
doctormopleia2: Makes sure the launchpad user has ssh keys uploaded and generates them in required, automates a load of things for what we do here.00:01
doctormoIt's also backed well, so in the end it'll go gui00:01
doctormoI'm off to bed now, it's been a long day, let me know if I've slipped up somewhere.00:03
pleia2good night00:05
doctormoHey BiosElement21:05
BiosElementAhh, Hey doctormo21:05
doctormoBiosElement: Seen the 13 new scripts for bzr/lp?21:05
BiosElementdoctormo: Nope, Hook me up?21:06
doctormoBiosElement: bzr branch lp:nautilus-lp21:06
BiosElementdoctormo: Aight, I'll check it out21:07
doctormoBiosElement: Just poke at them, see if you can get them to die21:07
doctormoBiosElement: And some feedback21:07
BiosElementAight doctormo, will do.21:07
doctormoAll of these are simply front ends on modules, so the GUI isn't far behind.21:08
paultaghey guys21:18
pleia2g'day paultag21:18
paultaghey there pleia2 :)21:19
paultagpleia2, sorry for the poke in -help, tab fail :)21:19
pleia2paultag: is ok, I was napping anyway21:19
paultagpleia2, So, I figured out LDAP, and started to understand it, before I figured out how wrong I was about some of the other servers I was working with. Turns out I have to hack around it. Thanks for the tips, but my LDAP days are over for now :)21:20
pleia2paultag: sure thing21:22
paultag'lo BiosElement :)21:25
BiosElementHey paultag21:25
paultagBiosElement, d'new, my friend?21:25
paultags'new *21:25
BiosElementAhh, not much paultag. Just been having fun with plumbing and such. >.>21:26
paultagBiosElement, work or fixing up the house?21:26
BiosElementpaultag: fixing up. >.< As in a clogged pipe I got to clean...which is now leaking because the landlord punched a hole after he was "fixing" the pipe I'd already fixed. *cough* Thankfully not my problem.21:27
paultagBiosElement, d'oh21:27
BiosElementHeh, yeah...21:29
paultagBiosElement, I forget, where abouts are you in Ohio?21:30
BiosElementpaultag: Columbus area.21:30
paultagAh, I knew that actually21:30
* BiosElement tattoo's it to his forehead to help paultag remember :P21:30
paultagBiosElement, Did you hear about Hour going on @ Gateway on Wednesday?21:31
BiosElementpaultag: This coming Wednesday right? >.<21:31
paultagBiosElement, yup :)21:31
paultagBiosElement, we have a google calender :P21:32
BiosElementhaha, yep. I heard about the gateway meeting thingy. :P21:32
paultagYa heading over BiosElement ?21:33
BiosElementpaultag: Hell, it'd be hard for me "not" too. It's right on my way home anyway. >.<21:33
doctormoWhat is this gateway event?21:34
paultagdoctormo, It's at Ohio State -- I had one of my Local Leads in the area start an Ubuntu Hour every other Wednesday21:35
doctormopaultag: Nice, what happens in the hour?21:35
paultagdoctormo, That puts the current Ubuntu Hour count in Ohio at 2 :)21:35
paultagdoctormo, It's an hour every other week for us to get together, really low key at a local spot for an hour21:36
paultagdoctormo, bring any Ubuntu Swag if you get it, abide by the CoC, and just hang out with the LoCo guys21:36
doctormopaultag: cool, sort of like our Wednesday advocacy sessions in MA?21:36
paultagdoctormo, Yup :)21:36
doctormoBut ours is 2 hours every Wednesday... and more about getting stuff done like posters, emailing, ldap and such.21:36
doctormoBut the social stuff is fun too.21:37
paultagdoctormo, Yeah, ours is just one hour at a local spot to keep everyone face-to-face21:37
doctormoWe have tea at Tealux, they have green tea with jasmin, lovely stuff.21:37
paultagdoctormo, I'm also spreading it out so there is one no more then 30 minutes away from any member21:37
doctormoIt's a good idea you copied from us :-D21:37
paultagdoctormo, :)21:37
doctormoNow that's a good idea, getting people to organise a short get together ever other week in more remote spots.21:38
paultagdoctormo, why thank you :)21:38
paultagdoctormo, So far it's been a rousing success21:38
doctormoGood, good, although we should take this to #ubuntu-us or #ubuntu-locoteams21:38
paultagGood point doctormo21:38

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