
dOxxxGood evening. Anybody on that knows something about the StringIOWrapper used in bzrlib.tests?01:30
fax8Hi, I setup some bzr instructions to send patches for a project I maintain.. instructions are here http://www.varesano.net/contents/projects/firefox%202%20theme%20firefox%203x#Development09:26
fax8Today a user just sent me a patch.. but it's basically useless as it breaks each newline in the modified file making it unusable..09:26
fax8any idea what could have gone wrong?09:27
fax8please note that my project has been created on Linux, while the user probably modified that on Win09:27
LarstiQfax8: sounds like a windows editor09:29
fax8LarstiQ: so you think that the editor broke that? not bazaar?09:33
LarstiQfax8: absolutely. However, Bazaar has functionality to combat that behaviour.09:34
fax8LarstiQ: sounds good, can you elaborate or point to relevant docs?09:35
LarstiQfax8: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.2.0/en/user-reference/index.html?highlight=eol#end-of-line-conversion09:37
fax8LarstiQ: thanks!09:37
LarstiQfax8: personally I tell my editor (vim) to never write windows style line endings, but not every editor can do that, and not every user has their editor configured that way09:37
LarstiQ(or editors not changing line ending style would work too)09:38
=== fenris__ is now known as ejat
thropei see bzr-git doesn't support push... is there anyway workflow for working on a git-repo with bazaar?14:17
thropecould I pull from git and branch from that... do my work, then serve my work in my bazaar branch with git-serve and merge it back into a git branch?14:19
bob2dpush should work14:36
bob2but I thought push did, too14:36
thropebob2: do you know how I could branch my github repo git@github.com:user/test.git doesn't work and git://github.com/user/test.git is read only14:38
bob2read only?14:39
thropebob2: it is the public url... don't know how to log in to it14:39
thropebzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url : bzr supports bzr+ssh to operate over ssh14:40
bob2or git+ssh14:41
thropePermission denied (publickey).14:41
bob2does git clone ssh:// work?14:42
thropewith git I use git@github.com:user/test.git14:43
thropeoh got it ssh://git@github.com/user/test.git14:45
thropegit+ssh works with that, thanks14:46
thropeah dpush works, but I get a message "No new revisions to push. " - but it did work ... thanks a lot14:47
bob2just be careful that you find out what dpush does14:48
bob2it might not do what you expect14:48
thropehmm - I have my bzr-git branch... I branched it in bzr... made some changes in git and pushed, made some changes in the 2nd bazaar branch. now I try to merge the changes... so I updated the original bzr-git branch... thinking i would merge in the second bzr branch and then dpush14:51
thropebut merge says nothing to do.14:51
thropeoh never mind i forgot to commit14:51
piemhi all. i'm trying to sort out some bugs with trac-bzr. maybe someone here could help. i'm hit by lp#349212 and lp#264734 mostly15:53
* piem waves at Kinnison :)15:53
gioeleubottu: bug #34921216:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 349212 in trac-bzr "Browse source produce traceback with GraphCycleError: Cycle in graph [...]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34921216:29
piemright. fyi, lp:~jlgeering/trac-bzr/experimental fixes both lp#349212 and lp#26473417:24
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi. I'm watching your builds in hudson, the one in linux just worked :)21:26
verterokRenatoSilva: hi :)21:26
verterokRenatoSilva: the problem was that /tmp is a symlink and the test suite isn't resolving the link :/21:27
RenatoSilvaverterok: and rev 217 was the solution?21:30
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, I just set the java.io.tmpdir property to the real directory :p21:30
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok will install vbox to test in my linux here, brb21:34
RenatoSilvaverterok: I've got the tests passing here in XP after reverting the system to a previous state (and fixing all the problems it caused)22:26
RenatoSilvaverterok: but shi***, the problem is back again22:27
verterokRenatoSilva: cool, just merged both branches in trunk :)22:27
RenatoSilvaverterok: permission denied... the only thing I note to have done is that I have canceled mv -o test with ctrl+c22:27
RenatoSilvadoes anyone know how to solve this permission denied error? When you ctrl+c some bzr operation and you try again, you get a similar error, but bzr gives you a command to release the lock22:29
RenatoSilvaI think I need to release some lock here, just like something is stuck in bzr user dara, not branch data22:29
dOxxxwhat's the exact error message?22:29
RenatoSilvadOxxx: org.vcs.bazaar.client.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCommandException: Permission denied: "C:/DOCUME~1/renato/CONFIG~1/Temp/bazaar_client_tests4776816157272306423/working_copies/bind/.bzr/branch/lock/held": [Error 5] Acesso negado22:30
dOxxxis this during bzr selftest?22:31
RenatoSilvaduring bzr-java-lib JUnit tests22:32
RenatoSilvaafter ctrl+c a mvn test22:32
dOxxxoh, sorry, I missed the first part of the conversation :)22:32
* RenatoSilva sighs22:32
verterokRenatoSilva: each junit run is executed in a new and clean directory...weird22:35
RenatoSilvaverterok: now I got some .bat remaining22:35
RenatoSilvaverterok: man the only thing I can imagine to have caused this was cancelling mvn test22:36
RenatoSilvaverterok: I've reinistalled AVG, and installed win updates one by one, nothing happened until now22:36
verterokRenatoSilva: did you tried uninstalling/turning off AVG?22:39
RenatoSilvaverterok: yes, previously22:39
RenatoSilvaverterok: tried turning off AVG and win firewall, tried many things22:40
RenatoSilvaverterok: I was running mvn test many times after each thing I was doing22:40
dOxxxRenatoSilva: at what point in mvn test did you interrupt it?22:49
dOxxxI'm tyring to cause the same problem here22:53
* verterok need to run22:56
RenatoSilvadOxxx: did you branch it?22:56
RenatoSilvadOxxx: bzr-java-lib?22:56
RenatoSilvaverterok: see you22:56
verterokRenatoSilva: I just fired a bzr-eclipse build, once it finish, http://steppenwolf.selfip.net/hudson/job/bzr-eclipse/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/headless-build/eclipse.build/update-site- ;)22:56
verterokRenatoSilva: thanks! seeya later!22:57
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok thanks22:57
* RenatoSilva is absolutely bored with this problem22:59
dOxxxI don't know if I can help you solve it, but I'm willing to try. You say you ran mvn test, interrupted it at some point and now you get Access Denied errors when running it again?23:00
RenatoSilvarunning the tests23:02
RenatoSilvawith or without mvn23:02
RenatoSilvadOxxx: are you in WinXP?23:03
dOxxxVista 6423:03
dOxxxAt what point in the tests do you press Ctrl-C?23:04
dOxxxI want to try doing the same here and see if I get the problem23:04
RenatoSilvadOxxx: no idea, in the beginning23:04
RenatoSilvadOxxx: mvn -o test23:04
RenatoSilvadOxxx: I'm in winXP SP3 updated23:04
* RenatoSilva will use system restore again :(23:07
dOxxxRenatoSilva: I"m not getting the access denied error :( Tried interrupt it a few times in different places and then letting it run uninterrupted to completion.23:08
RenatoSilvadOxxx: maybe because it's a winXP issue23:09
dOxxxRenatoSilva: Ah, sorry, I didn't know it was platform specific.23:10
RenatoSilvadOxxx: no one knows the root cause of this23:11
dOxxxRenatoSilva: What's the canonical form of C:/DOCUME~1/renato/CONFIG~1 ?23:13
dOxxxRenatoSilva: Basically, I'm wondering if it's creating the temp files in a weird location that's causing you problems23:16
RenatoSilvaDocuments and Settings/Renato/Configurações Locais23:16
RenatoSilvadOxxx: no it's not the path23:17
RenatoSilvadOxxx: at least not the tmp dirt itself, how would it work before?23:17
dOxxxhmm true23:17
RenatoSilvadOxxx: anyway I tried before to move the temp dir to c:23:17
dOxxxalso, what JDK version are you using?23:18
verterokRenatoSilva: try using: mvn -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:/mvn_temp -o test23:19
dOxxxverterok: btw, I'm getting test failures on windows vista 64 with bzr 2.0.1 installed from the windows installer. Should I be reporting these or is this not a supported combination?23:24
verterokdOxxx: what version of xmloutput do you have installed?23:25
dOxxxstock version that comes with the windows installer for bzr 2.0.123:25
RenatoSilvaverterok: worked the 2 or 3 times, but failed now: org.vcs.bazaar.client.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCommandException: Permission denied: "C:/mvn_temp/bazaar_client_tests8667854772094938709/working_copies/Diff/.bzr/repository/lock/held": [Error 5] Acesso negado23:25
dOxxxRenatoSilva: does that file still exist? can you check the permissions on it?23:25
verterokdOxxx: could you pastebin the failures?23:26
RenatoSilvaverterok: not sure, but I guess it may be something related to simply running the tests again and again, maybe JUnit or whatever get stressed and stop working23:27
=== root is now known as Guest21213
dOxxxverterok: first one: http://pastebin.com/d64c9f88323:27
Guest21213anyone know how to fix the no suck launchpad account for branching?23:27
dOxxxGuest21213: what's the url you're trying to branch?23:28
RenatoSilvadOxxx: update your xmloutput to dev version23:28
verterokdOxxx: revno 207 of bzr-java-lib?23:29
Guest21213bzr branch lp:~name/trunk23:29
RenatoSilvadOxxx: remove your 0.8.5 and branch from lp23:29
dOxxxrevno 205 of bzr-java-lib, branched about an hour or so ago23:29
RenatoSilvadOxxx: update both bzr-java-lib and xmloutput23:29
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: bzr branch lp:~name/project/trunk23:30
dOxxxGuest21213: if name is the project name, try lp:name/trunk23:30
Guest21213bzr branch lp:~name/project/trunk doesnt work23:32
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: of course, because name should be replaced with the real user name, and so forth23:32
dOxxxGuest21213: can you give us the exact url?23:32
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: give more details23:33
RenatoSilvaverterok: mvn -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:/mvn_temp -o test doesn't work at all :(23:33
verterokGuest21213: lp:<project name> is usually enough23:33
verterokRenatoSilva: huh, weird...what's the error?23:34
RenatoSilvaverterok: the same23:34
verterokRenatoSilva: oh, ok23:34
dOxxxverterok: tests succeed now :)23:36
RenatoSilvadOxxx: :(23:37
dOxxxRenatoSilva: sorry dude :(23:37
verterokdOxxx: :)23:37
dOxxxany idea how the bzr4idea project is going?23:38
verterokRenatoSilva: so, it's something that changed in the last few days :(23:38
dOxxxI looked at it a little while ago but it wasn't compatible with the latest IDEA9 community edition23:38
RenatoSilvaverterok: no, it's something that changed --now--, a few minutes ago :(23:38
RenatoSilvaverterok: I passed a few hours running the tests after each stuff I did and succeeding all the time23:39
RenatoSilvaverterok: while I was here talking to you, it started failing :(23:40
RenatoSilvaverterok: and the only I can notice that has changed is that canceled mvn -o test, and I suspect it may have broken something23:40
RenatoSilva*only thing23:40
verterokdOxxx: no idea about bzr4idea status23:41
verterokRenatoSilva: check if you have a xmlrpc service running?23:42
Guest21213verterok: get same error doing lp:(project name) seems like some settings went off23:43
verterokGuest21213: what's the project?23:43
Guest21213all :P23:45
dOxxxoh wait...23:45
verterokGuest21213: and what's the error? :)23:45
dOxxxhave you done bzr lp-login username?23:45
Guest21213No such Launchpad account23:45
RenatoSilvaverterok: already checked before, bzr start-xmlrpc works and responds just fine23:45
dOxxxGuest21213: do you have a lp account?23:46
Guest21213need login to download a branch? wtf23:46
dOxxxno just asking23:46
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: why don't you just give the name of the project and all data?23:46
Guest21213cuz its irrelevant23:46
verterokGuest21213: could you pastebin the error?23:47
dOxxxGuest21213: what's the output of 'bzr lp-login' ?23:47
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/~user/project/series23:47
Guest21213ok thanks23:48
RenatoSilvaverterok: hum other thing has changed... xmlrpc-client-1.1.1!23:48
Guest21213I thought lp was a shortcut for that :P23:48
verterokRenatoSilva: hmm, change it back to 1.1 in the pom ;)23:49
RenatoSilvaGuest21213: create a system var $lp23:49
RenatoSilvaverterok: redefining permissions of C:/Program, Files23:49
RenatoSilvaverterok: sorry what's the arg for setting the tmp dir?23:50
verterokRenatoSilva:  -Djava.io.tmpdir=<tmp dir>23:51
RenatoSilvaok thanks23:51
dOxxxOn windows it's probably taking it from a env variable like TMP or TEMP or something like that23:51
dOxxxi.e. the java.io.tmpdir is initialized by default to the contents of the TEMP env var23:52
dOxxx*sigh* looks like bzr4idea is pretty dead23:58

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