
timhi, I'm new to xfce. Can somebody tell me how to enable compositing, so my popup notifications don't look all crazy? That, or how to make the popup notifications not look crazy?02:23
lupitaanybody here?03:32
allstars1ausanyone here?  I have a question about Xubuntu.03:34
lupitahi, can you help me?03:34
lupitaWe both have questions.03:34
allstars1ausHow can I write to the xubuntu file system?03:34
lupitaWhat do you want to do? Edit something?03:35
lupitaOpen it with mousepad03:35
allstars1ausI need to gain permission to access the file system03:35
lupitawith your password?03:35
allstars1aushow do I set a password etc so I have access03:35
lupitawith the same password you write when xubuntu starts03:36
allstars1ausI didn't get a password when I installed xubuntu to usb flash drive.  I need to create a password and access permission to the file system.03:36
lupitaI don't know how to do that03:37
allstars1ausbasically,  override the security and allow me to write/save/ to files.03:37
allstars1ausdo this throught the G UI03:38
lupitadid you try to open a terminal and then typing sudo mousepad and the path of the file?03:39
allstars1ausI don't want to use ther terminal...I want to open and save files within the windows.03:40
allstars1ausis there a program in "Applications"  that can set access / passwords ?03:40
lupitaOh, you want to create folders like in "Documents'03:41
allstars1ausI want to edit files with mouse pad, then save it.   it won't allow me to write.03:41
allstars1aus*won't allow me to save.03:41
lupitaTo do that you must first open a terminal03:42
allstars1ausyes I understand that..using sudo,  but I want to use the windows.03:42
lupitano, i don't know.03:42
allstars1ausin "applications" menu,  I found "System" >> "Authorizations"03:43
lupitaAn hour ago I had to edit a file because my computer didn't turn off properly, and I did it using the terminal to open the file03:43
lupitaIt's really sad that there's nobody here to ask03:44
allstars1ausI really want to use mousepad to edit and save.03:44
lupitawhat version of xubuntu you have? 9.4 or 9.10?03:45
allstars1ausI'm running a persistant install on 8 gig usb flash drive.03:46
lupitaI want to ask something about 9.1003:46
allstars1ausis 9.10 an official release now ?03:47
allstars1ausok.  it was "release candidate" last time I checked.03:47
lupitaBut, in my case it had a really big bug03:47
allstars1auswhat ?03:48
lupitain the shutdown. It didn't shut down or restart correctly03:48
lupitaI have a wubi installation of 9.4 and then in the upgrade you get this bug03:49
allstars1ausare you using the "release candidate" version ?03:50
allstars1ausif so, that could explain the bugginess03:50
lupitaWell, I dont know, when you open "Update Manager" it says that there's and upgrade03:51
allstars1aushave you updated your files with "update manager" ?03:52
allstars1ausmost recent updates.03:52
allstars1ausare you using an old pc?03:52
lupitahp pavillion celeron 200303:53
allstars1ausok.. some older pc's refuse to shut down correctly, like my old pentium 3 & 2.03:53
allstars1ausit shuts down ok with 9.04 ?03:54
lupitayes, that was not the problem, it was a bug. I corrected it an hour ago03:54
lupitanow, i'm here because I like start up sounds, I had them in 9.04, but now  with 9.10 I don't know how to do it03:55
allstars1aushow did it work in 9.04 ?03:58
lupitaI think it was in "log in screen" there is a tab where you can browse a sound in your pc. But The firs one has to be a very short sound, the one for the "Log in" the other one not so small03:59
lupitadid you find them in "login screen"? Because here on 9.10 there's nothing04:01
allstars1ausI"m looking now.04:01
allstars1ausmaybe use catfish to find it.04:02
lupitaI don't know how to use that thing, I never find nothing with it. Please, tell me, are the sounds there in "login screen"?04:03
allstars1ausI'm searching for it with catfish now..04:03
allstars1ausI found login.wav04:05
lupitaoh, let me see04:06
lupitano, i searched "login.wav" and finds nothing04:07
allstars1ausmake sure you select 'file system'  under the folder title.04:09
allstars1ausin the search box type:  login04:09
allstars1austhen search04:09
allstars1ausyou should see a long list of login references.04:11
kgeeIve got an Xubuntu 9.10 live CD running on 3-4 year old hardware. The desktop install icon keeps crashing. Does anyone know how to invoke the installer via command line so I can get a little more info on the problem?04:11
lupitait's searching...04:12
Techie_was somebody having trouble with a persistant jaunty USB04:13
allstars1ausme.  I want to access the file system..04:13
allstars1ausI have xubuntu 9.04 on persistant usb.04:13
allstars1aus* I want to write/save to the file system.  It won't allow me.04:13
allstars1ausI need the access permission,  setup a password  or something..04:14
Techie_to write to system files you will need to use sudo04:15
Techie_do you want to use a graphical text editor?04:15
allstars1ausyes. I want to use mousepad.04:16
Techie_wait, are you accessing the filesystem from within the usb, or are you modifying the casper-rw file externally04:16
allstars1ausI want to modify a  .desktop text file, then save it.04:17
Techie_sudo mousepad /dir/to/file.desktop04:17
allstars1ausok. thanks..04:18
allstars1ausbut how do I over ride the security access so I can do it from a the window ?04:18
Techie_you could chmod the file04:19
allstars1austhere must be a setting ..04:19
Techie_then everyone can write to it04:19
Techie_sudo chmod a+w /dri/to/file.desktop04:19
allstars1auswhat does "chmod" do ?04:19
Techie_changes the file permissions04:20
Techie_a+w = all write04:20
allstars1ausok thanks..04:20
Techie_so it allows all users write access to the file04:20
Techie_good to see im not the only person who finds it handy to have a large persistant USB04:21
lupitais there a way to hear a startup sound on xubuntu 9.10?04:21
Techie_lupita, im not sure, but you could always use mplayer and a cron job04:21
lupitawhat is a cron job04:22
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm04:22
lupitaoh, ok thank you very much.04:22
allstars1ausTechie,  I installed xubuntu 9.04 to 8g usb, then had to resize the casper-rw file to approx. 4 gigs.  I have no problems with the update manager or synaptic package manager now..04:22
Techie_no problem04:22
allstars1austhanks for the sudo instructions, but how can I set a password to write to the file system from a window?04:24
allstars1ausa windows should open asking for a password.04:24
Techie_if you want to enter your password graphically you can use gksudo04:25
allstars1auswhere's that ?04:25
Techie_just run it instead of sudo04:25
Techie_gksudo mousepad /dir/to/file.desktop04:26
allstars1auslet's say, you right click on the file the file  " /etc/mtab", then you "open with.." >> mousepad,04:29
allstars1austhen, you modify the file, and select "save"...04:29
allstars1ausbut it refuses to save.. (because you don't have permission)04:30
allstars1ausI need to setup a password prompt to allow me to write to files from a window.04:31
allstars1auswhere are the global file access/password settings located ?04:31
allstars1ausso I can write to any file from a window04:32
allstars1ausa password prompt should open, then give me access to the file.04:32
Techie_try find a way to edit the open with application, and prefix it with gksudo04:33
_Pete_sudo -i04:33
_Pete_= everything works04:33
allstars1auswhen you say "everything works"  will that allow me to write to system files ?04:34
Techie__Pete_, or sudo su04:35
allstars1austhanks for your help everyone..04:37
kgeeI'm having trouble with the desktop install icon on my live CD. How do I invoke the OS install via command line to see what the trouble is?04:37
allstars1ausI'll fire up the terminal and try it.04:37
Techie_kgee, its in the menu04:38
kgeeAh, I see it. Hopefully it doesnt fail in the same fashion.04:39
kgeepreferably not at all04:40
Techie_kgee, may the force be with you04:41
kgeewhen I try to install, ubiquity crashes with an I/O error. A ctrl+alt+f2 shows a stream of slowly accumulating I/O errors on device sr0. Some quick google work says this is my disc drive. I am currently typing to you off said live cd, so I think the disc is good. Any ideas?04:50
kgee*sigh* Im going to go check the disc hash. Might have to burn another CD. Or check the cd drive/ide cable for faulty hardware. Later!04:54
smeagsanyone have an eeepc netbook?05:58
ron_oI' liked the old emelfm file manager. The new one isn't as good. How can I get the old one? Do I need to compile? Any repos out there?06:07
ron_oI think I found a deb package for it...06:10
ron_ogo look and see if it works. I really hate compiling.06:11
Guest19752anybody here06:19
ron_oshhhhh, no...06:22
valdu55Hello. I want use two netwoks at same time11:55
valdu55VLC uses one network and Firefox and other apps Internet.11:56
valdu55I have two inf. Wlan and Eth11:56
K3rl0u4rnhi people, just installed karmic koala and having trouble with some administrative tasks such as installing nvidia drivers... I can't "unlock" the dialog windows12:57
K3rl0u4rnanyone could help ?12:57
Scotchwhat is the command to increase the volume (or decrease it) ?15:33
dm_synckalsamixer, maybe ?15:35
ScotchI'm using pulseaudio, does that make any difference ?15:36
dm_synckOh, not sure about pulseaudio. Never worked with it.15:37
dm_synckYou might still try alsamixer and see if that does what you need.15:38
Scotchamixer seems to work, thanks15:38
dm_synckNo problem. Glad I could help.15:39
oles_какой командой отключить икс систему?15:56
jcfp!ru | oles_15:58
ubottuoles_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:58
oles_how can i stop X server on ubuntu?15:58
oles_is it possible to make xubuntu fast like puppy linux?16:34
sanguisso I just diud a clean install of xubuntu 9.10 with ext4 partitions on thi9s older machine.  it was running ubuntu 9.04. half the time whne I turn the machine on I get a blank screen.17:46
sanguisI can buy pass this by hitting <f5> at ste the boot, selecting safe mode then logging in normal and reunning startx17:46
sanguisis there a way to fix this?17:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:54
Anonymosi made dual boot with xp. xubuntu installed first. how to fix my grub17:56
likemindeadYeah, it's best to install Windows first, Anonymos. Hold on one second.18:00
Anonymosi know how to google18:15
Anonymosi just found many and different guides18:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbmc19:03
* rr_lap smacks rr72 19:05
rr_lapI am having problems with my hotkey for brightness on my laptop19:06
rr_lapI found a fix so I can change it via command line but now I am trying somehow change the event that my keys trigger19:06
rr_laprunning 9.10 on a HP compaq 8510w, I found a "bugfix" but haven't figured it out19:07
sanguisdex1so when I try booting into xubuntu 9.10 I get and error saying "general error mounting file system" right before the screen goes blank. any takers?19:15
sanguisdex1any one else have this issue?19:23
rr_lapnope not for me19:23
rr_lapi am having problems with hotkeys and screen brightness19:23
=== serek_ is now known as serek
sanguisdex1rr_lap: lucky you19:25
=== emma_ is now known as emma
xenolhello, i am interested in using albatross. however, it seems that it needs some engine. which one?21:39
Guest7294anybody have an eeepc21:43
C00LARR01i am wanting to buy a usb wifi adapter and looking to see if anyone has any good experiece with a certain make and model?23:38

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