
* lifeless watches the dustweeds00:43
lifelessspiv: bug 45795201:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 457952 in bzr "pqm does not use subunit because bzr selftest --subunit reports errors" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45795201:25
spivlifeless: what about it?  I guess the question is "what precisely should the 'check' target do?", and then just land that.01:27
lifelessspiv: I proposed an idiom earlier in the bug report01:28
spivlifeless: feel like proposing an actual patch? :)01:28
lifelessI think something like tee test.log && subunit-stats < test.log01:28
lifelessspiv: or subunit-filter --no-skip < test.log | subunit2pyunit01:29
spivlifeless: sure, the idea sounds fine.  But it seems to me that you're the best person to decide on the details.01:30
lifelessspiv: I'll add it to my queue01:31
lifelessspiv: possibly in the weekend01:31
lifelessspiv: I may be the best person; I don't think it needs the best person.01:32
spivWell, partly I'm a bit hesistant because last time I turned on subunit things broke.  But that change was also simpler... and I haven't got all the various subunit-* utils paged in, so discovering the options for achieving this and evaluating them is not trivial effort.  If you propose a patch I can pilot it though ;)01:34
lifelessits not really on my radar workwise01:38
lifelessspiv: I guess what I'm thinking is that : it will help folk landing stuff; having at least one other person happy with the tool chain is important :)01:47
stewarthi! i'm having issues with a plugin I wrote. it's trying to commit.run with author= as a parameter, but i'm getting "author: s, t, e, w" etc instead of "author: stewart@"  any clues?02:27
stewartrunning bzr 2.0.202:27
stewart(this used to work okay)02:29
spivstewart: a commit can have multiple authors02:32
spivstewart: so IIRC you need to pass a list of author strings, not just a single author string.02:32
stewartlet's try that02:32
spivThat feature was added in 1.13 according to the news file.02:33
stewartsubtle API change :)02:34
spivYeah.  It would have been nicer I guess if the API had renamed that param.02:34
spivAnd also calling it 'authors' would be clearer, really, but I think that's a limitation of our command-line processing infrastructure.02:35
stewartas i don't think i'm that important that each character in my email address should be listed :)02:35
stewarti should actually rip this plugin out of the internal mysql tree and just publish it.... was the original intention.02:36
spivProbably ListOption should grow a feature where the name of the --option does not have to precisely match the param in the API, because the CLI will have a singular word (possibly repeated), but the API ideally would have a plural.02:37
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi02:38
* fullermd slaps lying 'merge' around.03:46
fullermdIs it actually expected that merge bleats about being unable to find a common ancestor when there are two of 'em?03:52
lifelessfullermd: thats a criss cross03:56
lifelessand it recurses deeper in that case03:57
fullermdWell, no, it just dies.03:57
lifelessfullermd: you may have a special case.03:57
lifelessbug filed?03:57
fullermdbzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision was specified.03:57
lifelesstheres no sign of two common ancestors there03:58
fullermdWell, I know.  But there are two.03:59
fullermdbug 48338804:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 483388 in bzr "merge lies about lacking common ancestors when it has multiple choices" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48338804:03
fullermd(adding an explicit merge type doesn't change anything; I conjecture that it blows up before it gets to anything merge-type varies)04:13
RenatoSilvaverterok: hope you read this later, I've got the new update site, but it works only if extracted. Some users like me get confused because update sites usually work as a zip. But anyway, I've extracted it and got bzr-eclipse installed without errors04:26
RenatoSilvaverterok: however, when I try to get a lp branch as new project, it's not working if I put a non-ascii path :(04:26
RenatoSilvaverterok: org.vcs.bazaar.client.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCommandException: <class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>:not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 30204:27
RenatoSilvaverterok: iirc that error is related to xmloutput04:28
verterokRenatoSilva: Hi05:28
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi05:28
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, there is a bug with the bundled xmloutput in windows :/05:28
verterokRenatoSilva: I'm working on a fix ATM05:28
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok let me know if I'm still here, so that I can test it05:29
verterokRenatoSilva: ok, probably I'll finish it by tomorrow, I need to sleep a few hours before go to work ;)05:29
RenatoSilvaverterok: ah ok :)05:30
RenatoSilvaverterok: just to note: I think there are remaining encoding problems in xmloutput05:30
verterokRenatoSilva: oh, that's bad :(05:30
RenatoSilvaverterok: do you remember a bug when I said about 2 approaches about the XML Header? Always declare and  UTF-8 vs. detect system encoding?05:31
verterokRenatoSilva: yes05:31
RenatoSilvaverterok: I've noted that your fixes to the encoding problems I've reported tend to go to detecting, but as I said, we must be careful about valid entries. For example, we can't get <?xml... encoding="cp850"?> because cp850 is an invalid entry for an XML document.05:33
RenatoSilvaverterok: besides, I wonder if the fixes you've committed are adding more issues. In a nutshell: we need to take a better look at xmloutput. Feel free to ask me for testing :)05:34
verterokRenatoSilva: regarding, bzr-eclipse, in the preference page, try adding the path to the bzr plugins directory to the plugins path , e.g: in my winxp vm, it's: C:\Documents and Settings\guillermo\Datos de programa\bazaar\2.0\plugins05:34
* RenatoSilva checks his xmloutput bugs05:34
verterokRenatoSilva: and click the Recheck button after setting it :)05:35
RenatoSilvaverterok: but the bundled xmloutput is the same as trunk05:35
RenatoSilvaverterok: or is it for something else?05:35
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, but there is a bug in bzr-eclipse, the code that builds the BZR_PLUGIN_PATH value is broken for windows paths05:36
verterokRenatoSilva: it's trunk05:36
RenatoSilvaok but why does it need to be aware of that path?05:36
verterokRenatoSilva: to override the path of the bundled xmloutput...I didn't testted :/05:37
verterokRenatoSilva: looks like adding the path to plugins dir works, at least in my spanish win xp :)05:41
RenatoSilvaoverride the path?05:42
verterokRenatoSilva: in the bazaar preference page, there is an option to add plugins path05:43
verterokRenatoSilva: bzr-eclipse trunk, don't handle windows paths ok, and so the BZR_PLUGIN_PATH used contains a wrong path.05:44
verterokRenatoSilva: in order to use trunk build, you need to add the plugins path manually05:44
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok but I mean, why does bzr-eclipse need to know that plugins path? to override the bundled's? but what's that?05:45
verterokRenatoSilva: bzr-eclipse trunk, bundle xmloutput so users don't have to install it...basically to simplify the install process05:46
PengWhat's the right way to make push default to --no-strict? An alias?05:46
verterokRenatoSilva: but to do that, it need to set BZR_PLUGINS_PATH when it launchs the xmlrpc service05:47
verterokPeng: probably that's the way to go :)05:48
* RenatoSilva installing bzr-eclipse again05:49
verterokRenatoSilva: or you can wait until tomorrow night, for the new build ;)05:50
RenatoSilvaverterok: you said I could set the path manually, do you think it may be cause of the parse error I mentioned above?05:51
Pengverterok: Eh, ok05:51
verterokRenatoSilva: don't know :/05:51
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok will test now05:52
verterokRenatoSilva: that error is the same we were getting in hudson a few days ago...05:52
RenatoSilvaverterok: I remember that error as being something regarding encoding for sure05:52
poolie1spiv, how did the pilotage go?05:54
RenatoSilvaverterok: there's no executable set, can't get how it was finding it...05:56
verterokRenatoSilva: it will look for it in PATH05:57
RenatoSilvaah ok, just added bzr's plugin path, will test05:57
RenatoSilvaverterok: bah, same error, even setting the path manually :(06:00
verterokRenatoSilva: :(06:00
RenatoSilvaverterok: org.vcs.bazaar.client.xmlrpc.XmlRpcCommandException: <class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>:not well-formed (invalid token): line 1, column 30206:00
RenatoSilvaverterok: would be easy to find out what's happening if I debug, but I'm afraing not getting the source code debug working06:01
verterokRenatoSilva: bzr-eclipse code?06:01
verterokRenatoSilva: it should bo ok now, I updated all deps in the pom(s).xml06:02
RenatoSilvaverterok: yes, and we'd need bzr-java-lib too...06:02
spivpoolie1: it's going pretty well, although it's a bit tedious figuring out who has signed the contributor agreement06:02
poolie1there's an lp team for it?06:02
poolie1i think?06:03
RenatoSilvaverterok: but bzr-eclipse does not come configured to work with the source code of bzr-java-lib06:03
spivThere is, but a) I'm not confident it's up to date, and b) I don't see any way to go from a team page to a complete list of members.06:03
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, it will pull bzr-java-lib from the maven repository06:03
spivOr rather, I see a way that *should* do that, but doesn't.06:03
spivYou can go backwards, from the lp user check their team memberships.06:03
RenatoSilvaverterok: if the problem is not with xmloutput, it is with bzr-java-lib likely, so I will need the source of that too06:04
verterokRenatoSilva: oh, ok06:05
RenatoSilvaverterok: I've got it working before, let me try again (feaaaar)06:05
verterokRenatoSilva: /me needs to get some sleep :)06:05
RAOFHm.  How can I tell if a bzr-git dpush is actually going to finish or not (halting problem notwithstanding)?  This one seems to have pushed ~400MiB of data, which is substantially larger than the repository.06:05
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok see you, thanks06:05
verterokRenatoSilva: np, thank you :-)06:06
verterokseey'a later!06:06
RenatoSilvaIs there any issues related to running two bzr.exe instances at the same time?06:10
RenatoSilvaI suspect I have one or more06:10
poolie1spiv: seriously? that seems like quite a gap06:24
RAOFOooh.  2GB ram & 600MiB upload later it seems that dpus is almost done :)06:24
poolie1spiv, in theory one can write a bot that marks mp depending on whether the contributor is a member of the team or not06:26
spivpoolie1: yeah, just filing a bug on that now.  There's an "All members" link, but it leads to disappointment rather than the information I seek.06:26
poolie1oh because it doesn't expand ubuntuone-hackers?06:26
poolie1it's safe to assume they're all staff06:26
spivpoolie1: that page says "54 people are members in total", then only lists 9 people06:27
fullermd"New bug filed: Plz delink disappointment"06:27
spivHmm, I'm not sure if that's a correct assumption.06:28
spivAnyway, I think that means that page isn't complete, given that there are many more on the internal wiki page.06:28
poolie1i still think it's a bug06:36
poolie1that's true too06:36
poolie1we should pull them across06:36
poolie1can i suggest you mention this in a mail about the pilot project sometime06:37
poolie1actually it might just be flamebait06:37
poolie1we probably should reconcile that team with the other list/s though06:38
spivYes, a single canonical (hah!) list would be nice.06:38
poolie1if only there was a massive sql db guaranteed to have the precisely correct schema and data06:38
fullermdYou can just use the web as one.  First, you become Google...06:39
spivThat's just begging for another joke about the word "canonical" :P06:39
poolie1we only give you $5 for lunch? that doesn't go far...06:44
spivpoolie1: for breakfast06:45
lifelesshmm, I need to do expenses too06:49
lifelesswe did what, three group meals? mon, wed, friday06:49
poolie1and also thursday, without you06:50
lifelessyes :)06:51
=== weigon_ is now known as weigon
bialixHi GaryvdM09:26
maxbWhere is the correct place to discuss a compatibility-breaking UI change? Namely, I would like to propose dropping the 'bzr rebase --always-rebase-merges' option and making its behaviour the default11:33
balorIs there a nice linux GUI tool for resolving conflicts?11:35
bob2if you use emacs, smerge-ediff is very nice, too11:35
bob2(aside from the ridiculous colours)11:36
balorbob2, How does meld help? do I diff3 the BASE OTHER and THIS files?11:36
gioelebalor: yes, also try kdiff311:50
balorgioele, Thanks.  Meld worked brilliantly well.11:53
balormeld foo.c.BASE foo.c.OTHER foo.c.THIS, make them all agree then cp foo.c.BASE foo.c, bzr ci11:53
gioelebalor: no "bzr resolve"?11:57
Peng"bzr resolved" is for telling bzr that the conflicts have been resolved, not for actively resolving them (unlike hg, which always bites me).11:59
gioelePeng: yes, but I thought that you needed "bzr resolve" before "bzr commit"12:00
PengOh oh, that's what you meant. Yes, you're correct.12:09
PengSorry I misunderstood.12:09
gioelespiv: (pilot) could you help me with <https://code.launchpad.net/~gioele/bzr/forgot-commit-message>? Is there something missing or wrong?12:31
RenatoSilvawhat is .bzr\checkout\lock\releasing.ed3xwzvx48mik4q2lqhl.tmp?12:50
RenatoSilvaand .bzr\checkout\lock\held?12:50
RenatoSilvaand how access denied errors are related to such files?12:50
bialixRenatoSilva: break-lock is your friend13:12
RenatoSilvabialix: this is happening in unit tests, *randomly*13:13
bialixRenatoSilva: windows?13:13
RenatoSilvaprocmon is my friend and gives the this info about the error: Path "C:\Documents and Settings\Renato\Configurações locais\Temp\bazaar_client_tests8941769694356864996\working_copies\localBranch\original\.bzr\checkout\lock\held"13:14
RenatoSilvaDetail "ReplaceIfExists: False, FileName: C:\Documents and Settings\Renato\Configurações locais\Temp\bazaar_client_tests8941769694356864996\working_copies\localBranch\original\.bzr\checkout\lock\releasing.rcgp0djgibyborcys2tx.tmp"13:14
RenatoSilva* gives me, and yes WinXP SP3 updated13:14
bialixI'd suggest to using shorter path for temp directory13:14
RenatoSilvaI don't know what ReplaceIfExists and the related FileName means though13:14
bialixsomething like C:\TMP13:14
RenatoSilvaAlready tried13:15
RenatoSilvaI probably tried anything that you can imagine :P13:15
bialixthis is test for smart server? or dumb server perhaps13:15
bialixI'd say this is race condition13:16
bialixRenatoSilva: bazaar_client_tests13:16
bialixthe name of this tests suggest me that some sort of server is tested13:16
bialixperhaps some code runs in thread13:16
RenatoSilvawhat's that I'm sorry? The test errors are with bzr-java-lib project, only in my Windows XP13:17
bialixtherefore race condtion13:17
bialixso what?13:17
bialix.bzr\checkout\lock is lock13:17
bialixif you have file with lock info still opened/read by one process you can't delete it by other13:18
RenatoSilvaa dir right? and releasing.*.tmp?13:18
bialixRenatoSilva: there is file inside, named info13:18
bialixtext file with info about lock13:18
bialix*.tmp is fancy_rename trick13:18
bialixsee bzrlib/osutils.py fancy_rename13:19
* RenatoSilva has no idea on what could be causing this problem, he's into this since days13:20
PengSomething that doesn't release locks, perhaps?13:20
bialixif you say it's random failures then I'd say it's either path length limit or race condition13:20
bialixor you have aggressive anti-virus13:21
RenatoSilvabzr-java-lib uses an XML-RPC server started with "bzr start-xmlrpc", then it sends commands to the server and reads the response. The tests work the same way13:21
bialixso you have 2 concurrent processes. race condition?13:22
RenatoSilvaI'm currently running one specific test in Eclipse, and I'm catching the above error in procmon, it seems unreleased lock but has no sense (why? how? when? who? etc)13:23
bialixperhaps raised error13:23
bialixlogs are you friends13:24
RenatoSilvabialix: I don't understand how my anti-virus would be causing this without notifying anything....13:24
RenatoSilvabialix: besides I tried disabling it...13:25
bialixanti-virus monitor can start reading/checking new files therefore effectively blocking file deletion13:25
RenatoSilvabialix: 2 processes? why? what processes?13:25
bialixXML-RPC server = 1st process, client = 2nd process, right&13:26
bialixXML-RPC server = 1st process, client = 2nd process, right?13:26
RenatoSilvabialix: but if I disabled the monitor for a while, it would stop monitoring and therefore stop blocking, however shutting down the anti-virus didn't work :(13:26
bialixthat's bad if it won't help13:27
RenatoSilvabialix: client does not access the temp repo afaik, it only sends commands to xml-rpc server and handles response13:27
bialixdo you have some pastebin to show?13:28
RenatoSilvaI don't know if it serves as a clue, but during the test, procmon reports 3 executions of bzr.exe with different command lines, let me see13:28
RenatoSilvabialix: I can give you may pastebins, you just have to choose of what exactly :D13:29
bialixI have no idea about your code13:29
bialixwhy you need to run bzr.exe 3 times?13:29
RenatoSilvaI'm just an user/contributor13:30
* bialix is not user even13:30
bialixRenatoSilva: sometimes tests written in linux way, so it's hard to understand what's wrong13:31
* bialix don't understand Java either13:32
RenatoSilvabialix: I don't --need-- 3 times, I've --found-- it13:32
bialixso maybe this is error?13:33
bialixsometimes one strange error masked actual error13:33
RenatoSilvaI wonder if for any reason and somehow another bzr.exe tries to do something in the same branch13:33
RenatoSilvaThe question is why it was working perfectly a few days ago....13:34
bialixoh, my favorite question13:34
RenatoSilvaanything that I've done of different I tried to revert back13:35
RenatoSilvaI reverted windows back to a previous state, before insatlling AVG9 (over 8.5) and updating windows13:36
RenatoSilvaI had problems with that, but after fixing them, I've got it wroking13:36
RenatoSilvathen while I was here talking to verterok a thsi week, it stopped working again13:37
RenatoSilvathe only thing I could figure out have done different was that I cancelled mvn test in cmd line, and that verterok pushed a new lib version to repo that was dowloaded13:37
RenatoSilvaSo I tried to change permisssions of mvn, c:/program files, ~, etc....13:38
RenatoSilvatried to reinstall bzr and mvn, tried many things...and nothing....13:38
RenatoSilvaI even installed recent windows updates one by one, like one of them was causing this, but no13:39
RenatoSilvaTherefore, I don't even know what action caused this starting to happen13:40
bialixsorry, it seems I can't help here13:40
RenatoSilvaI'm looking for someone with mvn + winxp sp3 updated [+ avg9] to try at least reproduce the problem13:40
RenatoSilvais bzr.exe.Local a bzr stuff?13:41
bialixbzr.exe.Local? no13:47
RenatoSilvabialix: there are mainly 2 kind of errors that randomly happen, first one is access denied about the lock13:55
RenatoSilvabialix: not sure but seconde one seems to happen when first one passes13:55
RenatoSilvabialix: 2nd is  unknown command "C:\Arquivos de programas\Bazaar\bzr.exe"13:55
RenatoSilvawhich is absolutely non-sense, the file exists13:56
bialixdo you have this file?13:56
RenatoSilvait's bzr!13:56
bialixyes, I see it's bzr13:56
bialixif this string process be something like shlex.split you'll have a problem13:57
bialixmuch better if there will be forward slashes using13:57
RenatoSilvaI mean, it's the one that works all the time, and exists all the time, it can't say it's unkonw (and worse, tell that *sometimes*)13:57
RenatoSilvaabout the bzr.exe count, don't know the right order but they are "bzr xmlversion --short", "bzr xmlplugins", and "bzr start-xmlrpc"13:58
RenatoSilvaverterok: ^^^ does this give you any clue?13:59
RenatoSilvagod, fatal error in procmon itself o.O14:00
verterokRenatoSilva: hi14:03
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi, good morning :)14:04
verterokRenatoSilva: bzr-java-lib need to check the if xmloutput is installed and the version, and after that it starts the xmlrpc service14:04
RenatoSilvaverterok: I've sent you a few emails14:06
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, reading them ATM :)14:07
verterokRenatoSilva: I just finished a deploy of bzr-java-lib snapshot to the maven repository, the snapshot num. is: bzr-java-lib-0.5.3-20091116.142139-114:24
verterokRenatoSilva: actually, the connection timedout..hang on :)14:26
RenatoSilvaverterok: man, 0.5.3 is in sync with the code? I don't understand how can bzr-eclipse bundle not work, but when you get the source code, it does14:27
RenatoSilvaverterok: I mentioned this file in email:  http://verterok.com.ar/maven-repo/org/vcs/bazaar/client/bzr-java-lib/0.5.3-SNAPSHOT/bzr-java-lib-0.5.3-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar,14:28
verterokRenatoSilva: probably because of how it's started when executed from inside eclipse14:28
verterokRenatoSilva: hmm, that file shouldn't exists in the repository...14:28
RenatoSilvaverterok: that file is not the latest code, and its related binary is expected to not be either14:28
verterokRenatoSilva: I'll delete all -SNAPSHOTs files14:29
RenatoSilvaverterok: so you mean these source jars are not generated by the same process than the one for the binary version?14:30
verterokRenatoSilva: maven deployed snapshots use a timestamp14:30
verterokRenatoSilva: yes, but I missed the source generation (an extra parameter to mvn :/)14:30
verterokRenatoSilva: remvoe all -SNAPSHOT from your local maven repo and run 'mvn compile' in bzr-eclipse again :)14:32
RenatoSilvaverterok: about the xml enc detection, cat is not done through xmlrpc, right? but there's no detection involved right, because it's not xml...14:32
verterokRenatoSilva: right, there is no xml14:33
RenatoSilvaverterok: source code is working, I don't use bzr-java-lib jars in it14:33
RenatoSilvaverterok: ok so I think for cat we'll have no problem, need to check just if there's any xmloutput command that is not run with XMLRPCCommandRunner14:34
verterokRenatoSilva: xmlplugins & xmlversion for sure14:34
RenatoSilvahmmm ok...14:36
verterokRenatoSilva: is the xmloutput plugin installed in a path with non-ascii name?14:37
verterokRenatoSilva: or bzr itself?14:37
RenatoSilvajust spaces14:37
verterokRenatoSilva: run xmlversion in a cmd.exe, probably the log file is in your user dir14:38
verterokRenatoSilva: is there any non-ascii path?14:40
RenatoSilvaverterok: bzr log seems ok, no error14:40
RenatoSilvaverterok: non-ascii path where? you're talking about which email specifically? :)14:40
RenatoSilvaoh xmlversion? let me see14:40
verterokRenatoSilva: no email :) the output of xmlversion14:41
RenatoSilvahumm no, it is ascii-only14:43
verterokRenatoSilva: and xmlplugins?14:43
RenatoSilvathe output is bigger, not sure how to check it, looking....14:44
RenatoSilvaseems ascii-only too14:45
aguafuertesHi, is somebody here who has 5 minutes to explain some Bazaar concepts that I could not figure out by reading the documentation?15:36
aguafuertes:) great15:37
RenatoSilvaI said maybe :)15:37
aguafuertesI try to set up a branch that I want to work an with one colleguae15:37
aguafuerteswe are a Windows environment, I'm the only Ubuntu user15:37
aguafuertesI installed an ssh server on my machine15:38
aguafuertesmy colleague tries to branch my work, but always receives the error "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch:"15:38
aguafuertesinterestingly, when branching directly in the file system, everything works fine15:39
PengYour colleague has SSH access to your machine?15:39
aguafuertesyes, I set up an extra user for him15:39
aguafuertesinterestingly, I can branch via the file system without problrm15:40
PengHuh. Um. Note that bzr+ssh:// paths are relative to the root, not the user's home directory (though you can use ~ for that on recent versions. Probably.)15:40
aguafuertesmm, ok, that is a good hint15:40
* Peng goes /away again15:40
aguafuertesI'll try that first15:40
aguafuertesPeng, thanks so much!15:43
aguafuertesthat was it :)15:43
PengReally? It was? I'm surprised. Well, I'm glad it's fixed. :)15:44
aguafuertesyes, I simply assumed that the it would be relative to the ssh user's login15:44
aguafuertesis that somewhere in the documentation?15:44
aguafuertesif not, maybe it can be added for people like me, coming from a web developer background15:45
aguafuerteswere we deal more with document roots ;)15:45
mgedminbzr 2.0.2 (karmic ppa) burns and crashes (TooManyConcurrentRequests) if I try to bzr pull over ssh from a server running bzr 1.1315:46
PengTooManyConcurrentRequests: The most useless error message ever, aside from "Segmentation fault".15:47
mgedminnah, segfault is very informative15:48
mgedminTMCR is ... interesting15:48
mgedminhm, maybe this is because I'm using a checkout15:54
PengYou're trying to "bzr pull" inside a checkout? Don't do that. Use "update".15:54
PengAlthough it obviously shouldn't fail with such an error...15:54
PengFile a bug?15:54
mgedminI don't want to update15:55
mgedminI'm pulling from a different branch, not the one I'm bound to15:55
mgedminbug filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/48366115:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 483661 in bzr "bzr pull bzr+ssh fails with TooManyConcurrentRequests" [Undecided,New]15:55
mgedmin"don't do that" sounds like something to suggest to people who say "I'm trying to use bazaar"15:56
LarstiQ_Peng: hmm, it's valid if you want to pull into the branch you're bound to15:56
mgedminfwiw bzr pull over http worked fine15:56
mgedminI wonder if pull over ssh would work if the two branches lived on different hosts15:56
mgedminhm, bzr pull over ssh works now that there are no changes to pull15:57
mgedminlemme update the bug15:57
=== jam1 is now known as jam
mgedminanyway, found a workaround (pull over http), got ideas for other workarounds (bzr unbind; bzr pull; bzr push; bzr bind), hope you get the bug fixed sooner or later16:01
jamis there a losa about that can create a bzr-2.1 branch for me?16:36
mthaddonjam: sure16:36
jambasically, just "bzr branch lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1" should be sufficient.16:36
jamthanks mthaddon16:37
mthaddonjam: is there an RT for this, or could you give me a quick run down on why it's needed?16:37
jamand, of course, setting up pqm to allow access to that (if anything needs to be done there)16:37
jammthaddon: No rt (yet), needed because I'll be releasing 2.1.0b3 ~ today16:37
jamI'm going to try to use a 2.1 branch rather than 2.1.0b3 so that we don't have to pester you every month16:38
mthaddonjam: ok, should be good to go16:45
jammthaddon: thanks. I did end up sending an RT request16:50
jamif you want to tick off that you already finished it16:51
=== abentley is now known as abentley-lunch
=== LarstiQ_ is now known as LarstiQ
maxbIs there a shortcut way to deal with merge conflicts where both sides added the same file with the same text content independently?18:09
jelmer_maxb: not really, the two files will have different file ids18:10
jelmer_and there is no way to join file ids18:10
maxbok.... I was hoping for a "bzr resolve --obvious" :-)18:10
vilamaxb: bzr resolve <file> should do it18:12
* Tak bzr resolve --duh18:13
maxbHow do I ask bzr to show me the log of a file according to the merge-source branch?18:15
dOxxxmaxb: have you tried using kdiff3 as an external merge tool?18:15
* maxb tries installing18:16
maxbbzr log a-filename -r branch:../../the-merge-source  makes bzr crash :-/18:16
dOxxxmaxb: make sure you have the extmerge plugin for bzr installed if you want to use kdiff318:17
dOxxxmaxb: try bzr log -n1 filename ?18:17
maxbbzr: ERROR: Path unknown at end or start of revision range: debian/patches/svn2cl-upstream18:18
dOxxxhmm that one's out of my league :)18:18
dOxxxmaybe try bzr log filename --include-merges18:19
maxbSorry, this is an uncommitted merge in progress18:19
bialixbzr qlog shows pending merges18:21
dOxxxI suspect there isn't really an easy way to do it other than constructing a URL to the file using the merge-source URL18:21
dOxxxI stand corrected.18:21
* maxb tries that18:22
maxbalso, what do I do when bzr erroneously decides a file is binary?18:22
bialixmaxb: there is opposite problem18:30
bialixmaxb: do you still compare bzr and hg?18:38
maxbYes. We are currently doing "should we switch from svn and if so what?" at work18:38
bialixany results so far?18:41
Methsmaxb: Is your choice between anything other than git, hg and bzr?18:41
maxbWell, I seem to be the only person with truly strong opinions, so I'm driving the whole thing18:42
bialixmaxb: many people likes bzr-svn plugin to work directly with svn and to soften the transition18:42
maxbMeths: Not really - we acknowledge that other things exist, but we don't really have any knowledge of others in house, so it's tricky to evaluate anything else without a lot of effort18:44
maxbbialix: Sadly, bzr-svn gets really very slow when all your company's code resides in a single svn repository18:44
maxbMeths: Why, is there something else that we should keep on the table? :-)18:44
Methsmaxb: NAFAIK.  They seem to be the only sensible options going forward, similar command sets, private sector supporters, Internet project space...18:47
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jambialix, garyvdm: Hey guys, I'm getting ready to put together 2.1.0b3 and wanted to know what qbzr version to bundle19:22
jammthaddon: I just tried to submit to 2.1.0 and it tells me I'm not authorized to commit to that branch19:28
jamit is http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1.0 right?19:28
dOxxxlooks like it's 2.1, not 2.1.0 ?19:30
dOxxxjam: bzr branch lp:bzr/2.1 works for me19:33
jamdOxxx: looks like you're right19:33
jamgood enough I guess19:33
jamProbably the right thing anyway19:33
jamthough I wish PQM's messages were better19:33
jam(not allowed to commit, versus branch doesn't exist)19:34
dOxxxI'm going by the Series 2.1 page on LP19:34
dOxxxit lists lp:bzr/2.1 as the branch19:35
jamdOxxx: yeah, and *I* just updated that :)19:35
jamjust didn't notice the .019:35
jamor lack thereof19:35
jamdOxxx: thanks for the pointer, it seems to be going now: http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/19:36
dOxxxcool :) I'm looking forward to being able to install 2.1.0b3 here so I can get the proxy fixes.19:37
jamdOxxx: well, those are also in 2.1.0b2 I believe19:45
jamand you only *need* 2.1.0b3 if you are running python2.419:45
dOxxxjam: were there windows installers built for 2.1.0b2?19:45
jamnot announced, but they are available19:46
dOxxxoh! I never saw them announced anywhere.19:46
dOxxxWhere can I find them?19:46
jamI thought I would have 2.1.0b3 last Monday19:46
jamshould have them19:46
jamthough 2.1.0b3 will be out in the next day or two19:46
dOxxxI don't mind reinstalling ;)19:48
KhaZSorry if this is a basic question, but I just want confirmatino on what I'm about to do.  I've commited my 10th revision to a repository, but I'd like to temporarily bring my working tree back to revision 9.  Do I use bzr revert -R 9 to do this?19:50
KhaZOK, but revert doesn't actually force a commit, or revert in the repo or anything?19:51
dOxxxI believe so.19:53
dOxxxAs I understand it, bazaar has a policy of not automatically committing changes.19:53
KhaZSweet.  The word 'revert' scares me.  :)  I'm used to Perforce lingo for syncing to a particular revision, so my first inclination was to bzr up, but that didn't seem to take a -r parameter.19:57
dOxxxyeah, that's update. I'm not actually sure when one would use update. checkouts?19:58
KhaZI believe you use update when you want to pull chnages from the repo that someone has pushed19:59
dOxxxhow does that differ from pull then?20:01
Takupdate is for updating a working tree from the branch to which it's bound20:03
Takpull is for pulling changes from one branch into another20:04
dOxxxbound is not the same as have a push branch set, right?20:06
KhaZStupid question, can I recursively revert somehow?20:07
KhaZOh, bzr revert * works for some reason, but I have to be down a level.  Weird.20:08
Takdoesn't `bzr revert` with no arguments do that?20:09
KhaZI haven't the foggiest.  I'll try it out next time I need to do that. ;)20:11
KhaZI wonder if that works with bzr add as well20:11
KhaZI find bzr add * is nice to recursively add files, but it doesn't seem to respect files that are in bzr ignore20:11
KhaZMaybe bzr add will respect that.. Hrmm.20:12
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | 2.0.2 and 2.1.0b3 have gone gold! time to build those installers | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://bazaar-vcs.org | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Current pilot: spiv
jamKhaZ: if you explicitly name a file with "*" then add will always add it20:26
jambzr add .20:26
jamor bzr add20:26
jamwill recurse from current dir down, or everything respectively20:26
jamrespecting ignores20:26
KhaZAh, awesome.  SO bzr add or bzr add . will respect the ignore list?20:26
jamand yes "bzr revert" no args should revert the whole tree20:26
jamKhaZ: yes20:26
KhaZYeah, I figured bzr add * would not respect the ignore list, since technically I"m explicitly saying "add this!".20:26
KhaZAwesome.  Good to hear.20:26
dave_I have a problem where I installed bzr on a windows comp and put some things under bzr, then the comp crashed. I can access the drive from linux, is there a way to get at those files?20:27
jamdave_: well, if you can get access to the drive, then generally you'll have access to the .bzr directory20:28
jamand you can "bzr branch /path/to/win32/"20:28
dave_and the .bzr directory isn't in the root directory, though, yes?20:28
dave_well, thanks20:30
stuartpbUh, how am I supposed to install Bazaar on Slackware?20:32
dOxxxstuartpb: download the source distribution and 'python setup.py install' I think?20:33
bialixhi jam: please use qbzr 0.16 for 2.1.0b320:34
jambialix: sure20:34
bialixyou're asked, me answered20:34
dOxxxI just got a very odd error when pushing to lp:20:35
dOxxxwhen creating a local branch of bzrtools, I created it in a 2a shared repository20:37
dOxxxI guess bzrtools is not a 2a format branch and so stacking on it doesn't work?20:37
jamdOxxx: right, though if you do "bzr push -r -1" again it will push without stacking20:43
jamprobably more accidentally than anything, but it should work20:44
dOxxxI'm trying to recreate my feature branch with the correct format20:44
jamI think bzrtools is in 1.9-rich-root, which means it should be able to merge any changes from a 2a format repo20:45
dOxxxyup, success :)20:55
fullermdjam: Hey, I've got a Q or two...20:56
jamfullermd: QQ ?20:57
fullermdNono, that's perl   8-}20:58
jammore pew-pew, less QQ fullermd20:58
fullermdSomewhat re that merge thing.  I was under the impression that when we merge3 on a criss-cross, it bleats at you and tells you to lca or weave.20:58
jamnot exactly20:58
jamit still tries merge320:58
jamit just bleats at you20:58
jamhowever, for the tree-shape info, etc20:58
jamwe still use a common base20:59
fullermdBut when I use -r0..-1 to force that merge to go through, it doesn't.  Is that because I explicitly -r'd, or because of the null LCA in that case, or something else?20:59
jamfullermd: you actually want "-r1..-1"20:59
jambut it doesn't bleat when you supply a base20:59
jambecause it doesn't search for one20:59
fullermdAh.  Should it?  In the real case, the criss-cross caused a lot of really ugly spurious conflicts.21:00
fullermd(using weave left it with 2 real ones)21:00
jamfullermd: so if you used "-r 1..-1" I would expect fewer conflicts21:00
jamthough possibly you'd still end up with a bunch from side-221:00
fullermdThat wouldn't work in the real case, because r1 on both sides are totally unrelated.21:00
jamfullermd: sure, but supplying 0 is probably saying also look at all the changes from this side21:01
jamat least 1 skips that initial import21:01
jamanyway, only --weave and possibly --lca will work in this case21:01
jamsince there is clearly no "clean" base21:01
jamfullermd: in case you didn't get my joke: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=less%20qq%20more%20pew%20pew21:02
fullermdAnyway.  *I* know that, because I know (or would have known had I pondered it) that it was a criss-cross.21:03
fullermdIt feels like bzr probably should have known to prompt me, though.21:03
jamwell, it did warn you :)21:03
jamI've really wanted to get merge3 to use per-file merge bases21:03
jamwhich might get you out of this as well21:03
jamif the code bases were truly disjoint21:04
fullermdNot as such, it just dumped me a big pile of conflicts...21:04
fullermdActually, I thought the plan was just to make lca the default.  Did that just fall in the tuit hole, or are there reasons not to?21:04
jamwell, if you specifically request -r0 we'll give you -r021:04
jamat *this* point, *I* prefer --weave to --lca21:04
jambut I worked on --weave21:04
jamabentley worked on lca21:04
jamWe've talked about changing21:05
jambut people also like getting .THIS .OTHER .BASE files21:05
jamwhich is why people like mysql use --merge3 most of the time21:05
fullermdGoing back and retrying the real branches with 1..-1 instead of 0..-1 doesn't make any visible difference on the conflicts.21:05
fullermd8 conflicts encountered.   one way and   20 conflicts encountered.  the other.21:06
fullermd(and actually, I think one of the real ones is spurious, but I s'pose it's possible bzr can't really tell.  1 of them is real.)21:07
fullermdI also got an eye-twitch at that btree padding change.  Could that trip up pre-2.1 versions?21:08
jamfullermd: shouldn't21:08
jamwe never read those bytes21:08
fullermd(I have no reason necessarily to believe it does, it just caught my eye as something that played in that court)21:08
jamwe allow a single page to be <4096 bytes21:09
jamwe reserve 120 bytes at the start21:09
jambut if it is less than that21:09
jamwe write the info right away21:09
jamand pad at the end to make up the loss21:09
jamand generally we just throw away those bytes anyway21:09
jamso the change was to just not write the21:10
fullermdGood 'nuff for me.21:12
jamfullermd: any more Q.Q ?21:13
jamor :,( :)21:13
jam:'( I mean21:13
fullermdWell, I'm massively piled up and way behind at work.  Does that count?21:14
fullermdBut I'm hopeful that if I can get a good long day in today, I can take care of the stuff we need for the Oct 30 deadline and start looking at what we need for the Nov 16 one...21:14
jamfullermd: could you put that in the form of a QQ?21:14
jamfullermd: so only 2 weeks behind?21:15
jamI've certainly been far worse than that21:15
fullermdWell, so far...21:15
fullermdWe've still got almost a month until the hard deadline when the whole thing has to be done.21:16
lifelessfullermd: what are you working on?21:27
jammorning li21:32
fullermdOh, it's just $CURRENT_PROJECT.  The client has their big annual convention thingy in December, and we're supposed to have this all ready for them to show off then.21:33
* fullermd is losing optimism.21:33
vilafullermd: yeah, next time I have to debug some ntp stuff, I'll be sure to not ask you (two weeks... and you were criticizing my VMs getting some *hour* skew... sheesh)21:33
* vila refocus on the session :)21:34
fullermdHey, *I* know what time it is.  's not my fault my clients are getting ahead   :P21:34
kfogelis there any documentation on tags in bzr?  Google turns up pages about their existence, but http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/search.html?q=tags gives pretty thin results...21:34
lifelesskfogel: bzr help tag21:38
spivGood morning.22:54
spivHey wow, a bug report about TooManyConcurrentRequests that's actually due to bzr attempting to make concurrent requests on an HPSS connection.23:10
PengAnd I joked about that bug this morning. Whoops.23:19
poolie1hello jam, vila23:31
* spiv boggles as a bug search for "hpss upgrade" fails to find a bug with tags of "hpss" and "upgrade"23:43
fullermdjam: (btw, looking back at it, merge -r1..-1 would have been a really bad idea, since it's a cherry pick)23:43
spivOr any bugs, in fact.23:43
fullermdHey, cool, that means the hpss upgrade is perfect!23:43
spivfullermd: 107173 disagrees :P23:44
fullermdPfft.  Who you wanna believe, 107173 or LP?23:44
dOxxxspiv: going through bzr merge proposals?23:49
spivdOxxx: yup23:54
dOxxxmust be a pile of work23:54
spivYeah, but we get bug fixes and other improvements out of it :)23:54
spivWhich is going to be work one way or another ;)23:55
pooliehi spiv23:56
pooliespiv, it might be good to send a brief reply to the pilot thread just saying you're doing it and how it's going23:57
spivYeah, that's a good idea.  Although I did just send a similar mail in reply to a related thread.23:59
pooliei saw23:59
pooliebut people don't read all mail23:59
pooliesending _more_ mail is a questionable fix :-) but i think worthwhile here23:59

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