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directhexlooks like between 89% and 116% of reported karmic issues on ubuntuforums are bug 41194100:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 411941 in gtk+2.0 "f-spot.exe crashes when using new wave theme" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41194100:46
Yoehi -- I'm the Debian (and upstream) maintainer of nbd, which is still at a rather old version in ubuntu01:03
YoeThere's a "please merge" bug open in launchpad, but it hasn't seen an update in quite a while now01:03
YoeI've prepared a patch, but launchpad seems to hate me; would anyone here be kind enough to post the URL for me? http://grep.be/~wouter/ubuntu/nbd_2.9.14-2ubuntu1.dsc01:04
chrisccoulsondirecthex - interesting. is it possible to run mono applications with "--sync"?01:05
chrisccoulsonthe backtrace in that bug report isn't particularly useful, as the X error actually occurred at some point in the past01:05
directhexYoe, are there specific reasons for ubuntu to remain diverged? are there ubuuntu-specific patches which couldn't be binned or usefully integrated?01:06
directhexchrisccoulson, i'm not aware of such an ability, but the gtk-sharp mailing list would know better01:07
chrisccoulsondirecthex - thanks01:07
directhexchrisccoulson, it'd be nice if you could set an env var to alter than behaviour01:07
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure if there is anything in xlib that honours that. it would probably be worth me checking01:08
dtchen_directhex: it looks like the changes from 1:2.9.11-2ubuntu1 are still relevant01:08
chrisccoulson(or i could just run f-spot in GDB and break on XSynchronize)01:08
chrisccoulsonassuming that's possible :-/01:09
dtchen_Yoe: done. Also subscribed ubuntu-main-sponsors.01:10
directhexdtchen_, oh, one of THOSE kinds of divergence. those need carrying for years :/01:10
dtchen_Yoe: thank you for looking into it.01:10
JanCeh, nbd is treated as a "native" package or what?01:18
dtchen_JanC: hmm? It's a normal upstream-DebRevUbuntuRev01:19
dtchen_unless I misunderstood your question01:20
JanCapperently I was looking wrong01:22
i--pinksomeone here?01:46
persia!ask | i-pink01:47
ubottui-pink: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:47
i--pinkhow i cant make the point in the cursor bigger01:48
persiai--pink: I suspect you want #ubuntu: this isn't a support channel.01:49
i--pinkpersia, ^01:49
i--pinkhehe.. is developer channel..01:50
i--pinki need to make it, is not a problem in the ubuntu, is something are i need to make01:50
i--pinkis for touch-screen01:52
persiai--pink: Ah, you want to adjust the contact point size for a touch screen?01:52
i--pinkto resize the point on the cursor01:53
i--pinknow is 1 pixel and i want to make it 20 pixels01:54
persiaWell, one of those is a config change and the other is a replacement graphic.  The person who knows best isn't about right now, and this still isn't the right channel, unless you're proposing to change it for Ubuntu (in which case I'd recommend proposing it for an ubuntu-mobile meeting)01:54
persiaNote that the X event will still be a single X,Y coordinate, so it may not achieve the effect you want.01:55
i--pinkmmm ok01:55
i--pinkno no no01:55
i--pinkthe cursor make effect only on 1 pixel, i want it effect on circle of 20 pixels01:57
persiai--pink: I think that would be very tricky, as I think X assumes a single pixel, as do most X clients.01:58
i--pinkmmm ok01:59
i--pinkand you know about option to show all the open windows - without compiz02:00
persialibwnck can be a useful way to access that.02:02
i--pinki mean some fetcher in ubuntu,02:04
i--pinki am dont want to make it if it's done.02:05
persiai--pink: There's a whole bunch of them.  `apt-cache rdepends libwnck22` will show at least 5 (although some of what it shows are also not tools to do that)02:06
i--pinkwhat is this list?02:08
persiaIt's a list of packages that use libwnck.  Note that there are also other libraries to handle window stuff, so it's not a complete list.02:09
i--pinki get 100 lines..02:10
persiaI only get 39.  You may have more sources enabled in your sources.list than I.02:10
i--pinkwhat is avant-window-navigator02:11
persiaYour package manager will tell you.02:11
i--pinkError: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.02:12
i--pinkdont help me02:12
i--pinkit use compiz :(02:12
macoits a dock program02:12
macothink like at the bottom of a mac02:12
JanCno, it needs a compositing manager02:12
i--pinkahhhh avn02:13
* persia notes that both the purpose of the tool and the use of the composite extension are in the package description02:14
i--pinkno no.. i need something like ALT+TAB but after it you can chose the application with the mouse02:15
persiai--pink: Right.  So, to get that, you'll either want to ask for good applications that meet your needs in the support channel, or investigate the available applications using the development tools and testing :)02:15
i--pinki ask you if you hear about application like this OR i need to make it..02:17
JanCi--pink: I don't think there are any in the Ubuntu repositories outside of compiz, or maybe AWN (which I don't use so don't know)02:20
persiaUnderstood.  I'm not familiar with all the applications that do window selection.  That's why I pointed you to a handy library that does that (so you could investigate the tools that use it), or to the support channel, where there tends to be at least someone familiar with almost any application available.02:20
JanCbut I think you have a bigger chance in #ubuntu to hear about such applications02:20
macoi--pink: ive never heard of anything like that for linux02:21
JanCmaco: well, compiz does it, so everybody uses that  ;)02:22
i--pinkis for a concept netbook02:22
JanCwhy not use compiz then?02:22
i--pinkbut compiz kill the processor02:22
macoJanC: can you choose with mouse whch thing to pick when you alt+tab in compiz??02:22
JanCno, it doesn't, it runs almost completely on the GPU02:23
persiai--pink: Select a different GPU, with accelerated #d drivers for x.02:23
ScottKmaco: The problem is the wrong compositing.  Kwin works great on netbooks.02:23
JanCmaco: not with alt-tab maybe, but there is a way to do it IIRC02:23
i--pinkis not only that02:23
JanCScottK: compiz (and kwin, I suppose) works on intel 8xx graphics cards, which are way less powerful than what is in a netbook02:24
i--pinkif i rotate the screen in 90 deg. compiz make crazy things02:24
ScottKJanC: Works great on my Dell mini 10v (Kwin with plasma-netbook)02:25
JanCi--pink: ah, then file bugs to compiz  ;)02:25
i--pinki have accelerometer and it control on the screen rotate02:25
JanCScottK: which has either 915 or poulsbo?02:25
ScottKJanC: 915.02:25
i--pinkis atom 1.6 and 94502:25
JanCright, the same as my EEE 90002:25
ScottKJanC: Sorry, 945.02:25
persiaI didn't think there were any poulsbo drivers for recent X.02:26
ScottKMini 10 is poulsbo, 10v in 945.02:26
JanCseriously, that GPU has too much power for compiz already  ;)02:26
i--pinkand games not work good with compiz02:26
ScottKpersia: There aren't.02:26
JanCexcept if you want some of the more crazy plugins02:26
i--pinkyou get flickering screen02:27
persiai--pink: Games work fine with compiz, as long as there is GPU power available.  Making them work together is a BOM decision, rather than a software decision.02:27
AmaranthJanC: I can't think of a plugin that would be slow on a 945 except maybe blur02:27
Amaranthassuming blur works...02:27
persiabill-of-materials: the stuff inside the computer02:28
JanCAmaranth: yeah, blur is what caused problems on my laptop in the past02:28
Amaranthpersia: Actually as long as the driver is done properly compiz should have almost zero impact on games02:28
i--pinkif i open a game like tux racer the screen start flickering02:28
persiaAmaranth: hrm?  What happens if I'm running nifty stuff and other nifty stuff and run out of ability to process polygons?02:29
JanCi--pink: on karmic?02:29
Amaranthpersia: Unless you're actively using compiz effects the only real cost is the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap which is supposed to be a noop02:29
i--pinkon hardy02:29
Amaranthpersia: Well, I suppose you could run out of memory...02:29
i--pinki use hardy02:29
JanCi--pink: right, intel driver improved a lot since then  ;)02:29
i--pinkall the support channels and the forums tell me to disable the compiz02:30
Amaranthpersia: But so long as the pixmap is in video memory GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap should be zero-copy, just some bookkeeping to use it as a texture02:30
Amaranthpersia: Although afaik that's really only possible with GEM/TTM02:30
persiaAmaranth: right, but a lot of the lower-cost memory solutions are limited in various ways.02:30
i--pinkand when i disable it the games start work good!02:30
Amaranthi--pink: So disable it02:31
i--pinkbut now the the touch-screen not useful02:31
JanCAmaranth: he wants some sort of "exposé"-like tool, which would be easiest to do with compiz of course02:31
Amaranthpersia: Well intel should be the best at this, really02:32
i--pinkwhat is s/memory/video/ ?02:32
AmaranthJanC: In that case I guess he'll have to try again with karmic :)02:32
persiai--pink: sed command to apply to my last statement.02:32
i--pinki delete the karmic today02:32
persiaAmaranth: poulsbo aside, yes :)02:33
Amaranthcrap, poulsbo...02:33
JanChe has 94502:33
Amaranthtry again with lucid? :)02:33
i--pinki have not drivers for the touch-screen02:33
JanCi--pink: so, you dano't have karmic drivers for the touch screen you mean?02:33
Amaranthi--pink: Try installing compizconfig-settings-manager then running ccsm and disabling Unredirect Fullscreen Windows in General Options02:34
i--pinki cant calibrate the touch-screen02:34
i--pinki try it02:34
i--pinknot work02:34
JanChm, and you can't use a touchscreen that has open source drivers?02:34
i--pinkis penmount02:35
i--pinki try to install the drivers of the 9.04 and it calibrate the screen but disable the keyboard..02:36
i--pinkand i try to remove the calibration tool from the startup but is back all the time..02:37
i--pinkafter 5 testings and 3 days i back to the stable hardy02:38
sbalneavtkamppeter: Hey, Till, you about?02:38
i--pinkthis ids the driver02:39
i--pinki work with the USB02:40
sbalneavtkamppeter: if you're about, I'm tracking down Bug #30747102:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 307471 in cupsys "Multi bin printing broken in OpenOffice.org due to cupsys pstops filter bug" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30747102:40
JanCi--pink: I guess they will release an Ubuntu 9.10 driver in the future?  Maybe ask them?02:44
RAOFUrgh.  Why is pv->disk being NULL in grub-probe?  That makes everything unhappy.04:02
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hsnif i traslate app on launchpad, it gets exported upstream?11:37
manuel_does a update from 904 work if the whole system is enctypted?11:41
cumulus007Hi, I have just completed the Dutch translation of the Ubuntu 9.10 release notes. I made a note of them on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes/Translations13:12
cumulus007Should I do anything else to make sure that my translation will be used and will be accessible via the installer's start page?13:12
ari-tczewqa.ubuntuwire.org is down :-(13:21
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Symmetrialo all, quick question, has anyone seen any problems with the ixgbe drivers under both jaunty and karmic (I've tried various kernels), I am getting odd kernel panics and stuff when I start throwing serious traffic around14:07
Symmetriahttp://inetpro.org/pastebin/79 <=== thats what I'm seeing14:10
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lhasbsubuntu doesnt seem to like being in a saved state in virtualbox16:52
lhasbsipv4 network is missing16:52
lhasbsthe /etc/init.d/networking restart doesnt re up it16:53
dtchen_it wouldn't. You want to restart network-manager.16:54
lhasbsis there a quick way to do so?16:54
lhasbsand why doesn't it restart with the above command?16:54
dtchen_in 9.10, sudo restart network-manager16:54
lhasbsI al;ready did that, this is 9.04 though16:56
lhasbsadded iface eth0 line to interfaces, good to go16:56
lhasbsI removed n-m from 9.0416:56
lhasbsdtchen_ ?16:57
dtchen_lhasbs: yes?16:57
lhasbsam I correct here?16:57
dtchen_lhasbs: to what does "correct" refer?16:57
macolhasbs: if 9.04 then its called NetworkManager16:58
dtchen_in 9.04, it would be /etc/init.d/NetworkManager16:58
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lhasbsIs there any easy way to change monitor driver in ubuntu. i have to do this to get a higher resolution. It says i got a compaq 16" but it's 17".18:44
azeemlhasbs: please ask in #ubuntu; this is not a support channel18:45
lhasbsdone there18:45
lhasbsnoone answered sir18:45
azeemsorry about that18:45
azeemtry again during the week or the forums then18:45
sam__just want to say something20:27
dtchen_ugh. Ubuntu needs libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio on the discs as opposed to libsdl1.2debian-alsa. Which is going to be tough because Kubuntu and Xubuntu don't ship PulseAudio.20:28
sam__my wifi finally works out of the box, thank you...20:30
m4tany recommendations for a non adobe flash plugin for firefox? gnash?20:51
m4tthere isn't one in the base desktop install, is there? i don't recall removing one..20:52
macoOT for this channel, but i like swfdec20:52
m4tall i need is flash cookies20:52
KartinkaIs there anyone who knows a lot about DevKit and udev Rules?! I need some help by hiding unmounted partitions.20:52
macom4t: no there is not20:55
macom4t: swfdec is what i used for about a year, but again...not exactly a -devel question20:55
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Symmetriaullo all21:30
Symmetriaanyone awake?21:30
macoi think many are either on airplanes or packing to get on airplanes21:32
Symmetriahttp://inetpro.org/pastebin/79 <=== I need someone who can give me SOME clue as to whats going on there21:32
Symmetriathe moment I start downloading serious traffic through ixgbe, I start seeing messages like that in dmesg, and then the box locks up solid21:32
Symmetriaand I've tested it on 3 different machines configured identically21:32
* Symmetria is thinking memory leak in the tcp stack with adjusted window sizes21:33
macofile a bug against the kernel?21:33
maco"ubuntu-bug linux"21:33
Symmetria:) yeah was just hoping for some pointers first so that I could include a bit more detail in a bug report rather than saying "I see this, and the box locks up" :) figured maybe someone had something for me that would allow me to do some more investigations first21:34
macoubuntu-bug will attach some information21:35
macolets take this over to #ubuntu-bugs21:35
serialorderi was going to merge telepathy-mission-control-5 but the change introduced was to ship the AccountManager service file21:47
serialorderthere is a note in the readme that says  "# The AccountManager.service is inappropriate on mainstream distributions"21:47
serialordergot me thinking that maybe this is not something we should ship with lucid21:48
ScottKserialorder: For telepathy stuff, I think bigon is the best person to ask.21:49
serialorderScottK, ok21:50
pvl1hey, i really wanna learn to develop for ubuntu, but i dont know where to begin. are there sdk's or something like that?23:27
sebner!MOTU | pvl123:27
ubottupvl1: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU23:27
sebnerpvl1: "click here!"23:28
pvl1i was looking at that page but i got confused as to what i was looking for23:29
pvl1i guess ill look around a bit more23:29
bigonserialorder: well I'm not really aware of the mc5 stuff, you can maybe ask smcv (upstream and debian maintainer)23:34
sjoerdsebner: shipping that services file is perfectly fine23:36
sjoerduhm, serialorder ^^23:36
bigonoh you're here too :)23:38
sjoerdbigon: i'm everywhere :p23:38

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