
niteowlHi. I'm using ubuntu 9.10 and just trying to add an upstart service which runs after all of the legacy init scripts. It doesn't seem to be executing though and there doesn't appear to be a way to enable boot logging for upstart.01:15
niteowl'start on stopped rc[2345]' should do what I want, right?01:15
niteowlI have a description line, followed by start on stopped rc[2345] and then exec /usr/local/bin/myscript01:17
JanCare you sure you don't want "start on started rc[2345]" instead?01:44
niteowlI'm pretty sure I've tried that but I'll try it again now01:47
niteowlI just did a sanity check and 'start on startup' works.01:47
niteowlstart on started didn't work either01:49
niteowlinitctl list shows rc stop/waiting01:49
niteowlIs there any way to get boot logging?01:49
niteowlFrom some googling I did it doesn't look like it's supported right now01:50
niteowlI'm finding upstart incredibly irritating to deal with.01:50
JanCit's new (and is still worked on)01:51
niteowlI'm aware of that but if it's still so new why is it the default?01:53
ionThere’s no rc2 job. There are events such as ‘runlevel 2’, which may be what you want.01:54
ionLook at the other jobs under /etc/init.01:54
JanCstart on runlevel would start the job parallel with the legacy init scripts02:04
JanCI guess there should be an init.d script that runs after all other init.d scripts and then emits an event to signal that to upsatrt02:10
niteowlHmmm. Well I tried start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]02:10
JanCwhich is what a "task" does02:10
JanChm, rc is a task, so it should be "started" after all init.d scripts are run?02:12
niteowlThe description at the top of the rc task is: This task runs the old System V-style rc script when changing between runlevels02:14
niteowlWouldn't that imply that it runs the /etc/init.d scripts02:14
niteowlso when it's finished doing that it's stopped02:14
niteowlwhich should be an event I can use in another task?02:14
JanCyeah, probably (the documentation could be more clear there  ;)02:15
niteowlI just wish I had some output to explain why it's not running02:17
niteowl(any output)02:17
niteowlEven a log of events and tasks being run02:18
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