
crazyspaisudo -tar [directory] [directory]>00:00
crazyspaiWould that be it?00:00
emanuel__I come from the glorious country of gentoo. I'm used to emerge taking forever in deps computation, but synaptics?00:00
emanuel__kostkon: Thanks, I'll look into that powersaving stuff00:01
knoppiesemanuel__, you make it sound like its slow?00:01
frode15243Roasted, in the gnome-do preferences, go to Appearance, choose Docky as the theme.00:01
emanuel__knoppies: Yes, synaptics is dead slow here.00:01
rleeAny idea up the update for GIMP BMP vuln ?00:01
Roastedfrode15243 - thanks! I just found it as you mentioned that. Do you know how I can get applications split up, though? Like I have pidgin + 2 IMs open. The IMs don't show up in the dock, only Pidgin. I want each individual IM to show up as an icon in the dock.00:01
knoppiesemanuel__, I see. I feel for you. Nothing worse than waiting.00:02
emanuel__knoppies: e-stress00:02
frode15243Roasted: don't know, haven't used the Docky theme. Just found it now and going back to the Glass theme. :)00:03
andyis ubuntu faster running than xp00:03
emanuel__So everyone else's synaptics is fast on dep resolution?00:03
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randomusrCould I install kde without any problems if gnome is currently installed?00:03
kyonI have twelve packages that are broken, unresolved dependencies, reinstallation or dpkg -f isnt fixing it00:04
Guest7876is ubuntu faster running than xp00:04
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ikoniaGuest7876: that's subjective00:04
emanuel__Guest7876: ....doing what?00:04
SteilGuest7876: depending on what you're doing and your settings....no and yes00:04
kyonany ideas?00:04
Guest7876im using a netbook so im trying to find a light weight os00:04
ikoniaGuest7876: it can be as light or heavey as you make it00:05
Guest7876is it hard to modify00:05
ikoniaGuest7876: to add and remove application/components - no00:05
emanuel__Guest7876: XP is super light. Ubuntu can be light too, but it takes some configuration00:05
Guest7876maybe i should just use xp00:05
Guest7876ubuntu is sexy looking though00:06
Guest7876xp is so boring looking00:06
RiottaGuest7876: try Xubuntu00:06
Riottait's ideal for netbook imo00:06
Guest7876whats the difference between xbuntu and ubuntu00:06
Riottanot only I used it on desktop for years00:06
kisukeGuest7876: use lxde instead of gnome00:06
Riottawell it have lighter desktop environment00:07
XiellaHow do I backup my grub file (from "grub" to "grub.backup" for example)?00:07
gasullWhat is the application that locks the screen in gnome?  I mean the binary.00:07
Riottaless bloatware00:07
Roastedwho here uses docky? I cant seem to figure out how to make more advanced adjustments to docky. Like these icons are HUGE. I want them smaller. How can I do that?00:07
epinkykyon: tried with "sudo apt-get -f install"?00:07
DBORoasted, I wrote it if that helos00:07
emanuel__So nobody can help me with my Synaptics slowness issues? Waah!00:07
alekhinelast release of ubuntu itś just awful00:07
RoastedDBO - you wrote docky?00:07
Guest7876bloatware as in stuff running in the background or space00:07
kyonepinky: yeah, no joy00:07
alekhineim gonna switch to arch linux00:07
alekhineim done with ubuntu00:07
DBORoasted, sure did, to adjust icon size just drag the separator up and down00:07
ikoniaalekhine: ok00:07
Guest7876i like this ubuntu everything works right away00:08
RoastedDBO - imagine that!00:08
RoastedDBO - another question...00:08
emanuel__I hear there's this new thing called Ubuntu Software Center or whatnot...00:08
alekhineno it doesnt, vino is still broken and epiphany flash doesnt work anymore00:08
kyonepinky: I inherited a box with 6.06 on it and I'm trying to get it current. Somewhere on the road to 8.04-ness this happened00:08
alekhineno sound00:08
Guest7876the only problem i have is mics dont work on my eeepc00:08
RoastedDBO - I currentlty have open pidgin and 2 IMs. Is there any way I can have the two IMs appear in the dock? I hate having to open pidgin to open all of my IMs. I like them individualized. I just want Docky to act like my Gnome bar did - where each IM was separate, each firefox window was separate, etc. Is that possible?00:09
randomusris it still possible to get the kiba dock?00:09
DBORoasted, in Docky 2 yes, but thats not ready yet00:09
kisukeRoasted: its in pidgins prefs00:09
RoastedDBO - is there a beta of it yet?00:09
DBORoasted, yes, but that feature is not exposed yet00:09
Roastedkisuke - I know, but I'm trying to apply this to a dock, not to my gnome bar. slightly different.00:09
Youndersorry thinking chrome00:10
RiottaGuest7876 stuff in the background and in terms of space00:10
emanuel__Another thing: How can I configure sudo/PolicyKit/SeaHorse/whatever to not time out on authorizing my user as admin so quickly? Is there a global way to do that? Those "enter your p/w" dialogs are getting old real quickly...00:10
kisukeoh sorry00:10
jongieXiella: is your kubuntu fresh install or an upgrade to 9.10?00:10
Youndernot out of beta, but well worth it00:10
randomusr!kiba dock00:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba dock00:10
Xiellajongie: It's a fresh install.00:10
DBORoasted, unfortunately, the female in my life is pulling me away. You can stop by #docky and troll us till you get what you want however :)00:10
Riottagnome has tons of stuff loading etc. xfce from xubuntu is much lighter00:10
RoastedDBO - is there at least a way that I can set it so I can pick which window it goes to? Cause like... I have two firefox windows open. Is it possible to hover over the firefox icon and have the other 2 pop up?00:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba00:10
RoastedDBO - hahaha, okay, sounds good. thanks.00:10
kisuke!info kiba00:10
ubottuPackage kiba does not exist in karmic00:10
Riottamy friend uses xubuntu on his netbook it's working like a charm00:10
Younderchrome is SO fast..00:11
Riottagot ppa?00:11
Riottafor chrome00:11
emanuel__Actually those "tons of things" gnome loads don't add much to your boot time.00:11
kostkonemanuel__, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/442463/comments/400:11
Riottayeah but eat up memory00:11
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RiottaYounder: ppa repository00:12
emanuel__I have a GNOME desktop in less than 30 s. U 9.10, old Pentium 4 based computer.00:12
Younderone moment00:12
epinkykyon: workaround: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=1764991#post176499100:12
coz_emanuel__,  thats pretty good for 9.1000:12
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coz_emanuel__,  I would say very very good :)00:12
kyonepinky: thank you00:12
emanuel__kostkon: cheers for the link00:13
emanuel__coz_: really?00:13
Youndersimple huh00:13
dtamborellihi, i have installed postgresql and deleted the /etc/postgresql/8.4 directory... the problem is that when I reinstall postgresql the conf directory is not created... how can I solve this problem please...00:13
coz_emanuel__,  yeah karmis boot sequence leaves much to be desired and wanted00:13
jongieXiella: try again booting to recovery and select fsck instead of dropping to root00:13
emanuel__coz_: RAID much?00:14
randomusris it still possible to get the kiba dock?00:14
RiottaYounder: google didn't released chrome for linux yet00:14
coz_emanuel__,  no  even though I have scsi drives here :)00:14
YounderRiotta, as I said it is in beta00:14
RiottaI thought that you got it from ppa00:14
YounderYou need to get the developemet version00:15
Viking667gah. Turns out my setup can't actually play HD.00:15
albondican anyone recommend me a good motherboard for a corei7 chip?00:15
emanuel__coz_: I have found that when you start worrying about bootup times, you need to look into this new stuff called "hibernation" :-)00:15
ikoniaalbondi: that's offtopic here00:15
ikoniaalbondi: try ##hardware00:15
albondiikonia: thanks!00:15
Xiellajongie: I don't see a fsck option.  The options are resume, clean, dpkg, grub, netroot and root.00:15
coz_emanuel__, on a desktop?00:15
emanuel__coz_: Definitely00:16
RiottaViking667: what setup?00:16
coz_emanuel__,  well I am comparing 9.10 to all previous version now :)00:16
Riottathx Younder00:16
Younderis probably what I used00:16
Viking667Ubuntu, Radeon 9550.00:16
emanuel__coz_: Another thing, check out bootchart and use static IP if you have a router00:16
Viking667I think I just crashed it playing a HD youtube flash video00:17
blue0488can some one help me with mp3gain?????00:17
coz_emanuel__,  mmm  well almost the same system since ubuntu 4.10   this is the slowest booting version :)00:18
=== sisif_ is now known as sisif
RiottaViking667: that card haven't got even hardware decoding of HD material00:18
emanuel__coz_: bloat tends to work like that00:18
coz_emanuel__,  I think you may be right  and also grub2  at least at t his beta stage00:18
emanuel__coz_: remove everything you don't need and watch out for weird things like IPV6 timeouts etc. etc.00:19
deserteaglehello all!00:19
coz_emanuel__,  i will try that thanks :)00:19
* emanuel__ is using grub200:19
deserteagleanyone know how to autoUNmount a usb stick once it's been unplugged with ivman? thanks!00:19
Viking667so I found when I tried using -vo directfb00:19
sisifHello guys. I`ll need some help. I just upgraded from 9.04 on to 9.10 (x64) and now it seems that my notebook won`t boot. I managed to make it start in recovery mode, but console terminal is all i can get from now. Any suggestion on shall I do next. Any help would be greatly apreciated. Thanx!00:20
Viking667anyhow, I got it back (turns out I'd only crashed the framebuffer, and subsequently Xorg)00:20
emanuel__coz_: My gentoo kernel had no IPV6 support, saved me lots of timeout related headaches00:20
loginfliggleanyone have any idea how you alias a command with a00:20
deserteaglesisif, do you have anything you CAN'T do away with? (things that a backup won't recover?)00:20
loginfliggle' in the syntax00:20
deserteagleloginfliggle, enclose it with quotes00:21
Viking667loginfliggle: huh? You on crack or something? What's a command doing with that in there?00:21
nvmewhat does gparted mean by "dirty volume mount was forced?"00:21
coz_emanuel__, ah gentoo....00:21
emanuel__coz_: Ah, indeed.00:21
sisifdeserteagle : not really. I do have a /home partition. Why? Do you suggest a fresh install ?00:21
deserteaglesisif, yup yup00:21
deserteaglesolved ALL of my headaches with upgrading00:22
epinkydtamborelli: You have to  "purge"  postgresql package then reinstall00:22
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sisifdeserteagle : any other solution that I can do _without_ reinstalling?00:22
natrixnatrix89Does firewire in Ubuntu support video in HDV format (not DV)00:22
deserteaglesisif, do you really want to spend 30947109287109 hours trying to get back to where you were? :S00:23
insm0dnvme, I think that happens when a filesystem was unmounted improperly (usually the power switch was tripped while the operating system was still going.00:23
markl_sisif: what do you mean by "won't boot" - you mean the gui won't come up, or does it freeze up at some point00:23
emanuel__I'm going to SHOUT again. Bare with me. Anybody else having HUGE problems with Synaptics' dependencies resolution? I'm beginning to suspect I have done something, uhm, unorthodox.00:23
natrixnatrix89emanuel_ whats the problem? i had problems, but solved them..00:23
deserteaglesisif, it took me less time to backup and reinstall than it did to fix 2 issues, so unless you're a HARDCORE nerd... :P00:23
deserteagleemanuel__, nope, no issues here00:24
deserteagleanyone know how to autoUNmount a usb stick once it's been unplugged with ivman?00:24
deserteagleanyone know how to autoUNmount a usb stick with ivman once it's been unplugged?00:24
dtamborelliepinky, i did it but it the files are not created...00:24
natrixnatrix89emanuel__: whats the problem?00:24
emanuel__deserteagle: good to know, thanks for the data point00:24
nvmeinsm0d, any idea how i can fix that ?00:24
natrixnatrix89emanuel__: dependencies can be solved.00:25
sisifmarkl_ : i see some booting, and there is the spash screen that I get to see. And the activity LED does blink. But other than that, preety mouch nothing responds. I can`t even get to a terminal to see what happens. Recovery mode is the only thing I get for now00:25
smwnhello #ubuntu, I finally got my usb wifi to work under Ubuntu....and it connects fine tho it signal is at 17% where under windows its at like 70% so under ubuntu the Internet stops and starts hardout...Its using WPA Personal, Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try to make ubuntu get the better signal...?00:25
epinkydtamborelli: sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql00:25
upd_hi, what could be wrong that nautilus don't wan't show folder content, i have some .png pictures in folder and when i wan't open picture it is empty and it show like it is all time openning folder ?00:25
emanuel__natrixnatrix89: problem is Synaptics is largely non-interactive because it's wasting my CPU figgering out the deps tree all the time00:25
deserteaglesmwn, try WICD :)00:25
sisifNetwork connection manager00:26
deserteagleit's a wireless thing manager00:26
sisifQuite nice ..00:26
deserteagleAWESOME thing :D00:26
natrixnatrix89emanuel__: did you try sudo apt-get -f install ?00:26
insm0dnvme, In older versions of ubuntu I could help you more effectively, but it involves running fsck.  Maybe run it from the livecd.00:27
smwnEven tho WICD will let me configure it using a good GUI, will it improve the signal?00:27
nvmeinsm0d, ive tried fsck it just says fsck.ntfs not found or something00:27
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dtamborelliepinky, look at this log please... http://dpaste.com/119844/00:27
sisifsmwn : no. that is hardware related00:27
nvmeinsm0d, windows cant read the partition but chkdsk says there are no errors00:27
emanuel__natrixnatrix89: no I didn't. I always have a couple of superuser gnome-terminals around so I rarley need to use sudo. :-) apt-get -f install reports nothing00:27
fcuk112my firefox 3.5 takes a long time to startup, anyone else experiencing this?  i have disabled all my addons and still having the same problem.00:28
deserteaglesmwn, better driver compatibility MIGHT mean better signal00:28
deserteagleanyone know how to autoUNmount a usb stick with ivman once it's been unplugged?00:28
sisifdeserteagle : wicd is just the interface to access the drivers / hw.00:28
smwnwell it took me 6 months just to get it to work00:28
insm0dnvme, I'm sorry, I don't know too much about filesystems in general, but especially ntfs00:28
smwnfinally found a driver that works(kinda)_00:28
kostkonfcuk112, maybe a corrupted profile? try loading firefox with a fresh one00:28
fcuk112kostkon: how do i do that?00:28
emanuel__fcuk112: Thats fx/gecko for ya. Have you considered switching to chromium or epiphany/webkit?00:29
Shnozzberrywhats the command for updating my distribution?00:29
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Shnozzberryits apt-get dist-upgrade?00:29
fcuk112emanuel__: i can't live without fast dial and delicious addon for FF - but i will use chromium if i have to.00:29
kostkonfcuk112, try in a terminal. i hope it works in ffox 3.5:  firefox -profilemanager00:29
Younderemanuel__, asafari also uses webkit, not just chrome00:29
Younderread mac00:29
insm0dfcuk112, This probably won't help startup times, but I've found numerous tweaking guides for firefox that really do make it snappier00:30
emanuel__fcuk112: fair enough. I really miss firebug & flashblock in chromium00:30
r_a_fShnozzberry:its for change dist to newer version00:30
dtamborelliepinky, now it works... because I did a purge in the specific package name "postgresql-8.4"... just postgresql (virtual package) don't work00:30
Younderwebkit is a solid investment00:30
r_a_fShnozzberry:just update is sudo apt-get update AND sudo apt-get upgrade00:30
smwnI have a theory that its using G when its suppose to use N00:30
smwnanyone know how to force it to use N and not G standard00:31
emanuel__Younder: Thing is, everybody is on the WebKit bandwagon, except for FX. That's saying something.00:31
epinkydtamborelli: :)00:31
epinky!it | diamante2k00:31
ubottudiamante2k: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:31
fcuk112kostkon: created a new profile, still the same issue.  there is a lot of disk activity on startup.00:31
deserteagleis there a way to have firefox as a daemon?00:31
kostkonfcuk112, hmm00:31
Younderemanuel__, what exactly?00:31
emanuel__Younder: Gecko is dead00:31
dtamborelliepinky, thank you very much... :)00:32
smwnAnyone know how to make it use N not g standard00:32
Younderemanuel__, if not dead then expiring00:32
fcuk112kostkon: FF also goes dimmed for a while...00:32
kostkonfcuk112, hmm. are you running compiz?00:33
emanuel__Younder: If not dead then smelling... Bad00:33
fcuk112kostkon: yes.00:33
Billiarddeserteagle: firefox as a daemon?00:33
FlootenkerpDoes anyone here use mupen64plus? I need help configuring the controls on it.00:33
Billiarddeserteagle: for what purpose?00:34
kostkonfcuk112, maybe a compiz plugin is slowing ffox down for some reason00:34
seidosis there a way in fluxbox to change the default background color and text color?00:34
deserteagleBilliard, as in, when i close it, it keeps the core loaded... for faster opening :)00:34
smwnDoes anyone know how to check if your wireless connection is using N standard or G standard and if so , how do you force it to use N.00:34
epinky!update | Shnozzberry00:34
ubottuShnozzberry: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:34
kostkonfcuk112, which one I don't know, though.00:34
fcuk112kostkon: that's strange, i only use cube and grid...  no problem in the past.00:34
Billiarddeserteagle: i see, idk00:35
kostkonfcuk112, alright. when did your problem start? do you remember?00:35
legend2440fcuk112: in terminal try     firefox -safe-mode    to see if it makes a difference00:35
emanuel__Another thing, when can we expect decent 2D acceleration on recent nVidia h/w?00:35
fcuk112kostkon: only recently...  does doing hugday init on the profile got anything to do with it perhaps?00:35
smwn Does anyone know how to check if your wireless connection is using N standard or G standard and if so , how do you force it to use N.00:35
* Viking667 departs00:35
Younderemanuel__, if is no quite as clear as that.  firefox has firebug the best javascript debugger out there. I suspect it will hang around for some time for that reason alone.00:36
kostkonfcuk112, hugday init?00:36
* emanuel__ is never satisfied00:36
Billiarddeserteagle, you probably can set up a udev rule to unmount a drive on removal00:36
fcuk112kostkon: safe-mode works fine.00:36
ScuniziHow do I get Empathy to connect to google talk..??  Seems to "network error"00:36
kostkonfcuk112, aha, interesting00:36
debohi guys.  quick question - is there a command or something that will list my laptop hardware?  I need to find out what graphics card i have so i can troubleshoot compiz.  Ta00:36
deserteagleBilliard, i was afraid of that :< udev rules scare me00:36
emanuel__Younder: i just wish chromium would have something like firebug built-in.00:36
Billiarddeserteagle: ha, its not that bad00:36
Scunizidebo: sudo lshw00:36
deserteagledebo lsmod00:36
deserteagleerr, that ^00:37
alankilayeah it's a pity about firebug, that's so good that even if firefox is otherwise kinda sluggish, that excuses all...00:37
upd_why nautilus don't show folder items, what they fucked up AGAIN?00:37
deserteaglecuz nautilus is good like that00:37
* deserteagle uses Rox-filer00:37
alankilaWebkit is insanely fast with javascript thanks to its jit and it's otherwise very snappy as well, but it has no firebug nor anything comparable. :-(00:37
killazzzmy nautilus is fine00:37
deserteagleit ROX! :D00:37
fcuk112kostkon: ah i just reset everything using safe-mode and it seems ok now, thanks.00:37
debocheers guys that;s perfect!00:37
upd_nautilus sux00:37
emanuel__Younder: chromium's javascript runs in circles around FX js.00:37
Botanicdoes ubuntu always run at full frequency? im on a laptop and wondering if I can extend the battery00:37
deserteagleupd_ agreed :P00:37
killazzzlol nautilus saved my ass a couple of time00:38
Younderemanuel__, it does have something. A DOM viewer. It's just not as powerful.00:38
killazzzits good for newbie like me00:38
smwn Does anyone know how to check if your wireless connection is using N standard or G standard and if so , how do you force it to use N.00:38
kostkonfcuk112, :)00:38
upd_what can i use if i don't wan't nautilus ?00:38
emanuel__Younder: what does? firebug?00:38
Xiellajongie virtuald: My friend helped me boot into kde.  I had to add vga=792 at the end of the boot options (not nomodeset or i915.modeset=0).  I'm not sure what that means, but yay fixed00:38
deserteagleupd_, rox, thunar, etc.00:38
Younderemanuel__, that it does. It's a JIT compiler after all.00:38
BilliardBotanic: i changed my cpu freq governor to conservative, and it seemed better to me00:38
emanuel__Younder: No you mean chromium...00:38
gbear14275if I just configured my buddy's computer to allow remote desktop connections the command i use from terminal is VNC correct?  or is there another one?00:39
BotanicBilliard, where is that at?00:39
deserteagleupd_, thunar still has a lot of the functionality of nautilus (if you prefer that stuff)00:39
Guest42613ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso      does this work for Intel Quad core desktop computer?00:39
BilliardBotanic: one sec00:39
Guest42613because i can't find one for intel00:39
Younderemanuel__, right click00:39
deserteagleupd_, rox on the other hand is more bare bones and tweak friendly :D00:39
thiebaudeGuest42613, thats 64 bit00:39
deserteagleGuest42613, i wouldn't try that00:39
emanuel__What the linux WWW world needs, sorely, is decent javascript (google is on that, mark my words) and Adobe opening up Flash.00:39
Guest42613deserteagle, huh00:39
Guest42613thiebaude, I have q6600 desktop computer00:40
deserteagleamd64 != intel quad core 32 bit00:40
thiebaudeGuest42613, do have 64 or 32 bit?00:40
emanuel__Younder, right click what?00:40
deserteagleoh ok00:40
Guest42613Intel Quad Core is both 32/64. lol00:40
deserteagleumm... still... i'd say no :P00:40
Younderemanuel__, chroium seems simple, but isn't. It has a lot of buildt in functionality.00:40
deserteagleboth? o_O00:40
BotanicGuest42613, that should work then00:40
Guest42613I was just confused because it said AMD00:40
emanuel__Younder, I know that00:40
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emanuel__Younder, it just isn't Firebug, is it? :-)00:41
Younderemanuel__, the mouse, in the HTML view feild00:41
Guest42613deserteagle, yes 64 bit support00:41
Guest42613you thought amd only had 64 bit ? lol00:41
robin0800_how to run nvidia 185 driver on karmic?00:42
thiebaudeGuest42613, my amd is 32 or 64 bit00:42
ShnozzberryIs intrepid the latest?00:42
deserteaglei just though Intel named their 64bit Itanium or something00:42
emanuel__robin0800: Dead easy, just use restriced drivers yadda yadda00:42
deserteagleShnozzberry, nope, Karmic is00:42
ShnozzberryI want to update from intrepid to karmic00:42
Shnozzberrywhats the command to do that00:42
deserteagledon't :P00:42
Guest42613nowadays all Intel chips are 64bit supported00:42
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:42
Shnozzberryshould I?00:42
Younderemanuel__, I do web developement in Opera, Microsoft, Safaru, Firefox etc..00:42
BilliardBotanic: you could try the cpufreq-selector command00:42
deserteagleShnozzberry, backup and do a clean install =\00:42
emanuel__robin0800: if you want to try nVidia's beta drivers it gets a shitload more complicated00:42
Guest42613thiebaude, quick question00:43
deserteagleBotanic, what Billiard said00:43
killazzzhey somebody know a little bit about networking ?00:43
thiebaudeGuest42613, ok00:43
deserteagleShnozzberry, best of luck then!00:43
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: I have been updating my machine since ubuntu 5.* without backups and clean installs00:43
deserteaglekillazzz, like what?00:43
Younderemanuel__, So I always know the latest features00:43
emanuel__Younder, yes..?00:43
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: i'm not about to start new00:43
deserteagleShnozzberry, good for you00:43
Guest42613thiebaude, I have a netbook and my brightness keeps dimming aftera  minute or so how do I stop that00:43
robin0800_emanuel__: don't work won't start X black screen is there a fix?00:43
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: I am a pro00:43
Guest42613it's annoying when trying to watch something00:43
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: backups are for noobs00:43
deserteagleShnozzberry, congratulations, you get a shiny medal00:43
thiebaudeGuest42613, im not sure about netbooks, sorry00:43
emanuel__robin0800: what h/w?00:43
killazzzlike mapping my network to see other computer on it even if i have a routher with firewall and to have the ip it would be nice00:43
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: i prefer a dirty rusty metal, the holy grave indiana jones style00:43
Guest42613deserteagle, do you have a netbook00:44
Shnozzberrydeserteagle: thank you for the medal though00:44
BilliardGuest42613: you can change the lcd dim time in gconf-editor00:44
Guest42613Billiard, oh thank you so much00:44
Younderemanuel__, One weakness of Chrome is that it doesn't support Math ML00:44
killazzzif u could teach me how to do it it would be nice00:44
* Guest42613 looks for gconf-editor00:44
emanuel__Younder, OK. That never bothered me... :-)00:44
deserteagleGuest42613, nope, no netbook00:45
emanuel__Younder: math is best done server side if you ask me00:45
melvster1hi all anyone know the easiest way to play a .wav in /usr/share/sounds from a command line?00:45
YounderAs I am also a developer of Axiom (a math system)  it bothers me00:45
emanuel__Younder: Just look at Wikipedia & Wolfram...00:45
hyliani mounted several iso's with furius, and whenever i go t the folder i see no files.00:45
robin0800_manuel__: nvidia gforce 4600gs00:45
Billiardmelvster1: mplayer maybe im sure there are other programs00:45
deserteagleShnozzberry, you're a pro, right?00:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about furius00:46
Younderemanuel__, Yes I use athematica too00:46
robin0800_emanuel__: nvidia gforce 4600gs00:46
deserteagleShnozzberry, know how to autoUNmount a usb stick with ivman once it's been unplugged?00:46
VCooliomelvster1: aplay? mplayer?00:46
deserteagleif you could do that, you'd be an ULTRAPRO00:46
emanuel__robin0800: amd you have probles with nVidia's 185.*? Buy a more recent card. My 9400 cost me less than $100.00:46
melvster1worked, thanks!!00:46
Billiarddeserteagle: did you try udev00:46
deserteagleBilliard, shhhh no udev rules pls :P00:47
deserteagletried them once.... didn't work as planned :P00:47
hylianwhy would a mounted iso (several in fact) show no files?00:47
Billiarddeserteagle: well i could help you make a rule if you wanted00:47
deserteagleBilliard, really? :D00:48
Billiardhylian: how did you mount it00:48
jledbetter1I had a power flicker. Came back and dump out to the grub screen. I've tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Rescue%20Mode to no avail. I installed 9.10 via wubi on a win7 machine. Any ideas?00:48
emanuel__hylian: cause it's a broken or empty iso?00:48
deserteaglelooking in the wrong dir?00:48
loginfliggleYounder: how big of a diference is athematica and the port of mathematica?00:48
lepineI just installed 9.10. The live disc automatically proposed fwcutter for my wireless NIC. however, the installed hasn't done so yet. how can I prompt it?00:49
hyliani mounted it with furius. and no they are intact00:49
loginfligglelepine: mount the disc as a source and update00:50
emanuel__loginfliggle, The port of mathematica?00:50
morphiashey i am using ubuntu 9.10 and when i tried to do updates the update manager crashed... im going to try again.00:50
dbuggerHey guys! Quick question. Is there Ubuntu One for Windows?00:50
loginfliggleyeah, wolfram ported mathematica for linux systems00:50
deserteagledbugger, huh?00:51
Billiarddeserteagle: try this maybe ACTION=="remove", DRIVERS=="usb-storage", RUN+="/bin/umount /dev/%k"00:51
Younderlohinfliggle, not sure I understand you00:51
morphiasok lol it works now00:51
emanuel__loginfliggle, Oh, you mean differences between windows & linux? Backends are identical00:51
dbuggerdeserteagle, Im thinking of swtiching from dropbox to Ubuntu One... but I cant seem to install in in windows00:51
spO`how do i install the https://launchpad.net/~ripps818/+archive/coreavc?field.series_filter=karmic   instead of the default mplayer?00:51
hylianbilliard, i used furius00:51
Billiarddeserteagle: it could be smarter though like actually checking if its mounted00:51
Younderlohinfliggle, Mathematica is exactly the same on all platforms00:51
Billiardhylian: wrong person?00:51
deserteagleBilliard, would pmount work better?00:51
hylianbilliard, you asked me how i mounted my iso, i mounted it using furius00:52
Billiarddeserteagle: idk umount should work fine, i would think udev runs as root00:52
Billiardhylian: o sorry00:52
Billiardhylian: im not familiar with furius00:52
Younderlohinfliggle, The personal edition is now quite affordabe00:53
deserteaglehylian, try good 'ol    mount -t iso9660 -o loop ble.iso /mnt00:53
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:53
Younderlohinfliggle, never the less I prefer AXIOM00:53
spO`there are many different versions of mplayer, I want to instal l the one that includes coreavc,  do any of you know how i can install that version instead of the default one?00:53
neurodronedoes anyone know if compiz is inbuilt in karmic?00:53
neurodroneif yes, then what shortcuts to access it?00:53
RenatoSilvacan I boot my Ubuntu from XP using some VM?00:54
ScuniziRenatoSilva: using virtualbox.org you can install ubuntu in your xp environment00:54
neurodroneor you can not use VM and use Wubi :D00:55
RenatoSilvaScunizi:  can I ***boot my Ubuntu from XP*** using some VM?00:55
hyliandeserteagle, how would i unmount it then when it came to that time00:55
smwnI have got my wireless working under ubuntu but the signal strength is way lower than it should be...its an N router and usb stick00:55
smwnANY ideas?00:55
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Younderlohinfliggle, AXIOM has a interface from the dark ages (1980's) but I can change that. And I will.00:55
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ScuniziRenatoSilva: if you've installed for a dual boot.. no..00:55
knoppiesneurodrone, Im still on 9.04, but I think you just need to install the settings manager.00:55
jongieXiella: nice to hear it's working now..seems there is a problem with the current kernel video driver..you can make the option vga=792 persistent by adding in to grub.conf00:55
neurodroneknoppies: oh okay.. thanks for that :)00:55
emanuel__Mathematica is hugely overrated though. Mr. Wolfram is a confirmed narcissist and the symbolic things Mathematica supposedly flies at is really trivial when you have a database of symbolic integration patterns. The nontrivial stuff is still hard to do symbolically.00:55
RenatoSilvaScunizi: why can't vms boot from real partitions00:56
neurodroneRenatoSilva: yes that one.00:56
ScuniziRenatoSilva: idk00:56
lordganeshcan anybody tell how to make live usb for ubuntu 9.1000:56
RenatoSilvathanks all00:56
Xiellajongie: Ah, alright.. is grub.conf the same as /etc/default/grub?00:57
smwnI have got my wireless working under ubuntu but the signal strength is way lower than it should be...its an N router and usb stick, Any Ideas?00:57
jongielordganesh: try unetbootin http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ you need your ISO image00:57
agusjanyone knows how to download deb file and its dependencies?00:58
Billiardagusj: whay cant you use the package manager?00:58
RenatoSilvaneurodrone: installer? huh?00:58
RenatoSilvaneurodrone: the installation alkready exists00:58
emanuel__I mean, yes, Mathematica is able to reason that this is an elliptical integral but that is about as far as it goes. Most real world problems are symbolically intractable and you *will* need something like mathlab to get your nubers.00:58
loginfliggleXiella: grub.conf is the autogenerated "menu.lst". it pulls information from /etc/default/grub when you run update-grub00:58
agusjI have no internet connection, so I download it from internet shop00:59
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RenatoSilvaWubi is a VM specially built for ubuntu?00:59
c_kornis there a user installed which is allowed to write into /usr/share/games/* ? for games which want to write into the game directory ?00:59
loginfliggleagreed, but I prefer Mathematica for quick integrations, etc00:59
seidoscan vim be used as an alternative to gedit?  if the answer is yes, how do you close a file without exiting vim?00:59
Xiellaloginfliggle: hmm, I see.  How do I edit grub.conf?01:00
Younderuse emacs01:00
BilliardYounder: haha01:00
Youndervim quite frankly sucks01:00
Xiellaloginfliggle: I have no idea where it is stored/created, also I assume I need sudo for it?01:00
emanuel__Mathematica doesn't even have a nice plotting library. What we need is a good, svg backend for octave plotting.01:00
loginfliggleXiella: You shouldn't actually edit grub.conf, since any changes you make will be overwritten. If you need to make a custom entry, add it to /etc/grub.d/60_custom then run update-grub01:01
seidoscan multiple files be opened in vim at a time?  i'm guessing the answer is no01:01
BluesKajRenatoSilva, wubi is more then a vm , ubuntu runs on it's own partition inside windows , without the drawbacks of a virtual box01:01
VCoolioseidos: maybe if you use screen / byobu01:01
Younderemanuel__, you are wrong. In the 8 version it DOES have a strong plotting library01:01
linxehseidos: yes, they can01:02
linxehseidos: look up buffers01:02
Younderemanuel__, it used to be weak01:02
loginfliggleXiella: not sure if you need sudo to edit the 60_custom, but update-grub should be sudo i believe01:02
linxehseidos: eg :badd filename / :buffers01:02
emanuel__Younder: The 8 bit Mathematica lib?01:02
emanuel__Younder, you have got to be kidding me?01:02
linxehseidos: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Vim_buffer_FAQ01:02
seidoslinxeh: thank you01:02
backharlowhelp, can't ping lan machine by hostname - IP is totally wrong01:02
Younderemanuel__, no, it uses the graphics subprosessor now01:03
epinkyagusj: that's a problem maybe you can try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto01:03
smwnnI have got my wireless working under ubuntu but the signal strength is way lower than it should be...its an N router and usb stick, Any Ideas?01:03
loginfliggleXiella: you need to find a guide with the correct syntax, or look at grub.conf since many things have changed since legacy01:03
emanuel__Younder, anything you can plot in Mathematica you can plot prettier in numerical/vector environments.01:03
Xiellaloginfliggle: hmm, thank you, yeah everything seems quite confusing.01:04
linxehR ftw01:04
spO`there is a default mplayer and there is a PPA lunchpad package mplayer that includes coreavc.... How do i install the last one instead of the default one?01:04
Younderemanuel__, no01:04
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Xiellaloginfliggle: 60_custom is a new file, not sure if that is how it is supposed to be.  Anyway I will go look for a guide first.  Thanks01:04
loginfliggleXiella: haha yeah, it is a lot cleaner imo, but there is without a doubt more confusing to learn01:04
Younderemanuel__, it takes far more work thatn that01:04
Xiellaloginfliggle: heh01:05
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emanuel__Younder, how so?01:05
loginfliggleXiella: good luck01:05
fuller9boxQuestion? No sound fololwed this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure, upgraded alsa from 1.0.20 o 1,0.21 = sŧill no sound whatever. T5250 core 2 duo - 9.1001:05
Younderemanuel__, Newer versions give you acessto the power of the GPU (graphis process unit)01:06
emanuel__Younder, Sorry I jsut realized you said 8 version, not 8 bit version. :-)01:06
RenatoSilvaBluesKaj: own partition inside windows , without the drawbacks of a virtual box????01:06
deserteaglehylian, just like any other device: umount /mnt01:06
smwnn I have got my wireless working under ubuntu but the signal strength is way lower than it should be...its an N router and usb stick, Any Ideas?01:06
RenatoSilvaBluesKaj: don't understand what is different from a vm01:06
emanuel__Younder, that is all well and good, but if you export to svg the hardware doesn't really matter.01:07
RenatoSilvaBluesKaj: any vm has own partitions01:07
Younderemanuel__, there never was a 8 bit version :)01:07
RenatoSilvainside win01:07
randomusrI cd into a directory and run sudo ./autgen.sh but bash says command not found. what's up?01:07
matakshelp pls.. after i upgrade to 9.10 i always here crappy sound on my audio.. like some glitch noise .. help pls. how to fix this01:07
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Jordan_Urandomusr: What are you trying to compile?01:07
e3cosmwn:  update fixed that01:07
randomusrJordan_U; kiba dock01:08
ShnozzberryI used to run breezy01:08
randomusrmataks, crappy sound on 9.10?01:08
mataksrandabis, yes01:08
Younderemanuel__, As a axiom developer developing a better graph module is my greatest challenge01:08
BluesKajRenatoSilva, I'm not going to get into the details of all the probs I had with trying to run linux on vmware , but wubi does anice clean job of it vs virtaul box apps01:08
randomusrmataks, what kind of computer do you have?01:09
randomusrJordan_U; any suggestions?01:09
Younderemanuel__, After I have fixed the UI bits01:09
CircsI am trying to run Ubuntu 8.04 on my htpc but I am not having any luck the little loading bar goes half way then I get a blank screen01:09
emanuel__Younder, I don't know. All my exported plots from Math7 have looked like crap. I guess I'm biased that way01:09
Jordan_Urandomusr: Isn't that project dead?01:09
JoeSomebodyhi, after my first update, i am asked about grub, should i keep the local version currently installed?01:09
mataksit's not like this before i upgraded... just when after upgrade i get this stutter noise.01:10
Jordan_Urandomusr: There are other fancy docks in the repositories01:10
emanuel__Younder, so you're an axiom dev? What's your background?01:10
loginfliggleJoeSomebody: compare the versions to make sure nothing is gonna break before you update it01:10
navatwoOkay, so I'm trying to triple boot.. ubuntu fedora and vista01:10
Younderemanuel__, I am a PHD in maths01:10
usserJordan_U, nothing like kiba with the physics engine :)01:10
randomusrJordan_U; prolly not, considering that Daniel uploaded source code within 4 days ago, but they don't currently have a regular home page nor do they have an IRC channel01:10
navatwoI have both installed and mounted properly, sharing a /home partition01:10
loginfliggleJoeSomebody: if you updated the kernel you should update it01:10
VCooliorandomusr: for autogen.sh no sudo required; but try sudo "./autogen.sh" or sudo -s and then ./autogen.sh01:11
emanuel__Younder, nice!01:11
RenatoSilvaBluesKaj: ok01:11
navatwoNow I can't do anything on ubuntu and gnome is buggered up`:<01:11
RenatoSilvaBluesKaj: thanks01:11
jledbetter1I've been trying to work through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 with rescue mode and "boot to a specific kernel manually" and failing. Example. Step 2 of latter has no available kernels. What should I do? (wubi'd on win 7)01:11
Younderemanuel__, I have 20 years experience in software developemet01:11
c_kornhow can I check if a user with a specified name exists ?01:11
usserc_korn, sudo cat /etc/passwd | grep username01:11
Jordan_Urandomusr: Ok, are you sure you are in the right directory and that they still use autotools?01:11
Younderemanuel__, Among others in Opera (a web browser)01:11
emanuel__Younder, are you working on a wolfram contract?01:12
Younderemanuel__, no01:12
randomusrJordan_U; not sure01:12
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knoppiesrandomusr, if you use ls does the script come up?01:12
Xiellahey I'm out for a bit, thanks everyone for all your help (who helped!)01:12
randomusrVCoolio; sudo -s "./autogen.sh" permissions denied01:12
JoeSomebodyloginfliggle i am fairly new linux man , and so is the install, so which is best for me?01:12
randomusrknoppies, yes01:12
emanuel__Younder, what was the subject of your dissertation?01:12
navatwoSo, I have installed fedora and ubuntu onto my computer. My hard drive is partitioned into Swap, /home, and two / partitions for each OS respectively. Now, my ubuntu loads, but I have no way to use the GUI. How can I get my gnome back? gnome-panel --replace accomplishes nothing from my virtual terminal.01:12
Jordan_Urandomusr: First, don't use sudo unless you know you need it01:12
randomusrJordan_U it won't respond unless I use sudo01:13
mrXXcan anybody help me find the word that means -"debate of thought in the mind"01:13
loginfliggleJoesomebody: just update it. if your computer won't boot or you have any real issues after the update select an older version on startup01:13
VCooliorandomusr: first sudo -s, enter password, then every command is as root, so then ./autogen.sh01:13
Younderemanuel__, thining about thought01:13
ussermrXX, mmm doubt01:13
arandjledbetter1: I think the wubi situation complicates thing considerably.01:13
airtonixnavatwo, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:13
Younderemanuel__, machine intelligence01:13
JoeSomebodyloginfliggle ok :)01:13
mrXXusser like that means battle of thoughts01:13
Jordan_Urandomusr: What do you mean "won't respond" ? It's not supposed to produce any output01:13
jledbetter1arand: Ok01:13
QuietRiotsHi! I'd like to install Ubuntu on my netbook. Unfortunately, I only have a 512-meg USB drive available. The Ubuntu_Minimal ISO doesn't detect my wireless card correctly. What options do I have?01:13
QuietRiotsI should add, I'm fine with a very minimal OS.01:14
ussermrXX, mmm contemplate01:14
randomusrJordan_U and vcoolio, I ran sudo -s01:14
randomusrthen ./autogen.sh01:14
arandjledbetter1: Those instructions applies only if you have ubuntu on a separate partition I thin01:14
randomusrgot permission denied01:14
mrXXamazing yes, thanks usser01:14
mrXXusser thanks01:14
insm0dQuietRiots, If your wireless card is a broadcom I may be able to help you01:14
emanuel__Younder, reasoning about reasoning. I see why you are biased to symbolic..! :-)01:14
ussermrXX, hehe01:14
Jordan_Urandomusr: Don't. You shouldn't ever need to compile as root01:14
emanuel__Younder, me, I'm an engineer so I really love octave/mathlab.01:15
randomusrbash knows it exists, I must need to change permissions or some junk01:15
usserQuietRiots, debian then01:15
sohailany of you guys figure out how to do IPsec vpn with a road warrior? anything I find on the web is overwhelmingly impossible to decipher...01:15
Younderemanuel__, you won't find it on the net thouggh. It has been classifiend by the americain millitary. They want to use it for their UCAV's I think.01:15
Jordan_Urandomusr: First switch back to a regular user01:15
navatwoairtonix: I get the same errors as originally came up01:15
jledbetter1arand: That makes sense. Thank you.01:15
VCooliorandomusr: enter "exit" and you're back01:15
randomusrJordan_U what's the switch?01:15
mataks_help pls.. after i upgrade to 9.10 i always here crappy sound on my audio.. like some glitch noise .. help pls. how to fix this01:15
QuietRiotsusser: Thanks for the tip!01:15
ussersohail, any reason to use ipsec? do you want to setup a vpn server?01:15
mrXXusser i think contemplate doesnt fit well with my sentence,01:15
randomusrregular user01:16
Jordan_Urandomusr: Just "exit" and you will return to your normal user's shell01:16
Jordan_Urandomusr: Then "chmod +x autogen.sh"01:16
mrXXusser it should mean like constant rise of thoughts01:16
emanuel__Younder, is the US army a big wolfram account?01:16
usserQuietRiots, debian is pretty light, doesnt have all the bloat of the ubuntu, all while being rock solid and stable01:16
Younderemanuel__, I use that a lot too01:16
randomusrI have the permission for execute01:16
ussermrXX, im not sure...01:16
xincheni need  remove the groff but there are something wrong01:16
gantrixxI've switched to Ubuntu 9.10 (amd64).  Are other people having as much trouble with internet video as I am?01:16
gantrixx half of YouTubes videos will not play01:16
gantrixx No CNN or MSNBC videos will play at all01:16
gantrixx video from CBS plays only the leading commercial01:16
FloodBot1gantrixx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:16
Younderemanuel__, don't know, don't wanna know01:17
ussergantrixx, did you install adobe's flash player?01:17
xinchenanyone can help me?01:17
emanuel__Younder, lol!01:17
gantrixxand the plugin01:17
spaced312can anyone help ive got an error: unable to resolve host mail.mydomain.com when i try to run do sudo su... i was trying to setup mail on my server and i think ive broke my host config01:17
sohailusser: yes, a VPN server01:17
randomusrJordan_U; can I install intltool from synatic default repos?01:17
ussergantrixx, you sure its in use, can you pastebin the about:config page from firefox01:17
usser!pastebin | ganadist__01:17
ubottuganadist__: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:17
sohailb/c I will be working from insecure locations in the near future and don't want to take risks01:17
usser!pastebin | gantrixx01:18
ubottugantrixx: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:18
Jordan_Urandomusr: Yes01:18
randomusrgetting it now01:18
ARF_DFanyone can help with a problem with (lcd) monitor resolution and intel video driver?01:18
c_kornusser: ok, I try that. thx01:18
ussersohail, is IPsec absolutely required? i find openvpn much nicer and easier for a novice to get going01:18
navatwoOkay, I have installed ubuntu and fedora on separate partitions, sharing a /home partition. Now, upon loading ubuntu I get the following errors: "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/**/.ICEautority", "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)", "Nautilus oculd not create the following required folders: /home/**/Desktop, /home/**/.nautilus". Following 01:18
navatwoa cursor.01:18
sohailusser: I'd prefer it because I use it already to connect to other networks01:18
epinkyxinchen: "remove the groff" means?01:18
sohailand afaik, openvpn doesn't work with the software I use (IPsecuritas)01:18
ConcretesledgeCan someone assist me with setting up a RAID configuration with Ubuntu 9.0401:19
Jordan_Unavatwo: The two users probably have different UIDs01:19
ussersohail, oh ok, you using openswan?01:19
sohailusser: on the client? No OSX01:19
navatwoJordan_U: that makes sense, how cna I fix that? Live CD?01:19
gantrixxhow do I select from the about:config page?01:19
randomusrJordan_U; what's with compiling each piece of the application separately and then installing them?01:19
emanuel__Younder, what is symbolic computation a'la Mathematica good for, apart from impressing software engineers?01:19
epinkyopenswan, nooooo01:20
RenatoSilvaI have a Kubuntu .iso, how to create a VM from it?01:20
insm0dnavatwo, does both FC and Ubuntu have similar /etc/passwd files?  By that I mean does your user have the same number in both versions?01:20
sohailepinky: exactly... it's friggin impossible to figure out01:20
mneptokgantrixx: just type that into the Firefox address bar01:20
BilliardRenatoSilva: install virtualbox?01:20
navatwoinsm0d: I am not sure, they are both fresh instalations.01:20
gantrixxusser, is there a particular set of preferences that you need to see?  or do I need to paste the whole thing?01:20
navatwofedora being the first installed on the /home01:21
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Younderemanuel__, AXIOM is in many ways better than mathematica, and it is opensource. I suggest you try that01:21
arandRenatoSilva: Create a vm vith virtualbox, mount the iso in vbox, install ubuntu in the vm as usual.01:21
epinkysohail: :D01:21
emanuel__Younder, I will01:21
test34What program would you recommend to crop/cut videos?01:21
gantrixxmneptok, I did, now what?01:21
ARF_DFanyone can help ----> (lcd) monitor resolution X intel video driver?01:21
mneptoknavatwo: makes sure your UID is the same on both Fedora and Ubuntu, and chown -R accordingly01:21
abe3khi guys, any of you having the problem in mplayer when you fastforward a song the visualization totally freezes01:21
mataks_help pls.. after i upgrade to 9.10 i always here crappy sound on my audio.. like some glitch noise .. help pls. how to fix this01:21
fcuk112test34: try avidemux or kino.01:21
RenatoSilvaarand: ah ok, finished creating the vm, will just try that, thanks :)01:22
ussergantrixx, paste the whole thing if you can01:22
RenatoSilvaBilliard: ^01:22
test34thanks fcuk11201:22
gantrixxusser, yes, I'm trying01:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patesbin01:22
navatwomneptok: what am I chown'ing exactly01:22
randomusrthere's an invalid shell variable name and the command exited with status of 1.... crap01:22
gantrixxit doesn't allow me to highlight the text01:22
emanuel__My biggest peeve with Mathematica is that the really cool things you can do with it can also be done with very few lines of common lisp.01:22
mneptoknavatwo: what is your UID in Ubuntu? what is it in Fedora?01:22
insm0dnavatwo Boot up fedora and mount the partiton on which Ubuntu's /etc directory is.  I don't know if this will work but open up fedora's /etc/passwd and change the UID on Ubuntu's /etc/passwd to the one on Fedora's.  Hopefully shadow won't freak out01:23
navatwomneptok: I do not know, I am booting a live CD as we speak.01:23
navatwoinsm0d: I can't boot fedora, I haven't edited grub to use fedora yet01:23
gantrixxit doesn't allow me to highlight the text01:23
krsnasound recording works neither with the built in microphone nor with an external one on my Acer Aspire One with Ubuntu Netbook Remix01:24
randomusrJordan_U; i will say this, kiba dock errors are much better thought out, but the programmer should test his code before uploading.01:24
Jordan_Urandomusr: There is a reason it's not already packaged in the repositories01:24
insm0dnavatwo, do it from a live CD then01:25
randomusrJordan_U I know01:25
ussergantrixx, ctrl+a01:25
gantrixxusser, how do I cut and paste the about:config info?01:25
lonchitonsomeone can help me to install icewm on my ubuntu ltsp server?01:25
Cainushey guys... I want to be able to send mail (and just send) from my ubuntu server... can anyone point me to a doc with the basics?01:25
navatwoinsm0d: should it matter which live CD? :p01:25
Oleg_people, help!01:25
Oleg_I get this error:01:25
Oleg_could not open default font 'fixed'01:25
ussergantrixx, ctrl+a, ctrl+c to copy go to pastebin.com ctrl+v to paste01:25
Oleg_I get this error when I try to start vncserver01:25
insm0djust as long as you can mount the various partitions it won't matter navatwo.01:25
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer01:25
usser!mailserver | Cainus01:26
ubottuCainus: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html01:26
JohnCDIis anyone familiar with doing an install with unetbootin?01:26
gantrixxusser, it only copies one line at a time01:26
Cainususser: thanks man... I'll get to reading01:26
ussergantrixx, thats weird i can copy from about:config just fine01:26
mataks_help pls.. after i upgrade to 9.10 i always here crappy sound on my audio.. like some glitch noise .. help pls. how to fix this101:27
randomusrJordan_U; akamaru needs glib... are they talking about the glib-c package?01:27
nazarethajavid; have a nice day. god bless you.01:27
BilliardJohnCDI: just ask your question01:27
ussergantrixx, what does it say under shockwave plugin?01:27
gantrixxusser, it is wierd, I can't even grab the scroll bar.  When I do it makes like a small mini version of the page that I drag around01:27
navatwohow do I read /etc/passwd? It looks rather random to me.01:27
ussergantrixx, i dunno something weird is going on there01:27
jribnavatwo: why do you want to read it?01:28
gantrixxusser, It doesn't have anything for shockwave01:28
ussergantrixx, Shockwave Flash01:28
ussergantrixx, nothing?01:28
navatwojrib: read up :o01:28
JohnCDItrying to install ubuntu on a laptop i just got i dont have a usb flash and im doing it from the drive and it loads up for the install up until the partitioner at that point it doesnt detect my hard drive01:28
navatwowhat is the UID from /etc/passwd?01:28
emanuel__navatwo, the first q is: why do you need to read /etc/passwd? There are API's that do that for you01:29
jribnavatwo: just use the "id" command01:29
navatwoI need to read it form different partitions01:29
Falcon_Xplz... anyone could help with --> monitor resolution  X  intel video driver?  ubuntu 9.10?01:29
navatwoI'm trying to setup a dual boot01:29
itaihi, i use intrepid , where is /etc/networking/interfaces (obviously not in /etc/networking)01:29
gantrixxusser, the about:plugins page shows that it is installed, but I see no preference setting in about:config01:29
loshanavatwo: the format is documented via 'man 5 passwd'01:29
emanuel__navatwo: you need to look at PAM01:29
Billiarditai: /etc/network/interfaces  ?01:30
ussergantrixx, oh... im sorry my bad, about:plugins, not about:config... sigh, sorry long day at work01:30
ussergantrixx, can you pastebin about:plugins page? :)01:30
emanuel__navatwo, don't unnecessarily reinvent a lot of wheels01:30
itaiBilliard, thanks01:30
insm0demanuel__, navatwo is trying to share his /home directory between two different distros.  He needs to set the UID for his account to the same value on each /etc/passwd01:30
CppIsWeirdI'm trying to run X11 fowarding. My setup is a WinXP pc using PuTTY and WeirdX (X Server) and a Ubunbu desktop. In putty I have set "Enable X11 fowarding" and X display location to any one of the following: localhost,, localhost:4000 (the port XWeird is running). All have resulted in the following error: xterm Xt error: Can't open display: localhost:10.001:30
gantrixxusser, there you go then01:30
gantrixxthat page I can cut/paste01:30
navatwoinsm0d: I want the numerical ID and group ID to be the same, yes?01:31
RenatoSilvathanks all01:31
djbpythonI used the update manager to update to firefox 3.5, rebooted and i still have 3.0 is there anything else i need to do?01:31
gopjust a quicq question is it ok to insxtall all the updates in mint new install there is 256 of them01:31
jrib!mintsupport | gop01:31
ubottugop: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org01:31
emanuel__insmod: I would argue that is the wrong way to solve the problem, but hey that's just me...01:31
cynsanitynickserv identify 852yisharin11101:31
insm0dIt would be preferable to have the same groups yes, but that would also involve editing /etc/groups,  Just do what works for now01:32
LOPAneed help configuring 9.04 to use a 1440X900 resolution with an intel 915 chipset now that they got rid of 915resolution tool01:32
abe3khi guys, any of you having the problem in mplayer when you fastforward a song the visualization totally freezes01:32
navatwoinsm0d: I don't really know what works for now :p01:32
gopjri i know rong chanel atm01:32
gop^ jrib01:33
insm0demanuel__ it probably is, but it's a quick and dirty way01:33
acuabe3k: I never made gui on mplayer work - use VLC is simply the best01:33
zaoul1I have a sidewinder pro gameport style joystick. I modprobe sidewinder yet dmesg tells me sidewinder.c: unknown joystick device detected01:33
krsnasound recording works neither with the built in microphone nor with an external one on my Acer Aspire One with Ubuntu Netbook Remix01:33
Kudihow do i correct this conky code? $time{%a %d %b}01:33
nvmeim having some trouble with an ntfs partition i was using in ubuntu.  I use the ntfs partition as a data disk (500+gb), and i was moving data from an HFS+ external to this ntfs partitioned disk.  In ubuntu the data drive is fine , but windows no longer recognizes it as ntfs (says it is "RAW").  CHKDSK runs every time i boot windows and i cant get it to go away.  Also gparted states that "dirty volume mount" flag is on.  Anyone know what to do?01:33
ShuI have another computer right next to the one I'm typing on, and I forgot about all the shit that needs doing before anything works. So, first off, how do I get my USB internet card to work on that computer? It's a netgear, and I have the installation disc right next to me, but it still does that thing where when I go to places> cd> autorun.exe, it gives me some error. Need serious help here guys01:33
gantrixxusser, does it make sense?01:33
emanuel__insm0d: emphasis on dirty. g/uids have no valid interpretation above the kernel. Look into LDAP & PAM and do it correctly. :-)01:34
snuffy47looking for a really good turtorial on setting up a torrent server with ubuntu 9.04.  Needs to update trackers01:34
MrKennieShu: Netgear what exactly?01:35
acuI have a bunch of audio devices attached to a AMD64 - a USB Samson, a USB Headphone and others - I want to record the desktop and sound and I do not know which device is the usb microphone samson  is --- should it be some /device/audio0 or something like this ? How can I get that?01:35
KhalilzDoes creating an ext4 file system takes so much time?01:35
ussergantrixx, did you paste the link that pastebin gave you, i missed it01:35
easyhow to hide ip of ubuntu?01:35
ShuIt's just a Netgear brand Wireless Internet adapter. The numbers and stuff on the side says "WNDA3100"01:35
snuffy47looking for a really good turtorial on setting up a torrent server with ubuntu 9.04.  Needs to update trackers01:35
usser!proxy | easy01:36
ubottueasy: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR and web (Java, etc) gateways due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks01:36
linxehCppIsWeird: why not just install cygwin/x on xp ?01:36
ussereasy, no irc proxy, you need to use a proxy server of some sort, google for it01:36
jimesShu ,where are you from?01:36
acunvme: I had tough time with NTFS external drives - better reformat them with fat32 - it is easier recognized and consistent with both - Linux and PC01:36
=== billgates is now known as Guest49157
switchgirl11anyone ever had the issue with pidgin where the background is black in some channels?01:37
switchgirl11like that01:37
gantrixxusser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/317413/01:37
usserCppIsWeird, or xming01:37
Shujimes, Ohio...01:37
MrKennieShu: should work, have you plugged it in and tried it?01:37
zaoul1I have a sidewinder pro yet when I modprobe sidewinder; dmesg tells me unknown joystick device detected on pnp00:0f/gameport0? what gives?01:37
nvmeacu, the NTFS drive is internal, the external drive was HFS+, i was trying to transfer data between mac and windows01:37
Billiardnvme: you could try ntfsfix01:37
ussergantrixx, you have gnash installed01:37
ShuMrKennie, I'll brb (It's plugged into this computer right now, so unplugging it will disconnect me from the internet)01:38
ussergantrixx, sudo apt-get remove --purge gnash && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:38
ussergantrixx, restart firefox and voila01:38
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
navatwoWhats the command to list the partition numbers>'01:38
ussernavatwo, sudo fdisk -l01:39
ShuOkay MrKennie?01:39
Cainususser: bash: tasksel: No such file or directory  ... is that a command I'm supposed to be able to run?  or do I really have to slog through the MailServer doc?01:40
usserCainus, sudo tasksel01:40
acunvme: does not matter where it is NTFS sucks with regard to compatibility - for mac - I have no ideea - I know that fat32 it is easier and more consistent than NTFS - so you are runing a windows machine with NTFS and want to transfer your HFs files on the pc? I doubt that ubuntu chanel can help you with that01:40
sp4zanyone else having trouble playing swf files in firefox on 9.10?01:40
nvmeBilliard, ntfsfix says no errors, same as chkdsk, i tried changing the drive label with gparted and it says "dirty volume mount" and the changes revert01:40
Billiardnvme: linux cant write to it either?01:40
rahdukeanyone know about SYN floods?01:40
usserCainus, and yes you have to read through the entire document, mailserver is no small project01:40
snuffy47looking for a really good turtorial on setting up a torrent server with ubuntu 9.04.  Needs to update trackers01:40
Cainususser: I'm running as root... the sudo does nothing :\01:41
Billiardnvme: can you mount it and access the ntfs partition in linux?01:41
nvmeacu, well considering the partition broken when i was transferring files in ubuntu, i thouight this was the right place01:41
Cainususser: okay fair enough... I'll get reading :)01:41
BilliardCainus: you shouldnt log in as root01:41
usserCainus, weird tasksel works just fine here01:41
ShuIt didn't work01:41
nvmeBilliard, yeah ubuntu can read it just fine, im backing up the data now but its slow since there is over 500gb of data01:41
usserCainus, apt-get install tasksel01:41
Ironicuswhats the bets program to burn .iso to cd?01:41
nvmeBilliard, but i would prefer to fix the issue without having to format and put all the data back and what not01:42
MrKennieShu: ok01:42
gantrixxusser, more works now, but the one type of video that still doesn't seem to work is YouTube video that is embedded in another page01:42
morphiashey i installed ubuntu 9.10 but there are strange bugs in it.01:42
insm0dIronicus, what OS are you running?01:42
gantrixxusser, yet I can go to YouTube and play that same video01:42
Billiardnvme: yea, idk, so one day it just got like that?01:42
Ironicusvista, wanna insta ubuntu01:42
rahdukemorphias: did you upgrade?01:42
MrKennieShu: best thing then is to google that model number. Ther eare a few result from Ubuntu forums that should help.01:42
ussergantrixx, pastebin about:plugins again just to make sure01:42
morphiaseg: i installed wine1.2 and its having troubles installing the fonts01:42
morphiaskeeps timing out01:42
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:42
ShuCan anyone help me? I have another computer right next to the one I'm typing on, and I forgot about all the shit that needs doing before anything works. So, first off, how do I get my USB internet card to work on that computer? It's a netgear, and I have the installation disc right next to me, but it still does that thing where when I go to places> cd> autorun.exe, it gives me some error. Need serious help here guys01:43
BilliardIronicus: you can use imgburn in windows to burn an iso01:43
MrKennieShu: First glance it seems you need to use ndiswrapper01:43
morphiasrahduke, ya i did an upgrade.01:43
MrKenniefine, ignore me then01:43
ShuHow do I do that?01:43
nvmeBilliard, yeah basically i had data on my HFS+ external, dragged that stuff onto the NTFS partition, went without any errors, boot into windows. first it shows me chkdsk(i gasp) but 0 errors, and then when i log in the partition is "RAW", cannot be accessed01:43
morphiasrahduke, but its not fixing the issues with installing the fonts for wine1.201:43
rahdukemorphias: I had weird bugs 2 for the 1st few days, some just went away. Others I hadda work through. Didn't have any wine issues though01:43
Terabytehi, i've configured samba on the command line, but when i access it it says network access is denied, can somebody help me?01:44
morphiasms fonts?01:44
gantrixxusser, http://paste.ubuntu.com/317418/01:44
rahdukemorphias: I was talking about an upgrade of Ubuntu or a fresh install01:44
gantrixxactually no embedded video works01:44
BilliardTerabyte: from a windows client or what?01:44
morphiasi did a fresh install01:44
gantrixxI have to go directly to the site01:44
g8tor692hello all01:44
TerabyteBilliard from a windows client yes01:44
BilliardTerabyte: xp?01:44
TerabyteBilliard from a vista one specifically01:44
rahdukemorphias: I haven't installed Wine Fonts so I probably can't help ya01:44
ShuCan anyone help me? I have another computer right next to the one I'm typing on, and I forgot about all the shit that needs doing before anything works. So, first off, how do I get my USB internet card to work on that computer? It's a netgear, and I have the installation disc right next to me, but it still does that thing where when I go to places> cd> autorun.exe, it gives me some error. Need serious help here guys01:44
ussergantrixx, could be because you're running 64 bit ubuntu.01:45
gantrixxI am running 64bit01:45
gantrixxbut it works with my Fedora box01:45
TerabyteShu, you can't use your windows disk to install a linux driver....01:45
ussergantrixx, if you're want you can try out adobe's 64bit beta plugin but if it mostly works i wouldnt bother01:45
g8tor692anyone using postfix to relay email using gmail server?01:45
ShuWell, can you help me out here Terabyte?01:45
gantrixxusser, is that in apt-get repository?01:45
TerabyteShu, so your installation disk won't be much good, no i can't help i don't know enough, but i know that much :)01:46
ussergantrixx, no01:46
navatwoShu: look for the driver on the internet, move it over, install.01:46
ussergantrixx, you have to get it from adobe and install manually.01:46
BilliardTerabyte: can you access your shares on the sharing machine using ` smbclient //localhost/sharename -NU Anonymous `01:46
rahdukeShu wat you need01:46
epinky!help | Shu01:46
ubottuShu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:46
Shurahduke, I'll paste it in a sec01:46
MrKennieShu: Searc hteh ubuntu forums, there are several threads on your device. If you can;t do that, don;t expect to be spoon fed :P01:46
ShuCan anyone help me? I have another computer right next to the one I'm typing on, and I forgot about all the shit that needs doing before anything works. So, first off, how do I get my USB internet card to work on that computer? It's a netgear, and I have the installation disc right next to me, but it still does that thing where when I go to places> cd> autorun.exe, it gives me some error. Need serious help here guys01:46
insm0dShu, Linux drivers are usually built into Linux it's self or compiled as a module to be loaded after booting.  Search for what model number your network device is and if Linux has drivers for it.01:46
FloodBot1Shu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:46
loshag8tor692: I set it up once to see if it would work under vmware/8.04. It worked ok...01:47
navatwoBah, it didnt work.01:47
rahdukeu needa search google01:47
TerabyteBilliard, it says smbclient: command not found01:47
nvmeim having some trouble with an ntfs partition i was using in ubuntu.  I use the ntfs partition as a data disk (500+gb), and i was moving data from an HFS+ external to this ntfs partitioned disk.  In ubuntu the data drive is fine , but windows no longer recognizes it as ntfs (says it is "RAW").  CHKDSK runs every time i boot windows and i cant get it to go away.  Also gparted states that "dirty volume mount" flag is on.  Anyone know what to do?01:47
veiligI installed phpunit with (sudo pear install phpunit/PHPUnit) and now I have to sudo phpunit to get it to run b/c all files have root owner/group.  how can I get my normal user to be able to run this w/out sudo?01:47
usserg8tor692, i did it at some point, worked fine01:47
Jester05hello people01:47
g8tor692losha: thanks have a link on howto actually do it?01:48
BilliardTerabyte: install smbclient01:48
rahdukenvme: did you try to forcemount the drive in ubuntu?01:48
Shuinsm0d, How do I do any of that?01:48
rahdukenvme: I had a bad windows drive i thought was busted but I was able to forcemount and backup alotta stuff01:48
navatwoveilig: chmod01:48
TerabyteBilliard do you know the yum name for that?/01:48
loshag8tor692: oops. I lied. The one I tried used exim: http://www.glorat.net/2008/11/ubuntu-804-hardy-gmail-smarthost-setup-with-exim4.html01:48
BilliardTerabyte: ubuntu doesnt use yum01:48
Terabytewait it's samba-client01:49
Jester05does anyone know of any possible engineering jobs, one suited for a recent graduate in electrical engineering.. i will be graduating in march of 2010.  I have 1.5 yrs of experience working for my campus's planning and engineering office along with another 2.5 yrs of experience working for a building design/consulting firm01:49
Terabyteok i've installed it, i'll try that command again01:49
g8tor692usser: thanks so between you and losha I know it can be done. Any advice or tutorial links I tried goog but everything seems old01:49
navatwoI hate partitioning :<01:49
BilliardTerabyte: its smbclient for me01:49
Jester05i'm also advanced scuba certified and working towards my master diver cert01:49
navatwoshould menu.lst be empty01:49
veilignavatwo: my entire PHPUnit dir is root::root  I have to chmod all those files?01:49
BluesKajJester05, this isn't an IT recruiting center01:49
navatwosorry for swearing01:49
Jester05BluesKaj, I simply asked01:50
navatwoveilig: That would be my best bet.01:50
TerabyteBilliard: Anonymous login successful Domain = [HOME] OS = unix server samba.....  Tree connect failed NT_Status_bad_network_name01:50
zaoul1Jester05: you live in the US?01:50
insm0dShu, chances are if you are having trouble with something on Linux, someone else has had that problem and has asked questions about it too.  There is still another chance that the issue has a fix01:50
beav_I used the nvidia settings tool to fix my overscan problem but it gets reset if i restart. I have the newest nvidia drivers. How do i make this setting stick?01:50
Jester05zaoul1, yes i do, i'm willing to move anywhere tho01:50
zaoul1Jester05: are you willing to work for <=$12 an hour?01:50
Jester05zaoul1, no lol01:50
BilliardTerabyte: did you replace "sharename"  with the name of one of your shares?01:50
zaoul1Jester05: you're screwed01:50
TerabyteShu, if it's a netgear, you could ask on the netgear forum01:50
Jester05I'm currently making over $2001:51
Shuinsm0d, what did that sentence have to do with anything?01:51
TerabyteBilliard I did... i'm pretty sure that's the correct name that i replaced01:51
seidosis there a command line utility for creating pdf files from text documents?01:51
Jester05i refuse to make less as an engineer than i am as a co-op01:51
zaoul1Jester05: so stay where you are01:51
ShuI'm not looking for a forum, I have to get this done within the hour01:51
Jester05zaoul1, I want to leave the state i'm currently in01:51
seidoswhat's a co-op?01:51
greezmunkeyShu, why the hurry?01:51
TerabyteBilliard oh wait type, so the error is NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED01:51
Jester05seidos, its like an internship01:51
Jester05you essentially work there while in school01:52
easygood for programming beginners?01:52
seidosJester05: paid internship?  sounds nice01:52
BilliardTerabyte: ok01:52
Jester05yeah it is pretty decent01:52
loshaJester05: your school should have some kind of career counselling/placement advice...01:52
easygood books for programming beginners?01:52
seidosoh yeah, i should really join a union01:52
seidosor a guild or something01:52
BilliardTerabyte: do you want your shares accesable with no password?01:52
Shugreezmunkey, I have to give this computer that I'm on to a friend, and I need to get the one right next to me working before I give it to him, or I'll be computerless01:52
TerabyteBilliard, no, i should type in a password to access the shares, more specifically my windows username and password should do it.....01:53
knoppieseasy, I don't use books, I use online tutorials. Depends on what language you want to start with.01:53
njbairso... I can perform an upgrade using the alternate ISO... can I use that ISO to upgrade Netbook Remix?01:53
Ironicuswith imgburn on vista I simply drap and drop the .iso on my cd?01:53
easyknoppies want to start with oop?01:53
epinkyShu: we need more info to troubleshoot, network device model,chipset, Ubuntu version, etc and also some time :)01:53
usserg8tor692, that looks alright http://www.felipe-alfaro.org/blog/2009/05/10/have-postfix-relay-e-mail-to-gmail/01:53
greezmunkeyShu, that's too bad...Try using Google for specific troubleshooting guidance. You'll get it!01:53
knoppieseasy, but which language?01:54
easyknoppies java01:54
BilliardTerabyte: the same username as on your linux box?01:54
Sonderblade_how can you check which package provides the file "/usr/foo/bar.h" even if that file is not installed?01:54
Shuepinky, the number on the side of my wireless adapter is "WNDA3100", Ubuntu 9.04, and that's really all the information I have. If you need more tell me how to get it01:54
Terabytewell i added a user, though it's not the user i'm currently running from, but the username and password does match yes01:54
Ironicusjava is the bets language to start01:54
snuffy47looking for a good turtorial on setting up torrent server on jaunty server please help01:54
knoppieseasy, Dont know of any myself, but check out http://www.google.co.nz/search?q=oop+java+tutorials&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a01:54
Ironicusit will look complicated01:54
BilliardTerabyte: ok did you try smbpasswd -a username01:55
Ironicusbut better start there then vb01:55
usserg8tor692, skip certificates part ubuntu has all root certificates installed by default no need to get it from thawte01:55
TerabyteBilliard i havn't tried that01:55
easyok knoppies01:55
knoppieseasy, I would stay away from VB, but I started oop with c++.01:55
navatwoso, in grub 2, what do I modify to add Fedora 11 to boot?01:55
TerabyteBilliard, just tried it, so i'll try reconnecting from my windows box01:56
g8tor692usser: thanks I'll try that01:56
easyyes thats my idea too, want to start with C++? knoppies01:56
carpunkyEnter text here...Hello there01:56
Shuepinky, you got anything for me?01:56
TerabyteBilliard: no it still doesn't connect01:56
navatwoso, in grub 2, what do I modify to add Fedora 11 to boot? menu.lst doesn't exist anymore..01:56
knoppieseasy, I used cplusplus.com.01:56
BilliardTerabyte: ok01:56
TerabyteBilliard: could i have configured my .conf incorrectly?01:56
Ironicusc++ and java are almost same expet for dynamic allocation of memories01:56
Billiardtry connecting with smbclient //localhost/sharename -U theusername01:57
knoppiesIronicus, good, then learning java should be easy.01:57
gantrixxusser, so which apt-get package(s) do I need to uninstall before I install the beta Flash 10 64 bit?  (flashplugin, flashplugin-nonfree, flashplugin-installer, libflashsupport?)01:57
TerabyteBilliard yes that worked01:57
easyok knoppies thanks01:57
insm0dKnowing C++ makes learning other languages easy01:57
TerabyteBilliard I now see smb: \>01:57
BilliardTerabyte: ok01:57
easyany other programming language for beginners? knoppes01:57
ussergantrixx, just flashplugin-nonfree01:57
carpunkySorry for the interuption, when conveneint , could you answer this...i installed Ubuntu on a 2nd computer with the live cd, which works fine, but if01:58
BilliardTerabyte: you set the same password that your windows password is?01:58
IronicusKnowing c++ helped me to understand java, php, javascript01:58
TerabyteBilliard: yes01:58
knoppieseasy, I started with c++, now Im learning PHP, and next Im gonna learn java.01:58
TerabyteBilliard: though I can tell windows to connect under a different username and password if i want....01:58
carpunkyworks fine, but when i install to hard drive it loses all my setting and no wireless mouse and it crashes all the time01:58
yarkotHas anyone managed to get the synaptics touchpad driver working w/ Karmic (9.10)?01:58
TerabyteBilliard: but i'm presently logged in with the same credentials on windows yes01:58
BilliardTerabyte: i guess try that and manually put in the same info01:58
Ironicuseasy, c++ and java arent, for beginner's01:59
Ironicuseasy, c++ and java arent, for beginner's01:59
Ironicuseasy, but it's one of the best way to start01:59
navatwoso, in grub 2, what do I modify to add Fedora 11 to boot? menu.lst doesn't exist anymore..01:59
insm0deasy, there is C, the language which most of the software you are using right not is written on.  It's not perfect, but it's easy to learn and does some things "easier" than C++01:59
IronicusC isn't oop oriented01:59
TerabyteBilliard: what i find interesting is that when i connect i see the folder, i'm just not allowed to display their contents01:59
knoppieseasy, consider it jumping in the deep end. Its sink or swim.02:00
lstarnesnavatwo: there's something in /etc/grub.d02:00
insm0dIronicus, indeed it is not.02:00
snuffy47looking for a good turtorial on setting up torrent server on jaunty server please help02:00
Ironicusbut if oyu control C you control the world02:00
knoppiesinsm0d, I found understanding C more difficult than understanding c++02:00
BilliardTerabyte: thats normal02:00
epinkyShu:  http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=794029102:00
TerabyteBilliard: so i see that my samba machine has a folder called terabyte (the folder shared) but when i click 'OK, add to share list' it says it can't go in02:00
TerabyteBilliard: ok02:00
easyi have joined college andn there they started teaching me java.? knoppies. ironicus. insm0d02:00
BilliardTerabyte: so still doesnt work logging in with "different credentials" ?02:01
Ironicusc++ is C with oop then some premade object like <string>02:01
TerabyteBilliard: correct02:01
navatwolstarnes: its all scripts02:01
knoppieseasy, then start with java. You can always ask your class mates for help.02:01
knoppiesIronicus, I think the reason I find C hard is that it isnt object oriented.02:01
navatwoI found a file to add entries, but what do I fill in :(02:02
lstarnesnavatwo: correct02:02
lstarnesnavatwo: the new grub configuration in grub 2 for ubuntu uses those scripts for configuration02:02
lstarnesnavatwo: there's one script in there that is used for adding custom entries02:02
Shuepinky, I already saw that thread, and didn't understand ANY of it. I really do need to be spoon fed. I'm not a programmer or anything02:02
gbear14275is there a reason there are two packages for wine in synaptic?  "wine" and "wine 1.2)02:03
lstarnesnavatwo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 might be useful02:03
carpunkyI installed Kubuntu using Wubi on my main computer....can you install it like that on another computer if it does not have windows ?02:03
epinkyShu: if you can't understand that then I can't help you02:03
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alfonzo19i dont think so02:03
lstarnescarpunky: no02:03
BilliardTerabyte: is the username maybe capitalized on windows, not sure if that makes a difference02:04
alfonzo19wubi is Windows Ubuntu Installer02:04
lstarnescarpunky: but you can most likely partition a hard disk and install it on that partition02:04
gbear14275alternatively... anyone know how to handle an .sda.exe file in linux?02:04
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carpunkyI do not have a operating system on it currently booted from live cd02:04
ScribbledHeh, dont suppose anyone knows how to work foobilliard?02:04
TerabyteBilliard i'm told it's case insensitive, and it is capitalised on windows and not in linux, but that's ok because when i logged in using manual credentials i typed terabyte in lower case.02:04
carpunkybut when i install to hard drive, it crashes constally02:04
alfonzo19click on install on the desktop02:05
BilliardTerabyte: ok02:05
BilliardTerabyte: idk, maybe look for something interesting in /var/log/samba02:06
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ShuTo anyone who can help me: I downloaded the drivers here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1057944&highlight=WNDA3100) and put them onto my flash drive, then put them on my other computer. What do I do to install the drivers or whatever to make it all run smooth?02:07
gbear14275anyone have any experience with self decrypting archives?02:07
gbear14275self decrypting archives... anyone... anyone?02:07
carpunky:altonzo19  were you talking to me ?02:08
snuffy47what is better transmission or torrentflux02:08
gbear14275snuffy47: you using it for yourself or many people?02:08
alfonzo19torrentflux in my opinion02:08
snuffy47my self02:08
snuffy47on a server02:08
gbear14275self decrypting archives... anyone know how to open them in linux?02:08
snuffy47need remote gui02:08
navatwolstarnes: this isn't much help haha02:08
navatwoIts rather over my head :)02:08
gbear14275snuffy47: transmission of those two probably02:08
greezmunkeyShu, were there accompanying documents related to teh drivers where you got them?02:09
snuffy47w/ gbear14275:  Why to you say that02:09
Shugreezmunkey, I wish I knew what you just said =(02:09
fcuk112snuffy47: deluge has a remote web ui.02:09
gbear14275snuffy47: I would look into deluge though... I like much better than transmission... but you'll find many preferences02:09
gbear14275because the install troubles required to get torrentflux up and running probably aren't worth it02:10
TerabyteBilliard: ok i'll have a look around02:10
gbear14275you can get transmission up on a server pretty easy I think... and if nothing else you can ssh in02:10
greezmunkeyShu, I looked at the page you posted, let me see...02:10
chu_Hey guys, occaisonally when I boot up my system, Gnome-Do doesn't load its "list"? Like, Gnome-Do won't do anything, is this a known problem? I usually just log out and back in and it's fixed, but I would like to save the redundant log out if possible02:10
ShuTo anyone who can help me: I downloaded the drivers here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1057944&highlight=WNDA3100) and put them onto my flash drive, then put them on my other computer. What do I do to install the drivers or whatever to make it all run smooth?02:10
ShuOkay greezmunkey02:11
snuffy47hmmmm tranmission, deluge, torrentflux02:11
gbear14275but torrentflux will probably have the features required if you end up using it with multiple users... torrentflux was kind of made for tha02:11
fcuk112snuffy47: deluge also supports auto-start of torrent-files, so you can share your torrent folder and add new torrents by saving the .torrent files into the shared folder.02:11
navatwoscrew it, I'm just going to leave out fedora02:12
navatwoI don't need it02:12
gbear14275snuffy47: Deluge is a nice product!... active development... responsive dev's... their own IRC channel02:12
gbear14275snuffy47: its good stuff02:12
gbear14275thanks fcuk112 ;)02:12
snuffy47I am going to check it out Deluge02:12
gbear14275its in synaptic btw...02:13
agusj_how to install driver nvidia on karmic? can I use driver (nvidia.sh) that I used for ubuntu 8.0402:13
chu_Anyone know of the aforementioned Gnome-Do problem?02:13
navatwoagusj: no, the nvidia drivers are in the repos02:13
gbear14275ok now... anyone able to help me with self decrypting archives (.sda files).  Can they be opened in linux?02:13
agusj_but I downloaded it from nvidia website02:14
gbear14275agusj_:  likely wont work in linux02:14
gbear14275use the ones in the repos02:14
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greezmunkeyShu, check the bottom of this page to start with: http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=713716002:14
gbear14275anyone able to help me with self decrypting archives (.sda files)?  Can they be opened in linux?02:14
crazyspaiI'm having issues getting sound to my headphones. My headphones are GameCom777's and I am using the front IO port of my computer...02:15
crazyspaiThe mic is showing in the sound panel as functioning but the headphones are not.02:15
Billiardgbear14275: which program do you use on windows?02:15
zaoul1I see many packages from launchpad that are fixed in karmic but I am not ready to upgrade fully. How can I get these packages? Add the repo?02:15
gbear14275Billiard: ?  none?02:15
gbear14275Billiard: what do you mean?02:16
Billiardgbear14275: how do you open the files, when you are not on linux02:16
Shugreezmunkey, how does that apply to me? I DO have a wnda310002:16
beav_I used the nvidia settings tool to fix my overscan problem but it gets reset if i restart. I have the newest nvidia drivers. How do i make this setting stick?02:16
gbear14275Billiard: I'm not sure... got it from paypal... and I quote, "  ·              First save the file (as is) to your desktop.  This file can only be opened on a PC.  It can not be opened on a MAC computer.  Please work with a friend or relative to use their PC.  ·              Once it is saved to your desktop, you will need to rename the file (remove “_rename_as_”). The filename should now show as 02:17
Billiardgbear14275: its an .exe or a .sda ?02:17
zaoul1How can I add the karmic repo to synaptic but on jaunty?02:17
gbear14275.sda.exe :-/02:17
zaoul1well.. what is the karmic repo?02:18
Billiardgbear14275: ah, you lied, you can try to use wine to open it02:18
knoppiesBilliard, gbear14275, could you use wine to open it?02:18
gbear14275Billiard: I'm sorry but I didn't realized I lied... what did I lie about?02:18
Billiardgbear14275: its a exe not a sda02:18
ShuTo anyone who can help me: I downloaded the drivers here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1057944&highlight=WNDA3100) and put them onto my flash drive, then put them on my other computer. What do I do to install the drivers or whatever to make it all run smooth?02:19
gbear14275Billiard: ah... ok sorry...  any way to open it without wine?  Hate to be picky...02:19
greezmunkeyShu, my bad, check this instead: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317436/02:19
snuffy47Deluge website is not there02:20
knoppiesgbear14275, I did a google search and found something about PGP, but didnt know what it was on about.02:20
knoppiesgbear14275, I can go look through my history and give you the URL02:20
fcuk112snuffy47: use synaptic.02:20
Shugreezmunkey, just put all of that into the terminal on my other computer?02:20
zaoul1what is the url for the karmic repo?02:20
greezmunkeyShu, no one thing at a time, and take your time.02:20
Billiardgbear14275: there may be a way to locate the compressed file within the exe, but only bother with that if wine doesnt work02:21
loshazaoul1: Uh, I don't think you can mix jaunty and karmic repos....02:21
snuffy47its a server02:21
gbear14275knoppies: pgp is prettygoodprotection I think... the company that came up with some of the original encryption algorythms... got in a stink with the NSA over export laws... now they run a company...02:21
zaoul1why not?02:21
sykhow can i kill someone that is connecting to my network through wireless?02:21
gbear14275snuffy47: sudo apt-get deluge02:21
snuffy47I need a how to02:21
alfonzo19mac filtering02:21
sykthe connection that is02:21
gbear14275snuffy47: sudo apt-get install deluge02:21
zaoul1this is why I miss Gentoo.. versions suck02:21
knoppiessyk, mac address filtering02:22
EagleScreenzaoul1, losha, you cna mix, but very carefully02:22
Shugreezmunkey, when I put in the first command, It said "W: Failed to fetch http://......." for all of the links02:22
alfonzo19try to use ur router settings to mac address filter02:22
greezmunkeyShu, your issue is complicated because the box you are working on does not ave access to the Internet. Can you get to a wired connection?02:22
zaoul1EagleScreen: yea i know when to watch the deps02:22
EagleScreenzaoul1: what are you planning?02:22
gbear14275Billiard knoppies:  Thanks guys02:22
greezmunkey Shu, your issue is complicated because the box you are working on does not ave access to the Internet. Can you get to a wired connection? (repost)02:22
zaoul1EagleScreen: right now I want the new version of julius ... its a speech recognition app02:22
zaoul1EagleScreen: its broke in jaunty but fixed in karmic per bug entry02:23
gbear14275Billiard: oh yeah... one more question sorry... whats the difference between the wine meta package and the wine 1.2 package?02:23
EagleScreenzaoul1: have your checked firstly Launchpad for PPA's?02:23
kikbguyanyone know how to save screen resolution settings for an nvidia video card that won's save to xorg.conf?02:23
zaoul1EagleScreen: PPAs?02:23
loshasyk: isn't your wireless AP password protected?02:23
gbear14275snuffy47: that work?02:23
EagleScreenzaoul1: Personal Package arhcive02:23
ner0xSo I'm looking to install wireless drivers, any idea where I can search for the right drivers?02:23
RPG_MasterOK, can someone walk me through using screen sharing with Empathy?02:23
Billiardgbear14275: probably nothing02:23
syklosha no02:24
snuffy47w/ gbear14275:  I am sure it will but I would like to find a how to so I can use it :)02:24
gbear14275RPG_Master: why not use remote desktop?02:24
syklosha though i know it should be :P02:24
zaoul1EagleScreen: it looks just published in karmic multiverse02:24
loshasyk: well it really should be. And then uninvited guests won't be a problem...02:24
Shugreezmunkey, got anything?02:25
RPG_Mastergbear14275: This is supposed to be easier, and I think they both use the same stuff under the hood02:25
EagleScreenin some PPA may be a newer version of julius backported for jaunty02:25
tundrayeti311is there a channel for C++ and/or the GNU compiler?02:26
EagleScreenzaoul1: if you dont find, try installing from karmic02:26
zaoul1EagleScreen: how02:26
ShuTo anyone who can help me: I downloaded the drivers here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1057944&highlight=WNDA3100) and put them onto my flash drive, then put them on my other computer. What do I do to install the drivers or whatever to make it all run smooth?02:27
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tundrayeti311nerox: ty02:28
Ironicusif I sinply drap and drop the .iso on the cd with vista, will it burn corretly?02:28
alfonzo19should i go from non-lts to lts?02:28
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.02:28
Shugreezmunkey, I'll be right back02:29
alfonzo19should i go from non-lts to lts???02:29
EagleScreenalfonzo19: why not?02:29
BilliardIronicus: you can use imgburn to burn the iso in vista if you dont have a program02:30
epinkytundrayeti311: join ##c++02:31
Shugreezmunkey, got anything for me?02:31
beav_I used the nvidia settings tool to fix my overscan problem but it gets reset if i restart. I have the newest nvidia drivers. How do i make this setting stick?02:32
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IronicusI am new to vista lol dunno where it,s located. is it the complete name imgburn?02:32
BilliardIronicus: yes just google for it, its a free program02:32
ShuTo anyone who can help me: I downloaded the drivers here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1057944&highlight=WNDA3100) and put them onto my flash drive, then put them on my other computer. What do I do to install the drivers or whatever to make it all run smooth?02:33
SeaPhorbeav_,  " I have the newest nvidia drivers." means the restricted or  you downloaded from nvidia site?02:33
carpunkyis there a way to install ubuntu if i have a live cd and internet...the live cd i think is corrupted because the installation is not as smooth as the wubi02:33
carpunkyas the wubi on this computer02:33
zaoul1this thing is really going to make me upgrade02:33
beav_Nvidia site02:33
zaoul1everything will be broke unless I upgrade02:33
greezmunkeyShu, unfortunately no. If you had a wired connection, or had someone skilled with Linux at your side you would have a chance...sorry02:33
Jester05Mental Break: http://www.break.com/index/enter-the-kazoo-man.html02:34
epinkycarpunky: did you check media before installing?02:34
SeaPhorbeav_, good luck with that then02:34
carpunkysea : yes...the keys matched02:35
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carpunkyit installs fine, but it gets corrupted real fasgt02:35
almoxarifeis there a wubi loader expert around?02:36
beav_does anyone have any ideas? is there a line i can add to xorg.conf for overscan?02:36
Billiardcarpunky: try the media test option when you first boot off the disc, at least i think the discs still have this option02:36
greezmunkeyfunny :)02:36
epinkycarpunky: define "gets corrupted"02:36
dbboltonwhat is the recommended method of restoring grub2 after the MBR has been overwritten?02:36
SeaPhorbeav_, are u using envy-ng?02:36
Billiardbeav_: did you hit the save to xconfig button?02:37
carpunkyit will not save my settings....mouse and keyboard do not work on reboot....firefox crashes02:37
carpunkywhen  i installed using wubi on this computer, everything works super02:38
Billiardcarpunky: "it will not save your settings", did you actually install the os, or are you just running off the cd?02:38
carpunkynothing like my other computer02:38
carpunkyI installed it...like 10 times02:38
carpunkyI have to reinstall after crashes02:39
mrXXdoes ubuntu have any email app like that of ipod? i need to use multiple accounts02:40
SeaPhorcarpunky, are you using a recent cd? I mean one since it was officially released?02:41
carpunkyyes, sir02:41
almoxarifeI installed grub2 on a wubi 9.04 and I also did a clean install of wubi 9.10, both times a screen comes up and hangs for aprox 10 secs before going on to 9.10, no issues after the 10sec hang, where is that 10sec being called from? a windows file I assume02:41
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BilliardmrXX: ipod has an email app?02:41
mrXXBilliard i mean the default one, i have ipod touch02:41
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mrXXBilliard it is so easy with that, everything is just so automatic02:41
BilliardmrXX: you could try evolution02:41
bastid_raZormrXX: evolution can handle multiple accounts02:41
SeaPhorcarpunky, does it happen after an update?02:42
carpunkyyes, it will02:42
carpunkybut other times it has not02:42
mrXXDoes evolution really have multiple accounts? i thought it was just one02:42
BilliardmrXX: multiple02:43
mrXXBilliard but what account do i use at the beginning then?02:43
carpunkyI have reinstalled it like 10 times...i am at wits end..lol...works great on this computer....no problems but i used wubi for this one02:43
mrXXBilliard thanks, i will try it02:43
BilliardmrXX: ok02:43
UbuntuGrubIssueHello one and all! I have a new issue with Dual Booting Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10. It seems every time I install Ubuntu (after having windows 7) after a few reboots, or shut downs, grub starts to do this weird thing. the bios loads, then it says "grub is laoding" or whatever, and then it imediately resets, it doesn't even get to the menu where I can choose an OS, which is essentially locking me out of my system02:44
UbuntuGrubIssueany ideas?02:44
SeaPhorcarpunky, i'd do a fschk,, may be a hardware issue, since u have windows then open "my computer" and right click on C drive and go to tools tab, do the disk error checking with both tabs checked..02:45
carpunkySEa: I have no operating system on the computer in question02:45
OpensourceFTWhello i have a serious question02:46
chen_install the kubuntu02:46
UbuntuGrubIssueIs anyone trying to think of a solution? I have a feeling it has to do with the new grub setup with Ubuntu 9.10, as opposed to 9.4, but i do not have the .04 disk anymore02:46
SeaPhorwell carpunky with that many errors i'd check my hardware02:47
carpunkyim thinking it happens when i install the nswrappers, so i can load my wireless internet card....02:47
carpunkybut if i do not load the nswrappers..i cant get my internet up02:48
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: does this start happening aver using windows?02:48
j5098i'm having a hard time restoring my grub.  i get error 15 file not found when i do 'find /boot/grub/stage1'02:48
ner0xWhat package can I get wireless drivers for a linksys?02:48
SeaPhorcarpunky, why would u do that? what chipset you have for your wireless card?02:48
seidoshow does vim determine what a line is?02:48
OpensourceFTWim running ubuntu 9.10 64bit. 32bit version works but i want to run 64. The opensource wifi driver doesnt work and the proprietary one causes a kernel panic and i can no longer boot into ubuntu had to reinstall twice.02:48
lstarnesseidos: as in its line number or as in how to highlight it?02:49
seidoslstarnes: as in its line number02:49
Billiardner0x: if it doesnt work out of the box you may have to install some drivers manually02:49
UbuntuGrubIssueBILLIARD, (btw, if its easier feel free to IM me) The problem is that I can't even choose an OS, it gets to the part where it says GRUB IS LOADING then resets. the menu doesn't even show up to pick linux or windows02:49
lstarnesseidos: I think it determines it by finding newline characters02:49
OpensourceFTWit worked in 9.0402:49
ner0xThe last release of kubuntu had it, the newer version doesn't?02:49
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: but does the problem start after using windows02:49
seidoslstarnes: when i move the cursor down it skips a bunch of senteces02:49
Billiardner0x: which package?02:50
lstarnesseidos: there might not be a line break in it02:50
ner0xBilliard: No idea, it worked out of the box.02:50
seidoslstarnes: do periods count?02:50
carpunkySea: I do know the chipset, ..i will have to take it out.....i just have the driver for it...if i dont install it, i dont get the window to come up for wirelless drivers02:50
lstarnesseidos: no02:50
carpunkyfor wireless drivers02:50
OpensourceFTWThese package contains Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driverfor use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, andBCM4322-based hardware.02:50
UbuntuGrubIssueI had windows first. I did the setup the same way I've always done ubuntu and dual booting. Partition hard drive, install windows, then install ubuntu, because if you install ubuntu last, windows overwrites GRUB and you can't get to your linux partition02:50
UbuntuGrubIssueit worked for like 3 days with linux, no grub problem02:51
Billiardner0x: ive heard a lot that 9.10 has worse wireless card support than that of 9.0402:51
seidoslstarnes: i'm trying to edit my novel in vim.  maybe i should use another tool?  or should i be putting line end characters at the end of every sentence?02:51
ner0xBilliard: Unfortunately I don't have internet access to the machine, so I need to figure out which I need.02:51
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: tahts what i was asking, if windows causes it02:51
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code02:51
Billiardner0x: i dont think a package will slove it02:51
lstarnesseidos: you might want to use a text editor better suited to writings02:51
lstarnesseidos: maybe emacs or nano02:51
bastid_raZorUbuntuGrubIssue: i've seen others with the same symptons. check the forums for possible help. not trying to run you off; just don't know the fix either.02:52
lstarnesseidos: vim might have some useful settings02:52
UbuntuGrubIssueWindows does not cause it, i have no idae what does, but windows has never had this problem before02:52
UbuntuGrubIssueeven the beta02:52
almoxarifeseidos: novel? like writing a book?02:52
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: you just said windows did it02:53
seidosalmoxarife: yes02:53
SeaPhorcarpunky, when you use ndiswrapper and the "windows" drivers,, that means you do not want to use the drivers available to Linux, what is your wireless card? do this in a terminal to find:  sudo lshw -C network    the "C" is capital02:53
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: o sorry i misread, you meant if you install last02:53
carpunkySEa: sec02:53
UbuntuGrubIssueno. i said i cannot boot into either OS. lol02:54
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: can you answer my question, does the problem start, after using windows02:54
SeaPhorcarpunky, just type sea and hit the "tab" key to reply to me02:54
UbuntuGrubIssueI don;t understand your question billiard02:54
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: does grub work as long as you dont boot windows?02:54
UbuntuGrubIssuei can't get to either OS to load, so whether it is windows or free bsd or even OSX  it doesnt matter02:55
UbuntuGrubIssuegrub doesnt load02:55
Billiardgrub_booter: when it did load02:55
UbuntuGrubIssueit just says "grub is loading"02:55
almoxarifeseidos: use the installed openoffice 'writer'02:55
UbuntuGrubIssuethen it restarts02:55
Billiardgrub_booter: when it did work, did using windows cause it to not work02:55
carpunkyseayour command got cutoff  - C network ?02:55
SeaPhorcarpunky, its-  sudo lshw -C network    the "C" is capital02:56
UbuntuGrubIssueiBilliard, I had my hard drive partitioned, I installed windows on partition 1, partition 2 is "media" and partition 3 is for linux (whihc is really 2, swap and ext4)02:56
OpensourceFTWim running ubuntu 9.10 64bit. 32bit version works but i want to run 64. The opensource wifi driver doesnt work and the proprietary one causes a kernel panic and i can no longer boot into ubuntu had to reinstall twice.02:56
UbuntuGrubIssueobviously with one OS at the time there was no need for a bootloader02:56
seidosalmoxarife: i did.  i only use it now to convert the document to pdf.  I switched to gedit, then wanted to try vim.02:56
SeaPhorand carpunky hit tab til u see my nick,, ;-)02:56
g8tor692I'm trying to setup postfix what option do I pick when trying to relay through gmail?02:57
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: grub did work for a short time correct?02:57
UbuntuGrubIssuei installed Ubuntu 9.1 a few days later onto the ext4 partition, and with it came grub. it worked fine for 3 days02:57
UbuntuGrubIssuenow it doesnt02:57
UbuntuGrubIssuei reisntalled ubuntu.02:57
UbuntuGrubIssuetwice now02:57
almoxarifeseidos: have fun :)02:57
agusj__anyone know how to use packagedepends.py02:57
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: and it works after reinstalling right? you can repair grub without reinstalling also02:57
UbuntuGrubIssueand now its getting to the point where i have to every time i shut down, if i wanna use my computer i have to install linux every time or leave windows in hybernate mode02:57
seidosalmoxarife: i'll try, and thank you02:57
CircularHow does one get the latest firefox in 8.04 instead of whatever old version ubuntu thinks you should have?02:58
UbuntuGrubIssueyes but i dont want to hve to cary my stupid grub disk around to use my computer02:58
fcuk112seidos: you can look into using latex.  use pdflatex to convert to pdf.02:58
wayne__Ello all02:58
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: please answer my quesion now, when grub works for ~3 days  does it stop working after using windows, does windows cause it?02:58
SeaPhorcarpunky, its called "tab-completion"   if you type seap and hit tab and it will either complete my nick or another's, hit tab again and it will go to the next, maybe mine02:59
j5098i'm trying to restore my grub after a windows 7 install.  i'm following some guides, but the 'find /boot/grub/stage1' step produces error 15: file not found.  any ideas?02:59
UbuntuGrubIssue... Billiard. Windows doesn't cause any problems. it doesnt matter what OS i'm using, after I shut down, grub stops working. whether i shut down from linux or windows.02:59
UbuntuGrubIssueagusj__. you need to install python.02:59
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: thats what i was asking, if it happens even when only using linux02:59
UbuntuGrubIssueit happens both times02:59
UbuntuGrubIssueboth os's03:00
brsoftim trying to sniff my port 80 while sending data to a online flash game. when I send data I find nothing in my logs. So i dont know how it communicates with server and what data it is sending. how can i sniff that?03:00
BilliardUbuntuGrubIssue: idk then sorry03:00
vengerUbuntuGrubIssue, you could chroot from install cd and downgrade to legacy grub or even use lilo if you wanted03:01
seidosfcuk112: what editor should i use for latex?03:01
fcuk112seidos: personally i would go with gedit or vim.03:01
Billiardvenger: lilo wont boot windows will it?03:02
greezmunkeybrsoft, you could use tcpdump to determine what port is being used...03:02
pdenapoHi I'm having problems with ubuntu 9.10, the screen gets blanck when swchting from graphic mode to a virtual console and then back. I've an ATI Radeon card03:02
UbuntuGrubIssuevenger, can you be more specific03:02
vengerBilliard, the concern lies mostly in if you know how to configure the entries however liloconfig populates a base config03:02
comhackAnyone know how to remove the "Welcome to Grub" dialog that appears for a second before grub2 loads?03:02
pdenaposeems to be a well knowm problem (I've read in the register)03:02
pdenapohow can I disable kernel modesetting?03:03
UbuntuGrubIssuei certainly don't mind using legacy, and it would be a hell of a lot easier than finding a new linux distro.03:03
mrXXBilliard dude can i have separate folders for each of my email account in Evolution instead of all going to the same inbox?03:03
doltekHow do I figure out my ip03:03
matakshelp pls. after i upgrade to 9.10 i have audio issue... i hear noisy sound coming from my speaker when playing mp3's.. how can i fix this.. help  pls03:03
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:04
BilliardmrXX: not sure sorry03:04
fcuk112doltek: ifconfig03:04
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UbuntuGrubIssueVenger, how do  I get to the " choose which version of grub" from the cd?03:04
mrXXguys, is it possible to have each mail go to its own account folder in Evolution?03:04
vengerUbuntuGrubIssue, thats where the chroot comes into play03:05
RPG_Masterok, I need a good guide on sharing screens with ubuntu... NOW! HELP :(03:05
UbuntuGrubIssuevenger, what is Chroot and how do i ge tto it?03:06
RenatoSilvahow to increase screen resolution in VirtualBox for Kubuntu up from 800x600? That's the max value available in KDE config.03:06
UbuntuGrubIssuevenger, is it a command?03:06
snuffy47I am getting a Segmentation fault when tring to install Deluge sudo apt-get install deluge-webui03:07
RenatoSilvaVirtualBox is buggy btw03:07
knoppiesRenatoSilva, I think you need to install guest additions or something.03:07
greezmunkeyRPG_Master, maybe this will help..http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html03:07
vengerUbuntuGrubIssue, are you able to do the steps now?  i'll entertain walking you through it if it is a seperate machine03:07
RenatoSilvaknoppies: ok will try, if I can get at least the vm booting. It fails randomly.03:07
RenatoSilvaknoppies: but what are guest additions btw?03:08
BilliardRenatoSilva: they are some drivers and stuff for the guest os made to work with vboxs virtual devices03:09
malsynedIs it possible to boot the livecd up to the command line only, no graphics?03:09
UbuntuGrubIssueI'm on my wife;'s mac.03:09
UbuntuGrubIssueso yes.03:09
UbuntuGrubIssuebut could you PM me? there's too much crap going on here03:09
ner0xSo there aren't any "specific" ubuntu packages for wireless drivers?03:09
snuffy47I am getting a Segmentation fault when tring to install Deluge sudo apt-get install deluge-webui03:09
salaxhi, is there another way on dumping the result into a file? like this one  sudo ruby pcap_reader.rb -i eth0 > result.txt03:09
RenatoSilvaBilliard: guest os?03:09
bastid_raZormalsyned: using the alternate cd yes.03:09
BilliardRenatoSilva: the os inside your vbox03:09
RenatoSilvaBilliard: ok03:09
ChogyDanmalsyned: I think the livecd can only be booted one way03:10
knoppiesRenatoSilva, guest additions also add some handy functionality.03:10
malsynedbastid_raZor: "Install Ubuntu"?  "Rescue a Broken System"?03:10
ChogyDansnuffy47: are you getting that during install?03:10
bastid_raZormalsyned: you asked if you get a command line boot from a cd.. the alternate cd will do this.03:10
malsynedbastid_raZor: OK, I'm giving it a shot...03:11
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  It checks tree and then yes03:11
RenatoSilvaknoppies: have to turn vm off?03:11
RenatoSilvaknoppies: clicked it and nothing happened03:11
ChogyDanmalsyned: o wait, I think there is some sort of option you can pass to the kernel to tell it to enter a certain cli only run level03:11
BilliardRenatoSilva: you will have to access the cd in your guest os and run the installer03:11
malsynedChogyDan: yeah, that would be good.03:11
ChogyDansnuffy47: so you run: sudo apt-get install deluge-webui and you get a segfault?03:11
RenatoSilvaBilliard: why? the system is already installed03:12
snuffy47dministrator@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install deluge-webui03:12
snuffy47Reading package lists... Done03:12
snuffy47Building dependency tree03:12
snuffy47Reading state information... Done03:12
snuffy47Segmentation fault03:12
FloodBot1snuffy47: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:12
RenatoSilvaBilliard: the installer of what03:12
RenatoSilvaBilliard: how if I go to synaptic and search for the right package?03:13
ChogyDansnuffy47: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/14818.html03:13
ChogyDanoops!  malsyned: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/14818.html03:13
BilliardRenatoSilva: sorry im not sure if that package is for the guest os or the host os, someone here will know, ive just used the installer on the guest additions cd with vbox03:14
ChogyDansnuffy47: does a sudo apt-get update work still?03:14
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  let me check03:14
malsynedChogyDan: I'll try that.  thanks.03:14
RenatoSilvaBilliard: ok03:14
knoppiesRenatoSilva, I did this a while ago, so I may be wrong (my memory is not so good)03:14
d9500RenatoSilva, are you using the virtualbox ose edition of the binary edition downloaded from virtualbox's website?03:15
RenatoSilvaBilliard: knoppies: I've got a cd mounted in the vm, with stuff inside03:15
d9500or the, i mean*03:15
knoppiesRenatoSilva, try run the binary in that CD, make sure to look for the one that sounds the most correct for your guest OS03:15
BilliardRenatoSilva: ok open a terminal cd to the cd and run the installer as root03:16
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  it still works03:16
RenatoSilvad9500: bin dist03:16
DracofodderSpurs_: why would I wand to join a hackers thread?03:16
leagrisSomeone can kline Spurs_ ?03:16
knoppiesRenatoSilva, if that doesnt work, then try search for guest additions with synaptic.03:16
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  did a reboot and all is good maybes there is a hardware fault03:16
knoppiesRenatoSilva, is your guest OS ubuntu?03:16
d9500RenatoSilva, ok, and your vm is open now, correct? dumb question i know, but i'm going to try to walk through step by step here03:16
Billiardknoppies: i think the guest additions is for the host os correct?03:16
Billiardknoppies: the package that is03:17
RenatoSilvaknoppies: kubuntu03:17
ChogyDansnuffy47: yeah, that is weird.  That is an issue with apt, not deluge03:17
RenatoSilvad9500: I have a mounted cd in the vm after clicking the guest additions out of the vm03:17
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  is there a good link to test hardware from command line03:17
knoppiesBilliard, I think it is for the guest OS, I remember having trouble using the .iso so I used the ones in synaptic, and it worked. But I was using a Gnome ubuntu as my Guest OS.03:17
ChogyDansnuffy47: sorry, i dont know03:17
snuffy47w/ ChogyDan:  thnaks for the help03:18
Billiardknoppies: its for the host, it says in the description03:18
knoppiesBilliard, ah, then my memory is worse than I thought.03:18
knoppiesBilliard, sorry, I did this a long time ago. its all hazy03:18
d9500RenatoSilva, ok, the installer adds a custom X driver built for vbox's virtual video card, so as far as i know, to install it requires stopping x. in other words, the next steps i'm going to tell you will kill the gui on the vm. just be prepared for that.03:18
Billiardknoppies:  provides an iso image ... guest additions  for Linux ... to be installed on the host system.03:19
Billiardknoppies: i wasnt sure either i had to look03:19
RenatoSilvad9500: look03:19
x33ahello guys, i have a problem with my clock changing time whenever i boot windows.03:19
RenatoSilvad9500: tried sudo /media/cdrom/autorun.sh, but get Error: gksu not found03:19
knoppiesBilliard, ok. then I must have used the .iso and got it working.03:19
Billiardx33a: ubuntu is probably using the system clock as UTC time and windows isnt03:20
dr3mrodid any one managed to use msn voice03:20
x33aactually i am on arch, and set it to localtime.03:20
Billiardknoppies: yeah if you found where the package put the iso, that probably would work too03:20
knoppiesBilliard, even if I installed the package on the Guest OS. maybe.03:21
d9500renatosilva, don't use gksu. since the cd is already mounted. open a terminal and do sudo service gdm stop (or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop if using an os for the guest machine that is 9.04 or earlier). subtitude kdm for gdm if you are running kubuntu as the guest os.03:21
knoppiesd9500, I think he is using kubuntu as the guest OS.03:21
RenatoSilvad9500: tried ---sudo--- /media/cdrom/autorun.sh, but get Error: gksu not found03:22
d9500RenatoSilva, don't use the autorun.03:23
mrmcgibbyIs there some way to put a mark in the dmesg log so I can see differentiate the stuff that coming up from what was there before?  Like a ==========03:23
RenatoSilvad9500: ok, out of ui, now what03:24
easy48how to create multi-boot dvd?03:24
d9500RenatoSilva, login as your username, if you haven't done so already. then cd to /media03:24
RenatoSilvad9500: ok03:25
RenatoSilvad9500: now?03:25
d9500RenatoSilva, when i installed gyuest additions, i had to cd to cdrom0 after that, but sometimes cd'ing to cdrom willl work. try cd cdrom first03:25
RenatoSilvad9500: ...03:26
RenatoSilvad9500: now what?03:26
d9500RenatoSilva, then do ls and see if it shows any files. if it does, then on to the next step. if not, then do cd /media/cdrom0 and run ls again.03:26
RenatoSilvad9500: ls nshow file03:26
navatwoI'm back, this time, I can't get my ethernet driver. Can someone tell me if this page is valid: http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx03:26
ChogyDannavatwo: not for me03:27
navatwoI need that driver03:27
d9500RenatoSilva,  youre looking for a file that starts with "VBoxLinuxAdditions"03:27
ChogyDannavatwo: its not in the kernel?03:27
RenatoSilvad9500: what is the full name you want?03:28
navatwoChogyDan: nope.. for some reason it was removed in the most recent one..03:28
d9500RenatoSilva, there are two of them, one that ends in x86.run and one that ends in x64.run. it will either be VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run, or VBoxLinuxAdditions-x64.run.03:28
navatwothe kernel used in 9.04 has it03:29
d9500amd64.run, i mean03:29
d9500RenatoSilva, which one you need to use depends on whether your vm is 32 bit or 64 bit03:29
ChogyDannavatwo: I was able to boot that kernel in 9.10.  Ive no idea the side affects of that, but it worked03:29
RenatoSilvad9500: installing, thanks03:30
d9500RenatoSilva, no prob...as long as you installed the correct one for your architecture (x86 or amd64,) all you have to do now is wait for the installer to finish and then run sudo reboot.03:31
RenatoSilvad9500: just don't get why shut kdm down, but ok03:31
d9500RenatoSilva, it might not be necessary, but i was under the impression that if you're reconfiguring xorg.conf (which the installer does, at least it did it on my machine, you cannot have X running at the same time.03:32
RenatoSilvad9500: ok rebooting03:33
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:34
matakshelp pls. after i upgrade to 9.10 i have audio issue... i hear noisy sound coming from my speaker when playing mp3's.. how can i fix this.. help  pls03:34
raikhow to create multi-boot OS dvd?03:34
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Billiardraik: which os's?03:35
RenatoSilvaInstalled wubi but didnt reboot yet. Will I be able to run both win and kubuntu at the same time, or is wubi just a linux booted from ntfs?03:35
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ratapoilis there a gtk app to browse man pages?03:35
CupofDiceHow should I go about adding space (10gb) from my /home to my Root? already got partition manager installed, but i don't want to screw anything up. Using kubuntu, but that shouldn't matter. Do I unmount my /home, resize, remount it, partition the new space, and...?03:35
d9500RenatoSilva, if the additions installed correctly, you should be able to move the mouse pointer freely between the host machine and the guest machine after reboot, without using the ctrl key to lock and unlock the mouse. you should also be able to, by maximizing the VM window, then restoring it, maximizing again, then hitting ctrl+f--sometimes you have to try several times, it can be stubborn--to go to fullscreen mode on the vm03:35
CupofDice*partition the new space Should've been format the new space03:36
mrXXguys what is the server address for yahoo for evolution? i m tired of trying03:36
raikubuntu, fedora, openSUSE, mint, freespire billiard03:37
NightlonewolfmrXX, I don't quite know anymore...sadly03:37
pc300On my thinkpad t61p, if I sleep, I can't recover (it just freezes -- black screen) -- any ideas?03:38
digeratiXhey all, I can not use the shutdown option in the menu to shut down my laptop. it will just hang on a blank screen. I have to use the "sudo shutdown -h now" command to shutdown. Any way I can shutdown like this from the menu?03:38
RenatoSilvad9500: working fine here, thank you!03:38
RenatoSilvad9500: will reboot the host os to try out wubi now03:38
d9500RenatoSilva, you're welcome. good luck on wubi03:38
Billiardraik: i just googled..  http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/52927, maybe that can get you started03:39
RenatoSilvad9500: will wubi be a grub option or will I log into XP and run wubi?03:39
d9500RenatoSilve, it should act just like a dual-boot system. you choose which os to boot to on a black screen with white writing that you use the arrow keys to navigate03:41
Nightlonewolfkosborn, that name is very familuar somehow...03:41
denis_kIm getting 3.5-4 hours when running visual effects compared to 2.5-3 with no visual effects....this is so weird and awesome at the sametime lol03:42
denis_k*in battery life03:42
KosbornNightlonewolf: can't say I know you, I'm on a number of other channels on this network...03:43
NightlonewolfKosborn; my name is Kalvin Osborne; thats why your name is familiar03:44
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KosbornHa, Kyle Osborn03:45
denis_kweird how people in #ubuntu dont give a crap about their privacy :)03:46
Nightlonewolfnice! lol03:46
denis_know give me your address03:46
Nightlonewolfso, whats up Kyle?03:46
denis_khell o03:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:47
stalisbe back all03:48
Kosborndenis_k: I do care about my privacy, if there's something I'd like to keep private, I've done my best to keep it private03:48
sykis there a way to like paste a larger output of a command like netstat in terminal, it cuts it out half way in terminal i cant read the whole output03:49
SodaPhishanyone here using awesome?03:49
SodaPhishsyk: try piping it03:50
AaronMsyk pipe it into less?03:50
AaronMnetstat | less03:50
SodaPhishor `netstat | more`03:50
AaronMnetstat > /dev/dsp   for your audiophiles :P03:51
SodaPhish...don't lead the poor boy astray03:51
tiger_in ubuntu 9.10 how i can access the shared file on windows 2000 server ,  for example \\\shared directory03:51
SodaPhishtiger_ use nautilus.03:52
SodaPhishtiger, you can browse networks with it.03:52
sumeetbalihey everyonw03:52
SodaPhishtiger, or you can go to a specific host by pressing CTRL+K03:52
AaronMtiger smb://<ip addr>/03:52
tommynz1975hello sumeetbali03:52
SodaPhishsumeetbali, hola03:52
sumeetbalii have a acer aspire one and i am using ubuntu and was wondering if there are any programs to quiet the fan??03:53
sumeetbali<tommynz1975><SodaPhish> hey guys you seem bord03:53
SodaPhishsumeetbali, is it on constantly, or just loud when it is on?03:53
snuffy47I need help configuring deluge03:53
SodaPhishsumeetbali, nah, not bored, just looking for other awesome users.03:53
switchgirlanyone know where to get 1gb of pc2 -4200u ?03:53
ratapoilis there a better audio editing software than audacity?03:53
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> you guys are my bestest friends03:53
SodaPhishsumeetbali, uh, that's a bit forward.03:53
Nightlonewolfswitchgirl, if you wanna shop online, Tigerdirect is a nice place (to me anyhow)03:54
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> believe it or not i actually am very quiet in real life never talk03:54
SodaPhishhola switchgirl try newegg?  tigerdirect?03:54
Nightlonewolfthat, or an old computer lying around03:54
SodaPhishsumeetbali, not me, I'm loud and obnoxious.  ;-)03:54
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> the fan oh i thought you were talking about me being loud03:55
SodaPhishhas the new #ubuntu+1 been out?03:55
SodaPhishsumeetbali, hahahaha, no.03:55
tommynz1975can some one ping me, I havent used irc since mirc and that was 8 years ago maybe? so wonder about lag,03:55
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> no its on constantly like in windows i am able to run a quieter03:55
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> but its the model everyone has issues with it03:55
tommynz1975not bored just  unfamiliar with irc after all this time03:55
SodaPhishsumeetbali, I have an EEE, and it doesn't do that... so, I'm guessing its acpi specific03:56
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> okay thanks!03:56
SodaPhishsumeetbali, as in the thresholds are too low for your fan to kick in.03:56
SodaPhishsumeetbali, you could troll through /etc/acpi*03:56
SodaPhishand see if you can find anything.03:56
SodaPhishtommynz1975, I ping'd you, did you get it?03:56
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> naa too much work anyway i am getting a new computer on black friday03:56
zombie-robotdoes anyone want to help me mod some code?03:56
snuffy47I need help configuring deluge03:56
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> does ubuntu work well with touchscreen computers?03:57
SodaPhishsumeetbali, dunno mate, never tried.03:57
NightlonewolfZombie-robot, what kinda code?03:57
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> thanks03:57
SodaPhishzombie-robot, what kind of code?03:57
zombie-roboti'm looking for some one that can help me with a script03:57
SodaPhishsumeetbali, np mate03:57
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SodaPhishzombie-robot, WHAT KIND?03:57
sumeetbalidoes anyone use ubuntu with a touch screen laptop?03:57
Nightlonewolfsumeetbali, i do03:57
sumeetbali<Nightlonewolf> ubuntu on a touchscreen03:58
sumeetbali<Nightlonewolf> really is it good?03:58
SodaPhishzombie-robot, omg, paste bin son, pastebin.03:58
sumeetbali<Nightlonewolf> is there apps like pads and stuff03:58
Nightlonewolfsome parts is a bit touchy03:58
tommynz1975yes I did just said Received CTCP 'PING' (to tommynz1975) from SodaPhish but nothing of use.. or do i not get the ping time in that window??03:58
Nightlonewolfand yes03:58
sumeetbali<Nightlonewolf> whats wrong with it03:58
SodaPhishtommynz1975, what client you using?03:58
GaToR1Can someone help me? I was trying to save a script in /usr/bin/ and it said "You don't have the permissions necessary to save this file". Should I sign in as root or...?03:59
Nightlonewolfsumeetbali, it depends on the touchpad itself, most will be the same, but some wont03:59
bmananyone got a sip account setup correctly with karmic empathy?03:59
NightlonewolfGaToR1, yes you should sign in as root03:59
Nightlonewolfnp sumeetbali03:59
GaToR1^Alright, thanks.03:59
SodaPhishGaToR1, you probably just need to `chmod +x /path/to/your/script`  unless it requires root priv03:59
tommynz1975pidgeon at the momen....  so am quite lost  on ubuntu 9.04.  .. why lost?  because I remember in mirc we used to have things like, dont allow downloads etc03:59
GaToR1Or thanks to that too.03:59
sykhow can i limit the usage of bandwidth to people connected to my wifi?03:59
zombie-roboti want that to make an overlay on the min. of 4:2004:00
SodaPhishtommynz1975, you don't really need to worry about that stuff...04:00
sumeetbaliwho has a twitter account?04:00
bmanis there a connection log for empathy?04:00
SodaPhishsumeetbali, I do04:00
Nightlonewolfsyk, thats not a ubuntu or linux based question04:00
digeratiXi do04:00
bmaneveryone sumeetbali04:00
snuffy47I need help configuring deluge04:00
zombie-robotsup bman04:00
sumeetbalireally everyone should add me04:00
Nightlonewolfand, theres multiple ways to do that syk04:00
bmansup zombie-robot04:00
SodaPhishNightlonewolf, it is if he uses a linux gateway04:00
IdleOnetommynz1975: in the xchat settings under File Transfer04:00
bmanworking on getting empathy working with my asterisk server04:01
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> really  cool!04:01
IdleOnetommynz1975: err never mind your using pidgin04:01
SodaPhishtommynz1975, you should consider getting xchat04:01
tommynz1975well glad I dont have to worry about that stuff..  and thanks  IdleOne04:01
zombie-robotbman whats ur irc room?04:01
zombie-robotim on a new OS04:01
bmanirc.stonedworld.net #stonedworld04:01
zombie-robotno ur stoned world addy04:01
sykNightlonewolf, can you link me to somewhere i can get help in doing it04:01
SodaPhishsumeetbali, https://twitter.com/cjjsteele04:02
* Xc0re is away: Sleep.04:02
Nightlonewolfsyk, mind if I pm you?04:02
sykNightlonewolf, go ahead04:02
bmananyone know if empathy has a connection log anywhere for SIP04:02
SodaPhishbman, I can't talk about any VoIP or I get fired.  ;-(04:02
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> you didnt have to post it were 1516 people can see it04:02
sumeetbali<SodaPhish> btw how can you hide who is following you04:03
SodaPhishsumeetbali, not like I care if someone wants to follow me on twitter04:03
SodaPhishsumeetbali, you have to be my friend to see who is following me.04:03
tommynz1975ok  am installing as we speak xchat.04:04
bmanSodaPhish, is talking about empathy talkibng about voip?04:04
prappl93I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10 onto my computer and it is being rather laggy. It also has programs crash every now and then, but they generally recover, and every time I log in I have to reboot for it to load all the way. How do I fix these problems?04:04
SodaPhishtommynz1975, good man.04:04
bmanjust want a conenction log04:04
SodaPhishbman, that's a plug in to asterix isn't it?04:04
SodaPhishoh, snap, my bad04:04
bmanIM/SIP client04:04
bmancould be used just for IM04:05
digeratiX<SodaPhish> not sure i can following you with your denny's hating post. lol04:05
SodaPhishdigeratiX, hahahaha04:05
zombie-robotcan anyone help with my 4:20 wallpaper script?04:05
slinkeeyI seam to loose connection to DNS after awhile...  This started with 9.1004:05
tommynz1975ok well good bye people,  just gonna go fire up xchat.  brb04:06
digeratiXgood luck!04:06
SodaPhishbai tommynz197504:06
Billiardzombie-robot: what doesn your script do?04:08
prappl93Is there a list of problems with Ubuntu 9.10 yet?04:08
SodaPhishprappl93, of course04:08
bastid_raZor!notes | prappl9304:08
ubottuprappl93: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91004:08
greezmunkeyprappl93, yea, just look here :)04:08
SodaPhishprappl93, there's been one since Karmic begain being worked on.04:08
digeratiXhas anyone tried the standalone version of docky yet?04:09
prappl93Is there a set of solutions to the issues too yet or not?04:09
sumeetbali<so hows everyone doing>04:09
SodaPhishdigeratiX, ?  there's a stand-alone ver?  does it still require compositing?  'cause I hate compositing.04:09
digeratiXi believe it does04:09
joljamI have a problem maximising my windows remote desktop when I log into my office pc using citrix from my ubuntu karmic home pc04:09
SodaPhishdigeratiX, then I don't care.  this tiling wm is growing on me,   I thought it would suck ass, but it doesn't.04:09
=== locum is now known as Locum
SodaPhishjoljam, that's probably because your rdp client doesn't support scaling.04:10
SodaPhishjoljam, you using the citrix client?04:10
SodaPhishjoljam, you using the citrix client?04:10
SodaPhishjoljam, as in the official receiver?04:11
dr3mroplease help me activate karmic empathy msn video chat04:11
greezmunkeyjoljam is gone04:11
SodaPhishgreezmunkey, he rejoined04:11
joljamSodaphish: I am using Karmic04:11
digeratiXhas anyone ever been to omgubuntu.co.uk ? thats where i saw there was a standalone version of docky :P04:11
greezmunkeyah ha! Stupid irc...04:11
SodaPhishdigeratiX, ahh, right on.04:11
joljamcitrix client04:12
SodaPhishjoljam, latest ver?04:12
SodaPhishjoljam, what ver of citrix on the other end?04:12
joljamlemme check...04:12
pkohrWhat is the key pressed at startup to open the grub menu?04:13
SodaPhishpkohr, esc04:13
* SodaPhish is going to go soon... 04:13
* SodaPhish has to go play guitar hero with wife...04:13
SodaPhishlater kids04:13
digeratiXlater dude04:13
bmananyone got a sip account setup correctly with karmic empathy?04:14
dr3mroplease help me activate karmic empathy msn video chat04:14
greezmunkeyGotta keep the wife happy...04:14
joljamSodaphish: I am using the same versionof Citrix as I was on ubuntu jaunty04:14
bmandr3mro, dunno about msn as i dont have a account04:15
bmantry this04:15
joljamin ubuntu jaunty it was having a problem in the beginning but for some reason it started working properly later04:15
bmansudo apt-get install telepathy-sofiasip telepathy-butterfly telepathy-idle libtelepathy-farsight0 python-tpfarsight04:15
bmandr3mro, seen this: http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/Protocols04:16
jauntyjoewhere is the best place to rage about the lack of a "cancel" button in gnome?04:17
prappl93Is it common on Ubuntu 9.10 for programs to lock up for a second when other programs are running?04:17
bastid_raZorjauntyjoe: #ubuntu-offtopic04:17
loshajauntyjoe: #gnome04:17
Trezker_Bug: I just played Briquolo, after a few levels my computer locked up completely. Not even ctrl+alt+backspace worked04:17
Trezker_no responsiveness anywhere04:17
jauntyjoety bastid_raZor & losha04:18
prappl93Trezker_, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace has been disabled by default since 9.04 from what I read04:18
Trezker_No I reenabled it myself04:18
=== Trezker_ is now known as Trezker
bmanREIMPLEMENT ctrl-tab and ctrl-alt-bksp04:18
paul1I have ubuntu for netbook-- can you get the rotating cube effect with this04:19
pkohrWhat netbook do you have?04:19
bastid_raZorpaul1: netbook remix does not have compiz04:19
Trezkerbman, you can enable ctrl-alt-bksp easily, it's a option in a menu somewhere04:19
bmanpaul1, Preferences->Appearance04:19
bmanset it to the highest04:19
Trezkerdon't know about ctrl-tab04:20
sumeetbalii HATE netbooks!04:20
paul1i did that but doesn't work04:20
bmancan enable ctrl-tab with ccsm04:20
prappl93When should the majority of the kinks be worked out of Karmic?04:20
bmaninstall simpleccsm04:20
bmanlucid lynx04:21
bmanthis isnt a LTS release04:21
bmanLucid is04:21
paul1ok i will try it thanks04:21
digeratiXlucid is gonna be sweet04:21
chen_why my mplayer has no sound?04:21
Trezkeryour mplayer has no sound? My totem has no sound while mplayer works04:22
mezquitalesweeter than karmic?? I'm going to have to see that one04:23
bmananyone got a sip account setup correctly with karmic empathy?04:24
TrezkerAnyone know what causes these complete freezes? I play a 3D game for a bit and suddenly it freezes the whole system. Can't get any response, not even possible to log in remotely to kill the offending app.04:24
digeratiXmaybe bad ram?04:25
digeratiXthat was my problem a while ago04:25
tommynz1975thanks for the sudgeston  to get xchat, less of a system hog than, pidgin04:25
mezquitaleTrezker, it could be the 3D drivers or hardware, motherboard, ram, cpu04:25
carpunky1Enter text here...04:25
digeratiXrun the memtest04:25
bastid_raZortommynz1975: irssi has even less of a footprint04:25
TrezkerI've had leaky apps eat up all my ram but that didn't freeze anything, it just made things very slow04:25
mezquitaleTrezker, even a fan that's not working could freeze your machine04:26
digeratiXin my experiences whole system freezes are generally because of overheating or failing hardware04:26
pkohrPIdgen has a bad leak on windows that I have seen eat up >2 GB of ram.04:26
TrezkerI had the same problem when programming with allegro, but only when I didn't use sleep to yield the processor04:27
tommynz1975really bastid_raZor :) the comparison for this second, for system resorces is been like going from win xp to dapper04:27
mezquitaleTrezker, what distribution youre using?  Jaunty crashed my desktop constantly so I had to stay with intrepid, I installed karmic once it came out, never been happier04:27
TrezkerI've installed karmic04:28
TrezkerOld profile still intact from jaunty though, if that could have anything to do with it04:28
mezquitaleTrezker,  Id say the same thing digeratiX mentioned, it could be overheating i'd say due to a faulty fan or it could be some hardware that's failing, ram, motherboard, hard drive, etc.04:29
Trezkercould be, I have a fan that's quirky04:30
mezquitaleTrezker, or it could also be that karmic doest like your hardware and the drivers crash04:30
mezquitaleTrezker, monitor your machine's temperature04:30
knoppiesmezquitale, do you know of ubuntu software that monitors temperatures?04:31
greezmunkeymezquitale, I read somewhere that it is possible to remove such "self-monitoring" from your system. Is that true?04:31
mezquitaleknoppies, go to "add/remove" and search for "temperature"04:32
robert__were the bugs related to the msi wind fixed yet?04:32
Trezkerwould be nice o have machine temperature monitoring in the system monitor04:32
draconisjoin #netbsd04:33
mezquitalegreezmunkey, yes04:33
greezmunkeymezquitale, I think what I saw required removing a package...04:34
mezquitale!ask | dauwdghald04:34
ubottudauwdghald: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:34
jauntyjoetemp monitoring isn't new. or did something change since 8.10?04:36
dauwdghaldHi, I've been trying to get a banning system going for a cod4 server I have running, I have been using iptables so far to ban, is there a better way to do this?, I preferably want to just ban the IP:PORT04:38
dauwdghaldanyone here?04:40
dauwdghaldah ok04:40
knoppiesdauwdghald, your flaw is that most people have a Dynamic IP, and every time they reset their modem they can login again.04:40
iarppptpd, isn't that vpn server?04:40
tommynz1975yes people are here dauwdghald , possibly they are looking up information for your question04:40
knoppiesdauwdghald, sorry I dont know anything about cod4 servers or iptables.04:41
smwnHello I spent like 8 months trying to get my usb wireless to work under ubuntu...I finally did...just it seems to work then stops and its not getting a very good signal yet under (windows gasp) it gets a good signal...any ideas? its a dwa 160 d link usb stick thing..any help would be appreciated.04:41
dauwdghaldknoppies, yeah that is a problem, but it will at least stop them from rejoining till their lease expires, which for most isps is about a week04:42
smwnn Hello I spent like 8 months trying to get my usb wireless to work under ubuntu...I finally did...just it seems to work then stops and its not getting a very good signal yet under (windows gasp) it gets a good signal...any ideas? its a dwa 160 d link usb stick thing..any help would be appreciated.04:43
knoppiessmwnn, we read it the first time. I gave up on wireless.04:43
arobitaghow do you reset the top gnome menu bar? I've lost it and can't find it :/04:43
bazhangsmwnn, please dont repeat so quickly, someone will answer if they know04:43
arobitagno bottom menu bar either04:43
sabathow do I find out the uuid of my hard drives?04:43
tommynz1975dauwdghald,   possibly banning the  isp could work? or use a non traditional  port?04:43
bazhang!resetpanels | arobitag04:43
ubottuarobitag: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:43
brian1838 months? why don't you try a different usb wireless card? lol04:43
bazhang!blkid | sabat04:44
ubottusabat: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:44
knoppiestommynz1975, one person pisses you off, you ban all users on that ISP04:44
sabatty bazhang, spot on :D04:44
pkohrknoppies, I like that idea.04:44
knoppiespkohr, I dont.04:45
dauwdghaldThat would work, i was thinking subnet bans, which would help alittle bit04:45
arobitagubottu I get no process found for killall gnome-panel04:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:45
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
tommynz1975knoppies,  he didnt say if it was a foreign address he was having troubles with? just an idea *grin*04:45
dauwdghaldmy only problem is though, i dont have a way of really documenting the bans, i have other admins on the server and would like to make it so they could ban also, but i would like a way to be able to do it remotely04:46
dauwdghaldwithout the need of them having to have access to the ssh pass04:47
smwnn> Hello I spent like 8 months trying to get my usb wireless to work under ubuntu...I finally did...just it seems to work then stops and its not getting a very good signal yet under (windows gasp) it gets a good signal...any ideas? its a dwa 160 d link usb stick thing..any help would be appreciated.04:47
TxHawksHi, Did anyone have any success with installing kuechenstation on Karmic? I get an error message about python needing to be 2.5 or lower (2.6 is installed), and it doesn't change when I install 2.5 or 2.4 alongside 2.604:47
a_little_tiredI'm using ubuntu 9.10 and I'm trying to install an init script which installs nvidia drivers. It needs autofs to be running because it lives in a network location. I have an upstart config for it which has been told to "start on stopped rc-sysinit". Which to the best of my knowledge means after all of the old sysvinit scripts have been run (including autofs) it should start as well. I've also tried "start on started rc-sysinit" but it never se04:47
a_little_tiredems to run. What am I doing wrong?04:47
ubuntu__Hi, do you want to join my forum? Is www.lolos.pixforums.net04:47
smwnnthen again i just noticed its doing the same under windows:/ now04:47
smwnnmaybe its not ubuntu04:47
ubuntu__I'm using lice CD, so my name will now be ubunti04:48
dauwdghaldI would try changing the wireless channel smwnn04:48
tommynz1975welcom back smwn ,  you didnt seem to have a lag issue before or now, just so you know,   Can I ask have you done a search on ubuntuforums for your question??04:48
Billiarda_little_tired: why do you want an init script to install nvidia drivers?04:49
dauwdghald@smwnn, I have had a difference of 10 db by just changing channels on the router, might be worth a try04:49
DravekxI have a program tha doesnt support SFTP, so I need FTP... whats a good program to use for Ubuntu Server 9.10???04:49
Lozu_Hi guys, whats up!04:50
dauwdghaldnot much04:50
BilliardDravekx: install vsftpd ?04:50
DravekxBilliard, thanks :)04:50
Lozu_Hi guys, I'm have a forum too... Is called www.lolos.pixforum.net is stand for Lolosoft.04:51
LiverbonesI might look into that myself04:51
Liverbones(the vsftpd, I mean)04:51
Lozu_I need someone to give me idea for Lolosoft, you are welcome to join!!!04:51
brian183I'm trying to tether my iphone to ubuntu 9.10 to use 3G internet. I'm doing it through a blue tooth connection and I'm using bluemanager 1.21.  I can pair my phone to my laptop, I can turn on tethering in my iphone and when I attempt a NAP connection via bluemanager the iphone displays "Internet tethering enabled" and yet it always fails to connect.  http://pastebin.com/d56147f1e here is a syslog when i attempt connection.  You can see the dhclient isn't g04:51
=== nubuntu is now known as kartook
dasporkSeems wireless is a common issue here. I have a normal BroadCom card that is for sure supported. It has worked perfect for months. Today on reboot the card does not work anymore. I looked in the hardware drivers app in the administration menu and the drivers are no longer listed. (only my nvidia drivers are and the list used to be populated with misc wireless drivers) The kernel module that it uses "b43" no longer loads on boot,04:51
daspork and modprobing it doesn't help. Any thoughts?04:51
Billiard!ot | Lozu_04:51
ubottuLozu_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:52
bazhangLozu_, dont advertise here04:52
arobitaghey bazhang do you have any other ideas? thats not working for me, when I try and run gnome-panel on its own I get Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing04:52
dasporkIf you need any additional info please ask04:52
arobitagfyi, this is after getting compiz working with xinerama on dual video cards. I have effects working, just no top or bottom menu bars04:53
bazhangarobitag, that might be affecting it then; not sure about how compiz plays into that as I dont use it04:54
Blue1compiz bites...04:54
dasporkhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/38322776@N04/4100050096/ shows what I mean about the drivers. this list used to have many.04:54
a_little_tiredBilliard: It's used to easily switch between different driver versions by people who don't have root access. They set the driver version they want in a config file and reboot. Different drivers work better with different software packages and it's useful to test multiple versions with them.04:54
arobitagI found a bug report here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/352716 that appears to be resolved04:54
tommynz1975will stop by and look in again later on people.. take care.04:55
Gutzmekhave a delima04:55
arobitagBlue1: no.. lack of graphics acceleration on my desktop because I want to run triple monitors bites04:55
nic1what is xinerama?04:55
=== cp is now known as Guest79083
Blue1arobitag: that sounds like a personal problem04:55
a_little_tiredBilliard: It's done on reboot because X isn't running and the nvidia module isn't loaded. Sometimes you can't unload it even when X has been stopped.04:55
Blue1but compiz still bites04:55
arobitagnic1: allows you to setup multiple monitors to act as one screen04:55
NetBotXinerama is an extension to the X Window System which enables multi-headed X applications and window managers to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display.04:56
Billiarda_little_tired: so your script isnt running at all?04:56
Gutzmekanyone compile a program outside and move?04:56
Blue1my sister has then in windows  (dual monitor) I hate it04:56
Gutzmekcompletely different distors04:56
Blue1Gutzmek: define outside and move04:56
a_little_tiredBilliard: It doesn't appear to be04:56
arobitagBlue1: actually its a pretty common problem, by default you can't drag applications across monitors without xinerama04:56
a_little_tiredBilliard: what does upstart offer in the way of logging?04:56
NetBotIs quiet true...04:57
Blue1I've never heard of that...I am a 1 monitor guy - but I DO have a big fat cat!04:57
Blue1vetween me and the monitor04:57
arobitagBlue1: hahaha nice04:57
Billiarda_little_tired: dunno, if its in /etc/rc.... and its executable it should run ?04:57
Gutzmekhave a busybox device with no compilers using a restricted ubuntu kernal, desktop is a slackware full install04:57
Blue1arobitag: http://www.pkill-9.com/wayno/pics/hetty_abby_2009_06_02s.jpg04:58
iJul1609hey guys04:58
kameronwhat's the best virtual machine software to use on ubuntu? there's so many to choose from.04:58
dauwdghaldI'm trying to set up ip banning for a COD4 server, I would like to know if its possible to have a list of ips and be able to add ips to that list and have them banned automatically, and also be able to take ips out of the list to unban.04:58
arobitagkameron: virtual box works well for me04:58
NetBotthe best virtual is something like kmenu04:58
Gutzmekwant to move and test console apps mods to the ubuntu device04:58
kameronarobitag, alright i'll give it a got.04:58
NetBotI don't remember the name04:58
arobitagBlue1: hahaha nice, my cats do that all day but just lay on the bed where they won't get bothered04:58
iJul1609just came back on Ubuntu, so I thought I'd say hi. Also, this Karmic Koala version is great, so I would like to congratulate anyone who's worked on it, if they're here04:59
Seven_Six_Twodoes anyone know how to make a gui show up on a remote machine's display that has been started through an ssh session? The remote machine is in gnome using the same username. I just want a program (say, firefox) to open on my friend's machine when I start it from an ssh session.04:59
Blue1arobitag: that happening in the space of 2 minutes --04:59
mohan_i installed materm, how to start it?05:00
OmletteiJul1609: thanks. :)05:00
smwnif you use an N router should you set it to "use N only" or "N and G and B"05:01
greezmunkeydauwdghald, sounds like a job for MySQL05:01
dauwdghald@mohan,    materm -start, maybe05:01
Blue1mohan_: have you tried materm <enter> at a terminal window?05:01
NetBotThe virtual machine for Linux Ubuntu is QEMU05:01
iJul1609@mohan: try materm -h, or materm --help or man materm05:01
mohan_Blue1: i tried materm -start in terminal window. but its saying command not found05:01
NetBotThe virtual machine for Linux Ubuntu is QEMU05:01
Omlettemohan_: Is materm installed?05:02
Blue1mohan_: what does which materm     come back with?05:02
Blue1mohan_: may not be in your path05:02
mohan_Omlette: i installed it using synaptic pkg mgr05:02
dauwdghald@greezmunkey, how would i go about doing that, not extremely experienced when it comes to either of those, but i am using a database for the cod4 server05:02
dauwdghaldand iptables to ban05:03
mohan_actually i am looking for alternative to terminal05:03
Blue1mohan_: xterm?05:03
Blue1i am so used to to terminal05:03
mohan_because my ssh connections are getting timedout with in very less time05:03
Blue1mohan_: on a lan?05:04
smwnnif you use an N router should you set it to "use N only" or "N and G and B"05:04
mohan_Blue1: no my server is in UK05:04
napsterAnybody can help me with tsclient05:04
napsteri got errors when i connect to win2003 server with tsclient05:04
Blue1mohan_: :-/05:04
dauwdghaldsmwnn, you would probably get the best range by setting it to "N G and B:05:05
mohan_Blue1: how can i avoid ssh timeout to my sever05:05
Blue1mohan_: thinking about that...05:05
mohan_Blue1: if the session is idle for sometime its timing out05:05
NetBotIf you use ssh a lot, you may have noticed that your ssh session times out and you’re logged out every once in a while. Annoying isn’t it?05:05
NetBot    Read from remote host ocaoimh.ie: Connection reset by peer05:05
NetBot    Connection to ocaoimh.ie closed.05:05
NetBotThere’s a quick fix for that. Actually, there are 2 ways to fix it. You only need to do one of them so choose whichever one is easiest for you. You’ll need root access, so for most people it’s probably safer to do the client fix rather than the server fix.05:05
FloodBot2NetBot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
mohan_NetBot: yes exactly05:06
NetBotOK, I give a shot!05:06
napsterAnybody can help me with tsclient05:06
quentusrexcan someone help. My computer after upgrading keeps making 'dompt' sounds05:06
quentusrexI can't find which program it is coming from....05:06
greezmunkeydauwdghald, The database would require a bit of frontend programming, which would take time.05:07
mohan_Blue1: i am getting the same error message you typed previously05:07
Blue1mohan_: which error message is that?05:07
smwnnman i can't say connected to freenode my internet sux05:08
mohan_Blue1: Read from remote host myhost.com : Connection reset by peer. Connection to myhost.com closed.05:08
Blue1mohan_: I seem to remember an idle timeout parm - but I don't remember where when I set it --05:09
napstersmwnn: pong05:09
mrlexxhi all I need some help removing thttpd from my machine. any suggests?05:10
joshua__where can I get a sources.list for jaunty?05:11
=== bryan is now known as Guest23819
mohan_Blue1: i changed ssh_config, uncommented ConnectTimeout 005:11
Blue1i think that is it...05:11
Blue1mohan_: I think that is it...05:11
mohan_Blue1: but it didnt solve the issue05:11
Blue1mohan_: is there an idle timeout?05:12
mohan_Blue1: there is nothing like that in ssh_config05:12
Blue1mohan_: :-(05:12
mohan_Blue1: lets take the help of other ubuntu gurus here05:13
Mist_Why is it that when I copy or move something between my harddrives och usb drives my whole desktop and browsing in firefox becomes slow and choppy?05:13
dasporkSeems wireless is a common issue here. I have a normal BroadCom card that is for sure supported. It has worked perfect for months. Today on reboot the card does not work anymore. I looked in the hardware drivers app in the administration menu and the drivers are no longer listed. (only my nvidia drivers are and the list used to be populated with misc wireless drivers) The kernel module that it uses "b43" no longer loads on boot,05:14
daspork and modprobing it doesn't help. And it does not have a line in lspci anymore. Any thoughts?05:14
mohan_Hi, could anyone plz help me to fix ssh idle timeout issue?05:14
Blue1mohan_: yup that's beyond my knowledge level now - sorry05:14
napsterAny geeks there for tsclient I got a verity of errors when I connect to win2003 using tsclient05:14
Mist_It is not the drive with swap partition on.. happen with additional drives also. accesstime out over network to other box and such transfers also..05:14
dauwdghaldMohan, I havnt tried this before but you could try running top while you arent doing anything in the ssh session05:14
dauwdghaldthen it would probably keep it active05:14
mohan_dauwdghald: ok05:15
dauwdghaldunless your already running a program in the ssh session and its timing out, cause i dont know the problem then05:15
Mist_noone having this problem system going slow when moving or copying information between drives and network shares?05:16
mohan_dauwdghald: if i continue to work in that session, it wont time out, if i am doing any activity in taht session, then its getting timedout05:17
greezmunkeyMist_, run top , start a file transfer, then check your cpu usage, see if you can determine if your box is topped out.05:17
Mist_greezmunkey: botth cores are running pretty high yeah.. could this be something about cpu scaling and kernel issue it is often mentioned in kernel discussions about?05:18
=== sleepy_cat is now known as c_nick
dauwdghaldmohan_: so is the ssh session active and it times out when you aren't actually doing anything in it?05:19
mohan_dauwdghald: yes. exactly05:19
greezmunkeyMist_, probably, what about memory and swap usage while transferring files?05:19
thiebaudemaco, hi05:19
napster(tsclient problem) I got a verity of errors when I connect to win2003 using tsclient05:20
dauwdghaldah, yeah, try running top when your in the session, i think that might keep it active, then just ctrl-c when you need ot use the session again05:20
dauwdghald@mohan ^05:21
Mist_greezmunkey: only running about top 90% of both cores on this intel bonanza P4 dualcore 3.0 ghz with usage 800 mb of 2 gb mem. Swap isn't touched. Hmm.. feels like userspace is stepping in between whenever disk access is happening.05:23
IdeAlEssJust installed 9.10 and can't get my GeForce 8400GS card to do anything over 800x600.  Have tried the restrictive drivers and envy.  What am I missing?05:24
greezmunkeyMist_, have you tried a file transfer with the gdm shut down? What were the results?05:24
FrozenFireIs it possible to connect to the Ubuntu installer remotely, in a form of remote desktop? I'm going to have to walk a fairly non-technical person through a Ubuntu install, but would rather I be able to connect to the installer directly.05:24
fokusleeHey please help, how do i specify the order in which program starts?05:24
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, i have an geforece 8400 gs also05:25
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, did you have ubuntu search for the recommended drivers?05:25
skinnypup9.10 looses my wireless after a few reboots. Done this twice now. lspci shows it there , ifconfig eth1 shows eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:25
skinnypuplspci shows it is there05:26
IdeAlEssthiebaude, yes.  It came up on first boot with the restrictive drivers dialog.  Was running just under 1900x1440 on gentoo a hour ago.05:26
Nithfokuslee: I've never heard of any way too, but you might be able to install openssh server and use x11 forwarding05:26
greezmunkeyskinnypup, try ifdown (interface), then ifup (interface)05:26
IdeAlEssthiebaude, I let it install the recommended 180? version05:26
pfifoi cannot open local files in my browser (file:///) how do i enable this? version 3.0.11 in ubuntu. i tried adding some lines to me prefs.js, but it didnt work05:26
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, its 18505:26
Mist_greezmunkey: ah.. hmm.. this is kde though. I could try that of course . I also notice that I have about just 10 mbps transfer on this gigabit interface over a gigabit switch to a gigabit interface on the receiving end also.. could be a intel gigabit ethernet issue.. remember I had this on 7.x also.05:27
skinnypupgreezmunkey, I have , no go05:27
IdeAlEssthiebaude, was going from memory.05:27
skinnypupgreezmunkey, ifconfig eth1 up05:27
skinnypupeth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:27
greezmunkeyskinnypup, try sudo ifdown (int)05:27
skinnypupthats what i mean it looses eth1 , done this twice but worked fine a few reboots .05:27
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, did you reboot after install of the drivers?05:27
greezmunkeyskinnypup, then sudo ifup (int)05:28
IdeAlEssthiebaude, yes, several times.05:28
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, sudo nvidia-settings05:28
greezmunkeyskinnypup, then check ifconfig to see if it is there...05:28
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, to set your resolution and hit apply05:28
skinnypupgreezmunkey, same thing as root05:29
fokusleeNith i thought you use to be able to specify it in .session05:29
gerrhi have to move the mouse around in order to make the harddrive read with ahci enabled on my lenovo s12 in 9.10. anyone familiar with this issue and know about threads covering it?05:29
fokusleeNith your suggestion seem pretty complicated05:29
skinnypupgreezmunkey,  on both up and down eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:29
IdeAlEssthiebaude, lol, yeah been there.  Highest res available is 1360x768 not much here to do.05:30
greezmunkeyskinnypup, try sudo lshw -C network05:30
Nithfokuslee: if all you want is for you to run the installer remotely, then you instruct them how to connect to the network05:30
Nithfokuslee: then tell them to "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" everything else is done by you through ssh05:30
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, so when your in nvidia-settings you cant change diff resolutions?05:30
Nithfokuslee: it might get messy if there are firewalls and the like though, you're right05:31
skinnypupgreezmunkey, this part looks pertinant   *-network:0 DISABLED05:31
IdeAlEssthiebaude, my monitor is a ViewSonic PT795.  It is just seeing it as CRT-1.  Do I need to install a profile for it or something?05:31
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:31
luis_aspire 4520*05:31
skinnypupgreezmunkey, it is the eth1 , wireless I didn't want to post in full05:32
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, i dont know05:32
greezmunkeyskinnypup, are you using NetworkManager?05:32
cooldman69_anyone able to use the alsa drivers with creative x-fi sound card?05:32
skinnypupgreezmunkey, NM applet is running05:32
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:32
IdeAlEssthiebaude, I can bounce back and forth between 800x600 and 1024x768 at 60Hz.05:32
greezmunkeyskinnypup, check your settings there, under eth1 properties05:33
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, did you goto Nvidia X server settings?05:33
Jordan_UI can't seem to figure out how to get full resolution with VESA ( sis card )05:33
IdeAlEssthiebaude, not sure where you mean by that.  The X Screen tab?05:34
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skinnypupgreezmunkey, wireless option isn't showing in applet on left click, right click to connection information shows under wireless my config.05:34
lolnubanyone knows my mac is better than linux?05:34
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, sudo nvidia-settings  in a terminal05:34
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, 2nd option is X Server Display Configuration05:34
bazhang!ot | lolnub05:34
ubottulolnub: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:34
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls05:34
skinnypupgreezmunkey, but there is no longer a wireless to connect to , its not the netcard i can pxe slax onto it and its fine05:35
greezmunkeyskinnypup, no eth1?05:35
IdeAlEssthiebaude, yes, that is where I have been changing things  The default "Display" setting dialog gives and error and redirects me.05:35
skinnypupgreezmunkey, nope05:35
skinnypupgreezmunkey, just auto eth005:35
bikidibihi. i acheived what i taught was impossible. just to make sure. can i have more than 4 partitions in a hdd?05:35
fokusleeNith, im just a end user trying to get compiz-fusion to work with screenlets, not a network admin : ) you give me too much credit LOL05:35
greezmunkeyskinnypup, what does /etc/network/interfaces have in it?05:36
skinnypupgreezmunkey, Two fresh ubu 9.10 installs in 2 days.05:36
bikidibii have 3 primary, one extended with two partitions inside. i want to install windows inside the extended part05:36
Mist_Or maybe.. this is an issue of having desktop effects on in kubuntu 9.04.. which probably depends on cpu a lot for any updates.. and when transferring information... high cpu.. = ouff.. must update.. keep up with gfx.. wait for me.. ouff..05:36
skinnypupgreezmunkey, auto lo and auto eth1 NO eth005:37
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, /home/thiebaude/Downloads/Screenshot.png05:37
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, im trying a screenshot05:38
greezmunkeyskinnypup, is eth0 wired, or wireless on your machine?05:38
skinnypupgreezmunkey, eth0 is wired and using it now05:38
thiebaudehow do i post a screenshot?05:38
skinnypupgreezmunkey, eth0 auto does show in NM applet and turns on and off fine from NM applet05:38
Mist_maybe I shouldn't bother.. and instead upgrade to 9.10 which rocks on my other boxes :P05:39
bazhang!imagebin | thiebaude05:39
ubottuthiebaude: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.05:39
thiebaudebazhang, thanks05:39
Blue1Mist_: I am d/l suse 11.2 as we speak05:39
greezmunkeyskinnypup, you could edit that file, are you static on the eth0 interface?05:39
smwnfor fucksake05:40
Flannelsmwn: Please mind your language.  Thanks05:40
Mist_Blue1: for some reason im not that fond of suse =/05:40
skinnypupgreezmunkey, not at the moment but i am fine static here too . Do you suggest adding the eth1 info there ?05:40
Blue1Mist_: I cut my teeth on suse05:40
Mist_he he05:41
greezmunkeyskinnypup, dhcp is ok, add this line to the interfaces file: iface eth0 inet dhcp05:41
bazhangwarinthepocket, dont paste here05:41
skinnypupgreezmunkey, maybe why i am confused is that eth1 IS in interfaces05:41
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, http://imagebin.org/7150605:41
Mist_Blue1: as long it isn't windows and that way helping the evildoers building zombie spam/DDOS botnets I am happy :)05:42
greezmunkeyskinnypup, then "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" you will lose your connection, bet you should then see eth005:42
Blue1m$haft is evil!05:42
greezmunkeybet / but05:42
IdeAlEssthiebaude, that is where I am.  I no option but 60Hz and the resolutions I mentioned.05:42
Blue1Mist_: except for evil empire grocery (krogers)05:42
arobitagso has anyone ever run into the issue- Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display ":1.0". ?05:43
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, that is wird, im not sure what else to think of05:43
skinnypupgreezmunkey, I'll reset that net daemon and see , thanks for your time man !05:43
Mist_I am convinced that if everyone stopped using windows, the power consumption gone from only from the extra cpu running the antiviruses would safe global environment :)05:43
Mist_err save05:43
Blue1Mist_: indeed05:43
IdeAlEssthiebaude, me either, that is why I came here. :-)05:43
greezmunkeyskinnypup, excellent!05:44
VtecDoes anyone know of a working guide on how to make a usb flash drive bootable with a windows 7 iso image?05:44
greezmunkeyskinnypup, easy huh...05:44
scuniziVtec: ask in ##windows05:44
Vtecno one is answering me there ): i find that linux users are smarter :O05:44
scuniziVtec: how true.. however this is an ubuntu tech support channel..05:45
Mist_Vtec: partition editor maybe :)05:45
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, maybe someone else might have an idea05:45
scuniziVtec: might ask in #linux.. there are some pretty smart windows people there too. and it's not strictly an ubuntu tech channel05:45
Blue1what is the command line version of gparted, fdisk?05:46
IdeAlEssthiebaude, looks like the issue may be my monitor.  I found a post recommending displayconfig-gtk to configure the monitor but it isn't in the distro anymore.05:46
scuniziBlue1: yep05:46
BilliardBlue1: parted i would think05:46
scuniziIdeAlEss: xrandr05:46
Blue1Billiard: i haven't used that in years - don't know if I could remember...05:46
thiebaudeIdeAlEss, ahh, ok, because i know our cards are real good with linux in general05:47
greezmunkeyMist_, not to be too political, the environment is way better off today than it was in the late 60's, early 70's the diff is that most of the "sky is falling" believers weren't alive back then!05:47
skinnypupgreezmunkey, restarting the networking daemon gives me05:47
skinnypupSIOCSIFADDR: No such device05:47
skinnypupeth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:47
d9500IdeAlEss, you say the native resolution is 1440 x 900?05:47
skinnypupsame eth1 error  when trying sudo ifconfig eth up/down05:48
IdeAlEssd9500, well, it is a crt so there really isn't a native.  It can do a max of 1,920 x 1,440 at 73Hz05:48
scuniziIdeAlEss: 1280x1024 should be good then..05:49
greezmunkeyskinnypup, run the lshw command again, see if it is still disabled...05:49
skinnypupgreezmunkey,   *-network:0 DISABLED05:50
IdeAlEssscunizi, yeah, it should be.  I don't have the option for it.05:50
d9500IdeAlEss, I'm using an anlog flat screen here, my system detects it as a crt, so i may be able to provide a sample xorg.conf that you can modify. what does your existing xorg.conf have in the screen section?05:51
d9500IdeAlEss, pastebin the xorg.conf if you don't mind05:51
thiebaudei had to modify my xorg.conf also05:51
greezmunkeyskinnypup, cat /var/log/dmesg and ollk for anything related to your ethernet interface05:51
greezmunkeyollk = look05:51
skinnypuplol , k05:51
scuniziIdeAlEss: type xrandr in a termainal and see if the resolution is displayed as an option.. if not then you'll have to add it .. man xrandr05:52
=== fusion is now known as felidfusion
greezmunkeyskinnypup, I've used computrs for many years, but never learned to type!05:53
ManateeMattno one ever knows how to type greezmunkey.05:53
IdeAlEssd9500, http://pastebin.com/d3b9946b405:53
IdeAlEssscunizi, xrandr gives the same options as in nvidia-settings05:54
Blue1md5sum is a low command05:54
zilla1new install, 9.10. I can't seem to see some of my windows machine on the windows network. Could someone walk me through what I'm doing wrong05:54
felidfusionI'm confused, people ask questions, then don't stay long enough to get an answer05:56
Termanathats because they are boobies05:56
zilla1so close05:57
mneptokTermana: how Freudian.05:57
TheKroboobies tend to hang around permanently (if you happen to have them)...05:57
skinnypupgreezmunkey, [    0.054484] pnp 00:08: io resource (0x10-0x1f) overlaps 0000:00:1d.2 BAR 4 (0x0-0x1f), disabling05:57
skinnypup   05:57
skinnypup greezmunkey [    0.058383] system 00:00: iomem range 0x0-0x9ffff could not be reserved05:57
Termanalol TheKro05:57
ageebhang around? no pun intended...05:57
scuniziIdeAlEss: I'll look for a page describing how to get xrandr to add what you want05:57
greezmunkeyageeb, oh, you intended it, I know you dod :)05:58
greezmunkeydood=did, typing ;/05:58
loshafelidfusion: apparently no-one has an attention span larger than a gnat's05:58
* mneptok nudges everyone off the track that leads to Banville05:58
ManateeMattare raid-5 made in mdadm  expanable ?05:58
ManateeMattwithout breaking them.05:58
skinnypupgreezmunkey, a sample of all i could see that looks wrong . This is on a toshiba m200 tablet , can pxe slax onto it and use the wireless , or pxe on a new 9.10 and the wireless works as should be expected for a while , but a few reboots later byby eth105:58
scuniziIdeAlEss: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:59
greezmunkeyskinnypup, you got me, pxe?05:59
skinnypupgreezmunkey, booting the os over the network05:59
yang__Can someone help me with audio, knetworkmanager or VI ?05:59
felidfusionI'm bored -.-06:00
IdeAlEssscunizi, thanks I will play with this some.06:00
* Blue1 is in line behind felidfusion06:00
scuniziIdeAlEss: good luck06:00
d9500IdeAlEss, http://pastebin.com/d4713527306:00
skinnypupgreezmunkey, slax does pxe server on a live iso , works gr8. pxe is a boot option in the bios often06:00
VanessaEok, weird question:  What is the latest build of the kernel for Karmic?  2.6.31-14 or -15?06:01
d9500IdeAlEss, that's just a rough outline, but that's something that may work as a starting point06:01
VanessaE(my box says the latter, ubuntu.com says the former)06:01
Blue1VanessaE: I am running -1406:01
greezmunkeyskinnypup, interesting...I'll admit that you have me on this one.06:01
skinnypupgreezmunkey, toshi tablets have no cd drive , and don't do usb boot . pxe fits the bill there. Point pxe @ the ubuntu netboot path and bam .06:01
VanessaEmy box is running -15 --- how??06:01
VanessaEI'm confused as to where this build came from06:02
ManateeMatt-14 for me.06:02
Blue1VanessaE: dunno --06:02
skinnypupgreezmunkey, guess i'll have to do a bug report on this one. Works fine then just doesn't. idk06:02
IdeAlEssd9500, thanks.  It still seems like there should be a way to tell Ubuntu which monitor I am using and do this automatically.06:02
richardshello geeks!!06:02
zilla1anyone connecting to a win98 box over Samba?06:02
greezmunkeyskinnypup, sorry I couldn't help further06:02
Blue1zilla1: the saints preserve us!06:03
trinityQuestion , im not sure if this is releated to this chat room im running ubuntu and i tought of giveing FreeBSD unix a try i have it installed fine it asks me to log in and all i see is command bars no OS ? or GUI interface any help thankx :D06:03
scunizizilla1: there's still a running win98 box out there?  .. stick ubuntu on it :)06:03
Termanazilla1, win98 - are you serious?06:03
jlangstonHi, anyone remember the name of those two iso's you can boot and do tests on computer and stuff?  I basically want to see the cpu temps on a comp that is overheating. I knew earlier but don't have name now. One was like grjd or soemting the other was a long one like systemtestcd or something06:03
d9500IdeAlEss, i've heard that only propietary drivers sually require an advanced xorg.conf, unless you're working on a dual monitor setup, etc. i'm using an open driver and my xorg.conf has about four lines.06:03
a_little_tiredwow.. win98?06:03
Blue1zilla1: i think I have a copy of win2k if you can't afford that...06:03
zilla1Blue, i don't know what that means, but let me respond with this: can I see your smb.conf?06:03
skinnypupgreezmunkey, No prob . Thanks for the help there. I wasn't thinking i would find anything in dmesg and that may help in a bugreport.06:03
skinnypupgreezmunkey, thx!06:03
Blue1zilla1: I don't have samba configured - but tell us what's going on maybe we can help...06:04
zilla1the box has a pentium II, and a half a 512 megs06:04
d9500IdeAlEss, x.org server supposedly did away with xorg.conf i recent releases....default ubuntu doesn't even have one anymore06:04
trinityQuestion , im not sure if this is releated to this chat room im running ubuntu and i tought of giveing FreeBSD unix a try i have it installed fine it asks me to log in and all i see is command bars no OS ? or GUI interface any help thankx :D06:04
IdeAlEssd9500, nope, just a single crt.  Just an old crt I guess.06:04
* VanessaE scratches her head06:04
zilla1I can see and talk with my XP machines from both directions06:04
Blue1zilla1: basic networking 101 - can you ping each box from the other?06:04
Termanatrinity - don't repeat questions. and this is not a freebsd channel06:04
jlangstontry #freebsd06:05
scunizitrinity: command bars?  you mean like a terminal .. like in the old DOS days?06:05
roger__hello...can I run linux on a palm TX...i tried google...closest one I could find is OpenMoko but has no wifi support..anyone know of any others06:05
jlangstonyeah, command prompt is what they mean I believe06:05
trinitytermana: it's a DOS :(06:05
greezmunkeyWindows 95, 98 thunking, hehe06:05
n8tuserIdeAlEss-> try xpdyinfo,  how X uses it or hooks into it, i dont know06:05
jlangstonOh, is it not loading?06:05
jlangstonwell, that still has nothing to do with ubuntu06:05
trinityscunizi : it's a DOS type thing06:05
IdeAlEssn8tuser, I ran that and got a ton of info, just not sure what to do with it. :)06:06
scunizitrinity: sound like there isn't a gui installed.. check the channel someone else mentioned earlier..06:06
n8tuserroger__-> which palm you have? treo?06:06
roger__palm TX06:06
VanessaEhow do I find out what conditions existed that made this particular kernel install on my box but not the others mentioned here?06:06
VanessaE(I ask because my husband's box is also stuck at -14)06:06
n8tuserIdeAlEss-> just like what i said.. i dont know the hooks to X for that xdpyinfo   data..06:06
Termanatrinity, this is not an ubuntu problem, it isn't a dos prompt either. go into #freebsd06:06
scuniziVanessaE: you might have the repos on your box updating faster then the other boxes06:06
trinitytermana : thankx06:07
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:07
n8tuserroger__-> whats the microprocessor on that palm Tx?  im curious. i have an old palm but have not had a chance to really port linux into it.. seen the tutorials though06:07
VanessaEscunizi, both machines have stock sources.list's ...  is a few days' lag between them normal in this case?06:08
pddeand9500, set up a mod line and just restarted x.  Worked like a charm.  I guess I just wasn't expecting to have to go that deep in Ubuntu.  After all, I jumped ship on Gentoo because I just didn't have the time anymore.06:09
scuniziVanessaE: you could always go to the box with the older kernel and "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and see what happens.06:09
VanessaEscunizi, we've been staying on top of that.06:10
zilla1blue, no i cannot. this is silly. i'll be back when I solve trivial networking issues06:10
VanessaEno big deal, it's just a curiosity.  If I can't explain something about my machine, I get a little antsy.06:10
wheelieVanessaE I hear you. I did a Bachelor and Masters of computer science for the same reason06:11
scuniziVanessaE: stock repos are setup at the time of install.. sometimes I think they query the net for the fastest at that time.. they may still be different..06:11
d9500ppdean, mode line worked? good. another thing you can try, if you're not into wine gaming and compiz, is kms, which, at least for me, sets the resolution automatically for both the gui and the VTs. you'll have to use a free driver though, which means no 3d, though in all fairness, i get decent kwin effects just with xrender and no opengl.06:11
jauntyjoeflac images with a cue file. anyone know how to extract them?06:11
pddeand9500, yes, not sure why this didn't save my nick.  Oh well.06:12
jauntyjoeand... if there's a channel more suited to that question, please point me in that direction :)06:12
dasporkIm having a problem with a previously working wireless device. The device no longer shows up in lspci (even when booting a liveCD that I know previously detected the device) It just quit all of a sudden.06:12
d9500pddean, and yes, as for not having to configure stuff...look o the birhgt side. in gentoo, you'd have spent three hours compiling a new version of xorg-config just to generate a new xorg.conf file :)06:13
pddeand9500, yeah, but I am a big compiz fan.  :-)  I don't mind playing under the hood. (been using Gentoo for almost 8 years)  Just didn't know I had to.06:13
VanessaEjauntyjoe, the cue file is probably just a cut list.06:13
VanessaEload the file into Audacity or similar and chop it apart06:13
jauntyjoeVanessaE, you mean i should do it manually?06:14
pddeand9500, lol, okay it isn't that bad!  I quite enjoyed some of the control.  Just with 3 kids 3 and under I don't have the time anymore.06:14
VanessaEjauntyjoe, that's how I do it when I run across such files.06:14
jauntyjoethat defeats the point of having a cue file in the first place06:14
VanessaEjauntyjoe, maybe something like bchunker might work?06:14
VanessaEer, bchunk.06:15
jauntyjoebchunk, thx VanessaE, will investigate06:15
skinnypupgreezmunkey: check these out06:15
d9500pddean, step 1: wait till kids get older. step 2, forbid them under any circcumstances from doing anything related to computers or, on pain of expulsion from the house, any software compiling. step 3,wait for them to learn it own their own just to tick you off and to rebel. step 4, leave computer unattended. voila. instant compile-bots!06:16
VanessaEwheelie: well you've got one up on me for education, but at least I cut my teeth on a C64. :-)06:16
wheelieVanessaE as did I :-)06:16
VanessaEone kinda gets used to things having simple explanations.06:16
pddeand9500, lol, yeah  Looks like I will be looking for a different 4 step process. :-)06:16
willvarfarwhat's the recipe for upgrading from 9.04 no-gui to 9.10 gui, over ssh?06:16
greezmunkeyskinnypup, doing so now thanks! Maybe I can use this...06:16
wheelieVanessaE actually I lie. It was a Vic-2006:17
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ValentinaHow do I install lm-sensors on Ubuntu Server 9.10? I found several guides, how do choose between the guides?06:17
scuniziVanessaE: trs-80 & "color computer"06:17
jauntyjoeVanessaE, alas: "The non-Unix version of BinChunker has been obsoleted by the CD-R/W burning software FireBurner"06:17
VanessaEwheelie: I don't count the Timex-Sinclair 1000 as my starting point normally, but as long as we're competing ;)06:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:17
matakshelp i have no audio after i upgrade to 9.1006:17
skinnypupgreezmunkey, its quite handy. can also pxe virtualmachines if their net adapter is set to host instead of nat06:18
VanessaEjauntyjoe, that's fine - we're interested in the unix variant, which tends to also include Linux.06:18
* d9500 says "in before scunizi or VanessaE tries the ultimate one-upmanship and says something about punch cards and vacuum tubes"06:18
pddeanThanks all, I have to head out.  Morning comes in a few hours.06:18
* DanaG has hacked up his apt preferences file to get kernel and pulseaudio from Lucid repos, but everything else from Karmic.06:18
VanessaEmy husband can claim having started with a System/36. :-)06:19
wheelieVanessaE I was too young for the Sinclair. Anyway, I came to the education thing later in life. When I got the need to know. And before anyone mentions punch cards06:19
wheelieoops, too late06:19
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mneptokd9500: the correct term is "Hollerith card." >;P06:19
jauntyjoeVanessaE: "the CD-R/W burning software FireBurner, which can be found at www.fireburner.com"06:19
jauntyjoedead-end for me. and you?06:19
skinnypupgreezmunkey, the easiest example is a slax.iso and choose pxe server in the boot menu. Turn off other dhcp server on lan or router temporarily and pxe clients and instantly boot as "thin clients" not needing hdds etc06:19
greezmunkeyskinnypup, I read a bit, but it looks like I can install to another machine using this method...06:19
VanessaEjauntyjoe, are you using Windows then?  the author is talking about the *non* unix build, i.e. windows06:20
_gedhi, im not sure if this is the right channel to ask this question but i wil just try to ask it here, when im executing a "configure" command, i RAN OUT to an error which says "WARNING: 'Makefile.global.in' seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting" .. can you help me on this one? Thanks06:20
DanaGOh, another thing you can do: if you have dd-wrt or tomato firmware on your  router, you can have it hand your tftp server's address to clients., you can set06:20
skinnypupgreezmunkey, yeah real machines and virtual too06:20
DanaGoops, I screwed up my text insertions there.06:20
scunizid9500: studied fortran in college for 1 semester.. german prof writing on a blackboard with one hand and erasing with the other.. hand writing code that was shuttled away to some unknown dundgen to be keypunched.. results in a week.06:20
jauntyjoein any case, i don't want to burn a flac image to a cd - i want to extract the individual tracks from the flac image - to single flac files06:20
greezmunkeyskinnypup, cool, thanks!06:20
skinnypupgreezmunkey, sho nuff!06:21
freaky[t]is there anything like Quanta+ for Ubuntu (Gnome)?06:21
freaky[t]it's for webdevelopment (php/html/css)06:21
VanessaEjauntyjoe, try it anyway - bchunk is *not* a burner program.  It's a splitter program.06:21
jauntyjoeyeah, non-unix etc speak06:21
mneptokfreaky[t]: yes. Quanta+  ;)06:21
freaky[t]mneptok, ? but that's for KDE isn't it?06:21
d9500scunizi: i'm still waiting for one of you to make a wise crack about "compiling on an abacus" or something to that effect.06:22
jauntyjoeVanessaE, i would try it if the url would load - but i doan't06:22
mneptokfreaky[t]: sudo apt-get install quanta06:22
Absenthcan someone point me in the direction of how I would add an "uppermem" statement in grub 2?06:22
VanessaEjauntyjoe, it's in the repository06:22
freaky[t]mneptok, i know but that's for KDE ...06:22
VanessaE(apt-get, etc)06:22
greezmunkeyd9500, I suppose it's possible, but your fingers sure would get tired...06:22
mneptokfreaky[t]: trust me?06:22
scunizid9500: :) .. an abacus is still one of the fasted calculators around.. I also like my sliderule :)06:22
freaky[t]mneptok, i know that it works with gnome but im looking for a real gnome alternative06:23
VanessaEd9500: I've programmed on paper before.  Does that count? ;)06:23
* VanessaE fondly remembers writing up pages and pages of code during breaks at school.06:23
ManateeMatti programed paper06:23
mneptokfreaky[t]: try Bluefish06:23
DanaGNow, writing C code on paper, in tests, is a pain.06:23
* scunizi nightmare.. writing fortran code in a spiral notebook06:23
mneptokManateeMatt: the correct term is "Hollerith card." >;P06:23
freaky[t]mneptok, ok thanks06:24
DanaGAnd all those durned curly braces. =þ06:24
d9500VanessaE, yes, since this is an ubuntu channel. if it was a gentoo channel, we'd have to deduct style points for not building your own optimized paper fresh from wood pulp.06:24
madhu_Hi guys,,, How can i foind out the CISCO Router is been installed in my Local LAN,,, and some one observing my networking connectivity06:24
freaky[t]mneptok, it says that's only an html editor? i need php and CSS too :(06:24
skinnypupgreezmunkey, http://www.vmware.com/support/gsx3/doc/running_pxe_gsx.html06:24
zilla1blue1 : yes, they can ping each other :)06:24
madhu_As i am using Ubuntu-9.0406:24
mneptokd9500: you learn a lot more about the whole paper system if you start with a seed and some dirt.06:24
* greezmunkey observes a moment of silence for Herman Hollerith06:25
AbsenthDoes anyone know the functional equivilent of adding uppermem in /boot/grub/menu.lst, in the new grub2?.06:25
jauntyjoeyeah, VanessaE - bchunk only does .bin/.cue type files - what i've got is a .flac cd image06:25
skinnypupmneptok, I don't hear of too many ppl that know of herman hollerith06:25
Blue1zilla1: that's a good start -- okay -- what about hosts -- have you put the name of the other box in your hosts file and assigned it the ip?06:25
mneptokskinnypup: i'm an antique.06:25
AbsenthI imagine I need to edit up /etc/grub.d/10_linux  but the specifics escape me.06:25
jauntyjoei.e. already compressed (with flac) and has a cue file to boot - to enable decompression06:26
madhu_How to find out the an CISCO router in my local LAN06:26
skinnypupmneptok, hear ya. Hollerith was the founder of ibm and the first person to census the U.S.06:26
VanessaEjauntyjoe, Oh @$#&.. You're right, my fault.06:26
ManateeMattdumb question.06:26
skinnypupmneptok, iirc ;o)06:26
mneptokskinnypup: Watson founded IBM.06:26
mneptokjauntyjoe: can you mount the actual image file?06:27
ManateeMattis there a command to display free/used space in afolder.06:27
skinnypupmneptok, Ok then Hollerith worked with ibm then right ?06:27
mneptokskinnypup: yep06:27
greezmunkeymadhu, look up the standard MAC prefix for cisco equipment, then nmap for it06:27
VanessaEjauntyjoe, Audacity seems to have some kind of .CUE support..maybe it'll still work?06:27
TheKroManatee: du -s foldern_name to see space used on a folder06:27
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:27
TheKroManateeMatt: df gives you a summary of devices and how much space they have total, used, and free06:27
mneptokManateeMatt: you'll want -h in the args, too06:27
d9500mneptok, but remember, for the best dirt, you have build from compost and pass --fertilizer to it for optimum nitrogen content :) I'm going to shut now before i get an OT warning.06:28
mandi628i'm considering switching to ubuntu, but i have a program that i use for our homeschool recordkeeping and they do not currently support linus os - wine & codeweaver do not support the program either - what are my options?06:28
greezmunkeymadhu, load wireshark, that may do it as well06:28
zilla1blue1 - this is on a local home network. I thought that if my router handled the DNS for the LAN, i didn't have to do that06:28
jauntyjoemneptok, no can't mount a flac image file - it's quite different to the usual iso/bin and the rest06:28
exodus_msManateeMatt, use -h with df to get a "human" readout06:28
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mneptokManateeMatt: you want du, not df06:28
mandi628sorry - hi, my name is mandi LOL06:28
Blue1zilla1: linux and windows need to know the ip address of each other...06:28
Absenthmandi628: have you tried running the app in codeweavers crossover office?06:28
zilla1blue1, i'm actually much closer than I thought. I can see the shares I've got set up on 98 machine from ubuntu06:28
jauntyjoemaybe i've found something, a shell script06:28
mneptokManateeMatt: du -h /path/to/folder06:28
VanessaEmneptok, well to be fair, this is a gentoo-like environment we're talking about.  Shouldn't one ground rocks and debris into dirt first, manufacture water from hydrogen and oxygen, and then add the seed? :-)06:28
Absenthmandi628: I've seen a great number of apps not listed run fine.06:28
Blue1zilla1: that a big step forward06:28
exodus_msoops, sorry mneptok I didnt see you already suggested that06:29
zilla1and 98 machine can see the linux machine (ya i know :D)06:29
ManateeMattthey both give what i want06:29
zilla1its asking for a password06:29
Blue1zilla1: did you set the smbpassword?06:29
demongtanyone know about networking?06:29
zilla1its *not* my smbpass06:29
Absenthmandi628: since ubuntu runs as a live cd, you could test it, including installing crossover office, without overwriting windows.06:29
mneptokVanessaE: i'm still working on getting my yellow sun built from dense matter.06:29
greezmunkeydemongt, I know you are on one right now...06:29
Absenthdemongt: I'm sure more than a couple of us do.06:29
zilla1maybe there's a conflict between win98 encrypted passwords, and samba's unencrypted passwords06:29
zilla1*begins to investigate*06:30
VanessaE(the sad part is that I've used Gentoo enough to know how silly this all can get :-)  )(06:30
mandi628Absenth: i haven't switched yet, from what i understand, part of the problem is that the program heavily relies on .NET framework - does this matter?06:30
demongti had ubuntu running and i had it networking to my windows machine, i had a problum with ubuntu and had to reinstall, now it cant get the file share to work06:30
Absenthmandi628: it does.  that doesn't mean it automatically won't run in crossover though.06:30
zilla1blue1 - after this i've got a win 3.11 box i'm going to ask you about06:30
mandi628oh, well i haven't quite figured out how to connect to the internet using the liveCD yet06:30
ManateeMattboth the du and df gave me what i wanted to see, last dumb question of the night possibly, is there a move command that will give you a nice progress bar or anything.....   mv  -v just gives me the file, not how far it is.06:31
Absenthmandi628: wireless I assume?06:31
mandi628absenth: yes06:31
Absenthmandi628: any chance you can plug in an ethernet cable for testing? :)06:31
mandi628Absenth: not on this computer, but my "server" is connected directly to the modem, so i could use that for testing06:32
skinnypup mandi628 as far as that windows software , you can install virtualbox and run a windows machine inside of linux.06:32
demongtwhen i first installed ubuntu i dont remember doing anything other then setting my folders on the windows machine to share06:32
skinnypupmandi628, search youtube for virtualbox and vmware06:32
Absenthdoes anyone here have a netbook, with the Intel GMA500 (Poulsbo) graphics card, on Karmic?06:32
mandi628Absenth: that one is going to be my 100% linux machine, my others might have to be dual-booted06:32
demongti was able to go to "network" and the folders/files were there06:32
mandi628skinnypup: thx - will do06:32
mgmuscariconversion from ogg vorbis to mp3 using lame in the gtkpod package supplied by the karmic repositories is encountering problems... something wrong with filenames. found a patch, but it's a little vague as to what's wrong. anyone know what a good batch transcoding package in the repositories is that i could use before transferring tracks with gtkpod?06:32
Absenthmandi628: wouldn't hurt to do testing on something you could afford to run linux on :)06:33
Absenthmandi628: I dual booted for a couple of years before finally ditching windows all together. :)06:33
Absenthstarted gaming on consoles :)06:33
madhu_How you started gaming on consoles ?06:33
mandi628Absenth: i've talked to several converts, also homeschoolers, and the only reason they still use windows is because of this program i speak of06:33
skinnypupmandi628, a virtual machine looks like a full installation of another operating system in its own window and can be made fullscreen06:34
mgmuscariAbsenth: amen to that. after i blew $580 on an ati radeon x1800xt on preorder in 2005, i realized that PC gaming was folly06:34
VanessaEit is?  My husband would disagree06:34
mgmuscarinot worth the investment IMO06:34
skinnypupmandi628, hear ya there always seems to be one or two progs keeping windows alive06:34
Absenthmgmuscari: my latest desktop was ~$2500....  for dual Xeon E5506s and 12gb of ddr3 :)06:35
demongtwhen i go to network, it shows the windows machine. but when i try going to it. i get a box reading "unable to mount location, failed to retrieve share list from server"06:35
mgmuscariOT anyway06:35
greezmunkey$600.00 for a video card, whoa...06:35
Valentinalm-sensros command sensors-detect didn't find that much sensors. No processor sensor what I could remember. And it doesn't work to run the sudo sensors command either. I get no info though I have chosen to insert lines automatically in /etc/whatever-it-was-called at the end of the sensors-detect command.06:35
VanessaEnow granted, he never sunk more than $150 into a video card. :)06:35
Absenthmgmuscari: GTX260, for cuda :)06:35
mandi628Absenth: when i do a ful install on linux on my old desktop machine (the 100% linux machine), do i need to move the data to CDs, or just back them up in case something happens? how much of the data gets wiped in an os install?06:35
AbsenthI doubt I'll upgrade again for 5 years.06:35
mgmuscariAbsenth: these days i just focus on having a reliable workstation for doing work on... and none of that really includes graphics-intensive applications06:35
VanessaEValentina, try sudo sensors-detect06:35
skinnypup$$$ 600 now i know why i like to stay with hardware thats been on market a year or so06:35
Absenthmandi628: all of it.  I'd back up to storage you trust.  whether it's a USB drive, or whatever.06:35
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greezmunkeyyeah, no kidding!06:36
mandi628skinnypup, i agree with that, but at the same time, i can't say anything bad about the company that makes this program - they are phenomenal06:36
ValentinaVanessaE: Actually I did, I think.06:36
Absenthmgmuscari: I went heavily multi-core for FreeBSD jails.  running ~ 25 Virtual machines on my desktop for work.06:36
VanessaEskinnypup, I'm too cheap to go for high end...  I bought this GF6800 new about 3 1/2 years ago.06:36
greezmunkeyVideo games...that's what quarters are for :]06:36
mgmuscariAbsenth: sounds like fun06:36
AbsenthVanessaE: my file server has a 6800.....06:37
skinnypupmandi628, fully understand . I think you would like openbox. Its in the repositories or "  sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose  "06:37
nynein the openldap-server ubuntu server guide there are a few lines that are confusing me. Item 4 says to edit the following file /tmp/ldif_output/cn=config/cn=schema/cn={8}misc.ldif and change a couple of lines but they don't say what to change them to.. could someone give me a hand. im trying to set up openldap and have been stuck for a while06:37
Absenthleft over from before my gaming on console revolution.06:37
mandi628so how much testing should i do before i do the full install? or should i just bite the bullet and go for it since the computer is so slow under windows that i can hardly use it right now?06:37
mgmuscarimy thinkpad outperforms my opteron desktop with its x1800xt, now06:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:37
VanessaEAbsenth, like I said, not exactly high end, but if it can handle OpenArena, Extreme Tuxracer, Torcs, etc., I'm happy.06:37
mgmuscariyes, anyway, we digress...06:37
ValentinaVanessaE: I get this running sudo sensors: Try loading the driver. I did as told at the end of the guide, running /etc/init.d/module-init-tools but then I get this: /etc/init.d/module-init-tools What doesn that mean?06:38
skinnypupmandi628, if there are some files there you want to salvage this is the time to get them.06:38
* VanessaE shuts up now before the offtopic kick...06:38
Vincent222hey, could someone help me with my usb device?06:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:38
Absenthmandi628: if the machine isn't important.  install linux and run with it :)  test everything you think you might do with a main computer.  of course be sure to back up your data first.06:38
ValentinaAt the end when running it, like /ect/init.d/module-init-tools COMMAND06:38
VanessaEValentina, Am I correct in assuming that sensors-detect didn't give you a list of modules to use in the future?06:39
AbsenthI'm still ISO someone who knows a thing or six about Grub2 as it's installed in Karmic06:39
mandi628Absenth, skinnypup, thanks for the input - i'll let you know how it turns out!06:39
skinnypupmandi628, 99.99 % of installs go fine but if its slow there may be a step or two in the setup that seem like it is never going to get through. Just sit it down and let it go an hour or more b4 you decide it isn't installing right06:39
demongtdoes anyone else file share with a windows machine?06:39
ValentinaVanessaE: I gave me some modules, but just a few ones. I also chose to automatically add the modules in some kind of file.06:39
Absenthdemongt: via nfs.  which isn't likely to help you :(06:39
mgmuscaridemongt: i have a samba server that i connect to with both windows and linux... is that what you mean?06:39
ValentinaVanessaE: It gave med...06:40
NetBotHi guys! I need help!!! I installed Record Your Desktop for Ubuntu, now my PC is lags.06:40
VanessaEValentina, Ok, did you reboot or at least modprobe each of those modules?06:40
lianimator_Hi. i have 4 GB of RAM and running Karmic 64-bit LiveCD, but I'm only seeing 2.9 GB in system monitor. is this normal or is something wrong?06:40
demongtim not sure?06:40
mgmuscarilianimator_: is your video card using shared memory?06:40
VanessaEI ask because on my mainboard, I not only have to reboot after setting up those modules, I also have to blacklist one of the existing kernel modules (k8temp)06:40
ValentinaVanessaE: No, I followed the guid, it only told med to run /etc/init.d/module-init-tools then I got this: /etc/init.d/module-init-tools06:41
demongtim new to linux. both of my machines are hooked to a router. i just want to be able to stream my music from the windows machine06:41
mgmuscarilianimator_: oh, and livecd's create ramdisks... might be reserved....06:41
VanessaEotherwise I get next to nothing from sensors, and what I do get is inaccurate.06:41
ValentinaVanessaE: *the guide06:41
VanessaEValentina, got a URL to that guide?06:41
mgmuscaridemongt: if you set your windows machine up to share out folders via samba, you can mount those shared folders using smbfs in linux06:41
lianimator_mgmuscari: my video card uses shared memory, maybe that's why?? but not up to 1 GB, only 512 MB total06:42
Absenthmgmuscari: not cifs?06:42
ValentinaVanessaE: I did this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto06:42
ValentinaVanessaE: It's old, but it's Ubuntu Documentation.06:42
mgmuscariAbsenth: pretty sure the package he wants then is smbfs06:42
mgmuscariand smbclient maybe06:42
Absenthmgmuscari: fair enough :)06:42
demongti set the windows machine up for sharing, but i am unsure what to do on the linux machine since i didnt have to do anything the first time06:42
MouseawayUbunu Remix 9.10 got 3 bugs for Zg5 Acer Aspire One, thought I share it.06:42
mgmuscariat least that's what i'm using...06:42
mgmuscaricifs under the hood i think06:43
AbsenthMouseaway: which graphics chip in your AA106:43
VanessaEValentina, Ok, at this point I'm at a bit of a loss.  Still try a reboot.  It's evil, but it sometimes helps.06:43
g8tor692I am testing a rails app that needs to send email but i keep getting "hostname was not match with the server certificate"06:43
MouseawayAbsenth: The Graphic Card bug has been fixed for AA1 in the latest updates.06:43
AbsenthMouseaway: Which graphics card....06:44
mgmuscaridemongt: if you install packages smbfs and smbclient, you should be able to mount a share from your windows machine like so: sudo smbmount //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share -o username=xxxxx,password=yyyyy06:44
MouseawayAbsenth: Nvidia and XFX06:44
AbsenthMouseaway: since AA1's run the gambit from 945, 950,m nvidea, GMA500 etc.06:44
davidehi all06:44
Absenth<--- is on an AA1 751h with the completely borked GMA50006:44
MouseawayAMD based laptop still has glitches...06:44
demongtmgmuscari: is there a way to know if those packages are installed already?06:45
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:45
MouseawayAbsenth: Whats your issue ?06:45
AbsenthMouseaway: at this point, I just need to figure out how grub2 works.06:45
VanessaEgrub2 is evil.06:46
jadiHi there :) why uname -m shows i686 but $HOSTTYPE is i486? what is the difference of this two (or what is the relation?)06:46
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, I'll.06:46
VanessaEbut then again, I dragged my heals when the world went from lilo to grub. :-)06:46
AbsenthMouseaway: beyond that. it's based on the fact there aren't any Open source drivers for t graphics card, and the binary blob is a mess at best, and a catastra$#@K under most other circumstances.06:46
VanessaEer, heels06:46
luis_Hello I have problems with bluetooth: the icon appears in gray and doesn't let me do nothing. My acer aspire 4520 bluetooth button does anything: Instead of turning bluetooth on, the volume bar appears, wtf? need help pls06:47
MouseawayAbsenth: Aye, that's the issue, install Distro or Fedora.06:47
HektoR_hi all. guys how can i mount .cue/.bin files  ?06:47
MouseawayUbuntu Remix still ot glitches for graphic cards06:47
AbsenthI'm in base Karmic.  have the driver "working" via backports. just need to figure out how to shoehorn a uppermem statement into grub206:47
demongtmgmuscari: smbclient has a green box, but i do not see a smbfs?06:48
MouseawayGMA500 hmn06:49
skylUBUNTU!!! woot!06:49
jadi_luis_, are you dualbooting windows?06:49
AbsenthMouseaway: aka poulsbo06:49
mgmuscaridemongt: it should be in the package repositories06:49
luis_no jadi_06:49
AbsenthMouseaway: or psb driver.06:49
brianwillis1984Hi I know this is going to sound like a stuipd question but i just installed gDesklets on my computer.. and now I dont know where it is.. I installed it and everything06:49
demongti found a smbnetfs?06:49
MouseawayEven Dell got the same problem with GMA50006:49
jadi_luis_, Oh... I wanted to give this hint: boot in windows, turn bluetooth on and shutdown the pc. then boot in lin and see if this helpt06:50
MouseawayAbsenth: Was it working with Linpus Lite ?06:50
jadi_Hi there :) why uname -m shows i686 but $HOSTTYPE is i486? what is the difference of this two (or what is the relation?)06:50
AbsenthMouseaway: couldn't tell you.  I've not had linpux lite installed.06:51
MouseawayOh ok06:51
demongtmgmuscari: the smbnetfs was under networkings(universe)? is this what im looking for?06:51
brianwillis1984can someone tell me where i can find gDesklets on my computer after i installed it06:51
AbsenthMouseaway: I've got it working in Karmic, had it working in Jaunty, and Fedora 11 :)06:51
MouseawayI had Linpus Lite worked fine then Ubuntu messed up everything06:51
AbsenthMouseaway: my only real problem is grub2 :)06:51
Absenthwell and the fact I'm almost completely stupid.06:51
Mouseaway My internal mic got screwd up with Ubuntu06:52
mgmuscaridemongt: i'm not using smbnetfs06:52
EntityReborn_I just lost all decoratons in KDE06:52
MouseawaySwitched it to Linpus Lite lol didnt work anymore...06:52
EntityReborn_how can I get them back?06:52
jadi_brianwillis1984, it should be at /usr/bin/gdesklets06:53
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jadi_brianwillis1984, but you should be able to just run gdesklets on the command line06:53
Guest73665skype for xubuntu, not under synaptic? direct download ad install from skype?06:54
* VanessaE grumbles at ksensors06:54
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, now we are talking. The reboot seem to have done some good.06:54
VanessaEValentina, good deal.  what do you get now?06:54
jadi_Guest73665, or you can add NonFree repository06:55
ValentinaVanessaE: Here is the output of the sensors command: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317558/06:55
jadi_anybody knows why uname -m shows i686 but $HOSTTYPE is i486? what is the difference of this two (or what is the relation?)06:55
* Mouseaway streches06:55
VanessaEValentina, looks fine to me, the "alarm" tags just mean the values are out of range of what lm_sensors expects06:56
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, there are many alarms. What to do about them?06:56
Guest73665jadi, what would apt line be?06:56
VanessaEignore 'em. :)06:56
VanessaEreally, you could tweak /etc/sensors3.conf to turn the limits up/down as needed, but they're harmless06:57
=== william is now known as Guest92488
silverstar01How do i view fdisk output in gigs?06:57
ValentinaVanessaE: What's temp1 and temp2, system temperature resp processors temperature or what?06:58
VanessaEValentina, if I had to guess, I'd say temp1 is your chipset and temp2 is the CPU average.06:58
ValentinaVanessaE: Can I trust the lm-sensors values or are lm-sensors playing me a joke?06:58
=== _ged_ is now known as _ged
jadi_Guest73665, i think in ubuntu it should be06:59
VanessaEValentina: well, to be fair about trusting or not - I had to tweak the settings on my box because my mainboard's ranges don't correspond with those in the default config...and I had to test them the hard way.06:59
jadi_Guest73665, deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic multiverse06:59
ValentinaVanessaE: I'm going to have my server going and I don't want to burn down my house, therefore I need to know if the temp is really what lm-sensors say.06:59
VanessaEValentina, well, the question first of all is how much load is on the box right now?06:59
brianwillis1984jadi_ : i ran it from command line but dont see anything06:59
VanessaEis the CPU busy chewing on something, or is it idle?06:59
ValentinaVanessaE: Will, I think this is the load that it will have, more or less.07:00
VanessaEValentina, Right, but how much would that be?  100% CPU load, 50%?07:00
jadi_brianwillis1984, any errors? I think there should be an icon in the tray for that after you run it07:00
VanessaEI ask because it lets me correlate CPU activity to temperature07:00
ValentinaVanessaE: It has been going for like an hour but I willl have it going for many hours every day.07:00
ValentinaVanessaE: How would I know?07:00
ValentinaVanessaE: Ah07:01
VanessaEor any of the usual collection of system monitors07:01
VanessaEsee how much CPU is "Idle"07:01
yang__So i need help with a browser sound issue. multiple plugins have no sound07:01
brianwillis1984jadi_ : no error's i see it up in the top right of the "task bar" thing07:01
ValentinaVanessaE: Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni,100.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st07:01
Guest7366532 or 64 bit skype for ubuntu on laptop celeron?07:01
yang__anything i should go about doing to start trouble shooting this?07:02
VanessaEok, 100% idle, no load to speak of.07:02
d9500silverstar01, not sure about GB output in fdisk, but if you just need to see GBs of file space used, try df -h07:02
ValentinaVanessaE: top - 08:02:08 up 14 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0007:02
smwn[_ruben_ PING reply]: 25secs07:02
VanessaEHas it got a good heat sink in it?07:02
jadi_brianwillis1984, good :) I'm not a gD user so I can not say anything more :) click / right click on it and find your way07:02
agusjhelp me how to remove older kernel07:02
nicleagusj: use synaptic remove them07:02
brianwillis1984jadi_ : ok thanks for all the help07:02
VanessaE(seriously, this matters. :) )07:02
jadi_brianwillis1984, you are welcome :) thanks GNU :)07:03
SUNNYNARULA182thinkin of installing 9.10 on Acer aspire 5600...any known issues07:03
gasullHi. Can I tether my Nokia N95 (or any other smartphone) using NetworkManager?  Thanks.07:03
VanessaESUNNYNARULA182, Audio problems seem to be the word of the day, especially where Pulseaudio is concerned.07:04
Mouseawaysuuny yeo07:04
MouseawayInternal Mic07:04
VanessaESUNNYNARULA182, else, I haven't seen anything major.07:04
MouseawayGraphic Card07:04
agusjI did not find wvdial on ubuntu karmic07:04
VanessaE(on all platforms, that is, not necessarily on that Acer)07:04
MouseawayDo some terminal and fix the card reader into hot plugable07:04
VanessaEValentina, does the CPU have a decent heat sink on it?07:05
yehdilhi guys07:05
yehdilis any one have kbox07:05
VanessaEValentina, I ask this because "temp1" might actually be CPU temp, and temp2 might be an overread on chipset temperature07:05
yehdilpls let me know07:05
SUNNYNARULA182thnx ... guess i will try 9.10 and see07:05
VanessaEwith a good heat sink, 34C is about right for idle.,07:05
ValentinaIt has got a fan that I bought to be very quiet (don't remeber it's name) but I think it's rathe roverkill (bought it because the old one was making to much noice).07:06
VanessaEMy Athlon 64x2 3800+, for example, idles at 29C.07:06
JakeDustis there anyway to force udev to check again for all devices or something like that?07:06
agusjhow to use modem via hp? I usually used wvdial, but I didnot find it on karmic07:06
ValentinaVanessaE: I have a manual fan control on the cable that I have set to the lowest to keep the fan as quiet as possible.07:07
JakeDustmy external hdd turns itself off after some time, and now it is only recognized as sdd. even my other usb stick isn't working, it is just sde07:07
ValentinaVanessaE: It's a rather new fan and a rather old processor, single core, I think.07:07
VanessaEValentina, that's fine for testing, but if you're gonna load that box down, you need to let the fan run as fast as it needs to, especially if you're going to put it in a closet or so07:07
AbsenthSysInfo: Linux 2.6.31-14-generic |  Dual Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU Z520   @ 1.33GHz 800.000 MHz | Bogomips: 4963.78 | Mem: 698/993M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 107.24G Free: 85.82G | Procs: 131 | Uptime: 3 hrs 59 mins 34 secs | Load: 4.45 4.06 3.49  | Vpenis: 74.7 cm | Vboobies: 46G | Screen: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 07) @ 1366x768 (32 bpp) | wlan0: In: 77.77M Out: 3.47M07:08
Absenthgah.  sorry07:08
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, but do I really have the load of 0%?07:08
VanessaEYep, you're idle.07:08
MouseawayWell Absenth g2g07:08
VanessaEso the last thing to check is to hold your hand very close to the system chipset for a few seconds - see if it's running hot or not.07:08
VanessaE(I suspect it'll be warm but not hot, in which case the "temp2" reading is probably a little off)(07:09
xiongHow is Koala working out for people on chan?07:09
Blue1i am truly blessed -- found my 32 bit 9.04 install disc!07:09
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, the server will do some work in the future, then I can just keep on watching the sensors info and the top values, right?07:09
VanessaEValentina, yup.  As long as you don't crack more than maybe 50 degrees on the CPu temp, you'll be fine.07:10
ValentinaVanessaE: Will it really turn on fire, wouldn't the computer shut down if it get to hot?07:10
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok.07:10
skullboxanyone here know how to discover flash radio addresses?07:10
VanessaEbut first, you need to get in there and actually see if things are running close to what the numbers suggest, even if it's just holding a finger near a chip07:10
gasullCan anybody help me to configure Mobile Broadband in Network Connections?07:10
VanessaEnaw, it'll just shut down if it's an AMD07:11
VanessaEif it ain't too old I mean07:11
ValentinaVanessaE: How do I know what values in sensors are processor and system temp?07:11
ValentinaI got two, how to know which one are processor?07:12
ValentinaVanessaE: temp1:       +34.0°C  (high =  +0.0°C, hyst =  +0.0°C)  ALARM  sensor = thermistor07:12
ValentinaVanessaE: temp2:       +45.5°C  (high = +80.0°C, hyst = +75.0°C)  sensor = diode07:12
VanessaEValentina: you have to kinda guess at it07:12
VanessaEeasiest way to tell is to load the machine down07:12
VanessaEdo something that eats CPU07:13
VanessaEsee which one goes up the fastest.07:13
VanessaEthat'll be the CPU temperature07:13
ardchoillecompile an app07:13
Blue1Valentina:  cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep name07:13
VanessaEBlue1, I think she means which of the two "temp" labels is really the CPU07:15
VanessaEit varies from one system to another.07:15
Blue1VanessaE: ahh I don't know - I don't know how to monitor cpu temps in linux07:15
ValentinaBlue1: model name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 3.06GHz07:16
connari have issues in mounting a NTFS partition in Ubuntu 8.0407:16
VanessaEon mine, "temp1" is the chipset, "temp2" is the CPU, and "temp3" is the "system" temp (ambient air temp, maybe)07:16
x_hi everybody can i get help regarding evloution here07:16
connarcan any1 pls help me out?07:16
ValentinaVanessaE: Yeah, I will have to see if the CPU temp will increase when the server is working.07:16
VanessaEValentina, it will.  The question is by how much07:17
ltspadminwhat is dbus-demon07:17
connari m not able to mount a NTFS partition in Hardy heron07:17
VanessaEunder normal circumstances, a chip should idle close to 30-35C, and full load close to 45-50C depending on the processor, heatsink, and fan combo07:17
ltspadminand ubuntu take a time for logout in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp server07:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evoloution07:18
Ro-saits gonna be me07:18
ValentinaVanessaE: Yeah, I will have to follow the values.07:18
Blue1VanessaE: how do you monitor the temp any way - what programme does that?07:18
VanessaEmine idles at 29C, does full load at around 46C, and shuts down at 70C.07:18
klugedi have one computer with ubuntu/samba running, and another with the latest kubuntu installed, but i can't figure out how to get to my samba share from my kubuntu comp..could anyone point me in the right direction?07:18
VanessaEBlue1, I use wmtemp07:18
VanessaEit uses the lm-sensors package07:18
Ro-saidont know07:18
connari m not able to mount a NTFS partition in Hardy heron07:18
Blue1VanessaE: I'll give it a try07:18
connarny1 listening?07:19
Ro-saoh ya???07:19
ValentinaVanessaE: Will it shudown automatically or will I have to set that in some way?07:19
VtecCan anyone here please teach me how to make a bootable usb flash drive? I have the .iso image and a 3.2GB flash drive07:19
VanessaEValentina, depends on the CPU - mine shuts down automatically, independent of the OS I think07:19
VanessaEI'd think that 4 GHz celery would to the same07:20
chris231989vtec: get unetbootin07:20
Vtechave you used it yourself before, chris231989?07:20
Blue1VanessaE: wmtemp doesn't work onmy machine -- got weird errors installing it...07:20
ValentinaVanessaE: What system temperature and processor temperature will be "dangerous" values? Like 70 Celcius degrees at CPU and like what temperature at system?07:20
VanessaEBlue1, such as?07:20
chris231989i've used the windows version not unix yet though07:20
VanessaEValentina, anything over 60 is getting into that "caution" zone07:21
VtecChris, same here07:21
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic07:21
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, both system and procesors?07:21
VanessaEget above perhaps 65 and you can say it's in the "danger" zone07:21
VtecAfter I let unetbootin do it's thing, it got stuck on the 10 second count down, do you know why?07:21
VanessaEoh, I dunno about the system temp, I'd say anything over 55 is grounds for concern.07:21
Blue1VanessaE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317573/07:21
jauntyjoeVanessaE: how to split a flac image file (one .flac file with many individual music tracks within) using an associated .cue file07:22
VanessaEbut this all depends on the design of the chip, the heat sink on it, and any fans.07:22
VanessaEblue: those aren't errors.07:22
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok, thanks for helping me out. Wouldn't it be the motherboar that controls when to shut down computer if CPU gets to hot?07:22
chris231989no idea07:22
VanessaEValentina, Not sure - I figured the CPU itself did that07:22
klugedhas anyone had success accessing files on a samba share from another ubuntu computer?07:22
VanessaEblue: try running the program, see what it displays07:23
VanessaEblue: but try "sensors" first.07:23
ValentinaVanessaE: Ok.07:23
Blue1VanessaE: let me look at the man and see if I understand that07:23
ltspadmingetting an error message in ubuntu 8.04 ltsp server " hcid[6255]: Can't connect to system message bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused07:24
Blue1VanessaE: no it just does nothing - the task is in the taskbar but nothing comes up - I don't understand what you meant by sensors07:24
VanessaEblue1: try typing the word sensors in a terminal07:25
Blue1VanessaE: okay07:25
Blue1VanessaE: ahh that worked07:25
VtecCan anyone here please teach me how to make a bootable usb flash drive? I have the .iso image and a 3.2GB flash drive07:25
marlun-workCAn someone give me some tips on why the hamster-applet is not showing the graphs. The numbers is moved just like the graphs was there but were transperant.07:26
VanessaEblue1: do you get several lines of info like voltages and temperatures and stuff?07:26
newbuntuhowzit, I require assistance07:26
marlun-workI've done apt-get build-dep hamste-applet but that didn't help.07:26
Blue1VanessaE: wow one is at 143F and the other at 141F07:26
newbuntumy sun virtual box doesnt allow my unbuntu to find my wireless lan card07:26
newbuntui realise this is a sun virtual box issue07:26
newbuntuhowever need some help and only the opensourced community guys are worth anything07:27
VanessaEblue1: that may be incorrect.07:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about XFree8607:27
jauntyjoeVanessaE, here you go: cuebreakpoints *.cue | shnsplit -o flac *.flac && cuetag *.cue `ls split-track*.flac` && lltag --yes --no-tagging --rename "%n - %a - %t" `ls split-track*.flac`07:27
VanessaEblue1: the default sensors3.conf fine has errors in the calculations used07:27
TuTUXGnewbuntu: you installed ubuntu in a virtual machine?07:27
Blue1VanessaE: :-/07:28
Dravekx_Whyyy cant i get an FTP working?07:28
Blue1Dravekx_: standalone or under xinetd?07:28
ubottuisolat3dsh33p: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:28
Dravekx_Blue1, Standalone07:28
Dravekx_I cant get it to connect at all07:28
ironsightwe haven't used xfree for ever?07:28
Blue1Dravekx_: which server are you running?07:28
freaky[t]how can I install the current stable gnome?07:29
Dravekx_Blue1, Ubuntu server 9.1007:29
Blue1Dravekx_: no something like vsftp....07:29
Dravekx_Blue, I installed vsftpd, it wont connect07:29
Blue1Dravekx_: can you pastbin your config file?07:29
Dravekx_sure :)07:29
skullboxanyone know of a url snooper like program for linux?07:30
VanessaEurl snooper?07:30
ironsightskullbox, there's probably something like that written in python out there somewhere (people go into #python all the time to code stuff like that)07:31
haldenskullbox: would that be something like wireshark?07:31
ValentinaVanessaE: Now it's running. The load is during execution of scripts: top - 08:30:54 up 43 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.18, 0.05, 0.0107:31
ValentinaVanessaE: And: Cpu(s):  8.3%us,  3.6%sy,  0.0%ni, 88.1%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st07:31
VanessaEValentina, that's a little better, but it needs more load.  Get that puppy up to 100% or close to it07:32
* VanessaE thinks..07:32
skullboxhalden, i believe wireshark might be able to accomplish it07:32
Dravekx_Blue1, http://pastebin.com/db976c5207:32
VanessaEI can't think of anything simple to drive the load up...07:33
VanessaEwait, a kernel compile will do07:33
VanessaEcan you do that?07:33
ValentinaVanessaE: This is the load it will be using though it would be nice to know what temperature will be when load is above 90%, I think.07:34
Dravekx_Blue1, I only want user authentification logins07:34
VanessaEValentina, we need to know what it07:34
Dravekx_via FTP07:34
Dravekx_but it keeps telling me it wont connect.07:34
Blue1Dravekx_: okay let me look07:34
VanessaEwhat it's like at high load, to get an idea of what temperature range the sensors program is going to report07:35
ValentinaVanessaE: Processor temp still being 35, didn't it increase at all?07:35
=== root is now known as Guest4577
ValentinaVanessaE: The processor temp increased from 34 to 35 during a ordinary execution of scripts.07:36
Blue1Dravekx_: I see a couple of things wrong07:36
VanessaEan increase of one or two degrees isn't enough of a test07:36
Dravekx_blue1, yes? what to change?07:36
VanessaEneed to do something that'll bump it up a good 5+ degrees to be sure07:36
mataks. i got this crappy noise in my audio after i upgrade to 9.10............. anyone?07:37
klugedi'm getting a 'Timeout on server' error when trying to connect to a smb server on an ubuntu server, from a kubuntu server.  any suggestions?07:37
VanessaE*but* all else being equal, if the machine is never going to be heavily loaded, you'll probably be fine as it stands now.07:37
Blue1Dravekx_: are you you have no anon root or secure root defined --07:37
Blue1let me pastebin mine --07:37
Dravekx_Blue1, i just want autheticated logins. no anonymous.07:39
Blue1Dravekx_: this is my config -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/317579/07:39
Balsaqwhich is "tap" key when trying to boot a ubuntu cd07:40
billybigriggertap key?07:40
Balsaqf2 f8 f12?07:40
ValentinaVanessaE: Yeah, I think so to. I'm not planning to load it much more than this so I think it will do. How do I load a machine to test how it will respond in the best way?07:40
Dravekx_Blue1, thanks... Im noting changes now.07:40
VanessaEValentina, best simple test is to build a kernel07:41
matakshelp pls i got this stuttering sound ..im using 9.1007:41
VanessaEthat'll tax the CPU and it'll give your disk and memory a good thrashing07:41
Blue1Dravekx_: mine is setup for anon ftp -- so if you're not using that - skip that section...07:41
ValentinaVanessaE: System temperature even seem to fall a degree or two during the process. :S07:41
VanessaEif you don't manage to crack 45 degrees during a build, you'll be fine07:42
JareVanessaE: why not use something like "stress" (apt-get install stress)?07:42
VanessaEthat's normal, CPU temp will rise and fall pretty dramatically at times.07:42
ValentinaVanessaE: Hm, well, I don't know much about building kernels.07:42
VanessaEstress!  THAT was the package I was thinking of!07:42
VanessaEthank you, Jare :)07:42
klugedBalsaq, is it next to the 'any' key?  :)07:42
Blue1Dravekx_: hang on a sec -- what ports do you have open in your router?07:43
ironsightI haven't built a kernel since... redhat 607:43
Balsaqi burned a ubuntu disk (1st time)...trying to make it boot?07:43
Blue1Dravekx_: ftp uses 2 ports -- 20 and 21 iirc07:44
Balsaqhow do i get this ubuntu cd to run?07:44
ironsightBalsaq, set your bios to look at cd before hard drive at bootup07:44
Guest4577Balsaq  how did you burn it07:44
Dravekx_Blue1, Im configuring it now. :)07:45
VanessaEBalsaq, (please change your nick, it looks offensive) - normally you just pop it in and reboot07:45
luckymuraliHi to all07:45
Balsaqa7 8x speed...chose iso image07:45
luckymuraliI am newbie07:45
kostkonmataks, try this. in a terminal: "alsamixer -Dhw" and lower the PCM volume level a little.07:45
FenrirReturnsWhat package provides section 2 of the man pages (System Calls)?  AlI have is intro07:45
luckymuraliIm having a strange problem07:45
Blue1Dravekx_: yes ports 20 and 21 need to be forwarded in your router, unless you have a direct connect (no router) you may still need to open those ports if you have a firewall enabled --07:45
luckymuralii have a file with iran encoding07:45
* VanessaE wanders off to bed07:45
BalsaqVanessaE sorry its my registered nick, the h is silent07:45
VanessaEgood luck with your box, Valentina.07:45
kostkonmataks, although, there is the possibility that PCM will reset to max everytime you reboot07:45
luckymuralii want to convert it to english07:45
luckymuralihow can i make it07:45
Guest4577did you use an image burner or just dragged and dropped it07:46
luckymuralithe characters displays is like '�����������������'07:46
Billiardluckymurali: google translator?07:46
Balsaqi used image ISO07:46
luckymuraliBilliard, for my file???07:46
Billiardluckymurali: well how long is it07:47
Guest4577then set bios to boot from cd first and reboot07:47
Balsaqok setting to cd07:47
matakskostkon, i lower it down .. and it lowers my volume also07:48
ndrofthelinehey everybody i'm trying to run an .exe from within an iso07:48
ndrofthelinehow do i do it?07:48
Billiardndroftheline: what is the exe for?07:48
ndrofthelineBilliard, it's for office 200307:48
ndrofthelineBilliard, its a trusted backup07:49
matakskostkon, still not working.. ..07:49
Billiardndroftheline: ok, have you installed wine?07:49
ndrofthelineBilliard, yep07:49
ndrofthelineBilliard, i have the iso mounted with the Archive Mounter07:49
Billiardndroftheline: ok07:49
freaky[t]hi all. how do i set up this simple file sharing: http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.26/ ? like so ppl can download files via http?07:49
kostkonmataks, ok07:49
Billiardndroftheline: what happens when you try to run the exe with wine?07:49
Blue1freaky[t]: yes07:50
ndrofthelineBilliard, well nothing. i right-click, click Run with Wine, and nothing happens.07:50
Dravekx_Blue1, what are you using for FTP?07:50
luckymuraliBiliard its around 2.2 GB07:50
ustunhow does one enter the scrollback buffer in ubuntu? The usual C-a ] doesn't work07:50
Dravekx_client side?07:50
ustunI'm using the screen profiles package07:50
ndrofthelineBilliard, not even a spike in cpu usage, which i'm monitoring07:50
Blue1Dravekx_: client side - filezilla07:50
luckymuraliBiliard, its around 2.2 GB07:50
Balsaqgeez..cant even get into bios?07:50
Billiardndroftheline: try mounting the cd without using archive mounter07:50
freaky[t]Blue1, i mean, how? atm it only displays file sharing over shares .. but not the http options etc.?07:50
Blue1Dravekx_: ncftp works will took07:50
Billiardndroftheline: iso rather07:50
Dravekx_Blue1, Could not connect to server  <<< filezilla.. hm. something isnt right07:50
ndrofthelineBilliard, yeah i was going to do that but i wanted to learn more about archive mounter07:51
Rishab_hello every one07:51
Guest4577ustan  ctrl-alt up07:51
ndrofthelineBilliard, do you kow if it actually mounts it on a mount point somewhere in the filesystem or is it just instantiated in the program?07:51
Blue1Dravekx_: what about your port settings?07:51
Guest4577ctrl-shift up maybe07:51
Billiardndroftheline: yeah not really sure, it might not be actually be mounted somewhere07:51
Dravekx_on the server?07:51
Dravekx_or on the router?07:51
mircoHi all, I'm running 8.04.3 as xen server on a SunX4150 and since last week I've a pciback problem... The DomU see's the device but doesnt load modules!!!07:51
Rishab_can some one tell me how to get the history for the last packages i installed in ??07:51
Rishab_using repo...07:52
Dravekx_Blue1, the router has 20 & 21 open for FTP07:52
ndrofthelineBilliard, yeah i'm afraid that's how it is. which sucks. why the hell didn't they just make archive moutner put it on a mount ponit?07:52
Blue1freaky[t]: well if you want them to download files you need something like bitorrent or ftp07:52
Dravekx_Im not sure about the server07:52
Guest4577Billard try manual mount using loopback07:52
freaky[t]Blue1, no i mean this feature from gnome07:52
Blue1Dravekx_: and forwarded to the right ip?07:52
freaky[t]Blue1, where u can simply share files via http eg.07:52
BilliardGuest4577: im not the one having troubles07:52
Blue1freaky[t]: not fam with that sorry...07:52
freaky[t]ok anyone else?07:53
Dravekx_Blue1, i can login via localhost, so its something with the server07:53
Blue1Dravekx_: let me look at that again....07:54
lianimatorWhy is opening a pdf so slow in karmic??07:54
ActionParsniplianimator: what viewer?07:54
mneptokDravekx_: are you expecting random users to access this? anonymous users?07:54
Dravekx_Blue1, http://pastebin.com/d7808063e07:54
Guest4577how big is the pdf and how slow is your comp07:54
klugedso...anybody a samba expert?  i'm not able to get to a samba server from another ubuntu computer07:54
lianimatorActionParsnip: I've tried every viewer I could find in the Software Center, evince is especially slow07:55
Dravekx_mneptok, no. I need ftp access for some file installs that require FTP.07:55
Blue1Dravekx_: omw (on my way)07:55
ActionParsnipkluged: i'm ok with it07:55
ndrofthelineBilliard, yeah it works fine if the iso is mounted normally.07:55
ActionParsniplianimator: try renaming the evince config folder then rerun so you get stock settings07:55
mneptokDravekx_: SFTP won't work?07:55
ndrofthelineBilliard, thanks07:55
Billiardndroftheline: ok07:55
Dravekx_mneptok, no, they dont support SFTP07:55
Dravekx_FTP only07:56
mneptokgood lord. it's 2009.07:56
Dravekx_almost 201007:56
satmonsterthis is by far the busiest chat I have seen :-)07:56
ActionParsnipnot according to some religions, Dravekx_ ;)07:56
indusyeah 1500 users these days , was around 1200 users some time ago07:57
Rishab_can some one tell me how to get the history for the last packages i installed in my ubuntu 8.04 using repo..??07:57
satmonsterlooks like open source is alive and well ;-)07:57
Blue1Dravekx_: have you looked in the progamme output log /var/log/vsftpd.log07:57
Dravekx_blue1, looking now07:58
ActionParsnipRishab_: you could look in /var/cache/apt/archives and check the access / modified dates07:58
Blue1Dravekx_: that might give us a clue...07:58
Guest4577rishab  look in apt folder for logs07:58
klugedActionparsnip: it's more networking issue i guess.  i type smb://servername but get a timed out response07:58
Blue1or dmesg07:58
ActionParsnipkluged: can you ping the name?07:58
ActionParsnipkluged: if not then DNS is failing and you will either need to add an entry in /etc/hosts or use the IP07:59
Dravekx_Fri Nov 13 00:25:50 2009 [pid 1] [dravekx] OK LOGIN: Client07:59
ValentinaVanessaE: The package stress to increase the load of CPU?07:59
lianimatorActionParsnip: tried that.. and still slow07:59
sejoare /9907:59
klugedcool, thanks.  i'll try that out07:59
Blue1Dravekx_: how are you testing outside your lan?07:59
ActionParsniplianimator: thats all I got, works ok here on my POS desktop07:59
satmonsterhow can you tell if someone is running a bot here..07:59
lianimatorActionParsnip: this particular pdf is exported from powerpoint 2007.. with some background and graphics. also, it shows in [Compatibility Mode]08:00
ActionParsniplianimator: try remove --purgeing it, then delete the config folder, then reinstall fresh08:00
Dravekx_Blue1, Im on WAN and logging into the IP.08:00
Blue1Dravekx_: okay08:00
ActionParsniplianimator: ahh have you tried a different file?08:00
Dravekx_blue1, idk.. this is weird. lol08:00
ActionParsnipsatmonster: they are, theres 208:00
Blue1Dravekx_: indeed08:01
klugedActionParsnip, yea i can ping it08:01
lianimatorActionParsnip: yes, other files with just text works fine. even those in Compatibility Mode without any graphics. I think it's the background graphics that's slowing it down08:01
satmonsteryeah cuz some stuff don't make sense.  lol08:01
ActionParsnipkluged: by name or just IP?08:01
klugedlol, how do i stop a ping?08:01
klugedby name08:01
ActionParsnipkluged: ctrl + c08:01
klugedaaah, shoot wait a sec08:01
Rishab_ActionParsnip in that location I could see some 100's of packages08:01
induskluged: ctl c08:01
Blue1Dravekx_: wait I think I spotted something08:01
ActionParsnipRishab_: then you will need to look at the access dates and created times08:02
Rishab_Guest4577 and that I could not find08:02
indusanyone know any channels on networking?08:02
Dravekx_Blue1, http://pastebin.com/d3096e195 These ports are open08:02
klugedit may be related to that these two computers have the same name... :P08:02
ActionParsnipRishab_: when you have done what you need to do, i suggest you run: sudo apt-get clean    to empty that out to save space08:02
klugedi'm setting up the second as a replacement08:02
Blue1Dravekx_: you have no router then?08:03
Dravekx_blue1, thats on the router08:03
ValentinaWill the hard drive temperature be an issue? And how do I check hard drive temperature in Ubuntu Server?08:03
=== Julia is now known as Guest6592
klugedso rather, i'm only pinging myself :(  *blushes*08:04
Rishab_ActionParsnip Thx I never did that >>08:04
klugedhow do i type a message directly to someone in irc?08:04
ActionParsnipValentina: sensors may doit if the sensor on the motherboard is seen08:04
Blue1Dravekx_: this looks funny - # Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data). # connect_from_port_20=YES ftp_data_port=21 listen_port=21 #08:04
ActionParsnipRishab_: yeah you're gonna get a lot of free space, but dont do it yet08:04
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ActionParsnipRishab_: or you cant look at the file timestamps08:04
ActionParsnipRishab_: you may find an apt log in /var/log08:05
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Blue1Dravekx_: mine looks like this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/317596/08:06
mircoNo one in here using Xen with pciback?08:06
Blue1Dravekx_: your's looks like this:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/317597/08:07
jauntyjoemine looks like: #!crash! boom! bang!08:07
klugedok, changed my computer's hostname and now can ping both08:08
Dravekx_Blue1, fixed.08:08
Blue1Dravekx_: what was it?08:08
ActionParsnipkluged: ok try: smbtree servername08:08
Dravekx_blue1, no.. I fixed the config to look like yours. lol08:09
Blue1drave welll good luck I am heading off to bed now --08:09
ValentinaActionParsnip: Aha, ok, someone told me something about hdinfo?08:09
ValentinaActionParsnip: No, hddtemp, I mena.08:09
klugedmaybe i need to restart everything08:10
Blue1Dravekx_: you do a sudo service vsftpd restart after every change right?08:10
Dravekx_blue1, thanks man! I start the server, but its not listed as "LISTENING"08:10
ActionParsnipkluged: if you changed the hostname, you will08:10
Guest4577Rishab_  are you using synaptic cause it has a history under file08:10
Blue1Dravekx_: i think that's the problem08:10
klugedah.  the whole system?08:10
Dravekx_blue1, should i uninstall openssh?08:10
ActionParsnipkluged: if you run cmd.exe   on the windows side and run: hostname     it will tell you what it is08:10
Dravekx_maybe there 's a conflict08:11
Blue1Dravekx_: but I get a little loopy after midnight when I turn back into a pumpkin08:11
Blue1Dravekx_: no need for that...08:11
jauntyjoere-install winod.. ahh!08:11
Rishab_Guest4577 yes i do use the same..08:11
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Blue1Dravekx_: ftp uses ports 20-21, and ssh uses 22 --08:11
klugedThanks, i'm gonna reboot and will probably be back in a few08:11
PUKEIi love ubuntu08:11
jauntyjoeand assh usses 2308:11
Guest4577Rishab_ click file and the history to see what it will tell you08:12
Rishab_Guest4577 can you locate that file08:12
ActionParsnipBlue1: would you need to open 20 thosugh as that port is used by the server to send data so should be ok via NAT08:12
jauntyjoethe one higher08:12
Dravekx_blue1, go to bed man... lol.. ill play a little longer and see if i can figure it out.08:12
Blue1Dravekx_: if not we'll be here tomorrow08:12
Dravekx_Blue1, cool. me too.08:12
ActionParsnipjauntyjoe: TCP port 23 is telnet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers08:13
JakeDustPUKEI: สวัสดี!08:13
jauntyjoegood luck with whatever you pretending to do askholes :D08:13
MrObviousCan you disable IPv6 in the new version of Ubuntu?08:13
ActionParsnipMrObvious: sure08:14
jauntyjoeyah yeh08:14
MrObviousActionParsnip: Is it pretty easy? I know you couldn't in the last release so I went to another distro.08:14
Guest4577Rishab_  /var/log/apt/term.log08:14
Dravekx_What does this mean: 500 OOPS: cannot read config file: start ???08:14
* NineTeen67Comet wonders to self... Why the push for IPv6 if it's not going to be implemented? Or complicates things? .. Guess I need to Google it more cuz it's a pain right now ..08:14
ActionParsnipMrObvious: i'm guessing you use firefox, you should disable it there too08:14
jauntyjoekoala cheat codes. sorted :S08:15
ActionParsnipMrObvious: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/11/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-910.html08:15
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ActionParsnipMrObvious: that link has both the system and firefox configs covered08:15
MrObviousActionParsnip: Ok thanks. That actually is easy which is good.08:15
MrObviousActionParsnip: I was ticked that 9.04 didn't because it made the network badly laggy.08:16
ActionParsnipMrObvious: just some config files, nothing strenuous08:16
MrObviousYea ok.08:16
jepes28hi guys, need some help. I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 thru updates, after restarting I cannot login, after typing my password the splash displays then return to the login screen.08:16
ActionParsnipMrObvious: although I'm sure some dweeb will be all "There should be a gui for this". Makes me sick\08:16
MrObviousAh that's not too bad actually.08:17
MrObviousToo bad they couldn't just make a .deb though. :p08:17
hellyeahsleeping is a goog thing08:17
hellyeahit refreshes the brain08:17
ActionParsnipMrObvious: its so simple though but i get the joke ;)08:17
ActionParsniphellyeah: also releeases hormones to start body repairs08:17
jauntyjoedagnabbit, i might have to upgrade about a dozen gutsys to latest08:19
hellyeahrestart whole system in human being08:19
heywestI have add in medibuntu repository, but cannot update08:19
jauntyjoeis the upgrade path such a balls up?08:19
ActionParsnipheywest: can you use http://pastebin.com to give the output of; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade08:20
jepes28hi guys, need some help. I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 thru updates, after restarting I cannot login, after typing my password the splash displays then return to the login screen.08:20
Harold_parkerhi, does anyone know how to execute a binary several folders deeper than you are?08:20
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: use ./folder/folder/folder/binary08:20
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: the . means start from the pwd, you can omit it and start at /08:21
Harold_parkerActionParsnip it says permission denied, even though i have perms to execute it from its folder08:21
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heywestActionParsnip: always got GPG  key error08:22
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: i'd chown the file to you then, covers all bases :)08:22
Guest4577Harold check file permissions08:22
ValentinaIt won't be that hard to write a script that shut down the computer if the temperature messured by lm-sensors will reach above a specific value, would it? How do I do that the easiest way?08:22
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ActionParsnipheywest: sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring08:22
Harold_parkerits 777 and i own it :/08:22
ActionParsnipheywest: you have not completed the instructions in whatever guide you are using08:22
Dravekx_ok... I just deleted vsftpd.. gonna try one more time08:22
ESEDUmemory stick wont show up in /dev as sdb08:22
hellyeahGPG error is not important08:23
ValentinaIs it possible to add that to lm-sensors config file or shall I use som grep "" | shutdown -h 0 pipeline in a script?08:23
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ESEDUwhen try to mount it says device does not exist08:23
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: don't use 777, that will allow ANYONE to change the file (or replace it with a nasty one) and allow them to run it08:23
hellyeahheywest,  GPG error is not important08:23
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: 777 doesnt mean you own it at all08:23
Harold_parkerActionParsnip, thanks i know i'm just doing it now to be 100% sure08:23
hellyeahheywest,  you just need to add gpg key to system08:23
Harold_parkerActionParsnip, i know i do own it08:23
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: try: sudo chown $USER:$USER ./path/to/file08:23
Harold_parkerwhen i ls -l it shows me as the owner08:24
PietValentina: i think you'll need to write your own cron job08:24
heywesthellyeah: last time there are instruction to add in GPG key but now not there08:24
Harold_parkeroh well, thanks ActionParsnip. i'll continue to try08:24
Harold_parkernicxe name btw08:24
ActionParsnipheywest: the medibuntu-keyring will add the keys for medibuntu, you just have to allow the installer to install it unverified. which is fine as it will then be verified via the keys08:24
ActionParsnipHarold_parker: thanks :)08:24
PietValentina: but this is a DoS-vulnerability, if an external user can cause load to your system and make it go down this way.08:25
brijithHai All, I have a script that is to be run while my system boots, How to do that ????08:25
ActionParsnipheywest: if you pastebin the output we can give the commands to import all the GPG keys you forgot to add08:25
PietValentina: but then, if it's just your Desktop, remotely inflicted DoS is probably not an issue.08:26
hellyeahheywest, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=603492 check this08:26
PietValentina: in any case, you'll wannt to also08:26
BoohbahActionParsnip: is your name from Super Mario Bros 2?08:26
hellyeahheywest,  the answer is there08:26
ActionParsnipbrijith: add it in /etc/rc.local    put an '&' after the script so it doesnt hold up the system while it executes08:26
ActionParsnipBoohbah: its a harry hill joke08:26
PietValentina: ...fix the cause. I.e. find out what causes the overheating (broken fan? not enough fans? a broken device?)08:27
ActionParsnipBoohbah: lots of root veg in mario 2 though ;)08:27
brijithActionParsnip: what this command "update-rc.d" is for ...08:28
hellyeahwhat does i.e. mean08:28
BoohbahActionParsnip: yes, i was thinking of flying turnips :)08:28
astechgeekI made it Im here have no fear08:29
ActionParsnipheywest: yes run: sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring08:29
ActionParsnipheywest: allow the unverified installation, then it will all be smooth08:29
ESEDUActionParsnip: why does my memory stick not show up as sdb in /dev when i connect it, i cant find it, and when i use dmesg |grep -i scsi command, it says [sdb] attached scsi removable disk08:29
brijithActionParsnip: I think it does the same thing08:29
ESEDUActionParsnip: but still i cant mount it08:30
ActionParsniphellyeah: i.e. translates to "Id Est"  its synonymous with e.g.08:30
ActionParsnipESEDU: does the partition show in: sudo fdisk -l08:30
ValentinaPiet: I don't have any overheating at all. The thing is that I'm going to have a server up and going almoste every hour so i don't want it to burn down my house, therefore I'm planning to in someway let lm-sensors (by a script) check temp and eventually shutdown my server when temp reaches a value above my decided limit.08:31
ESEDUActionParsnip: only sda1, 2 and 5 and ada1 has a star beside it *08:31
ESEDUActionParsnip: if that means anyhing08:31
ActionParsnipESEDU: yes, you have 1 drive sda with a few partitions on08:32
ESEDUActionParsnip: ye, but the star, anyway08:33
ActionParsnipESEDU: if you copy some of the dmesg output (multiple lines are ok too) you can put them in a websearch to see what shows08:33
ESEDUActionParsnip: is my mmory stick one of these08:33
ActionParsnipESEDU: has the stick been in a windows system?08:33
ESEDUActionparsnip: yesterday it showed up fine, now nothing08:33
ActionParsnipESEDU: ok, did you remove it the proper way or just pull the device out of the system?08:34
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ESEDUActionparsnip: proprly, umount....08:34
ActionParsnipESEDU: with the safetly remove hardware program in the system tray?08:35
ESEDUi dont have gui08:35
ActionParsnipESEDU: on the windows system, you will do08:35
ActionParsnipESEDU: do you use the saftely remove hardware app in Windows or do you just rip the device from the system08:36
gehengwangESEDU: why?08:37
ValentinaPiet: But if the computer won't go down on DoS due to high temp then maybe the computer willl turn into fire instead?08:37
ESEDUgehengwang: im using ubuntu server08:38
ESEDUActionparsnip: i use remove saftly08:38
ActionParsnipESEDU: good, its important08:38
ESEDUActionparsnip: ok08:38
ActionParsnipESEDU: do other usb things work ok?08:38
gehengwangESEDU: oh ,i see08:38
ESEDUActionparsnip: printer does08:38
ActionParsnipok, I'd unmount and remove the device, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in, wait 10 seconds then run: dmesg | tail08:39
ActionParsnipESEDU: copy a few lines of the output and paste them into search engines, see what crops up08:39
gehengwangwho can tell me how to install ubuntu server edition from ubuntu os?08:39
ActionParsnip!info ubuntu-server08:40
ubottuPackage ubuntu-server does not exist in karmic08:40
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ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support08:40
Boohbahgehengwang: ubottu knows all08:40
klugedActionParsnip, i didn't solve it but at least got some kind of error to go by.  thanks for the hlep, i'm going to sleep..08:41
astechgeekall hail ubottu08:41
ESEDUActionparsnip: what am I suppsed to look at08:41
armenbare there ipv6 ubuntu mirrors?08:41
starcannonis there a way to have indicator-applet actually watch my evolution email? currently it only watches when evolution is already open, making it a bit of a moot point08:41
starcannonor I should say, my default setup is acting that way08:41
ActionParsnipESEDU: you will see the device being detected in the dmesg output, if it is reporting issues you can websearch for the output to find guides08:41
ActionParsnipstarcannon: do you use gmail?08:42
Boohbahstarcannon: how would the indicator-applet check evolution mail if evolution was not running?08:42
astechgeekman it really does take awhile to compile a kernel08:42
maxagazhow to use aptitude to update all my system except the kernel ?08:42
glicksexcuse me, how come when i try to switch to classical desktop on my netbook, it always pops up some error and switches back to the netbook view08:43
MenZa!pin | maxagaz08:43
ubottumaxagaz: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:43
ESEDUActionparsnip: no issues, just pretty standard stuff here i guess "write mode protect is off" "mode sense: 23 00 00 00" " Assuming drive cache: write trough" attached scsi removable disk" "attached scsi generic sg2 type 0"08:43
ActionParsnipESEDU: if you have a shared network folder you could output the dmsg output to a text file then use a desktop system to websearch08:43
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ESEDUActionparsnip: thats all08:43
Flannelmaxagaz: If you don't want to get kernel updates, just remove the linux-image-* packages that don't have versions in them.  Those metapackages are what cause your kernel to updae08:43
ActionParsnipESEDU: ok what is the output of: file /dev/sg208:43
* MenZa updates Flannel 08:43
PietValentina: if said computer is not a server in production, then forget about my DoS remark08:43
ESEDUActionparsnip: how do I check that, cat /dev/sg2?08:44
ActionParsnipESEDU: no, i gave the exact command08:44
ActionParsnipESEDU: file /dev/sg208:44
colloguyxmodmap -e 'keycode 133 = Control_L' should map some button to the left control action, right?08:44
starcannonActionParsnip, I have my own mailserver, Boohbah, I had assumed that the notifier had the bits and pieces it needed to check the status of the inbox, otherwise whats the point?08:45
maxagazFlannel, i just want to prevent my system from installing new kernel08:45
ESEDU"file of directory does not exist"08:45
MenZastarcannon: Sounds like you might want something that queries your server directly.08:45
maxagazFlannel, i thought aptitude safe-upgrade would do it08:45
ActionParsnipstarcannon: gotcha, my suggestion is pointless then08:45
swtaarrsafter a recent update, my laptop's touchpad loses all of the configuration information when I restore from suspend (in karmic).  has anyone else run into this?08:45
starcannonMenZa yes exactly08:45
ActionParsnipstarcannon: what I do is have evolution alltrayed so it runs in the system tray and out of the way08:45
Boohbahstarcannon: like a mail client...08:45
maxagazMenZa, there's no easier solution for the kernel ?08:45
MenZamaxagaz: See what Flannel said08:46
starcannonActionParsnip, that what I'll do then08:46
Boohbahstarcannon: so what is wrong with running evolution in the tray? memory usage?08:46
ESEDUActionParsnip: /dev/sg2: ERROR: cannot open /dev/sg2 (no such file or directory)08:46
ActionParsnipstarcannon: if you used gmail you can run gmail-notifier08:46
starcannonBoohbah I think you understand my intention, no point in pointing out the obvious any longer. I'm not looking for troll wars08:46
ActionParsnipESEDU: bah, then ive no idea man, sorry08:46
starcannonActionParsnip nod, that'd be easy enough as well08:47
ESEDUActionParsnip: thanks anyway :)08:47
Boohbahstarcannon: i don't understand, oh well.08:47
* MenZa compiled gnome-gmail-notifier today; finds it better than the packages currently provided in the repos.08:47
chrisbschwFlannel: Well, you can uninstall them that way, but won't they reappear once you reload? How can you prevent them from being installed with the automatic updates?08:47
Flannelchrisbschw: What do you mean?  reload what? and what automatic updates are you talking about?08:47
chrisbschwFlannel: Sorry, the kernel. You said 'remove linux-image-*' to stop the kernel from updating.08:48
ValentinaPiet: Well, it's a home-server but it will be going a lot of hours a day.08:48
Flannelchrisbschw: No, I said remove the linux-image-* that don't have version numbers in them (such as linux-generic, linux-image-generic, etc)08:48
maxagazMenZa, Flannel, it won't be automatically reinstalled by another dummy package like ubuntu-server ?08:49
Flannelchrisbschw: Those packages (well, linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic) depend on the current kernel, so when they get updated, you get a new kernel version.  If you didn't have those, you wouldn't.  That's how the kernel gets 'updated', even though a new package gets installed08:49
chrisbschwFlannel: Remove them from where? :) You mean uncheck them every time the update thing pops up, or `aptitude remove linux-generic`?08:49
Flannelchrisbschw: no, I mean uninstall them from your system via your favorite package manager08:49
MenZamaxagaz: I honestly don't know; I think Flannel has more expertise on this particular point.08:49
Flannelmaxagaz: no metapackages will depend on the kernel packages08:50
rleeMy mouse keeps shooting off to the corner of the screen at random times, is this known, or is it due to some IR interference?08:50
astechgeekis your mouse a trackball mouse?08:50
Flannelmaxagaz: (well, except the kernel ones).  ubuntu-desktop, etc don't08:50
glickshey is there a way to make the desktop larger then the physical screen so that it scrolls when you move your mouse to the edge?08:50
rleeNo, it's an IR mouse... kind of cheap, like one of those $3 dollars one08:51
maxagazMenZa, Flannel, thanks08:51
astechgeekyou could take a qtip and clean the optical sensor08:51
kostkonBoohbah, i think it has something to do with the evolution devs not wanting to do it08:51
ActionParsnipglicks: you can use a virtual screen size in xorg.conf and you will get that08:52
RenatoSilvamy internet coonnection is slow in kubuntu virtual box, how to fix it?08:52
rleethanks astechgeek, i'll try that08:53
ActionParsnipRenatoSilva: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100238408:53
ActionParsnipRenatoSilva: i'd also ask in #vbox08:54
U-b-u-n-t-uI am trying to make ktorrent my default torrent program in swiftfox any idea where its located?08:55
kartookneed to help i need to remove the compiz ... including config and all08:56
kartookhow can i remove08:56
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: is there not  setting under edit -> prefs   where you can set the program associated with different file types?08:56
ActionParsnipkartook: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz*; rm -rf ~/.compiz; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove08:57
U-b-u-n-t-uActionParsnip, when I go to download the torrent it asked me to browse to find a program to open it I am asking where ktorrent is08:57
kartookthanks i am going to start now08:57
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: oh sorry, if you open a terminal and run: which ktorrent      it will tell you08:57
kartookcan i ast the erroes here08:58
U-b-u-n-t-uActionParsnip, what?08:58
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: open a terminal, type the command: which ktorrent     the system will tell you08:58
U-b-u-n-t-uI didnt know the which ***** command08:58
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: had to type the exact same thing to you twice, but we got there08:59
ValentinaActionParsnip: There is an option in Nautilus when you right click on a file and then Properties and a tab called "Open with" that let you choose program to open files with by default.08:59
U-b-u-n-t-uI didnt know which was a command08:59
U-b-u-n-t-uI thought it was part of the sentence08:59
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: thats why i use ':' to differentiate sentance from command, its also why I add a big space so the end of the command is clear08:59
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:00
ActionParsnipValentina: i thought that was standard09:00
kartooki need to enableth fire effort while closing .. i am using ubuntu 9.04 64 bit ... which pplugin i need on compiz ?09:00
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KalessinHello, I have installed Karmic everything works but I have a problem : when compiz is on I loose *every* keyboard shortcuts09:01
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ValentinaActionParsnip: There is such an option in Nautilus in my Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 when I right click on a file and choose Properties.09:01
ActionParsnipkartook: run: ccsm      and in the search box (top left) search for fire09:01
U-b-u-n-t-uActionParsnip, if you had said open the terminal and type "which ktorrent" it would have been clear to me09:01
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eXeC001erPlease help me. I need /etc/apt/sources.list from Ubuntu 8.10.09:01
ActionParsnipU-b-u-n-t-u: gotcha09:01
kartooki need to fire while close09:01
U-b-u-n-t-ubut thanks!09:01
U-b-u-n-t-uworking perfectly now09:01
kartooknot for fire writing ?09:01
ActionParsnipeXeC001er: http://pastebin.com/f2f1318ac09:02
lordganeshi can't boot windows 7 from grub09:02
ktzkkhow can i browse xml format web page, using firefox?09:02
eXeC001erActionParsnip: from 8.1009:02
ActionParsnipeXeC001er: oh i see09:02
ActionParsnipeXeC001er: you will find most of those have intrepid repos as its stil supported09:03
ActionParsnipkartook: try searching for burn09:03
crud0xsome bady can help i try install egit plugint for eclipse and i can't download from the site09:03
kartookthanks i ill09:03
ActionParsnipkartook: make sure you have both compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and compiz-fusion-plugins-main installed09:04
lordganeshi can't boot windows 7 from grub09:04
glickshey does anyone here use chrome?09:04
PietValentina: as long as you can ensure both good cooling with the server and in the area surrounding the server, no overheating shuld occur. But if you cannot, your strategy looks like a good way to go.09:04
kartooki am searching on te eGoogle dude09:04
Bear10Where can I get a copy of rgb.text to but in my X11R6 folder?09:04
glicksand how does it stack up to ff09:04
sllideis there a boost 1.39 package?09:05
sllidei cant find one :/09:05
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lordganeshi have ubuntu and xp first ..then i installed windows 7 .then i installed grub from live cd .. but it can't boot windows 709:06
PietValentina: if the server does not have a BMC/LOM nor is attached to a network accessible power strip, and you want to be able to power it up again remotely, keep in mind that you could also use wake on lan or wake on (modem ring), but make sure you can also trigger this from within your own/local network.09:06
ActionParsnipglicks: works great, uses waaaay less ram even under flash, ff is one of my least liked browsers09:06
ktzkkdoes anyone can browse xml format webpage using firefox ?09:07
katakbutaactually guys..how do we kill all pid of processes that contain "-port 55555" in ps aux?09:07
glicksso chrome would prolly be better on my netbook eh?09:07
glicksdoes chrom have adblock and stuff like ff?09:08
ActionParsnipglicks: I cant tell you that, try it yourself and test09:08
ActionParsnipglicks: not sure, i dont use that stuff09:08
katakbutaps aux | grep -v grep | grep "-port 55555" <-- kill all this processes09:08
ActionParsnipglicks: my guess is no as its fairly new, i'm not overly sure though as I havent looked into that stuff09:08
eXeC001erHow can I find out what version my UBUNTU?09:10
ActionParsnipeXeC001er: lsb_release -a09:11
eXeC001erActionParsnip: thanks09:11
gehengwangwhere can i find my hardware drivers information ?09:11
gehengwangi mean    some file09:12
KalessinI have a problem on karmic, when compiz is on I loose every keyboard shortcuts, any hint ?09:12
lordganeshis there anybody to help this my fourth time09:12
lordganeshi have ubuntu and xp first ..then i installed windows 7 .then i installed grub from live cd .. but it can't boot windows 709:12
kartooki think this will work fro me09:13
kartooksudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-namager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and compiz-fusion-plugins-main09:13
ActionParsnipKalessin: compiz has its own keyboard gumf which may conflict09:13
kartooksudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-namager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main09:13
induslordganesh: hi09:13
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Pietkatakbuta: for pid in $(ps aux | grep -v grep | awk '/-port 55555/ {print $2}'); do kill $pid; done09:13
KalessinActionParsnip, I understand that but compiz shortcuts doesn't works either09:13
induslordganesh: which version of ubuntu?09:13
ActionParsnipkartook: there used to be an unsupported plugin pack as well with some nice effects, like sonw, but it doesnt appear to be in karmic yet09:14
lordganeshindus: 9.1009:14
KalessinI mean for example with alt+click I can't move a window09:14
ActionParsnipKalessin: i'd ask in #compiz09:14
katakbutaPiet: thanks ;)09:14
induslordganesh: so you have windows 7 and ubuntu? also xp?09:14
ActionParsnipKalessin: compiz breaks stuff like that good09:14
kartooki am using ubuntu 9.04 64 bit09:14
kartookmy wife love to see this effect09:14
kartookbut now its not worknig09:14
lordganeshindus: no i replace windows 7 instead of xp09:14
kartookneed to clean and reinstall09:14
ActionParsnipkartook: you need to install and configure video drivers to get the effects09:15
induslordganesh: hmm so do you see windows 7 option in boot menu09:15
kartookAll drivers are done09:15
Pietkatakbuta: but note that the string your grep for could be anywhere within the 'ps aux' output. so a script called ~/bin/foo-port\ 55555 would match, too09:15
kartookand i have 1 Gb video drivers09:15
kartookhow to search and remove the all related compiz files09:15
kartookcommand i need09:15
lordganeshindus: no i see previous menu with windows xp in boot options09:16
kartookfrom all the drivers config,installed hiddenfiles09:16
kartooki an very new to this09:16
induslordganesh: which live cd do u have09:16
ActionParsnipkartook: sudo apt-get --purge remove compiz*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; rm -rf ~/.compiz09:16
induslordganesh: do you have an older one?09:16
lordganeshindus: 9.1009:16
ActionParsnipkartook: if you dont have 3D accelleration, you won't get compiz09:16
lordganeshindus: i have older one too09:16
induslordganesh: ok what steps did you do with live cd to repair grub09:16
kartooki have 3 D enabled09:16
kartooknvida 1 GB09:17
kartooki can see the Cube and all09:17
ActionParsnipkartook: good09:17
induskartook: sudo apt-get remove --purge compiz09:17
ActionParsnipkartook: nice, nvidia is super supported09:17
kartookonly matter i need to enable the if i close the windows thats should burn09:17
lordganeshindus: i followed this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows09:17
ValentinaPiet: Well, thanks for advice. I'm will be able to manually restart the server if it shuts down. I have to take that chance. I just don't want my apartment to burn down. Therefore I was thinking of a way to shut the server down if it is getting to hot.09:17
kartooknow iam mremoved all09:18
kartookno compiz09:18
ActionParsnipkartook: if the plugin isnt in the packs then you will need to find out another way to install it09:18
kartookwhat is the way ?09:18
induslordganesh: thats for old grub, you need the older live cd for that09:18
kartookjust type the full line all installables what i need for that09:18
ActionParsnipkartook: whomever packaged the plugins obviosly removed it09:18
kartooklike sudo apt-get install .......?09:18
induslordganesh: boot with older live cd,and follow some steps09:18
ActionParsnipkartook: how do you mean?09:19
lordganeshindus: then what is way for new grub09:19
kartookcan i run this command now09:19
kartooksudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-namager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and compiz-fusion-plugins-main09:19
induslordganesh: screw new grub, ill help you restore with old one09:19
kartookany thing need to Add on this09:19
ActionParsnipkartook: sure09:19
starcannonburn is standard for compiz, and can be enabled using compizconfig-settings-manager available by that name in Synaptic Package Manager.09:19
ActionParsnipkartook: that will give you compiz09:19
induslordganesh: ok with new grub, just run sudo grub-install /dev/sda09:19
kartookwhat about the fire effect09:20
induslordganesh: did you try?09:20
kartookE: Couldn't find package compizconfig-settings-namager09:20
kartookhaa error09:20
lordganeshindus: should i try from live cd09:20
induslordganesh: yes09:20
PietValentina: pretty much all computers nowadays will power off themselves if they overheat.09:20
induslordganesh: i suggest using old grub09:20
ActionParsnipkartook: you can't type09:20
ActionParsnipIts: compizconfig-settings-manager09:21
ActionParsnipnot: compizconfig-settings-namager09:21
induslordganesh: ok first lets try with new, boot 9.10 live cd09:21
PietValentina: but of course it's better to do it by software and have a clean shutdown.09:21
ActionParsnipnamager isnt even a word ;)09:21
suigenerishow do I burn an ISO using the command line?09:21
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto09:21
starcannonack sorry for the typo09:21
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: wodim09:21
kartookcan i try from synaptic manaer09:21
kartookmanager *09:21
lordganeshindus: tell me all deatailed step , because i have to boot on same pc09:22
ValentinaPiet: Yeah, I hope so, just wanted to be sure it really will adding a script that also will make the computer shutdown.09:22
PietValentina: Assuming you have your lm-sensors configuration well tuned for your hardware, you could just have a cron job run every 5 minutes (or even less) to run sensors and grep for 'ALARM', and shutdown in the event that you find this word.09:22
starcannonkartook thats likely the best place to start09:22
induslordganesh: hmm09:22
ActionParsnipkartook: if you wish, it will achieve the same end, command line is just quicker09:22
induslordganesh: boot live cd and come back here09:22
kartooki wish09:22
starcannonAnyone here know an active vintage audio channel?(I know off topic, but I'd really like to find one with people in it)09:23
induslordganesh: ok nvm write this down then09:23
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ActionParsnipkartook: sure it is, you dont have to load a silly gui, yu can just get on with installing whats needed09:23
induslordganesh: this is for older live cd09:23
kartookany way i started installation09:23
kartooklet we see09:23
Dravekxi cant get vsftpd to start09:23
ValentinaPiet: Yeah, I guess. I have red some info about that kind of script doing that. The problem is I already having ALARM probably due to the config settings. But if I only get the last line of sensors command output then I will get the system and processors temp.09:24
induslordganesh: once booted, open a terminal and type sudo grub , then type find /boot/grub/stage1 , then enter this value in command root   (hdx,y), and finally setup  (hd0)09:24
kartookinstalling COmpiz-fusion-plugins-extra09:24
indusdont forget the space09:24
ValentinaPiet: Actually, this already says ALARM: temp1:       +35.0°C  (high =  +0.0°C, hyst =  +0.0°C)  ALARM  sensor = thermistor09:24
ValentinaPiet: Because of stupid default settings?09:25
ActionParsnipkartook: you need: compizconfig-settings-manager   the rest will be auto installed for youo as the manager is dependant on them09:25
kartookyeah its autoselected all09:25
kartookthanks once done iwi ll let you know09:26
kartookiam in 64kbps /sec09:26
kartookit wil ltake lot of time to complete09:26
DravekxOkay, fresh install of vsftpd... anyone want to give me a heads up on configuring? i cant get the damn program to start.09:26
ActionParsnipkartook: is it worth all this hasstle for some worthless eyecandy?09:27
ActionParsnipkartook: serious question09:27
suigenerisActionParsnip, do the options for cdrecord work for wodim too?09:27
kartookbecause of my wife09:27
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: not something ive used duder, have a play09:28
kartookshe need to see09:28
ActionParsnipkartook: see what?09:28
kartookmy home conenction was 12 mb/sec09:28
kartookbut thiis another place09:28
kartookjustfor dialup09:28
meatbunany1 have kindle? it is good? why not just read pdf on ur laptop?09:29
drenoHi, I am getting a 404 on darkstat09:29
drenocan anyone help09:29
sam__I finally got my USB wifi 160 thing to work under ubuntu but the signal only says like 19% under Windows it says 60%....anyone have any ideas? the internet works but its a bit stop start09:30
ActionParsnip!ot | meatbun09:30
ubottumeatbun: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:30
ActionParsnipsam__: maybe you need firmware09:30
sam__upgrade the firmware you mean?09:31
sam__for the usb device>ActionParsnip09:31
ActionParsnipsam__: you may, have a hunt around09:31
ActionParsnipsam__: its a file you need to put in your filesystem that gets loaded with the driver09:31
iaindaltonDoes Ubuntu have an officially blessed desktop search tool?  It seems Tracker is no longer included in ubuntu-desktop; has it fallen from favor?09:31
glicksim a little confused now...with ubuntu 9.10 theres effectively 4 different ways to install software now.  there is the Ubuntu store, add-remove programs, synaptic, and the commanline apt.  do we really need 4 ways to do the same thing? which method should i use?09:31
glicksand why are there 4 ways to do it?09:32
sam__Thanks for your help over the past few weeks ACtionParsnip....what a mission months worth of research and finally I have internet using USB wifi...w00t09:32
indusglicks: i dont think add/remove is there now09:32
ActionParsnipsam__: i try, thanks09:32
PietValentina: apparently so, since this very sensor is set to trigger an alarm for any value larger than +0.0°C09:32
dutchbuntuglicks: there is no method you should use, you can use wat best suits you09:32
drenoHi I am getting a 404 when I try to start darkstat09:32
klongglicks..theres always been a bunch of ways. use synaptic.09:32
PietValentina: if you just want to check one specific sensors' value, then grep/awk for its name, don't just rely on it to be in the last line of the sensors' output.09:32
dutchbuntuglicks: they are basically all different GUI's to the same back-end09:33
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iaindaltonglicks: there's nothing wrong with multiple tools. Some are more advanced. Even Windows does the same thing e.g. with tools for managing disks.09:34
kostkonglicks, 3. software center replaced add/remove09:34
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sam__I know alot of people have had similar problems with usb Wifi......on this page  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1150835 USER:excogitation posts a step by step guide and shows the list of Device IDs it works with. AND it works so bookmark it ubuntu helpers09:34
sam__Now to my next problem lol I'm trying to install the NVIDIA...run file download from the NVIDIA website but it says I have to close out of the X server how do that?09:35
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glicksis anyone running crypto disk on a netbook?09:36
glicksis it unbearably slow?09:36
starcannonsam_ have you tried the nvidia driver found in System>Administration>Hardware Drivers first? Thats the easies method09:36
sam__I know I do chmod + x file.run then ./file.run but how do I shut down the X server...?09:36
ActionParsnipsam__: does: gksudo jockey-gtk   not offer a driver09:36
iaindaltonsam__: try sudo gdm restart09:37
Guest57763broad band09:37
Guest57763i cant use in 9.1009:37
ActionParsnipsam__: i reboot to root recovery console and run it there, people advise gdm stop in here, both are ok09:37
YazzYhi guys09:37
ActionParsnip!details | Guest5776309:37
ubottuGuest57763: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:37
sam__<starcannon its not listed there, i have a g210 i think its a new something09:37
YazzYafter pugradign to karmic i lost my sound applet and i cannot add it to the panel as it's not on the list09:38
YazzYwhat is the name of this gnome sound applet?09:38
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sam__ActionParsnip> No it doesn't offer a driver but I know i have a NVIDIA Card09:38
ActionParsnipsam__: fair enough09:38
sam__its its a Geforce G21009:39
kostkonYazzY, it's not an applet anymore. but a tray app. do you have an notification area on your panel? do you have sound btw?09:39
YazzYkostkon: yes, i have sound09:39
Guest57763is there any one to help me09:39
starcannonsam_ after getting into a terminal (CTRL+ALT+F1 for instance) try the commands on this post: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8201262&postcount=509:39
Guest57763 am having ubuntu9.10 i have dsl connection but i cant use it in ubnntu 9.1009:39
YazzYand i dont have notigication area on my panel, kostkon09:39
kostkonYazzY, then you need to add it09:39
YazzYkostkon: i actually deleted my gnome profile and still, ity did not show up09:40
dutchbuntusam__: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-nvidia-graphics-drivers-190-42-in-ubuntu-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html09:40
kostkonYazzY, right click on your panel, add to panel and add the notification area applet09:40
YazzYkostkon: i have, and what now?09:40
cptbloodis there any x264 encoder except handbrake for ubuntu? with a gui?09:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about panelfix09:40
ActionParsnipcptblood: mencoder09:40
ActionParsnipcptblood: no gui though09:41
YazzYkostkon: how can notification area help me with the sound mixer applet?09:41
sam__I have a bad feeling about installing this driver, Someone told me cuz my chipset is new it might not work09:41
YazzYit's still not there09:41
ActionParsnipcptblood: could try winff    but if you websearch around youo can find mencoder commands you can use09:41
starcannonsam_ did Nvidia list it in the supported cards in the release notes at their website?09:41
kostkonYazzY, because it's not an applet anymore but a tray app thus, it should appear in your notif area.09:41
YazzYkostkon: it did not09:42
ageebanyone feel like helping with Ubuntu Software Panel?  i'm getting a shadow behind it i can't get to go away09:42
kostkonYazzY, hmm ok09:42
madrideiis que taaal?09:42
ActionParsnip!resetpanel | YazzY09:42
ubottuYazzY: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:42
kostkonYazzY, have other icons appeared in your notif area?09:42
dutchbuntu!es | madrid09:43
ubottumadrid: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:43
madridq coño dicees ee ee09:43
YazzYi said i already deleted my entile gnome profile and created a new panel and it's not working the way it used to...09:43
YazzYkostkon: nope09:43
ActionParsnipageeb: what if you switch to another desktop, then back09:43
Pietglicks: if you're referring to software block device encryption using dm-crypt + LUKS then it should not be inherently slow09:43
madridtu feo de cacaa09:43
ageebi'll try09:43
madridQue coño dices a mi in ispaniis ee09:43
madridpero quien soiis09:44
glicksdo i need swap space?09:44
ageebactionparsnip: oddly enough, the shadow is shown on all desktops09:44
glickson my netbook?09:44
starcannonsam_ looks like support was added for your card in the latest driver release, you "should" be good to go with that one09:44
madriden español gilipixiis09:44
kostkonYazzY, hmm. strange. you said that you deleted your gnome profile. What exactly did you do?09:44
ActionParsnipageeb: funky09:44
ActionParsnipageeb: running compiz?09:44
gehengwanghow to repair the result of doing "sudo rm -rf /"09:44
YazzYkostkon: deleted all the gconf, gnome* from my  ~, from .local and .config09:44
ageebactionparsnip: take a look at the last page of this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=16894bc1dfee2a9e09119c5fd42e8b46&t=222546&page=10709:44
madridcoño q te calles gran hjjo de la gran bretañaaaaa09:44
jauntyjoecan someone kick this asshat who goes by the name madrid?09:45
starcannongehengwang reinstall09:45
glicksand if so how much swap space shold i set aside09:45
ageebaction: yes - compiz09:45
kostkonYazzY, hmm ok09:45
madridq no me insutees cabroon09:45
ageebaction: if i turn off compiz shadow goes away09:45
ActionParsnipageeb: try switching to metacity then back to compiz (compiz really sucks)09:45
ageebaction: too new to linux to understand how...09:45
YazzYkostkon: i just ran gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel09:45
ActionParsnipageeb: press alt+f2 type: metacity --replace09:45
YazzYwhat happened it fsckd up my panel, rest it of course but there is still no sound mixer09:46
glickshow much swap space if any should i set up for my netbook?09:46
ActionParsnipageeb: then you can press alt+f2  and type  compiz --replace09:46
YazzYand i only can see one big red X09:46
starcannonActionParsnip: I agree, compiz is a pita, just not worth the resources it devours, nor the instability it leaves in it's wake09:46
kostkonYazzY, big red x? where?09:46
ActionParsnipglicks: how much ram do you have? and how much hard disk space?09:46
YazzYkostkon: in the panel09:46
dutchbuntuglicks: usually RAM times 209:46
glicksActionParsnip, it has 2 gigs ram09:46
ActionParsnipstarcannon: indeed09:46
YazzYkostkon: beside the qestion mark09:46
ageebaction: shadow is gone09:46
ActionParsnipageeb: cool09:46
YazzYah, kostkon , it's firefox icon09:46
kostkonYazzY, ah. it's just a broken launcher09:46
ActionParsnipglicks: how much disk space?09:46
YazzYor it supoppose to be it09:47
glicks160 gigs09:47
YazzYkostkon: yah09:47
ActionParsnipglicks: 2Gb is fine09:47
YazzYbut still no sound mixer09:47
glicksok thanks09:47
Toffehi all09:47
ActionParsnipglicks: the rule of thumb is 1xRAM for > 2Gb RAM, 2xRAM for < 2Gb RAM09:47
ageebaction: i spoke too soon09:47
starcannonActionParsnip: I use it for a party trick, then turn it off after everyone is done going "ohhhh! awwwe! cool!"09:47
Toffei need some help about zsh09:47
glicksActionParsnip, is there any particular location on the disk i should put it?09:47
ActionParsnipglicks: some dont even have swap as they never exceed their RAM09:47
zeyyou play assault cube?09:47
glicksnear the beginning of the disk?09:47
kostkonYazzY, are you sure that the the notification area applet was added on your panel successfully?09:47
glicksor near the end09:47
ActionParsnipglicks: doesnt matter09:47
ValentinaPiet: This script will do the trick? http://paste.ubuntu.com/317637/09:47
YazzYkostkon: i also got this error The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".09:47
cptbloodthx ActionParsnip, i'll check out winff09:48
ageebaction: i was still in metacity.  I think i just learned that none in visual enhancements=metacity09:48
YazzYkostkon: yes, it is there09:48
zeyi want to ask about ASSOUT cUB09:48
Toffecould anyone help me ?09:48
dutchbuntu!ask |Toffe09:48
ubottuToffe: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:48
YazzYkostkon: about says: Notification Area 2.28.009:48
crankyadminToffe, whats wrong?09:48
ValentinaPiet: I get the temperatures at temp1 and temp2 of lm-sensors output as 35.0 and 42.009:48
kostkonYazzY, ok09:48
ageebaction: once i switched back to compiz the shadow came back immediately09:49
Toffei would like to bind "2> /dev/null &"="&" in zsh, but I'm not sure how to do it09:49
starcannonglicks I generally chop up my disk 20gb for / (thats more than needed, but I install lots of crap just to try it), 2gb for Swap, rest to /home, I put them on the disk in that order myself, no problems at all; i've put swap at the end of the disk, and at the beginning, I see no noticable difference in speed in any of the 3 scenarios, so go with whats easy09:49
ActionParsnipzey: i can see they have a linux installer09:49
crankyadminToffe, bind to what?09:49
ActionParsnipzey: doesnt look bad for a 40Mb download09:50
glicksok, thanks starcannon09:50
zey@action : how to make LAN server09:50
kostkonYazzY, could you open a app that you know it puts an icon in the tray, i.e. in the notif area, e.g. pidgin?09:50
ActionParsnipzey: not sure, i only just heard of it when you said09:50
starcannonglicks btw, swap should be => amount of ram IF you want hibernate to work09:50
zeyHOW to make an assault cube LAN server???09:50
ActionParsnipzey: and tab complete nicks, it highlights the text09:50
ToffeI've tested     alias '&'='2> /dev/null &' , so that when I open a program, the errors aren't written in the bash09:50
UncleDWhat software do I need to login to my ubuntu server from Windows XP and see the "Windows" version of ubuntu rather than just the terminal prompt?09:50
Toffebut it doesn't work. I'm using zsh09:51
glicksstarcannon, so if i have 2 gigs ram, 2048megs of swap should work right?09:51
starcannonUncleD you mean like a remote desktop client?09:51
UncleDstracannon; yes thats excatly what i mean09:52
knoppiesglicks, you might want to leave some extra.09:52
UncleDstracannon i want to remote desktop from windows -> bunutu09:52
starcannonglicks yeah, make it 2096 to adjust for overhead and too help ensure that hibernate will work if you want it to09:52
crankyadminToffe, Don't use &, use AM and use alias -g AM='foobar'09:52
UncleDubuntu rather09:52
ActionParsnipzey: i think you just run a game and select HOST rather than JOIN09:52
WishingMasterhi guys, please check this link as I want to know how to change RWIN http://www.speedguide.net:8080/09:53
YazzYkostkon: yes, it's there09:53
starcannonUncleD TightVNC will do the job09:53
zeyaction : no, i cannot do it09:53
kostkonYazzY, hmm ok09:53
Toffeok, thank you. So I write, in .zshrc, alias -g AM='foobar' ?09:53
starcannonUncleD http://www.tightvnc.com/09:53
ToffeI'll try it now. Thank you09:53
UncleDstarcannon, do i need to install tightvnc server on my ubuntu machine?09:53
zeyi know if its should run assaultcube-server09:53
zeybut i don't know how to configure it09:54
ActionParsnipzey: their may be an option for dedicated server in the app. Have you tried that?09:54
starcannonUncleD nope, it already has a vnc server and client, just install that to your windows machine, I recommend NOT running it as a service on your windows machine, just start and stop it when you need it.09:54
WishingMasterActionParsnip, you gotta a moment ?09:54
ActionParsnipWishingMaster: sup09:54
crankyadminToffe, alias -g AM='2> /dev/null &'09:54
Toffeah ok09:54
UncleDstarcannon, ok what i'm saying is lets say my ubuntu server is ubuntu.com09:55
WishingMasterActionParsnip, i want you to have a look at this http://www.speedguide.net:8080/09:55
UncleDyour saying my ubuntu server is already running a vnc server?09:55
crankyadminToffe, then when you need it your-command-here AM09:55
starcannonUncleD heres a howto I wrote, I think it "should" get you setup they way you need to be http://www.mylinuxinstaller.com/Guides.html09:55
PietValentina: i see09:55
ActionParsnipWishingMaster: ok, do you use a router?09:55
WishingMasterActionParsnip, i have a usb 3g modem09:56
WishingMasterActionParsnip, i want to change RWIN09:56
ToffeThank's a lot09:56
ageebAction: got it figured out09:56
UncleDstarcannon that howto just shows how to install tight vnc09:57
ActionParsnipWishingMaster: i have no idea about this stuff dude. Why did you ask me rather than asking the channel?09:57
ActionParsnipageeb: always nice to hear a success story :D09:57
UncleDstarcannon my question is once ive installed tight vnc, how do i log into my ubuntu box with it09:57
r3zahi guys , how can i convert many svg file to png ?09:57
ActionParsnipr3za: install imagemagick09:57
ActionParsnipr3za: then you can run:   convert input.svg output.png09:57
crankyadminToffe, np09:57
WishingMasterActionParsnip, you have answered most of my issues in the past thats why i asked you09:57
ActionParsnipWishingMaster: ask the channel, if I know I reply. If not I don't09:58
sam__<ActionParsnip> I did what you said and it installed Sweet09:58
ActionParsnipsam__: nice09:58
indusActionParsnip: :)09:58
WishingMasterActionParsnip, okay09:58
glicksif running a netbook, should i turn on home folder encryption09:58
glickswhat kind of performance hit will that be on a netbook?09:58
llutzWishingMaster: http://fasterdata.es.net/TCP-tuning//linux.html09:58
glickswill it be noticably slower?09:58
starcannonUncleD run the TightVnc Viewer from the Windows Applications menu, make sure you have the vnc server turned on in Ubuntu (System>Preferences>Remote Desktop)09:58
=== DarK``__ is now known as DarK`
indusglicks:just remember, in case of your sytem not booting, it is impossible to recover it09:59
WishingMasterllutz, let me check that brb09:59
glicksindus, can i add that option later?09:59
starcannonUncleD there will be a wizard that will let you put in the url of your Ubuntu box when you run the TightVNC viewer client09:59
glicksand remove it as well?09:59
indusglicks: hmm yes i believe09:59
UncleDstarcannon: I it appears that I need to install vncserver on my ubuntu box though10:00
indusglicks: but i dont know how10:00
Dravekxso, 9.10 is crap????10:00
alkisgThere's a GUI tool for editing policy kit authorizations, what is its name? I can't remember... :(10:00
UncleDstarcannon because i hanvent setup vnc on my ubuntu box. ie. no password, no vnc server setup10:00
starcannonUncleD, it is already installed, you just have to enable it through System>Preferences>Remote Desktop10:00
UncleDthats what i was asking10:00
johe|workwill there be an dist-upgrade from LTS to the new LTS, next year?10:00
starcannonUncleD look up a ways hehe, you missed my previous post on it :)10:01
dutchbuntujohe|work: yes10:01
UncleDstarcannon: can i enable remote desktop remotely through the terminal prompt10:01
UncleDbecause im logged into my ubuntu server remotely right now via ssh10:01
UncleDim trying to set this all up remotely10:01
UncleDso that I can login to the actual machine10:01
ActionParsnipUncleD: you could always just configure the system via ssh10:01
starcannonUncleD you should be able to, that'd be a gconftool thing I'd think, or there are other ways of doing it; I have never tried that though10:02
UncleDwhere is it located10:02
xtermA friend of mine have spent several weeks of googling and reading to get 5.1 sound threw HDMI going on a atom330 based HTPC. I have also googled a bit on this and it seems as many have the same problem. Who owns this problem? Why is this a probem? Have anyone some input? Can you choose a better platform for a HTPC than atom330?10:02
ActionParsnipUncleD: or you could use X forwarding to enable the VNC service stuff10:02
alkisgFound it: polkit-gnome-authorization ==> but why isn't it installed in Karmic? Something changed?10:02
UncleDActionParsnip how10:02
WishingMasterllutz, well i have performed the steps mentioned in http://fasterdata.es.net/TCP-tuning//linux.html      and looking for steps to change RWIN10:02
Valentinaroot will always be able tu execute scripts without changing permissions, or am I wrong?10:02
FinnishI'm making animation in GIMP, in Gif. Everything else ok, but why are my pictures overlapping in the animation, I want them to be just one pic and then the next10:02
ActionParsnipUncleD: if the client is windows based you will need to install xming and connect with: putty -x user@server10:03
knoppiesValentina, I wouldnt really know, But I think not.10:03
ActionParsnipUncleD: if teh client is a linux box with a  desktop you can simply run: ssh -X user@server10:03
UncleDI have putty10:03
UncleDand the client is windows based10:03
starcannonValentina root can be exluded from permissions, though generally it's not10:03
dutchbuntuValentina: no. file still needs to be executable through the permissions10:03
ActionParsnipUncleD: when you launch gui apps, they will be displayed on the desktop bt be running on the server side (like citrix)10:03
UncleDso i need to install xming on the server (ubuntu)10:03
ActionParsnipUncleD: then you need to install xming as windows does not have an x server10:04
Valentinastarcannon: Ok, I chmod my script to 700 then user will have full privileges, but what about root?10:04
ActionParsnipUncleD: no, on the windows box, so the gui apps have an x server to stick to10:04
glicksdoes anyone know how to add home encryption to ubuntu 9.10 after installation?10:04
UncleDso xming is a windows application10:04
ActionParsnipUncleD: what are you going to be doing on the server side once you get VNCd in?10:04
starcannonValentina I just chmod +x somescript.sh10:04
ActionParsnipUncleD: yes xming is a windows application10:04
Valentinastarcannon: I don't want everyone to be able to execute it.10:05
johe|workdutchbuntu, thx10:05
Valentinajust my user and root.10:05
UncleDActionParsnip: i just want to be able to login to my X ubuntu desktop10:05
UncleDrather than always having to just login to the terminal prompt via ssh10:05
ActionParsnipUncleD: but for what purpose? most apps have web interfaces or can be manipulated easily via ssh10:05
starcannonValentina http://www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/chmodcal.shtml10:05
jauntyjoeUncleD, www.nomachine.com10:05
VtecHello I just installed Windows 7 alongside my ubuntu partition but how do I get my GRUB back? anyone know? Thanks10:06
dutchbuntu!grub Vtec10:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub Vtec10:06
dutchbuntu!grub | Vtec10:06
ubottuVtec: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:06
=== wolf is now known as Guest16105
ActionParsnipUncleD: you may find VNC is a bit surplus if all you want to do is manage torrents when many torrent clients have web interfaces you can use instead (much lighter and way faster)10:07
ActionParsnipUncleD: as an example10:07
UncleDActionParsnip: i just want to try it out.10:07
ActionParsnipUncleD: thats fine :)10:07
UncleDActionParsnip: ive been using my ubuntu server remotely from a windows desktop for a few years as a terminal prompt10:07
UncleDand i'd like to vnc in.10:08
UncleDthe other thing is.. my ubuntu server doesnt have a monitor, i always have to ssh into it from another machine10:08
Valentinastarcannon: Yes, I know, chmod 700 won't let group and owner execute the script but my own user will. But what about root?10:08
UncleDso i want to see ubuntu's desktop10:08
WishingMasterhey guys! does anyone knows how to change RWIN as Default TCP Receive Window ? http://www.speedtest.net/10:09
starcannonValentina I believe root should be able to, worst that happens is you have to chmod it again, or create a group just for the script and make sure to add it to root and userx10:09
ActionParsnipUncleD: cool, i'd stick with ssh if its a proper server10:10
llutzWishingMaster: see LINUX-part of http://proj.sunet.se/E2E/tcptune.html , all those parameter have to be changed for changing RWIN10:10
llutzWishingMaster: it's not a single parameter10:10
=== andy is now known as Guest24990
glickshey is there an ubuntu netbook channel?10:11
Guest24990do u guys use xubuntu or ubuntu on a netbook10:11
glicksGuest24990, i use ubuntu nbr10:12
dutchbuntuglicks: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/21942/10:12
luckymuraliHi is there any tool in linux to convert persian to English??10:12
glicksGuest24990, please change your name to something else10:12
xterm A friend of mine have spent several weeks of googling and reading to get 5.1 sound threw HDMI going on a atom330 based HTPC. I have also googled a bit on this and it seems as many have the same problem. Who owns this problem? Why is this a probem? Have anyone some input? Can you choose a better platform for a HTPC than atom330?10:12
VtecCan anyone personally teach me how to get GRUB back from my ubuntu 9.04 live CD?10:12
ValentinaI get this trying to execute my script: 35.0: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".0"10:13
dutchbuntu!grub | Vtec10:13
ubottuVtec: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:13
ValentinaThis is my script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317637/10:13
jauntyjoeUncleD, http://www.nomachine.com/download-package.php?Prod_Id=134810:13
Guest24990i cant get the mics to work on my eeepc10:13
VtecI just said personally teach me not show me a bot command, I've read the site it's complicating for me.10:13
jauntyjoedownload and install those 3 debs on your server10:13
Guest24990anyone else have troubles10:13
jauntyjoedownload the nx client for windows, install it, run it, point it at the ip address of your server. Done!10:14
ValentinaIt doesn't work to have this if statement: if (( temp1 >= 50  )); where temp1 will be like 35.010:14
UncleDjauntyjoe: i'm looking at the nomachine thing it looks great10:14
Dravekxok... going to install 9.04...10:15
ph33rDravekx: why not 9.10 ?10:15
Dravekxph33r, I have 9.10 on there... too much garbage, too many bugs, too many problems10:15
Dravekxim going back to 9.0410:15
Darkedgeuh OK heres the rap10:15
Guest24990do the pictures for youtube video icons not show up for anyone else10:16
ph33rDravekx: what kind of problems ?10:16
DarkedgeI know theres a bug with Intel + Compiz, Any fix?10:16
Dravekxph33r, google it.10:16
ph33rDarkedge: what bug ? I am using compiz + intell too10:16
Dravekxtoo many issues.10:16
UncleDwhats the command to see what dist your running on a server10:16
Darkedgeph33r: Theres a bug with SOME Intel Cards I.E Mine :(10:17
ph33rDarkedge: only the blur windows does'nt work, other than that, everything works10:17
ValentinaNever mind. I only go for integers, not decimals.10:17
ph33rDarkedge: uh oh :(10:17
ph33rDarkedge: did you try downgrading the drivers ? I did that in jaunty and worked after that10:17
dutchbuntuUncleD: uname -a10:18
Darkedgeph33r: Can you show me how to "downgrade"?10:18
llutzValentina: bash can use integer only, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/10:18
ph33rI got helped here, let me see if I can find an online tutorial10:18
llutzValentina: "...temp1 will be like 35.0"  <- not an integer10:21
llutzValentina: if it contains a dot, it's handled as string10:21
=== NorwayGeek_ is now known as NorwayGeek
=== veovis is now known as Veovis_Muaddib
om26eropen office is looking like windows 98 in karmic10:25
lagodoybom dia... precisava de uma ajuda alguem poderia me socorrer que saiba portugues10:26
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.10:26
Veovis_MuaddibWhat is the name of the panel applet that shows the user's short name and allows them to control power, login state, and change status in pidgin and empathy; and how do you add it after it's been removed?10:26
glickshow can i switch to classical desktop view in ubuntu netbook remix?10:27
davey_joopi have a tar.bz2 file with root permissions ive tried chown name.users  <package>  but when i try to unpack it ...it cant open files inside the folder cause of permissions are root10:27
om26eropen office is not picking the human theme10:27
Veovis_Muaddibglicks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1308792 has the answer10:28
Veovis_Muaddibglicks: it's a hacky workaround, because they for some reason don't want you to10:28
glickswhat the hell?!10:29
Valentinallutz: Yes, I cut of the . and what follows it. It doesn't really mind to check 65 or 65.5 degres.10:29
DocMAXhello, i'm searching for a disk backup tool with GUI!! (not dd) .. any suggestions?10:29
jrib!backup | DocMAX10:29
ubottuDocMAX: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:29
Veovis_MuaddibI think he might want !cloning10:30
Veovis_Muaddib!cloning | DocMAX10:30
ubottuDocMAX: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:30
llutzValentina: read ABS, guess you want -gt instead of >=10:30
Veovis_Muaddibsorry, never mind10:30
Valentinallutz: Maybe, but it will work this way I think.10:31
flowerI want to edit the menu, but did a minimal install, what do I have to install to edit head menu?10:31
sam__  nping10:31
mircoHi all, I've a xen pciback problem: DomU see's the PCI Device but doesnt load kernel module's... Dom0 is 8.04.3 DomU is lenny 5.0.310:31
glicksi cant believe they did that10:31
glickswhat the hell!10:31
Valentinallutz: Cutting off the teperature value at the .10:31
Valentinallutz: 55.0 become 5510:32
beningi have huawei CDMA phone with internal modem. anyono knows how to connect it with ubuntu hardy?10:32
bennyatcciao a tutti10:32
Veovis_Muaddibglicks: I'm not sure what their reasoning is, but yeah, with the information I have, it does seem pretty dumb10:32
the_gameri got an error executing a perl script: Can't locate MIME/Entity.pm in @INC... how to install it/what do i have to install?10:32
Valentinathen (( temp1 >= 65  )) will be working10:32
beningi have huawei CDMA phone with internal modem. anyone knows how to connect it with ubuntu hardy?10:32
bennyatcqualcuno ha mai avuto problemi ad inviare fax?10:32
rww!repeat | bening10:32
ubottubening: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:32
DJones!it | bennyatc10:33
ubottubennyatc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:33
glickscan i just run regular ubuntu on my netbook10:33
glickswhats the point of unr?10:33
llutzValentina: if [ $temp1 -gt 65 ] ...10:33
rwwsam__: pong10:34
bennyatcscusa DJones10:34
Veovis_Muaddibglicks: Yeah, you can run the normal version.  UNR is optimized for netbooks though, I believe it's a smaller install, as well as some menus and things being changed to be readable on a netbook screen.10:34
=== mateo is now known as Digit0
Oyozhi,how do i get the drivers for this adaptor.Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)10:34
Veovis_MuaddibDigit0: Hello10:35
ValentinaMy root cron job doesn't seem to execute my script after setting the permissions by: sudo chmod 700 myscript.sh10:35
Digit0My ubuntu one just doesn't seem to work, I put files in the folder and they don't appear in the web interface10:35
Valentinallutz: Ok, no "..." needed around the $temp1 like "$temp1" ?10:35
Veovis_MuaddibWhat is the name of the panel applet that shows the user's short name and allows them to control power, login state, and change status in pidgin and empathy; and how do you add it after it's been removed?10:36
llutzValentina: since it cannot have whitespace in $temp1 no need to quote10:36
BoohbahDigit0: what does that mean, "the one" ?10:36
rwwDigit0: The people in #ubuntuone might be better help :)10:36
Valentinallutz: Ok10:36
Valentinallutz: Thansk you.10:36
llutzValentina: please read http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ , it's worth the time10:37
fdsfhow to make file on ubuntu?10:37
fdsfin terminak10:37
beningi have huawei CDMA phone with internal modem. anyone knows how to connect it with ubuntu hardy?10:37
llutzfdsf: touch file10:37
Digit0fdsf, what do you mean make a file ?10:37
fdsfcreate file10:38
fdsfeks: newfile.txt10:38
Veovis_MuaddibAlso, is there a way to need to gtsudo in order to move or delete some (But NOT all) panel applets?10:38
jribVeovis_Muaddib: no, never10:38
fdsfhow to make create file on ubuntu? eks: newfile.txt10:38
Veovis_Muaddibjrib: that sucks.  Thanks though10:38
llutzfdsf: touch file10:38
jribfdsf: usually you just ouse a text editor... nano newfile.txt10:39
ConckerHi all, im having some problems finding a easy to use programm to transfer music from my ubuntu 9.10 to my ipod toutch (running 3.0)10:39
jribVeovis_Muaddib: erm, why does that suck?10:39
Conckerany 1 know of a good software to use ?10:39
DJones!ipod | Concker10:39
ubottuConcker: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod10:39
Veovis_Muaddibjrib: I10:39
rwwjrib: I believe he wants to make it so that users of his computer can't move or delete some applets.10:39
Veovis_Muaddibjrib: I'd like to be able to never let anyone delete certain panel applets, or even move them10:40
* jrib doesn't understand why people don't ask their real questions10:40
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: That is wrong10:40
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: The rockbox suggestion10:40
Conckerthere must be some easier way then using virtual box10:40
jribVeovis_Muaddib: visit library.gnome.org, read the admin guide about locking down gnome10:40
furtanowhy can i execute a bash script if chmod  rw- rights is set (excecute not set)10:40
Veovis_Muaddibjrib: thanks10:40
jribfurtano: you can't.10:40
furtanojiffe, if i make sh test.sh  it runs10:41
llutzfurtano: starting it in a new shell (. script) will always work10:41
Conckerim just looking for a easy to to use program,  not virtualbox etc10:41
jribfurtano: you're not executing test.sh.10:41
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: What you need is iFuse: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-connect-iphoneipod-touch-using-usbin-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html10:41
llutzfurtano: just ./script won't without x10:41
furtanojiffe, oh ? whats executing10:41
legend2440fdsf:in terminal type      touch newfile.txt10:41
jribfurtano: what llutz just said10:41
furtanojiffe, oh ? thought that is it10:41
jribfurtano: you're executing "sh" and telling it to read commands from test.sh10:41
llutzfurtano: you are not executing the script with "sh script", you execute a shell loading a script-file10:42
beningcan use gppp?10:42
=== Blusion is now known as Blusion`AFk
furtanojrib, , llutz  thanks !! now i understand ^^10:42
jribfurtano: no problem10:42
jrib!afk > Blusion`AFk10:43
ubottuBlusion`AFk, please see my private message10:43
ConckerVeovis_Muaddib:  how i find out what "user" i am10:43
llutzConcker: whoami10:43
llutzConcker: shorter "id"10:43
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: Do you mean where it says karmic or intrepid or jaunty users?10:43
Conckerye that one10:43
=== aran is now known as Darkedge
=== Blusion`AFk is now known as Blusion
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: if so, what version are you running?10:44
cyaneoI need gd imagerotate, but ubuntu does nor serve a fully php5-gd version. on dotdeb.org there is a full gd supported "dotdeb-php5-gd2" package BUT for debian lenny.10:44
cyaneo- is it safe to use the lenny package on ubuntu 8.04 LTS?10:44
cyaneo- should I switch my (new) server to debian so I can use this?10:44
FloodBot2cyaneo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:44
cyaneoanother option is, to compile the php for my needs - is this recommend?10:44
DarkedgeHow can I see what video card I have?10:44
cyaneoThank you!10:44
Conckerusing ubuntu 9.10 and ipod toutch software is 3.010:44
Blusion<- bbl10:44
=== Julia is now known as Guest28678
=== Guest28678 is now known as Janhouse_
DasEiDarkedge: lspci,lshw, hwinfo10:45
DasEiDarkedge: sudo hwinfo | grep  vga10:45
legend2440Darkedge: in terminal       lspci | grep -i vga10:45
DasEiDarkedge: sudo hwinfo | grep  video ...10:45
Janhouse_Something went wrong. When I drag mouse over inactive window it gets focused. How can I fix it? I am using Karmic10:45
Darkedgek thanks all10:46
ph33rDarkedge: does it work ?10:46
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: sorry, I was afk, 9.10 is code named Karmic Koala10:46
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: you're a karmic user10:46
Conckerah y, i kinda knew that10:46
Conckerok thanks10:46
Veovis_MuaddibConcker: no problem10:46
fdsfHow can i configuere apache server so that i can run at port 811410:49
vikbNot able to install mysql gem in ruby10:49
vikbI get /usr/bin/ruby1.8 extconf.rb10:50
vikbextconf.rb:10:in `require': no such file to load -- mkmf (LoadError)10:50
vikbfrom extconf.rb:1010:50
=== slam_ is now known as grndslm
=== sysop_ is now known as Guest19587
vikbGem files will remain installed in /home/vikb/.gem/ruby/1.8/gems/mysql-2.8.1 for inspection.10:50
zend_fanhi all my apache virtual host just stopped running i have done no updates to it what is the best way to diagnose the problem ?10:50
=== hack is now known as Guest32697
vikbNot able to understand what is the problem10:50
fdsfHow can i configuere apache server so that i can run at port 811410:50
magentarfdsf, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf10:50
fdsftnx mate!10:51
Veovis_MuaddibWhat is the name of the panel applet that shows the user's short name and allows them to control power, login state, and change status in pidgin and empathy; and how do you add it after it's been removed?10:51
Veovis_Muaddib^^ Last time, I'm heading to the forums next10:51
Guest32697listem me10:51
vikbI use rails 2.3.410:51
Veovis_MuaddibGuest32697: okay10:51
Veovis_MuaddibGuest32697: if you said anything before, I may have missed it, so I apologize10:52
brijithfdsf: hai, what actually you want ,,, run apache in port other than 8010:52
Guest32697in spanish my language miniaplicacion de indicador de sesion10:52
Guest32697miniaplication of log sesion10:52
Guest32697doyou update 9.04 to 9.10?10:53
=== Whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall
brijithfdsf: you have to edit /etc/apache2/ports.conf10:53
Veovis_MuaddibGuest32697: does it show up by default in the Add to Panel dialog?  I can't find it10:53
Veovis_MuaddibGuest32697: #apt-get dist-upgrade10:53
ageebhow can i use the mouse wheel too switch workspaces using compiz?10:54
mibwhat can i do10:55
wzssyqawhere to talk about lucid?10:56
brijithageeb: I think by default it comes in that way10:56
ageebbrijith: i'm tryin on desktop and over workspace icon and nothing :(10:57
epinkyageeb: in compiz-config-manager, under rotate cube, set the initialize option to "button 3"10:57
Klatuferatanektuhi, how to logout on the console?10:57
ageebepinky: i'm not using cube10:57
ageebepinky: i'm using expo10:58
TermanaI'm signed into MSN on Empathy with Ubuntu 9.10 and people are telling me that at the end of everything I say, it adds "##^120" to it. Doesn't anyone know how to fix this?10:58
brijithageeb:  press alt + ctrl + D to minimise all windows10:58
epinkyKlatuferatanektu: logout ?10:58
fdsfI am getting read only on httpd.conf. I can't read content. How to open?10:59
Dynetrekkhello. can anyone recommend backup software for ubuntu? I want to save the $HOME to a firewire disk, hopefully automated (e.g. time-interval of 24h). oh, and for a non-geek user, so should be GUI and user friendly.10:59
brijithageeb:  then click on desktop the scroll mouse button10:59
brijithageeb: that worked for me10:59
fdsfdidn't work10:59
ageebbrijith: weird, not i11:00
ageebbrijith: it did minimize though11:00
farciarz84hi I go a problem with visual effect (two screens, karmic, nvidia, recommended dirver). Ubuntu searchs for avaiable drivers and hungs the window without any messages. Settings are not appied.11:00
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hackeoo some server for backtrack???11:00
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DocMAXhello, i'm searching for a disk backup tool with GUI!! (not dd) .. any suggestions? !backup doesnt help me11:00
DynetrekkDocMAX: me too, let me know if you find one :)11:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz11:01
epinkyDynetrekk: check File Roller11:01
Conckervinicius_mendes:  that dident work =/, my ipod still just comes up as a digital photo unit11:01
vikbnot able to install mysql gem ...11:01
Dynetrekkepinky: this is a GUI for tar, essentially?11:02
vikbin ruby!!!11:02
brijithageeb: do you got it11:02
petrolmanHi I would l like to compile sox for my own package to get mp3 as a valid file extension handler. How do I create my own packages?11:02
jrib!source > petrolman11:02
ubottupetrolman, please see my private message11:02
jrib!packaging > petrolman11:02
ageebbrijith: no, it didn't work11:02
searchinghelp backtrack11:02
epinkyDynetrekk: yep, it is11:02
ageebbrijith: what settings is your compiz on? normal, extra?11:02
jrib!backup > Dynetrekk11:02
ubottuDynetrekk, please see my private message11:02
Dynetrekkjrib: thanks11:03
untitledhi, I get error during bootup: init: gdm main process (1301) terminated with status 1, and it keeps respawning, but I don't even have gdm installed =\11:03
farciarz84I have a problem with visual effect (two screens, karmic, nvidia, recommended dirver). Ubuntu searchs for avaiable drivers and hungs the window without any messages during changes from default->better or default->best. Settings are not applied.11:03
sandhyahi, i want to find all the nodes in my network. I tried using netdiscover... but that hasn't detected even 1.11:04
sandhyaany ideas?11:04
ranjanis there any way to edit entries from side pane in ubuntu 9.1011:04
ConckerAny others here witch know the Ifuse thingi? i did the guide 100% but still my ubuntu only finds the ipod toutch as a digital camera ?11:04
epinkysandhya: nmap ?11:04
ranjanis there any way to edit entries from side pane in ubuntu 9.1011:04
sandhyaepinky: let me look. thanks.11:05
brijithageeb: extra11:05
ranjanis there any way to edit entries from side pane in ubuntu 9.1011:07
bmsatierfHello there! I installed the Karmic yesterday, and the Grub just found my Windows XP instalation, but when I try to access the Windows (on the Grub menu), it shows just a black screen, with the text "GRUB" on it. Any idea?11:07
sandhyaepinky: any idea what the command would be to ping an entire subnet and discover hosts?11:08
sandhya!cn | mjs11:08
ubottumjs: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:08
sisifHello guys. Quick question plese: I`m trying to install 9.10 after my update from 9.04 has crashed (hooray. I`m now on livecd and I get a really stupid bug when I try to install, right after I set up the partition. I get stuck at "removing conflicting operating system files". I notice that this happens only when I try to install with a separate /home partition. Any suggestions, please? Thanks.11:08
sandhyasisif: a fresh install?11:09
sisifsandhya : that`s what I`m trying to do right now11:09
scarlet_falconsisif: you're trying to do a fresh install? did you format the drive11:09
ChrisWWhere can I search to see if there's an Ubuntu package for Alfresco?11:10
ranjanis there any way to edit entries from side pane in ubuntu 9.1011:10
sisifscarlet_falcon : only the / . I don`t want to format my /home partition. I have all my stuff in there. That was the whole idea of having a diffrent /home partiton11:10
fdsfWheren can i find fancyindexinng on apache?11:10
sandhyaepinky: got it from the man page. cheers11:10
sandhyafdsf: #apache?11:11
sandhyasisif: maybe you can install /home in / and then move it later to your old copy?11:12
bmsatierfIs there a easy way to change Grub to Lilo?11:12
sisifsandhya : my whole hdd is split up in a 10 GB for / and the rest of it for /home. I don`t have free space where to copy the content of /home11:13
Mosxanyone know why #php is so often full on this server ?11:13
sisifThis is really annoying ..11:13
sandhyasisif: you don't have to make a copy.11:13
sandhyasisif: just ignore the existing /home or mount it as /oldhome and switch later on.. I don't know how the user migration will be done.11:13
sisifsandhya : and how can I put my /home back to it`s place once the system is installed ?11:14
fdsfWheren can i find fancyindexinng on apache?11:15
dutchbuntu!fr | toumagra111:15
ubottutoumagra1: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:15
epinkyChrisW: use Community Edition Installer: http://www.alfresco.com/32 , are you using Jaunty or Karmic?11:15
stinkyi burned ubuntu to a cd and it doesnt work11:16
fdsfWheren can i find fancyindexinng on apache?11:16
pretenderfresh install of eeebuntu 3.0 with updates do i need to roll bsck the xorg driver to increase video performance.11:16
sandhyafdsf: ask in #apache11:17
fdsfI did, no answer.11:17
sandhyaand please stop with the spam11:17
conckerHey all, any 1 know of a way to manage a iphone, or ipod toutch from linux?  a simple program with drag and drop functions? i dont want the ssh, or virtualbox solution. just a simple program? -thanks11:17
sisifAh common ppl, does eny one here know how I can fix this stupid bug ?11:17
jribconcker: is it jailbroken?11:17
jrib!helpme | sisif11:17
ubottusisif: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude11:17
sisifjrib :)11:17
jribconcker: you can use for example nautilus11:18
conckerhm. how ? :P11:18
conckerim kinda new to loinux in general11:18
scarlet_falconssif: did the install fail?11:18
jribconcker: file -> connect to server  (ssh)11:18
sisifIS there any way to migrate from ext4 to ext4 without erasing all the data from hdd?11:18
jribconcker: nautilus is the name of the default file browser11:18
jribsisif: isn't that a no-op?11:18
conckerye but that require then connection on the ipod aswell right? if ssh works as in windows, atm im in some crappy motel and cant get a singal on my ipod11:19
conckertherefor i need something witch goes true usb11:19
sisifscarlet_falcon : yes. I get an error at "removing conflicting operating system files". This only happens when I`m trying to install with a different /home partition (the old one, form 9.04)11:19
jribconcker: right, you can't afaik11:19
jribsisif: so don't tell the installer about your separate home and edit your fstab later11:20
conckervinicius_mendes,  showed me this ifuse thingi, but i dident get it to work, followed the guide 100% etc but ipod still comes up as a digital photo unit11:20
conckerbut he seems afk atm11:20
jribsisif: you "checked the cd for defects" from the boot menu right?11:20
stickyboyHow do you kill X11 in 9.04?11:21
farciarz84The Composite extension is not available --9.1011:21
jribconcker: ah, that must be a relatively recent development11:21
sisifjrib : yes, i did. As I was saying, this happens _only_ when I try to install with the old /home11:21
epinkyfdsf: check this http://www.serverwatch.com/news/article.php/1131431/Apache-Guide-Generating-Fancy-Directory-Listings-with-modautoindex.htm11:21
jribsisif: so don't tell the installer about your separate home and edit your fstab later11:21
scarlet_falconsisif: as long as you don't re-format that partition that could work11:21
sisifjrib : i was thinking like that .. but, later how will the user migrating will be done ?11:22
=== scarlet_falcon is now known as malice
Bella_16jest tu ktoś z Polski?11:22
katakbuta<Piet> katakbuta: for pid in $(ps aux | grep -v grep | awk '/-port 55555/ {print $2}'); do kill $pid; done11:22
katakbuta-bash: kill: (21942) - No such process11:22
katakbutawhy is that?11:22
jribsisif: just create the users before you edit your fstab, you'll just be giving them new files in their home.  Make sure uid's match up11:22
Bella_16Is there someone from Poland?11:23
jrib!pl | Bella_1611:23
ubottuBella_16: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:23
epinky!pl| Bella_1611:23
indusjrib: cant there be polish people in here?11:23
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:23
malicesisif: also i believe the home directories are stored in /etc/passwd11:23
Bella_16I use this program first11:23
Pietkatakbuta: because the process has been ended between 'ps aux' was invoked and before 'kill $pid' was invoked11:24
jribindus: sure, but i can't point him to the polish people here :)11:24
sisifmalice : wasn`t /etc/passwd crypted ?11:24
katakbutaPiet sorry i dont get you. but the process is still running11:24
Pietkatakbuta: because the process has been ended after 'ps aux' was invoked and before 'kill $pid' was invoked11:24
Bella_16I'm from Poland. And you?11:24
indusjrib: yeah ,but i do wonder why people feel more comfortable speaking with their countrymen for tech stuff also11:24
malicesisif: the passwords are but the location of the home directory isn't11:24
sllidecan sum1 compile something for me? :D11:24
sllidei spend 4 hours without success >.>11:24
indusmaybe its the language11:24
sisifmalice: i see. Thanks11:25
Bella_16what;s mieans suml?11:25
Pietkatakbuta: if a process with pid 21942 is running now then it was probably started after you got to see that message11:25
indusBella_16: do you have an ubuntu question11:25
indusBella_16: siema11:25
Bella_16hey indus11:26
malicesisif: try cat /etc/passwd | grep user11:26
indusBella_16: hi11:26
Pietkatakbuta: i think what you want is to use 'kill -9' instead of just 'kill'11:26
Pietkatakbuta: for pid in $(ps aux | grep -v grep | awk '/-port 55555/ {print $2}'); do kill -9 $pid; done11:26
Bella_16I'm in school11:26
jribsisif: I don't see why you would need to edit /etc/passwd11:26
katakbutapiet if how do i write if its just '55555' rather than -port 5555511:27
sisifjrib : because the /home will be on a different partition .. ?11:27
katakbutapiet *how do i write it if its just '55555' rather than -port 5555511:27
jribsisif: no, you mount your partition on /home...11:27
jribsisif: just like you are doing now11:27
sisifjrib : ah. I see :)11:27
katakbutaawk '55555/ ?11:27
ValentinaWill */5 * * * * /home/scripts/myscript.sh run every 5th minute?11:27
malicesisif: jrib's solution would work as well11:27
sisifjrib : so all I need to to is edit /etc/fstab ?11:28
ValentinaCron job, I mean.11:28
katakbutanever mind. disregard that11:28
Dravekxif I have openssh installed, I dont want to install SSH do i? are they the same thing?11:28
jribsisif: 1) create users so uid's match up (or don't care about uid and chown later) 2) boot into recovery mode 3) edit fstab 4) reboot11:28
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Dravekxnvm I got it :)11:29
sisifjrib : the user should habe the same uid (I think). I only have one, and it`s the same name / password / etc11:29
leaf-sheepDravekx: ssh is a metapackage for openssh-server + openssh-client11:29
sisifjrib : should be 100011:29
jribsisif: then you can omit step 111:29
Pietkatakbuta: almost. it's:  awk '/55555/ { print $2}'11:30
sisifjrib : ok, let me  give it a try. Thank for all the help11:30
mauhurwhat's the name of that growl-like notifier on karmic ?11:30
Pietkatakbuta: but this will also match a process whose PID, VSZ or RSS is or just contains 5555511:30
=== sp4z is now known as sp4z_
leaf-sheepmauhur: growl-like notifier? Are you looking for notify-osd?11:31
katakbutaouch..how do i make it matches only pid?11:31
mauhurleaf-sheep: thats the name ?11:31
=== sp4z_ is now known as sp4z
mick02Can anyone recommed a good PHP channel to join?11:32
SuBsAmalsmalo alikom every body11:32
jribmick02: ##php11:32
indusmick02: #php11:32
indusyeah that11:32
SuBsAmcan i ask for some thing plz11:32
logrotateuserhi all, I've a doubt with logrotate, is there an advanced user who can help?11:32
SuBsAmi have A PROPLEM11:32
epinky!ask | SuBsAm11:32
ubottuSuBsAm: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:32
cptbloodif i create a website, can i have a local link to say /home/user/file.ext on that page, which a user will be able to download?11:33
SuBsAmi can't read arabic lang in the flash chat11:33
SuBsAmepinky i can't read arabic lang in the flash chat11:33
searchingwhat's the proble subsam11:33
falcokianhey dyde11:33
Piet!ask | logrotateuser11:34
ubottulogrotateuser: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:34
SuBsAmsearching i can't read arabic lang in the flash chat11:34
induscptblood: provided you set that as apaches root11:34
logrotateuserhow to rotate my apache 2 virtual host logs and reload apache2 in the end?11:34
cptbloodhmm, okay, i cant symlink just?11:34
cptblood@ indus11:35
cptbloodcalm down SuBsAm11:35
induscptblood: not sure you ask here11:35
induscptblood: i dont know11:35
SuBsAmcptblood i have a problem11:35
luckymuraliHi to all11:35
cptbloodyea i know, didnt know which room was appropriate11:35
FloodBot2searching: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
luckymuralican you please tell me a software on linux to translate data from persian to English???11:36
epinky!caps | searching11:36
ubottusearching: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:36
jribsearching: stop please11:36
c0lddoes anyone know anything about setting up a ircd11:36
jribc0ld: someone probably knows something.  Just ask your real question11:36
searchingi need a server at irc to backtrack!11:36
searchingsorry caps11:37
Pietlogrotateuser: create a logrotate config for the log file in question, then run logrotate and pass the location of the configuration file as a parameter11:37
searchinga netbook understand?11:37
Dravekxyo yo yo-got-toe MR, Ubottu11:37
induscptblood: no i mean, this is appropriate11:37
induscptblood: i meant, iam not sure, you ask in heree and someone might know11:37
c0ldok in my conf file I want to know if Im setting it up right listen;listen;11:37
searchingsmall keys11:37
c0ldor should that be localhost11:37
c0ldthat it is listening on11:38
cptbloodindus: i just did :) so can i symlink a dir for a website, like /home/user/file.ext to /var/www and have it downloadable from the website?11:38
jribcptblood: why not just try it?11:39
Dravekxanyone in here, swiss??11:39
indusyeah hmm try11:40
xfabox2hi, can anyone help with my unr installation?11:40
=== xfabox2 is now known as xfabox
cptbloodwell, i am not done with it yet, the website that is, so i wanted to know before, so i can know the design11:40
jezleeIn ubuntu 9.10, how do I enable switch workspace using mouse wheel ?11:40
Dravekxis there anything better than NANO?11:40
cptbloodjrib: otherwise i have to go with a diff. approach11:41
induscptblood: also i missed the symlink part :)11:41
cptbloodok indus :)11:41
searchinguse gedit11:42
SlimGIs there a alternative cli application to "script" that is able to generate a encoded video file instead of .time and .session files?11:42
Dravekxcol thx, will try it11:42
=== Ronaldinho is now known as Alex_Brazil
searchingsudo gedit /etc/xorg.conf for example11:43
laughzillaanyone know why ffmpeg in ubuntu 9.04 can't "convert" a file named blah.avi >> blah1.avi ?  all i'm trying to do is reduce the weight of the file. instead i can only convert it to .mpeg or .mpg and it makes the video look all "blocky".  i haven't yet found a solution to it in ubuntu forums or google.11:44
Dravekxsearching, can you use gedit via ssh?11:44
Bella_16Hey everybody11:44
lolmaus^_^My system runs .php files with shell, not with php-cli. How do i fix that?11:44
laughzillasearching ... listen to what? :)11:45
searchingfor me11:45
laughzillaok ...11:45
Dravekxsearching, listening, finding?11:45
searchinguse at the www.gnome.look-org a script called convert11:46
gasullHi.  How can I run a program every time the computer goes from AC to battery, and another one when it goes from battery to AC?11:46
searchingaudio /video convert11:46
luckymuraliany free offline translator available for ubuntu (English to Persian & vice versa)11:47
laughzillasearching - i'm on it , i'll look. thx.11:47
luckymuraliplease tell me11:47
searchingi dont know lucky11:47
searchinggoogle lucky11:47
gilleI have a annoying problem with fglrx (using ATI Radeon 2600) where keyboard input temporarily stops the mouse, has anyone experienced this?11:47
luckymuralii googled11:47
luckymuraliplease give me some searching words to do it11:48
searchingseacht at add-remove11:48
ValentinaMaybe it isn't enough to only have: shutdown -h 0 in a script? Do I have to have like /sbin/shutdown -h 0 or something?11:49
Pietluckymurali: open source machine translation11:49
searchingA need a irc server to backtrack11:49
Pietluckymurali: apertium may work. but it's not meant for desktop use normally.11:49
leaf-sheepValentina: /sbin/halt11:49
luckymuraliactually i need it for offline11:50
luckymuraliI need to hadle sensitive data11:50
epinkyluckymurali: this could help http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/BabylonForLinux11:50
Pietluckymurali: you can run it on your desktop or another computer in your LAN and access it locally with your desktops' web browser. so it can be offline.11:51
luckymuraliepinky, thanks i will try that11:51
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Why alt?11:51
Pietluckymurali: well, not offline, but you do not need an internet connection to use it11:51
luckymuraliPiet, I am not getting it11:51
leaf-sheepValentina: halt --help11:52
leaf-sheepValentina: Also, man halt11:52
OzzahHi, I'm trying to backup data from my NTFS drive to an external drive using the 9.10 livecd, but it's not recognising my internal hdd. It's not in places, and not in "disk utility". Any ideas?11:53
xur1znetbook remix?11:53
SlimGIs there a alternative cli application to "script" that is able to generate a encoded video file instead of .time and .session files?11:53
xur1zis there a channel for NBR?11:53
Phurlgconf problems11:53
leaf-sheepxur1z: There are #ubuntu-mobile and you can ask questions here too.11:53
searchinga channel for backtrack?11:53
Phurlplease help :GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash. See http://projects.gnome.org/gconf/ for information. (Details -  1: Server ping error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0)11:54
leaf-sheepsearching: #remote-exploit11:54
xur1zleaf-sheep: i want to get NBR onto a newly purchased HP 110. the .iso won't boot when dd'd to a USB disk. moblin and sugar both boot, i'm wondering if i should use jaunty or find a .img for karmic.11:54
OzzahI'm trying to backup data from my NTFS drive to an external drive using the 9.10 livecd, but it's not recognising my internal hdd. It's not in places, and not in "disk utility". Any ideas?11:54
searchingok i was searching for remoteexpoit not remote-exploid thatks a lot11:54
tanquassaciao a tutti!!!11:54
ernstluhi there all, I have a acer aspire 7720g laptop, and its freezing, and stops working, and what ever i do nothing works, and in the end i have to push the powerbutton to start the computer again, any ideas on how i could solve this problem?11:55
leaf-sheepxur1z: Are you comfortable with linux? Can you use terminal and stuffs? :311:55
xur1zleaf-sheep: yep :)11:55
leaf-sheepxur1z: Good network connection? Speed.11:55
xur1z30mins to get ubuntu NBR karmic from local mirror. ok speed, for NZ :)11:56
xur1zi have the ISO, but unsure how to convert to IMG for USB (or if this is even needed)11:56
ernstluhi there all, I have a acer aspire 7720g laptop, and its freezing, and stops working, and what ever i do nothing works, and in the end i have to push the powerbutton to start the computer again, any ideas on how i could solve this problem?11:56
leaf-sheepxur1z: Local mirror? You mean you have your own mirror? ;311:56
xur1zno, my ISP's mirror. just ADSL here.11:57
searchingno remote-exploid server oups11:57
leaf-sheepxur1z: Okay. I can help you with that. xur1z: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/11:57
leaf-sheepxur1z: Download boot.img.gz11:57
luckymuraliepinky,i think even babylon needs internet11:58
leaf-sheepxur1z: Open a terminal. There are a certain path that need to be chmod first but I can't remember where so we'll go in root for hassle-free. "sudo -i"11:59
epinkyluckymurali: it doesn't , afaik11:59
ph33rhow do I install only the grub ? I want to upgrade my windows, but it will rewrite the MBR11:59
Slart!grub | ph33r11:59
ubottuph33r: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.11:59
leaf-sheepxur1z: Plug in the USB.  We do "fdisk -l" to find the path of usb device. (/dev/sdX)11:59
luckymuraliepinky,im trying11:59
Slartph33r: try that "lost grub after installing windows"-link12:00
indusph33r: USE A live cd to repair grub12:00
Zsocisegítségre lenne szükségem12:00
Zsocikihez fordulhatok infóval?12:00
ph33rSlart, indus thank you :)12:00
Slart!hu | Zsoci12:00
ubottuZsoci: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál12:00
xur1zusb = sdd12:00
indusph33r: which live cd version you have?12:00
leaf-sheepxur1z: When we find the USB dev, we do "umount /dev/sdX" -- Then we do "zcat /home/xurl/Desktop/boot.img.gz > /dev/sdX"12:01
ph33rindus: I have jaunty live cd and karmic alternate12:01
ph33rI am having vista and karmic on dual boot12:01
ranjani am having an issue to figure out an dependency ...naming glib so can any body can help me to figer it out12:01
indusph33r: i prefer older cos of grub 112:01
xur1zi'm sorry to report that it's saying 14mins to d/l boot.img.gz (!!! so much for goot network)12:01
indusph33r: karmic has grub2 which i have no idea about12:01
Zsociangol is jó12:01
leaf-sheepxur1z: When you get the prompt, wait few seconds to ensure it is finished writing everything.  Now, unplug and try it on the netbook (with Internet).12:01
xur1zu can give me instructions now or i can ask again when it d/l12:01
leaf-sheepxur1z: It's only 15MB file.12:02
xur1zI KNOW :S12:02
SlartZsoci: this channel is english only.. type    /join #ubuntu-hu12:02
ranjani am having an issue to figure out an dependency ...naming glib so can any body can help me to figer it out12:02
leaf-sheepxur1z: 11.7MB to be precise. :)12:02
Zsociso I need some advice12:02
xur1zi'll need wired conn for next part huh, if netbootin?12:02
Zsociwho can help me?12:02
SlartZsoci: just ask, if someone knows the answer they will probably answer12:03
ranjani am having an issue to figure out an dependency ...naming glib so can any body can help me to figer it out12:03
leaf-sheepxur1z: For installation. Yes. Give the netbook a wired connection. So it can download latest packages from the mirrors.12:03
xur1zok will do12:03
Zsociok,so I want to install the root system,to be able to control the OS from console12:03
Zsocibut I can't cause the dependencies12:04
xur1zdo i need mini.iso also, or will boot.img get me to netinstall just like debian netboot would?12:04
ikoniaZsoci: the root file system is already installed - or you wouldn't have a working machine12:04
ikoniaZsoci: what do you actually want to do ?12:04
Zsociyes I have12:04
ZsociI got 64bit ubuntu12:04
leaf-sheepxur1z: Please use my nickname.  You don't get highlighted messages out of magic. :012:04
leaf-sheepxur1z: I gave you the complete instruction. No need for mini.iso.  boot.img.gz is all you need.12:05
searchingZsoci rescue mode12:05
ranjani am having an issue to figure out an dependency ...naming glib so can any body can help me to figer it out12:05
xur1zthx leaf-sheep. appreciated.12:05
=== john is now known as Guest9481
nyk2005Why is it that when I chose to download 64bit ubuntu-server, I get an amd64 ISO? Does this also support ia64?12:05
ranjani am having an issue to figure out an dependency ...naming glib so can any body can help me to figer it out which file should i use for meting out he dependancy..12:05
xur1zi'm intrigued why jaunty was offered as IMG and karmic is ISO. are the formats same or different?12:06
c0lddoes anyone know how to setup a ircd behind a router on ubuntu.. I have it running and can connect but no one can connect outside my local network... port forwarding is already in place on the router as well...12:06
ranjanplease help12:06
grodzilla /window balance12:06
ikonianyk2005: amd64 is the official name for 64bit12:06
DeathspikeQuestion concerning Emphathy IM. Is there any way to have windows automatically open instead of flashing the task bar icon (minimized, if possible)?12:06
leaf-sheepxur1z: No problem. You're welcome to run things by me to ensure you're doing it correctly.12:06
ikoniaranjan: what ar eyou trying to do ?12:06
xur1zwill do ... once it downloads ;)12:06
Zsocisudo apt-get install root-system-bin but I can't do that because the dependencies,I tried to install with Synaptic manager,but the installation fails cause the dependencies12:06
ikoniaZsoci: why are you trying to do this if you have a working system ?12:07
leaf-sheepxur1z: You might get better support in #gnome since it's a part of Gnome basic integrated packages.12:07
ranjanikonia:: i am trying to install an xmms plugin .. i have downlode it from the sources bit i am having some dependency problem it is giving ... You need glib 1.2 or later to build this plug-in12:07
leaf-sheepDeathspike: See above. That was for you.12:07
ZsociI used suse before and there was an automatic dependency management12:07
epinkyc0ld: if you can connect then it's a network issue, not IRCd12:08
ikoniaranjan: ok - so you need the glib development packages12:08
Zsocibecause I need to use the root console12:08
ranjanikonia:: ya12:08
ikoniaZsoci: you can do that with the package openssh-server12:08
c0ldwell I was hoping to pull someone aside that knew a thing or two on ircd setups12:08
ranjanikonia:: i am not able to figure it out from synaptic package12:08
tapashi anyone know how to fix the cryptsetup password querying process?12:08
tapasduring boot that is12:09
epinkyc0ld: is it Unreal?12:09
ikoniaranjan: try linux-libc-dev? they are the kernel libc headers12:09
Zsociand one more question12:09
laughzillasearching - thx , i ended up using winff instead.  that works too.  :)12:10
legend2440ranjan:  install   libglib2.0-dev12:10
ranjanikonia:: it is already installed12:10
legend2440ranjan:  install   libglib2.0-dev12:11
ZsociI need to install  farsight2 for amsn to be able to use video and audio,but I can't find any package for it12:11
ikoniaranjan: ok - so look at the configure script and look at the checks it's making12:11
dakdposso chiedere un info?12:11
ikoniaZsoci: there may not be one12:11
Zsocionly to compile12:11
epinky!it | dakd12:11
ubottudakd: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:11
dakdok grazie12:12
Zsociand without Root system I can't do that12:12
ikoniaZsoci: what are you on about root system - you have the root file system or your box would NOT work12:12
Zsocii can't  login as root12:12
ikoniaZsoci: you use sudo12:12
ikonia!sudo > Zsoci12:13
ubottuZsoci, please see my private message12:13
ikonia!root > Zsoci12:13
the_gamer!root > the_gamer12:13
ubottuthe_gamer, please see my private message12:13
AJIEXAhave anyone install vmware?? - I have some problem with keyboard in the guest OS windows XP... is there any solution?12:13
the_gamer!sudo > the_gamer12:13
legend2440ikonia: root-system-bin  is an app    Numerical data analysis framework - general applications12:14
ikonialegend2440: I know what that is, but he keeps asking about the root system, not root-system-bin12:14
legend2440ikonia: oh ok12:14
Zsocithanks so much12:14
epinkyAJIEXA: define "some problem"12:15
sp4zepinky: your keen to take that problem on :D12:16
legend2440Zsoci: if you are trying to install   and getting dependency problems   try in terminal    sudo aptitude install root-system-bin   Aptitude often resolves dependency problems when apt-get can't12:16
leaf-sheepxur1z: Speaking of USB, I'm doing it right now because I want to do this sometimes today for the other machine. I might as well do it now. ;)12:16
AJIEXAepinky: on my netbook I can't use last keyboard symbols - they are work like 123456 etc but the must work like jkliop12:16
Zsocithank you so much12:17
Jimi_NeutralHI all, I have used clonezilla in the past, updated to koala latley.....ran the setup again for it and its not working anymore...keeps coming up with "init.orig: sreadahead main process (1557) terminated with status 1" anyone come across this before?12:17
differentrealityhi, i am using ubuntu 9.04 and I would like to add on my deskto a gadget that will be a timeline and I will be able to write comments underneath each day or anyway something like that.. any ideas ?12:17
the_gamerAJIEXA, try staying away from numlock12:17
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: What is the purpose of this? By telling us what you specifically want out of a package is more difficult than tell us what you're looking for. ;312:18
zd /window splitv 3312:18
dAnon1I've got my /home folder separate with the /home partition, there is Tobi and Tobiasz folder, Tobi is my /home partition and Tobiasz is a standard /home folder on / partition12:19
AJIEXAthe_gamer: I have't numlock on me keyboard - I just have "FN" botton and the must work like symbols by default12:19
the_gamerAJIEXA, don't lie12:19
differentrealityleaf-sheep,  exactly what i said :)   I need a timeline... so that I can write down the course of a project I am running.  I just find it easier to be on my desktop (and not a program), is there such a gadget ?12:19
dAnon1how do I merge them into /home/Tobi so I can have my configuration and such .blahblah folders on the /home partition12:20
AJIEXAthe_gamer: I can send you screenshort12:20
sp4zdifferentreality: is there one in windows? where did you get the idea for this gadget?12:20
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: I'm googling for something like that.12:21
differentrealitywell... i tried googling myself as well... maybe you get more lucky :)12:21
xur1zdifferentreality: my pal swears by the standard gnome organiser tool. haven't tried it myself.12:21
dAnon1anyone help?12:21
dAnon1I've got my /home folder separate with the /home partition, there is Tobi and Tobiasz folder, Tobi is my /home partition and Tobiasz is a standard /home folder on / partition12:21
dAnon1how do I merge them into /home/Tobi so I can have my configuration and such .blahblah folders on the /home partition12:21
aindriuanyone tried windows 7 yet?12:22
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: There are hamster-applet -- I don't know if that's what you want.12:22
dAnon1and not screw things up12:22
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: "Project Hamster helps you to keep track of how much time you spend on various12:22
leaf-sheep activities during the day.  Whenever you move from one task to another, you12:22
leaf-sheep change your current activity in the GNOME applet.'12:22
xur1zaindriu: it's on this netbook i just bought. kinda looks like gnome :)12:22
differentrealityaxm... xur1z what's the standard gnome organizer?!12:22
differentrealityleaf-sheep,  well... i'll try it out12:22
xur1zi dunno, he was acessing it via the cal in gnome-panel12:23
dAnon1why does Ubuntu have graphical interfaces if they don't change anything and you need to turn terminal anyway12:23
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: Package --> gtg, I think.12:23
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: http://gtg.fritalk.com/pages/screenshots12:23
skxI suspect my disk to be failing, how can I verify this suspicion? It's a regular laptop 5400 rpm disk with encrypted lvm on it.12:23
skxdAnon1, it's to make you feel better :)12:23
AJIEXAthe_gamer:  Oh my GOD  - I m SORRY I m really sorry  - you are right ..... how can I not see this ......  - may be it because I buy it over one month ......12:23
dAnon1I tried to change my home directory and never suceeded12:23
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: Yup. Looks like what you want.  gtg :)12:23
skxdAnon1, "change the home directory"?!12:24
AJIEXAit's really working  - THANK"S to ALL12:24
Jimi_Neutralaindriu, yeah i have, its good i think12:24
dAnon1I mean I created a /home partition for all my data12:24
dAnon1and / for Ubuntu12:24
differentrealityleaf-sheep,  i'll look into it, thanks a lot12:24
dAnon1and I've got 2 folders in /home12:24
leaf-sheepdifferentreality: Actually, xur1z deserve the thanks. :)12:25
ValentinaWhy isn't shutdown -h 0 used in a script that's executed bya  root cron job?12:25
dAnon1instead of one partition there is a regular /home/username folder from / partition12:25
Valentina*by a12:25
dAnon1and my /home partition12:25
skxdAnon1, I don't understand the problem12:25
ValentinaWhy isn't shutdown -h 0 working in a script that's being executed as by root cron job?12:25
differentrealitytnxxxx xur1z :)12:26
dAnon1where can I upload a screen shot for you12:26
dAnon1it's easy when you'll see it12:26
aindriuCan someone please tell me about the filesystem structure and what you'd expect to find where?12:26
xur1zgood luck differentreality ... i'll check it out myself shortly12:26
skxdAnon1, dropbox, imageshack, whatever you like, adn try to write in one line using my nickname12:26
skxI suspect my disk to be failing, how can I verify this suspicion? It's a regular laptop 5400 rpm disk with encrypted lvm on it.12:26
dAnon1in my home folder there is /home partition mounted and a regular username folder which is / partition12:26
dAnon1I want it to be one folder all on /home partition12:27
dAnon1can't merge it :(12:27
SwedeMikeskx: install smartmontools and use smartctl12:27
dAnon1don't want to screw things up12:27
skxSwedeMike, thank you, I am on it12:27
catmandohey all12:27
catmandoquick question12:27
bigmack83_every since i upgraded to karmic (fresh install) k9copy hasnt worked properly. i cant use it to cut the chapters out of one of my dvd iso's to copy them onto a disc and compress them to fit if needed. it erorrs out every time. anyone else experience this?12:27
leaf-sheepskx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools12:27
catmandoi'm trying to use port a standard apache conf over to ubuntu12:27
steven__What is the fastest desktop environment out there?12:27
catmandoand it contains some mod_proxy directives12:28
skxleaf-sheep, I just need a keyword :)12:28
zaggynlcatmando: I like LXDE/openbox12:28
zaggynlhave it running on a P312:28
leaf-sheepskx: Manuals are a bonus. :)12:28
zaggynlCLI>all ofcourse12:28
catmandoinstalling mod-proxy-html doesn't seem to do the trick12:28
catmandoany ideas?12:28
skxdAnon1, first, do not mount filesystems on not-empty folders12:28
dAnon1but it was like that from fresh installed system12:29
skxdAnon1, umount /home (as root), move any files from away, remount, move the files back12:29
valbergi have a problem with netbook-launcher in UNR on my eeePC 1101HA12:29
skxdAnon1, I don't think so12:29
catmandospecifically, it's complaining about ProxyRequests12:29
ronaldhello there.,12:29
valbergevery time i suspend or hibernate my computer, netbook-launcher has crashed when i start the netbook again, and there is no way to get it to work than to reboot the computer...12:30
epinkyaindriu: check this http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/usersguide/linux_ugfilestruct.html12:30
ronaldhow to install the ALSA?12:30
valberganyone have a similar experience and/or know any fixes ?12:30
skxvalberg, known issue ;\12:30
dAnon1skx it mounted like that from start12:30
valbergskx: but no fix?12:31
skxvalberg, none that I know of, I have a link, gimme a minute12:31
valbergskx: cool :)12:31
skxvalberg, 21 pages http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=828426412:31
ronaldany one know how to install the ALSA driver?12:31
bigmack83_anyone else experience issues with k9copy after upgrading to karmic. it just doesnt seem to be able to copy or extract dvd/iso chapters anymore12:32
skxvalberg, probably still no fix though ;\12:32
skxvalberg, hibernation works... you can try that for now12:32
skxronald, alsa? you probably have alsa12:32
=== andy is now known as Guest77042
ValentinaI don't understand. Why is my shutdown script working when running it by: sudo ./myscript.sh but not when running it from a root cron job?12:32
differentrealityby the way, is there some way for someone to easily create his/her own desktop applets/gadgets for Ubuntu ?12:33
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
valbergskx: well, it is actually the same in my case12:33
ronaldyeah..but my soundcard is not supported12:33
leaf-sheepValentina: Use full path in your commands.12:33
skxvalberg, paste the appropriate line from cron12:33
skxValentina, paste the appropriate line from cron12:33
valbergskx: appropriate line?12:33
skxvalberg, it wasn't meant for you, sorry :)12:34
Valentinaskx: Ok.12:34
falcokianhey..i'm ubuntu newbie12:34
xur1zvalentina: ur script may depend on path vars being available which are set when logged in but not in cron12:34
falcokiannice O.S12:34
xur1zcus in cron ur notin a full shell12:34
falcokianits awesome..12:34
valbergskx: heh heh fair deal12:34
falcokiananyone here can help me..12:34
leaf-sheepfalcokian: Ask away the questions.12:34
skxvalberg, anyway, if you find a solution, feel free to msg me ;)12:34
falcokianabout software...12:34
ronaldskx:yeah..but my soundcard is not supported12:34
xur1zValentina: you also can check the actual cron cmd being run by inspecting /var/log/*log for 'cron' (grep -i cron /var/log/*log)12:34
gasullHi. There was a command for Ubuntu/Debian different than make install.  Does anybody remember it?12:35
Valentinaskx: This is my cron job line: */5 * * * * /home/valentina/check_temp.sh12:35
skxronald, give more details, or try ubuntu forums12:35
falcokiani mean.. PC mobile..12:35
llutz!checkinstall |  gasull12:35
ubottugasull: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!12:35
xur1zValentina: what file is ur cron job in pls? ur personal crontab or /etc/cron.*/*12:35
skxValentina, try */5 * * * * /bin/bash /home/valentina/check_temp.sh12:35
gasullllutz: thanks12:35
ValentinaHere is the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317637/12:35
skxValentina, or whatever shell you like12:35
valbergskx: my problem is not that my computer doesn't start after a suspension/hibernation, but only that netbook-launcher is all crashed and there is no way of restarting that single app12:36
falcokianwhat software can call any mobile through PC using internet??12:36
epinkyValentina: and the user? "root"?12:36
ValentinaIt works just fine executed from Terminal by: sudo ./myscript.sh12:36
falcokianlike IM skype.. but looking fir free...12:36
skxvalberg, oh, then maybe there is a solution12:36
ronaldskx: i use the 9.04.,then i don't have sound after i install the 9.04 ubuntu12:36
valbergskx: :)12:36
ValentinaEneloop: The script has got valentina as a user but is being run from cron job as root.12:36
xur1zValentina: but ur not running sudo myscript.sh in cron, are you12:36
leaf-sheepValentina: Replace "shutdown -h 0"  with "/sbin/shutdown -h 0"12:36
Zsocigood bye and thanks so much,have a nice day!12:37
xur1zValentina: unless ur cron task runs as root anyway?12:37
ValentinaThe script is run by root cron job because I added a echo "test" > test.txt at the end of the script and the file was created during execution from root cron job.12:37
Valentinaxur1z: I have created the cronjob using: sudo crontab -e12:38
NarbeHi have Dell XPS m1530, After upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 i don't have sound. what is the problem?12:38
Valentinaxur1z: So I hope it's a root cron job, not auser cron job.12:38
koppeWhat is "the best" 3d Graphics Card I can get (allmost) full support for under Ubuntu?12:38
storm_when I install software by apt-get, ca-certificates-java errs:ca-certificates-java12:38
storm_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:38
ronaldskx: i use the 9.04.,then i don't have sound after i install the 9.04 ubuntu12:38
xur1zValentina: should be. Might be easier to use /etc/cron.d/ for hte job than sudo crontab -e but that's a matter of taste really.12:38
Dr_Williskoppe:  i would check out the various nvidia cards/reviews   depends on your budget also.12:39
eddymhey all12:39
eddymDr_Willis, what audio prg do u use? banshee?12:39
Dr_Williseddym:  none really12:39
ValentinaOk, well, maybe it's the path that is playing me a joke.12:39
ValentinaI'll test to set full path to commands.12:39
epinkyValentina: try adding "root" before your command on the cron line12:39
NarbeHi have Dell XPS m1530, After upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 i don't have sound. what is the problem?12:40
xur1zValentina: the first thing i'd test is whether the cmd is actually getting executed. grep -i cron /var/log/*log12:41
Lexclubonjour les tapettes12:41
Lexcluquoi de neuf ?12:41
Valentinaepinky: Ok, I thought it would be run as root if the cron job was created by: sudo crontab -e12:41
Lexcluparlez français car je suis là12:42
xur1zthat should show if the cron task is firignng12:42
Lexcludonc si vous parlez englais je vous frappe12:42
xur1zand who it fires from12:42
Lexclubandes de nazis !12:42
dutchbuntu!fr | Lexclu12:42
ubottuLexclu: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr12:42
epinky!fr | Lexclu12:42
Lexcluta gueule dutchbuntu et epinky !!!12:42
xur1zepinky's advice only works if the cron task is set in /etc/cron.*12:42
NarbeHi have Dell XPS m1530, After upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 i don't have sound. what is the problem?12:42
Lexclu!es | ubottu12:42
ubottuLexclu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:42
epinkyLexclu: oue, ma gueule12:42
Lexclu!it | ubottu12:42
ubottuLexclu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:42
bazhangLexclu, please go to #ubuntu-fr for french12:42
Lexclu!us | ubottu12:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about us12:42
xur1zfor a personal crontab, the user entry will stop it working (there is no cmd "root", or if there is, ur in trouble ;)12:42
bazhangLexclu, stop that12:43
Lexclu!ru | ubottu12:43
ubottuLexclu: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:43
Lexclu!* | ubottu12:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:43
patchonHow can i make a screensaver be running as root, to be able to stop a user from killing it ? (or is that the wrong way of doing things, basicly i have a eventmanager that listens for certain events,  and locks the screensaver based on the event, however if i run this program as root, its not able to lock the screen of the current user, since the display is not available)12:43
Valentinaxur1z: Yes, I think it is: /var/log/syslog:Nov 13 13:35:01 c-3e79e755 CRON[6918]: (root) CMD (/home/valentina/myscript.sh)12:43
falcokiansound problem..12:43
Valentinaxur1z: Then I find the same line 5 minutes later and that seems to be correct.12:44
xur1zValentina: ok cool. so then u know u just need to debug the SCRIPT, not CRON12:44
xur1zcheck paths in the script etc12:44
xur1zur cron looks fine if what u say is true12:44
JonNightHey everyone I just installed OzOs and have gotten almost everything working and happy. But for some reason I can not get my sound to work.12:44
Valentinaxur1z: Yeah, I think so, I'll have to see if the full path will do the trick.12:44
xur1zdebugging is a matter of choosing the test which will get u the most info12:45
xur1zit's a lot like 20 questions12:45
xur1z"is it cron or the script"?12:45
JonNightIts driving me crazy because with debian it worked just fine. with Satanic ubuntu it did not work and now with OzOs is does not work12:45
JonNightany suggestions12:45
xur1z"is it ____ or ____?"12:45
mgv2what can i do about that in evolution? http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/544/13664299.png12:45
Valentinaxur1z: No, it was run as root right now. And it didn't shutdown. There is still something wrong with the script.12:46
joshyfluffdoes anyone know of patches for a HP un2400 Mobile Broadband Module Ethernet Adaptor?12:46
xur1zyes, but now you know it's the script for sure, not cron12:46
xur1zso u have 50% less possible issues to debug12:46
epinkymgv2: restart evolution?12:46
mgv2epinky, i did it already12:47
TheSeeker1Hello everyone!  I was wondering if anyone here is using Windows in Virtual Box and has tried any windows games through Virtual Box?  Does it work?12:47
Dr_WillisTheSeeker1:  will depend on the game.. and i imagine not very well.12:47
leaf-sheepTheSeeker1: If you really <3 Windows Games, you should opt for dual-boot.12:47
mgv2what is this vb?12:47
epinkymgv2: Karmic?12:47
mgv2epinky, yes12:48
llutzTheSeeker1: solitair works12:48
JonNighttheseeker: I used suns virtual box with xp worked fine for me12:48
falcokiantry fring software for that..12:48
TheSeeker1Dr_Willis:  Is that because of the virtualization?12:48
epinkymgv2: open a terminal and type : /usr/lib/evolution/2.28/killev12:48
JonNightany idea's on my problem?12:48
TheSeeker1JonNight:  What games did you play?  l'm not looking at anything graphic intensive maybe SimCity and others like that.12:49
ValentinaHere is my "shutdown script": http://paste.ubuntu.com/317750/12:49
JonNighteve-online :)12:49
forceflowTheSeeker1: forget anything with Direct3D accelleration12:49
ValentinaIt will be executed as root from my root cron job BUT it won't shutdown as it should. It will work in Terminal by sudo ./myscript.sh12:49
TheSeeker1JonNight:  So I take it that eve-online is pretty graphically intensive?12:49
falcokiananyone here..know what software.. for PC calling Mobile throught internet..for ubuntu?12:50
falcokiananyone here..know what software.. for PC calling Mobile throught internet..for ubuntu?12:50
JonNightlets just say it looks really pretty12:50
mgv2epinky, still the same12:50
TheSeeker1JonNight:  Did you do anything special to get it to run?12:50
epinkymgv2: :(12:50
JonNightJust learn how to config it.12:50
Dr_WillisTheSeeker1:  low end casual games can work12:50
JonNightonce you get it going its normaly not to bad12:50
mgv2epinky, thanks12:50
JonNightjust do not think to play doom 3 at full speed12:51
epinkyValentina: bettter use /etc/crontab12:51
leaf-sheepValentina: Try and run the commmand "/sbin/shutdown -h 0" in the root.12:51
JonNighteve is a slow enough game I do not work about it12:51
TheSeeker1JonNight:  What kind of config are you talking about?12:51
Dr_WillisTheSeeker1:  check the wine app database - that will proberly give better preformance12:51
Dr_Willis!appdb | TheSeeker112:51
ubottuTheSeeker1: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:51
shell_وين العرب12:51
shell_وين العرب12:52
FloodBot1shell_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:52
Dr_WillisI dont even know what language that is to point him to the proper channel12:52
bazhang!ir | shell_12:52
ubottushell_: #ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.12:52
epinky!ir | shell_12:52
TheSeeker1Dr_Willis:  I will do that.  I just wanted to get away from dual booting with Windows.  There is still some Windows stuff I have to run and I thought I could accomplish to things by using virtual box.12:52
DJonesDr_Willis: The ip address was iraq12:53
Dr_WillisTheSeeker1:  many programs can work very well in Virtualbox in windows. Games are proberly best to use in wine.12:53
mika__CK kaelsito12:53
shell_اللغة العربية12:53
bazhangshell_, english here12:53
=== mika__ is now known as Kaelsito
epinkyshell_: اللغة العربية12:54
Valentinaleaf-sheep: In the root, by using sudo or su first?12:54
bazhangstorm_, #ubuntu-cn12:54
shell_when arbac12:54
TheSeeker1Thanks to everyone for your help and information.  I must go now to get my son ready for school.12:54
bazhang!sa | shell_12:54
ubottushell_: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية12:54
Linux-IRCgeirha: Hi,12:54
leaf-sheepValentina: I mean "sudo -i" -- then when you're in root shell, try the shutdown command. Also, you could use "/sbin/shutdown -h now"12:54
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Ok12:55
ShayMor432Hello , how can i use ls to print the size of files in MB format ?12:55
nonix4How do I tell udev to put proper permissions for an USB UPS?12:55
Valentinaleaf-sheep: The command worked like a charm from root prompt after first running sudo -i. No problem at all.12:56
MenZaShayMor432: du -sh <file>12:56
leaf-sheepValentina: You received the "echo" message in the log?12:56
leaf-sheepValentina: Oh, run the command from the root too, using full path.12:57
leaf-sheepthe script*12:57
VtecCan anyone PERSONALLY teach me how to re-install grub after a windows 7 install? need help personally not some site with a guide, thanks12:57
freeridehello there12:58
Valentinaleaf-sheep: I did try this at root prompt: /sbin/shutdown -h 0 and it worked without problems.12:58
bazhangVtec, you mean grub2 with karmic?12:58
leaf-sheepValentina: Okay. I'm thinking it's more of a script problem.12:58
freeridedoes anybody know where do i finde trash folder?12:58
Vtecwell i updated from 9.04 to karmic yes, idk what grub came default with jaunty though12:58
leaf-sheep!trash | freeride12:58
ubottufreeride: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash12:58
lithiumxWhat sort of graphics card do I need to take full advantage of Compiz 3D effects, as well as playing HD movies? I'm not a heavy PC gamer, just the occassional OpenArena etc..12:59
freerideubottu thanks a lot12:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks a lot12:59
bazhangVtec, did you choose to go with the package maintainers version or not12:59
icedwaterAny word on why the Trash location was changed?12:59
VtecBazhang, what is that? Ubuntu Jaunty didn't have any options like that12:59
bazhangVtec, when you upgraded it gave you a choice13:00
diddyDoes Ubuntu have anything similar to Window shadow copies?13:00
VtecI don't remember that I upgraded from update manager a day before release, not a live cd13:00
Valentinaleaf-sheep: I got the message from echo running it by sudo ./myscript.sh but it doesn't seem to work running it from root cron job. But the script was created a text file in valentina home folder when I put that line at the end of the script.13:00
NarbeHi have Dell XPS m1530, After upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 i don't have sound. what is the problem?13:01
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Yeah, I think it's the script that's messing this up too.13:01
VtecBazhang, I don't remember that I upgraded from update manager a day before release, not a live cd13:01
llutzValentina: place that script in /usr/local/sbin and try again (change path in cronjob too)13:02
Valentinallutz: Why do I have to put it there?13:02
llutzValentina: just for testing13:03
luisthey... im using openbox and i added xcompmgr -cCfF -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55 -D6 & to .bashrc and it works when i open terminator but gives me some errors and message: Another composite manager is already running13:03
Valentinallutz: Ok13:03
VtecCan anyone PERSONALLY teach me how to re-install grub after a windows 7 install? need help personally not some site with a guide, thanks13:05
bazhang!grub2 | Vtec13:05
ubottuVtec: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:05
SatisfiedI'm using Jackalope... how do I upgrade to firefox 3.5  ?13:05
VtecI just asked for PERSONAL help13:05
Vtecnot that site..13:05
llutzVtec: irc doesn't work like that13:05
dutchbuntuSatisfied: install shiretoko13:06
llutzVtec: personal help means payed help13:06
VtecThat's why I'm ASKING for it, I'm sure someone would be willing to help me in PM13:06
VtecI've gotten personal help before13:06
JasseTllutz: why do we have this channel then?13:06
TujuVtec: how about stop shouting and ask someone personally, which is not here.13:06
xur1zleaf-sheep: gotz installer13:07
llutzJasseT: general support, leading people in right direction. enable them to help themselve13:07
leaf-sheepxur1z: What took you long? ._.13:07
Vtechow about you shut the fuck up and if you don't like it don't comment on it13:07
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:07
icedwaterVtec: you want someone to walk you through it?13:07
TujuJasseT: because everything done personally and talked here is just plain noice for everyone else.13:07
Vtecyes icedwater :/13:07
leaf-sheep!attitude | Vtec13:07
bazhangVtec, watch the language13:07
ubottuVtec: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:07
xur1zusing usb-creator in vmware to build usb flash isntead of doing it via slownet :P13:08
lithiumxvtec, you ask for help and then tell the people offering to help to shut the f**k up13:08
icedwaterI can't help you with that, not having been lucky enough to use Windows 7 :) But you should probably start with one of the websites, honestly.13:08
icedwaterWhat is the difficulty you are having with following the website instructions?13:08
Vtecno one has offered to help me they jsut keep saying how i need to shut up and no one will help me personalyl13:08
Vtecthat isn't offering help buddy13:08
diddyDoes Ubuntu have anything similar to Window shadow copies?13:08
dutchbuntuVtec: no one told you to shut up13:08
xur1zzfs has snapshotting all over the place13:09
epinkyVtec: I think nobody will help you if you start swearing13:09
Tujudutchbuntu: but i wanted to :)13:09
dutchbuntuVtec: you've been pointed at various websites that have solutions for your problems13:09
lithiumxVtec, why should they help you. Help installing GRUB is not some inherent right! Read the docs, and you'll find out how13:09
llutzxur1z: there's no zfs  for linux (except broken fuse)13:09
lamotheHi all, what's the difference between a stacktrace and a backtrace?13:09
Vtecdon't you think i've tried that lithiumx, i don't understand it13:09
xur1zi haven't seen nice shadow copies UI. ZFS is better than time machine. time machine rocks. orly does linux not have ZFS? that sux13:10
c0ldHey how do I add a app exception in the ufw for ircd port 6667?13:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:10
dutchbuntuVtec: why don't you do what it says there and come back here if you have anu more problems?13:10
VtecWhat do you think I'm doing now13:10
xur1zwell then i echo diddy's q13:10
lithiumxVtec, You've come in swearing and being rude, I have no idea what you've tried? What's you're problem specifically, where did you get up to?13:10
=== kb is now known as Guest73562
USH-6150Is it possible to install, say, mplayer in ubuntu server and have it output videos to tv-out without installing X/X11/Xorg?13:10
xur1zwhat snapshotting equivs does linux offer?13:10
Tuju[Ignore] Added Vtec!* to your ignore list.13:10
dutchbuntuVtec: to be honest, i think you might be trolling13:10
Valentinallutz: That didn't work. I see in my logs that the cron job was run, but it didn't work. I also see that another suspicous cron job was run: (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm)13:11
Vtectrolling?... what is that13:11
epinkyVtec: we need errors to troubleshoot13:11
ValentinaWhat's that?13:11
VtecI'm new to Linux hence the Ubuntu13:11
VtecI have NO idea what I'm doing13:11
Dravekxvsftpd stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB De                       fault-Stop values (1) << WHATS THAT MEAN?13:11
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:11
leaf-sheepValentina: PHP-related, I suppose. Read bash scripts tutorials. Also, #bash13:12
icedwaterWell, you'll find help here, though more often than not you'll be asked to read some relevant websites. Much work has gone into compiling those resources :P13:12
diddyxurlz, what do you mean zfs?13:12
joaopintoxur1z, you have lvm snapshots13:13
xur1zhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS pretty cool FS from Sun13:13
USH-6150Any news about Sun porting it to Linux?13:13
joaopintoUSH-6150, it is not a matter of porting, it's a matter of license13:13
llutzUSH-6150: unless they put in under gpl, it never will reach the kernel13:13
llutzUSH-6150: and they never will do that13:14
USH-6150Well, I read somewhere that they were going to, or thinking about, getting it to Linux.13:14
Dr_Willislike the great work they did with java? :)13:14
legend2440Vtec: maybe someone in  channel    #grub    can help you better13:14
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:14
Dravekxvsftpd stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1)? anyone know what that means?13:14
epinkyVtec: have you tried with GAG? http://gag.sourceforge.net/ , I think it's more user friendly13:14
Vteclegend2440, thanks I appreciate that I wasn't aware of that channe;13:14
sheyWHO is thinkin about getting into linux.13:15
Tujucould you please stop that vtec noise.13:15
ikoniashey: this channels topic is support for #ubuntu13:15
falcokianya..i like that..13:15
USH-6150shey: Sun.13:15
sheyUSH-6150: ty.13:15
USH-6150No, not jesus.13:15
lithiumxshey, What OS would Jesus use?13:15
blinkizVtec, Hi there. It exist a perfect guide for you to follow to have grub2 restored after a windows 7 installation. Follow the steps on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD and you will be good to go :)13:15
jeofiziki installed and then unisntalled ndiswrapperi but now my wireless is complately doesnt work.  i wondr if my wireless module complately removed? how can i understand this and fix it? please help. my system is karmic13:16
joaopinto!ot | lithiumx13:16
ubottulithiumx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:16
ikoniaguys - keep to the topic please - ubuntu support discussion13:16
sheyJesus would prolly use Debian.13:16
c0ldHey how do I add a app exception in the ufw for ircd port 6667?13:16
c0ldubuntu firewall13:16
petsounds!ot > shey13:16
ubottushey, please see my private message13:16
sahilsksorry, , guys, but i really get confuse on choosing a correct diastro for me.13:16
Empathyhello world im don't have video sound on default empathy messenger on ubuntu 9.10 karmic somebody can help me?13:16
blinkizc0ld, What do you mean with exception?13:16
lithiumxIt looks like, Jesus is being moved to the off-topic channel, it's just like that thing with the Romans all over again13:16
sahilski basicall need linux diastro for ANimatin /3d ..which one u guys suggest?? ubuntu is not 4 m....13:17
sheyI am aware this is an Ubuntu Support channel. I do speak english.13:17
Valentinalegend2440: Ok, but it didn't come up because of my script in /usr/local/sbin/mysccript.sh?13:17
lithiumxikonia, and I'll stop now13:17
c0ldlike to allow my ircd to broadcast13:17
Valentinalegend2440: Sorry.13:17
c0ldnot block port 666713:17
joaopintosahilsk, this is for Ubuntu support, not general linux, try asking on ##linux13:17
Ali_anyone here know open office macro code?13:17
Valentinaleaf-sheep: It didn't be run cause of that I moved my script to /usr/local/sbin/ and run it from there by a cron job?13:17
Empathyhello world im don't have video sound on default empathy messenger on ubuntu 9.10 karmic somebody can help me?13:17
blinkizc0ld, Hmm.. trying to figure out if it is as simple as just "ufw allow port 6667"..13:17
joaopintoc00p, IRC does not broadcast, it just needs tp accept TCP connections on that port13:18
Ali_i want to know the equivalent of the Selection object in MS?13:18
blinkizc0ld, with ufw, you can't control individual programs. It's always on port level13:18
=== shey is now known as shey|away
leaf-sheepValentina: I didn't suggest /usr/local/sbin.  Although that's a good place because it allows users to execute that script, not just your user.13:18
llutzAli_: /j #openoffice.org13:18
leaf-sheep!away > shey|away13:18
ubottushey|away, please see my private message13:18
silidanhi, i have a notebook with an ati radeon mobility hd 4330 onboard, what driver shoul di use to get full 3d acceleration?13:19
c0ldblinkz I get this ERROR: Need 'to' or 'from' clause13:19
joaopintosilidan, fglrx, which is the default ATI restricted driver13:19
llutzleaf-sheep: it was my request to test the script from outside user-home13:19
joaopintoassuming your model is supporter :P13:19
Ali_llutz, i'm there :)13:19
blinkizc0ld, okay, I typed it wrong for you. Test this instead "ufw allow 6667"13:19
Ali_llutz, but noone is answering13:20
lithiumxWhat sort of graphics card do I need to take full advantage of Compiz 3D effects, as well as playing HD movies? I'm not a heavy PC gamer, just the occassional OpenArena etc..13:20
micr0xsilidan: system > hardware drivers > check if it's listed under there.13:20
ryan__with tcpdump is it possable to tell if mgcp calls are incomming or outgoing? I am in a callcenter and we need to find the concurrent out going calls and out pbx lives off site. Does anyone have any ideas how this could be done???13:20
Ali_anyone know the openoffice equivalent of the Selection object in MS?13:20
blinkizc0ld, Then test with "ufw status". If it says disabled, you just type "ufw enable" and then "ufw status" again.13:20
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Ok, llutz did suggest to test to move the script to that folder and replace path in cron job but it didn't work anyway.13:20
silidanjoaopinto: i tryed that one on the live cd of ubuntu 9.10 64bit and it didnt bring up the xserver again after logout!13:20
c0ldI did13:20
Empathyhello world im don't have video sound on default empathy messenger on ubuntu 9.10 karmic somebody can help me?13:20
ryan__or if you could recommend a better chanel to ask this question13:20
c0ldthanks a mill blinkiz13:20
leaf-sheepValentina: I'm pretty certain it is because of the script.13:20
blinkizc0ld, Glad to help. :)13:20
leaf-sheepValentina: Fix the script and it should work.13:21
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Yeah, I'm trying to do so.13:21
Piciryan__: ##networking perhaps?13:21
Tujuhow in ubuntu one can run a tool with root permissions without sudo? Fedora has this 'consolehelper' tool to solve this.13:21
micr0xAli_: #openoffice.org13:21
ikoniaTuju: you use sudo13:21
USH-6150Is it possible to install, say, mplayer in ubuntu server and have it output videos to tv-out without installing X/X11/Xorg?13:21
xur1zgksudo may b what u mean13:21
Ali_micr0x, i'm there - no answer13:21
joaopintosilidan, the CD is not a proper test case, there are some modules that may be needed to be reloaded after the driver install, reboot is advised, which will not work for the cd :)13:21
sil3nt|warri0ri just updated to 9.10 from 9.04 (kde)13:21
ikoniaUSH-6150: it stil needs an X server to run the gui13:22
sil3nt|warri0rbut the snd is not working, i dont know how to chk for errors13:22
silidanjoaopinto: ok, but if it fails how can i get my xserver back working?13:22
sil3nt|warri0rany help plz13:22
voidprayeris ubuntu using fstack-protector (ssp) in gcc building all dev packages?13:22
joaopintosilidan, you boot into rescue mode and remove the driver :)13:22
ikoniavoidprayer: I don't believe it is, ssp's only been pushed in hardened distros13:22
USH-6150ikonia: Do you know if it.. stops X after any output is done?13:22
ikoniaUSH-6150: no, X will run until you kill it13:23
voidprayerikonia, but i remember that ubuntu has a hardened toolchain team. they are not working for desktop edition? only server edition? or even server edition is not hardened.13:23
blinkizTuju, Hi there. I don't have the answer for you, but you should look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers . You can add program in there that should always be allowed root access13:23
Tujublinkiz: i already did, actually.13:24
ikoniavoidprayer: honesty I'm not sure, I can't see it being in the desktop version, try #ubuntu-hardened for discussion13:24
coi6644hi guys13:24
voidprayerikonia, thanks.13:24
Tujublinkiz: the fact is, that it's confusing to the users. without sudo it's transparent and simpler.13:24
coi6644does gsm modem mf626 work in ubuntu?13:24
stevensjHi All.  Has anyone used the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome package in Karmic?  I am having problems with the screen resolution on a Packard Bell laptop, and from reading forum posts, this might help.  Will I need to generate an xorg.conf afterwards, or should it just work?13:25
diddyxurls, thx13:25
micr0xAli_: what do you mean by selection object?13:25
blinkizTuju, yeah, sudo can be a little pain. If you don't want to type sudo all the time, just go into root by typing "sudo -s".13:25
coi6644what about 3G Modem MF626 in ubuntu?13:26
Tujublinkiz: i'm developing software, not having pain with keyboard. My motivation is to make it easy for users.13:26
Dr_WillisUSH-6150:  theres the framebuffer out features of mplayer. but im not sure how you would configure the tv out to work13:26
ikoniaDr_Willis: won't fly with nvidia or ati cards13:26
Ali_micr0x, basically [excuse the pun13:26
DravekxHow do I get UPSTART?13:26
Dr_Willisikonia:  ive done it in the past.. but that was with different cards when what i got now I think.  geexbox does that (well it used to)13:27
Ali_micr0x, basically [excuse the pun], i want to be able to convert an MS word macro to openoffice.org13:27
jcrawfordhey guys if i want to search several files/directories for a string why will grep -ir "string" not work for me?  It just hangs there forever13:27
Ali_micr0x, and the ms word one uses 'Selection.cut' and 'Selection.paste' etc13:27
USH-6150Dr_Willis: Well, it's something like that that I'm looking to do, I don't think X is necessary..?13:27
fcuk112jcrawford: i think you need to add * at the end13:28
llutzjcrawford: fgrep -ri string *file13:28
dutchbuntuDravekx: have you tried 'sudo apt-get install upstart'?13:28
Dr_WillisUSH-6150:  depends on a lot of things.. framebuffer has always been a pain. and getting the interface working in the framebuffer/mplayer can be a pain.13:28
frogzoogrep -ir "string" *13:28
blinkizTuju, It aint so complicated to allow users to run some commands. For example, if the user "blinkiz" should be able to shutdown the computer, you type in visudo as this: "blinkiz server.mydomain.com=/sbin/halt /sbin/reboot". You can add groups instead of the username as well.13:28
ikoniaDr_Willis: maybe in the past the tv out wasn't as "driver fussy" as it appears now13:28
conckerHi all, im looking for some kind of easy to use programm to manage my ipod toutch 1g. (running FW 3.0, Jailbroken) on my 9.10 ubuntu.  im at a crap motell, and cant get i nett signal on ipod, so no ssh, and no virtuall box, any suggestions? /pm -Thanks13:28
steltI want to report an Ubuntu bug via a website, not via some Ubuntu tool (as i don't have Ubuntu running). I do have a launchpad account13:28
micr0xAli_: I'm not sure, but it might require emulatino in order to convert marco's across to *nix I guess, but I haven't used it, otherwise, make a new macro13:28
jauntyjoejcrawford: grep -i "STRING" `find . -name "*.txt" -print` is what i use13:29
dutchbuntu!ipod | concker13:29
ubottuconcker: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod13:29
jcrawfordllutz, i tried * and *.* and *.php13:29
frogzoo!launchpad > stelt13:29
ubottustelt, please see my private message13:29
jcrawfordnone of those would work for me :(13:29
blinkizTuju, I would like to find a guide for you, but I can't find anything. Try searching yourself for keywords like visudo, users, shutdown. It normally exist examples for the shutdown command that you can adapt to anything.13:29
llutzTuju: there shouldn't be that much apps needing root-permissions to be run by users13:29
Ali_micr0x, i will try emulatino but i cant make a new one - i have loads13:29
conckerdutchbuntu,  that is ssh, witch i cant use, and its realy bad way to sync an ipod13:29
Tujublinkiz: i already decided that i'm not going to do it with sudo.13:29
micr0xemulation* Ali_ ;)13:30
steltfrogzoo, that was not new to me13:30
jcrawfordno wait * works but it searches all the css files can't have that :)13:30
Tujullutz: actually there are, quite many. like the one i'm developing. i don't care the rest.13:30
blinkizTuju, okay. Then just enable the root account on the machine. "passwd root". Then login directly as root. Done..13:30
Ali_oh drat micr0x - i didn't want to go back to ms word!13:30
frogzoostelt: file your bug on launchpad..13:30
conckerHi all, im looking for some kind of easy to use programm to manage my ipod toutch 1g. (running FW 3.0, Jailbroken) on my 9.10 ubuntu.  im at a crap motell, and cant get i nett signal on ipod, so no ssh, and no virtuall box, any suggestions? /pm -Thanks13:30
llutzTuju: design-flaw ;)13:30
Tujullutz: yes, in ubuntu.13:30
jcrawfordthanks jauntyjoe13:31
scuniziAli_: what are you trying to do?13:31
Tujublinkiz: in fedora and rhel there is no problem with this thing. you just make it to symlink to /usr/sbin/consolehelper. you're done.13:31
skxas it turns out my drive is perfectly healthy and ext4 sucks13:31
micr0xconcker: the bot already told you a guide to follow13:31
llutzTuju: security nightmare13:32
harsainhi.. i have a few systems on lan running 9.04.. i've already upgraded one of those to 9.10 and would like to upgrade rest of the systems too.. however i want to avoid redownloading all the packages.. how do i do  this?13:32
Tujullutz: you mean the consolehelper has a security nightmare?13:32
blinkizTuju, Oh, I looked up consolehelper. You are talking about gui programs, right?13:33
maliceharsain: you could copy the packages to the download directory13:33
silidanskx: ext4 sucks? pls explain... i just installes ubuntu with ext4 for home and root13:33
osvaldoquase que eu conseguia compilar algo13:33
Tujublinkiz: it doesn't matter is it gui or not.13:33
harsainmalice, which directory is that? var/cache/apt?13:33
conckermicr0x, as i said, that method is useless to me, since i cant use ssh, and ifuse dont seem to work13:33
blinkizTuju, okay13:33
klikHi all. anyone have any experience with ktorrent 3.2.4 on 9.10? Everything was good with jaunty, but when I moved to karmic, setting a proxy when at a difference subnet became persistent. Proxy does not show in the ktorrent config dialogue, nor is it set in the Network Proxy dialogue. I have even un-installed and re-installed ktorrent. All other web related apps work fine.13:34
osvaldoparece que hoje entrei no irc errado13:34
Dravekxvsftpd gives me this error: update-rc.d: warning: vsftpd stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (1)13:34
Dravekxthen goto Ubuntu or their mailinglist and say: When installing the latest version of vsftpd, I'm getting this error (because the vsftpd init script hasn't been migrated to upstart. Please fix this. here's how I fixed it: $patch)13:34
Jimi_Neutralanyone know anything about clonezilla?13:34
dutchbuntu!es | osvaldo13:34
ubottuosvaldo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:34
scuniziconcker: I don't think that's what the link mentioned.. ssh? not.13:34
jauntyjoeyou can make clones of *zillas with it13:35
blinkizTuju, Well, if you like the way consolehelper works, you can always install it under Ubuntu. Just type "apt-get install usermode". Then man consolehelper to find the paths..13:35
arcturus38and in french what is the canal ?13:35
maliceharsain: ah i'm not sure I'm looking it up now13:35
dutchbuntuscunizi: actually, it does (for the ipod touch)13:35
Tujublinkiz: i was actually planning to port it, but is that already included into usermode?13:35
legend2440USH-6150: here is a script i found and used when i had a Radeon 9550 card. i named it  movies  and used it from terminal  for tv out  you may need to change   ntsc to pal depending on where you are   ./movies /path/to/name.avi  i'm not sure it will work without  xorg.conf but may be worth a try   http://paste.ubuntu.com/317787/13:35
tapasok, what command replaced vol_id?13:35
epinkyosvaldo: #ubuntu-cat13:35
falcokiananyone here know about DDS server??13:36
Tujublinkiz: that sounds better than expected....13:36
or4nis there any nice command line vu meter?13:36
blinkizTuju, yes, it already exist and is pre configurated for Ubuntu. So its auto :)13:36
osvaldoi do not speak  espanhol13:36
scunizidutchbuntu: I didn't know we could even deal with the touch at this point..13:36
USH-6150legend2440: Cheers, I'll check it out :)13:36
Ali_scunizi, i am trying to convert a ms word macro to openoffice and the msword macro says things like Selection.cut     and    Selection.paste etc13:36
vigorishspeaking of ipods, can anyone recommend a good portable jukebox that plays nicely with linux?13:36
osvaldoits protuguese my language13:36
Tujublinkiz: great. i'll use it.13:36
stelt"checking installation" goes to 128%13:36
vigorishi'm sick of my expensive paperweight aka ipod classic13:36
blinkizTuju, Glad to be able to help :)13:37
dutchbuntuscunizi: not officially, no. it's unsupported and it *might* (sic) void your warranty13:37
scuniziAli_: ah.. macro's are a pain.. there's a lot of reading material on them on hte ooo website..13:37
epinky!br > osvaldo13:37
ubottuosvaldo, please see my private message13:37
lupitahi, I've just upgraded to xubuntu 9.10, but now my computer doesn't shut down. It doesn't turn off the cpu.13:37
conckerscunizi, i cant use any of thouse methods whit firmware 3.0, i can only use the ssh, witch cant be used at this motel because of the crappy connection, i need a stable easy to use programm witch transfers over usb13:37
scunizidutchbuntu: probably also suffers from teh same ssh bug as the iPhone.. nobody changes the root password :)13:37
micr0xLupine: any error messages?13:38
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harsainmalice, any luck ?13:38
Lupineoh...nm, I see wrong nic :)13:38
micr0xLupine: grep the error mesages to #xubuntu13:38
jauntyjoe!pt | osvaldo13:39
ubottuosvaldo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:39
scunizi concker gotcha.. It would be nice if the i"Stuff" was a litte more open for faster pariphrial development..13:39
Lupinemicr0x: I'm sure you mean lupita not Lupine ;)13:39
lupitahow do I go to #xubuntu?13:39
ArgoticHi have a very big problem. I tried a fresh reinstall of 9.10 and now when my PC is at "Verfying DMI pool data..." I get  this: " L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9999 99 99 9999 99 99 9913:39
dutchbuntuconcker: i'm afraid you have come to a dead end. syncing an ipod touch is unsupported atm13:39
micr0xohh sorry Lupine13:39
BlizzerandLupita: What error message do you get13:39
Lupinelupita: type /join #xubuntu13:39
Lupinenp micr0x13:40
Blizzerand!pastebin > Lupita13:40
ubottuLupita, please see my private message13:40
conckerbut like on windows you got a bounch of custom made programs, dont see why its so hard to make some for linux :(13:40
lupitawhere do I see private messages?13:40
BlizzerandLupine : Unfortunately , no one is there in #xubuntu13:40
dutchbuntuconcker: dont know dude, im not a developer13:40
Lupineargh! :)13:40
dutchbuntuconcker: sorry :)13:41
epinkylupita: irssi?13:41
Lupineit's contagious13:41
ubottulupita: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic13:41
scuniziconcker: because on windows developers sign non disclosure agreements and other "tie downs"13:41
ArgoticHi have a very big problem. I tried a fresh reinstall of 9.10 and now when my PC is at "Verfying DMI pool data..." I get  this: " L 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 9999 99 99 9999 99 99 9913:41
conckerlike the fw 3.0 got a new SQLite-base format, witch is more linux friendly13:41
BlizzerandLupita : Please paste the errors you get in pastebin so we can help you13:41
harsainhi.. i have a few systems on lan running 9.04.. i've already upgraded one of those to 9.10 and would like to upgrade rest of the systems too.. however i want to avoid redownloading all the packages.. how do i do  this?13:42
josephHow do I forward my ports so that I can connect to my ubuntu machine from an XP computer?13:42
josephremote desktop only shows a local ip address13:42
llutzArgotic: you'r eusing lilo? it isn't install properly, try using live-cd to re-install it13:43
Blizzerandharasin : I think I can help with that , but wait please13:43
adinaCTi setup a local dns server with bind9 yesterday and digging it was working fine yesterday and now it just gives this answer: flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 . what's the problem, if anyone can help me?13:43
lupitahow do I paste the error that comes at shut down?13:44
dutchbuntuharsain: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Create-a-LAN-Repository-with-Apt-Cacher-45978.shtml it's an old guide, but you can check if it still works13:44
micr0xlupita: easiest way is to use your digital cam, but it might be on your logs somewhere.13:45
Dr_Willisharsain:  ive been using apt-cacher-ng on my home lan. it works very well.13:45
epinkylupita: "more /var/log/messages"13:45
harsainDr_Willis, trying it now :)13:45
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Mintalstill long until satanic edition is out ?13:46
lupitaUbuntu login: [1011.926021} Buffer I/0 error on device loop0, logical block 931886  This is one of the lines13:46
PiciMintal: That is not an official variant of Ubuntu, you'd have to ask whoever distributes it.13:47
legend2440tapas:   in terminal try   sudo blkid13:47
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Jimi_Neutralanyone at all know about clonezilla13:49
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: i use it13:49
scuniziJimi_Neutral: know what .. it clone's partitions13:50
llutzzero-brain any problems?13:50
Pr0ni have problems13:50
Pr0nunbuntu is crap13:50
Zero-Fearur my problem13:51
Pr0nbt4 all the way13:51
Zero-Fearubuntu = mac13:51
Zero-Fearfor linux13:51
USH-6150Why do some insist on that "n"? unbuntu..13:51
Pr0nrm -rf fixes everything13:52
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, Hi there13:52
Zero-Fearalt f413:52
epinkylupita: "sudo gedit /etc/rc6.d/S40umountfs"13:52
Zero-Fearwindows rules13:52
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Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, having a bit of trouble, used to work fine, now i have upgraded to koala it doesnt....i reinstalled it hopeing that would do the tirck but it is getting stuck something13:52
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sipiorPr0n: did you have a question, or are you simply bored after school?13:52
Zero-Fearupgrade to kangaroo13:53
llutz!ops  Zero-Fear trolling13:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:53
Zero-Fearoh shit13:53
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, get stuck on a line saying, dammit hang on i forgot13:53
Zero-FearRUN AWAY!!13:53
FloodBot1Zero-Fear: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:53
Pr0nwell i want to uninstall ubuntu cause its shit13:53
Dr_WillisPr0n:  glad to hear it.. good by.13:53
scunizi!ops | Pr0n is also trolling13:53
ubottuPr0n is also trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:53
epinkylupita: are you on Xubuntu? then "sudo mousepad /etc/rc6.d/S40umountfs"13:53
MenZaPr0n: Remove the partition. Simple as that.13:53
MenZa!gksu | epinky13:54
ubottuepinky: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:54
llutzsomewhere on karmic-cds must be an irc-invitation to all those poor trolls living out there :(13:55
Valentinaleaf-sheep: I think I have found the problem. My script wasn't cutting aout the value of sensors output the right way, therefore the if statement didn't work.13:55
lupita gedit: command not found13:55
Dr_Willisllutz:   I think the xchat-gnome has them auto joining.13:55
deviant-routellutz, i agree13:56
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, ok it gets stuck on a line called "Let original init take over"13:56
freaky[t]hi all. can someone tell me how i can enable this sharing plugin for nautilus?13:56
miraktracker is useless right ?13:56
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, this is when I am cloning an image from a laptop13:56
dutchbuntu!ubuntuone | freaky[t]13:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuone13:57
melvsterhi all, does anyone know where the panel option is to "group" windows together, eg several instances of nautilus, i used to have that option in jaunty but cant remember where it is on karmic13:57
dutchbuntufreaky[t]: you mean Ubuntu One?13:57
freaky[t]dutchbuntu, no13:57
freaky[t]i mean nautilus sharing plugin13:57
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: you are running  clonezilla from the  livecd right?13:57
icerootmelvster: right click on the taskbar, there is an option for grouping13:57
freaky[t]i dont see all the sharing options which are on the screenshots13:57
lupitaI've just copied something, but If i paste here i'll do a mess here13:58
Jimi_NeutralNo, im running it from this box which has koala upgraded from a fresh install of jaunty13:58
lupitahow do i show it to you?13:58
DJones!paste | lupita13:58
ubottulupita: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!13:58
melvstericeroot: you mean right click on panel -> properties?  I tried that, but cant find any optoin for grouping ...13:58
epinkyMenZa: are you sure there's gksudo on Ubuntu?13:58
epinkyMenZa: are you sure there's gksudo on XUbuntu? sorry13:59
silidanhow accurate is the remaining battery time for notebooks on ubuntu 9.10 ?13:59
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: so you installed clonezilla  and choose it from grub menu  when you want to use it?13:59
scuniziepinky: it's there.. should be anyway13:59
frogzoowhy is bzip2 so s .. l .. o .. w13:59
distant_voicehow do I check whether I have qt installed and what version I have?13:59
MwaMy logitech mouse doesn't do anything. How do I make it work?13:59
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:00
silidandistant_voice: try synaptic and search for libqt14:00
coolcathi, I always get this message when I try to update "E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)14:00
coolcatE: Unable to lock the download directory" what should I do?14:00
epinkyMenZa: lupita is using Xubuntu14:00
distant_voicesilidan: trying...14:00
Mwafrogzoo: no, it won't even move14:00
USH-6150Mwa: Scream at it and see if it jumps.14:00
mircoHi all, I could need a hand for a xen pciback problem, and no it's not the basic's... The DomU see's the PCI device, prob is it doesnt load a kernel module!14:00
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, yes i installed it but i set it up by using sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/drblpush -i and then run it by using sudo /opt/drbl/sbin/dcs14:00
Gummi_coolcat, do you have apt-get, synaptic , add/remove or something else open14:01
DJonescoolcat: That normally means that the apt database is in use, wait a few minutes and then try again, or it could be that you have synaptic open and are trying to run an apt-get command in a terminal at the same time14:01
Mwak more precise: My logitch Nano has it's nano reciever plugged into my netbook running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. However, the netbook acts as if the mouse is not plugged in. How do I enable it?14:01
Pulecxfce is best for pc with low memory right?14:02
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: oh ok  i havent tried that yet. i boot it from the livecd and havent had any problems i'm not familiar with that error14:02
Puleci got 177mb on my system14:02
Pulecand 350mb with gnome14:02
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, i have been using it for ages but since i installed koala it gets stuck on this damn line and wont move14:02
coolcatGummi_, DJones Ok, but synanptic and apt-get is not open14:02
USH-6150Mwa: And it works otherwise?14:02
lupitathis is not what i get when i shut down14:03
dutchbuntuPulec: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements14:03
Gummi_coolcat, updates?14:03
DJonescoolcat: It could be that synaptic is running in the background (eg when its checking for updates)14:03
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: have you googled that error message?14:03
coolcatGummi_, yes14:03
coolcatGummi_, I will check for this14:03
distant_voicesilidan: I have it and it's up to date. When I try to build qtscrobbler I get this: http://pastebin.com/d2e11ef6d Can you help me out please?14:03
kane77do you know of any song book app for ubuntu?14:03
Gummi_coolcat, at worst you will need to log in and out, because some program is accessing the repos.14:04
alinuxhello, could you help me about how to add a computer to ubuntuone account?14:04
Gummi_kane77, what is an songbook app?14:04
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, yeah, nothing14:04
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: is  Let original init take over   a yes or no question it is asking?14:04
Picialinux: #ubuntuone would probably be a better place to ask14:05
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, its not even an error, it just stops on that line then and then after a while the screen blanks14:05
alinuxok thanks14:05
kane77Gummi_, a application where you can store lyrics and chords for songs and it would allow you to print it etc.14:05
Jimi_Neutraland no its not a question14:05
silidandistant_voice: maybe its a path problem, search for these files and add the path where you find them in to youre path environment variable or something like this.. make sure you have libqt4 and also qt4 base or so installed14:05
epinkylupita: make a backup of that file, open a terminal and type: sudo cp /etc/rc6.d/S40umountfs /etc/rc6.d/ori.S40umountfs14:05
coolcatGummi_, ps -ef | grep synanptic does not find anything ...14:05
MwaUSH-6150: it worked fine when the netbook was on windows xp yes14:05
distant_voicesilidan: how do I add the path? what files do I have to edit?14:06
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: well what i would do is burn a  clonezilla livecd and see if that works  if it does then it is something to do with the way it is set up in opt14:06
lupitahow do i backup the file?14:06
Gummi_coolcat, there are many programs that are able to tie up.. just log out and log in again14:06
epinkylupita: open a terminal and type: sudo cp /etc/rc6.d/S40umountfs /etc/rc6.d/ori.S40umountfs14:06
stevensjHi All.  Has anyone used the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome package in Karmic?  I am having problems with the screen resolution on a Packard Bell laptop, and from reading forum posts, this might help.  Will I need to generate an xorg.conf afterwards, or should it just work?14:06
USH-6150Mwa: Is it listed? USB, right? Try "lsusb" in terminal and see if it's connected.14:06
Gummi_lipsin__, copy... paste... rename14:06
steltwubi experience: username is taken from old install, instead of the one chosen. "checking installation" goes to 128%   Hangs on user change (logout/login).   de-install on Windows still leaves Ubuntu option in bootmenu14:06
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, its exactly the same options as i have always used with jaunty14:07
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, bloody annoying14:07
sahilskhye, felas which one is better Ubuntu ultimate or ubuntu studio??14:07
silidandistant_voice: none to edit, you set environment vriables with the export VARNAME=Value or so dunno exactly its been a while sinsce i needed it...14:07
Gummi_kane77, sorry I only know programs for scores or guitartabs14:07
DarK`anyone here who uses compiz? I pressed a mouse/keyboard combination and now my inactive windows turn "dark" whereas they used to go transparant normally. Who do I change it back?14:07
distant_voicesilidan: I'll look it up myself, thanks14:07
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: well jaunty was  ext3 and koala is ext4 unless you upgraded. maybe that has something to do with it  just guessing14:07
kane77Gummi_, I'll have to write my own I guess :)14:08
Blizzerandsahilsk : try just ubuntu and not other derivatives14:08
sahilskubuntu ultimate or ubuntu studio??14:08
silidandistant_voice: but ot make them permanent you add the line to a hidden file in youre home directory, profile or something with rc in it... im not sure maybe someoen else knows better14:08
scunizi!poll | sahilsk14:08
ubottusahilsk: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:08
USH-6150ubuntu ultimate studio14:08
bazhangsahilsk, ultimate is not supported here14:08
Gummi_kane77, not sure, try looking through the repos and google around.14:08
bazhangsahilsk, your question is better asked in #ubuntu-bots or #ubuntu-offtopic14:08
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, yeah could be....so how does doing it live work then? does it put the image on the disc or something and how do you put it back onto another machine14:09
USH-6150Haha, I read: "Do NOT take pills in the channel."14:09
sahilskbazhang: ...both are jaunty versin. is there any news of there karmic releases?14:09
CrAzE124hi everyone. Does anyone know is Kylix is still being supported? I've checked the net but can't find any info...14:09
jcrawfordguys i am trying to configure an evolution plugin but i am getting these errors, does ubuntu not support these versions of the libs?14:09
jcrawfordchecking for TRAY_EPLUGIN... configure: error: Package requirements (libgnome-2.0 >= 2.8.0    libgnomeui-2.0 >= 2.8.0    gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0    evolution-plugin >= 2.4.0    libglade-2.0 ) were not met:14:09
bazhangsahilsk, as I said this would be better to ask (about ultimate) elsewhere; there is a karmic version of ubuntustudio yes14:10
sahilskthanks ciya14:10
=== macrob_ is now known as macrob
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MenZaepinky: In any case, sudo should *never*, ever, ever be used for GUI applications.14:10
Dreadanyone know an easy way to view an sql server database via odbc or open an mdf file?14:11
legend2440Jimi_Neutral:the way i use it is boot the livecd  i created a folder on my second hard drive called  karmic  where i save the  image file. i have never tried to restore image to another machine so not sure how that would work14:11
tapaslegend2440: thanks14:11
legend2440tapas: your welcome14:11
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, no me niether...not sure it would at all tbh14:12
lupitak i typed that14:12
om26er!u | lupita14:12
ubottulupita: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:12
leaf-sheepValentina: Ooo I'm back. The script works now?14:12
epinkyMenZa: I don't even use graphical, but it's difficult for me to tell a beginner to use vi or emacs, thanks for the advice14:12
kerberusI wanna get rid of grub 2 and install the old one. Any idea of how to accomplish this??14:13
om26er!hi | mmarc__14:13
ubottummarc__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:13
hozeHoze1is there a flag that tells grep not to follow symlinks? ty14:13
manuel__i have got a very bad problem with /usr/bin/ld and some parameters (-lswscale -lswscale) has anybody an idea how to solve them?14:13
om26erkerberus: install jaunty jackalope14:13
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: the only problem i ever had in restoring an image was i made the mistake of letting it restore the MBR and when i rebooted i was in  grub hell. iended up reinstalling koala14:13
epinkylupita: have you run that command? no errors?14:14
MenZaepinky: there's always nano :)14:14
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, ouch14:14
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, well im stuck14:14
kannerkedoes someone has experience with setting up multiseat?14:14
mmarc__om26er: thanks! I'm looking for some help on "/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file *** is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output" I want to build a i386 app on amd64 ubuntu system14:14
epinkyMenZa: and pico :D14:15
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: yea ouch.  i had always used partimage with jaunty so i didnt know any better. unfortunately partimage doesnt do ext4 so i had to learn clonezilla14:15
om26ermmarc__: i don't know14:15
Dreadanyone know an easy way to view an sql server database via odbc or open an mdf file?14:15
MenZaepinky: nano is juts a free clone of pico. pico is an alias for nano :)14:16
legend2440Jimi_Neutral: well i would try the livecd14:16
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, never used partimage, always used clonezilla14:16
mmarc__ok, maybe anybody knows what compatibility packages do we need to solve "/usr/bin/ld: i386 architecture of input file *** is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output" and build a 32-bit executable?14:16
epinkyMenZa: : yeah, I know :D14:16
scuniziJimi_Neutral: why do you say that?14:17
Jimi_Neutrallegend2440, well i am downloading the image14:17
Jimi_Neutralscunizi, why do  i say what ?14:17
ranjancan any body can help me regarding how to install  xmms-infopipe-1.3 from sources14:17
mystery1234Hello everyone14:18
ezzieyguywufI need an SDL character table in order to properly configure mednafen. Where can I find this is ubuntu?14:18
scuniziJimi_Neutral: ah. I read.. " never use partimage" .. not "never used partimage" .. I just thought you had something against partimage which has worked well for me in the past14:18
ranjancan any body can help me regarding how to install  xmms-infopipe-1.3 from sources  i tred to find it in repos bt i was not able to get in repos plz help14:18
mystery1234Can anyone help me stop my firefox from freezing up my computer14:18
ranjancan any body can help me regarding how to install  xmms-infopipe-1.3 from sources  i tred to find it in repos bt i was not able to get in repos plz help14:18
om26ermystery1234: using netbook?14:19
Jimi_Neutralscunizi, ah, ok :)14:19
Valentinaleaf-sheep: Yes it does. It was the part that cut out the temp value from sensors | sed ... that didn't work as I thought it was. Now all work just fine. And I have to use the /sbin/shutdown -h 0 not only the shutdown -h 0 command for root cron job to really shut the computer down.14:19
ranjancan any body can help me regarding how to install  xmms-infopipe-1.3 from sources  i tred to find it in repos bt i was not able to get in repos plz help14:19
mystery1234i om26er im using a gateway laptop14:20
mystery1234i think it is freezing becuz of flash or something14:20
om26er!repeat | ranjan14:20
ubotturanjan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:20
legend2440mystery1234: in terminal try  firefox -safe-mode   see if that helps  if it does it may be a profile problem or some add on14:20
lupitaI run it, and I think I have no errors, but nothing happens14:20
ranjancan any body can help me regarding how to install  xmms-infopipe-1.3 from sources  i tred to find it in repos bt i was not able to get in repos plz help14:20
BluesKajHowdy folks14:21
scunizimystery1234: do you have more than one flash codec installed like gnash and flashplugin-nonfree?14:21
om26ermystery1234: try any other browser14:21
ranjanubottu i tried to find but no sucess achive14:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:21
legend2440ranjan: i thought xmms was discontinued14:22
ranjanso i am asking over here14:22
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.14:22
KottizenHow do I change so I can have more than two desktops?14:22
mystery1234om26er my epiphany browser works fine and dose not freeze14:22
Gummi_Kottizen, virtual?14:22
lupitaepinky: I have to go to school. Thank you for trying. I'll return later.14:22
tuxxiewhat's wrong with this command? tcpdump net 192.168.3 port 8014:23
om26erKottizen: you mean workspace?14:23
r_is el ron kimse in the house14:23
KottizenGummi_: Yes.14:23
=== r_ is now known as Guest46943
ranjanlegend2440 :: ya you are right i am trying on audacious14:23
suigenerisKottizen, right click on the desktop icon14:23
epinkylupita: good luck and bye14:23
legend2440ranjan: oh ok14:23
Gummi_Kottizen, left click on the worskpace switcher on the panel. go to properties, increase the number of workspaces14:23
om26ermystery1234: are you using any beta repository?14:23
scunizimystery1234: rename your hidden .mozilla directory in /home. then restart FF and see what happens14:23
kulightis there a gui config app for nfs ?14:23
KottizenGummi_, suigeneris: Thanks!14:23
ranjanlegend2440 :: so do you have any idea how to get the thing working14:24
om26erscunizi: or delete?14:24
Jimi_Neutralscunizi, ah, ok :)14:24
scuniziom26er: delee works too but is perminant.. renaming allow you to test and then put it back if it doesn't change anything.14:24
scuniziJimi_Neutral: :)14:25
Ced_hi guys. everywhere it says  "grub2 automatically detects your windows xp installation". well, it doesn't. could anyone of you point me to the correct website where I find information about adding it manually?14:25
tuxxiewhat's with this command?? tcpdump net 192.168.3 port 8014:25
om26erCed_: window hardrive was on during installation of ubuntu?14:25
Ced_om26er, sure14:26
scunizituxxie: well... the ip address isn't complete14:26
Ced_om26er, it's also correctly mounted and accessible. it's on a separate sata drive14:26
stelthttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+faq/741 seems to have a answer that is not very related to the question14:26
=== Muty is now known as planewalker
tuxxieit still gives and error with complete net address. ie tcpdump net port 8014:27
tuxxieit work fine with only one or the other but not with both port and net14:27
=== planewalker is now known as Planewalker
Ced_om26er, i've run os-updater, but did not found any entries generated in /boot/grub/grub.cfg14:27
jabalsadhi all. i just installed tightvnc on an ubuntu server and i can successfully connect to a gnome desktop. However, for some reason my keypresses don't match up: e.g. if i type an 'f' then i get a 's' and basically all the keys result in something different. Does anyone know how to fix this?14:27
scunizituxxie: i suspect the address is really
om26erCed_: sorry i don''t know14:28
Ced_om26er, okay thanks anyway14:28
oCean_tuxxie: try net "and" port 8014:29
oCean_well, w/out the quotes14:29
avatar_hi all, anybody able to help me solving my hardy sound problem ?14:30
om26er!help | avatar_14:30
ubottuavatar_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:30
FlootenkerpHi, I need some help with adding space to ubuntu14:31
jabalsadweird. the mapping i get using my keyboard is as follows: 'abcd' -> 'asdf'... 'efgh' -> 'ghjk'14:31
om26er!help | Flootenkerp14:31
ubottuFlootenkerp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:31
FlootenkerpI installed ubuntu with wubu installer, and only inversted 8 gigabytes into it. Then, when vista stopped working all of a sudden, I decided to use ubuntu as main14:32
avatar_k@ubottu ... I didn't hear anything .... and found some help wikis follow it and still didn't hear anything ...14:32
jabalsadkeyboard is listed as US 105 key :/14:32
melvsteranyone know if there's an easy way to print some text to the panel, without writing a whole applet?14:32
Flootenkerpbut now I need to add all the space I can get in ubuntu14:32
FlootenkerpHow would I do that?14:32
Jimi_Neutralis there a command you can put into terminal to find out which version of ubuntu you have and other info about the box?14:32
Slartmelvster: text to the panel? just for looks? or like a status text?14:32
SlartJimi_Neutral: lsb_release -a14:32
melvsterStart: exactly that, status text14:33
Jimi_NeutralSlart, ty :)14:33
SlartJimi_Neutral: there's also uname for kernel info, lshw for hardware info and so on14:33
scuniziJimi_Neutral: lsb_release -a ... uname -a ... sudo lshw14:33
melvsterStart: i dont mind hacking an exisiting applet14:33
Mintal!name -r14:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about name -r14:33
Slartmelvster: I don't know of anything for the panel.. you might want to take a look at notify-send though.. it can make little popups.. perhaps it can do other stuff too14:33
melvsterStart: thanks great idea14:34
Jimi_Neutrali had the server edition on here of jaunty...now i have done an upgrade it will still be server wont it.....may be a silly question but i just need to make sure14:34
* om26er says uname -i and uname -p shows unknown14:34
FlootenkerpI installed ubuntu with wubu installer, and only inversted 8 gigabytes into it. Then, when vista stopped working all of a sudden, I decided to use ubuntu as my main OS, but now I need to add all the space I can get in ubuntu. How would I do that?14:34
scuniziJimi_Neutral: yep.. if it was a server to begin with .. it remains a server.. typically without gui.. however desktop can be a server as well.14:35
om26er!repeat | Flootenkerp14:35
ubottuFlootenkerp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:35
Jimi_Neutralscunizi, cheers bro14:35
melvsterheh libnotify rocks14:35
FlootenkerpI know, I just retyped it because the question drifted off screen14:35
Slartom26er: yes.. same here.. I'm not sure but I think that it's an ubuntu thing.. or a debian thing..there was someone else here asking about that before and apparently uname returns actual useful stuff for some other distro14:35
ageebdoes a workaroud for workspace switching with the mouse wheel exist? (compiz active)14:36
om26erSlart: i just found this : https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/47055014:36
Slartageeb: workaround? you mean you want some other way to do it? try setting some other key combo in the compiz settings..14:36
ageebslart: it doesn't work... hence workaround14:37
Ced_om26er, for your information: this has helped: http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/14:37
ubentoalguien habla español?14:37
KottizenIs it possible to change the login-screen-team, like in Ubuntu 9.04?14:37
soreauageeb: They disabled it by default. You just need to re-enable it in the Viewport Switcher plugin14:37
DJones!es | ubento14:38
ubottuubento: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:38
soreauageeb: If you can't figure it out, come to #compiz14:38
kartookhellow need help if ienable compiz my close ,max and min buttons not showing14:38
Slartom26er: ah.. nice.. =)14:38
kartookubuntu 9.04 64 bit14:38
ageebsoreau: ty! brt14:38
=== arthurL_ is now known as arthurL
KottizenIs it possible to change the login-screen-team, like in Ubuntu 9.04?14:38
soreaukartook: Come to #compiz and I will help you14:38
Ced_om26er, maybe you can help me with another problem. grub2 seems to lag for a moment before the menu appears. it sounds like its accessing the hard drive in regular intervals for about 15 seconds. very annoying. do you know anything about that?14:38
om26erCed_: thatx for the link14:38
rashed2020If there's a package that has different builds for different processors. Will installing the oldest one allow it to run on all? (I'm talking about swiftfox)14:39
rashed2020om26er: Me?14:40
om26errashed2020: yes you what?14:40
rashed2020Is that n/a an answer to my question?14:40
MuseCan someone help me? My computer died during an update and when I try to launch firefox from terminal it says bash: /usr/bin/firefox: cannot execute binary file and I cant open it from GUi..14:40
om26errashed2020: no that message was not for you14:40
FlootenkerpHi, I want to know how to add more space to ubuntu. I invested 8 gigs only, and wanted to add more, but since my vista isn't working, idk how. I used the wubi installer to install ubuntu 9.4. Does anyone know how I can add moe space to ubuntu?14:41
dutchbuntuMuse: can you login to the GUI?14:41
BlackEyesany one have any ideas why 8.04 hardy heron will suddenly freeze up, generally starting with the sound skipping or dissapearing all together?14:41
om26erFlooti think you cannot resize wubi drive ** i think14:41
avatar_why does the group pulse-rt is missing under  ? 9.1014:41
Musedutchbuntu: I'm logged into GUI but firefox won't launch when clicking on the shortcut.14:42
sporkboyAny suggestions for making a p3 with 256MB RAM into a public kiosk?14:42
FlootenkerpDang, idk what to do since my vista won't work.14:42
mattgyverFlootenkerp, You should be able to use gparted to do that, however you can mess up your VIsta Drive.14:42
micr0xfolks, I'm trying to use my hp scanjet 2400 with ubuntu, but xsane cannot find it, I came down to this link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/194748  but since xsane is already installed, how can I add those extra lines to it's libraries/modules as explained?14:42
dutchbuntuMuse: open a terminal and try sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade14:42
mattgyverFlootenkerp, If your willing you can remove vista, and use all the space for ubuntu.14:42
Flootenkerpmatt, I'm willing to14:42
Flootenkerphow would I do that though?14:42
scuniziavatar_: might be there like www-data when you have apache2 installed.. neither may show in the groups section of the gui.. you might need to get the group lists from cli14:42
Musedutchbuntu: sudo apt-get update gives me the error E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.14:43
mattgyverFlootenkerp, see my PM14:43
dutchbuntuMuse: okay, try that quoted command14:43
BA^Hi. I'm using jaunty and the guide here: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux to auto mount my windows partition. do i create the storage folder under root or under my username? Thanks.14:43
Musedutchbuntu: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0043' near line 1:14:43
Muse newline in field name `padding'14:43
dutchbuntuMuse: w/o the quotes oviously ;-)14:43
avatar_how to get the cli group list .... (new ubuntu user)  sudo groups ?14:44
om26ermicr0x: that's not just adding line its a patch before building it and i don't know what to do with it14:44
jabalsaddoes anyone know if there is a fix for this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tightvnc/+bug/23736214:44
Timo_!ask | chattan14:45
ubottuchattan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:45
om26ermicr0x: but that bug was filed for 7.10 it should have been fixed in karmic i think14:45
MenZaom26er: Not according to Launchpad.14:46
BA^anyone got a good page on how to auto mount a windows partition in jaunty? thanks.14:46
avatar_still no pulse-rt group ? do I really need it for PulseAudio ?14:46
om26erMenZa: isn't it written by the reporter?14:46
dutchbuntuMuse: can you post the output of this, please: cat /var/lib/dpkg/updates/004314:47
Thundercross*WB(travis)WB* - <+Travis> Wait... Thundercross actually chats? You mean he isn't just a bot that says something clever whenever Zips joins the chat?14:47
trismavatar_: cat /etc/group | cut -f 1 -d':'14:47
dmglouisdoes anyone know how to get cod4 working in karmic? I can get it to install, but it doesn't recognize any servers in multiplayer and in single player, it hangs when actually starting the campaign. I'm on a 64bit if that makes a difference.14:47
MenZaom26er: It's not assigned to anyone, and its importance is undecided. Noone's picked that up on Launchpad, at elast.14:47
=== travis is now known as akiraaaa
dutchbuntuMuse: in paste.ubuntu.com pls14:47
MenZadmglouis: You may have more help on http://appdb.winehq.org14:47
om26erMenZa: the kernel might have fixed it?14:47
om26eror something like that in the period14:47
MenZaom26er: I doubt that, but I don't know how tightvnc works (or this 'keymap' thing that's mentioned)14:48
akiraaaahello all im trying to dual boot win7 and ubuntu 9.10 followed several tutorials but none work anyone knows one that actually works?14:48
MenZaCould check tightvnc upstream.14:48
MenZaakiraaaa: Install Windows. Install 9.10. You're done.14:48
MenZaakiraaaa: I'm on such a system right now.14:48
Musedutchbuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317838/14:48
neurodroneanyone knows how to get gmail/gtalk video chat to get working in Ubuntu ?14:48
om26erMenZa: i was talking abt another bug btw14:48
Slartakiraaaa: I'm dual booting win7 and 9.10.. installed ubuntu first, then did the big "switch hard drives around since windows is a whiny little 5-year old".. but now it works..14:48
MenZa!pm > akiraaaa14:48
ubottuakiraaaa, please see my private message14:48
avatar_ty, the Group doesn't exists ---14:49
neurodroneI tried gettign it to work in Empathy but not avail..14:49
=== nfontain_ is now known as pepito
dutchbuntuMuse: try to remove that file14:49
akiraaaaSlart thats my case14:49
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
Musedutchbuntu: What file is that?14:49
akiraaaaI have ubuntu 9.10 then boot partition then windows14:49
Museoh the 0043 one?14:50
dutchbuntuMuse: yes, only that one pls :)14:50
neurodroneWindows -> Wubi -> Ubuntu is smoother :D14:50
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:50
acp_hi,whats the repository of skype for karmic?14:50
luke351is anyone good with setting up webcams on ubuntu?14:50
MenZa!anyone | luke35114:50
ubottuluke351: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:50
luke351does anyone know how to set up logitech webcams in ubuntu because im having trouble :S14:51
rampage73anyone help with a hard drive mounting issue? if so check out http://pastebin.com/m2ba33f3914:51
acp_where could a get skype pkg for 9.10?14:51
neurodronegoogle video chat is apparently not supported on Ubuntu and there seem to be no robust work-arounds for it either14:51
rampage73problem is i cannot mount the hard drives that are there but there not14:51
neurodronesuxors! :|14:51
om26er!hi | khalaf14:51
ubottukhalaf: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:51
om26erneurodrone: i thought pidgin worked with video14:52
khalafam new user and i want to  download from youtube14:52
neurodroneom26er: nope it doesnt..14:52
neurodroneom26er: it might support voice calls for all I know14:52
Musedutchbuntu: I removed the file and tried to do the sudo apt-get update and then had to run the dpkg -a thing again, which returned: dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0044' near line 2:14:53
Muse field name `t' must be followed by colon14:53
om26erneurodrone: yesterady i made a video call with my frind14:53
avatar_ubuntu pulseAudio wiki tells me that I nee this pulse-rt group. But I didn't have it .... can I ignore it or do I need to Install something ?14:53
neurodroneom26er: even Empathy was supp to make it work ..but it fails too14:53
neurodroneom26er: oh and that friend is on your gtalk list?14:53
om26erneurodrone: through pidgin and empathy too supports that as far as i know14:53
dutchbuntuMuse: paste the contents of that file as well please14:53
om26erneurodrone: yes14:53
neurodroneom26er: I mean video chat using jabber protocol?14:53
neurodroneom26er: oh thats good to hear14:53
om26erneurodrone: ok sorry14:53
neurodroneom26er: wierd why it doesnt work here14:53
luke351doesanyone know much bout setting up webcams on ubuntu 9.04?14:54
Musedutchbuntu: It says the file type is unknown14:54
=== stelt_ is now known as stelt
om26er!anyone | luke35114:54
ubottuluke351: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:54
khalafhow could i install yahoo messanger14:54
luke351does anyone know much bout setting up webcams on ubuntu 9.04?14:54
MenZa!yahoo | khalaf14:54
ubottukhalaf: At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com (port 5050) and see if that helps.14:54
erUSUL!pidgin | khalaf14:54
ubottukhalaf: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete14:54
MenZaluke351: See above. Ask your real question instead.14:55
Lewishow do i reset my gnome panels to their default settings?14:55
om26erluke351: type gstreamer properties in terminal and play there with the web cam14:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about telepathy14:55
dutchbuntuMuse: paste the output of this command please: cat /var/lib/dpkg/updates/004414:55
epinkyavatar_: just create that group : sudo addgroup pulse-rt14:55
om26erluke351: gstreamer-properties14:55
petsounds!resetpanels | Lewis14:55
ubottuLewis: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:55
om26er!empathy | erUSUL14:55
ubottuerUSUL: Empathy is an instant messaging and video chat client for GNOME. In !karmic, Empathy will replace Pidgin as the default IM client.14:55
luke351im a complete noob to ubuntu so you mind telling me how to do that14:56
om26erluke351: open terminal from application-->accessories14:56
Musedutchbuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317845/14:56
om26erluke351: and then type : gstreamer-properties14:57
om26erluke351: and then go to video tab and see what you can find14:57
Lewisubottu: thank you :)14:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you :)14:57
rampage73nevermind all apparently it is a bug that has not been fixed yet, bug # 460201 on launchpad guess i will wait until it is fixed to use my other hard drives.14:57
davidkarrI am still struggling with my 9.10 install continually freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes. I've set the latest PPA into software sources, updated and reinstalled the driver, but it makes no difference. I've been struggling with this for several days now.14:58
luke351the picture is all dark is there a way you can make it brighter and increase the colour?14:58
d1bdavidkarr: what ppa are you using for what driver...?14:58
sergeykishHello, I install with gdebi several packages and now get error with aptitude how can I fix it?14:59
dutchbuntuMuse: please paste the output of this command: sudo dpkg-query -l14:59
d1bsergeykish: what is the error ?14:59
sergeykishd1b: error 214:59
ubottuyes, I'm alive.14:59
d1bsergeykish: anything else?14:59
Musedutchbuntu: it says dpkg-query: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0044' near line 2:15:00
Muse field name `t' must be followed by colon15:00
helpedvaldoi have a notebook model: positivo chipset sis, i d'ont install the chipset de video...resolution 800x600...what's i do?15:00
sergeykishd1b: dpkg - Error! Could not find module source directory. Directory: /usr/src/psb-kernel-source-4.41.2 does not exist. dpkg: problem psb-kernel-source (--install): post-installation return errno 215:01
tonybibbsanybody know why "apt-get update" is giving hash sum mismatch errors?15:02
tonybibbs...this is on a fresh 9.10 installation15:02
om26ertonybibbs: your mirror is causing this i think15:02
om26ertonybibbs: change to any other and then sudo apt-get update15:03
boscophi. I want to format my external hard disk so that it can be read and written by both windows and linux. what's the best filesystem?15:03
tonybibbsom26er: where's a link to other mirrors?15:03
om26er!best | boscop15:03
ubottuboscop: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:03
tonybibbsand which file to I have to edit (or url to wiki on how to do this si fine)15:03
avatar_why does 'sudo apt-get install asound-gtk' don't work ?15:04
luke351its coming up with the error Video for Linux 2 (v4l2): Cannot identify device "/dev/video015:04
om26ertonybibbs: go to system--> addministration --> software sources15:04
myrondoes anyone know how I can encrypt a phrase to make sure it equals the same value that is stored in my passwd file?15:04
bazhangboscop, what version of ubuntu are you installing15:04
tonybibbsom26er: this is a UI-less Ubuntu Server15:04
om26erluke351: driver problem i gues plz report this at LP15:04
dutchbuntuMuse: please try this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dpkg15:04
om26er!bug | luke35115:04
ubottuluke351: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:04
sergeykishHow can I remove packages from apt-cache and reistall it?15:04
om26ertonybibbs: i don't use server edition15:04
luke351best thing then is to buy another webcam then?15:05
om26erluke351: can you pastebin lspci15:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:05
glassresistor9.10 server broke my broadcom card!15:05
Musedutchbuntu: It returned this http://paste.ubuntu.com/317855/15:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci15:05
glassresistorubottu: open the terminal and type lspci15:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:06
=== st3ffen_ is now known as st3ffen
luke35100:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb Host Bridge (rev a1)15:06
luke35100:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 250Gb LPC Bridge (rev a2)15:06
luke35100:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation nForce 250Gb PCI System Management (rev a1)15:06
luke35100:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)15:06
luke35100:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation CK8S USB Controller (rev a1)15:06
luke35100:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller (rev a2)15:06
FloodBot1luke351: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:06
steltdear launchpad and bot here. Some people don't have Ubuntu running, but still could be very useful in bug reporting15:06
luke35100:05.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation CK8S Ethernet Controller (rev a2)15:06
om26erluke351: type lspci in terminal and then copy all the text that appear and paste it in pastebin and then give me the link to it15:06
=== mafa__ is now known as mafa_
Moon_Doggyok i'm using a live cd to partition my HD but i get an error and nothin happens15:07
om26erMoon_Doggy: using gparted or gnome-disk-utility . if using gnome-disk-utility then use gparted and if already using gparted then i don't know15:08
om26erMoon_Doggy: and also which filesystem are you trying to make?15:08
myronhow can I encrypt a phrase to check against the passwd file?15:08
glassresistordkms failed for bmcwl on 2.6.31-15-server15:08
Moon_Doggyi need to save some files to it15:08
om26erMoon_Doggy: try making any linux fs first and then again format it to ntfs15:08
ferraroHi, what is the best audio player software for Ubuntu ?15:09
luke351om26er http://paste.ubuntu.com/317858/15:09
om26er!best | ferraro15:09
ubottuferraro: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:09
shivamGuys, is there any way I can upgrade to Kubuntu 9.10 from Ubuntu 9.10?15:09
MuseDutchbuntu: I'm still on 9.04, If I updated to 9.10 would that hopefully perhaps overwrite the problem?15:09
om26erferraro: use rhythmbox15:09
bazhangshivam, install kubuntu-desktop package15:09
ferrarothanks om26er15:09
iceroot!puregnome | shivam15:09
ubottushivam: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal15:09
bazhangiceroot, he wants to add kde not delete it15:10
icerootshivam: ah sorry, to kde15:10
DJones!purekde | shivam15:10
ubottushivam: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »15:10
dutchbuntuMuse: I am reading old forum posts with similar problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-501026.html). Bit scary stuff. Were you planning on doing a fresh install for 9.10?15:10
shivamK thanks, I'll try this15:10
om26erluke351: you cam is not there so i don't know what to say15:10
MuseNope, Thought I just might upgrade, and then this problem came along and arr :(15:10
IdleOnebefore he can remove gnome he needs to install kde. don't confuse what he is asking to do what what he will need to do later15:10
Churchhmm. anybody here using evolution with exchange on Ubuntu 9.10?15:11
dutchbuntuMuse: is a fresh install an option for you?15:11
jcapinc_Did the linux kernal or ubuntu re-vamp its memory management in Karmic?  My memory usage is shockingly low, and I have a full development environment set up!15:11
Musehmm perhaps.15:11
dengxi am using xubuntu9.1015:11
glassresistorand if i reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source i get this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/317861/15:11
MuseI have a backup from a while ago I can get which isn't really too much of a prob.15:11
Churchi'm able to read my mails only via imap. i fail when attempting to set account as exchange/owa one.15:11
MuseI think I fed my system up :)15:12
joheshort stupid question, what does the 12ubuntu7 in the version of an package tells me?15:12
carpunky_Live CD works but when i install....it works but only untill I reboot, then i lose everything..mouse..network etc15:12
sidneyis ubuntu 9.10 a beta?15:12
glassresistorsidney: no15:12
icerootsidney: no, its final15:12
capiscuashi guys, a quick advice, which printer-scanner company are  not compatible with linux?15:12
capiscuasit's to avoid to buy those ones...15:12
dutchbuntuMuse: we could try the rest of the forum post that I linked to, but I am not too sure. Sorry to tell you, but I'd feel more ccomfortable doing a fresh install if I were in your shoes.15:12
sidneyok thanks15:12
davidkarrI am still struggling with my 9.10 install continually freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes. I've set the latest intel graphics driver PPA into software sources, updated and reinstalled the driver, but it makes no difference. I've been struggling with this for several days now.15:12
glassresistorif anyone knows why bcmwl is broken in 9.10 let me know15:13
Churchto me it looks like exchange plugin is passing not domain\username for auth, but Name.Surname mailboxname and failing autentification because of that / unable to complete account setup15:13
trismjohe: the ubuntu7 part means the 7th patch ubuntu made to the package (as far as I know)15:13
Musedutchbuntu: No probs, I think I will just backup and fresh install :)15:13
ValentinaIs there a way to fins out what kind of momory cards is used in the memory slots of the mobo. If there is single or double sided and so on?15:13
Musedutchubuntu: Thanks for the help though :)15:13
iceroot!scanner | capiscuas15:13
ubottucapiscuas: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR15:13
dutchbuntuMuse: okay, good luck with that.15:13
johetrism, and the number in front?15:13
ChurchValentina: dunno. try dmidecode.15:13
icerootValentina: dmidecode15:13
t0rcdavidkarr, unfortunately it seems a lot of things are broken in ubuntu 9.10 :(15:13
bionikHeya. Why doesn't this work in karmic? DISPLAY=:0 xterm;15:13
SoulBladewith the new release of gnome/gtk/glib/gtkmm/glibmm what's the easiest way for me to upgrade to the new releases on 9.04?  package manager says i have the latest, but it's not.. will i just have to build it all myself?15:14
trismjohe: good point, now I'm not sure15:14
Valentinaiceroot: Ok.15:14
SoulBladeor can i point to a different repo that will pick it up15:14
GravitonDoes anyone know if the bar at the top of the firefox window telling me that firefox needs to restarted is a firefox thing or part of the ubuntu firefox modifications plugin?15:14
Dr_Willisarda:  you expect 1600+ people to reply hi back?15:14
llutzlet's start15:15
=== michaelbuckbee_ is now known as michaelbuckbee
johetrism, there was a bug reportet to be fixed in 12ubuntu7, we have the 4ubuntu7 anything else the same, so, are we befor or after the patch15:15
trismjohe: here we go, http://www.ducea.com/2006/06/17/ubuntu-package-version-naming-explanation/15:15
mbeierlDr_Willis: you scared him off now ....15:15
Dr_Willismbeierl:  im evil :)15:15
carpunky_Live CD works no crashes and can use all peripherals but after install..everything goes haywire15:15
Moon_Doggyom26er trying to make a linux file system didn't work15:15
* mahngiel waves good day to the room15:15
* mbeierl KNEW there was a doctor in Dr_Willis name for a reason15:15
johetrism thx15:16
mahngielhow can i create a new partition, so if i wanted to install windows aftter ubuntu, i wouldn't wipe my current install15:16
BluesKajMoon_Doggy, make a linux file system ?15:16
boscopbazhang: I'm not installing ubuntu. I am using karmic and I want to format my external hard disk for storing files so that windows xp can read it, too15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about extfs15:16
supasteriis there anyway to force cake to save a record even if no field has changed15:17
boscopbazhang: but I odn't know which filesystems windows understands15:17
IdleOne!gparted | mahngiel15:17
ubottumahngiel: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:17
BluesKaj!ext4 | Moon_Doggy15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext415:17
supasteriim thinking along the lines of forcing the beforeSave/afterSave side of things15:17
silidanHi, i have an acer timeline series notebook with an ati radeon mobility hd 4330 onboard, to get full 3d acceleration i tryed the ubuntu 9.10 64bit proposed proprietary driver, no luck xserver failed to start again after reboot, i had to purge xserver-xorg and install xserver-xorg again to get it working again, the same thing happaned with the driver i downloaded form ati. Is this a known problem?15:17
bazhangboscop, shared between xp and ubuntu? ntfs then15:17
Moon_Doggyblueskaj i'm trying to use gparted to make a ntfs partition15:17
boscopbazhang: I only know that it uses ntfs and cannot read ext315:17
robert__there still is nothing for the custom kernel for karmic on the array.org site. is array dead?15:18
boscopbazhang: ok15:18
BluesKajMoon_Doggy, so you're installing windows15:18
bazhangMoon_Doggy, the live cd?15:18
IdleOnemahngiel: after you partition and install windows you will need to re-install grub see !grub for more info15:18
mahngielIdleOne: installed, now what?15:18
tonybibbsok so I found the list of ubuntu mirrors I just need to know which file ubuntu server stores that setting locally15:18
Moon_Doggylive cd yes15:18
bazhangMoon_Doggy, ubuntu or gparted live cd15:18
bazhangtonybibbs, you  mean the sources list?15:19
coops351well i did a list on my usb and this is what i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/317866/15:19
tonybibbsbazhang: uh, yeah looks like it15:19
bazhangtonybibbs, /etc/apt/sources.list15:19
IdleOnemahngiel: the Gparted Live cd is a better option in this case. you need to unmount to be able to make changes to the HD15:19
coops351and it shows my cam is connected15:19
IdleOnemahngiel: Gparted will be listed as partition editor in the System menu15:19
Moon_DoggyHD is unmounted15:19
Moon_Doggygparted keeps giving me errors15:20
mahngielIdleOne: so now i can reboot and create a new partition from the boot menu??15:20
IdleOnemahngiel: no15:20
glassresistor\j #bmcwl15:20
IdleOnemahngiel: now you need to read the links ubottu sent you.15:20
IdleOnemahngiel: partitioning is easy to do but you can lose all your data if your not careful.15:21
mahngielIdleOne: on it15:21
coops351om26er http://paste.ubuntu.com/317866/15:21
IdleOnemahngiel: you may want to look at !home also15:21
mahngielIdleOne: i think i get it. after i install windows, use my cd to reinstall grub, ya?15:21
boscopwhat is the command to format /mnt/hdc to ntfs from command line?15:22
IdleOnemahngiel: pretty much yup15:22
coops351om26er: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317866/15:22
mahngielIdleOne: ok. and this gparted will create a partition that i can install onto correct?15:22
Younderboscop, why do you need to do that?15:23
glassresistorand this is my jockey log file when i try to activate the sta broadcom drivers --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/317873/15:23
Younderthis could get ugly15:23
mahngieli'm kinda scared, someone wanna hold me?15:23
IdleOnemahngiel: yes15:23
llutzboscop: 1st umount it, 2nd install ntfsprogs, 3rd sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/hdXY15:23
boscopYounder: because there is an old ubuntu installation on it and I don't want it to show up in the boot screen because it's unbootable15:23
mahngielbe back, hopefully not TOO soon15:24
boscopYounder: I'd rather use it for storing other files15:24
Younderok so you don't want ntfs you want ext315:24
IdleOneI feel he is about to jump in the pool before checking for water...15:24
selocol_Everytime I log on to empathy, I have to reset my status. Is there a way to set my default status upon logging in, e.g., Away or Hidden? Thanks.15:24
llutzIdleOne: don't think, do!15:24
IdleOnellutz: :)15:25
glassresistorcould it be that the 9.10 server kernel doesn't work with BCM431215:25
boscopYounder: ok15:25
kannerkeI've setup a dualseat system15:25
kannerkebut when I hit enter on any keyboard, the X-screen of monitor0 moves15:25
davidkarrI am still struggling with my 9.10 install continually freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes. I've set the latest intel graphics driver PPA into software sources, updated and reinstalled the driver, but it makes no difference. I've been struggling with this for several days now.15:25
kannerkeanyone has a clue?15:26
bazhangboscop, just to clarify; you wish to share this between xp and ubuntu, correct?15:26
YounderBoscop: how much disk space is available?15:26
carpunky_9.10 live cd works great, but if i install...crashing , nothing works after reboot15:27
YounderBoscop: recovering old space coud be a problem.15:27
boscopbazhang: no, that's another disk (external). I will use ntfs for that15:27
boscopYounder: 6 gb15:27
ageebis it possible to delete the system and places sections of the menu bar?15:27
lars_bauerdefect zope Package impossible to remove ! any clue15:28
YounderBoscop: that's tincy but suficcient to intsall ubuntu15:28
Dr_Willisageeb:  you could replace all 3 of the menus (they are handled by one panel widgit) with some alternatives.15:28
boscopYounder: I already have an ubuntu installation!15:28
boscopYounder: that is an old one15:28
ageebdr_willis: i installed the the one that combines all three into 1 heading but i'm wondering if i can delete them from there also15:28
Dr_Willisageeb:  right click on panel -> add to panel -> main menu. to get just teh applications menu15:29
YounderBoscop: but it doesn't work right, You Do want a reinstall?15:29
boscopYounder: from when I only had that drive15:29
Dr_Willisageeb:  no idea on that one. proberly not.15:29
ageebdr_willis: notice 'system' and 'places' are in there as well15:29
boscopYounder: I want to format it in ext3 or something so I can use it to store other files15:30
tonybibbsso my hash sum mismatch error is fixed. It was definitely a problem with us.archive.ubuntu.com.  Do I need to report that anywhere?15:30
boscopYounder: and that it doesn't show the broken old installation in boot screen15:30
YounderBoscop: fine, 6 Gb is cutting it a bit close though.15:31
llutzboscop: umount that partition and use "sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdXY"15:31
JmZim using gparted in ubuntu live cd to add an ext2 partition to my laptop HDD (which has win7 on also, plus some random acer partition). But when I add the ext3 partition, it leaves 2mb of unallocated space before it, any idea why?15:31
YounderBoscop: I am using 22 Gb15:31
_marixanyone know if its possible to correct overscan issues in X11/gnome?15:31
boscopYounder: I know. but if it's there I want to use it15:31
YounderBoscop: Anyway you can free more disk space?15:32
mahngieldid i forget to do something with 'gparted' before i restarted?15:32
natewiebe13_marix: custom resolution?15:32
boscopYounder: my main hard drive is 19 GB15:32
YounderBoscop: Preferably backing it up..15:32
_marixnatewiebe13: might work15:33
YounderBoscop: You have several hard drives?15:33
JmZrandom small gaps between partitions doesn't look right15:33
boscopYounder: my external drive is full15:33
natewiebe13_marix: i use nvidia and last time i hooked up my computer to tv with hdmi, there were many resolutions and I just picked one that was just under 1080p and it worked15:34
JmZit just seems to leave 2mb of unallocated space before15:34
natewiebe13Jmz: what partition is before it?15:34
YounderBoscop: what capasity is your external drive?15:34
JmZnatewiebe13: its not, its after a windows partition15:34
llutzJmZ: that might happen, you cannot change it unless you delete all partitions and make them new after that15:34
JmZoh my bad natewiebe1315:34
JmZread wrong15:34
JmZllutz: how come it happens?15:35
JmZdoes it matter?15:35
natewiebe13Jmz: windows leaves 8mb unallocated after it, it probably has something to do with that15:35
boscopYounder: 160GB15:35
carpunky_is there any reason why live cd works but after installation nothing works15:35
llutzJmZ: partitions are not ending on sector-borders everytime15:35
JmZmeh ill leave the gap then15:35
YounderBoscop: OK good sized15:35
JmZext2 or ext3?15:36
natewiebe13yeah.. 2mb probably wont hurt much15:36
v_vhello. i want a commandline tool to send or receive mails(does what likes mailx), which are sync to the GUI mail client(like evolution or thunderbird)15:36
boscopYounder: yes :) but it's full nonetheless15:36
JmZext3 is slower right? but has journaling or whatever15:36
v_vhello. i want a way  to send or receive mails(does what likes mailx), which are sync to the GUI mail client(like evolution or thunderbird)15:36
JmZkeep in mind its purely for data, not the OS15:36
YounderBoscop: Do you need everything that is on it?15:36
natewiebe13Jmz: i find that ext4 is a whole lot faster than ext3, but compared to ext2, i dont know15:36
JmZwhich can be accessed in win7, if any?15:37
llutzvfat ;)15:37
natewiebe13ohhh.. ext2/3 can be accessed by windows15:37
JmZim sure i saw a driver or similar for ext2 a while back15:37
llutzJmZ: look at fs-driver-org15:37
=== trogan is now known as slabby
v_vbecause sometimes. it's nice to send the piece of content of a file with just a command without hitting and hitting on the GUI mail client15:37
natewiebe13i hear that ext4 MIGHT work.. dont quote me on thtat though15:37
llutzJmZ: look at fs-driver.org15:37
davidkarrI am still struggling with my 9.10 install continually freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes. I've set the latest intel graphics driver PPA into software sources, updated and reinstalled the driver, but it makes no difference. I've been struggling with this for several days now.15:37
JmZllutz: ok15:38
Younderllutz: vfat is extremely wastefull, it is nevertheless the standard on external drives15:38
JuJuBeeIs anybody having success with the Intel 945 graphics chipset?15:38
isolat3dsh33phello guys, is there anyway i could use acer multi gesture touchpad in ubuntu?15:38
MaxFramesI have a problem with synaptic in karmic xubuntu: almost ALL packages that are listed under "Installed" are ALSO listed under "Installed (manual)"15:38
boscopYounder: it has many movies on it that I could delete. I haven't watched them yet, though :/15:38
rEd-TriggErrEd-TriggEr@linuxac-members$ echo 'plz enter ##linuxac-social && #linuxac' | pts/115:38
natewiebe13JmZ: http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/ maybe?15:38
Dr_WillisMaxFrames:  i noticed that the other day also.. i think ALL of them were listed15:38
MaxFramesif I select all the packages (bar the ones which were reallymanually installed by me) and mark them "automatically installed" (packages menu), they move from "Installed (manual)" to "Installed (autoremovable)"15:38
boscopYounder: haven't had time15:39
Koenovhi :)15:39
YounderBoscop: Yes moveies thake up a LOT of space15:39
MaxFrames and of course if I autoremove the whole system will be uninstalled!15:39
JmZnatewiebe13: seems win7 may have a driver already, ill see once its setup15:39
carpunky_Live Cd works fine , after initial installation everything works but if I reboot all setting are lost and devices15:39
natewiebe13JmZ: maybe.. im running ext4 and win7 doesnt read it15:39
Koenovi have ubuntu on a memory stick.. the live cd thing .. but i want my own account on the memory stick.. how do i make this happen , i want to keep all my settings if i logg of on the memory stick15:39
natewiebe13but maybe ext315:39
YounderBoscop: How about whatching them first and deleting the ones you are not interested in keeping?15:39
MaxFramesdo you suggest that I format & reinstall from scratch or is there a way to save the day?15:40
akyapti have 448 mb ram...can i run windows vista on my ubuntu virtual box??15:40
natewiebe13Koenov: USB Startup Disk Creator15:40
YounderBoscop: Or is this time critical?15:40
Koenovyes i have done that15:40
Koenovi want my own account15:40
Koenovon that15:40
Koenovmemory stic15:40
FloodBot1Koenov: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:40
rhollisgetting dpkg err 2 on updates with karmic. package it is hanging on is libxdmcp6. any suggestions for fix?15:40
jackodoes anybody know of some documentation for JACK?15:40
natewiebe13Koenov: you can set how much space you want for the perpetual drive15:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jack15:40
bazhangKoenov, make it persistent then15:40
Koenovpersistent? how?15:40
MaxFramesit all was OK with jaunty... it only happened when I installed karmic. Period, now I'll be quiet hoping for some help.15:40
bazhang!usb | Koenov15:40
ubottuKoenov: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:40
boscopYounder: not time critical. that's what i was planning to do15:41
bazhangKoenov, check that last link15:41
YounderBoscop: Do that first then.15:41
MwaOk sorry about dissapearing like that15:41
boscopYounder: ok15:41
carpunky_Live Cd works fine , after initial installation everything works but if I reboot all setting are lost and devices15:42
sdwrageHey guys, just installed windows 7 last night but lost my grub loader menu, is there an easy way to get it working so I can dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu? both OS's already installed.15:42
llutz!grub2 | sdwrage15:42
ubottusdwrage: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:42
tonybibbsThis UI-less Ubuntu Server doesn't allow use of mouse from the command line. What's the program I need to enable the mouse?15:42
jackofor example, what ratio of available to used usecs is necessary? what's the difference between 2 periods of 2048 and 4 periods of 1024 buffer?15:42
bazhangsdwrage, karmic?15:42
llutztonybibbs: gpm15:43
tonybibbsllutz: thx15:43
jackodoes everybody in internetland usee jack by trial-and-error?15:43
Koenovwell one more question is there like a fixed programm that fixes it all the way without any difficulty?:)15:43
bazhangKoenov, persistent?15:43
mahngieljacko: lol what?15:43
jackomahngiel: JACK documentation15:44
jackonot even a man page15:44
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent  Koenov lets keep it in channel15:45
jackoI mean, is it really possible that the reason pulse is being pushed forward is that nobody actually know what jack is doing?15:45
Koenovas u wish:)15:45
isolat3dsh33phello guys, is there anyway i could use acer multi gesture touchpad in ubuntu?15:46
carpunky_Live Cd works fine , after initial installation everything works but if I reboot all setting are lost and devices15:47
ValentinaWhere in Ubuntu Server do I put the robots.txt file? In /var/www/ or in /var/www/site1 or what?15:47
Tartarosin the default netboox remix configuration, where does it say to run maximus? I'd like to keep the unr metapackage but without having to run maximus...15:47
pacific-blueWhen somebody says look at #extdev on irc.mozilla.org and I with a standard ubuntu xchat settings find no such channel when I list them under server settings how do I proceed to get there?15:48
v_vhello. i want a way  to send or receive mails(does what likes mailx), and the mails are synced  to the GUI mail client(like evolution or thunderbird) through pop3.15:49
bazhangpacific-blue, /join #channelname15:49
Infin1tyanyone here ever tried to use fbsplash? it's just wont work15:49
bazhangpacific-blue, go to xchat network list15:49
zaoul1so does upgrading to 9.10 through update manager work?15:50
bazhangzaoul1, yes15:50
zaoul1i hope so15:50
pacific-bluebazhang: I tried that too but there is no "irc.mozilla.org" there.15:51
bazhangpacific-blue, let me try to add it, hang on a second15:51
pacific-bluebazhang: k, thanks15:51
nyk2005I have a mysql-server running, but when I move it's data dir from /var/lib to /mnt/raid (on a mounted raid5) it refuses to run as it can't create any files. But normal users can write there.15:51
Churchcheck UID under which it's running, check permissions on that dir/fs15:52
zaoul1bazhang: I failed at step 1. 'clicking upgrade' ... failed to download list of changes, c heck internet connection... I checked and,  yea I'm online15:54
lars_bauerhttp://pastebin.com/d7fb57273 # install package error15:54
d1b  15:55
Tartaroscan someone suggest me a photo-viewing application, other than geye (no preloading) or f-spot (no features)? :)15:55
Infin1tyi'm using the fbsplash from the AUR and i get an error like can't find //etc/... file15:55
Infin1tywhy does it uses //etc and not /etc?15:56
Infin1tyit's jut wont work15:56
bazhang!cn | mrzx15:56
ubottumrzx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:56
tfki used gqview15:56
Tartarostfk: talking to me?15:57
nyk2005Tartaros: imgseek has nice features!15:57
nyk2005I have a mysql-server running, but when I move it's data dir from /var/lib to /mnt/raid (on a mounted raid5) it refuses to run as it can't create any files. But normal users can write there.15:57
Tartarosnyk, tfk: ok thanks, will try :)15:57
Churchbtw, why do you move files while it's running?15:57
glassresistor\j #ubuntu-server15:57
Tartarostfk: next time start the answer with the name of the person youre talking to, just a irc habit helping to keep the conversation manageable15:58
sanketmedhiubottu: 9.1015:58
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91015:58
Zsocihi there15:59
carpunky_Live Cd works fine , after initial installation everything works but if I reboot all setting are lost and devices16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alive16:00
ubottuyes, I'm alive.16:00
abhi7neroHow can I get my CPU/PC architecture in Ubuntu?     ['uname -a' is giving OS arch.]16:00
zaoul1ubuntu 9.10 upgrade fail16:01
bazhangpacific-blue, not able to connect yet; it is timing out for me16:01
om26erzaoul1: do a clean install and save yourseld from many problems16:01
ViaNocturn85hey, is there any knowledge of slow internet on Karmic?16:01
zaoul1om26er: so it does not work?16:01
om26erzaoul1: no it will upgrade fine16:02
MasanoriViaNocturn85: ethernet or wireless16:02
zaoul1I would but I have my home dir on / and im running out of space to move it around16:02
Zsocianyone knows how to install  farsight2?16:02
Tartarossynaptic and apt-get, do they download packages to the same location? if so, where? and is it somehow easy and/or reasonable to make that location ramdrive-based?16:02
zaoul1I HATE reconfiguring16:02
ViaNocturn85Masanori: Wireless16:02
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:03
MasanoriViaNocturn85:  what does iwconfig gives you in Bit Rate16:03
trismTartaros: /var/cache/apt/archives16:03
ViaNocturn85Masanori: 54MBs16:03
carpunky_Y peripherals work on live cd but not after I install16:03
Zsociplease help me16:03
om26er!help | Zsoci16:03
ubottuZsoci: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:03
ViaNocturn85Masanori: It's strange, it goes fast then incredibly slow, then fast, then terribly so, every 20 seconds or so16:04
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Zsocii need to install  farsight216:04
Tartarostrism: ok thanks and does it make sense to make that place tmpfs? it's because I think my ssd is slowing down the installations, but I don't know if clearing that directory on restart doesn't somehow harm the apt database...16:04
pacific-bluebazhang: ok, it's a start16:04
om26erViaNocturn85: change to your local mirror16:04
ViaNocturn85om26er: How do you mean local mirror?16:04
MasanoriViaNocturn85:  on every task that requiere internet connexion?16:05
om26erViaNocturn85: software sources server16:05
ViaNocturn85This is on 2 laptops and I can confirm that this is not the case on Vista16:05
clustermagnetguys... how can i break out of gnome into a shell16:05
om26erViaNocturn85: the main ubuntu server can be slow16:06
om26erViaNocturn85: and also the is16:06
ViaNocturn85Masanori: it's on all internet resources16:06
trismTartaros: well, clearing out the packages isn't really a big deal, apt-get clean will do that, although it leaves the lock file16:06
Jeruvyclustermagnet: you mean loading a shell, or changing the runtime?16:06
carpunky_Live Cd works fine but after fresh installation it does not recognize my wireless usb drivers and wireless pci card16:06
MasanoriViaNocturn85:  do a test on speedtest.net to check if your speed can go above 1 mbps16:07
trismTartaros: about putting it on a tmpfs, I have no idea16:07
llutzclustermagnet: ctrl-alt-f1/616:07
Tartarostrism: what information exactly is in the lock file?16:07
ViaNocturn85Well, I have done that, I am on a fibre connection, and one moment it hits max...most times however it hits less than 1Mbs16:07
trismTartaros: as far as I can see nothing, it is 0 bytes16:07
rizwanhuddahi every one16:08
ViaNocturn85Masanori: let me test now, I will post the results16:08
rizwanhuddai am new to irc..16:08
om26errizwanhudda: ok16:08
alokitocan grub 2 detect a opensuse 11.2 installation?16:09
Tartarostrism: I meant more like what's it semantic meaning16:09
om26eralokito: sure16:09
alokitoom26er: have you tried? grub 2 could not detect my fc11 installation :(16:09
alokitohaven't tried on opensuse though16:10
=== leandro is now known as leandr00
om26eralokito: funny i installed ubuntu over fedora 11 on my brothers system16:10
alokitoyes karmic16:10
om26eralokito: yes i did install karmic koala over FC1116:10
alokitohmm ok16:11
carpunky_ Live Cd works fine but after fresh installation it does not recognize my wireless usb drivers and wireless pci card16:11
om26er!repeat | carpunky16:11
ubottucarpunky: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:11
Zsocianyone knows where can I get  farsight2 package?16:11
ViaNocturn85Masanori: First test hit 15Mbs download...2nd test 3Mbs16:11
om26erZsoci: its already installed16:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about farsight16:12
alokitook I'll install opensuse 11.2 now and see what happens :-/16:12
BluesKajom26er, yeah it just wipes the previous OSoff the partition and since it's ext/linux , then ubuntu has no problem installing there16:12
Zsocino,it isn't,amsn needs that for video and voice16:12
DougwiserZsoci: do you google i'm getting all kinds of results for farsight 2 package16:13
ticktacktorqueHi all.  I have 2 old laptops and I've installed Ubuntu on both.  I want to put them in different buildings far away from one another, hook each up to a TV and a webcam, and set each TV up to show a fullscreen picture from the other building's webcam.  Can anyone recommend software to accomplish this type of video conferencing?  Ideally, the computers should be put out of site and never touched, just broadcasting the webcam picture 24/7.  Any help?16:13
ticktacktorqueeep-- that was long. did it cut off?16:13
Ubuntu_Addicthey hey16:13
om26erticktacktorque: came all16:13
om26ersee a doctor16:14
Zsociyes,but I can't find any installable,only to install manualy16:14
Ubuntu_Addicti know im in the wrong room. looking for a room 2 talk about all general programming issues and computer related issues16:14
christakerhello. my microphone has stopped working. i can't get  working again. i use ubuntu 9.10. any suggestions? thanks!!16:14
om26erUbuntu_Addict: yes you are16:14
IdleOneZsoci: libgstfarsight0.10-dev16:14
BluesKajticktacktorque, spying ?16:15
om26erchristaker: try recording sound from sound recorder16:15
ubuntu__trying to clone a hd wit dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > of=/media/name.img.gz I get errora stoud: file to large16:15
Ubuntu_Addictany suggestions?16:15
zapster_christaker: already tried this: http://www.blog.arun-prabha.com/2009/11/06/ubuntu-9-10-microphone-setup/16:15
Zsocithank you so much16:15
christakerom26er: i recorded and i can't hear anything!16:15
ubuntu__is there another zip-program i should use?16:15
zapster_solved my problem16:15
llutzUbuntu what filesystem on /media?16:15
ticktacktorqueBluesKaj, my boss owns 2 office buildings and wants to set these webcams & TVs up in the hallway of each office so he feels like they're "merged into one office building".  Kind of silly, but he wants what he wants.16:15
LjLubuntu__: the command you gave is completely wrong16:16
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:16
om26erchristaker: type gstreamer-properties in terminal and ther test your mic with different servers16:16
LjLUbuntu__:  « dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > of=/media/name.img.gz » <-- WRONG. the right way would be "dd if=/dev/sda | gzip /media/name.img.gz"16:16
DougwiserZsoci: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+package/libgstfarsight0.10-016:17
ubuntu__LjL, thats not the problem, I checked the commande, maybe i typed it wrong here16:17
LjLubuntu__: are you trying to save the image to a FAT drive?16:17
BluesKajticktacktorque, your boss is a cheapster :)16:17
Rolandis there a scandisk utility on ubuntu install cd?16:17
om26erRoland: no16:17
EagleScreenyes, there is16:18
Rolandor any other utility which searches for vbad sectors?16:18
EagleScreenthe fsck16:18
clustermagnethi guys, how do i break out of X to command line? :)16:18
llutzRoland: fsck, badblock16:18
EagleScreenor for bad sector, i am not sure16:18
clustermagnetneed to kill kde16:18
llutzclustermagnet: ctrl-alt-f1/616:18
ubuntu__LjL: fat3216:18
clustermagnetllutz: thanks16:18
om26erEagleScreen: i thought scandisk 'Scandisk'16:18
LjLubuntu__: FAT32 can't have files bigger than 4GB16:18
Rolandllutz, does the cd version handle windows filesystems?16:19
clustermagnetllutz: nope, not working16:19
clustermagnetive actually tried that....16:19
EagleScreenyes Roland16:19
om26erRoland: yes16:19
clustermagnetllutz: i'll try to log out, and hit that from gdp16:19
llutzclustermagnet: alt-sysrq-k16:19
spOi think windows would play mvoies better than ubuntu because it has directx and my card is ati 3200 hd, which is not supported by any linux api16:20
ubuntu__LjL: ah, thanks, ill reformat the drive16:20
clustermagnetllutz: mmmm   nope :(16:20
spOunless i get a new motherboard + video card16:20
clustermagnetor i can reboot with gdm turned off, yes? :)16:20
=== Ubuntu_Addict is now known as master_coder
christakerzapster_: om26er : i did these  ...nothing changed!16:21
om26erchristaker: did it worked before in karmic?16:21
zapster_christaker: did it work pre 9.10?16:21
Zsocii'm looking for fairsight2.rpm for amd6416:21
om26er!lol | zapster16:22
ubottuzapster: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.16:22
christakerom26er: it worked a few days before in my karmic...but i don't know what happend now! i changed nothing :/16:22
om26erzapster_: kidding16:22
om26erchristaker: did you changed the volume level of the mic16:23
=== zapster_ is now known as zapstercc
om26erchristaker: you might not believe that but after changing my volum level of my mic in karmic i got vanished until i reinstalled karmic16:23
christakerom26er: it seems that the volume of the mic is at good level. and not "mute"16:23
om26erchristaker: using a netbook or laptop?16:24
Zsocii can't find fairsight2 in the package manager nor in the aptitude16:24
christakerom26er: i'm using desktop16:24
ericrostI have an old gutsy server that was offline for the last year, trying to recommission it as a mysql server, is there any graceful way to upgrade this or do I need to reinstall at this point?16:24
christakerom26er: i 'm using also the skype everyday16:24
qdbhello. test sound in ekiga does not work: immediately stopped16:25
Zsocithanx i found it :)16:25
christakerom26er: scince my microphone stopped work16:25
NoiseEeeso I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and now a) my wireless connection won't work  b) the 'switch' that turns off/on my wireless card has no effect.   I keep getting asked for the WEP key and get nowhere.  are there any workarounds/fixes offhand?16:25
om26erchristaker: type alsa-mixer in terminal and play a bit there with the level of mic16:25
carpunky_When I install the wireless icon ( Taskbar ) at the top is blanked out but if I install wireless pci driver by using nswrappers it works...someone said not to use nswrappers, could this be causing my crashes ?16:25
qdbhello. test sound in ekiga does not work: immediately stopped. please say whether it works at yours and if not work please say your sip address to me to test.16:25
IdleOneZsoci: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/farsight2/16:25
=== husaini_ is now known as Husaini
ZeyelthI'm trying to install Ubuntu (9.10) as a secondary OS and use the alternative install disc. Are there any instructions for setting up "full disk encryption" without touching the Windows partitions? Because the home directory encryption thing doesn't seem to work (installer hangs during the final stage)16:26
jiffeanyone know any database centric web servers whose configuration is read realtime out of a database?16:26
jiffeapache kind of does this, but the module is very limiting16:26
=== voidprayer1 is now known as voidprayer
michelle_New ubuntu and I am completely stumped with getting an external monitor to work with my dell inspiron 8600.  I have now loaded a new ATI driver and it states to edit x config.  How do I edit in 9.1?  When I tried a command I found on the site it stated no file found.16:27
om26erwhen is yahoo a/v coming to empathy16:27
eddym_om26er, hey what up man..16:27
om26ergtalk and msn are there16:27
om26ereddym_: hey16:27
eddym_did any1 try running ubuntu from a flash drive16:27
christakerom26er: in alsamixer my microphone looks that is disabled16:27
eddym_instead of loading in partition16:27
om26ereddym_: i installed almost 30times from usb in the last 2 months16:28
michelle_what command to edit x config in 9.1?16:28
om26ereddym_: unetbootin is ideal16:28
eddym_om26er, i mean running ubuntu from stick16:28
eddym_om26er, instead of loading the os on the hard drive16:28
om26ereddym_: i am at the moment running karmic koala from my 4 gb flash drive16:28
eddym_om26er, thats cool is it faster?16:28
NoiseEeeso I just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10, and now a) my wireless connection won't work  b) the 'switch' that turns off/on my wireless card has no effect.   I keep getting asked for the WEP key and get nowhere.  are there any workarounds/fixes offhand?16:28
om26ereddym_: no16:28
eddym_om26er, gotcha..16:29
om26ereddym_: hard drive is faster but in my case flash is faster16:29
om26ereddym_: i am using acer aspire one with damn ssd16:29
Tartaroshow do I stop maximus from loading at boot time?16:29
eddym_om26er, damn u need to upgrade..16:29
eddym_om26er, time for a new machine ;)16:29
om26ereddym_: i have a system16:30
om26ereddym_: c2d16:30
eddym_om26er, got to google to see what it is16:30
om26ereddym_: but i like it here experimenting trying make it faster and responsive16:30
eddym_om26er, got an alienware but my graphics card was shot16:30
om26ereddym_: core2duo16:30
tdnHow do I get the newest WINE in 9.10?16:31
om26ertdn: use ppa16:31
om26ertdn: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine16:32
tdnom26er, thanks.16:32
Wizzuphi. A friend of mine updated to 9.10, but now his nvidia drivers no longer work. Should I try to remove all nvidia related packages over console and then reinstall them?16:33
om26erWizzup: what is the problem really16:33
qdbhello. test sound in ekiga does not work: immediately stopped. please say whether it works at yours and if not work please say your sip address to me to test.16:33
om26erWizzup: 'nvidia driver don't work' is not enogh16:33
schannallqdb: yes didnt work for me, try schannall@ekiga.net16:33
* om26er who uses ekiga nowadays16:34
Wizzupom26er: Module is not available.16:34
tdnom26er, I get this error: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/paste/P1423.html16:34
[lan3y]Wizzup, i believe it may be kernel setup then16:34
BluesKajspO, have you considerewd the ATI Catalyst 8.6 Proprietary Linux Display Driver ?16:34
WizzupI was thinking of installing nvidia-185-kernel-source16:34
Tartaroshow could I add to the gnome panel a single folder of launchers - like the "Favourites" for example?16:35
qdbschannal, i call you16:35
ardchoilleTartaros: Add a drawer16:35
[lan3y]but ive just  returned back to linux, so im 'rusty'16:35
schannallqdb: something came but it stopped, try again16:35
qdbi call you it beeps16:35
Tartarosardchoille: oh, yea thats it thanks :D16:35
om26ertdn: sudo apt-get install wine1.216:36
schannallqdb: nothing arrives but it seems my microphone is working - can you hear me?16:36
ardchoilleTartaros: right click an app in the menu, choose Entire menu, then add as drawer. Then modify the drawer16:36
ardchoilleTartaros: yw :)16:36
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qdbschannall, secons are counting at my ekiga but no sound. ok16:36
qdbno, i do not hear16:36
CaleI remember there was a handy command for applying a postfix to the version of a source package before you built a .deb of it, but I can't remember the name of the command except that it was really short. Does anyone know what I'm thinking of?16:37
om26erqdb: can you record sound? with sound recorder just to check your mic working?16:37
schannallqdb: look in the statusbar (the lower one) - does it show incoming and outgoing traffic?16:37
daffesHi guys, I've two network cards with two different ip's in my computer, is there how to bind a specific network card to a terminal and all programs running from there use it?16:37
NoiseEeewhy does the upgrade to 9.10 suck so much for so many people16:37
forge_Is Automatix still around or has it been supplanted?16:37
NoiseEeeUbuntu should stick to one version per year16:37
NoiseEeethis is retarded16:37
schannalli.e. A: 7.8/8.316:37
LjLforge_: it was supplanted the very moment it came out. don't use it.16:37
qdbstatus bar in ekiga?16:37
qdbnow says user is not found16:38
Wizzuphttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/150440/ <-- This happens when installing nvidia-185-kernel-source16:38
qdbmay be firewalled but test sound worked once with same iptables16:38
om26erNoiseEee: going per year is a very big thing to do and not that simple as you might think it is16:38
qdband also conference room worked16:38
ardchoilleforge_: Automatix received bad reviews and it was suggested to not use it16:38
CaleNoiseEee: It broke my headphones and my Japanese language support, fixing the audio problems was almost as simple as removing pulseaudio this time, except that the volume control in the panel was tied to it and they removed support for the alsa volume control panel applet.16:38
schannallqdb: hmm there is no traffic arriving from you...16:39
Cale(and the sound control panel also was tied to pulseaudio)16:39
forge_LjL: I had such fun with it "back in the day".  A few clicks and my machine would have all the little toys I like with no need to search for them individualy.16:39
qdbthere is sound, video, frames count in ekiga16:39
NoiseEeeom26er: im sure it is, but right now they're at 2 per year, are they not?16:39
CaleJapanese language support somehow got swapped out for Russian16:39
qdbin status bar below16:39
christakerom26er: at alsamixer...which column is the microphone?16:39
Caleand so I had to reconfigure that, but it wasn't as hard16:39
om26erNoiseEee: yes every six month16:39
carpunky_When I install the wireless icon ( Taskbar ) at the top is blanked out but if I install wireless pci driver by using nswrappers it works...someone said not to use nswrappers, could this be causing my crashes ?16:39
schannallqdb: whats the A: saying?16:39
LjLforge_: and additionally, you risked complete system breakage16:40
qdbi ll try flush output...16:40
om26erNoiseEee: and you can always make a clean install16:40
qdbwhat is a:?16:40
NoiseEeeom26er: way way way too much16:40
CaleI ended up rebuilding gnome-applets and gnome-media by hand16:40
schannallqdb: should be audio16:40
NoiseEeeom26er: but i have so many important things set up... drive mappings, databases16:40
om26erchristaker: press tab to go to mic column16:40
qdbyheu all were near 016:40
schannallqdb: near?16:40
om26erNoiseEee: so did you try to update to karmic16:41
qdbi dropped(?) phone and now try to call16:41
Fujkhow can I see what screen resolution I am using atm?16:41
qdbyes, all 0/0 , only one was like 0/216:41
om26erNoiseEee: or just read what people say16:41
qdbuser not found16:41
schannallqdb: strange ;)16:41
whammowhen I alsa force-reload, by onboard sound (blacklisted) gets reloaded. is there a better way to adsolutely eliminate the possiblility of the system loading it?16:41
llutzFujk: xdpyinfo | grep dimen16:41
Fujkllutz: thanks16:42
* alvarezp is away: 16:42
CaleFujk: or of course, System -> Preferences -> Display16:42
qdbaudio 0,0/0,0  video 0,2/0,0 frames 0/016:42
qdbbut written russian16:42
schannallqdb: click the speakerssymbol in the call field16:43
schannalllook if your microphone is actually working16:43
JmZhey, back again16:43
JmZkarmic doesn't show any restricted drivers :(16:43
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:43
JmZfor my display, i have an ATI mobility card16:43
clustermagnetguys, if i stop the kdm service, i dont get thrown out into a prompt :(16:43
clustermagnethow can i get to a cli, without gdm :(16:44
qdbsound recorder works only when other programs like ekiga or totem are turned off16:44
qdbi uninstalled pa in 9.04 and installed alsa16:44
Dr_Willisclustermagnet:  alt-ctrl-f1 through f616:44
ardchoilleclustermagnet: CTRL+ALT+116:44
schannallyeah but click the speaker symbol in ekiga and look there16:44
qdbi try again16:44
NoiseEeeom26er: i upgraded and it killed my wireless16:44
clustermagnetDr_Willis: ardchoille i have a suspicion... its my apple keyboard... and F1 isnt picking UP :)16:44
qdbyou disappeared in list16:45
Dr_Willisclustermagnet:  ive seen some sillykeyboards that have F1-whatever mapped to WORD  functions ie: you do Shift-f1 to get the actual f1,16:45
om26erNoiseEee: which wireless you using and install network manager again might solve16:45
llutzclustermagnet: do you have a terminal open? "chvt"16:45
Dr_Willisclustermagnet:  try other f keys16:45
schannallqdb: cant call you anymore16:45
clustermagnetllutz: i can ssh into the machine :)16:45
FujkI'm still trying to find the optimum laptop for ubuntu with high resolution screen at 15" monitor... :/16:45
schannallqdb: now16:45
Dr_Willisclustermagnet:  if you stopped gdm. it should of went to a console.16:45
NoiseEeeom26er: its intel i would suppose, on a 5 year old asus16:45
clustermagnetDr_Willis: tried that... spits me to a screen.. no prompt16:46
om26erNoiseEee: pastebin lspci16:46
qdbyou have called16:46
qdbi added your contact again16:46
Alan502Good Morning :); I recently installed xubuntu-desktop package in my ubuntu to obtain the xfce desktop environment. I dont know what happened but after a few logins, i cannot longer see the panel bar on the screen, i can just see the desktop with the icons. Can someone help me please?16:46
qdbyou called and it appeared one more time16:46
clustermagnetguys, had to install sysv-rc-conf :)16:46
qdbnow i call16:46
NoiseEeeom26er: thanks, im not on the machine atm (its at home) but i'll try coming here this evening to fix it16:47
schannallthats kinda strange16:47
schannalli cant accept the call16:47
Dr_WillisAlan502:  the panel may be started wutg the command 'xfpanel' I think... try xf<tab> in a terminal to see what commands exist.16:47
schannallqdb: hmm seems it wont work id like to dig into it longer but i have to go, im sorry16:48
qdbschannall, may be firewalled16:48
schannallif youre here on monday just pm me ill have much time then16:48
* om26er thinks schannall should check his mic by recording something 16:48
Alan502Thanks Dr_Willis i will check it16:48
schannallom26: it works16:48
resnoare there large benefits for running a server using the server install vs desktop?16:48
qdbthank you. may be it beginned to work with other protocol16:48
Dr_Willisresno:  you doing a comercial server or somthing that will gets lots of load/people/users?16:48
carpunky_I am doing a fresh install again...it asks  The Installer has detected that the following disks have partitions mounted....Do you want the intaller to try and unmount the partitions..Yes or No16:49
FlootenkerpHi, I have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling.16:49
epcHi folks. facing a problem with my notebook running xubuntu 9.10. The battery is dead  (keeps charging forever and never go beyond 3~5%)  and somehow this prevents me to logon in GDM. Always got "authentication failure".16:49
om26erschannall: checked it under empathy or pidgin ?16:49
resnoDr_Willis: nope. it will get maybe 3-4 at most. its my "test" server16:49
Dr_Willisresno:  doubt if it will matter much16:49
NoiseEeeom26er: the strange thing is that it just keeps asking me for my WEP key over and over.  never connects.16:49
NoiseEeeom26er: so the card is detected16:49
ViaNocturn85Hey, just for future reference, my problem with Wireless being slow is down to Network Manager and is fixed by installing wicd in synaptic, just in case someone has the same problen16:49
llutzresno: avoid installing useless desktop-stuff on server16:49
NoiseEeeom26er: but my 'wireless' button has no effect16:50
blackxoredwhere I can find support about a turnkey-linux redmine applicance?16:50
qdbschannall, i send you text message in ekiga16:50
resnollutz: can you dual boot a server install?16:50
llutzresno: sure16:50
resnoi doubt it right16:50
om26erNoiseEee: i never played with wifi security my network is open16:50
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how?16:50
llutzresno: but that makes no sense. a server runs 24/7, no time for dual-boot16:50
resnollutz: yea, but not this "server"16:51
arghh2d2llutz: ?16:51
levenHi! I have a HP Mini 5101 with a Atom N280, and when i try to boot or install ubuntu 9.10 it freezes after the menu, same with different usb-drives and usb-cd:s, and same with 9.04. but when i tried an old 8.04 cd i had lying i worked right away, any one got a thought?16:51
llutzresno: so you're using desktop with additional services :)16:51
resnollutz: true.16:51
om26erleven: tried any other live image of karmic16:51
Zsocii can't understand why faisight2 is not supported in the package manager16:52
llutzresno: then desktop-install should be fine16:52
Zsocilike any other16:52
KotarelHi, I was wondering if Ubuntu or any other linux distribution has some built in LZMA file system or other file compressions system in it? I have large databases that I would want compressed and decompressed on the fly. Thanks,16:52
qdbi go away16:52
levenom26er: like netbookremix or what do you mean other live image?16:52
nOStahlhey  guys i got a wubi ubuntu installation, how do i fix grub if its giving me error 17 i mounted the wubi install with a live cd and there is nothin in the boot dir16:52
nOStahlany ideas?16:52
om26erleven: download the iso again from torrent16:52
Zsociit is so complicated to me,I'm an ubuntu newbie16:53
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how?16:53
levenom26er: ah that i have done.. and the cd verifies ok to16:53
Dr_WillisZsoci:  whats faisight2?16:53
=== TopherSPI is now known as _KF5DUS_
om26erleven: try alternate cd16:53
om26erleven: which netbook you using?16:53
Dr_Willis!find!info fairsight216:54
levenom26er: HP Mini 510116:54
Dr_Willis!info fairsight216:54
ubottuPackage fairsight2 does not exist in karmic16:54
carpunky_I am doing a fresh install again...it asks  The Installer has detected that the following disks have partitions mounted....Do you want the intaller to try and unmount the partitions..Yes or No16:54
Dr_Willis!info fairsight16:54
ubottuPackage fairsight does not exist in karmic16:54
Dr_Williscarpunky_:  you want to install to those partitions? if so unmount them16:54
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:54
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how?16:54
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:55
om26erleven: he can sureley install: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8307339#post830733916:55
carpunky_Dr Willis: Does it matter, i have no OS...installing from LIVe cd16:55
dergringonvidia-settings does not recognize my external monitor. It just says CRT-0 and offers wrong resolution modes. What can I do?16:55
Dr_Williscarpunky_:  if the disks are empty.. then  go for it..16:55
JmZi just installed ubuntu on my new laptop with an ATI mobility radeon 4570 and I cant enable extra visual effects, also no restricted drivers show, how come?16:55
Dr_Williscarpunky_:  the installer wants them unmounted so it can do its work on them. Logical.16:55
levenom26er: yes the UNR..16:56
carpunky_Dr Willis : ty16:56
epcany ideas:16:56
epcany ideas?16:56
om26erleven: it doesn't matter if its UNR or desktop both have the same live cd system16:56
VanessaEok, help.16:56
ZsociI  know only that I want to use amsn with audi/video and a bit how to install rpm or deb packages,but it is so complicated to me to install from source16:56
levenom26er: wich seems to suck.. can't see why anyone want that on a netbook with HD-scren.. ok on the old 7" real lowres ones..16:56
levenom26er: ok..16:56
VanessaEis there anywhere in the system where the kernel will store log info from a panic?16:57
Dr_Willisdergringo:  you are running nvidia-settings with root permissions? Ive had some odd nvidia cards that would only see the tv out/extra monitors IF they were plugged in when the system booted.16:57
VanessaEi.e. where I can read it on the next boot?16:57
levenom26er: but the regular one doesnät even have the usb-creator in the image..16:57
om26erZsoci: empathy also have msn a/v16:57
* VanessaE is having troubles with 2.6.31-14 panicking16:57
levenand how hard would it have been to put up a download of it?16:57
om26erleven: it have it16:57
Zsocithank you so much:)16:57
levenom26er: no? or they fixed it?16:57
om26erleven: its fine works for me16:58
om26erleven: but unetbootin is better16:58
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space16:58
dergringoDr_Willis, yes I always plug it in before I start my notebook. It worked a few days ago but now detection fails :(16:58
JmZanyone please help me16:58
JmZ<JmZ> i just installed ubuntu on my new laptop with an ATI mobility radeon 4570 and I cant enable extra visual effects, also no restricted drivers show, how come?16:58
daffesHi guys, I've two network cards with two different ip's in my computer eth0 and eth1, how do I choose between than in a bash?16:59
JmZin the console it complains about there not being a driver which supports composition16:59
JmZwhich is obvious anyway16:59
levenom26er: are you really sure it does have the exe for win in the root of the image? i'm looking at it right now..16:59
llutzdaffes: setup your routeing16:59
om26erleven: no it don't.16:59
Flootenkerpsomeone please help, I need the extra space.16:59
jiffeanyone know any database centric web servers whose configuration is read realtime out of a database?  apache kind of does this, but the modules are very limiting16:59
mikebotThere is an error with my screen and I was wondering if someone could help me resolve it--a window is shown but it isn't open, and I can't see anythign behind it16:59
gdmsetupFlootenkerp: what u mean?16:59
om26erleven: installed ubuntu have usb creator17:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:00
steven_salut tout le monde17:00
JmZcome on guys17:00
JmZ<JmZ> i just installed ubuntu on my new laptop with an ATI mobility radeon 4570 and I cant enable extra visual effects, also no restricted drivers show, how come?17:00
JmZ<Dr_Willis> carpunky_:  the installer wants them unmounted so it can do its work on them. Logical.17:00
daffesllutz: but I'll need two terminals, one using one card and the other using other, is it possible?17:00
FloodBot1JmZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:00
JmZwhoops doublequote17:00
levenom26er: yes, dut the UNR has the win exe in the image..17:00
FlootenkerpI mean, I only put 8 gigs into ubuntu17:00
FlootenkerpAnd I want to put more space17:00
steven_ki est français17:00
antix_remote desktop only works one way for me?? I have the same settings on both machines running karmic..17:00
VanessaEAnyone??  kernel panics are about as severe a bug as I can think of - where do I get info on the last crash?17:00
JmZi basically need to install a driver somehow17:00
om26erleven: you can downlaod that17:00
FlootenkerpDo you know how I can add more?17:00
JmZyet it doesn't show in the restricted drivers window17:00
blackxoredanyone knows where I can find support about turnkey-linux's redmine appliance17:00
JmZits strange17:00
JmZit should show in restr. drivers but doesnt17:01
om26erJmZ: install it yourself17:01
llutzdaffes: terminals for what? learn how network-routes work17:01
levenom26er: i did, and used that to create my regular ubuntu bootdrive17:01
delkinhi ! I installed windows, then ubuntu in my DELL VOSTRO 1320, and the boot seemed to be working fine. But after resetting the computer few times (2 or 3) the boot list disapeared... Now i cant run windows nor ubuntu... :S What should i do to have the boot list working again, and how to ensure that it wont get broken again?17:01
levenwich diddnät work..17:01
ZsociI use 64bit ubuntu on my laptop and so tired to retype every time my password when I want to use something,how can I remove passwording?I use my laptop only,nobody else17:01
mikebotWhat's the terminal command to list all processes?17:01
Picimikebot: ps aux17:01
CrocoJetFlootenkerp, are you thinking to re-edit partitions?17:01
mikebotPici: Thanks.17:01
Flootenkerpwhatever it takes crocojet17:02
JmZom26er: which?17:02
JmZfglxr or whatever17:02
mikebotPici: Is there a way to amke it so that I have to hit a button to amke it go to the next page?17:02
daffesllutz: I saw how to configure that some ips connect from eth0 and others from eth1, but I'll need to access the same destination from both17:02
Picimikebot: ps aux | less17:02
=== _KF5DUS_ is now known as KF5DUS
om26erJmZ: i dont know never used ati17:02
mikebotPici: Thanks.17:02
Picimikebot: or ps aux | more17:02
llutzdaffes:bridge them17:03
Dr_WillisZsoci:  clarify what you mean by 'use somthing'   its worth while to learn proper security practices and not try to  disable all security features just to save a few keystrokes17:03
mikebotIs there a way in ubuntu netbook remix to reset the video display or whatever? (Like the ctrl+alt+backspace in the other distributions?)17:03
JmZcan anyone else help17:03
Dr_Willismikebot:  alt-ctrl-backspace has been replaced by alt-ctrl-SYSREQ-K17:03
om26ermikebot: ctrl+printscr+k17:03
mikebotDr_Willis: om26er Thanks17:03
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap17:03
TercesHas anyone been able to roll back to kdevelop 3.5 in Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic)? The only package available in the repo is the Kdev4 version.17:04
amigojapanin a multiuser x server, is there a way I can disable the use of an xterm for all users except administrators?17:04
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  proberly can. but why?17:04
ZsociI want to use my wifi network for example and every time it needs my password,not the wep key17:04
=== jean is now known as Guest48419
amigojapanDr_Willis: I am working on a project that needs that17:04
om26er!wtf | arajakul17:04
ubottuarajakul: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:04
mikebotDr_Willis: om26er:For some reason I'm still having a display problem: there is a window being displayed that is minimized, and I can't see anything behind it.17:04
allenbradleyI am using a Compaq C500 with Realtek ethernet card. The provider claims the drivers are built into the kernel. But my ethernet card is not being recognized.17:05
savengerHi everyone.... I think I have been hacked. I have a virtual server with ubuntu on it. And my provider locked it already the second time because of small udp packets (size < 60 bytes) sent through this machine. The provider thinks, there is a DoS-Attack going on. How can I determine the program on my machine, which is doing that? I already tried chkrootkit and rkhunter but everything seems to be fine.17:05
mikebotDr_Willis: om26er: And I closed the window but the image of it is still there.17:05
villabuona sera17:05
LjL!it | villa17:05
ubottuvilla: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:05
Dr_WillisZsoci:  thats the Keyring wanting a password - You can set the KEYRING password to be 'empty' -> Applications => Accessories -> passwords and encryption keys.17:05
daffesllutz: Thank you for the answers, but i think I wasn't clear enough, I'll try to explain the problem. I've a crawler in python and the website only allows request from time to time, but this restriction is by ip, so I will the same program in two different bashs and I'd like that each one use a different eth, where could I find any information about it? I've already search google a lot17:05
allenbradleyI am using a Compaq C500 with Realtek ethernet card. The provider claims the drivers are built into the kernel. But my ethernet card is not being recognized.17:05
Zsocithank you so much17:05
mikebotPici: How do I exit from the | less thing? It just says 'ESC' at the bottom17:06
allenbradleyI am using a Compaq C500 with Realtek ethernet card. The provider claims the drivers are built into the kernel. But my ethernet card is not being recognized. What should I do?17:06
Dr_WillisZsoci:  the forum has a thread on that exact topic i recall.. with some urls to howto-sites with pictures even17:06
om26ermikebot: can you printscr that image and imagebin it??17:06
mikebotom26er: Yeah--I'll have to restart to upload it though17:06
Dr_Willismikebot:  try q17:06
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:06
amigojapanDr_Willis: I need to disable not only xterm but any program that can let the user run a command17:06
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  that will be quite a task.. since just launching an icon is technically running a command17:06
mikebotDr_Willis: Thanks.17:06
mikebotom26er: Haha, can't see the printscreen meu, one sec.17:07
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  theres some lockdown tools  and restricted shells you may want to look into17:07
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  or try changeing their default shell. but that may break X/some programs also17:07
ZsociI really satisfied with ubuntu17:07
allenbradleyI am using a Compaq C500 with Realtek ethernet card. The provider claims the drivers are built into the kernel. But my ethernet card is not being recognized. What should I do?17:07
amigojapanDr_Willis: that is why I am using fvwm with my customized settings that has no access to xterm,   but I can think of ways to get arround it17:07
om26erhow can i disable and password requirements when running system apps17:07
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  thers always the console also..    With proper security settings users having access to the command line is not a security issue17:08
=== KF5DUS is now known as _KF5DUS_
om26eraplications that require password to open i wan to disable password17:08
Dr_Willisom26er:  by proper alterations to the sudoers file  - is one way17:08
amigojapanDr_Willis: it is in my system, since I am charging money to run applications17:08
=== _KF5DUS_ is now known as TopherSPI
amigojapanDr_Willis: I dont want people running applications withought my permission17:09
studentzHi there I'm stuck in Grub 2 command line sh:grub> .I have a fresh installation 9.1 Extended partition (hd0,5) for grub (hd0,6) for root (hd0,7) for home How I can boot?17:09
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  time to read up/google on restricting shell accounts i guess then. So the users are just doing what exactly? sshing in? running X over xdmcp? vnc?17:09
Dr_Willisamigojapan:   theres always chroot jails17:09
amigojapanDr_Willis: I dont want to disclose all the details of my project, but I think you got the idea17:10
allenbradleyI am using a Compaq C500 with Realtek ethernet card. The provider claims the drivers are built into the kernel. But my ethernet card is not being recognized. What should I do?17:10
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  sounds liek a lot of work for very little gain.. but good luck.17:10
ZoeyMarieI'm trying to get java running in firefox, it works in xp, but when I try to install the sun-java6-plugin it tells me that there are unresolvable dependencies... how would I check to see what repository I need to have enabled?17:10
amigojapanok, I will search for chroot jails17:10
jolarenHey. I just installed 9.10 and when I start my computer it just blinks like ... and wants me to login terminal way but only half of my keys get to the terminal17:10
amigojapanDr_Willis: thanx17:10
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  also check out 'rbash' (restricted bash)17:11
jolarenPlease help me17:11
studentz Hi there I'm stuck in Grub 2 command line sh:grub> .I have a fresh installation 9.1 Extended partition (hd0,5) for grub (hd0,6) for root (hd0,7) for home How I can boot? Plaesehelp me17:11
jolarenShould I boot the live cd again and reinstall?17:12
amigojapanDr_Willis: thanx, but I dont want my users to have access to any shell, only to the applications I willk serve them17:12
Dr_Willisstudentz:  you might want to use a live  cd to boot, and chroot into the installed system and rerun update-grub17:12
jolarenPlease help.. Im totally unaware of what 2 do17:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:12
bullkrami've been googling for about an hour.. is there a simple way to set up a peer to peer network in ubuntu? what is better also? nfs or samba?17:13
indian_munndacan anyone help me with login problem in mysql i forgot my password??????17:13
ZoeyMarieOk. It says, "Depends: sun-java6-bin (=6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed" any idea what that means?17:13
Dr_Willisbullkram:  samba vs nfs - depens on your lan setup and OS's involved17:13
bullkram1 winxp and two ubuntus with a linksys router17:13
Dr_Willisbullkram:  for a simple 2 pc network. install dhcpd on one  and let it assign the ip's and plug everything in.. has worked for me befor17:14
skinofstars11indian_munnda: you can google that one quite easily17:14
PhrkOnLshcheck the wiki.17:14
Dr_Willisbullkram:  then what to you mean by peer to peer network then? the router will do the dhcp stuff.17:14
blackswani have a bizarre problem17:14
indian_munndaskinofstars11: will reinstall work in ubuntu for that?17:14
Dr_Willisbullkram:  you can do nfs to the 2 linux box's if you wanted and samba to the windows  machine.17:14
bullkramno server17:14
studentzDr_Willis Can I load the Kernell from  grub command line It will be easy? But I don't know how?17:15
JmZdoes FGLRX work in karmic?17:15
Dr_Willisbullkram:  clarify what you mean..  the desktop machines can work as a server..17:15
bullkramuse samba and nfs?17:15
daconebullkram use samba/CIFS its easier17:15
spOjaunty play my 1080p movies well, but karmic has difficulties, huh17:15
allenbradleyIf ifconfig reports the interface exists, why am I not able to use ifup to bring it up?17:15
skinofstars11indian_munnda: yeah, you could do a complete remove and reinstall, but i'm sure it is possible to reset. sure i've done it a couple of times before17:15
Dr_Willisstudentz:  if you knew all the names/paths yes.. but i dont know them.. which is why i suggested the live cd/chroot to 'fix' grub17:15
bullkrami'm a bit of a noob.. only been ubuntuing for a month now17:15
mikebotom26er: is there a way to paste in a terminal?17:15
Dr_Willisbullkram:  nfs will be faster btween the 2 linux box's17:15
jolarenCant boot17:15
jolaren"failed to load driver "nvidia"17:15
Dr_Willisbullkram:  but samba will be needed for the windows machine17:16
skinofstars11bullkram: samba is pretty easy and universal17:16
Dr_Willisbullkram:  so it all depends on what you are doing with the network17:16
llutzallenbradley: if it's not confiugred in /etc/network/interfaces, ifup fails17:16
jolarenHow do I update driviers from within terminal?17:16
BoggieFolks I have a single question. Doesn't the GNOME desktop read the .profile file to actually use the PATH when launching an application? I have a Java application I am trying to make a launcher for but it's not working. I can only start it from the terminal.17:16
skinofstars11bullkram: i network several ubuntus with samba17:16
mikebotom26er: http://imagebin.org/7154617:17
bullkrami have a desktop ubuntu with all my music files.. a ubuntu netbook and a desktop xp pc. would like to share my music files over the network to both computers17:17
Dr_WillisBoggie:  you could always write a script that launches it with the full/proper paths. then make a launcher that runs that script.17:17
usserBoggie, did u package it into jar? jars use relative paths and are self contained17:17
allenbradleyllutz: One second, I'll check it17:17
Boggiewell it's Eclipse i'm trying to launch17:17
Dr_Willisbullkram:  for simple things like that. samba can do it find17:17
mikebotom26er: This happens relatively often, but only with that progrma (DownTHemAll, some plugin for firefox).17:17
blackswanmy laptop's internal optical drive is reading wrong data but not getting an error17:17
skinofstars11bullkram: just use samba17:17
bullkramk... install from repo or command line?17:17
Dr_Willisbullkram:  for transfering HUGE files and lots of them. NFS will be faster for the linux->linux machines.. but you dont have that problem17:18
studentzDr Willis - Yes I know them (hd0,5) = dev/sda5  partition for grub,(hd0,6) = dev/sda6 for root, (hd0,7)= dev/sda7 for home17:18
Dr_Willis!samba | bullkram17:18
ubottubullkram: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:18
spOany of you have worse video playing experience after upgrading to karmic?17:18
allenbradleyllutz: I checked it out. Between two computers, they are the same17:18
allenbradleyllutz: However, on one, it recognizes eth017:18
mikebotIs there a terminal chess program with AI?17:18
allenbradleyllutz: and it says networking - disabled for another17:19
ageebis there another option besides alacarte to edit main menu?17:19
Dr_Willismikebot:   theres several chess front ends and backends.. so yes.. theres one out there somewhere. :)17:19
spOi might as run windows unless i want to buy antoher video card +mb17:19
mikebotDr_Willis: Can you reccommend one? Also, do you know why this is happening: http://imagebin.org/7154617:19
jolarenHow do I update drivers17:19
jolarenFrom terminal17:19
carpunky_I just fresh installed 9.10 but now my wireless pc card is not working..do i have to edit something17:20
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space17:20
csabaI bought a new sata2 hard disk, how can I create a partition on it?17:21
Dr_Willismikebot:  i dont use them - last i saw one was a few years back. I know they exist. Check the package manager/google17:21
Dr_Willisjolaren:  sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade17:21
csabaI don't know where it is, it's not /dev/sda or /dev/sdb...17:21
llutzcsaba: sudo fdisk -l17:21
mikebotDr_Willis: OK, thanks. What about that display error?17:22
Dr_Willismikebot:  why is what happening??17:22
csabaok si I got this17:22
csabaDisk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table17:22
llutzallenbradley: is networkmanager using the device?17:22
Dr_Williscsaba:  you perhaps mean /dev/sdb117:22
llutzcsaba: so sdb seems to be the one to partition17:23
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space17:23
tfkIs there an "ubuntu way" to fully disable cpu -frequency scalling?17:23
csabait's /dev/sdb without numbers, how to create a partition?17:23
asdf1234hello! u know of a damn tiny http or ftp server which runs under ubuntu and is NOT installed but a user can just run from his compile directory?17:23
csabayes it's a totally new ahrd disk17:23
Dr_Williscsaba:  actually on a NEW unpartitioned disk. you fdisk it first.. then format the partitions17:23
llutzcsaba: sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb17:23
Dr_Williscsaba:  use fdisk/gparted17:23
mikebotDr_Willis: http://imagebin.org/7154617:23
Tartaroswhat mode should I set to a tmpfs in fstab so that anyone can modify it without sudo?17:23
Dr_Willismikebot:  and whats the problem with it?17:23
mikebotDr_Willis: That program sometimes gets frozen like that, and is displayed like that even when it is closed, and nothing can be on top of it17:23
csabashould it be primary or logical ?17:24
Dr_Williscsaba:  i use primaries unless you need more then 4 parittions17:24
llutzcsaba: doesn't matter17:24
csabaI want just one partition17:24
csabaok thanks17:24
Tartarostfk: there is a gnome applet for that17:24
llutzcsaba: primary is fine then17:24
VanessaEis there anywhere in the system where the kernel will store log info from a panic - something that can be read on the next reboot I mean ?17:24
csabacan ubuntu do ntfs?17:24
carpunky_I just fresh installed 9.10 but now my wireless pc card is not working....the connection at the top is grayed out17:24
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:24
Dr_Willis!info ntfs-config17:25
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 40 kB, installed size 432 kB17:25
csabaok it seems to be working17:25
ZoeyMarieOk, so... I'm trying to get the java plugin running in firefox, and it's telling me "unresolvable dependencies" and that I might not have the correct repositories enabled... any idea how I would fix this? pretty pretty please, I need to access a web site that has java on it. :(17:25
csabaI probably need to format it on windows?17:25
Dr_WillisZoeyMarie:  whens the last time you did a 'sudo apt-get update    && sudp apt-get upgrade' ?17:25
llutzcsaba: try: sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb117:26
Dr_Williscsaba:  linux can format ntfs some how. :)17:26
=== TopherSPI is now known as KF5DUS
ZoeyMarieDr_Willis: I think yesterday, but I'll try again right now.17:26
jolarenDr_Willis: Thanks. Im updating now, hoping it will work.17:26
csabaah not working nevermind I'll do it from windows thanks for the help!17:26
llutzcsaba: ntfsprogs have to be installed17:26
Dr_WillisZoeyMarie:  could be a  server issue also..17:26
Dr_Willis!info ntfsprogs17:26
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB17:26
om26ersudo apt-get install ntfsprogs17:27
csabaok installing them17:27
Dr_Willisa huge 728K - wonders how big windows formating tool os17:27
ZoeyMarieDr_Willis: how would I know if it was that, and what would I do... it's done this for two days now... (and the only package to upgrade is tzdata, not sure what it is, but I don't know if it'll help)17:28
csabahmm how long is this supposed to go on, it's still at 0%?17:28
Dr_Willisheh.. when ya type 'mkfs.ntfs' it tells you the command to use to INSTALL the tool. :)17:28
llutzDr_Willis: it's more than just mkfs17:28
BluesKajZoeyMarie, open your package manager, choose software sources and make sure all the boxes are checked . Then do the same for the "other software" tab except the cdrom.17:28
Dr_WillisHmm ntfsprogs is in 'main' i hope he has that enabled. :)17:28
csabait still says "initializing with zeros 0%"17:29
csabaah 1%17:29
om26ercsaba: mirror down i think17:29
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: I'll try that.17:29
Dr_Williscsaba:  you mwan how long it takes to format? that can be some time17:29
llutzcsaba: go for a coffee17:29
om26erahh he is making progressing slowly17:29
csabayeah... ok thanks17:29
Dr_WillisNo 'quick format' for You. :) not on a totally new drive at leasst17:29
jolaren(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) (EE) No drivers available) Fatal server error: no screens found17:30
om26er!hi | DaTinh17:30
ubottuDaTinh: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:30
DaTinhco ai biet tien viet ko17:30
fahadsadahdvyjones_: Poke?17:30
DaTinhco ai biet tien viet ko ? ^^17:30
csabaah I haven't done this since formatting floppy disks I think.... :))17:30
om26erjolaren: did you change your name17:30
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: I have some funky ones under other software (I've added some repos before), how do I know which ones should be checked?17:30
om26erDaTinh: english only17:30
allenbradleyllutz: It was.. Then I changed the interfaces file17:30
jolarenom26er: What do you mean=17:30
allenbradleyllutz: It was.. Then I changed the interfaces file17:30
allenbradleyllutz: Now, I am managing it17:31
om26erjolaren: i thought someone with the same error came here before like an hour ago17:31
jolarenom26er: Oh, no17:31
=== max is now known as Guest97121
=== Guest97121 is now known as cads
cadshey, i've got a question; I'd like for my ubuntu laptop to act as a wireless gateway for the desktop computer connected to it. The tower lacks any kind of wireless ability.17:32
BluesKajZoeyMarie, all of them except the cdrom , especially partners and medibuntu if you have them17:33
jacobopetermanive got an xps dell and its not turning on at all, just a yellow light and the fan running. any ideas? :/17:33
cadsthey're connected through a ethernet cable- the rest should be simple enough to trivially look up, right?17:33
llutz!ics | cads17:33
ubottucads: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php17:33
RiottaDoes anyone here is using XChat on Ubuntu 9.10 if ye then try to left click/double left click on some url in the topic and see if it will open to you with your web browser, thx in advance17:33
om26erjacobopeterman: contact dell17:34
cadsah, thanks llutz17:34
om26erjacobopeterman: its a hardware failiure i guess17:34
jacobopetermandefinitely hardware om26er ?17:34
thiebaudejacobopeterman, is it still under warranty?17:34
jacobopetermangotcha ty17:34
jacobopetermanthiebaude, yes17:34
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: The only partners that are there, I think are from something random. It says "jaunty partner", there are two "unsupported updtaes" and two "disabled on upgrade to karmic" and that's it.17:34
cadsllutz: i'm glad I came here to ask, though in hindsight I think I should appologize for askin such a basic question17:34
domedagenI want to burn it to a iso. So that I can install it on my computer.17:35
domedagenDo you want to create a disc from the contents of the image or with the image file inside?17:35
Dr_WillisRiotta:  for ages and ages.. xchat has been shipping missconfigured where it dosent open urls properly. No idea if its been fixed in 9.1017:35
delkinhi ! I installed windows, then ubuntu in my DELL VOSTRO 1320, and the boot seemed to be working fine. But after resetting the computer few times (2 or 3) the boot list disapeared... Now i cant run windows nor ubuntu... :S What should i do to have the boot list working again, and how to ensure that it wont get broken again?17:35
cadsanyways, today is my birthday,and so it is my duty to spread cheer, I hope everyone has an awesome day17:35
om26erdomedagen: use brasero17:35
cadsdelkin: you need to get a live disk17:35
cadsdelkin: then, you should be able to reinstall the bootloader17:35
Riottathx Dr_Willis for clearing my mind17:35
delkincads, i started the live cd already17:35
cadscool, let me see if i can find the instructions to do it17:36
domedagenom26er. I'm using Brasero17:36
BluesKajZoeyMarie, the disabled ones are prolly jaunty ,  do some work in upgrading the sources.list tokarmic17:36
llutzcads: so happy birthday, enjoy your day17:36
om26erdomedagen: so its simple to use . use it17:36
delkincads, ok i'm ready17:36
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space17:36
om26erwhen is first lucid live cd coming17:36
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: I'm not sure what that means... :/17:36
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.17:36
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.17:37
Dr_Willisom26er:  every time someone asks..it gets delayed :P17:37
cadsdelkin, these are instructions I've found to work before http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435117:37
om26erDr_Willis: great17:37
thiebaudehaha Dr_Willis17:37
juhmI just installed KK.  now in gnome-terminal aptitude package manager graphical text characters, like in the menus are replaced by multiple ?-marks.  What might be wrong?  In the regular VT, everything is drawn fine.17:37
Dr_Willisom26er:  you just set it back another 15 min.17:37
allenbradleyllutz: I tried, but it still does not work17:37
domedagenom26er: I'm using CD/DVD creator. I don't want to change. I don't have the password for this computer17:37
om26erDr_Willis: this is not the release party17:37
llutzallenbradley: sudo service network restart17:37
delkincads, thanks i'll take a look17:37
allenbradleyI tried ifup eth0. then dhclient17:37
juhmMy environment is en_US.UTF-817:37
allenbradleyllutz: network : unrecognized service17:38
BluesKajZoeyMarie, sudo do-releaseupgrade , I know you've already upgrade but you rsources.list is not up to date17:38
llutzallenbradley: sudo service networking restart17:38
allenbradleyllutz: one sec17:38
BluesKajoops sudo do-release-upgrade17:38
om26erdomedagen: does it ask for passsword17:38
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: okay, I'll try that17:38
llutzallenbradley: paste your /etc/network/interfaces please17:38
domedagenom26er: If I want to install a new program it does17:38
om26erdomedagen: yes17:39
spOi install FFmpeg-mt mplayer, but now i want to install the regular mplayer. I did a remove and a clean,but the install still installs the ffmpeg-mt version17:39
domedagenom26er There is only one selected file ("openSUSE-11.2-DVD-x86_64.iso"). It is the image of a disc and its contents can be burnt.17:39
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: it just told me "no new release found"17:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdrive17:39
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: should I try and add the medibuntu repo?17:39
cadsdelkin: the grub installation process should install a grub bootloarder into your Master Boot Record, and this bootloader should configure itself and search for other installations of operating systems on your computer. I'm not 100% sure if it will reconnect to your windows installation however17:40
domedagenom26er: Burn as file or Contents17:40
allenbradleyllutz: It says unknown instance17:40
om26erdomedagen: you have to have the password17:40
fahadsadahToday's oldnewthing post was quite enlightening.17:40
MrGilHi, I a trying to flash my plug with sheevainstaller, and getting Bad Magic Number.  Anyone know what this means?17:40
domedagenom26er: It's not my computer17:40
fahadsadahWrong channel17:40
BluesKajok ZoeyMarie alt+f2,  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , pastebin the text so we can look at it17:40
Dr_Willisfahadsadah:  ;)17:40
dmc123Since switching to Ubuntu, my internet transfers have been *EXTREMELY* slow17:40
dmc123Does Ubuntu need special drivers?17:41
om26erfahadsadah: haan beta17:41
om26erdmc123: for what?17:41
dmc123It's borderline unusable17:41
delkincads, i'll try at my risk. The computer is new, so there is no problem.17:41
dmc123dmc123, for my router17:41
om26erdmc123: nvidia?17:41
domedagendmc123 ethernet cable?17:41
fahadsadahdmc123: A router never needs drivers, with any OS17:41
fahadsadahAre you wired or wireless?17:41
dmc123domedagen, yes17:41
dmc123I NEVER had this problem with Windows17:41
fahadsadahEthernet drivers are what you are looking for, then17:41
dmc123fahadsadah, where?17:42
fahadsadahYou probably have a weird/old network card.17:42
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space17:42
fahadsadahPlease can you post the output of lspci?17:42
domedagenCould it be a firewall block?17:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci17:42
dmc123It's a relatively new Gigabyte card17:42
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317987/17:42
om26erdomedagen: connection mamger show any network?17:42
fl0pserhi, how do i upgrade my kernel? (i have 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5xen)17:42
fahadsadahdmc123: Gigabyte don't make intertube cards.17:43
om26er!paste | dmc12317:43
ubottudmc123: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!17:43
fahadsadahdmc123: Please can you, on the Ubuntu box, open a terminal, and type: lspci17:43
dmc123It takes me 3 hours to download a goddamn 2 meg file17:43
fahadsadahOh, it's working?17:43
domedagenom26er: What does that have to do with the wierd question? Common its my last DVD so it is important that I choose the correct alternative17:43
thiebaude!language | dmc12317:43
ubottudmc123: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:43
Zsocihow can I setup Empathy for voice/video?17:43
FlootenkerpI have ubuntu 9.04 installed with wubi installer, and I only invested 8 gigs. How would I give it more space? I recently got some help, but I want to see if there is a way I can do it without reinstalling. Anyone know how? I need the space17:44
dmc123fahadsadah, realtek semiconductor17:44
FlootenkerpPlease, I need help17:44
* om26er says my head is gonna explode17:44
spOi install FFmpeg-mt mplayer, but now i want to install the regular mplayer. I did a remove and a clean,but the install still installs the ffmpeg-mt version17:44
FlootenkerpI've been asking for hours now.17:44
dmc123fahadsadah, now what?17:44
fahadsadahdmc123: I need everything, not just the manufacturer name.17:45
dmc12302:05.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)17:45
domedagenom26er: Your head did what?17:45
dmc123fahadsadah, there you go17:45
pkohrI installed ubuntu on my desktop and I screwed up the location of grub. ubuntu is sitting happily on hd0 on its own partition next to another non linux fs. I think I made a mistake when I specified for the grub to be on hd1 along with my xp partition. I currently receive the msg "Error: No such Disk17:45
pkohrgrub rescue>" when starting up. I do not know how to use the grub2 console though. Does anyone know where I should start to solve this problem?17:45
om26erdomedagen: yes that message was meant to go someother way17:45
dmc123fahadsadah, and now?17:45
fahadsadahI believe that's supported out of the box.17:46
fahadsadahI'm checking for you now.17:46
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, have you tried booting from the live cd and using gparted to expand the partition?17:46
dmc123No, it's not fahadsadah17:46
dmc123I can tell you that right now17:46
dmc123I'm not using a 56k modem17:46
BluesKajZoeyMarie, try this tutorial , it's very comprehensive http://techie-buzz.com/linux-tips/generate-a-sources-list-with-the-ubuntu-sources-list-generator.html17:46
om26erdmc123: does hardware drivers show anything?17:46
dmc123My ISP isn't down17:46
domedagenom26er I'm going for Contents. Which me good luck. My weekend depends on this17:47
fahadsadahdmc123: A tshark trace would be very helpful.17:47
llutzallenbradley: paste your /etc/network/interfaces please17:47
fahadsadahPlease sudo aptitude install tshark17:47
MattCLThere's a php bug in PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.7 with Suhosin-Patch on Ubuntu 8.04.317:47
om26erdomedagen: good luck17:47
dmc123fahadsadah, no17:47
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: I'll try that, thanks.17:47
dmc123fahadsadah, it's gonna take 40 megs to download17:47
Flootenkerpjauntyjoe no I haven't, I don't use a cd17:48
dmc123fahadsadah, with the current connection, that'll take a week17:48
llutz!paste | allenbradley17:48
ubottuallenbradley: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!17:48
domedagenom26er it wasn't much help but thanks for trying17:48
fahadsadahdmc123: OK, I'll give you a direct link to the package17:48
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, there's also a live cd for gparted17:48
om26erdomedagen: i really never got into not having password17:48
dmc123And what's a direct link gonna do, fahadsadah?17:48
fahadsadahWhich you can download on a computer with usable internet, and then transfer by memory stick/network17:48
allenbradleyllutz: http://pastebin.com/d133b197d17:48
dmc123I can't download it anyway17:49
dmc123I have no access to another computer17:49
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:49
fahadsadahHow are you talking now?17:49
DVA5912What would i use to make gui applications in linux? what code?17:49
dmc123Through my Ubuntu PC17:49
domedagenom26er: bye! Disc ready in 6:30 sec17:49
ZsociI got supported webcam and audio and microphone but I can't use videocalling on Empathy,what's wrong?I checked the readme too17:49
fahadsadahDVA5912: Any language.17:49
fahadsadahFor GUI, look up GTK.17:49
fahadsadahIt's not a language17:49
fahadsadahJust a GUI framework.17:50
DVA5912ok, if i go C .... Thank you thats what i was looking for. fahadsadah17:50
om26erZsoci: the person on the other end should have a web cam17:50
fahadsadahdmc123: What kind of ping results do you get from google.com?17:50
TartarosDVA5912: use quickly17:50
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: should I do the "sources" repos as well?17:50
juhmdmc123: I have never seen any Internet Protocol networking problem with any GNU/Linux, including Ubuntu, as far as I can remember in the past decade that was not a configuration issue.  Some wireless things are not implemented for some cards.  Ethernet has always been stable.  So if you are having a problem on your Ubuntu box, it is likely configuration.  I don't know what might make it slow though.  Is something consuming CPU?  What ethernet card d17:50
Flootenkerpjauntyjoe, what is that about? How is it supposed to give my ubuntu space from another partition?17:50
DVA5912Tartaros, why?17:50
usuario_AI ALGIEN17:50
FloodBot1usuario_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
usuario_AKI KE17:50
om26erZsoci: and if he is using pidgin or empathy then you can make video call without problem17:50
llutzallenbradley: it's ok. sorry no idea then, why ifup won't bring it up17:50
TartarosDVA5912: also, there's a channel for that here :) #quickly17:50
dmc123Ubuntu has been nothing but trouble ever since I put it in17:51
dmc123Nothing works17:51
DVA5912Tartaros, ohh... its a framwork too?17:51
allenbradleyllutz: Thanks anyways17:51
BluesKajZoeyMarie, yes here http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/17:51
dmc123The programs are yucky and primitive, 50% of drivers don't work17:51
om26erdmc123: what is not working except for the etherent17:51
navatwolspci is not identifying my network card, anyone have an idea how I can find it?17:51
TartarosDVA5912: the reason is that quickly is a project aimed at new developers who want to make an ubuntu application17:51
juhmdmc123: if you are not specific, we can't help17:51
MattCLphp5 needs an upgrade on ubuntu 8.04.3: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317992/17:51
dmc123You don't help anyway17:52
eddvrsjuhm: not sure he wants help17:52
juhmnavatwo: is it PCI? or USB?  lsusb17:52
DVA5912Tartaros, its feature lacking right? I couldent go full screen with it could i?17:52
dmc123You're all too busy being l33t17:52
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, you use it to resize the partitions to your required sizes17:52
fahadsadahdmc123: Please ping google.com, and give me some latency times?17:52
navatwojuhm: its pci17:52
TartarosDVA5912: it's a cli application with tutorials etc. It's not a framework, just a helper application that will make it easy to develop an application. Currently it can help you kickstart a python/gtk application17:52
DVA5912Tartaros, i need to totaly hid the user desktop and display my app17:52
Flootenkerpoh, I already have that17:52
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: Yeah, that's the page I'm on, I was just wondering if I install the first box for each one, or the first and second (sources) boxes.17:52
FlootenkerpBut I'm not sure how to use it jauntyjoe17:52
juhmnavatwo: lsmod?17:53
fahadsadahdmc123: Also, we are not being paid to make Ubuntu. We are not being paid to support Ubuntu.17:53
fl0pseranyone has an idea why I cant upgrade kernels on a VPS from serveraxis?17:53
fahadsadahIf you don't like it, don't use it.17:53
lao5How to run a program as a specified user in ubuntu? Thanks.17:53
om26erthat's the spirit17:53
fahadsadahYou can't complain and ask for a refund.17:53
fahadsadahlao5: sudo -i -u username program17:53
navatwojuhm: what am I looking for in this?17:53
juhmlao5: sudo & similar.17:53
fahadsadahYou'll be asked for _your_ password, not theirs.17:53
navatwonothing screams ethernet :s17:53
TartarosDVA5912: I don't know about that. I suppose gtk is capable of that. If you want something really different from normal GUIs, like a game for example, I'd suggest pygame. You can probably still go with quickly.17:53
lao5fahadsadah&juhm: thanks.17:54
fahadsadahIf you don't have admin, but do have their password, use17:54
fahadsadahsu - username17:54
dmc123So Linux is above criticism?17:54
dmc123What a joke17:54
fahadsadahlao5: You're welcome.17:54
llutzpls kick that troll17:54
delkinGuys, I just realized that my problem is more serious... I actually solved the problem with the live cd, but when i restarted the laptop, the MBR was cleaned again... Everytime i restart the computer it seems that i lose the MBR... :O WHat should i do?? I can fix it with the live cd and restart it once, but if i restart it again the boot list disapears... :S17:54
navatwodmc123: quit trolling.17:54
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, http://gparted.sourceforge.net/docs/help-manual/C/gparted_manual.html#gparted-advanced-partition-actions17:54
fl0pseranyone has an idea why I cant upgrade kernels on a VPS from serveraxis??17:54
om26erdmc123: do you know what linux is?17:54
fahadsadahdmc123: One second17:54
Tartarosdmc123: be constructive or leave17:55
eddvrsdmc123: theys chaps are trying to help you... eith follow their advice or go elsewhere with your moaning...17:55
fahadsadahdmc123: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm17:55
dmc123om26er, a kernel from which operating system components are built17:55
navatwojuhm: there does not appear to be anything there relative to the network card.17:55
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
stz184hello. i need to add “acpi_backlight=vendor” to my /etc/default/boot but I haven't that file :( I am using Ubuntu 9.10. Please help!17:55
juhmnavatwo: lsmod gives less descriptive names.  You can use process of elimination to find your card.  Yes if a module were loaded, the card would be present.17:55
om26erdmc123: what's a kernel?17:55
Flootenkerpjauntyjoe, this seems a little dangerous. If I screw anything up, I won't be able to boot anymore. Could you help me out so I don't screw anything up?17:56
icehawk78In vi, if I want to replace any double-parentheses with a single set (ie:  "((this stuff))" => "(this stuff)"), would the proper command for that be: %s/\(\((.*)\)\)/($1)/g  ?17:56
IdleOnedmc123: the whole idea behind linux and open source pretty much makes it open to criticism17:56
juhmnavatwo: what interfaces shown in 'ip addr'?17:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:56
* om26er says now googling what is kernel?17:56
navatwojuhm: there isnt one17:57
fahadsadahdmc123: You don't like our work? Don't use it.17:57
fahadsadahAs the page I linked you to says, linux is not Windows.17:57
fahadsadahWindows is designed to make a profit.17:57
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, maybe there's an easier way to solve the problem. why do you need more than 8 GB for ubuntu?17:57
fahadsadahThey profit, then they don't care about anything else.17:57
juhmnavatwo: does it not at least show 'lo'?17:57
juhmjauntyjoe: you don't .  4GB suffices17:58
fahadsadahlinux in general is made by the users17:58
stz184hello. i need to add “acpi_backlight=vendor” to my /etc/default/boot but I haven't that file :( I am using Ubuntu 9.10. Please help!17:58
ZoeyMarieDoes anyone know if I need to include source repos to get them to work, or only if I want to do development?17:58
fahadsadahThey make it so they have an OS to use17:58
fahadsadahNot to make a profit17:58
Flootenkerpjauntyjoe, because it's better then vista, and viasta won't work anymore so I need ubuntu to be my main OS17:58
mikehkhey guys i cant seem to get my head around this. im trying to use grep to find all html hyper references in a text document ( <a href=""> </a> ) how can i do this with a backreference?17:58
juhmnavatwo: 'lo' is the loopback network interface.  it should always be present & seen as a result of 'ip link'17:58
navatwojuhm: there are ip_table* shown17:58
csabaI don't like vista but windows 7 seems pretty good... except it can't detect any of my hardware right...17:59
navatwoThere is no other ip stuff shown other than the ip_tables17:59
csabait's like having a linux 10 years ago17:59
juhmnavatwo: not in lsmod.  run the program 'ip' with parameter 'link'18:00
navatwoI'm tempted to just reinstall :p18:00
navatwojuhm: what am I lookig for?18:00
juhmdid you do an install or upgrade or what?18:00
navatwoubuntu forced me to reinstall :<18:01
juhmlook for your network interfaces.  1 is lo.  what are the others?18:01
jauntyjoeFlootenkerp, i'm assuming you need the extra space for data. do you have another partition on the drive that you could use - like a D: drive in windows?18:01
Dr_WillisUbuntu cured my dogs blindness! its true!18:01
delkinGuys, I just realized that my problem is more serious... I actually solved the problem with the live cd, but when i restarted the laptop, the MBR was cleaned again... Everytime i restart the computer it seems that i lose the MBR... :O WHat should i do?? I can fix it with the live cd and restart it once, but if i restart it again the boot list disapears... :S18:01
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juhmnavatwo: are you chatting from your  Ubuntu box that has the trouble?18:01
dmc123Look, guys, I'm sorry18:01
FlootenkerpYes jauntyjoe18:01
navatwojuhm: wmaster0, wlan0, pan018:01
dmc123I'm not trolling18:01
dmc123I'm just reaaaaaaally frustrated18:01
FlootenkerpHow would I change it to use that drive?18:01
navatwojuhm: no, I don't have wireless here18:01
mikehkhey guys i cant seem to get my head around this. im trying to use grep to find all html hyper references in a text document ( <a href=""> </a> ) how can i do this with a backreference?18:01
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel18:02
Dr_Willisdelkin:  Thats... weird. checkyour bios make sure theres no 'virus protection' enabled that may be restoreing your MBR.18:02
Flootenkerpjauntyjoe, the chat is a little crowded, mind if we take it to PM?18:02
edgyHi, I always get xubuntu splash before my login prompt, I want to see ubuntu splash, what can i do?18:02
juhmnavatwo: it shows your wireless card.18:03
Dr_Willismikehk:  ive seen examples of doing that in perl code. perhaps some grep 'examples' web pages may show the proper way to do it with grep.  I always cheat and look for examples. :)18:03
navatwoyes, juhm but not my ethernet card18:03
mgv2what can i do about that in evolution? http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/544/13664299.png18:03
SLS_I wonder. I say. I wonder... why are all my PCI devices at 66mhz? GeForce 820018:04
delkinDr_Willis, i'll take a look18:04
SLS_I thought it would be 1066?18:04
BilgeLike the battle of Hastings?18:04
csabamy volume is very low and it's on max... I can barely hear it18:05
csabahow to fix it?18:05
SLS_Bilge: Like History too i see...?18:05
Boggiehm is there any way to forcefully kill a process that 'kill' was unable to terminate?18:05
BilgeNo, history is shit18:06
SLS_Boggie kill -9 proc18:06
BilgeUnless you mean the history command; that's pretty useful18:06
Mnemonic^I am having truble with Karmic netbook remix. No USB plugged in to my LapTop is recognized. Nothing is written to dmesg when I plug stuff in. Help Anyone?18:06
navatwojuhm: the driver I need is only on one website, which happens to be down18:06
Mnemonic^My Laptop is a LG X11018:07
navatwocan anyone open this page: http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx18:07
Zsocii tried to call me from my mum's msn with audio/video on Empathy but nothing happens.I tried to call from empathy but videocalling on the menu is blank,what is the problem?both system got supported audi/video18:08
ZoeyMarieOk... so I went to read-up, and I have come to the conclusion that you do not need the source repository to get the programs to work. Can someone tell me if this is correct? (I just need a yes or a no)18:08
Mnemonic^Paste of my lsusb: http://pastebin.com/m378203d318:08
navatwoZoeyMarie: what programs?18:08
velkoZoeyMarie, correct18:08
carpunky_anyone know why my wireless connection is not appearing at the top...it is grayed out18:08
BluesKajZoeyMarie, sorry , was away for a few mins , choose all of the boxes right down to the bottom , then you'll have a full list of repositories for all apps that might need or want to install in the future.18:08
cichlasomaHi. I run Debian lenny (in VirtualBox in another linux). When I add Ubuntu repositories and run apt-get install on most of packages, I get18:08
cichlasomadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.10.1-0ubuntu15_i386.deb (--unpack):18:08
cichlasoma trying to overwrite `/usr/sbin/update-locale', which is also in package locales18:08
cichlasomadpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)18:08
cichlasomaErrors were encountered while processing:18:08
FloodBot1cichlasoma: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
cichlasoma /var/cache/apt/archives/libc-bin_2.10.1-0ubuntu15_i386.deb18:08
=== NiSoOo is now known as Guest94218
{g}Hey People! Even though I have set a root password in ubuntu and i have "PermitRootLogin" set to yes in my vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config I cannot "ssh root@mymachine". ssh asks me for the password and doesnt log in. It works for user@mymachine. Any ideas?18:09
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: so I DO want to install the sources repositories?18:09
ZoeyMarieer.. check, not install18:09
Scunizicichlasoma: the ubuntu repos and debian repos you shouldn't cross pollinate18:09
llutz{g}: restarted sshd?18:09
navatwocan anyone open this page: http://partner.atheros.com/Drivers.aspx? Its not loading for me.18:09
Boggiethank you18:10
BluesKajZoeyMarie, yes18:10
delkinDr_Willis, nothing seems to be connected with this issue in BIOS. Should i for instance fix the MBR, and use the one chance that i have to enter in the installed linux and change something there? Or repeat the same procedure i did with the live cd, but this time with the installed linux ?18:10
{g}llutz: yes, with "/etc/init.d/ssh restart"18:10
velko{g}, are you able to log in as root on the console?18:10
{g}velko: yes18:10
velko{g}, have you checked the messages in /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog for errors from sshd18:11
Mnemonic^Please Help, I am having truble with Karmic netbook remix. No USB plugged in to my LapTop is recognized. Nothing is written to dmesg when I plug stuff in.18:11
Mnemonic^My Laptop is a LG X11018:11
Mnemonic^Paste of my lsusb: http://pastebin.com/m378203d318:11
llutz{g}: check /var/log/auth.log too18:11
=== cp is now known as Guest28118
cichlasomaScunizi: I know it's dirty, yet it's a virtual machine and I just want to experiment with something. don't you know how to fix it in a dirty way or whatever?18:12
duffydack{g}, do you have PasswordAuthentication yes18:12
juhmnavatwo: do you know what brand the ethernet is?18:12
juhmnavatwo: was the ethernet working under a previous linux?18:12
JREAMIn ubuntu I made my folder lists as "LIST", is there a way to save it for every folder18:12
juhmnavatwo: in the worst case, you install the old linux where it was working; extract the information about the card; use information in KK to set it up18:12
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:13
mick_laptophi everyone, i am using the Netbook Remix (not karmic, the one before it) -- and i changed language settings and now my second monitor just shows the background image (my primary monitor was smashed). is there a commandline way to mirror the displays? (it was mirrored just fine before i set the language to german)18:13
mick_laptopor what is the name for the app that configures the display?18:13
ruben23hi trying to install ubuntu desktop on my client pc during boot up i can see the install menu of ubuntu, but when i select install---> monitor powers off---low frequency.18:13
{g}duffydack: that line is disabled18:13
ruben23anyone have idea on ths18:13
navatwojuhm: it was found under 9.04, and it was found under my old installation of 9.10. The card is Atheros AR1831, but the driver site is down..18:14
navatwobeen down for a day now18:14
mick_laptopi can just use that over an ssh connection18:14
{g}duffydack: but login as another user works. only root doesnt work.18:14
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velkomick_laptop, try "xrandr --auto"18:14
duffydack{g},  try uncomment it anyway... and try adding a key....18:14
=== j is now known as Guest2877
UncleDwho gets to decide on the ubuntu names like karmic, intrepid, etc18:15
UncleDwho makes the final decision18:15
MenZa!sabdfl | UncleD18:15
albert__helloy :)18:15
ubottuUncleD: Mark "sabdfl" Shuttleworth is our favourite cosmonaut, the founder of Canonical and the primary driver behind Ubuntu. You can find pieces of his thinking at http://www.markshuttleworth.com18:15
UncleDso mark is our messiah?18:16
{g}duffydack: still no login. what do you mean by "try adding a key"? i dont want keys. i want passwords :)18:16
ZoeyMarieBluesKaj: Is there a quick way to add a bunch of GPG keys, or do I have to type each one into the terminal...?18:16
tnk092Any body here to guide me about wireless networks projects18:16
thiebaudenot mine18:16
llutzUncleD: don't mix OSses with religion18:16
grawity{g}: Pastebin sshd_config?18:16
tnk092anyone else18:16
fl0pserI have ubuntu server running kernel version 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5xen and i cand find linux headers for it18:16
fl0pserany ideas?18:16
grawityZoeyMarie: Are they each in a separate file?18:16
mick_laptopvelko: didn't work over an ssh connection -- i was going to set a "quick launch icon" with the path to xterm (or konsole... whatever) so i can at least see my display (i tried xrandr --auto on a virtual terminal that i couldn't see, and that didn't work) -- no idea what the error was either since it used the primary display18:17
zap85I get a black screen on bootup. And it never goes away. I cant use ubuntu anymore.18:17
duffydack{g}, well its an odd one.. I`d like to know how you fix it.18:17
{g}grawity: got it working now. had a typo. sorry.18:17
zap85checked the forum but could not get a proper answer.18:17
ruben23hi trying to install ubuntu desktop on my client pc during boot up i can see the install menu of ubuntu, but when i select install---> monitor powers off---low frequency.18:17
{g}duffydack: typo. sorry.18:17
duffydack{g}, loll18:17
Dr_Williszap85:  so tell the channel what you DO see? grub? Gdm? nothing at all>? flashing _ cursor?18:18
llutz{g}: pebcak18:18
ZoeyMariegrawity: like, the commands for them? I was generated a bunch of commands to add a bunch of GPG keys, and I am trying to just run them all instead of doing one at a time.18:18
mick_laptopcan someone type in "which xterm" and tell me where it is? i tried some of the places that i figured it would be (like /bin etc) but it is a no-go at this point18:18
hhlp!git | hhlp18:18
ubottuhhlp, please see my private message18:18
grawityZoeyMarie: Can you paste one command here?18:18
zap85flashing cursor.18:18
ZoeyMariegrawity: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F9D8BC5418:19
Dr_Willis /usr/bin/xterm mick_laptop18:19
JREAMi am new to ubuntu, How do i make ALL my folders have the list view18:19
mick_laptopDr_Willis: thanks18:19
grawityZoeyMarie: And... can you just paste all of them to the Terminal? No need to retype.18:19
{g}llutz: pebcak?18:19
zap85its happens often but sometimes I am able to see the graphics screen. But most of the time it shows the flashing cursor.18:19
ZoeyMarieI suppose it wouldn't be too hard to just do one by one copy paste, but it would be neat if I could just do it at the same time, shrugs. I'll figure it out.18:19
Dr_Willismick_laptop:  thers also the locate command :)18:19
jpdsJREAM: Edit -> Preferences -> Use List view.18:19
grawityZoeyMarie: Anyway, I think that gpg's --recv-keys can accept as many keyids as you want, such as --recv-keys 12345678 90abcdef 2468012318:19
JREAMthank you jpds!18:20
JREAMI am installing the nsdwrapper right now its tricky but I had a Ubuntu VPS before so i kind of follow the terminal18:20
jpdsJREAM: No problem.18:20
=== Jared is now known as Guest3715
llutz{g}: problem exists between chair and keyboard18:20
Guest3715Can someone help me with cups?18:20
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duffydackMake an alias so apt-key adv blah blah = aptkey (key) aptkey (key) etc18:21
{g}llutz: :)18:21
Dr_Willisllutz:  I Told my wife that.. and it took her  a wile to figure it out and yell at me. :)18:21
llutzDr_Willis: there are things on earth, one should tell his wife....18:21
Guest3715I have not been able to get remoted web access to cups and the cupssys file is not present18:21
llutzother better not18:21
Greek-Boymy /etc/init.d/nfs-common is missing even though nfs-common package is isntalled in my Ubuntu Karmic. How can I fix this?18:21
Dr_WillisGreek-Boy:  it may be handled by upstart not the sysv init scripts18:22
NecrosanHaving a problem with 9.10 netbook-remix18:22
Dr_WillisGreek-Boy:  try sudo service nfs<tab> start18:22
NecrosanCan't see any menu on the desktop??18:22
mgv2what can i do about that in evolution? http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/544/13664299.png  hellllllllllllllllllp18:23
=== nperry_ is now known as nperry
Dr_WillisGreek-Boy:  i got a /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server18:23
mick_laptopbleh - so far nothing has seemed to work right18:23
grendal_primeok does anyone have expertiese in gnome-network-manager?18:23
mick_laptopwhat is the name of the window manager so that i can maybe restart it18:24
Dr_Willisgrendal_prime:  its best to just ask the actual question - not ask for 'experts'18:24
Greek-BoyDr_Willis: yeah thats for the server18:24
mick_laptopi mean the name of the binary18:24
Greek-BoyDr_Willis: The other is for the client18:24
mick_laptopi've tried to just restart gdm and that seems to not be doing it18:24
Dr_WillisGreek-Boy:  i got both installed on all 3 of my machines..  :)18:24
zap85Dr_Willis : any idea what I can do to get rid of the black screen on bootup. I get a flashing cursor _ .18:24
Guest3715Anyone know anything about cups printserver?18:25
Dr_Williszap85:  not really - if you dont even have a grub menu show up. perhaps reinstall grub.18:25
llutzGreek-Boy: you mean portmap18:25
Greek-Boyllutz: I have portmap too18:25
Tartarosneeding su password to mount disks - isn't that a bug/regression in karmic?18:25
mick_laptopGuest3715: what is the problem?18:25
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:25
=== diego is now known as Guest14257
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:25
Dr_WillisTartaros:  use the ntfs-config tool. or make proper fstab entries for the disks is one way around it.18:26
=== malnilion__ is now known as malnilion
mbeierloh wow.  I just got hit by the old nvidia black window bug!?!  I've opened yet another program, and when I maximize its window, it goes black, restore it back down and the content is there.  repeat with same effect...18:26
zap85Dr_Willis : I have grub showing up after I choose to start ubuntu. I see the black screen.18:26
Guest3715cupsys not on my system18:26
grendal_primeDr_Willis: sorry but ive been looking all over this help with this... but ok  Basically i cannot get networkmanager to recognize the fact that i have vpn plugins installed in it.  No plugins show so the Add Button is greyed out.18:26
Guest3715not sure why but cant restart it without it18:26
daniftodii am a problem witch login screen in ubuntu, after update (pre-released updates) no login screen, need to type startx to run GUI18:26
Dr_Williszap85:  boot to rescue/recovery mode see if you get a console login  - that will make trouble shooting easier18:26
areayhi everyone... i think i'm logged in somewhere else on my network through NIS... how can i tell which machine i'm logged into?18:26
mick_laptopGuest3715: install cups then check those links. make sure your printer is supported18:26
Guest3715i have it installed18:27
mick_laptopdaniftodi: make sure gdm is installed18:27
TartarosDr_Willis: yeah but is it considered a bug? i.e. is there a fix coming up sometime?18:27
Dr_WillisTartaros:  it asks for the admin password as a security feature. Not a bug.18:27
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Dr_WillisTartaros:  befor it would just give an error i thought.. depending on the filesystem,18:27
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TartarosDr_Willis: no. before, it worked without asking18:28
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Dr_WillisTartaros:  depends on what filesystem  and how the disk manager stuff was configured18:28
Dr_Willisfor ntfs - install/run the ntfs-config tool and enable it how you want.18:28
TartarosDr_Willis: well it might depend on that, but I'm talking default jaunty configuration :)18:28
Jared_Guestit says do /etc/init.d/cupsys but when I do that I can the message that there is no cupsys18:29
Dr_Willisa lot of subsystems have been changed in 9.1018:29
Jared_GuestI am running version 1.4.1 of cups18:29
Dr_WillisJared_Guest:   sudo service cups start18:30
Jared_Guestok thanks18:30
Dr_Willisdont use the init.d/whatever stuff if you can avoide it18:30
Dr_Willis init.d/whatever is slowly getting phased out18:30
AyCarumbadoes ubuntu have any mac osx desktop widgit apps for install????18:30
C00l_AWAYwhat is the latest irc program for ubuntu?18:30
TartarosDr_Willis: yeah I know all I want to know is if I should try to workaround this problem or wait for a fix18:30
C00l_AWAYthe stable one18:30
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  clarify what you are looking for exactly18:30
AyCarumbacool_away: xchat and irssi are good clients18:31
Dr_WillisTartaros:  theres no fix - its a security feature as far as i know.18:31
C00l_AWAYhow about BitchX?18:31
Dr_WillisTartaros:  if you are wanting all users to have full access to external/inbternal ntfs - use the ntfs-config tool. or add a entry to fstab18:31
TartarosC00l_AWAY: whatever the supported Im client is. In 9.10 the default is Empathy, previously Pidgin.18:31
TartarosDr_Willis: ok18:31
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  that is in no way the 'latest'18:31
carpunky_any reason why the wireless option is grayed out...when i run lsphi  it says unclaimed but gives the rest of the info18:31
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  i like 'weechat'18:31
AyCarumbadr_willis: like the panel thing that brings up app icons and widgits for desktop like windows vista had??18:32
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  thats the name18:32
TartarosDr_Willis: umm... I have no ntfs-config thingy18:32
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  theres dozens of ways to get widgets and gizmos18:32
TartarosDr_Willis: nor do I see it in synaptic18:32
mick_laptopok, i'm now to a state where i think i know what is going on (yay?)18:32
Dr_Willis!info ntfs-config18:32
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 40 kB, installed size 432 kB18:32
mick_laptopseems the window manager isn't fully loaded (gnome)18:32
Dr_WillisTartaros:  look again?18:32
anti_theoconanybody running vsftpd?18:33
mick_laptopsimilar to if you kill kicker in kde18:33
AyCarumbadr_willis: like analog clock and calander and temp,18:33
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  dozen of ways of doing that.18:33
anti_theoconor should i be in a server help channel?18:33
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  there seveal nice clocks in the repos/package manager18:33
mick_laptopanyone know how i can start gnome from the commandline?18:33
anti_theoconmaybe startx gnome18:33
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  click on the gnome time in the panel for a calander. :)18:33
mick_laptopX is already running18:33
=== Jared is now known as Jared_Gust
icedwaterFrom single-user mode? Try startx, it should ... oh18:33
anti_theoconkill x first?18:34
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:   theres google gizmos you can use. or opera widgits. or other ones in the repos also.18:34
icedwatermick_laptop: Maybe kill it first, or something like that.18:34
mick_laptopanti_theocon: if i stop X then i will not be able to see anything18:34
davidboyHow would you kill x?18:34
Dr_WillisAyCarumba:  or check out conky and make ones how you like18:34
icedwaterYou will go back to the command line...18:34
anti_theoconyou should have a command propmpt on another virtual desktop, if not on the same one18:34
mick_laptopthere is a way to switch WMs -- i've done it before (just can't remember how to do it)18:34
Necrosansomeone help me18:35
Dr_Willismick_laptop:  gdm login screen has a menu18:35
Necrosanmy ubuntu netbook remix is broken18:35
Necrosani cant click anything18:35
grawitymick_laptop: For some WMs: windowmanagername --replace18:35
Necrosanbut "shut down"18:35
Dr_Willismick_laptop:  depeneind on what wm's you got installed18:35
grawitymick_laptop: For others - just kill the existing one.18:35
C00l_AWAYis the weechat includen on ubuntu18:35
Jared_GustOk and back on cups if I can not access the web management interface remotely18:35
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  an older version is in the repos18:35
anti_theoconis there a special room for server issues?18:36
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  check your package manager18:36
mick_laptopDr_Willis: i have 2 monitors and the primary doesn't work -- gdm's menu (even if i configured it to display) -- would not come on teh second display18:36
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  i use the 3.0 version i compiled from source18:36
Dr_Willismick_laptop:  i ran sudo nvidia-settings and set the proper primary monitor checkbox. and gdm went to the right monitor afte4r that.18:36
mick_laptopwell i have the remix -- so there is gnome on it and the other netbook one (which i don't know the name of)18:36
coz_hey guys... is anyone having issues with icons not being rendered on the desktop until a restart of x or reboot?18:36
Dr_Williscoz_:  ive seen people with compiz issues that  have a similer problem18:37
UncleDI've upgraded to KARMIC!18:37
Dr_Williscoz_:  perhaps disable compiz?18:37
user_hey, what's crakcing  !18:37
Zsocihi there18:37
coz_Dr_Willis,   I can try but this being a compiz issue  seems  out in left field  but I will try now :)18:37
phil_fluser_, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_cracking18:37
Zsocianyone can help me?18:38
Dr_Williscoz_:  ive seen weirder compiz weirdness. :)18:38
codeswingHi .. how do I install Ubuntu alongside Windows ?18:38
coz_Dr_Willis,  no its not compiz18:38
user_got it !18:38
daniftodigdm is installed18:38
Dr_WillisZsoci:  state the question and see.18:38
codeswingloopback technique18:38
anti_theoconvista or xp?18:38
Dr_Willisanti_theocon:  geos!18:38
anti_theoconcuz if it's vista, you're gonna have to do some preps18:38
coz_Dr_Willis,  with or with or without compiz running the desktop stuf is still not rendering    and I am generally referring to icons that are made and save to the desktop :)18:38
daniftodii am a problem witch login screen in ubuntu, after update (pre-released updates) no login screen, need to type startx to run GUI18:39
DelanoHow do I edit GDM in 9.10?18:39
Dr_Williscoz_:  not seen that issue then. :) seen several other people with totally black desktop/menus that had to disable compiz18:39
Dr_WillisDelano:  short answer. You dont.18:39
Tartaroscodeswing: you make some room for it on the disk, then you make an ubuntu installer usb thingy, then you install18:39
carpunky_How did you get it working ?18:39
Dr_WillisDelano:  theres getting to be some themes/tweaks for it but its not as tweakable as 9.04 yet.18:39
UncleDAnyone here used nomachine.com's software? What do you think? good?18:40
codeswingTartaros: i did not get it ..18:40
JREAMI used NDiswrapper and got drivers18:40
UncleDJREAM: good job!18:40
Tartaroscodeswing: not get what exactly?18:40
daniftodihow start login screen on boot ?18:40
coz_Dr_Willis,  issues like this   are generally not associtated with compiz as much as the DE  not rendering properly18:40
anti_theoconvista is sort of stingy about arranging it's files where you can have a nice partition18:40
JREAMthaks :) now i can play with ubuntu more :D18:40
codeswingI have installed ubuntu on another partition and is able to dual boot18:40
carpunky_yes, it works like that for me 2 but...it crashes18:40
DelanoDr_Willis, that sucks... so I can't install a new GDM theme?18:40
UncleDJREAM: I feel your excitement... I've successfully upgraded UBUNTU from Breezy 5.10 -> KARMIC over SSH =)18:40
codeswingbut today my friend said he installed ubuntu alongside of windows18:40
Tartaroscodeswing: good for you. So what do you need now/18:40
Dr_WillisDelano:  old themes dont work18:40
anti_theoconi would not do it again18:40
AlestanHey all:  Anyone know how to run a script on login from the command line?  I know how to do it after a graphical login, but not on console login.18:40
codeswingI did not get that18:40
DelanoAh, thanks Dr_Willis18:40
Veratyr9hey guys, i only have about 20 mins before I have to leave.  I need to get my wifi going, headed on vacation.  i just bought a new laptop, running ubuntu studio.  i havent used 9.10 yet, did they change the way to look for access points?18:40
JREAMAWESOME haha, :D :D18:40
Dr_WillisAlestan:  depends on what you want it to do.18:40
codeswingTartaros: he says he has used loopback FS technique18:41
Tartaroscodeswing: please start making sense18:41
Dr_WillisAlestan:  for a user? after boot up befor login? after a specifi cuser logs in?18:41
codeswingdo you know about htat18:41
ZsociI use 64bit ubuntu and want to make videocalling with Empathy to msn,but I see only empty fields in the menu,both of us have system with working audio/video system,what's wrong?18:41
carpunky_Nswrappers are making my system crash..18:41
AlestanAfter login, no graphical shell18:41
llutzAlestan: put it into ~/.profile18:42
daniftodialestan i am similar problem18:42
ckop64Zsoci: try aMSN//próbáld aMSN-nel :D18:42
Alestanscripts in ~/.profile get run on startup?18:42
Dr_WillisAlestan:  on LOGIN yes.18:42
alesanhi is there an app to load telephone numbers on the "iphone" the new phone from apple?18:42
llutzAlestan: read man bash, invocation18:42
Dr_Willisstartup is a bit of a vague term :)18:42
MenZa!ot | alesan18:42
ubottualesan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:43
AlestanYup, okay, got it.18:43
Tartaroscodeswing: yeah leave the channel that will help you18:43
Dr_Willis'new' >:)18:43
MenZaAlestan: Unless you meant actually copying them from an Ubuntu box to the iPhone.18:43
alesanMenZa, is asking for an app offtopi???18:43
codeswingTartaros: I mean .. is there any new technique supported by ubuntu which allows installing ubuntu along side of windows18:43
MenZaAlestan: Then no. I suggest using Google Contacts and Google Sync.18:43
MenZaAlestan: http://m.google.com/sync - have a look there.18:43
Tartaroscodeswing: yes. Wubi.18:43
MenZaAlestan: I've battled with this many a time, and that's what I've come up with.18:44
Dr_Williscodeswing:  wubi, dual boot, or run in virtualbox. are common i HATE wubi. :)18:44
codeswingWhat is taht18:44
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:44
Dr_Williscodeswing:  do a normal install or try virtualbox  - is my suggestions18:44
=== ron is now known as satmonster
codeswingDr_Willis: but how can I use wubi.. does performance is slow18:44
ckop64yep, wubi is untrustable. if this makes any sense. :D18:45
Zsocija,csak az amsn-nek meg kiírja hogy:Hang- vagy videóhíváshoz a farsight2 szükséges. Telepítsd, és próbáld meg újra18:45
Tartaroscodeswing: but having a normal installation on a separate disk partition is still the best way, so since you already have that, just keep it.18:45
fl0pserhow do i make dpkg --configure -a use a specific kernel version? Please help.18:45
Dr_Williscodeswing:  pop in cd.. run the wubi installer.. have fun.. good luck., and if it breaks.. well.. good luckj finding anyone who uses it18:45
daniftodihelp please to make work login screen18:45
LOPAI need to get my widescreen dell laptop using the intel915 driver to use 1440x900 resolution18:45
Dr_Williscodeswing:  id suggest trying ubuntu in virtualbox over wubi any day18:45
mick_laptopwhile i was checking the UNR wiki - i found the answer to my problem (indirectly)18:46
Exophonix\join #UBUNTUFR18:46
codeswingDr_Willis: virtualbox is slower option18:46
mick_laptopi ran desktop-switcher18:46
MenZaExophonix: /join #ubuntu-fr :)18:46
codeswingI don't like virtual box option .. wubi looks interesting18:46
Dr_Williscodeswing:  so. its easier to trouble shoot. If you want best speeds. do a normal install.18:46
kristonHow do I make Ubuntu start up with a permanent, static IP address in 9.10?18:46
delkinHei ! Solved my problem !18:46
satmonsterdoes anyone have a resource for webcam installation?18:46
mick_laptopthis way i was able to bring up the rest of the panels etc.18:46
Dr_Williscodeswing:  its amazing the # of people i see in here a week with wubi issues/problems./and disasters :) good luck18:46
llutzkriston: disable networkmanager, setup /etc/network/interfaces18:46
mick_laptopapparently when you switch the languages it seems to be a bit buggy and not bring everything back18:47
kristonllutz: Okay, still like that? I thot there was a more good way18:47
=== kdub is now known as kdubois
Rodenskycodeswing - wubi is not a VM18:47
Rodenskyit installs ubuntu in windows however you can't run ubuntu under windows as you can with VM18:47
Juli___hi folks! i have a special problem with GRUB and windows 7. it would be great if somebody could help me!18:48
mick_laptopsatmonster: depends on the webcam model18:48
Rodenskyyou will need to reboot as if you istalled ubuntu directly18:48
vashitndoes anyone has ubuntu installed on the acer 11.6" atom laptop18:48
Dr_Williscodeswing:  wubi uses a virtual drive/filesystem in a file on the windows hard drive also. that can be slower18:48
mick_laptopsatmonster: with many you just need v4l and you can test with vlc18:48
doutix89ya un , lien pour le salon french svp merci18:48
zonemaHi.. anyone know how i can set dubbel-click on my mouse, so it can copy/paste18:48
BluesKajllutz, doesn't the router still do dynamic IP on the internet side?18:49
phil_fl!fr > doutix8918:49
batteronizerJuli___: what seems to be the problem?18:49
ubottudoutix89, please see my private message18:49
vashitndoutix89 ???18:49
icedwaterAh, beat me to it, phil_fl :)18:49
TartarosDr_Willis: still don't have ntfs-config in synaptic, but apt-get install worked... how could that be possible? :)18:49
satmonstermick laptop - ok it's one of those Ezonics brand (walmart special)18:49
_marixhmm, i have a weird white filled rectangle popping up while the gnome desktop is loading, anyone seen this before and remember what was creating it? for a vid of the bootup http://oxygen.bsnet.se/~marix/htpc_startup.avi (71MB thou)18:49
Dr_WillisTartaros:  no idea. spelliong it wrong perhaps18:49
LOPAanyone able to help with resolution?18:49
codeswingDr_Willis: how is wubi different than FUSe18:49
phil_flicedwater, yeah this one language was easy to guess :-)18:49
TartarosDr_Willis: am just typing "ntfs" in the search thingy18:50
Dr_Williscodeswing:  about like how  a dos floppy is different from a... lear jet...18:50
davidboycodeswing: what is FUSe18:50
llutzBluesKaj: sure18:50
Dr_Williscodeswing:  fuse is a specific tool for allowing user controll of filesyste,s in user space.. Nothing to do wioth WUBI.18:50
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems18:50
icedwaterTo be sure, I was going to use | but > is probably a better option.18:50
BluesKajllutz, and you have to pay extra for a static IP ?18:50
llutzBluesKaj: you only can set static IP for your LAN (or pay your ISP for one too)18:50
grawitySome ISPs already give static IPs...18:51
phil_flicedwater I use | when I'm unsure of language, otherwise > do it and reduce the "noise"18:51
Dr_Willisor they give Long leases :)18:51
llutzBluesKaj: but if one asks here for staticIP, i read it as LAN-ip18:51
C00l_AWAYmy ip keep changing all the time18:51
satmonstermick - is vlc already loaded?18:51
Dr_WillisMine change about onvce a month18:51
llutzgrawity: or dhcp with extreme long leasetimes18:51
C00l_AWAYif u have static ip  is not reverse18:51
BluesKajllutz, ok , understood18:51
GodFatheralright, I'm on ubuntu 9.04 and I'm trying to install glib. it's not in the package list, any idea how to get/install glib? thanks :x18:51
ZykoticK9Tartaros, if you use "Search" instead of "quick search" in synaptic - ntfs-config is there.  just an FYI, i NEVER use the QuickSearch - doesn't find nearly as much for some reason18:52
Juli___it is kind of embarissing: i installed ubuntu, but never used it. so i wanted to boot win directly. -> i deleted the ubuntu partion with computer administration of win7.. and now at start "grub error" besause the partion is missing ..18:52
BluesKajmy IP changes every 72 hrs18:52
llutzJuli___: start windows-cd, fixboot/fixmbr18:52
phil_flGodFather: try apt-get install glib618:52
Dr_WillisJuli___:  reinstall the windows  boot loader/mbr with your windoes cd18:52
grawityllutz: Counts as "static" I guess. OTOH, my rDNS says ".static.(isp).lt", but it does change every 6 months or so.18:52
TartarosZykoticK9: hmm you're right. that's pretty stupid.18:53
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
BA^trying to share a folder with another computer but can't figure it out. where do I start?18:53
Dr_WillisBA^:  windows or linux machines?>18:53
GodFatherphil_fl, coudnt find package18:53
llutzgrawity: mine at home changes only if i disconnect the router for >10minutes. but since there are dyndns etc., who cares18:53
BA^i'm on jaunty trying to share w/ vista laptop18:53
Dr_WillisBA^:  install samba pacakge. the right click on a folder. -> shareing   and set it how ya want.18:54
Tartaroscodeswing: just keep what you have, wubi or anything else means you're asking for problems.18:54
Dr_WillisBA^:  youi may want to edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf to set the proper workgroup also18:54
ZnupiDr_Willis: what about linux-linux sharing?18:54
codeswingFrom which Ubuntu version .. Wubi got introduced18:54
ZnupiDr_Willis: is there an alternative to samba?18:54
Dr_WillisZnupi:  nfs, sshfs, samba, or other ways18:54
Dr_WillisZnupi:  4+ other ways18:54
DJ-Nomadhi all,I am having problems watching video,this is a new install on a diff video card and i think thats the issue how can i find out for sure18:54
Juli___when i am booting with windows cd, i am directly in the setup. there is "recovery" but i tried all of that it hasn't worked18:54
codeswingTartaros: yeah sure.. I would have considered wubi for my next install18:54
BA^i did that but my vista laptop can't access my linux box so i think i must have something wrong or need more networking stuff configured18:55
Juli___how do i access fixboot?18:55
Dr_WillisJuli___:  check in #windows  they may know18:55
codeswingbut as you are saying I will not try to try that18:55
BluesKajZnupi, use opendns for linux to linux18:55
ZnupiDr_Willis: I know about sshfs, but that usually makes you share everything, it's hard to just share one-two folders18:55
llutzJuli___: fixmbr will do it18:55
mgv2how do i import better filters to adblock?18:55
codeswingDr_Willis: from which Ubuntu version Wubi got introduced18:55
grawitymgv2: Create your own filters.18:55
BluesKajsorry Znupi , openssh rather18:55
Dr_WillisZnupi:  err.. sshfs can mount specific directories/paths.. not eveyrthing18:55
Juli___how do i access fixmbr?18:55
Dr_Williscodeswing:  no idea.18:55
grawitymgv2: Btw, is it AdblockPlus, or the old Adblok?18:55
Tartaroscodeswing: yeah, well, don't :)18:55
Dr_Williscodeswing:  2 or 3 releases ago18:55
llutzJuli___: recovery-console from win-cd18:55
DJ-Nomadmy filters cover mine pretty good18:55
ZnupiDr_Willis: yes, you can mount a specific directory from a client, but from a "host", you can't share *just* a folder18:56
grawityJuli___: 'fixmbr' is a Windows command; you can only access it from a Windows install CD.18:56
DJ-Nomadmay get a straggler every now and then18:56
codeswingDr_Willis: means 8.1018:56
Znupior maybe you can, but it's not straightforward at all18:56
Juli___thank u all :)18:56
grawityZnupi: chmod g+w just-a-folder18:56
TartarosDr_Willis: ntfs-config only lets me check support for external disks writing... what does it have in common with needing su for mounting?18:56
grawityZnupi: Or even ACLs.18:56
Dr_WillisZnupi:  sshfs just mounts. :) its not really doing the shareing.. ssh is the shareing part.18:56
llutzJuli___: supergrub-cd should do it too18:56
mgv2grawity, plus18:56
LOPAscreen resolution experts?18:56
Tartaros!hi | LOPA18:57
ubottuLOPA: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:57
annoiaIs there any easy way to add the lavcac3enc filter to mplayer in ubuntu?18:57
Dr_WillisTartaros:   if you are using external/internal ntfs drives that tool will make proper fstab entries. or set the proper settings where all users can access them without the passwords.  You never did say what filesystem you were using.18:57
Juli___llutz: i tried that one too, but it never worked.18:57
mvalviarhi. Why can't I go invisible in empathy?18:57
ZnupiI know.. I use ssh for file sharing all the time (on my server), but if I were to use it on my desktop where I only want to share, say, /home/felix/Music, I don't know how to do that18:57
Dr_WillisTartaros:  the 9.10 version has some extra features compared to 9.0418:57
Znupi...how to prevent clients from accessing other folders18:57
ZnupiI'd have to do some pretty complicated rights changes and stuff like that18:57
Y0SHIHow do I compile something? (gspca, driver)18:57
Dr_WillisZnupi:  normal linux permissions are used  i belive18:57
DJ-Nomadalso my bluetooth is timing out only on the media section of my memory card and not the pic of my phone ...any way to make the timout longer?18:58
coz_annoia,  not sure  actually  but...you could join the  #mplayer channel to find out if there is an easy way if it is not already installed18:58
Dr_WillisZnupi:  same as if they were logged in locally18:58
TartarosDr_Willis: yeah. Well I use one internal ntfs disk and one external. I want them both mounted either automatically and without asking respectively18:58
annoiacoz_ - They told me to compile it on my own...18:58
ZnupiDr_Willis: Yes, but still, it's not easy to set up, like samba18:58
MkJacksonhey folks, how can I tell what version of GRUB I'm currently using?  I thought I had updated to version 2 but I always see 1.98 (beta) or something to that effect when I start up...18:58
Dr_WillisTartaros:  run that tool. check the box's then  you shouldent get asked.. or make proper fstab entries for them.18:58
coz_annoia,  that makes sense.... compiling mplayer should not be that difficutlt  ...did they tell you how to include that ?18:58
Dr_WillisZnupi:  err.. comapred to samba.. its much easier.18:58
Dr_WillisZnupi:  but it wont work with windows machines. :)18:59
TartarosDr_Willis: but the checkbox for internal disk write support is grayed out and unchecked...18:59
Dr_Willisits also proberly slower then samba.. but it can work over the internet.18:59
phil_flGodFather: my bad, aren't you looking at libglib2 ?18:59
annoiacoz_ - I just prefer to fix it through repositories, if possible...18:59
Dr_WillisTartaros:  run the tool as root?18:59
LOPAI am using  a dell laptop that has the intel 915 chipset and cannot get my screen resolution to 1440X90018:59
Znupion a desktop, no. on a desktop you just right click -> sharing -> share folder18:59
codeswingcame to know about it today ..18:59
Dr_WillisZnupi:  and some times that even works..  ive had mixxed results18:59
TartarosDr_Willis: yeah I am. It won't even start without su18:59
codeswinghope it brings more ubuntu users ..18:59
ZnupiDr_Willis: it always worked for me19:00
coz_annoia,  I think...if that plugin or codec is not already in the pacakge  I dont think there are patches for this...it is most likely  you will have to compile the entire pacakge with the apparopariate tags for that plugin19:00
Dr_WillisZnupi:  i always set up samba to share the users HOME directories. so theres rarely a need for more specific shares being made by uisers19:00
annoiacoz_ - Maybe I just need a different lavc...19:00
Y0SHIAny one who knows  how to compile something....?19:00
GodFatherheh phil_fl: I'm trying to install irssi and I need "glib-2.6 or greater"19:00
coz_annoia,  I am not sure let me check  ...what is it again?19:00
Dr_WillisZnupi:  theres MUCH more to samba - then just right clicking.. :) thats just one little facet of the fetures it can do.19:01
Znupii know that ssh is easier to setup with the command line and that it's more secure and more stable19:01
ZnupiI know19:01
ZnupiI've toyed around with samba configs a little19:01
annoiacoz_ - For encoding ac3 on the fly19:01
C00l_AWAYwhat is samba?19:01
Y0SHIfile sharing19:01
Dr_Willisive fought with samba over the years. :)  and i can normally beat it into doing what i need19:01
fl0pserHow do i get linux-headers-2.6.18-6-xen-vserver-686 ? apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.18-6-xen-vserver-686 syas: " Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.18-6-xen-vserver-686"19:01
Dr_Willis!samba | C00l_AWAY19:01
ubottuC00l_AWAY: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:01
coz_annoia,  mm  is this for audio  or video?19:01
annoiacoz_ - Audio19:01
annoiacoz_ - mplayer -af help gives you a list19:02
Y0SHIaarrgh.... I need to compile something, how does it work?19:02
madmax_xhello world ...sent from my new droid19:02
llutz!compile | Y0SHI19:02
ubottuY0SHI: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:02
WisemanI'm trying to compile something from source and I keep getting a make: "*** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop." error.  Wtf?19:02
Dr_WillisY0SHI:  install 'build-essential' and other dev packages you need. then compile the code19:02
llutz!checkinstall | Y0SHI19:02
ubottuY0SHI: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:02
coz_annoia,  mm  ok    I am sure there are audio converters for on the fly conversions  although I am not up on all of the them   let me checkj19:02
phil_flGodFather: yes libglib2.0-0 should do it19:02
Y0SHIi will try19:02
Dr_WillisWiseman:  be sure you are in the proper directory when you do the make19:03
WisemanI am19:03
Dr_WillisWiseman:  and proberly a ./configure befor make19:03
Wisemanaccording to the tutorial19:03
jarleAfter upgrading to ubuntu 9.10 mysql won't start, and I am unable to run the upgrade script (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades#MySQL) as long as the mysql server isn't running? feels like a chicken and egg situation...19:03
ZnupiDr_Willis: What I'm saying is that for a novice user (noob), sharing files can be very problematic on a Linux system (like Ubuntu), although the task itself is basic and most of them would go "right clicking worked on windows!"19:03
WisemanI did that Dr_Willis19:03
Wisemanthe instructions are very clear19:03
phil_flGodFather: yes libglib2.0-0-dev if you want to compile your program19:03
Wisemanand I'm following them to a tee, but I get an error19:03
Dr_WillisZnupi:  and its amazing how many of them never even look in the menus for the share thing. :)19:03
ZnupiFinally, I believe a samba-like system should be created in an open-source fashion and adopted by Linux distros19:03
llutzZnupi: odd enough that users are allowed to share something19:03
Vinkywhat could be the reason if the blkid doesnt output the UUID of a partition?19:04
LOPAwith all the experts, no one is the screen resolution experts?19:04
GodFatherE: Couldn't find package libglib2.0-0-dev19:04
Dr_Willissamba has many limitations.. and of course its a moving target due to MS changeing things19:04
TartarosDr_Willis: ok so it worked for the external drive. I can now mount it without su. But I can't check the checkbox for internal device and it still asks for password when mounting19:04
coz_annoia,  did you look here?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93483319:04
llutzVinky: check "ls -l /dev/disk/by-UUID"19:04
* Dr_Willis belives windows needs a free NFS implemention and sshfs implemetion19:04
Dr_WillisTartaros:  make a proper fstab entry for it then19:04
ZnupiDr_Willis: That's why I said an open source software similar to samba should be developed19:04
grawityDr_Willis: NFS - Microsoft Services for Unix (aka Interix)19:05
Vinkyllutz, I know that but still why?19:05
WisemanI'm trying to install qjoypad so I can use my joystick in a game, but I can't get this program to compile19:05
llutzDr_Willis: services for unix exist19:05
grawityDr_Willis: sshfs - Dokan SSHFS19:05
ZnupiDr_Willis: there's WinSCP if you really want to do ssh file sharing on windows19:05
TartarosDr_Willis: ok. Isn't there some tool that will make it automatically for me? :D19:05
Dr_Willisgrawity:  last i searched for that.. it was no longer being made, or avail.19:05
llutzVinky: try blkid -g19:05
phil_flGodFather: libglib2.0-dev sorry pfff I need a cofee19:05
grawityDr_Willis: Dokan or SFU?19:05
Dr_WillisTartaros:  that tool did make  the entries for me here.19:05
TartarosDr_Willis: or maybe can I copy the settings from somewhere, when I have the disk mounted?19:05
annoiacoz_ - Well, they use the filter lavc3enc, which I don't have.19:05
Vinkyllutz, no hit there19:06
Dr_WillisTartaros:  tgheres 10000;s of placves with example entries.19:06
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | Tartaros19:06
madmax_xhaving a hickup in my upgrade to 9.10 firefox throws errors...and terminal doesn,t load just get a window...wont save my resolution changes after a reboot...pidgin crashes...the new im client loads a blank window like terminal....aargh19:06
ubottuTartaros: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:06
annoiacoz_ - (Sorry, I had the nam wrong before)19:06
GodFatherooh, it's ok phil_fl I'm very thankful you're helping me =)19:06
Znupimadmax_x: wow, sounds like you need a fresh install19:06
WisemanI unpack the tar.gz with tar -xzvf, cd into the new directory, do a ./config, and then make, make install.  but make gives me an error that no makefile is found19:06
d34d?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 019:07
GodFatheryes :D19:07
Dr_WillisTartaros:  i normally set up a mounbtpoint for my ntfs partitions when i install - saves me time.19:07
n8tuserWiseman-> before you do a make, was there a Makefile that existed?19:07
ZnupiDr_Willis: heh, me too19:07
Dr_WillisWiseman:  isent it ./configure ?19:07
Y0SHIcompiling is not my cup of tea...19:07
ZnupiWiseman: what does ./configure output?19:07
someguy?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 019:07
madmax_xif i fresh install can i automate the reinstall of my apt?19:07
Znupimadmax_x: what do you mean by that?19:07
Dr_Willis!clone | madmax_x19:07
arandmadmax_x: try reconfiguring packages, maybe running fsck, end solution -backup&freshinstall19:07
ubottumadmax_x: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:07
Wiseman ./configure: No such file or directory19:08
Y0SHIAnyone who can give me some tutorial about gspcav1, how to install :( (9.10)19:08
Wisemandoing ./config comes up with a few options, all of which are set correctly, and it says "type make then make install to install"19:08
arandmadmax_x: you can make a bckup of the extra packages you've installed if that's what you mean.19:08
Dr_WillisWiseman:  ands what is the name of the source/program?19:08
arand!backup > madmax_x19:08
ubottumadmax_x, please see my private message19:08
llutzWiseman: no INSTALL or README?19:08
TartarosDr_Willis: yeah so the ntfs config regeenrated my fstab but made no changes, I don't get it :)19:09
redrumubuntu 9.10 is the best, oh yeah!!!19:09
Wisemanllutz: yes, the install and readme all say to do exactly what I'm doin19:09
Dr_Willis!info qjoypad19:09
ubottuPackage qjoypad does not exist in karmic19:09
Wisemanoh hey19:09
Wisemanhang on19:09
Wisemanthere's an error when I config19:09
Wiseman./config: line 66: qmake: command not found19:09
Znupithere you go :P19:09
Wisemandoes that mean I need to install qmake?19:10
Celkoranorexcuse me guys if i'm wrong.. do you know where i can get newer builds then 1.0 of wine for ubuntu 9.10 ?19:10
Znupiyou are probably trying to compile a QT application, right?19:10
Wisemancouldn't find package qmake19:10
Wisemanyes znupi19:10
madmax_xarand fsck had errors the other day when it failed too boot...is there a way to dpkg reconfigure all or just do the ones im having prob with...i think the problems root at X/gdm problem19:10
Dr_WillisWiseman:  :) or use the svn package/commands the site has.19:10
Dr_WillisWiseman:  and that thing will need qt libs/dev files installed as well it seems19:10
llutzWiseman: qt4-qmake19:10
ZnupiWicked: try typing simply "qmake" in the terminal, you'll get recommendations for packages that contain that program19:11
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kalashazHello, can someone help me with Java, i have .jar file . In windows it runs normal, but then i try run in ubuntu 9.10 its run but not works corectly. maybe someone have suggest what do?19:11
redrumdont install wine, is ugly and very bad emulator19:11
Znupisorry, that was directed to Wiseman19:11
LjLCelkoranor: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb19:11
arandCelkoranor: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb19:11
llutzredrum: win ain't an emulator19:11
LjLredrum: that's your opinion, he asked *how* to install it, not *whether* to.19:11
n8tuserkalashaz-> what is inside the jar file? downloadable jar?19:11
phil_flkalashaz: what do you mean by :but not works corectly19:11
madmax_xwine is not a windows emulator19:11
redrumbut is a bad solution19:12
nordhriHow can I view a sketchup file (.skp) in Ubuntu? I'm using Koala.19:12
LjLredrum: you can't say that unless you know what's the problem.19:12
kalashazits the learning program, with exercise , and not all exercise runs19:12
redrumthe windows program run very bad in wine19:12
Celkoranorthanks to both of you19:12
LjLredrum: that's not true. some programs run perfectly well. no use spreading FUD19:12
redrumitunes for example run very bad in wine19:13
LjLthe key there is "for example". it's *one* example.19:13
michael_campbellit could be argued itunes runs well.... nowhere.19:13
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:13
n8tuserkalashaz-> thats because the other exercises may need to be modified and you need additional jars (aka libraries)19:13
arandmadmax_x: dpkg-reconfigure packagename19:13
n8tuser!who | kalashaz19:13
ubottukalashaz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:13
ZykoticK9redrum, agreed itunes is NOT good in wine - but don't generalize for ALL programs - many programs work flawlessly in wine.  Plus, wine stands of "Wine Is NOT an Emulator"19:13
nordhriHow can I view a sketchup file (.skp) in Ubuntu? I'm using Koala.19:14
Znupiwine makes me feel dirty19:14
feed_me_seymourDoes anyone have any suggestions on how a European user might be able to install network-manager-pptp without internet access at the installed machine?19:14
michael_campbell"ANA" stands for "ANA's not an anronym" too, but that doesn't make it so.19:14
Wisemanok, I installed qmake19:14
Dr_Willisitunes makes me feel ill.19:14
Wisemanand did a make19:14
Wisemanand it blew up19:14
Znupinordhri: I don't think you can, Google hasn't released a SketchUp version for Linux19:14
kalashazn8tuser but in windows its run normal everything works fine19:14
redrumok not all program run very bad under wine, but there are some problematic program run under wine ,ok?19:14
arandmadmax_x: see the --help option for more options (force, all (use all with care, you'll reset all global configs that way)19:15
nordhriZnupi, ok thanks... that sucks.. I need to access this file for a client.. I was hoping there was a viewer at least19:15
Znupifeed_me_seymour: you can download the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com, put it on a usb stick and on the said machine19:15
redrumand wine is not a windows emulator, ok19:15
WisemanIt spit a huge amount of errors at me19:15
feed_me_seymourZnupi: Thanks!19:15
Znupifeed_me_seymour: welcome :)19:15
mneptokredrum: regardless of how it works, telling people "it's bad" when they are asking for help is not helpful.19:15
n8tuserkalashaz-> am not going to argue with you, look for the jar it needs..ie the classes19:15
feed_me_seymourZnupi: How do you apt-install a package from a .deb on a local machine?19:16
daniftodi\join #ubuntu-ro19:16
Znupifeed_me_seymour: you double click :)19:16
annoiaThere is something very fulfilling by writing make -j519:16
nordhriOne program I wish I could get working in Linux is an old DOS program called AcidDraw.19:16
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Dr_WillisWiseman:  and that thing will need qt libs/dev files installed as well19:16
feed_me_seymourZnupi: oh, duh... lol :) Thank you.19:16
ZykoticK9feed_me_seymour, "dpkg -i package.deb" ?19:16
LjLZnupi, nordhri: i guess one possibility is running sketchup in wine, according to http://wine-review.blogspot.com/2007/12/google-sketchup-6-on-linux-and-freebsd.html it would seem to be possible (i don't necessarily endorse the contents of this "howto" though)19:16
nordhriits runs "ok" in dosbox.. but not "great"19:16
darthanubisI wish i could get my motorcycle to runin ubuntu19:16
nordhriLjL, I mainly just need to view the file.. not manipulate it.19:17
LjLnordhri: well i doubt there are viewers (aside from google earth perhaps)19:17
cantomaguys, i am trying to reactivate grub for a friend. Happens the following. I use a knoppix CD I let knoppix to mount the linux partition (/dev/sda7). On a root terminal I did chroot /media/sda7. Everything went OK until here. Then I looked at /etc/fstab I saw that the primary disc was /dev/sda1. I went to /dev/ directory and there was no sda or sda1 or sdax. Something bad happen. How I should proceed?19:17
ZykoticK9nordhri, not that i've tried it - but i bet dollars to donuts that AcidDraw would work in DosBox19:17
glickhey is anyone running regular ubuntu on a netbook19:17
mneptokdarthanubis: http://www.mavizen.com/Models_and_Kits/TTX02.html19:17
glicki.e. not nbr19:17
nordhrihmm I wonder if someone is working on an importer for Blender...19:17
darthanubismneptok, seen it;)19:17
kalashazn8tuser, i opened jar file and inside exercise files in xml file, maybe i need install xml library ? i am new in ubuntu19:17
NemesisDhi all. can someone let me know what logs to check to diagnose ubuntu server not having any video? I'm able to ssh in but the video support has been very buggy and of course there's no X11 log19:17
redrumok mneptop, of course19:17
nordhriZykoticK9, it does.. but not "great"19:17
Billiardcantoma: you need to mount the /dev to your chroot /dev19:18
lifestreamHi I was doing an upgrade through Terminal, when Gnome crashed. So the upgrade was interrupted. When I started the upgrade again, it says there's no packages to upgrade.19:18
nordhriZykoticK9, it is definately tolerable.19:18
Scunizicantoma: is it the latest version of ubuntu? if so it uses grub2, unless it was an upgrade.. if it uses grub2 you might need to use an Ubuntu live cd to fix19:18
ZykoticK9nordhri, sorry just now saw you said it did run in dosbox, sorry19:18
nordhriok thanks again folks. Always helpful here.. awesome channel.19:19
n8tuserkalashaz-> nothing to do with ubuntu, learn what java requires for the libraries. jar files are archives of files and libraries it needs..so maybe you are missing some. see what the errors tell you19:19
cantomaBilliard, i will have a look at the way is mounted19:19
n8tuserkalashaz-> also make sure it search the correct $JAVA_PATH or $CLASS_PATH19:19
arandglick: it is a very general question, with no proper answer, if you have a specific problem ask about it.19:19
Billiardcantoma: mount -o bind /dev  /chrootlocation/dev    ,   i think19:19
glickarand, it has a very proper answer.  the answer choices are either "yes" or "no"19:20
Billiardglick: the answer is yes, some people are19:20
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Dr_Willisno :)19:20
LjL!anyone | glick, it's not a proper question for *this channel*19:20
ubottuglick, it's not a proper question for *this channel*: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:20
lifestreamglick but was is your *real* question19:20
loginfligglelifestream: try sudo apt-get update | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  or  sudo apt-get update | sudo aptitude full-upgrade. Check to see if your sources are for karmic or jaunty as well. It should be karmic.19:20
cichlasomai run xubuntu in virtualbox. when i run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, i get the following:19:20
arandglick: but we can't have this whole channel going yes/no can we? ;/19:21
kalashazn8tuser, how know is the correct path ? and how i can get know what path set now ?19:21
lifestreamloginfliggle, does that work for a normad everyday upgrade? (it was just some packages, not a dist upgrade)  thank you19:21
estudiohi.. I need a FTP server for old ubuntu..5.119:21
glickim trying to see what the difference is between running regular ubuntu vs NBR on a eeepc19:21
n8tuserkalashaz-> learn java..not an ubuntu issues19:21
Billiardestudio: 5.1!!19:21
estudioany sugest19:21
LjLestudio: sounds like a horrible idea!19:21
Billiardestudio: doesnt have vsftpd?19:21
Znupiwow, why 5.1?19:21
loginfligglelifestream: sudo aptitude full-upgrade should check every package for upgrades19:21
kalashazn8tuser, thanks19:21
cichlasoma(chmm... i do not know how to use pastebin...)19:21
glicksince they took out switch to classical desktop option in NBR19:22
LjLestudio: i mean, it sounds like a horrible idea to both use such an old version and to install something as generally insecure as ftp on it19:22
Znupicichlasoma: http://paste.pocoo.org/19:22
arand!pastebin > cichlasoma19:22
ubottucichlasoma, please see my private message19:22
teflondoes ubuntu 9.10 work on macbook 1,1?  i can only find an installation guide for 9.04 and below...19:22
LjLglick: really, they took it off?19:22
estudioold mac in brazil19:22
grawitycichlasoma: Open a pastebin website (such as http://dpaste.com/ or whatever), paste everything there, click "Submit", and copy the new page's address.19:22
cichlasomaaha... http://paste.ubuntu.com/318050/19:22
ZykoticK9glick, if you have the space i'd use the full install - you can add the netbook interface to the full install, but adding gnome to NBR is much more challenging19:22
Billiardteflon: try out the live cd19:22
lifestreamloginfliggle, thanks :) When I type that, it says some libs are going to be removed. The upgrade I was doing was chrome and some other little things like that.19:22
wildc4rdevening all19:22
LjL!ftpd | glick19:22
ubottuglick: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:22
Billiardteflon: it probably will work19:22
glickyes LjL19:22
n8tuserkalashaz-> btw, those PATHS are called environment variables both in windows and linux,  man set   for additional info19:23
loginfligglelifestream: it is probably just outdated libs from an old upgrade. i think you can manually exclude them with synaptic though. youd have to check the man page19:23
GodFatherphil_fl: it works now :D thanks for your time sir =)19:23
teflonbilliard: i've got a bit of a complicated setup, my cd drive is broken so i'm using firewire to substitute another computer's cd drive for mine19:23
glickZykoticK9, is the nbr interface the only difference?19:23
n8tuserkalashaz-> maybe not man set, but you can google for environmental vars linux19:23
ZykoticK9glick, yes - the hardware support / kernel are the same!19:23
Billiardteflon: that as long as you can boot from the cd that shouldnt be a problem19:24
estudiothanks for all19:24
glickZykoticK9, its not compiled differently or something?19:24
teflonbillard: also i can't get the preloaded cd, will it be ok if i burn the ISO to a blank cd?19:24
kalashazn8tuser,  ok i will try.19:24
phil_flGodFather, good the *dev are usually the one for compiling : aptitude search glib | grep dev19:24
ZykoticK9glick, same - just interface/programs are different19:24
uptownbenhey all..  I need to get memcacheQ installed on my ubuntu box, the configure script is fail because it cant find libevent, but I see libevent.so.1 is in my /usr/lib...  any ideas?19:24
lifestreamAlright, shouldn't hurt. Thanks again loginfliggle, *Goes read ^.^*19:24
Billiardteflon: not familiar with a preloaded cd, ive only burned an iso to a blank cd19:24
glickZykoticK9, so performance is the same?19:25
glickhmm i may just re install then19:25
loginfligglelifestream: np mate19:25
ZykoticK9glick, they are the same thing!19:25
glicknbr is rediculous that they dont give you a classical desktop option19:25
teflonbilliard: so live cd = ISO burned to blank cd?19:25
Scuniziteflon: yes19:25
Billiardteflon: live cd is the desktop cd19:25
Dr_Willisyou could have a non live cd. :)19:25
phil_flkalashaz, also you could try to start your java with java -jar -verbose:class youjar.jar19:25
ZykoticK9glick, it's to reduce the size of the install19:25
phil_flkalashaz, to check any difference19:25
llutzuptownben: you nee the -dev package19:25
teflonok, thanks billiard and scunizi :)19:26
tnk092what is GUI19:26
glickwhy would you want to reduce the size of the install most notbooks now have 160 gig disks19:26
ZykoticK9GUI = graphics user interface19:26
phil_fl!gui > tnk09219:26
ubottutnk092, please see my private message19:26
cichlasomaso, here  http://paste.ubuntu.com/318054/  is what i get when trying to install kubuntu in xubuntu. sorry for previous messy posts...19:26
teflontnk092: the thing that means you're not typing commands at a blank screen19:26
detrate_are intel graphics just a big pile of poop or is there any working solution available yet?  Only thing I've seen that works is putting in a video card and ignoring the on board :(19:26
detrate_otherwise my system hangs at boot19:26
tnk092thanks @zykotic19:26
icerootglick: tell this my netbook with 4GB SSD19:26
uptownbenllutz: Thank you!!!19:26
tnk092what is its purpose19:27
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Tartarosdetrate_: mine doesn't19:27
GodFathernice, *saves command*19:27
detrate_Tartaros: I have g41, what about you?19:27
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Billiardcichlasoma: try ... apt-get update ?19:27
icerootdetrate_: working fine (if you are not using jaunty)19:27
detrate_it works fine with 9.04 until an upgrade19:27
detrate_9.10 won't even get to the installer19:27
redrumwho play whit geany?19:27
Guest12359shell script question.. why doesnt this work "echo ls $HOME"19:27
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detrate_I was able to 'fix' an installation by copying over my xorg.conf.failesafe19:28
BilliardGuest12359: what are you trying to do19:28
detrate_to use the vesa drivers19:28
grawityGuest12359: What does it output?19:28
detrate_but otherwise, it hangs :(19:28
mediais there a way to rollback to 9.04 after updating to 9.10? (I can probley guess no but worth asking)19:28
ZnupiGuest12359: maybe echo `ls $HOME` ?19:28
tnk092what is purpose for GUI19:28
teflontnk092, the GUI is the thing we think of as our operating system, i.e everything graphical you can click on.  older operating systems didn't have a GUI, that's why in old movies computers screens just show green text on a black screen :)19:28
Guest12359I just want it output ls of files in that director19:28
phil_flGuest12359 well as a matter of fact it works19:28
BilliardGuest12359: just ls "$HOME"  ?19:28
icerootGuest12359: ls $HOME19:28
detrate_media: no19:28
teflontnk092: you don't need it, but it makes it pretty and user-friendly19:28
phil_flGuest12359 remove echo19:29
grawitytnk092: GUI is the graphical interface. Buttons, menus, mouse, pictures, icons.19:29
Tartarosdetrate_: 945 GME19:29
Guest12359no  I want to write it in a Shell Script19:29
icerootGuest12359: ls is outping infomations, no need for echo19:29
Dr_Willisyea - got qjoypad compiled. :)19:29
Guest12359i will try Znupi19:29
mkaHi Everyone!19:29
BilliardGuest12359: change your name, and write it in the script19:29
Tartaros!hi | mka19:29
madmax_xis the a wild card for the command line dpkg19:29
ubottumka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:29
tnk092can we make our GUI19:29
icerootmadmax_x: *19:29
arandglick: Seems like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1308792 has answers (absolutely horrible thread, but the useful posts are useful).19:30
tnk092@grawity :can we make our GUI19:30
grawitytnk092: Yes.19:30
madmax_xdoesnt work ...dpkg reconfigure nvidia*19:30
marks256how would i convert an mp4 file to tga images using mencoder?19:30
Znupitnk092: you can do anything you want in Linux..19:30
mneptokZnupi: that's a bit of an overstatement.19:31
Dr_Willismarks256:  i think ive seen teh mencoder faq with that anseer.. but it was to jpg. so  not sure if it can do tga directoy19:31
Mike_lifeguardHow do I specify my server's hostname in /etc/hosts if it has a dynamic IP?19:31
icerootmneptok: no19:31
mneptokiceroot: hmm?19:31
grawityMike_lifeguard: Same as usually, just remember to update it manually every time.19:31
glickyeah arand i saw that but i hate hacks19:31
ZykoticK9marks256, something like "mplayer -vo tga file.mp4"19:32
carpunky_thnk i found my prob..niswrappers are crashing my computer after reboot, but this is the only way to load my driver to get wireless internet...any suggestions19:32
marks256ZykoticK9, i'll give that a try19:32
atmosxdoes anyone know if Ubuntu Netbook Remix is based on Moblin v2 or moblin v1?19:32
Mike_lifeguardgrawity: is there no tool to keep that line up to date? I'm sure the computer knows better than I do when it gets a new IP :)19:32
mkamarks256: what is "tga image"?19:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tga19:32
icerootcarpunky_: posting errors is a good idea, how should anyone help without details from you?19:32
ZykoticK9marks256, Dr_Willis "mplayer -vo help"19:32
grawityMike_lifeguard: Is it for your LAN?19:32
Znupimneptok: why?19:32
sidewalkhowdy, can i find good instructions for installing Ubuntu with raid somewhere?19:32
arandglick: it seems like the switcher has been disabled due to problems with it (stability?), and it will not be present in karmic as it seems.19:32
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:33
carpunky_I do not get errors, it just crashes the system19:33
icerootsidewalk: use the alternate-cd19:33
=== Floops[w]1 is now known as Fringe
grawityMike_lifeguard: /etc/hosts was created before dynamic IPs, even before DNS.  For name resolution inside a LAN, there are better ways than it.19:33
redrumHas anyone tried an authentic version of "Multics"? I have read they are releasing a version based on the old Multics but I think the current hardware will be a problem.19:33
usseratmosx, neither, moblin is a separate project19:33
sidewalkiceroot: for software raid?19:33
glickarand, yeah ive noticed that when it was still in the beta19:33
ZnupiMike_lifeguard: that is like scratching your left ear with your right hand (I don't know if that expression exists in English :P), why use an /etc/hosts entry?19:33
Znupiwhen you can use DNS?19:33
glicki thought they would fix it not remove it19:33
icerootsidewalk: yes, also for software-raid19:33
sidewalkiceroot: oki, do i need both hard drives in my machine during install or?19:33
carpunky_how do you reply to somone ?19:33
marks256ZykoticK9, i have to install mplayer quick19:34
icerootsidewalk: read the link from ubottu19:34
DravekxUBUNTU 9.10 CRASH19:34
iceroot!tab | carpunky_19:34
ubottucarpunky_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:34
grawitycarpunky_: Just type that someone's nickname before the message.19:34
Dravekxlove it when it does that19:34
teflonbilliard, hi again - if i install 9.10 on my 1,1 macbook, will all the drivers work properly?  the generic install guide says proceed to the documentation for your specific mac version to do that, but there is none for installing 9.10 on my mac.19:34
cantomaBilliard,  i did the bind thing.  I did /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda and the only thing he wrote in device.map was (hd0) /dev/sda. Did you think is this correct?19:34
sidewalkiceroot: for which one of the links? ;-)19:34
grawitycarpunky_: Try this: type "gra", then press the Tab key.19:34
lunaphyte_hi.  am i correct in my understanding that there is not yet support for vlan configuration via the gui?19:34
arandglick: although using this ppa might be useful https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mobile/+archive/ppa19:34
icerootsidewalk: what about the software-raid link?19:34
mneptokZnupi: you can't do "anything you want" in Linux, sadly.19:34
Mike_lifeguardgrawity, Znupi: I don't know, maybe I don't need to use it :) Mostly, I was confused that 'dnsdomainname' returns "dnsdomainname: Unknown host19:34
Dravekxcorrupted files... corrupted files... constantly with 9.1019:34
cow1ok good19:34
cichlasomaBilliard: thanks for the reply, it (update) does not help, yet I get other errors  to examine at least... :-)19:34
Billiardteflon: try the live cd, see if it works well19:34
Dravekxfriggin sucks19:34
uptownbenis there a BerkeleyDB 4.7 or higher package?19:34
falcokiannow..i can remote ubuntu from my windows..19:34
icerootmneptok: sure you can do, just use gcc and so on :)19:34
Znupimneptok: what can't you do?19:34
Billiardcantoma: it might be correct, im not at the computer idk19:34
carpunky_iceroot, ty19:35
falcokian:) i'm new user,,19:35
uptownbenI see libdb-4.619:35
grawityMike_lifeguard: yourhostname.yourdomain.tld yourhostname localhost19:35
falcokianhi guys..i'm newbie..19:35
cantomaBilliard, i say this because it was windows as well in the pc19:35
carpunky_grawity, ty19:35
teflonbilliard, i'm thinking of doing a non-partitioned install and i haven't got the original OSX install disks, so i don't want to mess things up19:35
mneptokZnupi: did you just see someone asking about opening SketchUp files? how about "I want to run Apple's iWork suite."19:35
Dravekxfalcokian, you can do that by installing openssh and putty19:35
Billiardteflon: non-partitioned ?19:35
teflonbillard (sorry, i mean single-boot)19:35
Znupimneptok: that wasn't the idea. I meant that you can do anything from a programming point of view19:36
icerootfalcokian: sudo apt-get install openssh-server19:36
falcokianyeah i get it..19:36
Dravekxfalcokian, do that, and then install putty on your windows machine :)19:36
atmosxusser: neither? Ubuntu Remix Moblin Netbook eidition is based on moblin.19:36
icerootfalcokian: then download putty for windows and connect to your ubuntu19:36
ZykoticK9uptownben, in karmic there appears to be 4.719:36
atmosxusser: the question if the 9.10 is based on v219:36
o0splitpaw0oFrom the Terminal i message you all. The xorg.conf is located in.. got to restore the original & just on a brainfart on it's location19:36
marks256ZykoticK9, It made the right number of frames, but all the images were blank (as in full alpha transparency)19:36
carpunky_iceroot, My computer freezes after reboot, so i cant see the error, just no by trial and error what is crashing the system19:36
Dravekxfalcokian, thats how I roll19:36
Asad2005Is it possible to change font size of a single appliciation specifically gtwitter or twitux ?19:36
Znupimneptok: theoretically, there is nothing you can't do with Linux. You can program *anything* on top of it19:36
uptownbenunfortunately I'm on hardy19:36
icerootcarpunky_: /var/log/ is a good place to start  searching19:36
ZykoticK9marks256, let me try one second19:37
marks256ZykoticK9, thanks19:37
teflonbilliard, i'm on 10.4 tiger, which makes it difficult to do a non-destructive partition, i figured it might be more trouble than it's worth to try dual-booting19:37
falcokiannow.. i can remote all PC client on my network..19:37
mneptokZnupi: still limited. you cannot run Apple's development IDE, for example.19:37
grawityZnupi: Even run it on a toaster?19:37
Billiardteflon: ok19:37
tnk092sometimes i get bash :bad command in terminal ,what does it mean19:37
Znupimneptok: you still don't get it. you can port Apple's development IDE to Linux, if you have access to the sources.19:37
tyler_dI am trying to find an application that will allow me to organize and partially customize servers and information?19:37
usseratmosx, All of the initial Ubuntu Netbook remixes combine optimisations from the Moblin project for Intel® Atom™ processors and it is specially designed for netbooks.19:37
trismgrawity: no, you need netbsd for that19:37
Billiardtnk092: you typed a bad command19:37
Mike_lifeguardgrawity: k, I didn't realize you could specify more than one per line19:37
iceroottrism: post the command19:37
carpunky_iceberg, ok, but I cannot do anything, I have to reinstall everytime..no mouse no keyboard..no internet19:37
usseratmosx, It is not based on moblin19:38
iceroottrism: sorry wrong nick19:38
mneptokZnupi: and no one has access to the sources. mighty big "if" there.19:38
iceroottnk092: post the command19:38
Znupigrawity: if you have a powerful enough toaster, yes!19:38
yosefi need help19:38
Znupimneptok: yes, that's why I said "theoretically"19:38
o0splitpaw0oFrom the Terminal i message you all. The xorg.conf is located in.. got to restore the original & just on a brainfart on it's location19:38
grawityMike_lifeguard: Usually, the computer's own hostname is specified in the, before "localhost"19:38
phil_fl!ask > yosef19:38
|Dreams|hi can someone look my pastebin logs, my laptop just keeps cutting out dont know why doing my head in please19:38
ubottuyosef, please see my private message19:38
Billiardyosef: just ask the question19:38
iceroot!ask | yosef19:38
ubottuyosef: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:38
Dravekxyosef, what19:38
grawityo0splitpaw0o: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:38
ZykoticK9marks256, i get all blue output?  could you output to PNG and convert?19:38
yosefi need to open Compiz visual effects put i can't19:38
o0splitpaw0ograwity, thank you!19:38
Billiardyosef: what happens when you try19:39
norbert2o2 medPLUZ our server. thx19:39
falcokiani'm start using Ubuntu last week... Wow..its really Cool..19:39
icerootyosef: and what does "i cant" mean?19:39
mneptokZnupi: theoretically, humans are capable of self-powered flight. if we lose bone mass and density and develop leathery bat wings. theoretically.19:39
OpenSourcedNickHello, is there a way on the command line to upload a single file to an FTP server with a user and password with only one command?19:39
yosefi install it but i can't find it19:39
BilliardOpenSourcedNick: yes19:39
|Dreams|please somone19:39
Znupimneptok: exactly.19:39
usserOpenSourcedNick, wput19:39
grawityOpenSourcedNick: also curl.19:39
marks256ZykoticK9, no. i need tga to import it into voodoo19:39
yosefcan tell me i should do to open it19:39
Mike_lifeguardfalcokian: glad you like it19:39
mneptokZnupi: you jump off the building first.19:39
OpenSourcedNickgrawity, tried curl, didn't make it... how easy is wput?19:40
ZykoticK9marks256, but could you output to PNG first then convert to tga somehow?19:40
icerootOpenSourcedNick: man wput19:40
Znupimneptok: my "you can do anything in Linux" response was to a question something like "can we make our own GUI in Linux?"19:40
marks256ZykoticK9, possibly. but i'm not sure how i'd do that19:40
BilliardOpenSourcedNick: wput is easy19:40
OpenSourcedNickthanks I'll give it a shot :]19:41
ZykoticK9marks256, i'm googling but it appears like imagemagick with it's convert command MIGHT do it?19:41
Znupiand I meant it something like "yes, you can code to your heart's content and create any project that does anything and everything on Linux"19:41
usserOpenSourcedNick, although i dont see user and password switches in wput, might need to use expect for it19:41
yosefI can't open it >19:41
grawityusser: That would be an ugly solution.19:41
marks256ZykoticK9, hmm... i suppose it wouldn't hurt to give it a go. I'll try it and let you know the results19:41
iceroot!doesntwork | yosef19:41
ubottuyosef: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:41
OpenSourcedNickusser,  actually found it, you write the address with it... ftp://user:pass@....19:42
ScuniziHow do I change the domain name/workgroup reference?19:42
ZykoticK9marks256, best of luck man19:42
usserOpenSourcedNick, oh cool so wput understands that19:42
Dravekx!ubuntu sucks19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu sucks19:42
falcokiananyone here using Ekiga Softphone ??19:42
grawityOpenSourcedNick: curl -u username:password -T file.txt ftp://blah/blah19:42
Scunizifalcokian: yep19:42
icerootDravekx: you have a support-related question?19:42
ussergrawity, indeed, you're doing something wrong if you resort to expect19:42
Dravekxiceroot, Ubuntu server crashed on me :(19:43
falcokianhow to configure it??19:43
Roasted_Hey guys - I got a big problem at work. I want to use my Ubuntu computer loaded with zenmap to find out what computers are infected by conficker. Anybody ever run it?19:43
Dravekxand all I did was install vsftpd19:43
phil_flScunizi, name/workgroup ? in samba ?19:43
Eienhi, could someone help me with 9.10 installation? it always timeouts in the beginning19:43
DravekxI think the ext4 system has issues19:43
falcokianits not work for me..19:43
Dravekxfalcokian, make sure port 22 is open19:43
icerootDravekx: errors?19:44
Dravekxif you are behind a firewall19:44
Eieni have tried with both "normal" version as well as the netbook remix19:44
BilliardEien: check the cd for defects?19:44
jetienne_q. how to launch the autoupdate program ?19:44
EienBilliard: i'm installing from usb19:44
falcokianthanks..i will try it..19:44
Dravekxiceroot, yeah. black screen, reboot, and nothing. files are corrupted.19:44
Scuniziphil_fl: well... currently on this box I'm running ubuntu in a vm with an xp host.  Ubuntu's default network is "workgroup" and I want to change that.. Is it a samba thing or in a different area?19:44
Scunizifalcokian: for ekiga service?19:44
Eieni had 9.04 running just fine, but this new one wont install19:44
phil_flScunizi, sounds like samba, /etc/samba/smb.conf19:44
ZykoticK9Scunizi, Workgroup would be a samba thing!19:45
Scuniziphil_fl: k.. thanks.. I'll edit there ! .. thanks to you ZykoticK919:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:45
Dravekxiceroot, i think its that new ext4 system19:45
somiajI recentally upgraded from 9.04 -> 9.10, and now I have no non-free nvidia driver and thus x doesn't start at boot up. How do I go about getting a nvidia kernel module for ubuntu? I've tried to install the nvidia-settings-190, nvidia-190-modaliases, nvidia-190-kernel-source but still don't have the module I need19:45
BilliardEien: check your downloaded iso's md5?19:45
EienBilliard: i have downloaded both twice with no errors19:45
gabri-shatanahow can i set the binding for a kind of file?19:46
amerineseHow do I set my resolv.conf so that short names, ie one word names like "q" or "query" or "hello" don't automatically get converted to q.localhost, query.localhost, etc.?19:46
ZykoticK9Scunizi, and phil_fl is correct first real variable in /etc/samba/smb.conf if "workgroup = WORKGROUP"19:46
carpunky_is there a way to load my wireless driver  card  without using a wrapper19:46
gabri-shatanalike.. open .doc with openoffice19:46
marks256ZykoticK9, i'm going to have to write a script to convert all of the png files to tga19:46
DravekxEien, 9.10?19:46
EienDravekx: yes19:46
o0splitpaw0oAh drat. my xorg.conf.backup won't work. notied a change in 9.10 with reference to resetting up xorg. What's the command. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't seem to work. what's the alt command now?19:47
tnk092can we make our own commands ,for terminal19:47
ScuniziZykoticK9: yep.. made the change and restarted samba.. I'll check for change in the win machine :)19:47
ussertnk092, yea sure19:47
Billiardo0splitpaw0o: that should work i think19:47
gabri-shatanahow can i set the binding for a kind of file?19:47
Crumblesonce I switched from ubuntu from XP on my laptop, I am having a massive drain on my battery... anyone else have this issue?  laptop = dell latitude e650019:47
ZykoticK9marks256, "for file in *.png; do convert $file `basename png $file`.tga" or similar -- not sure the basename part is correct -- please test on a small bach first!19:47
Eienit goes to this point where ubuntu logo is flashing, and few moments after that it gives that timeout error19:47
ussertnk092, most commands are nothing more than an executable file located in either /bin /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin19:48
marks256ZykoticK9, awesome thanks. i'll give that a go19:48
BilliardCrumbles: ubuntu does use up the battery faster for me than on windows19:48
ussertnk092, i'd put your own custom executables into /usr/local/bin19:48
ZykoticK9marks256, sorry!  i missed "...; done" at the end!!!19:48
Crumblesbilliard: I am talking wicked fast.  my battery is dead in like 20-30 minutes now, vs. 2 hours in windows.19:48
ZykoticK9marks256, the ... is everything up to that point19:48
tnk092hmm,thans usser19:48
lomezCrumbles, it all depends on background processes and ultimately what gui you are using19:49
glickBilliard, Crumbles yeah ive noticed that too :(19:49
marks256ZykoticK9, ok, so add "done" to the end after a ";"?19:49
cow1Unix Shell Script question: MyDir=$HOME'/Documents'19:49
cow1      8 MyFile=ls $MyDir19:49
cow1      9 echo $MyFile19:49
FloodBot2cow1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:49
Dravekx_Eien, does it make it to an install screen?19:49
ZykoticK9marks256, give me one second here19:49
CrumblesI'm using stock install of ubuntu 9.1019:49
overdubtnk092, I put all my custom executables in /home/me/bin, but you can put them anywhere as long as the dir you use is in your $PATH19:49
gabri-shatanahow can i set the binding for a kind of file?19:49
marks256ZykoticK9, what's the 'basename png $file'?19:49
glickCrumbles, set up screen dimming too19:49
glickthat saves a ton of juice19:49
OpenSourcedNickpraise grawity ! curl worked, wput didn't don't care why, using curl, danke! :)19:49
marks256ZykoticK9, i understand the rest of the script, just not that part19:49
Crumblesit is set up19:50
Billiardcow1: what are you trying to do19:50
EienDravekx_: no, it gives this error: (initframfs) /init: line 1: can't open udevadm settle - timout of 180 seconds reached19:50
norbert2o2 medPLUZ our fuckin server19:50
cow1i want to write a shell script that displays the ls of a folder19:50
Dr_Willisgabri-shatana:  if you mean what program opens it.. right click on the file/icon => properties -> set what you want it to be opened by19:50
ShrinkRapI have an HP laptop, ZD 8000 with ATI graphics, Radeon X600 with 128mb built in ram; I used to run older versions of Ubuntu fine (except for some of the usual types of glitches), including Jaunty.  But it broke going to 9.04.  Now I get either a black screen or a scrambled video screen with inoperative keyboard/mouse pad.  I tried booting from a live/install Karmic disc.  I get the logo...19:50
ShrinkRap...throbbing for awhile after selecting English language.  Then screen eventually goes totally black and stays that way; HD led flickers a bit now and again, or goes quiet.  I have to press/hold power key to start over.  This pattern happens whether I select install or run live.  I can get into the root prompt OK; I've run apt-get update, and upgrade; no help.  ifconfig says eth) is "UP...19:50
ShrinkRap...BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:119:50
ShrinkRapBut I'm not sure it's really hot. Any suggestions on getting out of limbo here? Thanks  (I'm semi-newbie)19:50
FloodBot2ShrinkRap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:50
usserpastebin ppl19:50
Dr_Williscow1:  'xterm -e ls && read'19:50
o0splitpaw0onope sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't work. Even after typing in sudo -i & trying it there. nothing occurs.19:51
Billiardcow1: just use ls "$HOME/Documents"19:51
gabri-shatanaDr_Willis yeah but i need to do it every time :S19:51
Dr_Willisgabri-shatana:  do what every time... the gnome file manager has scripting features also.19:51
Dr_Willisgabri-shatana:  there sproberly a dozen ways to do what you want.. depending on the details19:51
=== moomlyn is now known as linimoo
cow1it doesnt work Billiard19:52
ljsoftneti have a wired headset, i was wondering if it would be dangerous if i keep using for long hours?19:52
Billiardcow1: elaborate, what does it say19:52
cow1in Ubuntu19:52
ZykoticK9marks256, ok got it "for file in *.png; do convert $file `basename $file png`tga; done"19:52
marks256ZykoticK9, just copy and paste that?19:52
Eienmaybe i'm just off to reinstall 9.04 then...19:53
gabri-shatanaDr_Willis i want open .doc file with openoffice19:53
Billiardcow1: what is the error?19:53
cow1no error19:53
ZykoticK9marks256, it "should" work ;)19:53
marks256ZykoticK9, what is `basename $file png`?19:53
cow1it doesnt work19:53
marks256ZykoticK9, haha :) thanks for the help either way!19:53
Billiardcow1: pastebin your whole script19:53
Dr_Willisgabri-shatana:  right click on a .doc -> properties ->  point it to ooowrite (i think)19:53
ljsoftneti have a wired headset, i was wondering if it would be dangerous if i keep using for long hours?19:53
YounderDr_willis. do you mean gdb?19:53
ZykoticK9marks256, basename will remove the .png extension or you'll get everything .png.tga19:53
Billiardljsoftnet: dangerous?19:54
marks256ZykoticK9, aah! i see! It works too :) thanks19:54
phil_flljsoftnet: not to see the relation with Ubuntu19:54
YounderDr_willis. If so yes it isold school.19:54
ZykoticK9marks256, glad to help19:54
marks256ZykoticK9, now i'll try it on the other 650 :)19:54
YounderDr_willis. Why do you use such a old debugger?19:55
gabri-shatanaDr_Willis point it ?19:55
cow1Billiard: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318101/19:55
cow1Shell Script Not Working as expected19:55
ZykoticK9marks256, did you test one of the tga files to make sure it's working correctly?  i've never used tga files before so have NO idea what conversion will do.19:55
ljsoftnetBilliard: would it be like stop the flow of blood in my head?19:55
Billiardcow1: replace your whole script with just     ls "$HOME/Documents"19:55
eddvrsljsoftnet: doens't the headset come with some kind of H&S warnings?19:55
marks256ZykoticK9, yeah. they SEEM to be working fine. I can't say i've ever used tga myself. learn something new every day :)19:56
Billiardljsoftnet: ask your doctor19:56
luis_I was just asking myself if there was a way to connect amarok to the ps3, like windows media player can do, so i can share my music without having to pass it to the ps3, u know a way?19:56
ljsoftneteddvrs: whats H&S warnings?19:56
eddvrsHealth and Safety..19:56
phil_fl!ot > ljsoftnet19:56
ubottuljsoftnet, please see my private message19:56
Jeruvyluis: ps3mediaserver is a good choice19:56
Scuniziluis_: there are streaming servers that will connect.. not sure if amorak on kde 4 will do that as yet19:56
ShrinkRapHello again.  What to do if always a black screen at end of boot up using Live, or Intall options?19:57
ljsoftneteddrvs ok il look for it, phil_fl sorry for the off topic19:57
luis_Scunizi: mmm?19:57
Parsihow can share internet connection between ubuntu and xp?19:57
BilliardShrinkRap: check your iso md5, check the cd for defects?19:57
Parsixp is connected to the line19:57
BilliardParsi: turn on internet connection sharing in xp19:57
xzachtmxHi guy i don know if his is he proper plav19:57
gabri-shatanaDr_Willis ?19:57
YounderShrinkRap, how so, you are communicating with us now are you not..19:57
ScuniziParsi: are you running ubuntu in a virtual machine ... wubi or dual boot?19:58
ShrinkRapI did on one copy; I may have another.  I'm using a Vista (sigh) desktop19:58
nsahooubuntu has this really annoying bug where you can't see some of the open windows in the task bar. is there a fix for that?19:58
ParsiScunizi: xp on desktop pc, ubuntu in laptop19:58
ShrinkRapI can get into the root prompt;19:58
ShrinkRapI can run apt-get update, and install, but I'm not sure I'm connected19:59
Billiardnsahoo: which windows cant you see?19:59
marks256ZykoticK9, does convert have verbose mode?19:59
nsahooBilliard: often times the matlab help window, editor window19:59
ShrinkRapI run ifconfig and it seems to show eth) is running19:59
YounderShrinkRap, update is errorprone at the best of times19:59
nsahooBilliard: now the jabref window19:59
xzachtmxHi guys i am having a problem on one of my computers with the 9.10 upgrade.  I cant get an automatic intrnert connection working on it.  On 9.04 everything was automaticly configured but now on my wired OR wireless connection both wont work.   Ive searched forums and all and nothing could solve this.  Does anyone know what might be wrong?20:00
ScuniziParsi: ah.. the the previous suggestion from the other person is correct.. internet connection sharing in the xp machine.. it'll require the machine to have 2 nics installed.. however most haven't been able to get that working well at all.. it's easier to pickup a router with DHCP and wireless20:00
ShrinkRapBut not sure how to tell for sure20:00
marks256ZykoticK9, yep i guess it does20:00
ZykoticK9marks256, try with "-verbose" -- i'm just reading from "convert -h"20:00
YounderShrinkRap, I have never heard of a effect as severe as you are describing though20:00
nsahooBilliard: not even the Terminal window, where I am chatting right now using irssi20:00
falcokiantry using Ubuntu Software Center On Start Application..20:00
Billiardnsahoo: dunno sorry20:00
marks256ZykoticK9, fantastic :) thank you very much for all the help :)20:00
nsahooalt-tab shows all the windows but window list does not20:00
ZykoticK9marks256, you're welcome :)20:01
ParsiScunizi: ubuntu can see the xp via wireless20:01
Roasted_Who's used zenmap in ubuntu? I need to use it to scan my windows network to troubleshoot an issue.20:01
ScuniziParsi: so you have a router?20:01
marks256ZykoticK9, i got it all pasted into a script i can just run in the directory i want converted. Then i got it setup to remove the png files as well20:01
OpenSourcedNickI have a rather silly question, are all the helpers here volunteers or workers for ubuntu somehow?20:01
ShrinkRapIf I use the downloaded install disc I can get the choose language screen.  Then the logo pulsates for awhile; then black20:01
ShrinkRapThis happens with either Live or Install option20:01
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ScuniziRoasted_: you might try wireshark or nmap .. there's a bunch of networking tools for linux20:01
grawityOpenSourcedNick: At least most of them are volunteers. Some are Ubuntu developers.20:01
YounderOpenSourcedNick, There are no workers for ubuntu20:02
|Dreams|can anyone tell me how i find out why my laptop keeps shutting off20:02
Scunizibattery dead?   acpi is messed up?20:02
YounderOpenSourcedNick, There are however workers for kanonical, but they charge20:02
Roasted_scunizi - I heard nmap can detect conficker, but I cannot figure out how to install it. I have the .tar.gz2 of it... how do I fire it up? I heard only the NEW version supports it - not what the repos have20:02
ParsiScunizi: hm, it's a usb adapter20:02
|Dreams|battery is not dead20:02
ScuniziRoasted_: nmap is in the repos.. sudo apt-get install nmap20:02
OpenSourcedNickbut there must be someone aiming the disturution towards some direction, some sort of headmaster... and to have a full-time worker who is developing all day, he must live of something, no?20:02
falcokianneed support driver from factory or what.??20:03
|Dreams|i posted some logs on pastebin hopefully someone can take a look20:03
ScuniziParsi: in what? the xp machine?20:03
Roasted_scunizi - I cant use that one. I need to locate conficker which only the NEW version supports - the repo version is old.20:03
YounderOpenSourcedNick, no, it doesn't work like that20:03
ZykoticK9!compile | Roasted20:04
ubottuRoasted: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)20:04
ScuniziRoasted_: then you'll have to build it.. ie compile.. someone else will have to guide you there..20:04
carpunky_ok, i use the wrappper thing to get the internet working, i then uninstall the driver for wireless pci card but it still works....is there some way to D/l all wireless drivers20:04
ParsiScunizi: no chance?:(20:04
tom__hi guys...  short question:  i want to install "freecad"  but when installing with aptitude it always says:  "No candidate version found for freecad20:04
Roasted_scunizi - thats why I asked.. how do I do that.20:04
OpenSourcedNickYounder, Glad to hear that and still a little confused... I understand that it's all open and free but it sounds strange because there are a lot of people doing this full-time (developing ubuntu for instance), and they must live off something don't they?20:05
ZykoticK9Roasted, typically it's just extract tarball - "./configure && make && sudo make install" but not always - check for any INSTALL docs in the tarball20:05
guntbert!ot | OpenSourcedNick20:05
ubottuOpenSourcedNick: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:05
OpenSourcedNickthanks, sorry for the trouble :]20:05
phil_fltom__, freecad is not in the repo20:06
MaT-dgWhen I try to edit/convert a video with avidemux I get an error when I want to playback (trouble initializing audio device). It then plays without sound. Converting the video works only if I copy the audio, when changing something to the audio it crashes. Audiodevice is ALSA and sound works everywhere else.20:06
tom__phil_fl: but my aptitude says so....20:06
ShrinkRapOK, apparently I'll have to abandon the laptop project for now. I have another desktop with XP and Jaunty on it.  Jaunty broke on this machine too, going to 9.04.  When I try to run the install disc for Karmic, I get confusing choices about partitioning.  I just want to install over the top of Jaunty but keep my data.  But all the options threaten to wipe my HD20:06
carpunky_I am think ing my wireless driver is blacklisted, how do i find that out ?20:07
YounderOpenSourcedNick, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#ContribDev20:07
usser_Roasted_, surely confiker leaves some traces, some files on filesystem and such, you can check for those20:07
falcokianWhich is the best operating system for hackers?20:07
* Church heavy sighs20:07
usser_falcokian, bsd20:07
falcokiani'm ned20:07
phil_fltom__ what aptitude search freecad gives you ?20:07
grawityfalcokian: Linux and/or BSD.20:07
YounderOpenSourcedNick, contains some details20:07
Roasted_usser_ - not to be a smart ass, but do you have any idea how tricky conficker is? It jumps file to file. Its a heck of a headache to figure out.20:07
usser_Roasted_, there must be some footprint. certain kind of traffic on a certain port20:08
verylazyguyis there a way to switch the default action on a usb stick from "eject" to "unmount" when clicking the arrow in nautilus?20:08
Jowicarpunky, the blacklist is in /etc/modprobe.d/20:08
BluesKaj!hacker | falcokian20:08
ubottufalcokian: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy20:08
ZykoticK9!best > falcokian -- but OpenBSD (most secure OS on the planet)20:08
ubottufalcokian, please see my private message20:08
ShrinkRap"Conficker" wroing vowel after the f.20:08
Churchonce hacker meant very skillful knowledgeable person .. these days 'hacker' mostly means script kiddie. i'm guessing that windows fits them best.20:08
Roasted_usser_ - I dont even know where to begin man... Im just trying to utilize some linux apps best I can to help aide in this widespread windows problem we're having.20:08
falcokianAny *nix system will do. Ie: Unix, os X, linux20:08
C00l_AWAYanyone here familiar with vanity20:09
phil_fltom__ aptitude search cad gives you qcad ...20:09
C00l_AWAYhow to set up vhost ip20:09
falcokianapps such as: wireshark, dsniff, aircrack-ng, ettercap-ng, nmap and metasploit.20:09
tom__phil_fl: Ihmm.. you're right.. aptitde search doesn't find it... but  when I use tab-completion with the aptitude cmmandline interface to get the package names it finds freecad...20:09
Tartaroswhat's ubuntus default way to read rss channels?20:09
carpunky_my wife says I am vain20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss20:09
mah2223hi guys, ubuntu on my laptop (when its on battery) boots up with the brightness down. any ideas on how to make it boot up with the brightness up?20:09
guntberttom__: freecad is not in the repos, but http://yorik.uncreated.net/scripts/FreeCAD-repository.html points to something20:09
Tartarosbad ubottu20:09
grawityTartaros: I don't think it has one... but I heard Liferea is a nice app20:09
usser_Roasted_, apparently theres a confiker detection plugin for nmap as well as standalone program, did u see this page?20:10
BluesKajZykoticK9, openBSD is fine if it recognizes your HW , and lately it's has a lot of problems keeping up20:10
usser_Roasted_, http://blog.tenablesecurity.com/2009/04/updated-conficker-detection-plugin-released.html20:10
Roasted_usser_ I did not...20:10
trismRoasted_: this might help you out http://bitninja.org/conflicker_scan.txt20:10
tom__guntbert: phil_fl:  has it ever been in the repositories?  like in some early alpha version or so?  because the tab-completion of aptitude finds the freecad package on my computer.,..   seems like if something left "a trace" of it on my computer.. although I personally nevere installed it...20:10
ShrinkRapWell, this has been fun.  Back to the forums, I guess.20:10
Tartarosgrawity: thanks20:11
falcokianLinux (Back | Track) is preloaded with almost every hacking tool and it is the best OS for hackers20:11
phil_fltom__ I don't think so I kind of remember some binary for 64x on sourceforge20:11
Elmaronfalcokian: indeed20:11
falcokiani hope Windows 7 will get more security..20:11
tom__hmm.  now that is certainly strange---20:11
Flannelfalcokian: Please take offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks20:11
mah2223mah2223: hi guys, ubuntu on my laptop (when its on battery) boots up with the brightness down. any ideas on how to make it boot up with the brightness up?20:11
usser_Roasted_, http://net.cs.uni-bonn.de/wg/cs/applications/containing-conficker/20:11
guntberttom__: no idea, sorry - but I've seen reports of spurious traces of apps in the database20:12
^REPSOL^ciao a tutti20:12
usser_Roasted_, this page contains a link to scs tool, i havent used so i cant vouch for it20:12
xzachtmxIs there some guide i can use to fix my internet connection on 9.10?20:12
Younderxzachtmx, what is wrong?20:12
Roasted_usser_ - I'd like to figure out how users are using zenmap to detect conficker. I cant seem to figure out where the switch is to make it pick up20:12
xzachtmxmy wired OR wireless connection both wont work.   Ive searched forums and all and nothing could solve this.  Does anyone know what might be wrong?20:13
Younderxzachtmx, It is not like all users have a problem with internet.20:13
lomezhey all, so i have clamtk (the gui front end for clamav) and it installed correctly but under  Virus Definitions it has a green checkmark and says "None Found." do i have no virus definitons? anyone idea?20:13
puffHi, two questions.  First, is there a friendlier google IM app than pidgin?  It seems kinda user-unfriendly.20:13
usser_Roasted_, havent used zenmap sorry20:13
puffAnd second, what do people use for doing google voice?20:13
carpunky__Am I doing something wrong ? I install Ubuntu...do the updates..etc....is there something else i should do....I keep crashing20:13
fl0pserwhere can I find kernel headers for 2.6.18? Please help! no one would answer me :(20:13
guntbertRoasted_: maybe the people in ##networking know more...20:13
Younderxzachtmx, IYou have to be more spesific.20:13
gerrhanyone running 9.10 on a lenovo ideapad s12 in here?20:14
davidboyxzachtmx: what kind of computer do you have20:14
Roasted_guntbert - Im in that channel as well at the moment20:14
Fenix|workGreetings and salutations!20:14
guntbertRoasted_: :)20:14
Fenix|workWhere do I change the startup options for rsyslogd?20:14
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Roasted_guntbert - I'm trying to find a good tool whether its windows based or linux based. I just need to find something - hence why I'm in networking + ubuntu, since I think ubuntu users might be a bit more familiar with the avialable apps that may be up my alley20:14
fl0pserWhere can I find kernel headers for 2.6.18? Please help! no one would answer me :(20:15
mah2223hi guys, maybe more generally- is there any place to adjust things that happen when ubuntu boots up? like screen brightness, things being mounted, and programs that start up automatically?20:15
xzachtmxThe one that isnt working is a 4 year old dell desktop with a wireless dongle and also a wired connection to the modem.  The connection was fine before i upgraded and it automaticly configured.  Now, the network dosent even launch with that icon on the task pannel when i boot it up.20:15
trismRoasted_: there is a short section on zenmap with conficker here http://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/display/Conficker/Conficker+Resource+Page although it looks like you just use the command from nmap20:15
guntbertRoasted_: I understand but cannot give any advice - sorry20:15
xzachtmxit detects my ethernet, though20:15
usser_Roasted_, http://net.cs.uni-bonn.de/wg/cs/applications/containing-conficker/ here's a python script that detects if the system was infected.20:15
Tartarosmah2223: as for programs that start, some of them are in main menu - startup apps20:15
Roasted_trism - thats fine. command line or not20:16
BluesKajRoasted_, a good tool for doing what ?20:16
mah2223great i'll check that out, thanks alot tartaros20:16
crazyspaiIs there a way to extend the panels across 2 screens?20:16
YounderFenix|work, it's in etc somewhere. for a 'find /etc -name * -exec grep -n syslogd {} \;' and see what it finds20:16
Roasted_blueskaj - I work on a windows network, and we have conficker... like 1800 computers and no idea WHICH ones are infected, but we know some are.20:16
grawityYounder: "-name *" is guaranteed to fail.20:16
sam__hello, could anybody help me with my new Dell Inspiron 1545 wireless????20:16
tom__guntbert:  phil_fl thx anyway :) I will just try the version on the website then... :)20:16
Younderah quotes areond the '*'20:17
mah2223is there an easy way to have a partition mounted at startup?20:17
grawityYounder: And -name '*' is totally useless.20:17
grawityYounder: As 'find' will list all files anyway.20:17
usser_!fstab | mah222320:17
ubottumah2223: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:17
sam__hello, could anybody help me with my new Dell Inspiron 1545 wireless????20:17
Roasted_blueskaj - Im trying to find an app, whether on linux or windows, to scan our entire network and find what IP addresses show suspicious conficker activity. Then I can check DHCP logs to find out what computer is on what IP20:17
Ersoyhello, how can i setup locales on console?20:17
mah2223great, thanks so much20:17
YounderGrawity: true20:17
grawityYounder: grep -rn syslogd /etc would be better, I guess20:17
fl0pserWhere can I find kernel headers for 2.6.18? Please help! no one would answer me :(20:17
Tartarosmah2223: yeah by editing fstab. you can use pysdm application for helping you with that20:18
carpunky__how can i save my settings...after reboot, i lose internet and wireless functions20:18
PiciYounder: find /etc -iname "*syslogd*"     is a more efficient way of doing what you stated.20:18
lunaphyte_hi.  am i correct in my understanding that there is not yet support for vlan configuration via the gui?20:18
purifiedmadnesspuff: try this for google voice http://lifehacker.com/5349506/make-free-voip-calls-from-google-voice i havnt tryed it myself but i was about to20:18
mah2223thanks a lot guys20:18
mah2223the only other question is how to adjust the screen brightness with which ubuntu boots up when the comp is running from battery20:18
Ruderhey guys!20:18
puffpurifiedmadness: Thanks.20:18
Ruderi'm from chile20:18
BluesKajRoasted_, you should really be asking in #windows20:18
Tartarosmah2223: don't thank till you tried it :P20:18
Roasted_blueskaj - I know, but I found on google a lot of users were using nmap on linux to nail it - I just dont know how they did it20:19
YounderI belive the point here is to learn to use automated tools to find it20:19
Tartarosmah2223: as for brightness, there's the Power Management in Preferences but it's not specifically about bootup20:19
Youndernot the exact method20:19
Fenix|workwhat about grep -R syslogd * ?20:19
Fenix|workwhich retruns insserv.conf20:19
grawityFenix|work: grep -R syslogd /etc, would be better20:19
Younderadmittibly I could have tried it first20:19
mah2223yeah i checked out power management20:19
Fenix|workgrawity, am already in /etc ;)20:20
mah2223exactly, there's nothing about booting20:20
Ruderyou are a really lot of nerd's!20:20
phil_flRoasted nmap -PN -T4 -p139,445 -n -v --script=smb-check-vulns --script-args safe=1 [yournetwork]20:20
guntbert!ot | Ruder20:20
ubottuRuder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:20
Tartarosmah2223: also use name: in here when talking to someone :P20:20
grawityFenix|work: grep -R syslogd . , then20:20
YounderRuder, what did you expect..20:20
Ruderonly speak of Ubuntu...20:20
TartarosRuder: be constructive or leave20:21
mah2223i'm sorry, what do you mean name: ?20:21
guntbertRuder: this channel is for ubuntu support strictly20:21
puffRoasted_:  I'm pretty sure nmap is available for wubdoiws.,+-**/20:21
puffRoasted_: Sorry, the dog insisted on putting his head on my keyboard.20:21
YounderRuder, we take that as a complemet around here, by the way.20:21
leaf-sheepRuder: You're in #ubuntu -- 1632 people exchanging ubuntu-related support/discussion.20:21
RuderO! sorry20:21
puffYounder: Speak for yourself!  Me, I'm a geek :-)20:21
Tartarosmah2223: when talking to me, say Tartaros: ... otherwise I'm not notified about someone talking to me20:21
mah2223oh that's how i get notified lol20:22
mah2223got it20:22
Ruderscusme... but i don't know20:22
guntbert!tab | mah2223 makes it easier20:22
ubottumah2223 makes it easier: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:22
phil_fl!ot > Ruder20:22
ubottuRuder, please see my private message20:22
puffRuder: You do realize you're on this thing called "the internet", right?20:22
mah2223awesome, thanks20:22
mah2223you guys are always the best20:22
gnuskoolis it possible to install karmic on an external usb 1TB drive?20:22
Tartarosgnuskool: certainly20:23
fl0pserWhere can I find kernel headers for 2.6.18? Please help! no one would answer me :(20:23
Ruderhow you can scusme for this?20:23
Silent_Echognuskool yup....20:23
leaf-sheepgnuskool: Yeah -- But 1TB? You're better off with something smaller. :320:23
puffgnuskool: I have no idae re: karmic, but if it can be done with jaunty, etc, I don't see why not.20:23
leaf-sheep!usb | gnuskool20:23
ubottugnuskool: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:23
guntbertgnuskool: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:23
BluesKajRoasted_, nmap is a good idea , there are several tutorials out there ; sudo nmap -f  IP address will sniff20:23
gnuskoolThx all!20:23
Ruderonly one ask... what room is for spanish speakers?20:24
guntbert!es | Ruder20:24
ubottuRuder: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:24
fl0pserIs there a way to apt-get old kernel headers?20:24
smerdisDoes anyone know how to install j2me 32 bits in  Karmic 64 bits?20:24
Ruderi'm going20:24
Roasted_blueskaj - does it pick up conficker by default? I thought it needed a switch to enable conficker sniffing20:24
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf20:24
Billiardfl0pser: just apt-get install them20:24
phil_flRoasted_,  nmap -PN -T4 -p139,445 -n -v --script=smb-check-vulns --script-args safe=1 [yournetwork]20:25
Tartarosfl0pser: guess you need to enable older repositories20:25
BluesKajRoasted_, I would do some research on google etc about sniffing it out20:25
=== basti2 is now known as basti
drogbaplease help me for this problem20:25
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Not the kind of help where you link me to something and then don't try anymore, I'm going to need someone committed. Now, here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WND20:25
ShuA3100 Wireless Internet USB, 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. This computer that I am on is a fucking dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.20:25
homehow do i use at command to run simple commands like "ls -l" cd /home or wget http://... etc20:25
FloodBot2Shu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
fl0pserBilliard: He wont find them20:25
Roasted_blueskaj - you dont think I have checked google already? :P20:25
guntbert!details | drogba20:25
ubottudrogba: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:25
Billiardfl0pser: what do you need such old versions?20:25
Billiardfl0pser: why*20:26
leaf-sheep!terminal | home20:26
ubottuhome: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:26
smerdisfl0pser: are you talking to me?20:26
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Silent_Echoquestion to the room: is there an oovoo like program for ubuntu?20:26
blackswanwhat's the pointy-clicky way to build a custom kernel these days?20:26
BluesKajRoasted_, checking google and researching are not the same thing20:26
drogbaits when i add or update system this massege appearand i cant do any thing20:26
Tartarosblackswan: the pointy clicky way is not to do it :)20:27
smerdisGuess not.20:27
=== ubuntu is now known as ERROR
guntberthome: try: at now + 1min  - then enter the command - then ctrl+d20:27
blackswanwhat are the tools they use to build the ubuntu kernel packages called20:27
Roasted_blueskaj - to be blunt, I'm uh.. not an idiot. I've been googling like crazy to find any documentation and tutorials I could. Thanks.20:28
drogbaiam running ubuntu 9.1020:28
TartarosShu: stopped reading at "someone committed". Good luck with that.20:28
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi20:28
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.20:28
phil_flRoasted_, you saw my command to find conficker right ?20:28
homewill do, i min20:28
ERRORim installing 9.10 right now and when i done partitioning i get this error Fats Don't match.If you don't know what this means, then select cancel, run scandisk on the file system20:28
BluesKajRoasted_, I had to ask , don't take offence20:28
YounderYes, ooVoo will be releasing a version for Ubuntu.20:28
tuxxieI have a huge file and I need to retrive on folder from it. the issue is I am unsure if the folder name had caps in it. is there a way to tell tar to not care about case20:28
Roasted_phil - what does your network refer to? the domain?20:29
YounderNot sure they are there yet.20:29
TartarosERROR: so, did you select cancel and ran scandisk?20:29
blackswani'm having a bizarre problem20:29
blackswanand it's probably due to a kernel problem20:29
Silent_EchoYounder, eta on ubuntu compatiable oovoo?20:29
phil_flRoasted_ well your network like a something your network segment depends of your architecture20:29
drogbaplease any help20:29
blackswanand it's been a couple years since i built a linux kernel20:29
TartarosERROR: or more like, fsck not scandisk20:29
blackswanso i'm sure the magic words have changed20:29
drogbaiam new user20:29
drogbaubuntu 9.1020:30
phil_flRoasted_,  could be for instance20:30
blackswancan somebody point me in the right direction?20:30
coder2I've just installed 9.10 x64. DNS does not work. Please help.20:30
Roasted_phil - ah I see, I thought it was looking for 1 IP address, not a range.20:30
lomezdrogba, please place your problem and question in one sentence20:30
leaf-sheep!kernel | blackswan20:30
ubottublackswan: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:30
lomezcoder2, your DNS doesnt work, have you tried using openDNS?20:30
ERRORTartaros: ok thanks "sudo fsck /" ?20:30
phil_flRoasted_, no you can specify a range with 0-255 or even with /820:31
coder2lomez: What are you talting about ? sorry, but I do not know20:31
nostalgicBadgerHey guys, I'm running Ubuntu on a netbook. I kind of want a less bloated distro, but my USB only boots from certain drives, and I don't own one. Does anyone know of a good tutorial for stripping down Ubuntu?20:31
TartarosERROR: do that from an external boot, like from a live cd/usb20:31
Roasted_phil - hot stuff man, and that command is specifically for detecting conficker activity?20:31
homenothing happens mate when i type the at + 1min20:31
ERRORTartaros: im on a live cd now ;)20:31
MoTecnostalgicBadger: are you using Ubuntu Netbook Remix?  Runs great on my Mini-920:31
TartarosERROR: ok then, fsck the partition it told you to20:31
heehe_btnick JBLew20:31
phil_flRoasted_, what it will do it will scan the computer and find a way to scan if the computer is infected with the worm20:32
blackswanubottu: the kernel compilation wiki you refer me to is out of date20:32
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ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
nostalgicBadgerMoTec - yeah, I am. It runs fine, but it does a lot more than I need it to do.20:32
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fl0psertartaros: how do I do that?20:32
TartarosnostalgicBadger: get the minimal ubuntu, and then apt-get what you want :)20:32
fl0psertartaros: how do I enable older repos?20:32
YoundernostalgicBadger, Ubuntu install is already pretty minimal20:32
MoTecnostalgicBadger: you can just start removing packages you don't need need, like open office, etc.20:32
YoundernostalgicBadger, Can't say I'd recommend stripping it down further20:33
leaf-sheep!minimal | nostalgicBadger20:33
ubottunostalgicBadger: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:33
ERRORnostalgicBadger: or you could try debian , Ubuntu's older brother20:33
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - that would be ideal, but then ideally, I would wipe the whole system and install Arch or something. Unfortunately, I don't have a device from which I can boot, so without borrowing my friend's USB drive (again), I've got to work with what i have.20:33
drogbawhen i update or add a pakage  i have problem and this is amasege20:33
coder2So, no ideas about DNS? Looks like it makes mad my DSL router.20:33
fl0pserhow do i add older repositories?20:33
Tartarosfl0pser: depends on what do you mean by "older", but if you upgraded say from 9.04 to 9.10 then the repositories are still there, just disabled. So go to the Repositories menu in Synaptic, or Software sources in Administration, and do whatever you need20:33
sajihello, i have a problem with mounting an NTFS partition...20:34
crazyspaiIs there a way to expand the panel into both screens?20:34
YoundernostalgicBadger, You can boot it from a CD if you don't want to use HD space20:34
leaf-sheepcrazyspai: Make a new panel. Hold ALT and drag the new panel to the second monitor.20:34
nostalgicBadgerAlso, I know there's a kernel mod for Arch designed to support only the hardware for the Aspire One, but I'm not sure if it works with Ubuntu.20:34
Neverhoodexpand? what do you mean20:34
crazyspaiLeaf-sheep: Thanks20:34
TartarosnostalgicBadger: sorry I don't understand your problem. But I would suggest starting by buying your own usb flashdisk, they're cheap20:34
nostalgicBadgerYounder - it's a netbook. no CD20:34
drogbaplease help me20:35
fl0pserTartaros: I run ubuntu server 9.04 and need to ap-get linux-headers for version 2.6.1820:35
ERRORnostalgicBadger: could you not resize a partition , then make the partition into a arch isntaller?20:35
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - yeah, I bought an 8gb drive the other day, but my netbook won't boot from it. it seems to boot from USB selectively, and apparently the one I bought is one it does not like.20:35
coder2How to get rid of IPv6 stuff ?20:35
engine252hi, i have a problem with the nvidia drivers in ubuntu 9.1020:35
carpunky__what is the command to check for system errors20:35
leaf-sheepnostalgicBadger: Buy a USB. It's only 10 bucks. Give or take. You need one of your own. Use Ubuntu Minimal to install barebone. (No GUI) Then you install packages manually instead of using ubuntu-desktop metapackage.20:35
crazyspaiNext question: How do you drag panel goodies across panels, or can't you?20:36
ZykoticK9!ipv6 | coder220:36
ubottucoder2: For an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:36
frostburncrazyspai, unlock them, then drag away20:36
TartarosnostalgicBadger: sounds unprobable. Are you sure you're installing it right, and setting the bios boot sequence too?20:36
leaf-sheepcrazyspai: Right-click on panel goodies. Unlock. And repeat, Move.20:36
crazyspaiThank you both.20:36
redrebeljoin #linuxperu20:36
Younderengine252, I also use a NVIDEA driver on 9.10, what is your problem20:36
redrebelhow do I check the the process priority after changing  the nice level20:36
Tartarosfl0pser: sorry then I dunno in which repository is this particular version, if in any...20:36
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - it works with some sticks, and not with others. I was using my friend's for a few days. boots fine from that. with my Attache, it just freezes at the Acer logo20:36
mgv2why replying in evolution is in the same line with the text below?20:37
engine252i installed the nvidia 185 driver but when rebooted i got strange artefacts and after 2 min or so the pc started stuttering and eventualy freezes20:37
Silent_Echoredrebel whats #linuxperu channel about?20:37
drogbaplease any help20:37
sajihello, i have a problem with mounting an NTFS partition...20:37
Younderengine252, Where did you get the driver?20:37
sajiplease help me....20:37
nostalgicBadgeri tried unetbootin on both. his works. mine doesn't. it's pretty weird. I tried flashing to updated bios, but the DOS updater doesn't seem to do anything20:37
engine252from the restricted driver installer20:37
Younderengine252, ugh, that should have worked..20:38
fl0pserTartaros: So what can I do?20:38
TartarosnostalgicBadger: so try putting the minimal image on the given partition directly20:38
sajihelp me please....20:38
jetienne_q. i get a ext3 fs, how can i make it exT 4?20:38
redrebelSilent_Echo, it's a linux channel in spanish20:38
Silent_Echoredrebel, thx thx20:38
Roasted_back your stuff up, format to ext4, bring data back over20:38
Younderengine252, talk to the NVIDEA guys and report the bug. Hopefully they have a fix20:39
engine252everything worked fine in ubuntu 9.04. but now my pc crashes20:39
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - is it possible to put an installer image on my / partition? I've got / and /home, but it's not booting from home right now20:39
BluesKajRoasted_, maybe this will help , http://www.mail-archive.com/lug@linux.or.ug/msg08718.html20:39
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engine252i'm talking to the nvidia guys but nobody seems to but there20:39
yosWhat is the path where program files go ?20:39
sajihello anybody willing to help here?20:40
ERRORim worried ubuntu istaller did not ask me to format he partition it do that automaticly?20:40
MattzHello, Trying to install karmic on A64 3700, Geforce 6800 512mb 1gb ram on an AL1715 monitor. Monitor displays "Input not Supported" after the ubuntu logo disappears during startup. Terminal can be accessed via Ctr Alt F1. Any thoughts?20:40
phil_flBluesKaj, yes it does help I think this is the best way to find it ie: the command Iposted ...20:40
Neverhoodhi, what is 'mic boos' and 'dock mic' for in alsamixer?20:40
guntbert!fhs | yos20:40
ubottuyos: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview20:40
drogbaplease help me20:40
TartarosnostalgicBadger: umm what? "not booting from home"? I don't understand... but you can certainly put it on a separate partition and then install to the final one20:40
Younderengine252, well your timing sucks it's a friday. Try again on monday20:40
phil_fl!ask > drogba20:41
ubottudrogba, please see my private message20:41
sajiyos, it genrally goes to /bin and /usr/bin20:41
drogbai ask you20:41
yosOk, thank you20:41
drogbabut not result20:41
phil_fl!tab | drogba20:41
ubottudrogba: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:41
drogbai send my problem in pastebin20:41
sajiyos, was that to me?20:41
ubottuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more20:41
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - what I'm saying is, I only have two partitions -- three if you count SWAP -- and I can't resize / while I'm running my distro from there20:42
ZykoticK9Mattz, from console i'd try "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185" i'm hoping that will pull in the kernel requirement as well.  just a suggestion.20:42
sajidrogba, post the link to the pastebin..20:42
TartarosnostalgicBadger: why can't you resize...? what are you running right now?20:42
MattzZykoticK9, will that work in a LiveCD?20:42
lalanneHello folks. I have a computer with no disk drive and am trying to put on some software. I have the cd (no .iso files) and I want to make an exact copy onto a usb so when you pop in the usb it automatically starts. Any help would be much appreciated.20:42
ZykoticK9Mattz, livecd no i don't think so20:42
xzachtmxi have  a question .. when entering my mac adress into the network manager does it matter if the pairs of numbers and letters are divided with a dash(-) or a colon(:) ?20:42
leaf-sheep!usb | lalanne20:42
ubottulalanne: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:42
guntbertnostalgicBadger: you boot from the live CD, adjust the partitions from there... (if I didn't miss anything important :-)20:42
nostalgicBadgerI'm running Ubuntu. I think you need to unmount a partition to resize it?20:42
ZykoticK9Mattz, though you had it installed sorry.20:42
jetienne_q. when updating to 9.10 how can i switch to ext4 without reformating the disk20:43
phil_fldrogba: sudo apt-get install -f20:43
Guest87770drogba  helo20:43
nostalgicBadgerguntbert - I can't boot from the LiveCD. I don't have a CD drive.20:43
Dr_Willislalanne:  you can use the usb-disk-creator tool to make a live-flash drive with a perisstant save file20:43
lalanneubottu: Its not Ubuntu software.20:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:43
MattzZykoticK9, sorry, no such luck. I'm looking for a way to maybe enable "safe graphics" mode and work on it from there20:43
Dr_Willisjetienne_:  you dont gain  the full benifits of ext4 when convertying from 3 to 4. best to reformat20:43
TartarosnostalgicBadger: well so just ditch the swap and use it :) or something, I don't really know your disk/partition20:43
Younderlalanne: Can you boot from USB stick. (Check BIOS?)20:43
ERRORwhy the bot keep harrasing me?20:44
C00l_AWAYis mint =ubuntu also?20:44
TartarosERROR: because of your generic word nick20:44
jetienne_Dr_Willis: reformat is not possible currently20:44
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - I have the most space on /home can I put the image on there without losing the data?20:44
phil_flERROR: let say oh because you nick is ERROR maybe ...20:44
Dr_WillisC00l_AWAY:  its a spinoiff and not official variant.  they got their own channel20:44
lalanneDr_Willis: I have tried but its only giving me an iso option. ?20:44
ERRORright =/20:44
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drogbasudo: command not found20:44
guntbertERROR: its not the bot - its your client20:45
Dr_Willislalanne:  it wants the iso file. or point it to the cd you booted from perhaps.20:45
TartarosnostalgicBadger: you don't need that much space, the minimal ubuntu only has 12mb and no, you can't put the image there without losing data. Probably. I would'nt try it anyway :)20:45
phil_fldrogba: sudo command not found ?20:45
edbianI am running a NIS server (and am logged in under a typical nis user right now) some of the items are missing from the gnome menu (e.g. synaptic).  Synaptic the command still works there just isn't a menu item.  Any ideas?20:45
Neverhoodmaybe use su?20:45
guntbert!su | Neverhood20:45
nostalgicBadgerTartaros - all right. well, i might be able to mount swap and put it on there. How would I boot to /swap instead of / though?20:45
ubottuNeverhood: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:45
Neverhooddrogba: maybe use su?20:45
Tartarosedbian: rightclick on menu, edit20:45
=== ERROR is now known as error12
guntbertNeverhood: no20:46
edbianTartaros: If I try to add them they simply don't show up and the check box in the menu editor automatically unchecks itself20:46
Neverhoodgunbert: why not?20:46
guntbert!root | Neverhood20:46
ubottuNeverhood: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:46
YounderNeverhood, sudo su in a command shell should only rarely be neccesary20:47
Matthias_Mjoin #ubuntu-motu20:47
Barriduswhat does the little red box with a white X mean on the ubuntuone icon?20:47
lomezcoder2, you know the problem is dns? not something else?20:47
guntbertYounder: s/rarely/never/20:47
ubuntuGrubIssueOk, I think I've finally gotten my grub problem fixed, but in order to do so i need to open a terminal from my UBUNTU partition, not the live cd20:47
edbianTartaros: Good guess though! ;)20:47
Tartarosedbian: that's weird. sorry then...20:47
lalanneDr_Willis: I can only seem to open folders until there is no more files left. I know there are files there but it will only show iso.20:47
ubuntuGrubIssuehow do I move off of the live cd to there?20:47
phil_flBarridus, that you are connected20:47
Tartarosedbian: not a guess :P20:47
Younderguntbert, haven't tested it that exaustivly20:48
drogbathe same problem is still20:48
guntbertubuntuGrubIssue: short answer: mount it, then chroot into it20:48
TartarosubuntuGrubIssue: you either restart or chroot or just cd in there20:48
phil_flBarridus, I mean that you are not connected sorry, click on it and select connect20:48
ubuntuGrubIssueguntbert, so mount /dev/sda6 or whatever, then just type chroot?20:48
sajiMatthias_M, Are you on a canvasing/marketing, or here to help or ask for help?20:48
calebHhello all - how do I get to a recovery console with the new grub2 setup?  It goes so fast that I can't get the list of boot options...20:48
Barridusphil_fl, so there's no problem then?  (i doubt i should be connected right now)20:48
guntbertYounder: if there *really* is the need for a root shell, sudo -s is the recommended way20:49
phil_flBarridus, no usually it is ok just do a test put a file in your "ubuntu One" folder it will be updated ...20:49
sajiguntbert, what's the -s option for?20:49
guntbertubuntuGrubIssue: chroot <mountpoint>, you can exit with ctrl+d20:49
strykerHi guys20:49
arandubuntuGrubIssue: in general you shouldn't need to chroot though... what is it you're doing?20:50
ubuntuGrubIssuei typed "chroot /dev/sda7 and it says it cannot change root20:50
UncleDAnyone here using nomachine NX*?20:50
Matthias_Msaji I forgot the / sorry for spam20:50
guntbertsaji: you get a root shell with complete environment20:50
detrate_Has anyone had any luck in getting Intel GMA 4500 working?20:50
strykerI've been trying forever, but no luck for me. Can anyone please tell me they have gotten Call of Duty4 to run under wine? I need to get it to work!!20:50
ubuntuGrubIssuei'll just reinstall linux. is there a way to install legacy grub during the live cd instal20:50
Neverhoodhi, what is 'mic boos' and 'dock mic' for in alsamixer?20:50
sajiMatthias_M, np...20:50
drogbaplease help me any one20:50
sajiguntbert, thanks...20:50
edbianI am running a NIS server (and am logged in under a typical nis user right now) some of the items are missing from the gnome menu (e.g. synaptic).  Synaptic the command still works there just isn't a menu item.  Any ideas?20:50
guntbertsaji: you're welcome :-)20:51
Barridusphil_fl, ok thanks.  the icon looks different than in beta, so i was worried20:51
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MattzCan anyone tell me how to enable the equivalent of Safe Graphics Mode in Ubuntu 9.10 Live CD?20:51
arandguntbert: isn't -i the recommended way?20:51
sajiguntbert, i have a problem in mounting my NTFS partition..20:51
guntbertdrogba: please make a complete sentence of your problem20:51
phil_flBarridus, I don't remember but mine is fine it usually starts with the cross and update anyway I can click connect too20:51
arandubuntuGrubIssue: on Karmic, no.20:51
ubuntuGrubIssueso should I just install 9.04?20:52
phil_flarand: sudo su - is a root with path root sudo -i will brings the path of the user like sudo -s20:52
guntbertarand: there is only a slight difference - one gives you the complete environment (like a login shell), the other one doesn't20:52
stuartpbHow do I change the startup sound on Karmic? Going to System->Preferences->Sound only lets me choose one of four alert sounds.20:52
IrssiNoMercisaji:sudo -s = it literally means "sudo to a shell as specified by SHELL enviro-variable" ; the -i means "Initial shell" as per the passwd file shell field entry20:52
lomezstryker, check her-e http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1280420:53
calebHhello all - how do I get to a recovery console with the new grub2 setup?  It goes so fast that I can't get the list of boot options...20:53
drogbai send pastebin link for my problem20:53
carpunky__I am new to Ubuntu, I have put forth a effort...could someone please read this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7aaa1b5e20:53
strykerlomez: will check20:53
AndorinHi, guys. I'm on Karmic and need a working microphone. Can anyone help?20:53
guntbertdrogba: tell us the problem *here*20:53
sajiIrssiNoMerci, Thanks... Can you help with my mounting problem of NTFS partition?20:53
puffArgh, I feel like I'm going in circles with this google voice thing.20:53
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IrssiNoMercisaji: for example, if i really want to sudo into a root csh, I could set the envirovariable SHELL to csh then sudo into it with sudo -s20:54
strykerlomez: sorry but ive been there countless times, no luck from reading info in there20:54
arandstuartpb: sound theme is not configurable by default on karmic I'm afraid20:54
sajidrogba, Often you may have to repeat the problem, more than once, but u'll surely get helped...20:54
IrssiNoMercisaji: whereas just using sudo -i would give me my normal initial shell (bash on this machine)20:54
billybigriggerahhh it finally feels nice to get with the times :P finally broke down and bought a 24" widescreen monitor, wow what a difference20:54
balzacni hau20:54
sajimohamad, | !ask20:54
billybigriggerubuntu has awesome font rendering :)20:54
lomezsorry stryker thats probably the best you'll be able to find20:55
drogbaiam new user ubuntu 9.10 when i try add a pakage or ubdate system i have amasege20:55
SweetsharkHi, how do I change the account picture of a user at the login manager on xubuntu?20:55
strykerlomez: grr I get mad cuz other people get it to work but I can't -.-20:55
balzacsqlite + lighthttpd + php + myadmin + drupal = easy?20:55
balzacprobably not yet20:55
AndorinHi, guys. I'm on Karmic and need a working microphone. Can anyone help?20:56
eon01Anyone know how to optimize and accelerate the wifi connection , the access point is a little bit far20:56
sajiIrssiNoMerci, Can u please help me to solve a problem i have in mounting?20:56
stuartpbHow do I propose a location addition to Ubuntu?20:56
IrssiNoMercisaji: just ask i have to eat soon but other may jump in to help, go ahead20:56
balzacAndorin: do you have the hardware?20:57
Andorinbalzac: Do you mean, do I have a microphone? ...yes.20:57
arandMattz: press F4 at the liveCD menu20:57
puffAnyone know if there's a better channel for how to set up a bluetooth headset so you can voice chat with people?20:58
Migi32hey everyone, I hope this is the right place to ask: I want to buy a MIDI keyboard to ease toying with ubuntu studio etc, but the last thing I want to do is spend $500 to find out it doesn't work in ubuntu yet. Is there a list of supported MIDI keyboards somewhere? Or should it "just work" because MIDI is a standard protocol? Please help20:58
drogbawhere are you my freinds20:58
YounderAndorin, ubuntu supports microphones20:58
drogbaplease help20:58
balzacAndorin: does your audio work yet?20:58
AndorinYounder: I'd hope so. I therefore wonder why mine isn't working at all when I plug it in.20:58
balzacdo you like my questions?20:58
Andorinbalzac: Yes.20:58
YounderAndorin, anything unusual about yours?20:58
drogbai send my problem many times20:58
FlannelMigi32: It ought to just work because MIDI is standardized.  However googling for "Ubuntu [model]" isn't ever a bad idea (I don't know of any midi keyboard compatability lists)20:59
AndorinYounder: Nope, it's just some headphone/microphone headset piece.20:59
eddvrsMigi32: also check out the #ubuntu-studio channel- chaps there should be able to help you.20:59
balzacAndorin: so your microphone works or it does not?20:59
Migi32k ty20:59
Andorinbalzac: Yes, to the extent of my knowledge this microphone functions fine.20:59
sajiIrssiNoMerci, I was copying a file to my NTFS partitions, then my laptop's battery was over, it got powered off... Now I'm unable to mount that partition as any user except root....21:00
YounderAndorin, well ubuntu needs seperate microphone from sound output21:00
Bauldrickhi - i'm trying to configure a program to build, but it cant guess my build type... I know I can say like ./configure --build='bla-bla' - but what is my system missing?21:00
AndorinHang on, I think I just got it.21:00
eon01can any one help me ?   how to optimize and accelerate the wifi connection , the access point is a little bit far ?21:00
carpunky__Ever heard of this ?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7aaa1b5e21:00
AndorinI had to switch input from microphone 1 to microphone 2.21:00
IrssiNoMercisaji: ok, sometimes a NTFS filseystemgets marked as "dirty" due to a incomplete unmount21:00
YounderAndorin,  further it continues to send sound through the other channels. unlike windows21:01
IrssiNoMercisaji: were u using NTFS-3G to mount the f/s ?21:01
balzacIrssiNoMerci: what is your IRC client21:01
AndorinYounder: I said I got it. I had to switch the input.21:01
YounderAndorin,  fine21:01
IrssiNoMercibalzac: irrsi, in a screen, over ssh through a couple of routers haha21:01
sajiIrssiNoMerci, How can I know that? I just click the partition in NAutilus, and it gets mounted.. No idea about the internals...21:02
IrssiNoMercisaji: ok thats the NTFS-3G way then I think21:02
puffdrogba: You still there?21:02
IrssiNoMercisaji: via fuse etc , 1 minute please21:02
guntbertdrogba: try (as question) something like: I'm using ubuntu 9.10. When i try to add a pakage or ubdate the system i only get  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libudev0_147~-6.1_i386.deb: subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status21:02
sajiIrssiNoMerci, ok...21:02
lomezstryker, haha good luck man :) ive heard its sweet21:02
IrssiNoMercisaji: do you have Micro$oft Windows on the amchine as well? can you boot into windows and check the drive that way?21:03
guntbertdrogba: I know, I just pasted it together  - but this way all people in the channel will see your problem, not only those who look into the pastebin21:03
eon01help me please21:04
balzacIrssiNoMerci: are you consternated about privacy?21:04
Younderif so this is not the place to be21:04
IrssiNoMerci balzac: no I have a mess of machines and cables here - rofl21:04
sajiIrssiNoMerci, I'm able to mount the partition as root, in Ubuntu itself, and it works fine in Windows Vista too...21:04
balzacI have a special security algorithm that keeps people off my servers who don't need to be there21:05
balzacMy special package is called the "TBPB"21:05
balzacyou can't find it on any repositories21:05
carpunky__anyone ?  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m7aaa1b5e21:05
balzacit stands for "THE BIG PAYBACK"21:05
arandSweetshark: System>preferences>about me>*click the icon button21:06
IrssiNoMercisaji: OK, i'd recommend running the Vista diskcheck, is it checkdisk? maybe? , just becasue you shut down uncleanly. its a Miscor$oft f/s, so they know the real secrets :)21:06
balzacso that's why I remain unperturbed about running irssi on my servers21:06
Younderbalzac, what does it do?21:06
balzacit delivers the goods21:06
Younderbalzac, Now i am curious?21:06
sajiIrssiNoMerci, So no Ubuntu way to do things??21:06
balzacit does it all, actually21:07
IrssiNoMercisaji: are you sure its not just asking for "sudo" style authentication to mount the f/s? I dont run NTFS you see, but I ythink maybe it likes you to be n admin user....perhaps21:07
IrssiNoMercisaji: but like i said, if it shut down uncleanly best be safe and check under windoze21:07
cow1!beer Billiard21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beer Billiard21:07
Younderbalzac, I wrote a tool called Thor a whie back.21:07
cow1!Beer Billiard21:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Beer Billiard21:07
balzacYounder: sounds like a nice project21:08
IrssiNoMercisaji: well, not really, you _can_ force the "dirty-bit" to be unchecked, but thats risky in theory21:08
sterlinOFFTOPIC: Hey guys, I know I am breaking rules 1 and 2, but I've never watched "Fight Club". Would you recommend I watch? Do you think it's very good, meh or bad? Thanks.21:08
Billiard!ot > sterlin21:08
ubottusterlin, please see my private message21:08
Flannelsterlin: #ubuntu-offtopic not here21:08
balzacYounder: maybe you know the answer to this question21:08
balzacsqlite + lighthttpd + php + myadmin + drupal = easy?21:09
Younderbalzac, It solves a differnt problem. Onion networking. You can look it up.21:09
rhkfinAnyone know how to workaround usb-creator format problem - it won't format -> wont's let me create the bootable usb..21:09
leaf-sheepbalzac: Sure! Anything is easy if you put your mind to it!21:09
balzacYounder: i'll check it out right now21:09
IrssiNoMerci saji: and as you say you suffered a power drop then that really needs a quick run over - will only take a few minutes. That way you can complain to M$ if u need tech support ;) NTFS had to be reversed you see, I dont think anyone got any help from M$21:09
KnifeySpooneyHi, I'm using nautilus-dropbox but I couldn't find any support channels for it, so I came here. Nautilus-dropbox is syncing it's own cache folder in ~/.dropbox, and since the files are always changing there, the syncing never stops. Does anyone know how to exclude folders from being synced in nautilus-dropbox (nautilus front-end for Dropbox)?21:09
balzacyeah, so i've noticed, leaf-sheep21:09
IrssiNoMercisaji: although NTFS is way better than the FAT f/systems, it's not what I'd call "robust" compared to things like UFS, ZFS, ext3/4 etc21:10
balzacYounder: that's some good software21:11
aciculaQ is there a way to enact firewall rules based on an interface going up?( think drop all on ppp0 or tap0 interfaces and such)21:11
jauntyjoe0UncleD ...21:11
sajiIrssiNoMerci, main plus of NTFS to FAt is the security aspect....21:12
Silent_EchoYounder, did you give an eta on when oovoo will b out for linux?21:12
Younderbalzac, It is :)21:12
guntbert!ot | Younder21:12
ubottuYounder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:12
balzacYounder: do you know of any software with a very minimal license?21:12
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: as a longshot - press CTRL-H in nautilus and make sure u havent got the .dropbox one nested inside the ~/dropbox one somehow?21:13
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: I'm checkoing mine now 1 min21:13
kiwifunk[AWAY] School21:13
saji!ot | balzac21:13
ubottubalzac: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:13
fasutuscan someone answer a couple questions for me?21:14
MenZa!ask | fasutus21:14
ubottufasutus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:14
aefhi, is there some way to execute a script everytime i come back from suspend?21:14
KnifeySpooneyIrssiNoMerci: I know the .dropbox folder is in my Dropbox syncing directory (/home/dropbox/Dropbox) because I made a link for /home/jared (my ~) in /home/dropbox/Dropbox. I want my whole home directory to be backed up, except for a few select directories.21:14
fasutusis there any way i can make the facebook prism auto refresh so i can see notifications automatically?21:14
Lycanowhow can i delete a ubuntu partition in my hdd? i have 221:15
fasutusis there any way i can make the facebook prism auto refresh so i can see notifications automatically?21:16
guntbertcarpunky_: you'll have to tell your problem *in* the channel, not everyone is going to read another pastebin21:16
Kosbornfasutus: that's an issue with the browser useragent, facebook will have to update that, or you'll have to modify it manually21:16
Younderguntbert, hold your horses. I am not breaking any rules here.21:16
carpunky_This is my scenario21:16
carpunky_I boot from the live cd.....I install the wrappers to get my wireless pci card running...Everything works great.21:16
carpunky_I install to a fresh hard drive, no other os on it.  I have to install the wrappers again to get internet connection ( in order to install my driver )21:16
carpunky_I run the update, everything is great !  However , If I reboot , I lose all my wireless devices...mouse, keyboard, pci network card etc..totally freezes.21:16
FloodBot2carpunky_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:16
carpunky_I reinstall from the live cd, everything is fine again.21:16
carpunky_Now, I have narrowed it down, if i remove the wireless window driver, everything will boot up fine...but i have to install the wireless window driver again to get internet up....so i am guessing it is a conflict with my wireless window driver.21:16
leaf-sheepfasutus: Use extension?21:16
aciculadoh :P21:16
rhkfinAnyone know a working app (on Karmic) to create a bootable USB from .iso? So far usb-creator and unetbootin fail..21:16
fasutusleaf: i'm fairly new. how would i go abotu that?21:16
acicularhkfin: what kind of iso?21:17
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: Ok, on my recent- installd dropbox, I have the .dropbox folder in my /home/username  folder,   and the Dropbox folder proper, with the green tick on it, is at that same level, so, maybe the ~/.dropbox got accidentally moved inside the ~/dropbox?  thats all i can offer, sorry21:17
leaf-sheepfasutus: I looked up at prism. Looks like you could use this --> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/666521:17
guntbertYounder: no horses here - but a lot of non-support talk from you :-)21:17
davidboyLycanow: Use gparted21:17
carpunky_sorry for that, new21:17
Silent_Echorhkfin, how does it fail?21:17
Lycanowdavidboy: it doesnt let me remove the partition21:17
Lycanowdavidboy: do i have to do this from a livecd?21:17
davidboyLycanow:  You can't do it from a livecd21:18
rhkfinacicula: karmic kubuntu 64-bit desktop21:18
Lycanoware you sure?21:18
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: (i do have a .dropbox >file< inside the ~/Dropbox folder, if that clarifies anything21:18
Younderguntbert, OK I'll try to stay more focused21:18
blackxoredwhat's the best method to do a clean install of a x64 system upon a 32 bit former install, which uses lvm??21:18
Kosborndavidboy: you can't? Why wouldn't you be able to?21:18
aciculaheu unetbootin should be able to do that for you, did you try letting it download its own iso?21:18
rhkfinSilent_Echo: usb-creator: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usb-creator/+bug/469569 and unetbootin.. it just won't start, stops at loading 'unetbootin kernel' or something21:18
davidboyLycanow: Yes.  Live cds are only for testing21:18
guntbertYounder: :)21:18
KosbornOnly for testing?21:19
KnifeySpooneyIrssiNoMerci: See my last message, I changed my syncing directory to /home/dropbox and I made a softlink for /home/username inside /home/dropbox so I can sync my whole directory. I just don't want to sync a few directories in my /home/username folder21:19
aciculaoh its broken? figures :P21:19
csabais there some utility to quickly copy 500 gb from one disk to another?21:19
guntbertdavidboy: that is not true21:19
rhkfinacicula: please use my nick to highlight, too much other traffic :)21:19
Lycanowdavidboy: by the way my whole hdd is formated as ext4. i made some space to install winXP, do i have to do a slow format or is a quick format enough? (cause it changes to ntfs)21:19
rhkfinacicula: yes, unetbootin SHOULD be able to do it..21:19
Youndercsaba, cp?21:19
csabaother than cp :)21:19
IrssiNoMerciIrssiNoMerci: ok understand now - yep: nighmare recursion - good luck ;)21:19
acicularhkfin: its really quiet here tbh :D, after you set quit/join to ignore anyway21:19
leaf-sheepcsaba: There are no "quick" way to copy. Most of the things get the job done.21:19
davidboyguntbert: Can you tell me what a live cd is for then?21:19
blackxoredI think that just scrolled to fast, so I repeat: what's the best method to do a clean install of a x64 system upon a 32 bit former install, which uses lvm??21:19
ShdwShinobiHello, I just did a fresh install of 9.10 from 9.04 and now I can't get the line-in to play through my speakers. Does anyone know how to fix this?21:20
IrssiNoMercioops - lol21:20
csabaoh well, spent 3 hours to format the disk...21:20
leaf-sheepcsaba: What is wrong with cp? ;321:20
rhkfinacicula: hmm.. agreed :)21:20
Youndercsaba, you pretty much have to go though the operating system anyhow.21:20
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acicularhkfin: dunno how to troubleshoot that problem really, guess something got broken, maybe revert to an older unetbootin version?21:20
sidewalkwhat textbased torrent client do you guys recommend?21:20
ShdwShinobisidewalk, rtorrent21:20
subichanexcuse me how can I search for a certain directory in my system?21:21
leaf-sheeprhkfin: You got excellent internet speed?21:21
aciculalocate find ls grep subichan21:21
Lycanow<Tm_T> Lycanow: quick is enough, difference is only if file data is erased entirely or not I believe21:21
rhkfinacicula: don't know, I've tried various unetbootin versions along months and never succeeded to boot from an USB created by it.. usb-creator was ok but now in Karmic no success.. md5 has been checked21:21
sidewalkShdwShinobi: does it handle crypto?21:21
csabasubichan: find | grep dirname21:21
aciculaboot.kernel.org maybe an option rhkfin , but dunno what they provide to make a bootdisk21:21
guntbertLycanow: if you want to edit the partitions they must not be mounted - so you have to do it from a live CD session - in spite of what david did say21:21
rhkfinleaf-sheep: image takes around 15 minutest to download21:21
carpunky_I have to install windows wireless drivers to load up my pci wireless card, to get internet connection, then once i get it, i have to remove it or my system crashes...any ideas ?21:21
subichanok thank you21:21
rhkfinacicula: ah, interesting idea :)21:21
blackxoredwhat's the best method to do a clean install of a x64 system upon a 32 bit former install, which uses lvm??21:21
ShdwShinobisidewalk, not sure21:22
KnifeySpooneyIrssiNoMerci: Ok :D but my main question is, do you know how to exclude a few directories from being synced?21:22
leaf-sheeprhkfin: I suppose you could zcat boot.img.gz to USB stick then plug it in.  Install packages over the net.21:22
acicularhkfin: weird that its broken at all, definitly file a BR about it21:22
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: nope sorry, just checked manpage etc , nuthing there - grrr21:22
Lycanowguntbert: look i have only 1 hdd. i installed 2 ubuntu versions in different primary partitions. now i want to delete 1 of the 2. what do i have to do?21:22
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rhkfinleaf-sheep: where do I find boot.img.gz?21:22
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: manpage just for the sync deamon it seems21:22
nowimproved<nowimproved> what do you call this punctuation21:22
nowimproved<nowimproved> '21:22
BingOHii Rooom !!21:23
aciculaleaf-sheep: rhkfin yeah manually dropping the network kernel image + initrd on a stick with grub should also work21:23
puffDoes anybody know where pidgin keeps its preferences, etc?21:23
KosbornLycanow: if one of the partitions is not mounted, you can remove that with gparted21:23
KnifeySpooneyIrssiNoMerci: Yeah i was surprised when I couldn't find anything on Google for directory exclusion.. do you know if Ubuntu One supports this?21:23
aciculapuff: .purple21:23
csabaI was watching this show how to catch pedophiles, any idea which irc server should I join to find these pedophiles?21:23
blackxoredanyone could answer that, how can I reinstall and re-use a former lvm setup?21:23
acicula!ot | csaba21:23
ubottucsaba: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:23
KosbornLycanow: If you want to then resize your current partition, you'll have to boot into a live cd, and resize it that way21:23
Lycanowpartitionmanager is ok?21:23
blackxoredLycanow, BTW use lvm next time :P21:23
sajinowimproved, Its a "single inverted comma" i guess... :)21:23
leaf-sheeprhkfin: amd64 / i386 ?21:23
rhkfinleaf-sheep: amd6421:23
BingOI want to create new ISO of ubuntu but with my own settings means when i will install it from my CD/ISO then it will install with my customize pacakges how can i do that ?21:23
nowimprovedsaji, lol21:24
puffacicula: Thanks!21:24
leaf-sheeprhkfin: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/karmic/21:24
Lycanowblackxored: lvm?21:24
aciculaBingO: well you can export your installed package list21:24
KosbornLycanow: yes, partitionmagic should work fine, too21:24
rhkfinleaf-sheep: ok, thanks21:24
leaf-sheeprhkfin: amd64 --> Download boot.img.gz21:24
blackxoredLycanow, yes, you get rid of partition resizing for life :P21:24
aciculaBingO: if you made changes to config files you either have to put them in a separate package or modify installed files after installation21:24
ShdwShinobiI just did a fresh install of 9.10 from 9.04 and now I can't get the line-in to play through my speakers. Does anyone know how to fix this?21:24
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: no I'm waaaay to scared to go to 9.10 yet, I'm form a BSD background so i generally take 18month haha21:24
gionnicoi have a directory structure like this: lesson1/,{audio,pictures}21:24
rhkfinleaf-sheep: acicula the reason for USB is - that the USB drive is broken on the laptop :/21:24
aciculaShdwShinobi: the usual suspects, muted, volume on all the mixers up, etc ?21:25
rhkfinleaf-sheep: acicula I mean the CD drive .)21:25
MattzOk, using the boot option xforcevesa gives me access to the desktop no bother21:25
gionnicois there an easy fast automated video editor that matches files timestamps to make a video?21:25
acicularhkfin: ah yeah sucks,21:25
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ShdwShinobiacicula, yep. they're all full. I can see the line in working. It just won't output to speakers21:25
Mattzsee what happens now that i'm installing it21:25
blackxoredwhat's the best method to do a clean install of a x64 system upon a 32 bit former install, which uses lvm??21:25
gionnicoso audio long track (1h about) + pictures (say 10-15 pictures)21:25
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: aha!!! google "dropbox with rsync"21:25
gionnicoto make a video with audio+some picture?21:25
BingOacicula: i want to make my modified ISO which will install with that packages and settings meant set auto DHCP + install few mine select packages + grub thats it.21:25
puffAnyone know how to set up voice chat?21:25
BingOacicula: what is kickstart configuration is it same thing ?21:26
acicularhkfin: if you have a working linux install just dropping in the vmlinuz/initrd into (a separate!) /boot and adding it to grub should give you the same effect21:26
IrssiNoMerciKnifeySpooney: it uses the normal rsync --exclude stuff to pre-prep it it seems21:26
Sweetsharkarand: thanks, but I am on _x_ubuntu ...21:26
carpunky_I have to install windows wireless drivers to load up my pci wireless card, to get internet connection, then once i get it, i have to remove it or my system crashes...any ideas ? see full details http://paste.ubuntu.com/318154/21:26
aciculaBingO: dunno never tried, but i'd suspect ubuntu has a default way of doing what you are trying to achieve yes21:26
YounderBlackxored: well the best method is a reformat21:26
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YounderBlackxored: It is a bit harsh but it will work21:26
KnifeySpooneyIrssiNoMerci: Ah ok, I'll try out Ubuntu One. Thanks!21:26
Silent_EchoBingO, when you figgure that out mind hitting me up with the solution?21:26
hackspiderhi i installed crossover linux 8 and office 2007. when i try to start word or any other application from kickoff it doesn't start, but when i start it from a terminal by ./winword in cxoffice/bin directory it fires up without any problem21:27
aciculaBingO: just googled, looks like it, modifying system installed configuration files may be tricky21:27
blackxoredYounder, I have lvm chroots and snapshots, which I don't want to lose, I want to give it a try to the alternate amd64 to see if I can manage to lost as little as possible21:27
YounderBlackxored: but clearly 32 bit code on a 64 bit os is noo good21:27
Mattzhmm,  methinks the family have gone and put their downloads inside my documents. shouldn't have told it to import that >_<21:27
aciculaBingO: as in dunno if kickstart can do that too, but it definitly looks like the place to start21:27
arandSweetshark: ah, no experience with kde on my behalf I'm afraid.21:27
IrssiNoMerci<off for food/sleep nn all21:28
blackxoredYounder, I want the installer to format only /usr, /var and / lvms and install over there, is it possible?21:28
YounderBlackxored: from atransition from 32 bit to 64 bit you WILL loose some data21:28
blackxoredYounder, how's that?21:28
detIs there a package like "ubuntu-desktop" but for the server? Something that will pull in all packages that a default server install will pull in ?21:28
YounderBlackxored: the pure text bit's are fine.21:28
frostburnYounder, not really, just backup /home and if you have other stuff /var /opt if necessary21:29
blackxoredYounder, lost, enlighten me :P21:29
blackxoredfrostburn, I want to backup lvms21:29
aciculayeah 32/64 bit has very little todo with how stuff is stored on disk21:29
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leaf-sheepdet: Server? The IT administration would install essential packages to maintain a clean system -- low cpu, etc. There are many different uses for servers.21:29
TallJasonUbuntu Server 9.10: How do I set up "shared physical device"?   tried the wiki on networking for virtualization and its not working21:29
frostburnblackxored, i'd use dd and do a block level copy21:29
Metaphishi guys21:30
guntbertTallJason: there is #ubuntu-server too21:30
aciculaTallJason: for what virtualization app?21:30
blackxoredfrostburn, I want to reinstall my system which is 32 bits to 64 bits to be able to work for both archs as a DD, so I can build from x86 and x86_64, but I want to keep /home, the lvm chroots, and all that stuff I've setup21:30
TallJasonacicula: KVM21:30
puffI have an odd situation;  I set up an ubuntu box for a friend's company.  They need it to be very stable, they're using it to run some very intensive simulation calculations.  But they also need gnome, etc.21:30
Metaphisi'm on Ubuntu 9.04 and i want to try kvm but "modprobe kvm-intel" doesn't work and "egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo" return something but there is no kvm in this list21:31
Metaphisdoes it mean I can't use kvm?21:31
aciculaTallJason: dunno about that, but there is a kvm support channel on freenode for sure ;)21:31
puffThey just called me;  the head programmer clicked up the "update" icon and now they can no longer get in via outside gnome.21:31
rhkfinacicula: so I donwload http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz and untar it to usb and that's it?21:31
TallJasonacicula, I dont think it is a KVM issue, it appears to be a networking issue with Bridged setup21:31
frostburnblackxored, it's possible, good luck with that, make sure you have backups21:31
aciculablackxored: i've never had problems with copying my /home between 32 and 64bit21:31
ShdwShinobiacicula, would you have any idea how to loop the sound from input to output? I was able to use sound recorder to grab the sound. So it's just not getting output to the speakers21:31
puffSo, I guess what I'm asking is, should I have them on some special versionn of ubuntu (LTS?) so that they get important updates, but otherwise things stay stable?21:32
aciculaShdwShinobi: dont understand the question21:32
rhkfinacicula: it doesn't like the symlinks.. (pxelinux etc)21:32
cappizHi, is is possible to setup an authenticating gateway? like OpenBSd has authpf?21:32
TallJasonMetaphis: if anything is returned you can do virtualization VMX is 32 bit and SVM is 64 bit21:32
blackxoredfrostburn, acicula, I'm mostly concerned about the chroots, it's possible to make the installer to load my installed lvm configuration and then set it to format /usr /var and / only?21:32
acicularhkfin: i think that will just contain the kernel image and initrd, thats what you need but you will still need to setup the stuff to get it to boot21:32
Mattzpuff: Seems like a sound plan to me. We've got a server thats running the Hardy LTS and hasnt been rebooted for two years except for when one of the HDDs blew up21:33
Kosbornaricula: he wants input sound directly piped to output (speakers)21:33
frostburnblackxored, hmmmmm i think so, i'd have to test, i really don't use lvm21:33
aciculablackxored: i dont really understand what you are trying to do there and have not used lvm much, so dunno :/21:33
MetaphisTabmow, well? but why can't i activate the kvm-intel module? "FATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib/modules/ Operation not supported"21:33
_marixis there an easy way to delay mounting of some devices during bootup?21:33
Billiard_marix: delay until when?21:33
blackxoredfrostburn, acicula, nevermind, guys take a look at lvm, thanks21:33
aciculathe (alternative?) installer understands lvm , but other then21:33
_marixBilliard: delay just about 20-30 seconds21:34
blackxoredacicula, yes the alternate iso21:34
blackxoredacicula, but I want it to keep my lvm as it is21:34
Billiard_marix: you could put the noauto option in fstab and run a script that waits 30 seconds then mounts them maybe21:34
YounderBlackxored: the allignment of data is different in 64 bit21:34
blackxoredYounder, so I won't be able to keep my lvm structure21:35
aciculaYounder: on a filesystem?21:35
Lycanowi have 2 ubuntu partitions and i use a livecd to delete the 1st of the 2. both are primaries, but only the first has the boot flag on it. what should i do?21:35
puffMattz: Does LTS have full gnome desktop support, etc?21:35
frostburnfilesystems are architecture agnostic21:35
Flannelpuff: yes21:35
draconisYounder, Blackxored: Yeah, but MOST programs that do direct memory to disk conversions store in "network-endian"21:35
BilliardLycanow: what do you want in the end?21:35
YounderBlackxored: never tried, but I would think so21:35
draconiswhich is big endian always21:35
ShdwShinobiacicula, the line-in isn't being outputted through the speakers like it did in 9.0421:36
xigwhat can i do if i want my parallel port beingt "polled" instead of "interrupt driven" (as shown in dmesg's output "lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven).")21:36
blackxoreddraconis, Younder, acicula I will test and tell you about my results on monday, there seems no other solution :P21:36
LycanowBilliard: i want my 2nd primary partition. but it hasnt the boot flag on it. will it work?21:36
draconisyou can set the bootable flag21:37
sllidehow do i let my joystick be recognized21:37
MoTechow do I run a gui app as root?21:37
sllideit isnt on default :(21:37
carpunky_I have to install windows wireless drivers to load up my pci wireless card, to get internet connection, then once i get it, i have to remove it or my system crashes...any ideas ? see full details http://paste.ubuntu.com/318154/21:37
frostburnMoTec, gksudo21:37
Lycanowi just choose to enable the boot flag? and thats it?21:37
MoTecfrostburn: thanks21:37
Lycanowor do i have to change anything more21:37
BilliardLycanow: you may have to reconfigure grub21:37
LycanowBilliard: by the way i will install xp in a new partition now. so grub will be lost21:38
sam__I am creating a preseed file for computers we sell at very low cost. I am looking to make these machines as compatible as possible with as many filesystems, devices, phones, media players as possible. Here is my current package list http://wirelessimage.pbworks.com/FrontPage  can you suggest any more?21:38
BilliardLycanow: after installing xp, you will have to reinstall the grub bootloader to boot linux then21:38
Lycanowthen what?21:39
Lycanowwhat should i do about the boot flag21:39
beeftubeHi, where does gnome keep all the desktop wallpapers that cycle?21:39
BilliardLycanow: why do you wan the boot flag?21:39
MattzOk, new problem. No wireless networks show up under Wireless Networks when I try to connect21:39
carpunky_I have to install windows wireless drivers to load up my pci wireless card, to get internet connection, then once i get it, i have to remove it or my system crashes...any ideas ? see full details http://paste.ubuntu.com/318154/21:39
MattzAny thoughts as to why?21:39
LycanowBilliard: i dont know. do i need it?21:39
beeftubeMattz try rsetting your router21:40
aciculasam__: why not just use the metapackage ubuntu-restricted-extras?21:40
MattzRouter's fine21:40
draconisis there an updated Fluxbuntu yet?21:40
MattzI'm using it to chat right now21:40
draconisit hasn't been changed in ages21:40
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carpunky_Mattz, posted this for you, is this what yours i doing ?21:40
aciculathough dunno about legal issues when you sell it with that stuff?21:40
BilliardLycanow: windows is going to mess with all that probably anyway21:40
sam__acicula, got that, i also have extras. I am looking for additional packages21:41
LycanowBilliard: ok so21:41
LycanowBilliard: how do i set the boot flag?21:41
aciculasam__: oh yeah i see, didnt look right the first time :)21:41
Lycanowjut just this from partitionamanger?21:41
AzverkanHas anyone tried running Karmic without mountall yet?21:41
Mattzcarpunky: No, not that bad. I21:41
sam__acicula, not too bothered about the law..21:41
carpunky_Mattz, I had to D/l the Ndiswrappers on a usb and install the driver manually then, and then i could get to the windowless driver21:41
YounderOk on boot grub want's to take the lead and it WILL let you boot to windows21:42
aciculasam__: if you are selling stuff you probably should be, but we (ot)21:42
cappizHi, is is possible to setup an authenticating gateway? like OpenBSd has authpf?21:42
BilliardLycanow: idk probably in gparted21:42
Mattzcarpunky, okey dokey, i'll try that.21:42
draconiscarpunky, if it's PCI, get an ipw card21:42
BilliardLycanow: i dont think you need the boot flag set21:42
YounderIf you wan't it the other way that requires some work, but that is doable too21:42
LycanowBilliard: ok, do you know how to i fix grub afterwards21:42
Lycanowafter xp21:42
BilliardLycanow: yea, using a livecd and chroot21:42
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:42
sam__I am selling PC's for £30 to low income people in the inner city, not exactly big business21:42
draconiscarpunky, I assume that's one of broadcom's drivers21:43
aciculalook there21:43
carpunky_draconis, no21:43
lovredoes anyone have any expireance in getting hardware accelleration to work in virtualbox (windows)?21:43
LycanowBilliard: i have livecd21:43
draconiscarpunky, what is it then?21:43
LycanowBilliard: what else do i need?21:43
cow1how do you list files but omit directories.. in the current directory? (No-recursion)21:43
LycanowBilliard: what is chroot21:43
sllidehow do i use joysticks?21:43
carpunky_draconis, Marvel21:43
aciculalovre: hardware acc as in vt or 3d?21:44
draconiscarpunky, marvells are really flakey21:44
rhkfinacicula: don't ask, but usb-creator started to accept my usb.. rebooted (another don't ask :) - and MOUNTED the usb - and then started usb-creator....21:44
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:44
acicularhkfin: so it's working?21:44
rhkfinacicula: looks like it..21:45
acicularhkfin: awesome, i'll stop asking then :)21:45
rhkfinat least it's creating the bootable usb now..21:45
BilliardLycanow: you might not even have to use chroot, but i always do, it will allow you to work inside your partition after mounting it in the live cd21:45
lovreacicula: excuse me? Im trying to enable directX by using Wine's OpenGL wrapper or something like that... So i can use Aero and other fancy stuff21:45
carpunky_draconis, Should i just by a whole new router and card....cuase it is like 5 yrs old21:45
draconiscarpunky, there are some crude Linux drivers and firmware here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=208088&highlight=88w833521:45
LycanowBilliard: anyway is there any guide to fix grub after all this21:45
aciculalovre: well i did install that stuff, but havent tried it out yet21:45
arandlovre: 3D? tried and failed for me.21:45
draconiscarpunky, but yeah, if it's that old.. make sure you get one that's properly supported21:46
Younderwarum spechens zie deuche ubutto21:46
aciculai'm on an intel GM45 chipset, which is crap for anything remotely related to 3D still so21:46
TallJason Ubuntu Server 9.1: How do I set up "shared physical device" so my virtual machines can connect to same subnet as Host?   The default is for NAT, which I don't want.21:46
BilliardLycanow: yeah just google fix grub using live cd idk21:46
Lycanowi moved my 2nd primary partition21:47
Lycanowto the start21:47
carpunky_draconis, And how do I know...Im new to all this, i have learned so much in 16 hours.....21:47
Lycanowdoes this do anything?21:47
BilliardLycanow: i would use chroot then21:47
Jester05hey guys, is anyone having problems with ubuntuone?21:47
lovrearand: did you install the program called WineD3D?21:47
aciculalovre: yeh21:47
lovreacicula: how did you install it? I cant get admin privileges any way21:47
YounderJester05, works for me21:47
Jester05the ubuntuone client seems to be eating my ram, using all of it in cache21:47
YounderJester05, That is natural21:48
puffAnybody here have a functioning gtalk voice chat set up?  I'd like to try and get mine working and test it with somebody who has a known working setup.21:48
aciculalovre, drop to safe mode and install21:48
rocky|raccoonJester05: Then it's not eating it, RAM in cache is available for anything to use at any time21:48
Jester05Younder, I've killed a bunch of apps and turned all but ubuntuone back on slowly and it seems to have been the one eating ram21:48
L2BHow can I create a new menu in any panel in the ubuntu?21:48
YounderJester05, That should not be a problem21:48
Jester05prior to the last update of it it didnt take ALL of my ram21:49
Jester05and it makes my pc uterly unusable21:49
aciculaL2B: right click on the panel and add the widgit/thingamathingie ?21:49
draconiscarpunky, you probably want a wireless card with "Atheros" chipset or "Intel Pro Wireless"21:49
YounderJester05, oops21:49
ianyikosI have a question about internet security.21:49
sam__L2B, right click on panel > add to panel > select a menu21:49
arandlovre: ah, no, I'm running ubuntu as guest as well21:49
YounderJester05, That should obviously not happen21:49
Jester05yeah i know21:49
YounderJester05, Gimme some specs21:50
acicula!ask | ianyikos21:50
ubottuianyikos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:50
Jester05i have 4 gigs of ram and 4 gigs of swap and i know its taken at least all avail ram, i believe swap as well21:50
Jester05specs on my machine?21:50
=== MasterofPuppets is now known as MoPaway
carpunky_draconis, Ok, Ty...one last thing, would that be pci or usb ..or what ?21:50
sam__L2B, personally i like the gnome-main-menu (sudo apt-get install gnome-main-menu) Then do the above21:50
pitipitiHi, anyone know a way to write a pre-commit hook for svn to reject any symlink commit?21:50
aciculafree -m and top should be able to tell you if a prog is hugging stuff21:50
ianyikosWhat can I do to protect my computer in ubuntu?  I saw something about a firewall on the help website, but I can't find it on my computer.21:50
YounderJester05, RAM21:50
aciculaianyikos: by default it is not needed21:51
Jester05Younder, I have the intel w9400.. quad core 2.66, 4 gigs ddr3, 4 gigs hdd swap space21:51
YounderJester05, powerfull21:51
draconiscarpunky, it actually looks like the choices for PCI are scant21:51
aciculaianyikos: unlessy you start running services like ssh/ftp/smtp/http and are directly connected to the internet?21:51
YounderJester05, that might be the problem21:51
lovreacicula: i have, but i still have 'access denied' !21:51
L2Bsam_,acicula: I want to create a new menu not the "Places","Applications","System"21:51
lovreacicula: from safe mode also21:51
LondonFogHi, I just bought an MSI Wind-U123, I'm attempting to install the Ubuntu Netbook Remix through the use of a USB flash drive. When I set up the BIOS to boot from the flash drive it loads the menu and after I choose "Install Ubuntu Netbook Remix" it displays the glowing ubuntu insignia, then the screen goes blank and my dongle seems to stop working. Any ideas what's going on?21:52
ianyikosSo viruses aren't as common on linux as windows?21:52
carpunky_draconis, do you have a newegg link for a good one ?21:52
Jester05Younder, i know.. I shouldnt be having any issues with software tying up this machine..21:52
r3dwa11wy in the heck you need 4g swap ?? useless21:52
lovreianyikos: no viruses on linux, dont worry21:52
aciculalovre: in windows?21:52
Jester05Younder, prior to updating to the newest release of ubuntuone I was fine..21:52
mrXXguys, i need simple help with setting up virtual hosts,   this is my file in the sites enabled --><VirtualHost *:80>21:52
mrXXDocumentRoot /home/nabin/mysites/site121:52
mrXXServerName sheriffchaplaincy21:52
mrXX<Directory /home/nabin/mysites/site1>21:52
mrXXOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks21:52
FloodBot1mrXX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:52
aciculaL2B: a new menu item?21:52
lovreacicula: what do you mean? I run virtualbox and start windows in safe mode. yes21:52
YounderJester05, might I suggest temporarly disabeling this software and see if it goes away?21:53
aciculaianyikos: no virusses really21:53
aciculalovre: do you get access denied inside the windows host21:53
Jester05Younder, I may just have to delete and reinstall it.. or just not use it all together.. I also have dropbox and have gotten myself up to 4 gigs on their server so..21:53
L2Bsam_,acicula: I want to create my own menu  which I will make it contain some boxes ?21:53
mrXXguys i need help with virtual hosting, what should be the contents of my file in the sites enabled ??21:53
L2Bsam_,acicula: I want to create my own menu  which I will make it contain some books*?21:53
YounderJester05, I wan't to elliminate misdiagnostics.21:53
mrXX<VirtualHost *:80>DocumentRoot /home/nabin/mysites/site121:53
mrXXServerName sheriffchaplaincy21:53
mrXX<Directory /home/nabin/mysites/site1>21:53
mrXXOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks</Directory></VirtualHost>21:53
lovreacicula: im not sure what you mean, but i think yes, access denied if from within the windows os.21:53
FloodBot1mrXX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
ianyikosbut people still like to hack into computers i guess.   lol.21:54
Lintis the menu editor broken? i'm trying to view items' properties but nothing happens21:54
Jester05Younder, I have.. its currently not running and my ram situation is fine.. I know its this software I just dont know why.. maybe a bad upgrade? May just need to reinstall software?21:54
aciculalovre: dunno then, you should have the proper rights in safe mode21:54
mrXXcan anyone help me setting up virtual host in apache?21:54
YounderJester05, Do you need it?21:54
mrXXi can paste my file here, so can anyone pm me plz21:54
kosharimrXX use pastebin21:54
r3dwa11hahaha without hackers there would no software even exits21:54
aciculaairtonix: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security, as long as you dont install internet services without doing something about security you'll be ok21:54
mrXXkoshari how?21:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:55
YounderJester05, If not wait for a update. At least that would be my recomendation.21:55
mrXX!<VirtualHost *:80>21:55
mrXXDocumentRoot /home/nabin/mysites/site121:55
mrXXServerName sheriffchaplaincy21:55
mrXX<Directory /home/nabin/mysites/site1>21:55
mrXXOptions Indexes FollowSymLinks21:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:55
FloodBot1mrXX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:55
Jester05Younder, I think it'd have to be this software.. I disabled it and everything is fine.. I would prefer to have it as its a means to sync all of my linux running machines together however if its going to cause ram issues I'll get rid of it.  I was more wanting to see if anyone else was experiencing the same issue21:55
L2Bsam_,acicula: I want to create my own menu  which I will make it contain some books , how can I create it ,please ?21:55
lovreacicula: what OS do you run in vbox, windows 7?21:55
draconiscarpunky, its really hard to even find what chipset those things contain, newegg's descriptions suck21:55
aciculaL2B: right click applications , edit and add21:56
aciculalovre: not yet :(, just windows XP atm21:56
Lintis the menu editor broken? i'm trying to view items' properties but nothing happens21:56
carpunky_draconis, Lol..i  hear ya21:56
lovreacicula: that may be the reason why...21:56
YounderJester05, Always hated it myself, get rid of it!21:56
aciculalovre: it very well may be :)21:56
LondonFogHi, I just bought an MSI Wind-U123, I'm attempting to install the Ubuntu Netbook Remix through the use of a USB flash drive. When I set up the BIOS to boot from the flash drive it loads the menu and after I choose "Install Ubuntu Netbook Remix" it displays the glowing ubuntu insignia, then the screen goes blank and my dongle seems to stop working. I selected the option to check disc for defects and it said it should all be working properly21:56
halthello mates, i just did a fresh install of 9.10 and i have the folder .gvfs in my home directory with the permission "d?????????" any idea what this means?21:57
L2Bacicula: I want to make a menu which will have the name L2B and I want to open it directly from the panel21:57
Jester05Younder, yeah, in all honesty I already have the same functionality from Dropbox lol .. but I use dropbox for school stuff and ubuntuone for pc stuff21:57
fasutusi installed desklets and when i try to add them to my desktopm it just shows a colored sqare. like the graphics aren't coming through. why do you think?21:57
L2Bacicula: I don't want to open applications then open L2B menu21:57
e-headHey ubuntu people!21:58
e-headThere are a ridiculous number of people in this channel.21:58
r3dwa11hi  e-head21:58
Jester05Younder, tho I do have a samba network share I can put anything I need to keep within the house on .. could just use dropbox for PC stuff when the laptop is involved21:58
e-headWhat is the state of read/write NTFS support in the *nix world?21:58
dayoLondonFog: run it again, and when the screen blanks, press Alt+Right or Ctrl+Alt+F1 to see if there are any error messages displayed.21:58
L2Bacicula : I mean that I need to create a panel having the name L2B and it can be opened directly from the panel not from another menu21:58
aciculaL2B: oh like so, its possible but wouldnt know where to tweak that, sorry21:58
Lintis rgere some working menu editor?21:58
mrXXnewbie here, how is pastebin used?21:59
Jester05**BTW** everyone here should look into dropbox if you're running multiple machines, getdropbox.com21:59
draconiscarpunky, this has a realtek chip: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833340009&cm_re=wireless_pci-_-33-340-009-_-Product21:59
draconiscarpunky, rtl8185, which seems to be well supported21:59
oCean_mrXX go to paste.ubuntu.com21:59
Jester05draconis, that doesnt support n does it?21:59
fasutusi installed desklets and when i try to add them to my desktopm it just shows a colored sqare. like the graphics aren't coming through. why do you think?21:59
sllidehow do i make my joystick useable?21:59
draconisJester05, I doubt it. otherwise he'd have to buy a new router to use the n22:00
Jester05draconis, why in this day and age, wouldnt you want to future proof your hardware and get draft-n?22:00
=== fer is now known as Guest83934
draconisJester05, do you know any that support wireless n and have reasonably good drivers? I can't find any AGBN intel PCI cards22:01
Jester05draconis, draft-n is already standard on 99% of routers so as soon as he replaces his existing he'll have the ability to use draftn22:01
faxhi does anyone have some idea about wireless on karmic? I had it all working but recently it just decided not to and I can't coax it back into operating properly :(22:01
aciculai have an agn intel 5300, works ok, though N support is still crappy22:01
fasutusanyone have an idea why my desklets don't show up when i add them, just a blank sqare?22:01
Jester05draconis, I can look into it, i know the intel chipset for draft n is supported under linux22:01
dayofax: i read somewhere, downgrading the kernel helps.22:01
LintIs there some Applications menu-editing tool??22:01
carpunky_draconis, Ty so much and will get that, but I still want to solve this....im just that kinda person.....what about this driver update http://www.marvell.com/drivers/driverSearchResults.do22:02
faxthat sounds really difficult :S22:02
aciculaJester05: well supported yes, but working no :(22:02
aciculawell not the last time i tried anyway which was a good 2 months ago22:02
draconiscarpunky, face it to make that work... you are going to have to learn kernel programming22:02
Jester05acicula, I have integrated wireless in my laptop and it works fine..22:02
=== slam_ is now known as slammer
=== slammer is now known as grndslm
dayofax: not really, i think u just have to install the previous kernel then edit /boot/grub/menu.lst22:02
aciculaJester05: it works with your access point you mean ;)22:02
faxdayo do you neet internet to do that?22:02
draconisJester05, yes but can you get one of those intel chips for PCI22:02
draconisor would you have to build your own PCI card?22:03
dayofax: u would probably need internet to at least download the kernel22:03
Jester05draconis, more than likely you'll have to go USB, pci is somewhat.. old tech22:03
Younderseriosly ubuntu cloud has put caninical software in a precarious situasion. The are now offerin propriatary servises for open sftware and i don't like it.22:03
carpunky_draconis, Ok. Well, i have come far, i guess that I better bow out...i appreciate all your help, i have been setting here for 6 hours and you are the 1st person who attempted to help me22:03
scriptedhow do i remove a device in ubuntu 9.10 my creative x-fi sound card has stopped wrking and i cant re install the driver22:03
aciculathere is a list of well supported chipsets/cards on the ubuntu wireless page is there not?22:03
=== diego is now known as Guest22227
LondonFogI'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my brand new MSI Wind U-123 through the use of a USB flash drive. When I select the "Install Ubuntu Netbook Remix" option after booting from the flash drive the following error message is displayed. "Can not mount /dev/loop1 on /cow" can anyone help me out?22:04
YounderSo my solution is to avoid the software. Not elegant or clean. But ethical.22:04
sllidemy text is gone to fast for people to notice lol22:04
=== jay is now known as Guest55471
aciculaYounder: they are offering payed services based on open source software?22:05
aciculaYounder: look around, thats how every open source based buisness makes money22:05
aciculaprogrammers cost money22:05
Younderacicula, No consultancy is fine, paying for databases is not22:06
aciculayou are paying to get a database hosted22:06
aciculaor whateevr service you want hosted22:06
Rortyhello, my firefox is still called shiretoku in karmic, how can I change it back?22:06
LintIs there some Applications menu-editing tool??22:06
aciculaif you want free have a look at google appservice i guess22:06
aciculadunno if they offer db services with that though22:07
RortyLint, yes under > system > preference > main menu22:07
Younderacicula, This is a support channel, I got slapped on the wrist for getting to chatty before. I will try to avoid the same mistake aging. If you have issues chose a private channel..22:07
LintRorty, it seems to be broken, I need a working one22:07
Jester05guys check out these cards:22:08
faxdo you have any other suggestions about getting the wireless to work?22:08
r3dwa11Jester05: ver nice cards22:09
Jester05r3dwa11, yeah not bad on the price either22:10
draconiswould be nice if I could replace the broadcom card in this netbook22:10
Jester05i bet the zonet is/will be supported under linux if nothing else by the realtek drivers22:10
xigis there an up to date description on how to configure&compile a kernel on karmic? the wiki ressource specifies locations for files which have obviously moved, and so on22:10
Jester05draconis, you should be able to...22:10
aciculadraconis: most wireless cards(even internal) ones are replacable22:10
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
Guest22227Hi! I can't install some packages using synaptic or apt-get. I get something like "impossible to resolve dependencies. The package gfortran depends on gfotran-4.2 and won't be installed" when I try to install, for example, the package gfotran. Moreover, I have little stars over almost all checkboxes in synaptic. Can anyone give me some help? I've search the web but found nothing.22:11
r3dwa11i think realtek suport22:11
Younderxig yes22:11
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi22:11
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.22:11
LintIs there some *working* Applications menu-editing tool??22:11
Jester05r3dwa11, realtek driver works for my usb zonet card... wireless a/b/g i think22:11
Jester05its old..22:11
gigasoftYour input can't be opened:22:12
gigasoftVLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///media/cdrom0'. Check the log for details. any help?22:12
xigYounder: would yo be so nice as to tell me where i can find it?22:12
aciculaLint: right clicking on applications not working for you?22:12
r3dwa11i use it 2 for my atheros card22:12
Jester05i know for a fact that this card works well under linux via realtek 2500 ish driver22:12
frostburngigasoft, check ~/.xsession_errors22:12
aciculaJester05: no wpa2 :/22:13
Lintacicula, no, that program do not work: it cannot create new items or edit existing22:13
Younderxig : http://www.google.no/search?hl=no&q=kramic+ubuntu+install&btnG=Søk&meta=&aq=f&oq=22:13
Jester05acicula, as I mentioned above... this is an old card ;)22:13
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi22:13
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.22:13
r3dwa11no wpa or wpa2 yet i think22:13
Younderxig : the obvious22:13
xigYounder: this is not about installing karmic. did you actually read my question?22:14
Jester05well gentlemen I have to go be a nerd in a lab for the rest of the evening22:14
Jester05ive been sick all week and now i have to play catchup :(22:14
aciculaxig were you using this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile ?22:14
Jester05I may get back online from in there tho .. odds are i'll get bored just working on stuff lol22:14
Younderxig: yes, sorry if I was a bit hasty22:15
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi22:15
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.22:15
airtonixacicula, think you meant to respond to someone else... not me22:15
trismxig: try http://blog.avirtualhome.com/2009/11/03/how-to-compile-a-kernel-for-ubuntu-karmic/22:15
oCean_!patience | Shu22:15
ubottuShu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:15
aciculaairtonix: err?22:16
xigYounder: *of course* i did take a look at the obvious locations, but commands and files on that ressource does not quite match those i see when unpacking a recent ubuntu-patched kernel tarball.22:16
draconisShu, is the interface even loaded, check ifconfig22:17
dotblankhmm I ant seem to get my conky to stick to my desktop22:17
r3dwa11r3dwa11 goes gaming see ya later folks and yes ! xp still rules for ultimate gaming22:17
airtonixinb4 rage flame22:17
Shudraconis, what do you want me to do?22:18
ShuPut ifconfig in the terminal?22:18
Zxcvbif I am going to be using the same custom kernel on both a Pentium M and an Core2 system, which processor family would it be best to select?22:18
squarebracketdoes system-->preferences-->sound just edit a config file?22:18
Younderxig: I'll have to come back to you later.22:18
akrohitMy laptop just freezes after coming up from suspend. Need help. I use 'pm-suspend' for susending22:18
LondonFogIs there a specific channel for netbook help?22:18
draconisShu, yes22:18
xigYounder: you're welcome to PM me22:18
marilynI can no longer switch off my Touch Pad. Have option to disable while typing, but it doesn't work. Any help, Thanks22:18
rfmonkthis is the gayest channel nowadays22:19
rfmonkshould call it windows convert channel22:19
airtonixyes, it's very happy22:19
ShuI did draconis. What should I be looking at. I don't see anyhting that's related to my wireless adapter (btw, the wireless adapter is plugged into this ocmputer)22:19
PeterBendtsenZxcvb: ( ) 586/K5/5x86/6x86/6x86MX22:19
draconisShu, it should be there if you are running Karmic, it's in 2.6.31 kernel22:19
mac9416Hey, y'all! What do you do when the live CD gives you a login screen instead of taking you straight to the desktop?22:19
Younderxig: You misunderstand, I have to go. later means tomorrow.22:19
abhinavlali installed ubuntu 9.10 on my stupid windows xp, now when i boot into ubuntu i see the grub command line interface, i found this code http://pastebin.com/m2b474c7e on ubuntu forum which generally works but after booting i get an error:  Couldn't find valid ram disk image starting at 0. similar issue on forum http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1320546&highlight=grub+command+line22:20
LintIs there some *working* Applications menu-editing tool? If that default sh*t worked, I woudn't ask22:20
LintOr how can I edit it manually?22:20
jetienne_q. the notification on screen display is not at the proper place, how can i tune it ?22:20
acicularfmonk: well that happens when you go from a sytem that requires 10 fingets and a left toe to operate to something that just needs a few cliks to install22:20
trismjetienne_: you can't, until they decide to add an option to notify-osd (which they are currently refusing to do)22:21
draconisShu, "plugged in" as in USB?22:21
Shudraconis, I have no idea what you just said. I don't know what Karmic is, or 2.6.31 kernel22:21
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: you need an initrd?  use a boot disk and make initrd or build your filesystem / chipset into the kernel22:21
Younderxig: feel free to restate the question here. I am not the only one.22:21
Shudraconis, yes22:21
draconisShu, Ubuntu 9.10 is karmic22:21
Shubut it's plugged into this computer right now22:21
airtonixlint, are you referring to : alacarte22:21
ShuI thought it was juanty22:21
jetienne_trism: why is it now in the middle of the screen ? it was top right on 9.04 ?22:21
draconisShu, go get karmic then22:21
gigasofti have problem to play encrypted dvd with  many's, i tryed all. any help?22:21
ApocapusUmmm Im new to ubuntu22:21
ShuI don't have 9.10. 9.0422:21
oCean_Lint: get any errors while using right-click and edit menus? This should work (it does for me)22:21
draconisShu, jaunty kernel doesn't include the driver22:21
rfmonkis seems the major malfunction Ive noticed is people who wont or cant read22:21
PeterBendtsenApocapus: RUN AWAY!22:22
abhinavlalPeterBendtsen: i did an initrd... check the code see if i'm doing something wrong22:22
ShuI can't get Karmic if I can't update the computer...22:22
rfmonkor dont know how to use Google22:22
ApocapusRun away?22:22
draconisShu, otherwise you have to get these: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/ar917022:22
ApocapusIs something about to happen?22:22
trismjetienne_: thread http://www.mail-archive.com/ayatana@lists.launchpad.net/msg00741.html explaining the reasoning22:22
draconisShu, yeah, you download a new CD and install22:22
Lintyes, I mean alacarte, it has edit buttons but they silently fail22:22
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: pastebin blocks my proxy22:22
abhinavlalPeterBendtsen: check the forum link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1320546&highlight=grub+command+line22:22
Shudraconis, it takes weeks to get a new cd22:22
arandgigasoft: you installed libdvdcss2?22:22
ApocapusUmmm I downloaded an MMO I have Wine installed and the MMO won't run22:22
trismjetienne_: I'd like to fix it too, hopefully they'll make it more configurable for lucid22:23
icerootApocapus: have a look at the appdb22:23
airtonixApocapus, cool story bro, care to give more details?22:23
draconisShu, then you have to download the kmods by hand, compile and install them, and you won't want to update or upgrade from Jaunty22:23
rfmonkIm going to create Ubuntoob, video tuts for all the nuts22:23
ApocapusUmmm Appdb?22:23
iceroot!appdb | Apocapus22:23
ubottuApocapus: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:23
jetienne_trism: so for 6 months the notification will be buggy ?22:23
airtonixApocapus, google : winehq appdb22:23
jetienne_trism: i hide my opinion :)22:23
Shudraconis, that link you gave me, I have no idea what I'm looking at. You need to take me step by step. I know almost nothing abou tUbuntu22:23
Shuand I have no idea what you just said either22:24
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: i really dont care that much22:24
airtonixrfmonk, your effort will be in vain22:24
jetienne_trism: notice that shuttleworth is even in this thread. manager must never impact tech stuff. only features. and im cto :)22:24
draconisShu, I also don't think you have access to a sources tree22:24
abhinavlalPeterBendtsen: thanks anyway ....22:24
icerootShu: what is the probem?22:25
draconisShu, I told you just to upgrade if you didn't want to have to learn how to build kernel modules22:25
airtonixshu, it means you're not allowed to do any gardening22:25
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: use boot cd until you care to figure it out...i use lilo and never have any problems....and i dont use NTLOADER22:25
draconisand, if upgrading means mail-ordering disks, then do that22:25
Shuiceroot, one sec22:25
jetienne_trism: in short, this is just poor management :)22:25
sllidehow do i recognize my joystick?22:25
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi22:26
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.22:26
rfmonklook down22:26
draconisShu, https://shipit.ubuntu.com/22:26
Shu^ iceroot22:26
faxshit pit unbuntu22:26
airtonixslide, you mean how do you get the kernel to acknowledge the existance of your joystick...22:26
Shudraconis, I can't wait a coiuple weeks22:26
icerootShu: ok i will have a look22:26
Shuiceroot, I have to go eat dinner. Open a dialogue window with me if you can help, I'll be back in 10 minutes22:27
abhinavlalPeterBendtsen: Even i dont use NTloader i did it just one and i am cursing myself for that22:27
jetienne_A guiding principle in Ayatana is to *reduce* customisation, not22:27
jetienne_increase it.22:27
Lintif I want to edit menu manually, where should I look?22:27
jetienne_poor move22:27
=== Guest22227 is now known as diego__
diego__Hi! I can't install some packages using synaptic or apt-get. I get something like "impossible to resolve dependencies. The package gfortran depends on gfotran-4.2 and won't be installed" when I try to install, for example, the package gfotran. Moreover, I have little stars over almost all checkboxes in synaptic. Can anyone give me some help? I've search the web but found nothing.22:27
sllidesoo, airtonix: how do i do that? xD22:27
faxI have both ubuntu and mac on this but I can only go between them using the boot discs (both).. is there an eaisier way to choose which one to startup in?22:27
oCean_Lint: somewhere in /usr/share/menu for starters, but i reckon that's not all22:27
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: so boot your unbutard with a bootdisk and see how many weeks you can go without rebooting...you will figure it out before you reboot........maybe22:28
diego__Anyone knows what a star in Synaptic's checkboxes means?22:28
insm0dShu, in order to get support for drivers not included in the linux source code, you will need to have a copy of the source code and the source code of the drivers.  Don't freak out, you don't need to have any programming knowledge to compile and install the linux kernel and drivers22:28
airtonixits complicated, but I just helped you ask the right question22:28
Lintdiego__, are you using the wrong repositories enabled?22:28
diego__Lint: wrong repositories?22:28
Lintdiego__, also try sudo apt-get update22:28
abhinavlalPeterBendtsen: will try that22:28
diego__Lint: I already did sudo apt-get update22:29
diego__Lint: But nothing changed22:29
PeterBendtsenabhinavlal: wipe your mbr, delete windows, install a new distro, etc...22:29
arandoCean_: Lint: I don't think global settings would be the right way to go, should be settings for menu in home dir22:29
airtonixslide, i mean for as start, what kind of port do you use on the computer to connect the joystick?22:29
diego__Lint: How is that about using the wrong repositories? How can I know that?22:30
oCean_arand: yeah, you're probably right.22:30
sllideairtonix: i dont know the type or anything22:30
airtonixslide, what brand and model number is it? have you already tried using google and searching for : ubuntu <brand> <model.no>22:30
MoTecfax: yes, it's called a boot loader.  you need to use one...  ubuntu installs grub.. if you don't have a boot disk in whatever loads is due to the bootloader installed on your primary hard drive's active partition22:30
sllidei have no idea what it is :(22:30
sllidei can search it on DX...22:30
Lintdiego__, open Software sources and tell us what's there22:31
faxwell can I choose which OS to start into when I turn on the computer22:31
airtonixslide, since it's USB... plug it in and open a command line console, then type : sudo lsusb22:31
faxright now I have to  put in the ubuntu CD and shut down and then use it to get into ubuntu..22:31
fax(which is a hassle to keep putting in these CDs)22:31
PeterBendtsenfax: keep the cd in22:31
airtonixslide, copy that info to a text file and keep it handy for later22:31
insm0dfax, yes.  If grub is properly set up (and it usually is) you will have a menu to select what operating system to boot up22:31
MoTecfax: yes.  you need to configure a bootloader.. either the mac's or ubuntu's and make sure your system is setup to boot to that bootloader22:31
faxno there is no menua22:31
MoTecfax: what happens if you turn it on with no disk at all?22:32
sllideairtonix: i found it http://dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.61822:32
diego__Lint: Just a minute22:32
draconisdon't you need a special bootloader for EFI?22:32
faxMoTec it goes onto the one I was in last22:32
faxeither ubuntu or mac22:32
PeterBendtseni thought mac was ubuntu22:32
* PeterBendtsen ^5s airtonix 22:33
airtonixPeterBendtsen, it does have similarities at the CLI level if you have fink installed22:33
jetienne_well i dunno where to protest but in short, i would like to be able to read notifications. no matter what shuttle worth says, notifications are there to be read22:34
PeterBendtsenfink different!22:34
diego__Lint: I noticed there that I had one repository for Intrepid there. I dechecked that22:34
draconisbut Mac OS X is an operating system, Ubuntu is a distribution22:34
airtonixPeterBendtsen, but even then it isn't really like ubuntu, just more like debian....not even then..22:34
faxisn't ubuntu an operating system22:34
aciculafax: depends on your definition, but in general its yes22:34
TULLALmandriva better?22:35
arandLint: I think ~/.config/menus would be the place to look, editing the applications.menu would override the global default I think22:35
insm0dfax, ubuntu is a linux distrobution.22:35
sweetandyand if anybody says Linux is an operating system, they're wrong.22:35
PeterBendtsenif anyone says ubuntu is linux, they're wrong.22:35
MoTecwhen you boot up ubuntu it should have a grub menu.  you can configure this to load osx, also.22:35
faxok this is too confusing for me22:35
RenatoSilvais there a way to mount a host partition from the guest os in virtual box?22:35
puffHow do I determine if a given isntall is LTS or not?22:35
faxim not really smart enough to use linux22:35
puffIs there a channel for ubuntu LTS?22:35
rictecUbuntu is linux22:35
insm0dPeterBendtsten, explain...22:35
MoTechttp://maketecheasier.com/how-to-dual-boot-ubuntu-gutsy-and-mac-osx-leopard-1051/2008/02/28 check that out fax22:36
PeterBendtsenrictec: WROANG22:36
aciculafax: its an operating system22:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:36
puffAnd is it possible to convert to LTS without major hassels?22:36
Lintcould you people attend more to problems and fscking less to the holywar sh*t?!22:36
faxso should I use Gutsy instead of Karmic?22:36
aciculapuff: youu cannot downgrade to LTS22:36
rafael__tem brasileiro ae ?22:36
aciculaor downgrade versions period for that matter22:36
MoTecit's got the grub edit you need to make.. something like adding: title Mac OSX Leopard22:36
PeterBendtsenLint: what problems22:36
MoTeckernel (hd0,x)/boot/boot_v822:36
ardchoillefax: I find Jaunty to be very nice22:36
rictecPeterBendtsen, ubuntu is linux22:36
PeterBendtsenubuntu is designed so a grandma can use it22:37
puffacicula: How would I detect whether or not a given box is LTS?22:37
PeterBendtsenNO PROBLEMO22:37
aciculapuff: err, lsb_release -a ?22:37
faxI wish it was that easy22:37
diego__Lint: I have a message that says that I have the libfreetype6-dev package broken. Could that be the problem. If so, how could I fix it?22:37
LintPeterBendtsen, it's support channel, if you haven't already noticed22:37
puffacicula: Okay, so if it's LTS it should show up in the lsb_release -a output.22:37
glickfax ubuntu is indeed an operating system22:37
PeterBendtsen1622 people needing ubuntu support?22:37
aciculaah yes, puff lsb_release -a will tell you distro and revision22:37
glicklinux is just one component of the operating system22:37
arandpuff: lsb_release -a will give you release version, 6.06 and 8.04 are LTS22:37
rictecPeterBendtsen, so eveybody here are grandma lol22:37
puffThen this box I'm trying to help my friend troubleshoot is not LTS.  It like somebody clicked on the dist-upgrade button.22:37
Andrew__hi guys22:37
PeterBendtsenim spoiled...i have no problems solving my own problems with linux distros22:37
puffAnd  upgraded it to karmic.22:38
glickyou could take out linux and replace it with hurd for example or solaris22:38
rafael__hahaha grandma can use ubuntu ?22:38
puffSince I'm pretty sure it wasn't karmic before.22:38
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Andrew__HI GUYS!22:38
glickand it has been done22:38
aciculapuff: well it probably is not tagged there as LTS, it will just say 7.04 ?22:38
Andrew__CLICK THIS LINK22:38
FloodBot1Andrew__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
glickfax, i still run jaunty on my desktop22:38
aciculapuff: some ubuntu versions are LTS versions, means they are supported way longer, but i dont think lsb_release adds that information22:38
rafael__9.10 linux as it is22:39
glickif it works for you and you like it, you dont HAVE to switch right away22:39
flootenkerpHi, fast and easy question, what's the terminal code to install all java apps?22:39
puffacicula: Well it's karmic, so.22:39
rafael__i use jaunty22:39
glickyou still have a year of updates on jaunty22:39
puffI need to upgrade my personal box.22:39
puffBut that's for later...22:39
arandpuff: the version before karmic (9.04 jaunty) wasn't LTS either22:39
PeterBendtsenflootenkerp: ubuntu has infected your brain22:39
lovreweeee, ubuntu and windows7 integration in its highest:   http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/6748/snapshot2y.png22:39
DrXhow do you make a directory read only (except for root) but all subdirectories read/write for authenticated samba users and inaccessible to non-authenticated users?22:40
puffSo, what happened is, they were using an X client (well, technically an X server in X nomenclature) to remote desktop to this box.22:40
flootenkerpIt has peter22:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:40
flootenkerpI'm on ubuntu fever22:40
puffAnd after upgrading to karmic, they can't.22:40
flootenkerpNow, someone please give me a terminal code for all ubuntu apps22:40
RenatoSilvarafael__: hi, which city22:40
puffI need to switch them over to LTS, sometime... I don't think they really need the grief.22:40
PeterBendtsenflootenkerp: you said java apps22:40
flootenkerpI just finfished a fresh ubuntu install of 9.10 and I am LOVING it22:40
LintDrX, no22:40
flootenkerpJava apps22:40
rafael__puff as that is the karmic22:40
flootenkerpTo run videos and such22:40
rictecanyone here can point me to a vpau test app?22:40
mespejelhello.. i select hardware drivers option. and i successful install the broadcom sta wireless driver.. but for some reason i cant install the nvidia accelerated graphics driver :(22:41
PeterBendtsenflootenkerp: loving the instability and slowness?22:41
mespejelany idea?22:41
glickyeah i just installed 9.10 on my netbook22:41
glickseems nice22:41
MoTecpuff: likely port 6000 is blocked22:41
aciculapuff: easier to wait 6 months and swapthem to LTS 10.4 ?22:41
flootenkerpPeter, 9.10 isn't unstable22:41
mespejeli click activate but nothing happens22:41
flootenkerpit's actually vety good22:41
puffacicula: It might be, yeah.22:41
flootenkerpFor a beta22:41
PeterBendtsenlovre: hax22:41
lovrePeterBendtsen: what do you mean?22:41
arand!medibuntu > flootenkerp22:41
flootenkerpNot to mention, I just left vista for this22:41
ubottuflootenkerp, please see my private message22:41
netbookAnyone know how to enable system try notification for updates!?!?22:41
puffMoTec: yeah, I'm assuming the upgrade undid the changes I had to make to allow port 6000.22:41
oCean_flootenkerp:  this is ubuntu support, not chat22:41
DrXLint: it can't be done?22:41
glickhey is there a way for all applications to show up on the bottom panel regardless of what virtual desktop they are one?22:41
puffMoTec: Do you know offhand where to find t he info on how to dot hat?  I'm gogling on it now.22:42
flootenkerpAnd I'm asking for a terminal code22:42
mespejelso any idea?22:42
mespejelcan someone help me with that please22:42
flootenkerpSo what is the terminal code for java?22:42
flootenkerpI want to enable vids22:42
mespejeli cant install the vidia graphics driver using the hardware drivers option22:42
LintDrX, you need all parent dirs to be writable for child to be writable22:42
puffOh, and if you want to feel good about this, they're using this to improve cancer treatment, so you're helpnig cure cancer :-)22:42
mespejeli click active and try to download but it fail22:42
MoTecis it under System > Administration > Login ?22:42
lovrePeterBendtsen: what do you mean hax?22:42
MoTecpuff is it under System > Administration > Login ?22:42
arand!medibuntu > flootenkerp22:42
rictecmespejel, failed how?22:42
aciculaglick: right click panel in the right place , dont group, show all22:42
arand!java > flootenkerp22:42
ardchoilleglick: Taskbar prefs. "Show windows fro all workspaces"22:43
ubottuflootenkerp, please see my private message22:43
mespejelrictec, well it just fail to install it22:43
netbookUbuntu 9.10: Anyone know how to enable system try notification for updates!?!?22:43
LintDrX, or may be not22:43
netbook* meant tray22:43
DrXLint: well, can you at least make them writable to authenticated samba users but not to non-authenticated users?22:43
glickardchoille, where do i access that?22:43
insm0dPeterBendtsen, I really don't care for Ubuntu either, mainly it's impossible to configure it to my liking, but this is a support channel, not a rant channel.  Please email or write Canonical and let them know what you think of their product, don't post it here because no one will listen22:43
rictecmespejel, no error messages?22:43
ardchoillenetbook: Unless you changed it, that should be done by default22:43
aciculanetbook: add to panel -> system tray22:43
shuochenwhat's easiest way to get previous ubuntu 7.04 build-essential repos on a cd without a working modem22:43
MoTechmm.. puff http://gregorygrubbs.com/development/get-remote-x-working-in-karmic/22:43
neo_hay does anyone know where i can get notepad ++ for ubuntu?22:43
ardchoilleglick: right-click the taksbar applet22:43
puffI'm currently reading this: http://www.quietearth.us/articles/2006/08/24/Ubuntu-Enabling-remote-Xwindows22:44
arandglick: click the start of the window list (the small dots) > properties22:44
mespejelrictec, noup22:44
lovreneo_: you cant. There is no linux version of notepad++22:44
Shu  insm0d22:44
MoTecpuff: that's old22:44
Billiardneo_: notepad++ is only for windows, but you can run it using wine22:44
puffHm, but that quietearth page doens't mention mucking with a gnome file... I defnitely remember having to do that.22:44
ardchoilleglick: It's called window list, it's all the buttons for the open apps22:44
insm0dneo_, gedit has many of the same features as notepad++22:44
alex_hi all22:44
draconisvi should be enough for anyone22:44
lovreneo_: why would you want to use notepad++ when there is Kate and Gedit?22:44
rictecmespejel, chek if you can run update22:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:44
Shuinsm0d, could you give me a walkthrough for getting the drivers and stuff?22:44
glicksweeeet thanks22:44
MoTecpuff: that's an old version.  this is for 9.10 http://gregorygrubbs.com/development/get-remote-x-working-in-karmic/22:44
snuffy47I am looking to install Deluge on my new jaunty server and am having a hard time finding how toos22:45
Shuand iceroot22:45
neo_well im used to notepad ++ ive used it since i started html22:45
rictecmespejel, are you using that machine now?22:45
alex_hey, can somebody help me with a graphics issue in ubuntu 9.1022:45
Shuiceroot, got anything for me?22:45
insm0dShu, I'll try, but there are a lot of steps.22:45
neo_ill go look up kate22:45
Shuokay insm0d22:45
MoTecruns it over ssh, using ssh to handle the port, heh22:45
ardchoillealex_: Please state the issue22:45
draconisneo_, try Bluefish, if you want a HTML text editor22:45
Shuinsm0d, I'll open a dialogue window22:45
puffMoTec: Thanks... but I still remembe rhvaing to muck with a gnome config file.  Then again, maybe that's fixed in the newer version.22:46
neo_i have and its ok22:46
rictecalex_ what issue?22:46
sweetandyEveryone who wants to get their windows apps working under Ubuntu: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm22:46
alex_i have installed ubuntu 9.10 and no my maximum resolution is 800*60022:46
PeterBendtsenhow many patches does the default ubuntu linux kernel apply to the linux kernel?22:46
alex_i don't know how to detect the graphic chip (it should be an intel)22:46
rictecalex_, what monitor/graphic card you have?22:46
netbookHow can I tell what I have in my panel already??22:46
Billiardnetbook: look at it?22:47
arandPeterBendtsen: look it up on launchpad.22:47
PeterBendtsenarand: im a noob22:47
rictecalex_, can you run a console "sudo lspci" and see what card it is?22:47
ardchoillenetbook: right-click an applet and choose "About"22:47
netbookBillard I am trying to find where notifications will show up22:47
Shuinsm0d, you there?22:48
arand!launchpad > PeterBendtsen22:48
ubottuPeterBendtsen, please see my private message22:48
snuffy47I am looking to install Deluge on my new jaunty server and am having a hard time finding how toos22:48
PeterBendtsenarand: i dont visit https links...they are insecure22:48
snuffy47I am looking to install Deluge on my new jaunty server and am having a hard time finding how toos.  The people on Deluge chat are mean22:48
aciculaPeterBendtsen: unlike http links?22:48
netbookStill trying to figure out how to enable little orange update indicator22:48
PeterBendtsenacicula: exactly!22:48
ZykoticK9alex_, "lspci | grep -i vga" will tell you the gfx card22:49
arandPeterBendtsen: then you won't get an answer. simple.22:49
aciculaecho reply22:49
ardchoillenetbook: Unless you changed it, that should be done by default22:49
oCean_snuffy47: deluge is in repositories.. "sudo apt-get install deluge" will do22:49
faxhey I put rEFIt on like you said but it doesn't show up on startup?22:49
mespejelrictec, i dont have the update option anymore:S cant found it.. where is supposed to be22:49
netbookardchoille I didn't change it and it isn't there22:49
ardchoillenetbook: it won't show up unless there are updates22:49
netbookardchoille I see I need updates through the byubo screen manager22:49
PeterBendtseni cant found the update option either22:49
Toteteronline boxing game http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html sorry im just testing my page. enter if you want22:49
rictecmespejel, its on the system->administration22:49
smwnDoes ubuntu work with N standard wifi?22:49
puffHere's the error log http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5278109022:49
smwnor just b and g22:49
netbookardchoille but no indicator22:50
arand!update > PeterBendtsen22:50
ubottuPeterBendtsen, please see my private message22:50
PeterBendtsenlovre: how did you do that22:50
snuffy47w/ oCean_:  I installed it from that command but it will be headless and the documentation is noob unfreiendly22:50
lovrePeterBendtsen: well, i used VirtualBox to make it so... and it works great, ubuntu and windows side by side, no difference22:51
PeterBendtsenlovre: is that a google chrome icon or Iron?22:51
lovrePeterBendtsen: Google Chrome but for linux22:51
PeterBendtsenlovre: how did you get windows WINDOWS in ubuntu22:51
lovrePeterBendtsen: called Chromium22:51
PeterBendtsenIron > Chromium22:51
lovrePeterBendtsen: i told you, i used VirtualBox, and its working perfect22:51
PeterBendtsenits chromium - google tracking features22:51
arandPeterBendtsen: hmm, ignore that last link, that was for upgrading ubuntu distro as opposed to upgrading packages..22:52
PeterBendtsenarand: i already ignored you22:52
optimizerhow do I troublehsoot on ubuntu?22:52
airtonixsnuffy47, doesn't deluge have a web interface?22:52
optimizerubuntu 9.10 that is22:52
BrixSathello any one knows a svn server? (if possible in php?22:52
PeterBendtsen!ops troll optimizer22:52
airtonixsnuffy47, i'm pretty sure it does22:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:52
* BrixSat slaps BrixSat around a bit with a large trout22:52
oCean_snuffy47: ah well, I'm not using it in cmdline mode...22:52
MoTecubottu: don't sell yourself short.. you're smarter than a lot of those in here..22:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:53
RichiHPeterBendtsen: ?22:53
Jester05hey  Younder you still here?22:53
PeterBendtsenhe asked how to troubleshoot on ubuntu RichiH22:53
jpdsPeterBendtsen: What RichiH said.22:53
PeterBendtsenobvious troll is obvious22:53
RichiHPeterBendtsen: "he" being?22:53
Jester05I think I found another problem with that whole ram being eaten issue.. deluge is also eating ram.. any chance i somehow got a virus?22:54
snuffy47w/ airtonix it does have a web interface and that is all I want to use but it will be running on a headless server22:54
Jester05all my ram is going to cache and a bunch of python scripts are being run22:54
optimizererr, how do I troubleshoot sound on ubuntu 9.1022:54
lfaraoneIs it possible to interact with a serial port programmatically? I'm looking for something like minicom's runscript, but I need to use the current system time as a variable in my commands.22:54
optimizererr, how do I troubleshoot sound on ubuntu 9.10; i have done sudo aplay -l; with alsamixer, I have the volumes turned up; all I get is a low static on my speakers22:55
jpds!sound | optimizer22:55
ubottuoptimizer: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:55
snuffy47it seems deluge is the torrent to use but man the docs suck butt22:55
rocky|raccoonanyone have a good gamepad/usb controller that they could recommend for use in karmic? unfortunately i'm still on a ps/2 keyboard and that'll only register a certain amount of keypresses at once :>22:55
airtonixsnuffy47, I assume you already have and know how to manipulate your server via ssh?22:55
rictecsnuffy47, deluge is good i love it22:55
neo_well kate isnt great i might just stay with bluefish22:56
jolarenUbuntu seems to hang itself quite often on my ion asrock 330.. Had some problems installing nvidia drivers but .. could that be the reasonn?22:56
airtonixsnuffy47, some help might be gained from this thread : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-938552.html22:57
arandoptimizer: Try these two links (first one covers more, second is more specific w/ commands): http://drowninginbugs.blogspot.com/2009/10/caveats-for-audio-in-ubuntu-karmic-beta.html AND http://unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/525-resolve-nosound-problem-on-ubuntu910-karmic-koala22:57
airtonixsnuffy47, also : http://superuser.com/questions/35919/which-torrent-apps-work-headless-from-command-line-only22:57
airtonixsnuffy47, also : any reason why you're not using rTorrent instead?22:58
airtonixsnuffy47, rTorrent has several XMLRPC interfaces available22:58
airtonixsnuffy47, http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/UtilsList22:59
puffMoTec: I think this may be the problem:  http://www.peppertop.com/blog/?p=69023:00
Silent_Echoquestion to the room: i got a dvd but i cant watch it...do i need to download anything?23:01
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:01
ardchoilleSilent_Echo: ^^23:01
Silent_Echoardchoille thx23:01
mah2223hi guys, terminal & firefox launch when ubuntu boots up, any ideas how to get them to stop? they're not in startup applications as far as i can see23:03
TartarosJester05: what's with your ram again?23:04
t00lmah2223, no idea here23:04
jolarenSeveral times while browsing the web with firefox on my ubuntu 9.10 installation I loose the toolbar, or whatever its called where the X is located etc..23:04
mah2223ok, thanks for thinking about it23:04
jolarenReally annoying23:04
ardchoillemah2223: Startup apps, options tab.. did you check to "automatically remember.."?23:04
Tartarosmah2223: tried quitting them before you logged out, and/or disabling the "start what was on when quitting" thingy?23:04
mah2223yeah i looked at that23:05
AtomicSparkOh noes, redirects.23:05
mah2223i know exactly what you mean23:05
mah2223that's unchecked23:05
mah2223i also looked at like firefox and terminal preferences23:05
mah2223and nothing's there23:05
Tartarosmah2223: sure you had it quit before logging out?23:05
ZykoticK9!enter > mah222323:05
ubottumah2223, please see my private message23:05
eddym__hey guys does this work at 6pm23:05
eddym__at> halt23:05
eddym__(Press CTRL+D)23:05
eddym__shut down pc23:05
FloodBot1eddym__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
mah2223name: ubottu got it thanks23:06
mah2223oh i don't think i did the name thing right23:06
cba123Can I rsync multiple folders on 1 machine to 1 folder on another?23:06
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:06
Tartarosoh, that :)23:06
mah2223ok so no more ideas, huh?23:07
Tartarosmah2223: killall firefox before you log out, try again23:07
mah2223ok i'll give that a go right now23:07
sam__What is the cheapest printer availible in the UK that works 'out of the box?'23:08
linxehbuying a printer by its box price is a bad idea23:08
taconeis it normal to have the cdrom listed in /etc/fstab ? it gives me an error if no cdrom is in23:08
mah2223firefox: no process found23:08
linxehyou'll end up with a lexmark printer or something, and it will cost you more than the printer for the ink23:08
linxehtacone: yes23:09
linxehtacone: you may have a mistake in there though which is causing it to try mounting at boot or something23:09
Silent_Echoardchoille, yo...does this mean i cant watch dvds at all?23:09
Mike1somehow i‘m losing packages over W-LAN23:10
taconelinxeh: let's see if I can pastebin it23:10
MaerlandeI have an old Gateway laptop with 256 MB ram. I'm looking for a recommendation on flavour to try.  I'm brand new to linux.  The ubuntu documentation suggest xcfe desktop.23:10
mah2223tartaros: what do you think about that? (firefox: no process found)23:10
marklinSorry to jump in on this, but has anyone having any success using BThead with Karmic?23:10
useronei have 3 laptops all running ubuntu 9.10. unfortunately, i have only 1 usb modem, connected to the fastest laptop. i am getting ridiculously high broadband speeds, what is the best way to share this 1 usb modem across the 3 ubuntu laptops?23:11
Tartarossam__: I got SAMSUNG ML-1640, whixch is the cheapest one here and it works ok with jaunty and karmic23:11
yangerhi. using ubuntu karmic, when i mount a network drive via Places -> Connect to server.. can i access that mount via a terminal?23:11
Tartarosmah2223: that's ok, now restart23:11
Tartarosor relog23:11
mah2223ok cool here goes thanks23:11
TartarosMike1: you mean packets right?23:12
Tartarosmah2223: relog = logout, login23:12
Mike1Tartaros: oh, yes :D23:12
Mike13 to 10% just disappear23:12
Tartarossays who?23:13
sam__Tartaros, thanks23:13
Mike1says ping23:13
nihilogicHas anyone here been able to get compiz working in a VMware Fusion 3.0 VM?23:13
Billiardyanger: afaik, no23:13
marklin[kermic] have anyone successfully used their BT headset as their primary sound source in Karmic?23:13
TartarosMike1: well it's probably something wrong with your network or yor isp's, not ubunu...23:13
Billiardyanger: you can manually mount it in terminal23:13
marklinnihilofic, try virutalbox from sun.  I've had great success with that23:14
yangerBilliard: dang... ok.. maybe it can be a enhancement someday23:14
Mike1Tartaros: mhhh maybe23:14
mah2223trying to get firefox and terminal to stop launching when ubuntu boots up, if anyone has any ideas23:14
nihilogicWe use VMware in a professional enviornment, it's not an essential but it'd be nice.23:14
Tartaros!hi | firejuggler23:14
ubottufirejuggler: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:14
mah2223tartaros: ineffective, thank you for the suggestion though23:15
Tartarosmah2223: weird :)23:15
Billiardyanger: you can use autofs, to automount samba shares when you try to access them23:15
cwawakhey folks, i've noticed something odd in 9.10, it seems like ipv6 stateless autoconfig is broken in 9.10, but it worked fine in the previous release. anyone getting it to work at all?23:15
mah2223super weird, right? everything else is great it's the oddest thing, very annoying though23:15
zaoulI just upgraded to 9.10, GDM does not start at boot, how can I make it so (and why does it not)23:17
=== Azverkan_ is now known as Azverkan
firejugglerI installed Ubuntu 9.10 a few hours ago and I have now some problem (and yes i'm a beginner). I installed the proprietary driver of my graphic card (ati 4750) and I restarted my PC.  after the reboot,  I have no GUI, only a black screen with a white box with 'max resolution is 1280*1024 @ 60MHZ'. however I can still access to the command line. any idea?23:18
seidosmah2223: i used to have the problem you're describing.  i think i found something on the ubuntu forums that pointed me to a directory that i had to navigate to, then modify a file.  i forget the path though.  i take it you tried the start up applications program in system -> preferences already.23:18
mah2223that's right23:19
mah2223first thing i tried lol23:19
mah2223oops sorry about the enter thing23:19
mah2223oh fuck23:19
=== technokrat is now known as technokrat2
rictecanyone here uses mythbuntu?23:20
Billiardrictec: just ask the "real" question23:20
zaoulhow 2 git gee dee em awn strt op?23:20
rictecBilliard, that didnt work lol23:21
nihilogiczaoul: You want to get gdm on startup?23:21
zaoulnihilogic: I upgraded to 9.10 and GDM does not start on boot anymore23:22
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-gone
corinthCan someone give me the skinny on Wubi? Seems to work great as an install option for a dual-booter like me...what's the downside?23:22
nihilogicWhat does it start to?23:22
taconelinxeh: could you take a look ? http://pastebin.com/m7b46c04c23:22
_MAX_hi there23:22
zaoulnihilogic: CLI login23:22
nihilogiczaoul: once you're logged in can you start gdm?23:22
Billiardfirejuggler: try manually setting your resolution using xorg.conf23:22
zaoulnihilogic: yea I did a service gdm start23:23
_MAX_does anyone have a clue why every usb-serial device is now blocked when i want to use a serial terminal in 9.10?23:23
_MAX_permission denied line is in use23:23
kasphnhave a question.. hope someone can answer it.. is there any way to make a pdf of a playlist in rhythmbox?23:23
_MAX_is what i get23:23
linxehtacone: same as mine. what error is it ?23:23
davidboy!enter _MAX_23:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter _MAX_23:23
mircoHi all, I could need a hand of someone with xen-pciback experience...23:24
taconei don't know, the error didn't last very much on the screen23:24
Azverkan_MAX_: as root?23:24
taconei just was able to see 'unable to mount -.. entry in /etc/fstab23:24
ottottodo you happen to know how i can start vlc to test if dvb-s works when i got this "Das Erste:11836:h:0:27500:101:102:28106" from the channels.conf?23:24
_MAX_Azverkan: yep as root23:24
colloguyhow do I get a list of the names or identifiers of all open windows?23:24
rictecanyone knows of any tool to test vdpau is working?23:25
=== xpa_ is now known as boraklavun
Billiardkasphn: i beleive you can save a pdf in openoffice, you copy copy the text of your playlist there23:25
mrXXguys, anyone plz help me setup multiple localhosts in uubuntu!! i m tired of trying23:25
taconelinxeh: which log file should I look ?23:25
_MAX_cu -s 19200 -l /dev/tty.... as root and line is always busy... but lsof does not show anything23:25
next_jerkhi !23:25
nihilogiczaoul: you could try adding  "gdm &" in /etc/rc.local just before "exit 0"23:25
zaoulnihilogic: sounds like a hack23:25
next_jerkżyje ktos ?23:26
nihilogicNot sure what would cause the behavior, it should run from an init script.23:26
Billiardnihilogic: thats a hack23:26
taconemrXX: you could try the Rapache program. Sadly it doesnt work on jaunty/karmic and you have to hack it23:26
nihilogicIt is indeed.23:26
=== genii__ is now known as genii
kittyhawkcan anyone help me set up my new ubuntu box to print to an ipp server?23:26
kasphnbilliard: yes of course, but I want to have all info from id3 tags23:26
zaoulso the upgrade is  broke?23:26
next_jerko fuck thi is englis !23:26
FloodBot1next_jerk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:26
Seeker`!language | next_jerk23:26
ubottunext_jerk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:26
linxehtacone: I thought you said it gave you an error ?23:26
zaoulso the upgrade did not work?23:26
mrXXtacone it used to work dude, i had done it in weeks back, i dont know how to now23:26
zaoulso ubuntu releases upgrades that do not work?23:26
kittyhawkI can "connect" to it with the system-config-printers tool23:26
zaoulsounds like something microsoft would do23:26
kittyhawkbut I don't understand how to actually set up any printers23:26
linxehtacone: 23:08 <tacone> is it normal to have the cdrom listed in /etc/fstab ? it gives me an error if no cdrom is in23:27
kittyhawkI mean, I can browse the printers, they all work23:27
taconelinxeh: yes, it did, but the error didn't lasted very much on the screen23:27
kittyhawkbut I can't set up my local machine to use them23:27
linxehtacone: at boot ?23:27
taconethat error was referring to a bad entry in fstab23:27
zaoulkittyhawk: just go to localhost:631 and config a printer from there23:27
taconeyes, at boot23:27
taconeunder the graphic logo23:27
nihilogiczaoul: nope, i've had no issue with my upgrade.23:27
zaoulkittyhawk: in your browser23:27
linxehtacone: it might be in the output of dmesg, or in /var/log/messages23:27
android6011I just installed ubuntu and it hangs at "checking battery state"23:27
Billiardkasphn: there is a command line program mid3v2  to extract info from id3 tags, if thats what you want23:27
android6011and its a desktop23:27
seidoszaoul: microsoft charges for it's software.23:28
marklinMy BT headset seem to connect, but no sound is coming out.  dmesg saying unknown SCO packet for hci0... any ideas?23:28
nihilogiczaoul: They can't possibly check the upgrade procedure on every configuration of PC imaginable, there's sure to be bugs. have you tried reconfiguring xorg with dpkg?23:28
mrXXtacone isn't it this way to setup multiple sites 1)create a file in sites-enabled 2)edit the hosts file 3)enable the site23:28
taconelinxeh: looking there23:28
kasphnbilliard: does it make a single file or do I have to copy/paste??23:28
kittyhawkzaoul: do I have to add each printer manually then?23:28
Billiardyou would have to write a script to use it23:28
Billiardkasphn: ^23:28
taconemrXX: no. create in sites-available, add the hosts entry and then enable the site23:29
kittyhawkzaoul: there's a large number of them in my department23:29
taconebut it should kind of work even the way you did23:29
taconedid you restart apache ?23:29
mrXXtacone could you please write me the simplest contents for the file in site-available?23:29
mrXXtacone plz see mine http://paste.ubuntu.com/318216/23:29
mrXXtacone i think my file has the problem23:30
kasphnBilliard: do i have to copy the info from the console into open office for example??23:30
useronewhich usb modem router works best with ubunut?23:30
usser_userone, why use a usb router??23:30
Billiardkasphn: you could write a script to create a text file and probably even the pdf23:31
taconemrXX: seems ok to me23:31
useroneusser_: no..a router which allows 1 usb modem to be shared with 3 ubuntu laptops23:31
beeftubekasphn use imagemagic to make a PDF from TXT23:31
taconemrXX: this is the simplest possible http://paste.ubuntu.com/318227/23:31
kittyhawkzaoul: I don't know what I did but they're all showing up in my print dialog now.23:31
kittyhawkzaoul: thanks for your help23:31
kasphnBilliard: writing code isn't my type of thing...23:31
taconemrXX: you forgot to tell me what's the error you get23:31
ty_does anyone know the game that they show under ubuntu 9.10 features.  it looks like a shoort23:31
kasphnbeeftube: ok23:32
beeftubequitck commandline tool called convert23:32
Sarujihello guys, q. trying to get vista machine to see folders on shared ubuntu folder, just setup samba, any help please ? :) thank you23:32
mrXXtacone  my problem is that i cannot get the second local host to work23:32
boraklavunhello everybody good nigth23:32
ty_does anyone know the game that they show under ubuntu 9.10 features.  it looks like a shooter23:32
boraklavunI live in Turkey and Istanbul23:32
taconemrXX: be more specific. what happens when you restart apache ? and when you try to visit the virtualhost23:33
usser_userone, never heard of routers with usb ports. your modem doesnt have a network port?23:33
Q|9.04 wine & sound: I start a new X server with World of Warcraft over wine (ALSA configured) and I hear sound. Now I switch to the 1st X-Server, sound continues. Switch back to 2nd - no sound. Switch again back to 1st - I hear WoW sound. Any ideas, why sound suddenly only plays on the 1st server, instead of the 2nd one where it was when starting WoW?23:33
sam__is there a list of supported hardware anywhere?23:33
beeftubety_ try Urban terror, Nexuiz, tremulous, and true combat elite, all free, and all work in linux23:33
sam__all kinds of periperals that work 'out of the box'?23:33
mrXXtacone i dont get error, the problem is i get redirected to localhost eventhough i type the next domain name23:33
Ashfire908What permission flag (for entry into chmod) makes it so if you are in the file's group it will execute as the file's owner's user?23:33
taconemrXX: try to stop completely apache and the restart it23:34
tommynz1975hello people :)23:34
taconemrXX: take note of the output23:34
useroneusser_: they have been available since 2006! just wanted to know which works best with 9.10, if any23:34
mrXXtacone will do it, thanks dude , i will write to u later23:34
salvadorHow can I enable the root account for using it?23:34
Sarujiunder vista's network and sharing, reads error message "SERVER" is not a valid host, guess that means that they cannot see each other23:34
anonymous_sudo su23:34
Sarujithey have the same workgroup but cannot see one another, just need a point of direction please, thank you23:35
BilliardSaruji: can they ping eachother23:36
mrXXtacone i get no error with apache but here is something different23:36
mrXXtacone when i open my domain i get forbidden error in browser23:36
mrXXtacone now the problem is something else, damn23:37
taconeso it works !23:37
mrXXtacone it says u dont have permission to acces on this server23:37
taconetry to create an index.html23:37
mrXXtacone i have it already23:37
SarujiBilliard yes23:37
taconethen check the folder permissions, make sure www-data can read it23:37
taconeor 777 the whole thing just to try23:38
mrXXtacone will do that23:38
BilliardSaruji: what happens if you type \\serveripaddress\  into windows explorer address bar23:38
mrXXtacone do i put 777 infornt of the folders name?23:38
taconemrXX: chmod 777 /address/of/your/folder -R23:39
jolarenWhat does this mean? Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"23:39
Doorman352Im experimenting with Ubuntu Server 9.04, is webmin the only gui interface? Ive heard that the gnome/kde ones can be used but people kringe when I ask. Want to learn/play - not production.23:40
SarujiBilliard says windows cannot find \\192.x.x.x try again23:40
Billiardjolaren: when do you get this error23:40
mrXXtacone  chmod 777 /home/nabin/mysites/sheriffchaplaincy -R23:40
TartarosDoorman352: gnome/kde is probably kind of an overkill for a server23:40
mrXXtacone is that right?23:40
geniiDoorman352: webmin is not supposed to be an interface at all to ubuntu-server, it was removed for security concerns and replaced in the repos with ebox23:40
tomodaci1is it just me , thats totally incompentent and unable to configure sip in empathy?23:41
taconemrXX: yup23:41
mrXXtacone damn,  again same error23:41
tomodaci1ive installed the sipaddon, but i get no new account to add23:41
mrXXtacone forbidden23:41
geniiDoorman352: You may also want to ask ubuntu server specific questions in the proper channel, which is #ubuntu-server23:41
SarujiBilliard says 'windows cannot find \\192.x.x.x check spelling try again'23:42
Flannelgenii, Doorman352: this channel is fine for server questions too23:42
mrXXtacone You don't have permission to access / on this server.23:42
sam__Doorman352, Google ebox23:42
Doorman352didnt see a server channel in the list, sorry.23:42
taconemrXX:  are you sure there's an index.html in the main folder ?23:42
geniiFlannel: Well, we have a lot of overlap on helpers between the channels, yes23:42
Sarujii'm sorry are server questions not allowed here?23:43
FlannelSaruji: They are allowed23:43
SarujiFlannel thank you23:43
mrXXtacone yes dude,23:43
Doorman352So am I OT?23:43
FlannelDoorman352: No.  Webmin isn't supported though.23:43
mrXXtacone i have to go eat, will u still be around?23:44
andydoes wired internet not work for anyone else23:44
taconemrXX: is the 'sherifchaplaincy' name share among any other vhost ?23:44
taconemrXX: i dunno23:44
taconesee you after, or try to ask in #apache23:44
=== andy is now known as Guest55287
SarujiBilliard any ideas?23:44
mrXXtacone i appreciate ur help dude, the other guy was a retard lol23:44
FlannelDoorman352: as for other GUIs, you can install a lot of them, they're in the repos.  But depending on what sort of server you're running, they might not be of much/any help.23:44
taconemrXX: try in #apache. more easy to get help about that23:44
Doorman352Flannel: I was looking for something GUI like that is supported for experimenting with Ubuntu Server23:44
geniiDoorman352: Not really. But there are some questions which are specific to the server distribution which more help can be found in the specific channel (like web gui interfaces, how to set dns, email servers, and so on)23:44
Guest55287y doesnt wired internet work23:44
mrXXtacone dude see my hosts file http://paste.ubuntu.com/318237/23:45
BilliardSaruji: can you access the samba shares on your linux smb://localhost  i think should work23:45
sam__Doorman352, EBOX23:45
FlannelDoorman352: for our purposes, Ubuntu server is just regular Ubuntu without a GUI installed by default.23:45
ymalheirosanyone know how to enable middle click touchpad tap on upper right corner?23:45
jA_cOpI've burned two 700MB CD images with 9.04, but both times they end up corrupt. Opening them in a file browser shows them containing no files. Any advice on how to properly burn a bootable image?23:45
SarujiBilliard dont know how to check that23:45
taconemrXX: seems ok to me23:45
nihilogicJa_cOp: what OS are you using to burn them?23:46
FlannelDoorman352: so, if you want to experiement and are new, I suggest youinstall the 'regular' Ubuntu, and then play with the server stuff23:46
mrXXtacone alright later dude, if u think u know the answer, u can pm me, see ya23:46
Guest55287should i switch over to xubuntu from xp23:46
SarujiBilliard i can output my samba file, I tested the permissions, seemed fine23:46
jA_cOpnihilogic, InfraRecorder on Windows Vista23:46
BilliardSaruji: enter that into natilus address bar23:46
SarujiBilliard ok23:46
seidosGuest55287: i would recommend dual booting if you can23:46
acovrigIs there anyway to join an irc room without having to use the /join command after connecting, automate the connection23:46
Doorman352Flannel: How do I do that? I read the kernals are different....23:46
mnainesAnyone in here know anything about Jpilot?23:47
Guest55287is there a easy way to delete the linux partion if i dual boot23:47
jA_cOpThat depends entirely on your client acovrig23:47
nihilogicJa_cOp: Try http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/Vista.htm Incorperates .iso burning into the shell. If it happens again perhaps your burner needs cleaning.23:47
acovrigGuest 55287, I use GParted on a CD, you can also run it from a USB23:47
acovrigit has a nice GUI and is quite easy23:47
jA_cOpThanks nihilogic, will try that :)23:47
SarujiBilliard ok i can access all of the shared folders through there23:47
acovrigirsii, or something like that23:47
BilliardSaruji: ok23:48
Guest55287i would have to run it from usb im using a netbook23:48
FlannelDoorman352: The kernels are different, but their differences don't matter for your purposes23:48
BilliardSaruji: and windows can ping linux box?23:48
Ashfire908Guest55287, yes, but you'll need to deal with reconfiguring/reinstalling the bootloder for windows23:48
SarujiBilliard yes, I figure it should work right?23:48
SarujiBilliard figured*23:48
nihilogicjA_cOp: might want to make sure the md5 hash matches up with the .iso also, to make sure it isn't corrupt somehow.23:48
Guest55287ill just stick to wubifor now23:48
=== Guest55287 is now known as smeags
Doorman352Flannel: Im trying build equivalent servers in LINUX to my windwos ones, so will SAMBA, etc run on the desktop versions the same?23:49
jA_cOpYeah nihilogic, but first I need it to at least burn correctly enough to show up in a file browser I suppose :P23:49
acovrigIs there anyway to join an irc room without having to use the /join command after connecting, automate the connection with ircii23:49
messiah69is it normal that i try to copy some heavy files to my external-hard disk and it takes sooooo long? for example, a folder around 5-6 g many minutes to copy it... i know my motherboard isn't usb 2.0 but... i expected to be faster; how fast is usb (before 2.0)???23:49
smeagsis there any disadvantage to just using wubi23:49
BilliardSaruji: i guess pastebin your smb.conf23:49
FlannelDoorman352: Yes.  Linux doesn't differentiate between "server" and "desktop" programs, they're all just programs.23:49
fcuk112acovrig: just google for it, it can be done.23:49
smeagsis there any disadvantage to just using wubi23:50
mnainesmessiah, USB1.1 is only 100MB/sec23:50
nihilogicjA_cOp: you can typically download the md5 along with the .iso and run the comparison. Pre-burning that is.23:50
geniismeags: Many23:50
mnaines100mbps I mean23:50
ardchoilleacovrig: jA_cOp  answer that already23:50
FlannelDoorman352: You can install the full Ubuntu desktop on a machine you used the server CD to install, or just install from the Ubuntu DEsktop CD, and then add whatever servers you want to it.23:50
FlannelDoorman352: (since you want a GUI)23:50
SarujiBilliard ok thank you, one moment23:50
seidosmnaines, messiah69:  i think usb 1.1 is 12Mb/s23:50
messiah69mnaines, so... 5000/100= 50 seconds?23:51
jA_cOpah nihilogic, you meant checking the downloaded image. Good idea.23:51
acovrigmember:genii, wubi problems, like what23:51
mnainesmessiah69: I have no idea what you mean23:51
nihilogicjA_cOp: yep :)23:51
Doorman352Its easier for me to find and modify the configs in the GUI, haven found any gui tools to do anything yet. Webmin is really tough to use since it renamed everything...23:51
messiah69mnaines, 5g= 5000M, isn't it? and this usb is 100m/s23:52
[]WACE[]Hi there, anyone know of a solution for the Huawei E220 Dongle problem?23:52
mnainesmessiah, it is actually 12m/s23:52
geniiacovrig: You will bork your system if your Windows install is running on some raid system23:52
PolarinaI just installed a floppy disk drive but I cannot figure out how to format floppy disks. How do I do that?23:52
geniiacovrig: As a for-instance23:52
Doorman352Flannel: sorry that last one was supposed to be to you. Im just rtying to get the hang of the services and the GUI helps. Eventually ill not need it.23:53
messiah69mnaines, seidos any other faster thing to copy? :D23:53
rwwIs there a terminal command to see which package owns a particular file?23:53
r00to3TrueCrypt has been deleted due to FBI request?23:53
smeagsgenii: like what problems23:53
Flannelrww: dpkg -S /path/to/file23:53
linxehr00to3: lol23:53
mnainesmessiah69: I use eSATA for external drives23:53
nihilogicr00to3: wat.23:53
smeagshow do you whisper someone23:54
rwwFlannel: thanks23:54
seidosmessiah69: there was a forum post about this.  i don't have a link for you though, i just know i read it23:54
linxehr00to3: no.23:54
Flannelr00to3: truecrypts license doesn't allow distributions to redistribute it.23:54
seidossmeags: /msg nickname yourmessagehere23:54
linxehr00to3: and the FBI doesnt have authority in the K23:54
r00to3Does TrueCrypt work on 9.10?23:54
messiah69seidos, what do you mean23:54
linxehor any other country23:54
geniismeags: If you want a categorized list of known problems with wubi, why not just visit the launchpad bug page for it, and also actually read the notes on their homepage about it's current limitations23:55
messiah69seidos, about a faster way?23:55
nicetalkspanish speakers ?23:55
PolarinaI just installed a floppy disk drive but I cannot figure out how to format floppy disks. How do I do that?23:55
nicetalkprivate me23:55
rww!es | nicetalk23:55
fl0pserhey, how can i download kernel-headers for kernel 2.6.18? Im running ubuntu server 9.0423:55
ubottunicetalk: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:55
seidosmessiah69: i mean there was someone else who was complaining about the same problem, slow data transfers on usb hard disks.  i don't recall a solution being presented.23:56
messiah69seidos, but for example... 5000Mb / 10 Mb = 500 seconds = more or less 10 minutes; and it is taken much more than 10 minutes ;)23:56
rwwfl0pser: the supported kernel version for 9.04 is 2.6.28. Did you mistype, or do you actually need the older version headers?23:56
seidos5000 Mb / 10 mb/s = 500 s23:57
fl0pserrww: nop I actully need older version. I'm working witha VPS server.23:57
jA_cOpnihilogic, indeed my image is corrupt, redownloading now. Thanks for the help23:57
messiah69seidos, and 500 s is less than 10 minutes ;) and it is taken much more than 10 minutes23:58
acovrigI tried /CHANNEL ADD -auto #roomname network.net PasswordForRoom23:58
nihilogicjA_cOp: Welcome, glad to help.23:58
fcuk112acovrig: you need to auto-connect to the server first iirc.23:59
acovrigI did, /etc/irc/servers23:59
EffiHey guys23:59
ymalheirosanyone know how to enable middle click touchpad tap on upper right corner?23:59

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