
=== onestone___ is now known as onestone
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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kenvandinepitti, ping04:36
seb128kenvandine, it's probably bed time for jetlaged germans...04:38
seb128kenvandine, scheduling issues?04:41
kenvandinenot issues04:41
kenvandinejust had a new blueprint04:41
kenvandinecreated one just for gwibber stabilizations/enhancements04:41
seb128nothing I can tweak then04:41
kenvandinenope :)04:42
seb128I don't have access to that04:42
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=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
baptistemmwhy can't I find linux-image-debug in package list10:10
baptistemmI have added ddebs repo ...10:11
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=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
boya1hi folks, has anyone experienced a problem with keyboard layout on Ubuntu 9.04?12:27
n3m3s1s4uHi all - Where can I go to ask a question about Google Deskletts and when you reboot the applets dont remember your settings (account information) ? thanks12:54
=== warp10__ is now known as warp10
rickspencer3asac, can we get together with Randy at 9am?14:40
serialorderi know you all are busy at UDS but if you get a minute perhaps someone can explain something simple to me14:42
serialorderI was looking at some of the syncs here: http://piware.de/workitems/desktop/lucid/versions.html  and I noticed that some of the packages don't have an ubuntu delta,  ex esound_0.2.41-5 but the control file has changed so the maintainer is Ubuntu Developers. I am new to all this so I am wondering how that situation comes to be?14:42
Laneyserialorder: I don't see that - https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/esound_0.2.41-5.dsc14:46
serialorderLaney, ok your right when I look at the actual package that is not the case but when I look at package details with apt-cache then I see it http://pastebin.com/f66dc7f5b14:51
serialorderit was jsut confusing to me and i was wondering why14:51
Laneyit's probably rewritten in the deb somehow14:51
serialordersorry, what do you mean?14:54
kenvandinepitti, can you schedule https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-gwibber-enhancements for me?15:04
pittikenvandine: already in progress15:05
kenvandineexcellent :)15:05
kenvandinethx pitti15:05
pittinp :)15:05
rickspencer3Amaranth, hey, you're not at UDS, right?15:19
jcastro_rickspencer3: nope15:20
rickspencer3Amaranth, are you going to join the Compiz settings session remotely?15:20
rickspencer3it starts in about 40 mins.15:21
rickspencer3jcastro_ can you provide instructions for listening in and using irc for remote participation, please?15:22
jcastro_rickspencer3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-L/RemoteParticipation15:22
rickspencer3Amaranth, ^15:23
czajkowskirickspencer3: http://www.lczajkowski.com/2009/11/12/how-to-participate-remotely-and-get-your-points-heard/15:23
rickspencer3tanks czajkowski15:23
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
czajkowskirickspencer3: np15:23
jpdsWho should I poke about bug #445256 ?15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445256 in gdm-2.20 "Wrong path to X server in gdm.conf" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44525615:40
jpdsIt completely breaks GDM if one installs the gdm-2.20 package.15:40
jcastro_vuntz: you are up next hour for videoing a session16:25
vuntzjcastro_: I guess I can, as long as it's not something that is difficult to handle :-)16:38
vuntz(you know how french people are ;-))16:38
jcastro_vuntz: you're off the hook!16:43
vuntzjcastro_: no love for me?16:44
jcastro_vuntz: I am trying to help you. :D16:46
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tgpraveen2"Bluetooth on-demand - Bluetooth services are automatically started   when needed and stopped 30 seconds after last device use," this feature is not there in karmic right?17:31
tgpraveen2might be a good thing in lucid17:31
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
kenvandinepitti, did you schedule that gwibber session?20:30
Amaranthrickspencer3: sorry, was at work21:23
Amaranthlooks like the only proposed changes made to compiz settings so far are to cripple the widget and wobbly plugins...21:34
Amaranthoh, I see, it's changing wobbly to do wobbly map which I believe I once said I wished we could have without regular wobbly21:34
Amaranthbut that's not what that settings change does, we're missing the second half (no regular wobbly) :)21:35
TheMusopitti: Do you object to putting the gconf xml file for the gdm user under control of the alternatives system? We would like to be able to set a different GTK theme for UbuntuStudio for lucid, and unless thigns change radically this cycle, I feel the alternatives system is the easiest way to allow derivatives to set their own GTK theme using gconf. Xubuntu uses XFCe tools to set up such theming, however UbuntuStudio uses GNOME, hense my questio21:41
=== WelshDragon is now known as Richie
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seb128TheMuso, no alternative please22:28
seb128TheMuso, those are a recipe for issues22:29
rickspencer3Amaranth, I missed the session as well22:52
seb128rickspencer3, Amaranth: what session?23:00
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