
KnifeySpooneyHow do I change my syncing directory?05:15
KnifeySpooneyand is it possible to exclude folders inside my sync directory for situations where i symlinked a folder?05:16
yassinemorning folks12:25
yassineis it possible to use "scp" to store my files in the one.ubuntu.com folders?12:25
LiCeThi all12:59
julioHi all14:30
julioI'd like to sync a file with U1 which is in another folder... maybe with a link14:30
juliois it possible?14:31
JulioNetoHi all16:31
JulioNetoI'd like to sync a file with U1, which is in another folder... maybe with a link. Is it possible?16:32
verterokJulioNeto: hi, symlink aren't support (yet)16:38
verterokJulioNeto: they are just ignored by the syncdaemon16:38
JulioNetoverterok: I see16:39
JulioNetoverterok: tks :D16:40
verteroknp :)16:40
mgvdoes everything is ssl???18:31
zacktucan i have symbolic links in my ubuntuone folder?21:29
greg-gis there a delay between when u1 on my desktop tells me it has finished uploading a file and when I can see it in the web interface?23:35
greg-gok, one file is showing up in the web ui, but there are 2 other folders (with files) and 2 other files not showing up23:41
facundobatistagreg-g, yes, there's a delay23:48
facundobatistadon't know exactly how much it is23:48
greg-gfacundobatista: and relatedly, a delay with the space used progress bar? I deleted all the files from a previous U1 attempt a month ago first. It still shows I'm using 285 megs when really there is just about 100K that I tried to push up just now (the one file still only showing up, the others not)23:50
facundobatistagreg-g, where you deleted it? from the webui or from the desktop client?23:50
greg-gweb ui23:51
greg-gsince my local folder was empty anyways23:51
greg-gand hadn't ever actually sync'd (see: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/408463 for my first attempt to sync using U1)23:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408463 in ubuntuone-client "Will not fully sync" [High,Triaged]23:52
facundobatistagreg-g, mmm... if you deleted from the web ui, the web ui should update the space used progress bar23:53
greg-gfacundobatista: also: http://grossmeier.net/files/u1_myfiles.png23:54
greg-gthat 'configs" folder should probably show up in the main area that says "folder empty"23:54
facundobatistagreg-g, don't know23:54
greg-gfacundobatista: I'm bombarding you anyways, I'm sorry :)23:55
facundobatistagreg-g, no problem... I'm more a desktop client guy... really don't know much about web ui23:55
greg-gI just really want to move to using U1 isntead of dropbox, but every attempt has failed miserably. I don't mean to bad mouth U1, but I can't say anything good about my experiences.23:55
greg-greally, sorry to bitch at you on a saturday23:56
greg-gmy plan: remove all U1 related anything on my computer (configs, packages, etc) delete contents of the Ubuntu One folder both locally and in the web ui. At that point would U1 basically treat me as a new user and thus have a better chance of it working?23:57

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