
fcuk112https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/481479 in order to fix this bug, should cdrecord be added as a dependency of the package?00:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 481479 in linux "xcdroast doesn't work in Karmic Koala" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:54
dtchen_does it *really* need xcdroast?00:57
dtchen_does it *really* need cdrecord?00:57
fcuk112dunno, if the app errors with that message it should do?  should i check if that string is hard-coded?00:58
kklimondaisn't it duplicate of bug 380144 ?00:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 380144 in xcdroast "xcdroast+wodim can't setup (1st run as root)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38014400:58
kklimondadebian bug 523639 may have more info about it and some patches00:59
ubot4Debian bug 523639 in xcdroast "xcdroast: Failed to access cdrecord" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/52363900:59
kklimondafcuk112: ^^^00:59
micahghi yoasif01:01
fcuk112thanks guys.01:03
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jtniehofI'm confused by https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ ...it says (under Confirming) 'Change the "Assigned to" field to "Nobody"', but that doesn't seem possible. i.e. there's no "Nobody" as a special option, just lots of Launchpad users who put "nobody" as their name01:37
jtniehofshould I just leave it as "Unassigned"?01:38
micahgjtniehof: yes, bugs should be unassigned unless someone is working on it01:38
micahgas in a developer01:38
jtniehofthanks. I'll edit the wiki then....01:39
FFEMTcJcan someone wishlist Bug #48168802:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 481688 in gnome-system-monitor "Can you add features like 'power consumed' ?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48168802:50
WeatherGodIs there a better way to edit the wiki page than through the browser?02:52
WeatherGodthe text comes out so big that it is hard to find the line I want in the text box02:53
micahg1FFEMTcJ: done03:01
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
micahgWeatherGod: that's the only was I know of03:01
FFEMTcJthanks micahg03:02
micahgFFEMTcJ: the bug still needs triage though :)03:02
WeatherGodok, just annoying that I can't get Firefox to search for the bug number within an edit box, it seems03:04
WeatherGodalso, any idea why bug 425166 was listed as a new bug when it was also listed in the "send upstream" list as well?03:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 425166 in nautilus "Nautilus *.txt file behaviour" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42516603:04
hggdhbug 47896203:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 478962 in udev "After upgrade to Karmic, CD/DVD drive no longer works" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47896203:05
micahgWeatherGod: are you trying to record stuff for the hugday?03:06
WeatherGodrecord stuff?03:06
micahgadd your name and mark it03:07
WeatherGodhggdh, yeah, that's epic one03:07
WeatherGodmicahg, yes, I notice that that bug I already worked on was in the other list as well03:07
micahgWeatherGod: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/Tools03:07
hggdhgood work there, though. Although you went way far than needed ;-)03:07
WeatherGodshe reminds me of one of my aunts03:08
hggdhWeatherGod: if you are triaging a bug, and you ask for more data, it is OK (and actually expected) to change the status to INCOMPLETE03:08
hggdhdarn, she *does* remind me on one of mine also03:09
WeatherGodyeah, i have been doing that more recently03:09
WeatherGodI gotta go back over my old ones and fix that03:09
WeatherGodalthough, it seems like apport keeps on resetting it to new?03:09
hggdhbut good work03:09
WeatherGodor it is the user themselves03:09
WeatherGodhggdh, thanks03:10
WeatherGodmicahg, I'll install those tools right now03:12
WeatherGodthe problem with the nautilus focus today is that I use UNR, and a lot of these things I can't even verify03:13
micahgWeatherGod: sorry, I didn't get what you meant initially when you said edit the wiki03:13
WeatherGodmicahg, np03:13
micahgWeatherGod: just do what you can :), you can tackle the ones that need upstreaming :)03:14
hggdhWeatherGod: another good package to install (if you are running firefox) is firefox-lp-improvements03:15
WeatherGodany idea why the *.txt bug was listed twice?03:15
hggdher. which *.txt bug?03:16
WeatherGodbug 42516603:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 425166 in nautilus "Nautilus *.txt file behaviour" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42516603:17
WeatherGodOk, installing the qa tools, and it is having me do a bunch of postfix stuff...03:19
mrandI don't have time to push it upstream - but Bug 472437 looks to have a valid stack trace that may make it easily actionable.03:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 472437 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor keeps crashing with signal 7 (on a Jaunty booted from USB)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47243703:19
mrandIf someone would like to take it.03:19
WeatherGodjust needs to go upstream to gnome?03:20
WeatherGodI can push it there03:20
mrandWeatherGod: cool.  Take credit for it on hugday03:21
hggdhWeatherGod: personally, the txt bug is a wontfix. But let's see what upstream says03:22
WeatherGodpersonally, I think that is one of those "seems easy to fix, but has a lot of nasty implications" type things03:22
WeatherGodI think my writeup on the gnome site was fair03:23
hggdhyes, this is the point. The OR (original reporter) is expecting file suffix to always match windows. This will not happen03:23
hggdhWeatherGod: it was.03:24
WeatherGodand using mime-types is bad03:24
WeatherGodquite honestly, i think just having the fat32 and ntfs partitions mount as noexec would be a better solution03:25
WeatherGodbut I don't think others would be happy with that03:26
hggdhabout bug 472437 -- I would like the OR to run gnome-system-monitor from a terminal, and attach the output to the bug03:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 472437 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor keeps crashing with signal 7 (on a Jaunty booted from USB)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47243703:26
WeatherGodok, I'll add that to the report as well as filing upstream03:27
hggdhit would be safer to mount them noexec, I agree. This is what I personally used to do, when I had to mount NTFSs03:27
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
WeatherGodwhat repo is the firefox improvements package in... can't seem to find it?03:28
hggdhoh, the version there is from jaunty...03:29
hggdhhold on, there is a ppa with it03:29
WeatherGodI am using Jaunty03:29
WeatherGodI haven't fully moved to Karmic yet03:29
hggdhWeatherGod: use the PPA03:29
hggdhmore up-to-date03:30
hggdhmicahg: thank you, BTW03:33
micahghggdh: np03:33
micahghggdh: can you tell me if an upstream for a bug seems correct?03:44
micahgbug 448343 and gnome bug 57902603:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 448343 in nautilus "While brasero records a disk nautilus keeps trying to mount it" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44834303:44
ubot4Gnome bug 579026 in general "Nautilus should ignore blank CD/DVD insertion when a CD/DVD is being copied" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57902603:44
hggdhmicahg: looking03:44
hggdhmicahg: they really sound like the same thing03:46
hggdhyou take care of it, or I?03:46
micahgI'll take care of it03:46
micahgcan you add the downstream link on bgo03:47
micahgand I'll update the LP bug03:47
micahgI don't think I have a bgo account yet03:47
hggdhwill do. I was going to propose you that ;-)03:48
* micahg just wanted to add one for the hugday03:48
hggdhcuz I also want to upgrade the nautilus version03:48
micahghggdh: unfortunately, the reported didn't include a version :)03:52
hggdhwell, yes, the OR stated running karmic03:52
* micahg can';t read tonight :)03:53
* hggdh has a migrane03:53
WeatherGodnor type03:53
WeatherGodfinally got the stuff installed03:53
WeatherGodstupid key auth... kept mistyping it03:53
hggdhand the migrane was made worse by an (unrelated) email denying the holocaust :-(03:54
WeatherGodshouldn't those go to spam?03:54
WeatherGodI pretty much trained mine to spot all those no-global-warming emails my parents keep trying to send me03:55
hggdhit was a serious email, up to this point03:55
WeatherGodugh, that sucks03:55
micahganother example of why filetypes don't work...people can have files with spaces after the extension :)03:55
WeatherGodI *hate* those!03:56
hggdhgood one, micahg! We usually do not think about spaces *after* the dot03:56
micahgyep '.png ' :)03:56
WeatherGodhe isn't talking about after the dot, he is talking about after the extention03:56
micahgWeatherGod: he knows03:57
WeatherGodtry doing a "eog foobar.png '03:57
micahgWeatherGod: it's still after the dot03:57
micahgjust not right after03:57
hggdheof foobar. png03:57
WeatherGodah, true03:57
* hggdh cannot type either03:57
WeatherGodI once accidentially named a file to start with a hyphen... *that* was annoying03:58
WeatherGod"rm -badfile.txt".... "unknown option"03:58
dtchen_thank you, --03:58
WeatherGodyeah, that was a few years ago, didn't know about that, neither did the sys admin03:59
WeatherGodjust went to the gui instead03:59
WeatherGodok, let's see if I can figure these tools out04:00
WeatherGodI'll try this out with 47243704:00
WeatherGodsweet, the  hugday program is cool04:03
WeatherGodwonder if I can get it working on Fedora?04:03
WeatherGodwill have to repackage it for rpms, of course... but then I could do hugdays while at work04:04
micahgWeatherGod: you can use the bzr repo04:04
WeatherGodah, and compile from source?04:04
micahgWeatherGod: they're python scripts...no compiling AFAIK04:05
hggdhbut will have prereqs, at least the lp library04:05
hggdhstill, should not be difficult04:05
WeatherGodok... I'll look into it tomorrow at work04:06
micahghggdh: there's more stuff in ubuntu-qa-tools than the hugday stuff04:07
hggdhand thank you for remembering me to bzr pull my local image ;-)04:08
=== asac_ is now known as asac
WeatherGodanybody else find it funny what the command is to look up the man pages for 'hugday'?04:29
WeatherGod'man hugday'04:33
WeatherGodok, I pushed bug 472437 upstream, and added a note to the OR for more info04:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 472437 in gnome-system-monitor "gnome-system-monitor keeps crashing with signal 7 (on a Jaunty booted from USB)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47243704:38
WeatherGodmrand passed this one off to me, I thought it was listed for hugday, but I don't see it04:39
WeatherGodI'll look at it some more tomorrow...04:41
=== geser_ is now known as geser
bossekrhi all; within the last two days I tried to use the edit@bugs.launchpad.net email interface to change bugs in Ubuntu as Debian developer for "my" package but nothing happens07:45
bossekrloot at my email at http://pastie.org/696927 and find the problem why edit@bugs.launchpad.net does not work, thx07:50
ikthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/476958 <- needs to be set to triaged12:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 476958 in nautilus "Cannot share a folder via right click on folder->sharing options->share this folder" [Low,Confirmed]12:08
pedro_ikt, done, thanks for sent it upstream12:10
iktnp :)12:10
qensehello bug channel13:35
rorevery single time I restart my computer I need to reinstall libdvdread4. Every single reboot!13:37
rorthis is getting old :(13:37
qensepedro_: could you renew my membership? It's about to expire very soon and I wouldn't want to be kicked out of bugcontrol ;)13:50
pedro_qense, sure, 'qense' is your lp id ?13:51
pedro_qense, renewed13:57
qensepedro_: sorry, wasn't paying attention. Thanks for the renewal!14:03
pedro_qense, you're welcome14:03
daconehi'lo #ubuntu-bugs14:24
daconeim haveing corrupted data after using "dvgrab" it happens randomly, and i can't seem to find similar issues using google, any idea?14:25
* bcurtiswx_ waves to room15:03
* nigel_nb waves to bcurtiswx_15:10
nigel_nbhggdh: were you by any chance able to find me a mentor?15:26
nigel_nbabout bug 48175315:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 481753 in netbook-launcher "Can't make an app launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48175315:31
nigel_nbit seems more like a question15:32
hggdhnigel_nb: sorry for the delay. I am still looking for mentors in the UTC+6 TZ15:50
nigel_nbhggdh: it doesnt matter where the person is15:50
hggdhOK. I will take you on, then15:50
nigel_nbhggdh: ah, great :)15:51
hggdhplease be aware that -- right now -- I am working remote, so I am logged in pretty much as I show in the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors page15:51
hggdhnigel_nb: for bug 481753: this is not really a question, but could be looked at as a wishlist: .jar-deployed applications would have to be either mime-typed, or prefixed by a 'java -jar' call15:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 481753 in netbook-launcher "Can't make an app launcher" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48175315:53
hggdhnigel_nb: what is your LP id?15:54
nigel_nbthank you :)15:55
nigel_nbI'll be working the whole night today15:55
nigel_nbbug 482189 is not exactly a bazaar bug15:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 482189 in bzr "wrong permissions of .bazaar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48218915:57
nigel_nbbazaar behaves as it is supposed to15:57
nigel_nbits a universe package which created a problem by bringing home folder under bazaar15:58
hggdhnigel_nb: ask the reporter how was the installation of bazaar and etckeeper done. This may be, indeed, misuse16:02
daconewhat could be the cause for jammed data from using dvgrab?16:02
hggdhdacone: have you searched LP for a similar bug?16:02
daconehggdh, LP?16:03
nigel_nbin the meantime, couldnt he run "sudo bzr remove /home" ?16:03
daconeno one seems to have problems once dvgrab works16:03
ubot4Factoid 'dvgrab' not found16:06
hggdh!info dvgrab16:06
ubot4hggdh: dvgrab (source: dvgrab): grab digital video data via IEEE1394 and USB links. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.4-1build1 (karmic), package size 134 kB, installed size 356 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm armel armeb hppa i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 sparc)16:06
WeatherGodoh, neat!16:07
WeatherGodnice bot there16:07
dacone[X] agree16:07
hggdhdacone: so you use dvgrab and, after using it you start having data corruption? Can you explain a bit more?16:08
hggdhnigel_nb: better not 'sudo bzr remove /home' ...16:09
daconehggdh, setup: we have a miniDV camcorder attached via ieee1394-firewire, a huge load of miniDV tapes and enough time.16:09
nigel_nbhggdh: I read up that software, its meant to keep track of changes made to /etc16:09
daconehggdh, the firewirelink seems to be ok (although dvgrab complains about lost frames at startup)16:09
hggdhnigel_nb: yes. One way to test... install the beast16:09
nigel_nblemme do that16:10
WeatherGodhggdh, quick question, how should I triage bug 482166?16:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 482166 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 9.10 installation grub error 15" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48216616:11
WeatherGodlooks like it was an error with installation process16:11
daconehggdh, dvgrab does apparently everything we want (winding, rewinding playing etc.) but when used to rip the tapes dvgrab produces huge files and none of our programs seem to be able to read them16:11
daconehggdh, i use dv2 to store the data -opendml and -a to actually split the dump into files matching the chapters -t to set the date to each filename16:12
hggdhdacone: so the problem seems to be 'ripping DV tapes with dvgrab produces bad output', or similar, correct?16:12
bcurtiswx_WeatherGod: where does the MBR get stored?16:13
daconehggdh, yes, but "randomly" i cant find out when the error occurs16:13
hggdhdacone: so sometimes it *does* produce good output?16:13
hggdhbcurtiswx_: in the MBR? ;-)16:13
WeatherGodthat's what I was going to say16:13
daconehggdh, its a bit like there was a hardcoded "only write 50% of files correclty, then change endieness"16:13
bcurtiswx_hggdh: idk these things... :P which is on the motherboard? on a drive? what?16:14
hggdhbcurtiswx_: it gets written on the disk16:14
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, the MBR (Master Boot Record) goes at the very beginning of the disk16:15
WeatherGodthe bios checks it to start the boot process16:15
hggdhdacone: can you provide a sample input and output?16:15
daconehggdh, to speak in human readable terms: approx. 11Gbyte data/tape and 1-7Gbyte unreadeable...16:15
bcurtiswx_if you say it's on the MBR then I wasn't paying attention in computer building class16:15
bcurtiswx_sorry, my wireless keps DC at work16:16
daconehggdh, i dont know how, input is miniDV-tape and output is DV2-AVI16:16
bcurtiswx_ok so that bug IMO seems huge is Ubuntu is installed on a hard drive which the BIOS doesn't read at first?16:16
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, also, that is a good reason why you shouldn't have the boot on RAID516:16
hggdhdacone: sounds like a good bug for me. There is probably a way of running dvgrab in debug mode16:17
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, yeah, the install process seems to have chosen the wrong disk, which is *very* dangerous!16:17
hggdhbcurtiswx_: when you partition/format your disks, usually you select one (disk or partition) to be the bootable device. The MBR will be written there16:17
WeatherGodI once almost messed up a software RAID that way16:18
bcurtiswx_hggdh: so if you install ubuntu using the liveCD on a drive that the BIOS reads second... it could be very dangerous?16:18
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, it is dangerous if you accidentially write where you didn't intend to16:19
bcurtiswx_i know that........16:19
bcurtiswx_i apparently suck at getting my point out16:19
daconehggdh, i also notices crashes when dvgrab is invoked with "-a" (autosplit) when -t (timecode) is missing, my explanation is, that dvgrab doesnt provide filenumbering without this timecode function16:19
hggdhdacone: this is a bug, certainly16:20
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, most of the time, for most people, this is not an issue as they only have one drive16:20
bcurtiswx_WeatherGod: yeah, I get all this... i just didn't say things right.... maybe i need to start drinking coffee16:21
WeatherGodbut it is still bad, nevertheless16:21
WeatherGodheh, if you like drinking burnt toast, sure...16:21
bcurtiswx_I don't drink coffee.. but it seems with the lack of caffeine in the mornings my IQ seems to average around 20 until lunch16:23
bcurtiswx_anything in specific that grub bugs should have....? <as i look for a wiki page on this>16:23
hggdhbcurtiswx_: I *do* drink coffee, and still my IQ hovers on the cretin level, sometimes the whole day16:24
WeatherGodsounds like a personal problem to me...16:24
bcurtiswx_hggdh: lol16:24
daconehggdh, as i said i have time, and the need to fix this, which way would you suggest i should go? launchpad?16:24
hggdhdacone: certainly opening a bug on LP seems a good option. Additionally, you may want to find who is upstream for dvgrab, and search there16:25
daconehggdh dvgrab seems to be part of the kinodv.org, i'll try LP first.16:26
hggdhdacone: opening a bug on LP will (hopefully) indicate to some other sufferer that this has been seen16:27
hggdhbut checking upstream will probably get you a faster response16:27
daconehggdh, you mean i should try to find the package maintainer for dvgrab@ubuntu16:28
hggdhthis might help, yes -- it will be a MOTU.16:28
bcurtiswx_ubuntu livecd installer = ubiquity.. right?16:30
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, yes16:30
bcurtiswx_bug 482166 taken care of WeatherGod16:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 482166 in ubuntu "Ubuntu 9.10 installation grub error 15" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48216616:34
bossekrhi all; I'm looking for help with edit@bugs.launchpad.net interface. I send an email with following content http://pastie.org/697459 with my debian email and nothing happens16:34
mrandbossekr: did you sign your message?16:35
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, thanks, but I am not quite sure what they can do for Karmic... any changes to Ubiquity means that the LiveCD images have to be redone16:36
bossekryes, another try with my PGP I send is here http://pastie.org/697465; both without success16:36
mrandbossekr: do you have that key registered on launchpad?16:37
bcurtiswx_WeatherGod 9.10.1 should get a fix for that..16:37
bcurtiswx_WeatherGod: well... i'm hoping16:37
daconepizza_set_size: assertion `pizza != NULL' failed, no pizza left in space16:39
bcurtiswx_maybe in 100 years we'll be programming computers to create pizza...16:40
WeatherGodpizza is better than cookies16:40
bossekrmrand, do I did not; I will do it right now16:44
bcurtiswx_<drum hit>16:47
WeatherGodbcurtiswx_, you are later than smitty on Leno16:48
bcurtiswx_i got DC again... hopefully i didn't miss much... i wonder why my wireless is soo flaky..16:49
bcurtiswx_11:43-11:47ET i missed16:49
WeatherGodsounds like another bug report to me16:49
bcurtiswx_could be the broadcom driver....16:50
WeatherGodcould be... I was having trouble last month with random drops16:51
WeatherGodThis is a very nice webpage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures16:53
WeatherGodbut it needs more16:53
WeatherGodthere is nothing here about Software Center16:53
bcurtiswx_dont' hesitate to update it if you want to... everytime ubuntu changes a large chunk of wiki pages become "outdated"... its hard to keep up16:54
WeatherGodand I don't see anything about UbuntuOne16:54
bcurtiswx_comma between changes and a16:54
WeatherGodwell, before adding anything, I would want to make sure I have my facts straight16:55
WeatherGodfor example, with Software Center, I have noticed that you have to run synaptic first (with a Refresh) before SC starts working again16:56
WeatherGodI have no clue if that is an official fix or what is the bug to link to for that, though16:56
bcurtiswx_Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)16:57
bcurtiswx_= flaky16:57
WeatherGodyeah, very16:57
bcurtiswx_is there a non-free driver for it? ubuntu didn't recognize anything16:58
WeatherGodAtheros is the non-free driver, I believe16:58
WeatherGodI was using madwifi for a while16:58
WeatherGoddon't know what happened to that project though16:58
WeatherGodalso required a recompile for each kernel update16:59
WeatherGodreally annoying16:59
bcurtiswx_in synaptic search typing "atheros" i get hostapd17:00
bcurtiswx_mentiones madwifi17:00
WeatherGodI'll look into it for the next update for that machine17:02
WeatherGodhaven't turned it on in ages, though17:02
bcurtiswx_lol, k17:02
bcurtiswx_i installed hostapd.. maybe something will change...17:02
WeatherGodgot a bug report here about a failure to install LinuxMint... should I mark it as invalid?17:08
bdmurraywhat number?17:08
WeatherGodbug 48185217:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 481852 in ubiquity "Mint-8RC1 Installer crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48185217:09
bdmurrayYes, because they aren't using the ubuntu version of ubiquity17:10
bdmurrayNov 13 10:41:45 mint ubiquity[3844]: Ubiquity 2.0.8-1mint317:10
bdmurrayyou might double check in the installer channel though17:12
bdmurraythat's #ubuntu-installer17:13
WeatherGodah, thanks17:13
* bcurtiswx_ waves to bdmurray17:13
* bdmurray waves back17:15
bcurtiswx_bdmurray: you going to UDS?17:16
bdmurraybcurtiswx_: yes17:17
bcurtiswx_bdmurray: awesome, enjoy.  One of these days I'll go as a people watcher...17:18
WeatherGodhaha: bug 48184017:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 481840 in evolution "Package should be named with a name not a word" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48184017:24
WeatherGodI think I will call Evolution, "Steve" from now on17:25
qenseI've found a bug in Steve!17:27
qensemailist discussions would be a lot more interesting to watch17:27
WeatherGod"Gotta get Steve to send out the notice"17:27
hggdhI am confused. The moment 'evolution' got to be used as a package name it got to be a name.17:34
WeatherGodwell, I took it to mean that the person wanted descriptive names17:35
WeatherGodkinda like OpenOffice Writer17:35
hggdh'evolution is an important word'17:35
WeatherGodnow I can't get the Beatles out of my head17:36
hggdhactually, I liked the answer. On this case I am unsure I would be able to be as nice17:37
nigel_nbbug 482189, is reproducible when I install etckeeper17:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 482189 in bzr "wrong permissions of .bazaar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48218917:37
nigel_nbbut I think normal bzr usage can be continued though17:37
WeatherGodwhat package should I select for issues during boot?17:38
bdmurrayit depends on the issue17:38
WeatherGodmore precisely, devices not ready before mount commands start17:38
hggdhnigel_nb:  I will also install it; meanwhile, please document your findings on the bug17:38
nigel_nbshould I confirm it?17:38
WeatherGodthe person selected "usplash" which is obviously not right17:39
hggdhnigel_nb: yes. It sounds like etckeeper is doing the wrong thing17:39
nigel_nbhggdh: yep, its an upstream bug17:39
hggdhoh, we already have an upstream bug on that? then please add the link to it, and I will set it as triaged17:40
nigel_nbI dont think we have17:40
WeatherGodlooks like bcurtiswx's drivers are still not fixed...17:41
WeatherGodbdmurray, it is bug 48183617:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 481836 in usplash "Fails to mount /home on sd-card during boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48183617:42
nigel_nbhggdh: got the problem17:44
hggdhI just installed, and did not get it17:45
nigel_nbhggdh: bazaar is installed for the root user...when running bzr as root, there is no problem17:45
bdmurrayWeatherGod: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910#Login%20screen%20presented%20before%20optional%20filesystems%20are%20mounted17:45
nigel_nbdid u try running bzr status?17:45
hggdhmy (already existing) ~/.bazaar did not get to be root17:45
nigel_nbthen I think it does not effect you if bazaar is already installed17:46
nigel_nbI tried it on my vm, where there was no bazaar17:46
WeatherGodbdmurray, thanks!17:46
hggdhnigel_nb: yes, it does seem so. Now I am trying to find where etckeeper put the bzr config17:47
nigel_nbhggdh: lemme try purging it, installing bazaar first, and then etckeeper17:47
hggdhyes, good test17:48
hggdhnigel_nb: on my install etckeeper installed a bzr branch under /etc17:53
nigel_nbbut inside your home, its not causing any problem right?17:53
nigel_nbhggdh: its supposed to create a branch under /etc17:54
hggdhthere is no .bzr under my home. I *do* have a .bazaar, with my basic config17:54
hggdhwhich, in my case, it did17:54
hggdhwhat it is doing is creating you user bzr configuration as root under ~17:55
nigel_nbso the entire app is causing a sorta problem right?17:55
nigel_nbhggdh: I'm stilling getting that "No handlers can be found for "bzr"17:56
hggdhit is probably missing a chown on the post install, or similar17:56
nigel_nbhmm, so a confirmed bug, but mostly a packaging problem?17:57
hggdhnigel_nb: what is the content of your ~/.bazaar? pastebin it17:57
hggdhit is a bug, I *think* on packaging17:57
WeatherGodis it desired behavior for new folders to have their permission bits set to rwxr-xr-x?17:57
WeatherGodI can't remember17:58
hggdhWeatherGod: usually this depends on the umask17:58
WeatherGodsee bug 48182517:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 481825 in ubuntu "Add User GUI assigns 777 to ALL users, even when not wanted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48182517:58
WeatherGodI guess I am asking what is the default umask for Ubuntu?17:59
WeatherGodkinda huffy, huh?18:00
nigel_nbhggdh: I only have an "ignore" file18:00
hggdhtwo answers: default umask is 022; the "Add User" GUI (whatever that is) may force its own view18:00
hggdhnigel_nb: ooooh, good, I *did* get an ignore owned by root18:01
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quinda1I'm looking through the Needs Packaging bugs.  I've found one with no activity for ~ 9 months, where the requested package was abandoned by the developer in Jan 2008 anyway.  Should I add a comment to that effect and mark it as Invalid?   It's bug 12621018:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 126210 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ChatSniff" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12621018:02
nigel_nbhggdh: so somewhere packaging screwed up huh?18:02
hggdhnigel_nb: sounds like it18:03
quinda1Back when it was confirmed the project was still active - the bug was reported in 2007.18:03
nigel_nbhggdh: I'll confirm the bug then18:04
hggdhquinda1: please document your findings in the bug. If this project is orphaned upstream (and there is no similar Debian version, or it was not taken over by some other group) then it will probably be closed INVALID/WONTFIX18:04
quinda1OK, thanks!18:05
hggdhquinda1: welcome, and thank you for helping18:05
WeatherGodhggdh, just had to read up on umask... I don't think the guy really understood what he was talking about18:06
hggdhWeatherGod: there are different views on what umask should be by default. On my personal laptop, it is set as 022 (and I have no problems with that)18:07
hggdhbut on my servers, it is usually 07718:07
WeatherGodhmm, on Fedora 11, it is 00218:07
hggdheven more open...18:07
WeatherGodof course... we practice what we preach!18:08
hggdhyeah, until security trumps over ;-)18:08
nigel_nbhggdh: just read an interesting article, which says that is how etckeeper is supposed to behave http://daniel.hahler.de/track_changes_to_etc_configuration_files18:14
micahgetckeeper rocks18:16
WeatherGod!info etckeeper18:16
ubot4WeatherGod: etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 29 kB, installed size 372 kB18:16
WeatherGodoh, sweet!18:17
WeatherGodI so need that for my servers18:17
WeatherGoddoes it support svn?18:17
micahgWeatherGod: it's made to keep a local repo18:17
micahgsvn is centralized18:17
WeatherGodbut, you can keep a local repo18:17
micahgin svn?  no, you need a server18:18
WeatherGodright... there is a daemon running to receive my URLs18:19
WeatherGodso, ok, I see the difference18:19
WeatherGodhaven't used git yet18:19
WeatherGodI have a bluetooth mouse bug report, should that go against xserver-xorg-input-mouse, or bluez?18:21
micahgdepends on the error18:22
WeatherGodstops responding if the computer goes idle18:22
micahgprobably bluez18:22
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nigel_nbmicahg: etckeeper isn't that great if u want to use bzr at the same time18:24
micahgnigel_nb: etckeeper uses bzr by default in ubuntu18:24
nigel_nbmicahg: no, I meant, if u want to use bzr for working with launchpad too, etckeeper gives problems18:25
nigel_nbjust tried it out... it does18:25
micahgnigel_nb: no it doesn't18:25
micahgyou have a bug then :)18:25
WeatherGodmicahg, actually, looking at his XsessionErrors.txt file, I wonder if something else is the problem18:25
micahgI use it fine with my laptop and server and interact with LP18:25
WeatherGodbug 48182418:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 481824 in bluez "Bluetooth mouse stops working if computer is idle for too long" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48182418:26
nigel_nbi just installed it on my vm machine and it gave me the same error as him18:26
micahgnigel_nb: bug #?18:26
nigel_nbbug 48218918:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 482189 in bzr "wrong permissions of .bazaar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48218918:26
micahgnigel_nb: a bug :)18:28
nigel_nbmicahg: ;)18:28
nigel_nbmicahg: but I suspect in packaging18:28
micahgetckeeper runs as root18:28
micahgshouldn't use the user's home dir18:29
micahgbut I"m not sure if the bug should be in etckeeper or bzr18:29
micahgWeatherGod: idk18:30
nigel_nbdefinitely not bzr,18:31
nigel_nbits how etckeeper implements bzr18:31
WeatherGodok, I'll leave it in bluez18:31
nigel_nbisn't bug 407405 a wishlist?18:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 407405 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet does not offer to restart NetworkManager if it crashed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40740518:48
hggdhit is an etckeeper bug18:51
mr_stevenigel_nb, that's a papercuts bug isn't it? I think I looked at it earlier18:51
nigel_nbmr_steve: yes18:51
mr_stevemakes sense as wishlist to me. I'm still learning the ropes though.18:52
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nigel_nbhggdh: there was an earlier bug about same issue with etckeeper18:54
nigel_nbmarked it as dup18:54
hggdhgood call, nigel_nb18:56
nigel_nbhggdh: I was actually hunting for an upstream bug tracker18:57
nigel_nband ended back to launchpad ;)18:57
hggdhI was wondering about it... keeping etckeeper's bzr config under the home dir has optential impacts on other (user-level) usages of bzr18:57
nigel_nbyep, thats what we witnessed18:57
nigel_nbit works, but u get funny messages18:58
daconehggdh i filed a new LP that can be found searching for dvgrab in case you want to follow this subject. thanks for your help18:59
hggdhdacone: welcome18:59
nigel_nbhggdh: papercut bugs are wishlist?18:59
hggdhWeatherGod: re. bug 481825 -- I am unsure this would be on base-files. We have to find out what "add user GUI" is this the reporter is talking about19:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 481825 in base-files "Default umask is 777 for ALL users, even when not wanted" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48182519:00
WeatherGodI am assuming it has to do with the gnome's add user gui19:02
WeatherGodalso, I didn't move it to base-files, the people for gnome-system-tools did19:03
WeatherGodalthough, I thought that it was a bit hastey19:03
hggdhMIlan knows what he is talking about...19:06
hggdhalso, the description of the bug is sort of flakey: the default permissions (i.e., umask) look more like 022 than 00019:07
WeatherGodI kinda figured that... either he was quick because he didn't want to deal with it or he actually knows19:08
hggdh(there is no write permission set for either group or others)19:08
hggdhhe knows ;-)19:08
WeatherGodthat's what I though19:08
hggdhhe is the maintainer of g-s-t on b.g.o19:08
WeatherGodwell, that would make him something of an authority, huh?19:09
bcurtiswxno they aren't fixed... darn things19:13
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nigel_nbabout bug 46632119:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 466321 in software-center "After Ubuntu installation, nothing in universe is installable until package list is updated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46632119:18
nigel_nbwell... to a new user, it would seem very daunting19:18
nigel_nbsaw your comments WeatherGod19:18
WeatherGodI am wondering if this got past testing because the testers are used to using Synaptics19:19
nigel_nbit might not, coz they update daily19:19
nigel_nbthis is noticeable only on clean installs19:19
nigel_nband for 24 hours19:19
WeatherGodI came across some similar reports where the users continued to claim that it wouldn't work19:20
WeatherGodwhich is why I asked my question19:20
nigel_nbit should be addressed anyhow19:21
WeatherGodyes, what is the cause of it?19:21
nigel_nbwhen i faced it and asked in support channels, they asked me to use add/remove19:21
nigel_nbthe cause is that the cache update is not running on launch19:21
WeatherGodso, it isn't software-center in particular?19:22
nigel_nbunlike in add/remove19:22
WeatherGodsorry, of course it is software-center...19:22
WeatherGodyou meant the launch of software-center19:23
bossekrneed help with edit@bugs.launchpad.net; send this message http://pastie.org/697692 and waiting for respond or any change of the affected bugs19:24
bossekrhow long will it place until launchpad process my email ?19:24
WeatherGodthe problem with bugs like these is that people installing from a image still will have this problem unless the images are redone19:24
hggdhbossekr: first question, are you a member of bugcontrol?19:25
hggdhbug 41970019:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 419700 in bugzilla "package bugzilla3 failed to install/upgrade: ?????????? post-installation script ????????? ??? ?????? 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41970019:25
hggdhbug 46321519:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 463215 in bugzilla "Bugzilla3 crashes out when it is end of installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46321519:26
bossekrhggdh, I do not know but thing not, because regestered at lauchpad as users is not enought to be bugcontrol member, is it ?19:27
bossekrubot4, is this my email ?19:28
ubot4bossekr: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:28
hggdhbossekr: no, it is not. You cannot set Importance and status=triaged unless you are a bug-controller19:28
hggdhbossekr: also, an "in-progress" requires an assignee19:28
bossekrhggdh, I'm the debian maintainer of this package and would like to change the status for ubuntu19:29
hggdhbossekr: I thought you were the DD ;-)19:29
bossekrhggdh, hmm I hoped the assignee is set to my if the email address match19:29
bossekrhggdh, DD?19:30
bossekrhggdh, debien developer ?19:30
hggdhbossekr: PVT, if you do not mind?19:30
bossekrhggdh, how to contine here ?19:30
mr_steveAm I insane, or should bug #482245 be Invalid now that the OR solved it? He's fiddled with the status a few times.19:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 482245 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox runs automatically by starting X session" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48224519:32
WeatherGodI would mark it as invalid19:35
WeatherGodpedro originally invalidated it anyway19:35
WeatherGodthe OR is the one who messed around with it19:36
mr_steveThat's what I thought, i just had to double check, since I'm pretty new and have been awake for 30 hours or so..19:37
hggdhyes, it certainly should not be fix released19:38
hggdhuser error19:38
mr_steveWell I've set it back to invalid, if he changes it I suppose I'll come up with a polite "please stop doing that"19:39
hggdhand explain why it is invalid instead of fix released19:40
WeatherGodmaybe he didn't like be called an "Invalid"...19:40
hggdhwith a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status19:41
WeatherGodcan anyone confirm bug 482286?19:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 482286 in openoffice.org "OpenOffice Writer crashes when moving mouse over menu bars" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48228619:49
WeatherGodsounds like a serious one, but I don't have my Karmic install available19:49
etaliWeatherGod: Just tried that OO Writer bug, not happening here (updated this morning too, so should be running the same version as they are).19:59
WeatherGodok, thanks... I'll ask him to reboot and double-check to see if he is completely updated20:00
WeatherGodmaybe something happened with the java updates20:00
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WeatherGod!info metacity20:55
ubot4WeatherGod: metacity (source: metacity): A lightweight GTK2 based Window Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.28.0-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 260 kB, installed size 704 kB20:55
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01

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