
rysiek|plhi all00:12
rysiek|planybody had problems with printer config in karmic?00:12
rysiek|plthe New Network Printer in System Settings -> Printer Cofiguration doesn't allow me to add any printers (no options given) even though on my laptop it works AOK00:12
rstob911rysiek|pl: i had to install my network printer through cups00:14
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rysiek|plrstob911: eh... any hints why the kde dialog does not work?00:14
rstob911rysiek|pl: well through the system settings then printer conf then i added a printer00:15
rstob911i had to find in windows what the location name was which mine was like lpd://xxx.xxx.x.xxx/L200:17
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rstob911it only took me about 6 hours to figure it out LOL00:18
ScuniziOne small step for man.... one giant leap for the home netowork!00:19
luis_Need your help people: My Kubuntu Laptop is not able to detect my Mini SD Adapter: Doesnt show, but my windows pc is able, whats happening?!00:20
rstob911yea well i can say i can install any network printer00:20
rstob911luis_:  let me check mine00:20
luis_ok rstob91100:21
rysiek|plrstob911: what's strange is that my destkop doesn't allow me to do it the normal way, while it works AOK on the laptop - both kubuntu karmics!00:21
rstob911luis_: mine works fine do you have a hp lappy00:22
luis_i have acer00:22
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luis_what is rare is than00:23
luis_SD reader is working00:23
rstob911not sure i guess i got lucky and all of my things were detected even all of my hot keys work00:23
luis_rstob911: SD reader... is not working... ¬¬00:28
luis_in the last reboot it worked!00:28
rstob911try to reboot again00:29
rstob911i dont know if the last update if there was a kernel update or not00:30
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marceloGood Night00:44
bob123when trying kubuntu with ubuntu, I lose sound sometimes in kde but not in gnome00:49
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donnybrascoHello, I just upgraded my laptop to karmic.  However, since I switched to the restricted Nvidia drivers, I can't get my xserver to start.  Can anyone help?00:55
aphoticjeffi want my widgets to be on the dashboard only, when i push  ctrl+f12, and not on my desktop.  does anyone know how to do this?00:56
aphoticjeffhelp please, much appreach.........00:57
luis_Kubuntu people i need help: My Laptop SD Reader Is not working, and today around the 3:00PM it was working nice, i also see than instead of the Normal "Turn Off and restart button" images, a Big "?" in a white square appears, something is wrong with the software?00:57
luis_32 software resolutions actualizations...01:00
aphoticjeffi want my widgets to be on the dashboard only, when i push  ctrl+f12, and not on my desktop.  does anyone know how to do this?01:02
luis_Oh my god i actualized the software but still SD reader is not working, and it was working fine around 3:00PM!!!01:13
nevynactualized?  seriously?01:14
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effex_ich möchte mit einem bekannten größere daten übers internet austauschen01:31
effex_kann mir wer ne methode empfehlen?01:31
effex_das ganze sollte verschlüsselt sein01:31
effex_sorry wrong chan01:32
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XiellaWhen a bunch of gnome packages come up as dependencies for a program I want to install (using kpackagekit) does that mean it's not built for kubuntu?  Or is that part of making it ok for kubuntu?02:17
geeky_This is working pretty good, im currently on my 80gb PS302:29
mizerydeariaHow do I restart tightvnc/vnc server/daemon from shell? I don't see any /etc/init.d/* entries.02:45
ShaxorHay there people I was wondering How do I get the Equalizer to work in Amarok?02:49
ShaxorDoes anyone know how?02:49
ShaxorLol am I alone in here?02:52
wrgbXiella: yes, that means it's a gnome desktop program, but it will still run on kde with the gnome dependencies installed02:53
ShaxorI need some help me self02:53
surafelhay you like linux02:53
Xiellawrgb: ah, thank you :)02:53
ShaxorYeah I think I do lol02:53
surafelcool, what kind of computer do you use02:54
ShaxorSO! can anyone Help me with this?02:54
ShaxorHow do I get the Equalizer to work in Amarok?02:54
ShaxorWell Right now im using me gateway laptop02:54
Shaxorbut at the end of the year im geting a new computer02:55
ShaxorHow do I get the Equalizer to work in Amarok?02:56
ShaxorHow do I get the Equalizer to work in Amarok?03:00
datzHi, I recently installed KDE after initally installing gnome and noticing on the log in screen different desktop managers could be selected. In KDE, the networking portion doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know why this might be?03:20
wrgbdatz: do you have a network manager icon in your notification area -- looks like a cable with a connector on it03:28
datzwrgb, when I was logged in, yes03:28
datzifconfig showed maunal IP settings from gnome03:28
datzwrgb: I set the same configuration in KDE network manager03:29
datzI can bring up apache index with either localhost, or local IP address03:29
wrgbdatz: is it wired or wireless03:30
datzwrgb: I'm not booted to ubuntu/kubuntu, but can be FYI03:31
wrgbdatz: when you click on the network manager icon does it show eth0 active or something similar03:31
datzit said active03:31
luis_For some reason my kubuntu laptop SD reader is not working, and it worked nicely like 5 hours ago!!! whats happening???03:32
wrgbdatz: should be working, don't know what else to tell you03:33
datzwrgb: rats...03:33
datzI thought so too03:33
datzwrgb: going to try to boot to it again, brb...any help appreciated03:34
wrgbdatz: ok03:34
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datzwrgb: booted now...networking is ...working03:38
datzwrgb: any KDE themes?03:39
wrgbdatz: great! before, did you log out of gnome and log back in to kde without restarting?03:39
datzwrgb: yep, that's what I did03:39
wrgbdatz: kde-look.org for kde, gnome-look.org for gnome03:40
datzanything preinstalled like appearances tab in gnome?03:41
wrgbdatz: righ-click and choose desktop settings -- only one other theme available, though03:42
datzok, thanks03:42
wrgbdatz: you can control almost everything about the apperance in system settings > appearance03:43
wrgbdatz: have fun!  time for bed....03:45
datzwrgb: thanks, looking around. :) night03:45
datzcan I add a widget like firefox to lower panel?03:51
iconis knetworkmanager broken? I can't seem to connect to a wireless network with it03:52
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nomopofomoanyone have a logitech mouse they are able to make work with konqueror like it does in firefox or chrome in gnome?03:58
iconmefistonomopofomo: like it does with firefox? what do you mean exactly?04:00
nomopofomoif you don't have a logitech mouse with side buttons you won'tknow what i'm talking about but i've got an mx510 and by clicking the side buttons i can go forward and back04:01
ScuniziWhat is kdeuBlog?04:09
Scunizitied to twitter? or do you have to have another account someplace04:09
nomopofomoyou can tie it to twitter04:10
nomopofomothat's one of two options i believe04:10
iconmefistonomopofomo: did you have to set up the button mapping to get the mouse buttons to work with firefox? or it just works?04:10
ScuniziI had put my twitter account in it to no effect.. do I need to belong to identi.ca to make it work?04:11
nomopofomoiconmefisto: just works04:11
nomopofomoScunizi: no04:11
Scunizinomopofomo: ah I see.. there's a drop down and twitter is another choice..04:13
Scuniziwow.. facebook looks horrible in konqueror.. is there a way to fix it?04:24
Rioting_PacifistF6 then change the url to04:24
nomopofomoScunizi: try installing arora04:30
nomopofomoor chrome04:30
nomopofomoi recommend chrome actually04:30
Rioting_Pacifistwell tbh it was a joke, konqueror looks ok here, but i just use firefox it's the best browser for supporting the real web04:31
Rioting_Pacifistchromium is aparently not bad but it's not in the default repos so arora (webkit based) may work, but go with FF as i can guarantee it works04:33
Scuniziwhat's arora? another browser?04:35
nomopofomoit uses an html engine called webkit which renders facebook perfectly04:36
Scunizibeen using gnome for 5 years.. never heard of that one.. :)04:36
nomopofomoah, i think gnome's browser--epiphany? i think it's called--uses webkit now too i think...04:37
Nic_Does anyone here know much about Wubi?04:38
nomopofomoisn't that the windows installer for ubuntu?04:38
Nic_It is indeed.04:38
Rioting_Pacifistit causes problems, that's all i know04:38
nomopofomowhat's wrong nic?04:39
Nic_Well supposedly you can use a pre downloaded ISO with it, which I have the Kubuntu AMD4 Desktop ISO, yet when I start Wubi it ttries to download another copy regardless.04:39
Scunizinomopofomo: nice suggestion.. works good.. time will tell if it's close to FF or Chrome04:40
nomopofomoby download do you mean install or do youmean it tries to download a copy of itself in iso form?04:40
nomopofomoif you're trying to run it without making any modifications to your system you can just boot the cd when your computer is starting04:41
Nic_It tries to download an ISO which I keep cancelling as I'm running out of usage.04:41
nomopofomoso you already have the iso? what's it called? where'd you download it from?04:41
nomopofomoScunizi: np, enjoy04:41
Nic_"kubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso" and i have "kubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso" as well just to check it wasn't a 64 bit problem, I got them unmetered from my isp04:42
nomopofomounmetered from your isp?!04:42
nomopofomowhat's that mean04:43
Nic_im in australia, our downloads are counted and we get allocated a certain download amount each months, however most internet service providers offer unmetered downloads of things like linux so i downloaded it without it counting toward my monthly limit04:44
nomopofomook i take it you're in windows at the moment? how are you trying to install it? are you mounting the iso images are burning htem to disc?04:44
Nic_i am in windows and as per the instructions the iso is in the same folder as wubi.exe04:45
nomopofomoah, okay04:45
nomopofomolet me do some quick research04:45
Nic_oakie dokie :)04:46
nomopofomook my suggestion is to mount the iso because i think wubi.exe is a torrent downloader with the torrent built in04:46
nomopofomoeither mount or burn the iso04:46
nomopofomosuggest burning it04:46
Nic_righto, so will wubi install it from a cd then?04:47
kartookhey all04:48
Rioting_PacifistNic_:  IIRC wubi is included on the cd if you run it in windows, i'm not sure tho04:48
kartookwhat sup ?04:48
nomopofomoit sounds like he downloaded a version of wubi.exe that was a downloader04:49
Nic_uh i must have done04:49
Nic_ok thank you for the info, ill burn it to cd :)04:49
nomopofomonic_ you need to burn the disc or mount it04:49
ScuniziNic_: you might consider installing virtualbox and load it in there.. it will make a virtual machine out of the install so you can run ubuntu in a window04:50
Rioting_Pacifistonce you burn the CD you can try ubuntu in live mode without touching windows see if you like it before you install it (try before you, get it for free anyway)04:50
Nic_yes i already have a virtual machine but i would like to be able to run linux straight from boot, my parents still use windows though04:50
Nic_yes yes i know all this haha been there and done that :)04:51
ScuniziNic_: straight from boot then create a dual boot.. don't mess with wubi04:51
nomopofomojust burn it then you should be able to install from cd in windows or boot from it04:51
Rioting_Pacifistwubi is buggy but it means you can install without knowing about re-partitioning your windows drive, at worst it will give you a bad ubuntu install04:51
Nic_nah i dont want to repartition, im happy with it using a virtual file04:52
Rioting_Pacifistyeah wubi is the way to go, settings that up without wubi is a PITA04:52
Scunizijust depends.. if you already have a VM server available then that's typically easier.. with vbox you can CTRL+F and run full screen just like there wasn't anything behind it04:54
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Nic_anyway thanks all have a good one :)04:55
Rioting_PacifistScunizi: a VM comes with a performance hit running in a virtual file means your running ubuntu normally jsut disc access is slower04:57
ashley_hey guys04:57
ashley_wassup noobs....04:57
ShaxorHow do I get the Equalizer to work in Amarok?04:59
ScuniziRioting_Pacifist: can yes.. but not that much... at least on the machines I'm running vm's on.. actually running this os vm'd w/ vbox on ubuntu 8.04.. working well.. obviously not like a true install but certainly MUCH better than running from a cdrom or usb..04:59
ashley_check faq noob..04:59
ashley_hey Shagor check FAQ05:00
Rioting_Pacifistashley_: how about you fuck off05:00
ashley_y dont u fuck off05:01
Rioting_Pacifistsorry sir05:02
Rioting_PacifistShaxor: i don't think the equalizer is supported in amarok 2.x yet05:02
eviljussi01!language | Rioting_Pacifist05:02
ubottuRioting_Pacifist: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:02
ShaxorAhhh Okay thank you Riot =_= so much for help ashley <,,<05:03
Rioting_Pacifistyeah i know, sorry they guy just got to me05:03
Rioting_PacifistShaxor: the equaliser is not supported by phonon here (fedora11) If you have the same problem it will tel you by looking at configure amarok>playback05:04
ShaxorOh Okay so thats a no go huh? =/05:05
ShaxorWell Thank you for the info Riot05:06
yang_so can some1 help me with CLL and TUI's  there is no window manager so how can i have mulitple open? I am not supposed to use jobs am I?05:11
Rioting_Pacifistyang_: i heard that you can use screen for that but never used it myself so cant be of much use05:15
yang__So how can i have multiple programs run at once from the command line and switch between them?05:17
Rioting_Pacifistyang__: i'm fairly sure you need screen, but i can't help you set it up as i never have05:18
yang__thats help tho i can lookup what that is haha05:18
yang__i have elinks and finch now setup on Ubuntu server with ssh for fun05:18
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jepongany rumors about kubuntu 10.04 features from uds?05:50
Roasteddumb question but is KDE open source?06:02
jepongRoasted... i think so... QT is under GPL06:05
jepongpls correct me if im wrong06:05
Tm_TRoasted: yes06:05
Tm_TRoasted: see http://techbase.kde.org/ISV/Licensing for more06:13
Tm_TRoasted: which is not mentioned to be LGPL is then GPL06:15
Shaxorhay does anyone know how to get rhythmbox to work in kubuntu 9.10?06:57
Shaxor+_+ I have it installed but When I hit play I get squat LOl06:58
ShaxorOkay never mind that last one, How do I install the MP3 codecs for Rhythmbox?07:03
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bhabalinuxmy keyboard is disabled in Kubuntu07:26
bhabalinuxin Gnome desktop it is fine07:26
bhabalinuxjust with KDE07:26
bhabalinuxanyone can help?07:27
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TheKroHi.  I'd like to update my Skype to the 2.1 version.  I have the skype repository listed, but when I run apt-get update, I get lines like "Ign http://download.skype.com stable Release.gpg", and no updates are listed.08:32
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blackwaltzTheKro: You're looking to *upgrade*, not update.08:44
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TheKrodwidmann: don't worry - problem resolved08:50
faleSomeone is willing to test rekonq 0.3.0 on karmic? You can find it here: https://launchpad.net/~f4l3/+archive/ppa09:10
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laboratorioHello personnes10:27
laboratoriohow are you?10:27
memenodewow... I just saw the sneak peak screenshots of KDE 4.4...10:30
memenodethe waiting fever begins.. especially since it'll be out in February but wont be shipped on any distro :P10:30
memenodewhich is usually torturous :D10:30
alvinThere will probably be backports for Kubuntu10:44
alvinIs there a bug about Launchpad looking terrible in Konqueror? It used to look better. Now, I see double icons for people, and + signs10:45
mavalladHello, does someone know what is the shortcut to change activities in kubuntu 9.10?11:00
alvinWhat is the little 'indicator display' doing (far right bottom)? It only says 'No applications running'.12:13
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kartookneed help how can i post my apt-get update13:35
lukefeilhow can i see my gateway-adresse13:37
lukefeilthe "ifconfig eth0" command dont show this information13:37
jrdnyquistlukefeil, route -n13:38
lukefeiland also the adresses from DNS and DHCP13:38
jrdnyquistlukefeil, cat /etc/resolv.conf13:39
jrdnyquistlukefeil, you can use ip addr or ifconfig to see interface stats and/or configs13:40
lukefeiland how i can the the adresse from the dhcp-server13:42
jrdnyquistthat would be your default gw most likely, assuming it succesfully handed you an IP13:43
lukefeilin this case the dhcp isn't in the gateway, and i havent acces to the config of the gateway13:44
seicherlbobhi there! I have a jvc camcorder here and i would like to see the live picture on my computer. Is there a software that can do that on linux? I could also use a virtual WinXP, but the virtualbox cant pass the device through. anyone experienced here with camcorders?13:53
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faleSomeone is willing to test rekonq 0.3.0 on karmic? You can find it here: https://launchpad.net/~f4l3/+archive/ppa14:08
BCMMcan anybody help with a sound card which won't give any output?14:16
BCMMit worked before the last distro upgrade14:16
lundhanyone got experience with sun grid engine here?14:16
BCMMand now i can't get any output from applications14:16
BCMM(although by adjusting the mixer, i can get it to output the mic input)14:16
lukefeilunder windows there is the command "ipconfig /flushdns"14:40
lukefeilwhats the ubuntu version of this command14:40
kavurtwhat does that command do under vin?14:40
lukefeilso how can i clean the DNS and ARP cache?14:41
alvinI could be wrong, but I think DNS isn't cached by default14:42
amichairlukefeil: I just googled ' linux flush dns'. first entry says run '/etc/init.d/nscd restart'. hope this helps.14:42
lukefeili've already found14:43
amichairlukefeil: does it work?14:44
lukefeili have to search some other commands14:44
lukefeillike ARP flush14:44
lukefeiland DHCP flush14:44
zematynnadlukefeil: see if $ sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart   fixes your problem14:48
lukefeili have to install first nscd14:48
zematynnadlukefeil:  hang on14:49
amichairlukefeil: I would guess that if it's not installed, either there's something else doing the caching, or there's no caching at all14:49
zematynnadinstead use dns-clean14:50
amichairlukefeil: regarding arp, that arp command might help14:50
lukefeilarp -d * wont work14:51
llutzlinux arp doesn't support flush14:51
amichairu can use it to delete entries, which may solve the problem14:51
lukefeili have to delete _all_ entries14:52
lukefeilit's for the school14:52
lukefeilbut everything is given for windows14:52
amichairhmmm... maybe u can use arp -a to list the hosts, then arp -d to delete them one by one14:53
lukefeilamichair: i will write a sript for that14:55
lukefeilbut now i switch to a windows machine, i will trie it at home14:56
lukefeilthx for help14:56
amichairlukefeil: good luck :-)14:56
kavurtlukefeil: ip neigh flush all14:59
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jimmy51_flash player has my sound sounding like a skipping CD.  i've already closed the browser.  is my only option to restart alsa?15:12
doleybSo I just upgraded to karmic, and now my laptop doesn't switch from 800 to 1600 mhz when the cpu load is high.  The kde power management settings look the same; any suggestion?15:18
anoneemousehi. phonon is complaining that there are no soundcards yet when i do an lspci they are all there15:18
Hans_Henrikhow can i update from 9.04 to 9.10 with SSH?15:21
yamokidzu-ithow take screenshoot with kde?15:22
anoneemouseyamokidzu-it:  you can use ksnapshot15:22
Hans_Henrik"Prnt Scrn" button works i suppose15:22
yamokidzu-itok thx15:24
yamokidzu-itbutton doesn't do anything15:24
anoneemouseyamokidzu-it: just run ksnapshot15:25
alvinHans_Henrik: SSH is not recommended, but it works. You can execute '$ sudo do-release-upgrade'15:26
m_tadeuhi everyone....15:26
m_tadeucan somebody confirm me if the network is only up after login?15:26
doleybm_tadeu: i've seen that pretty common with wireless ethernet before.15:27
m_tadeudoleyb: only happens with wireless then?15:27
doleybas far as I've seen (but i didn't check thoroughly recently)15:28
m_tadeuis there a way to setup the network in a prior state?15:28
doleybm_tadeu: yeah people pretty commonly use a different network control package to handle that stuff before a user logs in, i'll try to think of the name.15:38
m_tadeuplease :) just had 2 situations that I got stuck on remote management15:39
K350I'm looking for an alternative notepad instead of the one that comes with Kubuntu 9.10. Can somebody recommend a simple notepad - something like the one in windows for instance?15:40
m_tadeuK350: kwrite is a simple one15:40
doleybm_tadeu: the other package that gets mentioned is wicd15:41
K350m_tadeu: Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out at once:-)15:41
alvinkwrite uses kate :-)15:42
m_tadeudoleyb: is the networing service still working?15:43
K350alvin: Ah, I see. kate has to many functions, things opened - the stuff on the left, tha tI don't like.15:43
yamokidzu-ithttp://img688.imageshack.us/i/schermata1ho.png/ I cannot unlock the window in the centre and also other like this!!! why??? please help me :-(15:45
yamokidzu-italvin you know why?15:46
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anoneemouseK350: kate actually starts faster than kwrite... i too am a minimalist...15:48
yamokidzu-itlo amichair15:49
anoneemousethere is a way to disable the sidebar stuff in kate... which is what i ended up doing... you just need to modify your default profile15:49
yamokidzu-itlo Ash-Fox15:49
alvinyamokidzu-it: No idea. There could be a windows behind it that blocks the rest. Try run (Alt+F2) and xkill if you want to kill something.15:49
yamokidzu-itit's not my case...15:50
yamokidzu-itI installed kde-base what about it? need other apps? help15:50
yamokidzu-itlo asobi15:51
alvinHelp with wat? The window that doesn't want to move?15:51
yamokidzu-itdo I need more apps in order to unlock these windows?15:52
yamokidzu-italvin I cannot unlock the window in the centre of my previous image15:52
alvinNo. But, what do you mean by 'unlock'?15:52
alvinThen kill it15:53
yamokidzu-itbut I need it!15:53
yamokidzu-itfor configure it!15:53
LoneShadowHi, any suggestions on getting Atheros ar928xx to work on fresh install of 9.10 ?,15:53
alvinYou can't type in it?15:53
alvinah, now I see15:53
alvinSorry, press unlock and type your password.15:53
amichairyamokidzu-it: you've been banned from this channel before for pinging nicks off the channel users. please stop it. if you're not aware of it yet, it causes notifications to popup for those people, which is disruptive to our work, and is considered rude. please don't do it again!15:54
amichairhope he saw that.15:54
alvinO well :-)15:55
anoneemousephonon is complaining that there are no soundcards yet when i do an lspci they are all there15:56
anoneemouseok there plasma just locked up :/15:58
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lykosHello Guys!! Sup??16:23
willy_mxI installed windows 7 and I lost my grub16:23
willy_mxhow can I get it back?16:23
willy_mxi'm on a live cd16:24
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:24
willy_mxkubuntu 9.1016:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:24
jhutchins_ltI can't get kubuntu cross-boot from anothe distro's grub1.16:24
llutzjhutchins_lt: installed karmic-grub2 into partition?16:25
lykosHey guys, how can i make my windows minimize etc matrix like?16:25
jhutchins_ltllutz: No, it was the base install, then the other distro overwrote the mbr.16:26
llutzjhutchins_lt:with karmics grub2 installed to partition,  an entry like "kernel (hd0,x)/boot/grub/core.img"  in grub1-menu.lst did the trick here. (hd0,x) pointing to your karmic-installation16:26
jhutchins_ltThe boot menu no longer makes any sense.  I copied the default entry and it says it can't find the partition (although I can mount it).16:27
jhutchins_ltllutz: So how do I achieve that?  Complete reinstall?  Certainly I can't boot to another distro and just chroot?16:27
jhutchins_ltlykos: Are you talking about scaling them?16:28
llutz!grub2 > jhutchins_lt read here to reinstall grub16:28
ubottujhutchins_lt, please see my private message16:28
willy_mxwhen I type fdisk -l on a livecd session to find out where is my linux, nothing happens16:29
jhutchins_ltllutz: Um, thanks, you triggered that about four minutes ago.16:29
willy_mxi get no info16:29
llutzwilly_mx: sudo fdisk -l16:30
lykosYeah use sudo man :P16:30
jhutchins_ltSeems like it should give some sort of feedback.16:30
lykos:jhutchins_It hey man16:31
jimmy51_the "Configure File Sharing" button does nothing.  what packages are needed for SAMBA file sharing through dolphin in kubuntu?16:32
BluesKajhey all16:35
^wanhuub-itlo BluesKaj16:36
BluesKajhi ^wanhuub-it16:36
^wanhuub-itI installed kde-base what about it? need other apps?16:36
BluesKajkubuntu-desktop ?16:37
^wanhuub-itwhat's the folder for cd? how can open it?16:38
^wanhuub-itBluesKaj why I cannot unlock system admin windows like users&groups and services?16:39
^wanhuub-itwhat's the folder for cd reader?16:41
faleSomeone is willing to test rekonq 0.3.0 on karmic? You can find it here: https://launchpad.net/~f4l3/+archive/ppa16:41
BluesKajopen lmenu /system/dolphin/places16:42
BluesKajerr kmenu16:42
BluesKajfale , I tried rekonq , wasn't impressed16:42
BluesKaj^wanhuub-it, do you see the blue "K" in the panel ?16:43
faleBluesKaj: have you tried that package?16:43
doleybI just upgraded to karmic, and now my laptop doesn't switch from 800 to 1600 mhz when the cpu load is high.  The kde power management settings look the same; any suggestion?16:43
^wanhuub-itok ;-)16:43
^wanhuub-itno dolphin16:44
BluesKaj^wanhuub-it, alt+F2 , type dolphin16:44
^wanhuub-itdolphin = program?16:44
^wanhuub-itI need to instll it...16:45
BluesKaj!dolphin | ^wanhuub-it16:45
ubottu^wanhuub-it: To change the default application for a filetype, go to Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations" (KDE 3), or System Settings -> Advanced -> File Associations (KDE 4). To change your default file manager, change the "inode/directory" and "inode/system_directory" filetypes.16:45
BluesKaj!info dolphin16:45
ubottudolphin (source: kdebase): file manager for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-0ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 1009 kB, installed size 2452 kB16:45
BluesKajyou could also use konqueror as the file manager16:46
^wanhuub-itisn't konqueror browser?16:47
^wanhuub-itBluesKaj why I cannot unlock system admin windows like users&groups and services?16:49
BluesKajsystem settings ?16:52
BluesKajdoleyb, install cpufrequtils , it will give you some command line options to control your cpu performance16:54
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doleybBluesKaj: would that mean giving up on doing it the KDE way?16:55
^wanhuub-itBluesKaj yes16:56
BluesKajdunno what you mean kde-way16:56
doleybBluesKaj: I mean all the kde system settings that control cpu performance.16:56
BluesKajpower devil?16:57
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doleybYes, power devil is part of the backend of it, but I mean it's the automatically-created icon on the kde taskbar.. it would be nice if it worked.16:59
willy_mx_i did all the procedure listed on the help page17:00
willy_mx_to get grub back17:00
willy_mx_now i'm gonna restart, wish me luck ahahaha17:00
BluesKajdoleyb, dunno what you mean , maybe because this is a desktop17:03
=== thorsten_ is now known as netsroht
doleybBluesKaj: I mean System Settings, Advanced, Power Management, Profiles, CPU Frequency Scaling Policy.  The entry there was obeyed in earlier kubuntu, but not in karmic.17:05
baincovorrrei sapere come17:09
netsrohthi ;)17:12
KGBUNITHey! ;) I am having some problems installing and I wonder if someone can help me?17:12
KGBUNITNo one able to help?17:13
netsrohti'm fairly new to (k)ubuntu, but maybe I can...17:14
KGBUNITI want to dual boot with windows17:14
jeluесть русскоговорящие?17:14
KGBUNITIn the installer, when it asks me what I want to do with the discs17:15
KGBUNITI choose: setup discs manually17:15
KGBUNITor something as opposed to wipe the whole disc17:15
kavurtjelu: #ubuntu-ru17:15
KGBUNITthen it shows me 3 things. 1 at the top says /dev/sda17:16
KGBUNIT2nd one down is /dev/sda117:16
KGBUNIT3rd one is /dev/sda517:16
KGBUNITsda 5 is the swap partition17:16
KGBUNITsda 1 is my windows partition17:16
KGBUNITand I dont know about sda because when I choose to add a partition table there, it says it is going to wipe the other partitions17:17
KGBUNITtheres no option for me to change the size of the windows one17:17
netsrohtI guess you are not familiar with linux partion naming...17:17
KGBUNITto be honest, not really17:18
kavurtKGBUNIT: sda is the hard drive itself, it's not a partition17:18
netsrohtthen I guess you shouldn't try it this way17:18
jelukavurt, unfortunately there is no kubuntu chanel17:18
netsrohtmy hint:17:18
KGBUNITive used linux alot before17:18
KGBUNITnormally ubuntu, and the intstaller there is just dragging something to change the size17:18
netsrohtyes normally17:19
kavurtjelu: I think that includes kubuntu too. did you ask your question there?17:19
netsrohtwhy not in your case? any idea?17:19
netsrohtwhat I did, when I installed a dual boot17:19
netsrohtI used windows itself to resize the ntfs partition17:20
netsrohtso that there was enough space left17:20
netsrohtand told ubuntu to install itself in the empty space17:20
KGBUNITYeah, i could do that, so there is no other way at all to do it?17:21
KGBUNITwith the kubuntu installer?17:21
netsrohtas you already said, normally he gives you the possibility to shrink the windows partitions...17:22
yamikuronueI seem to have lost the ability to suspend to ram/sleep upon closing the lid of my laptop; I installed some updates last night and now the option isn't even in the power profile dropdown at all. Any thoughts? Running Karmic17:22
BluesKajdoleyb, ok I enabled the powerdevil to see what you mean . the cpu was set to the commands that i gve in the cli using cpufrequtils like :17:22
alexanderhi i installed matlab on my linux but i dont see any shortcut to run it. any ideas?17:22
KGBUNITOK netsroht thank you for the help :) does gparted work on kde based systems?17:23
KGBUNITI could do it from that17:23
jeluyes, but i didn't get an answer17:23
netsrohtit should ;)17:23
sikihey guys17:23
rorkalexander: programs are usually installed in /usr/bin/ you can look for matlab there and make a shortcut yourself17:23
BluesKajKGBUNIT, yes you could use the kubuntu live cd install-manual partiton option , it's very striaghtforward17:23
sikii have no plasma desktop17:23
doleybalexander: press alt-f2 and type matlab?17:24
KGBUNITSo its command line?17:24
netsrohtyou need to type matlab -desktop17:24
netsrohtand also need to create an icon yourself... with the command matlab -desktop17:24
netsrohtwhat is commandt line? @KGBUNIT17:25
netsrohtqparted is a gnome-app @KGBUNIT17:25
sikiwhen i rename the .kde folder the desktop is working again17:25
BluesKajnetsroht, @ doesn't work on irc17:26
sikiof course without any settings17:26
BluesKajjust type the nick17:26
KGBUNITBluesKaj do I need to use a command line for that?17:26
sikiwhen i try to start plasma, i get an error17:27
siki<unknown program name>(11039)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x9703b40 6291456117:27
siki<unknown program name>(11039)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x96f929817:27
BluesKajno KGBUNIT I was talking about the kubuntu-live-cd install cd17:27
KGBUNITBluesKaj: Oh! So running it in windows??17:27
jeluDid someone resolve problem with update-notifier-kde in karmic?17:27
BluesKajno KGBUNIT , have you burned the kubuntu-live-cd ?17:28
KGBUNITBluesKaj: YEah :P17:29
BluesKajjelu, no , but use update-manager or install it if you want to use a GUI , the konsole command to upgrade is : do-release-upgrade17:29
BluesKajKGBUNIT, then make sure you r pc is set to boot from the cdromn first (which most are) and insert the kubuntu install disc and choose the first option17:31
KGBUNITAH BluesKaj, Im on the KUBUNTU LiveCD right now using Quassel17:31
kavurtjelu: you speak english too I guess. what's the problem17:31
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BluesKajKGBUNIT, ok do you see the install kubuntu icon >17:32
kavurtjelu: sorry, you already asked your question, I didn't see that17:32
KGBUNITBluesKaj: Yeah. thats where I am having my problems when I get to the choose where to install it, I choose to install within the disc instead of wiping it17:33
KGBUNITBluesKaj: Then I cant resize windows partition, theres no option to...17:33
BluesKajKGBUNIT, do you to keep windows?17:33
kavurtKGBUNIT: I think you should defrag your hard drive from windows 5 times or more, to be able to see the resize option in kubuntu instlall17:34
jeluBluesKaj, thanks, i use update-notifier instead of update-notifier-kde... but it would be better to use native kde notifier i guess17:34
BluesKajkavurt, that's not necessary17:34
kavurtBluesKaj: what should be done then?17:35
BluesKajjelu, are you udgraing from jaunty ?17:35
jeluBluesKaj: no, clean install17:36
BluesKajKGBUNIT, in the partitioner option choose manual partitioning17:36
BluesKajscuse my KB , it's dying17:36
kavurtBluesKaj: he already did that, but there's no resize option17:36
xae8kooCan I use my PS3 controller as a mouse?17:37
jeluin fact, such problem was in GNOME with update-notifier too... but ir resolved with command: gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier-kde/auto_launch false17:37
jelui didn't understand what exactly this command do17:38
BluesKajKGBUNIT, open the konsole and type or copy and paste : fdisk -l17:38
KGBUNITBluesKaj yeah, in the manual partioning option, theres no option to resize17:38
KGBUNITubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fdisc -l17:39
KGBUNITNo command 'fdisc' found, did you mean:17:39
KGBUNIT Command 'fdisk' from package 'gnu-fdisk' (universe)17:39
KGBUNIT Command 'fdisk' from package 'util-linux' (main)17:39
KGBUNITfdisc: command not found17:39
FloodBotK1KGBUNIT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
KGBUNITBluesKaj the messages above :P17:40
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!17:40
BluesKajKGBUNIT,  fdisk -l17:40
BluesKajnot fdisc -l17:40
KGBUNITBluesKaj that being L.. thats what I did, same error17:41
tsimpsonKGBUNIT: you put "fdisc" it's "fdisk"17:41
Gintulishi, how to suspend ubuntu by terminal? (exemple: sudo shutdown -h 45 < computer go down after 45 min)  how to suspend the computer, as that with the shutdown command?17:42
KGBUNITBluesKaj It didn't do anything? just gave me a new line17:42
BluesKajok KGBUNIT I'll ask one more time , do you want to keep windows or not ?17:43
KGBUNITBluesKaj yeah I do17:43
yamikuronueI seem to have lost the ability to suspend to ram/sleep upon closing the lid of my laptop; I installed some updates last night and now the option isn't even in the power profile dropdown at all. Any thoughts? Running Karmic, it was working just fine from install through yesterday. I can supply the list of updates from last night if that's needed...17:46
KGBUNITThanks BTW tsimpson :P I am blind today :)17:46
BluesKajKGBUNIT, then you need to defrag first , then  partition your drive before trying to install kubuntu . Find an app called GParted-live-cd and burn it to a disk , use that disk to partition part drive for linux ext4 , then install kubuntu17:46
BluesKajpart of the drive that is17:47
KGBUNITRight, or could I use the ubuntu live CD with gparted installed by default?17:47
netsrohtyes you can17:47
KGBUNITOK, thank you BluesKaj and netsroht :) thorsten :P17:48
BluesKajyes you could but gparted is more useful as a separate utility17:48
netsrohtbut I would use windows itself to resize the partitions..17:48
KGBUNITthanks guys, catch ya later!17:48
BluesKajnetsroht, ever heard ofd too much information /17:49
BluesKajtoo many cooks etc17:49
netsrohtyes you are right... ;)17:49
netsrohtbut having some options *g*17:49
yamikuronueI could use a cook or two...;)17:50
netsrohtindeed ;)17:50
* BluesKaj has lunch ...takes a break17:52
yamikuronueI seem to have lost the ability to suspend to ram/sleep upon closing the lid of my laptop; I installed some updates last night and now the option isn't even in the power profile dropdown at all. Any thoughts? Running Karmic, it was working just fine from install through yesterday. I can supply the list of updates from last night if that's needed...17:56
m_tadeuhi everyone....I'm getting this message in kopete:17:57
m_tadeuYou are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of "m_tadeu" to account "m_tadeu" will not take place.17:57
m_tadeudoes anyone know what to do about this?17:57
Tm_Tm_tadeu: yes, you cannot add yourself17:57
m_tadeuTm_T: I'm adding anything...it's shows that everytime yahoo connects ;)17:58
* BluesKaj wonders why ppl don't just an irc client for irc17:59
Tm_Tm_tadeu: so you have yourself in your contactlist in yahoo server (which will be checked at login I believe)17:59
Tm_TBluesKaj: hmmm?17:59
BluesKaji don't consider kopete an irc client ...it's for IM18:00
m_tadeuTm_T: how did it get there? well not very important...how do I solve it?18:00
Tm_TBluesKaj: noone was talking about Kopete and IRC18:01
BluesKajI am :)18:01
Tm_Tm_tadeu: hmm, have you been using Pidgin?18:01
m_tadeuTm_T: a year ago, I think18:01
Tm_Tm_tadeu: there you go, hmm, does yahoo have website for IM ? you might be able to handle your contactlist there18:02
m_tadeuTm_T: gonna try to find that out18:02
yamikuronueI think I just need to come in with easier questions....18:03
Mamarokyamikuronue: that is just because nobody is here who knows, be patient :)18:03
Mamarokif there was a powermanager or acpi package in your update you have the culprit, BTW18:04
yamikuronueMamarok: yeah, but I dont' think I've ever once managed to solve something using a chat for help >.> probably because if it's at all simple or googleable I google it and figure it out18:04
Mamarokbecause you didn't google first? :)18:04
yamikuronuehuh? No, that's my point: if googling fixes it, it's commonly known, and people are more likely to know what the problem is, so by only coming in when google doesn't turn up anything, I'm only asking apparently esoteric questions18:05
BluesKajthere are some issues with power devil profiles being changed after updates18:05
yamikuronueI do note that kubuntu-default-settings was updated18:06
m_tadeuTm_T: guess it worked out...thx again:)18:06
yamikuronuebut I don't even have the option anymore, so it's not just overwriting the settings I selected. Unless there's a master "disable suspend" setting elsewhere...18:06
yamikuronueOthre than that i'm seeing a lot of libs that I don't know what they do, samba, cups, python, firefox - normal update type stuff.18:07
Tm_Tm_tadeu: glad to hear18:08
yamikuronueGoogle turns up people for whom suspend never worked, and laptop lid close not being registered, but mine's always worked fine until now18:08
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BluesKaji just shutdown leaving apps open that I want to resume next session18:10
yamikuronueI'm a student; I do a lot of darting from classroom to classroom, so I liked having it suspend while I move and not have to boot up ten minutes later18:10
yamikuronueI used to have it hibernate when I used jaunty but the resume time was annoyingly long18:10
yamikuronuegrub doesn't have anything to do with power management options, does it? Grasping at straws here18:16
yamikuronuesystemsettings... nvida-common, maybe it's being disabled because of the video driver?18:18
atreidesHola gregorio!18:18
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yamikuronueaha! My settings now say "supported suspend methods: no methods found".18:19
yamikuronueit also claims my CPU can't be turned off18:20
BluesKajyamikuronue, maybe installing cpufrequtils might help..it's a cli app with many options18:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cpufrequtils18:23
BluesKaj!info cpufrequtils18:23
ubottucpufrequtils (source: cpufrequtils): utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 005-1 (karmic), package size 31 kB, installed size 256 kB18:23
yamikuronueokay. What am I looking for related to suspend?18:24
K350m_tadeu: I've been playing around with kwrite for sometime now. I like it a lot. Thanks a lot for your tip again, really appruciated:-)18:26
yamikuronueAlso - when I click on the power icon then click "sleep", what exactly does that button do? Suspend to ram? Or is that doing something else entirely? Because that works just fine, but I'm now suspicious...18:26
m_tadeuK350: glad you're happy :) then again...if you need some more funcionality go back to kate18:27
K350I don't like the name Kubuntu Karmic Koala. It's to much - KKK18:27
K350m_tadeu: Ya, kate seemed to open/start a bit fast then kwrite18:28
=== Authority_ is now known as Authority
antman91Hi How can i download music to Linux?18:39
antman91Kubuntu 9.1018:39
antman91no volunteers here today?18:41
yamikuronueantman91: from where?18:41
antman91I just want to know how to download music to kubuntu 9.1018:41
antman91i have no clue how to do so18:41
yamikuronueantman91: Again, from where? itunes? p2p sharing? youtube? a windows machine? another linux machine?18:42
yamikuronuean mp3 player?18:42
antman91umm i guess youtube would work18:42
antman91if i could just get the music and not the video18:42
yamikuronueantman91: I use a firefox plugin from video2mp3.net. Obviously you should only use that for non-copyrighted audio.18:43
antman91well how does person to person sharing work?18:44
yamikuronueack, gotta go18:44
yamikuronuebut you'll want a p2p client18:44
antman91damn that was of no help18:45
DarakissHello everybody, I'm using Kubuntu Karmic Koala and having the following problem: I can't get 2 applications outputting audio at the same time, i.e: if I'm watching a video, pidgin won't make a sound notification upon reception of a new message, etc... Any help please?18:47
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m4rtinDarakiss: I installed pulseaudio which fixed this18:56
sccolberthi, having a problem with my microphone. I can hear myself in my headset when i speak into the mic, but applications (skype) cant hear me18:57
Darakissm4rtin: it seems I have pulseaudio already installed (haven't done that manually though), but when I test pulseaudio in the system settings, it says it didnt work and reverted back to the default (HDA Intel)18:57
sccolberti had to change my alsa conf to model=3stack-6ch-dig, to get it so i could even hear myself in the mic18:57
m4rtinDarakiss: are you sure it's installed then? (that usually happens when you did have pulseaudio installed and then removed it - it's a ghosted version in the output list)18:58
|moe|vlc shows my taskbar on fullscreen mode. how can i get rid of it?18:58
Darakissm4rtin: I'll check it out, brb18:58
|moe|its' karmic kubuntu18:58
m4rtinDarakiss: might also be worth fully removing it and reinstalling if not18:59
Darakissm4rtin: nothing listed as pulseaudio is installed in the software manager, so I'm guessing it's not installed?19:00
m4rtinDarakiss: seems so. Easiest way is to open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pavucontrol19:01
NSsmilesi need some help19:01
jimmy51_even when dolphin is run with sudo, the "Configure File Sharing" button does nothing.  what packages are needed for SAMBA file sharing through dolphin in kubuntu?19:01
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:01
Darakissm4rtin: what's pavucontrol?19:01
jimmy51_!info pavucontrol19:02
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8+git20090701-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 117 kB, installed size 924 kB19:02
m4rtinthe volume control - really useful for diagnosing what's going on19:02
m4rtinshows what is trying to access (both play and record) pulseaudio19:02
Darakissm4rtin: ok thx, will try that now19:02
=== Suske_ is now known as Suske
NSsmilesi just   installed kubuntu 9.10  but when i  try to   install root system....says packages are   broken??19:10
NSsmilesi'm new to linux  so   i'm lost19:10
Darakissm4rtin: ok pulseaudio is working now, at least with VLC, but when I play something in amarok it doesnt even start, any clue?19:11
NSsmilesjoin #linux19:13
Darakissm4rtin: problem solved, thx again19:15
DarakissBye all19:15
m4rtinDarakiss: I believe you have to set the backend in amarok to use pulseaudio?19:15
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reqmoni am new in irc ;/19:25
reqmonslow-motion: it's slightly different than xmpp :)19:26
slow-motionhi reqmon19:27
slow-motionwhat do you mean?19:27
JohnLithgowI just installed ubuntu on all my computers !19:28
JohnLithgowI am windows free19:28
reqmonslow-motion: i never used irc before19:28
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antman91okie dokie i need me some help19:33
antman91every time i minimize guildwars and then reopen it i can not use my keyboard19:33
antman91what do i do?19:33
=== adry is now known as adry_
antman91you guys sure are helpful19:35
antman91ive ben on hee multible times and have never ben helped19:35
antman91ive helped more people on here then yall19:35
reqmon1antman91: repeat your problem :D19:36
antman91every time i minimize guildwars and then reopen it i can not use my keyboard19:36
reqmon1antman91: game?19:36
nullm0demwithin the game or for the whole system in general?19:36
antman91just the game19:36
nullm0demIt sounds like an issue between the game and wine19:37
nullm0demdoes replugging help?19:37
NSsmilesi was   in    another channel and they had all these rules  on how to ask a questiom19:37
antman91retarting the game helps19:38
NSsmilesin the end i just left19:38
NSsmileswith no help19:38
nullm0demI think the guys in #wine might be able to help you better19:38
antman91ok ty19:38
nullm0demI have the same issue with several games19:38
reqmon1i have a problem too :D19:39
antman91its an invited only channel19:39
antman91i cannot join19:39
reqmon1i'll take a couple of screenshots19:39
reqmon1that's not kubuntu, but the problem exists :D19:43
reqmon1and i dunno, where it grows19:43
Jonathan____hi any of you guys ever got air crack to work?19:45
reqmon1anybody have any idea about my screenshot?19:49
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NSsmileshow do you fix  broken packages19:53
reqmon1NSsmiles: ?19:54
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user_reqmon1: um, what app is that? running with wine?19:59
cinexI have a problem: I need to reinstall kubuntu on my laptop but my laptop has a smashed screen. its so bad you only half see a colour on it. is there a way to get the lviecd to show up on the monitor I have plugged in?19:59
cinexthe monitor says it is out of range19:59
user_NSsmiles: lots of ways. ;) it depends. what package?19:59
NSsmilesare any of you  using 9.1020:00
cinexi am20:00
cinexbut i dont have the kernel for it20:00
cinexstupid upgrade20:00
NSsmileswhen i  tried to install root  system i got a messaage  that packages were  broken20:00
cinexwhat do u mean, install root ?20:01
NSsmilessudo apt-get install  root-system20:01
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jimmy51_is this still the way to go regarding samba configuration?  http://kubuntu101.blogspot.com/2009/07/kubuntu-810-and-samba-part-1.html20:16
rysiek|plguys... I've got this ancient Gutsy box. now, the gutsy repos are loong gone - any ideas how to get it upgraded to the latest of what was available in Gutsy?20:18
rysiek|plI'd rather not install karmic clean on it as kde4 might be a bit confusing for my 70+ year old grandpa20:19
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BluesKajgave the so called new chrome-os a try ...got scammed , it's nothing but open suse and the chrome browser doesn't even work :)20:32
drostieTo Karmic, or not to Karmic -- that is the question.20:42
drostieWhether 'tis nobler in our jaunts to suffer the slings and arrows of not-kde-four-point-three.20:42
penguinHi, I'm looking for some help if possible... I'm runing Karmic on a dell laptop using encrypted home directories and about 15 minutes ago KDE started telling me it didn't have write permissions. I've rebooted since and now it cannot mount the encrypted directories.20:46
yoheehey, i have 2 soundcards in my pc. where can i deactivate the second one without removing it from my PC?? im going crazy :/ everytime different snd-output20:47
BluesKajdrostie, alas poor juanty I knew him well :)20:47
jimmy51_for who can bear the whips and scorns of out dated repos?20:48
drostiepenguin: what are you using for encryption?20:48
penguinits the standard encryption that Ubuntu uses to encrypt home directories20:49
BluesKajyohee, in the terminal : asoundconf set-default-card "name of soundcard20:49
BluesKajthe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and linux distros20:50
yoheeBluesKaj: thx i will try it, but i've set it in the sound-settings as standard....i really want to remove the module if possible20:50
drostiepenguin: my problem is, I don't know what's standard for Ubuntu. Do you have access to cryptsetup from the command line? Or is something different happening?20:50
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
BluesKajyohee, or you could disable it in the BIOS peripherals, that used to work ..not sure about now tho20:51
penguinI have a maintanence shell open at the moment, I've tried ecryptfs-mount-private and that comes back with "ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly" - its been working fine for the last 2 weeks since I installed it initially20:52
yoheeBluesKaj: i want to use the onboard sound, not the plugged PCI one ;)20:52
BluesKajoh , why ?20:52
yoheeBluesKaj: because it is better then the on the slot20:53
BluesKajpull it20:53
yoheeBluesKaj: is there a waay to unload the module while loading, or denieing to load the module20:54
drostiepenguin: ecryptfs, eh? I'm more familiar with luks. Perhaps people on #ecrypts on irc.oftc.net can help you?20:54
yoheeBluesKaj: i want to use this card for another OS....thats why i dont to remove it physically20:54
drostiesorry. #ecryptfs20:54
penguinthanks drostie, I will try there20:55
yoheeI love plug and play and when a system have native drivers for my hardware, but i want to be able to diable hardware :/20:57
yoheewhat about to unload the sound module with "modprobe"??20:58
BluesKajyohee , try ther bios route and just disable the pci soundcard20:59
yoheeBluesKaj: but i dont to change bios settings everytime i reboot into my second OS21:00
BluesKajcat /proc/asound/cards , see what shows sup21:02
yoheeBluesKaj: ssems that the SND on PCI-slot ist first (0) and the onbaord the second (1), but i set the onboard-snd to default by gui (systemsettings), command "asoundconf*" dont exists21:07
ner0xCan I push numbers to bc and subtract from them?21:12
yoheemodprobe -r says "module is in use" :/21:14
yoheehow can i kill it? :D21:14
yoheeok, i will install asoundconf-gtk and give it a try21:17
BluesKajyohee, are both soundcards listed in system settings/media?21:17
zed_can someone here help me get flash/java working on kubuntu KK?21:18
yofelzed_: what exactly doesn't work?21:19
zed_well, I installed the restricted packages, but java seems to have issues21:20
zed_started with no clear way to accept the java EULA21:20
ZeikfriedHow would i tell how much RAM my VGA card is using?21:20
BluesKajzed_, open your package manager and enable all sources , except cdrom , including 'other software' then install kubuntu-restricted-extras , flashplugin-nonfree , libdvdcss2 and w32codecs21:20
dfreyHow do I get sane defaults back for kmail?  When I try to reply to an e-mail, it now brings up a blank e-mail instead of quoting the author's message.21:21
zed_k, I'll try that. brb21:21
yoheeBluesKaj: yes both in there21:21
BluesKajok yohee , then just highlight the card you want to use and click on 'prefer' at the bottom right21:23
yoheeBluesKaj: i've done this (by gui:systemsettings)  ;)21:23
yoheei saw in /etc/modprobe.d/   the file blacklist*  is this a genarated one?21:24
zed_I', supposed to go to system settings > add/remove software, correct21:26
BluesKajyes, zed_21:26
yoheewhere can i set modules NOT TO LOAD?21:27
yoheei know the module name, and it was so easy in gentoo to load or not to laod a module (use or not use a hardware) :/21:27
yoheeok its years ago but it was much easier....beacause i knew how to do21:28
yoheeif i had more time im sure i would build my system from scratch...but i dont have it :(21:29
yofelyohee: just add the module name to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ?21:30
ZeikfriedWhat is the channel for 10.04?21:31
yofelZeikfried: #ubuntu+121:31
yoheeyofel: ok, i hope this will work...ty ;)21:31
zed_huh, searching for those packages isn't pulling anything up, except for kubuntu-restricted21:33
ZeikfriedIs it possible that there is a command to see how much RAM my VGA chipset has in total?21:33
zed_I did already try to install the restricted packages from the command line21:33
Benkinoobyhi, got a weired problem. sound worked all right in beginning. i installed xfce as second DE and also tremulous (game). afterwards removed both of them. now sound works with amarok, but with vlc it's lagging and with youtube it doesn't come at all.21:33
Benkinoobyany ideas?21:33
zed_jeez this is confusing21:34
zed_screw it, I'm hungry. I'll try again later21:35
zed_thanks for the help blueskaj21:35
nazgulкак настроение, люди ))))))))))?21:50
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:51
korvineto angloyazychnyi kanal21:51
nazgulmozhno i tak21:51
yoheemany thx, blacklisting this module helped!21:52
korvinti iz kakogo goroda?21:52
nazgula ti21:53
korvintochnee Lazarevskoe ^)21:53
nazgulux... daleko)21:54
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:54
ShuraHi, how can I import a certificate in Konqueror ?21:55
=== Suske_ is now known as Suske
sithlord48can any one help me force my PPC (g3 b&w mac) to boot a xubuntu disk (also ppc )22:17
sithlord48and what happeded to amarok's random? had an upgrade to amarok after that "random" is not random at all just plays em in order22:18
jelu_is it real to install ATI Radeon X1950 G driver throw official repo? which package should i chose?22:30
noaXessin karmic, how can i dasable the autostart of eg. kdm after a reboot?22:30
=== donald is now known as Guest6519
noaXessdoes it work already with: sudo update-rc.d -f kdm22:31
noaXessi mean: sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove22:32
=== alumno is now known as M4f
drostieokay, so, um: the karmic alternate CD lies.22:40
drostieAnd you cannot in fact upgrade from it without downloading 500 MB of random crap.22:40
drostieEven the "stop the upgrade you bastard" button seems to lie and not stop the upgrade. :<22:41
drostieOkay, at least it could be pkilled.22:42
=== flootenkerp is now known as Steve_Jobs
kreigerhello, can someone tell me how to remove the splash screen on kubuntu 9.10 so that the text scrolls up instead?22:44
drostiekreiger: there are a couple of parts to that. One is to set GRUB to not display its splash screen.22:45
drostieThe rest is usually visible to me on teletype 1, though I have no idea whether this happens automatically when the splash screen is gone.22:46
kreigerhow do i do that? i looked on the internet and found that editing /boot/grub/menu.lst accordingly does it, but it doesnt exist22:46
=== nevyn_ is now known as nevyn
drostiekreiger: well, what *is* in /boot/grub ?22:50
alelilMy webcam nomore can be detected by the Kde applications after the upgrade to Kubuntu 9.10 -> ID 0402:5602 ALi Corp. Video Camera Controller WHAT HAPPENS?22:51
drostiealso, my internet might be spotty. the karmic upgrade path insists that it doesn't use the network, but actually it saturates my internet connection. :<22:52
kreigerhehe, a lot of things are in /boot/grub22:53
drostiealelil: we're computer geeks, not magicians. we don't supernaturally know your setup.22:53
drostie(pace SICP)22:53
drostiewell, I imagine. ^_^22:54
drostiekreiger: but is there, say, a grub.conf file or so?22:54
alelilWhat information you need?22:55
green_adminI have a user that should be a part of a group. If anyone types groups <user> she is listed, but when she types groups she is not listed. Any suggestions? P.S. I'm fairly new to the admin side of linux. I'm still learning things about this organization's computer setup.22:57
alelildrostie: every time I run guvcview it shows: guvcview 1.2.022:59
alelilbt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexão recusada (111)22:59
alelilbt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexão recusada (111)22:59
alelilbt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexão recusada (111)22:59
alelilbt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Conexão recusada (111)22:59
FloodBotK1alelil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
unisaalguem do brasil?23:05
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:08
unisa_alguem do brasil?23:11
geniiunisa_:  /join #ubuntu-br por portugues23:11
ZeikfriedIs there a way to get AC3 audio to work properly without having to load PulseAudio?23:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BluesKajZeikfried, make sure you have alsa-base and alsa-utils installed23:31
BluesKajget rid of pulseaudio , purge it23:32
ZeikfriedHi Kaj.23:33
ZeikfriedI know that in some cases, i need PulseAudio.23:33
ZeikfriedLike for AC3.23:34
ZeikfriedIf i have Pulse unloaded i only get musical output for audio on my movies.23:34
BluesKajare you sure ?23:34
ZeikfriedI can load PulseAudio, and i get full audio output.23:34
ZeikfriedIt is 5.1 channel audio.23:34
BluesKajwhy do i have 4ch output without PA ?23:35
ZeikfriedI dunno.23:35
ZeikfriedI am in 8.10 BTW.23:35
ZeikfriedI cant do 9.04+23:35
ZeikfriedRunning Intel 950GMA.23:35
ZeikfriedSo i am sticking with 8.10 for now.23:35
BluesKajyeah ,but what soundcard ?23:37
ZeikfriedHDA Intel.23:38
ZeikfriedOne sec.23:38
Zeikfried00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)23:38
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto23:38
ZeikfriedOh, it works just fine.23:38
ZeikfriedI am just wondering if i can possible get the full AC3 support in ALSA so i can finally trash PulseAudio.23:39
BluesKajcheck alsamixer in the terminal and see what's available23:39
BluesKajspdif out should carry ac323:40
ZeikfriedSlammed with pulseaudio instead of ALSA.23:41
ZeikfriedI am in Ubuntu at the moment. : /23:41
ZeikfriedI forgot to mention that.23:41
ZeikfriedLemme kill out Pulse rel quick.23:41
BluesKajjust type alsamixer in the terminal23:41
ZeikfriedThat is what i typed in.23:41
ZeikfriedIt brought up the ALSA mixer, but it says my main card and output are PulseAudio.23:42
BluesKajthat's odd, it should shaow all the cytls etc23:42
ZeikfriedIt does normally in Kubuntu.23:42
ZeikfriedNo problems accessing my ALSA in Kubuntu.23:42
ZeikfriedRealtek ALC88323:43
ZeikfriedNow i have access.23:43
ZeikfriedI killed pulse.23:43
ZeikfriedIt is muted.23:43
BluesKajuse the M ket to unmute it23:43
ZeikfriedUnmuted, but still not the proper audio.23:44
ZeikfriedI guess i can just use pulse when i watch vids...23:45
ZeikfriedOh well.23:47
ZeikfriedIt's good enough for me.23:47
ZeikfriedYou know anything about Gnome Power Management?23:47
sithlord48zeikfried, the folks @ the ubuntu irc channel might be a bit more helpful23:49
BluesKajZeikfried, the newer OSs use kernel modules that are derived from your hardware/soundcard capabilities, therefore jaunty might supply that 5.1 output23:50
Zeikfriedsithlord48 I am using Kubuntu with Ubuntu-desktop installed on top of it.23:51
ZeikfriedBluesKaj Well i am pretty much screwed on that one, i wont upgrade due to that DRI 2 junk.23:51
drostie_okay, I give up on this upgrade path. It is made of liez. :<23:52
sithlord48zeikfried, then your using ubuntu ), and kubuntu on that machine (well if you kept kde)23:52
ZeikfriedI trashed GDM.23:53
ZeikfriedI use Gnome for gaming.23:53
sithlord48zeikfried, what exactly are you tring to do ?23:53
drostie_But maybe the upgrade to Lucid in April will actually work for once! :P23:54
ZeikfriedKaj already helped me with it.23:54
ZeikfriedWell kind of.23:54
BluesKajheh, din't much from me23:54
ZeikfriedI cant play AC3 5.1 channel audio unless PulseAudio is loaded.23:54
ZeikfriedI just need an on/off switch for pulseaudio.23:55
ZeikfriedAnd my other question is.23:55
drostie_BluesKaj: out of curiosity, have there been many complaints about upgrading to Karmic? You're in this channel more often than I.23:56
ZeikfriedWould it be a bad thing if i uninstalled my power manager?23:56
BluesKajnot as much as there was for jaunty ,.. the gnome chat is full of compalints  (#ubuntu)23:57
sithlord48i think all the powmanager does for a desktop is monitor sleep and sleep/hybernation states if you don't use that stuff it should be fine23:57
sithlord48yea my upgrade didn't go so good.. so i just did a fresh in stall (and saved my /home partition)23:58
ZeikfriedI disable my sleep/hibernation myself.23:59
drostie_heh, 'kay. well, here's hoping that when I transcend the upgrader's lies with a faster internet connection, nothing horrible happens. ^^;;23:59
ZeikfriedEspecially the HDD sleep mode.23:59
sithlord48on a laptop you might want to keep it to support your cpu scaling if you cpu does that23:59

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