
ubottuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember16:08
naliothubottu: tell niko about msg the bot16:22
ubottuniko, please see my private message16:22
nalioth:D niko16:22
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=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
=== DJones is now known as Guest96883
=== Guest96883 is now known as DJones
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
erUSULPici: that's not true ia32-libs let you run many 32 bit apps. i know i run a few games ...22:49
jdongia32-libs is by no means comprehensive though22:49
jdongin fact quite the opposite22:49
jdongit has a limited subset of even the stock Ubuntu install solibs in 32-bit form22:50
erUSULjdong: nothing is perfect ;)22:50
jdongfor a lot of stuff... you really do need something like getlibs22:50
jdongor whatever the name of that script is22:50
jdongthat actually goes out and fetches/unpacks 32-bit debs into the 32-bit lib prefix22:50
jussi01jdong: you missed the FC session...22:51
jdongjussi01: I got an e-mail regarding it though :)22:51
jussi01yup, I know :)22:51
jdongjussi01: you missed my project deadline panic session!22:51
jdongoh wait ;-)22:51
jdongif there's one life lesson at MIT that they teach you...22:52
jdongif you're on a drowning boat, it's always more comforting to have other people drowning with you :)22:52
jdongand it seems to increase the probability of survival too22:52
jussi01true that22:56
* LjL drowns with the dong22:58

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