression the process was still running, thanks14:55
BluesKajxenthral_, there is another command that opens frozen package downloads/installs when using a package manager or apt : sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock14:58
xenthral_doesnt seem to have solved it though14:58
xenthral_upgrade tool still barks at me it can't get an exclusive lock14:59
BluesKajrun the other command i just posted above14:59
xenthral_"unable to get exclusive lock" - "this usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) [is] already running. Please close that application first"15:00
xenthral_except, there isn't one15:00
BluesKajor close the update-manager15:00
xenthral_it wasnt that one15:00
xenthral_it was called 'karmic'15:00
xenthral_thanks BluesKaj :)15:00
=== amik is now known as amichair
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: i installed the backports modules, but still no sound15:09
sil3nt|warri0ris there any specific backport kernel module i need to install15:10
anton__is it worth reporting that upgrading 9.04->9.10 killed my kde? (had to remove .kde)15:18
sil3nt|warri0ranton__: is ur snd working after upgrading ?15:18
anton__yeah, fine15:19
anton__though I also had to fix the initramfs as it didnt have lvm in it after first reboot15:19
anton__sil3nt|warri0r: puleaudio seems ok for me15:19
BluesKajanton__, upgrading killed kde? Whay upgrade method did you use ?15:20
sil3nt|warri0ranton__: my pulse nor alsa is working15:20
anton__BluesKaj: the kde upgrader widget (update-notifier ?)15:20
BluesKajupdate-manager ?15:21
sil3nt|warri0rthough vlc,xmms,audacious, mplayer playing audio/video (i can see the seek bar moving perfectly). that mean the player is playing the file (audio/video)15:21
anton__sil3nt|warri0r: I had problems on my laptop - it didnt boot the 2.6.31 kernel so alsa was stuffed - does uname -r show 2.6.3115:21
anton__BluesKaj: yes15:21
sil3nt|warri0rbut for some bad reason the sound output is not working15:22
BluesKajanton__, try the command line : sudo do-release-upgrade15:22
anton__sil3nt|warri0r: what if you try mplayer with "-ao alsa" or "-ao oss"15:22
anton__BluesKaj: am already upgraded now - but had to reset all me kde settings to get any plasma working (no background, no panels etc)15:23
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: Nope. You sure that you have the correct sound devices active ? Mixer shows everything ?15:23
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: try out mixer, and see if it shows something.15:24
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: i am trying kmix, alsa mixer, aumix15:24
anton__sil3nt|warri0r: I have also had problems where the pc speaker was trying to be used as the main sound device - kmixer showed pcspkr as the output device name15:24
shadeslayerhow do i create a custom bash script to compile stuff? like i want a single command to do : cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull ..15:24
anton__shadeslayer: just save it in a file that has a first line of "#!/bin/bash" and make it executable (chmod +x MyFile)15:25
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: the kmixer only shows "hda intel"15:25
shadeslayeranton__:and if i want to run it as a command? like : lspci or cmake,etc ?15:26
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: Show mixer -> Settings -> Configure channels and check what you have.15:26
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: yes - I know. had that issue o my T61p too ...15:26
anton__shadeslayer: just type the path to the file15:26
shadeslayeri want it work in the directory above it15:26
anton__then you have to add your command into a dir in your PATH or edit $PATH15:26
shadeslayeranton__: ugh,i want a single command to accomplish,i cant type the whole path15:26
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: it show all channels that avialable15:27
anton__shadeslayer: if you have your own little utils it is common to put them in ~/bin/ and then add ~/bin/ to $PATH by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc "export PATH=~/bin/:$PATH"15:27
shadeslayeranton__: and the file should be named : new_command.sh : ?15:28
anton__shadeslayer: you can name it whatever you like15:28
anton__editing the path above will make any executable file in ~/bin/ become available in all your shells15:28
shadeslayeranton__: also one last thing,will it display the o/p as it shows with the actual command?15:28
anton__(you will have to close the shell and open a new one)15:29
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: ok - choose those that are of interest to you, and disable all Digital outputs.15:29
anton__o/p ?15:29
shadeslayeror : source .bashrc15:29
BluesKajanton__, sil3nt|warri0r , pulseaudio could be causing problems with your sound , especially if you dedicated pci soundcards ..i dumped pulseaudio, now the audio is clean as mp3 or digital audio of any sort can be.15:29
shadeslayeranton__: like its showing the progress of a compile right now15:29
anton__BluesKaj: pulse has been fine for me on my laptop and desktop, but some parts of upgrade to karmic needed kicking15:29
anton__shadeslayer: it will just mean you dont need the full path to the command15:30
shadeslayeranton__: thanks :D15:30
BluesKajpulse worked ok on jaunty , not as good on karmic , depending on the HW15:30
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: wat i do ?15:31
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: yes, the pre selected channels r there15:31
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: also - go to system-settings -> Multimedia -> device Preferences and check which device is active.15:31
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: so will i use alsa or wat ?15:32
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: k15:32
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: lso - check in the advanced tab - which backend-device you use. I use Xine.15:32
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: u use alsa by default anyway.15:32
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: xine is there only15:33
anton__I have xine, and then gstreamer15:33
anton__pretty sure my laptop is gstreamer15:33
BluesKajyes, sil3nt|warri0r , alsa is the audio layer you need15:34
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: ok - should be enough.15:34
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: system settings shows "hda intel (stac92xx analog)"15:34
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: yes - I know. had that issue o my T61p too ... u got ?15:34
BluesKajok gotta go for a bit15:34
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: wat pkgs i need to intsall/remove  to enable alsa15:34
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: do i past the lspci audio putput ?15:35
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: make a: lsmod | grep snd15:35
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: If you have loads of stuff showing up - that's it ;015:36
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: lots of stuffs do shows15:36
anton__sil3nt|warri0r: I thought puls actually used alsa for hardware access, and then intercepted all requests for playing through it15:36
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: then you have the drivers loaded.15:36
Smurphyanton__: it actually does that. I disable pusle audio always - it slows down the system, and is intersting only if you want to have audio-mixing capability, or remote sound-devices to be used - e.g. remote Desktop and ave the audio played there.15:37
sil3nt|warri0r00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)15:37
sil3nt|warri0r        Subsystem: Dell Device 025415:37
sil3nt|warri0r        Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 3015:37
sil3nt|warri0r        Memory at f6dfc000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]15:37
sil3nt|warri0r        Capabilities: <access denied>15:37
FloodBotK2sil3nt|warri0r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
sil3nt|warri0r        Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel15:37
sil3nt|warri0rsorry frnds15:38
* sil3nt|warri0r so frusteted here15:39
macosil3nt|warri0r: lspci -nv | grep -A1 040315:39
macosil3nt|warri0r: the 2nd line tells you the actual hardware id15:39
macosil3nt|warri0r: but thatd be more useful for on a bug report15:39
sil3nt|warri0r0:1b.0 0403: 8086:284b (rev 03)15:40
sil3nt|warri0rSubsystem: 1028:025415:40
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: If the audio applications are running fine, means, the play mp3 etc., the the audio subsystem is loaded, just misconfigured. Eventually routed onto the wrong audio-interface.15:41
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: You have the PCM device (mixer) put on Max ?15:42
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: yes, i chked many times15:42
Smurphywhat hardware you have ?15:43
SmurphyI mean the system ...15:43
SmurphyOha - a Dell ...15:43
SmurphyThey usually make no issues. Have you tried booting from a KUbuntu Live CD, and check out the audio-device ?15:43
sil3nt|warri0rdell studio 153515:44
SmurphyWhat you can also do, is create another user, to see if audio works for him :)15:44
sil3nt|warri0ron 9.04 it was working fine15:44
Smurphyin that case you know you screwed your config ...15:44
sil3nt|warri0ri just upgrade to 9.10, everything went fine, but after reboot snd is missing15:45
sil3nt|warri0rmy desktop also has not changed, i mean the look n feel15:45
macoSmurphy: er...dell uses cheap hardware. its likely either a realtek or sigmatel codec. those are notoriously nasty HDA codecs15:46
Smurphymaco: Nope - intel chipset on that one.15:46
macoim talking about the codec, not the chipset15:47
macoIntel & Nvidia are common hardware manufacturers of HDA devices. i'm talking about the codec programmed into the hardware15:48
Smurphymaco: as far as I know - the codec has nothing to do with the chipset...15:48
macobut the codec has *plenty* to do with whether it works or not15:48
Smurphywhat will the codec do here ? except decode some raw data and transform it into audible signals. usually done by the CPU anyway.15:49
macothe codec determines how the pins are routed15:49
sil3nt|warri0ri just chked the log, and i got "pulseaudio is configured for per-user session"15:49
macoim not talking about codec like "mp3" or "wav" but how the hardware is setup15:49
Smurphythe codec ? not that I knew TBH ...15:49
macothe term codec is used in both situations. im talking about the hardware15:50
SmurphyHmmm Never heard the term codec in conjunction with the hardware ...15:50
macoanyway, try removing pulseaudio as its not well-tested with kubuntu, just ubuntu15:50
macoif that doesnt work, file a bug "ubuntu-bug alsa-base" then when you get into launchpad, change the package name to "linux"15:50
SmurphyI know that you can route audio-streams on different physical ports, or even influence if it's analog or digital.15:50
SmurphyI don't use pulseaudio here either.15:51
macoSmurphy: yeah i didnt know codec had 2 meanings a couple years ago, but the audio dude for ubuntu was mentoring me on this stuff last year15:51
macooh, i use pulseaudio15:51
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: so do i switch to alsa, will it work good for kde ?15:51
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macoits just that i know how15:51
macosil3nt|warri0r: yep thats how kubuntu devs expect you to do it15:51
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: you have alsa running already ... ;)15:52
Smurphyjust disable pulseaudio.15:52
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: how ?15:52
macoSmurphy: yes but direct through alsa, as opposed to indirectly via pulseaudio15:52
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: in the System Settings -> device preference -> Music - make sure HDA Intel (blabla0 is on top of the listing.15:53
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: i dont see any "device prefences" but only " multimedia"15:55
SmurphyClick Multimedia :)15:55
sil3nt|warri0rand there the hda intel at top15:56
SmurphyClick on the Intel Line, and on the right side/bottom, on Test.15:56
sil3nt|warri0rits says, "the hda intel audio system is not working, switching to the next blablabla"15:57
SmurphyThat is bad. So  - the drivers are not loaded correctly.15:58
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: I have my config under;l etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf15:59
Smurphysil3nt|warri0r: but I have to admit - i did upgrade from KUbuntu 8.10 to KUbuntu 9.10 :)15:59
Smurphyas kubuntn 9.04 was so screwed ...16:00
Smurphydidn't work on my mac mini at all ... A real nightmare.16:00
BluesKajpulseaudio is unecessary in a lot of cases , the kernel modules ,alsa-base and alsa-utils have enough tools to do most audio jobs ...pulseaudio is a fav of a dev who is pushing his own agenda ..PA maybe good for some exotic setups but for most situations it's not16:00
sil3nt|warri0rso how do i disable pulseaudio and enable alsa for my 9.10 :(16:02
BluesKajmake sure you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed first of all16:03
sil3nt|warri0rits there16:03
Smurphyok folks. Have to go ...16:03
BluesKajthen sudo apt-purge pulseaudio16:04
ShaxorHay does banshee work for anyone in kubuntu 9.10?16:04
BluesKajShaxor, ask in #ubuntu, most kde users don't have banshee16:04
sil3nt|warri0rSmurphy: thx frnd for ur help16:04
Smurphynp ;)16:04
ShaxorBluseKaj i think its a problem with kubuntu not banshee16:05
Shaxorbecasue it works just fine in ubuntu but not in kubuntu16:05
BluesKajShaxor, I wouldn't know , I use vlc for everything16:06
Shaxorah okay16:06
BluesKajbanshee is a gnome app and if you are missing some gtk-libs banshee may not work on kde16:07
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: is there anything i need to do after purge pulseaudio16:19
shadeslayerHi,how do i find the best mirror server by command line?16:21
shadeslayerfor installing packages that is16:21
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: apt-purge is not there ?16:24
sil3nt|warri0rits not is my system16:24
sil3nt|warri0ris it apt-get -purge ??16:24
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r, open system settings/multimedia/music and check the otput device test box for the HW listed there16:25
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r,  yes16:25
sil3nt|warri0rits hda intel16:25
BluesKajsorry about that i always use aptitude16:26
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r, output device , there's a test box there , click on it for sound test16:27
sil3nt|warri0rpulseaudio purging is in progress16:28
sil3nt|warri0rits done, do i need to restart ?16:29
sil3nt|warri0ri mean reboot ?16:29
EvilRoeywhy does canonical use pulseaudio, considering how I'm always reading of people removing it?16:29
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: clicking on the test button nothing happens16:30
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: no snd output nor any error msg shows16:30
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r, type alsamixer in the terminal16:34
sil3nt|warri0rthe needed cjannels are up. means full sound16:36
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r, make sure the ctrls are at 70% and the boxes don't have an M in them16:36
=== kb is now known as Guest23705
BluesKajuse the arrow keys to move around and use the M key to unmute any ctrls16:36
sil3nt|warri0rits 100% and there is 00 instead of MM16:37
BluesKaj100% is too high16:37
sil3nt|warri0rin master, headphone16:37
BluesKajit's vol ctrl16:37
sil3nt|warri0rin pcm there is no option for muting it16:37
shadeslayerkorvin: hey16:38
korvinyjw can i seepartition table in karmic koala?16:38
BluesKaj!intelhda | sil3nt|warri0r16:38
ubottusil3nt|warri0r: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:38
sil3nt|warri0rBluesKaj: so how do i save eand exit ?16:39
BluesKajsil3nt|warri0r, now you need to follow the above tutorial16:39
BluesKajescape key16:39
peter______is this a german room?16:39
shadeslayerpeter______: nope16:40
korvini've got a problem with grub 1.97 beta)16:40
BluesKaj!de | peter______16:40
ubottupeter______: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:40
reagleBRKLNunder karmic, i find runaway nspluginviewers eating up CPU quite a lot, even when no Konq is open anymore. Is this a bug, any recommendations? Running with 64bit Flash.16:40
shadeslayerBluesKaj: you beat me to it :)16:40
ShaxorHay is there a hotkey command that i can use to suspend in kwin compositing , kinda like the alt+Shift+F12 that restarts it, but a command to turn it off as well?16:40
korvinso, how can i see a parition table in konsole?16:41
shadeslayerkorvin: sure just tell us the problem16:41
shadeslayerShaxor: same combo to turn it off16:41
peter______thanks for help!16:41
BluesKajkorvin, df -h16:41
shadeslayerkorvin: sudo fdisk -l16:41
ShaxorOh Thank you Shadeslayer <,< sorry for the noob question16:42
korvinthank you very much )16:42
shadeslayerShaxor: hehe,no problem16:42
BluesKajwell, time for my daily walk .BBL16:43
shadeslayerBluesKaj: bye16:44
Bios_Hey my external hdd stopped working suddenly... wont show up in dev directory  ... and in windows i got only 'unkown device'16:45
Bios_any suggestions?16:45
FlootenkerpHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space?16:46
klebezettelthe shortcut for the quick access plasmoid doesn't seem to work...I can assign a shortcut, but nothing happens If I trigger it...any hint?16:46
apparlewhat should I use instead of hyperterminal (windows)16:48
jussi01apparle: what is hyperterminal for?16:48
apparlejussi01: I want something to communicate over serial port (with a microcontroller)16:49
jussi01!info minicom | apparle16:49
ubottuapparle: minicom (source: minicom): friendly menu driven serial communication program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 175 kB, installed size 1164 kB16:49
apparlejussi01: anything kde based?16:49
apparleI mean KDE or QT based16:49
FlootenkerpHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space?16:50
jussi01apparle: thats CLI based.16:50
jussi01how does hyperterminal work?16:50
Pici /2216:50
Picioh, a space.. how'd that get there?16:51
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space?16:52
clustermagnetguys, F1 key isnt working on my apple keyboard :(16:54
clustermagnetkubuntu 9.116:54
pmazurtry fn+f116:57
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clustermagnetpmazur: :) thank you :)17:01
apparlejussi01: it shows whatever is received at the serial port and transmits whatever is typed without echoing it17:01
clustermagnetalso, im having a nightmare with nvidia17:01
clustermagnetafter running nvidia-settings... its not able to save to /etc/X11/config :(17:01
clustermagnetso i have to rerun it every time17:01
apparleclustermagnet: it is supposed to save it to xorg.conf17:02
Bios_Hey my external hdd stopped working suddenly... wont show up in dev directory  ... and in windows i got only 'unkown device'17:02
clustermagnetapparle: right, xorg.conf :)17:02
pmazurmaybe you didnt run it with sudo?17:02
jussi01apparle: minicom is like getting a terminal on the device over serial17:02
apparleclustermagnet: is nvidia GUI or CLI17:03
clustermagnetapparle: gui17:03
apparlejussi01: and can I adjust the baudrates etc17:03
apparleclustermagnet: try running it with kdesudo17:03
clustermagnetapparle: ok17:04
clustermagnetapparle: also... interesting thing17:04
clustermagnetbefore running nvidia-settings gui... transparency works :)17:04
clustermagnetas soon as i run it, and hit dual screen twinview... konsole disables transparency17:04
apparleclustermagnet: maybe when you give superuser access to it, it will be able to write to xorg.conf17:05
clustermagnetapparle: im sure17:05
jussi01apparle: think so, but install and run minicom -s and find out.17:07
jussi01!info seyon | apparle - you could also look at this:17:07
ubottuapparle: seyon (source: seyon): Full-featured native X11 communications program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.20c-29 (karmic), package size 128 kB, installed size 372 kB17:07
Piciputty should also be able to talk to serial devices... although I haven't tested it on linux.17:08
apparleok I'll give both of them a try17:09
apparleis there something like bray's terminal etc17:10
jussi01apparle: I think that is seyon.17:13
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Messijuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html17:26
Bios_Hey my external hdd stopped working suddenly... wont show up in dev directory  ... and in windows i got only 'unkown device'17:29
ovidiuhy all17:30
BluesKajBios_, does df -h show anything peripheral ?17:34
Bios_nope BluesKaj17:34
BluesKajpastebin the output17:36
Bios_http://pastebin.com/dc8d34c6 BluesKaj17:46
Bios_sorry for delay17:47
Bios_was googling :P17:47
BluesKajBios_, do you have any other usb devices that you can use to test the buss ?17:48
Bios_mouse and anything else is working17:49
BluesKajhmm, like a phone , maybe , just want  to be sure your drive isn't kaput17:50
Bios_well it works on a friend's pc17:52
gioacchinohey all17:54
gioacchinoi am using kubuntu 9.10 on 64 bit17:54
gioacchinosometimes kontact don't start17:54
gioacchinoif i look at process there is a kontact17:54
gioacchinoif i kill it and restart kontact it work17:54
gioacchinothere is a fix for this ?17:54
FloodBotK2gioacchino: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:54
gioacchinoflood ???17:54
Bios_brb BluesKaj17:58
Peace-gioacchino: yu have to check launching it on therminal17:59
apparle!info cutecom18:01
ubottucutecom (source: cutecom): Graphical serial terminal, like minicom. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.22.0-1 (karmic), package size 51 kB, installed size 188 kB18:01
=== diego is now known as Guest96415
JediMasterwhat's the best way of making a kubuntu install usb stick? I've got kubuntu 9.10 installed already, but want to put the installer on a usb stick to install it on other machines18:10
JediMastershould I install usb-creator and download the kubuntu cd iso?18:10
kavurtJediMaster: usb-creator must be alredy installed on karmic by default18:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:13
kavurtJediMaster: it should be under Kmenu/System18:14
rmrfslashSo what are people using for an Office suite on Linux? If OpenOffice really the best option available?18:15
rmrfslashcuz if u ask me, it stinks.18:15
kavurtrmrfslash: most people use openoffice I guess18:16
Bios_latex only : P18:18
rmrfslashWhat about koffice?18:19
rmrfslashis it any good? I'm installing it now.18:19
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rmrfslashno drawing toolbar in Kword.18:23
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Mamarokmirko_: do you have a support question?19:07
Zxcvbwhere are the kernel headers in karmic?19:21
MamarokZxcvb: aptitude search headers tells you that19:21
Zxcvbno, I mean where does it put them once installed?19:22
MamarokZxcvb: ah, ok, in /usr/src/19:24
davidjheinrich I just got an Epson V700, which is supposed to have up to 6400 dpi scanning (optical)...but iscan (Image Scan!) and xsane only let me select up to 3200 dpi...what's up?19:25
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Mamarokdavidjheinrich: I don't know, is it reported to be fully supported in Linux?19:26
davidjheinrichthe sane-epson2 backend reports it as "known to work with this backend"19:27
Mamarokdavidjheinrich: according to this website it only says good, not complete support, might be the problem: http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-EPSON19:32
davidjheinrichguess I have to buy Vuescan if I want 6400 dpi19:33
davidjheinrich(although there's barely any diff between 6400 & 3200 dpi in terms of real optical resolution...consumer flatbeds heinously over-state what they're capable of19:33
Mamaroksorry, check that list for other manufacturers also, might cost less elsewhere19:34
MamarokEpson is not exactly well known for Linux support, unless HP19:34
Mamarokbut for scanners it's always a bit a hassle19:34
davidjheinrichwell, I already have an Epson19:35
Mamarokbut 3200 dpi is not that bad19:36
davidjheinrichI scan 4x5 trannies, on the large format forum, ppl have basically said that for under $2k, Epson is the only scanner in town worth looking at19:36
davidjheinrichyea, it's still pretty good19:36
davidjheinrichre linux support, well, epson refers to "avasys"19:37
davidjheinrichI guess HP would be my next guess for linux scanners (good name, and I'd guess good support, as they have great printer-support...even some of their $10k printers are linux-supported)...but their high-end scanner competing with the Epson V700 isn't supported in linux19:40
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davidjheinrichMamoarok, thanks for your help19:49
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luis_I was just asking myself if there was a way to connect amarok to the ps3, like windows media player can do, so i can share my music without having to pass it to the ps3, u know a way?19:56
BluesKajluis_, is your ps3 connected to the internet20:00
luis_of course20:00
BluesKajthen you should be able to see it as a device on your network20:00
BluesKajluis_, can you access your router hostpage ? .. it should be listed there by device and IP address20:04
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|moe|g'evening. i accidentially deleted my trash in dolphin instead of emptying it. how can i get it back?20:22
Mamarok|moe|: you mean you deleted th Trash folder?20:24
|moe|Mamarok: no, i deleted the trash icon in "locations" of dolphin20:24
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derNeugierige|moe|: right click on the left sidebar and add an item...20:25
|moe|derNeugierige: if i select the icon user-trash, does it "change shape" upon filling like the old one did?20:26
derNeugierigetest it20:26
derNeugierige|moe|: it does20:28
|moe|maybe it's better to use the address trash:/ instead of the .local/share/Trash/files right?20:28
Mamarok|moe|: yes, that would be the logical one20:28
|moe|Mamarok, derNeugierige: thanks guys!20:29
derNeugierige|moe|: you're welcome20:30
Mamarok|moe|: you are welcome :)20:33
amgarchingomg, look at the "Details" tab of the progress dialog in KPackageKit http://imagebin.ca/view/7eC9SR0O.html20:34
|moe|amgarching: awesome, same on my end. i use apt-get for updating since then20:36
amgarchingjust fun, I use aptitude to update things anyway. moe20:37
|moe|amgarching: funny thing indeed20:38
anitaanyone here?20:44
anitai need help20:44
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derNeugierigeanita: ask20:46
anitamy computer crashed so i put ubuntu 9.10 on the computer with the intention never to go back to windows , but now i realize i cannot use my ipod touch with ubuntu ...and so i tried to put windows back in so i could use dual os, but it won't work???20:46
derNeugierigeanita: first install xp and then linux and your dual boot should work20:50
anitahow can i get linux off the pc20:50
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derNeugierigeformat your hd20:51
anitai'm not sure how to do it with linux20:52
anita i have a dell...is it with f12?20:53
anitaoh ok20:53
shicmaphello, I just updated my Kubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. And now I cannot connect to the internet.20:53
Bauldrickhi - i'm trying to configure a program to build, but it cant guess my build type... I know I can say like ./configure --build='bla-bla' - but what is my system missing?20:54
shicmapwhat should I do? It cannot detect my wireless internet. If I attach my wireless network adapter, it will keep on popping out a notification saying that the adapter is detected then segfault occurs and the whole system freeze20:55
Bauldrickis everyone in #ubuntu then?20:57
mark_how do  i setup a printer in kubuntu21:01
mark_all the information im finding seems to be out of date21:01
mark_its telling me to use the kde printing manager21:02
mark_i don't have that on my system21:02
mark_then it says use kde print21:02
mark_i can't find that either21:02
mark_theres no link in the menu to setup a printer21:02
mark_theres printer configuration but that doesn't let me add a printer21:03
mark_how do i do it?21:03
Tscheesyshicmap: hm - do you have a possibility to connect by LAN?21:03
Bauldrickmark_ try
Bauldrickin your browser21:03
mark_it says the link cannot be opened21:04
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mark_now it works21:04
mark_had to paste it into my browser21:04
Guest84029help!! I had kubutnu intrepid on my laptop. never had space to upgrade. today i finally upgraded to jaunty, but now it's screwed21:04
mark_whats the user name and password?21:04
Guest84029I can login, but the screen only shows the wallpaper, the plasma desktop and the panel are not shown21:05
Tm_Tmark_: typically your username and password21:05
Guest84029on first login i saw at least the analog clock still, but I thought it was just a temporary problem, so I restareted again ,and now only blue wallpaper...21:05
Guest84029what can i do?21:05
shicmapTscheesy: no, I use wireless network21:05
Tm_Tmark_: I never configured mine, it just works, hmmmm21:06
Guest84029alt+f2 'konsole' got me to konsole21:06
mark_its the root user21:06
mark_i remember doing this on my mac21:07
Guest84029should i gtriy to upgrade to karmic and hope this will fix it again? or will it make it worse?21:07
Tscheesyshicmap: first - you should update your System, then by starting jockey-kde - you can look for a propretery driver (unlock the Repository in kpackagekit) -otherwise i suppose a bug21:08
shicmapTscheesy: sorry, but how can I start jockey-kde. I cannot update my system if there is no connection, I guess..21:09
Tscheesytherfore you should look for a LAN-connection i'd propose - sry21:10
mark_it doesn't have my printer listed21:10
shicmapok. thanks Tscheesy21:10
mark_so can i just use an generic driver that it selected?21:10
Bauldrickshicmap: did your update finish, you may need to run `dpkg-reconfigure -a` or whatever it is21:10
shicmapBauldrick: I think I did.. My system reported 11 seg faults21:11
mark_its not working21:12
ubuntu_how can i delete a kubuntu partition?21:13
ubuntu_i have 2 primaries on my drive21:13
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Lycanow
derNeugierigeLycanow: install partionmanager21:16
Lycanowit doesnt let me remove21:16
Lycanowthe partition21:16
derNeugierigesorry partitionmanager21:17
Lycanow by the way my whole hdd is formated as ext4. i made some space to install winXP, do i have to do a slow format or is a quick format enough? (cause it changes to ntfs)21:19
Tm_TLycanow: quick is enough, difference is only if file data is erased entirely or not I believe21:20
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LycanowTm_T: OK21:20
Lycanowi ask this cause when i have usb stick and want to change filesystem i need to do slowformat21:21
Tm_Tonly if you like to make sure there's no data left behind21:21
Tm_Tthough I'm not expert so I might get this all wrong21:22
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hackspiderhi i installed crossover linux 8 and office 2007. when i try to start word or any other application from kickoff it doesn't start, but when i start it from a terminal by ./winword in cxoffice/bin directory it fires up without any problem21:24
TurinCan someone explain me why system hangs out my screen when i play full-screen movie?  Not immediately, after ~30 minutes .21:26
TurinKubuntu Karmic21:26
TurinDragon Player21:26
TurinDesktop computer21:27
GiantTalkingCowScreen Saver or sleep kicks in and ends up locking up your desktop?21:27
TurinGiantTalkingCow: It just switches off21:28
TurinGiantTalkingCow: I got that message from monitor "No Signal"21:28
TurinGiantTalkingCow: I just can't understand why it happens when program is working21:29
GiantTalkingCowThat is bizarre.21:29
GiantTalkingCowGetting any sound from the speakers, still?21:29
Lycanowcan i restore grub21:30
Lycanowi installed xp21:30
FloodBotK2Lycanow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:30
TurinGiantTalkingCow: No. It power saver, I sure.21:30
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TurinGiantTalkingCow: How to make this thing look for working stuff, before it switches screen out?21:31
Turinshlainn: OK, I didn't use mouse or something, but full-screen have to prevent shutting my screen down.21:32
Turinshlainn: In all my systems before Kubuntu Karmic it was21:32
Lycanowi have 2 ubuntu partitions and i use a livecd to delete the 1st of the 2. both are primaries, but only the first has the boot flag on it. what should i do?21:35
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Lycanowwhat does it do21:47
Lycanowwhen i move my partition21:47
Lycanowin the disk21:47
Lycanownot change size21:47
Lycanowjust move it21:47
FloodBotK2Lycanow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
Lycanowwith gparted or partitionmanager21:47
TurinPretty dead chat, huh21:53
rorkdepends on your patience tbg21:54
Peace--Turin: mm?21:54
TurinPeace--: OK, maybe I wrong, but versus Mint chat...21:55
Peace--well here it's onlu kde stuff21:55
Peace--inf you go on ubuntu channel21:55
Peace--instead of kubuntu you can get more guys21:55
Peace--here there are smarter of them xD21:55
TurinPeace--: Dragon and power manager in group, isn't it?21:56
Peace--Turin: ?21:56
TurinPeace--: My questions were about Dragon player and power manager in Kubuntu Karmic.21:57
Peace--and what was the problem with that?21:57
TurinPeace--: My screen switches off when i look full-screen movie21:57
Peace--that stuff21:58
TurinPeace--: In Dragon21:58
Peace--well use vlc then21:58
Peace--if you think it's only a dragon issue21:58
Peace--i have not dragon here21:58
Peace--i used vlc for everything21:58
TurinPeace--: Maybe you right, but i really want to understand this problem. I didn't saw this never before21:59
TurinNot in GNOME, not in Win...21:59
Peace--mmm have you turned off , the screen saver ?21:59
kaddihi, how can I join a jabber group with kopete?22:01
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rorkKaddi: Settings >> Add account >> Jabber22:05
kaddilol, that crashes kopete22:06
kaddiquite impressively at that22:06
kerncoHi, I need help getting the display for this laptop switched to a projector.  I'm running the 32-bit 9.10 Live CD, and the laptop has an Intel integrated graphics chip.  When I press Fn+F5 to switch to the projector, nothing happens.22:09
kerncoOutput of xrandr: http://pastebin.com/m2f402e3322:10
Peace--kernco: mm22:10
Peace--maybe you need to create a action22:11
Peace--if your systen recognizer Fn and of course F5 you can create a combination22:11
Peace--of button22:11
Peace--go on system and settings22:12
Peace--to do that22:12
gigasoftYour input can't be opened:22:12
gigasoftVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///media/cdrom0'. Check the log for details. any help22:12
Zxcvbif I am going to be using a kernel on both a Pentium M and an Core2 system, which processor family would it be best to select?22:16
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gigasofti have problem to play encrypted dvd with  many's, i tryed all. any help?22:21
kaddirork: I already have an account, I want to join a multi user chat22:22
Peace--!dvd | gigasoft22:24
ubottugigasoft: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
gigasoftok thank, you  but i tried that22:25
Peace--sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras ? gigasoft22:26
gigasofti done that :(22:26
Peace--gigasoft: tried vlc?22:26
gigasoftyap :(22:26
Peace--ultra mega strange vlc didn't work on dvd22:26
jussi01installed the libdvdcss stuff from medibuntu?22:27
gigasoft...  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras22:27
gigasoft0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 73 not upgraded.22:27
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:27
jussi01be sure to check the licensing for your country.22:27
gigasoftok thank anyway22:28
kaddi_is there a fix for the freezes and slowness with intel graphics cards? I thought that was suppose to improve with karmic?22:34
fouratam discovering the kubuntu netbook edition22:38
fouraton the wiki, its said there's a lot of social widgets22:38
fourati cant see anything like that22:38
fouratfor example how to add a google calendar plasma widget ?22:39
lovreweee, kubuntu and windows7 integration in its highest:   http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6748/snapshot2y.png22:40
ign0ramushey all.22:47
kaddi_ign0ramus didn't you sort out my intel problems in jaunty?22:48
kaddi_do you know how to fix the same issues in karmic?22:48
ign0ramusyup, seems like forever ago!22:49
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ign0ramuskaddi_: it's better than in jaunty, but i use the xorg-edgers ppa22:49
kaddi_there's a xorg-edgers ppa for karmic as well?22:49
kaddi_maybe I should try it22:49
ign0ramuskaddi_: yup, and the swat-x-updates ppa as well22:50
kaddi_I tried to get that today, but wouldn't work... don't know what I was doing wrong22:50
ign0ramusand http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu/dists/karmic/22:51
ign0ramuskaddi_: I still get some choppiness on fullscreen high-res flash, but sometimes a restart of X fixes it. Still not sure why22:52
* ign0ramus shrugs22:52
ign0ramuskaddi_: and I installed Karmic fresh, so I have no xorg.conf at all... not sure if it would even use it. I had specified the greedy heuristic for intel graphics, but apparently that is done by default now.22:53
kaddi_I get 100% cpu usage on a 2.4 Ghz dualcore, when I start flipping windows or somethings just as demanding. It's infuriating22:53
ign0ramuskaddi_: try the PPAs22:53
kaddi_I have no xorg.conf either22:53
ign0ramuskaddi_: if you don't like, just uninstall :)22:53
kaddi_wll do22:53
kaddi_jeah, I'm seriously looking at alternatives right now22:54
kaddi_after 6 years of ubuntu22:54
kaddi_but it's just getting worse and worse for me22:54
ign0ramuskaddi_: try here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318209/22:57
ign0ramuskaddi_: the PPAs and keys22:57
ign0ramuskaddi_: i must admit, i've been using win7 fairly frequently lately :(22:58
kaddi_yes I'm considering going back to windows myself... and somehow it's frightening22:58
kaddi_lol, I already have the keys :p22:59
ign0ramusi actually came in here to see if kde 4.3.3 now has a simple way to format SD cards... I know i can do "sudo mkdosfs..." but is there no right-click > format option?22:59
ign0ramuskaddi_: i commend the kde team for the hard work, and making kde4 usable, but little stuff that is simple and people are used to are still apparently missing :/23:00
BluesKajign0ramus, mkisofs ..maybe ?23:01
ign0ramushey BluesKaj :)23:01
BluesKajhi ign0ramus :)23:01
ign0ramusBluesKaj: yeah, but to explain to a co-worker who's new to Linux, is there no gui method where i can just tell them to right click and select 'format' like he's done in windows for nearly a decade?23:02
QuintasanThis should be a paperKut!23:02
BluesKajign0ramus, have you tried gparted ?23:02
ign0ramusBluesKaj: i can issue the mount command and find where the card is mounted and use the "mkdosfs" command, but for a newbie, that's a big turn-off23:02
fourat_hello all23:03
fourat_i'm trying the notebook kubuntu edition23:03
ign0ramusBluesKaj: actually, i haven't thought of that. seems like overkill to format an sd card, but that may work :)23:03
fourat_prtty amazing :)23:03
ign0ramusfourat_: netbook?23:03
fourat_note one ;)23:04
BluesKajign0ramus, well, if he wants to remain a newbie , I suppose so , but if he wants to learn linux then , no pain no gain :)23:04
Quintasanfourat_: I'd like to let you know that is marked as a Technical Preview, don't expect everything to work flawlessly23:04
Quintasan :P23:04
Quintasanit is*23:04
fourat_yes i knew that23:04
fourat_i took the adventure anyway:)23:04
ign0ramusBluesKaj: i agree, but i switch people to (k)ubuntu because it's 'user-friendly'23:04
* ign0ramus goes to check the notebook edition23:05
fourat_and it is working and charming though23:05
ign0ramusfourat_: link plz?23:05
fourat_anyway.. i need some help with the widget stuff on  the desktop23:05
BluesKajit ain't windows user-freindly , not yet at least ...it can be but most will eventually encounter the need for the cli .23:05
fourat_ign0ramus: google kubuntu notebook23:06
ign0ramusBluesKaj: I absolutely love cli, but newbies get scared O_o23:06
Quintasanign0ramus: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Netbook23:06
fourat_when i add a new widget, its being added in the bottom of the desktop, i need to personalize the position ...23:06
ign0ramusQuintasan: lol. I asked him if he meant 'netbook'. He said no.23:07
BluesKajexpalin how simple the cli is vs windows downloads and installs and the safety factor23:07
fourat_i cant get to it23:07
QuintasanAFAIK no such thing as notebook edition23:07
ign0ramusQuintasan: that's why i asked ;)23:07
ign0ramusBluesKaj: i agree, but you know old habits die hard, and when I keep them on a dual-boot, they end up just going back to windows because its more comfortable23:08
ign0ramusBluesKaj: but then I get to make a few bucks cleaning their computer in a few months :)23:08
fourat_anyone about the widgets?23:08
ign0ramusfourat_: i haven't used the NETBOOK remix, but can't you drag widgets to where you want them?23:09
BluesKajyeah ign0ramus , I still dual boot because my friends all use windows and expect me to help when they run into trouble , so keep windows to find solutions23:09
fourat_let me check it to confirm23:09
ign0ramusBluesKaj: I still need it for my POS lexmark printer, and Rosetta Stone, but nothing more. Although I got Win7, and I'm liking the Media Center. A lot.23:10
BluesKajWin7 is ok , but it's just XP in Vista clothing :)23:11
kaddihow can i get the ctrl-alt-del to restart X?23:11
ign0ramuskaddi: in System Settings now.23:11
kaddiah, just change the dontzap option, that didn't help at all23:11
BluesKajkaddi, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start23:12
ign0ramuskaddi: there's also the alt+sysrq+k option23:12
ign0ramuskaddi: but i'm still stuck on ctrl+alt+bckspce23:12
fourat_ign0ramus: i've added the activity bar widget, it's now a big switcher between (applications and newspaper) and is placed right in the middle of my desktop, i cant move it, i can only remove it23:12
BluesKajkaddi, or drop to a tty ans startx23:13
ign0ramusfourat_: have you unlocked widgets?23:13
kaddikk, gonna restart again, added the uxa to xorg.conf, updating the inteldrivers didn't change a thing saddl23:13
ign0ramuskaddi: System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Standard Keyboard shortcuts23:13
fourat_ign0ramus: how ? (am pretty new to kubuntu, being on ubuntu for some years ago ...)23:13
BluesKajok genys , take care , ...jam night tonight ..gonna play some tunes23:14
ign0ramusfourat_: again, i haven't used the netbook version, but in regular kde, you can right-click the desktop, and select "Unlock Widgets"23:14
ign0ramusfourat_: then you can drag them, resize them, etc23:14
ign0ramuskaddi: i think uxa is also enabled by default in karmic. (don't quote me on that, though!)23:15
kaddino luck here23:16
ign0ramuskaddi: you tried updating with both PPAs?23:16
kadditried exa and uxa with the new driver, both cores are stuck at 80% with /usr/bin/X taking up a proude 80%23:16
ign0ramuskaddi: ouch!23:16
kaddiand plasma-desktop is up thre too23:17
ign0ramuskaddi: i have similar... laptop is now actually shutting off during fullscreen flash (overheating)23:17
kaddilol, plus the notifications stopped vanishing again :p... that's definitely a regression23:17
kaddinot good :/23:17
* kaddi knocking on wood23:17
kaddithe total freezes have actually become less frequent23:17
ign0ramuskaddi: and *still* can't turn off the preview option in the Folder View widget!23:17
kaddiprobably because I disabled desktop effects though, not because kernel/drivers improved23:18
ign0ramuskaddi: i have a 1.5ghz C2D, i never even bother with kwin's effects23:18
ign0ramuskaddi: they do look nice, but bring my system to a grind after a while23:19
kaddiyeah, I kinda bought that machine 8 month ago with the thought that I would take something expensive, that it could last a couple of years and now I can't even run current OS on it :(23:19
ign0ramuskaddi: that's not progress!23:19
kaddiyou know if there is a ppa for the latest kernel as well just as with jaunty?23:19
ign0ramusign0ramus: i bet it would run Hardy just fine23:19
kaddivista runs quite nicely on it though, a lot better than ubuntu to be honest23:20
ign0ramuskaddi: i know... win7 runs quickly, quietly, and cooler than Karmic, but I'm not jumping ship!23:20
kaddibut then again, they probably bought the drivers for the intel card...23:21
ign0ramuskaddi: before in the tutorial, there wasn't a PPA involved for the kernel updates; we were just wget'ing the packages and installing them with dpkg23:21
kaddiI can't really switch, I'm a command line person and that's just a pain on windows23:21
ign0ramuskaddi: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/23:21
ign0ramuskaddi: me too23:21
ign0ramuskaddi: make sure to keep at least 1 stable kernel, as a lot of the RC's break stuff like wireless and sound (believe me, i know)23:22
kaddimaybe I'll try to learn powershell, apparently that's supposed to be better23:22
kaddikarmic is running on 2.6.31?23:23
ign0ramuskaddi: "uname -a" = Linux lappy 2.6.31-15-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 10 14:54:29 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux23:23
kaddihow odd.. I'm still running 2.6.31-14 and I just did a dist-upgrade and rebooted23:24
ign0ramuskaddi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318223/23:25
ign0ramuskaddi: oh, did you get the backports?23:25
kaddiahh.. kk, I only have the traditional pacages23:25
ign0ramuskaddi: do you have this --> http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.323:26
=== genii__ is now known as genii
* ign0ramus hands genii his coffee23:26
geniiign0ramus: Thanks muchly23:27
ign0ramusgenii: np. it's been a while.23:27
kaddion a totally different note: what happened to nopaste.com, I always liked them and they've given a 404 for a couple of weeks now :(23:28
ign0ramuskaddi: bandwidth issues23:28
ign0ramuskaddi: same thing that happened to bash.org23:28
kaddithey're gone for good or will they be back23:28
ign0ramuskaddi: luckily, people donated time and money. i'd image the fate of raf would be the same...23:28
ign0ramuskaddi: yeah, that was my favorite, too. could even access it from tty (pasting and reading)23:29
kaddiI found the pastebinit command lately, that's pretty cool to. (not sure what it was using back then) but now it's using pastein.com23:30
kaddijust type pastebinit /var/log/X.0.org and it'll return the link it was uploaded to23:30
ign0ramuskaddi: nice. that's what i use too :)23:31
kaddidang, I never have something new to tell you :p23:31
ign0ramuskaddi: 1) not true & 2) i spend *way* too much time on the computer ;)23:32
kaddiI'm going to mess with the kernels another day, I'm not in the mood of rebooting today :p23:32
ign0ramuskaddi: in all honesty, I don't think you'll notice that much of a difference, as far as graphics are concerned. :/23:32
kaddiyeah I'm gonna check if disabling KMS helps23:33
ign0ramuskaddi: that's something i haven't tried (!)... let me know if it works out23:33
kaddiI've had issue with that before (absolutely no output to the screen)23:33
kaddidisabling it brought it right back :D23:33
ign0ramuskaddi: do you have the GM965?23:35
kaddiyeah, I think so23:36
kaddibut that's not the PC where I had no output with KSM enabled23:36
ign0ramuskaddi: i'm checking out the modesetting for KMS, and its using the i915 module...23:37
ign0ramuskaddi: *in the tutorial23:37
kaddimodeset=0 disables it iirc23:37
kaddithat would have been my approach :p23:37
ign0ramuskaddi: where are you putting that line?23:38
kaddigrub menu editor behind the line to start the kernel23:38
kaddias a switch of the kernel to start, somewhat23:38
ign0ramuskaddi: does that work in grub2?23:38
kaddiuh don't know23:38
kaddiI still have the old one23:38
ign0ramuskaddi: ahh... yeah, grub2 is definitely... different23:39
ign0ramusnot sure if i like it yet23:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:39
kaddilol, yeah I heard that much23:39
ign0ramusno grub.conf any more. different config file, but the syntax is not how it used to be23:39
geniiYou have to edit the /etc/default/grub file now and no longer menu.lst , etc etc23:39
ign0ramusgenii: yes. that.23:40
kaddilol, killing of plasma, when you're not running kwin as windowmanager isn't a good idea apparently :p23:45
ign0ramuskaddi: haha23:45
kaddialt-f2 still works though :)23:45
ign0ramuskaddi: <3 krunner23:45
kaddiI had to find out the other day the killing explorer in Windows, also robs you of the windows-hotkeys.. which would have been nice to relaunch explorer at that point :p23:46
kaddi(ctrl-alt-del still worked though :))23:46
ign0ramuskaddi: there's a run command from ctrl+alt+del  ;)23:46
kaddiI know, that's why I mentioned it ;)23:47
ign0ramuskaddi: gotcha :) also, explorer respawns after a minute or so (or at least should)23:48
ign0ramusok, gotta run. i always come in for a quick question, and end up staying way too long23:49
ign0ramusgood night guys. i'll have one for #kubuntu tonight23:49
RenatoSilvadoes anyone have had problems with bridge network mode when Kubuntu is virtualized with VirtualBox?23:50
RenatoSilvaI just can't enable it, nic config just doesn't work, not even manual config23:51

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