
frozen_apeI learned that IRC is just like two sailing ships, trading packages today00:21
frozen_apeit's in real time00:21
frozen_apeis this true?00:21
geniiDepends on what you might consider "real time"00:51
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Chelovekòóò ïî-ðóññêè êòî-òî ôåðøòåéí?07:53
Balsaqhow can i get to bios07:56
noniehello just installed xubuntu 9.10. My builtin vga card is unichrome.07:56
nonieunfortunately it only shows 800X60007:56
noniehow can i adjust the setting to 1024 X 768?07:57
Balsaqapplications is in the top left of your screen...07:58
nonieyep ive been there but it only shows 800 X 600 and 640 X 48007:59
Balsaqhmmm...mine shows 15 or more choices?08:00
Balsaqsounds like you need a driver08:00
nonieit was suggested to load the openchrome file from the repository but it yields the same thing.08:00
Balsaqhmmm...we need Techie (Lord of all xubuntu Techs...where art thou?)08:01
Balsaqi am also a newbie08:02
nonieyep yep... need help...this has been my problem since the beginning of my ubuntu and xubuntu install08:02
Balsaqwhat are your specs08:02
nonieoh mee too. kept on testing different distros.08:02
noniei will check now.08:02
Balsaqmaybe it is some limitation imosed by your hardware?08:03
noniei guess so...08:04
Balsaqhow old is your set08:04
noniei used windows xp and 2000 and the display is detected properly with the drivers of microsoft.08:04
nonieand i am switching totally to linux except that i am faced with this problem08:05
Balsaqthre is a place in here where you can try different drivers...looking08:05
Balsaqsynaptic maybe?08:05
nonieyep i have loaded almost all drivers in the repository08:06
Balsaqsounds like when i tried to make a linksys wireless adapter run on puppy linux...tried every driver...no go. hard wired it08:06
Balsaqsometimes you just hit the wall08:07
Balsaqmy next guess would be to contact the manufacturer08:07
Balsaqof your graphics card08:07
Techienever fear, "I" is here08:08
* Techie slaps bal on the side of the head08:08
Balsaqi knew he was nearby!08:09
Techienonie,     lspci | grep VGA       please08:09
nonieok holdon08:09
Techieactually bal, i wasnt nearby... i was watching top gear in the lounge08:10
Balsaq10-4 Boss08:10
nonie01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. KM400/KN400/P4M800 [S3 UniChrome] (rev 01)08:10
nonieany suggestions08:11
Techiedo you know the exact model number?08:11
nonieno its builtin with compaq presario SR1215CB AMD Sempron08:12
Techiei figured it was built in, same problem but without an answer - http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1142457.html08:13
nonietnx ill read hold on/08:13
Techiedont bother reading08:13
Techietheres no real helpful answer08:14
nonieno use huh, the only way is put another vga card.08:14
Techiedo you have another VGA card?08:14
noniewat brand can u suggest  nvidia or ati08:14
Techiedepends on your system08:14
Techieand what you want to do08:14
noniei have some old vga cards, i will check to let you know.08:15
Techieare you looking at AGP or PCIe?08:15
nonieI think I have the AGP08:15
Techiedual screen or single display?08:16
noniejust single. can i install it immediately and disable the online vga.08:17
noniewill i have any problems booting it up or do I have to reinstall xubuntu again.08:17
Techieyou should be fine08:17
Techiemay i ask if you had a card in mind?08:17
noniei think its an nvidia card, just cant remember the model08:18
noniei have to get it from my pile of junk.08:18
Techiehrmm, i havent had any experience with nvidia so far, ive used ATI most of my life and have just recently bought a brand spanking new ATI Radeon HD365008:18
Techiehaha, pile of junk.... i have one of those too08:19
noniewow, pretty awesome.08:19
Techiepayed through the nose for it though08:19
Techiewhat currency do you use?08:19
Techie88.41352 U.S. dollars08:20
nonieseems 9.10 is awesome..08:20
Techiecompared to if i bought it in PCIe, 51.81852 U.S. dollars08:20
noniemuch cheaper .08:21
Techienot in the long run, coz if i did i would have to buy a new motherboard aswell08:21
noniethis is the only problem i am facing with ubuntu.08:21
Techiewhich would have set me back another 65.87100 U.S. dollars08:21
nonielol.btw have you managed to make it work using dual monitors?08:22
Techiethink youself lucky then, many users have decided to completely shove ubuntu due to karmic08:22
Techiei run a dual head ATI system08:22
Techieunfortunately i havent recieved my hd3650 yet08:22
Techieso im still stuck with my Radeon 9600XT08:23
nonieare the drivers fully supported. wat website can i look for the vga compatibility with ubuntu08:23
Techiethe manufacturers sites give a decent idea if the card is well supported08:23
Techiehowever in the case of ATI there is an open source alternative that works with most of the older cards extremely well08:24
Techieso while the manufacturer may not support unix, the open source community may support that card08:24
noniereally? i thought ati has been closed source before08:24
Techieit is08:25
Techiethey make the FGLRX driver, however there is an opensource driver set, that includes the r128 and radeon drivers08:25
Techiehowever they lack support with the newer HD cards08:25
nonienice. never thought of that. whenever someone ask for a good vga card compatilbe to linus08:26
nonieits always nvidia08:26
Techiei agree08:26
nonieill put that on mind. Great source of info man. Thanks a lot.08:26
Techiebut i am an ATI fan and most likely will always use ATI08:27
nonielol/ as long as it works man, I'm in.08:27
Techieyeah, thats the attitude08:27
nonieI will let you know guys my video card and install it immediately to my desktop.08:27
Techieyeah, when you decide give us the model and we can do some research08:28
noniethe built in card is very crappy. icons and fonts are not proportional...08:28
nonieyep. your a big help. tnx.08:28
noniegotta go for now. its 1230am here in cali.08:29
noniehow about you ?08:29
Techie9:29PM New Zealand08:29
noniekewl, ubuntu guru i should say. How long have u been using it?08:30
Techienot that long actually08:30
nonieusing it personally or office?08:31
Techieive been using it properly (more than just doing random stuff) for a bit more than a year08:31
Techiepersonally, im a game server tech08:31
Techieunqualified and unemployed08:31
noniei am just doing it personally. I setup one in my office but for desktop only08:31
noniebut sooner or later i will use it as a server. just trying to make it userfriendly and08:32
nonieappealing to the window lovers.08:32
nonieyou might as well sell units loaded with xubuntu for a good price. always cheaper08:33
noniethan microsoft man.08:33
nonieok man tnx a lot gotta go...past midnight already. ill let you know tomorrow then.08:34
Techiekk, see you sometime08:34
Techiei wont be on tommorow afternoon, my brothers wedding08:34
noniekewl. ill just standby in the chatroom, maybe someone can still help tech savvy like u08:35
noniesigning off.08:35
Balsaqwhen you look at a cd that you just burned...can you actually see the burn marks?08:43
Techieserious question?08:44
Balsaqcause i can't get my xubuntu cd that i burned to do anything08:44
Balsaqwell my puppy disc ican see a halo on it08:44
Techiein all seriousness if you angle the disc to the light you should see a ring08:44
Balsaqbut cant see anything on the xubuntu08:44
Balsaqmust of messed up my 1st burn08:44
Techiehave you put it into one of your working systems to see if if it actually has anything on it08:45
Balsaqtrying right now to run it in my puppy computer08:45
BeGuthat's why I never tried puppy, wouldn't want to call my laptop a puppy :)08:46
Balsaqwell this one computer is only 400mgz...so i had to kind of limit it08:47
Balsaqoh well while i am in puppy i amy as well try to reinstall grub so i wont have to keep using the disc to get to sda108:50
Balsaqswear i installed grub on this boat anchor?08:51
Techieim gonna head to bed08:51
Balsaqok later08:51
=== Techie is now known as _Techie_
=== Balsaq is now known as Corn
=== Corn is now known as Beldar
=== Beldar is now known as Balsaq
steven__Someone help me decide as to whether I should be using 64-bit or 32-bit os?12:36
_Pete_if your cpu supports12:36
steven__Core 2 Duo12:36
steven__only 3 GB of RAM tho12:37
_Pete_64bit is faster on many (calculate related) things12:37
steven__What about loading most applications?12:38
_Pete_32bit apps still works12:38
_Pete_if there are no 64bit versions12:38
Sysiflash don't work from repositories12:38
_Pete_yes it does12:38
Sysistarting when?12:38
steven__Yes, but I wonder if they load faster in 32-bit as opposed to 64 or if the difference is negligible12:38
_Pete_works fine with my 9.0412:39
_Pete_with firefox12:39
_Pete_just install flashplugin-nonfree12:39
Sysi64bit and restricted extras?12:39
steven__No flash works with 64-bit regular Ubuntu that I have seen12:39
Sysiyes, it works12:39
Sysibut it almost everytime need to be done differently12:39
Sysifrom repos it works badly12:40
Sysibut that's not any reason to not get 64bit12:40
steven__I am going to stay with 32-bit12:40
steven__Seems faster12:40
steven__even with Core 2 Duo12:40
steven__I can't live without Adobe flash lol12:41
stevensjHi All.  Has anyone used the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome package in Karmic?  I am having problems with the screen resolution on a Packard Bell laptop, and from reading forum posts, this might help.  Will I need to generate an xorg.conf afterwards, or should it just work?12:52
MaxFramesI have a problem with synaptic in karmic xubuntu: almost ALL packages that are listed under "Installed" are ALSO listed under "Installed (manual)"15:25
MaxFramesif I select all the packages (bar the ones which were really manually installed by me) and mark them "automatically installed" (packages menu), they move from "Installed (manual)" to "Installed (autoremovable)"15:27
MaxFramesand of course if I autoremove the whole system will be uninstalled!15:27
epchi. need help with a problem that is preventing me to logon. who could help?16:32
_Pete_only if you tell what the problem is16:34
epchi _Pete_. wh16:34
epcI just installed a xubuntu in my laptop. after doing the first logon, whenever ai try to logon again I got an authentication failure.16:35
epcthis happens with every account. first logon ok. second got an authentication failure.16:35
epcthe only unusual thing about this notebook is that the battery is dead.16:36
epcI' just made fresh a install yesterday, and today could not logon anymore. I can logon however if I went in recovery mode, resume to normal boot and the startxfce4.16:37
epccould this somehow be related with the batter problem?16:38
_Pete_no idea16:39
epcwhat could make gdm fail to authenticate (apart from wrong user/pwd)?16:40
_Pete_some nasty bug?16:44
_Pete_using 9.10?16:44
_Pete_I was about to upgrade today16:45
_Pete_but maybe wise not to do so16:45
epcfresh install. made it yesterday due to this problem.16:45
epcI'm not sure if its unsafe. I thing the problem is related to battery power, somehow.16:46
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synicwhat's up with hackerthreads spam all day in here?18:47
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Guest3468Hi All.  My system was crashed by a website, and when I rebooted the Applications, Places and all my panel items had gone.  Does anyone know how I can get them back?20:27
ageebGuest3468, maybe this will help?  http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130932720:45
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=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
Aquinadoes anyone know how to use the xfce4-terminal font "monospace" in jEdit? I can't find it and mak it available to jEdit.21:29
m_cubedMy webcam just arrived. Any advice? I've never used a webcam before. Bought one that is "fully supported" per the Linux-UVC page.22:44
m_cubedThanks for nothing, peeps. I got it.23:24
AquinaAgain... Does someone know how to switch to the xfce4-terminal font "monospace" using jEdit? I don't know where that font is located. :-(23:25
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