
=== bjf is now known as bjf-afk
virtualdstevenk: is it caturday?05:36
StevenKvirtuald: No, the wireless connection in this hotel is making me a sad panda05:37
dtchen_I suppose we can look forward to wonderful connectivity for the sessions?05:57
dtchen_s/we/others/ . I won't be online for the sessions anyhow.05:58
macoyou wont?05:58
StevenKdtchen_: The wireless downstairs is fine, it's the hotel wireless that's (I feel) sub-par05:58
dtchen_hotel wireless almost always blows06:00
StevenKYeah :-/06:00
StevenKdtchen_: But I've had no problems with the Ubuntu wireless network set up by James06:01
dtchen_I don't think we can count on competence for hotel wireless ;-)06:02
virtualdwhen's uds and will there be live streams?06:10
macovirtuald: starts monday and yes06:13
virtualdnice, where would the streams be?06:14
ubot3The Ubuntu Developer Summit is being held November 16th-20th in Dallas, Texas, USA. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS for more information.06:16
macosomewhere near that wiki page should tell you06:16
virtualdthank you06:16
openeyegood day everyone, i have a question. Would it be possible for me to remove the 65k restriction on connections from the tcp/ip stack?13:42
openeyeso that the port isnt limited on the 16bit order13:43
=== emma_ is now known as emma

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