
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangthe banlist is full again? wow00:11
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !aptoncd ~= s/APTonCD/APTonCD (package "aptoncd")/00:50
PriceyIs it time for me to do an ompaul on it?00:51
bazhangPricey, the banlist?00:52
bazhangI don't see anything older than Oct 26. Weird.00:52
PriceyThere are *still* 209 +b, and many +d on the list.01:08
niko( why not use temporary ban with a bot )01:08
PriceyPlease take responsibility for your bans and remove them after a while.01:09
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+Amaranth   ] [+Gary   ] [+Mamarok  ] [+Pici      ] [+Tm_T       ] [ ubot2    ]                                                                                                                      +wgrant01:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+bazhang    ] [+genii  ] [+Martinp23] [+pleia2    ] [+tomaw      ] [ ubot3    ]                                                                                                                       ubot201:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+Dave2      ] [+gord   ] [+MenZa    ] [+Pricey    ] [+tonyyarusso] [ ubot4    ]                                                                                                                       ubot301:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+Daviey     ] [+ikonia ] [+mneptok  ] [+robotgeek ] [+topyli     ] [ ubottu   ]                                                                                                                       ubot401:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+Dominian   ] [+jayne  ] [+nalioth  ] [+ryanakca  ] [+tritium    ] [ ubuntulog]                                                                                                                       ubottu01:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+elky       ] [+jpds   ] [+nhandler ] [+Seeker`   ] [+tsimpson   ]                                                                                                                                    ubuntulog01:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+elky_work  ] [+jussi01] [+nickspoon] [+SportChick] [+vorian     ]01:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+eviljussi01] [+KB1JWQ ] [+niko     ] [+SWAT      ] [+vox        ]01:18
nalioth1258161495 19:18 [+Flannel    ] [+Levia  ] [+nixternal] [+Tabmow    ] [+wgrant01:19
naliothplease review your bans in #ubuntu and remove any that are old or obsolete01:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:19
tritiumnalioth: Aye, sir.01:19
bazhangnalioth, just removed the last of my three quiets.01:19
tonyyarussoIt would help a lot if someone would fix the bantracker...01:20
nalioththis includes +d bans, as well01:20
AmaranthI don't think I have any...01:20
tonyyarussoI can't tell because the search is broken01:20
Flanneltonyyarusso: You can manually fix the GET string and it works01:20
tonyyarussoFlannel: how?01:20
Flanneljust on/off01:20
* genii sips some coffee, thinks about bantracker programming, and looks meaningfully at Pici01:21
bazhangwonder if google wave could fit in there somehow01:21
tonyyarussoFlannel: oh, I have to write in all of the offs?01:21
Flanneltonyyarusso: just copy/paste that ^^01:21
nikono ban/quiet/+d on #ubuntu for my part01:21
DominianI haven't set any bans in #ubuntu01:21
tonyyarussoI appear to have 3 - woo!01:22
geniinalioth: I don't think i have a helluva lot of bans01:22
tonyyarusso(I wish I could filter by channel)01:22
PriceyRemember that there are a lot of bans in there that don't have owners according to your server.01:22
tonyyarussogenii: You can go through and kill of dynamip IP ones then if you have time.01:23
Dominianlooks like a good portion are from Floodbot01:23
nikoperhaps clean up nick based too ?01:23
AmaranthMy client doesn't seem to be able remove any bans....01:23
bazhangnot sure which of the +d (apart from the obvious ones) can go01:23
* Amaranth wonders wtf is going on01:24
bazhangbanlist full01:24
nikolot of ident one too01:24
bazhangor was01:24
* genii sips01:57
tonyyarussort@ubuntu.com is who you talk to to get your channel logged, right?02:44
* tonyyarusso doesn't want to wait a year only to be told it was the wrong person to ask02:44
tonyyarussoFor a LoCo channel that is, so the locobots02:51
nhandlertonyyarusso: I'm not sure what LoCo bot you are talking about. I believe you only need to go through rt if you want ubuntulog to log it03:18
tonyyarussonhandler: locobot_2 for instance.  I thought the contact was admin@ubuntu-eu.org, but that e-mail went without reply, so I tried RT three days ago, and it's not even showing up on the web tracker yet for that either.  Not sure what to do.03:19
tonyyarussonhandler: I'd like it to just show up on http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ with the rest of the LoCo ones, so if you know the contact for that I'm all ears.03:20
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/03:20
nhandlertonyyarusso: I'm not sure who you would need to poke about that if the email address isn't working for you. You can try sending a message to someone listed at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-eu/+members . They can probably either add the bot or tell you who you need to contact03:23
gordis there anyone else keeping an eye on #u-o? it needs an eye and my hotel wifi keeps dropping04:51
gordjust the general tone04:52
bazhang#archlinux does not even pretend anymore. -offtopic has gone to the main channel06:15
wgrantAre Canonical's unofficial Ubuntu OEM remixes supported in #ubuntu?06:36
bazhangwgrant, the UNR?06:37
gorddell have their own remix06:37
gordno, thats a dell thing, contact their support department06:37
bazhangthe moblin one?06:37
gordthey have a moblin remix and a unr06:38
wgrantCanonical has a few of them.06:38
gorda unr... remix06:38
wgranteg. the unofficial UNR, plus the OEM variants.06:38
wgrant(unofficial UNR, not to be confused with the new official one)06:38
bazhangwgrant, download link?06:39
wgrantbazhang: I'm not sure if images are available, but http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/ is the relevant archive.06:40
bazhangwgrant, no those are not06:41
bazhangie classmate, dell, etc06:41
bazhangmonkey__, you need to change your ident (the f@#$ part)07:07
monkey__sorry but could you tell me what that is?(i'm new)07:08
bazhangmonkey__, your ident carries a bad word (f@#$)07:09
monkey__hmm, i thought i changed that07:10
bazhangyou need to quit, change it then reconnect07:10
bazhangtime to upgrade my reading skills07:23
bazhangthat was odd. Paddy_melon's issue07:42
bazhangis that a forkbomb?08:16
bazhangso he does have a proxy after all.08:24
wgrantOf course.08:26
wgrantThere was no other explanation.08:26
wgrantIf it looks like they have a proxy, do not accept it when they tell you that they don't.08:27
wgrantThey do.08:27
bazhangand he was known for trolling in the past (paddy_melon_chit) iirc08:27
wgrantAh, really...08:28
bazhangtried to give him the benefit of the doubt08:28
* jussi01 peers in08:37
bazhangseems a number of those +d bans are from quite awhile ago, though clearly deserving of being there08:42
bazhangie trolling numerous channels08:42
jussi01bazhang: can you make a list?08:43
jussi01especially the ancient ones?08:43
bazhangjussi01, okay will do09:35
elkysee -ot re... um... god's penis :-/09:52
=== tomaw- is now known as tomaw
Tm_Telky: I don't want to know...10:24
jpdstonyyarusso, nhandler: ubuntulog> Correct place is RT, emails do not show up directly on the system, someone filters them first. locobot> right place is admin@u-eu.org, but they might be busy or something, I dunno.11:38
bazhanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/318558/    this was going through the top 75 or so douglas.freenode.net bans (skipping obvious expletive hostnames) not familiar with the ones pasted, so apologies if they are long term trolls/troublemakers12:32
bazhangbeginning Apr18 2008 there is quite a large number of Automated-Addition bans, not certain how to proceed with regards to those.12:37
MenZajpds: People here are complaining about the Danish mirrors. :(13:38
bazhangDoorman352, hi14:28
bazhangDoorman352, was there something you needed help with?14:30
Doorman352I was just going to ask if I had done something wrong.14:30
bazhangDoorman352, not that I am aware of; you are back in #ubuntu again, correct ?14:30
Doorman352Yes, but it seems Im also here.14:31
Doorman352Thought somebody pulled me in again.14:32
elkyyour irc client probably held the channel in it's memory somewhere. if you simply closed it last time without exiting here first, it might do so :)14:33
Doorman352ok, Ill close this tab then. Thank you.14:34
elkyno problem.14:34
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (Killed899)14:59
jussi01bazhang: thanks15:27
jussi01lads and ladies, could you please review the bans on bazhangs list, if it isnt a "national security ban" :D then lets clean a little shall we?15:28
jussi01elky: ikonia mneptok Seeker` nalioth Pici ^^15:30
jpdsMenZa: http://info.forskningsnettet.dk/trafik/MRTG/Public/showio.cgi?INST=FSKNET&DATA=fsknet.ly0-dotsrc.in-out.rrd17:01
jpdsMenZa: Email staff--at--dotsrc.org17:01
jussi01maco: hi!17:02
MenZajpds: tarr.17:09
macojussi01: hi :)17:18
jussi01maco: so you noticed about jussi01.com?17:18
macojussi01: ummm....no?17:19
jussi01maco: its back up... :)17:19
* maco stares at debian/changelog17:19
jussi01running from my hoome atm, till I can find a more permanent place.17:19
BluetoothMousewhy was i redirected here?23:43

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