
EzraRif an app is set up to run on diff OS's is it acceptable to break that functionality in the package to fix a bug? (Ubuntu is linux only)00:17
EzraRwell actually its already broke00:18
EzraRi would just make it actually work for linux00:18
EzraRwithout fixing the larger bug00:18
ScottKEzraR: Yes.00:21
ScottKBonus points for working in BSD land since Ubuntu has one downstream that uses that.00:21
EzraRit has diff configs for free,net, and open which would be best suited for that00:23
EzraRnm, im guessing free00:25
wgrantScottK: We have a BSD downstream?00:27
ScottKwgrant: Nexunta or something like that?00:28
wgrantScottK: That's OpenSolaris.00:28
ScottKEzraR: Nevermind00:28
ScottKThat's what I get trying to remember stuff when I have flu.00:28
FFEMTcJCould someone test my patch for Bug #481677 please02:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 481677 in ubuntu-docs "Server Doc 9.10: Disable Control-Alt-Delete is out of date" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48167702:22
FFEMTcJI'm new at this, so would like some feedback if anyone has any.02:24
lfaraoneHow are sync requests scheduled? I see a NEW (to ubuntu) package in testing that I need synced to Lucid before I can do a sync request of a package with local changes.03:17
ScottKlfaraone: Just wait a bit.03:22
lfaraoneScottK: mk.03:24
masteri would like to know04:06
masterhow to develop for ubuntu04:06
masteri do C java and C++ and the likes04:06
macomaster: hi :)04:10
macoi suppose you could have a look at the bugtracker.  the ones marked "triaged" are the ones that should have enough info for you to fix them, but you may want to start with triaged ones tagged "bitesize" to work your way up the tough ones if you're not too experienced yet04:12
maconote also that we're having the developer summit next week. you can listen in to streams of it and participate over irc...or at least just get a feel for how decisions happen around here and what new stuff is coming04:12
macoat some point, you'll probably want to learn to package up your patches. for that, i think daniel holbach's videos on youtube are fantastic04:13
macomaster: is that the sort of info you were looking for?04:14
macomaster: this is a good place to start https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment04:16
jmarsdenmaster: For MOTU-related stuff you can also start at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted .  At some point reading the Packaging Guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete would also be good :)04:17
* maco should get around to learning C++04:17
macowow i dont think i ever actually read the wiki page i linked O_o04:19
jmarsdenmaco: Well, you became a MOTU without it, so you can't have missed *that* much :)04:23
macojmarsden: i missed the bit about linking to "how to package without debhelper"04:23
macoalso the sponsorship page? i apparently requested sponsorship rather wrong rather often. didnt know you were supposed to assign to nobody04:24
masterim not sure how to go about making the patch04:25
macoah ok04:25
macohave you ever used the diff command?04:25
macohmm wait lets back up04:27
macook first, you find out what package contains whatever bug you want to fix. if its one on launchpad, youre good. if one you found "dpkg -S <program>" replacing <program> with the command that runs the program you found the bug in04:28
macothen you get that package in source form: apt-get source <package>04:28
macothen itll unpack a directory of source code for you04:28
macoi would then run: cp -lr original_source/ modified_source/ (replace original_source with the directory name)04:29
macocd into modified_source/ and make whatever edits are necessary to fix the bug04:29
macothen run: diff -rU original_source/ modified_source/ > fixstuff.patch04:30
macothere's your patch!04:30
macoyou can also make a debdiff, but there are directions elsewhere for that. a patch is good enough to attach to a bug report and have someone do something with it. if you want to know how to make a debdiff see daniel holbach & james westby's ubuntu open week session logs from a couple weeks ago04:34
macomaster: does that help?04:34
masterthanks so much maco04:38
macono problem :)04:38
masterwhat is the usual language the sources are in?04:40
macomost of GNOME is C, most of KDE is C++, both have a lot of Python programs as well04:40
macoive yet to use my Java in FOSS04:40
macounderlying system stuff is usually C as well04:40
mastercos i dont do python04:41
maconeither do i04:41
macoi just do C or Java04:41
JanCyou can learn basic Python in less than 1 day  ;)04:41
macoyeah...ive done a couple of patches in python without knowing python04:42
macoit looks like pseudocode, but it happens to run04:42
JanCcontrary to C++, you need about 10 years to learn basic C++  ;)04:42
macohaha...i need to get around to that04:43
macoonly knowing how to code for the DE i dont use anymore is a little ick04:43
JanCeven the inventor of C++ admits he doesn't understand C++, so...04:43
JanCyeah  ☺04:43
maco...he didnt say anything bad about c++ when he got up to speak about it04:44
JanCwell, he wrote it in the book I have; actually he said he doesn't understand all the corner cases of C++04:44
JanCand AFAIK nobody does (there are no 2 C++ compilers that interpret it alike)04:45
macohpux's c++ compiler will quote page & line numbers at you when you screw up04:46
macoof the C++ specification04:46
JanCwhich is why most projects agree to use only a subset of C++  ;)04:46
macomoz devs learned quickly that if it fails to compile on hpux, the hpux compiler is right04:46
JanCthere are valid C++ constructs that can have 2 meanings according to the spec, no way a compiler can decide what's right  ;)04:47
jdongtoo bad the C++ specifications are non-free ;-)04:47
jdongin a quite literal financial sense of the term.04:47
macojdong: thats rather sucky04:47
JanCjdong: well, the drafts that get approved are free most of the time04:47
jdongI needed it the other day to help a friend make a pedantic point on homework.04:48
jdongi.e. declaring an int main without explicitly returning.04:48
masteropen office is programmed in java rite?04:58
jdongit's primarily programmed in C++04:58
JanCno, most of OO.o is C++, with some parts in Java04:58
jdongmultimedia portions are in Java04:58
jdongbut are "optional" ish.04:58
JanCe.g. the database is in Java IIRC04:58
jdongmaster: upstream insists that it's called OpenOffice.org04:59
jdongand never shortened in any other manner.04:59
JanCjdong: OpenOffice is a company in the Netherlands that is way older than OO.o  ;)04:59
JanCthey actually distribute StarOffice and now OpenOffice.org05:00
JanCand help promote it05:00
JanCthey do the whole "open office" stuff, including operating systems on server & desktop, applications, etc.05:01
* jdong nods05:01
JanCthey even promote Ubuntu  ☺05:02
masteranyone here knows how to do OS programming05:11
* maco looks at jdong 05:14
macoim not done with OS class yet05:14
macobut jdong knows everything about everything05:15
jdongjdong has currently enteredCriticalSection....05:15
jdongerr that didn't sound right.05:15
jdongI meant to express jdong is busy right now with WORK and not interruptible.05:15
macocritical section works...05:15
Flannelmaster: "OS Programming" could be a lot of things.  What are you trying to do?05:17
RAOFOS programming: working out why grub2 sticks an invalid vg entry in its list of lvs, causing it to segfault.05:20
DBORAOF, halp, Docky needs you05:23
RAOFDBO: Trade you a working grub for help on Docky? :)05:23
DBOmmmm, I suggest LILO, its the bestest05:23
RAOFWon't boot from lvm05:23
jdongit's called a /boot partition.05:24
* DBO was being sarcastic05:24
dtchen_lilo does boot from lvms.05:49
dtchen_granted, I don't recall if it was a *SUSE setup05:50
dtchen_maco: eh, I'm quite certain I've bopped you over the noggin with "don't assign unless explicitly granted permission"05:51
macodtchen_: yeah i know *that*05:51
dtchen_OTOH, you do have an amazing ability to tune out everything I say05:51
macoi mean i didnt know you were supposed to unassign after you attach your debdiff and before you subscribe sponsors05:52
dtchen_in all honesty, sure, you're supposed to, but if your sponsor can't be arsed to do that herself/himself, then...05:53
fabrice_spdtchen_, grub2 also boot from lvms05:58
dtchen_fabrice_sp: yes. I'd be rather up a creek if it didn't.05:59
LucidFoxI should say, Karmic is the first time I found the default desktop theme actually enjoyable.08:09
m4rtinhi, I've written a couple of patches for bugs in bash-completion and attached them to the relevant bugs; could someone give me information on what I do next? This is my first delve and I'm not sure what the "sponsor queue" is etc.10:12
randomactionm4rtin: have you created debdiffs?10:22
m4rtinrandomaction: yes, I have uploaded the debdiff as an attachment on the bug and tested the fix using dpkg. Just read the Sponsoring process and gathered I am now supposed to subscribe the sponsors, so just did that. Was that correct?10:24
randomactionand set status to Confirmed10:24
m4rtinyep, status Confirmed, assigned-to: Unassigned10:25
randomactionif it's a regular bug (i.e. not security or SRU)10:25
m4rtinyeah, just regular - thank you :)10:30
m4rtinpresumably it will then show up in the sponsor queue listed above (delayed?)10:31
randomactionyes it will10:31
randomactionm4rtin: is it bug 435055?10:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435055 in bash-completion "Bash completion for wget -o doesn't escape spaces." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43505510:34
m4rtin(don't laugh! I appreciate it's a tiny bug, but I thought a small fix for a first attempt at submitting would be preferable)10:35
randomactionI'm not a MOTU but I think I can give you some hints10:36
randomactionso that your debdiff looks better10:36
randomactionthe syntax for closing a bug in changelog is LP: 43505510:37
randomactionsorry, LP: #43505510:37
randomactionand the target in changelog should be lucid, not karmic10:38
m4rtinah ok, let me fix that. Presumably I should change control and changelog and then re-"debuild"10:39
randomactionyes, or for such small changes you can hand-edit your debdiff10:40
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randomactionand this package uses a patch system (quilt)10:42
m4rtinah ok, thanks - my other question was, do you have any tips for this kind of situation: say I fix a bug and then want to work on another in the same package, the debdiff must be against the current source I assume, so installing will re-introduce the existing bugs I have fixed... any recommendations?10:42
m4rtinoh, does that (quilt) mean that I have missed something?10:43
randomactionyou should format your change as a patch contained in debian/patches10:44
m4rtindamn. ok - let me go have a read10:45
m4rtinso, if I understand correctly, I should 1.) make my changes 2.) push a new patch 3.) create a quilt README 4.) quilt refresh 5.) pop the patch10:49
m4rtinno, I assume 1 and 2 were the wrong way around10:51
randomactionyou run: 1) quilt push -a (applies all patches) 2) quilt new <patchname> 3) quilt add <filename> 4) <make a change> 5) quilt refresh10:51
randomaction<filename> would be bash_completion in your case10:52
m4rtinok - I'll redo the patch and attach it. Thanks for the help and apologies for my ignorance10:53
randomactionand 0) export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches10:53
randomactionand dch (before or after, as you wish)10:54
m4rtindch should be at step 4? or is this irrelevant?10:54
m4rtin(and do I need to submit a debdiff as well as the quilt diff?)10:54
randomactionadditions to debian/changelog don't go into quilt patch10:55
m4rtinah ok, so it doesn't matter when that is done10:55
randomactiongenerally, patch systems are used to track changes outside of debian/10:55
m4rtinand, therefore, I assume a debdiff is also used10:55
randomactionand quilt patch will make it into debdiff10:56
m4rtinoh ok great :)10:56
m4rtinactually, presumably the quilt patch system also deals with my problem of multiple changes, because I just push another change (provided there are no changes to the same file)10:57
randomactionif can fix several bugs in one upload (one debdiff)10:58
randomaction*you can10:59
m4rtinI think, as this is my first attempt, I'll stick to just fixing one very simple bug and learn to get it right10:59
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m4rtinrandomaction: do I need to do a quilt add README? PackakingGuide suggests so, but your instructions didn't11:07
randomactionit's required by Debian policy, so Debian maintainer of the package should do it at some point11:08
m4rtinbut I should not?11:08
randomactionthis qualifies as a general cleanup, so shouldn't be done in a bugfix11:08
m4rtinok, thank you11:09
randomactionthe difference between Debian and Ubuntu should be kept minimal for ease of maintenance11:09
m4rtinright, I've done my quilt refresh11:09
m4rtindo I then need to pop the patch?11:10
randomactiondebuild will do it11:10
m4rtinoh ok, so now I just go through the same debuild process as usual?11:10
randomactiondo you have a new patch created in debian/patches?11:12
randomactionand its name in debian/patches/series?11:12
randomactionyou should be ok to debuild then11:13
m4rtingreat - I'll give it a shot11:13
m4rtinand it's up there11:22
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diwicWhat is the reasoning behind disabling apport for a final release?12:17
ari-tczewsponsors, can someone take a look on bug #413657 ?13:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413657 in ubuntu "Please sync tor (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41365713:36
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dtchen_ari-tczew: you have e-mail WRT coccinelle.14:51
dtchen_diwic: no real need to flood LP14:52
DktrKranzwhois Laney Laney14:56
dtchen_idle time, eh?14:56
DktrKranzdamn... well, Laney, I will point you to a mail I've just sent to debian-legal wrt pidgin-facebookchat14:57
DktrKranzyup :)14:57
diwicdtchen_: but is it really necessary? LP has duplicate detection, and it would be useful to catch bugs in the stable distribution.15:00
dtchen_diwic: I'm not one to debate this particular policy :-)15:00
iulianDktrKranz: jpds is the maintainer of pidgin-facebookchat in Debian.15:06
dtchen_bddebian: hiya, any ETA for libsdl1.2_1.2.14 in Debian? Any way I can assist?15:08
DktrKranziulian: err... indeed :)15:08
DktrKranzanyway, jpds and iulian: http://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2009/11/msg00029.html15:08
iulianDktrKranz: Yea, I've read the mail.15:08
bddebiandtchen_: I know they asked upstream to add pkg-config files but other than that no, I don't know yet :(15:09
DktrKranzI'm not sure if it's your case, but if it is, thee could be legal troubles15:09
iulianDktrKranz: Indeed.15:10
dtchen_bddebian: ok. 1.2.14 is blocking a buttload of audio bugs for me, but that's not such a big issue; I'd just rather not spend cycles backporting to 1.2.13. Thanks!15:10
chrisccoulsondiwic - apport is disabled in the stable distribution mainly because the bugs that users will report are all duplicates of the bugs we already know about from testing15:10
chrisccoulsonin that case, all it does is annoy users and spam people subscribed to those bug reports15:10
diwicchrisccoulson: I thought LP automatically duplicated those with the existing ones15:11
dtchen_that would be part of the spam :-)15:12
chrisccoulsonindeed, dtchen is right15:13
chrisccoulsonapport is just not very useful in a stable distribution, when users are just going to report bugs that we already know exist15:13
bddebiandtchen_: Understood.  Let me see if I can push the issue.15:14
dtchen_bddebian: no sweat, seriously. I have so many other bugs. :-)15:14
bddebianDon't we all? :)15:15
dtchen_nah, I could use a few more. :-)15:16
bddebianI have a couple I could give you :)15:16
dtchen_I'm not saying bitrot is a good thing :-)15:16
macowow this channel looks happy today15:17
dtchen_I think there's a coccinelle upload in your future, maco.15:17
macomy keys are on laptop. think its ok to get it out?15:18
diwicchrisccoulson: I don't really agree, but at least I get the reasoning.15:18
dtchen_maco: (eh, you're ircing from class; I think you know the answer to that question)15:18
macodtchen_ ...no?15:20
Hobbseemaco: look into debsign -r if you haven't already15:21
StevenKThat assumes that her laptop or other machine with keys are network accessible15:22
Hobbseebut if they weren't accessible, then why would she be asking if it was ok to get them out?  ;)15:23
macoStevenK yeah i can get on the school vpn :)15:23
macobooo @ freenode java applet. it doesnt put a space after tab-completing names15:24
* StevenK didn't know Freenode had one of those15:27
macothey added it when they banned mibbit15:28
jdongreplaced an AJAX applet with a Java applet?15:38
ari-tczewqa.ubuntuwire.com isn't work :-(15:43
macojdong they figured they could control the java applet better than they could abuses of mibbit15:47
jdongif they switch it to Macromedia Shockwave they'd have no abuses!15:48
* maco headdesk15:48
StevenKjdong: Or users15:49
jdongthat's the whole point :)15:50
jdongor switch it to silverlight and only directhex will be on IRC.15:50
jdong*DUCKS* ;-)15:50
bbigrasbug 476360 and bug 428017 has a fix uploaded to karmic-proposed. It's waiting for a MOTU SRU ACK. If someone has time. the first bug fix make the plugin work again15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476360 in kopete-facebook "Never able to connect to facebook" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47636015:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 428017 in kopete-facebook "plugin does not know it is offline" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42801715:57
ScottKjdong: ^^^15:58
chrisccoulsondiwic - why don't you agree? what do you think would be the benefit for enabling it by default?15:58
dtchen_just missed him, apparently :/15:58
bbigrasScottK: thanks :)15:58
chrisccoulsonheh, just noticed that. thanks15:59
ari-tczewany sponsor bored here? :P bug #48266316:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482663 in incron "Merge incron 0.5.9-2 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48266316:00
dtchen_maco: *cough* s/karmic/lucid/ !16:01
macodtchen_: yeah yeah just did that16:01
macoi noticed quick and poked Hobbsee16:01
dtchen_maco: danke16:02
Hobbseeyay for soyuz auto-rejecting it16:02
maco:( i screwed up already16:02
dtchen_that's hardly a screw-up16:02
dtchen_just don't break the toolchain like I did :-)16:03
jdongbbigras: both diffs look good to me16:03
jdongScottK: am I blind, or is there no kopete-facebook in the queue/16:03
jdong(I hope those were uploaded against karmic-proposed, versioned properly)16:03
macodtchen_: O_o16:03
ScottKjdong: It's not uploaded yet, but I think there's a debdiff in the bug16:03
ScottKRiddell said he was waiting on a ack to upload16:04
jdonghmmph two separate bugs16:04
jdongshould we make one new SRU bug to encampass both diffs?16:04
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jdongbbigras: ok I gave you an ACK on bug 476360 to proceed with karmic-proposed SRU'ing of both patches16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 476360 in kopete-facebook "Never able to connect to facebook" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/47636016:11
jdongI see Riddell already uploaded them to Lucid as one, so the same will work for karmic-proposed...16:12
bbigrasjdong: ok thanks, is there documentation about how and where to upload it?16:12
jdongScottK: can you help bbigras through the rest of the process? I gotta head out for a meeting right now16:13
ScottKjdong and bbigras: Not right now, as I'm heading out too, but we'll get it taken care of.16:14
bbigrasScottK: ok thanks. I'll ping Riddell to see if he has time16:15
ari-tczewScottK: when ubuntu-archive will sync packages?16:53
geserari-tczew: usually the archive admin of the day processes them, but with uds next week I don't expect to see them processed before the week after uds17:01
goshawkhow do i modify a patch which have been created with quilt?17:11
DrKranzquilt push patchname; edit files; quilt refresh; quilt pop -a17:13
geserapply the patch with quilt, edit the files you need to modify (don't forget to add them, if they aren't already touched by that patch), "quilt refresh"17:13
goshawksorry, very bad connection17:21
goshawkDrKranz: where should i run quilt push? in the root of the package or in debian dir?17:22
DrKranz_in package root, you probably have to export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches beforehand17:22
goshawkit works now17:23
serialorderanyone know a way I can convert diff in RCS format to unified format?17:45
DrKranz_jdong: time to put your motu-sru hat on for bug #433924 ?18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433924 in drpython "[Karmic] DrPython misconfiguration (cannot find /usr/share/pyshared/drpython)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43392418:09
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ari-tczewhow often https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html is updating?18:18
jpdsari-tczew: /topic #ubuntu-devel: MoM up to date as of Monday 4am, but now stalled18:31
ScottKjdong: Looking for an ack for Bug 38492919:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384929 in easytag "Manual search via CDDB is broken" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38492919:58
macojdong: while youre at it bug 317366 needs an sru ack19:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317366 in rxvt-unicode "urxvt menu hangs urxvt with x input frozen" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31736619:59
jdongok ok jdong just returned from 2 hours to himself20:11
jdonglet him catch up and caffeinate first!20:11
macojdong talks about jdong in the 3rd person?20:11
jdongfor now he does20:11
jdongScottK: 384929 acked.20:14
ScottKjdong: Thanks.20:14
ScottKMeh.  Too late (you added your comment)20:16
jdongand debdiff on 317366 is acked.20:17
jdongnov 5th... wonder why that never made it to my LP bugmail20:18
jdongoh. 15 minutes ago20:18
jdongmust've been recently subscribed20:18
macojdong: thanks20:18
jdongwelcome :)20:19
macojdong: that bug has tasks open for karmic and jaunty. is ack for both?20:20
jdongmaco: I only saw a debdiff for Karmic, but a similar debdiff at jaunty would be covered under the ACK too :)20:21
macojdong: okiedoo20:21
serialorderhow would you list multiple lp bugs in a  changelog would (LP: #nnnn, nnnn2, nnnn3) work?20:23
macoi think you need to include LP: each time20:23
jdongthat's correct.20:23
serialorderso it would be (LP: #nnnn, LP: #nnnn2, LP: #nnnn3)20:24
serialorderok thanks20:24
macojdong: ergh...jaunty and karmic are both 9.06-1 so karmic's gettin -1ubuntu0.1, but what would jaunty get? O_o20:24
jdongugh I hate this game.20:24
macolucid got -2ubuntu120:25
jdongwell we've got a couple options here....20:25
jdongwe could play the game the security team plays with Firefox releases20:25
geser9.06-1ubuntu0.1.9.04 and 9.06-1ubuntu0.1.9.10 or something like that20:25
jdongi.e. 1ubuntu0.9.04.020:25
jdongi.e. 1ubuntu0.9.04.120:25
jdongor we can play geser's game :)20:26
keeswhen you have colliding versions, the best way to handle it is the ubuntu0.MM.mm.1 style20:27
jdongkees wins because he has a wiki citation!20:27
keesheh.  not sure if that counts, since I wrote it.  ;)20:27
jdonghahaha :)20:28
jdongwell if I could make stuff up on the SRU wiki page I would too ;-)20:28
maco9.06-1ubuntu0.9.10.1) karmic-proposed; and20:28
geserjdong: quick write two wiki pages to trump kees' one wiki page :)20:28
maco(9.06-1ubuntu0.9.04.1) jaunty-proposed; ?20:28
jdongmaco: reasonable to me.20:29
* jdong would eventually like to see backports use numeric suffixes too20:29
jdongsince not very far from now we are gonna run out of ascending letters20:29
macook now what about the part where i realized jaunty was the same version *after* uploading karmic's?20:29
ScottKmaco: You want 1ubuntu0.09.04.120:29
ScottK(the missing leading 0 is important)20:29
jdongmaco: that part, you've got ScottK with the big red button.20:30
macoScottK: oh god. 2010 is coming.20:30
ScottKYep.  2012 too20:30
macoUGLY version strings20:30
dtchen_no, ugly would be Qt.20:31
dtchen_I think I've done a few myself.20:32
macoScottK: can you hit that button?20:32
EzraRpeople should only change packages with patches and link the patch to the changelog entry20:32
EzraRthat would make life easy20:33
kklimondamaco: it's not that ugly - have you seen qt version from karmic? ;)20:33
dtchen_kklimonda: jinx20:33
macodoes it have a "-really"?20:33
dtchen_no, no hyphen20:33
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jdongdid it hurt too much to bump the epoch?20:34
kklimondaright, no hyphen but really is there... and I can remember an even better version string from the past..20:34
kklimondajdong: then we would have to convince debian maintainer to add epoch too20:35
ScottKmaco: If you're going to use the release number approach you need to do it for both Karmic and Jaunty.20:35
kklimonda(I remember similar discussion from 6 months ago when we had a similar problem with python-storm)20:35
serialorderis there a way to convert a patch from rcs format to unified?20:36
macoScottK: hence red button20:36
macoScottK: im redoing with it for both of them20:36
ScottKOK.  Rejected20:36
macothank ye20:36
ScottKNo problem.20:36
dtchen_oh man, old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe . *shudder*20:36
macokklimonda: i remember apache or mysql or something like that having a "really" string20:37
kklimondamaco: I think it was mysql20:37
macoyeah i think so too20:38
kklimondaand I think ScottK could find an even better example of weird version string from some -updates (I remember him pasting it in the past ;) )20:38
ScottKI think instead of really, we should use the IRC nick of the person that messed it up.20:38
ScottKI had to use an awful one in backports to revert a bad Flash backport once20:40
dtchen_man, you gals/guys are really triggering *all* my bad Ubuntu memories20:40
dtchen_vlc, flashplugin-nonfree, ...20:40
ScottKAnd from you, that's saying something.20:41
ScottKGiven that you live inside a major nightmare20:42
macobecause the packages he works on are most other people's bad ubuntu memories?20:42
* maco ducks20:42
macokees: "SECURITY UPDATE: [how the bad guys could get you]" *snicker*20:45
* jdong loved his markov generated security advisories20:45
jdonghaha I still have a copy of it20:48
macojdong: LINEBREAKS20:49
jdong"ntpd does not check this privilege when executing20:50
jdongnon-Postfix commands"20:50
jdongthey almost sound real.20:50
macooh...i see...20:51
jdongI fed all of the USN's up to some date through a markov generator :)20:51
jdongjust to see what vulnerabilities it'd invent20:51
mok0jdong, on a different note, you need help with backports?20:52
jdongmok0: that would be appreciated, yes20:52
mok0jdong: I've been on the applicants list for quite some time20:52
jdongyes you are20:53
* ScottK +1's mok0 for ubuntu-backporters.20:53
jdongwell, welcome aboard, mok0 :)20:53
mok0Thanks :-)20:54
jdongare you familiar with what to do, or do you need a quick tour?20:54
mok0jdong, a quick tour might be good20:54
serialorderill try one more time, is there a way to convert a patch from rcs format to unified?20:55
mok0jdong: but the packages that interest me the most are "leaf packages"20:55
serialordersorry i mean a diff20:55
ScottKserialorder: I doubt anyone here knows.20:55
jdongmok0: leaf packages are definitely the ones that are best for backporting20:55
jdonggeneral rules of thumb is that we'd prefer that they build cleanly with no source changes...20:56
mok0serialorder: rcsdiff ?20:56
ScottK ^^^ The only one old enough to know.20:56
jdongfor those, we just ask for 2 or so reports that the built package works20:56
macoserialorder: you could probably write a perl script...20:56
mok0mok0: errh, perhaps it's rdff20:57
jdongand then all you have to do is verbally ACK and subscribe ubuntu-archive.20:57
jdongsource change backports should be acked by a backporter and uploaded into the -backports pocket; and an archive admin will poke it through20:57
jdongumm... I believe nowadays we're using the "Confirmed" state to mark a backport that's approved and "in progress" to mark uploaded source-change backports20:57
mok0jdong: ... and should not introduce new dependencies I guess20:58
jdongidn if the UbuntuBackports wiki page has been updated to reflect that yet20:58
ScottKIn progress for ones that are acked to the archive too20:58
jdongmok0: I personally don't have a big objection to needing to pull in new dependencies20:58
jdongit will make update-manager upset enough to request a partial upgrade20:58
jdongmore importantly is don't break any reverse dependencies20:58
ScottKThe biggest thing to worry about is things with rdpends.20:58
=== AndrewGe1 is now known as AndrewGee
jdongand for server packages and other security-sensitive ones, keep in mind the maintenance commitment.20:59
mok0jdong: maintenance-commitment?20:59
jdongif we're backporting from one stable release to another, we can easily also backport over subsequent -security updates... but if we plucked mysqld from lucid right now...20:59
serialordermok0, thanks looking at it20:59
jdongit's a bit troublesome if someone finds a security bug in it21:00
mok0jdong: so, you mean a maintenance commitment from the backporter to keep an eye on problems with the package?21:00
jdongmok0: right21:00
ScottKThere's no formal commitment, we just don't want to get stuck in a position were it's hard to fix.21:01
jdongalthough technically we don't have a support/maintenance guarantee in Backports, we'd rather not take that to an extreme.21:01
jdongfor example, in the past I've dug myself into a hole with Firefox backports before.21:01
ScottKjdong: Speaking of which, the qt4-x11 in hardy backports needs updating, but I can't find anyone to test it.  It should be a no-change from intrepid-security.21:01
jdongended up that we had something like gutsy-backports firefox collecting dust and nobody cared enough to go freshen it up.21:01
jdongScottK: hmm if it was a -security change, then my gut feeling would be to just backport it21:02
kklimondabtw, are there any plans to enable users to easily install selected packages from -backports ?21:02
ScottKjdong: Well it's also a big stack of other stuff too.21:02
ScottKkklimonda: There's a spec for it for Lucid21:02
kklimondaI almost remember reading something about iit21:03
mok0Well, I imagine there are many users who don't want to upgrade every 6 months... but still want newer versions and the bug-fixes that come with them. There's a balance between doing that and upgrading21:03
jdongmok0: absolutely21:03
jdongmok0: the challenge will be that the testing userbase rapidly declines as a release ages :)21:03
mok0Using backports should give you a certain amount of updates, but not everyrhing21:04
kklimondaand what is the general rule about backporting to LTS? for example could I backport package from LTS+2 to LTS? wouldn't it be a problem if someone tried to upgrade system to LTS+1?21:04
ScottKjdong: qt4-x11 | 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1 | hardy-backports | source and qt4-x11 | 4.4.3-0ubuntu1.4 | intrepid-security | source21:04
jdongkklimonda: should be backported to every release in between too21:04
jdongScottK: oh groan. Any ABI/API changes there?21:05
jdongkklimonda: I guess the exception is for LTS's where LTS+1 is already out-of-support.21:05
ScottKjdong: Shouldn't be.  qt4-x11 promised compatibility21:05
jdongthat means we've got an external party to blame right? ;-)21:05
kklimondaright, that's how our users will see it ;)21:06
kklimondaI just had to explain to the irritated user that we don't ship neither gtk+1.2 nor libartsc0 (or similar)...21:06
jdonghaha and I had to explain the same about libstdc++5.21:07
jdongand it wasn't long ago that someone asked about gcc-2.9521:07
kklimondathe libstdc++ was always the mess..21:07
mok0kklimonda: ... but if you want basic upgrades in GTK or QT versions, you might as well upgrade to a newer release21:07
macosomeone asked in -kernel about 2.6.18 headers21:07
macodid any release even ship 2.6.18? edgy was 17...21:08
jdongyeah we definitely had a
kklimondabtw, is it just me or had rmadison got faster for ubuntu lately? I don't have time to prepare a tea anymore ;)21:09
ScottKBut I don't think we ever released with it21:09
jdongkklimonda: my umadison always gets rmadison answers the fastest.21:10
jdong(haha yes, uber madison)21:10
dtchen_no, we never released
jdongit must be Debian I'm thinking of then21:11
macojdong: yeah i think etch had it21:12
macocentos 5 definitely did21:12
ScottKHas.  It's still supported21:12
macoyeah that21:12
dtchen_linux-source-2.6.18 | 2.6.18.dfsg.1-24 |     oldstable | all21:12
dtchen_linux-source-2.6.18 | 2.6.18.dfsg.1-26 | oldstable-proposed-updates | all21:12
kklimondadfsg? what non-free things linux source have?21:14
macoScottK: green button?21:15
jdongkklimonda: the firmware tree.21:15
* ScottK looks21:15
mok0kklimonda: the kernel has certain binary blobs that are non-free21:15
ScottKmaco: The task for Jaunty needs to be accepted.21:16
mok0kklimonda: ... rather, certain kernel modules21:17
macoScottK: can i accept it since jdong said ack in here?21:17
ScottKmaco: Yes.  As a MOTU you can in general.21:17
macoScottK: i meant in terms of policy21:17
jdongyes, you can accept the task :)21:17
ScottKAccepting that task is more like "Yeah, seems like something we might want to fix" whereas motu-sru ack is "this exact fix is approved to go in"21:17
macoah ok21:18
macook button pressed21:18
macoyour turn :P21:18
* maco throws hot potato21:18
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macothank you21:21
ScottKThank you for taking care of it.  My part's easy.21:22
macohey its kklimonda's patch :P21:23
* ScottK notes maco has the buildd's monopolized for all but armel and hppa at the moment.21:23
ScottKYeah, but you get to thank him.21:23
macoalready did21:24
maco(hahahaha @ buildds)21:24
ScottKari-tczew (or whoever was asking about qa.ubuntuwire.com): It's fixed.21:43
fabrice_spari-tczew, I'll put on hold the merge of incron: the Debian maintainer seems to be willing to include the patch21:47
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: I don't know what Debian maintainer is doing21:52
ari-tczewMoM comment was free, no bug request...21:52
ubottuDebian bug 548786 in incron "incron: FTBFS in hardened mode because of an invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*'" [Wishlist,Open]21:52
kklimondawhat are going to be requirenments for being Ubuntu developer after archive reorganization?21:52
macokklimonda: the definition of ubuntu developer will change a bit21:53
macokklimonda: youll apply to the team that covers the packages you concentrate on21:53
fabrice_spari-tczew, I usually reports all patches to Debian to see if Debian adopt the change, so that we can sync after, and reduce the Ubuntu worload21:53
kklimondamaco: so there will be a desktop team, server team, python team etc. ?21:53
* TheMuso waves from a somewhat similar timezone as some of you.21:54
fabrice_spari-tczew, anyway, you should have asked me before working on the merge: I an the last uplaoder of the pacakge21:54
* ScottK waves back to TheMuso21:54
ScottKkklimonda: Something like that.  What happens for packages covered by no team is subject of a session at UDS.21:54
macokklimonda: theres going to generalist-dev too21:55
ScottKari-tczew: fabrice_sp is correct.  The first thing is says on https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html is "If you are not the previous uploader, ask the previous uploader before doing the merge. "21:55
kklimondaScottK: maybe it's time to admit we don't have manpower needed to maintain all of them? :/21:56
ScottKmaco: How exactly that's going to work is not clear yet (at least to me)21:56
ScottKkklimonda: Universe has never been as well maintained as Main, but it has improved significantly in the last two years I've been around.21:56
dtchen_kklimonda: no one has ever claimed that "we" have enough manpower21:56
kklimondadtchen_: true21:57
dtchen_and yes, it has gotten much better since 5.0421:57
kklimondaheh, I should get my stuff together and upload all patches for piuparts already..21:57
fabrice_spthat's why it's better to try to have changes adopted by Debian, instead of merging :-)21:57
ScottKfabrice_sp: +121:58
ari-tczewOK devs22:00
* TheMuso must be tired.22:01
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: could you review this bug #43443322:01
kklimondais python 2.5 going to be supported in lucid?22:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434433 in gnome-devel-docs "Update to 2.28.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43443322:01
macoTheMuso: why do you say that? because you just flew to yesterday?22:02
ScottKkklimonda: No.22:02
macoor from tomorrow to today. or something.22:02
wgrantOne Python version? Excellent.22:02
ScottKSo far22:02
fabrice_spari-tczew, I was having a quick look at bug 48265722:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482657 in gliv "Merge gliv 1.9.6-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48265722:02
TheMusomaco: Something like that.22:02
* ScottK doesn't know the 2.7 schedule22:02
wgrantScottK: Mid-2010.22:02
ScottKAh, good.22:03
fabrice_spari-tczew, there seems to be an empty change in debian/rules (dh_installchangelog)22:03
ScottKOf course we now have exactly no python version in common with Debian.22:03
* ScottK wishes the Ubuntu and Debian python maintainers would coordinate better.22:03
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: and what next?22:03
fabrice_spcould you just check if this change has been reported to Debian, and if it seems to be willing to adopt it?22:04
fabrice_sps/it seems/Debian seems/22:04
kklimondaScottK: python-support ships symlinks for python-support.pth for both 2.6 and 2.5 versions - python-support.pth for 2.5 is a dangling symlink. Can I assume that the same will happen when we ship 2.7? i.e. there will be another dangling symlink for 2.7 installed?22:05
ScottKIf we get 2.7, it won't be dangling.22:06
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: do you mean about dh_installchangelog ? if yes, it is only a mistake made by me, during edit debian/rules22:06
serialorderfabrice_sp, perhaps the MOTU merging guides should be updated with directive to check with debian to see if they will accept the merges22:06
kklimondaScottK: but in the default instalation when we ship only one version22:07
ScottKkklimonda: That isn't always true22:07
fabrice_spari-tczew, yes.22:07
fabrice_spserialorder, makes sense, yes. You just volunteered to do that, right? :-)22:08
kklimondaScottK: so the best idea is to ignore it (this broken symlink is one of things that stops piuparts from working out of the box in ubuntu)22:08
serialorderfabrice_sp, i guess I did, I just sya that because I work on merges a lot and noboy has ever suggested asking debian to incorporate first22:09
serialorderif relevant i always submit upstream after themerge though22:09
fabrice_spserialorder, I would say both, as Debian may want to integrate the patch before, but that's fine also22:10
fabrice_spthe goal is to reduce the difference between Debian and Ubuntu22:10
fabrice_spso if it goes through upstream, it's fine also (but may take longer) :-)22:11
serialorderfabrice_sp, sorry i meant deabian not upstream22:11
fabrice_spfor forwarding to debian, submittodebian is your firend :-)22:13
ScottKkklimonda: I'm not 100% sure.22:13
fabrice_spit's also a matter of where we are in the dev cycle. Now, we are at the very beginning, so we have 'time' to try to get the patches adopted :-)22:14
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: you have acked my request, after sync by ubuntu-archive packages will mark as uploaded by me or by you?22:15
fabrice_spari-tczew, by you, I think22:15
fabrice_spnever paid attention to that22:16
ScottKari-tczew: Should be by you, but sometimes it doesn't work out.22:16
ari-tczewyhym OK22:16
fabrice_spari-tczew, did you saw the comment of mterry in bug 43443322:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434433 in gnome-devel-docs "Update to 2.28.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43443322:16
fabrice_sphe is saying that he should be a sync, and not a merge22:17
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: yes, but I have more trust for you, so I want to ask you :P22:17
ari-tczewso do I need to change bug's name and description to sync instead merge?22:18
ScottKari-tczew: Yes22:19
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: you can give a review just now for sync22:20
fabrice_spari-tczew, you can trust him: he is also a MOTU :-)22:21
fabrice_spit should be a sync, yes22:21
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: done, bug 43443322:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434433 in gnome-devel-docs "Sync gnome-devel-docs 2.28.0-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43443322:24
POXScottK: Ubuntu and Debian Python maintainers are^Wis the same person22:25
fabrice_spari-tczew, ok. I'm test building it right now22:26
ScottKPOX: I know.22:27
fabrice_spari-tczew, ack'd. Bed time now. Bye22:31
ari-tczewthanks, bye22:32

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