
=== fetusbub1le is now known as fetusbubble
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geniiRenatoSilva: You might want to ask in #vbox channel00:03
RenatoSilvaI did, but they can't help me, vbox config is simple and seems correct, it's kubuntu that can't communicate when using the bridge mode00:05
RenatoSilvaI appreciate if anyone else has had the same problem and can help me.00:05
bukharinRenatoSilva that sounds like an issue in the host. virtualized kubuntu shouldn't even be aware that there's a vm under it...00:06
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bukharinRenatoSilva, but im affraid i can;t help you beyond that... :(00:06
puffHi... I am trying to fix a problem with xdmcp in ubuntu karmic. One bug report ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/408417 )  seems to indicate that switching to kdm should fi xit.00:18
puffSo, two questions, 1) is this a sane thing to do  if I'm not otherwise using kde, and 2) will installing kdm via apt do the trick, or do I need to slog to the data center and do it on the console GUI?00:19
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how I save only the rec as mp3???00:29
luis_IS URGENT!00:29
geniiluis_: The main idea is just to save it as default type it wants. you can always use ffmpeg or another conversion app to make it whatever you need after00:34
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:40
=== carlos is now known as Guest77910
kovach (fatal no bootable medium found ! system halted)  how do i fix this please help me00:44
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:44
kovachcan u help me underdog7?00:45
kovachcan anyone ?00:47
kovachits for virtual box00:47
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ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:25
kubiansudo start k|gdm01:28
kubianthe new way01:29
genii"start k" doesn't seem some viable command01:31
kubianstart kdm or gdm01:32
geniiusually would be something akin to: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart      etc01:36
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kubiangenii: that's the old way01:39
kubianwith 9.10 start/stop <service>01:40
RenatoSilvais it possible to boot a real partition from the VM?01:43
geniiRenatoSilva: again, #vbox or so01:48
Guest81304boa noite a todos os presentes01:48
RenatoSilvaor sorry01:48
RenatoSilvaGuest81304: I think no one can answer that01:48
Guest81304algum brasileiro presente?01:49
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:49
geniiGuest81304: eg: /join #ubuntu-br01:49
=== ShiNobI is now known as Guest70819
shicmaphello, how do I know what my ip address is?02:08
mark_shicmap, hello open terminal and enter "ip addr"02:12
shicmapmark_: okay.. so I have checked my ip addr. The system says I am connected to my wireless network but I dont get any ip02:13
shicmapmark_: I don't really know which WEP encryption I am using for my password. what should I do?02:14
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mojosanhello, im stuck in some very confusing troubles. when i run start kdm i see the desktop for a flash in correct resolution, then it turns over to 320xsomething. does it store resolution data in other places than xorg.conf?02:26
jipang_menjeritmojosan: what graphic card are you using?02:28
mojosanjipang_menjerit nvidia02:28
jipang_menjerithappened to me as well02:28
jipang_menjerityou just need to restor back the previous setting02:29
jipang_menjeritremove that file02:29
mojosani did try that02:29
mojosanhmm maybe late hours makes me do stuff the wrong way hehe02:30
mojosani have spent hours trying to set configuration correct to output my tv02:31
jipang_menjerithave you try to rename the backup xorg.conf?02:33
i_is_brokeanyone know off the top of there head what is the least amount of memory you can run on server?02:36
jipang_menjeriti_is_broke: 256mb?02:37
jipang_menjeritdepend on your server usage02:37
mojosani would say it depends what kind of services you want to run on it, but 256 is a good number02:38
i_is_brokejipang_menjerit, found it, its 192 but thanks for taking the time...just took me a minute..02:39
i_is_brokeso i can get by with 512 and some swap and be ok.02:39
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mojosansometimes i just get som frustraded, when im not able to understand why something doesnt play by my rules hehe02:49
mojosanjipang_menjerit thanks for the tip02:49
soulsurferHello. I'm sure this is a well discussed topic, but I can't find any good answers through google.  Has anyone else been having problems with pulseaudio and other apps using other sound servers?03:22
macosoulsurfer: pulseaudio isnt the expected default in kubuntu. its only shipped with ubuntu03:35
soulsurferi dont know how i got pulseaudio then, i did a fresh install of kubuntu 9.1003:42
soulsurferi've read the same problem with other people who did fresh installs of kubuntu 9.1003:43
soulsurferphonon and pulseaudio are the defaults03:43
macodid you install sun java?03:43
macoit should jsut be phonon on kubuntu03:43
macosun java pulled it in then03:44
soulsurfernow my sound is all futzed up though.   how can i convert everything back to alsa or oss where everything works?03:44
soulsurferi did a purge for pulseaudio03:44
soulsurferand i did a force reload of alsa03:45
soulsurferbut now i'm still getting the problem where firefox flash (as an example) works until something like amarok accesses sound and then flash sound won't work anymore03:45
anthonyhow can i make guildwars run with out any glitches??03:46
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Guest64496the only problem i am having is low frans per second03:47
Guest64496fck my name always does that03:47
soulsurfermaco, do i need to remove sun java?03:47
soulsurferi've removed pulseaudio already via apt-get although it still shows up in phonon03:47
macosoulsurfer: reboot?03:48
soulsurfermultiple times03:48
macosoulsurfer: theres a headless or server or something version of java03:48
macothat doesnt need pulse03:48
Guest64496soulsurfer:  i had a problem with sun java 6 it  prevented my computer from updating03:48
Guest64496soulsurfer:  so i would suggest uninstalling it03:48
soulsurferbut how do i revert the sound so everything works again?03:49
Guest64496soulsurfer: what os are u using?03:49
soulsurferkubuntu 9.1003:49
Guest64496soulsurfer:  i have no prblem with my sound after removing it03:50
soulsurferamarok accesses sound through phonon right?03:50
soulsurferyou had problem with your sound before removing it?03:50
Guest64496soulsurfer:  no. once i fully updated my system it worked03:50
soulsurferso you did have problems with your sound at one point?03:51
Guest64496soulsurfer:  run this command in your teerminal sudo apt-get update03:51
Guest64496soulsurfer:  the sudo apt-get upgrade03:52
Guest64496soulsurfer:  then remove sun java03:52
soulsurfersun java with a space?03:53
Guest64496soulsurfer:  do you know what version of java u installed?03:53
Guest64496soulsurfer:  ok gime a sec to look up the command for u03:53
soulsurferwell i went into the package manager and i removed all sun-java packages i had installed03:54
Guest64496soulsurfer:  sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jre03:56
Guest64496soulsurfer:  does ur sound work?03:56
soulsurferwell not flash or vlc03:57
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soulsurferamarok works03:57
anthonysoulsurfer:  ok good i wouldnt recomend installing any form of java03:57
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Guest40646soulsurfer:  9.10 sill has bugs with it03:57
soulsurferi still need to get sound to work for flash and vlc, etc03:58
Guest40646you mean for veiwing videos and what not?03:58
soulsurferfor anything03:59
Guest40646there should be a volue control button on your taskmanger that allows you to cintrol03:59
Guest40646ig your volume works for one thing it works for everything04:00
Guest40646you just have to adjust the system volume04:00
soulsurferthe volume is up04:00
Guest40646open something to listen to04:00
Guest40646and when u do a new tab will pop up04:00
Guest40646and adjust it04:00
soulsurferopen something in flash you mean?04:01
Guest40646it doesnt matter anything04:01
soulsurferit doesn't work04:01
Guest40646aslong as  it omits volume it should have a volume control'04:01
soulsurferthe sound is up but nothing comes out04:01
Guest40646when did you install 9.10?04:02
soulsurfera week or so ago04:02
Guest40646and i asume you installed it of a disc?04:02
soulsurferbut i've updated stuff so i'd hate to just do a new install again04:02
Guest40646did you allow your systenm to check for defects?04:02
soulsurferit worked04:03
soulsurferno defects04:03
soulsurferi'm going to restart04:03
Guest40646ok try opening your hardware drivers and let it search04:03
Guest40646he left04:04
Guest40646how do i pick a permanent name?? it keeps switching it04:04
Guest40646any good?04:05
Guest40646nothing should have changed there is no need to restart your cpu with linux04:06
soulsurferit's not about restarting the cpu04:06
soulsurferit's about reinitializing the sound servers04:06
soulsurfersame problem04:07
=== Guest40646 is now known as antman91
soulsurferflash works and then as soon as i start playing something in amarok, sound cuts out in flash04:07
antman91then its a bug with your flash04:07
soulsurferthe same thing applies for vlc04:07
antman91if it works untill you opened Amarok then its a bug that needs to be fixed.04:08
soulsurferthe bottom line is, amarok uses a certain sound server and flash/vlc/etc uses another sound server04:08
antman91have you searched google or forums for a solution?04:08
soulsurferif by bug you mean configuration problem, then yes its a bug that needs to be fixed04:08
antman91then i would suggest reconfiguring your flash04:09
antman91or remove and reinstall it04:09
soulsurferwon't work04:09
soulsurferit's not a flash issue04:09
antman91have you tried it?04:09
soulsurferas proven by the fact that the same error is replicatable using vlc04:09
antman91so it works when you only run the flash but when you open amarok it goes out?04:11
lokpestwasnt Hardy Supposed to go EOL last month?04:11
antman91check the forums/04:11
lokpestI was under the impression that Hardy Kubuntu was not LTS...?04:11
antman91things change04:12
soulsurferyeah,  i've been searching every forum and there isn't any definitive answer04:12
soulsurferor solution04:12
antman91soulsurfer:  sorry i cant be of any further help all i can suggest now is trial and error. keep trying different solutions04:12
soulsurferyep thanks.04:13
soulsurferdoes anyone know where you configure the 'default' sound server?04:13
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shicmaphello, can anyone help me to set up my wireless connection? The wireless adapter is connected, the system says that it can find the wireless network and I believe my computer gets an ip. However the internet cannot run.04:36
antman91Hello people04:48
antman91Can some one help me with a small issue im having?04:48
antman91My FPS in guildwars is running at 1/3 the performance i get with windows.04:49
antman91Any suggestions04:49
antman91soulsurfer:  fix your sound yet?04:50
antman91Ok i can see that there is not volunteers on at the moment so im logging off04:50
lokpesthttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/RC/Kubuntu says that Kubuntu Hardy will not be LTS, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu says EOL for Kubuntu Hardy is 2009-10 but my repositories are working fine04:55
maple1drnk as drunk so04:57
ner0xIs there any way to "fake" a serial device?04:59
lokpestanyone knows of a kde distro that is not as bloated as kubuntu?05:12
ner0xubuntu + kde!05:13
* ner0x laughs evily!05:13
lokpestfuck of!05:14
ner0xNo thanks! :)05:14
ner0xHe was not nice.05:14
macodarn he left before i got to kick him for his language05:19
CPrgmSwR2I am using kubuntu 9.10 and I cannot get sound to play out of my speakers05:36
HiratoI'm curious, how many others are having problems with the 'leave' tab of their  menu, none of the options there work for me (options being items along the lines of reboot, shutdown, sleep, etc)05:36
CPrgmSwR2Not me05:38
Hiratomy laptop which has been running the karmic for the past few months, those options worked fine for a few weeks before the release05:39
Hiratosame can be said for mesa, said laptop can barely handle basic 3D now without a SIGABORT being thrown at it05:40
Hiratoand the SIGABORT there is from glibc saying there's a double free05:43
CPrgmSwR2Linux needs better hardware support in my opinion. I relize that Linux has it hard due to the manufacturers not supporting it05:44
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ner0xIn version 9.10 how can I get my "suspend to RAM" option back?07:12
gmathewsHey all, Kpackagekit doesnt show the size of the updates, just that i have ten updates pending. How do i see the file size?07:33
=== kb is now known as Guest13925
hackndoesHi all, i can't seem to get sound from my system when it originates in my browser.07:48
hackndoesi am listening (trying to) last.fm and don't have sound, but through amarok i do have sound07:48
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oplokhow are you guys07:55
surgyhey guys08:02
surgyjust switched back from ubuntu08:02
surgyhow do you edit the main panel? as in how do you change its color and transparency?08:03
surgyanyone help me?08:05
surgyhow do you change the color and transparency of the main panel?08:12
hackndoesi think you simply choose a theme08:15
eagles0513875hey guys im having issues with the 2.6.31-15 for some reason it kills the x server :(08:28
Vlado9A3CY'morning :)08:35
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=== emboss84 is now known as Il__Matteo
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nis09:19
apparle!info nis09:20
ubottunis (source: nis): clients and daemons for the Network Information Service (NIS). In component main, is extra. Version 3.17-25ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 199 kB, installed size 812 kB09:20
apparlehow to stop NIS to start automatically at startup?09:31
adarofHey #! My GSM Connection needs manual DNS settings (arent provided by dhcp) , but I dont know how to set since the network manager doesnt provide any field for this using the broadband->GSM connection09:41
personalcan nay one help me how to join other chanels or servers09:44
adarofpersonal, just type "/j #CHANNELNAME"09:45
personalthnaks adarof.... could you pls help me how to switch to another server09:46
adarofpersonal, depends on your client...09:47
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=== personal is now known as sunshine_66
lukas__Hello, I upgraded from JJ to KK (thanks devs, KDE seems to be running really better) but Kaffeine seems to produce segfaults. Unfortunately ti lacks backtraces, so I would like to recompile it with dbg flags before reproducing errors. Is there any way how to do in debian/ubuntu way?10:20
m4rtinlukas__: I have not done this, but you could use apt-source to ensure you are using the exact package source10:21
m4rtinapt-get source kaffeine10:21
lukas__m4rtin: hi, I already got to apt-get source  and apt-get build-dep10:27
lukas__m4rtin: I try more to make something like dpkg-buildpackage work in my way10:28
m4rtinlukas__: once you have the source, make the necessary changes, then use debuild to build a package which you can install with dpkg10:32
BruceLeedshello, I would like to syncronize my W200i (Sony Ericsson) with my Kontact - how can I do that (I installed kitchensync, but it's said it were unstable)10:36
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nihlanyone here?10:43
SwimsuitIssuenoobquestion here, how do I spin the cube using keyboard? cube is enabled, are there any default button combo?10:43
SwimsuitIssueim running kubuntu 9.1010:44
nihli think i'm still stuck with 8.0410:44
SwimsuitIssuein ubuntu compix it was ctrl+alt + arrow keys if i remember, so what about kubuntu?:P10:45
eagles0513875can anoyne tell me if debbuild will build packages or do i have to use pbuilder or other build methods?10:47
lukas__eagles0513875: I think it should10:51
lukas__eagles0513875: try man debuild if in doubt10:52
eagles0513875ya it does ty lukas__10:52
wdslbrfehi, kubuntu great work! short question: networkmanager openvpn still not working in 4.3.3?10:59
=== dmitriy is now known as deyman
BruceLeedshello, I would like to syncronize my W200i (Sony Ericsson) with my Kontact - how can I do that (I installed kitchensync, but it's said it were unstable)11:02
lukas__BruceLeeds: you can try it simply, is there anywhere said that it does can damage something?11:04
BruceLeedslukas__: I tried: I installed opensync-plugin-kdepim and now I was at least able to get the KDE Desktop become a member of my group, but I am not able to take my mobile phone in the same group (or any group at all)11:07
lukas__BruceLeeds: what do you mean by group?11:09
lukas__BruceLeeds: unix group (like in ls -l output)?11:09
BruceLeedslukas__: in kitchensync one creates a group whose members are to be syncronized11:10
lukas__BruceLeeds:  sorry, then, I have no further experience with this11:17
lukas__BruceLeeds: but, I could try, what is the name of kitchensync package?11:17
BruceLeedslukas__: I installed these: kitchensync opensync-plugin-kdepim11:20
BruceLeedsI am not sure whether to put my mobile phone into the mode "data transfer" or "telephone"11:21
lukas__okay, will try11:25
BruceLeedslukas__: cool - thanks11:26
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manuel_i just want to know if the bugs in the 910 ubuntu release notes are fixed now11:34
manuel_imortant for me is th encrypted stuff11:35
manuel_does a encrypted updated from 904 work?11:40
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chuck_how do i login to nickserv?12:05
szalchuck_: you don't, you identify w/ nickserv12:11
opreobuenos dias12:15
opreoegun on12:16
opreotengo un priblemilla con kubuntu 9.1012:21
opreopodria ayudarme alguien?12:21
Peace-opreo: abla12:22
Peace-pero no achi12:22
Peace-!es | opreo12:22
ubottuopreo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:22
FloodBotK2Peace-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
jonahhey guys can someone please help me out. my system won't boot as it gets stuck at initramfs... basically i have raid striped which karmic installs on ok then on reboot it's stuck at initramfs, i have read there is a bug where you need to do dpkg-reconfigure mdadm after installation but i can't run this from initramfs prompt as it doesn't recognise the command...12:27
jonahat initramfs i get alert "/dev/mapper/nvidia_dcfadeef2 does not exist"12:32
noaXesshi all12:41
noaXessi have problems with my sound output.. if i test it over systemsettings / multimedia then, the first sound output starts after 2-3 sec... so the start of the test sound won't be played, if i click a second one the test sound button, it works.. but after few seconds, same problem..12:43
NewbeeI have kubuntu karmic and strigi tells me all the time that it is suspendig to save my resources even if I have the power adapter put in. And my index is not updated anymore12:44
Newbeewhat can I do?12:44
Peace-Newbee: well if your pc is too busy you have that message12:56
Peace-you should indicize when you pc is not doing heavy works12:56
NewbeePeace-: I am not doing heavy works all the time. Just playing music, reading e-mails and surfing the web and I have the message all the time! My CPU usage is most time under 10% so why this message and how could I tell strigi to index now so  I can have an up to date index again?12:57
Peace-Newbee: try to close every damned applications12:58
Peace-and use indicize funcion12:58
Peace-that message should not appera12:58
NewbeePeace-: where can I find this "function"?12:58
Peace-system settings12:58
Peace-stringi stuff12:59
=== erqzor_ is now known as eXq
NewbeePeace-: ok, but where can I make strigi to start in that menu?13:03
Peace-Newbee: a secodn a screenshoot is coming13:04
Peace-Newbee: it's in italian but i think you can understand as well13:04
Peace-Newbee: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6494/kopeteworking1.png13:04
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jonahhi is there no one that can help me please with this current raid bug?13:07
rayn_sry i dont know about raid bugs13:09
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NewbeePeace-: and how can you start strigi from that menu?13:17
cichlasomahi. don't you know how to disable the explosion-like animation which is displayed when you click on a panel item in kde 3.5 (kubuntu 8.04)? (reportedly, It's not a kde feature, but a kubuntu patch to it...)13:21
Peace-cichlasoma: go on system settings ---->desktop13:28
awidegreenHej, I've noticed that the pdf-export from OOo Impress doesn't work with transparency anymore - the transparent area is export inverted (white > black in the pdf) - can anybody confirm this behaviour? (using karmic)13:34
szalwhat OOo version?13:35
awidegreenszal: 3.1.1 (build: 9420)13:36
szalcan you upload an example somewhere?13:39
szalof the slide, that is, not of the PDF13:39
awidegreenszal: okay13:41
* szal never used Impress and doesn't know how to make a slide himself ;)13:42
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awidegreenand the pdf: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2740254/ooo_transparent.pdf13:48
szalthx, I'll have a look13:49
awidegreenwhen I remove the white box - behind the transparent blue - the export works perfectly! I'm pretty sure that it works correct with the std. OOo packages from jaunty13:51
szalindeed, same here (OOo 3.2.0 OOO320m21 (Build:9319) Build (openSUSE 11.1; OOo from BuildService OOo-unstable repo))13:54
szalnice, found another Impress bug..  it doesn't embed Type1 fonts (e.g. the free URW fonts)13:59
segahey, ur amarok downloads songtexts? mine doesnt14:00
awidegreensega: install the ultimate lyric script14:01
segathrough apt-get?14:02
cichlasomaPeace-: "go on system settings ---->desktop" of course, I searched there (in the first place). yet i haven't found it...14:02
awidegreensega: nope .. amarok script-manager14:02
segaawidegreen: wow, thank u VERYMUCH)))14:08
awidegreensega: np14:08
solf0r_i need help with my wifi :(14:24
BluesKajHey folks14:30
korvinsolfor which card?14:38
solf0r_it just stopped working for no reason14:39
solf0r_well it sort of works14:39
solf0r_it connects to the network but whenever i try to browse a site or something it says connection refused O___014:39
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korvinmmm, which exactly card do you have?14:44
ggcchey guys how can i surf files on my system as root?14:52
ggccim using kubuntu14:52
solf0rsudo nautilus in terminal15:00
solf0rsudo dolphin*15:00
lorecasterhaving some problems with my eth0 on my new acer aspire 5516, running koala and the drivers don't run 'out of the box'15:01
jadohy, what is the kde client for gnutella?15:02
solf0rmy wlan0 got totalled somehow :(15:02
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lorecasterno one knows how to help me with my eth problem?15:19
solf0rwhat was the problem?15:20
lorecasterflattened the acer aspire 5516, installed karmic, and the wireless is flakey at best15:21
lorecasterall the reviews i've read online show that it's a persistant problem15:21
solf0rwhat wireless chip does it have?15:21
lorecasterdigging that up now15:23
lorecasterif you know a quick way to get that data...15:23
solf0rtype lspci in terminal and post the result of it here15:23
lorecasterok, that works15:24
lorecasteroph!! sorry... it's the wired15:25
lorecasteri never noticed my typo... the wireless works fine, but it's the cable ethernet connection that is flakey. so sorry :$15:26
lorecastersorry, been a long week :P15:28
solf0rmy wifi is flaked out15:28
lorecasteryours? that's kinda ironic15:28
solf0ri know15:29
solf0rbut its a weird problem so15:29
lorecasteri'll worry about it later then,m i have some matters that require my attention. take care all, thanks for the effort solf0r15:30
BluesKaj!info wicd | lorecaster15:32
ubottulorecaster: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB15:32
Brhad56How do i clear the "Recently Used Items"?15:32
ficoosj #kdevelop15:34
bkhuraijamAnybody can help me in reinstalling my grub2 from my kubuntu.15:39
solf0rwhat do you mean?15:41
solf0rhave you tried running sudo update-grub?15:41
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solf0rwhats the problem with your grub 2?15:42
bkhuraijamI have seperate installation of kubuntu and ubuntu(gnome).15:43
bkhuraijamThe grub from ubuntu is getting booted up.15:43
bkhuraijamI want the entry from the kubuntu to take over.15:43
solf0rtbh i dont have a clue15:44
solf0rstartup-manager pribably15:44
bkhuraijamok thnx..15:45
solf0rbut ive never tried 2 seperate ubuntu/kubuntu installs15:45
bkhuraijamlet me try15:45
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anipythere is an extra package recommmended by krash for bugreports with more details, whats the name of that?16:12
ghoulsbladehi all, i recently upgraded to karmic 9.10, and i find the folder preview annoying (showing the contents of folders on the desktop when the mouse is over it) , how can i disable it ?  i disabled previews, but it's still there.  help appreciated =)16:28
bbigrasghoulsblade: do you mean the thing in the upper left corner of this picture http://imagebin.ca/view/YBESRs8.html ?16:40
ubbyoguys, i installed nvidia 190 and kubuntu got killed16:41
ghoulsbladeno, i mean there are folders on the desktop, which is good, but when i go with the mouse over one of them, a sort of mini-preview dialog pops ups showing the folder contents, it's in the way and not useful16:41
ubbyoi can't reinstall it either16:41
ubbyoplease help me16:41
ubbyoif you can of course :)16:42
ghoulsbladeubbyo : did you try apt-get remove --purge  for the files ?16:42
ghoulsbladedpkg --list | grep nividia           should list them16:42
ubbyoi removed them totally and installed only -190 files16:43
ghoulsbladehmm,  maybe   envyng-qt  is worth a try16:43
ghoulsbladea small gui tool for installing nvidia and ati drivers16:43
ubbyoghoulsblade: http://pastebin.com/m7e0a6d7a16:44
ubbyoghoulsblade: envyng ?16:45
ghoulsbladeotherwise i'm out of ideas =\16:46
ubbyoho well16:47
ubbyomanual install16:47
ubbyobbl, thanks i will remove the ppa for 190, i found in an nvidia forum that this ppa is borked beyond hell16:48
bbigrasghoulsblade: ok I see what you mean. The preview stil show even if disabled.16:48
v1ttudid you try installing the dsriver from nvidias site?16:50
bbigrasghoulsblade: I think the preview thing is only for the icon not the tooltip16:51
bbigrasI tested with a jpg16:51
ghoulsbladeyep, i'd like to disable that folder contents preview, any idea how?16:52
ghoulsbladei don't really like preview tooltips *g*16:52
v1ttuthere annoying16:52
ghoulsbladenot only for porn *g*16:53
bbigrasghoulsblade: I don't find a way :( maybe you should open a wish on bugs.kde.org and vote for it16:55
bbigrasI didn't find*16:55
ghoulsbladeis this part of kde or is it rather that plasma thing, or is it even the dolphin filemanager  ?16:57
bbigrasplasma I think, I'm looking16:58
v1ttuthe preview?16:58
v1ttufolder preview?16:58
ghoulsbladei hate previews, disabled them, worked for files, but folders still show a tooltip-preview, can't find a way to disable it16:59
ghoulsblade(for folders etc on the desktop)16:59
v1ttuyou can't17:00
v1ttui dunno why they didn't give the option too17:00
v1ttuit's annoying as hell17:00
ghoulsbladeyep.  i also miss xmms in karmic, audacious hangs so much =(17:00
ghoulsbladesmall winamp like music player17:01
ghoulsbladebut long dead project =\17:01
v1ttui never use winamp :P17:02
bbigrasghoulsblade: if you open a wish and both of you vote on it. It may help to get a patch approved.17:08
bbigrasghoulsblade: and it could make me write such a patch17:11
ghoulsbladeoki, will try  =)17:14
bbigrasghoulsblade: if you can I would appreciate if you could give me the bug number17:16
ghoulsbladehow do i find out my kde version ?17:18
ghoulsbladeah, i'll just take the one which most dpkg --list packages are from17:20
bbigrasghoulsblade: kde4-config -v17:22
bbigrasor in the "about kde"17:22
ghoulsbladeadded : https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21455317:25
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bbigrasghoulsblade: thanks, I'll see what I can do. also you may want to use the " Votes:   0  (Vote) " thing17:26
ghoulsbladev1ttu : if you also find those preview tooltips annoying, please vote17:26
ghoulsbladebbigras : out of curiousity, how would you go about making a patch for it ?  find out by which part of plasma (or whatever renders it) it is drawn, see if there is some lowlevel-text-config to disable it, and add some menu-entry in the system controls ?17:35
bbigrasghoulsblade: yes something like that. I may check how the "disable preview" option works and adapt it17:38
peabodyyo did they break wireless networking? It used to work fine, but now every time I reboot my computer I have to delete the wireless network entry, and create it over again. It doesn't connect automatically when I turn it on, and when I try to click teh profile to connect it doesn't do anything...17:38
ghoulsbladeok, thanks and good luck if you give it a try =)17:39
jussi01peabody: there have been reports of broken wireless. Have a browse through launchpad.17:43
bbigrashi slow-motion17:54
slow-motionhi bbigras17:54
Jonathan__hi i go the new Karmic... where is the setting for desktop effects???18:02
Jonathan__like wobbly windows and the like18:03
bbigrasJonathan__: right click on the title bar of any application, it's "windows behavior" or something18:04
bbigrasthe last one before "close"18:04
Jonathan__thats global changes? nice one thank you18:04
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Guest48049is there any open source software for running phpmyadmin on kubuntu18:14
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VroomfondleGuest73896: eh? I thought phpmyadmin was open-source?18:16
Vroomfondlewikipedia says it is.18:17
ahmedtaufiqbut i used xammp for installing on windows18:17
ahmedtaufiqnow which software to use PHPMYADMIN on local host18:18
Mamarokahmedtaufiq: the package name is phpmyadmin IIRC18:18
Mamarok!info phpmyadmin18:18
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (karmic), package size 3612 kB, installed size 13516 kB18:19
ahmedtaufiqok, is it preinstalled in kubuntu ?18:19
ahmedtaufiqor i ave to install it from somewhere else?18:19
Mamarokjust use sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin18:19
Mamarokand no, it's not preinstalled, of course not, most people would never need it :)18:20
ahmedtaufiqso from which website i can download it ?18:21
bbigrasuse apt-get , or kpackagekit18:21
bbigrasit will install it for you18:22
Vroomfondleahmedtaufiq: use the package manager (apt-get)18:22
Vroomfondleno need to use a website18:22
Mamarokahmedtaufiq: read what I just told you, no need for a website, it's in the repo18:22
Vroomfondle(welcome to Linux :) )18:22
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:22
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto18:22
MamarokVroomfondle: give it a break, please :)18:22
ahmedtaufiqbut where is package manager ?18:22
noaXess_kubuntui have a dvd and if i want rip it woth k9copy, it says that the dvd has 77GB?? so there are a lot's of 3gb, 6gb and 7gb titles on the dvd if i open it in k9copy, any idea why?18:22
VroomfondleMamarok: sorry... um... give what a break?18:23
Gintulishow can i edit kmenu? when open with mouse right button, and add my shortcut, i cant save it?18:23
noaXess_kubuntualso k3b says that the capaticy of the dvd is 77gb18:23
Mamarokahmedtaufiq: in a konsole (terminal), type: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin, much faster than using a package manager18:23
MamarokVroomfondle: with the bot18:23
ahmedtaufiqok thnx mamarok18:23
Mamarokahmedtaufiq: you are welcome18:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:23
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: kpackagekit is in the kde menu, in application, system18:23
VroomfondleMamarok: ...okay. Surely the point of the bot is that it should be used, but if it offends you I guess I can lay off ;p18:24
VroomfondleI do apologise for spamming the channel with a whole two bot messages.18:24
yakuzii've a problem concerning nfs copy speed from the nfs server (a nas) towards my laptop. I mounted the nfs with mount -t nfs <server>:<map_to_be_mounted> /mnt/<some folder> The mount works well (and doesn't take a lot of time) but, when i start to copy some files from the nas towards my laptop, it first starts copying very fast and then it drops down towards almost no speed. anyone has an idea how to keep the copy performance up like it18:24
yakuzi should?18:24
MamarokVroomfondle: well, he didn't understand the first sentence, so I bet the bot wsas not useful18:24
macoyakuzi: you sure you dont just have one of those ISPs who boosts the speed on teh first few mb of data for download?18:25
ahmedtaufiqits installing18:25
macoi know Comcast like quadruples the speed at first18:25
macoor doubles or something18:25
yakuzithe nas is on my local network...i'm copying from my nas towards my laptop on a local 100Mbit network18:26
yakuziso it has nothing to do with networkspeed or something like that, it has to do with nfs options or something18:28
ahmedtaufiqmamarok : by installing phpmyadmin, all files of php will run ?18:29
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: phpmyadmin is a tool for managing a mysql database. It's made with php18:31
davidjheinrichthe hplip website says the current versionof HPLIP is 3.9.10, yet on my Kubuntu 9.04 system, KPackageKit says that I have "hplip - 3.9.2-3ubuntu4 (amd64)" installed...what's up?18:31
ahmedtaufiqi have installed it completely ? now from where to run and manage it ?18:31
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: does works?18:32
ahmedtaufiqthanks alot18:33
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: np18:34
ahmedtaufiqi have a directory of php files,18:34
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin18:34
ahmedtaufiqits asking for password18:35
ahmedtaufiqi have not set up any database yet18:35
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: there's a mysql admin account. I think the password is generated when installing mysql18:36
ahmedtaufiqi have not noticed it18:36
ahmedtaufiqdefault KDE wallet password is also not working18:36
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: to install the mysql-server, do : sudo apt-get install mysql-server18:37
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: if it's already installed, I think you can change the admin password with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server18:37
ahmedtaufiqit gives the following error : #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)18:37
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: what gives this error? phpmyadmin?18:38
ahmedtaufiqyes, when i submit the password18:38
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: maybe it's because mysql is not running, it may not be installed18:38
ahmedtaufiqwhats the command to install it ?18:39
bbigrassudo apt-get install mysql-server18:40
ahmedtaufiqok im installing it18:42
ahmedtaufiqhow to start mysql server18:45
Jonathan__how can i see windows vista through karmic18:49
Jonathan__network i mean18:49
bbigrasJonathan__: with krdc you can use vnc and rdp18:49
ahmedtaufiqbbigras: i have installed my sql server and started it18:50
Jonathan__i was talkin about sending a file from my pc (karmic) to girlfiends PC (vista) through local netowrk18:50
ahmedtaufiqnow following erro comes :; #1045 - Access denied for user 'ahmed'@'localhost' (using password: YES)18:50
bbigrasJonathan__: you can create a network share on the vista pc and access it in the "remote" thing in dolphin18:51
Jonathan__her PC has a public share18:51
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: try with the user root18:51
ahmedtaufiquser id : root18:52
ahmedtaufiqpas : ??18:52
joacan anybody tell me whats better: alsa or OSS ?18:52
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: did mysql asked for a password when you installed it?18:52
Jonathan__any more help man?18:52
ahmedtaufiqroot user opened18:52
ahmedtaufiqthanks again bbgras18:52
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: you're welcome18:53
bbigrasJonathan__: in dolphin, there's a remote tab, and there's a network icon. Do you see her public share?18:53
ahmedtaufiqnow tell me last thing, where i should my php files to be able to run on local host18:53
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:53
Jonathan__sorry im gonna be a noob here18:53
ahmedtaufiq^ put ?18:54
ahmedtaufiqin windows i used to copy it some folder18:54
Jonathan__in network i have (network) (Network Services) (Samba Shares) and (Add Network Folder)18:54
bbigraslook in "network"18:54
ahmedtaufiqbbigras ??18:55
Jonathan__ok so it just has My pc18:55
bbigrasJonathan__: you only see your own pc?18:55
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: /var/www18:56
bbigrasJonathan__: :( did you check the vista firewall?18:56
bbigrasJonathan__: also did you check in "samba shares" ?18:56
Jonathan__it was in samba18:58
Jonathan__i live #kubuntu18:58
FloodBotK2Jonathan__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:58
joawhat's the recomendation ALSA or OSS ? anybody knows?18:58
aeonorisI was moving around my web comci widget and the arrows on the widget attacked themselves to my taskbar, the actual comic display dissapeared, and I could see bits of the title.  I right-cclicked on it and clicked remove panel, but that was, of course, my taskbar that it removed.  How do I get it back?18:59
yakuziso far it seems the sollution for the slow nfs is using samba in dolphin (network>samba shares>...) it just finished copying 1.4 GB in a few minutes while nfs took 1.5 hour for 2.6GB...19:01
keepex_hola a todas nenas19:02
Jonathan__i also have another question, whats a good media server application for karmic? one to stream files to the PS3...19:03
aeonorisSorry, I mean the arrows 'attached' themselves to my taskbar19:03
bbigrasJonathan__: ps3 media server19:03
ahmedtaufiqunder /www/ folder i cant create sub folder19:03
ahmedtaufiqwhy this is so ?19:03
bbigrasJonathan__: http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com/ , I use the latest beta version from the forum19:04
bbigrasJonathan__: there's also mediatomb19:05
Jonathan__it good?19:05
Jonathan__like reliable19:05
Jonathan__i did have windows media player streaming back in the day and it was very unreliable19:05
ahmedtaufiqi cant place files under www folder19:05
bbigrasJonathan__: yes. I did have problem a couple of time but I think it was broken avi files. I fix them with mencoder and it went fine19:05
Jonathan__ok ok19:06
Jonathan__thanks for all the help19:06
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: you need root privilege, you can create a folder with sudo, like : sudo mkdir /var/www/mydir19:06
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: and you can give your user permission by doing: sudo chown your_user_name /var/www/mydir19:06
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ahmedtaufiqdirectory created19:08
ahmedtaufiqbut still i cant place files in it19:08
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: do the chown thing19:09
ahmedtaufiqkubuntu is very difficult to use19:09
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: it's normal, new things are difficult. but there's lot of documentation on the internet19:10
ahmedtaufiqyes thnx19:11
ahmedtaufiqfiles copied19:11
ahmedtaufiqthnx alot19:12
ahmedtaufiqfor ur co-operation19:13
bbigrasahmedtaufiq: you're welcome :D have fun19:13
joacannot hear kmess sounds19:14
joawhile playing amarok19:14
aeonorisHow do I get my taskbar back?  I accidentally removed it19:18
aeonoris...Or maybe there's a way to reset everything to the defaults?19:21
bbigrasaeonoris: I don't know if you can reset it but you can create a new panel and add all plasmoids back by hand19:24
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memenodeYou know what's messed up?19:27
memenodethe fact that apturl existed since 2007 and firefox supported apt extension since then and ubuntu still doesn't make that work by default19:27
memenodeyet it'd be like one of the best selling points19:28
memenodestupid.. just stupid19:28
Mamarokmemenode: that sort of discussion belongs to #kubuntu-offtopic, not in a support channel19:28
memenodeah.. sorry19:29
aeonorisIsn't there some sort of "undo" feature in Plasma?  I just accidentally clicked on "remove this panel" instead of "remove this widget" again.19:37
[vali]aeonoris: uhmm... try deleting plasma* in ~/.kde/share/config (use at your own risk)19:39
aeonoris[vali]: would that reset it to the defaults or just make plasma empty?19:40
Quintasanaeonoris: reset to defaults19:41
[vali]if kde works like every other linux program, it will search in the "dotted" dirs for configuration. If nothing is found, then it will create a default one19:41
Gintulisrrrr [1.011200] kernel panic - not syncing: vfs: unable to mount root fs on uknown-block(0,0)19:42
aeonorisShould I also remove plasmoidviewer-appletsrc?19:43
[vali]if in doubt, move the file (in order to have a backup)19:44
aeonorisOh, good idea19:44
aeonorisThat worked.  Thanks.19:47
kavurtmy karmic automatically mounts all usb drives under /media/UUID_of_partition which are not written in /etc/fstab. why?19:47
Jonathan__bbigras are you here still?19:59
Jonathan__how do i use this ps3 media server19:59
bbigrasJonathan__: yes20:00
Jonathan__i downloaded the one from the link20:00
Jonathan__slightly unsure what to do20:00
bbigrasJonathan__: on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer it says how to install the encoder things20:00
bbigrasJonathan__: after that you just need to run the PMS.sh script20:01
bbigrasthe server will appear on your ps320:01
Jonathan__showing my video folder/??20:02
bbigrasJonathan__: no, by default it show everything20:03
bbigrasyou will see /20:03
Jonathan__ohh well even better then20:03
Jonathan___OK so i have apparently got the media server running20:18
Jonathan___it loads and says it can see the ps320:18
Jonathan___but the ps3 doesnt see it20:18
Jonathan__:) i signed in twice20:19
bbigrasJonathan__: that's weird, when it says it found the ps3 you should see it in the video column of the xmb20:20
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Jonathan__well it crashed my laptop20:25
Jonathan__something with the graphics is not right20:25
Jonathan__once i restarted it20:26
Jonathan__but it still says20:26
Jonathan__ps3 has been found20:26
bbigrasJonathan__: your laptop screen started to blink?20:26
Jonathan__big time20:27
Jonathan__just when you said that it did about 100 blinks20:28
MamarokJonathan__: could you please make less short lines? The bot will mute you...20:28
Jonathan__no problem20:29
bbigrasJonathan__: if you have a launchpad account you can go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/462334 and click the thing that says "this bug affect me too"20:30
Jonathan__ohh but i cant get it to work?20:30
bbigrasJonathan__: you can do like me, I do ALT+F1, login and start it there so it's started in headless mode and the problem won't happen. To go back to KDE it's alt+f7 (maybe f6 not sure)20:32
bbigrasthere's also should be a way to edit the PMS.sh script to force headless mode20:32
bbigrasI think adding "-Djava.awt.headless=true" to the last list of the script should work20:33
Jonathan__run it without a X server?20:33
Jonathan__so which way should i do it?20:34
Jonathan__alt f1 or edit the file20:34
bbigrasJonathan__: edit the file, like this http://pastebin.com/f7d63ceb820:35
ScuniziWhat's the Aknoid server?20:38
bbigrasScunizi: akonadi?20:39
Scunizibbigras: that's it. it flashed by so fast I didn't get a good look at it.20:39
bbigrasScunizi: here's a better description that I could make right now -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akonadi20:40
Jonathan___ok ok after another restart i got that link open but it doesnt really make sense. should i just copy "-Djava.awt.headless=true" into the script file at the bottom?20:41
Scunizibbigras: thanks.. that helps a lot.. strange that it actually flashes the startup process.. I'm not new to linux or ubuntu (gnome for 5 years).. but for someone new to kde it made me wonder what was going on.20:42
bbigrasJonathan___: yes you need to add it to the last line of the script20:42
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Jonathan___then just try running again?20:42
bbigrasJonathan___: yes20:42
Jonathan___ok here goes if i disconnect you will know what happened :)20:43
bbigrasScunizi: yes, when it start or when also the migration dialog is confusing20:43
bbigrasJonathan___: ok hehe20:43
rudolfses esmu no salaspils20:44
Mamarokrudolfs: English, please20:45
rudolfsplay again.20:46
Mamarokrudolfs: do you have a question? This is a support channel20:47
Scunizicontact has "Configure the Custom Pages" however Qt Designer isn't installed.  I also can't find it with kpackagekit.. any suggestions?20:49
rudolfsds game20:49
Mamarokrudolfs: please, this is a support question, do not talk random20:50
davidjheinrichI have the hplip 3.9.2 drivers and just attached an HP Photosmart B8550 printer (it's a wide-format printer). The hplip page says the B8550 is fully supported. Yet, lsusb doesn't show any HP device and running "sudo hp-setup" doesn't find any hp printers...huh?20:51
rudolfsclub penguin ds game20:51
bbigrasScunizi: designer is part of the qt4-designer package20:53
Scunizibbigras: thanks.. looks like searching for Qt is different the searching for qt :( shouldn't be that way in a generic package search.20:56
bbigrasScunizi: indeed20:56
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gmathewsHey guys, major bug in KpackageKit, none of the filesizes of the bugs are shown. Which can be a shlep.21:05
jussi01!bug | gmathews21:06
ubottugmathews: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:06
gmathewshelp ubuntu-bug21:07
gmathews!info Kpackagekit21:08
ubottuPackage Kpackagekit does not exist in karmic21:08
shadowhywindI was wondering how would one go about mapping a keypress to a mouse button. (aka I have a side button on my mouse that I want to map to the alt key)21:10
DanaGhmm, does kde4 offer a built-in vnc server?21:10
jussi01shadowhywind: logitech?21:11
shadowhywindjussi01: yah21:11
jussi01!info btnx | shadowhywind21:11
ubottushadowhywind: btnx (source: btnx): daemon for rerouting mouse button events. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.11-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 20 kB, installed size 120 kB21:11
yakuzishadowhywind: i think you can do it by following parts of this how-to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219894&highlight=logitech+mouse21:12
shadowhywindjussi01: thanks,21:12
shadowhywindand well look at that as well, thanks yakuzi21:12
yakuzi(i used some parts of it to map my sidebuttons to forward / backward in dolphin,firefox etc21:12
jussi01shadowhywind: btnx is very useful ;)21:12
schumiwhere can i download Kbluetooth 0.3???21:14
shadowhywindjussi01: does btnx/btnx-config have to be run as root?21:14
jussi01shadowhywind: it edits things in /etc iirc21:14
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schumiok, who is from russia?21:18
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:19
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shadowhywindjussi01: do I have to restart x for the changes to take affect?21:23
jussi01dont know. perhaps its because kde has the handlers that have been changed a little lower. not sure.21:24
RoeyRiddell:  heya, does this bug have anything to do with my systme's issue of not notifying me when I've inserted an SD card?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/43831621:31
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Guest11237i have a problem my computer for the last two days logout by himself21:36
Jonathan__bbigras, man i added that line from that image on the link you sent and it still loaded with the flickering21:44
Jonathan__bbigras? you there?21:46
ErtheHow does one configure HAL?21:47
lmartin92how does one install pSX on amd64; I get this error : ./pSX: error while loading shared libraries: libgtkglext-x11-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:48
ErtheI'm trying to get currently non-functional keys on my g15 keyboard working properly.21:48
berardoalguien aqui habla espanish?21:49
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maco!es | berardo21:49
ubottuberardo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:49
robbies___Gents, I am proud to announce that after acouple of hours of configuring my system I have got Kubuntu up and running21:50
robbies___I have one question for starters21:50
macowho you callin a gent?21:50
macohmm question?21:51
The_Journeywhat is a good dock for kubuntu?21:52
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robbies___I would like to make my wifi config an auto config so whenever I suspend and resume it is used automatically21:52
robbies___I can't find an option to make it an auto config21:53
macorobbies___: 9.10?21:53
macooh...not sure how 8.10 worked, but i think when you confgure the AP in knetworkmanager there should be a "connect automatically" checkbox21:54
macoThe_Journey: plasma-widget-daisy, maybe?21:54
robbies___there is no such checkbox21:55
The_Journeymaco: does that need compiz or something like that?21:55
robbies___where can I find a list of changes between ubuntu 8.10 and 9.1021:55
macoThe_Journey: no its a normal plasmoid21:55
macorobbies___: release notes for 9.04 and 9.10 is the best you can do, short of reading the changelog for every package you care about21:56
ajd2k9how dso i see hidden files ...21:56
robbies___where do I find the release notes?21:57
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91021:58
macoand change 910 to 904 for other, i think21:59
macothough....hrm those are ubuntu's release notes, not kubuntu's...21:59
ajd2k9hello ... im such a n00b can someone help me i cant seem to see hidden files21:59
Jonathan__i hate being a noob22:00
ajd2k9me to ..22:00
macoajd2k9: i assume the View menu has an option22:00
macohowever every....oh there we go22:00
macoyes it does22:00
ajd2k9yeah sorry for bein a n00b .. thankmyou!22:01
maco:( dolphin takes a full minute before im allowed to interact with it after opening a window. i guess its trying to get through all the crap in my home dir22:01
macoajd2k9: no problem :)22:01
macoeverybody starts out a newbie :)22:01
Jonathan__how long does it last?22:02
ajd2k9haha yeah ... only used kubuntu for 2 weeks and just trying to use wine atm22:02
Jonathan__aww no man22:02
Jonathan__just go for it in linux22:03
macoJonathan__: took me about 2.5yr to admit i wasnt a newbie anymore. and id been contributing for over a year by that point :P22:03
ajd2k9it isnt out in linux its a game i used to play years ago and just saw its now free but only for win3222:03
Jonathan__how do you say stuff to a person in this Quassel then?22:04
The_Journeymaco: how do I install plasma-widget-daisy?22:04
Jonathan__so that it comes up highlighted22:04
macoThe_Journey: "sudo aptitude install plasma-widget-daisy" or use kpackagekit from your menu22:04
jussi01!tab | Jonathan__22:04
ubottuJonathan__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:04
macoThe_Journey: itll be an option in right click -> add widgets22:04
The_Journeymaco: ok cool thanks, but just one more question, how do I know when to use apt-get instead of aptitude?22:05
macoThe_Journey: mostly doesnt matter22:05
macoThe_Journey: there are some less-common commands they dont have in common. in that case: check the man page22:06
Jonathan__how can i see a list of running processes?.22:06
jussi01Jonathan__: ctrl+esc22:06
macoJonathan__: ps -ef22:06
The_Journeymaco: I cant move the daisy widget, it's stuck at one spot22:08
macoThe_Journey: unlock widgets?22:08
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Omegatroni am trying to restore my grub22:09
Omegatronbut stage1 file isnt found22:09
Omegatronwhat can i do?22:09
Jonathan__so i ran the PMS.sh will it appear in the system activity window22:09
The_Journeymaco: well it's a circle, with launchers, but I cant move the circle to the bottom of the screen22:09
ajd2k9hey again how do i open sources.list and edit it i cant change permissions do i have to log out?22:09
macoThe_Journey: a little bar should show up next to it when you hover22:10
macoajd2k9: sudo22:10
The_Journeyand then what?22:10
The_Journeyah nvm22:10
ajd2k9sudo ..22:10
The_Journeygot it22:10
The_Journeyim such an idiot :(22:10
ajd2k9maco: where can i find sudo22:14
macoajd2k9: its a command22:15
macoajd2k9: or rather, do "kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list"22:15
ajd2k9maco: cheers got it sorted22:15
sdfRunning Kubuntu 7.04.  I tried using Adept Manager to upgrade but the Fetch Updates does'nt find anything.  What am I missing?22:16
kovachWindowsXP_Pro_SP1_Disk1.img what program do i need to open this file22:19
kovachi am using ubuntu22:20
kovachits for the vbox22:20
kovachdoes anyone know22:21
ajd2k9virtual box is it not?22:23
bigbrovarhi guys am having issues getting compositing to work with Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics on kubuntu karmic22:25
CymewHi. My hd is killing me. Now it spins down or do some other power saving trick, and it makes my interactive use terrible. I have no idea how I turned it on. Can I disable it somehow?22:31
yofelCymew: can you try (assuming your drive is /dev/sda) 'sudo hdparm -S 0 /dev/sda && sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda' ?22:40
CymewThanks for the suggestion. I'll try that and see if something changes.22:41
CymewWill that setting stay through a reboot?22:42
yofelCymew: afaik no, you could check /etc/hdparm.conf22:47
yofelbut I have hdparm issues myself (putting my second drive to sleep after about 5s) I understand you have the same issue?22:48
sharpen047hey all would anyone know how to use media keys on a fujitsu n series lifebook? xev doesn detect any input23:06
CymewI wonder what part of KDE I was poking about with when I managed to change the hd settings23:09
CymewI'll have to see what /etc/hdparm.conf say, because now since I ran those commands it has behaves just like I wanted.23:09
Doom_GuardI'm having trouble enabling compositing on 9.10 under virtualbox. Guest additions are installed. Any ideas?23:10
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Guest71935is there a way to make dolphin have an "up" button on the navegation bar, just like konqueror or nautilus?23:16
Guest38966Tem alguém que tc em Portuguê?23:17
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Doom_GuardGuest71935: Settings -> Configure Toolbars23:19
Doom_GuardThere's an option to add an Up button in there23:19
Guest71935Doom_Guard: not here23:20
Guest71935thanks, that helps a lot23:23
Doom_GuardI'm getting a protocol error when trying to mount a shared virtualbox directory...anyone know anything about this?23:23
Doom_GuardNever mind, I'm just retarded.23:28
Doom_GuardStill having problems with compositing though.23:28
=== andy is now known as Guest20865
Guest20865a second and last question: is there a way to add custom entries to the droptdown menu you get when you right click on a file?23:56
Guest20865like wipe instead of rm the file when hit 'delete'23:56

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