
[reed]fta: ping00:51
ftayep (i'm not there for long)00:51
[reed]fta: see if these urls work:00:52
[reed]use separate tabs00:52
[reed]let me know what they return (if anything)00:52
ftathe 1st, nothing00:54
ftathe 2nd, a small white page with a folded corner00:54
[reed]under "media files"00:54
[reed]do you see broken images?00:54
[reed]ok, thanks00:54
fta[reed], http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/broken-icons.png00:56
[reed]too many Linux-specific image bugs lately01:20
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
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asacfta: ^13:30
asacchromium failed after finished building ... that feels weird13:30
asacerrors occurred during ubild13:30
asacwhy desnt it fail where the errors happen :)13:30
fta2asac, because i use --keep-going14:26
fta2asac, so i can report several problems with just 1 build14:26
fta2it's very useful with -Werror14:27
fta2asac, plz file a bug14:28
fta2if you feel like fixing it, submit the patch to codereview and add the url to the bug14:29
asacfta2: i dont know where it failed because the error seems to have happened long before14:34
fta2then just dpkg-build* -nc, you should just see the failure14:39
fta2or log your session and search for Error14:39
asack ... rebuilding14:43
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
asacIn file included from /home/asac/chromium-browser-, from /home/asac/chromium-browser-, from /home/asac/chromium-browser-
asac/home/asac/chromium-browser- error: #error "NACL_TARGET_SUBARCH must be defined to be 32 or 64"14:53
asac/home/asac/chromium-browser- error: #error "NACL_TARGET_SUBARCH must be defined to be 32 or 64"14:53
asacscons: *** [/home/asac/chromium-browser-] Error 114:53
asacCompiling /home/asac/chromium-browser-
asac/tmp/cczbKiNK.s: Assembler messages:14:54
asac/tmp/cczbKiNK.s:210: Error: bad instruction `lock'14:54
asac/tmp/cczbKiNK.s:210: Error: bad instruction `xaddl ip,[r4,#0]'14:54
asacjcastro: see msg15:16
jcastroI didn't get one15:18
jcastrodid you msg jcastro_ ?15:18
asacjcastro: yes15:18
asacone second15:18
asacjcastro: sent again (canonical server)15:19
fta2asac, most probably, nacl is not ready for other arches. you should disable it15:56
eagles0513875hey asac15:57
eagles0513875hey fta215:57
asacfta2: what is nacl=16:03
fta2native client16:06
fta2it allows you to run native binaries in the browser16:06
fta2with the perf of the host16:06
asachmm ok.16:09
asacnative binaries, like plugins?16:09
fta2hmm "Some ARM and x86-64 support is implemented in the source base, and we hope to make it available for application developers later this year"16:10
fta2you can run quake inside the browser, even firefox16:11
fta2asac, i wanted to package nacl as a plugin (like o3d) but that's just one more huge package that will never enter the repo :(16:21
=== yoasif_ is now known as yoasif
micahgasac: are you around18:11
asacmicahg: yes for a few minutes18:38
micahgasac: any ideas for bug 48170218:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 481702 in firefox-3.5 "firefox doesn't start because of sqlite version" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48170218:39
asacmicahg: i would guess he has a manually installed sqlite in /usr/local or something ... asked for strace18:43
micahgok, thanks18:44
asacmicahg: so when he submits that check for from where libsqlite is loaded etc. and educate him then18:45
micahgok, will do18:45
micahgxul193 still took 40 minutes18:52
micahgasac: I need to bump cairo on both xul and ff, right?18:52
ftayep, my bad18:59
ftai'm testing a fix18:59
micahgfta: I should bump ff3.6 along with xul, right, it'll probably fail today?19:00
asacmicahg: i would hope that ffox --with-libxul-sdk shouldnt need cairo decision19:04
asacbut if we have the bound in rules there then probably yes19:04
micahgwell, it's in there19:05
asacyeah then do both19:06
asacassuming they did that upstream ;)19:06
asacok off ... preparing travel for UDS etc.19:06
ftaasac, you were supposed to do something to m-d19:07
ftamicahg, fixed19:09
=== kenvandif is now known as kenvainde
=== kenvainde is now known as kenvandine
jcastrofta, when does your chromium build kick off?20:33
ftajcastro, 4pm UTC (4+h ago), but today's builds failed20:35
jcastroah right20:36
jcastrofta, just wanted to let you know that with upstream r31928 --enable-sync works20:36
ftachromium-browser                 19664   1.49%      3473    8906    7281       420:46
ftagoogle-chrome-unstable           16391   1.24%      4411    5906    6056      1820:46
ftajcastro, ^^20:46
ftathat was yesterday, should turn 20k in a day or two20:47
jcastrothat is sweet20:51
ftajcastro, we have strange bug reports from people that are apparently using hardy without even the security or updates repos but yet, are upgrading chromium. that's scary.21:02
bdrungasac: ping21:38
fta[reed], wrt the  imacro_asm.js seg fault at build time, do you have a bug id?23:06
fta[reed], lpia only, regression window is 20091030r34417 - 20091031r34440; and no backtrace, i don't have access to a lpia machine23:08

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