[00:00] greg-g, post-karmic versions work decently ok [00:01] post karmic? [00:01] greg-g, however, this is a beta product... we have a lot of small corner that we're yet improving [00:01] greg-g, karmic koala release [00:01] greg-g, which version are you using? [00:01] karmic [00:01] what is in the main repos, no ppa [00:01] ah, ok [00:02] so, should I not use the karmic version when I re-install U1? [00:07] greg-g, well... PPA's version are with more bugfixes [00:08] I'll try the PPA then. [00:09] I'm really curious what the reason is the web ui is not updated my space used. It has been about 35 minutes after I made a major change in the amount of stuff stored on U1's servers [05:06] installed xubuntu lucid, and apt'ed ubuntuone-client, but didnt get any icons for it, and no ubuntu one directory. Am I missing something? [05:19] hmm...guess i needed ubuntuone-client-gnome to get the icon. [21:52] Hi [21:52] Is it possible to share a link for download with ubuntuone? [22:33] like a permalink to a file? [22:35] yes lamalex [22:35] not afaik, i might be wrong though [22:37] https://files.one.ubuntu.com/1a936584-07f5-4729-8d4b-825a849958b2 [22:37] does that link work for you? [23:28] lamalex: no, after it asking me to sign it, it gave me a Server Error (500)