
erail1213americas army00:00
MsTegansebsebseb so maybe I shouldn't panic lol00:00
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: then you can get an old version from mysql's website and install it manually if you can't find a packaged version, I guess.00:00
sebsebsebMsTegan: How much RAM do you have?00:00
Mike_lifeguard!ask | RaXOR00:00
ubottuRaXOR: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:00
davidl_Mike_lifeguard: I was only able to find version 4.1 there...00:01
bastid_raZorCuddles: ifconfig in a terminal or right click on network applet in the top toolbar > connection information00:01
CuddlesI was using ipconfig00:01
RaXORifconfig | grep "inet addr"00:01
davidl_Mike_lifeguard:  so backports only go back so far?  Are there different backports for older versions of Ubuntu?  I suppose I could try installing a much older distro..00:02
RaXORthis is sorted =)00:02
MsTegansebsebseb omg, I don't know.  That's how bad I've gotten with computers00:02
sebsebsebMsTegan: there is bound to be a way to get it working in 9.10, but maybe/probably you can  virtual machine 8.10 and have the web cam working :)00:02
RaXOR-> Cuddles  ifconfig | grep "inet addr"00:02
sebsebsebMsTegan: ok  free -m in the terminal and what does it say for total?00:02
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: Yeah, I mean... old software isn't supported forever; at some point you're supposed to upgrade. I suggest you ask in #mysql about getting an old version00:02
Fujkanyone run gtx 275 with compiz?00:03
archet45RaXOR, you were having issues mounting/ummounting via 9.10?00:03
davidl_Mike_lifeguard:  They laughed at me when I asked...  <weak smile>00:03
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aymanhave proplem with hymera 9.10  any help plz00:03
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: I bet the person who laughed was domas :D00:04
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: Then what do you expect us to do?00:04
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: Sure, troll the archives for a packaged version, but it'll be totally unsupported by anyone at all.00:04
aymanany body help me00:04
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: If you can even find it.00:04
RaXORThen... my problem is installing nvidia drivers,  i've nvidia ge force 7300 gs, but when i've downloaded and installed driver , i have some bugs, f.ex. cant start terminal =( ???00:05
RaXORand system panel not clear00:05
davidl_Mike_lifeguard: I was thinking maybe I didn't have apt-get configured properly... or there's some 'secret voodoo' that makes older packaged available.00:05
ayman\ j#linuxac00:05
ayman\j #linuxac00:06
Mike_lifeguardayman: use the other slash: /00:06
RaXORarchet45... yep00:06
davidl_Mike_lifeguard: but I guess older packages are deleted eventually......00:06
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: Nope. The old packaged versions might not even be around. For example, if the version you're looking for is from a version of ubuntu that isn't supported any longer, then there's no need to have it in the archives, and it probably isn't00:06
R0b0t1Hello, for some reason when I press a key, my mouse lags, and then "jumps" to where it should be. This causes me to be unable to play all games, even native. Any solutions?00:06
R0b0t1I have an apple keyboard/hub, but I have this problem even when the mouse is not plugged in through it.00:06
aymanok sir but iam having proplem and needed to fix it00:06
aymancan you help me00:06
archet45RaXOR, did you find any kind of fix or work around?00:07
sharmonHello, I'm having significant difficulties getting Ubuntu 9.10 to load on my computer.  I previously had xp on it, created a live cd, partitioned it and installed seemingly without problems.  On it's first load it updated all the packages.  Since that first use, after turning it on or rebooting, it loads completely without error about 10% of the time (but I can't figure out why it will boot or not boot).  Xp is still functional.  Even t00:07
RaXORbut... i can show screenshots...00:07
davidl_Mike_lifeguard: so I should look in the LTS versions?00:07
Mike_lifeguardR0b0t1: If someone helps you with that, can you let me know?00:07
RaXORno result for fixes00:07
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: that'd be your best bet00:08
archet45so people who use ubuntu and randomly can't mount/unmount drives are basically SOL?00:08
jribarchet45: what is your question?00:08
davidl_Mike_lifeguard:  ok... thanks for your help!00:09
archet45whenever i try to mount or unmount a partition from a drive that has two ntfs partitions, i get an error message saying only root can do that00:09
Mike_lifeguarddavidl_: no problem. sorry it wasn't as simple as you were hoping00:09
mesengasebsebseb, ok.. after type 'sudo tasksel install lamp-server' what do i?00:09
RaXORsudo su00:09
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: so ... what is the actual problem? ubuntu won't boot?00:09
jribarchet45: you need to use sudo00:10
RaXORarchet45 type sudo su00:10
archet45jrib, i simply want to be able to mount/unmount drives via elevated privileges like ubuntu did intially00:10
sharmonMike, Yes, ubuntu won't consistently boot00:10
aymani can not open any partion on hymera 9.10   any body  help here00:10
Mike_lifeguard!who | sharmon00:10
ubottusharmon: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:10
jribarchet45: right click -> unmount should work, yes00:10
mesengasebsebseb, after this step all requirements are installed, all right00:10
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: Does it get to the GRUB screen?00:10
RaXORthis you can do in user accaunts, groups and privilages00:10
archet45jrib, still saying only root can unmount00:11
jribarchet45: depends on how it was mounted00:11
Christoph_vWis there a way to disable IDE? I have a machine with defective mainboard...00:11
bastid_raZorayman: hymera is not Ubuntu. possibly find a Hymera channel?00:11
RaXORif you've this message, it's mean thet you succesfully mounted =)00:11
user__hey guys is there anyway to run itunes 9 on wine? mine doesnt seem to work00:12
aymanhow can  me find it00:12
archet45it said that it was mounted when i started the computer, i was using pysdm but i uninstalled it and restarted and it was still mounted on boot00:12
aymanbut sir hymera bulding of ubuntu00:12
RaXORwait a sec00:12
tottiqwhy don't you use rythmbox?00:12
user__it doesnt sync my iphone00:12
archet45both partitions (ntfs) were mounted on boot but neither can be unmounted without the root00:12
user__or my mobileme accounts00:12
Christoph_vWcurrently I get lots of ata1 errors at startup - which causes a long delay at boot (booting from usb key)00:12
RaXORuse root accaunt00:13
archet45i could if i had to use root from the beginning, but this issue came up after something was done00:13
tottiqthat's a real problem00:13
jribarchet45: then you probably set it up using fstab.00:14
aymanagin i can not open any partion  on hymera 9.1000:14
archet45therefore i would like to resolve the issue (without reinstalling for a 4th time)00:14
jribarchet45: pastebin your /etc/fstab00:14
RaXOR=( i dont know =( sorry00:14
jrib!who | archet4500:14
ubottuarchet45: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:14
tottiqhave you tried banshee or something else?00:14
archet45ubottu, for sure i forget sometimes lol00:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:15
sharmonMike_lifeguard: yes it gets to the GRUB screen00:15
RaXORguys , how to install nvidia geforce 7300 gs drivers if default 185,179 isn't work good00:15
aymanagin i can not open any partion  on hymera 9.1000:15
aymanagin i can not open any partion  on hymera 9.1000:15
aymanagin i can not open any partion  on hymera 9.1000:15
FloodBot1ayman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:15
Mike_lifeguardayman: Don't do that.00:16
user__ubottu does ubuntu or linux have any features similar to Apples Time Capsule to backup data to a remove server?00:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
Mike_lifeguardayman: You should try to ask your question clearly - and on only one line so it is easy to read. I would help you if I could, but I don't understand the question.00:16
jony123is there a program  (command line only)  to convert mp3 files to ogg files00:16
jony123lets say 300 at a time00:16
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: Can you boot into recovery mode (single user)?00:16
aymanok iam so sorry00:16
RaXORthnx for help... (nothing)00:17
aymanany body  can fix my proplem00:17
sharmonMike_lifeguard: yes I can boot into recovery mode00:17
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aymani can not mount any partion on hymera 9.1000:18
archet45does pysdm use fstab for its functionality?00:18
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: And no errors while doing so? Do you get errors in the boot process for normal boots?00:18
user__ubottu does ubuntu or linux have any features similar to Apples Time Capsule to backup data to a remove server?00:18
aymani can not mount any partion on hymera 9.1000:18
Mike_lifeguarduser__: ubottu is a bot, it does not understand you00:18
sharmonMike_lifeguard: no errors that I can see booting into recovery.  I've received no errors booting normally, it just stalls out on a black screen00:19
aymanits clear qution00:19
Mike_lifeguardayman: Please don't repeat yourself - that is a guaranteed way to not get help.00:19
delightis there a place where i can read about the ubuntu (karmic) updates (change-description) ?00:19
Piciayman: er, Hymera isn't Ubuntu00:19
Mike_lifeguardayman: You might state what error messages you get, for example.00:19
MarkSpiderBoa noite...00:19
Piciayman: ##linux would probably be a better place to ask in00:19
Mike_lifeguard!notes | delight00:19
ubottudelight: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91000:19
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MarkSpiderAlguém pode me auxiliar com a nova versão ?00:20
Pici!br | MarkSpider00:20
ubottuMarkSpider: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:20
delightMike_lifeguard: no I'm talking about the regular updates that comes after release00:20
archet45back :)00:20
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: Can you edit the boot line in grub (for the normal boot) and remove 'quiet' and 'splash' - then use that line to boot?00:20
archet45i deleted some lines from fstab that pertained to the two partitions i was having issues with and it has resolved the issue :)00:21
sharmonMike_lifeguard: can you explain that process in more detail please?00:21
Mike_lifeguarddelight: update-manager should give you those, where they're available. I still don't know how to get changelog entries for CLI though - if you figure it out let me know how you did it please :D00:21
delightMike_lifeguard: don't know either about cli ... but today there where updates for all sort of packages a bunch of kde packages too ... and in the update-manager there was no description00:22
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: in GRUB, hit ESC if you have a timeout - this will stop the timeout. Then, hit 'e' to edit that entry in the boot menu. Then, you want to edit the kernel line to remove those things I mentioned. The kernel line should be obvious - it is the longest one, has something like initrd or something in it00:22
delightwould be great if there would be some web-page with maybe rss-feed that describes the updates00:23
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: quiet and/or splash might be on their own lines - you can remove the whole line if need be00:23
emanuxthis must be the stupidest question but i have to ask it anyway00:23
Mike_lifeguarddelight: Did it say why? There are not any changelogs for updates coming from PPA, for example.00:23
Rods_Tigerwhat can I use to turn the ubuntu machine's monitor on at a certain time every day and off at a certain time every night?00:23
emanuxcan i run .dmg?00:23
RaXOR :(00:24
ZykoticK9emanux, .dmg - like an apple installer?  what are you trying to install?00:24
emanuxcan i run mac os x .dmg file?00:24
delightMike_lifeguard: it was no ppa it was regular kubuntu updates ... don't rember what it was saying ... someting like no desciption available00:25
delightHole:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com karmic-updates/main kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu7.1 [1.980kB]00:25
emanuxim going to install the flexbuilder for mac os x00:25
Mike_lifeguarddelight: Yeah, it should really tell us *why* there is no description available. It is somewhat infuriating since it is contrary to the spirit of FLOSS - but that is how it is00:25
zvacetemanux:  no you casn not run dmg in ubuntu00:26
emanuxthank you guys00:26
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=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut
Cuddlesare there any problems with the new ubuntu install with x11vnc?00:27
emanuxi have really no choice but to run .dmg in os x box00:27
gasullHi.  ffmpeg says  "Unknown encoder 'libfaac'"  despite libfaac is installed.00:27
gasullHow do I fix it?  Thanks.00:27
movelahi what can i use to download magnet links on linux?00:27
Mike_lifeguardIs there an editor similar to Notepad++ for ubuntu? Specifically, I want the sort and conversion macros, and regex search-and-replace.00:28
archet45anyone here recommend me good video capture software for 64bit ubuntu :)00:28
Mike_lifeguardarchet45: capturing what kind of video? from a camcorder? from the screen?00:28
movelaarchet45: avidemux or kino00:29
archet45Mike_lifeguard, analog from a vcr00:29
gasullMike_lifeguard: Maybe you can try Cream, it's a Vim mod to make it user-friendly00:29
emanuxany news on google chrome on linux?00:29
archet45movela, does kino support anlog capture?00:29
Mike_lifeguardgasull: I don't think so. I'm one of the ones that rebooted his computer to get out of vim :\00:29
archet45the only video capture software apps i've seen for linux so far simply do screen capture or digital video capture00:30
Piciemanux: There is a chromium ppa that seems to work fine for me in Karmic.  Let me get you a link00:30
Piciemanux: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa00:30
Mike_lifeguard!ask | yanzc00:30
ubottuyanzc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:30
tottiqchromium in Karmic is working fine for me, just some minor bugs when i see videos...00:30
gasullMike_lifeguard: it doesn't look like Vim.  You don't have to worry about insert mode et al.  give it a try00:30
DakaraWhen I am installing Ubuntu, I get this error: wubi-9.10ubuntu1-rev160. Can anyone tell me whats going on and how do I fix it?00:31
ZykoticK9emanux, just an FYI but you might be interested in http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flex/flexbuilder_linux/00:31
emanuxif there is WINE for windows, is there an emulator for Mac OSX?00:31
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Just clarifying, but since I have a dual boot set up, I get the choice, xp or ubuntu and then after selecting ubuntu it goes into some text before stalling out.  At what point would I be in GRUB?00:31
Mike_lifeguardDakara: That isn't an error message, that is a version string.00:31
Rods_Tigerwhat app can turn a monitor on and off at specific times?00:31
gasullanybody can help me with my ffmpeg/aac problem?00:31
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: GRUB is where you choose which OS to boot00:31
gasullemanux: VirtualBox + hackintosh00:31
diggancan someone help me  remove wl and install b4300:31
emanuxZykotick9, i already have that but it has limted features00:32
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: black with white text... looks like something from the 1960s (which I think it actually is) :D00:32
sharmonMike_lifeguard: so you said hit escape there?00:32
DakaraHow do I fix it though, it tells me there is a problem with it and It won't let me fix it.00:32
emanuxgasull, wow that great00:32
diggancan someone help me  remove wl and install b4300:32
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: If you have a timeout -- like after 5s it automatically boots into the first entry. IF you have that, then you can stop the countdown with ESC. If you don't, then don't worry about that, just edit the GRUB entry00:32
sharmonMike_lifeguard: ah, now I see00:33
sharmonMike_lifeguard: and you said delete quiet and splash from ther line correct?00:33
gasulldoes anybody use ffmpeg here?00:33
archet45anyone know of some analog video capture software for x64 9.10 ubuntu?00:33
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: yes00:33
digganhello? can someone help me  remove wl and install b4300:34
emanuxZykotick9, i adobe does not update that anymore (i think they are abandoning flexbuilder for linux)00:34
cerebralHow do I delete the user files from deleted users?  Right click option does not permit "remove to Trash" option.00:34
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: That should give you the scrolling wall of text during boot so you can (supposedly) see what's going on. Normally with errors, it will stop scrolling so you can see them00:34
Mike_lifeguardcerebral: you'll likely need to do it as root00:34
emanuxThat's whay im looking for alternative00:34
ZykoticK9emanux, i had never even heard of flexbuilder before you asked about it -- i have NO idea(s)00:34
sharmonMike_lifeguard: ah I see.  So now with that deleted I should hit ctrl-x to boot?00:34
digganhello? can someone help me  remove wl and install b4300:34
zvacetemanux:  for chrome see http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved/dev-channel00:35
=== qerqe is now known as kalakouentin
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: I forget what the command is to boot, but yes, you should boot with it as-is now :)00:35
glphvgacswould dd if=/dev/${system} of=backup.img create a 'disk image' of my system?00:35
ZykoticK9!repeat > diggan00:35
ubottudiggan, please see my private message00:35
LM9can someone test this command for me? sudo apt-cache pkgnames00:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image00:35
emanuxZykotick9, sorry man, i just dont want to switch to windows to have fully functional flexbuilder00:35
DakaraMy Ubuntu won't install, and it told me there was a problem in that. I don't know how to fix it or what the problem is, it nearly finishes installing and then says there is an error.00:36
ZykoticK9LM9, it works like "apt-cache search PKGYOURLOOKINGFOR"00:36
ZykoticK9emanux, if there is a windows version then perhaps you could run that in wine and/or Virtualbox00:36
emanuxim already looking in to that options00:36
zvacetDakara : check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM00:37
LM9I don't want to search the package I'm looking for. I want apt-cache to list a comprehensive list of packages currently installed00:37
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Well, seemed it was one of the odd times that it loaded.  I'm going to restart and see how it does.00:37
emanuxbut if i have the option to run it natively, i will00:37
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: ah, of course! As soon as you want it to malfunction, all is right with the world :)00:37
ZykoticK9emanux, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=5523&iTestingId=3202600:37
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Then I'm going to shut it down and bring it back up again.  I did run two of the options from recovery mode when I was there.  one for bootloader and another another options (like bad packages)00:38
archet45any nvidia 9.10 ubuntu 64bit users experiencing their screen flashing?00:38
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: cool. Good luck :)00:38
archet45**on video play?00:38
LM9can someone test this for me: sudo apt-cache --get-selections00:38
jeffmrarchet45, what video player?00:38
zvacet! | aerora00:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aerora00:38
archet45flash player as well as vlc player alike00:39
zvacet!hi | aerora00:39
ubottuaerora: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:39
ZykoticK9LM9, FYI apt-cache does NOT require sudo to work00:39
jeffmrarchet45, no00:39
trismLM9: you're looking for something more like dpkg -l, apt-cache pkgnames appears to print every package in the repos00:39
ZykoticK9!clone | LM900:39
ubottuLM9: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate00:39
archet45it especially starts flickering alot when the cursor goes to the top left corner lol00:40
jeffmrarchet45, did you try different drivers00:40
ZykoticK9LM9, "aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages" will give you a list in the file my-packges00:40
Rods_Tigerwhat app can turn a monitor on and off at specific times?00:41
DakaraOh, I found my problem.00:41
=== HTC is now known as XTC
DakaraI am on Windows and did not have that.00:41
kruqnhi i need to mount my ntfs raid 0 drives on a live cd of ubuntu 7.10, can anyone help?00:41
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kruqnim trying to install dmraid but ima  newb and im having trouble00:41
LM9I just want a version of this: dpkg --get-selections ,except with the version number of the packages00:42
ScabbyMadmanMsTegan, soo whats the deal ?00:42
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Okay, so on restart it worked.  Then after I shut it down and started it back up again it stalled out again (same place).  However, I then brought it back up, did the deletion of quiet splash, and it again loaded properly.  Thoughts on this? And thanks for all your help so far.00:42
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=== FireCrotch_ is now known as FireCrotch
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: poltergeist? :(00:43
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Haha. Could be.00:43
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: I'm sorry, without an error message, I have no good ideas00:43
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Okay00:43
zvacetDakara : if you think of md5sum there is way to check it from windows just read link I posted to you00:43
cerebralI downloaded the program "parallels-desktop-4.0.6630.449744.run" ... how do I get it to install?00:43
jeffmranyone ever have the battery icon not show up when you are unplugged?00:43
Cuddleshas anyone used x11vnc with 9.1000:43
sebsebsebcerebral: uhmm  that's meant to be paid for I think?00:43
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Well at least now I know how to identify them if they come up.  Ideas on where I should go from here?00:44
digganhello? can someone help me  remove wl and install b4300:44
cerebralyes i know00:44
CuddlesI'm trying to run it but it keeps telling me its not there00:44
cerebraltrial version00:44
jeffmrCuddles, remote desktop viewer00:44
sebsebsebcerebral: oh00:44
Cuddlesyeah jeff,00:44
Cuddleswhen i try to set the passwd it wont do it00:44
VCoolioLM9: try dpkg -l00:44
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: The first step is to get those error messages, otherwise you don't know what is going on00:44
alazyworkaholic1I'm in trouble. I about to use usb startup disk creator & accidentaly formatted the wrong stick, the one that had precious files on it & pulled it out after about 5 seconds when I realized my mistake. Is magicrescue likely my best hope?00:44
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Or is there a way to perminately set up the GRUB so that quiet and splash are deleted (to save that change?)00:44
jeffmrCuddles, what version of ubuntu?00:44
sebsebsebcerebral: not sure how to install a bin actsauly,  could find out thought, but won't now.   Virtualbox is good and free for vm's00:44
zvacetLM9 : why don´t you try command witch ZykoticK9 recommended to you00:44
kruqni extracted dmraid package i downloaded to a directory on my flash drive, I then navigated to it and ran ./configure and i get an error when Checking for C compiler default output00:45
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: Yeah, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:45
NetEchoAre there any Anti-Virus Scanners to scan NTFS drives and whatnot for windows based viruses?00:45
kruqnsays C compiler cannotc create executables00:45
Rods_Tigerwhat app can turn a monitor on and off at specific times?00:45
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: look for the "automagical kernel boot" section or whatever it is called - you'll recognize the same lines you were editing before.00:45
lordbah2Has anyone used the webcam on the Dell DX2210 monitor? I'm trying not to be the bleeding edge.00:45
PCTeacher012how do i uninstall GRUB00:45
LM9I think I found the command: dpkg -l | more00:45
crohakonHow do I 'cd' to a directory in terminal when the directory has a space in the name?00:46
=== Andorin is now known as Balrog
emmacrohakon: use \00:46
zvacetkruqn : do you have build-essential installed if not    sudo apt-get install build-essential00:46
PCTeacher012cd "folder name"00:46
=== Balrog is now known as Andorin
PCTeacher012use quotes00:46
kruqni got build essential00:46
jeffmrCuddles, how does dcc chat work?00:46
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: After editing the first block in that section to remove quiet and splash, run sudo update-grub (or is it sudo install-grub? Google that one, or ask someone else in here -- but it wouldn't be a huge error either way)00:46
PCTeacher012How do i uninstall GRUB?00:46
Cuddlesits 9.1000:46
PCTeacher012I'm on Live CD00:46
kruqnnm wait that was earlier before reboot00:46
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: Why?00:47
Mike_lifeguardPCTeacher012: Normally you don't. Why do you want to do that?00:47
kruqnlemme try00:47
alazyworkaholic1I'm in trouble. I about to use usb startup disk creator & accidentaly formatted the wrong stick, the one that had precious files on it & pulled it out after about 5 seconds when I realized my mistake. Is magicrescue likely my best hope? It doesn't automatically mount the stick anymore00:47
PCTeacher012Mike_lifeguard and sebsebseb: because i installed ReactOS and it uses MBR not GRUB. GRUB gives me Error 1700:47
sebsebsebalazyworkaholic1: magicresecue what's that?00:47
PCTeacher012I might be able to add it to GRUB for boot but idk how00:47
PCTeacher012uninstall i think would be easier?00:47
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: oh  ReactOS is rather early development00:47
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: since lack of developers00:48
=== jonz_ is now known as jonzbcc
NetEchoIs there any Linux Antivirus utilities targeted to scan windows partitions?00:48
diggani get bootmgr when trying to boot windows from grub, how to fix?00:48
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: I know it is, but im going to help out with development of it, and i need the OS to work with them00:48
alazyworkaholic1sebsebseb: I quicksearched recover in synaptic00:48
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: it's not the kind of OS that is worth  psyicallying installing yet,  unless it's just some test machine00:48
emmacrohakon: in many cases you can probably just type cd thestart<tab> and it will autocomplete it.00:48
=== Andorin is now known as Sauron
=== Sauron is now known as Andorin
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: or well that then, helping with development :)00:48
crohakonthanks for the help00:48
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, to turn monitor(s) off you can use the command "sudo xset dpms force off" you might be able to setup a cron job to do this at a particular time -- i'm guessing "... force on" would do the reverse, don't know... good luck00:49
emmacrohakon: or you can escape the spaces with \  like cd the\ directory\ here/00:49
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: This is 10 yrs old, its worth it to me :) I want to help with their development :) And Error 17 GRUB gives me, so i either need to: 1 add it to GRUB (how?) or 2: Uninstall it (How, or is it better?)00:49
emmacrohakon: or you can use quotes: cd "the directory here"00:49
kruqni got build essentials00:49
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: What's 10 years old?  Also which version of Ubuntu?00:49
PCTeacher012emma: typing quotes around the name is easier, such as /home/<username>/"folder name"00:49
kruqnnow i get the same error as earlier00:49
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: This computer, and liveCD 9.0400:49
kruqnwell a buncha errors00:49
emmaPCTeacher012: I mentioned that one.00:49
PCTeacher012emma: Just noticed, srry00:49
chu_I'm on a vanilla Karmic Beta install at the moment; I last tried to update about a week ago, and the system died during upgrade, so re-install etc, now it's all set-up (and everything's backed up) I am prepared to play around with broken stuff, should I update again? When I click Check it rns and offers me a partial upgrade, should I do it?00:50
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: on the hard disk,  Grub won't boot only ReactOS,  and right now your on LIve CD?00:50
kruqni run ./configure and it seems fine, then i go try typing "make" and i get a TON of errors00:50
jonzbccsebsebseb: This is 10 yrs old, its worth it to me :) I want to help with their development :) And Error 17 GRUB gives me, so i either need to: 1 add it to GRUB00:50
PCTeacher012I had it shipped to me, so i dont have 9.1000:50
jonzbccsebsebseb: This is 10 yrs old, its worth it to me :) I want to help with their development :) And Error 17 GRUB gives me, so i either need to: 1 add it to GRUB00:50
PCTeacher012and yes, right now i am on Live CD, ubuntu 9.0400:50
sharmonMike_lifeguard: how do I access the /boot/grub/menu.lst file?  I can't seem to find it in the folder.00:50
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: re install Grub00:50
emmaPCTeacher012: I think that may or may not be easier, unless the directory has 6 words in it, then using \ will be fewer key presses.00:51
DILre GRUB ERROR 17 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294500:51
PCTeacher012can i add the boot loader (MBR) to it? or can i just update grub? or do i truly need to reinstall?00:51
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: I guess,  and I guess the Windows went over Grub  instructions will work in your case as well00:51
sebsebseb!windows |  PCTeacher01200:51
ubottuPCTeacher012: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents00:51
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: do "ls -l /boot/grub" and pastebin the output for me? -> p.defau.lt00:51
kruqnzvacet: I got build essential on now but when typing "make" after ./configure i get at least 20 errors00:51
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: whoops00:51
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: ?? lol00:51
sebsebseb!grub |  PCTeacher01200:51
ubottuPCTeacher012: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:51
PCTeacher012This is GRUB Legacy also00:52
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: yes I know since 9.04, and that's for Grub legacy,  also I think that's the first time I have done the wrong factoid when wanting !grub00:52
kruqnfirst error is libdevmapper.h: no such file or directory00:52
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: lol oky, it says menu.lst but it is empty, is that right?00:53
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: well I assumed it was Grub legacy, since you can do Grub 2 on 9.04 as well, but legacy is default00:53
zvacetPCTeacher012 : http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p15.html00:53
zvacetkruqn : do you have all dependencies00:53
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst00:53
kruqnim not sure, can i contact you via private message the channel moves too fast00:53
PCTeacher012sesebseb: Yes it is empty00:54
zvacetkruqn : yes00:54
R0b0t1Hello, for some reason when I press a key, my mouse lags, and then "jumps" to where it should be. This causes me to be unable to play all games, even native. Any solutions?00:54
R0b0t1I have an apple keyboard/hub, but I have this problem even when the mouse is not plugged in through it.00:54
sebsebsebkruqn: it's not moving that fast at the moment00:54
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: no00:55
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: should be something there00:55
alazyworkaholic1I accidentally formatted a usb stick. Is is possible to recover any files?00:55
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: ,but if you re install it, it will make a new one I guess00:55
PCTeacher012"No GRUB directory found. To create a template run 'mkdir /boot/grub' first. To install grub, install it manually or try the 'grub-install' command. ### Warning, grub-install is used to change your MBR. ###" Sounds bad...00:55
PCTeacher012grub-install does not work00:55
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: Grub should go on your MBR00:55
PCTeacher012how do i just directly access the MBR and not GRUB since ReactOS is on the MBR00:56
sharmonMike_lifeguard: found it, it was in grub.cfg    Once I've edited it, how do I save it?00:56
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: ReactOS is on the MBR what?00:56
PCTeacher012ReactOS installs its file on MBR00:56
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: no it's not.   or uhmm?  RactOS should be on a partition!00:56
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: Then you're using GRUB2 (not a big difference, I just thought you were using GRUB legacy for some reason)00:56
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: OS's go on partitions, boot loaders well  the tiny bit of them,  go on the MBR00:57
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Well yea, it has its own partition, but boot commands are in MBR00:57
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: BUT! that means you cannot edit the file directly - it will simply get overwritten on boot. There should be instructions for how to change things in the header comments00:57
sharmonMike_lifeguard: Should I be using GRUB legacy or a different GRUB?00:57
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: I don't know00:57
Mike_lifeguardsharmon: GRUB2 is fine - that is the current version ("legacy" means "old, unsupported, and deprecated")00:58
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: should be able to edit menu.lst though.   you could even try installing Grub 2 in 9.04,  maybe not the best idea though00:58
PCTeacher012*sigh* okay, sebsebseb: How do i grapically reinstall grub00:58
VCooliosharmon: for editing grub2 check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:58
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: as far as I know you can't00:58
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Okay, so how do i reinstall it any other way?00:58
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: well there might be one CD out there, but can't remember what it's called  the thing I am thinking of00:58
archet45is it even possible to capture analog in ubuntu?00:59
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: Why are you still on 9.04 by the way?00:59
PCTeacher012LiveCD. I got LiveCD BEFORE Karmic.01:00
archet45fadil, what software?01:00
fadilhallllllllllllooooooooooooo????????masiihhh ad orang kahhh di sini??????????? kita binggguunggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...................mumettttttttttttttttttttttt01:00
ZykoticK9archet45, are you trying to use a TVCapture card or a Video card?  Which one?01:00
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: 9.10 is a good one to clean install since  the Ext4, but also Grub 2 by default01:00
=== Andorin is now known as Crazy_Bastard
archet45fadil, seems like every piece of software is made for digital video capture01:00
archet45tvcapture card via composite input01:00
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: i know. But i just need to get GRUB to access ReactOS lol, ill ask grub channel :P What is the channel?01:01
=== Crazy_Bastard is now known as Crazy_Bastard_Sw
ZykoticK9archet45, which one?01:01
archet45ZykoticK9, tv2000xp leaktek01:01
=== Crazy_Bastard_Sw is now known as Crazy_Bastard
PCTeacher012http://www.reactos.org/wiki/HOWTO/boot_FreeLoader_from_GRUB I shoulda searched :P01:01
neon_can ne1 tell me where can i go either to ask or read how to upgrade the ati drivers from the default ubuntu install to what the ati.com has thx01:01
LjLfadil: stop that please01:01
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: I was thinking something like that earlier,  you could find out how to dual boot them both by Googleing01:01
=== Crazy_Bastard is now known as Andorin
Rods_Tigerzykotick9 - I can't find any apps that will actually do the job of turning the monitor on and off at predetermined times. All I can find are apps that have nothing to do with monitors01:02
PCTeacher012what im doing :P01:02
emmaPCTeacher012: There is #grub01:02
archet45ZykoticK9, i can see the video just fine in tvtime, i just dont know of any linux software that will capture it for me01:02
=== Andorin is now known as YELLING_BIRD
FactoringHumanithey can anyone help me with getting my wireless to work on my ASUS K40IJ with Ubuntu 8.10?01:02
randomusrGrub is a type of worm01:02
FactoringHumanitit doesn't recognize that my wireless card is there01:02
randomusrlol hmm01:02
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:02
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, better on 9.101:02
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: also what emma  put there's #grub however when  I went there not that long ago, it seems they are only supporting Grub 2 there now01:02
FactoringHumanitjeffmr: i assume you mean 9.10?01:03
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, i'm unaware of any program to do what you want - that's why i sent you that xorg command to do it with...01:03
PCTeacher012I know, hopefully they will make an exception :(01:03
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub201:03
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, yes01:03
Rellodoes anyone know how i can integrate LostIRC with libnotify01:03
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: well  do 9.10?01:03
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: you get Grub 2  by default and yep01:03
PCTeacher012I dont wanna burn another CD because i have 3 left lol01:03
breilaHello everyone01:03
archet45ZykoticK9, no where to point me to?01:03
Rods_Tigerzykotick9 - I didn't understand that01:03
FactoringHumanitjeffmr: unfortunately the guy i'm installing it for doesn't really want 9.1001:04
tottiqanyone know if it's possible to use aircrack or any similar programs, with a wireless gaming adapter???01:04
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: the chance seems to be high by the way that if you upgrade 9.04 to 9.10  that you might get issues,  it seems  many people have had issues after doing that.01:04
justfilWhere is the gtk2 engines directory?01:04
PCTeacher012yepp. I know lol01:04
arghh2d2_FactoringHumanit: who in their right mind would want ubuntu's pseudo-stable release?01:04
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: so why not clean install 9.10  first, and then  dual boot with ReactOS?01:04
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, in a terminal try "sudo xset dpms force off" then move your mouse to turn back on01:04
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, yeah01:04
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: and with Grub 201:04
VCooliojustfil: ? what do you want to do?01:05
FactoringHumanitarghh2d2: that would be why he doesn't want 9.10 lol01:05
Rods_Tigerzykotick9 - no, I want it to do it when I'm not there01:05
emanuxwhere i can download the hackinstosh thing?01:05
arghh2d2_FactoringHumanit: he's smart01:05
ZykoticK9archet45, have you looked into MythTV at all?  also the programs tvtime & xawtv01:05
PCTeacher012I dont fully trust Grub 2 yet :P First full release is buggy. Always01:05
Rods_Tigerzykotick9 - otherwise it's easier to just push the power button myself01:05
sebsebsebemanux: that's piracy01:05
breilaI have 9.10 and I'm having a problem with yahoo games, sun java6 and Flash is installed but it still says that either one or both haven't been01:05
justfilVCoolio, to install a new engine. I've found the dir - /usr/share/gtk-engines01:05
neon_can ne1 tell me where can i go either to ask or read how to upgrade the ati drivers from the default ubuntu install to what the ati.com has thx01:06
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, not there?  is this a remote machine?01:06
sebsebsebemanux: also off topic for this channel, but also their off topic channel01:06
sebsebseb!piracy >  emanux01:06
ubottuemanux, please see my private message01:06
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, I can try to hehlp01:06
archet45ZykoticK9, is tvtime able to capture the video?01:06
VCooliojustfil: installing engines doesn't work that way; which one do you want? isn't it in the repos?01:06
FactoringHumanitjeffmr: any help would be appreciated01:06
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, well, that command will turn the monitor off...  you could potentially use it in combination with a cron job (to run at a specific time)01:06
arghh2d2_FactoringHumanit: just sit in here for awhile and count how many problems with 9.10 and count and compare to problems with 9.4...gaurantee 9.10 outnumbers.01:06
ZykoticK9archet45, i think so01:06
Datz1Hi, I have a problem where the trash icon on my lower gnome panel won't load, and I would like to delete items in my trash.  How can this be done?01:06
FactoringHumaniti think i just need to map the wireless on/off FN key properly but i can't find the code to map it to01:07
justfilVCoolio, gtk2-engines-aurora, gtk2-engines-pixbuf, gtk2-engines-murrine01:07
Rods_Tigerzykotick9 - no, I'll wait for a proper app to do it the proper way without typing01:07
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: your saying more problems with 9.10 than 9.04?01:07
breilaany help with this problem would be appreciated01:07
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, then you might want to hire a program to make that for you -- you might be waiting a LONG time01:07
PCTeacher012sebsebseb: Grub does not work on FAT32 which ReactOS uses01:08
ZykoticK9Rods_Tiger, "proper way without typing" classic :)01:08
VCooliojustfil at least pixbuf and murrine you can install right away01:08
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: uhmm01:08
PCTeacher012how do i create the menu.lst file through Comand01:08
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: part of Grub goes onto the MBR01:08
justfilVCoolio, yeah, I saw them in the repo, thanks01:08
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: the rest goes in /boot01:08
PCTeacher012i know01:08
Rods_TigerI've been leaving the monitor on all day and night for the past few years, a few more won't hurt01:08
PCTeacher012oh well. How do i create menu.lst through terminal01:08
PCTeacher012gksudo does not allow me to save01:08
sebsebsebPCTeacher012: also  this thing about ReactOS  installing itself to MBR does not make sense?01:09
aeroradamn bot:p01:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:09
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:09
arghh2d2_sebsebseb: in my experience it's best to stay a little behind on the version release with ubuntu.01:09
PCTeacher012ReactOS asked: "Install on MBR?" and i said yes01:09
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: I know what you mean01:09
PCTeacher012it means commands for it to boot01:09
VCooliojustfil: aurora is here https://launchpad.net/~merlwiz79/+archive/aurora01:09
scarfaceWhere in the filesystem are the definitions stored for which entries appear in my Applications menu?01:09
FactoringHumanitjeffmr:   would you happen to know what the code should be in the /usr/share/hotkey-setup/asus.hk file for it?01:09
Rods_TigerI did find this, but it's not in the synaptic menu app thing: http://code.google.com/p/lmonitores/01:09
holmsermy new hard drive isn't working with ubuntu01:10
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: when  8.10 came out, I thought  wasn't much point upgrading from  8.04.  when  9.04 came out I thought not much point upgrading from 8.10.   when  9.10 came out,  I thought  hardly worth it what's in this release, unless hardware gets fixed as a result01:10
rstrawsbAnyone else having trouble seeing DVDs01:10
PCTeacher012I need to create menu.lst in /boot/grub how do i do that?01:10
holmserI can see it, and it is mounted as /media/Storage but I can't see any of the files on it01:10
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: well I had been testing  9.10 since alpha 4, so before the final was even out, I knew that I probably woudn't be impressed with it01:10
PCTeacher012gksudo does not work01:10
Rellodoes anyone know how to hide the computer's name in XChat?01:10
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, did you try the Hardware Drivers panel?01:10
LOPAhow can i view all the drivers01:11
justfilthank you, VCoolio01:11
FactoringHumanitjeffmr: i tried installing some new driver(s) but i can't remember what the name of the package was01:11
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: so I put it on here,  but been thinking about maybe putting 9.04 back on, or another distro.  and the other computer is 9.04 for now01:11
baldrick2I stayed 9.0401:11
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: above or  installing another distro01:11
holmser9.10 has brought me nothing but problems01:11
PCTeacher012how do i create a .lst file in ubuntu 9.04 terminal01:12
sebsebsebholmser: after a clean install?01:12
baldrick2before 9.04 I was 8.04 and was quite happy with that01:12
toubabCould anyone please tell me how to apply the patch @ this url: http://old.nabble.com/-PATCH--Adjust-FT_MulFix-function-to-Freetype-cvs-head.-td19287233.html01:12
madmax_xhey hey hey01:12
slinkeeythen go back to 8.0401:12
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, System -> Preferences -> Hardware Drivers01:12
FactoringHumanitjeffmr: it currently says that there are no proprietary drivers in use on this system01:12
baldrick2I recall 8.10(?) being finicky01:12
PCTeacher012FINALLY worked :P01:12
* breila calmly waits for an answer01:12
PCTeacher012ill let you know if it finally boots01:12
arghh2d2_sebsebseb: i'm using crunchbang 9.04 and will be for awhile maybe i'll switch to 9.10 when 10.04 comes around01:12
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: 9.10 is worth skipping if your going to stay with 9.0401:13
user__hey guys does ubuntu or linux have any features similar to Apples Time Capsule to backup data to a remove server?01:13
joaohenriqueI have ubuntu 9,10 install but I only get 800x600 resolution01:13
PCTeacher012brb to all of ya01:13
madmax_xis there a way to enable the onboard video card as well as the agp slot?01:13
holmseranyone feel like walking me through the proper way to install a new hdd in ubuntu?01:13
VCooliorstrawsb: did you install libdvdread4 and run sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh ?01:13
joaohenriquehow do I change that01:13
baldrick2Only quip with 9.04 is it does not remember I have a dual monitor. I have to reset it everytime01:13
chuckm1I'm having problems with karmic. I originally installed 9.04 via wubi. Should I a) reinstall 9.10 via wubi, b) reinstall 9.04 with a live CD (can I without losing windows?) or c) reinstall 9.04 by wubi?01:13
jeffmrFactoringHumanit, talk to me in private chat01:13
baldrick2the nvideo propriteray drivers are great01:13
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: I have even been thinking about having 9.04 as the OS on the other computer, untill 10.10, depending on what 10.04 is like01:13
holmserI did it before, but this time I can't get it to work right01:13
LOPAhardware drivers ins under system administration01:14
arghh2d2_sebsebseb: i hear yeah01:14
LOPAbut there it just shows needed drivers not all of them01:14
baldrick2chuckm1 - My best practice is dual drives, primary is 9.04,...second drive was exiting WinXp01:14
breilaI have koala, I've installed both sun java6 and flash but yahoo games keeps giving me an error message01:14
madmax_xholmster did you partition and format yet?01:15
rstrawsbyep I have it installed01:15
baldrick2I dont like having Win on the same hard drive as my Linux box givne shot myself in foot too many times with grub01:15
rstrawsbron@ron-desktop:~$ sudo install libdvdread401:15
rstrawsb[sudo] password for ron:01:15
rstrawsbinstall: missing destination file operand after `libdvdread4'01:15
rstrawsbTry `install --help' for more information.01:15
rstrawsbron@ron-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install libdvdread401:15
rstrawsbReading package lists... Done01:15
FloodBot1rstrawsb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
chuckm1baldrick2: do you mean partioning with LVPM?01:15
baldrick2no.  Just when installing grub I somehow would fup the MBR01:16
baldrick2and win would not boot01:16
sebsebsebarghh2d2_: it also has Windows, but  some right issues with that have happended recently, let's continue for a bit in pm if you want, since we are now off topic01:16
baldrick2Ubuntu 9.04 is my primary environment01:17
baldrick2with HD all to itself01:17
madmax_xanyone have any multi seat setups working01:17
Datz1Hi, I have a problem where the trash icon on my lower gnome panel won't load, and I would like to delete items in my trash.  How can this be done?01:17
arghh2d2_i forgot, how do i kick off my nick that is still lingering from another connect?  i thought it was ghost someting01:17
baldrick2Partition I inusre my /home is on a separate partuition01:17
chuckm1baldrick2: I'm not having problems with win booting. 9.10 kernel 31 is problematic to say the least though01:17
VCoolioDatz1: did you delete is by accident? rmb on the panel and add it back01:17
baldrick2oh ok01:18
baldrick2sorry do not want to confuse01:18
chuckm1reposting the question: I'm having problems with karmic. I originally installed 9.04 via wubi. Should I a) reinstall 9.10 via wubi, b) reinstall 9.04 with a live CD (can I without losing windows?) or c) reinstall 9.04 by wubi?01:18
ZykoticK9!trash | Datz1, if removing/adding Trash applet doesn't work you could manually remove items01:20
* breila waits quietly01:20
ubottuDatz1, if removing/adding Trash applet doesn't work you could manually remove items: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash01:20
LOPAanyone know how i can see all my hardware drivers01:20
ZykoticK9LOPA, lsmod will list all kernel modules (which are typically drivers)01:21
Nautilusin nautilus I have the Places pane on the left with some media showing that I'd like to get to. I right click and Mount, then right-click and Open, but... nothing happens. tips?01:21
soreauLOPA: That is a subjective question. There are many drivers included wit the kernel you arent using. You can also see all loaded drivers with lsmod01:21
sebsebsebchuckm1: psyical installs are good, try 9.10 like that with a clean  install, if issues you can do 9.0401:21
LOPAZykoticK9, there is no gui to view like in kde01:22
sebsebsebchuckm1: like that psyical partition install01:22
ZykoticK9LOPA, not that i'm personally aware of...01:22
maxx_sorry im back01:22
soreauLOPA: I assume you are talking about proprietary drivers? If this is the case, use sys>admin>hardware drivers01:22
chuckm1sebsebseb: so move my current install with lvpm and then clean install 9.10?01:22
LOPAsoreau, i see nothing in there01:23
maxx_can i use 2 video cards?01:23
soreauLOPA: You might not have any hardware that has a proprietary driver offered01:23
LOPAsoreau, i have the intel 915 chipset and want my resolution to be 1440x90001:23
sebsebsebchuckm1: what's lvmpm?01:24
sebsebsebchuckm1: get hold of data, and get rid of your Wubi install, that's what I would suggest :)  and then do real partitions01:24
sebsebseb!dualboot |  chuckm101:24
ubottuchuckm1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:24
soreauLOPA: Intel has strictly oss drivers and they are already installed. Change your resolution with Sys>Prefs>Display01:24
chuckm1sebsebseb: Loopmounted Virtual Partition Manager allows users to upgrade their existing Wubi or Lubi installation to a standard Ubuntu system by transferring all data, settings, and applications from the original install to a dedicated partition.01:24
sebsebsebchuckm1: oh right that uhmm01:25
squigis there a whatprovides comand? I want to see where i am meant to find the file /etc/gdm/custom.conf01:25
sebsebsebchuckm1: I had been told that some how  it could be done,  convert a Wubi install to real partitions01:25
LOPAsoreau, i wish it was that easy i have a widescreen laptop monitor and that resolution does show up01:25
soreauLOPA: You may need to use xrandr to add the resolution you want if it is not detected01:25
sebsebsebchuckm1: got  a link?01:25
LOPAi tried that01:25
Datz1VCoolio, I just tried adding the trash app, and got an error.  ZykoticK9, thanks01:26
DakaraHello, whenever I try to install at the end of my installation it says, Permission denied and makes me close out of the installation, whats going on here?01:26
LOPA soreau and it gives error01:26
soreauLOPA: Pastebin the command you ran and the error it gave you01:26
sebsebsebchuckm1: I was thinking  make sure whatever it is is from a trusted source,  well  sourceforge is :)01:26
kacangitemanybody help me!!!01:26
PaperBoyi have two identical folders  and now one of them has  9 more files in it...  how can i check  what files are those?    there are sub dirs also01:26
soreau! anybody | kacangitem01:26
ubottukacangitem: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:26
cramm_Hi. I have the following problem in a clean 9.10 install. After a few days of use (and w/o hs or software changes on my part), no user can login with the 'GNOME' session,. user/password gets accepted. The screen flashes once,  the throbber/load screen is shown and then the users are thrown back to the gdm login screen. the 'safe mode GNOME' session works. So far I've tried the following: Deactivated the nvidia closed driver01:26
arghh2d2_i forgot, how do i kick off my nick that is still lingering from another connect?  i thought it was ghost someting...01:26
slevinhi guys, i am trying to run a command in terminal but it tells me that i dont have permission to do so, how can i take permission?01:27
soreauarghh2d2_: /ghost <user> <password>01:27
Taimslevin: sudo01:27
kacangitem@slevin you must enter root mode first01:27
kacangitemsudo su01:27
soreauslevin: Prefix the command with sudo01:27
soreaukacangitem: That is bad advice01:27
arghh2d2_soreau it says /ghost command not found01:27
kacangitemhow to auto mount device in thunar01:28
soreauarghh2d2_: Ask in #freenode01:28
slevinTaim> and others thanks a lot, so if i am in /var/bin and i want to run this command: ./run_debug, what shall i start with?01:28
cramm_but the probem persist, so it seems this is a ubuntu/gnome software problem. Two additional hints I discovered today: If I go back to use the nvidia aceel drivers I can't enable the desktop effects at all, not even the simpler ones01:28
chuckm1sebsebseb: I guess you're saying I should move my install to a separate partition then clean install 9.10 or 9.04?01:28
soreauslevin: sudo ./run_debug01:28
Taimslevin: sudo /var/bin/run_debug01:28
leonardoottojoin #gnome-do01:29
sebsebsebchuckm1: before I was saying to just get hold of data, and get rid of your Wubi install01:29
cramm_and the other thing I discovered is that is I stop gdm and startx X with startx all works wonderfully. I can even activate the destop effects01:29
sebsebsebchuckm1: however  I just had  a look at the link you gave and lubi01:29
sebsebsebchuckm1: ok looks good01:29
sebsebsebchuckm1: it's 9.04 Wubi install?01:29
soreaucramm_: If that is the case, you did not deactivate the nvidia driver01:29
slevinTiam, soreau and kacangitem thanks a lot guys :)01:29
cramm_so the problem seems to be the GNOME session when launched through gdm.01:30
cramm_soreau, I deactivated, worked with the system a couple of days using the nv driver and activated again01:30
chuckm1sebsebseb: yep. originally 9.04 wubi. recently "upgraded" to 9.10.01:30
rstrawsbjust can't see the blank dvd in the drive01:30
Datz1when I delete items from a 2ndary harddisk, do these items go in the trash on my primary hard disk?01:30
cramm_soreau, because it is clear it isn't a nvidia driver problem01:30
sebsebsebchuckm1: thanks for the link by the way, that will be a useful link for me to give to other people that I will be helping in the future in here01:30
sebsebsebchuckm1: the file system for Wubi is Ext2?01:31
R0b0t1Hello, for some reason when I press a key, my mouse lags, and then "jumps" to where it should be. This causes me to be unable to play all games, even native. Any solutions?01:31
R0b0t1I have an apple keyboard/hub, but I have this problem even when the mouse is not plugged in through it.01:31
rstrawsbcd work but dvds don't01:31
soreaucramm_: If you try with a live cd and it works ok, it is likely a problem with your install. Is this an upgrade or clean install?01:31
chuckm1sebsebseb: not sure. How do I check?01:31
cramm_soreau, I eman the problem is exactly the same irrspective of which driver I use. and that's why I think it's a ubuntu/gnome software problem01:31
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/mf4aff6a01:31
cramm_soreau: clean install01:31
lazy_manhay everywone, i have a problem. i cant unmount my harddisk except with root account. any solution?01:31
sebsebsebchuckm1: diskfree or something, k disk free or something,  search synaptic for  disk free.   or maybe the software centre.   or you could  install gparted and have a look in tehre01:31
sebsebsebchuckm1: well wubi is a bit different when it comes to partitining01:32
soreauLOPA: Ok, something is wrong with your drivers. Pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log file01:32
cramm_soreau: Thnaks for the hint. will try that01:32
sebsebsebchuckm1: nevermind01:32
kacangitemhow to connect virtual box guest and host network?????01:32
TheCheezewhat is the ideal size for a karmic install if i plan on using a seperate partition for /home?01:33
LOPAsoreau, is there i command i can use to pastebin that from the command line?01:33
sebsebsebchuckm1: it seems when you do lvpm you choose the file system you want to make for Ubuntu01:33
soreauLOPA: Yes. Install curl and standby01:33
sebsebsebchuckm1:  you want Ext4 for 9.1001:33
lazy_manhay everywone, i have a problem. i cant unmount my harddisk except with root account. any solution?01:33
kacangitemhow to connect virtual box guest and host network????? i'm using virtual box 301:33
sebsebsebTheCheeze: 10 or 12 GB for / that's good01:33
Datz1when I delete items from a 2ndary harddisk, do these items go in the trash on my primary hard disk?01:34
sebsebsebTheCheeze: big seperate /home  and some swap space01:34
chuckm1sebsebseb: ok. I guess I've got a lot of work ahead of me.01:34
PaperBoyi have two identical folders  and now one of them has  9 more files in it...  how can i check  what files are those?    there are sub dirs also01:34
sebsebsebchuckm1: looks  easy on the webpge01:34
soreauLOPA: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us01:34
TheCheezesebsebsebthis is my first time trying this, so i am a little timid lol01:34
TheCheezehad a catastrophic crash earlier and figure i'll just do a full install01:34
LOPAsoreau, i dont see standby in packages01:35
soreauLOPA: -_-   I meant stand by as in wait for the command01:35
PaperBoyi have two identical folders  and now one of them has  9 more files in it...  how can i check  what files are those?    there are sub dirs also.01:35
lazy_manhay everywone, i have a problem. i cant unmount my harddisk except with root account. any solution?---->answer this plz01:36
LOPAsoreau, got it....01:36
sebsebsebchuckm1: by the way01:36
sebsebsebchuckm1: set up a seperate /home when doing it01:36
sebsebsebchuckm1: that will make things easier if you want to re install in the long run or even distro hop01:36
TheCheezesebsebseb are you talking to chuckm1 or me lol01:36
soreau! pm | kacangitem01:37
ubottukacangitem: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.01:37
sebsebsebTheCheeze: to him just then, I already answered you01:37
kacangitemhow to connect virtual box guest and host network?????01:37
TheCheezesebsebseb gotcha. was wondering because i am trying to do the same thing :)01:37
LOPAsoreau,  http://pastebin.com/f442220b501:38
sebsebsebTheCheeze: sure, but chuckm1 is doing something a bit differnet01:38
chuckm1sebsebseb: ah.. I'm a noob. thanks for the help!01:38
sebsebsebTheCheeze: well is going to try and do I should say01:38
sebsebsebchuckm1: no offence or anything, but  that makes sense, since you did Wubi01:38
doogieyo what up kiid01:38
TheCheezesebsebseb gotcha. is there anything special i should know about attempting to create a seperate /home partition?01:38
chuckm1sebsebseb: Don't I know it!01:38
doogieis formatting good?01:39
sebsebsebchuckm1: so someone said that it's better to do real partitions or?  and told you about the program you linked me to? :)01:39
sebsebsebTheCheeze: well yeah01:39
jiffealright, I've just added a new disk to an ubuntu machine on vmware, anyone know how I go about finding it?01:39
jiffeI remember there was like a rescan command01:39
tottiqmount it?01:40
sebsebsebTheCheeze: you can make in gparted and then finnish off in manual install.  or  just do it all in manual install.  where you also need to tell it what to use  each parttion as. file system and what to use it as01:40
jiffeI need it to show in /dev/sdb01:40
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lazy_manhallo.....do you want to answer my question plz01:41
soreauLOPA: I suggest you try UXA rendering method01:41
LOPAsoreau, what is that01:41
sebsebseblazy_man: someone else had something similar earlier I think01:41
soreauLOPA: UXA is an acceleration method exclusively for intel graphics drivers. To use it, add the following line to the Device section of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file: Option "AccelMethod" "UXA"01:42
lazy_mando u know the solution?01:42
TheCheezesebsebseb i just know i am going to mess this up...01:42
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sebsebsebTheCheeze: I can guide you no problem01:42
jordy240when I put my computer into sleep mode, everything goes well until I wake my computer up. The computer seems to wake up fine but the monitor doesn't turn on and the orange light doesn't go back to green on my monitor's power button.01:43
phixxorI've got a question: If my laptop (ubuntu) is left on long enough, the screen turns off and the power button flashes (does this mean kernel panic?) and won't revive. But the strange thing is, the laptop will turn on, but it won't load BIOS. I finally figured out you have to take the battery out and hold the power button for 20s. Then it works.  What causes that problem?01:43
knuthyHi guys, I' ve got a little question. I've made a vpn connection to my univ network, and I need to have a vnc/remote desktop view, the machines on which I've access have no vnc server installed, they just have a clean Ubuntu install with some softwares I use. Is there a clean way?01:43
sebsebseblazy_man: I think  the issue might even be mentioned in the release notes or something similar01:43
sebsebseb!notes |  lazy_man01:43
ubottulazy_man: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91001:43
sebsebseblazy_man: find out about permissions some stuff is owned by root, and then sometimes you need to change that01:43
VeinorIs there any way to enable encryption of ~ after I've already installed Karmic?01:44
sebsebseb!permissions |  lazy_man01:44
ubottulazy_man: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:44
LOPAsoreau, ok i added it01:44
lazy_manbut i am still using 9.04......01:44
sebsebseblazy_man: oh01:44
sebsebseblazy_man: ok permissions then01:44
soreauLOPA: Restart X by logging out01:44
LOPAok logging out01:44
sebsebsebVeinor: no don't think so01:44
Veinorah :(01:45
Veinoroh well, this is a fresh install anyway01:45
lazy_manok, i have another problem....btw, my harddisk cannot be read on vista after leaving ubuntu...but it can be read on xp....do you know the solution?01:45
LOPAsoreau, ok logged back in01:45
sebsebsebVeinor: be careful with  that01:45
Veinoralso, does the CPU usage required to encrypt/decrypt ~ significantly impact performance on, say, a netbook?01:45
sebsebsebVeinor: something could happen maybe in the future, and then you can't access your data01:45
Veinorsebsebseb: ?01:45
=== sebi` is now known as stuhlbein
TheCheezesebsebseb i am in gparted right now. first step is to blank out the entire disk into a raw partition, correct?01:46
Veinorwhat do you mean?01:46
sebsebsebVeinor: if needing to re install Ubuntu or something01:46
jordy240when I put my computer into sleep mode, everything goes well until I wake my computer up. The computer seems to wake up fine but the monitor doesn't turn on and the orange light doesn't go back to green on my monitor's power button.01:46
VeinorI back up all my important data on dropbox01:46
sebsebsebVeinor: there was this guy who  something happended and he coudn't get into his encrypted partition01:46
sebsebsebVeinor: what's that?01:46
Veinoryou have a ~/Dropbox; everything you put in there is replicated across all computers you have dropbox installed on01:47
sebsebsebTheCheeze: hang on01:47
Veinoras well as dropbox's central servers, so you can access it over the net01:47
BlizzerandHow do you I install other distros with wubi01:47
ZykoticK9sebsebseb, Dropbox is like UbuntuOne01:47
arghh2d2jordy240: is your swap partition at least twice as big as the amount of ram you have?01:47
sebsebsebTheCheeze: Ubuntu only or dual boot with Windows or what?01:48
TheCheezekarmic only01:48
jordy240arghh2d2: I don't think so. I'll make it bigger. is 5GB's to big?01:48
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sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok and your on the Live CD?01:48
LOPAsoreau, what should i do now?01:48
Blizzerand_How do you I install other distros with wubi01:48
=== ^Phantom^ is now known as PhantomLink
TheCheezesebsebseb indeed01:48
sebsebsebBlizzerand_: You don't01:48
soreauLOPA: Can you show me the output of grep -i dri2 /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:48
sebsebsebBlizzerand_: You can't even01:49
TheCheezesebsebseb am in chat on a completely different machine, so we are good to go on that01:49
Blizzerand_sebsebseb : But it says so here --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide --> in the How do I install multiple distros? section01:49
sebsebsebTheCheeze: uhmm?01:49
arghh2d2jordy240: it should be twice the size of your ram to do the sleep and hibernate functions correctly so 2.5 gigs of ram would require a 5 gig swap i guess01:49
tPl0chis there a good command line utility for tagging ogg vorbis?01:49
sebsebsebBlizzerand_: ok well I haven't seen that, also it's better to use real partitions in the long run01:49
TheCheezesebsebseb what i mean is we dont have to worry about me leaving ehre for reboots and such01:49
Blizzerand_sebsebseb : I just want to know whether its possible01:50
sebsebsebTheCheeze: the only re boot will be  when Ubuntu has finnisehd installing01:50
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m7f91475401:50
TheCheezesebsebseb good to know01:50
TheCheezesebsebseb forgot that part01:50
sebsebsebTheCheeze: and then another re boot, once you got the security updates01:50
sebsebsebTheCheeze: since it will have installed a new kernel, only re boots when major stuff such as a new kernel has been installed01:51
soreauLOPA: Ok, good now pastebin the output of xrandr01:51
jordy240arghh2d2: thank you! also, how can I find out what partition linux is installed on?01:52
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok so gparted yeah first and finnish off in manual install, or just do it in manual install01:52
sebsebsebTheCheeze: How much RAM do you have also?01:52
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m2e06feb401:52
jordy240sebsebseb: how can you find how much ram you have w/o opening the puter?01:52
arghh2d2jordy240: df -h01:52
TheCheezesebsebseb yeah... this is my 2nd try with karmic. the first was a jaunty upgrade that was going well until it threw fits at me today after a daily update01:52
soreauLOPA: Cool, now we are getting somewhere01:52
soreauLOPA: Stand by,I will brb01:53
sebsebsebTheCheeze: oh right well  Karmic isn't that great really compared to jauntey,  unless people need it to fix some hardware issue for example something that woudn't work for them in jauntey01:53
LOPAsoreau, cool01:53
jordy240arghh2d2: thank you! and how can I find out how much ram I have?01:53
giantpunehey people.  i have a question about using qt01:53
arghh2d2jordy240: uhmmm, htop is one way01:53
arghh2d2or top, but it lists ram in kilobytes01:54
sebsebsebTheCheeze: still got your ISO by the way,   oh it's probably ag ood download, but  it's good practice to test the download anyway, to make sure it's good01:54
giantpuneanybody know how to use text from a QString in a regular char or const char?01:54
jordy240thanks arghh2d2 !!!01:54
sebsebsebgiantpune: QT hmm  that's what KDE uses, where as Gnome/Ubuntu uses GTK,  try #kubuntu01:54
TheCheezei already did a verify and hash check on the iso ;)01:54
phixxordoes anybody here understand low level computer things?01:54
giantpunek thanks01:54
mdaumAnybody else have busted sound controls in Karmic?01:55
SnausagesHi, I can't print.  Printer is an old HP postscript laser, connected to a mac os x machine acting as printserver.  Any takers?01:55
phixxorI'm trying to troubleshoot a problem that breaks my laptop: it won't boot BIOS01:55
sebsebsebgiantpune: np01:55
mdaumSnausages: Karmic gave me some printing problems too.  HP lj2430 I think01:56
sebsebsebphixxor: try ##hardware01:56
phixxorsebsebseb: I thought since Ubuntu causes the problem, I should ask here01:56
soreauLOPA: Now what resolution did you want to use?01:56
Snausagesmdaum: I get error writing spool: NT_status_file_lock_conflict01:56
sebsebsebphixxor: OS's  don't cause BIOS issues usaulley01:57
centHOGGphixxor: pre-post?01:57
LOPAsoreau, 1440x90001:57
soreauLOPA: Pastebin the output of cvt 1440 90001:57
Snausagesmdaum: I turned on windows sharing on the mac, seemed like the easiest way to get printing access to the linux machine01:57
zetheroowhat application can be used to read text out loud?01:57
mdaumsnausages: dunno if that's my error.  Haven't diagnosed.01:57
Veinorif I happen to live at an us.archive.ubuntu.com mirror, can I just replace all references to that url in sources.list with mirrors.mit.edu with no ill effects?01:57
phixxorcentHOGG: yes. It turns on but doesn't do anything beyond that01:57
phixxorcentHOGG: no bios or anything01:57
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok01:57
mdaumsnausages: test pages still print, some pdfs too.  But not most.01:57
sebsebsebTheCheeze: uhmm  and the codes were the same as on the ubuntu site yeah?01:58
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m2197ea7f01:58
kermitaha default_relatime=0 kernel parameter in /boot/grub/menu.lst is how to fix the broken (disabled by default!) access times in the newest kernels01:58
mdaumsnausages: when I look in the gui it says lpd process unexpectedly quit01:58
centHOGGphixxor: 3 levels of troubleshooting: hardware - firmware - software..... yours is hardware01:58
TheCheezesebsebseb you're a busy man it seems. indeed they matched up. i am very anal about verifications01:58
soreauLOPA: Run this:  xrandr --newmode "1440x900_60.00"  106.50  1440 1528 1672 1904  900 903 909 934 -hsync +vsync01:59
sebsebsebTheCheeze: well no not quite,  if I was busy I woudn't  be helping in here01:59
LOPAsoreau, did01:59
TheCheezesebsebseb i mant busy in here. seems like you are helping everyone01:59
soreauLOPA: After that please pastebin the output of xrandr again01:59
sebsebsebTheCheeze: you mean,  you want to be sure that things are done right?01:59
TheCheezesebsebseb indeed01:59
arghh2d2you mant busy in here?01:59
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m4ca551602:00
sebsebsebTheCheeze:  well not everyone, but I am the most active helper in here right now02:00
sebsebsebTheCheeze: or so it seems02:00
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok02:01
soreauLOPA: Now run this:  xrandr --addmode LVDS "1440x900_60.00"02:01
giancastGood night02:01
sebsebsebTheCheeze: gparted well  you don't need to use that02:01
giancastI need some help.02:01
sebsebsebTheCheeze: for the install set up,  however it does offer a lot more partition control than the manual install in the installer02:01
bahadunnmy card reader does not work in Ubuntu 9.10 but it does in 9.0402:01
giancastI have install NX Client in a UBUNTU server.02:01
darkhamhi people, i've installed kubuntu 9.10, i'm trying to play music with amarok but nothing, i installed gstreamer bad ugly base good (universe multiverse) but nothing02:01
bahadunnanyone know what happened?02:01
giancastI have install NX Client in a UBUNTU server.02:01
darkhamwhat can i do?02:01
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m9ea7ef702:01
sebsebsebdarkham: try #kubuntu since  amarok is a KDE app02:02
phixxorcentHOGG: the only thing is Ubuntu causes it when it tries to suspend. The screen turns off and the power button flashes (does this mean kernel panic?) It won't revive, and I have to hold the power button down to turn it off. That's when the boot problem started. I can boot again by taking the battery out and pressing the power button for 20s. But every time I leave ubuntu on, the same thing...02:02
giancastthen I try to access from my windows PC02:02
soreauLOPA: Damn :P02:02
LOPAsoreau, tell me about it02:02
darkhamsebsebseb: yes, but nobody seems to read the channel requests...02:02
soreauLOPA: What command did you run that gave you that?02:02
giancastThere is anyone with NX Client or SSH DSA KEY experience02:02
centHOGGphixxor: have you checked inside your laptop cmos settings02:02
sebsebsebTheCheeze: open the installer02:03
LOPAsoreau, xrandr --addmode LVDS "1440x900_60.00"02:03
sebsebsebTheCheeze: follow it through get to partitioning and do manual02:03
phixxorcentHOGG: no, what should I check?02:03
whiten0isetrying to communicate with a microcontroller on /dev/ttyUSB0 but the link is not communicating--any ideas?02:03
sebsebsebTheCheeze: oh yeah how much RAM?02:03
arghh2d2phixxor: check that your swap partition is at least twice the size of your ram02:03
whiten0isei have librxtx-java installed and everything else needed (at least according to documentation of the chip)02:03
TheCheezesebsebseb 2gb02:03
centHOGGphixxor: pleez look at your computer manual :P02:03
sebsebsebTheCheeze: hmm so 4GB swap space I think, even though not really needed with 2GB RAM, unless your going to hibernate02:04
sebsebseb!swap |  TheCheeze02:04
ubottuTheCheeze: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info02:04
livingdaylightanyone know about .swf files?02:04
sebsebseb!details |  livingdaylight02:04
ubottulivingdaylight: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:04
TheCheezei never bother with hibernate sebsebseb02:04
Firefisheshock wave flash02:04
livingdaylighti'm told they should be videos but they're coming up as audio only02:04
arghh2d2thats what's causeing his problems i think sebsebseb is hibernation02:04
sebsebsebarghh2d2: who's problem?02:05
livingdaylightsebsebseb, are you feeling ok?02:05
sekyourboxwhats a good free typing teaching program for ubuntu02:05
Firefishelinux doesn't do shockwave if I remember correctly02:05
soreauLOPA: Ok I guess you can try to see if it helps to do something like this in xorg.conf: (note this is only an example.)  http://pastebin.com/m8374f3e02:05
arghh2d2sebsebseb: phixxor's problem02:05
hwildeis there a cool graphical equalizer in ubuntu?02:05
sebsebsebsekyourbox: there are a few reasonable ones, Tuxtype and such, which version of Ubuntu you on?02:05
sebsebsebFirefishe: well there's a way in Wine02:05
sekyourboxsebsebseb, 804 and 91002:06
sekyourbox910 on my new laptop02:06
LOPAsoreau, so if this is an example, what should i put in it?02:06
soreauLOPA: The point of interest there is the Mode line and the context is only to demonstrate to you where to put it in your X conf file02:06
phixxorarghh2d2: alright I'll check. centHOGG: it looks like there is no cmos section in my boot settings :P02:06
livingdaylightanyone know about .swf files? i'm only getting audio here and there should be a video component02:06
sebsebsebsekyourbox: ok  with 8.04  you got the  add/remove which is ok,   with 9.10  you got the software centre was has replacd it and is quite a lot better.   with both you have synaptic.  you can find your touch typing programs in these02:06
sebsebsebsekyourbox: Tuxtype and such02:06
Firefisheseb³: I didn't know that. I'd like to take a stab at it.02:06
PaperBoyI have downloaded files from my web hosting server where some files are set to 777, and i downloaded them  to my ubuntu system..   then after editing the files i reuploaded them back to the hosting servser and the file permissions where lost can any one tell me why that is?02:07
sekyourboxwonder if mario teaches typing will work with wine02:07
giancastHi can someone help with a SSH thing02:07
sebsebsebFirefishe: yeah got to use a Windows browser as well or something,  I remember reading something in the past02:07
sebsebseb!someone |  giancast02:07
ubottugiancast: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:07
Pizza1337giancast, what is your problem?02:08
arghh2d2PaperBoy: when you downloaded em they became you downloading user's files02:08
LOPAsoreau, so could i just put this into my xorg?02:08
livingdaylight!expert | sebsebseb02:08
ubottusebsebseb: one persons expectation of expert is different to that of another, why not ask the question with lots of useful information on one line and see what happens02:08
jordy240can someone please help me02:08
sebsebseblivingdaylight: hmm?02:08
Firefishelivingdaylight: you require an environment that will play shockwave videos. you might try a converter.02:08
Pizza1337what is your problem?02:08
livingdaylightat last02:08
soreauLOPA: If you are not sure, pastebin your xorg.conf and I will pastebin back the modified version for you02:08
arghh2d2PaperBoy: you can copy some of roots files, your copy is yours roots copy stays roots02:08
jordy240i am trying to shrink my ubuntu partition but gparted said something about there not being a supported superblock or something. can someone please help?02:09
sebsebsebTheCheeze: still here?02:09
livingdaylightFirefishe, great... do you know any that convert .swf files to .avi or something, i can only think of audio converters02:09
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/f3f6aeb8302:09
centHOGGjordy240: ever shrunk one before?02:09
sebsebseblivingdaylight: so expert was some sort of sarcasm that I didn't pick up on or something?02:09
arghh2d2jordy240: you cant shrink a mounted partition.  meaning: you cant shrnk the partition your logged in on right now...use a livecd02:10
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TheCheezesebsebseb having a minor complication... gimme a sec02:10
livingdaylightsebsebseb, please keep it ubuntu related02:10
jordy240arghh2d2: I know. I have gparted on a live cd that I was just using02:10
jordy240centHOGG: yes02:10
centHOGGjordy240: ok what is the filesystem type02:11
jordy240centHOGG: whatever ubuntu puts on my hard drive02:11
jordy240i guess02:11
centHOGGjordy240: yeah02:12
Firefishelivingdaylight: Not immediately coming to mind. However, I'd be delighted to help with a little research foe you. Are you going to be around for a while tonight?02:12
jordy240ok well I tried to shrink it from a live cd and gparted said that there was an unsupported suoerblock or something centHOGG02:12
centHOGGjordy240: i've never had any luck with ext3... but no problems with reiserfs02:12
jordy240centHOGG: what do you mean?02:12
jordy240what can I do>02:12
centHOGGjordy240: ever tried acronis02:12
jordy240centHOGG: I don't know what that is.02:13
soreauLOPA: http://pastebin.com/m4f7a79ac02:13
TheCheezesebsebseb it keeps hanging after selecting time zone02:13
livingdaylightFirefishe, no, i won't, its late here... so, I'll google it and see what i come up with02:13
centHOGGjordy240: a partition resizer02:13
sebsebsebTheCheeze: oh02:13
jordy240centHOGG: I have a question for you: how can I move empty space from under my ntfs partition to OVER my ntfs partition so I can grow my swap02:13
sebsebsebTheCheeze: re boot the CD and try again02:13
sebsebsebTheCheeze: in fact02:13
Brian101298can someone please assist?  i just installed Karmic and my monitor is not detected.  my highest resolution is 800x600.02:13
sebsebsebTheCheeze: you can check your disk02:13
Firefishelivingdaylight: k .. good luck :)02:14
sebsebsebTheCheeze: there's an option for that on the  boot up screen02:14
LOPAsoreau, just log out and in again after saving?02:14
centHOGGjordy240: yes it's possible to do that in acronis.... ext3 is a pain see02:14
centHOGGntfs ok, reiserfs ok02:14
jordy240centHOGG: well I have no more black cd's. is aconis free and work on ubuntu?02:15
FirefisheIs there any major reason to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10?02:15
centHOGGjordy240: unfortunately no... it's commercial. but its great to have02:15
sebsebsebjordy240: uhmm you can resize partitions with gparted02:15
zetheroocannot seem to see any link to actually download this package02:16
sebsebsebjordy240: oh yeah, but you got an error hmm02:16
jordy240sebsebseb: I can't. gparted says that I can't touch my ubuntu partition because of something about a superblock02:16
Firefishewhen 9.04 is stable and the hardware on the laptop works nicely with 9.04?02:16
centHOGGFirefishe: I saw that handbrake isn't working with the latest02:16
sebsebsebjordy240: it's Ext4?02:16
sebsebsebjordy240: and your on 9.10?02:16
jordy240sebsebseb: the alternative would be to move free space from under my ntfs partition to OVER my ntfs partition02:16
TheCheezesebsebseb checking for defects now02:17
FirefishecentHOGG: What is handbrake?02:17
jordy240sebsebseb: I'm on the latest release... I don't know what ext it is. whatever the defualt is02:17
centHOGGcould be wrong02:17
soreauLOPA: Yes, anytime you make changes to your xorg.conf you will want to restart X for the changes to take effects02:17
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok02:17
centHOGGlemme see02:17
ubottuhandbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr02:17
sebsebsebjony123: ok the default is Ext4,  there were some issues with resizing that in the past I think,  maybe there still are02:17
FaithfulI have a 32bit app runnning in 64bit when it calls certain libs it looks at the 64bit ones... how can I tell the app to look at the 32bit ones?02:17
sebsebsebjony123: check out the 9.10 release notes  might have something relivant02:17
sebsebseb!notes |  jony12302:17
ubottujony123: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91002:17
ZykoticK9centHOGG, Firefishe FYI Handbrake does NOT work in Ubuntu currently02:18
Firefishewell, I don't use it, sooo ;)02:18
Firefishetx Zv02:18
centHOGGjordy240: if you have to redo that system... next time use reiserfs for the filesystem, because you can adjust it much easier02:18
centHOGGZykoticK9: yeah drag02:18
sebsebsebjordy240: don't use reiserfs well you could, but uhmm02:18
jordy240centHOGG: i have to reinstall ubutu?02:18
phixxorarghh2d2: my computer already has 1gb of swap, and 512 mb ram max (its actually less because of onboard vga)02:19
sebsebsebcentHOGG: I think that's  a bit bad of you to recommend reisferfs to  not that experienced Ubuntu users02:19
=== argonaut|afk is now known as argonaut
Brian1012981O.k.  i just logged out and did not see the option to adjust my monitor resolution.  im still at 800x60002:19
=== VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke
zetheroohow do I install this https://launchpad.net/cerva02:19
LOPAsoreau, could not parse xorg02:19
phixxorsebsebseb: why? reiserfs is good for normal use02:19
soreauLOPA: Well either you made a mistake or I did02:19
jordy240sebsebseb: this is all because suspend mode doesn't work.. (it doesn't resume)02:19
ussersebsebseb, yea nothing wrong with reiser02:20
arghh2d2phixxor: you probly need at least 1024 mb of swap then02:20
LOPAsoreau, i copied and pasted logged out02:20
LOPAsoreau, i will pastebin it02:20
argosyI've got some issues getting an Ericsson F3507G connected to my 3G provider, and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help?02:20
sebsebsebhmm centHOGG left02:20
phixxorarghh2d2: I have 1 gb = 1024mb02:20
sebsebseb!reiserfs |  phixxor  usser02:20
ubottuphixxor  usser: reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html02:20
sebsebsebjordy240: should have done that to you as well, see above02:20
phixxorsebsebseb: hmm, looks like this is a new development. But if ubottu says it, it must be so02:21
UCCAdminDoes anyone here have experience with setting up wake-on-lan for an Ubuntu (9.10) system?02:21
jordy240sebsebseb: well I;m on ext4 so it's too late anyway. what can I do to extend my swap???02:21
LOPAsoreau, http://pastebin.com/m4f7a79ac02:21
ussersebsebseb, hm dont know about latency, i used it for quite a while for gaming too02:21
Brian1012981Is there anyone who can assist with monitor not detected issue in Karmic?02:21
arghh2d2phixxor: thats just for hibernating power saving crap that i never use cuz i dont have a laptop.  it could be your vido ram causing a problem then.02:21
sebsebsebphixxor: by the looks of it that factoid is a bit old, since Ext4 is default in 9.10.  ,but the rest of what it is saying is probably true enough02:21
phixxorarghh2d2: yeah -- I think it's crappy apic02:22
nytek_im trying to instal xmobar, anybody know the package name?02:22
argosySpecifically, I keep getting a LCP TermReq after I authenticate.02:22
sebsebsebjordy240: what?02:22
cheronNew Q: is it possible to replace the new ubuntu startup tune with the older short drum beat?02:22
TheCheezesebsebseb finished with no errors02:22
phixxorsebsebseb: meh, I chose reiserfs cause I heard it was faster, but that was back in warty dapper drake days02:22
sebsebsebusser: the default file system tends to work  well enough for most Ubuntu users02:22
jordy240please help me. it's so anoying how ubuntu ships with a partition that can't be touched and a broken suspend/hybernate mode. please how can I extend my swap partition?02:22
ussersebsebseb, yea thats true02:23
jordy240sebsebseb: ^02:23
ussersebsebseb, like that whole ext4 losing data debacle :P02:23
soreauLOPA: Looks fine to me.. unless you got some hidden characters in there through copy/pasting from pastebin but I don't really see how that could happen02:23
sebsebsebphixxor: well I have  read online that XFS is fast and that it basically has the Ext4 advantages, and well  XFS has been around for quite a while unlike Ext402:23
phixxorjordy240: what have you tried so far?02:23
sebsebsebusser: well with 9.04 for some and since they didn't have a proper kernel and that for Ext402:23
sebsebsebjordy240: Ext4 can be resized02:24
livingdaylightsebsebseb, don't worry i figured it out02:24
sebsebsebjordy240: some how02:24
argosySigh.  The *really* annoying bit is that this card is supposedly fully-supported in NM 0.7, and it doesn't work there either!02:24
LOPAsoreau, dont see any characters02:24
jordy240phixxor: I tried shrinking ext4 to make space for swap, but I can't touch the ext4 partition, and I tried shrinking the ntfs partition, and that works(of course) but the free space is on the wrong side of the windows parition. can you please help me?02:24
sebsebseblivingdaylight: whatever you were being stupid with me02:24
soreauLOPA: It should not be failing to parse that02:24
livingdaylight!you | sebsebseb02:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you02:25
soreauLOPA: Unless it plain does not like the Mode line altogether and spits back at you02:25
TheCheezejordy240 you have to do it from a live environment02:25
LOPAis there another modeline we can try02:25
jordy240TheCheeze: ...... i know. I have been02:25
sebsebsebTheCheeze: Ubuntu partitions have to be resized from  for example the Live CD yes02:25
sebsebsebTheCheeze: not just Ubuntu, but other distros as well02:26
TheCheezejordy240 just wanted to make sure02:26
soreauLOPA: Try commenting out that Mode line by putting a # at the beginning of the line and see if that is the problem02:26
jordy240this is so anoying02:26
sebsebsebTheCheeze: well / or /home I should say02:26
jordy240this is exactly why linux will never be on the casual users desktop02:26
sebsebsebTheCheeze: if you had some other data partition as well, you could unmount it and resize02:26
sebsebsebjordy240: uhmm 9.1002:26
jeffmr_jordy240, you sound pretty laid back02:26
TheCheezesebsebseb ok, got past the timezone this time02:27
sebsebsebjordy240: 9.10 has issues here and there yes,  overall 9.04 is the better release really02:27
jeffmr_jordy240, yeah sorry about that02:27
sebsebsebjordy240: except for some people, because they have for example an Intel graphics card that gave issues in 9.04, but works nicely in 9.1002:27
chu_9.10 beta works better for me than Jaunty did :p02:27
chu_Can't run official though02:27
argosyCanonical could learn something about reliability from Debian...02:27
jordy240right but suspend mode doesn't even work...02:28
lordbah2Has anyone used the webcam in the Dell SX2210 monitor with Ubuntu?02:28
TheCheezesebsebseb clicked manual partitioning02:28
sekyourboxis it safe to install IW and ATHEROS??02:28
sebsebsebjordy240:  chu_  argosy   uhmm  these non LTS versions are kind of test releases,  they experiment a bit, put in new features,   it's the LTS  Long Term Support releases that have to be rather good and stable and all that, those are the kind of business releases02:28
bleeding_heartIntel gma50002:29
sekyourboxsebsebseb, thanks if you are still there02:29
sebsebsebsekyourbox: yes I am02:29
argosysebsebseb: I just wish Canonical would be a little more forward about that.02:29
jordy240well thanks anyway for the help sebsebseb02:29
bleeding_heartwhy doesn't ubuntu support this?02:29
jordy240guess i;ll have to go back to windows..02:29
BLACK_MANblack man here02:29
sebsebsebsekyourbox: installed some typing software for Linux?02:29
BLACK_MANI require assistance with ubuntu02:29
LOPAsoreau, it worked commenting it out02:29
BLACK_MANcan anyone help me use ubuntu02:29
sebsebsebargosy: you mean more clear to users?02:30
bleeding_hearthow so black man02:30
argosysebsebseb: Yep.02:30
craigbass1976What's a good text editor for xubuntu besides geany?02:30
BLACK_MANi am trying to install irssi02:30
BLACK_MANon ubuntu02:30
soreauLOPA: Since Jaunty's release, there have been a significant number of changes to the intel driver. So as a last resort I would have to recommend trying a Karmic live cd to see if things work better for you resolution wise02:30
sekyourboxsebsebseb, yea I lke tux he is cooler than mario.  I just wish he would jump around more02:30
BLACK_MANbut i keep getting an ORT-8a subset error02:30
sebsebsebargosy: same here, but also about the md5sum  or sha1sum,  how users should do that before burning the contents of the ISO to CD02:30
axisysi need help to play embedded video like these http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/switch_exchange.html .. i can right click and play from youtube just fine02:30
sebsebsebsekyourbox: Do you know who Tux is by the way?02:30
LOPAsoreau, what is karmic live cd?02:30
soreau! karmic | LOPA02:30
ubottuLOPA: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91002:30
bleeding_heartkarmic worked terribly on my system02:31
sekyourboxsebsebseb, tux the friendly panguine (however you spellit)02:31
freevryheidcraigbass1976: don like the default mousepad?02:31
sekyourboxlinux mascot02:31
LOPAsoreau, i had the same thing with 9.1002:31
sebsebsebsekyourbox: yes02:31
sebsebsebthe Linux Mascot02:31
sekyourboxlinus was a panguine02:31
ubottutux is the Linux Mascot - http://www.isc.tamu.edu/~lewing/linux/02:31
sebsebsebthought there would be a factoid :)02:31
soreauLOPA: Well we didn't try adding the modeline with xrandr manually :)02:31
soreauLOPA: (on karmic)02:31
craigbass1976freevryheid, no, I like geany, but I need a second one.  Something like it, or notepad ++ for windows02:31
SlimGarykarmic koala netbook remix rocks !02:31
LOPAsoreau, i did02:32
LOPAsoreau, got the same erro02:32
sekyourboxmy first time seeing tux was on a white box in my sixth grade class.. In this box, contained linux02:32
LOPAsoreau, do u think it pays to try adding 1280 768 and see if that works?02:32
sebsebsebsekyourbox: oh?02:32
freevryheidcraigbass1976: gedit02:33
soreauLOPA: Not necessarily..02:33
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok02:33
sebsebsebTheCheeze: got to manual install yet?02:33
sekyourboxI think it was redhat02:33
LOPAsoreau, doh02:33
soreauLOPA: But I still recommend upgrading to karmic if there is no other reason for you not to02:33
sekyourboxback when redhat was cool02:33
LOPAok i will do that02:33
LOPAsoreau, are u here often that if i do it tonight i can find u tommorow?02:33
craigbass1976freevryheid, am I going to end up with half of gnome by installing that, or does the g stand for gpl02:33
freevryheidcraigbass1976: c++?02:33
sebsebsebLOPA: uhmm upgrading if you do an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 expect to maybe get issues02:33
sekyourboxalthough when i use redhat i never use RPMs02:34
bleeding_heartthe netbooks will not be fully supported until lucid02:34
acochello, I've got /mnt on a separate partition and had to add .Trash-1000 to it to allow a trash can, but it doesn't show up in nautilus's trash:///, any way to include it?02:34
TheCheezesebsebseb yes sir02:34
LOPAsebsebseb, i will do a fresh install02:34
soreauLOPA: I should be logged in at least but may not be at my desk all the time. Just pm me02:34
sebsebsebLOPA: good02:34
gbear14275where do I find a list of applications when choosing the "open with" menu and selecting "other..."... It seems to just open a nautilus file browser and I'm not sure where to look02:34
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok02:34
soreauLOPA: And yes, do a clean install02:34
LOPAsoreau, great02:34
sekyourboxsweet i have iw installed, and everything is still working02:34
LOPAsoreau, really appreciate all the help02:34
sebsebsebTheCheeze: pretty straight foward, you will make a  /  10 or 12GB in size02:34
sekyourboxim afraid to reboot02:34
sebsebsebTheCheeze:  10 x 1024 =    10  x  1024 =02:35
soreauLOPA: I wish we could have got it working right now02:35
sebsebsebTheCheeze: there's a calculter in Ubuntu of course02:35
LOPAsoreau, hopefully we  will02:35
LOPAsoreau, thanks02:35
soreauLOPA: but I think it might be easier with karmic02:35
freevryheidpcraigbass1976: prolly not more than geany02:35
sebsebsebTheCheeze: see at the bottom it says new partition?02:35
gbear14275specifically I'm looking for the theme installer application02:35
sekyourboxhttp://packages.ubuntu.com  is all safe, correct?02:35
jonznjpossible synaptic issue: I upgraded a development box for my computer science club today, bringing it from 9.04 to 9.10. When it was done upgrading I opened up synaptic package manager, and started checking off things I'd like to install (g++, cvs, svn, eclipse) - and every single time - around the 4th or 5th thing I'd check off, synaptic would just disapear. I guess it was crashing -but I didn't get an error or anything, it just suddenly vanished. I would o02:35
gbear14275can anyone tell me how to get there when trying use the "other..." application menu02:36
TheCheezesebsebseb afk a slight moment putting a baby to bed02:36
jonznjhas anyone else seen this behavior? (9.10 is the first time i"m seeing it)02:36
sebsebsebTheCheeze: oh right ok02:36
gbear14275no one?02:37
TheCheezesebsebseb should i format into a raw partition first?02:38
sebsebsebTheCheeze: the hard disk is blank?02:38
seeeeeki want to forward all port 80/443 traffic from my home router to my external server which uses proxy....so how to do that with iptables ?02:38
sebsebsebTheCheeze: make a  /  partition  10GB or so in size with the Ext4 file system.    SWAP space uhmm 4GB in size I think since you got 2GB RAM.   and the rest of the hard disk will be your /home also Ext402:39
TheCheezesebsebseb no, it is currently filled with a failed karmic02:39
sebsebsebTheCheeze: ok you can delete the failed partitions02:39
jonznjpossible synaptic issue: I upgraded a development box for my computer science club today, bringing it from 9.04 to 9.10. When it was done upgrading I opened up synaptic package manager, and started checking off things I'd like to install (g++, cvs, svn, eclipse) - and every single time - around the 4th or 5th thing I'd check off, synaptic would just disapear. I guess it was crashing -but I didn't get an error or anything, it just suddenly vanished. I would o02:39
gbear14275anyone know how to navigate to applications when choosing the "open with" menu option?02:41
arghh2d2jonznj: that sucks02:41
arghh2d2gbear14275: its usually in /usr/sbin02:41
gbear14275arghh2d2: how do I know which is which... I'm looking for "theme installer"02:41
jonznjarghh2d2: thanks, lol02:42
shoeman22does anyone know how to make ssh commands run on the x-session?  so the commands behave the same as if run from a terminal you opened from the desktop?02:42
chu_bash file?02:43
shoeman22i'd like to be able to open mythtv or xbmc remotely02:43
arghh2d2gbear14275: actualy i take that back...try /usr/bin02:43
gbear14275arghh2d2: thats what you said the first time02:43
arghh2d2gbear14275: find out what program opens the theme installer02:44
arghh2d2gbear14275: i said /usr/sbin  slight dif02:44
fluidis there any way to get something to run on port 23 and allow in outside connections? im trying to run an old bbs software and everything i try on the telnet port refuses to connect02:45
arghh2d2gbear14275: i imagine it starts with gnome-<theme whatever>02:45
chu_soeman22 : create a new file "ssh2mythtv" or whatever, and just type "#!/bin/bash <newline> ssh user@mythtv" you'll need to add some flags to the file to execute it, does anyone know what the commands is/are?02:46
chu_Where it says <newline> use an enter :p02:46
arghh2d2jonznj: you could try to reinstall synaptic from the command line: sudo apt-get install synaptic02:46
jonznjarghh2d2: thanks :)02:47
chu_shoeman22: perfect tutorial http://www.linuxconfig.org/Bash_scripting_Tutorial02:48
brainy142anyone here having log-in issues with 9.10?02:48
arghh2d2not me, cuz i dont use 9.10 yet02:48
shoeman22ok I'll take a look at that.  Thank you02:49
arghh2d2brainy142: what kind of issues are you having?02:49
roger__hello i made a link on my ubuntu desktop for a windows folder....however the link is dead...until i open the HD link from the menu...then the link works..how do i make it so the link always works..02:49
brainy142I'l log in and about 4 out of 5 times it will try to log-in and just go back to the log in screen02:49
brainy142sometimes the screen will show a jarbled mess.02:50
brainy142but when it works it works02:50
brainy142I've tried different window managers, same thing02:50
arghh2d2brainy142: did you upgrade or clean install?02:50
jonznjroger__: how did you make the link the first time around?02:51
brainy142I tried an upgrade, I cancled it and ubuntu messed up, so I did a clean02:51
PhantomLinkNever gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...02:51
jonznjfluid, did anyone answer you?02:51
arghh2d2brainy142: hmmm02:51
brainy142the thing is it works sometimes02:51
fluidjonznj: no sorry02:52
arghh2d2roger__: you probly need to mount the windows partition at boot time by editing /etc/fstab02:52
roger__jonznj, i went to the folder inside the harddrive and Make Link, then i put that link on ubuntu desktop02:52
arghh2d2roger__: sounds like your mounting it from the menu, then the link works02:52
roger__arghh2d2, yes how do i this02:53
sebsebsebTheCheeze: maybe we should have finnished the partition stuff here, so someone else could maybe learn from it02:53
jonznjfluid: are you sitting behind your own router? or is this someone else's?02:53
roger__mount the partitiion02:53
fluidid really like to run synchronet as a non-root user... but when i do noone can connect to it from outside of my network. im behind my own router, this machine is DMZ to the world.02:53
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:53
cdg2hi all.  Is anyone on that can give me some upgrade advice?  I am upgrading from Dapper LTS to Hardy LTS.  The installer appears to have hung close to the end of "installing the upgrades" step.  The problem appears to be related to my openldap install.  My question is what to do now?02:53
joljami am looking for a g++ compiler in ubuntu which I has the function of line by line debugging02:53
fluidif i bump the ports up to anything above 1000 it works fine02:53
jonznj!fstab | roger__02:53
ubotturoger__: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:53
fluidim pretty sure that port 22 is open02:53
fluidwhich is sshd02:54
fluidbut synchronet waiting on port 23 does not see incoming cnnections :(02:54
DinkHmm I just got a random pop-up saying my system will shutdown in 60 seconds. I hit cancel. What can cause this? This has happened several times lately.02:54
jonznjare port23 connections forwarded properly to this dmz?02:55
arghh2d2brainy142: could be a gdm problem... what are your error messages like?02:55
jonznjfluid: *from the  router's config, is what I"m refereing to ^02:55
fluidevery incoming connection is set to hit this machine directly. doesnt matter what port it is.02:55
arghh2d2Dink: firefox popup?02:55
brainy142I dont get an error message02:55
arghh2d2brainy142: what about the jarbled stuff when it blanks out?  anything legible?02:56
fluidarghh2d2: i think hes referring to the gnome system shutdown warning02:56
brainy142arghh2d2: It just seems to... reboot x?02:56
jonznjfluid: I ask because ports are usually blocked by default. are you sure there's nothing else listening to that port (on your box) as well?02:56
Dinkarghh2d2, no it kinda looks like when you hit the restart/logout/hibernate but had more options02:56
brainy142just the ubuntu logo in weird tessalatd boxwa02:56
fluidjonznj: nothing at all. i can connect to it locally using localhost:2302:56
brainy142no terminal02:56
fluidi can connect to it from another machine on the lan...02:57
fluidthats what got me thinking firewall02:57
fluidbut if the router has this system listed under its DMZ setting, it should be forwarding anything incoming to this machine.02:57
brainy142arghh2d2: It never happened in 9.0402:57
jonznjfluid: yeah, all out of ideas :( sorry - thought it might be something simple. you could try connecting maybe another machine infront of the firewall, and see if it has trouble02:58
arghh2d2brainy142: i dont know, did it happen right after you installed 9.10 or a little later?02:58
fluidknow what, next time my friend is on to test it out... ill just plug my machine directly into the cable modem and bypass my firewall completely. bet it will work.02:58
jonznjfluid: right, just what I meant02:58
brainy142arghh2d2: right after it was installed02:58
jonznjgotta go, good luck :)02:58
fluidis gonna be this stupid linksys garbage router. lol02:58
arghh2d2brainy142: what other window managers have you tried?02:59
seeeeekBLACK_MAN trying to hack me02:59
brainy142arghh2d2: icewm,xfce, gnome, openbox, enlightenment02:59
TheCheezesebsebseb i idle enough in here that if i see anyone asking partition help and such i will be able to pay it forward02:59
od3nhow does one install a .bin file03:00
sebsebsebTheCheeze: pay it foward? use the info and help them?03:00
brainy142arghh2d2: not kde as I cant run transparencies03:00
od3nthe archive maneger wont open it03:00
axisysi found the bug that I am experiencing03:00
TheCheezesebsebseb exactly03:00
axisysanyone would know if there is fix yet ?03:01
Veinoris there a way to make the ar9285 series not suck on karmic?03:01
roger__ubottu, can u help me with mounting the windows filesystem, i dont want to mess anything03:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:01
TheCheezei am in here almost 24/7 and when i am awake i am lurking to help people with sound issues, now i can expand that to partitioning help too03:01
ZykoticK9od3n, .bin means binary -- ie run it "./WHATITSCALLED.bin"03:01
alinz1when you do fdisk -l and it says partition start/end and then blocks. What are the units for start/end?03:01
Veinoror I guess, the ath9k drivers03:01
arghh2d2brainy142: i dunno, i'd say it was prbly something you installed that wasnt ready for 9.10 but you said it happende right after you installed...maybe try reinstalling gdm03:01
brainy142arghh2d2: it was happening even beofre I installed anything03:02
roger__can someone help me with mounting the filesystem...i can send you what fstab puts out and  fdisk -l03:03
arghh2d2brainy142: thats what i'm saying right after you installed 9.10...still i'd try a gdm reinstall03:03
Dinkarghh2d2, I tried all of the options from fastuser applet non produce the one I saw. It had several options to chose from vs just the one. In small print it said the computer will be restarted automatically in 60 seconds03:03
brainy142arghh2d2: how would I do that?03:04
mds58I broke my system with upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 how do I role back from command line?03:04
al_when you do fdisk -l and it says partition start/end and then blocks. What are the units for start/end? ??03:04
jrib!downgrade | mds5803:04
arghh2d2brainy142: sudo apt-get install gdm03:04
ubottumds58: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.03:04
mds58ok then how do I fix my x-server?03:04
thiebaudemds58, you got your 9.04 cd?03:04
brainy142arghh2d2: It wont break anything will it?03:04
jrib!ntfs > roger__03:04
ubotturoger__, please see my private message03:04
jribmds58: tell the channel what's wrong with it first03:05
arghh2d2Dink: are you talking about the login screen?03:05
mds58when I boot my system it black screens and shuts down the display03:05
arghh2d2brainy142: shouldnt03:05
brainy142arghh2d2: I'l try that thanks03:05
thiebaudemds58, which graphics card do you have?03:06
Dinkarghh2d2, I think it might have been the shutdown-dialog03:06
Dinkbut vs shutdown it said restart in 60 seconds03:06
* seeeeek BLACK_MAN is trying to hack me! i can send the full conf msg...he is a noob who think he is smart03:06
fritzophrenicany quick answers as to why a Live CD for Karmic and for Jaunty would go into kernal panic when trying to start the installer, live session, or disc checker?03:06
mds58system specs amd5000+ cpu ati 2600pro vid card 2.6gig ram03:06
fritzophrenicI've checked the disk on another PC and it's fine03:06
DinkJust happened again03:06
mds5864 bit OS03:07
fritzophrenicalso verified the checksum on the ISO03:07
KB1JWQseeeeek: That'll do.  If you feel it's a severe problem you may PM me logs.03:07
arghh2d2Dink: got me, i dont use fast user applets and switchers and such03:07
brainy142arghh2d2: It says "gdm is latest version" 22 not upgraded.03:07
thiebaudemds58, im not sure, i dont know anything about ati03:07
arghh2d2roger__: can you pastebin?03:07
Dinkarghh2d2, top of the dialog says "Shut down the computer" with shutdown, restart, hibernate as options then system will be restarted in 60 seconds03:07
mds58is there a way to set x-server to run basic vga03:07
seeeeekKB1JWQ its not a problem for me but he trying to be a smart a$$ and hack peoples...i know exactly what he trying to do by sending trojan03:08
Dinksomething is causing it to want to restart every so often03:08
arghh2d2Dink: got me, i dont use fast user applets and switchers and such03:08
kagetenshihi can anybody help me out debug me on the compiz? it says XgL is not present03:09
arghh2d2brainy142: well its not gdm i guess03:09
colerplease see (and spread the word).  The more this out there the more likely our insurance will cover.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qiy8tF1gofw03:09
underdog7hello!  can anyone tell me how i can share a partition with my dual boot OSs -- Windows 7 and Ubuntu?  I already have a third partition, however, b/c it is ext3 i cannot access it via Wndows 7.  I have also tried an EXT3 driver for Windows, but it doesn't seem to recognize the third partitions format for some reason.  any ideas anyone?03:09
emmado any of you use a usb wireless device for a laptop that 'just works' ?03:09
jrib!ot | coler03:09
mds58if I clone my home directory to a second drive can I simply reinstall withut data loss?03:09
nickrud!spam > coler03:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam03:09
ubottucoler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:09
underdog7is the only option to have an NTFS partition?03:09
kagetenshihi can anybody help me out debug me on the compiz? it says XgL is not present03:09
jribunderdog7: the only option for what...?03:09
nickrudhm, wasn't there a spam factoid once?03:09
spirits-sightwhat a good text editor for temenal use?03:09
jribspirits-sight: nano03:09
underdog7jrib: "hello!  can anyone tell me how i can share a partition with my dual boot OSs -- Windows 7 and Ubuntu?  I already have a third partition, however, b/c it is ext3 i cannot access it via Wndows 7.  I have also tried an EXT3 driver for Windows, but it doesn't seem to recognize the third partitions format for some reason.  any ideas anyone?"03:10
colerok sorry03:10
jribspirits-sight: vim or emacs if you want to learn...03:10
nickrudspirits-sight, nano, vim, emac03:10
spirits-sightjrib: THANK I could not remember the spelling03:10
arghh2d2i'm tired yall, afk03:10
jribunderdog7: use ntfs03:10
BlizzerandGuys , how does this look --> http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Ubuntu-in-Windows --> Feel free to make any improvements03:11
underdog7jrib: a while back (maybe a year ago), i heard NTFS was not well supported with ubuntu -- e.g. unreliable read/write access -- is this still so?03:11
emmaunderdog7: that's changed.03:11
greezmunkeyUnderdog7, linux and Win7 can share ntfs!03:11
=== zz_kiwifunk is now known as kiwifunk
jribunderdog7: works well (has for a while)03:11
kagetenshihi can anybody help me out debug me on the compiz? it says XgL is not present03:11
underdog7emma and jrib:  perfect, thanks :)03:11
Blizzerand!info XgL03:11
metaphlexrunning ubuntu through wubi - compiz occasionally jumps up to 85% of my cpu even though i'm just browsing firefox03:11
brainy142underdog7: I heard ntfs is fine03:11
ubottuPackage XgL does not exist in karmic03:11
underdog7brainy142: cool, thanks :)03:11
metaphlexany ideas what's making compiz hog the cpu?03:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lubi03:12
thiebaudemetaphlex, you check your system processes?03:13
metaphlexyeah i'm looking at top right now03:13
metaphlexcompiz.real has cpu hovering around 65%03:13
metaphlexxorg is at 30%03:14
=== PhantomLink is now known as PL|Not_Here
thiebaudemetaphlex, im not sure how to fix that, my compiz is ok03:14
metaphlexidk what is up. my guess is that since this install is through wubi (wubi installs linux as a sort of windows program, you reboot into linux, but without partitioning) that it is just bugging as hell03:15
joshjtlhey folks, i need to use a virtualmachine to run netflix streams, can anyone recommend one where i may get the best performance for this?03:16
greezmunkeymetaphlex, there are a bunch of posts concerning that, here's one solution: http://forum.compiz.org/showthread.php?p=1783203:16
metaphlexcool thanks03:16
emmajoshjtl: virtualbox is the only open source vm i hear very much about.03:17
mankashhow to install 7z03:17
roger__hello, so i did fdisk -l and know all my partitions...how do i make it so when i startup ubuntu, links to my windows folders work and open up03:17
m3onh0x84_hi, I want to ask : why is linux not used more in corporations for workstations and PCs?03:17
metaphlexi'll look through that and see if anything works03:17
=== argonaut is now known as Argonaut
emma!info virtualbox-ose | joshjtl03:17
ubottujoshjtl: virtualbox-ose (source: virtualbox-ose): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.8-dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6182 kB, installed size 24292 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 lpia all)03:17
greezmunkey metaphlex, I hope it helps, it's a start anyway.03:17
joshjtlemma, vmware, and others also available though03:18
bondym3onh0x84 because everybody "knows" windows and alot of people still think Linux is hard to use without actually trying it03:19
emmam3onh0x84_: that's not really a support related question. Try /msg alis list *ubuntu* for a channel more appropriate for ubuntu socializing.03:19
DudeI dont understand this, im new03:20
IdleOne!hi | Dude03:21
ubottuDude: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:21
emmaDude: someone just got banned. Let's stick to ubuntu problems now.03:21
m3onh0x84_bondy: I thinks : easy or hard at user. They was read user guide before apply :D03:21
=== Argonaut is now known as argonaut|afk
greezmunkeyCan someone recommend a program that I can use to modify sound files, change formats, etc?03:24
xbbDoes anybody know if there is a fix for 9.10 networking not working on some netbooks/notebooks?03:24
manhtuhow are you03:24
manhtuhello all03:24
greezmunkey_xbb, man that's on a case by case basis mostly03:25
IdleOne!hi | manhtu03:25
ubottumanhtu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:25
m3onh0x84_xbb: I thinkss should be install checkproxy03:25
Snausagesgreezmunkey: maybe try something like ardour? there may be something simpler though.03:25
greezmunkeySnausages, ardour? It's pretty complicated huh.03:26
seeeeekcan someone tellme if its possible to forward all my localnetwork traffic by configuring my router iptables rules to force all the traffic of port 80 to be forwarded to my internet proxy ?03:26
TheCheezeok, i just did a fresh install of karmic and it is not listing any proprietary drivers for my video or wireless. anyone know what the deal is?03:26
TheCheezeit worked fine when i upgraded to karmic from jaunty, i just had to reformat today03:27
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greezmunkeySnausages, I'll check it out. I mainly need something to groom voicemail prompts, mainly wav format, some mp303:27
=== levy is now known as nozes
xbbm3onh0x84_, can you elaborate on that?03:27
greezmunkeySnausages, thanks.03:27
Snausagesgreezmunkey: there are a bunch of scriptable commandline utils too03:27
Snausagesgreezmunkey: a bit of googling around could line up some for you03:27
The_JourneyI need help ubuntu is freezing randomly on me03:28
greezmunkeySnausages, it really just occurred to me to look into this, thanks for the help. I'll start digging!03:28
=== Guest78676 is now known as celthunder
bondycheck your memory journey03:29
mrXXwhy doesnt this work-- $row = mysql_num_rows($result); echo $row[0];03:29
greezmunkeymrXX, i have the MySQL bible right here, you need to describe the operation so I can look it up.03:30
haoyihuan_welcome to ingcai  http://www.ingcai.com03:30
bondyhas $result been set?03:31
haoyihuan_also can leave messages in http://www.ingcai.com/messages03:31
nickrud!ot > haoyihuan_03:31
ubottuhaoyihuan_, please see my private message03:31
haoyihuan_eee   how to?03:31
mrXXgreezmunkey thanks for help, well i have made a query from the mysql table and the result is in $result after query, now i wanna see each row -->hey guys03:31
mrXX<mrXX> what will this do? $row = mysql_num_rows($result);03:31
haoyihuan_ubottu  :get your message03:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:31
only2jeanwhen I type su root to get root access I am get this error jean@jean-laptop:~$ su root03:31
only2jeansu: Authentication failure03:31
m3onh0x84_xbb: on gnome, proxy not manuall, I type : apt-get install checkproxy, it will be manual03:31
nickrudhaoyihuan_, this is a channel for ubuntu questions/help, not for advertizing other websites. That's considered off topic03:32
nickrudonly2jean, you don't have a root password set I'd guess03:32
greezmunkeymrXX, it looks a bit like a circular reference, do you get an error?03:33
seeeeeklets say i rent a server from usa and i configure it as a proxy, and i am located in uk and i have my localnetwork and i want to configure my internet router to force all the http/https traffic  passing from it to be forwarded to my usa transparent proxy....is that possible ?03:33
xbbm3onh0x84_, I don't even have wired connection03:33
vaniirOziino entiendooooooooooooo03:33
only2jeanI did set one03:33
nickrudvaniirOzii, spanish?03:33
haoyihuan_how to uninstall wine ?03:33
mrXXgreezmunkey i dont get error, only blank , here is the code   http://paste.ubuntu.com/321235/03:33
bondyonly2jean root is not accessible the same as other Linux distros it generates a random password for root rather than letting the user decide03:34
chris__sudo apt-get remove wine03:34
nickrudsudo apt-get remove wine03:34
bondyjust do a sudo su instead03:34
mrXXgreezmunkey even if i want row[0] it is still blank,03:34
nickrudonly2jean, if you want a root terminal, sudo -i  or sudo -s  are better than sudo su03:34
chris__anyone here have experience with xampp?03:34
haoyihuan_dose "sudo apt-get remove wine"   uninstall wine totally?03:35
chris__you could do sudo apt-get remove -purge wine03:35
chris__just to be sure03:35
nickrudhaoyihuan_, in what sense? It does not remove the .wine directory in your home for one03:35
m3onh0x84_xbb: you try login as root =>  type: /etc/init.d/networking restart03:35
nickrud!es | vaniirOzii03:35
ubottuvaniirOzii: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:35
haoyihuan_haoyihuan@ingcai:~$ sudo apt-get remove -purge wine03:36
haoyihuan_E: 未知的命令行选项“p”[来自 -purge]03:36
only2jeanit work think you.03:36
xbbm3onh0x84_, ok one sec...03:36
nickrudsudo apt-get purge wine will remove all the package, including anything in /etc . It won't do anyting to your file tree in your home. drive_c, etc03:37
chris__any xampp people here?03:37
chris__just rm -r ~.wine03:37
chris__to get rid of the wine folder in your users03:37
nickrudhaoyihuan_, something useful is     LANG="C" <command> you will get english language error messages to pass here03:37
haoyihuan_haoyihuan@ingcai:~$ rm -r ~.wine03:38
haoyihuan_rm: 无法删除 “~.wine”: 没有该文件或目录03:38
nickrudrm ~/.wine03:38
haoyihuan_dose it contain none?03:38
chris__thanks nick03:38
vaniirOziithank you03:38
xbbm3onh0x84_, nothing03:38
chris__make sure you use -r03:38
chris__or else you wont remove the folder03:38
nickrudyou're welcome vaniirOzii03:38
nickrudlol, if it ain't one error it's another tonight03:38
vaniirOziithanks nicckrud03:39
haoyihuan_rm:是否删除有写保护的 普通文件 “/home/haoyihuan/.local/share/Trash/files/index.4.html”? y03:39
haoyihuan_dose it work?03:39
vaniirOziii'm don't speak very well03:40
chris__haoyihuan: what are you trying to do?03:40
=== meatbun is now known as meatsack
hardbop200ok, I've messed up my clock. during install I said yes to utc, but it's really set to my local timezone. /etc/timezone is correct, but the date command reports wrong. any ideas on where to look?03:40
nickruddon't know, try  LANG="C" <command>03:41
m3onh0x84_xbb: you need check đriver for your pc03:41
nickrudvaniirOzii, type    /j #ubuntu-es   for spanish03:42
m3onh0x84_xbb: search on ubuntu document: "install driver in ubuntu"03:42
nickrudhardbop200, /etc/default/rcS has the setting for UTC03:43
lilyshu!resetpanels > lilyshu03:43
ubottulilyshu, please see my private message03:43
haoyihuan_how to get chinese help about ubuntu03:43
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:43
hardbop200nickrud: thank you! I'll check it out...03:44
chris__nickrun: do you know the command to  list users and groups on the system ? i forgot03:44
vaniirOziithank youuuuuuuuuuuuu03:44
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vaniirOzii :)03:44
chris__go ti03:45
akavanyone know a good way to source code within a directory, with preview of the code and such?03:45
chris__nickrud:god it03:45
nickrudvaniirOzii, yw :)03:45
chris__akav: use the cat command03:45
akavI found a gedit search plugin but it has no previews, and no file path info.03:45
nickrudchris_, good, because that simple thing was brainlocking. I don't run linux as much as I used to do03:45
jribakav: "good" is pretty subjective, I just use vim...03:45
vaniirOzii :)03:45
emmajrib: for some reason vim is no longer installed by default in ubuntu.03:46
akavchris_, I don't think cat will give me the type of overview I'm looking for. I'd like a search tool similar to TextMate in Mac OS X.03:46
jribemma: vim-tiny is I believe03:46
skandehey guys do everybody know where is keyboard's doc (writing keylogger)03:46
chris__akav: what language is the source?03:46
emmajrib: they should put in some kind of alias or symlink then. If you type vim file now, it says vim isn't there.03:46
vaniirOziinickrud nothing spanish03:47
jribemma: hmm, well I haven't used karmic to be honest03:47
emmaso i go to vi since i didn't know vim-tiny exists.03:47
akavjrib: Ah, vim... I've used it before but forgotten how to use it. It takes a lot of effort.03:47
akavchris_, it's Python.03:47
jribakav: lots of initial time invest for big future productivity imo :)03:47
emmaakav: I think nano is pretty intuitive for basic config file editing, and if you have a graphical environment, you can type gksudo gedit to open things in gedit.03:48
akavjrib, Yeah, that's what they say. I dunno, I think my brain is really used to typical GUI text manipulation conventions though. And the learning curve is REALLY steep (configuration alone is daunting).03:48
hardbop200nickrud: just a quick report back, rcS worked perfectly, thanks again for the help!03:48
akavemma, I'm using gedit actually.03:49
jribakav: fair enough, I learned a while not to try to convert people03:49
axisysthis is exactly the bug I am experiencing .. "Adobe Flash Player doesn't play embedded clips"03:49
corinth_Does anyone know the difference between dedicated and discrete graphics memory?03:49
chris__i feel like such an idiot. im running xampp for testing and I cant get the permissions right for PHP to write the htdocs03:50
akavjrib, Yeah part of me kinda wants to dive into vim, but it's a huge time commitment to get proficient at that, and I'm not entirely sure if I'd see the benefits.03:50
Mike_lifeguardHow can I figure out what happened to a package that "does not have an installation candidate"?03:50
jribakav: you'll definitely see benefits03:50
jribakav: but you will feel disabled for a a week or two03:50
wipanyone know an application for "drawing - writing" on the desktop (i am recording my desktop and i want to write stuff of draw arrows around the screen) ?03:51
bondyakav learn what yor configuring first then learn vim03:51
chris__is PHP owned by root ? or by a user?03:51
chris__I mean Apache03:51
akavbondy, don't get what you mean about the configuring part.03:51
emmawip: gimp perhaps?03:52
Fujkis the best way to do a major upgrade to re-install the entire system? if so, what else but /home should I have on a separate partition?03:52
Mike_lifeguardchris__: apache typically runs as 'www-data' user03:52
xae8kooWhere can I fin syslog+?03:52
prappl93How do I mount a flash drive on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS03:52
emmawip: oh never mind that, i misunderstood your question.03:52
wipemma: yep, but i am looking for a transparent solution03:52
prappl93The drive has the 8.04 LTS Install ISO extracted to it, so would that prevent it from auto-mounting?03:52
emmayou want to draw on the screen while recording it.03:52
wipemma: exactly03:53
tasif anyone was to think of an icon that would represent an Op or a Voice, what would it be? ( besides an @ or a + )03:53
starhashakav: what bondy said. What I think he means is fix whatever file(s) you're trying to configure at the moment (if any), and then try to learn vim. I would say, just take it slow and learn a few basics (cursor movements, save a file, etc. ) That way, if you need to edit a file on another computer, you can do so .03:53
wipemma: i am using gtk-recordmydesktop and want to draw stuff around the screen (circle items here and there)03:53
Mike_lifeguardtas: Typically, coloured circles are used, or the text sybols are given colours03:53
jribtas: endless possibilities with unicode :)03:53
akavah, the vim advocates are coming out of the woodwork!  ;-)03:53
cancuengthello, goodnight03:53
akavstarhash, It's not just config. I'm doing Python coding for a big project.03:54
Mike_lifeguardwip: None of the screencasting software for linux is very good. Luckily there is a wide selection of shitty screencasting software, so you can try a bunch of packages before getting fed up with it all :)03:54
kermitvim ftw03:54
taslol jrib: I'm simply curious03:54
taslol jrib: graphical icon03:54
starhashakav: Oh, then I'd consider an IDE too, then03:54
chris__Im having problems making a folder writable. Specifically, I need PHP to create files and folders. Im getting permission denied. I have set the folder to 644. ANy other ideas?03:54
xae8kooI found my syslog :D03:54
emmawip: Yeah I get what you want to do now. So I'm not sure. I think I might look into some of the compiz novelties. You can maybe circle stuff with fire or something.03:54
wipMike_lifeguard: i am using gtk-recordmydesktop for 2-3 years without problem, very stable, very clean03:54
ArsinWhere is the 'fstab'?03:54
wipemma: will look, thx03:55
starhashArsin : /etc/fstab03:55
Arsinstarhash: Thank you03:55
akavstarhash, Ah but isn't that the other end of the spectrum? And what IDE?03:55
bondyyeah thats what I meant starhash akav fix what you need to fix before getting bogged down with learnng something you dont need to learn to obtain your goals03:55
akavstarhash, I've been working in TextMate in Mac OS X. Trying to use gedit now.03:55
emmawip: to find all those novelties and turn them on you might want this --03:55
starhashakav: There are a huge bunch for Python. Most are pretty decent.03:56
emma!info simple-ccsm | wip03:56
ubottuwip: simple-ccsm (source: simple-ccsm): Simple Compizconfig settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 50 kB, installed size 620 kB03:56
jribakav: a lot of people seem to like geany03:56
chris__if your working with Python you might want to check out Eric IDE03:56
chris__Eric is alot like Eclipse03:56
* wip is installing simple-ccsm03:56
starhashwip: Have you ever used wink (for recording) on Windows, and how does it compare to gtkrecordmydesktop?03:56
bondynot much of a python coder but hear Boa Constructur is good03:57
emmastarhash: What you are saying is interesting but not really on topic for a support channel. To find a channel related to ubuntu that is more appropriate for socializing, try /msg alis list *ubuntu03:57
Mike_lifeguardstarhash: CamStudio is probably the best FLOSS package for Windows.03:57
kiwifunkAdiooooooooos! pasenla bien :)03:57
wipstarhash: wink is more like screenshot, gtk-recordmydesktop is... well for example: http://www.vimeo.com/512096203:57
starhashemma: Sorry, I didn't mean to ask about Windows specifically, I just wanted to know if gtkrecordmydesktop is equivalent to wink (from someone who's used gtkrecordmydesktop, as wip said he has)03:58
akavI'll give geany a shot. A little wary of Eric IDE as it's Qt...03:58
nanotubeakav: +1 for geany03:59
nanotube!hi | growtech03:59
ubottugrowtech: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!03:59
prappl93How do I mount my USB drive, or how do I wipe it without it mounting so it may possibly mount?03:59
soreauwip: You can do that with compiz annotate plugin03:59
soreau(draw lines on the screen)03:59
akavnanotube, you use it?03:59
wipsoreau: looking for it03:59
=== kiwifunk is now known as zz_kiwifunk
Mike_lifeguardprappl93: have you read the manpage for mount? 'man mount' in terminal04:00
nanotube!mountusb | prappl9304:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mountusb04:00
nanotubeakav: yes04:00
only2jeanI am getting this warning when I run rkhunger  /usr/sbin/unhide                 [ Warning ]04:00
only2jean/usr/sbin/unhide-linux26          [ Warning]04:00
only2jeanPerforming filesystem checks04:00
only2jean    Checking /dev for suspicious file types                  [ Warning ]04:00
only2jean    Checking for hidden files and directories                [ Warning ]04:00
FloodBot1only2jean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:00
prappl93Mike_lifeguard, I am new to Ubuntu, and that manual kind of confuses me04:00
m3onh0x84_I must busy now, sorry04:00
akavnanotube, for what sort of coding?04:00
jduany advice an a ubuntu 9.10 system that refuses to boot search --no-floppy... line in grub204:00
nanotubeakav: python04:00
virtualdwip: I think there's a Compiz plug-in that lets you draw on the screen04:00
wipyep! annote is what i was looking for thx!04:01
akavnanotube, Oh cool. Any configuration tips?04:01
virtualdOh someone else already said that :)04:01
nanotubeprappl93: try reading this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB04:01
Mike_lifeguardhm, I was just going to link that, nanotube :D04:02
nanotubeakav: set 4 spaces per indent. :)04:02
nanotubeMike_lifeguard: :)04:02
prappl93nanotube, the problem I am having is it will mount another USB drive but this one has an ISO written to it so I don't know if that prevents it from doing it or not04:02
Sri1I'm having problem installing k9copy  - tried the following remedies after Googling around, no dice ...04:02
Sri1sudo apt-get -f install04:02
Sri1  510  sudo apt-get update04:02
greezmunkeyHDD question, is it worth it to dive into hdparam to "fine tune" the disks in my server?04:02
Mike_lifeguardprappl93: No, you should be able to mount it as normal04:02
Sri1sudo apt-get clean04:03
Sri1  501  sudo apt-get -f install04:03
Sri1when I do "sudo apt-get install k9copy"04:03
prappl93Mike_lifeguard, if that were true, then wouldn't the system auto-mount it as it did the other flash drive?04:03
Sri1I get ...04:03
=== PL|Not_Here is now known as PhantomLink
akavnanotube, Right, can't forget that. Anything about plugins or other config?04:03
Sri1The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:03
Sri1  k9copy: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.3.0) but it is not going to be installed04:03
Sri1          Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.8) but it is not going to be installed04:03
Sri1E: Broken packages04:03
FloodBot1Sri1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:03
Mike_lifeguardHow can I find out what happened to a package which now throws an error "Package fsl-atlases has no installation candidate"?04:03
nanotubeakav: make sure to enable code folding (i think that's enabled by default, though)04:03
alazyworkaholicPalimpsest just told me that my disk has many bad sectors. I want to check with another more "tried, tested & true" utility. for ext4, should that be fsck or e2fsck, or are they they same?04:04
Mike_lifeguardprappl93: probably - try mounting it using verbose/debug output to see what's going on04:04
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression04:04
Mike_lifeguardalazyworkaholic: it almost certainly uses e2fsprogs internally; you'd get the same result if so04:04
nanotubeakav: besides that... just start using it and see if you're missing anything. :)04:04
starhashdoc_brown: bunzip204:04
akavnanotube, How do you open source tree in the sidebar?04:05
resno_i just did an update and now cant boot into ubunutu04:05
alazyworkaholicMike:lifeguard: ok, but I googled & found out that a lot of people think karmic's new utility gives a lot of false positives because of a bug. What's another better way I can test?04:05
resno_it stops at "checking battery"04:05
Sri1The following packages have unmet dependencies:   k9copy: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.3.0) but it is not going to be installed           Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.8) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages   Tried the following ...  sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get -f install  sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt-get update04:05
nanotubeprappl93: well, if you wrote a disk image to it (not as a file, but as an image), then maybe it's got a borked partition... you could just use "gparted" to edit/create partitions on the disk. see !gparted04:05
nanotube!gparted | prappl9304:05
ubottuprappl93: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:05
TheCheezeok, i just did a fresh install of karmic and it is not listing any proprietary drivers for my video or wireless. anyone know what the deal is?04:06
josh0x0anyone know why restarting X causes X to freeze (all black) after it tries to start again?  I have to do a hard restart from my tower when I try this04:06
GuestI have a question regarding the Logon settings04:06
nanotubeakav: view -> show sidebar should show the sidebar, which by default magically shows the class hierarchy of the file04:06
jfrankjust installed netbook remix - how the heck do I turn off the netbook gui and make it look like normal ubuntu?04:06
nanotubeakav: (in the 'symbols' tab of the sidebar)04:06
starhashjosh0x0: How are you restarting ?04:07
GuestDoes anyone know how to alter the Logon settings?04:07
emmaGuest: What is the question?04:07
Mike_lifeguardalazyworkaholic: use gparted04:07
prappl93nanotube, Thanks for the help with the link. I think it is because of the ISO  image. I am going to remove the files put on by the ISO and retry without the terminal commands.04:07
emmaGuest: what in particular do you want to change?04:07
Guestemma: The logon sound04:07
Sri1Anyone ? The following packages have unmet dependencies:   k9copy: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.3.0) but it is not going to be installed           Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.8) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages   Tried the following ...  sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get -f install  sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt-get update04:07
nanotubeprappl93: see also what the disk looks like in gparted, that'll generally give you a good idea what's on the disk, partition-wise.04:07
=== dabossbv1 is now known as dabossbv
josh0x0starhash: i've tried /etc/init.d/gdm stop then .../start and I enabled Ctrl-Alt-Backspace as well from Keyboard options and it still "froze"04:07
starhashGuest: System: Admin: Login Screen are the general settings.04:08
akavnanotube, I'm thinking more of viewing the directory tree from svn -- looks like the File Browser plugin does that.04:08
Gueststarhash: yes but I would like to alter specific settings04:08
Guestnot general ones04:08
josh0x0starhash: and i've tried /etc/init.d/gdm restart as well04:08
Gueststarhash: for instance, I would like to start with altering the sounds04:08
emmaGuest: how about try preferences-->sound-->sounds04:08
nanotubeakav: ah, yes, for the directory tree, the file browser plugin is it :)04:09
akavnanotube, Also, I don't quite understand what the projects paradigm does.04:09
Guestemma: do you mean "sound effects"04:09
Guestemma: Because the only tab that relates to the given criteria is that one04:09
emmaGuest: no hold on i think things might have changed in the newer ubuntus, just a second.04:09
prappl93nanotube, thanks! I already just deleted all the files on it. I meant to clean off the disk anyway.04:09
GuestNow, I thought this was 9.10 channel04:10
nanotubeakav: essentially, you add files to a project, then when you open a project, all the files in it will be open. that's all, nothing too fancy.04:10
Guestis it still 9.04?04:10
resno_i did an update and now cant boot into linux. its hangs at checking battery. and then basically freezes. this is 9.1004:10
nanotubeprappl93: ok :)04:10
bondyyou tried sudo apt-get install libxine1?04:10
akavnanotube, So a project is just for session saving?04:10
jduGuest: both04:10
nanotubeakav: yes, exactly.04:10
prappl93nanotube, it works now without me having to manually mount. I think it was because it was trying to read the ISO but it was set to be a bootable so it didn't know what to do. Not sure why it didn't work.04:10
starhashjosh0x0: Hmm04:10
siekenhiya. i was just wondering how to get ibus on autostart?04:10
Guestshould separate them...04:11
akavnanotube, OK cool, that's simple enough. This is looking liek it might be OK... I didn't want to go to something like Eclipse. It scares me.04:11
prappl93nanotube, or not. Is there a way to auto mount this drive?04:11
webbb82can someone take a look at this pastebin i am trtying to run raindrop but when i do i get a can someone take a look at this pastebin i am trtying to run raindrop but when i do i get a no04:11
doc_brown_i have a ms vista host, and karmic installed as a guest, and Firefox is S-L-O-W...  Should I try to fix it or install another browser?04:11
doc_brown_7 host i mean04:12
webbb82this is driving me mad04:12
nanotubeakav: see also: http://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#project-management  (can set custom make and run commands per project - but since i use python, haven't used those features)04:12
Guesthad some techinical difficulties04:12
josh0x0=/  trying to get X to display above 640x480 and having to restart the computer for every test change to xorg.conf really sucks..04:12
nanotubeakav: yea, eclipse is a beast :)04:13
akavnanotube, Right the compiler integration is not useful for Python in any IDE.04:13
Guestdoes anyone know how to change the logon sounds04:13
Guestand logoff sounds?04:13
emmaGuest: surprisingly there does not seem to be an easy way to do this in Karmic, according to this Ubuntu BrainStorm, the moderator suggests filing a bug over the inability to easily change login sound --- http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/22136/04:13
Sri1Anyone have any pointers to this issue ? Ubuntu 9.10 The following packages have unmet dependencies:   k9copy: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.3.0) but it is not going to be installed           Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.8) but it is not going to be installed E: Broken packages   Tried the following ...  sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get -f install  sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt-get update04:13
akavnanotube, No plugins?04:13
Guestthank you emma04:13
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest44607
astechgeekpointless to ask but I'll give it a shot... my wireless signal keeps dropping I have set it to connect automatically the encryption is set to wpa-tkip. Does Ubuntu wireless support the Temperal Key Integrity Protocol with its wireless????04:14
nanotubeakav: yea, i just use the stock geany, without any 'extras'. i didn't even have the files plugin enabled. ;)04:15
nanotubeastechgeek: yes it does...04:15
jfrankanyone? there has to be a way to switch back to the regular ubuntu interface in netbook remix04:15
emmaGuest: here's how i suggest you try doing it. Open a terminal and: cd /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo04:15
ShwackHas anybody ever experienced Flash/youtube videos working fine except that you are unable to press the giant play button in the middle?   Any help would be greatly appreciated.04:15
shady-sheepastechgeek: You could always try a different protocol to pinpoint the source of the dropping connections.04:15
bondySril have you tried sudo apt-get install kdebase-runtime and sudo apt-get libxinel1 failing that search synaptic for them and install :D04:15
in2rdWhat is the "Reserved BIOS boot area" partition type during installation/partitioning?04:16
emmaGuest: in that directory you will find all the .ogg files that do the login and logout sounds. You should MAKE A BACK UP of what you replace, and then rename whatever .ogg sound file you WANT with the name of what is currently there.04:16
xae8kooI want to share my mobile broadband04:16
emmaGuest: if you are not comfortable with the command line you can probably get there and do that in nautilus (places).04:16
xae8kooCan you recommend some apps?04:16
nanotubejfrank: first result of a well-crafted google search shows: http://www.liliputing.com/2009/02/how-to-quickly-switch-ubuntu-netbook-remix-interface-on-and-off.html04:16
astechgeekI don't think it does... cause I can get it to connect and it works for a few minutes then drops the connection and acts like the password that I have saved is wrong04:16
siekenwhere do i add stuff to autostart?04:17
Guestexcellent idea04:17
Guestthank you emma04:17
dandamanhi, i want to have the scroll wheel function working on firefox(like when you press down on it and you move the mouse down itll scroll very fast)04:17
nanotubesieken: system -> preferences -> sessions (if you want it to start when you log in)04:17
dandamanhow do i do?04:17
Sri1bondy: thanks for the reply. I tried each one of them, for eg for sudo apt-get libxine1 gives more unmet dependencies ..04:17
prappl93Does Ubuntu 8.04 NOT auto-mount FAT32 drives?04:17
emmaGuest: But I'm suggesting make a backup of what is there, say rename desktop-login.ogg  to desktop-loggin-old.ogg04:17
nanotubedandaman: in firefox, go to "about:config" and turn on autoscroll04:18
Guestemma: alright04:18
Sri1bondy:  Here: The following packages have unmet dependencies:04:18
Sri1  libxine1: Depends: libxine1-misc-plugins (= but it is not going to be installed or04:18
Sri1                     libxine1-plugins (= but it is not going to be installed04:18
Sri1            Depends: libxine1-x (= but it is not going to be installed04:18
Sri1            Depends: libxine1-console (= but it is not going to be installed04:18
FloodBot1Sri1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
Sri1E: Broken packages04:18
emmaGuest: then rename the-sound-you-want.ogg to be desktop-login.ogg04:18
resno_i did an update and now cant boot into linux. its hangs at checking battery. and then basically freezes. this is 9.1004:18
Guestemma: must the sound be in .ogg format?04:18
emmaGuest: and make sure it is in that directory /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo04:18
nanotubedandaman: could also do it through the gui - preferences -> advanced -> general -> autoscroll checkbox04:18
greezmunkeyCan't remember who suggested a few audio utilities, but I DL'd Audacity, and it does just whata I need it to do. THank :)04:19
emmaGuest: that I don't know. I doubt it. But I do think it needs to be short.04:19
Guestemma: on second thought, why does the sounds sometimes NOT play when I log in?04:20
emmaGuest: it might need to be in .ogg so that you can give it that name, it's possible that something is looking for the file with that exact name to run it at startup04:20
emmaGuest: no idea sorry :)04:20
mrplowI need a good google search term, I need to bridge? two networks, I have one nic connected to a router connected to the internet for my wan, the routers ip is and the second nic is connected to a second router to my private network on
Guestemma: oh04:20
Shwackhas anybody experienced not being able to click the giant play button in youtube videos in the middle of the video?04:20
greezmunkeymrplow, search on Internet Connection Sharing, Ubuntu04:21
siekenoh i found it (although under the name startup applications^^), but i want to have ibus on there, but i don't know how to put it there.04:21
ArsinShwack: Do you have compiz running?04:21
frost_hey there, new to ubuntu04:21
ArsinShwack: System>Pref>Apperance>Visual>None04:22
* PhantomLink is calming down...04:22
mrplowits not connection sharing though is it? my private network does not need wan access, I just cann't connect to any websites when I have both connected, if I disable eth1 (private network) my wan works again04:22
nanotube!hi | frost_04:22
ubottufrost_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!04:22
doc_brown_anyone care to help me install "flock" web browser?04:22
doc_brown_i have the tar.bz204:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4304:22
emmaGuest: that's why I suggest (if you want to use the command line) mv /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login-original.ogg   and then, mv /path/to/your-sound.ogg /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/desktop-login.ogg04:23
ZykoticK9Shwack, i noticed this problem for the first time when someone earlier sent the link http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/switch_exchange.html i'm unable to use the button in the middle as well.04:23
emmaGuest you should maybe also use mplayer or something to listen to those .ogg's so you know for sure which one you want to move or alter.04:23
akavnanotube, This is interesting. The "Find in Files" feature works pretty close to what I had in mind. Also, code folding actually works (it doesn't in TextMate for Python).04:23
greezmunkeymrplow, then it's probably just a matter of grooming you routes. man ip route04:24
ShwackZykoticK9 -  thank you very much - i'm in the process of trying to get the play button working for my friend04:24
mrplowgreezmunkey, thanks I'll give it a shot04:24
ShwackZykoticK9 -  I am able to click both play buttons04:24
ZykoticK9Shwack, as Arsin pointed out - if i switch to Metacity it works!04:24
doc_brown_extract tar.bz2 and then what?04:25
greezmunkeymrplow, type ip route, then copy the result to the pastebin04:25
ZykoticK9Shwack, lol - once i renable compiz i can click on the play button in the middle of the other video and it works!?! but once i refresh the page - not working again, very strange04:26
mrplowgreezmunkey, http://pastebin.com/m2554785e04:26
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:26
jfranknanotube: ok, I eventually figured out I could kill the netbook-launcher process, then add a real start button thing to the menu bar04:26
nanotubeakav: nice :)04:26
nanotubejfrank: cool04:26
ShwackZykoticK9 -   that is strange - I tried refreshing the page and i can still click them.04:27
ZykoticK9Shwack, do you have a link to an example that isn't working for you?04:27
ShwackZykoticK9 -  I will ask for one - one second04:27
sakuramboocan someone tell me why i have wpa_supplicant running if i dont even have a wireless card installed?04:27
ZykoticK9Shwack, also are you on 9.10 and what architecture 64 or i686?  what flash are you using - i'm using from restricted-extras04:28
greezmunkeymrplow, you dont have both connected now right?04:28
ShwackHe is using 9.10 - fresh install - 64 - flashplugin-nonfree04:28
mrplowright, if I did I'd loose my wan connection04:28
ShwackZykoticK9 -   sorry forgot to put your name firs t- hope you saw04:28
ZykoticK9Shwack, so same everything -- you have an example?04:29
spirits-sightwhat the cmd for del directory04:29
mrplowgreezmunkey, I'm still reading through the man pages but its hard, thanks for the help04:29
sakuramboospirits-sight: rmdir04:29
spirits-sightI forgot04:29
scunizispirits-sight: in ~ then rm -R <path>04:29
prappl93Okay, I can't auto-mount my flash drive but using gparted I can.04:31
prappl93Is there a way to fix this?04:31
greezmunkeymrplow, to get a better picture, make the connection and run ip route, copy the result into a file for later reference, that way if you can't get it, you'll have the symptom nailed down for someone to suggest a fix!04:31
=== lipsin__ is now known as lipsin
greezmunkeymrplow, my guess is that you are ending up with an erroneous default route, and that removing it will fix you problem. You may be able to add some scripting to make the fix permenant.04:33
airman00Every time I plug in my usb0 device, I have to type in "sudo ifconfig usb0". How can I have my Ubuntu system do this IP settings automatically upon device connect?04:34
gartral|vmevening all, i have Karmic up in a VBox vm on win xp and i cant get decent resolutions... its stuck at 600x800 (landscape)04:34
scunizigartral|vm: have you installed the guest additions?04:35
gartral|vmscunizi: noper04:35
xKintaro|lappyI'm having some trouble with Ubuntu One04:35
ZykoticK9Shwack, on closer inspection I don't appear to be using "apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree" shows none installed!  the only thing I have including flash installed is flashplugin-installer.  This is what was installed by "ubuntu-restricted-extras" just after install.04:35
xKintaro|lappyAfter running it for the first time, according to the manual, I am supposed to see a web page where I can add this computer. However, it never brings up any webpage04:36
ShwackZykoticK9 -  Sorry for the wait - i've asked my friend twice now for examples and he's just leaving me hanging so I'm probably gonna end up doing the same to him and just call this problem solved lol.  Thank you very much though04:36
scunizigartral|vm: go to the top of the vm box and click "Devices" then Install Guest Additions.. that will mount the iso04:36
Cann0ni'm having issues with my snes gamepad. i'm using gamecon map=0,1 and it worked fine until I rm -rf /tmp/*. Now the gamepad is stuck on rapid fire04:36
ironfoot495Hi I need to find a way to recover muy xubuntu 9.10 it just won't boot04:36
gartral|vmscunizi: will that work if i already have a disk or iso mounted/04:36
mrplowgreezmunkey, http://pastebin.com/m553bff7b04:36
ShwackZykoticK9 -  If I do hear from him I'll let you know04:36
scunizigartral|vm: what disk?04:36
ironfoot495can I get some help resolving this?04:36
prappl93Ubuntu 9.10 takes a while to load after I log in, how do I fix that?04:37
gartral|vmscunizi: scunizi physical cdrom04:37
ZykoticK9Shwack, please do, i'd love to see an example (another example)04:37
hwildeis there a cool graphical equalizer in ubuntu?04:37
hwildeanybody know of a cool graphical equalizer in ubuntu?04:37
hwildewhy does'nt synaptic show a cool graphical equalizer in ubuntu?04:37
scunizigartral|vm: no.. it will be a virtual cdrom for the vm04:37
cancuengt I have a problem with dhclient with a broadcom wifi card on a dell inspiron 6400. Im using kubuntu karmic04:37
ShwackZykoticK9 -  When he told me about the problem he mentioned flash videos and all youtube videos04:37
cancuengt is there any one here that knows abotu this issue?04:37
Cann0ni'm having issues with my snes gamepad. i'm using gamecon map=0,1 and it worked fine until I rm -rf /tmp/*. Now the gamepad is stuck on rapid fire04:37
scunizigartral|vm: can you also get to the Applications>Accessories>Terminal04:37
hwildeCann0n, jscalibrator04:38
ZykoticK9Shwack, see i'm having almost perfect flash (but not quite 100%), that disabling compiz thing is interesting.04:38
greezmunkeymrplow, so that's what it looks like with both Ethernet cables connected?04:38
gartral|vmscunizi: yep04:38
scunizigartral|vm: ok.. in the open terminal type ... cd /media/cdrom0 .. and enter.. then .. ls ... let me know if anything is listed04:39
geirhaCann0n: Have you rebooted since you wiped /tmp?04:39
prappl93When I have Ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop it takes a while to load, and the bar generally skips around on the Ubuntu Splash Screen, then when I log in it takes a while for it to log in. Is there a reason it does this and how do I fix it?04:39
ironfoot495xubuntu is just hanging won't boot.     I would like to recover this drive is here a way???04:39
gartral|vmscunizi: your advice just caused me to screw up a blank.. i mounted the guest additions and it uunmounted my disk i was burning...04:39
ShwackZykoticK9 -  sudo apt-get --purge autoremove flashplugin-nonfree    and then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree   made my flash work 100%04:39
ironfoot495is there a wat04:39
scunizigartral|vm: that's different.. never had that happen.. sorry about that.04:40
mrplowgreezmunkey, yes the wan doesn't work but I can access my private lan04:40
emmaprappl93: it takes a while for everyone though, how long are you talking here?04:40
ZykoticK9Shwack, see that's what i've been running since installing 9.10 (and i feel fewer issues/problems then 9.04)04:40
ZykoticK9Shwack, one of the few areas i can say that04:40
prappl93emma, some times I sit for minutes before it decides to load my GNOME, then when it does some parts of the panel don't load and I have to wait for those prompts to get done04:40
Cann0ngeirha: yes.04:40
ironfoot495woon't boot:'(04:40
prappl93I have an Intel graphics card if that helps...04:40
greezmunkeymrplow, which eth is private 0, or 1 I just want to be sure.04:40
mrplowgreezmunkey, I always have both connected but I usually disable the private wan with karmic's networkmanager applet04:40
emmaprappl93: ooh. it sounds maybe a bit like a video card problem. Maybe it's an older laptop?04:40
hwildeprappl93, emma disable all the special effects in appearance04:41
mrplowgreezmunkey, eth1 is private eth0 is my wan (router connected to cable modem)04:41
prappl93hwilde, set it to No Visual Effects?04:41
ShwackZykoticK9 -  9.10 brought a few audio hiccups my way but nothing a google search and a few terminal commands didn't fix.04:41
scunizigartral|vm: shall we continue ..04:41
hwildeprappl93, yes.04:41
greezmunkeymrplow, that's what it looked like...brb04:41
prappl93hwilde, I will install 9.10 and try it out.04:41
mrplowgreezmunkey, thx04:41
hwildeprappl93, turn off all the fancy settings and should be faster04:42
ironfoot495I need to replace grub with grub2 but first I have to get it boot!!!04:42
Bo7Hello! Got a Q about ufw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/32125204:42
gartral|vmscunizi: alright, i have the virtual guest aditions iso loaded and open, now what?04:42
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scunizigartral|vm: open in a gui window or in the terminal?04:42
switchgirlanyone using lucid yet? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ or just me04:43
cauleenI installed netbook remix on my laptop tonight when I was running live cd I could enable my wireless but after install I cant is this just a bug or does anyone have a solution04:44
codeplowyes, a little at work04:44
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codeplowhow do you like lucid04:44
hwildecauleen, type iwconfig in the command line, does it show a wireless card04:45
gartral|vmscunizi: gui04:45
greezmunkeymrplow, you need to tell your box that it's ok to forward packets, that's all. http://paste.ubuntu.com/312698/04:45
gartral|vmscunizi: and now cli as well04:46
geirhaswitchgirl: The lucid people are in #ubuntu+1 ;)04:46
scunizigartral|vm: k.. cd /media/cdrom004:46
mrdoIs there a way to disable keyboard and mouse input from the terminal without rebooting?04:46
gartral|vmdid that04:46
scunizigartral|vm: then.. sudo ./VB<TAB>L<TAB>x<TAB>     then enter04:47
cauleenhwilde yes it does04:47
centHOGGanybody have issues with automounting external USBs? NTFS04:47
Cann0ngeirha: does that program have a disable rapid fire mode?04:47
arghh2d2mrdo: if you disabl mouse and keyboard you r gonna end up rebooting anyhow04:47
hwildecauleen, network manager icon in the top right tray?04:47
cauleenhwilde sorry for the slow responce learning new interface04:47
Cann0ni used kcontrol and it doesn't have that option04:47
scunizigartral|vm: it might error out.. if it does.. sudo apt-get install build-essential.. after that redo the last command.04:47
Bo7any ideas about it? ^04:47
cauleenhwilde yes icon is there04:48
mrdoarghh2d2, it will be re-enabled later by a script04:48
greezmunkeymrplow, you may still have to edit your ip routes though.04:48
hwildecauleen, right click, enable wireless04:48
siekenhow to put ibus on autostart? anyone?04:48
arghh2d2mrdo: ahhhh, i see04:48
Pedrolitoevery time anything that is going to use sound starts, I hear a very loud click noise. Is there a way to fix that?04:48
hwildecauleen, or system preferences network04:48
cauleenhwilde its greyed out04:48
geirhaCann0n: I believe hwilde recommended a program to try. I don't have any experience with gamepads myself.04:49
hwildeCann0n, jscalibrator04:49
mrplowgreezmunkey, I get permission denied with sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward04:49
Cann0nhwilde: k.04:49
gartral|vmscunizi: how long should the take with 4 threads at 3.3 ghz?04:49
cauleenhwilde it isnt giving me an interface in network connections for the wireless card just wired04:50
mrplowgreezmunkey, this post looks like it might work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183994 just need to switch eth0 and 104:50
scunizigartral|vm: not long at all .. even on a 32bit os dual core04:50
hwildecauleen,  pastebinit -i /var/log/dmesg04:50
gartral|vmscunizi: i love my i7 86004:51
centHOGGsh*t yah04:51
doltekHow do I set Xchat to log in as me when it loads?04:51
scunizigartral|vm: :)04:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about MTU04:51
cauleenhwilde did you want that to be typed into terminal?04:51
hwildecauleen, yeah then paste me the link04:51
isolat3dsh33pguy's what's MTU in the internet connection settings?04:52
cauleenhwilde if so I dont have pastbinit installed give me 204:52
hwildecauleen, install it04:52
hwildeisolat3dsh33p, 1500 man04:52
centHOGGisolat3dsh33p: DSL is 149204:52
doltekcable is 150004:52
greezmunkeymrplow, permission denied? really, I didn't...mrplow that IS ICS internet connection sharing like I mentioned earlier! :)04:53
Cann0nhwilde: didn't work. it's still on autorepeat04:53
cauleenhwilde it is installing04:53
hwildeCann0n, i dunno, replace the batteries maybe04:54
greezmunkeymrplow, yes it will work, its a bit tricky though. You better get good at bringing networking services up and down as well as interfaces first!04:54
Cann0non my laptop?04:54
greezmunkeyGood Luck!04:54
mrplowgreezmunkey, figured out the forwarding, I think I'll get it now04:54
Cann0nhwilde: what would my laptop batter have to do with my gamepad?04:54
_gedhi, what command can remove a dir even though its not empty, "rmdir -p" doesnt work04:54
hwildeCann0n, the controller battery...04:54
cauleenhwilde it seems to have stalled when I re-entered that command04:54
hwilde_ged, rm -r04:54
greezmunkeymrplow, go ahead on WYBS04:55
hwildecauleen, it's uploading wait for it04:55
VonnickHas anyone used a Logitech Cyberman II with Linux?04:55
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Cann0nhwilde: uh... when did gamepads have batteries? this is a paralell port... stated when i asked the question originally.04:55
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hwildeCann0n, fine i dunno :p04:55
Guest74251I am trying to establish a remote desktop connection from my windows machine to my ubuntu 9.10 machine.  I get connected but all I see is the wallpaper of my ubuntu machine, no icons or menus.04:55
Cann0nsigh... doesn't anyone know about gamecon drivers?04:56
cauleenhwilde http://pastebin.com/f10c4780c sorry for skipping name I know it makes things faster04:56
scunizigartral|vm: done installing?04:56
xpo0fhi people04:57
Guest74251I can control the ubuntu machine from my windows box, IF I"m sitting here looking at the ubuntu machine to see where the pointer is...04:57
xpo0fGuest74251: what the problem04:58
gartral|vmhey, im back, installin vboxgeustaditions has made my resolution better, but desktop speed plummetted04:58
_gedhwilde: thanks :)04:58
Guest74251Any clue as to why all I see is my ubuntu box desktop immage and nothing else?04:58
scunizigartral|vm: did you restart the guest?04:58
Guest74251I'm using vnc from windows to connect I see the desktop background of my ubuntu box but nothing else.04:58
LordHawke13Anyone here use GIMP? I got a question and nobody in the GIMP room is talkin'.04:58
hwildecauleen, dell 1390 ?04:58
gartral|vmscunizi: that' why i dissappeared for a few moments04:58
hwildecauleen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=760568&highlight=Dell+1390+WLAN04:59
xpo0fGuest74251: ok04:59
Guest74251but sitting here with both of them in front of me, I AM controlling the ubuntu box from windows I just can't see it on the remote machine.04:59
cauleendell 150104:59
cauleenhwilde 150104:59
hwildeGuest74251, what programs are you running on the boxes please04:59
centHOGGGuest74251: hi, have you tried using that NX No Machine prog... it worked for me remote xp to gnome04:59
xpo0fssh plux X forwarding will be ok...04:59
hwildecauleen, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=760568&highlight=Dell+1390+WLAN04:59
LordHawke13When erasing in GIMP, is there a way to delete color instead of overwriting with white?04:59
xpo0fno need vnc due to security04:59
Guest74251on the Ubuntu server machine I have a terminal open and xchat here.05:00
scunizigartral|vm: irc in the ubuntu guest? k.. you might ask in #vbox.. I don't have much of an issue in a winxp host with an ubuntu guest on a dual core laptop..05:00
hwildeGuest74251, what are you using for remote desktop,,,,05:00
Guest74251and on the windows 7 machine I"m using vnc viewer.05:00
geirhaGuest74251: Did you install a separate vnc server or are you using the built in one?05:00
mrplowgreezmunkey, WYBS?05:00
Guest74251I can connect with SSH using putty easily05:00
gartral|vmscunizi: 32 bit host maybe?05:00
hwildegeirha, exactly  all yours05:00
joschthello does anyone know if it is possible to run basically the same thing as pendrive linux except on a dvd?05:00
isolat3dsh33phwilde, centHOGG : i'm using wlan005:00
isolat3dsh33pshould i just leave it auto?05:00
xpo0fGuest74251: so what problem05:00
scuniziLordHawke13: you have to add an alpha channel to the pic.. then when you delete a color it will be transparent there.05:00
scunizigartral|vm: possibly05:01
droneI've been using ubuntu for 3 years and every once in a while I get a series of errors when I try to run apt-get update. Is there something I can do to keep this from happening? I can pastebin the errors if anyone's interested.05:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant05:01
Guest74251I want to be able to use the desktop, not only the terminal05:01
scunizigartral|vm: however my winxp host is also 32 bit05:01
=== Guest74251 is now known as Don
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:01
centHOGGisolat3dsh33p: sure05:01
emmaxpo0f: he's seeing his desktop (wallpaper) but not the icons. It's not drawing the icons on his windows machine monitor05:01
DonI see nothing but the wallpaper05:01
=== Don is now known as Guest62882
xpo0femma: maybe some setting05:01
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=== ZehavaGM is now known as ZehavaZM
hwildeZehavaZM, stop changing nicknames.05:02
ZehavaZMdarn it...I know I have a name registered can't find it lol05:02
xpo0f!info vnc05:02
hwildeZehavaZM, use vino-server to share05:02
hwildeZehavaZM, or freenx works fine05:02
emmaxpo0f: does something like this require him to be running a windows version of xserver?05:02
ZehavaZMinstall vino-server on ubuntu and connect to that using VNC viewer instead of the default desktop sharing that's built in?05:03
hwildeZehavaZM, it should already be installed just type vino-server05:03
xpo0femma: xserver with xauth ..05:03
hwildethen in windows use rdp05:03
hwildeor whatever05:03
xpo0f!info xauth05:03
centHOGG!automount usb05:03
ZehavaZMvino-server command not found05:03
jonz__FTP Related: I am having trouble getting a fluid response out of my FTP sessions via command line. but only from this machine (ubuntu 9.04). When I ssh into my school's FreeBSD box and FTP from there outward to the same FTP servers I have no problem. WHat I noticed differntly: it seems that when a transfer (be it `ls` or `get`) it seems its on a peculiar port - like 200 PORT05:04
xpo0fZehavaZM: do some search first .. apt-cache search [program]05:04
joschtcan u install software on a live cd? i never tried but want to05:04
mrplowgreezmunkey, arg the instructions on that ubuntuforums.org link didn't help05:04
geirhaGuest62882: Did you install a vnc server?05:04
ubottuPackage vnc does not exist in karmic05:04
ubottuxauth (source: xauth): X authentication utility. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.0.3-2 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 100 kB05:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about automount usb05:04
hwildejonz__, set passive mode?05:04
ZehavaZMyeah I'm installing it now05:04
ZehavaZMbah, your right, it's already installed05:04
jonz__actually, the ftp server only allow streaming mode.05:05
ZehavaZMjust have to figure how to run it properly05:05
xpo0fZehavaZM: what u want to run ?05:05
jonz__hwilde: so I know that when I'm ftping into this server, no matter which client I do it on - it's always on the same mode05:05
hwildeZehavaZM, it's easy man just type vino-preferences05:05
ZehavaZMokay preferences, will try that05:05
hwildejonz__, ascii/binary  passive mode, etc05:05
xpo0f!info vino05:05
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.28.1-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 165 kB, installed size 2780 kB05:05
ZehavaZMokay, yeah, I've got that set up05:05
hwildejonz__, I only use gftp anyways05:05
ZehavaZMI added the pass, enabled control05:06
hwildeZehavaZM, ok in windows goto access communications remote desktop05:06
ZehavaZMconnect with vnc from the windows box and all I get is the background picture05:06
jonz__hwilde: that won't work for me only because I FTP into my box05:06
hwildejonz__,  you mean ssh right05:06
cauleenhwilde would you believe that after I spent only a few moments getting into that code it came up on my restricted drivers list05:06
Um_cara_qualqueris there someone who knows C or C++ today?05:06
xpo0fis there alternatives for teamviewer in linux ?05:06
jonz__oh, haha yes (its late here)05:06
xpo0fUm_cara_qualquer: go to #C channel05:06
lstarnesUm_cara_qualquer: try asking in ##c or ##c++05:06
cauleenhwilde little icon in the corner and the whole bit05:06
ZehavaZMOkay, the windows built in remote desktop won't connect at all05:07
hwildecauleen, nice seems like a common problem with that card.  its in the dmesg output you posted line 63505:07
hwildeZehavaZM, ok now try vnc viewer05:07
xpo0fim got to go now ... see u good people.. im always here for help .. bye05:08
ZehavaZMsame thing I got last time.  It asks for pass then pops up the desktop wall paper and that's it05:08
cauleenhwilde the confusing part only came up becouse with the live cd it reconised it but then after full install it didnt05:08
jonz__hwilde from what I just read online (and the tiny-bit i comprehended) the different modes you choose help determine which ports things transfer on. (and i don't mean changing ascii/binary). so the fact that I notice it usually says like "200 PORT ...." whenever it hangs *has* to be related I'd think05:08
ZehavaZMbut if I move the mouse on the windows machine it moves it here on the ubuntu one05:08
hwildeZehavaZM, download tightvnc viewer05:08
ZehavaZMI"m typing on the windows machine now...just can't see it on the windows machine05:08
ZehavaZMhwilde got it, same problem05:08
geirhaZehavaZM: Try disabling visual effects05:08
greezmunkeytightvnc rules05:08
ZehavaZMdoh...yeah that might be it05:09
geirhaZehavaZM: System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> [Visual Effects]05:09
jonz__anybody else actively ssh into there boxes??05:09
Ryan9104I feel like I've read everything on google having to do with installing a Logitech Quickcam Express on Ubuntu 9.10 :(05:09
ZehavaZMOkay now will try again05:09
greezmunkeyZehavaZM, heh *nix by feel...05:10
ZehavaZMYep, that was the problem, all works now05:10
ZehavaZMthanks a ton05:10
hwildeZehavaZM, reboot both try again :/05:10
joschtDoes anyone know if u can install software and preferences on a live cd???05:10
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jonz__joscht, yes you can - a custom livecd05:10
hwilde!persistent | joscht05:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about persistent05:10
ZehavaZMworks like a charm now05:10
hwildejoscht, google for persistent05:10
ZehavaZMturned off the desktop enhancements and all is good05:11
joschtok thanks05:11
jonz__joscht https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization05:11
ZehavaZMcan't believe I didn't think of that myself...heh thanks again for your patience05:11
Um_cara_qualquerhow can i register my nick here?05:11
Ryan9104Anybody willing to help me install my webcam? (will allow remote desktop if they want) I've googled the hell out of this shit.05:11
jonz__type / nick (w/o the space inbetween) and then a space, then your nickname05:11
scunizi!register | Um_cara_qualquer05:12
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode05:12
jonz__man, these bots are awesome! is this a custom thing done per scripts ??05:12
Ryan9104egg drop05:12
hwildeno the ops just have too much free time05:12
ZehavaZMEggDrop rocks05:13
ZehavaZMdecent room protection and can be built for almost anything05:13
lstarnesubottu is a supybot, not an eggdrop05:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:13
Ryan9104I could really use some help installing my webcam :D05:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Intellegence05:14
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:14
jonz__hahaha this is awesome05:14
hwildeheh that was the opposite of what I wanted...05:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about explore05:14
hwildeoh well05:14
_gedhow can i view the running services on terminal?05:14
hwilde_ged, man ps05:14
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:14
jonz__Ryan9104: sorry, I just plugged mine in and it worked. have you tried just doing tha tand seeing what happens?05:15
Ryan9104jonz, honestly I've spent hours and hours trying to get it to work. Probably around 6 hours now.05:15
Ryan9104It is recognized under lsusb05:16
Ryan9104I'll allow remote desktop if anyone wants to poke around.05:16
jonz__ryan9104 is it worth that time to you? maybe try a different cam? I don't know. if I were in your shoes and didn't want to get a differnet cam - i'd google the specific modle and ubuntu05:16
jonz__Ryan9104: model*05:16
Ryan9104I've done that.05:16
nytek_can anybody help me with xmobar in xmonad?05:16
Ryan9104searched by usb id and all.05:16
Ryan9104karmic koala yaddy daddy da05:17
deserteaglehello, anyone know why gconfd-2 is taking up 100% of my CPU?05:17
kossan_Ryan9104: What is the problem?05:17
enovativhello to all05:17
Ryan9104kossan_, My webcam wont work. Under all programs it says there aren't any Camera devices but is under lsusb05:18
greezmunkeyRyan9104, what type of camera are you trying to use?05:18
Ryan9104Logitech QuickCam Express05:18
DanaGhmm, does anyone know of a tool that will automatically watch one directory for changes, and periodically sync those changes to another local directory?05:18
scratchmeHi, what would be the best way to make a bootable single disc restore (assuming all the files fit)?05:18
Ryan9104Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express05:18
kossan_Ryan9104: What programs have you tested?05:18
DanaGPreferably, I want it to use inotify to watch for changes.05:19
deserteagleDanaG, lookup cron, it might be what you're looking for05:19
enovativi want to use firestarter to limit what sites my kids go to when they are logged onto their accounts05:19
enovativwould anyone in here think Firestarter is a good app to use to accomplish this ?05:19
hwilde!backup > scratchme05:19
ubottuscratchme, please see my private message05:19
=== metal is now known as Gorgatron
DanaGIf I'm doing that (not using inotify), I might as well use unison.05:19
greezmunkeyRyan9104, do a tail -f syslog, or messages and then plug in your camera to see what the system thinks...05:19
hwildeenovativ, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84351005:19
Ryan9104kossan_, I've tried cheese, Camorama, Guvcview, ummm05:19
scratchmehwilde, regarding mondo, I tried downloading it, but it's not clear what flags I'd use for a full system image to a DVD.05:19
deserteagleanyone know who launches gconfd-2?05:20
Ryan9104several more05:20
jonz__scratchme: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58168005:20
jonz__scratchme: actually, i dont know about bootable05:20
scunizihow do you get guest additions for vbox installed in a crunchbang guest.. there's no build-essential in crunchbang despite the Jaunty repo references.05:20
enovativhwilde: thanks for you help on this one05:21
DanaGoh, speaking of inotify sync..............05:21
DanaG!info inosync05:21
ubottuinosync (source: inosync): notification-based directory synchronization daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-1 (karmic), package size 6 kB, installed size 68 kB05:21
kossan_Ryan9104: There is some program called webcamstudio. test that one05:21
Ryan9104kossan_, I don't see it.05:23
kossan_I dont think it's in the repo05:24
Khulhello all :>05:24
kahenwhat the... package thunderbird-traybiff suggests gnome-desktop-environment, icewm and kdebase?!05:24
kahenoverkill much?05:24
Ryan9104my hdd is making a lot of funny noises atm...05:27
RoastedDoes anybody know how I can change the skype settings in ubuntu so when I close skype, it closes all together instead of shoving an icon to the system tray?05:27
Roastedryan9104 - back that shyt up duuuude05:27
themarmotis anyone else having issues connecting to googletalk thru pidgin?05:29
Khulhello people. i have a question, do any of you know if it is possible to install Ubuntu from an ISO image to a secondary Hard Drive, while being inside of Windows?05:29
kossan_Roasted:I don't think that's possible..05:29
Roastedwell, damnit05:29
theblueunless you use the secondary drive within windows and install to that...05:30
themarmotis anyone else having issues connecting to googletalk thru pidgin?05:30
freeridehi guys, with what program I can decoe video?05:30
ZykoticK9kahen, does the apt-get option "--no-install-recommends" help ya at all?05:30
themarmotfreeride: ffmpeg05:30
IdleOne!ot | hello05:30
ubottuhello: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:30
kahenwell... it's just recommended05:30
themarmotcan anyone help me troubleshoot my network05:30
kahenso it doesn't matter _that_ much. it05:31
=== yohan is now known as yohan_
kahen's just a bit silly to have it suggest those things05:31
themarmothave 2 linux boxes ... 1 has no issues connecting to internet, 2nd one keeps dropping in and out05:31
yohan_hey wondering if anybody here can help me out, im trying ot add cdrom chainloader in grub menu.lst so i can select from grub menu to boot from a bootable CDRom , in fstab my device is /dev/sdc0 , my hd is /dev/sda1 , what hd#,# should I use ?05:31
themarmot--> lspci output -- http://pastebin.com/d67e50d9705:32
kossan_hd3.0? third device and first "partition"?05:32
Ryan9104sorry, I'm back. HDD made funny noises and pc crashed.05:33
yohan_kossan_: that makes sense ill try it05:33
Ryan9104Cam still doesn't work :S05:33
helloFreetards, face facts. You've lost. You've had sixteen years to try and build a desktop operating system, and you still can't get your shit together. Nobody wants your software. It's not Microsoft's fault. It's yours. Because trust me, if you truly developed a kick-ass OS with tens of thousands of drivers and easy installation and reliable performance, you'd be winning. But you're not. Firefox caught on, right? Why? Because it rocked.05:33
helloDesktop Linux, however, is a different story, and in your heart of hearts you know this. It's a bad imitation of Windows and can't even come close to OS X. Want more proof? India rejected the XO machine. Hardly anybody else is placing orders for Negroponte's miracle laptop, despite the low, low price of only one hundred dollars. Now the Chinese don't want Linux. They're not buying into your crazy crusade. Sorry. And you guys are starting to sound l05:33
FloodBot1hello: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:33
kossan_... Ryan9104 I don't like your camera05:34
Ryan9104Other people have it working :(05:34
Ryan9104none I've seen with this kernel though.05:34
Ryan9104It may just be something I'm doing that is silly, I want some pro to poke around on remote desktop :S05:34
yohan_kossan_: actually i messed up, HD is /dev/sda1 and CDRom is /dev/scd0 ... the letters dont make sense its why im stumped , then doign a df it shows /dev/sr0 as cdrom05:35
[[thufir]]I'm getting:  Rails requires RubyGems >= 1.3.2 (you have 1.3.1). Please `gem update --system` and try again.  but can't seem to get gems 1.3.205:35
[[thufir]]do I need to upgrade to jaunty?05:35
IdleOnehello: are you done? #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to discuss further. On the other hand if all you intend on doing is rant and rave. go away.05:35
gm|lap[[thufir]]: uh, jaunty was two versions ago05:36
gm|lapwe're on karmic now05:36
greezmunkeyhello, I'd say you were right, but even Microsoft has been forced to deal with the open source development community.05:36
gm|lapif you need a later version of rubygems, you'll have to build it yourself05:36
IdleOnegm|lap: jaunty was the version before karmic05:36
gm|lapsorry, that's kinda what i mean05:37
kossan_yohan_: hmm.. And grub can't find cdroms i suppose05:37
yohan_kossan_: that I dont know, im really bad with grub05:37
gm|lapwhile you don't necessarily *need* to upgrade, it would be a good idea if you could.05:38
sum-ithi all , i have a toshiba m100 satellite laptop and just upgraded to karmic, my bluetooth is not working. how can i trace the eroor05:38
[[thufir]]oh, well, karmic, then.05:39
Ryan9104anybody have time to poke around on my desktop using remote desktop to try and get my webcam working?05:39
yohan_kossan_: would be so much easier if i could get into the bios but laptop was given to me and only way to reset it is to send to ACer and pay $100 US .. the only opton i have is installing windows and the acer tools and trying to update firmware - which i cant install windows on the HD Without it working unless it sin the same pc05:39
* [[thufir]] just orded a cd from the site, so is waiting on that.05:39
gm|lapin the meantime, you could just get rubygems off the official site05:39
[[thufir]]how do I know what package version is available for my system?05:39
IdleOne!info rubygems | [[thufir]]05:39
ubottu[[thufir]]: rubygems (source: libgems-ruby): package management framework for Ruby libraries/applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.5-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 96 kB05:39
O__ohi if disk utility gives the message the HD has bad sector, how do i fix it?05:39
gm|lapthe current rubygems is 1.3.505:40
IdleOne[[thufir]]: jaunty has  Version 1.3.1-105:40
yohan_o__o: the only real way is to replace the HD , it is possible to do a full reformat that will omit the bad sectors from being used, but chances are you will get more bad sectors over time05:40
[[thufir]]IdleOne: ah, thanks.  so, it's because my system is out of date.  I need better than jaunty.  how did you know jaunty is 1.3.1?05:40
O__ohow to do full format?05:40
yohan_0__o: in linus I dont know, one of the other guys here may be able to help05:41
IdleOne[[thufir]]: /msg ubottu info rubygems jaunty05:41
kossan_yohan_: well since it's a device with no partitions it should not have .# so try fd/hd 0-9 or something ^^05:41
yohan_kossan_: theres only the one HD and then the CD so that I will do, makes sense ..05:41
IdleOneO__o: you can use !gparted05:41
[[thufir]]ubottu info rubygems jaunty05:41
cancuengtneed help to put dns from command line05:41
IdleOne[[thufir]]: use the /msg05:42
CHESLYNhi everyone05:42
greezmunkeycancuengt, man resolv.conf05:42
O__oIdleOne, how do i know if the format in gparted is quick format or full format???05:42
[[thufir]]IdleOne: ah, thanks.05:42
Ryan9104greezmunkey: what was that thing you told me to do05:42
IdleOneO__o: not sure I believe it gives you the choice05:42
cancuengtgreezmunkey thanks but i'm having problems with karmic and I need to prove something05:43
cancuengtgreezmunkey I just need to put in konsole next to ifconfig blablabla05:43
greezmunkeyRyan9104, tail -f /var/log/syslog, or/messages   and then plug your camera in...see if you can capture an error message or something.05:43
nikesh_after upgading 9.04 to 9.10 i m facing so many problems plz help05:44
knoppiesnikesh_, I believe its a good idea to do a clean install, rather than use the upgrade feature.05:45
O__oanyone knows how to do full format??05:45
[[thufir]]9.04 is jaunty?  9.10 is most recent?  they're one version apart?05:45
lstarnes[[thufir]]: correct05:45
CHESLYNcan anyone help me out,i tried to change my username at the 'users & groups' and i could only change the real name not my login name whats wrong?is there a other way perhaps05:45
greezmunkeyRyan9104, if you don't capture an error in those files, try tail -f /var/log/dmesg05:45
knoppies0__o, The only way I know how to format is with the liveCD, and with a windows xp install disk.05:45
[[thufir]]lstarnes: thanks.  I'm only one version old, then :)     waiting on cd.  I might clean install, need to "rezorganized" stuff.05:46
Ryan9104i tried installing a windows driver earlier using ndiswrapper and now I want to remove it05:46
[[thufir]]you should be able to run fdisk from a usb stick.05:46
Ryan9104I think it might be one of the errors05:46
Ryan9104If I uninstall ndiswrapper, will the drivers go with it?05:47
O__othe format in installing ubuntu is a quick format, right?05:47
O__obecause it is fast05:47
greezmunkeyRyan9104, you may be able to review your console log to figure out what exactly you did to install the ndiswrapper...05:47
nonenngnome doesnt save my network password, its enoyin i dont want to type it again! im deleted .gnome2/keyrings and .gconf/nm-applet but it doesnt let me save the passwords, any ideas whats wrong??05:47
O__ohow to do FULL format in gparted??  is there any command?05:47
gartral|vmalrighty, after acidentally changing my vm's screen res, i can't change it back! how do i forc screen res?05:47
CHESLYNcan anyone help me out,i tried to change my username at the 'users & groups' and i could only change the real name not my login name whats wrong?is there a other way perhaps05:47
Ryan9104well earlier when I installed the driver, it wouldn't uninstall after. I don't need ndiswrapper at all.05:48
noirHello there! Looking for some help with technical stuff. Anyone proficient with disks, fstab, etc?05:48
Ryan9104greezmunkey: http://pastebin.com/m2e53cf2f05:49
noir@O__o: full wipe as in you want to clear all partitions and data?05:49
O__ofull wipe so that it will also mark off bad sector05:49
O__othere are like 119 bad sector now05:49
noirO__o: that's not good. You can try simply deleting everything and making one large partition using gparted and then checking everything with fsck. But maybe you're looking at lower-level tools if you have bad sectors. And a new drive if there's hardware damage... <_<05:50
greezmunkeyRyan9104, man I'm sorry, I have no practical experience with ndiswrapper.05:50
Ryan9104ignore that05:50
Ryan9104I just want it removed atm :D05:50
Ryan9104it was just something I tried earlier and isn't required at all.05:51
Ryan9104Nov 17 23:50:51 ryan-desktop pulseaudio[1704]: ratelimit.c: 172 events suppressed05:51
greezmunkeyRyan9104, reverse what you did to install it...05:51
Ryan9104i uninstalled it05:51
Ryan9104that is the only thing it says now when I plug it in.05:51
curtwhy doesn't my kubuntu live-cd have an expert mode menu? (F6>F6)05:51
noirHey guys, I'd really appreciate it if anyone can help me with eSATA on Ubuntu...05:51
Ryan9104I read how to disable that earlier though05:51
greezmunkeyRyan9104, Ah, got ya..05:52
ubuntuis there a way to relocate a partition, say /dev/sda2 to /dev/sda3 withot copying everything with dd?05:53
=== ubuntu is now known as vagothcpp
curtwhy does kubuntu install with encrypted drive not let me type a password to unlock te encryption on a brad new install05:53
noirubuntu: I think not; at least not that I've ever heard of. dd with the right settings shouldn't be too bad though, unless you have a crapton of data to move05:53
Ryan9104greezmunkey: I don't see any errors in there anymore.05:54
vagothcppnoir, About 500GB of files to move05:54
greezmunkeyRyan9104, that's good, I guess!05:54
Ryan9104still don't work :P05:54
noirvagothcpp: hmm. maybe there is some way but not with any tool I've ever used (fdisk, gparted). Maybe commercial disk formatting tools have dark magic like that05:54
greezmunkeyRyan9104, what are you doing to test it?05:55
vagothcppnoir, it sounds simple, but would be much more difficult to actually do05:55
Ryan9104opening all the cam programs05:55
Ryan9104it shows up under lsusb fine05:55
noirvagothcpp: it does. unfortunately I don't think it's a common enough occurrence to be implemented simply. Mind if I ask why you need to move the partition?05:55
greezmunkeyRyan9104, ok webcam...this is a USB device I take it?05:56
akavUbuntu just flies on this Mac Mini, it blows me away.05:56
akavso much faster than Mac OS X05:56
vagothcppnoir, I am an organizational guy, if /dev/sda2 is located at the end of the disk, and /dev/sda4 at the front (which it is), it bugs me soo much i can't concentrate, heh05:56
curtcan you specify expert install in the boot options like you would specify noapic or apci=off?05:56
jongbergshi, i need to make my ubuntu in my lab to act as live cd just like what deepfreeze in windows. what software do i need to support this?05:56
Ryan9104greezmunkey: yep05:57
noirvagothcpp: hahahaha ah I hear ya. I just repartitioned my disk last week and accidentally left 5MB of unallocated space in front of my /. Bugged the crap out of me but I wasn't about to redo the entire install for those 5MB05:57
nu-user!remastersys | jongbergs05:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about remastersys05:57
nu-user!remaster | jongbergs05:57
ubottujongbergs: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility05:57
vagothcppnoir, I would do a complete reinstall for 5MB, I've done it for less.05:57
noirvagothcpp: ha! well to each his own I suppose. I'll end up reformatting in a few months anyway (my tinkering always lands me in tight spots) so I'll probably fix it then05:58
vagothcppnoir, My boot partition is 1GB at the head of my disk, I messed it up and it was 997MB, oh how it annoyed me, till I destroyed the linux partition in its way, so I could resize it and reinstall05:58
greezmunkeyRyan9104, whta is the output of these? :ls /dev/video*05:58
greezmunkeyls /dev/audio*05:58
arghh2d2vagothcpp: that's OCD05:59
vagothcpparghh2d2, OCD?05:59
arghh2d2vagothcpp: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder05:59
noirvagothcpp: yeah obsessive compulsive lol05:59
vagothcppnoir, I reinstall my linux systems every year to maintain a nice running system, and my windows every 6 months05:59
arghh2d2vagothcpp: thats not necessary on linux, just windoze06:00
Ryan9104greezmunkey: ls: cannot access /dev/video*: No such file or directory06:00
Ryan9104did I do that right?06:00
noirvagothcpp: I guess you could say I do the opposite - I change my linux all the time but I don't do anything with my OEM Vista install unless I absolutely positively have to06:00
centHOGG<reinstall on new major hardware06:00
siekenhow do i make ibus autostart?06:00
vagothcppnoir, You prolly don't use it much?06:00
greezmunkeyRyan9104 try sudo ls /dev/video*06:00
curtunless you happen to upgrade to karmic and everything get broken and then you might have to reinstall06:00
akavI just wish Gnome keyboard shortcuts made as much sense as Mac OS X.06:00
Ryan9104same thing06:01
Ryan9104akav: you can make your own shortcuts I beleive.06:01
noirvagothcpp: Hardly ever; I've gone months without booting it. Just started using it again this past week - got drawn in by Modern Warfare 2 <_<06:01
Ryan9104akav: system > preferences >keyboard shortcuts06:01
greezmunkeyryan9104, is you cam plugged in right now?06:01
akavRyan9104, Yeah sorta kinda, it's a lot of work though, and some things can't be edited like cut/copy/paste.06:01
vagothcppnoir, I might end up ditching my windows install, and put it on a VM and run it through linux, then jus make a snapshot of it when its clean and crap, and revert to that when it clutters06:02
Ryan9104greez, yes06:02
Ryan9104greezmunkey: yes06:02
Ryan9104ryan@ryan-desktop:~$ lsusb06:02
Ryan9104Bus 002 Device 010: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express06:02
CHESLYNpls can anyone help me out,i tried to change my username at the 'users & groups' and i could only change the real name not my login name and home whats wrong?is there a other way perhaps06:02
arghh2d2never jump on a new ubuntu release until it's at least 5 months old06:02
akavRyan9104, And you can't set i.e. ctrl-w to close the current document/tab only.06:02
jongbergsnu-user: thanks, but i need ubuntu installed on hard disk just like the normal way. what i want is that settings and configuration will not be changed unless you "unfreeze". also any files created while in "freeze mode" will be lost the next reboot.06:02
vagothcppOne thing that bugs me about GNOME is I can't get my sensitivity on my mouse HIGHER! Its soo slow moving06:02
akavRyan9104, And Mac keyboards are screwed up in Gnome to begin with...06:02
noirvagothcpp: that's sort of what I do - I have a trimmed-down VirtualBox machine of Windows XP (for those couple of pesky Windows-only programs that don't run well in WINE but don't merit a reboot either)06:02
greezmunkeyRyan9104, than I would say that the system is not creating a device for you. I would have to dig into this more, but I would want to know more about why that is...were it me!06:03
Ryan9104greezmunkey: if only you knew how much time I've put into this. I've been trying to get this working since I got off of work at 4:30 and I worked on it more yesterday.06:04
=== baytes-vm is now known as baytes
Ryan9104I think I might reinstall and try again.06:04
vagothcppnoir, well my system supports hardware virtualization so its all good for me, all I do on windows is game, anything i programme is a server and thus better on linux06:04
greezmunkeyls /dev/video*06:04
=== baytes is now known as baytes-vm
greezmunkeyRyan9104, brb06:05
noirAlright guys so here's the deal. I've got a 1TB WD MyBook Studio edition here - bought it for the highspeed eSATA port. Also bought a ExpressCard-to-eSATA adapter based on the JMicron JMB26X chipset (apparently Linux-supported). It worked on my old laptop with Hardy (or Intrepid, can't remember) but on my new Vaio, nothing happens. Halp?06:05
noircorrection; that should say JMB36X chipset06:06
noirAlso, nothing is showing up in dmesg, and I get nothing from lspci, lshw, etc06:06
Shwacknoir - are you sure your MyBook is still working? Mine fried after 5 months06:07
noirShwack: yup, USB connection works fine06:07
greezmunkeyRyan9104, try this, cat /var/log/dmesg | grep gspca06:08
Shwacknoir just a question..  i hate mybooks because of it >:       hopefully somebody can help you though06:08
vagothcppWhy is DD so slow!06:08
arghh2d2i feel like every helpful solution lately could be summed up as: Reinstall 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.06:08
Ryan9104greezmunkey: nothing06:08
centHOGGarghh2d2: heh06:08
noirShwack: it's been great for me so far...thanks though06:08
CHESLYNvagothcpp: please can u help me out,i tried to change my username at the 'users & groups' and i could only change the real name not my login name and home whats wrong?is there a other way perhaps06:08
arghh2d2i dont see anyone in here with a problem on 9.0406:08
greezmunkeyRyan9104, that should be the driver for your device, brb06:08
centHOGG<ubuntu server jaunty06:09
jeffmrubuntu can't mount root and won't boot into single user mode, can someone help?06:09
greezmunkeyRyan9104, Logitech quickcam express, right?06:09
Ryan9104greezmunkey: you going to be here in 20 minutes or so? I may reformat to eliminate the chance I fucked something up.06:09
noirarghh2d2: I hated 9.04 - in fact it gave me so much trouble that I skipped the release entirely. I was on Intrepid until last week06:09
Ryan9104greezmunkey: correct06:09
greezmunkeyRyan9104, hold the phone there, slow down chainsaw...06:10
mb_again_jeffr: can you get hold of a boot cd?06:10
Ryan9104haha. I've reformatted today once and I'm not afraid to do it again. DUN DUN DUN06:10
arghh2d2noir: it's all about when you get to it...right now 9.10 is going through what i'm sure 9.04 went through shortely after release06:10
vagothcpp<Guy that asked me a question>: I don't know alot about Ubuntu... or linux ftm, sorry06:10
jeffmrmb, I can but was hoping there is an easier way, it's installed by wubi with mac os on another partition06:11
noirarghh2d2: true, but I felt like 9.04 had more consistent problems than any other release I've ever tried. I've been using Ubuntu since Hoary06:11
arghh2d2vagothcpp: just type the first few letters of someones name and hit the tab key06:11
vagothcpparghh2d2, I know that, but i didnt read his name and cbf scrolling up06:12
=== Pupuser402-1 is now known as manbuzy
nu-userjongbergs -> you know that you can use the livecd iso stored on a disk and boot to it?06:13
vagothcppI don't think you can change usernames from Users & Groups06:13
greezmunkeyRyan9104, have you looked at this page yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeWebCams06:13
jeffmrmb, I'm running a disk check in windows now and tried to run one in mac os06:13
mb_again_jeffr: waste of time going through the mangled system boot, boot off external media, fsck the filesystems from there, you should then be able to judge if the system is repairable or toast based on the volume of fixes involved. after the fsck runs clean you can retry the boot, hope it was minor damage06:13
nu-userjongbergs -> therefore if you do remaster and then use that same iso to boot while it is stored in your hd06:13
_gedhi, in the "/etc/services" you can see the list of ports that are being used right? how can i UNASSIGN a program or service to that port?06:13
Ryan9104greezmunkey: yes. I sent you a PM btw.06:13
noirStill jonesin for some answers on why I get nothing with eSATA now...06:13
arghh2d2vagothcpp: i used to have problems with all the scrolling in here too...then i figured out how to ignore the joins and parts... try /ignore #ubuntu joins parts   ...if it works you'll be so much happier.06:14
jongbergsnu-user: nope, no idea, i haven't done it tried before..just searching for now..06:14
CHESLYNvagothcpp: from where do you think?06:14
mb_again_jeffr: why windows? is it multi boot?06:14
lstarnes_ged: /etc/services doesn't really assign anything06:14
theadminWhat is UDS O_O06:14
jongbergsnu-user: thanks for your ideas..06:14
vagothcppCHESLYN, Not sure bro, neva done it b4, neva needed too06:14
greezmunkeyRyan9104, I am new to irssi, don't know how to deal with private messages :>06:14
lstarnes_ged: it just says which service name is commonly associated with a particular port06:14
nu-userjongbergs -> okay.. good luck06:14
jongbergsnu-user: i've heard aufs supports..06:14
_gedlstarnes: then, is there a way on how can i UNASSIGN a program to any port?06:15
jeffmrmb, wubi installs ubuntu on the windows partition with windows06:15
Ryan9104greezmunkey: /q <nick>06:15
lstarnes_ged: stop the program that is using that port06:15
vagothcpparghh2d2, Unknown arg 'joins' ignored.06:15
vagothcpp Unknown arg 'parts' ignored.06:15
arghh2d2greezmunkey: hit alt-<numberkeys> to change irssi windows06:15
lstarnes_ged: or configure that program to not use that port06:15
mb_again_jeffr: sorry, unfamiliar with that. I just do native. Have you checked that the disk itself is ok? ie smart status.06:16
lstarnesvagothcpp: which client are you using?06:16
vagothcppxchat for gnome06:16
arghh2d2vagothcpp: try /help ignore ... i'm using irssi so it's probly diferent but close06:16
vagothcppkai, well, its a live cd now atm, ill fix it when i install debian xD06:16
jeffmrmb, yeah disk is ok and both windows and mac os boot fine06:16
=== sean is now known as Guest22176
nu-userjongbergs -> livecd uses squashfs i believe06:16
theadminnu-user: Yeah, it does.06:17
lstarnesvagothcpp: I know this works for the original xchat, but it might fail in xchat-gnome. right-click on the channel tab and look for "show joins/quits" or something like that06:17
mb_again_jeffmr: good luck then, peace out06:17
kossan_arghh2d2: You don't know of a script that sends all join/parts and so to anouther window, Flags work but a script may work better06:17
vagothcppAhh, I see it06:17
vagothcppMuch quiter06:17
vagothcppThere are alot of people joining and leaving06:17
Guest22176man, wait, what?  this client...is through the terminal?06:17
CHESLYNvagothcpp: thanks bro06:17
arghh2d2kossan_: no but that would be pretty cool.06:17
theadminGuest22176: well, why not?06:17
lstarnesvagothcpp: I personally prefer not to disable that because I like knowing if someone that I am talking to has left the channel06:18
lstarnesGuest22176: which client?06:18
Guest22176theadmin: well, I'm just a bit confused.  New to Linux, see.  I just installed irssi06:18
=== Guest22176 is now known as seanicus
vagothcpplstarnes, You can jus press tab, the autocomplete will fail if they have left xD06:18
jeffmrmb_again_: thanks06:18
theadminTerminal stuff is cool XD i never ever used Synaptic so far, except trough update-manager... use apt-get06:18
arghh2d2lstarnes: tab key will tell ya if they're still on06:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lethe06:18
lstarnesvagothcpp, arghh2d2: I know, but I prefer being able to simply look rather than having to actively use tab06:19
vagothcppTerminal is old school, I am one for ever improving technology06:19
Blue1why were there so many kde updates in today's updates?06:19
jongbergsnu-user: i found this http://sourceforge.net/projects/lethe/06:19
lstarnesvagothcpp, arghh2d2: that and my tab completion sometimes fails06:19
freaky[t]hi all. how do I import a key from seahorse into evolution?06:19
seanicusso you're saying that because I installed with synaptic, I don't have an application for it?06:19
jongbergsnu-user: Lethe is a Deep Freeze-like Partition Freezing Software for Debian GNU/Linux and Lihuen GNU/Linux (May work on other Debian-based GNU/Linux distributions).06:19
vagothcpplstarnes, I activly tab for a living, so its no probs for me =D06:19
Shwackvagothcpp -  i'm with you - never really been into sticking to the harder way of doing things06:19
kossan_vagothcpp: But terminal have screen =)06:19
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_gedlstarnes: i got a question again about services, If i stop a program by using "sudo /etc/init.d/servicename stop" will it stop forever?06:19
lstarnesseanicus: terminal-only applications often don't get added to the menus06:20
seanicuswhere do I find the actual application?06:20
vagothcppShwack, If terminal is the best option, ill do it, else, i wont06:20
lstarnes_ged: no06:20
lstarnes_ged: it stops until the next time the system starts or the runlevel changes06:20
seanicusI don't even know what the term is, sorry06:20
Shwackvagothcpp -  same - I prefer installing /removing some things via terminal06:20
lstarnesseanicus: applications > accessories > terminal06:20
Shwackvagothcpp -  however, copying files from one folder to the other.  gui please06:20
lstarnesseanicus: once you get there, type irssi06:20
Blue1_ged: restarted at boot up time or login - depends on how it is setup06:20
seanicusDid it06:20
seanicus(that's how I got here :P)06:21
lstarnes_ged: update-rc.d can probably be used to disable it completely06:21
vagothcppShwack, Yeh, installing, uninstalling and updating, i prefer terminal, copying files, GUI, web browsing, definetly gui (who uses text-webbrowser anyway) and moving partitions around, definetly terminal06:21
Shwackvagothcpp -  yep. I've only recently played with partitions and haven't had to move any around yet thankfully.  But I'm all about saving time and energy.06:22
nu-userjongbergs -> i dont know why you insist on deep freeze or whatever.. livecd  using squashfs does not really saved things anyways06:22
seanicusis this what irssi is?  you can only run it on the terminal?06:22
vagothcpphow in terminal would i make a loop to execute "sudo kill -SIGUSR1 4177" every minute?06:22
Shwackvagothcpp -  I operate multiple websites and have over 10,000 files in thousands of diff folders in my web directory - I'd kill myself trying to play around with all that in terminal06:22
Blue1vagothcpp: elinks isn't bad...06:22
theadminCan anyone name a good clone of Paint for Linux except gPaint and KolourPaint? I don't want KDE stuff and gPaint is bleh06:22
arghh2d2vagothcpp: i use links-g for simple document/pic browsing ALOT...only use firefail for flash and java06:22
freaky[t]hi all. how do I import a key from seahorse into evolution?06:22
vagothcppShwack, Heh heh, I do work for a web hosting company06:23
Blue1theadmin: gimp....06:23
alinz1whose keen on a discussion about driv egeometry?06:23
nu-userjongbergs -> if your goal is to run livecd like environment,  then remastering a livecd to tailor to your needs and then run it off of your hardisk06:23
seanicusI hate gimp.  I can't figure it out06:23
vagothcppShwack, I would also die if I had to do everything by terminal06:23
theadminBlue1: Lol, no, gimp is more like photoshop06:23
ociugihow to bypass the proxy to apt-get06:23
kossan_Blue1: sounds overkill... =D06:23
seanicusthe menus don't even dock06:23
Blue1theadmin: overkill but all that I know...06:23
vagothcpphow in terminal would i make a loop to execute "sudo kill -SIGUSR1 4177" every minute?06:23
Shwackvagothcpp -  I'm still pretty nubtard in multiple areas when it comes to hosting, but I want to rent my own dedicated (or vps) sever soon06:24
sunkethtry tuxpaint the admin06:24
Blue1vagothcpp: what programme ru trying to kill every mnute?06:24
arghh2d2vagothcpp: with cron i think06:24
vagothcppShwack, Well, we colocated our own server06:24
theadminsunketh: Hm... thanks, i will...06:24
kossan_vagothcpp: does the terminal support timers so no problem06:24
theadmin!info tuxpaint06:24
z00r0question -  trying to install ubuntu on a HP xl844 but when the kernel loads it just freezes any suggestions to bypass that?06:24
theadminAhem, ubottu, wake up.06:24
theadmin!info tuxpaint06:24
ubottutuxpaint (source: tuxpaint): A paint program for young children. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.20-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 164 kB, installed size 396 kB06:24
vagothcppBluel, did you notice that i -SIGUSR1, thats dd's term for printing its status to the terminal06:24
ubottutuxpaint (source: tuxpaint): A paint program for young children. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.9.20-2ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 164 kB, installed size 396 kB06:24
acatAnybody in here use FireGPG with GnuPG?  The FireGPG is asking me where the executable is and I don't know the answer.06:25
Ryan9104say pass06:25
lstarnesacat: type "which gpg" in a terminal06:25
Shwackvagothcpp -  see, again I dont really know exactly what that means :(   tbh  the  multiple websites i run are 99% my own with 2 actual clients that are both friends ...heh06:25
lstarnesacat: if you have gpg2, you might want to use "which gpg2" instead06:26
Blue1vagothcpp: ahh no I didn't see that - but you have to admit that's a pretty dumb way - but it works06:26
seansorry, I was getting really annoyed with the terminal06:26
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vagothcppShwack, We send our own server hardware, and they give us the internet and crap, we can go there any time to do upgrades06:26
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vagothcppBluel, true, so how would I loop it every minute?06:26
Shwackvagothcpp -  that is exactly what I would like to do!06:27
seanicusI am now seanica06:27
vagothcppShwack, Were do you live?06:27
theadmin!info netpbm06:27
ubottunetpbm (source: netpbm-free): Graphics conversion tools. In component main, is optional. Version 2:10.0-12ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 1194 kB, installed size 4668 kB06:27
Shwackvagothcpp -  Santa Barbara, CA06:27
seanicaso...can someone answer my question about irssi please?  Sorry06:27
vagothcppShwack, I don't know of any Colo facilites in ure area, but look around06:27
acatlstarnes: Is there a reason to use gpg2 instead?06:27
Shwackvagothcpp -  i wouldn't think there are any - Plus i want to be connected to a main backbone06:27
pyite_ubuntuwhen using Xinerama, anyone know how to get the bottom panel on to one of the other screens? mine is stuck on screen 0 :(06:28
Shwackvagothcpp -  I like dallas because it can service the entire US nicely06:28
zetheroo1How do you get banshee to rip audio CD's to MP3? The documentation on their website is outdated...06:28
lstarnesacat: if the installed gpg is not version 2, then gpg2 should be version 206:28
guybrushHello, sorry for bothering you all, but I've just installed 9.10 and now XP doesn't show up in my GRUB anymore... I'm reading through the wiki but don't understand what they are explaining.  Is anyone here familiar with how GRUB works?06:28
lstarnesacat: version 2 of gpg is more recent and supports more algorithms among other things06:28
vagothcppShwack, That is were our servers are colocated, i live in australia myself, but I have tech mates in Dallas that do upgrading for me06:28
z00r0question -  trying to install ubuntu on a HP xl844 but when the kernel loads it just freezes any suggestions to bypass that?06:28
noirguybrush: I know my way around GRUB (a little) - are you on your Linux install right now?06:29
theadminguybrush: Try running update-grub in terminal... or was it update-grub2...06:29
lstarnesseanica: irssi can only be rn in a terminal06:29
Shwackvagothcpp -  good choice :)    I was just about to ask you if people there offer  maintenance or upkeep plan06:29
bradpittguybrush : try to update grub with sudo update-grub206:29
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vagothcppShwack, indeed, the thing is they don't have a website, so my mates who do the upgrades organized the entire thing06:30
vagothcppI do most of the software crap, and send them parts if i want an upgrade06:30
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Shwackvagothcpp -  right on - sounds like you're getting a good deal.   My dream = quad / eight core superserver extreme on raid10 with a ridiculous amount of ram at an affordable price :)06:31
ociugihow to bypass the proxy to apt-get06:31
Shwackvagothcpp -  is that too much to ask ?06:31
acatlstarnes: /usr/bin/gpg is the path, but FireGPG insists it cannot find it.06:31
Shwackvagothcpp -  I already have the domain :)    shwack.net   rofl  I just need the server06:32
vagothcppShwack, What my server is is an: Intel Core 2 Quad, 8x12K RPM 500GB HDD's, in Raid 1+006:32
lstarnesacat: I'm not sure what to do about that then06:32
Shwackvagothcpp -  i am drooling - and in dallas you are on a real 100Mb connection06:32
noiracat: sounds like a permissions problem06:32
vagothcppShwack, 1000Mbps*06:32
guybrushtheadmin: it is grub206:32
theadminguybrush: Okay thanks, than "sudo update-grub2" would do i think06:33
acatnoir: Surely I need not run firefox as root?!06:33
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z00r0hows the IT job market in dallas06:33
agitkidhas anyone installed a Karmic Xen VM on top of a Hardy Xen host (dom0)?06:33
=== Jehova is now known as jehovah
theadminI just still use grub 1 since i updated from Jaunty06:33
laxa8831hi, can i updage the avr-gcc module ( i have 4.2.2) to something newer than 4.3 without re-installing ubuntu? im running 8.0406:33
noiracat: good lord no. but maybe check GPG permissions or your PATH. Just throwin that out there06:34
guybrushokay, I just updated it... it "finds" a linux image, an initrd image, memtest86, and Vista bootloader... problem is that I don't have Vista (installed it once before but replaced it with XP instead)06:34
guybrushthe vista bootloader is still on my machine or something06:35
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guybrushi wouldn't really care if I could just "add in" an XP option pointing to the correct partition somehow... but I don't understand how to do it from the wiki06:36
kossan_in the vista bootloader you'll find "older operating system" or something like that06:36
acatnoir: I'm not sure how to proceed. :-\06:37
guybrushkossan_: if I press the Vista bootloader... it says something like NTRDL not found.... (press ctrl + alt + delete)06:37
SudoGhostThis may sound like a dumb question, and may not be the appropriate channel for this, but I'm very new to IRC and what not, but I just registered my nickname on the freenode thing, what do I do now?  How do I tell xchat (the client I'm using) to "log" me into this nickname?06:37
lstarnesSudoGhost: go to XChat > Network List and change your settings there06:37
lstarnesSudoGhost: you may also need to edit the entry for freenode so that it uses your nickserv password as a server password06:38
noiracat: sorry I can't be more help - kinda just saw your last few messages and was interested06:38
Starcraftmazterhello, I can't seem to access a particular site from ubuntu ( https://www.funfile.org ), however it works fine with windows. Additionally, it worked fine in 9.0406:38
Starcraftmazterthis is with all browsers, and either by IP or hostname06:39
lstarnesStarcraftmazter: what error message do you get?06:39
seanicusIs this supposed to be a help channel?  Because I don't feel good about spamming it with dumb questions06:39
Starcraftmazterlstarnes: timeout06:39
scottygi cannot update abiword plz help06:39
lstarnesscottyg: what happens when you try?06:39
lstarnesStarcraftmazter: I'm not sure what would be causing that06:40
bradpittStarcraftmazter : i'm able to visit funfile.org06:40
Starcraftmazterto give more info, if I view the source, all the HTML appears to be there, but the site just doesnt seem to load, and eventually times out06:40
SudoGhostlstarnes: Do I just enter the password in the server and nickserv field?06:40
Starcraftmazterit's very odd, I cannot ping the server either06:40
kossan_Starcraftmazter: are you using firefox?06:40
lstarnesSudoGhost: just server password06:40
Starcraftmazterkossan_: yes, but I also tried in opera06:40
ctmjrseanicus~ ask away as long as it is ubuntu related06:41
scottygit just keeps putting on the old version, then i go to the abiword site and it tells me to upgrade...again06:41
Starcraftmazterits as though some network setting is stuffed up, but this is a clean installation of 9.10, i only installed a few days ago06:41
lstarnesscottyg: how are you upgrading it?06:41
acatnoir: No problem.  I'm sure we'll get it worked out. :-)06:41
scottygi did it by following the step by step instructions on the abiword website06:42
laxa8831anyone? avr-gcc 4.3.3 or later on hardy heron?06:42
scottygis there a format painter in abiword?06:42
SudoGhostlstarnes: I got it working, and verified it.  Thank you very much.06:43
thunderstormanyone know how you would add processes so they start on boot up?06:43
skeletor00hello, i'm trying to use wordpress on my ubuntu, but i cant get the mail system to work, (ex: send mail recovering password) what sould i do?06:44
thunderstormor even wich file u would edit for that procedure?06:44
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guybrushOkay, I think I've found the answer to my problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1305113, but still need help on what to write to add a windows OS to GRUB ( I don't understand )06:44
ctmjrthunderstorm: you using gnome?06:46
zetheroo1ok ... the package sound-juicer has gone nuts ... I cannot uninstall it or reinstall it ... how do i fix this issue?06:47
gokoonubuntu for the mactel is a very sweet dream...06:48
zetheroo1the first error I get from Synaptic is E: sound-juicer: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 206:48
scottyghow do i install a tar.gz file?06:49
l43a2u gotta extract it first06:49
ner0xIs there something comparable to quickbooks in linux?06:49
Loafersscottyg, tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz06:50
scottygok i will extract it!06:50
carl_can anyone help me set up my wireless06:50
l43a2install windows an ur wireless will work.06:51
carl_ive tried about every possible way and i am not getting anwyerher06:51
carl_i am on a net book06:51
Loaferscarl_, maybe your card isn't supported?06:51
carl_it is06:51
carl_ive looked it up06:51
zetheroo1this is so frustrating06:51
l43a2what is06:52
zetheroo1when a package gets messed up there is no clear way to remedy it06:52
kahenhmm... so let me get this straight... mail-notifier requires thunderbird (or other email client) to run to actually notify about new emails?! ehmm... what's the effing point of it then?!06:52
zetheroo1sound-juicer just decided to kick the bucket and now Synaptic is useless06:52
seanicusOkay, this is kinda difficult to explain, and might be a long question, but I'm thinking about somehow making it so that an IRC chat will be on my desktop.  Not as a window or a widget, but either over it, or perhaps the desktop itself will be interactive, if that makes sense06:53
ZykoticK9ner0x, i've never used it myself: gnucash - A personal finance tracking program06:53
seanicusIs there a program that does that?06:53
ner0xZykoticK9: That could work. Thank you.06:53
plustaxI am having trouble getting my laptop webcam working. Can anyone help me?06:54
ZykoticK9ner0x, if that doesn't work for you, there are 2 programs i've never heard of: grisbi & homebank06:54
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ner0xZykoticK9: Thanks, I'll check them all out.06:54
plustaxI'm using ubuntu 9.1006:54
sunkethplustax, install cheese06:55
aksciis there any way to browse thunar the way we do in nautilus, just by typing location in the address bar?06:55
sunkethalong with that it will install packages req for running a webcam dun remember the package names06:55
zetheroo1anyone know how to repair broken packages?06:55
scottygok i typed tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz  and it unpacked06:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese06:56
scottygnow how do i install it?06:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheesewebcam06:56
chu_seanicus: you can embed a terminal on your desktop, using irssi and on the embedded terminal?06:56
CuddlesI'm having trouble with my samba install, I can connect to my system via ssh, but when i try to restart samba it sez it isnt there06:56
noirscottyg: run "sudo apt-get install cheese"06:56
seanicusyeah, that's why my friend suggested irssi for me.  How do I embed it on my desktop, chu_ ?06:57
bradpittzetheroo1 : in grub screen choose recovery mode you can fix broken packages from there06:57
deep_thoughtwhere can i download ubottu06:57
noirscottyg: or you may show up in the software center06:57
kostkon!broken | zetheroo106:57
ubottuzetheroo1: Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.06:57
awesome5000Pulseaudio is sending a constant stream of errors to /var/log/messages06:57
Loafers!download | deep_thought06:57
ubottudeep_thought: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!06:57
zetheroo1bradpitt: is that the only way?06:57
noirscottyg: Indeed it does. So just go to Ubuntu Software Center and search for Cheese.06:57
zetheroo1kostkon:  ?06:57
awesome5000lock-autospawn.c: Cannot access autospawn lock.06:57
chu_seanicus: i have no idea, though I have seen some tutorials for it - just google "embedding terminal on desktop" or something, and see what comes up.06:58
spOnvidia VP3 cannot decode some horizonal schemes , but VP4 can, rihgt? Is this much of a limitation?06:58
kostkonzetheroo1, sorry, wrong msg, sorry06:58
seanicusk thanks06:58
deep_thoughtLoafers, No the ubotnu bot06:58
scottygcheese is installing thx06:58
zetheroo1kostkon: ok no worries06:58
seanicusI was just wondering if there was already a program for that, because I thought it would look kinda cool...06:58
ctmjrseanicus: you can use compiz to make the terminal transparent then use a terminal based irc client it will give the illusion of being part of the desktop but you can still close it and move it around i forget how to do it you might ask in #compiz06:58
bradpittzetheroo1 : there's maybe lots of way to fix broken packages, but i always fix the broken packages from recovery mode :)06:58
kostkonzetheroo1, check this if you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto#How%20to%20fix%20broken%20packages06:59
noirscottyg: no prob, check back if it works (or doesn't)06:59
Cuddlesanyone offer me any help im pretty stuck, also having issues with vnc06:59
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seanicusctmjr, but noooo it can't be an actual window!  That's no fun :(06:59
zetheroo1bradpitt: ok ... thanks for the info06:59
scottygnoir what is it?06:59
awesome5000Can anyone Help me?06:59
noirscottyg: what is what?06:59
bradpittzetheroo1 : np. good luck06:59
plustaxsunketh my friend06:59
plustaxcheese worked06:59
plustaxI got the cam to work.06:59
plustaxBut I go to tinychat06:59
powertool08seanicus: devilspie will embed a terminal for you.06:59
plustaxand go to broadcast, and it isn't finding it!07:00
noirscottyg: oh my bad! sorry wrong nick lol07:00
seanicusis devilspie someone you know?07:00
seanicusor a program, haha07:00
powertool08seanicus: No, its a program to embed terminals07:00
noirAnyone wanna try to help me get my eSATA drive working?07:00
plustaxsunketh do you know what my issue could be here?07:00
scottygi am trying to install a tar!07:00
=== becks_ is now known as princes
scottygtar -zxvf filename.tar.gz07:01
sunkethok... i'vent used tinychat so dun know hats the problem, jus try fiddling out the prefs07:01
scottygi did that and it unpacked but how do i install it?07:01
awesome5000what is the problem with the eSATA drive07:01
plustaxdo http://tinychat.com/sunketh and type a random nick then youll be in the channel.07:01
plustaxThen click broadcast now.07:01
plustaxThat simple.07:01
plustaxyoull see what I mean07:01
FloodBot1plustax: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:01
noirawesome5000: It doesn't connect. I get nothing in dmesg, lspci, lshw, etc even indicating it's connected07:01
nybnik10GET OUT07:02
scottyghow do i install an unpacked tar file?07:02
noirawesome5000: it worked in a previous release on a different laptop (either Hardy or Intrepid, can't remember which)07:02
zetheroo1bradpitt: strange thing is that Synaptic does not see any broken packages07:02
freedrullnybnik10: -_-07:02
awesome5000Do you have suitable drivers. for Linux07:02
kostkonscottyg, you'll need to compile it, i suppose07:02
nybnik10USE SLACKWARE07:02
ctmjrscottyg: look in the dir you untarred the file to and there should be a read me or install file07:02
PlainFlavoredfreedrull: hi07:02
lstarnesnybnik10: stop trolling07:02
scottygok how do i compile it i am new to ubuntu07:02
lstarnesnybnik10: this channel is solely for support with ubuntu07:02
lstarnesnybnik10: go to ##slackware if you want slackware help07:03
scottygtar -zxvf filename.tar.gz   so where did it unpack?07:03
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nybnik10i dont want slackware help07:03
lstarnesscottyg: in the current directory07:03
nybnik10i want slackware luv07:03
noirawesome5000: I believe support for the chipset in the ExpressCard 34 to eSATA card I'm using is already in the Linux kernel07:03
kostkonscottyg, give "pwd" to see the current dir07:03
scottygwhat is the default current directory?07:03
Cuddlesanyone have any ideas why my samba isnt working?07:03
freaky[t]ScottG, /home/youruseraccount/07:03
lstarnesscottyg: your home07:03
kostkonscottyg, your home folder07:03
ScottGfreaky[t]: ?07:04
freaky[t]ScottG, sorry meant scottyg07:04
ScottGscottyg: wtffffffffffffffff07:04
ScottGwho are you07:04
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=== scottyg is now known as Dolmance
Dolmancei am now dolmance07:04
bradpittscottG : i really don't need to see that word.07:04
lstarnesDolmance: could you please stop switching nicks so often? it's getting a bit confusing07:05
ScottGbradpitt: I don't think it is a word07:05
freaky[t]what irc client do you guys use in ubuntu?07:05
freaky[t]is there anything better than xchat?07:05
kostkonfreaky[t], xchat07:05
ctmjrDolmance: what are you trying to install07:05
kostkonfreaky[t], xchat, not xchat-gnome07:05
kisukefreaky[t]: pidgin07:05
lstarnesfreaky[t]: I mainly use irssi, but it's not graphicak07:05
powertool08freaky[t]: irssi here07:05
noirfreaky[t]: irssi, it pwns n00bz07:05
lstarneskisuke: pidign's irc support isn't complete07:05
seanicusI like chatzilla, really, but xchat is good too07:05
freaky[t]hm ok thanks07:05
=== geo is now known as geo05
zetheroo1could someone please look at this and see if you can tell me what's going on http://pastebin.com/m9a8a5bc07:06
kisukelstarnes: it has always worked for me...07:06
seanicusOh!  Thought of another question.  Whenever I get an IM on pidgin, it doesn't blink.  And I have no idea what to do about that07:06
seanicusthere's nothing in preferences, so I'm not sure if it has to do with the OS, maybe07:06
lstarneskisuke: once you get to stuff like advanced channel management, it starts to be inadequate07:06
noirzetheroo1: ahhhh, this error exit status 2 message. This is partly what made me reinstall last week <_<07:07
Dolmanceok i am in the abiword directory...how do i compile and install it?07:07
zetheroo1noir: oh no07:07
kisukelstarnes: never tried dont know if i will, thanks any way i do have xchat installed just incase07:07
noirzetheroo1: I was told that this is a problem with dpkg itself and that you can try forcing packages in/out, but good luck with that - pretty decent chance you'll kill your system that way07:07
plustaxIs anybody really good with getting webcams to work? My laptop cam works fine in cheese, but I go to tinychat.com and for some reason it doesn't recognize it. I am running ubuntu 9.10  Anyone help me out?07:08
zetheroo1noir: this is so ridiculous .. just out of the blue .... gosh ...07:08
Cuddlesanyone might have any ideas why my samba and x11vnc wont install07:09
seanicusbut it does blink for xchat...07:09
zetheroo1noir: how can something be so badly broken ...? ... so much for Ubuntu never needing to be reinstalled - ha07:09
kostkonplustax, right click and go to flash prefs? does flash see your webcam?07:10
noirzetherool: it was for me too. I forget what package it started on but before long I had an entire cluster of "zombie" programs that could neither be installed or uninstalled. As to why this happens - again I really have no clue. Dpkg has been great for me overall, but when it dies it dies a horrible death07:10
plustaxin tinychat kostkon ?07:10
kostkonplustax, right click on the flash vid07:10
plustaxor in cheese?07:10
ctmjrDolmance:  abiword is in the repo's why go thru the trouble of compiling it07:10
kostkonplustax, yeah, or on any flash vid07:10
plustaxsettings is grayed out.07:11
kostkonplustax, all  the settings or only the ones for the webcam?07:11
plustaxall I can click is ABOUT ADOBE PLAYER 1007:11
dajxdI have a probably foolish question- whenever I try to compile something, I have to apt-get all the libraries and dependent stuff individually.  How can I make it do this automatically?07:11
kostkonplustax, aha ok07:11
zetheroo1noir: and dpkg cannot be reinstalled?07:11
Cuddlesanyone im pretty suck on this07:11
kisukedajxd: sudo apt-get build-dep07:11
Dolmanceconfigure: error: Package requirements (07:11
Dolmance  fribidi >= 0.10.407:11
Dolmancehow do i install a tar?07:12
Dolmancei get nothing but errors07:12
dajxdkisuke: thanks so much.07:12
kostkonplustax, i don't know what else you could do. eh, maybe flash can't recognise your webcam.07:12
plustaxIt can on my windows 7 boot on this computer.07:12
Dolmancecan i use synaptic to browse to the tar?07:12
powertool08Cuddles: What is your problem specifically? I don't know much about samba so no guarantees07:12
kisukedajxd: sudo apt-get build-dep <package name> sorry i for got the package name wont do much good else wise07:12
noirzetheroo1: simple answer: no. It's pretty critical to the OS - reinstall is the name of the game unless you can find some dark magic solution I've never seen online. Sounds like this is an ongoing issue, so maybe sit it out and someone will come up with a fix07:12
lstarnesDolmance: sudo apt-get install libfribidi-dev07:12
kostkonplustax, what brand is it?07:12
plustaxI have an asus laptop07:13
kostkonplustax, ah07:13
lstarnesDolmance: you need to install that development package for the configuration to continue07:13
plustaxumm, whats the command to see the webcam model?07:13
plustaxI forget.07:13
=== kiwifunk is now known as zz_kiwifunk
kostkonplustax, eh, try lsusb maybe07:13
kisukeplustax: try lspci07:13
plustaxone sec ill take a screenie for you07:13
brijithdoes any one know how to set up turbo gears environment in Ubuntu 9.1007:13
Dolmanceu r awesome thanx07:13
Cuddlespowertool so my problem is thought i installed samba and x11vnc but when I went to restart samba it tells me it isnt there07:14
plustaxkostkon :  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2066611/Screenshot.png07:14
plustaxThats my lsusb07:14
=== [1]sassyn is now known as sassyn
Dolmanceconfigure: error: Package requirements (07:14
Dolmance  fribidi >= 0.10.407:14
Dolmance  glib-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gthread-2.0 >= 2.6.0 gobject-2.0 >= 2.6.007:14
Dolmance  libgsf-1 >= 1.1207:14
FloodBot1Dolmance: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:14
noirzetheroo1: if you want to try the dangerous route there is a guide to forcing packages here: http://bit.ly/oDlD4 but do that AT YOUR OWN RISK07:15
lstarnesDolmance: please use a pastebin for anything longer than 1 line07:15
kostkonplustax, oh right07:15
Dolmanceso now what do i do?07:15
powertool08Cuddles: try in a terminal: whereis samba07:15
Cuddlesok 1 second07:15
lstarnesDolmance: you'll need to find -dev packages that satisfy those requirements and install them07:15
brijithdoes any one know how to set up turbo gears environment in Ubuntu 9.10 ????07:15
Cuddlesok got a respons07:15
chu_w00t, there exists a decent LaTeX editor for GTK - Gummi07:15
Dolmanceplease tell me how and where i am a nnob07:15
lstarnesDolmance: look in synaptic07:16
powertool08Dominian: I'm sure somebody asked, but why compile, is it not in the repos?07:16
plustaxkostkon what you think man?07:16
powertool08Dominian: sorry, wrong tab complete07:16
=== kb is now known as Guest53191
powertool08Dolmance: I'm sure somebody asked, but why compile, is it not in the repos?07:16
kostkonplustax, hmm. let's do some searching07:17
Ryan9104any way to bring up the force quit menu manually?07:18
noirRyan9104: type xkill in a terminal, if that's what you mean07:18
Ryan9104sure is, thanks07:18
seanicuswith devilspie, am I allowed to interact with the terminal?07:20
=== Darwin2038_ is now known as Darwin2038
kostkonplustax, could you close firefox, and in a terminal, try to run it like this?:  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so firefox &07:20
powertool08seanicus: Yes... wouldn't be much good if you couldn't.07:20
seanicusWasn't sure if it wasn't just...some aesthetic thing07:20
Cuddlesafter running whereis it gives me the dir of the program07:20
Guest96055Hi, My Intel video driver is gone... strange.  It has been working fine for 4 months.  How do I reinstall it.  They system was using the intel driver that come with the gnome version.07:21
powertool08seanicus: I used it for awhile to embed irssi. BTW, if you just want to get rid of menubars, sometimes you can start programs with a --no-window-decoration type option.07:21
TheKrocan anyone recommend an application for monitoring network usage by application/process?  I can use netstat to see what connections exist, and system monitor to see total network usage, but i want the by-application/process breakdown07:22
plustaxkostkon I did it07:22
powertool08Cuddles: ok, now type samba --help, what do you get?07:22
kostkonplustax, now do to tinychat again07:22
seanicusmenubars for what?  powertool08 ?07:22
kostkonplustax, and check if the camera works now07:22
Cuddlesgot the help options screen07:22
seanicusoh, I get what you mean.  Thanks!07:22
=== Guest96055 is now known as bigsteve
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Cuddlesa list of the diffrent help options shows up07:23
powertool08Cuddles: It appears to be installed to me. How are you trying to restart it?07:24
Cuddles__/etc/init.d/samba restart07:25
bigsteveHi, My Intel video driver is gone... strange.  It has been working fine for 4 months.  How do I reinstall it.  The system was using the Intel driver that come with the gnome version.07:25
brijith does any one know how to set up turbo gears environment in Ubuntu 9.10 ????07:25
=== deep_thought is now known as Jehovah
Cuddlesit worked before not nadda07:25
powertool08Cuddles: what does it say now when you run /etc/init.d/samba restart?07:25
poi77Hi! I have copied a huge amount of data, and I have an md5sum for all of it in a file. I used md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v "OK$" and nothing was output. I am guaranteed that all (ie no missing files) transfered correctly?07:26
Cuddlesno such file or directory07:26
bigsteveis this the main ubuntu support channel?07:27
powertool08Cuddles: Ok, type "cd /etc/init.d/" then "ls" do you see samba listed?07:27
starhashbigsteve: Yes07:27
plustaxIt still didnt recognize it, sir.07:27
kostkonplustax, :(07:27
plustaxAll that command did was make my firefox pop up again.07:28
plustaxI mean, Im sure it did something, but my cam still doesnt work with it. :( ot just tinychat either. stickam doesnt07:28
kostkonplustax, did you close any open ffox windows, before giving the cmd?07:28
Cuddlesfound it07:28
plustaxI did indeed.07:28
bigstevestarhash, can you help with a video driver issue?  I know re installing is kind a basic thing, but i am a newbie.07:29
Cuddlesnow i gotta try and figure out this x11vnc07:29
starhashbigsteve: Well, go ahead and ask.07:29
powertool08Cuddles: Its not so hard, I use it alittle.07:29
CuddlesI installed everything for it, and when I try to run echo 5900 it wont work07:30
Cuddlesgives me the same as the samva07:30
bigstevestarhash my video driver disappeared.  How do I re-insall it?  intel chip. on the mother board.07:30
powertool08Cuddles:Here is a good explanation of options http://www.karlrunge.com/x11vnc/x11vnc_opts.html07:30
gwizI just wiped my hard drive, thinking it was my USB drive, because when I plugged in my usb drive, it went behind my main drive, so I lost 300 gigs worth of work!!!!  Went to reformat my USB Drive thinking it was it, and blam, there went ALL of my data :( :( :( :(07:30
Cuddleswill that help me with the install issue?07:31
gwizWhen you plug something in, it may show up in the same place as your other drive!07:31
bigstevegwiz, sorry to hear that man.  ouch!07:31
gwizyes, I just lot hundreds of dollars (more like thousands)07:31
bigstevegwiz, yep, i have see that pile.07:31
powertool08Cuddles: Also, in case you weren't aware, vnc is a weak protocol, typically not encrypted. This means your password is sent in plaintext. I tunnel mine over ssh for security.07:31
starhashbigsteve: Sorry to see you lost your video. Might want to try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:32
brijithtrubo gears installation fails07:32
brijithplease help07:32
gwizThey have GOT to do something to make those icons appear in a different place!07:32
gwizformatting your hard drive because you think it's your usb drive is just like BAD!07:32
gwizI'm ready to throw ubuntu out, this has made me really really upset :(07:33
Cuddlesyeah im using putty to connect to my system right now07:33
bigstevestarhash, thanks. What will that command do?07:33
brijithtrubo gears installation fails please help me ,,.....  please check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1315117 is the error I am getting07:33
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gwizI should be mat at myself, it was my fault :(07:33
starhashbigsteve: It runs a little configuration program. Use the defaults, or try some options.07:34
gwiz*waves goodnight, I need to rest on this :(07:34
starhashbigsteve: Please save a copy of your config file beforehand.07:34
truckloverI backup my raid array to a Drobo using Crashplan.  I've got hundreds of gigs of data that I can't lose07:34
truckloverespecially before I format a drive or an array of drives07:35
bigstevestarhash, will it reload the driver?  because the driver is definatly not there right now.07:35
lilkuz2005hey guys, just upgraded my older 32x system from 8.04 to 9.10, i need to know if there is a way to see if my drivers are up to date ??07:35
Cuddlesno im getting errors when I restart samba07:35
starhashbigsteve: Well it "should". If not, you're in for some more work, I guess.07:35
bigstevestarhash.  LOL  ok.  you said to save the config file.  do you mean save it to another name?07:36
starhashbigsteve: Right, just copy it to your home directory or somewhere.07:36
powertool08Cuddles: What errors? !pastebin if they are long07:37
bigsteveok, starhash, what directory is the config file in?  (sorry, newbie)07:37
Cuddleshow do i pastebin over putty?07:37
starhashbigsteve: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.backup07:38
powertool08Cuddles: hmm... just a sec. Once somebody showed me a way to pastebin via command line but I didn't save it.07:38
Cuddlesthx a bunch for your time powertool07:38
powertool08Cuddles: np07:39
Cuddlesill brb like 5 minutes powertool07:39
powertool08Cuddles: Ok, maybe I will have the pastebin command by then07:39
DaDa|UrkaWhy are Compiz-Plugins reactivating shortly after i deactivated them?07:40
starhashpowertool08, Cuddles: If you're talking about http://paste.ubuntu.com/, it should work in lynx (the text mode browser). Lynx is usable over ssh.07:41
starhashMight be easier than running a command.07:41
bigsteveOk starhash... I'm going in! ... I got that feel you get when you are like 8 and you are about to jump off the Highdive for the first time.  here we go!07:41
gwizQuestion Guys, if I uninstall Ubuntu (the latest version) and reinstall it, will I mess something up?07:41
Ryan9104I feel like my webcam is doomed to never work.07:41
gwizI dont' want to lose windows.....07:41
powertool08starhash: Thanks, didn't think of that. Although the command is super easy if I can find it again. (It uses curl and |)07:42
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starhashpowertool08: Right, I figured it was a big curl commandline.07:42
starhashpowertool08, Cuddles: Lynx is usable for a surprising number of websites and pages. Simple forms without Javascript work fine.07:43
DragonLinuxhey guys, is there a way to change the icon size of desktop icons in 9.10 ?07:43
Gorgatronhey guys i got a question07:43
Gorgatroni got this in terminal when running sudo apt-get update07:43
GorgatronW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems07:43
powertool08starhash: It wasn't very long, I think its easier than a text based browser assuming the person isn't familiar with one.07:43
MoralExplis there a way to make my program move down, as you can see the top of it is at the top of the thing on top and I cant grab the top of the program to move it down... is there a way I can move it back down? Picture is related, it's the open office program. http://img443.imageshack.us/i/imagecu.png/07:44
metaexploithi,guys i find a problem in un.07:44
nic1can i unzip a smzip file on ubuntu?07:44
chelzanyone know why the stats on http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/ were reset?07:44
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starhashMoralExpl: You want to move a window, but the window menu is out of the screen? Just do Alt+F7, then move.07:44
starhashWith arrow keys07:45
bigstevestarhash, this is doing my key board.. I have no idea what my key board is.  do I really have to count the keys?.07:45
MoralExplstarhash, thank you so much.07:45
lilkuz2005guys ubuntu 8.04 had better support for my onboard graphics card. for some reason its really laggy now???07:45
ubuntistasi need helpp07:45
arooniuninitialized constant User::Authentication07:45
starhashbigsteve: The default should be OK (it's US keyboard by default). Are you in a US or English country?07:45
MoralExplstarhash, alt f7 doesn't work for me?07:46
Koltoris there some way to set it so windows are only raised when i click the title bar?07:46
ubuntistaswell i wanna upload a photo in messenger or net i my photo are displayed in the opposite side any clue?07:46
bigsteveus - english, I did the default and now it wants to know if it is a 101, 102, 104, I really don't want to change this it is working fine07:46
nic1can i unzip .smzip file on ubuntu07:47
starhashMoralExpl: While OpenOffice has the focus, hold down Alt and then press Space. A menu will pop up. Select move. Also note the keyboard shortcuts there.07:47
chelznic1: yes, just fine. they're merely .zip files renamed to .smzip07:47
GorgatronW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems07:48
nic1but tar xvf doesn't work? what command do i need to use?07:48
chelznic1: unzip07:48
chelznic1: archive manager also works with them fine07:48
bigstevestarhash, can I stop this.  and go back to what it was.  all i need to do is install a video driver not change my whole system.07:48
kahencan anyone point out what the point of indicator-applet is?! oh it shows that you have new mail... as long as you have evolution open...07:48
nic1chelz: can i just give unzip file name or any options req?07:49
kahensame thing goes for mail-notification... it only notifies you... when you already have your mail program running...07:49
bigstevestarhash, i am using a wireless keyboard with several special keys that work fine.  this will turn them off.07:49
starhashbigsteve: X is responsible for keyboard, mouse input as well as graphical output. It shouldn't have written anything if you're still in the middle of things. Just close out.07:49
=== sean is now known as seanicus
chelznic1: just  unzip file.smzip  should work. you can always do  man unzip07:50
nic1unzip filename is not working07:50
seanicusI tried to do the devilspie thing, but it didn't do what I wanted it to do07:50
chelznic1: what do you get?07:50
seanicusIt didn't lock onto the screen, and it had a border07:50
seanicusit was still a window D:07:50
chelznic1: why not just use Archive Manager?07:51
starhashbigsteve: If you're current x config file works right with the wireless keyboard, you may have to bring those settings over to the new config file. Good luck.07:51
ubuntistasI want to upload a photo in messenger or net and my photos are displayed in the opposite side any clue? why?07:51
bigstevestarhash.. you got to be kidding.  Good luck??  really.  now my system is not going into the set up.  Thanks buddy.  great job.07:51
powertool08seanicus: It will work completely embedded. What are you trying to embed anyway? a terminal to work in? or a cli program?07:52
nic1chelz: what is Archive manager?07:52
chelznic1: are you using Ubuntu? or Kubuntu?07:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qq07:52
seanicus I'm trying to embed the terminal to do IRC in07:52
chelznic1: also server or desktop?07:52
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seanicusI don't know what cli is07:52
chelzseanicus: command line interface07:52
seanicusoh right, heh07:52
starhashbigsteve: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html You can do this from the command line (non-graphical).07:53
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chelzi think you did a fine job starhash07:53
seanicusby embedded you meant that it is above the desktop image, and below all windows, and cant be moved, right?07:53
ubuntistasI want to upload a photo in messenger or net and my photos are displayed in the opposite side any clue? why?07:54
powertool08seanicus: http://www.tectonic.co.za/?p=1719 This looks similar to how I remember it working.07:54
seanicusI followed this, btw:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202249&highlight=terminal+desktop07:54
yacc__Wondering how does LVM2 distinguish VG?07:54
powertool08seanicus: right07:54
starhashchelz: Thanks. One problem is everybody's working blind here, we can't see the computer of the person who needs help.07:54
yacc__Basically is it possible to create the same VG when installing from scratch on a different computer, so that I can later add the existing PV to the PC?07:55
starhashbigsteve: There's a non-graphical terminal available at Ctrl+Alt+F1 where you can enter these commands.07:55
zetheroo1noir: you there still?07:55
chelzstarhash: yeah.. ;/ Empathy does have that screen sharing thing i've heard though, ;)07:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:55
powertool08seanicus: That guide looks right to me. Are you embedding gnome-terminal and starting with the profile?07:56
powertool08seanicus: Or another term such as konsole?07:56
seanicuswell, I'm trying to embed it, yeah07:56
ubuntistasI want to upload a photo in messenger or net and my photos are displayed in the opposite side any clue? why?07:56
ubuntistasI want to upload a photo in messenger or net and my photos are displayed in the opposite side any clue? why?07:56
seanicuspowertool08, err...what about a konsole?  Sorry, I am very noobish07:56
chelzubuntistas: you might try posting on the forum07:57
colloguyHow can the output of 'cat <file>' differ from 'dd <block address of file>' ? I've run sync and ext3 is data=ordered.07:57
powertool08seanicus: What is still showing? Maybe a screenshot could be of use07:57
seanicuspowertool08, one coming up07:57
powertool08seanicus: konsole is another terminal program07:57
ubuntistaschelz where and how?07:57
chelzubuntistas: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/07:58
chelzubuntistas: in the meantime, you could try using a free image hosting service such as http://imgur.com07:58
ubuntistasnice forum chelz07:59
ubuntistasi prefer the second one yep07:59
seanicuspowertool08, http://imgur.com/fPbH5.jpg07:59
seanicusoh, and I can move the window around07:59
powertool08seanicus: Is devilspie running?08:00
seanicusit should be.  That's why it's transparent, isn;t it?08:00
seanicusoh wait08:00
SmokeyDhey people, how can I change the file manager which firefox opens when I click on "open containing folder" in the downloads list08:00
SmokeyDI am running fluxbox window manager08:00
seanicusso maybe the devilspie is running after the other program, powertool0808:00
powertool08seanicus: I dunno, some terminals have the option for a transparent background but still have borders08:01
SmokeyDby default firefox uses nautilus with me, but I want to use thunar08:01
starhashSmokeyD: Would you mind sharing why thunar is better than nautilus?08:01
ubuntistaschelz that's how are displyed08:01
SmokeyDstarhash: I just want a lightweight file manager. I am not sure whether I am going to use thunar or dolphin yet, but nautilus has a larger memory footprint08:02
seanicuspowertool08, well, does the code for devilspie make it invisible?08:02
powertool08seanicus: You might also need to logout/login for it to take effect if you added to your startup programs.08:02
seanicusI did log in and out08:02
powertool08seanicus: It should08:02
seanicusdo you suppose the two commands were executed out of order?08:03
Spixxomg for script kiddies08:03
powertool08seanicus: Possibly. How are you starting it? Clicking an icon or in the startup programs08:03
basslinerfuckin script kiddies08:04
brijithWhen I tried to set up turbo gears in Ubuntu 9.10 it failed. please check the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1315117you can see a link to the documentation that I used.. 08:04
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:05
starhashHelp, bounceattack.txt08:05
starhashUser UtSnjW08:05
powertool08Any wireshark users around (official channel is dead) How do I make a DNS only capture filter? 'port 53' claims to be wrong syntax08:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bounceatack.txt08:05
_-XPERT-_Hi All, anyone know off the huawai problems in kermic? chip seems not to work08:05
Spixxstarhash: what is the problem?08:06
seanicuscan anyone see this message?  Thanks08:06
_-XPERT-_Used in HSDP modem and so on08:06
Silent_Echoquestion to the room, what was bounceattack.txt?08:06
kaushalI have configured my office printer in Ubuntu 9.04 using printing from System -> Administration -> printing. Which is the file i need to look at the backend in Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop to look at my config?08:06
SpixxSilent_Echo: a bot messing with clients ?08:06
powertool08seanicus: I see it now08:06
starhashSpixx: I'm getting about Pidgin 100 dialogs saying user XYZ wants to send me BOUNCEATTACK.TXT (Unknown); Cancel/Accept?08:06
sipiorSilent_Echo: some internet monkey.08:07
Silent_EchoSpixx: cause i just got spammed like 20 rough guess same as starhash08:07
sipiorstarhash: definitely cancel :-)08:07
seanicusdo you know xyz?08:07
brijithsome one flooded08:07
Spixxstarhash: Cancel, or restart pidgin, it is a script kiddie having fun08:07
Silent_Echosipior: confused but i'm guessing its no good08:07
Supersaiyan_IVit was a malformed DCC request bounce attack08:07
syriushow do you play jar games on ubuntu?08:07
sipiorSilent_Echo: yep08:07
SpixxThey did this yesterday to08:07
starhashseanicus, no not "xyz" in particular, It's actually user UtSnjW, and YymHH, and other made-up names.08:08
SpixxSupersaiyan_IV: download Java?08:08
seanicuspowertool08, anyways..*thinks*..where was I...Oh, I'll start the two programs individually, I guess08:08
powertool08seanicus: Ok08:08
GammalSokkmine \ NoPE08:08
Spixxfracking damn08:08
basslinerthose really are the times where i'm happy to use irssi.08:09
SpixxHate xchat atm :p08:09
powertool08I just get flooded by floodbots messages08:09
SpixxIs there any "simple" irssi :?08:09
Spixx!ot spixx08:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot spixx08:09
JasseTbassliner: other time you're not happy to use irssi? :)08:10
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.08:10
SpixxDoes anyone have any other remedy than Irssi for this DCC problem?08:10
frogzoosome moron's spamming me with DCC - any way to block this in pidgin? setting privacy didn't work...08:10
basslinerJasseT: i'd probably quit IT when irssi didn't exist.08:10
powertool08Spixx: I think you can disable DCC entirely, that might ignore it?08:10
freaky[t]Spixx, yes it opens thousands of windows08:10
Spixxfrogzoo: its a feature :D08:10
kostkonFloodBot1, i'll try: lalalalalala08:10
basslinerJasseT: i couldn't live without it.08:10
basslinerJasseT: it is, apart from flstudio, reason and foobar2000, that kind of damn great software i live for.08:11
basslinerJasseT: tho those are windows applications.08:12
Spixxfreaky[t]: try and use a real IRC client like irssi, otherwise left-click and close group :D08:12
syriushow do you play jar games on ubuntu?08:12
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Spixxsyrius: do you have java installed?08:12
Silent_Echo !rss08:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss08:12
lilkuz2005hey guys...why does 9.10 use a 2D graphics driver for intel chipsets ??? i think my system ran faster/less buggy with an older install like 8.0408:12
basslinerat least those flood bots have something good: they get people to stop using a stupid IM client for irc.08:13
seanHey, umm, I think that bouceback thing is some kind of virus08:13
JasseTbassliner: yep. gotta love it08:13
=== sean is now known as Guest76482
Guest76482or worm08:13
Guest76482who's in charge?08:13
gwinbeehas anyone attempted to connect a realvnc enterprise viewer to vino (as in windows computer with the viewer, ubuntu with the server)? i'm getting a "no matching security types" error viewer-side.08:13
=== Guest76482 is now known as seanicus
Spixxsean: who cares, this is a linux channel :P08:13
Flannelseanicus: It's just people spamming08:14
plustaxI just got DCCed to shit08:14
seanicusSpixx, well, I'm on linux, and something just happened =/08:14
syriusI tried to run it but it doesn't do anything Spixx08:14
plustaxUsing xchat. How to close all of these?08:14
Spixxgwinbee: try rdesktop?08:14
plustaxSorry about my language also08:14
basslinerseanicus: it is NOT ANY kind of virus.08:14
q0_0pplustax, same08:14
seanicusit opened up a million things08:14
ctmjrplustax: did you get booted?08:14
syriusI have java 6 web start installed Spixx08:14
seanicusbassliner, I know that, but I fail with terminology08:14
basslinerseanicus: yes it did. use a real irc client.08:14
q0_0pplustax, i killed xchat08:14
seanicusxchat is a real irc client...08:14
Spixxsyrius: you have to make the system understand that the app should be opened with the Java engine?08:14
basslinerseanicus: depends on your point of view. for me it is not.08:15
q0_0pseanicus, did anyone actually open the file08:15
Flannelbassliner: Please don't troll08:15
q0_0pseanicus, i never did08:15
sean_Is this better?08:15
gwinbeeSpixx: i'm not sure if i'm using rdesktop or not, honestly. i attempted to set up remote viewing via system->preferences->remote desktop. i was under the impression that that was vino.08:15
Spixxseanicus: it IS a .txt file :D?08:15
BBHosshey, can anyone recommend a REAL SAS card that is pretty cheap?  I don't need RAID support onboard, I am going to use software08:15
apersoneveryone: /ignore *!*@* DCC08:15
sean_it was a txt file, yeah, haha08:15
basslinerFlannel: i don't - i'm just trying to help ppl getting hundreds of popup windows by silly script kiddies.08:15
sean_it's fine, really08:16
chu_yay for irssi I guess08:16
BBHossi want to hook up about 12 SATA hds and plug them into a backplane that merges them into an SAS cable08:16
apersonif it's like last time, they'll do it again08:16
apersonso set your clients to ignore dcc for the time being08:16
Spixxgwinbee: when I remote I use rdesktop it handles RDP well.08:16
sean_I switched over to irssi.08:17
sean_(if it wasn't a virus, what was it?)08:17
Spixxa txt file?08:17
apersonit's a botnet attack08:17
apersondo not accept08:17
gm|lap|oopsjust got ddos'd, too08:17
Spixxaperson: can we trust you :P?08:17
apersonaccepting it alone will make you join it, apparently08:17
gm|lap|oopsaperson: it's AIM, right?08:17
chu_BOUNCEATTACK.TXT apparantly.08:17
apersonaccording to the staff in #freenode08:17
chelzchu_: was that from this channel?08:18
gwinbeeSpixx: RDP? i don't know what that is, i'm sorry.08:18
chu_I think so.08:18
Natheruldamn bounceattack08:18
chu_Only have this channel open.08:18
apersonget ready for the flood in here08:18
chelzyeah i just got it08:18
sean_someone mentioned bouceattack recently.  Whoever was talking about XYZ08:18
Spixxgwinbee: you are trying to remote against a windows host or?08:18
CokeHey. I've never tried Ubuntu, but I'm thinking about it, is it possible to have an instalaltion under 500M when done?08:18
chelzluckily xchat isn't vulnerable to that attack08:18
sean_chelz: I was just on xchat, silly08:18
sean_And I still got it08:18
apersonchelz, it can affect anyone08:18
gwinbeeSpixx: ubuntu is the server, windows is the client08:18
pinglinHello! Please advice desktop sharing/screen sharing software for ubuntu 9.04 conference meetings08:18
r_a_fCoke:yes its possible08:19
kostkonCoke, no08:19
Coker_a_f: under 1G?08:19
chelzaperson: as a dos or what? i'm pretty sure the bounce attack is supposed to crash a client08:19
powertool08Coke: Most likely, but it depends on your definition of usable.08:19
gm|lap|oopsit's been going on for quite some time today, apparently08:19
SpixxAhhh, well that makes it a bit harder. You have a VNC client installed on the windows machine? And a server on the linux server?08:19
chelzCoke: if you remove a lot, it's better to just have a few gigs free08:19
apersonchelz, accepting it makes you join the botnet08:19
hjparkthere's some file ends with dash(-) (e.g "filename-") and cannot access that file.. (No such file or directory) but rm * is working.. what's that file?08:19
gwinbeeSpixx: right08:19
Cokepowertool08: well, I have a full office workstation based on arch here with udner 500M08:19
r_a_fCoke: ahhh no 15GB is OK ;)08:19
gm|lap|oopspastebins of "bounceattack.txt" are already popping up on google08:19
apersonchelz, according to freenode staff, that is.08:19
chelzaperson: how would accepting a textfile transfer make me part of a botnet?08:19
Cokechelz: so ubuntu is all automagic, I have to install everything it wants and then remove?08:19
Spixxgwinbee: and you get an auth error?08:20
chelzthat's strange08:20
apersonchelz, it's a flaw with dcc, not your client08:20
gwinbeeSpixx: also, seriously, #ubuntu is under attack by script kiddies? feels awful 1998 in here :)08:20
FlannelGuys, just ignore it.  It's just people trying to cause trouble.08:20
gm|lap|oopsaperson, chu_: did you get it via AIM, or is this over IRC?08:20
sheytanHi there08:20
q0_0phow can txt file hurt u if it isn't running?08:20
chelzCoke: if you want a really small linux install, ubuntu might not be the right one for you. look into SLAX, Puppy Linux and Damn Small Linux08:20
r_a_fCoke: you can just try it from cd - and not install anything08:20
apersongm|lap|oops, irc08:20
sheytancan someone tell me how do i enable intel graphics drivers in 9.10?08:20
syriushow do I do that Spixx ?08:20
chelzgwinbee: you *are* on irc *cough*08:20
powertool08Coke: Then if you strip it down quite a bit, maybe. But I can't say for sure.08:20
apersongwinbee, it's the whole server, not just ubuntu08:20
chelzgm|lap|oops: just got it over irc08:20
gwinbeechelz: point taken :)08:20
Cokechelz: main purpose is not to be small, but I dont need a DE for instance08:20
CokeOk, Ubuntu is not for me.08:21
CokeThanks guys!08:21
m0j4h3dhi to all ..08:21
chelzCoke: could try the livecd. also xubuntu.08:21
pinglinPlease advice desktop sharing/screen sharing software for ubuntu 9.04 conference meetings08:21
_-XPERT-_Hi All, anyone know off the huawai problems in kermic? chip seems not to work08:21
gm|lap|oopshow do i turn it off?08:21
BBHosstry archlinux08:21
m0j4h3dcan i find some one who is pro in metasploit08:21
chelzCoke: just to get that level of diskspace usage you do need to either roll your own livecd or remove a lot after you install.08:21
_-XPERT-_I have got kernel 31-1408:21
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gwinbeeSpixx: perhaps i should try a different server ubuntu-side?08:21
Cokechelz: doesn't help. I need a dist that is about 500M-1G (the smaller the better), I have no need for crap like Gnome or KDE or all the graphical tools, the workstation will only have Firefox and openoffice on it.08:21
sean_powertool08: I tyed in the two commands "devilspie" and "gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=DesktopConsole" in order in the terminal, and nothing happened08:21
Spixxsyrius: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=541055 first reply!08:22
chelzgm|lap|oops: /ignore *!*@* DCC08:22
gm|lap|oopschelz: cheers08:22
Spixxgwinbee: tightVNC server and thightvnc client is a protip :D08:22
Cokechelz: so bascially, after install I want xorg + compiz + firefox + openoffice and that's it for UI08:22
colloguySo anyone know how 'cat <file>' can differ from 'dd <blockaddr of file>' even after a sync and with data not journaled (data=ordered)? :-/08:22
m0j4h3dit looks that no one know08:22
r_a_fCoke: DamnSmallLinux ;)08:22
=== gm|lap|oops is now known as gm|lap
Coker_a_f: does it have all those?08:22
xskoulax Anyone running a toshiba nb205 or samsung n110 without problems?08:22
chelzCoke: you're going to be hard pressed to find a distro that only offers that stuff. every distro has more. even the small ones.08:22
kostkonCoke, you could start with the the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:22
SpixxCoke: check out archlinux otherwise, it is quite nice to use and small :D08:22
chelzkostkon: good suggestion08:23
Coker_a_f: I mean plenty of dists keep that promise of being small, but they all suck ass with their rolling bleeding edge releases OR stone age versions08:23
gm|lapi just basically pulled the plug on my laptop08:23
gm|lapthere's no battery in here08:23
kostkonchelz, ;)08:23
CokeSpixx: I run it on 6 terminals now08:23
gwinbeeSpixx: any idea if tightvnc server will be ok with realvnc viewer?08:23
Spixxgwinbee: what type of server do you use?08:23
CokeProblem is, in the Linux world you have to go with broken or outdated.08:23
BBHossCoke,i must ask why the size limit, with today's storage prices?08:23
Spixxgwinbee: nah sorry :/08:23
CokeSpixx: every upgrade is a nail biter for sure08:23
powertool08sean_: I dunno, sorry08:23
chelzCoke: you can install debian stable and specifically install newer packages from debian testing or debian sid08:23
sean_okay, thanks08:23
CokeBBHoss: I'm making a disk image that can be easily copied to terminals08:23
chelzCoke: sounds like what you want08:24
SpixxCoke: I love arch it is simple fast and allways works :D08:24
CokeBBHoss: and why should I waste my time copying/installing stuff that will never be used?08:24
BBHosshell, get edubuntu and use LTSP08:24
Cokethat's what Windows dudes do08:24
gwinbeeSpixx: like i said, i honestly don't even know what the VNC server is. it is whatever i access by going through system - preferences - remote desktop08:24
Cokechelz: yes. I left Debian like 4 years ago when they went insane with their packaging for real08:24
gwinbeeSpixx: i thought it was vino, but i could easily be wrong.08:24
chelzCoke: if you're taking the time to do something right, then you have the time to customize an install. you basically could make any major distro do what you want.08:24
Cokechelz: they dont follow any standards, their packages looks nothing like upstream and their Python policies are just... woah. Overly complex08:24
nuxisgwinbee: VNC is the opensource protocol to remote control computers, all these apps use VNC protocol08:24
m0j4h3dits just a question .. is there is any one hacker here08:24
nuxism0j4h3d: define a hacker (=08:25
Cokechelz: I want a good start. Already tried Arch, frugal, Debian, Fedora and some else I can't remember08:25
m0j4h3dnot sites08:25
powertool08m0j4h3d: You aren't going to find metasploit help here.08:25
=== slv_j is now known as lorien
Cokechelz: I want NO automagic and NO extra stuff08:25
BBHossthis is going to be good08:25
nuxism0j4h3d: powertool08 is right ^^08:25
Spixxgwinbee: ahh, now I see, perhaps you need to try and use a standalone VNC server because I do not know what type this is :S08:25
m0j4h3ddo i can08:25
gm|lapi'm a real hacker. i make stuff. not break stuff.08:25
BBHossCoke, have you tried LTSP, will it work for your solution08:25
chelzCoke: i suggest looking at the top distros ranked by pageviews on distrowatch.com and take the time to customize them08:25
rloHi... what command do I use to delete the files in a file tree recursively, but leave the directory structure intact? "rm -R" deletes the directories as well - I want to keep the inner directories themselves. TIA08:26
gwinbeeSpixx: fair enough. in fact, i think i recall using tightvnc for this very purpose a long time ago.08:26
chelzBBHoss: he might want each terminal to run on its own, without a server always around08:26
CokeBBHoss: got any url?08:26
m0j4h3di need one who is professional in metasploit08:26
gm|lapnow, can someone sneak onto bantown to see if anyone's bragging about it?08:26
m0j4h3dand write exploits08:26
powertool08m0j4h3d: No idea, but #ubuntu is against tools such as those because most people use them maliciously08:26
nuxism0j4h3d: Then you are not looking for an hacker08:26
BBHossCoke,http://edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu look for ltsp08:26
gm|lapm0j4h3d: i define them as "crackers"08:26
m0j4h3dam looking for both08:26
m0j4h3di know that .. crackers ..08:26
gm|lapalthough "script kiddie" is a term i prefer to use08:26
chelzrlo: find /path/to/directory -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm08:27
CokeBBHoss: that is utter crap and totally not what im looking for. :)08:27
Spixxgwinbee: yeah, I think that would be simpler. Got the feeling that the ubuntu way is for between ubuntu machines only08:27
m0j4h3dbut i need both .. at least one of them08:27
CokeBBHoss: I already run X remote, why would I need that?08:27
syriusSpixx looks like I didn't use the right keywords08:27
nuxism0j4h3d: If you wanna learn metasploit, I think there are various of tutorials to help you with that08:27
gwinbeeSpixx: or realvnc is just a PITA :) thanks though, i'm off.08:27
Spixxsyrius: np does it work now?08:27
m0j4h3di know every thing in metasploit08:27
alkali147installed ubuntu 8.04 on openvz08:27
BBHossbasically its ubuntu with everything running on the server08:27
chelzCoke: by definition, creating a package for a distro is 'modifying' it. so if you really want something that isn't touched, it sounds like slackware is your thing.08:27
m0j4h3dbut i have a little question08:27
BBHossm0j4h3d, GTFO08:27
alkali147now there is no resolv.conf08:27
m0j4h3dok ..08:27
Spixxgwinbee: np have fun08:27
alkali147help please :S08:27
syriusdunno Spixx will let you know when I try it out08:27
CokeBBHoss: yeah, that's the sales pitch for morons, I'm a programmer so I know how operating systems work08:28
Spixxsyrius: nice :D08:28
chelzCoke: although the less popular a distro is, that means fewer people are working on it and the longer it takes for security patches to come out08:28
Cokechelz: I know.08:28
Cokechelz: it's a bummer08:28
m0j4h3dany way thank to all of you .. thats my email .. :     hacker_mjdl_w3d@Hotmail.com    ...08:28
chelzCoke: cest la vie. do what you can.08:28
nuxisalkali147: Whats you problem?08:28
BBHossCoke, well then you also know you can google "LTSP" for for info08:28
Cokechelz: but Ubuntu is definately not what I'm looking for.08:28
rlochelz: Thank you! That works, and is totally unintuitive! ;) But worthy of study. Thanks again.08:28
powertool08m0j4h3d: spend some time on google looking for metasploit support and you'll find a channel soon enough08:28
CokeBBHoss: I'm not interrested in terminal services08:28
alkali147installed ubuntu on openvz, now there is no resol.conf file08:28
q0_0pubuntu is not up to date on kernels i believe?08:28
BBHossCoke, so you tried Arch linux?08:28
CokeBBHoss: X already comes with a nice remote usage08:28
CokeBBHoss: indeed.08:28
chelzCoke: LTS might work. it's really easy to make your own custom installs. with the whole 'in the cloud' JeOS stuff especially.08:29
Cokeand it works very smooth, the best distro I have ever used for sure08:29
m0j4h3dok powertool .. thank you . . .08:29
dAnonwhat the hell is that 94mb txt file someone wants to send me in priv?08:29
chelzdAnon: malware, ignore it08:29
BBHossCoke, well, if of course starts out pretty small, you could start from there08:29
CokeBBHoss: problem with arch is rolling releases which require FULL upgrades, not nice in a work environment08:29
m0j4h3dohh..if some one know how do i let my microphone works in back track 4 .. tell me .. and back track is on ubuntu kernal08:29
CokeBBHoss & chelz you've been great help guys08:30
SpixxCoke: it is not for production env's for that you run redhat/debian or similar08:30
Cokechelz: basically, from what I've heard so far Ubuntu is absolutely out of the question08:30
chelzCoke: i'd recommend trying a customized ubuntu LTS, then if not either centos or scientific linux, then slax, puppy, and dsl08:30
CokeSpixx: yeh, I'm thinking of switching to debian on the server08:30
chelzCoke: you can really make any distro work if you are as informed as you say you are08:30
gm|lapi actually run freebsd as a desktop08:30
Cokechelz: well, first up. Ubuntu will take time and space to setup an environment I avbsolutely hate08:31
gm|lapnetbsd is quite good if you're limited for memory or you'd normally use lots08:31
Cokechelz: I don't want Gnome or KDE or any of that crap. I don't use HAL.08:31
Cokechelz: I hate automagic, I tell the computer what to do, not vice versa08:31
q0_0pCoke, what do u use then if u dont use gnome or kde08:31
Cokeq0_0p: compiz08:31
q0_0pCoke, O_O08:31
SpixxCoke: it works really nice thats for sure08:31
gm|lapCoke: as long as you don't do any 3D stuff, and you don't need wireless, and you know what you're doing, then netbsd is a good choice08:31
q0_0pCoke, u can run compiz on gnome and kde08:32
r_a_fCoke:you can use awesome wm instead of gnome/kde/xfce08:32
chelzCoke: at least with a distro like ubuntu, everything is out in the open. you can add/remove things as you want. but yeah if you don't want to customize then another distro is the answer.08:32
Cokegm|lap: mm. i thought about that. but how much time would it take me, it's been like a decade since my last visit on BSD08:32
q0_0pCoke, i dont understand u08:32
gm|lapCoke: man afterboot08:32
Coker_a_f: I dont want awesome08:32
CokeI want compiz08:32
chelzthe activity in the BSD and linux world is night and day08:32
gm|lapright, if you're looking for 3d and you want a bsd, then freebsd is probably a better bet08:32
r_a_fCoke: you are joking now08:32
q0_0pr_a_f, i think he's joking08:33
Cokeq0_0p: but WHY should I waste time, space, CPU and possible bugs, increase the complexity and decrease maintainability for what? I dont need gnome or kde08:33
q0_0pCoke, then u dont need compiz?08:33
Coker_a_f: no. I don't want awesome, I want compiz.08:33
Cokeq0_0p: yes I do.08:33
Cokeq0_0p: compiz is what I want.08:33
dAnonCoke use terminal xD08:33
Spixxq0_0p: No you don't need compiz! compiz is evul08:33
Cokeq0_0p: compiz is what I'm using, it's the best WM for my intensions.08:33
r_a_fCoke: 500mb for system & compiz - man.......08:33
q0_0pi know compiz is evil08:33
Coker_a_f: have it right here, chatting from it right now08:34
Coker_a_f: well, actually, now it's up to like 800M08:34
jodi123I recently installed kde 4.3.2 for ubuntu, it looks great but I can't find an application that lets me browse wireless access points and connect, like in gnome08:34
Coker_a_f: but this is my work computer, it will be littered with crap in about a year08:34
q0_0pCoke is saying that he runs compiz on neither gnome or kde08:34
q0_0pwhich doesn't make sense08:34
kostkonq0_0p, indeed08:34
Cokeq0_0p: that's because youre a noob08:34
gm|lapif icewm worked with compiz, i'd use compiz more often08:34
soreauq0_0p: What's the problem? All's compiz needs to run is an X session, not a DE08:34
Cokegm|lap: icewm is a WM, so is compiz, they dont work together08:35
Cokegm|lap: you have either or08:35
Cokecan'thave two window managers at once08:35
soreauCoke is actually correct08:35
chelzjodi123: install and use network manager, like you did in gnome08:35
Cokecompiz is a WM AND a composite manager for X08:35
q0_0psoreau, so ur saying i can run compiz with conjuction with fluxbox?08:35
r_a_fCoke: so its no problem for you to configure ubuntu08:36
Cokeq0_0p: NO08:36
chelzCoke: so what's with your aversion to setting up a distro the way you want? i mean ubuntu would take a lot of configuring but you get the bonus of *fast* security updates08:36
Cokeq0_0p: why is it so hard for you guys to understand what a window manager is?08:36
soreauq0_0p: No. fluxbox is a WM. compiz is a WM. You can only run one WM per X session08:36
chu_My browser has stopped working for some reason08:36
chelzgood luck trying to get security updates through slax08:36
Cokechelz: debian does the same, but without all the required automagic08:36
syriusdoesn't work Spixx08:36
Spixxsyrius: what errors do you get?08:36
q0_0psoreau, not true08:36
q0_0pu can run multiple WM in an xsession08:36
Spixxsyrius: paste them on pastebin :D08:36
jodi123chelz: what is the name of the package?08:36
q0_0pi can run a kde and gnome at the same time08:36
syriusthere is no jar file in the jar archive08:37
q0_0pand a fluxbox08:37
Cokeq0_0p: they are DESKTOP ENVIRONMENTS08:37
llutzq0_0p: wrong08:37
Cokeq0_0p: and fluxbox is the WM08:37
q0_0pmy bad08:37
Cokellutz: no, he's absolutely right08:37
chu_Very weird, maybe have to do a full reboot08:37
apersoneveryone: /ignore *!*@* DCC08:37
chu_Be back soon08:37
soreauq0_0p: I will not argue with you. You can only run one WM in an X session. Period.08:37
q0_0paight cool08:37
switchgirl1is anyone using lucid lynx yet?08:37
llutzCoke: if talking about WMs, gnome/kde means metacity/kwin, so he's wrong08:37
Cokellutz: no08:37
Cokellutz: metacity is the window manager08:37
llutzCoke: if talking abount DE, hes right08:37
SpixxRT Aperson everyone: /ignore *!*@* DCC08:37
om26erswitchgirl1: #ubuntu+1 and yes08:37
Cokellutz: gnome is the desktop environment08:37
Cokellutz: if he wanted to talk about the window manager he'd write metacity or kwin.08:38
switchgirl1om26er: how is it08:38
llutzCoke: i doubt those guys see the difference08:38
om26erswitchgirl1: at the moment its just fullyupdated karmic08:38
soreauThe confusing thing is the distinguishing between DE and WM08:38
Cokellutz: perhaps.08:38
Cokellutz: but that is very Ubuntu08:38
llutzCoke: nope, that's  linux-users nowadays08:38
Cokellutz: I've made sure google filters out all answers in Ubuntu forums because they seem unmoderated.08:39
pacman69anyone worked out how to install 9.10 with grub1?08:39
chelzpacman69: install it normally then do a grub-install from grub108:39
Cokellutz: and the only place where you can find changes in .Xmodmap to fix ALSA problems08:39
switchgirl1pacman69: synaptic enables you to downgrade grub no?08:39
r_a_fCoke: you can configure your installation with soft you need with ubuntu, so no prob08:39
syriusSpixx http://pastebin.ca/raw/167614108:40
Cokellutz: (AND find a pleased Ubuntu user saying "thanks, changing xmodmap fixed audio in quake")08:40
pacman69thanks chelz08:40
chelzpacman69: np, gl08:40
Coker_a_f: jigdo?08:40
Spixxsyrius: have you tried with another jar file?08:40
r_a_fCoke: its for debian08:40
SpixxIt might be that it is a error In the Jar itself08:40
=== jimmy_ is now known as _zidane
Coker_a_f: but its like it?08:40
syriusyou mean the other jar files on that site?08:40
Spixxsyrius: yes, how did you install java?08:41
llutzCoke: all those cool "i-hate-win" users...08:41
r_a_fCoke: there is a program you can configure your own installation of ubu08:41
Cokellutz: who are those?08:41
SpixxIm at work, I wont go there :P08:41
Coker_a_f: yeh, I've been trying to find it in the download section08:41
syriuswhy not Spixx ?08:41
pacman69you guys must be 'all over it' cuz I saw the grub menu.lst was a quite different - it uses a config file that is more 'involved'08:41
syriusit is russian site08:41
Coker_a_f: if I can cut away HAL, the DE's, pulseaudio and all that crap in the install it will work nicely for me08:42
Spixxsyrius: exactly :p08:42
llutzCoke: read here, read forums, even in usenet, everywhere08:42
chelzSpixx: it seems to be a russian forum with a java applet for a game or something08:42
chelzSpixx: i'm guessing it directed him to sun08:42
Spixxsyrius: but it might be a problem with you missing parts of the java support, how did you install it?08:42
Spixxchelz: thx08:42
CokeAnyway, great props to the community, I'd like to see a mac or windows user pop in 10 minutes on a chat and get the same massive response.08:43
CokeShit, they couldn't even get this informed from 1 hour with the official support.08:43
syriusdon't remember Spixx08:43
chelzCoke: ubuntu is the point of the spearhead of Linux on the Desktop ;)08:43
Cokechelz: yet it sucks tremendously IMO :)08:43
Spixxsyrius: goto java.com and download the install file!08:43
Spixxsyrius: reinstall and try again08:44
Cokechelz: the defaults that is08:44
chelzSpixx: sun jre is in the repos08:44
syriuswhy not from repo Spixx ?08:44
chelzhe should uninstall w/e he installed and install from the repos08:44
syriuswhich java should I install?08:44
chelzsyrius: do you still have the file you used to install that java?08:44
Cokechelz: if I wanted a bloated, overly complex system I'd go with OSX08:44
Cokebut I'm gonna look up with that custom installer thingie08:44
chelzCoke: yeah yeah yeah, i GET that ubuntu isn't for you. but but mom n pops it is.08:44
chu_Trying to write a bash script to run a few commands (like copy my fstab, sources.list, and output sudo dpkg --get-selections etc), but it's not letting me create variables... What am I doing wrong?08:44
Spixxsyrius: then use the repos, I allways get it from source when I can but it is fully up to you :D08:44
Cokechelz: my mom used slackware08:44
chelzchu_: pastebin08:45
chelzCoke: and who set it up?08:45
SpixxCoke: haha :P I agree08:45
Cokechelz: I did. but once it was setup it worked for 5 years without one single problem08:45
syriusit is a game for sony ericsson Spixx put there is one for on pc that is the one I downloaded Spixx08:45
syriusI want to play the game with some russian buddies08:45
chelzCoke: i'd bet you'd have the same experience with an ubuntu LTS.08:46
syriusI don't have sony ericsson08:46
Cokechelz: but I'd rather spend ONE hour setting it up than TEN hours trying to figure out if there's a bug in one of the GAZILLION HAL scripts or if Xorg has added yet another "feature" to disable ctrl+alt+backspace08:46
kostkonCoke, sorry about this, but:08:46
kostkon!ot | Coke08:46
Cokechelz: no. because then they'd have to use gnome or kde which both suck ass, are so complex that you HAVE to be a programmer to understand their fundamentals08:46
ubottuCoke: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:46
apersonumm, we're going to need some ops in here quick08:46
DyresenWhy is there no django updates in ubuntu where there is a exploit floating around?08:46
apersonthere's some spam bots running around08:46
chelzah yeah08:46
apersonand they're most likely going to come in here08:46
kostkonCoke, anyway, hal is becoming obsolete.08:46
chelzsyrius: did you ever go to sun.com?08:46
Spixxsyrius: well it should be fairly simple but the errors that came out of this was to few :P it looks like it was a error stemming from you not having full java support08:47
Cokekostkon: really?08:47
syriusI think I installed java from the rescricted extras package Spixx08:47
chelzhal was replaced in 9.10 iirc08:47
chu_chelz, http://pastebin.com/m41983dc408:47
Cokekostkon: finally. :)08:47
soreauCoke: Really. You are right but you've overstepped the boundary now.08:47
kostkonCoke, yeap. now we have devicekit08:47
Spixxsyrius: then it shouldnt be any problems :P08:47
soreauCoke: Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic08:47
Spixxbut I still recommend that you try and install the package from java.com08:48
Spixxbut I'm not sure :P08:48
Cokesoreau: sounds interesting, but i dont have the time. gotta find that ubuntu customizing thing08:48
syriusis there a j2me for ubuntu? Spixx08:48
silidanhi, im on ubuntu 9.10 how can i make sure that my usb stick gets mounted with read/write support for my user (it actually gets only mounted with read only)08:49
Spixxsyrius: do you have a 64 bit system btw?08:49
chelzchu_: the spaces around the =s are the issue08:49
chelzchu_: SRCS="/etc/apt/sources.list"   instead08:49
chelzchu_: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_03_02.html08:49
Spixxsilidan: are you in the right groups like optical and so on?08:49
jongbergshi, don't have a X window, need to burn iso image from the command line, how to do it in karmic?08:50
Spixxsyrius: http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp08:50
chu_Hah, thanks chelz08:50
chelzsilidan: do you know what filesystem it is formatted to?08:50
syriusno Spixx I have 3208:50
llutzjongbergs: wodim -dao file.iso08:50
Spixxah, does the java check give you "aok" :P?08:50
silidancheiz: yes i formated it with gparted to ext308:50
jongbergsllutz: do i need to specify the path to cd writer device?08:50
powertool08jongbergs: You can use growisofs also08:50
llutzjongbergs: should work without08:51
asekohi guys.08:51
chelzchu_: np, gl also these might help: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ and http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide08:51
silidanSpixx: cant find a group called optical08:51
llutzjongbergs: growisofs for dvd08:51
kostkon!hi | aseko08:51
ubottuaseko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:51
asekohow can i add an desktop icon on utu netbook rmx?08:51
chelzchu_: then the definitive http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html08:51
Spixxsilidan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2643308:52
jongbergsllutz: how would you set the writing speed and does it support burn proof?08:52
syriusit says I don't have latest version Spixx08:52
llutzjongbergs: man wodim08:52
Spixxsyrius: then download the installer from the site and try again :D08:52
jongbergsllutz: thanks, i'll consult the man page..08:53
Cokechelz & co: thanks! appreciate the time08:53
silidangreat and i fi plug in a new usb stick i got the same problem again.... isnt there a solution that mounts all usb drives with read/write support for my user?08:53
chelzsilidan: you probably don't have the required permissions to interact with it. whenever you have this "cannot write" issue run "chmod `whoami`:`whoami` -R /media/thevolume"08:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »08:54
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mocoloco« /msg ubottu !bot »08:54
chelzsilidan: unfortunately there's no way to ignore file permissions on a file system for mounted filesystems. i recently encountered this problem myself with one ext3 and one hfsplus formatted volumes08:54
Spixxmocoloco: fail? need help?08:54
mocolocolol, oops08:55
chelzsilidan: in the future formatting to a filesystem that doesn't have permissions might make more sense for your usage cage. either FAT32 or NTFS fits that.08:55
bazhangDoctorDiaharea, hi08:55
DoctorDiahareaDoctorDiaharea, hi08:55
silidanchelz, o thats great...08:56
DoctorDiahareachelz, o thats great...08:56
chelz!hi | mocoloco08:56
DoctorDiaharea!hi | mocoloco08:56
ubottumocoloco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:56
FloodBot3DoctorDiaharea: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
DoctorDiahareamocoloco: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:56
chelzsilidan: yeah, it's a strange situation ;/08:56
silidancheiz: why doesnt ubuntu fix the basc functionality, but instead concetrates on just looking nice...08:57
chelzsilidan: that's actually a pretty core issue that all linux distros share. it goes beyond what ubuntu's focus is atm. fat32 and ntfs work for pretty much all use cases for removable media so there's not really an incentive.08:57
silidanok fill reformat to fat32 then08:58
frittmannHi all08:58
llutzchelz: ntfs works only with ntfs-3g for users08:58
silidancheiz: thanks08:58
syriusSpixx where should I cd to? To install java...08:58
syriuswhat directory would that be on ubuntu08:58
=== crunchbang is now known as Guest80125
Spixxhmm most often Desktop08:58
Spixxbut it depends on where you dled java to :S08:59
chelzllutz: yes but Linux / OS X / Windows all at least support reading it, which can't be said for any other FS than fat32, and someone would probably be using ntfs over fat32 if fat32 didn't work for some reason.08:59
frittmannis there anyone here running Karmic on VirtualBox?08:59
Mintalmw mw08:59
Mintalme me08:59
freaky[t]the 2 gnome panels dont look good in ubuntu :( i dont like it :( i also dont want docks - is there any panel alternative or a way i can make the panels look cool or smth.?08:59
llutzchelz: fat32 isn't bad for removeable media, if you can live with its limitations08:59
chelzfreaky[t]: you could look into Gnome Do. or different ways to theme gnome. fedora comes out with a lot of neat themes.09:00
chelzllutz: agreed09:00
Guest80125hey, i just disabled autologin on my crunchbang linux pc, and now i everytime i restart i just see "Authorization failed", anyone know whats wrong?09:00
frittmannMintal, you have Karmic installed as a VM?09:00
freaky[t]chelz, gnome do also has docky which is also a dock panel09:00
Mintalspmething with the authorization ?09:00
anom01yanyone know how to change the log in manager theme for ubuntu 9.10 ?09:00
freaky[t]in xubuntu the panels look better09:00
bazhangGuest80125, #crunchbang for support09:00
stevoi have ubuntu 8.04 and a fairly old ati vision teck with video out, the video out works up to the login screen, how do i get it to work after loging in?09:00
Guest80125okay thanks09:00
chelzanom01y: the login manager is called "GDM" and you can find themes for it at gnome-looks. google will get you there.09:01
anom01yI have to many window managers installed and the default is gone, Im stuck with a basic xfce looking theme09:01
anom01ythanks chelz09:01
freaky[t]ill go take a shower now bbl09:01
* om26er says new gdm don't support theming09:01
frittmannMintal, do you happen to know how to get it to allow 1024x768 resolution?09:01
chelzoh, that's news to me09:01
cwilluwell, it supports theming, there's just no fancy ui and large list of themes09:01
chelzanom01y: might have to track down some tutorials on theming the latest version apparently09:01
llutzanom01y: 9.10 uses gdm2, no themes, no config, ...09:02
mocolocofreaky[t]: you could make the panels transparent09:02
chelzstevo: you could try loading a livecd of a more recent ubuntu version to see if the problem has been fixed. you can upgrade then if a later version works.09:02
mircoOdo, sono qui09:03
chelzheh the user amount is "1337"09:03
chelzaww just missed it09:03
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:03
anom01yllutz, chelz , weird cause just after I upgraded It had a theme that looked really cool09:03
mircol'adattatore wifi va tranquillo su una qualsiasi delle prese usb09:03
bazhangmirco, /join #ubuntu-it09:03
napsterHey. How to stop karmic from asking passwords when mounting ntfs partitions...?09:03
anom01ybut after my second reboot it dissapeared (something I did maybe ?)09:03
Odo!it | mirco09:03
banisterfiendhey guys my screen is stuck in what looks like 320x200 mode, it happened when i tried to play a game in fullscreen that since crashed09:03
ubottumirco: please see above09:03
aseko00how can i add a desktop icon in ubu netbook rmx 9.10?09:03
stevothanks chelz09:03
banisterfiendhow do i fix it? (without restarting or logging out:D)09:03
chelzstevo: i hope that works09:03
bigmack83__using gedit, im writing java code. with the plugins enabled there is a panel for shell output. is there a way to get the java code im wrinting to output into that shell output area?09:04
mocolocoanom01y: the login manager for 9.10 is a newer version of GMD, and there's not yet an easy way to change it's look :(  hopefully that will change for the next release09:04
frittmannanybody else know how to get Karmic to accept 1024x768 resolution? I tried "gksudo displayconfig-gtk" but it doesn't seem to work in Karmic.09:04
chu_Why do I need su to cp my sources.list?09:04
cwillufrittmann, what video chipset?09:04
banisterfiendhow the f*ck do i fix my messed up resolution?09:04
frittmanncwillu: I'm using VirtualBox, so it is not a physical video card.09:05
llutzchu_: because apt-configs are owned by root09:05
chelzbanisterfiend: does rebooting not fix the issue?09:05
chelzbanisterfiend: oh..09:05
chelzbanisterfiend: if you can get to the resolution options in System then you could try doing it from there09:06
syriusSpixx doesn't work09:06
banisterfiendchelz: you are now my girlfriend. It worked. :D09:07
syriuswhat should I do?09:07
mocolocobanisterfiend: gnome-display-properties09:07
cwillufrittmann, install the guest utilities09:07
chelzanom01y: http://www.ubuntumini.com/2009/09/hack-karmics-gdm-login-screen.html - this should allow you to theme things09:07
frittmanncwillu, thanks, should have thought of that!09:07
mocolocofrom terminal or ALT+F209:07
chu_Well, I just did it with sudo, so it asks for a password, but it's only copying, and I just copied a file from /etc/ (fstab) without su...09:07
napsterHey. How to stop karmic from asking passwords when mounting ntfs partitions...?09:07
chelzbanisterfiend: gj. keep using ubuntu and tell your friends/family. :)09:07
chu_Now to write a restore-script though09:07
banisterfiendchelz: ill tell them about my new gf too.09:07
banisterfiendchelz: ;)09:07
chelzch_: you need the proper permissions to write to system areas, but not to read from them, because there's less of a chance of breaking a system by just copying something out, rather than in09:08
chelzchu_: you need the proper permissions to write to system areas, but not to read from them, because there's less of a chance of breaking a system by just copying something out, rather than in09:08
aseko00frittmann: german?09:09
aseko00frittman: u have to use vboxmanage with additional params,,very easy to use09:09
zetherooI guess today it's my turn to have issues with Ubuntu :)09:10
aseko00 how can i add a desktop icon in ubu netbook rmx 9.10?09:10
chelzbigmack83__: eventually getting into using Eclipse might be good, if you plan to be writing java code for a while09:10
zetherooI had two SATA hdd's in my desktop and needed to remove one ... now grub loads and sees all entries but Ubuntu will not boot09:11
zetherooI get to Initramfs09:11
chelzbigmack83__: you could navigate to the place you are saving your java code and interact with it like you would interact with any file through a terminal also09:11
chu_That's what I thought chelz, it's just a backup script which copies fstab and sources.list to my /home/Backup folder (different partition), but it needs su privs to cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Backup/sources.list09:11
bigmack83__chelz, yea i have eclipse setup for java already. but the book im reading for school recommends doing it by normal text editor first to learn to not make mistakes that a IDE autofixes for you09:11
zetherooabove it says "Gave up waiting for root device"09:12
frittmannasekoo: germanic-hungarian, but I was raised in New Zealand.09:12
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:12
U-b-u-n-t-uis there a way to turn off dcc in xchat09:12
bigmack83__chelz, yea true09:12
zetherooand a little below it says "ALERT! /dev/sdb4 does nto exist."09:12
WelshDragonchu_, what's the output of ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
zetherooanyone know how I can repair this?09:12
tsimpsonU-b-u-n-t-u: /ignore *!*@* DCC09:12
cwilluzetheroo, was it a raid?09:12
llutzzetheroo: you removed sdb but want to use a OS on it?09:13
chu_WelshDragon: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2592 2009-11-14 16:54 /etc/apt/sources.list09:13
zetheroocwillu: nope09:13
cwilluzetheroo, you removed the disk that has the os installed on it then09:13
zetheroollutz: I did not remove the drive that Ubuntu is installed09:13
silidani formated an usb stick to fat32, then i mounted it copied my stuff on it. i unplugged it, i plugged it in again, files show up, but i dont have write acces!!! WTF IS WRONG???09:13
zetheroocwillu: No I didn't09:13
chromicanyone know why usplash might disappear and comes back twice during boot?09:13
cwilluzetheroo, yes, you did :p09:13
chromicon karmic09:13
llutzzetheroo: then sdb bacame sda now, change grub/fstab to use UUIDs09:13
zetheroocwillu: I removed the secondary drive09:13
WelshDragonchu_, Hrm, permissions on the file are fine. If ~/Backup/sources.list is owned by root, then you'll need root permissions to overwrite it, when you backup. Perhaps that's the problem?09:14
zetheroollutz: how?09:14
cwilluzetheroo, the error says it can't access the drive the os is isntalled on09:14
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone else get this in here dRUl863A4kShXq56 has offered BOUNCEATTACK.TXT (100000000 bytes)09:14
U-b-u-n-t-uor just me?09:14
zetheroollutz: what is UUID's?09:14
chu_Ahh, that's definitely more likely.09:14
chelzbigmack83__: personally i'd recommend using the normal system terminal rather than one that's inside gedit, just in terms of getting used to ubuntu tools09:14
zetheroocwillu: yes ... does not mean I removed it :)09:14
cwilluzetheroo, or your fstab is screwed up and referring to physical device names instead of uuids09:14
chu_Nah, I was getting it earlier U-b-u-n-t-u09:14
chelzchu_: that's all part of the permissions on a file that you can see by doing "ls -l" on any file09:14
llutzzetheroo: use a live-cd, "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" shows you your UUIDs09:15
zetheroocwillu: sounds more like it09:15
U-b-u-n-t-uchu and ignoring dcc's will solve it?09:15
zetheroollutz: ok booting from live CD09:15
chelznapster: i'm trying to find an answer, since i would like to know how to do that too, seems difficult09:15
q0_0por u can use blkid09:15
silidanhey this drives me really crazy, ubuntu 9.10 usb stick no write support (fat32) after unplug and plug in again, how come? any help?09:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuone09:15
chromicusplash shows, flips to console messages, flips back to usplash, again to console, back to usplash, now x login. What might make this happen?09:15
chelzU-b-u-n-t-u: we all got it. that's how to fix it.09:15
cwilluzetheroo, sorry, I generally assume that people didn't shoot themselves in the foot, which is a habit I should break :p09:15
q0_0pzetheroo, blkid09:15
napsterchelz: :) lol09:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-one09:15
zetherooq0_0p: ?09:15
powertool08Anyone know how to make a wireshark capture filter to catch DNS packets only?09:16
zetheroocwillu: no worries :)09:16
ununthow to format 4gb usb flash drive in ubuntu?09:16
llutzpowertool08: filter port 5309:16
chelzsilidan: now that is really strange. is it being automounted?09:16
chu_w00t, WelshDragon, that was it exactly, cheers man :)09:16
chelzununt: you need Partition Editor installed, it can do it09:16
silidanchelz: yep09:16
WelshDragonchu_, You're welcome :)09:16
chelzllutz: the "blkid" tool also shows UUIDs09:17
freaky[t]is there anything better than tomboy notes for ubuntu?09:17
powertool08llutz: is that the exact syntax? I tried 'port 53' for the filter string and it said wrong syntax.09:17
llutzchelz: i know09:17
chelzfreaky[t]: i personally use Zim Desktop Wiki, but that's me09:17
llutzpowertool08: no, use wireshark docu09:17
ununtchelz how to check the assigned device of my usb flash drive, what command should i enter?09:17
chelzllutz: i prefer blkid since it says the drive/partition it's associated to09:17
freaky[t]chelz, hm ok thank you09:17
chelzununt: "mount" (without quotes)09:17
powertool08llutz: I did... and it gave me a syntax error. Are DNS packets udp only? or tcp & upd?09:18
chelzfreaky[t]: there are many note organizing programs out there though09:18
mocolocofreaky[t]: nope :P, really though what features do you want?  look at "getting things gnome"09:18
chelzsilidan: would you mind pastebining the output of "mount" without quotes?09:18
brunoscunhagood morning09:18
llutzpowertool08: "port 53" should work09:18
zetheroollutz: ok I ran that command and got the list09:18
powertool08llutz: Its not working for me :(09:19
brunoscunhaSince I installed karmic, it does not recognize my laptops cd/dvd drive09:19
brunoscunhawhat can I do?09:19
skarhow do i increase laptop's lcd screen brightness from the cmd line?09:19
freaky[t]mocoloco, ok thank you im installing it right now09:19
powertool08llutz: I created a new filter, the filter name is DNS only and the filter string is port 53.09:19
ununtchelz but my usb drive did not show up using mount command09:19
zetheroollutz: ah and its sda4 now ... not sdb4 .... should I change that? ... Can I chnage that?09:19
llutzchelz: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" does it too. blkid needs "blkid -g" from time to time, so i decided to use ls09:19
chelzllutz: ah09:20
AdvoWorkive just put a USB card reader into my pc, with a SD card, how do I know what that is, either dev/sda or dev/sdd? cheers09:20
vagothcppWere can I get XVid codec for linuc? Does anybody know09:20
silidanchelz: http://pastebin.com/d7c54c4b309:20
powertool08llutz: When I try to start the capture, wireshark says the string looks like a valid display filter, but isn't a valid capture filter.09:20
llutzchelz: many ways for one task, you have the choice :)09:20
Spixxquick question: LDAP == Active Directory done right?09:20
nic1how can i install alsa driver on ubuntu?09:20
vagothcppSpixx, LDAP is not Active Directly iirc09:21
cwilluSpixx, active directory is a ldap inspired thing09:21
silidannic1: normaly thats done by installing alsa i think09:21
chelzAdvoWork: "mount" (without quotes) in a terminal09:21
cwilluSpixx, it's almost ldap, basically :p09:21
ununtchelz but my usb drive did not show up using mount command09:21
freaky[t]mocoloco, is there any applet for gtg? for the panels oO09:21
Spixxahh kthx, can one sync an LDAP against an AD?09:21
chelzununt: have you tried unplugging and plugging it back in?09:21
nic1silidan: how can i check if i have alsa driver or not? audio does not work on my machine09:22
mocolocovagothcpp: apt-get install libxvidcore409:22
AdvoWorkchelz, ok, what would that do?09:22
llutzzetheroo: you need to fix your  /etc/fstab-entry. use a live cd09:22
chelzAdvoWork: it would list all mounted stuff09:22
zetheroollutz: I am in my live cd session09:22
kostkonnic1, what "aplay -l" gives you?09:22
AdvoWorkchelz, that did it, thankyou09:22
chelzAdvoWork: cheers :)09:22
zetheroollutz: I did the command you told me to do and get the reply09:22
vagothcppmocoloco, Thanks bro09:22
silidannic1: audio not working can simply mean volume turned off in the mixer, you can see if alsa is installed by simply looking into synaptic09:23
brunoscunhawhat can I do to make karmic recognize a cd/dvd drive on a HP/Compaq 6910p?09:23
mocolocofreaky[t]: no panel applet yet, it's in the works09:23
zetheroollutz: by the way, grub is trying to boot to sdb4 and its now sda4 ... do you know how I can change that?09:23
llutzzetheroo: mount your ubuntu-partition to /mnt, "sudo nano /mtn/etc/fstab" and change the /-entry to the UUID of /dev/sda409:23
freaky[t]mocoloco, ah ok thanks ;D09:23
silidannic1: also often there is a switch in the mixer to use either4 digital output or analog, so you may try it there..09:23
zetheroollutz: I already have it mounted09:23
llutzzetheroo: mount your ubuntu-partition to /mnt, "sudo nano /mtn/boot/grub/menu.lst" and change the root-entry to the UUID of /dev/sda409:24
ununtchelz yes but the output are the same with or without the usb flash drive09:24
chelzsilidan: when you view your usb disk in nautilus, and say right click and try to create a new folder, what happens?09:24
llutzzetheroo: if not using grub209:24
zetheroollutz: well this is Karmic .. so its grub209:24
chelzununt: have you tried multiple usb ports?09:24
llutzzetheroo: if you use grub2: no clue how to change anything there09:24
freaky[t]mocoloco, how do i display tasks i have marked as done?09:24
silidanchelz: i cant its greyed out09:24
zetheroollutz: ok thanks09:24
zetherooanyone know how to edit grub2?09:24
chelzsilidan: is there any kind of write protect toggle on the drive itself?09:25
llutzzetheroo: update-grub maybe to scan for changes (just a guess)09:25
nic1kostkon: aplay -l says card 0: Interl [HDA Intel], device 0:ALC268 Analog, subdevices.....09:25
ununtchelz yes same output result09:25
silidanchelz:where shall i look ? rights for /dev/sdb?09:25
chelzsilidan: i mean on the physical usb stick09:25
nic1silidan: where do i see that analog/digital output?09:25
chelzununt: nothing appears on your desktop? no new icons?09:26
kostkonnic1, ok. eh, what ubutnu ver do you have?09:26
ununtchelz maybe i need to use gparted instead?09:26
nic1kostkon: 9.0409:26
ununtchelz exactly09:26
chelzununt: sure, having gparted open could help09:26
ununtok bbl09:26
chelzununt: verifying that the drive works with another machine would also help09:26
kostkonnic1, ok. eh, you should check your volume levels then.09:26
laurynas_hi, how can I ' and " in bash alias?09:26
silidannic1: in youre audio settings i think... but i realize now... i cant find the mixer app in ubbuntu 9.10 anymore...09:26
mocolocofreaky[t]: view > closed tasks pane.  you have to expand it from the bottom09:26
kostkonnic1, right click on the speaker in your tray09:27
freaky[t]mocoloco, ah ok lol thanks09:27
nic1kostkon: i am in text mode for debugging purpose for a problem..can you tell me the command instead of icons?09:27
silidanchez: no no such thing on the usb stick itself09:27
kostkonnic1, right away ;) give: alsamixer09:28
frittmanncwillu: I stuffed up the Linux Guest Additions install for VirtualBox. I installed it before installing dkms, now it is not working at all. Any way to undo this?09:28
chelznapster: still there?09:28
nic1kostkon: all are high in alsamixer09:28
kostkonnic1, sure?09:28
nic1kostkon: yes sure.09:28
chelzsilidan: is there any read/write protect toggle or switch on the physical usb device itself?09:29
cwillufrittmann, boot from a livecd image and fix the root image from there, or any of the usual ways of fixing a broken install09:29
silidanchelz no there isnt09:29
frittmanncwillu: thanks! :)09:29
kostkonnic1, try pressing F409:29
cwillufrittmann, I'd expect the recovery boot to still work though09:29
llutzsilidan: are you member of group "plugdev"?09:30
nic1kostkon: in F4 press, front mic and one capture are high, other capture is low09:30
kostkonnic1, also try pressing your right arrow key09:30
Spixxsilidan: sudo usermod -a -G plugdev `whoami`09:31
nic1i increased that to high09:31
silidanllutz: yes i am member of plugdev09:31
kostkonnic1, to scroll through the volume levels09:31
kostkonnic1, you may see more levels appearing09:31
Spixxsilidan: nvm my comment then09:31
chelzsilidan: this is a longshot, but it might work. in GParted go to the drive, then go to Devuce at the top and click on "Create Partition Table"09:31
alazyworkaholicI'm installing xubuntu. Where in the filesystem does firefox do most of it's internal work when running? ( /usr ; /home ?) It's horribly slow when I installed to a lousy mlc ssd so I want the files it works with on a faster sd card.09:31
nic1kostkon: input so is there, but not able to increase level in that09:31
kostkonnic1, ok. make sure that nothing is muted09:32
U-b-u-n-t-ufor anyone that doesnt already know if you got hit by the dcc sends /umode +C and /umode +E will help along with /ignore *!*@* DCC ctcp09:32
kostkonnic1, i mean the "mute" option is not checked09:32
apersonwow, beware, we may have some flooding in here09:32
aperson##linux just got it bad09:32
chelzalazyworkaholic: ~/.mozilla but i suggest installing something like "preload" before relying on an SD for speed incrases09:32
kostkonnic1, oh, my bad!09:32
nic1kostkon: what happened?09:32
kostkonnic1, sorry. i always forget about ut09:32
chelzaperson: the bots in here are pretty capapble09:32
nic1kostkon: ut??09:33
apersonchelz, I know, just warning09:33
kostkonnic1, i suppose you are now seeing the software volumes provided by palse09:33
apersonchelz, are you in ##linux ?  holy crap09:33
nic1kostkon: palse?09:33
kostkonnic1, sorry. exits alsamixer and now run it like this:  alsamixer -Dhw09:33
kostkonnic1, pulse → pulseaudio09:33
nic1hey alsamixer and pulse are diff right?09:34
apersonthey just had 65 bots in there09:34
apersonbut yeah... I'm not helping, so I'll be quite now :)09:34
kostkonnic1, yeah. don't worry abou the deatils now. run it like this to access yourt hardware voluems:  alsamixer -Dhw09:35
nic1alsamixer -Dhw just gives me the page like alsamixer gave09:35
brunoscunhaafter a fresh install of karmic from a usb pen, karmic does not recognize my dc/dvd drive. Is there a way to force karmic to recognize the dc/dvd drive?09:35
kostkonnic1, ah ok then09:36
=== Sam__ is now known as whater
kostkonnic1, alright. you are in debug mode or something?09:36
kostkonnic1, then pulse is not running. ok09:36
alazyworkaholicchelz: /home eh? That's a problem. the sd card is only 2GB. The (horribly pathetically slow) ssd is 16 GB. It's not possible to boot off the sd directly. I want /boot on the ssd, /home on the ssd, the rest on the sd, & the tricky part is I also want ~/.mozilla on the sd drive, but that's not an option during install. Any idea how I might accomplish that?09:37
cirkitanybody else experiencing DCC flood attacks in this channel?  [x]DCC SEND from wCJLYHq7I [ port 80]: BOUNCEATTACK.TXT [95MB bytes] requested in channel #ubuntu09:37
apersoneveryone: /ignore *!*@* DCC09:37
apersoncirkit, yes09:37
SpixxNot anymore though :P09:37
brijithWhen I press ctrl + C  in terminal a character ^C is printing ..... In Ubuntu 9.04 this combination is used to cancel the prompt and get new prompt  ..... Why it is like this ..... I like the old case ... how can I set that . .. ??09:37
nic1kostkon: alsa also is not working right? not playing audio stil09:37
kostkonnic1, how do you test?09:38
nic1i have a video, gives sound in other machines, but not in req machine09:38
chelzalazyworkaholic: install like normal, then, with firefox closed, do "mv ~/.mozilla /media/sdcardname/ && ln -s /media/sdcardname/.mozilla ~/.mozilla" (without the quotes)09:38
cichlasomais there a shortcut to shut down X?09:38
frittmanncwillu: thanks for the advice, it didn't find any errors on the disk, and is still not working. I think I'll just reinstall the OS.09:38
chelzalazyworkaholic: that moves it to the card and makes a link to it on the card09:39
kostkonnic1, hmm09:39
alazyworkaholicchelz: Cool, thank you!09:39
nic1and when i try a playing a .wav file online, when i try playing that it give mpeg1 decoder not found error09:39
cwillufrittmann, there's no automatic fixer, you were supposed to boot from the live image and chroot into the root and fix things :p09:39
chelzalazyworkaholic: gl :)09:39
kostkonnic1, that seems to be a codec problem09:39
chelzbrijith: i'm pretty sure nothing has changed. are you sure you are using it for the same things?09:39
frittmann cwillu: I'm only a beginner with this, so not sure how to do all that. Might be easier for me to just reinstall.09:40
QH9r4mcichlasoma, ctrl+alt+backspace09:40
brijithchelz: I m sure09:40
silidanchez: still same problem09:40
nic1can i delete and install it?09:40
Guest14I just updated my linux kernel on a virtual machine running Ubuntu. When I rebooted, I needed to reconfigure vmware tools to get my network card back. The trouble is, that requires the linux headers, which I don't have, and I can't download them without a NIC. :D09:41
Guest14Catch 22... any ideas?09:41
chelzbrijith: you are correct, just a moment09:41
frittmanncwillu: I'm only doing this to learn with, it is not a production system, so it is not a major issue.09:41
kostkonnic1, you oucld install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package09:41
nic1kostkon: how can i istall that? i mean exact command?09:41
=== jc is now known as Guest35776
kostkonnic1, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:41
silidanchez: i did what you said, i created dos partition table made new fat32 partition, plugged out plugged in, ok, copied file on it, pluged out plugged in, read/write acces with thunderbird, plugged out, plugged in again no write acces...09:42
cwillufrittmann, so you want to learn how to chroot and fix things on a production system that actually matters? :p09:42
cwillufrittmann, forgive me if I don't hire you :p09:42
NidayloknHi everybody, sorry for my english09:42
brijithchelz:are you getting the same thing out there ...09:42
nic1kostkon: installing09:43
kostkonnic1, ok09:43
cwillufrittmann, it's not hard, and it'll give you insight into how the system is actually put together;  enough that you'll gain a comfort in putting systems back together from broken pieces lying on the floor09:43
nic1kostkon: with that can we expect sound to work?09:43
kostkon!hi | Nidaylokn,09:43
ubottuNidaylokn,: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!09:43
NidayloknCan u help me? I'm having troubles with ubuntu 9.1009:43
chelzbrijith: no but it seems others are. have you installed all updates?09:43
frittmanncwillu: good point! okay, I'm eager to learn.09:43
kostkonnic1, at least will fix your codecs problem09:43
chelzsilidan: that is *really* strange09:44
silidannic1: all you can expect are possible solutions... no guaranteed solution, if that is what you search i think arch linux is more in that direction...09:44
zetherooyou would seriously have to wonder why grub2 is being used ???09:44
cwillufrittmann, from a livecd, this should mostly work:  mount /dev/whatever /mnt; mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev; mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc; mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys; chroot /mnt09:44
NidayloknCan u help me? I'm having troubles with ubuntu 9.1009:44
brijithchelz:yes is up to date09:44
chelzsilidan: so now unplugging and plugging it in at all has no write access?09:44
cwillufrittmann, from that point, you should be able to do pretty much anything you could do from a recovery prompt, including bringing up the system normally (with the exception of the kernel, obviously)09:45
silidanchelz: yep09:45
chelzbrijith: please make a pastebin of the output of the command "stty -a" (without the quotes)09:45
silidanchelz: crazy, i plugged out and in again, now i have write acces09:45
kostkon!ask | Nidaylokn09:45
ubottuNidaylokn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:45
cwilluzetheroo, because grub 1 is abandoned by upstream, for some time now09:45
silidanchelz but thunderbird cant use it anymore...09:46
zetherooI can change sdb to sda in the grub menu and the system boot fine ... but of course the change is not saved ... hurrah for inovation09:46
chelzsilidan: how are you using it with thunderbird?09:46
frittmanncwillu: when you say a Live CD, I assume that means the option "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer". Is that right?09:46
chelzsilidan: that may be a "fix", just plugging it in and out until you get write access. you might make a forum thread on it. if it really is a bug it should be found and reported.09:46
cwillufrittmann, yes09:46
tkmsrI want to configure wifi in my ubuntu09:47
tkmsrwhich has been detected automatically09:47
chelzzetheroo: within grub is not the time to make changes, editing the configuration the files is how09:47
tkmsrby it09:47
tkmsrUbuntu 9.0409:47
macromikewhen i click restart or type sudo reboot my ubuntu 9.10 pc shuts down instead.  can you please help me ?09:47
chelzzetheroo: editing those within grub is only for booting a borked machine09:47
tkmsrI want to do it manually by09:47
frittmanncwillu: booting it up now.09:47
tkmsrremoving network-manager-gnome09:47
zetheroochelz: well before it was menu.lst and now its what?09:47
chelzmacromike: what is the model number for your computer?09:47
tkmsrDell Inspiron 144009:48
llutzzetheroo: "update-grub"?09:48
cwilluzetheroo, a maze of twisting conf files, all alike09:48
chelzzetheroo: i am not sure. i still have to learn about grub 2. i recommend consulting the grub 2 documentation09:48
silidanchelz: i coppied my backup of my thunderbird portable on the stick and set my profiles to it, first launch thunderbird reads all fine and checks for e-mails no problem, i turn off thunderbird, plug out, plug in no write support, and thunderrbird complains about security issues..09:48
macromikei have an IBM Thinkpad T60 model 1951-BT209:48
zetheroochelz: i read through the docs but there is no definitive answer09:48
brijithchelz: http://pastebin.com/m7ca7bcf109:48
cwilluzetheroo, what are you trying to do?09:48
zetheroollutz: that is only used after editing the config files ... :(09:48
chelzzetheroo: "grub.cfg: new configuration file for GRUB 2 (replaces GRUB Legacy's menu.lst)" from http://grub.enbug.org/09:49
llutzzetheroo: shouldn't that call the os-prober to find other installs? my bad, sry09:49
zetheroocwillu: I just need to change a single darn letter to get the system to start up with out me having to edit it every time I boot09:49
silidanchelz: wait it only looked like i have write support, on trying to delede things it revealed i still dont have write support again, so thats why thunderbird complains09:49
zetheroochelz: yeah ... but you cannot edit that file09:49
r3zahi , anyone know a program to count my project line in ubuntu ?09:49
chelzsilidan: can you create things? how do you copy thunderbird portable if you don't have write support?09:49
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.09:50
chelzsilidan: is perhaps this in a truecrypt volume of some sort?09:50
AscavasaionHOwcome each time I restart my Ubuntu machine it forgets Samba shares... but when I use shares-admin they are still there, but in Nautilus they are not?09:50
chelzr3za: wc -l. do "man wc" (without the quotes)09:50
cwilluzetheroo, is this an upgrade or a fresh install?09:50
chelzbrijith: try doing "ping" then do ctrl+c09:50
zetheroollutz: well yes ... but its useless at being inovative in itself ... if it looks through the config files and detect an issue it can do nothing about it09:50
chelzbrijith: and pastebin what happens09:50
zetheroocwillu: fresh install09:50
r3zachelz: what ? can u tell step by step ?09:50
cwilluzetheroo, /etc/default/grub I believe09:51
chelzr3za: it will tell you how many lines there are in a file09:51
r3zachelz: like that wc -l. do "reserve"09:51
silidanchelz: this is the funny thing: formatting to fat32 plug out plug in -> rw -> copy files to it ok -> plug out plug in -> acces with thunderbird ok -> quit thunder bird plug out plug in -> read only09:51
r3zachelz: i want line counter in folder ...09:51
frittmanncwillu: I have the Live CD booted up and I'm in a Terminal window09:51
cwilluzetheroo, actually, a simple update-grub should redetect the drive names09:51
chelzsilidan: fat32 has no permission support so i'm really not sure what would cause this permission issue. unless there's a truecrypt volume with improper permissions or similar thing in the mix.09:52
brijithchelz: http://pastebin.com/m11a0b72f09:52
zetheroocwillu: nope to both ... sorry09:52
r3zachelz: i want line counter in folder ...09:52
chelzr3za: please try to say what you want a different way09:52
silidanchelz: i never ever had somethign to do with truecrypt as far as i can remember09:52
chelzr3za: do you want to count how many items are in a folder?09:52
brijithchelz: you can see a ^C is in it ....09:52
cwilluzetheroo, I don't understand how you've got anything using raw device names in the first place; the default install has used uuid's for years now09:53
r3zachelz: i want to count all file in a folder ..09:53
chelzbrijith: that is the same way it look for me. that is normal.09:53
zetheroocwillu: well that is what I thought as well09:53
chelzr3za: including dotfiles or just visible? and do you want the total data amount or the item count?09:53
XTChow setup unrealircd auto start on restart ubuntu?09:54
zetheroocwillu: ok ... I changed perms on the grub.cfg file ... and edited it ... rebooted and its working09:54
zetheroocwillu: so much for the documentation .. it would be so simple if they said that that is all you need to do09:54
brijithchelz:1 minute I will sent  you the out of same thing from a ubuntu 9.04 mechine09:54
frittmanncwillu: your first instrction was "mount /dev/whatever" how do I know what "whatever" is meant to be?09:55
r3zachelz: no , just visible ( i have a project in php lan , and i want to know line count ) ...09:55
zetheroocwillu: but I am curious as to why my system is not using UUID's09:55
cwilluzetheroo, the permissions didn't screw themselves up :p09:55
chelzsilidan: you might check if the output of "mount" changes between when you first get write support after formatting then after you plug it in09:55
freaky[t]is there any good download manager for gnome which integrates into firefox? oO09:55
chelzr3za: you want to know the line count for all files in a folder, including subdirectories?09:55
chelzfreaky[t]: DownThemAll! or FlashGot09:55
r3zachelz: yes09:55
cwillufrittmann, /dev/whatever is whatever the partition device is for the root drive09:55
cwillufrittmann, probably /dev/sda109:56
zetheroocwillu: should they have?09:56
freaky[t]chelz, hm thank you :)09:56
macromikei have an IBM Thinkpad T60 model 1951-BT2. when i click restart or type sudo reboot my ubuntu 9.10 pc shuts down instead.  can you please help me?09:56
frittmanncwillu: thanks. Don't assume I know anything and we'll get along fine. :)09:56
cwilluzetheroo, run "pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and give me the link09:56
chelzfreaky[t]: i also recommend JDownloader for oneclick sites, but it's not endorsed by ubuntu at all09:57
freaky[t]chelz, hm ok thank you09:57
brijithchelz: check http://pastebin.com/m4d63a20e09:57
cwillufrittmann, every piece of hardware currently usable in your system is reflected as a device file in /dev somewhere09:57
disappearedngHey I keep getting xchat attack any idea how I can prevent this?09:57
zetheroocwillu: its really nothing though ... no big changes ... just changed a single letter in 3 places09:57
chelzbrijith: what is not right there?09:57
sheytanHow do i enable KMS in 9.10?\09:58
r3za1chelz: how can i do that ?09:58
chelzr3za1: just a moment09:58
brijithchelz:in the pastebin I sent just now you can few blank prompts at the end09:58
chelzdisappearedng:  /umode +C and /umode +E will help along with /ignore *!*@* DCC09:58
cwillusheytan, buy a computer with intel integrated video :p09:58
r3za1chelz: sure09:58
freaky[t]pastebinit is a nice tool :D09:58
brijithchelz:tell how to get those09:58
cwillusheytan, the driver support isn't quite there for ati, and is a ways off for nv09:58
sheytancwillu: got one ;p09:58
chelzbrijith: either just pressing enter or ctrl-c09:58
cwillusheytan, then you should already be using it09:59
sheytancwillu: after install it doesn't work. did even x updates-nothing ;/09:59
disappearedngok thx chelz09:59
cwilluzetheroo, I saw the bit where you said its fixed, I just want to see what it's actually doing09:59
cwillusheytan, define 'doesn't work'09:59
chelzr3za1: are they all .php files?09:59
brijithchelz:that what I am saying when I press ctl + c I am getting  http://pastebin.com/m6079c2c709:59
frittmanncwillu: I just used File Browser to look in /dev but there is no /sda anything in there.10:00
sheytancwillu: can't enable desktop effects10:00
r3za1chelz: .php .css .html10:00
cwillusheytan, that's a different problem10:00
zetheroocwillu: I just changed all the entries of sdb to sda .... :)10:00
chelzr3za1: are there any other files in the folders besides those?10:00
cwillusheytan, kms has nothing to do with acceleration10:00
cwilluzetheroo, could you just pastebin the file? :p10:00
chelzbrijith: oh that's strange. well just pressing enter will have to do i guess.10:00
zetheroocwillu: sure10:00
sheytancwillu: can you help me with it anyway?10:00
chelzzetheroo: you probably should use UUIDs whenever possible10:00
r3za1chelz: what ? dear chelz i cant understand english well10:01
zetheroo1cwillu: this is me on the desktop now10:01
cwillusheytan, sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:01
zetheroo1cwillu: I would really like to ... no idea how though10:01
chelzr3za1: in the folders, are there any files you do not want counted in the line count?10:01
cwilluzetheroo, sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:01
brijithchelz: I usually press ctl +c to cancel the prompt that having some commads typed partially10:01
zetheroo1cwillu: its coming mate :)10:01
* cwillu stamps his feet10:02
chelzbrijith: well now you'll see that ^C and know you pressed it, so it's kind of informative10:02
r3za1chelz: no , i want count all file10:02
sheytancwillu: http://pastebin.com/m3719d70910:02
r3za1chelz: i dont want count images10:02
r3za1chelz: :D10:02
cwillusheytan, thanks, one second10:03
sheytancwillu: ok10:03
zetheroo1cwillu: haha ... here you go then :) http://pastebin.com/m97b3f7910:03
nic1kostkon: download done10:03
silidanchelz: this procedure is reproducable, thunderbird fucks up my acces to the usb stick, no write support (besides editing of files i created), and there is no change in the mount output10:03
bazhangsilidan, watch the language10:03
brijithchelz:another doubt.... do you know how to install turbo gears10:03
kostkonnic1, ok10:04
silidanbazhand: ok thunderbird beats the shit out of my usb stick10:04
dvd_Hi. A quick question about cron. I used it with success in 8.04. Now in 9.10 I have zero joy, no matter what I try. No task I set up will run. Is there a showstopping problem with cron in 9.10??10:04
brijithchelz:in Ubuntu 9.1010:04
chelzr3za1: mk one sec10:04
bazhangsilidan, no cursing at all; please desist10:04
cwillusheytan, anything odd about your setup?  could you disable (sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.off) your x config file and try it again?10:04
cwillusheytan, (will require a restart)10:04
r3za1chelz: sure ...10:04
chelzsilidan: yeah that is some kind of crazy bug10:04
salmonixHi there, can I start live CD without any X? I need only console.10:04
r3za1chelz: im back in a second ...10:05
sheytancwillu: will try ;)10:05
chelzbrijith: http://www.turbogears.org/2.0/docs/main/DownloadInstall.html10:05
cwilluzetheroo, give me /etc/default/grub10:05
zetheroo1cwillu: ok .. a sec10:06
sllidecan someone help me connecting something with pybluez?10:06
andi__guys, does ubuntu 9.10 hv problem with internet connection?10:06
sllideoh noes10:06
sllidewrong chan10:06
andi__wireless to be specific.10:06
brijithchelz:two weeks ago when I tried i got that error10:06
r3za1chelz: ok , im here10:07
chelzbrijith: http://groups.google.com/group/turbogears/browse_thread/thread/6dde3a2eebc478fb10:07
frittmanncwillu: this is the error message I am getting... "mount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"10:07
chelzr3za1: i almost have it10:07
silidanchelz: i am not sure can this be caused by the usb stick beeing used before as a bootable device with ubuntu live on it?10:07
zetheroo1cwillu:  http://pastebin.com/mf64a10710:08
cwillufrittmann, do "ls /dev/sd*", and pick one that seems reasonable10:08
cwillufrittmann, if it doesn't work, try another that seems reasonable10:08
pacman69anyone know how to prevent a partition from auto mounting on boot?10:08
zetheroocwillu: back in 2 min :)10:08
pacman69I looked in fstab and it's not even listed !10:09
sheytancwillu: i'm back and ... nothing ;/10:09
cwillusheytan, give me a fresh pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:09
cwillusheytan, this isn't a multimonitor setup is it?10:10
brijithchelz:thanks .... Let me try it out ... :) hope it will work10:10
chelzr3za1:  find /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY -iname "*.php" -or -iname "*.css" -or -iname "*.html" | wc -l | grep total10:10
sheytancwillu, no.10:10
sheytancwillu, http://pastebin.com/m4555961110:10
sheytancwillu have to go for a while, be right back10:11
r3za1chelz: wow , wait , im checking :D:D:D:D10:11
chelzsilidan: i don't think so. i'm pretty sure that partition table thing would overwrite that. you could try dd-ing zeros to the beginning of it just to be sure10:11
om26er1i want to install lubuntu but i don't want lubuntu applications in gnome-session. is there any way to do that?10:11
chelzr3za1: make sure you put in the proper path to the dir10:11
pacman69anyone know how to prevent a partition from auto mounting on boot?10:11
chelzpacman69: remove it from /etc/fstab10:11
silidanchelz: can you explain more detailed that dd-ing zeros thing10:11
cwillusheytan, what happens if you run "compiz --replace"?10:11
chelzpacman69: or just remove "auto"10:11
om26er1pacman69: no partion automounts until you set it to in fstab10:11
frittmanncwillu, I went through all of them. It didn't let me mount /dev/sda5 as it is the swap partition, everything else came back with the same error message as before.10:11
cih997hi, how to check what is turn on that causes http://localhost says "It works"? I can't find apache process and binary, lampp is stopped. What else could it be?10:12
cwillufrittmann, what's the exact command you're typing?10:12
cwillucih997, lighthttp10:12
chelzsilidan: dd writes directly to a device. so for example you could do "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx bs=1M count=1" to write 1 megabyte of zeros to /dev/sdx10:12
r3za1chelz: sure10:12
pacman69it's not listed in fstab! it's appears as '%', it's from a oracle vm install (ocfs)10:12
cih997cwillu: how to check if it lighthttp?10:12
frittmanncwillu: I'm typing "mount /dev/sda1" without the quotation marks.10:12
nic1silidan: what is arch linux?10:12
chelzpacman69: you might try checking with the oracle folks since that is pretty custom10:13
silidannic1: in that case better not conider it10:13
silidannic1: yet#10:13
Vampire_cih997, type "lsof -i -P | grep :80" then you know the process id, then you can do "ps aux | grep <process id>" and you know which process it is10:13
pacman69no worries chelz! Thanks!10:13
chelznic1: it's a linux distribution other than ubuntu.10:13
chelzpacman69: good luck. that custom stuff is hard to decipher sometimes. :)10:13
chelztkmsr: still there?10:13
cwillucih997, netstat -pl|grep -i tcp10:13
zetheroocwillu: back10:14
chelzdang macromike left10:14
cwillufrittmann, are you root?10:14
cwillufrittmann, if you're not, you need to do sudo mount ...10:14
om26er1what can i do to prevent lxde apps to be visible in gnome menus?10:14
chelzmacromike i'm sorry you left :(10:14
frittmanncwillu: I booted the Live CD, so I am logged in to the terminal as "ubuntu"10:14
r3za1chelz: no its not working :(10:15
chelzom26er1: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu10:15
cwillufrittmann, which has no bearing on you using sudo :p10:15
chelzr3za1: please pastebin your output10:15
om26er1chelz: ok10:15
chelzr3za1: well please pastebin all of the terminal10:15
r3za1chelz: sure , wait10:15
frittmanncwillu: should I just do a "sudo -s" first?10:15
cwillufrittmann, only if you can stand on one foot while patting your head and rubbing your tummy10:16
chelz!hi | banskt10:17
ubottubanskt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:17
banskti am trying out irssi ... having problems in connecting secure channels10:18
silidanchelz: i think the problem might be the stick itself, it seems broken, as now i tried that thing in windows and get tha same behaviour, only that windows tells me that the profiles file is damaged10:18
silidanchelz: i need to verify this tough..10:19
chelzsilidan: that very well could be. i've seen stranger things out of dying flash drives10:19
r3za1chelz: please check your im10:19
chelzsilidan: you could try copying an ubuntu iso over then verifying the md510:19
chelzr3za1: i got it ;)10:19
NarcHello folks. Anyone knows how to delay compiz launch at boot in Karmic, because the splash fading effect is affected by compiz. I know, I'm shallow... Thanks10:20
cih997Vampire_, cwillu: thx for help, it was Firefox and its cache ... ;)10:20
frittmanncwillu: I used "sudo mount /dev/sda1" and it came back with "mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/6d6f8498-5af8-41e6..."10:20
silidanchalz: thanks for the hint didnt think about that again10:20
alazyworkaholicI'm trying to boot from a ssd while keeping / on a non-bootable sd card. I was told to add mmc_core mmc_block sdhci sdhci-pci to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules in the livecd then run /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.distrib -u     I read man update-initramfs.distrib & didn't see anything about the .distrib part of the command. Is that part necessary? What would change if I ran only update-initramfs?10:21
bansktfrittmann: have you tried unmounting /dev/sda1 ?10:21
anarcapA question for all of ubuntu gurus...10:22
cwillufrittmann, so substitute /media/6d... for /mnt in the rest of the lines :p10:22
frittmanncwillu: aren't you ready to give up on me yet? :) I've been running Linux for a total of two days now.10:22
cwillufrittmann, I have to run right away, sorry :p10:22
sllidewhat is ^= ?10:22
kqoytughbxkagrhejjenfeufr3ji8urj8otu8fu8fuhjfhghgh  guhuthvf fgughfyyygg fyh7fyh7fgfr7rggyurgfyg7gt10:23
cwillufrittmann, incidently, the tab key is your friend (type /me<tab for a demo)10:23
frittmanncwillu: no probs, thanks for trying. I will come back and pester for more advice once I am out of Ubuntu-nappies :)10:23
cwillusllide, in what context?10:23
sllideled ^= cwiid.LED4_ON10:23
anarcapactually, I have an xchat question first. How can I change the text color of my posts? I can barely read them.10:23
luciashheya ppl10:23
dAnonwhy does the "save to x configuration file" button never work for me?10:23
dAnonin nvidia settings10:23
dAnonwhere is the common sense?10:24
sllideoh wait10:24
bradpittdAnon : failed to parsed?10:24
sllideagain the wrong channel :/10:24
chelzanarcap: Settings -> Preferences -> Colors10:24
cwillusllide, looks like python, it's an operation assigned back to the original10:24
sllideye i know10:24
sllidethanks :)10:24
dAnonUnable to remove old X config backup file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'.10:24
anarcapchelz: Yeah, i tried that.10:24
luciashupgrade to karmic looks really good and works nicely for me except one thing: my external monitor output scripts stopped to work properly :(10:25
chelzdAnon: try "gksudo nvidia-settings"10:25
luciashthis is my bash script: http://paste-it.net/public/i1091de/10:25
SpixxdAnon do this run the program nvidia-settings > test.txt?10:25
luciashany ideas ?10:25
dAnonis it Ubuntu developers fault or badly written driver interface?10:25
anarcap chelz: my posts still show up grey10:25
dAnonit should be all possible to set via interface if we want Ubuntu to be "for people"10:25
anarcapDoh! Never mind. Chelz: Thanks10:25
dAnonI installed Ubuntu on both my parents notebooks10:26
chelzanarcap: :)10:26
anarcapI have a question about flash plugins. (I'm new to linux/ubuntu)10:26
chelzdAnon: parents should be using LTS releases10:26
dAnonwhy so?10:26
chelzanarcap: when you try to watch a flash video it should walk you through installing what you need10:26
chelzdAnon: because they are the most stable10:26
chelzluciash: are you sure you still need them?10:27
dAnonchelz I think 8.04 is a bit too old and could not support some things10:27
dAnongonna wait for 10.4 with that10:27
PhantomLinkwtf happened?10:27
luciashi noticed VGA and LVDS changed to VGA1 and LVDS1 but it didn't help... the result is "black screen" on both with mouse cursor on VGA1 and reduced horiz space to some 200px of movement and i cannot get back other way than system hard-reset10:27
NarcSomeone knows why the fading effect after login is ugly and delayed when Compiz/Effects are enabled and how to fix it ? Thanks a lot.10:27
PhantomLinki bring my computer out of sleep and I have 9999999 DCC requests trying to send me bounceattack.txt10:27
chelzdAnon: parents don't always need 'the latest'. but yeah their call.10:27
sheytancwillu: http://pastebin.com/m503462fe10:27
chelzluciash: have you tried a livecd and/or not using the script?10:28
cwillusheytan, Blacklisted PCIID '8086:2562' found  is your answer :p10:28
=== PhantomLink is now known as ^Phantom^
=== ^Phantom^ is now known as PhantomLink
cwillusheytan, chipset with known issues;  search bugs.launchpad.net for that string if you want to know more10:28
dAnonchelz gksudo nvidia-settings did it for me, why have it in system>administration when I can't even change resolution from there?10:28
luciashchelz: how can i achieve that without xrandr ? i get the same unusable screens when i just connect external monitor without even launching the script10:28
cwillusheytan, it's possible to force it on anyway, but you're playing with fire then10:29
anarcapI'm running ubuntu 9.10 x64 (love it). I have the version of firefox that came installed w/ ubuntu 9.10 (3.5.5 w/ updates). I installed the flash plugin for x64 bit at the adobe website (.dev package). It installed fine, and I can watch flash vids, but they tear a lot. Movies play fine with no tearing, but flash vidoeo tears on hulu, youtube, etc. I was wondering if I should uninstall the adobe flash plugin and install flash another w10:29
anarcapay. (Maybe like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1259102)10:29
chelzdAnon: some tools aren't applicable to a certain install. these are bugs and need to be worked out. you could try making a brainstorm item for this.10:29
cwilludAnon, nvidia's driver can't be integrated into our tools in any sane fashion.  For any other setup, (well, probably not fglrx either), the admin tool works perfectly well10:29
chelzluciash: where did you get the script?10:29
sheytancwillu: will take a search, thanks10:30
sheytancwillu: it's a school pc ;/10:30
luciashchelz: i wrote it myself... worked perfectly in Jaunty10:30
luciashchelz: i have hp mini with intel graphics here if that matters10:31
anarcapI've been reading about flash on ubuntu all over the ubuntu forums and elsewhere, and it seems like there are at least 3 or 4 different ways and different plugins for flash. What about restricted extras, or gnash, or medibuntu (or whatever it's called)??10:31
luciashis there some bug introduced regarding intel graphics in karmic ?10:31
dAnonanarcap adobe sucks on linux, I love 9.10 64bit too, so bloody fast :D10:31
chelzanarcap: try removing the adobe version and installing the one in the official repos10:31
dAnonchelz is there a 64bit flash plugin in repos?10:32
anarcapdAnon: I hate flash, wish I didn't have to use it for hulu.10:32
cwilluanarcap, just do "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras".  If that doesn't work, then investigate the other options10:32
chelzluciash: oh, well i was going to suggest consult the place you got the script from. if not using the script means the monitor is unusable, then yeah i guess you have to fix the script10:32
chelzanarcap: run that after uninstalling adobe's flash10:33
dAnoncwillu for some reason ubuntu-restricted-extras doesn't contain flash player10:33
dAnonin 9.1010:33
PhantomLinki'm on 8.1910:34
luciashchelz: i just noticed only using the xrandr to list the current setup works but trying anything else with xrandr results in both screens unusable :(10:34
PhantomLinkhow long do i have to upgrade?10:34
anarcapchelz. How do I go about uninstalling my current flash plugin? The one I downloaded from adobe?10:34
dAnonanarcap rename it or move somewhere/delete it10:34
chelzanarcap: check adobe's site for uninstall instructions10:34
bluntalguien controla el aircrack-ng? necesito ayuda con la inyeccion de pquetes10:34
=== PhantomLink is now known as PL|Snoozing
luciashseems it's not trivial to fix... i will try dig harder on the net if i can find some alternative for Karmic10:35
blunthi, someone can help me with aircrack-ng ?10:35
Spixxblunt: no10:35
llutzblunt: aircrack-ng.org10:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:35
Spixxblunt: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52827610:35
* banskt has a few good friends. man, info, /usr/doc, tlpd & google.10:35
cwilludAnon, ubuntu-restricted-extras does install flashplugin-installer, yes10:36
cwilludAnon, http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/ubuntu-restricted-extras10:36
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:36
bluntgracicas Spixx, llevo dos dias mirando documentacion y no consigo dar con lo que busco...10:36
llutzbanskt: but they were rarely visited by others :(10:36
Spixxblunt: Das sint gut aber ich do not understand spanish :P10:37
anarcapdAnon - cwillu - chelz - do you think installing from restricted extras, or from the repo, will be better than Adobe...? Or, is it just 'worth a try'? :)10:37
philipdahlstrmI'd like to use the ubuntu wallpaper with the water and the small bridge on my Mac computer. Is there any where I can get the image file?10:37
bluntSpixx: sorry, iǘe been looking for aireplay-ng solution in forums for many days but i cannot find the solution yet... thanks anyway10:38
=== ScottG is now known as ScottGfe
anarcapchelz: Uninstall flash instructions at adobe site are for windows and OS X :(10:38
cwilluanarcap, do what I said, until such time as it doesn't work :p10:38
Server__How set UnrealIRCD to start on boot?10:38
=== ScottGfe is now known as ScottG
Spixxblunt: there are a site called offensive security they have a video guide to aircrack10:38
blunthow i go to another channel? where do i put the command?10:38
bluntSpixx: thx10:39
Spixxblunt: http://www.offensive-security.com/backtrack-tutorials.php /j #CHANNEL10:39
luciashchelz: well, i just tested and "xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 720x400" command works, so it must be problem with setting up the external monitor only10:39
glicki must say, some things about koala dissappoint me10:39
=== andi is now known as Guest81145
Server__blunt, /join #channel10:39
glickthey took out a lot of customization options10:39
glicklike the ability to choose and change the login screen theme10:40
chelzluciash: there might be a new way to get it working10:40
glickwhat the heck10:40
bluntthx everybody10:40
anarcapcwillu: gotcha ;)10:40
cwilluglick, because gdm was completely rewritten to address fundamental issues10:40
glickempathy isnt nearly as polished as pidgin10:41
anarcapcwillu: So should I move my .adobe/flash_player directory? And10:41
kostkonphilipdahlstrm, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers/0.30/+files/ubuntu-wallpapers_0.30.tar.gz10:41
chelzanarcap: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/releasenotes.pdf there should be uninstall instrucitons in this10:41
Server__How set UnrealIRCD to start on boot?10:41
xironghow to remove user from terminal?10:42
glicki thnk in some areas it lacks the polish of previous distros10:42
SpixxServer__: if in graph check for "System > Preference > Startup Applications and just add it there10:42
philipdahlstrmkostkon: Thanks a lot!10:43
luciashchelz: maybe there's some auto-magic detection now trying to set it up itself when vga cable is connected and it fails... any idea where this could be switched off ?10:43
jongbergsxirong: sudo deluser --remove-all-files10:43
jongbergsxirong: sudo deluser --remove-all-files <username>10:43
SpixxBut that starts it when login. if you want it to boot under init.d you have to add a script to the right runlevel folder.10:43
EvaLuaTeI have a usb 2.0 hdd, to which I'm trying to copy some files to (with nautilus). When I start copying it starts at about 14-15MB/s, but then it slowly decreases and remains stable at around 2-3MB/s. Any idea why the speed is so low or if there is any way I could increase it?10:43
shajiprabhakarraid 5 config howto10:43
dAnonI hate adobe and mozzila so much10:43
chelzluciash: you can open up System Log and see if anything is happening when you connect it10:44
jongbergs!raid | shajiprabhakar10:44
ubottushajiprabhakar: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:44
anarcapchelz: Thanks for pulling out the PDF. I really appreciate it. However, the instructions point me to a directory that does not exist on my machine:: Delete libflashplayer.so binary and flashplayer.xpt file in directory /home/<user>/.mozilla/plugins/10:46
chelzEvaLuaTe: the speed is dependent on the device in question10:46
anarcapchelz: I don't have a plugins directory under .mozilla10:46
qdb9.10 i386 disk works in amd64 computer. hm. did work 9.04 or 8.10?10:46
cls`workanarcap: create it10:46
chelzanarcap: in a terminal "locate libflashplayer.so"10:46
EvaLuaTechelz: it's a new drive, I guess the speed shouldn't be _this_ low...10:47
dAnonwhy does opera not work with flashplugin alternative10:47
chelzEvaLuaTe: you could try testing it on other machines to see if it's specific to your ubuntu machine10:47
qdbas i know 8.10 or 9.04 i386 did not work in amd64 computer.10:47
vesper_can someone tell me if it is possible to use opera to watch embedded flash videos, I can watch videos on youtube but not if they are embedded else where, it works fine in firefox but i would prefer to use opera. i have the flash plugins installed including the restricted extras10:47
llutzqdb: they did10:47
anarcapchelz: I do have a libflashplayer.so in my downloads directory (USERNAME/downloads). I believe I linked the libflashplayer.so to firefox via some command in order to get it working.10:48
qdbthank you, llutz10:48
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:48
shajiprabhakarthanks ubottu10:49
qdbi think but amd64 ubuntu disk do not work in i386 computer, is it so, llutz10:49
llutzqdb: right10:49
EvaLuaTechelz: but, what really made me wonder, was the fact that it starts at around 14-15MB/s and stays there for a couple of minutes (1-2GB) and just then it starts decreasing. I guess the drive speed shouldn't be the problem in this case, as it can very well support fairly high speeds over a couple of minutes...10:49
qdbthank you10:49
anarcapchelz: I have a bunch of libflashplayer.so files on my machine after doing "locate:10:49
anarcapas it turns out, I do have a mozilla/plugins dir.10:50
anarcapchelz: my mozilla/plugins dir is under /usr/lib10:50
anarcapchelz: should i delete all instances of my libflashplayer.so ??10:50
cls`workanarcap: those are systemwide.. you can also just mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins and move it there.. will work just as well10:50
BeardedChimpWhen I plug in a firewire camera ubuntu (jaunty) creates a /dev/raw1394 device however it is root:root as opposed to root:video where can i set it such that in the future the device is created with group video?10:51
chelzanarcap: yes10:51
xironghow to go rescue mode in 9.1010:51
llutzBeardedChimp: create/change udev-rules10:51
chelzxirong: select Safe Mode in grub on boot10:51
xirongchelz: there is no option in 9.10 for safe mode10:52
chelzEvaLuaTe: using a terminal tool called "bonnie" you can test speeds10:52
anarcapchelz: So, just to confirm. Delete them all? PS. is there a command I can use to delete all of those files system-wide?10:52
silidanhi, i just made myself an ubuntu 9.10 64bit usb live system with unetbootin, the problem is i need to verify the integrity of this thing how can i do this? (it boots directly to the live session)10:52
BeardedChimpllutz: Ta, i looked in /etc/udev/rules.d but there was no pre-existing rule for it, do i have to create one manually?10:53
llutzBeardedChimp: i think so10:53
anarcapchelz: sorry, still learning CLI :(10:53
EvaLuaTechelz: ok, i'll try that. If the speed should be higher than the actual transfer speed i'm experiencing now, is there anything I can do to get nautilus to transfer at those speeds?10:53
chelzanarcap: sudo rm `locate libflashplayer.so`10:53
xirongI cannot find safe mode of rescue mode when booting up from 9.1010:53
dAnonanarcap I recommend you to download GNOME Commander :) It is easier to work on files with graphical interface :P10:53
chelzEvaLuaTe: nothing that i know of. everything is set to make transfers as fast as your machine can handle. :)10:53
chu_How can I change what speed my CPU runs at in Karmic? Interested in saving a little battery life perhaps :)_10:53
silidanchelz: i just made myself an ubuntu 9.10 64bit usb live system with unetbootin, the problem is i need to verify the integrity of this thing how10:53
anarcapdAnon: Thanks, I will DL it now.10:54
cwilluchelz, anarcap, noting that locate's database only gets updated daily, unless you run updatedb by hand10:54
chelzxirong: hold down the Shift key during bootup. and select "recovery mode"10:54
luciashchelz: yep, i will try to catch it... thank you10:54
xirongchelz: thanks.10:54
chelzluciash: good luck :)10:54
zzornHi, how do I find out which process is bound to a specific port?10:54
llutzzzorn: netstat -tulpen10:55
zzornllutz: thanks!10:55
dAnonanarcap then you'll only need to go into File>run Gnome Commander with admin rights and you can work with files however you please10:55
llutzzzorn: maybe grep for your port10:55
xironghow to add user in command terminal?10:55
cwilluzzorn, netstat -pl | grep -iE "tcp|udp"10:55
llutzxirong: adduser10:55
luciashchelz: the thing which sucks is every time i try it i have to hard-reset the machine :(10:55
GobiTheGoblinHi guys, any recommendations on lightweight desktop recording?10:55
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.10:55
GobiTheGoblinthx =)10:56
chelzluciash: restarting x doesn't work?10:56
chelzGobiTheGoblin: i've heard very good things about xvidcap10:56
luciashchelz: nope, the keyboard doesn't react10:56
luciasheven alt gr + sys rq + k doesn't help10:57
xirongllutz: error "Only one or two names allowed"10:57
GobiTheGoblinchelz: thanx, ill try it out.10:57
chelzluciash: perhaps write a script that does your options, then resets them after 30 seconds10:57
llutzcwillu: no need to grep, netstat -tu does that10:57
ubottuMolimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.10:57
anarcapdAnon - Yeah, I'm looking at it now. But can I do a rm on a file that has multiple copies system wide? "rm libflashplayer.so" ? Or would I have to navigate to each instance of the file and delete each one by hand. In that case the GUI would be slower, right?10:57
=== Xero is now known as Guest14079
llutzxirong: "man adduser" or use useradd10:57
chelzanarcap: sudo rm `locate libflashplayer.so`    will do it10:58
mikebeechamI wonder if anyone can help me...I cannot stream WMV in my ubuntu package??10:58
anarcapchelz: Yeah, I know, I caught you earlier. dAnon was telling me about GNOME commander.10:59
legend2440luciash: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-enabledisable-ctrlaltbackspace-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html10:59
mikebeechamI can play the same videos within the same webpage on my Windows and Mac machines, but not Ubuntu10:59
chelzxirong: adduser seems to be what you want. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/add-a-user-on-ubuntu-server/10:59
chelzlegend2440: he says even the magic sysrq keys aren't working, so i'm assuming his kb just doesn't work10:59
rloHi... in /etc/apt/sources.list, what's the difference between "universe" and "multiverse"? TIA10:59
legend2440chelz: oh ok10:59
luciashchelz: yep, but i fear that even my script commands aren't applied as i think about it more... because it happens after few seconds i connect the vga cable i first thought it is the script which i launched a second later... but probably it was just some delay10:59
tsimpsonrlo: universe is community maintained free software (open source), multiverse is community maintained non-free software (usually closed-source)11:00
luciashlegend2440: i have it already but it doesn't work after i connect the external monitor... my keyboard is not usable anymore11:00
anarcapchelz: it appears that adobe air also uses this file... npwrapper.libflashplayer.so to be specific. Couldn't delete that one.11:01
rlotsimpson: thanks11:01
chelzanarcap: that's fine11:02
X-Setiinteresting, I have a problem11:02
vesper_can someone tell me if it is possible to use opera to watch embedded flash videos, I can watch videos on youtube but not if they are embedded else where, it works fine in firefox but i would prefer to use opera. i have the flash plugins installed including the restricted extras11:02
chelzjust install flash from the official repos11:02
anarcapchelz: how can I update my locate database to check to make sure I delete all of the instances of libflashplayer.so?11:02
chelzvesper_: the opera web site has no mention of a way to fix that issue?11:02
X-Setievery day about this time my servers gone down, on the logs it shows bounce attack, using ftp, file being sent to me over irc etc..11:02
chelzanarcap: unless you installed any in the last day, you got them all11:03
bradpittvesper_ : what about dailymotion.com?11:03
chelzanarcap: to update your database you run "updatedb" though11:03
anarcapchelz: No, I installed the libflashplayer.so like 4-5 days ago.11:03
vesper_chelz: I've had a look and I can't see anything, I am not partilcularly computer savvy though so i could have missed something. I shall look again11:03
AscavasaionWhy is the server so slow?11:03
anarcapchelz: How long does it take to updatedb?? Should I bother doing it now?11:03
X-Setii didnt know ubuntu can be taken down like this11:03
luciashchelz: "sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep VGA" gives me some idea... i will try disable EDID11:03
vesper_bradpitt: yes i can view that fine in opera11:04
yaccHow does that encrypted home directory in Ubuntu work?11:04
chelzvesper_: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-opera-web-browser-in-ubuntu-including-flashjava-plugins.html11:04
tsimpsonX-Seti: it's not ubuntu, it's the server your client is connected to being flooded11:04
bradpittAscavasaion : what server?11:05
chelzX-Seti: you just need to set some simple settings11:05
unimatrixHow do I enable KMS on the radeon driver in Karmic?11:05
chelzX-Seti:  /umode +C and /umode +E will help along with /ignore *!*@* DCC11:05
epinky!encrypted| yacc11:05
ubottuyacc: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory11:05
tsimpsonchelz: +C and +E won't help at all11:06
vesper_thanks chelz, I tried that already and it doesn't seem to have worked11:06
tsimpsonchelz: those only block messages sent directly to you, not to a channel (which is how these attacks are done)11:06
chelztsimpson: doesn't hurt11:06
X-Setichelz, its not only the ircd i run, its the other services, ftp and ssh are being hit too11:07
X-Setitheirs an exploit in the ftpd11:07
yaccepinky, so what happens with programs accessing my home directory when I log out?11:07
anarcapdAnon: How long does updatedb take?11:07
napsterHow to get the names of users on my system...?11:09
napstercurrently logged in11:09
sipiornapster: "w"11:09
chelznapster: "users" (withouts quotes"11:09
Dream-Ubui created a live usb via unetbootin and, latest live gave me the 10.04 installer - tad annoying also when i try to install restriced it stops and claims theres another system processs running11:09
chelzDream-Ubu: try rebooting11:10
napstersipior: chelz I mean trough all protocols telnet,ssh...will those work..?11:10
epinkyyacc: when you logout  pam-encfs will unmount your homefolder using encfs and all the files saved here will be encrypted. "more /usr/share/doc/libpam-encfs/README"11:10
sipiornapster: yes.11:11
Dream-Ubuchelz: i did n it didnt work :P11:11
yaccepinky, so all long running stuff needs to be outside of the /home directory.11:11
napstersipior: chelz Thank you :) 'w' is much verbose...ty11:11
mikebeechamI wonder if anyone can help me...I cannot stream WMV in my ubuntu package through Firefox??  I have installed xine, and the restricted package, but still no go??11:11
luckymuraliHi to all11:12
bazhangDream-Ubu, 10.04?11:12
Dream-Ububazhang: unetbootin - latest live11:12
yaccepinky, another thing, ecryptfs is setup inside pam, right? (I ask that because I tend not to use Gnome nor the other mainstream desktop environments.)11:12
zvacet!hi | luckymurali11:12
ubottuluckymurali: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!11:12
bazhangDream-Ubu, you surely mean 9.1011:12
shajiprabhakarfully transparent proxy howto11:12
Dream-Ububazhang: it gave me the installer for 10.04 (probs just the GUI side) but, yeah confusing11:13
napstershajiprabhakar: squid11:13
brotherchanibus sometimes cannot start, what can I do?11:13
epinkyyacc: well not "inside"  I prefer to say "behind" PAM11:13
luckymuraliHow cam I freeup my Memory(RAM)11:13
luckymuraliplease tell me11:14
yaccinside a PAM module?11:14
anarcapchelz: I successfully deleted all of the instances of libflashplayer.so (except for adobe air version). THANKS!!! So, now I just install flash from the repository? Which one? Restricted Extras? PS. Is restricted extras the same as multiverse?11:14
napsterluckymurali: ?11:14
bazhangluckymurali, open a terminal and type top ; see what is using ram11:14
Dream-Ububazhang: if you dont belive me make a live disc, it gives the 10.0411:14
bazhangDream-Ubu, I did just the other day and got 9.1011:15
epinkyyacc: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-pam-works11:15
Dream-Ububazhang: this was 2 days ago11:15
shajiprabhakarfully transparent squid proxy howto11:15
jcrawfordhey guys do i have to install anything to get the ability to ssh into my machine or is all that installed by default with the base install?11:16
chelzanarcap: i'm not sure about the repos, but yeah you just install flash player in synaptic11:16
brotherchanHi, pls help : http://paste.ubuntu.com/321439/11:16
chelzjcrawford: you need to install ssh11:16
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org11:16
jcrawfordchelz, any specific packages?11:16
chelzjcrawford: just "ssh"11:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squid shajiprabhakar11:17
jcrawfordok installing now11:17
tomodachinapster: tinyproxy might be something easier to setup, if its a simple proxy you want11:17
chelzjcrawford: also might think about running a firewall, or ssh on a nondefault port, or some kind of portknocking, or only allowing publickey auth11:17
anarcapchelz: flashplugin-nonfree or flashplugin-installer ?? nonfree is the "transitional package"11:17
jcrawfordchelz, i have my router which only allows certain ports to this machine :)11:18
aLeSD_hi all11:18
shajiprabhakarthanks bazbang11:18
shajiprabhakarthanks ubottu11:18
anarcapcwillu: Which flash plugin should I install? From synaptic, or another?11:18
luckymuraliHere I am not able to find which application is taking more RAM11:18
anarcapHas anyone tried gnash for flash?11:19
cwillu_at_workanarcap, ubuntu-restricted-extras will install the right one11:19
napstertomodachi: Its not me shajiprabhakar11:19
cwillu_at_workanarcap, gnash is making progress, but it's nowhere near 'just works'11:19
chu_If I run update manager, and its offering a partial upgrade, should I do it? Would it be safe by now? :p11:19
bazhangluckymurali, open a terminal and type top and take a a look11:19
brunoscunhakarmic is not detecting my cd/dvd drive on a HP/Compaq 6910P. What can I do to have it detected?11:19
zvacetanarcap:  try flashplugin-nonfree from synaptic11:19
anarcapcwillu_at_work - are the restricted extras the same as the multiverse repo?11:20
luckymuralibazhang,I did like it11:20
cwillu_at_workanarcap, yes11:20
luckymuralibut no application is taking this much of RAM11:20
bazhangluckymurali, and what were the culprits, ie those using most ram11:20
cwillu_at_workanarcap, ubuntu-restricted-extras installs flash, java, mscorefonts, and some other odds and ends,11:20
cwillu_at_workanarcap, oh, and codecs :p11:21
luckymuralithere is no application taking greater than 250 MB of RAM11:21
bazhangluckymurali, are you using compiz11:21
luckymuralisome Cache I think11:21
anarcapcwillu - zvacet - chelz - Thanks. Giving it a shot...hope it plays without tearing. I believe I already have a buttload of codecs installed (I did that through CLI after I installed 9.10)11:21
zvacetanarcap:  ubuntu-resrticted-extras is metapackage witch install java,flash,fonts... search for it in software center11:21
luckymuraliok what is compiz11:22
cls`work!compiz | luckymurali11:22
cwillu_at_workanarcap, next time just install ubuntu-restricted-extras, it'll install basically everything extra you typically need11:22
ubottuluckymurali: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz11:22
bazhangluckymurali, the desktop effects, such as wobbly windows and the like11:22
anarcapzvacet - according to software center I already have Ubuntu Restricted Extras installed.11:22
luckymuraliChecking for Xgl: not present.11:23
luckymuralixset q doesn't reveal the location of the log file. Using fallback /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:23
cwillu_at_workanarcap, then you should already have flash installed, unless you deleted something by hand :p11:23
anarcapcwillu_at_work - Looks like I already have restricted-extras installed - according to software center.11:23
luckymuraliwhen i type compiz i m getting the message like this11:23
kossanAnybody that know how to restart gnome quickly?. I don't think it's normal that the volume control applet takes 565.1mb of ram =)11:23
cwillu_at_workanarcap, in a terminal, run:  sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-installer11:23
zvacetanarcap:  then you should have flashplugin-nonfree installed to chech in synaptic11:23
bazhangluckymurali, how much ram do you have total11:23
luckymurali* GB11:23
Argoshey dudes wsup11:23
anarcapcwillu_at_work - according to package manager I DONT have flashplugin-nonfree or flashplugin-installer installed.11:24
Argosluckymurali, how are you11:24
luckymuraliIts telling 4GB used11:24
bazhangluckymurali, and how much is being used11:24
anarcapI may have installed the restricted extras minus flashplugin11:24
zvacetanarcap: install it then11:24
cwillu_at_workanarcap, that's not possible :p11:24
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luckymuraliArgos, fine11:24
cwillu_at_workanarcap, packages don't let you pick and choose their explicit dependencies like that11:24
bazhangluckymurali, are you using 32bit or 64bit ubuntu11:24
luckymurali64 bit11:25
Argosanyone in here a Gurun in ubuntu??11:25
luckymuraliserver version11:25
bazhangArgos, ask a question; if someone knows they will answer11:25
cwillu_at_workanarcap, feel free to keep poking me, although I may not respond too quickly11:25
=== pagiz^off is now known as pagiz
luckymuralibazhang,Is it bug???11:26
bazhangluckymurali, is what a bug11:26
zvacetcwillu_at_work:  I had problem with ubuntu -restricted-extras it doesn't install java so I think something is going on with that package11:26
luckymuralireleasing Memory11:26
anarcapcwillu_at_work - Thanks. I can assure you synaptic says I DO NOT have flashplugin installed, and Software Center has a green check-mark by Ubuntu Restricted Extras11:27
Argosiam getting a this message.."Amd unsupported drivers"11:27
cwillu_at_workzvacet, the package doesn't do anything, it just depends on other packages.  I can assure you that it does install java, unless you've installed something else beforehand that claims to fill that dependency (in which case I have little sympathy for you :p)11:27
alazyworkaholicWhat's the difference between running /usr/sbin/update-initramfs & /update-initramfs.distrib?11:27
cwillu_at_workbah, make a liar of me.  They're using 'recommends' instead of proper 'depends'11:28
anarcapcwillu_at_work - "Ubuntu restricted extras is installed on this computer. It is used by 1 piece of installed software"11:28
del_diabloHello, does anybody know if there exists a comparision of the radeon  and radeonhd driver that is of the current status?11:28
cwillu_at_workanarcap, <cwillu_at_work> bah, make a liar of me.  They're using 'recommends' instead of proper 'depends'11:28
Argosbeers for the person who get its right..ehehe11:28
luckymuralisorry DC11:29
cwillu_at_workanarcap, try "sudo aptitude --with-recommends install ubuntu-restricted-extras"11:29
AscavasaionWhy is the server so slow?11:29
cwillu_at_work!ohmy | Ascavasaion11:29
ubottuAscavasaion: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.11:29
zvacetcwillu_at_work:  I know what I'm talking about I'm not new in Ubuntu and for the first time ubuntu-restricted-extras didn't install all packages I installed java from synaptic after that11:29
anarcapcwillu_at_work -- Ok, here goes.11:29
cwillu_at_workzvacet, anarcap, try "sudo aptitude --with-recommends install ubuntu-restricted-extras"11:29
Argosfriends romans ubuntu gurus lent me your ears...11:30
cwillu_at_workzvacet, anarcap, <cwillu_at_work> bah, make a liar of me.  They're using 'recommends' instead of proper 'depends'11:30
bazhangArgos, please stay on topic and explain what you are trying to do.11:30
anarcapcwillu_at_work : ... Done11:30
anarcapcwillu_at_work : Thanks! I'm going to test it now11:31
Argosive installed ati drivers in ubuntu..and ive got this message "Amd unsupported drivers watermark bottom right of screen?11:31
anarcapcwillu_at_work - should I have shut down firefox first?11:31
mikebeechamDoes anyone have a fix for Firefox not streaming WMV through flash in Karmic?11:32
luckymuralibazhang,abiba@ubuntu:~$ sudo echo1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches11:32
luckymuralibash: /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches: Permission denied11:32
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: if its through flash then its a flash issue11:32
anarcapcwillu_at_work - Firefox says "Additional plugins are required to play all of..."11:33
talntidhi all. can someone help me with networking? i have an install of ubuntu, but can't ping the gateway... or anything..... i *think* everything is setup right, but obviously something is off, because it doesn't work...11:33
talntidip address, broadcast, gateway are right, and routes are added11:33
talntidand netmask11:33
anarcapcwillu_at_work -- PS. I did mention I'm running 64bit right? (I don't know if that matters at this point.)11:33
talntidping times out11:34
ActionParsniptalntid: tried traceroute11:34
mikebeechamActionParsnip: ok, so this is getting me closer...is there anyway I can get wmv through flash to play?11:34
ArgosActionParsnip, hi11:34
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: not sure, you can convert the files to flv11:35
talntidno traceroute, can't install it...11:35
alazyworkaholicWhat's the difference between running /usr/sbin/update-initramfs & /update-initramfs.distrib? How can I verify that /boot/initrd.img-* has been made to include mmc_core mmc_block sdhci and sdhci-pci?11:35
talntidthis is a fresh install11:35
ActionParsniptalntid: can from your install cd ;)11:35
mikebeechamActionParsnip: I just want to be able to get onto a website, click 'play' in the embedded video window and watch what it plays!!11:35
talntidbut i don't imagine a traceroute will show much11:35
ActionParsniptalntid: add the CD as a software source, you can then install the app11:35
talntidit can't even ping the gateway11:35
talntidwhich would be the first stop11:35
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: not sure, could be a flash based thing to connect to a vlc / mplayer stream (maybe)11:36
ActionParsniptalntid: indeed11:36
anarcapcwillu_at_work - should I have shut down firefox first? Firefox says "Additional plugins are required to play all of..."11:36
ricdangerhi there11:36
mikebeechamI've got the link for the video ActionParsnip and have put that into both MoviePlayer AND VLC, but still nothing11:36
ricdangeranyone knows how to lock all the entries in grub2?11:36
ActionParsnipricdanger: just never install any other kernels11:36
talntidthis is so odd...11:37
ActionParsnipricdanger: you can pin the version of linux-image and you will never get a kernel update11:37
rochajoin #blackmetal11:38
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: no, you play the video normally in vlc etc, then you will need to code a flash based app to connect to the stream (if you can find one)11:38
Argosiam getting this message " Amd unsupported hardware watemark"11:38
ricdangerActionParsnip, I want to lock the entries. Not lock the default. I don't want anybody to edit my entries and get root access when they like11:38
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: if your flash is working and you want to connect to a wmv / flash stream then it is down to the streamer to configure it right11:38
anarcapcwillu_at_work - should I have shut down firefox first? Firefox says "Additional plugins are required to play all of..." - flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer are not installed stlil11:38
qdbhello. is there grub reinstaller in ubuntu 9.10 alternate as it was in 9.04. and is grub different for 32 and 64 bit processor: can i recover grub of 32 bit installation with 64 bit alternate cd or recover grub of 64 bit installation with 32 bit alternate cd?11:38
talntidAny ideas people?11:39
ActionParsnipricdanger: grub changes when you get a new kernel, thats the only time it changes (or when you remove one)11:39
mikebeechamActionParsnip: that sounds like's going over my head...what would the streamer be in this case...the website?11:39
ricdangerActionParsnip, I want to LOCK editing. Like the "lock" thing on grub-legacy.11:39
ActionParsnipricdanger: i see, not sure, i'd look in this link:11:39
ActionParsnip!grub2 | ricdanger11:40
ubotturicdanger: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:40
ricdangerno, nothing there11:40
vagothHey, Why can't I install VLC Media Player from the LiveCD? I know it will be destroyed but thats not a problem for me atm11:40
ActionParsnipmikebeecham: yes, its their responsibility to make it work, if your flash is ok then its the streamers deal, flash is flash11:40
ricdangerI can't even undestand how canonical ships a grub that doesn't allow locking editiing11:40
mikebeechamActionParsnip: ok11:40
ricdangeranybody can get to my pc, edit the entry and get root11:40
mikebeechamit doesn't help, but thanks ;)11:40
ActionParsnipricdanger: they can using recovery console option, then choose root11:40
ricdangerActionParsnip, grub-legacy supports password protection on that entries. grub2 does not support that11:41
ActionParsnipricdanger: log a bug then11:41
ricdangerthis is not a bug. it's a feature. regression on grub... what a nice move11:41
anarcapcwillu_at_work -- pokin' ya again.11:41
ActionParsnipricdanger: you can use grub1 if you wish11:41
ricdangerno savedefault, no lock, no password protection :(11:41
anarcapDoes anyone know how it is that I have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed by not flashplugin-nonfree or flashplugin-installer ??11:42
ricdangerActionParsnip, yeah... I know. But I actually like some features of grub211:42
mrXXserious problem help needed, this morning i boot up my ubuntu and the windows no more have to buttons to maximize, minimize like that11:42
ActionParsnipanarcap: dpkg -l | grep flash    will show you11:42
ActionParsnipmrXX: that is the windows decorator, are you using desktop effects?11:43
mrXXActionParsnip yes11:43
mrXXActionparsnip but i dont remember doing anything like that11:43
vagothHow do I add a universe mirror to my sources.list?11:43
ActionParsnipmrXX: gues how i knew ;), try turning them off: alt+f2     then type:  metacity --replace11:43
anarcapActionParsnip - grep: will: no such file or directory.11:44
ActionParsnipvagoth: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     uncomment the lines which have universe in them11:44
vagothActionParsnip, Thanks11:44
ActionParsnipanarcap: its all one command11:44
mrXXActionParsnip You are the man dude, that worked like magic, do u know what i must have done?11:44
cwillu_at_workanarcap, sorry, the boss gets my attention before you :p11:45
cwillu_at_workanarcap, it's fine that you did it with firefox open, but you'll have to quit firefox and reopen it before any changes take affect11:45
ActionParsnipmrXX: you need to run ccsm and maybe add the windows decorators there, you have disabled desktop effects right now, you can try: compiz --replace    see if they are back, but ccsm has a mention of window decorators11:45
anarcapActionParsnip - thanks. Yeah, it says flashplugin-installer 10.0.3218ubuntu1 - so I guess it's installed. But about:plugins in firefox does not show a plugin for flash.11:45
ActionParsnipmrXX: i'd ask in #compiz tbh11:45
cwillu_at_workanarcap, re: 64bit, in theory u-b-r should still work (it should install the 32bit version with a wrapper iirc, although they might have the 64bit alpha packaged up)11:46
anarcapcwillu_at_work -- yeah, yeah, not problem. You said I could keep poking you, so I did :)11:46
ActionParsnipanarcap: thats package is no good afaik, try: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:46
vagothActionParsnip, Worked, is there a reason why universe is commented on the live cd?11:46
anarcapcwillu_at_work - I restarted firefox and about:plugins does not show a flash plugin11:46
ActionParsnipvagoth: no idea fellah11:46
ActionParsnipanarcap: if you have any gnash stuff installed too, remove that11:47
anarcapActionParnip - in that order? thanks11:47
cwillu_at_workanarcap, the main reason to stick with 'proper' packages is that you then get the benefit of bug fixes and the like;  workarounds have a tendency to grow stale and then break on the next major upgrade, which causes all sorts of fun when people forget that a workaround was a applied and come in here saying "!@#!$ lucid broke my flash!" :p11:47
vagothActionParsnip, Rearranging my harddrives so i need to watch something while parted does its work xD11:47
ActionParsnipanarcap: its all one command11:47
cwillu_at_workanarcap, goodie :p11:47
ActionParsnipvagoth: nice :) hahaha11:47
=== luis is now known as alejandro
ActionParsnipanarcap: copy the entire command and paste it, it will run concurrently11:47
anarcapcwillu_at_work - Yeah, I know what you mean.11:48
mrXXActionParsnip but thats crazy dude, all my desktop effects are gone as well!! (the compiz room is silent and no replys), is this a virus or something?11:48
vagothActionParsnip, According to people here, I am Obsessive jus because i hate my hdd'd out of order, as in sda1 on the end of the disk, sda3 at the start11:48
vagothhmm, how do i check to see how much memory is left?11:49
ActionParsnipmrXX: no, just bad settings. If you run: compiz --replace    you will get the effects back but maybe no window decorators11:49
epinkyvagoth: top?11:49
ActionParsnipvagoth: free -m11:49
anarcapActionParsnip - what is "non-free" all about?11:49
ActionParsnipanarcap: the plugin itself is free as in money11:49
vagothlol, 62MB11:49
ActionParsnipanarcap: but its not free as in open source11:50
Anton2508Help! How to register a nick in mirc?11:50
ActionParsnipvagoth: much of the used will be disk cache11:50
cwillu_at_workanarcap, are you still working on ActionParsnip's instructions?11:50
ActionParsnip!register | Anton250811:50
ubottuAnton2508: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode11:50
Anton2508!register | Anton250811:50
ubottuAnton2508, please see my private message11:50
ActionParsnipanarcap: adobe's flash is free as yu dont pay for it but its closed source and only adobe can code / improve it11:50
flukecan someone help me with a parition problem pls11:50
vagoth-/+ buffers/cache, whats that mean?11:50
anarcapcwillu_at_work -- well. I just finished the instructions. Again, I left firefox open on accident. I'm not sure if that matters ActionParsnip11:51
talntidhi all. can someone help me with networking? i have an install of ubuntu, but can't ping the gateway... or anything..... i *think* everything is setup right, but obviously something is off, because it doesn't work...11:51
ActionParsnipanarcap: yes it does, you need to rerun the browser to reload the plugins11:51
talntidip address, broadcast, gateway are right, and routes are added11:51
cwillu_at_workanarcap, it does11:51
talntidAny ideas people?11:51
ActionParsnipanarcap: make sure no other firefoxes are open with: ps -ef | grep fox11:51
brunoscunhakarmic is not detecting my cd/dvd drive on a HP/Compaq 6910P. What can I do to have it detected?11:51
anarcapActionParsnip - So "Non-Free" as in "closed".11:51
ActionParsnipanarcap: bingo :)11:51
MsTeganI have something which I assume is an easy problem.  How do I make my programs minimize to my bottom panel?11:52
epinkytalntid: cables checked?11:52
ActionParsnipanarcap: nvidia drivers are also free to use but are not open so are not free in that sense11:52
talntidmultiple times, epinky, router checked too11:52
anarcapActionParsnip - So do I have to run the install again with firefox closed, or just reload the browser.11:52
ActionParsnipanarcap: an example of a free flash is gnash, it is open source and free to use11:52
ActionParsnipanarcap: close all the firefoxes11:52
anarcapYeah, I've heard of gnash11:52
ActionParsnipanarcap: then rerun, the plugins will be reloaded11:52
cwillu_at_workanarcap, firefox just needs to be completely closed and restarted, the install doesn't have to be redone11:53
epinkytalntid: try to flush iptables11:53
anarcapActionParsnip -k11:53
talntidno change, epinky11:53
talntidI can't even ping
ricdangeris it possible to install grub instead of grub2?11:53
epinkytalntid: is there ping on loopback?11:54
ricdanger(I know I can downgrade it after installation, but I wonder if it is possible to do it on install)11:54
talntidping lo?11:54
cwillu_at_workricdanger, not trivially, although anything is possible with enough work11:54
epinkytalntid: is there ping on your ethernet address?11:55
ActionParsnipanarcap: better??11:55
dstaubsaugerhi, i've got an adapter cable for serial2usb. the device shows up in lsusb - how do i know which device file represents the device connected to the adapter?11:55
epinkytalntid: other computer can ping gateway?11:55
talntidall other pc's work perfect11:56
MsTeganCan anyone help me?  I can't see my minimized programs and have to use alt+tab.11:56
diddyIs grub2 beta software?11:56
anarcapActionParsnip - hold up....testing11:56
ActionParsnipMsTegan: right click the bottom bar -> add item11:56
cwillu_at_workdstaubsauger, it should be /dev/ttyUSB011:56
ActionParsnipMsTegan: then add windows list11:56
dstaubsaugercwillu_at_work: thx, i'll try11:56
epinkytalntid: what's its name, I mean eth0 , eth1, ath0?11:56
epinkytalntid: sudo ifconfig eth0 up11:57
MsTeganActionParsnip Thanks :D I knew I was just missing something! All the best11:57
talntiddid, still no ping11:57
epinkytalntid: sudo iptables -F11:57
talntiddid, still no ping11:57
cwillu_at_workdstaubsauger, also, there are symlinks in /dev/serial/by-id/ and by-path/ which may be useful if you have several devices11:58
epinkytalntid: do you have 2 NICS?11:58
diddyWhat's up with the #linux channel? I can not get in.11:58
cwillu_at_workdstaubsauger, for instance, I routinely plug in 3 or more adapters that all have different devices attached that really don't like to be mutually confused :p11:58
chelzdiddy: they were getting spammed earlier. try registering your nick.11:59
luciashchelz: "IgnoreEDID" didn't help but i figured it out somehow using the System → Preferences → Display11:59
diddychelz, ah. OK11:59
epinkytalntid: then it sounds to me like a damaged NIC ... really odd11:59
vagothMost likely my last question, is there a tool to format swap?11:59
luciashchelz: thanks for hints11:59
chelzluciash: it's working??11:59
anarcapActionParsnip - cwillu_at_work - I'm still getting tearing on hulu11:59
cwillu_at_workvagoth, mkswap11:59
dstaubsaugercwillu_at_work: thanks, but i've just one adapter - works perfectly now :D11:59
luciashchelz: yep, i guess i can live with that i cannot set it using my bash scripts12:00
cwillu_at_workanarcap, still? :p12:00
talntidepinky, works in my other ubuntu install, and in windows12:00
chelzluciash: nice! heh working is the goal, gj :)12:00
cwillu_at_workanarcap, is this in fullscreen?12:00
luciashchelz: yeah :)12:00
vagothcwillu_at_work, thanks mate12:00
cwillu_at_workanarcap, flash does their own rendering internally, they don't use x's video api's, which makes things... tricky...12:00
chelzbtw hulu desktop for ubuntu/fedora has been out since oct 06, and it works quite nicely12:00
FinnishHow to make Canon Pixma MP550-printer to work ok?12:00
anarcapcwillu_at_work - no not full screen. just regular hulu player12:00
chelzanarcap: try hulu desktop12:00
ActionParsnipanarcap: have you installed / configured video drivers?12:01
epinkytalntid: no idea man, if it pings eth0 then it's not about drivers neither kernel side12:01
chelzanarcap: for other sites.. well.. you could try downloading the videos then playing them locally with a site like keepvid.com or using small-sized videos12:01
anarcapchelz - I have tried hulu desktop...i'll try it again with these new plugins installed. It didn't fix tearing before, but who knows now.12:01
talntidyeah... it really is very very very very strange12:01
cwillu_at_workanarcap, check your pm's12:01
chelzi hear 64bit flash on fedora is supposed to be really good12:01
chelznot sure how/why12:01
ActionParsnip!ot | chelz12:01
ubottuchelz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:02
anarcapActionParsnip --- Re: video drivers. No I have not...perhaps that would help? I have an ATI Radeon x165012:02
ActionParsnip!ati } anarcap12:02
SuBsAmis ther any program make recover to deleted files like win ??12:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ati } anarcap12:02
cwillu_at_workchelz, there's a native 64bit flash plugin coming;  an alpha is available which is actually quite good, which I think they've got packaged up12:02
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:02
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:02
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: ^12:02
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: easier to restore from backup though (asuming you have one)12:02
SuBsAmok but the file was in downloads in the decuments12:03
SuBsAmis there make backup also ?12:03
vagoththanks for the help, i am almost ready to make the leap into linux and obliterate windows from the physical hdd (run a vm =P12:03
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: you setup a backup yourself, no backup == data is disposable12:04
qdbhello. if i installed ubuntu then windows then install grub2 with grub-setup or {grub-install with chroot} from live cd and then reboot does grub2 automatically find windows and add menu entry?12:04
klpt1So... I just installed Ubuntu for the first time, coming from another distro. I've noticed that my computer has an awful lot of hard drive activity when I'm not using it. I'm sitting on my laptop right now, running Windows, but every few seconds I hear some disk activity from the Ubuntu box to my right. Is there a way to see what's causing all the noise?12:04
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: you can use foremost to recover data but it isnt perfect, you should backup your important data12:04
mrXXguys, how to check if a field in mysql has anyvalue at all or not in php?12:04
ActionParsnipklpt1: when it starts, run: dmesg | tail    see if it gives any clues12:05
SuBsAmubuntu already make back up for me real data12:05
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: then restore it if you have a backup12:05
klpt1ActionParsnip: good thought, will do.12:05
klpt1ssh to the rescue...!12:05
SuBsAmbut i don't thinck that he make a pach up to ma decu12:05
ActionParsnipklpt1: always :)12:05
anarcapActionParsnip -- which nVidia card should I buy then?12:06
anarcapubottu - which nVidia card should I buy?12:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:06
Spixxanarcap: random +8800 :D?12:06
ActionParsnip!hcl | anarcap12:06
ubottuanarcap: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:06
klpt1oh shit ActionParsnip - good call on checking dmesg12:07
ActionParsnipklpt1: whats the score?12:07
klpt1there's segfaults out the wazoo12:07
bazhang!ohmy | klpt112:07
ubottuklpt1: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.12:07
SuBsAmActionParsnip how can i make restore to file ?12:07
dpyhi guys12:08
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: from your backups. i dont know how you have baked up. if you havent then you could try foremost in a liveCD environment but chances are its lost12:08
SuBsAmok ok12:08
SuBsAmActionParsnip may i have to ask u for another thing ?12:09
dpyI want to spawn a X server on VT9, on normal distros I therefore add the line "9:5:respawn:/opt/bin/customX.sh" to /etc/inittab ...   Since ubuntu does not seem to have an /etc/inittab, how do I achieve the same in ubuntu?12:09
Kerio im connecting to my ubuntu desktop through ssh, starting up a cs server, i then disconnect. Is the gui then running?12:09
jribdpy: read the comments in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf in the [servers] section and then update your /etc/gdm/gdm-custom.conf appropriately12:09
Kerioi have no screen connected12:09
SuBsAmActionParsnip can i ?12:09
dpyjrib: i don't want to use gdm12:09
dpyjrib: I want control of whatever I start on the VT myself12:10
dpyis this not possible in ubuntu?12:10
dpyjrib: where do the getty's get started on the VT1-612:10
klpt1so, there are segfaults and a lot of other things that don't look happy in there http://pastebin.org/5482112:10
ActionParsnipSuBsAm: ask the channel12:10
jrib!upstart > dpy12:10
ubottudpy, please see my private message12:10
klpt1but nothing that's happening at the same frequency as all of the hard drive chatter, which is about once every two seconds12:11
jribdpy: you'll have to read the example jobs in upstart I assume12:11
Anton2508!help register12:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help register12:11
Pholiousis there a way to increase the size of /home without using CDs and stuff? just by a terminal command or an application etc12:12
Anton2508!register | Anton250812:12
ubottuAnton2508, please see my private message12:12
dpyjrib: tnx12:12
jribdpy: no problem12:12
anarcapSpixx - Re: Random +8800 -- Are you suggesting any card greater than the 8800 series?12:12
brunoscunhaI installed opera deb package, but it does not shows up12:12
om26erbrunoscunha: run from terminal then12:13
Spixxanarcap: yes, depending on what you want to do. A simple +40$ card would suffice12:13
brunoscunhaom26er: sorry but how?12:13
anarcapubottu - yearh, I've looked through all of the nVidia listed cards on ubuntu website, but to be honest that list isn't very helpful (particularly for a noob)12:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:13
SempreFihello all12:13
epinkyPholious:if /home is a separate partition you can try with LVM12:13
om26erbrunoscunha: if its installed then and not in menus. try typing opera in terminal12:13
SuBsAmi just install ubuntu inside win ?12:14
SuBsAmdo u thinck that i must install the root12:14
Pholiousepinky: ok ty12:14
ActionParsnipklpt1: try reinstalling the mythbackend12:14
ActionParsnipklpt1: or get a later version (if one exists) of a ppa / compile12:14
Spixxanarcap: Ubottu is a bot, the HCL will tell you that most nvidia cards are supported.12:15
anarcapSpixx - it sucks, bc I have a $60.00 ATI card I bought last year at this time. :( BUT, I will buy a new nVidia card in a heart beat if that is the issue.12:15
cwillu_at_workwow, I typed man git fetch by mistake, and it worked!12:15
brunoscunhaom26er: thanks, but shouldn't it appear in menu. I presume as it was a deb package it would show in the menu12:15
klpt1ActionParsnip: yeah, i'm just going to disable it. i had no intention of running mythbackend on this computer. i installed the frontend and didn't realize that apt installed the backend to go with it12:15
Spixxanarcap: what exactly is the problem?12:15
klpt1though it is troubling that it's segfaulting. it has no business doing that12:16
Spixxanarcap: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsAti12:16
Spixxthere is the HCL list for ATI graphic cards just Ctrl+f for your card12:16
cwillu_at_workanarcap, I don't know for a fact that an nvidia card will affect tearing on flash;  specifically, I get tearing on some sites, and I use nothing but nvidia and intel12:16
SuBsAmhi all any body can help me plz ?12:16
klpt1also, any idea what those audit messages from mysqld are for?12:16
anarcapSpixx - video, DVD, Compiz, they all work great. The only thing that doesn't work right is Flash. It tears while streaming from hulu/youtube, etc.12:16
klpt1anarcap: have you turned on compositing vsync?12:17
* cwillu_at_work wonders is there's a bug on that, actually12:17
Spixxanarcap: what version are you using, sometimes a purge and install from the site will do the trick12:17
anarcapSpixx - my video card is not listed in that ATI list.12:17
Spixxwhat card you got?12:17
SpixxSuBsAm: this is a support channel if you have a question ask it: also Hi!12:18
SuBsAmi asked and no body answared me ?12:18
SpixxAsk again12:18
SpixxThere are many posting in this chat and sometimes we miss stuff :D12:18
Jimi_Neutralwhat is this bounceattack.txt file i keep getting all about?12:19
nibblerSuBsAm: ask your question. dont ask for general help etc.12:19
SuBsAmi just installed ubuntu inside win , do u thinck that i must install the root ?12:19
jribJimi_Neutral: are you still getting it?12:19
Jimi_Neutraljrib, yeah12:19
anarcapklpt1 - Yes, I turned on compositing vsync in compiz. I don't run compiz while I'm watching streaming flash because I get REALLY BAD tearing when I have compiz on. So I switch to metacity while streaming flash. Any suggestions?12:19
jribJimi_Neutral: if the users are still on the network, /ignore them12:20
SpixxSuBsAm: you have installed ubuntu via the windows installer?12:20
klpt1anarcap: sorry, that's all i could think of. i assume you're running latest drivers and all of that junk12:20
anarcapSpixx. What version of what? PS. I haven't installed any drivers for my video card at all. I'm just using whatever default drivers ubuntu has.12:20
Jimi_Neutraljrib, ok, there are shed loads of them tho12:20
jribJimi_Neutral: maybe ask #freenode for more help12:20
klpt1anarcap: have you checked for proprietary closed source drivers for your card? what is it?12:20
SuBsAmi but the cd in cd room and chose install inside the windows12:20
Spixxanarcap: and why have you not installed the video drivers?12:20
klpt1anarcap: those are usually massively better than the default drivers12:21
bazhangSuBsAm, and what is your question12:21
SuBsAmwhat is the root12:21
gnufreex_root is superuser12:21
SuBsAmis this important to istall it12:21
SpixxSuBsAm: Have you booted from the CD and are at the "harddrive" part?12:21
SuBsAmif i install it12:21
bazhangSuBsAm, what are you trying to do12:21
gnufreex_You already have it12:21
SuBsAmmake problem with the win or not ?12:22
bazhangSuBsAm, on a wubi install? no12:22
anarcapklpt1 - I don't know waht the closed source drivers are.12:22
SuBsAmok do u c that the root is important ?12:22
=== matiasg is now known as matiasag
bazhangSuBsAm, what are you trying to accomplish, please stop repeating and explain12:23
SpixxSuBsAm: Im guessing you are about to install onto hdd and thus yes what root drive to use is important!12:23
gnufreex_Closed source drivers are ones from your card manufacurer12:23
bazhangSpixx, its a wubi install12:23
Spixxahh, then I'll shut up now :P12:23
SuBsAmno no12:24
bazhanganarcap, check in system adminstration hardware drivers12:24
klpt1anarcap: so go through the system administration and preferences menus. i forget exactly where it is, but check for "hardware drivers"12:24
SuBsAmi just want to know is the root pro is important for me or not12:24
anarcapSpixx -- Sorry... ;)12:24
gnufreex_if it ask you for root fylesystem, set '/' at mountpoint12:24
RobLikesBrunchIs there anyway to check if a web page is up through terminal?12:24
SuBsAmand how to install12:25
LindaJdoes anyone have any experience with using unetbootin?12:25
klpt1anarcap:  it'll fire up a window that should let you know if there are any better drivers available12:25
klpt1LindaJ: I used it this morning12:25
SpixxLindaJ: yes12:25
bazhangSuBsAm, this is from inside windows, correct?12:25
RobLikesBrunchI want to check if http://localhost.com is running...how would I do this through terminal?12:25
klpt1LindaJ: i used it to turn my flash drive into a boot disk12:25
SuBsAmbazhang good man12:25
SpixxRobLikesBrunch: http://localhost you mean?12:25
anarcapSpixx which xorg is 9.10 using?12:25
SuBsAmbazhang why ?12:25
LindaJSpixx: I just install a linux live cd to my usb, using the lates unetbootin on windows vista12:25
klpt1it was really easy. i plugged in my boot disk, fired up the program in windows, pointed it to my flash and to the ubuntu iso12:25
bazhangSuBsAm, why what12:25
RobLikesBrunchSpixx, yes...sorry, I write .com out of habit.12:26
SuBsAmwhy  correct12:26
klpt1hit the button and waited. worked great12:26
anarcapbazhang - klpt1 I don't have any hardware drivers listed.12:26
klpt1i was really impressed12:26
SpixxTo check that it is alive from terminal you need to use lynx or similar12:26
SuBsAmbazhang is there will make problem with win ?12:26
klpt1anarcap: what video card do you have? you can check with "lspci"12:26
bazhanganarcap, which card is that12:26
SpixxLynx then is a terminal browser :D12:26
LindaJSpixx:  However on booting the usb, I get something like "can't find kernel image" ... "Boot: "12:26
bazhangSuBsAm, no it will not make a problem with windows.12:26
RobLikesBrunchSpixx, so do you know how I can check?12:26
anarcapATI Radeon x165012:27
LindaJSpixx: sorry forgot to say  syslinux actually starts, but it cant find my kernel on my live cd12:27
SpixxAhh, that error is because when installing the bootloader (grub) there are some fault at the menu.lst12:27
SuBsAmbazhang man plz look with me12:27
LindaJSpixx: live usb12:27
anarcapbazhang klpt1 ATI Radeon x165012:27
klpt1anarcap: there are absolutely third party drivers available for that12:27
anarcapI know. I'm downloading them now.12:27
klpt1anarcap: very good12:27
bazhangSuBsAm, did you have any other questions related to your wubi install12:27
SpixxRobLikesBrunch: I would if possible install lynx and then just in termnial write lynx http://localhost12:27
klpt1anarcap: though there should be third party drivers available for that through the hardware driver manager12:27
SuBsAmbazhang i instatlled ubuntu form cd  and chose install inside win?12:27
RobLikesBrunch Spixx, I was thinking that. Okay, thanks.12:28
SuBsAmbazhang can i install the root or not ?12:28
SpixxLindaJ: can you do "cat /PATHTOUSB/boot/grub/menu.lst > file.txt and push it up on a pastebin?12:28
bazhangSuBsAm, right. and I told you it will not cause an issue with windows.12:28
klpt1you might want to see if you can run glxgears12:28
klpt1anarcap: glxgears or fgl_glxgears12:28
Szadekhello buddies .I think there is a bug with nvidia-graphics 183** and kubuntu .I intalled ubuntu(gnome) ... and then installed all the restricted hardware ( one is nvidia 9600 gt ) , and then installed kubuntu-desktop using synaptic package manager ... then i rebooted and , after the boot progress finishes , it give me a black window ... kdm dont start ... maybe a kdm bug ??12:28
klpt1anarcap: fgl version will come from having the radeon proprietary drivers installed. if that works, then downloading other drivers probably isn't going to help a great deal12:28
error404notfoundmy system (karmic, upgraded from jaunty) always say  "The following packages have been kept back:  mplayer mysql-server mysql-server-5.0" anyway to upgrade those as well?12:29
SuBsAmbazhang ok how can i install it and what can i do with it ?12:29
LindaJSpixx: yes thanks I will do that, didnt realize it was grub...12:29
bazhangSuBsAm, you said you have already installed ubuntu. I dont understand what you are talking about.12:29
LindaJSpixx: mind you, Im on windoze at the moment... tryint to set up linux... I will use notepad :p12:30
anarcapklpt1 - so what do you suggest? Install the ATI drivers?12:30
SuBsAmbazhang some program when i installed it asked me for root ?12:30
gnufreexSuBsAm, its best for you to explain as why actualy you need, and what program is asking you for root. There is root in many diferent ways.12:30
bazhangSuBsAm, use sudo12:30
SuBsAmand i don't know what is root ?12:30
SpixxSuBsAm: ahh use the password you setup for your user?12:30
anarcapSpixx klpt1 bazhang - I searched for glxgears in synapitic and I have mesa-utils installed.12:30
bazhangSuBsAm, type sudo before the command, then it will ask for your password: enter it.12:30
Spixxanarcap: you need the restricted drivers12:31
=== SodaPhish_ is now known as SodaPhish
SuBsAmbazhang aha12:31
SuBsAmbazhang aha12:31
anarcapSpixx - what restricted drivers? I'm looking at installing the ATI Radeon drivers for my video card...are you saying I shouldn't do that?12:32
cankoyerror404notfound: apt-get dist-upgrade12:32
SpixxLindaJ: because I've had the problem that the installer in windows made a mistake and was pointing towards the wrong path eg not the right root(X,X)12:32
nubuntuanyone can help me?12:32
fujimitsuubuntu9.10 becomes highly unstable while using program/game secondlife(snowglobe viewer)12:32
nubuntui have a live usb with nubuntu12:32
Spixxanacarp: when in gnome: System > administration > hardwaredrivers do a search there12:33
gnufreexszadek, why you do not use jockey (hardware drivers) to install 185*** ?12:33
bazhangnubuntu, that is not supported here12:33
SuBsAmroot-system -bin ?12:33
DannyButtermanHi there. Does someone know how to execute a command upon a gnome session opening ?12:33
SpixxDannyButterman: System > Preference > Startup programs12:33
nubuntusome can help me?12:33
LindaJSpixx: here's the thing,  I am browsing my live usb, but the path you suggest doesnt exist... i.e. no /boot/12:34
bazhangnubuntu, that is not supported here.12:34
SpixxLindaJ: wierd :S try and recreate it once  and see if that helps12:34
klpt1anarcap: no, try running glxgears from a terminal12:34
klpt1it's not a program you'll need to install12:34
LindaJSpixx: however I have the following...  /EFI/        /isolinux/        /LiveOS12:34
anarcapSpixx - sorry I didn't see that last post at first. What should I search for in hard where drivers?12:34
nubuntui'd like to save files and programs in a live usb what i have to do?12:34
SuBsAmhow can i read arabic in flash chat ?12:34
Spixxanarcap: should only be a search12:35
LindaJSpixx:  I do have /EFI/boot/grub.conf12:35
Spixxeg nothing in particular because it will by itself find your card and install drivers12:35
anarcapklpt1 - what is glxgears?12:35
DannyButtermanSpixx : but it's about applications, and I just want to mount a ssh directory12:35
anarcapklpt1 how do I run it12:35
SpixxLindaJ: Can you pastebin that?12:35
LindaJSpixx: yup12:35
SpixxMaybe someone else can help Lindaj :D?12:35
klpt1anarcap: it's just a simple little benchmark12:36
SingAlong1hi all12:36
SuBsAmin flash chat12:36
klpt1anarcap: it's a simple way to see if you have hardware graphics acceleration12:36
Szadekgnufreex .... i used jockey in ubuntu ( gnome ) to install the ndvidia driver , then i rebooted and all was good .. then i installed kubuntu-desktop and then that happened ... the only change made was kdm to default and the installation of kde too12:36
SuBsAmSpixx in flashcaht12:36
SpixxDannyButterman: either via rc.local or in your homefolder depending on when :D12:36
anarcapSpixx - I can't do searches in the hardware drivers12:36
SuBsAmSpixx  i can't read arabic12:36
klpt1anarcap: so open up a terminal (accessories->terminal) and type in "glxgears" and press enter12:36
SingAlong1I installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my netbook and installed emacs23 on top of it. However I dont like the GTK version of emacs and like the commandline version which can be started with "emacs32 -nw" instead of just "emacs23".12:37
Szadekbazhang .. i know kubuntu is not supported , but the primary desktop envyromment is ubuntu ( gnome ) and it is hard to know if its ubuntu-desktop fault or kubuntu-desktop fault12:37
Spixxanarcap: you might need to configure aptitude to run with restricted sources12:37
anarcapklpt1 - ok. it's running12:37
SuBsAmSpixx ican't read arabic in flashchat12:37
gnufreexszadek, that is wierd, i thougt jockey installs 185 (that is what I use) and you say 183.12:37
bazhangSzadek, sure kubuntu is supported12:37
LindaJSpixx:  http://pastebin.com/m3f0a528f12:37
SpixxSuBsAm: is it a problem with the textencoding? or is it that you can't read arabic ?12:38
SingAlong1But I went to the menu editor and changed the command to "emacs23 -nw %F" and the menu shortcut did not work.12:38
Szadekgnufreex sorry , you are right it is 185.xx12:38
klpt1anarcap: how many fps did you get?12:38
SingAlong1how do i do it right?12:38
SuBsAmi thinck form flash12:38
bazhangSzadek, what is the issue, I missed it12:38
SuBsAmi'm egyption and can read arabic12:38
anarcapSpixx - when I pull up the hardware drivers window it doesn't list any drivers at all12:38
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1,  emacs on a netbook...well  why not?12:38
anarcapkplt1 oh, between 6099 and 722212:39
klpt1anarcap: your hardware drivers are working fine12:39
klpt1if they were nonfunctional you'd get about 500-100012:39
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: ya i installed it but i want to start the command line version instead of the gtk version when i use the menu shortcut to start emacs12:39
anarcapklpt1 - ok. So i don't have to install any more then, right? I have no hardware drives listed in the hardware drivers dialogue12:39
SuBsAmSpixx can u resolve this ?12:40
gnufreexSzadek, kubuntu works fine with me (8800GT), migt be some other conflict. Did you do something other unusal ?12:40
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: so i went to the menu editor and changed the command of the shortcut from "emacs23 %F" to "emacs23 -nw %F". and it didnt work.12:40
anarcapklpt1 - ps. how do I stop that test?12:40
Spixxanarcap: System > Administration > Software sources > check so that Proprieatary drivers for devices is checked12:40
Szadekbazhang ... i installed karmic .. and did the upgrades to solve kockeys bug of not recognizing the restricted hardware .. and after that , i used jockey and installed nvidia graphics driver 195.xx ( recommended ) .Then i rebooted and tested , all was ok , but , i installed kubuntu-desktop , and when i rebooted , after the kubuntu progress bar finishes loading ... it gave me a black window , kdm didnt start .12:40
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, not really sure I can help sorry....Im trying to imagine what the emacs window looks like on a netbook12:40
anarcapklpt1 never mind, it figured it out12:40
anarcaphow to stop gears12:40
Szadekdamn keybord ... bazhang .. the driver is 185.xx12:40
SpixxSubsAm: it might solve if you install the arabic language?12:40
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: it looks the same :)12:40
klpt1anarcap: yeah, that test should quit itself after five seconds. you can also ctrl-c it or just close it or kill it12:41
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: but i love the command line version more than the GTK version.12:41
SuBsAmi'm already installed it12:41
anarcapSpixx - Proprietary drivers is checked already.12:41
ScabbyMadmananarcap, ath tab keys the y ou back to the terminal then ctrl c12:41
SuBsAmSpixx it's a flash problem12:41
cankoySingAlong1: try logout-login (I think those menus are cached in a session)12:41
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, havent had emacs installed for  a while12:41
SpixxSuBsAm: Okay, you have arabic installed but it doesnt work in the flash apps?12:41
ScabbyMadmanlest see12:41
SpixxLindaJ: check priv please12:42
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anarcapklpt1 - so you're suggestion that I NOT install the ATI drivers?12:42
klpt1i think you already have them12:42
SuBsAmSpixx ok how can it work ?12:42
klpt1anarcap: but to be sure12:42
klpt1try running fgl_glxgears12:42
SingAlong1cankoy: well if they were cached they wouldnt start working if i changed it back to the default :)12:42
anarcapklpt1 - So, to be sure I should install them?12:42
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, I actually do have emacs installed well wddya know?12:42
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: i cant live without emacs.12:42
DannyButtermanSpixx : rc.local is executed upon gnome session opening and closing ?12:43
klpt1anarcap: you can be sure by running the fgl_glxgears program12:43
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, are you emacs bins  links  to one single  file?12:43
anarcapklpt1 - I tried to run it and it said it is not currently installed. Should I install it?12:43
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: ?12:43
klpt1anarcap: that's the version that ATI provides to be a slightly more thorough benchmark. it only shows up on your machine if you have the ati proprietary drivers installed12:43
anarcapsudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx12:43
SpixxSuBsAm: I'm not exactly sure but perhaps if you check for it on google12:43
klpt1anarcap: yes, do that12:43
SpixxDannyButterman: nope upon boot, the other file is in your home folder12:43
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, can you run the emacs command from a terminal ?12:44
klpt1anarcap: it seems like you got some hardware acceleration from the standard drivers, but without having installed the proprietary drivers12:44
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: yes12:44
SuBsAmSpixx k man 3 much thanx12:44
Szadekgnufreex ... i guess maybe the change from gdm to kdm messed up things , do you have installed kubuntu-desktop on gnome ? maybe that change caused something , because i selected kdm to be default ... maybe i should try to let gdm default and see what happens ...12:44
ScabbyMadmanand what do you use as a command?12:44
DannyButtermanSpixx : you mean .bashrc ? isn't it about bash sessions ?12:44
hyperstreamis it possible to let ALSA work at the same time as PulseAudio server? (Basicly LMMS lags to crap on cpu usage, with ALSA selected it plays back with no max cpu loads - but i get no sound output (altho its being out putted))12:44
SpixxDannyButterman: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-527713.html12:44
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1,  and what do you use as a command to launch emacs from a terminal12:44
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: ah i fixed it. it worked12:44
Spixxthat one might help you third or fourth response12:44
anarcapklpt1 - ok. I hope this install works.12:45
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1, what did yo do?12:45
andres_I was wondering if someone could help to get ride off from my windows vista partition12:45
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: i had to select "application in terminal" instead of "application" when editing the shortcut :)12:45
anarcapklpt1 - it's installign the proprietary drivers? Or is it installing some other source of drivers?12:45
klpt1anarcap: there might be some more useful information in this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130992512:45
SingAlong1andres_: just use gparted and delete it.12:45
klpt1anarcap: I can't tell you for sure, i have nvidia cards. but it seems like it should be doing the right thing12:45
SingAlong1andres_: np :)12:45
gnufreexszadek, jes I also have Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu (via 'sudo aptitude kubuntu-desktop') but I did not changed kdm to be default. I just left gdm12:45
Spixxokay I'm off :C cya12:46
ScabbyMadmanSingAlong1,  right.....but if you were to run it from a terminal yourself it would be" emacs-no-x11" something like that12:46
chu_Anyone used Hotwire?12:47
anarcapklpt1 - I have the drivers from ATI website. I downloaded them. Should I have installed those?12:47
anarcapklpt1 - I have the drivers from ATI website. I downloaded them. Should I have installed those?12:47
klpt1anarcap: probably not, unless you have difficulty with the packaged ones12:47
gnufreexanarcap, NO12:47
gnufreexDrivers from ATI website are evil12:48
anarcapklpt1 - OK. I tried to run fgl_glxgears again, but no bones. It says xlib: extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0"12:48
gnufreexjust use jockey12:48
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: emacs -nw12:48
klpt1anarcap: it's been a while since i did the fglrx install thing. i had a compaq with an ATI card in it and I was using arch linux. it was a painful, unhappy process12:48
SingAlong1ScabbyMadman: or emacs23 -nw12:48
klpt1anarcap: and then the package maintainer gods for that distro added a package for it and life was good12:48
anarcapgnufreex -- Why did you say NO?12:48
klpt1anarcap: anyway, to deal with your problem12:48
klpt1anarcap: you'll need to restart X after editing the configuration file to use the new driver12:49
klpt1and then rerun fgl_glxgears12:49
waveshaperhow can I search for a file in terminal from the root of the disk search the whole disk?12:49
anarcapklpt1 -- oh boy. How do I go about editing the config file?12:49
klpt1waveshaper: "locate <file>" is pretty effective12:49
tomodachiwaveshaper: man find12:49
klpt1anarcap:  so... this is a bit involved12:49
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:49
Dr_Williswaveshaper:  locate command, or find command12:49
Szadekgnufreex : i guess it is something with kdm .... i will try to let gdm default ... and see what happens ... thats the only thing i have different from you so maybe that solve my issues .12:49
anarcapklpt1 - ok, no problem.12:50
klpt1anarcap: there's an example in that thread i linked to you, but i can't vouch for its accuracy or efficacy12:50
gnufreexanarcap, Drivers from NVIDIA and ATI are sites make problems. Just ones from repositories are good12:50
waveshaperfind doesnt give me any usefull feedback, testing locate12:50
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Dr_Williswaveshaper:  learn how to use find perhaps.12:50
waveshaperthats what Im trying to do ;)12:50
Dr_Willisfind or locate - depends on what you are doing12:50
Dr_WillisLocate uses a database of  the system - faster.. if its up to date12:51
klpt1anarcap: it'll probably boil down to adding an extra "Module" line to xorg.conf and changing the "driver ati" line to "driver fglrx"12:51
Dr_Willisfind - often used in scripts and other special cases12:51
error404notfoundmy system (karmic, upgraded from jaunty) always say  "The following packages have been kept back:  mplayer mysql-server mysql-server-5.0" anyway to upgrade those as well?12:51
klpt1and then rebooting your computer12:51
anarcapklpt1 - ok, can you be more specific? which thread? I got a bunch of links earlier from folks.12:51
waveshaperok. what I want is simple. dir c:somefile*.* /s (from anywhere the terminal puts me when I open)12:51
anarcapklpt1 -- the instructions on "BinaryDriverHowto"?12:52
klpt1anarcap: here you go, this is probably a better link12:52
anarcapklpt1 - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:52
klpt1scroll down to the "3D acceleration section"12:52
klpt1anarcap: that binary driver page is a little sparse on real info12:52
klpt1anarcap: which is a problem i've found pretty endemic to the ubuntu wiki system. the articles are too short and there are too many different articles on sufficiently similar subjects that it's hard to find the one that actually has the information you really want12:53
anarcapklpt1 - That page doesn't list Ubuntu Karmic should I just use Jaunty?12:53
klpt1anarcap: the directions will be identical, it shouldn't matter12:53
klpt1there's only a little bit more work you need to do12:53
alazyworkaholicInstallation didn't work. I have a ssd & sd card. I want /boot /home & swap on the ssd, / on the sd. Still using the live environment after install I added mmc_core mmc_block sdhci sdhci-pci to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules then ran sudo /usr/sbin/update-initramfs.distrib -u12:54
klpt1anarcap: so fire up a text editor12:54
klpt1as root12:54
alazyworkaholicthen I did sudo cp /boot/initrd.img-* /media/SSDmountpoint/12:54
klpt1anarcap: I'm a vim person, but most people seem to like GUI text editors these days12:54
hyperstreamHow can i make the PulseAudio playback audio from ALSA Plugin ?12:54
guybrushHello everyone, I am using GRUB (the old one) and I'm trying to put WinXP onto the list although I I am not exactly sure what to write in the menu.lst .  Is there anyone out there familar with editing the menu.lst file?12:54
gnufreexGuys, I have one stupid question. Do anyone know where is support chanel for ArchLinux. I can't find it :(12:54
klpt1gnufreex: #archlinux is about the best you get12:55
bazhanggnufreex, #archlinux12:55
anarcapklpt1 there are 5 different sets of instructions for juanty here: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide12:55
klpt1gnufreex: what are you trying to do? i'm an archlinux user12:55
bazhanglurra, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese12:55
gnufreextrynig to install X12:55
alazyworkaholic& when I tried to reboot xubuntu still couldn't find the root device, which should be the sd card, & put me into initramfs.12:55
bazhangklpt1, please join him there then12:55
zetheroo1whats apps can rip audio cd's to MP312:55
Pholiousdoes anyone know where I can increase my /home here in lvm? http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6834/screenshotlu.png12:55
ActionParsnip!rip | zetheroo112:56
ubottuzetheroo1: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar12:56
bazhangzetheroo1, many can sound-juicer amongst others12:56
ActionParsnipzetheroo1: or grip12:56
ActionParsnip!info grip12:56
ubottuPackage grip does not exist in karmic12:56
ActionParsnipooh, weird12:56
lurrawhat are you saying?12:56
bazhanglurra, this is english only12:56
lurracould you help me?12:56
smuggboyHello everybody, my problem is that " xloadimage " can't display images that are black&white (color depth = 1bit) - in this case i can only see a black area where the image should be. it seems to be  ubuntu specific problem (tried ubuntu/kubuntu 9.10 (i think 9.04 also)) in Knoppix 6 and Debian 5 is all ok.  anyone an idea?12:56
klpt1bazhang: done12:56
klpt1gnufreex: see you on #archlinux12:57
bazhanglurra, for chinese support /join #ubuntu-cn12:57
klpt1anarcap: sorry, I missed your last comment?12:57
lurraoh ,I know!12:57
zetheroo1bazhang: sound-juicer seems to be damaged in Karmic12:57
ActionParsnipzetheroo1: theres grip on a repo here: https://launchpad.net/~kirkland/+archive/ppa12:57
klpt1anarcap: so fire up your text editor in super user mode (sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ... I think)12:57
zetheroo1bazhang: freezes constantly and does nto work basically12:57
bazhangzetheroo1, I just used it yesterday it worked fine12:57
zetheroo1ActionParsnip: ok thanks12:58
ActionParsnip!info grip jaunty12:58
zetheroo1bazhang: oh ok12:58
ubottugrip (source: grip): GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-16 (jaunty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1276 kB12:58
gnufreexklpt1, im in12:58
lurrawho are you?12:58
norenhi all i need some advise to how to install a application12:58
ActionParsnipnoren: what app?12:58
bazhanglurra, did you have an ubuntu support question?12:58
anarcapklpt1 - not that didn't open up the right file12:59
noreni had installed ffmpeg from source how can i cleanly remove/uninstall it from the system12:59
Pholiousdoes anyone know where I can increase my /home here in lvm? http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/6834/screenshotlu.png12:59
bazhanglurra, offtopic chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here12:59
ActionParsnipnoren: the make file in the source may have a removal script, (if it doesnt) you could always installl from the repos, then uninstall12:59
lurraI don't know12:59
anarcapklpt1 - Ok I opened it in gedit, but the file is completely empty.12:59
klpt1anarcap: alright, that file seems not to exist anymore13:00
klpt1anarcap:  http://superuser.com/questions/51248/where-is-the-xorg-conf-file-in-karmic-koala-ubuntu-9-1013:00
anarcapklpt1 - ps. there are like 5 different sets of instructions for the launty install here:http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide13:00
klpt1anarcap: it looks like i just showed my age... sorry13:00
pavileshello all, good morning13:00
mitsosre malakes!13:00
vavarwhat was this bounce attack all about?13:00
pavilesis anyone familiar with edubuntu?13:00
norenActionParsnip, i happened to delete the ffmpeg directory it had created !!! will sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg will doo the job13:00
andres_Hello, I was wondering if I am able to delete my windows partition even tho if I used windows to install Ubuntu.13:01
guybrushfor hd(0,0)   ---   what do the "0,0" represent?13:01
bazhangandres_, wubi install?13:01
klpt1anarcap: so in that link you sent me13:01
noreni want to make a fresh install of the ffmpeg with h264 support13:01
KingOfTensionhey everyone13:01
klpt1anarcap: i think you need to follow the instructions in and and
ActionParsnipnoren: no, as its not installed as a package, if you install the package it will copy the packaged file over your compiled files, you can then use the remove command to remove it13:01
induscan i use flash 9 on ubuntu 9.1013:01
indusiam sick of flash 1013:01
induseven flash 8 if possible13:02
ActionParsnipindus: sure if you can find it13:02
anarcapklpt1 - ok. I'll get on it. Will you be around to continue helping me out?13:02
indusActionParsnip: ya its in older releases13:02
norenActionParsnip, now how can i remove the ffmpeg cleanly, or if i reinstall a new latest version will it overwrite the previous version13:02
ActionParsnipindus: if you are using 32bit you can try the alpha 10.1 flash13:02
indusActionParsnip: nah its 64 bit, but iam willing to try the wrapper13:03
indusActionParsnip: is it any good?13:03
ActionParsnipnoren: sudo apt-get install --reinstall ffmpeg; sudo apt-get --purge remove ffmpeg; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove13:03
hyperstreamHow can i make the PulseAudio playback audio from ALSA Plugin ? (Its listed in the Applications tab - and is playing sound through the master output in LMMS(can see the noise level moving properly) but no sounds output13:03
klpt1anarcap: not sure. i actually need to leave for work shortly13:03
norenahh thanks lemme try that out13:03
indusActionParsnip: ill install nspluginwrapper separately, then move flash 10.1 to /usr/lib/mozilla13:03
klpt1anarcap: but to summarize, what you need to do now is just load the driver on X startup. it may do that automatically if you restart13:04
ActionParsnipindus: not sure, i use the 64bit one, there is scope to make 64bit soon, some guy posted a guide up about installing flashplugin-nonfree then replacing the .so with the 10.1 one (32bit)13:04
anarcapklpt1 - crap. Well, I just tried the first command and it told me: aticonfig: No supported adapters detected13:04
ActionParsnipindus: it uses gpu instead of cpu for some stuff13:04
jago25I need help here installing; Ubiquity is crashing and I can't download more than ~30mb and get the alt installer13:04
jcrawfordok anyone here that can help me for a moment?  I have Dropbox, WhatPulse, Gnome-DO all in my startup applications and they are all checked.  However they do not start when I login or boot up the system.  I have to start them all manually every morning.  Why would this be happening?13:04
norenthanks ActionParsnip will come back later to report what happened13:04
klpt1anarcap: huh, that's probably not so good. do you know how old your video card is? i know ati is bad about retiring driver support for older products13:04
hyperstreamHow can i make the PulseAudio playback audio from ALSA Plugin ? (Its listed in the Applications tab - and is playing sound through the master output in LMMS(can see the noise level moving properly) but no sounds output13:05
ActionParsnipjcrawford: make sylinks in ~/.config/autostart to the relevant items in /usr/share/applications13:05
ActionParsnipjcrawford: thats how i manage autostart, works in gnome nicely13:05
jcrawfordActionParsnip, shouldn't that be something the Startup Applications app does?13:05
jago25jcrawford: sounds like a problem with gnome-session if you use gnome13:05
lurraWho can help me to install  gdb?13:05
ActionParsnipjcrawford: not used it but i'd imagine so13:05
jcrawfordyea i am using gnome13:06
JoshuaLI have a audio cd (legal) and I wanna rip it into MP3, what program can I use best to do so?13:06
anarcapklpt1 - I bought it off the shelf at office depot this January.13:06
indusi think ill use 813:06
ActionParsnipJoshuaL: there is no best13:06
ActionParsnip!rip | JoshuaL13:06
lurraI'm from China13:06
ubottuJoshuaL: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar13:06
indusActionParsnip: many sites still work with 9 fine or with 8 too13:06
lurraMy name in lurra!13:06
klpt1anarcap: so it should be new enough13:06
bazhangJoshuaL, sound-juicer13:06
JoshuaLty ActionParsnip  and bazhang13:06
jcrawfordjago25, any idea what i have to do in order to fix this?13:06
bazhanglurra, yes; what is your support question13:07
ActionParsnipJoshuaL: there is no best, if there were the other projects would cease as noboy would use anything else13:07
anarcapklpt1 - ATI claims to have linux 64 bit drivers for it on their website.13:07
jago25JoshuaL: grip stands to me as the ones that has been around and commonly used to me, probably something better out there now but does me fine13:07
ActionParsnipJoshuaL: there is no best anything ever, even ife is not best for some people13:07
klpt1anarcap: try rebooting first, it may just be a detection issue13:07
klpt1anarcap: if you installed new drivers and haven't unloaded old ones yet, that could be the problem13:07
JoshuaLActionParsnip, you are totally right13:07
JoshuaLjago25, ty13:07
klpt1klpt1: then try doing "modprobe fglrx" to load the kernel module, and then run the configuration tool13:08
JoshuaLill try sound-juicer :)13:08
klpt1err, to anarcap, not myself13:08
klpt1anarcap: anyway13:08
klpt1anarcap: i need to leave, so i'm going to go idle13:08
anarcapklpt1 - I still haven't installed any drivers for my video card13:08
anarcapklpt1 Should I/13:08
jcrawfordi already have entries like this in the autostart folder Whatpulse.desktop13:08
klpt1anarcap: that's what that xorg-fglrx package should have been13:08
anarcapklpt1 hold up13:08
klpt1anarcap: it should have been the driver for your video card13:09
anarcapShould I try ati driver? or unloading ubuntu default driver/13:09
klpt1anarcap: I would avoid installing anything off of the ati website until you've run out of ubuntu package options13:09
klpt1anarcap: my last experience trying to compile their drivers and get them to work was a bit of a miserable nightmare13:10
klpt1anarcap: granted that was five years ago and things have surely changed a bit since then13:10
jcrawfordso with those files in place the apps should auto start but they are not :(13:10
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anarcapklpt1 - I would go buy an nVidia card tomorrow if someone would tell me what card I should buy.13:10
anarcapklpt1 - I guess anything after the 8800 series. or something.13:11
klpt1anarcap: depends on what you actually need. it doesn't really matter that much so long as the card is supported under the new nvidia drivers13:11
jago25Where can I get help on IRC with installing Ubuntu? (Ubuquity freezes for me)13:11
klpt1anarcap: so unless you're doing serious 3D work in Windows, I wouldn't worry a whole lot about what specific nvidia card it is13:11
ActionParsnipjcrawford: if you symlink other desktop files to that folder, they will run at startup, the entries in your menu are held in /usr/share/applications   so to have gedit run at login you would use the command: cd ~/.config/autostart; ln -s /usr/share/applications/gedit.desktop .      and it will run13:11
anarcapklpt1 - I just want 0 tearing.13:12
ActionParsnipjago25: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you run te CD verifier?13:12
jcrawfordActionParsnip, the issue is the desktop files that are there now do NOT auto start13:12
ActionParsnipjcrawford: kde has the same in ~/.kde/Autostart13:12
klpt1anarcap: so i have no trouble with my nvidia cards, and they're all at least a couple years old13:12
ActionParsnipjcrawford: not sure about that, strange13:12
klpt1anarcap: i would just get the cheapest nvidia card of the newest generation13:12
jcrawfordActionParsnip, that's why i am here trying to get assistance :)13:12
klpt1anarcap: but i don't think yo uhave to do that13:12
anarcapklpt1 - I can't figure out why I installed the drivers and my system still shows NO hardware drivers13:13
ActionParsnipjcrawford: ok lets have a hunt online, with my trusty helper, jeeves13:13
klpt1anarcap: i think that's a hardware solution to a software problem13:13
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anarcapklpt1 - Whatever is EASIEST, in this situation, is the bets for me. I can't keep bothering people like you all the time.13:14
klpt1anarcap: try this before buying anything http://arcterex.net/blog/archives/2009/11/05/moving_from_nvidia_to_ati_in_u.html13:14
anarcapklpt1 synaptic shows that I have the ATI driver and wrapper installed13:14
klpt1anarcap: so i frankly don't know what the wrapper is or what it does13:14
klpt1anarcap: i'm not super familiar with the ATI driver anymore13:15
ActionParsnipjcrawford: might be this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129449013:15
TimderiI cant find my wireless network, I tried to install a "windows". But now the entire wireless list is gone. (< The short version.13:15
ActionParsnipjcrawford: might be that  X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled   is false rather than true for each app, stopping them being addable13:15
TimderiI am on "lan" right now13:15
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: how do i tell it to rip to MP3?13:15
rloI forget to type "sudo" a lot. What's the simplest way to say "run the previous command I typed in, but put 'sudo' in front of it"? TIA13:15
ActionParsnipzetheroo2: check the settings, change the encoder to lame13:16
anarcapklpt1 - thanks for the link13:16
rrittenhouserlo, Its not sudo !! is it13:16
rrittenhouserlo, I cant recall as I always manually do it13:16
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: there is Rip file format ... but it says something.wav13:16
ActionParsnipTimderi: if you run: sudo lshw -C network    you will see the wifi chip in the product line, websearch that13:16
klpt1anarcap: anyway, i have to leave for work... but best of luck! if all else fails, try a post on linuxquestions.org13:17
rrittenhouserlo, yeah thats it actually. Type sudo !! and it will execute the last command with sudo in front of it13:17
lajevardirlo: up arrow + home key + type sudo & it's security, you know! in the other way you can use root terminal.13:17
anarcapklpt1 - thanks for your time, I really appreciate!!13:17
jcrawfordActionParsnip, no they are true13:17
rlorrittenhouse, just tried it - it works. Thanks!13:17
rrittenhouserlo, your welcome!13:18
rjuneJeff__, Hello13:18
jcrawfordjust looks like i am having the same issue as that guy is which is very odd why it would happen to only a select few13:18
klpt1anarcap: no worries, i like to try and help13:18
talntidActionParsnip, for future reference....13:18
talntidrealtek gigabit cards are buggy with 2.6.24, hence my problem13:18
ActionParsnipzetheroo2: http://mirror.unej.ac.id/pub/artikel/bebas.vlsm.org/v17/au/csiro/datamining/debianbook/www-shtml/grip-config-mp3.png13:19
codrinicwhoo can help me with player 4 tv tuner?13:19
codrinicwhoo can help me with player 4 tv tuner?13:19
codrinicwhoo can help me with player 4 tv tuner?13:19
FloodBot3codrinic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:19
LjL!tv > codrinic    (codrinic, see the private message from ubottu)13:19
talntidcodrinic, i would have helped you, but you decided to flood.13:19
bazhangcodrinic, once is enough13:19
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: I don't even have the MP3 tab13:19
ActionParsniptalntid: thanks, i always hit the HCL before any hardware purchase :)13:19
talntidit is built onto mobo13:20
talntidworks in all other kernel's13:20
ActionParsniptalntid: find out the chip on the board before buying13:20
fxfitzCan anyone tell me why I get an e-mail everyday to my root account about ntpdate?13:20
thandaHow can this be possible? Quite a surprise...13:20
ActionParsnipzetheroo2: you my need to install the lame encoder then13:21
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: ok .. found it in Synaptic13:21
thandaWhen trying to upgrade 8.04 -> update-manager -d13:21
thandaI got, what I have posted in the screenshot.13:21
ActionParsnipzetheroo2: you may need libmp3lame0 too, not sure13:22
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: ok .. installed lame and its there now :)13:22
zetheroo2ActionParsnip: thanks13:22
thandaI am sure this, can't be right.13:22
ActionParsnipzetheroo2: enjoy13:22
thandaHow this is possible? :-)13:23
talntidthe gimp :-)13:23
jcrawfordActionParsnip, any other ideas what i could do to get this working?13:23
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ActionParsnipjcrawford: not sure at all, very weird13:24
ActionParsnipthanda: ive seen repos for lucid, personally i wouldnt touch it13:25
thandaActionParsnip: I don't to touch it either, but how do I upgrade to 9.1013:25
thandafrom 8.0413:25
industhanda: what have eu got13:27
industhanda: you cannot13:27
indusoh crap network13:27
thandafrom 8.04 -> update-manager -d13:27
BrixSathello how do i rename a file to the current date? like file.18-12-2009-12:22.sql13:28
thandaindus: You can look into the screen-shot, it says 10.04 which is not released.13:28
industhanda: hehe13:28
ActionParsnipthanda: you need to upgrade to intrepid first13:28
matakshow to remove installed programs? like i just installed a game and now somethings wrong and i want to remove it.. ..13:28
ActionParsnip!upgrade | thanda13:28
ubottuthanda: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:28
jcrawfordActionParsnip, very odd i rebooted none of the apps started, i went to terminal and typed in gnome-session and it started up a lot of stuff13:28
ActionParsnipmataks: how was it installed?13:29
angelusdoes anyone know how to configure yahoo for evolution13:29
jcrawfordPidgin, FireFox, DropBox, WhatPulse, Gnome-Do13:29
BrixSathow do i use a date comand in a idle of a file rename?13:29
thandaI think, update-manager -d is little crazy to deal with. ;-)13:29
ActionParsnipjcrawford: i'd log a bug with that info13:29
zashBrixSat: mv oldfilename newfilename.$(date +FORMAT)13:29
mataksActionParsnip,  it's an .sh file.... it's a game.. i forgot how did i install it13:29
ActionParsnipmataks: what game, i could find a guide13:29
kostkonthanda, actually, i suppose it tries to upgrade you to the next lts, that is lynx13:30
BrixSatzash THANKS13:30
mataksActionParsnip,  Heroes of Newerth13:30
ActionParsnipthanda: change your upgrades from LTS to normal, you will be offered intrepid13:30
thandaYes, I am getting the point, but lynx is not released yet.13:30
icehawk78Is it possible to somehow send some signal to an IP that my server is both on, but has been turned off, and when it gets that, turns on?13:31
thandaI suppose, it would be best to leave it as it is...and wait for another six months...13:31
industhanda: upgrade to 10.04 :)13:31
industhanda: have fun13:31
industhanda: no wonder linux is ahead of its time13:31
kostkonthanda, look13:32
kostkonthanda, what the -d option does13:32
kostkonthanda,  -d, --devel-release13:32
kostkon              Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible13:32
thandaindus: I am on time-machine with my ubuntu box.13:32
kostkonthanda, thus, you are trying to force an upgrade to the latest dev ver, that is lynx13:32
anarcapAh. Unfortunately the help I received here, in the least 1hr or so, messed up my configuration and now i can't start compiz...can someone help?13:33
mataksActionParsnip,  i remember how i install it.. i just double click the file.. I'm doing it right now.. but before i'll reinstall it i want  to remove the game first...13:33
ActionParsnipmataks: in the base dir of the game there is an uninstall-HoN.sh you should try13:33
mataksActionParsnip,  where can i find the folder of the game?13:33
jcrawfordActionParsnip, but with Ubuntu or Gnome?13:33
ActionParsnipmataks: or use: sudo find / -iname "uninstall*"13:34
thandakostkon: I understand it, but proposing on something which is not released...does not make sense for me. But, I never mind at this point.13:34
ActionParsnipjcrawford: huh?13:34
jcrawfordActionParsnip, you said to log a bug with that info, do you mean report it to gnome or ubuntu?13:34
kostkonthanda, but, you are calling the update manager from the terminal13:34
ActionParsnipmataks: if you run the script, matching the name I gave it will remove13:34
kostkonthanda, i mean, you are specifically calling it with the -d option13:34
ActionParsnipjcrawford: i'd say gnome13:35
anarcapI installed those Ubuntu ATI drivers and instead of helping they disabled 3d entirely.13:35
cookiei copmpiled ALSA, and now i have ony one channel! What can i do with this?13:35
kostkonthanda, in regular terms, a user will never do this anyway13:35
thandakostkon: true, I do call update-manager with -d through terminal.13:35
kostkonthanda, if you just open the update manager from the menu13:35
kostkonthanda, it will give you the ooption to upgrade to lynx only when it comes out13:35
fallorewhat bittorrent client is most likely to "just work?" utorrent works fine for me in windows, no config required. is utorrent on linux?13:36
mataksActionParsnip, i already run the script.. it means it will remove everything that has uninstall?13:36
unimatrixWhy doesnt this video work in Firefox http://screwattack.com/videos/AVGN-Dragon39s-Lair  ... it works on Internet Explorer13:36
anarcapDoes anyone know if there is a way to resent my video settings back to how they were set an hour ago before i installed the open source ati drivers?13:37
thandakostkon: :-) I am aware of it, since 8.04 is LTS, but it would be nice to have an option to upgrade to the current release.13:37
ActionParsnipmataks: apparently thats the uninstall script. i havent used the game so i cant tell you one way or another, you'll have to analyse your files to see whats happening13:37
anarcapIs it right that I have both the fglrx-kernal-source and the xorg-video-ati drivers intalled at the same time?13:37
mataksActionParsnip, i uninstalled the game now.. thnx :)13:38
thandakostkon: Thankyou very much indeed.13:38
anarcapActionParsnip - whatever I did by uninstalling my old drivers and installing the open ati driver has completely crippled my 3D.13:38
ActionParsnipanarcap: i dont think all cards get 3D with the open driver13:38
cookiewhat can i do with ALSA, when i have only 1 sound channel?13:38
wesley_Hi All - does anyone have upstart scripts for squid and ushare?13:39
wesley_to be put in /etc/event.d?13:39
anarcapActionParsnip - I had 3D before. Can I get it back?13:39
ActionParsnipcookie: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/   may help13:39
ActionParsnipanarcap: sure, just do what you did to get the 3D13:39
cookie  ActionParsnip: thanks, I'll see this13:40
markie-how come my menu.lst and xorg.conf files are not here?13:40
anarcapActionParsnip - To get the 3d before I just installed ubuntu 9.1013:41
BrixSatis it possible to make a send mail script in shell? to send a simple sql file?13:41
wesley_@brixstart yes - many script languages support sending mail.13:41
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anarcapActionParsnip - I don't really want to reformat and do another install13:42
wesley_you can use python or perl as the most common.13:42
mataksActionParsnip,  help, i can't install the game now... what's wrong with this .. i get this error msg Could not open the file /home/mataks/Desktop/HoNClient-0.1.41.sh.  gedit has not been able to detect the character coding.Please check that you are not trying to open a binary file.Select a character coding from the menu and try again.13:42
BrixSatwesley_ i mean using shellscript but how do i add an atachment?13:42
ActionParsnipmataks: chmod +x /home/mataks/Desktop/HoNClient-0.1.41.sh; /home/mataks/Desktop/HoNClient-0.1.41.sh13:42
mataksActionParsnip,  before i just double click the file and install it without getting this error.. that was when i was still using 9.0413:43
ActionParsnipmataks: you didnt make the file executable13:43
wesley_@brixstat which shell are you using?13:43
mataksActionParsnip,  yehey thnx..  it work now :)13:44
wesley_@brixsat I have it13:44
ActionParsnipmataks: the file is seen as text, until you mark it as executable13:44
c3lhow do I install a .bin package?13:44
anarcapActionParsnip - It looks like synaptic shows that I have practically every single driver for ATI installed. The fglrx-kernel-source and the xorg drivers.13:45
tsimpsonBrixSat: attachments are put in the message, encoded in base6413:45
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wesley_I think if it's sql it should be clear text?  So you can probably get away with emailing it in the msg body.13:45
pagizGood terminal based msn client?13:45
anarcapDoes anyone here know anything about ATI driver and driver issues in ubuntu?13:45
pagizanarcap: what kind of issues?13:46
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tsimpsonwesley_: it'll still have to be a "multipart/mixed" email13:46
BrixSattsimpson cant i make sendmail mymail@saqpo.pt < /var/www/mysql.sql ?13:46
tsimpsonfor an "attachment"13:46
tsimpsonyou can just send the file as the message body, sure13:47
BrixSattsimpson thanks :D13:47
wesley_try licq13:47
wesley_with console plugin13:47
anarcapWell. I installed ubunt 9.10 a few days ago and was running whatever default drivers ubuntu has, and I had 3D and everything was fine. Earlier I was trying to fix an issue with tearing in flash playback online and in the process someone told me to install various drivers and after I restarted I don't have 3D/Compiz anymore.13:47
anarcapPagiz - Sorry, my reply is a few posts above13:48
aozturkI want to configure  the wpa_supplicant.conf file  for 802.1x auth13:48
AciidThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:48
Aciid  wine: Depends: wine1.2 but it is not going to be installed13:48
Aciidwhat is this?13:48
cookie  ActionParsnip: it's not like this. I say it diffrently: Only one program at once can play sound13:48
aozturkbut can't found eap type13:48
wesley_@brixsat - http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/sending-mail-with-attachment.html13:48
wesley_e.g. use the mutt command?13:48
aozturksmartcard or certificate13:48
wesley_mutt -s "Test mail" -a /tmp/file.tar.gz vivek@nixcraft.co.in < /tmp/mailmessage.txt13:49
shockratesdoes ubuntu uses a customized kde gui?13:50
wesley_Hi All - does anyone have upstart scripts for ushare and squid?13:50
anarcappagiz ?13:50
anarcappagiz did you get my post?13:50
pagizanarcap: gimmie a serc13:50
anarcappagiz - sure13:50
cutoutI installed Ubuntu using wubi and now I when I start my machine it gives a cmd with the word grub! how can I restore my ubunt?13:51
pagizanarcap: have you just tried to reinstall compiz ?13:51
cutoutI just want to get my data13:51
cwillu_at_workwesley_, should be about 5 lines :p13:51
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pagizcutout: google "ubuntu fix grub" or smth13:51
anarcappagiz -- all I really want to know is how to reset my drivers back to the original default drivers that Ubuntu installed with. because I never installed drivers for my video card until now, and now my 3D is totally disabled.13:51
wesley_Ok cool - please can you point me in the right direction to get started?13:51
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cutoutpagiz: wow I did not thought of this!13:52
Guest96896Hello, can anybody give me some hint about installing ubuntu-server on raid1-array? raid1 is created with 2 sata drives via nvidia controller13:52
anarcappagiz - why would the problem be compiz? do you have to reinstall compiz when you install new video drivers?13:52
cwillu_at_workwesley_, one sec13:52
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pagizanarcap: thats abit hard since I dont know which drivers you had for default. There may be a xorg config backup13:52
wesley_thanks in advance13:52
wesley_this has been annoying me for 6 months.13:52
anarcappagiz - what is xorg config backup?13:52
someandyeverything seems to run well, but grub2 can't be installed13:52
wesley_I need to get squid starting without testing for dns.13:52
jester7does anybody know where the new syslog server daemon resides?13:53
jester7the old one was, i believe, /sbin/syslogd13:53
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anarcappagiz - at this point, synapitics is telling me that I have nearly every driver available installed. Not sure how that happened.13:53
sunshinepantsi've been running into a nasty bug on x64 when i increase the main memory from 2gb to 4gb.  repro'd with two dimm vendors.  i can't find anyone with a similar problem though.  laptop is a d83013:54
pagizanarcap: check this out, it will tell you how to restore your xorg.conf  http://absolutebeginner.wordpress.com/2006/09/15/restoring-your-previous-xorgconf-file/13:54
wesley_As an aside  - who made the decision to remove CTRL+ALT+Function key ???13:54
anarcappagiz - what happens if I uninstall all of the drivers and then just install ATI's proprietary driver again, from their website?13:54
aozturkI can't configure these two parameters  wap_supplicant.conf13:54
aozturkAuthentication-Type = EAP13:54
aozturkEAP-Type = Smart Card or other certificate"13:54
hcI'm trying to install Cherokee (the web server). henrik@bass:~$ /usr/sbin/cherokee start/usr/sbin/cherokee-worker: error while loading shared libraries: libcherokee-base.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:55
hcSegmentation fault13:55
cwillu_at_workwesley_, http://pastie.org/704142 -> dump this in a file in /etc/init13:55
anarcappagiz - my xorg.conf has always been totally empty. there has been no change to my config file.13:55
hcAny suggestions on what might be the problem? Obviously it's something with libcherokee.13:55
wesley_@cwillu thanks for your time13:55
pagizanarcap: Then I have no idea. Sry.13:56
cwillu_at_workanarcap, you installed fglrx?13:56
wesley_@cwillu should it not go into /etc/event.d?13:57
cwillu_at_workwesley_, no, /etc/init is where upstart jobs live as of 9.1013:57
anarcappagiz - one of the commands in that tutorial just returned 'command not found'13:57
pagizanarcap: what command ?13:57
hcI'm trying to install Cherokee (the web server). henrik@bass:~$ /usr/sbin/cherokee start/usr/sbin/cherokee-worker: error while loading shared libraries: libcherokee-base.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory   Segmentation fault13:58
pagizanarcap: could you link the tutorial ?13:58
hcAny suggestions?13:58
jcrawfordok guys i just wiped all of my .gnome folders and rebooted and now when i log it i get an error every time stating that it cannot find a systray13:58
jcrawfordwhat does that mean and how can i fix it?13:58
wesley_Linux teabag 2.6.28-16-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 20 19:48:24 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux13:58
wesley_Is that more than 9.1013:58
cwillu_at_workanarcap, you're trying to remove fglrx, right?13:58
linkyPrejcrawford, why did you wipe the folders?13:58
pagizjcrawford: silly.13:59
wesley_@cwillu I think I'm on 9.0413:59
anarcapcwillu_at_work - fglrx? Apparenlty: Synaptic says I have fglrx-kernal-source and xorg-driver-fglrx installed, or and fglrx-amdocccle and fglrx-modaliases. And a few other drivers as well.13:59
cwillu_at_workwesley_, oh, in that case the upstart job is probably different, and yes, it would go in /etc/event.d13:59
jcrawfordlinkyPre, because start-up apps were not working and someone said it sounded like a gnome session error i thought it was worth a shot :)13:59
linkyPreI'm guessing your system is looking for something that was in .gnome13:59
jcrawfordso how can i get that error to go away?13:59
jcrawfordlinkyPre, i think so too lol13:59
cwillu_at_workwesley_, be aware that 9.10 actually has an /etc/init.d/ job for ushare already, although the upstart job I gave you is significantly cleaner13:59
anarcappagiz - it's the tutorial you just sent me: http://absolutebeginner.wordpress.com/2006/09/15/restoring-your-previous-xorgconf-file/13:59
anarcappagiz - this command dirapp-defaults gdm xorg.conf Xsession.dapplnk rgb.txt xorg.conf~ Xsession.optionsconfig susewm xorg.conf.20060807011320 Xwrapper.configcursors X Xresourcesdefault-display-manager xinit xserverfonts xkb Xsession13:59
vega-hmm, my num keypad does not work anymore in karmic, pressing numlock does not maky any difference14:00
cwillu_at_workanarcap, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver is probably better information14:00
anarcappagiz - o. that's not a command is it?14:00
cwillu_at_work""Problem: Need to fully remove -fglrx and reinstall -ati from scratch""14:00
anarcappagiz - im retarded14:00
pagizanarcap: my head hurts14:00
vega-enter works, but not the number keys14:00
cwillu_at_workmine doesn't, listen to me! :p14:00
anarcappagiz - sorry bro.14:00
linkyPrejcrawford, think you can boot into kde or something and reinstall gome14:01
pagizanarcap: no its not a command14:01
pagizanarcap: its the directory14:01
hcI'm trying to install Cherokee (the web server). henrik@bass:~$ /usr/sbin/cherokee start/usr/sbin/cherokee-worker: error while loading shared libraries: libcherokee-base.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory   Segmentation fault.. Any suggestions on how to fix this?!14:01
wesley_@cwillu for the squid one do I just change the last line to "exec '/usr/sbin/squid -D -YC'"14:01
cwillu_at_workwesley_, yep14:01
jcrawfordlinkyPre, why would i need to reinstall gnome?  it was my user files not global files14:01
cwillu_at_workwesley_, also, see /etc/event.d/tty1 for an alternate set of start/stop lines that should work if the ones I gave you don't14:02
jcrawfordthey should have been re-created when i logged back in14:02
cwillu_at_workwesley_, I'm not sure if the syntax I used is usable in 9.0414:02
anarcapPagiz unfortunagtely that tutorial reference a file I don't have -- "You should pinpoint two files, they are the file swith which e are going to work: xorg.conf xorg.conf.?????????" What the heck is that?14:02
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linkyPrejcrawford, figured that would restore everything.  maybe you could boot into live cd and copy .gnome14:02
khamerAnyone know a good console app I can use in a cron job that reports CPU usage?14:02
linkyPrejcrawford, not a guru at this at all, still learning and that's my best guess14:03
cwillu_at_workanarcap, you can just delete your xorg.conf file, it's not needed with the setup you're trying to get back to, if I understand the advice you're trying to undo correctly :p14:03
jcrawfordlinkyPre, or better yet create a new user and copy .gnome :)14:03
anarcapcwillu_at_work - thanks. that link looks good14:03
linkyPreor that too!14:03
anarcapcwillu_at_work - I don't know what setup I'm trying to get back to...unfortunately.14:04
cwillu_at_workanarcap, a working one I presume :p14:04
cwillu_at_workanarcap, the default ubuntu install would be using the open source ati drivers;  fglrx (ati's proprietary driver) is utter crap when it comes to install/uninstall/everything-else :p14:04
wesley_@khamer iostat14:04
khamerwesley_, iostat? checking it out14:05
cwillu_at_workanarcap, the instructions on that page are blessed by our official x maintainer14:05
khamerwesley_, perfect, thanks14:05
linkyPrejcrawford, let me know how that works out14:05
xytisHello, please tell me which room is dedicated for netbook remix?14:05
anarcapcwillu_at_work - ok. I thought fglrx was an open source ATI driver, not the proprietary driver.14:06
anarcapcwillu_at_work - what is -ati then?14:06
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cwillu_at_workno, fglrx is the closed driver that in theory has better 3d performance, but which doesn't interact with compiz well at all14:06
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cwillu_at_workati is the open driver included in xorg14:06
cwillu_at_workconfusingly, nvidia is the closed nvidia driver, and nv is the open nvidia driver :p14:07
magghow do i install again the volume slider/manager that appears on the gnome-panel?? somehow i think i remove it, please help...14:07
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cwillu_at_workmagg, right click on the panel, select "add to panel", find volume control, and drag it to the panel14:08
anarcapcwillu_at_work - well I'm going to try to fully remove -fglrx and reinstall -ati from scratch according to the direction on that page you sent me. Hopefully it works and don't get a busted grub loader on restart.14:08
maggcwillu_at_work: i cant seem to find it there...14:09
cwillu_at_workanarcap, pm me if you get in any more trouble :p14:09
anarcapcwillu_at_work - tomorrow I'm going to the store to buy a new nVidia card.14:09
wesley_@magg the volume control is part of gnome-applets package14:09
esde_did anyone else get flooded with DCC14:09
cwillu_at_workanarcap, nice, works better with compiz generally.  However, I don't know that it'll help your tearing flash video problems :(14:09
cankoymagg: did you remove pulseaudio?14:10
maggwesley_ ok i'll install that package14:10
* cwillu_at_work shushes, the volume control has moved :p14:10
wesley_@magg so apt-get install gnome-applets but I would listen to cwillu as the applets are probably already installed14:10
maggcankoy, yep14:10
anarcapcwillu_at_work PS. I have seen that "Who's On first" sketch. Old school...14:10
cankoymagg: it doesn't work w/o pulse14:10
cwillu_at_workwesley_, no volume control there anymore, it shows up in the indicator panel14:10
wesley_@maybe I'll go and do the upgrade to 10 now.... :p14:11
hiperlinkhi all, I need some help with xmonad on a netbook with external monitor.14:11
cwillu_at_workmagg, in a terminal, run "pidof pulseaudio", and tell me if it gives anything back14:11
anarcapcwillu_at_work - I noticed that at the end of the instructions it says: "Then reboot (or fix up the kernel modules and restart gdm) ". Will have to "fix up kernal modules"? because I don't know how to do that.14:11
cwillu_at_workanarcap, then just reboot14:12
BrixSatwhy dont i get a zip file in the atachment? uuencode /var/MysqlBackUp/Copia.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).zip | sendmail -v cesarsilvaaraujo@gmail.com14:12
hiperlink So I managed to install XMonad 0.9, and set up .xsession (/usr/local/bin/xmonad.start script with the same content as my .xsession), as can be seen here: http://gist.github.com/23784414:12
anarcapcwillu_at_work - figured.14:12
maggcwillu_at_work: nothing back14:12
cwillu_at_workanarcap, it's just a note that it's possible to do it without rebooting, useful if you're swapping stuff back and forth during development, etc14:12
hiperlinkNow when I start XMonad from gdm (the destop file was modified to use /usr/local/bin/xmonad.start) or via startx14:12
cwillu_at_workmagg, pulseaudio isn't running14:12
hiperlinkthe script executes for a while: to the point of running xrandr (or if it runs, it's not setting up my monitors), then won't run xmonad (from .xsession-errors: xmonad-i386-linux: user error (openDisplay)14:12
cwillu_at_workmagg, run "pulseaudio -D"14:12
wesley_if I can't boot after this - what is the replacement for CTRL14:12
hiperlinkNote: if I comment out most of the lines from .xsession - xrdb, xsetroot and exec stays uncommented - I can start xmonad.14:12
cwillu_at_workmagg, anything?14:13
maggcwillu_at_work: mmm installing pulseaudio did the trick14:14
cwillu_at_workmagg, who suggested that you uninstall pulseaudio?  I need to go beat them with a stick :p14:14
maggcwillu_at_work: E: main.c: Daemon startup failed.14:14
cwillu_at_workmagg, if you just reinstalled pulseaudio, you should be fine14:15
cwillu_at_workit failed to start because it was already running (as evidenced by the volume control returning)14:15
maggcwillu_at_work: thanks a lot14:15
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BrixSatwhy dont i get a zip file in the atachment? uuencode /var/MysqlBackUp/Copia.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).zip | sendmail -v cesarsilvaaraujo@gmail.com14:16
hk__99hey, my printer (HP  C 4180 -AllinOne) is not working anymore after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.1014:16
wesley_@brixsat did you try mutt?14:16
anarcapcwillu_at_work - That worked!!! Thanks! I have to reset my compiz settings, but it worked!14:17
wesley_@hk what's the problem with it?14:17
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wesley_@hk and how is it connected? usb + network14:17
Linux-IRCfind -size + 334MB , is this command correct ?14:18
Linux-IRCgeirha: ^14:18
Linux-IRCgeirha: find -size + 334MB , is this command correct ?14:18
yofelhk__99: does hplip not see it anymore or?14:18
hk__99i installed hplip and it says communication error 501214:18
geirhaLinux-IRC: find -size +334M14:18
BrixSatwesley_ mutt? in replace of uuencode?14:18
tsunami_Hey guys.  I am trying to mount a thumb drive I have loaded in my server at home from command line (i'm at work)14:18
wesley_find / -size 334M14:19
geirhaLinux-IRC: That's actually 334 mebibytes (2^20), not megabytes (10^6)14:19
wesley_@brixsat yeah - you might need "apt-get install mutt" and "man mutt" before you use it though!! :)14:20
DasEitsunami_: access via ssh ?14:20
tsunami_DasEi: yeah14:20
someandyhow can i switch into ubuntu console during installation to see what error messages are given?14:20
someandyi'm installing ubuntu server currently14:20
wesley_@tsunami lsusb come back with anything?14:21
tsunami_DasEi: what I am thinking is tunneling a vnc port and doing it with the gui if there isn't a quick fix14:21
tsunami_it did14:21
tsunami_i think its the toshiba hit that came out14:21
Linux-IRCgeirha: find -size +334M , doesn't show anything14:21
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:21
wesley_@tusami mkdir /media/usbdrive then  mount /dev/sdX /media/usbdrive14:22
DasEitsunami_: as root14:22
hk__99yofel,  any other ideas?14:22
geirhaLinux-IRC: Are there any files larger than 334MiB under the current dir?14:22
wesley_@linux-irc "find / -size 334M"14:22
wesley_will search from root.14:22
Linux-IRCgeirha: 334M    linuxsoft/14:23
tsunami_cheers, i'll let you know in 2 min14:23
Linux-IRCgeirha: If i do du -h linuxsoft14:23
geirhaLinux-IRC: Ah, find only checks single files, not directories14:23
wesley_@linux irc you might want to try out  a program called "disk usage analyzer" if you are looking to clear disk space14:23
Linux-IRCgeirha: : How would i check directory?14:24
tsunami_wesley_: mount /dev/sdaX?14:24
wesley_@tsunami after plugging it in type "dmesg"14:24
yofelhk__99: google found https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/37002 regarding that error, does it help you?14:25
yofelhk__99: see bottom of the page14:25
wesley_@tsunami it should mount automatically14:26
wesley_@tsunami type "df -h" and it will give you the path to the device14:27
wesley_@tsunami I have "/dev/sdc1             3.9G  1.5G  2.4G  39% /media/SAMSUNG4GB14:27
tollandHola, I have a ubuntu server running headless with a HP officejet 6110 attached to it, are there any tools to use the scan functionality remotely?14:27
tsunami_df -h!  nice it was mounted already...14:27
BrixSatwesley_ privte please14:28
wesley_@brixsat see it now.14:28
BrixSatmutt /var/MysqlBackUp/Copia.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).zip | sendmail -v -t cesarsilvaaraujo@gmail.com -b HELLO what is wrong here?14:28
geirhaLinux-IRC: Hm. maybe: du -mx / | awk '$1 > 334'14:28
markizano[I'm on Karmic] - I just re-installed the package GDM and now I can't login to my main profile via X14:29
markizanoanybody know what would keep a user from being able to login?14:30
hk__99yofel, not really, the weird thing is that the scanner(which is integrated in the printer) still works fine but the printer doesnt work at all14:30
tsunami_markizano: no keyboard?14:30
tsunami_jk sorry14:30
yofelhk__99: then I'm out of ideas... sry14:30
markizanoafter I login, the screen flashes and then i'm led back to the GDM login screen14:30
hk__99anyone else having printer issues since ubuntu 9.10? =/14:31
markizanotsunami_: lol14:31
yofelmarkizano: /why/ did you reinstall gdm?14:31
BluesKajHi folks14:31
markizanoyofel: I had accidentally uninstalled it when i targeted gvfs14:32
markizanoyofel: gvfs for uninstall...14:32
yofelmarkizano: err.... why do you want to uninstall gvfs?14:32
markizanoi tried recursively setting my home directory in owership of myself, but that doesn't seem to help, and i'm leery about recursively setting 755 or 64414:33
yofelmarkizano: do you have gvfs installed at the moment or not?14:33
markizanoyofel: idk, I jst had this thing about that ~/.gvfs folder and nothing being able to access it, debian works fine without it, so why not?14:33
markizanoyofel: currently, no14:33
mgv2hi - my computer has been hacked and i got a message - bouncing attack and a window askink for password - what is that??14:34
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C-S-Bmarkizano, you won't be able to take ownership of ~/.gvfs while you have gnome up, try booting up into recovery mode14:35
yofelmarkizano: I don't know too much about gvfs but gnome uses it for quite some things, and debian iirc has an older version of gnome, can you try to install ubuntu-desktop and see if that fixes your issue?14:35
Navopquestion running ubuntu in virtual machine and I can get it to connect to internet, using vmware workstation, host os is win7 x64 ultimate...connection used is bridge...14:35
wesley_@ mgv2 best thing to do is work offline and re-image your machine after taking a backup.14:35
markizanoyofel: i dn't either and is one of the reasons I removed it :P14:35
solomonI installed karmic with home dir encryption on a machine with a screwed up controller... some file corruption happened which seems to have killed the boot process.  I've moved the hd to another machine and I've got a spare drive; what I'd like to do is back up just a few files from my home dir and then re-install.  I have the funky long key that karmic gave me for the encrypted volume... how might i mount it and get data out of it?14:35
hcCan the 9.10 Live CD write to HFS+?14:36
hcOr at least NTFS?14:36
toehioHow do you do manually (CLI) what "usb-creator-gtk" does?14:36
ner0xAny here use a hardware based modem?14:36
hk__99yofel, its working again fortunately : ) i had to re-setup HPLIP, thanks : )14:36
yofelhk__99: :)14:36
wesley_@mgv2 of course I'd abandon any system files (startup files/binaries etc..) from the backup in case the root kit has been hidden in them somewhere....14:36
yofelmarkizano: well, hard to debug then, looked at ~/.xsession-errors?14:37
Navopquestion running ubuntu in virtual machine and I can't get it to connect to internet, using vmware workstation, host os is win7 x64 ultimate...connection used is bridge...14:37
hc9.10 live CD - does it support writing to preferrably HFS+ or at least NTFS?14:38
mgv2wesley_, do you suggest to install ubuntu over again?14:38
BluesKajmgv2, what were you doinf when you were asked for password , linux requires passwords to access to read/write/edit files14:38
Fenix|workWhoa... come in this morning and had a shitload of DCC BOUNCEATTACK.TXT requests... wtf is that?14:38
yofelhc: don't know about HFS+, but it should be able to write to ntfs14:38
hcAwesome. Then let's hope I can recover this corrupted drive then.14:39
wesley_@mgv2 if you have been hacked yes.14:39
mgv2 BluesKaj nothing - i was on irc and in the morning i saw a message14:39
markizanoyofel: uhm... .xsession-errors just reports some missing file from a previous bashrc: `shopt not found' I just took those lines out14:39
mgv2wesley_, so i will install everything again14:39
kostkon!attack | Fenix|work14:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about attack14:40
BluesKajin what form did the message arrive , mgv2 ?14:40
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Fenix|work* DCC RECV BOUNCEATTACK.TXT to vMZDWQYNm aborted.14:40
wesley_@mgv2 that decision is yours14:40
Fenix|workuser was always random14:40
yofelmarkizano: well, can you try to install ubuntu-desktop and see if you can login after that? If it does not just remove everything it installed again14:40
LjLFenix|work: please ignore that, it was an attack attempt.14:40
BluesKajwesley_, @ doesn't work on irc14:40
kworkseems freenode is under lame attack14:41
markizanoyofel: ok, i just installed ubuntu-desktop and it looks like it has the other packages that were removed when I took out gvfs, so I'm going to try that14:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:41
mgv2BluesKaj, like a bounceattack.txt and a in a filesystem window14:41
toehioHow do you make a USB startup disk manually?14:41
wesley_@mgv2 my advice is that the amount of time spent cleaning a box from being hacked outweighs the time it takes to re-image it.14:41
markizanoyofel: thanks much :)14:41
wesley_@blueskaj what do we use instead?14:41
mgv2BluesKaj, at the title of the window - and a lot of windows poped up14:41
BluesKajsomeone on irc was attacking you with a script14:41
yofelmarkizano: ubuntu-desktop is a package that doesn't do anything except pull in everything that is needed to run the default ubuntu-desktop14:41
BluesKajwesley_, just use the presons nick14:41
LjLmgv2, don't be silly, that was a channel-wide attack that everybody on this channel got. there is no need to reinstall anything14:42
Fenix|workBluesKaj, was definately lame...14:42
esde_BluesKaj, the attacks came from over a dozen diff nnicks14:42
mgv2wesley_, re-image = install from dvd?14:42
yofelmarkizano: so installing that should make sure that you have at least the original installation apps installed14:42
wesley_blueskaj ok thanks.  I've got a swedish character set activated and this makes life a lot easier! :)14:42
mbeierlOk, I've got a gnome auto-hide panel that suddenly does not want to hide anymore.  Anyone have a clue?14:42
wesley_mgv2 - let's take a step back.  You said you were hacked yeah?14:42
markizanoyofel: yea, looks everything is back to normal, including gvfs :S but if it works i'm not going to mess with it again ... thanks again =)14:42
yofelmarkizano: yw14:43
markizano:) i'm out14:43
syki think he just got attacked from a dcc flood14:43
Fenix|workmgv2, if you're talking about all the bounceattack.txt files... if you closed them all you are safe and don't need to do anything14:43
wesley_mgv2 the message " bouncing attack and a window askink for password" where did you see this?14:43
mgv2wesley_, i saw a lot of windows - a message and it asked for password - isnt it a hack?14:43
VCooliombeierl: is it still set to autohide? do you have a preferences window for the panel open?14:44
kostkonmgv2, many xchat windows?14:44
BluesKajlotsa attack stuff happens on irc , but it doesn't necessarily mean you're vulnersbale unles you respond , and alot of those scripts are trying to open into windows pcs14:44
mgv2kostkon, not xchat windows - filesystem windows14:44
mgv2kostkon, but im not sure14:44
mbeierlVCoolio: DOH!  I just found the add to panel window still open hidden behind another - it's hiding again now, thanks!14:44
mgv2what windwos exactly14:44
Fenix|workmgv2, xchat will open a filesystem window to let you pick where you want to save the attack file...14:45
mgv2wesley_, on the screen14:45
Fenix|workI just got rid of 50 of them, all of them I aborted.14:45
esde_just go to the target window, hit ctrl+a, then abort.14:45
Ari_Scothello  i have a problem with trafic to a ubuntu station....cant setup programs accessibe from the net on it.....14:45
esde_does em al at once.14:45
kostkonmgv2, you are ok, i think. no need to worry14:45
BluesKajmgv2, turn off the dcc auto accept inyour irc client , if it's on14:45
mgv2Fenix|work, so that might be the case - so it isnt a hack right? just anoyying attack attempt?14:45
kostkonmgv2, yeap14:46
hellyeahis there a way to install mcc to system14:46
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:46
ranjannetwork manager not able to connect dsl14:46
mgv2ok thank you - i will try to look of the dcc auto thing14:46
Fenix|workmgv2, if you didn't save the files and then run them, you are perfectly fine... just some lame-o script kiddie with nothing better to do.14:46
mgv2ok- thanks all14:47
Fenix|workesde_, it may be off topic, but several of us over the last few hours received DCC requests for an attack script... on this channel.14:47
esde_Fenix|work, as did I. Has the problem not been throuroghly addressed yet?14:47
ranjannetwork manager not able to connect DSL14:48
x_how can i make my ntfs partitions log in automatically without authentication ?14:48
hellyeahi need mcc14:48
DasEi!fstab | x_14:48
esde_ranjan, distro, provider, etc please. we need details14:48
ubottux_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:48
ranjanesde_, Ubuntu Karmic14:48
DasEi x_ : need a hand on that ?14:48
Fenix|workesde_, people respond with varying levels of confusion.  mgv2 was wanting to reinstall his entire ubuntu box because he thought he was hacked... so even though we're talking about the dcc attempts, a couple of us just saved him from having to reinstall... which isn't quite off topic14:49
ranjanesde_, actually it had a bug in ther RC and was solved by an update14:49
esde_ranjan, what are you inputting to network manager? what errors if any are you getting?14:49
esde_Ok Fenix|work, i wasn't trying to be dick, just getting repetive with that convo y'know?14:49
Ari_Scothow to i remote control (VNC) the ubuntu computer over internet ?14:49
ranjanesde_, i configured the dsl connection and when i try to connect a window to enter password appears and it doesnt accept the passwor14:50
esde_Ari_Scot, windows or llinux client?14:50
Ari_Scotwindows client14:50
Fenix|workesde_, yeah, I can understand that.  I just came on a couple of minutes ago, and made a comment... :)14:50
mgv2yes i dont like to reinstall systems- i thought it may be caused of ubuntu one - still im not sure how much secured is ubuntu one14:50
BluesKajFenix|work, i think it may have somew thing to do with location , if you are in the mediterranean area then i suspect you and mgv2 and othersare in that are. Am I correct ?14:51
esde_Ari_Scot, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC14:52
jackfoxhi , if i install some apps in the usb startup disk and later install ubuntu from dat usb , will the installed apps available in the installed system ??14:52
Ari_Scoti have a two program that should e accessible on port 15001 and 5900 from the internet...i done forwarding i router to the computer......but i cant access it.....on the internal network i can access it...14:52
Fenix|workBluesKaj, I'm in North America on the east coast... I just got into work... I sillily forgot to close my client when leaving last night.14:52
ranjanesde_, any help?? :(14:52
ranjanesde_, really fed up with karmic14:52
BluesKajFenix|work, same here, but further inland14:52
krsnasound recording works neither with the built in microphone nor with an external one on my Acer Aspire One with Ubuntu Netbook Remix. any ideas?14:52
hk_99yofel, i still got that printer problem, the weird thing is: printing simple txt files works totally fine, but when i try to print pdf files its not working at all?!14:52
mgv2what is othersare - BluesKaj ?14:53
jackfoxhi , if i install some apps in the usb startup disk and later install ubuntu from dat usb , will the installed apps available in the installed system ??14:53
BluesKajothers are14:53
ranjanjackfox, nop14:53
Fenix|workesde_, Here's an ubuntu related question for ya.  On Karmic with rsyslog and templates with dynamic files, how do I configure rsyslog to not log messages to both locations simultaneously?14:53
jackfoxbut when i reboot from usb , the installed apps works ..14:53
om26erjackfox: no14:54
jackfoxokey guys thnx14:54
om26er!hello | sasagundul14:54
ubottusasagundul: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:54
yofelhk_99: what  app do you use for printing pdf's? Can you print something in openoffice?14:54
sampollo peole14:54
esde_ranjan, i'm sorry i don't have any support for you. i do suggest deleting all current settings and taking it step by step to reconfigure. you may be surprised and realize you missed something.14:54
hk_99i just used the basic pdf viewer14:54
hk_99im gonna reboot and try okular14:54
ranjanjackfox, when working live the instance gets saved if you configured it for persistence14:55
esde_Fenix|work, tbh im not much into linux anymore as my new job keeps me on windows and i dont have time to use my ubuntu anymore. :-/ im just here for simple quewstions14:55
ranjanesde_, this is the third reinstallation and uptodate update :(14:55
wesley_brixsat - so we learned that a single command to send an attachment could be "mutt -s "Subject" -a /path/to/file.zip -b recipient@domain.com < /tmp/bodytext.txt"14:55
jackfoxyes i configured it for persistence14:55
esde_ranjan, 9.04 try it.14:55
om26erranjan: the question was will the installed softwares will also come in the newly installed ubuntu14:55
toehiois there a guide like this for a more recent version of ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent - some steps are not the same14:55
ranjanesde_, i m going to switch to mandriva14:55
Fenix|workranjan, are you sure you're typing in the correct username and password?14:55
jackfoxya om26er , dats the question .14:55
ranjanFenix|work, yes14:56
esde_just retrograde to 9.0414:56
sampoI need assistance concerning labview in linux...I have installed it, ot works fine, as in windoz...moreover, the letters are very smalll...why?can I change it? I tried through labview options,, but did not succeed14:56
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ranjanom26er, it wont14:56
Fenix|workesde_, My primary employment is windows based... but forcing more and more linux into the mix14:56
om26erjackfox: as i told u that's not possible14:56
Ari_Scotdo you have to have SSH to login in on VNC and why cant anyone access port 15001 on the computer ?14:56
ranjanom26er, if u want that to be possible you should remaster the live image14:56
esde_i may begin to use it more. however we are microsoft partners, and do only windows repairs, and have a lot of money invested into windows. my boss sees it a waste to use linux.14:56
CyberJack77Same question as yesterday: I have a system with a 3 disk LVM. The system (8.10) is installed on a separate disk. Now I want to perform a clean install of 9.10. What do I need todo to enable my LVM in the new install without losing all my data?14:57
friendishaneh i think i forgot what my problem was.14:57
om26erranjan: not my question jackfox asked it. and btw remastersys did not work for me in karmic14:57
jackfoxhey one last question ?? i'm gonna install karmic over jaunty ... is it really worth the effort ??14:58
zubrinso, just finished my switch over from linux again yesterday, I used ubuntu a while back, when it was gusty gibbin, kinda nice to be back on it14:58
Fenix|workesde_, just tell your boss that Microsoft has an Open Source Lab and continuously work with open source entities to make it better... IE Samba... Microsoft has been the driving force for it's improvement the last few years.14:58
friendishanCyberJack77 : if you don't find your answer here post it on the forum.14:58
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ranjanom26er, instead of remastersys try to remaster it by hand...and its another enjoyment to see our distro working :)14:58
om26erjackfox: yes sure install it. i would prefer doing a clean install14:58
friendishanCyberJack77 : nope and i won't be of any help!14:58
om26erranjan: how to do that?14:58
jackfoxthnx om26er , i'm gonna do it rite now thnx buddies14:58
esde_Fenix|work, i prefer anything open source over windows. period. i compute, i dont play. y'know?14:58
Fenix|workjackfox, do an upgrade, not an install over an existing install... unless you're going to format the partitions and blow everything away14:59
friendishanjackfox : i would say keep jaunty14:59
CyberJack77friendishan: I thought one more try here... because I want to reinstall tonight.14:59
DasEijackfox: is a little poll, karmic comes with ext4, grub2 in default, and some minor improvements leading to lucid, not a big jump from jaunty14:59
esde_wait a while jackfox14:59
friendishanjackfox : jaunty is more stable than karmic14:59
ranjanom26er, there are tutorial available...by that we are actually modifying the Live image (filesystem.squashfs) and we can include any number of applications we want14:59
friendishanjackfox : i prefer waiting till April14:59
* om26er says are you people kidding15:00
friendishanCyberJack77 : ok good luck15:00
jackfoxfriendishan: Why april ??15:00
Fenix|workwhen is the next LTS release coming out?15:00
sampoany one?15:00
ranjanDasEi, not at all a big jump :(15:00
friendishanjackfox: most probably the new release will be released at that time.15:00
DasEiranjan: Is some work to do, but compared to hardy.. I won't switch back15:00
friendishanjackfox : and i think it will be more stable15:00
DasEi!lts | Fenix|work15:01
ubottuFenix|work: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)15:01
jackfoxmy hard disk is blown up and i've to install ubuntu again .. my question is jaunty or karmic ????15:01
friendishanjackfox : anyway, karmic is faster than jaunty but a bit unstable15:01
om26erfriendishan: how about you just tell people just wait for every LTS.15:01
Fenix|workDasda, thanks.15:01
DasEijackfox: what is blown ?15:01
ranjanDasEi, i could not use it with a quite mind...lot of bugs...i havent encountered these much bugs before :(15:01
Fenix|workDasEi, April right? :)15:01
DasEiFenix|work: yes15:02
friendishanom26er: i just said my opinion15:02
sunkethjackfox, go fro karmic definitely... host of useful features15:02
friendishanom26er : my friend upgraded but he is having a lot of crashes15:02
ranjansunketh, what features do u find my friend??15:02
jackfoxi think i'm scared enough .. bugs in karmic ??? oh im confused .. jaunty or karmic ???15:02
Fenix|workKarmic doesn't appear to be 'upgrade friendly' ... definately a fresh install kinda release15:02
friendishanjackfox: and karmic has a lot better graphics and features.15:02
Fenix|worktoo many changes.15:02
ranjanjackfox, use jaunty...15:03
DmoleI am having trouble installing, anyone know some tricks?15:03
jackfoxi heard Karmic has got more support for intel graphics is dat rite ?15:03
friendishanjackfox: i use jaunty15:03
sunkethjanitor, improved boot-up,15:03
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friendishanjackfox: yup that is right15:03
jackfoxi've an intel gma and ..15:04
sampoanyone there?15:04
friendishansamp : yes?15:04
ranjanjackfox, that is right but .... first of all the most ugliest distro from the one who can make it the most beautiful15:04
tavastijackfox, there is no correct answer, karmic, jaunty or hardy (latest LTS) are all suitable options15:04
tavastidepends on your hw and needs what is best15:04
friendishan!patience | sampo15:04
ubottusampo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:04
Fenix|workjackfox, it's all about what you want and need...15:04
Dmolesampo: your question?15:04
BluesKajFenix|work, I had no problen uograding , the way is either use the update-manager  or in the cli : sudo do-release-upgrade15:05
friendishansampo : your question?15:05
sampohow to change letter size in labview 8.2 under ubuntu15:05
jackfoxWell I want stability .. ans that is my criteria .15:05
* Fenix|work every server I have that is critical uses Hardy ... I have a non critical box that's using intrepid, and a new one (as a syslog server) that's using karmic15:05
ranjanIs there any other opinion for any body here [the most ugliest distro from the one who can make it the most beautiful]15:05
sampovery small ones...:(15:05
rocknroll00hello! I have a problem with permissions.. I have a folder called "Shared" whose owner is "nobody" and group "user-share". Permissions are drwxrwxr-x . My user "Toto" belongs to the group "user-share". Why when Toto goes into the directory "Share" and try to create a subfoler, it says permission denied?? I really don't understand15:05
sampotryed through option in lab menu, but nothing15:05
DasEijackfox: If you're not used to any previous version and therefor wanto stick to it I don't see a problem in a fresh karmic install, also I did 3 flawless upgrades 8.10 btw 9.04 to .10, that'll become a poll15:05
Dmolesampo: 2 options one is in the app itself, other is system wide change15:06
friendishansampo : um.. sorry i donno anything about labview.15:06
sampoI tried through option in lab menu, but not suceeded15:06
sampothe other...?15:06
lexxmtHi, need help with remote desktop (aka vnc)15:06
Fenix|workrocknroll00, what are the permissions for the parent folder of 'Shared' ?15:06
samposystem wide change?15:06
ranjanDasEi, are u new to linuc??15:06
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l02bhwofEqw for announcement video.15:07
DasEiranjan: yes, since about hardy15:07
Dmolesampo: look in system preferences somewhere15:07
ranjanoh....so you are not a beginner ..15:07
friendishansampo : try decreasing the screen resolution15:07
rocknroll00Fenix|work, the parent folder is /home/ so it's root:root drwxr-xr-x15:07
sampohow do I do that?15:07
Dmolesampo: http://ubuntuclips.org/videos_28.html15:08
Fenix|workrocknroll00, and what error do you get you go to /home/Shared ?15:08
Fenix|work(as Toto)15:08
Wazzzaaayesterday I installed Win XP. I was superfast (log in, and start programmes).15:08
WazzzaaaToday I installed all updates incl SP3. And it is slow....15:09
=== aaron11_ is now known as grape
WazzzaaaAny ideas in solving this?15:09
DasEiranjan: but I can understand you confusion, I was fopped with the bahaviour of modules first, too, but now discover the advanteges15:09
rocknroll00Fenix|work, well I can go (cd to) in the directory, but I cannot create a subdirectory using mkdir, it says permission denied15:09
bazhangWazzzaaa, this is ubuntu support15:09
[away]esde[away]rocknroll00, you root?15:09
friendishansampo : go to system>prefernces>Display15:09
Dmolecan anyone help with install problems ?15:09
Wazzzaaalol, sorry wrong chan15:09
DasEiWazzzaaa: #windows15:09
bazhangWazzzaaa, ask in ##windows15:09
Fenix|workrocknroll00, what happens with 'touch test' ?15:09
rocknroll00Fenix|work, nope, I am Toto15:09
Wazzzaaayeah i know. Im more into ubuntu :P15:09
DasEi!details | Dmole15:10
ubottuDmole: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:10
rocknroll00Fenix|work, permission denied15:10
[away]esde[away]rocknroll00, #sudo /bin/bash #passworrd15:10
[away]esde[away]then try15:10
Ari_Scoti have trouble accessing a server program on my computer from the internet...its on port 15001 and router is sett to portforwarding but still not accessibble from the net....15:10
friendishansampo : you tried that?15:10
friendishansampo : hopes it helped15:10
ranjanDasEi, you know i am using ubuntu from the version 7.10...and it didnt made me sad yet....but now :( even i am afraid to promote ubuntu to newbies :(15:10
sampoyes, I tryed, but it ruins the rest of the appearance15:11
friendishansampo : yea it does.15:11
sampowindows are bigger15:11
simplexioAri_Scot: if iptraf/tcpdump dosent show traffic in interface, then problem is in router conf15:11
friendishanor try.15:11
TheCheezei am having large karmic problems. I had upgraded from jaunty, and everything worked perfect. but after a bad fsck yesterday my entire system pretty much crashed. i am trying to install fresh but it is not recognizing my network hardware or my video card. any clues?15:12
friendishansampo : System>preferences>Appearance>fonts and change the font15:12
DmoleDasEi: i'm thinking maybe there are missing drivers or something?15:12
rocknroll00[away]esde[away], but my point is that I want to be able to create files in this folder without being root. What I am trying to do is make a shared folder for all local physical users on my compuyter, but I have very hard time finding the doc  (and then I want to share this shared folder on the network using samba, but that's another point)15:12
Ari_Scotyeah.......but the router does foreward trafic to other computers/server on that network...15:12
lexxmtKralvin: If you remember problem with booting and grup. Problem was solved after I start from Win2K cd and do fdisk /fixmbr15:12
DmoleDasEi: or is there a way to skip that part of the installer?15:12
tavastiTheCheeze, hw broken?15:13
sampowhich of all fonts to change?15:13
friendishanhow to kill rythmbox music player with something killev15:13
DasEiranjan: thing change, but specially new users won't become confused , and yes, 'buntu improved15:13
sampoapplication font?15:13
TheCheezetavasti live cd and live usb environment see everything perfect still15:13
BA^hi. i just installed karmic on my laptop. to hook up a wireless usb do i need to unhook the network cable first? and then plug in the usb or keep it in?15:13
lexxmtAny expert in Ubuntu remote desktop?15:13
friendishansampo: or just zoom in.15:13
Orenteti have s60 phone (e71) can i sync it with ubuntu?15:14
friendishansampo : in the application (if feature is available)15:14
Dmolelexxmt: use nx15:14
DasEiDmole: least the 3com is for sure in kernel, and I think the gigabytes are too, is the installer alright (cd9?15:14
sampozoom in?15:14
ranjanDasEi, Dear friend.....is there anyway that ask Mr.Mark Shuttleworth to request to improve the look and feel :(15:14
erUSULBA^: should not matter15:14
sunkethsampo ctrl + scroll try if it works15:14
lexxmtDmole: Can you help me configure Ubuntu remote desktop?15:14
luisthow do i add colors permanently to my command line commands?15:15
sledgeasin 9.10 what is the exact package name to install java-ee-jdk-1.5 or java-ee-jdk-1.6? I need to help my friends, but have no ubuntu under my hand :(15:15
friendishansampo : press ctrl++15:15
DasEiranjan: happened, aka gnome.org or kubuntu15:15
DmoleDasEi: i think so I did a verify on it should I try 9.04 or some other version?15:15
lexxmtAny expert in Ubuntu remote desktop?15:15
Dmolelexxmt: sure15:15
friendishanctrul "plus" +15:15
Orentetare there any options to sync my phone (e71) (s60 series) with ubuntu?15:15
sampoyes, I did, but it doesn't the meny item letters remain the same...:(15:15
friendishansampo : ctrl "plus" +15:15
BA^erUSUL: how will i know if it recognized it? unplug the network cable and see if i have internet?15:15
DasEiDmole: what a machine is that ?15:15
friendishansampo : sorry no more ideas.15:16
lexxmtDmole: I need configure ubuntu's Remote desktop, to allow connections when no user logined15:16
sampo...menu letter remain the same small size...ok...thanx15:16
erUSULBA^: look in the network applet if wifi nets  around you appear in the drop down menu15:16
lexxmtDmole: aka Windows remote desktop terminal15:16
friendishanbye guys15:17
BA^erUSUL: system / admin / network tools? is that where?15:17
DonaldShimodasomebody have problems with logmein in ff 3.5 +karmic 64 bits . logmein stoping at ssl autorization?15:17
ranjanDasEi, just look at other distros...most of them have a gnome variant...and there you can see the difference...i think one factor which keeps up ubuntu is just the Compiz...15:17
erUSULBA^: no in your notification area. The Network manager applet15:17
Dmolelexxmt: see the private chat?15:18
BA^erUSUL: it just says wired network connection 'auto eth0' active15:18
erUSULBA^: right top corner. where the clock the sound applet is15:18
DasEiranjan: you can put the look and feel to whatever you want, it's the most clickable distro, I think, in view of setup15:18
erUSULBA^: click on it15:18
BA^erUSUL: wireless network disconnected, but then under it says available is default15:18
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BA^erUSUL: ok... i think it worked...15:19
erUSULBA^: well if you plug the wifi dongle and is recogniced and it sees a wifi network then you will be able to choose the network in that menu15:19
ranjanDasEi, Such a big Distro...Y are they least concerned with look?? hmm....nothing more to say...sorry for what ever i have said...all came from emotions :(15:19
markizanoyofel: ok, so I think I found out why I'm not able to login with my main profile...15:19
markizanoi cd'd to my home directory and I found my ecrypted filesystem... so it turns out, i'm getting the following error:15:20
markizanoERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly15:20
ranjanDasEi, is there any way to contact Mark Shuttleworth ??15:20
DonaldShimodasomebody have problems with logmein in ff 3.5 +karmic 64 bits . logmein stoping at ssl autorization?15:20
bazhang!ot | ranjan15:20
ubotturanjan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:20
DasEiDmole: I had a non resolving issue once with an oldie, it won't install jaunty directly, did 8.10 fine and then was easily upgraded to 9.04;; next I did a fresh karmic on it, again no probles, might try also :15:21
ranjanubottu, sorry15:21
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/15:21
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions15:21
aimtrainerHi! I have evoultion set up with an imap account which shows me shared folders. And in this folder there's a newsgroup folder in it with a buttload of newsgroups which all get updated. I don't need them but I can only delete them one by one. Is there an easier way?15:21
TheCheezei am having large karmic problems. I had upgraded from jaunty, and everything worked perfect. but after a bad fsck yesterday my entire system pretty much crashed. i am trying to install fresh but it is not recognizing my network hardware or my video card. any clues? Live CD and USB environments still see everything perfect15:21
ner0xAnyone here know anything about hardware modems/15:21
DmoleDasEi: thanks I'll try that15:22
DasEiranjan: he shall give you some code ? #ubuntu-offtopic is a good place for generic chatter15:22
zubrinner0x: what do you want to know?15:22
iceroot!anyone | ner0x15:22
ubottuner0x: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:22
HalitechDonaldShimoda, I've noticed lately that new installs are going with active-x for connections instead of java, may have something to do with that unless the client is still using an old version15:22
nztalTheCheeze, do you have a separate partition for / ?15:22
ner0xI have a hardware modem that *should* work out of the box on linux. No luck, says my "sorry, no modem was detected"15:22
ner0xner0x: Other people on the same OS said they had no problem plug n play, then use with no issues.15:23
erUSULner0x: serial ? usb? pci ?15:23
zubrinwhat's the model and number?15:23
TheCheezenztal i did not before but made one this time15:23
ner0xzubrin: RNX-56USB15:23
ranjanDasEi, k..bye thanks15:23
ner0xit's hardware based usb.15:23
nztalTheCheeze, did you format it last install ?15:23
DonaldShimodaHalitech, no, they are using new versions, and dont kwno why logmein not allow to choice between java and actovex anymore..15:23
DasEiranjan: np15:23
TheCheezenztal yes15:23
erUSULner0x: how are you testing the modem ?15:24
HalitechDonaldShimoda, I'm not sure either, really ticked me off as I have to fire up virtualbox to do repairs on my parents computers now15:24
trothigaranybody having trouble with 64bit flash on karmic?15:24
BA^erUSUL: when i click on the network manager under wireless network i have default selected, and if i hover over the notification icon it shows 'wireless networking connection 'auto default' active: deafult 40%15:24
DonaldShimodaHalitech, same here, to customers15:24
jva_How can i bypass proxy, i'm trying to do ssh tunneling but i can't find a free proxy, do you have any reliable method?15:24
zubrinner0x: http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb&m=121872038805497&w=215:24
iceroottrothigar: working fine, so ask a detailed questions with errors15:24
ner0xerUSUL: Attempting to use it normally "fax send -l <NUMBER> <FILE>15:25
zubrina patch that worked for someone witht eh same modem15:25
zubrinor at least a link to discussion of said patch, might not help, but hopefully it will15:25
trothigariceberg, my adobe-flash plugin won't respond to mouse clicks.15:25
ner0xzubrin: This means I have to roll my on kernel?15:25
erUSULner0x: but where do you specify the modem dev file ? for a usb modem should be /dev/ttyACM0 iirc15:25
TheCheezetrothigar i found a fix for that on the forums. i cannot link to it right now as i am not on my laptop and had no clue where it was. but you needed to add an exception line to a config file and it worked perfect for me15:26
ner0xerUSUL: It's in .efaxrc DEV=/dev/ttyACM015:26
erUSULner0x: the easiest way to see if the modem is recogniced by linux is: run « taif /var/log/messages » then plug the modem paste the new output in paste.ubuntu.com15:26
ner0xerUSUL: It's detected for sure /dev/ttyACM0 is created in /dev15:27
trothigarTheCheeze, ty15:27
TheCheezetrothigar sorry i cant point you to it directly :(15:27
trothigarTheCheeze, google can though15:28
legend2440trothigar: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-flash-is-not-recognizing-mouse-clicks.html15:28
markizanoi get the following error when I try to mount my ecrypt filesystem: ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly15:29
jva_anybody have any idea about http tunneling15:29
markizanoit was working yesterday and the day before that15:29
om26er1!anybody | jva_15:29
ubottujva_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:29
=== om26er1 is now known as om26er
trothigarlegend2440, ty15:30
erUSULner0x: ok; then something else is failing15:31
ner0xerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/321601/15:31
TheCheezetrothigar method 1 there is what worked for me15:31
ner0xzubrin: How would I apply said patch. Copy and paste the content until =============================15:31
jva_!anybody: how can i bypass proxy on GNU/Linux Ubuntu karmic15:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:31
ner0xzubrin: s/until/under15:31
trothigarTheCheeze, me too :)15:32
Halitechjva_, school or work proxy?15:32
sara11i have prablom with removing care2x see the detail Removing care2x ...15:32
sara11/var/lib/dpkg/info/care2x.postrm: 22: Syntax error: "(" unexpected15:32
sara11dpkg: error processing care2x (--remove):15:32
sara11 subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 215:32
sara11Errors were encountered while processing:15:32
FloodBot3sara11: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:32
sara11 care2x15:32
erUSULner0x: if the modem is recogniced then the patch is already aplied. you do not have to patch the kernel15:32
jva_halitech: isp proxy15:32
sara11E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:33
ner0xerUSUL: Well, it said to make it be able to send AT commands.15:33
Halitechjva_, probably not going to be able to15:33
ner0xerUSUL: I haven't been successful in that realm yet.15:33
karolisHi, everyone. I have weird problem: when i type, mouse stops working. When i end up typing, mouse starts to work again. Logitech wireless mouse and logitech wired keyboard.15:33
jva_halitech: on Windows there are lots of solutions, on Linux i have to do SSH tunneling15:33
jcrawfordhow can i see how much video memory my computer has?15:33
glphvgacswhat tools do i have to discover dhcp servers on my network?15:34
jcrawfordi drag windows they seem really laggy when redrawing15:34
erUSULner0x: sudo sh -c "echo 'ATZ' > /dev/ttyACM0"15:34
icerootglphvgacs: dhcpdump15:34
icerootglphvgacs: it will output EVERY dhcp-request on the network15:34
Halitechjva_, typically a proxy is there for a reason, if ssh tunnelling works then thats probably your only way around it15:34
BA^i need help with my wireless. i plugged in the usb dongle and it shows wireless network connection 'auto default' active: default (47%) but i can't get to any websites. thanks15:35
TheCheezenztal any theories mate? i am ready to just reinstall jaunty and upgrade again15:35
luisthow do i know what package provides perl DBI module?15:35
icerootBA^: can you access the AP by ping or http?15:35
erUSUL!find dbi15:35
icerootluist: apt-cache search  or apt-file search15:35
jva_Halitech: actually, i'm trying to tunnel it's working as a method, but i can't find a free/public proxy15:35
Dr_Williskarolis:  ive seen a 'disable' touchpad on type feature for laptops. perhaps its some how enabled and doing the same thing for the mouse.15:35
ubottuFound: libdbi-perl, dbi-link, gpe-soundbite, libapache-dbi-perl, libapache-dbilogger-perl (and 54 others)15:35
jcrawfordanyone that can tell me how to see how much memory my video card has?15:35
jcrawforddragging windows seems laggy when it is redrawing15:35
Halitechjva_, http://www.proxy4free.com/15:36
messiahhello, i am using xubuntu and since 2 days ago i am having problems with TUCAN, i don't know why but it doesn't save the progress in my downloads after quit it, why???15:36
erUSULjcrawford: lspci -v15:36
BA^iceroot: not sure the ip of my wireless... i'm going from my cable modem to my vonage box then to my wireless hub15:36
jcrawfordthanks erUSUL15:36
messiahtoo few space in disk maybe?15:36
karolisDr_Willis: okey, i'm trying to found out that option.15:36
Dr_Willis!info tucan15:36
icerootBA^: its normaly the gatewate15:36
nztalTheCheeze, none15:36
ubottutucan (source: tucan): Download and upload manager for 1-Click Hosters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1 (karmic), package size 158 kB, installed size 1340 kB15:36
icerootBA^: gateway15:36
messiah!info tucan15:37
ubottutucan (source: tucan): Download and upload manager for 1-Click Hosters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1 (karmic), package size 158 kB, installed size 1340 kB15:37
jva_Halitech: aren't these web proxies?15:37
BA^iceroot: how do i find that?15:37
Dr_Willis!bot | messiah   ! just triggers bot commands to give information :)15:37
ubottumessiah   ! just triggers bot commands to give information :): Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:37
messiahsomeone using tucan here???15:37
kostkonmessiah, have ytou enabled the option in its prefs?15:37
icerootBA^: ifconfig, in a subnet use the ip you found with .1 at the end15:37
Halitechjva_, mainly but some might be usable as ssh proxies, if not google should know15:37
jcrawfordwith that output should I install the NVidia drivers?15:37
SoyoDoes anyone know if there is a free open source CAD program that can write code for CNC machines?15:37
jcrawfordmaybe that would speed things up?15:38
kostkonmessiah, to save the current session on quit15:38
Dr_Willismessiah:  you mean to say it dosent 'resume' downloads ?15:38
icerootBA^: for e.g. has gateway
natjoQuestion: I tried Ubuntu Netbook Remix with WUBI. I uninstalled it. Now everytime I start up it still gives me a choice between XP and NBR. How do I stop this and how can I be sure the uninstaller deleted that partition properly?15:38
messiahkostkon, Dr_Willis, i didn't change nothing, i didn't have this problem before15:38
Dr_WillisSoyo:  isent there a large varity of cnc machines?  :) I repair them at work.. I dont program them however.15:38
kostkonmessiah, view → preferences15:38
BA^under wlan0 i have
messiahkostkon, Dr_Willis i mean... for example (i ttryed this one hour ago, i have downloaded 2 gigas from 5) and it started again from 5, not from 315:39
SoyoYes there is a wide variety but they all use M code and G code15:39
Dr_WillisSoyo:  theres only a few Cad programs out for linux - qcad. and a few others.15:39
kostkonmessiah, then "advanced configuration". enable the "save session on close" option15:39
kostkonmessiah, ah. but that's how it works15:39
BA^iceroot: under wlan0 i have
messiahkostkon, i didn't have this problems until now15:39
SoyoAnything on the level of solidworks?15:39
kostkonmessiah, you can't resume downloads from 1-click hosters15:39
kostkonmessiah, really? do you have premium accs?15:40
rsvi see that ubuntu does not play audio on my system, a few days back it was playing15:40
messiahkostkon, Dr_Willis the option "save session on close" is enabled15:40
rsvany ideas where i should check15:40
messiahkostkon, i don't have premium, but i download anyway15:40
Dr_WillisSoyo:  http://www.linuxcnc.org/  looks interesting..  perhaps they gota forum15:40
TheCheezei am having large karmic problems. I had upgraded from jaunty, and everything worked perfect. but after a bad fsck yesterday my entire system pretty much crashed. i am trying to install fresh but it is not recognizing my network hardware or my video card. any clues? Live CD and USB environments still see everything perfect15:40
messiahkostkon, sure i can't resume downloads? i would swear that i could 1 week ago15:41
SoyoThanks Doc!15:41
BA^iceroot: i can ping just fine. now what?15:41
kostkonmessiah, don't know. from which hoster do you download your files?15:41
messiahkostkon, zshare15:42
messiahor mu15:42
kostkonmessiah, not sure, i don't really know, as far as i remember mine always started from the beginning when interrupted15:42
jcrawfordok this sucks i install the nvidia drivers now it does not see both of my displays gah15:43
xgvictoriaxi am on hardy on a compaq presario laptop cq40-32la, the sound capture doesn't seem to be working, i went on the terminal and it's not muted when i click on alsamixer, when i go on the gnome properties i get an error when i try to test the audio capture15:43
BA^iceroot: ok... i can get to my wireless so maybe the problem is between it and my gateway. thanks15:43
jcrawfordi do see a nice osx like dock now though which i did not have before15:43
jcrawfordrolling back brb15:43
reberhow to make an usb pendrive from an ubuntu-studio ?15:43
DasEiTheCheeze: live runs fine ? erase the hd then15:44
Fenix|workQuestion... which is more stable, Reiser3 or Reiser4 ...15:44
jcrawfordodd though because one display is dvi the other is vga15:44
Fenix|workI should mention the drive is 1.3TB15:44
jcrawfordboth are connected to the video card so i am unsure why it is not seeing both displays :(15:44
DasEireber: persistant install or installer-stick ?15:44
ZykoticK9jcrawford, have you opened nvidia-settings and seen if one of the displays is disabled?15:44
reberDasEi, persistant install15:44
jcrawfordi see XScreen015:45
jcrawfordthen i see GPU015:45
LoRezanybody messed with touchscreen calibration in karmic?15:45
jcrawforddon't see 2 screens listed in the nvidia app15:45
icerootBA^: can you access but not http://alpha-unix.de ? then its your dns setting15:45
jcrawfordoh wiat15:45
jcrawfordi think i see now15:45
LoRezjcrawford: get back to work on your cake project15:46
BA^iceroot: i think it was my wireless cuz it's not coming up with an ip15:46
ZykoticK9jcrawford, "X Server Display Configuration" on left side / 2nd from top15:46
BA^iceroot: success!!! bad network cable15:46
* BA^ is now wireless!!! woohoo15:47
TheCheezeDasEi i did 4 times, still the same result15:47
jcrawfordLoRez, haha15:48
jcrawfordyea yea15:48
BA^now i got 1 running jaunty and 1 running karmic :)15:48
DasEiTheCheeze: did you verify the installer cd ?15:48
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a network less maching running from a Live Disk15:48
TheCheezeDasEi yes15:49
frybyehi - how to set a preferred wlan connection from multiple choices for auto connnect on start up - karmic?15:50
__THIGODi cant enter to linux :P15:50
dabbillany one know of a good how-to for compiz in 9.10, i cant get any of the transparency to work, but i can get transparency to work with tweak ubuntu15:50
BA^now... how do i connect my karmic laptop to a share on my jaunty box? jaunty is running the share with samba so that my win laptop can see it15:50
LindaJI have a very strange problem I think,15:50
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk15:50
erUSULBA^: Places>Network>Windows Network ?15:51
LindaJI have a usb stick, that appears as /dev/sdb with /dev/sdb1  partition.15:51
TheCheezeLindaJ that is normal15:51
TheCheezeLindaJ the partition just shows that it is formatted15:52
LindaJhowever, the /dev/sdb1  part dissappears when I do "eject /media/disk-1"15:52
LindaJafterwards i cant mount it back, because no /dev/sdb115:52
=== enigma is now known as arturis
LindaJI have to unblug the usb and replug it?15:52
Lintcan I install programs from Karmik in 8.04-whatever-it's-called?15:52
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk (9.10)15:53
erUSULLint: no15:53
erUSUL!backports | Lint15:53
BenG92Welcome back erUSUL15:53
ubottuLint: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:53
iceroot!backports | Lint15:53
BenG92Welcome back iceroot15:53
LinterUSUL, why? I don't need backports, I need new software15:53
Ahleeubuntu 9.04, dig is segfaulting (apparmor is currently stopped).  Following in dmesg/syslog: Nov 18 09:52:09 alpha kernel: [340249.543080] dig[27927] general protection ip:7f7b0bfedfb4 sp:7f7b08ebfb40 error:0 in libdns.so.45.0.4[7f7b0bf8f000+148000]15:53
BA^erUSUL: unable to mount location. failed to retrieve share list from server :(15:53
BenG92hmm dodgy script loaded15:53
erUSULLint: backports are new software15:53
LindaJTheCheeze:  i don't understand why this is normal,  I don't have any other usb stick or hard disk that behaves like that.15:54
erUSULBA^: Places>Connect to Server15:54
dabbillany one know of a good how-to for compiz in 9.10, i cant get any of the transparency to work, but i can get transparency to work with tweak ubuntu15:54
erUSULLint: you do not should use eject. use gnome-umount15:55
LindaJTheCheeze:  here's the main problem:  lets say I want to fdisk or cfdisk my usb... well I can't because first I need to umount the disk...15:55
erUSULLindaJ: you do not should use eject. use gnome-umount15:55
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk15:55
erUSULLindaJ: eject is designed for cdroms dvd etc..15:56
ZykoticK9LindaJ, what if you use the umount command instead of eject?15:56
LinterUSUL, so I can have modern versions like Firefox 3.5.5 and Gnome 2.28 from backports in 8.04?15:57
LindaJZykoticK9, erUSUL: thanks.15:57
erUSULLint: firefox 3.5 may be included in backports. all gnome i doubt it15:57
luistwhat numbers i chmod to be rwxrwxr-x?15:57
erUSUL!ff35 | Lint15:57
ubottuLint: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY15:57
erUSULluist: 77515:57
LindaJIs it reasonably safe to fdisk a usb stick?15:57
luisterUSUL: i did that but its rwxrwsr-x15:58
erUSULLindaJ: as save as any other block device.15:58
BA^erUSUL: i chose windows share under connect to server but it wouldn't connect.15:58
LindaJI'm not happy that the partition on the usb "has different physical/logical endings."15:58
erUSULluist: that's what you asked15:58
luisterUSUL: whats that 's' instead of x?15:58
BenG92does anyone know how to install Grub on a networkless machine?15:58
erUSULluist: sticky bit ??15:59
luisterUSUL: was it like that before i chmod 775?15:59
llutzluist: sgid15:59
erUSULBA^: dunno; firewall ?15:59
pontohi, how can I increase the number of nfs server daemons?15:59
Lintok, so why I just cannot install newer packages in older OS?16:00
=== aksci is now known as thedancingdeer
LindaJerUSUL: thanks!  I will delete that funny partition, that starts in the wrong place and write a new one.16:01
ZykoticK9ponto, do you have more then 8 concurrent nfs connections?  seems like a lot, and i'd think it would spawn more automatically, have a look at your "ps aux | grep nfsd | wc -l"16:01
erUSULLint: newer packages neeed newer libraries. you have to replace everything16:01
AhleeLint: shared libraries not available in the older OS.  it might be possible, and there's always the option to compile16:01
erUSULLindaJ: ok; good luck16:01
jva_Halitech: it seems that i only need a remote host to tunnel http, and it's working fine16:01
pontoZykoticK9: there are currently 916:01
pontoZykoticK9: 816:01
thedancingdeerwell my front audio started working but the sound is kind of mono! when i do "$speaker-test -c2" i hear sound from both the sides of my headphones!16:01
Ahleeponto: http://nfs.sourceforge.net/nfs-howto/ar01s05.html#nfsd_daemon_instances16:02
ZykoticK9ponto, same here (must be the default)16:02
jcrawfordhey guys i finally got both displays working but the "Dock" style thing appears on my left screen rather than the primary right screen?16:02
jcrawfordany way to move that to the right or just disable it all together?16:02
jcrawfordi don't need the dock really16:02
Tc_why do I get "Directory not empty" when I move a folder using sudo ?16:02
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  what 'dock' thing?16:02
pontoZykoticK9: on our old nfs server we had 3216:02
jcrawfordDr_Willis, some visual effect thing that reminds me of the OS X dock16:02
phrixhi all.... I just install win XP after my ubuntu, then the grub wont appear... any idea??16:03
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:03
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  you can alt-click -drag to move the gnome panels around. Not sure about the different docs. I imagien it depends on the exact dock you are using.16:03
Ahleeubuntu 9.04, dig is segfaulting (apparmor is currently stopped).  Following in dmesg/syslog: Nov 18 09:52:09 alpha kernel: [340249.543080] dig[27927] general protection ip:7f7b0bfedfb4 sp:7f7b08ebfb40 error:0 in libdns.so.45.0.4[7f7b0bf8f000+148000]16:03
bipolarDoes anyone know a way to add a SSL CA cert to Firefox from the command line?16:03
ZykoticK9ponto, but doesn't the autospawning of more, if required, work for you?16:03
jcrawfordDr_Willis, yea that doesn't move my dock, i am not even sure how it got here lol16:03
Tc_anyone know why I get "Directory not empty" when i try to move a folde ?16:03
jcrawfordi just installed the nvidia driver and it showed up16:03
jcrawfordhow can i just get rid of it?16:03
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erUSULTc_: move or remove ?16:04
DasEi!grub | phrix16:04
ubottuphrix: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:04
SpinachHeadI am getting signal is not compatible with this input from the install CD and I forget the parameters I need to use to get around this. Any help?16:04
Tc_erUSUL:  move16:04
dabbillany one know of a good how-to for compiz in 9.10, i cant get any of the transparency to work, but i can get transparency to work with tweak ubuntu16:04
Dr_Willisjcrawford:  Hmm.. depends on what dock it is..  Its your sustem. You had to of installed it. It could be the gnome-do docky theme16:04
genericI am running 9.10, have intel 3945 abg wireless. I can connect to the internet wirelessly, however, unable to scan. Can anybody help me? New to ubuntu and going nuts. Thanks.16:04
phrixDasEi, thx...16:04
DasEiphrix: karmic ?16:04
jcrawfordi dunno i can resize it to see more apps or make it small to only see a few16:04
jcrawfordi didn't install any dock that i am aware of let me check the gnome-do settings16:05
ZykoticK9jcrawford, is the dock gnome-do?  "ps aux | grep gnome-do"16:05
phrixDasEi, no, jaunty...16:05
jcrawfordthat's exactly what it is Dr_Willis16:05
erUSULTc_: "mv" should not complain if the directory is not empty ...16:05
jcrawfordas super-space changes the dock gah16:05
jcrawfordtime to change that :)16:05
Linteverything I need from 8.04 is it's Xorg. Can I upgrade the kernel and other system parts which are unrelated to xorg?16:05
vavarwhat are the good email clients today to recommend?16:05
pontoZykoticK9, Ahlee: thanks.  increased it in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server  to 3216:05
DasEiphrix: right , grub-legacy still , try super-grub disk, works often & easy16:05
ZykoticK9ponto, nice work!16:06
LindaJman why do they mess with the partition table in such a funny way?,  maybe there are some bad bits at the beginning of the usb?16:06
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Tc_erUSUL: it is not empty ...I am trying to override a file with the same name .16:06
phrixDasEi, what's it??16:06
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:06
BA^erUSUL: i can't ping my jaunty box from my karmic laptop... so must be some network weirdness going on16:06
VCooliovavar: claws-mail is lightweight16:06
fahadsadahlukasz_: Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:06
erUSULLint: what's wrong with newer Xorg releases ?16:06
jcrawfordwhew i know i did not like that gnome-do theme heh16:06
jcrawfordthanks guys :)'16:06
DasEiphrix: d/l  a version below 1.0 f.e  0.96 http://tinyurl.com/4g9c5616:07
lukasz_ale tam pomocy nie znajde :/16:07
LinterUSUL, they poorly support my hardware16:07
Tc_erUSUL: ?16:07
DasEiphrix: it's an automated live-utility to repair grub16:07
erUSULTc_: please give as the exact command you are running16:07
phrixDasEi, I'm just wondering do it with console... ^^16:07
vavarVCoolio: thanks that looks good.16:08
SpinachHeadanyone know the boot parameters to get around 'Signal is not compatible with this input?'16:08
fahadsadahphrix: sudo grub-install16:08
Tc_erUSUL: sudo mv newfolder  /home/public_html16:08
genericUnable to scan for wireless connections in 9.10, can somebody help me?16:08
fahadsadahTc_: That moves newfolder to /home/public_html16:08
DasEiphrix: can also boot a live cd and chroot in the sys, see link ^16:08
phrixfahadsadah, just it...??16:08
VCooliovavar: also check several plugins for it16:08
erUSULTc_: you mean ? sudo mv newfolder  /home/public_html/16:08
dpreachercan anyone explain what "There are 2 inodes containing multiply-claimed blocks." message from boot time fsck means?16:09
Tc_erUSUL: well yes16:09
erUSULTc_: you want to end up with /home/public_html/newfolder/ ; don't you ?16:09
erUSULTc_: then add the final /16:09
Tc_erUSUL: and I get this "Directory not empty"16:10
vavarVCoolio: do you know something about moving existing email from one programm to another?16:10
slacker_nldoes anyone know how I can trigger an action when I enable to killswitch of my wifi card?16:10
Tc_because I have a folder with the same name which I want to override ...16:10
VCooliovavar: from what to what?16:11
llutzTc_: man mv (-f)16:11
sahilskhey, i can't boot into ubuntu, it say can't mount filesystem. conflict acpi support .... what i do??16:12
generic Does anybody know how to get scanning to work in ubuntu 9.10 for wireless?16:12
VCooliovavar: I did something to change from evolution to claws-mail16:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about killswitch16:12
sahilskhey, i can't boot into ubuntu, it say can't mount filesystem. conflict acpi support .... what i do?16:12
zaidkasahilsk: try disabling acpi stuff from the bios16:12
zaidkasahilsk: just a wild guess16:12
_Hammer_Does anyone use X-Chat and knows how to filter out the join/quit messages in a channel? :)16:13
Ahleedig segfaulting under ubuntu 9.04, complaining of libdns.so.45.0.4 - suggestions on next steps?16:13
dpreachermanual fsck seemed to 'fix' and 'clone' a few things16:13
genericThanks anyway, bye.16:13
thedancingdeeri'm not stereo sound from my front jack! can anyone help me with this!16:13
erUSULTc_: ok; you are right mv will refuse to do the rename in that case ... just rm the dest dir first16:13
ZykoticK9_Hammer_, right click the channel name in the channel list (left side ususally) - Setting - Hide Join/Parts16:14
sahilskzaidka: please, give me more option. if i do that i won't be ablet to boot into window.  i guess.16:14
dpreacherhow do i add a user to the sudoers list. i'm not looking at controlling what commands user can run16:14
dpreacherwhich file should i add user to?16:14
VCooliovavar: you can import mbox files; check if your current client can export to mbox16:14
zaidkasahilsk: im out of ideas. sometimes i get mounting errors when i boot up, i try to restart and it works again. don't really know what's the cause of the problem16:15
erUSULdpreacher: man visudo16:15
sahilskhey, i can't boot into ubuntu, it say can't mount filesystem. conflict acpi support .... what i do?16:15
dpreacherok thanks erUSUL16:15
Tc_Well i did it my way I renamed the folder and I moved the nefolder into that directory16:15
zaidkasahilsk: you need the exact error message so people can help you16:16
cankoydpreacher: the simplest is to give the user 'Administer this system' privilege from User and Groups16:17
BA^grrr... it's my firewall. i disabled it and was able to ping just fine16:17
om26er!hi | cookie16:17
ubottucookie: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:17
BA^but when i ping my firewall doesn't show anything blocked16:17
slacker_nldoes anyone know how I can trigger an action when I enable to killswitch of my wifi card?16:17
BA^using firestarter16:17
om26erslacker_nl: google16:17
cookiecan i virtualize system, from real hard drive by Virtualbox, or other program?16:17
slacker_nlom26er: ty16:18
dpreachercankoy...its been a long ride from the shell to the gui...had to do a lot of things right back in shell to have things working in gui, esp. when root is disabled16:18
BA^any suggestions??16:18
SpinachHeadHmm, safe graphics mode16:18
sllidehow do i check the info hash of a file?16:18
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:18
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_5mouflI have a laptop with shortcut with keyboard o change luminosity but they don't work, it displays a 'bar' but the luminosy remain at its maximum16:19
jihedamineHi. Shift+(Home/End/Pg Up/Pg Down) in numeric pad causes to display the corresponding number (i.e. 7/1/9/3). How can I configure my keyboard to be able to use shift key with home key please ?16:19
jcrawfordi think it is so funny that Ubuntu does not see my bluetooth usb adapter yet it works fine with my keyboard/mouse, why would bluez not see it?16:20
ZykoticK9cookie, VirtualBox can work with physical drives, but i wouldn't recommend it, see http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/UserManual.html#rawdisk16:21
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cookiethaks, I'll read about this16:22
AdvoWorksay our site runs IP:8080 but somewhere(place) does something to change to 80 which dont work.. anything we can do, without altering port forwarding? ie on the pc itself?16:23
SingAlonghi all16:23
om26er!hi | SingAlong16:24
ubottuSingAlong: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!16:24
=== Chris__ is now known as sloopy
Kingsy101if I was going to upgrade my ubuntu from 8.11 to the newer version using the package manager in the GUI do I need to do a backup first?16:25
passseshi everyone i'm doing a port scan on my router internally, and nmap says the router resolves to 3 IPs, how can I find out what the other two are?!16:25
Kingsy101i.e is there a chance of something going wrong?16:25
_5mouflI have a laptop with shortcut with keyboard o change luminosity but they don't work, it displays a 'bar' but the luminosy remain at its maximum16:26
dabbillany one know of a good how-to for compiz in 9.10, i cant get any of the transparency to work, but i can get transparency to work with tweak ubuntu16:26
tavastiKingsy101, when dealing with computer or any device having software, everything can go wrong16:26
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Kingsy101ok so backup it is :)16:26
cankoyKingsy101: you cannot upgrade from 8.10 to 9.1016:27
BA^i need help configuring my firewall. my win laptop can get in via samba but can't ping it. using firestarter, is there something better?16:27
IdleOne!leapfrog | Kingsy10116:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about leapfrog16:28
Kingsy101cankoy - yea but you can go from 8/`0 to 9/04 to 9.10 right?16:28
cankoyKingsy101: yes16:28
Kingsy101sorry about the mistakes there you know what I mean :P16:28
passseshi everyone i'm doing a port scan on my router internally, and nmap says the router resolves to 3 IPs, how can I find out what the other two are?!16:28
Kingsy101well thats the plan :)16:28
IdleOneKingsy101: yes you have to upgrade to next version until you get to the one you want16:29
Kingsy101yea its cool :)16:29
Kingsy101ay known issues when doing upgrades like that?16:29
detrixHello everyone, I messed up an SD card slightly.  I right-clicked on it, and went to properties, and then to the drive tab and add some mount options.  Now the SD card mounts, but I do not have access permission to it.  it does not show up on my desktop to undo the change.16:29
kostkonKingsy101, good luck, you have a lot of upgrades ahead16:29
Kingsy101are there any common problems I should be aware of?16:29
IdleOneKingsy101: since you are going to backup. I suggest you do a clean install16:29
cankoyKingsy101: read release notes, and only apply official ways to upgrade (don't improvise)16:30
* kostkon is listening on Spotify: God Shuffled His Feet by Crash Test Dummies from Radio Woodstock 25th Anniversary [05:26] { 2005, http://open.spotify.com/track/1qJjVVpxIJnZEJw047QDCO }16:30
Kingsy101IdleOne - naw I don't wanna go for a clean install I have too much stuff installed it would make the process hours and hours longer16:30
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate16:31
sipiorkostkon: wow, that's really fascinating.16:31
kostkonmistake, sorry...16:31
Kingsy101the plan was to literally go into the package manager update the distro, wait wait wait.. once its done.. do it again16:31
Kingsy101thats it.. I wasnt planning anything technical or anything :P16:31
IdleOneKingsy101: that should work fine.16:31
Hb_Kaiif i lock my screen, do torrents continue to download?16:31
erUSULHb_Kai: yes16:32
Kingsy101well I am saving files atm, I cant afford to loose some stuff.16:32
TheCheezeok, noobish type question... but what are the folders in /usr that tend to cause errors when stuff is inside of them? i forget, but i thought /usr/sbin was one of them16:32
Hb_Kaiokay, thank you erUSUL16:32
cankoyKingsy101: the official way is to use Update Manager, not package manager16:32
Kingsy101okie will do16:32
BELLINXFELONhow can i change the ownership of every subfolder within a directory?16:33
DasEi2BELLINXFELON: sudo chown -r /to/path(es)16:34
soreauBELLINXFELON: chown -R <user> /folder/*16:34
dpreacherubuntu jaunty netbook remix says it can't detect battery state on acer aspireone though a battery is affixed. how else can i test if the battery is working...netbook has been connected for quite some time to AC16:34
=== hlwong is now known as dudehans
BELLINXFELONsoreau : in terminal, its taking a minute now16:35
BA^what's a good firewall front end? using firestarter but can't seem to get it configured right16:38
baronCan someone help me restore my root password... not sure if i got hacked or what happend16:38
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist16:38
IdleOne!root | baron16:38
ubottubaron: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:38
sipiorbaron: are you sure you even have a root password? (that's certainly not the default)16:38
natjoi uninstalled NBR yesterday with WUBI which is how i had it installed and now when i boot windows it still gives me a choice between NBR and XP how can i remove this?16:39
Lintnatjo, edit boot.ini ?16:41
natjoLint: let me take a gander16:41
baronUsing username "admin".16:42
baronUsing keyboard-interactive authentication.16:42
baronthen is says dennied16:42
sipiorbaron: do you have another account on that box that is in the admin group?16:43
passseshi everyone i'm doing a port scan on my router internally, and nmap says the router resolves to 3 IPs, how can I find out what the other two are?!16:43
Six_String_senseHey! I'd need for Tuxguitar and some media player to work at the same time.. but if i have started Tuxguitar first, then i have no other audio, and vice versa..?16:43
natjoLint: do you happen to know where it is located?16:44
Lintnatjo, it's Hidden, System, Read-only file in the root of C:\16:44
Lintnatjo, you should be an administrator to edit it, and remove read-only attribute first16:45
sipiorbaron: you can try rebooting the machine into recovery mode (or from a live cd, &cet.) and reset the password on that account.16:45
=== aaron11_ is now known as aaron11
jcrawfordi think it is so funny that Ubuntu does not see my bluetooth usb adapter yet it works fine with my keyboard/mouse, why would bluez not see it?16:46
mesengahi.. I downloadead the xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz.. How can i extract and install him now, please?16:46
natjoLint: okay i found it do you know what i should delete?16:46
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sipiormesenga: well, what does the documentation that came with your software say?16:46
DasEi2!compile | mesenga16:46
ubottumesenga: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:46
Lintnatjo, pastebin.ubuntu.com16:47
natjouno momento16:47
mesengasipior i only must to know how extract an archive on terminal.. because i don't know to use the linux yet :x16:47
sipiormesenga: "tar zxvf archive.tar.gz"16:48
natjoLint: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/321660/16:49
LintC:\wubildr.mbr = "Ubuntu Netbook Remix" (and you can reduce "Timeout=" value, while you're at it)16:50
mesengasipior I made this (tar zxvf xampp-linux-1.7.2.tar.gz) when the .tar was in download folder yet..16:50
mesengasipior then16:51
natjoLint: thanks i'm gonna restart and see if that fixed it16:51
jester7mesenga: Might I suggest just using the sudo tasksel command and choosing "Lamp server"?16:51
jester7I realize xampp is supposed to make it easy, but ubuntu makes it quite easy too16:52
sipiormesenga: change directory ("cd") to the folder where the archive file lives, or just give tar the path of the file ("Downloads/archive.tar.gz" or whatever)16:52
jester7and no need to compile16:52
davidboyIs is possible to download Lucid testing before alpha 1?16:52
Lintif I made a translation for an app in repository, whom shall I contact, author or maintainer?16:53
passseshi everyone i'm doing a port scan on my router internally, and nmap says the router resolves to 3 IPs, how can I find out what the other two are?!16:54
mesengasipior The same thing happens!16:54
sipiormesenga: well, what did you type?16:55
=== tinman is now known as Guest57606
daveycakesis LAMP compatable on 9.10?16:56
purmadoes someone know how i can change audio settings in kaffeine running ubuntu 9.10 and kaffeine 1.0-pre2 ... i want to select different soundcard for audio.16:57
mesengaoh sipior.. i got extract16:57
purmaoh and i use gnome16:57
Lintpurma, systemsettings16:57
BenG92does anyone know how to install Grub on a networkless machine?16:57
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freeridehi everyone16:58
freeridehow do i share foldeers? please help16:58
purmaLint, in gnome?16:58
Lintpurma, yes, it's kde app for kde app settings; you may need to install it first16:58
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk16:58
frostburndaveycakes, compatible ?16:59
VCooliofreeride: right click the folder; then share options; you may be prompted to install stuff (samba) which will be done automatically16:59
DasEi2freeride: between two machines ?16:59
Leoneof`i've been using ubuntu 9.04, with windows Vista, but then i did format partition C: and installed windows vista, now it cant boot to Ubuntu, how to fix it?16:59
erUSUL!grub | Leoneof`16:59
ubottuLeoneof`: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:59
freerideVCoolio: Only the folders in Home folder can be shared, how do I share the others?16:59
frostburndaveycakes, i don't understand the context.  mysql php apache all run fine on ubuntu if that's your question17:00
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purmaLinta, aight. thanks ill try it out.17:00
DasEi2!grub | Leoneof`17:00
freerideDasEi2: Yes between two17:00
Leoneof`thanks, will try it17:00
DasEi2freeride: both on ubuntu ?17:00
daveycakesoh right, ok :) well i was just asking as i was about to install lamp server17:00
freerideUbuntu and Windows17:00
DasEi2!samba | freeride17:00
ubottufreeride: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:00
freeridei can share Home folder and that's all17:01
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk17:01
freerideI've installed samba17:01
VCooliofreeride: you want to share system folders? hmm; well then there is a permissions issue; don't know if 'gksudo nautilus' will work17:01
freerideI'v got 2 drives, the other one is /d/linux/17:01
DasEi2freeride: so a permission problem , then smb.conf is one part,  chmod/chown's manpages the other17:02
grawityVCoolio: Sharing works as long as you have read perms, AFAIK17:02
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tLoFP1My computer has recently started to do alot of crackeling noises, what could cause this?17:02
purmaLinta, no it just keeps playing from my build in soundcard :/17:02
=== Guest11399 is now known as NiSo
freerideDasEi2: The system sais that i can share only the folders that are in home folder17:02
tLoFP1specifically when the screen changes it crackles, so I assume when the AGP card speaks it interfers somehow17:02
Lintpurma, had you pulled desired soundcard on top?17:03
freerideand i need to share /d/linux/17:03
DasEi2freeride: on which client ?17:03
freeridewhat client?17:03
purmaLint, yes and tested it and it was working17:03
Lintpurma, i'm afraid i have no idea, then17:03
Sydneyis irssi a good irc client?17:03
DasEi2freeride: if you got a share, it acts as server, the machine u use to access it is the server17:03
VCoolioSydney: yep17:04
freerideok, client is windows machine17:04
DasEi2freeride: if you got a share, it acts as server, the machine u use to access is the client, sorry17:04
mikejetwhats up with all this bounceattack.txt business?17:04
nateshi folks. hope someone here has an idea for my weird browsing experience: some websites (e.g. pubmed.org) can't be loaded by my firefox browser. the site loads but as soon as i use html form fields and send them it takes ages and timeouts. i figures that this is due to my firewall but why is that so? i'm using firestarter with no specific denial rules ...17:04
DasEi2freeride: did you already looked at smb.conf ?17:04
BenG92Hi, i need some help installing Grub on a networkless machine running from a Live Disk17:04
grawitymikejet: As usual, some smartass wants to have fun with IRC. Notice how some requests have Freenode's own servers as their source address.17:05
freerideDasEi2: no, i didn't17:05
freeridei'll look at17:05
purmaLint, no i got it working. just tried to change the audio settings, but i needed it for video. now it works. thanks.17:05
freerideDasEi2: where do i fined this smb.conf17:05
music_freaki'm new to this. i need help installing unstoppable copier.. i dl from their website. it is a .gz file17:05
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DasEi2freeride: /etc/samba/smb.conf17:06
atrilhow can I know the if my micro is 32 or 64 from the console, because with "cat /proc/cpuinfo" doesn't show anything17:06
=== teabag is now known as coolguy123
mikejetgrawity, i wish someone would fix that. its pretty retarded for irc to support anything other than text chat. no file xfer.17:06
freerideDasEi2: ok, thanks you17:06
grawitymikejet: Technically, the transfer is outside IRC.17:06
IHS_Volunteeris there a way to lock the ALSA PCM to a certain volume in 9.10? the GUI seems to have dumped all control for ALSA.. I can change it in alsamixer in a terminal, but I'd rather not have to open a terminal any time I turn my volume up.17:06
Yanchohi .. i am having a problem with kernel panic - not syncing - i had a power cut at home and the NUT didn't switch off my ubuntu desktop 9.04. i am getting the line before the kernel panic: usb 4-2: new low speed usb device using uhci_hcd and address 2/bin/sh: cant open single .. anyone has any idea what is wrong please?17:07
LintIHS_Volunteer, gnome-alsa-mixer?17:07
DasEi2freeride: also in there you configure allowed users and dirs -- that's one thing ..17:07
IHS_VolunteerLint, Well, that might be a little more simple..but I'd still have to open something else17:07
grawitymikejet: Besides, when every client supports that, it isn't easy to "fix" (especially something what is not broken()17:08
cankoy!grub2 > BenG9217:08
ubottuBenG92, please see my private message17:08
DasEi2freeride: the other is to have a user on your server that's corresponding with your xp-setup, and that is allowed to access desired folders17:08
=== coolguy123 is now known as teabag
BenG92cankoy that doesn't help, i have a networkless machine that doesn't run because its missing grub. the only way to install it is with a manually written script17:09
sipiormikejet: most irc clients can be configured to auto-ignore dcc attempts. might be worth a look.17:09
freeride>>DasEi2: freeride: the other is to have a user on your server that's corresponding with your xp-setup, and that is allowed to access desired folders17:09
mikejetsipior how do i do that in xchat?17:09
freerideIt works well17:09
sipiormikejet: i don't use xchat, sorry. play around with the menus, you know?17:09
Tiders-I downloaded the package tsocks so that I can run non-socks applications through a proxy,... Its installd now how to I actually get it to work and use it?17:09
coastaleverytime i minimize an application it disappears off the screen. How do i change it so it sits at the bottom?17:09
Ladyc'è qualcuno iraliano17:10
mikejetthat sounds fun.17:10
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:10
Ladymamt io sro dove mi pare17:10
Ladynn sei nessuno tu17:10
maco!it | lady17:10
ubottulady: please see above17:10
Ladynn rompere17:10
Ladyma cosa scocciate tutti qui17:11
Tiders-SHe doesnt seem to get it17:11
FloodBot3Lady: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:11
Lintcoastal, tweak your WM17:12
cankoyBenG92: get alternate install cd, add it via admin > software sources, and install17:12
coastallint ? wm17:12
IHS_Volunteerwindow manager17:12
Lintcoastal, windows manager, should be somewhere in the settings menu17:12
Kirschhey all, i'm trying to create an SSH tunnel from computer A to B and it works, but i want computer C to access the port from B (to A) over the internet, i know its not secure, but i dont remember what the SSH feature is called to allow it to forward the port to the public17:13
VCooliocoastal: did you remove window list from panel? add it back (rmb on panel, add to panel)17:13
Kirschgoogling ssh tunnel and things like allow global port or such didn't give me anything specific.17:13
IdleOne!ops | Lady doesn't seem to understand we are trying to help by redirecting to #ubuntu-it17:14
ubottuLady doesn't seem to understand we are trying to help by redirecting to #ubuntu-it: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:14
IdleOneand is now calling us some vulgar names17:14
kostkonLady, pepponi17:14
coastalvcoolio, my daughter was pressing buttons17:14
cankoy /ignore Lady17:14
Yanchohi .. i am having a problem with kernel panic - not syncing - i had a power cut at home and the NUT didn't switch off my ubuntu desktop 9.04. i am getting the line before the kernel panic: usb 4-2: new low speed usb device using uhci_hcd and address 2/bin/sh: cant open single .. anyone has any idea what is wrong please? -- photo here : http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/8375/dsc05262.jpg17:14
jussi01kostkon: please dont17:14
kostkonok sorry...17:14
freerideDasEi2: Tell me please, how do i restart samba serv17:15
IHS_VolunteerI am suddenly reminded of the baboon in the lion king. the italian lady's language reminds me of the gibberish...17:15
noneNNtheres something weird, its been a week without updates?17:15
DasEi2freeride: /etc/init.d/samba restart17:15
IdleOneIHS_Volunteer: our english was gibberish to her17:15
* mbeierl starts singing asante sana squash banana17:16
freerideDasEi2: thank you)17:16
BenG92cankoy i only have the 1 software cd, because i run a vista loaded laptop and ubuntu installed through vista. If i had the grub files i could save them straight to the ubuntu folder but i don't know what to download17:18
coastalvcoolio, I must be losing my mine, where is wm located?17:19
dajhornYancho:  Your initrd file is broken.  Boot from an older kernel, if you have one installed.17:19
roshanHello, where does one report a bug with the Ubuntu website?17:20
freerideDasEi2: Thank you, I've just added some folders in smb.conf. Now it works well.17:20
jossein france17:20
DasEi2!yay | freeride17:20
ubottufreeride: Glad you made it! :-)17:20
Yanchodajhorn: i tried the other previous two .. no luck :(17:20
mbeierlnoneNN: you're right.  I hadn't paid attention, but no updates in quite a while17:20
cankoyBenG92: I'm not familiar with Wubi, it that's what you're referring to17:21
jossei search a movie :)17:21
erUSULroshan: #ubuntu-website ?17:21
dajhornYancho: Use the LiveCD to start the computer, and reinstall the kernel.17:21
roshanerUSUL: Thank you.17:22
Yanchodajhorn: so i should do what? put the livecd .. boot to it .. and then?17:22
int203anyone know what differences in ati radeon drivers there are between 9.04 and 9.10? or somewhere to find out?17:22
aaron11does anyone know what to do after you got ubottu's code. I got a db file and what is it and what do you do with it17:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about db17:24
jossewhat are the commands to IRC17:24
BlouBloujosse: it depends wich irc-client are you using17:24
dajhornYancho: In the LiveCD boot menu, look for a "rescue" option.  (I don't remember the specific name.)  If that doesn't work, you need to do it from the LiveCD desktop.17:24
Yanchodajhorn: im in the cd menu .. what should i do please? install / boot from first hard disk?17:24
Dr_Willis!irc | josse17:24
ubottujosse: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines17:24
Lintdo I need apparmor installed?17:24
dajhornYancho: Dunno.  Try your luck.  You need the option that starts the kernel from the CD-ROM, but uses the hard disk as root.17:25
LogicalDashMy .XCompose file is being ignored. How do I make it not ignored?17:25
Dr_Willisjosse:  see xchat.org17:25
DasEi2Lint: it's there by default17:25
aaron11josse: Join #freenode17:25
jossethank you dr willis :)17:25
Tiders-ANybody know how to use tsocks to run a game?17:25
Yanchodajhorn: if i press f6 i get acpi=off / noapic / nolapic / edd=on .. has it anything t do ?17:25
dajhorndajhorn: Look for it on the help page.17:26
DasEi2!bootoptions | Yancho17:26
ubottuYancho: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions17:26
ASdasdaHow do i set it up so when my cursor moves to the edge of the screen it switches to the next virtual desktop?17:26
Lintbut is it needed? is it used? why should I have that MAC nonsense on my system?17:27
aaron11does anyone know what to do after you got ubottu's code. I got a db file and what is it and what do you do with it17:27
hellyeahis it possible to construct djvu file from 70 pictures17:27
sipiorLint: mac nonsense?17:27
grawityaaron11: You only got the factoid database - see "Launchpad project page" for ubottu itself.17:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpsd17:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tsocks17:28
Lintsipior, why do I need MAC enabled on my home computer?17:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about socks17:28
Dr_Willis!info tsocks17:28
ubottutsocks (source: tsocks): transparent network access through a SOCKS 4 or 5 proxy. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8beta5-9.1 (karmic), package size 269 kB, installed size 660 kB17:28
grawityLint: MAC address?17:28
coastali still don't see will windows manager is located17:28
llutz!info gpsd | divider17:28
ubottudivider: gpsd (source: gpsd): Global Positioning System - daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.39-5 (karmic), package size 83 kB, installed size 208 kB17:28
grawityLint: Or MAC something else?17:28
sipiorLint: what mac are we talking about here? a bit of context, if you please?17:28
Yanchodajhorn:  / DasEi2 should i change the boot options line? is it that one which you told me to do ?17:28
Lintsipior, grawity, Mandatory Access Control17:28
dividerllutz: thank you.17:29
Dr_WillisWhen in doubt.. Leave it alone.. :)17:29
int203has anyone been able to get ATI radeon mobility to work well under X with 9.10?  mines been acting pretty bogus since upgrade17:29
shamimzakihi, I want to put aria2c in background mode using '&' but i am getting speed info in the console. any help ?17:29
dajhornYancho: I'm looking at the documentation in the ubottu link, but I don't see the repair option that you need. :P17:29
DasEi2Yancho: I haven't seen your question in first place17:29
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)17:29
Yanchohi .. i am having a problem with kernel panic - not syncing - i had a power cut at home and the NUT didn't switch off my ubuntu desktop 9.04. i am getting the line before the kernel panic: usb 4-2: new low speed usb device using uhci_hcd and address 2/bin/sh: cant open single .. anyone has any idea what is wrong please? -- photo here : http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/8375/dsc05262.jpg17:29
Yanchothat is the question DasEi217:30
sipiorLint: you could just turn it off, if it bothers you. what's the problem, exactly?17:30
DasEi2Yancho: what your issue ? why do you nedd to change bootoptions ?17:30
MFawzyHi all :) I just had a small Q : when I upgraded to Karmic I lost my authorization :)17:30
Lintsipior, the question is, can I uninstall all that apparmor-packages safely?17:31
YanchoDasEi2 dajhorn  suggested that i rebuild initrd17:31
sebsebsebMFawzy: for partitions?17:31
sipiorLint: sure, or you could just turn off the service...17:31
sebsebsebMFawzy: that's meant to of happended17:31
=== teabag is now known as darksector
MFawzywell this used to happen b417:31
Lintare there some GUI tool to manage kernel modules?17:31
sebsebsebMFawzy: your meant to have to put in a password to access USB sticks for example17:32
DasEi2Yancho: ok sry then, stick with im/her then, sth. different from bootoptions (updateinitramfs)17:32
MFawzybut now there is no "remember authorization " anymoer :(17:32
sebsebsebMFawzy: with 9.1017:32
YanchoDasEi2:  if u have any other suggestions i would be glad to read please .. coz im so short of ideas17:32
wildc4rdevening all17:33
MFawzyalso I have to enter my pass once then the box reappears then I have to reenter it !17:33
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD17:33
sebsebsebMFawzy: I think it's mentioned in the release notes17:34
shamimzakihi, I want to put aria2c in background mode using '&' but i am getting speed info in the console. any help ?17:34
sebsebseb!notes |  MFawzy17:34
ubottuMFawzy: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91017:34
llutzshamimzaki: redirect stdout/stderr then17:34
bzrk_shamimzaki: aria2c > /de/null 2>&1 &17:34
bzrk_ /dev*17:34
Yanchodajhorn: any other idea except from the menu please?17:34
MFawzyubottu : is there any known work around ?17:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:34
dajhornYancho: Start the LiveCD and do a filesystem check.  Do a web search, or try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=161922#post16192217:35
shamimzakibzrk: where i will get the info which file is downloaidng and at which speed17:35
bzrk_shamimzaki: redirect output to some fiel then17:35
dajhornYancho: If a filesystem check doesn't repair the system, then you need to remove and reinstall the kernel, which is more difficult.  I don't see a good howto, and I probably don't have enough time to walk you through it.17:36
DShethit says "One or several MANDATORY libraries listed below are not found. SALOME may not work properly : libgfortran.so.1 " where do i get plz17:36
Yanchofrom where to do a filesystem check?17:36
Catalinhello all17:36
DShethhello catalin17:37
Yanchogoing into the live ubuntu via try ubuntu without any change dajhorn ?17:37
sebsebsebCatalin: hi17:37
shamimzakibzrk: using -l option i am getting what i want. I want this info in a file "[#1 SIZE:25.8MiB/101.3MiB(25%) CN:5 SPD:117.41KiB/s ETA:10m58s]"17:37
dajhornYancho:  Terminal window, with the `fsck` program.17:37
docmaxi have a problem: firefox messes up adobe flash player... when clicking play on youtube noting happens.... this is not in windows???17:37
llutzDSheth: ppu-gfortran17:37
dajhornYancho: Yes.17:37
Catalinany ideea how to set up a digital sound conection on Ubuntu 9.04?17:37
DShethshall i install it?17:37
bzrk_shamimzaki: redirect with > into a file of your choice17:37
=== jdo_ is now known as webm0nk3y
llutzDSheth: if you need it, you should17:37
Yanchothanks dajhorn  so once i am in ubuntu live i have to type fsck only ??17:37
bzrk_shamimzaki: aria2c > /tmp/aria.log 2>&1 &17:37
Catalini have an M-Audio 5.1 sound card17:37
shamimzakibzrk: thanks, let me try17:38
passseshi everyone i'm doing a port scan on my router internally, and nmap says the router resolves to 3 IPs, how can I find out what the other two are?!17:38
docmaxif noone helps me i will go to windows again...17:38
ASdasdaHow do i set it up so when my cursor moves to the edge of the screen it switches to the next virtual desktop?17:38
llutzpassses: try dig17:38
dajhornYancho: `fsck -v  -c /dev/sda1` probably.  The "/dev/sda1" should be the hard disk name.17:38
cankoyBenG92: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide17:38
Catalinany ideea how to set up a digital sound conection on Ubuntu 9.04?17:39
Yanchodajhorn: please note that /home is on another physical hard disk here .. does it change something ?17:39
shamimzakibzrk: no luck i am getting this info in my console "[#1 SIZE:0B/0B CN:1 SPD:0.00KiB/s](1more...) [TOTAL SPD:0.00KiB/s]"17:39
DasEi2Yancho: or sudo e2fsck -p /dev/<whatever>17:39
passsesllutz: dig?17:40
dajhornYancho: No, because the system in the root ("/") filesystem isn't getting that far.17:40
DShethllutz are u sure it has the libgfortran.so.1 file?17:40
bzrk_shamimzaki: then aria handles output in some weird way, sorry17:40
Linux-IRCgrawity: Hi,17:40
dajhornYancho: If you had a hardware fault that broke one filesystem, then fsck the other filesystems if you have time.17:40
Catalinany ideea how to set up a digital sound conection on Ubuntu 9.04?17:40
passsesllutz: thanks17:40
llutzDSheth: ppu-gfortran: /usr/lib/cell/toolchain/lib/gcc/ppu/4.1.1/libgfortran.so.117:40
dajhornYancho: You can get a list of names from the "/proc/filesystems" file.17:40
mbeierlASdasda: it depends on what window manager you are using.  In compiz, there is the ccsm tool which will allow you to do that17:41
DShethok thank you llutz :)17:41
bzrk_Catalin: plug in a toslink and turn up the volume17:41
llutzDSheth: its what apt-file gives me, i don't use that17:41
Catalintoslink = ?17:41
bzrk_a cable17:41
mbeierlASdasda: in ccsm -> Rotate Cube -> General check Edge Flip Pointer17:41
dajhornYancho: Oops, wrong file.  Try /proc/partitions instead.17:42
Catalinbzrk_, i did that and nothing17:42
bzrk_Catalin: if your card is detected and otherwise works, use a mixer tool and check for muted or low volume channels17:42
Yanchothere are many sda1's and sdbs17:43
Catalinbzrk_, on the direct connection everything works well, but when i try digital, no sound at all17:43
Yanchono idea what is what :S17:43
Surlent777hi, can anyone tell me why pcmanfm feels the need to take over my Places menu, and how I can change it back? the settings I've found in gconf, as well as the usual nautilus .desktop files, all seem to look correct...17:43
DasEi2Yancho: sudo fdisk -l17:43
Catalinbzrk_, i`m using Ubuntu 9.0417:43
Dr_WillisCatalin:  what sound card is this? I had a similer issue ages ago with some creative cards17:43
bzrk_Catalin: check the mixer settings, it sounds like the channel is either muted or low volume17:43
YanchoDasEi2 only one is labeled as linux and that is sdb117:44
freerideplease, help me to install Cindelerra. When i type apt-get install cindellerra it sais that there is no ffmpeg, but ffmpeg is installed. what should I do?17:44
CatalinDr_Willis, i have a 5.1 M-audio Revolution17:44
Ddordais there any way to downgrade ubuntu?17:44
Dr_WillisCatalin:  Hmm.. Well on my creative card there was some Mixer controll that was mis-labeled that enabled my digital out.17:44
Dr_WillisDdorda:  not really17:45
ASdasdambeierl: not using compiz... any other ways? (not so graphic intensive)17:45
Yanchoshould i use e2fsck or fsck ?17:45
sebsebseb!downgrade |  Ddorda17:45
ubottuDdorda: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.17:45
CatalinDr_Willis, may i prv you for a sec?17:45
sebsebsebDdorda: you can do a clean install17:45
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:45
__skyl__$ tar -czvf myfile.tgz mydir brings the size from 90MB to 83MB  ... doesn't seem to be that good ... is there anything stronger?17:45
mbeierlASdasda: what window manager are you using?17:45
sebsebsebDdorda: Which version you currently on? Why want to downgrade?17:45
freerideplease, help me to install Cindelerra. When i type apt-get install cindellerra it sais that there is no ffmpeg, but ffmpeg is installed. what should I do?17:45
Ddorda9.10. it doesn't support my Wifi card well17:46
BesogonWhere is lokated xorg.conf in ubuntu9.10? I had installed 9.10 and couldn't find this file.17:46
sebsebsebDdorda: oh right ok17:46
Yanchodajhorn / DasEi2 should i use e2fsck or fsck ?17:46
sebsebsebDdorda: is that a clean install of 9.10 or an upgrade from 9.04?17:46
Dr_WillisCatalin:  Ive proberly helped about all i can. I dont even have cards with digital out any more. just using  normal cheap speakers for the last 3+ years17:46
ASdasdambeierl, how do i find out?17:46
Surlent777Besogon: try "locate xorg.conf"17:46
Ddordaclean insall17:46
vladohow can i optimize mu comp on ubuntu.....any program pls help....i have 3.06 GHz cpu and he work at 80-90%17:46
Ddordato reinstall I should just format the partition and install on the clean partition?17:46
freerideplease, help me to install Cindelerra. When i type apt-get install cindellerra it sais that there is no ffmpeg, but ffmpeg is installed. what should I do?17:46
mbeierlASdasda: are you running gnome or kubuntu?17:46
sebsebsebDdorda: ok well  overall 9.10 isn't a great release,  well some need it to fix hardware issues for example.   9.04 is a nice release, has an advantage or two over 9.10 as well.17:47
dajhornYancho: `fsck` is a wrapper for the filesystem-specific checkers.  You can use either.17:47
DasEi2Yancho:try e2fsck -p  first, it'll then suggest - if needed- other solutions , make sure fs is NOT mounted there17:47
ASdasdaall three, gnome, kubuntu, and xubuntu17:47
Ddordawill the installation know how to hansle it? or I'll need to manually install it?17:47
__skyl__vlado, check top to see what is eating your cpu might be a good place to start17:47
vladoi am with gnome17:47
noreni am getting locale setting error how to fix that ??17:47
ASdasdambeierl, currently in gnome17:47
YanchoDasEi2 how can i know if the fs is mounted or not ?17:47
Ddordasebsebseb: ^17:47
vladomozila eating but skype too17:47
sebsebsebDdorda: yes to re install  get the ISO for 9.04,  md5sum check it to make sure you got a good download :)  and burn the contents to CD17:47
mbeierlASdasda: in gnome the default window manager is metacity.17:47
sebsebsebDdorda: and then delete your  9.10 partition and do an ew one17:47
BluesKajCatalin, open alsamixer look for IEC958 5 , make sure it isn't muted17:47
sebsebsebDdorda: or maybe format it17:48
vladohow can fixed?17:48
ubottuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf17:48
Ddordaand the installation will know hoe to handle it?17:48
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:48
CatalinBluesKaj, in a sec17:48
Ddordaor I'll need to manually choose partition?17:48
Dr_WillisDdorda:  the installer can reformat it.,17:48
sebsebsebDdorda: 9.10  has the Ext4 file system by default, with 9.04 it's Ext3,  but Ext4 is optional, but not stable enough over all, becasue of the kernel and such they have, but I never had issues with Ext4 in 9.0417:48
ASdasdambeierl, how would i go about setting it in metacity?17:48
DasEi2Yancho: mount                 <with no args tells you, boot from live, don't mount or open hd17:48
mbeierlASdasda: looking it up... don't know off the top of my head as I don't use metacity... gimme  a minute...17:49
BluesKajCatalin, as well as IEC958 017:49
freerideplease, help me to install Cindelerra. When i type apt-get install cindellerra it sais that there is no ffmpeg, but ffmpeg is installed. what should I do?17:49
ASdasdambeierl, thanks!17:49
Ddordathank you guys :D17:49
sebsebsebDdorda: if you want speed improvements though17:49
docmaxif noone helps me i will go to windows again...17:49
norenfreeride: i m using avidemux its better iguess17:49
Dr_Willis!info cindeella17:49
ubottuPackage cindeella does not exist in karmic17:49
Ddordais there any option to use add-apt-repository on Jaunty?17:50
norendocmax: whats the prob17:50
BesogonSurlent777: I'm using 9.04 now. And can't do "locate xorg.conf". Do you know where it is? Because by default xorg.conf no exist in /etc/X1117:50
freeridenoren: ok, thanks. I'll try17:50
Ddordaor the ubuntu center?17:50
sebsebsebDdorda: boot up, shut down,  and  the automatic disk checking after the 23 or so boots, well  Ext4 will do that, but  there is a slight chance  that something might happen bad with Ext4 in 9.04, but that probably won't happen to you.  you can have important data backed up else where anyway, which your meant to do really17:50
=== callmeglenn is now known as Guest3520
CatalinBluesKaj, both of them are OK17:50
Catalinwhat should i do next?17:50
sebsebsebDdorda: So you never used 9.04 before or?17:50
=== Guest3520 is now known as callmeglen
freeride!info cindelera17:50
ubottuPackage cindelera does not exist in karmic17:50
Surlent777Besogon: cory@cory-desktop:~$ locate xorg.conf17:51
LjL!cinelerra | freeride17:51
ubottufreeride: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu17:51
Surlent777err sorry17:51
docmaxnoren, nothing works like in windows17:51
BenG92cankoy all of the links you have given me can only help me with a networked machine17:51
vlado10x alot for help i will try17:51
=== Leoneof`` is now known as Leoneof`
bzrk_Catalin: alsamixer -> unmute everything -> max volume on everything -> try again17:51
DasEi2Ddorda: synaptic let's you do it, the comfortable apt is there since karmic just, but can have it in two steps in jaunty17:51
=== callmeglen is now known as callmeglenn
Dr_WillisHmm. How to install Cinelerra on Ubuntu 9.10 - a Youtube video :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPY5Hm7FPWs17:51
BenG92i can install it with a networked machine, but not without17:51
sebsebsebDdorda: add/remove is in Jauntey and Synaptic17:51
freerideLjL: thanks17:51
norendocmax: yes because this is a different OS, cud u be particular about the difficulty u are facing17:51
BesogonSurlent777: Ok. My computer works without xorg.conf17:51
Surlent777Besogon: I find that highly unusual17:51
sebsebsebDdorda: plsu you can  sudo apt-get install stuff17:51
jiffecan I have xinetd run 2 instances of the same service on different IPs?17:52
jiffeI can pass a bind ip to pureftpd, doesn't seem to start either though17:52
Ddordasebsebseb: the question is if these 2 apps are available for Jaunty17:52
docmaxnoren, for example when clicking into the firefox text field (where you put in http://...).. the text is not marked blue17:52
sebsebsebDdorda: so you never used 9.04 before?17:52
docmaxthats annoing17:52
mbeierlASdasda: I am sorry - I'm coming up blank for that.  It's usually called something like "edge flip" or so....17:52
sebsebsebDdorda: add/remove and synaptic  and the commands for instaling stuff in Jauntey17:53
Surlent777ok, I've looked at every nautilus.desktop file, and they all seem right. Why would PCManFM still be hijacking my Places menu?17:53
jetienneq. how to detect who lock the apt database ?17:53
CatalinBluesKaj i don`t know who to change in alsamixer fror direct conection to a digital conection17:53
Dr_WillisSurlent777:   i noticed that annouance also with pcmanfm when i tried out lubuntu. I ended up just removeing pcmanfm17:53
Ddordasebsebseb: I did used Jaunty17:53
CatalinBluesKaj, any idee how i do that?17:53
DdordaI just want to use Jaunty with the tools of Karmic17:53
sebsebsebDdorda: The Software Centre is new for 9.10 and is not available for Jauntey17:53
zubrinanyone wanna recommend some distros for an old computer with about 1gigahertz and about 300ish megs of ram, sorry if its offtopic17:53
Ddordaokay, thanks17:54
=== levy_ is now known as nozes
norendocmax: if theres a prob with the firefox u are using i wud sugest u reinstall that, i personally use opera or arora web browser17:54
sebsebsebDdorda: in 10.04 it will also replace Synaptic17:54
Surlent777Dr_Willis: I didn't even know Lubuntu was real oO. Also, I guess I have little choice, but I was hoping to avoid that, as I like playing with different WM's =/ Thanks anyway then17:54
docmaxis here someone who wants to prevent me from going back to windows?17:54
sebsebsebDdorda: or that's the plan anyway17:54
DasEi2jetienne: do you try to apt-get while synaptic is open ?17:54
docmaxnoren, its a general gnome behaviour17:54
Lintdocmax, not exactly17:54
bzrk_zubrin: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/17:54
docmaxtext is not marked17:54
napterk__hallo! Gibt es ein shell Befehl um die Leistung des Computers herauszufinden?17:54
docmaxwhen clicking into the field17:54
sebsebseb!de |  napterk__17:54
ubottunapterk__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:54
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  theres a lubuntu-desktop package - and from what i hear in the next release it will be an 'official' variant.17:54
VCooliodocmax: in firefox type about:config then set browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll to true17:54
zubrinbzrk: thanks17:54
DasEi2Ddorda: watch up, libs won't match17:55
Ddordasebsebseb: I know what the plans are, I'm following after it very well :P17:55
docmaxVCoolio, cool!!!17:55
Surlent777Dr_Willis: Very interesting...up until 9.10, I found LXDE to be pretty interesting17:55
csimonsI've got a sound issue.  I can run 'aplay -l' as root and I can see my sound devices, but if I run it as a user I get 'device_list:223: no soundcards found...".  I have tried adding my user to the audio group, and then I can use audio by explicitly switching to the audio group with 'newgrp audio', but I can't use it from my normal group.17:55
napterk__ups sorry wrong channel .)17:55
norendocmax: are u telling me that u are unable to selecta text in the text fields17:55
YanchoDasEi1 it said it was mounted 29 times without checked, check forced17:55
sebsebsebDdorda: ok well do you know where to get 9.04 from?  no you can't get it from the main site17:55
sebsebsebdocmax: anymore17:55
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  i cant stand pcmanfm :) i recall in the past. kde 3.5/konqueror having a similer issue where it and gnome/nautilus would both fight over who would be the default file manager17:55
DasEi2Yancho: fine, so now work for you17:55
DasEi2Yancho: fine, so no* work for you17:55
noren!sound |csimon17:55
ubottucsimon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:55
Ddordasebsebseb: sure.17:55
sebsebsebdocmax: wrong one17:55
YanchoDasEi2 what do u mean?17:56
sebsebsebDdorda: ok  download the iSO and md5sum yep and burn contents to CD17:56
sebsebseb!md5sum > Ddorda17:56
ubottuDdorda, please see my private message17:56
docmaxVCoolio, sooo easy... works now, thanks!!!17:56
DShethhow do i set the source17:56
uboxhow can one use the 'scan' button on a scanner to initiate a scan preview in xsane for example?17:56
Surlent777Dr_Willis: Normally there's a gconf string or a .desktop file, but they all seem to point to nautilus...personally I think Nautilus is the best file manager I've ever used17:56
DasEi2Yancho: it just does the above described test itself then17:56
napterk__is there any shell line to find sth out about the performance of your pc?17:56
DShethit says to type source ../env_products.csh17:56
VCooliodocmax: no problem, if you google ubuntu about:config tricks you'll find more useful stuff17:56
YanchoDasEi2 it is blinking .. should i press enter or something? or i leave it alone ?17:57
Ddordasebsebseb: thanks17:57
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docmaxVCoolio, strange, in windows version its enabled by default17:57
DasEi2Yancho: leave it17:57
sebsebsebDdorda: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04  your ISO, but also the file with the md5sum code  that your ISO needs to be, for a good download17:57
SquideshiAnyone have any idea why I might be seeing the following in dmesg or what it means? http://pastebin.com/d30c9d1f317:57
VCooliodocmax: windows and ubuntu firefox have different default settings for some stuff, to be consisten with other features in the os-es17:57
Yanchook DasEi2 thanks :)17:57
Anomosi try to access some shared files in windows vista machine from my kubuntu machine. but when i try to open it through samba shares, it asks for credentials...? what credentials do i need?17:57
docmaxmy next problem is... there is no real explorer replacement...17:58
Yanchook DasEi2 thanks :)17:58
BluesKajCatalin, it depends on your soundcard , if you have a spdif out (IEC958 out), make sure it's enabled in kmix /settings/configure channels17:58
Lintdocmax, because in Linux, selecting text can have undesired side effects17:58
Balsaqi cannot get my ubuntu comuter to go online?17:58
YanchoDasEi2 it said: /dev/sdb1: 29xxxx/57xxx files (1.7% non-contiguous), 19xxx/23xxx blocks17:58
Lintis hal actively used now? is it safe to remove it?17:58
docmaxBalsaq, check cable17:58
jetiennedpkg: error processing adobe-flashplugin (--purge):17:58
jetienne Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should17:58
jetienne reinstall it before attempting a removal.17:58
jetiennehow can i fix this ?17:58
FloodBot3jetienne: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:59
sebsebsebLint: don't remove Hal!17:59
norenBalsaq, are u using a modem or router17:59
docmaxBalsaq, is router powered on?17:59
Surlent777ok, it'd be pretty awesome if my cursor would decide NOT to disappear when a program is busy...17:59
DasEi2Yancho: shuts with fs clean or errors fixed > reboot ?17:59
jetiennelike 3 lines is a flood :)17:59
Lintsebsebseb, I had an impression it's deprecated?17:59
nemoAnyone notice compiz seems to crash a *LOT* more in 9.10?17:59
YanchoDasEi2 it didnt say anything except the line i wrote .. obvously xxx = numbers but no completed or something .. it just returned me to the terminal17:59
nemolike, every couple of days?17:59
sebsebsebLint: I think 9.10 still uses it for something, and in that case, it's on the verge of becoming properly depreacted as far as I know17:59
bzrk_jetienne: did you try reinstalling the package and then purging it?18:00
docmaxnemo, not for me... same crash frequency =)18:00
nemoCrashes on both my ATI machine using fglrx and my nvidia machine.18:00
nemodocmax: ah :-p18:00
mbeierlnemo: not frequently at all for me18:00
nemombeierl: perhaps it is the addons I am using18:00
DShethhow do i create a configuration script18:00
DasEi2Yancho: trml or busybox ?18:00
callmeglenn Got a Question - Am I correct in saying the Standard panel menu - Applications - places - system - cannot edit out the Computer and network stuff from the menu so that users cannot access the system and network in a lockdown environment18:00
nemombeierl: compiz plugins I mean18:00
YanchoDasEi2 terminal .. ubuntu@ubuntu and blinking box next to it18:00
mbeierlnemo: yep.  I keep it to a fairly minimal set: wobbly, burn animation, round cube, that's about it18:01
docmaxnemo, every 2 days18:01
norennemo, why use compiz & use kwin instead18:01
DasEi2callmeglenn: can add a restricted user account18:01
DShethit says to 'create a configuration script by typing  ../KERNEL_SRC_5.1.2/build_configure'18:01
jaceki'm from poland18:01
annoiaI have an Audigy soundcard where I have one amplifier connected to the digital port, and one to the analogue. Before the Karmic upgrade I could switch between the two, but now it seems to be stuck on digital.18:01
callmeglennDasEi2: Tried that - you still cannot edit out the computer bit and network bit??18:01
sebsebsebjacek: ok18:01
docmaxnemo, depends on utilization18:01
DasEi2Yancho: I see , enter : sudo shutdown -F r now18:01
dajhornSquideshi: Does it happen frequently? Did it begin after an upgrade to Karmic?  -- Booting with the "noacpi" or "noapic" kernel options may fix it.18:01
sebsebseb!pl |  jacek18:01
ubottujacek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:01
nemo1641846.470705] compiz.real[3284]: segfault at 29e12c28 ip 00007f7d5f5fa30b sp 00007fff504b0530 error 4 in libthumbnail.so[7f7d5f5f5000+8000]18:02
* nemo searches for that error18:02
YanchoDasEi2:  illegal time value18:02
nemowelp. found one bug, but claims "fix released"18:02
docmaxnemo, seems that L2 cache on cpu did not write back cached data to RFX pipeline18:02
DasEi2Yancho: I see , enter : sudo shutdown -F -r now,   ^typo18:02
YanchoDasEi2 rebooting :)18:03
DShethhow do i do "create a configuration script by typing ../KERNEL_SRC_5.1.2/build_configure"18:03
nemodocmax: wait, wut? where are you getting this from?18:03
Squideshidajhorn: I believe it happens every time. I didn't notice it before Karmic, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. Do you have any idea what this means?18:03
Yanchoi take the cd out DasEi2 right?18:03
alejandrohi i need some help i'm having some problems with my ubuntu and cant fix em18:03
llutzDasEi2: shutdown -F won't work on *buntu since they took that option out (for what reason ever)18:03
Surlent777what does -F do?18:03
sebsebseb!details |  alejandro18:03
ubottualejandro: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:03
docmaxnemo, its assembly code from L2 cpu cache18:03
llutzSurlent777: it should force fsck on / after reboot18:03
DShethhelp plz18:03
bzrk_docmax: err no its a segfault18:04
Surlent777ah, that'd be a good thing to have18:04
bzrk_docmax: with memory addresses18:04
Yanchosame problem DasEi2  .. still the kernel panic .. i loaded the most recent kernel i have18:04
llutzSurlent777: sudo touch /forcefsck   will do18:04
nemohm. most recent one I've found is:18:04
DasEi2Yancho: saw llut.. ? use tunefs or reboot into live18:04
dajhornSquideshi: It looks like an ACPI glitch.18:04
Surlent777llutz: very nice to know18:04
nemowhich says "fix released" ...18:04
nemomaybe I just need to restart18:04
DShethhelp me18:04
docmaxnemo, can you compile compiz with option --debug for debugging code? i will fix this for you18:05
YanchoDasEi2:  what do u mean saw llut? should i reboot into the livecd again?18:05
nemodocmax: ugh :( compiling compiz is such a pain18:05
alejandroi have the ubuntu netbook remix and some flash applications like chats and webcam based sites aint working, neither is the emesene webcam18:05
sahilsk_i am having trouble with my keyboard. i can figure the correct layout of my keyboard. but it work fine in window. any suggestion guys??18:05
Squideshidajhorn: Some kernel developer would be responsible for that, right?18:05
mgv2how can i install graphic card driver? its for playing open arena18:05
alejandroand i have like zero experience with ubuntu18:05
nemodocmax: I'll do it though, sure. it'll just take a bit, since I'm at work and have some delivery deadlines today18:05
DShethsomeone help me plz18:05
docmaxnemo ok18:05
Surlent777mgv2: try System > Administration > Hardware Drivers18:05
llutzYancho: sudo touch /frocefsck && reboot    should do18:05
docmaxDSheth, whats up?18:05
sebsebsebmgv2: depends on your card   try system > administration > hardware drivers18:05
macoalejandro: there should be an application called "add/remove" if 9.04 or "software center" if 9.10 that will let you install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:06
llutzYancho: sudo touch /frocefsck && sudo reboot18:06
docmaxnemo, u have the latest gfx drivers?18:06
grawityllutz: It's forcefsck18:06
freeridePlz, help. how do I use apt-get install without   deps?18:06
sahilsk_Surlent777, but this hardly work.18:06
Yanchollutz: so should i go back to the livecd?18:06
dajhornSquideshi: The kernel team.  Does it affect the operation of the computer?18:06
nemodocmax: latest fglrx?18:06
llutzgrawity: thanks, typo sry18:06
=== tinman is now known as Guest45733
DShethdocmax: the installation README says to "create a configuration script by typing ../KERNEL_SRC_5.1.2/build_configure" but what exactly do i type into terminal18:06
docmaxnemo, nvidia drivers? or ati?18:06
Surlent777sahilsk_: What hardly works?18:06
nemodocmax: well. on my ATI machine right now - using whatever ubuntu 9.10 feels is what I should be using18:06
sebsebsebfreeride: dependancies hmm aptitude is better at dealing with them.  sudo aptitude install18:07
baronmy site might of gotten hacked which logs am i checking?18:07
nemodocmax: however I haven't rebooted in 19 days18:07
* llutz notices: read what you type18:07
baronto make sure18:07
alejandrowhere can i find the add/remove or software center app?18:07
sahilsk_Surlent777, sytem->administrartor>driver....it doesnt show anything .18:07
mgv2sebsebseb, Surlent777 it says that there are no drivers in use which are from companies18:07
sebsebsebalejandro: should be at the bottom of the top panel > applicaitons18:07
transfacemy boss got an asus eee with the 160GB harddrive and I was going to set up an ubuntu install for him.  i was wondering if it would boot faster if i installed it onto an sd card or usb stick (which he'd prefer) or if installing it right on the harddrive would be faster?18:07
Squideshidajhorn: I'm not sure. I have a intermittent video problem pre-xorg, and I'm trying to track that down; but I don't know if this is the cause.18:07
Surlent777sahilsk_, mgv2: it shows nvidia drivers on mine18:07
sebsebsebmgv2: ok which card?18:08
docmaxok again: i need a real good explorer replacement18:08
sebsebsebtransface: installing onto the hard disk would be better as far as I know18:08
mgv2sebsebseb, i dont know18:08
alejandronope no applications18:08
dajhornSquideshi: Boot with the noacpi and noapic options, and check whether the glitch and whatever X11 problem you've got resolve.18:08
sebsebsebtankdriver: and installing properly with partitions18:08
sebsebsebmgv2: Which version of Ubuntu?18:08
olivierhola como esta toda la familia de GNU/Linux18:08
sahilsk_Surlent777, i have ati graphic card, but, it doesn show me anything.  I installed in explicitly, though it not working too. :)18:08
sebsebseb!es |  olivier18:08
ubottuolivier: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:09
freeridesebsebseb Thanks a lot, man18:09
Yanchollutz:  DasEi2 im going to the live cd and entering: sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot right?18:09
mgv2sebsebseb, latest18:09
Surlent777sahilsk_: It's my experience that ATI hates Linux with a passion18:09
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
Squideshidajhorn: noacpi does seem to help.18:09
sebsebsebfreeride: np,  install from the Live CD18:09
* docmax <--- *Attention* This Guy needs an windows-explorer replacement. any help is really apreciated18:09
cankoySquideshi: try 'lapic' on kernel cmdline18:09
sebsebsebfreeride: also good idea to md5sum  your ISo before burning the contents to a CD18:09
DasEi2Yancho: boot the live and join in here again18:09
sahilsk_!info intel.x18:09
ubottuPackage intel.x does not exist in karmic18:09
sebsebseb!md5sum |  freeride18:09
ubottufreeride: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:09
llutzYancho: not on live cd, create that file on / of your ubuntu-installation18:09
sebsebsebfreeride: to make sure you have a good download18:09
Squideshicankoy: My BIOS does not enable lapic.18:09
dajhornSquideshi: Before you pursue a kernel bug, upgrade the computer BIOS to the latest version available.18:10
YanchoDasEi2: im on the live cd at the moment (i am speeking from another computer)18:10
Squideshidajhorn: Done.18:10
sahilsk_how can i correct my keyboard prblem.18:10
* docmax <--- Please notice this guy18:10
freeridesebsebseb, ok thanks18:10
sebsebsebmgv2: well you need to find that out, lspci should show it run that in the termianl18:10
dajhornSquideshi: Note that the kernel people will ignore any bug report if you are using the proprietary Nvidia or ATI drivers.  ("kernel taint")18:10
sebsebsebdocmax: hello18:11
Dr_Willisdocmax:  you are asking for a new file manager to use in windows?18:11
docmaxDr_Willis, no an windows-explorer like file manager for linux18:11
Squideshidajhorn: Nope. I'm using the open source intel driver; but this problem occurs BEFORE xorg start anyway.18:11
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
nemodocmax: ... what features from windows explorer should it have?18:11
DShethplz help me18:11
Surlent777docmax: Linux offers Nautilus, PCManFM, Thunar, Konqueror, and Dolphin, to name a few. Check them out18:11
sahilsk_how can i correct my keyboard layout problem. when i want quotation mark ,it give me this :´ . which is not a quotaion mark..18:11
nemowindows explorer does a lot of stuff18:11
Dr_Willisdocmax:  docmax   given how many different file managers windows has 'had' over the last few releases..   You should be more specific in you rneeds like nemo  says18:12
llutznemo: win.explorer has features?18:12
musclesbobbyIs there a command to output a sequence of numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, ...) as records to stdout?18:12
mgv2sebsebseb,  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS18:12
dajhornSquideshi: Okay, then try your luck with a bug report.18:12
docmaxone sec, i will check Surlent777's suggestions18:12
Dr_Willisgood thing about linux. its easy to try out dozens of file managers18:12
Squideshidajhorn: Thanks. You've been very helpful.18:12
sebsebsebDSheth: uhmm18:12
dajhornSquideshi: Or run an older kernel.  The kernel in karmic is somewhat flakey.18:12
LintDr_Willis, only file managers windows had was File Manager and Windows Explorer18:12
DShethsebsebseb did you read my question18:12
Yanchollutz: i am at the live cd .. should i type the comand you gave me in terminal or not ?18:12
llutzmusclesbobby: seq 1 1018:13
nemoDr_Willis: what I do wish there was under linux was an SVN (or Hg or Git) client as polished as Tortoise.18:13
Dr_WillisLint:  and the changes from 95 to Windows 7 have been  great..   comparing win95's to win7's file manager18:13
musclesbobbyllutz: thank you18:13
northmanoranybody have any experience recovering a lost partition from a drive that is failing?18:13
nemonorthmanor: I recovered mine from totally dead drive18:13
sebsebsebDSheth: yes18:13
sahilsk_oh, man, ok, my next question.How can i make a repository on a separate computer accessible through intranet??18:13
llutzYancho: no , du  fsck on your ubuntu-partition "sudo fsck /dev/yourdev"18:13
janhajI have usb tv tuner Gigabyte u8000, in jaunty works (digital) fine, in karmic (digital) doesn't. I try install jaunty kernel, with this kernel wscan (program for scanning digital channels) give error, that  can't find digital device, with kernel from kernel it find device, but in dmesg is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/321720/ and it doesn't do anything.. Can anybody help me?18:14
sebsebsebDSheth: what are you trying to do exactly?18:14
nemonorthmanor: luckily though, that was 'cause I was able to seek/skip past the failing blocks in dd18:14
LintDr_Willis, thumbnails, custom columns and sidebars? it's not hardly a difference18:14
Dr_WillisLint:  whatever. :)18:14
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northmanortried testdisk and it said it couldn't recover it,. this is running it on the drive itself18:14
DShethsebsebseb trying to install program called salome18:14
Yanchollutz: i already did e2fsck .. should i do fsck now ?18:14
nemonorthmanor: I understand if the drive isn't even viewable as a device, if you're out of other ideas *sometimes* freezing it can help18:14
Lintdocmax, what exactly feature do you need?18:14
sebsebsebDSheth: I  had a look at the stuff you  put  properly just now.  What is salome?18:14
northmanorthis disk hasn't totally failed just many bad sectors/failing18:14
nemonorthmanor: but if you're able to do dd - dump an image FIRST18:14
DShethsebsebseb its a cad based model program18:14
Dr_Willisnorthmanor:  theres also 'ddrescue' and 'dd_rescue' that can work better then 'dd' in many ways18:15
northmanorcan see the drive as a device /dev/sda .. but the partitions i want aren't listed when i do fdisk -l18:15
sebsebsebDSheth: oh18:15
nemonorthmanor: well. maybe you just lost your partition table18:15
docmaxLint, the same "feeling" like windows explorer18:15
sebsebsebDSheth: and your new to DesktopLinux?18:15
northmanori have no knowledge of how to use dd18:15
DShethsebsebseb yes18:15
CavePUNK-27I need help getting CPU temp on my HP touchsmart tx2... sensors-detect didnt find anything :/18:15
sahilsk_ oh, man, ok, my next question.How can i make a repository on a separate computer accessible through intra net??18:15
docmaxhard to describe... even XFE is like windows explorer... it hast not this "feeling"18:15
sebsebsebDSheth: ok uhmm18:15
Navopcan someone help me put, can't connect to internet, host os = win 7 x64 ultimate, guess ubuntu, software =vmware workstation, have the setting set as bridge...18:15
nemonorthmanor: you can recover lost partitions w/ gpart (not gparted)18:15
Surlenthuh, I have a ghost18:15
sebsebsebDSheth: it's probably not in there, but have you chcked the Ubuntu repos to see if it is?18:15
northmanortried gpart to rewrite the partitions.. found them but when i reboot they still not there18:16
nemonorthmanor: well. maybe gparted too these days, who knows :)18:16
sebsebseb!info salone18:16
ubottuPackage salone does not exist in karmic18:16
sebsebseb!info saolome18:16
ubottuPackage saolome does not exist in karmic18:16
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  i use  apt-cacher-ng  to let my main machine cache the packages to the rest of the lan. but its not a complete repository.18:16
DShethsebsebseb what do you mean i need to make the script file18:16
Surlentanyway, GNOME is screwed up, bad...I just logged back out and then back in, and now compiz is dead and so is nautilus' desktop manager part18:16
nemonorthmanor: before mucking about w/ the disc really grab an image first - or multiple images if your drive has sporadic failures18:16
nemonorthmanor: attempting fixes on a failing drive is pointless18:16
sebsebsebDSheth: most programs for Ubuntu you will install from their download server18:16
sebsebsebDSheth: the repos the resporitories18:16
ubudis there a way to play encrypted ripped dvd18:16
sahilsk_ oh, man, ok, my next question.How can i make a repository on a separate computer accessible through intranet??i need to do it for a lab, which have no internet access. Dr_willis.18:16
DShethsebsebseb not its not there18:16
bzrk_!info salome18:16
ubottuPackage salome does not exist in karmic18:16
sebsebsebubud: yes Lib DVD CSS 2 or 318:16
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  no idea. Ive never bothered to do that. :)18:17
sebsebseb!medibuntu | ubud18:17
ubottuubud: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:17
sebsebsebDSheth: yes that's what I thought18:17
nemoubud: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs18:17
DShethsebsebseb i have to install sources and build it myself for this linux version18:17
sebsebsebDSheth: where did you download it from?18:17
YanchoDasEi:  llutz after e2fsck should i do again fsck as u told me llutz ?18:17
ubudsebsebseb: have done that, but still cannot18:17
DShethsebsebseb from the salome website18:17
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  vlc/mplayer can play dvd iso files , and 'directories' of the contents and .vob files - You still may need the decss stuff installed18:17
Navopcan someone help me put, can't connect to internet, host os = win 7 x64 ultimate, guess ubuntu, software =vmware workstation, have the setting set as bridge..., in ubuntu i let it find etho18:17
Surlentso my question would be, what in the hell is making GNOME so buggy this time around? This used to be my stable WM...I was using KDE, but it keeps wanting to crash when ZSNES exits, and takes forever to get rid of the screensaver =/18:17
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, : what basically apt-cacher-ng.  do? could you please elaborate it. i am googling too.18:18
dajhornubud: VLC can open DVD ISO files with libdvdcss installed.18:18
ubuddajhorn: vlc also cannot18:18
DasEiYancho: result of e2fsck -p ?18:18
northmanornemo: if i grab the image i imagine i have to put it on a whole other drive or can i use free space on a drive i'm using?18:18
macoSurlent: is gnome or the wm crashing??18:18
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  one machine serves as the 'cache' all box's get their updates/packages from it first.. and if it dosent have it.. it gets it and adds it to the cache so the rest of the lan dont have to get it from the internet.18:18
YanchoDasEi: the msg i pasted to u before18:18
sebsebsebDSheth: maybe there's a Deb for Ubuntu I guess not,  ok uhmmm  you need someone to help you compile it from source it seems, since I don't compile stuff from source that often.18:19
nemonorthmanor: ummm. whatever you do do NOT keep using the failing drive. period. fullstop18:19
janhajI have usb tv tuner Gigabyte u8000, in jaunty works (digital) fine, in karmic (digital) doesn't. I try install jaunty kernel, with this kernel wscan (program for scanning digital channels) give error, that  can't find digital device, with kernel from kernel it find device, but in dmesg is this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/321720/ and it doesn't do anything.. Can anybody help me?18:19
dajhornubud:  Ensure that the the entire VLC stack is from the medibuntu repository.  If you've installed anything locally, then you can get breakage.18:19
nemonorthmanor: get another drive, ideally a much larger drive, do all your work there18:19
DasEiYancho: k, then try without p-option and report result again18:19
DShethsebsebseb ive managed to install the source files18:19
YanchoDasEi it said: /dev/sdb1: 29xxxx/57xxx files (1.7% non-contiguous), 19xxx/23xxx blocks18:19
Surlentmaco: TWICE now I've deleted all my .gnome and .gnome2 folders, to get a clean shot at it, and it seems to work, so I set up Compiz's custom settings as normal, log out, and it's dead...but it all worked before, at one point..18:19
Yanchook DasEi doing so18:19
northmanornemo: the only other free drive i have is much smaller :(18:19
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nemonorthmanor: drives are cheap these days18:20
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macoSurlent: so youre saying compiz is broken?18:20
Surlentmaco: I can get into GNOME, and it seems to load okay, but compiz is off and I can't get any desktop icons or right-click18:20
YanchoDasEi: it said /sv/sdb1 clean18:20
northmanorok, i'll have to grab one later today18:20
sebsebsebDSheth: uhmm well  do whatever issue your having now,  and hopefuly someone else will try and help you18:20
ubuddajhorn: it is from medibuntu, when the AVI is play with VLC is display a screen stated the movie is encrypted18:20
Surlentmaco: So I don't know if it's Compiz, nautilus, or a combination of the two18:20
DasEiYancho: so you're fine on fs-checking18:20
DShethsebsebseb ok18:20
northmanornemo: are bad sectors gonna be an issue when trying to get the image?18:20
YanchoDasEi: but the reboot still said kernel panic18:21
macoSurlent: pretty much any time something works with metacity but not with compiz, it gets treated as likely a compiz bug18:21
northmanornemo: also what do i use to capture the image.. have any links?18:21
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nemonorthmanor: quite possibly. might have to do seek/skip18:21
sebsebsebDSheth: ask the question to the whole channel18:21
nemonorthmanor: you could try this ddrescue thing he mentioned, but I have no familiarity18:21
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DasEiYancho: tried safe mode ?18:21
Surlentmaco: compiz isn't on now...metacity seems to be, but I have no desktop icons or right-click menu, though my wallpaper is still there18:21
nemonorthmanor: dd if=/dev/sda of=rescueimage bs=16M18:21
dajhornubud:  First, play a regular physical DVD with VLC to check that VLC is actualy working.  Second, reprocess the ISO file with a tool like vobcopy or dvdbackup.18:22
Yanchoyes thats how i loaded it .. and i got the error as per foto again DasEi18:22
nemonorthmanor: if it fails, make a note of where it fails, and seek/skip past it18:22
macoSurlent: can you open gconf-editor and check nautilus's settings?18:22
DasEiYancho: ?18:22
nemonorthmanor: might have to use bs closer to actual sector size if you get failures18:22
Navopcan someone help me out, can't connect to internet, host os = win 7 x64 ultimate, guess ubuntu, software =vmware workstation, have the setting set as bridge..., in ubuntu i let it find etho18:22
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, :  if i installed all the packages in one machine , then no mahcine on the intra net need to be connected to the internet to get it installed.  do you have more such possible solutions. apt-cacher-ng : make a cache of installed packages or of the downloaded pacakges?sorry, novice .here...18:22
greenupI need hosting recommendations please. got a site that proabably needs 4heads. expecting up to 800,000 users over a couple days. up for one month. scary18:22
Surlentmaco: What should I be looking for? volumes_visible is checked18:22
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  you are not going to insall 'every single package thats in the repos' on one box :)18:23
sebsebsebNavop: I hope that's just for trying Ubuntu and later you will put it on the hard disk for real, try #vmware for your issue18:23
nemoNavop: that seems more like a vmware issue than an ubuntu one.18:23
YanchoDasEi: i restarted into safe mode but it still told me the same error as the photo i pasted when i started asking for help18:23
dajhornNavop: You're asking for help in the wrong place.  Note that you cannot use VMware bridged mode if your Internet connection is DSL+PPPoE.18:23
DasEiYancho: url again ?18:23
dajhornNavop: http://communities.vmware.com/18:24
macoSurlent: nautilus/preferences "show desktop"?18:24
YanchoDasEi: -- photo here : http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/8375/dsc05262.jpg18:24
Navopseb: had ubuntu before comp died....built new one.. and I always ran ubuntu on guess. and i like it.....now oput win 7 and having tons of problem...18:24
Surlentmaco: checked18:24
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, : i have too . Bcoz i need to make the lab totally isolated from the intranet, runnning on ubuntu. And ubuntu demands internet. so , cant i installed all the necessary pacakges all at once in the main machine ? what are its flaws?18:24
sebsebsebNavop: well  for security reasons and such it's usally best to avoide running Windows as a host OS18:25
dassoukiare you aware of an application taht i can broadcast my cam over the internet ?18:25
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, :sorrry , itś  *internet. isolated from internet18:25
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  if you can figure out what exactly you will ever need to install. you can install what you need.. but for example theres several apternatives to java.. so what one are you going to use? you dont want/need to install the ones you dont need.18:25
DasEiYancho: great photo ;-);  so do you get to a command line ? (in safe mode ?)18:25
YanchoDasEi: nope i dont18:26
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  theres proberly some guide out on mirroring  the repositories.18:26
macoSurlent: hrm....well this is definitely a bug. im a kde user, so i cant test what changing things in gconf-edtor does. lets see if someone in #ubuntu-bugs can help debug18:26
DasEiYancho: tried another kernel ?18:26
Surlentmaco: alright18:26
YanchoDasEi: i tried all the 4 available18:26
Dr_Willissahilsk_:  ubuntu dosent really demand internet. :) it just makes it so much easier. :)18:26
Dr_Willisbbl. gotta run18:27
Navopseb: i know, but just learning Ubuntu....18:27
DasEiYancho: still no luck ? did you change anything in bios ?18:27
DasEiYancho: ore any changes in your disk-setup ?18:27
sebsebsebNavop: well Ubuntu basics aren't  that difficult to learn, check out the Ubuntu Pocket Guide by the way18:27
YanchoDasEi: nothing .. it was working super fine .. power failure .. NUT didnt shutdown and here i am screwed up18:28
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, : thanks a lot. last question . how to save this chat log with colored highlightings??18:28
dassoukiis anyone aware of a software would let me broadcase webcam on my remot site ?18:28
sahilsk_i am using xchat18:28
Strogg'lo 'lo.  Can anyone tell me how I'd need to configure grub for a wubi install?  I'm trying to fix a system update that went wrong.18:29
Yanchodassouki: some time ago i was suggested this: http://hacktivision.com/index.php/2009/06/16/setting-up-an-ubuntu-webcam-server?blog=2 but not sure if it works or not .. didn ttry it18:30
StroggI'm familiar with grub for normal installs.. just not how wubi installs into a loop file on the ntfs drive18:30
sebsebsebStrogg: better to use real partitions instead of Wubi, also there's a way to convert a Wubi install into real partitiosn18:30
sahilsk_!info wubi18:30
ubottuPackage wubi does not exist in karmic18:30
Stroggsebsebseb: yeah.. that's what I want to do, but I need to get the wubi booting first.18:30
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:30
sahilsk_Strogg, : what wubi does??18:31
Yanchoany other ideas what i might do DasEi ?18:31
Stroggsahilsk_: it installs linux into a directory on your windows partition and mounts the rootfs loopback18:31
sahilsk_Strogg, please please please......¨ mounts the rootfs loopback¨ : what it mean?. i wanna know.... :(18:32
Stroggsebsebseb: I want to avoid having to wipe the install before shrinking the NTFS partition and installing there.  I'd rather just fix wubi, get it to boot, and then copy the existing install over18:32
Stroggsahilsk_: no you don't, it's neat, but not really all that great18:33
DasEiYancho: for sure chroot in the system, if your fs is in order, ..hmm uuid changed would call fsnot found .. let's look around some more18:33
DasEiYancho: are you in live cd now ?18:33
dassoukiYancho: thanks18:33
Yanchoyes DasEi18:33
DasEiYancho: which is your hd's root ? /dev/sd...18:33
Yanchothats where my / is installed18:34
DasEiYancho: open trml18:34
Yanchotrm = terminal?18:34
DasEiYancho: y18:34
NaNHey guys, I need to turn off frequency scaling on my 2 processor system18:34
NaNAnyone know how to do this?18:34
DasEiYancho: sudo mkdir /media/sdb118:34
DasEiYancho: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb118:35
sahilsk_Strogg: actually i want to know this technical words which you have jumbled here " mout rootfs loopback etc etc ¨ . would be great ,if you tell me there meaning.  you , know..... novice ..:)18:35
DasEiYancho: sudo chroot /media/sdb118:35
joshjtlhey folks, i need to use a virtualmachine to run netflix streams, can anyone recommend one where i may get the best performance for this?18:35
donavan_anyone know of a replacement for adblock plus for chromium?18:36
bastid_raZorNaN: install cpufrequtils18:36
Yanchodone DasEi18:36
ubottuchroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)18:36
DasEiYancho: cd /sbin18:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rootfs18:36
NaNThanks bastid_raZor18:36
DasEiYancho: ls18:36
dajhornjoshjtl: Try VirtualBox first.  VMware is also good for this task.18:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gview18:37
DasEiYancho: is there are a filie init ?18:37
bastid_raZorNaN: there are some command line commands that come along with that. cpufreq-selector cpufreq-set  .. read the man pages on setting a governor.18:37
NaNI think you gave me enough info18:37
Yanchono DasEi18:37
Stroggsahilsk_: ask me in a few... I'm trying to get my busted install first..  hehe18:37
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:38
bastid_raZorNaN: okay, good luck.18:38
joshjtldajhorn: which do you think i should try first?18:38
NaNI'm having a problem where my CPUs are running at different frequencies18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ghostscript18:38
DasEiYancho: you are in /sbin now ?18:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wv18:38
ke1is there a way to install ubuntu from other live cd?18:38
DasEiyancho : ls -a /sbin/i*18:38
dajhornVirtualBox is floss and you can get it right now.  VMware is commercial, but it has an excellent video driver passthrough.18:38
sahilsk_Stroo: oki doki. menawhile, i am asking ubottu. :)18:38
bradpittstop playing with bot..18:39
bastid_raZorke1: `other` being not a Ubuntu liveCD?18:39
YanchoDasEi: i got some but no init18:39
joshjtlthanks dajhorn18:39
ke1bastid_raZor: right18:39
bastid_raZorke1: how is that even remotely possible? the liveCD contains all the installable files.18:39
dajhornjoshjtl: Np.18:39
DasEiYancho: you are using karmic ?18:39
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YanchoDasEi: no 9.0418:40
ke1bastid_raZor: or atleast from xubunt cd, that's the closest thing i have atm18:40
ke1bastid_raZor: download them real time over internet18:40
bastid_raZorke1: you would have to install Xubuntu then afterwards install Ubuntu/gnome  .. very possible18:40
bastid_raZorhttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome ke118:41
DasEiYancho: sudo dhclient18:41
Yanchounable to resolve hsot ubuntu18:42
NaNYay, got it!18:42
DasEiYancho: ifconfig18:42
DasEiYancho: ip assigned ?18:43
Yanchonope DasEi .. but im on dhcs .. it should have ip18:43
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drmihohello, an some one explain to me why does my keyboard layout return to english everytime I boot Ubuntu 9.10. Whilst installing I chose Craotian layout....this did not happen with 8.04 and 9.04.18:43
SabrionAnyone available to help me? I've got a few strange issues.18:44
matimieciowho frome poland18:44
matimieciokto z polski18:44
freeridesomebody tel me how to conver the mkv video file. with what software?18:45
DasEiYancho: gedit /etc/var/log/syslog18:45
DasEiYancho: paste that file18:45
grawityDasEi: It's /var/log/syslog, without /etc18:45
bastid_raZorDasEi: pastebinit is another good way to paste entire files in a single command.18:45
DasEigrawity: sure, thanks, Yancho^18:45
DasEibastid_raZor: no net18:46
YanchoDasEi: gtk-warning cannot open display18:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk-warning18:47
Guaguasi[work]I could very well be doing something horribly wrong, however, why doesn't this work: http://pastie.org/704614 ?18:47
freeridedoes anybody knows how to convert the mkv video file18:47
SabrionWell here goes: Running Ubuntu Karmic. None of the media players (Songbird, Amarok, Gstreamer) work, and every once in a while I will have a textbox that I can type into, but when I hit the keyboard keys, nothing happens... I have to click off onto another window then click back into the textbox to type something.18:47
Guaguasi[work]er.. sorry, wrong channel18:47
bastid_raZorDasEi: fair enough :P, i jumped in late and didn't see the entire issue.18:47
c3lHow do I mount ftp?18:48
YanchoDasEi: should i use tail and paste u that output ?18:49
lucasvoI'm using ubuntu netbook remix on  parallels and the netbook-launcher is crashing, I am pretty sure it's  this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netbook-remix-launcher/+bug/438830 but it's salready committed, so it shouldn't happen anymore, right?18:49
mackyboyHi! Im on jaunty right now and i would like to upgrade to karmic. In the software source window the "Show new distribution releases" is set to "Normal Releases" but the Update Manager won't show the "upgrade button".18:49
DasEiYancho: y18:49
Yanchosince gedit is not working :\18:50
ian_Is it possible to install google earth on ubuntu?18:50
sudoerwhere is the firewall set on ubuntu server? I want to open port 543218:50
macoian_: yes18:50
powertool08ian_: Its in the repo's iirc18:50
lukelucasvo, I just ran Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my HP 311 but sometimes it boots and other times it leaves me with a blinking cursor. Any thoughts on troubleshooting that?18:51
macoian_: install googleearth-package18:51
jonrafkindhas anyone tried thunderbird 3 on ubuntu? whenever thunderbird 3 pops up a dialog box it plays the ubuntu startup sound. anyone know how to disable it?18:51
lukelucasvo, I just what I'm trying to ask is... do you have any resources for fixing the boot issue? links?18:51
ian_oh okay, i tried downloading it from the google website, but it wouldn't install for some reason.18:51
tarzeaujonrafkind: i did18:51
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tarzeaujonrafkind: thunderbirg 3.0b4?18:51
jonrafkinddo you hear the sound when you goto a new message?18:51
lucasvoluke:  no, not really18:52
tarzeaujonrafkind: well i've compiled it myself, and no, no sound for me18:52
lucasvoluke: I'd try googling :)18:52
lukelucasvo, ok, thanks anyway18:52
tarzeaujonrafkind: check the prefs.js file i guess, or see about:config of it18:52
lukelucasvo, thats my next step... I'll do that18:52
jonrafkindtarzeau, dumb question, how do I get to about:config in thunderbird18:53
YanchoDasEi: if i upgrade to 9.10 will it work ?18:53
mackyboyHi! Im on jaunty right now and i would like to upgrade to karmic. In the software source window the "Show new distribution releases" is set to "Normal Releases" but the Update Manager won't show the "upgrade button".  so the upgrade to karmic via network no longer available now?18:54
Frost_Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)Web hosting order (number 1677156)/leave18:54
DasEiyancho:your prob is having no inet, is where I poke around just18:54
c3lI get "fusermount: failed to open /etc/fuse.conf: Permission denied" when mounting with curlftps, why?18:54
DasEiyancho:sudo update-initramfs -c -k all18:55
jva_!anybody how can i create a terminal window that can't be closed18:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:55
cankoymackyboy: try from cmdline 'sudo do-release-upgrade'18:55
jonrafkindoh I got it..18:55
mackyboycankoy: thanks! :)18:55
alinz1any hard drive geometry gurus here?18:56
snarksteri seem to be having an issue with sending mail from evolution to my hotmail. anyone else having problems18:56
snarksterit works sometimes18:57
DasEiyancho:did it generate ?18:57
jva_!anybody: how can i create a terminal window that can't be closed18:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
YanchoDasEi:  sorry my internet went down .. what did u say pls ?18:57
DasEijva_: stop the "!" in front, triggers the bot18:58
masuleI'm getting an "Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD. It is not possible to write with the current set of plugins" error in Brasero whilst trying to burn an avi to a DVD.18:58
joshjtlhey folks is there any performance difference in using virtualbox puel, to ose?18:58
DasEiyancho:sudo update-initramfs -c -k all18:58
DasEiyancho: did it generate ?18:58
rakesh_hi,,,,can anyone tell me by which application i can make free cal from pc to phone18:58
YanchoDasEi: it said generating /bood .. then some no such file or directory18:58
masulerakesh_: Skype?18:58
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DasEirakesh_: skype account , least from europe (longer ago I tried)18:59
jva_DasEi: ok, didn't know18:59
rakesh_thanks guys18:59
DasEi!brain | jva_18:59
ubottujva_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cindelerra19:00
ian_i accidentally replaced the grub loader with the windows vista boot loader, and now i can't boot into ubuntu on my other computer.19:00
PaperBugwhat are owner groups19:00
PaperBugi just moved a web script from one host to another it shows diffrent ownder groups..   will that effect how script owrks?19:00
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BluesKaj!grub | ian_19:01
ubottuian_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:01
DasEiYancho: ls /boot/init*19:01
Yanchothere is one 11 13 14 15 1619:01
DasEiPaperBug: might be, as in executable and whre it's allowed to write to19:02
mintuxi destroyed my partition table by mistake how to reconfigure my partition table i got this error when system want boot  Invalid partition table19:02
PaperBugnot sure i understand19:02
DasEi!group | PaperBug19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about group19:02
llutzmintux: try testdisk19:03
DasEiYancho: mm, running out ideas (getting tired) next thing could try to add the cd to hd's sources and install needed packages from there ;  close terminal now19:04
bostikforeverHello everyone, please I need some help19:05
SabrionWell here goes: Running Ubuntu Karmic. None of the media players (Songbird, Amarok, Gstreamer) work, and every once in a while I will have a textbox that I can type into, but when I hit the keyboard keys, nothing happens... I have to click off onto another window then click back into the textbox to type something.19:05
Yanchook terminal closed DasEi  (thanks alot for ur help!!)19:05
bostikforeverI was using Ubuntu jaunty and decided to upgrade to Karmic19:05
DasEiYancho: then again open trml ( no chroot), sudo dhclient19:05
bostikforeverIt happens that my battery died while trying to install the upgrade.19:06
saltanahi all19:06
saltanai am using xubuntu19:06
sahilsk_basically, what is acpi and does ubuntu need acpi support??19:06
bostikforeverWhen I  rebooted my system complains about waiting for mount  for root, swap and temp19:06
DasEiYancho: get an ip there ?19:06
Yanchook i got - my normal ip from the dhcp DasEi19:06
simplexioSabrion: try to start them from console, maybe you see some informative error message then19:06
vladois in ubuntu some program to made my cpu to made it to work more better.....firefox + skype made my 3.-06 GHz to 80-85 %...pls help opimize19:06
saltanaand i want a program for satellite card19:07
DasEiYancho: sudo chroot /media/sd   erm what was it ? second19:07
saltanaany one know one19:07
DasEiYancho: sudo chroot /media/sdb119:07
simplexiovlado: if i recall right, it is skype bug19:07
vladomy cpu is hyper treath 2 core19:07
llutzsaltana: dvb-s? kaffeine, xine+vdr19:07
vladobut work at 80-85 %19:07
vladodebian ubuntu19:07
loshasahilsk_: does this help? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Configuration_and_Power_Interface19:08
DasEiYancho: ping google.com                 ,stop with ctrl+c19:08
saltanado i need driver19:08
llutzsaltana: depends on your card19:08
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:08
Yanchounknown host DasEi19:08
Sabrion@bostikforever sounds like your filesystem got corrupted. You'll probably end up losing all your system data... but if you go download the most recent version ubuntu onto a live CD, you should be able to use that to backup your data and such and reinstall the new version... you'll just have to go back and get all your programs and set every thing up again.19:08
vladoi have all drivers but my cpu work hard19:08
simplexiovlado: you should google about that skype problem, i have firefox + stuff and cpu usage about between 0-2%19:08
DasEi!pm | rakesh_19:08
ubotturakesh_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:08
DasEiYancho: ^19:09
ian_oh gosh, i'm probably just going to reinstall ubuntu on my other computer, i don't really have any documents to lose anyways.  lol.19:09
Yanchokk DasEi  :)19:09
DasEiYancho: sudo apt-get update                      , inet or not ?19:09
vladoi do ask but no 1 can tell me some program or something19:09
rakesh_hi budy..i hav downloaded skype.what 2 do nest19:09
DasEi!skype | rakesh_19:10
ubotturakesh_: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga19:10
Yanchounable to resolve DasEi  .. im root@ubuntu:/#19:10
llutzsaltana: check yourself "lsmod |grep dvb" and "ls -l /dev/dvb/adapter0/"19:10
icehawk78I was given instructions on running a python script to put info from a git download into a database, and one of the commands is 'sudo easy_install mysqldb'19:10
icehawk78But attempting to run 'apt-get install easy_install' comes back with nothing, and easy_install is not recognized as a system command.19:11
trismicehawk78: it is in python-setuptools19:11
trismicehawk78: so sudo apt-get install python-setuptools19:11
icehawk78trism: Thanks much19:11
vladois there some program ror optimize ubuntu debian?19:11
DasEiYancho: so I'm overasked in this moment, initram-recover misses files other then the initrd's in /boot, inet won't do in the chroot, init is missing in /sbin ..  next can try to add the cd to sources list and reinstall (older) kernel from cd to get back in the running system19:12
vladois there some program for optimize ubuntu debian?19:12
SabrionSimplexio: the only thing I get is it says that the application protocols specified are not supported.19:12
bostikforeverso there is nothing else that I can do ?19:12
DasEiYancho: are there important files on the hd ?19:12
comforteaglehi, running top on my ubuntu maching I'm seeing waitio of up to 40% and load avg of of up to 4% & all memory eaten up. ideas for hunting down culprit?19:12
simplexioSabrion: pastebin, and i have newer heard about that19:12
YanchoDasEi: if i upgrade to 9.10 can it get fixed?19:12
Priceyvlado: No. What issue are you having?19:12
DasEiYancho: how will you do with no inet ?19:12
YanchoDasEi: most files are on /home .. another physical hard disk19:13
vladodont know19:13
YanchoDasEi: before i did chroot i got internet19:13
Sabrion@bostikforever: Not really, just try to mount the drive, backup your settings and files (documents, pictures, etc.) and reinstall, it's really about the best option.19:13
vladoi am new with linux19:13
DasEiYancho: confusing, after you said just one linux partition19:13
sahilsk_i am getting this message in my termain . what it mean : <sahilsk_> Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead19:13
Priceyvlado: Then I'm not sure what you're wanting to optimise :-)19:13
Sabrion(songbird:17232): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:19:13
SabrionNone of the authentication protocols specified are supported.19:13
FloodBot3Sabrion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:13
SabrionSBInitialize ***19:13
simplexiocomforteagle: waitio means that proces has to to wait io to get something done, like there is lots of read/writes in disk, if using top, M sorts by memoery, and p by process time19:13
YanchoDasEi: during the conversation i told u i have /home mounted elsewhere19:14
smuggmanhello all, i have a problem with " xloadimage " - you can only see black where the image should be when loading a black&white image (1bit color depth). The problem only occurs using ubuntu/kubuntu - no problems in knoppix or debian - can anyone help?19:14
ascheelCan someone answer a sudo question?  If I type this, will sudo be used for the command after &&?  sudo make && make install19:14
simplexioascheel: nope.19:14
Priceyascheel: I don't believe so.19:14
llutzascheel: no19:14
ascheelthanks.  :)19:14
simplexioascheel: right way to do it is sudo stuff && sudo more stuff19:14
vladowann to optimize my cpu and dont know how.....it dont work properly19:15
Priceyvlado: what's not working properly about it?19:15
simplexioascheel: but you dont have write password again19:15
ascheelsimplexio: thought so, but if the first command takes ages (45min+) I wasn't sure if it will prompt for the password ot not19:15
ascheelor not*19:15
DasEiYancho: no further ideas for now, init is what you need back, or a reinstall (can keep exiting home)19:15
Dr_Willisascheel:  it might.19:15
DaveyAMhi guys19:15
vladoi start sype and firefox and my cpu work at 80-90%....hypertreath 3.06 dual core19:16
simplexioascheel: actually im not sure about that too19:16
YanchoDasEi: if i dont chroot can i get internet ?19:16
beldar5550interest in contributing artwork to the ubuntu project19:16
Dr_Willisascheel:  theres proberly no need to do 'sudo make'  - just 'sudo make install' will make, then isntall if it succedes; i thin,19:16
llutzascheel: make usually doesn't need sudo19:16
ascheelsimplexio: yeah.  Oh well, gotta do what you gotta do.  I need to research how to change that timeout19:16
CoverSlidehello, anyone know any good terminal based im clients19:16
* cyphase just got his ubuntu cd's19:16
Sabrionsimplexio: this is it... http://paste.ubuntu.com/321767/plain/19:16
DaveyAMsomeone know about odbc (jdbc) to sql server and sybase..?19:16
DasEiYancho: obviously, but changes then occur just in the live cd, not the (hd-) system19:16
CoverSlidethat support aim, msn, yahoo?19:16
BluesKajvlado, install cpufrequtils19:16
ascheelllutz: yeah I know it doesn't, but either way I'm still looking at using 'sudo make install' after the first make takes forever19:17
Yanchoi see DasEi19:17
Dr_Willisascheel:  i think that 'sudo make install' will make, then install if its not allready done the make. (i could be wrong)19:17
simplexiovlado: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1127056 like i told you to do19:17
arghh2d2 vlado that no cause for alarm in my opinion.19:17
vladoany ideas :) sry abiut my newbee ask but19:17
comforteaglesimplexio: ok, so does one diagnose where an disk wait problem is happening?19:17
BluesKajvlado, use your package manager19:17
YanchoDasEi: i almost installed everything using apt-get .. so nothing is that bad which cannot be reinstalled19:17
Dr_Willisvlado:  also flash in firefox can be a real cpu hog.19:18
loshaascheel: the make shouldn't require a sudo unless you awkward permissions on the source directories. If you don't want sudo to prompt, you could use sudo -i19:18
ascheelDr_Willis: I'll give it a shot19:18
DaveyAMi need connect with servers in my job... connect with the databases that are running in this..19:18
vladoi use flash in firefox for cleeps19:18
cankoyascheel: sudo -i "make && make install"19:18
DasEiYancho: I'll leave soon, ask here on how to restore /sbin/init,  anoother possib is reinstalling kernel from cd-repo or a reinstall and afterwards re-mount home19:18
Dr_Willisascheel:  normally 'sudo make' is frowned on - because its not really considered secure. :) i guess.19:18
ascheelOoh, I like -i19:18
Fenix|workhow does one make an image of their installation so that if a catastrophic event were to occur, they could use that image to restore the machine to the point in time the image was created?19:18
DaveyAMand i don't know how :S :(19:19
DasEi!clone | Yancho19:19
ubottuYancho: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:19
Yanchook ill ask as you told me DasEi .. super many thanks for your aid!19:19
Dr_WillisFenix|work:  use of the 'dd' command is one way. theres other frontend/tools to image the drives/system19:19
rakesh_i m geting problem in signing in skype19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image19:19
sahilsk_ Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead. What this message mean?? i am running firefox in terminal and i am getting this message in it.19:19
loshaDr_Willis: well if some clod puts rm -rf / in your makefile, and you execute it as root....19:19
DasEi Yancho: link above can use to get (chrooted) a list of your installed packages on hd, ca19:19
ascheelDr_Willis: I'm not concerned with Secure.  I'm the only user on this laptop.19:19
ascheelDr_Willis: however thank you for the heads up on 'sudo make'19:20
BluesKajFenix|work, look for an app called aptoncd19:20
YanchoDasEi: in my case i move my-packages to /home right?19:20
DasEiYancho: in case you reinstall19:20
Dr_Willisascheel:  you should ALWAYS be concerned about 'secure' Security can protecty you from yoruself and silly mistakes. :)19:20
ascheelDr_Willis: touche*19:20
kopterhi .... how do I install trayer ?19:20
Dr_Willisascheel:  on a single user system - the biggest risk is you. :)19:21
ascheelDr_Willis: and what a risk THAT is.  ;)19:21
llutzascheel: on machines connected to the internet, security-breaks always can affect others19:21
Dr_Willis!info trayer19:21
kopterI have karmic koala19:21
eshatHi all, I want to compile amarok (git snapshot), but need a library source in a special version, that is not in the repository, so I downloaded latest source from website, where to I have to put it ? or is there a easier way ?19:21
rakesh_i m geting problm in signining in in skype19:21
Yanchowill deb packages be fixed aswell DasEi  ?19:21
Yanchoor that clones only aptitude packages?19:21
Dr_Willisascheel:  all it takes is one silly typo with sudo and rm :)19:21
ubottuPackage trayer does not exist in karmic19:21
simplexiocomforteagle: i suspect that your systems swaps for somereason, if not then dmesg may tell you that hard disk is failing19:21
Fenix|workBluesKaj, I will.  Dr_Willis, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6509.html19:21
ascheeleshat: my recommendation is /join #amarok19:21
kopterbut when I do apt-get install trayer .... I get pckage not available19:21
DasEiYancho: at a reinstallation ? sure19:21
JoshuaLis it possible to have roaming profiles with ubuntu like windows has with windows server?19:22
eshatascheel: so it is application specific ?  I thought there is a general way to handle this ?19:22
CoverSlidehey anyone know of a good terminal based im client that supports aim, msn, yahoo, icq?19:22
Dr_Williskopter:  then its not in the repos.  apt-cache search trayer finds nothing here.19:22
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ascheelDr_Willis: so I shouldn't 'chmod +s `which rm`' then?19:22
Dr_Willisascheel:  i chmod +s /sbin/halt  :)19:22
Yanchook DasEi  .. so i ask a bit more regarding reinstalling /sbin/initd and then if not i do as u told me19:22
kopterwhen I google for it I see that it was there in 'hardy'19:22
Dr_Willisascheel:  or make a user called 'halt' whos shell is '/sbin/halt' with no password. :P19:22
ascheelDr_Willis: I wrote a c wrapper and gave it setuid that does a shutdown.19:22
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simplexioSabrion: best quess is that for somereason your sndplayer can connect to session manger and if im right it cant get rights to use pulseaudiofor that session.. tho no idea howto fix it. try logout/login19:23
Dr_Willisascheel:  thats not as fun and creative! :)19:23
ascheelDr_Willis: lol that really is funny.  :)19:23
Dr_Willisascheel:  i can just type 'halt' at login: and it halts for me. heh19:23
Dr_Williswell time to halt and hit the bed. Night all.19:23
DasEiYancho: yes, steps to reinstall 1) get current package list 2) reinstall system-hd 3) re-apt packages 4) change fstab to point to farmer home19:23
sahilsk_Dr_Willis, what is the command for entring PATH in the bashrc permanently. I use PATH=$PATH: path/to/my/directory/. but i need to type it everytime i boot in.19:23
Yanchothanks DasEi for all your help .. if i just put a 9.10 cd will ur steps be automated?19:24
Fenix|workBluesKaj, Not quite what I was looking for... wanted to make an image of the entire install so that it could be recovered19:24
Fenix|workBluesKaj, not just the packages I've downloaded19:24
loshasahilsk_: just place that line in your .profile19:25
DasEiYancho: no, you will then do a fresh install and will then manually get your current choices back only, by using 9.04 can use existing list and upgrade afterwards - your choice19:25
Sabrionhmm... mkay. will try that in a sec.19:25
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi, 9.10 machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD19:26
Yanchook i keep 9.04 then .. ill ask some other guys maybe they can help me restore /sbin/initd if not i do as per ur suggestions :)19:26
DasEiYancho: good effort, heh, usv's ;-)19:27
rakesh_can anyone help me how u start skype19:27
Yanchowhat do u mean usb ?19:28
BluesKajFenix|work, try http://www.pastebin.ca/167686319:28
sahilsk_losha, : can u give me a simple cmd that do so?19:28
Krisztianhi all19:28
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rakesh_pls help me guys19:30
loshasahilsk_: use the same exact line PATH=$PATH:path/to/my/directory/., but place it in ~/.profile. Lines in ~/.profile are run once each time you login19:30
kostkonrakesh_, did you install it?19:30
Fenix|workBluesKaj, Closer to what I want.  I want to be able to make an image or snapshot of my current install that'll be part of a bootable CD/DVD, which when inserted will prompt me to restore my system to that image.19:30
rakesh_cool fire ..help me19:30
coreymanHow can I get a min install of ubuntu onto my usb flash so i can download only the packages i want?19:30
unitedpotsmokerswhich room that support clam av antivirus?19:30
losha!backup | Fenix|work19:30
ubottuFenix|work: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning19:30
kostkonrakesh_, using ubuntu?19:30
kostkonrakesh_, check in applcations → internet19:31
llutzFenix|work: clonezilla.org19:31
navi_help , after update i have numlock on, and i can't disable it19:31
suigenerisdoes pidgin support webcam?19:31
bostikforever@Sabrion: Internet connection in my country is a luxury... Imagine the hours I'm going to spend to sudo apt-get install all my applications!19:31
bostikforeveror is there any way I can back up the apps too?19:31
loshaFenix|work: or google ubuntu bare metal backup restore19:31
rakesh_i hav checked...i hav got there...but when i trying 2 sign in...it shows problm in signing my acc.....kostkon19:32
Scunizinavi_: are you sure? sometimes the light is on but the numbers won't work.19:32
lluatrying to encode a avi to make a smaller file size19:32
kostkonrakesh_, what error do you get?19:32
loshaunitedpotsmokers: google says #clamav19:32
Scunizi!aptoncd | suigeneris19:32
ubottusuigeneris: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:32
rakesh_actually..ii m geting prob in making acc......kostkon19:32
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unitedpotsmokersthanks losha19:32
loshallua: it can be done. How much smaller?19:33
suigenerisScunizi, I think you pointed to the wrong person19:33
llualosha, its 2.1 gigs now, something to upload to youtube19:33
rakesh_another person is already using this skype name........kostkon19:33
kostkonrakesh_, then make an acc on skype.com19:33
=== Guest32311 is now known as jonaldomo
Scunizisuigeneris: sure enough.. sorry 'bout that..19:33
Sabrion@Simplexio: That fixed it. When I brought it back up, system audio was set to dummy output but the hardware was set to analog duplex. Changed it back to Audio out and it worked. All that after a restart instead of logout. Thanks!19:33
=== tinman is now known as Guest37288
navi_Scunizi, yes ,now on laptop i cant use normalleters on num section if i dont hit fn key19:34
loshallua: for youtube, I thought it has to be in flash format ?19:34
Scunizi!aptoncd | bostikforever19:34
ubottubostikforever: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline19:34
rakesh_but it is showing problm in making acc.....kostkon19:34
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suigenerisnp Scunizi19:34
kostkonrakesh_, yeah, try making a new acc on skype.com19:34
Fenix|worklosha, perfect, thanks.19:34
gimhalosHey, every time an application crashes and I try to use it again, absolutely nothing happens. It's happened with a few games and when I xkill something and try to bring it back up absolutely nothing happens.19:34
kostkonrakesh_, and not in skype19:34
llualosha,  youtube will convert it when uploading, but right now my avi is too big19:34
DaveyAMnobody here can tell me how i can do for connect mi 0s with a remote database in sql server (run in w$)19:35
Scunizigimhalos: could still have a process running that is stuck.. check in system monitor and see.. if it's still there after an xkill.. then kill the process19:35
loshallua: I like avidemux. Relatively simple with a gui19:35
llualosha, ty19:35
gimhalosscunizi: Thanks, that fixed it.19:36
loshallua: if you don't like avidemux, there is nandbrake, but it's harder to install...19:36
navi_ok , I found a way how to fix it , by disableing numlock on system start19:36
ScuniziDaveyAM: you might get a better answer in #linux..  this channel is ubuntu support for the OS not for specific software outside of ubuntu19:36
loshallua: typo: nandbrake -> handbrake19:36
llualosha,  kk19:37
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
norbert3o3 med+ / high our serv19:37
DaveyAMScunizi, this channel have more pple.. i think..19:38
ZykoticK9losha, llua Handbrake is unfortunatly broken right now :(  see http://handbrake.fr/downloads.php and the Linux section19:38
shutup501so ubuntu 10.04 what features will be new?19:38
ScuniziDaveyAM: #linux is pretty active too. The point being, this isn't the channel for that kind of assistance19:39
shutup501seems like handbrake takes forever to update19:39
python_roothow do i used bridged connection in ubuntu19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bridge19:40
Scunizipython_root: you want to share your internet connection with another box?19:40
norbert3o3medpluzHIGH our server19:40
Scunizinorbert: stop19:40
marti533Can i get help?19:40
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi, 9.10 machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD19:41
python_rootScunizi: i am going to change my modem to bridged mode from ppoe how do i connect to internet19:41
Scunizi!ask | marti53319:41
ubottumarti533: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:41
simplexiopython_root: brctl19:41
DaveyAMScunizi, mmm well... if nobody know how i can connect to a remote database from ubuntu... iam die .. =( that's so easy on $w... why here not =(19:41
python_rootsimplexio: what ?19:41
=== banisterfiend is now known as banister`sleep
simplexiopython_root: thats the command for setup bridge, brctl19:42
Scunizipython_root: you're going to change your modem? or the type of connection you're using in your computer?19:42
python_rootScunizi: type of connection i am using in my  computer19:42
marti533On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install ATI driver but every time i do it , my computer is need to restart of course but then the computer start op again there are a TTY and is just flashing so i can't write anything.19:43
Scunizipython_root: and you'll probably still need ppoe to connect to your router.. you just want to bridge that connection so you can use it with other machines?19:43
Homer95i've a problem with squid-cache19:43
Scunizipython_root: to connect to your router/modem19:43
python_rootScunizi: yes19:44
Homer95i've a problem with squid-cache19:44
marti533On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install ATI driver but every time i do it , my computer is need to restart of course but then the computer start op again there are a TTY and is just flashing so i can't write anything.19:44
Scunizipython_root: ok.. I'll have ubottu send you a PM link19:44
python_rootsimplexio :amy thing other than command line19:44
Scunizi!ics > python_root19:44
ubottupython_root, please see my private message19:44
marti533On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install ATI driver but every time i do it , my computer is need to restart of course but then the computer start op again there are a TTY and is just flashing so i can't write anything.19:45
simplexiopython_root: far as i know there is no other way , and no there isnt newer day when i start to tell in irc what and where you should click to get something work19:46
Scunizimarti533: on boot you usually get a "grub" menu that defaults to the first option listed for booting.. the second option is a "rescue" mode.. go there and you should get a menu to redo your video19:46
bostikforever @ubottu: Thanks!19:46
Scunizi!you're welcome | bostikforever19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about you're welcome19:46
plantttdoes anybody know a Java channel that I can join ? #java complains about having to be identified19:46
bruceyhi guys19:46
SudoGhostScunizi: I had a similar problem and that didn't fix it for me.19:47
bostikforever@Scunizi: But I can't even boot my computer... How do I get to use the aptoncd?19:47
pentarexbrucey, hey19:47
plantttor, if someone can help me with Java Swing, also OK19:47
bruceyyo m819:47
ScuniziSudoGhost: which problem are you refering to ? the video?19:47
rakesh_i hav made an  account....but now how 2 make a call19:47
bruceyjeez its bizy in here19:47
pentarexbrucey, its better on the other channel19:47
python_root'simplexio: i will check it out19:47
SudoGhostScunizi: Yes, after installing ATI drivers19:47
GammalSokkmine \ NoPE19:48
sahilsk_what is Gview??19:48
ScuniziSudoGhost: there are issues with some ATI cards.. mostly because of xorg 7.xx and ATI's "slowness" of providing a driver compatible with it (for some of their cards)19:48
prabhjotHi I recently moved to karmic on my laptop. I'm accustomed to use my touchpad with my left hand.. the alignment option for left handed mouse buttons under System>Preferences>Mouse doesn't work for the touchpad. Any workaround?19:48
=== tinman is now known as Guest16505
tundrayeti311I recently upgraded to 9.04->9.10 and have no sound.  Can someone help me troubleshoot?19:49
bruceySystem:    Host brucey-desktop Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Main Edition19:50
kostkontundrayeti311, first of all: "uname -a"19:50
tundrayeti311kostkon: 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:51
sahilsk_i neeed to add a path in the bashrc permanently how can i.?? without adding it in the sytem startup list.19:51
freerideguys, i've got ubuntu liveCD in iso image. How can i write this image into USB Flash drive?19:52
mrbnet_Can anyone recommend a good program for editing CSS files? Particularly one that might have some sort of color editor when you click on color codes.19:52
trismprabhjot: perhaps try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132550819:52
llutzsahilsk_: [20:30:06] <losha> sahilsk_: use the same exact line PATH=$PATH:path/to/my/directory/., but place it in ~/.profile. Lines in ~/.profile are run once each time you login19:52
rakesh_help me....i m really geting problm in making free cals19:52
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi, 9.10 machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD19:52
rakesh_is there any other appl to make free call19:53
marti690On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install an ATI driver but every time i do it, are the computer need to restart of course then i should normally come to the login screen there come a TTY there are flashing so i cant write anything and can't go out of TTY.19:53
prabhjottrism, thanks, but my laptop got an ALPS touchpad19:53
rakesh_is there anyone?????????????19:54
sahilsk_llutz: i dont want to add it in the sytem startup application. i neeed to add it int he bashrc permananently. is there any way?? and how can i use chroot here??19:54
freerideplz, help me. How can i write iso image of ubuntu ito USB Flash drive?19:54
trismprabhjot: so do an xinput list and replace the text with the touchpad you have19:54
erUSULfreeride: unetbooting ?19:54
freerideerUSUL ??19:55
llutzsahilsk_: do what you were told, that has nothing to do with systemstartup-apps19:55
erUSUL!info unetbooting19:55
ubottuPackage unetbooting does not exist in karmic19:55
marti690 On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install an ATI driver but every time i do it, are the computer need to restart of course then i should normally come to the login screen there come a TTY there are flashing so i cant write anything and can't go out of TTY.19:55
sahilsk_!brasero dsc burner : freeride19:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
llutz!chroot | sahilsk_19:55
ubottusahilsk_: chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot)19:55
erUSUL!info unetbootin | freeride19:55
ubottufreeride: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 356-1 (karmic), package size 213 kB, installed size 636 kB19:55
marti690 On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install an ATI driver but every time i do it, are the computer need to restart of course then i should normally come to the login screen there come a TTY there are flashing so i cant write anything and can't go out of TTY.19:56
ZykoticK9freeride, System / Admin / USB Startup Disk Creator - will work for Ubuntu ISOs19:56
coreymanwhat happened to being able to run ubuntu inside windows?19:56
freerideerUSUL Thanks a lot19:56
marti690 On Ubuntu 9.10 I will download an install an ATI driver but every time i do it, are the computer need to restart of course then i should normally come to the login screen there come a TTY there are flashing so i cant write anything and can't go out of TTY.19:56
ZykoticK9coreyman, it's call Wubi19:56
=== diego is now known as Guest33359
prabhjottrism, thanks, i'll try that19:56
coreymanzykotick9 thx19:56
arghh2d2marti690: maybe theres an ubuntu channel in your language?19:57
iscape_hello, how can I get in karmic the icons on buttons back?19:57
Scunizimarti690: another question.. is this driver in the System>Admin>Hardware Drivers section?  Also did you do all the updates prior to installing the driver?19:57
marti690arghh2d2: no19:57
iscape_i have figured out how to get them back in the menus but on the ok and cancel buttons they are still missing19:57
marti690Scunizi: In the System>admin>Hardware Drivers section there aren't anything19:58
Scunizimarti690: so these were drivers downloaded directly from ATI?19:59
marti690Scunizi: From Envyng19:59
tundrayeti311I just upgraded 9.04->9.10 and now have no sound.  Can someone help me troubleshoot pls? (2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux )19:59
prabhjottrism, that kinda worked, but now i get the shortcut menu even on tapping19:59
Wodzuhello guys, I am having problems with using network manager 0.7. I've configured properly my network (mobile broadband) but I can't find nowhere an option to conntect to that network;) how to perform connection?19:59
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi, 9.10 machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD19:59
SnausagesWodzu: no network manager menu on your menubar?20:00
lennhixHello everyone!20:00
ZykoticK9tundrayeti311, what's the output of "lspci | grep -i audio"20:01
marti690Scunizi: I have download from envyng , and i know i have ATI because then i used Ubuntu 8.0.4 it's work fine and then i download the ATI driver envyng said my graphic card it's support ATI20:01
WodzuSnausages it is there, I can manage networks (add, edit, delete) but i don't see any option to connect:) its my first 10 minutes with ubuntu....:)20:01
SnausagesWodzu: that sounds like normal behavior for right-clicking on it...  try left clicking on it :)20:01
dorganwhats the umask for user,group r/w20:02
Scunizimarti690: aaaarrrrgggg!  Envyng is *not* recommended or supported for installing drivers.. for this very reason. On reboot do you see the grub menu? if so go to the rescue portion and have it "redo" the video drivers .. then if you can get back to the gui, uninstall envyng.  do *all* your updates and then look in System>Admin>Hardware drivers for the correct driver.. if it's not there it's possible your card is no longer suppprted by ATI on xorg 7.xxx20:02
kostkontundrayeti311, "aplay -l". paste.ubuntu.com to paste it20:02
WodzuSnausages and what iss the normal behaviour for left clicking?;-) since i am now on windows to be able to connect to the internet....20:02
tundrayeti311kostkon: 1 min20:02
Munimhey.. just a small doubt.. i have downloaded an emerald theme and i have imported it in the themer.. but i can't get to apply the theme.. i think i should enable emerald somewhere right?20:03
llutzdorgan: "umask" tells you20:03
gm|laphey... are we still being attacked by debtchan bots?20:03
dorganllutz: HUH?20:03
kostkongm|lap, we had 1 today20:03
SnausagesWodzu: you see a larger menu drop down that offers connect/disconnect options for all of your wired, wifi & mobile broadband connections20:03
marti690Scunizi: No i can't se the grup menu , only grub loading20:03
gm|lapkostkon: so i should still leave my warning up in my pidgin status?20:03
=== pagiz^off is now known as pagiz
kostkongm|lap, leave it, don't know :P20:03
ZykoticK9dorgan, you can also use "chmod ug+rw FOO_FILE"20:03
tundrayeti311ZykoticK9: 05:07.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster20:04
dorganZykoticK9: i need to specify the umask in a conf file20:04
WodzuSnausages: yes and i see there only Wireless networks, or Wired networks, I cant see mobile broadband...20:04
Scunizimarti690: when you see grub loading.. just before that hit the ESC key20:04
llutzdorgan: umask != permissions20:04
SnausagesWodzu: mobile broadband only appears when an appropriate device is connected & configured20:05
marti690Scunizi: Okay i will give it a try , but can i get contact to you again if is doesn't work?20:05
SnausagesWodzu: my usa vzw 3g card doesn't show up if it's not plugged in, even though it is configured20:05
Scunizimarti690: me or some one else will be here.. I'm at work so I'm in and out.20:05
SnausagesWodzu: when I plug it in, the next time I open the menu it is listed and works20:05
kostkontundrayeti311, audigy or live? do you know?20:05
dorganllutz: then what is it?20:06
tundrayeti311kostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/321799/  ... and it is live20:06
Fenix|workany how-to's on setting up your own apt mirror?20:06
llutzdorgan: ^^20:06
marti690Scunizi: Okay so you said i gonna hit the esc key and then i get into the grub menu and in there i just take the rescue "button" .. ?20:06
WodzuSnausages: thank you, so apart that I've configurred and plugeed in my modem (HAUWEI 169) i need to install it somehow?20:06
kostkontundrayeti311, did you try to setup it in system → prefs → sound?20:07
usbuntuanyone not afk?20:07
gm|laptundrayeti311: try: alsamixer20:07
gm|lapi'm assuming that it flat-out doesn't work, right?20:07
SnausagesWodzu: I didn't need to do anything driverwise...  all I did was add a mobile broadband with my country & carrier info and it just worked.20:07
gm|lapjust quickly check the volumes if that's the case20:08
Scunizimarti690: yes.. it should give you a menu of options..20:08
usbuntuim running xubuntu from my usb20:08
tundrayeti311gm|lap: I have tried alsamixer, and nothing seemed out of place ( muted, low volumes )20:08
usbuntuanything kewl i can do?20:08
marti690Scunizi: Thanks20:08
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
tundrayeti311kostkon: Yeah... should I see my card under hardware?20:09
kostkontundrayeti311, yeap20:09
WodzuSnausages: thanks, I guess I need to write to some forum than....:|20:09
gm|lapyou could possibly just give it a quick mute + unmute + down + up for each meter if it's giving false values, but it's somewhat unlikely20:09
tundrayeti311kostkon: hmm... and if i don't?20:09
BenG92I need help installing Grub on a networkless, wubi, 9.10 machine because I can't load ubuntu anymore except via a Live DVD20:10
ZykoticK9tundrayeti311, i just finished going through http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1308809 sever people ended up reinstalling 9.04 - but at least two people said it was due to the grub/kernel issue -- uname -r is showing 2.6.31 for sure right.20:10
gm|lapif you're any good at, uh, converting part of a freebsd driver to a linux one, then i could send you something to test whether FM synth is working or not20:10
kostkontundrayeti311, in input or output devices? do you see it listed?20:10
gm|lapthat could be a start...20:10
tundrayeti311kostkon: 2.6.31-14-generic.... and yes I see it under input and output20:11
kostkontundrayeti311, eh, you could delete your .pulse folder, logout and login again20:11
kostkontundrayeti311, if there is one in your home20:11
tundrayeti311kostkon: yeah20:12
gm|lapi got rid of pulse on this laptop as it was squeaky as hell with everything20:12
gm|lapactually, does someone have an older version of the driver in question?20:12
* gm|lap has 9.1020:12
prabhjotCould i get to use alsa instead of pulse with skype atleast?20:12
marti750Scuzini: Are you there?20:13
Scunizimarti750: yep20:13
=== Guest45639 is now known as Vidman
gm|lapah yes20:13
marti750Scuzini: I can't get into Grub Menu20:13
gm|laptundrayeti311: have you checked if IEC958 is enabled? because in most cases it shouldn't be20:13
maria_Help.  I just turned on the nvidia driver and i cant get a higher resolution 640x480.  This is crazy.  Can someone walk me through the terminal commands to input the resolution?20:13
Scunizimarti750: is this a fresh install or do you have tons of data on the drive?20:14
maria_fresh install 9.1020:14
bruceysudo nvidia-settings20:14
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:14
cousin_mariois there a way to force runlevel 3 (or whatever it's called these days)?20:14
Funzomaria: I had that issue also, the first time I got it I reinstalled and it fixed it20:14
marti750Scuzini: This is a Fresh Install20:14
VidmanHowdy, I have some video problems... my driver is not working and the system had defaulted to the basic resolutions.  I need to get back the full resolution on my system.20:14
Funzomaria: If it is the same issue I had the resolutions will not be presentted to you by the nvidia utility20:14
maria_yeah...the nvidia utility doesnt work20:15
maria_but the stock driver is too slow for flash20:15
Vidmanis anyone here goo with video?  my intel driver seems to be not working20:15
FunzoI know20:15
maria_i need the 3D acceleration20:15
tundrayeti311gm|lap: yeah i tried amixer set 'IEC958' mute, and then aplay, and then /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and aplay, and still no sound20:15
Funzodid you set it up with the hardware manager20:15
Funzoor did you try to manually install the driver via synaptic20:15
thiebaudemaria_,did you save to X configuration in nvidia-settings?20:15
Funzoit won't work20:16
thiebaudeyou have to edit xorg.conf20:16
SabrionAnyone here good with fixing amarok?20:16
Funzoit will tell you your xorg.conf is incomplete20:16
thiebaudeedit it20:16
Scunizimarti750: It doesn't take long.. I'd just reinstall.. I know the level of frustration you're having.. trying to diagnose it might take much more time than just reinstalling it.. if you have the drive space you might consider partitioning the drive in 3 sections.. 8 gigs for root / .... 1-2 gigs for /swap ... and the rest for /home.. that way later if you need to reinstall you won't have to wipe out your /home with all your data.20:16
KindOneVidman: what is the spec's ?20:16
maria_thiebaude...i didnt save this configuration because its only 64020:16
gm|lapfor some weird reason my drivers don't cut out no matter if you have IEC958 enabled or not20:16
Funzoi's missing a lot more options than you guys probably realize, it's not the normal issue you get every time you install a new distro20:16
kostkontundrayeti311, what happens if oyu try to play something in totem for example20:16
kostkontundrayeti311, do you get an error or just you don;t hear anything20:17
skioneI am setting up a nagios server and I am at the point where I am configuring notifications. it uses mail to do this. When I try to send an email from the command line, nothing happens and I am unsure of how to troubleshoot this20:17
VidmanKindOne: intel chip on mother board.  I forgot the command that will print it in the room.  do you know the command?20:17
jeffrey_How do I install an older version of a video driver?  Specificaly, in Karmic, I want to install the Jaunty version of the xserver-xorg-video-radeon driver20:17
VidmanKindOne: it was doing 1650x 1280 on my monitor.20:17
Funzomaria: did you use the hardware manager to install the driver?20:17
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:17
thiebaudeFunzo, save to X configuration has a bug in it20:17
KindOneVidman: what is wrong ?20:18
BluesKajjeffrey_, are you on jaunty?20:18
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:18
marti750Scuzini: I can tell you, i have reisntalled 9.10 many many times because of that problem and it's doesn't work20:18
python_rootScunizi | simplexio : got a way gnome-ppp20:18
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:18
Scunizimarti750: doesn't it use the generic driver?20:18
tundrayeti311kostkon: with Movie Player I get no errors just no sound20:18
=== Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke
Vidmanthe driver acts like it is not working.  So the system had defaulted to a basic, general driver.  low resolution.20:18
jeffrey_BluesKaj, No im in Karmic, and I want to install the older version of a driver, older being from Jaunty20:18
just^meguys help plz any one can give me a script for irc ???20:18
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash20:19
VidmanKindOne: I think I need to reinstall the Intel driver.20:19
KindOne just^me: what kind of script20:19
Funzothiebaude: I read that you can just prevew the file and copy the neccesary sections manually to the xorg.conf filebut that still didn't solve the issue when I had it, I switched to an ATI card20:19
KindOneVidman: try that20:19
BluesKajjeffrey_,  have you researched that it works on karmic?\20:19
VidmanKindOne: i have never done that before.20:19
VidmanKindOne: can you help me?20:19
VidmanKindOne: I googled but all I found was how to install nvidia drivers.20:20
micheleciao a tutti20:20
marti750Scuzini: I don't think i know what you mean, but every time i installed ATI driver and the tty just flashing i have reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 many many times20:20
mikeyhow to download movies please?20:20
thiebaudeFunzo, thats true, what i did in xorg.conf is under screen i put   Device   "Default Device"  and then save it20:20
skionecan anyone offer some help on how to troubleshoot mail?20:20
thiebaudetyhen sudo nvidia-settings, Funzo20:20
BluesKajjeffrey_, in the terminal : lspci | grep VGA20:20
Fenix|workmikey, itunes20:20
KindOneVidman: whatever the command is for nvida, change it to intel20:20
skionemail.log is empty20:20
xorwhyI would REALLY like to have my entire root partition dumped to RAM, and then booted to from the RAM on bootup20:20
marti750Scuzini: And know i'm relly tired of reinstalled it again and again20:20
Scunizimarti750: so reinstall and *don't* install the ati driver.. the system will set itself up with the generic.. then you can use it and search for the right way to do it..20:21
bipolarDoes anyone know of a linux terminal application that has the option to resize the font when the window is resized?20:21
mikeyil y a des francais ici?20:21
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:21
KindOneVidman: i think that might work, i have not been un Ubuntu forever.20:21
FirstSgtHow do I increase the resolution of my ubuntu server console?20:21
Funzowish I still had the card to test because I do like to know solutions to common problems but I'm much happier with ATI because of the open source 3d acceleration anyways20:21
marti750Scuzini: But i don't have the ATI driver installed write now?20:21
BELLINXFELONhow can i manually cancle print jobs, not through GUI?20:21
mikeyoù sont les Gaulois!!!20:21
Vidmancan someone help me install a driver20:22
xorwhyLike, in this order. 1. Make ramdisk partition on /dev/ram0 2. restore image "rambackup" 3. GRUB Loading, 4 (user picks the restored image to boot to)20:22
thiebaudeFunzo, yea, i had to use the drivers ubuntu recommended for me20:22
FirstSgtBELLINXFELON: if you are using cups, navingate to http://printerserver:63120:22
Fenix|workmikey, aller a #ubuntu-fr20:22
Scunizimarti750: doesn't matter.. When you reinstall part of the install process is to set the system up with a generic driver so it's functional.20:22
Funzoxorwhy: What do you mean? that wouldn't be possible seeing as ram is only temporary storage20:22
jeffrey_BluesKaj, ok, let me give you a little background, you seem so interested.  My Vostro 1000 Laptop used the open source radeon drivers and worked fine now in Karmic, I cannot wake up from suspend or hibernate.  There is a big, big forum post on it, and one person with the exact same machine said that switching to the Jaunty video drivers fixed his problem entirely, so now that you know my whole story, could anyone tell me how to rev20:22
jeffrey_ert to old drivers, I thought this would be a simpler deal than this.20:22
KindOneVidman: hang on, ill load my VM version of Ubuntu and try to install a intel driver20:23
xorwhyFunzo it would be possible, for things that are to not be temporary, there are disk partitions.20:23
Scunizimarti750: after it's installed then check the link I"ll have ubottu give you..20:23
Funzonot stored in ram20:23
Vidmankindone, what os are you using?20:23
xorwhyFunzo, but for the operating system itself, who's integrety breaks and slows over time, it would  be restored every boot.20:23
Scunizi!ati | marti75020:23
ubottumarti750: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:23
KindOneVidman: running Windows XP Pro SP3, and VMing Ubuntu20:23
marti750Scuzini: so you mean then i only install a part of the system?20:24
mikey /MOTD command20:24
Funzoyou mean store it to virtual ram?20:24
FunzoI mean20:24
Vidmanthanks for your help.20:24
xorwhyStore it to a a RAMDISK partition. just like the one you have (if you run Ubuntu) in /dev/shm20:25
coreymanI just installed kubuntu via wubi and the graphics on the menus are all garbled.20:25
jeffrey_So noone has any idea how to revert to old drivers in APT?20:25
=== PhantomLink is now known as PL|Relaxing
[SilverFox]hey looks this frigan sweet 2d MMORPG Maker I found. http://devogeninteractive.com/forum/index.php it has a server client and editor the editor sweet since you can editor remote to the server. So you can have like 2-3 editors and the best part updates to the server live lol...20:25
Scunizimarti750: no.. reinstall it all.. it should work right after installation.. don't immediately try to install an ATI driver right after installation.. do all your updates first .. THEN look in System>Admin>Hardware drivers.. if there's one there for your card activate it.. if there isn't then follow the link ubottu gave you.20:25
CoverSlidedon't use wubi20:25
VidmanKindOne: I  have to get this fixed for work, but i guess I have to get windows 7 also.  there are to many problems.  :-(   sad, i was hoping to be done with windows.20:25
e66I use only Ubuntu. No windows. No other operating system.  I want to remove grub. I want my linux boot directly. how do I do it??20:26
dalfzif i expand the taskbar from 24 to 48 pixels in height, some themes uses two rows to display tasks. but how come some themes just display a single row regardless of the height? can i change that for those themes?20:26
aspany program install in wine gives me a message svcit.ocx one of its dependencies not correctly registere: a file is missing or invalid20:26
raedhelp some one give me other then xchat for irc a script for example20:26
KindOneJeffrey: I think i can tell you how to, Just give me about 15 minuts20:26
__skyl__tar -cZvf media.tgz media20:26
xorwhylol e66, when you learn about this, you'll know why I'm laughing20:26
KindOneVidman: I think i can help you, just give me 15 minuts20:26
Scunizie66: grub IS the boot loader.. remove it and your system will not boot20:26
aspi can proceed with installing but nothing is working20:26
__skyl__tar: compress: Cannot exec: No such file or directory20:26
guntberte66: no good idea - think of different kernels20:26
__skyl__is -cxvf the best I can do?20:26
paschuHow can I create my own Cartoon in Ubuntu? Is this possible?20:26
Vidmankindone, ok, I will be here.  in and out of the room.   working20:27
xorwhySurely google is possible in Linux.20:27
guntbert!gimp | paschu20:27
ubottupaschu: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.20:27
Scunizipaschu: gimp, inkscape etc20:27
marti750Scuzini: I will give it a try, but i don't think i need to reinstall it because i have do all det updates don't install the ATI driver so i think i will take the link.20:27
e66Scunizi: when I used redhat 7-9 there it used to boot without grub. directly.20:27
paschuScunizi: And how to animate this?20:27
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro20:27
paschuScunizi: Is there a special program?20:28
aspwhat is svcit.ocx? i have tried to google but i cant find any useful info20:28
Scunizie66: maybe the option was set so you didn't see it but either grub was there or lilo.. most likely grub20:28
Scunizipaschu: no20:28
xorwhye66 I have used fc8 and I am sure it used grub, even if it didn't say it was using it when it did.20:28
Um_cara_qualqueris there any "multisim" version for linux?20:28
xorwhyIf your computer told you everthing it did, you would never be given time to use it and your screen would be full.20:28
trismpaschu: you could try synfig20:28
Yanchoguys i am missing inittab .. i am trying to cp it from /etc/initab from the livecd but its not there either .. any idea how i can get it please?20:28
trism!info synfig20:29
ubottusynfig (source: synfig): vector-based 2D animation renderer. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.61.09-3 (karmic), package size 52 kB, installed size 160 kB20:29
jeffrey_how would I install the jaunty version of xserver-xorg-video-radeon from karmic?20:29
coreymanmy graphics on the menus are all garbled in my wubi install... can someone help me?20:29
BELLINXFELONI keep getting an error in mplayer related to pulseaudio, says it failed to connect to server, connection refused20:29
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:29
aspplz help me since i installed 9.10 i had this wine problem20:29
trismpaschu: or blender if you wanted to do 3d animation20:29
Scunizijeffrey_: I'm not sure but have you looked in synaptic to see if the driver is there.. or in the backports section of synaptic?  worth a try20:30
e66xorwhy: fc8! I was talking about RH7-9. FC didn't born that time.20:30
xerox1hi, i have an issue with choqok: everytime i start it, it adds a empty user to the user list; this leads to errors fetching tweets etc.; how to prevent this?20:30
xorwhye66 Oh, I thought you meant 7, 8, and 9 as denoted by 7-920:30
trism!info blender | paschu20:30
ubottupaschu: blender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.49a+dfsg-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 10688 kB, installed size 28072 kB20:30
=== christian is now known as Guest40314
paschuI need a program for video editing20:31
coreymanthiebaude wtf.. it tells me to come here.20:31
AledI use Windows XP, sue me20:31
aspany wine expert here?20:31
AledSeriously though, what are the benefits of Linux?20:31
BELLINXFELONhow can i fix an error with pulseaudio not being able to connect to server20:31
marti750Scuzini: In side link ubottu have gave me aren't a one to 9.10 only to 9.0.4 and below20:31
guntbert!ot | Aled20:31
ubottuAled: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:31
__skyl__what;s the best compression algorithm extension?20:31
__skyl__.tar.gz is best?20:31
thiebaudeAled stop trolling20:31
xorwhyI don't know what to do with my time.20:32
xorwhyAny advice?20:32
__skyl__Aled, a superior terminal for one20:32
e66has linux ever boot without any boot loader?? I mean directly. without grub or lilo?? anybody faced it??20:32
aspI need to get wine installing programs correctly20:32
paschuHey guys, I want to edit my video. Which program is the best for that?20:32
LjL__skyl__: well, the extension doesn't really matter, the algorithm does ;) but bzip2 usually compresses better than gzip, and lzma even better. but there's a cost in compression (and sometimes decompression) time!20:32
xorwhye66 Don't know, but what you seek is not common, even amongst the most elite linux users.20:32
Scunizie66: no.. even windows has a boot loader.. you just don't see it.20:32
Fat_Tonypaschu, I know cinelerra is pretty powerful...20:32
LjLpaschu: try asking "what's the best video editor?" in #ubuntu-bots for poll results20:32
__skyl__LjL, well, tar -a is saying that it will just choose based on the extension20:33
aspany program install in wine gives me a message svcit.ocx one of its dependencies not correctly registere: a file is missing or invalid20:33
Aledk so one "benefit"20:33
Fat_Tonyanyone using "screenlets", clearRSS for rss feeds?20:33
e66Scunizi: Yeah. I know windows has boot loader. Thing that boots an os called boot loaded. :D20:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:33
LjL__skyl__: sure, because it tries to be smart. but the extension itself is arbitrary, it's only traditional to use .gz for gzip and .bz2 for bzip220:33
llutze66: set root-device with rdev, cat your kernel to floppy(if it fits), boot from floppy20:33
RedCharliewhat's the off topic channel?20:34
marti750Scuzini: Im tired of do all this , I have worked this problem very very long time. So it could be nice if i could get a easy way to install the driver if you know a easy way?20:34
LjLRedCharlie: #ubuntu-offtopic20:34
dajhorne66: You can do it, but it is deep voodoo.  See also http://www.coreboot.org/20:34
paschuFat_Tony: cinelerra is for free, isnt it?20:34
__skyl__LjL, right.  Never hear of lzma, do you think this -a can give me that?  with a -u too?  or lzma would have to be a different kind of archive?20:34
LjL__skyl__: lzma is the algorithm that 7zi8p uses20:35
Scunizimarti750: ATI is not the easiest to work with.. envyng has messed with your system and I don't know how to reverse it.. the previous link is the best I can do.. I run nvidia and find it much easier.20:35
aspany program install in wine gives me a message svcit.ocx one of its dependencies not correctly registere: a file is missing or invalid20:35
LjL__skyl__: i don't think "tar" can handle it natively...20:35
Scunizi!repeat | asp20:35
ubottuasp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:35
__skyl__man tar says that it can20:35
LjL__skyl__: bzip2 compresses pretty well, though20:35
Fat_Tonypaschu, yes, and watch out for bugs. I can only export to MOV with one codec, all the other options will make it crash, for example. Otherwise, if it works for you, try Kdenlive20:35
LjL__skyl__: well, in that case. the standard extension should be .lzma20:35
Piciasp: Specific application support under wine is better sought in #winehq20:35
__skyl__I'm going to compare20:35
marti750Scuzini: but i have reinstalled ubuntu 9.10 again and i don't have envyng but the link it's only to 9.0.4 and older20:36
Funzodoes anybody know any kind of workaround for those of us with rt2500 wireless cards on ubuntu 9.10?20:36
__skyl__it seems that already compressed media does not compress much more :(20:36
LjL__skyl__: (not that it won't give you the same thing as a 7zip file, even though the algorithm is the same, i'm not even sure 7zip can read it)20:36
Scunizimarti750: what's the video card.. an ATI what?20:36
aspwhat is specific application support?20:36
LjL__skyl__: eh, no, it doesn't. it's generally a bad idea to do that20:36
Piciasp: Running applications under wine.20:36
__skyl__LjL, why do you say it's a bad idea?20:36
paschuFat_Tony: how to install cinelerra?20:37
aspwhat do i need to do? what is svcit.ocx?20:37
marti750Scuzini ATI Readeon 9800 XT20:37
LjL__skyl__: because it won't compress! it's generally much better to compress something using a good algorithm to begin with, rather than compress it twice.20:37
Piciasp: /join #winehq   and ask there.  That is where the wine gurus are.20:37
Scunizimarti750: hang on.20:37
__skyl__Funzo, bbtether 0_)20:37
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marti750Scuzini: Yep20:37
__skyl__LjL, well, I mean they are flash, mp3, jpg and crup like that20:38
tundrayeti311kostkon: tyvm!  I had to delete ~/.pulse and mute the IEC958 mixer... Do you know how I set it up so that that mixer is muted by default??20:38
LjL__skyl__: ah... those are very unlikely to compress losslessly, no matter what you use20:38
kostkontundrayeti311, in theory it should stay muted from now on20:38
=== dr0ppy is now known as dr0pknutz
Fat_Tonypaschu, there should be some repositories and it was simple to install for me... take a look at here http://cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#hardy20:39
Funzo__skyl__: haha seriously that would be faster than my speeds, I'm down from 1mb/s to 80kb/s max20:39
tundrayeti311kostkon: ok20:39
__skyl__LjL, seriously?  so, if I use tar on a .flv and decompress it, you're saying that I'll lose quality?20:40
__skyl__that has to be preposterous ...20:40
Funzohow is that possible20:40
kostkontundrayeti311, but: if after a kernel update you have no sound again20:40
Funzowouldnt the data be identical after extraction20:40
marti750Scuzini: I have a Secondary graphic card too20:40
ecraneFunzo: it's not possible.20:40
__skyl__Funzo, that's what I'm saying20:40
Funzooh lol20:41
kostkontundrayeti311, check again if IEC958 is muted or not.20:41
Funzosorry I tuned out for a while20:41
=== Odin is now known as Guest9360
__skyl__but, that's what I thought I heard LjL say20:41
trism__skyl__: no the point was you are unlikely to get very much compression on an already compressed file20:42
trism__skyl__: lossless compression (like gzip, bzip2, lzma), you could get more compression if it were lossy but you would lose quality20:42
oc_odin"/msg chanserv help20:43
tundrayeti311kostkon: will do20:43
trism__skyl__: see the pigeon hole principle20:43
n00dleHas anyone got ubuntu/karmic's network manager to auto-configure v6?  If so, what's on the other end?20:43
sahilsk_is there any gsoc participants??20:43
sahilsk_i mean intern20:43
__skyl__cool, thanks trism , LjL20:44
tundrayeti311gm|lap: btw muting the IEC958 mixer did work, but only after i deleted ~.pulse ... thanks for your help :)20:44
n08l3Jany good US english speaking Text to speech software ?20:44
aboSamoorI want your help regarding my USB stick I can not delete files and I get this error "rm: cannot remove `work': Read-only file system ", can you help me please ?20:44
gm|lapnp. nobody uses that crap anyway.20:44
n08l3Jfestival talks like a robot20:44
gm|lapi mean, people use *pulse*, i was referring to the other crap.20:44
VidmanKindOne: you still here?20:45
Scunizimarti750: first.. use TAB to auto complete my nick.. you're mispelling it so it doesn't highlight.. if you have 2 cards in the machine pull one.. installing drivers with 2 cards in can cause LOTS of confusion.. also check in www.ubuntuforums.org and search on Radeon or Radeon 9800 etc.. there's lots of references. I don't have the time to go through them..20:45
Suhailgetting this error that says pycenetral can't be found20:46
Suhailany ideas?20:46
marti750Scuzini: Okay but the two cards .. The one it's a VGA combatible controller and the other is a Display controller20:47
kostkontundrayeti311, sometimes after a kernel update these hardware switches are set to their defaults, like the digital/analog one on the audigy cards20:47
=== matthew is now known as Guest56463
Scunizimarti750: you misspelled it again.. so do you have 2 unique cards in the machine? or just output for 2 monitors?20:48
ManDayEvery time I enable my external monitor by pressing Fn + F8 ubuntu logs me out and terminates all my programs without a warning, please assist20:49
marti750Scuzini: I'm really sorry i'm from Denmark so i misspelled some times , I think is a Output to 2 monitors20:50
brucetim100is this compatible with mIRC?20:50
guntbertmarti750: try scu<tab> - its much easier20:50
Chris___can someone recommend me a good program to do a little video editing with? I just need to cut a 5 second snip out of a 25 minute avi file20:50
Scunizimarti750: typee Scu<TAB> to auto complete..  .. do you have a secondary monitor plugged in?20:51
kostkonChris___, avidemux20:51
mMezquitaleChris___, you have cinelerra and kino, kino is easy to install, cinelerra youll have to go to the website and install it from there20:52
marti750Scuzini: No i have only 1 plugged in, and what i you mean about, Scu <tab> ?20:52
mMezquitaleChris___, actually just install kino, itś the easiest one20:52
arnoldhey anybody facing problem to connect dsl moderm in 9.1020:52
paschuhow can i change the look of ubuntu?20:53
Scunizi!tab | marti75020:53
ubottumarti750: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:53
SusanneRAmarti750: We Europeans are more often then not very well versed in human relations. Something US/AU/other crime ridden countries uphold20:53
Chris___kostkon and mMezquitale -- thanks20:53
ScuniziSusanneRA: what is that suppose to mean?20:53
guntbert!ot | SusanneRA20:53
ubottuSusanneRA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:53
kostkonChris___, althought i would recommend you this http://www.openshotvideo.com/20:53
Simpson_2hi all20:54
kostkonChris___, top app20:54
arnoldhey am facing problem to connect dsl moderm in ubuntu 9.10 any body to help20:54
Simpson_2is there any particular reason why jaunty had a higher java version then karmic, and thus messes up my java installation ??20:54
SusanneRAHow could i have upset you ? :) .. yournt even from any of those countries, lol20:55
guntbertSusanneRA: please keep to the topic20:55
sobersabrehi. what's the flag to dpkg to install a i386 package on amd64 system ?20:55
amerineseHow can I show time stamps in my terminal?20:55
marti750Scuzini: Okay .. but you i said i gonna search through Ubuntu Forums?20:55
sobersabreis there adobe acrobat beta/alpha for amd64 linux ?20:55
SusanneRAguntbert: Ince i even had sex 2 times. Hence my name, 2 tall guntbertha :)20:56
Scunizimarti750: yes.. I don't have the answers for you.20:56
vonnickI don't think so20:56
thiebaude!ot | SusanneRA20:56
ubottuSusanneRA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:56
vonnickAdobe still thinks 64-bit doesn't exist20:56
* Scunizi sees a ban in the near future.. :)20:56
arnoldanybody to help me to connect the dsl modem in ubuntu 9.1020:56
thiebaudewhy nit now?20:56
* Sahkolihaa laughs.20:56
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andruk!ask > kurt__20:57
ubottukurt__, please see my private message20:57
JPSmanIs there a compiz channel I could ask my question in?20:57
LjLJPSman: sure, #compiz20:58
brucetim100should connect itself arnold...that's the great thing I like about Linux it does it all for you, mostly that is20:58
marti750Scunizi: I have 1 more question, my littlebrother playing World of Warcraft on this machine (Ubuntu 9.10) Then i start it , it's don't show up? can it be the ATI?20:58
Simpson_2no java problems any1 ? :)20:58
thiebaudeSimpson_2, no20:58
andrukhow do i get xsetwacom to list devices on karmic? do i have t oedit my xorg.conf?20:58
vonnickAsk your brother :)20:58
kurt__I am trying to setup a FTP server, on /winshare I am unable to connect to it on LAN or over the net. I used the the guide on the ubuntu forums but I dont get what I'm doing wrong.. I've tried vsftpd and am currently trying proftpd..20:58
smokiehey guys, how big is the update from 9.04 to 9.10?20:58
brucetim100anyone know how I can use mIRC on Linux?20:58
mMezquitaleJPSman, you could ask here and see if someone has experience the same problem on their ubuntu box, otherwise yhou can head to #compiz like LjL mentioned20:59
smokieif i want to upgrade through the updates software20:59
vonnickI tried upgrading, I killed it at 3 hours20:59
Vampire_brucetim100, just don't :-)20:59
Scunizimarti750: possibly20:59
Simpson_2thiebaude, then how the hell did I end up with mixed version after a jaunty upgrade :)20:59
Vampire_but you could do via wine or in a Windows VM20:59
smokievonnick, upgrading to 9.10?20:59
vermapratyush_how do i navigate to a mounted iso drive, in  a shell???20:59
brucetim100my upgrade took an hour max20:59
thiebaudeSimpson_2, i have no idea20:59
mMezquitalekurt__, why are you using ftp?  why dont you install an ssh server instead?20:59
smokievonnick, what was taking too long? the download or the install itself?20:59
llutzvermapratyush_: cd /path20:59
vonnickThe download20:59
JPSmanwell, is it possible to change compiz's skydome with a terminal command?20:59
iscape_vermapratyush_, should be under /media21:00
marti750Scuzini. I then i said thank you, for the help. I hope i finally get this worked.21:00
vermapratyush_the iso file is not mounted in the '/' folder21:00
Simpson_2oh well21:00
kurt__well I just want it to work, I forwarded the ports, and etc on the router... so ya.21:00
iscape_vermapratyush_, cd /media21:00
smokievonnick, so you didnt upgrade yet? or you just did a fresh install?21:00
iscape_vermapratyush_, ls21:00
Scunizimarti750: your welcome.. I hope it's fixed soon21:00
vonnickFresh install, like always21:00
vermapratyush_iscape_, it is not in /media21:00
smokievonnick, hmm so you had to recompile all your applications and settings and so on?21:01
iscape_vermapratyush_, what is in /media ?21:01
smokiekinda sucks21:01
sllideis there some kind of joystick testing app21:01
uvacavso I just accidentally right-clicked and did something on the desktop -- all my icons disappeared and i cant right click on it anymore -- any ideas?21:01
marti750Scuzini: Me too , im tired of this.21:01
vermapratyush_iscape_, one drive thish points to the my hard disk (NTFS) and 2 other to cdrom, both r blank..21:01
mMezquitalekurt__,  ftp is insecure I will rather use ssh which I use, itś safer and easy to setup, I cant help you with the ftp setup but I can help you figure out why you cant connect from the outside, can you connect to your ftp server locally?21:01
lolwutHello, I just upgraded to 9.10 with do-release-upgrade and now it just hangs with the message "Exception during pm.DoInstall():  E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"21:01
lolwutthe error code was returned because there were errors configuring jockey and jockey-gtk21:02
vonnicksmokie: I make a list and reinstall everything, yeah21:02
lolwutdoes anyone have an idea what i should do now?21:02
LjL!info jscalibrator | sllide21:02
iscape_vermapratyush_, what is the output of "mount" ? (->pastebin)21:02
ubottusllide: Package jscalibrator does not exist in karmic21:02
LjLehm. it exists on my version.21:02
lolwuti already ran sudo apt-get -f install and that at least configured those packages21:02
sllidei can google it myself21:02
kurt__thats what I meant by lan I cannot, and I couldn't using the vsftpd... so I am all up for a ssh type as long as it can be accessed from a mac, which is what the "outside" user is going to be using, and it has to have a gui for it21:02
unkois any one having problems with INTEL 4965AGN wireless card? i can connect but once i disconnect it doesn't seem to reconnect unless i restart my computer....21:03
vermapratyush_iscape_, /dev/sda5 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)21:03
vermapratyush_proc on /proc type proc (rw)21:03
vermapratyush_none on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)21:03
vermapratyush_none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)21:03
vermapratyush_none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)21:03
vermapratyush_none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)21:03
FloodBot3vermapratyush_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:03
smokievonnick, what about user settings, network settings and so on, can those b backed up and restored later on a fresh install?21:03
borbosha_laptopAnyone have issues with text wrapping and problems right clicking links in xchat with 9.10?21:03
LjL!info joystick | sllide21:03
ubottusllide: joystick (source: joystick): set of testing and calibration tools for joysticks. In component universe, is extra. Version 20051019-5ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB21:03
vonnickI dunno, I don't bother with that stuff21:03
banishedwhen I try to connect to a pptp VPN, I get "The VPN connection  failed because the VPN service failed to start."21:03
smokievonnick, its a hassle for me cuz i have a dns server and a local website running on my 9.0421:04
smokiei guess ill just stick with it for now till im forced to upgrade21:04
zroyschwhy does my laptop lose connection to my home server over the internet every few minutes. it stays connected to the rest of the internet, but my connection to mpd, icecast stream, sshfs mounts, ssh connection will fail simultaneously and I cannot connect for more than a minute, then it will automatically become connectable again. the cycle repeats every 5-10minutes21:04
iscape_vermapratyush_, there is nothing mounted21:04
vonnickWell, would it be possible for you to duplicate your setup on another machine?21:04
iscape_except your harddisk21:04
vonnickSo you can test the upgrade21:04
debraso my frends eeepc decided to break yesterday, i do fsck to repare it, it now boots21:04
debrabut i get a strange error21:04
debraW: Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.osuosl.org/ubuntu/dists/karmic-backports/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/ubuntu.osuosl.org_ubuntu_dists_karmic-backports_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages - open (22: Invalid argument) [IP: 80]21:04
FloodBot3debra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:04
debrafor when i do apt-get updatte21:05
smokievonnick, i dont know.. i guess i can create an image of the partition and run it on a VM21:05
LjLdebra: uhm, i'd try using another mirror instead of osuosl.org21:05
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smokiething is im in a part of the world where it will take me over a week to download just 250mb heheh21:05
smokieand stuck here for atleast another month21:05
shadghostLiL this is the seond mirror that i tried21:05
smokieanyway, thanks for the heads up21:06
smokieill check it out and see what i can do21:06
paschuCan I make Ubuntu look like windows 7?21:07
pagizpaschu: yes you can!21:07
paschupagiz: Tell me how21:07
borbosha_laptopAnyone have issues with text wrapping and problems right clicking links in xchat with 9.10?21:07
bipolarDoes anyone know of a terminal application that has the option to lock the number of rows/columns and scale to font when the window is resized?21:08
shonenpaschu: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Windows+Seven+Plastic+Theme?content=101307 you can install a theme similar to this one and make ubuntu look the way you want21:08
Scuniziborbosha_laptop: you mean you can't grab the link fast enough because of the scrolling?21:08
bastid_raZor!theme > paschu21:08
ubottupaschu, please see my private message21:08
laotseuit seems that i'm stupid ... i'd like to install UNR on my laptop, i've created my usb key, it works like a charm but once booted, i can't find the install script ...21:08
laotseudoes somebody knows the same of this script so I can start it from cli ?21:09
borbosha_laptopScunizi, No, when I right click it brings up the normal menu that is at the top of xchat with file, view... etc.21:09
pagizpaschu: google, 30 sec.   http://my.opera.com/ubuntunerd1/blog/how-to-make-ubuntu-look-like-windows721:09
borbosha_laptopAnd there is no text wrapping from people, only topics.21:09
paschuthanks <321:09
Scuniziborbosha_laptop: sorry I don't have an answer for that one :(21:09
marti750Scuzini: Found out the problem , But System > Admin > Hardware Drivers should i use KDE?21:10
borbosha_laptopScunizi, No worries, it didn't happen until I installed 9.10. It's a clean install too and I install xchat from the repositories.21:10
borbosha_laptopVery odd problem.21:10
Scuniziborbosha_laptop: switch to irssi w/screen .. you won't be disappointed :)21:11
brendan`question.. the system > prefs > remote desktop.. is that RDP or a preliminary setup for VNC?21:11
laotseunobody knows for my problem ? :(21:11
kurt__eh I'm still waiting on mine, and I have a dead line to meet lol21:12
coreymanhow can i check what video drivers are installed?21:12
coreymanon my wubi install all menus are garbled, i can right click desktop and run terminal.21:12
borbosha_laptopScunizi, I have looked into that option but I like xchat because it is cross platform with Windows, which I have to use sometimes.21:13
borbosha_laptopIt's nice to have the same program on everything.21:13
ChogyDancoreyman: sudo lshw -C video21:13
Scuniziborbosha_laptop: there is a version of irssi for windows too.. kinda cumbersome..21:13
coreymanthx chogydan brb going to check21:13
borbosha_laptopScunizi, irssi is the terminal based IRC client right?21:14
Scuniziborbosha_laptop: yep.. suprised me too when I found out.21:14
warriorforgodborbosha_laptop: yes21:14
zroyschwhy does my laptop lose connection to my home server over the internet every few minutes. it stays connected to the rest of the internet, but my connection to mpd, icecast stream, sshfs mounts, ssh connection will fail simultaneously and I cannot connect for more than a minute, then it will automatically become connectable again. the cycle repeats every 5-10minutes21:16
shadghostis there a disk intragity check i can run\21:17
Scunizizroysch: could be your ISP is traffic shaping21:17
erUSULshadghost: fsck21:17
zroyschScunizi: how would i narrow it down to that21:17
Arsiney, I need help partitoning my flash drive21:18
shadghostok, so that is it, i ran that to fix the system, i just want to make ure that fsck did not break anything when fixing it21:18
Scunizizroysch: no idea.. sorry21:18
ChogyDanzroysch: maybe mtr could give you some insight, I dont know btw21:19
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zroyschChogyDan: mtr?21:20
ChogyDanzroysch: it's a terminal command21:21
coreymanHow do I disable a driver on ubuntu? I ran "sudo lshq -C video" and two drivers showed up... i only need the one to be operational. They both also stated that they were unclaimed?21:21
YCool_AWAi dont want to mess up my ubuntu 9.04  im afraid to upgrade to karmic :P21:21
brendan`anyone have any idea when i connect to my ubuntu machine via vnc, the programs open up and are visible on the monitor for the ubuntu machine and not through the VNC window?21:21
YCool_AWAstill using 9.0421:21
coreymanbrendan your network connection is to slow?21:21
coreymanbrendan or you lost connection?21:21
coreyman How do I disable a driver on ubuntu? I ran "sudo lshq -C video" and two drivers showed up... i only need the one to be operational. They both also stated that they were unclaimed?21:22
brendan`nah, its both internally connected at the moment21:22
brendan`using our internal IPs, etc to connect21:22
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coreymanbrendan what is showing up in VNC?21:22
brendan`i see the desktop, i'll go to click on firefox or gedit (shortcuts on the desktop) and it opens them up, but only visible on the ubuntu machine21:23
coreymanCan you see your mouse moving around?21:23
brendan`i just configured System > Prefs > Remote Desktop21:23
coreymanbrendan can you see your mouse moving around?21:24
brendan`then using tightvnc client and connecting.. once connected i see the desktop, etc. but opening up programs just displays them on the local ubuntu machine21:24
Scunizibrendan`: sounds like you have an option set for window only and not screen.. sorry I don't know how to change..21:24
jimbeam12hey all21:24
coreymanbrendan if you can see your mouse moving around... you are running a seperate display when you connect via VNC21:24
YCool_AWAanyone here know how to set up vanity ip or vhost :P21:25
kurt__so... I guess nobody knows on a ftp server or a sftp server =(21:25
jimbeam12what up with this ubuntu i thought it was the best thing21:25
carolynehi there, I'm having problems connecting to my WPA network with my orinoco gold card21:25
brendan`yeah i see the mouse move around on the ubuntu machine and on the VNC window21:25
carolyneI've got the agere firmware installed and the card appears to work21:25
ArsinHey I can't seem to be able to make a FAT32 and ext4 partition on my flash drive, everytime I try I get an unkown volume and a FAT32 partition, the ext4 wont work21:25
carolynethis is on jaunty21:25
jimbeam12man just updated my hardware drivers and iam getting this message" Amd unsupported hardware"21:25
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jimbeam12anyone having this problem21:25
brendan`coreyman: where would you configure it so it doesn't do the separate display?21:25
brendan`i just checked the tightvnc client properties and didnt see anything21:26
jimbeam12i got this watermark on the bottom right of screen21:26
nasehasehuhu, hab seit mehreren tagen keine updates mehr21:26
coreymanbrendan i forgot, some kind of X11 config.21:26
dAnonempathy sucks ass, it opens links in firefox instead of Opera21:28
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ArsinDo some flash drives not allow their memory to be formatted a certian way?21:28
PolarinaArsin: No.21:29
ChogyDandAnon: have you set opera as the default?21:29
ArsinPolarina: Any idea why mine wont format to ext4?21:29
PolarinaNo, sorry.21:29
ArsinPolarina:  I can't seem to be able to make a FAT32 and ext4 partition on my flash drive, everytime I try I get an unkown volume and a FAT32 partition, the ext4 wont work21:29
luis_I need help: someone in my AMSN list can talk if he was me! i dont know if he is using a script or something to do it, i hate it, can I put a stop to that with linux? Maybe a protection, so when he tries to talk for me, a message appears like: HAHA LOL U CANT HACK ME BIATCH!!21:29
luis_Hate it21:30
occy1has anyone here set up CGIIRC on Ubuntu before?21:30
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ChogyDanArsin: what are you trying to do?21:31
AJH101Hi there - is Lubuntu the lightest distro around?21:31
ArsinChogyDan: Create a FAT32 and ext3 or ext4 partition21:31
luis_I need help: someone in my AMSN list can talk if he was me! i dont know if he is using a script or something to do it, i hate it, can I put a stop to that with linux? Maybe a protection, so when he tries to talk for me, a message appears like: HAHA LOL U CANT HACK ME BIATCH!!21:31
luis_I need help: someone in my AMSN list can talk if he was me! i dont know if he is using a script or something to do it, i hate it, can I put a stop to that with linux? Maybe a protection, so when he tries to talk for me, a message appears like: HAHA LOL U CANT HACK ME BIATCH!!21:31
FloodBot3luis_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:31
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andrukhow do i get xsetwacom to see my wacom tablet in 9.10?21:32
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ArsinAJH101: I think http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/ or http://www.puppylinux.org/ might be21:32
kostkonluis_, change your msn password21:32
ArsinAJH101: Non-ubuntu based though21:32
luis_kostkon... he didnt hacked my account, he is just able to use a script to talk "Like X Person"21:33
luis_example: Kostkon said: Hahaha i am a b****21:33
mordofi have an ubuntu 8.10 live cd, but i'm running ubuntu 9.04.. i want to install windows for dual boot, so i'll need to reinstall grub.  would reinstalling grub from 8.10 work for xp and 9.04?21:33
kostkonluis_, just to be sure, change your pass21:33
luis_i tell u, i saw him in action, he just make it like a prank21:34
spOwhy does Karmic play 1080p videos worse than Jaunty did?21:34
ChogyDanmordof: as long as you arent using ext4, yes21:34
carolynemy orinoco gold works perfectly in Arch, but doesn't seem to want to play in Ubuntu - anyone had any success with this wifi card and WPA-PSK?21:35
mordofChogyDan: k, checked fstab, it's mounting ext3.  is it better to be using ext4?21:36
ChogyDanArsin: I just tried it with gparted.  I was able to get a fat32 and ext421:36
Robs1Hi, how can I change the sound volume meter, to adjust "Master" and not PCI ? 9.1021:36
ChogyDanmordof: I think if you do _not_ use ext4, you should be fine using 8.10s grub21:36
trismandruk: try the fix here for wacomcpl, should be the same https://help.ubuntu.com/community/X61T#Wacomcpl21:37
ArsinChogyDan: Do you know GParted well? because it keeps coming up as "Unknown" for me21:37
mordofChogyDan: *nods*. understood.. wondering about  comparing ext3 and ext4 though at this point, i didn't know it was upgraded21:37
bidif i want to create 2 subdomain on the same maching, i dont need to create a new record in the dns server right? dev.example.com and qa.example.com. just in the apache2.conf create new dirctory right?21:37
ChogyDanmordof: ext4 is supposed to be faster...  and it is a natural upgrade.  But most of the new features, I never really understood21:38
txomonhello some one knows about configuring the wifi card here?21:38
solifugusHow can I switch from ubuntu's default (stupid) british English dictionary to a U.S. dictionary?21:38
solifugusfor spell checking and such21:38
mordofah, i suppose i'll look into it further at a later date. ty ChogyDan21:38
carolyneany suggestions at all more helpful than "get another card" for getting an orinoco gold working in Jaunty?  I have the agere firmware downloaded and it seems to be loaded by the module when the card is inserted21:38
ChogyDanArsin: have you tried deleting everything, including the partition table?  no, don't know gparted all that well21:38
ArsinChogyDan: Plenty of times21:39
andruktrism: thanks, ill check it out21:39
n8tusercarolyne -> do a google for how to use orinoco gold perhaps? those cards are good for open source stuff... at least back then21:40
txomonhello some one knows about configuring the wifi card here?21:40
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carolynen8tuser: oh, google, wow I never would have thought of that ;-)21:41
Robs1No one can help me with the volume ?????21:41
ChogyDancarolyne: have you removed hostap?  (I dont know what Im talking about btw)21:41
ArsinRobs1: Do you have a soundcard?21:41
carolynen8tuser: I already have it working in Arch, it would be nice if I could use it in Ubuntu21:41
Robs1Arsin: Of course...Integrated21:42
txomonhello some one knows about configuring the wifi card here?21:42
carolyneChogyDan: good suggestion, but hostap isn't installed21:42
natewiebe13anyone use 'quickly'?21:42
gordonjcpcarolyne: forget it, stick with arch ;-)21:42
ArsinRobs1: Ah, onboard then. When you right click the volume meter go to sound prefrences, output, and see which is correct21:43
ChogyDantxomon: what is your question?21:43
carolynemeh, ubuntu for pointless shiny, arch for getting stuff done I suppose21:43
carolynethanks anyway, looks like ubuntu's wifi is just as broken as ever21:44
txomonChogyDan: the light, doesn't work, but the button does, so there is no way to know if it is switched or not, and it is recognised as another model21:44
Robs1Arsin: Internal audio analog stereo - and it is the only choice. I just want to change the main volume, so it would change the "Master" instead of PCI21:44
arghh2d2Robs1: im not running Gnome but i'm thinking you could right click the applet icon and go to prefernces maybe21:45
mordofChogyDan: i'm looking at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Recovering%20GRUB%20after%20reinstalling%20Windows     and i'm not sure which information to specify for telling it where my ubuntu partition is installed, i know it's at /dev/sda1.. and i don't know where it should put the boot sector, or where to find that information.  are you able to help?21:45
txomonmordof: to update the grub,21:46
txomondownload super-grub21:46
txomonit does it automaticly21:46
jimbeam12amd unsupported harware21:46
Robs1arghh2d2: Well, in there, there is no such setting, to change it21:46
glaksmonowhere's apache installed?21:46
glaksmonoi try to find httpd.conf21:46
lstarnesglaksmono: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf21:46
jimbeam12amd unsupported harware21:46
arghh2d2Robs1: i tried21:47
jimbeam12amd unsupported harware21:47
jimbeam12amd unsupported harware21:47
jimbeam12amd unsupported harware21:47
mordoftxomon: i don't think i like the sounds of that.. if something goes wrong i won't know how to fix it21:47
FloodBot3jimbeam12: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
Robs1arghh2d2: It is possible in Jaunty, but not in Koala21:47
ChogyDanmordof: hd0,1 should = /dev/sda121:47
natbetI'm setting up ircd-hybrid for a internal irc server, but chanserv and nickserv aren't there. Is there any settings that need to be changed to get them working?21:47
lstarnesnatbet: chanserv and nickserv are not part of the server21:47
Cocodecoque tal gente21:47
txomonmordof: super-grub is a live cd that fixes it all automaticly21:48
erUSUL!es | Cocodeco21:48
ubottuCocodeco: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:48
txomonmuy bien!21:48
lstarnesnatbet: you need a separate services package for that, such as anope or atheme21:48
jimbeam12anyone know how to remove this watermark "Amd unsupported hardware"21:48
CocodecoxD gracias lo are ups perdon thank you xD21:48
natbetlstarnes: ah, that explains it, thanks21:48
C00LFIREab jedem 2 anruf bei skype, rauscht mein headset >.<21:49
C00LFIREweis jemand rat21:49
glaksmonolstarness: for some reason the server only reads .jsp files as a plain/text21:49
LjL!de | C00LFIRE21:49
ubottuC00LFIRE: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:49
mordofChogyDan: ok.  i'll give that a try, thanks.21:49
penguin007Hi ! unrelated to Ubuntu, but does somebody know a 2.5" hard disk USB case compatible with non-standards 2.5" SATA disks (new 750 GB 12.5mm disk, standards are 9mm) ???21:50
erUSULpenguin007: #hardware21:50
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penguin007yeah, good idea thx !21:50
mordoftxomon: i don't like the way it describes super-grub on it's site, lol...  'Sorry for any troubles that you run into.' on the downloads page...21:51
hdonhi all. a friend just sent me a TTF font. how can i try it out? i'd like to see it in gvim, too21:51
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:52
mordofway to instill confidence in the software i'd be using to restore entire functionality to my computer xD21:52
glphvgacsis IDLE enabled by default for mutt?21:52
txomonmordof: ok I understand it... but it worked fine for me21:52
hdonerUSUL: thanks. i've never really messed around with my system's fonts before.21:52
ubuntunewuserhello, is there anyway to show grub2 menu to choose recovery mode??21:54
ChogyDantxomon: the latest ubuntu21:55
txomonChogyDan: I have it!21:55
ChogyDanubuntunewuser: I think press shift, or configure it21:55
ChogyDantxomon: then I guess you should file a bug report.21:56
txomonwhich of the two rooms are for bug reportingo ChogyDan?21:56
ubuntunewuserChogyDan, im trying to see the boot menu... somehow im directly bootin into the memory test...21:56
ChogyDantxomon: I think Canonical has people that can fix that for the next release21:56
ChogyDan!grub2 | ubuntunewuser21:56
ubottuubuntunewuser: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub221:56
jakobu18tr34657Is it possible to upgrade 6.06 LTS Server to 10.04 LTS Server?21:57
txomonChogyDan: I mean where do I post the bug21:57
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Robs1How can i change the sound volume of master fast ? I dont want to go to ALSA Mixer everitime.21:57
lstarnesjimbeam12: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1248220 might be helpful21:57
lstarnesjakobu18tr34657: you will most likely need to upgrade to 8.04 first21:57
spOJaunty was able to play 1080p movies better than Karmic.... Now i get slow downs and such even after tweaking with the settings a lot21:58
jakobu18tr34657lstarnes: thankts21:58
sebsebsebjakobu18tr34657: not yet since 10.04 isn't out yet, also you would have to go through 8.04 first21:58
JothI have a problem with Karmic suddenly shutting down mid-iPlayer playback, can anyone please help?21:58
ubuntunewuserok no answer for my question on that page, still dont know how to see bootmenu on grub2....!21:59
jakobu18tr34657Thanks sebsebseb. I thought it might be possible to skip 8.04 as 6.06 LTS Server is supported until 2011.21:59
nowimprovedanyone run fluxbox under karmic?22:00
sebsebsebjakobu18tr34657: ok np, what kind of server by the way? just wondering22:00
jakobu18tr34657Web servers22:00
sebsebsebjakobu18tr34657: oh ok and for?22:01
coreymanComposting keeps getting disabled every time i enable it... whats going wrong?22:01
dAnonempathy is such a worthless piece of unfuncional messager22:01
glaksmonodamnn this apache on ubuntu is confusing22:01
glaksmonocan anyone help me?22:01
jakobu18tr34657They are hosting commercial websites - i work for a company that does some hosting22:01
KindOneI have just installed Xubuntu and i have this issue http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2rf7btc&s=6 How can i fix it?22:01
geurtwhat seems to be the problem ?22:01
kenshin_hi all.22:02
geurtHi glaksmono.. what seems to be the problem22:02
glaksmonogeurt: for some reason .jsp files are read as plain/text22:02
kenshin_sudo add-apt-key ppa:chromium-daily/ppa isnt working22:03
geurtwell for jsp, you need a java server normally22:03
geurtlike tomcat22:03
kenshin_says : sudo: add-apt-key: command not found22:03
kenshin_i am trying to install chromium22:03
geurtyou can us jkmount22:03
=== Crazyguy_ is now known as Crazyguy
kenshin_and stuck there.22:04
glaksmonogeurt: i cannot have both it handles php and jsp?22:04
geurtyes you can22:04
ArsinI can't seem to be able to make a FAT32 and ext4 partition on my flash drive, everytime I try I get an unkown volume and a FAT32 partition, the ext4 wont work22:04
Robs1How can i change the sound volume of "master" fast ? I dont want to go to ALSA Mixer everytime.22:04
jakobu18tr34657kenshin_: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa22:04
trismkenshin_: sudo apt-get install add-apt-key22:04
geurtyou have to install both tomcat and apache. apache handles every file but only .jsp is handed by tomcat22:04
spOWhy does Jaunty play 1080p videos better than Karmic does?  Apparently, I get lots of slow downs with this karmic even after I tried lots of different tweaks22:04
jakobu18tr34657kenshin_: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 4E5E17B522:04
erUSULkenshin_: chromium is in repos in karmic ....22:05
JothCan anybody help me with a shutdown problem please?22:05
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erUSUL!info chromium22:05
ubottuchromium (source: chromium-bsu): transitional dummy package for chromium-bsu. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.14-1 (karmic), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB22:05
Guest34806I have upgraded to 9.10 x64. It wont boot, freezes on the ubuntu load screen. what do I do?22:05
jakobu18tr34657Joth: Probalby. What's the problem?22:05
geurtlately i configured a server that handles both jsp and php22:06
DasEiGuest34806: safe mode ?22:06
trismnot really the same chromium I suspect22:06
JothWhile watching BBC iplayer, my laptop just shuts down - doesn't just go off, goes through the shutdown screen and turns itself off.22:06
Guest34806DasEi: I am working i the safe mode gui right now, bot have no idea what to do to fix the system. everything works in safe mode except sound.22:06
theViciuxsalguien español22:07
Pici!es | theViciuxs22:07
JothMight not be connected with the BBC iplayer program, but the only times it's happened has been while that was running.22:07
ubottutheViciuxs: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:07
jakobu18tr34657Joth: Hmm.22:07
DasEiGuest34806: humm ? safemode is just cmd-line, nor ?22:07
bipolarDoes anyone know of a terminal application that has the option to lock the number of rows/columns and scale the font when the window is resized?22:07
JothAny idea how I can start to diagnose the problem?22:07
kenshin_jakobu18tr34657: the command worked, but sudo apt-get install chromium-browser dint.22:07
jakobu18tr34657Joth: It shuts down itself?22:07
JothYeah, exactly22:07
kenshin_says cudnt find package.22:07
nowimprovedanyone run fluxbox?22:08
DJoneserUSUL: That chromium factoid is for the chromium B S U space shooter game22:08
Guest34806DasEi: I logged out of root into my screen name, and cmd-line startx to start the gui22:08
jakobu18tr34657kenshin_: sudo apt-get update first22:08
erUSULDJones: ouch!22:08
kenshin_i did22:08
kenshin_no problem with that22:08
jakobu18tr34657Joth: Do you have anything in the logs?22:08
JothHow can I check?22:08
erUSUL!info chromium-browser22:09
jakobu18tr34657Joth: System->Administration -> Log viewer22:09
ubottuPackage chromium-browser does not exist in karmic22:09
jva_all: how can i prevent a terminal window from being closed by exit command22:09
geurtpost your question about jsp on launchpad22:09
JothWhich log should I be looking at? syslog?22:09
jakobu18tr34657Joth: Yes22:09
kenshin_jakobu18tr34657, what do i do?22:09
=== frost__ is now known as luise
erUSULjva_: if you exit the shell what you spect to see in the terminal ? there is nothing to show22:10
Guest34806DasEi: I logged out of root into my screen name, and cmd-line startx to start the gui22:10
jakobu18tr34657kenshin_ what's not working now?22:10
kenshin_sudo apt-get install chromium-browser22:10
kenshin_isnt working.22:10
kenshin_says package not found22:10
jakobu18tr34657What does it say?22:10
erUSULkenshin_: then you need the ppa after all. add it by hand via System>Admin>Software soureces...22:11
kenshin_erUSUL, ok..22:11
DJoneserUSUL: Is a pm ok?22:11
jakobu18tr34657Joth: Does it give useful info?22:11
DasEi3Guest34806: safe mode gui ? you speak about the menu resume normal and so on ?22:11
aefsince the update to 9.10 nautilus often does not show all items of a folder and keeps showing me the loading spinner mouse pointer. sometimes no items are shown in a folder that has a lot of items. i have seen this on 2 totally different systems now, and it's really annoying22:11
aefany ideas?22:12
erUSULDJones: yes22:12
kenshin_erUSUL, by going to the Other Software tab and clicking on Add?22:12
erUSULkenshin_: yes22:12
skandehi guy22:12
JothTrying to find the bit where it crashed, sorry22:12
Guest34806DasEi3: everything works find from safe mode, but I cant boot into the normal kernel without freezing22:12
skandei need doc on  keyboard interruptions , can you help me ??22:12
ChogyDankenshin_: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/ppa22:13
DasEi3Guest34806: did you ran first netroot (to get inet) , then dpkg - repair option ?22:13
LetsGo67My laptop turns off by ITSELF only 15 minutes after booting up!  Only after I updated to 9.10!  Help please!22:13
erUSULkenshin_: the apt line is --> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chromium-daily/ppa/ubuntu karmic main22:13
Guest34806dpkg doesnt seem to do anything22:13
kenshin_entered the wrong thing..22:13
erUSULkenshin_: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa22:14
ChogyDankenshin_: that command does it all...22:14
kenshin_yes thats where i went22:14
kenshin_and its correctly entered22:14
LetsGo67It is driving me INSANE!  Computer turning off by ITSELF!22:14
kenshin_and its ticked as well22:15
Guest34806DasEi3: dpkg doesnt seem to do anything22:15
jva__erUSUL: what i really want is a sticky terminal windows embedded in the desktop22:15
Jothjakobul8tr34657: It just happened again while I was looking at the log, so it's nothing to do with iplayer :)22:15
kenshin_seems to be working now22:15
ZykoticK9kenshin_, in a command line just run "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily" and you'll be all setup key and all!22:15
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
kenshin_working now22:15
kenshin_thank you all22:15
lianimatorHi, I'm trying to play a DVD with VLC by right-click, open with, VLC, but it keeps opening pidgin instead of vlc!22:16
tmusHi all - Can someone tell me; do I need to enable *both* the $release-updates and $release-security repositories or will $release-security always be a subset of $release-updates or how is that intermingled??22:16
erUSULjva__: but there have to be something running inside (irssi mutt htop bash etc)22:16
kenshin_this channel is the best22:16
kenshin_i've ever seen22:16
JothLetsGo67: I think I'm having the same problem as you, trying to sort it out now.22:16
kenshin_1534 users is a lot22:16
skande i need doc on  keyboard interruptions , can you help me ?22:16
DasEi4Guest34806: it shall sit there a while in updating/grading your sys, least reading the repos22:17
LetsGo67Joth: it's rather urgent.  :(22:17
timClicksis there an ability to remove ppas? e.g. something like remove-apt-repository?22:17
subsu_I can't toggle my keyboard layout with my CAPS key by setting it as my group toggle in xorg.conf. Is this something that is ubuntu specific? I've never encountered this problem before.22:17
LetsGo67Joth: first boot: quiet as a mouse.  Second boot: fan is super loud!22:17
DasEi4Guest34806: as mentioned above, first choose netroot to get inet, then use <exit> back to menu, then use dpkg..22:18
timClicksi'm now getting a 404 error on a launchpad ppa and apt-get is getting angry22:18
estud04uhuuhhh mmm lot of people here22:18
JothLetsGo67: Checking my log now. The guy who was helping me has left, so I'm as stuck as you now - I'm a helpee rather than a helper, sorry!22:18
Guest34806I'll try it. be right back22:18
LetsGo67Joth: same here.22:18
ChogyDantimClicks: there is the repository gui.... but apt will never get that angry about it.  its safe to ignore22:18
skandenobody know ?22:18
jdo_nick webm0nk3y22:19
LetsGo67Joth, does this happen when you use Firefox?  What are your specs?22:19
scottandmoniquewhats the question again please22:19
jva__erUSUL: definitely bash22:19
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skande i need doc on  keyboard interruptions , can you help me ?22:19
erUSUL!info tilda22:19
ubottutilda (source: tilda): terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.6-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 79 kB, installed size 588 kB22:20
timClicksChogyDan: thanks - will have another look22:20
skandei wanna write an apps in C22:20
scottandmoniquekeyboard interuptions sorry I cannot help what are u using this for if i may ask22:20
JothLetsGo67: Mainly when I'm watching video. I think it's a problem with the fan - when the system gets too hot, it autodetects this and shuts the system down for safety.22:20
timClicksChogyDan: do you know the CLI command or menu instructions?22:20
skande [writing a keylogger]22:20
subsu_skande: what do you mean with 'keyboard interuptions'?22:20
timClicksChogyDan: nm, sorted22:20
ChogyDantimClicks: well, on the cli, you would just edit /etc/apt/sources.list    mk, then FYI  :)22:21
skandesubsu_: how do the system get the keysims22:21
savidDoes anyone know of a good offsite backup service like mozy that supports linux?22:21
estud04is there a tutorial for running remote X11 appz in ubuntu22:21
scottandmoniqueno sorry not a c++ programer sorry i coant help22:21
LetsGo67Joth: did you have this in 9.04?22:21
timClicksChogyDan: great - the ppa error is now gone :)22:21
CarlFKapt-get install libc-dbg - after that how do I tell gdb to use it?22:21
timClickshave another irritating issue..22:22
ChogyDansavid: have you tried ubuntu-one?22:22
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures22:22
rfmonksavid look at amazon22:22
subsu_skande: Do you mean signals that is sent to a process?22:22
timClicks"W: Failed to fetch http://nz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/main/source/Sources.bz2  Hash Sum mismatch"22:22
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subsu_skande: like from kill(1)22:22
JothLetsGo67: No, but I'm not sure if it's connected with the upgrade or whether it just so happens that my laptop's fan has packed it in at the same time.22:22
dAnonwhy does empathy and pidgin open links in faggotfox?22:23
JothLetsGo67: If you're using a desktop,  it would be relatively easy just to take off the casing and check your fan for dust, muck, etc, and wipe it off.22:23
Guest78190DasEi: dpkg repair reads  rm:cannot remove `var/lib/apt/lists/partial/*` No such file or dir22:23
xenogiaHi, I noticed if I add concurrency=shell to my /init.d/rc file and then restart it doesn't load up half of my services such as cups and samba.  is there a reason why this is happening?22:23
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LetsGo67Josh: laptop.  Not so easy.22:23
ChogyDandAnon: have you set opera as the default?22:23
skandesubsu_,  keyboard interruption wich are sent to a process22:23
kermitwhy does transmission eat so much cpu just uploading 30K/s ?22:24
JothLetsGo67: Yeah, same here. I'm Googling to see if it's a software issue with Karmic.22:24
Guest78190DasEi: and  rm:cannot remove `var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*` No such file or dir22:24
ZykoticK9xenogia, are you running 9.10?22:24
brianhermankermit: because its torrents22:24
kermitit's a shame i have to kill it to save cpu, not bandwidth22:24
DasEi4Guest78190: sry for my nick changing, I'm frickling here ; let it finish, that's just sig for uninterupted dpkg22:24
xenogiaZykotickK9: yeah it seems its not loading scripts or something22:24
savidChogyDan,  rfmonk:  Looking to back-up photos, so I have tons of GB.  The nice thing about Mozy or Carbonite is that they offer unlimited storage for a fixed price ($5/mo).  Can't find anything similar that supports linux.22:24
JothLetsGo67: Does seem to be an issue with Karmic after all. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/43516322:24
subsu_skande: Then you need to attach a handler to the signal, read the libc infopage, section 'Signal handling'22:25
Guest78190DasEi: I continue with update anf it lists 0 packages removed, upgraded, etc22:25
Guest78190DasEi: I continue with update and it lists 0 packages removed, upgraded, etc22:25
subsu_skande: It's very informative22:25
ZykoticK9xenogia, init.d way replaced with upstart in 9.10 -- so different startup mechanism from init -- guess that old trick doesn't work anymore -- i'm gonna try in a VM now22:25
DasEi4Guest78190:  let it finish, answer yes to it's quests22:25
xenogiaZyktoticK9: thanks, tell me if you find a work around22:25
Guest78190DasEi4: I did, nothing changed. just went back to safe mode menu22:26
freaky[t]hi all. how can i enable my wlan device in ubuntu?22:26
ymlwhere is the best place to get advise about creating a deb file ?22:26
freaky[t]it's not working22:26
chiefhi, where is the best place to find documentation on creating your own window manager from scratch ?22:26
mysoogalhow to skip Hash Check MD5 on metalinks22:27
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tmusQuestion - If i want to have the updates repository enabled, do I need to enable the security repository too? And why?22:27
mysoogal? i have 100 split AVI and all of them would need HASH MD5 but i would like to skip that MD5 thing22:27
erUSULyml: probably #ubuntu-motu22:27
erUSUL!packaging | yml22:27
ubottuyml: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports22:27
subsu_chief: check out the aewm source code22:27
DasEi4Guest78190: k, back to netroot, then : sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog           << give resulting url here22:27
chiefsubsu : thanks22:28
ChogyDantmus: pretty sure you can do one or the other22:28
lstarnestmus: you should enable that too22:28
ymlerUSUL: thanks I am heading there22:28
mysoogalanybody got experience with metalinks ?22:28
lstarnestmus: in case major security fixes get into the security repo but not updates22:28
mysoogalhow would i skip HASH MD5 for many parts to a single file ?22:28
tmusChogyDan, lstarnes : Thanks - Do you know of a resource that explains the semantics around this?22:29
subsu_chief: It's a good startingpoint, the dwm code is also a good starting point.22:29
K|L0p0nDBuenas noches a tod@s22:29
K|L0p0nDhay alguien que me pueda ayudar en un problemilla?22:29
K|L0p0nDni googleando encuentro solución XD22:29
banished!es K|L0p0nD22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about es K22:30
LjL!es | K|L0p0nD22:30
ubottuK|L0p0nD: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.22:30
lstarnestmus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories has a better explanation.  According to it, I may be incorrect22:30
zopiachow do i make Rhythmbox not show up in the notification area?22:30
jongbergslstarnes: you're here too, im glad to know that..i remeber we've talked before in this channel..what's your preferred irc client for terminal?22:30
trismzopiac: right click on the rhythmbox icon in the system tray22:31
xenogiaZykoticK9: How does it go?22:31
jedi06hello The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".22:31
jedi06just upgraded to 9.1022:31
lstarnesjongbergs: irssi22:31
ZykoticK9xenogia, booting up now :)22:31
zopiactrism: and?22:31
jedi06what should i do?22:31
xenogiaZykoticK9: haha sorry22:31
tmuslstarnes, okay - i'll check that one out... thanks a lot :-)22:31
ZykoticK9xenogia, graphics broken already!  still getting to desktop22:31
trismzopiac: sorry, I figured it would be obvious when you clicked, uncheck "Show Notifications"22:32
DasEi4clonebot ?!22:32
zopiactrism: no, thats not what i want22:32
xenogiaZykoticK9: is there a way to edit upstart i wonder22:32
zopiactrism: i want for the icon to not be in the notification area, not for it to not show notifications22:32
jongbergslstarnes: i see, i just installed it and currently using it right now..actually, i used xchat mos of the time, but i also like how to do it in terminal..22:32
joe-noseanyone else having problems updating to the latest flash plugin?22:32
Guest78190DasEi4: just says http://pastebin.com22:33
coreymanhow do i use the vesa driver instead of the ones currently in use?22:33
grymekon ubuntu 9.10 what is version of xorg ?22:33
zopiactrism: sorry, I figured i was more obvious when I said, not show up in the notification area22:33
DasEi4Guest78190: pastebinit /var/log/syslog22:33
jongbergscoreyman: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:33
jedi06what is en-GB 2 new add-ons for firefox?22:34
trismzopiac: Edit/Plugins disable Status icon22:34
jedi06i'm en-US...22:34
lianimatorif I install ubuntu AMD64, which driver of nvidia should I use? IA64 or AMD64/EM64T? or is it still IA32?22:34
Guest78190DasEi4: just says http://pastebin.com again22:34
lstarnesjongbergs: en-GB is largely the same as en-US22:34
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lstarneslianimator: amd/64em64t22:34
lstarneslianimator: er, amd64/em64t22:34
grymeklianimator: IA6422:35
lstarnesgrymek: no22:35
lstarnesgrymek: IA64 is Itanium22:35
zopiactrism: i dont have that plugin; can I download it? (will google) The closest I have is 'Minimise to Tray' which is disabled22:35
ZykoticK9xenogia, well i'd have to say CONCURRENCY=SHELL is NOT a good idea in 9.10 -- this is good to know.  As for solution and/or upstart options i have no idea -- but personally i'm not going any further - 9.10 starts SUPER fast for me personally.  Best of luck man.22:35
grymeklstarnes, why not ?22:35
jedi06Hello what should i do about this delete or not? The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".22:35
LetsGo67Joth: hmm...22:35
grymeklstarnes, oh, sorry22:35
Guest20310ia64 is for titanium processor only22:35
lstarnesgrymek: itanium is IA64, which is a completely different architecture22:35
xenogiathanks ZykoticK922:35
pepperspray hi, can you show me how I can put this on my user commands : kickban # <nick> <mask>22:35
lianimatorlstarnes: Guest20310: thanks22:36
lstarnesgrymek: amd64 and em64t are both 64-bit extensions to ia3222:36
coreymanwhat is the key combo to restart x?22:36
grymeklstarnes, how to check version xorg22:36
xenogiaZykoticK9: I have it thrashing my hdd at boot up which is weird just after the login sound plays22:36
lstarnesgrymek: aptitude show xserver-xorg22:36
grymeklstarnes, i have 1.6.2 but i need22:36
lstarnescoreyman: usually itś contrl+alt+backspace22:36
ChogyDancoreyman: alt+sysrq+k22:36
jedi06Hello just updated to 9.10 what should i do about this delete or not? The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet".22:36
lstarnespepperspray: that depends on your client22:36
coreymanchogydan thx22:36
ZykoticK9xenogia, that is long after what would be effected my concurrency=shell is done BTW22:36
grymeklstarnes,  1:7.4 ver22:37
grymekthen i have 7.4 ?22:37
Guest78190DasEi4: just says http://pastebin.com again, what now?22:37
lstarnesgrymek: yes22:37
ArsinI get this error when I try to mount my flash drive http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m11fa523822:37
jongbergsChogyDan: does it work in karmic?22:37
ChogyDanjongbergs: what?22:37
cankoyjedi06: delete it22:37
trismzopiac: this is in 9.10 without any extra plugins installed, I don't remember what it is before 9.10, sorry22:37
grymeklstarnes, then why i cant install fglrx driver from ati.com ?22:37
peppersprayI'm on xchat22:37
xenogiaZykoticK9: ah k, i really don't know why then its doing it.  the logs dont look any different22:37
lstarnesgrymek: I don't know22:37
zopiactrism: all right, thanks though22:37
coreymanhow do i know what video drivers im using?22:38
cankoyjedi06: threre's indicator-session-applet instead in Karmic22:38
ZykoticK9xenogia, i have no ideas for you man, best of luck.22:38
estud04when It happens it seems that my ssh session becomes frozen22:38
DasEi4Guest78190: just tried myself, seems to be down, look yourself then, : nano /var/log/syslog,  the end of that file contains latest sys-log, search for errors22:38
Arsincoreyman: System>Administrator>Hardware Drivers22:38
jedi06Also after i updated firefox looks different dled some language addons for en-GB but i'm en-US22:39
jongbergsChogyDan: i mean , alt+sysrq+k will logout you out in karmic?22:39
grymekArsin, how capacity have your pendrive ?22:39
JothLetsGo67: The only thing I can really find suggested is installing Grub2 (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2) if it hasn't been installed already. Going to try this. I'm off now, good luck!22:39
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Arsingrymek: 16gb22:39
ChogyDanjongbergs: yeah.  That will kill x, its a little more abrupt than just logging out22:39
coreymanarsin that only shows proprietary drivers and not free drivers22:39
lstarnesjedi06: ubuntu firefox has en-GB by default even if you are en-US22:39
grymekArsin, try format this and then22:39
jongbergsChogyDan: thanks, i'll try that later..22:40
grymekArsin, try to mount22:40
Arsingrymek: I want it in ext322:40
jedi06what is GB?22:40
Arsingrymek: FAT32 works, just not ext322:40
lstarnesjedi06: Great Britain22:40
lstarnesjedi06: as in England or the UK22:40
jedi06ah ok why does it do that22:40
DasEi4jedi06: great britian ?22:40
Tartaroshi. how do I put the gnome panels on a different display than they are? on forums some say you can just drag them but I can't22:41
grymekArsin, try it mount in fat3222:41
lstarnesjedi06: canonical, the company behing ubuntu, is based in the UK22:41
Arsingrymek: I know it works in FAT32 already, just I want a ex3 drive22:41
grymekArsin, mkfs.ext3 /dev/yourpendrive22:41
grymekwith sudo22:41
grymekArsin, read man mkfs.ext3 for more information22:42
KIAazehi, is it necessary to have a 2nd HD of the same size to clone a disk (disk image, dd, whatever is necessary to recover data from a corrupted disk)?22:42
port`hey need helo how i can enable port forward on linux ! thx22:42
ZykoticK9Tartaros, hold down alt key then try Leftclick and drag to where you want22:42
coreymanhow can i view the video drivers currently in use on my system(including non free)22:42
Guest78190DasEi4: is there a more efficient way to search for what I need, this log is REALLY long22:42
kermitKIAaze: zero the free space first, then use compression, and you might be able to get it smaller22:43
pepperspray hi, can you show me how I can put this on my user commands on xchat : kickban # <nick> <mask>22:43
DasEi4*** pastebinit down ?!22:43
KIAazewhat do you mean by zero the free space? And how much smaller can it be made? (it's a 500GB HD)22:44
ZykoticK9coreyman, i take it you don't see anything in Hardware Drivers?  does "glxinfo" in a terminal help you out at all?22:44
lstarnespepperspray: look in Settings > Advanced > User commands22:44
DasEi4Guest78190: use ctrl+pgDwn,  or the editors search function (ctrl-w)22:44
coreymanzykotick9 checking22:44
TartarosZykoticK9: yeah thanks. I figured it out - you can't have them on auto expand22:44
Arsingrymek: In progress22:44
grymekArsin, long :D22:45
DasEi4is there another paster like pastebinit ?22:45
pepperspraylstarnes, yes. But I don't know what command I should use for the mask22:45
Arsingrymek: How long?22:45
ZykoticK9DasEi4, http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:45
grymekArsin, when i was format my pendrive, that take a few seconds only22:45
lstarnespepperspray: actually, the default alias involves right-clicking on a nick in the user list then selecting a ban from the dropdown menu22:45
KIAazealso, it's for attempting to recover a corrupted HD. (Windows C partition still working, the rest is seen as unallocated free space (should have a D partition + Ubuntu partition))22:45
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chalcedony(((( pepperspray ))))22:45
Arsingrymek: How big was yours?22:46
DasEi4ZykoticK9: trying to solve s.o. gui only22:46
ZykoticK9DasEi4, sorry that doesn't help you.  i don't know of any other cli pastbin tools sorry22:46
pepperspraylstarnes, thanks22:46
peppersprayhi chalcedony22:46
Arsingrymek: Same error22:46
grymekArsin, only 1gb22:46
chalcedonypepperspray, you want it to /msg x ban ?22:46
DasEi4ZykoticK9: :P22:46
=== junior is now known as ajunior
pepperspraychalcedony, a channel ban yet22:46
pepperspraychalcedony, not through x22:47
grymekon other computers pendrive is working good ?22:47
Arsingrymek: Not the same actually. http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4530331f22:47
chalcedonypepperspray, channel bans are in the right-click on a nick menu or you can do /mode #channel +b and paste the host with some *!*22:47
Guest78190DasEi4: K. what am I looking for?22:47
grymekArsin, specify the file system22:48
Arsingrymek: If it's FAT32 it's all good, but I want to run linux on my flash drive22:48
Arsingrymek: How do I do so?22:48
skandesubsu : thankssssssss22:48
grymekArsin, sudo mount /dev/sdd /media/.... -t ext322:48
DasEi4Guest78190: at errors from your last startup attempt ;; are you sure dpkg didn't d/l anything ? tried rebooting ?22:48
Arsingrymek:  sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdd  is what I did22:49
grymekthen now mount it22:49
ZykoticK9Arsin, you formated the drive instead of the partition!22:49
pepperspraychalcedony,  I was wondering if I could just make a command for it... without having to paste or anything.22:50
grymekArsin, sudo mount /dev/sdd /media/somefolder -t ext322:50
Guest78190Dasei4: well heres one: when pulseaudio tried to start it said X11 session manager was not running22:50
DasEi4Guest78190: without info little like a crystal-bowl, but after an upgrade, first, did you try a reboot after dpkg ? else try reinstalling gdm22:51
=== kj4kjl is now known as kj4
R0b0t1Hello, I have my Aluminum Apple keyboard with my mouse plugged into it. When I type on the keyboard, the mouse lags, causing me to be unable to play games. This also happens when I plug it in to some other port, and ma not using the keyboard as a hub22:51
Arsingrymek:  mount: can't find /dev/sdd in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab          ZykoticK9: What should I have done then?22:52
ZykoticK9Arsin, assuming you used "sudo fdisk /dev/sdd" and created a linux partition (sdd1) - then "sudo mkfs-ext3 /dev/sdd1"  followed by "mount /dev/sdd1 /foo_mount_point"22:53
savidThis ubuntu one thing is buggy as hell22:53
Guest78190Dasei4: how would I reinstall the x server?22:53
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holmserquick question... I want to alias a very long command I use frequently22:54
rvajHas anyone else been hacked since upgrading to Karma?  I have traced it to a nicname Krashed.22:54
sc_hi all22:54
BadSTuffoops sry. hi.. i tried to connect with a option globesurfer icom usb modem to a umts provider. http://paste.ubuntu.com/321935/ is all i got from /var/log/messages? is this a known bug? couldn't find anything in the wiki..22:54
DasEi4Guest78190: apt-get remove --purge gdm && apt-get install gdm22:54
ArsinZykoticK9: Wait, let's see.. How would I make a 7.56gb Partiton of FAT32 and the rest etx3?22:54
holmsergrowisofs -use-the-force-luke=dao -use-the-force-luke=break:1913760 -dvd-compat -speed=4 -Z /dev/dvd=dgr-blank.iso22:54
sontekIs there a way to get it so I can easily type the euro symbol with my laptop keyboard?22:54
holmsercan I alias the whole thing up to the /dev/dvd part, then just tack that on to my command?22:55
ZykoticK9Arsin, install gparted and use the gui :)22:55
qq99hey guys, recently installed win7 on another partition... looking to restore Grub, is it ok to use the 9.10 live cd?22:55
ArsinZykoticK9: Ya there the problem, GParted wont work22:55
holmseraka burniso /dev/dvd=dgr-blank.iso22:55
sc_still havin failure on wireless connection due to bcm 4318 with karmic 64 bit.help pls?22:55
kenshin_Ubuntu is simply great.22:55
boscopafter installinf emms my vlc player freezes everytime I open a pls playlist! why??22:55
kenshin_very robust.22:55
kenshin_better than Fedora.22:56
kenshin_and excellent community support.22:56
rvajSomeone - please tell me which channel is appropriate to discuss being hacked on a KK system!!!22:56
port`hey need helo how i can enable port forward on linux ! thx22:56
ZykoticK9Arsin, i'm sorry man i don't/can't help out with any MS (FAT32 in this case) issues, hopefully someone else in the channel can help with creating a FAT parition then formatting it with VFAT correctly.22:56
R0b0t1port`: Do you have a router?22:56
laclasse__rvaj, #ubuntu-hardened22:57
DasEi4Guest78190: got to go offline for ~10 min22:57
sc_pls help on wireless connectin?22:57
R0b0t1port`: Forwarding deals with the router, not linux.22:57
ChogyDanrvaj: maybe ubuntu-hardened?  But if you are already hacked, you may need to just reinstall22:57
port`R0b0t1 no i don't have router, they told me linux since as act router , i can forward port22:57
ScuniziR0b0t1: unless he's enabled ics....22:57
dagnachewhi all22:57
dagnachewI please help22:57
dagnachewI installed and on boot I got  waiting to boot from cd/dvd  Verifying DMP Pool Data.....22:58
dagnachewAMD Data Change...Update New Data to DMI22:58
ArsinZykoticK9: FAT32 is hardly the problem, I just can't seem to get ext3 to work22:58
sc_no help.bye22:58
port` <Scunizi> what is ics ? what do u mean /22:58
ScuniziInternet connection sharing.. basically using your compter to provide (and filter, portforward) internet to other computer(s) in you location.22:59
bastid_raZorholmser: yes22:59
ZykoticK9Arsin, create 2 partitions: one MS, one Linux.  this will probably mean linux will become /dev/sdd2 just format/mount it correctly.  use "fdisk -l" to verify after you've created your partitions.22:59
Scunizi!ics > port`23:00
ubottuport`, please see my private message23:00
holmserthanks bastid_raZor23:00
DanaGgrr, anyone know how to get evolution NOT to truncate calendar addresses?23:00
port` <Scunizi> i did masquerade23:01
DanaGIf I try to add this calendar:23:01
DanaGIt gives me webcal://www.google.com/ical/en.usa23:01
MrGoose1can I simulate a mouse click by writing to /dev/psaux?23:01
ArsinZykoticK9: When I create a second partition on GParted no matter what, the 2nd one becomes "Unknown" neither FAT32 nor ext3, if I make ext3 the first partition it doesn't work, but if I make it FAT32 it works23:01
port` <Scunizi> i want to forward port i got private network have apache want external network to access it using port forward! how ?23:01
ArsinZykoticK9: brb23:01
=== pagiz is now known as pagiz^off
DuClareHow do I start a terminal using the keyboard?  Ubuntu 9.1023:01
MrGoose1DuClare: Alt-F2 -> gnome-terminal23:02
DuClareThank you.23:02
linuxguy2009Arsin: Did you check out the persistant install tutorial from ubuntu.com that i sent you?23:02
MrGoose1DuClare: or Ctrl+Alt+F1-7 I think23:02
boscopafter installinf emms my vlc player freezes everytime I open a pls playlist! why?? I already reinstalled it23:03
Scuniziport`: and you have no router? then what may be happening is port 80 is being blocked by your ISP.. Set Apache to listen on a different port. like 8080 or something.. then from outside your house you'd access with .. http://<IP_Address:8080>23:04
port`<Scunizi> my modem have public ip and connect to my private network (linux box) how can client will connect to private ip without port forwarding the private address to public so external can access it ??23:05
gaatseI have linux xubuntu and I have no idea how to use skype, when I call someone he cannot hear me, I can hear him23:05
scott_ino2gaatse, have you confirmed your mic works first23:06
Maartenport`: You have to forward a port..... any reason why you can't?23:06
gaatseand when he calls we cannot hear each other. How do I confirm the mike?23:06
port`Maarten actually i'm asking how to forward port ?23:06
m0j4h3dhi to all ..23:07
m0j4h3di have a question .. how to bind two files in linux23:07
linuxguy2009gaatse: Test the mic offline with a recording app.23:07
scott_ino2gaatse, Applications/Sound and video/sound recorder is a good start23:07
m0j4h3d.exe files23:07
m0j4h3dcould i find help23:07
Maartenport`: You use the web interface of your router.23:07
LjLm0j4h3d: "bind" in what sense?23:07
Scuniziport`: then you have a router?23:08
R0b0t1port`: Forwarding deals with the router, not linux.23:08
gaatsethat sounds like chinees to me :-)23:08
R0b0t1Hello, I have my Aluminum Apple keyboard with my mouse plugged into it. When I type on the keyboard, the mouse lags, causing me to be unable to play games. This also happens when I plug it in to some other port, and ma not using the keyboard as a hub23:08
port`<Scunizi> no i don't have all i think that linux act as router23:08
m0j4h3dis there any body here23:08
LjLm0j4h3d: only 1494 people, one of which, namely me, just replied to you23:08
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Can you plug the mouse into its own port instead of the keyboard?23:08
Scuniziport`: dyndns.com is a service to help people connect but I think your ISP is still blocking port 80 so you'll have to change with Apache listens too.23:09
scott_ino2gaatse, what im saying is do the following. In your sound preferences confirm that your "input" is the mic of your computer you want to use and that it's not muted and levels are turned to appropriate volumes23:09
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: I just said that didn't work.23:09
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Why? Ubuntu doesnt support the mouse on its own or what exactly?23:09
aefsince the update to 9.10 nautilus often does not show all items of a folder and keeps showing me the loading spinner mouse pointer. sometimes no items are shown in a folder that has a lot of items. i have seen this on 2 totally different systems now, and it's really annoying. any ideas?23:09
gaatseokew I think I know.23:09
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: No, I know the mouse and keyboard are supported and should work fine, they worked in the past version. 9.04 or something23:10
gaatseHeadset is what I can choose, but then it's mute23:10
scott_ino2gaatse, also in skype there are a few volume controls you need to check23:10
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Do they go out of sync on all games?23:10
Maartenport`: It is also possible that your DSL modem or Cable modem acts as a router, and has a built in NAT translation. You would need the web interface for the client side of the modem then to configure forwarded ports.23:10
gaatseAnd all the other options I don't know what they are23:10
gaatseyes I know scott23:10
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: It happens out side of games too, if I try to type and move the mouse the mouse lags and then jumps to where it's supposed to be.23:11
scott_ino2gaatse, what's hard is i can't tell you where or what to look because the menus are diff if you're on xubuntu23:11
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Are the keyboard or mouse wireless?23:11
gaatseBut In skype I  can choose to do a test to record my voice but it does not play back to me.23:11
Scuniziport`: if what Maarten says is correct then the address to access the back end might be something like or
gaatseYes, I know Sckott. I have xubuntu 8.1023:11
port`<Scunizi>  lol how the external network will access it with privte!23:11
scott_ino2gaatse, that's why im saying to first test it in a program such as sound recorder23:11
gaatseI have tested in sound recorder. I must open all the mikes everytime again when I start that programm. Should I start sound recorder also when I use skype?23:12
mrXXis there a way i could play my youtube playlist as an audio in ubuntu?23:12
Scuniziport`: if your modem also acts like a router then you will have to log into the modem/router and set the port forwarding there.. but if your public ip address is dynamic and changes then you'll have to also use a free service like www.dyndns.com23:13
scott_ino2gaatse, if your sound works in sound recorder but not skype then we can narrow it down to skype23:13
archet45anyone here know any software that makes it very simple to capture analog video via capture card?23:13
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Are the lagging specific to Ubuntu only? And also all versions or just 9.10 for example?23:13
scott_ino2archet45, i believe VLC can capture video23:13
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: Yes, all 9.1023:13
scott_ino2unless you wanna use a media program23:13
mrXXscott_ino2 dude can you help my mic too? my internal mic doesn't work,23:13
qq99hey guys, I could use some help restoring my grub after installing win7 on another partition of the same disc23:13
qq99find /boot/grub/stage1 fails to work23:14
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: So the lagging is in all OSs?23:14
MilesThow do I change the solution of the GRUB boot menu?23:14
gaatseSo I don't have to open the mikes in soundrecorder to speak on hyves?23:14
LordHawke13What's the most realistic soundfont I can get?23:14
scott_ino2gaatse, no...23:14
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: Not sure, I can't install another Linux on here, but it worked fine in 9.04, 9.10 is the problem.23:14
gaatseI mean not hyves but skype23:14
vonnickDoes GIMP lag for anyone else? :(23:14
xapelI am using the sunab ppa on Ubuntu karmic for getting the latest Kdenlive, and I am unable to update to 0.7.6. Any ideas?23:14
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: I see.23:14
LordHawke13vonnick: Works fine for me. . .23:15
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scott_ino2mrXX, internal mic on laptop? also are you using gnome?23:15
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Does the mouse have a proprietary connector or something?23:15
vonnickUnless I go super slow the brush is way behind the cursor23:15
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: ... No, it's just a USB mouse.23:15
mrXXscott_ino2 i dont know abt gnome but i think thats it, yes it is an acer6350G23:15
Guest22193DasEi4: I could get to a login after the splash screen, but no mouse or keyboard control? what next?23:15
scott_ino2mrXX, if using gnome go to: system/preferences/sound23:15
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Ok so you have tried them on seperate ports and they dont work?23:15
LordHawke13What's the most realistic SoundFont I can install?23:15
scott_ino2the click input tab23:15
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: Yes23:16
mrXXscott_ino2 yes, then23:16
Ben34115Hello all :)23:16
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Can you be more specific? Yes, they dont work that way you mean?23:16
scott_ino2mrXX, does it show your microphone23:16
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: They don't work in any configuration what-so-ever23:16
mrXXscott_ino2 it shows mic, but the input level is none23:16
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: mouse always gets lagged23:16
gaatseHeee it worked scott. I needed to open my microphones on SoundRecorder to speak on skype.23:17
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linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Hmm. Well if its limited to 9.10 then you might consider filing a bug report.23:17
scott_ino2mrXX, it only shows up when you speak into it just fyi, Where it says connector is there more than one input23:17
scott_ino2gaatse, you shouldn't have to23:17
scott_ino2gaatse, that means when you open sound recorder it's "turning on" or adjusting your sound preferences, you shouldn't have to have it open to use it23:17
DasEi1Guest22193: hehe, nicks .. get an unique one , back to safemode ..23:18
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BELLINXFELONhow can i re enable the SSL protocol in Seamonkey23:18
scott_ino2mrXX, is there more than one input?23:18
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: What model is the keyboard and mouse?23:18
mrXXscott_ino2 it says I have one device - Internal Audio Analog Stereo,  and the input level never increases23:18
gaatseI just spoke in a testrecording on skype and I could hear mysef on skype for the first time.  Strange, because I seem not to be able to work it out on skype alone, without turning on the microphones on Soundrecorder.23:19
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: No idea, just an aluminum apple one and generic laser mouse from microsoft23:19
R0b0t1oh the irony23:19
m55is there a quick and easy way to do something like cat * but add a newline in between each file?23:19
LordHawke13Is there a way that I can install multiple SoundFonts and then select which one is active?23:19
tadohey all. i am trying to install tor on firefox, but i get a problem with a dependency that i can't fix... anybody willing to help?23:20
crohakonAny one know where I can find a ubuntu package for enlightenment?23:20
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Do you have any other mice laying around?23:20
scott_ino2mrXX, have you already tried adjusting your input volumes23:20
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen23:20
abhishekeclipse software is not worling for java programming23:20
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: I tried, it still does it with them as well23:20
gaatseIt is also so : When I use Soundrecorder WITHOUT skype, and afterwards I shut it down again, everytime when I open it, the microphones are closed again and need to open it again.23:20
mrXXscott_ino2 yes dude, if i mute and unmute it then i get an instantenous input level increase but thats it23:21
erUSULm55: add the newline to the files prior to the cat itself « echo -ne '\n' >> * && cat * »23:21
K|L0p0nDno ha habido suerte en lo de los USB del virtualbox23:21
K|L0p0nDno me los detecta23:21
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Ok so what exactly do they do? Jump real fast after a stop?23:21
K|L0p0nDasi que no he avanzado :__(23:21
erUSUL!es | K|L0p0nD23:21
ubottuK|L0p0nD: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:21
dAnonare there file recovery programs I can run from live cd to I deleted a partition by mistake on my girlfriend notebook, I am asking about REALLY GOOD and WORKING programs which you have tested yourself23:22
abhishekplease help.....Eclipse software is not working23:22
SlartI'm a bit surprised with the lack of competent hex editors for linux... or perhaps I'm just bad at looking.. anyone know of anything half way decent.. with search replace, colouring, number conversion etc23:22
erUSUL!info testdisk | dAnon23:22
ubottudAnon: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (karmic), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB23:22
scott_ino2mrXX, k one sec23:22
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: After a key is pressed, the mouse won't move until either a) about one second has elapsed, or b) the key is released23:22
erUSUL!info gpart | dAnon23:22
ubottudAnon: gpart (source: gpart): Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-9 (karmic), package size 37 kB, installed size 108 kB23:22
erUSULdAnon: testdisk has a good how to in its homepage23:23
bastid_raZor!recover | dAnon23:23
ubottudAnon: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel23:23
abhishekhow to do java programming using eclipse on ubuntu23:24
linuxguy2009dAnon: Did you set Ubuntu to use an Apple brand keyboard specifically?23:24
tadoproblems with a dependency with libevent, i installed the latest lib version now, but on terminal it still says i have the old lib23:24
linuxguy2009dAnon:oops sorry23:24
m55erUSUL: I get -bash: *: ambiguous redirect when i try echo -ne '\n' >> *23:24
scott_ino2mrXX, everything im reading about this mic says it's supported out of the box so give me a sec23:24
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:24
linuxguy2009R0b0t1: Did you set ubuntu to specifically use an Apple keyboard?23:24
erUSULm55: then do « for file in ./*^23:24
dAnonI partially formated the partition I erased in ext3 format, so my girlfriend will kill me23:24
scott_ino2mrXX, also what have you been using to test?23:24
R0b0t1linuxguy2009: yes23:24
tomodachiR0b0t1: yes you need to do that , use a apple layout23:24
LordHawke13When doin' Compiz's desktop cube, is there a way I can make the desktop background transparent bBUT NOT the icons?23:25
mrXXscott_ino2 thanks for all ur help dude, u r cool23:25
R0b0t1tomodachi: I said I was23:25
scott_ino2mrXX, no problem, did you see my last message23:25
tomodachiR0b0t1: what laptop do you have?23:25
erUSULm55: then do « for file in ./* ; do echo -ne '\n' >> "$file"; done && cat * »23:25
R0b0t1tomodachi: It is an iMac23:25
mrXXscott_ino2 oh, i had missed it, i use the default program in ubuntu, my skype even doesnt have audio optino23:26
tomodachiR0b0t1: ok not the model i have, so cant really be of help...23:26
mrXXscott_in02 dude u mind if i pm u?23:26
abhishek how to do java programming using eclipse on ubuntu23:26
abhishek how to do java programming using eclipse on ubuntu23:26
scott_ino2mrXX, no that's fine23:26
m55erUSUL:  thanks23:26
erUSULabhishek: the same way you do in windows. just install it and start typing code23:26
Slartabhishek: start eclipse, write java code.. run.. anything beyond that would be better discussed in #java.. or ##java.. I can never remember23:27
gaatseWhen I am in Sounddefices of Skype, I can choose between: default defice; default   and hda en hdmi en headset and nothing seems to work on itself23:27
dre360hey everyone how is everything23:27
erUSULSlart: probably ##java as per freenode policies23:27
abhishekbut eclipse in ubuntu requires some additional packages which i could find no where23:28
SlarterUSUL: mm.. I can never remember which channels are official and which aren't.. anyways.. #java is redirected to ##java it seems.. but thanks =)23:28
erUSUL!java | abhishek23:28
ubottuabhishek: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository23:28
abhisheki installed eclipse but its not working properly23:28
jongbergsabhishek: you need to intall java runtime enviroment23:28
erUSULabhishek: install sun-java6-jdk23:28
jongbergsabhishek: follow what's erUSUL suggests23:29
Slartabhishek: "not working properly"... you might want to mention error messages, describe what isn't working and so on23:29
gaatseScott are you still there?23:29
scott_ino2gaatse, yes23:29
Flare183I've just set my mouse cursor and the DMZ-White theme, but in my Qt based programs there still using my old cursor theme. How can I fix this?23:29
rweeks1138When I start an app from the gnome application launcher, where does the app's stderr go?  the app fails to launch from the icon but works fine in the terminal, I want to try to find the problem...23:29
airforcewindows 7 and ubuntu ....that's the perfect OS23:29
scott_ino2gaatse, let me check mine23:29
brianhermanairforce: what about mac os x23:30
chowderFlare183: sounds like you need to tweak qt's theme23:30
gaatseOke Scott23:30
Flare183chowder: How?23:30
airforceNever tried it23:30
airforcebut windows and ubuntu go well23:30
chowderFlare183: I have no idea. I don't use KDE. Try searching for it.23:30
extorDoes an application have to be "thread aware" in order for it's multiple threads to be evenly distributed across multiple cores on a linux box? How can I tell through "ps aux" or perhaps lsof or another utility that the application I am running on ubuntu-server is being distributed across multiple cores as opposed to just being run on core0 in a quad-core system?23:30
abhishekstart, i have installed it correctly from software centre but there is no option for running the program ...when i checked deeply, the software is only a plateform and i need to install some additional packages for it...but i could find these packages no where23:31
scott_ino2gaatse, im using pulse audio for all of my settings on that page23:31
Slartextor: if an application has multiple threads I think it will be spread out.. according to the scheduler and whatnot.. I'm not sure what the difference is between "has multiple threads" and "thread aware"23:31
chowderFlare183: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32567 all it took was searching "qt change theme" in google. Remember that not all of us here have the answers. Google is your friend.23:32
Flare183chowder: Ahh ok. I didn't know how to word it so yeah. But thanks23:32
gaatsepulse audio? I will watch I don't think Pulse Audio is in my list on Sounddefices23:32
rweeks1138anybody?  any ideas where stderr goes to when I use gnome application launcher?  running the app from terminal works fine...23:32
extorSlart, I just want to be assured that I am making full use of my quad-core rather than using just 1/4th of it's processing power when I am running vbox virtual machines23:32
scott_ino2gaatse, this is in skype im talking about23:33
scott_ino2gaatse, i thought you said you got it working23:33
gandhirweeks1138, probably goes to dmesg23:33
scott_ino2gaatse, but just not in skype23:33
Slartextor: oh.. I'm not sure how virtualbox handles it.. why not try it? start two vm's.. run something in both and have a look at the system monitor at the different cores23:33
gaatseI know Scott, but in my Skype there is 'sounddefices'23:33
extorSlart, which system monitor are you referring to?23:34
rodgerrMy windoz machine failed and I have loaded Ubuntu which works great!  I have two apps I need written for windoz running very well under Wine, but there is one app I would like to find a duplicate for in Linux.  The app runs as a add on to MS Office so it is out of the question on Linux.  I am a college instructor and take my power point presentations, record my voice while showing the slides...23:34
rodgerr...and then convert the whole thing to Flash for my students to view and listen to.  I would like to be able to duplicate this process.  Does anyone know of an app that accomplishes this with OO presenter?? If anyone wants to see what the final product looked like before answering go to http://www.rosspach.com/rrossman/AudioFiles.htm23:34
Guest22193keyboard and mouse are freezing at login after boot. what do I do?23:34
FloodBot3rodgerr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
Slartextor: system, administration, system monitor23:34
gaatseYes Scott I got it working, but you said that I should be able to do it without my Soundrecorder.23:34
Slartextor: if you're running gnome, that is23:34
chowderrweeks1138: if the app worked in terminal and not in the launcher then that may mean that the launcher needs tweaking23:34
RedeemedI installed songbird on Karmic a couple weeks ago when Marmic came out, and it was working fine, now suddenly my media library won't load... any suggestions23:34
scott_ino2gaatse, how did you install skype?23:35
SlartRedeemed: run it in a terminal.. see what kind of error message you get23:35
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Clear out your library and re-add all your music.23:35
scott_ino2gaatse, perhaps we can uninstall and then reinstall using the mediabuntu repo which has a few sound fixes?23:35
_-_hi! anybody can say me one channel where the people talking spanish?23:35
Flare183chowder: Doesn't help me at all23:35
Slart!es | _-_23:35
ubottu_-_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:35
erUSUL!es | _-_23:35
_-_thx ;)23:36
chowderFlare183: did you try the programs mentioned in the thread?23:36
Flare183chowder: It doesn't let me change the mouse theme.23:36
gaatseI installed Skype by going to synaptic package ... something23:36
Flare183chowder: If I install kcontrol it would install A LOAD of KDE apps that I don't need23:36
RedeemedSlart: http://fpaste.org/wxM7/23:36
scott_ino2gaatse, yes but skype shouldn't be in there in the default repositories23:37
scott_ino2unless they changed that23:37
gaatseI can give you my msn Scott, because herte it is very hard to follow. is that oke?23:37
scott_ino2gaatse, pm me23:37
dre360just go to skype  and download and install23:37
RedeemedLinuxguy2009: I can't.. I don't even get the artist menues just blank black23:37
gaatseI can put skype out of  default, there is also: hda intell23:37
=== brandon_ is now known as Norrin
feniixI have a server app that runs as user hudson and the login assigned is /bin/false, is the any way to set the max files limit on a user which shell is nologin?23:37
chowderFlare183: well usually X11 is the one that controls the mouse theme. Try making a post on the forums23:37
gaatseWhat is pm?23:37
linuxguy2009Redeemed: What is the status of songbird is it a finished work, beta etc?23:38
chowdergaatse: pm = private message23:38
gaatseI think I amn doing that now.23:38
gaatseI clicked on your name23:38
scott_ino2right click open dialog window23:39
gaatseDid not go pm, how do I do that?23:39
SlartRedeemed: that doesn't look fatal to me.. unless it really really needs those plugins.. you're sure there isn't an old songbird process lurking in the background somewhere? try "pkill -9 songbird" or something like that to kill it23:39
Billiardfeniix: can you set a quota?23:39
gaatseand then?23:39
extorSlart supposing I am not running gnome and this is a remote ubuntu-server?23:39
chowdergaatse: if you're using Xchat you right-click on someone's name choose the "Open Dialog Window" option23:40
feniixBilliard: I am setting the kernel limit to max open files, a quota would not help23:40
gaatsethank you chowder, but then I get all kinds of possibilities23:40
tadohey guys. problems with a dependency that i cannot solve... i think it's a quite stupid issue, but i really can't get around it. anybody that can spend to minutes in helping?23:40
Redeemedlinuxguy2009: it is finshed and still supported I beleive23:40
Slartextor: ah.. then the system monitor won't be there.. try running htop, it will display the cpu load for the different kernels23:40
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Did you check for broken packages etc?23:41
Slartextor: you can probably make top display the same thing.. but I'm to lazy to search the man page for the correct switces =)23:41
extorany reason plain old top won't work slart?23:41
thiefhow do I determine the blick size of my ext3 filesystem?23:41
Billiardfeniix: max files open or max files on the filesystem?23:41
Maverick_does anyone know how to hide your computer name in XCHAT???????23:41
extorSlart, I think pressing '1' will expand the CPUs to the total number of cores23:41
Redeemedlinuxguy2009: yup23:41
brianhermandf -h23:41
Slartabhishek: well.. I tried installing eclipse and it seems to work fine for me23:41
thiefthank you, sir23:41
erUSULfeniix: /etc/securetty/limits.conf ?23:41
RedeemedSlart: no dice still won't load the interface for the library23:42
Slartextor: ahh.. nice.. didn't know that one =)23:42
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linuxguy2009Redeemed: open system monitor and make sure all instances are closed. (Im downloading songbird now to test it, Ive never tried it before.23:42
feniixBilliard: the max files open  aka the output of 'ulimit -n'23:42
abhishekslart: is it working fine...are u able to run programs23:42
Billiardfeniix: ok, you didnt specify that ar first, idk then23:42
SlartRedeemed: well.. then I'm not really sure what to try.. I used to run songbird before (I use quod libet now) and I can't remember having these problems23:43
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feniixerUSUL:  limits.conf apparently is bound to pam, and /bin/false is not a login shell, so pam does not affect it23:43
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Also might want to look in /home/useraccount/.songbird folder and delete the folder to set back to factory defaults and lose all custom settings.23:43
erUSULfeniix: :|23:43
feniixBilliard: sorry, I thought I did :(23:43
linuxguy2009Redeemed:Might fix it.23:43
elfrannehow to i cd in a unknown folder , for example /home/user/.mozilla/firefox/98ydaao.default23:44
feniixI also tried adding ulimit -n $MAXFILES in the start up script but it just does not work23:44
erUSULelfranne: you can not23:44
Billiardfeniix: what erUSUL said might be what you want23:44
linuxguy2009elfranne: you have to know the name of a folder to cd to it.23:44
Slartabhishek: I don't have any java code to try.. but the editor starts23:44
feniixBilliard: I thought there must be a way, other than make the shell for the user /bin/bash23:45
chowderelfranne: just type cd ~/. and then the first character of the hidden directory. Use tab to autocomplete the path23:45
feniixBilliard: limits.conf does not apply to /bin/false23:45
elfranneis there no way to cd to a folder like *.default23:45
abhishekslart: yeah its start but when u write a java code there are no options for running it...and it also does not show syntax error..23:45
feniixBilliard: only to shell logins apparently from my tests, and I tried everything I know23:45
Redeemedlinuxguy2009: there doesn't seem to be a .songbird folder.. i might have to do a reinstall and see what happens23:46
Billiardfeniix: alright ive got no idea23:46
linuxguy2009Redeemed: You did hit Ctrl+H to show hidden folders right?23:46
feniixBilliard: thanks anyway :)23:46
Slartabhishek: I'm guessing that might be a question for a more eclipse oriented channel23:46
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Might also be in .conf or a few other places.23:47
abhishekslart ...is there any such channel23:47
RedeemedI didn't bother with ctrl+h, i just navigated with bash23:48
chowderelfranne: did you not read what I just typed?23:48
Slartabhishek: well.. let me just throw that question right back at you.. if you google for "eclipse irc channel" do you get any hits?23:49
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Bash doesnt show hidden folders by default.23:49
chowderelfranne: just type cd ~/. and then the first character of the hidden directory. Use tab to autocomplete the path. By default BASH won't autocomplete hidden directories. If its a directory you go to often you may want to consider adding an alias in your ~/.bashrc23:49
ibrahimHi all, I am trying to connect to a VPN, and I did but I can not access any resource there. The ping even does not work... however it shows that it is my computer is connected.23:49
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ibrahimAny idea please !!23:50
Redeemedlinuxguy2009: no, but if you type the folder exactly, it will nav there anyway :P23:50
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Did you check in .conf?23:51
Billiardelfranne: you can cd to  *.default23:51
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Might also be in different caps etc. Might try nautilus since you dont know the exact folder name.23:51
linuxguy2009Redeemed: Its in your home folder somewhere, it saves personal customizations there.23:52
Redeemedmhmm, it wasn't there, I just uninstalled the package and am reinstalling it now to try to fix it23:52
ibrahimI am trying to connect to a VPN, and I did but I can not access any resource there. The ping even does not work... however it shows that it is my computer is connected.23:52
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linuxguy2009Redeemed: Did you remember to purge configuration files?23:53
ring1what was the terminal command for viewing the screens id, like 0.1?23:53
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Redeemedlinuxguy2009: crap lol23:53
night1neDoes anyone in here use Pidgin?23:54
mario257Hallo hier ihrgendwer aus deutschland ?23:55
ring1night1ne, yes23:55
chowdernight1ne: I do, what's your question?23:55
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:55
night1neI want to make it so that upon closing out Pidgin the logs are erased.23:55
night1neDo you know if that's possible?23:56
Slartnight1ne: can't you just make pidgin not keep any logs at all?23:56
night1neI can, but sometimes I refer to them while I'm actually using it. I was just curious if there's a way.23:56
ibrahimI am trying to connect to a VPN, and I did but I can not access any resource there. The ping even does not work... however it shows that it is my computer is connected.23:57
sebsebsebrodgerr: hi23:57
chowdernight1ne: I am unaware of an "erase logs upon exit" option but it does sound nifty. What you could do is find the directory where pidgin stores its logs and write a simple BASH script to delete them upon exit.23:58
rodgerrsebsebseb: hello23:58
ring1night1ne, if you untick everything under preferences/logging, then the logs are just kept until you quit pidgin.23:58
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chowdernight1ne: PM me. I think I have a solution to your issue.23:58
night1neI already know where the logs are kept; the BASH script is beyond me.23:58
sebsebsebrodgerr: ok I am  going to try and reply to you23:58
sebsebsebrodgerr: from a while ago23:58
night1neReally ring123:58
sebsebsebrodgerr: I was going through some stuff that was put here before and saw it23:59
sebsebsebrodgerr: Flash hmm23:59
rodgerrsebsebseb: thanks want to PM to keep it off the grid23:59
sebsebsebrodgerr: why?23:59
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