
* jdong has successfully cleared his LP bugmail folder.00:03
ajmitchdelete all?00:04
dtchen_I'm envious00:04
dtchen_1 - 100 of 1262600:04
ajmitchquick, file more bugs for jdong!00:04
jdongdon't do that!00:04
jdongand I SWEAR clearing involved reading and taking action ;-)00:05
cody-somerville11037 bugmails here : (00:06
ajmitchso the aim is for lucid to have less bugs open than karmic did at release :)00:07
dtchen_I'm not even going that route00:08
ajmitchnot even for audio bugs?00:08
dtchen_If we can get 10.04 out the door with fewer known issues, I'll be happy00:08
dtchen_yeah, I've long since stopped caring about open bugs. It seems like a get about six hundred a day.00:09
dtchen_like I get*00:09
ajmitcheven the bug stats page that I remember hasn't been updated since april00:09
ajmitchat the rate it's taking me to fix a bug in a single package, I expect to fix 5 bugs by lucid release00:10
dtchen_I'm actually blocked on upstream for 2 significant annoyances :/00:11
ajmitchmore HDA stuff?00:11
dtchen_nope, PA00:11
dtchen_it's getting close to F12 release, though, so I suppose that's understandable00:11
ajmitchthe only hardware issues I have to complain about are only suspend/hibernate/resume related now, and they mostly just work00:12
ajmitchsound is working nicely thanks to you & alsa upstream00:13
dtchen_for lucid, we'll probably have crack-of-the-day builds for alsa-driver stable00:13
ajmitchin a snapshot package in main?00:14
dtchen_nope, universe for src:linux-backports-modules-2.6.3x -> bin:linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.3x-yy-generic00:15
ajmitchmakes sense00:15
ajmitchmore visible than a PPA00:15
dtchen_well, I suppose it would still be src:main -> universe:bin00:15
ajmitchdo you think you'll update them post-release in lucid-updates?00:15
dtchen_yes, I hope so00:16
dtchen_smb just applied the wifi updates from 2.6.32-rc6 for karmic-proposed00:16
ajmitch3 years of driver backports for desktops00:16
dtchen_I utterly fail at analogy ordering, apparently. src:main -> bin:universe00:17
* ajmitch understood it still :)00:17
ajmitchI know that there'll be a large number of new packages that people want to get in through REVU again, if we can afford to carry them00:20
ajmitchbut that's something for those who go to UDS to care about00:21
dtchen_I need more hours in a day00:23
ajmitchdon't we all?00:24
dtchen_quilt pop -a00:24
ajmitchquilt refresh00:24
TheMusoI only care about revu these days if there is a package I want to get into main, or for studio, where there is a group of us who maintain it.00:39
ScottKajmitch: How's boost going?00:45
ajmitch1.40 built for lucid in my PPA, after I stripped the python 2.5 stuff00:46
ajmitch1.38 should get merged for lucid if we're keeping it, I haven't done it yet00:47
ajmitchbut it works for karmic once I put some more detail in the changelog00:47
ajmitchof course there's now a possibility it could be fixed in python rather than just in boost00:48
seglerhi, i need an advocate. please have a look at my small python rhythmbox plugin at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser, thanks00:57
c_kornis there a game packages somewhere which needs to write into its game directory ?01:03
serialorderi am looking at the diff between a denian and ubuntu package and one of the few differences I see is ubuntu has DH_VERBOSE := 1 DH_OPTIONS += --with=quilt while debian does not in debian/rules01:04
serialorderI am wondering if that is something I should keep or not?01:04
ScottKAre there patches applied in the Ubuntu version?01:04
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serialorderscottk, yes there is one patch applied in the ubuntu version that is not applied in the debian version and there are two that are applied in both01:09
ScottKI'd keep it then01:10
serialorderwhould you mind explaining whay its there/what its doing?01:11
serialorderoh I think i see the difference the ubuntu version has %:  dh $@   while the debian version has %:  dh  --with=quilt $@  so it looks like they just specify it in different places01:17
ajmitchminimise the difference from debian then01:18
serialorderthat leaves only one difference in debian/rules which are the lines DH_VERBOSE := 1  and export DH_VERBOSE how important is it to keep that?01:21
ScottKDrop it.01:22
serialorderdropped! =)01:23
serialorderanyone have a link to what the different versions for a watchfile mean? I asked google but it has failed me01:27
nhandlerkirkland: Is there an argument you can pass to testdrive to have it not use virtualbox?01:28
RAOFserialorder: There's version 3, which is the one that's current, and works.  There are apparently two other versions, 1 & 2, but I've never encountered one of them in the wild, and I'm not sure they actually work.01:28
serialorderRAOF, ok maybe thats why google 'failed' =) use version 3 got it01:28
mmmiiikkkeeeHi, what is the point of this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot  if pbuilder already sets up a chroot enviroment for when it builds a package? does pbuilder use that chroot env or makes a different one? should i be running pbuilder in the original chroot enveriment(no?)? how do all these pieces work together?01:31
serialorderi take it that if debian/control has a launchpad bzr and the debian version has a debian git I should keep the launchapd bzr ?01:33
RAOFIf that's where it's being maintained, yes.01:35
kirklandnhandler: you would rather it use kvm, or what?01:35
nhandlerkirkland: Yeah, is there a way to specify if it should use kvm or virtualbox?01:36
kirklandnhandler: it should use kvm by default, if you can use it01:38
kirklandnhandler: if kvm-ok; then01:38
kirkland        VIRT="kvm"01:38
kirklandnhandler: does kvm-ok return non-zero?01:38
serialorderRAOF,  it looks like it is being maintained in both places01:39
serialorderalso should I do the merge with bzr or like i usually do with filing a bug and attaching a debdiff?01:39
RAOFIs it being maintained _in Ubuntu_ at the launchpad address?  It sounds like the answer is 'yes, so yeah, that's what should be in VCS-Bzr.01:40
serialorderRAOF, yes it is ok01:41
RAOFDoing the merge in bzr may be good; that depends in part on how familiar you are with bzr and how familiar your sponsor is with bzr.01:41
serialorderI guess the reason I ask is that from what I understand/have heard soon all packages are going to have a bzr trunk in launchpad so i figured figuring out how to do a merge that way might be important01:43
serialorderbut it sounds like i can/should just do it the 'normal' way01:44
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
hedkandihello I'd like to put a page onto the ubuntu wiki. How would I do this?01:51
hedkandithe page I'm interested in is marked "immutable" which means it's not a wiki01:52
hedkandithe principle of wiki is that anyone can come along and edit it01:52
hedkandiso I really don't see that it should be called a wiki at all.01:52
StevenKhedkandi: That's because you're not logged in01:53
StevenKhedkandi: You need to be logged in to edit pages.01:53
hedkandioh really? can I use my launchpad id to login?01:53
hedkandihoray. I'll go and investigate that then.01:53
hedkandithanks for the tip.01:53
nhandlerkirkland: I just did a quick reboot (it didn't register my last one), and that got it using kvm. It would be nice to add a flag/config option to allow users to specify whether kvm/virtualbox should be used for a certain ISO01:54
kirklandnhandler: sure thing01:55
kirklandnhandler: i'll add that now01:55
nhandlerYou rock kirkland. I might need to start doing some ISO testing now that I have an easy way to run the ISOs01:56
kirklandnhandler: ;-)  thanks man01:56
kirklandnhandler: glad to be of help01:56
kirklandnhandler: did this remove a barrier of some kind for you?  or just made it easier?01:57
nhandlerkirkland: It made it easy and fast enough for me to be able to get and run an ISO that I would be up for doing some real ISO testing.02:01
kirklandnhandler: great; that's my goal :-)02:01
kirklandnhandler: Committed revision 55.02:01
* nhandler hugs kirkland 02:04
serialorderis there a way to easily add ubuntu changelog entries into one from debian?02:25
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FFEMTcJCould someone please help me.. I'm trying to fix my second bug and I am running into a problem. I'm running debuild -S and its giving me errors..03:31
nhandlerWhat error are you getting FFEMTcJ ?03:31
FFEMTcJnhandler: http://pastebin.com/m7604205a03:32
nhandlerFFEMTcJ: Do you have cdbs installed?03:34
FFEMTcJi do now..03:35
FFEMTcJlemme give another try03:35
FFEMTcJworked.. thanks nhandler03:36
nhandlerYou are welcome FFEMTcJ03:36
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* ScottK is suspicious the package built on the first try. ...investigates further.05:22
dtchen_I keep thinking my build harnesses are good, but upstreams keep getting better at breaking things. This last time it was 32-bit asm to detect VMs. (?!)05:23
ScottKSuspicion was justified.05:34
fabrice_spjdong, about bug #475891. what is the actual status? I'm a bit lost05:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475891 in eagle "eagle crashes on: zoom into schematic " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47589105:37
fabrice_sp(the fix released stuff is for Debian)05:38
jdongfabrice_sp: it's clear for upload.05:38
jdongand upon accepting, the archive admin is to copy the package over to lucid.05:38
jdongwhich is why it uses a standard version05:38
jdong(like how zsync was handled)05:38
fabrice_spok: in comment 11. you say that you'd like an archive admin opinion. That's why I was asking05:39
fabrice_spWill have a look then :-)05:39
jdongfabrice_sp: lol the reason is that the proposed fix, as you can see, sounded "strange"05:39
fabrice_spyeah: I saw that :-) (I was processing the merge, and saw also that 'strange' fix in the debian changelog :-) )05:40
jdongack there's already a merge in the pipeline?05:41
jdongcurse this latency!05:41
fabrice_spyeah... but as it's from Unstable, I was a bit reluctant to process it for the moment05:41
bbigrashi, I attached debdiffs for bug 476360 and bug 428017 , if anyone's interested05:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476360 in kopete-facebook "Never able to connect to facebook" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47636005:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428017 in kopete-facebook "plugin does not know it is offline" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42801705:45
ScottKapachelogger: Please have a look when you have a moment ^^^05:46
fabrice_spHi AnAnt05:51
cody-somervillejdong, that eagle package makes me want to hurl06:21
jdongcody-somerville: agree with you06:22
cody-somervilleThe change makes it impossible to fully apt-get remove the damn thing which makes me double hurl06:24
fabrice_spcody-somerville, you're right. anyway, I've been able to reproduce the problem, so I'm waiting for more info to see, so no uplaod for the moment06:26
fabrice_sps/I've/I've not/06:26
AnAntcan someone comment on this: LP 47533806:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475338 in texlive-bin "Sync texlive-bin 2007.dfsg.2-8 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47533806:34
AnAntI need opinion regarding that last comment I put there06:34
fabrice_spAnAnt, you just opened it?06:34
AnAntfabrice_sp: nah, it was opened few days ago, and got ack'ed by Daneil06:35
AnAntbut I added a comment yesterday that there is a remaining difference (that I overlooked when I filed the sync request), but I see that this difference can also be dropped06:36
fabrice_spI think it's safe to sync, even more if armel works fine with gcc 4.406:36
AnAntok, thanks06:37
fabrice_spyw :-)06:37
* fabrice_sp goes back to the sponsorship queue06:37
AnAntfabrice_sp: you following the TL2009 development ?06:37
AnAntfabrice_sp: they just uploaded tl2009 to NEW !06:38
AnAntit will still remain in experimental for a while though06:39
fabrice_spohh: I was speaking about the Ubuntu sponsorship queue :-)06:39
fabrice_spso it won't make it for Lucid?06:39
AnAntI hope it would06:41
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dholbachbuon giorno!06:54
* geser yawns a good morning06:55
fabrice_spgood morning dholbach !07:11
dholbachhi fabrice_sp07:11
dholbachmaco: mvo and I were talking of writing an edit-patch command which wraps around whatever crazy crack the package uses and just works - there's some initial code and I guess we're going to finish it on the plane tomorrow :)07:14
dholbachmaco: so hopefully for UDS and lucid we can put it somewhere :)07:14
ScottKdholbach: I think that's an excellent plan.07:15
ScottKOne of my concerns about the trend towards quilt is it increases the already steep learning curve for newcomers.07:15
dholbachin any case after UDS we'll put up whatever we have, so we can finish off the rest07:15
sbeattieheh, I think it depends on what you know; I'd used and understood quilt for quite a while before I ever touched a debian package; but dpatch just seems utterly unhelpful.07:19
AnAntso after UDS , quilt source packages will be accepted ?07:22
dholbachgeser, persia, nixternal: we could stage a round of -1s today - it's Friday 13th ;-)07:22
dholbachAnAnt: I don't think - it'll take a bit longer to get support into LP for that07:22
dholbachAnAnt: but wgrant will know the exact-exact-exact answer07:22
nixternaldholbach: ooh, good one07:23
wgrant2009-12-05 at the latest. It may be before that if Debian increases adoption rapidly.07:23
* wgrant checks today's count.07:23
wgrantCurrently sitting at 0.39% of unstable, and the adoption rate has slowed lately.07:24
AnAntwgrant: can you tell me about a small package that uses quilt format ?07:25
wgrantquilt itself, yes.07:25
randomactionis it on by default in Debian already?07:29
ScottKIt's supported, but not by default in Debian.07:30
wgrantI think some of the #ubuntu-devel discussion might have influenced that.07:34
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dholbachpersia: you've been over-eager with the wiki cleanup08:15
dholbachpersia: Rodney and Scott are still on our list for next time08:16
dholbachor whenever08:16
persiadholbach: I just commented them out.  I figured they'd uncomment themselves if they could make the next meeting.08:18
dholbachgot it08:18
highvoltageyay! maco is a MOTU!08:27
huatscongrats porthose_08:34
huatsand of course congrats maco08:35
porthose_huats, ty :)08:35
* dholbach hugs maco, porthose_ and diwic08:35
dholbachwell done :)08:35
* porthose_ hugs dholbach :)08:36
hyperaircongrats maco =)08:37
macohyperair: thanks08:40
macothanks huats08:41
maconow really...nearly 4am. sleep time!08:41
highvoltagemouns \sh!11:19
siretart`hi \sh, hi highvoltage!11:19
highvoltagehey siretart`11:21
* highvoltage wonders about motu people and funny characters in their names11:21
=== highvoltage is now known as highvoltage\n
\shhighvoltage\n, this nick is older then ubuntu ;)11:22
highvoltage\n\sh: so is mine!11:22
highvoltage\n(well not with the newline)11:22
siretart`highvoltage\n: that's because at work I use another irc client (rcirc), whereas my irssi runs on my private host in a datacenter11:23
highvoltage\nsiretart`: aah11:23
=== highvoltage\n is now known as highvoltage
siretart`btw, rcirc rocks, hard.11:23
highvoltagenever used it before, what does it do?11:24
siretart`\sh: may I assume that the karmic kernel (finally) has a fixed aufs module that works over nfs?11:24
siretart`highvoltage: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/rcirc11:24
\shsiretart, hmm...regardnig waldemar and thomas: no11:25
\shfai-ubuntu-NFSROOT.patch as example. Here we have used unionfs-fuse11:25
\shinstead of aufs2. Ubuntu removed the aufs2 binary packages in11:25
siretart`err, unionfs-fuse? wtf?11:26
siretart`hm. as long as it works (better) than the in-kernel alternative.. sounds promising...11:27
\shsiretart, thomas is working on incorporating the changes into his fai main tree...he proposed as well, to work on two branches in fai svn..11:28
\shso doing some changes for ubuntu, and moving it slowly into the main branch when debian changes to NWO, too11:28
\shNew World Order11:30
\shsiretart, you are  not a fan of Hulk Hogan, aren't you?11:30
siretart`that's about 2 decades ago..11:31
\shsiretart`, I'll take it as compliment ;)11:31
siretart`I'm skimming over the patch.. hmm. just having the unionfs-fuse package in the nfsroot is sufficient to activate it? uh?11:31
siretart`hm, anyway. won't become urgent for me before next week11:33
\shsiretart, setting export UNIONTYPE="aufs" unionfs11:33
\shbut it's not in the patches somehow11:33
\shI'll just mailed the fai ml to ask him11:34
slytherinttx: Do you mind if I port libjug-java from Ubuntu to Debian. It is one of the essential build-dep for cruisecontrol.11:35
ttxslytherin: not at all, feel free to port any missing library :)11:58
slytherinttx: thanks11:58
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ttxquestion: I'm merging a -0ubuntuN with a -1 and the orig.tar.gz from debian is slightly different, what's the recommended solution to that case ? Keep ours and make a note in changelog ?13:05
bddebianHeya gang13:06
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StevenKttx: Yes, keep our .orig, after making sure they really do contain mostly the same contents13:13
ttxStevenK: I'm confirming that right now. Thanks !13:13
slytherinttx: StevenK: What would be the version in Ubuntu in this case?13:20
ttxslytherin: -1ubuntu113:21
ttx(for the record, unpacked  contents are strictly the same in my case)13:22
ScottKttx: You have to keep the Ubuntu orig.tar.gz because if the md5sum doesn't match, Soyuz will reject the upload.13:24
ttxScottK: I saw that :)13:24
slytherinttx: I guess I will have to do fake sync for jmeter too13:26
\shsiretart, you don't need to change the aufs in unionfs...somehow it worked, told waldemar13:26
ttxslytherin: you uploaded a different orig.tar.gz between ubuntu and debian ?13:26
slytherinttx: No. But for some reason the size for repackaged upstream tar ball is different on both distributions.13:29
directhexslytherin, compression will differ from the tiniest of things13:30
directhexi.e. mtime/atime13:31
slytherinI don't know what is the reason. May be my get-orig-source taregt is broken.13:31
directhexslytherin, is upstream a bzip2? zip?13:31
ttxdirecthex: right, but if he uploaded the same orig.tar.gz to both ubuntu and debian, that would be the same13:31
slytherinttx: In that sense, yes the to tar balls are different.13:31
directhexttx, every call to get-orig-source will produce a new md5sum, unless you account for it in your rule13:31
slytherindirecthex: tar.gz, but I have to repack it to remove included jar files.13:32
ttxdirecthex: that's why he should only call it once :)13:32
directhexslytherin, want a recipe?13:32
slytherindirecthex: Nope. Next time I am putting packages in Debian first. :-)13:33
directhexslytherin, i meant just in case. your enemy is mtime.13:33
slytherindirecthex: Ok. Tell me.13:34
siretart`\sh: interesting...13:34
directhexslytherin, http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-libs/packages/mysql-connector-net/trunk/debian/rules13:34
directhexslytherin, the key is the --mtime= flag to tar, and the -n flag on gzip13:35
slytherindirecthex: what should be the value of mtime?13:39
directhexslytherin, any hard-coded number. but lintian will bitch if it's not recent enough.13:40
directhextry the value from "date -d 2009-11-13 +%s"13:40
serialorderhighvoltage, I am testing a package I built in a schroot and I get the following error: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": libcanberra-gtk-module.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:25
serialorderthe application runs fine otherwise14:26
serialordershould I add a depends on canberra-gtk-module ?14:26
rippsserialorder: is the canberra part essential, or is it optional?14:31
serialorderripps, i don't know the answer to that question I will try to figure that out, not exactly sure how14:33
rippsIf it's essential it should be a depends, if not it should be a Recommend or Suggest14:34
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
seglerhi, i need an advocate. please have a look at my small python rhythmbox plugin at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser, thanks15:22
ari-tczewwe have new patch tagging standards?15:23
highvoltagenixternal: hey, are you around?15:28
nixternalhighvoltage: what's up?15:30
highvoltageI'll send you a pm15:30
=== keylocker is now known as leleobhz
EzraRwhat would make a package to startbuilding with clean15:51
EzraRfakeroot debian/rules clean is the first and only thing this package does15:54
EzraRno build no install etc15:55
EzraRthey are in the rules file15:55
EzraRits like it just skips them15:55
rippsEzraR: the default action is to run clean first, to make sure the build environment is clean. What's your package and what do have in you rules file?16:06
EzraRripps: im trying to fix a bug in gw6c16:07
rippsEzraR: apparently the package attempt to patch the source with dpatch, do you have dpatch installed?16:09
EzraRripps: yes16:10
EzraRi guess ill try building without any patches16:15
EzraRsee if they are the cause...16:15
rippsEzraR: sorry my computer froze, did I miss anything?16:16
EzraRripps: i said i had dpatch installed, and that i guess ill try building without the patches to see if they were the problem16:20
rippsEzraR: huh... It looks the dpatch.make file is empty... this must be a bug16:20
EzraRripps: /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make ?16:25
EzraRripps: mines not16:25
rippsEzraR: ah, my dpatch just installed incorrectly, probably due to my pc freezing16:27
EzraRso iff i take out all the patch names in 00list that should efectivly not include the patches in a build right?16:30
rippsEzraR: well, my gw6c just built completly in pbuilder, so I don't know what's wrong16:30
rippsIt applied the patches properly too16:30
rippsEzraR: how exactly are you building the packages? Are you using pbuilder?16:32
rippsEzraR: do you get all OK's when you `dpatch apply-all`?16:36
EzraRi was looking at debuild output..16:36
ripps(remove patches with `dpatch deapply-all`)16:36
rippsEzraR: can you pastebin your debuild output?16:37
EzraRbut if i remove them with that wont they still be applyed during build?16:37
rippsEzraR: 00list determines what's to be patched at build time, I'm just trying to determine if there is indeed something wrong with the patches.16:38
EzraRos debuild suposed to go through the build targets after clean?16:40
rippsEzraR: I don't know... it should be working. This wasn't built with pbuilder, It's hard to make sure you have an isolated environment unless your running from pristine environment like pbuilder...16:44
EzraRi am building with pbuilder16:45
EzraRyou asked for my debuild output16:45
hyperairit's the same.16:46
rippsEzraR: sorry, pbuilder runs debuild too.16:46
hyperairdebuild calls dpkg-buildpackage. pbuilder calls dpkg-source which calls dpkg-buildpackage16:46
hyperairno, i don't think pbuilder runs debuild16:46
rippshyperair: your right, it runs dpkg-buildpackage within an isolated environment16:47
EzraRi was under the impression you used debuild and then built in pbuilder using the .dsc from debuild16:47
hyperairdebuild calls dpkg-buildpackage under almost all circumstances16:48
hyperairexceptions being errors16:49
hyperaire.g. unsatisfied build deps16:49
rippsEzraR: no, you shouldn't need to ever install any -dev packages, just setup a package, and just run `pdebuild` and it will automatically import the source and the debian/ packaging into pbuilder to build it for you.16:49
EzraRdoes it make a diff if i use dbuild -S16:49
hyperairdebuild -S creates dscs, debuild -b builds binaries (i think dscs are also created, but not sure)16:49
rippsEzraR: you should only create dsc's when your sure that the package will actually build correctly. pbuilder is meant for testing before you upload to a ppa or repository. Also, pbuilder will output in successfully built packages into /var/cache/pbuilder/result/16:51
EzraRwell i took out all the patches from 00list and built it and still get the bug, so I can safely say it has nothing to do with the patches right?16:52
rippsEzraR: you need the include the patches, otherwise the package doesn't build16:54
EzraRi left the include dpatch.make, i just took out all patches from 00list16:55
rippsEzraR: I'm saying that was unnecessary16:56
EzraRripps: unnecessary?16:57
rippsEvery time I run pdebuild, full 00list and empty 00list, I still had pbuilder build successfully...16:57
EzraRripps: the bug im trying to fix is not if it builds or not :)16:57
rippsEzraR: what exactly is the bug?16:58
EzraRripps: i was confused earlier and was thinking debuild -S should go through the build targets of the rules file...16:58
EzraRripps: the bug is it doesnt install a gw6c.conf into /etc/gw6c or anywhere for that matter16:59
EzraRripps: sounds like a real easy fix right :)16:59
rippsEzraR: okay... let me look around the rules files a bit...17:00
EzraRlook in tspc-advanced/Makefile17:01
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rippsEzraR: I understand the problem, it's suppose install a conf in /etc, but isn't. The easist solution would be copy the sample conf in the correct directory at build time...17:07
EzraRripp: i tried that but failed17:11
EzraRripps: tspc-advanced/conf/Makefile is where the sample conf is generated17:12
rippsEzraR: yeah, it might be as simple as copying that conf.sample into debian/tmp/etc/gw6c/gw6c.conf17:13
EzraRat line 38 in17:17
EzraR tspc-advanced/conf/Makefile i added a cp line but it came out wrong17:17
EzraRit didnt get the output from the sed cmd17:18
EzraRthat was the first thing I tried when fixing this17:18
rippsEzraR: I'm testing some ideas, I'll let you know if any pan out17:24
rippsEzraR: Okay, I think I figured it out, just add `17:25
ripps`cp tspc-advanced/conf/gw6c.conf.sample debian/gw6c/etc/gw6c/gw6c.conf` to the end of install: section17:25
rippsin your debian/rules17:26
EzraRripps: ok ill test it out17:29
EzraRripps: did you notice the spelling error in that section17:31
rippsEzraR: yeah, but it seems to work with it anyway, so why bother it17:31
fabrice_spari-tczew, about bug 477798. Did you checked why the package was not yet in testing, after 27 days?17:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 477798 in slim "Please merge slim 1.3.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47779817:35
* ripps is going to take a shower17:38
EzraRripps: what does debian/rules:63: *** missing separator.  Stop. mean17:38
EzraRripps: what seeparator17:38
StevenKEzraR: That usually means you have a command in it that doesn't start with tab17:39
EzraRScottK: thnx17:39
rippswhat ScottK sayid17:39
* StevenK notes he isn't ScottK 17:41
EzraRripps: go take a shower you stink :)17:41
EzraRStevenK: lol im sorry17:42
EzraRStevenK: the brain reads words at a time17:42
macoS<abunchaletters>K ?17:43
StevenKmaco: And you get it to too with mako's similarity17:45
macoStevenK: actually, never on irc17:46
highvoltagemaco! congrats on becomming a motu!17:46
macohighvoltage: thanks17:46
macowait i lied17:47
fabrice_spHey maco: congrats!17:47
macopaul flint thought i was mako. "no no the dc one"17:47
macofabrice_sp: thanks17:47
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: no17:54
fabrice_spit seems to be an ugly priviledge escalation that was not there before, so I would prefer to wait until it get fixed, to avoid merging 2 times17:55
fabrice_spwe are still early in the cycle17:56
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: http://packages.qa.debian.org/s/slim/news/20090817T163923Z.html17:56
fabrice_spexcept if someone else say the contrary17:56
ari-tczewremoved because no exist in unstable?17:56
fabrice_spno: have a look there: http://release.debian.org/migration/testing.pl?package=slim17:56
fabrice_sp(you can go there from bts package page)17:57
fabrice_spnew bugs introduced by this version17:57
randomactionfabrice_sp: 1.3.0-2 is also affected17:59
ari-tczewslim has been removed from karmic because it was buggy, unmaintained, but now is new maintainer17:59
fabrice_sprandomaction, strange. a comment seems to say the contrary: The bug was cloned from the package applying to the Sid version, but in the end doesn't apply to the package version in Lenny.18:00
fabrice_spright: it's not in karmic18:01
ari-tczewan other comment seems to say that it is like as a new feature18:02
fabrice_spso if it's not even present in Karmic, and new maintainer, I would say: wait until it enters testing18:02
randomactionah, it makes sense18:02
fabrice_spyeah: it's not very clear :-/18:02
ari-tczewwhen it will enter testing?18:03
* fabrice_sp forgot to upload the .orig tarball of tesseract :-/18:03
fabrice_spari-tczew, when this bug report will be closes, as the other one is already closed18:03
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: are you bored? I have next bug for you :P18:05
fabrice_spstill sponsoring and building at the same time18:06
fabrice_spnot bored at all!18:06
fabrice_spjust give the bug number ;-)18:07
ari-tczewthat's beautiful co-operation with sponsors! :)18:08
ari-tczewgive me a moment18:08
ari-tczewI need to just report ;d18:08
fabrice_spno comment :-P18:08
ari-tczewbug #48227818:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482278 in ffproxy "Sync ffproxy 1.6-6 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48227818:11
* fabrice_sp checking18:13
fabrice_spNow that I'm MOTU, I upload a lot less packages by myself than before! :-D18:14
ari-tczewFabrice: please, don't fall in narcissism :P18:16
fabrice_sp(ffproxy, I mean)18:17
ari-tczewthanks brother :D18:17
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: do you no need waiting for ubuntu archives admins?18:18
ari-tczewfor synces18:18
fabrice_spJust trying to keep the sponsoring queue as small as possible (and it's not easy because of you, guys! :-) )18:18
fabrice_spari-tczew, yes: motu can't do the sync, just ack it18:18
fabrice_spdiner time: bbl18:19
jdongfabrice_sp: heh wrt bug 475891 I don't really have an opinion anymore :)18:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 475891 in eagle "eagle crashes on: zoom into schematic " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47589118:20
EzraRfabrice_sp: did you speak to the deb maintainer about using the patch on solfege, or are you asuming from the dialog on the deb bug report?18:22
EzraRfabrice_sp: that he would be willing to use it18:22
EzraRanyone good with perl?18:32
EzraRor at least some idea18:32
ari-tczew~ubuntu-archive has got a lot of work :P18:38
StevenKWell else is new ...18:38
ari-tczewgood luck :P18:49
AnAntwhy do most (if not all) upstream not use -Wl,--needed in LDFLAGS ?18:51
bmhmhi all18:54
bmhmI'm almost positive that there is a missing dependency or at least recommendation18:54
=== quinda1 is now known as etali
bmhmthe tagger "picard" by musicbrainz does not support PUIDs on ubuntu (i.e. audio-fingerprints)18:55
bmhmcan someone verify that for me please?18:55
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: let's go! bug #48229518:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482295 in file-browser-applet "Sync file-browser-applet 0.6.4-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48229518:55
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
fabrice_spjdong, do you think that if it's only on upgrade, it's worth a SRU?19:05
fabrice_spEzraR, IIRC, that's what I saw in the debian bug report19:06
jdongfabrice_sp: what is the SRU? Same fix as above? Why does it work? Why does it only happen on upgrades?19:06
fabrice_spjdong, yes: the ugly 'copy the binary to $HOME/.eagle' fix19:07
fabrice_spno idea why it fails for upgrade only (new install don't have that file in home)19:07
jdongand by "fresh install" in the bug comment, you mean wipe the entire system and then install, right?19:08
fabrice_spno :-D19:08
jdongnot apt-get remove {{--purge}} and reinstall, right?19:08
jdongnow this is making less sense19:08
fabrice_spI think it's apt-get purge / install19:09
fabrice_spI wasn't able to reproduce the problem19:09
jdongbased on this information... what I lack right now is a coherent explanation of why this bug occurs19:09
jdongand I'm much more reluctant about the SRU's proposed fix19:09
fabrice_spjdong, exactly. And Debian didn't really gave an explanation about that19:09
jdongother than "the debian dev that did it is really awesome"19:09
jdongwhich I would accept if the package didn't just go to the orphanage19:10
jdongapparently it's up for adoption, according to the bug comments19:10
jdongand given those circumstances I am not 100% sure the bugfix was really all that well tested / thought through on the Debian side19:10
jdongbut given that eagle is not exactly telepathy or Xorg in urgency19:11
jdongI'd say let's  try to come up with a more satisfactory explanation of why it's broken19:11
jdongbefore attempting to shove through silly one-liner hacks when we still don't agree what the symptoms are yet :)19:11
jdongeventually once we understand the problem enough to make a fix,  I would be interestd in a SRU for it19:11
fabrice_spmakes sens19:12
jdongyeah feel free to paraphrase this onto the bug report19:12
fabrice_spsure :-)19:12
jdongScott Howard seems to be quite interested in the bug and making good progress on it19:12
jdongI'm sure the resolution won't be far from today19:12
AnAnthmmm, how can I run autogen without making it run configure19:19
bmhmhas anyone read my request?19:21
rippsbmhm: scan in my picard works fine19:24
bmhmripps: not talking about scanning19:24
bmhmI meant generating and sending PUIDs19:24
leonelhello :20:35
leonelSomedays ago I've submited a diff for squirrelmail, was something wrong with it ?   bug 44683820:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446838 in squirrelmail "Multiple cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in SquirrelMail 1.4.19 and earlier" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44683820:36
fabrice_spleonel, it seems ok. Waiting for a security team ack20:45
Matthias_MHow do I port http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/gchempaint 0.10 to karmic/ppa or lucid (it is still 0.8); where do I start. I can't find the correct manual. I am a total newbie.20:49
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi01_
Matthias_Mstill wondering why the auto-sync failed20:51
randomactionMatthias_M: see bug 23396320:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 233963 in gnome-chemistry-utils "Please merge gnome-chemistry-utils 0.10.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23396320:55
randomactionI tried to merge it but there was a problem I couldn't fix20:57
Matthias_Mcan I help somehow?20:58
randomactionsure, you could prepare a merge of 0.10.821:00
leonelfabrice_sp_: thanks21:10
fabrice_sp_leonel, just be patient :-) The security team has a lot of bugs (as you can imagine :-D)21:11
leonelfabrice_sp_: that's what I was thinking since this diff i've submited just before karmic release21:11
mdeslaurleonel: let me take a look21:16
jdstrandleonel, fabrice_sp_: the bug doesn't follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Submission21:16
jdstrandthat is why it wasn't picked up21:16
fabrice_sp_oh, missed that. you're right21:17
jdstrandwe have scripts to help us identify sponsored security updates21:17
fabrice_sp_I'm not used to this 'In progress' state21:17
fabrice_sp_sorry about that21:17
jdstrandnot a problem21:17
jdstrandsorry we didn't notice it sooner21:17
mdeslaurleonel: I'll take a look at the patches, thanks!21:18
leonelmdeslaur: thanks  ,21:19
leonelthat  process was new to me ..21:20
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mdeslaurleonel: np...it'll take me a couple of days to review it...it's a _big_ patch :)21:27
leonelmdeslaur: it is21:28
mdeslaurthanks leonel!21:28
leonelmdeslaur: and squirrelmail does not uses  a patch system21:28
Matthias_Mdo I have to change /usr/lib/iceape/ to /usr/lib/firefox for the Ubuntu package?21:33
Matthias_MI mean iceweasel21:34
DBOare there any Makefile autoconf experts that could help our project get building with make distcheck21:36
DBOI really want to roll a release tarball, but I just cant make it work21:36
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macoi'm logged into lp. i want to join ~ubuntu-universe-sponsors. the "join" button appears to be invisible, however. any idea how to join it?21:43
StevenKmaco: It's a Restricted Team, you need to be invite21:44
macoso thats what that means21:44
macothe little "?" icon next to "restricted team" doesnt seem to do anything21:44
StevenKYeah, I just noticed that too. :-)21:45
StevenKmaco: Prod one of the admins to invite you21:45
ajmitchwhich looks to be one of persia or TheMuso21:46
ajmitchhopefully one of them is in the right timezone & online :)21:46
macowell im pretty sure its like 3am in japan21:46
StevenK5:47am or so21:47
macook so still an unreasonable time for persia to be awak21:47
ajmitchand they may be near UDS21:47
StevenKTheMuso is probably not going to join IRC before he flies out21:47
ajmitchI thought he probably would have left by now21:48
* maco crosses fingers that he found chocolate21:48
maco(there's an aussie company that makes non-dairy white chocolate, not available in the US)21:49
ajmitchand so you're coercing people to bring it in for you?21:50
macoim told by a non-dairy friend whose sister is in oz that it can be carried by visitors, but customs gets upset if you try to have it shipped in21:51
maco(said friend is how i learned of its existence)21:51
ajmitchyou'll find out soon enough if TheMuso is detained at customs :)21:52
ScottKDepending on how closely he's 'inspected', you may owe him big time.21:53
macono no its fine to carry in the chocolate!21:53
macoher sister does when she visits21:53
macoits just some sort of "zomg importing goods! tariffs! eek!" thing when you try to buy a bunch of chocolate from au21:53
serialordernot sure if this is the right place but the package i am merging is built and installed in my schroot and when i start it to test it I get a warning saying that I am missing a library. It runs fine otherwise. I was told I should track down where that library is being called from21:54
serialorderany tips on how i might approach that?21:54
ScottKI'm reminded of a story that was current in Ireland when I lived there in the mid-80s.  At the time 'family planning devices' were only available with a perscription.  You were allowed to bring such items in from outside the country for personal use only.  The story was a man was caught with a suitecased full, which he pleaded were for personal use, so they arrested him for attempted suicide.21:56
ScottKNo idea if it's actually true.21:56

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