
=== barlas_ is now known as barlas
Digit0My ubuntu One doesn't seem to work10:37
Boohbahis this a canonical product?10:37
Digit0I put files in the folder10:37
Digit0but they don't appear on the web10:37
Digit0Hello ??10:42
=== rodrigo_1 is now known as rodrigo_
fummyHeyho, just wanted to ask if there is a way to make my documents folder the default syncing folder?11:50
rtaggerfummy, not at the moment11:50
fummydamn, thanks anyway11:51
rtaggerfummy, such possibility is being evaluated at the moment, but currently only ~/Ubuntu One folder get synced11:51
tizCan't you remove the documents folder and link it to ~/Ubuntu One?11:51
fummyill give it a try11:52
fummyto easy :)11:55
fummythanks alot11:55
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: Have a question? Ping rmcbride | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 276, Protocol Revno is 73
CardinalFangDesktop+ MEETING BEGINS.  Say 'me' to claim a slice of the stand-up meeting, then take your turn by saying DONE/TODO/BLOCKED.14:59
CardinalFangvds, urbanape?15:03
CardinalFangMaybe u will catch up.  teknico, start 'er up.15:04
teknicoshall I go?15:04
teknicoDONE: planned the new work on funambol phone sync with Chipaca and vds; defined personal and national holidays for the next two months in canonicaladmin.com; started investigating SMS integration for phone sync with vds (story-0015, #399646)15:04
teknicoTODO: continue SMS integration for phone sync (story-0015, #399646)15:04
teknicoBLOCK: none15:04
tekniconext: CardinalFang15:04
Chipaca_ah, teknico was first :)15:04
CardinalFangDONE: desktopcouch execution context added as parameters (three days of work), so complex testing will be possible soon.15:05
CardinalFangTODO: Figure out Bug#481806, processing files exist.  Refactor replication and add testing.15:05
CardinalFangBLOCKED: None15:05
CardinalFangjblount, catch!15:05
jblountDONE: FACE duty!15:05
jblountTODO: Review day, sort missing images in 9.04 install instructions, sort through recentish bugs to figure out what branches I can get done the week before UDS is over, figure out what I want to do for the next 6 months15:05
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:05
jblountChipaca_: you!15:05
Chipaca_DONE: started people working on neglected aspects of u1. finally getting enough estimates to do some planning (still missing some from dobey, urbanape). Finally got my eyes on the U1 client app spec.15:05
Chipaca_TODO: hunt down the "indicator-applet-session" api. take the afternoon off to spend with my family, pack, and rest before my trip.15:05
Chipaca_BLOCKED: negative15:05
Chipaca_NEXT: rodrigo_15:05
rodrigo_• DONE: More evo-couchdb bug fixing. Started looking at unterminated strings problem in notes API15:05
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine? Push evo-couchdb 15:05
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:05
rodrigo_next: vds15:05
vdsDONE: Exploring full sms integration with teknico #39964615:06
vdsTODO: code review15:06
vdsBLOCKED: nope15:06
vds 15:06
vdsI guess urbanape can report when is back...15:06
CardinalFangThanks, all.15:06
jblountCardinalFang: Thanks15:08
Chipaca_CardinalFang: yes, thanks15:10
urbanapeme: DONE: Sprinting, made some good progress on the U1 web UI and got us on latest Lazr-JS and YUI 3.0.0 final, TODO: More sprinting, get our buildout composing lazr-js rather than having it inline in the source, BLOCK: None15:15
urbanapesoz, folks15:16
jblounturbanape: No worries, statik says sprinting gets you out of stand ups :)15:18
urbanapedon't mind poking back in. that's the magic of this here innertubes15:18
krisivesHi all, I just started syncing my notes with Tomboy, and I wanted to know: is there any way to share notes with others?16:04
krisivesMainly I have a notebook I would like to make "public"16:05
jblountkrisives: Not yet, but we've been thinking about it. Would you mind describing how you would like to use a feature like this?16:06
krisivesSure. I originally just went to link someone to my notebook like this:16:06
krisivesBut of course they couldn't view it16:06
jblountInteresting. Thanks for the details!16:07
krisivesI like what is coming out of UbuntuOne so far, but I would love to get involved with the front-end part of it. I've been making rich applications using YUI for a while now, and I think it could be pretty neat16:07
krisivesIs there an API ?16:07
jblountkrisives: There is an API for the storage protocol, I don't think we've got anything public that you can use (like json or whatevs) yet.16:08
krisivesI have a Rhythmbox plugin I have been working on for a while that lets users create a transparent layer of re-tagging their files, so they don't have to actually modify their ID3 tags or anything, and I would love to use UbuntuOne for that16:09
jblountkrisives: That's really interesting. Are you thinking of storing in the users desktopcouch so they could have it available on other machines / on the web?16:09
krisivesWell, the trick with this plugin / source that I made is that it's actually Open Source and Free16:10
krisivesThe audio indexing algorithm isn't on some third party private server16:10
krisivesIt runs on your desktop16:10
jblountkrisives: Sure, what I meant to say was "How would using would you be using Ubuntu One"16:11
krisivesWhat I'm mainly looking to store is tagging and meta information about media files16:11
krisivesI'm not interested in storing any binary data, like media files/content16:12
joshuahooverkrisives: you'll likely be interested in desktop couch16:12
joshuahooverkrisives: examples of how we're using it can be found in tomboy notes, evolution contacts, and firefox bookmarks16:13
krisivesIs that by using ~/UbuntuOne?16:15
krisivesHere is an example of how my plugin works btw16:15
krisivesIf you had the plugin enabled and went to change some tagging information it would store the new tagging information in the cloud/database instead of modifying the ID3 tags at all16:16
krisivesThe goal here is so that you can acquire music from any sources and keep them rather unorganized, but still have a tagged collection.16:17
verterokkrisives: no, ~/Ubuntu One is used by file sharing only, desktopcouch uses couchdb to store structured documents16:17
krisivesI think I've heard of couchdb, isn't that Berkley ?16:17
verterokkrisives: so, as joshuahoover pointed out, desktopcouch fits for your usecase16:18
krisivesSorry, I get it16:18
verterokkrisives: no, http://couchdb.apache.org/16:18
krisivesverterok: ty16:18
krisivesAre there Python bindings for desktop couch ?16:18
verterokkrisives: yeas, https://edge.launchpad.net/desktopcouch16:19
verteroky'r welcome :)16:20
krisivesAre there docs ?16:20
verterokkrisives: what kind of docs?16:20
krisivesPython docs for it's "API"16:20
verterokkrisives: good question, I don't know...16:21
verterokjoshuahoover: ^ ?16:21
krisivesI'll branch it and check it out16:21
krisivespydoc desktopcouch gives me some stuff16:22
joshuahooverkrisives: we're working on it...we spent most of our time prepping things for release and had to neglect the developer support side of things...now we're going to focus on building out things like the docs, how-to's, good examples, etc....i'm putting together a wiki page today with what we have so far...it'll be at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Developers16:23
krisivesI have been documenting Compiz for the last few weeks, if you guys want help with docs I'd love to help out :)16:23
krisivesI'd rather look at Python code than C++ (Compiz switched to C++ from C thankfully recently)16:23
jblountkrisives: That sounds great, it's something we could really use help with right now.16:26
krisivesDo you guys use LP primarily?16:27
krisivesCompiz uses git :(16:27
krisivesEverytime I complain I get sent to: http://whygitisbetterthanx.com/16:27
jblountkrisives: Yeah, LP and bzr and awesome.16:27
krisivesSo if I branch the desktopcouch code as I decipher it and doc it we can handle a merge ok later ?16:28
jblountYeah, we use LP's review process, shouldn't be a problem.16:28
* krisives praises LP16:29
krisivesI'm working on a plugin system based on Bazaar right now ;)16:29
krisivesFor a web application kinda like how WordPress does it16:29
krisivesAlso seems nobody has decent PHP bindings for Bazaar, so I'm making those too :(16:29
* jblount is pretty sure most of the LP hackers avoid PHP at most costs16:34
verterokkrisives: the only thing I know about PHP <-> bzr is xmloutput16:42
krisivesI've just been making bindings that talk to `bzr` using stuff like `bzr log`, etc.16:42
feutete_hello--my u1 client is configured to connect automatically on start, but it doesn't seem to do so--the menubar icon shows a red X unless I click it and choose Connect16:49
feutete_if I update a file in the Ubuntu One directory, I get a notification saying u1 is updating my files, but it doesn't actually make it onto the server, as seen thru the web UI16:49
feutete_what do I have to do to get it to actually connect at startup?16:50
joshuahooverrmcbride: around? ^^16:50
joshuahooverfeutete_: so, if you choose connect, it connects?16:55
joshuahooverkrisives: that's cool that you're doing php bindings for bzr...should be useful to quite a few people16:56
feutete_joshuahoover: yup16:56
feutete_joshuahoover: I just connected it, and am watching to see if it pushes the new files to the server16:57
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, can you post what is in your ~/.config/ubuntuone/ubuntuone-client.conf file?16:57
joshuahooverfeutete_: also, if you have a ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf file, please post that as well16:57
joshuahooverfeutete_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:58
feutete_joshuahoover: I'll get those shortly. FYI, it did push the new files to the server16:58
joshuahooverfeutete_: that's good :) i'd like to get to the bottom of why some people are having problems with ubuntu one client not connecting automatically16:59
feutete_joshuahoover: here is the ubuntuone-client.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317962/16:59
feutete_joshuahoover: there is no syncdaemon.conf17:00
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, hmmm....very strange...the config file is correct...i thought maybe it wouldn't be for some reason17:00
joshuahooverfeutete_: have you restarted the client since setting it to connect automatically?17:01
feutete_joshuahoover: yeah, and I also see "Connect on start: Automatically" in the U1 client preferences17:01
feutete_joshuahoover: yes the prefs have been set to connect automatically for several days now, and i have the same problem every time I restart my machine17:02
feutete_it never seems to connect automatically17:02
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, hmmm...17:02
joshuahooverfeutete_: i've never been able to reproduce this problem but i know several users have reported it17:02
joshuahooverfeutete_: i'm curious what would happen if you set it to remember last...also, if you quit the client now and start it back up, will it connect automatically?17:03
feutete_joshuahoover: I wondered about remember last, too. I'll give that a try. Let me check about quitting and restarting the client17:04
joshuahooverfeutete_: thanks!17:04
feutete_joshuahoover: it looks like if I quit and restart the client, it automatically connects and pushes any updates. So, it appears that the problem is generally on boot17:10
rmcbridejoshuahoover: Hi!17:15
joshuahooverrmcbride: hi! :)17:15
rmcbridejoshuahoover: I see you were able to help feutete_. Thanks17:15
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, that's good to know! i suspected that...are you on a wireless network?17:15
* rmcbride is back in teh house for the time being17:15
feutete_joshuahoover: Currently, I'm on a wired, but I have seen the behavior in both situations17:16
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok17:17
joshuahooverrmcbride...this is the mysterious "set to auto connect but doesn't auto connect on boot" issue17:17
rmcbridejoshuahoover: Seems like some kind of timing issue WRT the connection state when we try to connect the first time. I see it occasionally myself but haven't been able to find a pattern17:18
rmcbrideI know there's a bug on it...17:18
joshuahooverrmcbride: yep, there is a bug...several :)17:19
joshuahooverrmcbride: i've never seen it personally, on my box or any test environment...wired, wireless, never17:19
feutete_joshuahoover: maybe I should ship you my laptop....it happens on every boot :)17:21
joshuahooverfeutete_: :)17:21
feutete_joshuahoover: FWIW, this install of 9.10 was an upgrade--not a fresh install of 9.10. Not sure if that would factor in at all, but...17:22
joshuahooverfeutete_: shouldn't matter17:22
joshuahooverfeutete_: is there anything in your ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log files beyond "starting ubuntuone-client"?17:23
feutete_joshuahoover: yes, lots: http://paste.ubuntu.com/317975/17:24
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, that's actually a good thing17:24
joshuahooverfeutete_: in terms of possibly telling us what might be going on17:25
joshuahooverrmcbride: do you know if the client wouldn't connect because it couldn't reach the syncdaemon?17:25
rmcbridejoshuahoover: dbus could be in a wierd state from that message17:26
rmcbridefeutete_: forgive me if I missed this earlier, do you have anything in the syncdaemons-exception.log (same path as teh other one)?17:27
rmcbridefeutete_: in particular I'm looking for something like "UnicodeDecodeError".17:27
feutete_joshuahoover: no, syncdaemon-exceptions.log is empty, as are the older versions of it (i.e. syncdaemon-exceptions.log.2009-11*17:29
joshuahooverfeutete_: ok, thanks17:29
joshuahooverfeutete_: i don't have an answer for you right now unfortunately...we've got to look into this further17:29
feutete_joshuahoover: no worries. it's not too difficult to manually connect the client at boot17:30
joshuahooverfeutete_: yeah, just a pain17:30
feutete_joshuahoover: it's all good. Thanks for the help17:30
rtaggerjoshuahoover, my client behaves exactly as described by feutete_17:53
rtaggeri.e. upon initial loading gnome it is anways in non-connected state despite "Connect on start" set to Automatically17:55
rtaggerlet's nail it down...17:55
* rtagger leaves to return with logs...17:55
rtaggeroauth - Starting Ubuntu One client version 1.0.2. DBus Error: Did not receive a reply. Not interesting.18:10
rtaggerrmcbride, in order to start productin debug log, what key should be defined in syncdaemon.conf18:11
rtaggerrmcbride, sorry, ubuntuone-client.conf18:11
rmcbridertagger: if we get a traceback, it will wind up in the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/logs/syncdaemon-exceptions log18:11
rmcbridertagger: otherwise severe behavior will be in the syncdaemon.log as well. We don't need to enable debug unless we know there's something at a lower level that we need18:12
rtaggerrmcbride, nope, this time no exceptions, DBus failed to answer, I wonder why.18:12
rtaggerrmcbride, pleeease, what's the key for ubuntuone-client.conf :) ?18:12
rmcbridertagger: I'll have to look. One moment18:13
rmcbridertagger: it may well be in syncdaemon.conf, as far as logging goes. Still looking through my notes18:16
rtaggerrmcbride, ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf18:16
rtaggerjoshuahoover[__main__]14:24 joshuahooverlog_level = DEBUG18:17
rtaggerrmcbride, oops, so it is log_level=DEBUG, not debug=1 :)18:17
rmcbridertagger: ah yes18:18
rmcbridertagger: that would be the one18:18
rtaggerokay, brb :) with more logs about client not starting...18:19
rtaggerokay, any additional debug level for oauth.log ?18:26
rtaggerrmcbride, my spamming the chanel is re: <rmcbride> joshuahoover: dbus could be in a wierd state from that message18:27
rmcbridertagger: we've got a couple of things that are being worked on WRT establishing the connection18:28
rmcbridertagger: my guess is that netmanager is not in a state to respond to the dbus message when we first try18:29
rmcbridertagger: in some cases18:29
rtaggerrmcbride, I have the same issue, the client won't connect on startup and requires manual re-connection. My oauth-login.log contains the same messages from dbus library complaining about dbus...18:29
rtaggerrmcbride, my network connections are handled by NM and set as system default18:29
rmcbridertagger: yes, and that's what leads me to believe there's a timing issue there. I get that too, just not 100% of the time18:30
rmcbridertagger: I'm trying to locate teh master bug report for that kind of connection problem18:30
rtaggerrmcbride, is it possible to patch oauth-login-producing code, so that we at least know what call producess such error18:30
rtaggerrtagger, I can reproduce it 100%18:30
rtaggerrmcbride, i mean I can reproduce it 100%18:31
rmcbridertagger: I suppose such a thing is possible. The developer(s) working on that issue might know more. I'm looking up the report now18:31
rtaggerrmcbride, any developer here in awake state on Friday, 13th?18:32
rmcbridertagger: I'm _A_ dev, but that code isn't something I typically work on. Once I confirm which bug report is the master for this issue I'll see if there's anyone around who is working on the issue.18:33
rtaggerrmcbride, I guess I found the knob to increase the logging level for oauth-login.log...18:34
rmcbridertagger: to confirm, you're seeing an Introspect error and/or "DBus Error: did not recieve a reply", correct?18:37
rtaggerrmcbride, upon initial start, the following message is repeated 3 times in oauth-login.log: DBus Error: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.18:38
rmcbridertagger: OK.18:38
rmcbrideI know I've seen this, but the bug search is being uncooperative18:40
rmcbridestill digging18:40
rmcbridertagger: you might want to go ahead and file a new bug on this with your details that you've given here and the log. I'll get it escalated and assigned as needed.18:41
rmcbridertagger: if I can't find the old master bug this will be the new one.18:41
rmcbridertagger: it seems that Fri 13 has affected my bug search :)18:41
rtaggerrmcbride, since I have no interesting info about the bug except "me too" message, I will try making oauthdesktop cooperate...18:42
rmcbridertagger: OK. I'm still looking. wanted to give you teh option if you so chose.18:42
rmcbrideI'm starting to wonder if this was fixed and is a regression18:42
rmcbridertagger: can you look at your syncdaemon.conf and past the [bandwidth_thottling] section for me? I found a bug that references the d-bus error with some interesting entries there18:50
rtaggerrmcbride, there is one coming from the distro, in /etc/xdf/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf, are you interested in it? It was not changed by me, the per-user version was just created by me to contain the debug-enabling statement18:51
rmcbrideThat would have default values and would be of interest. If there's no user-created section that would be the default18:52
rtaggerrmcbride, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318032/18:52
rtaggerrmcbride, basically, -118:52
rmcbrideright, but it shows throttling as disabled, which should be correct with that value18:53
rmcbridertagger: well I THOUGHT I had found a possible cause.18:53
rmcbridestill digging18:53
rmcbridertagger: I have a bug you can "me too" on if you wish. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/46161419:00
rmcbridertagger: if you can attach your logs to that it would be most helpful19:00
rmcbridertagger: as the initial reporter on that didn't have many logs to attach, according to apport19:01
rtaggerrmcbride, still, I can't make oauth code produce more info, even when manually changed LOG_LEVEL to logger.DEBUG in oauthdesktop/logger.py :(19:01
rmcbridertagger: I don't know that there is more info to get. dbus isn't always especially helpful in that regard19:02
rtaggerrmcbride, yep, but still, is this network manager or gnome keyring...19:02
rmcbridertagger: we do have a pending branch of the test client that may make that easier to determine19:03
rmcbridertagger: as it will change the connection dependency to be less netmanager specific19:03
rmcbridertagger: based on the behavior I'd say that it's netmanager we're having issues with. That's what it looks like when it happens to me anyhow19:03
rmcbridethe keyring should already have the token if you've authed the machine in the past19:04
rtaggerrmcbride, subscribed to the bugreport; but in my case network manager has everything it needs already as the connection is established on a system-wide basis (i mean before nm-applet kicks in)19:04
rmcbrideso it's likely you have the token and the "hey is this OK" sequence is falling over for lack of an established connection19:04
rmcbridewell that's useful information too19:04
rmcbrideYou might also mention about the lack of information from the oauthdesktop logger19:05
rmcbrideI could be wrong and we may be able to bludgeon more info from dbus19:05
rtaggerrmcbride, great, i changed the sources in oauthdesktop to write to a different log file and this is ignored. Do you know where the real sources for oauthdesktop are living... ?19:09
verterokrtagger: in lp:ubuntuone-client19:10
rmcbrideverterok: I think he's looking for the location on the installed system19:11
rtaggerverterok, erm, yes, but locally... /usr/share/pyshared/ubuntuone seem to contain the sources but their modification does not change the behavior... Even after killing the processes...19:11
rmcbridehmm. taht should be the right location19:11
verterokrtagger: probably because you have an old .pyc, and as the app is executed by a regular user, can't write a new pyc19:12
verterokrmcbride: ^19:12
rtaggerverterok, removed pyc files for all installed versions of logger.py...19:12
rtaggerverterok, okay, killing all ubuntuone pycs...19:12
rtaggeris ubuntuone-applet performing some usefull stuff besides displaying the cloud and producing DBus signals?19:14
rtaggeri mean is it necessary to kill it as well?19:14
rmcbrideit would be a good idea19:15
rmcbrideit will try to start syncdaemon, left to its own devices19:15
rmcbrideit does handle connections though, so you'll want to start it as well (it can be started after sychdaemon and will use the existing instance to connect)19:16
rtaggerrestarted the applet, got debug from oauth19:16
rmcbrideanything useful?19:17
rtaggerrmcbride, not yet, going to reproduce with clean logs, initial state so I will need to reboot and will return here with more info19:17
rmcbrideOK sounds good. I'll be around19:18
rtaggerrmcbride, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318051/19:23
rtaggerrmcbride, it is not gnome keyring...19:24
rmcbridewell at least that eliminates that possiblity19:29
rmcbridebut it's not very forthcoming with what the non-responsive app actually is...19:29
rtaggerrmcbride, the root_formatter is not applied to the logger, need to hack it a little bit so that we see the times19:30
rmcbridertagger: good point19:30
rtaggerrmcbride, DBus signal is firef, but it should not timeout, right?19:33
rtaggerrmcbride, *fired19:33
rmcbridertagger: I don't think that it should, but I'm not a complete dbus guru (yet)19:33
rmcbrideverterok: ^19:34
verterokrmcbride, rtagger: probably calling a method timed out, not the signal19:35
verterokdbus signals are fire and forget19:35
rtaggerverterok, so it means that either the applet is calling some external method or... the applet is calling some external method :/19:35
verterokheh, yes19:36
rtaggerrmcbride, I wonder about the following - the initial startup is pretty heavy, lots of applets, Empathy autologin, trackerd is starting, Tomboy is loading. Could that be some kind of heavy system load sign?..19:37
rtaggerverterok, hmm, If i start dbus-monitor from the autostarted applications... Will it show dbus timeouts and sender/target that caused this?19:38
rtaggerverterok, I mean, session bus is initialized at that time already...19:38
rmcbridertagger: startup load could well influence that I suppose.19:39
verterokrtagger: yes, but you need terminal + dbus-monitor, and I don't know if it's going to show the timeout19:39
verterokrtagger: quite probably the dbus call is to start/connect syncdaemon19:39
rtaggerverterok, is aplet starting syncdaemon immediately ?19:40
verterokrtagger: if you have autoconnect, I think it's a yes19:40
rtaggerokay, going to reproduce with root_logger being nicely formatted...19:40
rtaggerrmcbride, not much more, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318080/19:46
rtaggerrmcbride, is it possible for logger to produce stack traces for every logged message?19:46
rmcbridertagger: I don't know first hand but I'll see if I can find out19:47
rmcbrideverterok: do you know the answer (asking elsewhere as well) ^19:47
rtaggerrmcbride, 'cause this is definitely Applet time-outing after some mysterious call...19:48
rmcbridertagger: that's my interpretation as well. certainly would be tough to figure out where to put a pdb tracepoint without such a log19:50
rmcbridewell tough-ish19:50
rtaggerrmcbride, now I see only lineno, funcName, module of the caller. They may be useful, though..19:50
verterokrmcbride, rtagger: I'm not aware of such capability19:50
rmcbridertagger: that information would certainly help.19:51
thisfredCardinalFang: didn't you do something with full tracebacks and logging in dekstopcouch?19:52
thisfredCardinalFang: btw: the context branch looked good, at least yesterday evening19:52
CardinalFangthisfred, do something?  /me reads up the log.19:53
thisfredCardinalFang: rtagger is trying to log full tracebacks if I read it correctly19:54
rtaggerthisfred, yes, so far I added all the relevant logger entities, so I hope this will be the last reboot, brb19:54
thisfredI thought we (for very you values of we) did something clever to do that19:54
CardinalFangthisfred, rtagger, the logging module has a 'exception(msg,...)' method/function that logs the current caught stack after a message19:55
CardinalFangthisfred, rtagger, the logging module has a 'exception(msg,...)' method/function that logs the current caught stack after a message20:01
rtaggerlet me see what I just posted...20:06
=== kenvandif is now known as kenvainde
rtaggersd_dbus_error, awesome20:08
=== kenvainde is now known as kenvandine
rmcbrideYea :020:08
rmcbride:/ even20:09
rtaggerHandle DBus errors for crucial syncdaemon calls20:09
rmcbrideIt's logging exactly what dbus tells it, apparently20:12
rtaggerrmcbride, don't see another solution except decorate all dbus calls that use sd_dbus_error so that they will call some logging routine first and then call sd_dbus_error20:13
rtaggerrmcbride, if there is a finite amount of such calls :)20:13
rtaggerrmcbride, erm... wait, CardinalFang exception(msg)...20:14
rmcbrideHI dobey!20:16
dobeywho what when where why how?20:16
* rtagger reboots...20:16
rmcbridedobey: rtagger is working on what I described20:17
rmcbridedobey: his rebooting indicates to me he's changed the logger on his end and is retrying20:17
rmcbridedobey: he should be back on in a minute or two20:17
dobeyi think most all those issues are due to syncdaemon starting slow20:18
rmcbridedobey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318103/ is the most recent. And yea startup time does seem to have something to do with it20:18
rmcbrideI blame dbus for having next-to-useless error messages, but that's just my gut reaction20:19
rmcbride"It could be this, this, this or this, but maybe not" Gee thanks dbus.20:19
dobeythe messages are useless, but 'didn't reply fast enough' really is probably the best it can do for 'the app is starting very slowly'20:19
rmcbrideI'll hold off on followup until our user returnbs20:20
rmcbridereturns even20:20
krisivesHeya, is it possible for me to host my tomboy sync server?20:21
dobeykrisives: tomboy includes its own sync server. we just implement the same protocol20:21
krisivesdobey: I guess I meant, is it possible to host my own ubuntuone server?20:22
krisivesAlthough for Tomboy I can implement their protocol20:22
rtaggerrmcbride, Stacktrace: "None"20:22
rmcbridertagger: argh.20:22
rmcbridertagger: however dobey has clarified that it's likely syncdaemon that is slow to start in that case20:23
CardinalFangkrisives, No, we don't give that part away.  It's still in development, too.  You can host tomboy sync, of course.20:23
krisivesIs UbuntuOne ever gonna be free?20:23
dobeykrisives: you can write your own server with the protocol library, which is AGPL20:24
CardinalFangEverything that runs on your machines, it is already.  What runs on our machines, it isn't and we are not planning it.20:24
CardinalFangkrisives, ^20:24
rtaggerrmcbride, yep, sd_dbus_error handles such kind of errors only :)20:25
dobeyrtagger: all dbus errors are handled the same, unless they're for special calls :20:26
rmcbridertagger: I blame a headcold on me not parsing the sd part of that earlier20:26
dobeyman this wifi is laggy20:34
CardinalFangrtagger, we can't know when you're listening if you don't quit IRC before you reboot.  We talk away, and eventually the TCP connection times out and you go away.20:36
rtaggerCardinalFang, sorry for that, I'm still trying to find out how to look at the history...20:37
rtaggerCardinalFang, so, it is syncdaemon20:38
rtaggerit times out when get_rootdir is called, then several times during current_status() requests.20:39
rtaggerrmcbride, so, it is not NetworkManager, not gnome keyring... It is simply syncdaemon not ready enough to service dbus calls...20:41
dobeyit doesn't time out20:41
dobeyit's just that initial startup is very slow sometimes it seems20:41
rtaggerdobey, I mean not syncdaemon, but the applet calls to it get timed-out on initial startup when the system has a lot of work to do20:42
dobeywell it shouldn't matter how much work sd needs to do. the calls should return immediately20:42
dobeymaybe we need to fix some thread/async bits in sd to be a bit better20:43
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rtaggerdobey, is sd performing some intensive disk operations on startup, i.e. something that can let dbus calls not to be answered in time?20:53
dobeywell i'm guessing that it's doing something that blocks the main thread from allowing the dbus calls to function20:54
CardinalFangIs it threaded or an event loop?20:54
dobeyit's the glib main loop20:55
dobeywhich in syncdaemon is tied to the twisted reactor20:56
CardinalFangYeah.  We could use  reactor.callInThread()  to make whatever is so expensive/blocking run in a thread that doesn't block execution.21:02
CardinalFangdobey, ^21:02
dobeyyeah, but i don't know what it is. i think it's local rescan stuff21:03
dobeyi think verterok was going to look at it21:03
verterokCardinalFang: if it's local rescan, we can't defer it to a thread21:04
dobeywhat we should do is throw the dbus stuff in another thread21:04
CardinalFangthe main loop still has to dispatch it.  if verterok is correct, then the main loop is busy, a few frames down from the execution of the rescanner, waiting for it to return.21:06
verterokdobey, CardinalFang: also we can't defer to a thread the dbus stuff, as it might query data structures that aren't thread safe21:08
dobeywe need to make stuff thread safe21:08
dobeyand not block other things21:08
verterokwe can bump the timeout of the applet dbus call21:09
dobeyverterok: i've seen logs where it's taken 7 minutes for syncdaemon to come up and recognize the call21:10
dobeyso i don't think we want to increase the timeout to be that long21:10
verterokdobey: so, we need to fix local_rescan if it's taking 7 min to finish21:10
dobeyand i think we need to evaluate what isn't thread safe, and why it isn't, and see if we can't fix it and throw stuff in a thread21:12
CardinalFangPerhaps we can just make the rescanner more polite.  I bet some "yield" magickery every N operations would solve it.21:12
CardinalFangPushing the dispatch into a generator may take some work.21:14
dobeywell, i don't like code that's not thread safe, or async code that's not threaded, not threading async code is sort of like putting out a fire by burning down another building21:15
CardinalFangThen again, it's twisted, so there's almost certainly somthing smarter we can do with Deferreds.21:15
verterokCardinalFang: I "think" that the rescanner release the reactor on each directory tree21:15
dobeyit is definitely twisted :)21:15
verterokdobey: ok, you don't like twisted...we know that :)21:15
dobeytwisted has some nice stuff21:16
dobeybut it has some nasty stuff too :)21:16
dobeyDeferreds are nice, but they're better with Threads21:17
facundobatistadobey, the start up time is not local rescan21:25
facundobatistadobey, those seconds/minutes without returning control21:25
facundobatistadobey, it's the metadata loading... we have a bug for that21:25
facundobatistaverterok, ^21:25
verterokfacundobatista: oh, good point, I missed that21:26
dobeyoh right, it's metadata21:26
facundobatistaLR holds the processor per directory only21:26
dobeycan we thread metadata?21:26
facundobatista(which could be an issue if you have a dir with 10k files, for example)21:26
rmcbridelike my extra evil test tree21:26
facundobatistadobey, maybe... but it doesn't have any optimization21:27
facundobatistadobey, but if after the optimization still takes noticeably long, deferred to another thread will be21:27
dobeyi think we should do both anyway21:27
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: | Updated client software is now available to everyone running Ubuntu 9.10. Please run Update Manager to install it, and then restart the client. Enjoy 9.10! | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Testing Client Revno is 276, Protocol Revno is 73
dobeyok, i gotta go now21:28
dobeylater all. see some of you at UDS perhaps!21:29
facundobatistadobey, have a good weekend21:29
dobeyfacundobatista: y tu :)21:29
rtaggertime to sleep, so good bye everybody :)21:36
jblountrtagger: have a good night :)21:37
rtaggerjust for the record - empathy logging to couchdb will require mission-control-5 version 5.3.2, the one that is supplied in Karmic does not work properly for external loggers. More info on that next week :)21:38

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