
=== McPeter_ is now known as McPeter
Mezwhat happened with the IRC council ?19:56
Mezand where's everyone's voice gone?19:56
PiciMez: Huh? What?19:58
MezPici: what happened to the nominations, and the new members19:59
Mezand voices here19:59
PiciMez: 1) nominations were filed 2) Waiting on the CC to do their thing 3) Haven't gottent to that yet.20:00
jussi01expecting something before UDS20:01
Picijussi01: You that excuse isn't going to work for very much longer ;)20:01
MezPici: fair enough ;) was just curious - as it must be a right PITA for the two of you20:09
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=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
iantoHello,  can I have some assistance with what to do with a long-time user of an #ubuntu- channel who is breaking rules from time to time and sometimes inappriately PMing other users.  Despite being a liked (at times) and regular user,  what is the best practice for dealing with such people?21:33
iantoUsually the PMs are of a sexual nature ^21:33
iantoAt least from those who have come forward about it to me21:33
jussi01ianto: #ubuntu-ops deals with #ubuntu issue :) see you there :)21:34
Davieyi suspect it's not a #ubuntu issue, but non-core #ubuntu-* issue.21:35
jussi01Daviey: thanks. I had a read fail.21:39
iantoFrom #ubuntu-ops: The primary concern of mine is #ubuntu-cym but a few moments ago I saw the same user doing something similar in -uk which I am not an op for21:39
Davieyjussi01: well as i know who ianto is talking about, it was easier for me to spot. :)21:40
jussi01Daviey: :)21:40
jussi01Daviey: you can deal with it as your a -uk op,yes?21:40
Davieyjussi01: well he's previously been banned..21:40
iantoThe problem with this user is that he is pretty extreme in PM and most of the time he is just on the good side of the rules in channel21:40
Davieythis time he's been publically told that it's unacceptable21:41
popeytbh last time he was banned pre-emptively, you may recall, due to behaviour in -women, however this was appealed by him in here and recinded21:50
popeyeither he needs "action" or he can just get out IMO. what he says to me in pm, and now in the channel is creepy at best, and alarming at worst21:51
iantoI remember that incident because he joined the channel saying " 'sup *****es" where the *s = female dog21:51
popeyhe said that in -women?21:52
popeymy memory is full of fail :)21:52
iantopopey: Yeah I have it in my inbox somewhere,  an Ubuntu member emailed me about it21:52
popeyhe is mr inappropriate21:52
popeywhether deliberate or not, it's not welcome.21:52
iantoJames Westby it was who told me and raised the issue (reading email)21:53
iantoIt was actually Wazzup and not 'sup but same difference21:54
Davieypopey: no, it wasn't purely pre-emptively21:55
Davieyit was based also on him pm'ing members from -uk with inapparopriate messages of sexual nature.21:56
popeyah, ok, my bad21:58
iantoWell the reason for my coming was to ask about what action you would deem neccessary for this user (feel free to ask for more info),  our channel has absolutely no bans and at the same time I don't want to ban a regular user but the actions need to be controlled and stopped somehow in all the #ubuntu-* IRC channels that he visits.  I am just unsure of how to make sure this happens22:05
DJonesIs the person involved aware that their attitude/comments are causing other channel users to feel uncomfortable and22:16
brobostigonyes DJones22:17
iantoDJones: Some of us have made it obvious to him, yes22:20
ubot4In #ubuntu-uk, ubuntujenkins said: ubot4 pie is 3.1422:23
naliothno, pie is yummy22:26
diwicHi, I would like to receive a cloak: http://launchpad.net/~diwic23:39
naliothdiwic: we'll get you sorted within 24h23:44
diwicnalioth, thanks; do I have to be online at that time?23:44
nikoi guess no23:45
naliothdiwic: no, you don't   :)23:45
diwicnow that I've become Ubuntu member I've got to enjoy it somehow ;-)23:45

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