
ThelaskoAnybody know how to change the storage location from /var to /home?00:07
tgm4883Thelasko, don't do that00:10
tgm4883Thelasko, which storage directory?00:10
mrand!auto% | jduggan00:10
Zinnjduggan: If 9.10 upgrade broke auto-login for you, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/46331400:10
mrandjduggan:  http://www.mythbuntu.org/auto-builds00:10
ThelaskoMythtv wants to keep everything in /var00:10
Thelaskothat's on my root partition00:10
ThelaskoI either have to change that, or repartition my drive00:11
tgm4883Thelasko, there is option 3 I suppose00:11
ZinnIf you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory00:11
tgm4883you could symlink a dir to /var/lib/mythtv from your home dir00:11
tgm4883that might work00:11
ThelaskoI thought of that00:11
tgm4883but putting things in your /home dir usually causes lots of problems00:12
tgm4883You can certainly try though if you really want00:12
rhpot1991I'd avoid home00:12
tgm4883I know how to set it up00:12
rhpot1991you can use it if you want, but it may produce headaches00:12
ThelaskoI wish I knew this before I installed00:12
rhpot1991Thelasko: resize home and make a new partition for recordings?00:12
mrandrhpot1991: like what?  Beyond filling up the filesystem unless you reserve X amount of space?00:13
rhpot1991then mount it to /var/lib/mythtv00:13
rhpot1991mrand: permissions issues00:13
tgm4883mrand, theres lots of odd things if it's in /home00:13
rhpot1991mrand: we've seen it a lot in the past where people who use /home for things have issues there00:13
Thelaskowhy does it use /var?00:13
rhpot1991you can try it if you want, but history tells us not to00:14
rhpot1991history and zinn00:14
mranddrwxr-xr-x   7 root root  4096 2008-05-08 07:28 home00:14
mranddrwxr-xr-x  18 root root  4096 2009-09-20 07:53 var00:14
mrandsame owner and permissions?00:14
ThelaskoWhat's all of this?00:15
mrandIt's not that I don't believe you guys... you've been there before.  Just trying to imagine what the problems are.00:15
ThelaskoI can see there being permission problems if it's not done correctly.00:16
ThelaskoCan I create a /var partition?00:16
tgm4883Thelasko, thats just it, even setup correctly it wasn't working properly00:16
tgm4883Thelasko, yea you can create that as a partition00:16
mrandThelasko: yes... gparted should allow you to resize your existing /home and carve out a new one.00:16
ThelaskoYeah, but will the new one have the correct permissions?00:17
rhpot1991if not its easy to fix00:17
rhpot1991sudo chown mythtv:mythtv /whatever/path00:18
rhpot1991sudo chmod 775 /whatever/path00:18
ThelaskoI'm thinking about starting over tomorrow...00:18
Thelaskocan I run gparted from mythtv or should I boot my livecd?00:18
ThelaskoIf I add a /var partition, will I have two /vars?00:19
rhpot1991we'll you'd need to copy everything to the new one00:19
mrandOh, you already have a /var ?00:19
rhpot1991if you just want it for recordings then its easier to just make a new partition and mount it at /var/lib/mythtv00:20
rhpot1991and just copy over everything thats there into the new directory00:20
rhpot1991you'll need to juggle files around as you put the new one in place00:20
rhpot1991and I'm not sure if you can resize home while its mounted, it should yell if its something you shouldn't be doing00:20
mrandThelasko: you may have to burn gparted to a USB-stick or CD and boot it.00:21
mrandMight be easiest.00:21
Thelaskofrom reading the forums, I think it yells00:21
ThelaskoI have a cd somewhere00:21
ThelaskoI just got wireless working, so I might give it a shot00:21
Thelaskowith gparted00:21
rhpot1991Thelasko: you can just boot the install cd00:23
rhpot1991and "install" gparted on there00:23
Thelaskonah, I found my livecd00:24
Thelaskoand a copy of Encarta 99 apparently =-O00:24
Thelaskoah, crap!00:27
Thelaskomy live cd is pre-ext4!00:27
tgm4883why do you need a live cd?00:27
tgm4883sorry, going back and forth between a few thigns00:27
Thelaskogparted live cd00:27
tgm4883are you reinstalling?00:27
Thelaskono, reptartitioning00:28
tgm4883nm then, carry on00:28
Thelaskoshrinking /home and creating /var00:28
tgm4883never mind00:28
ThelaskoI reinstalled01:33
Thelaskoit was easier01:33
ThelaskoSince I didn't have to format my /home most of my settings remained01:34
MythbuntuGuest33hey guys..new Mythbuntu 9.10 install..can't rip DVD and can't see videos from /var/lib/mythtv/videos via frontend but can play them from VLC on machine and another PC on network01:34
MythbuntuGuest33changed default dvd from /dev/dvd to /dev/sr0 which is what it actually mounted as01:37
MythbuntuGuest33I can play dvd from the DVD-ROM drive via the frontend btw01:44
=== miguel is now known as Guest26093
Thelaskodo you have to install restricted-extras or medibuntu in mythbuntu?01:56
MythbuntuGuest33the linux chat rule worked..I seem to have fixed my DVD rip issue02:03
Thelaskothe answer is yes, you need mythbuntu.02:08
MythbuntuGuest33okay..so now I have an avi and an iso I just burned in /var/lib/mythtv/videos but I can't view them in the frontend???02:14
tmktno mirobridge with mythbuntu?02:26
MythbuntuGuest33is miro bridge part of the 9.10 install?  sorry I'm a mythbuntu newb02:35
tgm4883iirc, mirobridge is part of mythtv, so it should be part of the 9.10 install02:39
tgm4883although it would need setup02:39
tgm4883Thelasko, that can all be installed from MCC02:40
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest33, have you looked at the release notes for 9.10? There is an extra piece you have to setup for ripping DVD's, and you also might want to read the limitations about storage groups02:40
Thelaskowho neutered GUFW?02:51
ThelaskoGUI Uncomplicated FireWall02:52
tgm4883not me02:52
ThelaskoThey took away all of the logging and options02:52
ThelaskoI'm not even sure if it's doing anything anymore02:52
ThelaskoI'm trying to access my mythtv box via SAMBA by the way.02:53
tmkttgm4883: its in an odd dir02:56
tgm4883tmkt, what dir02:56
Thelaskoanybody have a clue why I can't access my mythtv machine via SAMBA?03:01
tmktin docs03:03
tmkt /usrshare/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/imports/mirobridge03:04
rhpot1991tmkt: thats normal03:09
rhpot1991contrib is pulled from upstream03:09
tmktnot very intuitive though..to look for scripts in a doc dir03:09
tmktassumed they might have been man pages for mirobridge03:09
tmktuntil i went and checked them out03:09
MythbuntuGuest33Thelasko..did you turn on Samba in the Mythbuntu Control Center?03:18
MythbuntuGuest33did you set sharing for any folders?03:21
Thelaskoit's set automatically03:21
MythbuntuGuest33that's all I had to do03:22
MythbuntuGuest33mine wasn't enabled and I had fresh install03:22
MythbuntuGuest33had to go to System->Shared Folders to turn on the share03:22
Thelasko*checks to see if missed something obvious*03:23
ThelaskoI'm trying to share /var/lib/mythtv/music03:24
Thelaskomaybe it's my router!03:24
Thelaskono, not my router03:26
Thelaskoeverything says it's shared03:26
ThelaskoI look at my network from another computer and it's there03:27
Thelaskobut when I click on it I get "Failed to retrieve share list from server"03:27
MythbuntuGuest33sorry..I didn't have that problem..I can see flac files from two cd's I imported earlier..but I did have to turn on share for music folder03:27
ThelaskoI can't go the other way either03:29
ThelaskoI give up for the night03:41
rhpot1991This may be helpful if anyone is having issues with their Antec Fusion's VFD: http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/603:57
MythbuntuGuest15I have new 9.10 install and everything is working except my videos won't play from ISO unless I use the VLC player or the disc is still in the dvdrom tray06:26
superm1hm that's not the page06:28
ZinnStorage Groups are a streaming method of transmitting material to a frontend, meaning they don't provide block-level access to the file in question. An ISO is a disk image, and libdvdnav/libdvdcss, the libraries used to view DVDs/DVD images, requires block-level access. Upstream has a plan to simulate a block device across the network using NBD for .23. See http:06:28
MythbuntuGuest15so in other words until .23 keep using VLC?06:28
MythbuntuGuest15would mora bridge be a work around for this?06:29
rhpot1991hmmm crap why'd that get cut off06:37
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest15: one second06:38
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].06:39
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest15: setup>media>video>general06:40
rhpot1991"Directories that hold videos"06:40
rhpot1991point that at your ISOs06:40
rhpot1991they will work then06:40
rhpot1991so what many of us do is make a /var/lib/mythtv/ISO06:40
rhpot1991to keep isos, and register that there06:40
rhpot1991and then use /var/lib/mythtv/videos for non ISOs06:40
MythbuntuGuest15then they will work fine?06:41
rhpot1991yep :)06:42
MythbuntuGuest15seems too easy06:42
MythbuntuGuest15weird..won't let me build directory ISO in /var/lib/mythtv06:47
hobigawith 0.22 has anyone noticed their iso playing back fast when using the internal player in mythvideo?06:48
rhpot1991hobiga: yes, I noticed that, I forget how I fixed it06:49
rhpot1991paused it or something and it was fine06:49
rhpot1991hobiga: and I only noticed it once in maybe 10 playbacks06:49
hobigayeah I did that as well...worked for one...tried again last night and no matter what I did pause/rewind a bit it always started playing fast again06:50
hobigaseems to be pretty consitent for me06:50
rhpot1991hobiga: only on a certain ISO?06:50
hobigahappens on most06:51
hobigahowever a rewind fixes it usually06:51
hobigaonly one that wouldn't stop playing fast after a rewind06:51
hobigaand it actually ended up crashing the frontend06:52
hobigaI would stick with mplayer but lack of menu support is limiting06:53
hobigaI know I saw a vlc with mythvideo integration howto somewhere maybe I'll give that a shot06:54
rhpot1991xine has good menu support06:57
rhpot1991I used to use it in past releases06:57
rhpot1991fair warning if you go with an external player you lose storage group support06:58
rhpot1991might be better to research the issue with fast playback some more06:58
hobigaoh maybe I'll give xine a try then06:58
hobigayeah iso's don't work with storage groups right now anyways06:59
rhpot1991ya, but other stuff does07:00
rhpot1991you could just do ISOs in xine and everything else in internal player07:00
rhpot1991I prefer the "look & feel" of the internal player though07:00
hobigayeah I do as well...07:00
hobigaif I was to have xine play just iso's would I would need to define two directories for mythvideo one that is mapped to a storage group an one for the frontend that would just have the iso's?07:01
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest15: did you follow those directions yet, wondering if you hit any snags or whatnot07:02
rhpot1991hobiga: give me one minute and I'll have a writeup on it that you can read over07:03
MythbuntuGuest15having issues creating the ISO dir in /var/lib/mythtv..won't let me add or change permissions to add07:03
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest15: sudo chown mythtv:mythtv /var/lib/mythtv/ISO07:04
rhpot1991and sudo chmod 775 /var/lib/mythtv/ISO07:04
rhpot1991hobiga: http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/707:06
hobigaawesome..thx I will let you know how I make out.07:07
rhpot1991still tweaking that some, but it will give you an idea07:07
MythbuntuGuest15moving some iso's over now to test07:13
MythbuntuGuest15so in the video target will I put /var/lib/mythtv/videos:/var/lib/mythtv/ISO?07:18
rhpot1991iso | MythbuntuGuest1507:18
rhpot1991!iso | MythbuntuGuest1507:18
ZinnMythbuntuGuest15: Storage Groups are a streaming method of transmitting material to a frontend, meaning they don't provide block-level access to the file in question. An ISO is a disk image, and requires block-level access. Upstream has a plan to simulate a block device across the network using NBD for 0.23. Until then you can use the following workaround: http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/707:18
MythbuntuGuest15sweet..working..thanks guys07:24
MythbuntuGuest15soon as I get my IR or iPod control working tomorrow I'll be in business07:25
MythbuntuGuest15have a good night07:25
=== croppa is now known as croppa_
flodinhi, I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 but now mythtv is no longer working because of this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/43916313:58
flodinso i wanted to downgrade again and restore my database backup until the bug has been resolved, but now 9.04 is no longer available on mythbuntu.org13:59
flodinwhat do I do?13:59
flodinI assume that if I downgrade to 8.10 which is available, then my database backup will have a version number that is too high14:00
mrandflodin: I might be wrong, but I don't believe there were any database changes between 8.10 and 9.04.  But you shouldn't have to drop all the way back to 8.10: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/9.04/release/14:23
flodinah, thank you14:31
Thelaskoany idea why Mythtv doesn't recognize a file I put in /var/lib/mythtv/videos?18:17
rhpot1991Thelasko: did you "scan for changes" ?18:21
rhpot1991hit m or menu on your remote and it should be the first option there18:22
Thelaskoall m gets me is "about" and "cancel"18:28
=== miguel is now known as Guest92700
Thelaskoah, I have to hit m in the video menu18:31
Thelaskogot it!18:31
darthanubisI forget the location to tell mythtv how much disk space to leave free?20:22
rhpot1991darthanubis: settings general I think20:24
darthanubiscan I get to it from mythweb?20:24
Thelaskowhat command do you use to bring up recovery mode at startup?20:31
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Thelaskoanybody know the difference between the radeon and the ATI driver?21:46
Thelaskowow, after a day and a half of hacking this works really well!22:54
ThelaskoThanks everyone!22:58

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