=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse | ||
phenom | After the Karmic upgrade I now get a "critical" bug as described in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8323583#post8323583 | 01:51 |
phenom | Any help? | 01:51 |
micahg1 | phenom: do you have the same hardware? | 01:56 |
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg | ||
phenom | micahg, no | 01:57 |
micahg | so, when you switch to tty1, you get the flashing cursors? | 01:58 |
phenom | Let me ssh in to it, and grab specs | 01:58 |
phenom | yes micahg | 01:58 |
phenom | It's not a cursor. But an underline char. | 02:00 |
phenom | And as described,, when I type I can see the chars I type "only" throughout the screen in the wierd pattern. | 02:00 |
phenom | weird* even | 02:00 |
eduardo_ | Hello, want to report a bug in ubuntu 9.10 | 02:02 |
phenom | :/ I can't ssh in to it. | 02:02 |
eduardo_ | Computer: toshiba p500 | 02:03 |
eduardo_ | Problem: when installing WiFI driver, computer after a while shutdown without any error message | 02:03 |
eduardo_ | Driver taken from here http://forum.novatech.co.uk/showthread.php?t=15068 | 02:04 |
eduardo_ | The computer just turn off, when uninstall driver, it comes to normally | 02:04 |
micahg | phenom: I'd say file a bug | 02:08 |
micahg | brb | 02:08 |
micahg1 | phenom: I'd say file against linux, ubuntu-bug linux | 02:17 |
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg | ||
phenom | micahg, I just did | 02:33 |
phenom | It would take me a full day to file bug reports on all the problems I've had after the upgrade. | 02:33 |
phenom | This is very frustrating. | 02:33 |
phenom | I just noticed if I hold keys like say backspace it won;t autoscroll. I have to keep hitting backspace. | 02:34 |
micahg | phenom: we can't fix them if we don't know about them | 02:38 |
phenom | micahg, I understand. But I fear a complete reinstall of Hardy or Debian Lenny is in order in my case. | 02:40 |
micahg | ok, but you might want to submit the bugs before that so that they get fixed for lucid | 02:40 |
micahg | the more reports we get now, the better we can make lucid | 02:41 |
micahg | lucid is going to be an LTS | 02:41 |
phenom | Yea,, I think the focus needs to be on stability. | 02:41 |
phenom | I've had more and more problems since Fiesty. | 02:42 |
micahg | that's one of the main goals and we're doing a few things to enhance that | 02:42 |
micahg | sync from debian testing, longer beta cycle | 02:42 |
micahg | if you have time, we can always use help | 02:43 |
virtuald | I hope you'll patch 100 papercuts again if you haven't come up with something even better | 02:45 |
kklimonda | have we managed to close all 100 paper cuts btw? | 02:46 |
micahg | kklimonda: there are currently 461 bugs open in that project | 02:47 |
kklimonda | micahg: but a 100 was milestoned for 9.10 | 02:47 |
micahg | kklimonda: you can see on the bottom right the status: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/ | 02:48 |
phenom | Yea. The whole philosophy of "Just works" and "Quick release dates" begs for issues. | 02:49 |
phenom | I'll try to file more reports. | 02:49 |
micahg | phenom: thanks | 02:49 |
micahg | phenom: more time would equal either older software or more bugs | 02:50 |
phenom | But problem is, I have found reports filed a long time back for problems I've had, with no fix. | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/483366 is a usability/feature request i believe | 02:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483366 in sudo "[Enh] Tell users when opening terminal for the first time about sudo password input" [Undecided,New] | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | how to modify? | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | nick darizzle | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | name darizzle | 02:50 |
micahg | phenom: bring them up in here during the day | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | !name darizzle | 02:50 |
ubot4 | Factoid 'name darizzle' not found | 02:50 |
phenom | Like, an annoying system beep when I shut down. | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | how do i change my name | 02:50 |
darizzle1 | i forgot irc command | 02:50 |
micahg | darizzle1: /nick USERNAME | 02:50 |
phenom | That has happened on 2 ubuntu systems since the Jaunty upgrade. | 02:51 |
=== darizzle1 is now known as darizzle | ||
micahg | darizzle1: as for wishlist, you mention it in here and someone from bug-control takes care of it | 02:51 |
darizzle | thx | 02:51 |
darizzle | micahg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/483366 | 02:51 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483366 in sudo "[Enh] Tell users when opening terminal for the first time about sudo password input" [Undecided,New] | 02:51 |
phenom | http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1130024.html | 02:51 |
darizzle | the system beep at shutdown was fixed for me in karmic | 02:52 |
phenom | I get a series of annoying system beeps when I shut down etc | 02:52 |
darizzle | used to do it in jaunty | 02:52 |
phenom | ahh. | 02:53 |
micahg | darizzle: that's most likely a won't fix, but I'll wishlist it | 02:53 |
phenom | I noticed that under System tab on the top toolbar, I have no icons. Like the lil life raft for help and support etc. But they are there for the other tabs, applications/places etc. | 02:54 |
micahg | darizzle: done | 02:55 |
darizzle | yea its like standard unix behavior | 02:56 |
darizzle | i didn't log it | 02:56 |
micahg | phenom: bug 407621 | 02:57 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 407621 in libgnome "(design decision) Icons missing from context menu , dialogue buttons , firefox bookmark favicons, system menu" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/407621 | 02:57 |
nigel_nb | under what package does freeze during boot get logged under? | 03:05 |
phenom | ahh haa micahg, that fixed me up. | 03:05 |
micahg | nigel_nb: what part of boot | 03:05 |
nigel_nb | bug 483338 | 03:05 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483338 in ubuntu-docs "slow boot, 9.5 minutes, of 9.10 upgrade from 9.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483338 | 03:06 |
nigel_nb | micahg: I'm not really sure what part either. | 03:07 |
micahg | nigel_nb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUsplash | 03:08 |
micahg | phenom: great | 03:09 |
nigel_nb | micahg: the user filed under ubuntu-docs, which is wrong. Is usplash the right backage? | 03:10 |
micahg | nigel_nb: won't know until it's tested per the wiki | 03:10 |
nigel_nb | ah okay, so I'll leave the package alone and follow the stock response | 03:11 |
micahg | nigel_nb: I would suggest removing the package so the docs people don;'t get extra bugmail | 03:13 |
nigel_nb | micahg: done :) | 03:14 |
nigel_nb | can you make sense of this? bug 483337 | 03:14 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483337 in gcalctool "a calculus resulting in a very large number in sci mode, makes the first digit (most significant) unreadable. Try 52! " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483337 | 03:14 |
nigel_nb | there's not much added | 03:14 |
phenom | Ok how about this one heh: Problem fullsizing flash videos from youtube and the like. I've had issues on one flash bug fixed by: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/346289.. But that fix actually freezes firefox completely when I fullscreen a flash app. | 03:15 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 346289 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Choppy Flash playback in full screen." [Undecided,Fix released] | 03:15 |
micahg | nigel_nb: do you know what 52! is? | 03:15 |
nigel_nb | aw! | 03:15 |
nigel_nb | how could i miss it | 03:15 |
nigel_nb | :( | 03:15 |
micahg | :) | 03:15 |
nigel_nb | the calculus threw me off | 03:15 |
nigel_nb | how is that related to calculus in anyway | 03:16 |
micahg | I don't think it's calculus as is the specialty, but rather just a calculation in general | 03:17 |
nigel_nb | I can confirm that | 03:17 |
nigel_nb | attaching a screenshot for clairty | 03:17 |
micahg | phenom: do you have an intel carD? | 03:18 |
nabcore | Hi, using Ubuntu 9.10 on a Thinkpad T61 with ath5k. When connected to a AP and pinging it every second; I noticed that *every* 120, the ping time jumps to ~8 sec and takes around 5 seconds to recover. Is this a known issue? | 03:20 |
micahg | nabcore: yes, do you have linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic installed? | 03:21 |
nabcore | no | 03:21 |
nabcore | I was looking at doing that | 03:21 |
nabcore | Has that got a newer compat-wireless stack? | 03:22 |
phenom | micahg, Yes | 03:22 |
nabcore | micahg; I'm going to follow your advice on that one. Thanks again for the hint. | 03:26 |
micahg | phenom: my flash is fine with the new intel drivers | 03:32 |
phenom | Have a link handy? Where to get them maybe? | 03:33 |
micahg | phenom: they came with karmic | 03:33 |
micahg | phenom: are you using the Adobe flash? | 03:33 |
phenom | micahg, Yes | 03:34 |
micahg | phenom: what chipset? | 03:35 |
phenom | http://pastebin.com/d33ff3023 | 03:38 |
micahg | phenom: could it be bug 451146? | 03:40 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 451146 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945gm] Adobe flashplayer crashes on GPU enabled SWF files" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/451146 | 03:40 |
phenom | micahg, I will check it out later. I have to get some sleep. Or roll around trying to for a good 6 or so hours. | 03:43 |
phenom | Thanks for your help, I'll give it a go tomorrow. | 03:43 |
nigel_nb | micahg: I can reproduce bug 483335 on my system | 03:44 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483335 in rhythmbox "Rhythmbox 0.12.5 cannot start playback of Last.fm after pausing " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483335 | 03:44 |
nigel_nb | but I'm not sure there is enough info | 03:44 |
nigel_nb | can u take a look? | 03:44 |
micahg | nigel_nb: idk | 03:48 |
nigel_nb | you're not sure either? | 03:48 |
micahg | hggdh: are you around? | 03:49 |
WeatherGod | you know, I turn my back for just a couple of hours... and the whole place just goes to .... | 03:52 |
WeatherGod | :-P | 03:52 |
micahg | WeatherGod: what's the problem? | 03:52 |
WeatherGod | no problem... just it was such a quiet day, and then I walk away for dinner and such, and this place gets busy | 03:53 |
nigel_nb | WeatherGod: hehe | 03:54 |
WeatherGod | missed all the fun | 03:54 |
nigel_nb | you are truly WeatherGod then :P | 03:54 |
WeatherGod | you mean the fact that I am batsh*t crazy for heading towards things most people run away from... | 03:55 |
WeatherGod | yes | 03:55 |
nigel_nb | no | 03:55 |
nigel_nb | i mean that when u move away, the storm starts :D | 03:55 |
WeatherGod | haha! | 03:55 |
nigel_nb | isn't apport-collect BUGNUMBER the way to add info to bugs? | 03:57 |
micahg | nigel_nb: selectively, yes, if there's a hook | 03:57 |
WeatherGod | yeah, and you can specify a hook to add more info than the original report did | 03:58 |
nigel_nb | okay, whats a hook | 03:58 |
WeatherGod | example.... | 03:58 |
nigel_nb | oh a package | 03:58 |
WeatherGod | apport-collect -p devicekit-disks <bugnum> | 03:58 |
WeatherGod | apport-collect -p udev <bugnum> | 03:58 |
nigel_nb | got it :) | 03:59 |
micahg | WeatherGod: only if it's for a different package | 03:59 |
WeatherGod | right | 03:59 |
micahg | nigel_nb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport#Per-package%20Apport%20Hooks | 03:59 |
WeatherGod | yeah, but that list needs updating | 04:00 |
nigel_nb | major updating | 04:00 |
nigel_nb | thanks micahg | 04:00 |
nigel_nb | btw, right now, do i have to give the specific hook? | 04:01 |
micahg | nigel_nb: only if you're collecting from a different package | 04:01 |
nigel_nb | the bug is filed under software-center, but not through ubuntu-bug | 04:01 |
nigel_nb | so basically, there is no info attached | 04:01 |
micahg | ah, apport-collect BUGNUMBER should be fine then :) | 04:02 |
nigel_nb | :) | 04:02 |
nigel_nb | micahg: shall I ask for an apport-collect on that rhythmbox bug? | 04:08 |
micahg | nigel_nb: no, user stated versions alreaady | 04:09 |
nigel_nb | but the plugins? | 04:09 |
micahg | nigel_nb: no hooks for rhythmbox | 04:10 |
nigel_nb | aw :( | 04:10 |
micahg | oh | 04:10 |
micahg | hold on | 04:10 |
micahg | I thoguht I had it installed | 04:10 |
micahg | 1 sec | 04:10 |
micahg | nope, no hook | 04:11 |
nigel_nb | I checked... | 04:12 |
nabcore | micahg; Your advice has worked with ref to the ath5k issue I reported earlier, thank you. | 04:12 |
nigel_nb | there is totem, but no rhythmbox | 04:12 |
micahg | nabcore: you're welcome | 04:12 |
nigel_nb | can i confirm that one? since I can reproduce it? | 04:12 |
micahg | nigel_nb: sure | 04:13 |
nabcore | micahg; is the fix to that issue I reported essentially some kind of tweak present in the backport's mac80211 ? | 04:20 |
micahg | nabcore: the backports have a newer version of compat-wireless | 04:20 |
nigel_nb | Bug #483230 is kinda funny, user logged a bug to say that there is no system documentation, but its available on forum | 04:20 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483230 in virtkey "No documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483230 | 04:20 |
nigel_nb | any suggestions as to what to do with it? | 04:21 |
nigel_nb | it falls into a question, like "how do I add documentation to..." | 04:21 |
micahg | nigel_nb: feature request | 04:21 |
nigel_nb | micahg: oh | 04:22 |
nigel_nb | is it easy to add documentation to something like that? | 04:22 |
micahg | nigel_nb: idk | 04:22 |
nigel_nb | k | 04:22 |
nabcore | micahg; ok... silly question, but logical follow on; why was the newer version of compat-wireless not shipped with karmic? | 04:22 |
micahg | nabcore: wasn't available in time | 04:24 |
nabcore | ah ok... all makes sense | 04:26 |
nigel_nb | micahg: thanks..didn't know you were omnipotent ;) | 04:41 |
micahg | nigel_nb: that bug you were looking at, the user was looking at python docs, not man pages | 04:41 |
micahg | nigel_nb: not omnipotent, just multi-channeled :) | 04:42 |
nigel_nb | micahg: ah, anyway, mailed the maintainer of the package | 04:42 |
nigel_nb | let him handle it | 04:42 |
micahg | nigel_nb: not the way to do it... | 04:42 |
nigel_nb | oops | 04:42 |
nigel_nb | what was I supposed to do? | 04:43 |
nigel_nb | there was no upstream bug tracker | 04:43 |
micahg | use LP :) | 04:43 |
nigel_nb | oh, I mailed him through LP | 04:43 |
micahg | nigel_nb: what was the bug # again? | 04:43 |
nigel_nb | bug 483230 | 04:44 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483230 in virtkey "No documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483230 | 04:44 |
nigel_nb | updating hold on | 04:44 |
micahg | nigel_nb: there's a team that maintains it | 04:44 |
nigel_nb | there is? | 04:44 |
micahg | nigel_nb: if there was enough info, then wishlist -> triaged would be best | 04:44 |
micahg | https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtkey | 04:45 |
nigel_nb | but they dont use launchpad for bugs | 04:45 |
nigel_nb | tried to add them | 04:45 |
micahg | nigel_nb: you don't add anyone unless requested to | 04:45 |
micahg | the UBuntu Pythoneers see all busg for the package | 04:45 |
nigel_nb | ah | 04:45 |
micahg | so once it's set to triaged, they can decide whether or not to do something | 04:46 |
nigel_nb | now they got added | 04:46 |
nigel_nb | earlier they were not there.. | 04:46 |
nigel_nb | micahg: u'd have to change it for me | 04:47 |
micahg | I'd be happy to :) | 04:48 |
nigel_nb | :) | 04:48 |
nigel_nb | thanks :) | 04:48 |
micahg | nigel_nb: done :) | 04:49 |
nigel_nb | thank you :) | 04:49 |
nigel_nb | micahg: you're part of motu team too? | 04:49 |
micahg | nigel_nb: no, I jsut answer what questions I can | 04:50 |
nigel_nb | oh okay :) | 04:50 |
erikk71usa | i see the bug still not fixed | 06:04 |
micahg | erikk71usa: which bug? | 06:06 |
erikk71usa | on start up intel onboard video the screens goes black an sits there | 06:07 |
darizzle | what if you move yuor mouse? | 06:08 |
darizzle | your* | 06:08 |
erikk71usa | nothing | 06:08 |
erikk71usa | oh well | 06:13 |
JanC | I doubt this has anything to do with intel onboard video? (except maybe if it's very old or needs the poulsbo driver?) | 06:13 |
erikk71usa | 9.04 works fine | 06:14 |
erikk71usa | its something about 9.10 | 06:14 |
jbuncher | JanC, darizzle : I think erikk71usa is suffering from the "blank screen" bug detailed by many ppl, and he needs to turn off KMS as shown here http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2009/11/are-your-graphics-dead-in-ubun.html | 06:14 |
micahg | is there an LP bug for it? | 06:14 |
JanC | I never heard about that bug, but trying the boot option won't hurt I guess | 06:16 |
erikk71usa | if u can figure out how to run it | 06:16 |
JanC | eh | 06:17 |
jbuncher | erikk71usa, the link tells you what to do. | 06:17 |
jbuncher | &@#*!&!*@*@&@& | 06:17 |
JanC | well, and you can do it during boot in grub | 06:17 |
JanC | or with the live-cd | 06:17 |
jbuncher | he left | 06:18 |
JanC | I know | 06:18 |
JanC | is why I said "eh" ;) | 06:18 |
jbuncher | lol ok, wasn't sure why you sent the message after that then | 06:18 |
JanC | for whomever else was reading this (now or in the logs) ;) | 06:19 |
jbuncher | hehe ok | 06:19 |
JanC | AFAIK that should only be needed with someolder intel graphics? | 06:20 |
JanC | where KMS doesn't always work | 06:20 |
deadABuser | why is it by default Nautilus asks for password to mount a partition, yet if you run K3B (same user) you can mount the same partition through browsing for an iso to burn. | 06:22 |
deadABuser | same with unmounting | 06:22 |
deadABuser | K3B was running under my user same as Nautilus so no elivated privilages | 06:24 |
micahg | deadABuser: maybe because you already entered your password? | 06:25 |
deadABuser | nope. I try mounting in Nautlius and it asks for pas and I canceled that then tried in K3B .. | 06:26 |
jbuncher | JanC, Yeah, I dunno. He said he had intel graphics, but wasn't helpful when I asked for the chipset, or when people gave him the lspci command (this was in #ubuntu) | 06:26 |
micahg | deadABuser: maybe file a bug for k3b | 06:26 |
JanC | jbuncher: I only had this on an interrupted upgrade, but that one was really fucked up ;) | 06:27 |
micahg | !coc > JanC | 06:27 |
ubot4 | JanC, please see my private message | 06:27 |
darizzle | f bomb | 06:28 |
JanC | micahg: ??? | 06:28 |
jbuncher | JanC, luckily my upgrade on the intel 945 chipset went well, no issues | 06:28 |
micahg | language :) | 06:28 |
jbuncher | what does ubotu say to !coc ? | 06:29 |
micahg | should show the code of conduct | 06:29 |
micahg | !coc | 06:29 |
ubot4 | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 06:29 |
jbuncher | aha | 06:29 |
jbuncher | couldn't think of what it stood for. | 06:29 |
deadABuser | micahg: can do the same thing in kmplot. myst be some difference between KDE and GNOME? | 06:29 |
micahg | maybe | 06:30 |
JanC | micahg: eh, I doubt that's really problematic language (the derived meaning having no direct connection with the word it was derived from anymore) | 06:30 |
JanC | but whatever :P | 06:31 |
JanC | jbuncher: the only reason I had a problem is that I forgot it was upgrading while I had to cut the power ;) | 06:32 |
JanC | and a power-off halfway an upgrade between distro versions is not recomded, I suppose ;-) | 06:33 |
jbuncher | JanC, lol that will usually introduce issues | 06:33 |
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johe|work | hi there, can anyone give me a hint on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/net-snmp/+bug/426813 which might be solved in karmic but there seems no patch for the LTS Server Version | 09:49 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 426813 in net-snmp "snmpd dies after requests with snmpwalk" [Medium,Fix released] | 09:49 |
micahg | johe|work: please see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates | 09:52 |
micahg | you can nominate a bug for release as well | 09:52 |
johe|work | micahg, thx | 09:58 |
etali | Hi, I'm looking through the expirable bugs, I'd be grateful for some pointers on bug 105222 - the "ubuntu policy..." remark makes me wonder if it's a Won't Fix? | 09:58 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 105222 in nqc "Please add udev rules for legousbtower" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105222 | 09:58 |
etali | I'm new so can't set that status, but I'd like to know if my reasoning is right. And if it's wrong, what the correct thing to do would have been :) | 09:59 |
micahg | etali: no, it's not won't fix, it was originally in the udev package | 10:01 |
micahg | he was saying teh fixes needed to be in the package with the weird requirements | 10:02 |
etali | Ahh, ok, thanks. I didn't notice it has been moved there. | 10:03 |
mastermolch | i did a bug report some weeks ago, about a multiscreen problem and ubuntu, but it is like nobody read it. did i something wron with the report? bug #469475 | 10:55 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 469475 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "3 Screens with 2 NVIDIA graphics cards and Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/469475 | 10:55 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
LimCore | hi, for some nvidia(only?) users, all default video players are unusable - they play with wrong colors (wrong hue). Set bug severity to Low? There is a work around (use mplayer -vo gl2) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/472117 | 12:42 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 472117 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "Invalid hue on video (video only, OpenGL is ok) on nvidia - ubuntu 9.10" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 12:42 |
ikonia | LimCore: why are you telling us this, the bug is already logged | 13:03 |
LimCore | because it is undecided? | 13:03 |
ikonia | LimCore: so ? | 13:04 |
ikonia | LimCore: you're just repeating a bug that's already logged | 13:05 |
ikonia | what value does that add | 13:05 |
LimCore | so how to get it marked as given priority? | 13:05 |
ikonia | put a note in the bug, ask someone to give it a priority, just repeating it blindly adds no value | 13:05 |
LimCore | so I am doing the "ask someone to give it a priority" thing, isn't this a place? then where? | 13:06 |
ikonia | then "ask" | 13:06 |
ikonia | just saying a bug is pointless, say what you want | 13:06 |
LimCore | I already written - Set bug severity to Low? | 13:07 |
LimCore | but if this makes any difference | 13:07 |
LimCore | ikonia: please set priority of this bug | 13:07 |
LimCore | to Low, I guess | 13:07 |
ikonia | LimCore: I can't, it's nothing to do with me, I'm just asking you try to communicate a little better or clearly, explain what you want and why so people don't have to ask this sort of question | 13:07 |
LimCore | btw, does it help a lot to speedup fixing of bug, to have it market as proper priority (even it is just Low)? | 13:08 |
ikonia | I think so | 13:09 |
ikonia | (from a personal view point) | 13:09 |
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WeatherGod | bcurtiswx_, you still having trouble with your wireless card? | 15:13 |
bddebian | Boo | 15:22 |
WeatherGod | nobody here but us bots | 15:23 |
WeatherGod | :-P | 15:23 |
LimCore | Hi, please set bug priority to Medium - crash for NVidia users from time to time (possible data loss etc - entire X session dies at least) - no known workaround - bug#479031 | 15:45 |
ikonia | LimCore: data loss ? | 15:49 |
WeatherGod | I would imagine that if you had something running like Office or something like that, there would be a chance for data loss | 15:54 |
WeatherGod | although OpenOffice is pretty good about recovery | 15:54 |
LimCore | ikonia: programs die when X session dies | 15:55 |
LimCore | not all have recovery like OOo and FFox | 15:56 |
etali | I'm looking at bug 220992 - I was thinking of closing the report since it's no longer an issue, but what do you say to someone who is annoyed about not getting feedback on bugs? | 16:04 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 220992 in thunderbird "Message filter ignoring front of Subject line" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/220992 | 16:04 |
etali | I'm thinking of suggesting that he report bugs with big packages like Thunderbird directly to the developer, rather than through launchpad, but I'm worried that sounds like a fob off. | 16:05 |
WeatherGod | etali, oy... I really don't know if that was even a bug in the first place | 16:08 |
etali | Thanks, either way, I think it needs closed as Invalid? Just closing a bug nearly a year after a rant about being ignored seems like a bad thing to do. | 16:10 |
WeatherGod | I know, it does seem bad... | 16:10 |
etali | I thought there may be some guidelines as to what to say... "We value your reports, but we're a team of volunteers dealing with hundreds of bug reports per day....." | 16:10 |
WeatherGod | nah | 16:10 |
WeatherGod | I would go with that it wasn't a bug | 16:11 |
WeatherGod | I would certainly expect my filters to work that way | 16:11 |
WeatherGod | and giving excuses doesn't sound very good anyway | 16:12 |
etali | I've just re-read the report and unless I've mis-read it, the behaviour he expects is the behaviour I get from Thunderbird on Windows. | 16:12 |
WeatherGod | is it? That would be odd that they act differently | 16:13 |
etali | I filter messages that have [ubuntu-uk] in the subject line to an Ubuntu folder, for example. | 16:13 |
etali | Any mail without that (and that doesn't match other filters) just gets dumped into the inbox. | 16:13 |
etali | Have I misunderstood his report? It sounds like what's happening for him is ALL mail was going to his filter folder? | 16:14 |
WeatherGod | so, emails with "Re: [ubuntu-uk] ..." doesn't get filtered? | 16:14 |
WeatherGod | no, he is saying that the replies were also going to the filter folder | 16:15 |
etali | On Windows there's separate rules - e.g. Contains would filter all of them, and 'Begins With' would ignore the ones that say Re: | 16:15 |
WeatherGod | and he didn't want that because the subject line did not *start* with the particular string | 16:15 |
WeatherGod | ah, well, then maybe he had conversation threading on? | 16:16 |
WeatherGod | does TB have that? | 16:16 |
etali | Yes, but it's rather unpredictable - that could be it. | 16:16 |
etali | At least assuming the Linux version works the same way. I don't actually like TB that much - just it's the best client I've found for Windows so far :) | 16:17 |
WeatherGod | well, I guess closing out the report with some possibilities is better than closing it out with excuses | 16:17 |
WeatherGod | heh, that's for sure | 16:17 |
etali | Thanks! I'll make that suggestion then. | 16:19 |
WeatherGod | np, glad to act as a sounding board | 16:20 |
WeatherGod | oooh, here is a bug report to watch for flame wars: bug 483502 | 16:24 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483502 in ubuntu "Swap in Gnote and swap out Tomboy from 10.04 LTS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483502 | 16:24 |
kklimonda | actually on of arguemrnts (about size) is pretty good | 16:26 |
kklimonda | arguments* argh | 16:27 |
WeatherGod | oh, I agree... I just know this will be a fun one to watch | 16:27 |
kklimonda | on the other hand it seems to be pulling new dependencies | 16:27 |
WeatherGod | the problem is that last time I checked, gnome desktop includes tomboy as a dependency | 16:27 |
kklimonda | so I'd say that they are similar in size after all | 16:28 |
WeatherGod | tomboy or gnote? | 16:28 |
kklimonda | gnote | 16:28 |
kklimonda | a lot of C++ libraries for GTK+ | 16:29 |
WeatherGod | yeah, and it uses less memory because it doesn't have to pull in the runtime libraries for .Net | 16:29 |
WeatherGod | but, they are already in use when using gnome | 16:29 |
WeatherGod | the wonders of shared libraries | 16:29 |
kklimonda | but they take space on cd | 16:30 |
WeatherGod | they are already there for gnome | 16:30 |
kklimonda | not all of them | 16:30 |
WeatherGod | tomboy pulls in dependencies that nothing else is using | 16:30 |
kklimonda | but we are considering banshee as a default player so it wouldn't remove all of Mono stuff anyway.. | 16:31 |
* kklimonda wonders if it's the right channel to talk about it ;) | 16:32 | |
kklimonda | well, if in doubt move to -offtopic ;) | 16:32 |
WeatherGod | banshee? why not amarok? | 16:32 |
kklimonda | well, amarok is default for Kubuntu | 16:33 |
WeatherGod | yeah, this is getting a bit off topic, I was just saying that that bug would be interesting to watch | 16:33 |
etali | I'm curious about a few of the points in there. I thought that the Netbook Remix and Edubuntu catered for netbooks / school hardware? | 16:34 |
WeatherGod | yes... | 16:34 |
* kklimonda must... resists.. commenting on this bug | 16:34 | |
WeatherGod | and UNR uses Gnome as its desktop manager | 16:34 |
WeatherGod | I don't know what Edubuntu uses | 16:35 |
etali | It'll be interesting to see what people say on that bug. Hopefully informative too. | 16:36 |
WeatherGod | yeah, I would like to see a productive discussion rather than see it degrade into a .NET flamewar | 16:38 |
* yofel remembers the mono flamewar on deve-discuss when reading that bug... | 17:10 | |
kklimonda | well, it's going to be the same probably if enough people learn about it.. | 17:15 |
WeatherGod | yeah, it is very easy for public forum discussions to devolve... all it takes is one flamebait and one person to take the bait. | 17:17 |
WeatherGod | this report raises an interesting question about gedit: bug 483690 | 17:24 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483690 in gedit "Searching for '\t' returns all tabs in a document" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483690 | 17:24 |
micahg | WeatherGod: vi is the same way | 17:37 |
WeatherGod | well, vi, I would expect it to behave that way | 17:38 |
WeatherGod | do you see regular users using a mode-based editor like vim? | 17:38 |
micahg | gvim maybe | 17:38 |
WeatherGod | but gedit, I would expect it to be acting like notepad on windows | 17:38 |
WeatherGod | or textedit on macs | 17:39 |
micahg | WeatherGod: already exists: bug 32490 | 17:39 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 32490 in gedit "Search and Search&Replace have a problem with the "\" backslash" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32490 | 17:39 |
WeatherGod | ah, indeed, it does | 17:40 |
WeatherGod | and I don't think anything happened with it... | 17:41 |
micahg | you might want to poke upstream nicely that it still exists :) | 17:41 |
WeatherGod | trying to figure out which bug to poke | 17:43 |
WeatherGod | seems like a bit of a circular "this bug is a dupe of that bug" | 17:43 |
yofel | well, in this case the old bug has an upstream link so the new bug should be the duplicate I think | 17:45 |
WeatherGod | yeah, I agree... I was talking about duplicates at gnome | 17:46 |
WeatherGod | but I finally figured out the original bug | 17:46 |
WeatherGod | they are now kindly poked | 17:56 |
micahg | WeatherGod: also, it probably would have been good to mention the version :) | 17:58 |
WeatherGod | true... didn't think about that... | 17:59 |
WeatherGod | ok, I added that the behavior still exists for version 2.26.3 | 18:07 |
WeatherGod | the original report was for 2.12.x, so this has been a long-standing issue | 18:08 |
micahg | WeatherGod: the new bug was reported against karmic which is 2.28.0, you generally want to check bugs against the latest devel version as that's what upstream is working on | 18:10 |
WeatherGod | I can only confirm for what I have, though | 18:11 |
WeatherGod | and there is no indication that there has been any change | 18:11 |
micahg | yes, but the user confirmed it happened in a subsequent release | 18:12 |
WeatherGod | ah, so, you are saying that I should have noted version 2.28.0 to the bugzilla, not the 2.26.x? | 18:13 |
micahg | WeatherGod: yes, since it was confirmation that an old bug still exists | 18:13 |
WeatherGod | I see | 18:13 |
WeatherGod | should I update that report? | 18:14 |
micahg | if you can | 18:14 |
micahg | upstream will most likely do what we do and say can you test with the latest release in most cases | 18:14 |
micahg | bbiab | 18:15 |
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WeatherGod | oooh, this one looks like a potential security issue: bug 483703 | 18:45 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483703 in gnome-screensaver "Screen does not lock properly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483703 | 18:45 |
WeatherGod | might be the result of multiple upgrades, but it is curious that the screen saver kicks out, showing the desktop, and then asks for a password | 18:47 |
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WeatherGod | can I get an opinion on bug 483754 | 21:15 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483754 in aptitude ""aptitude search svn" fails to find main Subversion client." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483754 | 21:15 |
WeatherGod | I am not familiar with how aptitude does its search | 21:16 |
micahg | WeatherGod: seems like a reasonable request | 21:18 |
WeatherGod | ok, so I should leave the report alone? | 21:19 |
WeatherGod | or should I move it to subversion? | 21:19 |
micahg | WeatherGod: move to subversion and I'll wishlist it | 21:19 |
WeatherGod | ok | 21:19 |
WeatherGod | done | 21:20 |
WeatherGod | micahg, thanks | 21:22 |
thekorn | WeatherGod, this is not a bug aptitude search only searches in package names | 21:22 |
thekorn | if you would like to change in descriptions use aptitude search '~dsvn' | 21:23 |
WeatherGod | does it? Yum also includes descriptions by default | 21:23 |
micahg | thekorn: oops, right...I thought I didn't see it in the description either, but it's there | 21:24 |
thekorn | I think this is just how aptitude works, so it is either not a bug at all or a bug in aptitude | 21:25 |
WeatherGod | !info subversion | 21:25 |
ubot4 | WeatherGod: subversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.5dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 364 kB, installed size 4188 kB | 21:25 |
WeatherGod | svn is not in the description | 21:25 |
micahg | thekorn: is there an option? | 21:26 |
thekorn | WeatherGod, right, it is not in the short (one line) description, but in the long one | 21:27 |
thekorn | so searching with the command I gave you above should work | 21:27 |
WeatherGod | ah, yum searches the short description by default, I don't think it searches the long description | 21:28 |
micahg | I'll fix the bug | 21:28 |
thekorn | super | 21:28 |
WeatherGod | ok | 21:28 |
micahg | sorry WeatherGod | 21:29 |
WeatherGod | np, I learn a little about how apt works | 21:30 |
thekorn | WeatherGod, as a side-note apt-cache search svn is another cmd-line tool, which searches the descriptions per default | 21:33 |
WeatherGod | ah, good to know | 21:33 |
sqemishozifrage | Regarding bug 483721, I think there is a mutual dependency of firefox, galeon and chrome that could be causing this issue | 21:34 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483721 in ubuntu "Browsers (Firefox, Galeon, Chrome) produce Bus error (SIGBUS) on many pages." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483721 | 21:34 |
WeatherGod | to add, I just tried yum search svn on my system, and some results come up that don't have svn in the name or short description, so maybe it does check the long description as well | 21:34 |
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mr_steve | sqemishozifrage, that sounds like a RAM error to me, especially since the OR mentions upgrading RAM recently | 21:38 |
sqemishozifrage | perhaps the OR mentions that to indicate that there were no problems with it before the install? | 21:39 |
sqemishozifrage | and if it were a RAM error, wouldn't it affect more than just web browsers? | 21:42 |
mr_steve | I assume that the browser is using a lot of RAM particularly on certain pages, thus running into a bad address in RAM.. Not sure though | 21:44 |
mr_steve | OR should probably do a run of memtest86, though I'm not sure if netboook remix includes it in the boot menu | 21:44 |
WeatherGod | I know the LiveCD version does | 21:46 |
WeatherGod | I don't remember if it is there in the install, though | 21:46 |
mr_steve | Hm, I'm looking at the backtrace the OR provided, and the SIGBUS was generated during a write to a fairly high memory address, that would seem consistent with a flaky new RAM module, or bad connection | 21:49 |
mr_steve | It's weird, for sure | 21:50 |
bcurtiswx | WeatherGod... Yes... :'( | 21:51 |
WeatherGod | bcurtiswx, ? | 21:52 |
bcurtiswx | bcurtiswx_, you still having trouble with your wireless card? | 21:53 |
WeatherGod | ah, wow, that message was this morning | 21:54 |
WeatherGod | I would certainly call that trouble | 21:55 |
WeatherGod | anyone has a clue about bug 483821? | 22:00 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483821 in ubuntu "text blocks desktop " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483821 | 22:00 |
mr_steve | WeatherGod, I ran into that last night, typing in Pidgin. It looked to me like a compiz hang, no windows would respond to mouse events, but I could still type in whatever window had the focus | 22:04 |
mr_steve | But I never did find out what happened. I tried to restart compiz, and everything just went all downhill from there | 22:04 |
WeatherGod | well, maybe you should take that one | 22:05 |
WeatherGod | does seem like a serious problem, and if two people have it, then it probably a little more widespread | 22:06 |
mr_steve | I suppose I could confirm it based on it happening to me, but I don't really know where to take it from there. I don't think I had anything weird in my logs | 22:07 |
yofel | could somebody with some free time mark bug 402188 as triaged? thanks | 22:07 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 402188 in vim "gvim complains about "gtk_form_set_static_gravity: assertion `static_gravity_supported' failed" in the shell it's started from" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/402188 | 22:07 |
WeatherGod | well, you could first try to gather a better idea of what the OR is reporting | 22:08 |
WeatherGod | seeing if it is the same problem | 22:08 |
WeatherGod | could see if he has compiz on as well | 22:08 |
mr_steve | Indeed | 22:09 |
WeatherGod | mr_steve, you might want to look at 483832 | 22:14 |
WeatherGod | bug 483832 | 22:14 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483832 in xorg "AMD64x2, Nvidia, Gnome and KDE, no virtual ttys, and shell in konsole or gnome terminal dies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483832 | 22:14 |
WeatherGod | the description is similar | 22:15 |
mr_steve | hmm that's an interesting one too | 22:17 |
WeatherGod | coincidence? | 22:17 |
WeatherGod | 3 people experiencing something similar at around the same time | 22:18 |
WeatherGod | what update went through in the past 48 hours? | 22:18 |
WeatherGod | mr_steve, for your updates, are you grabbing packages from karmic-proposed? | 22:21 |
mr_steve | WeatherGod, yep I've got the works, proposed and backports | 22:27 |
WeatherGod | well, I see libindicate went through | 22:28 |
mr_steve | I'll have to look and see what updates I've taken recently | 22:28 |
WeatherGod | looks like it messed around with DBus objects | 22:29 |
mr_steve | My attention's a bit scattered at the moment with my 10 month old and his 2yr old cousin running around my house :) | 22:29 |
WeatherGod | fun | 22:29 |
WeatherGod | go ahead, I am gonna see what else changed recently | 22:30 |
yofel | apport should get better when setting oops-titles, the original apport-title of bug 483853 was... useless | 22:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 483853 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.31/kernel/power/suspend_test.c:52 suspend_test_finish+0x80/0x90()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/483853 | 22:50 |
WeatherGod | mr_steve, the only thing I see that might be relevant is libindicate. I got to get going right now, but I'll be back tonight to look some more | 22:51 |
mr_steve | I think apport grabs the wrong line of logging output sometimes, or trims it in weird ways | 22:54 |
mr_steve | Not to mention that people frequently change the title before submitting, because they don't understand it, whereas "It just popped up" is much more descriptive ;) | 22:55 |
yofel | mr_steve: seems like this time the log was trimmed at the wrong line | 23:04 |
yofel | but shouldn't apport just use the line after the -----[cut here]----- ? | 23:05 |
thekorn | yofel, yes, the first line can contain '----[cut here]----', if this is the case use the following line as title, otherwise use the first one | 23:12 |
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