
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
murchersonhi folks, feel a bit of a dumbass for asking this but how do i take a right-click action in a folder that's full i.e. like paste or open in terminal. These options are all greyed out because I've right-clicked on a file not an empty space. I know I can change the view to arrange some empty space but is there an easier way to do this. Thanks and sorry for the huge post.03:32
Amaranthmurcherson: #ubuntu is the proper channel for support but all the stuff in the right click menu should be in the File and Edit menus03:35
murchersonyeh i was just hopint there was a way to do via mouse03:36
murchersonthanks though03:37
JanCmurcherson: it's a known bug03:41
JanCmurcherson: and you can use the File menu or right-click the directory button in the file hierarchy above the list03:43
JanCor maybe the Edit menu, e.g. to "paste"03:44
murchersonhow do you mean the directory button please03:44
murchersonits not so much for paste but for opening a terminal03:45
JanCmurcherson: hm, that doesn't work with the buttons on the location bar03:46
JanCbut it does work from the File menu03:46
murchersonit would just be nice to be able to open terminal or other specialised right-click menu functions without having to use file menu03:48
murchersoni know its not much but would be handyt for me03:48
JanCyes, it would, but there is a lot of discussion about how  ;)03:48
murchersoncan i set up a button that would somehow make the cursor think that it is in an unactive area of a folder03:50
murchersoni.e. an empty space03:50
JanCthat's exactly what the discussion is about, how/what to create "empty space"03:51
JanCI wish they could decide faster too ;)03:52
JanChm, maybe we could do something with nautilus extensions (but that might slow down a real solution)03:53
baptistemmsalut huats09:45
huatshello baptistemm09:45
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UbuntuNoobesterHi everyone.  Fairly new to linux.  I was running Raid-0 (2 SSD Drives) for my Windows 7 OS and then decided to try Ubuntu 9.10 so I installed it on a partition of my 500GB Sata secondary drive.  The install went fine but I do not get the grub option for my windows 7 operating system now nor do I see the Raid-0 volume on Ubuntu desktop.  Any ideas?12:25
manolo__Hi to all. I notice there's a 1.9 GB file named uuid-0000-0F11.AOO52U and contained into the /home/manolo/.local/share/gvfs-metadata directory My problem is that I'm trying to free some hd space. Is that file useful? Can I remove it? Thanks14:08
maxbI don't know exactly what it is, but gvfs is to do with mounting other filesystems, often network filesystems.14:15
manolo__maxb yes, I realized it...14:16
manolo__maxb: another question. I nothice I have 2 "trash" directories under my home folder. One is named .Trash-0 and the other .Trash-100014:18
manolo__are both in use?14:18
maxbThe numbers I think refer to uids. So .Trash-0 would be things trashed by root, I guess14:22
maxbAssuming you don't have anything you need to rescue from the trash, it should be fine to delete them all, and just let an appropriate trash be recreated automatically when needed14:23
chrisccoulsonthe gvfs-metadata folder just contains information about files/folders, and is used by things like nautilus to store information about folder-specific customizations etc14:30
chrisccoulsonyou can delete it if you want to lose those customizations14:31
manolo__chrisccoulson: do you think it's normal to have a 1.9GB customization file?14:31
chrisccoulsonno, it's probably corrupted in some way14:32
manolo__ok, maybe it could be safer to move such a directory into my external hd and try my system of a week or two...14:33
manolo__in case the system goes without problems, I'll definitely remove it14:34
manolo__Well... strange things happen in this world... I've been removing sjust some files contained into those .Trash folders... that is I indirectly moved them into the (supposed to be) currently used Trash folder. Then I emptied the (current) trash and it automatically completely removed those alternative trash folders...14:47
manolo__thanks for your time. CU :)15:01
serialorderI was checking to see if telepathy-mission-control-5 should be synced but the unstable version now ships  accountManager.service and warns 'The AccountManager.service is inappropriate on mainstream distributions'15:45
serialorderI am thinking this means it should not be synced for lucid since it is a LTS would that be correct?15:45
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serialorderanyone around?21:19

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