
yoasiffta: do you know anything about the firefox + nvidia segfault bug?00:54
fta(and i'm using nvidia, but it doesn't crash)00:57
yoasiffta: ah... micahg said he knew about it, but there is no master bug...01:01
Mook_sbyoasif: do you have a backtrace?01:02
yoasifMook_sb: let me see if i can track down the bugs i reported01:02
yoasifMook_sb: im not sure they are "complete" backtraces01:03
Mook_sbyoasif: I just want enough to know if it's mozilla bug 493541 :)01:03
ubottuMozilla bug 493541 in jemalloc "jemalloc integration cause crashes when libraries or plugins dlopen with RTLD_DEEPBIND" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49354101:03
yoasifMook_sb: ill let you know in a second01:03
yoasifMook_sb: but i doubt it is, the plain vanilla firefox from mozilla.org works fine01:05
yoasifMook_sb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/45668401:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456684 in firefox-3.5 "segfault when starting firefox" [Undecided,New]01:06
Mook_sbokay, so it's ending up in g_object_ref somewhere, and is therefore unrelated to whatever crack I was smoking :)01:07
yoasifcould it be related to gnome global menu?01:08
yoasifi can remove it if it is01:08
Mook_sbgiven that I don't actually know anything... the last attachment does have libglobalmenu-gnome.so on frame 5.01:09
yoasifstill, kind of odd that the normal mozilla build works fine01:10
yoasifi guess ill give it a shot01:10
ejat!ping fta07:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ping fta07:25
rippsargh chromium is crashing alot lately... now I have to go back to firefox/epiphany for some of my websites08:48
bdrungasac: ping10:53
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaripps, full crash or just oh snap tabs? please get a trace: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Debug13:40
=== fenris__ is now known as ejat
ftamicahg, the build time gain is only of 20%~25%, less than i expected :( it probably means builders spend more time doing other stuff than building.23:50
micahgso it seems23:51
micahgbut at least you tried23:51
micahgfta: anything I need to fix tonight?23:51
ftaon my serv, the build part only takes 7 minutes23:52
micahgfta: maybe the servers aren't as powerful23:53
ftatb31 was red yesterday, as expected23:57
ftabut todays builds are far from done :(23:58
micahgok, I'll look at tb31 later tonight23:59

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