=== cxyz is now known as WesleyPipes === WesleyPipes is now known as cxyz [02:49] cn anybody help me? === Techie is now known as _Techie_ [08:29] hello [08:30] I suddenly have connectivity issues with sites as www.9292ov.nl [08:30] or www.connexxion.nl [08:30] I am not able to search anymore with the 2 sites. [08:34] I don't think xubuntu is in any way related to those sites or your isp [09:17] Hey guys... I need some help with making Compiz start automatically. [09:17] I have tried solutions on the net, but they don't seem to be working [09:18] I am running 9.10 Karmic Koala [09:18] anyone got any ideas? [09:18] Hello I just started using xubuntu 9.10 and I love it but I lost the boot up now for a day and I can't seem to get it to come up??? [09:19] can some one give me a clue on how to fix this? [09:48] anyone know of any repositories where I can find vim-gtk, vim-gnome or vim-tiny? [12:57] Is it normal for Xubuntu to ask for your password when you restart? [12:57] Why do I need to type my password in to get Xubuntu to restart? [12:58] because xfce4-session got restarted, probably [12:58] during upgrade, I'd guess [12:59] It is not a security issue? [12:59] I have only downloaded updates and stuff from the repository so far [13:06] Can I use that new Cloud One thing with Xubuntu or is that only Ubuntu? [13:40] hey [13:57] Hello? [13:58] Hello, Clavin12 [14:42] hey, can anyone here help me? [14:43] !ask | Clavin12 [14:43] Clavin12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [14:43] I've got a problem installing Xubuntu [14:44] I burn the ISO properly and when I go to install it gives me a corrupt file error [14:45] I've redownloaded several times from different locations, and reburnt the ISO many times but it always comes out that way. [14:47] I think it might be a problem with my cd drive [15:12] !md5 [15:12] To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows [15:13] You can also do the "verify cd" from boot menu of it [15:17] I've done that. It says that there is a problem with the cd. The md5 is alright though. which is what led me to believe that its a prolem with my cd drive. btw I was using the alternate installer. [15:45] Okay, I think I am just unhappy with gdm 2.28. [16:28] hi need some help with 9.10 installation [16:28] i'm stuck at step 3 of 6 [16:29] whe it starts to check disks partitions it gets stucked at 47% [16:29] any ideas? [16:30] i did check dmesg but i dosn't show anything about it [16:30] and i didn't see any installer.log at /var/log [16:32] anyone? [16:39] so you are all here idling [16:39] whats the point [16:39] you all do suck hairy ugly and stinky balls [16:39] fuck you [16:41] right... [19:11] Hi. Since upgrading to 9.10 the new login screen has been a bit buggy. Sometimes I type in my password and it shows a loading screen as though it's logging on, then returns me to the login screen. It usually takes two or three tries for me to log in. Has anyone else had the same problem? Is there a way to solve it? [20:05] FelineMonstrosit, I enable auto-login. [20:06] likemindead: that's all very well, but what if I want my computer password locked so other people can't log in as me? [20:08] FelineMonstrosit: I don't have my XFCE box handy, but IIRC I removed the .xfce dir. It's still very slow but doesn't restart now. [20:10] I use a BIOS password. :-\ [20:10] Also, you could install SLiM. It's very nice. http://slim.berlios.de/ [20:17] FelineMonstrosit: I had the same problem, found a bug in Launchpad concerning the issue, had to do a fresh install to get rid of the problem [20:19] ugh. I think I'll try what killsoft suggested. where can I find the .xfce dir? [20:20] FelineMonstrosit: your home directory [20:20] ~/.xfce [20:20] ok thanks [20:20] FelineMonstrosit: FWIW I tried that, it worked until I changed the screen resolution -- it's seems to be tied to configuration changes [20:20] Give SLiM a look too. It's very slick & highly customisable. [20:21] likemindead: I have an old and slow computer. Will it run alright, that considered? [20:32] Yes, FelineMonstrosit, SLim is very quick. [20:33] The antiX MEPIS folks use it. [20:41] Hi, everyone! Could someone help me? [20:41] !ask | arkoba [20:41] arkoba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:43] Ok. I have some troubles with sound on Xubuntu 9.04 on my Asus laptop. There just no sound at all. [20:44] I had to install PulseAudio to get my sound working. [20:44] !pulseaudio [20:44] PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions [20:44] likemindead, i had to remove pulseaudio to get my sound working... :) [20:44] Remove it? It doesn't come with Xubuntu...? [20:44] it does, with the new releases [20:45] Hmm. Yeah, it didn't when I installed 9.10 at Alpha 6. [20:45] Well, arkoba, you might remove PulseAudio & try just ALSA. [20:45] !ALSA [20:45] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [20:45] likemindead, really? interesting. anyway, removing pulseaudio stuff worked for me. [20:46] likemindead, It was on default. No sound. I'll try Pulse - just a minute. [20:47] Yeah, you have options. Yay! Linux! ;-) [20:52] likemindead, yeah, right... And sometimes have to make them myself... :-D [20:56] i have always wanted to install linux from scratch [20:58] i dont have patience for it [20:59] !lfs [20:59] LFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04) [21:00] Seems like everything was much easier than I thought... Or pulseaudio helped... The thing, I hate linux for, is that when something works, I never know, why... [21:01] arkoba~ or when it doesn't work it could be a zillion things. [21:02] i have problems with my hotkeys on my compaq 8510w laptop, specificly the brightness ones [21:02] Anyway, thanks a lot for help! See you in a next trouble! :-D Bye! [21:02] glad someone was able to help, bye :-D [21:03] troglobyte~ you have hotkeys for brightness control on your laptop and if so do they work? [21:24] rr72, yeah, I have a Dell D630. fn buttons all work. brightness, volume, screen switching, etc.. [21:24] all but dimmer works [21:26] and battery but what would the battery one bring up? I am going to try a live cd of ubuntu and see if it works there [21:31] rr72, Is you dimmer a dedicated button of fn+arrow combo? [21:31] -of +or [21:32] fn f9/10 [21:32] ahh [21:33] are the other buttons dedicated? I saw a post somewhere awhile back about a funky thing someone had to do to get their Fn key to work. [21:33] i get the thing to show up and a slider goes up and down but nothing changes [21:33] oh [21:33] bummer :p [21:33] i installed an app to do it from CLI [21:34] just trying to register the command with the hotkeys but not sure where to do that cause there is nothing about nvidia/hp/compaq in acpi events [21:34] trhere is an asus bright up/down scripts though [21:51] ok so a live cd works [22:13] hi there. is xfce supporting this nice 3d-window-switching natively (like making windows transparent) or do i have to go for an additional composite manager? [22:16] also i am very confused about thie difference of beryl, compiz fusion, compiz... and all this composit-managers. which one is the one to choose? [22:17] hi all. how do I install ati drivers on XUbuntu Karmic? [22:19] freaky[t]: try applicatin -> system -> hardware drivers [22:19] application [22:19] Benkinooby, it only displays driver for my modem card but not for ati card [22:21] freaky[t]: is it important to you if it is open source or not? [22:22] freaky[t]: this are the websites to check: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI (this one is not open source) and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver (this one is open source) [22:24] Benkinooby, i dont care it must work ... how do i check if my card is a radeon card (laptop) [22:25] freaky[t]: i am just reading from the second link i gave you.... type into your console lspci -nn | grep VGA [22:25] <_Techie_> freaky[t]: what ATI card is this for? just about all ATI cards are Radeons from my old 9600XT to my new HD3650 [22:26] Radeon Mobility X700 [22:26] <_Techie_> then you will most likely want the FGLRX driver [22:26] <_Techie_> !ati [22:26] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [22:27] ok thank you very much :DD [22:27] <_Techie_> or if your brave you can use the latest driver from the ati/amd site [22:27] btw, is there anything like "Places --> Network" in gnome for xfce? [22:28] freaky[t]: as you see, they are opting for the closed source driver, fglrx [22:28] what do you mean? [22:30] freaky[t]: as i told you. there is a open source driver and a closed source driver (see my links). but in your case, it is advisable to use the closed source driver. only if you like to play around you can also try the open source driver.... in the end it comes to the same point. [22:30] ok [22:30] but theres only tutorial for 9.04 and not for 9.10 [22:30] :\ [22:30] freaky[t]: sould work [22:30] should work [22:32] ok [22:33] no it doesnt [22:33] it says [22:33] Enable the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the 'Hardware Drivers' (System->Hardware drivers), then do: [22:33] but i dont have the ati graphic drivers listed there [22:33] <_Techie_> freaky[t]: you can use the drivers from the ati/adm site if you want to [22:34] <_Techie_> amd* [22:35] do I even need the ati drviers? because i can allready display shadow under windows i thought thats only possible for if you have enabled fglrx drivers [22:36] <_Techie_> can you paste output of "lspci | grep VGA" [22:37] no because im here on gnome - xubuntu runs on my laptop but what are u looking for? [22:37] <_Techie_> the chipset [22:37] it says: "3:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE) [22:37] <_Techie_> kk [22:38] <_Techie_> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Install%20from%20ati.com%20(latest%20version%20of%20drivers) [22:39] freaky[t]: please, type glxgears into your terminal and tell me what you see [22:39] command not found =DD [22:40] ok, then you need to install the driver.... maybe you alrdy installed the driver but didn't enable it [22:40] ill install one moemnt [22:40] <_Techie_> im gonna go watch a movie, if your still here when i get back ill help some more [22:41] i see 3 gears. 1 red one green one blue and they are turning [22:41] _Techie_, hehe ok thank you! :) [22:41] freaky[t]: good... are they turning fluently? [22:42] yes they are :D [22:42] <_Techie_> Benkinooby: they wont be turning as nicely as they could be [22:42] 7028 frames in 5.0 seconds [22:42] <_Techie_> wait, we forgot one main check [22:42] <_Techie_> lsmod | grep fglrx [22:42] freaky[t]: this is nice [22:42] :D [22:43] lsmod doesnt return anything with fglrx [22:43] <_Techie_> kk [22:43] <_Techie_> then instal away [22:43] <_Techie_> just wanted to check you hadnt installed it previously [22:43] the funny thing is, my frames are around 1200 and i have very nice effects.... [22:45] how do i install the flash plugin for firefox? [22:45] lol... careful.... the frames depend on the size of the window... if u use a big window for the gears, your frames will go down!!! [22:46] freaky[t]: to be honest, people here like to answer questions... but it is better, ifyou google a littlebit before you ask... thelinks we sent you are all results of google [22:46] but to answer your question: [22:47] hm ok sorry hehe [22:47] :o) [22:47] go firefox -> tools -> add-ons [22:47] and then coose get add-on [22:47] done [22:47] i dont see any flash plugin [22:47] in the list [22:47] wait i search [22:48] oh, sorry [22:48] missunderstood :) [22:48] freaky[t]: http://www.google.ch/search?q=firefox+flash+plugin+in+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a [22:48] this way ;) [22:50] theres no hmm [22:50] wait [22:50] freaky[t]: to sum up: search with your softwaremanager for something that has flashplugin in the name [22:51] freaky[t]: i hope you know about *buntu softwaremanagent [22:51] <_Techie_> if you want to check if you have a flash plugin installed in firefox, go to the url about:plugins in firefox [22:51] i dont have any flashplugin installed because the ati website tells me i should get flashplugin [22:52] done [22:52] it's installed :D [22:52] thank you very much [22:52] tested it? [22:53] yes it works :D [22:55] guys the installer from the ati website doesnt have ubuntu 9.10 listed :( [22:55] :/ [22:55] only up to 9.04 [22:57] ok another question [22:57] in gnome u can select Places --> Network and add a network connection to some remote server via ftp/fish etc. [22:57] freaky[t]: check out this one... dont have exp. with it .... http://ubuntuguide.net/install-nvidiaati-graphics-card-driver-in-ubuntu-910karmic [22:57] or sftp [22:58] and i would like to be able to browse my home folder on my dedicated server using sftp [22:58] is there any way to simply integrate it as in gnome where u just click and [22:58] the folder opens [22:58] ? [22:58] Benkinooby, on that url it says 500 internal server error [22:59] hmmm.. works fine for me [23:04] hm i think ill keep what is installed [23:09] freaky[t]: sorry, had small problm [23:10] no problem ;D [23:10] let's stay in xubuntu channel [23:10] freaky[t]: do you speak german? [23:11] yes i am german