intellectronica | sladen: i've removed all subscriptions from the top-level bug | 00:01 |
intellectronica | sladen: would you mind pasting or forwarding to me a few example emails, so that i can see from their headers why they're being sent? | 00:01 |
sladen | intellectronica: 120-odd received messages since your "it's fixed post" | 00:10 |
intellectronica | sladen: thanks! | 00:11 |
sladen | intellectronica: and another one this second | 00:16 |
intellectronica | sladen: i think i know what's going on. our idea of just nuking the subscriptions to that bug was way too naive. you are, of course, an 'also notified' subscriber now :( | 01:34 |
wgrant | intellectronica: You didn't nuke the dupe subscriptions? | 01:34 |
intellectronica | wgrant: no, because, at least in theory, users should be able to kill those subscriptions themselves (those bugs don't time out) | 01:35 |
intellectronica | but i may have to, as a service to the public | 01:35 |
wgrant | intellectronica: Users cannot get to the dupe bugs. | 01:36 |
wgrant | intellectronica: Unless they formulate a link themselves. | 01:36 |
wgrant | The normal story to opt out of dupe-spam is to go to the master and click the Unsubscribe link. | 01:36 |
wgrant | Not go to the dupe and do that, since there is no link to the dupe in the email. | 01:36 |
sladen | intellectronica: for each of those messages, 1 person is receiving it directly and 1,999 receiving it via the dupe | 01:37 |
intellectronica | wgrant: right, but the information is in the headers, so it's not impossible, just hard | 01:37 |
wgrant | intellectronica: They have to know what they are doing. | 01:38 |
wgrant | intellectronica: And I bet 1950 of them don't. | 01:38 |
intellectronica | indeed | 01:38 |
sladen | intellectronica: people who "know what they are doing" don't reply to a message saying asking to be unsubscribed | 01:38 |
ajmitch | it's so easy to file a bug & get subscribed, just a little harder for that person to unsubscribe | 01:39 |
sladen | intellectronica: could I politely, respectively, hopefully, enquire strongly about kludging the out-going mail script | 01:39 |
intellectronica | sladen: that's a good point. and i'm not rejecting the idea of using a heavier hammer in this particular case, b.t.w | 01:39 |
intellectronica | sladen: yes, i am know seriously considering doing exactly that | 01:40 |
ajmitch | parsing an 'unsubscribe' request could be useful too, but prone to failure | 01:40 |
wgrant | ajmitch: And prone to hiding bugs. | 01:40 |
intellectronica | ajmitch: i think that's taking it a bit too far :) | 01:40 |
wgrant | ajmitch: eg. I forge an unsubscribe request. | 01:40 |
ajmitch | wgrant: that requires some minimal level of knowledge, and it wasn't an entirely serious suggestion | 01:41 |
sladen | long-term I suspect Launchpad is going to have to append email-specific unsubscribe links that "do the right thing" based on how the particular message was receieved (eg. change the "this was generated as a result of..." to be that and/or a link | 01:41 |
ajmitch | partly because it's too much to expect gpg-signed mails to be able to unsubscribe from a bug :) | 01:41 |
intellectronica | sladen: tbh long term i think we should re-consider indirect subscriptions from dupes. i'm not convinced that they are really that useful | 01:42 |
sladen | ajmitch: the background to this is a frequently-occuring bug, apport enabled beyond release, auto-duping, launchpad timing out over X,000 dupe subscribers and then apport interating over all of the report, sending N backtraces to N subscribers (were N is approximately 2,000) | 01:43 |
wgrant | Mainly because of an update-manager bug. | 01:43 |
ajmitch | sladen: Yes I know, it's something that's far too easy to subscribe to (by way of apport) | 01:44 |
ajmitch | those people must be getting a lot of email | 01:45 |
sladen | intellectronica: yup; but I'd encourage doing something $now... in 24 hours there will be another 100 messages, another 10 unsubscribe requests (and the same everyday going back a week or so) | 01:45 |
sladen | ajmitch: uh huh | 01:46 |
intellectronica | sladen: we're on it. sorry, once again, for the inconvenience | 01:46 |
sladen | ajmitch: and it's even more monotonous because they're all identical; people will have started backlisting them in gmail as spam by now, and that isn't going to bode well | 01:47 |
ajmitch | I'm surprised that there's not been a big outcry over such things yet | 01:48 |
intellectronica | sladen: using spam filtering is not necessarily a bad idea. the filter is most-likely statistical, and will do the right thing | 01:48 |
sladen | intellectronica: not for's reputation | 01:48 |
intellectronica | that is, after some training, it will identify the bug number as the offending token and distinguish these emails from other bug mail | 01:49 |
sladen | ...and notice the other 1,000,000 that have passed via gmail as being identical, and identify the same source | 01:50 |
intellectronica | i don't think that's a risk, but admittedly, i don't care to find out :-/ | 01:51 |
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sladen | ajmitch: I think for most of the people, this bug is the only one they've reported, and possibly their only contact with Launchpad---eg. people have referred saying "i think this linux bug reporter thing has issues and needs to be improved as i cannot unsub" etc | 01:57 |
intellectronica | sladen: i am going to nuke the subscriptions for all duplicates (as soon as i can get an administrator's help). i realise that won't solve the problem completely, but we can look at a more heavy-handed solution tomorrow (eu/us) morning. | 02:00 |
sladen | intellectronica: yeah, it will need an administrator... | 02:02 |
sladen | intellectronica: it would be good to have a record of who was affected so that a final email can be sent to them apologising/explaining (I'm happy to assist with that) | 02:03 |
intellectronica | sladen: yes, we keep a record of all of it | 02:04 |
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intellectronica | sladen: subscriptions to duplicates nuked. this will continue to be a problem as new dupes and subscriptions are created all the time, but i hope it will make things manageable until we come up with a longer-term solution tomorrow | 02:26 |
intellectronica | sladen: thanks a lot for the help diagnosing and solving this problem. feel free to update me with any new information you have | 02:27 |
sladen | intellectronica: I just got one at Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 02:17:16 -0000 | 02:29 |
sladen | oops, mis-read that as 02:27 | 02:29 |
intellectronica | sladen: that may have been just before removing the additional subscriptions. also, you may be 'also notified' for other reasons (other than dupes) | 02:30 |
intellectronica | and there's nothing we can reasonably do about that | 02:30 |
intellectronica | let's watch for new emails coming in the following hours. you should get none, or a lot less | 02:31 |
esr | gmb: Here? | 03:07 |
jml | esr, gmb is generally around during UK working hours. | 03:13 |
esr | Noted, thanks. | 03:14 |
jml | np. | 03:14 |
esr | I wanted to nudge him again about ForgePlucker's Launchpad handler. | 03:14 |
lifeless | jml: yo | 03:48 |
jml | lifeless, hi | 03:49 |
poolie1 | hello jml, lifeless | 03:50 |
RAOF | james_w: How did you set up your daily-builds launchpad persona? Did you register a new account with a different email address, or what? | 07:40 |
lifeless | RAOF: james_w will be asleep before UDS, I wager | 07:42 |
RAOF | Stupid timezones. | 07:42 |
RAOF | Oh, well. | 07:42 |
wgrant | RAOF: But yes, he did. | 07:42 |
RAOF | Hm. That's annoying. | 07:44 |
wgrant | Indeed. | 07:44 |
wgrant | It would be handy to be able to restrict SSH keys, OpenPGP keys, OAuth tokens, and perhaps even browser login sessions to certain subsets of Launchpad. | 07:45 |
RAOF | Time to crank out the ancient hotmail account, then. | 07:45 |
wgrant | RAOF: No + addressing with your email provider? | 07:45 |
RAOF | I don't know. Does gmail? | 07:46 |
wgrant | I presume so, but I haven't used it in a loooooooong time.l | 07:46 |
RAOF | Answer: yes. | 07:46 |
wgrant | A quick Google suggests yes. | 07:47 |
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maxb | To what extent is the "ubuntu distributed development" stuff part of Launchpad? Is there anyone other than james_w who can answer why a particular import hasn't happened? | 10:25 |
wgrant | maxb: It's not part of LP at all. | 10:28 |
=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: #482382 is still spamming | codehosting is back -- branch updates are catching up | Read for help | Help contact: allenap | Join | This channel is logged: | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
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[reed] | gmb: ping | 15:06 |
gmb | [reed]: Hi | 15:07 |
[reed] | gmb: hey, just upgraded to Bugzilla 3.4. Launchpad has already started pulling down comments, but we want to get the reverse set up. I assume you need some type of account to use for it? | 15:08 |
[reed] | so it can set see_also and add comments | 15:08 |
gmb | [reed]: We already have an account, it's just not enabled yet on our side, because we're having some problems with our syncing script at the moment. | 15:09 |
gmb | [reed]: Basically, we track so many bugs on b.g.o that if we switched it on right now there'd be a very good chance that we'd DOS the Bugzilla, which would be Bad. | 15:09 |
[reed] | what's the account? | 15:09 |
[reed] | no | 15:09 |
[reed] | b.m.o | 15:09 |
[reed] | not b.g.o | 15:09 |
[reed] | | 15:09 |
gmb | [reed]: Ahhh. Fail. | 15:09 |
gmb | Sorry. | 15:09 |
gmb | Right, hang on then. Confusing you with Gnome isn't going to make matters easier... | 15:10 |
[reed] | ;) | 15:10 |
[reed] | been a year since we talked in MV about this, but now it's finally doable | 15:10 |
[reed] | hehe | 15:10 |
gmb | :) | 15:11 |
=== leonardr is now known as leonardr-away | ||
gmb | [reed]: Okay, so we need an account, yes. I'll take care of setting that up, though it'll may take a couple of days to start syncing both ways because of the way that configuration works on our side (basically, we need SA intervention at the moment; fixing that is on our to-do list). | 15:14 |
gmb | [reed]: Thanks for letting us know, though. | 15:14 |
gmb | We'll get it up and running ASAP. | 15:14 |
[reed] | gmb: you'll need to get that account granted privs | 15:16 |
[reed] | you can drop me an e-mail with the account name | 15:17 |
[reed] | or find me on IRC | 15:17 |
[reed] | and I can do that for you | 15:17 |
gmb | [reed]: Okay. I'll let you know when it's set up. Thanks. | 15:17 |
[reed] | has my contact info | 15:17 |
[reed] | thanks again! | 15:17 |
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=== allenap changed the topic of #launchpad to: #482382 is still spamming | codehosting is back -- branch updates are catching up | Read for help | Help contact: - | Join | This channel is logged: | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
anj | Do the lp code pages have a way to view the tags on a branch without scrolling through all of the revisions - i.e. the output from 'bzr tags'? | 17:41 |
=== abentley is now known as abentley-lunch | ||
hit^ | hi, something wrong with lp servers? | 18:03 |
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stevesmith1983 | hi, I haven't signed into lunchpad for over a year, and I can't fathom out my email address, could someone help please? | 18:20 |
stevesmith1983 | ping allenap - the website says you're on help rotation ^ | 18:21 |
stevesmith1983 | I've found my page, could someone log in and tell me my email addres, please | 18:24 |
tsimpson | stevesmith1983: it's publicly viewable it seems, do you want me to post it here or /msg you | 18:27 |
tsimpson | ? | 18:27 |
stevesmith1983 | thanks tsimpson :) could you msg it to me please | 18:28 |
tsimpson | there you go | 18:28 |
stevesmith1983 | thanks! problem - I do't have that doain any mroe, how can I get my password reset? | 18:28 |
stevesmith1983 | I'll try some comon passwords I use first :P | 18:28 |
stevesmith1983 | I'm in, thanks very much, tsimpson :) | 18:29 |
tsimpson | no problem :) | 18:30 |
stevesmith1983 | am I being blind? I can't find where to change my email address | 18:31 |
stevesmith1983 | ah, being blind, got it :P | 18:31 |
tsimpson | LP is all web 2.0 these days ;) | 18:32 |
stevesmith1983 | well tell mr web 2.0 that his edit pencil icon looks like a funny ! symbol :P | 18:33 |
l3on | Hi all... I've a question: How can I get indirectly members from a group ? | 18:50 |
l3on | For example, here: | 18:50 |
l3on | there are 87 member through other team memberships. | 18:51 |
l3on | How can I get a list of them? | 18:53 |
tsimpson | via the web interface or the launchpad API? | 18:54 |
l3on | I prefer via web... | 18:55 |
l3on | But API's way could be interesting :) | 18:55 |
tsimpson | I don't think there is a way other than running through all the teams in a team | 18:55 |
tsimpson | with the launchpad API (launchpadlib) you can just iterate over all the users and, if it's a team, iterate over that (in a big loop) | 18:56 |
tsimpson | but there's no way to get "one big list" directly | 18:56 |
l3on | mmm... so API is the only way? | 18:57 |
tsimpson | without manually clicking on all the links, yeah | 18:57 |
l3on | damn, ok. I'm going to read the doc. Thank you :). | 18:58 |
tsimpson | people and teams are generally the same object to launchpad, it's just that teams can have sub-members | 18:58 |
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fta | hmm.. duplicate key value violates unique constraint "binarypackagerelease_binarypackagename_key" | 20:12 |
fta | | 20:13 |
barefoot | anyone else having problems with the url for getting launchpad via | 20:13 |
thumper | barefoot: which url are you having problems with? | 20:14 |
barefoot | | 20:14 |
thumper | barefoot: try | 20:28 |
thumper | barefoot: no | 20:28 |
thumper | not that one | 20:28 |
thumper | this one | 20:28 |
thumper | | 20:28 |
barefoot | ty thumper | 20:32 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk | ||
geser | did someone seen a misalignment in the subscribers list of a bug? looks like there is too much space between the person icon and the name so a line break gets inserted | 20:43 |
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Rocha | hi | 21:54 |
Rocha | i'm having some trouble with launchpad | 21:54 |
Rocha | how can i branch two branches i have in a project registered in launchpad? | 21:54 |
Rocha | i have a trunk and stable branches | 21:55 |
Rocha | i want to merge trunk into stable | 21:55 |
Rocha | i did propose for merging which asks for a review | 21:55 |
Rocha | i changed the status of the review to approved | 21:55 |
RAOF | Rocha: The "propose for merging" button doesn't actually do the merging for you. | 21:55 |
Rocha | i know | 21:55 |
RAOF | It's a review interface. | 21:56 |
Rocha | but where is the button to actually do the merge | 21:56 |
exarkun | Rocha: 'bzr merge ...' | 21:56 |
RAOF | There isn't one. You need to merge trunk into stable :) | 21:56 |
RAOF | cd stable; bzr merge ../trunk | 21:56 |
Rocha | so i have to branch trunk in a directory on my laptop and merge it with the launchpad url for the stable branch? | 21:57 |
ajmitch | though a per-project PQM could be interesting :) | 21:57 |
RAOF | Rocha: More the other way around; you want to merge trunk _into_ stable, so you need to start with stable. | 21:58 |
Rocha | hmm, ok | 21:59 |
Rocha | branch the stable on my laptop, merge with trunk and pull the changes to the stable branch in launchpad? | 21:59 |
RAOF | Rocha: There is actually a project to make this automated; it's on launchpad and called "tarmac", I think. It monitors your merge requests and automatically merges the "accepted" ones. | 21:59 |
RAOF | Yes. Although we'd say "push the changes to the stable branch on launchpad". | 22:00 |
RAOF | ajmitch: Yes; that would be cool. I seem to remember someone actually talking about making it happen, too. | 22:00 |
thumper | Rocha: we're thinking about adding a "merge it" button, but there isn't one yet | 22:01 |
RAOF | ajmitch: Although that was some time ago, so it would appear to have not :) | 22:01 |
ajmitch | yeah, I think it came up when talking to thumper | 22:01 |
exarkun | s/window 12 | 22:01 |
ajmitch | thumper: I'm guessing it could be done with the jobs system that was talked about, running a separate process? | 22:02 |
thumper | ajmitch: yes | 22:03 |
thumper | ajmitch: in fact, it is a trivial job to do | 22:03 |
thumper | ajmitch: it just isn't a priority for us right now | 22:03 |
thumper | we have got like a million other things on our plate | 22:03 |
ajmitch | it sounds useful, I might have to ask you about how to go about it | 22:03 |
thumper | ajmitch: I'd mentor the change if you want to do it :) | 22:03 |
ajmitch | if you have time for it, that is | 22:03 |
wgrant | Can I retarget a merge proposal from devel to db-devel? | 22:06 |
thumper | wgrant: not yet | 22:06 |
thumper | wgrant: I want to add it? | 22:06 |
thumper | wgrant: I want to add it. | 22:07 |
thumper | wgrant: right now, delete and try again | 22:07 |
wgrant | thumper: I'd prefer not to delete, as it's an approved review. | 22:07 |
thumper | wgrant: in which case, no you can't change the target | 22:07 |
wgrant | But I need to retarget at and merge db-devel. | 22:08 |
thumper | wgrant: hmm... | 22:08 |
thumper | wgrant: it just isn't possible right now, sorry | 22:09 |
Rocha | RAOF: done | 22:16 |
Rocha | RAOF: thanks for the help =) | 22:16 |
ari-tczew | question, how can I clean up my +related-software? It shows packages which have been removed from my ppa. | 22:36 |
wgrant | ari-tczew: You can't. Those are there forever. | 22:37 |
wgrant | It is a permanent record. | 22:37 |
ari-tczew | mess :P | 22:39 |
geser | did someone else seen a misalignment in the subscribers list of a bug? looks like there is too much space between the person icon and the name so a line break gets inserted | 22:47 |
wgrant | geser: +1 | 22:48 |
wgrant | geser: It was slightly misaligned last week, but yesterday I noticed there's a complete linebreak. | 22:48 |
wgrant | Changing the icon's display from inline-block to inline fixes it. | 22:48 |
geser | I see it only for "normal" persons, teams look ok. till around a browser width of 1700px it looks like a line break, but on fullscreen I see on bug 179684 the "P" of "P Stahlmann" on the same line as the icon | 22:52 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 179684 in unace "*** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/unace terminated" [Undecided,New] | 22:52 |
huayra | Anyone here knows what data the launchpad-drupal module can give? | 23:38 |
huayra | I am keen in using browser autodetection for a site (SpreadUbuntu) based in the Launchpad language settings | 23:38 |
huayra | and have the original browser autodetection as a fallback | 23:39 |
huayra | SpreadUbuntu uses Drupal 6.x and the drupal-Launchpad OpenID and Teams module for authentication | 23:39 |
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