
smeagsdoes anyone elses wired internet not work00:00
acovrigwhen I try the /CHANNEL ADD -auto thing, it says "*** ADD No such channel"00:00
smeagsmy wireless works00:00
acovrigI know it exists00:00
jA_cOpWow, this is weird. I searched the image for the boot signature out of curiosity, and I found that it's all 0's... I wonder how that happened :S00:00
SarujiBilliard sorry, http://pastebin.com/m35d4d30600:00
PolarinaDoes ext4 support floppy disks?00:00
BilliardSaruji: k00:00
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nihilogicWonders of the packet flow of the internet jA :)00:00
geniiPolarina: Anything you can format. so yes00:00
EffiHey guys00:01
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nihilogicHello Effi.00:01
BilliardSaruji: idk looks normal, idk what the prob could be, maybe a firewall issue00:01
smeagsdoes anyone elses wired internet not work00:02
acovrigcan I connect to a room on a network with a password fro the room with irssi with just the cmd line00:02
Sarujibilliard ok thank you i will look into it00:02
randomusrany recommendations for an Aero-like theme in Gnome00:02
SarujiBilliard hey quick question though00:02
acovrigrandomusr: have you tried gnome-look.org?00:02
SarujiBilliard is there a way to kill firewall acitivty really quickly through command?00:02
rwwacovrig: There's an #irssi channel on this server that might be useful if nobody here can figure it out.00:02
acovrigrww: thanks00:02
randomusracovrig, no. whats the closest?00:03
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selocol__Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?00:03
BilliardSaruji: not sure, by default ubuntu doesnt block anything though i dont think00:03
b0n1maybe wrong chan but what is the command for  if (A and B )00:03
b0n1is this correct in c++ ?00:03
nihilogicbilliard: correct, no firewall on by default.00:03
b0n1i want that A and B is true00:04
Billiardb0n1: logical and is &&00:04
SarujiBilliard i knokw i just have firestarter installed and even though I configured it, I thought maybe it might be blocking something, so "kill all" and test would help00:04
SarujiBilliard in troubleshooting00:04
b0n1so if (A=true && B=true ) right Billiard  ?00:04
EffiI have a question... I installed karmic koala on my pc and now he doesn't boot up anymore... I already opened it and when I push the power button only the fans start moving a bit and the front lamp is shining very little bit. then the monitor goes on and immediately off again without showing anything.... and then this goes on ... again on off .... does anyone maybe have an idea what that is?00:04
Billiardb0n1: wrong00:04
Billiardb0n1: if(A&&B)00:05
nihilogicEffi: could be graphical config.00:05
acovrigrandomusr: if you are willing to "downgrade" to XP, I have a AMAZING script I found that automatically does all but 1 thing, It looks almost exactly like it00:05
Sarujibilliard sorry to waste your time man, I just shut off the firewall and alls well thank you so much00:05
BilliardSaruji: cool00:05
nihilogicEffi: when it powers up all the way try pressing alt+f1 and see if you get a login.00:05
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Effithe problem is that my keyboard doesn't even get recognized because its wireless and the receiver doesn't power up00:06
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ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:06
nihilogicEffi: ouch. Have a wired keyboard handy?00:06
b0n1 if (abstand>1&&schalter=1)00:06
EffiI take a look ...00:07
b0n1there is an error message00:07
Billiardb0n1: you probably want schalter==100:07
snuffy47when typing a msg to a specific user on irc what do I type in the console00:07
Billiardb0n1: this doesnt really belong in ubuntu you can pm me if you want00:07
kristian1snuffy47: /query nick message00:07
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smeagsy does my wired internet not work in ubuntu00:08
snuffy47that is a private msg no00:08
Effinihilogic ... found one00:08
Billiard!doesntwork | smeags00:08
ubottusmeags: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.00:08
b0n1Billiard,  thx worked00:08
acuI have no sound in Firefox/Iceweasel - flashplugin-nonfree does not produce sound  - how can I bring sound to the video (youtube etc)00:08
snuffy47I thought it was /w nick msg00:08
rwwsnuffy47: yes. To send a public message in-channel targeted to a specific person, you can just put "theirnick:" at the start of the message00:09
moronicsmeags: problem behind the keyboard?00:09
Effihe doesn't recognize the wired keyboard either00:09
Billiardb0n1: np00:09
snuffy47rww: test00:09
rwwsnuffy47: yes, like that :)00:09
rww!tab | snuffy47: also of interest00:09
ubottusnuffy47: also of interest: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:09
sweetandysmeags: Could be any number of reasons. The driver could not be installed, there could be no/little driver support, you could be using the wrong program or using the program incorrectly to find the connection/driver.00:09
nihilogicEffi: when it starts up do you see a BIOS screen?00:09
jolarenWhat does this mean? Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" ?00:10
moronicsweetandy: or he could just forgot to plug in his network cable.00:10
jolarenI really need help with the installation of ubuntu 9.10 on my asrock ion 330..00:10
jolarenIt has really gone out of hand00:10
Effinihilogic no,nothing... the screen just makes the sound as if he goes on and the green lamp is lightning for a second00:10
Billiardjolaren: when do you get this error00:10
nihilogicEffi: does it beep?00:10
Effinihilogic no... it doesn't beep00:11
jolarenBilliard: when trying to launch my nvidia-settings i.e00:11
jolarenBilliard:  I can't set up desktop extra's etc00:12
chu_Hey can I export my package list with apt? I saw a tutorial which used aptitude, I guess aptitude is just a front-end to apt?00:12
nihilogicEffi: that sounds very bad. Typically when you get nothing on the monitor at boot, no beeps and all the fans turn on, that *sounds* like a dead BIOS.00:12
centHOGGchu_: affirmative00:12
Billiardjolaren: is the nvidia driver being used currently?00:13
tbessieHey folks - longtime ubuntu user here; anyone familiar with the server install?00:13
jolarenBilliard: I don't know .. installed em off nvidia webpage00:13
Flanneltbessie: It's easiest to just ask your real question, if anyone knows, they'll answer00:13
Billiardjolaren: any reason you used nvidia webpage ones other than the ones in the package manager?00:13
chu_Done, 9.10-desktop-i386 burnt!00:13
nihilogicEffi: the fact that you jus tinstalled 9.10 seems coincidental. OS installs don't wipe a BIOS. Then again, I could be wrong since it's not in front of me it's hard to tell.00:13
centHOGGtbessie: <server fan00:13
leaf-sheepchu_: apt and aptitude are front-end for dpkg00:13
jolarenBilliard: Couldn't open startx when installung00:14
Flannelleaf-sheep: No, apt-get and aptitude are frontends to apt00:14
tbessieFlannel, Allright - question is: Ubuntu 9.10 servre install doesn't let me choose where I want the boot loader installed; it ALWAYS puts it on the MBR, without asking me.  I need to put it on the Root partition, as I always have in the past.00:14
Billiardjolaren: try:  sudo nvidia-xconfig00:14
tbessieTrying to do this without having to go through any difficulties - previous installers allowed me to choose00:14
Billiardjolaren: then restart x00:14
snuffy47If I was only going to use the web interface of Deluge should I use apt- get deluge-webui???00:14
rwwsnuffy47: sudo apt-get install deluge-webui, yes00:15
jakerueanyone having issues with CUPS after the Karmic upgrade?  I am getting Paused - "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf does not exist!" on 2 machines after online upgrade from Jaunty to Karmic00:15
snuffy47rww: what is the difference from the install deluge00:15
jolarenBilliard: I did that00:15
tbessieNobody with grub install problems with the 9.10 server installer, then?00:15
Billiardjolaren: any errors when you run that command?00:15
{g}Hey People! I rented a virtual linux server yesterday and I would like to get some informations on memory, cpu etc. But everything i try "top, vmstat, /proc/cpuinfo" comes back blank or permission denied. any more ideas on how to get statistics of the machine?00:15
jolarenUsing X confinguration file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".00:16
centHOGGtbessie: sorry only installed jaunty, but will try the latest soon.. just got a new hdd00:16
centHOGGno probs jaunty00:16
jolarenBilliard: No errors..00:16
rwwsnuffy47: the "deluge" package installs the normal desktop graphical user interface. -webui installs the web-based interface. -console installs the terminal interface. They all depend on the deluge backend, so you can install whichever you want.00:16
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tommynz1975do you get anying from  cat /proc/cpuinfo00:17
rww(said backend being in deluge-common)00:17
tbessiecentHOGG, Might only be a problem with the text-based installer on the server installer for 9.10 - 9.04 asked me where I wanted to install it.00:17
centHOGGtbessie: yeah, i like the lowfat install00:17
tbessiecentHOGG, I could try installing with the Desktop installer, then removing things; otherwise, I'm thinking of just going to the plain Debian release, or maybe even to FreeBSD (this is for a server, no need for GUI goodness)00:17
centHOGGtbessie: nah don't do that install desktop then remove things.... to much pain00:18
rwwtbessie: there's also an #ubuntu-server channel that might know00:18
centHOGGtbessie: FreeBSD is a trip... never really got too far00:18
centHOGGtbessie: go jaunty00:18
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. Thi00:19
Shus computer that I am on is a dinosaur, so it may not be up to par with what you need me to do with it. P.S.S. I need to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.00:19
tbessiecentHOGG, You thinik? Fewer problems? I've noticed a huge raft of updates since 9.10 got released.00:19
tbessierww, Thanks much, I'll check it out00:19
centHOGGtbessie: plain debian is ok but you will have to install all the essentials... takes a little time00:19
tbessiecentHOGG, Well, I'm an old Slackware user from way back; just got tired of compiling my own drivers all the time, that's all00:19
centHOGGno kidding00:19
tbessiecentHOGG, aptitude is a very nice thing to have00:20
snuffy47rww: I did install the webui and I could not figure out how to config it.  when I tried to login it gave me a huge amount of errors00:20
jolarenBilliard: I have Nvidia driver: 185.18.36.. I believe there is a new one out00:20
centHOGGtbessie: yeah that and tasksel... lots of time savers00:20
atrocityi have a question, and i can't find a decent answer anywhere00:20
centHOGGtbessie: I like lxde for light stuff00:20
atrocityi have a crapload of .tif images...is there a way to convert them quickly into 1 .tif image?00:20
tbessiecentHOGG, Well, thanks much!  I'll move on to the server channel and ask a few questions there - good luck!00:20
Guest25077nihilogic sorry ... you said it could be my graphics card? but the fan on it works good ... and why doesn't he recognize my keyboard then?00:20
atrocityand not multi-page...just 1 long-ass image?00:20
centHOGGtbessie: yeah i'll meet you there :)00:21
atrocityi tried cptiff, but it makes multi-page tiffs00:21
tommynz1975shu is the adapter on the system tahts giving you troubles? or on the other system?00:21
=== Guest25077 is now known as Effi
AquinaAgain... Does someone know how to switch to the xfce4-terminal font "monospace" using jEdit? I don't know where that font is located. :-(00:21
Billiardjolaren: dunno, i would try getting the drivers in the repos to work after removing the nvidia site ones00:21
tbessieBusy channel here. :-)00:21
Aquinayes. :-)00:21
jolarenBilliard: Tryin to install a new driver now00:22
rwwsnuffy47: hmm. Can you copy those errors to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the created page here?00:22
Shutommynz1975, I'm on this computer, which is Ubuntu, and I'm actually using the usb wireless adapter I'm talking about00:22
Effibut do you think it could be the power adapter?00:23
aj_444how do i add programs to the startup applications list?00:23
rww!startup | aj_44400:23
ubottuaj_444: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:23
jolarenIm trying to install a new driver and it says ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root00:23
Shutommynz1975, got anything for me?00:24
tommynz1975shu okay so do I understand you correctly the wireless adapter is working the router is working. and you  have another computer that you want to use the router00:24
Billiardjolaren: do what it says00:24
puffHm... I am trying to fix a problem with xdmcp in ubuntu karmic. One bug report ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/408417 )  seems to indicate that switching to kdm should fi xit.00:24
puffSo, two questions, 1) is this a sane thing to do  if I'm not otherwise using kde, and00:24
puff2) will installing kdm via apt do the trick, or do I need to slog to the data center and do it on the console GUI?00:24
firejugglerhmmm ok just an update for those with a black screen with a box with *max resolution is 1280*1024 @60hz* with an ati card....00:24
c3lPackage libswt3.2-gtk-java has no installation candidate00:24
c3l wtf?00:24
snuffy47rww: I just uninstalled.  I will reinstall webui and paste00:24
Shuno, tommynz1975, I want the other computer to work with the usb wireless adapter that's plugged into this computer right now00:24
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jolarenBilliard: Im reinstalling the driver. It said it was already installed so im over reinstalling it.. but when i open nvidia-settings it says i have annother version installed00:25
jolarenBilliard: What does that tell you00:25
firejugglersudo aticonfig --resolution=0,1280*1024 seem to resolve the problem after a reboot00:25
rwwc3l: try libswt-gtk-3.5-java ? That looks to be the version packaged for karmic.00:25
Billiardnvidia-settings says you have another version of what installed00:25
c3lrww, oh. i had no idea. an app depended on libswt3.2-gtk-java. well thanks00:26
jolarenBilliard: correct00:26
selocol__Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?00:26
snuffy47rww:  I must have to start deluge somehow as now when I try http://192****:8112 it says page cannot be displayed00:26
Billiardjolaren: i didnt ask a yes or no question00:26
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how save only that rec as mp3?00:27
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how save only that rec as mp3?00:27
luis_how to save*00:27
c3lsnuffy47, i recommend rtorrent instead00:27
MyWayi've installed windows 7 and restored the boot menu with easybcd, now i'm from ubuntu, how do i restore grub2 initial menu? thanks00:27
snuffy47c31: really00:27
c3lI cant install iriverter. problems with dependencies it says. running karmic 9.1000:27
jolarenBilliard: I know thats why I replied correct00:27
ilakshI think wubi or whatever installed linux on my second disk, but I'm not sure. how can I verify that /host is on /dev/sdb?00:27
Billiardjolaren: oh it doesnt tell you?00:28
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how I save only the rec as mp3???00:28
snuffy47c31:  It will only be headless00:28
leftyfbis there a workaround to set custom sounds for events? I can't believe they removed this feature! Why is everyone always removing features???00:28
jolarenBilliard: no00:28
snuffy47all I need is to run my downloads of the server instead of pcs00:28
MyWayi've installed windows 7 and restored the boot menu with easybcd, now i'm from ubuntu, how do i restore grub2 initial menu? thanks00:28
jolarenBilliard: I will see now after reinstalling teh drivers00:28
Billiardjolaren: try completely removing the old driver first00:29
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how I save only the rec as mp3???00:29
luis_IS URGENT!00:29
rwwilaksh: wubi installs to a file in your Windows partition, specifically c:\wubi by default.00:29
EffiHey guys .... any of you who knows how it could be that my computer doesn't boot up anymore? only the fans are silently running but the computer neither recognizes the keyboard nor can I see anything on the screen...00:29
jolarenBilliard: Reinstalling teh drivers seems to have done the trick00:29
jolarenBilliard: Thanks for helping I guesss :D00:29
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ilakshthanks rww00:29
Billiardjolaren: ok cool00:29
ilakshwould it be faster if I did it in a separate regular partition?00:29
leftyfbEffi: dead computer. Seek a computer repair professional00:29
c3lI cant install iriverter. problems with dependencies it says. running karmic 64x how do I fix it?00:29
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jolarenI never had probs with jaunty but it seems karmic wants to give me hell :-)00:30
leftyfbMyWay: run sudo grub-install /dev/sda00:30
MyWayleftyfb: thanks00:30
rwwilaksh: Usually not, no. If the wubi disk image is very fragmented, you'd have speed problems, but apart from that there isn't much overhead from using wubi.00:30
ShuAttention everyone, I need some serious help. Here's the problem: I have a Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet Adapter, and I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my other computer, and I cannot figure out how to make it work on that computer. The other computer does not have any internet access what so ever. The items at my disposal: Netgear WNDA3100 Wireless Internet USB, and a 2GB Flash Drive. If you need any other information, just ask. P.S. I n00:30
Shueed to be spoon fed here. I am completely clueless when it comes to technical stuff like this, sorry.00:30
jolarenawn or cairo dock, what do you lot prefer?00:30
leftyfbShu: install ubuntu 9.1000:31
luis_Hello i need urgent help with audacity: i click the rec icon and i rec the part i want, but how I save only the rec as mp3???00:31
luis_IS URGENT!00:31
rwwjolaren: am I allowed to chooce "other: docky with gnome-do"?00:31
rwwchoose **00:31
Shucan't. The computer doesn't have internet!00:31
jolarenrww: I guess :') Its preferable?00:31
lstarnesluis_: are you able you save it in another format?00:31
leftyfbShu: you're on the internet right now00:31
MyWayleftyfb: where can i check the menu list, before reboot?00:31
Salvad1Could I still use my user account if I install Ubuntu 9.10 on my system partition?00:31
leftyfbShu: download and burn the iso on the computer you're on now00:32
rwwjolaren: I prefer it, yes :)00:32
Salvad1I have /home in another partition.00:32
luis_lstarnes: u mean export?!00:32
tommynz1975shu I understand now, and are you hard wired to the router? from this other pc00:32
Salvad1And by install, I mean, not upgrade.00:32
Shuleftyfb, this computer can't burn00:32
luis_lstarnes: how i do the export of only the choose part with the rec button? PLS IS URGENT T_T00:32
gOLDfeeshHey guys. I purged pulseaudio and now I don't have ANY sounds. alsamixer returns: ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused00:32
ShuNo tommynz1975, the router is downstairs00:32
lstarnesluis_: why is it urgent?00:32
luis_export to mp3 with audacity*00:32
c3lI cant install iriverter. problems with dependencies it says. running karmic 64x how do I fix it? or is it serverside withe incorrect dependencies?00:32
lstarnesluis_: can you export it to another format?00:32
leftyfbShu: you have absolutely no way of burning a 9.10 cd?00:32
rwwjolaren: you'd install it by installing the "gnome-do" package and then following the instructions on the gnome-do wiki (first result for "docky gnome-do" on Google; I don't have web access, so can't link it...)00:33
lstarnesluis_: can it be exported to anything that isn't mp3?00:33
ilakshthanks. guess I have to do some work now.00:33
Shuleftyfb, I think I might be able too...00:33
lstarnesluis_: you might need to have the right libraries installed00:33
chu_Ok re-install time!00:33
leftyfbShu: highly suggested .. especially for wireless issues00:33
sezotoveHello all00:33
leftyfbSalvad1: yes, you can. Just don't format the /home partition and mount it as /home00:34
puffI have a kde and gnome question.  We installed the server version, then installed the gnome dekstop stuff because ti turned out they needed to use a graphical debugger on that machine.00:34
tommynz1975ok shu.  when  you put the wirelss adapter into this other pc, what comes up when you put into the terminal iwconfig00:34
Salvad1Thanks for the response.00:34
jolarenrww: I will try that out00:34
puffAnd then wein stalled kde because  the main programmer wanted KDE instead of Gnome.00:34
Shutommynz1975, I'll have to come back, since I'll have to unplug it from this computer to do that00:35
lstarnesluis_: make sure that the lame and libmp3lame0 packages are installed00:35
Shuokay tommynz1975?00:35
sezotove*pulls a ticket number and waits inline*00:35
leftyfbtommynz1975: you're going down a long road of hurt trying to help someone install wireless drivers with no internet. Easiest to at least get the latest version of ubuntu on there first which will more than likely have supported drivers for it00:35
rwwsezotove: if you have a support question, go ahead and ask it. if someone knows the answer, they'll let you know00:35
jolarenrww: Does it look as cool as awn and cairo? seems kinda lame!00:35
airtonixgnome-do is great. rww is refrering to the docky aspect of it00:36
rwwjolaren: It has the benefit of working properly, which AWN and Cairo never did for me ;P00:36
rwwbut docky looks pretty much the same as AWN and Cairo screenshots00:36
jolarenCan't seem to get my 3d cube workin00:36
leftyfbjolaren: I use awn for my dock and gnome do for my quick access00:36
airtonixjolaren, rww, gnome-do will be seperating docky into a standalone package soon00:36
ard1anHamachi isnt more for Ubuntu why ?00:37
sezotovealright, Im trying to get my mic working, i have read up alot on it and still can not get it to work. I have checked in the volume control and its not muted, theres just a ton of static, the sound card is on an ECS GF8200A mobo00:37
rwwairtonix: oh, good. That'll alleviate some confusion :)00:37
leftyfbard1an: ask the Hamachi project00:37
luis_lstarnes: u didnt understand me00:37
tommynz1975leftyfb,  yes you are right....  or  shu short option is take the pc downstairs and hard wire it to the router. and plug the wirless in.  Has shu said whats running on the other pc?00:37
luis_just wanna know what button i click to export the rec to mp300:37
luis_thats all00:37
airtonixrww, jolaren my only gripe with docky is that it requires a compositing desktop for it to work nicely, (it works but the compositing makes it work much nicer)00:37
myronis anyone familiar with the encoding system on linux user passwords?00:38
jolarenIs it only me who thinks that a drunk girl friend is nothin more than a pain in the ass?00:38
rwwairtonix: indeed. docky thankfully works with metacity compositing, though, so one doesn't need the compiz overhead00:38
leftyfbjolaren: not the place for that00:38
rwwjolaren: this channel is for support only, and in general, discussing drunk girlfriends in #ubuntu* channels isn't a great idea :)00:39
lstarnesluis_: try file > export..., then select a filename and select "mp3 files" from the format list00:39
lstarnesluis_: it should be below the file list00:39
myronI need to encode a password and place it in the shadow file...00:40
gOLDfeeshHey guys. I purged pulseaudio and now I don't have ANY sounds. alsamixer returns: ALSA lib pulse.c:229:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused  alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused    I also removed the .asoundrc file00:40
leftyfbmyron: that's not how it works00:40
leftyfbmyron: use: sudo passwd <username>00:40
myronI know you can use the passwd utility, but I am dealing with a particular case where I don't have it and can't get it00:40
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91000:40
Billiardmyron: what is the case?00:41
Bilzhello. does anybody else have the problem where firefox lags when scrolling. no compfiz on my comp. ubuntu 9.04, all updates installed. normal graphics, and when i drop it to most basic it still lags00:41
jefincshould I upgrade to 9.10?00:41
myronpasswd is not installed, useradd and userdel are not installed... and there is no compiler on the system00:41
leftyfbjefinc: I recommend backing up your files and installing 9.10 from scratch00:41
leftyfbmyron: then you're not running ubuntu00:42
rashed2020Where does Karmic store the links to the PPAs when we add them using the new way. ppa:bla/bla00:42
rwwrashed2020: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/00:42
leftyfbrashed2020: same place as always:00:42
jA_cOpUpgrading from 8.10 using synaptic caused a freeze for me after logging in :(00:42
TetracommWhen I run the terminal emulator inside the GNOME GUI, I want the same font that I get from before any GUI is loaded, how do I get that font?00:42
jA_cOpWhich is why i'm installing from scratch...00:42
Znupiare there packages in the repositories for Go compilers?00:42
leftyfbjA_cOp: back up your files and install 9.10 from scratch00:43
rwwjA_cOp: for the record, Synaptic is not the supported method for upgrading Ubuntu00:43
rashed2020Owwh. Cuz I couldn't find them in /etc/apt/sources.list  What's the difference between them?00:43
jA_cOpyeah leftyfb00:43
Znupifor anyone who doesn't know, Go is a new programming language by Google00:43
rww!upgrade | jA_cOp00:43
jefincleftyfb: that's my plan, /home and / are separate partitions :) but I'm not sure 9.10 is ready...00:43
ubottujA_cOp: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading00:43
rwwZnupi: no, there aren't. Considering Go is newer than Karmic, that's highly unsurprising :)00:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:43
sezotovereally google has a prog lang?00:43
TetracommOr could you at least tell me what it is called?00:43
Znupirww: thought so, so they never introduce new packages?00:44
Znupinot even in backports?00:44
jA_cOpoh rww... Synaptic had a big "upgrade" button so I just clicked it. Stupid me.00:44
leftyfbZnupi: it JUST came out this week00:44
rwwrashed2020: apt looks in both /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ when getting sources. sources.list.d is used for stuff like medibuntu or third-party PPAs when they're added programmatically by software.00:44
EnissayI installed gnochm but it closes after few seconds :S on ubuntu 9.10 x64, any idea please?00:45
JediMaster_hey guys, I'm having problems getting the wireless on a toshiba laptop working (it's an Equium P200-1ed), I've tried "ath5k" drivers but the wireless interface doesn't appear, any ideas?00:45
rwwrashed2020: in effect, there isn't a difference, but using sources.list.d makes it easier for programs to remove repositories they've added.00:45
leftyfbEnissay: run it from a terminal to get the error00:45
geraldhi all00:45
=== gerald is now known as Guest32170
Guest32170i have a question regarding rhythymbox00:45
jolarenThere's this stripe crossing my AWN dock.. Its really ugly.. Anyone else experiencing that?00:45
afallenhopeI can use alsa mixer however when I try to use System->Preferences->Sound it hangs at "Waiting for sound system to respond".. anyone able to help00:46
Guest32170does it restructure my library by default?00:46
rwwGuest32170: "restructure" meaning moving files around?00:46
nintendude794howdy, y'all.  I've got a problem somebody might be able to solve...  Contact me via my AIM name, nintendude94700:46
Guest32170rww, yeah i habe my all music sorted the way i want it already00:46
AegNuddelCan one create custom screensavers for Ubuntu?00:47
Billiardnintendude794: you can just ask your question here, not many people will be willing to contact you on aim00:47
rwwGuest32170: I use it, and I don't think it's ever moved any of mine around.00:47
greezmunkeyWhere can I locate packages that I have downloaded, and installed. Can I burn them to a CD for use later if needed?00:47
Znupi"Go compilers support two operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X)"00:47
ZnupiI love them00:47
sezotovealright, Im trying to get my mic working, i have read up alot on it and still can not get it to work. I have checked in the volume control and its not muted, theres just a ton of static, the sound card is on an ECS GF8200A mobo00:47
rwwgreezmunkey: /var/cache/apt/archives00:48
snuffy47okay I can not find enough help docs for deluge I need direction on what torrent to use on a headless server.  It will need a web type interface and will need to update private trackers.  Only used for downloading and seeding00:48
bazhang!ot | Znupi00:48
ubottuZnupi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:48
rww!aptoncd | greezmunkey: for CD stuff00:48
ubottugreezmunkey: for CD stuff: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:48
Guest32170rww, i only ask because there is no option to turn library restructure on / off in the preferences like in banshee00:48
airtonixsnuffy47, does it have to be a web interface?00:48
greezmunkeyrww, cool, what about part 2...I see, excellent! I'll try it!00:49
airtonixsnuffy47, rTorrent started via a screen session running over ssh00:49
rwwgreezmunkey: that's the "aptoncd" package, btw00:49
snuffy47just as long as all processes are on the server00:49
gpledwhere did the 64bit 9.10 version go?00:49
snuffy47what about windows00:49
Billiardgpled: went nowhere00:49
snuffy47airtonix: what about on windows00:49
bazhangwww.ubuntu.com gpled00:49
snuffy47airtonix: what from windows00:49
gpledonly offers 32 bit00:49
AegNuddelsnuffy47: what about it?00:49
airtonixsnuffy47, 1. ssh to server 2. start screen 3. (inside screen) run rTorrent. 4. operate rTorrent 5. close ssh session00:49
rwwgpled: there's an option on it for the 64-bit version.00:50
bazhanggpled, check carefully, its there00:50
greezmunkeyrww, I am planning to (got that) reinstall this system. It is currently set up to dual boot, but the kernel is a bit bloated, so I want to streamline things a bit.00:50
airtonixsnuffy47, you'd use putty to ssh to your linux bos00:50
airtonixsnuffy47, box*00:50
airtonixsnuffy47, screen is a session manager for the command line00:50
airtonixsnuffy47, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/05/04/command-line-multitasking-with-screen/00:51
gpledmust be behind some flash or a popup00:51
c3lI cant install iriverter. problems with dependencies it says. running karmic 64x how do I fix it? or is it serverside withe incorrect dependencies?00:51
evilaimhey guys00:51
afallenhopeI can use alsa mixer however when I try to use System->Preferences->Sound it hangs at "Waiting for sound system to respond".. anyone able to help00:51
greezmunkeyrww, I have no done an install from CD, will I get an oppertunity to customize the kernel on setup, or do I have to make install?00:51
snuffy47airtonix: what from windows00:51
evilaimAny chance someone could help me to install vdpau? I've found the ppa, but don't know how to use it.00:51
airtonixsnuffy47, i used to have a low power linux machine sitting under my bed with this setupt for doing torrents00:51
evilaimeven a walk through link would be good00:51
bjl-I believe I may have found a bug with the interaction between printf and pthreads on ubuntu 9.10, anyone interested?00:52
airtonixsnuffy47, yes to manipulate the rTorrent session on the linux machine from windows you login to the linux machine via ssh using putty on windows00:52
gpledthis fails: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download00:52
afallenhopeI'm running Karmic amd64...00:52
jolarenrww: I agree, Gnome-DO = Much better00:52
nintendude794Nevermind... Umm, I recently installed Ubuntu NetBook Remix to my MacBook via Apple's Bual Boot utility, Boot Camp, and while the Volume keys on my Mac Keyboard work, the brightness adjusting ones don't work.  Is fixing this possible?00:52
gpledwill get it from a mirror00:52
Guest80731hi guys00:52
airtonixsnuffy47, you're other option is to use transmission which also has a gui, a cli and a web interface00:53
Guest80731I have this error: scsi 5:0:0:0: rejecting I/O to dead device00:53
snuffy47airtonix:  and rtorent has no problems updating private trackers?00:53
sezotovewhats this mean "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Could not open audio device for playback."00:53
bazhanggpled, see choose a version? to the right is choose an architecture00:53
snuffy47airtonix:  looking for the best option with the most help00:53
gpledbazhang: nope00:53
airtonixsnuffy47, i'm not exacty sure what you mean by "updating private trackers"00:53
Guest80731EXT3-fs error (device sdb2): ext3_find_entry: reading directory #2 offset 000:53
greezmunkeyrww, that's ok, I'll look around for a description of the CD install option. Thanks! (aptoncd, that is!)00:53
Guest80731how can I fix this problem?00:53
snuffy47airtonix:  for sites that have upload requirements00:54
rwwgreezmunkey: sorry, was afk. Ubuntu doesn't have an option to customize the kernel during installation.00:54
rww!kernel | greezmunkey: custom kernel instructions00:54
ubottugreezmunkey: custom kernel instructions: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages00:54
bazhangAlternative download options, including Ubuntu installer for Windows  click that gpled00:54
airtonixsnuffy47, rtorrent homepage : http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/00:54
snuffy47airtonix:  is transmission better the rtorrent?00:54
gpledsite fails:  http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso00:55
airtonixrTorrent is the best for headless server00:55
rwwjolaren: glad you like it :)00:55
gpledyou should not have to hunt for stuff00:55
jolaren rww How do I edit gnome-do? I managed to make all icons alot bigger00:55
bazhanggpled, I just showed the link to click00:55
greezmunkeyrww, really...I wanted to remove support for devices I dont have on my system. It seems that the kernel loads a lot of stuff on boot that I don't / need.00:55
randomusrHow does one effectively search a 4000 page man file?00:55
gpledbazhang: paste the url please00:55
gpledim already 20% done00:55
rwwrandomusr: press the / key, type the term to search for, then press enter00:56
Chousukerandomusr: ... 4000 pages?00:56
Chousukerandomusr: which manual is that?00:56
airtonixjolaren, mouse over the seperator between the icons and the clock, should change your cursor to an up/down image00:56
rwwgreezmunkey: really. I believe the thinking is that custom kernel compiling is somewhat outside of Ubuntu's scope.00:56
randomusrChousuke; friggen smb.conf00:56
airtonixjolaren, then click drag up and down to resize the icons sizes00:56
* greezmunkey wonders if it's worth it to break a perfectly well running system for a few drivers and such00:56
Chousukegreezmunkey: no, it's not.00:57
Tartaroswhat would be the correct way to change grub2 splash image - is it editing the 05_debian_theme script...? or should I copy it and add as a custom one, having changed the filename inside?00:57
geniiYes, man smb.conf is a *large* amount of reading to sift through00:57
jolarenairtonix: Worked fine.. Can I customize it to let's say hide behind windows?00:57
DivineEntitygreezmunkey, the old wifes tales that custom compiling and removing devices to increase speed is long dead. The kernel is modular you will see an unmeasurable speed increase once you are all done.00:57
seidosgreezmunkey: i want to fix gnome-power-manager so that my laptop shuts down, but it isn't feasible.  maybe you should consider another project?00:57
airtonixjolaren, right click the purple icon on the far left00:57
leaf-sheepgreezmunkey: You like breaking things, huh? :)00:57
randomusrrww, lame00:57
rotsnuffy47: Try rutorrent ( http://code.google.com/p/rutorrent/ ), web frontend for rTorrent00:57
airtonixjolaren, -> preferences00:57
gpledfound it. someone needs to go back to website design 10100:58
airtonixjolaren, unfortunately my config interface is in hindi or tamil...00:58
randomusrHow can I search for a number of Lines N man smb.conf | grep  something something something?00:58
DivineEntityI was compling slackware lernels for years... I tried really hard to convince myself it was "faster afterwards" ... at least it made me look more hardc0re00:58
snuffy47rot: reading my brains out I just want to make sure I pick the right one as Deluge failed and cost me days to read00:58
rwwgreezmunkey: considering that most of the really unnecessary stuff is compiled as modules, rather than into the kernel, there really isn't much of a performance benefit from custom compiling one.00:59
rotsnuffy47: I'm running rtorrent 24/7 and I've never had a problem with it.00:59
jolarenairtonix: Aight :)00:59
seidosDivineEntity: that's interesting.  it is counter-intuitive that a custom kernel would have no measurable speed increase than the alternative00:59
geniisekyourbox: Test failed00:59
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Out of curious, what happened with you and deluge?00:59
snuffy47rot: okay going to try rtorrent and the ru thing do you have a recommendation on a how too00:59
sekyourboxwhats the deal with this crash report in 9.04 when my laptop sleeps?00:59
greezmunkeyAll right...You've convinced me on this machine at least. I'm gonna play with my trash box though!00:59
selocol__Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?01:00
gdizhey, I have a question for you guys.  I have an external disk that I am trying to open up the permissions for to utilize with a program.  The permissions are drwx------.  When I chmod the drive, nothing seems to happen.  Am I missing something?01:00
rwwPriceChild: go go PriceChild, clean that banlist :)01:00
snuffy47lead-sheep: cant find enough info to help a noob to setup01:00
usser_gdiz, ntfs?01:00
seidosDivineEntity: but considering you are in all likelihood correct, if it is indeed modular, what does this mean, and how are modules loaded/unloaded or completely removed (if possible)?01:00
c3lsnuffy47, why dont you just run it through the terminal?01:00
gdizusser, let me check01:00
snuffy47lead-sheep: tried to give it a go and peeps say its the best but I need help01:00
leaf-sheepWhy do we clean banlist occasionally? ;o01:00
rotsnuffy47: The wiki has the info you need. Personally I don't use the web frontend but I know a lot of people who do. I just stick with plain ol rTorrent :)01:01
greezmunkeyseidos, great question iow how does it really work?01:01
sekyourboxfriggen like error reporting in windows01:01
gdizusser, FAT01:01
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: I see. What issues are you having? Deluge is the closest thing you can get... for uTorrent01:01
gdizusser, does it have to be NTFS?01:01
rwwleaf-sheep: because the banlist gets full.01:01
usser_gdiz, you have to mount it with uid=something,gid=something01:01
greezmunkeymmm, so I should just blacklist every module I absolutely don't need...?01:01
usser_gdiz, where uid and gid are that of your username01:01
snuffy47lead-sheep: well I installed deluge-webui and that is as far as I got01:02
gdizusser, I am not sure I know what you mean by "uid" and "gid"01:02
rashed2020Can I delete everything in /var/cache/apt?01:02
sekyourboxwhats the deal with this crash report in 9.04 when my laptop sleeps?01:02
seidosgreezmunkey: good idea01:02
leaf-sheeprww: Microsoft have 20M Xbox-Live subscribers. 1M with banned consoles! That's 1 out of every 5! :001:02
sekyourboxi close the laptop to suspend01:02
seidosgreezmunkey: how do you get a list modules?01:02
rashed2020Nvm, found the answer to that one.01:02
AegNuddelbqh I like xchat better than this01:02
sekyourboxand i get a crash report01:02
greezmunkeyseidos, there's my project! :)01:02
DivineEntityseidos, they jsut aren't loaded.. the kernel probes your system at boot, loads the moduals required.  if you pluggin in a device while running hotswap/kernel will load the modual at that time and unload when your remove it01:03
usser_gdiz, when you mount the drive, you can specify mount options with -o uid=1000,gid=100001:03
snuffy47lead-sheep: couldnt figure out how to configure and after theinstall I tried http://192***:8112 and it states page cannt be displayed01:03
rwwrashed2020: the correct way to do it is "sudo apt-get clean"01:03
leaf-sheepsekyourbox: Link to this crash report dealie?01:03
greezmunkeyseidos, I was planning to look through dmesg first, then go from there01:03
gdizusser, could you walk me through that?  how do you do that?01:03
randomusrin order to view share from windows, does filesharing need to be turned on in the windows client?01:03
randomusrthis is to access SMB01:03
greezmunkeyrandom, yes01:03
seidosDivineEntity: so the proper question is how do you custom compile a kernel that doesn't probe your system at boot?01:03
rwwleaf-sheep: no it's not, it's 1 out of every 20 :P01:03
usser_gdiz, how did you mount the partition in the first place?01:03
sekyourboxI cancelled out of it.  It happens when the computer suspends. how do I access it?01:03
snuffy47lead-sheep:  I am missing something and cannt find the how too to help01:04
randomusrgreezmunkey, thanks01:04
seidosman, what's going on01:04
greezmunkeyrandom, check that, you need to have the share created in windows...01:04
sekyourboxwhats with all this damn noise pricechild01:04
jolarenseidos: server split01:04
sekyourboxkickban pricechild01:04
jolarenseidos:  or nvm01:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvm01:04
seidosjolaren: nvm?01:04
rwwseidos, sekyourbox, jolaren: the channel's administrators are doing routine maintenance on the ban list. Please disregard it :)01:04
gdizusser, I'll level...I'm not very knowledgeable.  I plugged it in to the usb and let ubuntu do it's thing.  I guess I mounted it from nautilus?01:04
PriceyI am removing some bans, as they are old stale and too numerous. I'll be done in a few minutes.01:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about PriceChild01:05
DivineEntityseidos .. just remove the modual support... I havn't built a kernel in a few years but in make menuconfig it's one of the basic options01:05
randomusrwhat's the path to the default share in samba?01:05
nihilogicthose comcast bans banned entire states from here..01:05
snuffy47leaf-sheep: couldnt figure out how to configure and after theinstall I tried http://192***:8112 and it states page cannt be displayed01:05
Billiardrandomusr: i dont think there is a default share01:05
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Are you connecting to the another machine?01:05
kernelPricey;good boy01:05
usser_gdiz, right, unmount it, open terminal and type sudo fdisk -l  that will tell the /dev/ name of your partition01:05
sekyourboxleaf-sheep, I cancelled out of it.  It happens when the computer suspends. how do I access it?01:05
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  I am missing something and cannt find the how too to help01:05
anti_theoconmaybe make your share directory 'a share' ala windoze?01:06
DivineEntityyou can tell the kernel to be "static" or monolithic01:06
seidosDivineEntity: honestly, i should compile firefox before i even talk about kernel compilation.01:06
usser_gdiz, and mount it with sudo mount -t vfat /dev/namefrompreviousstep /mnt -o uid=1000,gid=100001:06
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  Yes from another machine deluge will be on a headless server01:06
fcuk112snuffy47: some instructions here: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1512064601:06
randomusrBilliard, if I create a file to share, where does the path need to be listed for it to work?01:06
=== kernel is now known as kernelLove
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:06
DivineEntityseidos  the two are not related ....01:06
johnjohn101what's more fun than wobbly windows?01:06
DivineEntitydo as you wish01:06
greezmunkeyseidos, compiling kernels is not that big of a deal with make menuconfig01:06
anti_theocongo from outside in...right-click a directory and make it a share01:06
Billiardrandomusr: it can be anywhere? maybe idk what you are asking01:06
anti_theoconrestart samba01:06
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Ssh in the other machine. Do "aptitude search deluge"  What packages are installed?01:07
Zxcvbif a kernel build is interrupted with make-kpkg, do I need to start over from the start of the build (with make-kpkg clean) or can I just run the make-kpkg command again?01:07
RoseyDAMN i wish i had a pet monkey01:07
gdizusser, now will I need to mount it like that every time I boot up ubuntu?01:07
seidosgreezmunkey: blacklisting modules is one thing, compiling a kernel is another.  I don't want to reinstall if i can avoid it01:07
randomusrBilliard, I want file x to be shared. does the path need to be listed in the smb.conf?01:07
greezmunkeyI'm off to check out aptoncd...later01:07
geniiZxcvb: Best to clean and re-make01:07
usser_gdiz, if you want a permanent mount add it to /etc/fstab01:07
Billiardrandomusr: if you want that directory shared, yes01:07
selocol__Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?01:07
Zxcvbgenii: ouch01:07
geniiZxcvb: Annoying but neccesary01:07
DivineEntityThe only time I have felt it nessisary to custom build a kernel is .. A) you need to add in a drive  B) YOua re working on embedded hardware and need the space C) You want to learn more about how the kernel works ..01:08
snuffy47what is the past bin again01:08
randomusrBilliard, can you provide an example of what the key pairs might look like?01:08
rwwsnuffy47: http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:08
nooonwhat tools can monitor the filesystem?01:08
Zxcvbgenii: yeah, the old fashioned way you could just type make bzimage again01:08
gdizusser, I am assuming fstab is the start up file?01:08
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com snuffy4701:08
DivineEntitydang my typo's01:08
gdizusser, do I just through in a command line saying that?01:08
usser_gdiz, something like /dev/sdb1 /mnt vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 001:08
Billiardrandomusr: i think there are examples in the smb.conf or man smb.conf01:08
nihilogicnooon: conky01:08
usser_gdiz, add that line to fstab substituting with your values for /dev/sdb1 and /mnt01:09
nihilogicnooon: assuming you're talking graphical01:09
usser_gdiz, /mnt is the mountpoint. ie where drive will appear in your filesystem01:09
nooonnihilogic: cli would be fine also.01:09
gdizusser, where sdb1 is the name of the usb port / partition?01:09
ZxcvbDivineEntity: or patch a driver01:09
gdizusser, I think I understand01:09
usser_gdiz, yea the name you got from sudo fdisk -l01:09
nihilogicnooon: what type of monitoring are you asking about? free space? security?01:10
phyrrusAnybody know how I can keep the tabs in xterm saved when I exit?01:10
phyrrusPM me if you do01:10
gdizusser_, thank you for your help01:10
usser_gdiz, no problem01:10
gerrhanyone on a lenovo s12 using 9.10 in here?01:11
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/318270/01:11
kernelLovegerrh; having more bugs?01:11
Zxcvbwill setting concurrency_level too low hurt anything?01:12
gerrhsome, nothing anoying now though. just want to pick the brains of those with experience tweaking the kernel for this machine. ^^01:12
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: You know you can connect to headless server either by webui or deluge-gtk?01:12
slideIs Ubuntu One down for anyone else?01:12
cba123slide, Seems fine here.01:13
gerrhslight update on the freezebug though. it seems to only happen when i'm using a wired connection to the network. have to keep moving mouse around in order for the data to be read or written to the drive01:13
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  what does gtk stand for01:13
gerrhany pointers most welcome01:13
leaf-sheep!gtk | snuffy4701:13
ubottusnuffy47: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI01:13
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: it's a GUI.01:13
slidecba123, any idea why i cant connect?01:13
jolarenGah! Cant get sound out of my hdmi cabel on ubuntu 9.10 nvidia01:13
snuffy47leaf-sheep: its a headless server01:14
snuffy47no montior01:14
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Basically, you could use Deluge-GUI on your laptop/computer and access the server daemon.01:14
* seidos didn't realize hdmi cables did audio and video01:14
jolarenseidos: it does'01:14
seidosnever used an hdmi cable01:14
DivineEntityhdmi does audio ..  DVI doesn't ... ....01:15
leaf-sheepseidos: HDMI --> High-Definition Multimedia Interface.  Multimedia is the keyword. :)01:15
nooonnihilogic: mostly which files are open or which files change when and maybe even the user and process information to that..01:15
snuffy47leaf-sheep: what do I need to install on my server?  install deluge or just deluge-webui01:15
DivineEntitythey are both based on the same technology01:15
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: You have some configuration file there. Better wipe out everything.01:15
seidosleaf-sheep: didn't even know what it stood for.  hdmi is too rich for my blood01:15
jpbaa1just installed unr on an aspire one.  i added a custom kernel, but it's still booting the generic.  how do i make the custom default01:16
snuffy47leaf-sheep: wipe?01:16
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: "sudo aptitude purge deluge deluge-common deluge-core"01:16
DivineEntitymaybe I should become a linux admin again .. it as fun01:16
DivineEntityor was fun01:16
seidosDivineEntity: you're talking about becoming a linux admin again, and i'm currently looking for a job01:16
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: "sudo aptitude install deluge deluge-core"01:16
rwwleaf-sheep: that won't wipe out the configuration stuff in ~/, btw01:16
snuffy47leaf-sheep: its purging :(01:17
DivineEntityyou in the states ?01:17
seidosDivineEntity: yeah01:17
DivineEntityI'd be a linux admin if it paid more :)01:17
effiHey guys ... sorry that I'm all the time flying out01:17
marklinNeed help with BT headset, using Karmic BTHeadset connects but no sounds.  any thoughts01:17
seidosDivineEntity: i'd be a linux admin if someone would hire me to do it01:18
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Okay. Run "deluged" in the server.01:18
seidosnot sure what a linux admin would even make these days01:18
effiI wanted to ask again about the problem that my computer doesn't start anymore01:18
linxehARGH!!! hdmi audio is going to make my head explode01:18
jolarenGah! After 6 hours of fixing.. and I notice the sound aint workin01:18
jolarenBugs the hell out of me01:18
snuffy47-bash: /usr/bin/deluge: No such file or directory01:18
DivineEntityright now I tell people how to do stuff .. I don't actually do much real actual work ...01:18
linxeh#ubuntu-offtopic ? :P01:18
snuffy47leaf-sheep: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=15120646 looks like a good how too01:19
gdizusser_ , I have one more question for you...I hope...fdisk gave me the partitions on my internal hard drive, but I didn't locate any of my usb devices.  did I do something wrong01:19
usser_DivineEntity, huh, unix administrator is almost highest paying job around in IT, certainly pays better than windows adminisrtation01:19
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Now, on your main system --> sudo aptitude install deluge -- You need to check preferences and whatnot. Turn off classic mode or something. Make it possible for you to access remote connections.01:19
linxehgdiz: fdisk operates on 1 device only01:19
effihey... still same question: anyone knows why my computer doesn't boot while fans are working ? the keyboard still doesn't get recognized...01:19
usser_linxeh, eh no.01:20
seidoseffi: does your computer beep?01:20
DivineEntityusser_  I'm a " Principal Security Architect "  it pays more :)01:20
linxehusser_:  ?01:20
effiseidos no... but the lamps do shine01:20
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: If you want my opinion, I say deluge-webui is somewhat broken. Not all configurations actually work.01:20
usser_linxeh, fdisk operates on more than one hdd01:20
snuffy47leaf-should install sudo aptitude install deluge not just deluge-webui01:20
linxehusser_: not at a time01:20
seidoswhat lamps?01:20
usser_DivineEntity, hm, but is it fun?01:21
linxehusser_: it will only show you partitions on the specified device01:21
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  What does that mean01:21
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  I will install the deluge and see what happens01:21
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Unless you're using Deluge 1.2.0_rc3 which were released two weeks ago.01:21
gdizusser_ or linxeh, does fdisk get me to the usb peripherals or do I need another command for that?01:21
usser_linxeh, just ran sudo fdisk -l and it showed all my disk with corresponding partitions01:21
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Meaning not everything on webui works.  Some of them are just there for looks and does not pass the functions to core.01:22
usser_gdiz, fdisk shows all the drives in the system01:22
scuniziI'm trying to use Remote Desktop Viewer to connect from my laptop to my desktop. Both are inside my lan.. desktop is also running a vm of w2kpro in vbox which I can access with TSC.  Both are on different ports. The desktop show up when you "search" but on connect is simply disconnects when it should ask for a password.. any suggestions?01:22
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  well that how too that was posted earlier lookst out promising going to try i01:22
DivineEntityusser_, Not really ... well not too bad ..  I read a lot .. go to a lot of meeting ... talk to sales reps (but she's got huge knockers so thats ok)01:22
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  I just want something that works01:22
usser_gdiz, pastebin the results of dmesg | tail -2001:22
usser_!pastebin | gdiz01:22
ubottugdiz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:22
linxehusser_: I meant when editing, sorry01:23
rwwDivineEntity: comments about your sales rep's secondary sexual characteristics are best left outside the channel, thanks.01:23
usser_DivineEntity, hehe. sounds dynamite :)01:23
evilaimI gimped my entire video stylings01:23
snuffy47leaf-sheep:  Going to try this http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1512064601:23
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: When you set it up the way you like, you'll never have to wrry about it again.01:23
leaf-sheepAlright. :)01:23
mrXXhey guys, when ever i try to access my second virtual server in ubuntu, i get forbidden error01:24
briana_grr trying to find where I close that program since it is hogging my nick01:24
DivineEntitySorry rww I forgot hoe politically correct the internet because since I left it :)01:24
mrXXonly localhost works but the new site that i wanna make doesnt work01:24
mrXXit says Forbidden01:24
usser_briana_, your work computer 20 miles away probably :)01:24
rwwDivineEntity: I can link you to the #ubuntu namespace's guidelines, if you need a refresher :)01:24
jolarenmy VIA VT8103S wont play hdmi sound in ubuntu 9.1001:24
usser_mrXX, are the permissions on the second host / correct?01:25
usser_mrXX, chmod to 777 just to see if it fixes it01:25
briana_usser_, no.  I haven't been that far in ages---and I just mean Empathy won't close down01:25
mrXXusser_ is it chmod 777 /myfolder?01:25
usser_mrXX, chmod 777 -R /myfolder01:26
DivineEntityWe pretty much bought 100K of hardware from her because of her secondary sexual characteristics ..01:26
mrXXusser_   DUDE I LUV YOU !!! it worked after finally 3 hrs of trying01:26
usser_mrXX, but leaving it at 777 is a security risk.01:26
IdleOne!ot | DivineEntity01:26
ubottuDivineEntity: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:26
mrXXusser_ is there a fix?01:26
DivineEntityanyways .. back to ubuntu01:27
usser_mrXX, make sure /myfolder is owned by www-data:www-data and permissions are rw-r--r--01:27
briana_From where do I kill the process?01:27
NoiseEeeI upgraded from 9.04 -> 9.10 and now I can't seem to get on my wireless network.  I keep getting asked for my WEP key over and over and over again, and the icon just endlessly spins.  Also, the button on the side of my computer that turned on/off the card has no effect at all.  help!01:28
mrXXusser_ what is www:data01:28
Billiardjolaren: last time i looked, audio was not supported over hdmi in linux01:28
gdizusser_, http://imagebin.org/7159801:28
Billiardjolaren: it may be now though01:28
usser_mrXX, its a user under which apache2/http server runs, all the files that are served by apache must be owned by that user01:28
mlissnerMy wireless dropped. I'm baffled as to how to get it up again without restarting. It's an atheros card. Does anybody have any ideas?01:28
nintendude794anybody willing to help me?01:28
usser_gdiz, right, can you pastebin the results of dmesg | tail -20 command01:28
soreau! anybody | nintendude79401:29
ubottunintendude794: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:29
bazhangnintendude794, what was the question01:29
jolarenBilliard: A friend of mine is running a livecd with xbmc.. works for him i think01:29
EntityReborn_how do I switch my desktop BPP to 16?01:29
KhalilIs there a way to limit the download speed because each time I download something the Internet becomes to slow01:29
BilliardKhalil: in what program?01:29
soreauEntityReborn_: Not sure why you would want to, but you can change the Default Depth in your xorg.conf file01:29
randomusrif I've got two hard drives; 1 with the OS, and the other with my home directory however it happened; is it safe to place my home directory to the OS drive?01:29
mrXXusser_ i m sorry that i m a little blunt, so in which file do i need to make modification01:30
NoiseEeeI upgraded from 9.04 -> 9.10 and now I can't seem to get on my wireless network.  I keep getting asked for my WEP key over and over and over again, and the icon just endlessly spins.  Also, the button on the side of my computer that turned on/off the card has no effect at all.  can someone help troubleshoot this with me?01:30
KhalilI am using Firefox for downloading, no additional programs01:30
greezmunkeywrr, still there?01:30
EntityReborn_soreau, I cant run Arcanum in wine, due to this01:30
Billiardrandomusr: its safe01:30
usser_mrXX, you need to chown www-data:www-data -R /myfolder01:30
usser_mrXX, ie change the owner of your second virtual host01:30
mrXXusser_ alright dude i will do it01:30
usser_EntityReborn_, man arcanum was awesome back in the day01:30
BilliardKhalil: i think there is a download throttling firefox addon01:30
soreauEntityReborn_: ok. Just remember desktop effects most likely will not work with this depth01:30
sigandersonwith swapon I setup the swap, with swapoff I keep away the swap... but how do I see where is mounted the swap?01:30
randomusrBilliard, I don't think it matters now anyways. apparently the two drives appear as one contiguos drive01:31
snuffy47leaf-sheep: Even that how to cannt get past step 5 and error01:31
EntityReborn_usser_, I haven't played it, xD01:31
EntityReborn_soreau, I don't use effects01:31
snuffy47leaf-sheep: why cannt the stuff work01:31
KhalilBilliard: Thanks, I'll check on that01:31
Billiardrandomusr: ok01:31
usser_EntityReborn_, oh, you're in for some 70 hours of mad fun if you ever get it to work01:31
Popolonsince I upgraded to karmic01:31
georgehow i can install ubuntu preload ?01:31
soreauEntityReborn_: If you don't have an X conf file, you will have to create one01:31
nintendude794I've installed NetBook Remix 9.10 to my MacBook via Apple's Dual Boot utility, Boot Camp.  Basically, I'm running NetBook Remix 9.10 on my laptop and while Ubuntu recognized that my keyboard had volume adjustment and playback keys (F7=Rewind/Back, F8=Play/Pause, F9=Forward/Next, F10=Mute, F11=Volume Down, F12=Volume Up), but it didn't recognize that F1 and F2 are supposed to adjust the brightness up and down.01:31
Popolonmy wacom tablet doesn't work01:31
nintendude794What can I do01:31
kostkonEntityReborn_, you could try running it in a wine virtual desktop. you can specify this in wine prefs, in graphics tab01:32
georgehow i can install ubuntu preload ?01:32
PopolonI can't change /etc/xorg.conf or this change nothing01:32
gdizusser_, http://imagebin.org/7159901:32
randomusrmental note, do not rush installing your OS01:32
PopolonI suppose this is a hal setting problem01:32
phyrrusgeorge: you can burn an ISO to a cd and run ubiquity01:32
EntityReborn_is there anyway to switch the depth using xrandr?01:32
mrXXusser_ i did it dude, it worked, now how do i see the rights for the folder?01:32
CircularEasy question, but I'm lost. How does one change their DNS server in Karmic?01:32
Popolonthere is a /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/10-wacom.fdi01:32
Popolonto change01:32
effimaybe anyone else an idea why my pc doesn't recognize my keyboard and does.not boot up, while the fans are working?01:33
usser_gdiz, crap can you pastebin the entire dmesg, it seems flooded with all those cpu scaling crap. run dmesg right after you plug in the drive01:33
Popolonbut don't know what I've to change01:33
usser_!pastebin | gdiz01:33
ubottugdiz: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic01:33
Popolonis there some informationa about version number or something to add ?01:33
usser_gdiz, you dont have to paste screenshots, pastebin.com01:33
usser_mrXX, ls -l01:33
=== anti_theocon is now known as ant1_th30c0n
snuffy47leaf-sheep: u there01:33
usser_mrXX, run ls -l in that folder it should show the owner01:33
Billiardnintendude794: what does this output for you:  cat /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness01:33
EntityReborn_nope, virtual desktop didn't do it01:33
scuniziI'm trying to use Remote Desktop Viewer to connect from my laptop to my desktop. Both are inside my lan.. desktop is also running a vm of w2kpro in vbox which I can access with TSC.  Both are on different ports. The desktop show up when you "search" but on connect is simply disconnects when it should ask for a password.. any suggestions?01:33
NoiseEeeomg, how did 9.10 get released with a known issue about ASCII wep keys???01:33
fcuk112snuffy47: some instructions here: http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?p=1512064601:34
greezmunkeyBilliard, apt question: If I have already downloaded a package, then decide to reinstall it, does apt-get look at previously downloaded packages first, or just go out to the net?01:34
nintendude794woah, woah, woah... I'm a linux noob... English? :D01:34
mrXXusser_ dude the folder is not in the list01:34
BilliardNoiseEee: maybe cause noone uses wep cause its hardly any better than an open AP01:34
randomusrNoiseEee; do whats?01:34
usser_mrXX, eh? cd /path/to/yourvirtualhost && ls -l01:34
randomusrbut still that's crap01:34
michelhi all, pls I would like to know if there is a possibility to install winehq to ubuntu? and what are the setup procedures? can it run all windows applications? are there any other alternative apart from winehq ?01:34
haven489hi all01:34
NoiseEeeBilliard: right, so because it worked in 9.04 all of a sudden theres a reason to not have it work in 9.1001:34
snuffy47fcuk112:  I get an error after step 501:34
Billiardgreezmunkey: there is a cache, but idk how often it is cleared on its own if at all01:35
randomusrBilliard, what's the wep bug of which you speak?01:35
furunomichel : sudo apt-get install wine01:35
snuffy47fcuk112:  global name 'c_val' is not defined01:35
fcuk112snuffy47: what's step 5?01:35
NoiseEeeif I have use WEP, ubuntu cannot connect.01:35
haven489i need help with my XO laptp, i want to install ubuntu onto it if you can help me\01:35
=== ant1_th30c0n is now known as anti
Billiardrandomusr: idk of any bug, NoiseEee says there is one01:35
dinglei just upgraded to 9.10, now my computer is running really slow, and when trying to play a video it logs me out, what can be the problem?01:35
snuffy47fcuk112:  Run the console program: sudo deluge -u console (you'll see "Error backing up old config", ignore this), then ente01:35
NoiseEeegoogle "ubuntu 9.10 wep ascii"01:35
greezmunkeyBilliard, probably deep down in the docs somewhere...I'll read up on it, thanks though! :)01:35
furunomichel : no it won't run all windows program, if you want more compatibility I suggest you to use virtualization (virtualbox) or dual-boot01:35
mrXXusser_ it says drwxrwx--- 3 and has 2 times my nabin01:35
Billiardnintendude794: linux is very similar to mac run that command, tell me the output01:36
tadpolehello, is there anyone who can help me? i'm having real difficulty setting up wireless internet01:36
dingleit seems like its a graphic related issue01:36
fcuk112snuffy47: are you reading the guide?  it's about 1/2 way down the post.01:36
DivineEntitymichel,  wine sucks .. most of the time.. not all apps work ... and yes it is very possible to install wine "apt-get wine" should do it01:36
greezmunkeyAt the very least I have a install CD and all of my packages, so an offline disaster recov is possible...01:36
=== anti is now known as ambi_dextr-rus
mrXXusser_ is that sage01:36
mrXXusser_ safe01:36
scunizi8.04 to 9.04 with remote desktop viewer (built into ubuntu) and it tries to connect then immediately disconnects. any ideas how to fix?01:36
tadpolethe guides aren't helping me at all01:36
usser_mrXX, it didnt work then, should say something like this http://pastebin.com/f41823d901:37
jolarenI got dualboot with ubuntu and win7.. but it seems i have trippel boot now with 2 x ubuntus.. can i remove one?01:37
gdizusser_, hey I just tried pulling out the drive and putting it back in.  I tried fdisk just to see.  I see a disk at /dev/sdc.  That's what I need right?01:37
acovrighow can I keep VNC from disconnecting on userswitch01:37
DivineEntitymichel, Office 2003 works pretty good in wine...01:37
snuffy47fcuk112:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/318280/  I used sudo but I have a permssion error on the setup above it01:37
randomusrNoiseEee, why using WEP, trying to connect to a Neighbor?  *wink* *wink*01:37
tadpoleis anybody able to help me01:37
=== xOrphenochx is now known as Zero
greezmunkeymichel, are you serious?01:37
=== Zero is now known as Zerokun
usser_gdiz, yep, does it list FAT as the filesystem on that drive?01:37
Billiardtadpole: whats the prob01:38
furunojolaren: do you mean to grub menu entry?01:38
zaoulwhy is it we are at kernel 2.6.31 and it is still a PITA to compile just ONE module?01:38
scuniziacovrig: maybe initiate vnc from within screen?01:38
jolarenfuruno: I think so, in the beginning of boot01:38
furuno!ask | tadpole01:38
ubottutadpole: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:38
haven489can anyone help with installing ubuntu onto an XO laptop??01:38
acovrigscunizl: ?01:38
furunojolaren: is the second ubuntu entry contains "recovery mode" ?01:38
Billiardhaven489: whats the prob01:38
jolarenfuruno: no.. theres also 2 recovery modes01:38
scunizi!screen | acovrig01:38
ubottuacovrig: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen01:38
tadpoleBIlliard: i'm trying to connect to the internet through wireless, but im having real trouble... can you please help01:38
Billiardtadpole: whats the prob01:38
NoiseEeerandomusr: i use WEP on my router01:38
DivineEntityah the classic " don't to ask to ask a question " warning maybe things havn't changed that much01:38
Tartarostadpole: "I have a problem" is not a question01:38
lotecwhat up lazy people01:38
furunojolaren: do they have diverent kernel version ?01:38
scuniziacovrig: screen may "keep alive" the connection..01:39
haven489Billiard: when i put in /ect/init.d/haldaemon stop is says there is no such file or directory01:39
nintendude794@Billiard: "No such file or directory"01:39
tadpolei'm sorry but im not quite sure how else to address it...01:39
snuffy47fcuk112:  I think the trouble is step 401:39
randomusrNoiseEee, then why not convert the key to hex?01:39
jolarenfuruno: Yes..01:39
mrXXusser_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/318282/01:39
acovrig!screen - event not found01:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:39
Billiardhaven489: why are you trying to do this?01:39
mrXXusser_ how do i fix it dude01:39
haven489because i dont like sugetr01:39
furunojolaren: it's  usually happen if you updated the kernel (including in automatic update), and won't be a problem, it's there just in case the new kernel fail to work01:39
Billiardnintendude794: try:  ls  /proc/acpi/video/01:39
snuffy47fcuk112:  please help01:39
jolarenfuruno: Yes..one 2.6.31-15 and one 2.6.31-1401:39
NoiseEeetbh i think it is hex, randomusr.... O-F,0-901:39
furunojolaren: you still only have one Ubuntu installation01:39
haven489Billiard: because i dont like suger01:39
lotecanyone help me01:39
Tartarostadpole: how about you say how do you expect things to work, how they in fact work, and what have you tried to make them work the way you want them to work :)01:39
loteci picked up a netbook today01:40
furuno!ask | lotec01:40
ubottulotec: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:40
dingleafter upgrading to 9.10 my system is running sluggish, such as switching between windows, and when i attempt to play a video it just logs me off.  what could be causing this?01:40
scuniziacovrig: screen is typically used at terminal/tty etc with ssh to keep a connection alive even if you disconnect (as if you changed users)01:40
haven489Billiard: its hard for me to use01:40
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:40
loteclooking to dump doze and install a nix os.01:40
haven489Billiard: any help??01:40
randomusrNoiseEee, have you used WEP with a prior version of Ubuntu? without issue of course?01:40
furuno*sorry I have major lag issue (22s)*01:40
michelany answer for me pls?01:40
fcuk112snuffy47: try to run deluge from your applications -> internet, does it come up?01:40
nintendude794is that "Ls"?, only lowercase?01:40
Billiardhaven489: what? well the file you are trying to execute doesnt exist, what is your ultimate goal01:40
Tartaros!usb | lotec01:40
scunizinintendude794: yes01:40
ubottulotec: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:40
Billiardnintendude794: yeah just copy paste01:40
acovrigscunizl: what do you mean by screen, is it a ssh able command, or something with my VNC client?01:40
NoiseEeerandomusr: yep, was working fine for months on 9.04... literally just since the upgrade this AM01:41
snuffy47fcuk112:  Its a headless server01:41
tadpolethanks tartaros. ok, im trying to follow guides on how to connect to the internet wirelessly. im using a dell inspiron 1525, stock. nothing is helping me, and there's no networking button that im looking to click01:41
haven489Billiard: to install ubuntu onto it, i got the tut from the OLPC home page, but i dont think it works, pluce my XO is completely up to date and all01:41
randomusrwhat's your wireless card? are you using wpa_supplicant?01:41
lotecTartaros, i new i had to use USB to install the OS.  i know what i am doing01:41
nintendude794@Billiard: GFX001:41
randomusrNoiseEee see above01:41
nintendude794in light blue font01:41
Billiardnintendude794: ls taht directory01:41
furuno*I'm back*01:41
snuffy47fcuk112:  only access is terminal01:41
scuniziacovrig: if you install screen and then open a terminal and type screen you'll get some info on the monitor.. hit enter adn you'll be back to a terminal prompt.. from the terminal start the vnc program01:41
gdizusser_, http://imagebin.org/71600/    that's what I got01:42
NoiseEeerandomusr: intel/centrino. not sure if im using wpa_supplicant or what it is.  my router has no wpa, only wep01:42
fcuk112snuffy47: icic, no idea sorry.01:42
haven489Billiard: if you cant help me will you point me to some one who can????01:42
Billiardnintendude794: add GFX0 to the last command01:42
tadpolei'm not sure how to find out what wireless card i have, sorry01:42
Tartaroslotec: good for you.01:42
Billiardhaven489: what are you trying to do just install ubuntu?01:42
tadpoleim a real newbie01:42
acovrigscunizl: sudo apt-get install screen?01:42
lotecwhat i want to know is,  it is an acer.  does it support the broadcom wifi out of the box?01:42
randomusrNoiseEee lspci01:42
haven489Billiard: well yea.01:42
DivineEntitytadpole, thats my laptop :) and I am wireless right now ... on ubuntu 8.10 though . I never liked chasin the latest version01:42
furunotadpole : try using the command : lspci01:42
nintendude794@Billiard:  "DOS info LCD POST POST_info ROM TV VGA01:42
snuffy47someone must beable to help01:42
randomusrNoiseEee lspci | more01:42
scuniziacovrig: it will allow a process (perhaps vnc) to continue running even if you change users.. yes.. sudo apt-get install screen01:42
tadpolein terminal?01:42
mrXXguys is this folder setting for one of my websites ok? i mean the permission settings -- drwxrwx--- 3 root  user 4096 2009-11-13 16:19 mysites01:42
Billiardhaven489: why are you trying to run /haldaemon stop  that isnt a file that exists so dont try it lol01:43
furunotadpole : and put the result in the pastebin01:43
snuffy47someone must beable to help with deluge01:43
lotecTartaros, thank you i strive to konw what i am doing01:43
gdizusser_ according to the disk utility it's FAT01:43
michelgreezmunkey: I am serious01:43
randomusrNoiseEee lspci | grep network01:43
snuffy47went from going to rtorrent to deluge and wasted anoth 2 hours01:43
mrXXis the permission setting for my website folder safe ? drwxrwx--- 3 root  user 4096 2009-11-13 16:19 mysites01:43
michelI have just formatted my PC after fubbing off windows XP01:43
randomusrlast one works best01:43
Dantonichey, I install firefox 3.5.5 in ubuntu, but it still shows up as 3.0 on the "About" page01:43
haven489Billiard: the tut said i needed to, your going in a big circle01:43
usser_gdiz, hm is that like a usb stick?01:43
greezmunkeytadpole, try this in a terminal: sudo lshw -C network, or do lspci as above01:43
micheland intalled ubuntu?01:43
Billiardnintendude794: add /{LCD,VGA} to the command01:43
tadpoleNetwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)01:43
NoiseEeerandomusr: nothing comes up under lspi | grep netowkr01:43
furunoDantonic: do you install manually or use Ubuntu update method?01:44
OpenSourcedNickHello, I'm having problems with the gnome terminal, when I open it in a normal window and I edit a long line the letters get all mixed and mashed, when I maximize the window everything is back to normal but when it's normal size and I delete something in the middle of the line it gets all scrambled01:44
randomusrNoiseEee lspci | grep network01:44
NoiseEeerandomusr: (spelled correctly of course)...01:44
haven489Billiard: here is the URL for the TUT: http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ubuntu_Intrepid_for_the_XO01:44
acovrigscreen is instaled, how do I use it?01:44
Dantonicfuruno, I tried with the synaptic package manager01:44
briana_I had to leave and if my question got answered I can't find it01:44
randomusrNoiseEee, what brand of laptop?01:44
gdizusser_, this one is...I'm using this as a test case before I run off my 200 GB external drive.  I didn't want to accidentally mess up the data.  do I do it differently01:44
Billiardhaven489: its old01:44
furunoDantonic: Ubuntu version?01:44
Tartaroslotec: whatever you wanna try out, just take the live usb and boot from it. If it works there, it will work in the installed os too.01:44
NoiseEeerandomusr: no results.  asus, 5 yrs old.01:44
Doorman352tadpole: This link worked for my on my Dells: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886501:44
Dantonicfuruno, sorry it is 9.0401:44
scuniziacovrig: type screen in a terminal01:44
acovrignothing happens01:45
furunoDantonic : in 9.04, run "shiretoko" instead of firefox01:45
briana_I need to figure out where to shut down a program that is not showing up as running01:45
NoiseEeerandomusr: i know wep isnt great security, but at least its something, im really hesitant to have nothing at all01:45
usser_gdiz, usb sticks are usually automounted with correct permissions and all that, but you can test with it sure01:45
Dantonicfuruno, what's that?01:45
lotecTartaros, thanks that is all i wanted to know.  tried slackware and have to use ndis wrapper dont really want to go that way01:45
furunoDantonic : the codename for FF 3.501:45
gdizusser_ got it01:45
scuniziacovrig: type screen -ls and see if it displays a line of info01:45
haven489Billiard: can you help me or not? Im getting a little agravated, if you can help me then will you kindly point me in the direction of a person who can01:45
usser_gdiz, so add a line /dev/sdc /mnt vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 001:45
greezmunkeybriana_, sudo killall {appname}01:45
usser_gdiz, to /etc/fstab01:45
Dantonicfuruno, oh... do I have to uninstall firefox 3.0 first?01:45
randomusrNoiseEee, try this01:45
Billiardhaven489: can you just skip that step?01:45
DivineEntitytadpole, on my dell I had to hit " Fn - F2" then bam wireless work01:45
acovrigyes, what do I do with it?01:45
nintendude794brightness  EDID  info  state01:45
randomusrNoiseEee, dmesg | grep WiFi01:45
usser_gdiz, and run sudo mount -a, see if your drive shows up in /mnt and if you can write to it01:45
haven489Billiard: it says its important01:45
furunoDantonic : if you wish01:45
FloodBot1nintendude794: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
nintendude794brightness  EDID  info  state"01:46
furunoDantonic : don't recommend tought...01:46
EntityReborn_guys, how do I specificly set xOrg to use 16bit depth?01:46
NoiseEeerandomusr: also nothing01:46
randomusrNoiseEee, sudo dmesg | grep WiFi01:46
NoiseEeerandomusr (im not connected online with it btw)01:46
furunoDantonic : just create a new shortcut in the menu01:46
scuniziacovrig: that just verified that screen is loaded.. now try starting vnc by typing "vnc" in the same terminal.. if that doesn't work try typing "vino"01:46
Billiardnintendude794: could you pm me, this chat is pretty active hard to find your messages01:46
OpenSourcedNickHello, I'm having problems with the gnome terminal, when I open it in a normal window and I edit a long line the letters get all mixed and mashed, when I maximize the window everything is back to normal but when it's normal size and I delete something in the middle of the line it gets all scrambled, what to do?01:46
randomusryou don't need to be online01:46
tadpolealright, the link would work great if i used a cd, but i downloaded ubuntu01:46
Dantonicfuruno, shiretoko is not in the list...01:46
NoiseEeerandomusr: still nothing with the sudo01:46
haven489Can anyone help me install ubuntu on an XO laptop?? anyone????? plz????01:47
furunoDantonic : try adding a new shortcur01:47
drunkwithmusici'm new to freenode. is there a way to see a list of rooms? i don't even know how to pm. lol01:47
acovrigcommands not found?01:47
tadpoleand i did fn + f2 but im not sure what happens next?01:47
acovrigapt-get install vnc01:47
Billiardhaven489: sorry idk, try to find a more recent guide maybe01:47
nintendude794I don't see you in the online people list, and I'm new to IRC as well...01:47
acovrigor vino?01:47
randomusrNoiseEee, please rate your user level 1 beginner 2 intermediate 3 expert01:47
tadpoleill try and rephrase. is there a way for me to browse wireless networks?01:47
furunoDantonic : Right click on your menu and select edit menu01:47
randomusrand how long have you been using linux?01:47
scuniziacovrig: hummm.. I wonder what the command is to start vnc at terminal.. hang on I'll check01:47
acovrigwhat's better, I need it to be on port 690001:47
NoiseEeerandomusr: 201:47
Doorman352tadpole: The FN F2 will turn on/off thw wifi radio, usually a light.... but if the driver isn loaded your not going to see anything.01:47
furunoDantonic : You can create the shortcut anywhere you want, just make sure in the command field, you type in "shiretoko"01:48
acovrigvnc works if I am logged in, but not when I switch users01:48
randomusrNoiseEee, how are you getting to the terminal?01:48
bastid_raZorscunizi: acovrig vinagre01:48
Dantonicfuruno, you've totally lost me.. Do I have to install shiretoko first?01:48
drunkwithmusicubuntuing for exactly a month now: )01:48
NoiseEeerandomusr: via applications/accessories01:48
acovrigfailed to contact configuration server?01:48
scuniziacovrig: bastid_raZor thanks.. vinagre or if you're using the other.. tsclient01:48
uffocan anyone help with so annoyng thing that causes network pauses, download pauses or filecopyng in lan or webrowsing, 5-10 secons is 1 pause time in network traffic. 9.1001:48
Aegnuddelty that is better01:48
tadpolemy wifi works fine on windows. i also dont know the password for it, as it's set by my dad.. lol.. but can i transfer that from windows or no01:48
randomusrNoiseEee, i'm lost as to why you can't run those commands01:49
randomusrmakes no sense01:49
EntityReborn_anyone? looking for how to explicitly run my gui in 16bit depth01:49
Doorman352tadpole: You might ask if anyone knows how to get the specific package for the broadcom fix from a seperate download.... and then how to get it into synaptic.01:49
dinglehow can i get 9.10 to reinstall the kernel it is suppose to be running?01:49
dinglei think thats why my computer is running so slow01:49
NoiseEeerandomusr: i get output with lspci | more but that was it of what you gave me01:49
furunoDantonic : "Shiretoko" is the app name of Firefox 3.5 in ubuntu 9.0401:49
Random832is there a clipboard viewer for linux?01:49
acovrigcan i downgrade from 9.1 to 8.4?01:49
Random832a program that will show what is on the clipboard01:50
lotecWTF is FEF at?01:50
tadpolethis is all really confusing, im sorry01:50
lotecFEF: where are you01:50
Dantonicfuruno oh01:50
randomusrNoiseEee, what if lspci | grep Wifi01:50
scuniziacovrig: only with a reinstall.. did you try it?01:50
DivineEntityfuruno, don't tell me ubuntu renamed firefox too ?01:50
furunoDantonic : if you already installed FF3.5, the command to run it is "shiretoko", this is to differ from the default FF3.0 in 9.0401:50
roland-hey, is there a good vnc client that supports copy/paste?01:50
Flannel!startup | MannyPacquiao01:50
ubottuMannyPacquiao: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot01:50
acovrigreinstall, like reformat hdd?01:50
furunoDivineEntity: just to differ it from 3.0 I believe, it's still the official codename from Mozilla thought01:50
psycho_oreospretty much01:51
acovrigscunizi, did you get my PM?01:51
NoiseEeerandomusr: nothing, but wouldnt that depend on it being connected?01:51
scuniziacovrig: yep.. unless you have a seperate /home01:51
randomusrNoiseEee, no01:51
haven489can anyone help me install ubuntu on an XO laptop?????01:51
furunobrb gonna install ATI driver in OpenSuse 11.2 :)01:51
DivineEntityah ok .. I thought they were following debian.. dang politics01:51
NoiseEeerandomusr: wep off is totally fine :(01:51
randomusrNoiseEee, lspci and read the network controllers01:51
furunowish me luck :)01:51
acovriglol, I don't like the limited login window options01:51
=== Enriquei_ is now known as Enriquei
ubottuuse @login01:51
Dantonicfuruno, bash: shiretoko: command not found01:51
Dantonicguess it's not installed01:51
IdeAlEssMy right click menu in gnome is not theming with the rest of the desk top.  Even the font sizes are different.  Is there a different place to configure this?  Better yet, is there a way to replace it completely?01:52
scuniziacovrig: yep.. I did get the PM but I don't know how to diagnose that error.01:52
bastid_raZorDantonic: firefox-3.5 is the package anem01:52
NoiseEeerandomusr: Interl Corporation PRO/Wireless 2915ABG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)01:52
uffocan anyone help with so annoyng thing that causes network pauses, download pauses or filecopyng in lan or webrowsing, 5-10 secons is 1 pause time in network traffic. 9.1001:52
selocol__Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about appearance01:52
randomusrNoiseEee, don't know how to help you01:52
psycho_oreosNoiseEee, wow old chipset, I think there might be support via ipw2200 driver01:52
EloffI installed nginx from src, how can I remove it and install it from aptitude?01:52
acovrigI would like to switch from user1 to user2 (both on display localhost:0.0) remotely01:52
randomusrNoiseEee, I would run your updates and see if that fixes it01:52
NoiseEeerandomusr: i appreciate it.  gah.01:53
scuniziacovrig: you might have to start vinagre with ... vinagre -n serverIPaddress:port_number01:53
Doorman352I need to know how I can obtain the broadcom package from the 9.10 CD and send it to someone so they can install it, they do not have the ISO.01:53
Dantonicbastid_raZor, ok... I've installed the package sud apt-get firefox-3.501:53
kartookhello all01:53
Dantonicbastid_raZor, so now I"m tryign to run the thing... how do I open it?01:53
NoiseEeepsycho_oreos: it was all swimmingly perfect until i went from 9.04 -> 9.1001:53
kartookformatted the linux01:53
kartookmy ubuntu01:53
psycho_oreosNoiseEee, as in you upgraded it? dist-upgrade?01:53
bastid_raZorDantonic: look for it under internet in the menu or in a terminal type firefox-3.501:53
randomusrNoiseEee, I am curious to know the manufacturer of the router?01:54
nicle__Eloff: did you add the prefix option on configuring the nginx01:54
NoiseEeepsycho_oreos: yep01:54
NoiseEeerandomusr: linksys, its been great01:54
Eloffnicle__: it was a year ago, I haven't the foggiest01:54
kartooksynaptic is not showing few vpnc and all01:54
kartookcompiz it shows instlled but its not listing01:54
Dantonicbastid_raZor, omg then what is shiretoko for?01:55
psycho_oreosNoiseEee, I personally have never find upgrading to be as clean of an install as purely to do a proper install.. meaning that a clean install seems to be far more better off in some ways imo01:55
kartookwhat is the problem01:55
randomusrNoiseEee;  WRT54G?01:55
haven489All: can anyone help me install ubuntu on an XO laptop???? anyone?? in need of serious help01:55
Eloffit seems to follow the linux style of putting pieces of itself all over the place, so not confident I can just delete it01:55
lotechaven489: does it have a cd drive?01:55
NoiseEeepsycho_oreos: i know, but i had so many custom settings, dbs, mounted shares, etc... didnt want to start from scratch01:55
Dantonicwhy cant you just click and install?  it's as if these things are purposefully created to alienate people form linux...01:55
NoiseEeerandomusr: nah, older, b only01:55
haven489lotec: no01:56
randomusrNoiseEee, it might be worth upgrading01:56
lotecso then do a USB install01:56
haven489lotec: here is the tut URL, but its not working  http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ubuntu_Intrepid_for_the_XO01:56
DantonicAll right I've got it working Thank you bastid_raZor01:56
acovrigWine /stnd out error in AutoIt, I tried the #wine (or whatever the name) and got nothing01:57
kartooki need to reinstall synaptic ?its not working properly ?01:57
bastid_raZorDantonic: command line is much faster and by far less overhead than GUI.01:57
meinmartiniHey, guys. When I removed KDE and installed Gnome, there are now 2 Screensaver icons in my System > Preferences area01:57
meinmartiniIs there any way to remove one of them?01:57
acovrigkartook, lol - sounds like "fun"01:57
haven489can anyone help me install ubuntu on an XO OLPC latptop???01:57
meinmartiniIt's not affecting performance of the OS; it's just annoying to look at :P01:57
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal01:57
Doorman352Does anyone know how to get a single packae from the 9.10 cd to send to someone to install who doesnt had the ISO?01:57
kartooki  formatted total laptop01:57
kartookand updated01:57
NoiseEeerandomusr: there are still some updates in update manager.  i'll see if that helps.  otherwise i'll probably just drop dhcp, drop broadcasting the SSID and go with no WEP.  thanks for your help.  i don't want my friday night to get sucked into a hole :P01:57
meinmartiniubottu, I tried that more than once and it's still there01:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:57
scuniziDoorman352: http://packages.ubuntu.com01:58
Eloffgoing to try make uninstall01:58
kartookbut now new issue synaptic shows all installed01:58
randomusrNoiseEee, how about a new router?01:58
meinmartiniI tried restoring to original settings, but it's still there01:58
kartookbut i i tried to install vpnc its not listing01:58
nicle__Eloff: does it mean you don't have the orginal source code  ?01:58
randomusrman vpnc01:58
EloffI do01:58
NoiseEeerandomusr: nah. it works great/works with all other OSs and computers and devices in the house.  its clearly an ubuntu misstep somewhere.01:58
kartooktrying  to kolourpaint01:59
kartookits not01:59
Doorman352scunizi: Thank You!01:59
acovrigprinter sharing doesn't work ubunt 9.1?01:59
acovrigworked in 8.401:59
fasutusi just installed ubuntu, and pop up messages and screenlets don't render. they just show up as boxes of color.01:59
lotechaven489: for the love of god,  why would you put ubuntu on that for?01:59
NoiseEeerandomusr: i can't help but think that my button that toggles the wireless card isnt tied in somehow.  all the other 'hardware' buttons work fine (bluetooth on/off, shortcuts etc).01:59
scuniziDoorman352: :)01:59
randomusrNoiseEee, I think it's more likely trouble with you WiFi card not having the proper support. I don't see this issue on my intel card and other wifi cards01:59
zogCan I just copy/paste the settings that the nVidia Server tool gives me to xorg.conf?02:00
kartookall packages or up to date02:00
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:00
kartookthis is my ubuntu 9.04 64 bit02:00
AegnuddelDoes anyone know how I would install the sword library?02:00
meinmartiniIs there a way to display which icons are visible in the System > Preferences menu? Right-clicking doesn't give me a 'delete' option02:00
=== Ronaldinho is now known as Alex_Brazil
bazhangDoorman352, which package02:00
NoiseEeerandomusr: still its kinda funky/weird that i had no issues with 9.04 at all02:00
bastid_raZorzog: if you run nvidia-settings with gksudo in a terminal it will write them for you.02:00
NoiseEeeits literally the WEP key that is the difference in working/not working02:00
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:00
andresmhIn Ubuntu Karmic, is there a keyboard shortcut to open a message I just received (when it's still blinking on the sys tray) ? (I don't want to have to click on its tray icon with the mouse)02:01
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:01
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:01
FloodBot1victor_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:01
gdizusser_, yup, I see it in my mnt folder02:01
randomusrNoiseEee, It happens.02:01
usser_gdiz, good, then it worked02:01
bazhangvictor_, no need to repeat once is enough02:01
acovrigAegnuddel, what do you mean, like install bibles?02:01
haven489lotec: i dont like suger. will you just help me??02:01
NoiseEeerandomusr: yeah.  i actually see a bug about someone not being able to connect with WEP if the SSID isnt broadcasting, which mine isn't.  I'll see if that makes a difference and let you know.02:01
zogI'll take that as a yes.02:01
zogThank you.02:02
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:02
Doorman352bazhang: bcmwl-kernel-source02:02
fasutusi just installed ubuntu, and pop up messages and screenlets don't render. they just show up as boxes of color. any ideas?02:02
lotechaven489: what is not working? where is it erroring out at? during install?02:02
bazhangDoorman352, going to compile something?02:02
victor_Can anyone here me?02:02
nicle__Eloff: if you don't have the source pakage, it's difficult to remove the compiled nginx02:02
randomusrNoiseEee, is that connection non-existent, or intermittent?02:02
victor_hi is there a way that I can use my wp4030 pen tablet in ubuntu 9.10 powerpc?02:02
bazhangvictor_, yes. be patient02:02
NoiseEeerandomusr: it asks me for my WEP key over and over and over and over, and the taskbar icon just endlessly spins02:03
gdizusser_, can I specify a different folder i.e. /mydocs  as opposed to /mnt   by saying sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdc /mydocs -o uid=1000,gid=100002:03
haven489lotec: when i try and stop the haldaemon like this /ect/init.d/haldaemon stop it says there is no such file02:03
meinmartiniDoes RhythmBox have MP3 support by default, or do I need to install separate plugins?02:03
NoiseEeerandomusr: im positive the key is correct!02:03
Doorman352bazhang: nope helping tadpole, he downloaded 9.1 and installed without CD but needs this to get his wifi working.02:03
nicle__Eloff, just try install the nginx from repos, and it maybe overwirte the compiled version02:03
randomusrNoiseEee, I meant can you connect at all?02:03
usser_gdiz, yes sure02:03
bazhangmeinmartini, need to install codecs02:03
wm_eddiemeinmartini: The MP3 decoders will be downloaded once you first try to play an mp302:03
acovrigAegnuddel,  sudo unzip /path/to/swordmodule.zip -d /usr/local/share/sword02:03
gdizusser_ great02:03
fasutusi cannot find a solution on ubuntuforums. anyone available to help?02:03
acovrigin the terminal02:04
victor_is there an ubuntu powerpc user here?02:04
meinmartinibazhang, wm_eddie Ah, thanks. :)02:04
lotechaven489: ok so it is probley not started then  do this   "dmesg | grep hal" see if it loaded02:04
Eloffnicle__: I just did that, it works, but the one from repos doesn't seem to have ssl, which is the whole reason I wanted it, :(02:04
meinmartiniI like the applications Gnome has over KDE02:04
randomusr!ask | victor02:04
ubottuvictor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:04
acovrigAegnuddel, if you are the GUI type person, (not geeky), just unzip it, and open /usr/local/share/sword and copy it there02:04
mrXXhow do i set the permission for this folder? it is a website folder?02:04
randomusrin other words, just ask the question victor02:05
Doorman352bazhang: Trying to get him through this fix, without the CD. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886502:05
bazhangDoorman352, you could either use aptoncd (if you have it on your box) or packages.ubuntu.com and sneakernet it to him (flash usb stick)02:05
Eloffthink I have to remove it and then reinstall from src with ssl enabled02:05
Eloffgood luck to me...02:05
sam_does anyone have a bash script that I could run to install a list of packages?02:05
NoiseEeerandomusr: through wired, or wifi when wep is turned off on the router02:05
lotechaven489: u get what i said?02:05
mrXXbazhang dude how should i set the permission for my website folder? right now my browser says Access Denied02:05
randomusrNoiseEee, are you ever able to connect with WEP enabled on 9.10?02:05
nicle__Eloff, what's the result of "apt-cache search nginx"?02:05
wm_eddiesam_: apt-get install pkga pkgb pkgc?02:05
Doorman352bazhang: havent actually found the package source yet..... was going to give him URL to download.02:05
haven489lotec: yea i got it, was AFK one sec02:06
victor_Is there a way that I can use my pen tablet wp4030 on Ubuntu 9.10?02:06
fasutusanyone, please?02:06
CircularI am experiencing slow internet speeds in karmic, couldsomeone please help. Almost ready to give up02:06
NoiseEeerandomusr: nope, not thus far, that is my problem! :)02:06
nicle__Eloff: maybe the ssl has been provided in other packages02:06
Eloffnope, guess not02:06
haven489it just give me a root again after i push enter02:06
NoiseEeerandomusr: 9.04 and all previous were fine02:06
Eloffstill have the source here, just going to try that now02:06
IdleOnesam_: take a look at !clone02:06
fasutusi just installed ubuntu, and pop up messages and screenlets don't render. they just show up as boxes of color. any ideas?02:06
haven489lotec: it just gives me root again02:06
sam_how do i script it so I can wget the script from a server and run it with ./runsetuptscript.sh   it then installs the packages02:07
randomusrI wasn't sure if you ever had connection on 9.10 forget about the old versions02:07
haven489lotec: that means it either worked or it just gave up on giving me errors02:07
=== stella is now known as Guest84444
jolarenCant get my HDMI sound working :(02:07
usser_sam_, what are you doing?02:07
lotechaven489: so hal deamon is not running.  so just move on with what you were doing02:07
victor_Is there a way that I can use my pen tablet wp4030 on Ubuntu 9.10?02:07
randomusrNoiseEee, go to www.google.com/linux and search for your issue there02:07
NoiseEeerandomusr: nope, 9.10 and WEP aren't getting along for me.  anyways, thanks i appreciate it.  if i ever solve it i'll let you know02:07
haven489lotec:ok ill contact you agian if i need any help02:07
sam_installing about 20 computers the same way02:08
nicle__Eloff: so why don't you build the nginx from source again?02:08
sam_I don't have the skills to sort out a preseed02:08
usser_sam_, just use a cloning program02:08
sam_I thought a script would be easier02:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clonezilla02:08
KnifeySpooneyWhich came first -- Gnome's menu bar or Mac's menu bar?02:08
sam_on different hardware?02:08
usser_sam_, clonezilla livecd is as easy as it gets.02:08
usser_sam_, yea why not02:08
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/bcmwl-kernel-source http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/bcmwl-modaliases Doorman35202:08
sam_Doesnt the installer run hardware detection stuff?02:09
usser_sam_, its not windows it wont bluescreen because hardware is different02:09
wm_eddiesam_: have you tried apt-get install `cat packages.txt`?02:09
mrXXusser_ hey dude, how can i set the correct permission for my virtual host folder?02:09
usser_sam_, no hardware is detected on each restart02:09
wm_eddiesam_: It might work, I don't know if command line arguments care about newlines.02:09
Doorman352bazhang: I just found it from google, perfect timing though02:09
bazhangDoorman352, great :)02:09
usser_mrXX, i already told you, sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/host02:09
OpenSourcedNickOk now my gnome terminal is truely gone mad, it's jumping around with the letters, why is that happening?02:09
usser_mrXX, and sudo chmod -R 744 /path/to/host02:10
Eloffnicle__: building as we speak, so far, so good :)02:10
denis_kHow can you resize a ext4 partition when free space is located behind the beginning of the exisiting ext4 partition??02:10
usser_KnifeySpooney, mac menu bar was first02:10
victor_vigorish, Is there a way that I can use my pen tablet wp4030 on Ubuntu 9.10?02:10
nicle__Eloff: good :)02:10
victor_vigorish: Is there a way that I can use my pen tablet wp4030 on Ubuntu 9.10?02:11
gdizusser_ thanks for your help, I got it up and running02:11
KnifeySpooneyusser_: Thanks. do you have a source for that or do you just know it?02:11
mrXXusser_ drwxr--r-- 3 www-data www-data 4096 2009-11-13 16:19 mysites02:11
mrXXusser_ correct?02:11
usser_mrXX, yep that looks about right02:11
usser_gdiz, no problem02:11
Eloffnicle__: worked! thanks for your help02:11
lotecvictor_ have you tried www.google.com and search for ubuntu + wp4030?02:11
mrXXusser_ but my /var/www folder has root instead of www-data02:11
nicle__Eloff: u r welcome :)02:11
bluekbMy dell computer's DVD drive seems to struggle to even read DVDs.  Kaffeine, vlc, and others tend to freeze up.02:11
sam_usser_, why do people bother with preseeding if there are no downsides to cloning?02:11
mrXXusser_ is it okay? i m sorry but i m such a dumbass02:12
usser_KnifeySpooney, well mac os is what 20 years old now, linux came out in 1991 and gnome is even later02:12
usser_mrXX, root is also fine02:12
victor_lotec, yes02:12
bluekbI can hear the dvd drive laboring (in a non-normal pattern).02:12
denis_kHow can you resize a ext4 partition when free space is located behind the beginning of the exisiting ext4 partition??02:12
francoishow do I see what kind of make/model of hard drive I have ?02:12
lotecvictor_ have and what did google say?02:12
kostkonbluekb, replace it then?02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hwinfo02:12
haven489lotec: after i say "echo -e ',,L,*\n\n\n' | sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0" it gives me a bad input for sd card02:12
bluekbkostkon, I'd like to be sure it's actually broken.  I can play CD's just fine.02:12
cha-cheCan anyone help me write a bash script?02:12
victor_lotec, I've tried the wizardpen driver but it didn't work02:12
bastid_raZorfrancois: iirc, sudo lshw -class disk02:13
bluekbAnd some dvds work.02:13
exodus_mscha-che, ##bash maybe02:13
cha-cheOkay thankyou exodus_ms02:13
victor_lotec, And the tablet used to work fine in 6.10, but not now when I did a clean install to 9.1002:14
bazhangvictor_,  dont find anything at all about any linux support for that tablet02:14
mrXXusser_ great job, thanks dude,02:14
nicle__francois: try hwinfo02:14
kostkonbluekb, ok. but maybe only the dvd part of the drive is broken, since there are two lasers in it, one for cd one for dvds. it can happen, i think02:14
sedekii have problems with ubuntu turning off my computer because of CPU temperature02:14
usser_sam_, i dont know, preseeding seems like a convoluted way of doing things. much like windows install answer file02:14
victor_bazhang, really?02:14
exodus_mssedeki, at what temp does your box turn off ?02:14
usser_sam_, i never quite got why people bother, i mean i understand with windows with its bluescreens on different hardware, but on linux i dont know02:14
lotecvictor_ i would recommend trying to fix the install.  or revert back to an earlier release some things are broke in 9.1002:15
sedekiexodus_ms, i'm not sure, where can i check it?02:15
mrXXusser_ dude but how can i see inside the folder now? cause i need to modify things02:15
bazhangvictor_, nothing in ubuntuforums or google02:15
lotechaven489: seams your sd card is not at mmcblk002:15
mrXXusser_ the folder doesn't show anything now inside02:15
sam_OK thanks02:15
haven489lotec: kk hmm02:15
exodus_mssedeki, how do you know it turns off because of the temp?02:15
victor_lotec, but isn't there anything I can do to the xorg.conf file?02:15
usser_mrXX, huh? it should you still have read permissions, try with sudo02:15
bluekbkostkon, I don't have trouble with all DVDs.  It is consistent which DVDs cause trouble02:15
bastid_raZorusser_: mrXX folders need execute02:16
sedekiexodus_ms, because i can see a message in the terminal a couple of sec before it shuts down02:16
denis_kHow can you resize a ext4 partition when free space is located behind the beginning of the existing ext4 partition??02:16
fcuk112sedeki: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-applet, add the sensors applet to your top panel.02:16
victor_bazhang, then how can you explain that it worked on 6.1002:16
Aegnuddelhmm it doesn,t like me02:16
lotecvictor_ very well might be witch is why i said to use a live cd and try to fix the install02:16
fcuk112sedeki: you need to run sensors too.02:16
kostkonbluekb, ah. maybe the worn out ones?02:16
lotechaven489: find out where your sd card is located02:16
usser_mrXX, bastid_raZor yea right, run sudo chmod +x /path/to/host02:16
sedekifcuk112, is there a config in that applet?02:16
bazhangvictor_, who is the manufacturer02:17
haven489lotec ok02:17
kartooksudo apt-get working fine ,,, but synaptic is not working perfect  need help ..02:17
exodus_mssedeki, do you have lm-sensors intalled?02:17
bluekbkostkon, two of the problem dvds are new.02:17
Drone4fourwhat should my grep command look like if I am  trying to  get grep to find a document with an instance of "doug" and an instance of "hegel"? so far my grep command looks like this: grep -ir doug /media/25C02AE0778C728F/home/daniel/dox/02:17
victor_bazhang, it's UC-Logic formoly Digipro02:17
kostkonbluekb, hmm ok02:17
iconanyone have a radeon hd 4550 installed with karmic?02:17
sedekiexodus_ms, dpkg-configuring it now. it wants to open a IP port =/02:18
bluekbkostkon, I do wonder sometimes if it's just a junky dvd player.  But I don't know how to figure that out. *shrug*02:18
victor_bazhang, the serial number is 08110032402:18
haven489lotec: i forgot to format my SD card before. it didnt brick my system, but i do have to start over. sucks, i will run through the prosess again and get back to you02:18
bluekbMaybe I should just get a monitor that takes svideo input and hook up my regular dvd player to it... or something.02:18
exodus_mssedeki, why not sudo sensors-detect02:18
kartooksudo apt-get working fine ,,, but synaptic is not working perfect  need help ..02:18
netpirateany spanish ubuntu channel ?02:18
sedekiexodus_ms, you guys said something other...!02:19
mrXXusser_ now i can get in thru terminal but not thru GUI02:19
ardchoilleI'm using gkrellm for a sensor stack in Jaunty. Is there something else that is more "modern" and can do the same job?02:19
lotechaven489, that is what i thought,  linux can not read that sd directley until you get it formated02:19
mrXXusser_ how can i modify with GUI02:19
exodus_mssudo apt-get install lm-sensors sedeki then run detect02:19
iconanyone have a radeon hd 4550 installed with karmic? i am having issues.02:19
bazhangvictor_, nope. can't find a thing about it.02:19
haven489lotec: yea, i was stupid not to before lol. will do and get back to you (you are of great help)02:20
bluekbkostkon, I tend to have trouble ejecting it when it's laboring.  So I wonder if it's a driver issue, or if I have unknown software doing something...02:20
bluekbeven sudo eject can hang.02:20
BilliardDrone4four: try grep -F $'doug\nhegel'02:20
sedekiexodus_ms, "detect" no such command02:20
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exodus_mssedeki, sudo apt-get install lm-sensors02:20
fasutusi just installed ubuntu, and pop up messages and screenlets don't render. they just show up as boxes of color. any ideas?02:20
exodus_mssedeki, run through the wizard at the command line02:20
kostkonbluekb, you could borrow another drive from a friend for example, and check if it'll play your discs fine or not02:20
sedekiexodus_ms, yes i have. do you mean "sensors-detect"?02:20
lotecthere are to many people in this channel.  jebus cries02:20
Doorman352bluekb: Do your disks feel really hot when you take them out?02:20
exodus_mssedeki, ya,  ".:exodus_ms:. sedeki, why not sudo sensors-detect"02:21
bastid_raZorardchoille: conky is similiar but isn't exactly the same.02:21
victor_bazhang, but I checked and all digpro and UC-LOGIC tablets are supposed to be supported.02:21
ardchoillebastid_raZor: Can conky be brought to the front? I have so many apps open that I never see my desktop02:22
kiwifunkim back!02:22
mrXXbastid_raZor: dude, how can i be able to modify the folder but only make it redable for the online users?02:22
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Lucy-23Hi there02:22
bazhangvictor_, perhaps something with the powerpc build? sorry not to be of more assistance but I dont use powerpc ubuntu nor a pen tablet02:22
wm_eddievictor_: There might be better distributions for PowerPC.02:22
victor_bazhang, darn02:22
wm_eddieUbuntu doesn't support it anymore.02:22
sedeki_exodus_ms, "sensors": temp1: 58.0 deg. C (crit: 104 deg. C)02:23
scuniziI got one machine in the house that is constantly pinging the network with cups.. the other machines don't. why? or better yet.. how do I figure out why.02:23
bastid_raZorardchoille: i think so but you'll have to adjust the settings to do so.02:23
lotecvictor_ use yellow dog for PPC02:23
exodus_mssedeki_, the temp looks way good to me02:23
ardchoillebastid_raZor: ok, I'll look into it. Thanks02:23
victor_wm_eddie, its only suppoerted by comunity02:23
sedeki_exodus_ms, is this the "hddtemp" or CPU temp?02:23
Doorman352bluekb: Are your disks really hot when you take them out of the drive?02:23
victor_lotec i cant02:23
exodus_mssedeki_, type   sensors02:23
lotecthere is no such thing as cant,02:23
jarHey guys, I'm having a bit of a permissions issue. My data partitions are owned  by "libuuid users" yet I cannot write to them despite adding my username to libuuid and users in /etc/group02:24
sedeki_exodus_ms, yes?02:24
OpenSourcedNickHow do I speed up my ubuntu?02:24
jauntyjoe0hehe, imagine a hdd temp @ 58 degrees02:24
exodus_mswhats the output sedeki_02:24
bazhangOpenSourcedNick, how much ram02:24
exodus_mssedeki_, thats cpu temp02:24
bastid_raZormrXX: adjust yours to be like mine.. > drwxr-xr-x  6 razor www-data 4.0K 2009-01-13 16:55 www02:24
OpenSourcedNickhmm wait let me check02:25
sedeki_exodus_ms, "acpitz-virtual-0" \ "Adapter: Virtual device" \ "temp1: +58.0 deg C (crit = +104 deg C)"02:25
jarUUID=666d34fa-e687-4542-a3ca-8e190545edd9 /media/Deathstar ext3 defaults 0 202:25
sedeki_jauntyjoe0, sudo hddtemp /dev/sda : 48 deg C02:25
jarthat's my fstab entry02:25
bastid_raZormrXX: i own it so i can edit it fine.. the group can read and execute.. so can all others.02:25
OpenSourcedNickbazhang, 939MB so it says with the system monitor anyway02:25
OpenSourcedNickbut it's crawling02:26
jarOpenSourcedNick, That should more than enough but you can always try Xubuntu02:26
exodus_mssedeki_, when you run lm-sensors there should be something that says CPU temp02:26
bazhangOpenSourcedNick, open a terminal and type top and see what is using most resources02:26
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kostkonOpenSourcedNick, what graphics card do you have?02:26
sedeki_exodus_ms, i don't have "lm-sensors" (although i installed it)02:26
OpenSourcedNickopera 81MB, epiphany 57MB, rhythmbox 35MB, xchat 9.6MB... seems normal no?02:26
mrXXbastid_raZor sudo chown -R myName:www-data mysites02:27
ardchoillebastid_raZor: For future reference: Conky can run in windowed mode, meaning that instead of drawing the the root window it draws to it's own window. You can move this window around and resize it by right-clicking or left-clicking on the window while holding down the Alt key. This can be accomplished by running Conky with the '-o' parameter. Thanks for the suggestion.02:27
carpunkyHello, i just watched a ubuntu uoutube video and I saw this guy....moving the applications around in a big cirle to find another application, what does he use for that ?02:27
IdeAlEssis there an easy way to replace nautilus with something like xfce-desktop and thunar or similar?02:27
OpenSourcedNickgeforce FX something... something really crappy and I really don't mind disabling some gui nick-nacks in order to get the computer faster...02:27
exodus_mssedeki_, you have to install it then run sensors-detect then follow the on screen instructions.02:27
bastid_raZor ardchoille good to know, thanks. best of luck with conky.02:27
d9500IdeAlEss, you mean change the desktop environment, or just the window manager and file browser?02:27
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, have you installed the nvidia driver for your card?02:27
OpenSourcedNicknot that I'm aware of anyway02:28
sedeki_exodus_ms, ah well, thanks02:28
mrXXbastid_raZor is this ok? drwxr-xr-x 3 myName www-data 4096 2009-11-13 16:19 mysites02:28
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kostkonOpenSourcedNick, check in system → administration → hardware drivers02:28
sedeki_exodus_ms, im not sure why gkrellm wanted to open a IP port though02:28
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, it may offer you a drriver to install/enable02:28
fcuk112sedeki_: you can also install sensors-applet.  i also have cpufire-applet installed which shows when the cpu is busy.02:28
bastid_raZormrXX: does that match what i suggested?02:28
sedeki_its only bound to the loopback interface though02:28
IdeAlEssd9500, just the file browser and desktop (menus).  For what ever reason, my nautilus is not theming.  I am not a big fan of it anyway.02:28
gerrhthe port feature for gkrellm was used by a hwmonitoring software ages ago02:29
gerrhnot really useful if you're using lm_sensors02:29
exodus_mssedeki_, once you are done with the instructions from runnng sensors-detect all you have to do is run sensors and it will output everything that it is able to monitor, you should see your CPU temp02:29
mrXXbastid_raZor no but i dont knwo the right command, i used :   sudo chown -R mrXX:www-data mysites02:29
OpenSourcedNickit says there are no drivers and doesn't suggest anything02:29
bastid_raZormrXX: that matches exactly like i suggested.02:30
d9500IdeAlEss, see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/switch-to-a-lightweight-filemanager.html02:30
mrXXbastid_raZor yours has a seven in it02:30
IdeAlEssd9500, thanks.  I will read over that.02:30
mrXXbastid_raZor mine has a 302:30
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, ok. do in a terminal:  lscpi | grep VGA02:31
bastid_raZormrXX: that 7 is how many files/folders are in the directory.02:31
mrXXbastid_raZor my bad, thanks dude , gr8 help02:31
OzFalconWhere would I put a mount command to mount a network drive (system wide) on bootup?02:32
waltercoolMicrosoft is proprietary of  sudo!! =O02:32
OpenSourcedNicklscpi command not found02:32
Aegnuddelhmmm that did not work...can;t even create a folder there and looked in the other spot and can't write there02:32
lotecOxFalcon: fstab02:32
bastid_raZormrXX: any folders in /var/www need this same permission set if you want others to view it.02:32
BilliardOzFalcon: just add a line to your fstab02:32
bazhang!ot | waltercool02:32
ubottuwaltercool: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:32
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, whoops sorry, it's: lspci.  sorry again02:32
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, typo02:32
OpenSourcedNickno worries ;)02:32
OzFalconBilliard, No. Can't put it in fstab. It's a loopback connection. And the share isn't available at fstab mount time.02:33
bluekbDoorman352, no.02:33
haven489lotec: it still tells me that i have bad input. i think i have a bad SD card, i have a 1gb will that work??02:33
detrixlately, my usb drives have been taking about 5-10min to be recognized/mounted.  any one else having this problem? or is there a fix?02:33
bastid_raZormrXX: and the files you host also need that same permission set.02:33
OpenSourcedNick01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)02:33
BilliardOzFalcon: /etc/rc.local maybe02:33
Doorman352bluekb: Had problems with a reader making disks hot and not reading, manufacturer sent firmware update and fixed it...02:33
lotechaven489: that i cant answer not sure what size is in it now?02:33
i_is_broketrying to find the system requirements for ubuntu server, does anyone have the specs for memory and stuff for it?02:33
loteci dought a 1gb will work02:34
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, allright. you don't have an nvidia then02:34
mrXXbastid_raZor but now i cant see the index page on the browser, it says permission denied!02:34
OpenSourcedNickcard or driver?02:34
OzFalconBilliard, Yeah. Thats what I initially thought. But upon reading rc.local #comments it says's it's executed after EACH runlevel.02:34
randomusrhow can one get the system time from the command line?02:34
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, card02:34
bluekbDoorman352, how do I find out the make/model of the drive, to see if there are firmware updates?02:34
OpenSourcedNickmaybe you're right02:34
lotecHaven489: do you have somehting to put the sd in besides the laptop? like another computer? or camera? see if it will format?02:34
OpenSourcedNickI got an on board one and a seperate, god knows where my screen is connected... as long as it works02:34
BilliardOzFalcon: after the runlevel is setup02:34
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, and thus you don't need to install any driver02:35
Doorman352if its stand alone the drive itself will have info, if its embedded can the manufacturer for the update.02:35
OpenSourcedNickanyways, what should I do to speed the system then?02:35
haven489lotec: yea, my vista mechine...i dont think that will work will try02:35
OzFalconBilliard, Dosn't that mean that rc.local is executed multiple times?02:35
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, but, what type of slowness do you have? can you describe it a little, if you can02:35
bastid_raZormrXX: set the permissions the same as /var/www02:35
BilliardOzFalcon: no, why would you think that02:35
lotechaven489: yes it will.  if it works in your vista box,  format it in fat02:35
bastid_raZormrXX: i'm actually wrong on files. the files just need read permission for the group.02:35
wb5udlOpenSourcedNick:  bigger is better.02:36
OpenSourcedNicksure, well when I switch between applications02:36
OzFalconBilliard, from the rc.local file: # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.02:36
lotecthat way nix can read it,  are you sure it is at the mount point you are giving the cmd for?02:36
OpenSourcedNickand run applications,02:36
OpenSourcedNickthe whole thing is really crawling02:36
haven489lotec: ok i will format my usb and my SD card (i need them both and put the intrepid back onto the usb.)02:36
greezmunkeyi_is_broke, I was reading up on that earlier, It requires a minimum of 192Mb of RAM and 1Gb of disk space02:36
OzFalconBilliard, Doesn't rc0 then rc1 etc02:36
Aegnuddelhmmm wait I got confused02:37
greezmunkeythat's on an Intel, 32 bit system02:37
BilliardOzFalcon: no thats not how it works, only one runlevel is sharted02:37
lotechaven489, there is a usb based live that you can use. that would give you a full os, and ability to do an install02:37
i_is_brokegreezmunkey, ty02:37
jolarenGah.. seems my 9.10 installation is rly fucked up02:37
i_is_brokegreezmunkey, where did you find that do you remember?02:37
Aegnuddelhow was I supposed to do that?02:37
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, do you mean the drawing of the graphics is slow? do you get a lot of hdd activity?02:37
greezmunkeyi_is_broke, np02:37
OzFalconBilliard, K. Wasn't sure on that. But if thats the case. I'll go with it.02:37
greezmunkeyi_is_broke, http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs/9.1002:38
i_is_brokegreezmunkey, i was trying to find that on ubuntu's web site and just got totally thrown in the wrong direction..lol02:38
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OpenSourcedNicknot sure how to answer that... applications run slow, if I switch to firefox for instance it is very slow moving between windows ... things seem to load very slowly02:38
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, the system becomes slow to respond?02:38
smeagsis there an easy way to increase battery life02:38
i_is_brokegreezmunkey, gracious02:38
sam_OK this is my first ever attempt at a script http://wirelessimage.pbworks.com/FrontPage how do I get the script to atomatically answer yes to all the questions the script generates?02:38
smeagsdoes the cpu automatically scale down when not in heavyuse02:39
timjolaen, what when wrong with your 9.1 install?02:39
OzFalconCan nfs be given fine grain security? Or am I just better of using something like samba?02:39
OpenSourcedNickchecking the processors, never below 90%, and the RAM never below 80%02:39
Billiardsmeags: depends on your cpu02:39
OpenSourcedNickI guess that explains it no?02:39
scuniziI'm watching wireshark and see a wierd ip pinging me.. looking deeper it appears to be twitter.com.. but I don't currently have a twitter client running.. how would they know to ping me.??02:39
greezmunkeyi_is_broke, yes I am... :)02:39
icondoes anyone have a radeon hd 4550 installed with karmic? i am having issues.02:39
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, aha. interesting. 90% cpu.02:39
randomusranyone here use use a creative Zen on linux?02:39
OpenSourcedNickinteresting for you, scary for me.. :I02:39
greezmunkeyscunizi, They're looking for you...02:39
lotecOzFalcon: use samba  NFS is not ment for any type of security02:39
pclarkHi. I need some advice about partitioning/swap. I'm installing ubuntu on a macbookpro and I'd like to have a separate /home partition. Since refit only supports 4 partitions (and two of them are already taken by osx and the efi), I was wondering how big is the need of having a swap partition when my laptop has 2Gb of RAM and I don't use very RAM demanding graphical applications. cheers.02:40
scunizigreezmunkey: yea.. I haven't "tweeted" in a while :)02:40
OpenSourcedNickok processor 100% stable02:40
greezmunkeyhe he02:40
Aegnuddelok didn't want to go to those folders on my computer....so I am confused02:40
OpenSourcedNickseems insane02:40
haven489lotec: what is it?02:40
haven489lotec: and would it work the the XO?02:40
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, if you give: "top" you will be able to see which process(es) eat your cpu02:40
scunizipclark: can you creat an "extended" partition?  that will allow more partitions on the drive02:41
OzFalconlotec, Yeah. The best I can manage is matching IP with UID/GID's matched up on the secure client/nfs server.02:41
Doorman352scunizi: Linked in uses a DNS lookup to check for valide addresses so if periodically pings me...02:41
ZykoticK9Does anyone know of a way to link libstdc++.so.5 to libstdc++.so.6?  or am i best to just install the pre-karmic package?02:41
OpenSourcedNickI can see the ram02:41
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bastid_raZorpclark: if you suspend you laptop you need swap. 2GB of swap is more than enough.02:41
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, just run top in a terminal and then start using your system02:41
OpenSourcedNickdo you mean the % cpu column?02:41
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, yeah02:41
nick_schembripclark: old schools 2/1 swap to ram.02:41
scuniziDoorman352: even when you're not online with linked-in?02:41
OpenSourcedNicklol how is that possible opera and epiphany take together like 80% of the cpu02:41
lotechaven489 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:41
bastid_raZornick_schembri: that was when ram was less than 1GB.. 2GB of swap is more than enough for almost any box.02:42
haven489lotec: and would it work for the XO??02:42
Doorman352yep, registered with my e-mail and then they began pinging my domain......02:42
nick_schembripclark: it's a safety net.02:42
i_is_brokeok, next question i want to set up a server to run my routing threw as a extra security measure for my windows boxes...is that a good idea or a waste of time.02:42
i_is_brokewith port forwarding.02:42
lotechaven489: i would guess probley be slow as FSCK but should work02:42
Doorman352scunizi: probably to find spammers who create and run02:42
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, do you have any pages opened in these browsers that contain a lot of flash?02:42
haven489lotec: than the method i am doing will be alot faster02:42
OzFalconi_is_broke, Is a good idea. I'd suggest smoothwall.org02:42
OpenSourcedNicknope, just text02:43
OpenSourcedNickthat's what doesn't make sense02:43
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, hmm02:43
nick_schembribastid_raZor:  I just try not to run out of ram. :)02:43
OpenSourcedNicklol closed both browsers... cpu at 25-30$02:43
i_is_brokeOzFalcon, thanks ill book mark that.02:43
haven489lotec: and work better, ive seen youtube vids and such on how faster it is after installation02:43
OpenSourcedNicklol closed both browsers... cpu at 25-30%02:43
pclarkbastid_raZor: do you reckon it will still suspend if I create the swap on a file?02:43
kartooksudo apt-get working fine ,,, but synaptic is not working perfect  need help ..02:43
lotechaven489: where are you from?02:43
nonouse only synaptic now02:43
lotechaven489: how did you get your hands on this pc?02:44
OpenSourcedNickok about 15-25 %... still a lot no? and how come the browsers eat up so much?02:44
bastid_raZorpclark: it should although i've never tried it that way.02:44
OzFalconi_is_broke, I have a 500mhz box running as a firewall using smoothwall. Been running for years.02:44
pclarkbastid_raZor: ok, cheers02:44
Billiardpclark: afaik ubuntu doesnt support hiberating to a swapfile02:44
wahnfriedeni'm interested in installing UNIX UBUNTU onto my car02:44
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, it's strange, yeah02:44
wahnfriedencan someone lend advice?02:44
haven489lotec: from a friend that was in africa, he brought it back and gave it to me cuz it was linux02:44
wahnfriedenI'd like to reinstall my car management system02:44
OpenSourcedNickweak processor? how do I check what processor do I have maybe it would clear up things02:44
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, ok, your system is idling and you have 15-25% cpu?02:45
lotechaven489: nice02:45
pclarkBilliard: thanks, i'll check it out02:45
technokrat2cat /dev/cpuinfo02:45
haven489lotec: yea i know, ive seen them on ebay for $50002:45
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, which process is shown on top in top?02:45
lotechaven489: does the os boot it came with?02:45
OpenSourcedNickswitching between Xorg and gnome-system-mo02:45
technokrat2sorry.. cat /proc/cpuinfo returns info02:46
haven489lotec: yes02:46
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haven489lotec: its fedora02:46
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haven489lotec: with the suger desktop ( I HATE SUGER)02:46
lotechaven489: well if that is booting off of that sd card then i am thinking that you are issuing the wrong /dev02:47
OpenSourcedNickCPU: pentium 4 cpu 3.00GHZ02:47
OpenSourcedNickok processor, no?02:47
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, yeah, not so bad02:47
OpenSourcedNickand by the way for some reason it reads it as 2 processors, don't know why02:47
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, you have P4HT02:47
OpenSourcedNickit says cpu 0: pentium 4 3.0GHZ... cpu 1: pentium 4 3.0GHZ02:48
haven489lotec: the tut says that i sould, plus its from the OLPC website and its the officail wiki02:48
bastid_raZorOpenSourcedNick: two cores?02:48
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, hyper threading02:48
OpenSourcedNickpositively not02:48
OpenSourcedNickmy computer is 4 years old02:48
OpenSourcedNickno way02:48
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, it can run 2 threads at the same time, or something like that02:48
OpenSourcedNickbut definately not dual core02:48
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, no02:48
OpenSourcedNickoh then yeah maybe02:48
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wahnfriedenkoalas arent bears02:49
haven489lotec: i have to put in my usb with the intrepid and then boot from that, install to the NAND flash memory and use the 4gb SD and storage space. but i have to make it a file system, that is what i am haveing the problem for02:49
wahnfriedenplease dont call them as such02:49
OpenSourcedNickat any rate it's still weird how slow it gets .. 20% on idle02:49
OpenSourcedNickxorg and gnome-system-mo each 10% [together 20%]02:49
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, just close the system monitor app ;)02:50
Spaceman3750I accidentally fubared the permissions on my only user (on 8.10). I need to restore full admin rights to this user. Any ideas?02:50
Aegnuddelhow do I switch to root?02:50
technokrat2sudo -s02:50
OpenSourcedNickok everything's fine but it would just go back to crappy when I'll start a browser.. and I'm not planning on surfing with lynx for the rest of my life02:51
OpenSourcedNickany ideas ? :\02:51
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, ok, 10% used by X it's not so bad, a little high, but definitely i have seen worse cases02:51
lotechaven489: yea i see what you are trying to do,  i am saying just check and make sure the sd card is at the /dev/ point02:51
Nautilusanyone familiar with NX (nomachine) to help me install it?02:51
OpenSourcedNickalright but 70-80% browsers is not normal..?02:51
haven489lotec: ok will do02:52
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, when idling, i mean.02:52
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, no, it's not02:52
jolarenWhat do you recomend to make ubuntu 9.10 look alot nicer? atm im using gnome-do-docky02:52
kbpDoes any one use wireless mouse on Ubuntu 9.04? When you right click on desktop sometimes it creates a new folder instead of show properties menu. Does anyone experience that?02:52
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, have you tried ffox? chromium?02:52
OpenSourcedNickohh don't get me started on ffox02:52
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lotecjolaren:  http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/2302:52
OpenSourcedNicki'm lucky that the computer is not dying starting that one02:52
OpenSourcedNickchromium? what's that?02:52
OpenSourcedNickplus, epiphany is suppose to be pretty light i think ..02:53
haven489lotec: it is02:53
bastid_raZorkbp: it is probably sending a double click on the right button. i had a mouse start doing this. it was just old though.02:53
lotechaven489: ok02:53
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, yeah. it supposed to be light02:53
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kbpbastid_raZor: is there any chance to fix it?02:53
jolarenlotec: Thanks but I dislike the mac os x experience02:53
OpenSourcedNickis there any way to get the system graphics down a notch or anything of sorts?02:53
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, chromium is chrome02:53
OpenSourcedNickchrome for linux? when did that happend?02:54
lotecjolaren: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1040558.html02:54
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, i suppose you don't use any effects right?02:54
Spaceman3750I accidentally fubared the permissions on my only user (on 8.10). I need to restore full admin rights to this user. Any ideas?02:54
bastid_raZorkbp: my mouse was old. required the purchase of another. not saying that is your problem but it has similiar symptoms02:54
haven489lotec: well for the last part of the install, i need a wirelss network connection. i dont have one of them and need to find one. any ideas on hot spots near kearns utah??02:54
OpenSourcedNickit's by mear chance that I use gui at all... only because I can't handle not listening to music and watching a video now and then02:54
jolarenlotec: I have win7 on dualboot so ^^ I was thinkin more like compiz, gnome-do compiz snow etc02:55
lotechaven489: that i can not help yea with.  lol02:55
haven489lotec: dang, know any hotspots?02:55
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lotecjolaren:  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-install-e17-enlightenment-desktop-in-ubuntu.html02:55
i_is_brokeis 3com an easy etho card to get working with ubuntu server???02:55
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, it could be that your graphics card is very weak, i don't know02:55
OpenSourcedNickoh trust me, that's one thing I know, it is as weak as it gets02:56
lotechaven489:  with me being in Florida i know where there are some here but in Utah?  check out a barn????02:56
OpenSourcedNickthat's why I'm counting on reducing graphics all-over some how...02:56
haven489lotec: wow that might be true, lol02:56
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, hmm02:56
lotecjolaren:  why not just use compiz then?02:57
Aegnuddelok think I got one02:57
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, you could reduce your colour depth, but i assume you'll need to fiddle with your xorg.conf file02:57
Aegnuddela lot easier when you are not falling asleep02:57
Aegnuddelbeen a long day02:57
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, if you have one, that is02:58
OpenSourcedNickwell... I'm currenly using my onboard graphics card, however I do have the nvidia geforce fx something02:58
scunizikostkon: there isn't really a xorg.conf anymore.. it's all controlled by xrandr02:58
OpenSourcedNicksay, if I do get a decent [below 150$] graphics card, will that be such a difference?02:58
CircularI am having slow page loads on Karmic, other computers on the network do not have this issue, I have been asking for help for about an hour now... Could someone at least give it a shot? I've been googling like mad to no avail.02:58
carpunkyHow do i get into advanced desktop settings ?02:59
cow1How do you execute a secondary shell in the terminal?02:59
kostkonscunizi, oh, ok02:59
IdleOne!ccsm | carpunky02:59
ubottucarpunky: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz02:59
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, i don't really know for sure. but do you have your nvidia installed on your pc?02:59
carpunkyty all03:00
OpenSourcedNickyeah but if I connect the screen cable it won't do anything for some reason03:00
haven489lotec: thank you for the help, will you be on maybe tommarow, at about 8 moutain time?03:00
OpenSourcedNickand sometimes.. it does... i'll try to reset and se if it works.. anyways thanks a lot for all the help :)03:01
IdleOne!hi | newlinux03:01
ubottunewlinux: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:01
lotechaven489: should be03:01
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, yes, then you may need to disable your onboard from the bios or you may have the option there to choose which card you want to use03:01
OpenSourcedNickwill do, cheers man!03:01
kostkonOpenSourcedNick, or something like that. definitely, try to enable your nvidia03:01
bao_hi, is there way to replace grub with lilo?03:02
lotecba0_ yea install lilo03:02
cow1How do i execute a secondary shell from the terminal?03:02
fallorewhat's the best way to run a program from terminal that will stay open when the terminal is closed?03:02
thebluehi all03:02
frostburnhow does one add an app to gnome bar in netbook remix03:02
seidoscow1: gnome-terminal03:03
nonocow1: ctrl+alt+F103:03
ekontsevoyWhich command can print GUIDS of all partitions? I need them for fstab.03:03
thebluei accidentally changed the mount options in nautilus for an external hdd, and now i can't re-mount it to change them back.  i'm running jaunty unr, what do i do?03:03
Aegnuddelok bit of a learning curve on figurung this out03:03
DivineEntityfallore,  out an " & " after the command and type exit03:03
lotecfrostburn: you using a netbook?03:03
Aegnuddelbut got it03:03
frostburnlotec, yes03:03
bastid_raZorcow1: ctrl+alt+t  .. this will add a tab to top. you'll have two terminals open then.03:03
nonocow1: ctrl+alt+F&03:03
seidoscow1: if you do ctrl+alt+f1 you need to hit f7 to get back to desktop environment03:03
nonocow1: ctrl+alt+F103:03
falloreDivineEntity, like "xchat & exit" ? will the terminal window stay open if i do this?03:04
lotecfrostburn: how does it run on it?  i picked up a netbook today  not sure what nix to run on it03:04
shogun_Ok, so I'm in my new Ubuntu Netbook Remix install, and it's kind of a shock to the system (I'm coming from years of Gentoo with Enlightenment...only thing that starts up is xclock!)03:04
trismfallore: if you mean interactive programs, you could use something like screen to attach and detach, if you just need something to run in the background, append & to the end of the command03:04
seidoslotec: ubuntu netbook remix?03:04
frostburnlotec, i'm running a 1000HE and it purrs03:04
cow1do you guys know how to write ctrl+alt+F1 into a shell script?03:04
iskra-studiois there a way to install ubuntu studio via apt-get in 9.10 (install as a session)?03:04
bao_does grub write info on root directory?03:04
shogun_is this something I can 'fix' or is this just how it is, and I should maybe drop back to normal Ubuntu?03:04
moltenbobcatyeah I just put netbook remix on my 1000he tonight03:05
moltenbobcatit's pretty nice03:05
ekontsevoyWhich command can print GUIDS of all partitions? I need them for fstab.03:05
trismfallore: just xchat &, exit will close the terminal03:05
bastid_raZorekontsevoy: sudo blkid03:05
lotecnot sure if i want to run remix, or just my own nix03:05
bastid_raZorekontsevoy: UUID's you mean?03:05
jolarenshogun_: I don't really understand your problem. You only get the clock to boot?03:05
seidoscow1: if you type gnome-terminal in a terminal it will open another terminal03:05
frostburnmoltenbobcat, make sure to enable multitouch scroll under pref>mouse03:06
moltenbobcatfrostburn: already done :D03:06
fnerdMy computer doesn't recognise its (working) LAN card during installation. Any chances to get it working anyways?03:06
IdleOneekontsevoy: blkid03:06
ekontsevoybastid_raZor: correct! Thanks dude03:06
thebluehow do i reset the default mount options in nautilus for an external hdd in jaunty?03:06
shogun_heh, no, no.....on my main desktop and laptop I run pretty minimalist (gentoo with enlightenment), and now I'm in netbook remix and it's like *BOOM! Stuff!!*03:06
ekontsevoybastid_raZor: is there any difference in using UUIDs vs device names like /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab?03:06
arandcow1: chvt maybe03:07
iskra-studiotheblue: "defaults in fstab?03:07
moltenbobcatfrostburn: have you got any of the cpu downclocking stuff like the hybrid engine or whatever in windows03:07
jolarenshogun_: It's pretty awesome.. Running it as we speak on my mini netbook03:07
shogun_and I'm not sure I'm ready for all this stuff...is this something I can tone down, or is this just now netbook remix 'is' and maybe I should fall back to normal Ubuntu?03:07
theblueiskra-studio: no, in nautilus.03:07
shogun_Yeah, I can see why people would like it03:07
jolarenshogun_: You can remove programs etc..03:07
shogun_can I change window manager?03:07
jolarensure, but how big is your screen?03:07
frostburnmoltenbobcat, think so, i wanted to add a system monitor to my gnome panel to watch it in action heh03:07
iskra-studioekontsevoy>: ive never had any issues03:08
shogun_10.1"  I think if I poke around a bit, get rid of everything, and set up keybindings to launch things, I'll be alright03:08
bastid_raZorekontsevoy: UUID's are the preferred method since you could change a drive out and it take over a /dev/ but not UUID.03:08
chupy35Archlinux RULZ03:08
jolarenshogun_: Then you'll love it.. open up firefox.. see how it melts in the panel03:08
moltenbobcatfrostburn: I had it working in other distros before you can tell it's working by the clockspeed of the cpu03:08
jolarenshogun_: Theres so much space for everythin else03:08
virtualdi flashed my bios and now i get a new mac every time i boot, which sucks because i have to power cycle my switch and log on to the net every time. does anyone know a general workaround? i figure i should choose a mac and put it in some file. where would that be?03:09
jolarenshogun_: For me it was love at first sight03:09
shogun_Yeah, it's cool looking, it's just not how I"m used to working :D03:09
arandshogun_: unr, and especially karmic version is a somewhat monolithic thingy, meant to be uniform rather than customizable. For your porposes it might not be the best choice, (you might even shy away from ubuntu and go for something like crunchbang in your case)03:10
PauloRicardoPeople, everytime I update my Palipsest it shows that my "(13) Soft read error rate" and "(195) Hardware ECC Recovered" is increasing highly. Is it normal? Both is at value 98936742 now, 1 hour ago it was at ~80000000. :S03:10
Aidan1Hi Guys , I'm having a few issues with 9:10 , firefox / seamonkey ect seems to crash on me , my sound drivers are seemingly stuffed , sound plays with spotify but not youtube , and ubuntu software centre hangs at 5% , as of today , ettercap greys out , and I'm unable to figure out why , are these know bugs or does anyone know of a fix/fixes ? Thanks :)03:10
shogun_arand, well yeah, maybe, but I wanted to try out Ubuntu rather than do another Gentoo box...figured it'd play nicer out of the box with the netbook hardware (and so far it has!)03:11
kostkonAidan1, your crashes may be flash related. you may need to open a flash vid on your browser and send the sound to the device you want manually.03:12
shogun_Think I'll try it for a few days03:12
dan_zeroI'm having problems keeping my RAID from corrupting, I posted a topic in teh forum but haven't had any responses http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8312582#post831258203:12
arandshogun_: Since #! is a derivative of ubu, you might get more of both sides of the cake there.03:12
dan_zeroWould appreciate any help I can get03:12
kostkonAidan1, you may have some apt errors and that ma be the reason why your centre is not loading.03:12
jolarenshogun_: why not install the desktop version and customize it the way you want?03:12
shogun_heh, because I bought a netbook and went 'ooh, a distro meant for netbooks'03:13
jolarenshogun_: If your into google stuffs try gOS out, pretty neat to03:13
Aidan1Kostkon, I will give it a bash , thanks for the advice :)03:14
kostkonAidan1, you could open a terminal and give, first of all: sudo apt-get update03:14
jolarenshogun_: Really sweet appeance03:14
dan_zeroAnyone know much about RAIDs using mdadm? Would love some help.03:14
kostkonAidan1, did you get any errors?03:14
nonokoston: aptitude update03:14
Aidan1Kostkon , I'm on it , no errors03:15
nonokoston: aptitude full-upgrade03:15
wgrant!ask | dan_zero03:15
ubottudan_zero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:15
dan_zeroI have a type 5 RAID configured using mdadm and it keep flagging drives as failing. I've tested the drives and found them in good shape. I can rebuild the array using the —force option and it works fine for 12 hours and then drives start getting flagged. What am I doing wrong?03:16
philip_using apt-get, getting dependency errors... i want to stop trying to install it but can't seem to... suggestions? seems it installed halfway and failed, i want to remove that half... :)03:17
nonodpkg-reconfigure apt03:18
philip_sorry, i'm new, but that didn't seem to help03:18
Barriduscan i revert back to pidgin in 9.10 or will i lose notify features and such03:19
wgrantBarridus: Going back to Pidgin is fine.03:20
kostkonnono, you could try reinstalling it: sudo apt-get install software-center --reinstall03:20
iskra-studioanyone know how to install ubuntu-studio packages via terminal in 9.10? it used to be something like  "apt-get install ubuntu-studio"03:20
falloreBarridus, what replace pidgin in 9.10?03:20
Barridusfallore, empathy03:20
philip_example of what i get: http://pastie.org/69831203:20
nonokostkon: aptitude install no-spleen03:20
Barridusworks ok but it's missing a few things i liked in pidgin03:20
shogun_oh, I just installed pidgin03:21
cow1shell scripting question http://pastie.org/698309 does any1 know how to write CTRL+alt+F1 in a shell script?03:21
kostkoniskra-studio, sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop03:21
wgrantiskra-studio: You mean ubuntustudio-desktop?03:21
Barridusdoes it hook into the notifier icon, shogun?03:21
wgrantBarridus: Yes.03:21
iskra-studioi mean the software, desktop, and kernel...03:21
Barridusno special plugins or anything?03:21
ragsHello, I am using backintime to take daily snapshots of my system, but till now it hasn't taken any backups....chking the logs it says "WARNING: Command "rsync -aEAX  ....returns 256"03:21
iskra-studiobefore it would add a new session...03:22
shogun_er....not sure. what's the notifier icon?03:22
i_is_brokewhere is the best place to ask server question at?03:22
bastid_raZor!studio | iskra-studio03:23
ubottuiskra-studio: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org03:23
ragsi_is_broke: ubuntu-server03:23
dan_zero!ask | i_is_broke03:23
ubottui_is_broke: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:23
marianowhat program can i use to download music03:23
ragsanyone face this problem with backintime?...I'm using Hardy...03:24
carpediemrags: is rssh installed?03:24
jolarenshogun_: out of curiousity, what programs r u gettin?03:25
ragscarpediem: no..not installed...but is that needed?03:25
* fujimitsu reports over 150% cpu load on program/game secondlife on 9.1003:25
carpediemrags:  seen this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/backintime/+bug/37838803:25
shogun_xchat, pidgin...jEditor, which I'm lead to believe is jed03:25
arandi_is_broke: and #ubuntu-server might be the place, if it's server-specific.03:25
ArsinHow do I do a remote desktop view for Ubuntu to Ubuntu (Both karmic)03:26
shogun_because secondlife is using one and a half CPUs or cores?03:26
ragscarpediem: Yeah I did actually...but that talks abt rsync wiht ACL support which I have...03:26
fujimitsutest machine is amd tk-53 dual03:26
snuffy47I am having problems making a user belong to more then 1 group with jaunty server03:26
scuniziArsin: System>Preferences>Remote Desktop and enable.. on the other machine Applications>Internet>Remote Desktop03:27
shogun_that said it shouldn't be using THAT much03:27
jolarenDoes anyone know if its possible to start up evolution minimized?03:27
fujimitsu9.04 runs it at less than 100%03:27
Nautilusare these things built into the default 8.04 install?  GLIBC, libstdc++ v6 and XFT03:27
dan_zeroArsin: running remote desktop like that isn't ideal, its fine if you're sharing your screen but if you want to enable it remotely to admin your computer there is another process to go through03:27
scunizidan_zero: what is the process?03:28
Arsindan_zero: I just want to help my friend out in installing some stuff03:28
* LoseTheGame waves03:28
dan_zeroArsin: Oh, that'd be fine then, just use remote desktop03:28
dan_zeroscunizi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC Do local ssh port forwarding then run vnc in once mode03:29
* Nautilus is trying to install NX03:29
lupitawhat have I got to do to go to a Xubuntu channel?03:29
Arsinscunizi: How do I connect to him?03:29
thebluelupita: type /join #xubuntu03:29
Zillalupita: /join #xubuntu03:29
dan_zeroArsin: Is he sitting behind a router? If so you have to open up port 590003:29
TartarosI have a zombie gedit process... how do I get rid of it?03:29
ZillaTartaros: kill it?03:29
selocol_Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?03:30
TartarosZilla: yeah except killall nor kill -9 didn't help03:30
scuniziArsin: he'll need to do port forwarding on his router to his machine.. and then give you the public ip address that you can use to connect with.. I'm not sure what the port is..03:30
dan_zeroArsin: scunizi: Its port 590003:30
fujimitsuTartaros: open terminal run top, press k, enter pid of app to kill, input 9 for kill signal03:31
Arsinscunizi: Portforward eh? What is the program name?03:31
dan_zeroArsin: It's not a program, its on your router. He has to login to his router and enable it.03:32
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Nautilushow do I know if I have these: GLIBC, libstdc++ v6 and XFT ?03:32
scunizidan_zero: thanks.. yes.. vnc is port 5900.. the other tool built in is "Remote Desktop" which is diffrent than TSC Terminal Server Client.. .. I can't seem to use Remote Desktop to connect from one machine to another on my lan.. connects and then immediately disconnects03:32
Arsindan_zero: Yes I know, but it requires the application name, ie when you forward utorrent, it's name is Utor1 (Unless the name doesn't matter?)03:32
dan_zeroArsin: Alternativly, if his router supports it he could also set his local ip as part of the DMZ (an option ont eh router)03:32
Billiarddan_zero: not really a good idea03:32
scuniziArsin: portforwarding is done in the router.. port forward 5900 to the internal lan ip of his computer.03:33
a-stray-catany way to ctrl+alt+backspace back?03:33
dan_zeroBilliard: It'd be fine for 20 minutes...03:33
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a-stray-cati tried to make a framebuffer far too big, and now i have all sorts of interesting artifacts!03:34
Tartarosfujimitsu: didn't work either. I wouldn't mind except I can't run gedit now at all03:34
dan_zeroscunizi: Remote desktop also uses 5900. Are you running both as once? I had remote desktop enabled on an account and then I'd start vnc in once mode to login and get booted out becuase remote desktop started and killed my vnc connection (and therefore my login)03:35
fujimitsuTartaro: i would log out and back in then03:35
jolarenWell, is it possible to start evolution minimized? Kinda bummers me03:36
scunizidan_zero: I did.. I have a vbox guest of win2kpro running on a desktop and connected with TSC no problem.. then I tried (at the same time) Remote Desktop for the Ubuntu host and .... nothing.. connect and disconnect03:36
Nautilusanyone know how to tell if I have these (default U8.10 install): GLIBC, libstdc++ v6 and XFT03:37
foul_owlanyone know how to hide the name of the full path when sharing folders on nicotine?03:37
fujimitsuNautilus: check with synaptic03:37
dan_zeroscunizi: Are the vnc servers running on different ports? I wonder if they'd conflict if they were on the same screen too..03:37
Nautilusfujimitsu: synaptic, for glibc, only shows glibc-docs03:38
scunizidan_zero: vnc is actually a protocol.. TSC and Remote Desktop use RDPv5 I think03:38
aroonijust received notice that my /root/ partition only has 250 MB left (.  my /root partition is 18.63GB.).... i tried to resize the next partition (/home) with gparted, but problem is, unallocated space appears AFTER the /home partition and thus i can't reallocate that space to /root ideas?03:38
scunizidan_zero: not sure.. I can change the port for the ubuntu host..03:38
dan_zeroscunizi: I'm pretty sure that remote desktop uses vnc but Im not sure about TSC03:38
scunizidan_zero: tsc does too.. it actually shows the protocol on the "attempt to connect screen".. the vnc protocol is greyed out and unusable.03:39
ShwackMangler 1.0 came out today!!! Linux vent client03:39
Random832ok... i'm at my parents' house and can't turn it off without their comcast password... is there any way to make it automatically ignore anything that resolves to
usser_scunizi, dan_zero for tsc you have to install tightvncviewer03:40
dan_zerousser_:  ah, thanks03:40
shogun_Shwack, ah, cool...was unaware03:40
usser_dan_zero, not sure why they use separate program for vnc, tsclient does a great job in my opinion03:41
shogun_then again, I'm only on Vent when I play WoW, so...03:41
Shwacki'm connected to my server right now and it works great - the team has made amazing progress03:41
scuniziusser_: tsc is a default install on 8.10 and 8.04 along with Remote Desktop03:41
dan_zerousser_, scunizi: http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-257222.html - Difference between TSC and VNC, I guess that makes sense that TSC would need a special client03:42
usser_scunizi, yea i know, so is remote desktop viewer, i dont get why they include remote desktop viewer03:42
aroonijust received notice that my /root/ partition only has 250 MB left (.  my /root partition is 18.63GB.).... i tried to resize the next partition (/home) with gparted, but problem is, unallocated space appears AFTER the /home partition and thus i can't reallocate that space to /root ideas?03:42
aroonii just upgraded to new ubuntu03:42
arooniso maybe thats it03:42
scuniziusser_: it auto discovers within the same network03:42
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usser_scunizi, ah. i see. not that i ever needed that feature03:43
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Nautilusanyone know how to tell if I have these (default U8.10 install): GLIBC, libstdc++ v6 and XFT03:44
scunizidan_zero: nice link03:44
dan_zeroscunizi: :D03:44
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akyaptplease reply if any 1 can c this message03:45
GrooveDoghi. ^03:45
Nautilussorry, cant see it03:46
akyapti have 448 mb ram ....can i install windows vista on my ubuntu virtual box03:46
csspoet448 total?03:46
shogun_Alright, dropping back to straight desktop version and see how that goes03:46
dan_zeroakyapt: It maybe possible but utterly ridiculous, not worth it.03:46
akyaptactually its 512 but it gives only 44803:47
shogun_netbook remix is cool, just not sure it's going to work for me03:47
seidosi've only run unr in a vm03:47
nowimprovedanyone run karmic and fluxbox?03:47
seidosit looked great, but it was slow in the vm03:47
csspoeti ran vista in a vm however i gave it 2 gig03:47
sekyourbox64-bit flash shiesty?03:47
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Barridusakyapt, vista virtual box with 448?  why bother?  use xp or something with that limited of resources03:48
akyaptk thans for the comments03:48
linuxuz3rguys have you noticed that the price of desktop ram went up03:48
csspoetrunning vista with anything less than 1gig is crazy!03:48
Barriduslinuxuz3r, ram pricing is like produce, it goes up and down03:48
akyaptbut we can if it a mininum of 51203:48
foul_owlanyone know how to hide the name of the full path when sharing folders on nicotine?03:48
dan_zerocsspoet: running vista is crazy* there, fixed that for ya03:48
nowimprovedrunning karmic and fluxbox , makes flash unresponsive to mouse clicks on youtube and other sites, unless you hold down the middle mouse button at the same time, and that sucks03:49
sekyourboxwhat can you tell me about 64 bit flash on 9.0403:49
Danchoa question for programmers03:49
Danchothe QT creator is opensource?03:49
csspoetthanks dan_zero!03:49
aroonijust received notice that my /root/ partition only has 250 MB left (.  my /root partition is 18.63GB.).... i tried to resize the next partition (/home) with gparted, but problem is, unallocated space appears AFTER the /home partition and thus i can't reallocate that space to /root ideas?my /var/log is 8.4G... and i need to clean house.  can i simply delete /var/log/syslog, syslog.1, kern.log, ??03:49
linuxuz3ri have a pc-6400 4gb ram right now and i want to add another 4gb what should i get?03:49
linuxuz3rshould i get a pc-6400 too03:49
linuxuz3rwhat are the rules for it?03:49
arandTartaros: you to get the parent process to reap it, or kill the parent process so that init can do it (you can't kill the undead you know...): find the P[arent]PID with "ps -ef" and kill that, or send the CHLD signal to it.03:49
akyaptbarridus:kk i have xp and ubuntu 9.04.i want to run vista03:50
linuxuz3rBarridus, anything pc-6400 will do?03:50
Barriduslinuxuz3r, it will downplay the faster stick to match the slower03:50
DanchoBarridus.. yeah?03:50
scunizilinuxuz3r: are you running the 64 bit version of ubuntu?  if not then extra ram won't do you any good.03:50
sumeetbaliIs anyone familiar with hackintosh could you PM me?03:50
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nowimprovedno one runs fluxbox?03:50
linuxuz3rscunizi, im running all 64bit oses03:50
snuffy47need help making 1 user belong to multiple groupes on jaunty server03:50
scunizilinuxuz3r: then the extra ram will be seen03:50
Barriduslinuxuz3r, yeah any should work as long as the speed's the same03:50
bazhang!illegal > sumeetbali03:51
ubottusumeetbali, please see my private message03:51
ki4cgparooni, I think logrotate will delete your oldest logs and zip up your most recent, opening up a little space.  Since the logs are almost all text, it compresses well.03:51
Danchowhat is a better option for programming freandS? monodevelop or qt creator?03:51
linuxuz3rBarridus, will i get BSOD if i get the wrong type of ram?03:51
seidosnowimproved: i have fluxbox, but i don't have karmic, and i'm currently using gnome03:51
sekyourboxits not illegal BS03:51
linuxuz3rim using windows too03:51
arooniki4cgp, looks like its broken for me... any ideas on how to fix?03:51
Barriduslinuxuz3r, what i meant by the speed comment is let's say you add a PC-5300 stick to your PC-6400.  it'll be as if you have two 5300's03:51
ki4cgplogrotate is broken?03:51
linuxuz3rBarridus, ok03:51
ki4cgparooni, logrotate is broken?03:52
nowimprovedseidos, that sucks03:52
foul_owlpulseaudio makes a clicking noise when opening a new program. very loud and annoying. solution?03:52
Barriduslinuxuz3r, well i should say it "should" be like that anyways.  i'd keep the speed the same03:52
sekyourboxI say horray for hackintosh03:52
arooniki4cgp, thats why i have 8.4G in /var/log id think03:52
seidosnowimproved: you suck03:52
sekyourboxBut i would never use mac crap even if its fake03:52
arandarooni: the bulk of space likely lies in the apt package cache, try "sudo apt-get clean", and then check with "df -h" if that helped freeing up space?03:52
linuxuz3rBarridus, will i get BSOD if i get the wrong type of ram?03:52
seidosmac crap is decent hardware, too bad mac os x isn't open source03:52
Barriduslinuxuz3r, you shouldn't.03:53
linuxuz3ri would not get bsod?03:53
scunizilinuxuz3r: match it.. same brand and specs.. otherwise re-buy all 8 gigs so it's the same03:53
sekyourboxyou can put linux on mac, correct?03:53
Danchowhat is a better option for programming freandS? monodevelop or qt creator?03:53
ShwackIf I am going to encrypt my drive, do I just download some program and do it?   I'm looking for somebody who is enthusiastic about encryption and can tell me the pros and cons of available methods03:53
Zillalinuxuz3r: You would have to buy some really terrible RAM to get a BSOD.03:53
syn-ackseidos, Honestly who cares if it is or not and guess what, the core, Darwin is so your point is moot.03:53
nowimprovedseidos, you suck03:53
linuxuz3rZilla, thanks03:53
scunizilinuxuz3r: then sell the old stuff03:53
syn-ackseidos, please keep it on topic.03:53
linuxuz3rscunizi, yes i am planning that03:53
ki4cgparooni, I'm not sure how to examine the problem.  It might be in your cron logs, but maybe logrotate gives errors to syslog, messages, or something else.  You'll want to look in there and see why logrotate is failing03:53
arooniarand, that helped a bit;;; is 8.4G a normal size for /var/log?  is logrotate being ran?03:53
seidosnowimproved: no03:53
Barriduslinuxuz3r, i mean there's always a small chance of BSOD using windows period.  i wouldn't think that you really run any risk tho as long as you get the right speed and form factor ram03:54
sekyourboxis there a chan for 64 bit ubuntu03:54
Tartarosarand: how do I send the CHLD signal? kill says "CHLD: arguments must be process or job IDs" but I don't know how to put the arguments...03:54
sekyourboxis there a chan for 64 bit ubuntu03:54
seidossyn-ack: Darwin?  interesting03:54
arooniki4cgp, how can i ensure that logroate is being ran03:54
shogun_o.0   8.4g of logs??03:54
Blue1sekyourbox: what's up?03:54
Tartarosarand: the parent is gnome-session btw. so not exactly something I'd want to kill unless necessary03:54
sekyourboxBlue1, I need flash player for 64 bit 9.0403:55
Danchowhat is a better option for programming freandS? monodevelop or qt creator?03:55
ki4cgparooni, most systems running logrotate will have /var/log/messages and then 3 recently gzipped copies of older logs03:55
syn-acksekyourbox, then install Flash 6403:55
Blue1sekyourbox: that might be hard to come by - did you try installing what's on the site?03:55
jolarenWhen I startup google-earth03:55
ki4cgparooni, sorry, 4 gzipped sets of logs03:55
arooniki4cgp, i just told logrotate to compress rotated logs is that ok?03:55
arooniin the conf file?03:56
ki4cgparooni, it should be, that's what mine do03:56
syn-ackit's not hard to come by... you go to adobe labs' website, download it and symlink it yourself03:56
jolarenGoogle-earth: problem: Text is EXTREMLY small03:56
dan_zeroIs there a command to check a drive at the block level?03:56
syn-ackhell, I think there's even one in the repos03:56
arooniok think i fixed it03:56
aroonithx everyone03:56
warren_hey is ubuntu server still based off of sdebian?03:56
syn-ackdan_zero, hdparm or badblocks03:56
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syn-ackwarriorforgod, yes03:56
Danchothx evryone03:56
Blue1sekyourbox: iow have you tried -- sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:56
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dan_zerosyn-ack: ack03:56
cow1How do you open another terminal from a terminal?03:56
wgrantcow1: gnome-terminal03:57
warren1234hey is ubuntu server still based off of debian?03:57
syn-ackwarren1234, yes03:57
cow1thnks some1 said it earlier..03:57
warren1234does it still have the gnome desktop?03:57
Tartaroswarren1234: the whole ubuntu is based on debian03:57
arandTartaros: find the PID of the parent to the zombie process and use that.03:57
seidoswgrant, cow1, that was funny03:57
syn-ackwarren1234,  yes..03:57
ki4cgparooni,  you might have to wait until the cron job runs again a few times before everything is compressed.  I honestly have never kept up with how it works, because it always has worked03:57
drunkwithmusici'm new to irc and freenode.. is there a list of rooms somewhere? only rooms i know is #ubuntu and #ubuntu-release-party03:57
csspoetit is a command prompt in ubuntu server03:58
Zillawarren1234: To answer your next question, yes, Ubuntu Server is still Linux.03:58
josephjany one here good with raid1, I can't get my computer to boot from HD because the raid device won't come up, I only have /home on raid03:58
sweetandydrunkwithmusic: #defocus is chat channel03:58
warren1234okay I was just checking because Kubuntu is based off of KDE so I thought ubuntu server might be diffrent03:58
wgrantwarren1234: Ubuntu Server does not by default have GNOME installed.03:58
thiebaudeserver dont have a gui unless you add it03:58
dan_zerojosephj: are you using mdadm?03:58
IrakirashiaIs ubuntu remix worth a try peopple?03:58
Tartarosarand: tried that. zombie=25933, parent=2327 so now how do I write the kill command?03:58
Blue1Irakirashia: i think so -03:58
dan_zerojosephj: Can you start in safe mode?03:58
warren1234well, using gnome desktop like I am on regular ubuntu can I install serrver benifits?03:59
dan_zerojosephj: errr..single user…whatever, terminal mode03:59
josephji'm running live cd now, but I can't get the raid devise to start03:59
dan_zerojosephj: what does cat /proc/mdstat say?03:59
josephjI think it might be the controller went bad but my /dev/sda is on same controller03:59
josephjit's empty just unused devices: <none>04:00
ki4cgpwarren1234, if I want to get LAMP setup, I normally just install phpmyadmin, and it takes care of most of it.  You'll need to stick around, as it will as for root pass when setting up mysql password04:00
dan_zerojosephj: I think thats because youre in the live cd. You can't boot into recovery mode (thats what I mean when I said all those other things) ?04:00
josephjI get 99 all over the screen when i try and boot from HD, it never comes to grub04:01
brunnerHi all04:01
warren1234what package should I install do you know off hand?04:01
ki4cgpwarren1234, phpmyadmin04:02
brunnerI've used tzselect twice now to set the timezone on my sever, and the changes still aren't sticking.  What could I be doing wrong?04:02
mespejelhello well dont ask me why but i did this: sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:02
mespejelsudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup04:02
mespejeland now i need it back04:02
gdizdoes anyone know of a music player that will automatically import music in a specified folder.  For example, I specify folder /home/music and whenever I put an mp3 in that directory the player automatically imports it04:02
mespejelcause i cant install the nvidia drivers:(04:02
warren1234thank you ki4cgp04:02
wgrantgdiz: Rhythmbox, and most othes.04:02
Zillamespejel: How are you trying to install the drivers?04:02
tritiummespejel: you can recreate it with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:02
aspoorhey guys04:02
arandTartaros: I *think* "kill -s CHLD 2327" would be it04:02
Blue1gdiz: amarok -- but....04:02
Wisemansudo blow up the computer04:02
aspoorIM new here but I love Ubuntu04:02
ki4cgpwarren1234, no problem.  It will get you most of the way there, but you'll likely still have to edit a config file here or there04:02
Wisemanwelcome to the club, aspoor04:03
mespejelzilla, using the hardware drivers option04:03
mespejelon admin04:03
* Wiseman is technically running LinuxMint, close enough04:03
Blue1gdiz: best bet under gnome is prolly rhythmbox04:03
dan_zerojosephj: hmmm…that probably doesn't work because your home device won't wont…Im not sure then…thats a tough one. Sorry04:03
warren1234okay, that install http just for reasurence04:03
Tartarosarand: no error, but doesn't help04:03
gdizwgrant or Blue1, so rhythmbox on opening will check the folder to see if there are new mp3's to add to the library04:04
jolarenIs there any keyset to end programs? I mean sometimes a program can hang itself and I'm unable to scroll out. In windows you can use ctrl alt del, that works here to. But sucks to logout and in again04:04
mespejelstill i cant active it:(04:04
Blue1gdiz: dunno about rhythmbox - but amarok does -- but there are issues with running amarok under gnome04:04
josephjthats what i was thinking, i can't figure why I can't at least get grub up and not have /home directory, maybe if I disconnect the two drives that are part of the raid and boot,04:04
ki4cgpwarren1234, yes, it will install apache2, mysql, php, and you already have linux.  Installing phpmyadmin depends on the rest of the packages, that is why it is easy to ask for that one.04:04
jolarenambi_dextr-rus: right04:04
dan_zerojosephj: if it makes you feel better my RAID 5 keeps crashing and I can't fix it :/04:04
Zillamespejel: Did that command someone suggested work?04:04
gdizBlue1, I know this is a silly question, what does gnome mean?04:05
jolarenambi_dextr-rus: But when using xkill, dont i need to specify pid?04:05
josephjno it doesn't, I went with raid1 because thats all I really need and it was simpler to implement04:05
warren1234Sweet, you know of a wiki or guid I can read for the phpmyadmin?04:05
mespejelzilla, yeah.. anyway.. i need my nvidia drivers back.. any idea04:05
Blue1gdiz: gnome is a gui - so is kde04:05
linuxuz3rman ubuntu is nice04:05
ambi_dextr-rusno...it's a point-and-click...just click the window04:05
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dan_zerojosephj: You could try to rebuild it from the live cd04:05
Zillamespejel: Ok, so your xorg.conf is back now?04:05
ki4cgpwarren1234, let me see if this works....04:05
dan_zerojosephj: You may need to use the —force option to get it to clear any failed flags04:05
Lintgdiz, GNU Network Object Manipulating Ebvironment04:06
ki4cgp!phpmyadmin | warren123404:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phpmyadmin04:06
mespejelzilla, i guess so.. i did what the other guy told me04:06
cory8092is there a way to install plasma like there is on the KDE desktop without installing KDE04:06
ki4cgp!lamp | warren123404:06
ubottuwarren1234: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:06
Zillamespejel: You should be able to install them from Hardware Drivers now....04:06
josephjI tried doing mdadm --assembly --force /dev/md0 but it didn't work04:06
mespejelzilla i cant04:06
wgrantgdiz: GNOME is the default Ubuntu desktop environment.04:06
Zillamespejel: If that's not working, you can install them manually.04:06
Lintcory8092, you will still have to install half-a-kde-desktop with it04:06
dan_zerojosephj: what did it tell you?04:06
kgeeIve got an Xubuntu live CD running on 3-4 year old hardware. The desktop install icon keeps crashing. Does anyone know how to invoke the installer via command line?04:06
gdizBlue1 and Lint and wgrant, thanks for the help, I appreciate it04:06
mespejelzilla how?04:07
josephjoops I feel stupid, I just did it again, with the correct parameters and it worked this time :)04:07
NautilusOK, I have NX running, at least as much as I can connect from another PC... but I cant do anything (no mouse or keyboard actions) ... why?04:07
Zillamespejel: How comfortable are you with the command line?04:07
* knoppies gnome is better than KDE, but the default colours of gnome are horrid, so swap them out for something else you like.04:08
dan_zerojosephj: I would mount it and run it for a little while to see if it fails again, also backup because you might have a bad drive04:08
josephjat least I can do another backup of the raid then04:08
josephjya I'm backing up as we speak04:08
dan_zerojosephj: how long have you had it running?04:08
mespejelzilla so so i know the basics04:08
Linthow can I make a system to wake up when keyboard|mouse keys are pressed?04:08
josephjmonths, but I just switched from crunchbang back to ubuntu this week04:09
Blue1Lint: mine does that automagically04:09
Zillamespejel: Alright, the first step is to head over here: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us04:09
jolarenDoes dualboot slow down a computer04:09
Zillamespejel: You'll need to select your model and download the driver for it.04:09
LintBlue1, giess what, mine does not04:09
LiverbonesJolaren: no.04:09
Blue1jolaren: no04:09
Blue1Lint: dunno04:09
warren1234ki4cgp you know of a GUI tool I can use to help me I do not understand this04:09
Blue1Lint: do you have your's setup to suspend or sleep?04:10
jolarenI'm totally in love with Gnome-DO. You lot got any more suggestions on what to install to my new desktop04:10
jolarenIma install XBMC now04:10
wgrantZilla: Why are you recommending a manual installation of the nvidia driver?04:10
LintBlue1, suspend04:10
Zillawgrant: Apparently the Hardware Driver dialog is broken for him. It's happened to me before.04:10
ki4cgpwarren1234, Sorry, I haven't looked at the documentation in a while.  Let me look at what they want you to do04:10
Blue1Lint: that might be a problem -- I have mine set to never suspend and never go to sleep04:10
jolarenwgrant: I reccomend that, I had loads of problems with the proposed one04:11
* mahngiel waves 'hello' to the crowd04:11
ZillaThe automated install is always preferable of course.04:11
kartooki am mgetting lunchpad GPG error04:11
ZillaLeads to less bugs.04:11
kartookany solution04:11
Lint!away > mahngiel04:11
ubottumahngiel, please see my private message04:11
wgrantjolaren: Please do not recommend it unless there is *no other option*.04:12
wgrantjolaren: It will break horribly on upgrades.04:12
ki4cgpwarren1234, It appears that post is a little outdated.04:12
Nautilusthis is wierd... new info here... I have NX up and running, and I can move my mouse and see it move on remore PC (across the room), even click on something like FF and I can see it open on remote system, but NOT on the local box04:12
mahngielLint: lol, thanks04:12
Zillawgrant: Would you like to help the user troubleshoot the dialog then?04:12
wgrantZilla: I would indeed.04:12
wgrantmespejel: What happens when you open up the Hardware Drivers application?04:12
mespejelwgrant, nothing.. i click activate and it does not download it04:13
ki4cgpwarren1234, I'll look to see if myphpadmin is in the Ubuntu Software Center.  sec.04:13
wgrantmespejel: Have you previously had it installed?04:13
wgrantki4cgp: It's phpmyadmin.04:13
mespejelzilla, ok i download it... now how i should open it04:13
warren1234I have it installed allready I used the source package installer04:13
aussiejoe1487 users ???04:13
aussiejoemust be hard to be heard !!!04:13
ambi_dextr-ruslook under lamp server maybe04:13
mespejelwgrant, yep04:13
Zillamespejel: Wait for wgrant to help you exhaust all other options first.04:13
warren1234it is not in the ubuntu softwear center I looked04:13
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wgrantmespejel: And what happened such that you need to install it again?04:14
ambi_dextr-rusunder LAMP server04:14
ki4cgpwarren1234, seems it isn't. Yeah, sorry, I'm half-asleep04:14
bthorntonI'm running Ubuntu (Karmic/64-bit) with a Radeon HD 2400 PRO card and the latest fglrx drivers. I'm reading up on the card and understand that it has a "Unified video decoder" (hardware acceleration for DVD and BluRay streams). If I pop in a DVD and watch a movie with Totem, will this hardware acceleration be used?04:14
warren1234its all good04:14
warren1234I have it installed I just do not knwo what to do with it lol04:14
bthornton(and not just 2D acceleration which, I assume, would hose the CPU)04:14
ki4cgpwarren1234, phpmyadmin?04:14
Lintbthornton, I doubt it04:14
tarelerulzis there any easy way to use your ipod touch with out jailbraking it ?04:14
warren1234yea I installed it04:14
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ambi_dextr-rusdid it install itself something under /var/www ?04:14
mespejelwgrant, i cant install it again.. i click activate and it just start downloading but it stop.. and i check again and is still desactivate04:15
ki4cgpwarren1234, ok, it asked for an admin pass to set up mysql?04:15
warren1234that is where it errores out I used my admin pass04:15
wgrantmaster: But why do you need to install it again?04:15
ki4cgpwarren1234, ok, you should be able to test out that apache is running then04:15
warren1234kept hving me retry for a reason04:15
ambi_dextr-rusthere are scripts to set the mysql passwords...04:15
wgrantmespejel: ^^04:15
Silent_Echoanyone proficient with webcam?04:15
jebbajebhow do i suspend my system from the command line? (where acpitools doesnt work, this is arm netwalker).  I'm not running gnome on it, so i dont have the suspend button in the menu, so i just want to run whatever command that menu item runs, but i can't find it  :)04:16
ambi_dextr-rusor howtos04:16
ki4cgpwarren1234, open a browser to and it should give you a confirmation page of some sorts04:16
ambi_dextr-ruscommand line setup of mysql04:16
mzawieskahello guys04:16
bthorntonLint: Yeah, and I'm not sure how I'd know... since the main program needs to be using a library of at least "version X" that's compiled against an API "version Y" that uses hardware driver features in fglrx "version Z", etc. ... way too many variables there.04:16
wgrantjebbajeb: Try 'sudo pm-suspend'04:16
warren1234says it works!!!04:16
Random832jebbajeb, pm-suspend?04:17
bthorntons/main program/Totem04:17
arandTartaros: afraid I don't know what more to do, except relogin/reboot, you tried killing gedit as root?04:17
ki4cgpwarren1234, ok, apache is good.  now for mysql04:17
linuxuz3ranyone running dual monitor for ubuntu?04:17
|GreenFantastic|how can i find out what my router's ip is? the default one isnt working04:17
kgeelinuxuz3r, i have04:17
Lintbthornton, check the ATI site, it should state somewhere whether fglrx driver has a limitations04:17
kgeeLingus,  not currently though.04:17
mzawieskaI need help I am fixing my laptop i bough for myself sata/ide usb adapter..I plugged in the harddrive from the laptop and i conntected to my computer. The hardrive is visible in my computer but when i plug in to the laptop i got the msg system not found04:17
ki4cgpwarren1234, what error do you get with setting your pass in mysql?04:17
mespejelwgrant, ?04:17
linuxuz3rkgee, how do i limit the program to maximize only in one monitor and not span the two monitors?04:17
Silent_Echoneed webcam help04:17
mespejelyou know the solution?04:17
mzawieskaand when i go to bios says ide not found04:17
warren1234not an error it just had me keep trying04:17
warren1234I finally choose ignor04:18
mzawieskaany solution?04:18
linuxuz3rkgee, any idea?04:18
Tartarosarand: yeah, tried sudo kill -9. relog would probably help but I don't wanna :)04:18
wgrantmespejel: Why are you trying to reinstall it?04:18
ki4cgpwarren1234, ok, it might have a blank pass for right now04:18
mzawieskaI need help I am fixing my laptop i bough for myself sata/ide usb adapter..I plugged in the harddrive from the laptop and i conntected to my computer. The hardrive is visible in my computer but when i plug in to the laptop i got the msg system not found04:18
mzawieskaand when i go to bios says ide not found04:18
mzawieskaany solution?04:18
kgeelinuxuz3r, depends on the drivers. and maybe your desktop manager. What do you run? I had nvidia cards and KDE04:18
warren1234how do I get back into it?04:18
mespejelwgrant.. im trying to install it..04:18
linuxuz3ri have gnome and nvidia04:18
wgrantmespejel: I thought you said you had had it installed previously.04:19
ki4cgpwarren1234, that is what phpmyadmin is for.  It can admin your mysql install04:19
jebbajebwgrant, Random832   yep worked thanks!04:19
mespejelwgrant, this apperas: This driver is not activated.04:19
kgeelinuxuz3r, if you run nvidia-settings, what mode are your monitors in04:19
warren1234yea well, I iggyed that part of the phpmyadmin install04:19
mespejelwgrant, yeah and i remove it and now i cant install it again.04:19
wgrantmespejel: How did you remove it?04:19
warren1234i will try uninstall and re install04:19
mespejelclicking the remove option04:20
thiebaudemespejel, after you activated the drivers doesn't it say restart your computer?04:20
prappl93I have 8.04 LTS, and I am going to use Thunderbird instead of Evolution and I uninstalled Evolution, how do I set Thunderbird as the application in the launcher at the top?04:20
ki4cgpwarren1234, once it is sorted out, you should be able to go to and a login screen should pop up04:20
Lintthiebaude, create a new button04:20
arandTartaros: the gdm instructions in http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2003-May/006973.html might be of use...04:20
arandTartaros: s/gdm/gdb/04:21
thiebaudeLint, a new button for what?04:21
warren1234that did not do anything04:21
Lintthiebaude, for thunderbird, obviously04:21
warren1234still nothing nano04:21
thiebaudeLint, i dont use thunderbird04:21
scuniziprappl93: thunderbird will install a launcher in the menu.. right mouse click it and you'll see the option to put it on the bar04:21
mzawieskaplease help what can i do04:21
thiebaudei use gmail04:21
Lintthiebaude, sorry, wrong user04:22
thiebaudeLint, np04:22
prappl93scunizi, thanks04:22
ki4cgpwarren1234, something got messed up then04:22
nonoaptitude install phpmyadmin04:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate04:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation04:23
ki4cgpwarren1234, what nono said =)04:23
jebbajebHowto set the keyboard region and get it to stick? If I run gnome-keyboard-properties it doesnt "stick" after reboot.  I'm running openbox.04:23
luis_Hello, how i can cut/record only a part of a song with audacity and then transform it into an mp3?04:24
Silent_EchoProblem: sometime when i boot up or restart it'll recognize that my laptop's webcam is there, but most of the time it dosnt see it.....solutions?04:24
luis_Hello, how i can cut/record only a part of a song with audacity and then transform it into an mp3?04:24
linuxuz3rkgee, how do i enable xinerama?04:24
pyJackhi I would like to run an app while I'm logged off from ssh04:24
kgeelinuxuz3r, okay, I looked up what I think might be the problem. in the nvidia-settings control panel there will be different modes. TwinView, Separate X screen, and maybe a third. Your multi-monitor setup will act different in different modes. I dont have a setup to test for you here, but play around and see what works04:24
mzawieskaI need help I am fixing my laptop i bough for myself sata/ide usb adapter..I plugged in the harddrive from the laptop and i conntected to my computer. The hardrive is visible in my computer but when i plug in to the laptop i got the msg system not found04:24
pyJackis it possible?04:24
mzawieskaand when i go to bios says ide not found04:24
mzawieskaany solution?04:25
MJEvansluis_: simple way, load song, select section; cut, paste as new file.  Encode wave file to MP3 via any normal method.04:25
tarelerulzLuis, you have to have lame install for converting to mp3 .04:25
Starcraftmazterhello, I have the same problem as this fellow (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8244430), does anyone know how I could get this to work with ext4?04:25
luis_MJEvans: thx a lot04:25
warren1234I cannot figure this thing out04:25
mzawieskaany programs i could d/l04:25
luis_tarelerulz: LAME?04:25
toastedmilkAnyone have any problems with compiz upgrading from intrepid to jaunty?04:25
luis_whats that04:25
mzawieskato check it the hardrive works good04:25
scunizimzawieska: get into the bios and see if there is an option to boot from usb.. that is if you've installed ubuntu on the external HD04:25
nonodpkg-reconfigure locales04:25
MJEvansluis_: google lame mp3 to find out04:25
mzawieskaand fix the bad sectors if anything?04:25
warren1234well we know apachi is forwarding04:26
pyJackI need to run a Java app, when I'm not on SSH04:26
warren1234all I need is a simple HTML site04:26
=== OsamaBinNaughty is now known as smwnn
tarelerulzLuis ,lame is a mp3 encoder04:26
ki4cgpwarren1234, well, you have that alredy04:26
mzawieskabut the hardrive works in my computer04:26
warren1234so all I got to find a way to do is point apachi to my new web page04:26
Lintki4cgp, LAME is not an mp3 encoder04:26
mzawieskai just plugged it in04:26
mzawieskabut when i plug it in to the laptop says system not found04:27
jauntyjoe0does the hard drive really work, mzawieska?04:27
freevryheideclipse cdt, subversion and pydev is not in the Karmic repos - will I need to wait until the next ubuntu version for these?04:27
scuniziwarren1234: you made a page and have apache installed but cant get to your page?04:27
mzawieskayea works04:27
nonoeclipse works04:27
mzawieskai just got the pictures04:27
mzawieskaof it04:27
Tartarosarand: hmm I don't understand it and/or the commands don't work. Thanks anyway :)04:27
mzawieskai have the sata/ide atapter04:27
bijoo_programmerHi. I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 Server sitting at the login screen without a keyboard or a mouse. How can I get it to start using a Mac? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.04:27
scuniziwarren1234: copy your index.html to /var/www04:27
warren1234I have not accually made the page first...I was getting everything set up, if you know how to point apachi to my new page so I could do it when I have it built that would be kewl04:28
warren1234thank you04:28
mzawieskaany programs u guys recommend to check whats wrong witht he hardive04:28
scuniziwarren1234: and all the related files04:28
ArsinHas the playback for Line-In been removed in Karmic?04:28
warren1234can I make a subfolder in it and have it work the same?04:28
Lintbijoo_programmer, what do you mean?04:28
jauntyjoe0the hard drive manufacturer's test software04:28
ki4cgpwarren1234, /var/www/ is the root of your web server.  So everything should go there, and yes, you can make dir's04:28
bthorntonArsin: Good question. I've been wondering the same thing... :p04:29
bthornton(Not that that helps you)04:29
carpunkyanyone get yoville working on ubuntu 9.104:29
scuniziwarren1234: yes.. but you'll have to get to it by http://localhost/<subdirectory>04:29
jauntyjoe0or hiren's boot cd, which has most of them included04:29
ki4cgpwarren1234, you'll have to adjust links to make sure you point into those subdirs04:29
warren1234okay sweet04:29
warren1234okay one more thing I am going to run into04:29
bijoo_programmerLint, can I SSH into it or somehow have it automatically configure the IP??04:30
bijoo_programmerLint, I have the Ubuntu install CD04:30
almoxarifeI need a software firewall, akin to firestarter but a bit more flexible, any ideas?04:30
warren1234I have a router....how will I have it point to my computer for internet traffic? do either of y ou know ports and things I should have forwarded?04:30
kgeeI'm having trouble with the desktop install icon on my live CD. How do I invoke the OS install via command line to see what the trouble is?04:31
almoxarifewarren1234: it should be the other way around, point the pc at the router?04:31
Lintbijoo_programmer, is the ssh server running?04:31
scuniziwarren1234: usually your isp will block port 80.. you'll have to use a service to redirect to a different port04:31
ki4cgpwarren1234, on your router, you will need to open up port 80, and then forward it to the computer's internal IP that is running the web-server04:31
luis_MJEvans: i must thank you dude, i do what u did, now i finally got my custom ringtone of bob sinclar: Love you no more =)04:31
warren1234I am going to try to forward port 80 first but it could be blocked04:31
bijoo_programmerLint, it was installed during OS install, but It's my first time using Ubuntu and it's a brand new install04:32
ki4cgpwarren1234, yes, some providers will block port80.  Verizon does, but AT&T doesn't04:32
bijoo_programmerLint, in other words, I don't know.04:32
scottygi need to change the setting that auto chooses a window when i mouse over it04:32
bijoo_programmerLint, I wish there was a way I could find out it's IP.04:32
scottyg i need to change the setting that auto chooses a window when i mouse over it04:32
bijoo_programmerLint, if it has one04:32
Lintbijoo_programmer, connect a monitor/keyboard04:32
scottyg i need to change the setting that auto chooses a window when i mouse over it04:32
scuniziwarren1234: dyndns.com is one of those services.. it's free.04:33
almoxarifeI need a software firewall, akin to firestarter but a bit more flexible, any ideas?04:33
warren1234I have dyndns04:33
bijoo_programmerLint, I tried looking for one but can't find one tonight. I have monitor, but will have to wait a while before I can get a keyboard04:33
bijoo_programmerLint, thanks for your help04:33
warren1234please tell me if it forwards you04:33
scottyg i need to change the setting that auto chooses a window when i mouse over it04:33
scottygplease tell me how to not auto choose a window when i mouse over it04:33
Tartarosscottyg: System - Preferences - Windows. And quit spamming with your almost-question04:33
almoxarifewarren1234: worked04:34
ki4cgpwarren1234, also, you'll want to read up on permissions.  If YOU own the file, I'm not certain that apache will be able to read it and serve it to others.  Just something to look into after you get settled in04:34
warren1234THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP!!!!04:34
almoxarifeempty page?04:34
warren1234for now04:34
warren1234I am building04:34
scottygtart, THANX!!!04:34
tarelerulzI have been having some odd stuff with Ubuntu 9.10 and my sound it work ,but hearing though the speaker while I am listen to headphones don't work and recording from my sound card does not work either and last one did work04:34
warren1234starting a new computer tech business in town04:34
Lintis there some DBMS application in Ubuntu?04:34
scuniziwarren1234: add yourself to the www-data group.. that way when you transfer the file apache will recognize it.04:34
ki4cgpwarren1234, Of course.  I'm not smart like these others, but I can usually muddle through and get where I need to04:34
warren1234I appreciate it ki4cgp04:35
warren1234transfer what file?04:35
scuniziwarren1234: that's the apache group..04:35
ki4cgpwarren1234, www-data is a user/group that apache uses to serve up files04:35
warren1234in groups and permissions?04:36
ki4cgpwarren1234, yep =)04:36
scuniziwarren1234: if you make a web page in a text editor you'll have to copy it to /var/www .. you need to be a memeber of www-data to allow apache to recognize the transfered file04:36
warren1234it is done I am a member04:37
ki4cgpwarren1234, What scunizi said is something I didn't know =)  I'm here to learn as well04:37
warren1234Thank you scunizi04:37
scuniziwarren1234: :)04:37
LordHawkeCan someone here help with setting up TiMidity++ as a server to play MIDI. . . ?04:38
ki4cgpscunizi, thanks for bailing me out =)04:38
nonoi can help you04:38
scunizinono: ?04:38
LordHawkenono: Talkin' to me?04:38
scuniziki4cgp: you were doing fine :)04:38
warren1234for sure you were a big help04:38
Nautilusi've _almost_ got NX going. I can log in from my local XP, watch the cursor on the remote Ubuntu (next desk over), click and open things, etc... but nothing refreshes om my local screen. Could this be an SSH issue? (it's like it's communicating one way)04:38
ki4cgpaww shucks...04:38
scuniziwarren1234: if you want to get more complex.. check out joomla, wordpress, etc..04:39
ki4cgpwarren1234, you'll need to sort out mysql before those will work though04:40
LordHawkeAnyone get the error message "Interface 'A' not compiled in" with TiMidity?04:40
Lintis there some database application in Ubuntu?04:40
scuniziwarren1234: and php.. sudo tasksel lamp to install all the dependancies.. including php and mysql04:40
greezmunkeyheh, http://demo.joomla.org04:41
greezmunkeypretty cool04:41
scuniziLint: lots.. Openoffice has one.. you can install mysql, postgress, etc04:41
mikejetwhy is it so damn difficult to fix firefox & embedded youtubes.  The 9.10 release *finally* fixed the problem. Now today's firefox update breaks it ... yet.. again.  64-bit, newwestnotes.com04:41
nonosorry; ampache04:41
scunizi!pm | nono04:42
ubottunono: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about initrd04:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about initramfs04:42
mikejet   basically the bug is many embedded youtubes on a single webpage.04:42
Lintscunizi, Openoffice is too huge, and mysql and postgress are just backends04:43
sjrCan I see how many bytes a process has outputted04:43
LintIs there some kind of database (like Filemaker) in Ubuntu?04:43
akyaptE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:43
akyaptE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?................how to fix this ??????04:43
lstarnesakyapt: make sure that all of your package managers are closed04:44
sjrakyapt, lsof -d | grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:44
sjrrun that04:44
lstarnes!aptfix | akyapt04:44
ubottuakyapt: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:44
ki4cgpscunizi, sudo tasksel install lamp didn't do anything.  Even --task-packages (list available packages in a task) gave back nothing.  Is it because it is already installed?04:44
lokpestdoes ubuntu and kubuntu share repositories?04:44
lstarneslokpest: yes04:44
lonchitonsomeone can help me to install icewm in ubuntu, my card its an integrated intel04:44
akyaptlstarnes,sjr k04:44
webbb82i want to add apps to avant window nav  where are theprogram  launchers stored04:45
lokpestso that means that kubuntu hardy will be LTS anyway?04:45
lstarneslokpest: yes04:45
warren1234well, I will work on a better site later right now It is plain old HTML for me04:45
bazhanglonchiton, sudo apt-get install icewm04:45
ki4cgpwarren1234, yes, get settled in and learn what you have right now, then go nuts and build a content-management system on top of it.  They are pretty nice04:46
lokpestlstarnes: ok, is there anything on the web about this? so EOL for kubuntu hardy will be the same as for ubuntu hardy?04:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about icewm04:46
lstarneslokpest: yes04:46
usser_!info icewm04:46
ubottuicewm (source: icewm): wonderful Win95-OS/2-Motif-like window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.37+1.3.4pre2-3 (karmic), package size 801 kB, installed size 2068 kB04:46
dogonHello, I'm having a little problem with running 32-bit executables on 64-bit ubuntu... my teacher has compiled a 32-bit c++ executable and I can't run it.  Isn't there backward compatability with the 64-bit OS? Do I have to do something "special" to get it running?04:46
scuniziki4cgp: then open synaptic and "Edit>select packages by task" . lamp will be in there.. and other things..04:46
lstarneslokpest: the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is the default applications04:46
lokpestlstarnes: but no official word of this?04:47
seidosusser_: thank you04:47
lstarneslokpest: everything else is exactly the same04:47
ki4cgpscunizi, Thanks!04:47
lstarneslokpest: kubuntu is an official derivitave of ubuntu04:47
lokpestlstarnes: I know that!04:47
lonchitonbazhang i do it already but when i write startx, send me xinit server error04:47
* lokpest is not one of those retared n00bs04:47
usser_man gnome-shell is awesome04:48
usser_!info gnome-shell04:48
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): redefines user interactions with the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.28.0-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 309 kB, installed size 1428 kB04:48
dogonHello everybody... I need a little help: I'm having a problem with running 32-bit executables on 64-bit ubuntu... my teacher has compiled a 32-bit c++ executable and I can't run it.  Isn't there backward compatability with the 64-bit OS? Do I have to do something "special" to get it running?04:48
lstarneslokpest: you can even turn kubuntu into regular ubuntu by installing ubuntu-desktop04:48
lokpestlstarnes: I know! retard04:48
seidostried install gnome shell, no luck04:48
blackswandoes nautilus have a way for users to navigate directories where they have search permission but not read permission, i.e., mode --x instead of r-x????04:48
jongieki4cgp: you can also run the command from the terminal sudo tasksel and select LAMP from the list04:48
Blue1dogon: executable you mean exe file?04:49
* seidos glares at his typos04:49
lstarneslokpest: I'm sorry, but please refrain from using words like that04:49
Lintso the hype about thousands of apps in *nix is bullsh*t? I need a simple database manager, not a half-of-bloated-office-suite or some console backend04:49
bazhangLint, watch the language04:49
usser_dogon, you need to install all ia-32 packages04:49
dogonblue1 it's not an exe (as in windows)04:49
lokpestlstarnes: why do you treat me like a noob then?04:49
Blue1Lint: I think there's one in open offie04:49
Lintbazhang, if you have nothing to say on topic, keep silence04:49
Blue1dogon: what is it then a bin file?04:50
lokpestlstarnes: that is basic questions, I ask about a specific situation04:50
lstarneslokpest: I was just making sure that you understood what I was saying. I am very sorry if you were offended and I won't do it again04:50
bazhangLint, that is not appropriate. Please be civil04:50
LascivusGroup hug04:50
scuniziLint: open synaptic or use google.. there are *many* database programs to use.. your choice..04:50
lstarnesLint: you will need some sort of backend, but you could try something like phpmyadmin for graphical database management for mysql04:50
dogonblue1: I'mnot sure to be honest... C++ compiles into bin when compiled under linux?04:50
ki4cgpjongie, Ahh, ok.  Now I know a couple of different ways.  Thanks!04:50
Blue1dogon: well what are you try to run - what is the file extension?04:51
seidoslist tables; isn't enough?04:51
Lintlstarnes, so I need to install php+apache or smth? no, thanks04:51
seidosshow tables?04:51
lokpestlstarnes: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/RC/Kubuntu says that Kubuntu Hardy will not be LTS, and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubuntu says EOL for Kubuntu Hardy is 2009-10 but my repositories are working fine04:52
Lintscunizi, if there was 'many' in Synaptic, I wouldn't ask it here04:52
scuniziLint: I don't think that's what he said..04:52
dogonBlue1: there is no file extention, but when I type 'file referee' (referee is the name of the file) it gives me the following info: " ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel... blah blah"04:52
Lintscunizi, so phpmyadmin works without web server and php?04:52
scuniziLint: if you're so discouraged.. go back to winxx and enjoy.. if you want to investigate a little instead of just query here you might find more.04:53
usser_scunizi, no phpmyadmin needs apache and php04:53
Blue1dogon: yeah that just says 32 bit - dunno can't help any further sorry --04:53
lstarnesLint: what applications do you know of for windows/mac that you want to see in *nix?04:53
usser_Lint, nope phpmyadmin needs a web server and mod_php04:53
seidosLint: there's a program called mysql administrator you can try that i installed04:53
lstarnesLint: the exact functionality that you want might not be clear to us04:53
dogonBlue1: I think usser_: was going in the right direction.. I will just look for ia32 package in04:53
Blue1dogon: yes the will install the 32 bit libs04:54
seidosLint: not sure if it will do what you want it to do04:54
usser_dogon, if that doesnt help get getlibs its a program that fetches 32bit libs for 64 bit systems, but if you ask me your teacher should have statically linked all the libraries. tell him that next time he does that :)04:54
Blue1dogon: but a force-archetecture can destroy your system if not careful04:54
usser_!info getlibs04:54
ubottuPackage getlibs does not exist in karmic04:54
albechamazing how people that come in here and bitch gets so much attention. Proves that the community really cares. Other people that ask polite questions may get overseen ;)04:54
usser_dogon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479004:55
scunizialbech: never.. at least not on purpose :)04:55
dogonusser_: Our final project is due in 4 days... the guy has no clue what he's doing!04:55
seidosalbech: i was just thinking i wonder if such a good idea to give attention to people with bad attitudes04:55
usser_dogon, whats the project about?04:55
dogonusser_: he initially made the executable 64 bit, but our school machines are 32 bit red hats (nobody could run it!), we can code in java, but the school server only has java 1.4 not 1.604:56
* seidos tries to get support for his windows sql program04:56
fitushello everyone04:56
Lintlstarnes, I need a simple, small, usable, stand-alone frontend for manipulations with data. I don't care about backend format04:56
Blue1dogon: I think that's the definiation of shite04:56
dogonusser_: we're making AI agents that will play against each-other for the final04:56
lstarnesLint: you might be able to run filemaker in wine if you can't find anything else04:56
usser_dogon, oh fun fun... are you using playerstage?04:56
dogonBlue1: I'm telling you, I'm pulling whatever is left out of my hair now...04:56
dogonusser_: NO! We're using something VERY FUN! :)04:57
Blue1dogon let me see what I can find about 32 bit libs hang on04:57
lokpestwhy cant I get an answer?04:57
fitusI know this may be a stupid question, but is ultimate edition the same as ubuntu 9.10 with extra programs ?04:57
bazhanglokpest, about what04:57
LascivusI like peanut butter jelly time04:57
lstarneslokpest: I'm trying to find an answer regarding your question about kubuntu 8.04 being an LTS04:57
dogonusser_: My teacher has a referee program that writes to stdin/out and we read it, each player's turn is passed through stdin/out04:58
bazhanglstarnes, its not iirc04:58
Blue1dogon: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs04:58
dogonBlue1: thanks, let me do it right now04:58
scunizilokpest: it wasn't LTS because that ws a time of change from vs 3.5 to 4.x.. however the repos are still active04:58
lstarneslokpest: from what I have seen so far, kubuntu isn't an LTS, but the repositories (possubly excluding kubuntu-specific packages) will still be treated as LTS repositories04:58
seidosmore water04:58
usser_Lint, http://extragear.kde.org/apps/datakiosk/04:58
bazhangnono, what?04:58
snuffy47when I try to save files from the net and access torrents in the menus I cannot see my samba shares04:59
nonored hat;rpm04:59
Silent_Echomy computer sometimes sees my webcam sometimes dosnt help....04:59
usser_dogon, oh cool.04:59
snuffy47I can access my shares and add files ect through network and connect to server though04:59
bazhangnono, right? how does that relate to ubuntu support04:59
snuffy47help please04:59
Blue1Silent_Echo: are you using 9.10 by chance, and is usb?04:59
Silent_Echoyes and no04:59
Blue1Silent_Echo: what's yes and what's no...?05:00
dogonusser_: the reason why he does it that way is so people can code in C++, java, and lisp... everybody can read/write std but it's just amazingly HORRIBLE!05:00
lokpestscunizi: I know, what I was asking was more to the thing of what lstarnes answed (although EOL should have happend for the KDE-part already and that works fine too)05:00
Lintusser_, it's interesting, but datakiosk is 300 MB05:00
Silent_Echoyes i'm useing 9.10 and no its not usb05:00
Blue1Silent_Echo: what type of connect then?05:00
usser_Lint, so, and Microsoft Access is what 600mb?05:00
lstarnesLint: how big is fileman?05:01
lokpestwell... I think I have a fresh install... groan... copying all my personal data... groan05:01
lstarnesLint: oops, filemaker05:01
usser_Lint, i dunno. learn some python or php, its really not that hard to write a frontend to mysql05:01
Irakirashiaext4 > ext3?05:01
snuffy47when I try to save files from the net and access torrents in the menus I cannot see my samba shares05:01
Silent_EchoBlue1, like cheese for instance, sometimes it'll detect my webcam other times it'll say no cam detected05:01
rashed2020Does remastersys tell you how big the ISO is before making it?05:01
Irakirashiaext4 > ext3?05:01
Blue1Silent_Echo: but that doesn't tell me what type of connection it is?05:02
lstarnesIrakirashia: could you please rephrase that as an actual question?05:02
scuniziIrakirashia: for some05:02
seidosext4 != ext305:02
BilliardIrakirashia: dont repeat yourself so fast, some people have problems with ext405:02
snuffy47can I mount the shares mewhere on the laptop were I can see them when I want to save something05:02
Silent_EchoBlue1, what do you mean what type of connection? explain plz....05:02
Silent_EchoBlue1, its a laptop webcam if thats what u mean05:02
IrakirashiaI know they are different05:02
Irakirashiai had no issue using ext305:02
Irakirashiaand sorry for the repeat05:02
Blue1Silent_Echo: well there's usb, serial, parallel --05:03
iarpi'm in search of a ubuntu website that listed all past editions of a piece of software and upcoming versions and which versions of ubuntu it would allow. It was like an internet view on apt-get servers but it was not packages.ubuntu.com05:03
seidosIrakirashia: i was just trying to communicate in your language05:03
Silent_EchoBlue1 mmm well its not usb, so how do i tell the difference between serial or parallel?05:03
Blue1Silent_Echo: let's start with something simpler - what make/model webcam do you have?05:03
Lintusser_, lstarne, Access is 120 MB, Filemaker is 3 MB05:03
Silent_Echohp pavillion05:04
iarpit also listed all of the user modified versions05:04
Irakirashiaseidos, I know ext3 != ext4, but I was asking if ext4 > ext3 in performance.05:04
lstarnesLint: is that the size of it when fully installed, not just counting the program's ram use?05:04
Silent_EchoBlue1, hp pavillion05:04
Blue1Silent_Echo: no hp pavillion is a name of a computer that's what I have...05:04
consumerhi - what program can I use to install the latest ubuntu to a usb drive? I need to install it on a *different* computer than the one that is creating the usb install05:04
Silent_EchoBlue1, well its the webcam built into my laptop XP05:04
seidosmaybe that could be written as a switch statement or something05:04
IrakirashiaIt's not for me the answer actually. A friend of mine is going to install ubuntu for the first time and I don't won't him to get angry at all because of ext4 issues05:04
rashed2020consumer: unetbootin05:05
snuffy47when I go to add a torrent file with the webui I can not see the network shares avail05:05
snuffy47when I go to add a torrent file with the webui I can not see the network shares avail help please05:05
Blue1Silent_Echo: ahh now were getting somewhere...05:05
holyCan I reset my root password using bootable CD?05:05
albechholy, yes05:06
Lintlstarnes, it's size of its folder, obviously05:06
Silent_EchoBlue1, its built into my laptop and my laptop is hp pavillion dv600005:06
=== padd1 is now known as paddy_melon
consumerrashed2020: I tried unetbootin but it had an error at boot time something along the lines of: Loading /ubnkern. Invalid or corrupt kernel image.05:06
lstarnesLint: it wasn't that obvious to me05:06
Blue1Silent_Echo: okay let me look at that05:06
Silent_EchoBlue1, kk thx05:06
rashed2020consumer: Ubuntu should have it's own tool. I forgot what it's called though. Something like Live USB Creator.05:06
paddy_melonHow do I get wireless drivers working for an Inspiron 1525?05:06
consumerrashed2020: in fact all these usb creator programs fail, I'm thinking it's got something to do with the fact that the latest ubuntu uses initrd.lz instead of initrd.gz05:06
lstarnesLint: I don't know of any lightweight graphical database applications like FileMaker for *nix, but I am trying to find one05:07
snuffy47when I go to add a torrent file with the webui I can not see the network shares avail help please05:07
rashed2020paddy_melon: What Ubuntu are you using?05:07
holyalbech: and using which command?05:07
albechholy, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword05:07
paddy_melonrashed2020, 9.1005:07
seidosIrakirashia: I'm not sure how to quantify "better"05:07
consumerrashed2020: yeah that doesn't work either, same thing basically... I can boot and get to a grub screen but I can't push enter on any option05:07
rashed2020consumer: Nah, I tried it and it worked fine with me. Must be something to do with your USB drive or computer.05:07
consumerrashed2020: maybe the iso is screwed. I'll double check05:07
seidosIrakirashia: I think generally speaking ext4 > ext3 but if ext4 doesn't work and ext3 does, then ext3 > ext405:07
IrakirashiaIt's simple seidos, would you make your fs ext3 or ext4?05:07
albechholy, google is your friend ;)05:08
rashed2020paddy_melon: Should work fine. Do you see your wireless card when you run iwconfig?05:08
IrakirashiaDon't complicate a simple question ;P05:08
rashed2020consumer: Yeah, do that.05:08
seidosIrakirashia: personally?  ext4.  but i would back up my data before migrating.05:08
ArsinHow do I make GRUB load so I can boot into XP05:08
usser_Lint, how about glom? http://www.glom.org/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page05:08
IrakirashiaI have my own opinion, was just asking for someone's advice05:08
seidosIrakirashia: I thought i was simplifying05:08
paddy_melonrashed2020... it says 'no wireless extension'05:08
Irakirashiaext3 would do then05:08
seidosi guess it really doesn't matter.  back up your data is the answer.05:08
IrakirashiaSince nobody said: EXT4 OF COURSE. That means ext4 is not stable at all like usual05:09
rashed2020paddy_melon: What's the full model if your laptop?05:09
snuffy47when I go to add a torrent file with the webui I can not see the network shares avail help please05:09
Lintusser_, I'll check it05:09
seidosIrakirashia: not true.  it could be considered common knowledge by most users.  we certainly know that canonical thinks ext4 > ext305:09
lstarnesIrakirashia: I've heard that it is fairly stable in 9.10, definitely more than in 9.0405:09
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:09
paddy_melonrashed2020... it's a friend's can he use a program to find it?05:09
paddy_melonI'm not sure what it is05:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pydev05:10
seidoscertainly?  perhaps not05:10
seidospolls anyone?05:10
rashed2020paddy_melon: Should be written on the bottom of the laptop. 1525-something05:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about python-cdt05:10
albechanyone else has experienced weird issues where the keyboard stops working randomly? I am getting this reported from a friend where I installed 9.10 a few days ago. I did not experience it myself while I was configuring the system.05:10
rashed2020paddy_melon: Or better yet, run lspci and find what the wireless card is called.05:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:10
IrakirashiaThat's what I call an answer lstarnes05:10
Arsinalbech: YES! Fixed it though05:10
albechHe has tried both PS/2 and USB keyboards. Same issue05:11
bazhangfreevryheid, /msg ubottu please05:11
paddy_melonrashed2020, it's broadcom...05:11
rwwfreevryheid: The correct syntax for package information, if that's what you're trying to do, is "!info packagename", not "!packagename".05:11
rashed2020paddy_melon: broadcom what?05:11
lstarnesIrakirashia: are you implying that the other answers were less valid?05:11
paddy_melonone sec05:11
IrakirashiaNo lstarnes05:11
albechArsin, how?05:11
IrakirashiaBut your's was what I was looking for and I did not know it.05:11
Blue1Silent_Echo: this is what I am looking at -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/HPPaviliondv600005:11
Irakirashiathanks seidos, thanks lstarnes.05:11
lstarnesIrakirashia: you could have just asked "Is ext4 stable?"05:12
seidosthanks Irakirashia05:12
seidosi almost considered punishing myself for failing.  seriously.05:12
Arsinalbech: BIOS update, surprisingly. It worked from then on I had that problem for days on end with no help, that seemed to fix it05:12
paddy_melonrashed2020: model: 1525-PP29L05:12
rashed2020paddy_melon: What about the broadcom card?05:12
Irakirashialstarnes, trying to speak on a hurry using a language that it's not your main it's not that easy05:12
Blue1Silent_Echo: doesn't say anything about the webcam - sorry I can't go any further05:12
paddy_melonrashed2020, Card: 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)05:13
Silent_EchoBlue1, thx05:13
seidosanyone know how to extract an .exe compressed zip file?05:13
albechArsin, interesting, cause it is a fairly old HP P4 box05:13
lokpestanyone knows of a kde distro that is not as bloated as kubuntu?05:13
lstarnesseidos: run it using wine05:13
Blue1Silent_Echo: sorry -- :-(05:13
bazhang!ot | lokpest05:13
seidoslstarnes: i don't have a copy of windows05:13
ubottulokpest: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:13
Arsinalbech: Try it out, it might work and a BISO update is always good05:13
ageebsoo... i decided to rearrange my main and put windows on 1 hdd and ubuntu on a second hdd (in that order) and grub doesn't recognize windows...05:13
freevryheidseidos: 7z05:13
seidoshmmm, i might have bartpe05:13
albechArsin, not always, but you are right most of the times ;)05:13
snuffy47this is crazy I can not just browse to the shares to open a file05:13
lokpestthat was off-topic?05:14
lstarnesseidos: wine does not require windows.05:14
paddy_melonAnyone know how to get wireless working on 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)05:14
usser_ageeb, for that kind of setup to work grub has to be installed on windows hdd MBR05:14
paddy_melon(a BCM431205:14
bazhanglokpest, this is ubuntu support not general linux support05:14
snuffy47this is crazy I can not just browse to the shares to open a torrent file05:14
Silent_EchoBlue1, its all good....i'v b'n asking this for days now....so it musnt be something easy05:14
lstarnesseidos: you just install it, run winecfg, then run windows applications with it05:14
usser_ageeb, right now its probably on ubuntu hdd. grub cant chainload windows if its on another harddrive05:14
lstarnesseidos: use sudo apt-get install wine05:14
Arsinalbech: I think you're thinking of the wrong person, I rarely help, I'm usually asking lol05:14
rashed2020paddy_melon: Try this: sudo aptitude reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source05:14
Lintseidos, unzip should detect ZIP file automatically05:14
seidoslstarnes: ahhhhh, thank you, i'll try it05:14
ageebusser_, ok05:14
Blue1Silent_Echo: well I've had problems with usb devices and automounting them in 9.1005:14
snuffy47or my external drive WHy05:14
lstarnesseidos: after installing it, use wine file.exe05:15
ageebusser_, how do move it to windows drive?05:15
dogonBlue1: OK, ia32-libs works like a charm! THANK YOU!05:15
Blue1dogon: owe me a coffee!  glad to help!05:15
Silent_EchoBlue1, the thing was i could use my webcam fine in intriped, and with karmic it was just on and off05:15
Blue1Silent_Echo: i have some of the same problems with 9.1005:16
dogonBlue1: I owe you big time! :)05:16
usser_ageeb, boot from livecd, mount your ubuntu drive and run grub-install --root-directory=/mountpoint/of/ubuntu/drive /dev/sda05:16
snuffy47why can I not access my external and shared drives when adding a torrent or saving a fill from the web05:16
usser_ageeb, where /dev/sda is the harddrive name of your windows drive05:16
Silent_EchoBlue1, so i know it works...just want to make it consistant....yeah...well if u find a solution....hit me up05:16
ageebusser_, ty05:16
Silent_EchoBlue1 thx anyway tho05:16
snuffy47why can I not access my external and shared drives when adding a torrent or saving a fill from the web05:16
Blue1Silent_Echo: I will ---05:16
paddy_melonrashed2020, it wasn't installed at all... trying now... thanks05:17
usser_ageeb, you will have to modify your grub.cfg for grub2 or menu.lst for grub1 so that it points to correct partitions for both windows and linux05:17
Silent_EchoBlue1 =>05:17
snuffy47why can I not access my external and shared drives when adding a torrent or saving a fill from the web05:17
usser_ageeb, all in all its no small feat especially if you dont really know what you're doing. BACKUP!05:17
Arsinsnuffy47: Is it mounted?05:17
ageebusser_, i have nothing to lose, i wiped all drives today to prep for dual booting05:17
whorushhi, i'm trying to recover pictures i deleted by accident from a digital camera using PHOTOREC.  i have an img file, but it says it works with dd image files only?  not sure, either way i can't get it to detect my img file.  maybe i need to mount it to dev/sdc or something since i think it only detects disks?05:18
lstarnessnuffy47: could you please not repeat so often?  It is very likely that nobody knows an answer to your question or someobody is trying to find a possible fix05:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub-pc05:18
ageebusser_, i may just do it again and install grub in the right spot this go05:18
Arsinsnuffy47: Wait, are you trying to save your torrented files to the external drive?05:18
linuxuz3rhow do i add windows 7 on my grub.cfg?05:18
snuffy47Arsin:  The share is mounted on a server ubuntu and I can write read to them via places network and connect to server05:18
lstarnessnuffy47: you could try limiting the number of peers or the bandwidth used by the torrent05:18
usser_ageeb, alright then. good luck.05:19
ageebusser_, ty05:19
snuffy47Arsin: tring to load a torrent saved on a share on the server05:19
paddy_melonCan anyone help me upgrading to 9.1005:19
seidosis it standard practice to perform bios updates using wine?05:19
Arsinsnuffy47: Sorry no clue05:20
Lintusser_, glom looks promizing, thx05:20
snuffy47Arsin: all I see is desktop, filesystem, media, not the harddrives that are setup on the server05:20
lstarnessnuffy47: there could be an issue with the account used for the webserver not having read permissions for that partition, share, or file05:20
NightlonewolfSeidos, no05:20
bazhang!upgrade > paddy_melon05:20
ubottupaddy_melon, please see my private message05:20
Billiardsnuffy47: when you access shares from the places menu, they are mounted oddly05:20
usser_Lint, no problem. hope it will work out for you05:20
paddy_melonbazhag, it hangs on downloading packages05:20
ironsightwhat is the best virtualisation software for karmic?05:20
seidosNightlonewolf: terrible idea?05:20
Arsinsnuffy47: Wait so the hard drives aren't mounted?05:20
snuffy47Billiard: /media/movies105:20
Nightlonewolfseidos, very bad idea05:21
snuffy47Billiard: /media/storage105:21
mrkrisanyone know of an docs on installing Xen on Karmic?05:21
Nightlonewolfi can explain in pm if you wish?05:21
paddy_melonand gets an error that it can't find the server05:21
Billiardsnuffy47: and what are you trying to do?05:21
lstarnesironsight: for karmic as a host, or as a guest?05:21
snuffy47Billiard: are the mount points on the server05:21
ironsighthost lstarnes05:21
Billiardsnuffy47: im talkin about mounting on your client, tahts the prob right?05:21
lstarnesironsight: virtualbox, kvm, or qemu05:21
snuffy47Billiard: When I try to save a file or webpage off the net I can not select these folders05:21
ironsightlstarnes, as in I want to run windoze in karmic05:22
Billiardsnuffy47: you are on another computer ?05:22
lstarnesironsight: for virtualbox, you can get the OSE edition from the repositories (virtualbox-ose) or download the full version from Sun05:22
snuffy47Billiard: Yes tring to save to headless server05:22
paddy_melonRashed2020, it is still not working05:22
lstarnes!virtualbox > ironsight05:22
ubottuironsight, please see my private message05:22
seidosthere's a cd-rom installation, i'll try that05:22
seidosthanks Nightlonewolf05:22
lstarnesironsight: I personally use kvm for its speed, but it is not as user-friendly as virtualbox05:22
snuffy47Billiard: I can write to them any other time but I have to save on desktop then move to server05:22
lstarnesironsight: qemu is very similar to kvm but also supports more processor architectures, but it isn't anywhere near as fast, although it does get some speed increases with the kqemu kernel module for guests using architectures like the host's05:23
Billiardsnuffy47: like i said accessing shares from the places menu doesnt really mount them i beleive05:24
lstarnesironsight: if you need an enterprise-class solution, consider Xen or vmware server05:24
asdqwehello. I am using rsync between two machines, however the destination requires a 'sudo -s' login from 'user' to 'root' in order to retrieve the data (direct root login not allowed) - what would I add to my options to allow this via rsync?05:24
usser_lstarnes, i personally found virtualbox to be just as enterprise ready as vmware server05:24
snuffy47Billiard: so I need to mount them on the client also05:24
StarcraftmazterDoes anyone know how to install grub on a mapped raid1 (hardware) mirror drive?05:24
ironsightlstarnes, not needing enterprise, just something at home for quick operations, installing virtualbox, thanks :D05:24
lstarnesironsight: which edition of virtualbox?05:25
snuffy47the client is an ubuntu desktop05:25
usser_lstarnes, the command line tools to control VMs in virtualbox are awesome. couple that with a small distro and ssh server and you almost got yourself a hypervisor :)05:25
Billiardsnuffy47: im not sure of the best way to do it but i would use autofs05:25
snuffy47Billiard: what is autofs05:26
Billiardsnuffy47: it can automount shares when you try to access them such as `cd /smb/servername/share`05:26
scunizilstarnes: usser_ vbox works great for one vm at a time.. vmware & xen is better for running multiple vm's at the same time.. personally I use vbox.. simple needs05:26
Billiardsnuffy47: then in unmounts them after inactivity05:26
ShuHaving trouble with my wireless USB device.  It's a Netgear WNDA3100 and I used the ar9170 driver from linux-wireless.org.  I'd also like to know how to get the ar9170usb module to load at boot time, but I'm not sure how.05:26
snuffy47Billiard: that will fix my problem05:26
Billiardsnuffy47: alright install autofs dont think its installed by default05:27
lstarnesscunizi: I've found kvm to be effective for running multiple vms05:27
scunizilstarnes: that too05:27
* ironsight only needs to run 1 on localhost once in a while05:27
snuffy47Billiard: this is a client ubuntu desktop connecting to a headless server you understand that right05:28
Billiardsnuffy47: yes05:28
joschtcan someone help with shutting down the X server sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesnt work and neither does sudo init 105:28
snuffy47Billiard: okay05:28
scunizijoscht: try simply "gdm stop05:28
snuffy47Billiard: sudo get-apt install autofs05:28
oddhyenahi. why did ubuntu set up the swap partition inside an extended partition in the default install settings? and what is the recommended swap size if my PC has 2.5gb of ram? i might also upgrade to 4gb of ram.05:28
joschtscunizi: and just gdm start to restart?05:28
lstarnesjoscht: try sudo service gdm stop05:28
Billiardsnuffy47: yea or the package manager05:29
scunizijoscht  yep05:29
Billiardsnuffy47: install smbfs as well not sure if its default05:30
=== andy is now known as Guest78321
ArmitageXHas anyone else been having problems with notify-send?05:31
snuffy47I am going to bed that is to much to take right now I thought it would be just a small thing but no as seems the norm with this linux stuff05:31
BilliardArmitageX: whats the prob?05:31
insm0doddhyena, it doesn't matter where the swap partition is located on the disk.  It could even be a file on the disk.  The swap file is also not too terribly important now because people have a massive amount of RAM installed.  On my 2 GB ram system barely 2/3 of it is ever used05:31
ArmitageXit only works half the time05:31
Billiardsnuffy47: it would only take like one more step after installing those05:31
ShuHaving trouble with my wireless USB device.  It's a Netgear WNDA3100 and I used the ar9170 driver from linux-wireless.org.  I'd also like to know how to get the ar9170usb module to load at boot time, but I'm not sure how.05:31
snuffy47Billiard: well autofs does not show up in package manger05:31
=== Guest78321 is now known as smeags
BilliardArmitageX: what does it do the other half of the time05:32
asdqweHow can I enable direct root login via SSH? Currently I have to use 'sudo -s' once logged in as a user to gain root, anybody?05:32
oddhyenayea, ubuntu took 6.14gb of my hard disk for use as swap, i should fix that05:32
smeagsshould i replace xp with xubunto on my netbook05:32
ArmitageXwhen I first startup, it seems to work fine, but after a bit it doesn't do anything05:32
paddy_melonCan someone help me with using a wireless card to connect to internet. The card is: BCM431205:32
Billiardsnuffy47: it should, try apt-get install then05:32
paddy_melonWhere can I get drivers05:33
storm_it is a problem05:33
syn-ackasdqwe, you really don't want direct root login enabled05:33
syn-ackasdqwe, Taht's a pretty big hole05:33
insm0doddhyena, I forgot to add, traditionally swap space was set up to be twice the amount of RAM05:33
ArmitageXI had to install libnotify-bin ... could that conflict or something?05:33
paddy_melondoes Swap HAVE to be 2 times the RAM?05:33
asdqwesyn-ack: I understand, it will just be for a short bit of time - plus, it's a closed network05:33
insm0dpaddy_melon, if you are running 9.10, you already have the driver installed, but you need the firmware05:33
paddy_melonwhere do I get the firmware05:33
paddy_melonand how do I install it05:34
jongieasdqwe: it is strongly discouraged to enable root lossing05:34
jongieasdqwe: it is strongly discouraged to enable root loggng05:34
insm0dpaddy_melon, follow this guide please: http://pastebin.com/m7eb6a94c05:34
paddy_melonthank U05:34
syn-ackasdqwe, And as such, I'm not really at liberty to explain the process05:34
* bintut waves05:35
asdqwesyn-ack: The problem I'm faced with is that I need to rsync a large amount of data that is mounted on the source (and only accessible via root) - so either I allow direct root login or, perhaps you know how to allow rsync to perform a 'sudo -s' ?05:35
ShuHaving trouble with my wireless USB device.  It's a Netgear WNDA3100 and I used the ar9170 driver from linux-wireless.org.  I'd also like to know how to get the ar9170usb module to load at boot time, but I'm not sure how.05:35
chu_Mmm, must have downloaded a bad ISO05:35
Shuinsm0d, how do I check how much RAM I have?05:36
bintuti'm confused. where is the configuration stored after you execute the command: vconfig add <interface> <vlan_id> ?05:36
syn-ackasdqwe, man sudoers05:36
snuffy47Billiard: okay both installed05:36
insm0dShu, the system monitor will likely tell you, not sure how to get there from jaunty though05:36
BlackEyeshow do i drop completely out of the gui interface and straight into the shell05:36
Billiardsnuffy47: gksudo gedit /etc/auto.master05:37
syn-ackasdqwe, also, check out the manpage for rsync05:37
ShuGo tit insm0d05:37
Shugot it*05:37
Billiardsnuffy47: remove the # from the line with /smb05:37
kostkonBlackEyes, alt+f1-f6, alt+f7 to return05:37
asdqwesyn-ack: I would not be asking here if I was able to figure out something from both searches and mans..05:37
smeagshave you guys totally gotten rid of xp05:38
syn-ackasdqwe, Well, what you're wanting to do is really out of the scope of this channel, so all I can do is direct you there.05:38
Shuinsm0d, Memory is RAM? Because I have 2GB and it says only 994MB... and what's swap?05:38
BoredKendersyn-ack, this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36626905:38
snuffy47cannt move the curser in there05:38
syn-acksmeags, A long time ago05:38
jongieShu: you may also try using sysinfo - a GUI based system info gathering tool, run from the terminal sudo apt-get install sysinfo05:38
Billiardsnuffy47: ?05:38
lstarnesShu: swap is program memory stored on a hard disk or swap file05:38
kostkonsmeags, never had xp05:39
BoredKenderasdqwe, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36626905:39
kamiyay_whoo ubuntu05:39
snuffy47Billiard: I use nano and the cursur will not move in that file05:39
joschtcant restart my x server whenever i do it just stays black.... can someone advise ,e?05:39
ShuHaving trouble with my wireless USB device.  It's a Netgear WNDA3100 and I used the ar9170 driver from linux-wireless.org.  I'd also like to know how to get the ar9170usb module to load at boot time, but I'm not sure how.05:39
BlackEyeskostkon did you mean cntrl + alt +f1-f6?05:39
snuffy47Billiard: will need exit either crashed or something05:40
Billiardsnuffy47: i use nano too, well the cursor always moved for me, try gedit lol05:40
kamiyay_does anyone know how to connect to freenode?05:40
lstarneskamiyay_: this is freenode05:40
kamiyay_is it really05:40
lstarneskamiyay_: yes05:40
kostkonBlackEyes, oh. sorry. so the combo is ctrl+alt? ok05:40
scunizisnuffy47: you have to use the arrow keys.. not the mouse.. just in case you haven''t done that05:40
lstarneskamiyay_: ubuntu's servers are just aliases for freenode's servers05:40
carlowHi, my brightness is working from the FN keys on my aspire one (ubuntu 9.10) however the OSD is not showing and the brightness applet is not working either. Any suggestions?05:40
joschtafter ctrl+alt+backspace how do u start x server?05:40
BlackEyesis there a keyboard shortcut to lock the desktop?05:41
Billiardsnuffy47: o i know why, you used gksudo with nano05:41
snuffy47I am I wass editing files like 10 mins ago this master file the cursor will not move05:41
kamiyay_lstarnes: nice05:41
joschtBlackEyes: ctrl+alt+l05:41
paddy_melonHey guys, is there something I can download to install 9.10 without using the manager or anything more to download because, the installer keeps hanging on the download05:41
Billiardsnuffy47: gotta just use sudo with nano05:41
paddy_melonwhen I try to hit no network, it still uses the network05:41
paddy_melonand alternate CD still needs to download05:41
insm0dShu, swap is part of your hard drive that linux treats as ram.  It automatically puts memory there that it doesn't need to access regularly, but is vital.05:42
BlackEyes:) im starting to realise maybe i should see if there is a list of commonly used keyboard shortcuts lol05:42
BlackEyesand ty joscht ^_^05:42
paddy_melonthe upgrade manager keeps crashing and saying servers cannot be found05:42
snuffy47Billiard: okay # removed from smb05:42
scuniziBlackEyes: it makes things much easier..:)05:42
sivanghi all05:42
paddy_melonsame with my apt-get05:42
jongiejoscht: how about a kb shortcut for logout in 9.10?05:42
paddy_melonany ideas?05:42
Billiardsnuffy47: sudo service autofs restart05:42
carlowHi, my brightness is working from the FN keys on my aspire one (ubuntu 9.10) however the OSD is not showing and the brightness applet is not working either. Any suggestions?05:42
sivangsudo passwd -l root doesn't seem to lock the user05:42
sivangI can still sudo su - root05:42
sivangfrom a sudo'able account05:42
Billiardsivang: remove them from the admin group?05:43
BlackEyesscunizi no doubt, now if only i could figure out why i randomly lose sound, and have minor lock ups :) id be a much happier camper05:43
sivangBilliard: right, but then I have no way of doing admin stuff on the server05:43
snuffy47Billiard: done05:43
ShuAnyone who can help, I need it \. Having trouble with my wireless USB device.  It's a Netgear WNDA3100 and I used the ar9170 driver from linux-wireless.org.  I'd also like to know how to get the ar9170usb module to load at boot time, but I'm not sure how.05:43
Billiardsnuffy47: then try to access /smb/servername/sharename05:43
sivangcarlow: this is acer ?05:43
kamiyay_virtualbox with 9.10 is pretty amazing05:43
smeagsis there a way to share files on a network with windows05:43
carlowYeah, acer aspire one running 9.1005:43
sivangcarlow: odd, I have a compaq mini running 9.10 and everything seems to work OOTB, I understood from someone they are sharing much in common hardware wise05:44
Billiardsivang: if the user is able to become root they can always change there password, i dont see how you can get around that05:44
paddy_melonAnybody help me?05:44
snuffy47Billiard: When I go to save a webpage I can not see the shares05:44
jongieShu: post the output of the command dmesg05:44
snuffy47just my local files05:44
paddy_melonHey guys, is there something I can download to install 9.10 without using the manager or anything more to download because, the installer keeps hanging on the download05:44
bazhangpaddy_melon, paste.ubuntu.com with the errors05:45
Billiardsnuffy47: can you go to /smb/servername/sharename05:45
scunizi!install } paddy_melon05:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:45
carlowThe brightness works from the FN keys but it doesnt show the OSD and looks like the machine acts like theres no brightness option05:45
snuffy47Billiard: But the shares are in places05:45
scunizi!install | paddy_melon05:45
ubottupaddy_melon: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate05:45
Billiardsnuffy47: yes i know05:45
* denis_k wonders if anybody can help him with a partition resize05:45
snuffy47Billiard: ??05:45
Shujongie, this is on my other computer05:45
Billiardsnuffy47: can you go to /smb/servername/sharename05:45
ArmitageXdoes libnotify1 have a way to send notifications?05:45
Billiardsnuffy47: does it work?05:45
Heliusanyone know if u can manage partitions with the ubuntu live cd05:45
bazhangdenis_k, use a gparted live cd or an ubuntu live cd gparted05:45
scuniziHelius: sure.. gparted.. also known as partition manager in system>admin05:46
smeagsanyone elses computer mics not work05:46
denis_kbazhang, I tried that but my empty space is before the beginning of my ext4 partition05:46
jongieShu: do you have access to that computer so that we can see the output of dmesg, as well lsusb05:46
simonmy terminal font isn't unicode. I tried adding this line in my .Xresources and restart X, but didn't work. xterm.font: -*-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*05:46
carlowCan anyone help me out? Brightness OSD not working on my Aspire one.05:46
denis_kso it wont let me resize05:46
jongieShu: post the output at pastebin.com05:46
snuffy47smiths@smiths-laptop1:~$ /smb/ubuntu/movies105:47
snuffy47bash: /smb/ubuntu/movies1: No such file or directory05:47
Shuthe other ocmputer doesn't have internet access jongie ...05:47
paddy_melonguys, doesn't help05:47
Shuthat's the problem jongie05:47
Billiardsnuffy47: how about just /smb05:47
snuffy47Billiard: I donnt understand where you want me to go05:47
bazhangpaddy_melon, paste.ubuntu.com with the errors05:47
joschtwhy does my nvidia x server settings when i try to apply says "unable to create new X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup" ???05:47
bazhangpaddy_melon, doesnt work/doesnt help wont get it fixed05:48
snuffy47smiths@smiths-laptop1:~$ /smb/ubuntu/movies105:48
snuffy47bash: /smb/ubuntu/movies1: No such file or directory05:48
Billiardsnuffy47: can you go to just /smb05:48
snuffy47bash: /smb: is a directory05:48
insm0djongie, I helped Shu compile the module and install it.  I might be able to help you Shu doesn't know about somehting05:48
scunizijoscht: start the appelate with sudo first05:48
joschtoh ok05:48
snuffy47do you want me to cd05:49
joschtlet me try and i will reply05:49
denis_kIs it possible to resize/increase the size of a partition towards the beginning of it? My ext4 is at the end of my drive and I want to extend it towards the beginning.05:49
Billiardsnuffy47: yea05:49
snuffy47to that dir05:49
carlowThe brightness works from the FN keys but it doesnt show the OSD and looks like the machine acts like theres no brightness option05:49
snuffy47but these shares are on my server05:49
bazhangnono, what about it05:49
denis_ktried gparted, didn't work nono05:49
Billiardsnuffy47: yes i know, autofs will automatically mount the shares here05:49
joschtscunizi:  what command to start nvidia-settings?05:50
denis_kit wouldn't let me when i had 80gb of freespace...so try partitionmagic?05:50
Billiardsnuffy47: when you try to access them05:50
NightlonewolfCarlow, it might not be possible (my Acer Travelmate works with OSD and brightness though05:50
scunizijoscht: sudo nvidia-settings05:50
scunizijoscht: or sudo nvidia-xconfig05:50
bazhanggksudo with graphical apps joscht scunizi05:50
snuffy47Billiard: so what did u want me to do05:50
joschtscunizi: thanks it works now i will try it again05:51
scunizibazhang: joscht yep.. sorry forgot about that05:51
DanaGMy brightness hotkeys work, but auto-changing on ac-power plug or unplug does not, and the old-style OSD (I DESPISE notify-osd) does not work.05:51
jongieinsm0d: ok, i hope Shu will be able successfully install the driver and get the card working.05:51
Billiardsnuffy47: what is your server name? ubuntu? you can ping it with ping ubuntu?05:51
snuffy47I can write to the shares05:51
syn-ackDanaG, see, I'm the other way around... my hotkeys don't work05:51
carlowDanaG, I'm having the OSD problem tho05:51
snuffy47that is not the problem05:51
carlowmy hotkeys work05:51
StarcraftmazterDoes anyone know how to install grub on a raid1 drive from a livecd? Either grub1 or 205:51
snuffy47yes I can05:51
Shujongie, I think we have the drivers working and evrything05:52
Billiardsnuffy47: i really do know what the problem is, maybe it seems like i dont lol05:52
joschtscunizi: when i do ctrl+alt+f4 and then go back with ctrl+alt+f7 x server doesnt restaart05:52
Billiardsnuffy47: try to cd /smb/ubuntu05:52
denis_kIs there a difference if partitions are set as logical or primary when resizing?05:52
BlackEyesis there a way to boot in 8.04 with out coming into the gui?05:52
snuffy47I can not ping to the ubuntu only to IP05:52
snuffy47I can not ping to the ubuntu only to IP05:52
ShuI need help setting up the wireless internet. Like, after I plug it in, I can't connect to any wireless network05:52
legend2440joscht: try alt+f705:52
scunizijoscht: I haven't played with 9.10 yet.. still running 8.04 & 8.1005:53
ShuI put in my network name and password, and nothing happens05:53
Billiardsnuffy47: ok then cd /smb/ipaddress05:53
snuffy47I can not ping to the ubuntu only to IP05:53
nonodenis_k:parted /dev/sda resize 1 52Mb 104Mb mkfs 2 fat1605:53
Billiardsnuffy47: you dont have to say it 8 times, also say my name so i can see the messages easier05:53
joschtscunizi: oh yea im on 9.0405:53
snuffy47cd /smb/
Billiardsnuffy47: yea05:53
scunizijoscht: and I typically install the nvidia drivers direct from nvidia.. it's not for everyone but for me it works.05:53
SuBsAmgood morning friends05:53
Billiardsnuffy47: does it work?05:53
denis_knono: ok ill do some reading then :P05:54
joschtlegend2440: alt+f7 just grabs the window??05:54
SuBsAmhow r u ?05:54
snuffy47Billiard: I am in the cd you asked05:54
laoerREGISTER precious007 laoer@msn.com05:54
jongieinsm0d: btw, i'd like to ask if it is possible to access windows 7 from karmic thru samba05:54
insm0djongie no, he has the driver installed and the firmware.  He just doesn't know how to get the card running, and I'm not sure how to make the module autoload on boot.  It's int /lib/modules/[kernel-ver]/updates not /lib/modules/[kernel-ver]/kernel/05:54
SuBsAmmay i have asking about flash ?05:54
Billiardsnuffy47: ls05:54
syn-ackjongie, I don't see why not...05:54
bazhanglaoer, do that again in the server window05:55
snuffy47do I need to paste bin it brought up the 2 shares05:55
Billiardsnuffy47: cd to one of them05:55
Billiardthen ls05:55
insm0djongie, I'm not sure, but if 7 has filesharing set up properly, it shouldn't be a problem05:55
legend2440joscht: well here  alt+f7 and ctrl+alt+f7  returns to X05:55
Billiardsnuffy47: it should list your files?05:56
snuffy47Billiard: smiths@smiths-laptop1:/smb/$05:56
Billiardsnuffy47: ??05:56
SuBsAmi have broplem with flash chat ??05:57
snuffy47it just listed the same to dirs05:57
jongiesyn-ack: i got to meet some users here having problems with accessing win7, i did try myself configured the win7 box its file sharing properties to allow everyone to access but to no avail05:57
Billiardsnuffy47: did you install smbfs?05:57
snuffy47Billiard: yes05:57
joschtlegengd2440: oh ok but how can i restart my x server?05:57
syn-ackjongie, hrm, probably due to that new homegroups bs05:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnomeshell05:57
snuffy47what is paste bin addy again05:58
Billiardsnuffy47: so you did `cd sharename`05:58
linuxuz3ranyone using gnomeshell?05:58
SuBsAmany body here have an idea with flash chat05:58
legend2440joscht: you using koala05:58
Billiardsnuffy47: pastie.org works, but you dont need to paste it05:58
Billiardsnuffy47: you cded to one of the shares?05:58
lao5i combined apache2 and tomcat6 today. now i want to set the apache2 main page to index.jsp, which is located in tomcat6. I modified the apache2.conf and dir.conf, but it doesn't take effect. could anyone help me,pls?. thanks.05:58
jongiesyn-ack, insm0d : i'd like to verify since our resource person during the training told us that win7 uses a new netbios protocol which at this moment ubuntu or some *nix cannot communicate with..05:58
snuffy47cd /smb/
syn-acklinuxuz3r, its gnome-terminal.05:59
snuffy47smiths@smiths-laptop1:/smb/$ ls05:59
syn-ackjongie, I'd likely agree with him seeing how I use Windows 7 also...05:59
Billiardsnuffy47: and what does it list? the files or the shares again05:59
snuffy47shares again05:59
Billiardsnuffy47: make sure smbfs is installed06:00
syn-ackjongie, now, I don't see why you cant use windows 7 on a windows 2000 style samba share... that shouldnt be an issue06:00
legend2440joscht: to enable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace in karmic   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enabledisable-ctrlaltbackspace-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html06:00
Billiardsnuffy47: you said you installed it? double check, try to install it again06:00
snuffy47smbfs is already the newest version.06:01
fallorei would like my backspace button to do the "back" command in firefox (and wherever applicable, actually). how can i do this?06:01
jongiesyn-ack: yes, i hope you could find a solution to this issue..06:01
Billiardsnuffy47: odd06:01
linuxuz3rcan you have compiz and xinerama running at the same time?06:02
Billiardsnuffy47: do you need a password for these shares?06:02
snuffy47Billiard: yes06:02
linuxuz3ri mean desktop effects?06:02
linuxuz3rsnuffy47, do you know?06:02
insm0djongie, that could be possible...  I would think if it ONLY used a new incompatable protocol, XP and Vista wouldnt' be able to connect to a 7 box06:02
jongiesyn-ack: until now i have been googling for past several days on this issue06:02
snuffy47Billiard: setup with user group and 3 users06:02
snuffy47Billiard: 2 ubuntu machines and 1 xp06:02
SetiAmonhey i'm recovering from regressing back to jaunty from karmic and i need someone to refresh me on a few things06:03
Billiardsnuffy47: ok thats probably the prob.. ive never used autofs for shares with passwords lemme look around sorry06:03
SetiAmonif i download Sreadahead package it configures itself right?there isn't anything more I have to do right?06:03
snuffy47Billiard: all I want to do is beable to save a webpage to the shares in question06:03
syn-ackjongie, Yeah, I'd think it should be able to be backwards compat... everything damn near in MS is from one version to another... and I know for a fact that 2003 PDC have limited06:04
syn-ack's have limited control over 7 clients06:04
Billiardsnuffy47: yes, sorry, i know lol06:04
=== sebi` is now known as stuhlbein
snuffy47I also have shares on this putter06:04
joschtthanks  for helping me before i restarted and i have the separate x screen but how do i get stuff there?06:05
=== alexan is now known as billy_maze
snuffy47my shares are setup properly but I can not browse for them when I go to save something from the web on the client.  Or if I want to open a word doc ect06:06
Billiardsnuffy47: yes i know, wanna pm me06:06
paddy_melonIs there anything wrong with the Aussie Ubuntu servers?06:07
paddy_melonThey don't work for me since like a week ago06:07
prappl93How do I restart my sound card or sound manager?06:08
bazhangpaddy_melon, paste.ubuntu.com with the errors yet?06:09
paddy_melonwriting it now06:09
paddy_melonone sec06:09
simonprappl93, you could try: sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart06:09
fallorei would like my backspace button to do the "back" command in firefox (and wherever applicable, actually). how can i do this?06:09
Nautilusin a fairly new 8.04 install, where would the ssh key file typically go?06:10
ageebusser_, can i pm you?06:10
BluetoothMousecan anyone help me get my Microsoft Bluetooth notebook mouse 5000 working?06:10
prappl93Okay, the only programs I have told to run that are working right now are XChat and Pidgin... I told FireFox to open but it hasn't yet.06:10
socrateesI'm trying to generate a latex document based on the tufte-latex class, and i get this error. "phvr8t+200ls: Unable to find a TFM or OFM file" Does anyone know how i can fix this?06:11
prappl93I also opened Sound Preferences and it is doing nothing.06:11
dylan__would anyone have any idea why my webcam isnt working on website's with flash applications that are supposed to use them like stickam?06:11
socratees I'm able to convert the tex file to dvi, and later when i use dvipdfm to convert the dvi file to pdf, i receive this error.06:11
dylan__it's an internal webcam on a laptop06:11
prappl93dylan__,  have you ran "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" yet in Terminal?06:11
=== root is now known as Guest1547
paddy_melonvan U help:06:13
paddy_melonPlz guys?06:13
paddy_melonAny issues with Aussie servers?06:13
paddy_melonShould I try a different mirror?06:13
bazhangpaddy_melon, that is not an error message06:13
bazhangpaddy_melon, you could06:14
paddy_melonno it is not06:14
paddy_melonI'm doing the dist upgrade to get the error06:14
bazhanggo to software sources and choose another mirror06:14
paddy_melonthe error is simply that the connection to the server timed out06:14
paddy_melonI'll try a different mirror.06:14
bazhangthen reload06:14
dylan__prappl93: it didnt help :/06:15
paddy_melonhow long should the whole upgrade take anyway06:15
laskesHey, anyone here stumbled across GASP issues with Karmic?06:15
paddy_melonfound out the issue with apt06:15
=== root is now known as Guest51727
bazhangpaddy_melon, from jaunty to karmic? what is your download speed06:16
paddy_melonyep, Jaunty to Karmic06:16
paddy_melondl speed is like 10 mbit06:16
paddy_melonor something06:16
bazhangtook me around 20 minutes with that speed06:17
paddy_melonoh... good06:17
paddy_melonI'll try06:17
paddy_melonwhy the hell is this so screwed up?06:17
zedsterhi I have an intel 3945 wifi card that keeps cutting out and will only work again if I modprobe -r iwl3945 and reload it modprobe iwl394506:17
bazhangpaddy_melon, no idea, sometimes switching mirrors fixes it06:17
zedsterhttp://pastebin.com/d1815bff3 heres the pastbin of my dmesg06:17
=== andy is now known as Guest19752
paddy_melonok thanks06:18
paddy_melonbazhang, should I use the update manager update or, my alternate CD update?06:18
bazhangpaddy_melon, up to you, either has worked for me in the past.06:19
coreymanWhen i try to install libapache2-svn I get this error,... Could not enable dependency dav for dav_svn,.... what does that mean?06:19
Guest19752anyone have an eeepc?06:19
bazhangGuest19752, yes06:19
homercycleswhere should I now remap buttons 2 and 8 on my mouse if xorg.conf is now auto-generated and I shouldn't really edit it? I'm using karmic. thanks06:19
damagednoobGuest19752, yes06:20
bazhangGuest19752, lets keep it in channel please06:20
zedsterbazhang: you've helped me before, can you give my dmesg output http://pastebin.com/d1815bff3 a quick look and tell if you see why my wifi drivers are going to hell?06:21
bazhangzedster, which version of ubuntu and what chipset for the wifi06:21
damagednoobGuest19752, what os are you using on your eeepc?06:21
laoerhow to log in?06:22
zedsterbazhang: 9.10, intel3945 with iwl3945 driver06:22
bazhangzedster, this an upgrade or a fresh install; is there a on/off switch for the nic06:22
jebbajebanyone know of a program to display disk activity in the panel?  I don't me a graph, just like a disk light LED, but on the panel.06:23
zedsterfresh, and yes on off switch06:23
bazhangzedster, does ifconfig show it ; I have the exact same chipset and a fresh install and it gets it no issues06:23
albechanyone else having problems connecting to ubuntu06:24
zedsterbazhang: yep, as wlan006:24
albechubuntuOne that is06:24
bazhangalbech, the website?06:24
laoerim new06:24
SuBsAmhay friends any body know about download programs ?06:24
src04c_what programs?06:24
bazhangzedster, is the hotspot open or encrypted06:24
albechbazhang, keyboard spasms.. i was meant to type UbuntuOne06:24
SuBsAmdownloading programs06:24
zedsterbazhang: dd-wrt +wpa2-aes06:24
SuBsAmi need a fast program like idm in win06:25
zedsteridm? what does it do06:25
src04c_subsam: what programs do you speak of, are they not in the respoitories?06:25
Guest19752damagednoob: so do your internal mics work06:25
popkornlates all thanx for lettin me watch gnite06:25
SuBsAminternet download manger06:25
bazhangSuBsAm, aria206:25
coreymanAnyone able to install libapache2-svn ?06:25
damagednoobyeah they do, but i use easy pc on my eeepc06:26
bazhangzedster, let me check the forums on how to configure that06:26
damagednoobsorry, easypeasy06:26
damagednoobGuest19752, what version of ubuntu are you running?06:26
SuBsAminter net down load manger make the fload ile 4 pecs or 8 or 16 and down load peace by peace06:26
wgrantcoreyman: Yes. Why?06:26
zedsterbazhang: I know it broke when I was trying to get wifi working on my os x partition (which I since nuked)06:26
Guest19752damagednoob: xubuntu 9.1006:27
SuBsAminter net down load manger make the file  4 pecs or 8 or 16 and down load peace by peace06:27
bazhangSuBsAm, I gave you an application06:27
SuBsAmthis is the fastest downloader in win06:27
paddy_melonhow do I get into a file with spaces in it?06:27
paddy_melonI mean folder06:27
SuBsAmi need brogram like it in linux06:27
bazhangaria2 SuBsAm06:28
laoerNick Serv-You are not logged in.      anybody help me?06:28
bazhanglaoer, please ask in #freenode06:28
Jeruvypaddy_melon: use quotes "like this"06:28
damagednoobGuest19752, is it a new install or an upgrade?06:28
paddy_melonwhois paddy_melon06:28
SuBsAmk friend thanx06:28
bazhanglaoer, /join #freenode06:28
coreymanwgrant for some reason its telling me it could not enable dependancy dav for dav_svn and it aborts install06:28
paddy_melonok thanks Jeruvy06:28
Guest19752damagedasnoob: im using wubi06:28
damagednooband did it work before?06:28
wgrantcoreyman: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?06:28
damagednoobso you were running windows on it?06:29
Guest19752the mics work in windows06:29
coreymanwgrant Ubuntu 9.0406:29
q0_0pcan i copy a iso to a dvd using dd command?06:29
ageebif i have 2 HDD's and ubuntu is sda and windows is sdb... where should grub be installed?06:29
cn28hwould you consider it a bug that the command-not-found handler for bash doesn't report any error if the command has embedded spaces in its name? it seems odd to me06:29
wgrantcoreyman: What happens if you 'sudo a2enmod dav'?06:29
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:30
coreymanwgrant ERROR: Module dav does not exist!06:30
coreymanwgrant let me tell you a story about what i did.06:30
Billiardageeb: on the one your bios looks at06:30
damagednoobGuest19752, sorry, not sure what the problem could be, i run ubuntu exclusively on my eeepc06:30
usser_ageeb, make windows hdd bootable in bios and install grub  to mbr of that hdd06:31
damagednoobGuest19752, have you tried an ubuntu live cd?06:31
Guest19752has anyone with an eeepc netbook been able to get the mics to work06:31
coreymanwgrant i had set up apache/mysql/php all manually and set up virtualhosts and all those goodies... i then installed virtualmin and figured out my old settings were screwing with virtualmin creating new vhosts.... so then i uninstalled virtualmin, uninstalled apache2, uninstalled php5, deleted the apache2 directory... then i installed a clean apache2 via sudo apt-get install apache2, and tried installing virtualmin again and i'm getting this error about l06:32
wgrantcoreyman: As in you removed /etc/apache2?06:32
albechGuest19752, yes it is working fine in 9.10 i had to turn up the input volume though.. for some reason it randomly turn it down06:32
coreymanwgrant yes06:32
wgrantcoreyman: Ah. That wasn't particularly wise.06:32
coreymanwgrant :(06:32
wgrantcoreyman: apt-get remove --purge *apache2*06:32
fallorei would like my backspace button to do the "back" command in firefox (and wherever applicable, actually). how can i do this?06:33
albechGuest19752, and that is on a eeepc06:33
coreymanwgrant what do i do now then?06:33
wgrantcoreyman: The --purge will properly obliterate all configuration, so the config files will be revived when you reinstall.06:33
SuBsAmbazhang hey06:33
bazhangSuBsAm, hi06:33
SuBsAmwhere can i found this prgram06:33
SuBsAmprogram *06:33
tadpolecan anybody help me please? i have a dell inspiron 1525 laptop, and i want to know how to connect it to a wireless network.06:33
SetiAmonwhen booting everything reads out twice,its a annoyance as i don't think it is interferring with operation but does anyone knows why everything intializing says it twice06:33
ageebusser_, i'm confused because it doesn't matter which disc i install windows to, it will boot06:34
bazhangSuBsAm, sudo apt-get install aria206:34
zedsterfallore: in firefox I think its in about:config06:34
bazhangzedster, are you using network manager or wicd for that wireless06:34
ArmitageXSo, there is no notify-send without libnotify-bin (It's not part of libnotify1)?? Is there maybe another command?06:34
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jebbajebhow do i add a repository that has mplayer?  My current sources.list.d is:    deb http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/updates/ jaunty-araneo public06:35
Thesambassadorhey everyone, can anybody help me with restoring Grub2?  I am having a LOT of trouble with it...06:35
zedsterbazhang: network manager gnome06:35
ageebThesambassador, join the club06:35
ThesambassadorI installed Ubuntu, then Windows 7, which ate my grub install (as expected)06:35
bazhangzedster, does it show your hotspot? and if so, does it allow you to enter the wireless password06:36
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:36
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ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs06:36
bazhangThesambassador, the grub wiki above should cover it06:36
i_is_brokethats all i know06:36
warren1234Hello Room, Does anyone know a program for ubuntu that is like Macromedia Flash?06:36
Thesambassadorbut... after following like 6 different online tutorials, the end result was always that I had to Chroot, and Chroot always gives me an ext failure or something06:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:36
warren1234to make animations06:36
BluetoothMousecan anyone help me get my Microsoft Bluetooth notebook mouse 5000 working?06:36
bazhangwarren1234, nothing like that exists in linux06:37
coreymanwgrant how do i get apache2 dir back the way it was so I can continue with libapache2-svn? :(06:37
wgrantcoreyman: As I said, purge all Apache-related packages.06:37
warren1234there is no way for me to creat animations then?06:37
wgrantcoreyman: 'sudo apt-get remove --purge *apache*' might do it.06:37
AkhilNambiarhhey anyone can help me out of grub206:37
paddy_melonBazhang... got a bigger issue... so, still won't work so, I go into software sources, then add a source and ask for it to choose the best based on my connection but, it comes back with an error saying no Source is Optimal, please check your internet connection but... my internet is fine06:37
AkhilNambiarsome problem with grub06:37
bazhangAkhilNambiar, ask a question then06:38
AkhilNambiarpls ping me.... if anyof u can06:38
Guest19752has anyone with an eeepc netbook been able to get the mics to work06:38
ganymedethis was a bit unclear to me: suppose i install a package (say google chrome) with dpkg -i, then later, i download a deb of a newer version. do i have to uninstall the previous version before running dkpg -i on the new version? or should i install the new version without removing the old one and expect it to update all necessary files?06:38
coreymanwgrant oh i thought you ment that is whati should have done06:38
albechAkhilNambiar, !question06:38
Thesambassadoruhg... nothing helps with anything...06:38
bazhangpaddy_melon, and you refreshed the sources.list ?06:38
paddy_meloner... no06:39
albechAkhilNambiar, !ask06:39
paddy_melonwhere's that06:39
albechgrr i cannot remember those commands ;)06:39
paddy_melonExact error:06:39
paddy_melonNo suitable download server was found06:39
ganymedealbech: i think you usually pipe the command to the user like this: !question | albech06:39
paddy_melonPlease check your internet connection06:39
jebbajebsaji: i see a number of mplayer programs (e.g. gnome-mplayer) but no mplayer itself. Could it be mplayer isn't building on ARM or something?06:39
bazhangAkhilNambiar, keep it in channel NOT PM06:39
albechganymede, both used to work i believe or maybe im mixing the channels up ;)06:40
nonix4(faq?) how do I control volume by channel / mute one of them at will without that weird gnome applet muting all of them?06:40
bazhangpaddy_melon, I am trying to help.06:40
paddy_melonwhere's sources.list06:40
lstarnespaddy_melon: /etc/apt06:40
bazhangpaddy_melon, you need to refresh the sources.list06:40
paddy_melonhow do I do that?06:40
paddy_melonBazhang? Annyone?06:41
AkhilNambiari installed karmic. i then updated to grub latest version. after that i installed windows7 for testing. my mbr was updated by win. after that i can't connect to linux. while using live cd. i can open linux drive access files but can't reinstall grub. pls help to get right06:42
Thesambassadoranybody know anything about this error:  chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error06:42
bazhangpaddy_melon, lets close the software sources first06:42
wgrantThesambassador: I wonder if you're using a 32-bit live CD, but your installation is 64-bit.06:42
Thesambassadorwhat's the easiest way to tell?06:42
Thesambassadori definitely installed with 64 bit06:42
bazhangpaddy_melon, now cat /etc/apt/sources.list ---> paste.ubuntu.com06:42
lstarnesThesambassador: in the cd, uname -m06:43
Thesambassadorguessing that's not 64 bit06:43
lstarnesThesambassador: that's 32-bit06:43
sajijebbajeb,have you enabled all the repositories?06:43
Thesambassadoroooh man.06:43
Thesambassadormy friend is dumb :p06:43
zedsterbazhang: fixed it!06:43
FloodBot1Thesambassador: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
sajijebbajeb,have you enabled all the repositories?06:43
bazhangzedster, how?06:43
coreymanwgrant still getting the error06:43
wgrantcoreyman: You made sure that lots of Apache stuff was purged?06:44
wgrantcoreyman: Does /etc/apache2 look a bit less empty now?06:44
zedsterbazhang: reinstalled the backports-modules06:44
bazhangzedster, nice :)06:44
zedsterbazhang: ya, thanks!06:44
bazhangzedster, you did it all :)06:44
coreymanwgrant hmm... dav_svn is in mods-available now06:45
wgrantjebbajeb: You're not using an official version of Ubuntu.06:45
paddy_melonhere's my sources.list:06:45
beninglong life open source06:45
fallorezedster, thanks! you were right. i went into about:config and changed the value of browser.backspace_action from 2 to 0. thanks again!06:45
coreymanwgrant no it still looks the same06:45
bazhangpaddy_melon, the karmic cd is in your sources.list06:46
paddy_melondoes it need to be taken out?06:46
bazhangpaddy_melon, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:46
bazhangpaddy_melon, put a # in front of those entries06:47
wgrantcoreyman: Did you purge apache2.2-common?06:47
jebbajebsaji: well, i have these two listed, no more. If it's listed, isn't it enabled then?06:47
jebbajebdeb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ jaunty main universe multiverse restricted06:47
jebbajebdeb http://netbook-remix.archive.canonical.com/updates/ jaunty-araneo public06:47
paddy_melonok thanks06:47
nono je suis raide mais stable06:47
paddy_melonbazhang, done06:48
bazhangpaddy_melon, also # in front of 57 and 62-6606:48
wgrantjebbajeb: Ubuntu 9.04 does not support mplayer on armel.06:48
wgrantjebbajeb: 9.10 does, however.06:48
coreymanwgrant i think that did it06:48
Guest19752has anyone with an eeepc netbook been able to get the mics to work06:48
wgrantcoreyman: Excellent.06:48
bazhangnono, #ubuntu-fr pour francais06:48
coreymanwgrant what exactly did purge do?06:48
paddy_melonBazhang, done06:49
bazhangpaddy_melon, once that is done then save and close the document06:49
wgrantcoreyman: Removes all of the config files. Normally config files are not touched by packages once your modify them, so it doesn't rudely clobber your changes.06:49
paddy_melonbut, that wouldn't mean I couldn't connect to the servers... would it06:49
AkhilNambiari installed karmic beta. then i updated my karmic. the grub was also updated. i the installed windows7 which updated my mbr. i can boot using live cd. but can't install grub by methods on the net. pls help me to restore mbr. if not grub2 at least grub with option of both win and linux.06:49
bazhangpaddy_melon, we will see06:49
sajijebbajeb, I think you got your answer06:49
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.06:49
wgrantcoreyman: By purging the package, you cause it to ignore your local configuration (which happens to be deletion, in this case).06:49
jebbajebwgrant: ah, thx for the info.   dist-upgrading to it dangerous?  (this on sharp netwwalker).    saji thx06:49
coreymanwgrant ahh.06:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:49
wgrantjebbajeb: I don't know. You are not using an official version of Ubuntu that we can support.06:50
sajijebbajeb, np..06:50
bazhangpaddy_melon, now open a terminal06:50
coreymanwgrant it just uploads the svn version06:50
coreymanwgrant or download w/e06:50
bazhangand sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get upgrade06:50
wgrantcoreyman: Hm?06:50
coreymanwgrant purge just downloads all the default versions of the configurations06:50
jebbajebwgrant: it is listed as an ubuntu port using ubuntu's repository. Is there another #chan for the ports?06:50
wgrantcoreyman: Right.06:50
wgrantjebbajeb: You have a custom Canonical archive in your sources.list.06:51
paddy_melonumm... the question mark in the source list06:51
Merlin_How do I add a guest to ubuntu server (with an X server)?06:51
wgrantjebbajeb: Who knows what that does...06:51
jebbajeb"Ubuntu Netbook Remix"06:51
paddy_melonshould that be removed, Bazhang06:51
jebbajebah, gotcha.06:51
ArmitageXis there a way to restart the notification daemon without rebooting?06:51
bazhangpaddy_melon, should what be removed06:51
ninjahI'm unable to burn a CD in 9.10. Just says preparing to write. Anyone have any suggestions?06:51
bazhangpaddy_melon, sure06:52
paddy_melonthe question mark in line one06:52
paddy_melonok thanks06:52
bazhangninjah, using what to burn06:52
paddy_melonBazhang, done... now what?06:52
ninjahbazhang: gnome06:52
bazhangpaddy_melon, sudo apt-get update (assuming you  saved the file first)06:52
bazhangninjah, what application06:53
ninjahbazhang: I right lick the iso and say write to disk06:53
paddy_melonBazhang, YAY, connected to the server... updating now06:53
bthorntonI've been having some nasty behavior with my wifi card since upgrading to Karmic. It seems I've been able to resolve it by manually disabling power management. Is there a way I can keep it from being disabled in the first place (i.e. on module load)?06:53
ninjahbazhang: the built in burning software in gnome06:53
bthorntonThe driver in question, by the way, is rt61pci .06:53
sajiAkhilNambiar, please check this link- http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-grub-2-after-reinstalling-windows-xpvistawin706:53
bazhangpaddy_melon, it was the ? I would guess, though the karmic cd would have been the next block06:53
mrkrisanyone here use Xen?06:54
paddy_melonBazhang, been on 1% for about a minute now...06:54
bazhangninjah, have you tried other burning apps06:54
bazhangpaddy_melon, let it time out06:54
paddy_melonbazhang, OK06:54
ninjahbazhang I'll try another one06:54
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bazhangninjah, gnomebaker might be worth a look06:54
paddy_melonBazhang, timed out... uploading details to paste.ubuntu06:55
bazhangninjah, I have found sometimes that gnome does not recognize that a cd has been inserted (when using brasero)06:56
bazhangpaddy_melon, now lets go back to software sources and try and switch mirrors again06:56
paddy_melonBazhang, OK, here's the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318381/06:57
bazhangpaddy_melon, okay, reading, in the meanwhile go to software sources and try to switch the mirrors06:57
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bazhangpaddy_melon, are you connecting via a proxy?06:58
paddy_melonbazhang, no06:58
paddy_melonbazhang, could my ISP be stopping me?06:58
q0_0pcan i burn an iso to dvd using the dd command?06:59
bazhangpaddy_melon, no idea about au isp's06:59
=== Guest52494 is now known as Chowder
coreymanbazhang what are these weird port number endings? It looks like they put the colon in the wrong spot.06:59
werswhat's the fastest cd ripper you've tried/ :)06:59
bazhangcoreyman, sorry I think you mistabbed me06:59
paddy_melonbazhang... there shouldn't be a problem06:59
bazhangwers, sound-juicer07:00
wersbazhang, thanks. I'll install it on karmic. rhythmbox is taking ages07:00
nonix4Is there any way to control sound volume by channel without resorting to kill(1)?07:00
vnghow can i type vietnamese on karmic?07:00
vngI install language-pack and use scim07:01
Merlin_How do I add a guest to ubuntu server (with an X server)?07:01
bazhangwers, though sometimes the musicbrainz db makes an error id'ing the cd07:01
vngBut it does not work07:01
paddy_melonBazhang, I switched to main server and, same thing happened07:01
* nonix4 does not consider "fade" control in sound preferences to be volume control, since it doesn't allow per-channel control07:01
bazhangvng, install ibus, that will be replacing scim07:01
paddy_melonwhen I reload07:01
paddy_melonBazhang, here's error: W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg  Could not connect to (, connection timed out07:02
paddy_melonW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/i18n/Translation-en_AU.bz2  Unable to connect to 9000:07:02
paddy_melonW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/restricted/i18n/Translation-en_AU.bz2  Unable to connect to 9000:07:02
paddy_melonW: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/universe/i18n/Translation-en_AU.bz2  Unable to connect to 9000:07:02
FloodBot1paddy_melon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:02
vngbazhang: thanks07:02
wersbazhang, it's ok. musicbrainz dont have records of the albums i'm ripping now. they're not so popular07:02
bazhangcoreyman, ah I see what you mean, my apologies07:02
bazhangvng, you may need to log out for it to take effect if I recall correctly07:03
bazhangwers, it reported my Bach as Buch07:03
vngbazhang: yeah07:03
vngbazhang: I uninstall scim07:04
Guest19752will gparted get rid of the linux portion of a dual boot07:04
wersbazhang, even someone as popular as bach isnt spelled correctly?? inst it musicbrainz's fault?07:04
bazhangGuest19752, sure using the live cd (unmounted partition)07:04
bazhangwers, must be; I need to file a bug for that07:05
bazhangGuest19752, there is also the gparted livecd 100mb iso that works quite well07:05
bazhangGuest19752, yes, I have found the gparted live cd more intuitive though07:06
Merlin_How do I add a guest to ubuntu server (with an X server)?07:08
paddy_melonsorry... I mean to paste a link but... pasted a whole thing07:08
bazhangMerlin_, what version of ubuntu07:08
paddy_melonBazhang, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318383/07:08
Merlin_bazhang: 9.1007:08
mrkrisdoes anybody here use Xen?07:08
paddy_melonBazhang, that's the output of sources reload on Ubuntu main server07:08
kermit_hello there, is there any body can help me to install umts monitor in karmic koala07:08
paddy_melonBazhang, pinging the server works fine...07:09
mneptokpaddy_melon: please pastebin your sources.list07:09
janhajhello.. is here anybody, who have karmic koala and usb tv tuner Gigabyte U8000?07:09
Guest19752anyone have a eeepc netbook07:10
kermit_hi there any body can help me to install umts monitor in karmic koala07:10
[vali]uhmm?? port 9000 to connect to a repo?07:10
bazhangGuest19752, yes07:10
kermit_how to install umts mon in karmic?07:10
jacquesdupontdhey everybody07:10
jacquesdupontdi nearly finished my all in one key07:10
paddy_melonmneptok, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318387/07:11
mneptokpaddy_melon: do you notice that no matter what server it *says* it's trying to reach, the IP address never changes?07:11
jacquesdupontdand soon my all in one usb hdd07:11
jacquesdupontdi'm impatient to post it07:11
paddy_melonyes, I did mneptok07:11
IpsQuakeranybody know how to get Ubuntu to recognize mouse? please msg me07:11
paddy_melonhow do I change it07:11
jacquesdupontdso everybody'll be able to use it07:11
jacquesdupontdbut firt i wanted to ask a question07:11
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mneptokpaddy_melon: what does "nslookup archive,ubuntu.com" tell you?07:12
mneptokpaddy_melon: what does "nslookup archive.ubuntu.com" tell you?07:12
jacquesdupontdi have installed on my Ubuntu 9.10 other windows manager07:12
bazhangjacquesdupontd, ok and what was your question07:12
jacquesdupontdand i can choose the one i want on the beginning of the session on the login page, but the thing is that it seems that it's started other things than just the needed files for the windows manager, fox example it's starting 2 times cairo-dock07:13
jacquesdupontdbazhang, you know why i don't ask my question on the beginning ? and you know why most of people or not doing it ? cause before someone see you are talking, you've said nearly 10 sentences at least, and then you just have to repeat for free and nothing07:14
bazhangjacquesdupontd, did you uncheck them in startup applications07:15
jacquesdupontdbazhang, so that's not stupid to ask if someone is here, but it seems it has been a reflex to tell people to ask directly instead of asking to answer07:15
mneptokjacquesdupontd: preferred channel etiquette is that you just ask questions, and avoid needless noise.07:15
bazhangsystem preferences startup applications jacquesdupontd07:16
jacquesdupontdbazhang, why would i uncheck an app in application starting if it is only 1 time and i want it and that it only start 2 times on certain window manager07:16
jacquesdupontdbazhang, thx i know ubuntu menu, and by the way it changes with different window manager07:17
bazhangjacquesdupontd, I thought you wanted it not to start.07:17
jacquesdupontdbazhang, you see the thing about asking the question directly ? :)07:17
monkey__is anyone else having trouble downloading things after updating?(trying to narrow down what i did wrong)07:17
jacquesdupontdbazhang, then you don't read well07:17
bazhangjacquesdupontd, my apologies.07:18
IpsQuakerI have just installed Ubuntu but cannot use it as mouse won't respond - any suggestions?07:18
bazhangmonkey__, could you specify? from the repos? from other websites?07:18
mneptokjacquesdupontd: your English is not perfect, either. do not blame people for misunderstanding you.07:18
jacquesdupontdmneptok, i think you could answer me to that question, is it possible to make different entries that would load the different window manager with the linked splash and login screen for example ?07:19
monkey__from the software center07:19
davidkarrI'm trying to fix a freezing problem in 9.10, I read advice about temporarily changing a kernel parameter, so I need to get into grub2. The info I read says you hold down the SHIFT key during boot.  This made no difference.07:19
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  entries in the gdm menus You mean? (i just got here)07:19
bazhangmonkey__, what about directly from the terminal? that way we could get the error message more easily07:19
mneptokjacquesdupontd: yes, via GDM entries or xsession entries.07:19
jacquesdupontdmneptok, im not blaming anybody of nothing, and even more when they are helping me, i was just telling that sometimes it's not stupid to ask if someone is free to answer a question clearly07:19
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  or are you meaning Grub menus to change the default splash/gdm theme/stuff like from Kubuntu to Ubvuntu to ubunhtu-studio?07:19
monkey__ok i'm a linux noob so how would i install wine from terminal?07:20
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, yes You understood07:20
Dr_Willismonkey__:  sudo apt-get install wine07:20
bazhangmonkey__, sudo apt-get remove wine07:20
jacquesdupontdsorry for my misunderstanding questions07:20
bazhangerr install07:20
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  thats is proberly dosable.. but would be rather complex. You would have to parse the boot options and have a script do the proper changes (proberly by chning soft links)07:21
monkey__well it seems to be installing from terminal07:21
bazhangmonkey__, wait and see if there any error messages07:21
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:   There is a tool called epidermis that can select/install grub/spash/xsplash/gdm themes with a few clicks,.07:21
monkey__let me get the messege i was getting07:21
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, hrm i'm pretty sure i already did that one time really easily, i was thinking about your way but wouldn't be interesting07:22
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  perhaps check out the tool and suggest a  way to do the changes automatically at boot.07:22
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  theres the old dpkg-reconfigure usplash I recall from the older releases.. but im not sure that works any more in 9.1007:22
monkey__i'll let you know in 4 mins07:22
bazhangmonkey__, something about the microsoft fonts?07:22
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, i'm sure we can have an argument on the line of the menuentry that would say to load directly this window manager07:22
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  ive been playing/tweaking/twiddling with al the splash/boot graphics and stuff since beta. :) its amuseing.. but in the bottom line. not worht messing with much since you just see the gfx for such a short time07:23
coreymanwgrant you still here?07:23
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  you are talking about different things..07:23
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  laiunching a specific window manager from GDM is easy. You just make a proper whatever.desktop entry for it07:23
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  that wont affect the gdm theme or usplash stuff or xsplash stuff07:23
wgrantcoreyman: I am.07:24
poyntzhey folks, just wanted to say, Great stuff on getting firefox into its own package instead of Shiretoko!!07:24
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, in fact it's about really tweaking the splash, it's about just launching ubuntu as it was xubuntu or kubuntu or lubuntu07:24
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, just the correct Window Manager would be sufficient, i don't care about the splash, i could replace it with an artwork i would do with all the logos of every window managers07:24
coreymanwgrant idk if you have exp in virtualmin, but the images aren't showing up after i reinstalled... idk if that has anything to do with virtualmin or not...07:25
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  and the splash changes are just graphic files. then you got the specific login manager to change.. THEN you got to set the  login manager to boot whatever desktop you want.07:25
=== amit is now known as Guest4222
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  then you STILL will have some issues with some of those desktops  goofing each other up.07:25
wgrantcoreyman: You should probably ask in the virtualmin channel.07:25
coreymanwgrant yea noone answeres07:26
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  given all the features of grub2. there may be a way to get it to change the default login manager some how. Or you could pass the kernel some option. that would be  part of what you want.07:26
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, don't you think there is a cleaner way to launch it than making a launcher on the startup ? you see in the login screen you have a selector of window manager, with an argument isn't it possible that it set it to the right one just by changing the grub entry ?07:26
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, grub2 is boring but when you learnt it it's really really good, but this different files that gengerates the grub.cfg are not that well working07:27
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  you would have to do a lot of things real real real fast as the system boots.  there are scripts that read the boot options. You could do somthing with that script. but  On my systems all this would have to be done very quickly.07:28
monkey__bazhang, it installed no prob07:28
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  i got grub2 set to boot the whatever.iso files from my /boot partition. :) if i want to test some new ubuntuwhatever.iso i can do it from my grub menu now. :) grub2 is handy07:28
bazhangmonkey__, ok07:28
monkey__it just wont install from the software center07:28
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, ok nevermind i'll do as i was doing before and choosing from the login screen but do you have an answer for : why is it slower with the different window manager than the original one (gnome)07:29
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  i will point out that just having the various whatever-desktops installed on the same machine can cause a lot of issues also.07:29
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  ive never found it slower. Guess it depends on what wm you are running07:29
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  watch out for lubuntu - it really goofed things up on my one machine. :)07:29
monkey__bazhang, the error says 'The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.'07:30
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, hrm gnome is not faster than a xfce or a lxde don't you think ??? :)07:30
monkey__this is pidgin07:30
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, you didn't read me well i just talked about it before you :)07:30
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  lxde seemed as fast as gnome to me.. but its running different file managers, and everything else.. so how do you even benchmark this ?07:30
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, it runs lxde really good07:30
bazhangmonkey__, that would be the gpg authentication error07:30
Dr_WillisI dont even bother with xfce any more. dident like it.07:30
monkey__is their a way to fix it?07:31
Dr_WillisToo many of these alternative-desktops tweak way too many core system tools/settings/packages makes it hard to undo them at times07:31
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, the thing is we are talking about ressources not speed, and it seems when im checking system monitor that it's changing nearly nothing from a gnome to a lxde and some soft are starting 2 times07:31
gmathewsHey all, Kpackagekit doesnt show the size of the updates, just that i have ten updates pending. How do i see the file size?07:31
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, that's why i was thinking installing sudo apt-get install lxde or xfce is not installing it well07:32
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  monitoring resources can be tricky. but i rarely worry about it any more.  When running all these desktops - its possible some services for gnome are starting up and staying running  even tho you are runing lxed07:32
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:   with gnome and kde - a single kde or gnome app will load a lot of libs and start some support services - so even under lxde  the resources used will be higher then an app designed for lxde07:33
iceroothow to use an own repository? so if i am using dpkg-buildpackage  it should be placed in /var/www  so that i can access it like a real repository07:33
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, your finally pointing what i'm thinking, and i know it's not that disturbing on our computer but i find it just stupid as i'm someone that wants everthing to be perfectly done and not the one who won't care cause it's still running enought fas07:34
Dr_Williscomputers will never be perfect.07:34
nvmecan someone tell me how i can make grub load a bootable CD from a HDD partition ?07:34
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Dr_Willisand debuging/troubleshooting the interactions from all the desjktops is a bit hard to do also. :)07:34
Dr_Willisnvme:  I got several links to that on my delicious.com links under dr_willis/grub207:35
Dr_Willisnvme:  i dont have the full url handy07:35
Dr_Willisnvme:  its not too hard to do :)07:35
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, oh my god, computers will never be perfect, that is sure if you are not trying to stop loading things not needed :)07:36
nvmei have a shrewd idea on what it involves, just need the exact commands cause i dont want to mess it up07:36
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, they won't be perfect alone that is sure :)07:36
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, but i think that if we are on linux it's to run only what is sufficient, otherwise i would run winshit with all the services07:36
bazhangjacquesdupontd, watch the language07:37
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, for how long have you been using ubuntu ?07:37
jacquesdupontdbazhang, sorry i thought it was a word07:37
simon_hi i have a quick question about compiz07:38
=== simon_ is now known as Guest96429
jacquesdupontdbazhang, can i show you a computer on a link that i'm gonna buy tomorow and ask you what you think about it and the most important will it be perfectly reconised (cpu et..) on Ubuntu ?07:38
robin0800bazhang: think they changed that word to VISTA07:39
bazhangjacquesdupontd, in #ubuntu-offtopic sure07:39
Guest96429my friend and i set some commands as "super" "control" and "button1"07:39
monkey__bazhang, could the eror be a result of installing the 32 bit library?07:39
Dr_Willisjacquesdupontd:  nothing stopping you from wriging your own scripts to launch exactly what you want.. but you are wanting everything to be automatic- thats the harder part07:39
Guest96429where are buttons "1-10"07:39
Guest96429for using compiz?07:39
Dr_WillisGuest96429:  perhaps they mean the mouse buttons?07:40
bazhangGuest96429, supre is the windows key07:40
jacquesdupontdDr_Willis, ok i took that in notes07:40
Dr_Willisligtest desktop ive been able to 'do' is jwm or flwm + rox-filer :)07:42
Dr_Willisbut rox-filer has some issues under 9.1007:43
Dr_Willisi wonder if im the only one that ever uses rox-filer :)07:44
mormonkii have ask07:45
mormonkihow to install starcraft on linux??07:45
mormonkiI'm new here07:45
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Dr_Willis!appdb | mormonki07:45
ubottumormonki: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help07:45
monkey__Dr_Willis, you seem knowledgeable, would installing the 32 bit library cause the gpg authentication error i'm getting?07:45
Dr_Willismormonki:  install wine, run the installer.exe  - hope it works07:45
mormonkiok thx07:45
Dr_Willismonkey__:  i woudlent think so.07:45
monkey__then i dont know what would07:45
monkey__what about the updates?07:46
Dr_Willismonkey__: whats the exact error? I rarely mess with gpg however07:46
mormonkiand about KADU its like MSN ... non stop i got disconect07:46
mormonkifrom this program .. its annoying07:46
Dr_Willis!im | mormonki07:46
ubottumormonki: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete07:46
Dr_Willistheres other IM clients out there mormonki  try some of them. I dont use any of them07:46
monkey__Dr_willis, its when i try to install stuff from the software center07:46
Dr_Willismonkey__:  thats perhaos due to the servers changing keys, or you never updated the proper keys.07:47
mormonkiso what program do you use?07:47
Dr_Willismormonki:  i dont do Instant messangers. :) I hang on IRC all day.07:47
yellowsungood morning07:47
* Dr_Willis uses Weechat 3 for IRC.07:47
Sattui have a problem with connecting to the internet07:48
yellowsunYou can connect a scanner parallel without drivers in linux?07:48
mormonkiwhere i can learn more about how to better use linux?07:48
icerootSattu: what about details?07:48
Dr_Willis!training | mormonki07:48
ubottumormonki: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com07:48
Sattuiceroot: the connection keeps disconnecting07:48
mormonkithx willis;)07:48
nvmecan someone tell me how i can make grub load a bootable CD from a HDD partition ?07:48
monkey__ok if it ever checks for updates07:48
Dr_Willismormonki:  start with 'bash tutorials' its good to know bash07:48
icerootSattu: again, more useful details to the channel07:48
Dr_Willisnvme:  dident bother to check delicious.com/dr_willis/grub2?07:48
monkey__their has to be a quicker way to check for updates07:49
Sattuiceroot:  i have to to keep on connecting it again and again using the pon dsl-provider command07:49
Sattuiceroot: works fine on windows (using dual boot)07:49
nvmeDr_Willis, sry i didnt realize you had given me a link :P07:50
monkey__ok their are updates07:50
icerootSattu: what do you think should we do with these infos? think about that we dount know your system we dont know the error messages. so none can/wants to help you with these infos07:50
Dr_Willisnvme:  :)07:51
icerootSattu: not working is a very bad description07:51
Sattuiceroot:  well i dont get any error messages07:51
Sattuiceroot: except that firefox cannot connect to the server07:51
nvmeDr_Willis, not sure what you mean by isofrom option, the disc i am trying to work with probably doesnt have that07:51
Sattuiceroot: i get dynamic IP07:52
Guest96429ok, i'lll try again: i know where the super key is located, but i would like to know where "buttons 1-10" are07:52
Sattuiceroot: broadband07:52
Guest96429my friend set up the keyboard for certain compiz things07:52
Sattuiceroot: wired07:52
Dr_Willisnvme:  One thing to be VERY VERY clearn about.. You can NOT NOT NOT just boot ANY iso/disrto from grub2. the disrto MUST MUST MUST support some sort of 'fromiso' type option07:52
Sattuiceroot: over ethernet07:52
icerootSattu: what ubuntu version, what software for connecting, always the same time its disconnecting, what hardware?07:52
Dr_Willisnvme:  so for example 9.10 can do it.. 8.04 CANT.07:52
iceroot!enter | Sattu07:52
ubottuSattu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:52
Dr_Willisnvme:  ive only found like 3 disrtos that can be booted from ISO via grub207:53
nvmeDr_Willis, rite.. but i dont want to directly boot an ISO, i just want to extract the ISO to a partition and boot whatever is in it07:53
Sattuiceroot: 9.04, terminal used for connecting,07:53
Dr_Willisnvme:  thats not the same as booting the iso then. :)07:53
laoeri have a wrong choice(Sort of XChat:Network List)    anyone help me plz?07:53
Dr_Willisnvme:  using grub2 saves you needing to extract it.07:53
bazhanglaoer, please explain07:54
Dr_Willisnvme:  you are doing sort of what many disrtos call a 'frugal' install, Unetbootin ive heard can do that to a hard drive07:54
nvmeDr_Willis, well this disc doesnt have the isofrom crap probably, so how do i extract and add it to grub then ?07:54
nvmeDr_Willis, yeah unetbootin didnt work on this disk for some reason , it just crashes07:54
Sattuiceroot: using modem, happening from a long time,07:54
Dr_Willisnvme:  copy contents to hd. and then check out its syslinux/isolinux configs and convert to whatever bootloader you are going to use.07:54
nvmeDr_Willis, the disc is UBCD by the way07:54
Dr_Willisnvme:  for every disrto Out i try that dont work with grub2 i go to their forums and ask them to support grub2 from iso options :)07:55
bazhanglaoer, lets keep it in channel please07:55
Sattuiceroot:  direct connect to the internet no local network (home computer)07:55
Dr_Willisnvme:  you could always put syslinux on the hard drive and use grub2 to chainload it also.07:55
sargentoI'm on an compatition against an DualCore, what can I install to defeat my rival on Ubuntu=07:55
Dr_Willisnvme:  and yes. i have spent many an hr fighting/learning how these things work.. and some i can never get goi9ng right.07:56
sargentoI have a 1.60 PIV07:56
icedwatersargento: What sort of competition?07:56
bazhanglaoer, is this xchat or xchat-gnome07:56
sargentoicedwater: About wich one is faster07:56
[vali]faster doing what?07:57
bazhanglaoer, and you want to enter another server, or another channel07:57
jugglerbryhi all.  trying to generate some interest in Ubuntu Home Server, or something similar.  See http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2228807:57
LewisIs it possible to get iTunes on Ubuntu, and if so, how do i get it?07:57
sargento[vali]: doing everything, my friend is a excepticall on Ubuntu07:57
bazhangjugglerbry, please dont paste here07:58
freaky[t]has anyone here yet installed gimmie?07:58
bazhangLewis, no its not07:58
jugglerbryapols bazhang07:58
freaky[t]has anyone here yet installed gimmie? because it doenst show up when i click "add to panel" :(07:58
Lewisbazhang, thank you :)07:58
yellowsunYou can connect a scanner parallel without drivers in linux?07:58
sargentoI'm trying to proobe my Ubuntu beats Windows 7.07:58
laoerthe list now appears from a to z,I want to the statement when i fist use it07:58
bazhangyellowsun, using xsane ?07:58
[vali]to know what is faster you need the same machine and do the same thing in both... then compare07:58
monkey__Dr_willis, updating worked07:59
monkey__thank you07:59
yellowsunbazhang............does not recognize that07:59
janhajhello.. i have a tv tuner Gigabyte U8000.. in Ubuntu 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318402/ digital television works fine, in Ubuntu 9.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318400/ doesn't work.. Can somebody help me?07:59
bazhanglaoer, you wish to remove the other servers from the list? add another one? change the server order, connect to another server?07:59
laoermy English is poor ,can you understand my meaning08:00
bazhanglaoer, I am trying :)08:00
LewisI have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop. So far, Ubuntu has been -A LOT- faster.08:00
sargento[vali], Yeah, I know, but I bet my single-core PIV 4 at 1.06 Mhz againtst his DualCore, any tip?08:00
Jordan_Unvme: What you want to do it impossible ( with any bootloader ) unless the OS is designed to be bootable when dumped to a disk ( like the widows 7 install disk IIRC )08:00
laoerchange the server order08:00
paddy_melonmneptok, I'm back08:00
icedwaterlaoer: which language are you more familiar with?08:00
paddy_melonthe result of nslookup archive.ubuntu.com08:00
bazhanglaoer, to what order08:00
bazhangpaddy_melon, pastebin it08:00
laoerto the order it was before i "sort"08:01
paddy_melonSorry for the incident before bazhang, thought I copied the address... instead copied the whole thing08:01
bazhanglaoer, it was a-z before? or something different08:01
laoericedwater: and you08:01
paddy_melonbazhang, are you able to help me08:01
paddy_melonmneptok, U on?08:01
sargentoShould I upgrade to 9.10 instead 9.04? to defeat him?08:01
bazhangsargento, to defeat whom?08:02
laoersomething different08:02
bazhanglaoer, ah the default?08:02
Draconis183hey guys, I am having a heck of a time getting flash to work on ubuntu 9.1008:02
paddy_melonsargento, is him Microsoft?08:02
Draconis18364 bit... is this a known issue?08:02
LewisAnother thing; i'm no fan of windows but i really don't like Pidgin. Is it possible to get Windows Live Messenger on here?08:02
Draconis183the flash player appears, but all the icons are in the center08:02
sargentoI bet a friend whom never tried Windows, to figure out wich one is faster, Windows 7 or Ubuntu08:03
paddy_meloncan someone help me please... bazhang, mneptok... anyone?08:03
jugglerbryLewis:could try Empathy.  seems to be compatible with WLive Messenger as well as other08:03
paddy_melonsargento, Ubuntu is clear winner08:03
Lewisjugglerbry: thank's i'll check that out :)08:03
laoericedwater:im familiar with chinese08:03
paddy_melonbazhang, can U help me?08:04
icedwater!zh > icedwater08:04
ubottuicedwater, please see my private message08:04
laoerbazhang,i cant understand08:04
sargentopaddy_melon: I agree, but I need tt probbe him, and we make some task to be done08:04
bazhanglaoer, you need to use shift +up arrow to change the order08:04
maxagazi have a second screen plugged to my computer, is it possible to set the desktop nb 1 to a screen and desktop nb 2 to the other ?08:04
icedwaterHmm ... Try #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-tw or #ubuntu-hk?08:04
laoerok i have a try08:04
paddy_melonsargento... how 'bout say... opening firefox08:05
Sattuinternet keeps disconnecting i have to connect it again and again using the pon dsl-provider command08:05
paddy_melonor defragmenting08:05
icedwaterNot sure if you can read this, it doesn't show up with utf-8 on, but08:05
bazhanglaoer, click the server you wish, then hit shift and up or down08:05
icedwater!zh > laoer08:05
ubottulaoer, please see my private message08:05
paddy_melonbazhang, can U help me get my sources right08:05
paddy_melonand servers08:05
icedwaterlaoer: you there?08:05
Draconis183anyone know of a link that can help me resolve flash issues not playing in firefox in ubuntu 9.10? My google-kung fu is weak08:05
paddy_melonhow can I get it back to normal?08:05
laoeryes i am here08:05
paddy_melonmneptok: U there?08:06
om26er!zh | om26er08:06
ubottuom26er, please see my private message08:06
jugglerbryDraconis183:I'm have problems with flash not working on some site, but seems to be ok on other.  have you tried, Ubuntu Restricted Extras ?08:06
DelanoI need a program to monitor my network usage and give me daily and monthly totals08:07
laoerubottu,i cant find your private msg08:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:07
om26erDraconis183: is it 64bit flash?08:07
DelanoSomething easy, with a GUI08:07
Draconis183jugglerbry, no I havent, I'll try it out... are there any packages I should remove first to get the best shot?08:07
Draconis183om26er, yes08:07
om26erDraconis183: they really are not friends08:07
laoericedwater does my msg appears red on your screen08:08
bazhanglaoer, its okay. did that work?08:08
jugglerbryDraconis183:Not that I'm aware of.  You can just install Restriced Extra from the software Centre.  I believe flash is included with it08:08
kermit_any body already installed umts monitor08:08
icedwaterIt appears yellow.08:08
jugglerbryDraconis183:i've also got 64bit, and bbc iplayer and youtube work, but one or two other sites don't seem to - yet08:09
icedwaterAnyway, you could probably try asking here, I believe bazhang was telling you something. Scroll up? :P08:09
icedwater!zh > ubottu08:09
ubottuicedwater, please see my private message08:09
Draconis183well lets hope that fixes it for liveleak atleast :)08:09
laoerit does work    but i want to know how can i let the list re~08:09
=== MoPaway is now known as MasterofPuppets
bazhanglaoer, not sure you can. that is a long list and I dont see and un-sort button08:10
[vali]how about using the last one from adobe? I didnt have issues with flash even after a dist-upgrade keeping $HOME08:10
jugglerbryDraconis183:liveleak working fine here, just tested it08:10
bazhanglaoer, perhaps you could remove the ones you dont need then sort the ones that you do use08:11
freaky[t]guys what is this gnomenu?08:12
bazhanglaoer, just be sure not to remove freenode :)08:14
O__ohi i am wondering if :(){ :|:& };: still work in ubuntu ?08:15
maximus_hello, anyone could tell me if I archive some files from ubuntu in a .ZIP will the rights and the owner of the files be saved well inside the archive?08:16
lukesO__o: TROLL MOAR08:16
om26ermy battery status doesnot change even after i unplug the charger08:17
DelanoAnyone there?08:17
laoeri'll come back08:17
roflparrotO__o: I tried it, yep it works graet!08:17
DelanoI need a program to monitor my network usage and give me daily and monthly totals08:17
O__ook, so ubuntu doesnt have a protection against it?08:18
roflparrotto compress data and retain file ownership and permissions, make a tarball08:18
lukesO__o: U R TROLL08:18
SattuDelano: did u try asking your ISp for program ?08:18
roflparrota troll is u lollolol08:18
Azeotropehi. I had 9.10 upgraded from 9.04 with multiple screenlets (digital clock, weather and Info Panel). I reinstalled a fresh 9.10 but when i start info panel I get one core from my DualCore CPU at 99% and the PC slows down a lot. Please help08:19
om26er!lol | roflparrot08:19
ubotturoflparrot: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.08:19
[MOB]Tripi installed vmware....but i cant open it there is no executable...08:19
[MOB]Tripno menu entry...08:19
roflparrotlol ok08:19
DelanoSattu, yeah, my ISP is useless, and they don't even support Linux08:19
[MOB]Tripno isp supports linux nabcake08:19
=== Ronaldinho is now known as Alex_Brazil
om26erDelano: the router/dongle they gave you is supposed to support linux not your isp08:20
DelanoAre you gonna get insulting?08:20
[vali]Delano: just saw this one in a RSS feed today -> http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KTrafficAnalyzer?content=2213408:20
mesengahi.. i'm using ubuntu on vmware. how can I access the files that are outside of my virtual machine? (that are in the windows) It's possible?08:20
LintO__o, edit /etc/security/limits.conf, it already has templates for it08:21
[MOB]Triphow'd u open vmware...08:21
O__oLint, thx08:21
sys2hmm, got some file system corruptions and now i cant use synaptics :/08:21
AzeotropeThe PC is really slow.08:21
sys2E: Line 1 too long in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.08:21
paddy_melonHey, can someone tell me why all of my sources no matter what address I type are attempting to go to the same IP08:22
maximus_anyone please?08:22
[MOB]Tripmesenga u should just need to mount the hard drive inside vmware08:22
[vali]sys2: edit the file and take a look...08:22
paddy_melonand why Ubuntu Updates and software doesn't think I have internet?08:22
wgrantpaddy_melon: You have a proxy configured.08:22
om26erpaddy_melon: they might be right08:22
krummlaufwhere do u type gedit?08:23
om26erkrummlauf: terminal08:23
krummlaufok i did that08:23
bazhangpaddy_melon, thought you said you werent using a proxy08:23
krummlaufit comes up blank08:23
paddy_melonwgrant... I don't have a proxy that I'm using08:23
om26erkrummlauf: gedit /etc/x08:23
krummlaufwhats the point?08:23
sys2[vali], full of "^@"08:23
wgrantpaddy_melon: You do.08:23
paddy_melonbazhang, I'm not08:23
krummlaufis this a joke?08:23
[vali]sys2: ouch... it should be a textfile08:23
sys2[vali], aye :/08:23
paddy_melonim not08:23
wgrantpaddy_melon: You have a proxy configured.08:23
[MOB]Tripi installed vmware through the snyaptic manager mmk...but i cant find to open it....type vmware in terminal...searched for it...theres no symlink or exectuable..other files are there but i cant open08:23
paddy_melonwgrant, network connections has no proxy08:23
sys2anyone on 9.10 that can send me a new sources.lst? :)08:23
krummlaufit brings up a text editor08:23
krummlaufand its blank08:24
paddy_melonand I've got nothing else08:24
krummlaufwhat am i supposed to edit?08:24
om26erkrummlauf: here is a sample gedit /location/of/file/08:24
Azeotropehi. I had 9.10 upgraded from 9.04 with multiple screenlets (digital clock, weather and Info Panel). I reinstalled a fresh 9.10 but when i start info panel I get one core from my DualCore CPU at 99% and the PC slows down a lot. Please help08:24
paddy_melonI have tor installed but... not using it08:24
krummlaufyeah i did that08:24
krummlaufsudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base08:24
krummlaufthats what i did08:24
FloodBot1krummlauf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:24
wgrantpaddy_melon: Then you have a proxy configured elsewhere. Try Synaptic's Settings->Preferences->Network menu.08:24
paddy_melontrust me, wgrant, if I had a proxy, my internet would not be this fast08:24
[MOB]Tripseriously my problem simple...08:24
paddy_melonjust remembered I once hit install on whole system for a proxy08:24
paddy_melonthanks wgrant08:24
sys2[vali], i had massive file system corruptions on / for some reason08:25
sys2the disk might be giving up :/08:25
krummlaufwhy does the text editor come up blank?08:25
sys2or not massive :P08:25
[MOB]Triphow2can open08:25
sys2massive compared to the 1 or 2 i have some times :P08:25
Delano[vali], I installed that ktraffic but it doesn't show in my menu... any idea where it's stored?08:25
[MOB]Tripfuck it i'll figuire it out my fucknself or install it through wine fukn cunts08:26
[vali]Delano: no idea... just saw the screenshots and thought it could be handy. I use mrtg myself08:26
[vali]or nload for instant measures08:26
Delano[vali], does mrtg do the same thing?08:26
paddy_melonwgrant, found out that it was a proxy but... how do I delete the proxy08:26
Delano[vali], where can I get nload?08:27
paddy_melonI've gone direct connect for synaptic and network connections08:27
[vali]apt-get install08:27
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".08:27
sys2could someone pretty please that is on 9.10 send me their /etc/apt/sources.list ? :)08:27
sys2or put it on a paste service08:27
paddy_melonwgrant, do I have to restart?08:27
wgrantpaddy_melon: Have you tried to 'Apply system wide', then log out and in?08:27
paddy_melonwgrant, didn't log out and in08:28
paddy_melonwill try now08:28
Delano[vali], I don't want something console-based... I want something with a gui that'll run on startup08:28
[vali]sys2: just finishing with a fresh install in a VM... hold on second08:28
sys2ok =)08:28
sys2yeey, new bearings comming on monday for my cnc conversion of my mill =)08:29
Delano[vali], do you mind please looking into ktraffic and telling me where it's placed?08:30
roflparrotsomeone type sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit08:30
roflparrotif you have 9.10 installed08:30
nvmeanyone know how i can extract a bootable CD to a partition and boot it using grub2 ?08:31
bazhanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/318413/ roflparrot08:32
roflparrotthanks bazhang08:32
roflparrotsys2: there you go08:32
bazhangnvme, have you seen the grub2 wiki; that explains it pretty clearly08:32
sys2haha :P08:32
sys2thanks =)08:33
what{}hey guys08:33
what{}how can i connect to wireless connection?08:33
roflparrotoh hai08:33
what{}seems like i dont have it in ubuntu 9.1008:33
roflparrotwhat{}: if you have ubuntu installed, then 3g modems are supported08:33
what{}i cant find it08:33
sys2can i reinstall all packages that is installed someway?08:33
roflparrottell us about your wireless device08:33
sys2and keeping the configuration files that is mine ?08:33
nvmebazhang, the ubuntu wiki ? i dont see where it talks about this08:34
bazhangsys2, on a different machine?08:34
yymy redirection operator isnt working (">")08:34
what{}well i need to connect to a wireless connection08:34
sys2bazhang, on this machine08:34
bazhang!grub2 | nvme this one08:34
ubottunvme this one: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub208:34
what{}i am in a cafe using GSM mobile connection08:34
sys2as ive had alot of filesystem corruptions i want to be sure it doesnt go to hell =)08:34
what{}anyone ?08:34
dios_mioyy: let me guess are you trying to append to a file that requires super user privileges?08:34
nvmebazhang, yeah thats the one i am on, i dont see where it explains what i am looking for08:35
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rustyrat@what{}: like tethering a phone?08:35
what{}well GSM Network08:35
bazhangnvme, have you looked through the links dr_willis gave you yet08:35
what{}but i want to use Wireless internet connection08:35
what{}i cant find it in ubuntu 9.1008:35
yydios_mio: ohh, it works but why does it show command not found8.08:36
rustyratnetwork manager isn't running in the top right corner of the screen?08:36
nvmebazhang, yeah he was talking about booting an actual .iso file with grub2, my live disc doesnt support that, i just want to extract it to its own HDD partition and boot it from there08:36
what{}yep it is running08:36
what{}but it doesnt display the wireless connection08:36
dios_mioyy: you use it like this: cat file1 > file208:36
bazhangnvme, what iso08:36
rustyratare you on a laptop?08:36
amigojapanhi, my php script runs as user www-data , I need to run a process as another user,  but su wont take a password as a parameter, any idea how i can run something as another user?08:36
what{}my laptop has wireless08:37
rustyratis your wireless turned off on the keyboard?08:37
nvmebazhang, UBCD08:37
what{}it works with 9.0608:37
what{}it is turned on08:37
phrixhi all... I want to play flv, any ideas??08:37
C0nn0RIs it still okay to run an older version of Ubuntu on a server unit ?08:37
rustyrathas it ever worked with 9.10?08:37
bazhangphrix, mplayer and vlc will do08:37
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what{}well i am trying to find it08:37
yydios_mio: yeah I did ./script > output08:38
C0nn0RRunning 8.10 but wondering if a linux only server will still work after 9.10 upgrade.08:38
xm4nHas anyone used the Ubuntu One service?08:38
yyit works but shows error in command08:38
rustyratc0nn0r: I would back up everything08:38
Dr_WillisC0nn0R:  home server? or is this one doing a real job?08:38
what{}any idea;s rustyrat>08:38
dios_mioyy: is your script chmod +x?08:38
C0nn0RHome Sever - SSH and web server.08:38
=== C0nn0R is now known as LesserofTwoEvils
yychmod +rx08:38
LesserofTwoEvilsSo things *should* be fine after upgrade right ?08:39
Dr_WillisLesserofTwoEvils:  so it is accessing the internet/accessable frm the internet? or just a local lan?08:39
LesserofTwoEvilsI haven't upgraded yet...08:39
what{}??? rustyrat?08:39
phrixbazhang, which one do u prefer between them..??08:39
rustyratwhat{}: has it ever worked08:39
LesserofTwoEvilsBut wondering if it is worth to upgrade.08:39
what{}it worked with 9.0608:39
what{}the new one i dont know08:39
bazhangphrix, which version of ubuntu08:39
LesserofTwoEvilsAlso how will dist-upgrades work with a custom kernel ?08:39
bazhangwhat{}, there is no 9.0608:40
xm4nits always good to upgrade, I say.08:40
Dr_WillisLesserofTwoEvils:  depends on what its doing. :) From a security poiint of view. newer releases will have longer life of security updates08:40
what{}well the older one08:40
LesserofTwoEvilsI have running on netbook.08:40
rustyratwhat{}: you might have to hook it up to a wired connection and then make sure all your restricted drivers are installed, i know broadcom chipsets are notoriously needy of proprietary drivers from the start08:40
Delano[vali], do you mind please looking into ktraffic and telling me where it's placed?08:40
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nvmeanyone know how i can extract a bootable CD to a partition and boot it using grub2 ?08:40
what{}ok how can i install my drivers?08:40
LesserofTwoEvilsDr_Willis: how well does a distro upgrade handle with a custom kernel ?08:40
what{}i am kinda new into linux tho08:40
rustyratnvme: network boot08:40
rustyratnvme: don't ask me how08:41
rustyratwhat{}: hook it up to a wired internet connection08:41
nvmerustyrat, i wont because thats absurd08:41
rustyratabsurd is such a strong word08:42
[vali]sys2: sorry for the delay... cant get the clipboard work between VM and the host... but there is a way to create a sources.list from scratch08:42
crazy2kIs there some good document on what the distribution upgrade consists of? I mean, an explanation regarding what's the effect of upgrading the distribution.08:43
phrixbazhang, I run karmic...08:43
what{}i love linux08:44
PupenoI've switched from php mod to php cgi and now phpmyadmin doesn't get executed as PHP, it gets served as a normal file. Do you know what should I do to have it working again?08:44
nonoi love unix08:44
sys2[vali], ive got one from a pastebin =)08:44
rgnrhello all08:44
sys2someone pasted for me :)08:44
sys2so its ok :)08:44
nonoi love gnu/linux08:44
mMezquitale!ask > rgnr08:44
ubotturgnr, please see my private message08:44
what{}i hate windows08:44
hype_crazy2k , what do you want to know? are you willing to upgrade but dont know how to?08:45
mMezquitale!ot | what{}08:45
ubottuwhat{}: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:45
Jordan_Unvme: The OS has to support it08:45
crazy2khype_: No. I do know how to. I want to know what happens, exactly. (eg. what else happens besides changing sources.lst and upgrading packages)08:46
Jordan_Unvme: It's not possible to do ( with any bootloader ) unless the OS supports it08:46
rgnrhey ppl08:46
roflparrothi rgnr08:47
nvmeJordan_U, the UBCD disc uses isolinux , shouldnt that be supported ?08:47
rgnrcannot mount USB device08:47
rgnrroflparrot,  hi08:47
ubottuyes, I'm alive.08:48
Jordan_Unvme: isolinux isn't the issue, it's the actual OS08:48
roflparrothow did you try to mount the usb device?08:48
om26erroflparrot: plug it in and it auto mounts08:49
Jordan_Unvme: UBCD though has instructions for installing to a hard drive08:49
om26erroflparrot: if not then format it from karmic08:49
rgnrroflparrot,  usually I just plug it in and it mounts08:49
hype_crazy2k , okok, i'd say it depends on the release08:49
om26erroflparrot: then it will automount08:49
Jordan_Unvme: http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html08:49
rgnrroflparrot,  but since karmic it gives me an error08:49
roflparrotthat's a bit sad08:49
om26errgnr: tried formating it?08:49
crazy2khype_: Is there any page with that info?08:50
roflparrotrgnr: have you tried mounting it on another machine?08:50
Jordan_Unvme: You can probably just setup grub to load the floppy images directly08:50
xm4nwhich would be a more solidified certification/ UCP or Linux+ ?08:50
Jordan_Unvme: Now that I look at what UBCD is08:50
turkeyshootanyone know a text based msn client that still works?08:50
hype_crazy2k , from google, yep: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades08:51
hype_crazy2k , and i was right: you have one for every release08:51
nvmeJordan_U, right, i already have the ISO file, i just need to know how to set up grub and the partition type to use etc08:51
om26erroflparrot: did you last format the flash from windows ?08:51
xm4nwhich would be a more solidified certification/ UCP or Linux+ ?08:51
nonoext2 fs08:51
roflparrotom26er: rgnr has the flash drive08:51
turkeyshootif you know a text based irc client too that would be cool08:51
om26erroflparrot: sounded like you have08:51
hype_turkeyshoot , irssi08:51
freaky[t]is there any alternative to the standard gnome panel? because i find it looks ugly ...08:52
om26errgnr: format it and then it will automount08:52
Jordan_Unvme: Take all of the files from the iso and put them on the disk you want to install to08:52
turkeyshoothype_, , cool, you know one for msn protocol?08:52
hype_freaky[t] , avant-window-navigator ?08:52
freaky[t]hype_, dunno ... let me check ;D08:52
PupenoAnybody knows how to make php5-cgi work?08:52
nvmeJordan_U, yeah did that, should i just use an ext3 partition ?08:52
Jordan_Unvme: UBCD probably just chainloads the floppy images, so you can just use grub to chainload them directly08:52
om26erturkeyshoot: pidgin empathy(a/v call)08:53
roflparrotrgnr: do you have data on the flash drive that you need?08:53
rgnrroflparrot,  well, I've managed to mount in in terminal08:53
hype_turkeyshoot , you can try bitlbee http://www.bitlbee.org/main.php/news.r.html  to tunnel msn and other protocols to irc via irssi08:53
turkeyshootom26er, they can work in console?08:53
Jordan_Unvme: Grub supports pretty much any file system, so whatever is convienient08:53
xm4nwhich would be a more solidified certification/ UCP or Linux+ ?08:53
om26erturkeyshoot: no they are gui08:53
rgnrroflparrot,  with sudo mount -t vfat08:53
om26erturkeyshoot: irssi only i think08:53
hype_i think yep08:54
Dr_Willisi like weechat over irssi these days :)08:54
turkeyshootom26er,  hype_ , cool thanx guys, ill check it out08:54
jongiexm4n: UCP is distribution specific while Linux+ is vendor specific.08:54
roflparrotnice, I do not know ho0w to fix the automount problem but I think it might be in something called an fstab08:54
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions08:54
nvmeJordan_U, okay, still not sure what to put in the menuentry for grub08:55
hype_and guys just sharing the "joy" call of duty modern warfare 2 works perfectlly using steam under wine :D08:55
xm4nwait, Linux+ is NOT vendor-specific. I read .08:55
crazy2khype_: Those are just issues and a howto. It's not clear what happens during the upgrade..08:55
om26erroflparrot: i know the exact problem here. his filesystem is not made from ubuntu08:55
jongiexm4n: waht i meant is Linux+ is vendor neutral not specific08:55
roflparrotom26er: how would that be the problem?08:55
jongiexm4n: sorry to say that..08:55
xm4noh ok LOL!08:55
roflparrotom26er: his usb drive IS formatted08:56
hype_crazy2k , you basically said everything: your ubuntu system is a set of packages, that every 6 months get updated08:56
rgnrroflparrot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318424/08:56
freaky[t]hype_, how do u use that manager? it covers my windows :(08:56
om26erwoot! i just recieved google wave invite email08:56
rgnrroflparrot, i t can be mounted but not automounted08:56
roflparrotcan you see data on the device?08:57
hype_freaky[t] , Umm sorry what manager?08:57
freaky[t]hype_, i mean Awn sorry08:57
rgnrroflparrot, when it is mounted08:57
brijithlive cd won't boot after remastering ubuntu 9.10, I used remastersys to create live cd ....08:57
LewisIf i upgrade to 9.10, will i have any problems with any of my programs? Is it even worth upgrading?08:57
Jordan_Unvme: Can you pastebin the isolinux config file from UBCD?08:57
hype_freaky[t] , you should have a panel sitting at the bottom of your screen, right?08:57
freaky[t]hype_, yes08:58
Dr_WillisLewis:  if you need the new features upgrade.. if not.. dont :)08:58
roflparrotLewis I have not upgraded yet.08:58
hype_freaky[t] , click anywhere on it and go to > Dock preferences08:58
greezmunkey_Does anyone have a working example of an ip-up script for pptp? I can connect o.k., but my routes don't seem right. And I get this: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests08:58
freaky[t]ok thanks :D08:58
freaky[t]and hten?08:58
Dr_Willisexplore the perferances ? :)08:59
xtermdoes anyone have a google wave invite?08:59
jussi01xterm: please keep on topic08:59
Lewisthanks guys08:59
hype_freaky[t] , just add applets, like notification area, desktop switcher....09:00
freaky[t]hype_, it seems like it keeps crashing :(09:00
freaky[t]ok thanks :D09:00
hype_freaky[t] , in the end you should be able  replace a panel09:00
nvmeJordan_U, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/318425/09:00
Dr_Willisi found AWN a litlte.. flakey.09:00
freaky[t]ok :D09:00
jongieguys, if you have time to take a look at this article http://www.linux-mag.com/cache/7600/1.html hope you can provide your comments on this.09:00
hype_freaky[t] , check out this ppa https://edge.launchpad.net/~awn-testing/+archive/ppa to get a preview of the latest version (which is quite stable and has some nice features added)09:01
Dr_Willisjongie:  care to give a summary about what its about?09:01
freaky[t]hype_, do u have the panel on auto hide?09:01
jongieDr_Willis: that title of the article is Hey Ubuntu, Stop Making Linux Look Bad09:02
hype_jongie , stupid post :(09:02
jongieDr_Willis: "Ubuntu’s new Karmic Koala 9.10 release has been highly anticipated as the greatest release ever. In truth, it falls flat on its face in a time when Linux really needed to shine. "09:02
hype_by exemple, karmic is a pure transition release09:02
Dr_Willisjongie:  sounds like more trolling/looking to rant about the big boys to gain attention09:02
hype_so it's crappy because you put in place stuff that will be usefull for years to come?09:02
Jordan_Unvme: On the UBCD page it says "New! Run Ultimate Boot CD from your USB memory stick. A script on the CD prepares your USB memory stick so that it can be used on newer machines that supports booting from USB devices. You can access the same tools as you would from the CD version"09:03
Dr_WillisTheres to much of an attitude that it has to be 'the greatest' or it totally sucks..09:03
sobersabrehi guys.09:03
Jordan_Unvme: If you use that script it should work just as well from an internal drive09:03
jongieDr_Willis: definitely, the author have come across inflaming the ubuntu community09:03
freaky[t]hype_, do u have the panel on auto hide? and how do i add an ppa?09:03
sobersabreWhat is the condition of the Preferences->Mouse window to show a tab "Touchpad" ?09:03
Dr_Willisjongie:  so hes getting hits on his site and thus getting exactly what he wanted.. more $$$09:03
sobersabreI remember that I had it, and now I don't.09:04
sobersabrewhat can mess it up ?09:04
nvmeJordan_U, the script is completely messed up, i tried and it overwrote grub and when i tried to boot to the partition it didnt work09:04
nvmedid that pastebin not help ?09:04
sidewalkif im going to run a machine as a server, but want to use X on it, do you recommend ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop?09:04
freaky[t]hype_, ah nm found it09:05
sidewalkwhats the differences?09:05
jongieDr_Willis: exactly, for me Ubuntu is rock solid! that's all i can say..09:05
hype_freaky[t] sudo add-apt-repository ppa:awn-testing/ppa09:05
greezmunkeyheh, sorry for the paste and quit before. I was playing with PPTP, and for some reason the tunnel wanted to start itself! I did not expect that!09:05
Dr_Willissidewalk:  i use the desktopo releases for my home lan servers just fine09:05
Dr_Willissidewalk:  if you dont know the diff. use the desktop :)09:05
hype_freaky[t] , easier than sources.list ^^09:05
Jordan_Unvme: Not really, it seems like the actual loading of the floppy images is done in chain.c32 but I'm not sure09:05
s1lverl0rdIs anyone else having problems with gnome-settings-daemon?09:05
sidewalkDr_Willis: i dont know if they have placed crontabs and other features in the server version, that arent default in the desktop, and vice versa09:05
jongienvme: is it possible with unetbootin?09:06
sidewalkDr_Willis: what are the major differences?09:06
Dr_Willissidewalk:  server uses a different kenel and dosent include X I recall.. Other then that.. ive rarely messed with the server.09:06
greezmunkeysilverl0rd, that got mentioned a few times last night, I've had an issues where it hangs myself09:06
_CommandeR_Dr_Willis, Dont the server version have only text based installation and apache allready installed from beginning?09:07
nvmejongie, no unetbootin just hangs up when i try to use it wit the ubcd disc09:07
Dr_Willissidewalk:  i imagine anyt hing the server can do - you could do on the desktop.09:07
frostschutzHi. In Ubuntu NBR 9.10, the window manager force maximizes every new window for me. Is there any way to turn that off? It causes problems with inkscape/gimp dialog windows...09:07
Dr_Willis_CommandeR_:  not noticed. Text install =- Yes.. apache - no idea.09:07
s1lverl0rd@greezmunkey With me the deamon starts pulling from the disk like crazy and Gnome (Metacity?) becomes unresponsive until I kill gsd09:07
s1lverl0rd@greezmunkey Is there any fix on the way?09:07
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:07
=== Guest94218 is now known as NiSo
greezmunkeysilverl0rd, I really haven't looked into it. I don't mess with it. I can live with that for now.09:08
_CommandeR_vbox channel is dead so maybe someone else knows how, how do i share folders in virtualbox using karmic as a host and win7 as guest ?09:08
jongienvme: did you use unetbootin under linux or windows?09:08
s1lverl0rd@greezmunkey: But there are others who experience the same problem?09:09
freaky[t]hype_, is there also another panel for the panel which is by default at the top of the screen?09:09
nvmejongie, windows,  icant even get the linux verison to work for some reason P:P09:09
greezmunkeysilverl0rd, as far as I can tell, yes.09:09
hype_freaky[t] , personnaly i kept the top gnome panel, and have awn at bottom09:10
jongienvme: really, did you install 7-zip components?09:10
nvmejongie, no :P09:10
jongienvme: as far as i know 7-zip utilities are required under ubuntu09:10
freaky[t]hype_, and how do u use awn? do u have it configured for auto hide? because it displays itself over my chat box here09:10
=== g00rf is now known as chrisgreasy
nvme# If using Linux, make the file executable (using either the command chmod +x ./unetbootin-linux, or going to Properties->Permissions and checking "Execute"), then start the application"09:11
sobersabreSomething sucks in the way touchpad is handled in Koala. I can't seem to find out what it is, but the symptoms are: sometimes the touchpad is shown in System->Preferences->Mouse and sometimes - NOT.09:11
sobersabreSome times the scroll Works, sometimes it doesn't.09:11
FloodBot1sobersabre: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
yosefi want to setup my printer panassonic in ubunto 9.1009:11
_CommandeR_freaky[t], Use docky instead, my experiance is that its more stable.09:11
greezmunkeyAh, I figured out why the pptp session kept trying to restart...I told it to by adding persistant in the config file, duh09:11
jongienvme: you may try installing 7-zip it's available in repository sudo apt-get install p7zip-full09:11
Jordan_Unvme: Unetbootin isn't likely to work with UBCD09:11
_CommandeR_freaky[t], Gnome-do *09:11
hype_freaky[t] , did you add the awn ppa and install sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator-trunk ?09:11
yosefi want to setup my printer panassonic kx-p7100 in ubunto 9.1009:11
freaky[t]hype_, not yet. im going to do this but what packages do i have to uninstall first?09:12
sobersabreI am on DELL latitude E5500. something is wrong with X setup, and there's no configuration file present. so I don't see how I can control all this X thing.09:12
hype_freaky[t] , i think dependencies will do it for you09:12
ibmx41thi everbody09:12
nvmejongie, got p7zip, it still doesnt launch09:12
Jordan_Unvme: Try adding a menu entry with "chainloader (hd1,1)/path/to/floppy/image +1"09:13
yosefi want to setup my printer panasonic kx-p7100 in Ubuntu 9.1009:13
jongienvme: do you the latest version of unetbootin?09:13
nvmejongie, yeah09:13
freaky[t]ok great09:13
freaky[t]_CommandeR_, i dont like gnome-do09:13
ss_hi using Ubuntu 9.10, want to edit /boot/grub/menu.list, BUT its not there? can someone tell me?09:13
jongienvme: how did you launch it?09:13
nvmejongie, ./unetbootin09:13
yosefi want to setup my printer panasonic kx-p7100 in Ubuntu 9.1009:14
Jordan_U!grub2 | ss_09:14
ubottuss_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:14
_CommandeR_yosef, go to System -> Printing [New]09:14
om26eryosef: plug n play did not work?09:14
_CommandeR_freaky[t], have you tried docky skin ?09:14
hype_freaky[t] , once you've installed it, go to awn-settings (right click> dock preferences) and set "behaviour" to autohide Fade out09:14
freaky[t]_CommandeR_, no09:14
jongiess_: ubuntu 9.10 uses GRUB2 be default, so menu.lst is no longer used.09:14
freaky[t]hype_, ok thanks09:14
Dr_Willisdocky is now a stand alone dock also. getting moved out of Gnome-do I hear09:14
Dr_Willisbeen playing with the PPA  of Docky here :)09:15
freaky[t]how does this docky look like?09:15
yosefi can't find my printer model09:15
_CommandeR_freaky[t], same thing as avant or cairo maybe less things you can do for it, but after using all of them i feel that gnome-do is far more stable.09:15
jongienvme: ok, are ther any errors returned?09:15
Dr_Willisfreaky[t]:  yet another dock - icons at the bottom of the screen :)09:15
nvmejongie, nope :P09:15
freaky[t]ok and is there anything with which i can replace the top panel?09:15
pratik_naraini was trying gnome-shell and compiz together and now i lost both my panels09:16
Dr_Willisfreaky[t]:  depends on what you want to keep. I find the panels work better then most docks ive tried.09:16
jongienvme: correct me if i'm wrong, does unetbootin already executable according to its permissions?09:17
onauhow do i add a ntfs filesystem on another harddisk to here? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/210585/Screenshot-1.png09:17
nvmejongie, no i used chmod like it said on their page09:17
nvmeJordan_U, okay i got their usb script to work, but now its installed on a flash drive of mine, is there any way to transfer that because if i run the script on my HDD it will break grub again09:18
jongienvme: ok so you made executable but to no avail..what could be the problem :(09:18
pratik_naraini was trying gnome-shell and compiz together and now i lost both my panels09:19
eagles0513875mikobuntu: yo09:20
eagles0513875!upgrade | mikobuntu09:20
ubottumikobuntu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading09:20
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:21
greezmunkeypratik-narain, ctrl+F1, login, then sudo service gdm stop...wait a minute, then sudo service gdm start, then ctrl+F709:21
Lintwhich analog of Windows Indexing Service is available for Ubuntu?09:23
pratik_naraingreezmunkey: ctrl+f1 is doing nothing09:23
jribLint: tracker09:23
jribLint: there are a few others I don't recall too, search the repositories09:24
pratik_naraingreezmunkey: also alt+f1 for opening main menu and alt+f2 is not working09:24
greezmunkeypratik..., sorry ctrl+alt+F1, and so on09:24
greezmunkeyforgot the alt!09:24
greezmunkeyctrl+alt+F7 also...09:25
phrixhi all... I play flv file with mplayer, but the time bar doesnt work... any clue...??09:25
jongiewhat's the keyboard shortcut for logout in karmic?09:26
kermit_im using ext 3 file system in karmic, should i change in ext 409:26
guest1How can I change the refresh rate of my external crt monitor connected to my netbook in karmic?09:26
jongiephrix: i use to play flv in VLC09:27
phrixjongie, is there any error issue...??09:27
Jordan_Uguest1: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution09:27
jongiephrix: you can install it by sudo apt-get install vlc09:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:27
greezmunkeyjongie, My system says logout is ctrl+alt+delete...09:28
guest1Thanks Jordan_U; However when I go onto the preferences for screen resolution Ubuntu only gives me a 60hz option09:29
jongiegreezmunkey: i'll try that09:29
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
janhajhello.. i have external usb tv tuner Gigabyte U8000.. in Ubuntu 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318402/ digital television works fine, in Ubuntu 9.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318400/ doesn't work.. Can somebody help me?09:31
jongiegreezmunkey: ctrl+alt+del will give you a dialog..but i want it directly after typing some keystrokes like in 8.1009:31
apparlehow to stop NIS to start automatically at startup?09:31
jongiegreezmunkey: 9.10 kb shortcut behaves the same like 9.0409:31
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Oh wow.09:32
leaf-sheepsnuffy47: Are you up? ;o09:32
=== PhlowX is now known as PhlowX|ltpnds09
=== PhlowX|ltpnds09 is now known as PhlowX|lptnds09
ubottuKarmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).09:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:33
greezmunkeyjongie, try this, create a launcher with the type set to Application and the command set to gnome-session-save --kill09:34
jongieapparle: update-rc.d -f /etc/init.d/nis remove09:34
jongieapparle: run with sudo09:35
jongiegreezmunkey: ok i'll try that ..thanks09:35
Symmetriaerrr so like, I have this server with a rather large disk array in it, xfs file system, I reboot it, it comes up and says the file system is 92 terabytes big with nothing on it, I reboot the system again, it comes up again fine, with all the data on the file system........09:35
apparlejongie: And will this remove nis or just stop it from starting automatically09:36
Symmetrialike, what in hell09:36
Symmetriathat was enough to give me a heart attack09:36
apparlejongie: And how to start it when I want it to09:36
marinari want to setup usb printer in Ubuntu 9.1009:36
AzeotropeSince I reinstalled a fresh 9.10 my system has a very poor performance. If I run the InfoPanel screenlet I get a core at 99%. If I close it it works better but still bad. Please help09:36
jongiegreezmunkey: stop it from automatically starting09:36
jongiegreezmunkey: sorry, this message is intended to apparle09:37
marinari want to setup usb printer in Ubuntu 9.10 please help09:37
jongieapparle: stop it from automatically starting09:37
Azeotropemarinar, romanian?09:37
jongieapparle: to automatically start update-rc.d /etc/init.d/nis defaults09:38
Crshman_what's the fastest way to write to an NFS mount? rsync? I'm transferring many multi-gigabyte files09:38
ss_hi i m trying to boot 8.04 LTS from iso image from grub2 and 9.04, found a post on net regarding booting from grub2 but dont kno how to setup grml09:38
aburchAre graphs for the popularity-contest results available for Ubuntu?  On popcon.ubuntu.com I can only get the raw data.09:38
marinari want to setup usb printer in Ubuntu 9.10 please help09:38
ss_should i sudo apt-get install grml?09:38
apparlejongie: And if I just want to start the daemon just once?09:39
marinari want to setup usb printer in Ubuntu 9.10 please help09:39
jongieapparle: i think that's possible but i haven't tried it yet09:40
AzeotropeI have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1175009.html09:40
Azeotropeme too09:40
Slartaburch: I have only ever seen the raw numbers.. but creating graphs from raw data shouldn't be that hard.. what kind of graphs are you looking for?09:40
jongiemarinar: what model is you printer>09:40
Symmetria*SIGH* this machine is giving me so much grief, the moment I put it under really really heavy inbound traffic load, it throws a kernel panic and locks up hard09:41
Symmetriaand I have no idea why09:41
sobersabreneed help with x configuration on karmic. is there a 9.10 specific xorg.conf page ?09:41
SymmetriaI've had to reboot the thing 4 times so far :(09:41
ian_wshouldnt happen09:41
Symmetria(when I say really heavy traffic load, I'm talking 2 or 3 gigabit)09:41
apparlejongie: what If I just want to start for once can I use this '/etc/init.d/nis start' obviously when I have already disabled automatic start09:41
Starcraftmazterhi, when your MBR is overriden, how do you put grub2 back into it with a livecd?09:41
jongie!xorg > Symmetria09:41
ubottuSymmetria, please see my private message09:41
Qube77hey guys, could anyone spare me 2 mins to help me with a problem i am having adding new software sources ?09:42
aburchSlart: No. of installations over time, similar to e.g. http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=bash09:42
Symmetriaerrr jongie I don't need to know anything about xorg :)09:42
Symmetriawrong person09:42
marinarPanasonic kx-p710009:42
Slartaburch: ah.. nice.. perhaps you can file a bug/feature-request/wish in launchpad?09:43
jongiemarinar: ink or laser? sorry for asking09:43
Jordan_Unvme: Looks like the floppy images are compressed, grub supports loading compressed images but I am to tired to figure it out tonight. Will you be here tomorrow?09:44
jongiemarinar: take a look at the System > Administration > Printing to see if the your printer have been detected09:45
amigojapananyone know about the sodoers file?09:45
greezmunkeyg'night all!09:45
aburchSlart: I can do that.  I assume ubuntu-website might be the right project for the request?09:45
jrib!anyone | amigojapan09:45
ubottuamigojapan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:45
marinarno it is n't09:45
Slartaburch: that sounds reasonable09:45
=== PhlowX|lptnds09 is now known as PhlowX
jongieamigojapan: what do u want to know about sudoers file?09:46
ian_wi am looking  for a web design interface, anyone knows a good one?09:46
apparleis there any wav file which is there in default installtion for checking the sound09:46
_CommandeR_how do i update playonlinux program, it seems that it wont update past .6 version ?09:46
GreenFantastici dont think grub is detecting my xp partition, or if i just messed up my xp partition by resizing it. how can i test the second?09:46
jongiemarinar: ok can you post the output of dmesg09:46
Slartapparle: not sure if there are wav files.. but there are some media files in ~/Examples09:46
amigojapani added anonymous ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to my suduers file but it still says anonymous@ubuntu:~$ sudo /bin/su testuser [sudo] password for anonymous:09:46
jribapparle: check /usr/share/sounds/09:46
marinarwhat dmesg09:47
Slartian_w: web design interface? not an application?09:47
ian_wslart> yup. application, thanks for the correction09:47
jongiemarinar: i mean, run the terminal from Applications > Accessories > Terminal and type dmesg09:48
Slartian_w: you can always try running "aplay /dev/urandom" to get some noise going.. Please check the volume first... it can be quite loud09:48
jongiemarinar: copy and paste the output to pastebin.ca09:48
Q|9.04 wine & sound: I start a new X server with World of Warcraft over wine (ALSA configured) and I hear sound. Now I switch to the 1st X-Server, sound continues. Switch back to 2nd - no sound. Switch again back to 1st - I hear WoW sound. Any ideas, why sound suddenly only plays on the 1st server, instead of the 2nd one where it was when starting WoW?09:48
jongiemarinar: copy and paste the output to http://pastebin.ca09:48
apparlejrib: thanks09:48
apparlejrib: got what I was looking for09:48
Slartian_w: you're welcome.. there are several plain html editors in the repos.. not sure which one is recommended by the people who use them (I don't do much web developing myself).. but try bluefish09:49
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code09:49
Slart!html | ian_w09:49
=== dvyjones_ is now known as Dvyjones
ubottuian_w: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/09:49
ian_wslart, ubottu, thanks09:50
ian_will check it out09:50
jribamigojapan: check for typos.  Did you use "visudo" to edit the file?09:50
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!09:50
amigojapanjrib: yes I did09:50
Slartgood bot.. yes you are.. hyesszzz yoooouuu aaaare09:50
jribamigojapan: not sure if you should have to, but try "sudo -K"09:53
jribamigojapan: if it's still not working, pastebin your /etc/sudoers09:54
amigojapanok jrib09:54
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:55
=== tehbaut| is now known as tehbaut
amigojapanjrib: doesnt  work, here is my current /etc/sudoers file http://pastebin.com/m66f01c4d09:56
Symmetriahrm anyone here using ixgbe cards and having any issues with em?09:57
Snicksiehi, don't know exactly where to ask my question; so ask it here: I got an iso-file (iso 9660), but all my files have extensions like textfile.txt;1 and so on, is there a reason why it is? Can I mount it with something else so I don't have the ;1 ?09:57
jribamigojapan: erm, I don't see any nopasswd there09:57
rs__i use ubuntu 8.04, when i open Mozilla, I dont see the task bar, how to enable it to always see the task bar09:57
amigojapanjrib: no, nevermind, that is not it, hold on repastebin09:57
MrPiracyhow can i get grub2 to forward boot to chameleon bootloader on my secondary HD's mbr ?09:58
amigojapanjrib: sorry, now this one is the current one http://pastebin.com/m50c38bd609:58
jribamigojapan: move your NOPASSWD lines to the bottom of the file09:59
chu_So, Gnome-Do loads, but it doesn't load its "database of knowledge", it does nothing, usually a logout will fix it, but it seems rather pointless... Is there a command to "reboot" Gnome-Do?09:59
amigojapanjrib: ok, I will try that..09:59
Jordan_UMrPiracy: root=(hd2) ; chainloader09:59
Snicksiers__, firefox preferences (edit) -> tabs -> always show the tab bar ? ;)09:59
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  that6s due to the how they were burnt/juliot filesystem options. I think theres mount options around it. or try the fuseiso or fuseiso9660 commands to mount them via fuse09:59
mMezquitaleMrPiracy, do you know how to do that using old grub?09:59
rs__Not the firefox tab bar, i mean the ubuntu taskbar09:59
SnicksieDr_Willis, i'll try ;)09:59
MrPiracyJordan_U: and where am i supposed to put this?09:59
MrPiracymMezquitale: yes, i do10:00
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  i rember making a lot of disks that way once by mistake by using the wrong options in nero, or k3b10:00
Jordan_UMrPiracy: /etc/grub.d/40_custom10:00
rs__Snicksie: I mean the ubuntu task bar10:00
Jordan_UMrPiracy: As a menu entry10:00
MrPiracyJordan_U: then i just update-grub after that?10:00
Jordan_UMrPiracy: Yes10:00
MrPiracyJordan_U: ok, thx, gonna give it a try10:01
Snicksiers__, can't you rightclick on it and choose not to auto-hide?10:01
HalabundHi!  Since I upgraded to Karmic, DNS resolution is impossibly slow (up to half a minute) when I connect through a VPN.  It is necessary to use the VPN to access the internet in the university's network.  It appears that if I comment the 'domain' and 'search' lines in resolv.conf, then the problem disappears.  I tried editing the wired connection in Network Manager and changing it from "DHCP" to "DHCP (addresses only)", and setting the DNS serve10:01
Halabundr manually, to prevent the 'search' and 'domain' lines from being inserted into resolv.conf.  But if I do this, I can't connect to the VPN.  Here's the original resolv.conf file: http://pastebin.com/d5d8273d510:01
HalabundDoes anyone have any suggestions about fixing this problem permanently? Slow DNS resolution makes Karmic near-unusable for web browsing.10:01
Dr_WillisMrPiracy:  you MUST use update-grub after changing the grub config files now :)10:01
FloodBot1Halabund: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
mMezquitaleJordan_U,  not entirely correct, MrPiracy, user configurable settings go into ¨/etc/default/grub¨10:01
Jordan_UMrPiracy: Look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see how grub2 menu entries look10:01
Jordan_UmMezquitale: It's not a setting, it's a menu entry10:01
ryoohkianyone using the new grub to have 1 partition which is a lvm with / and swap inside?10:01
rs__Snicksie: I i have not enabled auto hide10:01
rs__Snicksie: when i open firefox, it covers the whole screen10:02
amigojapanjrib: it worked! why do those lines haveto be at the end of the file?10:02
mMezquitaleJordan_U,  grub.cfg is not to be edited, all user configurable settings are to be placed in /etc/default/grub10:02
jribamigojapan: read the second paragraph of « man sudoers »10:02
rs__Snicksie: Always show the tabbar worked10:03
amigojapanok jrib thanx alot10:03
rs__Snicksie: What does Tabbar mean - I dont see it10:03
HalabundOK, here's the whole story again in a pastebin. http://paste.ubuntu.com/318451/   Can someone please help solve this problem?10:03
Jordan_UmMezquitale: You can't add custom menu entries in /etc/default/grub , if you want to do that you should add a script to /etc/grub.d/ or simply put the menu entry in /etc/grub.d/40_custom . Read the grub2 documentation10:03
Snicksiers__, try F11 :)10:03
=== m4rtin is now known as m4rtin_
nvmei just made an ext4 partition but for some reason i dont have write permissions to it, how do i get those ?10:05
ubuntuplease help me how to configure Pppoe  connection ?10:05
SnicksieDr_Willis, it works, yet to change chmod, gotta mount it in root, but using the iso in root is not what i'd like10:05
mMezquitaleJordan_U, I was told to place entries into /etc/default/grub and then update-grub, is this not the case?  /etc/grub.d/ is supposed to be settings for scripts, by the way I also added my settings in a file I created in /etc/grub.d/ but that was when karmic was still in testing phase10:05
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  Huh? what works? :)10:06
SnicksieDr_Willis, fuseiso works ;) Got it totally working now, thanx ;)10:07
Jordan_UmMezquitale: /etc/default/grub is where you set variables used by the scripts in /etc/grub.d/ but if you want to do something that can't be done by the scripts that already exist you have to add your own10:07
nvmei just made an ext4 partition but for some reason i dont have write permissions to it, how do i get those ?10:07
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  :) users are supposed to be able to mount them via fuseiso :) no need for root to do it.10:07
ibmx41treinstall your system10:07
joaopintonvme, you chant the ownership with chmod according to your needs10:07
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  then again.. jusr right clickiong on a ,iso file here lets me mount them as a user.10:07
MrPiracyJordan_U: do you think it's possible to put all the chamaleon files (boot, boot1h, boot0) into a folder and have Grub2 to load it from there? It would be a lot easier for me if i didnt really have to use the secondary HD10:08
SnicksieDr_Willis, already works how it should :)10:08
sumaiyaCan anybody help me ...I am getting mysql error in ubuntu10:08
mMezquitaleJordan_U, ok thanks!  someone told me the same info except the other way around, my suggestion was to create a menu entry in /etc/grub.d/ I had to create my own file when karmic was still in testing phase, thank you for the correction10:09
Jordan_UMrPiracy: I'm not sure if it will confuse chameleon if it's loaded from a file instead of the mbr but you can use the chainloader command on files too with "chainloder (hd0,1)/boot/chameleon"10:09
Dr_WillisSnicksie:  fuseiso can also mount .nrg and other odd formats i hear10:09
ibmx41twhy english only?10:10
Mwaok wtf does ubuntu hate logitech or something? I have my wireless mouse's reciever plugged in and ubuntu says my bluetooth keyboard is connected in the bluetooth menu in the status area, however neither of them do anything. Does anyone know why this is, and how I can fix it10:10
Jordan_UMrPiracy: s/chainloder/chainloader10:10
SnicksieDr_Willis, nice :) I'll use it when i need it ;)10:10
Jordan_Uibmx41t: There are other language specific channels10:10
nvmejoaopinto, i did chmod 775 /media/drive but it didnt work10:10
Snicksienvme, sudo chmod?10:11
Jordan_UmMezquitale: np10:11
joaopintonvme, is the filesystem mounted read-write ?10:11
tballDoes anybody have problems unzipping latest opencl-beta driver for linux 64 bit? I have downloaded it 4 times now, and everytime it is corrupted10:11
an0nmat1ri deleted all my radio list om rhytmbox and now it wont show me the new list i add.. any idea?10:12
joaopintonvme, is the user the owne or belongs to the owner group  ?10:12
rdzhi all. how can i get rid of the black screen after 5 mins of inactivity10:13
freaky[t]is there any easy way in ubuntu 9.10 to mount other windows partitions automatically?10:13
joaopintofreaky[t], add them to /etc/fstab10:13
mMezquitaleanybody knows what is the shortcut in karmic that will change keyboard settings??? my settings keep getting changed after pressing an unkown sequence of keys i cant quote, ẗhis is what happens" and more weird stuff happens after pressing shift10:13
m4rtinfreaky[t]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:14
freaky[t]thank you all ;D10:14
ubotturedmond is not relevent to my interests.10:14
nvmejoaopinto, i just set it up in /etc/fstab, how do i refresh the changes ?10:15
tballnvme, sudo mount -a10:15
joaopintothat's refresh as in: mount it all :)10:15
tballyup :)10:16
=== leche_ is now known as zucker
nvmei added that to my /etc/fstab file but its not getting mounted10:16
joaopintonvme, a windows partition using ext4 :) ?10:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resetgnome10:16
mMezquitalenvme, did you use UUIDś??10:16
joaopintooh wait10:16
joaopintoyou are not the one of the windows question :P10:17
nvmejoaopinto, who said its a windows partition ?10:17
om26er!hi | MSK10:17
ubottuMSK: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:17
joaopintonvme, I was messing questions sorry10:17
MSKI thank every one over here .. for the support10:17
joaopintonvme, just try it manually first: mount /dev/sda7 /media/liveboots10:17
m4rtinjoaopinto: can you mount this partition manually (ie. not via fstab?)10:17
m4rtinsorry that was meant to nvme10:17
MSKis there any chance of updating my home computer without internet ?10:18
joaopintonvme, and tbw, the chown on the mount point is to be used after mounting, not before10:18
nvmem4rtin, yes but its not letting me get read/write permissions past the root directory when i mount manually10:18
MSKin office i am working on 9.04 and in home i am working with 9.1010:18
joaopintonvme, fstab does not change that10:18
joaopintonvme, ls -ltrd /media/boots (after mounting it)10:19
nvmegrr thsi is so annoying can someone just give me the command for mounting it with rw permissions10:19
beningi have a baby10:19
om26erMSK: your office version needs to be updated to 9.10 not the home its already 9.1010:19
tballMSK, Don't got internet at home?10:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:19
om26er!ot | bening10:19
ubottubening: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:19
m4rtinnvme: try a manual mount then ls -ltrd10:19
joaopintonvme, it mounts with rw by default, the annoying is probably your lack of understanding how Linux file privileges works10:19
m4rtinI'll let joaopinto deal with this :P10:19
MSKyes i tried to install 9.10 and held up with some issues10:19
MSKso once again i hv gone back to 9.0410:19
Jordan_Unvme: Btw I plan to to try getting the floppy images from UBCD loading with grub tomorrow10:20
nvmejoaopinto, i understand how they work, i just down understand how to get them the way i want because the people that wrote the prgorams to do it want to make it as hard as possible10:20
blackshelli recently edited my fstab file to auto mount the drives,,now i cant boot to windows xp ,says "ntldr mising"10:20
tballMSK, which issues?10:20
mMezquitalenvme, i suggest you use UUID in your fstab and chown the directory where you mounted the drive10:20
MSKtball: i dont have internet at home10:20
om26erblackshell: that's windows problem i think and reinstall is required10:20
mMezquitaleblackshell, boot into linux and undo the change that you did10:20
tballMSK, Because of your ISP or the ubuntu 9.1010:20
om26erMSK: download the iso and then10:21
om26erMSK: download the iso in your offive10:21
joaopintonvme, not really, you don't understand how they work, because a few minutes ago you were doing a non sense thing, trying to fix a privileges issue by using a regular fstab entry, so instead of complaining, please read, and provide the output of the commands you were politely asked to do :)10:21
om26er!torrents | MSK10:21
ubottuMSK: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).10:21
MSKtball: we use lotus notes 8.0.2 and sametime client 8.0.2 (intranet chat) in office, i was able to install, but i was not able to chat10:21
tballWhich IRC client is everybody use? I don't find xchat that good10:21
KB1JWQirssi is nice.10:21
Jordan_Ublackshell: I'm not sure how an fstab entry alone could cause windows not to be able to boot. Try asking in ##windows10:21
joaopintotball, most of us use xchat10:22
om26ertball: irssi is text only10:22
mMezquitaletball, you are using gnome xchat, use xchat and youll be fine10:22
leaf-sheep!irc | tball10:22
ubottutball: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:22
Dr_Willisweechat - my fav10:22
om26ertball: pidgin is simple i think10:22
BlouBloutball: try irssi, it's in terminal but if you know how to use it's very nice10:22
tballThx I'll try xchat instead of gnome xchat10:22
tballI love the terminal10:22
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »10:22
tballI'll give it a shot10:23
MSKubottu :  i have the latest 9.10 software burned to cd, and i have installed it in home, only thing is i need to update it with some software's like multimedia codec etc10:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:23
mMezquitaletball, sudo apt-get install xchat10:23
BlouBlou!bot | MSK10:23
ubottuMSK: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:23
nvmejoaopinto, i did sudo chown myuser:myuser /media/liveboots , still no write permissions10:24
tballmMezquitale, Yeah ;)10:24
=== tomaw- is now known as tomaw
om26erMSK: i have made an ubuntu-restricted extras 40mb tar file which don't need internet10:24
joaopintonvme, mount the file system manually, then: ls -lad /media/liveboots10:24
om26erMSK: but the question is how can i give it to you10:24
mMezquitalenvme, use... forget it, im not suppose to feed trolls10:24
joaopintoand show the result10:24
tballWell that was better10:24
Saz|Laptop_so riddle me this10:24
BoriTorihi folks, when i run "jruby script.rb > out.txt" , it doesn't capture the java errors, only the script's outputs.10:25
Saz|Laptop_I have a PATA drive that's taking hours to fsck. However, if I plug the SAME DRIVE into a PATA->SATA converter the fsck takes only 10 minutes10:25
Saz|Laptop_what the hell is going on here10:25
joaopintoSaz|Laptop_, most likely a driver issue10:25
don1Anybody know why if I sudo open Nautilus is doesn't let me extract files to a folder, but it will let me copy?10:25
MSKoh .. thank u om26er .. if possible can u update in some site and provide me the link10:25
nvmeyes i get frustrated hence im a troll10:25
Saz|Laptop_joaopinto, are you telling me there's no decent PATA driver for nforce2 boards?10:25
mMezquitaleBoriTori, that is more or a programming question which is off topic, you might want to ask in a programming channel10:25
Saz|Laptop_seriously, its nforce2. It's litereally years old10:25
om26erMSK: i have avery bitching upload speed will take time but if you can w8 an hour?10:25
joaopintoSaz|Laptop_, I am telling you that there is likely to be a driver issue,, I didn't commented about the drivers quality in general :)10:26
leaf-sheepBoriTori: ##java10:26
Jordan_UBoriTori: "jruby script.rb > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt" to save the errors and normal output to separate files10:26
MSKom26er:ok i will10:26
joaopintoBoriTori, you want to redirect stderr10:26
Saz|Laptop_joaopinto, latest kernel with latest modules debs on hardy, I haven't screwed with anything10:26
joaopintoBoriTori, program > file.txt 2>&110:26
tballHas anyone tried the fglrx opencl driver in Ubuntu?10:26
joaopintoSaz|Laptop_, latest kernel on hardy ? you mean old kernel :P ?10:27
joaopintotball, no10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about factoid>10:27
Saz|Laptop_joaopinto, now to be fair, 2.6.24 isn't THAT old10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opencl>10:27
BlouBlouMSK: please, try ubottu's commands in private :)10:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opencl10:28
joaopintotball, you you mean, opengl ?10:28
tballjoaopinto: No I mean opencl10:28
om26erMSK: you will be here?10:28
joaopintook, no idea on that :)10:28
Saz|Laptop_when did 2.6.24 come out, January of last year?10:28
BlackDalekafter I installed today's updates for ubuntu 9.04, my audio went screwball and now it won't work - all audio is now a muffled garbled static sound.10:28
MSKcan i give my mail id in this chat ?10:28
om26erMSK: do i upload it to ubuntu one10:28
tballjoaopinto, OpenCL (Open Computing Language) is a framework for writing programs that execute across heterogeneous platforms consisting of CPUs, GPUs, and other processors.10:29
Saz|Laptop_ok, its about 2 years old, still way newer than most nforce2 boards10:29
MSKbut how can i login to that10:29
om26erMSK: rapidshare then10:29
MSKyes please10:29
tballjoaopinto, I'm working with highly costly parallel algorithms10:29
nvmeJordan_U, yeah i just decided to use a couple of different .iso files that can be booted with loopback instead10:29
joaopintotball, ok :)10:30
om26erMSK: ok its uploading10:31
MSKom26er : thank u10:31
moldorhi all - any GRUB gurus here ?10:34
om26ermoldor: he is called Dr_Willis but just type you question10:35
ValentinaWill a user cron job be executed without logged in as the user that owns the cron job? I mena, a root cron job will be run only having the server up and going, but how about a user cron job?10:35
BlouBlou!grub | moldor10:35
ubottumoldor: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.10:35
Jordan_Umoldor: Ask your real question and find out10:35
infiddoes ubuntu 9.10 ship with the firewall enabled by default?10:35
moldor:-)... OK- I've just installed Ubuntu 9.10 on an ASUS 1000HE which is also running OS X - it picked up the OS X installation, but won't boot it. KJust wondering if anyone has tried this before.10:36
om26erinfid: yes i guess so10:36
llutzValentina: it will always be run10:36
* Dr_Willis is also making tea :) so is a little busy for a min.10:36
=== kb is now known as Guest90647
BlouBlouinfid: no, you need enable via command line or with firestarter10:36
BlouBlouinfid: use "sudo ufw enable"10:37
Dr_Willisinfid:  theres no rules.. it has a fiurewall feture. but nothing is blocked10:37
BlouBlouDr_Willis: bt deafult it works with "denny policy"10:37
mMezquitaleBlouBlou, ufw is installed but is it enabled?10:37
infidis there a command to see if it's enabled already10:37
infidufw is installed but disabled by default10:37
Dr_Willisinfid:  sudo iptables --list  I think10:37
BlouBloumMezquitale: it's installed by default, but not enabled10:37
Dr_Willisno rules = nothing going on.10:37
infidyeah iptables -L has no rules by default10:38
Dr_Willisfirewalls in linux - is sort of the opposite direction of how windows handles firewalls :)10:38
infidbecause firewalls in linux block everything by default?10:39
jauntyjoe0opposite direction?10:39
moldorfirewalls in linux = done right !10:39
BlouBlouinfid: it deppends of wich policy do you use10:39
BlouBlouinfid: right now I have "allow all excepting ICMP", I have got router wifi, so I haven't got problems10:39
jauntyjoe0the so-called application firewall in windows10:39
Valentinallutz: Ok, thanks.10:40
* om26er says infid wanna know is ubuntu secure10:40
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist10:40
jauntyjoe0blocks outgoing connects based on application md5sum etc etc10:40
moldorI'm totally lost with the new GRUB configuration10:41
mMezquitaleis a firewall really needed for practical purposes in a nonserver ubuntu installation?10:41
sahilskwhat is alternate install dvd??10:41
mMezquitalemoldor, what is your question about grub2?10:41
om26ersahilsk: languages10:41
llutzjauntyjoe0: you mean layer-7 filtlering10:41
om26ersahilsk: dvd=languages and alternate is non-gui10:41
moldormMezquitale, It's picked up the OS X installation on my Hackintosh and created a GRUB entry, but it refuses to allow it to boot.10:42
freaky[t]where do i set up powersaving functions? like when to go to powersave mode?10:42
om26erfreaky[t]: add a processor applet10:43
sahilskom26er: i am trying to install ubuntu via unetbootin from alternate install dvd. on booting i get non gui interface and it tried to connect and install from internet,instead of installing form pendrive. do u know ,what wrong with it?10:43
infidmMezquitale is there really such thing as a 'non-server' ubuntu install? even people who use it as a desktop often still allow ssh'ing in or apache user_dir10:43
om26ersahilsk: downlaod desktop cd instead of alternate10:43
Linux-IRCIs anyone here ?10:44
frogzoo1no, noone10:44
om26er!test | Linux-IRC10:44
ubottuLinux-IRC: yes, I'm alive.10:44
Linux-IRCIf i do , dd if=f.iso of=/dev/sdc  , what would be bs= ? by default ?10:44
Padhusahilsk: Don't worry. It also the same as GUI mode. But it is little bit lengthy.10:44
sahilskom26er: what the difference between these two??10:44
mMezquitalemoldor,  im not familiar with crackedintoshes but I had the same problem in my laptop, the problem is that Ï had a /boot partition and another partition for /home and another for / and karmic was unable to boot because / and /boot where in different partitions10:44
Linux-IRCubottu: Are you bot ?10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Are you bot ?10:44
frogzoo1lies! ubottu is non sentient10:44
om26ersahilsk: desktop cd is gui cd= simple install10:45
Linux-IRCWhat's the default bs for dd command ?10:45
om26er!torrents | sahilsk10:45
ubottusahilsk: Karmic can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).10:45
mMezquitaleinfid, i mean an ubuntu installation not being used as a router10:45
frogzoo1Linux-IRC: something tiny like 102410:45
jauntyjoe0even higher than level 7, llutz :)10:45
Linux-IRCfrogzoo1: 1024 KB or 1024MB ?10:45
sahilskom26er: actually i am trying to install ubuntu studio . http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/9.10/release/10:45
frogzoo1Linux-IRC: 1024B10:45
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PadhuIs karmic have an network-manager applet problem like Ibex?10:46
moldormMezquitale, I've always had separate partitions, but in this case the Linux side is one for swap and everything else in 1. The OS X side is 1 for the bootloader, and one for OS X. I can get Ubuntu to dual-boot on the MacbookPro using rEFIt, a grub-like bootloader, but the hackintosh is giving me grief10:46
llutzjauntyjoe0: that would mean filtering the user, probably the best way :=)10:46
mMezquitalesahilsk, what is your question about ubuntu studio? Please repost10:46
om26erMSK: once you extract tar.gz file. then from terminal browse to the directory and type sudo dpkg -i *.deb10:47
om26erMSK: http://rapidshare.com/files/306844636/restricted-extras.tar.gz10:47
mMezquitalemoldor, ok so your question is youre using grub2 and youre unable to boot up to some type of partition that you used to be able to boot up to using old grub with menu.lst?10:47
sahilskactually, i visited the ubuntu studio home page and find only alternate install dvd . I tried to install via unetbootin, but it try to download and install files from the internet instead of instalin from my bootable pendrive.10:47
moldormMezquitale, basically yes. I've tried OS X first, then Ubuntu - and vice versa. only the "first" os will boot.10:48
mMezquitalesahilsk, log in to #ubuntustudio around 1PM USA eastern time and talk to the op, maybe he can help you10:49
sahilskmMezquitale: thanks :)10:49
moldormMezquitale, it's quite possible that GRUB2 can't handle this and I might have to do it another way... Or maybe I should just stick to Ubuntu on this box...:-)\10:50
Jordan_Uom26er: In the future you should know that synaptic can create package download scripts so you don't need to upload a tar file to rapid share10:50
om26erJordan_U: thanx10:50
mMezquitalemoldor, thereś a bug in grub2 where grub2 wont boot if you have different partitions for boot and /10:51
Jordan_Uom26er: np10:51
moldormMezquitale, I noticed that, whicn is why I have everything in one part.10:52
om26erMSK: after extracting tar.gz delete the first file in it. that's adobe flash plugin but won't install until you have internet and i deleted ttf-mscorefonts-installer (that required internet )10:52
Jordan_UmMezquitale: If you have been hit by that there is an easy fix10:52
dgsi'm having issues getting update-grub2 to pick up my windows xp installation. it's a brand new install of both (installed xp, then karmic). i suspect it might be because ubuntu is on /dev/sda1 and windows xp is on /dev/sdb1, but i'm not sure if that matters or not...10:52
petsoundsmMezquitale : is there any solution for that problem? cause i think bug in grub2 affecting me.10:52
Jordan_Udgs: Have you tried running "sudo update-grub" ?10:53
jauntyjoe0just wondering, i know about the synaptic scripts.. but can apt-get or aptitude do the same?10:53
mMezquitaleJordan_U, I was hit hard by that bug but I already found the solution, I created a file in /etc/grub.d/ then updated grub, im all good, can you help moldor  please10:53
mMezquitalepetsounds, yes there is a solution please listen to Jordan_U10:53
om26erJordan_U: how to make a script that you told me from synaptic10:53
blackshella few days back ,i edited my fstab file to autmatically mount the drives and after that i could not boot to windows ,,gives me an error,says "ntldr missing"10:54
Jordan_U!offline | om26er10:54
ubottuom26er: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD10:54
dgsJordan_U: yeah, both update-grub and update-grub2 both just list my linux partitions + memtest (which is all that gets written to /boot/grub/grub.cfg )10:54
blackshellhelp anyone?10:54
llutzblackshell: you also altered grub(2) configuration?10:55
mMezquitalemy sound just failed again in my laptop, same effect on my desktop, there is a really bad bug somewhere either in ubuntu or alsa10:55
blackshellllutz bo10:55
Dayofswordsreminds me, when i run 'sudo update-grub' it says that ere is now menu.lst, thats from old grub, i have that new one shipped in 9.10, so i do 'sudo update-grub2'  it gives an error saying what packages contain update-grub2, any idea why? (not on ubuntu right now)10:56
Dayofswordssays there is no menu.lst, i mean10:56
mMezquitaleblackshell, you either have to undo whatever changed you did in your fstab, dont ask the same question again otherwise you will be trolling, or fix whatever corruption  you have in your hard drive, this is not related to ubuntu, changing settings in your fstab wont affect your redmond install unless your hard drive is dying10:57
om26erJordan_U: that only downloads one package.10:58
om26erJordan_U: ubuntu-restricted-extras_36_i386.deb10:58
Guillem_what happened with system-services GUI? has it been dropped in Karmic?10:59
Jordan_Uom26er: The script only has the packages that you don't have installed locally10:59
om26erJordan_U: ahh ok10:59
Jordan_Uom26er: To get all the packages needed from a default install use http://apt.alturl.com/10:59
MSKom26er: thank u very much11:00
om26erJordan_U: that link don't have karmic11:00
MSKi was not in my seat .. sorry for late reply11:00
om26erMSK: now do you know how to install this11:00
Jordan_Uom26er: Just realized that, that's unfortunate11:00
MSKom26er :ya i read your chat message . thank u11:01
om26erMSK: good luck11:01
MSKom26er:thank u and bye11:01
kbpcould anyone help me find the download page of Ubuntu 9.04 64bit please? I've surfed around the website and cant find it at all11:01
krummlaufhow do i make it so i can see more of these windows?11:02
krummlaufsometimes a window goes off the screen11:02
krummlaufi cant see the bottom then i cant save preferences11:03
Guillem_is it safe to use "bum"?11:03
JmZis it possible to have a few screens automatically opened on boot up? and also to run a specified command in each one11:03
llutzkbp: http://ubuntu.intergenia.de/releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-amd64.iso11:03
kbpllutz: thank you :)11:04
moldorJordan_U, Did you have a fix for ths grub2 annoyance >11:04
om26erlist | hellpatrol11:06
aLeSDhi all11:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:06
om26er!hi | aLeSD11:06
ubottuaLeSD: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:06
Jordan_Umoldor: No11:06
aLeSDhow could I enter the grub menu at the boot ?11:06
aLeSDI'n in 9.0111:06
Dr_WillisJmZ:  depends on what you ,ean by 'screens' if you mean X sessions yes. :)11:06
Dr_WillisJmZ:  the power of linux is in your hands. :)11:06
moldorJordan_U, Ok, cool... I might have to abandon having OS X and Ubuntu on this ASUS netbook11:06
legend2440aLeSD: hold down  Shift key11:07
davidegoodmorning I-m italian and a want to install xubuntu in italian language,who can help me_11:07
dkgI installed an update in karmic for grub just now, it had some options I chose to keep what I had, now I can't boot into windows 7. Please guide me11:07
om26erdavide: live cd11:07
virtualdjmz: crontab -e and enter @reboot screen -S name-of-screen -d -m <command>11:07
om26erdoes live cd have italian?11:07
boranhi. I have seperate X screens.  how can i decide which application will launch on which screen? For example Firefox works on the one that I want it to work. But gedit, terminal opens up on the other one. Any ideas?11:07
davideom26er live cd?11:07
petsoundshi, i have a problem,  sometimes my ubuntu failed to start, there's only _ blinking after GRUB, so i check it with different Hard Drive which is windows to make sure that there's no problem with my hardware, it's ok. so i guess it's not my hardware problem. how can i fix it? thanks..11:08
Jordan_Upetsounds: That problem with separate /boot was fixed in an update to grub211:08
MrPiracyJordan_U: it worked, thank you ;)11:08
om26erdavide:  download the ubuntu live cd and select italian or install italian in you existing install from language support11:08
Billiardboran: compiz might let you set this up, not sure11:08
virtualdjmz: to add a window to the same screen session do screen -rX same-name-of-screen screen <command>11:08
Jordan_Upetsounds: Just upgrading to the curretn package should fix the problem11:08
Jordan_UMrPiracy: np :)11:08
freaky[t]is anybody here familiar with openvpn - server(linux) client(windows)?11:08
petsoundsJordan_U : sudo update-grub?11:09
freaky[t]i cant ping client from server and vice versa11:09
Jordan_Upetsounds: Yes, but that should be done automatically when the package upgrades11:09
eddymguys im trying to compile gspca and for some reason i get this11:11
Asad-awaywhat does this error mean:  "[   18.534292] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)"  ?11:11
Asad-awaymy wifi isn't working :S11:11
MrPiracyJordan_U: now do you happen to know how to mount my hfsplus partition for read/write? I added to fstab, but it will mount read only ... /dev/sda3 /media/Mac\040OS\040X\040Snow\040Leopard hfsplus rw,user,owner,auto 0 011:11
dkgI just updated grub in ubuntu, now windows 7 won't boot.  It's in the menu but it displays a message something like unrecognised signature. how do I go about fixing it?11:11
Jordan_UMrPiracy: You can only mount hfsplus rw if you disable journaling :(11:11
eddymhttp://pastebin.com/d2b2bfa88 can any1 help with gscpa11:11
MrPiracyJordan_U: and that has to be done from inside mac, rite?11:12
Jordan_UMrPiracy: Yes11:12
krummlaufcan anyone tell me?11:12
krummlaufhow to adjust windows or do something11:12
krummlaufi really cant see the bottom of this preference window and its driving me bonkers11:12
Billiardkrummlauf: try alt + drag11:12
courpseUsing postfix and php5, Can send mail using terminal's sendmail, the log says it all went fine, when using php's mail(); which uses sendmail as well, mail.log says it went off fine, but it never arrives.11:13
MrPiracyJordan_U: alright, thx11:13
om26erkrummlauf: netbook?11:13
petsoundsJordan_U : ok, ill try and right now im changing the local mirror to main server to get the latest updates.11:13
om26erkrummlauf: its screen is small11:13
courpseDifferent i can see is mail(); is using www-data as user, and sendmail is using courpse as user.11:13
courpseAny ideas anyone?11:13
krummlaufwell whats the fix11:13
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  netbooks are annoyin in how 'short' the screns are . use alt-click to drag windows UP higher.11:13
Jordan_Udkg: If you are using grub2 try asking in #grub11:13
LewisIs it possible to remove the GRUB loader and just use the normal Windows Boot Menu?11:13
eddymhttp://pastebin.com/d2b2bfa88 can any1 help with gscpa     hello anyone?11:13
krummlaufdr_willis: THANKS!11:13
BilliardLewis: afaik no11:14
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  theres a tool out for windows that gives windows the same feature its kalled (badly) 'kde-resizer' (yes its a windows app)11:14
LewisBilliard: Thanks anyway :)11:14
courpseUsing postfix and php5, Can send mail using terminal's sendmail, the log says it all went fine, when using php's mail(); which uses sendmail as well, mail.log says it went off fine, but it never arrives.11:14
florian_hello, how comes that my alsamixer master and surround is muted automatically at startup? though I've de-muted it manually before, in the terminal alsamixer?11:14
courpseDifferent i can see is mail(); is using www-data as user, and sendmail is using courpse as user.11:14
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  im holding off getting a new netbook till come come out with 'higher res' screens11:14
courpseNever had this problem with jaunty, just karmic.11:14
Jordan_ULewis: Do you want to be able to boot Ubuntu from the windows menu?11:14
dkgJordan_U: many thanks. will do.11:14
om26erkrummlauf: i  think that won't be called netbook11:14
Jordan_Udkg: np11:14
krummlaufthis netbook is fine11:15
krummlaufi like it, in fact11:15
krummlaufit does everything i want it to do11:15
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  the wife took mine. :)11:15
krummlaufexcept for these dang windows!11:15
krummlaufwell, instead of buying a new 1000 dollar pc i got this11:15
amigojapanhi, anyone have any idea why I can redirect the output of ls like this , ls > logfile.log    but I cant redirect the output of this vncserver > logfile.log     ???11:15
krummlaufthen i had it dual boot for ubuntu11:15
om26erkrummlauf: those windows are improved in karmic as compared to jaunty11:15
krummlaufpretty awesome11:15
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  the various netbook interfaces may be worth looking into also.11:15
krummlaufim not planning to upgrade11:15
krummlaufi heard there were problems with the upgrade11:16
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  still some games/programs just dont handle a 800 tall screen very well11:16
llutzamigojapan: try: vncserver > logfile.log 2>&111:16
krummlaufdr_willis: im not a gamer11:16
Jordan_Uamigojapan: vncserver is writing to stderr ( where error messages are sent ) try "vncserver 2> logfile.log"11:16
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  not just games.. as you discovered11:16
krummlaufdr_willis: we can go back and forth forever11:16
om26erccsm screen don't fit exacly11:16
krummlaufthanks for the advice though11:16
amigojapanthanx llutz and Jordan_U11:16
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  nothing like lots of dialogs that are SUPER tall to get annoying. Gnome in 9.10 fixed a lot of those quirks11:16
Asad-awaywhat does this error mean:  "[   18.534292] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)"  ?11:16
Dr_Willisamigojapan:  vncserver here puts a log in .vnc/* for  my setup11:17
krummlaufill try your first suggestion11:17
krummlaufi MAY consider upgrading11:17
jarleIs there a way I can install an older kernel than 2.6.31-15-generic that comes with ubuntu 9.10?11:17
om26erjarle: disable
om26eroh sorry11:18
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om26erjarle: how old kernel?11:18
Dr_WillisKernel 1.0.1 ? :)11:18
om26erjarle: newer kernels are better11:18
krummlaufworked like a charm!11:19
jarleom26er: 2.6.20 or so...11:19
om26erjarle: no11:19
krummlaufno upgrade 4 me hee hee!11:19
krummlaufnetbook wins again!11:19
om26er!enter | krummlauf11:19
ubottukrummlauf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:19
jarleopensasc-ng does not work with kernel 2.6.31 :(11:19
krummlauf!enter | om26er11:19
ubottuom26er: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:19
Dr_Williskrummlauf:  theres been major updates in the various netbook variants. Worthj checking out on a live flash drive at least some day11:19
krummlaufheheheheheheheh take that11:19
ninelanyone knows why  alternate CD image still wants netconnection to download packages from?11:19
krummlaufdr_willis: i got ubuntu thru a website11:20
krummlaufi cant thank the bloke who showed it to me enough11:20
om26er!usb | krummlauf11:20
ubottukrummlauf: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:20
krummlaufom26er: you dont even need a usb flash-drive!11:20
LewisThe way i installed Ubuntu means it made a partition, but the partition doesn't have a name, and won't allow me to rename it or resize it or anything. It's really annoying because i'm running out of room in this partition. How do i give it a name?11:21
icerootLewis: a name?11:22
krummlaufthere was a man who had a partition and it didnt have a name-o11:22
icerootLewis: look at fdisk -l11:22
ninelLewis: i guess you really want to increase room in your Ubuntu's /11:22
icerootLewis: they are called /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 and so on11:22
Dr_WillisLewis:  you can LABEL a ext2/3/4  fileysstem with the tune2fs command.. but not having a label wont prevent you frp, resizeing it11:23
Saz|Laptop_so when did wine make it a pain to run any program in sudo?11:24
icerootSaz|Laptop_: why running them with sudo?11:24
Dr_Williscant say that ive ever needed to run a wine app as root..11:24
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »11:24
Saz|Laptop_iceroot, I have a program which needs access to devices in /dev/11:25
LewisI went into Windows 7 for it's partition manager. I took a look and saw my C Drive (Windows 7), System Reserved (for Windows 7), E Drive (all my personal files), and a blank partition that contains Ubuntu, and it won't let me resize it or anything.11:25
icerootSaz|Laptop_: then put the devices into wine11:25
icerootSaz|Laptop_: winecfg11:25
Saz|Laptop_iceroot, when running in wine WinHex allows you to put in /dev/sd*11:25
Dr_Williswine accessing /dev/XXXX is sort of scary11:25
jetienne_q. i would like to have pidgin icon on the "notification area" when it is running, how can i do that ?11:25
Saz|Laptop_Dr_Willis, if the program supports it, I don't see what's the problem11:26
Saz|Laptop_winhex is the only program that will let me dump space marked as free on an NTFS partition11:26
Saz|Laptop_everything else will dump the entire drive11:26
Dr_WillisSaz|Laptop_:  im suprised it even supports it.  hope its not going to trash anything for you11:26
eddymhey iceroot how can i correct this? http://pastebin.com/d2b2bfa8811:26
eddymiceroot, trying to compile gspca11:27
Saz|Laptop_Dr_Willis, it lists my partitions and I'm able to explore one of my NTFS partitions11:27
Saz|Laptop_hell, I'm able to load up my mac drive as well and it lists my HFS+ partition11:27
icerooteddym: as i said, ask the channel, i dont know11:27
Dr_WillisSaz|Laptop_:  good luck. all i can say is. I hope you got backups handy also.11:27
krummlaufok why is vlc freezing after i save changes11:27
eddymiceroot, np11:27
Saz|Laptop_I was surprised when I selected open disk and it specifically asked me for a linux device file11:27
krummlaufit totally did not expect me to figure out how to hit save11:27
Saz|Laptop_apparently the program is wine-aware11:27
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Saz|Laptop_I didnt think wine identified itself in any way a program could figure out11:29
Clay1Hey guys can someone here help me out please?11:29
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jetienne_q. i would like to have pidgin icon on the "notification area" when it is running, how can i do that ?11:30
ninelClay1: the rule is to start asking questions in a single line11:30
sobersabreneed help with xorg setup. is there a command to dump my current xorg setup into arbitrary xorg.conf file for further tweaking ?11:30
nineljetienne_: it should give you the icon from the preferences menu11:30
sobersabreI am on ubuntu 9.1011:31
jetienne_ninel: ? what do you mean ? which preference menu ?11:31
ninelpress control+P in your pidgin @jetienne_11:31
LewisI want to resize my Ubuntu partition, and be able to access it when im using Windows 7 (i have two OS' on here). I went into Windows 7 for it's partition manager. I took a look and saw my C Drive (Windows 7), System Reserved (for Windows 7), E Drive (all my personal files), and a blank partition that contains Ubuntu, and it won't let me resize it or anything. What do i do?11:31
jetienne_ninel: excelent, it did the job. thanks11:32
ninelLewis: Windows7 is blind about Linux partitions11:32
om26er!hi | manuel_11:32
ubottumanuel_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:32
Clay1Im having issues with ubuntu(i installed it today) and basically my video card isn't working on it. I have a radeon 3100. And also my microphone wont work on it and im pretty sure its not muted so i think it might be having a driver issue over all. But im not sure what to do im very new to this.11:33
manuel_i just wnat to know if the bugs in the reloasenotes of 910 are fixed now11:33
Lewisninel: okay i can go without accessing Ubuntu's partition, but how do i resize it at least? I have about 400MB left :/11:33
manuel_i just wnat to know if the bugs in m is encthe reloasenotes of 910 are fixed now e11:33
ninelLewis you can do that with LiveCD11:33
BlouBloumanuel_: the bugs of releasenotes of 9.10 were from RC version, now they are fixed11:33
icerootmanuel_: have a look at bugzilla/launchpad11:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 91011:33
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91011:33
BlouBlouom26er: the command is !karmic11:33
Lewisninel: i just put the LiveCD in, and then what? Will it give me the choice to resize the partition?11:34
iceroot!botabuse | om26er11:34
ubottuom26er: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:34
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manuel_are there any major bugs atm?11:34
ninelLewis: nope not as simple as that11:34
icerootmanuel_: have a look at bugzilla/launchpad11:34
Lewisninel: how complicated is it then? :/11:34
om26ericeroot: i wanted the release notes and while typeing 9.10 the dot missed11:35
BlouBloumanuel_: no, bugs will be fixing with normal updates, right now there aren't official bugs11:35
ninelLewis: hold on Let me find you a solution11:35
levenom26er: i have now tried the "alternative" boot cd, med into a usb-drive, and it gets to the stage where it demands a cd, and as i don't have one it refuses to go on?11:35
manuel_how many gigs would be an online update?11:35
BlouBloumanuel_: about 700 mbs11:35
ninelleven: I have just upgraded using the 'alternate' CD it still takes huge amount of files from net11:36
om26ermanuel_: samba related but is fixed in karmic11:36
levenninel: i got a fast connection so net is no problem11:36
BlouBlouom26er: yesterday was samba's update11:36
levenninel: problem is i don't have a cd11:36
om26eri was telling that11:36
ninelleven: then you can upgrade from directly the .iso file11:37
ninelwhich I just have accomplished a bit ago11:37
jetienne_please fix the notification system11:37
levenninel: i'm doing a clean install11:37
BlouBloujetienne_: what's up with it?11:37
levennothing to upgrade?11:37
manuel_does a fully encrypted system works in karmic for example the boot passphrase etc11:37
jetienne_BlouBlou: i got one but it is blicking and in the middle of the screen11:37
BlouBlouI recommend install ubuntu 9.10 without updating, for get ext4 and grub2 by default11:37
BlouBloujetienne_: I haven't got this problem11:38
m4rtinmanuel_: I did a clean install with a new encrypted FS and it worked great11:38
jetienne_BlouBlou: even a modal ala vista would be better, as you can get rid of it11:38
jetienne_BlouBlou: lucky you :)11:38
manuel_cause this is my work pc and it sould not be reinstalled11:38
BlouBloujetienne_: have you got any screenshot?11:38
manuel_no i have to update 904 encrypted11:38
jetienne_BlouBlou: i can make you but you wont get the blink11:39
jetienne_BlouBlou: where can i upload it ?11:39
beningdmesg what is that?11:39
BlouBloujetienne_: try to imageshack11:39
manuel_is lists system msg11:39
jetienne_BlouBlou: hmm and i have to wait for a notification to happen... how can i make one ?11:40
teolicyHi. I'm unable to setup Google Talk accounts in Empathy; both my accounts read 'network error'. I couldn't find something obvious in Google (i.e., "Empathy and Google Talk are broken in 9.10"); anyone here knows what gives?11:40
BlouBloujetienne_: wait a second :)11:40
levenom26er: what were you saying about the cd?11:40
O__ohey guys what is moblin?11:40
ninelhttp://www.techsupportforum.com/alternative-computing/linux-support/239249-resizing-linux-ubuntu-partition.html for you @ jetienne_11:41
om26erleven: tell me again11:41
O__ohow does it compare to ubuntu netbook remix?11:41
BlouBloujetienne_: have you got empathy or pidgin? wait to contact, and when it connects, it will appear notification, then do screenshot11:41
O__ois there such a thing call ubuntu moblin remix?11:41
om26erO__o: ubuntu moblin remix when completed will be better than the original moblin and i can bet on that11:41
matteo1990Hi all, i am trying to record sounds on Jaunty from MIC. I can hear my voice in the speakers but if i try to use "Record sound" nothing is recorded11:41
om26erO__o: moblin don't support a big number of apps to be installed can install gstreamer easily. and many many others app but in UMR you can do it all11:42
petsoundsO__o : i try ubuntu moblin remix on my eee pc 1000HE, too buggy. so i reinstalling with UNR :)11:42
O__ocan u install other linux app in moblin?11:43
O__oit looks quite nice on youtube11:43
om26erpetsounds: its developers preview11:43
levenom26er: netbook with no cd, trying usb-install, got it booted using a old 8.04 disc, but 9.04 and 9.10 drives and discs freeze right after the boot menu. and the alternative cd as usb-drive fails when it won't continue without a cd drive11:43
matteo1990Hi all, i am trying to record sounds on Jaunty from MIC. I can hear my voice in the speakers but if i try to use "Record sound" nothing is recorded11:43
petsoundsom26er : no doubt ;)11:43
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sobersabreIs there a way to dump my current xorg setup into arbitrary xorg.conf file ?11:44
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om26erO__o: yes you might but UMR has got the big ubuntu software pakage database11:44
sobersabre(I currently do not have xorg.conf)11:44
om26erleven:  i don't know what to sa11:44
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DhuskiDoes anyone here actually need help or am I wasting my time?11:45
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O__ois moblin other linux distro?11:45
levenom26er: think it is safe to install the 8.04 that works, and then upgrade?11:45
O__oor is it some kind of desktop environment?11:45
sobersabreleven: upgrade is always more prone to problems.11:46
om26erleven: sorry again cuz i never upgraded(just clean installed) and never tried 8.0411:46
levensobersabre: thats why i havn't tried it yet..11:46
sobersabreleven: haven't tried what yet ? an upgrade ?11:47
O__othe new wave in 9.10 looks quite nice11:47
leaf-sheepO__o: Thick fonts in App/Places/System? ;o11:47
sobersabreI upgrade from 5.10->6.04->6.10->7.10->8.1011:47
O__oleaf-sheep, what do u mean?11:48
om26erleven: i am only 4months into ubuntu11:48
levenom26er: haha ok =)11:48
om26erleven: mean i installed it in june11:48
teolicyHi. Is it possible to combine contacts in Empathy? (same person from two different IM services?)11:48
om26erteolicy: no11:48
teolicyom26er, that's terrible. Is it possible in Pidgin?11:49
sobersabreteolicy: I think so... but only the grouping thing.11:49
om26erteolicy: although you can make different groups11:49
sobersabreI think pidgin syncs group names to be the same on all accounts.11:49
om26erteolicy: same with pidgin11:49
leaf-sheepO__o: I'll take a picture.11:49
teolicysobersabre, om26er: What does that mean? Say I have a friend called Mike on MSN and ICQ, I create a group called "Mike"?11:50
teolicy(and put him there?)11:50
om26erteolicy: yes11:50
teolicyWell, thanks anyway for the info.11:50
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om26erteolicy: or you can remove him from one service11:50
om26erteolicy: or just block11:50
om26erteolicy: after he is the same person11:51
teolicyI switched to Ubuntu from OSX, where I used the IM client Adium. It had excellent contact combining feature, I really miss it now.11:51
teolicyI'll survive though. Thanks again, see you later.11:52
Pashkadoes ubuntu have all the system calls like pthread and mmap?11:52
teolicyPashka, probably, depends on what you mean by "all". pthread and mmap are definitely there.11:52
nvmehas anyone been able to boot XBMC live from ISO with grub2 ?11:52
sobersabreteolicy: I don't exactly what you mean, but if you have several similar usernames from diff. services, they appear in pidgin as several users.11:53
leaf-sheepO__o: http://tinyurl.com/ykuuuch11:53
PashkaI want OS with at least enough calls to create my own os11:53
krummlaufi cant get vlc to interact with my usb-speakers, what am i doing wrong?11:53
sobersabrePashka: ubuntu is a gnu/linux system like all.11:53
leaf-sheepO__o: That is the only thing I hate about New_Wave theme.11:53
om26erteolicy: request it at upstream for empathy might get fixed in 2.6.3011:53
ohmyi'm looking for a dockbar for kubuntu karmic, anyone have an idea ?11:53
sobersabrePashka: are you a troll ? :) you want an OS to create you own OS ?11:54
diekrisehi, someone knows how to permanently disable wlan? (to reduce power consumption)11:54
teolicyom26er, thanks, I might do that.11:54
ninelohmy use  awn-manager avant navigation panel11:54
florian_bye bye11:54
O__oleaf-sheep, but it is a big improvement from the ugly orange11:54
sobersabrediekrise: via software or what ?11:54
teolicyAnyway, gotta go. Later.11:54
Pashkawell I want to take a class CSC 159 we will be creating OS there and I would like to use my laptop at work where I dont have internet11:54
diekrisesobersabre, how else?11:55
blue-froghow to transfer empathy accounts from one computer to another?11:55
O__oleaf-sheep, the only thing i dont like in new wave is the faded orange color in the highlight menu11:55
napsterHi all11:55
Clay1Hey guys11:55
om26er!hi | Clay111:55
ubottuClay1: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:55
O__oleaf-sheep, the solid orange look better than the faded orange11:55
ohmyninel, thank you11:55
sobersabrePashka: I think you have your CSC 159 (whatever that means) guiding lines. and they probably suggest you what to use and what NOT to use.11:55
leaf-sheepleaf-sheep: Oh you're talking about New Wave. I checked my theme. Apparently I was talking about Dust. :o11:55
stratus_Hello all. : )11:55
jjhhey all. I'm am wanting to make usb boot disk for installing ubuntu netbook remix, but I can't find a link to the .img files only .iso files - and I can't figure out how to use .iso -> usb on a Mac11:55
jjhany suggestions?11:56
stratus_I just installed my new visiontek radeon 2600 HD Pro!11:56
leaf-sheep!usb > jjh11:56
ubottujjh, please see my private message11:56
sobersabreif you mean a CS course at a university, then simply contact their course staff.11:56
Pashkathey will suggest to use Tal Net witch requires internet11:56
om26er!usb | jjh11:56
ubottujjh: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:56
stratus_I also just installed Ubuntu 9.10!11:56
sobersabrediekrise: I think this thing is driver dependant i.e. some cards would allow this and some won't.11:56
om26erjjh: w8 leteme find it for you11:56
Clay1I need some help with my video card. Ubuntu wont let me install anything 3d or extra my desktop graphics. I think its a driver issue but im not sure where/how to download and install a driver for unbuntu, can i get some help?11:56
stratus_ Without the closed Ati driver the display is choppy; with the closed Ati driver the display is just unusable.11:56
sobersabreI think the IBM Thinkpads allow this with intel ipw2200 cards.11:56
stratus_Is there anything I can try to fix this?11:57
jjhubottu: thanks, but that doesn't have any info for Mac's11:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:57
diekrisesobersabre, i can right click11:57
``Cubehi im trying to compile gfire and it needs openssl-dev. i found out that on ubuntu its called libssl-dev, which i already have installed, but when trying to AUTOGEN.SH the gfire svn, it gives me following line: src/Makefile.am:72: variable `SSL_LIBS' not defined11:57
sobersabrediekrise: right click who ?11:57
diekrisesobersabre, i can right click on networkmanager and disable it. But is not stored over reboot11:57
Pashkastratus, do you know how to make threads print one after another using mutex11:57
om26erjjh: http://releases.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-netbook-remix-i386.iso11:57
jjhThanks om26er. I've got the iso but I can't figure out how to get that on a USB stick on a Mac11:58
``Cubehi im trying to compile gfire and it needs openssl-dev. i found out that on ubuntu its called libssl-dev, which i already have▒│11:58
sobersabrediekrise: I don't know if this is fixable "out of the box".11:58
``Cube│installed, but when trying to AUTOGEN.SH the gfire svn, it gives me following line: src/Makefile.am:72: variable `SSL_LIBS' not defined11:58
om26erjjh: and from 9.10 ubuntu netbook remix comes on an iso file11:58
stratus_Pashka; nope. ; )11:58
jjhInstructions page is for Windows or Linux11:58
stratus_Pashka; I'm a quick learn though...11:58
jjhom26er - Got that, but how do I put an iso onto a USB stick on a Mac11:58
Pashka: )11:59
jjhThat's my question11:59
Clay1can anyone see my msgs? i don't think this client is working.11:59
diekrisesobersabre, thanks anyway. I already thought that there is no easy way. So ill try to blacklist some modules.11:59
om26erjjh: w811:59
Pashkathats what I want to learn stratus11:59
jjhClay1: can see your msg11:59
``Cubehi im trying to compile gfire and it needs openssl-dev. i found out that on ubuntu its called libssl-dev, which i already have▒│11:59
``Cube│installed, but when trying to AUTOGEN.SH the gfire svn, it gives me following line: src/Makefile.am:72: variable `SSL_LIBS' not defined11:59
legend2440Clay1: open  system>administration>hardware drivers     any drivers in there you can enable?11:59
sobersabrediekrise: you may want to add a special file to be included in the blacklist.11:59
sobersabreand you may manipulate that file with a script...11:59
stratus_Pashka; I can get back to you on that.11:59
sobersabreI think there's an "include" directive there.11:59
Clay1sec legend, and thx for helping11:59
Pashkais there a pipeline in threads11:59
om26erjjh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles11:59
O__owhy ubuntu is so obsess in the orange color??  or sometimes brownish orange?12:00
diwicCube: that error is probably a fault in Makefile.am, a proper script would give you a better error message12:00
Pashkathat would be nice stratus12:00
om26erjjh: scroll to the end of the page12:00
adituwhat is the minimum hardware requrements for ubuntu ?12:00
om26erjjh: no but its for .img12:00
sobersabreis there anybody proficient with pulseaudio ?12:00
O__ocan ubuntu hire some other better designer?12:00
stratus_Pashka; do get back to me though on my display woes -- fair trade.12:00
``Cubediwic: thanks12:01
sobersabreO__o: do you have something specific to say ?12:01
``CubeO__o: whats wrong!?!? im a designer12:01
Pashkawhat are your woes? stratus?12:01
Clay1HM it seems my graphics card wasn't enabled, let me see if i can enable it and see if it works. Tell you ina  min12:01
courpseI think i hate karmic, and i think it hates me.12:01
skysongO__o: just change your color. Ubuntu has got great designers, not liking a colour doesn't they're not good.12:01
Dr_Willisaditu:  depends on what you want to do. ive ran it on some very low end machines.12:01
jjhom26er: I've used those instructions previously - but I can't find a copy of a .img file for UMR Karmic12:01
maelstromHow do you rescue a frozen Ubuntu system where you can move the cursor but the system is unresponsive in every other way? This seems to happen to my laptop once or twice a week12:01
jjhom26er: only .iso12:01
sobersabrecourpse: I think you both need a couple councelling....12:01
diwicsobersabre, not certain about pulseaudio, but shoot12:01
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courpsesobersabre, So do i, :(12:01
sobersabrediwic: I have a conceptually problematic situation :)12:02
sobersabrediwic: do you know what is "Skype" application ?12:02
stratus_Pashka: I just installed an Vistiontek radeon 2600 HD Pro that doesn't work at all (choppy without the closed drivers; unusable with the closed drivers).12:02
adituDr_Willis i whant to use for a personal server12:02
Dr_Willisjjh:  I think they got rid of the img files for karmic.12:02
O__oi mean the new default theme in 9.10 is just plain ugly12:02
petsounds0__o : " can ubuntu hire some other better designer? " try shiki-colors!12:02
Dr_Willisaditu:  a Pent 100 can work as a 'server' :)12:02
sobersabreO__o: what is ugly in your opinion, mr. O__o ?12:03
diwicsobersabre, haven't used it myself, but I remember some bugreports talking about using the beta with a pulseaudio backend...12:03
stratus_*Visiontek radeon 2600 HD pro.12:03
O__othe default in 9.04 is 10 times better12:03
skysongO__o: its not. But you can change it if you don't like it.12:03
jjhSo does anyone know how I should make use of the iso files using a Mac12:03
sobersabrediwic: I didn't ask you that... :)12:03
jjhDr_Willis: Thanks, that's what I'm figuring - but can't figure out how to use the iso file12:03
O__othe dark brown just look not right12:03
skysongjjh: burn it maybe?12:03
sobersabreI am asking if you know what is this application, and ~how it works~ from sound devices perspective.12:03
Dr_Willisjjh:  with unetbootin or the usb-startup-disk creator tool  i belive12:03
courpseHow to set up postfix to send using php?12:03
Dr_Willisjjh:  or setup grub2 on a flash drive and make it boot the iso file12:03
O__oand the loading screen, the color look like washed...12:03
jjhDr_Willis: problem is as far as I can tell unetbootin and usb-startup-disk creator are both Windows/Linux only12:04
skysongjjh: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/maciso12:04
sobersabreO__o: you are trolling, which is in itself ok... but do you actually have anything to say except the vague "I don't like brown" ?12:04
Dr_Willisjjh:  a live cd on  the machine can run the usb-startup-creator but thats may be back to where you started. :)12:04
Clay1legend2440, thanks for the driver graphic insight while it downloads and installs though maybe you could help me with this other issue? MY microphone isn't working on unbuntu but perfectly fine on windows. Ive checked for common mistakes like being mutated and whatnot but it seems to simply not recognize a microphone exists. I know its a broad margin for error but maybe you could help me here.12:04
* Dr_Willis thinks the new ubuntu default colors should be Pink and Lilac.12:05
stratus_sobersabre; I don't think so...12:05
* sobersabre isn't canonical employee, so I can be not 100% politically correct :)12:05
O__oits not just me, even my colleagues said so after i upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1012:05
skysongO__o: just change the colours!!!12:05
Dr_WillisSo take the 20 sec it takes to change your theme.12:05
jjhskysong: Thanks for your help, but unfortunately those instructions will only let you burn to  cd, not usb12:05
O__oi change it to new wave12:05
O__owhich is better12:05
Dr_WillisI got nice anime xsplash/gdm wallpaper also12:06
stratus_So is anyone else having any Radeon graphics card issues?12:06
Clay1i am stratus12:06
O__oi mean does ubuntu take a surrey before designing on the default color theme?12:06
Clay1HOwever legend just i think helped me out.12:06
stratus_Clay1; what kind?12:06
skysongjjh: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=59829112:06
sobersabreO__o: I have heard of this website gnome-looks or something. and they have a huge amount of visual additions you can install - GDM themes, bootsplash themes, Backgrounds, Icons, generally stuff.12:06
nexsja'ello. I've got a small problem regarding sendmail and exim4. I'm trying to send mail from php, but it seems that the mails just get into the queue just stay there.12:06
Clay1Basically it wont let me use any 3d or high graphics.12:06
O__osobersabre, i know that site12:07
nexsjaI've even tried sendmail -q to force a queue run, but nothing happens12:07
skysongsobersabre: there's kde look as well as xfce-look12:07
osvaldohey guys i don t wanna use12:07
* sobersabre hands O__o a poisoned troll cake....12:07
stratus_Clay1; is it choppy? Are you using the proprietary driver?12:07
maelstromWhat does it mean if my Ubuntu system freezes and is unresponsive to all input, including CTRL-ALT-F(1-7), but my mouse cursor still moves around? how do I fix this and/or prevent it? it happens once or twice a week12:07
Clay1And i was pretty sure it was because of drivers. GO to systems>administration>hardware drivers. And see if it gives you the option to activate your graphics driver.12:07
nexsjatried reconfiguring exim4, and i think it just got worse :<12:07
albert__Hi, UbuntuUsers!12:07
O__obut why ubuntu cant choose a better default color screen that is more appealing to the public?12:07
falcokianwhat the topic of today??12:07
falcokiancan we whare it..12:07
sobersabremaelstrom: is it possible your hardware overheats ?12:07
stratus_Clay1; the problem is worst with the proprietary driver -- still bad without it.12:08
osvaldodo someone tell what comunicator i should use12:08
legend2440Clay1: i havent used a Mic in a while but these are the instructions i used to get mine working with my audio card. anyway you can try these instructions if you want     http://paste.ubuntu.com/318544/12:08
stratus_Clay1: The option is there I just can't use it (it breaks my system).12:08
osvaldoand i need audio and video suport12:08
sobersabre /ignore O__o12:09
Clay1Thx legend12:09
nexsjaanybody? :<12:09
JmZhow can i start a screen detached and execute a command in it?12:09
JmZfor use in a cron12:09
skysongosvaldo: use pidgin, it supports all the wellknown protocols.. ive been using empathy in debian, works fine as well12:09
Clay1Yea i dunno stratus it seems unbuntu 9.10 is giving general driver issues12:09
stratus_Clay1; thanks.12:09
valdu55Hello. I want use two netwoks at same time, Vlc plays on Eth and internet is over Wlan12:09
stratus_Clay1; I actually installed 9.04 and the problems were exactly the same.12:10
sobersabreClay1: does your card doesn't have any 3D drivers for linux ?12:10
sobersabreit should be listed in the drivers ATI provides.12:10
osvaldotoo long to make login pidgen12:10
sobersabreor NOT listed.12:10
JmZjust need to start a detached screen and execute a command in it12:10
nexsjaWhat is the proper way to configure exim4 so that it would send mails? :<12:10
sobersabreJmZ: what do you mean "start a screen detached" ?12:10
sobersabredetached from what ?12:10
Clay1I don't think so sober. But im downloding the proprietary right now. I have a radeo 3100.12:10
JmZsobersabre: i mean create a screen (the screen command) but detached, do not attach to it12:10
JmZso it can be used in a cron job12:11
sobersabrenexsja: there's a package called exim4-config something..12:11
Dr_Willis'screen'  is a must learn tool :)12:11
sobersabreso you need to dpkg-reconfigure that package.12:11
JmZscreen -dm somename opens the screen12:11
njinHow can i format a floppy ??12:11
osvaldoi need another w suports audio and video12:11
JmZbut i cant seem to execute a command on it12:11
Pashkastratus you  can try add fglrx to WHITELIST in /usr/bin/compiz see if that solves it12:11
nexsjasobersabre, yes, i'run ran it several times, tried the default configuration, still nothing :<12:11
SnoopyDogHey everyone! tell me private, how to open chat? i don't know... :D12:12
stratus_Pashka; I could try. Does it not matter that I have all the graphics toys turned off?12:12
stratus_Pashka; set to "Normal" is System -> Prefrences -> Appearence?12:13
SnoopyDogdell puhutko suomee?12:13
sobersabreJmZ: what is your motivation of creating a detached screen ?12:13
harry_anyone tell me how to speed up ubuntu 9.10 and the internet12:13
Pashkadont know12:13
njinsomeone can tell me how to format a floppy12:14
sobersabreI mean ... if you don't need it NOW (i.e. you're not going to use it now) WHY the hell to run it ?12:14
jauntyjoe0someone tell me what a computer is?12:14
sobersabreJmZ: are you there ?12:14
diwicnjin: http://linux.die.net/man/8/floppy12:14
JmZsobersabre: yes12:14
sobersabreso, can you answer my Q. ?12:14
JmZi want to automatically create two screens when logging in12:14
JmZone which contains an SSH session12:15
nexsjaCan anybody here help me with sendmail, please?12:15
jauntyjoe0should i go for 8 bit or 16 bit when buying a computer?12:15
Flanneljauntyjoe0: Please stay ontopic.12:15
BlouBlou!ask | nexsja12:15
ubottunexsja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:15
Clay1Aff legend2440, my issue i exactly this that guide tells me to go there and test my "mic" thing ect. But it dosen't have a mic thing. ITs like the system isn't recognizing it.12:15
sobersabreJmZ: I see it like this: if I want to run something in a screen, I can understand. but, why to do this without running anything... no idea.12:15
nexsjaBlouBlou, i've asked 3 times, still no answer. This is shorter >_<12:15
Asad-awayI don't have the CD of ubuntu anymore, but while trying to install ndiswrapper, it's asking for it. Can't it just download it from the web? Synaptic, i.e. ?12:15
sobersabreJmZ: and you probably can do this with expect script.12:16
sobersabreJmZ: do you know what "expect" program is ?12:16
JmZsobersabre: what do you mean "why to do this without running anything"?12:16
FlannelAsad-away: Yeah, just disable the CD source from your repositories and it won't ask for it12:16
JmZi clearly said i wanted to run something12:16
sobersabretry expect.12:16
Pashkastratus grep "WHITELIST" /usr/bin/compiz and change it to look like something like this WHITELIST="nvidia intel ati radeon i810 fglrx"12:16
Asad-awaywhere to do that Flannel ?12:16
Clay1is there somewhay i can download a driver for my sound card?12:16
sobersabreit allows you to spill things into stdin based on what you get on stdout/err.12:16
Asad-awayoh nm .. ty Fl12:17
FlannelAsad-away: Software sources/Properites (under System > Administration)12:17
Clay1some way*12:17
nexsjaI'm trying to send mail from php using the standart mail() function. The mail doesn't get delivered. It just winds up in a queue line. I've tried reconfiguring exim4 -> unsuccessful. Can anybody help with that?12:17
sobersabreand you will be able to send the commands like: "ssh bla@bla; <Ctl-A><Ctl-D>"12:17
JmZsobersabre: i only want to run a command in a screen, it seems a little excessive to use expect12:17
JmZsurely theres just a screen command12:18
sobersabreJmZ: I am not sure.... :)12:18
frogzoonexsja: does it need a mail server running on the local machine?12:18
FlannelJmZ: Yes, of course that's possible.12:18
sobersabrenexsja: if you don't want it to send anything... why run it ?12:18
nexsjafrogzoo, i don't think so. It uses the sendmail function with -t -i parameters, if i remember correctly12:18
stratus_Pashka; before I do that I really need to know it anything compiz is running. If I'm going to try to run the proprietary driver again I want to make sure it's worth breaking my system again.12:18
oCean_JmZ: /usr/bin/screen -dmS <sessionname> <command_to_run> i think12:18
ohmyis it possible to install catalyst 9.10 on karmic with radeon ati card (non HD) ?12:18
SnoopyDogtell me someone how i can open another chat room... allways there isn't anybody when i go some chatroom please help me12:19
nexsjasobersabre, that's the point. i want to send mail with it. I need php to send mail with it.12:19
diwicSnoopyDog, what irc client are you using?12:19
sobersabrenexsja: what exactly do you need to do ?12:19
stratus_Pashka; OK I'll try it.12:19
sobersabresumaiya: hi.12:19
sumaiyaI have this issue ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)12:19
frogzoostupid question - if a #.deb is X megs, will it take much more than X megs to install?12:19
stratus_Pashka; be right back... ; )12:20
sobersabresumaiya: this usually means your mysql server is DEAD...12:20
diwicfrogzoo, short answer: It depends12:20
oCean_JmZ: -dm causing screen to start detached and ignore $sty env (as manual says: "usual for system startup scripts")12:20
sumaiyabut what to do12:20
nexsjasobersabre, i need to send mails from php using mail() command witch uses 'sendmail -t- -i)12:20
sobersabresumaiya: to run a mysql server...12:20
frogzoodiwic: they're gzipped, no?12:20
SnoopyDogdiwic i don't know... i've never before use IRC... :D12:20
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diwicfrogzoo, yes, tar.gz12:20
sumaiyaMysql already run12:21
frogzooah, kk, thx12:21
sobersabrenexsja: ok, so why don't you use the "smarthost" approach ?12:21
sumaiyasobersabre, Mysql already run12:21
sobersabreI mean exim4 conf. profile.12:21
nexsjasobersabre, should i use default settings for that too?12:21
diwicSnoopyDog, what program are you chatting in?12:21
sobersabresumaiya: how sure are you? can you connect to it yourself ?12:21
sobersabrenexsja: I think so.12:21
SnoopyDogdiwic this is smuxi12:21
sumaiyasobersabre, in synpatic all the packeges are marked as installed12:22
sobersabresmarthost listens only on localhost, and sends things as client...12:22
stratus_Pashka; that's already in /usr/bin/compiz...12:22
sobersabresumaiya: do ALL the programs you have installed RUN now ?12:22
stratus_Pashka; mine also includes radeonhd12:22
diwicSnoopyDog, I can assume it uses standard commands then, try /join #channel-name12:23
sobersabresumaiya: ... so ?12:23
sumaiyasobersabre, ok12:23
SnoopyDogdiwic okay. i'll try12:23
diwicSnoopyDog, to get a list of rooms, that usually in the menues somewhere12:23
sobersabresumaiya: do you understand the diff between "installed" and "configured + running" ?12:24
Pashkastratus BTW, also post the output of the following two commands (just to sanity check)cgrep -i "driver" /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:24
Pashkalsmod | grep fglrx12:24
PashkaEdit: and12:24
Pashkaglxinfo | grep rendering12:24
FloodBot1Pashka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
sumaiyasobersabre, yes12:24
sumaiyai m trying12:24
SnoopyDogdiwic no... there isn't anybody else, but there should be about many many people12:24
courpseAnyone tried running postfix with php5 on karmic and have problems with the php mail(); function?12:24
oCean_sumaiya: check if you're mysql server i running: use this command in terminal: "sudo service mysql status"12:24
nexsjasobersabre, done that. Still the mails won't send. I've got something in exim's maillog, don't quite understand it12:24
``Cubewhen trying to configure gfire, i get the following error http://pastebin.com/m358ecb4712:25
sumaiyaoCean_, ok12:25
diwicSnoopyDog, what channel?12:25
stratus_Pashka; I have no xorg.conf...12:25
sumaiyaoCean_, its giving Mysql is stopped12:26
sobersabrenexsja: what are you planning to send the emails via ?12:26
SnoopyDoglike #irc-galleria12:26
fungohi,is there a tool to limit the bandwidth12:26
oCean_sumaiya: then connecting would be a problem yes12:26
tomodaci1fungo: yes several12:26
SnoopyDogdiwic like #irc-galleria12:26
sobersabresumaiya: are you on ubuntu 9.10 or earlier ?12:26
nexsjasobersabre, right now i have exim, though a friend of mine just suggested to use postfix, so installing that12:26
stratus_fglrx is not loaded12:26
stratus_Pashka; fglrx is not loaded...12:26
oCean_sumaiya: now use "sudo service mysql start"12:26
sumaiyaoCean_, sobersabre , but when i start the service it gives fail12:26
sobersabrenexsja: can you answer the question ?12:26
``Cubewhen trying to configure gfire, i get the following error http://pastebin.com/m358ecb4712:27
Pashkawhy dont you load it12:27
sobersabresumaiya: when it fails, it should create a log message in /var/log/syslog.12:27
jonahhey guys can someone please help me out. my system won't boot as it gets stuck at initramfs... basically i have raid striped which karmic installs on ok then on reboot it's stuck at initramfs, i have read there is a bug where you need to do dpkg-reconfigure mdadm after installation but i can't run this from initramfs prompt as it doesn't recognise the command...12:27
stratus_Pashka; direct rendering yes12:27
nexsjasobersabre, i thought i did. Or i misunderstood you then12:27
fungofor example12:27
sumaiyasobersabre, let me check12:27
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sobersabrenexsja: let's start from the start: you want the mail() function to send emails from your computer, to where ?12:27
sobersabreto the world ?12:28
nexsjasobersabre, yes12:28
stratus_Pashka: I never loaded fglrx by hand; I just activate it in closed drivers.12:28
sobersabreok. for this you say you don't want to listen on eth0 (or whatever), but send as client for another MTA.12:28
sumaiyasobersabre, its saying Nov 14 17:57:17 sumaiya /etc/init.d/mysql[8278]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!12:28
sumaiyasobersabre, what does it mean?12:28
* courpse is having problems with MTA as well, :(12:29
sobersabrethis means you need to tell exim4 what is that another MTA (i.e. SMTP server), and what username to use (and probably authenticate)12:29
stratus_Pashka; no I don't have an xorg.conf file right now either; I had to delete it to get X to start.12:29
courpsepostfix and php5 mail(); hate each other.12:29
sobersabrenexsja: are you with me ?12:29
nexsjasobersabre, yes. I've answered "yes" :)12:29
sumaiyasobersabre, SMTP message for me?12:29
stratus_Pashka; I can use the display preferences to write an xorg.conf but if I do that before I load the proprietary driver it breaks.12:30
stratus_Pashka; sound like fun?12:30
sobersabresumaiya: no.12:30
stratus_: )12:30
Pashkanot fun12:30
sobersabrenexsja: so did you do all this ?12:30
sobersabrenexsja: something like this: http://www.glorat.net/2008/11/ubuntu-804-hardy-gmail-smarthost-setup-with-exim4.html12:31
sobersabresumaiya: now I am with you.12:31
stratus_Pashka; brb.12:31
Jo1hellow, I'm trying to make my wake on lan work but my router just doesn't allow any wol packages true It's a WRT54GCv3. My computer is correctly configured, and does support WOL. Can anyone help me?12:31
oCean_sumaiya: When using the command "sudo service mysql start", what is the error you get? Besides just "fail" ?12:31
nexsjasobersabre, sorry, i've lost you with no highlight that time. Got it, i need to set up an MTA whatever that is... i'll read the link, thanks :)12:32
sumaiyasobersabre, yes12:32
jonahat initramfs i get alert "/dev/mapper/nvidia_dcfadeef2 does not exist"12:32
skysonganyone can recommend a good terminal with transparency and mouse support?12:33
sobersabresumaiya: so, the error you got says you don't have a socket file. can you check this yourself ?12:33
sumaiyaoCean_, yes dear i get Fail12:33
sobersabreskysong: all the terminals except the plain xterm support transparency.12:33
sumaiyasobersabre, how12:33
sobersabresumaiya: do you have an open terminal ?12:33
skysongsobersabre: aterm has mouse support?12:33
sobersabreskysong: what do you mean by "12:33
sobersabremouse support" ?12:34
sobersabreany X application has "mouse support".12:34
sumaiyasobersabre, yes12:34
Jo1hellow, I'm trying to make my wake on lan work but my router just doesn't allow any wol packages true It's a WRT54GCv3. My computer is correctly configured, and does support WOL. Can anyone help me?12:34
skysongtry running mc in a term, in rxvt i can't click on the available texts12:34
sobersabresumaiya: well, run : cd <where the socket is supposed to be>12:34
skysongcopy, del etc12:34
sobersabresumaiya: and run "ls" command.12:34
sobersabredo you have a folder /var/run/mysqld ?12:35
skysongleave it, ill play with rhapsody using shortcuts then12:35
rashed2020Would symlinking something in /etc/skel make it symlink to the same location for all created users if it was an absolute path?12:35
tarelerulzWhat is rhapsody like ? never used it12:35
sumaiyasobersabre, no mysqld12:35
sumaiyafound under /var/run12:35
sobersabreso, under /var/run you don't have a folder "mysqld". right ?12:36
sumaiyasobersabre, no mysqld found under /var/run/12:36
sumaiyasobersabre, yes12:36
oCean_SnoopyDog: don't shout.12:36
sobersabresumaiya: well, it seems mysql isn't configured properly.12:37
om26er!shout | SnoopyDog12:37
ubottuSnoopyDog: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:37
xnixanhi, how to convert swf files to a video format like mpeg, avi etc?12:37
sobersabrein this case you can run: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-<version here I don't know which>12:37
SnoopyDogi'm sorry... :)12:37
sobersabreit will ask you a couple of questions. ok, sumaiya ?12:37
Dr_Willisxnixan: winff12:37
sumaiyasobersabre, what to do :12:37
sobersabresumaiya: in this case you can run: dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-<version here I don't know which>12:37
sobersabreI think it's 5.0 or 5.112:38
sumaiyasobersabre, ok12:38
SnoopyDogbut how i can close chatroom...? :S12:38
sobersabresumaiya: you may even do this:12:38
lstarnesSnoopyDog: is it an irc client?12:38
sobersabredpkg-reconfigure mysql-server12:38
sobersabrethis should ask you things like root's mysql pass, and create the folders needed to run for mysql...12:38
sobersabresumaiya: does it work ?12:39
SnoopyDogsmuxi is program. like xchat or mIRC12:39
Pashkaalright guys you have a good night I need to go get some sleep12:39
lstarnesSnoopyDog: is it for IRC?12:39
stratus_Pashka; night and thanks!12:39
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lstarnesSnoopyDog: /part #channel12:39
bazhangSnoopyDog, try in #smuxi12:39
sumaiyasobersabre, doing12:39
Pashkahope you can solve that problem stratus12:39
Pr0noi cunts12:39
stratus_This is like some sort of balancing act and any move I make will break the system...12:40
SnoopyDoglstarnes it worked thanx12:40
sobersabresumaiya: was it you who installed ubuntu or is it somebody else ?12:40
stratus_Pashka; Hope so. : )12:40
sumaiyasobersabre, sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5-1 says Package `mysql-server-5-1' is not installed and no info is available.12:41
sumaiyaUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,12:41
sumaiyaand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.12:41
sumaiya/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mysql-server-5-1 is not installed12:41
FloodBot1sumaiya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:41
stratus_Ati graphics card problems anyone?12:41
sobersabresumaiya: run dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server12:41
lstarnessumaiya: try -5.1 instead of -5-1 on the end of that12:41
sumaiyaFloodBot1, Sorry dear12:41
sumaiyaFloodBot1, will use it12:41
sobersabrelstarnes: thanks :)12:41
sobersabresumaiya: don't talk to bots :)12:42
sumaiyasobersabre, yes I and one of my friend12:42
Clay1guys im trying to get my desktop to be a 3d cube and i have the compiz config and set the cube. But i need to have 4 desktop areas for it to work and im not sure how to do it. Its probably simple but i can't find the option. Help plox12:42
sumaiyasobersabre, ok12:42
sobersabredoes it work ?12:42
sumaiyasobersabre, ya use it says sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.112:42
sumaiya/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: mysql-server-5.1 is broken or not fully installed12:42
legend2440Clay1: on bottom panel right click the Workspace switcher choose preferences12:43
sobersabresumaiya: run dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server12:43
Clay1Yea i just got that. thx man.12:43
sumaiyasobersabre, ok12:43
sobersabresumaiya: you said ok the previous time and STILL RAN 5.112:43
Clay1I love ubuntu, im gonna be bothering you/people here a lot legend but i promise once i get everything down ill come in to help out.12:44
napsterI can't delete files in my usb drive....12:44
sumaiyasobersabre, no its says broken12:44
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:44
sobersabresumaiya: - ok. run aptitude install mysql-server12:44
legend2440Clay1: no problem12:44
napsterI can't delete files in my usb drive....Can anybody help me...?12:45
sumaiyasobersabre, only mysql server or with version too12:45
sobersabreno versions...12:45
stratus_napster; have you tried emptying the trashcan before you un mount it?12:45
tjingboemwhere can i see how big the partition of my filesystem is?12:45
frogzoodf -h12:46
hb045have you tried throwing the drive out of the window napster?12:46
sumaiyasobersabre, ya run but12:46
napsterstratus_: no12:46
sumaiyasobersabre, refer message http://paste.ubuntu.com/318567/12:46
stratus_hb045; have you tried throwing the window at a computer?12:47
gdizI have a question for you all.  I am trying to special mount (i.e. /dev/sdb1 /mnt vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 in my fstab).  Now, I thought the sdb1 would refer to the partition at static port: sdb.  But it seems like that drive is switching to sdc of sdd.  Do you have any ideas?12:47
napsterhb045: ?12:47
hb045haha no12:47
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sobersabresumaiya: run this command:12:47
sobersabreaptitude install mysql-server-5.112:47
stratus_napster; try to empty the trashcan after you delete whatever files off the usb drive, then unmount it.12:48
napsterstratus_: No no, Thats not my question. All those files are read-only12:48
sobersabresumaiya: ok ?12:48
om26ernapster: can you format that flash12:48
sumaiyasobersabre, its runnning12:48
napsterom26er: No. gparted hangs on it..!12:49
halden /set theme default12:49
jugglerbryi tried installing 9.10 onto my cousins pc using wubi, but for the first time ever i've run into a problem.  after rebooting it gives an error about the kernel not being found, then gives a prompt. anyone have any ideas ?12:49
om26ernapster: mkfs.vfat /dev/xxx12:49
diwicgdiz: use UUID to specify the drive12:50
napsterom26er: Just a second12:50
oCean_gdiz: use "sudo blkid" to find UUIDs, use that in fstab12:50
hb045chmodding the files on the drive doesn't work i think napster?12:50
napsterhb045: Yes. It doesn't...   :(12:51
sobersabresumaiya: are you alive ?12:51
stratus_napster; is there some sort of error when you try to delete the files?12:51
sumaiyasobersabre, yes12:51
om26ernapster: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb -I12:52
om26eror just sdb112:52
C-S-BI'm creating a minimal ubuntu install in Vbox for no reason at all!12:52
hb045i know rebooting sometimes resolves issues when files cannot be deleted, could also be that your partition table is corrupted12:52
sobersabresumaiya: did it complete with success ?12:52
sumaiyasobersabre, its asking me for postfix configuration!12:52
napsterom26er: I think it worked.12:52
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napsterstratus_: just a second12:52
sobersabresumaiya: well, do a postfix configuration...12:52
sobersabrewhat exactly is it asking ?12:53
napsterom26er: It worked. ty m812:53
sumaiyasobersabre, postfix configuartion for mail12:53
napsterstratus_: mkfs.vfat worked for me.12:53
gdizoCean_ or diwic, I'm relatively new to ubuntu.  could you walk me through that?  I'm not exactly sure what that means.12:53
sobersabresumaiya: I don't understand this Q. what is the question aptitude is asking ?12:53
Clay1is there a cool guide to personalize your ubuntu, like how to properly set up themes and those clock th gadgets things?12:53
napsterstratus_: It was "read-only filesystem" error12:53
sumaiyasobersabre, done but mysql user and password requored12:54
napsterstratus_: om26er hb045 Tank you to all :D12:54
yassinehi are there no jikes package for karmic koala ? aptitude can't find any here12:54
sumaiyasobersabre, *required12:54
om26ernapster: np man12:54
diwicgdiz: do you know how to open a terminal?12:54
om26eryassine: jikes?12:55
sumaiyasobersabre, how to give because it does not ask me for any user and password12:55
gdizdiwic, yeah I've gotten that far12:55
oCean_gdiz: well, if you take a look at your current /etc/fstab file, you might see something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/318579/12:55
sobersabresumaiya: if I remember correctly it is supposed to ask for root mysql user's password. well, give it a password.12:55
jongbergsyassine: sudo apt-cache search jikes12:55
sobersabresumaiya: 2 times.12:55
sobersabreit's a setup.12:55
jongbergsyassine: just to see if jikes is available from repos12:55
sumaiyasobersabre, but i dont have taht12:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopioc12:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:56
sobersabreyou are supposed to invent a password, and put it there 2 times.12:56
om26eryassine: its discontinued by ibm12:56
sumaiyasobersabre, ok12:56
gdizoCean_, yeah I see UUID lines in there12:56
yassinejongbergs, jikes-classpath - clean room standard Java libraries - wrapper for jikes ; jikes-classpath: Depends: jikes but it is not installable12:56
_Narc_Hello, gurus of all kinds. I got a special tough problem for you. I'd be extremely grateful if someone could help me figure this out.12:56
sobersabreit's a special mysql's user, called "root", it's not the same as unix system root account.12:56
oCean_gdiz: the UUID thing is a unique identifier for that specific blockdevice. Use the uuid (and not the device name /dev/sdb1 to mount the same device at same mountpoint12:56
napsterom26er: what was that -I option in mkfs.vfat command...?12:56
yassineom26er, yeah thats since years but hosted on sf.net12:56
sobersabreit's mysql's context.12:57
sobersabresumaiya: ok ?12:57
om26ernapster: over ride12:57
napsterom26er: means..?12:57
oCean_gdiz: you can find the UUID of your /dev/sdb1 disk (and other partitions) by running the command "sudo blkid" in a terminal12:57
om26ernapster: becasue sdb is not a prtition its whe whole drive12:57
sumaiyasobersabre, doing dear I was working on this from last 3 days12:57
sumaiyasobersabre, :):):)12:57
jongbergsyassine: try sudo apt-get install jikes-classpath12:57
om26erjongbergs: no candidate available12:57
napsterom26er: got it. ty m812:58
jongbergsyassine: why do you need jikes by the way?12:58
LiCeThi all12:59
Clay1Whats the best "msn"  program i can get for linux?12:59
om26er!hi | LiCeT12:59
ubottuLiCeT: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!12:59
jongbergsom26er: i see..12:59
om26erClay1: amsn12:59
napsterHow to set a label to a flash drive...?12:59
Clay1thx om212:59
sobersabresumaiya: did it finish ?12:59
napsterHow to set a label to a partition...?13:00
om26ernapster: try gparted for that13:00
sumaiyasobersabre, nope i am not getting root password13:00
jrib !label | napster13:00
ubottunapster: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.13:00
om26ernapster: i don't know how to do that from terminal13:00
jongbergsnapster: man mkfs13:00
Dr_Willisnapster:  depends on the filessytem.13:00
Dr_Willisnapster:  ext2/3/4 = tune2fs13:00
sobersabresumaiya: you're supposed to type in 2 times a password that you should invent.13:01
sobersabreok ?13:01
napsterDr_Willis: fat32..?13:01
_Narc_I have a recurring problem with my routers and bittorrent...I'm now trying to know if it's Ubuntu's fault or my ISP's. It's not as simple as it seems. If you want to help me, you can read this post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8314463#post8314463 ... Thank you very much.13:01
aaron11Who needs doctors and politicians13:01
sobersabresumaiya: what do you mean bt "not getting root password".13:01
gdizoCean_ or diwic, ok so I got this line /dev/sdd1: LABEL="MYDOCS" UUID="F9D*-17FD" TYPE="vfat"     so, if I wanted to mount that like this /mydocs vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0      would that look like this: UUID="F9D*-17FD /mydocs vfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 013:02
napsterom26er: jrib om26er jongbergs Dr_Willis Thank you to all...  :D13:02
* penguin42 could swear there used to be a way of changing the label from the GUI somewhere13:02
sobersabresumaiya: what's up ?13:02
jongbergsnapster: ur welcome :)13:02
fungohow to limit bandwidth, any tool recommednation?13:02
sumaiyasobersabre, it worked13:02
sumaiyaI dont know how13:02
om26er_Narc_: network fault13:03
sobersabreremember that password.13:03
_Narc_om26er: You mean my ISP or the LAN ?13:03
om26er_Narc_: isp13:03
oCean_gdiz: seems correct13:03
sumaiyasobersabre, thnx so much13:03
K3rl0u4rnhi people, just installed karmic koala (xubuntu) and having trouble with some administrative tasks such as installing nvidia drivers... the action is refused. Also on e.g. shared folders, I can't "unlock" the widgets13:03
K3rl0u4rncan anyone help ?13:04
sumaiyasobersabre, u r like angel for me13:04
_Narc_om26er: I was sure... They're doing it on purpose ? Can you explain a bit, thank you very much13:04
gdizoCean_  ok.  thanks, I appreciate it13:04
sumaiyasobersabre, God bless13:04
gdizdiwic, thank you for your help as well13:04
om26er!help | K3rl0u4rn13:04
ubottuK3rl0u4rn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:04
om26er_Narc_: get you line fixed file some complaints13:04
diwicgdiz: np, although I didn't help *that* much ;-)13:05
K3rl0u4rnom26er: wasn't my question clear ?13:05
sobersabresumaiya: good luck!13:05
om26erK3rl0u4rn: repeat13:05
K3rl0u4rnom26er: I just installed karmic koala (xubuntu) and having trouble with some administrative tasks such as installing nvidia drivers... the action is refused. Also on e.g. shared folders, I can't "unlock" the widgets13:05
SaorsaHi, I have a friend who has just installed Ubuntu on a laptop, but the space bar isnt working (not ubuntus fault btw), is there anyway too change the Keyboard config soo another key acts as space bar?13:05
om26erK3rl0u4rn: sorry a bit of confusion13:05
sumaiyasobersabre, one more time thnx13:05
sobersabrebasically all you needed to do is apt-get install mysql-server, but it involved some input from you. good luck.13:05
_Narc_om26er: I will, thank you. I only to know how to prove it. They're very stubborn.13:06
om26erK3rl0u4rn: sudo jockey-gtk and try to install driver13:06
jonahhi is there no one that can help me please with this current raid bug?13:07
om26er_Narc_: i get used to get disconnected from gmail before when my network ping was high  i complained them they fixed it. i never faced that on windows so kinda same13:08
_Narc_om26er: I see. Could it be something going wrong in the way Ubuntu handles network packets, or something like that ?13:09
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om26er_Narc_: might be as i never faced that in win13:10
om26er_Narc_: and both empathy and pidgin got me disconnected but not now13:10
K3rl0u4rnom26er: seems that it worked... should I use sudo whatever to launch other "system" apps ? (shared folders, login screens etc...) ?13:10
om26erK3rl0u4rn: so great na?13:10
ValentinaHow do I close down a ssh connection where I'm logged into a server as user without logging out my user at the server?13:11
_Narc_om26er: So, maybe it's the way Ubuntu's handling packets but apparently the ISP can do something about it13:11
kunal_hello all, which package should i install for php5 simplexml ??13:11
om26erK3rl0u4rn: when you open system app it should ask you for password on its own13:11
ValentinaI just wnat to stop ssh, not log out the user at the server.13:11
K3rl0u4rnom26er: I know, but it doesn't13:11
om26er_Narc_: yes. did work for me13:11
om26erK3rl0u4rn: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gksu13:12
K3rl0u4rnom26er: when I sudo gdmsetup, I can click the unlock button but everything stays greyed, and the unlock button itself becomes grey :)13:12
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om26erK3rl0u4rn: using karmic fully? fully updated?13:12
_Narc_om26er: Last questiom, thanks again for your help. What did you tell them ? Because I can already hear them saying that's because I'm not using Windows, bla bla...13:12
K3rl0u4rnom26er: fresh install this morning + updates + install of software I usually use13:13
jongbergsValentina: can you be specific?13:13
K3rl0u4rnom26er: However, I haven't logged in with xfce, I use openbox, maybe that can be a reason but I doubt13:14
K3rl0u4rnom26er: acording to what I read on google, this is probably related to policykit13:14
om26er_Narc_: i told them that my line was coming from far away and now there is 'D' near my home so give me a line from here13:14
K3rl0u4rnom26er: reinstalling gksu did not change anything :(13:14
kunal_any idea which package should i install for php5 simplexml ???13:14
jongbergsValentina: if you want to ssh, at the server computer run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop13:15
jongbergsValentina: if you want to stop ssh, at the server computer run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop13:16
epinkykunal_: sudo apt-get search simplexml13:16
yassinejongbergs, sorry for the delay i need jikes since its required by liferay dev environment13:16
craigbass1976I've got mod_rewrite enabled in apache.  Something went haywire though when I upgraded from hardy to Jaunty, and it doesn't work.  Did this happen to anyone else?13:16
Sqybercould somebody help me to restore grub2? (if it's possible )13:17
jongbergsyassine: does installing jikes-classpath solves the problem?13:17
jongbergs!grub2 | Sqyber13:18
ubottuSqyber: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub213:18
tarelerulzCan you get chrome for Linux via repository ?13:19
om26ertarelerulz: yes13:19
om26ertarelerulz: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily13:19
om26ertarelerulz: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser13:20
tarelerulzSo what is chromium?13:20
om26ertarelerulz: chromium is google chrome13:20
Valentinajongbergs: I use ssh to control my server. I log in using ssh username@ip and so on. But when I want to close down my desktop computer I still want the server to be up and running. The only thing I want is to close the ssh connection so that I can turn down my desktop or do other things than being connected to my server. How do I stop using the ssh connection that I created using ssh username... Just stop ssh-ing, 13:21
haven489lotec: you there?13:21
blackshellthere is some problem with my recording13:21
Valentinajongbergs: I have red about "close" or "exit but don't know what to use when I don't want to control the server anymore.13:21
om26erblackshell: sound is very noisy?13:22
jribValentina: use screen13:22
jrib!screen > Valentina13:22
ubottuValentina, please see my private message13:22
grawityValentina: Simply type either "exit" or "logout". Or even press Ctrl-D.13:22
diablo75Valentina, using the "exit" command will disconnect you from your server and it will remain up, listening for future ssh connections13:22
blackshellom26er can i pm?13:22
Valentinajrib: Ok, I have to look into it some day.13:23
blackshellthe record control gets mute even if i unmute13:23
blackshellso i cant record13:23
grawityValentina: The server will always stay up (unless you run "shutdown" of course)13:23
haven489is there anyone in here that had sucess with installing ubuntu on the XO?13:23
Valentinagrawity: Ok, but I want log out as user from my server then, like I do running log out at my desktop?13:23
tarelerulzIf chromium is googl's chrome why have a different name ?13:23
jribValentina: I'm assuming you are running some sort of application and do not wish for it to terminate when you log out.  If that's the case, then just use screen13:23
jongbergsValentina: i don't see anything wrong with "exit" command..it's just that you stop the current connection but the server is still ALIVE.13:23
blackshellwhy isnt anyone replying?13:24
grawitytarelerulz: Chromium is the development version, I guess...13:24
Valentinajrib: Well, I only run cron jobs.13:24
coz_tarelerulz,  if you install   chromium it will install a game  not google chrom13:24
anon560mmkay. I just installed wubi13:24
jribValentina: then I don't understand your question13:24
anon560with the newest ubuntu distro13:24
coz_tarelerulz,  at least with sudo apt-get install13:24
Dr_Willispackage name is chromium-browser i recall13:24
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plustaxis anyone available for PM support?13:24
diablo75Valentina:  what do you want your server to do when you disconnect?13:24
plustaxIm new to linux13:24
grawityValentina: If you kill your ssh connection - no matter what way, "exit" or "logout" or whatever - it will only kill that one connection.13:24
jongbergsblackshell: what's your query?13:24
grawityplustax: Just ask the question here. If someone knows, he'll reply.13:25
coz_plustax,  waht is the issue?13:25
om26erplustax: yes13:25
plustaxgrawity I have more questions than I can even think of.13:25
blackshelljongbergs: the record control gets mute even if i unmute13:25
jeffmrplustax, i am13:25
haven489is there anyone who installed ubuntu on the XO sucessfuly? i need just a smudge of help...13:25
blackshelljongbergs ;so i cant record13:25
ValentinaWel, my question is very simple actually. I just wnat to stop using the ssh for a couple of hours and shutdown my desktop but I don't really know how to do that without "damaging" the server or something. I guess the exit is the answer of my question.13:25
ValentinaWhat is the difference between exit and close then?13:25
grawityValentina: Only one: "close" is not a real command.13:26
coz_the problem with PM support is that  others cant'  correct mistakes  and  also cannot benefit from listening in13:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about XO13:26
tarelerulzI have version of chrome on here ,but its unstalble sometimes and I just wanted something I can update13:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OLPC13:26
coz_haven489,  what is XD13:26
BlouBlou!botabuse > haven48913:26
blackshellthe record control gets mute even if i unmute13:26
ubottuhaven489, please see my private message13:26
Valentinagrawity: Ok, well, I'll use exit then. Thanks answering my simple question. Just wanted to know that it didn't close down my server in some way.13:26
Clay1ALl those gadgets like clock and calendar ect. WHats the best program to use for those?13:26
kane77can anyone help me with installing hugs? I get this error: libhugs-openal-bundled: Depends: libopenal0a which is a virtual package.13:26
jongbergsblackshell: have you tried logging out and log back again.13:26
grawityValentina: Unix and its derivatives (Linux, BSD, and so on) have been designed from start to allow many users to connect.13:26
blackshelljongbergs :yes13:27
haven489coz_: not XD XO, read right, im trying to get some help but being ingnored by all...13:27
kane77Clay1, screenlets maybe13:27
diablo75Valentina:  your server will remain ON, unless you tell it to shutdown.  Simple as that13:27
grawityValentina: If you just disconnect (no matter what way), that will never damage the server anyhow.13:27
coz_haven489,  XD   OR XO  i still dont know what that is :)13:27
ohmyhow can i see the log of messages i've sent on this chan today please ?13:27
jrib!logs | ohmy13:27
ubottuohmy: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/13:27
haven489bazhang: you there?13:27
Valentinagrawity: Yes, I know,. Will it be any obvious problem letting ssh listening för connections? I mean, I still want to connect to my server from almost anywhare using my laptop.13:28
bazhanghaven489, hi13:28
coz_ohmy,  are you running xchat?13:28
jongbergsValentina: there's no reason to be afraid of, just follow what grawity and diablo75 suggests..13:28
Valentinagrawity: Ok, good to know.13:28
haven489bazhang: do you know anything about the XO laptop? im trying to get ubuntu on there, but with no avail...13:28
coz_ohmy,  also if you are running xchat you can set it to save the logs13:28
caraconanHi. I've got a bluetooth usb adapter working on a ubuntu+gnome machine, but I can't on a Debian+fluxbox one. Can someone point me of what I would 'copy' from one to another?13:28
Valentinadiablo75: Ok, just wanted to be sure.13:28
Clay1where do i go to remove programs from ubuntu?13:28
snuffy47having problems changing permisions on a file smiths@smiths-laptop1:~$ chmod 755 /etc/auto.cifs13:28
snuffy47chmod: changing permissions of `/etc/auto.cifs': Operation not permitted13:28
ohmycoz_, ty13:28
bazhanghaven489, let me check the forums13:28
diwicClay1: synaptic?13:28
Valentinajongbergs: Yes, I'll.13:28
ohmythanks to all13:28
janhajhello.. i have external usb tv tuner Gigabyte U8000.. in Ubuntu 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318402/ digital television works fine, in Ubuntu 9.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318400/ doesn't work.. Can somebody help me?13:28
_Narc_Anyone else can help me confirm that my disconnections problem are ISP related and not Ubuntu related ? Any help would be very appreciated. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1278986.13:28
ValentinaThanks for helping me out.13:28
haven489bazhang: ok13:28
LetsGo67My computer overheats and turns off!  Help please!  laptop.13:29
om26ertarelerulz: chromium ppa updates daily13:29
grawitysnuffy47: Only the file's owner can change that file's permission.13:29
grawitysnuffy47: And I guess /etc/auto.cifs is owned by root.13:29
diwicClay1: System -> Administration -> Synaptic13:29
grawitysnuffy47: Which means, you need to become the 'root' user temporarily -- just add "sudo" before your chmod command.13:29
blackshellis anyone going to help me or not?13:29
snuffy47okay but if I change it to me will it still work as I want it too13:29
jrib!helpme | blackshell13:29
ubottublackshell: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude13:29
snuffy47I am root user13:30
diablo75Valentina:  The whole purpose of a server is to listen for requests.  They could be requests for telnet on port 23, http on port 80, ssh requests on 22, vnc requests on 5500 or 5900, and really anything else you would call a "service" that is to be hosted by the server for clients to connect to at any time.  That is it's job.13:30
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:30
snuffy47gravity:  I am a root user13:30
jribsnuffy47: why are you making that file 755 anyway?13:30
blackshellubottu:what is !repeat?13:30
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:30
grawitysnuffy47: What you pasted ("smiths@smiths-laptop1:~$ chmod 755") tells me otherwise.13:30
blackshellubottu:what is !repeat?13:30
jribblackshell: /msg ubottu repeat13:30
snuffy47Accessing Windows Or Samba Shares Using AutoFS13:30
diwicblackshell: what program do you use to record?13:30
snuffy47but I use it to do sudo commands13:31
alex_hey all13:31
diablo75LetsGo67:  is you cpu fan running?13:31
blackshelldiwic:the default sound recorder13:31
BlouBloudiwic: try recordmydesktop13:31
snuffy47gravity:  It is the only user on the system13:31
alex_can someone help me with a intel grapchis issue?13:31
=== shaman is now known as shoemann2
gdizi have what i'm sure is a very dumb question.  when you are using the man page via a shell session, how do you exit the man session13:31
BlouBloualex_: ask question and we'll try to help you :)13:31
jribalex_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)13:32
xigi started a "git clone ..." command (resulting in hours of downloads), but my system crashed tonight and i am not sure if all files where fetched. how can i resume fetching instead of starting over and downloading everything again?13:32
_Narc_blackshell: It's a command. ubottu is a bot, you can give it commands like !repeat to get help and notices.13:32
snuffy47what is paste bin again13:32
bazhanghaven489, the following packages are included in karmic olpc-xo1-hw python-olpc-datastore let me check if someone has installed karmic on one13:32
jongbergsgdiz: press q13:32
aLeSDhow to save the settings of alsamixer ?13:32
grawitysnuffy47: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and http://dpaste.com/ and hundreds of other sites.13:32
haven489bazhang: this is the tut that i was going from, but it seems to be just a little off=http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ubuntu_Intrepid_for_the_XO13:32
diablo75gdiz:  to exit the man page, press the colon key : then Q13:32
LetsGo67Diablo75: it's a laptop; how do I turn it on?13:32
diablo75you should hear it13:32
diablo75it's built in13:32
grawitydiablo75: You don't need the colon - just "q" will be enough.13:33
LetsGo67My laptop makes a LOT of noise.13:33
diablo75if you don't hear it or feel air being blown out, the fan has probably died and will need to be replaced.13:33
snuffy47gravity:  check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/318599/13:33
diwicgdiz: the Q key13:33
diablo75grawity:  didn't know that, thanks13:33
shoemann2does anybody know who to disable password asking when I'm trying to start openvpn client? http://paste.ubuntu.com/318601/13:33
bazhanghttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntu-on-olpc haven489 there is a blueprint for a further customized build specific to the olpc13:33
diablo75letsgo67:  the heat sink fins might be clogged with dust and dirt13:34
=== Guest73026 is now known as andy_e
haven489bazhang: thanks will get back to you =)13:34
Einyel_ses un canal ingles?13:34
grawitysnuffy47: In the third command, you forgot to specify the actual modes you wanted to set.13:34
diwicaLeSD: it should automatically save itself13:34
BlouBlou!es | Einyel_s13:34
ubottuEinyel_s: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:34
LetsGo67How can I check the heat of the laptop Diablo75?13:34
aLeSDdiwic: it does't13:34
alex_hey, can somebody tell me how to change my maximum resolution? i have ubuntu 9.10 and no xorg.conf .. here's the lspci : http://pastebin.com/f63eb38ec13:34
snuffy47gravity: oppps lket me try that13:34
ubottuJoin #ubuntu-ph for tagalog13:34
jrib!fixres > alex_13:34
ubottualex_, please see my private message13:34
gnarliedoes anyone read bug reports on launchpad.net13:35
snuffy47gravity: think that worked13:35
jribgnarlie: i'm sure someone does, yeah13:35
diablo75letsgo67:  sometimes the bios will display it, and there should be some linux apps you can run at the command-line to get the cpu temperature... let me check on something real quick13:35
gnarliejrib: I doubt it13:35
grawitygnarlie: The package maintainers usually do.13:35
boscopmy mouse does not get recognized by ubuntu13:35
jribgnarlie: do you have a support question we can help you with?13:35
PsineticNEED HELP!!! I was in a chat with someone with a very very very important conversation and need to copy the conversation, but it's a web-based irc, and it won't let me scroll while highlighting the text, so i can't copy it...can someone PLEASE help me with this? :(13:35
gnarlienew/undecided for three weeks13:35
ohmyI have ATI radeon X300 and i hope someone can help me to install it's driver13:35
diwicaLeSD: perhaps alsactl store13:35
grawityPsinetic: Copy it piece-by-piece?13:36
ohmyi know that catalyst is not compatible with this card/karmic13:36
Psineticomg that'll take hours13:36
grawityPsinetic: But usually, webpages will scroll automatically.13:36
gnarliejrib: I'd be happy if someone even took a look at critical bugs13:36
ohmyAnyone knows how to install the ATI X300 driver on karmic please ?13:36
haven489bazhang: im new with launch pad, how do i acess the bluprints?13:36
grawityPsinetic: Just start selecting text, drag the mouse all the way down (or up, if you start from the bottom), and it should be scrolled automatically.13:36
janhajI have external usb tv tuner Gigabyte U8000.. in Ubuntu 9.04 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318402/ digital television works fine, in Ubuntu 9.10 http://paste.ubuntu.com/318400/ doesn't work.. Can somebody help me?13:36
grawityPsinetic: Also try this way: click anywhere on the text, press Ctrl-A.13:37
Psineticit won't let me just click, and it won't let me scroll13:37
diablo75letsgo67:  Check in Sytem>Preferences>System Profiler and Benchmark.  Look under the Sensors category to see if it picks up a temperature sensor.13:37
Psinetici've tried those both13:37
bazhanghaven489, have found some more links if you would care to see them13:37
Psineticit's java based i think13:37
aLeSDdiwic ok thanks13:37
gnarliejrib: we've narrowed it down to a kernel problem #elsewhere and all the info is there, nobody seems interested13:37
haven489bazhang: i would love to. I realy dont like suger, so anything you get get me i will read and do with what i can.13:37
LetsGo67Diablo75 cannot find it (9.10)13:38
rumboldhmm, my network in my ubuntu (running in virtualbox) worked yesteday, i didnt change anything and now it says network is unreachable when i try to ping :( how do i fix that?13:38
jribgnarlie: ask #ubuntu-bugs how to poke the kernel devs13:38
diablo75letsgo67:  Can't find what, exactly?13:38
_Narc_Anyone else can help me confirm that my disconnections problem are ISP related and not Ubuntu related ? Any help would be very appreciated. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1278986.13:39
gnarliejrib: thanks, I will13:39
LetsGo67The "System Profiler and Benchmark"13:39
K3rl0u4rnom26er: finally, I got it... my openbox startup script did not launch /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-113:39
grawitygnarlie: Last time I reported a kernel bug, I got a response the same day... but it wasn't fixed after a month, so I reported it directly to bugzilla.kernel.org.13:39
diwicrumbold: sudo ifconfig eth0 up13:39
K3rl0u4rnom26er: everything worked fine under xfce actually13:39
om26erK3rl0u4rn: great13:39
jribPsinetic: grep your memory for some text13:39
diablo75letsgo67:  I'm not running karmic yet so it could be there called something different, like "System Information" Anything like that in there13:39
gnarliegrawity: well I suppose it's a bug in the ubuntu generic kernel and/or lirc, lirc.org claims 2.6.31 is a supported version13:39
boscopmy mouse does not get recognized by ubuntu13:39
diwicrumbold: then try sudo dhcpclient13:40
Psineticjrib, i don't know what you're saying, do what?13:40
aLeSDdiwic: it doen't work ... I'm setting mic == line in13:40
longnb_nddon'n understand13:40
jribPsinetic: presumably the text is somewhere in memory.  Find it.13:40
haven489bazhang: i would love to have the URL's =)13:40
longnb_ndwho can help me?13:41
Psineticthat's like asking a five year old kid to find a nuclear bomb...i have no idea how to do what you're saying13:41
rumbolddiwic: i tried that with ifconfig already; says command not found when i type dhcpclient13:41
jongbergsrumbold: sudo dhclient <interface name>13:41
longnb_ndpidgin internet messerger don't load list friends13:41
the-claspHello together :-)13:41
rumboldthat worked, thanks :)13:41
=== Whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall
LetsGo67Diablo75 I'm using the French build.  I have "system monitor", "system cleanup", "system test" and "system logs".  Administration, not preferences.  The sound wearies me, you say it wearies you.13:42
longnb_ndwho can help me13:42
the-claspMind me asking a short question about ubuntu netbook edition?13:42
bazhanghttp://eclecti.cc/olpc/ubuntu-mobile-on-an-olpc-xo here is one haven48913:42
diwicrumbold: sorry, try sudo dhclient instead13:42
jongbergsrumbold: have you been leased with ip address from dhcp server?13:42
jongbergsrumbold: verify it with ifconfig13:42
longnb_ndi beginning use ubuntu13:43
bazhanghttp://www.olpcnews.com/software/operating_system/how_to_ubuntu_on_xo_laptop.html and another haven48913:43
Valentinadiablo75: Yeah, I know it's the server's job to listen for requests. But I don't want anyon to hack my server so therefore I was a little bit worried about ssh listening for connections.13:43
rumboldthe network works now, what does it mean to verify it with ifconfig?13:43
haven489bazhang: thanks for the help and the URL's you are a very helpful and resourceful person.13:44
LetsGo67Diablo75 thank you for your help.13:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig13:44
haven489by all13:44
jongbergsrumbold: yeah, that's it..i mean the command ifconfig let's you know what's your ip address13:44
diablo75Valentina:  If you're worried about hackers, setup a strong password that can't be guessed13:44
Psineticjrib, could you please elaborate?13:44
jribValentina: or use ssh keys13:44
diablo75letsgo67:  you're welcome13:44
Valentinadiablo75: Already done, I'm using a 8+ password generated by Ubuntu apg software.13:45
LetsGo67Diablo75 Yes.  :)  Can't I use command line to check?13:45
jribPsinetic: not really.  dump your memory somewhere and search for it.  memdump and grep I guess.  There's probably a smarter way, this is just a suggestion13:45
Valentinajrib: Yeah, another thing to learn. I'll but it will take some time, I've lot of other things to do too, unfortunately.13:45
snuffy47gravity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318611/ I think i need to change the owner to smiths13:45
jongbergsValentina: you can also configure ssh to listen to specific ip address for added security13:45
diablo75letsgo67:  I'm sure there's an command that would show you what you need to see but I don't know what it is...  Sorry.13:45
Psineticjrib ..um....well, thanks for the help, but it's not helpful if i have no idea what you're saying to do. i'll go look elsewhere. thanks though! :)13:46
Valentinajongbergs: Ok, that may be a good one too.13:46
snuffy47man it seems everythink I do needs some sort of permission changed13:46
grawitysnuffy47: No, you just need to learn file permissions.13:46
sskkWhat's the simplest possible way to receive an e-mail on a domain for which I have no e-mail server setup? I basically need to receive one e-mail on the domain in order to setup my permanent e-mail server properly. Any ideas? (I have no experience in postfix, so I'm thinking it's a big deal setting that up for receiving the single e-mail?)13:46
snuffy47gravity: lol tring13:46
jongbergs!ssh | Valentina13:46
ubottuValentina: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:46
jribPsinetic: googling the commands I told you or read about what they do would probably help13:46
diwicaLeSD: when does the setting revert itself?13:46
grawitysnuffy47: Eh. I'm going to be killed for this, but just use "sudo -s" and do what you need to do. Then type 'exit' to go back to your user.13:47
aegaehhello, how can I change the group of every single file within a folder without effecting the user? 'chown user.group *' is what I would usually do, but the users are different and I only need to change the group.13:47
snuffy47gravity: u are not the first person to tell me that.  but it shouldnt be that difficult13:47
diablo75Valentina:  If you do tell ssh to filter based on the clients IP address, remember that it is subject to change on you without notice from your ISP or just by connecting from different locations.13:47
grawitysskk: Postfix is quite simple. Especially in Debian/Ubuntu.13:47
grawitysskk: Just install it, choose "stand-alone server", and it should be done.13:48
mgv2how can i run a check for why ubuntu doesnt load if it doesnt load???13:48
snuffy47gravity: what does that do13:48
grawitysskk: Mail is usually delivered to /var/mail/$USER13:48
Valentinadiablo75: Yes, I know. I use dyndns to connect to my server usually.13:48
bgcHi, having strange issues in Karmic with network connections, can anyone help?13:48
grawitysnuffy47: What does _what_ do?13:48
Valentinadiablo75: My server also has got dynamic ip address.13:48
aLeSDdiwic: on reboot13:48
snuffy47gravity: sudo -s13:48
sskkgrawity: Ok - I'll take your word and dig into it. Thanks13:48
LetsGo67Diablo75, thanks regardless, have a good day!13:49
diablo75Valentina:  I wouldn't filter by IP if I were you then because you intend to be able to have access to your server no matter where you are.13:49
snuffy47gravity: I thought that being I could use the sudo command that smiths was the main admin user13:49
grawitysnuffy47: 'sudo' does run the command as root.13:49
OpenSourcedNickHello, I have a really old graphics card and it's really slowing down my ubuntu [especially when I surf the web with any browser (firefox, epiphany, opera)], is there a way to tune the graphics down so my ubuntu would be faster? cause right now it's a pain..13:49
grawitysnuffy47: However, the >>/etc/auto.master part is snipped off by your shell, it is not passed to sudo.13:50
Valentinadiablo75: Exactly. I want to log in independent of location.13:50
diablo75opensourcenick:  you can try to go into System>Preferences>Appearence and then the Effects tab and turn off the eye candy.13:50
=== aksci is now known as thedancingdeer
snuffy47gravity: why should I not use sudo s-13:50
ValentinaWell, I have to leave. Thanks helping me put today! You'tr very friendly. Thanks again.13:50
grawitysnuffy47: I didn't say you shouldn't13:50
diablo75Valentina:  I'd say you've already got it setup just right then.13:50
diwicaLeSD: perhaps you can add an "amixer set ... " command in your .bashrc13:50
grawitysnuffy47: AND LEARN NICK-COMPLETION, ffs.13:51
snuffy47gravity: is there a better way to make this work13:51
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging.13:51
asdqwehello, how can I change the group of every single file within a folder without effecting the user? 'chown user.group *' is what I would usually do, but the users are different and I only need to change the group.13:51
thedancingdeerhow do i copy my /home/user preserving all the permissions? i've been trying to do it on live karmic but when i see the properties, it always shows live user as the owner! please help!13:51
aLeSDdiwic: ok I will try13:51
Valentinadiablo75: Yes, exept for the ssh keys maybe. But it's not that big problem writing the password, I think.13:51
snuffy47gravity: what is nick completion and why are you yelling at me13:51
grawitysnuffy47: See my PM about that one13:51
haldenasdqwe: try chgrp13:51
ValentinaHave to leave, bye.13:51
rashed2020How do I force kill something?13:52
rashed2020killall name and kill pid aren't working13:52
Anoriengrawity: how does one use nick completion on pidgin?13:52
grawityrashed2020: Add -9 to the kill command... such as killall -9 name or kill -9 pid13:52
snuffy47grawity, sorry13:52
asdqwehalden: same as 'chgrp group *' ?13:52
grawityAnorien: Same way as in any other client -- type the first few letters, press Tab.13:52
haldenasdqwe: yes13:53
rashed2020grawity: Nope.13:53
gdizhey, is there away to get the cp command to create subsequent folders.  i.e. cp file /dest/newfolder/file13:53
rashed2020gdiz: cp -R13:53
jolarenWhich messenger is the best ? Emesene is great due to the webcam thingy but apart from that?13:53
gdizgot it, thanks13:53
grawityrashed2020: Is the process owned by you? If not, add 'sudo'.13:53
rashed2020I did.13:53
jugglerbryrashed2020:sometimes my firefox closes but it doesnt kill the process, so I end up going into System/Administration then services, locate the one to kill and kill it there13:53
Anorienah i see, that gray line in the window was confusing me, grawity lol13:53
Anorienthanks for the tip, grawity13:53
OpenSourcedNickI have an old graphics card and it's slowing down my ubuntu [especially when I surf the web], is there a way to tune the graphics down so my ubuntu would be faster?13:53
grawityrashed2020: If 'sudo kill -9 pid' does not kill a process, there can be only two explanations: a) the process is a zombie - already dead, the system is just waiting for its parent process to notie.13:54
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!13:54
grawityrashed2020: b) the process is stuck in "uninterruptible sleep" - usually waiting for a file read/write to finish.13:54
grawityrashed2020: 'ps u <pid>' should tell -- look for "D" or "Z" in the STAT column.13:54
rashed2020grawity: Anything I can do? I don't think it's dead because it's processor usage is fluctuating between 97% and 100%/13:54
jugglerbryanyone know why when I quit FireFox it doesnt always kill the process ?  I have to manually kill it before I can restart FF13:54
AnorienOpenSourcedNick: i'd be interested in that too, same problem here, old and slow :)13:54
Clay1IM having issues with my mic, ubuntu wont recognize it. Maybe my sound card is lacking a driver?13:54
grawityrashed2020: ps u <pid>, paste the line here.13:55
thedancingdeeri tried copying  my /home using cp -arp and rsync but it still doesn't preserve the permissions! i want to change my /home partition for a fresh install!13:55
OpenSourcedNickAnorien, I'm using gnome so at least I know it's not eating up the RAM like KDE... but when I fire up a browser [any browser], the processor gets to 100%13:55
snuffy47grawity, back to sudo -s13:55
grawitythedancingdeer: rsync --perms13:55
rashed2020root       712  95  0.0      0     0 ?        R<   Nov13  77:23 [iwlagn]13:55
rashed2020@ grawity13:55
OpenSourcedNickI'm pretty sure it's the graphics card.. it's an on-board one and it's pretty stinky13:55
sskkgrawity: Postfix was indeed simple - thank you for the push.13:56
rashed2020jugglerbry: try sudo killall firefox13:56
grawityrashed2020: Processes whose names are in [brackets] are actually kernel threads - you cannot kill them.13:56
AnorienOpenSourcedNick:  im on gnome too, but mine aint that bad as yours, i can browse, but just slow :) mine is onboard too, intel integrated13:56
rashed2020grawity: So I have to reboot? Cuz this is killing my desktop.13:56
Clay1how can i get my sound card's driver?13:57
grawityrashed2020: I guess so.13:57
jugglerbryRashed2020: thanks for that, but it seems to be an intermittent thing.  sometime when i close ff all is well, but other times, i have to kill the process before i can restart13:57
AnorienOpenSourcedNick: did you turn off visual effects as someone here said earlier?13:57
rashed2020grawity: Alright, thanks.13:57
OpenSourcedNickAnorien, If I wasn't playing some music and watching some videos every once in a while I would have it completely none-gui... my programming is far mor eimportant that the other uses13:57
OpenSourcedNickhmm... how do I check for that? though I think It is turned off...?13:57
rashed2020jugglerbry: Same here. I just ALT+F2 then type xkill and click on the firefox window. That works much better.13:57
Symmetriahrm, any recommendations on a really really really fast hardware raid controller (preferably that can take a ton of sata disks, like 15 channels)13:57
snuffy47grawity, back to sudo -s what does it actually do13:57
jugglerbryok will do thanks.  you think it's a 9.10 bug maybe ?13:57
Symmetriascsi disks are 2 damn expensive for a download staging server, and I need a LOT of space, but I need it *FAST*13:58
AnorienOpenSourcedNick: system-prefferences-appearance, tab visual effects13:58
rashed2020jugglerbry: Nah, I've been doing that since 8.0413:58
jugglerbryah no, the firefox window does close, but the background process doesnt end13:58
grawitysnuffy47: 'sudo -s' runs a copy of your shell, but with root privileges. Just like 'sudo chmod', for example, runs 'chmod' as root.13:58
SymmetriaRun [4]: Total Downloaded: 9946 megs [1410 megs in last 60 seconds] <=== thats pretty much as fast as I'm getting right now :(13:58
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!13:58
thedancingdeergrawity: tried doing that,.. still the owner is root on installed and 'live user' on live cd!13:58
OpenSourcedNickAnorien, it's off13:58
grawitythedancingdeer: Are you rsyncing as root?13:59
plustax_Hey guys. I cannot enable desktop effects. you have nvidia 9300M and driver version si 18513:59
=== PhantomLink is now known as PL|Snoozing
snuffy47I see it changed that.  but shouldnt I just chon the file to smiths13:59
grawitythedancingdeer: In Unix, only "root" can change a file's owner.13:59
plustax_I HAVE13:59
grawitythedancingdeer: So if you are not root, rsync can preserve most permissions - but not the file owners.13:59
snuffy47grawity, I see it changed that.  but shouldnt I just chon the file to smiths13:59
grawitysnuffy47: What file is that?13:59
jugglerbryplustax:have you tried system/administration/hardware drivers to see if there a driver available ?14:00
snuffy47grawity, echo "/cifs /etc/auto.cifs --timeout=60" >>/etc/auto.master14:00
grawitysnuffy47: /etc/auto.master? I think you should keep its ownership as it is... it's only a one time change anyway, I guess.14:01
thedancingdeergrawity: so how do i achieve it? i want to format my /home partition cuz the drive has loads of errors and goes fsck everytime it boots!14:01
snuffy47grawity, looks like auto.cifs and auto.master14:01
grawitythedancingdeer: Uh, run rsync as root.14:01
snuffy47grawity, okay14:01
grawitythedancingdeer: Or, I would just archive the entire thing with tar -cvzf14:01
thedancingdeergrawity: 18gb archive?14:02
laoerhi everyone14:02
jugglerbryok all time to go. bye for now14:02
_marixhmm, whenever one wants to remove some packages, the ubuntu-desktop is likely to tag along and wanting to get removed, is it supposed to behave like that?14:02
thedancingdeergrawity: rsync as root doesn't still preserve the owner permissions!14:02
IdleOne_marix: it is safe to remove that package. if you like you can reinstall it afterwards14:03
kilelmecan anyone help me14:03
kilelmei have IBM T4014:03
grawitythedancingdeer: 'man rsync', and add the whole set: -ogpX and so on.14:03
IdleOneonly if you ask a question kilelme14:04
kilelmebut i cannot connect trought wpa key14:04
knoxvilleUsers on freenode is mainly from what country?14:04
joja_Gnome-DO sometimes give me a big white box over the screen on startup - ya know why?14:04
kilelmei cannot connet trought wireless who use wpa key?14:04
kilelmehow i can fix this?14:04
dutchbuntuI use CheckGmail as a panel notifier for new Gmail. I have two accounts, both of which need to be checked. I created a profile for each of my accounts. When I execute the command '/usr/bin/checkgmail -profile=[profilename]', both profiles can load simultaneously. When I add the commands to my Startup Applications, only one of them is in the list. When I add the other one, the first one is gone. What do I need to do?14:04
HaldCan anyone explain to me what the problem could be if the screen goes black and blinks in big pixel shaped forms. I have to switch to a tty and then back to xorg to get the screen back. And could this be related to the fact that apps like Stellarium have messedup graphics? Im runing ubuntu 9.10 now. didn't have these problems in 8.1014:05
IdleOneknoxville: #freenode might be able to answer that.14:05
petsoundshi, sometimes my ubuntu won't start cause it failed at GRUB displaying _ blinking. please help. thanks14:05
manolo__Hi to all. I notice there's a 1.9 GB file named uuid-0000-0F11.AOO52U and contained into the /home/manolo/.local/share/gvfs-metadata directory My problem is that I'm trying to free some hd space. Is that file useful? Can I remove it? Thanks14:05
laoeris bazhang a man or machine14:05
IdleOnebazhang: is a person14:05
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!14:05
logicbugHi - first time user of Ubuntu - Please tell me how I can get my speakers to work? I only get sound through the speaker on the motherboard.14:06
thedancingdeergrawity: one question! will tar do it without compression? how long will 18gb take approx!?14:06
laoerbazhang a very good man14:06
grawitythedancingdeer: tar only uses compression if you use either -z or -j.14:06
Haldlogicbug: enable head jack sense in your speeker configuration14:06
laoeridleone too14:07
laoerme too14:07
Haldlogicbug: it could also be muted14:07
grawitythedancingdeer: tar -cvf /media/pendrive/home.tar /mnt/home, for example, won't compress at all.14:07
matimieciohi all14:07
IdleOne!Hi | matimiecio14:07
ubottumatimiecio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:07
mgv2how can i run a check for why ubuntu doesnt loads if it doesnt loads???14:07
matimieciothanks xD14:07
epinkykilelme: IBM shipped the T40 with three different internal Wifi cards, which one you have? , post "sudo lspci -v" results to check.14:07
logicbugThanks Hald, i'll just check those14:07
matimieciokto z Polski?14:07
IdleOne!pl | matimiecio14:08
ubottumatimiecio: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:08
kilelmei cannot connect to wifi router use wpa key? i have IBM T4014:08
ronald1hi there.,any one know how to configure the ALSA driver?14:08
kilelmeairo net mpi 35014:08
matimiecioi have lenovo 3000 n10014:08
IdleOnelaoer: #ubuntu_cn for chinese14:09
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IdleOnematimiecio: /join #ubuntu-pl14:09
_Narc_Anyone with kernel knowledge can help me confirm that my disconnections problem are ISP related and not Ubuntu related ? Any help would be very appreciated. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1278986. / http://paste.ubuntu.com/318620/14:09
IdleOnelaoer: I meant #ubuntu-cn14:09
laoerthere is few person at #ubuntu-cn14:09
manolo__Sorry for asking again, can anyone please help me with the hd space problem as above? I re-write my help request. Thank you. Hi to all. I notice there's a 1.9 GB file named uuid-0000-0F11.AOO52U and contained into the /home/manolo/.local/share/gvfs-metadata directory My problem is that I'm trying to free some hd space. Is that file useful? Can I remove it? Thanks14:09
kilelmeAIRONET Wireless Communications Device 500014:09
davidboy!cn | laoer14:09
ubottulaoer: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:09
kilelmecan you help me to connect trought WPA key14:10
aaron11! 你好 | laoer14:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about laoer14:10
laoerkilelme i have IBM T41p now using14:10
mrXXguys is there a channel where i can get help with poMMo14:10
laoeraaron11 hi14:10
kilelmehow it work14:10
logicbugHald if you're still here - those didn't work. I'm going to reboot and see what happens.14:10
kilelmecan you tell me14:10
kilelmei so confused now14:11
``Cubehey, i'm trying to compile a pidgin plugin called GFIRE but it doesnt seem to be working14:11
petsoundshi epinky are you still remember my problem when ubuntu won't start, only _ blinking after Grub screen? its happening again.. :(14:11
davidboy!enter > kileme14:11
snuffy47can someone look this over http://paste.ubuntu.com/318638/.  The problem I was tring to solve was when saving something from web I want to acess the shares on my server directly14:11
bijoo_osdevHas anyone tried Ubuntu from an external usb enclosure on Intel Duo Core Mac 1.5+? Thanks in advance.14:11
mrXXis there a channel for pommo help?14:11
thedancingdeergrawity: its still not happening! when i check the permissions either by ls -all or in nautilus alt+enter, the owner is root! i don't get it! why isn't it working!14:11
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kilelmehow it work on T4014:11
aaron11   laoer i cant understand14:11
kilelmeanyone can help14:12
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IdleOnelaoer: please speak english in this channel14:12
kilelmeIBM T40 wireless problem?14:12
IdleOne!patience | kilelme14:12
ubottukilelme: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.14:12
trijntjeHi all, i've just installed karmic netbook remix on my new acer A0751 but it hangs during boot. I do have command line access. I tried to run memorycheck but I get the folowing error: Too small lower memory. Xp runs fine though. Any ideas on what could cause this?14:12
chrismatHow do you enable KSM support in ubuntu?14:12
* logicbug says bye14:12
aaron11!chinese | laoer14:13
ubottulaoer: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:13
epinkypetsounds: hi and yes, as far as I remember it was about /etc/usplash.conf right?, did you checked?14:13
* logicbug means to log off14:13
laoerbut aaron11 gives me a chinese welfear14:13
* logicbug type /quit14:13
geirhasnuffy47: linux is case-sensitive. movie != Movie14:13
Haldanyone have a fully working ati 9600?14:13
IdleOnelaoer: aaron11 was trying to direct you to the #ubuntu-cn14:13
utabakhi all, I have upgraded to ubuntu 9.10, experiencing problems with the extened desktop which was without problems in 9.04, I can not extend the desktop, the settings look ok in xorg.cong but there is no output in the external monitor, The program used is xrandr 1.314:13
laoerdirect me why14:14
Rizwanhello ubuntu users14:14
SingAlongI shared one of my windows drives and tried to access it via my ubuntu machine but I'm not able to access it. I'm able to access the shared documents folder though. its asking me for some username and password to access the shared drive.14:14
snuffy47geirha, but it is showing the directory and it shouldnt exist14:14
plustaxHey guys. I can't get my desktop effects to work. I have an nvidia 9300 with 185 driver packages installed.14:14
om26er!hi | Rizwan14:14
ubottuRizwan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:14
SingAlonghow do i access my drive now?14:14
IdleOnelaoer: because you spoke in chinese.14:14
laoerlet's ubuntu!14:14
plustaxAnyone help?14:14
aaron11IdleOne, Thanks! He knows English but speaks mothertoung14:15
snuffy47geirha, the directory is movies1 but it says directory is not there14:15
laoerbecause I speak Chinese,I just cant understand14:15
Rizwanhow can i run counter strike via wine it just closes down14:15
jrib!appdb | Rizwan14:15
snuffy47geirha, let me find the command to show the shares14:15
ubottuRizwan: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:15
IdleOneplustax: have you installed compizconfig-settings-manager?14:15
aaron11laoer, If you want to get help then please go to #ubuntu-cn14:15
cichlasomain a tutorial here http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/capink.html i read: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318641/ yet, I get "E: Couldn't find package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.31-14-generic" for sudo apt-get install linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r) on karmic. does anybody know, how is it with a package linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r) for karmic?14:15
``Cubethere is the pidgin libdir located?14:15
om26erRizwan: i think the correct channel is #wine14:16
jrib``Cube: why?14:16
aaron11laoer, If you keep on trolling I will kick you14:16
jribRizwan: #winehq for support with wine, but see ubottu's appdb first14:16
``Cubejrib: trying to compile a plugin for it and it doesnt seem to be able to find it automatically14:16
jrib``Cube: you just need to install the -dev package for pidgin (or libpurple)14:16
laoerI think there is a foolish crying here14:16
``Cubejrib: hmm lemme see if i dont have that already14:17
IdleOnelaoer: Please try to understand. This channel if for support related topics only. if you wish to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic14:17
``Cubejrib: yeah i got that already14:17
trijntjehow can I start the graphical environment from command line?14:17
davidboytrijntje: startx14:17
IdleOnetrijntje: startx14:17
jrib``Cube: pastebin what you are doing including commands that show that14:17
SingAlonganyone on my sharing problem?14:17
grawitytrijntje: Try 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start'14:17
aaron11laoer, 14:17
grawitydavidboy, IdleOne: I thought 'startx' requires ~/.xinitrc to be present.14:18
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!14:18
petsoundsepinky : ok i just check it with gedit /etc/usplash.conf i think i have the right res for x and y. and one thing i forget to mentions that sometimes when Grub loading process, it doesn't give me option to grub list..14:18
``Cubejrib: ok this is the pastebin of the end of the ./configure output http://pastebin.com/m358ecb4714:18
IdleOnegrawity: you are probably right14:18
aaron11laoer, 14:18
laoerI just want to join ubuntu .14:18
jrib``Cube: what plugin is this?14:19
aaron11laoer, Then speak English14:19
davidboy!cn | tin14:19
ubottutin: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:19
IdleOnelaoer: Welcome to Ubuntu.14:19
dotzHi. I need an one-click solution for a bugtracker (apt-get something, that's already configured and useable). Any ideas what should I use?14:19
``Cubejrib: gfire14:19
trijntjedavidboy, IdleOne grawity startx worked, that was easy. Thanks;)14:19
zombie-robotFailed to retrieve share list from server ---ubuntu 9.10 trying to get samba to work14:19
aaron11laoer, What is your problem14:19
epinkypetsounds: I would strongly suggest in your case that you just get rid of "splash" to finish that problem14:19
IdleOnetrijntje: glad to hear it14:20
grawityIdleOne: Eh, Ubuntu probably has a system-wide one.14:20
jrib``Cube: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/Scripting%20and%20Plugins#HowdoIcompileapluginUNIX-likeplatforms14:20
``Cubejrib: which is like xfire for pidgin14:20
``Cubejrib: ok thanks lemme have a look14:20
laoerI begin use ubuntu just a few days14:20
IdleOnegrawity: again you are probably right heh :)14:20
myk_robinsonIs setting up internet connection sharing in Karmic really as simple as selecting "Shared to Other COmptuers" in network manager?14:20
myk_robinsonI want to share a wireless connection to my Xbox 360 over ehternet14:21
manolo__Hi to all. I nothice I have 2 "trash" directories under my home folder. One is named .Trash-0 and the other .Trash-1000 Are both in use? thenks14:21
jrib``Cube: basically, you ignore the error, just run make (not make install) and copy the .so yourself to ~/.purple/plugins14:21
c0p3rn1cI'm running ubuntu with gnome, dual screen: left(laptop screen) + right(big screen), but for some reason after changing from single screen to dual screen I have one task bar on my upper left screen and one on the down right screen :(14:21
grawitymanolo__: The number is the user ID -- so if it's your homedir, .Trash-0 can be deleted as it does not belong to you.14:21
``Cubejrib: aah alright. let me try14:21
c0p3rn1c(using nvidia-settings)14:22
petsoundsepinky : frankly, i don't really care with usplash or any other looks. so tell me how to get rid of it, will you? :D14:22
grawitymanolo__: Actually, Ubuntu uses neither now, I think...14:22
coz_manio,   I have none in home but let me check14:22
jrib``Cube: hold on14:22
jrib!info gfire | ``Cube14:22
ubottu``Cube: gfire (source: gfire): xfire plugin for pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 87 kB, installed size 340 kB14:22
astrojpHow do I get Google Chrome (or Chromium) on 9.10? I've forgot how I installed it last time.14:22
epinkypetsounds: ok, wait please14:22
jrib``Cube: just use gfire from the repositories14:22
petsoundsepinky : ok, take your time14:22
IdleOneastrojp: look for chromium PPA14:23
om26erastrojp: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install chromium-browser14:23
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catajmehi alexia14:23
laoerI have an email address at msn.com ,how can i chat with others use msn at jabber14:23
coz_astrojp,   try here   http://ulyssesonline.com/2009/11/02/install-google-chrome-on-ubuntu-9-10/14:23
om26erIdleOne: plustax cannot enable compiz on 9300M driver version is 185. ccsm was not installed14:23
bgcplease can anyone help with network trouble on Karmic?14:23
om26erIdleOne: then he updated to nvidia 190 but still could not enable14:24
om26er!help | bgc14:24
ubottubgc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:24
bgcthanks ubottu14:24
``Cubejrib: see i already have it installed, and it works perfectly with pidgin, but doesnt work at all with finch. i found on the web thought that this bug has been fixed in revision 220 something. so i assume its not the ready-to-download .deb files on the website, but in the latest cod14:25
bgcI tried asking, I guess noone knows the answer... I guess I'll just reinstall jaunty and skip karmic...14:25
IdleOneom26er: not sure how to help him to be honest. he mentioned the driver was installed I assume that means also working14:25
bgcHi, I would be very grateful for some help on network issues in Karmic (due to upgrade)! Everything worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!14:25
ratseyesoupHi All - I'm using 9.10 and can't change desktops with my center scroll wheel anymore-could this be an ubuntu or compiz settings thing or a hardware proublem14:25
jrib``Cube: I see14:25
fcuk112ratseyesoup: they disabled the mouse-wheel to change desktops.14:26
``Cubejrib: yeah. see i compiled it now, where can i find the .so file?14:26
SingAlongI shared one of my windows drives and tried to access it via my ubuntu machine but I'm not able to access it. I'm able to access the shared documents folder though. its asking me for some username and password to access the shared drive.14:26
jrib``Cube: i didn't even know about gfire until just now, look in the directory you typed make I suppose14:26
SingAlonganyone have any idea whats wrong?14:26
``Cubejrib: kk14:26
joja_My ubuntu remembers my programs upon exit, its really annoying. I have already clicked away the one in "startup programs" is there any more place to click?14:26
ratseyesoupfcuk112: ty -wy did they do that14:26
fcuk112ratseyesoup: no idea, i guess a lot of peeps were triggering it by accident.14:27
=== nightMare32 is now known as darkzlayer
faxhi,   is it possible to turn of the scroll wheel of the mouse?14:27
manolo__grawity, coz_ Search your hidden folders under yor home directory, please14:28
IdleOne!anyone | SingAlong14:28
ubottuSingAlong: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:28
SingAlongIdleOne: I shared one of my windows drives and tried to access it via my ubuntu machine but I'm not able to access it. I'm able to access the shared documents folder though. its asking me for some username and password to access the shared drive.14:28
grawitymanolo__: ~/.local/share/Trash/14:28
snuffy47okay I am right confused now14:28
IdleOneSingAlong: I suppose you need to provide the Windows username and password14:28
bgcHi! Wired/wireless worked in Jaunty but stopped working in Karmic. Wireless and Wired show they're connected, I can ping google, but cannot access anything else. w3m shows "opening socket..." message before hanging. Any help really appreciated!!!14:29
snuffy47http://paste.ubuntu.com/318657/ please read14:29
SingAlongIdleOne: doesnt work though14:29
naftilos76hi, i have an intel Quad 9550 but i can see that only one core is used - Is there a way to enable all cores so that my ubuntu works faster?14:29
snuffy47All I am tring to do is access my shares when saving something from web.  In office I can open the files directly but not web14:29
IdleOneSingAlong: check what settings you set on the shared drive.14:29
detrixhello everyone.  How do I change how udev mounts a usb.  I want to change the access mask.  right now all usbs are mounted with 700 access permissions.  I want 770.  I want to allow group access permision14:30
``Cubejrib: http://pastebin.com/m6fb4083e14:30
BluesKajHey folks14:30
IdleOneSingAlong: I am guessing here but I think you want to allow guest access to that drive.14:31
manolo__grawity: I'm not sure that's the trash for the current user... I have trashed some files just right cliking on them: they appear into the trash of my desktop but not in the folder you say14:31
ace_I just installed Karmic on a Toshiba laptop and neither the keyboard or mouse is working. Anyone know how to fix this?14:31
``Cubeace_: how did you just type that?14:31
SingAlongIdleOne: I've done sharing it on the network already14:31
SingAlongIdleOne: what is there anything specially called guest access?14:31
ace_''cube on another computer14:31
IdleOneSingAlong: there should be an option in the windows Share Folder menu to allow guest. Like I said just guessing here14:32
manolo__coz what about you?14:32
om26erError: No rendering method in use (AIGLX, Xgl or Nvidia)14:32
SingAlongIdleOne: nope!14:32
=== naruto is now known as Guest77615
jribace_: do they work in recovery mode?14:32
ace_jrib, they work on live CD14:33
jribace_: k, do they work in recovery mode?14:33
ace_jrib, how do I get into recovery mode in karmic?14:33
snuffy47I really could use some help14:33
snuffy47All I am tring to do is access my shares when saving something from web.  In office I can open the files directly but not web14:34
snuffy47http://paste.ubuntu.com/318657/ please read14:34
FreeFullSince I upgraded to Karmic Koala I've been getting audio buffer overruns14:34
jribace_: should be a selection at the grub menu still14:34
TwoDI've got a weird Wacom Graphire BT problem. It captures click/button events, but not movement. cat /dev/hidraw1 does show something when moving the stylus.14:34
leaf-sheepace_: Reboot. Hold SHIFT. Recovery Mode.  Root.14:34
ace_jrib, I'm restarting now14:34
naftilos76hi, i have an intel Quad 9550 but i can see that only one core is used - Is there a way to enable all cores so that my ubuntu works faster?14:34
FreeFullHow do I disable pulseaudio so I will just have ALSA?14:34
ace_leaf-sheep, ok, that worked to get into recover14:35
penguin42naftilos76: Does 1 or 4 show up in /proc/cpuinfo ? Which version of ubuntu and what does uname -a say?14:35
naftilos76They all show up!14:35
ace_jrib, what do I do in recovery?14:35
naftilos76Does this mean that they are all used?14:35
jribace_: does the keyboard work?14:36
penguin42naftilos76: What does uname -a  say and what makes you think only one is used?14:36
Clay1is it just me or does every theme use human icon?14:36
astrojpcoz_: Is the part 'Add the GPG keys.' necessary? I was always curious about that, what is that for?14:36
ace_jrib, I'm at the recovery menu and I can't arrow down14:36
naftilos76.... 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux14:36
leaf-sheepClay1: Themes are customizable. Customize it.14:36
manolo__grawity: coz: are you lost into trash folders? :)14:36
jribace_: can you do *anything*?14:37
penguin42naftilos76: OK, so you have an SMP kernel, if all 4 show up in /proc/cpuinfo then all sounds good14:37
ace_jrib, no14:37
Clay1I suck at this leaf, i have no idea what to do. lol14:37
grawitymanolo__: No, why?14:37
jribace_: interesting.  Weird that it worked on the live cd14:37
Clay1I download them some work others not..14:37
ace_jrib, I know.. Is there anything I could try?14:37
jribace_: did you run "check the cd for defects" before installing?14:38
c0p3rn1cn/m fixed it14:38
leaf-sheepClay1: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Select a theme (Look for Customize).14:38
ace_jrib, no.. I will do it now14:38
naftilos76penguin42 - The thing is that i never saw the cpu level on the task bar graphs to go higher than 25%!14:38
Clay1THanks man, but hey leaf-sheep. WHy don't you help me with a far more troublesome and pressing problem ive been trying to get solved here all day.14:38
naftilos76penguin42 - I'm just wondering!14:38
Doorman352Anyone know how to get punctuation to work in konversation? I need apostrophes...14:38
penguin42naftilos76: hmm, ok lets try something to make it eat one CPUs worth of CPU - md5sum /dev/zero in a shell somewhere14:38
c0p3rn1cpff I can't playback 1080p hd movies in ubuntu, there too slow :(14:39
leaf-sheepClay1: I don't know your issues. Ask away.14:39
Clay1UM, my microphone isn't being recognized by ubuntu and i have no idea why. Its as if there are no sound setting.. or no driver.14:39
DaverocksDoorman352: that's a strange problem14:39
c0p3rn1cat least not without using vdpau14:39
coz_astrojp,  its not necessary no...but it does insure  that the pacakges may be safe14:39
Clay1I've managed to work around everything thus far. But i can't get my mic to work.14:39
IdleOneastrojp: the GPG key is a way of confirming who/where the package is from provided you trust the issuer.14:39
Doorman352Daverocks: No apostrohes or quotation marks work14:40
the_dark_warrioI've got an Intel 4 Series Graphics Controller, and Ubuntu have not recognized it. Any one can help me? Running glxinfo gives me a segfault, after plenty error messages14:40
leaf-sheepClay1: I never use a mic so I wouldn't know. Sorry. ;\14:40
jolaren[ 1001.650099] hda-intel: Too big adjustment 3214:40
naftilos76penguin42 - nope! one cpu goes 100% and the other three are just wandering around 10-20%!14:40
Clay1well, any clue on how i could find and dl/install my sound driver?14:41
DaverocksDoorman352: can you type them in the text box and they don't send, or can you not type them at all14:41
penguin42naftilos76: That's OK, it will just use 1 CPUs worth, now start another md5sum /dev/zero in another terminal14:41
Doorman352Daverocks: As I type them the either dont appear of the stop the next few characters.14:41
Doorman352I cant spell/type today either14:42
=== geof609 is now known as Geoffke
DaverocksDoorman352: heh, can you type apostrophes in other kde applications?14:42
K3rl0u4rnis it possible on karmic to get slim instead of gdm ?14:43
Doorman352Daverocks: Actually running Ubuntu, konverstaion was the easies irc client for me. Tried in text editor and they seem to work.14:43
bart_Hi all14:43
leaf-sheepClay1: Run "sudo lshw -c sound" to get some information on sound devices.14:43
ace_jrib, check finished no errors found14:44
Doorman352Daverocks: Thought maybe they were reserved for commands but found nothing about it in help.14:44
jribace_: I don't know what to tell you.  Doesn't really make sense.  You can try the alternate cd out of desperation if you wish14:44
DaverocksDoorman352: what about something like kwrite? your kde keyboard mappings might somehow be different14:44
ace_jrib, I may also try a USB keyboard and install updates. I just tried a USB mouse and it worked.. Go figure14:45
bart_Clay1, I also have soundproblems and when i run the lshw command it says *-multimedia UNCLAIMED14:45
the_dark_warrioAnyone having the same problems with Intel Integrated Graphics Controller, 4 Series?14:45
naftilos76penguin42 - thanks, you've got a point there! the second cpu started when i did the second md5sum! It seems that thet all work (when they are needed!)14:45
the_dark_warrioUbuntu haven't recognized my hardware14:46
Doorman352Daverocks: I am running Ubuntu with the gnome interface, I just installed konversation, I have no other KDE apps.14:46
Clay1hm, leef-sheep here it says its a ati card but more specifically mentions its 64 bit and the ubuntu im on is 32 bit. Could that be the problem?14:46
Starcraftmazterhey, in 9.10, how do i turn off windows fading when my cursor isnt inside them14:46
nucc1guys, anyone know why my bluetooth headphones aren't working on karmic?14:46
LauerWhat can I do if a do-release-upgrade on a ubuntu server failed (vm machine), and when rebooting I got a PANIC on the kernel?14:46
bart_Starcraftmazter, compiz setting somehwere?14:46
ktzkki just downed a tarball of theme of login interface . how can i install it?14:46
jribLauer: chroot and attempt to repair14:47
death90hi all14:47
Lauerjrib, I am in the shell now - but what should i try to repair?14:47
Noob-noobI rebooted and on my set up Win7 Xp Ubuntu 9.10 , Got Grub erro > disk not found and it drops me into rescuse grub what i do?14:47
jribLauer: you said do-release-upgrade failed.  Find out why (what packages failed to install) and install them properly14:47
DaverocksDoorman352: i don't know what installing kwrite pulls in on ubuntu but if it doesn't pull in much else then try installing it and typing in that14:47
death90hi all14:48
om26er!hu | death9014:48
ubottudeath90: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál14:48
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:48
death90I ve some problems with Rapache (Apache GUI), can anybody help me?14:48
bart_Hi all, I have a Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller but lshw says its unclaimed. anyone has a idea?14:48
Lauerjrib, it was only something with courior, and I have reinstalled that14:48
BluesKajthe_dark_warrio, we need to know the exact graphics model number , in the terminal : lspci | grep VGA14:49
jribLauer: make sure your sources point to karmic, you have ubuntu-minimal installed and aptitude dist-upgrade14:49
death90if smbody uses Rapache pls PM me14:49
Noob-noobI rebooted and on my set up Win7 <->Xp  <-> Ubuntu 9.10 , Get "Grub error"  "disk not found" and it drops me into "rescuse grub>" what i do?14:49
Doorman352Daverocks: I typed into text editor and the keys show up, what will kwrite show, so I understand where we are going with this.14:49
penguin42naftilos76: Yeh you've got 4 nice fast processors - most of the time they've got nothing to do :-)14:50
DaverocksDoorman352: hopefully you'll be able to type normally in kwrite too14:50
ktzkkwho can tell me how to install a tarball of theme of login interface?14:50
Clay1Can't believe im going to have to stop using ubuntu because my mic wont work....14:50
maxstirner1driving me mad: no thumbnails on karmic following years of thumbnails.. can't find settings issues14:50
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:50
lazygClay1: I seem to remember that there was a list some where for linux drivers (including sound)... if I remember, I'll post the linky.14:50
Lauerjrib, it says nothing to upgrade14:50
DaverocksDoorman352: which, if you could, would suggest that it's a konversation issue rather than a kde keyboard mapping issue14:50
Doorman352Daverocks: ok ill be back in a few14:50
Dravekxanyone know how to mount a USB drive on ubuntu server?14:50
om26erktzkk: install jaunty or w8 for lucid14:50
jribLauer: debug the kernel panic then14:50
penguin42Dravekx: From the command line?14:51
Clay1hm lazyg, that would help SOOOO much. I really like this OS but without the use of the mic i have no use for it.14:51
Dravekxpenguin42, yeah via ssh14:51
ktzkkwhat are they?14:51
Lauerjrib, how, i got nothing when searching on google14:51
jribLauer: check bugs.ubuntu.com, try another kernel14:51
LauerI dont know if is a kernel panic, it just come right after grub14:51
penguin42Dravekx: OK, as root you should find your usb drive has appeared as a new scsi device - so look in /proc/partitions and you should find lets say /dev/sdb1 (first drive being sda) then you can do mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt  or whereever you want to mount it14:52
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: this is the verbose lspci: http://codepad.org/lb3fmDcb14:52
kane77can anyone help me with installing hugs? I get this error: libhugs-openal-bundled: Depends: libopenal0a which is a virtual package.14:52
nucc1is bluetooth audio working for anyone with Nokia headphones here?14:52
=== moomlyn is now known as linimoo
Doorman352Daverocks: I get this - Iĺl be Ḧome"14:53
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ktzkkom26er:what are they, lucid w8 and jaunty?14:54
Dravekxpenguin42, sdb is my 2nd harddrive, I have a sdc and sdc1. could that be it?14:54
lazygClay1:  http://linux-sound.org/drivers.html    I am not sure how useful it will be but it might give you some clues. Good luck.14:54
penguin42Dravekx: Yep14:54
Dravekxpenguin42, sweet :)14:54
Clay1ty ty14:54
DaverocksDoorman352: were those accented characters unexpected?14:55
naftilos76penguin42 - I'm just wondering why aren't they all used at all times thus making the pc go faster! I don't know whether this should happen or if it is a power saving idea...I'm just saying!14:55
Dravekxpenguin42, the file system is fat16 on the USB, I think.14:55
melvsteris it easy to get the source code for an app im running, so that I can hack at it?  (Gwibber in this case)14:55
ggcc_hey guys how would i surf files as root on my ubuntu system?14:55
penguin42naftilos76: You'll find they suddenly spring into life for fractions of a second if something needs to happen, they iwll make stuff faster, but if something is just one thread then multiple cores don't make it faster14:56
IdleOneggcc_: alt-F2, gksudo nautilus14:56
penguin42Dravekx: Try just missing the -t ext3 off, I think it should figure it otu14:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about takebacknick14:56
Doorman352Daverocks: Yep good ole qwerty US keyboard from dell14:56
ggcc_IdleOne, thanks a lot mate14:56
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.14:56
IdleOneggcc_: no problem14:56
BluesKajthe_dark_warrio, forget the -v , just lspci | grep VGA14:56
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:56
kane77melvster, look at the project page, they should have either source packages or some source versioning system (cvs, svn, git, bzr etc.) information14:57
melvsterkane77: ok thanks14:57
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: lspci | grep VGA gives: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)14:57
DaverocksDoorman352: um, and the double quotes were meant to be at the end?14:58
Doorman352Daverocks:  yes it was I<apostrophe>ll be <quote>home<quote>14:59
Doorman352Daverocks: to test the two missing punctuation marks14:59
FloodBot1NinjA-77: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
Killed899dick heads14:59
Killed899go to hell14:59
Killed899flood bot fuck off14:59
IdleOne!ops | Killed89914:59
ubottuKilled899: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!14:59
DaverocksDoorman352: ah, the ' and " characters are being treated as "dead keys" that modify the following characters15:00
FloodBot1NinjA-77: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:00
jrib!guidelines > Killed89915:00
ubottuKilled899, please see my private message15:00
jribNinjA-77: stop.15:00
Dravekxpenguin42, thanks! worked perfect :)15:00
Killed899<ubottu><jrib> wants you to know: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:00
BlouBlouban them please15:00
NinjA-77if you didnt want me spamming.. maybe make the mute last LONGER?15:00
iktKilled899: relax15:00
coz_Clay1,  you want to change the icon theme?15:00
om26er!wtf | Killed89915:00
ubottuKilled899: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:00
IdleOneKilled899: stop now15:01
ard1anHow can i unmount my usb from terminal ?15:01
Killed899fuck u all15:01
Killed899<ubottu><jrib> wants you to know: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:01
Killed899<ubottu><jrib> wants you to know: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:01
jribKilled899: please read them15:01
FloodBot1Killed899: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:01
* jrib sighs15:01
BlouBloujrib: thanks :)15:01
om26erard1an: sudo umount /dev/sdb15:01
ard1anthanks om26er15:01
coz_ard1an,  umount   whereverit is located15:01
om26erard1an: sdb115:01
iktSo sad they're from Australia :(15:01
ard1anyep yep15:01
klashnivhullo all, have a quick question (Ubuntu 9.10 - karmic). I would like to connect to a wep enabled wifi network that has no password but newtwork manager insists on a password. how can I get in without one?15:01
Ignatiusklashniv: just click "ok" and see what happens?15:02
IdleOnejrib: deplomacy only seems to work for diplomats :) kick arse and take names later hehe15:02
klashnivok is greyed out15:02
iktis it even possible to have a wep enabled wifi network without a password?15:02
iktwhat would be the point of wep?15:02
Dr_Willisikt:  thats what i was thinking.. :)15:02
siggedæven kor mange det va her15:02
klashnivits possible, amazingly dumb but possible15:02
Doorman352Daverocks: How do I figure out how international symbols are comming from a US keyboard?15:03
LjL!no | sigge15:03
ubottusigge: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!15:03
=== neebly is now known as darkzlayer
kane77does amarok fail to start for anyone else? I get Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply.15:03
Ignatiusikt: Dr_Willis: possibly the WEP is there to stop the network coming up as unsercured in the network lists? Obviously it won't help against methodical attacks, but it's a start15:03
iktI don't think anyone would recommend that ever :s15:04
Lauerjrib, an older kernel worked15:04
Ignatiuswell in all honesty, I wouldn't even recommend WEP in the first place15:04
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:05
ActionParsnipikt: could be a double bluff, everyone expects there to be a password so can use dictionary attacks, little do they know there is zero pasword15:05
ActionParsnipikt: sneaky15:05
klashnivthe annoying bit is; vista connects just fine!15:05
arcsky_anyone know a tool for check network capacity in my local network ?15:05
IgnatiusActionParsnip: thanks, that's essentially what I was thinking but couldn't put into words :)15:05
Doorman352Daverocks: I think I found it. Keyboard in Ubuntu set to US Alternative International..... and not it "works" but I have to hit space after those characters..... or they dont show up.15:06
=== jongbergs_ is now known as jongbergs
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ActionParsnipklashniv: it will, windows has phenominal driver support by hardware manufacturers. Linux doesnt have this so much and open drivers are made by teams15:06
klashnivunder vista when connected, there is security type - open, encryption - wep15:06
DaverocksDoorman352: i was just about to mention the "XkbVariant" xorg.conf option after some research, but it would seem that gui in ubuntu does the same thing15:06
ActionParsnipIgnatius: np man, glad I could help15:07
DaverocksDoorman352: what did you set the new layout to?15:07
Doorman352It's working now that I added the USA keyboard and removed the international... "YAY!!!"15:07
Symmetriaanyoen got a smart command line that can tell me how many megs have been downloaded through an ethernet interface in the last 10 seconds (almost like an iostat for a network card, so every 10 seconds it gives me a count on downloaded traffic)15:08
jfeolearcsky_ try iPerf15:08
Doorman352I can speak with punctuation....... now if I could only type...... or spell.....15:08
SymmetriaI can't use iptraf to watch the pacekts in real time because the throughput is 2 fast and it kills the cpu15:08
penguin42Symmetria: ifconfig ethx; sleep 10; ifconfig ethx15:08
penguin42Symmetria: Then you can cut apart the numbers15:08
klashnivSymmetria: iftop is pretty good at telling u whats going thru ur connection15:08
ActionParsnipSymmetria: you'd need to monitor the data flow, then reort on the data collection. I dont believe ubuntu monitors that sort of data by default15:08
ActionParsnippenguin42: nice15:09
Doorman352Daverocks: Thanks for your help, your keyboard mapping statement made me think.....15:09
Symmetriaheh penguin ifconfig wraps 2 fast15:09
Lauerepinky, ahh, I do install grub2 now15:09
* Symmetria tries iftop15:09
penguin42Symmetria: You on 32bit?15:09
DaverocksDoorman352: np, congrats for solving the problem15:09
Symmetriapenguin no, thats a 64bit machine, ifconfig still seems to wrap the data counters15:10
penguin42Symmetria: Hmph15:10
Symmetria(I'm moving a HELL of a lot of data through this machine, like, 1.9gigabit/second)15:10
mcbanehow can I check if my dvb driver supports dvb-s2?15:11
ronald1hi there.,any one know how 2 configure the AlSA driver?15:11
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freeall_I am using ssh with auto-login. I generated foobar_rsa and foobar_rsa.pub (i.e. not the default name id_rsa). Is there a way I can run ssh without -i foobar_rsa?15:11
Guest74451I'm looking for a good synchronization software, which would you recommend to be the best???15:11
Clay1does anyone know where i can find the driver for this sound card? SBx00 Azalia15:11
Clay1I can't find it15:11
erUSULClay1: all hda cards are supported by the intel hda driver15:12
utabakI upgraded to xubuntu 9.10 and was using extended desktop without problems in 9.04, but in 9.10 my lvds of the laptop is off when I log in when my external monitor is connected, I put that on with xrandr --auto but xRandr1.3 does not seem to produce the virtual desktop, anyone experinces the same problem?15:12
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto15:12
web-rusikhello people15:12
Symmetriaheh, wow, my harddrives are doing 55000 block writes / second15:12
ronald1hi there.,any one know how 2 configure the AlSA driver?15:12
Clay1what does that mean erusul?15:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ph15:12
trijntjehow can i get rid of the ubuntu netbook remix interface?15:12
ZauberExonar1Is there anyone here who knows how to get cpufrequtils to work on Ubuntu Server 9.10?15:13
web-rusiki'm russian, i don't know english15:13
trijntje!ru | web-rusik15:14
ubottuweb-rusik: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:14
_cbIn Windows I can share a drive across the network to transfer data from one pc to another. How do I do it in Ubuntu?15:14
BluesKajthe_dark_warrio, seems you need the Intel driver15:14
erUSULClay1: that you have the driver installed by default15:14
mikejetnothing money can't fix.15:14
ktzkkcan anyone help me install a login theme tarball ?15:14
web-rusikubottu: thank you, man15:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you, man15:14
freeall_About ssh auto-login. Found out, finally. Had to use ssh-add to add the non-default key.15:15
mimir|onhi, i installed ubuntu 9.10 and i have a strange issue with my mouse. whenever i have some load on the notebook the mouse starts to respond with delay...15:15
Clay1erUSULwell i wanted to kind of reinstall it because for whatever reason its not recognizing my microphone at all and i use it too much i really want to keep ubuntu but i need to fix the mic. do you see anything else it could be but the driver?15:15
mimir|oni'm using the Linux orion 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:15
utabakis there any body experieencing problems with ubuntu 9.10 and xrandr 1.3, basically it does not seem to produce virtual desktop15:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synchronize15:16
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hikenboothello i would like to download gnome3 to try it out and post my comments about it...If i install it will it replace the current gnome desktop or will it make it a separate selection under gdm?15:16
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: is there a package in the repositories?15:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ph15:17
erUSULClay1: really dunno audio issues are hard to debug. check the webpage i linked previously15:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:17
charles_I am running a sony vaio pcg r505js and it is displaying a one inch black border around the ubuntu window and i would like to know how to make the window full screen15:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:18
erUSULClay1: also you can try to install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic package that has more up to date drivers15:18
trijntjehi all, how can i get rid of the ubuntu netbook remix interface? Its so slow its driving me crazy15:18
ActionParsniphikenboot: i dont think its out yet, even in alpha15:19
erUSULClay1: hope that helps15:19
erUSUL!sound > Clay115:19
ubottuClay1, please see my private message15:19
vasiauvihello all, I have a question about installing a linux-headers in Karmic, can anyone help me?15:19
hikenbootI found a link to it and everyone was complaining about everyone making comments on it without trying it first with no link to getting it ..I will ask in #gnome15:20
ActionParsniphikenboot: theres a freeze out on Jan 18th according to: http://live.gnome.org/Schedule15:20
Clay1ILl check it out ersul ty ty ty15:20
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup15:20
trijntje!ask | vasiauvi15:20
ubottuvasiauvi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:20
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto15:20
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu15:20
randomusr!bluetooth | randomusr15:20
ubotturandomusr, please see my private message15:20
vasiauvihello all, I have a question about installing a linux-headers in Karmic, can anyone help me?15:20
randomusrwhat private message?15:20
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys .... i have a little problem with B43 wireless card15:21
cobra-the-jokeri cant install it :D15:21
trijntjehow can i remove the ubuntu netbook interface?15:21
_cbHow do I transfer data between 2 PC's that have ubuntu across the network? (In Windows I would share the drives)15:21
ActionParsnip!broadcom | cobra-the-joker15:21
ubottucobra-the-joker: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:21
oCean_vasiauvi: just explain your issue/question here...15:21
ActionParsnip!samba | _cb15:21
ubottu_cb: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:21
randomusrhow can I get a bluetooth connection from my windows mobile device to 9.1015:21
ronald1how i know if my sound card is working,?.because i don't have sound starting i use 9.04 ubuntu.15:22
* darkzlayer is sleepy15:22
cobra-the-joker<ActionParsnip> , ok , thanx15:22
_cbActionParsnip I want to go from Ubuntu to Ubunto not Windows to Ubuntu15:22
randomusrronald1 is your volume all the way up?15:22
IdleOne_cb: samba is still the way15:22
ActionParsnip_cb: then you can use CIFS or SSHFS if you wish15:22
ronald1randomusr: yes15:23
_cb:( Ok, was hoping there would be something simple & built in.15:23
ActionParsnip_cb: could still use samba to give access to any future windows clients too15:23
vasiauviI've installed a linux-headers-generic 2.6.31-15 but I don't see it in the /boot   and also in Grub is not seen!I've made sudo update-grub but is not working!Thanks!15:23
randomusrronald1, could you put the output of lspci on pastebin?15:23
nick_hif i switch users in Gnome, what might cause the 2nd user's session to be very slow?15:23
Dravekxif I have stuff in /var/www/www/ and want to move everything to /var/www/, how do I do that via command line?15:23
trijntjehow can i remove the ubuntu netbook interface?15:23
_cbActionParsnip thanks, Have been thinking about Samba but postponing. Guess I am going to have to bite the bullet15:23
ronald1randomusr: how?15:23
ActionParsnip_cb: or NFS http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/15:23
charles_i am running ubuntu 9.10 on a Sony Vaio pcg-rs505js and my ubuntu window has a 1" black border around it, how do I remove the black border?15:24
randomusrronald1, Applications > Accessories > terminal15:24
_cbActionParsnip will take a look at NFS, Thanks!!15:24
* om26er says the one who wanted to remove netbook experience: type this in terminal sudo apt-get purge netbook-launcher maximus && sudo reboot15:24
sidewalksamba doesn't start automatically on my machine, how do i get it to start automatically?15:24
ronald1randomusr: then?15:24
randomusrlspci enter15:24
randomusrronald1: then copy the data > open firefox and go to pastebin.org i believe15:25
the_dark_warrioBluesKaj: I'm looking at a forum, and I guess the package I need is xserver-xorg-video-intel, but the repositories version is outdated15:25
randomusrronald1: I meant pastebin.com15:25
ronald1randomusr: ok15:25
_Narc_Anyone still having weird network issues with RTL8111/8168B (r8169 kernel module) on Karmic ?15:25
sam_Is there a list of places i can buy a ubuntu laptop in the UK?15:25
oCean_vasiauvi: the -headers package is not the actual kernel. That package installs header files in /usr/src/linux/linux-headers<version>15:26
ActionParsnip_Narc_: could use ndisgtk with it withthe windows driver15:26
randomusrhow can I connect my phone to pc with bluetooth?15:26
vasiauvioCean_: what is the command to install a working kernel? Thanks!15:26
BluesKajthe_dark_warrio, then the Intel site is the next step15:26
randomusrI'm running 9.1015:27
ManUpstairsWhat are some nice terminal applications?15:27
cichlasomahi. in a tutorial i'm advised to add key into apt via "# apt-key add linux-pubkey.gpg.asc" i get "gpg: can't open `linux-pubkey.gpg.asc': No such file or directory" when i enter this line. what's wrong? :)15:27
ManUpstairsI've come across irssi and rtorrent.  Anything else?15:27
ronald1randomusr: then after open the URL.what is the next?15:27
oCean_vasiauvi: as soon as it is available in the updates, install it through the update manager.15:27
grawitycichlasoma: Can you give us a link to that tutorial?15:27
randomusrronald1: let me look15:27
jongbergscichlasoma: append the command with sudo15:27
jongbergscichlasoma: sudo apt-key add15:28
cichlasomai do it as root15:28
randomusrronald1: paste the data in the text field and click send15:28
_Narc_ActionParsnip: It's not a wireless card, just an integrated Intel. I tried to build the realtek driver but with no success... It disconnects under heavy network load.15:28
Dravekxhow do I move /var/www/www to /var/www via command line??15:28
randomusrronald1: after you hit send, copy the URL and paste it here15:28
cichlasoma(sorry, didn't mention it)15:28
ActionParsnip_Narc_: its a network device so will work. I suggest you research what NDIS is15:28
grawitycichlasoma: See that link named "you probably need this key blah blah blah"? It points to the linux-pubkey.gpg.asc file.15:28
grawitycichlasoma: So, wget http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/linux-pubkey.gpg.asc15:29
jongbergs_Narc_: what's wrong with current driver?15:29
=== xbmc is now known as xukun
ronald1randomusr: http://pastebin.com/m4f5f21ca15:29
xzazHow do you get a list of processes running and close one?15:29
ActionParsnipxzaz: ps -ef | less15:29
vasiauvioCean_: i've installed also from Synaptic but is not working, I have still 2.6.28. A command to install
vasiauvioCean_: from terminal I mean15:30
ActionParsnipxzaz: you can read the list using cursors, the leftmost value is the PID (program ID) you can then press q to quit from less and run: kill pid_of_process15:30
craigbass1976I have a server (that I'm not going to serve with after all) that's going to end up being my desktop.  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ?15:30
IdleOnecraigbass1976: that will do it15:30
xzazActionParsnip tnx :)15:30
randomusrronald1: from the command line type "man lspci" without the quotes to see how that command works15:31
leaf-sheepcraigbass1976: Sure.15:31
oCean_What release? I think you're best advised to stay at kernel version that comes from the repo's. Best suited I guess..15:31
ActionParsnipvasiauvi: I've found a PPA for 31-16: https://launchpad.net/~stefan-bader-canonical/+archive/karmic/+build/134302615:31
_Narc_jongbergs: Oh, well, it's been two different routers now. Under heavy traffic (bittorrent for ex.) the router is not responding anymore, unable to access interface, must turn it on/off and I discovered only today a kernel error in syslog. It's a real hell. It's definitely a Ubuntu issue.15:31
oCean_vasiauvi: ^15:31
craigbass1976IdleOne, thanks15:31
randomusrronald1: what you got was a quick how to on how to use it. it should output some system information15:31
ronald1randomusr: ok15:31
_Narc_ActionParsnip: Ok, I will... Thanks.15:32
ActionParsnip_Narc_: np bro15:32
randomusrronald1: you may want to do lspci -v15:32
cichlasomagrawity: thanks!!! wget works. don't you have a hint why the "apt-key add" command didn't work?15:32
Scotchwhat is the command to increase the volume (or decrease it) ?15:33
grawitycichlasoma: Because you didn't have that file, but told apt to add it anyway.15:33
vasiauvioCean_   ActionParsnip   thanks. But I have strange behavior on my laptop, is more complicated and unfortunately I can't explain in few words :(15:33
ronald1randomusr: im done to enter this man lspci.15:33
randomusrronald1: press "q" to quit15:34
grawitycichlasoma: Now since you downloaded it with wget, use apt-key again15:34
Scotchany idea ?15:35
ronald1randomusr: ok im done press the q15:35
cichlasomagrawity: :-) ok. i see, already... thanks for yoor patience...15:35
_Narc_ActionParsnip: So if I get this right, ndisgtk can install the right driver without building the r8168 module, right ?15:35
mimir|onis anyone else experiencing mouse lang when system is on some laod15:35
mimir|onis anyone else experiencing mouse lang when system is on some laod15:35
randomusrronald1: lspci - v15:35
mimir|onsorry... load15:36
ActionParsnip_Narc_: you'll need to vblacklist the r8168 module if you are using ndisgtk15:36
randomusrronald1: find the audio device section in that output15:36
ActionParsnipScotch: there are examples at the bottom of here: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/amixer.1.html15:36
ManUpstairsI'm in the middle of installing something with apt-get from terminal.  Is there anyway to safely cancel it?15:36
_Narc_ActionParsnip: Ok, I already read about that. I was this close to build the module but the make is unable to found what it needs15:37
ActionParsnipManUpstairs: let it run: then uninstall it15:37
ActionParsnip_Narc_: the native driver will perform better15:37
grawityManUpstairs: If it's just downloading files, simply Ctrl-C it... but if it's already installing, dunno. Ctrl-C should work too.15:37
ManUpstairsIt seems like its going to take a couple days to download though.15:37
ManUpstairsOh ok. thanks!15:37
BluesKajManUpstairs, just let it install then purge it afterwards15:37
ronald1randomusr: what do you men?15:37
_Narc_ActionParsnip: native, you mean Realtek's or the kernel's ?15:37
awayandHow can I disable those annoying status messages like "acovrig has left" in xchat to concentrate only on the conversations?15:38
IdleOneScotch: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59776515:38
ActionParsnip_Narc_: the one you were going to compile as it will be a native driver rather than the windows driver15:38
randomusrronald1: type lspci -v15:38
randomusrronald1: do that from the command line15:38
ronald1randomusr: yeah im done to enter that15:39
spursncowboys Hi everyone. If I install a program from tweak, or add/remove, or synaptic pm, will I get the updates like software sources?15:39
IdleOneawayand: right click on the channel tab then go to settings15:39
BluesKajManUpstairs, shouldn't interrupt an install, even if you don't want it ..it could break apps that dependon the same libs etc15:39
_Narc_ActionParsnip: But the one I was about to compile was the Linux one, from Realtek's ftp...15:39
randomusrronald1: did you get the help output or the actual information we're looking for?15:39
ManUpstairsCan I interuppt a download though?  It wasn't installing.15:39
bl33dAny idea s to why either Firefox showing youtube film is having sound, when other software like quodlibet is not.. Or if i reverse the startup sequence (start quodlibet first) then vice versa.. How can i get both softwares to have working sound simultaneusly?15:39
ActionParsnip_Narc_: yes, that will be better than the ndistk method15:39
randomusrhow can I ignore case in the strings used for grep?15:39
ActionParsniprandomusr: grep -i15:40
randomusrActionParsnip: thanks15:40
ManUpstairsIs installing with Synaptic faster than apt-get?15:40
mimir|ongoing to try to use the linux-rt kernel... hopefully it'll sort the mouse issue15:40
ActionParsnipManUpstairs: its the same15:40
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OpenSourcedNickHello, I have a problem with my terminal, when I write a command that is more than 1 line the letters get mashed together and everything is mixed.. it happens in gnome terminal and xterm aswell, what to do?15:40
grawityManUpstairs: They both use 'dpkg' to install packages.15:40
ronald1randomusr: this is what you men?"-mmProduce machine-readable output (single -m for an obsolete format)"15:41
_Narc_ActionParsnip: Oh, ok, I get it, sorry, I'm a bit confused. Any advises to succeed building it ? I think I got the headers but the make still return errors...15:41
ManUpstairsIs downloading faster with Syanptic?  It seems that way.15:41
grawityOpenSourcedNick: Have you changed the terminal's prompt? echo $PS115:41
ActionParsnipManUpstairs: apt-get process is faster as you dont have to load a GUI if you already know the package name, use apt-get and get straight to the install15:41
randomusrronald1: no, i'm pretty sure I mean lspci -v15:41
OpenSourcedNickecho $PSI does nothing15:41
ActionParsnip_Narc_: websearch for errors and see what turns up15:41
OpenSourcedNickblank line..15:41
ActionParsnipOpenSourcedNick: same here15:42
_Narc_ActionParsnip: I did. I'll do it again. Thanks a lot.15:42
stuartpbHow do I change the configuration (specifically the sound theme) for the login screen on Karmic?15:42
OpenSourcedNickoh wait ps115:42
leaf-sheep 15:42
ActionParsnipstuartpb: system -> admin -> login screen15:42
ActionParsnipOpenSourcedNick: same15:42
OpenSourcedNick\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$15:42
leaf-sheepMeh. To those using xchat, do you know how to switch channels with keyboard shortcut?15:43
randomusrronald1: is lspci not working?15:43
stuartpbActionParsnip: that doesn't let me change the sound theme15:43
stuartpbActionParsnip: it only lets me configure autosignin15:43
cichlasomagrawity: when i add a key with apt-key add, the file has to be in my home directory?15:43
OpenSourcedNickleaf-sheep,  switch between channels already open? alt+number, open another channel with /join #channel..15:43
randomusrronald1: could try "sudo lspci -v" without the quotes.... do that if you remember the password15:43
matimiecio_kto  z Polski15:43
grawitycichlasoma: The file has to be in the "current directory" - the one you're 'cd'd to. Use 'pwd' to see where you are.15:43
leaf-sheepOpenSourcedNick: Thanks. ALT+NUM is what I was looking for. I thought I had it with ALT+LEFT/RIGHT. :o15:44
grawityOpenSourcedNick: Hmm, seems the standard one... try setting it to something simpler temporarily -- PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ ' -- and see if the problem still happens.15:44
randomusrhas anyone here used the latest Kiba-Dock build?>15:44
NemurenaiHi. My cordless Logitech MX Revolution doesn't work at all in Karmic. What gives?15:44
ronald1randomusr:i past her the result of "ispci -v". http://pastebin.com/m5736de8615:44
cichlasomagrawity: simple... :-)15:44
OpenSourcedNickhow does one do that ?15:44
cichlasomathanks again...15:44
ActionParsnipstuartpb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130632015:44
om26er!hello | dangerx8915:44
ubottudangerx89: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!15:44
ActionParsnipNemurenai: does it use a usb reciever?15:45
meenuIs Ubuntu 9.10 has more problems compared to 9.04?15:45
ActionParsnipmeenu: it will vary15:45
dangerx89sono nuovo15:45
om26erdangerx89: english only15:45
Dravekx_I was installing phpmyadmin via SSH on Karmic and lost connection, so it didnt completely setup... how can I get back to the setup screen?15:45
meenuAs I did not read good feedback about 9.10, i refrained from upgrading15:45
BoredKendermeenu, depends on your hardware and what you consider to be a problem15:45
grawityDravekx_: dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin15:45
NemurenaiActionParsnip, it does indeed15:45
Lauerepinky, it didn't work to upgrade to grub2, now it says no disk in few secounds - even though I have selected a boot device15:46
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BoredKendermeenu, i personally had a couple bugs due to hardware issues, but they were easily fixed15:46
randomusrwhat command for showing all loaded modules in bash?15:46
grawityrandomusr: kernel modules?15:46
BoredKendereven for a noobie15:46
jongbergs!upgrade | meenu_15:46
ubottumeenu_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:46
om26errandomusr: /lsmod15:46
randomusrgrawity: yes please15:46
randomusrthank you15:46
grawityrandomusr: lsmod15:46
jongbergs!upgrade | meenu15:46
ubottumeenu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:46
PruneI'm looking for an app to throw html.  Preferably something with templates already, background colors and what-not to cut down on formatting time.15:47
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_Narc_I'd really appreciate it if one of you kernel wizards could take a look at this and tell me why I can't build the module... Thanks a lot. http://paste.ubuntu.com/318729/15:47
Dravekx_grawity, thanks :)15:47
ronald1randomusr:i past her the result of "ispci -v". http://pastebin.com/m5736de8615:47
randomusrronald1: i saw it15:47
ActionParsnipNemurenai: there are thousands of guides for this dude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111522715:47
randomusrronald1: please paste the output of lsmod there also15:47
meenu_Is the hibernate option reliable in 9.10?15:47
OpenSourcedNickgrawity, seems to work for now, though it did worked for a while and then got all mashed with the letter again.. is that a known error?15:47
om26ermeenu_: are you here to critisize. i think you have google these thing and now came here to mock15:48
ActionParsnipNemurenai: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27738815:48
NemurenaiActionParsnip, I saw that one, but it's just for assigning the keys etc. - and 1) my mouse worked fine in 9.04 and 2) it doesn't even move the cursor in 9.1015:48
ronald1randomusr: her: http://pastebin.com/m2c37836a15:48
awayandwhat's the best mp3player out there for ubuntu using X which is not too bloated?15:48
randomusranyone know the file to start smbd and nmbd upon boot?15:48
ActionParsnipNemurenai: then it needs configuring in karmic15:49
BoredKenderawayand, i have had the best luck with gnome-mplayer15:49
Lewisim running out of room in my Ubuntu partition. How do i make the partition larger?15:49
om26erLewis: use gparted15:49
om26erLewis: in a livd cd session15:49
Timo_Lewis, download a GPARTED Live CD15:49
dAnon1vlc keeps freezing when I try to play a movie15:49
dutchbuntuLewis, boot from live cd and use gparted15:49
randomusrronald1: looks like your sound card is recognized and should be active15:49
stuartpbdo i have to precompile a usplash theme to change where startup looks for system-ready.ogg?15:49
Lewisthanks guys15:49
BoredKenderawayand, sorry, i did not read your question fully. i dont recall what i use for just mp3's...15:49
om26erdAnon1: use totem15:50
randomusrronald1: is there and X over your volume control?15:50
dAnon1om26er totem is useless15:50
om26erdAnon1: for vlc support #videolan15:50
holyDoes current version of Ubuntu contain wvdial. I can not use pppconfig to set up my Internet access...15:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wvdial15:50
om26erdAnon1: use smplayer15:50
ActionParsnipNemurenai: you'll find it works in Jaunty as it had xorg.conf which is really handy for configuring stuff like mice. Some moron decided xorg.conf was a bad idea so karmic doesnt ship with one15:50
cobra-the-jokerhey there guys .....i cant find b43 in the aptitude search b4315:50
ronald1randomusr: X as a mute sign?no..15:50
AsquiroUbuntu 9.10 server x86 - static wired netowrk config - can resolve dns names, can ping gateway, no internet, can`t ping anything else outside lan, anyone that can help me ?15:51
randomusrsound all the way up?15:51
duffydackawayand, audacious is quite light.  tho im still using xmms :)15:51
cobra-the-jokerhow can i install it15:51
ronald1randomusr:  they have no X15:51
ActionParsnipNemurenai: You could boot to Jaunty liveCD and see what is in the file or modules are loaded then ransfer the knowledge to your karmic system15:51
randomusrronald1: is sound all the way up?15:51
om26ercobra-the-joker: type sudo jockey-gtk15:51
ActionParsnipNemurenai: doesnt help that logitech don't support linux15:51
ronald1randomusr:  yes15:51
NemurenaiActionParsnip, well this is an upgrade from 9.04, so I do have an xorg.conf...but I never had a mouse section in it15:51
stuartpbActionParsnip: to be clear i'm talking about the login screen and not the bootloader15:52
holySo, does it have wvdial in the installation from a CD?15:52
Nemurenaioh well, guess I'd better try adding one then15:52
randomusrronald1: you may want to visit the pulseaudio wiki and the pulseaudio channel15:52
holyPlease, answer to me!15:52
Nemurenaiin 9.04, though, it Just Worked(tm)15:52
ronald1randomusr: when i tray to enter the alsamixer in terminal.it is not found15:52
ActionParsnipNemurenai: in those guides there are extra options to add to xorg.conf which may get you ok, or you could try renaming it and rebooting15:52
randomusrronald1: what version of ubuntu?15:52
AsquiroUbuntu 9.10 server x86 - static wired netowrk config - can resolve dns names, can ping gateway, no internet, can`t ping anything else outside lan, anyone that can help me ?15:52
ronald1randomusr:  9.0415:52
Jengorisi cant install ubuntu15:53
BoredKenderronald1, grab the gnome-alsamixer from the repository15:53
Jengoriswhen i put in the cd it doesnt recognise my keyboard or something15:53
guntbert!info wvdial | holy15:53
ubottuholy: wvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60.1+nmu2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 184 kB, installed size 496 kB15:53
NemurenaiActionParsnip, I'll try that. Thanks15:53
Jengoriswhen it comes up with the language thing i cant move anything.  then from the 30s it counts down, reaches 0 and says "I/O ERROR: CD reading error"15:53
holyguntbert: "optional"?15:53
randomusrronald1: you could try searching for alsa-utils in synaptic and installing15:53
Jengorisor somethin like that15:53
banisterfiendhey guys, how do i find out exactly the repo that i got a particular apt package from?15:54
guntbertholy: "optional" means: it is not installed by default15:54
holyguntbert: So, it may not work properly as it does in 9.04...15:54
ronald1randomusr: how i sherch?15:54
dutchbuntuJengoris, did you test the cd? md5sum'ed the ISO?15:54
om26erto avoid people from breaking their systems after upgrade ubuntu have made a ppa to test the live cds of lucid lynx in your current installtion so that you could try lucid and report more bugs. that's called test drive15:54
blackshellhaving trouble here15:54
randomusrronald1: system > Administration > Sypantic15:54
ActionParsnipAsquiro: if you add: nameserver     and    nameserver    to /etc/resolv.conf   you will get web access15:54
Jen`Hey, I've got a question about a wireless adapter and drivers, I was wondering if I could ask for some opinions?15:54
randomusrsearch for alsa-utils15:54
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guntbertholy: but it was the same situation in jaunty too15:55
holyguntbert: It makes me use 8.04... I can not set up GPRS access using pppconfig... :(15:55
ActionParsnip!ask | jen15:55
ubottujen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:55
meenu_Jen: Sure15:55
blackshell !repeat |jen15:55
ubottujen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:55
holyguntbert: Ah, I'll have a try, anyway...15:55
ActionParsnipAsquiro: you will need gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf   to get write access15:55
guntbertholy: sorry - I cannot help you15:55
blackshellmy recorder is always muted15:55
blackshelleven if i switch it on15:56
WoetI've been using Ubuntu since 6.10, and we're at 9.10 now15:56
holyguntbert: Lord'll help... ;)15:56
WoetAnd you people STILL didn't make it possible to easily configure resolutions/dual screens15:56
om26erblackshell: try latest kernel15:56
ronald1randomusr: im done searching,whats the next?15:56
meenu_backshell: Did you check volume control? Capture device settings?15:56
jcrawfordhey has anyone here ever gotten Ubuntu to work on a mac pro??15:56
WoetEditing xorg.conf is considered user friendly or what?15:56
om26erblackshell: no that's was not for you15:56
blackshellmeenu_ yes15:56
Jen`I've got a Netgear WN111 v2 wireless-n USB adapter, and on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsNetgear#USB it suggests using firmware files but only granting B/G speeds, not N .. would I get better speed installing the windows drivers with ndiswrapper?15:57
dutchbuntuWoet, we don't make anything possible. We are just here to help. We are not the developers.15:57
ActionParsnipWoet: we are mainly users here, so "you people" doesnt aply, take your rants to #ubuntu-offtopic  this is support15:57
jcrawfordMac Pro 1,1 is what I have and I have been trying to get Ubuntu to install and the install seems to work but I cannot seem to get it to boot properly15:57
Woetokay, then i'll ask a question15:57
guntbertWoet: *we* people didn't do anything in that matter - *we* aren't developpers (generally spoken)15:57
Jen`That aside, the dongle has "just worked" with Karmic, but has only given me 36Mbps - so I'd like to improve on that, if I could15:57
ronald1randomusr: i found her the alsa-utils and gnome - alsamixer15:57
Woethow do you configure a resolution that does not show up in the pull down of resolutions?15:57
blackshelleverytime i switch the recorder on ,,and close audio controller ,,it gtes off(mute)15:57
ActionParsnipWoet: if you use nvidia its incredibly easy15:57
blackshellhow is that?15:57
meenu_Woet: What do you want to change? Editing files are not recommended if you dont know about the file.15:57
AsquiroActionParsnip: my dns works ok, i can ping my gateway, i can resolve any host, but can`t ping outside lan15:57
WoetI'm using nvidia, ActionParsnip15:57
Woetand it used to work with 9.0415:57
Woetbut now it supports up to 1380x1024 while it used to allow 1920x1080 (which is the one I want)15:58
om26erWoet: try the older driver 17315:58
Woethmm, okay15:58
ActionParsnipWoet: if you run: gksudo nvidia-settings   ten write the config to the X config file, you can then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and manually change the resolutions15:58
ActionParsnipWoet: save the new file, and restart X15:58
morris1anybody got sK1 (vector graphics editor) up and running on karmic? it's terribly slow here15:58
ActionParsnipWoet: simple really15:59
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ActionParsnipAsquiro: make sure the link from your router to web is OK15:59
ActionParsnipAsquiro: or reboot router too15:59
Asquiroit is, other comps on lan are ok15:59
HajuuHey guys I just removed two cdroms from my ubuntu machine but they still exist as far as ubuntu is concerned (but not mounted) - how can I remove these?16:00
Asquiroit is only the linux box that ahs the issue16:00
Djarrumwhen I open a terminal, my shell is in the / folder how can I make it open in my home folder like normal?16:00
holyCan I install Ubuntu netbook remix to laptop with 1200x800 screen resolution?16:00
om26erholy: yes16:00
ActionParsnipholy: sure16:00
holyOK, thanks.16:00
BoredKenderholy- don't put netbook remix on a laptop... you will get A LOT of performance issues16:01
om26erholy: but on intel gpu16:01
randomusrronald1: sorry16:01
ronald1randomusr: for what?16:01
randomusrronald1: install alsa-utils if it's not already16:01
holyBoredKender: Why?16:01
ActionParsnipAsquiro: strange, can you give the output of: route > ~/route.txt    you can copy the file to one of the other systems, then pastebin the file16:01
meenu_holy: Why you want to install netbook remix?16:01
stuartpbOK, I think I got it16:01
BoredKenderholy- because netbooks != laptops16:01
ronald1randomusr: so what can i do now?16:01
banisterfiendhey guys, how do i find out exactly the repo that i got a particular apt package from?16:01
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ActionParsnipbanisterfiend: apt-cache p[olicy packagename16:02
holymeenu_: To try something new after Ubuntu 8.04, and to have /less amount/ of disk writes...16:02
randomusrronald1: if the box for alsa-utils is not installed, then check it for installation16:02
Djarrumcan anyone please tell me why everytime I open a terminal I'm placed at / rather than in my home folder,  and how do i fix this16:02
randomusrronald1: then click apply16:02
om26erbanisterfiend: satate the original problem16:02
holyWhat sort of performans issues, anyway?16:02
BoredKenderholy, netbook remix is preconfigured for netbooks. if your laptop is not a netbook then it will not be set up to run correctly (if at all)16:02
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ronald1randomusr: ok im done16:02
holyIt's so interesting!16:03
randomusrronald1: try pulling up some youtube video or some junk16:03
leaf-sheepholy: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is nothing more than a glorified ubuntu-deskop with few extra packages. You want performances. Go with Gentoo or Arch?  Too complicated? Start with minimal and work your way up. :316:03
om26erholy: try it if you have intel gpu i will work fine16:03
ActionParsnipDjarrum: run: gedit ~/.bashrc16:03
leaf-sheep!minimal | holy16:03
ubottuholy: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:03
craigbass1976Djarrum, as in, opposed to /home/yourname ?16:03
ronald1randomusr: ok16:03
ActionParsnipDjarrum: scroll right to the end and paste:  cd $HOME16:03
HajuuHey guys I just removed two cdroms from my ubuntu machine but they still exist as far as ubuntu is concerned (but not mounted) - how can I remove these?16:04
ActionParsnipDjarrum: press enter on the end of the line, save the new file16:04
jcrawfordso no one here has any experience with installing on a mac pro 1,1 i guess :(16:04
ActionParsnipDjarrum: then close the terminals and relaunch16:04
om26erjcrawford: google16:04
jcrawfordom26er: been there done that :)16:04
NithHajuu: in what sense do they 'still exist' ?16:04
jcrawfordall i can find are howto's for Mac pro 3,1 and they don't seem to work for the 1,116:04
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Hajuustop using commas instead of period's16:05
banisterfiendom26er: the problem is very strange -- high quality scaling filters for the libdevil1c2 package work perfectly in ubuntu, but do NOT work in the equivalent package in macosx. I am trying to understand why, so i thought i could locate exactly where the libdevil1c2 package comes from in ubuntu and compare its source to the macosx package or contact the ubuntu maintainers and ask if they secretly patched the source16:05
holyleaf-sheep: I would try minimal CD, but I need bluez utils and wvdial to use make my mobile phone get connected to the Internet.16:05
randomusrronald1: well?16:06
yadudocHi, can someone help me with enabling facebook chat on empathy in Karmic ? It seems the how-tos on the web don't work with karmic16:06
ActionParsnipDjarrum: bit of a hack but will work16:06
HajuuHey guys I just removed two cdroms from my ubuntu machine but they still exist as far as ubuntu is concerned (but not mounted) - how can I remove these?16:06
BA^how do i set up a program to automatically load when i start. using xfce and jaunty. thanks.16:06
Djarrummuch better, but i think I may have accidentaly erased everything in my /.bashrc16:06
om26erhow would i know that?16:06
ActionParsnipHajuu: is it still in /etc/fstab16:06
ronald1randomusr: still they have no sound :-(16:06
blackshellyadudoc:not sure if empathy supports facebook16:06
AsquiroActionParsnip : http://pastebin.com/m4a16098416:06
MythBorkHey guys, upgraded to Koala a couple weeks ago and I've been having sound problems. At first only one user would have sound, now there is no sound at all. My sound preferences now show the output set to "dummy". Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?16:06
banisterfiendom26er: how would you know what?16:06
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ActionParsnipDjarrum: i can send you mine if you like, its a default file16:06
meenu_Does empathy works reliably if you want to use Google talk voice calls?16:07
randomusrronald1: try alsamixer from the command line16:07
BoredKenderHajuu, try #telepathy16:07
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BoredKendererr, not Hajuu ...16:07
om26ermeenu_: works fine not that much reliable16:07
ronald1randomusr: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory16:07
ActionParsnipAsquiro: looks fine afaics16:07
BoredKenderyadudoc, try #telepathy16:07
yadudocblackshell, well ... it ought to... pidgin had support....16:07
DjarrumActionParsnip, I accidenatly typed "Gedit `/.bashrc" and now the file is blank16:07
yadudocBoredKender, thanks16:07
FunnyLookinHatHey where can I change firewall settings ?16:07
meenu_om26er: Any alternative for Google voice calls in ubuntu?16:08
ActionParsnipDjarrum: its    gedit ~/.bashrc16:08
om26ermeenu_: pidgin16:08
ActionParsnipDjarrum: i give the excat command so you can copy and paste the command, so there are no errors16:08
om26ermeenu_: actually both have the same performance16:08
meenu_om26er: Does pidgin supports voice call?16:08
om26ermeenu_: yes for gtalk16:08
randomusrronald1: time to seek help from alsa16:08
banisterfiendwhere can i find the homepage for a particular apt package?16:08
DjarrumI know.. I realized what I did,  but I think sending the ` wiped.. I already fixed my Home bashrc file16:08
banisterfiendi need to contact the maintainers, how do i do that?16:08
meenu_om26er: Great! Thanks... I did not know that pidgin supports voice calls16:09
ronald1randomusr: how?16:09
ActionParsnipbanisterfiend: websearch the name, the first resuklt will most likely be the maintainers16:09
dutchbuntubanisterfiend, websearch16:09
BA^how do i set up a program to automatically load when i start. using xfce and jaunty. thanks.16:09
BoredKenderbanisterfiend, google is your friend16:09
DjarrumActionParsnip, I dont understand how i could have wiped my root .bashrc without a sudo16:09
randomusrronald1: try the alsa irc channel16:10
ActionParsnipDjarrum: the file was never wiped, you just opened a file which doesnt exist16:10
FunnyLookinHatHey where can I change firewall settings ?16:10
meenu_BA: etc/profile file16:10
om26erhe is funny16:10
AsquiroAnyone that can help me with this ? http://pastebin.com/m584280b216:10
BA^thanks meenu_16:10
DjarrumActionParsnip, I thought the / folder had the system wide .bashrc16:10
ActionParsnipDjarrum: you cant edit any files outside of home without sudo / gksudo16:10
ronald1what is the chanel of alsa?16:10
Yanick_hi. I just plugged my printer, a Canon IP2200, into my laptop runnin Ubuntu 9.10 64bit and a driver was installed, but I cannot print. The light blinks for a few seconds, a print job appears in the queue, then the print job is "done" and the printer light stops printing, but nothing comes out of the printer, why?16:10
ronald1randomusr: what is the chanel of alsa?16:11
ActionParsnipDjarrum: http://pastie.org/69868216:11
selocol_Is there a way to set my default status in Empathy to be Hidden?16:11
Djarrumokay so I already added cd $HOME and fixed the issue16:11
Djarrumaction,  I fixec my home bash,  works fine now, was just worried that I wiped an important file by mistake16:11
guntbertActionParsnip: a hint from the side line: make him use /home/.. instead of ~ (maybe $HOME in unset...)16:11
ActionParsnipguntbert: good call16:12
Djarrumguntbert,  nah becasue I was getting around it by just typing CD everytime a terminal opened16:12
randomusrronald1: no idea16:13
ActionParsnipDjarrum: no, you simply opened a file which doesnt exist so a blank file was made in ram ready to be saved (which would fail). You have nothing to worry about duder16:13
ronald1 randomusr: ok.16:13
MattzHello, Wondering if I install the b43-fwcutter package to a persistent usb install of ubuntu, if i use my persistent setup to install ubuntu, will the drivers carry across automatically?16:13
DjarrumActionParsnip, thanks for your help,  I was hoping there was something other that cd $HOME that would fix the problem though in case other users have the issue16:14
ronald1 randomusr: do you have idea how to configure the alsa driver?16:14
ActionParsnipDjarrum: glad you got the gold16:14
cousin_mariothunderbird has been randomly failing to start with a segmentation fault lately16:14
=== hy is now known as silver
randomusrronald1: not so much16:14
dualWhatever I do, I can not use a dark theme. It always looks something like this http://bildr.no/view/52587216:14
LewisI've looked around on Google, and it's just too confusing for me. Could someone please run me through how i increase the size of my Ubuntu partition?16:14
Yanick_so, nobody knows?16:15
HajuuI know. I'm just a jerk.16:15
tuxuplewis just use a partitioning program16:15
ronald1randomusr: ok thanks.16:15
HajuuPaypal me $2 and i'll tell you.16:15
Djarrumdual, sudo apt-get install gnome-color-chooser16:15
joakimLewis: installed a program called gparted (sudo apt-get install gparted)16:15
cousin_marioLewis: gparted should be able to do that16:15
dutchbuntuLewis, boot from your Ubuntu Live CD, start Gparted and resize the partition16:15
dualDjarrum, ok, let me try16:15
knoxvilleHow do i install java16:15
maddmikehi all was wondering if some one could help me out with a problem of when i close my laptop lid it wont turn off the screen16:16
remyoHow does everyone feel about Karmic?16:16
Lewisi have gparted but i don't know where to go from there. duchubuntu, i just put the live cd in and then what?16:16
faxI like it!16:16
Scotchremyo: still buggy at some points for me16:16
MattzKarmic is much nippier than the previous. Otherwise, same old problems i always have :p16:16
maddmikekarmic is cool but im still running 9.04 still proven stable version16:16
joakimLewis: in that app it's pretty easy. Just make sure the partition you want to increase is unmounted (if you want to increase the root or home partition you probably have to do this from a live CD) and that you have free space next to the partition you want to increase the size of. right click on the partition and choose resize/move16:16
remyoYeah, I'm still running Jaunty too. Trying to decide if its worth upgrading right now16:17
Djarrumdual, it will let you set your panel colors among many other things with a GUI app rather than manually editing your .gtkrc-2.0 file which would take a long time to explain16:17
dutchbuntujoakim, from the sideline, this is usually safer from a live cd16:17
Lewisjoakim: thanks very much. i don't know wether i want to increase root or home. what's the difference? is it worth increasing both?16:17
Mattzwe've got a server that we're planning upgrading from hardy to karmic though16:17
knoxvilleWhat is the sudo apt-get install command to get java16:17
Doorman352remyo: I think it stepens the learning curve as things to work as easily. Meaning harder to setup.16:17
Yanick_hi. I just plugged my printer, a Canon IP2200, into my laptop running Ubuntu 9.10 64bit and a driver was installed, but I cannot print. The light blinks for a few seconds, a print job appears in the queue, then the print job is "done" and the printer light stops printing, but nothing comes out of the printer, why?16:17
dualDjarrum, looks really good. I'll try and see what I get16:17
remyoDoorman352: How so?16:17
maddmikeanyone running jaunty have problems with when closed laptop lid dose not turn off screen16:17
leaf-sheepYanick_: Invisible papers!16:17
dutchbuntuLewis, root is where your installed programs will go. home is where your files are. Which filesystem is full?16:18
MattzYanick: Add the new printer manually, choosing the specific driver for that printer. Its probably using some poor generic driver instead16:18
Doorman352It took effort to get wifi running, and sound working that work imediatelty in 9.0416:18
Yanick_leaf-sheep, that must be it, or perhaps ghost paper, I can't touch it too16:18
=== jongbergs_ is now known as jongbergs
DjarrumDual let me know if it doesn't moddify the color of the "fast-user-switch-applet"  I'll get you the workaround if it doesnt16:18
Doorman352remyo: graphics dont use full resolutions as in 9.04, must be tweaked16:18
HajuuHey guys I just removed two cdroms from my ubuntu machine but they still exist as far as ubuntu is concerned (but not mounted) - how can I remove these?16:18
Yanick_Mattz, : how do I do that?16:19
joakimdutchbuntu: if you have a second hdd which no system files are on, you can just as well do it from your current system16:19
MattzAnyone know anything about getting a Broadcom wifi adapter to work on a computer that I can't actually get a hard network line to?16:19
dutchbuntuHajuu, please deliberate on 'still exist'16:19
leaf-sheepYanick_: Configuring printer is not easy thing to support since everybody have a different printers. For me, I had to use a different driver (and to install an additional package) before I'm able to get mine to work. Ubuntu Forums helps if you look for same printer model as yours.16:19
dualDjarrum, I don't use the fast-user-switch-applet, so I don't know16:19
Yanick_Mattz, when I plugged the USB cable, it asked me for a a model (driver) to use, and I selected the Canon IP2200.... I don't know what else I could have done16:19
Hajuudutchbuntu: like in the computer explorer for example16:19
Doorman352Mattz: do you have the install cd?16:19
Hajuuand in the places menu16:19
MattzDoorman: Aye, well a USB stick16:19
Lewisdutchubuntu, i'm not sure. When i go into "Computer?, i see only one file system, and it only has 500MB available. I didn't plan on keeping Ubuntu; i just wanted to try it out but i really like it.16:20
maddmikeyeah theres a way to use the microsoft driver for broadcom thats what i had to do on my HP16:20
dutchbuntujoakim, you are definately right. But Lewis told us that he wants to resize / and /home16:20
Doorman352Mattz: This worked for me on my dell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128886516:20
Yanick_leaf-sheep, everywhere I go, it explains how to install the Canon driver (especially IP2200) for ubuntu 32-bit, but I have 64-bit and it says that it won't work for 6416:20
guntbertHajuu: how did you "just remove" them?16:20
Yanick_but the driver IS installed!16:20
Yanick_it just don't work!16:20
leaf-sheepYanick_: Link, plz.16:21
dutchbuntuLewis, paste the output of 'df -H' (without the quotes)16:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about CTCP16:21
randomusrwhere can I find information about IRQ lines/resources from the kernel?16:21
leaf-sheepjongbergs: Got questions about CTCP?16:21
LewisFilesystem             Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on16:21
Lewis/dev/sda5              4.0G   3.3G   586M  85% /16:21
Lewistmpfs                  1.6G      0   1.6G   0% /lib/init/rw16:21
Lewisvarrun                 1.6G   107k   1.6G   1% /var/run16:21
Lewisvarlock                1.6G      0   1.6G   0% /var/lock16:21
darkcloudsI have problems with sound and video, anyone has an idea how to fix that??16:21
FloodBot1Lewis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
Lewisudev                   1.6G   164k   1.6G   1% /dev16:21
Take0nis there a dvd ripper that will rip with x264 codec and mkv container?16:21
MattzYanick: You sure you picked 64it driver upon install? As that seems the most likely explanation16:21
voxdutchbuntu: that was stupid16:21
maddmikeany one had a problem with lcd16:21
jongbergsleaf-sheep: yes, what do u mean by that?16:21
joakimdutchbuntu: ah i missed that he said that, i only read he wanted to resize *a* partition :)16:21
voxdutchbuntu: if you're going to tell people to paste thing, tell them to use a pastebin.16:22
=== silver is now known as hy
dutchbuntuLewis, please use paste.ubuntu.com in the future16:22
dutchbuntuvox, ;)16:22
MattzDoorman: Okey dokey, trying that as soon as I remove Kubuntu from my memstick and put Ubuntu back on :p16:22
Yanick_leaf-sheep, this one : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=971979 and this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77628 and this one https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/CanonPrinters/CanonPixmaIP220016:22
meenu_My gtalk does not login in Pidgin. It works in Empathy. Any idea?16:22
Lewisvox, dutchubuntu, sorry about that, forgot about the paste thing. i've bookmarked the pastebin :)16:23
guntbertHajuu: if you want help you should start answering our questions16:23
BoredKendermeenu_, #pidgin may be able to help16:23
Yanick_leaf-sheep, they are all outdated, and probably for 32-bit systems16:23
Doorman352Mattz: Good luck. It worked almost immediately after I did that, but if you are on dell check for wifi light Fn F2 toggles the radio on or off AFTER the driver is installed.16:23
_Narc_Someone can tell me  how do I generate a lspci.txt to add to a bug report ? Thanks.16:23
leaf-sheepYanick_: You can install 32bit apps in 64bit apps. I'm not sure about drivers though.16:24
MattzDoorman: this is for a PCI wifi card in a desktop but it reports it being a Broadcom chipset etc16:24
dutchbuntuLewis, seems like you don't have a special partition for /home. Resizing root  could be worthwile, depending on what you are going to do in Ubuntu.16:24
guntbert_Narc_: in terminal type: lspci > lspci.txt16:24
Hajuu_Narc_: Something like: lspci > lspci.txt16:24
leaf-sheepYanick_: Also, I'm lacking a mouse so I can't click links. I realized this just now. Need new batteries. :\16:24
Hajuubeat you!!16:24
Yanick_leaf-sheep, yes, but I think I've read that the Canon driver (32-bit), the official one, would not work on 64-bit16:25
leaf-sheepIn my case, I see guntbert winning by a second.16:25
_Narc_guntbert, Hajuu : Pretty logical. Thanks :)16:25
guntbert_Narc_: you're welcome :-)16:25
Yanick_I tried to plug that printer before, on 9.04, last year, and I ended reading about some efforts to make open source drivers, but I thought 9.10 would fix that, and NOT install the broken driver for 64-bit16:25
Lewisdutchubuntu, i just use it for browsing the web, playing music etc. Nothing that requires a lot of room in the partition, i was just worried about having such a small limit because of updates and things.16:26
Yanick_at the moment, I'm using VBox with WinXP to use that hardware, but it's very ugly solution and definitely not good to convince my wife to scrap her bloated XP install and move to Linux ;)16:26
Jester05i just made the best egg sandwich of my life.. i think my mouth is orgasming16:27
=== Ajraddatz_ is now known as Ajraddatz
guntbert!ot | Jester0516:27
ubottuJester05: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:27
bazhang!ot | Jester0516:27
tsunami_just restarted ubuntu for the first time in a while and my vnc isnt started and I can't find anything related in initld16:27
thebluehi al.16:28
randomusrwill dmidecode print IRQ's16:28
Jester05u guys arent fun at all16:28
thebluehow do i format an external USB hard drive in jaunty unr?16:28
randomusrand how can I find out about resource sharing?16:28
maxgqcHi I have a problem with dhclient. I have 2 nic. eth0 is set to use dhcp, eth1 is static. But when dhclient runs, eth1 gets an ip address from its own dhcp-server that is running on the server. eth0 gets an ip from the cable modem which is ok. Any help about that ?16:28
Jester05theblue, .. gparted16:28
vasiauvioCean_: thanks, the command for installing a linux kernel is sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic for example!16:28
Hajuurandomusr: touch my nipples.16:28
theblueJester05: thank you!16:28
bazhangHajuu, stop that16:28
vasiauvioCean_: like u said I've installed the headers16:28
maddmikehas any one ever had issues with laptops not recognising the lid is closed.... if so is there a work arround... im not a programer so will need help if u know a  work arround16:29
HajuuI just thought it might help..16:29
tsunami_anyone know how to start vnc via commandline16:29
Jester05see bazhang i help ppl too.. despite my constant screwing around16:29
guntbertJester05: this channel is for serious support - fun in #ubuntu-offtopic please16:29
pixie_hey. I'm trying to get dualbooting with windows (wanna do some gaming) and i can't find a way to do that.16:29
dualDjarrum, I'm still not able to change to a dark theme16:29
Jester05guntbert, I JUST answered someones question.. how bout you keep up16:29
randomusrHajuu, it's ok the you're inferior, your still welcome here16:29
ActionParsniptsunami_: you cant start vnc, you can start vnc server or vnc client, vnc is a protocol16:29
pixie_i have ubuntu installed but not win.16:29
tsunami_vnc server*16:30
NightlonewolfPixie, mind if I pm you on that situation? (to help)16:30
pixie_Nightlonewolf:  not at all16:30
indian_munndatsunami_: vncserver only16:30
meenu_How to do Voice calls in Pidgin (Using Gtalk ID). Version i use: 2.6.216:30
guntbertJester05: I didn't question that - but please with 1600+ users keep all other remarks somewhere else16:30
ActionParsniptsunami_: is there am entry for it in /etc/init.d16:31
AL2I have a new worm code for linux nod32 him out last night want to see?16:32
HajuuAL2: Sure16:32
ActionParsnip!ot | al216:32
ubottual2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:32
randomusrwhat's the general consensus of KDE 4.3? pros/cons16:33
ActionParsnip!ot | randomusr16:33
ubotturandomusr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:33
Jester05does anyone know of a decent VNC client for linux that essentially allows the other pc to function as a second monitor.. I was to be able to span to the right and operate my laptop and then be able to span to the left to get back to my desktop.. i dont want to have to have an application running then minimize and all that bullarchy.  *NOTE* I have dual monitors already in place, not that that should effect its functionality16:33
voxJester05: have a look at "x2vnc"16:34
voxJester05: might do what you're looking for16:34
Jester05alright thanks vox16:34
FunnyLookinHatAnyone know of a VNC server that has a Mac OS X compatible client?16:34
Jester05i'll have a gander, thanks16:34
ActionParsnipJester05: apt-cache search vnc | grep client16:34
Dr_WillisFunnyLookinHat:  in theory any vnc client should work with any vnc server16:34
HalitechFunnyLookinHat, the client shouldn't matter16:34
eeelumbellahey there. are there any other places except /etc/apt/sources.list where package sources are stored?16:34
maddmikehi all any one know about laptop lid shut operations in 9.04 not working properly on laptops16:35
randomusrActionParsnio: I just wanted to know if ubuntu users had any ups and downs with kde on ubuntu?16:35
Dr_Willissome clients may have different features depending on the servers.16:35
ActionParsnipFunnyLookinHat: vnc is a standardized protocol, so any client can view a Mac running VNC server16:35
randomusrdo I need to go to kubuntu for that? or perhaps kde cahnnel?16:35
jarleSo, anybody solved the problem with nvidia drivers giving just a garbled screen after upgrading to 9.10?16:35
guntbertrandomusr: such discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please16:35
Jester05ActionParsnip, I know how to search but i want specific functionality within the client16:35
sabarigrhello everyone..i am ubuntu newbie..anyone pls chat with me i have doubts16:35
FunnyLookinHatActionParsnip, oh really?  Because I tried to connnect to tightvncserver and it said connection refused over and over again16:35
ubbyohi guys, I upgraded my nvidia driver to -190 using the nvidia ppa, then kde got autoremoved and i am stuck with a gnome desktop; I tried doing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop but it will not install16:36
ActionParsnipFunnyLookinHat: then its not obeying the standard16:36
Halitechsabarigr, doubts about what?16:36
ubbyoany help? pretty please16:36
oktayhowdy. is there a way to use mozilla daily ppa, but never update firefox from that? Only thunderbird?16:36
ActionParsnipubbyo: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kubuntu-desktop16:36
Halitechoktay, you could use pinning to prevent firefox from updating16:36
ubbyoActionParsnip: it informs me of broken packages16:37
om26eroktay: yes it is simple add ppa and install thunderbird firefox won't update16:37
ActionParsnipubbyo: can you pastebin the output16:37
FunnyLookinHatActionParsnip, is it possible I don't have tightvnc setup right?  Or is the default setup usually g2g?16:37
sabarigrhow to upgrade jaunty?16:37
Qazjap11what is the name of a primitive built-in brouser through the console text only?16:37
oktayHalitech: but what about ubuntu updates of firefox?16:37
eeelumbellaare there any other places except /etc/apt/sources.list where package sources are stored?16:37
HalitechQazjap11, linx16:37
guntbert!upgrade | sabarigr16:37
ubottusabarigr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:37
om26ersabarigr: sudo update-manager -d16:37
oktayom26er: sure ?16:37
nomasteryodaQazjap11, or links16:37
Halitecheeelumbella, there is but I'm not sure of the exact link but its in /etc/apt16:37
leaf-sheepeeelumbella: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<whatever>.list16:37
andresmhHow can I open an active blinking IM Empathy message with a keyboard shortcut?16:37
ubbyoActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m7ffda5dd16:37
ActionParsnipoktay: you could keep the repo listed but disabled, then every now and them re-enable it then use: sudo apt-get --reinstall install thunderbird   then disable it again when its installed16:37
om26eroktay: yes16:38
oktayom26er: ok. i'll give it a go. I was under the impression that it was all or nothing.16:38
sabarigri am getting the error "not all upgrades are installed"16:38
wildc4rdafternoon all16:38
oktayActionParsnip: yes. that's sort of what i've done before.16:38
Halitech!upgrade | sabarigr,16:38
ubottusabarigr,: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading16:38
ActionParsnipubbyo: not sure, looks crazy. Is there a bug logged for it?16:38
ActionParsnipoktay: could script it ;)16:39
sabarigrya upgrade.16:39
ubbyocan't find something16:39
randomusris E17 available in backports or some non-supported repo?16:39
Jester05vox, do you have any experience w/ this program.. it sounds like it'd do what i want but i'm a little :-\ since I already have dual display going.. dont know if it'd effect it16:39
tv7497just noted cloud cluster and cloud node installation in taskel manager of synaptic ! would i be able to provide my os a service if i set up a cloud cluster ? ( what i have in mind is something like amazon )16:39
sabarigrpls anyone at a time.join me in personal chat so that i may get the information clearly..16:39
MattzDoorman: Installed that package and I16:40
oktaythanks guys.16:40
guntbert!pm | sabarigr16:40
ubottusabarigr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:40
MattzDoorman: Installed that package and I went from having nothing in the wifi options to "Device is not ready"16:40
voxJester05: nah it shouldnt affect it. i used it for a while about a year ago, worked perfectly with nvidia's twinview16:40
Mattzso progress :p16:40
ubbyoActionParsnip: any ideas?16:40
sabarigrok sorry then16:40
MattzDoorman: it still refuses to activate the broadcom driver16:41
ActionParsnipubbyo: i'd ask in #kubuntu they may know something16:41
Doorman352Mattz: did you get a pop up about proprietary drivers?16:41
sabarigrwhen i try to upgrade my jaunty,it posts a error "not all upgrades are installed ,do partial upgrade?" what should i do?16:41
MattzDoorman: No, I didn't16:41
ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode16:42
Jester05alright thanks vox16:42
guntbertsabarigr: partial upgrade is usually not recommendable16:42
kane77how can I try out lessfs? do you know of any tutorial on how to compile it (or better yet, some packages)?16:42
sabarigrthen how could i modify it16:42
sabarigrgubtbert:then how could i modify it16:43
MarkGiAnyone know of a rsync-like application that also supports Windows?16:43
llutzMarkGi: rsync16:43
Qazjap11what is the name of a primitive built-in browser through the console text only?16:43
sabarigrguntbert:then how could i modify it16:43
Qazjap11what is the name of a primitive built-in browser through the console text only?16:43
eeelumbellaleaf-sheep, thanx!16:43
guntbertsabarigr: did you enable "third party sources"#ß16:43
leaf-sheepeeelumbella: No problem.16:43
sabarigrhow to do that?16:43
TartarosQazjap11: lynx16:43
jolarenWhat's the point in using XBMC instead of the regular mediaplayer in Ubuntu?16:43
leaf-sheepjolaren: HTPC -- Home Theater PC16:44
sabarigrguntbert:how to do that pls?16:44
jfeoleQazjap11   Lynx16:44
jolarenleaf-sheep: I understand that. But what makes it so good except for the UI?16:44
MarkGillutz: Windows versions of rsnc are pretty crappy.16:44
guntbertsabarigr: probably not then - lets have a look at your software sources16:44
llutzMarkGi: use cygwin16:45
leaf-sheepjolaren: It is probably not useful for computer/laptop as it take over the full-screen at default settings.16:45
Dr_Willisjolaren:  try out moovida also. its a similer tool. I perfer it to xbmc in ways16:45
guntbertsabarigr: system/administration/software sources16:45
jolarenleaf-sheep: I'm running a HTPC, but  I see no use in the program ecept its guy16:45
sabarigrguntbert: how can i post my here?16:45
guntbertsabarigr: no don't post it, we can do it step by step16:46
leaf-sheepjolaren: However, as for 46" TV, it's nice. Buy and build the computer parts. Boot up, XBMC comes on. You can watch downloaded videos. I have XBMC running on my HTPC+Server.16:46
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync16:46
leaf-sheepjolaren: What are you hoping for?16:46
jolarenleaf-sheep: I'm using a 52" as of now16:46
jolarenleaf-sheep: Nothing really, I downlaod movies with torrents etc then play em up with the regular player16:47
Noob-noobI rebooted and on my set up Win7 <->Xp  <-> Ubuntu 9.10 , Get "Grub error"  "disk not found" and it drops me into "rescuse grub>" what i do?16:47
leaf-sheepjolaren: Gotcha. I use remote control to play them.16:47
radioman-ltinstall grub16:47
msaulHi, was wondering if someone could help with with ltsp-localapps. I followed instructions from URL: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/LTSPLocalAppsJaunty , I followed instructions, but didn't know how to do the task "Change your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to have your client using the new chroot with localapps". I installed on the thin client Ubuntu 9.10 alternate (with mode "normal") and installed application frozen-bubble (I did16:47
msauln't know if you needed to do this - I assume you did). When I run ltsp-localapps frozen-bubble, it just goes to the next primary string prompt...16:47
Dr_Willisjolaren:  geexbox is a media-player live cd also. thats neat in ways16:47
jolarenleaf-sheep: Yer I need to get a IR sensor16:47
ActionParsnip!grub2 | Noob-noob16:47
ubottuNoob-noob: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:47
meenu_You can install grub from Ubuntu live CD. Using grub-install command16:48
guntbertsabarigr: leave the first tab alone, open the second one (third party...)16:48
jolarenDoes anyone of you have experience with Gnome-Do Docky? I Want my windows to come behind my i.e firefox.16:48
jolarenbut it comes above16:48
jolarenI don't want to hide them16:48
Noob-noobok thanks meenu_16:48
blen2ris there a way to use metacity with one kernel and compiz with another kernel automatically?16:48
leaf-sheepjolaren: Get a machine dedicated for home theater and nothing else. That way, it can be your home server. Where you can torrent it straight to the box. Also, networked printer. XBMC is capable of almost any protocol, including samba. So it can be accessed/or access Windows clients.16:49
sabarigrguntbert:ya opened.then16:49
ActionParsnipblen2r: you could write a script that reads the output of uname -r, then launches the right command to change the WM16:49
Dr_Willisjolaren:  if you like the docky dock. its becoming a stand alone dock. its going to be removed from gnome-do soon. Theres PPA repos  versio of it out that ive been testing.16:49
jolarenleaf-sheep: Might someday16:49
sidewalkis there a chan for pulseaudio related issues in Ubuntu 9.10?16:49
blen2rho good idea, i didn't think about that!16:49
guntbertsabarigr: are there any entries selected? deselect them (for now)16:49
blen2rthank you16:49
jolarenDr_Willis: Really? Sounds neat. Where to find that?16:50
leaf-sheepjolaren: It also can serve as a backup media. 2TB, in my case.16:50
ActionParsnipblen2r: script the world :D16:50
blen2rhave a nice day!16:50
sabarigrguntbert:ya..deselected 15 entries16:50
Dr_Willisjolaren:  i saw mentiin of it on some ubuntu tutorial sites.16:50
jolarenDr_Willis: I'm totally inlove with gnome docky16:50
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: Out of curious, why the separation?16:50
Dr_Willisjolaren:  you could check my links. http://delicious.com/dr_willis16:51
guntbertsabarigr: that was what I asked before :-), now open the third tab (updates)16:51
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  no idea. guess docky wanted to go its own way..16:51
sabarigrguntbert:ya ok16:51
guntbertsabarigr: deselect proposed and backports16:52
msaulWas wondering if someone could help me with ltsp-localapps16:52
donavan_does anyone know why firefox dies after about 10 mins of watching a video in flash on 9.10 nbr?16:52
msaulare you using adobe flash?16:52
mahngieli downloaded the flash plug-ins off adobe's website, but now i have a synaptic error reading: "The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." And synaptic auto-closes16:52
ActionParsnipdonavan_: launch the browser from a terminal, when it dies, read the output in the terminal16:53
DelanoDoes anyone use Brasero?16:53
sabarigrguntbert: ya..they're already deselected only16:53
msaulI have problems with watching youtube16:53
jolarenDr_Willis: My god, so many links16:53
mahngielDelano: i use it16:53
donavan_i am using what ever flash was installed with the the os16:53
msaulwas given suggestion to use greasemonkey and load HGtube16:53
msaulThat did the trick...16:53
cadshey, should I just update to karmic koala for fun?16:53
msaulcould anyone help me with ltsp-localapps?16:53
donavan_actionparsnip ... will do16:54
Delanomahngiel, it's stuck at "getting size"16:54
ActionParsnipdonavan_: ubuntu doesnt have flash installed by default16:54
guntbertsabarigr: ok, now close that dialog, you should be asked to "reload" - maybe the error is gone already (I hope)16:54
Delanomahngiel, is that normal?16:54
Lauercads, no, I just tried that, at now I have a not bootable system16:54
dan_zeroIm looking for a cool network bandwith monitor for gnome, any widget like stuff out there?16:54
cadsis there a good chance it'll fuck things up :/16:54
msaulbtw, in that way, I could view youtube videos well through movie player...16:54
donavan_ok then it must have been whatever firefox goes and grabs...16:54
mahngielDelano: i've only had problems with it when it comes to erasing discs, or "blank" but never had your prob mate16:54
donavan_my bad16:54
Lauercads, my laptop went well, but my server did broke (a test server)16:54
cadswell, we'll see16:55
MutinyHey i know this sounds like weird request but im wondering, is there some terminal command that will let me know if visual effects are enabled? i've turned them off via System -> Preferences -> Appearence, i need to check through the terminal though16:55
leaf-sheepcads: Cloudy with a Chance of Fsckballs!16:55
don1155In Xchat, is there an easy way to filter joins and leaves?16:55
holyWhich version of Ubuntu can I boot on a PC with 128 MB of RAM?16:55
fahadsadahMutiny: ps aux | grep compiz16:55
ph33ranyone managed to get blurred emerald working in karmic ? with an intel card that is.16:55
holy5.10 probably?16:55
leaf-sheepcads: You're better off doing a clean installation instead of upgrading, by the way.16:55
cadsthanks for the summation leaf-sheep :D16:55
jussi01cads: watch the language please16:55
fahadsadahholy: Any, they just won't be particularly fast.16:55
holyWill it support printer?16:55
cadshah, I've been dying to burn ubuntu off this baby for a while16:55
fahadsadahXubuntu is designed for slow computers.16:56
fahadsadahXubuntu 9.1016:56
fahadsadahDon't use an old release.16:56
cadssorry jussi01, will do16:56
mahngielsomeone know how i can fix this problem: "The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."16:56
holyfahadsadah: What do you mean?16:56
leaf-sheepcads: Any reason why? :\16:56
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:56
ActionParsnipdonavan_: You may have multiple flash packages installed, if you can use http://pastebin.com and give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf16:56
ActionParsnipdonavan_: multiple flash packages can cause issues16:56
Mutinyok that's weird, i had turned off visual effects, but ps aux | grep compiz shows: 2532  0.0  0.0   1748   484 ?        Ss   Nov14   0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator16:56
DelanoCan someone please recommend a better program than Brasero?16:56
jolarenDr_Willis: I already had em packages, funny huh16:56
Noob-noobI habe grubu issues i get "Grub error" when i reboot , Im in live cd how can i reinstall grub?16:56
Mutinyand 13393  0.0  0.0   3036   792 pts/0    R+   05:56   0:00 grep --color=auto compiz16:56
cadsleaf-sheep: it feels crufty and slow, like how a windows box would get16:56
holyfahadsadah: no, I tried Ubuntu 8.04 and it says it can not boot due to weak hardware16:56
DelanoBrasero is crap and doesn't work16:56
ActionParsnip!burner | Delano16:56
ubottuDelano: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:56
sabarigrguntbert:THanks really..it does well..:-D16:57
fahadsadahholy: a) Don't use old releases16:57
Halitechholy, you would be better off doing a minimal install and then adding the bits you want and use xfce or lxde for the desktop or one of the *box window managers16:57
fahadsadahb) Use Xubuntu16:57
Vonoffhi, got a quick question about the ubuntu shipit system. I got the ubuntu 9.10 desktop and server cds, but would like the alternative cd as well (for LTSP setups) and wonder if they are requestable too. I did not see that option on the website16:57
leaf-sheepcads: What are you opting for?  Arch?  Gentoo? :o16:57
sabarigrguntbert:May i know your name pls?16:57
cadsleaf-sheep: except I do nothing but development and writing on this laptop... but it's always chugging and using the fan and junk16:57
Dr_WillisVonoff:  I dont think so.16:57
guntbert!yay | sabarigr16:58
ubottusabarigr: Glad you made it! :-)16:58
DelanoActionParsnip, do you personally recommend any?16:58
cadsleaf-sheep: heh, I think I might try to get in on the dragonfly bsd development! :D16:58
ActionParsnipDelano: not really16:58
ActionParsnipDelano: try some, see which you like16:58
guntbertdon1155: /set irc_conf_mode on16:58
angelus_don1155 right click on the channel tab Settings>> Hide join/part messages.16:58
mahngiel"The package adobe-flashplugin needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it."16:58
leaf-sheepcads: Heh. Good idea.  Also, you always could start with package --> ubuntu-minimal.  Then build your way up with essential packages instead of using ubuntu-desktop metapackage . :)16:58
don1155Thx, found it16:58
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)16:59
ActionParsnipmahngiel: ive seen too many people with this16:59
Saorsamahngiel: look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131538016:59
cadsleaf-sheep: it's true that ubuntu is comfy... maybe you're onto an idea16:59
holyfahadsadah: OK16:59
mahngielActionParsnip: messed up thing is, i had it working yesterday, but i had to wipe so i could partition windows :(16:59
mahngielSaorsa: thanks for the link17:00
leaf-sheep!minimal | cads17:00
ActionParsnipmahngiel: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/adobe-flashplugin.prerm; sudo dpkg-reconfigure adobe-flashplugin --force; sudo dpkg --purge --force-all adobe-flashplugin17:00
ubottucads: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:00
donavan_actionparsnip ... just did the  dpkg-l ..... and got only one line back but I noticed in my terminal that is running firefox i am getting  a "gdk-warning : XID collision trouble ahead"17:00
ActionParsnipmahngiel: flash is available on the repos, do not use the deb on the adobe site17:01
leaf-sheepcads: When you're done with ubuntu-minimal, you're stuck in a terminal! Install gdm and whatnot. :)17:01
ujjualhow can i enable 4.1 surround  sond on my  computer17:01
ActionParsnipdonavan_: yeah it will17:01
mahngielActionParsnip: thanks17:01
ActionParsnipdonavan_: did you run the other string of commands I gave17:01
ujjualAny linux technician overe there17:01
donavan_actionparsnip  yeah pasting it to the bin now17:01
SaorsaIv just installed Karmic on a netbook, the software center has no install/remove buttons, and when I tried too install a deb package I get: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev17:02
sabarigrGOOD NIGHT ALL..UBUNTU DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!;-)17:02
Halitechcads, if you want a list of what to install after you get done with the minimal, here is a good list for XFCE from the debian forum, start at step 6 http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=2656617:02
guntbertujjual: there is no place like "over there" :-)17:02
DelanoThanks, ActionParsnip17:02
donavan_actionparsnip  http://pastebin.com/ddfcc4f117:03
ActionParsnipdonavan_: ok try this: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree17:03
ujjualAny one pls help to  enable my  surround sound system17:03
donavan_actionparsnip  ok17:03
ujjualsorry over here17:03
ujjualAny one pls help to  enable my  surround sound system17:03
guntbert!repeat | ujjual17:03
ubottuujjual: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:03
Mikestro@ujjual are you using karmic?17:03
cadswas going to have to build x and gnome up from scratch in a development kernel :D17:03
cadsyou have to admit the cool factor would have been there :)17:04
cadsand the painful debugging factor.17:04
ujjualim using 9.417:04
ActionParsnipujjual: if you are getting sound but not 5.1 this guide will help: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/   you havent given any information so I can only guess17:04
ujjualOlder version17:04
cadsthis will have some of it I'm sure17:04
EntityReborn_Someon told me that pulse audio may b the reason my program in wine has choppy sound. is there a way to fix this?17:04
Mikestro@ ujjual what version, 8.04?17:04
daily-strugglesanyone home? --->does anyone know how to debug totem17:05
ActionParsnipEntityReborn_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96458017:05
switchgirli haz viruses17:05
donavan_actionparsnip should i rebot?17:05
Mikestro@ujjual have you tried remove pulseaudio and installing esound or something similiar?17:05
* switchgirl has 10+ viruses17:05
mahngieldaily-sruggles: by removing it17:05
snuffy47should I be using NFS to access server share on ubuntu to ubuntu instead of samba?17:05
ujjuali  usin - AMD athlone with A*NVM mother board17:05
ActionParsnipdonavan_: no, you dont need to reboot for lash installation, this is Linux it is made to not need reboots17:05
daily-strugglesgood thought17:06
ActionParsnipdonavan_: the only real time you need to reboot is to load a new kernel17:06
donavan_actionparsnip thats what i thought but i just wanted to make sure17:06
Mikestro@ujjual i mean, do you have the package "pulseaudio" installed?17:06
PruneI'm stuck.  I've saved a .zip file if I open it with archive manager I can't find it, if I save it to desktop as a zip, I can't open it because its still zipped.  Help!17:06
ActionParsnipdonavan_: you will need to close all firefoxes to reload the plugin17:06
snuffy47should I be using NFS to access server share on ubuntu to ubuntu instead of samba?17:06
ujjuali hve 4.1  sound system   obe sur  two  front  speakers are  workin fine but rear  2 spea not workin17:06
ujjuali didnt17:06
ActionParsnipdonavan_: in windows you'll see "you have moved the mouse, you must reboot to apply this setting. Continue rebooting?"17:07
holyCan I boot from CD, bind /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf with pre-configured file from USB disk, bind /etc/wvdial.conf with another pre-configured file, and run wvdial?17:07
Mikestro@ujjual could you open up a terminal?17:07
llutzholy: sure17:07
daily-strugglessnuffy47: using ubuntu one17:07
ujjualyes i opend17:07
holyllutz: ok17:07
ActionParsnipholy: sure, you can even symlink it ;)17:07
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2117:07
snuffy47daily-struggles, ubuntu server and ubuntu desktop17:07
Mikestro@ujjual i want you to type the following command (without quotes): "sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio; sudo apt-get install esound"17:07
snuffy47daily-struggles, ?17:08
Noob-noobhow i reinstall grub on a live cd ?17:08
holyActionParsnip: yeah... If only I knew how...17:08
ActionParsnipNoob-noob: its in the grub2 factoid17:08
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donavan_actionparsnip yeah im still kinda a noob to linux though im getting better17:08
snuffy47daily-struggles, having trouble saving directly to shares from ubuntu desktop when on web.  someone suggested nfs17:08
HalitechNoob-noob, on a live cd or from the live cd?17:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:08
snuffy47daily-struggles, my xp machines are using the shares via samba no problem17:09
Noob-noobHalitech i can't boot into ubutnu so now using the live cd17:09
ActionParsnipholy: mount the usb stick, delete (or rename the old file) then run: sudo ln -s /path/to/usb/file.conf /path/to/normal/file/location/file.conf17:09
ActionParsnipdonavan_: you will learn17:09
jcrawfordif i use apt to update from 9.04 to 9.10 will grub be updated as well17:09
HalitechNoob-noob, so reinstall grub from the live cd, not on the live cd, follow the link Saorsa posted to you17:09
donavan_actionparsnip well im testing it now let you know in about 10 mins if it didnt work17:09
daily-strugglessnuffy47:NFS is nautilus correct17:09
jcrawfordif so is there a way i can tell it to NOT update grub?>17:09
meenu_jcrawford: Grub will not be updated.17:10
mahngieldoes moving applications to different workspaces really free up your RAM or is that just something i'm thinking is happening?17:10
Mikestro@ujjual well, hows it going on your end?17:10
jcrawfordmeenu_: ty17:10
ujjualnow im getting this message17:11
=== Ajraddatz is now known as Ajr|AFK
ujjualujjual@ujjual-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio17:11
ujjual[sudo] password for ujjual:17:11
ujjualReading package lists... Done17:11
ujjualBuilding dependency tree17:11
ujjualReading state information... Done17:11
FloodBot1ujjual: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
ujjualThe following packages will be REMOVED:17:11
snuffy47daily-struggles, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html17:11
daily-strugglesany tips on debugging totem?17:11
DocMAXwhen starting my Xvnc server, how can i autoload fluxbox???17:11
ActionParsnipdaily-struggles: run it from terminal, you will get intelligent output17:11
Mikestro@ujjual I have no idea what it says, cause the floodbot cut you off for some stoopid reason,17:12
BlouBlouujjual: the next time use pastebin for paste text please :)17:12
ujjualdude  what shopuld i  do17:12
Noob-noobI run update-grub2 and i get , cannot find a device for /. ?17:12
mahngiel!pastebin :ujjual17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
mahngiel!pastebin: ujjual17:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:12
holyUbuntu 8.04 does not mount USB disks after being installed from a bootable usb disk...17:13
Mikestro@ujjual when it asks you, type the letter y17:13
ActionParsnipDocMAX: what if you add a symlink to the fluxbox item in /usr/share/applications in ~/.config/autostart  and try that, might be stupid enough to work17:13
ujjualnow its shows that   (Reading database ...17:14
daily-struggleswhat was the question again snuffy17:14
ActionParsnipDocMAX: i dont use vnc17:14
daily-strugglesWhere are you trying to connect to17:14
DocMAXActionParsnip: what are you using?17:14
donavan_actionparsnip firefox: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.17:14
donavan_Segmentation fault17:14
ActionParsnipDocMAX: ssh17:14
DocMAXi setup Xvnc on xinetd port 590117:14
themolneed help for ibm t40 driver cisco aironet17:14
DocMAXXvnc setups well... but doesnt start window manager17:14
edwin__morning all17:15
durammxHi! how can I change the position of nm-applet17:15
ActionParsnipDocMAX: i dont need a full desktop, and the apps I control remotely have web interfaces so VNC is very surplus17:15
ActionParsnipdonavan_: did firefox run for a while then crash as normal?17:15
leaf-sheepdurammx: Right-click, unlock, and move the notification applet.17:15
DocMAXActionParsnip: jdownloader doesnt run without X (am i wrong?)17:15
Dr_Willissome vncservers default to using twm - which isent even installed by default. :)17:15
ActionParsnipDocMAX: i dont use it, i use wget in cli17:15
skysongDocMAX: you're right17:15
donavan_actionparsnip yep was watch a video and it ust died17:16
=== PC-Ente2 is now known as PC-Ente
DocMAXskysong so im setting up an Xvnc server17:16
snuffy47the problem I am having is in some applications I can not save or open the files on the samba shares of the server17:16
snuffy47This is ubuntu to ubuntu17:16
DocMAXbut it doesnt start fluxbox17:16
themolActionParship : need you help, how do i can connect my wifi on ibm t40, cisco aironet drivie17:16
ActionParsnipdonavan_: could try: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old  then relaunch the browser to test if your profile is causing the issue17:16
themolActionParsnip : need you help brotha...17:17
daily-strugglesserver to OS17:17
ActionParsnipthemol: ask the channel17:17
skysongDocMAX: why not?17:17
mgvwhy does the help of print screen button opened after a minute?17:17
skysongand why do you need jdownloader for that?17:17
SmnLpzI have this PDF file that got a lot of tekst in it and i cant mark the tekst to copy it. Im trying to help a small climbing clubb to get a better webpage and all they got on info about the clubb is in this pdf file that i cant edit -.- Any hints on how i could open the format or copy the text in another way?17:17
jolarenDoes anyone know if there's a google calendar app for ubuntu? and Im not talkin abot PRISM I hate prism17:18
themolActionParsnip : what mean ask the channel, what channel17:18
DocMAXskysong: i need jdownloader on my server17:18
ActionParsnipthemol: the channel you are in, don't just ask me straight away17:18
mahngielSMLpz: download xpdf17:18
DocMAXskysong: and for jdownloader i need an X17:18
skysongDocMAX: but you need x for jdownloader17:18
Dr_WillisDocMAX:  i just start vncserver from rc.local with the proper options in the past. dident use xinetd at all for that.17:18
SmnLpzmahngiel: gonna try that thanks17:18
themolam use ubuntu 9.10, my driver wifi on ibm t40 can't used well17:18
skysongwhy not try wget or aria?17:18
PhluidI just added a second hdd to my 9.10 install, is there some sort of disk manager tool i can use to format it and mount it with?17:18
ActionParsnipjolaren: theres sunbird17:18
themolthat my troble brother.17:18
mahngielSmnLpz: no problems. it is located in the Software Center17:19
HalitechPhluid, gparted17:19
skysongPhluid: gparted or simply fdisk17:19
Dr_WillisPhluid:  gparted to set it up. edit fstab to mount it where you want17:19
DocMAXDr_Willis: ok my vncserver starts... but without window manager17:19
Dr_Willis!fstab | Phluid17:19
ubottuPhluid: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:19
jolarenActionParsnip: but no stand alone google calendar?17:19
themolany body can help me, for my notebook, ibm t40 driver wifi can't connect on wifi,17:19
themolso bad17:19
astrojpWere in 9.10 do I enable the the 'right-click' menu to show the terminal shortcut?17:19
ActionParsnipjolaren: not sure, its the calendard software I know of17:19
astrojpI can never remember that for some reason. :/17:19
Dr_WillisDocMAX:  by DEFAULT the vncserver runs stuff in /home/username/.vnc/xstartup  - check there to see what its running and the logs to see what the issue is.. be carefull to not accidently run several instances by mistake while testing17:19
durammx1it's the black applet17:20
SmnLpzmahngiel: hopefully it not a bunch of images.17:20
themolActionParsnip : am use ibm t40 brotha, and am can't used well for wifi, my card is cisco aironet17:20
themolcan you help17:20
themolor some body help that please17:20
mahngielthemol: is your wifi card USB?17:21
themolmahngiel : no,  wifi on board.17:22
silidanhi, is there a video player that supports hardware acceleration for 1080p video playback?17:22
=== sekrit is now known as charitwo
ActionParsnipthemol: i have been asked about one of these. I had no luck. You should ask the channel instead of asking an individual. Ask the channel, if someone knows they will reply17:22
durammx1the position of the black applet17:22
ActionParsnipthemol: asking individuals is ridiculous there are 1600 users in here so asking them like this is not practical and certainly inst welcomed by me17:23
astrojpI think it's through the menu somewhere...17:23
Dsgnsilidan: that depends on your graphics driver17:23
mahngielthemol: i got you covered, give me one sec17:23
themolam use cisco aironet wifi on my ibm t40, am can't used that17:23
SmnLpzmahngiel: it is a compilation of images...  Any super software that will be albe to recognize the letters and let me copy it? Really dont want to retype 30 pages of text.........................17:23
themolthanks mahngiel17:23
Noob-noobim i am having grub issues , Im working from a live cd , Trying to install grub again , I run grub-setup /dev/sdb5 and get segmentaion fault(core dump)17:24
ActionParsnipthemol: nice apology to....17:24
DocMAXDr_Willis: i created an .xstartup file.. and "fluxbox" in it.. still no fluxbox when starting the vncserver17:25
silidanDsgn: i have an ati mobility 4330 running with an proprjetary ati driver17:25
mahngielthemol: you there?17:27
themolam allways wacht for somebody help me like you mahngiel17:28
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:28
mahngielthemol: sorry bout the lag. type lspci and look for your network controller17:28
franc!ubuntu swedish17:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu swedish17:28
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ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se17:28
themoloke mahngiel17:28
mahngielthemol: you should have a readout that gives you your card info17:28
src04cthemol what seems to be your issue17:29
SmnLpzmahngiel: it is a compilation of images...  Any super software that will be albe to recognize the letters and let me copy it? Really dont want to retype 30 pages of text.........................17:29
mahngielSmnLpz: i don't know bro. only know of a program to edit pdf's17:29
themolthis is my lspci > http://paste.ubuntu.com/318776/17:30
DelanoDoes Linux have a program similar to partition magic?17:30
leaf-sheepSmnLpz: Search for OCR-related packages.17:30
themolmahngiel : http://paste.ubuntu.com/318776/17:30
themolsrc04c : http://paste.ubuntu.com/318776/17:30
ActionParsnipDelano: gparted in liveCD17:30
DelanoI wanna make images of my Linux partition to an external HD17:30
src04cdelano: partition editor17:30
majukIf anyone has suggestions for getting a Samba PDC to resolve properly with bind9 to Windows clients, I would appreciate it.17:30
SmallR2003Delano: have a look at gparted17:30
themolActionParsnip : http://paste.ubuntu.com/318776/ < lspci for my problem17:30
SmallR2003Delano: dd can take exact images17:30
SmnLpzOCR searching17:30
src04cgparted, yeah thats right17:30
mahngielthemol: one sec17:30
majuklnl! HOLA!17:31
lnlfirst time for me17:31
leaf-sheep!yay | lul17:31
ubottulul: Glad you made it! :-)17:31
lnlhow do you find ubuntu 9.10 ?17:32
mahngielg'luck with gparted17:32
daily-strugglesworks fine17:32
Noob-noobsr0 is a cd drive ?17:32
IdleOnelnl: www.ubuntu.com to download17:32
Dsgnsilidan: The ati faq states: "The ATI Proprietary Linux driver currently provides hardware acceleration for 3D graphics and video playback. It also includes support for dual displays and TV Output." I also use an ati card and I have no problem playing 1080p17:32
ActionParsniplnl: how do you mean "find"17:33
silidanDsgn: with what player do you play it back?17:33
lnlwhat you think sorry17:33
ActionParsnipNoob-noob: yes, its a special block device, if you mount it your data CD will be readable17:33
lnl(my english is bad)17:34
themolActionParsnip | mahngiel and src04c this is for info for you for help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/318778/17:34
fahadsadahfahad@pyramid:~$ mv fahad/.gnupg/ .17:34
fahadsadahmv: cannot move `fahad/.gnupg/' to `./.gnupg': Directory not empty17:34
ActionParsniplnl: i dont understand your question and want you to clarify. Can you please define "find" do you mean "download"17:34
fahadsadahHow would I do a merge in this case?17:34
IdleOne!fr | lnl17:34
ubottulnl: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:34
bo7amnycan some 1 type anything with my name .... im trying some thing  EX : (bo7amny -----) ,thanks17:34
preetamhow to change the login window in ubuntu 9.1017:34
ActionParsnip!theme | preetam17:34
ubottupreetam: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy17:34
IdleOnebo7amny: ...17:34
mahngielthemol: i'm looking for your drivers17:35
leaf-sheepbo7amny: Thank for the candy, stranger.17:35
themolem.. what that17:35
Archey gusy17:35
IdleOne!hi | Arc17:35
ubottuArc: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:35
gerrh^^Delano, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/learn-the-dd-command-362506/17:35
Dsgnsilidan: Totem17:35
arrrghhhso i just installed karmic on my girlfriend's lappy... it was running jaunty quite happily, but i decided to wipe jaunty in favor of ext4 and grub2... but i have NO network drivers.  it's not seeing the ethernet controller or the wireless card - which both worked flawlessly in jaunty.  can someone help???17:36
preetamno not theme i want to change the initial login window earlier version in 9.04 the provision was there in system -> preference -> logon window17:36
chazcoHi... is it possible to restore totem-xine in 9.10?17:36
mahngielsomeone remind me the code to pull the lspci chipset17:36
Arcim having difficulty booting the karmic 9.10 64-bit cd, both the livecd and install options give me pages of "stdin: error 0" followed by a BusyBox interactive prompt and "(initramfs) Unable to find a medium containing a live file system"17:36
donavan_actionparsnip   died again but got a segmentation fault this time17:36
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Please can I have the output of lspci?17:36
trismpreetam: they removed that when they updated gdm, and they haven't created anything to replace it yet17:36
dr3mroplease any one using here avidemux and karmic can help me fix audio issues17:36
Arcthe system in question is a HP Pavilion DV350017:36
arrrghhhfahadsadah, sure... i just don't know how i'm going to pastebin it.17:37
trismpreetam: it is still possible to change the wallpaper and the basic theme but it isn't exactly straightforward anymore17:37
fahadsadahSave it to a file, and transfer that by memory stick17:37
leaf-sheepArc: Err, you ran md5sum?17:37
mahngielarrrghhh: just the last line under Broadcom17:37
fahadsadahOr floppy17:37
valdu55How set up static routing ?17:37
gerrh^^chazco, sudo apt-get remove totem-xine ; sudo apt-get install totem-xine17:37
arrrghhhfahadsadah, i do have a network controller "Broadcom Corp BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)17:37
fahadsadahvaldu55: Please see http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html17:37
chazcogerrh^^ - Totme-xine isn't in the 9.10 repos anymore17:38
jolarensunbird calendar vs evolution calendar?17:38
gerrh^^chazco, i'm on 9.10 and it found it with no problem17:38
leaf-sheepjolaren: You decide!17:38
gerrh^^chazco, disabled any of the repos in the manager?17:38
trismpreetam: gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties; will bring up an appearance menu for the gdm user which allows you to change a few things, you need to reboot or restart gdm to see your changes and it will probably add a universal access icon to your system tray that can be disabled in System/Preferences/Keyboard on the accessibility tab17:38
chazcogerrh^^ - The package exists but it install gstreamer... (check with totem - about)17:38
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Are you on i386 or amd64?17:39
gerrh^^chazco, oh. -_17:39
jolarenleaf-sheep: Evolution caleder was ugly as HELL17:39
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
leaf-sheepjolaren: I guess you want Sunbird then. ;)17:39
fahadsadaharrrghhh: (32 or 64 bits?)17:39
arrrghhhfahadsadah, well i thought i'd go amd64 to use all the RAM... perhaps that was a mistake.17:39
gerrh^^chazco, Unpacking totem-xine (from .../totem-xine_2.28.1-0ubuntu4_all.deb) ... this be what i got from running the install command17:39
ActionParsnipdonavan_: ok then run: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_new; mv ~/.mozilla_old; ~/.mozilla17:39
fahadsadahNot at all.17:39
fahadsadahI just needed to know so I know which driver to give you.17:40
arrrghhhfahadsadah, okie17:40
themolem... need help brotha, for wifi card aironet on ibm t4017:40
ActionParsnipdonavan_: i sugget you run: sudo apt-get --purge remove firefox*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install firefox-3.517:40
fahadsadaharrrghhh: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.10.91.9+bdcom-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb17:40
Arcleaf-sheep: dc51c1d7e3e173dcab4e0b9ad2be2bbf  ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso17:40
fahadsadahTransfer that however you like to the Ubuntu laptop, and double-click to install17:40
leaf-sheep!hashes | Arc17:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hashes17:40
donavan_actionparsnip  yeah i was thinking that might b e the next step17:40
leaf-sheep!hash | Arc17:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hash17:40
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:40
ActionParsnipdonavan_: the first command puts yuor old profile back in (as it isnt the issue) then completely removes firefox then reinstalls it.17:40
Noob-noobI reinstalled grub to the hardrive /sdb i still get disk not found on boot , what does this mean?17:40
arrrghhhfahadsadah, ok.  but i've never had an issue with wired controllers... i don't have an eth0 when i do an ifconfig!17:41
MutinyHey, i'd like to downgrade my Java jre to 5 from 6, I can't seem to find sun-java5-jre in synaptic though, is there some repository that it may reside in?17:41
leaf-sheepArc: See above.  See if they match.17:41
ActionParsnipdonavan_: if its bad after that then log a bug17:41
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Maybe that driver is no longer installed by default.17:41
preetamtrism this is to change the appearance of background this is not for the logon window change17:41
ActionParsnipdonavan_: i dont use firefox so this is the extent of my knowledge17:41
fahadsadahIt's unlikely, but possible.17:41
mahngielthemol: go here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsCisco and see if your card is supported17:41
davidkarrMy new 9.10 installation (intel graphics) is freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes, every single time. Only the mouse pointer moves when it freezes, nothing else responds. I've tried installing the latest xorg PPA and driver. I investigated turning on kernel modesetting. I'm about to give up on this, perhaps replacing the intel graphics card with an nvidia card, but I don't know what else to try.17:41
leaf-sheepActionParsnip: What do you use?17:41
fahadsadahIf it isn't, I'll bring that to the attention of the MOTUs.17:41
trismpreetam: if you read what I said, it changes the background for the GDM user, which is the login window17:41
IdleOneMutiny: search on packages.ubuntu.com should be in hardy repo17:42
Mutinycool, thanks17:42
themolmahngiel : am will try that.17:42
arrrghhhfahadsadah, hrm.  i only see that one network controller.  and i thought this wired card was intel... i'd be surprised if that was missed.17:42
Arcleaf-sheep: yes they match17:42
ActionParsnipleaf-sheep: chromium17:42
fahadsadaharrrghhh: As would I.17:42
donavan_actionparsnip  what do you use instead?17:42
Arcand when the same system im trying to boot it on burned, it verified the cd burn as well17:42
trismpreetam: I told you it wasn't straightforward, if it isn't what you want, you'll have to wait until they update gdm and add the login window options back17:42
themolmahngiel : how do install for you link17:42
ActionParsnipdonavan_:  leaf-sheep: doesnt eat ram like a fatty in a pie eating contest17:43
thiebaudeActionParsnip, i use that also17:43
themolam used : Aironet 350 Series17:43
donavan_actionparsnip  will it handle flash ?17:43
arrrghhhfahadsadah, ok, so how do i a) figure out what wired controller this thing has and b) the deb you gave me says "error: dependency is not satisfiable: dkms"17:44
sajidonovan, handling flash can be done by copying the flash plugin *.so file to cghromium plugins directory....17:44
ActionParsnipdonavan_: sure, I think with the package flash it is handled but you may have to symlink the plugin to the chromium plugins folder17:44
bwmcadams_anyone had any luck with suspend on the new core i7 hp pavilion dv7s?  I've gone through the debug docs and find nothing useful, don't see any other useful info online.  When I open the lid back up, i get a blinking console cursor in top right corner and hat's it17:44
leaf-sheepArc: It's difficult to troubleshoot because it could mean anything. I had problem --- and used the second DVD reader. It worked fine.17:44
sajidonavan_,  handling flash can be done by copying the flash plugin *.so file to chromium plugins directory....17:44
Arcleaf-sheep: well unfortunetly this is a laptop so another reader isnt an option17:44
ermenegildoI have trust easy scan 19200 with xubuntu 9.04  but when i go to page results that the driver not supported what i make ? :-)17:44
fahadsadaharrrghhh: I'm pretty sure dkms is default17:45
thiebaudedonavan_, with chrome, it imports all that from firefox17:45
gdmsetupis there any web with linux games on it? i mea names of really cool games for linux?17:45
fahadsadahHow did you do this install?17:45
leaf-sheepArc: You might want to try another way to install.  USB for one.17:45
Arcleaf-sheep: would the alt CD be a good option?17:45
ActionParsnipermenegildo: if you run: lsusb   you will get an 8 character hex ID for the device, websearch that17:45
nztalthanks again bazhang17:45
IdleOne!games | gdmsetup17:45
ubottugdmsetup: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php17:45
arrrghhhfahadsadah, i grabbed a fresh 9.10 iso, used the usb start disk creator and installed it w/o running it live... dunno if that makes a difference.  i didn't think it did.17:45
fahadsadahIt shouldn't have17:46
fahadsadahDid you remove anything?17:46
arrrghhhfahadsadah, nope.17:46
gdmsetupthere we go, thanks17:46
MaximumPowerI am having problems with Flash Player. I can't click buttons on Flash Movies and some You Tube Movies I can't control the video control bar.17:46
themolmahngiel : how do i install my driver aironet 350 from you link17:46
Dravekxokay, I cant get vsftpd to work with karmic... any other suggestions?17:46
ActionParsnipthiebaude: i think there will be a day when we look back at firefox and say "what were we thinking!?"17:46
leaf-sheepArc: I really can't say. Although I use alt CD instead of liveCD all times. It could be the device itself. Maybe reset the BIO to default and try again.17:46
LaMagapara ubuntu en esppañol?17:46
arrrghhh!es | LaMaga17:47
ubottuLaMaga: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:47
ActionParsnipDravekx: proftpd17:47
leaf-sheepArc: Otherwise, do try ALT-DISC (and/or) USB method.17:47
prappl93I have had Ubuntu on my computer a couple other times, and every now and then my sound won't play the audio from Pidgin then a while later it plays all the sounds it didn't before at once... is there a way to fix this?17:47
dr3mroplease any one using here avidemux and karmic can help me fix audio issues17:47
prappl93I have Ubuntu 8.04 LTS if that helps.17:47
xxtjaxxwhat is ubiquity ?17:47
valdu55And how make?17:47
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com17:47
thiebaudeActionParsnip, yep17:47
MaximumPowerShould I use Gnash instead of Flash?17:47
llutz!donotwork | Dravekx17:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about donotwork17:47
user1s223_hey all,   i would like to have a "back to desktop-button"  , that i see my clear desktop, is it possible ?????17:47
Tartarosuser1s223_: yes17:47
leaf-sheepuser1s223_: It should be at left of the bottom panel.17:47
Tartarosuser1s223_: it's part of the netbook remix metapackage17:48
user1s223_oh, i`m in wrong channel, hehe, i mean in fluxbox, also with ubuntu :))17:48
arrrghhhfahadsadah, so what can i do?  i guess i should've ran it live to test it out first, but i figured jaunty pretty much worked out of the box, so i don't know why karmic wouldn't work...17:48
prappl93arrrghhh, what Karmic problems are you having?17:48
leaf-sheepuser1s223_: You could use shortcut -- CTRL + ALT + D17:49
ActionParsnipuser1s223_: right click panel -> add to panel   then add the show desktop button17:49
arrrghhhprappl93, no network controllers at all.  i only get a loopback device when i do ifconfig.17:49
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Sorry, I was AFK17:49
Dravekxllutz, it errors out and wont connect.. I fixed one bug and posted, but ther are others17:49
arrrghhhfahadsadah, no worries.17:49
fahadsadahMy dad needs Ubuntu support too =p17:49
Dravekxvsftpd + karmic = buggie17:49
zedsterI'm having wifi issues, when I run dmesg this line seems to be the issue "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-backports-modules-2.6.31-2.6.31/debian/build/build-generic/compat-wireless-2.6/net/wireless/core.c:614 wdev_cleanup_work+0x9f/0xc0 [cfg80211]()"17:49
fahadsadahAnyway, if you're having problems, there isn't really any point in moving to Karmic.17:50
ermenegildoActionParsnip: Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub17:50
ermenegildoBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub17:50
ermenegildoBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub17:50
ermenegildoBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hu17:50
FloodBot1ermenegildo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:50
llutzDravekx: seems not to be the only karmic-issue :(17:50
fahadsadahJaunty is still supported, and will be for at least another 12 months.17:50
=== sinistrad is now known as ki4cgp
MattzI have a USB install stick of Ubuntu and would like it to be recognised as a source for installing packages from. Any idea how to do this? Or even just mount it an ISO so its properly recognised as a CDROM17:50
llutzmy luck17:50
ActionParsnipermenegildo: i dont want the output, you need to read the output, see which line is the device and websearch17:50
arrrghhhfahadsadah, dude i already wiped it.  i wanted grub2, ext4, and the newest firefox...17:50
exaltHello are there macbook users inhere?17:50
prappl93arrrghhh, I gave up on Karmic for a while... I was trying to use it but I had to restart after trying to log in to actually log in so I put 8.04 LTS on instead... I think you might want to just ride it out eventually17:50
arrrghhhi figured it would be better not worse!17:50
arrrghhhprappl93, really?  that's a shame.17:51
zedsterexalt: just ask your question17:51
donavan_actionparsnip  where are you gettning chromium from ?17:51
fahadsadaharrrghhh: It is better for most people.17:51
arrrghhhmy girlfriend's going to be pisses :S17:51
prappl93arrrghhh, yep. I think its the newest GNOME they added to it maybe... cause I've read of people using Kubuntu 9.10 and it working whereas they had problems with Ubuntu.17:51
ActionParsnipdonavan_: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa17:51
fahadsadahI have a suspicion that if you get DKMS working, your hardware issues will just melt.17:52
ActionParsnip!mac | exalt17:52
ubottuexalt: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE17:52
exalthow does karmic work on macbook?17:52
bart_Hi guys, my sound doenst work ... lshw -c sound gives this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318788/17:52
donavan_actionparsnip  thanks17:52
arrrghhhfahadsadah, what do you think happened to it?  i don't mind trying a reinstall, but i don't know what went wrong.17:52
tin_345Can you tell which program is holding a particular Key Bind?  Calc will no allow Shift+right,  I think some other program has snagged it?17:52
zedsterbart_: make sure you have the linux-backports-karmic-generic installed17:53
jolarenleaf-sheep: sunbird has a plugin for google bidir calendar sync but I can't get it to work..17:53
bart_Zedster: ill have a look17:53
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Maybe something you installed has "dkms" in the conflicts field.17:53
leaf-sheepjolaren: What's the problem? You allow it in Google Calendar setting? Also, use private address.17:54
fahadsadahWould be a very stupid thing for the packager to do, as I don't see how anything can conceivably conflict with DKMS.17:54
arrrghhhfahadsadah, but that's the thing i just did the fresh install from a usb key, and rebooted.  i haven't done anything else.17:54
fighter1om26er: r u there?17:54
ActionParsnipzedster: it's linux-backports-modules-karmic-generic17:54
jolarenleaf-sheep: When creating a new calendar you can choose "Google Calendar"17:54
fahadsadaharrrghhh: This really is weird.17:54
=== Prodego is now known as SQL
zedsterbart_: see above :-)17:54
fahadsadahYou're using a liveCD copied to USB, right?17:54
fahadsadahNot an alternate CD?17:54
ermenegildoActionParsnip: i dont understand, i insert lsusb to terminal i copy the result of id and paste on the websearch engine an di see if there is something ? :-)17:54
Anonymoshi i made dual boot with xp. (ubuntu installed first). how can i fix my grub?17:54
arrrghhhfahadsadah, no not alternate.  i downloaded the ubuntu 9.10 amd64 iso from the ubuntu torrent tracker.  used the usb creator and pointed it to that iso.17:55
=== SQL is now known as elapse
themolall brothar am used ubuntu 9.10 am not like that am will grepdown to ubuntu 8.10 because ubuntu 8.10 support my wifi card17:55
themolany body know that17:55
ActionParsnipermenegildo: you dont copy the WHOLE output, just the 4 character ID that is in the line relating to your device17:55
n00b_*#*# I need some help .. when I type apt-get upgrade, I get the following message (on a fresh 8.04) install ... "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? " .. do I have a corrupted disk.. or someone trying to pull somthing funny on me ??17:55
SAIDiasis there a way to log a telnet session from shell to a file?17:55
rcmaehlI need heko17:55
fahadsadahSAIDias: telnet | tee filename17:56
rcmaehlWhen I load firefox it says it can't load the security mdule.17:56
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Ah, dkms in ubuntu is the DKMS dev framework17:56
ActionParsniprcmaehl: run it in terminal, then copy some of the output and use it in websearches17:56
DsgnAnonymos: check the ubuntu fora, there is a nice topic about it. step by step guide17:56
fahadsadahNon-default, as it depends on a compiler.17:57
n00b_*#*# I need some help .. when I type apt-get upgrade, I get the following message (on a fresh 8.04) install ... "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? " .. do I have a corrupted disk.. or someone trying to pull somthing funny on me ?  Is this a matter of updating my md5sums somwhere..? anyone ..?17:57
valdu55My ifconfig output: http://pastebin.be/2191817:57
arrrghhhfahadsadah, k... what does that mean for me?17:57
rcmaehlActionParsnip, What is the security module?17:57
AdministrateurHI :) , I have a motherboard ASROCK P4VM890 I want graphics driver ? plz help17:57
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Please download http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/d/dkms/dkms_2.1.0.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb17:57
n00b_*#*# I need some help .. when I type apt-get upgrade, I get the following message (on a fresh 8.04) install ... "Install these packages without verification [y/N]? " .. do I have a corrupted disk.. or someone trying to pull somthing funny on me ?  Is this a matter of updating my md5sums somwhere..? anyone ..?17:57
ActionParsnipn00b_: can you use http://pastebin.com   to give the output of: sudo apt-get update17:57
fahadsadahAnd try that, before the driver I gave you.17:57
valdu55I want use two netwoks at same thime, Internet on Wifi and other network over Eth017:57
ActionParsniprcmaehl: no idea, if you websearch the exact error you will find guides17:57
arrrghhhfahadsadah, alright rebooting now17:58
ActionParsnipn00b_: you have added a repository, but not its GPG key17:58
valdu55Any ideas?17:58
majukvaldu55! Define 'use'17:58
themolAdministrateur : whait am give the solustion17:58
SAIDiasfahadsadah: awesome!  Also how do i enable "keepalive"?17:59
ActionParsnipvaldu55: you can, you will need some specially formed route commands but yuo can use it. Ive heard of it but not done it17:59
DsgnAnonymos: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435117:59
n00b_I could not cut and paset on pastebin17:59
fahadsadahSAIDias: They're enabled by default, AFAIK.17:59
n00b_.. but uts does a log ot Ign... .. and edns with Fetched 567B in 2s (234B/s) Reading package lists... Done root@pinky:~#17:59
arrrghhhfahadsadah, do you think this will resolve my wired controller issues as well?17:59
ActionParsnipvaldu55: http://superuser.com/questions/60605/multiple-network-connections-in-ubuntu-with-one-prefered-for-internet-traffic18:00
fahadsadaharrrghhh: It depends.18:00
n00b_ActionParsnip.. ..:... how do I update my GPG key ..?18:00
valdu55USE- I watch IPTV on network 10* and Internet over network 192'18:00
arrrghhhfahadsadah, well it's letting me install the bcm drivers.  what should i do after that, reboot?18:00
fahadsadahYes, and then test wifi18:00
Hajuulets party like its 2080: Not. AT ALL.18:00
ActionParsnipn00b_: depends on the code thats output in the output, you can copy and paste to and from a terminal, you should use gnome-terminal18:00
fahadsadahIf you have intertubes, then you can use apt to fix the wired18:00
arrrghhhfahadsadah, i shall test the hyperbrags.18:01
ActionParsnipn00b_: use the mouse to right click the selected text, then click copy18:01
topspeedhey..is it me or are the ubuntu servers right now REALLY bussy..18:01
topspeedmy update transfer rate is SLOW!18:01
arrrghhhtopspeed, i don't even use 'em.  i use xmission.  i recommend using whatever tests fastest for you.18:01
ActionParsniptopspeed: fine here18:01
topspeed11 or 20 kb MAX18:01
LordHawke13OMG people. I need some help REALLY BAD!!18:01
n00b_how do I give you the output... the web-site you indicated told me that spam filter kicked in. :(18:01
ActionParsniptopspeed: is your connection very contended18:01
LordHawke13I've screwed up the StartUp option.18:02
ActionParsnip!ask | LordHawke1318:02
ubottuLordHawke13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
n00b_I can cut and past fine...18:02
ActionParsnipn00b_: try: http://www.pastie.org18:02
sidewalknågon som kör 9.10 på Asus EEE Box?18:02
sidewalkjag har problem med tangentbordet, ngn som har råkat ut för samma sak?18:02
arrrghhhfahadsadah, unfortunately, no change.18:02
LordHawke13I've upgraded to 9.10 but GRUB is trying to load the 9.01 kernel. The one that no longer exists.18:02
pinoyskulli have an nvidia GeForce 8400M GS and i cant get my resolution to go beyond 1280x800, any ideas?18:02
sidewalkwops, sorry wrong chan18:02
valdu55When i have connected 10* and 192* then IPTV is streaming and network is not usable18:02
topspeedActionParsnip, umm.. installing anything from ubuntu is REALLY slow. like update, software.. but downloading from firefox is fine18:02
BoredKenderLordHawke13, define "screwed up"18:02
fahadsadaharrrghhh: lsmod output, please?18:02
usser_LordHawke13, install grub218:03
LordHawke13I must've clicked on something I shouldn't have. . .18:03
n00b_Pasted at: http://www.pastie.org/69879218:03
tin_345bump,  any way to determine which program is intercepting key bind?18:03
valdu55Is routing a right solution?18:03
LordHawke13I don't know how! The OS can't load now!!18:03
valdu55Or need change metric?18:03
Diwchahey guyz18:03
topspeedActionParsnip, downloading.. i mean from other server, my bittorrent is fine too..but not the ubuntu update -- anything from ubuntu server18:03
LordHawke13Error 15: File not found.18:03
Diwchai have a question18:03
usser_LordHawke13, load from a livecd, chroot into your installation and install it18:03
Tartarostopspeed: try changing the download server for apt-get18:03
ActionParsnippinoyskull: run: gksudo nvidia-settings   set the res to anything and click "save to X config file" then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and change the resolution to what you wish, save the file and restart X18:03
n00b_ActionParsnip: Pasted at http://www.pastie.org/698792 .. (thanks).18:03
thiebaudepinoyskull, did you install the drivers18:03
usser_LordHawke13, or at a grub screen try selecting newer kernel18:04
usser_LordHawke13, it should be listed there still18:04
pinoyskullthiebaude, yep, from hardware drivers (restricted)18:04
topspeedTartaros, how do i chane my download server ?18:04
ActionParsnipn00b_: great. Thanks :). looks ok can you do the same with: sudo apt-get upgrade18:04
thiebaudepinoyskull, ActionParsnip  got it18:04
n00b_1 sec18:04
arrrghhhfahadsadah, lsmod: http://pastebin.com/d1de9cb6618:05
Tartarostopspeed: System -> Software Sources - "Download from"18:05
thiebaudei had to edit my xorg.conf for the save to X configuration18:05
ActionParsnippinoyskull: thiebaude: also gives you a very useful xorg.conf again :)18:05
topspeedlet me hceck18:05
LordHawke13usser_, That's what I want to know how to do.18:05
thiebaudeActionParsnip, yep, mine is up to date18:05
pinoyskullthiebaude:  you'18:05
LordHawke13I don't know how to tell it to load 9.10 instead of 9.0418:05
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Is this a macbook, by any chance?18:05
fahadsadahThey use your wireless card.18:05
pinoyskullthiebaude:  you're using nvidia too?18:05
arrrghhhfahadsadah, good god no... but not much better, a dell studio lappy.18:06
thiebaudepinoyskull, yes 8400 gs with 512mb video ram18:06
LordHawke13How do I select the 9.10 kernel at the GRUB screen?18:06
topspeedTartaros, nopes.. i changed it to main server -- same crappy speed --11kb/s to 7000b/s18:06
ermenegildoActionParsnip near the id there is the name of scanner or root hub ?18:06
ActionParsnippinoyskull: i have to do it that way as my CRT monitor doesnt report refresh rates so I have to populate the file before the driver will load18:06
pinoyskullthiebaude:  can i take a look at your xorg.conf18:06
coreymanI downloaded http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/ server install x86 and the dang cd will not boot, i've burned 5 discs now... why isn't this booting.18:06
Tartarostopspeed: try a few other ones too then...18:06
pinoyskullActionParsnip:  thiebaude forgot to tell you im using vostro 150018:06
topspeedooh dman.this is slow.i think the ubuntu server are REALLY busy right now18:07
n00b_ActionParsnip: http://www.pastie.org/698798 .. here is it ... thanks again.18:07
ActionParsnipermenegildo: use http://pastebin.com   to give the output please18:07
LordHawke13usser_, How would I change to kernel at the GRUB menu?18:07
topspeedthats why im not gettin any speed18:07
ermenegildook :-)18:07
DsgnTartaros: topspeed: could it be the ipv6 bug of karmic?18:07
thiebaudeActionParsnip, i had to add under the Screen section, Device "Default Device" in xorg.conf18:07
Dsgni too have slow internets18:07
TartarosDsgn: huh?18:07
arrrghhhfahadsadah, yea, my gf is not happy.  i can never leave well enough alone!  blargh.  i guess i'll go back to 9.04, i don't know.18:07
Tartaroswell I don't, and what bug? :)18:08
ActionParsnipn00b_: is it any better if you run it as you user, rather than root (shouldnt make a difference but is worth exploring)18:08
fahadsadaharrrghhh: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php is the correct driver for your chip18:08
fahadsadahTurns out it used to be supported, isn't any more.18:08
pinoyskullthiebaude:  can i take a look at your xorg?18:08
n00b_I tried it both ways..18:08
fahadsadahDriver change or some other such stupidity.18:08
n00b_same result....18:08
ActionParsnipthiebaude: very annoying that karmic doesnt have one by default but my ubuntu setu script copies one in from my backups :)18:08
thiebaudepinoyskull, yes18:08
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arrrghhhfahadsadah, crap.  how do i install that?  i'm guessing it must be compiled.18:08
n00b_ActionParsnip: I tried it both ways... the results are some.18:08
topspeedDsgn, don't know about the bug but i get normal download from firefox18:08
ActionParsnipn00b_: i'd say go for it but  log a bug18:08
thiebaudeActionParsnip, it was a parser error before18:08
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic18:09
topspeedDsgn, but tryin to update, synaptic or any of that..11 kb MAX18:09
n00b_:( :(18:09
fahadsadaharrrghhh: Oh, nevermind, there's an even better solution.18:09
thiebaudepinoyskull, 1 sec18:09
fahadsadahDo you have an alternate wireless connection?18:09
arrrghhhfahadsadah, ?18:09
pinoyskullthiebaude:  ok18:09
topspeedHEY--- it worked..changin the server DID help18:09
arrrghhhfahadsadah, not sure what you mean... like a usb wifi card?18:09
fahadsadahAs soon as it's connected to the internet, it will detect it needs that, and download it.18:09
topspeedthanx Tartaros !18:09
topspeedbut still not gettin maxed out18:09
benc1any suggestions about daemontools vs monit or other options for running daemons?18:09
arrrghhhfahadsadah, sweet.  that's why i was hoping the wired cxn would save me... it's very disturbing that failed.  i've NEVER had that fail.18:10
sidewalkthe Login Screen in Ubuntu used to contain a setting to control who could login remotely using GDM or not..... how is that configured now since 9.10?18:10
=== rcmaehl is now known as rcmaehl_linux
tv7497guys i was installing the cloud cluster using taskel ... well the installation was not completed  properly is there a way for me to re-install suing taskel  ?18:10
topspeedit worked THANKS18:10
topspeedim done here18:10
Tartarosnice :)18:10
topspeedfreakin market place here18:10
fahadsadaharrrghhh: What's the wired, according to lsmod?18:10
fahadsadahSorry, lspci18:10
themolthemol@themol-box:~$ sudo lsmod | grep airo18:10
themol[sudo] password for themol:18:10
themolairo                   72924  018:10
vishiya :)18:10
FloodBot1themol: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:10
arrrghhhfahadsadah, that's the thing, i don't see it in there.  i'll post i 1 sec18:10
topspeedi wish i could help but i suck when it comes to deep problem computer solvin18:10
thiebaudepinoyskull, http://paste.ubuntu.com/318801/18:11
visI'm fairly new to ubuntu :) I'm a bit confused about some of my audio settings, can anyone spare a couple of minutes to help me out please?18:11
pinoyskullthanks thiebaude18:11
thiebaudepinoyskull, np18:11
Tartarostopspeed: there's rarely that much "deep" stuff going on here :)18:11
tv7497vis !ask18:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:12
vislol, okay =)18:12
ermenegildoActionParsnip on the terminal are 4 bus with the same id with the final Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub18:12
arrrghhhfahadsadah, lspci: http://pastebin.com/d6e60e60a18:12
coz_topspeed,  help with what you already know....learn by listening in   :)18:12
topspeedTartaros, u kddin.. lspci -- thats the only thing i really know-- i think it got to do with lan or devices connected18:12
coreymanWhere can I download the 8.04 LTS server edition?18:12
ActionParsnipermenegildo: is it a usb device?18:12
IdleOnecoreyman: ubuntu.com18:12
topspeedokay.. but..to hard to keep up lol18:13
coreymanIdleOne thank you for that jackasssery18:13
=== fernando is now known as Guest23607
ermenegildoActionParsnip parallel18:13
ActionParsnipermenegildo: ahh thats why its not showing in lsusb18:13
guntbert!attitude | coreyman18:13
ubottucoreyman: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:13
rcmaehl_linuxI get an error when installing/removing apps.18:13
IdleOnecoreyman: how is that jackassery? your question is ridiculous to be honest. How do you expect to admin a server if you cant even find the download for it on your own?18:13
ActionParsnipermenegildo: what make/model is it?18:13
XacarithI hope this will be an easy fix.  Recently my HDD had some troubles and some repairs where made to the filing system.  Upon log in I got a message to the effect of the home directory should not be read writable  by any one but the user and something about um 664?   It has been a while since I dealt with such, sorry..18:14
Tartaroscoreyman: well he's right. Ubuntu downloads are on ubuntu web, no magic to that.18:14
rcmaehl_linuxHold on and I'll caopy/paste it18:14
ermenegildotrust easy scan 1920018:14
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:14
ermenegildoHave you some ideas ?18:14
rcmaehl_linuxinstallArchives() failed: Selecting previously deselected package sysinfo.18:14
rcmaehl_linux(Reading database ...18:14
rcmaehl_linux(Reading database ... 5%18:14
rcmaehl_linux(Reading database ... 10%18:14
rcmaehl_linux(Reading database ... 15%18:14
FloodBot1rcmaehl_linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:14
rcmaehl_linux(Reading database ... 20%18:15
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:15
coreymanIdleOne I found the download, but everytime I burn it to disc it doesn't boot when I start up the server. Now I have to download it again and MAYBE it will work. It's  becoming a neusance i had the same problem with 9.04 and I forgot what I did.18:15
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
visI'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with fluxbox, with gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-volume-control-applet. I have an external USB sound card. Sometimes there's no sound even though the applet is set to use the USB card over the integrated sound. I have to go into the applet and change "settings for the selected device" to analogue (which gives me half of the stereo sound) and then back to digital (which gives me both). Why do I have to18:15
vis keep doing this, and is there a way to stop it happening?18:15
guntbert!md5sum | coreyman18:15
ubottucoreyman: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:15
AdministrateurHI :) , I have a motherboard ASROCK P4VM890 I want graphics driver ? plz help :p18:15
coreymanguntbert !its fine18:16
tv7497some one a little help :)18:16
coz_vis,   you may want to try the #alsa channel as well as the ##linux channel if  no one can help here :)18:16
guntbertcoreyman: I don't think so - please *really* check18:16
arrrghhhfahadsadah, well i have an internet cxn with my usb wireless card now... and it shows a broadcom sta wireless driver to active.  when i try to active it, it asks me for my root pass obviously.  i auth, then a window pops up and goes away really quickly, and the driver isn't activated...18:16
ActionParsnipermenegildo: can you pastebin the output of: sudo sane-find-scanner -18:17
coreymanguntbert maybe you ment to tell me !CDIntegrityCheck18:17
ActionParsnipsudo sane-find-scanner -p18:17
coreymanguntbert because this download is fine.18:17
viscoz_: thanks, I'll wait a few and then try there =)18:17
coz_vis,  ok18:17
rcmaehl_linuxI need help I get this message http://paste.ubuntu.com/318807/ when installing/removing things18:17
ActionParsnipermenegildo: those trust things are usually rebadged things which makes life really hard18:18
=== _bowman is now known as bowman_
ermenegildodont find18:18
tv7497cant we reinstall ( suppose let say a cloud cluster or a LAMP server ) using taskel .. ?18:18
ermenegildo:-) ActionParsnip18:19
ActionParsnipermenegildo: did the command run though?18:19
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:19
Spartaquiuxermenegildo,    Zegna??18:19
Spartaquiuxora  chido elperfume18:19
ActionParsnipermenegildo: did the command run though?18:19
evondoes anyone have any experience with ubuntu on a mac?18:20
Spartaquiux#ubuntu -esp18:20
ActionParsnip!mac | evon18:20
ubottuevon: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:20
thiebaudepinoyskull, did it work?18:20
ermenegildoi did the command before this conversation on irc .18:21
arrrghhhfahadsadah, i'm going to try to update, reboot and activate the driver again.  i've been having way too many driver issues with ubuntu.  i never thought i'd say this, but drivers are actually easier in win7 now.  i haven't had to install a single driver on any machine i've thrown 7 on, except for graphics drivers (only if the user wants advanced control of the card, that is.)18:21
guntbertcoreyman: no, I meant md5sum, because thats the most probable cause18:21
ActionParsnipevon: http://lifehacker.com/256395/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-a-mac18:21
evonI just wanted some oppinions on whether or not ubuntu works well on a mac18:21
rcmaehl_linuxWhat should I do about this:18:21
rcmaehl_linuxsha256sum: arialb32.exe: No such file or directory18:21
rcmaehl_linuxarialb32.exe: FAILED open or read18:21
rcmaehl_linuxsha256sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 listed file could not be read18:21
rcmaehl_linuxChecksum mismatch for arialb32.exe, aborting!18:21
rcmaehl_linuxdpkg: error processing ttf-mscorefonts-installer (--configure):18:21
FloodBot1rcmaehl_linux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:21
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:21
ActionParsnipevon: sure does, theres a PPC release18:21
arrrghhh!paste | rcmaehl_linux18:21
=== _bowman is now known as bowman_
ubotturcmaehl_linux: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!18:21
Spartaquiuxspk spanish?18:21
ermenegildoon the website of Sane is not supported :-)18:21
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:21
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:21
SpartaquiuxThank thiebaude18:21
thiebaudeSpartaquiux, np18:22
ActionParsnipermenegildo: can you reply 'yes' or 'no'. I will ask you once more: did the command run though?18:22
davidkarr_I've been struggling for the last few weeks with my new 9.10 installation (intel graphics) freezing, requiring reboot, after about 20 minutes, every single time. Only the mouse pointer moves when it freezes, nothing else responds. I've tried installing the latest xorg PPA and driver. I investigated turning on kernel modesetting (becaus someone suggested it), but it appears my kernel version has it enabled by default. I'm a18:22
davidkarr_bout to give up on this, perhaps replacing the intel graphics card with an nvidia card, but I don't know what else to try.18:22
evonActionParsnip: i've downloaded it already. I just haven't installed it yet. Just wondering if there were any known issues or concerns. are there advantages or disadvantages?18:22
DocMAXvncserver still doesnt load a window manager!!! wtf im doing wrong?18:22
rcmaehl_linuxI get this error with EVERY thing that i install/remove http://paste.ubuntu.com/318813/18:22
ActionParsnipevon: not used it, ive heard drivers can be weird but should be ok, if its intel ased you should be fine18:23
visis it okay if I re-paste a problem here?18:23
evonActionParsnip: well it's an ibook g4 i don't know if it has an intel cpu18:23
guntbert!paste | vis18:24
ubottuvis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!18:24
ActionParsnipevon: will be a PPC cpu18:24
visI'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with fluxbox, with gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-volume-control-applet. I have an external USB sound card. Sometimes there's no sound even though the applet is set to use the USB card over the integrated sound. I have to go into the applet and change "settings for the selected device" to analogue (which gives me half of the stereo sound) and then back to digital (which gives me both). Why do I have to18:24
vis keep doing this, and is there a way to stop it happening?18:24
ActionParsnipevon: the karmic ppc install CD is bigger than a standard CD. I fixed a mac a few days ago and had to use the hardy ISO18:24
om26erhere is the sign of first live image of lucid? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/18:25
FuzzyFox0hehe, erm.... I need some advice18:25
FuzzyFox0I am backing up my computer right now to prepare to install windows 7 in dual boot with windows vista and ubuntu (installed inside windows with wubi). Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? I currently plan to remove linux, reset windows, then partition my laptop harddrive into 4 (250 gb hdd) 1 for vista, 1 for windows 7, 1 for ubuntu, and one for swapping files between the 318:25
evonActionParsnip: ok cool thanks18:25
ActionParsnipFuzzyFox0: linux can read and write to ntfs18:25
FuzzyFox0ActionParsnip: right, I was after a plan of attack for the whole thing18:26
fcuk112FuzzyFox0: why do you still need vista when you have 7?18:26
ActionParsnipFuzzyFox0: why do yuo want vista and 718:26
ermenegildoActionParsnip i dont understand the term though :-)18:26
ActionParsnipseems a bit excessive, and expensive18:26
* FuzzyFox0 has never installed an OS on his laptop before other than ubuntu inside vista18:26
KnifeySpooneyHi, I checked out openSUSE's art mockup svn, and I found their grub mockup. Is this already being done officially on openSUSE's real grub, and is this same effect possible on Ubuntu? http://imagebin.org/7168018:27
ActionParsnipermenegildo: then say that rather than some meaningless smiley18:27
mgvdoes ubuntu one is secured? why does it ask for some advanced noscrepit things????????????????????????????????????????????????18:27
ActionParsnipermenegildo: i dont know what :) means so I need you to reply using WORDS18:27
MenZa!punctiation | mgv18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about punctiation18:27
ubottuPunctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter18:27
FuzzyFox0ActionParsnip: coz there are some applications and hardware components that are not compatible with ubuntu or windows 718:27
silidanhi when playing back video files i always get a black screen only when i play them with vlc using opengl output it shows the video, ubuntu 9.10 with proprjetary ati driver18:27
* thiebaude really18:27
LjLmgv: try asking in #ubuntuone perhaps, and also, please drop the excess punctuation marks18:27
AraneidaeWhat has happened to C-A-BS?  Doesn't work anymore, and I've got "DontZap" "off" set18:27
=== Spartaquiux is now known as SpArTaKo
ActionParsnipermenegildo: when you ran the command, did it say command not found, or did it execute then say scanner not found18:27
=== Hans is now known as Guest22236
FuzzyFox0ActionParsnip: e.g hp quickplay buttons and aplication18:28
* FuzzyFox0 has a hp dv6000 entertainment pc (laptop)18:28
ActionParsnipAraneidae: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enabledisable-ctrlaltbackspace-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html18:28
sidewalkmy keyboard layout defaults to US after reboot, i have an asus eee box, anyone know how i solve this problem?18:28
ActionParsnipFuzzyFox0: its a lot of money on licensing though18:28
trismAraneidae: although probably easier to get used to alt+sysrq+k18:29
ermenegildono scanner parallel checked18:29
flnjboyfailed 9.10 upgrade, no permission (from WinXP or LiveCD) on old /home directory so cannot backup for clean install - ideas?18:29
jbuncherAraneidae, can't remember exactly, but it's in the release notes.  Check those.18:29
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:29
Araneidaetrism, I think you're right.  I'd forgotten that k was the key though.18:29
ActionParsnipermenegildo: ok is the scanner turned on?18:29
FuzzyFox0ActionParsnip: I have windows 7 and vista pre installed18:29
ermenegildoActionParsnip is on18:29
AraneidaeActionParsnip, thanks for the link.  *Very* annoying changes, though.18:29
ActionParsnipFuzzyFox0: mustve been a pricy rig18:29
DanaGActionParsnip: hmm, HP quickplay buttons...18:30
=== hy is now known as silver
ActionParsnipAraneidae: apparently people were "accidentally" pressing it and losing work....go figure18:30
AraneidaeDamn, I see I've still got the Xorg memory leak in this release :(18:30
FuzzyFox0correction the college gave  a free copy of win 7 as I am a computing student, and win vista was pre installed18:30
mgvwhy i cant have internet on guest? do i firstly need to disconnect?18:30
FuzzyFox0ActionParsnip: ^^18:30
ActionParsnipermenegildo: is it powered on? 2nd ask18:30
DanaGmaybe... http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickstart/18:30
=== silver is now known as hy
ActionParsnipermenegildo: if you dont start using words to reply I will simply not help you18:31
DanaGSAK tends to hard-lock things.... at least ZAP is elegant.18:31
DanaGCompare turning off a printer by pushing the power button, versus just unplugging it.18:31
ermenegildoActionParsnip thje scanner is insert to tower and printer18:31
DanaGIf you do the latter, it can cause things like ink drying out.18:31
ermenegildoand i go to xsane and results that the dispositive is not disponibòle18:32
ActionParsnipermenegildo: these 2 links should help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=112645418:33
ActionParsnipermenegildo: otherwise ive no idea18:33
SteelDragondoes anyone know how to install a driver that has a .run extension?18:33
DanaGSteelDragon: ATI, or nvidia?18:33
ermenegildoyou take me one link :-)18:33
SteelDragonDanaG nvidia18:33
ermenegildothanks a lot :-)18:33
sidewalkseriously, dont you have a solution for the US keyboard layout problem?18:33
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:34
help1i did something wrong with my nvidia drivers, now i am in gnome terminal mode, does anybody knows apt command to fix my gui?Or i should do something different.I managed to do "my screen is blinking" so18:34
DanaGHmm, it's best to find a PPA with the driver, instead.18:34
DanaGWhat version?18:34
rcmaehl_linuxYou guys really need a ubuntu spanish channel18:34
DanaGNVIDIA version, I mean.18:34
themolhall hallo18:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:34
themolall command for ubuntu 9.1018:34
guntbertthemol:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?18:35
help1as far as i remeber it was 183 recomended i am writing from diferent computer18:36
ActionParsnipermenegildo: np man18:36
SteelDragonthanx DanaG, I'll try that18:36
DanaGsudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa18:36
DocMAXvncserver still doesnt load a window manager!!! wtf im doing wrong?18:36
flnjboyfailed 9.10 upgrade (no GUI), no permission (from WinXP or LiveCD) on old /home directory so cannot backup for clean install18:36
DanaGThat's for 185 and 190.  If you need legacy instead, then you'll be forced to do the .run method.18:36
ermenegildoActionParsnip what is np man18:37
ubuntuPlease people, I need help! I was moving my 210GB partition to left and the energy down. What I have to do now?18:37
ActionParsnipermenegildo: no problem18:37
ermenegildoActionParsnip :-)18:37
BTIs there a "log" for stuff that happens in rc.local at bootup? I'm trying to start vnc4server with Ubuntu, works fine if I ssh in and run "vnc4server"... but when I put that in rc.local it just doesn't start.18:37
SteelDragonDanaG: thanx.  All I could get was the 180 in ver 9.0418:37
ActionParsnipubuntu: restore from backup18:37
ubuntuubuntu: i dont have backup.18:38
DanaGoh, the add-apt-repository command is for karmic; in jaunty, you need to do the old-way of adding repos.18:38
ubuntuActionParsnip: i dont have backup.18:38
kuba32hi all18:38
ActionParsnipubuntu: dont you think you should have one, or at least backed up before messing with partitions?18:38
=== Ajr|AFK is now known as Ajraddatz
jarleThere seems to be something very wrong with the nvidia drivers in 9.10, cann't seem to get X to load any of the nvidia drivers..18:39
ubuntuActionParsnip: I used Gparted. It says now I`m using 211,48GB, as before. But when I mount the filesystem it not show all the files.18:39
jhb1608How do I scan the pic through GIMP instead of XSANE?18:39
help1is there any command for apt-get install (gui ore something)18:39
Kevin`I has a problem with linux: http://pastebin.ca/1671362 - this happens when I try to start wireshark. system is non-responsive including sysrq18:40
DanaGjarle: try testdisk, perhaps... it may be able to help18:40
ActionParsnipjhb1608: file -> acquire18:40
jhb1608None is avaliable18:40
jhb1608I'm on Ubuntu 9.0418:40
jarleDanaG: testdisk?18:40
jhb1608xsane works fine, but none of the option I want in GIMP.18:40
DanaGit's in the repos, and you can find a how-to here: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk18:40
ActionParsnipubuntu: not sure ive never messed with partitions but you may have to use foremost and an extra partition to spit recovered data to. Why you didnt backup first is completely perplexing18:40
ActionParsnipjhb1608: strange, i thought gimp could18:41
Kevin`heeelp :)18:41
krZyholy cow.. 1642 nicks18:41
jhb1608Nope only in Windows, silly.18:41
jhb1608not in Linux18:41
jhb1608look carefully.18:41
ActionParsnipjhb1608: http://www.lexmark.com/publications/pdfs/network_scan_drivers/eng/d0e378.html18:41
jhb1608I have HP18:41
penguin42Kevin: Are you sure that happens on wireshark start? It's a mess but most of the stuff seems related to either CDROM or USB18:41
jarlejhb1608: there is a sane plugin for gimp...18:42
jhb1608I already installed HPLIP18:42
Kevin`penguin42: well that's what triggers it18:42
Riottahello I would like to make update-manager in Ubuntu 9.10 to inform me on ALL updates not only security updates, like in older versions of Ubuntu how can I do this?18:42
ActionParsnipjhb1608: its still managed by sane so the manufacturer is moot18:42
ActionParsnipjhb1608: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71296418:42
penguin42Kevin: Curious18:42
bidis ubuntu server a good chooice for a dedicated server, LAMP only maybe tomcat as well18:42
Kevin`penguin42: it certainly could be CAUSED by something unrelated, of course18:43
oCean_Riotta: system > admin > update manager > settings > tab updates.18:43
Kevin`but it happens at the same time, twice in a row now18:43
penguin42Kevin`: Very odd, did you get those errors after it restarted?18:44
Kevin`penguin42: no, netconsole18:44
Kevin`the error doesn't exist anywhere after it's restarted18:44
lhasbsIs there any easy way to change monitor driver in ubuntu. i have to do this to get a higher resolution. It says i got a compaq 16" but it's 17".18:44
penguin42Kevin`: very odd, well I guess you've got a kernel bug then18:45
RiottaoCean_: and which should I pick to show me ALL updates when they are available?18:45
jhb1608jarle, where is the plugin?18:45
oCean_Riotta: pick the ones you think you need.18:45
jeffmrhow do you disable password on wake from hibernate?18:45
Kevin`penguin42: I suppose I can try it with kernel.org. of course, it if works, i'm going to be very tempted to just keep using it18:45
lhasbsIs there any easy way to change monitor driver in ubuntu. i have to do this to get a higher resolution. It says i got a compaq 16" but it's 17".18:46
Riottabut none does work like I want to18:46
jarlejhb1608: gimp2.0-quiteinsane18:46
RiottaI heard that there's solution to make update-manager work old way18:46
penguin42Kevin`: Sure, I guess it could be a bug with the network driver for your card?18:46
jhb1608in spntatic?18:46
ActionParsnipjhb1608: look in: File->Create->xscanimage18:47
help1I did clean install of ubuntu, am mess up with synaptic. Is there any command to reinstall gui. i am managed to load terminal18:47
Kevin`penguin42: could be. wireshark does usb too though18:47
Kevin`penguin42: ethernet is forcedeth and e10018:47
penguin42Kevin`: Ohhhh - I hadn't realised that18:47
ActionParsniphelp1: sudo apt-get --reinstall install ubuntu-desktop18:47
jhb1608jarle's method is better18:47
lhasbsIs there any easy way to change monitor driver in ubuntu. i have to do this to get a higher resolution. It says i got a compaq 16" but it's 17".18:47
oCean_Riotta: I have default install, default update mgr settings and I get notified about all available updates. Nothing to be 'fixed'18:47
ActionParsniplhasbs: you need to configure the video driver, not the monitor18:48
ActionParsnipjhb1608: is it there?18:48
linxehanyone know how to get vdpau enabled video playback working ?18:48
Riottacool but I don't have it only inform me when I run synaptic18:48
jhb1608I got it18:48
penguin42Kevin': In that case it looks like  a plain old usb oops doesn't it?18:48
kostkonRiotta, ubutnu checks for updates every day. if there are security update is notifies sou (update manager window pops-up) right away, otherwise only once per week18:48
ActionParsnipjhb1608: no thank you then...manners lost out again18:49
kostkonRiotta, sorry for the many typos :S18:49
ermenegildobye bye to all :-)18:49
Riottayeah kostkon but I want it to inform me on every update available18:49
jhb1608It works and it is a lot easier18:49
Kevin`penguin42: it does seem to include more usb then networking stuff18:49
Riottanot only security like it would in older versions18:49
ubuntu_Hi people18:49
gdizhello, I am trying to figure some unix stuff out.  I know this is basic stuff but here is what I am trying to do.  I have a file that I want to copy to a directory that would not yet exist.  So I tried doing cp -R file /directorythatdoesnotexistyet/   with no success.  Any ideas?18:49
penguin42Kevin`: My reading of it is that devkit-disks was doing some USB stuff at the same time18:49
Riottano way to do it?18:49
kostkonRiotta, ok. i think you can change it in gconf-editor18:50
kostkonRiotta, somehow. just google it18:50
Kevin`i'm gonna try to attach a proper serial console (netconsole is really annoying in this case) and then i'll see if it still happens in vanilla18:50
jhb1608thanks anyways Action18:51
arthalion7gdiz, first of all you have to create the new directory with "sudo mkdir /directorythatdoesnotexistyet"18:52
ActionParsnipyay, manners prevail :D18:53
DanaGwhere'd jhb1608 go?18:53
Rods_TigerWith Karmic, what's the point in installing a liveusb to a usb stick? Why not just go ahead and do a 'proper' install to the usbstick instead?18:54
jeffmris there a way to keep ubuntu from asking you for passwords when you want to install things or change settings?18:54
DanaGAnyway, looks like he should install hplip-gui and run hp-setup, perhaps?18:54
ActionParsnipRods_Tiger: some PCs dont have a D to boot to18:54
Rods_Tigera "D"? what's that?18:54
om26erhow to install handbrake18:54
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DanaGOr wait, don't need hplip-gui to run hp-setup.18:54
gdizarthalion7, thank you18:55
arthalion7om26er, it is already available in the repositories from 8.10 i think18:55
om26erarthalion7: no its  not18:55
arthalion7gdiz, you are wellcome.18:56
Rods_TigerActionParsnip: - what's a "D"?18:56
ActionParsnipRods_Tiger: CD  sorry18:56
arthalion7om26er, command line: sudo apt-get install handbrake18:57
MutinyHey im trying to downgrade to sun-java5 from 6, I downloaded the debs from the hardy package site, but when i try to install either the jre or bin, im presented with: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1)|ia32-sun-java5-bin (= 1.5.0-15-0ubuntu1)18:57
om26erarthalion7: yes i did18:57
silidanhi, im on ubuntu 9.10. using an ati 4330 with atis proprjetary driver, 1080p video doesnt play smooth (its more some sort of a slideshow), any ideas how to get that improved?18:57
Mutinyand visa virca for the bin18:57
BTis there any way to start vncserver automatically?18:57
Mutinyhow do i get around this?18:57
om26erarthalion7: this is not in karmic18:57
Rods_Tigeractionparsnip - surely that shouldn't matter? My netbook doesn't have a CD, but it can boot to a usbstick whether I made the usbstick as a liveusb or as a proper install.18:57
ActionParsnipRods_Tiger: true, i guess its done because it can then18:58
warren_hey will someone please test out my internet website I have hosting from my computer18:59
=== warren_ is now known as Guest24240
ActionParsnipRods_Tiger: maybe others have different opinions18:59
Guest24240userfriendly.webhot.net sorry18:59
jeffmrwarren: sure18:59
Gadget3000warren_: ok. what is the address?18:59
memphishey @ all: I have got a problem with my fully configured remote control (lirc working, .lirc files exist): No Programms respond to the keys i press on the remote. Can someone give me a hint?18:59
amarocomo entro no ubuntu brasil19:00
arthalion7om26er, handbrake 0.9.3 is no longer works on ubuntu due to a libgtk update. This will be resolved with the 0.9.4 release.There is currently no ETA for this release.19:00
om26erarthalion7: yes19:00
help1stopped to blink, restarted,restore mode, got table selected normal mode, got gmone trminal, did sudo su. Should i do now apt-get install xorg?19:01
memphishey @ all: I have got a problem with my fully configured remote control (lirc working, .lirc files exist): No Programms respond to the keys i press on the remote. Can someone give me a hint how to get the programms respond to the remote?19:02
pietrubensproblems with ubuntu 9.10, 64-bit version: i succeeded in installing dual-boot with vista on HP laptop, but many issues: internet-connection is much slower in ubuntu then in windows, also it seems that in ubuntu i am not able to install any program, not even using the ubuntu application for that: for ALL programs it says that it is not available. Is this a 64-bit issue?19:02
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arthalion7bye all19:03
Silent_EchoI have an external hard drive19:03
Silent_Echohow do i back up my computer onto my external hard drive? (sry accidently hit enter)19:03
=== Guest24240 is now known as Warren1234
Gadget3000pietrubens: can you tell me what is in /etc/resolv.conf?19:04
ActionParsnipmemphis: did you set the keys in system -> prefs -> keyboard shortcuts ?19:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
ActionParsnip!backup | Silent_Echo19:04
ubottuSilent_Echo: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:04
Silent_EchoActionParsni , thx a plenty19:05
ActionParsnipSilent_Echo: use tab to complete nicks19:06
=== Piet_ is now known as Piet
Silent_EchoActionParsnip, nicks?19:06
memphisActionParsnip, thx for the answer are these key combinations ment for a remote?19:06
ActionParsnipSilent_Echo: nick names19:06
om26erSilent_Echo: people's names19:06
ActionParsnipmemphis: you can set the buttons on the remote to those items19:06
Silent_EchoActionParsnip: hummm...interesting awesome19:07
ActionParsnipSilent_Echo: better :D WTG19:07
Hajuubg8-0-0-cust287.cmbg.cable.ntl.com) (Remote closed the connection)19:07
Mutiny!java downgrade19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about java downgrade19:07
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:07
memphisActionParsnip, like: make a new command, and try to bind a key pressed on the remote to it?19:07
Mutiny!Multiverse sun-java5-jre19:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
ActionParsnipmemphis: well most will be there already, like volume etc19:08
ActionParsnip!java | Mutiny19:08
ubottuMutiny: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:08
memphisActionParsnip, ok, i will try, back in 1 min19:08
Mutinyyeah im not looking for 6 though19:08
Mutinyi need 519:08
Mutinyand im trying to downgrade19:08
Mutinybut it wont let me19:08
Warren1234Jeffmr: \is it working?19:08
ActionParsnipMutiny: then you will most likely need the .bin installer for the older version19:09
Mutinyno no its not that19:09
Mutinyi cant explain here, too much to type, heres the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8316410&postcount=119:09
zedster1hi, my iwl3945 keeps dying. I've posted the issue to the forum since I keep randomly losing connection and thus makes irc hard http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=831640219:09
ActionParsnipMutiny: or a PPA but i'm not sure you'll find one19:09
soul-dis ther a reason why i can't find audacious /xmms in the apt-get  etc19:09
jeffmrWarren1234: is what working?19:09
memphisActionParsnip, that does not work for some reason19:09
Warren1234my website19:10
Warren1234booted me off my old name19:10
jeffmrI didn't get the address19:10
jeffmrwhat is it19:10
memphisActionParsnip, irw shows that it gets the remote & lirc right, any other clou?19:10
ActionParsnipMutiny: don't mix release debs (hardy debs in karmic) the debs are for hardy, not karmic for a reason. Thats why you have the word Karmic in your sources.list file, they are different19:10
Mutinyyeah im aware of that19:10
Warren1234dang sorry19:10
Mutinybut thats not what im getting at19:11
Mutinyim talking about java in specific19:11
Mutinyi NEED java 519:11
Mutinynot 619:11
RPG_MasterOK, me and my friend are trying to voice chat with Empathy over XMPP. But every time it fails to connect us. Even though we can IM just fine. Whats the deal?19:11
Mutinyand 5 isnt in karmics repo's19:11
trismMutiny: his point is it is probably best to download it and install it manually they messing around with old debs19:11
Mutinyand as explained in my thread, theres a problem19:11
zedster1Mutiny: with java I've found its better to compile from source, but thats just my personal experience19:11
Mutinyi just need sun-java5-jre/bin/plugin.19:12
Mutinythats all19:12
MutinyI dont see why those debs in particular would present problems19:12
Mutinyits java.19:12
BoredKenderRPG_Master, try #telepathy19:12
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Warren1234Thank you!!!19:12
zedster1Mutiny: the icetea packages don't work?19:12
* Warren1234 Dances around19:13
Mutinyno icetea doesnt work.19:13
Mutinyits for a game called runescape, and icetea does not run rs19:13
arandMutiny: download from packages.ubuntu.com ?19:13
Mutinyi have...19:13
Mutinymy thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8316410&postcount=119:13
rcscompI have a USB drive with a persistent Ubuntu install.  I need it for something else, so I backed up all the files.  I am ready to put them back now.  How do I make the drive bootable?19:13
Mutiny^ read, explains the problems from the debs from package.com19:13
=== Caplain__ is now known as Caplain
pietrubensi have no idea if somebody is getting my messages, but at my side it seems aal to freeze19:14
zedster1Mutiny: and you tried sudo apt-get build-dep?19:14
zedster1pietrubens: we can see them19:14
kostkonMutiny, try installing the jaunty ver19:14
Mutinyomfg, apt-get is so godamn stupid sometimes19:15
Mutinyhere i have the damn debs on my bloody desktop19:15
kostkonMutiny, it has thes ia32-sun-java5-bin package19:15
Mutinyand the thing is off trying to fetch them again from the net on my 56k connection ffs19:15
kostkonMutiny, get them from packages.ubutnu.com19:15
Mutinyi got them from packages.com19:15
ActionParsnipMutiny: use: sudo pkg -i *.deb; sudo appt-get -f install19:15
hwildeanybody having weird audio flake out sounds when two apps try to play at the same time??19:15
arrrghhhfahadsadah, so i updated, rebooted... the broadcom driver still won't activate.  did you extrapolate anything from lspci?19:15
kostkonMutiny, the jaunty ones?19:16
Mutinycool so sudo pkg -i *.deb will install them from my desktop?19:16
Mutinythe ones sitting on my desktop?19:16
kostkonMutiny, yeap19:16
lstarnesMutiny: sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/*.deb19:16
zedster1"zedster@zedster-laptop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:16
zedster1 * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0."19:16
ActionParsnipsudo dpkg -i *.deb; sudo appt-get -f instal19:16
sanguisdex1so when I try booting into ubuntu 9.10 I get and error saying "general error mounting file system" right before the screen goes blank. any takers?19:16
hwildeif I only have one app playing audio it works fine.  but if another app makes a beep or ding it messes up the audio and sounds tinny.  then i quit both apps and its fine again19:16
ActionParsnipMutiny: make sure you ~/Desktop first so your pwd is desktop19:17
zedster1I keep getting this error, my /etc/networking/interfaces.conf is in the base config19:17
Mutinygreat, apt-get is stuffed lol19:17
Mutinylove this19:17
kostkonMutiny, what error?19:17
ActionParsnipMutiny: packaged based distros have this weakness19:17
hwildeaudio help - two apps crash audio19:17
Mutinytheres no error19:17
Mutiny"package installer" is frozen19:18
Mutinyand wont let me use apt-get19:18
Mutinybecause its "locked"19:18
Mutinyhow do i kill "Package Installer"?19:18
kostkonMutiny, yeah, you can only use one apt app at any time19:18
ActionParsnipMutiny: do you have synaptic open?19:18
pietrubensafter 10 minutes of freeze, i am back19:18
Mutinyits package installer UI19:19
Mutinythe one that hows up when you click on a deb19:19
Mutinyits frozen19:19
ActionParsnipMutiny: you can have only one app accesing the packages at once, if add/remove programs or software centre isopen it will lock the packages19:19
Mutinyhow do i kill it?19:19
zedster1ActionParsnip: you seem to be in the know, can you give my problem a quick look? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132631719:19
Mutinyyeah, i want to kill this package installer19:19
IdleOnekillall synaptic19:19
ActionParsnipMutiny: alt+f2   type   xkill   then click the app19:19
ActionParsnipzedster1: ask the channel19:20
Mutinydidnt work =S19:20
Mutinyah yup, it worked now =)19:20
Alley^Awayhow do I see my drives in ubuntu?19:20
ActionParsnipMutiny: ps -ef | less    read the list, then you can run: sudo kill  PID19:20
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: sudo fdisk -l19:20
om26er1even after disconnecting the netbook battery charger, panel is showing that charger is connected19:20
pietrubensis it possible that my problem is a problem related just to the 64-bit version?19:20
ActionParsnipMutiny: pid is the leftmost value in the list19:20
zedster1ActionParsnip: I did19:20
Mutinydpkg command didnt work19:21
coreymananyone have an e-server x345?19:21
Alley^Awaywill that also show path to it so I can get to the files?19:21
Alley^Awaylike using krusader etc19:21
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: mount   will show you where the partitions are mounted (you cant mount drives)19:21
jeffmrhave to use nautilus or just cd at the terminal and ls to see19:21
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: when you see where the partitions are mounted, yuo can access them by their mount pooint19:21
slideI can no longer get connected to Ubuntu One, is anyone else having this problem?19:22
Mutinyoh christ sake19:22
cadsyes, my son?19:22
ActionParsnip!fixapt | Mutiny19:22
ubottuMutiny: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:22
sanguisdex1so when I try booting into ubuntu 9.10 I get and error saying "general error mounting file system" right before the screen goes blank. any takers?19:22
Mutinysigh, i give up19:23
zedster1sanguisdex1: do you have grub installed? can you try a safe mode boot?19:23
ActionParsnipsanguisdex1: does the CD pass verification? Did you MD5 test the ISO you burned?19:23
sidewalkhow do i setup remote login for GDM in 9.10?19:23
Mutinyseems its too godamn difficult to downgrade java 6 to 5..19:23
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server19:23
sanguisdex1zedster1: I can boot into safe mode19:23
pc400Where do you change the boot order for the boot loader in ubuntu?  Everyhting on google points to /boot/grub/menu.lst, but no such file exists19:23
ActionParsnipMutiny: because sun dont support it19:23
om26er1slide: i just tried and got connected without a problem19:24
ActionParsnip!grub2 | pc40019:24
ubottupc400: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub219:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm19:24
pc400ubottu,  - thanks19:24
ubottuthanks aliases: thanks!, thank you, thankyou, ty, thanks., thanx, ok, thanks :), domo arigato - added by Mez on 2006-09-09 08:48:3819:24
=== serek_ is now known as serek
Alley^Awaythis is exactly why people dont use linux - I get a list of ehhh no idea things, I just wanna access the cd drive19:25
Silent_EchoActionParsnip: what is the prefered way to back up your system? (where ur doc/pic/music/video files are not important)19:25
arandMutiny: if you want to install both packages that simultaneously depend on each other, use "sudo dpkg -i" from terminal appended by both packages simultaneously19:26
Alley^Awaywhy is a drive list such a hard thing to have19:26
pietrubensis there a difference between applications for the 32 and the 64 bit OS? for example, vlc, wine, amongst others, the normal installers will work on a 64-bit, or do i need specific 64-bit application?19:26
ActionParsnipSilent_Echo: I just use a cron'd cp job, there is no "prefered way". Just use one you like or can configure19:26
ApocapusHi I have Ubuntu 9.10 and I don't know what chips I have...I need drivers19:26
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: sudo fdisk -l  shows you your drives19:26
Alley^AwayActionParsnip: how do I see the dvd drive?19:26
Silent_EchoActionParsnip: cron'd cp?19:27
Alley^Awaybut how to access it?19:27
jarleI am really stuck getting X up and running with a usable screen after upgrading to 9.10. Any hints on some magic commands I could try getting X to work again. (I'm on nvidia, but I am unable to get both nvidia and nv driver to work)19:27
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm19:27
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: put a disk in trhe drive, sudo mount /dev/sr019:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about port6135519:27
ActionParsnipSilent_Echo: cp ==copy19:27
Silent_EchoActionParsnip: usser, thx19:27
GintulisEat beaver - save a tree!19:27
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: the DVD should automount if its data19:27
jeffmrGintulis:  haha19:28
Alley^Awayit is, its a movie, but nothing comes up on the desktop19:28
ActionParsnipAlley^Away: then you can use something like VLC and click file -> open disk19:28
zedster1Apocapus: run sudo lshw19:28
ApocapusWhere do I find that?19:28
tenoch1Guys how should I report a bug related to the gnome panel. What i mean is where do I find the report a problem option for the Gnome panel?19:29
ActionParsnip!bug | tenoch119:29
ubottutenoch1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:29
zedster1Apocapus: is it video driver you need?19:29
zedster1tenoch1: either in gnome forms (They also have their own irc if I recall) or the ubuntu launchpad19:29
OerHekspietrubens, if the repository has a 64 bit version, ubuntu will get this automatic19:30
sanguisdex1so when I try booting into ubuntu 9.10 I get and error saying "general error mounting file system" right before the screen goes blank.  If I boot into safe mode I can run startx and have a normal session19:30
ActionParsnipsanguisdex1: did you test the CD?19:30
sanguisdex1ActionParsnip: yea19:30
mikeg3Hi..I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.1, the installer freezes with a blank screen because of graphics problems.  Tried safe graphics mode, screen still black ...video card is nvidia 6150SE nforce 43019:30
zedster1Apocapus: go to system on the tool bar, then admin -> then hardware drivers19:30
mikeg3what should I do?19:30
tenoch1OK Guys thanks19:31
jeffmrsanguisdex1:  can you check a log19:31
Apocapusok Im here it says no drivers are in use on this system19:31
kostkonmikeg3, try the alternate install cd19:31
[vali]mikeg3: try the alternate CD and install in textmode19:31
ActionParsnipsanguisdex1: try reading    dmesg | less   once in the normal session, see whats going on. also read: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:31
SmnLpzjarle: have you actvated drivers from system-administration-hardware drives?19:31
sanguisdex1jeffmr: I could what log do I check?19:32
mikeg3is this a problem with nvidia cards?19:32
jeffmrActionParsnip says /var/log/Xorg.0.log and dmesg19:32
K3rl0u4rnany FAQ about replacing Karmic's GDM with something lighter like SLiM for example ?19:32
kostkonmikeg3, generally? no19:32
mzawieskahello I am havin problems with xserver display config  when i wanted to set up the twineview i tried save to X configuration file and I am getting this msg Failed to parse existing x config '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!19:32
kostkonmikeg3, in your case, yes19:32
hikenbootwhats the new service to restart gdm19:32
arandMutiny: like so: sudo dpkg -i '/home/user/Download/sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-19-0ubuntu0.9.04_i386.deb' '/home/user/Download/sun-java5-jre_1.5.0-19-0ubuntu0.9.04_all.deb'19:32
ApocapusWhat do I do now?19:33
mzawieskaplease help19:33
pietrubens@oerheks: but that is the thing: i can get NOTHING what so ever, it does not matter which application i try to add/install, none works: not via the package thing from ubuntu itself (which in previous versions on another laptop worked marvellous) or not even downloading the setup file manually and then installing19:33
jeffmrsanguisdex1:  do you know how to read those?19:33
jarleSmnLpz: I have not been able to login to X after upgrading...19:33
SmnLpzmzawieska: you need to do it as superuser.19:33
sanguisdex1jeffmr: nope19:34
OerHekspietrubens,  no internet at all ?19:34
mzawieskasmlpz i dont know how19:34
mikeg3are there any other install switches I might try before the alternate install cd download?19:34
ben-mi noticed that the volume control in 9.10 will change the PCM volume as well as the Master Control, how do i stop this?19:34
mzawieskaSmnLpz, i dont know how19:34
SmnLpzjarle: ouch. then is out of my league to help you.19:34
ApocapusI know I have an intel Intigrated chip...but I don't know the exact make of it19:34
pietrubens@oer: internet works, but with a huge loss of velocity, comparing to the windows connection19:34
Thor1Can someone help me downgrade cherrypy? I purged it from synaptic but when I check its version number in python I get that it is still here19:34
[vali]jarle: login or starting X?19:35
SmnLpzmzawieska: i can guide you trough. but i have to fix something here at home first. please ask again if i dont come back in 10 min.19:35
jarle[vali]: only starting X19:35
SmnLpzmzawieska: i can guide you trough. but i have to fix something here at home first. please ask again in channel for help,  if i dont come back in 10 min.19:35
Archmm I got it installed, im having trouble with sound19:35
Arcit works if i plug speakers in, but the laptop's internal speakers dont work19:36
[vali]so the X server works but you are unable to log in?19:36
mzawieskahello I am havin problems with xserver display config  when i wanted to set up the twineview i tried save to X configuration file and I am getting this msg Failed to parse existing x config '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!19:36
Thor1Can someone help me downgrade cherrypy? I purged it from synaptic but when I check its version number in python I get that it is still here19:36
mzawieskacan some1 help?19:37
hikenboot/etc/init.d gdm restart no longer works in ubuntu 9.10 how do i do this now been searching for half an hour on google with no results19:37
stmillermzawieska run with sudo nvidia-settings19:37
mzawieskai tried that19:38
mzawieskastmiller, doesnt work19:38
stmillermzawieska run sudo nvidia-xconfig to create a new Xorg.conf, then try again19:39
kosnickhello, can anyone see my writings, cause i get a feeling i have some sort of problem with epiphany, or am i wrong?19:39
Thor1Can someone help me downgrade cherrypy? I purged it from synaptic but when I check its version number in python I get that it is still here19:39
smwnHello I just ran the ubuntu cd....it run live fine then I installed it and when It finished and It rebooted it gets to a login screen and flashes hardout saying something about usplashed failed at a certain resolution.....any ideas?19:39
embrikcan i in any way update or upgrade my ubuntu hard fro 32 bit to 64 bit, without reinstall?19:39
=== root is now known as hakan
arandkosnick: sudo /etc/init.d gdm restart  works fine for me it seems19:40
Pietkosnick: we can read what you're writing19:40
greezmunkeyembrik, I want to say no to that, at least not without recompiling the kernel, I could be wrong19:40
kosnickall right , thank you guys!19:40
arandkosnick: or rather /etc/init.d/gdm restart19:41
embrikgreezmunkey: ok19:41
smwnHello I just ran the ubuntu cd....it run live fine then I installed it and when It finished and It rebooted it gets to a login screen and flashes hardout saying something about usplashed failed at a certain resolution.....any ideas?19:41
smwnhow do you reconfigure your X server from a terminal?19:41
smwnwhats the command19:41
Thor1Can someone help me downgrade cherrypy? I purged it from synaptic but when I check its version number in python I get that it is still here19:41
greezmunkeyembrik, think about that for a minute, amkes sense right?19:41
mzawieskastmiller, can u guide me thru i am still getting the same msg19:41
Pietsmwn: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:42
Thor1Can someone help me downgrade cherrypy? I purged it from synaptic but when I check its version number in python I get that it is still here19:42
stmillermzawieska see this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110144519:42
* greezmunkey is stoked about perfecting his vpn connection to work!19:42
=== pwnlord is now known as kleus
smwnis the usplash part of the bootup related to your x server?19:42
lstarnesThor1: how did you install it?19:43
phyrrusyes, it is19:43
phyrrusjust remove gdm19:43
arandsmwn: afaik, no, usplash is separate.19:43
embriksmwn: i don't remember, but I think you'll find the sentence in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:43
kavurtmy karmic automatically mounts all usb drives under19:43
smwnso what do i do when the usplash is crashing19:44
Thor1lstarnes, I think I originally installed it from the command line.  When I figured out that I had the wrong version I re-installed it from synaptic hoping it would override, apparently not.19:44
Gadget3000I have a problem with my surround sound. everything works except the centre speaker. Im using an XFi soundcard and ALSA. I have removed pulseaudio but had the problem before that. please help.19:44
phyrrusrun sudo apt-get remove splashy,usplash19:44
mzawieskastmiller, i tried that treat and i didnt help me19:44
lstarnesThor1: versions installed outside of the package system typically override the packaged versions19:44
Thor1lstarnes, just a moment ago I downloaded the version I wanted.  I installed that via the command line and python is still saying I have the 3.1.2 version installed.19:45
kavurtmy karmic automatically mounts all usb drives under /media/UUID_of_partition which are not written in /etc/fstab. why?19:45
BluetoothMousecan anyone help me get my Microsoft Bluetooth notebook mouse 5000 working?19:45
kleus i installed the notifications-daemon and unistalled notify-osd but now my notifications don't appear as a buble like in the previous versions of ubuntu it's just a square in the lower right corner anyway to fix this?19:45
visIs there a console command I can use to specify which sound card to use with alsa?19:46
kostkonvis, yes19:46
visso I can set it as a default driver for all apps?19:47
Thor1lstarnes, I downloaded 2.3.0 and did a sudo python setup.py install in the unzipped directory.  The install appears to have gone fine - I don't know why its not working.19:47
PietThor1: if this returns a non-zero value then you still have a cherrypy package installed: dpkg -l \*cherrypy\*|egrep '^i'|wc -l19:47
kostkonvis, asoundconf list19:47
kostkonvis, to list your audio devices19:47
kostkonvis, e.g. it lists one as "Live"19:47
Thor1Piet, it returned zero.  But again I installed it through the command line - I'm not sure if that matters.19:47
kostkonvis, thus, then to set it as the default, you do: asoundconf set-default Live19:47
visthanks =) apparantly I don't have that package though19:48
kostkonvis, sorry its set-default-card not set-default19:48
PietThor1: you can also install packages on the command line interface. but apparently you did it some python specific way, which i don't know, and could not support.19:48
kostkonvis, eh, maybe you need to install the alsa-utils package19:49
visah, thanks19:49
vishmm.. apparantly I already have that19:49
cmwslwany idea why my karmic install on a brand new dell laptop has grub 1.97~beta4 instead of grub2?19:49
visthat command is doing nothing..19:50
Dr_Willis  !info grub-pc19:50
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 423 kB, installed size 1712 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc)19:50
Thor1lstarnes, any thoughts?19:50
Dr_Williscmwslw:  that is the version for grub2 :)19:50
kostkonvis, what command?19:50
mzawieskahello I am havin problems with xserver display config  when i wanted to set up the twineview i tried save to X configuration file and I am getting this msg Failed to parse existing x config '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!19:50
viskostkon: asoundconf19:51
mzawieskastmiller, i fallowed it again and still getting the same msg19:51
cmwslwDr_Willis: ah, i was confused since i didn't see any menu.lst  and only grub2 mod files19:51
visasoundconf: command not found19:51
kostkonvis, hmm19:51
stmillermzawieska sorry I don't know! Please stop asking19:51
cmwslwDr_Willis: do you know why my default and timeout changes aren't affecting anything then?19:51
Dr_Willismzawieska:  i used a backup xorg,conf file which i copied to xorg.conf first.  aparenely the nvidia tool gets confused with some sections missing19:51
visits ubuntu 9.1019:52
joschti need help can i connect to a wireless network without logging into my desktop? i just from like tty 1 if i press ctrl+alt+f1 before i log in?19:52
mzawieskaDr_Willis, how can I do it. IDK how19:52
greezmunkeyheh, irssi 1st time...19:52
kostkonvis, ok, it seems it was remove from karmic. but there is "asoundconf-gtk"19:52
=== cory is now known as Guest14748
kostkonvis, just install this19:52
GUckohi guys, I have a Yahoo account. How can I make a video and voice call with someone? Is it possible with Pidgin?19:53
Dr_Willismzawieska:  download one, OR you could tell it to save to some place OTHER then xorg.conf and then copy the newly made file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think that works also19:53
sanguisdex1I am getting a blank screen the problem is the intel graphics chips set and the proposed fix is to "boot with the i915.modeset=0 option" but I don't know how to set that?19:53
GUckoassuming that the other person will use Yahoo IM19:53
Dr_Willismzawieska:  my xorg.conf -> http://pastebin.com/f1e702f5919:53
cmwslwi ran sudo update-grub after modifying /etc/default/grub to have GRUB_TIMEOUT=2, but there is no timeout19:53
mzawieskaDr_Willis, can u guide me how to do it I am ubuntu newb19:53
didiEvery time Ubuntu updates Firefox the entries of the Search Bar (up-right) gets messed up. Does someone knows how to fix it?19:53
digeratiX Have the problems with karmic and the msi wind been fixed yet?19:54
Dr_Willismzawieska:  download that file , sudo cp whatever /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:54
Guest14748i just installed ubuntu 9.10 server on a spare machine and i am following a guide to build a xbmc minimal install and i get the command polkit-auth not found... any ideas19:54
Dr_Willismzawieska:  run the nvidia settings tool gksudo nvidia-settings  and do your changes/save19:54
viskostkon: apting now, thanks very much =)19:54
kostkonvis, :) you have removed pulse?19:55
vislol, no, but I'm really tempted to19:55
visAre there any benefits to it?19:55
kostkonvis, eh yeah, some.19:55
viswhy do you ask?19:55
joschttis it possible to connect to a wireless network from a terminal?19:56
kostkonvis, because to set a default device you can do it in sound prefs instead of using asoundconf. because19:56
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  yes it is19:56
allenbradleyjoschtt : yeah19:56
joschttDr_Willis: can u tell me how to?19:56
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  nope.19:56
allenbradleyjoschtt: ifup wlan019:56
visyeah, I've been having some issues with the gnome sounds preferences.19:56
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  last i di i followed some guide19:56
mzawieskaDr_Willis, I have no idea what yo talking about :<19:56
visfrom earlier: I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with fluxbox, with gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-volume-control-applet. I have an external USB sound card. Sometimes there's no sound even though the applet is set to use the USB card over the integrated sound. I have to go into the applet and change "settings for the selected device" to analogue (which gives me half of the stereo sound) and then back to digital (which gives me both). Why19:56
vis do I have to keep doing this, and is there a way to stop it happening?19:56
durammxHi! have an applet problem. The nm-applet is show wrongly on ubu 9.1019:57
kostkonvis, asoundconf does not work if you have pulse and your apps send their sound through pulse19:57
joschttallenbradley: will it just autoconnect to anything in the keyring?19:57
Dr_Willismzawieska:  time to read a few linux basics tutorials/command like tutorials then i guess.19:57
visHow do I disable pulse?19:57
ocatacoohelp help19:57
allenbradleyno... you actually have to specify the ssid19:57
kostkonvis, what problems do you have with pulse?19:57
visfrom earlier: I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 with fluxbox, with gnome-settings-daemon and gnome-volume-control-applet. I have an external USB sound card. Sometimes there's no sound even though the applet is set to use the USB card over the integrated sound. I have to go into the applet and change "settings for the selected device" to analogue (which gives me half of the stereo sound) and then back to digital (which gives me both). Why19:57
vis do I have to keep doing this, and is there a way to stop it happening?19:57
allenbradleyifup is only a part of the sequence19:57
smwnmy usb wifi works out of the box with 9.10...w00t and it works fast...19:58
Silent_Echohow do i use clonezilla?19:58
joschttallenbradley: so it just starts it and how do u login to a network?19:58
kostkonvis, hmm ok19:58
Gadget3000vis: this worked perfectly for me. http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=828427319:58
visI just want to be able to specify which sound card to use at startup in my flux startup script. Sometimes I use the usb card, sometimes not, depending on where the laptop is19:58
smwn9.10 rawks ma socks19:58
ocatacooa real simple help19:58
usser_Silent_Echo, easy19:58
allenbradleyjoschtt: As a warning, if you do this, nm-applet will stop managing the card19:58
visthanks Gadget300019:59
Silent_Echousser_: mind pm'n me and giving me a walkthrough?19:59
usser_Silent_Echo, download livecd burn it, boot from it, from there on its pretty much self explanatory19:59
joschttallenbradley: but will it restart after a new session?19:59
allenbradleyjoschtt: this could be unnecessarily difficult if you like to click and use once in a while19:59
allenbradleyagain, no.. you have to manually bring up the interface and conncet19:59
ocatacoowhat is my nick displayed as?19:59
allenbradleyjoschtt: so, if you are ready for that, sure19:59
usser_Silent_Echo, i feel rather lazy, ask specific questions about it, and i'll try to answer. rather than walking you through, sorry19:59
xzenoxCan anyone help me with this? I've looked everywhere and couldn't find any posts on blogs/forums on something like this: http://superuser.com/questions/70544/ubuntu-9-10-network-connection-issues19:59
visKostkon: does this way of dealing with the problem seem safe?20:00
m4rkhow do i change the mouse cursor on 9.10?20:00
joschttallenbradley: oh ok so then if say my mom needs to connect to a network at like a cafe u still have to use ifup? cant use the manager?20:00
ibqnafter upgrade to 9.10 i am not able to mount a samba share for guests for people without a user/pass account.. does anybody ran into this?20:00
Silent_Echousser_:  kk...mmm dont i need to back it onto something? or is it just like that....self explanitory20:00
kostkonvis, if you want to remove pulse, yeah it seems to be ok20:00
Dr_Willism4rk:  its under the 'customize' button where you set your theme/appearance settings20:00
usser_Silent_Echo, clonezilla supports different storage methods, you can save to a samba share, nfs, over ssh, to another local disk20:01
allenbradleyjoschtt: it will proce to be a headache. The nm-applet is quite arbitrary. In 8.04, it would  wash itss hands off comletely20:01
ibqnI am talking about guest sharing in nautilus-samba extension...20:01
visSo what's better about pulse, other than a better gui config?20:01
visyay it's gone =D20:01
usser_Silent_Echo, i use a samba share at work, since we have a dedicated storage server20:01
joschttallenbradley: so if i want to be on the safe side and keep using the manager i just login to my x server and let it connect then proceed to tty1 etc20:01
allenbradleyjoschtt: In 9.10, god knows. but its probably not worth the risk. especially if another person might be using the same computer20:01
SteelDragondoes anyone know how to change your refresh rate? My screen is stuck at 59HZ but goes to 75HZ but my nVidia drivers won't let me adjust the refresh rate.20:01
Dr_Willisvis:  you can record/play/ to/from other machines on the network.. individual app volume controll. are 2 features ive used20:01
cmwslwmy grub2's settings changes will not work20:01
m4rkDr_Willis, cool, thanks. got it20:01
Guest14748i just installed ubuntu 9.10 server on a spare machine and i am following a guide to build a xbmc minimal install and i get the command polkit-auth not found... any ideas20:02
Silent_Echousser_: mmm but it will give you the options once u boot up from the disk20:02
allenbradleyjoschtt: Again, if you are the sole user20:02
joschttallenbradley: thanks for the advice i guess i'll just keep using the applet20:02
cmwslwi tried changing the default menu entry to boot into, but it flickers for a split second with the right entry selected, but goes back to the beginning20:02
Dr_Willis!find polkit-auth20:02
usser_Silent_Echo, yes, it'll ask you what you want to do, backup or restore, backup/restore partitions or entire drive, and where you want to save/load your backup to20:02
ubottuFile polkit-auth found in libpolkit-dev, policykit, policykit-1-doc, policykit-doc20:02
cmwslwthere is also no timeout when i set one20:02
allenbradleyjoschtt: mo problem. i'll update you if nm-applet improves in this regard.20:02
Dr_WillisGuest14748:  install those packages the bot mentiuoned.20:02
Silent_Echousser_: thx....i'll b doing that now...thx and thx again20:03
joschtthow do u convert a grub 1 menu.lst to the new grub 2 menu.lst style?20:03
visback in a couple.20:03
visthanks everyone =)20:03
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  with lots of work.. from what ive done.. :(20:03
_cbI want to resize my home partition. When I go to partition editor it shows me /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2... how can I tell which one is home?20:03
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  ive not seen any tools to do it automatically. (not looked recently however)20:04
allenbradley_cb: df -h20:04
joschttDr_Willis: oh i was hoping the upgrade would be super easy because i already have a sep home partition but i guess not20:04
durammxhow can I fix it?20:04
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  a Upgrade will NOT upgrade you to grub2.20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about greezmunkey20:04
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  it will stay with grub120:04
Scunizi_cb: or sudo fdisk -l20:04
_cbthanks allenbradley20:04
joschtti meant reinstall.. because i already have a sep home partition and my experience 8.10 to 9.04 upgrade was bad20:05
joschttdoes my home partition need to be ext4 to get speed benefits?20:05
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  grub and grub2 are worth reading/learning about. :)  ext4 is faster for me.. but if its ext3 now. i wouldent get to worried about it20:05
usser_joscht, i'd stay with ext3 until the next LTS20:06
BlouBloujoschtt: ext4 it's faster than ext3, but it's not needed20:06
joschttmy / is already ext4 so wouldnt i already get the speed benefits or dod i need to format my /home partition too?20:06
_cbOk now I now that /dev/sda10 is /home. How can I label it so if I need to resize it again it will say home on the partition editor label?20:06
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  only if you read/write to your /home.. :)20:06
BlouBloujoschtt: /home is in /, so if you have / in ext4, your home is in ext4 too20:07
greezmunkeynew irssi user here, is it possible to ignore (not see) join/leave messages?20:07
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  would you gain :P  but its proberly not worthj worrying about20:07
joschttno but i have a separate /home partition20:07
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  yes.. in the irssi faq and a factoid here.. but i forget what its called20:07
krainboltArrrrgh, gnome-panel refuses to start on reboot.20:07
BlouBlougreezmunkey: try #irssi :)20:07
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen20:07
BlouBloujoschtt: oh, then as you want :)20:07
ubottuIf you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname20:07
joschttbut i would get the faster bootup right? because ubuntu boots from / ??20:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about parts20:07
Dr_Willisjoschtt:  yes. ext4 will help you boot a little faster20:08
BlouBlouDr_Willis: please, try command via PM20:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about command20:08
joschttok thanks those are my questions20:08
greezmunkeyBlouBlou, got it :]20:08
guntbert!askthebot  | themol20:08
ubottuthemol: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:08
ajahi`m using vmware server my host machine is ubuntu 9.10 i `m connected with internet via wireless connection my virtual machine is windows xp how can i set internet connection on the virtual machine20:08
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, I'll check it out! Thanks guys20:09
themolguntbert : what that mean20:09
dylan__does anyone know why my webcam isnt working with websites like stickam???20:09
themolguntbert : can you show me all ubuntu command20:09
Dr_Willisdylan__:  webcam flash support I think is not 100% in linux20:09
themolam will compile upgrde my kernel20:09
greezmunkeydylan__, I can see you just fine!20:09
StupidWeaselHello ajah, NAT with vmware seems to work fine.20:09
ibqnafter upgrade to 9.10 i am not able to mount a samba share for guests for people without a user/pass account.. does anybody ran into this? I am talking about guest sharing in nautilus-samba extension...20:09
Dr_Willis0_o  see me :)20:09
dylan__is there any way to get it working/20:10
guntbertthemol: if you want to see what the bot knows, you can type: /msg ubottu hi  - and get a private chat window with ubottu20:10
jeffmranybody have problems using wpa with their wireless card?20:10
StupidWeaselI'm using a bridged lan connection at the moment, the very irc client I'm using is running on a 9.10 virtual machine (which is a copy of my recently dead laptop :( )20:10
greezmunkeydylan__, do you have a way to see the output of the camera?20:11
AzaTothI've got an hp tx1000 thingi, and when I entered an dvdrw disk first time a dialog popped up, but now I can't get it to indicate anywhere that there is an dvdrw disk instered at all, even after reboot20:11
guntbertthemol: maybe you want to see !terminal too ...20:11
AzaTothis this an feature or an bug?20:11
dylan__i can use the camera with an application installed on my laptop it just doent work on stickam20:11
greezmunkeydylan__, is it sending images, I should say...20:11
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  the disk is blank?20:11
dylan__yea just not on stickam20:11
AzaTothDr_Willis: yes20:11
dylan__greezmunkey: yea but it doesnt work with stickam for some reason20:12
AzaTothDr_Willis: first time I inserted the disk the "what do you want to do" dialog popped up20:12
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  I thouigh it poped up somthing about 'launching a burning tool' or somthing.. but ive not tried it in 9.10 yet since beta.20:12
AzaTothDr_Willis: though I actually upped to 9.10 after last successful try I assume20:13
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  I normnally disable all those autorun things.. they get in the way mor ethen they help me.20:13
AzaTothDr_Willis: true, but I don't even have an device (/dev/sdb)20:13
Vendettagainsthey, can someone help me out? ubuntu won't pick up any wireless networks and i needz mah interwebz. :(20:13
guntbertDr_Willis: decrease your typing error rate :-)20:13
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  cds are like /dev/sr0 i think20:13
mzawieskaSmnLpz, hey u there?20:14
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  also there should be a /dev/cdrom or /dev/dvd20:14
AzaTothDr_Willis: no sr-devices as all20:14
AzaTothno /dev/dvd*20:14
android6011is there a way to fix "checking battery state" after a new install? It starts and then hangs there20:14
Dr_WillisAzaToth:  thats very weird,.20:14
AzaTothno /dev/cdrom20:14
greezmunkeydylan__, do you have anything blocking streaming, firewall, iptables?20:14
dylan__greezmunkey: no20:14
Dr_Willisguntbert:  oK iWiLL TrY H@rd3r20:14
guntbertDr_Willis: ;-)20:15
Dr_WillisGotta love netbook keyboards20:15
insm0dHey, Dr_Willis, while we're talking about cd drives I have been having a problem with mine.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/310623/  Right now I'm at work, with no cds to try it out with20:15
greezmunkeydylan__, you run tcpdump in a terminal pointed at your wan interface, then run your program to see if it is a network issue20:15
Dr_Willisim about to remove the optical drives in my linux box's i need more HD space20:15
ScuniziDr_Willis: don't you mean .. more space to put harddrives?20:16
AzaTothDr_Willis: when docing the drive, syslog says: ata3: exception Emask 0x10 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0xe frozen20:16
dylan__greezmunkey: so i type tcpdump in a terminal and then open stickam player?20:16
manuel_hi guys, i have a little problem, i havce installed ubuntu 64 bits but when i try flash player it works, but i can use its functions (for example, i can't click on pause), can someone help with this?20:16
nerdy_kidpulseaudio CPU goes to 100 whenever i open pavcontrol with webcam attached...help?20:16
greezmunkeydylan__, it would be more like: sudo tcpdump -i (your interface), then run your program20:17
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AzaTothDr_Willis: there is no indication at all in the syslog when I insert a disk20:17
Dsgnmanuel_: i have that problem too, in jaunty it worked fine20:18
manuel_Dsgn: what could be the prob?20:19
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greezmunkeydylan__, any luck, I got split out20:19
Pirate_HunterIf I wish to save resources in using an application on a server install what is more advisable, using php application or java application?20:19
dylan__greezmunkey: nope it didn't wrk20:20
Dsgnprobably a bug in karmic that needs to be solved20:20
wiehanHi, I just bought myself a new 1TB hard drive, and would like to know which is the best filesystem for simply backing up, it would only be used to copy and paste (rsync or by other or manual means) large volumes of files. Which is the best for that purpose: JFS, XFS, EXT4, Btrfs, Reiserfs, other??20:20
nerdy_kidahh help pulseaudio hates my webcam!20:20
greezmunkeydylan__, what output did you get from tcpdump, anything interesting. Oh, tcpdump won't make your program work, just tell you what is on the "wire"20:20
dylan__it started capturing more packets once i clicked on the player but thats about it i'll do it again and show you20:21
greezmunkeydylan__, tcpdump will tell you if the issue is with your network, connection, etc.20:21
greezmunkeydylan__, pastebin20:22
joschti was falsely led to believe that switching to oss4 would solve my mic not working, but it just made worse problems. How can i switch back to pulse?20:24
wiehanWhat is the best file system for simply backing up20:25
dylan__ greezmunkey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318869/20:25
usser_wiehan, go with plain old proven ext320:25
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nerdy_kidpulseaudio uses 100%CPU with webcam20:26
nonix4what is it with windows managed by gnome losing the ability to get keyboard focus after a while of changing window focus?? (... any way to fix?)20:26
ajahi`m using vmware server my host machine is ubuntu 9.10 i `m connected with internet via wireless connection my virtual machine is windows xp how can i set internet connection on the virtual machine20:27
greezmunkeydylan__, I ran nslookup on that IP, no server...
ajahi set the network adapter option to be bridged20:28
ajahbut with no success20:28
usser_ajah, you can use NAT or bridged mode, its gotta be in the properties of a VM somewhere20:28
greezmunkeydylan, but that doesn't mean it wont work...20:28
guntbertajah: I'd say thats a vmware question...20:28
dylan__greezmunkey: what does it mean then?20:28
greezmunkeydylan__, it looks ok, what are you using to send the stream?20:28
nvmehey does anyone know what ISOs support he isofrom option ?20:29
dylan__greezmunkey: what do you mean?20:29
NemesisDhi all. i set up an ubuntu server but apparently the video is intermittant, doesn't always work upon boot. I'm not used to ubuntu server but there's no X log to check so where should I start my troubleshooting?20:29
greezmunkeydylan__, What program are you using to connect to stickam?20:30
dylan__greezmunkey: the stickam player i guess20:30
obiwan_hi everybody20:30
mzawieskacan some1 help me with my problem20:30
obiwan_i got ain ipod touch20:30
greezmunkeydylan__, hmm, let me look, brb20:30
mzawieskaI been on many problems still getting the same error20:30
obiwan_and i'd really love to pull al my mp3 off it20:30
mzawieskahello I am havin problems with xserver display config  when i wanted to set up the twineview i tried save to X configuration file and I am getting this msg Failed to parse existing x config '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'!20:31
obiwan_i tried wine with some win apps but wine can't20:31
usser_mzawieska, probably because it doesnt exist in karmic anymore20:31
obiwan_every single program i use gime eror20:31
usser_mzawieska, what does ls -l /etc/X11/xorg.conf say?20:31
chx_i am trying to disable ipv6. lsmod does not show ipv6. ifconfig does not show ipv6 addresses yet mplayer says Resolving example.com for AF_INET6...20:31
greezmunkeydylan__, what browser are you using?20:32
mzawieskausser_, hold on let me check20:32
dylan__greezmunkey: Firefox 3.520:32
greezmunkeydylan__, brb20:32
Xacarith'User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being saved.  The file should be owned by user and have 644 permissions.  User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users.'  I get this when logging into linux and is causing some issues.  I have tried a few chown and chmod commands that I found through searching but none have had any effect.20:32
mzawieskausser_, can not access no such file or directory20:33
ajahhow to transfer files from my host machine to the virtual machine20:33
usser_mzawieska, i see, run sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:33
billybigriggerany bash gurus here?20:33
mzawieskausser_, oki hold on20:33
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Scuniziajah: in virtualbox?20:34
|Scott|hi, is anyone here experienced with wine?20:34
billybigriggerwhat would be the best way to run a command, that needs root access in a script? ie gksu <command>20:34
guntbertXacarith: paste the output of "ls -ld ~" (without quotes) please20:34
usser_billybigrigger, unattended script?20:34
mzawieskausser_, okay done and ?20:34
ajahScunizi yeah i`m using vmware seever20:34
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usser_mzawieska, try whatever you tried before to get twinview20:34
billybigriggerusser_, lemme paste my script20:35
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Dsgnobiwan_: have you tried rhythmbox?20:35
usser_mzawieska, nvidia-config utility must be run with sudo to be able to save to /etc/X1120:35
mzawieskausser_, u mean sudo nvidia-settings?20:35
usser_mzawieska, yea that20:35
billybigriggerusser_, http://pastebin.ca/167146720:35
usser_mzawieska, run it with sudo20:35
nvmeDoes anyone know how to get XBMC live iso to boot from grub2 ?20:35
greezmunkeydylan__, do you know if you have flash plugged into FF?20:35
Scuniziajah: I got off vmware server 2 years ago.. I just found it too heavy and I didn't like the webbased control panel. It was just too klunky.20:35
dylan__greezmunkey: yea i do20:36
billybigriggerusser_, i want it to run stunnel as root, then launch pan, and exit to free up the terminal, i also run that script from a quick launch icon in my panel, so whats the best way to exit cleanly? just append "exit" to the last line?20:36
mzawieskausser_, when i did that it said u do not appear to be using Nvidia driver.Please edit your X config bla bla bla20:36
usser_billybigrigger, ok, gksu should work20:36
obiwan_Dsgn: yeah, but itouchs and iphones are blocked , you can't enter drive mode , there's some programs in windows and in mac. for example i used senuti in mac once and worked perfect, but  i tried wine with some win programs and won't install wine has problems with all them20:36
Nayballs Hey everyone, don't suppose someone could help me solve this tiny issue that I have?.20:36
billybigriggerNayballs, best to just ask :)20:37
furuno!ask | Nayballs20:37
ubottuNayballs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:37
guntbert!ask | Nayballs20:37
greezmunkeydylan__, hmm, that's the only requirement I could find on their page...Their page was pretty sluggish tho...Has it ever worked?20:37
usser_billybigrigger, yea, you can add nohup in front of commands that matter so that they keep running after script is terminated20:37
Xacarithguntbert 420:37
usser_mzawieska, huh? i didnt think nvidia cared.20:37
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mzawieskausser_, yupp20:38
OpenSourcedNickmy terminal still scrambles the letters when I run a command that is bigger than one line, what to do?20:38
billybigriggerusser_, http://pastebin.ca/1671472 like that?20:38
mzawieskausser_, reinstall drivers20:38
dylan__greezmunkey: i remember once i got it working with vlc player somehow but it only worked for a second and then it quit working20:38
usser_mzawieska, no, no need to reinstall drivers20:38
guntbertXacarith: no, it must be something like: drwxr-xr-x 137 re re 12288 2009-11-14 18:08 /home/re20:38
NayballsHaving a problem with installing WoW, i've read the forums and such when I click on the Installer.exe it says Access denied also - It won't let me copy and paste the files onto the desktop into a folder. I can solve it by doing it as root but I REALLY don't want too do that20:38
SafeIf I have a soundcard that can change bass/treble, is it accessible from the alsamixer?20:38
mzawieskausser_, so what should i do/20:38
greezmunkeydylan__, are you sure that nothing else is accessing your camera locally, and AIM client or anything?20:39
guntbertXacarith: review the command I gave you20:39
usser_mzawieska, add this to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m500fbaea20:39
ldiamondI just launched the distro upgrade, and it failed over halfway20:39
dylan__greezmunkey: yea i'm positive20:39
ldiamondNow my system wont boot...20:39
usser_mzawieska, that should shut nvidia utility up20:39
_paco_Hi anyone ubuntuforums user? I just need a .jpg and don't want to register20:39
StrangeCharm_the installer disk supports encrypted roots. is it possible to mount additional encrypted volumes when the encrypted root is mounted, but - instead of using passphrases - using a keyfile on the root?20:39
phobiacI'm trying to install ubuntu onto a hard drive that will then be placed in another computer. The hard drive is in an external enclosure. I've looked over the install options and can't really see which one would apply for this situation.20:39
furunoNayballs: try chaning the folder premissions (right click on the folder and choose properties)20:40
guntbert!ot | _paco_20:40
ubottu_paco_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:40
usser_billybigrigger, swap nohup and gksu20:40
_paco_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=610527   -> xboxgamepad.jpg   the second one pls  upload anywhere w/o registrratin20:40
greezmunkeydylan__, dude, I don't have a camera to run tests from here, sorry I can't help past that :(20:40
usser_billybigrigger, ie gksu nohup20:40
billybigriggerusser_, awesome thanks20:40
Xacarithguntbert You just wanted me to type 'ls -ds' in terminal?  Oh, i missed thee ~20:40
moshisushhello! firefox says "bus error" when i try to start it.. what is this about?20:40
phobiacI'm looking for a way to install that won't require me to reboot and boot from an install CD, really20:40
furunoNayballs: you might want to change it from root mode nautilus tought (gksudo nautilus)20:40
Jordan_Uphobiac: Do a standard install but making sure grub gets installed to the external20:40
_paco_thx guntbert20:40
dylan__greezmunkey: k thanks for the help n e way though20:40
greezmunkeydylan__, good luck with that!20:40
guntbertXacarith: no, it was ls -ld ~20:40
phobiacJordan_U: I figured that, but is there some way you know of to just do that in my already in place ubuntu install?20:40
NayballsI'll give that ago Furuno thanks20:40
dylan__greezmunkey: i'll figure somethin out20:40
LeeFocan someone send me broadcom_wireless- for ndiswrapper?..one dl link is broken :-(20:41
guntbertXacarith: not -ds20:41
ajahhow to transfer files from my host machine to the virtual machine20:41
greezmunkeydylan__, so what camer do you have?20:41
nerdy_kiddoes pidgen support video chat?  --myspaceim; facebook...20:41
phobiacCan I just download the packages the installer has? I didn't think to before because I wasn't sure if that would screw with my system.20:41
Xacarithguntbert forgive me for being a little dyslexic at times  drwxr-xr-x20:42
Jordan_Uphobiac: So you have an internal drive that's booting fine and you want to move it to an external enclosure?20:42
guntbertXacarith: please - I need the whole line20:42
Xacarithdrwxr-xr-x 58 kessie kessie 4096 2009-11-14 14:53 /home/kessie20:43
moshisushfirefox just all of a sudden stopped working.. i'm not even really sure what bus error means20:43
moshisushno one else got this problem=20:43
phobiacJordan_U: No, I have an internal drive in an external enclosure, that I want to install ubuntu to. BUT it will be intended to be placed internally, it's only in an external enclosure for convience at the moment.20:43
mzawieskausser_, okay done it and now what?20:44
phobiacIt's going in another machine, and I really don't want to have to shutdown and boot from a liveCD just to install ubuntu onto this drive.20:44
usser_mzawieska, rerun nvidia-settings wit sudo20:44
guntbertXacarith: looks good, now please type ls -ld ~/.dmrc20:44
chudIs there any way to setup keystroke to turn appearance settins on and off?20:44
ldiamondI just launched the distro upgrade, and it failed over halfway...Now my system wont boot...20:44
ibqnafter upgrade to 9.10 i am not able to mount a samba share for guests for people without a user/pass account.. does anybody ran into this? I am talking about guest sharing in nautilus-samba extension...20:44
jago25fdisk -l says my partitions aren't in order. Ubuntu freezes on startup waiting for the root partition. Editing /etc/fstab doesn't change this. Ideas?20:44
Jordan_Uphobiac: If it's working in the external enclosure, and grub is actually installed to it rather than your internal drive then there is nothing you need to do20:44
nvmehow do you find the uuid of a FS ?20:44
phobiacJordan_U: I haven't installed it yet.20:45
Xacarith-rw------- 1 kessie kessie 177703 2009-11-13 19:10 /home/kessie/.dmrc20:45
guntbertnvme: blkid20:45
usser_nvme, sudo blkid20:45
f4lcokianhi all guys20:45
furuno!hi | f4lcokian20:45
ubottuf4lcokian: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:45
phobiacJordan_U: I'm trying to see if anyone knows of a way to install to it that won't require me to reboot.20:45
krummlaufhow do i get vlc to wok with my speaker20:45
Jordan_Uphobiac: Why don't you want to reboot?20:46
rocknroll00Hello! I wanted to try K-3D and installed it. When I run it, the splash screen runs to "Starting user interface", and then disapear. In my kern.log, I have this error message: "[24319.025691] k3d-bin[8217]: segfault at 455c677 ip 04508b43 sp bfddcd30 error 7 in radeon_dri.so[44b8000+24f000]" ... should I report a bug on launchpad? Do you have any idea?20:46
infidon my LAN, to emulate being an 'outside/internet' user all i have to do is try to connect to my local computers by my external IP address rather as localhost right? ie can i test if my firewall is allowing remote internet connections from inside my network?20:46
phobiacJordan_U: thank you for your attempt to help, I'll just put up with not having access to my machine for a half hour while I install this.20:47
usser_infid, most consumer grade routers dont allow that, ie it simply wont work.20:47
ajahhow to transer file from mu host machine to virtual machine ,i`m using vmware server20:47
guntbertXacarith: now we are getting somewhere (I hope): pleas type "chmod -v 0644 ~/.dmrc" (again without quotes)20:47
infidusser_ really? so the only way to test it is to be on a computer outside the network?20:47
usser_infid, or ssh somewhere outside, and connect from there20:47
Jordan_Uinfid: Yes, there are many sites that will do port scans for you, or you can connect via tor or some other proxy20:48
f4lcokianhi all..20:48
jago25phobiac: did you investigate the windows installer (installs to a file in windows I think, but perhaps we could convert it to a partition?)20:48
infidwhy dont routers allow you to connect to yourself from your external ip?20:49
mzawieskausser_, man works perfect20:49
Xacarithmode of `/home/kessie/.dmrc' changed to 0644 (rw-r--r--)20:49
usser_mzawieska, cool :)20:49
guntbert!who | Xacarith20:49
ubottuXacarith: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:49
craigbass1976If I boot to a live cd and chroot to the / of the dying drive, can I run a mysqldump?20:49
usser_infid, i dont know... laziness. i've had at least couple of different models do that, in particular most verizon routers seem to suffer from that20:50
Billiardcraigbass1976: yes20:50
malsynedWhen I start playing a flash video (on, say, youtube or hulu), the sounds works fine.  Shortly after it starts to skip, and then it cuts out entirely.  Refreshing the page brings sound back, only to have it cut out again shortly after.20:50
Billiardcraigbass1976: but if its dying idk how well it will work20:50
craigbass1976usser_, verizon routers suffer from what?  Are you talking about the westell 6100 perhaps?20:50
mzawieskausser_, thank you alot LOL :)20:50
guntbertXacarith: good, now try to log out and back in20:50
Jordan_Uinfid: It's just the way they are implemented, sending a packet pack out the interface it came is not understood ( or maybe is not done to prevent routing loops )20:51
gnutoohi, how do I make nm-applet not use usb0?20:51
Billiardmalsyned: which flashplayer and from where did you install20:51
infidi dont think verizon makes routers, they just use like motorolla and stuff20:51
gnutooI've tried modifying /etc/network/interfaces20:51
gnutooit doesn't work20:51
usser_craigbass1976, maybe, i have a versalink wireless router here.20:52
gnutooI've huge boot->test times on my embedded device because of that20:52
Billiardgnutoo: adding a line for it under interfaces should make nm not use it20:52
malsynedBilliard: checking...20:52
Xacarithguntbert Thank you for your help, and hopefully I will get a new hard drive soon before more problems come up.20:52
craigbass1976Billiard, I can actually boot, but there's an issue (the drive is dying) but it mounts readonly.  I tried earlier writing out the dumps to a thumb drive (mounted in /mnt) but that too was read only.  Now that I'm at home (no customers busting in) I can probably dork with it enough to get it to write out20:52
gnutooBilliard, ah I've added that:20:52
Billiardgnutoo: pastebin your interfaces file maybe20:52
malsynedBilliard: looks like I've got "adobe-flashplugin"20:52
gnutoothat's what I'm doing20:52
guntbertXacarith: you're welcome :-) (but I don't see what that could have to do with a defective HD)20:53
craigbass1976usser_, I ask because we have a westell 6100 at work (though we're with Fairpoint now, we just ahve the modem we got from verizon) and our connection is horrid.  Haven't decided where the problem is yet... line, modem, snapgear firewall, etc20:53
Billiardmalsyned: not really familiar with that package, try flashplayer-nonfree20:53
Xacarithguntbert The operating system had errors on it and this problem happened right after having to force a hard drive scan which turned up many problems20:54
malsynedBilliard: do you mean flashplugin-nonfree?20:54
Billiardgnutoo: yea i would think that would make nm ignore it20:54
Billiardmalsyned: yes sorry20:54
usser_craigbass1976, the westell i had from cablevision was fine in that regard dont remember the model though20:55
malsynedBilliard: OK I'll try it.20:55
guntbertXacarith: I see - Good luck :-) then20:55
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:55
Xacarithguntbert Thanks, take care20:55
maddmikedose anyone have any idea's for how to make the screen turn off on my laptop when i close the lid, its set in power management to do it but dosent work... works in windows fine and works in system start up fine20:55
maddmikerunning buntu 9.1020:55
Apocapushello? I have a problem with wine20:56
malsynedBilliard: do you think I'll need flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound?20:56
ApocapusI enabled Virtual Desktop and increased the font size so now...I can't make any changes to Wine and It glitches20:56
Billiardmalsyned: not sure, ive never needed it20:56
craigbass1976usser_, I think it's got more to do with Fairpoint declared bankruptcy lately, and trouble in rural Maine is probably the least of their worries...20:57
Billiardmaddmike: the light stays on when you close it?20:57
matiuI have a password that only evolution knows .. I think it's in my gnome keyring .. any idea how I can get it to load onto another machine please ?20:57
craigbass1976usser_, it does suck though when I'm running a web server on our connection20:57
matiubasically just to pull it up on screen ..20:58
maddmikeyes it dose20:58
craigbass1976matiu, there must be a text file somewhere...20:58
Billiardmaddmike: thats odd20:58
maddmikebillard ok to pvt u?20:58
matiucraigbass1976, yeah, it's encrypted with the gnome keyring password20:58
AndrewGe1Hi all. Does anyone know how to enable the pc speaker, after it's been disabled in karmic?20:59
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usser_craigbass1976, cant you negotiate some special deal, a business connection. Consumer internet offerings are usually assymetric ie 15mbit down/1mbit up20:59
matiucraigbass1976, ./gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring20:59
Billiardmaddmike: pvt? i dont have any ideas how to fix it, my guess is ubuntu doesnt know how to sense when the screen is shut20:59
Xacarithguntbert *sigh* still getting the same message when I log in...20:59
tadpolecan somebody please help me... i updated firefox to 3.6, and it doesnt allow flash even though i have all the flash plugins. so i deleted firefox 3.6, and when i tried to install 3.5 it just keeps 3.6. how do i downgrade to 3.5??20:59
NehMohHi there, can anyone tell how to configure ubuntu karmik to mount /proc/bus/usbfs with a given GID permission?, I tried with none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1001,devmode=664 0 0, but it always mounts as root now21:00
tadpoleby the way, i'm a total newbie, so i would really appreciate some newb friendly help :P21:00
NehMohsomething has changed in the permission system, it seems?21:00
malsynedBilliard: OK, I removed adobe-flashplugin and installed flashplugin-nonfree, but it's doing the same thing.21:00
coi6644hi guys21:00
coi6644whats up?21:01
guntbertXacarith: odd - I'll do a little searching21:01
DanaGStupid SEGVidia21:01
Billiardmalsyned: ok, ive got no more ideas sorry21:01
coi6644tadpole: did u complete uninstalled21:01
BluesKaj!ask | tadpole21:01
ubottutadpole: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:01
NayballssHmm, it's still not letting me extract files off my CD says I do not have permission though I changed it in systems ---> admins --> Users and groups >_<21:01
Dsgnmalsyned: Billiard: what's the problem?21:01
malsynedDsgn: Sound skips, then cuts out, in flash movies.21:02
setzHi all21:02
tadpolecoi6644: yes, i complete uninstalled with synaptic manager. but when i installed 3.5, it just gave me something called Shiretoko. but when i click shiretoko, it opens up firefox 3.6. i can tell because it has the persona skin21:02
gmathewsHey, whats the command line entry to update ubuntu?21:02
IgramulHi, how can I autostart bind at system start?21:03
SJrI have a question, how do I get the development man page?21:03
SJrI have a question, how do I get the development man pages?21:03
Dsgnmalsyned: I have a problem with my sound too21:03
MrPiracynewbie question: nautilus is opening without the left-hand side treeview list. How do i restore it?21:03
malsynedDsgn: same problem?21:03
BilliardNehMoh: why do you want to change the permissions?21:03
DivineEntitySJr,  what do you wan to develop in ?21:04
guntbertXacarith: please again type ls -l ~/.dmrc21:04
DivineEntityman gcc21:04
coi6644tadpole: man, shiretoko is a kind of "codename" of mozilla firefox21:04
LjLSJr: sudo apt-get install manpages-dev21:04
DivineEntitythats just the compiler21:04
NehMohBilliard: how else can you give virtualbox users permissions to use usb devices?21:04
darknezzi have a problem with my synaptic package manager.... i wanted to update flash soo i downloaded the deb from the adobe website now i cant update or even enter synaptic package manager. if someone can help me that be nice :)21:04
SJrNo LjL had what I wanted21:04
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coi6644tadpole: when u deinstalled, u tried execute firefox to see if it was really uninstalled?21:04
Xacarithguntbert I've found many things in a search, most come down to using four commands with chmod and chown and I've tried them several times21:04
Xacarithguntbert -rw-r--r-- 1 kessie kessie 177703 2009-11-13 19:10 /home/kessie/.dmrc21:05
tadpolecoi6644: yea, someone told me that. but what i really want is to downgrade to firefox 3.5, like the one that came with my ubuntu 9.10.21:05
NehMohBilliard: it breaks every time I upgrade. I really hate every permission system change21:05
BilliardNehMoh: thats not the proper way, hold on ill find the correct command21:05
tadpolecoi6644: im going to try and uninstall again. do you know exactly what files i should uninstall?21:05
NehMohBilliard: thanks21:05
Dsgnmalsyned: after upgrading to karmic, sometimes an application "mutes" the rest of the other running applications.21:05
redrebelwhat happens when you do <CTRL>+z ?? does the program continue to run??21:06
malsynedDsgn: eek.  That's not the same problem as mine though.21:06
Idle0nehey guys when I install ubuntu 9.10 on my mac pro it boots to grub but it is at the grub rescue>21:06
LeeFocan someone send me broadcom_wireless- for ndiswrapper?..one dl link is broken :-(21:06
NehMohredrebel: no, it stops until you type "fg"21:06
coi6644tadpole: man, maybe ubuntu tries to install the last version. maybe if u try find 3.5 pkt it'll work21:06
Idle0neis there a way at this prompt to tell it where the partition is?21:06
NehMohredrebel: or bg21:06
malsynedMrPiracy: I know that one way to do it is to run gconf-editor, browse to apps/nautilus/preferences, and check always_use_browser21:07
Idle0neI ask because I tried root (hd1,3) and it just said root unknown command21:07
redrebelNehMoh, so it's not like minimizing a window21:07
Idle0neanyone have any ideas?21:07
NehMohredrebel: if you do "ctrl+z", and then "bg", it will be the same21:07
greezmunkeyWhen I check netstat, I see a lot of STREM entries, what does that usually mean?21:08
NehMohredrebel: but if it outputs anythign you'll still see it, it's not hidden. it just lets you type other new commands while this one runs in background21:08
mgvwhere can i find a guide to install my graphic card?21:08
malsynedMrPiracy: to get the tree view for a single folder, right-click it and select "Browse Folder"21:08
greezmunkeyAm I seeing this IRC connection mostly?21:08
tadpolecoi6644: <tadpole> here, this should be easier21:08
tadpole<tadpole> could you help me find the 3.5 pkt please? im not even sure what it is or how to use it..21:08
redrebelNehMoh, thanx21:08
MrPiracymalsyned: having a look now, thx21:08
BilliardNehMoh: sorry havent messed with vbox in a few ubuntu versions, are you a member of the vboxusers group21:09
coi6644<tadpole> no doubt21:09
guntbertXacarith: and we are talking about the account kessie ?21:09
tadpolecoi6644: sorry?21:09
NehMohBilliard: yes, actually it was working a few days back21:09
NehMohBilliard: I think it's due to some hal upgrade, but so far I couldnt' figure out21:09
NehMohBilliard: the previous mountdevfs scripts are gone too21:10
NehMohsomebody has been doing nasty stuff =(21:10
setzI seem to have screwed something up when moving to 9.10, the "open with" menu isn't remembering anything I put in, and there isn't the default checkbox. Its also saying file type is unknown (was a png in the screenshot): http://sj.arc-nova.org/b/Screenshot-Choose%20an%20Application.png21:10
setzanyone know a solution or am I better off posting on the forums for this?21:10
BilliardNehMoh: you are using the non open source version?21:10
venturaHi everyone!21:10
Xacarithguntbert that would be the user name, yes21:10
NehMohBilliard: yes, the OSE version doesn't support usb21:10
BilliardNehMoh: yea21:11
shadowhywind I was wondering how would one go about mapping a keypress to a mouse button. (aka I have a side button on my mouse that I want to map to the alt key)21:11
setzI tried creating another user and it worked fine, so I know it has to be something user-specific21:11
malsynedOK, my sound problems are further-reaching.  When I try to play something with mpg321, I get "ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms" and it sounds unlistenable - all chop and jitter.21:11
NehMohBilliard: worst is that this is my job work machine, so I really need to figure out asap21:11
guntbertXacarith: strange, as I see it the settings are correct21:11
MrPiracymalsyned: yeah, "always use browser" .... that was it ;)21:12
ArtimusHas anyone had trouble with 64-bit Firefox crashing in Karmic? This is with or without flash installed. The firefox window will "freeze" (It turns solid gray or transparent, like it's not being redrawn properly). I've tried removing flash, no difference.21:12
BilliardNehMoh: ill google see if i can find anything21:12
malsynedMrPiracy: Good!21:12
NehMohBilliard: I already did. This channel was my last choice ;) what I don't know is why mount does not obbey fstab settings. It did in the past21:12
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro21:13
MrPiracymalsyned: now i am trying to put an icon for nautilus to the dock. added a launcher, but the icon appears and nothing happens when i click on it21:13
venturaI'm trying to use a sony md300 modem in ubuntu 9.10 but it's recognized only as pendrive. I've tried a couple of things from the internet, but nothing seems to work. Can anybody help me? Thank you.21:13
NehMohBilliard: I think I'll resort to a sudo chmod script, handmade21:13
NehMohor chown21:13
usser_ventura, unmount the pendrive, it should then detect it as a moded21:13
BilliardNehMoh: alright, a hack but itll prolly work21:13
MrPiracymalsyned: i put "nautilus" in the 3 text boxes when i created the launcher21:13
NehMohBilliard: that's what I love from linux. Do it your way ;)21:13
malsynedMrPiracy: That's weird.  Never tried it.  Why not go to Places -> Home Folder when you want to launch Nautilus?21:14
Xacarithguntbert perhaps I should try a full restart.  And if that does not work consider the OS corrupted in some way that is not easily fixed...21:14
malsynedOh good.  Solved all my sound problems by killing pulseaudio.21:14
MrPiracymalsyned: cos i was thinking of taking the panel out ... leaving just the dock at the bottom21:15
greezmunkeyWhoa, It seems that most eveything running on this box has a tcp port assigned. Does that have something to do with making this box accessible over a network?21:15
malsynedMrPiracy: ah.  I've never used the dock.  so I'm not the guy to ask.21:15
guntbertXacarith: no - don't worry, the file is not *very* important anyway - I'd just ignore it21:15
MrPiracymalsyned: alright, np ;) thx for ur help anyways21:15
Xacarithmalsyned I actually have done that before, and installing the old EsounD21:15
MrPiracymalsyned: what sound problems were you having?21:16
Xacarithguntbert I read some where that it can be deleted and it will automatically be recreated.21:16
malsynedMrPiracy: mpg321 was unlistenably choppy.  Flash player sound cut out a few seconds after starting.21:16
BilliardNehMoh: did you try the VBOX_USB=USBFS VirtualBox21:17
MrPiracymalsyned: i am having lots of sound problems as well, just didnt get there yet ;)21:17
guntbertXacarith: seems reasonable - instead of deleting I'd rename it to .dmrc-myoldversion or so...21:17
malsynedMrPiracy: well, I don't know how to fix my problem permanently, but try running "pulseaudio -k" and see if your problems go away.21:17
BilliardNehMoh: or actually you said the permissions werent getting set in the bus/usb that was the prob21:17
MrPiracymalsyned: as they say, first steps first21:17
NehMohBilliard: I thought that was the issue, but even now that I changed permissions manually, it does not seem to be able to access it. it says there's no usbfs21:18
Xacarithguntbert putting old or bck onto it is the typical way of doing it I think21:18
Riottais here any Ubuntu 9.10 user which got A4Tech mouse?21:18
Riottaplease pm me21:18
torgeirHi! I have a big problem, i cant install mscorefonts from ubuntu-restricted-extras and now every time i try to install something else it also tries to install the fonts, how do I remove this from apt-get ??21:18
BilliardNehMoh: so do the devices show up for you to choose in the menus? but greyed out21:18
MrPiracymalsyned: i dont have choppy problems, i just wanted to find a way to play two different lines to the out jacks in the back and in the front21:18
guntbertXacarith: whatever you like and remember21:18
MrPiracymalsyned: this same card works fine in windows and used to work in feisty, so i know it's possible21:19
NehMohBilliard: what... what does that envvar do?21:19
NehMohNehMoh: now it works21:19
jcrawfordok I am once again attempting an install from the live cd, there is no reason this mac pro should not run Ubuntu it runs perfectly fine under Live CD21:20
EnissayHi guys, i moved my gnome panel to the right edge of the screen and activated "auto-hide" option, now i can't see it at all!! how can i move it back to it's old place please?21:20
gnutooBilliard, I'll reboot to be shure it's taken into account21:20
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BilliardNehMoh: talking to yourself? cool what did you do to make it workin21:20
MrPiracyEnissay: are you sure it's still running? didnt it crash?21:20
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xiaolindraconishello room21:21
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torgeircould someone help me out here please, im sure this is an easy fix. I tried Installing ubuntu-restricted-extras but it couldnt find te mscore fonts, now it tries to download them from sourceforge _every_ time I try to install something thru apt-get.. how do i "clean" apt get and make this go away? I tried apt-get remove ubuntu-restricted-extras but its still doing it!21:22
NehMohBilliard: ouch, it must be stress ;)   Yes, after changing permissions it still failed accessing, until I exported VBOX_USB. Sounds like it fails if I don't tell it explicitly to use USBFS? very strange. Anyway, thanks21:22
EnissayMrPiracy, yes it still there, when i show desktop, windows went there21:22
slideI had to restart my other server that i was sharing files via samba, now my laptop wont recognize the server b/c the ip address changed. is there anyway to fix this?21:23
xiaolindraconisi tried a network install of UE 2.4 but its not in the kernels list21:23
BilliardNehMoh: not really sure but im guessing it uses something other than usbfs without that, so was the fstab usb permissions working afterall21:23
guntbertxiaolindraconis: what is UE?21:23
Guest37767torgeir, system>administration>software sources21:23
xiaolindraconisultimate edition for gamers21:23
xiaolindraconisits just a 9.04 with extras pre installed21:24
jelghello... it appears the last firefox update screwed up my firefox installation...?21:24
jelgon 9.1021:24
NehMohBilliard: it has two options. Using Hal DBUS interface or USBFS. And sounds like after finding Hal and failing, it claims both do not exist21:24
Enissayhaha, got it finally :P21:24
NehMohI think I should file a bug on it21:24
Enissaythanks MrPiracy :)21:25
NehMoh(for virtualbox)21:25
Guest37767torgeir: you there?21:25
jelggot firefox 3.5 working on ubuntu 9.10?21:25
Benedichti am on youtube with it21:26
xiaolindraconisi have 8.10 installed and copied contents of cd and got it to boot and install. but now after reboot the new OS isnt in the kernels list anyone got an idea?21:26
Benedichtworks great21:26
MrPiracyEnissay: what was it?21:26
xiaolindraconisjelg: you can try removing firefox pkg and re-installing21:27
jelgxialindraconis: I tried that.. removed every package with firefox in it21:27
Guest37767xiaolindraconis, did you edit grub?21:27
bftgrI got a problem with my 2 monitors, i put them next to each other and displaying seperate screens, but now, when i'm trying to move windows from 1 display to the other, i cant, because it stays on the same monitor(with compiz the cube rotates), but i can move the mouse on both monitors.21:27
xiaolindraconisonly edited grub once21:27
malsynedjelg: try moving your .mozilla folder out of the way to see if that clears things up too.21:27
xiaolindraconiswhen adding "installer" line21:28
jelgmalsyned: thnx will try!21:28
malsynedjelg: and if that doesn't work, try the reinstall again, but do it with --purge so that the files in /etc will also get removed.21:28
EnissayMrPiracy, I have no idea, I'm runing in dual screen, so i just moved my screen to the left so the panel became in the middle, then i disabled the "auto-hide" option21:29
jelgmalsyned: the rm -rf .mozilla didn't do the trick.. my firefox opens up extremly small (a few pixels wide).. enlarging it shows just a blank window21:29
MrPiracyoh ok21:29
jelgmalsyned: will try the --purge as well21:30
cankoytorgeir: sudo apt-get remove ttf-mscorefonts-installer21:30
ibqnafter upgrade to 9.10 i am not able to mount a samba share for guests for people without a user/pass account.. does anybody ran into this? I am talking about guest sharing in nautilus-samba extension...21:30
Random832i keep getting [18948.872595] ata3: softreset failed (device not ready)21:31
Rods_Tigerwhat other linux distributions use grub2?21:31
xiaolindraconiswill someone help me manually add a kernel to my grub menu21:31
DsgnRandom832: me too21:32
guntbert!ot | Rods_Tiger21:32
ubottuRods_Tiger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:32
DsgnRandom832: but i think it's bios related21:32
Rods_Tigerthat's pretty much answered my next question. Thanks. Bye all.21:32
Billiardxiaolindraconis: add them to /etc/grub.d/40_custom  i believe21:33
nevets04Can someone give me an example of a bash loop that loops 1k times?21:33
chris__hello i am trying dd if=dev/zero bs=3M count=2 |netcat myIP 2222 > test.log, but i get only the message on the console21:34
twisted_dudes.. im bored21:34
cankoynevets04: /join #bash21:34
chris__anyone can help me there?21:34
twisted_sitting in this stupid class21:34
guntbert!ot | twisted_21:34
ubottutwisted_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:34
chris__nothing got written to the log21:34
libtechtwisted_, stfu21:34
guntbertlibtech: that is uncalled for21:34
libtechguntbert | !ot21:35
twisted_libtech, your let you  tiny dick syndrome show....  the others were more than clear21:35
jelghmm.. seems it wants to remove some eclipse stuff too!21:35
Pirate_Hunterusing Virtualbox dont wish to create a new hard disk but instead use the current one with a different name, used command cp foobar.vdi foobarzp.vdi however I can't attach the new hd to a session apparently both hds have the same UUID is there a way for me to fix this or clone/copy the orginal hd as a new file?21:35
BluesKaj!language | twisted_21:35
ubottutwisted_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:35
guntbertPirate_Hunter: vboxmanage clonehd .... (see manual)21:36
greezmunkeyLooping example: http://paste.ubuntu.com/318899/21:37
DragonLinuxhey all im just messing with the new ubuntu21:37
gorlak_anyone seen any issues with 9.10 where after install, the system doesnt like to boot up into the display mode? (worked in 9.04 just fine) says something like failed while handling etc?21:37
Pirate_Hunterguntbert: will do thanks21:37
guntbertPirate_Hunter: you're welcome :-) and you know there is #vbox too?21:38
nevets04thanks greezmunkey21:38
pvl1can anyone answer a question about cloud computing21:38
jelgmalsyned: didn't work with --purge either :-(21:38
malsynedjelg: well I'm out of ideas.21:39
DragonLinuxim having problems with ALT-TAB and switching between running apps. i used to be able to alt-tab to go forward in the list, and alt-shift-tab to go back. but alt-shift-tab doesnt do anything. is it a different key combo now?21:39
_Narc_Hey everyone. I need your help figuring out why Miro is triggering SYN flood messages and syslog and possibly messing with the kernel... Thanks21:39
Dsgngorlak_: i had that issue and solved it by installing the kernel modules of the proprietary ati driver21:40
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guntbert!ask | pvl121:41
ubottupvl1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:41
Jordan_UIdleOne: At the rescue shell does "ls" show your drive?21:42
gorlak_i have nvidia, so install the nvidia drivers then?21:42
pvl1guntbert, i already asked in #ubuntu-server, ty tho21:42
gorlak_almost the same thing happens in the livecd tho too, though for that it takes like 10 minutes to boot upto a desktop21:43
danm_Hi all. Anyone know why i get no audible sound, despite absolultely no errors, alsa being fine, and alsamixer showing nothing at all is muted? This is a minimal setup with just alsa and no pulseaudio.21:43
gorlak_but it does, with the cd at least boot to desktop, when installed to the hd it just doesnt launch gui21:43
Dsgngorlak_: installing the nvidia drivers could help21:44
dgsi'm having a few issues getting dual boot (win xp + 9.10) working. I did a fresh install of both (xp first on /dev/sdb1, ubuntu second on /dev/sda1). However, grub is failing to pick up the windows install. update-grub and update-grub2 run okay - but also only find the ubuntu install (+ memtest).  the windows install mounts okay under linux, and looks to be fine....21:44
dgsi've looked in /var/log/installer/syslog, and it also mounted /dev/sdb1 fine, but doesn't say anything about finding a windows install on there21:45
epyon7788I need help with a simple script. I made some scpt files to run xwinwrap backgrounds. I have like 10 in one directory and I simply want to run one of those 10 randomly at startup. I'm thinking this is like 1 or 2 lines, but I have no idea where to start. I'm not good with scripts.21:45
jelg"firefox -no-remote" seems to work21:45
Guest7294has anyone with an eeepc been able to get their mics to work21:46
dgsis there any way to force a windows entry be added onto /boot/grub/grub.cfg? I've tried adding one manually, but it doesn't seem to get detected...21:46
Guest7294anyone have an eeepc netbook?21:46
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ubottuIf you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode21:46
epinkyGuest7294: eee1000?21:46
soul-dnot quite but playing with an acer one netbook21:47
byroenetno i don't have21:47
* byroenet toshiba21:47
Guest7294have you been able to get the mic to work21:47
Guest7294i cnat get mine to work on my eeepc21:47
Guest7294i have the asus 100521:48
embrikdns-adresse keeps on changing in /etc/resolv.conf Where does this come from? I'm talking about my hardy server - just working as a router to give ip-addresse, chare a printer and internet21:48
jelgI am trying to set up an ubuntu box as an "internet TV" for my mother-in-law (yes!); have investigated different options.. not really found a real winner... "miro" seems to be the best doing what I want but the UI is not ok for a TV (or for my mother in law for that matter :-)21:48
derek1is there any keyboard shortcut for moving and resizing a window to the left/right half of the screen?21:48
BluesKajdgs, sudo update-grub21:48
soul-di saw it in the audio thingy  but out of luck  just doing a flash of usb thingy with ubuntu for netbooks  but usb-create is slow :S21:48
embrikWhy is my /etc/resolv.conf changing?21:49
jelgmiro with a different front-end would be great21:49
epinkyGuest7294: http://www.greenhughes.com/content/ubuntu-netbook-remix-asus-eee-pc21:49
dgsBluesKaj:  that is the program i'm having trouble with - it's not detecting the windows partition21:49
guntbertepyon7788: ask in #bash21:49
Dsgndgs: you'll have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add an entry for your windows installation, you kan find those indstructions in the file itself21:49
epyon7788thank you guntbert21:50
dgsDsgn: there is no menu.lst with grub2 - it's grub.cfg and it's automatically generated from /etc/grub.d  ...21:50
khaliqhey i have a question21:50
blackmamba23hi all21:50
guntbertdgs: and from /etc/default/grub21:50
dgsdgsn: i've tried adding the old style windows chainloader to the end of the grub.cfig, but it's just not detected21:50
dgsguntbert: yup =)21:50
khaliqmy windows computer died, so i loaded an ubuntu live cd, is there a way i can make a disk image and then restore that to the partition?21:50
Dsgndsg: i didn't know that, i'm not familier with grub 221:51
dgsDsgn: me neither =/21:51
=== dayo_ is now known as dayo
Dr_Williskhaliq:  image what exactly?21:51
Dsgndsg: you could downgrade to legacy grub...21:51
blackmamba23my grub is loading very slow// i installed it on the mbr of the driv and with a dualboot with windows  7 is this resolvable ????21:52
khaliqDr_Willis: the windows partition of my internal HDD21:52
Dr_Willisblackmamba23:  ive noticed on 1 of my machines. grub takes 10+ sec to get to the grub menu.. Not sure why this pc is that slow. quirk in the bios i think, Grub1 even had issues21:52
guntbertkhaliq: have you seen clonezilla ?21:52
dgsDsgn: yeah,  i may have to. there must be a way to force grub2 to add it though =/21:52
Dr_Williskhaliq:  theres numerous tools to image a 'partition' or whold drive.21:53
embrikwhere do I write dns-server's addresse? I have sritten it in /etc/resolv.conf - but it changes all the time, back to my old ISP's dns21:53
Dr_Williskhaliq:  what are you going to do once you image it?21:53
tadpolei have a flash player 10 .tar.bz2 file that i want to install. can somebody please tell me how to do this21:53
embriksritten = written21:53
khaliqyes i know21:53
Dr_Willistadpole:  its best to use the flash from the repos.21:53
khaliqbut would i be able to, restore that after reformatting the partition21:53
blackmamba23Dr_Willis: i dont think is my pc's fault , i have a wd sata 10000 rpm hard drive and a quad core system21:53
khaliqi.e. copy it back and boot windows again?21:54
cankoydgs: does 'sudo os-prober' return anything?21:54
Dr_Willisblackmamba23:  its more of an issue of the bios seeing the drives and working with grub. from what ive noticed.  hard drive speeds dont matter21:54
tadpoleDr_Willis: I did that, but firefox 3.6 won't play flash videos or anything21:54
oddhyenaare there any applications for ubuntu that can create an encrypted disk image file and I can mount only with a password?21:54
dgscankoy: no, which is i suspect the root cause. but i can't find any documention on os-prober ...21:54
Dr_Willistadpole:   Using the tar.gz stuff may mess things up even more.21:54
blackmamba23Dr_Willis: so no fix for this ??21:54
dgscankoy: do you know if there is a verbose option or something?21:55
Dr_Willis3.6? is 3.6 out?21:55
tadpoleDr_Willis: can you please help me get flash working then, because i've been at this for a really long time. thanks a bunch :)21:55
Dr_Willisblackmamba23:   check the grub forums and stuff perhaps someone may have some things to trouble shoot/look for. It might be some bios tweak  ive not noticved21:55
cankoydgs: no, it doesn't have options afaik. have a look https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:55
=== DepthSort` is now known as DepthSort
Dr_Willistadpole:  all i ever do to get flash working is install ubuntu, install ubuntu-restricted-extras  and reboot.. it works on 3 pc;s here21:56
Dr_WillisHmm firefox is 3.5.5 here. not 3.621:56
tadpoleDr_Willis: Do i do sudo apt-get install ubuntu21:56
=== android6011_ is now known as android6011
Dr_Willistadpole:  you INSTALLED the ubuntu OS allready Im guessing..,21:56
Dr_Willis!info firefox21:56
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.5+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB21:56
tadpoleDr_Willis: or sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:56
tadpoleyes, im running ubuntu right now...21:57
JonGPtadpole, google for ubuntu-restricted-extras :P21:57
khaliqDr_Willis: anyways, I'll give filezilla a try, thanks for the help!21:57
Dr_Willistadpole:  after i install ubuntu on my pc. the first thing I install is 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package21:57
khaliqi mean clonezilla*21:57
Dr_Willissecond thing i install is  Frozenbubble :)21:57
greezmunkeytadpole, apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras, I believe he means...21:57
tadpolegreezmunkey: thank you21:57
Transcend irc.sypheurs.com21:57
chelsaeiam new user of ubuntu karmic i install windows on virtualbox i need play windows games in vertualbox please help me for this21:57
Dr_Willisdont forget the sudo :)21:57
tadpoleDR_Willis: Thank you too :)21:58
switchgirlubuntu broke21:58
dajxdso my college doesn't allow linux on its network because it can't run the security agent it likes- aside from vmware and whatnot, is there any way I can get around this?21:58
switchgirlfirefox flash wont work21:58
tadpoleDr_Willis: I knew something was missing here... ill have to see if it works once its done installing.21:58
Doorman352tadpole: Got your wifi working?21:59
dgscankoy: thanks. added a custom one - now i guess to reboot and see if it works =)21:59
baz_I'm looking to buy a high-end tv tuner card for ubuntu 9.04 - google searches are little outdated - anyone have recommendations of good, high quality tv tuner cards that will work out of the box on ubuntu 9+?21:59
jarlebooting kernel 2.6.30 on my system i do not have any /dev/dvb/ dir, however booting kernel 2.6.31 /dev/dvb/ works just fine. How can I fix this to work also in kernel 2.6.30??22:00
tadpoleDoorman352: Yes :) after 2 hours of searching, i had to install a different network finder, and a new driver for my broadcom. :P22:00
Doorman352tadpole: Yikes.... at least you got it though!22:00
Dr_Willisbaz_: ` see what the #mythbuntu guys and forums suggest22:00
tadpoleDoorman352: Indeed! I was definitely glad to be able to take out that damned ethernet cord for the first time LOL22:01
Dr_WillisI find my self glad to plug IN a cord.. wireless is just to slow for me at times22:01
chelsaeplease help me22:01
epinky!please | chelsae22:01
ubottuchelsae: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude22:01
AlgaemanI'm having a weird issue where my machine resumes right away after suspend in karmic.  anyone seen this?22:01
tadpoleDr_Willis: i installed the restricted extras, but youtube videos still say i need flash installed22:02
cankoyembrik: don't edit resolv.conf, use Network Manager to edit DNS settings for an interface22:02
Dr_Willistadpole:  how did you get firefox 3.6 when 3.5.5 is in the repos?22:02
baz_Dr_Willis, good idea doc22:02
tadpoleDr_Willis: i found it in the repos somehow22:02
kostkontadpole, did you restart ffox?22:03
Dr_Willistadpole:  err....   that seems.. odd. and may be the whole problem22:03
tadpoleDr_Willis: When i tried to downgrade to 3.5 and every time i uninstall my 3.6 and install 3.5 it comes up as Shiretoko and it opens 3.622:03
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:03
Dr_Willistadpole:  you are using 9.10 or 9.04 ?22:03
tadpoleDr_Willis: im on 9.1022:03
epinkychelsae: join #vbox channel they could help you better22:04
Dr_Willistadpole:  then you ahve really done some weird things im thinking.22:04
cankoychelsae: /join #vbox22:04
Dr_Willislike adding some PPA repos or somthing else that i dont do.22:04
tadpoleDr_Willis: This is the only 'weird' thing i've done lol. the only reason i got the 3.6b2 beta is because i had it on my windows and like the personas feature that come with it22:05
viktor_anyone here got voddler?22:05
Dr_Willistadpole:  its very like that its 3.6 thats causing the flash problems. You could try installing opera, or chromium-browser and see if it works in them22:05
Dr_Willistadpole:  or figure out the proper way to get back to 3.5 and see if it works in it.22:05
PolarinaWhere can I find a .deb for libcelt (0.7.0) for 9.04?22:06
Dsgnchelsae: hardware acceleration is still experimental under virtual box, it is not recommended to play games in a virtual machine22:06
tadpoleDr_Willis: I also tried installing chromium, but i can't find it anywhere.22:06
insm0dPolarina, http://packages.ubuntu.com/22:06
Dr_Willistadpole:  its avil from google repositories, or some ppa repos.22:06
greezmunkeyDsgn, yea, you might get killed or something... :)22:06
tadpoleDr_Willis: It's not even in my synaptics22:06
Dr_Willistadpole:  its not in the offical repos22:07
jongbergsDr_Willis: is chromium in the 9.10 repos? i just to clarify.22:07
tadpoleDr_Willis: I'm going to private chat you22:07
johnny05Is it possible to install wifi drivers without a desktop envrionment?22:07
plythemanjoin #crunchbang22:07
Dr_Willisthe chromium-BROWSER is not in the repos.   there is a game called chromium :) but thats not the browser22:07
test34with karmic, sometimes the screen saver doesnt startup until I move the mouse (then it only startup for 1 sec because I moved the mouse)... anyone else experienced this?22:07
duffydacka rubbish game too...22:08
SnausagesHelp!  UNR 9.10 has stopped recognizing my trackpad22:08
SnausagesI plugged in a mouse and that works, but...22:08
greezmunkeyIs it possible to create a panel icon that will indicate the status of a program running in the background, like a vpn connection is up and active?22:08
Pirate_HunterI just cloned a hd for virtualbox but for some reason I have no net access and ifconfig states the ip as, how do I go about changing this?22:09
greezmunkeyOr, should I ask that question in another channel?22:09
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  its proberly doable.. but the details are the hard part. :)22:09
matthewi got a question22:10
Billiardanyone have any ideas why mounting a cd with the "norock" options is giving me a "bad option" error, mounting without norock works fine22:10
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, It's probably just a matter of tiime :)22:10
AcegiHi can I ask here for oss+alsa help or is there a better suited place?22:10
insm0dPirate_Hunter, is the loopback.  Various programs you run need to access your machine via tcp/ip, and the loopback is how they do it.  Do not change that value22:10
=== matthew is now known as Guest31823
cankoyPolarina: ubuntu repos don't have that version. Maybe debian unstable has it.22:10
Milos_SDhow can I relink some link to another folder?22:10
dooglusI'm using 9.10's built-in home directory encryption22:10
Omegatroni want to restore my grub. but stage1 file isnt found..22:11
Omegatronwhat can ido22:11
dooglusis there any way to find out the size of a directory in my home?22:11
Polarinacankoy: I'll compile instead.22:11
BilliardMilos_SD: delete it and recreated it22:11
oddhyenaHow would I encrypt a second user's home directory in ubuntu?22:11
Guest31823i am trying to install second life from the site getdeb but i cant find the install on the site i read that they made it so you can install it in ubuntu22:11
insm0ddooglus, left click the directory icon22:11
oddhyenaGuest31823, try playdeb22:11
BilliardGuest31823: i heard they didnt support linux anymore22:11
dooglusinsm0d: thanks22:12
dooglusinsm0d: it opens the directory22:12
Dr_WillisTheres unofficial 2nd life clients out Guest31823 . but i firget the name,22:12
Pirate_Hunterinsm0d: I understand that but ifconfig should not be showing that and ive checked with the original hd and it has an actual ip address, what I need to know is how to setup an ip address manually22:12
epinkydooglus: "man du"22:12
BilliardGuest31823: maybe im wrong though22:12
Dr_WillisGuest31823:  it worked for me last i tried it.. but i cant recall its name. :)22:12
dooglusepinky: thanks22:12
insm0ddooglus, I'm sorry, I meant right click and Properties.  It will calculate the size22:12
Guest31823whats the site  ik  playdeb.com or net or orb or wat'22:13
oddhyenaGuest31823, playdeb.net22:13
cankoyPolarina: http://packages.debian.org/sid/libcelt022:13
oddhyenaalso, you can play with phun!22:13
PeonIIWhat IRC client should I install on my new ubuntu machine?22:14
malsynedPeonII: I like X-Chat.22:14
Pirate_Hunterdooglus: du -sh [directory]22:14
Guest31823thanks play deb has the game22:14
smithnaHi, I am having an issue with HAL...  I have a fdi file which doesn't seem to be getting read.  I've used lshal to match sure the match parameters are correct.  I also have removed the hal cache (/var/cache/hald).  So how do I tell what hal is doing so I can figure this out?22:15
GodFatherI have a question about XChat. in "Preferences" there is an option "Transparent background" why does it just show your desktop and not the site I put behind it..?22:15
GodFatherIs there a way to actually make the background transparent?22:15
insm0dPeonII, I'm using chatzilla, an addon to firefox22:15
JonGPAvoid xchat-gnome if you like your user list on the right PeonII22:15
foohm, just upgraded to 9.10 and i try to boot and get this: error: unkown command 'initrd' - im on my phone now, any tips?22:15
=== angelus_ is now known as angelus
Guest31823i downloaded then deb from the site but ai got am eerror saying cant find package snow globe22:15
insm0dGodFather, various shortcomings of X11 or GTK.  As far as I know, it's never worked like that22:16
plythemanhey guys, I'm running crunchbang off a live usb right now and am looking to install it to replace ubuntu, but keep my vista partition.  If I select "specify partitions manually" is it going to get nasty and complicated?22:16
MenZaplytheman: not really, no22:17
GodFatheralright thanks, was just wondering nothing urgent to have :P22:17
MenZaplytheman: in the future, though, you might want to direct that question to one of the crunchbang support channels22:17
sasii need help in wireless settings22:17
svs`just popped in to say that 9.1 is working flawlessly for me and i have never been happier with an ubuntu system. bluetooth headset works without hacking .asoundrc? phenomenal!22:17
w0ls0nanyone here have VMWare server 2.0.1 tar.gz?22:17
plythemanmenza, thanks, no one is talking in there right now22:17
MenZa\o/ svs`22:17
sasii need help in wireless settings22:18
sasii need help in wireless settings22:18
MAAAADdo I have to switch manualla from SysV to Upstart after an upgrade?22:18
sasii need help in wireless settings22:18
w0ls0n2.0.2 doesn't seem to work on ubuntu 9.1022:18
FloodBot1sasi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:18
foohm, just upgraded to 9.10 and i try to boot and get this: error: unkown command 'initrd' - im on my phone now, any tips? ive tried removing initrd line from boot command, no luck22:18
foosasi: stop22:18
Jordan_UMAAAAD: No22:18
LjLsasi: if i had been going to help you before you spammed, now i'm not.22:18
MenZaplytheman: you can have a look at the partition editor before you actually write any changes to the disk.22:18
Jordan_Ufoo: Do you have a separate /boot?22:18
MAAAADJordan_U: why do I still have rc*.d ...?22:19
fooJordan_U: nope, its on the drive. hmm22:19
Dr_Willissome services are not converted to upstar4t yet. thats why you have rc#.d stuff22:19
plythemanMenZa, cool deal, I'm looking at them now and see that sda1 and sda2 are for vista, and sda5 is Ubuntu, what is "swap" (sda6) and sda4, which is unlabeled?22:19
fooJordan_U: hm, grub did ask me during the upgrade what drive i wanted to install it to... i didnt select any.. maybe that was my problem? i thought it would default to the drive it was on22:19
oddhyenais there any kind of file encryption utility that anyone could recommend22:20
MenZaplytheman: swap is what kicks in when you run out of ram. to boil it down, it's a kind of on-disk RAM.22:20
Dr_Willisfoo:  it defaulted to hd0 which would be the first hard drive mbr. I belive22:20
MenZaplytheman: as for sda4, no clue22:20
eatloafi clean installed 9.10 but copying over /etc/mail isn't enough to get my mail back up and running.  can someone help troubleshoot?22:20
insm0dplytheman, swap is hard drive space linux treats like RAM.  How big is sda4?  It might be the extended partition22:20
fooDr_Willis: how can i troubleshoot this problem? hmm22:20
Dr_Willissda4 may be a extended partition holding the sda5 and 6 extended partitions22:20
Jordan_Ufoo: Since grub is loading at all it must be installed22:20
plythemanMenZa, alright, I'll not touch swap.22:21
Dr_Willisfoo:  i dident even see the actual prpoblem - I just aswered how grub2 installs by default :)22:21
fooJordan_U: is it possible it's from 9.04?22:21
Jordan_Ufoo: no22:21
plythemaninsm0d, the unlabeled one is 29.0 GB22:21
fooDr_Willis: :) /lastlog foo, very recent22:21
insm0dplytheman, go ahead and set up the swap partition as swap.22:21
zsolthi there,my problem is that sometimes my ubunt64 crashes,any suggestions to resolv?how can I check my Os for system stability?22:21
DefamedPrawnhi. I was playing wing commander gold, fullscreen, and now the trackpad on my laptop appears to have been disabled. Any ideas?22:21
fooJordan_U: it says grub 1.9622:21
insm0dplytheman, how are each partitions?22:21
Jordan_Ufoo: Try holding shift at boot so you can see the menu and press 'e' to edit the first entry. Remove the line starting with "search" and see if you can boot then22:22
fooJordan_U: any tips? im on my phone with irc. hm, i could get into a live cd, maybe22:22
Dr_Willis!info grub-pc22:22
ubottugrub-pc (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (PC/BIOS version). In component main, is optional. Version 1.97~beta4-1ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 423 kB, installed size 1712 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 kopensolaris-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc sparc)22:22
fooJordan_U: ok, will do22:22
_Narc_Hey fellows, I'm going really insane with a network issue involving the r8169 module. When high traffic such as bittorrent is on, the network connection hangs. I wanted to compile Realtek's driver but it seems I can't do it on Karmic. If someone has an idea, I'd be extremely grateful.22:22
Jordan_Ufoo: Ahh, you installed grub2 early in jaunty22:22
cankoyfoo: i had the same prob after 9.04 upgrade, somehow grub remains the old version (see 1.96 or 1.97 during boot?)22:22
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, I may have that status thing figured out, just need some time to test the scripting!22:22
fooJordan_U: yup, 1.9622:22
Jordan_Ufoo: Yes, that's the jaunty version of grub222:22
fooJordan_U: ah, i see. how can i fix this?22:22
foocankoy: ahh, i see22:22
jlwis there a seperate channel for the netbook remix?22:23
Jordan_U!grub2 | foo ( follow the 'error 15' instructions )22:23
ubottufoo ( follow the 'error 15' instructions ): GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:23
plythemaninsm0d, how big are they?  the two vista partitions take up about 80 GB, Ubuntu about 38.9, swap 1.7 and the unlabeled 2922:23
Guest31823where do i get the snow globe package22:23
haven489lotec: you there?22:23
fooJordan_U: hm, im on my phone. actually, i think i can pull up that url, let me try. thanks22:24
BluesKajdgs, pastebin your windows entry in grub.cfg22:24
Jordan_Ufoo: np22:24
zsolthow may I check stability?22:24
dgsBluesKaj: i think i may actually have it sorted - i used the wrong syntax for adding the windows entry22:24
haven489lotec: hello? you there man?22:24
dgsabout to reboot (again) and try again =)22:24
BluesKajok, dgs.hope it works22:26
cichlasomahi. i installe kubuntu-desktop in xubuntu. it added about 0.5 GB of files. I want to uninstall it, yet "apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop" removes just the metapackage of 50 Kb, subsequent autoremove removes nothing. cannot I get rid of everything what was installed with the desktop easily?22:26
=== Whitesquall1 is now known as Whitesquall
ajc1Hi i've 2 multimedia probs since upgrading to 9.1022:26
ajc1a) have to resort to using pidgeon, as empathy option for "room" is always grey'd out22:26
ajc1b) I'm unable to view certain sites that I used to be able to do in 9.0422:26
Guest31823how do i install a .tar.bz2 file in ubuntu22:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pure-gnome22:27
jribGuest31823: you avoid it if possible.  What are you trying to intall?22:27
oddhyenaGuest31823, it's an archive22:27
Guest31823i am trying to install a game but the installer is tar.bz222:28
jribGuest31823: what game...?22:28
Guest31823second life22:28
sidewalkhow do i turn on the remote login in gdm in 9.10?22:28
Jordan_UGuest31823: Second life has a .deb installer IIRC22:28
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.22:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sr22:28
jrib!guidelines > src04c_22:29
ubottusrc04c_, please see my private message22:29
Guest31823i tryed the .deb file but it couldent find the snow globe package22:29
jribsrc04c_: please do not do that22:29
mormonkiHi can someone tell me how to install StarCraft on linux?22:29
jrib!appdb | mormonki22:29
haven489can anyone help with installing ubuntu on an XO laptop? ive seen it done and i want to do it.22:29
ubottumormonki: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:29
jrib!wine > mormonki22:29
ubottumormonki, please see my private message22:29
mormonkiwhich one?22:29
jribGuest31823: be specific with your error message22:29
src04c_ah calm down jrib22:29
jribsrc04c_: I am calm22:30
RooTSudoWill someone help me?22:30
GodFathermormonki: get virtual box and install windows? :P22:30
jribRooTSudo: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:30
fooJordan_U: why didn't ubuntu warn me this would happen? I would have selected a drive ... :/ I'm not complaining because of you, I know it's not your fault, but I think it'd be smart of ubuntu to warn me22:30
haven489Can anyone help me with installing ubuntu on the XO laptop??22:30
DefamedPrawnhi. The touchpad on my laptop appears to have been disabled. Any ideas as to how I can switch it back on?22:30
mormonkiBut i need instal SC on Linux22:30
jrib!repeat | haven48922:30
ubottuhaven489: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:30
RooTSudohow to change sudoers file attributes?22:31
jribmormonki: did you see the information I gave you?  You need to use wine (see ubottu's link) and follow the appdb instructions (see ubottu's link)22:31
jribRooTSudo: why...?22:31
haven489jrib: lol. you dont have to tell me, its just that im a little flustered and need some help22:31
Jordan_Ufoo: There is a bug report about that22:31
RooTSudobecause I changed the attributes of the whole folder / etc22:31
fooJordan_U: ah, ok, thanks22:31
jribRooTSudo: recursively?22:31
RooTSudoand now can not return22:32
jrib!who | RooTSudo22:32
ubottuRooTSudo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:32
Guest31823the error is (Could not find package 'snowglobe'.22:32
mormonkijrib http://appdb.winehq.org  ??22:32
jribRooTSudo: if you recursively changed permissions, you need to back up your data and reinstall22:32
jribmormonki: yes, that's one of the links ubottu gave you22:32
Jordan_Ufoo: It's much worse for people upgrading from grub legacy because grub doesn't load at all22:32
mormonkiok there i can read about my problem?22:32
fooJordan_U: ah22:32
eatloafmy sendmail went bust during the upgrade to 9.10. can someone help?22:32
jribeatloaf: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:33
jribmormonki: install wine using APT.  Then find startcraft in appdb and read22:33
mormonkidunno how22:33
mormonkiim new here22:33
jrib!wine | mormonki22:33
ubottumormonki: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:33
jribmormonki: click the link22:33
eatloafi reinstalled sendmail and copied my old /etc/mail and mail doesn't function. how can i troubleshoot? what am i looking for?22:33
jribeatloaf: does it work with the maintainer's /etc/mail?22:34
Seveaseatloaf, you're looking for postfix or exim :)22:34
eatloafjrib: sorry, what do you mean?22:34
jribGuest31823: where did you obtain the .deb?22:34
RooTSudowhether Cpanel11 be installed on ubuntu?22:34
Jordan_UGuest31823: http://www.playdeb.net/updates/?q=second+life22:34
Guest31823from playdeb.net22:35
joaopintoGuest31823, and check how to install22:35
eatloafseveas: i had it working perfectly with 9.04 and i just want to move my settings forward.  i've been down the postfix / exim route and failed miserably and ended up with a functioning sendmail.22:35
CymewHi. My hd is killing me. Now it spins down or do some other power saving trick, and it makes my interactive use terrible. I have no idea how I turned it on. Can I disable it somehow?22:35
jribGuest31823: see Jordan_U's link22:35
oddhyenaCymew, you can go into power preferences and turn off spin down disk22:36
Guest31823yes i see the link22:36
jribeatloaf: I don't think I've ever installed sendmail, but I presume like most packages it has a default config that gives you some sort of basic setup.  If that's true of sendmail, did it work before you used your /etc/mail?22:36
gdmsetupok i think ive found a bug or something like that... for some reason with pulseaudio games like openarena on my computer look horrible, ive uninstalled pulse, and leave alsa, just alsa, but i cant initiate gnome-volume-control.... what im missing?22:36
Jordan_UGuest31823: Did you add the playdeb repository?22:36
Jordan_UGuest31823: You need to do that to install anything from playdeb.net22:36
joaopintoGuest31823, http://www.playdeb.net/updates/?q=second+life#how_to_install22:36
joaopintoreading does help :)22:37
Jordan_UGuest31823: click on "click here to learn how to install games from playdeb"22:37
robbies_____Dzień dobry, kto jest tutaj z POLSKI?22:37
Cymewoddhyena: Where do I find that? I have searched like crazy. I wonder how I found it the first time. BTW, I run KDE so gnome directions wont help me. :(22:37
BluesKajgdmsetup, pulse and alsa don't affect your graphics , they are soundservers22:37
CymewI did try to ask over at #kubuntu, but it seems dead22:38
oCean_!pl | robbies_____22:38
ubotturobbies_____: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:38
gdmsetupBluesKaj: believe me, pulse creates some noise or something on the games and make images laggy22:38
eatloafjrib: i think the sendmail is fine. i'm not sure how to evaluate it but seemed ok.  it's getting it to forward local mail to my gmail account with domain masquerading that's the tricky part.22:39
oCean_eatloaf: check the /var/log/maillog to see if your mail got delivered (queued)22:39
jribeatloaf: you might want to try the #sendmail channel to see if there were some configuration changes as well22:39
gdmsetupwhats the name of gnome volumen applet?22:40
MenZagdmsetup: gnome-alsamixer, iirc22:41
eatloafjrib, ocean_: thanks. so mail.log shows this:Nov 14 14:40:16 monstr sendmail[23439]: nAEMdmbg023438: SYSERR(root): hash map "authinfo": unsafe map file /etc/mail/auth/client-info.db: Permission denied22:41
cankoygdmsetup: gnome-media and gnome-applets depend on libpulse in Karmic22:41
eatloafit looks like i have to remake the auth.info file rather than just copy it over. does that sound possible?22:41
oCean_eatloaf: you said before you copied the /etc/mail dir from your previous install. Check the permissions...22:42
Drepanonhi all22:42
gdmsetupi have libpulse but cant initiate gnome-volume.control22:42
switchgirlhi here is my system http://paste.ubuntu.com/318925/ whats the highest spec graphics card i can run?22:42
Drepanoni've got a problem with my freshly installed karmic koala : boot stucks at "ieee 1394 : host added..." except when I disable ACPI22:43
Guest31823see this is why i love ubuntu the comunity is so nice every one wants to help22:43
oCean_eatloaf: yeah, if you have sendmail-cf installed, a "make clean -C /etc/mail" && "make -C /etc/mail" might help. (re-creates the *db files)22:43
DefamedPrawnCan't believe the touchpad on my laptop seems to have died, while I was playing privateer22:43
eatloafwhy would mysql own authinfo.db? does this look right? -rwx------ 1 root    126    80 2009-04-29 14:43 client-info22:43
eatloaf-rw-r----- 1 mysql   126 12288 2009-04-29 14:43 client-info.db22:43
ajc1does empathy not work with IRC ?22:44
jribeatloaf: that just means the old file had the uid that mysql now has22:44
eatloafocean_: i did that. i use webmin to do all of that stuff because it's a GUI. I believe my dbs are up to date.22:44
oCean_eatloaf: copying files from one installation to another is tricky, since the UID info on the first might not be the same on the 2nd install22:44
eatloafjrib: have any idea who should own authinfo.db ? root?22:44
DefamedPrawnAh fixed it. Just pressed fn-f722:45
oCean_get your permissions & ownership right. Can't you check it with your previous install? The one you copied the files from?22:45
CyberCod_workanyone good with grub2?  I need help22:45
gdmsetupso if i uninstall pulseaudio i cant have a gnome volume control?22:45
jribeatloaf: nope, you don't have your old /etc/passwd?22:45
zleaptry doing sudo alsa reload22:45
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions22:45
gdmsetupive restarted the computer22:45
cankoygdmsetup: run gnome-volume-control-applet from commandline and see what happens.22:45
zleapthat will reload the sound stuff and restart the volume control22:45
gdmsetupi have no problem with pulseaudio! i just want to use alsa, and cant wring on gnome volume control22:46
gdmsetupthat simple22:46
Guest31823thank you every one who helped me with my proble with installing second life22:46
Guest31823u all rock22:46
zombie_Hello guys. I once installed SUSE but it didn't really worked well as I wasn't able to find any drivers for my ATI Mobility Radeon X2300. Now I'd like to install Ubuntu but only if I'd get my graphic card running. Are there any drivers for my card under Ubuntu? :/22:46
eatloafocean_: it's just an fs mounted on the new system, so the permissions would show the same UID, no?22:47
eatloafjrib: i seem to not have an old /etc/passwd.22:47
gdmsetup(gnome-volume-control:3151): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting... this is what i get22:47
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:47
cankoygdmsetup: yes, you need pulseaudio for that applet to work22:48
thiebaudezombie_, that should help22:48
zombie_Thank you!22:48
DIL_i cannot complete two updates of update manger are the servers down?22:48
oCean_eatloaf: one moment.. let me find a box w/ sendmail22:48
ZykoticK9zombie_, it doesn't look good under karmic either http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49767922:49
eatloafocean_, jrib: i suspect that remaking the authinfo files will fix my problem. can someone point me to a simple how-to?22:50
zombie_Yeah, I just checked the list on the side which was posted before and it says that my Samsung notebook is not supported... *cires* I want to get away from vista. :/22:50
ZykoticK9zombie_, sorry that's wasn't about karmic!22:50
JonGPIts not karmic!... it's KARMIC! :p22:51
jribeatloaf: don't know.  What user does sendmail run as?22:51
bidi just install ubuntu server 9.10, is it possible that my htttpd.conf is blank? sudo find / -name httpd.conf show only one file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf my other Q is about the sudo, any user can sudo?22:51
oCean_eatloaf: no sure if this helps, but here is a freshly installed sendmail (to check your permissions/ownership etc): http://paste.ubuntu.com/318929/22:51
craigbass1976bid, yes.  Ubuntu uses apache.conf22:51
ZykoticK9JonGP, why do we have to yell karmic?22:51
bidohh explain alot22:51
craigbass1976bid, or apache2.conf.. whichever22:51
zsolthi there22:51
JonGPZykoticK9, because it's new-ish?22:51
craigbass1976bid, you coming off a red hat box?22:52
bidfreeBSD and fedora22:52
craigbass1976bid, named is funny too.  THere are named conf files, but the server is called bind22:52
zsoltwhat is the difference between carmic and other releases?22:53
oCean_eatloaf: the commands i send before might help in recreating your *db files: "make clean -C /etc/mail && make -C /etc/mail"22:53
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91022:53
oCean_eatloaf: have to run.. g/luck22:53
eatloafso it looks like part of it might be permissions.22:53
eatloafocean_: thanks22:53
eatloafnew question, how do i search and replace permissions?22:54
craigbass1976eatloaf, on what?22:54
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dashaebighello. can anyone pls do me a favor and paste the output of "nmap shiznix.dyndns.org" somehwere? i need to check if my ports are properly filtered.22:54
jribeatloaf: you may use « find »22:55
jribeatloaf: the #sendmail channel could probably tell you exactly what you need to do if you give them your error22:55
eatloafgiven a directory, i need to change ownership of all files owned by mysql to smmta and group of 126 to smmsp22:55
jribeatloaf: use find and with -exec and chown22:56
zsolthow can I check my 64bit carmic ubuntu sometimes freezing,how can I check my Os for system crash?22:56
eatloafjrib: thanks. i'll fix the permissions and move there. can you give an example?22:56
gdmsetupok, im positive, when i use pulseaudio graphics are really lagy-- when i switch to alsa, they are ok... pulseaudio problem for sure22:56
bidabout my second Q, sudo is for all users?22:56
craigbass1976bid whoever is in the sudoers file I think22:57
=== phyrewall_ is now known as phyrewall
xanderApologies for the double posting, but does anyone know how to tell grub to boot from the cd that is inserted? I can't do anything with that hard drive now, since I can't get it to boot, and can't get grub to stop from taking over22:57
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craigbass1976dashaebig, http://pastebin.com/m5b460dad22:57
GodFatherI'm using ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty 64-bit and whenever I shut down my pc it seems to shutdown but halts on a black screen and doesnt turn off until you push any button. Why is this and how can I resolve this?22:57
dashaebigthx craigbass197622:58
craigbass1976xander, is that a grub or a bios issue?22:58
jribeatloaf: for example: find /some/directory -user olduser -exec chown newguy '{}' \;     (you should run the command without -exec first to make sure it doesn't do something stupid)22:58
xanderif I remove my hard drive it boots from cd fine22:58
eatloafjrib: TY22:59
Galdeanoi cannot install madwifi drivers on my atheros ar9285... it is possible? i have ubuntu 9.1022:59
josephjxander: it sounds like your bios has the HD boot before the cd22:59
craigbass1976xander, is that because in the bios your hd is first and cd is second, as far as boot order?22:59
falloreis there a way to have empathy compress tabs (like pidgin does) when you have more than a few?22:59
xanderYeah I know but it doesn't22:59
zsoltis it any crash testing process?22:59
xanderAlso I have manually selected to boot from cd and it doesn't22:59
phyrewallis there a pulseaudio specific channel? (chatroom, that is)22:59
craigbass1976xander, I dunno.  Really seems like a motherboard boot order issue rather than grub, but I've been stupid before...23:00
Galdeanoi cannot install madwifi drivers on my atheros ar9285... it is possible? i have ubuntu 9.1023:01
xanderWell the other thing is when I switch out hard drives (how I am on here now), I can boot from cd....23:01
Galdeanoafter the installation, and after rebooting i have any wireless driver23:01
craigbass1976xander, both hard drives have OSes on them?23:01
xanderand I have been installing everything on these spare hardrives with this computer for a while, to test things out, or partition them differently or whatever23:02
MenZaOctober 22nd /W 6223:02
josephjxander: are you selecting the cd option from the grub menu on the send HD23:02
xanderno this computer only can have one hardrive in at a time23:03
xanderMaybe I missunderstood your question23:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:03
arcadeOkay, so I'm running Ubuntu 8.04, and I used to be able to run Civ4 perfectly fine, but I've forgotten how.. :P  Now, when I try to start it with " wine .wine/drive_c/Programfiler/Firaxis\ Games/Sid\ Meier\'s\ Civilization\ 4/Civilization4.exe" - I get an error where it asks me to have the dvd-rom in the drive.  I've got the cd in the cd-drive...23:03
josephjxander: what I mean is your orignal question was how to get grub to let you boot from cd, both me and craig are wondering why the bioes isn't seeing the bootable cd and trying that before it even gets to the HD23:04
MAAAADhow can I get rid off pulseaudio?23:04
xanderWell I can't figure that out either, because it has never been an issue at all, it doesn't make any sense.... it is almost as if grub has modified my bios(???) which doesn't make any sense either....23:05
xanderso I was wondering if there was a way to tell grub to boot from the cd23:06
craigbass1976Ok, looking for anyone in the smartypants category...  I can't write to a drive because it's screwy.  I've mounted up a thumb drive and try to do a mysqldump dbase > dbase.sql.  No love, since this operation requires writing to /tmp.  What now?23:06
jrib!appdb | arcade23:06
ubottuarcade: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help23:06
Galdeanocan i receive a help plaese?23:06
arcadejrib: done that.23:06
jribarcade: what exactly is "that"?23:06
arcadejrib: I have googled.  I have looked at winedb.  ;)23:06
craigbass1976Galdeano, I've never dealt with madwifi.  Have hunted through the forums for your chipset and version of ubuntu?23:07
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arcadejrib: I have also asked at #winehq.23:07
jribarcade: you aren't in #winehq23:08
ubuntulolz noone took this name23:08
arcadejrib: Yes I am?23:08
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Galdeanocraigbass1976: yes, but i dont find clear istruction about23:09
jribarcade: sorry channel must be private...  They would know best.  Most games have a crack you can download to avoid needed to put the cd in so you can get ito work in wine.  Usually appdb will link to it if it is required23:09
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.23:09
craigbass1976Galdeano, what did you find?  Post a link and I'll see if I can help while I'm waiting23:09
arcadejrib: It worked ~4-5 months ago, I've just forgotten how to launch the game..23:09
arcadejrib: Same Ubuntu, differnent patchlevel of wine..23:09
josephjxander: I agree, it doens't make any sense, I believe there is away to do it, but I don't know what much about grub, should just beable to make the appropriate edits in the grub.cfg file..I think its grub.cfg, might be another file that needs editing23:10
craigbass1976josephj, menu.lst?23:10
arcadejrib: And possibly me being silly trying to launch it direclty with lacking environment variables or somesuch.23:10
josephjcraigbass1976: thanks, couldn't remember the file name, haven't messed with grub in a while23:10
xandermenu.lst is legacy right?23:10
jribarcade: appdb would tell you if they were needed23:10
arcadejrib: And yes, I've looked.23:11
xandernow it is the .cfg I think23:11
jribarcade: so that's probably not the issue23:11
Galdeanocraigbass1976: i would use aircrack-ng. but i dont know if my chip is compatible with madwifi23:11
evon_i just installed ubuntu on a PPC but i don't like it so i want to put the mac OS back on.  The only problem is though is that the Mac OS installation is not detecting the HD now. I can only assume it's because the HD has been formatted to EXT4 but I don't know how to fix this. can anyone help?23:11
craigbass1976xander, I think grub.conf is a link to menu.lst.  I haven't meesed with it really since I quit windows a few years ago23:11
arcadejrib: Apparantly not.  And strace isn't very helpful with wine, unfortunately.23:11
JonGPubuntu on a ppc?23:11
Rods_TigerWhen is UNR going to work? It still freezes the whole netbook each time I shut the lid and have to pull the battery out to start again.23:11
craigbass1976Galdeano, what's your chip?  You did lspci, yes?23:11
Galdeanocraigbass1976: because i had install it but this dont work23:11
JonGPdidnt think ppc was supported anymore?23:11
xanderI just thought that that changed in grub2, but I don't know too much23:12
Galdeanocraigbass1976: my chip is atheros ar928523:12
josephjcraigbass1976: I'm looking at /boot/grub/grub.cfg this looks more like the file he needs but it's gotten a lot more complex since I've seen it23:12
craigbass1976josephj, xander I'm on Jaunty, and my config is /boot/grub/menu.lst  No idea what's going on in newer ubuntu23:13
xanderyeah it changed with fresh installs of karmic23:13
xanderI think23:13
BilliardRods_Tiger: fyi, not a solution, but you can probably hold the power button in to shut the computer off rather than removing the battery23:13
Galdeanoi had yet install madwifi on ar5000 but i would install mad on ar928523:13
OerHeksjosephj, use /boot/grub.d/grub.cfg23:13
jribarcade: I'm reading the appdb entry and it says to install the no-dvd patches need to be applied for the latest versions....23:13
xanderThanks for the replies, I have to go, I will try again later23:14
josephjxander: looks like at the bottom of of /boot/grub/grub.cfg it makes a reference to /etc/grub.d/40_custom so I'd say thats a safe bet for starting to add you cdboot options23:14
arcadejrib: As I already said, it used to work, so I probably did that.23:14
jribarcade: it wouldn't be looking for the cd if you did that, no?23:14
craigbass1976Galdeano, what's your kernel version?23:14
arcadejrib: No matter, I seem to have resolved it (maybe)23:15
Jordan_Uxand: Yes, if you want to add a menu entry with grub2 you should add it to /etc/grub.d/40_custom23:15
MAAAADhow I can I fix the ugly font in Firefox?23:15
ryanCHhow do i add a root password to su, so i can use it?23:15
arcadejrib: Wrong mountpoint for the cd.23:15
arcadejrib: :-P23:15
Galdeanocraigbass1976: kernel is 2.6.31 I heve ubuntu 9.1023:15
jribarcade: heh23:15
jrib!sudo | ryanCH23:15
ubotturyanCH: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)23:15
craigbass1976ryanCH, sudo passwd23:15
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arcadejrib: I've changed the mount-order, it seems, and a bloody external drive is now where cdrom0 used to point.23:15
arcadejrib: lemme change that and try again23:15
jribryanCH: sudo passwd is NOT recommended nor supported here.  It is also completely unnecessary.  Please read ubottu's link about sudo23:16
arcadejrib: And it launched :P23:16
arcadejrib: My fault all along.23:16
{PS}FableflameHello all23:17
arcadejrib: Yeps, launched perfectly well now that I've corrected my mounts.23:17
jribarcade: cool23:18
basslinerjrib: i don't see how it should be unnecessary if what he wants to do is adding a password for the root user.23:18
agooleI have a drive mapped in ubuntu but the os isn't working, is there a way to install it from ubuntu ?23:18
arcadejrib: indeed.23:18
falloreis there a way to have empathy compress tabs (like pidgin does) when you have more than a few?23:18
jribbassliner: adding a password for the root user is unnecessary...23:18
arcadejrib: Sometimes the solution is simpler than it .. appears. ;)23:18
basslinerjrib: that's exactly the difference i wanted to point out.23:18
craigbass1976Galdeano, apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic   ?23:18
{PS}FableflameI've been thinking about reinstalling and dual booting Ubuntu with Windows. Someone told me that if I installed Windows that it would overwrite GRUB and I woulnd't be able to boot Ubuntu up again. Is that true?23:18
arcadejrib: "Have you turned on the power button" etc.23:19
zamaraxwell I know this may be the very wrong room to ask this in but... I bought a new hard drive the seagate ST9500420ASG, I have a dual boot laptop Ubuntu 9.10 / Windows 7, when I first installed this drive I booted Win7 and the hard drive consistenly clicks and stalls...so I thought it was defective, I returned it, got another and same issue, then out of curiosity I boot into Ubuntu and it works fine...everything I read only suggest it's BIOS or bad hardware23:19
zamaraxbut it obviously isn't as it works fine in Ubuntu...anyone have any suggestions on what to look for?23:19
agoole{PS}Fableflame: yes23:19
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, not without some finagling23:19
agoole{PS}Fableflame: you'll have to fix it after23:19
basslinerjrib: and i think it just depends on the personal taste. yes it's unnecessary to gain UID0, but if he likes to have a root account on his system, why tell him to use sudo...23:19
jribbassliner: most people who ask that are simply not aware that sudo exists23:19
{PS}FableflameHow would I reinstall GRUB? Could I do that with the LiveCD?23:19
agoole{PS}Fableflame: yeah, its quite easy from the liveCd23:19
Jordan_U!grub | {PS}Fableflame23:19
ubottu{PS}Fableflame: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:19
MAAAADwhere can I set the language for nautilus?23:19
agoole{PS}Fableflame: print out the instructions first though, there are good tutorials online23:20
basslinerjrib: i still wouldn't see sudo as a complete alternative to a root account on a system...23:20
{PS}Fableflameok thanks23:20
Galdeanocraigbass1976: i must go out. thank you. now i try this bye!23:20
basslinerjrib: it has its advantages for sure, yes.23:20
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, I can't remember.  Google for windows hosed grub or something.  I don't remember it being very difficult23:20
craigbass1976Galdeano, good luck23:20
loteczamarax, linux and windows access the drive in different ways.  could be a few different things23:20
craigbass1976Ok, looking for anyone in the smartypants category...  I can't write to a drive because it's screwy.  I've mounted up a thumb drive and try to do a mysqldump dbase > dbase.sql.  No love, since this operation requires writing to /tmp.  What now?23:20
{PS}FableflameI have one other question. Awhile back I tried to install windows XP, and when I tried to use it I couldn't get on the internet. Somebody told me that it was because I was missing some drivers?23:21
agoolemy windows drive won't boot, but I have it mapped in linux, can I reinstall the OS from linux ?23:21
jribbassliner: it is though.  There are pros and cons.  But since ubuntu is setup by default with a locked account and an initial user who can sudo, it makes sense to inform new users of the configuration that the developers decided to make default23:21
zamaraxanything you suggest looking at? like write combining? or anything else?23:21
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, more than likely, you didn't have NIC drivers23:21
basslinerjrib: but i still think it should remain as a users preference if he likes to have a root account or not. we're not mac users and we don't want to get jailed by a way of having to think someones way without having an alternative.23:21
basslinerjrib: yeah sure.23:22
craigbass1976jrib, you think ubuntu will ever ship with vim out of the box?23:22
loteczamarax, what type of hd is it? 2.5? 3.5? brand?23:22
SmwnnI got my wifi usb wireless working under 9.10 but its stop start...sometimes its good and other times it seems to work for a bit then stops....any reason behind this?23:22
Smwnnor is that just how wifi is under linux23:22
zamaraxlotec, 2.5 sata23:22
{PS}FableflameCraigbass1976: Does that happen often? I had torrented the ISO23:22
hwildehow do I completely delete my system beep?23:22
loteczamarax, brand?23:22
jribbassliner: of course.  If he came back after reading ubottu's link and said, yeah I tried sudo, thanks for the info, but I've decided I want a root account anyway, then that's fine.  It's his computer and he can do whatever he wants. Personally, I only want people to make an informed decision about it.  And I think that sudo works better for new users, but it's up to them in the end of course23:23
n8tuserSmwnn-> seems like usb dongle wifi's are not really that good, the drivers seems not as strong as compared to ones in the windows verison23:23
basslinerjrib: just was a bit confused at first since it sounded like there is no alternative to sudo or su would be the "wrong way to do it" or something :-) no offense. :)23:23
craigbass1976hwilde, yank the speaker cable.  :023:23
zamaraxlotec, seagate momentus g ST9500420ASG23:23
hwildecraigbass1976, funny.23:23
basslinerjrib: hehe, all fine with that.23:23
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, where'd you get the iso?23:23
jribcraigbass1976: it used to.  Now it ships vim-tiny :/23:23
craigbass1976hwilde, sorry... couldn't resist23:23
{PS}Fableflamecraigbass1976, Demonoid I think23:23
SmwnnWell under 9.04 my signal was 19% under 9.10 its like 80% and when it works its fast it just has random pauses23:24
Smwnnso I must say 9.10 is a massive improvement23:24
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, if the drivers for your card weren't on the iso, well...23:24
jribhwilde: most people just blacklist pcspkr, but 'xset b 0' and something in ~/.inputrc is usually enough too23:24
SoulwarpIs it possible to modprobe ndiswrapper at startup without having to put a password in every time?23:24
tigerbeardhi all23:24
{PS}FableflameIf I installed Win7 think I would need to get the drivers?23:24
loteczamarax, seams alot of people report clicking from that drive.  i would suggest getting a different drive23:24
agooleSoulwarp: add it to your modules file23:24
Jordan_Uhwilde: 9.10 has pcspkr blacklisted by default23:25
agooleSoulwarp: it'll boot up every bootup23:25
Smwnnwhat is the general feeling about 9.10?23:25
craigbass1976{PS}Fableflame, I don't know anything about windows7.  Try #windows23:25
zetheroowhen trying to share a folder in my home dir I get this message: Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)23:25
agooleSmwnn: I like it, its faster and works better with older computers23:25
craigbass1976zetheroo, how are you sharing it out?23:25
w0ls0nanyone here have VMWare server 2.0.1 tar.gz?23:25
w0ls0n2.0.2 doesn't seem to work on ubuntu 9.1023:25
hwildejrib, Jordan_U   i want to get rid of this from dmesg:  input: HDA Digital PCBeep as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/input/input323:26
zetheroocraigbass1976: right click and Sharing Options23:26
zetheroocraigbass1976: the same way i have always done it ... and it worked fine like that on my Desktop23:26
craigbass1976zetheroo, no idea.  I've always messed with smb.conf or /etc/exports directly23:26
zamaraxlotec, lol....well yeah , I read that in forums, apple released a fix for it because it's used in macbook pro's, I would have never thought a hdd could cause such big head aches OS dependant...well for the bigger OS's anyways.23:26
zetheroocraigbass1976: oh ok...23:27
loteczamarax, people had the problem on windows also,  looks like the same issue though firmware23:27
Soulwarpagoole, where is the file located?23:27
{PS}FableflameUgh. This is too much trouble. I may just start running Windows.23:27
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zetherooanyone know how to get this working?23:27
tigerbeardi have a thinkpad t61 with intel graphics card, just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and started getting a whitescreen on login.  I uninstalled compiz and the whitescreen went away, but now xorg is hogging resources in a big way that it never did previously, has anyone seen this/have a fix?23:28
agooleSoulwarp: let me look23:28
Soulwarpagoole, Do I have to compile my kernel?23:29
zetheroowhat is the terminal command to restart samba?23:29
agooleSoulwarp: no,23:29
agooleSoulwarp: it just loads up all the modules into ubuntu on bootup23:29
tigerbeardalso, fwiw, I checked the forums and thinkwiki and googled before coming here with it, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, still no luck23:29
Stevenkingis there a special german chatroom for ubuntu ?23:29
craigbass1976How do I start mysql with a temp directory option?23:29
feynerzetheroo, service samba restart ??23:29
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agooleSoulwarp: your file is in /etc/modules23:30
datadudeHi, all. First timer in this channel. Are support questions allowed?23:30
agooleSoulwarp: you'll need to use sudo nano /etc/modules to modify the file23:30
epinkyzetheroo: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart23:30
zetherooepinky: thanks23:30
craigbass1976datadude, sure23:30
agooleSoulwarp: add the name of the module in the file, and it'll load at boot time23:30
jribdatadude: those are the only ones allowed :)23:30
datadudeHahaha Thanks, guys. I like to check before asking, as I hate being the new guy with no manners.23:31
Stevenkingsome guys here how has experiance in backup scripts ???23:31
jrib!backups > Stevenking23:31
ubottuStevenking, please see my private message23:31
w0ls0nanyone here have VMWare server 2.0.1 tar.gz?23:32
Soulwarpagoole, Thanks I'll try that23:32
epinky!anyone | w0ls0n23:32
ubottuw0ls0n: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:32
w0ls0nI cant install vmware server 2.0.2 on ubuntu 9.10 ... but I can with 2.0.123:33
datadudeSo, I have an Asus EEE PC with a 4 GB hard drive, and I put EEEbuntu NBR on it.  This wound up taking up way too much space, so I DL'd EEEbuntu Base to a thumb drive. I now have the ISO sitting on said thumb drive. My question is how, from inside Linux Mint 7 (Gloria), which is basically Ubuntu, can I make this ISO on the thumb drive bootable?23:33
agooleI need help fixing xp from ubuntu, anyone give me a hand ?23:33
w0ls0nStevenking: I use this same script to backup files on my bachine using rsync/ssh http://goodcleanemail.com/index.php/faq/35-vpopmail/53-how-to-backup-vpopmail-with-rsyncssh23:34
epinkyw0ls0n: errors to troubleshoot ?23:34
craigbass1976agoole, maybe, pm me though23:34
w0ls0nhold on ill paste the error23:34
jribagoole: just ask your question in the channel.  If someone can help you, they will try23:35
w0ls0nI did build the essential modules23:35
fcuk112datadude: use unetbootin to write your iso to the thumb drive.23:35
Smwnn what do you install to be able to configure the compiz effects?23:36
agooleI keep getting a conflicting driver error when trying to fix xp, so I was hoping to get it fixed from ubuntu, anyone know a tutorial online ?23:36
momis there a linux version of quake3 freeze tag?23:36
Stevenkingw0ls0n thanks i will habe a look... at the moment i am at rsyncbackup with find and tar/gzip23:36
jerkfacemy ubuntu cd wont boot. If i press enter on try ubuntu without installing, it doesn't do anything, and if i let the 30 timer go to 0, it still doesn't do anything. please advise.23:36
w0ls0nStevenking: that script will backup anything via ssh/rsync23:36
datadudefcuk112: Thanks! I'll try that!23:37
tigerbeardjerkface: have you tested other bootable discs to make sure it's a problem with the cd and not the hardware?23:37
Billiardjerkface: what kind of keyboard?23:37
w0ls0njerkface: try a ps/2 keyboard?23:37
Jordan_Ujerkface: Did you check that the CD burned correctly?23:37
fcuk112Smwnn: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settingsmanager fusion-icon23:37
Jordan_U!md5 | jerkface23:37
ubottujerkface: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:37
jerkfaceum ok, it's a laptop and it does boot other cds. i'll try a keyboard though23:37
Stevenkingyes ssh and rsync is working fine bt i want to have a incremental backup link / every day incremenatal / sunday whole data from week / 31. of month alle date from month23:38
epinkyw0ls0n: this could help http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-vmware-server-2-0-x-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html23:38
eatloafhow can i image and/or backup my fs in such a way that i can revert if my fs fails?23:38
fcuk112Smwnn: that's compizconfig-settings-manager actually, forgot the extra hyphen.23:39
w0ls0nepinky: thanks ... seems to be doing what it should be doing ..23:39
paosihfggjWhere should I save the config/save game files for my locally installed games? ~/.local?23:40
foobarbecuehi, I want my hotplug mounted usb flash drive to be re-mounted with the async option. Anyone know how to do that?23:40
w0ls0nya its working. thanks epinky23:40
epinkyw0ls0n: you're welcome :)23:41
paosihfggjWhat's the standard directory for storing user configuration files for locally installed games?23:41
paschuHi guys23:41
thrustrodhelp!  I have an icon stuck on my desktop and i dont know how to make it go away23:41
unapiedrahelp. my computer won't start with the newest kernel even though  it did so yesterday when i upgraded it. and now the graphics is terrible slow. what do I do?23:41
agoolecraigbass1976: did you see the pm ?23:41
=== thrustrod is now known as bobj
Jordan_Upaschu: Your home directory, usually in a directory named ".name_of_game"23:42
paschuMy system crashed after I wanted to open a game. Now my video player and my instant massenger dont work anymore. what to do23:42
tigerbeardI just upgraded to 9.10 from jaunty and xorg is running at a snails pace, top shows Xorg using huge amounts of cpu power for menial tasks.  any ideas?23:42
Ligufisomeone got time to give me a hand managing ALSA and/or pulseaudio? problem in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8318093#post831809323:42
jerkface(noob) it was a bad iso  image #-o23:43
tom__hi guys...   short question: I want t install a program *.deb package.. but it is only available for jaunty...  it has a lot of unresolved dependencies on karmic...  now what Do I do?  its is too annoying downloading all those packages from manually from the jaunty repository..  is there some way to "automatically" solve this?23:43
paschuMy system crashed after I wanted to open a game. Now my video player and my instant massenger dont work anymore. what to do23:44
tom__#whois paschu23:44
Seveastom__, you'll need to rebuild the package on karmic. Which package is it?23:44
Jordan_Utom__: What program?23:44
tom__its "freecad"23:44
Stevenkingdoes somebody has experiance with incremantal backups ???23:45
tom__Seveas: & Jordan_U23:45
epinkyLigufi: have you checked your config on gnome-volume-control per Application part?23:45
djusticepaschu: what game? and what happns when you run pidgin or kopete? nothing?23:45
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Jordan_Utom__: sudo apt-get install freecad23:45
paschudjustice: its called teeworlds. I only have empathy for instant messaging23:45
Jordan_Utom__: It's in the default repositories in 9.1023:45
tom__it is?   not for me....23:45
SeveasJordan_U, not for me either23:46
mdeontehow do you turn off that decrypt home folder in karmic?23:46
bastidrazor!info freecad23:46
ubottuPackage freecad does not exist in karmic23:46
SeveasJordan_U, could you pastebin the outpout of: apt-cache policy freecad23:46
Seveas!info freecad jaunty23:46
ubottuPackage freecad does not exist in jaunty23:46
Jordan_Utom__: Sorry, it's referenced by another package but not there itself23:46
djusticepaschu: hm, applications>accessories>terminal & type 'empathy &'<enter> and see what it says.23:47
Seveastom__, it doesn't exist in jaunty either. Where did you get it from?23:47
tom__ahh I see..  so Jordan_U and Seveas how do i rebuild the package for karmic :)?23:47
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tom__or maybe I could "temporarily" turn on the jaunty repository somehow install freecad  and swtich the jaunty repository off again?23:47
Seveastom__, you download the .dsc/.orig.tar.gz/.diff.gz, install all build dependencies and build-essential and use dpkg-source and dpkg-buildpackage :)23:47
Seveastom__, where did you get freecad for jaunty?23:48
courpseCan someone look at this please? http://pastebin.com/m750070af23:48
bobjproblem with something called Audio Disc.volume on my desktop.  I cant get rid of it...  Any help?23:48
datadudefcuk112: The netbook didn't recognise the ISO once I wrote it to the drive using unetbootin.23:48
tom__Seveas:   ohhhh that sound like a lot of painful effort to me ^^23:48
tom__Seveas: from the freecad website23:48
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tom__they provide *.deb packages23:49
Ligufiepinky: Yes I have, but it's all digital outputs, and not like the ones I get with aplay -L23:49
tom__for all the ubuntu versions...  except for karmic23:49
Seveascourpse, looks like exim. You'll want to make exim trust www-data so it can override sender23:49
Seveasin the exim config: trusted_users = www-data23:49
Yanick_hi, I just installed Xnee (gnee) and whenever I try to record something I get an error saying that there is a "Record memory failure", Solution: "Xnee failed due to bad data received from RECORD extension". I just installed that package from Synaptic. what am I doing wrong?23:49
Seveastom__, url?23:49
unapiedraStevenking: i used some my computer is broken a th the moment (96% cpu on xorg) but look on wikipedia for ti. it has the same name as the thing from apple23:50
tom__Seveas: http://sourceforge.net/projects/free-cad/files/   or the mainpage:  http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/free-cad/index.php?title=Main_Page23:50
adamotHi, I just downloaded the .deb file from VirtualBox.com and opened it using the package installer. Now that installation is complete, how do I access the VirtualBox program?23:50
courpseSeveas, So, trusted_users = MAIN_TRUSTED_USERS Replace with, trusted_users = www-data23:50
fcuk112datadude: what do you mean it didn't recognise the iso?23:50
* duffydack half wishes he sent jaunty to a friend in spain and not karmic.. oh so many issues23:51
LaibschHow do I find out who has signed GPG key XY?23:51
visis it possible to run just KDE's panel in fluxbox?23:51
tom__Seveas: I didnÄt try it out yet.. but the main page seems very promising to me ...23:51
tigerbeardunapiedra: i think i'm having the same (or at least a similar) problem23:51
SeveasI see no .deb files there23:51
tigerbeardwhat's your graphics chipset23:51
unapiedraKDE or ubuntu?23:51
unapiedraintel i think23:51
remotewhat happened to linux-restricted-modules?23:52
tom__Seveas: its on the sourceforge page under "linux 0.8(...)"23:52
Seveasah, older version23:52
remotei read it's deprecated for DKMS packages23:52
ActionParsnipunapiedra: the question doesnt make sense23:52
tigerbeardme too, but i'm running Gnome23:52
datadudefcuk112: I wrote it to the drive and plugged it into the slot on the netbook. When I powered it up, I went to the BIOS and set it to boot only from USB.  The error says, "Reboot and select proper Boot Device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key". My guess is that it didn't write properly.23:52
Jordan_Utom__: The debian squeeze package should work in karmic, I am also building a package for karmic right now23:52
ActionParsnipunapiedra: kde is a desktop, ubuntu is an OS23:52
visis it possible to run just KDE's panel in fluxbox?23:52
Laibschduffydack: Really?  I have no serious issues with karmic.  But I kept gimp and the video driver to the versions from jaunty.23:52
remotei need the wl module for my broadcom wireless NIC23:52
remotewhat happened to linux-restricted-modules?23:52
ActionParsnipvls: do you mean neon?23:52
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fcuk112datadude: maybe there is something wrong with the iso...23:53
tom__Seveas: which one is the "debian squeeze" package?23:53
Jordan_Utom__: http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/freecad23:53
ActionParsnip!es | sasch23:53
ubottusasch: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:53
visActionParsnip: I'm not sure what it's called.. I'm just not overly enamoured with fluxbox's panel, pypanel doesn't seem to want to compile, and I can't find much else that seems to work in a vertical bar, so I thought I'd try the kde panel if it's possible23:54
datadudefcuk112: I'm disinclined to believe that, actually, for the simple reason that I've *never* been able to make a USB drive bootable in Ubuntu. :P23:54
ActionParsnipvls: the bottom bar that has the k menu on?23:54
Jordan_Utom__: And since it's in debian squeeze it should be available for the next version of Ubuntu by default23:54
SteelDragonPLEASE HELP! I have my ubuntu (9.04) machine networked w/ my windows 7 machine.  I  can access what I need to on the windows 7 machine from the ubuntu machine.  But, in ubuntu, even though I have my printer shared, I cannot see it from windows 7.  Any ideas?23:54
tom__Seveas: ahh.. that looks very promising :)   no libboost 1.37  dependency  ^^ ...23:55
fcuk112datadude: i've gotten it to work once - maybe you should burn a CD instead or something?  does your notebook have a cd drive?23:55
tom__Jordan_U: ahh.. so this is how i works?23:55
ActionParsnipSteelDragon: win7 and ubuntu have issues with samba23:55
datadudefcuk112: Unfortunately, I don't have a drive.23:55
ActionParsnipvls: could try pressing alt+f2  then run 'plasma' which is what the bottom bar is called in kde23:55
tom__Jordan_U:  first you put something into debian... and then it gets recoginzed by the ubuntu people?23:55
Jordan_Utom__: All of Ubuntu's packages come from debian23:56
fcuk112datadude: maybe you can try a vanilla karmic iso on your usb drive, see if that works.23:56
visActionParsnip: strange, im getting command not found even though I've installed kubuntu23:56
visthe kubuntu packages, i mean23:56
visstandard ubuntu23:56
tom__Jordan_U: hmm.  whow didnÄt know that..  I though they were made independently23:57
ActionParsnipvls: weird, i'd ask in #kubuntu for verification23:57
Jordan_Utom__: Each release Ubuntu grabs all of the packages in debian unstable ( or debian testing for LTS releases ) then spends months making sure that they all work well together23:57
datadudefcuk112: Which one do you recommend?23:57
adamotFor a first time Ubuntu user, would you all recommend getting jaunty instead of karmic?23:58
tom__Jordan_U: ..  ahh ok... i see  what about the debian stable version then?  isn't it an exact copy of ubuntu then?23:58
craigbass1976GAH!  I have a thumb drive mounted up in /tmp  Why can't I make it 777 ?23:58
vis-ActionParsnip: it's plasma-desktop, I think, and it takes away fluxbox menu and desktop bars etc23:58
duffydackLaibsch, sound is broken in karmic and I hate its new sound "prefs" its a shadow of jaunty`s mixer.. plus I was told fixing my sound would break 95% of everyone elses..  I can fix it with editing some configs but there are other issues like flash videos and scrolling the page they are on is stuttery as hell.. I`m happy with jaunty it works.. I see no reason to go karmic23:58
tom__adamot: ...no....23:58
visnot useable =(23:59
Flare183What should I do to fix this?23:59
Flare183this: install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables23:59
adamotTom__, okay23:59
ActionParsnipadamot: i'd say karmic23:59
tom__adamot: its practically the same.. concerning desktop environement etc..  just karmic is better and more stable...23:59
insm0dtom_, I believe you are somewhat correct.  Ubuntu is a fork of debian for all intents and purposes.  I guess Canonical creates customized packages to release as Ubuntu, but current debian and current ubuntu are so similar the packages are virtually interchangable.23:59
fcuk112datadude: http://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=torrent-details&id=98c5c361d0be5f2a07ea8fa5052e5aa48097e7f623:59

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